Document - Ventura County Resource Management Agency
Document - Ventura County Resource Management Agency
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY Planning Division Kimberly L. Prillhart county of ventura Director D INTENT TO AD PTA NOTICE OF AVAILABI MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION The County of Ventura Resource Management Agency (RMA) Planning Division, as the designated Lead Agency, has reviewed the following project: 1 Entitlement: Zone Cha nge and Tentative Parcel Map Case No. PL14-0048 2 Applicant: 3 Location: The project site is situated immediately to the west of South La Luna Avenue, near the intersection of South La Luna Avenue and Mesa Drive. The project is located at 319 South La Luna Avenue, in the community of Ojai Valley in the unincorporated area of Ventura County. 4. Assessor's Parcel No.: 5. Parcel Size: 10.2 acres 6. General Plan Desiqnation: Rural 7. Zoninq Desiqnation: RA-10 ac (Rural Agriculture, 10 acre minimum lot size) Responsible and/or Trustee Aqencies: California Department of Fish and 8. Brent Lamo, 319 South La Luna Avenue, Ojai, CA 93023 01 7 -0-160-175 Wildlife 9. Proiect Description: The proposed project consists of a request for approval of a Zone Change to convert the zoning of the subject property from RA-10 ac to RA5 ac (Rural Agriculture, S-acre minimum parcel size) (Attachment 3 to the lnitial Study for the proposed project). The proposed project also includes a request for approval of a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) to subdivide the 10.2 acre subject property into a 5.01 acre lot (Lot 1 ) and 5.19 acre lot (Lot 2). à(¡. 0, tc) o o o o É. a ! E t¡¡ -g l- I at, tc) o os¡ z o zc Or (ú 0) .Û ) d+- \5 <. = a ooql g \¿ J É. Ê 0) = ; ff,¡ As described in Section 4.5 of the lnitial Study for the proposed project, the project site is currently developed (in part) with three dwelling units. The subdivision would result in two of the existing dwellings (a principal dwelling and a second dwelling) on Lot 1, and one of the existing dwellings (a principal dwelling) on Lot 2. Additional dwellings beyond the existing two dwellings on Lot 1 and the existing dwelling on Lot 2 will be prohibited. However, potential future development for accessory residential and/or agricultural development may occur on Lots 1 and 2. (See the Ventura County Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance, S 8105-4, that sets forth the types of accessory residential and agricultural development that is allowed with a ministerial permit.) With regard to the prohibition on new dwellings on Lot 2,lhe applicant is proposing to record a deed restriction on Lot 2 that would prohibit the construction and use of additional dwelling units until the State Route 33 Level of Service (LOS) changes to E or better. 800 South Victoria Avenue, L# 1740, Ventura, CA @ 93009 Printed on Recycled Paper (805) 654-2481 Fax (805) 654-2509 Notice of Availability and lntent to Adopt a MND Case No. PL14-0048 August 19,2015 Page 2 of 3 The applicant also proposes to record a deed restriction on the portion of the project site that may contain archaeological resources. This restriction would prevent future development on a portion of the property in order to avoid creating adverse impacts to subsurface cultural resources that may exist on-site. No grading or development is required to facilitate the proposed subdivision. An existing, 20 feet-wide private driveway from South La Luna Avenue will provide access to the project site, The proposed project includes the dedication of an easement to the property owners of Lot 1 across Lol2, in order to afford access from South La Luna Avenue to Lot 1. The Meiners Oaks Water District will provide water and the Ojai Valley Sanitation District will provide sewage disposal service to the proposed lots. ln accordance with Section 15070 of the California Code of Regulations, the RMA Planning Division determined that this proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment, however mitigation measures are available that would reduce the impacts to less than significant levels. As such, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared and the applicant has agreed to implement the mitigation measures. 1. Resources: The proposed project has the potentialto create direct and indirect project specific impacts, and make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts, to riparian habitat and special status species. lmpacts will be less than significant with the implementation of mitigation measures that will require the establishment of a 5O-foot development setback measured from the centerline of the ephemeral drainage or the extent of riparian vegetation on the propedy ("development restriction area") for the permanent protection of biological resources. No new development beyond the existing residential and agricultural development may occur within the development restriction area. The Subdivider shall record a copy of the conditions of approval for the Tentative Parcel Map with the Parcel Map as well as delineate the area on the Parcel Map that is the subject of the development restriction area (MM-1). 2. MND Section 21. Noise and Vibration. Construction Noises: The proposed project has the potential to create direct and indirect project specific impacts, and make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts, to noisesensitive uses. lmpacts will be less than significant with the implementation of a mitigation measure that will require that future construction activity be limited to the hours between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, Sunday, and State holidays. The Subdivider shall be required to post a sign stating these restrictions (MM-2). Notice of Availability and lntent to Adopt a MND Case No. PL14-0048 August 19,2015 Page 3 of 3 The public review period isfrom August 19,2015, to September 21,2015. The lnitial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for public review on-line at (select "CEQA Environmental Review") or at the County of Ventura, RMA, Planning Division, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, California from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. The public is encouraged to submit written comments to Tess Harris, no later than 5:00 p.m, on September 21,2015, to the address listed above. Alternatively, you may fax your comments to (805) 654-2509 or e-mail Ms. Harris at tess. Following the review period, consideration of the project will be given at a Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors public hearing to be held at a date to be determined in the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009. 5 Daniel Kl Resid , Manager its Section r{ RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AGENCY Planning Division Kimberly L, Prillhart county of ventura Director MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION A. PROJECT CRIPTION: Entitlement: Zone Change and Tentative Parcel Map Case No. PL14-0048 Applicant: Brent Lamo, 319 South La Luna Avenue, Ojai, CA 93023 Location: The project site is situated immediately to the west of South La Luna Avenue, near the intersection of South La Luna Avenue and Mesa Drive. The project is located at 319 South La Luna Avenue, in the community of Ojai Valley in the unincorporated area of Ventura County. Assessor's Parcel No.: 01 7-0-160-1 75 Parcel Size:10.2 acres General Plan Desiqnation: Rural Zoninq Desiqnation: RA-10 ac (Rural Agriculture, 10 acre minimum lot size) Responsible and/or Trustee Aqencies: California Department of Fish and Wildlife Proiect Description: The proposed project consists of a request for approval of . a Zone Change to convert the zoning of the subject property from RA-10 ac to RA-s ac (Rural Agriculture, 5-acre minimum parcel size) (Attachment 3 to the lnitial Study for the proposed project). The proposed project also includes a request for approval of a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) to subdivide the 10.2 acre subject property into a 5.01 acre lot (Lot 1) and 5.19 acre lot (Lot 2). As described in Section 4.5 of the Initial Study for the proposed project, the project site is currently developed (in part) with three dwelling units. The subdivision would result in two of the existing dwellings (a principal dwelling and a second dwelling) on Lot 1, and one of the existing dwellings (a principal dwelling) on Lot 2. Additional dwellings beyond the existing two dwellings on Lot 1 and the existing dwelling on Lot 2 will be prohibited. However, potential future development for accessory residential and/or agricultural development may occur on Lots 1 and 2. (See the Ventura County Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance, S 8105-4, that sets forth the types of accessory residential and agricultural development that is allowed with a ministerial permit.) With regard to the prohibition on new dwellings on Lot 2, the applicant is proposing to record a deed restriction on Lot 2 that would prohibit the construction and use of additional 800 South Victoria Avenue, L# 1740, Ventura, CA @ 93009 Printed on Recycled Paper (805) 654-2481 Fax (805) 654-2509 MND for Case No. PL14-0048 August 19,2015 Page 2 of 4 dwelling units until the State Route 33 Level of Service (LOS) changes to E or better. The applicant also proposes to record a deed restriction on the portion of the project site that may contain archaeological resources. This restriction would prevent future development on a portion of the property in order to avoid creating adverse impacts to subsurface cultural resources that may exist on-site. No grading or development is required to facilitate the proposed subdivision. An existing, 20 feet-wide private driveway from South La Luna Avenue will provide access to the project site. The proposed project includes the dedication of an easement to the property owners of Lot 1 across Lot 2, in order to afford access from South La Luna Avenue to Lot 1. The Meiners Oaks Water District will provide water and the Ojai Valley Sanitation District will provide sewage disposal service to the proposed lots. B. c. STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL FINDINGS: State law requires the Resource Management Agency, Planning Division, as the lead agency for the proposed project, to prepare an lnitial Study (environmental analysis) to determine if the proposed project could significantly affect the environment. Based on the findings contained in the attached lnitial Study, it has been determined that the proposed project may have a significant effect on the environment; however, mitigation measures are available that would reduce the impacts to less than significant levels. Therefore, a Mitigated Negative Declaration has been prepared and the applicant has agreed to implement the mitigation measures. LISTING OF POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS IDENTIFIED: 1 MND Section 4A Biolooical Resou rces. Permanent Protection of Biolooical Resources: The proposed project has the potential to create direct and indirect project specific impacts, and make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts, to riparian habitat and special status species. lmpacts will be less than significant with the implementation of mitigation measures that will require the establishment of a SO-foot development setback measured from the centerline of the ephemeral drainage or the extent of riparian vegetation on the property ("development restriction area") for the permanent protection of biological resources. No new development beyond the existing residential and agricultural development may occur within the development restriction area. The Subdivider shall record a copy of the conditions of approval for the Tentative Parcel Map with the Parcel Map as well as delineate the area on the Parcel Map that is the subject of the development restriction area (MM-1). MND for Case No. PL14-0048 August 19,2015 Page 3 of 4 2. D. MND Section 21. Noise and Vibration, Construction Noises: The proposed project has the potential to create direct and indirect project specific impacts, and make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts, to noise-sensitive uses. lmpacts will be less than significant with the implementation of a mitigation measure that will require that future construction activity be limited to the hours between 7:00 am and 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday, and from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m, Saturday, Sunday and State holidays, The Subdivider shall be required to post a sign stat¡ng these restrictions (MM-2). PUBLIC REVIEW: Leqal Notice Method: Direct mailing to property owners within 300 feet of the property on which the proposed project is located, and a legal notice in the Ventura County Star. Document Postinq Period: August 19, 2015, through September 21 , 2015 Public Review: The lnitial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is available for at vwvw, (select "CEQA Environmental Review") or at the County of Ventura, Resource Management public review on-line Agency, Planning Division, 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, California, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Comments: The public is encouraged to submit written comments regarding this lnitial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration no later than 5:00 p.m. on the last day of the document posting period to Tess Harris, the case planner, at the County of Ventura Resource Management Agency, Planning Division, 800 South Victoria Avenue L#1740, Ventura, CA 93009. The Planning Division's FAX number is (805) 654-2509. You may also e-mail the case planner at tess. harris@ventu ra. org. D. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DEGLARATION: Prior to approving the project, the Board of Supervisors must consider this Mitigated Negative Declaration and all comments received on the Mitigated Negative Declaration. The Board of Supervisors may approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration if it finds that all of the significant effects have been identified and that the proposed mitigation measures will reduce those effects to less than significant levels. MND for Case No. PL14-0048 August 19,2015 Page 4 of 4 Prepared by: Reviewed for Release to the Public by: Tess Harris, Case Planner (805) 654-2453 Danie n, Residential Permits Section Manager (805) 654-3588 Recommended for Approval by Lead Agency by: Kim L. Prillhart, Director Ventura County Planning Division County of Ventura Planning Division 800 South Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009-1740 . (805) 654-2488 . http://www ventura org/rma/planning lnitial Study for Zone Ghange and Tentative Parcel Map No. 5892 Section A- Project Description 1 Project Gase Number: PL14-0048 2. Name of Applicant: Brent Lamo, 319 South La Luna Ave, Ojai, CA 93023 3. Project Location and Assessor's Parcel Number: The 10.2 acre project site is situated immediately to the west of South La Luna Avenue, near the intersection of South La Luna Avenue and Mesa Drive, The project is located in the community of Ojai Valley in the unincorporated area of Ventura County. The Tax Assessor's Parcel Number for the parcel that constitutes the project site is 017-01 60-1 75 (Attachment 1 ). 4. Existing General Plan Land Use Designation and Zoning Designation of the Project Site: a General Plan Land Use Designation: Rural b Ojai Valley Area Plan Land Use Designation: Rural Residential 5-10 ac (Rural Residential, 5-10 acre minimum lot size) c. Zoning Designation: RA-10 ac (Rural Agriculture, 10 acre minimum lot size) 5. Description of the Environmental Setting: The project site consists of one, existing legal lot that is developed with three dwellings, a barn, two horse riding arenas, and an animal shade structure. Horse corrals are located immediately outside of the lot boundaries on the northern and western side of the project site. The Ventura River is located approximately 293-feet (at the closest point) to the west of the project site. A red line stream and wetland habitat are located within the southeastern portion of the site. Native Coast Live Oaks (Quercus agrifolia), Palm Trees (Washingtonia robusta), Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.), and lemon orchard trees exist within the southeast portion of the project site. Access to the site is provided by an existing private driveway at the north end of the property, which takes access from South La Luna Avenue. South La Luna Avenue and West Lomita Avenue intersect south of the project site. The project site is located adjacent to land that has RA-S ac (Rural Agricultural, 5 acres minimum parcel size) and RE-20,000 sq. ft. (Rural Exclusive, 20,000 square feet minimum parcel size) zoning designations (Attachment 2). 6 Project Description: The proposed project consists of a request for approval of a zone change to convert the zoning of the subject property from RA-10 ac to RA-5 ac (Rural Agriculture 5-acre minimum parcel size) (Attachment 3). The proposed project also includes a request for approval of a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM) to subdivide the 1 0.2 acre subject property into a 5.01 acre lot (Lot 1 ) and 5.19 acre lot (Lot 2). As described in Section 4.5 of this lnitial Study (above), the project site is currently developed (in part) with three dwelling units. The subdivision would result in two of the existing dwellings (a principal dwelling and a second dwelling) on Lot 1, and one of the existing dwellings (a principal dwelling) on Lot 2. Additional dwellings beyond the existing two dwellings on Lot 1 and the existing clwelling on Lot 2 wi!! be prohibited. However, potentla! future de';elopment for accessory residential andior agricultural development may occur on Lots I and 2. (see the Ventura county Non-coastal Zoning ordinance, S 8105-4, that sets forth the types of accessory residential and agricultural development that is allowed with a ministerial permit.) With regard to the prohibition on new dwellings on Lot 2,the applicant is proposing to record a deed restriction on Lot 2 that would prohibit the construction and use of additional dwelling units until the State Route 33 Level of Service (LOS) changes to E or better. The applicant also already has a deed restriction on record for the portion of the project site that may contain archaeological resources. This restriction prevents future development on a portion of the property in order to avoid creating adverse impacts to subsurface cultural resources that may exist on-site. No grading or development is required to facilitate the proposed subdivision. An existing, 20 feet-wide private driveway from South La Luna Avenue will provide access to the project site. The proposed project includes the dedication of an easement to the property owners of Lot 1 across Lot 2, in order to afford access from South La Luna Avenue to Lot 1. The Meiners Oaks Water District will provide water and the Ojai Valley Sanitation District will provide sewage disposal service to the proposed lots. 7. List of Responsible and Trustee Agencies: California Department of Fish and Wildlife. 8. Methodology for Evaluating Gumulative lmpacts: Pursuant to the cEeA Guidelines [S 15064(h)(1)], this lnitial Study evaluates the cumulative impacts of the project using the list approach, by considering the incremental effects of the proposed project in connection with the effects of past, current, and probable future projects. For a full list of the past, current, and probable future projects within the unincorporated area of Ventura County that were included in this analysis, please refer to Attachment 4. Although all of the projects were considered in the analysis 2 of cumulative impacts, the analysis focused on the following projects within the unincorporated area of Ventura County, due to their proximity to the project site: PL13-0178 This is a pending project for a Minor modification to CUP 4408 to allow a 10 year time extension for the continued operation of the Ojai Valley Organics Recycling Facility, as permitted in CUP 4408, Modification #2. The existing facility is addressed as 534 Baldwin Road and is located on an 11.70 acre portion of a 112.23 acre parcel. PL1 3-0178 is located approximately 1 .9 miles from the proposed project site. PL14-0044 project that involves a Planned Development Permit to replace an expired Conditional Use Permit for an existing 4,003 square foot commercial building with six tenant spaces located in the Commercial Ojai Valley Area Plan land use designation and the Commercial Planned Development Zone District, addressed as 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, and 110 East El Roblar Drive. PL14-0044 is located in Meiners Oaks,0.7 miles east of the proposed project site. This is a recently-approved PL14-0062 This is a recently approved project for a two-lot Parcel Map Waiver/Lot Line Adjustment. Both parcels are developed with residential uses. The project is located at 4230 Thacher Road, Ojai, CA 93023, and is approximately 6.6 miles from the proposed project site. PL14-0070 This recently approved project consists of a Parcel Map Waiver/Lot Line Adjustment to reconfigure two, vacant lots. The project is located at 1215 Grand Avenue, Ojai, CA 93023 and is approximately 3.8 miles from the proposed project site. PL14-01 19 This pending project involves a Minor Modification to CUP No. 5234 to extend the entitlement for an additional 10 year term for the ongoing operation of the Camp Ramah Retreat located at 455 Fairview Road, in the Ojai Area. This project also includes a request to authorize afterthe-fact hazardous tree removal. This project is approximately 1.7 miles from the proposed project site. PL14-0139 This recently approved project consists of a Parcel Map Waiver/Lot Line Adjustment between two parcels (APNs 010-0-201-27 & 010-0-201-28) addressed as 1447 and 1477 Foothill Road in the Ojai Area. The lot line adjustment would convey an equal amount of land from and to each parcel resulting in the same size parcels that existed prior to the lot line adjustment 3 with Parcel 1 being 1.160 acres in size and Parcel 2 being 1.705 acres size. This project is approximately 2.9 miles from the proposed project site. in PL14-0142 This pending project is a Minor Modification to Conditional Use Permit 5157, last modified by LU10-0090, to upgrade an existing wireless communication facility located on a ridgeline above Oak View in the Forest Home Retreat within the RA-40 aclSRP Zone District and Rural lnstitutional Ojai Valley Area Plan land use designation. The applicant is proposing to construct a new 40 ft. mono-pine above the cross and adjacent to an existing seating gazebo. The new 40 tall mono-pine will contain 12 panel antennas, 6 radio remote units, 3 TMAs, and 1 Êycap fiber demarcation box surge protector screened within the branches. The site operator is Verizon Wireless, and the site location is 655 Burnhann R-oad in Oak- \-/iew. PL14-0151 This recently approved project involves a Minor Modification to CUP No. LU11-0052 to authorize the co-location by T-Mobile to an existing AT&T wireless communications facility. The existing facility is disguised as a monoeucalyptus tree. The proposed project includes the addition of nine antennas mounted at the 26-foot level of the existing 42-foot tall tree and installation of two ground mounted BTS cabinets within an existing 22-foot x 6-foot lease area. All the proposed equipment area would be surrounded by a concrete masonrywall. The project site is located at 11400 North Ventura Avenue and is 1.9 miles away from the proposed project site. PL14-0191 Permit Adjustment to Planned Development Permit N. 1028 for a tenant change from a Wendy's restaurant tenant change to a Starbucks Coffee. The 0.64 acre property is located in the CPD Zone District and the Commercial Ojai Valley Area Plan land use designation and is addressed as 1 1560 North Ventura Avenue. The proposed changes include removing a 330 square foot sunroom and converting it to outdoor seating, interior remodeling of the remaining 1,718 sq. ft. building, and miscellaneous changes to the exterior of the building, parking lot and drive thru. The project is located approximately 1.5 miles away from the proposed project site. PL14-0197 This pending project consists of a CUP for the construction of a new 60' Mono- Eucalyptus antenna support structure, ancillary ground mounted equipment, and generator. The antenna structure will support three sectors of four (4) I' panel antennas (for a total of 12), four remote radio heads per sector (total 12), and 2 surge suppression units. The ground equipment and generator will be enclosed within an approximate 12'x13' lease space within a larger existing area of a hay company. The communications facility will be unmanned, and operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This project is 4 located at 11570 North Ventura Way, in Ojai, approximately 1.5 miles away from the proposed project site. PL15-0009 This pending project involves a Lot Line Adjustment between two existing legal parcels, APNs 032-0-221-295, and 032-0-221-285. One of the two parcels is vacant and the other is devêloped with a single family dwelling connected to a sewer line. No resulting lot will be made non-conforming due to this lot line adjustment. The project site is located at 11570 Oakcrest Avenue, and is approximately 2.9 miles away from the proposed project site. PL15-0015 This is a pending project that consists of a Conditional Use Permit for a private skateboard riding ramp pursuant to Section 8107-23 (Non-motorized wheeled conveyance) exceeding 400 square feet in aggregate area. This project is being suspended per the request of the applicant in order to prepare a more detailed project description. The proposed project is located at 1370 South Rice Road, approximately 1.6 miles from the proposed project site. sD12-0002 This pending project consists of a Tentative Parcel Map to create 4 parcels, A Conditional Certificate of Compliance (CCC0208) was processed and recorded on APN 0320-0-201-155 and a Conditional Certificate of Compliance (CCC0207) was recorded on APN 032-0-201-105. The project consists of an open space parcel, which contains mitigation and restrictions currently in place for biological and archaeological resources. The project is located at 955 Burnham Road, approximately 2.8 miles from the proposed project site. For a full list of the past, current, and probable future projects within the City of Ojai that were included in this analysis, please refer to Attachment 5. Although all of the projects were considered in the analysis of cumulative impacts, the analysis focused on the following projects within the City of Ojai, due to their proximity to the project site: cuP 14-04, DRP 14-08 This is a pending project that includes the conversion of storage space, and a waiver from the parking requirements. The project is located at 810 Libbey Avenue, Ojai, CA 93023, and is approximately 2.7 miles from the proposed project site. DRP 14-04 This approved project includes the construction of a new two-story home and four-car carport. The project is located at 607 North Signal Street, Ojai, CA 93023, and is approximately 3.2 miles from the proposed project site. 5 cuP l3-08 CUP and DRP 13-17 This is a pending project for Emerald lguana, including a modification of CUP 13-08 to CUP 98-04 and a Lighting Plan. The project is located at 108 Pauline Street, Ojai, CA 93023 and is approximately three miles from the proposed project site. CUP 14-O3 a nd DRP 14-07 is an approved project to modify the existing CUP No. 87-07 to allow the construction of a new board and care facility for the elderly. The project is located at 602 East Oak Street, Ojai, CA 93023 and is approximately 3.2 miles from the proposed project site. ïhis HPC VAR 13-01 and DRP 13-07 This nondinn nrnienf ¡nncictc nf q raarraef fnr a rrarianr.o ranardina tha ....-F-''-.''wF' r¡rrall height in Landmark No. 4 and the construction of two gates. The project is located at 1000 Foothill Road, Ojai, CA 93023 and is approximately 2.3 miles from the proposed project site. þ Section B - lnitial Study Ghecklist and Discussion of Responsesr Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS RESOURCES: l. Air Quality (VCAPCD) Will the proposed project: a) Exceed any of the thresholds set forth in the quality assessment guidelines as adopted and periodically updated by the Ventura County Air Pollution Control District air X X X x (VCAPCD), or be inconsistent with the Air Quality Management Plan? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 1 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 1a. Based on information provided by the applicant, air quality impacts will be below the 5 pounds per day threshold for reactive organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen as described in the Ventura County Air Quality Assessment Guidelines (Ventura County Air Pollution Control District, 2003). Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to regional air quality. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative air quality impact. 1b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 1 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, specifically Section 1.2, Air Quality (Sections 1.2.1, 1.2.2 and 1.2.3). The project is consistent with the Ventura County Air Quality Management Plan. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. 1 The threshold criteria in this lnitial Study are derived from the Ventura County lnitial Study Assessmenf Guidelines (April26,2011). Foradditional information on the threshold criteria (e.9., definitions of issues and technical terms, and the methodology for analyzing each impact), please see the Ventura County lnitial Study Assessmenf Guidelines. 7 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N 2a. Water Resources - LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Groundwater Quantity (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) Directly or indirectly decrease, either individually or cumulatively, the net quantity of groundwater in a groundwater basin that is overdrafted or create an overdrafted groundwater basin? X X X X of x X Regardless of items 1-3 above, result in 1.0 acre-feet, or less, of net annual increase in groundwater extraction? X X X X 2) ln oroundwater hasins that are not overdrafted, or are not in hydrologic continuity with an overdrafted basin, result in net groundwater extraction that will individually or cumulatively cause overdrafted basin(s)? 3) ln areas where the groundwater basin and/or hydrologic unit condition is not well known or documented and there is evidence overdraft based upon declining water levels in a well or wells, propose any net increase in groundwater extraction from that groundwater basin andior hydrologic unit? 4) 5) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 2a-1. The proposed project consists of a subdivision of one lot into two parcels which will not cause an increase in groundwater use. The Upper Ventura River Basin is not over-drafted, and the project will not increase the use of groundwater in an over-drafted basin or create an over-drafted basin. Therefore, there will be no project-specific impacts related to the quantity of water in a groundwater basin. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts related to the quantity of water in a groundwater basin. 2a-2 and 2a-3. The proposed project will not result in any net increase in groundwater extraction that will individually or cumulatively cause an increase in groundwater use. 8 Therefore, the proposed project will not have a project-specific impact to water resources. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative water resources impact related to groundwater quantity. 2a-4. The proposed project will result in 1 acre-foot, or less, of net annual increase in groundwater extraction. No new water use is being proposed as a result of this project. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a project-specific impact to water resources. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative water resources impact related to groundwater quantity. 2a-5. The proposed project will be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 2b. Water Resources - Groundwater Quality (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) lndividually or cumulatively degrade the quality of groundwater and cause groundwater to exceed groundwater quality objectives set by the Basin Plan? 2) 3) Cause the quality of groundwater to fail to meet the groundwater quality objectives set by the Basin Plan? Propose the use of groundwater in X X X any capacity and be located within two miles of the boundary of a former or current test site for rocket engines? 4) Be consistent with the applicable X X X x X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 2b-1 and 2b-2. o The proposed project will create two lots; Lot 1 will be 5.01 acres and Lot 2 will be 5.19 acres. Proposed Lot 2 currently houses 3 horses with the potential to house up to 11 horses for that lot size. Proposed Lot t has the potential to house 10 horses. lf additional horses exist on the property, other than the 3 horses that currently are located on the property, and animal waste solids are not collected and disposed offsite, the proposed project could potentially impact groundwater quality. However, direct and indirect project specific and cumulative impacts to groundwater quality will be less than significant with the implementation of an animal waste solids condition that will require that all animal waste solids be removed to an off-site facility. Furthermore, the proposed project will actually reduce the number of animals that are allowed to be kept on the project site. Under existing conditions-that is, with the existing lot that is greater than -10 acres in size-an unlinnited nunnber cf animals is allowed on the project site, pursuant to the animal keeping regulations of the Ventura County Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance (S 8107-2.5.2). However, assuming that the proposed project is approved, proposed Lot 1 will be limited to 21.82 animal unit factors, and proposed Lot 2 will be limited to 22.6 animal unit factors.2 Regardless, given that the improper keeping and maintenance of animals on the proposed lots could have adverse effects on groundwater quality, the condition discussed above will be imposed on the proposed project. The Ojai Valley Sanitary District will continue to provide sewage disposal service to the subject property. By incorporating an animal waste solids condition to the project, the project will avoid the potential to fail to meet the groundwater quality objectives set by the Basin Plan if additional horses are allowed on the property. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant project-specific impact related to groundwater quality, and will make a less than significant cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact related to groundwater quality. 2b-3. The proposed project is not located within two miles of the boundary of a former or current test site for rocket engines. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to water resources. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative water resources impact. ?b-4. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Residual lmpact(s) With the implementation of the mitigation measure listed above, residual project-specific impacts will be less than significant and the proposed project will not make 2 For a description of how many animals are allowed per animal unit factor, please see $ 8107-2.5.1 of the Ventura County Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance. 10 a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts related to animal waste solids. Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* LS N PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS.M PS 2c. Water Resources - Surface Water Quantity (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) lncrease surface water consumptive use (demand), either individually or cumulatively, in a fully appropriated stream reach as designated by SWRCB or where unappropriated surface water x X is unavailable? 2) lncrease surface water consumptive use (demand) including but not limited to diversion or dewatering downstream reaches, either individually or cumulatively, X X X X resulting in an adverse impact to one or more of the beneficial uses listed in the Basin Plan? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 2c-1 and 2c-2. The water that serves Meiners Oaks Water District begins primarily as surface water from Lake Casitas that then infiltrates the ground. As such, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to the quantity of surface water. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative surface water quantity impact. 2c-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effecf* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 11 Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS 2d. Water Resources - Surface Water Quality (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) lndividually or cumulatively degrade the quality of surface water causing it to exceed water quality objectives as contained in X X X X Chapter 3 of the three Basin Plans? 2) Directly or indirectly cause storm water r^ ^-.^^^i ^^..^t:¿.. ^Li^^¿i.,^^ -..-t:¡., vr vvqrvr vudrry vvjgvuv9Ð tv v^uvvu ..,^+^vudrty standards in the applicable M54 Permit or any other NPDES Permits? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X x lmpact Discussion: 2d-1. The proposed project will not individually or cumulatively degrade the quality of surface water causing it to exceed the water quality objectives set forth in Chapter 3 of the Los Angeles Basin Plan as applicable for this area. The proposed project is not expected to result in a violation of any surface water quality standards as defined in the Los Angeles Basin Plan. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant project-specific impact related to surface water quality. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts related to surface water quality. 2d-2. As stated in this lnitial Study (above), the proposed project consists of a 10.2 acre parcel subdivision into two lots and a zone change. At this time, the proposed project does not include any construction or grading activities; however the subdivision will allow for future ministerial development (e.9., accessory residential and agricultural structures) on each of the lots. The Regional Water Quality Control Board requires that any irrigated land that grows for profit be covered under the Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from lrrigated Agriculture Lands within the Los Angeles Region Order No. R4-2010-0186 (Conditional Waiver). A condition will be imposed on the project to require proof of coverage and compliance with the Conditional Waiver prior to recordation of the Tentative Parcel Map. ïherefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant impact related to surface water quality objectives and standards in the applicable MS4 Permit (Ventura Countywide Municipal Stormwater NPDES Permit CAS004002) and other National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permits. The proposed project will not make a 12 cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative surface water quantity impact. 