WarFTP V1.82 Tutorial
WarFTP V1.82 Tutorial
WarFTP V1.82 Tutorial Version 1.0 10.09.2006 Author: Alen Markov Version History Version 1.0 Date 10.09.2006 Name AM Description Initial Version INDEX 1 Introduction............................................................................................................... 3 1.1 1.2 2 3 4 Download .................................................................................................................. 5 Installation................................................................................................................. 8 WarDaemonManager............................................................................................... 20 4.1 4.2 5 6 The WarFTP Versions ...............................................................................................................3 Compatibility.............................................................................................................................4 What is the Daemon Manager?................................................................................................20 Start the War Daemon Manager...............................................................................................21 Connect with a Client to WarFTP............................................................................ 25 Configuring WarFTP ............................................................................................... 30 6.1 Messages...............................................................................................................................30 6.1.1 Welcome After Login ...........................................................................................................30 6.1.2 Welcome Before Login ........................................................................................................33 6.1.3 Goodbye ............................................................................................................................35 6.2 User Manager.........................................................................................................................36 6.2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................36 6.2.2 Hierarchical structure ..........................................................................................................39 6.2.3 Create a new user...............................................................................................................41 6.2.4 Override settings.................................................................................................................44 6.2.5 File access rights. ...............................................................................................................46 6.2.6 Inherited File access rights ..................................................................................................52 6.2.7 Add additional paths for a user.............................................................................................56 6.2.8 Personal messages for each user ........................................................................................61 6.2.9 Kick out a user....................................................................................................................62 6.2.10 Max connections.................................................................................................................64 6.2.11 Idle time, sessions, Max CPS - Per User ..............................................................................65 6.2.12 Ratio ..................................................................................................................................67 6.2.13 IP access lists.....................................................................................................................68 6.3 If you want to allow anonymous access ....................................................................................69 7 Practical Example ................................................................................................... 70 7.1 7.2 8 9 Group Leech...........................................................................................................................70 Group Ratio............................................................................................................................90 Questions ................................................................................................................ 92 Disclaimer ............................................................................................................... 94 WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 2 1 Introduction WarFTP is a freeware FTP server. Many people are looking for a little tutorial how to set it up, but the helpfile in WarFTP is useless and the few manuals you can find on the website and online are just the absolute basics. I therefore decided to write this more detailed tutorial which will make your life more happy, because you'll save a lot of time setting up your WarFTP the first time (go and plant a tree instead with the saved time). 