2d-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 2d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Resid ual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N 3a. Mineral Resources - LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Aggregate (Plng.) Will the proposed project: 1) Be located on or immediately adjacent to land zoned Mineral Resource Protection (MRP) overlay zone, or adjacent to a principal access road for a site that is the subject of an existing aggregate Conditional Use Permit (CUP), and have the potential to hamper or preclude extraction of or access X X to the aggregate resources? 2) Have a cumulative impact on aggregate resources if, when considered with other pending and recently approved projects in the area, the project hampers or precludes X extraction or access to identified resources? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 3a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: 3a-1 and 3a-2. The project site is not located within a MRP Overlay Zone or located adjacent to land classified as MRZ-2 (i.e., areas where adequate information indicates that significant mineral deposits are present or where it is judged that a high likelihood for their presence exists). The project site is not located adjacent to a principal access road for a site that is the subject of an aggregate extraction CUP. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a project specific impact, and will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts, related to the extraction of or access to aggregate resources. 13 3a-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 3a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree N 3b. Mineral Resources - Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Petroleum (Plng.) Will the proposed project: '1) Be located on or immediately adjacent to any known petroleum resource area, or adjacent to a principal access road for a site that is the subject of an existing petroleum CUP, and have the potential to hamper or X X X X preclude access to petroleum resources? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 3b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 3b-1. The proposed project is not located on or adjacent to land located in an oil field or subject to an oil extraction CUP, and thus will not cause a significant impact with regard to the extraction of petroleum resources. Likewise, the subject property is not located adjacent to a principal access road for a site that is the subject of an existing CUP for oil extraction and does not have the potential to disturb access to petroleum resources. ïherefore, the proposed project will not have a project-specific impact to petroleum resources. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact related to the extraction of or access to petroleum resources. 3b-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 3b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. 14 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS 4. Biological Resources 4a. Species Willthe proposed project, directly or indirectly: 1) lmpact one or more plant species by reducing the species' population. reducing the species' habitat, fragmenting its habitat, X X or restricting its reproductive capacity? 2) lmpact one or more animal species by reducing the species' population, reducing the species' habitat, fragmenting its habitat, X X or restricting its reproductive capacity? lmpact Discussion: ïhe project site is developed with two single-family dwelling units, accessory structures, landscaping, an orchard, and secondary structures for animal husbandry. The project site contains an ephemeral drainage that contains protected trees along the riparian corridor. Based on a review of California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) records for occurrences within the vicinity of the project site, three special-status plant species have the potential to occur: late-flowered mariposùily (Calochorfus fimbriatus) (Rare Plant Rank [RPR] 18.2), Ojai navarretia (Navarret¡a ojaiensrs) (RPR 18.1), and California satintail (lmperata brevifolia) (RPR 28.1). 4a-1. The occurrence potential of late-flowered mariposa lily is low because it prefers open coastal woodlands and the project site lies at a lower elevation (745 feet) than the species' elevational range (900- 6,250 feet). The project site is located just below the elevational range of Ojai navarretia (240-620 meters) (Calflora,2015); however, because it is a rare species, limited information is available. According to the California Native Plant Society (CNPS), Ojai navarretia typically occurs on clayey soils, usually in grassland/forbland on north-facing slopes at the base of a slope (CNPS, 2011). The project site consists nearly entirely of developed lands outside of the ephemeral drainage which does not provide habitat for this species. Ojai navarretia is unlikely to occur given the lack of suitable grassland habitat and the project site is outside the species' elevational range. California satintail occurs in chaparral, coastal scrub, meadows and seeps, and riparian scrub. The proposed project site contains riparian woodland, but does not contain riparian scrub or any of the other vegetation communities that provide habitat for California satintail. However, the project site is within the elevational range of this 15 species (0-1,215 meters). Based on habitat and geographic requirements, the potential for this species to occur is low. Therefore, the proposed project will have less-than-significant project-specific impacts, and will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact, related to special-status plants. 4a-2. Based on a review of CNDDB records for occurrences within the vicinity of the project site, four special-status wildlife species have the potential to occur: oak titmouse (Baelophus inornatus) (SSC nesting, G5S3?), hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) G5ff5, Blainville's horned lizard (Phrynosoma blainvilli) (SSC), and California red-legged frog (Ran a drayton i i) (Federally Threatened ). Oak titmouse occurs in oak woodlands and nests in cavities. As stated in this lnitial Study (above), riparian woodland associated with the ephemeral drainage occurs on the subject properiy anci couici suppori nesting aciiviiy of oak tiimouse. Deveiopment or disturbance within or adjacent to the ephemeral drainage that supports oak woodlands could result in potentially significant impacts to this species. Pursuant to the requirements of the Ventura County General Plan Goals, Policies and Programs Biological Resources Policy 1.5.2-4, the proposed project will be subject to a condition of approval (Biological Condition 1, set forth below) to require the property owner to restrict the development area on the subject property by prohibiting new development within a 5O-foot buffer measured from the centerline of the ephemeral drainage or the extent of riparian vegetation. lndirect impacts associated with an increased human presence will be less than significant because the development restriction area will discourage development and additional human presence within titmouse habitat. With the implementation of Biological Condition 1, the proposed project will mitigate potentially significant impacts to oak titmouse to a less than significant level. Hoary bat has moderate potential to roost in the trees on the subject property and use the surrounding areas to forage. lf roosting or nesting hoary bats are present, potentially significant impacts could occur. Development or disturbance within or adjacent to the ephemeral drainage that supports native trees could result in potentially significant impacts to this species. However, with the implementation of Biological Condition 1 that will prohibit development within and adjacent to the ephemeral drainage, impacts to hoary bat will be less than significant. Blainville's horned lizard inhabits open areas of sandy soil and low vegetation in grasslands, coniferous forests, woodlands, and chaparral with open areas and patches of loose soil. Given that suitable habitat for Blainville's horned lizard does not exist within the developed areas of the project site, Blainville's horned lizard is unlikely to occur in the developed areas of the project site. The undeveloped areas, consisting of riparian vegetation associated with an ephemeral drainage is somewhat disturbed with non-native vegetation in the understory. There is low potential for it to occur because its ideal habitat, lowlands along sandy washes with scattered shrubs, is not present. Red-legged frog requires 11-20 weeks of permanent water for larval development that is typical of a well-developed riparian channel and vegetation such as willow and mulefat. This habitat is not present on the proposed project site; therefore, the red-legged frog has low occurrence potential. 16 A number of species on the Ventura County Locally lmportant Species (LlS) List have the potential to occur on the subject property. A majority of the project site is developed or disturbed and does not support native habitat; thus, the potential for LIS to occur in these areas is low. Locally lmportant Species, both plants and animals, could occur in the ephemeral drainage and associated riparian woodland despite some areas being degraded by non-native plants and trees. However, with the implementation of Biological Condition 1, the proposed project will not have a significant impact to LlS. Additionally, oaks, sycamores, and other native trees are considered protected trees pursuant to the Ventura County NCZO (Sec. 8107-25). However, the protected trees are located within the development restriction area and, consequently, they will not be altered or removed. Therefore, the proposed project will not have an impact to protected trees. No special status wildlife were observed during a site visit conducted by the Planning Division Staff Biologist. Furthermore, as discussed in this lnitial Study (above), although suitable habitat for some special status species exists along the ephemeral drainage, the imposition of Biological Condition 1 will prevent impacts (e.9., due to direct removal of habitat or increased human presence) related to special status wildlife roosting and nesting activities as well as Locally lmportant plants and animals that exist on the project site. Therefore, with the imposition of Biological Condition 1, the proposed project will have a cumulatively less-than-significant project-specific impact, and will not make considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact to special status species. a Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) Purpose: To avoid potentially significant impacts to riparian habitat and special status species habitat, the Subdivider shall permanently protect the existing riparian habitat and special status species habitat that are located along the ephemeral drainage within the project site. This mitigation measure requiring the establishment of a development restriction area for the permanent protection of biological resources is consistent with the Ventura County General Plan Goals, Policies and Programs (2013c) Policy 1.4.2-4, and Ojai Valley Area Plan (2008) Goal 1.4.1-1 and Goal 1.4.1-2 and Policies 1.4.2-3 and 1 .4.2-5. Requirement: Attachment 6 identifies the location and types of existing residential and agricultural development that may remain within the development restriction area. Residential development consists of: a single-family dwelling and associated landscaping; a guest house that includes a four-car garage and landscaping; a rental house and landscaping (to be located on the proposed Parcel 2); an 8' x 10' foot storage shed; a 10'by 10'foot playhouse; and an existing paved driveway that serves all three residential structures. Agricultural development consists of existing citrus orchard trees located on the north side of the drainage adjacent to La Luna Drive, near the driveway and the citrus orchard trees on the south side of the drainage 17 No new development or uses besides the existing aforementioned residential and agricultural development may occur within the development restriction area (50 feet of the centerline of the ephemeral drainage or the extent of riparian vegetation). More specifically, the following uses and development shall be prohibited within the development restriction area: (1) removal, mining, excavation, or disturbance of the soil or surface rocks or decaying material such as fallen trees, except for what is required solely for the maintenance of the existing agricultural and residential development; (2) dumping, filling, storing, disposal, burying, manmade materials; or stockpiling of any natural or (3) erection of buildings or structures of any kind, including, but not limited to, fencing, corrals, advertising signs, antennas, and light poles, except for what is requireci soieiy Íor the maintenance or repiacement oí the exisiing agricuiiurai and residential development; (4) placement of pavements, concrete, asphalt and similar impervious materials, laying of decomposed granite for pathways, or setting of stones, paving bricks, or timbers; (5) operation of dunebuggies, motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, bicycles, mowers, tractors, or any other types of motorized or non-motorized vehicles or equipment, except for what is required solely for the maintenance of the existing agricultural and residential development; (6) removal or alteration of native trees or plants, through such activities as irrigating, mowing, draining, plowing, tilling or disking, except as necessary for: (a) controlled burns (for fuel reduction, as regulated by the Ventura County Fire Protection District and only after receiving prior written consent from the Planning Director); (b) removal of non-native species and sensitive habitat restoration or maintenance (which must be under the direction of a qualified biologist); and (c) the maintenance of the existing agricultural and residential development (7) application of insecticides or herbicides, poisons, or fertilizers; (8) grazing or keeping of cattle, sheep, horses or other livestock, or pet animals; (9) planting, introduction, or dispersal of non-native or exotic plant or animal species; (10) hunting or trapping, except live trapping for purposes of scientific study or removal of non-native species; (11) manipulating, impounding or altering any natural watercourse, body of water or water circulation within the restricted area, and activities or uses detrimental to water quality, including but not limited to degradation or pollution of any surface or sub-surface waters; (12) light pollution (e.9., lighting that is directed towards the ephemeral drainage); and (13) other activities that damage the existing flora, fauna, or hydrologic conditions. 18 Documentation: The Subdivider shall record a copy of the conditions of approval of the Tentative Parcel Map (which will include this mitigation measure) with the Parcel Map for the Project, with the Office of the County Recorder. The Subdivider also shall prepare an exhibit that delineates the area (in metes and bounds) that is the subject of this mitigation measure. The Subdivider shall record the exhibit with the Parcel Map, with the Office of the County Recorder. Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, conditions of approval, and exhibit, the Subdivider shall submit a draft copy of the exhibit to the Planning Division for review and approval. The Subdivider must submit a copy of the recorded Parcel Map, conditions of approval, and exhibit to the Planning Division. Any maintenance activities associated with the existing agricultural and residential development that require a permit from the RMA Planning Division, shall be documented in the permit application and permit for the maintenance activities. Timing: Prior to recordation of the Parcel Map, conditions of approval, and exhibit, the Subdivider shall submit a draft copy of the exhibit to the Planning Division for review and approval. Within one week following the recordation of the Parcel Map, conditions of approval, and exhibit, the Subdivider shall submit a copy of the recorded Parcel Map, conditions of approval, and exhibit, to the Planning Division. to implementing any maintenance activities associated with the existing agricultural and residential development that require a permit from the Resource Management Agency (RMA) Planning Division, the Subdivider shall obtain the requisite Prior permit. Monitoring and Reporting: The Planning Division maintains a copy of the recorded Parcel Map, conditions of approval, and exhibit in the Project file. The Subdivider (and any successors-in-interest) shall submit all plans for any future development that may occur on the lots created by the Parcel Map, to the Planning Division for review and approval, to ensure that future projects comply with the requirements of this condition. The Planning Division has the authority to inspect the property to ensure that it is maintained as required, in accordance with $ 8114-3.2 of the Ventura County NonCoastal Zoning Ordinance (NCZO). lf the Planning Division confirms that the restricted area has not been maintained as required, enforcement actions may be enacted in accordance with S 81 14-3 of the NCZO. Residual lmpacts After implementation of Biological Condition 1, residual impacts will be less than significant. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS 4b. Ecological Communities - Sensitive Plant Gommunities Will the proposed project: 19 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS 1) Temporarily or permanently remove sensitive plant communities through construction, grading, clearing, or other activities? 2) Result in indirect impacts from project operation at levels that will degrade the X X X X health of a sensitive plant community? lmpact Discussion: 4b-1. and 4b-2. The project site's vegetation communities consist of developed areas that are comprised of ornamental and turf landscaping, orchards, and cleared areas for access driveways and animal keeping. The property also contains an approximately 3.1 acre area of non-native grassland in the southwest corner of the property. Furthermore, as discussed in this lnitial Study (above), an ephemeral drainage exists within the project site with mostly mature Coast Live Oaks (Quercus agrifolia) as well as sycamores (Platanus racemosa), black walnut (Juglans californica) (RPR 4.2), canary island palm (Phoenix canariens¡s), and yucca (Yucca spp). The understory also contains non-native grasses, callalilies (Zantedeschia aethiopica), and periwinkle (Vinca major). The vegetation community associated with the ephemeral drainage is somewhat disturbed due to the presence of invasive species and is characterized as Coast Live Oak Woodland/Grass alliance G5S4. Coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) were planted on the west side of the drainage and measure approximately 12-18 feet in height as part of the landscaping associated with the second dwelling unit. Although no development is currently proposed within any sensitive communities, the proposed project could result in new development that could adversely affect the plant communities (e.9., as a result of the direct removal of plant species or oven¡úatering from irrigation for landscaping). Therefore, the proposed project could create impacts to coast live oak woodlands that are designated as a sensitive plant community by the Ventura County ISAGs and are protected under Section 21083.4 of the California Public Resources Code. However, with the imposition of Biological Condition 1, the projectspecific impacts, as well as the project's cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts, to sensitive plant communities will be less than significant. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) See Biological Condition 1 (above). After implementation of Biological Condition residual impacts to sensitive plant communities will be less-than-significant. 20 1, Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N 4c. Ecological Communities - LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Waters and Wetlands Will the proposed project: 1) Cause any of the following activities within waters or wetlands: removal of vegetation; grading; obstruction or diversion of water flow; change in velocity, siltation, volume of flow, or runoff rate; placement of fill; of structures; construction of a X X X X or X X Provide an adequate buffer for protecting the functions and values of existing waters X X placement road crossing; placement of culverts or other underground piping; or any disturbance of the substratum? 2) Result in disruptions to wetland or riparian plant communities that will isolate or substantially interrupt contiguous habitats, block seed dispersal routes, or increase vulnerability of wetland species to exotic weed invasion or local extirpation? 3) lnterfere with ongoing hydrological conditions maintenance of in a water wetland? 4) or wetlands? lmpact Discussion: 4c-1 through 4c-4. As discussed in this lnitial Study (above), an ephemeral drainage exists within the project site. The ephemeral drainage is designated as a red line channel by the Ventura County Watershed Protection District (VCWPD). The drainage enters the property through a culvert with a diameter of approximately 5 feet under La Luna Drive. Riparian vegetation along the ephemeral drainage is dense and includes mostly native trees and shrubs and well-defined bed and bank. Leaf litter and thatch within the drainage is 3-6 inches in depth in most areas. Furthermore, the drainage flows during heavy periods of precipitation during wetter years, yet has not had flow since 2011 (Brent Lamo, personal communication on March 16, 2015). A dense layer of non-native grasses and other non-native herbaceous vegetation including vines covers much of the drainage bed with large mature oaks and some non-native trees. Existing structures within or adjacent to the drainage and its riparian zone include a primary dwelling unit on Parcel 1 which lies 34.2 feet from the drainage centerline, a second 21 dwelling unit on Parcel 1 which lies 16.3 feet from the drainage centerline and within the extent of the riparian vegetation canopy, a temporary playhouse on Parcel 1 located approximately 10 feet from the drainage centerline, and a primary dwelling located on the proposed Parcel 2 lies 43.7 feel from the drainage centerline within the extent of the riparian vegetation canopy. The bed and bank are well defined near the La Luna culvert with banks rising approximately 6 feet high. The drainage widens and its banks are less pronounced adjacent to the second dwelling unit on Parcel 1 and primary dwelling unit on Parcel2. The drainage remains wide with gradually sloped banks as it flows southeast, and its banks reach a height of approximately 8-10 feet. Some mature oaks associated with the drainage or in upland areas on this property had succumbed to drought or potential pest invasions and have fallen over (Brent Lamo, personal communication on March 16, 2015). Potential future development associated with the proposed project may result in impacts to jurisdictional drainages, from the removal of riparian vegetation, increased erosion of the bed and banks, increased human presence that disrupts wildlife activities, and degradation of water quality. Therefore, the proposed project will have a potentially significant project-specific impact, as well as a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts, to waters and wetlands. However, with the implementation of Biological Condition 1 that will prohibit new development within or adjacent to the ephemeral drainage, the proposed project's impacts will be mitigated to a less-than-significant level. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) See Biological Condition 1 (above). After implementation of Biological Condition residual impacts to sensitive plant communities will be less-than-significant. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N 4d. Ecological Gommunities - LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M 1, PS ESHA (Applies to GoastalZone Only) Will the proposed project: 22 Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N 1) LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS.M PS Temporarily or permanently remove ESHA or disturb ESHA buffers through other activities and uses (ESHA buffers are within construction, grading, clearing, or 100 feet of the boundary of ESHA as defined in Section 8172-1 of the Coastal X X X X Zoning Ordinance)? 2) Result in indirect impacts from project operation at levels that will degrade the health of an ESHA? lmpact Discussion: 4d-1 and 4d-2. The project site is not located in the Coastal Zone; therefore, ESHA policies and analysis do not apply. The proposed project will not result in direct or indirect impacts to ESHA. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree lssue (Responsible Department)* Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS 4e. Habitat Connectivity Will the proposed project 1) Remove habitat within a wildlife movement corridor? 2) lsolate habitat? 3) Construct or create barriers that impede fish and/or wildlife movement, migration or long term connectivity or interfere with wildlife access to foraging habitat, breeding habitat, water sources, or other areas necessary for their reproduction? X X X X X X 23 4) lntimidate fish or wildlife via the introduction increased human presence? of noise, light, development or X X lmpact Discussion: 4e-1,4e-2, and 4e-3. The project site is not located within a mapped wildlife corridor. However, the project site is located less than 0.25 miles from the Ventura River Wildlife Corridor. ln addition, the ephemeral drainage located on the proposed project site is part of a contiguous linkage of riparian habitat that connects to the Ventura River and its wildlife corridor. This linkage likely supports the movement of small mammals; however, movement of larger animals along the drainage is impeded by property boundary fencing. Additionally. the drainage and the habitat linkage it provides enters increasingl.v developed areas as it moves away from the Ventura River upstream; thus the linkage does not provide connectivity between two core habitat patches. ln addition, because of the rural nature of the subject property and surrounding properties, animal movement likely also occurs outside of the drainages. Potential future development that could occur as a result of the proposed subdivision and zone change will not create a new significant barrier to wildlife movement. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less-than-significant project-specific impact and will not make cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact, due to the removal or isolation of habitat, or the creation of barriers within a wildlife movement corridor. a 4e-4. Future development could potentially intimidate fish or wildlife via the introduction of noise, light, development, or increased human presence if it was placed within or directly adjacent to the riparian drainage. However, because the drainage is likely not the primary movement path for most wildlife that move through the project site because of the rural nature of the property, these impacts are anticipated to be less than significant. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) See Biological Condition 1 (above). lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Gumulative Of Effecf* Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS N LS lmpact PS-M PS 4F. Will the proposed pro¡ect be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 4 of the lnitial Study X X Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 24 4f. The proposed project is potentially inconsistent with the General Plan Goals, Policies, and Programs Biological Resources Policy 1.5.2-4 that states (in pertinent parl): "Discretionary development shall be sited a minimum of 100 feet from significant wetland habitats to mitigate the potential impacts on said habitats. Buffer areas may be increased or decreased upon evaluation and recommendation." As stated in this lnitial Study (above), the proposed project has the potential to introduce new development within proximity to the ephemeral drainage that is located on-site, which would be inconsistent with Biological Resources Policy 1.5.2-4. Therefore, the proposed project will have a potentially significant project-specific impact, as well as make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts, to wetland resources. However, with the implementation of Biological Condition 1 that will prohibit development within the ephemeral drainage and a SO-foot-wide buffer adjacent to the ephemeral drainage and associated riparian vegetation, the proposed project will comply with Biological Resources Policy 1.5.2-4. ln addition, the proposed project is consistent with biological policies of the Ojai Valley Area Plan. Mitigation/Resid ual lm pact(s) See Biological Condition 1 (above). With the implementation of Biological Condition residual impacts will be less-than-significant. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N 5a. Agricultural Resources - LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Soils (Plng.) Will the proposed project: 1) Result in the direct and/or indirect loss of soils designated Prime, Statewide lmportance, Unique or Local lmportance, beyond the threshold amounts set forth in X X Section 5a.C of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) lnvolve a General Plan amendment that will result in the loss of agricultural soils? 3) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 5a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 1, lmpact Discussion: 25 5a-1. As stated in this lnitial Study (above), the proposed project will divide one, 10.20 acre lot into two lots of approximately 5 acres each. The project will not result in the direct or indirect loss of protected agricultural soils that meet or exceed the "acres lost" significance thresholds that are set forth in ltem 5a of the Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. The project site contains 1.1 acre of soils classified as "Prime," 2.6 acres of soils classified as "Unique ," 3.43 acres of soils classified as having "Local lmportance," 1.14 acres of soils classified as "Grazing," and 1.74 acres of soils classified as "Other Land" (Attachment 6). There are three existing dwellings on the project site located on the "Grazing," "Unique," and "Other Land" soil classifications. The proposed project does not involve any new development. However, the Zone Change and Tentative Parcel Map would allow two dwellings to exist on Lot 1 and one dwelling on Lot 2. Although the proposed project does not include any new development, future development that could result from the proposed project could result in the direct or indirect loss of agricultur"e soils designated "Unique" or as har.,ing "Local lnnportance." However, because the property contains only 2.6 acres of "Unique" soil, potential future development will not result in the loss of at least 10 acres of "Unique" soil (i.e., the significance threshold for the loss of "Unique" soil). Similarly, because the potential future loss of agriculture with soil designated as having "Local lmportance" is less than 15 acres (i.e., the significance threshold for the loss of soil designated as having "Local lmportance"), future development would have a less than significant impact. No development, other than agriculture, currently exists in the area with soils designated "Prime." Fufthermore, "Prime" agricultural soil on the project site only totals 1.1 acres. Any project that would result in the direct and/or indirect loss of prime agricultural soils of 5 acres or greater is considered to have a significant impact. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant project-specific impact to agricultural soils. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative agricultural soils impact. 5a-2. The proposed project does not involve a General Plan Amendment. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact due to agricultural soil loss. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative agricultural soils impact. 5a-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 5a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to scenic resources. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative scenic resources impact. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None 26 Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS.M PS 5b. Agricultural Resources - Land Use lncompatibility (AG.) Will the proposed project: 1) lf not defined as Agriculture or Agricultural Operations in the zoning ordinances, be closer than the threshold distances set forth in Section sb.C of the lnitial X X X X Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 5b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 5b-1. As discussed in this lnitial Study (above), the proposed project consists of a request to rezone the subject property from RA-10 ac to RA-S ac, and a Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide one lot into two residential lots. The primary use of the proposed lots will be residential. There are two existing dwellings on Lot 1 and one existing dwelling on Lot 2. The subdivision will restrict Lot 2 from developing a second dwelling unit. Therefore, the proposed project is not defined as "Agriculture" or "Agriculture Operations" in the Ventura County Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance. As discussed in Section 5a-1 of this lnitial Study, the project site has soils designated as 'Prime," as "Unique," of having "Local lmportance," "Grazing," and "Other Land." Adjacent farmland to the east of the project site contains a "Prime" soil classification. Existing structures are within 290 feet of the lot boundary line adjacent to off-site classified farmland, and the tree canopy along the creek bed provides vegetative screening between the non-agricultural structures and the adjacent lot boundary line. Additionally, there is an existing vegetative buffer, approximalely 12 feet in width, along the eastern side of the parcel. According to the Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, the allowable distance from any non-agricultural structure or use and the common boundary line adjacent to classified farmland without vegetative screening is 300 feet. The allowable distance with vegetative screening is 150 feet. As proposed, the project will not affect any adjacent farmland. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a project-specific impact to land compatibility for agricultural resources and the proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative agricultural resources impact. 27 5b-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 5b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effecf* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 6. Scenic Resources (Plng.) Will the proposed project: a) Be located within an area that has a scenic resource that is visible from a public viewing location, and physically alter the scenic resource either individually or cumulatively when combined with recently approved, current, and reasonably foreseeable future X X projects? b) Be located within an area that has a scenic resource that is visible from a public viewing location, substantially obstruct, degrade, or obscure the scenic vista, either individually or cumulatively when combined and with recently approved, current, x X x X and reasonably foreseeable future projects? c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 6 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 6a. La Luna Avenue is located adjacent to, and east of, the project site. As a public viewing location, La Luna Avenue affords views of the project site. South Rice Road lies approximately 360 feet to the west of the project site and has minimal views of the project site. As discussed in this lnitial Study (above), an ephemeral drainage is located within the southeastern portion of the project site. The ephemeral drainage has a mature tree canopy that is visible from La Luna Avenue. Within Lot 1, the ephemeral drainage is located approximalely 120 feet from La Luna Avenue, and the tree canopy screens the creek bed of the ephemeral drainage from view along La Luna Avenue. On Lot 2, the creek intersects the lot boundary and is diverted underneath La Luna Avenue by an 28 existing culvert. Therefore, only the tree canopy along the ephemeral drainage can be seen from La Luna Avenue. The barn and animal shade structure in the northwest corner of the lot are visible from South Rice Road. A vegetative buffer, approximately 20 feet in width, exists on the western border of the property preventing additional existing development from being visible on South Rice Road. The Ventura River and a mountain range along the western side of the Ventura River exist to the west of the project site and South Rice Road. While no new development is being proposed as part of this project and the dwelling units are being restricted on Lot 2, the project creates the potential for future ministerial development beyond what is currently allowed under existing conditions. New development has the potential to result in the trees along the ephemeral drainage that qualify as scenic resources, Therefore, the proposed project has the potential to create a significant, project-specific impact. However, with the implementation of Biological Condition 1 (set forth in this lnitial Study, above), tree removal will be prohibited within 50 feet of the centerline of the ephemeral drainage or the extent of riparian vegetation, thereby avoiding the project-specific impact from tree removal. There are no other pending projects that are located within the view sheds from public viewing locations, in which the project site is located. Therefore, the proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative scenic resources impact. 6b. As discussed in this lnitial Study (above), the ephemeral drainage and vegetative buffer along the eastern portion of the property are visible from La Luna Avenue. The animal shade structure and barn on the northwest portion of the property are visible from South Rice Road. However, the creek bed of the ephemeral drainage on the eastern side of the property is not visible from a public viewing location. Additionally, the existing development on the subject property does not obstruct the scenic vista of the Ventura River as well as the mountain range along the western side of the River. ln addition to the primary and secondary dwelling units on Lot 1 and the primary dwelling unit on Lot 2, the proposed project will result in potential new ministerial development beyond what is allowed under existing conditions. Such potential future ministerial development resulting from the subdivision could result in each lot being developed with: . . . . . . . . up to 1,000 square feet (sq. ft.) of principal structures related to agriculture; up to 2,000 sq. ft. for wineries; up to 2,000 sq. ft. for accessory structures related to agriculture and animal husbandry/keeping; up to 500 sq. ft. for small agricultural sales facilities, up to 20,000 sq. ft. for agricultural shade/mist structures; up to 10,000 sq. ft. of animal shade structures; a farmworker dwelling unit; an animal caretaker dwelling unit; 29 a a up to 2,000 sq. ft. of buildings not for human habitation or agriculture and animal husbandry (e,9., garage, storage building); and less than 1,000 cubic yards of stockpiling construction related debris or fill material for non-agriculture operations (Ventura County NCZO, S 8105-4). Future development of Lots 1 and 2 may be visible from South Rice Road, although the vegetative buffer along the perimeter of the property would likely shield additional new development from a scenic road or vista. Future development will be required to comply with the standards of the Ventura County NCZO, including the limitations on building coverage and height as well as minimum setback requirements from roadways for buildings and structures. The lot is approximately 0.35 miles away from the Ventura River and 0.5 miles away from the *^,,^+^i^ rrtvulrfgilt tqttvg qtvttv ^t^^^ +t^^..,^^+ ^i-¡^ vt ^¡ +t^^ utg vYgÐL Ðtug Lttg -:.,^ttvgt, Tl^^-^f^-^ I ttçtçtvtç, f..+,,-^ l^.,^t^^ñ^^+..,iil tt¡tL,ilç vgvçt\rvtttçtlt ^^+ vvilt tt\rl be substantial enough in density or height to impede views of the Ventura River and mountain range. As such, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to scenic resources. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative scenic resources impact. 6c. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 6 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Resid ual lm pact(s) See Biological Condition 1 (above). With the implementation of Biological Condition residual impacts will be less-than-significant. 1, None Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect*' Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 7. Paleontological Resources Will the proposed project: a) For the area of the property that is disturbed by or during the construction of the proposed project, result in a direct or indirect impact to areas of X X paleontological significance? 30 Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N to the progressive loss of exposed rock in Ventura County that can be studied and prospected for fossil remains? LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS b) Contribute c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 7 of the X X x x lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 7a. The geologic formation on Lot 1 and Lot 2 is Quarternary Older Alluvium (Qoa). Quarternary deposits which represent the last 10,000 to 11,000 years of geological history and include alluvial deposits and landslides, have the potential for high to no resource importance. Remnants of weakly consolidated older alluvial deposits or older dissected surfical sediments may be found on site; however, the project site is considered to be of low paleontological importance (RMA GIS Maps, 2015). Therefore, ground disturbance activities associated with new development that could result from the proposed project is unlikely to encounter and adversely affect subsurface paleontological resources. However, in the unlikely event that paleontological resources are uncovered during ground disturbance activities associated with new development on the proposed lots, the proposed project will be subject to a condition of approval to require that ground disturbance activities be suspended until the find can be evaluated, recovered, and curated (if necessary). The property owner will be required to retain a paleontological consultant to assess the site and determine what measures (if any) are required to protect the resources. The Planning Director will review the recommendations of the consultant and decide on the disposition of the resources. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to paleontological resources. Furthermore, the proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact related to paleontological resources. 7b. There are no potentially significant paleontological areas within the project site. Therefore, the proposed project does not have the potential to contribute to the progressive loss of exposed rock in Ventura County that can be studied and prospected for fossil remains. The proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to paleontological resources. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative paleontological resources impact. 7c. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and 31 Policies for ltem 7 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)' N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 8a. Cultural Resources - Archaeological Will the proposed project: 1) Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics that account for the inclusion of the resource in a local register of historical resources X X X X pursuant to Section 5020.1(k) requirements Section 5024.1(g) Public Resources Code? of 2) of the Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of an archaeological resource that convey its archaeological significance and that justify its eligibility for inclusion in the California Register of determined Historical Resources by a lead agency for as the purposes of CEQA? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 8A of the X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 8a-1 and 8a-2. MacFarlane Archaeological Consultants prepared a Phase 1 Archaeological Survey, dated July 7, 1994 (collectively, "Phase I Report"), which discusses historic and pre-historic sites that are located within the vicinity of the project site. One historical site has been identified within the vicinity of the project site. No historic properties are located within the vicinity of the project site. Five pre-historic sites have been identified within the vicinity of the project site--one of which is located within a portion of the project site. However, the existing property is subject to a deed restriction (Recorded Document # 94-164445) that restricts further development within the project site that may contain archaeological resources, and the applicant is not proposing to discontinue the prohibition on new development within the area that is currently subject to the deed restriction. 32 Furthermore, pursuant to the recommendations set forth in the Phase I Report, the proposed project will be conditioned such that if any archaeological or historical artifacts are uncovered during ground disturbance or construction activities, the property owner shall cease operations and assure the preservation of the area in which the discovery was made. The property owner shall also notify the Planning Director in writing and obtain the services of a County-approved archaeologist who shall assess the find and provide recommendations on the proper disposition of the site. The property owner will be required to implement the Planning Director-approved measures in order to either preserve the resources on-site, or extract and curate the resources. ln the unlikely event that human remains are discovered during implementation of the proposed project, California Health and Safety Code S 7050.5, Public Resources Code S 5097.98, and S 15064.5 of the California Code of Regulations (CEQA Guidelines) mandate procedures to be followed, including that, if human remains are encountered during excavation, all work must halt, and the County Coroner must be notified ($ 7050.5 of the California Health and Safety Code). The coroner would determine whether the remains are of forensic interest. lf the coroner, with the aid of the supervising archaeologist, determines that the remains are prehistoric, the coroner would contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The NAHC will be responsible for designating the most likely descendant (MLD) responsible for the ultimate disposition of the remains, as required by S 5097.98 of the Public Resources Code. The MLD would then be required to make the MLD's recommendations within 48 hours of notification by the NAHC. This recommendation may include: (1) the non-destructive removal and analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American human remains; (2) preservation of Native American human remains and associated items in place; (3) relinquishment of Native American human remains and associated items to the descendants for treatment; or (4) other culturally appropriate treatment. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant project-specific impact to cultural resources. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative cultural resources impact. 8a-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 8a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Project lmpact Degree N 8b. Cultural Resources - Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Historic (Plng.) Will the proposed project: 33 lssue (Responsible Department)* N 1) 2) Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of an historical resource that convey its historical significance and that justify its inclusion in, or eligibility for, inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources? Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics that account for its inclusion in a local register of h¡stor¡cal resources pursuant to Section 5020.1(k) of the Public Resources Code or Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** LS PS-M PS N X X X X X X X X LS PS-M PS its identification in a historical resources survey meeting the requirements of Section 502a.1ß) of the Public Resources Code? 3) Demolish or materially alter in an adverse manner those physical characteristics of a historical resource that convey its historical significance and that justify its eligibility for inclusion in the California Register of Historical Resources as determined by a lead agency for purposes of CEQA? 4) Demolish, relocate, or alter an historical resource such that the significance of the historical resource will be impaired [Public Resources Code, Sec. 5020(q)l? lmpact Discussion: 8b-l - 8b-4. According to research that the Planning Division Cultural Heritage Board Planner conducted (Attachment 8), the subject property is part of a larger property dating back to the 1800s. More specifically, in the 1870's, John Meiners acquired a 1,200 acre property in the Ojai Valley ("Meiners Ranch"), a portion of which included the subject property. As of 1935, John Meiner subdivided the property and conveyed it to Hugo Boorse, John Meiners' son-in-law, who built two residences and a caretaker dwelling on the lot. The two res¡dences and caretaker dwelling remain on the subject property. Given their age, the structures have the potential to qualify as historically significant buildings. However, Hugo Boorse does not appear to have contributed to the broad patterns of the County's history. Furthermore, additions to the residences were completed in 2002 and 2004, respectively. All three residences associated with the proposed project have 34 been significantly altered (e.9., new windows, contemporary doors, and stucco siding) and lack integrity. With such alterations, this property does not meet the local, state, or national criteria for eligibility as a historic resource. Furthermore, the 10.2 acre subject property lacks the integrity aspects of setting, feeling, and association to convey the property's historical significance relating to the Meiners Ranch historic context. Since the property does not meet the local, state, or national criteria for eligibility as a historic resource, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to cultural resources. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative cultural resources impact. Mitigation/Resid ual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS 9. Coastal Beaches and Sand Dunes Will the proposed project a) Cause a direct or indirect adverse physical change to a coastal beach or sand dune, which is inconsistent with any of the coastal beaches and coastal sand dunes policies of the California Coastal Act, corresponding Coastal Act regulations, Ventura County Coastal Area Plan, or the Ventura County X X General Plan Goals, Policies and Programs? b) When considered together with one or more recently approved, current, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects, result X in a direct or indirect, adverse physical change to a coastal beach or sand dune? c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 9 of the X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 9b. The project site is located approximately 11 miles from the coast. The proposed project will not impede sand transport and does not involve the construction of a shoreline protective structure. The proposed project will not cause any direct or 9a and 35 indirect physical change to a coastal beach or sand dune. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant projecGspecific impact to coastal beaches or sand dunes. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative coastal beach or sand dune impact. 9c. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 9 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Of Effeet* lesue { Reeponsible lÞpartment)* N LS PS-M Degroc Of PS N LS Effcefr PS-M PS 10. Fault Rupture Hazard (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Be at risk with respect to fault rupture in its location within a State of California designated Alquist-Priolo Special Fault x Study Zone? b) Be at risk with respect to fault rupture in its location within a County of Ventura x Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 10 of the X designated Fault Hazard Area? c) X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: An evaluation of geological impacts on the project (e.9., residents of the dwellings and future development that could occur on the proposed lots) is not required pursuant to CEQA and is being provided herein for disclosure purposes only. 10a. and 10b. There are no known active or potentially active faults extending through the proposed lot based on State of California Earthquake Fault Zones in accordance with the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act, and Ventura County General Plan Hazards Appendix (Figure 2.2.3b). Furthermore, no habitable structures will be located within 50 feet of a mapped trace of an active fault. Therefore, the proposed project will have no project-specific impact from fault rupture hazards. There is no known cumulative fault rupture hazard impact that will occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable future projects. 36 l0c. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 10 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N ll. LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Ground Shaking Hazard (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Be built in accordance with all applicable requirements of the Ventura County Building Code? b) Be consistent with the applicable x X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 11 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: An evaluation of geological impacts on the project (e.9., residents of the dwellings and future development that could occur on the proposed lots) is not required pursuant to CEQA and is being provided herein for disclosure purposes only. 11a. The project site will subject to moderate to strong ground shaking from seismic events on local and regional fault systems. The County of Ventura Building code adopted from the California Building Code, latest edition, Chapter 16, Division lV requires the structures to be designed to withstand this ground shaking. There are no new habitable structures associated with this application and, therefore, the projectspecific and cumulative effects of ground shaking are considered to be less than significant. The hazards from ground shaking will affect each project individually. No cumulative ground shaking hazard would occur as a result of other projects. 11b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 11 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Resid ual lm pact(s) 37 None. Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Of Effecf* Degree Of Effecf* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 12. Liquefaction Hazards (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Expose people or structures to potential of adverse effects, including the risk loss, or death involving liquefaction because it is located within a Seismic injury, X Hazards Zone? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 12 of the X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: An evaluation of geological impacts on the project (e.9., residents of the dwellings and future development that could occur on the proposed lots) is not required pursuant to CEQA and is being provided herein for disclosure purposes only. '12a. The site is not located within a potential liquefaction zone based on the Ventura County General Plan Hazards Appendix - Figure 2.4b. This map is a compilation of the State of California Seismic Hazards Maps for the County of Ventura and is used as the basis for delineating the potential liquefaction hazards within the County. Therefore, the proposed project will have no project-specific impact from liquefaction hazards. The hazards from liquefaction will affect each project individually. No cumulative liquefaction hazard would occur as a result of other projects. '42b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 12 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS 38 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of EffecË* N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degrce Of Effecf* N LS PS-M PS 13. Seiche and Tsunami Hazards (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Be located within about 10 to 20 feet of vertical elevation from an enclosed body of water such as a lake or reservoir? b) Be located in a mapped area of tsunami hazard as shown on the County General X X Plan maps? c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 13 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? x X lmpact Discussion: An evaluation of seiche and tsunami impacts on the project (e.9., residents of the dwellings and future development that could occur on the proposed lots) is not required pursuant to CEQA and is being provided herein for disclosure purposes only. 13a. The site is not located adjacent to a closed or restricted body of water3 and is not subject to seiche hazard. Therefore, the proposed project will have no project-specific impact from seiche and tsunami hazards. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative seiche and tsunami hazard impact. 13b. The project is not mapped within a tsunami inundation zone based on the Ventura County General Plan, Hazards Appendix (Figure 2.6). Therefore, the proposed project will have no project-specific impact from seiche and tsunami hazards. The hazards from seiche and tsunami will affect each project individually. No cumulative seiche and tsunami hazard would occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable future projects. l3c. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 13 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. 3 Based on aerial imagery review. Source: Pictometry@, December 2011 39 Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. lssue (Responsible Department)* Cumulative lmpact Project lmpact Degree Of EffecF* N LS PS-M PS Degree Of Effecf* N LS PS-M PS 14. Landslide/Mudflow Haza¡d (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Result in a landslide/mudflow hazard, as ugtËililllrgu uy Ute ruuilu vvuil\s ,\ggiluy Certifìed Engineering Geologist, based on the location of the site or projeot within, or outside of mapped landslides, potential earthquake induced landslide zones, and X geomorphology of hillside terrain? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 14 of the x X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: An evaluation of landslide and mudflow impacts on the project (e.9., residents of the dwellings and future development that could occur on the proposed lots) is not required pursuant to CEQA and is being provided herein for disclosure purposes only. 14a. The site is not located in a mapped landslide, hillside, or potential induced landslide zone, based on analysis conducted by the California seismically Geological Survey as part of the California Seismic Hazards Mapping Act, 1991 , Public Resources Code S 2690-2699.6. The project does not include any excavations into a hillside. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a project-specific impact from a landsl ide/mudflow hazard. The hazards from landslides/mudslides will affect each project individually, and no cumulative landslide/mudslide hazard will occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable future projects. 14b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 14 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) 40 None lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Efiecf* Project lmpact Degree Of Effecf* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 15. Expansive Soils Hazards (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Expose people or structures to potential adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving soil expansion because it is located within a soils expansive hazard zone or where soils with an expansion index greater than 20 are X present? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 15 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: An evaluation of the expansive soils hazards on the project (e.9., residents of the dwellings and future development that could occur on the proposed lots) is not required pursuant to CEQA and is being provided herein for disclosure purposes only. l5a. Any future development of the site will be subject to the requirements of the County of Ventura Building Code adopted from the 2010 California Building Code $ 1803.5.3 that requires mitigation of potential adverse effects of expansive soils. Therefore, the proposed project, which will be in compliance with the Building Code, will have a less than significant project-specific impact from a hazard associated with adverse effects of expansive soils. The hazards from expansive soils will affect each project individually, and no cumulative expansive soils hazard will occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable future projects. 15b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 15 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effecf* Gumulative lmpact Degrce Of Effecf* 41 N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 16. Subsidence Hazard (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Expose people or structures to potential adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, because or death involving ít is located within a subsidence subsidence X hazard zone? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 16 of the X X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: An evaluation of subsidence impacts on the project (e.9., residents of the dwellings and future development that could occur on the proposed lots) is not required pursuant to CEQA and is being provided herein for disclosure purposes only. 16a. The subject property is not within the probable subsidence hazard zone as delineated on Figure 2.8 of the Ventura County General Plan Hazards Appendix (January 27, 2004). The proposed project does not include oil, gas, or groundwater withdrawal. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in a project-specific impact related to subsidence hazard. The hazards from subsidence will affect each project individually, and no cumulative subsidence hazard will occur as a result of other approved, proposed, or probable future projects. 16b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 16 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lmpact(s) None Project lmpact Degree N 17a. Hydraulic Hazards - Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)' LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Non-FEMA (PWA) Will the proposed project: 42 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N 1) LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Result in a potential erosion/siltation hazard and flooding hazard pursuant to any of the following documents (individually, collectively, or in combination with one another): c 20O7 Ventura County Building Code Ordinance No.4369 . Ventura County Land Development Manual . Ventura County Subdivision Ordinance . Ventura County Coastal Zoning Ordinance . Ventura County Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance . Ventura County Standard Land Development Specifications . Ventura County Road Standards . Ventura County Watershed Protection District Hydrology Manual . County of Ventura Stormwater Quality Ordinance, Ordinance No. 41 42 . Ventura County Hillside Erosion Control X X X X Ordinance, Ordinance No. 3539 and . . . . Ordinance No. 3683 Ventura County Municipal Storm Water NPDES Permit State General Construction Permit State General lndustrial Permit National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 17A of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 17a-1. No increase in impervious area is proposed by this project. Should any building or increase in impervious area be proposed in the future, the applicant must demonstrate that the development will not create an increase in flows or volume from runoff as a result of the project. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a projectspecific impact on Non-FEMA flood hazards. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative Non-FEMA flood hazard. 17a-2. ïhe proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and 43 Policies for ltem 17a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. N 17b. Hydraulic Hazards - Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS FEMA (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) Be located outside of the boundaries of a Special Flood Hazard Area and entirely within a FEMA-determined'X-Unshaded' x X X X X X X X flood zone (beyond the 0.2o/o annual chance floodplain: beyond the 500-year floodplain)? 2) Be located outside of the boundaries of a Special Flood Hazard Area and entirely within a FEMA-determined'X-Shaded' flood zone (within the 0.2%o annual chance floodplain: within the 500-year floodplain)? 3) Be located, in part or in whole, within the boundaries of a Special Flood Hazard Area (1% annual chance floodplain: but 1OO-year), located entirely outside of the boundaries of the Regulatory Floodway? 4) Be located, in part or in whole, within the boundaries of the Regulatory Floodway, as determined using the 'Effective' and latest available DFIRMS provided by FEMA? 5) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem '17b of the x X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 17b-1 through 17b-4. The subject property is located outside of the 1% (100-year) annual chance floodplain as evidenced on the latest Digital Flood lnsurance Rate Map (DFIRM) approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on Map 06111C0560E, Panel 0560 of 1275, effective as of January 20,2010. The subject property is located within an 'Unshaded X Zone" on the DFIRM Rate Map (outside the 500 year floodplain). Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant project-specific impact with regard to FEMA flood hazards. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative FEMA flood 44 hazard 17b-5. The proposed project is compliant with the Ventura County Floodplain Management Ordinance and Ventura County General Plan Policies 2102-2 and 2.10.2-3. Mitigation/Resid ual lm pact(s) None. lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Project lmpact Degree Of Effectl* N LS PS-M PS Degree Of Effecf* N LS PS-M PS 18. Fire Hazards (VCFPD) Will the proposed project: a) Be located within High Fire Nazard Areas/Fire Hazard Severity Zones or X X Hazardous Watershed Fire Areas? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 18 of the X x lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 18a. The project site is located in a High Fire Hazard Area Severity Zone, and will comply with all applicable Federal and State regulations and the requirements of the Ventura County Building Code and the Fire Code. The proposed project will be subject to conditions of approval to ensure that adequate fire access exists within the project site in conformance with current California State Law and the Ventura County Fire Protection District Ordinance. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant project-specific impact with regard to fire hazards. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative fire hazards impact. l8b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 18 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None 45 Gumulative lmpact Degree Of EffecP* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 19. Aviation Hazards (Airports) Will the proposed project a) Comply with the County's Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan and pre- set forth in Federal Aviation Regulation Part 77 established federal criteria X X Y Y X X (Obstruction Standards )? b) Will the proposed project impact residential development within the sphere of influence 01 Uounty arrports, as well as cnurcnes, schools and high commercial purpose c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 19 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 19a and 19b. The proposed project site is not located within the sphere of influence of a County-operated airport. The nearest County airport to the project site is the Santa Paula Airport, which is located approximately 20 miles to the southeast of the proposed project site. The Oxnard Airport is 22.5 miles from the project site. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact with regard to aviation hazards. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative aviation hazards impact. 19c. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 19 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N 20a. Hazardous MaterialsMaste - LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Materials (EHD/Fire) Will the proposed project: 46 lssue (Responsible Department)* N 1) Utilize hazardous materials in compliance with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 2Oa of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? Gumulative lmpact Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** LS PS-M PS Degree Of Effecf* N X x X X LS PS-M PS 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 20a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 20a-1. The proposed project does not involve the use of any hazardous materials. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to hazardous materials/waste. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative hazardous materials/waste impact. 20a-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 20a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effecf* N 20b. Hazardous MaterialsMaste - LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* N LS PS-M PS Waste (EHD) Will the proposed project: 1) Comply with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 20b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X x X X 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 20b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 2Ob-1. The proposed project is not considered an activity that generates hazardous waste. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact 47 related to hazardous materials/waste, The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative hazardous materials/waste mpact. i 20b-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 20b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Of Effect** Àt tì to L9 nô ¡t r9-tvt Degree Of Effects* rrJ Àt IY Lù Tù-tvt r\) 21. Noise and Vibration Will the proposed project: a) Either individually or when combined other recently approved, pending, with and probable future projects, produce noise in excess of the standards for noise in the Ventura County General Plan X X Goals, Policies and Programs (Section 2.16) or the applicable Area Plan? b) Either individually or when combined with other recently approved, pending, and probable future projects, include construction activities involving blasting, pile-driving, vibratory compaction, X X demolition, and drilling or excavation which exceed the threshold criteria provided in the Transit Noise and Vibration lmpact Assessment (Section 12.2)? c) Result in a transit use located within any of vibrationsensitive uses listed in Table 1 (lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, Section 21 )? the critical distances of the X X 48 Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N d) Generate new heavy vehicle (e.9., semitruck or bus) trips on uneven roadways located within proximity to sensitive uses that have the potential to either individually or when combined with other recently approved, pending, and probable future LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N X X X X X x LS PS-M PS projects, exceed the threshold criteria of the Transit Use Thresholds for rubber-tire heavy vehicle uses (lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, Section 21-D, Table 1, ltem No. 3)? e) lnvolve blasting, pile-driving, vibratory compaction, demolition, drilling, excavation, or other similar types of vibration-generating activities which have the potential to either individually or when combined with other recently approved, pending, and probable future projects, exceed the threshold criteria provided in the Transit Noise and Vibration lmpact Assessment [Hanson, Carl E., David A. Towers, and Lance D. Meister. 2006) Section 0 (May 12.21? Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 21 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? An evaluation of noise impacts on the project (e.9., residents of the dwellings) is not required pursuant to CEQA and is being provided herein for disclosure purposes only. lmpact Discussion: 21a and 21b. The proposed project will result in one single-family dwelling and one second dwelling on proposed Lot 1, and one single-family dwelling on proposed Lot 2. The dwellings are considered to be noise sensitive uses pursuant to the Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. The project site is not located within 500 feet of an industrially designated area or within 3,400 feet of a railroad, which are the distances within which resident¡al uses might experience noise levels that are incompatible with residential uses. However, a portion of the proposed project site is located within the 60dB(A) CNEL contour of South La Luna Avenue. Specifically, the contour includes an approximate 75 foot wide area throughout the eastern portion of the project site closest to South La Luna Avenue. The entire 60dB(A) CNEL contour of South La Luna Avenue is approximately 200 feet in 49 width, or 75 feet along each side of South La Luna Avenue, with an additional 50 feet that comprises South La Luna Avenue. The contour includes the entire eastern boundary line of the project site, South La Luna Avenue, and the additional parcels immediately to the east and west of South La Luna Avenue. Although a portion of the project site might be located within areas that will be subject to incompatible noise levels for dwellings, the proposed project will not create the potential for the construction of new dwelling units on the proposed lots. One single-family dwelling and one second dwelling are permissible per lot; therefore, no additionàl Furthermore, as described in the dwellings will be permissible on proposed Lot project description, the applicant is proposing to prohibit the construction of additional dwellings on proposed Lot 2, beyond the one, existing single-family dwelling that will be located on it. 1. Should future construction occur, the proposed project will be required to limit the days and hours of noise generating activity to avoid disruption to noise sensitive uses, such as nearby residential dwellings. Mitigation Measure Noise and Vibration-1 will be imposed to require that future construction on the project site occur between the hours of 7:00am and 7:00pm on Monday through Friday and 9:00am to 7:00pm Saturday, Sunday, and State holidays. With the implementation of Mitigation Measure Noise and Vibration-1, the proposed project will have a potentially significant but mitigatable project-specific impact related to noise and vibration, and will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative noise and vibration impact. 21c. The proposed project does not involve a transit use. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in vibration impacts due to a transit use. 21d. The proposed project does not involve the use of heavy vehicles (e.9., semi-trucks or buses). Therefore, the proposed project will not result in vibration impacts due to the use of heavy vehicles on uneven roadways. 21e. As discussed in this lnitial Study (above) the geologic formation that underlies the project site consists of Quaternary Alluvium. Therefore, it is unlikely that new development that may occur as a result of the proposed prolect will require blasting, pile-driving, deep dynamic compaction, demolition, drilling, or excavation. Future development may result in a three to five feet depth of excavation for grading of a building pad. Development of a road would result in no more than two feet of excavation. Such excavation would not involve the use of vibration-generating equipment. Therefore, the proposed project will not result in vibration impacts due to the use of vibration-generating equipment. 21t. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 21 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. 50 Mitigation Mitiqation Measure Noise and Vibration-1: Construction Noise Purpose: ln order for this project to comply with the Ventura County General Plan Goals, Policies and Programs (2011) Noise Policy 2.16.2-1(5) and the County of Ventura Construction Norse Threshold Criteria and Control Plan (Amended 2010). Requirement: The Permittee shall limit construction activity for site preparation and development to the hours between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and State holidays. Construction equipment maintenance shall be limited to the same hours. Non-noise generating construction activities such as interior painting are not subject to these restrictions. Documentation: The Permittee shall post a sign stating these restrictions in conspicuous on-site location visible to the general public. The sign must provide a a telephone number of the site foreman, or other person who controls activities on the jobsite, for use for complaints from the affected public. Timing: The sign shall be installed prior to the issuance of a building permit and throughout grading and construction activities. The Permittee shall maintain a "Complaint Log,' noting the date, time, complainant's name, nature of the complaint, and any corrective action taken. Monitoring and Reporting: The Permittee shall provide photo documentation showing posting of the required signage to the Planning Division prior to the commencement of grading or construction activities. (PL-59) Residual lmpact(s) After implementation of Noise and Vibration Mitigation Measure 1, residual impacts will be less than significant. Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 22. Daytime Glare Will the proposed project: a) Create a new source of disability glare or discomfort glare for motorists travelling along any road of the County Regional X X X X Road Network? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 22 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 51 lmpact Discussion: 22a. The lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines describe daytime glare as intense light that is blinding or discomforting to humans. Conditions that create daytime glare are typically caused by the reflection of sunlight from highly reflective surfaces at or above eye level. Daytime glare is caused by the reflective surfaces of buildings, structures, or facilities with materials such as metal or glass. As discussed in Section 6 of this lnitial Study, the project site is not visible from any road in the County Regional Road Network and, therefore, does not have the potential to create a new source of disability glare or discomfort glare for motorists. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact due to the creation of daytime glare. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative daytime glare impact. 22b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 22 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* N LS PS-M PS 23. Public Health (EHD) Will the proposed project: impacts to public health from environmental factors as set forth in Section lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? a) Result in 23 of the X X X X b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 23 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 23a. No project-specific or cumulative impacts to public health were identified during the review of the proposed project. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to public health. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative public health impact. 23b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 23 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. 52 ) Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Project lmpact Degree Of Effect*' N LS PS-M PS Degree Of Effecf* N LS PS.M PS 24. Greenhouse Gases (VCAPCD) Will the proposed project: a) Result in environmental impacts from greenhouse gas emissions, either project specifically or cumulatively, as set forth in CEQA Guidelines SS 15064(h)(3), 15064.4, 15130(bX1 )(B) and -(d), and 15183.5? X X lmpact Discussion: 24a. The Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (VCAPCD) has not yet adopted any approach to setting a threshold of significance for land use development projects in the area of greenhouse gas emissions. The project will generate less than significant impacts to regional and local air quality. Furthermore, the amount of greenhouse gases anticipated from the project will be a small fraction of the levels being considered by the VCAPCD for greenhouse gas significance thresholds and far below those adopted to date by any air district in the state. Therefore, the project specific and cumulative impacts related to greenhouse gases are less than significant. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 25. Community Character (Plng.) Will the proposed project: 53 Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N a) Either individually or LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS cumulatively when combined with recently approved, current, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects, introduce physical development that is incompatible with existing land uses, architectural form or style, X x X x site design/layout, or density/parcel sizes within the community in which the project site is located? h\ Ra nnncicfonf rrrifh tha annli¡ahla êanaral Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 25 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 25a. The area surrounding the project site consists primarily of rural residential development and, to a lesser degree, open space, urban residential development, and commercial development. The subject property is 10.2 acres in size and the proposed project site is currently zoned RA-10 ac. The lots surrounding the proposed project site are zoned RE-1 ac, RE-20,000 sq.ft., R1-10,000 sq.ft., RE-S ac, and RA-10 ac. Specifically, properties west of the project site are zoned OS-40 ac (Open Space, 40 acres minimum lot size) and RA-10 ac. Properties that are zoned OS-40 ac are located immediately to the west of South Rice Road, which is west of the project site. Properties to the east of the project site are zoned RE-5 ac (Rural Exclusive, 5 acre minimum lot size); RE-20,000 sq.ft.(Rural Exclusive,20,000 square feet minimum lot size), and RE-10,000 sq. ft. (Rural Exclusive, 10,000 square feet minimum lot size). Properties south of the project site are zoned RA-10 ac and RE-1ac (Rural Exclusive, 1 acre minimum lot size). The property north of the project site is zoned RE-1 ac. CPD zoning exists approximately 1,300 feet to the northeast of the project site. The existing lots immediately surrounding the project site range from approximately 0.5 acres to 24 acres in size. The project site is currently developed with a California bungalow-low slung ranch, secondary dwelling, garage and attached cabana. An animal arena, barn, and shade structure exist on the northern end of the project site. Horse corrals exist on the properties that are located adjacent, and to the west and north of, the project site. The buildings' architectural style is compatible with the character of the Ojai community, which consists of rural, small town qualities containing many natural and cultural resources, and framed by its commercial, agriculture, and open space lands. 54 Future development on the proposed lots will be required to comply with the standards of the Ventura County NCZO (e.9., limitations on building coverage and height as well as minimum setback requirements from roadways for buildings and structures)that also apply to development on the surrounding RA- and RE-zoned properties. Therefore, future development on the proposed lots will be consistent with the size and scale of development that is permissible within the surrounding community. The subdivision will maintain the existing rural, small town character of the Ojai Valley and will not impede or encroach on agriculture operations and undeveloped open space lands. The project site is located in an existing rural residential area and no new development is being proposed. Each of the proposed lots will be approximately 5 acres in size, which is: (1) within the range of sizes of lots that surround the project site; and (2) consistent with the Goals that encourage large lot (2 to 10 acres in size) residential development that are set forth in the Ojai Valley Area Plan S 3,4.1-1 and $ 3.4.2-2. Furthermore, the proposed rezone of the subject property from RA-10 ac to RA-S ac is consistent with the existing RE-S ac zoning designation for properties that are located to the east of the project site. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to community character. Pending projects within the vicinity of the proposed project primarily consist of time extensions for CUPs, a tenant change, new and modified wireless communication facilities, minor modifications, and lot line adjustments. The pending projects in the vicinity of the proposed project keep with the small town character of the Ojai Valley and will not adversely affect the community character of the Ojai Valley. The nearest pending project consists of a Planned Development permit to replace an expired CUP for an existing commercial building, which is located approximately 0.7 miles away from the proposed project site. None of the pending projects are located within the view shed of the proposed project. Therefore, none of the pending projects within the vicinity of the proposed project site, when combined with the proposed project, result in significant cumulative impacts to community character (Attachments 4 and 5). Therefore, the proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative community character impact. 25b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 25 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Resid ual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)' Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* N LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS 26. Housing (Plng.) 55 Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Will the proposed project: a) Eliminate three or more dwelling units that are affordable to: . . b) moderate-income households that are located within the Coastal Zonei x X and/or, lower-incomehouseholds? lnvolve construction which has an impact on ute ueilt¿1ilu tut i1uuil.tuil.,t f tuusilt9 uue [u potential housing demand created by construction workers? c) Result in 30 or more new full{ime- equivalent lower-income employees? d) Be consistent with the applicable X X x X X x General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 26 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion 26a. Two existing dwellings exist on Lot 1 and one dwelling unit exists on Lot 2. However, the proposed project will not eliminate these dwelling un¡ts. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to housing. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative housing impact. 26b. The proposed project does not involve any construction activity; however, as stated in this lnitial Study (above), the proposed project will create the potential for new development beyond what is allowed under existing condit¡ons. The construction activities may require an increase in construction workers and a corresponding increase in demand for housing for the construction workers. However, the potential construction worker demand is a less than significant project-specific and cumulative impact because construction work is short-term, and there is a sufficient pool of construction workers within Ventura County and the Los Angeles metropolitan regions for the construction activities (Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines, p. 146). Therefore, the proposed project will have a less-than-significant projectspecific impact, and will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact, related to the demand for construction worker housing. 56 26c. The proposed project does not result in any new development; however, as stated in this lnitial Study (above), the proposed project will create the potential for new development beyond what is allowed under existing conditions. The proposed project includes a rezone of the subject property from RA-10 ac to RA-S ac, in order to facilitate the proposed subdivision of the subject property. As the proposed RA-S ac zoning designation is a residential-not a commercial or industrial-zoning designation, it is unlikely to result in the creation of commercial or industrial development that requires 30 or more new full{ime equivalent lower-income employees. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact related to housing demand. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact related to housing demand. 26d. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 26 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS 27a(11. Transportation & Circulation - Roads and Highways - Level of Service (LOS) (PWA) Will the proposed project: a) Cause existing roads within the Regional Road Network or Local Road Network that are currently functioning at an acceptable LOS to function below an acceptable LOS? X X lmpact Discussion: 27a(1)-a. The proposed project will not generate additional traffic on the Regional Road Network and local public roads. Furthermore, the proposed project will comply with the Ojai Valley Area Plan Transportation and Circulation Policy 4.1.2-2 regarding State Route 33. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant projectspecific impact to level of service. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative level of service impact. Mitigation/Resid ual lm pact(s) None 57 Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effecf* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS 27a(21. Transportation & Circulation - Roads and Highways - Safety and Design PS.M PS of Public Roads (PwA) Will the proposed project a) Have an Adverse, Significant Project-Specific or Cumulative lmpact to the Safety and Design of Roads or lntersections within the Regional Road Network (RRN) or Local Road Network (LRN)? X X lmpact Discussion: 27a(21-a. The project does not have the potential to alter the level of safety of South La Luna Avenue which is a County-maintained road. However, right-of-way and road improvement conditions will be imposed on the project. The right-of-way and road improvement conditions will require right-of-way and road improvements in accordance with the County Road Standards; Subdivision Map Act S 66475; Ventura County Subdivision Ordinance $ 8207-1; Ordinance 1607, dated November 10, 1964, the "Paveout Policy," dated January 16, 1968; and Code of Ordinances Division 8, Chapter 4 - Urban Area Development. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant project-specific impact to safety and design of public roads. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative safety and design impact. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N PS.M LS 27al3l. Transportation & Circulation - Roads & Highways (vcFPD) - PS N LS PS-M PS Safety & Design of Private Access 58 Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* Project lmpact Degree Of Effecf* lssue (Responsible Department)* N a) lf a private road or LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS private access is proposed, will the design of the private road meet the adopted Private Road Guidelines and access standards of the VCFPD as listed in the lnitial Study Assessment X x X X Guidelines? b) Will the project be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27a(3) of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 27a(31-a. The proposed project includes the use of an existing shared driveway to provide access for the proposed lots. The design of the shared driveway meets the adopted Private Road Guidelines and Access Standards of the Ventura County Fire Protection District (VCFPD) as identified in the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant project-specific impact related to the safety and design of private access. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative safety and design impact. 27a(31-b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27a(3) of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)* N 27a(41. Transportation & Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS Circulation - Roads & Highways - Tactical Access (VCFPD) Will the proposed project: 59 Project lmpact Degree N a) lnvolve a road or access, public or private, that complies with VCFPD adopted Private Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect"* Of EffecU* lssue (Responsible Department)* LS PS-M PS LS N X X X X PS-M PS Road Guidelines? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27a(4) of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 27a(41-a. A shared driveway off of South La Luna Avenue, a public road, will provide access to the proposed lots. No single access road exceeds 800 feet, and all roads are in full compliance with the County Public Road Standards and/or VCFPD Private Road Guidelines. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a project-specific impact to tactical access. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative tactical access impact. 27a(l-b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27a$) of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 27b. Transportation & Circulation - Pedestrian/Bicycle Facilities (PWA/Plng.) Will the proposed project: 1) Will the Project have an Adverse, Significant Project-Specific or Cumulative lmpact to Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities within the Regional Road Network (RRN) or Local Road X X Network (LRN)? 60 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N 2) Generate or attract pedestrian/bicycle traffic volumes meeting requirements for protected highway crossings or pedestrian and bicycle facilities? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27b o'l the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* N X X X X LS PS-M PS lmpact Discussion: 27b-1 and 27b-2. The proposed project will not generate additional pedestrian and bicycle traffic, and will not generate additional traffic on the Regional Road Network or local public roads. The project site is located in a semi-rural area and South La Luna Avenue, the adjacent County-maintained roadway, does not have bicycle and/or pedestrian facilities. However, such facilities on South La Luna Avenue are not required by the applicable County Road Standard Plate. Therefore, the proposed project will have a less than significant project-specific impact to pedestrian/bicycle facilities. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative pedestrianibicycle facilities impact. 27b-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 27c. Transportation & Circulation - Bus Transit Will the proposed project: 61 N 1) Substantially interfere with existing new bus LS PS-M PS LS N PS-M PS bus transit facilities or routes, or create a substantial increase in demand for additional or Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* X X X X transit facilities/services? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact D¡scuss¡on: 27c-1. The project site is not located near a transit stop, existing bus transit facility, or bus route. The nearest bus stop is approximately 1.5 miles away, along Highway 33 and Loma Drive. Since the proposed project will not create the potential for the development of new dwelling units beyond what currently exists on-s¡te, it is not expected that the proposed project will increase the demand for bus transit facilities/services. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant projectspecific impact to bus transit. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative bus transit impact. 27c-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Of Effect* Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS 27d. Transportation & Circulation - Railroads Will the proposed project: 62 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N 1) lndividually or LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS cumulatively, substantially interfere with an existing railroad's facilities X X X X or operations? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 27d-1. There are no railroads within the vicinity of the project site. The nearest railroad tracks are located approximately 12 miles to the south of the project site. Furthermore, as stated in this lnitial Study (above), the proposed project does not have the potential to increase vehicle traffic that could interfere with the existing railroad facilities or operations. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to railroads. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative railroad impact. 27d-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Project lmpact Degree Of lssup (Responsible Department)* N 27e. Transportation & Girculation LS Cumulative lmpact Effsct* PS-M Degree Of Effecf* PS N LS PS-M PS - Airports (Airports) Will the proposed project: 1) Have the potential to generate complaints and concerns regarding interference with X X X X airports? 2) Be located within the sphere of influence of either County operated airport? 63 Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Degree Of EffecF* Of Effecf* lssue (Responsible Departrnent)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27e of lhe lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? x X lmpact Discussion: 27e-1. The nearest County airport to the project site is the Santa Paula Airport, which is located approximately 20 miles to the southeast of the project site. The Oxnard Airport is located 22.5 miles to the south of the project site. At these distances, new development that mav occur on the proposed lots bevond what is allowed under existing conditions, will not interfere with the operation of these airports. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to airports. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cum ulative airport impact. 27e-2. The proposed project will not be located within the sphere of influence of a County operated airport. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to airports. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative airport impact. 27e-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27e of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Gumulative lmpact Degree Of EffecF* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 27f. Transportation & Circulation - Harbor Facilities (Harbors) Will the proposed project: 64 Project lmpact Degree Of Effect* lssue (Responsible Department)* N 1) lnvolve construction or an operation that will increase the demand for commercial boat traffic and/or adjacent commercial boat LS PS.M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N X X X X LS PS-M PS facilities? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27f of lhe lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 27f-1. There are no harbor facilities within the vicinity of the project site. A project will have an impact on a harbor if the construction or operation of the project will increase the demand for commercial boat traffic and/or adjacent commercial boat facilities. Since the project site is in Ojai, and the residents will arrive and depart from the project site by land-based modes of transportation, it is not expected that the proposed project will increase the demand for commercial boat traffic. Furthermore, the proposed project does not involve a new commercial or industrial use that involves the shipping of goods. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to harbor facilities. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative harbor facilities impact. 27f-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 27f of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)* Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS.M PS N LS PS-M PS 279. Transportation & Circulation - Pipelines Will the proposed project: 65 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect*" N 1) Substantially interfere with, or compromise the integrity or affect the operation of, an LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N X X X X LS PS-M PS existing pipeline? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 279 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 279-1. According to the Ventura County Resource Management Agency, Mapping Services - GlS, the proposed project will not be located near any oil and/or gas pipelines. The nearest major pipeline to the project site is located nine miles to the east of the project site, off of Highway 150. The proposed project will not interfere with, or compromise the integrity or affect the operation of, an existing pipeline. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to pipelines. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative pipelines impact. 279-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 279 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of EffecF* N 28a. Water Supply - LS PS-M PS Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS.M PS Quality (EHD) Will the proposed project: 66 Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effecf* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 1) Comply with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 28a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X X X 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 28a-1. The Meiners Oaks Water District which will serve domestic water to the proposed project is regulated by the State Department of Health Services. The quality of domestic water must be in compliance with applicable State drinking water standards. Design and construction of the proposed project must conform with applicable State and Building Code requirements pertaining to water systems. The proposed project will not require an additional source of potable quality water. Therefore, the proposed project will not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts relative to the quality of water supplied by the Meiners Oaks Water District. 28a-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. lssue (Responsible Department)* Proj'ect lmpact Degree Of Effect* N 28b. Water Supply - LS PS-M PS Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* N LS PS-M PS Quantity (WPD) Will the proposed project: 67 Project lmpact Degree N 1) 2) Have a permanent supply of water? Either individually or Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* LS PS-M PS N X x X X X X LS PS-M PS cumulatively when combined with recently approved, current, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects, introduce physical development that will adversely affect the water supply quantity of the hydrologic unit in which the project site is located? c,l De uof rsrslefrI r,fre appiluaore \reilerar Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 28b-1 and 28b-2. The Meiners Oaks Water District provides water to the project site. Two separate metered water lines provide water to the proposed project site, consisting of one domestic metered water line and one agricultural metered water line. Per communication on May 28, 2015, between Mike Hollebrands, General Manager at Meiners Oaks Water District, and Tess Harris, Case Planner, the existing agricultural metered water line will become a domestic water line, and one water line will be assigned to each lot. Therefore, no additional water supply or metered water lines are required. Allocations of water are available to Meiners Oaks Water District through Casitas Municipal Water District. Meiners Oaks Water District is also purchasing additional, supplemental water supply through Lake Casitas. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to water supply. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative water supply impact. 28b-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 68 Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 28c. Water Supply - Fire Flow Requirements (VCFPD) Will the proposed project: 1) Meet the required fire flow? X X X X 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 28c-1. The project is served by a water purveyor that can provide the required fire flow in accordance with the Ventura County Water Works Manual (VCWWM) and VCFPD Fire Code. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to water supply. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribut¡on to a significant cumulative water supply impact. 28c-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 28c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 29a. Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities - Individual Sewage Disposal Systems (EHD) Will the proposed project: 69 Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N '1) Comply with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 29a of LS PS.M PS N X X X X LS PS-M PS the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 29a-'1. The proposed project will not utilize an individual sewage disposal system. ln a letter to the Environmental Health Division on December 10, 2013, the Ojai Valley Sanitation District indicated that adequate sewer capacity is available for this project and that there are currently three Sewer Service Capacity Units being served on the property. The proposed project will not have a project-specific impact, and will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to cumulative impacts, related to on-site sewage disposal. 29a-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Resid ual lm pact(s) None. lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effecf* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 29b. Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities - Sewage Collection/Treatment Facilities (EHD) Will the proposed project: 1) Comply with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 29b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X X X 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 70 lmpact Discussion: 29b-1. The proposed project will be connected to the Ojai Valley Sanitation District's sewer system. ln a letter to the Environmental Health Division on December 10, 2013, the Ojai Valley Sanitation District indicated that adequate sewer capacity is available for this project. The proposed project will not have a project-specific impact, and will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to cumulative impacts, related to sewage col lection/treatm ent faci lities. 29b-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effecf* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 29c. Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities - Solid Waste Management (PWA) Will the proposed project: 1) Have a direct or indirect adverse effect on a landfill such that the project impairs the landfill's disposal capacity in terms of X X reducing its useful life to less than 5 years? '1 2\ Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29c of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: 29c-1. As required by California Public Resources Code (PRC) (S 41701), Ventura County's Countywide Siting Element (CSE), adopted in June 2001 and updated annually, confirms Ventura County has at least 15 years of disposal capacity available for waste generated by in-County projects. Because the County currently exceeds the minimum disposal capacity required by the PRC, the proposed project will have less than significant project-specific impacts, and will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts related to Ventura County's solid waste disposal capacity. 29c-2. Ventura County Ordinance 4421 requires all discretionary permit applicants whose proposed project includes construction and/or demolition activities to reuse, 71 salvage, recycle, or compost a minimum of 60% of the solid waste generated by their project. The Public Works Agency, lntegrated Waste Management Division's waste diversion program (Form B Recycling Plan/Form C Report) ensures this 60% diversion goal is met prior to issuance of a final Zoning Clearance for use inauguration or occupancy, consistent with the Ventura County General Plan's Goals, Policies and Programs' Waste Treatment & Disposal Facility Goals 4.4.1-1 and -2 and Policies 4.4.2-1, -2, -4, and -6. ln addition, the proposed project is consistent with the Ojai Valley Area Plan's Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities Goals 4.3.1-1 and -2, and Policy 4.3.2-3. Therefore, the proposed project will have less than significant project-specific impacts, and will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to significant cumulative impacts, related to the Ventura County General Plan goals and policies for solid waste disposal capacity. ilifiaa*ianlÞao i¡l¡ ral lmnaatlcl !r¡!a¡vqr¡va !, ¡ \v9¡vg9r ¡¡r ¡lggvr19, None Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 29d. Waste Treatment & Disposal Facilities - Solid Waste Facilities (EHD) Will the proposed project: 1) Comply with applicable state and local requirements as set forth in Section 29d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? 2) Be consistent with the applicable X X X X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 29d-1. The proposed project does not include a solid waste facility. The proposed project will not have any project-specific or cumulative impacts relating to solid waste facilities. 29d-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 29d of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. 72 Gumulative lmpact Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS 30. Utilities Will the proposed project: a) lndividually or cumulatively cause a disruption or re-routing of an existing utility X X X x X X facility? b) lndividually or cumulatively increase demand on a utility that results in expansion of an existing utility facility which has the potential secondary environmental impacts? for c) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 30 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 30a and 30b. The proposed project site is already served by electricity and natural gas. Southern California Edison provides electricity and the Southern California Gas Company provides natural gas. The proposed project will not cause a disruption or re-routing of an existing utility facility, and will not increase demand on a utility that results in expansion of an existing facility. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to utilities. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative utilities impact. 30c. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 30 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)* Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 73 Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 3la. Flood Control FacilitiesMlatercourses - Watershed Protection District (WPD) Will the proposed project: 1) Either directly or indirectly, impact flood control facilities and watercourses by obstructing, impairing, diverting, impeding, or altering the characteristics of the flow of water, resulting in X X exposing adjacent property and the community to increased risk for flood hazards? 2) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 31a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? X X lmpact Discussion: 31a-1. The southeasterly portion of the subject property contains a reach of McDonald Canyon Drain South which is a Ventura County Watershed Protection District (District) jurisdictional red line channel. No direct connections to District jurisdictional red line channels are indicated as part of the application. lt is understood from the project application, signed and dated March 21,2014, that there will be no physical changes to the subject property at this time. The purpose of the application is to create two legal parcels (Lot 1 and Lot 2). While no site grading, development, or increase in impervious area is currently being proposed, potential future development for accessory residential and/or agricultural development may occur on Lots 1 and 2 which could result in future impervious development on-site. The amount of impervious surfacing on-site is not restricted. However, the Ojai Valley Area Plan states that the maximum building coverage for a property designated RR-5 ac is 25o/o. As such, the applicant will not be allowed to construct additional buildings beyond 25o/o of the project site. Biological Condition 1 will prohibit development within 50 feet of the centerline of the ephemeral drainage or the extent of riparian vegetation. Additionally, pursuant to the Ventura County Building Code (2013, Appendix J, S J105.2.1), future development on the subject properties cannot increase runoff flow rates or volumes in any storm frequency. As sueh, the proposed projeet will have a less than signifieant projeet-speeifie impaet, and will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact, on District jurisdictional red line channels. 74 31a-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 31a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 31b. Flood Control FacilitiesM/atercourses - Other Facilities (PWA) Will the proposed project: 1) Result in the possibility of deposition of sediment and debris materials within existing channels and allied obstruction of X X X X X X X x X X flow? 2) lmpact the capacity of the channel and the potential for overflow during design storm conditions? 3) Result in the potential for increased runoff and the effects on Areas of Special Flood Hazard and regulatory channels both on and off site? increase in flow to and from natural and man-made drainage channels 4) lnvolve an and facilities? 5) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 31b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 31b-1 through 31b-4. The proposed project does not involve any construction activity; however, as stated in this lnitial Study (above), the proposed project will create the potential for new development beyond what is allowed under existing conditions that could involve the installation of new impervious surfaces on the subject property. Should any building or increase in impervious area be proposed in the future, construction will be completed according to current codes and standards that include, but are not limited to, a requirement that new development shall not increase drainage 75 flow rates or volumes in any storm event. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact related to non-FEMA flood hazards/drainage facilities. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative non-FEMA flood hazards/drainage facilities impact. 3l b-5. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 31b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Proiecf lmnacf_--v--l)eorce lssue (Responsible Department)* Cumulative !mpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 32. Law EnforcemenUEmergency Services (Sheriff) Will the proposed project: a) Have the potential to increase demand for law enforcement or emergency services? b) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 32 of the X X x X lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 32a. The proposed project will not increase demand for law enforcement or emergency services. The proposed project will not result in the development of additional dwelling units. ïhe nearest Sheriff's Station is located approximately 3 miles away from the proposed project site, located at 402 Ventura Street, Ojai, CA 93023. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to law enforcement/emergency services. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative law enforcement/emergency services impact. 32b. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 32 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None 76 Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecfr* Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 33a. Fire Protection Services - Distance and Response (VGFPD) Will the proposed project: 1) Be located in excess of five miles, measured from the apron of the fire station to the structure or pad of the proposed from a full{ime paid fire 2) Require additional fire stations and structure, X X X X X X department? personnel, given the estimated response time from the nearest full{ime paid fire department to the project site? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 33a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 33a-1 and 33a-2. The proposed project will have no impact related to distance and response times for fire protection. The nearest fire station to the project site is Ventura County Fire Station 22, which is located approximately 0.2 miles to the south of the project site on South La Luna Avenue. Ventura County Fire Station 22 has a response time not exceeding 7 minutes in urban areas. The distance from Fire Station 22 to the project site is adequate and the proposed project will not require a new fire station or additional equipment. ïherefore, the proposed project will not have a significant projectspecific impact related to fire protection services. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact related to fire protection services. 33a-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 33a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Res id ual lm pact(s) None lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** Gumulative lmpact Degree Of Effecf* 77 N 33b. Fire Protection Services - LS PS-M PS LS N PS-M PS Personnel, Equipment, and Facilities (VCFPD) Will the proposed project: 1) Result in the need for additional personnel? X X 2) Magnitude or the distance from existing facilities indicate that a new facility or X X X X additional equipment will be required? 3) Be consistent with the applicable General Pian Goais and Poiicies íor irem 33b oÍ rhe lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 33b-1 and 33b-2. As stated in this lnitial Study (above), the nearest fire station to the project site is Ventura County Fire Station 22, which is located approximately 0.2 miles to the south of the project site on South La Luna Avenue. The distance from Fire Station 22 to the project site is adequate. A new fire station or additional personnel or equipment will not be required to serve the proposed project, along with other existing and proposed development within Fire Station 22's service area. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact related to fire protection services. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact related to fire protection services. 33b-3. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 33b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None. Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 34a. Education - Schools Will the proposed project: 78 1) Substantially interfere with the operations of X an existing school facility? 2) Be consistent with the applicable X General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 34a of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? x X lmpact Discussion: 34a-1. The closest school to the project site is Meiners Oaks Elementar¡¿ School, located approximately 1 mile east of the project site. The proposed project will not interfere with the operations of an existing school facility. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to schools. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative schools impact. 34a-2. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 34A of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lmpact(s) None 34b. Education - Public Libraries (Lib. Agency) Will the proposed project: 1) 2) Substantially interfere with the operations of an existing public library facility? x Put additional demands on a public library facility which is currently deemed X overcrowded? 3) Limit the ability of individuals to access public library facilities by private vehicle or alternative transportation modes? X 79 lssue (Responsible Department)* Project lmpact Degree Of Effect** N 4) LS PS-M PS ln combination with other approved projects in its vicinity, cause a public library facility to become overcrowded? Cumulative lmpact Degree Of Effect** N LS PS-M PS X 5) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 34b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? x X lmpact Discussion J4Þ-1. I ne nearest puþltc ltÞrary to lne project stte, Merners uaKs Lrorary, rs locareo approximately 0.6 miles northeast of the project site. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to public libraries. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative public libraries impact. 34b-2 and 34b-4. The proposed project will not result in an increase in the number of dwelling units and, consequently, will not contribute to an increase in population within the area. Therefore, the proposed project will not put additional demands on a public library facility, nor will it cause a public library facility to become overcrowded. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact related to public libraries. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact related to public libraries. 34b-3. As stated above, the nearest public library to the project site is located proposed project project does not site, and the approximately 0.6 miles northeast of the include physical development that could impede any roadways or alternative transportation facilities that afford access to a public library. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to public libraries. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative public libraries impact. 34b-5. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 34b of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None Project lmpact Degree Cumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effect** lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 80 Project lmpact Degree Gumulative lmpact Of Effect** Degree Of Effecf* lssue (Responsible Department)* N LS PS-M PS N LS PS-M PS 35. Recreation Facilities (GSA) Will the proposed project: a) Cause an recreation, corridors? rncrease in the demand for parks, and/or trails and b) Cause a decrease in and/or trails X X X X x X X X recreation, parks, or corridors when measured against the following standards: . Local Parks/Facilities - 5 acres of developable land (less than 15% slope) . . c) per 1,000 population; Reoional Parks/Facilities - 5 acres of developable land per 1,000 population; or, Reqional Trails/Corridors - 2.5 miles per 1,000 population? of Recreation Parks/Facilities and/or Regional lmpede future development TrailsiCorridors? d) Be consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 35 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines? lmpact Discussion: 35a - 35c. A project will have a significant impact on recreation if it will cause an increase in the demand for recreational facilities, or impede future development of recreation parks and facilities or regional trails and corridors. The proposed project will not involve a use that will increase the population and create a corresponding demand for recreational facilities, and will not impede the future development of local park facilities. There are no trails/corridors within the project site or on lands immediately adjacent to the project site. The closest trail to the project site is west of the site along the Ventura River. Since the project site will be divided into two lots as part of the Zone Change and PM request, the applicant will not be subject to the Parkland Dedication (Quimby) fee in accordance with County Ordinance No. 4334, since the proposed project does not have 81 the potential to increase the number of dwelling units and corresponding demand for recreational facilities. Therefore, the proposed project will not have a significant project-specific impact to recreational facilities. The proposed project will not make a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative recreational facilities impact. 35d. The proposed project is consistent with the applicable General Plan Goals and Policies for ltem 35 of the lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Mitigation/Residual lm pact(s) None- *Key to the agencies/departments that are responsible for the analysis of the items above: Airports - Department Of AG. - Agricultural VCAPCD - Air Pollution Control District EHD - Environmenlal Health Division VCFPD - Fire Protection GSA - General Services Agency Harbors - Harbor Lib. Agency - Librâry Services Agency Plng. - Planning Divis¡on PWA - Public Works Sheriff - Sheriff s WPD - Watershed Protection District Airports Department Agency Department District Department **Key to lmpact Degree of Effect: N - No lmpact LS - Less than S¡gn¡ficant lmpact PS-M - Potentially Significant but Mitigable lmpact PS - Potentially Signif¡cant lmpact 82 Section G - Mandatory Findings of Significance Based on the information contained within Section B: Yes 1. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history No X or prehistory? 2. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one that occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while X long-term impacts will endure well into the future). 3. Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable?''Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effect of other current projects, and the X effect of probable future projects. (Several projects may have relatively small individual impacts on two or more resources, but the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) 4. Does the project have environmental effects that will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly X or indirectly? Findings Discussion: 1. As stated above in Section B, the proposed project will create the potential for new development beyond what may occur under existing conditions, that could adversely affect the ephemeral drainage, riparian vegetation located along the ephemeral drainage, and animal species that have the potential to occur within the habitat along the ephemeral drainage. However, Biological Condition 1, which will prohibit new development within the bed and banks of the ephemeral drainage, as well as within 50 feet of the centerline of the ephemeral drainage or the extent of riparian vegetation, will reduce potential impacts to less than significant levels. 2. As stated in Section B, the proposed project does not have the potential to achieve short-term to the disadvantage of long term environmental goals. 3. As stated in Section B-with the implementation of Biological Condition 1 and Noise and Vibration Condition 1-the proposed project does not have the 83 potential to create a cumulatively considerable contribution to a significant cumulative impact. 4. No environmental effects have been identified which would cause substantial adverse effects, either directly or indirectly on human beings. As stated in Section B, the proposed project does not involve the use of hazardous materials in a manner that pose any unusual risks since they must be handled in compliance with all applicable regulations. Additionally, the proposed project does not involve operational noise that will interfere with surrounding uses, traffic hazards, adverse impacts to water bodies located on or around the project site, and will not generate any hazardous wastes. 84 Section D - Determination of Environmental Document Based on this initial evaluation: tI I find the proposed project could not have a significant effect on the environment, and a Negative Declaration should be prepared lxl I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measure(s) described in Section B of the lnitial Study will be applied to the project. A Mitigated Negative Declaration should be prepared, tl t1 I find the proposed pro¡ect, individually and/or cumulatively, MAY have a significant effect on the environment and an Environmental lmpact Report (ElR) is required I find that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached sheets. An Environmental lmpact Report is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. t1 I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or Negative Declaration pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or mit¡gated pursuant to that earlier EIR or Negative Declaration, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, noth¡ng further is required. -JJ -l Jtzw't/A- Tess Harris, Case Planner Slto¡Lþts Date Attachments: Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment 1 -Vicinity Map 2 - Aerial Location Map with General Plan and Zoning Designations 3 - Tentative Parcel Map 4 Ventura County Map and List of Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Projects Used in the Cumulative lmpacts Analysis 5 City of Ojai List of Past, Present, and Reasonably Foreseeable Future Projects Used in the Cumulative lmpacts Analysis 6 - Development Restriction Area 7 lmportant Farmland lnventory Map 8 - Historical Background of Project Site (Prepared By Nicole Doner on Attachment 9 - May 16,2014) Works Cited B5 SITE Sources: Esri, Delorme, NAVTEO, USGS, lntermap PC NRCAN, Esn Japan, METI Esri Chrna (Hong Kong), Esrt (lhailand), TonrTonr, 20 1 2 PL14-0048 017-0-160-175 Aerial Location Map Attachment 1 i (a _------------t i¡¡c rf¡p Ìr;; , rFll.rt t / rl I \ì?¡ûrr,1 L r)rrnt ('. )u¡ ¿ ,t l¡âil: nrl 'ì,,rv(r! iìll rlrrL.î rr ¡lL i,!nfd nnl ,t)rr¡ted ^!cn.y ç iEly ¡tr t¡. (o¡!e^ref.e .l lhr rÌ¡r¡rly ¡iid r¡lìl,r . ¿ter.ipi nrc (,ir¡ty r ics not f/¡rr¡Írl flD rc(rnr-y rl lhÁ r'!Þl llr( J nfr ilàn¡(.rf. ¡rr¡¡rl í,r!..r:rìLr,N' vr¡lnrfIrì1.i. ìtury (h( j ,l Þe rl rr nrr¡e llr:reI 'frae rrr¡r l,ti,ir ir)sLrl l\ 'î 017-0-160-175 Zoning - General Plan PL14-0048 017-0-i 60-i 75 Aerial Land Use Map Attachment 2 .)ò,h,oñ rrô r'ntr Á¡\ r¡rtfr,117,1,. Oiúr,r,1¡,riy{ã,aü, ll¡il¡'r ¡l,rt¡ry !.ryf,$ 6l! rlrl 5 !E urril ¡il(l ,ìFr¡lrrl ^,¡¡¡.Í \,lrly nv ll'r! , Ðr¡!(r' (r¡ !f ll'ù rì¡'tt¡y .1il¡¡ rúl.tlro t\il'l! lqF,"".i l\.,r¡'!/'1.;r ¡'.,r ¡,il¡rtil'r. nr"r,ryalrrtñ .! ir'!/ r rñi r'l " rrr¡r, rir{ rr tild\r ill njury shtuld he mnd€ n relÞnce lhereln I I O ;,itiì.:! : I ., ¿\tw t¿¡ i r, ":!ù!./t it I w {Lrtl[F l:: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO- 5892 COUNTY OF VENTURA 'í)att: ti')^^¡;,att!:-:a: -- \ r^::f,¡¡¡-/,i !ì PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY rtt':f|ìt. tù t, ..j 1.: a, .\: a.-\ ,,i'at"!t:a¡ Attachment 3 ... t::).:,.1 Recently Approved Projects as ofAugust 03, 2015 CoEtf of VoM smS \¡L l,o,dl¡icd¡on, Vû¡¡¿Dêè, Súbdilit¡on, ^!(nú - Rsome MСg@d ' PlaDi¡E DivisioD ^ge¡cy õ4/t@'Pbdù8 CÀ 9m-17{' (&;) 65+2.78'!.iI Y.Nu¡ Gtedl PLi ÀmÐdñú.nd Zú. Cha¡ge. SouEs Venùuñ County Plenning D¡v¡s¡oa Accda, æ ô¡ OA/OU¿01S. Dfr Pem¡t Number Pùc.l PLl2-0145 7010010145 No- AddErs PmitTyF 8393 MIPOLOMOL RD MALIBU. CA 90265 Pl¿nn.d Dælopman( App.ovôd PhnM Pem¡t tÞsqiplion fhe .pplbñ ÞquesG lhât a co¡sl8l Pbnned Dewlopmenl Pemit Þ grrntêd lD .uthortre he Í( lbw¡ng: .Conshdion ol ¡ 2.500 sq fl s¡ngls-bmilyæ dh an ¿taù.d 765 rq fr g¡r€gc on ¡n €Fsthg p¿d; .construdion ol iwo 10-loot dråmtrr wal?r sloraga tsnks ond Nod¡led pumps rnd glumbing ft r bdh resÌdenltr¡ Fran@ Rosangre (¡05) 6s+2us Appl¡Érn NitÉ Meil3 2223r MulholaÉ Hwy ñ13 Cd.b¡s¡s CAgl302. use a¡ó ñae glet!. .Consncüo¡ ol s.r oÉit! wñt.wal6rlr¿åtmnt systcm (OWTS) !tiliz¡ng sæp€ge pib ¿nd s s.Ird lillnlbn ¡nd dbùùulion bd, .coÉlruct¡on of retrinirq wal]s r€n9h9 ÍÍom Mo Þel io sjx ,eet in hèif¡ht, .CoÉtrucbn of e deGn(ion b¡sin, cuþên ¡nd énèrgy dÈsipeþr; .cû6td¡on ol â 1S{ool wde asÞhdtspswd drwwsy ¿nd F¡D Dêparm6il hemmôôead turn€round Lo mprcve I 1 8-591 -7 1 72 lhe.isling, grded din Md: .Gr¡d¡og of48 cuòic y8rds of fil ånd 1,595 cuuc ytds ol êporl owr an erea ol åpproxfialely 6,æo square leel A 1001ûoi tuel mcdfstion ron¿ will h requircd åmund ü. propoed GsËcnl-El s1ructwé Crcânon ând ms¡nteû¿nce of lhis zooe wil Esd in lhe r€ñovâl of Enviþnmmþl Sens¡live H.bit¡r (ESHA) a loJoot wie tuel mod¡6Ét¡oB zone will also De r€qurred .b¡ìg bü sdes olthe a@ss o€d ed drivcMy Trenc¡es lor ùl¡ity ænned¡ons will Þ roat¿ted in the tuotpdnr of h¿ €ütng acas roacl lhe total âruâ ot ESHA ro æ removed ¿s a resull of lhB pDposed prujecl and the æs!1971 unôr tnoriæd dsanng ß ¿pproxmåtet Z 35 Êcres This:ree inclld* ¿pprc¡m8tely: .2 0 €cr.s of ESHA ßÌthin lhê @nstrudìon foolprinl (ÎhE a¡eå ¡nc¡udes 0 7 ecre of |tnd dÈtuÊãl for bú¡ldings, utility(erchings¡drnslallâlionoilheOWTS, l:ácr6foronsitefuelmdúølion ândD18celorofu¡lefuel mdlf€¡ion )i ¿nd. .0 35 åcGs ot ESM cþsßd sfisr 1 977(lh6e .Ee6 ere lh. 5uÞj¿d of ür. 1 9t0 viol¡lion ZV90-0:i16) lo sdit¡ln lo e totsl of 2 35 acE of ESHA Þmohl ås ¡ rôsult ol lhe prcpored prolÊd and p6b1s77 ¡leqEl gi¡dnq ¡nd brush remoÉ|. 0 05 acEs of cãlibmE Dópãrtment F-6h €nd \Múdl¡te tunsdþlion.ldor^4e h8bibt w¡llÞ remved úrch E lo6ld ad)rent lo Mipoloml R@d coNblênt with lhc Gounty Loøl Cosst¡l Pbn pofcy, thr ¡ prcpæcs to rc@rd e dåêd rclridron on oßÍå led lo rêsloE or prssM 4 E as.s of ESM lo F rovid¿ a 2 T ral¡o ol m¡lgalþn for inlPÊcrs on sensiùve hãbil¿l th¡l wouE rcsúll lrom the prcposed ,rcled Approúil of the proposed Pl¡ñned DÊwbpmcnl Pemú woulo ¡ù¡te Venlur. co!fty cde ComPli¡@Vo¡¡tion No 2V9S0516 lo. uñ¡uthodsd btus[ rctuvâl ând grading on the pro]ect s¡to lhål oæur¿d ¡lt.r 1 077 PL124114 0630180S5 10r oRcilRD m, VÊNTURA, CA 93001 04/0u015 A Usa Parml (PL12-0 74) lo r.phe rxp¡Ed CUP-4878 for lhã 6xitthg use ol ¿ ronuf¿cturcd caetBl6r dwllirE unil a@$ory lo â @mmêrciilsloEge ladlfy høled 3l 101 Och,¡É Onva ñ hé ßPN 063-0-180165) The slorsg. lacilûy rs !nùlþd und¿r¡ sâp¡rålG Plsnnêd ¡.w condil¡on¡l hore s ¿ 1 Nodh VentuEAvenúeA.€ FBn€ RDsêngren. (805) 6s+20¡15 vuliâm Kcúâl¡ 1601 Bdm¡n Awnu€ fr00 o¿v.bpmntPêmit(P0987) W¡tertoth¿sile sprovùiêdbylheCityofVânl@ândwål.wålerd6pos.lis Vènluh, CAg3003: handlêd by lhê Olå¡ S¡nilåry Dblr¡d Atso seE PLl4-0045 Pemi Adjustm¿nl ol I Pl¡nnd DêvêlopmenL Pcrmi No 9E7 lor ú exùli4 0 5-642-4773 nì¡nÈloßge bdlily - siñuh¡neously it Procoss County ofVÐilaa, Planning D¡vis¡on Ræenly Apprcv.d Projccl6 08/03rm15 P.g. Attachment 4 'l Pümit Oab Nutrr :-: ].J:: P.El B No- ¡5ñùCt0ù Adùæ Þêmú Typc AppreEd lu¡oor ossl2015 CBPII|IE Pêm¡t tÞsqiption No ¡dd¡tional lo Condilbnll Usc developæil b pßposed [tèr No- a803 turr lh¡ny yErt¡æ (0115) 6645042 þc.tód ¡ 30 mihs 6 ¡lVrntuß, Catü0m6, h tha ømrunity ol Piru Tha w¡Ër sylrm is loÉþd âdjåénl to th. Piru Cclk ånd lþhlty a¿oped b the sathert To the south of Piau l¡cs thê S¿rtê CbÉ Rircr litaler lo th¿ Ufarir¡g l/t¡tËr 6.ry¡G: dùiribdb^ lygGh ¡s spplrd by thE w¡ler rcls (Wblb 1,2 ¡ 4] Ajl ùGe mb .rc lo6Ëd south of lhê inlcÉdr'ot ol Csmùlos StEal and Churcj¡ Sh¿t \¡L¡l t h4. 75àp molorand ¿ 500{m wdl pump W¿ll 2 hcludcr; e d}l|p hotor ônd ¡zm{pmrèlpmp(Curlndyoutofsaùi¡forGp¡iE) Bothofths!mlbwera@úruftd¡nth¿1æOs t\¡dl 4 wË @nrtlchd h 2003 ¡nd ha¡, 150+p molor ¡nd ¡ 1500{pf, p!ñp U¡mng VÊtet Scñ,bes, loc , disùìbulb¡ rysþm Apdi€ril ¡s l"æ 1327 oel Camedo. 901 -226r Rd CA S3O1O; (mS) P¡aúiræmpÌirdpdn¡rilyof Éiiênt¡lwaLrusaEùd.gricultur¡lw¡terosêß On¡ytsmllFoftlo¡ilU¡liæólor øltmrci¡lsnd ¡nduill¡al lsagè Thê cuæ¡t popuhtjon olthè Mtùønsumpl¡on rÉ is2,'1C0 Þeodê, Epê€aling 4ES div¿ domdic @nncdìo¡s ¡nd 1 2 æhrcrc¡al åd inig¡{bn ønnecliM¡ All lhGe rcla aÉ chbù¡lêd 6ino lod¡ùm hyÞ Thc grcunòrftr suppt suE É dÉ¡gndrd ú hê Piú BÉ¡n, and is rêch.Eed hy lhe rù¡of tom P¡ru Crél ¡rÈ S¡nt ChE RìÈ. ¡n .ddiÌion to lhe Pku Rêc¡.rgr Spn.dhe Basìn This b¡sin b plñ ollheAB:1030 GroündMÈr MåEgênant PLn Manag€m.trt Courcl. Thå whil is o€6cên by tha GDUndñcr dblri¡[liú rysLn b ømpñsrd ot 5,170 ll¡ear f.êt (LÐ ot 1z-inoñ PVC plpê, 13,900 LF (l 10 pVC pipc, o1&hch sbGto$Õm.nt plec (AGP). 9,100 LF of È¡mh ACP. 11.600 LF of 4-incô ACP, 5.200 LF of '16,325 LF d¡{ùú¡otr st¡stln w ¡ô 1C90. 1995.lBæ. Ð3 a ir dÈch¡rged ¡nlo . I I mil¡ortsgûbn slecl tuk (tot¡l þluru) þelld on nodh olCånbrtu.l ¿þng l/lþriñg msh Ro¡d b.þwth. Vùtur¡ Coútywl.rshd Púdbn DiIri:tb OêbrÈ B¡!h. The f nk is proþc¡€d by ¡ ch¿in llnk tenæ wltlt ¡ lockad g¡l€ Thê ôl'¡tan ot fis F*ryoir i6 6dequ{o ro paovidê 3.inch PVC ¡ ACP piÞ! ¡nd 2,?00 2003 l/htêr lrcm the Fb ft! w¡lc.doEgê ÉsÊtuoh ø ¡dâqurbt supply wâlar forlÀê ñru pohdìon b¡sâd on å 1.7500 gpm. two.hour doÉliM fa6 rkw (140.000 gal,bns) along wilh ru€{hg lì. Mrknum day dêlffi br dlof our dom6tic qstomêE Anêmê€cncy g¿neftr Wss ¡ddcd to th€ sFþm ¡¡ 201'l to rtow br @nlinuad opêilion dunng Fþrer 0!1,¡96, l¡¡t* Eærdß for20l2show lhl E¡it.dlal cþMnd.@uotêd for¡pprcxitrEtev 36S, @hEerd¡l¡@ùil€al tbr Fdnt¿gè PL11013 PLt+0015 6âS051040 æ{110460 Mho.t dÍ4þn 03f2t2015 of uÊlêr b€l below 109ó Mhor Md¡fmt¡on hr e S lúrtim e[*¡on Eqæst lor Condaba¡lUse Pemil 1276 lor th. BRndåis Eâdin àmF6 loøLd o¡ I 2,55E ,6e propËrty ¡o€þd al 110'1 P€pp¿íroê bne ad¡cè¡t ¡ô thc CiÌy of Sim¡ VBIþy end lh. S.¡tô Ssnú Knovie3Arê8- Thê qnpus is þeÞd wilhin the RurdAg¡Èultonl Zorc Ddrid ¡Dd l¡e RuEl G.ncnl Pbn lrnd Ec das¡¡nâtion Thc Búh¿b Bordi¡ C.mpls i¡c¡udas th¿ bllowing åssêrnbly ând ÉñF cês: êdudioMl eni¿ß, hêêling hãË, tuo d¡ning h¡fs, M ouuoor d¡næ p¿vfons, ébins ed c)lt¡gÊs b.goês ö¡ms ¡nd sl¿bþs lorg@st use, s[ll houging, spols [8b3,leMÈ æuds. beskelballøurb, sr r.lvGnl!È @GÊ. e privdè æmá.ry. and 6od!æd ¡if¿ÊhdùEto lñê silc b p@vided by the M lân? åÐhai p.ivåt¿ rcd known ¡s Pcpgertèa !¡ne wùrcì Ðmme¡æa at^@s the Gútd¡¡n Ro¡d ¡nd Tapo Cenyon Road ifeedbn lrJÍtsr to thc sitê i.r pEvitæ by t¡ê celô¡uæ Munlc¡p¡l l¡/btcr oislrùf rnd w¡6{è Mt¡r d¡spôeal b provi¡td Ð thê c¡ty ot Smi Vallcy. lìë mter prcvit€d by C.Lgu¡s ; ftêd ¡¡lo m onsita É*Mûs mich .Þ úilizd hr doreíic rnal ñrc suppGs¡on v¡ thâ Brendlis Mùlual W¡l¿r Comp¡ny No physiql dì¡ngas !e prcposld to th. ompus geünds- Kdsl¡na gosro: a 10 y4r tlmê clss¡on ú an exÈling Verizon l/Vir!¡lês Commqn¡crlbns facllhy. LU0€0l7 ri ':uP lhe @mer ol Vvood Rd rnd .nd tlwy l. No ch¡ngr in êqu¡pmÊnl. ons S lDd bll mno fee. 12 Þræl anlennæ, .quþmenl sh¿ltår rrú mimm€ dÈh. No b¡lt!rias. clì¡ngs lo mrrgcnctr grnrÉbr in 2001 LUoHl30 KÉh¡ BoèE: Raqùêi br INSIALLAND OPEMTEAN UNMANNÊD WFÊI.ESSANTENNA COMMUNICATIONS FAêI¡.ITYCONSISTING A.Mono I¡â.. ANTENNA. ftos) 654-2,467 Sm Levin 1101 PeppGrfræ Brndelr, L¿¡e CA 93064ì 805-582-4450 (6tS) 65+2,G7 ChrÈt¡n. song, CoE Coññunblbn, \âdzon 2749 s¡túrn tu¡t BE¡, CA92821i 71Æ331441 OF Rcsubn¡tled 3¡d ¡witing hÊ¡ri¡E onÁugEt5, 200a County of ìleôû¡n, Pl¡mirg Diy¡sion Ræntly Apprcved PrcFct¡ 0t o¡tzt t5 P.9.2 D¡te Pemit Number P¡ræl No- Addr6s P.ñit Typ. PL1+004 0r7009ø70 100 E El Robl¿r Driw Meiners oåks cA Pl¡nnecl DêveloF¿nì Pl¡nÉ Pomít D6cript¡on Cßâ Fl¿nned oeve¡oprnênl Pèm¡l ro ßplâce ån rxpird Coditìonrl Us¿ Pemit lor ån exÈùng 4,003 scuare fool coñm6rcr¿l burtsinq wilh 6 lenanL 5pac6 loæl€d rn thc Commrc¡al Olar Vâllcy A¡ee Phn lånd use desEnelon ånd the Com€rcEl Plilnèd Developnenl Zone O¡stnal ¡ddre$sd ss 10€, 102, 104 106, 10E. lnd 110 E¿sl El Robl¡r FEnæ R6e0gren t805) 654+045 ApÞlidnt ^pprov.d o!2æo1a Driw ThêsubÞdlropedy15,575squ¿rcfeclsndndud624parkingspåces,a25¿ccessdrvêdåyonElRobbr Dnw ¿nd a 25 loot wdc ddvÊw¡y on Lomitå Awnue one I,006 sqrare foot tênanl sp¿æ 6 d6drcãled to a Éslålranl whrch hã a 470 square fool Duldoor €¿ting ar¿e ¿nd the dher fuê lenan1 sp-cet are o¡cupied bt ohcr Roben Smth 12777 lrec Rânch Rd oþi. cA 93023, 605-s56€322 @m@rel uses The Planoed ùvoloprent request Dclldes lhe âllowao(e to ha€ lenenl dranges rn lhe exÉtng coñturcEl spacas Lhrough a zon¡E cle¿r€næ as long as thê faplecehênl usè É pemtled by á f'l6nneõ Developmenl Pemt Bs delaiþd in Counly of\¡entura Non-Coætal Zoning Ordinån@ S¿clion 8105-5 (Perntted Uses io Commèdd ånd lndlslrial Zones) rnd lh€ rcphc¿@nr u!è hes lhê sme påûinO roquirÊnEn1 rs the use ßÊplâong As8oprogråmhåsbeensûbmiledasæqu¡redbyth¿OFTAEåFlan \i\hlêrtothss,tå6provdådby lhe MeineÉ Oaks Wãler orsuicl and w¿s1e wãtèr rs hsndlêd by lh¿ Ojs¡ ValÞy Sen¡Þry Dbhd Tle bui¡d¡^g end site mprcvemeols wre odgiñålly epproled by con6itlonel Use Permh 3785 whid h¿s subsequen ly exp¡red No i1 PLr+0045 0691Ë0fi5 1OI ORCHARD DR VENTURA PermilAd¡ûshênL auw2015 CA S3OO1 Pêm¡tAdjusnent ol Plånoed Devebpftnt No 947 for ¡ æhmeciâlslorâge 1åc¡lily locaEd at 101 orchad Dnve rnlhsNolhVentuEA!¿nueArrâ(APN063-0-180-465) Thepmilådjlstmenlnclüdeslhåþgålzstroßof2cår-oo @ntâ¡¡eÉ loøted adjåcenl lo BuildirR A Thc 2 ær9o @nbiners elimjn¡Þd 3 par¡rng spaccs lhe rby Edlc¡ng lh¿ pa¡ting kom 40 to 37 spàc6 A nèw ADA parlng spåe wì¡l b. ¿dd€d ¡dJ¡¿ent 10 the exìslì4 offi'2 buibing Addil¡Dnely, the Éo¡lshneDt iñc¡udcs lhB inslsllôlbn oi â new lÉsI enc]osure, 3 dsæÊtive iron slic ir8 entEnce gste åñ a new @ncrete block Ênl¡€0ce wall A cwed lendsc¡png plan hâs beên súmrcd k a Ìhoùe lhc tnst¡lþtioo olalterneùve scr€enlñg Lrces elong fre nodhweslerly podþn ollhe propeñy line and ecd planE near FEnca Rosengren r605) 6s4-2U5 Orched Selt Storage L 101 P orúard Drìve Venrurå CA93001 a054424773 oftæbuftingânt¡longthesouthe€sterlypropertyline \¡ålerlofresrlerspÞededbytmc¡ryclVcnuÉ3n0 wase wsterdisposal A¡so Ls handled by the Ol¿r SeñrtEry OEtaict s.e PLl2{17¿ - mrnor mooil€lbn ol CUP4ETB br a c¿rclaker dwell¡ng lo âuthon¿e å 20 ye ¡r elens¡ûn of 1ft PL14-0056 r510040555 312 ÂMCAPA DR, CAMARILLO CA9301O 04m712015 a tènlatìvepårceln.pfor¡suæivs¡on PM5930,tocreåt€2lotÉ.proposedPerc¿|1 willbe200¡l0sland proposed Pa@l2 wi¡ bc 20.366d Parcel I Às rn exEting 3100 s, SFR tnd gangó ñiúþ Do^¿r: (805) 6s4-s042 Thêpercelcu¡Enllyltil¿êsðnons¡les¿w3gêdispG¡lsylem¿nd wålcrs¿ruiæi6lromlhePLasåntVå¡ly 220 Glencrel Cfcle C¿mdlþ. CAg3010; 805-20E-9903 Murual l^lâle Compåny PL1¿-00E0 PL1+0090 õ6800E0060 ?000140040 WITÊ STALLION RO, WESTLAKE VILLAGE CÀ913ô1 27OO ]220 COTHARIN RD, Ventur¡ Counly Un¡ncoD Pl¡nûed Developmenl Pl¡nned Developmenl o5t12201s 04ß@015 Ti¡s p¿rmits the enslrudion of¿ I 752 sl bdroom ¡ddit¡on and ¿ new 1 385 st rljd rcol paÙo k aughcnt lhe exùíng SFO Thè ?¡oject ¡nclud€G ¡ntonoa remodelim of lhe mh dwe¡ing and lôgal¡4on ol âñ akslinÐ ùnpemhl¿d seconc dwel[ng unil ol 633 st Tha proposd @m9onênts ere loÉlcd ålù9 lhe nodh sìde Dt thc *isùn9 mi¡ dweilng ¿nd will result n 20 i63 st oflotôl buildÌng coÉrågc The propæad proract nclldes appror 7700slolnêwbGhrêmov¡ltomåinlelnålu.lmodiñ€lionzoncandinssllaÙonof lânds€ping- Anabting on-silÈ seplc systern wlll be abandoned åd lwo new systems bc nslsled for lhe sFD ¿nd 2nd Dtl using sad fìlter beds end seep¡qe Dits N@le DoDèr (805) 65+5042 The epproved P¡Gl M.p m¡wr/ Ld Lrne AdJustmenl (LLÀ) ¿ulhoriz€s lhe Gconfgurslio¡ ol the )ßpedy bound¡aies of thGe e¡isting leg¡l lols loÉted in lh€ wnùra county unincoryomlad ¡ßE of lhe s¡ lt¡ Monrcg Mountå¡ns TheprwosedLLAwì¡rcsullinlhetollowingchângs¡nare€olthethree¿xÉlngleg€¡bßi KEI na Boero (r05) 65+246¡ Ed Oneill f1E0 Oþ 1op3n9â Ca0yon Rd Topân0Ê, CA 90290: (805) 36&1603 12220 Colhãrìn Foåd Målibu, CA 90265; 31 0457-3369 Proposèd No *ìsting Åroe (åcres) Proposd Acå (aces) 1 37 10 39 9 S¡ngle hmrly dwellhg 2 77 I 55 2 uodevèlop6ó 3 E0 0 99 41 Fitn¿ss ¡nd Wþlln.s CåmP Lo1 Use anfi U noL in@lw ány physidl chang4 to the subject Fped¡es ¡nd no gÉding or conrrtruc¡ion is propos.d AccêsslolhesilesprDvidedbyh¡opnvåteddÉw¿ys@nnecLdtoColharnRoao \,1Ëterwilconlinue ro Þe suppl¡.d lo ¿h: €mD fecility ¡nd lhe cxisting singlê fåmily by an ¿xiding pdvate wel¡ ErKine pemf,eo sepl¡c syslems wll conLinue lo prcvÈe sew€ge disposl seNrce to lhe Émp fæility 8nd the sFgþ fåm¡ly lwellìng The prcjecl does County ol VentuÌâ, Plânn¡ng Divis¡on RecÐtly AppEved ProÞds 08/03f20't5 Page 3 D¡b Pemit Nuñber Parul No- AddÆ Pmit Typ. Àpprov.d PGmit D.scñption PL1Æ93 1610ß0il0 3756 Somè CA Iimr hdìfdin 0uu015 Contudion of loúh.nd¡eÞþ¿d bn à*s¡blê pârkino sp.6 ¡djeenl lo Breõ¿nhousÊ litrBnË palh of raEl. sr¡prrE, wheèltuFs ¡nd sþnag! Cßê with Pl.nE Nbolê oorefl (ô05) 65!5U2 AD^ Appaiãnt Ed l[s 32m GofCous Drive Sþ B Vcnluã, m g3m3; 3rÊs7l? PL1ffi9S 23m07t135 66 ÁGUi¡A RO, VeôtuÉ Counry Unrn@F Perm¡tAdjùficol 0{1 5/201 s PemitAdjusrm.t ro CUP 4æ4lErthê E6n&uEtbn .nd chrng. ot usc o143,7E2 squ¡re fèet of èrí51¡n0 ¡l th¿ Houwelng Nursery and ùe ¡nSel¡l¡on ol wrious minor slruduÉs ¡nd aqoipl¡¿nt ¡nclude: ¡nsüstlon of ¡ 202 squarè lml$oega Gquiprunl arar s[uAuras lh! cJìhgas ¡n K¡isth¡ &êrc: (å05) 65+2467 . . . . 6titÉnot¡17,441squ&efoolsEqlonofgr.anhousèNo insù¡.to¡ of ,l sñd ¡lcdriq(.quiprenl HotM¡iU NuÉÈs 645 W h0un¡ Cffiril¡, lrud!æs 27f-5 1 Rd CA 13012i 05 5forusea5bra¡krconvpackh,g/slor¿geac¡ buildrngs ìnst¡o.tion ol¿n irb.tþn equþNnl slo..!é bulding, @nwFlon ol 25.595 !q@ra Lat of 9Érnho6¿ for slongê v.lid¡tion ol f4 3quorà Llt ol ¡bààdy @ßrufrd ¡nd pÊrmitlrd chcÍic¡l òuibings The prcjed sbo oclrdes he blolvl¡g ch¡næs ¡¡ lhe frcjliy: . lEl¡ü¡ñ¡lþtf¡ng(Ho¡tiluSúr600w¡[¡ú10mmt&G)¡nGEênho@À10.2 be op.dl.d ûri,ig swnhg ìouß ¡nd D¡ckout tàÊ lðñnisson ol lq¡hl onûo ollsiE propeñi* . w¡l . saàn¡ng wúl TlElghti¡gwìll b. ¡ddôd b th. walb of tM Or.mhousr lo mlnimize spaæs m thè psrtirE ¡re¡ just esl of ttìû ofiæ. The eistine prrtjng spo€s relr¡æd R.moE øt shd. tuduG and mtrl !bog. buih¡n9s edj¡enl to Groênhorsê No- 6 Add 25 stoGûå æd.iæE Lo rhe cUP pem[ ¡ea fhese @ûbi¡eG ere eb€teol Egulârly sþlnd hê s¡te as Rem6lwo rddl¡oNl ha[diep Þe naadad. . R€mw oDå F¡ltrMturutrltfom he CUP araa. RamoÊ p¡ving 8nd equþreol sroßge ¡long lhè eastêh propèñy tne âñd oßiit¿ lhê GUP pêfiìil boundary RetuÉ bê . ¡ the sioñ on Låg¡Þo thê êxiniry 23 32 squ!É toot rþ[ or lh¿ wst¿.n sftlè ofthè lntnm b tÞ prqcd site- fhe s¡gn wdl tobl oftle¿t in lìelghi, which indudes lh. post h¿¡ghl Add e lobl of 16 (otob iD Grâenhousê N6, 5 & 6, r+ìid wX æile an aúÜoml mlü demM of 2,050 gslonsperd6y fh¡s6bulâlbnß0otesþnif€n(add¡lþ¡ale*ræ(¡onhmlhewalerwell,sarælheloblmÞr #mnd of lhc sdè is ¡lmost.n¡Ély ¡gñcutun-Þhtd, ¡d ludu¡tês bMtên 5O0,000 galons !rÙ 1,000,0ú ga¡¡ons â day PL14-0101 Ld UneAdþffi.nt 09eO600,{5 03117t2015 Lot LineAdiu¡mn( betwee¡ t@ M2Zoned Propenies loqÞd in be Mb5ion Roc¡( Road aret ùf VeltuÉ ¡nvoMng APNS 09Èm{45, 093-0.05ù1€5, 099æ0-495, 099-06G505, 099{-06G515, 09}ffiù'525 E¡Èt¡ne Par@l I b 212,511 squaae led ¡n ste and æ[ng P¡rccl 2 G 1%,689 sqr¡e bèt in sæ. Proposed Pa@l A ¡s 3,1,991 squ¿e fe¿l ¡n size P¡el b JêEbped w¡lh s ¡s 303,219 sqùèrc feet in sEe rnd prcposed P.Eel wôsta wter f¡clily whicì hñ no buildings, ont wal strucfures .nd ¡ sèwèr [nc p¡pcl¡nr ¡nl.kc Plræl is d.vdord wlh ¿n oil ¡nd oil t!^ts, bul no b!¡bhgs. El¡rs ì/alcncia Adj6lrÉnl balraên Lot ¿1. 5, and 6 of P¡rcè¡ M¡p No, 53l l known ¡s Assêsor Ps@ NuttràaÉ of t!q), 040-G22È19s (P¡E¿I2 orLLA). ¡nd o4m2G205 (P.¡æ13 ôf LL4 espediED' Th. subFd prEpênbs ¡E ddrñ.d ¿s Í2179, 1 2286 and 12507 Koên¡¡sl!in Rc'.d in Upper Oj.¡, qr.nlly Prrcâj 1 ß s.91 ¡cr.E in sÞc, P¡È|2 ¡6 @reniy 20 50 ¡æs h ¡Þa, and Par6l 3 ¡r orcnlv 20 50 ¡cr6 in size Th. Ll¡ wo¡id rosut l¡ P¡@l 1 bcin! 22 4€ aw¡ rn !¿e, P¡el 2 bêirE 21 72 .cBs in size, arÉ PaÞl 3 barm 23 73 sdes ln s¡zË. All of 1116 þG ¡nvoþd in lh¿ u ¡re withn ù! Op€n spaø Gcne[l Plan l€æ usê dasþnalbn. lha Opan Sp8@ O¡rlAa4 Pl¿n lrnd usa dcsign¡Îion. ¡¡d ¡0 th. Opon Sp86 ¿hcE ñinlmuo p¡rcÊls¡aèzoEdiírid A¡nunbcFdlotsolapßviouslyÉ@¡d.dp¡r6lm¡p¡nJuoâof200::,¡Iolthê3ubjêct lols ¡r. conlomirg Lg¡l þß Al rcúl¡ng lol3 wouH 6mln 6 @ntom¡ng loB lh¡l ¡16 osr2l åms io sizÉ Eli.s V.þnc[i (805) 65+S35 tl. El PL1,l-0102 lxmzo185 12179 KOENIGSTEIN RD, SNIA PAUU, CA 9360 bt L¡neÀdißlmnt 05/DaJ20t5 Lot L¡nc flsD22o{ES (Fr@ll I (EO5) : 8ên Tume¡ 65+3635 s¡nÞ Paub, cA9M60; 805-5256400 I ÞsvÉ John R Tr 121?C Koè Rd Pâul¿, cA 93060; (æÐ 64e1sst satu County of \rcrtuF, Pl.nning D¡v¡sbn Ræntly AÞpÞred PÞiectr 08/03/2015 P¡ge 4 D.t Pc¡mit Numbêr P¡rcel No. PL14{1 04 f55027û1 65 P.m¡tTyF Addæss ApÞrcEd P.dút Décription C¡ge aulhoti¿os lhe øntinucd use of a wåier rc:oy!r IrcI ly :¿r ¡ Fr,EL. wâl¿r pü@yor lâcilrtyisownedåndoper¡tedbyâpnvalewelerpurueyor,üeCålilori¿-Americånl/\b1erftmpeñy(CAV\/C). Thc f¡c lily rnddes lm ¿hve-gmùnd steel wsl¿Í stoBg¿ tanE Dne 50loot d¡¡meter tani (Ies Pos¿ s Tånt No 1) with Hai Nguyèn (E05) õ54-5183 Ttis condíÙonal Use Pl¡mr ApÞlicant MållhÊw Lasecti 657 GññdÀEnùê Rosemæd, CA 9'1770: a400,000g¿üonøpãcity¿ndone4Gbotd¡am*rt¡ntwilh35E0,0mgâlonep¿dy(LasPosrsf¡niNo 2) Poteble wåÌer rs srÞplid Þy Celleguås Munrcipãl W!Þr Distd The boosEr rt¡t¡on (Lás Posæ 30osl.r Sl¡tion) ildodestwopunpsandFloÉt€donrheshouldsroÌFñæRoâdw¡th¡nbeCountyrigàtsotwåy lwoprEsureelþf v¿lws (PRVS) sre loøted o n lhe @mer ot Calþ Auro6 and V¡ã De Cerc, eno ôn the co mer ol \låtl¿y Vita DrÍvs ând Garrdo DNe 916¿754740 eiends lo FB¡Rey Drive ad Câllado Slrlel on thå ¡odh, to Rm(na Drive on the wesL.loC¡m¡noCücodi¿¿ndCaleAurcr¿onthesoulh,añtoOEøachDriveontheê¡sl tlote¡gesor sPSnsion ol sè strc€ âr¿å or sysm epåsly å@ proposêd Ño n6w slruclures €re proposed Th€ seruiæ area oflhe facjfly PL1+0130 1630010755 õ750 rcRTH cAMRtLlO. W M¡¡or Modif€lon 05/2P015 CA 93012 Minor Modificalbn lo Condilbn¿l lJsÊ Permil 4242 lor ¿ 1 o-yeâr t¡me atension to dbw th6 on{c irg use oIan exßLmg ¡pFroxúâlely I E00 fâm wofierdwêlhng unil thãt does not ruet the slândâÉs for M¡ni!,¡eral Fârñwo*ef Anir¡el C¿¡¿tåker Dwllrru Uî¡ls due to th€ smunl ol smûnr ol åg¡rilltu6l lând ¡ñ produot( n Th¿ sübjËct propÊdy ¡3 ¿pprdml¿ty 21 ¡ms in s¡ze. is loëted wilhin lhê AElo eæ mn¡mum p¡r@l sÞe 2o¡e d¡sldcl, Agri@¡!.al6ene.el Plan hnd used desrgnat on, ¡d is ddrEsÊd as 6700/6750 tudh W¡y in the Câmenlo Ae¿ A Condilo¡ral UsÈ Permil is ¡cq!irêd bêcåuse hc 5ubiccl propefy own.rdæs noL h€w 40 ¡cres in ¿gdcuúur¡l Math* Sauter (805) 6s4-2492 ¿nd podudonthlwEuldallow¡minÈÞrial¡pprcvalforthefrrmworkerdwlnq my. No sddlroñåldde oprunl rs pÞposrd Keilh Hlss 6750 Wodh Wsy Câmânlo C493012 805tr3.2664 Accê$loLhe5iþìshomåprivste dnvewÂy v€ Woñh FL PL1+013E PcmitAdl6thñt 12E0040050 oz2uzals HOUSING MOD 1 TIMË E¡TENSION PemlAdjElmênl fo Condltron¡l Usè Pemil no CUP 5275 to modit Cond¡lion No 3 (Hours ofcrpcr¡tion) 10 â(k s sÞling l¡ft ol6:@ !m for.l€dñc pow.rd r¡rn[ Drt, @Nlruction ol ¡ 20'x 20'.sphåll p¡d ltr hel¡c¡p1êr llying ånd¡20'x54'ptiling¡rca3¿0i¡ombodoñolr¡mpwlstofih"lrbtingrunw¡y CUP5275w.r.pp.ovêdlo. r¡dio ontoled ¡ircÉfr oFrâlion d 6æ0 blocl olV¡ncy¿rd Awnue nc¿a S¿ti@y ¡n ¿ p¿r@l ownf d by Vstur¿ CEig Mslin: (805) 65+2488 V\állbN Sam ã4 E Eard Road CA 93030ì O{ard, 236€69 (mSj 1 County \Mrersted Proled¡on Oi5ncl PL14-Of3r 01 00201270 1459 N FOOTHILL RO Lot L¡nê AdjuslmênL 05/042015 oJAt, cÅ 93023 Lot lin¿ ¡djulmc¡l b.lween lo two lEræh (APf¡s 010-0.201-2? t 010-G201-28) åddresscd æ 14,t7 and 1477 FooÌhillRoôd nlh.Oj¡rA.êe Thêsub¡èclpa@E.cwilhhlhêRurlR.sidenl¡.|2-SDrcfl¡nglJn¡lOjårV.lþy Ar€åPlånla¡dus¿desi{¡n6lionsndlheRur¡lAgrcullure(RÂ-2Bc)ZonaoesignrLbn Påræ|1(ÀPN Bi¿s Valencis (805) 65+3635 010-0-201-27)ßcurenllyl160eqesñsL.¡nóPårcê|2(APN0rB201-2E)¡s1705¿æs¡nsize Theþlline edjustmcnt \rouid ænvey an êq!ãl amount of land lloñ ånd lo eåO påræl rêsulùno in lhê s¡mc iiæ påEb lhsl ddod prior 10 lhe lol line ¿ with P€rcel 1 b!¡ng 1 1 60 ¿cr.s in sEe ånd Påræl 2 beir€ 1.705 ¡cÞs in size FL14-0141 ô480260020 7401 SANTA SUSNA Cood¡lionBl Us Pcmi 0217t2015 PASSRO SIMIVALLEY Permil AdJ6iñenl to CUP - 4855 ln order lo upg Édê an êx6Ln9 tebcom i¿cilily Bnd S' te¡ stee monopoL fûr Ver¿o¡ Wreless - lnsls/lation ol lwelE (12) 8' p¿nel ânten¡ês (3 secto6 of 4 anlenns each) cêrfêEd ¿l 50' for E05¡46-3575 Eedy Linder ¡ tBoS) ô5+2Æ9 m¡¡he¡ghtol5¿l'12RRUI(4onrachsedor),lwo(2)GPSånl¿nnåsw{hinenê¡s1ingêqu¡phanlshêher,one(1) 4 ma@wa€ dish a ¡ew 30 ¡w genemlo. on a 5S' ønøete sp¡U ænleinmênl p.d ca 03063 RonníeÀd€m 1458 Foolhill Ro.d ojei, cA 93023, REld'r -:ru 5! ?ra: 17¿15 OEng€wodAw SuiÞ 105 OEnge, CA 9266å, El E 269 0002 Tha unm€nnd fâc¡lity E b@¡d ål 7401 Sanþ Susânn¡ Prss Roed jn he Srm¡ V¡lÞy .re¡ APN 648+26G020 lhe facilily s aee$ed vra a goled pMe æncreto dMw¿y known as Td¡lgit Cånyon ¡ off ol i;anla Susanå Påss Rd Tne feci¡ly does not ul¡lEe waier to operåle ll w¡ll bê tn opèßtio¡ 2¡[ ho!ß ¡ dåy. sêÉn days ¡ Eek Zôning on thÊ sile rs O9160 ol72 s l. to lhe èdrng 200 PLr 441 5 1 0330372070 N VENTU& AV oJAl . cA 93023 11 4OO Iú¡o. Mdiû€lbn w23t2015 ac and Gener¡l Plân dèsignålion is Open Spacê s f. leæe árce, mk¡ng úe new lcese årêa 22 s f fhe eppli¡nl requests ¡ Minor Mod¡fElion þ Conditional Use Permil No LU11-0052 lo suthorizè lhe cùbÉlion by f-MDbile to ân .xisling ATÀT uroþss comñunrcårions f¿dl¡ly Thè ¿xÈrinq lacilüy is disguised as a mono-eucdyptEiree Theprcposedprojedinclud€sheâdditþnolnineênlennesmoûntedEtlteä-footlevelof the e*ting 42106t rol trêÊ Bnd nsþllation of two gound munþd BTS cêÞjncts wilhio sn exisùng z2-footx 6-foo1 lêase ares All lhe Daoposd eq!Þhenl âree woud Þe suroúndêd by å concretê masonry wsll X¡isl¡ñâ Boero (605) 55+2457 ßl T-moblle Llc 3257 E GuasilAve Ontario, CA 91751. (909) 331-7W County of\rentu¡¡, Plenñing D¡v¡s¡on Recently AFproved Proiect6 0E 03i2015 Pâge 5 f)ô Pemh Number Parél ¡,¡o- P'mlt TyF. AddE Fanrlt D6dtptlotr Pl¡lË¡ C¡so ^ppÞ\!d PL1{154 1550140055 701 E HGHUNO OR, CAMAR¡LLO. CA f¡OlO Lol Linc Ad¡ o7r1 920t5 P¡Él 701 E M.p \biFr HighLnd Lot Lùr. Ad¡uslrcñl eú 711 E iiþhl¡nd C¡mrib. Appllqnt ElLt lhleîcÈi it¡FbC (80Ð 65+3635 ?01 E. Hbhl¡nd Dr. C¿m¡iþ. cA83010; Meõ lm lq¡ldisl¡ng d6Flopd æE tu p¡@h inwlv.d .É 155-0-l,lO-¡¿S, .rd 1554.'14(|-()55 Onr olllE p.r6ls B lcO¡l noÞ¡bmlng. hN[rthæ wl! ba þdrb6nÐ t05 443 5C0E This LLA'E Th¿ in lh tgoÉgElr år ¡æ adjffiil b br¡r{ Equded b blbw ¡ne of extsllrE itrlpFwm¡È o¡ o¡9 of L¡nd lo à. rñßt¿.o¡( wi¡ ylekl no dlrË¡anæ h ¡¡a olamnt p¡Hl @nlþution Par I will be 2 66 ec grcs end p¿røl 2 úll be 76 ¡c grcs ¡È¡ lhe Êdi6md Lot PLl€155 1Aæ130S0 915 SNTA RM RO, cÐdli¡n¡l U$ Pffi WVO15 CA¡¡ARILLO, CA 33012 ¡he oI lh¡ psEb prcpdþs RenMl ol èpiEd Coôd¡t¡onâl U$ PGml4798, ¡n etisting úralc$ commun¡Fl¡on frcily âl 915 Sa¡h RG¡ Ro¡d PþFsæ rÞdit€tjds b üre sAè ind6e Þdådng c¡É¡ng êqliphant. rep¡cjng wih si¡ 4ð' hÐed ¡nd M 48' octoport ¡nlam¡s, ¡¡stâ¡ng m nd LTE 2c RRU'! CUP,a79a ws .pp.Nd by thê Cdnty of Ventüû on hy 28, 1 993 for fiÊ Mmdion of ¡ @muni¡t¡on foc¡lily æHhg of six al'Cõhdmunladpencl¡¡ìten¡aswlhah¡¡muhh¿iChlotS',.prchùri:alèd12'x25'¡13'unlt DþundEuI èr¡do*d by. Èhlink feÞ Siþ opcÉlor bAT&T wiGþis. s¡b numb.r b SrcVl9, sila n¡m! ¡s Slnh R6¡ 8.cÌy Undar: (Eos) 6s+2#9 Adrþ¡ cuüd '11Ë40 S.p'¡ved¡ Bh,ú LisAngèlæ, cAsl345l (818) 99ô"91E6 Ro.d. PL1€t$ hnditim.l Us Pdrt G1æ3@20 ct 3û/¿015 lhispomladhorizesthe@nlhuedcErfthBexêlingw¡Ebs@mudelionh¡illy0rtCF) fhettÊ €quiprrdt ¡3 ownrd .nd op.nled by Sprì¡l-l.l¿xtGl The sle n¡me b Cas¡lc Sp.irqs SCE Torcr rnd lhc sitr ¡umbq 6 VR33Xc02,l The lr\¡CF i¡ loqlrd on . pÞperty oMed by Soulhem C¡ffoh¡. Edis)¡ (SCE). H8j Ngú!