1.1 The WarFTP Versions WarFTP is available in V1.6x and the V1.7x / V1.8x versions. Somewhere back in 1998 I used the V1.6x Version which had a more intuitive userinterface for configuration. The V1.6x looked quite the same like this screenshot of the 0.15a: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 3 The newer versions V1.7x and V1.8x appear quite different. Here is a Screenshot of the actual V1.82 RC10: More detailed informations about the different Versions can be found here: http://www.jgaa.com/index.php?cmd=show_article&article_id=113&menu=154 (In this Manual I describe only the V1.82 RC10) 1.2 Compatibility In the FAQ (http://www.warftp.org/faq/warfaq.html) you can find this information: War FTP Daemon 1.6 and 1.7 are reported to work with the following operating systems: Windows 95 (no longer officially supported) Windows 98, Second Edition Windows ME Windows NT 4, Service Pack 6 Windows 2000 (all versions) Windows XP (not officially supported due to Microsofts new activation policy) (I guess that applies also to the V1.82...) War FTP Daemon Lite version 3 (wfde) will support Windows (98, ME, 2000, XP), Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris and Hurd. At this time it's only running (pre-beta) under Windows 2000 and XP. A Linux version is soon to be announced. WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 4 2 Download WarFTP can be downloaded from: http://www.warftp.org Klick on DOWNLOAD WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 5 Then go for the WarFTP Daemon V1.82.00-RC10 Win32 for Windows: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 6 And download the file "warftpd-1.82-00-RC10-i386.exe" from Norway FTP (or Norway HTTP if FTP doesn't work...) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 7 3 Installation Doubleclick on the downloaded file "warftpd-1.82-00-RC10-i386.exe" and then click on "INSTALL": Klick on "Next >>": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 8 Click on "Next >>": Click on "Next >>": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 9 Click on "Next >>": Click on "Next >>": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 10 Click on "Next >>": Click on "Next >>": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 11 Give your FTP a name. I called mine "NOSTROMO", type here your own name (whatever you want) and click again on "Next >>": Because I'm installing WarFTP only for the purpose of writing this documentation, I don't want it afterwards to start each time automatically when I turn on this computer, therefore I unchecked the checkbox "Run as a System Service" (that way I can start the FTP later on manually whenver I want). WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 12 About" System Service" you can find later on more information in the helpfile of WarFTP: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 13 Just click on "Next >>": Here you can select the "root" Directory. That is the directory which users will see by default after they login to the FTP. For now you can leave the default (C:\Program Files\War-ftpd\FTPRoot). I will explain later how you can add apropriate directories for each user and groups... Just click "Next >>" again here: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 14 I don't want to allow "anomymous access" to my FTP, therefore uncheck the checkbox "Allow anomymous access" and click on "Next >>": Type in a Password here and remember it (you will use this one later on to be able to connect the "WarDeaemonManager" with the server). Click on "Next >>" after you typed in your password: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 15 Type in your emailadress here and click "Next >>": Just click "Next >>": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 16 Click on "Next >>": While the Installer is configuring the War FTP Daemon, the checkboxes are beeing checked automatically. When all is finnished, all checkboxes are activated and the button "Next >>" becomes enabled. Just click on "Next >>" again now: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 17 Click on "Finish": Click on Cancel to Close the Dialog "Connection properties": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 18 And close the Window "WarDaemonManager" by clicking on "X": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 19 4 WarDaemonManager 4.1 What is the Daemon Manager? It's explained in the "Help" of WarFTP: Basically said: You just need it to configure the server... WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 20 4.2 Start the War Daemon Manager To start the "WarDaemonManager", click on START - PROGRAMS - JGAA's FREEWARE - WAR DAEMON MANAGER: To connect with the Server, type in your Password (the one you gave yourself during the installation above), and click on the button OK: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 21 If the Server is already running, the WarDaemonManager will show you: Note that in the taskbar a yellow icon is displaying that the server is running: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 22 You can stop the Server with the STOP Button: When the Server is not running, the icon in the taskbar will be displayed in another color: If you closed the Window "WarDaemonManager", you can start it again by right clicking on the Icon in the taskbar and select "Start Manager from the Contextmenu: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 23 If the Server is not running, you MUST turn it on first with the "Play"-button, otherwise you can't configure users and other settings: Note that the "User Manager" is only available when the server is running: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 24 5 Connect with a Client to WarFTP For a quick simple test, let's make a first connection using some FTP Client to connect to the now started WarFTP Server. The only user that can login to the WarFTP server at the moment, is the default user "Sysadmin" with the password that you typed during the installation of WarFTP. During the installation, we selected as "root"directory the directory "C:\Program Files\War-ftpd\FTPRoot" (that's the directory that a user will see by default after login to the Server). After the installation was finnished, in that directory have been automatically created 4 subdirectories: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 25 Start some FTP Client on your local computer, type in the URL, User Name and Password and click on connect: Note 1: For this documentation, I'm running the