ûn: (to5) 69t93 GOo) aü lÉlêd f ha & ú lña si9h9150-fodl úliv l¡íhá lDrea The .æ. ¡s ¡urcundcd by rhE @h¡ng r¡lr .nd ¡ g.Þd &læt hi¡h dlalñ l¡¡k lcnø in lhê li¡nt ónd ovoa lh. bp ot lh¡ L¡!ê aEa, Thc hB aEa @nl¡¡ns ôquipmúl Ðbinatt md anc¡hry aqu¡p.nad thaSprintNa¡ìêlôqu¡poÊntonlhêLáielorêrircl¡d6iFoua¿!{^lê¡nß(lmbolêdin &cbrA¡d tuo ¡ß S¿dorÐ ¡É mudú ôl ¡ppmx¡Nhly 63 Éáab$ th.gmund. Th. WCF wi¡ bG únmnnd The lrcF ¡nc¡udcs ¡ 37tlquarc fDol is omed by Thr scE l¡üice torer ¡nd opc€lc PLtHl6E PêmillÀ¡6hùt &00180215 wmls 2,1 no6 6{01E0050 63t I(AIHERINE RO, stMt \rA!LEt, cA 93063 Lot [iìê Adl_dment st1y201 5 pôrd¡y fur365 dayi parye¡r b Condilbnal Use P!ñlt 5035 b ßpl¡e two ûrlenru wilh ¡ ncw 8' hith tnlenn. r¡ú onê *ø0 Àntro¡as Milêd o¡ ê¡bt¡ng 30' l¡¡ wálèr trnk tl lhê Tiunfo S¡n¡tl¡ n Dildcl l¡nt site olS¡wy cod ¡n O¿k Prt. ¡ppovld lor bur¡nLnn!3 mountrd on th. [nl. Nú mdifdüon prcpor.dþMbrbnkorúgalltbnand¡ôEr¡dÙlgpúpGrd N0pÞposadclúnrae ln@ndlllonsolappß{l slta nunbr SW05934, Ê¡t nama S¡wy lool opcn(or Î-l¡obl. Becky L¡Íler: (los) 6s+2€9 l-ol Lina ¡d¡uaùnarf lorluo gxiling laeal lob wt¡ $æ ownaa Ðoth p¡r6b ¡E æn.d RE-10K- Oæ p¡el b no|gnlDm¡ng. oõ. p¡rcd b d.v.loprd with e 2.7æ !q. fr, 2€lDry SFD, tho oth.r ¡s I - 68 ¡cc!. Parcel2 -.10 El¡¡s hlân&: (005) 65+353s Pêúút Åd¡uñ.nt RRU (on. p.r re 639 rs7-7641 lè6a þ.* 5oúh PLl+0179 Ric¡ard Tân9 Psûmy Oqt¡nd P.rt, KS 66251; æ91 Spri.f vunt SyneEy S.ús O.€lopmnl ôõ7 E F,onr St Sue Á Veniur., CA g¡toûl; 803{21 S C760) HEr[nduAlfuñ Kttlprihr Rd SimlVr¡y, CA$m3; 639 a1E 237 7947 K¡thlrhe Rd. sfrìi Vslby PL1+016r 16301{160 ææ SANTA RGA RD, GAMARUO. C€S0'12 P.nrù Ad¡¡Senl 09'19¡¿015 PríritAdiust¡ênt b CÒndl¡oôll U$ P.ñìt52?3 &. ti. ongol¡g opcEajon of rn ¿xlsli¡rg F¡cðttlohtdlo¡úholÉ.þnuEê.yÞuÉu.nlloSêdlonBl07€.3.nd8107{,4 L¡Dr AüiÊ¡¡lu6l Sdo! lhèÉqÞslGloålowâ1o-yqr F[nø Rosên9En (805) 65+2045 Rob bt . C.mnlo. C ¡S012 (t05) b,J o¡Gtridsd wagtr watÈ¡s h¡ndEd by ån Munj¡ip¡l\[lê. ¿at¡1-l ¡100 on+lle Eepllc County of VerúuË, Pl¡nn¡ng Oivis¡on RænüyAppþved Plojecb ouo3m15 Pðge 6 Fèmit Number P.ræl No. PL1+Otg2 't33æ61075 Addæ Pemar TyDe f)ú ApgÞEd Pemit Décriplion oubue loEF of tucb, hct rêp¡ir, rd.esry ofu10 ¡ Oilrìbllorof rcoli¡g rpplbs wih odoor sloÉge ol ÍEle¡ials, iìside slorage, a merch€ndìse disf,lay are¿, ¡nd ffiory ofiæs Thê sübjld prcpady is in th. M2Zon. OLûid and thc Ind6ni.lElRìo/NyeLnd AcGAÞ¡ Pl¡n hd ur¿ &sþmtionlo*d ¿149E lftÁ OXMRD CA93D36 CG.PllË AFt¡€tra Elbs Vblhc¡å: Jat FloÉs (Eû5) 65,1€835 49? L¡ÈÉ OrÈrd, Sl CA 93036j EOS51-109A sr.êt. n!sfuwilnolraquiÞãaldlioÉldedor¡mpþwmêßtohcilþÞrhêù6ê!þÉbrrGrip¡ngofthe qbtiE p.rkingy'slmge ¿rãs Tl¡e dewlopcr wi¡ povid€ 20 parkhg sp¡E ,Dr lha ca of .rdoyG åú dstomE ¡t th. sdlhmst ærÉr of th. prcp¿rty ed oudoor do6gê wll o@r ¡1 lhc nofrhê.í!;¡ie of Drcpedy th¡l w úikcd for otrdoo¡ t!c* sråge undcr Pl¡încd OêvdoDlÉl Pêmh 1064 lñtêrlôr tèd¡t impÞ€mnb wil be Equiald b @nwa(lhê truck sêNi€ rre6 to ¡mènor rcrchediz¿ stongr snd he s6âs9f oñc wt bc iîp@Ed to ¡dd lìe dÈpl.y ¡8. ¡nd G@nfgußd olfæ spæ t bler b p@vilod by tlE Viney.ßr Mduel l/\htcr Comp¡¡y ùd wb wfr dÈchrDêd G h¡ndþd h, th. County ol Wilun S.Mb. Àq *)4 No ¡ddition.l g6díng or lmpeNios ero. wll be aód.d to lhc sile No rddh¡on¡l hndsøp¡ne b Þop@d blyoú Mâl s,ôs orb¡úlly ¡d.led pcrPl.ntrd DaEþpnant Pêmit 1064 IRUCK SERVICE PL1/H1ôE 67303102s 1OOO S WNTU BRK RO. PmtÆþst¡át o2121X2015 Prcþd i. ¡Ë¡¡l.tion ot onr nd ¡¡¡ fuot.nlênn. persêdor.nd one ns rmotÊ ¡adb unìl pèa$rlor forlhca sèrtoE(sitawilh.Ë¡iÞ¡nte¡n6¡ôdlhrærus) T-Mob¡êsileSVo0342 Th6ech.ngcssubsi¡nt¡¡lt@f,fom þ LlJoæ014 AllÊondll¡on¡ of CUP LUm34.pply Ventun cNnty Unln@lP Krisl¡É Bo.þ: (lo5) 65€Æ7 Chgdår VúÈbss 3gS Mlcffin lrvhe, *1 00 CA 92612: 76H03€219 PLlHT 9O 701 m301 00 t2220 COIUR|N RD, MAUBU CA 90265 P.m¡lAdiush.nt 03rþ1/201 5 Slla P¡n Adiuslmant lo Co¡dlioDal Use Pm|il No, LU10¡101, wh¡ch w.s ¡ppD@d ås . lïn.s únd wlln.s c¡oÞ tnom ß tha R.nct¡ at Llva OaL lha app¡qnl nqu$F tha grell¡¡ ol à S[e Pl¡n Adidñañt wh¡ch @uld Kdsl¡m Boam: (Eos) Alg Tr 65+2467 Mal¡bu, cA9P6+2r45j 3to-+57-3359 propo$d lo þrhg tlo tol¡l nümàer ol (Éd¡l¡lþn ¡ub lo six üd ¡ lol¡l 01192 additionC sqEE fe.rt The blowíng duml¡ng ñluEr .c abo poposêd: s¿r @rer ltrnd sinks in !¡dr hd, one údor ink in lh. hú ¡H o¡aAOA bsbroom wih stro4. (94 SÐ in one ol the new huts, ¡nd onè hol Etor cbs.i (la SÐ fú. lol¡l of 108 SF of addilbEl lot @rq. All od plumb¡4 frduræ will b. Mndú to lh. êxidilg Hd.u.tÊr p¡dóg. le¡tmnl pl¡nl ÎlÊG will b. no hcÉú. h lh. nrnb.r o[ gÐstr or emdoy.6 th¡o whC wos rppÞwd *llh LU1OO|08 (32 Cr6.nd8.nploy¡6) Th.s¡rêphnúÌßrcntaboinclÉcslh.¡n6t¡&lbnoltropodrùLttrNl¡ndhgm¡s F3t $ls (fDur po66 êôch) w¡th open b¿mboo aun @wE úr.I wouH be loúl6d betwænlha FoGrnan3 bu¡þjm rnd € þel (90 SF .ach), br r fold of 180 EF 0l þl É@9ê Th. op.n banÞ@ suô wil cE¡la á trlål o1270 øveßg. th. lobl ¡dditlon¿l b{ ÐÉdgc t Eposâd with lhb sit6 phn sd¡ustænt is 654 SF, lor.n ¡ncEæe of 4,56r¡6 from lhe lot @reÞge thst wæ .ppf@d lor LU10{!0ð ø6 PLt+0191 Pemh^dj@mdl 03300211395 da¡, c493023 Én1no1s Pemi¡AdjßlmnlþPl¡nnedDeElopmnlPêm¡tN 1@8hr¡tenillEålngefiDma\þ¡dy'srel¡urentleñ.nl ch¡nge b ¡ Sl¡óucb CotuÈ TÞ 0 G4 ¡æ pDp.ñt' ¡r loEtâd ln lh. CPO ZoñÊ 0¡9ril ùd the ColìreF¡l O¡¡ V¡lþyA¡e¡PUnhdGed6ign8tion¡ndblddEssd¡s11560No¡lhVenluÉAwnueIl.pÞposêdch.ngês ¡rc¡urlc GmviE ¡ 330 squ¡É fBolsunÉom rnd @MrleO il to oddoorseåling. intcrh¡rMeling ollhê cm¡n¡ngl,7l6É4-fr b¡a¡ng,endmbæl.nao6cåårigstotlEaÉariorofthebu¡lding,p¡rt(i¡gþlrñddriçlhau Th¿€ wll bo g søb tilhi¡ útê bùild¡ng ¡nd 19 s¿ats wlh¡n lhÊ oudoorsealim åGa. Thr ¿ril¡r¡ ddE ûru l¡cjlili6 úll bc updled wlh ntr sþnåg! NÊw pryiñg lnd stdire of ihê Fdiñg kf wil odt s æ¡.s AOA upgr-æ A ffil of 27 pårting sp.@s aÉ bchg pÞvilcd (2 ol which wi¡ be ÀOA Aæs s b pmúd by .¡ eisùng ptule dtuw.y vi¡ Nodñ V€nluru Awm. þ hr OÞi Va¡rt Arua Phn rÈqu lrmnß r sign fr46m hs b.q submn ó s pal ollh.89pÍqüon Bêrty L¡nder (60Ð 65+m9 s€n Poon 17700NilHopèSl Suilê æo FounÞin Vdl6y, C4927æ: 714_835,393S County ot tèntua" R€nr¡¡ng Dlvisþn Rsnlly AppÞved PÞJrctÊ t0/03i2015 Plgc 7 Cæpt cAt'¡YoNRD.WnloÉ Coünty u¡m@D Ulm06Efor¡dogþnnel(4imlleêp¡ng,nonlusbandty)iælrdìn9oøs¡onalterfr¡¡yoùËúr.wnE The hcil¡ty ¡s appþ€d ¡o bè op€tud .Ellsiwt by lhe ¡pplieil frr d¡vl¡6 dFeqly Dhcd to tehht pofÈssbnåt hndbÉ (typ¡el¡, fEnghhF) and lic¡rdogs to pcíomsãrclHn l-6@ op.Etioß d{ing disleE. the 12fusê pþFdy s l@ted st 6æ0 V$lâêle. C¡nyon in lhe æmmunly of S.ilia Prda aßl È .d6S 6800Ut4ìeclcaCanyonRoad TheprcpeÉyh$aGêæÉlPlânt¡odBd,asigüûonofOprnSpsæåDdb¡nthe Æriq¡lúEl.û{c€ The m¡n¡müm ZonG PmttulGmil rc Appt¡qr{ I I (805)65+24¡2 MhnalsaadtDq Fouddbñ Ojú CA 99023: 805€¿t6-t 0't 5 I DÈfq. æqu6t @wÉ ûrc lo¡owing modilÉions: 1 Reþqte Bù¡bine F (forcr Prop), a gslory, shipÞ¡¡g @¡bln¿r sù!c¡!æ lpcvioúly pl¡nnd ¡nd pem¡hd br AEr B to bâ mEd to AE¿ C ss notad on the ÞrcÞd Þbß, E¡ch llmr øNiçG of four (a) E )d 5'ra0'4ntaDæ .rd ¿ Êfr&¡lly pbed @ñbinêrÎo !¿M .5 ¡ rappol lowr .t,ü¡2 sL Thb is thè sæ Prop dGduE fisted as Bù'*t¡ng F (ofie BHd i¡ Ar€ B ¡ppÞÉd vlô M¡¡or Modlfet¡on lb PLtH024, wf h ån €ddilion.¡ one @rúåiær h wdlh p¿r fu ôr ll hâs lÞú rêloetGd to lhD båcl of sib in AB¡ C- 2 Con¡rud . Brdgo PFp whbh i¡ 120' long xlE -6' wil. x å €' hioh 6trustu[ @nlructad frþm shipping @nb¡nèE placêd M qida lo fom lhè basê 0l th! sttucùrE The skies otthg @ntrh!6 wl¡ h!Ê daElsÌ'arch6' adl4d b tha s¡tas rnd lh! lop oftha @nl¡jnôE sh¿l¡ haÉ "qurdraih' ind øncrote p.vèñdl b redb¡le s rc..lMy Th. ænl.ißF @mp.i!. '1600 í â¡d 620 sf ol hd ftimine 2200 sL lhè 8rid0è Prrp lr proposêd lo b! boLd ¡nAE. c- 3 Corutrud ¡ 2 Vawl¡g St nd., wùid b .D md fEm€ (debcñ.d pat¡o) sh¡dê æwß dos¡t¡n¡led s rræE br to oòsGNa lnining. Thast viNing únd5 ¡c pÞp6ad to ba 280sf ona muld h b.¡t d inÂr.r I ând v61G oM wld be læ ln Ac¡ C 4 Conshud . S¡rb Prcp wh¡ch b ô 30'f g0'ønqd. p.d.E¡ th.l wil b. Ènk, p¡F, ek .nd ø€ß 5,700 !l wòi,t woub b.lodâd jn AG. C ut¡¡¿êd tD p¡æ/mDt Gmpo6ry Sirs. 5 D6þ¡åtad Oêkis Arras whbh @rr tha Emlning opan ¡Ea3 ol A¡.¡ C (sppqimt ly 50 00D s0 wlr¡ù wl h¡w ænæþ obblr plþs, ËhlcÞs, ¡¡lldF (3).rÉ þfrbêrlo be pl¡ed and noEd aþund ¡c nædad for l¡ainlng PU¡?Olæ 6- Rr@nllgúG and rcdæùñ üc l,Älborc Cerfèr wilhÌn ùe gGraralfodprinl.E üi. pÞprrly Thc Vv.hom Ccnle. wil ¡næs å! e00 sl in slæ. fvioudy !pp æ¡t althâ ftoal ot 7 Rede4¡¡ ånd æsþn usæ lo whrl was rppovad 6 thê hndþ/s Lodge ¡nd C*Êt¡kèß R6¡ênæ Wh¡l Es nd.d a lûê handlêE lodgè wll now ba ùe 4ret¡þr¡s æsùten@.¡olÍce úd whdwú ¡æd ¡5 lñe Eretþd ßltrc¡roíba b prcposad to be tha hmd¡ß lodee, The h¿ndlaÉ' lodo. wil inqèGe ¡FDmx¡nolaly 600 st ¡n s% ADOMOt\l^L INFORùiATION: Gdding qu¡nffy chång* wiu b 1.020 cubb y€rds of cul ard 1,785 ub¡c y¡rds olf¡l/, for¡ peÉn chmge of lhê lolel.pprcwd @t (57,500 cf) of 1 5% ¡nd I pC@01.$¡nee 0f1he1ot¡ltpprowd f[ (47.200 cy) ot3.8%. lh! Gcdiîg Permil ch¡nge oú.ñâs ålßedy bean epFroEd by Publìc Mrlsi pþ¿seseèlhê Êtta.hed applia¿tþn ¿ñd apgrcwd pLn th. hæ6è ¡n build¡ng botpriñl ÈquôLd would ¡tuùril lo ¡n åddlbnål2* (1,473 sqo¡È ÊÊl) ofth. ¡ppreved tot¿l lndud¡og he pEvbus nûdifet¡on, the ¡pprcved tuoþlhl lot l Ms 86,5¿5 squù. f..t, âÉ lh¿ nB loÞl åt,064 sf. þuH h Tha s[ê È s¿rvad by an êislho ¡pprowd waþr El¡ úd akrsdy appÞwd ¡nd ¡Ébllod ¡ndivkiøt septic syslDms will h.ndlå wlsb útèr hDh lh¿ lrucluÉ lh6l sG pþpsd to 6@nngu(d tr PL15{t006 ?0100s0?0 12320 YEREA BUENA RD , i,lAUBU. cA e0265 PemtÆjßhail o1Ì2s2015 lrud!É on llE pâÈl sub¡É b ùÉ ailê Pbn Adjulmnl Th6. incl¡¡do; @nstruc{¡on of å 700 squ¡E loqt dvrèllk¡g wlth 41O squæ loot gBrTÊ Thse struÉuG prd .pprored.5 . of PD No. 1964.nd Si. Pl¡n Adjunmnl No- PL12-0123. bul me ll*rbüi¡. @nslrud¡on ofe squarc lool úbcJìrd pool @nstruclioñ ol. a-tuol h¡t¡h ûl!¡nhg w.ll soulh of lhc pEpos8d dwêlüng Eaotftduræ . ' ¡[.ód 2{ ho6 ws Krbùna Boaro: (805) 65+2467 Jmæffiono ?300 Knoll OriE VchtrÉ, CA93003; 805ó44{180 County of l¡!rilu6, Phnn¡ng D¡yÈ¡on Rædtly AppreEd PÞjccls {¡€/0312015 P.gc 8 Dæ Perm¡t Number P¡rcel No. PL15-0007 1280060215 Addrs Pemit Typê APPÞwd Pemft fÞsdiplion 1B95 LIRIOAV PcmlÀdrushenl 03129201 5 Pe.mitAdjushent:o OP 144 for lhc rnsl¿llðrFn of â CNG fu¿ling låcility relaled to Harcon lndusÙÉs Sold råñspod lâc¡¡ity âr 1E95 Litu Avênle ¡n the M2 zone DEtaiq land the lndusfi.l s¡rÈoy AE¡ Plen lano use VENTU&. CA 93004 &íe C.e Pl.lrcr ÀpÈiqñ Craig Mal¡n Pam PulÞn 46?5 mc¡Âhu. cour¡l€00 N€wæl B¿æh, CA 9ã60 (E05) 654-24E dêsigDât¡on Th¡særm¡t¡Etorh€rßlâ¡bllo¡ol.pívatêcNGrime-ñllsysbhlhát#læÉErofcompÉssor cqu¡pme¡t thâl wll ree¡vè nalurál gos by meaE of 3 pipe¡E from rlc aubùc uti¡äy ¡ine bøled ¡n ,he L¡rc Aveñue nghl olwey wh¡ch is ¡djræntto lhê subj¿cl prop¿dy The nrturl g.s wif bc melêEd, @mpGssld ånd dislributcd thml{h fueling po$ mounled on rndividu.l di35oñ ñôunÉ br dispÈñjno puDGê3 Io HãrÈôn lrdlsrrì.s lrucks on¡y Cornprcssor 5y3l¿úr equ¡pftnt will ¡nclude a verÈor labnetÈd comprèsor wilh Ênclosur¿ rìB1ur¡l ges dryèr, AsME cNG sro14e våssels (âbow gÞurid Iðnks), nlÊrÐnnecting piprng, eledñcal condui ãnd ladory nstalþd s¡lety conlfolsyslems in å@fdan€e ¡o êppl¡caòþ reg!þhns olrhe Nârion¡l Frr. Pfo¡ediôn ksoð¿mn (NFPA 52) The compre$or Bqurpñenl will bo inslslled in ¿r aree protecled by en 6-þot cham-l¡nk fence ând bolLrds lo remow ú lrcm the gcn¿ral crul¿l¡on €Gås ol the lranspotu[on sèNrcès yáad A 10tel 0f 24 ¡ndivltua¡truck fueling l¡n¿s witl b¿ iGtrltd âs pát ot thìs prcìect on 14 concÉte €issons (4 s¡ñgle hose eisso¡s ild 1 lt doubþ hoæ 6issons) ThË tuel¡ng stålbns double ¿s kucl p¿fti¡ìg arcas es lhê foeling musl be conducld olernqhl Th6 F ¡n keêprng wilh DP 144 3nd w¡l nor reduce lhê sil€s p¡rk¡ng cspacily ?L15-000s s3202212e5 11570 OÀKCRESTAV oJAl. cA 93023 Lor Lin¿Adjuslmeñt 0ô/01/201 5 Lol Line Adjulmeñ htue¿n two ¿xGlng l¿gal ptrcels APN5 03202212sS .nd s2-505-0142 Eli¡s Velenda (å05) 554{635 0320221285 opi O¡k C6l g Llc 2362 C¡bÞåsàs Rl C¡lab¡sas. CA 913021 E1E 3S8,3500 Tfu bF srê both zond R1.8000 and sre designÀbd urbán Residcntlål one o, ñe lwo p¡rcets is Ecå¡1. No r€sulting loi PL15-0010 05m113050 4072 E CÊNTER ST F]LLrcRE, CAS3O15 PerhtAdlüslmàl rz27no15 wil thÊ other is dewloped wfrh be måde non-@nlorming due b thß å 4{ Bs pad of tha oiâi Vå ley Àrea Plân srf,gþ fBhily dwel¡ng conneded lo sereÍ lo! l¡ne ådjuslmenl PêrmnAdiGthent lo Plsnnad 0eEloPmant Pemi( No PLl24163 fhe 2PPljcÂnl æquesls he gnrnl¡ng ofe Adtustm¿nl to PD No PL12-0163 lorthc conlMio¡ ols s¡dewålk lrom lhe nodhwed ænion of ,.PN 056-0-113050 to jusl bcfore orchBrd slrcel in lhe commun¡ly of PÌru (ô05) 65+2467 C¡bdllo Eæôomìc DewloPmenlCorPoEtÌon 702 County Sqßre Oñe VentuÉ, C493003, E05{59-3791 X114 PLl5-0017 PemilÆJùsthenl 5000410355 01t2312015 tuiushent lo cUP t6 4 951 lor làe þgeliæÙon ol ùo 320 square f@t melel slorage conl¡ineF lor eulhoEed lvalnd Grove lemporery ouldoor ev¿¡E The ønt¿nèG h3vê bêen ãllêred wilh wiDdo'rs and doôrs one howewrnobuild¡ngpemìlw.lsoblanedlo¡ oflhe€Eo@nl.¡ncÉwesprevo6lypemilledund¿rZCto4z95 LhÈ conlener Pemit Kßtina Boero (805) 65+2467 John Neúon Joh¡ w lowlo'r À ¡5s!cr¡lrr¡ 159 Moonsong Coud Moorpåft C493021. 52X494 PLt5-001 B PemilAdi6lme¡l 0600300015 05/0520r5 Perm[ Mjuslment 10 LU09-0133 lo sdo one ncrowåvc d¡sh lo án exilìng wrreles Casiþs Vist¿ Rolo in Cåsitås Sprims Émûuni€liorì fåcilìly .t2270 lhomas Chafee (805) 6s42106 T-mobile \flesl 4100 Guãrdi3n Sl SiñiVall.y C493063 PL15{021 1330190095 4333 V¡rctarc AV CA Pemúadiushenl 1070ts0035 17602 S SOTJTH MOUNTAIN RO SOMIS Condìloilel Use o1116t2075 PcmúÀdjuslnènl No ÞL15-0021 E å request by thc åp9¡snL lor lhe insìallatio¡ op.ralon End rna¡ntenane of a ground ñounlèd solargcn.råtion syst.m on thGà rcÈs of la¡d lô6led !t the Count ofVênlur¡ ,luveñ¡¡ê Jusl¡ce Compler Th€ solH gencrrt¡on sysle¡r woùld @nsEt ol grcund mountÊd equ¡pmè¡l €pPrc¡måte¡' Íeet, 1o-inches rn he(¡hl th¡L wouþ be i¡sìailed on ån udewþp* p¡el (APN 1 33+190{10) nodhw€st ollhe :!unly ol Veolure Kn5[oâ Boero {805) 651-2167 PLt5-0030 ca 93m6 07l3012015 8016219 BÉn D anne Fo Counly Of Venio6 Pvblìc Worl€ 5!O 5 Vrcr0¡r¡ ¡w VenluE, CA 930094001 654-2022 JUVen¡lC JUStCe cOmPlèX P¿rmit (7G0) Cof,drlion¡lUs. Prmir for r¿n6walof êxpÛed Pemit fÞr sn èxising wrÞ¡èss æmmunic¡tion lrcrllt/ lxoiåd on Ih€ peak ol Sodh Mounlain addrês.êd ss I 7102 Sodh Mount¡in Roàd loHted in ths Op¿ñ Sp¿@ GtÍêrål Phn laM use cles0nslo¡ snd lhê op.n sFc¿ 1óEc S¡l¿ ænsisls 0f sn cxislrrg 100' tåll Lower with 142 ¡nlennås on ¡ 2921 sq fr lÉ50 Êrc¿ wilh a 144 sq ft equrpffinlshall6r an und.lcmined numbÈr of unuscd anl4oõ sE Kristina Bocro (605) 554.2467 Bonniè B€b¡r 1Q Pr¿s¡lentìEl l¡úây Woùurn MÀ01801. 7814reÆ37 proposedtobBrèmo@dNo¡ddjtionalequDmsnl6proposedþbeåddedtolh€sfosneope.åtrrisÂm€ñcan -[ow€t, sde nsm¿ Soulh Mountain rn Ssnls PêuÞ Agênl is chôñnel L¡w Gmup County ol VMtuÞ, Pl¡nn¡nq D¡vÈ¡on Ræmtly Apþrcved P.oFctc 08/03t2015 Pige 9 Pemit Number D¿i. P¡rcel No Add16s Prmit fyp€ condil¡onC Usê P¿rñìl PL154031 ApprovÊd Perm¡t Descriptioñ Cæ! o7t142015 CUP for th¿ ontiouelion ol cxpird CUP No LU05-00Æ 55E0 Pac¡rE Coåsl Hrghway Po¡nt Mú9u Spr¿{ Site No ¡.â54XCl11B H¡i Nguyen: Phnner (805) 65+s1 93 Appli€rn Sprinl P6 18200 Von #100 Kom¡ Awnuo lNnê, CAe26f2: s25-205-3612 Th€ ôpp iøtr1 is rcq!êr¡ng lh. contnuâùon ôf th¿ prcvio6ly åppro€d uñruonêd wirclêss fac¡lity for e pêñod ot 10 yê¡rs NÞ fuñhèr nod¡f4lons !¡e proposd to thc sh€ ãs åpprevêd p¿r 11H5.0045 Th¿ site 4nsis ql rn c¡iling 38€' t.ll wood¿n dilly pole, ådj6ent åncl *awåd to PCH, ani is ilrent¡y ownôd Dy Súle ot Cåljlorñr¡ DeÉdm¿nr of Tr¡fWnel¡on The WTF ænsisls ol 2 panel enlenn¡s with a æntedìre ot 20!1 t" on the poþ, wilh thè top of sntenn¡s at 22,11. Wnh¡n thc 15r9" x l!22" equ¡pmênl påd Sprinl h.s the bllowrng equipnêot 1 aLc¡riel psnel; I Telæ/mler cebin.tì 1 såfety óEconncø swhch, 1 Modæll4 0 rqu¡ øbinetì I n¡ni hatêry bectup Èl'in¿l, añ I powêr €hinàl A Ddêi dêscnptôô ol LU45-0045 lollow: A mdilir¡ion to thê.ß¡n9 PlannÊd Oêvalopmenl P01915 lo add one penel anlenna aod lhír e €qurpment cåbhels lo the æmmunielions hcil¡ly PL15.0035 1r41 CUMMINGS R0, SANTÀ PAULÁ CA S3060 PmjtadjNhæt o1t16t2015 PemilAdjuslmcrlCâsaNo PL15-003Slorthcpaoposêdænslrudronolenapproxim¡lÊlyt7lFthigh,1.638 squ¡e iool rrì€lål c¡nopy @Er lhÊl w¡ll bc ållerhed lo the e¡hùng end åpprovcd crbus p.ckinç, processing. and lemporåry slor¡ge bujlding wdh¡n lhe ex$ng Co¡dhion¡l Use Permil (Cese No PL13{117) Þoundåry The enopy rool will b€ lh€ smâ met¿l ñ¡rå¡l¡l ¡od ælo. E the ôti$l¡g ¡nd ¡pprovd ooÊ Thê prcposert proþd nolùdrs g concretê sl¡b th€L w¡¡l b¿ locåtâd undemeoth lhe cånopy ln ddidon, the exisfing plsstc citú lttn Eshjng ¿clivilbs wrll Þê ChuctAnlhony (6os) 654-3583 AþxTe.0æ 1141 Cummings Rd sanlå Palla, cA relo4led onlo lhe ancrète sbb li&rtew¡lcr ltom th. bin wæhing à6livili4 wil drurn nio å wdêr co¡lêdiM sy$em ùd w¡¡ be rrcydeo e1 lhe bio r¿sh åÊô Vh¿tr lhe recycÞd waler b6mês ioo dirly, ¡l wil] go inlo lhe scwer lh¿ to th. UmreiE msÞwårcr lre.lmnt pLnl (WWTP) loeld dnedly solth ol lhe LjnEnerm oå¡n €mpus, wher€ il will be proæssed ând used åsir.igåtionwår€r'Ilepropos€dpojectwillnolEhengethe¡muntolwastewsl€rcumnùygeleßtedbythe èrtsl¡ng ând ¡pprovêd cihs proessing ånd stocaa oparatioo ne dr¡inåge pån€rû *il not òt) âlêcted by 1ñr p¡oposed prciecl The C¡ly of S sntå P¿ u lå w¡ll contin ue lo supply ws tê r lo rhe e¡¡linq ope râlion and lo lhe pro posed proJed ,Mch will no1 change lhe wal¿roehånd Accesslothrs¡ltEby.priv¡teåøessrc¡dønnededlocummingsRoåd Diggrng/Ísnchingfo¡lh¿loolingsol €nopy will req!¡¡e iess lhsn 50 ùhc ysrG ofe¡dh moÉme¡t ând eanh ûìatcrìål will æmil n onsile No eøillonslemPloye€sortruckldpswillresun.åndrhehckctrculã¡bnp¡ttemwil¡no¡æ6¿ng(:d Nonêwlighlingis Þroposed The ò¡¡ w¡shing will oøur only dunâq lìè dây the PL15-0036 09æ190285 't015 Mtss¡oN RocK RD SAMÀPAUd CA PermIAdjuslment 05,/06/201 5 93060 Pl15-004 06æ040160 5301 N VENruRAAV. V€nluÉ County úrunørp Pem¡lAdÞsùsnl 0d06/20 1 5 Th!¡pplic¡nlrequesßth¡LãPermilAdjustmentofPDNo PLl2-0155begEnl¿dtoeuthorìze1he@Nrruqonola æncret6 block wåll âlong lìa noûêm ¡nd 30uth6rn penmêler propedy lúæ ol lh. prcjeú site ñe mls w¡¡ e¡ch æ 21sleet rn lenglò ånd 6lêel r he¡€ht ln additbn, lhe ¿xisting sleel remo€d end replåced by 3 6{oot latr chà¡n liõk lene with ¿ tu1ori¿¿d stry, mêasun¡g 240 f6:t in lêngth The chai¡-link lênce wili include solid resh screening moler¡¿l ålong its enliE length 90M lo Co ndlbn¡l Usè Femil (c UP) Mdifi€rbn C¿s¿ No LU07-0001 lor rhe of Brccks lnsl ilúe ol PhûtogEphy Tla €pplicênl requ€sls e Pe¡mn Adiushènt (PAJ) in Dõer to modify of Cond(ron no 2 lo exond l¡e time l¡mits !o obt¡rn Zonng CþÐr¡ns Speci6cally, lhii sppliEnt feque3s 1) An add¡lioñål one )eor efersron (lo Jull 151h, 2016) ol llr8 dôsdl¡ô. to obl,e¡ñ the L/se lnâù0ilÉûon Zon¡ng Clurarcê (UIZC)torCUP Modifqtion Cse No 1U07.0001. ¿nd. PÊrm¡l Ad¡Efreni C¡se No, PLI €prñion th€ rci Krisl¡m 8oerc (80s) 65+2467 Doú Sroul 557 MerÐry Lane Bc¡ C492321. 714-529-9935 ChuckÀnlhony tB05) 55+1683 Holtwoú ftsl Llc 750 P¡sm Sl Sen b6 Obrspo, GA 93401: BO5g9333 2) AMoy¿årê<ensionofúìcd¿ådli¡è(loJulylSlh,20l4loobtainlhcZon¡ogClêâr¿nc¿(ZC)torCoNÌud¡onfor cUP Mod¡lløl¡on cåse No LU07-0001 Thc ¡pplìcanl p.ov¡des thê lolbwing rôæons tor their rcquest 1)Thè¡ppl¡csnl,êedslomdìfylh€Br@kglnstiluteerpsnsionpsrkingplån10æmplyw¡ththeColntyspârhng ord n¡nce. rmpþrnènted rn eâfly 2010, lst prior lo our CUP åpprovol i¡ lh. sum!. oi 201 0; a¡d, 2) grooks lnslitule's çurcnl lêåse lcm êx9ircs tZ3l¡2016 Brooks most prcvid! the prcp.dy cwnerE monlhs' nolie (i ê Juæ 2016) ol th¿ir inlenl lo erènd inc¡uding lheir rêquêsl for us to @mmnæ the erpånsion The rÊquested óleÉions ¿cÐmrcd¡te the applienl's desùe lo @mply wilh the curreÍt parkr 9 ordi¡¡næ ¡nd lc accofimDd¿le Broofs rìghts aM long (.rm plano¡ng wishes Co6ty ol Vêntuñ, Pl.nn¡ng Divis¡on Recently Apprcved Proj.cG 0v03t2015 Paç 10 ùb Èmit Number Paæl No- Addl6 PL1Sm45 m00390545 €1E W PACFIC COASI t-fY, VENTURA. PÐlTF. ApFEËd PemitAdjGlÈtr1 0,a¿ltl2015 5L plr¡ ¡d¡*Enl CæPLîñ ÞGínl D6crlgti.n to LUltSO hr lÀa Ep¡lømenl ¡rld €rp.nsion of a¡ qil¡¡g ded ¡ ¡ry.rþrrrfuetrs, arÉ CÞþ x.lh: AS001 (åN) 6s+248€ ,.{l1 I PlclfE Cæst ttiglì€y ADo|c¡trt ll@d S@Ë 550 Ì¡lCôA6. Su¡h ^ c!rÞærb, cAßottì Etì5320975',| Faria Bê¡ch PL1SO,ß F.m¡1446tu¡¡ 1330072035 ogf u0l5 P€maÂójuslmanl (PL'IS(¡49) lo Pll63a p¡p. .¡d spply ùsttui¡¡n trlhâ ÞÞpc.d ¿h¡ng. lo th¿ dHlng olió aM wênhoq bldtsiì¡ ihd ¡nc¡Jda¡ tha @rlrudlo¡ of a ?6{qEn fool onñory olliè ¡ródili¡n fh€ arË woho@ ¡b bqbd on200 Ltmbtd snat¡n ùr md aÉr{Wy!n: (E05) 6+srs3 oÍf€ PLt$0062 03001300¿5 6550 OJAFSAI{TA PAUI.A RD. OJA|, C^9llo23 PcmitAdJdm¡r o7MO15 P.ûr¡t 5{073 1 ð01 3m2I) EI77 E Om!d. .djustmil b cuP No. æ34 i¡lodifdlon No. ¡t to cmw lbling Þåct o. Þ¡hmt dmt .nd surtuê .nd Gpl.6 wlh MErlie( *prb syslêm ùd slbsurlb4 (Þ.d lhÉ) diçdnrgè lú lho Phænix Kñh¡ Boe: (805) dischsrEr ROSTTA RD, lriDr lrbdi6ólin 07t2en015 carraRtllo, cA9l¡012 ÐL.MdSt- CA 9:tû36; (BOÐ 3*95il ôs+2{67 Dofübry. PL1 Stmô B PaÈ¡ H¡Dpy Po lrlÞy Foùrf ¡t¡q BdE04 oF¡, cA s¡o2¡H)loa; 6464ß M¡mr Modifiølion b condiùon.l Us¿ Pemlt 4ô54 to exlB¡d th€ cnllllc¡ent lo¡ æ ãisl¡ng 2Gye¿F trhrì do6 nod mæt the minil.ri6lsisdâlds No Éw d.wlopGnt 6 poposd- ltrMrdcrdrcIl¡g lor Susn Curlls: Ken cerry 9olg E R6hr Rd C.milo, CA930l2; Æ93m9 PL1H075 12t0060205 1E95 ffitOAV, VENTURA, CÀ PLlt{001 ffiì340235 !19 sdll¡^R OR, VENruRA. 9u4 BEAch P.mlÆû6mnt P"milAdj6knent 07ât2015 @1U015 CA83OO1 PèmitAdjushenl lo PD No. l¡l4lortha of . ænhåÞcó slomw.iar runolf lÊâlrÉ¡l 3/slÐ ¡D olúer lo Qu.lily cortÞl Bo¡rdb lndudri¡lGa¡.El Pmil Blolì]Mþr b. uliliæd on¡lÞlor use b¡, H.rbon ¡rdusuþs ¡6blrtio¡ m'lbin @mpli.m wfh Calilbm¡. St¡ls ltôt Ëlüiæm8ñ fte lo¡]rmler runofl æ¡üncrt r Krisl¡na Boerc | (ô05) 55+2167 s'¡stem wil s[¿ Pl.n Adj6tmát lo Ph¡¡.d Dc€lop@il 1273 fDr . lt I { ñ f El iloor.ddÌlion ¡nd 28:l ¡qll senrl ioor ¡dd¡tbn lo ¡n .¡islrg ¡a,013 sq n two tloor shClê lbh¡t dwdhq ¡l 3154 sdim Beæll Oriw. Éisting f rst ñoor 1 ,044 sq.f .rú a.51 rq n- g.r¡q., 1,618 sq.t se@nd tþor Pml .bo iæ¡!¡dÉ ¡ntsior remd.lirg ¡nd cÉþ Md¡n: îm \¡¡¡låæ (80s) 65¡l-2[S P O, 80¡6152 V¿ntur¡, A$0æ; (æ5) 65È5656 PL15-0082 PL15-0088 12rffiæ15 1 ¡t2r LlRlo Av. Paml Adj6he¡t to Csdlloß¡lUsa P€mil LUllÆ74 tor pamiÜng of a 12,0m gãlþn ¡boE dÉ.¡ fuèling frclity ¡t hd6lriG, 1421 Lirio Stú.t ¡n Sdlcoy P.miAdJslrenl vsTuRA, cÀ93æ4 Pcml Ad¡usfnent 6S50062080 06ß0/2015 APômiAdjtlsmflltuDÈqet¡oÉryTß.P.ñitMdslrgþhn¡lydmllingCæGNo PLl+.o8¡a,'ihrPDpos.d pÌoject inc¡¡dls lho a.trdl¡on of ¡ @ndn¡oning (æÉ.E.rlHVAcj 6lt, di@r ch¡noas lo lhc ¡ndudc úy ld¡lb¡ of wùrdoE. or¡6¡de rûl¡trg, ¡nd lþht¡lg, rnd h grcs lloor ar!a,lEþil, buldlng oñß. ddèms KrHh¡ Eo.rc: MJLlnEstnenbUc (r05) 35+2467 19G LirbAE V!nùr¡, CA 9300+3219: ChuctAnhontl (EOs) 6s+36€3 ¡ilcm.l EtrFdel¡ng Thè rcS¡ost docs ool @wb¡Ê, pcmitre.. pr¡tftlg rÊr Dr (805) 6ffSS D¡v4d âlpem tå9 Pb@ Ct, fl03 Tho@¡È O¡¡.r. CA 91360i ¿132001071 landqFirEac¡ ThrPàmilAdjulm.¡lwillnolEsui¡nsubbnt¡¡ld.r€6tolhÊptqÞdornlrsÛnificánt ¡mpds PL1H0g 01€13æS 5025 THACHÊ RD, Venlud Cdnty uoinørp P¿mitÆjGmèd o7htao13 A4!tunt lo cmdilbh.lU* Pem¡l Zt32 in ordarto ldd 2.ê4 æ8. olÊobr pâñÊb rdìhùr . c¡a¡Éd to pþvlde onslte !ônÊEtlon oleledricity frr fhabòer ScùmL The soLr gan.b ¡G prÞpcsd in a bdlôn wfh . úhìimm of 32 b.l bêMÊn bê !ógè of üìc solrr stslam ¡rú lhê ad¡rønt d¡al aøs rcac lo lhÉ w6l, fhb pt cdtsfra w droÐ ln ord.rlo m¡nimÞ. he prcFcl fætprint ¡nd rwiJ Erkfitlon vc€êi¡ùo¡ clclEnæ h kæp¡ng Pamr Brcly Lind¿r: psura (Ðos) withlÞFr.Protêotio¡CtrrtrictßhcLaÉn€odh¡ncesæt¡ônWl051.4 bdrrÈ! or Équ¡E wder for op¿talio¡. 654-269 Ed BÊnmt 5025 Rd oÞ¡, cA s3023: 805{40€201 Thastlèmdo6¡,lincludaÞckup Comty of ìre¡tuB, PLnn¡n¡ D¡vis¡on Rælfy ApÞrevêd Pþj¿çts 0t/03¡2015 PagE 11 o* Pèmit Mumbèt Plan P¡rEdNo. Am.rÉm4tJ- lhc5c prcj.6 Addlts do lype Fe¡mn lrêscription ^pprr€d CæPl.nÊ Agg¡c1t not.ppc.ron tlÉ Færúad AppÞvodPqdtn¡ PÞjêcb mÞ¡. FlG¡$ @nt¡cl thc Cr6. Pl¡nr tor moE ¡F.cific ¡nfômaaìon. County of VtntuE, Plãnn¡ng D¡viEion R@tly AppFved PÞ¡ects 0€/txil2o15 P.gc I Z Pending Projects as ofÀugust 03, 2015 Gouuy of Vom'tÊruce Mâ!¡g€Eot.{gÐcy' Planatug Diviri,ou u s Vicroí¡ Àlr¡u !t(¡oÞ C^ 9Ð9.1?40. (86) 6l-24tå' \ cnrE otf,/.maôi¿nn'n¡ Pffi¡a ltodifrat¡q, Vari.ncè Pemit Prrcc, Nümòêr Numbr aD12{0;r 0569113050 Suôdlvisio¡, Gen.t l PLn Change, Sguaæ Vqauñ Cotnty PLna¡ng DÍvdt¡q lccêþ fÞåôrse, .s ol OAæ/2ùt5. Pmlt lYp. AddÉ 4072 E CENTER ST, FILrcRE, Aøùdûql ild Zffi A9SI5 9í6 Pb¡ned OeEloprÉot Pcmlt O.oqþr¡on Cs. OeEbprenl Rrv¡rw Comiüee for lhe Êvi€w of a 2+unil multÈf€milydevelopnEd h the RPOI2 du/ærå eÉ di¡lrid ldl.d .t4072 CBnþr StÈd (APñ 05æ1134501 w¡lhìn üe Piru AEa Phn land usc d6igndion The dewlopmnl wi$ consat ol of thÞe re6idanúal Nildi¡gs ol Winston Wnght. (805)6s+2468 Phnrer AD1240f1 05G0113050 4072 E CENTER ST. FILLMORE, 93015 d Zone ChÐng¿ ln Råvþw i Oèvelopmant Revþw commiúae for thê Evièw of ¡ 2+unit multÈÊ¿mil, d.vdopnrenl ìÕ lhe RÞD-12 ddæÞ rcn. dBtñd loc¡ted at 4072 Cenlêr ñr.èt {APN 05&{.1'1H50) wilh¡n ût Piru AE¡ Pbn b¡ó 6e dDsþn¡tio¡ TM dewlopæñt u¡ 6ns¡s1 of of thÉe roôldènd¿l Mldinq6 ol 5253sq i r.chhous¡ng¿it¡htrunhlunils l¡addilioololhoÉsidenli6lbr¡ldinls€1,300sq n comnunl, bu¡ts¡ng ts pÞpos¿d Aøes 1o thê site mlb be prcvidcd Þy ¡ 2+lt wile pNCa driwsyvb ccntêrg.ê¿l wilh ¡ 2¿f tw¡ft sècondsry s@ss drù€Éy vir M¡rkètslr.êt to lhe south 45 park¡rE sp8@s woub b¿ provircd oÈsitË M netivë vegal¡üon muk & tumod hugh fiw h.rlt¡g.s¿rd papp.rfcaa muld bê Bfro[d \ blarwould he provãed bt lhe liìÈring t hte. SaNicè lnê ¡nd wsÞ watar d¡¡possl mr*l ba prcvdld by lha VrnllE County s.nitrry DÈf rid No 16 Pu6uånl to the submrtted pr.lirúßry ñydÞbgy and hyllrcl¡o Ekubl¡oÉ tlÉ roþrit, otlne surfræ wrlê. run oll Ls prcpos.d to be Et¡¡ned oÈsib The submilled Caòrillo Emm¡c Dev Corp 702 County Sq VenblË, C493003 s¡chhoust¡geohlrè¡lalu¡iLs lnådddioolohcFsr&ntiålbdbings¡1.390sq fr cDmmunity buiHing is proposed Accs to the site rouH be p@ided by ¡ 2+l wide pdvale ¡tiw¿y U¡ CÊnlêr SlÈêr wùh å 24 fiaiL sêøúry à@5s daiwwey vie Måúrl SlÞet Lo the south ¡15 perking spæes @uld be pDvkled on-site No native vagêt¡lbo @ulo be rémoEd though tl€ heal¿ge sræd pcppertreès rcdd be emowd- \iÊier wouH be FrÞvded by the l¡àrd¡g V\Þlar sêM6 lnc ¡ñd w¡s w¡t.r dispñl would bê prcv¡dåd bÌ thê Vrnurâ county S¿nil¿ry Diildd No 16 Pußuånt lo thÊ $bmrtted pre¡¡mìn¡ry hydohgy úd hytlrclic dlcul¡tions tha majoriry olthe suñ€ wflr run of is pÞposêd b bc El¡¡nd oFsilê Th. subm¡hd leid3epa Flln âssocr¡tad wlh lhâ projèct ¡bo Fropose3 a vagcúliw scruening bclwcn the pmj.d snd th! rdj¡clnl ¡gricuhuEl opêrufon fhe 1 33 âcG pDjêd hdúd6¿ ¡têÍsily hnus rn ordGr to pÞvidr ¡tord¿bl. nou¡¡ngs, è p¡d of añttlm.nt Gquest ¡o develop the !ilê owr the zone dasþn€ltd dwdliog urü allow¡ñø ot tZ dd¡cE lo æ l5 dù¡m 5.253sq AÞptlclú aD5Ã72-2577 winsÞn \Might; (E0sÞs+2466 C€brjllo Êænom¡c Dev Corp 702 County Sq VenùrÉ , CA 93003 605Æ'72-2577 låndsdpe dån åscrdad wûh lhe pÞjèct also proposes ¡ vÐêhliÈ sæening belwee¡ lhê p€,ecl ånd lhè ¡di¡ænl agrirltuc¡ Thê 1 3E aw pFþd ¡ncludes ¡ leNity bonus, ¡n påd of adllhad rêquel to dawlop tha ! ¡la owrthe Ðne &sign¿lãd dÆlljng un¡t ållow¡n* ol l2 du/aæ to ba 15 dUåcae Counly of V6ntuñ, Plann¡ng Oiv¡s¡on Pdding PrcjecÉ 06103/2015 Page f Perùil Pârcel Number Nuhbca Àüress P.m¡t Typc SÊatus 2951 N VENTUR.d COUNry UIJ]NCORP Pem¡l Descript¡on Caæ Pl¡nner Appl¡c¡ñt 996 wârchousc oper¿Lron lhÂl rncl!ded Oârkrnû ó! ù!* ãno oilûeld €qurpr¡'cnl slcragc ln 1983 s¿s åFp¡oved Lo ðpeÌdlc â lruct washi¡o l¿cilúy ror ¿ppllæ¡hrn¿d vehEles only on ÀPN OSI 654-5A42 N VeñtucAve¡uÉ Venture C493001 2S51 0aô-0-040-0?0 n1985(Mod6),appl¡ænlw¿s¿pprovediorâ1,050squåretootddit¡onloLhÉ mâi¡ohice onc3,600slwáreh.use(phasÊl)d¡donê18000sfwârchousÉ(riâscll AllhÉ Lr'Ë cx¡s¡rì! låcrhli¿i r,duded Lh¿ rÉü ofte lwo w!rchouses ¡ drspårctt llficc truct sdtå 643-S963 and prpÈ srurrge yad, Às ¿l NovehÞe¡ 2010, rhê ¿ppl¡canl proposrs ro t) lcg¿h¿¿ thE opcfaton ot cfrleE retsted co'rrador scNrce and lorege yards ror rwo corlr¿ctors (MJ Tenr ¡in!s KAG tank hnes): 2) lcaal¿e an ex:xng r 200 5t srudure (Ph¿s. ll wðreho!s¿) consùuc(èd wihon Þùrbr¡9 pcmit oi ÀPN 068-0-ù4C-1 I rrnrø râs ôr¡g¡n8lly shúwn on DPg9-¿ as locðt¿d on ånoü,¿rAPN and fr)posed fôr 3,00ú s[- 3) rìod¡ly ¿r d updålc 1|e \rÈ plâil b revrse tò¿ f,srÍiû boundanes oorn rc 324:¿cresånololcoveragctDþc255ðlsquarelÊetot(otalrootàrÐaotbutdlnq:4)ñodrly ând updal€ llE 9lc plar to irdiað(¿ reloc¿tor and srzE reóuction ot propûsed rh¿se 1 warenouse (4800eD,relocâronollhccxrlrngdíspôtc¡êrorrccloAPN06å-0-04e13 relocatþtro1the (:{sil¡odre5eltuelt!ñktacihyto068{-01001 5)rÉlirq!¡shFD1992 6)rno(ilya¡dupd¿tèLhe sfc pl¿n Lo r¿movc lhe aulo rmpound yad Þropedy (APN 068-0-040-120 3r¡d 150) b¡kc palh (APN 054-0-020-01) Towrn! y¿rd aAPñ 06E-O-040-08J; end lhe 1ru* wash ar¿å prupËny (APN 06eO-040-02 ponrnj fDm tlre DP 9S-7 buuÍrdàry t) Rcmovâl ol rhe prcvorsly approved Dodèr DP S95 Mâr¡ of¡cè addilron ¿nd V\hrehou* Phðsè I borh nol ycl buúL ¿^d 6) ¡dd rlrÈ hyor¡nl€ É:lèilôe lû ftre â¡d oelenlon båsrn lhc axEL tì9 Gss wl¡Eì arc 1o @nlnue on ù¿ s le ârê ncrvy dl¡y3gc ¡nd ¡ranspol and warehousrng sery¡ces lhrouoB (5 þèì ol lrur:E cr¡n¿s lorkÙls 3nd yåro sp¿ce wrlh lh€ ba5¿ ol opera|on thrcugn the nlsi¡ ofrco and bc¿tior, of ¿mpby¿e p¿rk wilhour reslroof,rs The applrc¿n1 hås dcleted ùè proposèd additio¡ tu mah oñicp, and Phase I W¡rênouse propos¿d &je¿enl lo ilrc hcâû rêp¿tr shop Mcdr Cùnc'6te P!mFrng Mùtôn Cún!nucÍorìårdAdvân¿edRÈcycl^gopêr!lo¡sârenolongerpropDsed Âppiæ|tsìoqÍgon sle plail hè ¡rod,led co¡p¡ borls !cEd Þy contrårlorr fhÊ existing uses wn ch ¡re tô conlrnue on the sile are warehousrng sErviccr thfoug¡ ls ll¿¿l ol rrrck5 cr3¡ês, 3nd yaÉ tp¡(e wln the base of oter¿lOn lhro!gn tnè úJrñ oñcc ãnd bcatoil of èmploycc perk wfhoul resÍooms LUo9 00¿l 0ó100:0060 5753 N VENTURAAV VEN ÍUKA ü;93OOJ Plan¡ed Du!clopnrcnL Doc Prep REVISED lu ¿dd thc lollow¡¡g Th¿ eddÉn ol 12,o0! cubrc yårds Òl gradrç/ìvêr cleaÕ up ånd rcsroralroñ ,s discretor¡ry ¿no ts now a pEn 9f lne CUP glolocl as PM róè¡UÞq d!nng tid rév ¿w ol rhc RV 51oråge f¿cil(y CUP applE¡üon- the projcct descÍpron wdl ¡ow IncJUde ta,e gr¿drng 9erm¡1 The Uradmg wrhn thc rêcodcd CCCPId Rertrclve covenanr Èn be rnclùded r¡ th¿ orvrron¡ncnl¿l ruv¡ew íorl¡! CUP Boc¡y L¡oder (805i Joh¡ Dewey 854-2Æ9 Po Eox'12913 Newport Eeach CA 9265ti (805) 259-9499 Pl¿ord Dev.lopmË¡1 Pe(mÍ LU09¡0æ {s lo leUalzc ouldoor slorâge ûf e.rÌåLÐÍel vehiclcs, lhc sublcd propúdy rs ò ô3 acres ot wñ¡ch 2 74 åoes is prDposæ tor the dèvropmÈ¡r The rem¡h¡rg 1 A! ¿cfes wrl be suþFct lo a rêstr¡clve ôovcÂant lof ènufonnc¡lâ ly ssnsiltve haþilat preserualon ícbr¿o lo CondÂronal C¿dr¡c¿tc ol Compl¡nce SD05-0045 TÀe proposal tncl!dcs ân æph¿lt parkrrC lDl !h0l cân ¿cæmr,ooaie r12 RVs- R¿cycled asphâÌt ß ¡he p.oposed sutåæ ¡o. ¡ñÈ pa¡kilì9 loL w¡iclì ¡c@dng lu lhe so¡ls and l¿chnúal repod is ¿ permerþle sud¿De Thc ¿eûuilL or¿drng plan i¡d ele5 lnel thc proposed pafi¡ng iol areå Ls ¿r leas¡ oil,: lool aboÉ tic 1 DÞy¿ár rlood pl¿rr lasc clcvålrns ¿cc¿¡ro,ng lo ù¡c local FEMA FIRM pencl rÉp f ¡e projÊd rnclldes ã 533 squre lool careÞrer dwelling to Ue flov¡ded ilì â prcr¡¿nulådu æ horìe Accêss rs provded lo thc súc þy r 2ùloot widÉ povale drNewry or c¡usòed mrs¿ oås¡) {C¡/AJ viå ilìe nlersèc[on âl N Vcnlur¿ Âvènùe ånt canondâ Largâ Roâd traler woub be p¡ovrdcd þy lhe C¡y or VenlrÉ aod weslc waterdÉposål wolld be provìde4 òy Lhe OJar Vsllcy Sãnitary DÉtncr A nålur¿l bro-sv/oic rs propoceo abrE the weslern cdge ol lòè prc9os¿d p¿rkrng loL cùlm¡nalng uì a saDd/o,l sepèrålor âno ¿¡ëagy dr*rpaLor flìè fåúilily wùu6 bc scr€en¿d iDm V¿nrur¿ Àveou¿/any publ¡¿ v¿fng árÈÐ wfh âÍ erblr¡q 6 mèshcd ùhârr lok ferxie âtop e f{oor t¿r1ìÈffì brrm wù lård!!¿prnq to L! plaolcd n lronl oßcè waler É availablc LUlr>003È 01;0260060 1òO AESANT RD VENTUR COUNIY UNINCORP L!r0{038 MrnorModifælorloCUP3527lDúendthepcrnrtån¿dlroRll0yc¿rs NoncwsrrucrurEsor sle conl¡hl sù buildings end the ærñrt all¡rws 20 ovèrnrglt guelrs Úøler6providedbyh€Me¡neßo¡kswaerD¡sr4 w8lÈlpressu¡:6tncf¿asêoåtlnb suoject propedy my ¡ pùmp ¿nd bù systèm WELe w¡Îer É òåndlè èy an or-sile s¿p1¡¿ systeft' wdh 5 sepùc lånks Threè eeF¿ge pits h¿le bèen agprowd lo be ¿dded lo ll e qtc lo, thê (hrêe Ëâ5terly s¿Ftc Lari[s The ]vrc wesledytenÍr 5¡êrè a common leãd Íeld ÂccÈss lo lhe siLe 6 provrúèd by a pðveO drveway vra Loflrila ¡vcr uc wüì å sùcondery lre åccets dnvewåy v¡a Tiø dÈvelopment åre proposed, The Justin Berloline: Erugger Ulnch Trusl Reùeal O,lÊr ôlâ¡ C493023 805€46-253ô Ro¡d County of Ventur., Pl¡nnin9 O¡vi¡¡on Pending Pro¡eca' 08/03,/2015 Pag.2 Pemit Nùmber LUrl-O0AA LU11-01 03 P¡Gel ll umtEr 2180091 120 AdalE5¡ Pemlt Typc ]E03 DUFAU RD VENTURÀ COUNTY UNINCORP Pèmit tÞEcr¡ption Cse Pl¡nn.r Ensronmênlel Condanoßal Use PBmit for the oFral¡o¡ ot ân agncuhur¿l prelimhàry p3cking ârd storage f¡cility (over20 000 quare teel end under 100,000 square feel) The proiecl ¡¡cludcs (1) conlioue ro â¡low developm€nr on ând us. of the property as wss previolsly pemif,ed pu6Lånr to Cond¡bÉl LsePêrmil(CUP)CaseNo 4842-28ndV3riånæ5249 and (2)allowãnewpâ tÈiler, s¡ordge shed, @ol¡ng equ¡pmenl, ¡nd sloqÈ æn1¡ineE thålwere nèvêr pEvìously pennined on lhe pDperly mse w¡lerG håndled by ân on-sìte priv¿1e sepÌíc s"sEm Têss Hams, (805) Ooo PreD Plannd 06302201 10 Slrtús &wlopme¡l Suhmäål Prcgess ln 0P 99.8 ñe âgplienr requers rhet rhe DP ÊS pemil be mditud ¡o hclude the 2 74-ã:re p¡operty (i e the soulherly Flron ofAPN 6H-22Þ110) upon whÈh rhê cufientAêB Energ) operfhns ¿re 65+2453 Applionl Tim AlbeG Orard. C493036 E05.9E13650 N¡@le Doner; (605) 6545042 c¡odudôóìnâsep¿ralcpërrú Otherth¡nthismodifqtionolheperhlbound¡ry,noclång€sin lhe aúhcrizd uses or slructur$ are proposed io Lh'E 2 7&søe ãeê The €ßirq pcmil Équirëmenls €nd condúions ol àpprovål wilL roñ¡rn ¡ppli6ble n lhh pÊrmit areil No¡e: OSTmay@rÌducletu¡nus¿sunderle¡seonthÊAer¡EErgypropety(!im¡lertoollìer leasê hôldeß) in @nforroncc wilh the OP995 (now known ¡s OPgg-€) pemit S!êh 6cs ue curenlly authorized ¿nd ¡re nol pal oflhe cu¡Ént p.rnd mdiûcâlon apÞl¡øtlon LU r 1{118 LU11{146 04t0140090 13801S0500 TOUND RD. VENTURA COUNfY UNINCORP PemIAdjus¡rcnl 4107 GONäLES RD. VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Måjor Mod¡fÉ¿Lioo 35OO Suhilh¡ Progmss PerñÌ Adluslmenl to mórty codhion 3l rcqârdrng dkecl houl ånd 10 modily Corú¡tion 71 (Ègarding not f¡c¡Ùon lo comm€rciil aæounts ¿nd n6Ep¡p6t advêalÉerent lo tìe public Michelle D'Anna. (805) 65+2685 VentuÉ Regiom¡San 'lCF1 Partridge Dr#1 VentuE CA93003 80S58-4674 Saly Complelen¿ss hþrModilic¡lion LU11{l¡l{l,brlheongo¡ñgoperålioilolågrc¿nhousfæililì,ov!r1000û0sq Becky Linderj (805) 654-2469 Anthony Vollþ¡ing 4595 Foothill Rd ln n loceled âl thê Âonnwesl co¡ner oflhe Gon¿¡les R6d ¡nd V¡ctode AvÉnuc tnhlrsÈdior oñ â ¡ùÉ FÉp6ly witlr âñ ÀE 40 ¡c zonô oesignatio¡ snd er Agricullq€l Gèn.rôl Pl¿n Land Use D€srgnâtion lhe request rnclude= dengng lhe bound€ry ol CUP 5042 lo enoo¡pæs addilionol 41 84 Cerpintêriã C493013 684-4635 22 84 åctus ol l¡nd lo lhG wesl thrt w¡s deveþped wilh . qæenhouse l¡cilily unler CUP 42€3 end rumove 46 aDros to the oðtlhat w.s úndÈr enlilþment to b!ib ¡ddilbnel greên,)ous¿s undèr CUP5042 Thèp¡oposslincludesthèongoingoFÉtìonDlågr.€nÀouscfæilt forgrowiru Roweß, pmæseng, stoEge, and shrpp¡ng Proposed ñodi6câlons redÊfnB th) CIJP Þound¡ry ìo8lþnwiththeproperylinesloAPNl36.0.190.5æ6APN13E-È190-52(oneLgålbt) Thosiie ß d¿voloped with 5 26 åcEs ol p¡Ent sìålteE/greenhoùse buË¡nos, å 2,100 sq. n ol olre, ¿ 7.830 9q ñ empbyeê bre¿krcom, ¡ 1.¡115 sq n sngL lamjly dwrlling end lìe rsoc¡âted âôæss roads 81park¡ngsÞsces,detanl¡Þnbasiîs,sndlends€Þêdå¡¿5s Th¿projectÞroposesthe @¡strucÛ6 ol 11.000 sq lt of nêw gßenhouse spâcÊ ånd mainlå¡nmg lhe righl lo 6ñslrucl æproxim¡tely 208 000 { f1 of greÊnhouses lhât were entìlled under CUP 504: though n01 yèl Ðill No new gÉdiûg is eilicip¡teo and lhe ¿pplc¿nt ænLerìds th¡l eÉsling de!!nLion b¿siN D¡n æ@mmooale the exisling runofl, aôy ldoilþnál sudaæ wâtêr dnofi génerôlad ]y the add ûronal 11,000 9q fr ol grèenhoúsês paoposd. ånd Sc rlnofl lh¡t woud be gèneñted ly the y€t to be 6nskùcled 206 000 sq tt olgrcenhouses TÞ prcFdy is scMæd by prMle dater wclls €nd wás1e weler disposål ß h¿ndlad by pnÉtc sepliE syst¿m LU12-0005 51601 20095 3165 SUBIDA CR, VENTURA COUNfY UNINCORP uinor Mod¡i€lion Prep 10r Hearng Minor Modifi€tion, LU12-0m5, þr å 20-year I me e¡tengon relalæ to CDndit¡oral Us Pemil ño 5193 (CUP) lor ågricultur¡l å@ssory slNclures è¡ceedi¡g 2,000 sq fl- on ¿ 4 E4 acre propedy wlhåRuralGenerålPlanbdus€desþnåtbnandâRuralAgncullureZoneOe;iJrdion CUP 5193 was orjginålly åpproEd lor e 7,368 sq horse b¿rn,6,112 sq fr hay bar, Bnd a 2.740 sq f, hol walkÈr to erercbe liê hoEes A fiåxmum ol 20 hoßes are on the popârty ¿l any ooe t¡ft I Mãtthew SãuteI lBoS)65+24e2 Stewart Russdl-kêndi K 3165 Subift Cr Cãmerilb, CA 93012 805-4914327 M¿nure that i5 prodùÞd on sl€ 6 disposed of in ænþineF ¡nd h¿uled 10 an 3gùlhural prcperty to be spread on an awcado fets Nô Êddll¡onâldêwlorenl or grding i3 prcpr)sd ll\f¿ler b lhe prop€dy is provdcd by lhê Cåm,os. W€lËr Dìltnd and wæle waler dispoel lor lhè projed 6 Þndled by an on€itê scpbcsyslcm Acæss lothesila is prDvided dn exÈúæ ce@mpos€d gfanite ro¿d bæe driww"y vra SubH¡ crde Coung of \êntur¡, Plam¡ng D¡vis¡on Pend¡ng Proþc 0E/032015 3 P¡.el Numbq NuDbcr AddGs Pêmlt lypê Sdu3 0il0350385 AÞDl¡c¡rú e rãrsêd wâlkw¡y hr lhê adFce¡t prop€rty owñer- lk sub ect oropedy is ¿ lwo slory sinolc far{ly dwelli¡g ¿ddressêd 6 6765 Breåkêrs W¿y ånd has å Lo@l Coõt6l Plan land usÉ dêsgnetion ot Resldênliål Hqh D€nslt Dl6-1-]l Orè[¡ng Unlts Per Âcrc ånd ¿ Rcsrdentiel B.¿cn (RB) zonc óêsþnalÉñ (805) 65¡126E5 2105 Hyl¿nd Awnue Venturê, C,q93001 Pemit (C¿se l.lo. LU12{034) tor lhe folowitg remcdcl olâd c¡isting No-srcry r¡ûglcl¿mit dw.l¡ng: ¡ f6¡ lbor dnrng rcom lddilþn. a nêw rcot rverlhe criljne fEt noor l¿mùy room, a sèoú noor ruler bdroom dilìotr, a¡d r^tcrn¡l remoCcl¡ng of lhË èrali-ng dwlling Anêr corsU udion, thr dw.ling f¡l¡ rndudc ¿pprdirn.lEv 2,f3 têsr ol gross bo¡ ¡r!¿. ¡ &7 squ¿ra loor gåÉge, eñ wi¡ b¿ approxim¡þly I 9 leet 5 hcnes ln hci{¡hr Thé p,ojact ind¡rdès the rcdldbn olâñ ôlstin9 sù-fool, ñonønlodng @u¡lyard wolllo ¡ Dg¡nr!n h€þht otrhrse feet in t¡¿ 10 foot 5êtb¡ck Êre¡ Mj6ent Lo Sl¡msrBesch DNe n o.der tD crmply whh Sect¡on El75-3,11 (F6nu, VV¡ls ånd lìrd0ê5) olrhô VrotuG Côunù Coa3lal Zonog Odm.rcè Ai .