client on the same computer where the server is installed, therefore as URL I just typed "localhost". If your client is on another machine, type as URL the IP of the computer where you have the WarFTP server running. Note, if your server is behind a NAT router, you'll have to forward Port21 to the IP of the computer in your LAN where the WarFTP server is running. If you have a dynamic IPaddress, create yourself a free account on http://www.dyndns.org Note 2: For this documentation I'm making snapshots with an old version of CuteFTP. Personally I prefer the "FTP Voyager" as FTP client, because that one allows me automatically to upload/download multiple sessions the same time within one window and also supports the Resume function. Resume means if you start downloading a large file from the WarFTP and for some reason the download stops, then you can continue downloading from that point where the download stopped before. CuteFTP doesn't support that function - or at least I'm not sure which setting it is in CuteFTP. Maybe I would have to disable the checkbox "Use REST before APPE when resuming" - but I didn't try it out yet. Note 3: Be sure that you don't have IIS installed on the computer where you have WarFTP installed, because when you install the IIS, the Microsoft FTP will be by default installed with it too. So to avoid conflicts, be sure that only WarFTP is running on your servercomputer... WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 26 After you logged in to your WarFTP server, the FTP Client will display you by default following Login Messages: After a click on OK, you will see now by default the 4 above mentioned directories in your root directory: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 27 When a user is connected with your server, the icon in the taskbar changes to green: The WarDaemonManager is displaying which users are connected to the server: In this example the user "Sysadmin" is logged in twice to the server: - Once through "server admin access" - Once through "FTP login access" This will become more clear later on after you created a couple of new users and when they login to your WarFTP.... WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 28 Disconnect the FTP Client from the WarFTP server: Note that the FTP server is not sending any "Goodbye" message for now: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 29 6 Configuring WarFTP 6.1 Messages 6.1.1 Welcome After Login I personally prefer that for every user, after he logged in, a general welcome message is displayed. (Later on you'll see that you can also add personal messages for each user - see chapter 6.2.8). Click on SERVER - EDIT FTP SERVER MESSAGE FILES: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 30 In the Combobox "Message" select "Welcome After Login": And type in a welcome message_ WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 31 After the user logged in, this time his FTPClient will show: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 32 6.1.2 Welcome Before Login That is the message displayed in the FTP client of the user, before the client sent the username and the password to login. You can use that for example to display the local date and the local time to the user: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 33 WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 34 6.1.3 Goodbye I though that message will appear in the client when a user disconnects, but it doesn't appear - so I don't know yet where the goodbye message should come up... WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 35 6.2 User Manager 6.2.1 Introduction Next we want to add some users and give them rights what directories they can see and what they can do in that directories. Before we start, let's look a bit around first: Klick on the "User Manager" (only enabled if you started the server with the green play button): Check the checkbox "Don't show this message again" and then on OK: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 36 The user Manager is displayed first like this: Expand the tree "System" and you'll see 3 Groups "Sysadmin", "User" and "Visitor". There are only 2 users available so far: 1 User "Sysadmin" in the Group "Sysadmin", and 1 user "Anonymous" in the Group "Visitor": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 37 Have a look at the user "Sysadmin", here the "FTP login access" and "Server admin access" are allowed, that's why this user is able to login to the FTP and also can configure it: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 38 6.2.2 Hierarchical structure The tree is a hierarchical structure with parents and childs. The settings you set in the parent are inherited by the children by default, but some settings can be adjusted or overrided for the children individually. Let's start first with the top of the tree, which is "System". After you select the object (System), you can decide which seetings you want to make for that object. We'll start with the setting for "Account", so select Account in the register "FTP" (Note: The Registers "Admin" and "User" show pretty the same, I didn't found out yet exactly what they are used for, but for now just stay in the register "FTP" to select which settings you want to change for the selected object...) Note that "FTP login access" is set to "Value: default, Allow: no". We set it to NO in the root object "System". So if we create a new User (child), it will inherit that setting by default, means each user that we create by default won't be able to login to the FTP because "FTP login access" is set to "Allow: no". (Note:When you create a Group later on, the Group inherits it's settings from the object "System". The users then are created under a group, means a user inherits it's settings from the parent group object) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 39 The value "default" for "FTP login access" is a bit confusing here. "Default" means: Inherit that setting from the parent object. But the root object "System" has no parent object, therefore it can't inherit any setting. To make it more understandable, twice doubleclick on the line "FTP login access", until it displays "deny". Same for the "Server admin access": (Note: We leave this only for explaining purposes like this...) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 40 6.2.3 Create a new user Let's create a new user now and see how it inherits the settings from the parent object. Right click on the folder "User" and select "Add User" from the contextmenu: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 41 You created now a new user called "User1" (which is a child-object from the parent Groupobject "User", which is a child object from the parent object "System"). We look again at the settings for "Account". The values for FTP login access and Server admin access are set to "default", which means "inherit" from the parent object. Means the object "User1" inherited "Allow: no" from the parent Group "User": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 42 The Group "User" inherits it's settings from the parent object "System" (that's why "User" also has the setting "Allow: no"): WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 43 6.2.4 Override settings "User1" inherited the setting for "FTP login access" from it's parent object (Group "User"), because the value is set to "default". If you want to change that setting for "User1", just doubleclick "FTP login access": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 44 If you look at the user "Sysadmin" now, you'll understand why you were able to login as "Sysadmin" to the WarFTP. The user "Sysadmin" had the right for "FTP login access" and "Server admin access" already overridden (after you installed WarFTP, for that user the value wasn't inherited) "FTP login access" means: The user is alowed to login with an FTP-Client to the FTP-Server "Server admin access" means: The user is allowed to login with the "WarDaemonManager" to the Server to configure it... WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 45 6.2.5 File access rights. Now it should be a bit clear how the inheritance works in WarFTP. Let's have a look now how the File access rights are set: First select again the root object "System" in the tree, then select the setting "File access" in the tab FTP under Security: You can see that the root object "System" has the right to access the directories: C:\Program C:\Program C:\Program C:\Program C:\Program Files\War-ftpd\FTPRoot Files\War-ftpd\FTPRoot\bin Files\War-ftpd\FTPRoot\pub Files\War-ftpd\FTPRoot\Upload Files\War-ftpd\FTPRoot\usr WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 46 The "Mount point" describes how that directory should be displayed in the FTP client after a user logged in: "/" "/bin" "/pub" "/upload" "/usr" : : : : : means root means in the root means in the root means in the root means in the root display a folder display a folder display a folder display a folder "bin" (bin stands for "Binary") "pub" (pub stands for "Public") "upload" (upload stands for upload) "usr" (usr stands for "User") WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 47 After selecting "File access", we can see to what folders the user have access, but the properties for the folders are disabled. WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 48 If you want to edit the properties for a folder, just select the folder first: General: Recursive: The user is able to see all subfolders of that folder Free: I don't know yet exactly what that setting is used for (I guess it's for overriding the "Ratio"-Setting, if you look for example at the pub folder which means it will hold public files for all users, there the checkbox for "Free" is set, while "bin", "upload" and "usr" don't have it checked) Directories: List (DIR): A user is able to list this directory in his FTP client Files: Read: A user is able to read files from that folder WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 49 WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 50 WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 51 6.2.6 Inherited File access rights Now let's have at the "File access" rights for the user Sysadmin: The user Sysadmin inherited all File access rights from it's parent object, the Group "Sysadmin". WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 52 The Group "Sysadmin" itself inherited it's rights from the root object "System", that's why here the same paths appear: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 53 Note that if you try to change the properties of a path for Sysadmin and the Group "Sysadmin", that it's not possible because they are all disabled: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 54 The reason is that inherited File access rights can't be overridden! Same goes for the User1: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 55 6.2.7 Add additional paths for a user But what you can do is, you can for example add an additional directory to which the "User1" should have access to. You can two possibilities to do that: Possibility 1: Drag and Drop any folder to that list Possibility 2: Right click in the Listbox with the paths and select "New..." from the Contextmenu For whatever reason in the Line "Path" there is no "Browse" button to select a path, so you have to type in a path manually here. WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 56 I want that directory to appear as folder "Test" when the user login to the FTP, therefore check now the checkbox "Freeze the mount point" and type "/Test" as Mount point: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 57 The