¡iln0 pr¡v¡r¿ driww¡y d¡roály of SolLnaa Ê€âch Oñvê wll €nlinue to prow. å@s to th¿ Chucl( Anlhony: (805) d¿v¿lopd wh¡ S2O SOLIMAR EEACH RO VENNJM COUNÍY I]NINCORPORATED CePl¡mr b àøommodåte VENTURA COUNry UNINCORF Lu12{034 Pêmil O€cripfon Plannêd Oêv¿lopßnl CorErâl Comm CA 93001 A Pl¡nn¿cl Dav¿lop¡renl 609701-1510 65+3683 Carone Psul 3232 Calle De Oêbes Cåmâ.illo. CA s3010 805-278-{025 eil. Ces¡b3Munbìpelfrl.rOß[þtwillontnuëlopþlitewal¿a¡ndVánlrßCounryEeM4 Aro¿No 2€w¡¡ønlmuêloFrov¡oewslèw¡tcrdi¡pos¡lforlhcresùCert¡Elrsåollheprcpe^y. approrìfr¿tlly 5 abìc y¡d3 otaaÉñ wil/ ò. naø (by a ¡ña¡ lruct loed ¡¡uled eway fÞm rht pÞj.êÎ5Í¿) ¡n oÉ.r b coMnd aaw w¡ll looting No 6it€ graalne or sÍe lopocßpDt cñ8n06 w¡l o6ur No n¿nvo vêgeþlron or 1rc.5 wil b. rêmvco 6 p.d ol ìh¿ propos.d ¡ro.,¿d (ãhiÞl 3) LU12-00¡6 ¿ú Z¡nrng Odan¡nÉ Tel Amendrunl for thc o¡9on9 (¡peral16r oÍa In lhe ope¡ Sp¡e L¡od Use DÊs¡gÞüDn, Thê ex¡ting w6s ongrn¡lly approwd vra Conó{io^El Usê Pcmrl4 911- Tllê projêd ß loo¡ld al MolocEss P¡ar ß75 Cenlêr Slreet in lhe Communiry of Prú wrlrth lhc OpÉ¡ SFe Zoæ o¡d Open spae Eø Usè o€signrbn ThË mohEross påù B opên 10 thÈ public Mondåy &dnúsdðy, Srludåy ánd Sundày Houß ol op.rålon on Mood¿y rnd Wdn¿sûy eE trom 9]00 AM lo 6 00 PM ¿rd on wÈekcnds [om I Ôo AM lo 4:00 PM ThÊ ladllly hõ 1 tull l¡me Êmployee ú'o owns aild oper¿res lhè pårk .nd livcs rn lhe cerel¡ker tuelliru ånd 6 pad ùmâ ÉrnpbycÉt Th¿ ¡olooross pert has ¡n ê¡fln9 tñ4, a caÉtaking dweling, ¡nfo.mal 9¡r¡ng åaeas þr 69 9¡rkn{l s9áæ3. ¡¡ rnfoamal paû¡ng ¡rsã hr brge v€hld¿s^rslþE. end tour 2,500 wåtcr lsnks The r€quål 6 ¡m Þd lo confnu¡ng the operatron loran eddh¡onål 20 yeaÉ, no ¿ddil¡onal lßcks. tuibmos, or impeNious åÉõ àrc propNed. ì/\þler tof domel¡c use, dus( øntrcl, lire s!Þpression, añd lsrdspûg ¡s provbed by thÊ Wåring &tê¡. Th¿ prcædy ownêr snd propn?lor ¡s EMT lñin¿d ¡nd lhe moboross tråck ¡s ul¡lzed by ùìc Cornmunity ofPiru's Ciliz¿n's Em¿rgËncy ResÞnse T.ãrn as en Pùmú rudllcåli6n 0s502M00 Ooc Prep MolocÍosloHtghw¡y VehEle P¡û cfìôfgcnoyresponsèare¡- Jây DobrMlskri (805) 65+2498 Kev¡n Kæhl P O-Box 498 Piru, CA 93040 80t521 -1391 Thcüaotisplunìbdwiih¡pingforó!stønrolloDêdoôèbyMnd water, water trucls, and grewl. l/hsle weler tom the æEBkar residence Ë hendÞ by ¿ p¡ivaE sèptÉ sylem cusþmr6 are pÌovrded wdh 4 po(eble lo¡leb Thê ¡pplryi b rGqueslhg lo amend the lânguage of Soclron E107-2s-4 of lhð Non€oaiþl Zonn0 odin.iø lo allDwlhe ænl¡nuêd ogaDlio¡ ol 9¡ ereÛng m¡ocross ßctliry ¡¡ ân âre¡ lh6l w¿s subséquenlt addÉ 1o a Co!nly adopled Grêénb¿ll arèa añd lo reñove Lhe prohibilion eCeinsl heún9 â mlocros lacility w¡thn eñy are¿ dcsþn¡ìcd by lhe Firê Pr€læi¡on oisfid ås ¿ Hi¡Jh Frê H&¿dAßã county ofVêntuB, Plann¡ng D¡vi5ion Pcrd¡ng Pro¡ocb oarf)32015 P¡gê 4 PelDi( Pârccl Numbr Number Address Pemit fype Status Pem¡t D6qipt¡on Do¿ PrDp MolocrosrOl¡qnw¿y PärK n lhe Ope¡ Sp¿cc Land Usê Dcs€nÐtion fhe e¡rstnq MolocrossPàrk*2!ÕÍrgrÃallyappravcd!r¿Condir6n¿lUscPermil49t1 f¡eproiêc¡6locarêdår {375 Cenler Steei r¡ lÀe Cornmunity or Pùu wrllì¡n thc OÞcrì Spaæ Zo r¿ and Ot)¿î 5p¿æ L3nd !5ÈDrrgn¿¡Gn TheÍìolocrosspàllrsopcntot¡cpuþlcMoDdãt &doesday sâlurd¿y and Srndåy Hours ol opÈrâIoo on Mo¡dây ¡nd Weoncsóôy are fon I 00 AM to É C0 Ptul and on wêèk<nds Írcm E U0 ÂM ro 4 U0 Pl\, The factlùy ña9 1 Nll lm¿ ¿rtployec lvho o\vns rnd opÈÊ]es Cas Plônmr Appl¡crnt (805) 654-24se P O Eox 4sE P¡ru. CA 93040 805-521 -1 391 thcp¿rk¿ndlNcsrnlhecarel¿kêrdvrellmsnd6p¡ntneemployEes ThemkcrossFrkh¿s dr¿xisùnqtâcN ¿c¡rÊlakñgdweUng ¡nlofr,ðlp3rkl¡gâreaslor69p¿rkngspace5 anir'torñ¿L paftnorr¿alorla(g¿ychrclès/[âilcÉåndtuur25O0walerr¿nls Th¿cqueslrsiimdedlo cúnrnúrr9 the opéraroû Joún sddiloñâl 20 yc¿¡\ io add[roriãl lraok: b!ildirìgs or irpcorous Jrcà5 ¿r¿ propos¿d wrlef rof oom!sric u5e 0ljl øntol¡ ¡fÉ suppressor¡ ând l¡ndscapi¡g rs provro¿d by tne W3ring W¡ler The prcpÊdy own€r and propGror ¡s EÀlT lra ne I añ t¡¿ rnurocross lrack Ls uùl¿cd Þy lhe Commun(y ol Prru s C(r¿en s Ëmerqency Re3p,)nsÈ Tcam as ên èmcfgcncyrcspoìsc¿rea, Thcfráck¡splumbedwlhppnqrord!stcontollobedonÉDyh¿nd wåicr waler tsucks and Ðravel Wàsle wârr. liom ihc c¿relaier residÈnce 5 nar ole Þy a pÍt¿te s.9(Ê 5y5ten Cusronreß ¿re provided wúh 4 púfàbl¿ tùrlcls T1ÌÈ a!plc¿nt E requcJ(n9 to âÍìenó ln¿ l¿nguâge of Sccloo 810?-2S.4 ol thê Non-Coâsrål bnrng Ordnanæ ,o ¿llow thè co¡lúúe0 opcf¿lio¡ ol ã¡ ¿lsli¡rg motocfoss ladlily rn an ¿ree lò¿l wãs sub!Équ¡nlly ¿dded lo a C!uôly adooleC GreÊnÞeÍ âro¡ ano lo rèrrcve tnc proiibÍþn o9¿rnsl hav ng r tralocros lacrlry dúhrn âñy å¡ea designàrcd by lhc Ftrc Prolecfon D6nìd ås a HOn Frù 8å2åd ¡¡ca L! l:-0055 NÈwCondtloñ3lUsePÉrmitôrepbceÈxptredCUP50lÊlotañe¡rsloew¡rÉles! Condúronål Usc 0ù0000000ù Resubñliát mmnun@lion tà.ilíy Sile rs localeo al 5672 W. Old PEc tc Co¿st Hrghwåy n C¡¡Ís¡s Hrgiwât 101 rgìlol wet âltfeinl€ÉecfoírolOceåf,AveruêåndObPâcrf¡cCoôstHiglw¿y oc¿rthcnors¿onAPN Jay Dobrowalskr, (80s) 6s4-24eE 06o{-oüz-59 9! cÕnúrlEnal Use Pe¡mú 3300r 0.;45 Cond¡lonal U5ê Pcrm[ L!41 7r 1r000901 LU5 144 I s!Dm(31 /¡ cop Synergy Developmenl SeNrccs 867 E Fronl Street Unrt A CA9300r 1760) 8035219 5¡¡6 ano gråvel qu¡ry on APNs 500-0-050-41, ãnd 500.0-090i9, -20 -21 ¡¡d -22 lhè ¡ppli6Íoni 19 for a [mê erèn9iDn lrom 2000 lo ?025 an i¡creåso lô truck ùafr]c lrcm 460 ADT lo 656 ADT 3nd the úmbrnalion ol CUP 41 /1 v¿th CIJP 3451 (3n aól¿cÈnl srrEll cecoÊrvc rock quårry) rnlo one Ernd An EIR ß rn prDcèss. Ebony Mccee (805) 654-5037 cuP 5144 VenluG Counly J!ven¡ts Jushcê cúmple¡ lustrn Berlol ne Mi¡q3ûoI Meå>ures 4þ ¡¡!e new pîrels Ûå3Ùl4U t6C 5/11 N VÈNfUtulÅV VENIURA CÁ93001 Plånneó Developmrnl Pbnned Oevelopm6nt permll lor dev€lopm€¡r of ¿ coôtác(or sedice y¿d on7 1 act¿s ol a22 ¿crr pafæl localcd ol A3sessuf Patcêi Numoef 069-040-160 lo€ted weí ol l0e rotefsedþn ot cèn¿d¿ þ¡ga a¡d HOhway J3 Elw€en Bfoots l¡sllule and the çty ol venlura datertrèâtmenr pÞnl Tl¿ stê has a ¿on,nq designåliDn oi &2 (Lrmt€d lnoushs0, a Gene16l Pk r desEn¿tion of Erslng Commu^ily Urban Reserve ad rs loLaied in the NoñhAvenue Areå Plar wß¡ a lsod ùsÊ res 9^a!0Í ol lndustBl fhè sloregc le.illy is plenned ro æ ¿veihble rû be lcðs:d lo sx nir?¡duel te¡âoLs n sepârâle yard- The lEes ol lhÉ sù le¿se âre¿s are I ) 4 1.0 1¿ sq,fr, 2) 36 t{5, l)sJ77? 4)53613,5)41,0ô6¿odô)68o24sqn 20pårlrngspåccsv/llbèpr')vÉÈd.Fivé offÉ$ ûf 384 sq-il each will ÞÈ provded lor lca5e årcas oírc through lvc. Propo:,ed qrâd|tq is 2,570cubrcy€rd3oldl¿nd13,430cùbicyå¡ñolfll AneQhl footcharnlñklerædhMod Eecky Lrnd€r (805) 65+2469 Rdk Land Llc 2370 Los FelE Elvd LosAngeles C4930039 (80s) 2s3-s4ss sl¡lsisproposedûil1ìcshepèfrrcþrandèachoflhesrxlè¿sÊereasô513s41otthestles prcposed ro oÊ landsped, Mrer w!!ld ÒÊ p¡avidÈd by lh¿ City DtV¿r¡rura åDd wåstë wåler d¡spos¿l woùld ùe provided Þy lñc Oler Valley Sanúattor 0isttd. Access 1o the sl È w[ þc prcvrd€o hom Nùlh Vcnl!ra Dy a ncw 24 wdê prÌvâtc prÊd dnvcwây ^vcn!c County of Ventura, Pl¡nn¡ng O¡v¡rion Pend¡ng Projects 081032015 P¿g! 5 Permit Numbêr Pa.cel Number Pcmit TyÞc Addre3s Sìatus Pcmil Descr¡pt¡on C¡* la(dscdpr¡g scnsúlc hèblals, seô level Ílsc, end tee proLcctroÍ Âddrcsr ¿rroß and ,ÂconsisEnces w ¡i¡n lne coeslål zúnrÃq ordt¡an¿e sòd bfng slandârds tn tha ordr¡ancÈ !p to dåtc Worl wih Coãstål Commrssþn si¿f 10 gblå ð ¡npul or prcpos¿d aflw¡cmÈnE DÉvelop endfit,hme¡lp!òl¡cDrteàc¡prog¡¿rn(¡dÈnlfy!lak¿ho¡ders creeleù!(cåcìrÉtenats p,cp¿'È dnù hoU publr nì¿clirqs) Revi¿w !otei¡ål ¿rvironfÈntal (rpacts !rom ¡¡¿ ¡roposed 65+24tt5 ¡o Plannea Appl¡c¡nt 800 South Vrctoßa Avenúe V6nluE CA93009 805€5+2455 ¿rrÉndmÉntr, ¿vãlu¡te poLentiel tmpacls pfepare appropfBlÉ tepois â¡o documonF pfEpaf€ rrìd revise env ro0&nlaldoEufre¡E as írce5såry ÊLr 3-0Ô41 M nur MùdilicarDn ro Planoco D!vÊloprrÈnr Pctí|[ 1 ö54 lo chsdgc thÈ usÈ trort ¿ ùusj nìarufåcturiñg ånd slofåge yârd to a cúnlractaf scrurce ånd stofage y¿ro felåLJd to 1le fepatf ânó 5ror3gc of shipping sto¡ag¿ ¿on¡ã¡nÉrs The subject propenJ ls loôõt¿o ¿l t0S9å Ne¡do Sú¿et- hå5 a¡ lndufr¿l leôo ule desr0nalio0 troh the s¿icoy Arc¿ Pbn ¿ûd B M3 I 0,0(0 sq n ¿one t28Ca220Aa Nicole Ooñer lB05) 654-5042 Geoff Fargo 510 Caslllo Srect*340 Sanla Barbara, CA 93101 a05{96-5084 ors\l^â|or,, Al¡sloraOeúnó@niâineimodilrcaùDoeq!tpmenlwoodbèo!isr?v/ilhrnalenúed /å¡d ås lherê are no búrbrngs on lh¿ pßpcry Co¡¡einer modìlÈ¡on ncluoes usrng wèldnU ¿qu pm¿nl üiâ1 Ls stopd únsile ¿rt p¿nr¡ng wrL¡ wâtc¡ bded p¿|ìts w|lcrc l€ris il,aÍr 50 qållons ot p¡rìl rs sror¿d urì s[É år ¿r1y g]vcn lÍrp W¿ier rs provded by l¡e C ty ot VeotJa ad podåbte loil¿ls are Prov dcd tf the ehployeei' lof sånil¿xoñ_ Acess rc lnc sne s pro /ided by rwa Esres vrã Nå úq SùEel lil àdditron lo lhe cfangc ¿f use, lhe spplicånr rs r{uesMg (o chânge Uìe marrmum hetrhr ol qlor¿qÊ rom t0 feel tall to 1 / lccl lall to ¿øommodste do rbte slåckrng of the tò/pp[]g æntarncr¡ aild 1¡r rchova¡ ol ¿ perr I eÌpfalroo daLÉ- FutìermofG lnc applrcanl is rúqucstin9 a CUP lDr r0nÎâl ¡nú l¿åsrn9 ol dur¿0le gDods (ænìã neE) al rh¡s sitePLt 3 004r Mmor MûdilEalrcr Io Pl¿nncd Oerebpmenl Perml lË5! 1ú c¡ange tnè use tron a (u5r maírul¿cluring ¿nJ sLofag€ yãrd lo å ønraalof servce 3¡d sto¡age yard relaÍro lo thc regarrånd sror¿qc ol shrpprng sror¿qe ønle¡neß Tnc srotecl p'opcdt is bcåted ¿i 10s98 Ñàdo süeel_ ias Co¡rd¡ìonal Use Pcûnt r?ò0ú22uô-r N¡co¡e Ooneri (505) õ5+5042 ¿nlndlstial¡añduscdcs0naloôfromlhÉSaÍooyAreðPlån andaM3-lO,0C05q.i-zonc des€oalon Allstor4eaßdconlårnÊrmoddrcal6nêqupm€rùwoudù¿oulsKewìhilrâr€nc¿d y3rr as thcrè ¿ru no Dùrldnls ûn lhe propcdy ConreilrÉr n,odfiøtorì r¡¡dudcs !silru wcling GÈofi Fargo 510 Cêsillo Sueet*340 Sante BârbâÉ. CA 93101 805-E9ô-5044 equrpncrìl1h3l sslofÈÓorrsilean0p¿ilr1trìgwfñw?lerÞasÈdpârnlsv/nÈfeþ:slnansogsllo¡sol W¡rer sprovldedÞylneCiryotVentnaandpoùhþ p3jnliEslarèdo¡sùsatà¡ygivennmè toilè1s 3re provrded lor lhÈ employeÉ5- rcr $nßttun .ì@sS to the ste rs prordcd by 1wo g¿ics via Nardo Slreel, ln ðddilon lo tle clì¡ngc ol uj¿ the ¡pplE¿n¡ E ÍequesXng lo ch¿tg¿ llrc msxrn)um ¡è ghr ol slorage hðfr l0 lect låll lo 1 7 lccr la! lo a.cornodaLe do rblc shcklng 6j rhe sirpprog cont¿¡nèrs and lhc rerrov¡l 01 a p€rrrl .¡p¡¡ôlion da(c. FuñhÈ'm¡c lñÈ âpplrår,l É requcsùnq a 3UP fu rcnlal änd leasng ol d'8Ùle goods (ænlailìcß) dl tlrs !ß8, PL]3 006" ?tôË233220 3147 OCAN oxNARO Plånnèd DêvelopmenL DR. CA 93035 Coaslal Com¡n PtÐnned DevÈlopmenl Pêrm( lor lnè @nstuc[on :t¡cncd S0 sq!àrc lool g¿rage locat¿d o1 I lhr¿ê story s ngle lamily owellin0 a¡d Coåtal Laild Usú Plån rn rhe Residenlal H¡0¡ dEs€o¿1ron ând rhe Rcsjdeillål B¿acD Hafb!r coasl¿l ¿one d*þna!on on ¡ I vac¡ñt 2625 sq!âr e loül lol sddresrcd us 3347 Oceaft OfrvÈ rr, tì! HollywooO Ectclì atea- The 9UÞleq propedy ChuckAnthony (805) 654Jlt83 rncludes vegelålún iilo 5pecrâl 5lalus splcrcs) wllch will be c¡eår€d rn odef I ) @¡5kud tñe prolecl. Tire rcmoval ùl vegetot on ¡l5o requates a PD pe¡mil. AcceSi to l¡è sùe will þe prov óed Þy ¡ có¡crelc dÍvÉway vra Oæan Drrvc- Woler and scwor sc¡vEe will bå flovd|d by lne Chsnncl lsJ¿nds Beacn Serv¡úes OFIíd A mðù lound!ùo¡ syslem lnot s dèepened tú!ndalen cons stng ol pies) djll Èe used ror lhè dwelling The crlrè s rbt¿d p.oFdy wìll bÈ gråoê L trLlJ-00É:Ì :0ð02¡121 D J3r9 0tËÁN DR VENTUR¡ COUNTY 99999 Plaôned Oùvclup¡ncnl CA coâslål comnr Planneo Dev¿lopnÉñl f:eÍrill No. PL13-0!6? $ for the proposer demolit@n oi 6n exts|no apprc¡rm¿lely 2,715 sq f lwo slory single låmily dwelling w(à ?n ðlLåchéd rFpror¡môrely 500 sq, n gårage, ånd Ùre propúsed construcLion oi ân âpprôrnrele¡y 3 855 sq n s nul¿ fam¡ly dwelltng w¡th en ¿ìechd approxiralely 360 squarc lool two-úr går¿gc on s È€ach [r)ni ¡ot eddrússed as 3f48 Oceån DÍrre rn lhe Hôlywood Beåch @mr¡unity TnÉ lot ß hBhly úral!il,co Âccess ro the s(è v/rü Þ! provrdcd by å concrsè drveway vE O.ean DÍrve- Waler êÂd sewe señrcê wrll bc provrocq by lnc Cn¿ilne 19lå¡ds EÈâci SrN¡ce Oßficl. A mâl toudål on sy51em (rìot ù dèepènÈd Chuckênlhony (8ú5) 65+3683 Stephan¡e Vilacæ 199ì'1 Nolhrrdge Rd Chêtswodh, CA 91311 ô1 8-363-6313 Stephanre Vriecø 19911 Nontrndge Rd Charswoñh C491311 918-363-E31 3 lcùñdalon4nsrsùn0otprlé)wrllbeuscdlor[ìèdwêlling ThEen[.Èsúb]cdpropêdywrllbc gruded County ofVenlura, Pl¡nning Div¡s¡on Pendiñg Proj.æ 08/03,/2015 Pàqe 6 Permit Numbar Parcèl Number Addrss Pemit Tlpc Sllt6 Pmil Cæ Pl¡nær Descñplion 0554-16ñ6 b lhe prirury pãræl whcr¿ ¡ll ol rh. slrrducs arê lffited PLI 3-011 6 5000100055 M¿lôr Moóifsr¡on Envrqnmsnt¿l Doc Pr€p es sh!tn on the TT é¡htbls ûÉ prcposed Mmørion lo lhe or6iln9 CUP4571-S rcuh âuthoue æwral cnangas tat wil ¿low lha lând ownådr$na op¿Erorto øDtôuê to dåVâlop lñc pmpónyb n¡lural 6oums Inþ ømßrcÉlprodúd5 Tlc requEt d chsreÉs in th. pcm¡l ¡nclud6l I Ch.ñg.s lo lh. pêmit boud¡ry rndùdrng thÉ âxpaE¡t¡ ofs.nd aod gråv.¡ m¡nrne Erèrs. lhe permil bu¡oBry ùoub De sxp8ûded lmm E0 lo 2O0 ¡Dr€s of,d lhe esvati(rn sße wouh be Appl¡c.rll 8665 Duarie Rd San Gabrcl, C491775-1139 e2ç28 9795 Ebony Mcceei (605) JoÉs Brefr-lålriê EtAl 65+5037 Po Bor 27 Mærp€rk. C493020-0027 605-529.1355 axpanded lrcm ¿pproxmelcll4å ¿cElo 134 ¿cræE{cóeon ofrña 116 ol üt. CUP lo 2043 (¡0 yâaF)- Th. Êrstog pcrmt was schBduh to ¿Vlré n 2012- ll rêñ€ns n elr¿d whil. lhê opê¡oror dilg¿nü, pro@s¿s â CUP moilid¡on 2 ¿pplbåto¡ Conlned opêr¡l¡ons å1.:ßtilf faqlili¿s ndudtng lh¿ procsl¡g olm¿tcn¿ts Þy such meåñs qushiog, grindirìg, wãsh¡nB dry scßen¡n9 wct scaaêôit¡g, llotâlion, mlchaniaål sapsr¡t¡on ¡nd bdch pb¡l 4 Allow en ¡ncresa in sand ånd 9r¡Ël nn¡^g ¡nd plåõr ùoúghpur prodld¡cn r¡lê hom 270,000 t0nslleorto 70!,000 tons/yÐr- 3 as 5. Æôr 2+ho!r onsit¿ oF€ru|¡ons. â Eslabùsh lruck Trålñc f,¡mls ß fôllow3r AvrBgê d¿ily trips (AOT) ot2¡10 ¡ri m¡x. pêãt of 300or¡ewãytoFonânyo¡.úy Ollh.2¿0¡råreg!dsilyl¡ps,1B{iùrpspcrday(¿!g-)willDê aorda¡¡vèry ofsa¡ó Eñd grawl pFduft ånd 54lnps p.rd¿y (rvg-) w¡ll h lor lh. ¡ñpo¡l ind Ê¡ætr ol rrcyüòle mâtôr¡aß ônd hô øoduú de¡ived frcm h€m7 AJow mporl Bnd slorãgè of rècrd€ble aoph¿lt, rneÍ CÅD o¡leriob. @ncreie ¡ú clêan l¡l dn br proè$lño ¿nd EUBê or rssÞ in lulk or ¡n b893. 6. Albw tor ovcmEhl påiling of20 lr!*s to reduæ the lRfrc bud€n ol oÉs¡ls ùuck sbg¡ng. I Aggregslc cÍËd¡on, rn l¡rûited åreÊs. bclowlie liÈl rcd¿rút¡or slrîåæ ss shown on she€t 12. å¡d delail N'sheet f0 É!l¡s¡mpling 11 Pdudþn and 14- s¿le of re€dy @ @nsele, @ncrer€ pDduds, asph.ll phn mu. sând soil of such su9pl.runlå¡ ñalêri¿ts ss ruÞbr and ¡.þled 12. A@ssorystructures{hiohår€necEsåryandepputu¡ånllohè¿&vêdêscribcduses, ðggægatc, asphalt, grour¡d PL1A123 21ô004238s Envronmenbl Doc Pr!p Minor Modiñslbn lo Ël¿nd Condilþnal Us P¿ñî 12A2 ICUP 42621(o1 tn åd(ll¡onål 10 y¿aß, cUP42Ê2 ¡s å wr¿les ømuniøl¡on lðcilily lo@lñ on aAE-¿o Zonc CUP 4æ2 Ls a *úeþss mffmuniqt¡on facúity wh¡ú includeg å 150 lì ÞJl monopoþ towcr wühi 1) 5 pônel MoniÉ H@d: roe);2)¡whip ¡nlennasmou¡ledonrlelowerwüh¡152llR¡Dænter.leElion(úpl547150 eþnñâ mountÉd al o 14 û ilO cenle¡ elo6(io¡ (trp lsÛ/roe 140);3) ¡ 10'dÉrusr microw¿ve disà munlâd âts¿ 145 n RAD 4ôtar elevation (lip 1s{¡foe 140)i 4) ¿ l0 dEmelêr m¡rowEvê dFh ñounled at 3 45 ì UD enbr sþv¡Xon flip 50'/40 toe)i ¡nd 5) a 10'd€relér n,ErowaE dßh hounled¡tâ20llRÀ0€nrcrßp25715'be), Th¿qoj¿dwoublowerlhemoaopoþheirhrto 120',r¿mûvelhedishat145',edda4'dbhat100',ådd¿Z'di6h3170endl2ånle¡r6st116' s:r€c¡ùd by 5 shpd Thê shroud, entãnnâs, dÈnô' ¿nd mompolo wÙ b. painl.d grày/silvÉr -Ihe fene wül ¿l$ be ¡ceêned, County of ì,rentu¡., Plqnning O¡virion Fénd¡ng Projlct6 08.103/201 5 P!9e 7 Permh Numb.r t 3{ P¡rcC ilumbat Ad.lrÈ.0 Pêmtt Typc SÉtq Pmlt D.¡cf¡ptlon C.9 Pl.nû Appllc.nt 141 vENluM, cA Progrês5 93001 ¡n l¡e co¡sFl on.-Fåmily R.sidcnriål (CR1) Zon. ¡Dl RGrda^ù¡l 2.1{ DU/Aqc Coåslsl land usa &s¡go¡l¡oñ. Thê oti¡tiôo 416 rq. lt g¡raee woùb E .er¡road, tÞ 476 6'5+5042 ocwbpæñl Pemit lor teconstruMn olân u¡p€rñfud sêcond dw'ilrq sÃit ovEr so garso€ loölecl rn lhê CæsÞl O¡.-F¿ñi¡y RasktÊnùal (CR1) Zoæ ânl Rêsideôt.l 2-¡4 oU/Aøo Coåsl¡l l.nd us€ dæbn6ljon- Th. .¡istin¡ 4?6 sq- fL g¿rogè woùh ò. r€t¡íncd, th. 47¿ q, l. scønd dwell¡ilg woúld oa dcmolEhêd over ltìe gsr.gê, and e nêw 554 ,q i sÊ@nd dwetrng muld coosùudd rn ¡ß plee Th€ rdésqn€d ¡ccËslory Þuildirìg wruts be åtåchd lo lhe p^nc¡pal dwel¡ng rilh a breoæway añ a 184 s ,- deck would b€ oddod fc r a tol¡l ol S ¡ I of déDk As pañ ol thê prolad, lhc prirìcìp¡l dwall¡ng @!ld undergo Ê seønd s¡ory addl¡on úf 1,535 quar¿ Þêl a [èw cowred eotry qf 16 s,t lof 3 lotrl ol 261 s,l, o1 covèd ENry afcå, ðod rcmodêftg with inlemel rmprovements End ex(€mlupgrades süch as new droß, wi0dows, exposed wood lrê¿tmúb, .nd milsion lilr Þof n9 Thc êxiliru ho6ô tnd olrag! tra úonslructad ol @ocrelê rusonry bþck and are p.oposed to bs lÉ8t¡d wilh sluúo ànd olhèr ¡ditcclur¿l feâluras io glve the slruducs¿ Spsnish style look. The exisling foolprinl ollhú d.r¡qed g¡rog! ând dweU¡ng wlll essgnli¡lly stry the s¡m wlû the aeePìoì ofse n€w sr¿ond d@f nC dâçk ¿ôd n.w lool¡¡gs 1o s!ppon lhã 3sø0d srôry ovar rho 9¡Þ9a rú fEr tht bol¡ngE þr ¡ rew ¡teifrry lååding to th6 n.r sccond dmlling unl end cowrct .nlryû¡y. Wåþr rD h€ prújrct sda É provrdd by C¡silas Municip¡l VìhG¡ oislr¡cl ¡ûd wssle ffilerdl¡pogalÐub be ñ¿ndled by lhe c¿rpinlonr Sanibry Dislrid lhrough llc Soulh Coasl Bc¡oh Clmmunhþs Sêplicto Sswer ProJecl thál E ærrrnlly undd øßlrudþn A ld l¡n. ¡djNtrunl rcqussl s pld ol lh. ¡ppl¡c¿lloû ss thè propsrty line FrE bE sdjuslâd to €trnd ånolhrrlìro fâat lo th. wêsl b dbw hs r¿øn6lrucld d.l¡d.d ¿øûsory buildìng to minla¡n ¡ Sioor Èr* y¡d $rlb¡cl rùqùtred in N¡6le Doner; (605) 65+5(X2 êxhln¡ Fra0é lootôo Coa6tV¡laee RoÐd Barbæ, C49310€ 80t5613et() x 101 1117 Sanlå sq fl. sâønd dwcllrng wouts bc d.úolished over ltìe garr€ê, ¡nd s new 63a q. i. 5ecood dw.llim would ønstrudÉ in its plaæ. Ti¿ rdêsi{¡n¿d acæ$ory bu¡ldtng w)uld be dbched lo rhê¡p¡l dwel¡iro *r!h e bcê¿w¡y ånd à íg s,l, dad roüld b¿ addêd kr r totsl of 3S s f. ot dc* A3 pai of l¡c prþred thÉ princjpd dwc]ng woùh undergo a sccod s jory dtun ul l,535 squae feel ¡ naw ævârd anlry of 1 06 s I lor ã lolål ol 261 s.f, ol 6v¿rcd lntry årea, ¡nd rcñodelm€ wln nlonr¿¡ ¡ftìptoÞrun6€ú efer¡al ùpgt¡doa such ¡s ñèw d(roG. windows èp6âd wood tcâhrnb, ¿nó nisôro¡ tile Þoúng, Tnê s$ling holse and e srage Ere conslrucled olonsele m@nry blo* and arc proFséd b b¿ftåted wtl gtJcco snd olþcr a¡dledlrslfealuroslogiwlheS¡uct!rus¿gpanish3lylêlook Thêerßl¡nCfoolprinlolthe dÉladd Oaßgc ¿nd dwefhg w¡l 6ssênlìelly sby th. sâmÊ ülù lh¿ È¡æptio r of ù¿ nêw *ænd dw¿Iirgdèckåñd newlootingstosuppoÍltìescæ¡d3roryoverlhcaåßgÈ¡dforthefoorings lor e nEw slerB¿y le¿d¡ng b lhê naw s¿@nd dwllli^O unlt 3nd øwrêd Énúyway, Wstêr to lh¿ pßjsd s[ê b prúWèd by Cåsibr Munrc¡p¿l VËlar Oilrict êú waslê walê¡d¡9posál wouts bê hâúleó Þy lhê cårphtåriâ Sðnilary Ddricrthrough lh. Soulh Co¿51 &ad Crmiluntìas Sdprc to scwêr FEJ¿d lhal rs curfenllY uú.r @ndrudion Á lol lne ad¡ushenr fêquesl 6 pañ ol lhe ôpplël¡oû ¡s l¡e propeÍy liæ wuld b ad¡d¿d lo êfênd anolh¿r lwo l¿êtlo lhc w6l to állow thr EÐEtruGl¿cl cl¿tåched åÉsûry b!i¡linO lo m¡¡0Þ¡n a 5J@l s¡lÊ yad ielbâd roqurcd ¡n h€ CRI-7,û00 sq. fr Zon¿ Dislrid. PL1J,Ol41 0080170100 æ62 PUESTA DEL SOL VENfURÀ CA 9¡OO1 LoL L¡neÂdj6hcnl coñpþlè¡e$ PÞnnêd Rtv eiithg ¡n Prugrass th8 cR1-7,000 8il Wo$ 1117 CoestVillage Road Sant6 B6rbaE, CA g31tl8 801565-3640 x l0'l sq n.z.B oisriq County oa VentuE, Pl¡nning D¡vis¡on Pending Prcjgcrs 0t/031201 5 Prgr I PÊrmit Nqmber P¡Ecl Númber Addreis Pemlt Typê St¡h¡g PerDlt D6c.iption Ce sq, a¡ ¡ 100 sq fl. qâragê aÁd 60 loor bll râd¡o low¿¡ ropped wfh a 2oJoot lall whrp anÞnna Tìe l¿c l¡ty wLU provid¿ ån oll¡æ¡rc¿plbD ðrea a Íh¿ss årú daytlm¿ us¿ sG¿ . ktr¿hc¡ .tú dt¡trrg iacLlity,dormstoaccanmodale4employecsh3shifrslday proposed var ¿ly ol Planæl Appliqnt Jqr0ssrì '199 Frgueroa SUe6t VenùrÉ, CA93001 E0t{r50- 1 033 A50lootslongnos¿ilryrngracksal6o anappsfarusbayûillholsc2lìfcrucßendåprogosodg¿fågewllaæommdaleû vên¡d¿eq!¡Þ inc¡!d ag wildbnd f r¿ eqúrp@¡L fh! sJbj.ct prop¿ny 6 locâtad in lh¿ OÞên Spåæ AnÉ Dñûid, OpÈil Spåæ O¡.¡ VrfÈyArÉ¿ Plãn land !s¿ d¿srgnetioo, ¡nd Opêñ SFæ Gcn¿rál Fhn bnd usâ d.sign:loÕ- Fkè sþrlons srê å Ffmrrlsd !sê witì e Plãnnrng D(!dor-appEvêd condilional use Psmt, Tho 2 39 ¿qe sito APN 037{-0t2.555 6 cur€nfy lndevelopod ¿nd zon¿d Open Spåæ - 20 acres Thc pÞFcty docs not ñâvc å slr¿êt sddÉss òu is lo€ld ¿opóEmÈrcly 200 lèêt wcst ot Chrrtuslt RDÁd alorq Orã/S¿nla Påulå Roðd/HIhwsy 150- ftc propossd sralorì wll eplee ?r ciß!n9 ñrc !l¿tor lo€rcú ô1 150 Su¡nmit l cil ifcrscction åpproxmal¿lyooehalloråmilèeõlo¡lhesile fheeË¡ngsileendsvuqurewllbesoldasis Tne Fre DeFdmenr wll no lonq¿r ùse lì¿r facilly ft¿ prùposed prolèct rs uû silE wLll b¿ !¡e wåy ¿nler¡n9 he sÌle Íorn th¿ ssl sde ol th€ sile. dnd onc wóy oul Þccrloth¿hqhw¡yonlhcwêsts¡d¿allh¿site AÍghl-turnpock¿tordeel¿râl¡cnlarìêrs proFs6d lof vcnidos apprðading ûe station lrcn1nc w6t Cilculalþn Thë líort¡qè ro ctar'sanre [:¿!b Roâd will De plañlcd w[¡ ire-resÉlant dcmoElrâtÉn garden, and e monunÊnl sigñ w¡¡ be inslsllêd-Asand slor¿ge aa¿a br eæy acc45 lor srnd bag usc is )rMsibrsÊ !roposedadjaccñllolheùashenúsur. Vehiclca¿rk¡ne¿€i¿bÞtolhépublK prol)osed lo flclud¿ orc réqulår pêrtilE sps@ and on¿ váÞâ4essibÞ hârd cåp spãoÊ Public ¿ccess podons ol rhe st€ will Þe s€pÉr¿r& fom lne pnvarê usc ârcå3 by rohng gåtes Etrìploycc parkrng w(lrn hD pr vårc ã¡cå con6ßls ol eithl êfrployeè spâcês to thê w€st ol thè rn lrotrt ofihe g@poscd g¿a4e ¿re¿ donns ¿od Tlre sil¿ ãcro$ rs c!r¿nrly Íaversed Þy ¡¡ uilnâmcd dråmåoc l¡oñì h¿ r ôilh¿lt ØrnE dr¿gonally southwgl cor¡sr lÌ appe¿rs io ¡æpt drcn?gË lro.Ír nodh uflhc highw¡y lhro!gn 1o lÀ¿ ¡ lie sle to åcømmodåle dsvèlopñcnt wJl toL6l agproxrñatet 70 cy o ql snd 5,875 cy ofl¡ll Adrsiìa€Êr¿polìâsÞerprepârÉdrûrtheproledôndisIncludedwlhthrtsubmùål GraCrng ol wâler to tne projecl sùe i5 pfovìded by lhe casles M!nlcçål wsGr DÉr¡c ¡nd s331e wel€r drsÞos¡l Oy Jn ¡no¡wral onslle scp[c syslerr Couñty ofVentur¡, Planning Oivis¡on Fqding PÞÞcls Mlo!2015 Påge I P.mlt ParcG¡ Numb.¡ Numbar Add16s Plmir Typ€ Wus P4mit lÞsçr¡plion CÈo PllnÉ Apgùont Or rurcnl boundôry ¿nd cutên1 oErsbns. ndldrng thé exbl¡aE wlls op¿rãtb¡6,lor ¿nothêr30 ysa¡s lDr ¿ sûe b€Îed noñh ol Thomas Aq!iÃss Colege. Th. Mjorty of lho prôj¿c¡ ¡Ea G wirh¡¡ lhe O9èo SpscÈ 160 acrc minamùm Zone Distñd aûd üë Opeil Spae ceæilI Pt¡n låd us5 dÊsçnahn lhoúgh ã smlþr podþn of the proþcr arcå b wlhin lhÈ Âgr¡@ltur¿t € asÈ ûmun!ûì Z!n¿ Oislrjcl ar¡ Agncü!!r¿l Gencral Plan h¡d uGG d¿s¡gn¡r¡on- The mdiñqFn ¡ø iodldê3 lhè rencwel ol thê trrm for dollro, lelng, paoduclton ãnd m¿¡ø ol iE oaeviousll approvd wðlb ¡s i¡lush¡ed on Ine proj¿q pbN- Dntlhq penod torttu retu6rng app¡ovcd 1ð woß whtch ¿xp¡rcd on Odobêr 29, ¿11 E reque$cd lo æ êtendcd lòr thà s€m [me Érú(t æ !ñ¿ CUp, to FÈb 7 2045 (8û5) 6s4-2498 9600 Mrng Avenuo Surie 30o êakersñêlJ, CA 93311 É161-859-8151 ill ol lh¿ udr¡l¿d wêls will be oÌilled rn lhe c¡stine tolr Drlt S¡tÊs, ß åpproved No n¿w gred¡ng or removal ol vegck[on oursd¿ uf thê c¡¡sting 0ril Sites ¡s r¿qu¡r¿d lo €fed!¿(e the proÞoscd Vinlags wil noi lse ìydreulic faquñng torthe uDd¡il¡d welb untess ¡nd ùnd rcgulåtDns ¡dd.essr¡g potenuql ñydÞotrc kaduring mFcb åre adopþd ¿nd ¡n ptåcc_ Gross proóuclio¡ kom lhe e¡slng we¡b ¡strsNpoid oút oi th¿ CUP buodery viâ èxlst¡ng *peralcd and slored offsrþ, ¡L ß ¿ntcipaLed thal these exisLing p¡pêürès wi¡ br sumcênl to eornmd¡1. produclioì íÍûm rhe rcÍÉin[g apprôv¿d 1ô wcß fc{ tr¡ncpîalbr qt p¡oduced fuids ofùè CUP boundsry- ThG no new p¡pelhes tsding ot b! CrUp ¡ré proposú p¡pelinÈs end nehsl¿¡laùonotpùmptngunns,g¿I¡enn€tin.s aþclnÈlmñneciionsa^daìc¡üaryoqu¡pmênt wll bs ô¿æsEry lo opêßle lhÊ ßErnrng w€th A@$ ollhc (HWl Lo lhc project ømon drve sle lhal s provid.d by E pnvâtè g.t¿d åll weâ1hèr s!dåc! davcway th¿t fork of lcâ6to Tñom¡sAqu¡nås Collèg€ ¿r lo 000 Oj¡r S¿¡rb Pautâ Rod 150)_ Atu[ìonål projectóetail6 hâve Þ¿n provadód by rhe Pemjteê in the apptièt(,n påcbgc. Couoty oa lênt!.¡, Pl.nn¡ng DiM5ion Pending ProjÉ 08,031201 5 PlgÊ l 0 PCmit Pàrael Numbtl Nufròôr Pml AddG. VALE CA93æ3 TyF. St¡¡¡s Pcmll Ddcription Cæc þnd Lsè Der gn¿loñ aôd rnc Opên Spåæ 160 Aú¿ minrmuñ pârcêl si¿ Zonê D skrd (OS 160) 4õ4 a:íc proFrly .ddre'!¿d ¿s 1241 à l24E Racky Foàl rñ lhe SânÞ Sls¿iln¿ !rÈ¡ W¡Ér U pro!dèd Pllncr 65+2467 on a ApÞllant 1248 Rock Road Simr\,ãll.y C 93063 31 o€1 +5352 by rhe Crty ofSimr VålÞy Eåch wedding/evcnt w¡ll Þe lhìþd ro å ûx¡m!m ol 250 peoplè sà¡ch wlll nclu(iê bdd¿l pâdiês gucsrs ¿ú ar0âñ¡zèrs only one wediìg/èvent shal lake pl¿e al ons lime ¿nd ¿ach sll lalê h¡urs orrO ã m unnl 10 p n No mor¿ lh¿n 60 even6 wl¡ låke ph(ë n one yè¡r, i¡cludiûg sclup days a6 event days Eveñts wdl lále pl¿cd rn lh¿ oúsdc grounoE only, E¡d no c!s!ñg bu¡ldings on Ûê propely will be lsed. Ponâblê resroom lecililres ûCl b. svaiÞble on rhe gmùnds lorguesE and orq¿nzeÉ C!r¿nly ther¿ ìs on-sile 9ådng tor 125 cðn,, wilh a s!rptrs b¿rwå¿n !h¿ loøø on áppmnmál€ly 3,75 ecres of lhc prcjcá sÍ¡), wÍh addûonal lo( a¡ 1241 Roc(t Road Arna Voden )5, lnè owner ol 1248 Rocñy Ro¿d Ê rhe pr me le¿senobèr oi 1241 Rocky Roed, whì..Ìì w¡ll be lcfl vå(anl and ior ier Evtnl Arca: ÉvÈ¡ls will òc m-sÍe pårling on a¡ approximolely 4 acrc Frsonzl use ThcÊ ml rs ¿ oncràrrily rcsdencÊ z¡È GuÈst ColÞgê oû lhe prolect sie and tnele úrll lsed lor¿v¿nts b¿ FroposÈd þurs ol oÈr¿[on for lemporory auldoôr cve¡ts will Þe Mondsy lhrc!lti sunday kom 10 a.ìn to11 30 p, m tor a maemum of 60 dðys wúhrn rhc Élendar yeå¡ VcndoÉ a ¡e allowd 10 ñ 10 ¿ Ð ro sel !p for êvèñrs No liglE un oê se¿¡ o[-sþ ¡nd ¡ll gu¿sls ¡rd v¿ úor5 will bè 11 30 p-m qålenng Food ¿nd ÞveGge sèru¡æ úo sile wrll bc provded by self-s!ffcìeDl, of ¿ dêlivery rénlål cofrpany wiil prov¡d¿ d¡snes flå1wâre Czlerëd tooq wÍl bo prâpâræ olts(ê ånd lre¡sponÊd þ lne eveñ1 sfe loa ôåch úvenl Êarkr¡g Guest p¿rlr¡g will bc localed lo thc nonn nolhæsl ¿nd nolhe6l ol R¿sÉênæ, eú wrll bê ø¿d ol 150 p8tung speøs lf lhe ôumàrr ol gusb €x€ds e¡v@s TiÊ cslcrcr [';enscd ølenng ¿ild gl¿sss tl e MaD 4), lhèn vd.t Frkng wrll b¿ prûvøcd slaf/vendor lor20 wll Þe desþnat€d wfhrn one oflne Éd¡ng âreas or Rockt Rooó Sùnd: App¡rcanl lìÍÈó lce06oo ¡ôd regElcred àcoustß engnee6 who submtl€d ¡b Ên anached cudy Ìy ilo sê mpå.r ny ownefr À pfobssron ål sund 5y5tetrr w¿s mslalþd afd tesEd lo insurÉ lnal no ampliÍrd sou'rd rom e\eng Éil bc hÉ¡rd ilorc Ìhcn ftl¡r &el lrom ¿ny suÞjec( prcpeny Þoñer dod ¡¿ cofn n ìË ndålio ûs 10 ¿nmn ra rê 6 1o ådiâæôt p rEpE å.c cont¿cluâlly G5tEt¿l rom bdnRi¡g å¡y Èmpl(r.N orspc¿)cE õnlo the Ffo9cly The ersùng insrall€d ompl¡lE. åñd sFàk.É h¿ve bèen ìNlål¡d so lhat - al p¿ål volume rr!âcful amplfrcd soond wÜ rêåch næÉy propèil¡s OJ 5 and bÊnds no kesuæGi Ponabþ restrooms w¡l æ purû¿sd ând nstallsd æ 3 coodillon fo rhe grantìno of Conoi¡oos¡ Usc Permd ånd will be requ¡r¿d lor all ov¿nß- ResvoorE wdl be bqúEd ag€rnsi lhÊ bè a lu¡l o¿lñ in ùr Mai¡ $uth wâl ot lh¿ ÉGptiofi ¿¡d ærêmni¿l lôwn are¿ Th.rê wil whEh wll bE reslrideo to use oilly Dy lhe brid¿¡ pany An adequale quenüty of p)daÞle loiþ(s for ìenìporâry evenls wrll be provded and rornÞned ¡n compxance wlh li¿ Resou cå M¿n4emeñ A9¿ncy ÉnvtronngñÞl Hc¿Ìh OivFron 5 r{ubrions I h¿ Þalhrootu seMog lha M¿,¡ Rasideoe County of\bntuÉ, Pl¡nning D¡v¡sion Pênd¡ng ProÞcG m/032015 Page 11 Pcmit Númhêr P¡rcel Numbêr AddEs Pmit Typê St¡lus Pm¡t DæcriFlioo CÉr Plrnrer Appflcânt Krist¡m Boero; (805) 65+24õ7 S@tl Pñæ ¡nd Cu€sl Conâge dr[ be prohibûed rom berno used lortempoEry cvents Ef Êrior Lþhling No p¿r maoeni lght¡ng will Þe iñ5|¿ild for lhc l¿mpo rery èvÈ ls. Ê{¿nor lighl¡ng b¿ provÉed wilhii lhc prDposcd proFd s le ôroutrd w¿lkways, leryorsry rêsrooñ and dtntng lables e wèÙ as rn dr6rgnlad Þârking tor 6afÊty and sôcunty. T.mporery dancB tÙhrs wilt be lmned. PLT !-01 5É !400220r65 Doc Prep M¡íor Modifietor lo Condúon¡l Use Permit 3543 l! elend lhe CUP br sn ¡ild¡ionsl25 yëârs, ånd lo expand tÞ CUP to ¡¡c]ude lhe ddll¡fig of lhre¿ €ddi¡onal w¿lb ¿nd on€ rdirtl. to bê compþltd ovaf lha couræ ol ¡ha nGÍ lân yöårs. 15500 West Telegråph Rd kt32 -IhednentCUFel¡oF S€nb P8ula, C493060 Ncoth¿rcha¡g¿isncêdâd nlhÊCUP,cÆeptþaadrcstngaccessúvcr lòe -aùêñare' roulE that uged to enond lrom åboul one mi¡e up Koenigsbtn Roôd Lo lighw¿y I 50. Thât €llèrnåle rcuÞ Mslrd oul many yeåß ågo ånd 6ll tr¿ilc will have to otilÞc Koeo¡gslel^ Roåd lo adss Highw¿y 150- (oÉnigslein is a pubtc roâd,lôdk,g rô Highw¿y 150 âbo a plbl¡c ¡o¡d The mâd lo lh¿ wêll p8d is 9nvclè, bul 6 ønlÈhed cntrcl), Lvillfl lsrd ow¡èd öy rhe Applrcånr en0 $ lighfy grivrlþd. E0t933-'1SO1 âÉss $. dñlûn! olthé new wèlls wùph Incùdes ptopos6d núr*mitb¡lÞns Tb6¿müþetonsshouldboconrdcrodpalollheprojec¡(lescñplio¡- A noræ sludy was æmplcled ¡o ddress M¡råda ìs not phnning 8ny hydråùlic írådudng 10 lhc rcw w.lls or üc þ-drln ¡t this tima Mucn wi¡ deËoo on thB devêlopmênl ol lho wÊlb ¡nd an¿tsis of (òe geology, somel¡lr9 lhðL c¡ñnot b. Þrrdrdrd wilh ra¿$raÒla øtr¡inry ar tnis lim Thrr.toÉ, we w¡ll con! Òack to the County tor lddhn¡l pËmi¡ltg. ¡iq¡F ù. n!.ó Þrí ült¡ h !ìr nd@. County ot V.ntur¡, Pl¡nnln9 O¡vlsion P.nd¡ng Prc¡.cb 0¡,03,,20f 5 Pta.12 Pcrmit Pæ.1 ¡lumb.r Numbq AddÉ! IYF S! Èír[ tÈsqlpt¡on Cli.i \Êlley cA 9302| råciliry Or!¡niE Recyt¡lng F.ot¡ly, !s plmltrd i¡ CUP 44OE, Modifiøtion 12 Th. uÈtiæ d s34 Bsldwln Roåd on ân 11 70.cÉ podton of ¡ 112 23 aæ r¿@t (APN ) iS zonêd OS40 rc, (Opø Sp¡æ. ¡a0 aæ mhirum pælsizê) ånl È d6i9nåted h lô6rÊd Tlê prcpêrty Open Sprce ¡n thr Oiri V.lbyM Plrn ùd Co!nty CDH¡nü ADCIårn (E05) 654-24s2 2277 West Young Road Fillmæ, C493015 EOíAS742n ofVentura ccnar6l PLn Thb operel¡on wss fEt approwd on April 7, 19å¡ for a mun¡c¡p€¡ efuse IENÞr sbtbn, Gcycllñg enler ¡d Boltþ B¡ll Redeilptio^ Center lo( ¿ liv¿ yaar ¡me period. A pamit ÌllElne¡t to CLIP 40E øs ¡pprcd J!n. 5 19S b ¡¡ow br ùê a¡p¡úim olûê opôEtioñ to i¡cludr the.ddtion of ân oilbsed and wsLr+¡sed parni Gryc¡¡q æ0, b¡llery Éqclint âcå and ¡otor o¡l rect.f¡g åce OD D.æmbâ¡ 16 1933, CUP a40&1 wâs ¡gþ6vrd snd @¡s¡slcd of a lifrG rxeßjon of 6t (5) ycaE rnd ¡ Gdùction oflhc op¿rrlion 10 gruen w.sle Þryd¡¡€ only w¡lh the provision thel lhè op.Elion æuld coñt¡nùetor ¡n åddiliûnal 5 yêeß wih thê ¡pprovd ofLhe Pl¡nning O¡edor ùrJûlr20 1998,rh¿Pl¡noingOiúrepPlowdrhe.ddn¡o¡¡l5y€.rireeÍeñiM,.¡bwingrhè ooådion to @nrinue unlil DæmbGr 16, 2mg s CUP 4,t09 Moóífotion 12 v6 d¿ened dñpl¿të on DÊæmb.r 16. 2003 to allod add¡tìônâl l0 ydr lirc ¿rcßron lo op¿Þtê lÞ l¡c¡¡ty to ønt¡nuè Vndmw øfiFding'¡nd low @mpost¡rìg' To preseM Rexibilily lor u6e al th6 sile. thÈ opedor abo reæ¡ved eppÞval for'ch¡p pem¡ning requi@enb ild ship' oper¡lioÉ thl ru.ithè thê propo6r¡ ¡Dtrodudiø of Sl. þd .¡l thb modifidl¡on åppl¡d¡on is to p¿m¡l thê ôpe..tbn of .n O¡!.o¡c RêcyclinC F¡c¡lity to @ntinu¿. s¡s,lor.n¡dditìon¡ll0ye¡E ¡ìhchangeserêrêquest6d ThcÉbonèemplote!mrk¡ngon slê Tùebüßofopcf¡l¡o¡willññlinuêiobê7d6ysswêel,7:30¡mto5:00pm,or%hour bafoæ d!sk. wlrlc¡ìewr is Lt r Thê l¡cllily @Gl$ ol_wiñow @mposli¡g' 'hw lewl æmpoat¡ng','cllÞ E¡d sh¡p'opaailloÉ ¡nd lha lnrcductDn ot in-ws!.1@nposlirE f .turuÊ &lê Th¿ siô will @ntlnua to bê lmlld b E mdimm o14,000 cüÞ¡c yeds of nrl.rhtoÞsiÞ ¡rd ææFtt ño môE lòan 1S cub¡c y¿¡ds of mrleÐl Þr d¡y wdlr Ð mxinum numba. of truck tnF 1140 ¡oundldF perd.y Thê frcill¡€¡ ¡pprowd h CUP 4401 Modifdron *2looludê; Thê ¿risl¡ng'low bwl'.rÉ w¡ndþw @mpostln¡ opanlbn includ¡ng bl¡s (equ¡pmenl); sliF loEdêrs, . lub gdnd.r¡nd ¡n b) A pod.blê 5¡nit¡t¡on l¡cilily (erÈtim); c) A 95 s f portrblc a¿tê sh.hèr (disling); .) PL1H1E6 PL14{003 060010ß!5 o010190120 Peml Adju!lr¡.nl codlbn¡l Use Psmh Aw¡ilhe Rlsubnitlâl Enercnmcnta¡ Doc PEp .e.[lor h'h€ll¡¡g m.t.n¡|. Slê Pl¡¡ Aijuslilê¡t lo Plannod O¿valopmênt Peml No- 1216 fo¡coßlrudion of¡ 373 sq lt fihas! oom a.ld¡tþn to ¡n cdjno 5.895 sq i FiÈ St lbn No 25 loÈbd ¡t 56?4 W. P¡c¡fc Êorst H9hw¡y l¡ R¡n@¡ B¿¿cì Pb¡oed OcElopma¡l Parhlt wG åppEEd on Algct 30, 1981 gondilional Usc Paml for a wirelæs @nnunicalion Lc¡ll, lo4tad on en 1E0 ¿r)E prepeíy úth¡n Op¿n Spræ 1å0 ¡crê minrhum p¡Elsizê Zùê 0Èrriê1 ånd thè OÞGn SFc: Gênarrl Plan l¡nd us dês¡gMlion ¡ddrèss¿d ¡s 3154'l Stlle Hþh6y 33 inthe M.rìøp¡ \bllây The proposêd fæility è e 120 ñ. trll monop¡n. with 12 Fnd rÈnn¡s h 3 sédoF #h bê lop Df lhe ¡f,lcnñæ munl¿d ¡t 1'10 ñ on the monop¡ne The s$ocialcd êqo¡prÊnt ig loètrd ål lhe ,rsè ol lhe mnDp¡nc with¡n a 50 ñ by 50 í lease dh th6 èqüpme¡l sGencd wilhin ¡ ænæle bloct MIL Somc ¡mount o l gnd¡ng is ÞqüiÞd lo coÉlrucl lha lrcil¡tyto the sib b pßv¡tad 33 An eæEenct brck uF g€neBbrir pop6ed lo be Ð ¿n uiling din road vÊ wåtêr ¡s rêW¡Gd b oprGlê lh6 unma¡ned f¿c¡¡ly h ¡Þ CE¡C M.lin (E05) 65+2ß8 VentuE County Fi.e '165 DúleyAE C€mailb, CA 93010 (EO5) 901€430 Bæky Under: (805) 65+2469 David Dwns 2009 V Sùæt Secr¡mênl, C,À95818 916-217-7513 Aæ C@nty of Ventw¡, Pl.nn¡ng D¡v¡s¡on Pênding PÞjècls uro3/2ol5 I 3 Pe.flit Parcel Numbêr Nuñber Adalress Perm¡t Type StÀtu. Pemil Oescr¡ption C¡le Planner lot z æmmuñiÈùan οcrlúy local€d r¡ the Coãstal Opc¡ Spâce 1 0 tc Zone DÉtnct aôo th¿ CoasL¡l Opèo SpoG Ar0¿ Plar Lonó Use Desrgnû!on rh rhÉ ÉÂt¡ Eeach Area Cond lio¡al Use Pùmil 4778 was.ígrnalty approved ¡s lwo 30 loot lall loweß wilh úc ¿ssocEled teleæmmoni€lron I]Y VENTURA CA9]O!1 E KelBlle Are Anahem C492806 2125 949-233-O988 equrpilì.nllocãlcdnlgEsqtlèquipmenre¡closurewûhinalÊX366'fencrldleåse¡rE¿¡rthe Þsc of lhe owers fle currrnl prùpúsalß reqùÈslrrg lo rctrrov¿ rh¿ two row,f5 rd r¿plsæ ùÈm wil[ a lãux palñr lrcc wilh rhe rop of lic eorernas 31 35 lccl l¡lL Th¿ s¡¿€ of rhÈ qliprEnt shslrêr rnd enclosuae rs nol proposEd lo c¡Éngc, fh6 unmãnnèd taciily does ôol rcrl0itê w¡lerto opèf¿lr No loqêt¡lroil l¡ proposed lo Þc f¿movÈd Nev/ òalL¿nes ¿re propo:Êd for êrurgeûcy bact PLlr-002¡ 0ó003è01 9c cÞctrc(y PermIAdjlslmÉoltorcAb.¿ex$t¡rgVERlZOñequrpñìcnr 39{! PÂClFlC COASf HUâ up r!plece4-4':1r"p¿nll.nlcnñ¿swilh 4 ô x 11" p¿nel án(€nn9s, same locâûons ¿do 4 RRU b€hrñd lnc pánêl ântc¡ìnes, n¿w 1 tiÞr J!ndron þôx 2 new hybelle¡ ånd 1 ûcw RET 6ble ¿ll loäleil w¡lr¡ an exls¡ ng moñopslm pole Lease lfcâ añd herqhL ôl lower únch¿ngõd colocå¡qn oo pfevrou5 pêm t VENTURÁ COUNñ UNINCORP Operãror PllM Appl¡crnt Jay Dobrowalskt (805) 65+2498 Chinslina Song 2749 Seturn Slrêér Erea, CA 92æ1 71¿-31S-0370 Tess Her¡s (805j 654-2453 Jelferen Ferms Vcuon Wùcless ANen Iofraf apns060-0-390-030 190 205 !05 PLI(-0ù i r100!60ò05 7E40 BALCOM CANYON Lor PMW-lU 4 lols ano an assodaled LCA co¡r¿cl rccissron úrc Adlß!ncfL ¿nd r¿-eôty RO SOMTS CA930ô6 Fl 14{04Ò 017J1 601 75 ]ICSULINAAV aÅ9za2J OJÀI Zon¿ Chåoge Enuronrn¿nlrl Doc f,rep ¿one C¡sÂ9e âÒd Tenlaùve Parel Mâp lo chånge lùe ¿onc disÍrci Íiom Rura,Agricui!ré 10-¡øè mrnIfrum pufæl s¿e lo RuralAgncuflure 5-âcfe mnrmum pårce¡ and subdrvre a 102 Jcre p¿rcel ¡1o a 5 01 acr¿ lol (Lol 1) Bnd 5-19 ecre lol lor å propery located wlhrn rhe Rùrál Reldenhal 5 lo l0 ácrc mrnrmum parcel sizÊ Ojsr VallÊ) l6nd u9e óssqnrloñ curreoty 6ldrersed ¿9 319 Soolh Tess l-larís (805) 65+2453 L F 790 HamFsh¡re Rd tc Westlake Vflage CÂ91361 E05-378-0020 Brenr Lano 319 S La Luna Ave Oler CA93023 8Dtr04-r605 lzLune Thcpr€j¿clsrleincludÈsldv/¿lftnglnirs Tn¿-51ø!6¡onwouldre,!ltioLoilh¿vng2 tu¿ll¡1s (å pnnçipal dwellino and â second dwBlhng) aod L ol 2 wou¡l la!È 1 proc¡pâl deelhng _fo (rcrêåsc ûì trånrc rûìpacls llè applcenL s propos ng to volunladly resrrd Lol 2 fom avord rn devÈloph9 ¿ second dpelÌng unt. No grådr¡0 0r d€v3loprnÈnt Lr requked to aulh¡rê lhe troposed slbdrlson Aøèss lo lhe gfoj€cl sile rs provÉeó by â¡ exBlng pnrâie dñveway cnEnng tl È s(c ùn Lot 2 wirh a proposed easemenl r!¡n ¡g througn lhe prop:ly ovèr Loi 2 lor teÞcneflolLoll Thrspriv¿tèdnvewðyisè¡5tnç walèrtolhepfoleclsffovrdedÞy1ne Me¡ners Oak Water OsFcl and puÞlc sew€r ís provded by Ojåi Våfcy S8¡na¡on Dislocf FL l4-004rì 1 3b01 905 l 0 Malor Modrtrcalon to Condfional Use Fermû No 5042 lo spll lhe e¡tidcmnl into ¿ lwo rdMdoal Cordlronål Use Pèrmns rith thetr owo endlrons, ro rnärclr ùrc c!renl propèÍy Xñc confg!r¡lon fhes!bjecl40l6acaeproperìyÉ l0Lâlcdait¡eôúillv/erlÈrncrofGom¿csRúâd¿0dVrcloûaA!ërucwitlrÌn heAgrÌcullur¿l ÉxulusivÉ 40 acre M¡nrm!rrì ZoÍre ¿nd irÉ AgÍc!ll!¡a¡ GÈr¿ral P[0 Lard Usc D¿sígnåtìol 9onditronel Usè Pcmil 5ø2 was âpprovÊd by 1ìe Plãonrng cúmmissGn on Àlzlch 25, 1999 ¡nd enlfcd lh¿ s!þJec¡ propúñy ¡o 017,7q sq ñ ot grænlolsê slructùres 3 52 ,lE0 sq i. ofce 3nd ânJ1orÊqucståô¿ddilional20ye¿rsforlhs€nrlErDeùl- Becky L¡nder: (E05) 65+2469 Í-red Van Winqerden 3813 0on$ Avenue Oxnard C493030 805-382-1 467 psckrñg Þ!rldrng â 1ô,240 sq. ll, r¿lngcrdt¿d slorâgc åtd Doler b!rldrng å 24 000 ma nlenanG blildhg, and â 1 782 sq. ft l¿mwoûerdwcllirìg The cur¿nl rcqu¿sl rs lo rÉlâilr lhe cnlflenEnt ås âfp¡ùved by thÈ Êlanniì! CommÉsion !ñder CondilrDn.l Use pêmrl 5042 lor 3¡ dddilicnal 20 yc¿rs å¡d ro Loilstrucr hË cu¡r€nlly undcwhpÈd siÈ as apprúv4, Thc projèa N Élâl¿d lo LU11-0148 whEh rcprese¡ls lhc adpccûL proJEct lh¿l hâs becn mallt deJÈlcpd D ¿ccoø¡ilcc e/ùncUP5042- fhccurr¿ñlr.questndudestñeeòrlltyþnsr¡llÐsmalleml(yêebcthroomrn glaceoltnecôtelâkerdwcll^gslenhtralphåseoldovèlopmeiltôndcalaEetwùhhe lsmworker dw¿l¡ng described above a¡ ¡ bter pha9o. The subled proæny h,ú Þcèn scÉ{nñ lDm Vrcloriá Aven!e a¡ó Gon¿ale3 Road rn åHrdånce wilh CUP 5042 wifh lands€p¡ng ånd 1wo dcrênl on bsrns hav¿ &cn dèvålopèd ål L[¿ nodher¡ propedy ijnc. fhê del!nljon båsin5 contai¡ ¡unoll kuíD rhè adJêceil 8adárd Lândfil ånd lhÈ clOlcd prop¿dy ThÈ d¿vêlolÉr ol lhe prolecl ÞroposesLhatruoofiíonìlhÈpropsedlacllywillðbobe¡cco'nmod8lëdby hÉe¡rslingdèlénlo(ì Dasrnæoíqrnallyr€q!reöbyCUP5!42 Thewåt€rlånklorshãrcódorusl¡candaw¿terr¿nklor 5hsred rire lacrlily are lostêd on Lha 5úbj€cl propeny Requúed parkrng wrll ¿e prov¡ocd þy 112 orrsie paikrng spaccs Acæssto tle sdc ß p'ovded by ¿n c¡slng prvalc 2!-loot 9flvale dnv¿úåy WEler 6 provrded by ¿ sh¿rcó waler well for domêslic áncl lirc fight ng pu¡poses A sêparalE shrr€d wcli prûuúcs w¿l¿r lor ¿grruhurål purposes County of llenlure, Pl¡nnrng D¡vi6ion Pend¡ng Proje* 08/0!/2015 14 Pmt¡ NMbcr PL1æOS0 Ptrcr, l¡mbêr 2340æ01æ AdùËs lype StdE Pcmit DcscriÉìon 2052 HOMRO RD, i¡inor Mod¡f€don Enurc¡ftntal Modifet¡on to condilional Us¿ Pemil2045 for the Concjo Mounþ¡n Medrd.l P.rk A FLnèêl Home .1 2052 How¡d Ro¡d in câm¿rlo Sp¡¡ngsro allow â ph6d 6 sc e expêÉ¡on of NDn Urban end Euilt Up L!ñ compr¡s€d of thhue, Píme F¡rmhnds to E dercllÍÉd for dd¡tbñd cerutery lse ioduding bûj¡lgrounds, ¡ 25'wld¿ eæ dtuc åñd fM n.w@munly rousoLuN (thr.¿ a1 1,6{ 5q n- and ilo â12,?12 sq â ) edjeænt ta th€ 9xÈ¡ing tåc¡liry Aüitioúl equd includs an thrdy ye¡rl¡me exteßion bropèGt¡on of th. facilily Exislhg siuctur6 ¡ncluda 14,90 sq ll- funèEl hom¿. ¡1,500 sq n d.p¿|, 4l4sq f offre 3 200 sq f æ¡nlênanæ. ånd M mq$lcuro ol2 620 ¡nd 2,006 q ñ ¡d a 60,m0 gelon mtêr tenk on ìlE dewbped 23 5 8s¿ Flion ol lh. þtrl 11 I 71 ¡cE peæl Uåter to the p@¡rc1 site ¡s pEvitd by the Camr6å tòler Dittdd. Ooc Prêp cAM R|LLO,CÀ93012 PL1+¿057 s000210185 11852 BROADT¡\IAY RO, ì,OORPARK, CA93UI coodlbd Us P€mil PGP fuTHáùì9 M¡nor Condilbnal Llså Pemit lor lh¿ leêping of wib Ên¡hals. bo(h hnerenllt de¡gêÞE ard noL tha lbdowiìg dæc.iplion Ms prcvi(Èd by the spplic¡nt 1',ts52 BROÀOVVÀY VÊNTURACAUNTY UNII.ICORP Thc W¡kll¡Þ ¡nd Envrcnrenld CoeMlion (WeC) @Er h¡wks. e¡gle rnd fålÐfls md ô¡so *otb lblio6 lh.rc ¡s hohe lo n¡ny stÉ,i6 olowts. ¿E q våneiy of seM6 prcv¡d.d by the CE. Pl¡mr ApCicf,ú Niæle Donq; (605) SÞvú Gæfüion 65+942 300 MonEome.yAre Omard, C493036 805-S6E{912 Jay DobrcwdC(i; (E0s) 65+2498 Patty Pery PO Box2359 Mærpark, CA 93020 809517-r074 cÈnlèr 1 Rahahi¡¡ibn -Îhè tlþc rêeiÉs ¡ick, injlred and orph¡¡ed wildllfè fiom ¡1ahbe6 ol th. @mmunily, bw cnlo@nênl, ¡ùml rcscues, starlned¡ns,9¡q Th6ê en¡nab ¡as lr€¿têcl thrcugh lhc qüic¡lcaE pft4s by lÉEed wlêrin¡ri¡nr th¡t wrk logalher wilh oursbf aod vûluniæB lnEsivê surEÊry p@durês Darlorm¿d ¡t Elcñn¡ry hospltrls 1ÌE ôr¡máb ¡É ê¡h.r r¡nshmd to otb. f¡cilit-G, Eþrsd or Dh¡ln ¡tth€ l /bC 4nlêrtDrtolhêr Ghlbil¡lrlio¡ ¡¡d plræd in zoG ând othÊr edùEtion¡l l6c¡lla5 On !q¡9Ë lhc lrlÊC taþ in têtú.