path "C:\Temp" (with the Mountpoint "/Test") appears now in the pathlist, but note that this path was NOT inherited, that's why you have the right to set the properties for that path (all checkboxes are enabled): The icons to the left are displaying from which level the rights were inherited (from System, Group or Userlevel) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 58 We can now set the apropriate File access rights for that directory: General -> Recursive: The user is able to browse the subdirectories of the Folder "Test" (That's only if you create subdirectories in that folder) Directories -> List (DIR): The user is able to see the contents of that folder in his FTP client... Files -> Read: The user is able to read (download) files from that directory. WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 59 If we login with an FTPClient to our WarFTP Server as "User1" now: The User1 can now also see the new additional folder "Test": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 60 6.2.8 Personal messages for each user You can add a personal "Greeting message" for each user: It appears before the "Welcome After Login"-message (which was described in chapter 6.1.1): WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 61 6.2.9 Kick out a user In the WarDaemonManager you can see that a user is logged in: To kick the user out from the server select the user and klick on the button "Kick": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 62 Just click on OK to kick the user out: In the FTP Client of the user is then displayed: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 63 6.2.10 Max connections This is necessary if you want to limit the maximum number of users that can connect the same time to your WarFTP Server. Click on SERVER and then on ADVANCED SERVER PROPERTIES: Select "ftpd_MAXCONN" and set a Value of "10" if you want to allow only 10 users at once: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 64 6.2.11 Idle time, sessions, Max CPS - Per User For each user this settings are inherited by the parent object (that's indicated by "Use default" in the combobox to the right of each setting). If you want to override this settings, just select a user and give it it's own settings. For example if you want to reduce the "Idle time", simply use the slider to change the value or type in a value: (Note that the combobox now changed to "Use this value" - that's because this value is now not inherited anymore...) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 65 Idle time: If the user doesn't do anything on the FTP for that ammount of minutes, he will be automatically dicsconnected from the Server Max simultaneous sessions: This is how many times a user can login to the WarFTP the same time (this value is overriden by the MAX CONNECTIONS - see chapter 6.2.10) Max simultaneus sessions from one machine This is how many times a user can login to the WarFTP server the same time from the same computer. Max time (minutes) for one session: This is if you want to restrict the ammount of time a user can be connected to the WarFTP server. (A value of "0" means "No limit" - the user can be connected as long as he wants) Max CPS (character per seconds) per transfer This is if you want to reduce the bandwidth a user is using. Personally I would prefer here a setting of "KB/s" (and not CPS -> Characters Per Second) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 66 6.2.12 Ratio Sometimes you want that user upload first before they can download something, so you can set a Radio of 1:3, means the user has to upload 1MB of Data first, so he can download 3MB of data... Change it to: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 67 6.2.13 IP access lists Here it looks like it should be possible to define from which domains a user can login to the WarFTP and from which he can not: However, even if "Domains to allow" is set here only to "*.nasa.gov", I was still able to login to the FTP with the user "User 1" from anywhere (I'm not quite sure how this thingy is meant to work).... WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 68 6.3 If you want to allow anonymous access During the Installation of WarFTP the user "Anonymous" in the Group "Visitor" is created automatically. Because during the setup we unchecked the checkbox "Allow anonymous access", this user has now a value "deny" for "FTP login access": In case you would like to allow anonymous again, you would have to set the value to: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 69 7 Practical Example 7.1 Group Leech Let's create a group called "Leech" and give that Group apropriate file access rights. I'll use that group for friends so they can have access to my free stuff. All users that we add to that group later on, will have by default access to the files which we are giving to the group "Leech". Go to the "User manager", select System, and then Security-File access: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 70 Delete all the default paths, as we are going to create our own structure. To delete a path, right click it and select DELETE: So at the end it looks like this: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 71 Note that because of Inheritance our user "User 1" (which we created previously for testing porposes only) also lost all it's default paths: We don't need that User anymore, therefore delete it too: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 72 We'll leave the "Sysadmin" and "Anonymous" User for now : Anonymous file access is not allowed: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 73 Because inheritance, and because we removed all paths for the object "System", the User "Sysadmin" has for now also no paths to any directories at all: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 74 Let's start by defining a path where all future users will be able to upload files. In this example this will be the same folder for all groups and for all users, that's why we'll define it for the top object "System" (all Groups and Users will inherit that path): WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 75 WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 76 Users must be able to: - See subfolders of the Upload folder: (General -> Recursive) - They should be able to list contents from that directory (Directories -> List DIR) - Create folders in that directory (Directories -> Create) - Read files that have been uploaded into that that folder (Files -> Read) - And of course write files into that folder (Files -> Write) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 77 Now let's create the new Group called "Leech": Note: = Icon for a Group = Icon for a Class (I don't know the difference between a Class and a Group here...) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 78 We are going to give the new Group "Leech" the apropriate folderrights. Note first that the Upload path was inherited now, that's why the path properties can't be changed here (all checkboxes are disabled): WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 79 Assume you have a folderstructure like this: And you want to give the users from the Group "Leech" access to all of that folders. (Note again that the Group Leech already inherited the right for the folder "Upload" from the parent object "System", so you don't have to add that folder again.) Start by creating a mountpoint like this: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 80 Give the Mounpoint following rights: Mountpoint means: When the user login with this FTPClient, he will see the content of the folder "G:\FTP", but he won't be able to go back to "G:\". If you check the checkbox "Recursive", the user will be also able to browse the subfolders of the folde "G:\FTP". As mentioned before, I'm not sure about the checkbox "Free", but I think it's for overriding the Ratio (which was explained in chapter 6.2.12). As in this example all users from the Group "Leech" will be able to download files for free, this checkbox doesn't matter anyway I guess. WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 81 You can add the other folders now the same way, or just dy it with Drag'n'Drop them to the folderlist: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 82 While the folders are still all selected together, you can set the apropriate folderights for all of them at once: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 83 If you check now the settings for each single folder, you can see that the settings were set. Of course you can also change the settings for each folder individually, but in this example it's enough when the user can browse into the subfolders of each folder (General: Recursive), List the contents of the folder (Directories: List DIR) and read files from each folder (Files: Read) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 84 WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 85 Now finally let's create a new user called "Alien" in the Group "Leech". That user will automatically inherit the folders that were set in the object "System" and in the Group "Leech": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 86 Give the new User a Password and click on OK: If you have now a look at the "File access" of the new user Alien, you'll see that all folders have a yellow background, means at this point you can't change anymore the folderproperties, because they are all inherited: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 87 Before the user "Alien" can login to the WarFTP now for the first time, you MUST allow the Group "Leech" to login to the FTP. Select the Group Lech, then Account and allow "FTP login access": (Just doubleclick that line to make the point green!) WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 88 The User "Alien" can now login to the WarFTP Server: He can now browse through the apropriate directories and download files from it: WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 89 7.2 Group Ratio Create the same way a group like you created the Group "leech" in the chapter 7.1. What a Ratio is I already explained in the chapter 6.2.12. Set the ratio for the Group "Ratio": WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 90 Each user that you add now to the Group "Ratio" must now upload 1KB first before he can download 3KB... Note: Didn't tryed this out at the moment but guess that's the way it goes... WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 91 8 Questions Can somebody explain me the purpose of the tabs "Admin", "User" and "Search" in the User manager? WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 92 I'd also like to hear an official statement for the checkbox "Free": I mentioned it in chapter 6.2.5, but not quite sure if it's really for that... WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 93 9 Disclaimer The material embodied in this tutorial is provided to you "as-is" and without warranty of any kind, express, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, any arranty of marchantability or fitness for particular purpose. In no event shall Alen Markov be lieable to you or anyone else for any direct, special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind, or any damages whatsoever, including without limitation, loss of profit, loss of use, savings or revenue, or the claims of third parties, whether or not Alen Markov has been advised of the possibility of such loss, however caused and on any theory of liabilitty, arising out of or in the connection with the possession, os or performance of this tutorial. WarFTP V1.82 - A tutorial by Alen Markov (http://www.come.to/nostromo) Page 94