ên fNc ¡nd tar ¡nimrlr (allherfelines or ßptcE) pêry!¿r E 2 Eduolion¡lPrcoEro -Wbc olbr @E6Nr¡on oúF¡ch pðgEß lo our comunity ! conseMl¡o¡Educdion(o¡5[a)-Mc¡nolopênloth.publlc sEtþob, ôuchcs, lbr¡dè! and otlEr onanhal¡oñ in and aÞund our rÈ Our wlunlèeE trMl oÍ sit. ylh r¿plols onà, to mæi wílh th6è grouFs ôl llì.i. rcq!!!d vcñu4 No l!l¡n6 orc 0 pad of lhe ollsfê êduøl¡oül progdE srull, æ[ß¡w, prift hotu b¡r¿ for oùrâNo¡låmb¡sdorslhal epesanl lhti cou¡lêDan¡ Md theÍ n¡luml h.b¡t8ls thÞuohaul lhe wofü as described in the VþC'' sgEerurf wilh lhÈ crpti€ BÉ.d¡@ PreEm (se. lnrchrd) uê a@glviriloF by i¡vìl¡litn or.Þpoìnlmênl only l/\Þ qter to súâll gmup6 ÈpEanlhg .xiding ând ftiurc bcncfæloÉ and rur sGlêr ænsMùonbE fÞm otha p¡É ol lhe globe These grcups r¡ng€ ¡n numbeß foñ lM to len pêopb ånd there ¿rë åppro¡ih€tat llÈa lo fÈ visits p¿rmonth oflhese sm¡¡ groups lhrcugùou1 ¿ thE yer fhe @!mum numbcr ol ch¡Hßn lhål thE V\bC Ngrom G åbÞ to æoonmdal¿ b between 6¡een ¡nd lhirty dêpêd¡ng on ¡eÊ rnd numb€r of chåpeÞnE Th6e ch¡EED rÐme trom our hål schooh, by suB, e kl s@uß and olher org¡nàed gmuF, pdmárily dudn¡ the spñn0 DnllE ol M¡rch through Jun. A roximum ol three school dNes or orgê¡ize,l grou9s of chjbEnmyv6ilpêrDonlh AllvlsitoEÞ¡frr¡s¡dèthåprogeny the¡unberolvehdssranges gen.Elly trDm onê to lhree ceEMù the æplþn of school vis¡ts ln th6c 6ts thè pErcnE ususlly lEnspoñ thE childrÊn rn SUVs or mi¡ivans i0 êpprcximatêly lis to six Et iclcs lo thc rårc oås th¡l ¡ ùug 6 usÊd loriEnspott. thèc is oom fora bus to 9sú ¡níde oflhe proþely 4 lùl ¡E be&een æEn eßd l*elw vdunle* in dephd¡nlonthe¡rtime Thseindivid8b@ntribulrwy¡ng¡unÈersofhours¿rddays ãvaiLbility¡nd¡rrotrt.dåål/ìþC fhe6.rålivep¿d,indepêñdênl conr¡cloÉ th¡1 src broughl in on ¿n'6 nredêó' b6s5 Thcy includ¿: boolúeêt¡ing. Épeis and mlnteMnæ, and ånirul dr. ånd tÞininC. The houß of opoß{on ãÉ gÐeEllt Mondåy lhrough Frilay, 7:00¿n - 3:30pm HoøEr, ir¿álm.nt €re ad obseryåtjon aÉ prcvi&d twanty lour lours € d¡y, sMû d¡ys a reek y6¡to6 år¿ welæme on wêeldays be(wêen lh, hooß of \i\hC is prim¿rily å Elunleer oqrnÈ¡üon- The@ 10ìm¡m - s:30pm by ¡ppo¡ntmanl only lhe f.clily E pÞvided by lh6 Counly ofVênlu[ Uàbruodç DillncL fl ald w¡sle dbchsrEe from thè dwêlling! on tlE poplly Ls húdl¿d by a priv¡te¡csyslm l¡r¡l¿r to Mler County ofì,/bñur., Plrñn¡ng D¡v¡.lon Pêndlng Pfojccl¡ 08t03/2015 P¡Ee 15 Pc.mlt Pårcel Numbr Numbar PLt4,0063 Addroes r09c031175 1O?1 CENTER RD soMts ca Typ. SLtE MúüMI PrÊp lor lleå¡¡g Ê30æ Pomll DEcr¡ptìon Cæc Moor fllodflalon ro á Coñdil¡onal Us P¿mr I (CLJP 5339) rÈlorrd ro a tO-y!1¡ trm¿ efension tor ân cisùng wùÈþss comrn!ñ €hon fåcil¡ty locst€d ir¡ t¡Ë Agrcúnur¡t Erclusiv,r ZonÉ OÉtnct end thc Ag¡c!nurel G€nèml Fbn t¡nd lse designel on locitod on á 51 20 ecre ptupedt €doressacl es Thomas Chalïee; (80s) 6s4-2406 l02lCEnLêrStrêetintleSom6Ar!¿ PlrnM Thewrcbsscommun€lþntocilitlo¡ar6d.s¡gncdass 70{ool b[ tâux prn€ [ee and òas antennas mou¡tåo ãl 63 laat lhê assôcsod telccommunication êqupmènt s lo€tM ¡n û l0'X 16 pÊÞbri€Gd cqu¡pmenrsheller¡l ùê basc ol lhc towet No wåtor È æqlirêd þ run lhis lnm¿nned foctity Nô emergeo,:y bðck up g.n¿rutor è¡rsls ¿( rhe lacilty Acess lo üc sûë E Frovded Þy ¿ leored â€ÍcuÀußl ruad vie CÈn¡ct Slrect No ìEn oêwloprnùnl É p¡ùposBõ âs lhc requåst 15 limted (o a t fr ènens¡an PLt4-006ò 0900r 1 031! 11201 COUN D DR CA S3OO4 G¿nerel ña¡ ^me¡drncnr VEITUM Gcnerel PlanAme¡dmenl ¿d Zonc change lor Såij@yAr.a PtÉ¡ uñale C€lê5tè F¡bet 12750 Csnler Court Onv.. Su¡iÞ 600 Cctrrtos, CA 90703 913456-1249 Shelley Sussm-n, (805) 6542493 Doc Prcp Appl¡c¡nl Venrure Counly Of 400 S VrclorÌa Ave Ventlre, CÀ930094001 E056542493 PL1 !0066 090Òri0l t0 r201 couNñ oR, ië.er¿l PU'r ¡¡il¿r'dmcnt cnd bnc ó¡ngË br Såtcuy A¡aâ Pl¿n Lpúte Zooc Chang= VENTURA CAÉ3004 Sh¿lley Sussman, Ooc Prcp (E05) 65+2493 VentuE County Oi E00 S V¡ctoriaAve Vontlra CA93009-000'1 ô056542493 FrL14-007-i 7000010275 Pla¡ned Ocvelopmonl coðst¿l c¿mm The oppl¡@nl pqlesls approlal ol a PD Femi lorlhe ønsúucriôn ot a s ng!tstory 10 leÉt h€h) 1 336 54uare loor (sq n ) sìÂg¡¿Jârnit dw¿l¡ing \rrlh e¡ aLtached 624 c¿rport srd 4g sq lL or ånachcd covsrèd pâûos (apprcrmat¿ly sq fr. M-ëT Chuck Anthony, (805) 65+3683 l¡ åddf on lo rhê PO P¿mli lor lhe @nstrudoD end lse ol h6 proposèd stru(fur€s, a PL! Pemùt 6 Tequrfcl Deøuse lhg prop6rd proiecl will requúe gr¿drñg n ex@s9 ol 50 @b¡c y¿fds Mofe epeqrølly, lhc propôsed projc¿l rnclude3 âpÞroErutely I,!50 cubrc yårds ol cll sú apprormalcly 520 cubú yårds 6t fil wttñ E30 Eùbic yårds ol ù¡pol lo prepôre the s tc lor Lhc pfúposed develo9ncnl. Gro!¡d orttlrb¿ocê ¿clivfi.t land cþannq or coñrrnrcÌon) wlll nol rnclude òhs¡ing onsrlc ¿lecf¡Gl phone ård @mrnilnrcalon iirìÈs wrll È pbd Seuth?rn Cal¡faro€ Edisùf EiselrerÍ on lne suàJect pt opef,y. or vìbr¿loq' urEâryro!trd M¡chael Pards 314 Dexel Ave Venlura. C,A.93003 805-901-2138 ørp.ctiûo, Pflvåtè rúl¡¡ ¡n êrßrúg A popllãl¡oñ olcnoøÞte l¡ly (Fn¡lbnå b¡ûorå vð¡ biíora) ssE ôßfc a¡d wil æ presêrvod n specrl¡c arc¿s denliÛd oô lhê pÞposêd phns (E¡hrbit 3l lhe oieold! lly tt¡¡¡ dI þo proþcled dur ¡9 all developmenl adivilês â¡d ,uel rrdiliqùan ¡dv[¡es by l¡00¡n! ¡nd lenc¡ôg offsuch pbots lhc chocolåre lity plants will be ma¡ntårned by h¡d weêdiflg (ûly åod the br ds¿epc a¡d luÈl rnod¡¡icalion ?one (outsrdE ol lIe 4tìoæht¿ lly Ðre¡) wr¡ ò,! m¡inlBineó by wcèó{hâck¡¡g hå¡d woadrng, ¡nd tnmmrn9, ås necersary Thè Prcjèct åS ¡¡cludes lhe tns!ållalot ol lan(gÈp og, pursuacl lo liê ondsÉp¡ng plant lof the ProJèct A proposed, new ømprcld qushad shålê dr¡Ew¿y vrå PlcilE Vrèw Òrìve will provdo ðøêss to lhe proJècl silÊ Añ è¡islrng on-sile pnvål¿ w¿! will prûvid¿ w¡têr, ând âñ orñ.dÉ ålternatlw septic syslem rn ihÊ lorrr å 1.500 oâllon bnl wfh s¿cpåge pils ðtró ú sand lilèr bach fêk wú providc seÆgê d-6poså1, lor lñ¿ pfoposed rerdenlÌal use ofihe propèdy (fxnibf 3) Pt1 ¿-007Þ :1901 s01 5 Mator Mod¡fÉ¿l on Major ModiførÉn lo Tråcl 51 75 (á 23 lot subdivision/ ro mod¡ly ihc appruvd n¡igerior nrsåsurès ¿¡d Coró¡lilon no- 15 ló allow ti¿ pnv¿lÈ homÈowrers us of 30' ol lând mcrslred lrom thE lop ol lìÉ slopcs ¡n lhe r¿er y¡rus lo irsbllsolår photovolbic lyslcms a¡d planlìno (f þndsc¡ping Franæ Rosengßn (805) 65+2045 Sanla Rosa Hrgh Homeomers AsoctBtron 2323 Potote Roâd suire 150 VenÌura, CA93001 l8û5) 542{S95 County ofìþnlur¡, Pl¡n¡¡ng Division Peod¡ng ProÞcE 08,03/201 5 Paee 16 I eømt I Numbd Pårc¿l Number Add6s Pemil Typc RD FILLMORE CA93015 Dêscript¡on S:ttus Rev ln Progress for ãn åddi¡onal !0 yeeE ol operaLlon. 2) ro rnqeáse lne mdimum da t lr!* tjps lÍom 300one-wayt.ipsp€rday10372one-wayriFperday,3) tornøêasethenumi€rolope€ting då]sfom1E0dåysperye*to250d¡yspery€€r¿)anólochangeCondíbnNo61b1,6tc1, Cae cnended 61c 3 relded to rcponrng requlrements to the County olV¿ntuÉ P!Þl¡c fr*s G Phnnú Applirytt 65+5037 170E Cheny H¡ll Road Santa Paula C493060 805-525-2431 Ebony McGæ, (8051 65+5037 GBI{ Wnslc^ Wright Hall Kempton B Sutu Tr Est 1273 S Rice Road Ojar. CA 93023 ¡ologbl pernl o¡ recbmtþn d8n boundáry.nd no slnrdurès exGl m siteorareproposed V\¡ðt!rlolhesubpd!rcFêrly6provdédbyenonsiLewe¡lwitha20000 gdlon rcs¿M¡r Aæss is prov¡d.d via Gr¡ms C¿^yo^ Road by an all Ëålher ¡æss getd .oâd ûlh ã sc@ndary gelèd acccss road .lso 10 Grtus C¡nyon RDd TempoEry l! ¡lÊB ¡re Fovided No chaoges årc proposed tô the PL14-0066 Pemil AdJuslmenl 0090090165 Compl€ténes Rw ln Prog¡ess Proposed prcjed rnclud.os reÈing CUP 348$2 10 i¡c¡!de the following channelKeaFa-Mosler Rock seIlemenl Agråemenl): 1 2 3 (in acü rdhånce with lnqeaæ øpacity ol upper dele¡lþn æsin kon apprcL 400,000 gallons to 1 000,000 gallons PeE thè laul rosd ùom thc rîtrencè lo lhe thê upperdctc¡lion brsn (åpprcx 1 2 åcrès) Rcple@ low.r detênlion b¿r¡n wilh sewrål w¿u t¡nks Proposôd pßJed .l5o ¡ncludes a minor fevislon t0 RPcA ¡469-2 (Roc Plân) shsl allow lhe p¿v6d ha!l rcad to remin posl recl€mâtion PLl@92 0loo07Û85 11999 oJAlSmA Lor LineAd¡utment PEp lor Heanng PAULA RD. OJAI, CA 93023 PL14{107 0610æ0110 501 N VENruUÀV, VENIURÀ COUNñ UNINCORP lte Tì¡ÁC LEGAL LOTS WITHIN 1 APN, A 2 LOT- LOT Lh'IE ADJUS-TMENTTO 23 06 AC GROSS, NET22 O AC ÂND PARCEL B 20 06 AC NEI/GROSS. Þ CRI}18 fèviscd la PARCEL A (E05)6542468 IHÊR ARE NUMEROUS EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPOS€O PARCELA SEE FILE FOR ASSESSOR RECORDS AND SITE PLAN Prep for tseåñng Uc 2280 Moonridge Ave Newbury Park, CA 91 32û4534 805-432-35E0 Minor Mod¡fiæliôn lo Cond¡lional ljsè Peftil No LU05-0023 Lo æque$ ¡ 20-ye rr l¡mè etensron ¿nd lo rrcdlly ccrl¿ n @rìdjùons of â pproval o t LWfl)023 to ellow Ìhè oegong )pêral¡on of an åúlomob¡le reparr business locsted al 501 Nofrh Ventúre Avenue in the Commenrel bnd use desqnâtion of the Olãr V¡ll€yAÞa Plan end thc Commerci¿l PÞnned Oevelopmtnl Zonc Dis[id Condihonål Use Pem¡t LU0S023 or9 nal y êpprowd the front bùild¡ng and fror t poÁjon ol the Dropcdy lo opêete ån úscd dr deåþrship ånd the buildrng ånd roår pol¡on ol ll ê prcp€r{y to be usèd as a aulomobilê Épârr businÊss PrevìDus lo LU05{023 lhe site wâs developed ¿s e 9õ sül¡on in tunL w¡th å$ocùl€d åulomobilc ßpårrto th¿ reâr ol thå säÊ rn the e8l/ l950s pror lo lhe need for € Plannrng 0ivis¡on enlrllemen¡ aou217-9415 Kristine Boerc, (805) 65+2Æ7 James Ctark PO Box604 Oakvrew CA 93022 805€49-1 891 Subsequenl lo the âpprovãl 0l LUDs{023 the taont podron of the prop¿dy chen!td use suú ttãt lhe sutomobile refk busine$ look ovÉrlnê ènliE propedy fhis busincss is ccmnonly knoMt rs OjaiVåileyMutur Thisp3licular!utomobilcrcpâirb6n¿sssDec¡eÞêsnmufllerråpâiråø insLelblon Noofchengingorhsndli€ofliqurdwasleÈgmpsedor¿ôrEjpãlc1 Thehùu.sof búsines operatiors ¿re proposëd to lhe same es E:00-5i00 Monday-Fr¡o¡y .nd I 0È5 0O S¿lurd¿y No new dcwlopm¿nÌ or ¡mpervlous area is p¡oposed lor the sile nrough ¡lis mdif *tio¡ the ôppi¡€¡t rs rcquesling lo .econfgùre ðnd adjuslth! number of paúing sp¿ces frcm l0 ouldoor spâæs to I ouldoor spâÉs (2 of y/hich wMþ b ) lênGd !o allow ue têmporary stâg¡ng ofwhicles lttal ¿re boing milBd on) reloÈt¿ a tâsh enclosure, chån9ê the la¡dscspè sd€mê t¡om wÂs or¡gina¡ ¡pprov¡|. ¡nd to sHow he frcnt ¡uioño )i¡€ Mys to have erlifa ln.dd¡tionlolhsEoltdoorp¡rkingsp¿æs, lhêsil.hæ4¡ñÞrìorvehiclêb¡ysroworkôn and slors våhiDlás thål ¡re b¡inq wortd on ì¡åtcr 1o lhe silè is prcvrdsd by CEsrlas I\¡unic¡p8l Wblêr hrndl.d by lhe Ojåì V.lby Sâniþtion PLr 4-0 r1 0 20601730¡5 2333 ROOSEIG,LT BL VENIUR COUNTY UNINCORP Paep lor Êlêanno Un¡nce ¡ñd Minor Modifc.lþn dìslricL ¿nó wasle weler disposel È 10 Pla¡ned OeveloFrenl P6m[ No 795 lo leg8 ize the ùane e of kom å l¡ke out r¿sbu6nl and bsouLy sôlo¡ lo a s¡t down raslaur¡nl loøled ¡n lhc Comm!¡c¡ål Co¡stalÀr!å Pl¡n l¡¡d us¿d d6ign¡Uon !n lhÊ Co¡shl Commrcùl Zon! Oslrici ¿ddÉs.d rs 23!3 Roosevolt Boulevðrd in lhè S¡ÌveEk¡nd AE8 the vðdåñce ?quest E tc ¿limÌn¿p lha ¡oqú[ed on-¡ita perlqng to ¡# ould@r s¿å¡¡ng Th¡6 vâd¡ncc ¡nd m¡not modFrcâlion ß to ábale zv01-0160 ård cvl1-0544 u* Eecky Liñdèr; (805) 654-2469 Robert [¡ato¡B 2205 l8t Smet Simi Valley. CA 93065 E05-526-3916 County olì/€ntuE, Pl.nn¡ng D¡v¡sion Pend¡ng ProÞcE 08/03/2015 Page 17 Pomh Plrcol Numbc. Numb€r FL1ætrù PLt¿{1r2 2060173045 Addré. Pmit Typ. Sllc 2333 RæSEVEI.I EL VENTURA COUNIY UNINCORP Pcmll D6c¡ipt¡on Våo¡næ ønd Mrnor Modlfc¿lion lo Pl¿nn¿d D¿wloptrpnl PÉrdrt No 795 to kg¿liÉ lhê cn¿qe ot uJc fom à tzk¿ od ¡esblrent end be¿uly 5alor lo ¡ sh dom ßsl¡ur¿nt loc¡led ¡n the Commerclal Coast¡lAr€¿ Phñ låú usd desEnst¡on ¡n tno C@sþl goúmrcb¡Zons Dbhct addrèss.des2333RoosêvelLBouley¡rdtntheS¡lveGvadAr.â Th.vãriùærequ6lrslq eUmnáE the r6qurr4 ún-sÍe parking to add outdoor scaling- Thß vaíanæ ¡tnd ñ¡nor møllcâlon ß to ab6te ã01-0160 ånd cv11-054{. Pep lN HeilÃg 05501S035 MirorModtuLbnloCond¡lôn¡lUsaPem¡tNo 4251 lortheongo¡ngope¡¡tþnotåno¡¡andgâs exploÉt¡or ând production f¿slÌty on an oil lèas¿ ævÊnng mosl olÁsessorl>aføl Numhr 055+140-035 wilhrn lùe Ramo¡a Frêld e¡sl or Pitu io tie Open Spee GenÉråt Pl6n l€nd usè óes€nal o¡ and the Opc¡ Spa@ I 60 Acre &ûe D¡stna Coñdl¡onal Usc Prmit 42Êl wss app0Jd on 1985 lor lhe co¡ln@d p¡duclioô, rcmrtng, and màhlenæ ot 1 4 o¡ and gåi wêlb, and å l¿¡k l¡rm pump ho6. eñ h.¿lÈr tr¿atér ¿nd eileryy olfæ afld tne erDpbym¿rt of ProÙudþn ðnd kanspodng opcrsrions, lscLl!ès equip@nl. ¿nd olGr¿pp!tenänc¡s acesery here(o. lheonly proæsslôg op.6lþns p€m¡[ed at rhe wells¡Îe ¿Étheseraralion of prcduæd qude o¡l and lhose procolslng opêal¡oôs þT Injætion purposês ánd Ior w¡ler ¿nd nalural 9¡s 'lom producE Íom the 9ie fha curènl Éqüest t9 lor s ñinirum of 30 üìê lrensponâf on of production CePlrnm Applc.nt Becky Linder, (805) Robêft Meblâ 2205 1sl Srêel S¡m¡ Vaùey CA 930À5 805-526-3S16 65+2i69 Jay OobrowElsk; (605) 654-2498 J€lt Eeenberg 9017 Resêdâ Blyd Northfldge. CA 91324 81 8¡O7-{1401 Jay Dobrowalski, (80s) ôs+2498 Jetf BÊ$nb€rg 901 7 Re*då Blvd i206 Noñlr¡dge, CA 91324 I 1 8-407-0401 J.y DobrowâlÊki, Cå6a P.dfiÉ 1722 Soulh Ltu¡s Roàd C€marillo CA 93012 yÊeßoronÌil0ñey¿¿rlolodngllêesselþnolproduqìoo Noådiltonãl$,¿[sorgfadíngÉ proposd. No irydraul¡c hrcluring scd rcll slimu¡slion, or oher wê¡l sl¡mulaiioo h.tmeds pEr Publ¡c R6ources Code Sect¡on 3150 sÊq. are propsÉd- PL r {{11: Mnor Mod fr€ton 055014025 Pte\ lot Hea(Íg Ujñor Mod¡liøiion to Cond¡Íon¡l Usc PDrmii No 4271 for lie ongoin9 opËEiion of 6n orl ¡od gås ê¡domho¡ ond grodLdro¡ lâc¡lity oñ an o¡l lêåse covêring epproximately halfol lìc Ëst¿m polrDn olAs.sorParcel NumÞr 05tG140{25 wilh¡^ ttu Rårú^å Frêld sest ol P¡ru n thè Oprn Spae G¿rgr¡l Plan lBld use dgsúû8¡ion ånd lhÐ Open Spsæ 160 Ac6 Zone Diiítd CorEitEn¡l Usc Perm¡l 4271 w¡s approv.d in 19ð5 torlh. @ntinued prcduclþ¡, rêwoñ¡ng, and m¿lolen¡nce oi I oil and g¡s w6l&, ênd s lank låm, ånd thé empbyhéot ol ftrodudion ânó l.en!pon00 opaÞlionô, fa¿{nos sqsrpmsnt, ånd ûlhår appuÍetrånés oæs,o.y thefeto. lhè only ,rocêssrng opêrål¡oos permillad âl lhe we¡ sile åre lhe 5eprÞ¡on ot pfodu@d wåter aM nalulêl g¿5 hom crude od €nd lhose pro@3stn0 operrtþrs lor inj¿daon pürßses and torlhe lrènspotution ofprcd!clEn producls trom lhe sitc Thô curcnt Ícquesl ii for ¡ ñiniûuñ of30 yeðE or unlil onÉ y¿arlollowing lhe ôêsseli¡n ol prdüci¡on No additonül wélb or gr¿diñg is propdsed NohydrEuliclrsduring àcidwellsl¡ûrùl¿tÍon,orolhc,wùllstimuktìonrrêåtûreolspÊr Pub[c Rèsuræs Code Secttoo 3150 seq. sre prcposed. Pf1 4{11{ 2340050v0 T 72¿ EVúS RD, VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP M¡jor Mod¡l@ton CôfrPklêñ¿ss PêmlÁ to Mâlo. Mdiñelon lô cod¡ioÈltJs¿ Perñ 4736 (CUf¡) lor m¡norchsngcs lo tñ. bu¡Uhg 6¡zcs åú byouls ¡nd aúilbncl paú¡ng CUP 4?36 wås apprcvâd hr e lime af.nsiunâûdep¿ßþnofiisßsdenrCcilgfacl¡ily@mñoû¡y[0ownasCå9oPrc¡fcs, C¡9¡ PacfEa wå onghÐlly apprcwd Dn a 22-åcre Counly ownêd propêñy to rncllde lour ¡$¡de¡lht Don¡ges houstm ì5 çhÍdre[ Þer ctuge aú ¿n ¡nlånl Êre l¡.ûr¡y 6pBÞle ot h.urng 25 nlEntsfoøleG Phås¡ng ol lhe pþled envigioned Urè llimlê dev.lopmènt ol up lo g @[agcs cnabl¡ng1lìâfåciÌtytoprov|d¿housmgloraiotålof205úi¡dEnwìthaslppotsl¿flof3U, Thê ãpprovâl indùded e dinr^g/l¡tc¡.n lâcility, multtspürpose bù¡ldirg, and an SoinLreton (E05) 654249A ao5477-1994 bu¡tt¡ng wìhatot¡lof72,767sq.lLofdêvêlopmêntinl4buildtngs. Sere€¡ûdli€1io¡stolheongiml êntllcnEnl ocÊur.d sincs approvéd Coñpl6to dÉrô¡l¡ oi lnê apprcþd us.s Co0dironÉ !1 ApgroÉl lor CUP PL12{11 7 arè tñd ¡n th€ County of \ênìun, Pl¡ùrng D¡vision Pend¡ng Prcjects 08/03/2tlf5 PûgE tÊ Pemat Numbcr 1141 1S P!rcrl Numbd 01 AddFsg Type Slrtqs 00 ca 9302¡ Dôc Prêp 06cription No 5234 lo e{cod the 10 yê¿r lcm lor Lh. ongorng opei¡tion oflhô C¡mp Ramah Reùeal þøld on a 21 acrô prop¿ny wlLh ¿n Op¿n Spacc ê¿¡¿ral Plan l¡nd use d.sEnelton, 3n Open Spaæ OÞr Vålþy Ar¿ã PlaÕ lånd usc d6sEôelon, and n the Ogen Srco 40 Actc Mi¡¡muo Zone olstrict * rêsú ss 455 -a¡ñEw Rosd n lh¿ Ojâr Arês. Th¿ r¿tr¿el wõ approv.d wittì sleeprng fac¡lilE:. Tñe efÈåt ts C¡æ Planær Applic¡rtt 65+2469 206 Nolh Signal Street OJai C483023 E0s{46€,159 âpplov¿dlorpersoilsov€r1ôycaßoldwÀn 1.)uproasù-wcåkforûrðlsèss¡on!tnú.dtono more h¿n 16 ovcr-n¡gì1 q!âsß ånd No rcstdenlisl employees: 2.1 up lo t2 weÊl end .dutt sess on3 tioù FridÉy ro Sundåy; end 3 ) up ro 12 ¡ntrdudory one{åy resaþÉ lrilh no résdênlial g!6sts- ¡ hs mâxmuD numbêr ot peogle on Ine slc tßntn ány ZHo!, pêrìú sl âll not .e¿d 3E AmsximlmoJlEgucslsand2empþyeesmayslsyoE(¡rgh( fheåclMi¿s¿rtcondudrd¡na marnériha¡ s dêtåilGd,n l¡eendil¡ons ôf ðpprovalolCUP No- 529. Th. lðqlly rncludès ån esÙng 9npl¿ lhát I us¿d ¿e lhe marn rê!êðt, pârking lor 17 dn, ¿Âd he À subsequcnl mdifi€(ion ifl 2011 ád(Ëd a ropé chãllengê course üal is used Þy tne æúeãt eÍendees A prewus sÞons æut úaJ en[tþd vta CUP 523¡l thorgh ir wâs nor ønlructd- l¡ pl€æ oflò€ spots øur the re(eÂi JlêntÉ å ngclable gardcn and phns on replac¡ng lhe paved sporb coul wÍh ¿ gfas tud edivily åreå tn án arêa lhal w¿s prEvrously orchad Thc Pê.ñinêe rs groposiog lo âddr6¡ øndili)n nuhbar 26 ot CllP 5234 by ÞloÉhng a gr¿slad restoratEn area on thê she where tne spon :out was a¡licrpaled 1o bc @nstrùdcd. No new lurldnÉs or ìnlperytous areas ¿rê prcpos¿ ó. Th! pèrdfue Coes not progose to modrly âny ol lhe @ndfþß ol apÈoval æde fom lie desl¡lnêd locerþn of rhe 9ræslð¡d rcsloralton aFå- Ihe g¡æslsno rêsÌor¡lþn wæ prolosed torlhé rea¡ ol lhe propeñy lo l¡e nodñè3sl aod 6 proFsed to bc reloeled to lhe tront ofthe çropÈ ly þ rhe soulhwêsl frs B proøed by lhê Cas¡lås Munrcrpal W¡1er Compsny End waste w¿tèr ß handld ot tnÊ Ojâ¡ Vel¿y Sâ0dâtion O¡strù. T¡is ac¡6n ¿lso mlldes åulhor¡¿Âtbn for !ilcr the f¿cl headous lre! rcr¡ov¿l-,\f, o¿t X!e splil in hâ¡f¿nd fell on â shed end ê pcùÈ raoþ on he nont câ!1 .orrÈr ol lhe propa(y åqacañt to l¡e e{sring Érpol ryCNCUO Sec 8107-25.3 ad 25 6 . ) Cour¡ry of Ventura, Plann¡ng D¡vis¡on Pending Projecls æto3t201s P¿ge 19 Pãñh Pâaæl Numbe. Numþ€r Addres ÆSThKE VILúGÉ. Prmi. TyiE CA St¡ta Peril Doc Prep d.ngero0s an0 nor ¡nferently deng€rous on :cfe propeny in lhe open spaæ bnq usd desqna0on and the Oæn Spaæ 20-esc ñinirum psræl s¡z€ 20fl€ ddrÈt rildEssed as 437 Wst Carltsþ Road withrn ihe Lake SñÈmod Area Pbn A.æEs to t¡e sitc {r vE privalc dnvcway from &51 csltsle Êoad wElaf ß piovldsd by tuo eÆ!trq €ier wclls r¡th s 10,000 9¿&n hobhg lânk and s pG$ure pump An dd[þnât 5,000 gâtbn wåler ¡€^k is oos(¿ w¡th ¿ fÉ 91161 D.:ctiplion CæPLG App¡Grt (805) 6s4-24s6 437 W Carl¡sle Rd ThoMdO¿ks, CA31351 u)r379-31 41 htdranlprov¡inglorfrcproled¡onsoMGs Domestrcwástèwate.èh¿fldledbyeroÈsri¿ fhe ¿ñimals thar are kept o¡ sûe âÉ pêrmdt¿d by ilrê Unt¿d ttarÈs Dèpâtneñt of Agricunu,e callorn¡¿D¿pdnm¿nrofWldlif¿,th¿0nOnâlco0d¡tonrlUsePemtitêndinc.lud¿lh¿ 5eprh sysrem. lollow¡ng 2 8oòéls 3 dogs BIROS 1 S!ñur qreftd Cocþloo (medium) Unòrelb Coclaloo 20 chiclèos 1 l! P¡Jeons REPIILES (no0-venomous) 1 Khg snåke I Re¡cul¡l6d pylhoo 6 M¡lk sn¡lês 2 cârper plhùos 2 GrÈ¿r¡ lrée pythonr I Eoe @nstdclor REPTILES lverotuus) 10 Raüle5nakes 5 Cobras 1 K¡nO Cúb¡a 2 Gabon vipe6 2 Cotronmourhs 2 Coppemeads 3 tyêþsh upcE 4 Gilo mo¡sLers CROCOD¡LIANS 15 A¡lila¡ors 1 Croødb l Carilan The Oapådm¿nt ofFsh ¿od Wldlife h!3 p¿mled s w¡dêr rånge ofan¡mah llôi øn be kêp1 on the properly throogh a Rcstrdêd Specìs Permr eM lhe own¿r ó r¿querling to rEintaii lnc fuil range ulan¡måls Ihal would Þ ålbwed und.¡ RErùÉÈd S!ècL€s Pcrmil Thc owilcroll¿0 r¿scoes and sXllcE cxo{ts ¡nrm¿ts lh¡l ¡rè oñ ih! Resl¡dåd Specrei Permit No l¡alÈ prùd¿tor €E or Þrger rummets ere on ùe Reslnõgd Species Permil .nd thé ¿pp¡€ôl is ôd r€q!¿6ting lo k!êp lhese typès ol an¡mðb o¡ ls propeny or enlllc !ìerr leeprng lh¡ough r¡is Équêst PLì40125 09ffioM 60O TCDO RO, SANTA PAUU. C 9360 Súùmdl&l kr Progr¿ss PefmfAótoslmlntofcuPNo 4735-2bëgranlcdro¿uthofi¡etheco¡siructorota20,00osF evdênæ 3tofag! Þuibjng ¿lt¡e Toód Roâd J€t[ Bnan Bå€: Vent!E County Of (80s)6545182 VenturE, C493009-1ô70 EO5€5+2022. County ol Vênl|¡r¡, P¡.nñing Diyltioñ P.ndlhg Proþct¡ 08/032015 Prgf, 20 t^.PGtmit 1 Numlcr I TyF¿ s gtüE Èã¡.tu^d*¡^Ds¡criptio¡ Pam¡l .r.¡drÀñ-r c¡6 ÂÃdr,* Appllqt I I RD MOORPARK M Prcgress 654-5037 s3021 Venb/E, CA 930013735 ao56720200 PL14-0t28 0080160450 CARPINIERN, PL1 4{134 PLt +01 36 7000110385 1630031 r 95 Condilbnrl Use Pem¡l 8320 MTES CA 9æ13 11827 ELLICE Sl MÀLIBU. CA90265 4385 HIICH SL CAMARILLO CA93012 PemilAdjGtmenL Compþleness Rév ln Proqæss submltal ln Prc9rss condtþnal Usè Femf Prep br Hcarino condh¡onel U* Pedl lorV€tun WGle$ for¿ wireless Communietion Fecil¡t:, loÈlèd on a t0 05 !cÊ propeny in the costal Agroll!ràl Zonô Distñ ancl lhe Agricultml Coaslel Plan land EG dêsEnation ¡ßdressèø es E310 Balas Roed aFv6 Rrncon Pohl ål liê Nodh coùnty Lrnê Tòe hdlly rs locd6d âL the soulhreí @m¿r ot lhe subjecl propcdy n¿a. B¿lss ¡locd End desrgned ss s ¡15.1 bll faux pin! trè. Thc .ssocEt¿d telacomm0nicrlion cqu¡prnenl ¡s localêd al the base Dlthe¿ withìn a 35'X 35' l¿næd leåse åGa ln ¿ddilioõ to the telè@ûìmuniat¡on equþrud a emergency beckup geneßþr ß proposed wlhio lhc hnæd lc¿se år€s No gEdrng s requ¡reo to dew¡op the ptolecL ¡nd no nâtive ægel¡tion musr Þ f€mowd No wålcr É necessery þ operate th6 ufwnnåd hci¡ly ánó only equEs p€dodic mainl¿naôæ À@ss 10 thê súe rs provded Ð ã dif drNway ua 8åt6s Road Sle numÞr PSI-Ù17?707 Krisùna Eoerol (E05) Plsn Ad¡uslmentlo ¿n exìsl¡ng condominium apprcEd io Pl¿n¡ed devÊlopm rnt Pêml 797 br intenor remodel é¡d I 75 sq-n adddroo n unimpþwd båserenl lo Ðate vrolâlior cV1 3-0354 Modifcal¡ons include ¡eg¿l¡zelion of unpemllêd slorge ¿Âd closel Ð8n5ion, ul¡lty Dom e&ânsion, rnstell¡tion oì h¿åLing úniL h bêdrcom, mdifi4lion ol cledrical and p uhb¡no sysLems repleæmenl of v/rndow, sliding door rephæmenl S¡te lo€Þd el 11827 E¡l¡æ SrreÊl in Malibu Tsss Haris, (805) WrèlessCommunrÉlionF¡dlilybrssTJool fåurp¡retrec(monepDeilocåtecona433¿rÊ TlÉmas Chafee: (E05) 6542406 sie prop¿ly ¡n theÀE-40 acre ñjnjmum p¿røl sizc ¿onc dishcl andlheAgricultuËl 3eneralPhr lanó us€ desgnstlon ddre$ed Es 4385 Hfrô Bld in ihå Moorperl Aree (APN ' 63-0-031-1 95i Th! fådlly ß locâlêd dong the sollhem propely l¡ne ofthe subjed propedy âd¡a ænt o[ ¿ ddgeline ¿dlacent lo 4 olhcr f¡cililiås The assod.led telecomhunielìon èquipÍ,èil ß læ¡lêd in 65+2467 Tricia Knight 123 Sead¡f DriE Prsmo Beæ¡. CA 934,{9 ao5Åaa421 65+2455 Clive Dryson 28925 Paciñc Coêst Higùìmy Malibu C490265 (310) 589r921 Davrd DoMs 2009 V Street sadalHto, cA 95618 916-217-7513 s30fl by30flle¡cedle¿seare¿allfiebsseolthèmono-Prne Accesstothes¡!¡spmv¡sdby s 9nvåfe drivêw.y ùå l'{ilch BouÞvsrd No waler F necesry tD opertle lhe unrnânn.d læil¡ly No gRdrng c. r.movål of nelivé vèoelation is equ¡red to prepaÉ lhc site for the srte oæÉbr Vsil¿on Vl¡ireþ$ sile nâme Venbú PL1+0137 PL14{140 6850250095 645008,4010 5450 CHURCHh/OOD DR OAK PARK, C491377 condúronal Usè Permil CoñûroMlUs! Pêmit Enûronmcnlel ooc Frep Prêp fo¡ rearìng [ropo*d facjlily cond¡l¡onal Usè P€mit lor ænstruction ol ¡n unm€nned wireless commuoizlion fBc¡lily st ¿n erstng EpÉøpålChu6h âddrê$ed åÉ 5¡l50 Churchwood SFa¿l in OâÌ Pårk fhe Þrojæl oDemsowåwånldna, consisisof€ 55't¿llmonoprncwühl26:h¡ghpsnelsntennås,12RRUb lour nyeps. live equ¡pmeôÎ cêblneß ¡nd one sl¡ndby g¿nêr¡lor in a !30 lråsed eÉB ne monopnêwillb€þelêd¡pp lg0'nodhwcsloflheêquipoantlo€tion Faclitycper¡torisVerEoo Wrehss ånd sile nare ¡s Churqwoó P.mÌl lor a wìr.less communrc¡lio¡ hc¡Úly ùl wes origrna¡ly åpPrcved by condilþn¿lUscPamil4957loølsdåd¡¡6ånlloâCountyl/steMoftrDistriclND 6(cilyof simi Vållcy) Mlcr tan¡ i¡ thc RE-20,000 sq lT Zone Dirtrict n the Sañlt susenôAre¿ o¡ ¡ sile Coñdition¡l Usô as á 55 ¡l m)no.@le Becky Lindec (805) 65+2469 Ch Eprsøpal Protestanl 200s v st Saramento. CAg581E (9161 217-7513 Thomas Chafiee (805) 6s+2406 ¿nd the wi¡ be attachrd lo lhe tDwer ând lhe tower will æ @w@d wilh hu¡ b¡rk the urrmânnêd lecllity h¡s no êm6r9ancy grner¡lor Eck-up and is accêssed by codo Ro¡d No ¡ódit¡)n¡l impeñ¡ous årlo E ¡clded lo lhe prcred s¡le Couoty of\êntu.a, Plann¡ng D¡vis¡on Pending Projects 08r032015 Prge 2'l Permlt P¡acêl NumbÊr Add16s P.m¡t Type Slatus Permit Descr¡ption Câ3e up9rådo at c¡Énng wrrelp9s knmurrrcålton lâc¡lly loÈ¡ed o¡ Ð ridqu||nr ¿bove Oåk Vtew rn thc -oftst Home k¿rÈrr w rh/r the RA-40 âdSRP ¿one Orsilrct ¿nLt Rur¿t tnstituto¡st OJar VatÌÊy Ârc¿ plan laø !se dcs qnÉlo¡ The lacrldy wðs oriq¡ñã¡ly ¿pÞro!êd a3 ¿ cro$ wd¡ the anLe has bcatcd slhrñ ihe caoss úilh U¡c assoúarcd Ielecomflunicahon Ê ånd Ême¡gc¡cy ( à*up gc¡,ctetor locårcd n¿27{^X1l'X4'g¿s.¿r¿aiì¿tb!Írcto$Èdwúìrnqnurútaîringw¡Írnd¿nâ¡nnnk tcrccd lhù anL¿on¿s tlì¿l â¡c propos¿d tu !p9¡¿d€ thÈ t¿ottly c¿n ilot oc ãc:omÍrodztd {(htr VEN]lRA CAUNñ CA 9SÈ99 Pl¡nÉr 65+2467 Appl¡c¡rlt 15505 Sand Cenyo¡ Drive l.vrrìc CA926l6 949-28ä?000 lh!r¡5hgofoss sùtì€âpplcant spropostngLoconsltuc(ailcw40ñ monlpinê9ævclhe c¡oj5 afd ådjacc¡r ¡o åÍ ê¡i$ng se¿uñg g¡zubo- lh¿ new 40 Þll mo¡s-plnc will con¡3tn l2 panel ¡nLe [ìas, 6 radro ¡âÍÞte unls, 3 IMAs aill 1 R¿yag ìber demafcalon òox súrge Þroledor sc¡cÈñed w[htn thc Dr¿nches fh9 å5sôc8r€d equrpthcnt ãnd ls¿se ¿rÊ¿ w¡ll riñ¿ n in tts clraenl loc¿lon No ddriron¿l b¡uslì clêðfln0 wtl¡ be ¡eq!Lred lO a¿ømhod¿)e the uÍgrada âs he nsw (owèr s proposd rn år årcã l[¿l rs akcåd] cEâr¿d Oy ltrc ¿trslnO dcvcbpmlnt on A6ess lo ltre rîma¡ncd lacrlùy b providÈú ¡y â prùate acccss road viå Burûlaßì Roåd S[e operaLor Ver¿oo ffrclèss, sile narno Oâl Vlêw MTÌ al ¡l 655 Èurnhåm Ro¡d rn Oek Viéw ÈLr l-014+ È!50190T 55 ]41 WILLIÂMSAURG Vry WESTU,KE CondilEñâl Usc P::rmir VIL4GE Cå Envtronrìrni¿l Doc Pftp 31361 Therequêsltsto.åpcrm¡t¿djus¡meotloCo^drionalUscpertrilLUll-0137 r.l¿lèdiothpL¿kc C¡!þ Goll Cou¡5È) rn otdêt to cur)sfld ¿ 352 iq t s¡ruúù,c near C¿l¡oùrne l ane où tht goll cou¡!¿ ilsÈll Th! 5fuclur€ cons¡sls ol o pflv¡Le mon's testroorn, womln's resÙooñ ånd gadc¡ slof¿qÉ area The s¡ructure ts pfoposcd to ò¿ locaH to p31h o¡lhøShoRoodLakeCluÞGollCoursc flcproposèdsflltureÉtor.¿túd25fcetaway ¡om lhc ncarÈrl oai lrec í8300ì Tsss Harß, (805) 65+2453 lbrahim H2eyen 360 Twrlighl Coun Camânllo, CA 93012 805-233-7 t7B ThÉ CDndilronål UsÈ Permn was rÈcènlly mùdrlÉJ io ¿sd a.ì add¡¡snål 25 vÊ¡15 þ ürc I(rm of ùìë Èr1(lemdnr,r,d covÙs l¡ìc Shcrwood Devcloprìent/tSR p opuñþs, ttìe OrcKÊns palch LLC Êop¿dE\ and ll'c L¿k¿ Clúb lacilúrÈs ¿nd gslf couße 0!80060s3i 9!9 M SSIOñ RrJCK RO SANT PAULA C 93060 0oc P¡ep Cúndilional Us¿ Perr, t ror å wrTeles! conrmuilcatþn l¡ctl¡1y to€l¿d in ürè Êc rry XìdrskEl (M3) Zone Orslncl ¿nd lh¿ fìdusrr.l General Plaù lård !sè dèsplatú¡ rddrésséd as 909 Missrún RocK RoâOintlrcSaolåPáulâÅrèa. fhcr¿ul¡tyrloulcdl!hcrcârofthesuÞìcctprcpedyâroentaiß ilr¿ ùonilrurlþn ol e ì5 táll lnonopol! wlh 12 þanct ailtennaÉ (3 seclor aÍ¡y:, \!/4 anlennas pcr sectoD loceted el me lop ol lne pole ¡nd ¿ 4tôot fnrcrowavD locaÞd at Ë2 têe on tic f,olc Thc ¿Ssooeled ¡el6cornn¡unicålrDn equrpmeôt rs loc¡l¿d rn ¡ 34'X t4'U cmu wêjlrd tc¿su ¿¡e¿ ¿t tòe Þése al lhe monoFle Access lo the iûe 5 grovróe ùy a pn!Ãtc dr[Eway v6 lrisstD¡ Rock Road Becky Lrnde¡ tB05i Davrd Downs 65+2469 20Dg V Slrèet Sacrêmènro CAgSStg 91 ç3133730 wúh a0 allernalryc üriv¿way at Shell Roâd Thè uñnìànned facility doès not rÈqur c watc¡ t! operzte No vÊ8alon or prol¿clcd ull þe rernoVéd ro âLLôildal€ t¡c d:vcbÞmcnl of lhë rar,iÌ!y 35 rt rs lûcarcd iì â dÈvEloæd rìdust|al !torz9è y¿rd- PLI¡-0156 6!50120065 253! OUÊhNS GARDEN DR;HOUSANDOAKS ca!11ô1 Pl¿nncd Dcvcloprñcilt compleLen¡s.1 Rev ln P¡oqress Ilrs ProlEcl th¿t s thé subj€cl ol PD Pernit Csle No PL14-0158 noluCÊs lhc constrd¿ton ofa 4 960 squârc !êel lsq- ñ ) srnglÈfåmily srngl¿-srory ur¿lìng wrih 670 sq_ n st LUvËrcd porchÉs âno an ållachÈd 941 sq n roure¡ !9 ¿9c Tne Sltucl!r¿ w¡ll bÉ ðppro¡tñ¿tery 25 Teel ¡nd 1l nÈhes rn hcr0hl wilh a mililrnùm 15 feer sde yard sctoack atou0d the sfuctur,:, ând wdi É locåtêd a¡orE t¡e bãnk ot Lhe Lake Shëtwood [rlet The proteny 6 loüJred ¡[ Ihc Sæiltc Resouû:et Prtrteclron iSRF) Oveday Zone snd ts vrs¡btè 1rofr Lske SñÈmood f¡c Tess Hanrs (805) 65+2453 Sean Trulillo 1000 Peseo Camanllo CamaÍrllo CA 93010 4054a44277 Projccr s¡lc E localed on a ¡ol lhal wås c¡caled ¿s pad ohhe s¡(h pòasc rt Tract M¡p T'f+1€2t'T_Ì]132) OÉvuloprpnloilh¿siLêsh¿ltbÈtrmfcdtoâ2013ösq. r (0.46esc)gr¿dcd pãd l¡ar wâs ¡pprnvcd ¿s pãil ol TT-4192 CUP 4631 and Mooi||caùon No,¡ to Tl-4192 ¡n add¡lur I I,44 dücs ol rhe suþJecl propcny ¿rc suÞjèct to rn open space eåslmcnt thôt thE L¿ke s¡c sosd Doeslopnsot Comp¿ny gr¿nl¿o 10 !ìc ShcMood Vrtley HomcowntrrsÂsgoctston (HOAJ ànt r/ il rer ¡Lo und€vÈloped I he rèmarntng 0.1 2 acres ot Lhø propeny qac ruDj¿cl io ¡c@ss rornlen¿n@ ulilÁy waler,ðo¿pub[¿seßtceêåseñenß N0åddttoralqrâdlñgol úccur Deyond wh¿t tne Boård o¡ SùpènrsoÉ aFproved s5 psd of fT-41 v¿golslror rcmovô/ rJill CUP {631 and Mod tL¿tion No. 4 92, A rrÈw 20-ÍoûFWde plvBIe 0Ítwway fofit Ousens G¡rde¡ Orjw ân SSpltOll r rðó wll paovtde ¿cc¿ss ro llÈ project sil¿ The L¿Nc Sncrwoud Cot¡munûy Scry¡ces 0rslnct (LSCSD) wrll provrde d¿ler anó lha Tr runio San r¿tro¡ OEtnct wil Þtovtoe scwage dsposal seMces for the residcnt ¿l usÊ ot Lne srþieDl proDéFy County of Ventur¡, Pl¡nning Divtsion Pênding PaojåcÈ 08/0v20'15 Paøe 2:2 Permit NumbÈ. Parcel Numbcr õ95!42i07: 5tat6 Addrcss Pem¡t Type 2613 AUEËNS GÀROEN OP ì tsOUSANO O¡KS PlBnnL{ Ocvcl0pmoll cÍ. ! I Perm¡t Descr¡pl¡on T¡è Proiecr t¡al ¡s lh¿ !uojecr i )ò3 5q Í snglllamny of PO Permir Câs€ No. PL14-01 59 rn.lud€s lhE (onstructran of å rwo-slory dwellng wún 604 !q_ I or covErcd porctìes, 568 sq n uêlcoflV/d!c( on Ilre !ccoild lhor án a[¡chcd 665 sq tlwo €r g¿ragr anõ ê dctchcd 550 sq 1 lwo-€r 9ar¿9c Thc 5hùclure will be ¿pproxh¿lely f,l reet and 10 Z rrctics n hcqDl wilh a 3ô1 Case Plsñær Appl¡cant less Hatr¡s í605) Sean Trujrllo 1 ti00 Feseo Came/illo 654-2453 Canarllo CA930l0 EA'-AA44277 ùrnrn'd¡ÍlSlcelrdcyaroscroack _trr! Èropcly ,s ânow,llbqbÉrcdaûnqrheb¿nkotlheL¿keShep¡rodrnlèt lûLalcd rô lh¿ SRP Ovrjrl3y Zorc {nd 5 v¡r þlè from t rk¿ Sncru/ood rs tocared o¡ e ¡ot th¿t wes crè¿red âs pin ot hÊ jrKtt ptì4¿ o I I-¡1 EZ JcvÈloprnenLorr¡ÉsÌelhailbclm[¿oloai¡2245q tr(0{!êcre]gr¿tcdpadrñálÌ/a! Jppfovcd à5 p¿l ûl f 41€2 CUP {631 ¿nd Modiñc6ton No 4 to ñ-41 92 ln ddd lion 10 ¡5 åùrer ol r¡e pfoÞÊny aE süÙlccl fo ån ogcf spåcc è¿sefrenl liar lhe Lsle slÊtuùûu Thr Pro,ccl silr )evÈloFrneolCûmpânyfJrenteototl,eS¡i¡wuodVållcyHOA¿odwllt¿trrårnuldÈvcbpet Ttìe Efìarn n0 0 l4 3rfes ôl lhe pfúpeily are suþlecr !) 3c¿e5s marnlen3nc¿ ltility w¡tÊ, ano p!ò tc No ¡dddroDsl gråding !r vegolâÙon rurnoval vJill occur Þeyond v/nat the Bosrt Dr Supervrscrs apDroved as pan ol TT-41 92, CUP 4€11, ar d lJodrnc¡ooñ No 4 jeilrce ¿äsemenls-  nEv/ 1 4-loolv¡dè prvelÈ dûvewåy irôÍ, Oueens Gâdèn Oriw, ao ¡sÊhålt ro rd will prù!ide ¿cce)s to rl¿ prolrcl silú LSCSD wrll p¡!viúc waLcr aírd the TÍrurlo SaniG(on l)Étnd ull prôvìdÉ scv¿sge drsposàl !¿rlrccs lof llrc resrdÈñ¡al !s! of lhe sublecr pfopeny PL 14-01ôl à::c4? l0¿s ?515 OUÊÉI{S GARDEN ÙR fhOUSÅND OAKS .l3nn¿o Dcv€lopmenl :l?nredDcvclôpfiÉnlPÊrtrrrlorlhÉcoírsÍ!cÍolor¿47o7sq.fl snrgle-famit rrìg¡¿-storÌ li 7r2 sq f ol @vered porç¡cs arìu lo€gB, ¿nd ao allsched 900 sq tL 4-Ër !rragr rocaledoñ¡1!u4(acrepropeñyrnròeopenspeDel0åc,¿oneorslÍtdw[n[ scentcResoure >tor¿qron Ovel¿y and l¡e Opcn Sp¿cc LrKr S[¿nlood Area Pbñ land use detenallon I ne rr0leùt dcn opmcnt E lmlcd to an 16 624 5q l" t.39 acre, qr8õed p¿d lnal w6s p¿r Dll¡e _fhercmuinngacrÉagcollhepropenirÈm¿rìs duvcllpÍìc¡l¿pprovedvLafrÀct4l92-6. n¿ ducltrng w ct!ìlbr Tess Haris; (805) E5+2453 Sean Tru.,illo 1000 Pe*o Cêmen/lo Camarillo, CA e3010 805¡84-4277 ronr{1våtiD¡ pâsnìrnl ónd w¡l rèm¿rß u dÊve Dped- No dddilrooâl gredrng or !jgetelton rs -9q!¡eoÞeyooov/ialwasenvrsronednlheeo!ircnmenlålTèv¡ewolTråct419:!6 A&csstotnè j[è wù!ø Þe provõcd oy à ]4 ñ w6¿ pÍrvãlu dre¿Way VÈ å.ì ásphül mad knorvn ¿s Oleens 3lroen ¡Í¡v€ Wâlef will Þe provrded Òy the counly orvenÌuta sÈru'cÈ Dßt¡ict w¿sic w¿tcr will r¿ ñåndle vrâ ¿ con¡¿clron lo the lfiunto 5ân{¿!on Dtsr' cl. 06000? rl35 ó7IÈ CJAIÅV I/ENT!RA, Plarìiled Oevelopfl ca !3001 'crìl rl¿¡ncoDev€loptrenlPcrrnittorlòÉdemoflonoltheremzrnngponionoló34sq.Isingle-sror] sdìglciamdy dwÈ!iñq rn¡l !!as p¡ñ âlly reconslruclró and recervcd a Slop Wort Order l¡o¡n 3uildrng ¡nd Salely aú the ÍecoNkucitoñ ol a 1 474 sq it t¡¡ee slory stn0¡eìrmrlt dwÈllinâ wdh rn êdacheo 1ö0 sq ¡, lâdÈ¡n (5racxed) two-!âr g¿Égc Thu rcpbccmcnt dwr:ll¡ng wfl be ,oûs(ucled wdnrn the 0cnúral loúlpfint uf lhc owelhng lfå1 is renDvÈÙ howevêf lhc fÉplÉ@fnÈñl ronr wu!td b¿ consùuclcO oulsd( ol rcqu[ed selbacks- An Aomrnislrå!!e V3 t¡nce s rEquestèo llong !/ th mc Plern¿d Developrnenl PeftnI to âllov, ô tandom parkrng aranoèrnÉnl rn a paak¡nq lLn wål€f lo lhe srle rs 9tovded Þy lh¿ crsilas [lunrctpal wålof urslrcrv,o an i xstrna wåter rìùtcr Wüslc w¿ter dEcharge will æ accomúoCotèd by a nêw oÍlsilr rnórvrdusl scpl¿ 5ysictt. ',lo Ír¿ùvc vcgela(on or specrmen tre¿s ¿re being remúv¿d G â reslf ol thè q¡rÊ0t, G¡âdi'19 6 ùlatlhew Sauter, (805) 65424S2 Mêil Wrighr 782 Aæc¡ã Wãlk GoleÞ CA 93]07 E0t450-a878 r[rilùl10rùí¡ùv3la¡0rccotr[¿c!oírwùìirlhdprop¿dyÞoùndanes.TrìÈtu¡Je]propÈdys lo.¿tcû in rhe Rèsider!3| 6eâc¡ zonc or5lfLl è¡d lile R!súrnI¿l H¡gh ò 1-36 I)u/as¿ co¿sl.¡ ^reå Ù5(û0i ¡:{15 Iìì4b CJAI¡V VFNTURÁ cA !3CC I .PERI/IT Pbn LanÕ use Desqô¡ton and rs commonly kilown as 6746 oJa AvÊr¡!e ì tn the La >là¡ÍrÈd Dcvelopr¿nl PerrriL lor thc durìol¡Ð¡ or lhr rerta nng prlro¡ al 634 sq. t 5tngþ-story lhÐl w¿s p¿lrally reconsrrucrÊd ¡od rece¡ved ¿ Stop Vvoil Oróor lroill l!ild 19 a[q S¿rety ¿Do th€ reønstrurlon ot d ] {74 sq, f llaeè Story 9tnqlc 1¡m¡ly dwcl/tno wÛ Jf ¿[¿cìe0 ]E0 sQ n laúêh (3tackcd) lwa-c¡r går¿qe. The reg1àæmÉnt dw¿,¡lr[Q wrll D¿ ionsrucleÕ wrlhrn lhè 9enerâ lcolpnn¡ of li¿ dwulling lhal is removed how€vcr lhc rep aæment ìonlé v/ould Þ¿ .ons[uct¿d oütsid€ 01 rcqu r¿d srrbàcß Ar Ad¡rlnijlrú¡/vc Va .¿r/e ¡r rcqucsted dlung vrfò llrr Pl3n¡rd D.!vkrpmcnl Petrnú lo óllow a r¿ñdenr Frkr)g ar¡âilgcrrÊ'I I I å p¿, kil¡U ¡ f WàLer lc the srre is provrded Þy the C¿srlas Mun[rpat Wãter Dtsrrìq vta ¿n ¡ ¡isL n! warer rÈldí Wåsl€ wer¿r órscnåQc will h åcco(rnudArco by å nLw oñsite rñorvdu¡l s¿pl¿ syslém i!. nåÙve vegÉlã!on or 5pecrm€n lreel 9rÊ berng re¡nov¿d ns ú re!ù[ Dl lñc pÍiFcL Gradrng É I nì[eÕ 10 t¿Íiov¿l ¡¡0 r¿cornp¡clion wilhr¡ l¡r p¡opedy boündanes, The sùbje I lropèdy É locêl¿l rn lhe Resrd¿nri¿l 8€ech Zone Drsrnct and lñe Resoènìal H¡9h 6 1-S (iUlAcr¿ Coastel ÅiÉ¿ Pkn i ailo Use Oes0n¿[un and ß cornÍ,úôly lírown 3s 6746 C]¡r Av¿trrc r I I l[È La rrglcJafirly dwcflirq l\/lalthew Saulêr [¡an Wnght lA05) 6s+2492 782 AÉc a V\¡elk Goleb C493107 a05450-8678 County ofVentur., Pl.nn¡ng Divis¡on Pending Froj€cts Mto3l201s Psøc 23 Pemil Numbe¡ FLr4-01è5 P!rcâl Nudbef AddÉ Pm¡t lype St{uE Pemll fÞscrlpl¡on sitê Plan Adjlslmeni lo CUP 3636 1o å¡¡Dr Uê @núnu?d oss of sn e¡isl¡ng 1/l4 sq, fi. unm¿nnd ømmunbtioôs sh.hÊr lor frúìple opEr¿1ors, Curênt us¿rs of he shctêr¿ e kstlìnk Waebss änd Skyr iv¿r Conìm0nicrL¡¿ns c640170430 CePltnr Apdlcur El¡.s Vâlencã: (805) John Bryant 28f¡ S€xton Canyon Road ('rry¡¡lis Peak) VenìuG, CA 93003 805-428 3705 65+3635 APN 640170430 opcreÈ lh. sits, h opar¡t6s 24 b¿c¡upgeneÉlorortoelâspaloflhecqurÞmcntshÊhër Na wålër E nêedêd lo AGM rypê ¿nd ønláin a lotâlol¡15 pounds of ãcö €S dåys I y€år Thore is no nëivÉbsttenrsbrlhêleotitysr. ñouru a dày ruleri¿[ fwo hoñru¡lal ¿nd lwo v!riÉl a¡túnn¿ mountrng p pès secuÞd b Lhó Þuildtog åe bcing proposed to hold lhe €6119 7 ¡rcnnâs lor Skyrivõr, ¡nd I3 ¡n1¿nn¡s forl þsùtnk WclGs A@ss lo lhÉ ì¡c¡lily rs lrom å No prvatc drivewá! of of S¿lon Caoyon Rd cUP 3€38 approved lhê eq!ipnìcIr shølrer ANIENNA NOTES WLUS PEÂK NWVICTORhA FOOTHILL PLl4-016ó 1ô301 20145 2555 HILLTOP LN, VENTURA COUW UNII€ORP Prep [or Hcåflr g Mnor MooifGton - 20 yeãr ûme Éiêns¡on Þr LU05{024 for ¿1 e50 { fr lamworkcr dwelling u¡ìl ¿l 2851 Hünop Lane Cahådb Subþct prôpeny 5 zo0êd AE40 sod hrs an Agricullufll &n¿rål Plen Dè$¡g ìâloo Acccss to lne propeny 6 provid¿d by a påwd 15 rool lêvcl asphalt ÞrivåtÈ drivcw¿y ol1 ol Saola Ros¿ Rd V\åler E provbed by Csmrosâ Wål€rDbhid ãnd wa3la w¿Er is 3cæmmoú6led Þy rndivrdu¿l únsile seplc 5ys1om5 Matlhow Seuter: (805) 654 24e2 Michelle fhordarson 2855 liilltop Ln Camari¡lo CA 93012 805.36E e720 The1518acre propedyiscurenllyrnplånt€wilhspþ¡¡måt.lyllacrcsolAv¡cdoorchârds. lh¿re år¿ no proposed changès to the ¡amworker dwell¡no rclrÉd l¿¡rnworbr al Ln. subjêd Fopaly un¡t, ond I will br: used lo hoose a ThÈrc ,s åñ Ê¡.sr19 s,rgb låmiy dw€d¡ng, and â sècond owelline unil oñ th¿ ptope(y Coung ofVentuE, Plannìng Drvr¡ion P¿nding PþÞct3 0I¡10312015 Pzge 24 Permit Number Paacel Number Addræs Pcmt Typc Ståt6 Pemil Oescript¡on Cæ Planæl AÞplic..rt Rev ln P(ogrers cln ng/sp¡úng of lhe wood into lewood, slorage ând dÉlivery of te ¿fd an ¿gñùhur¿l 5.Nræ ând slor;gc y¿d operâlkns rndud¡ng lhc sèMcè end slofegc ol Lraclots ¡grLcuiural Èqu,pment, ¿nd (wo sbow grolnd fuel l¿nts (one dEsêl ro! ooe gasolinù) (E0s) 2971 Canyoh Road Ven1u.a, CA 93003 805€44-6851 rs lo€l¿d nearSè{on Canyoo Roåd nodh ol Lhc Cdy oiVenl!ra n Venlurô f¡è Project ncl!óes two (2) frewood lol arëã5r one on Sexon Canyon Roôd (Lppe¡ Woodlor) âú oñe o¡ lake Canton Roâd (Leke Cânyon Wodbo ånd lnr agncuhur¿l uLnrradors storagc ]ãfd edlaænl lo lhe è¿st sd¿ ol lh¿ uppêr ftdlol lò¿ proj.ctsde Counly Calilorn a. Th16 ProlecL s facwood oÞcrdions cons6t ol Ih¿ pEcassrng ãñd sloE€s of lißwcod lor ewnl!al i¿lc, lhcse sc[ñrÐs roclude lhe rmpod of bgs aod l¿tBe btåncìcs lh¿t âr¿ by-F @ucs ol trc¿ laiilm B ânó/ô. rcmov¿l lhe cuninE/splin¡ng ol suci rcod ¡nb lircwood, lorage af c!l frewood rnl¡l il 6 dry (sc¿soning), and expon ol ñr.wôú å\ i¡ b soh ThÉ trìåþrly ol eod rnporÊd ta thc F¿cilly cor'ès rom lhÈ VÈat!ra ar!a, wilh sm¿tr.r anoonts Domrng lror¡ thê oan¿d lnd cam¿r¡llo ar¿as slûilady, flf€wood delNerþs ¿re pfirunly ro lhe venluÉ er.e, wilh ã smll.r Fnlof, lo o¡n¿rdolcamaílo LårgérpieæsolwoodarôcutdowntofircwoodsEeus¡nganârnsaßand splúers The procesing of tec{nmorng by+roducls ôto sâle¿ble lrcwood div! ß such biomâss ûom coovenlonal wasle slre¡m5. Equapme0l such ås Þrush chlPpeñ ot lùb gnnrlels åß nol udløèo d5 pål ol lhß opcr.l¡on fhe Frojèds eerE!llural seN¡¡Þ ¿no sbaage yad ope¡¿t¡ons ¡nclude lhe sèryrce end storåge ol úsdorr ¿nd other €g¡c!lNral éq!rprnêñ1, Thas cqurpmnr wâs åqukd lo hûlnilþ v.gelåton nbnagcrunl sround tnrastuclure assoclelcd wtlñ lJoyd'5 oil f¿ld o9¿ratrons etol lo suppor ti¿ ãnch¡ngadiulesth¿LoæuronthÈpropêrly Róncòngåctiviliéinc¡udèøtüegrå!¡nglorbcei oroduorßn ¿s wtl as á!ùødo product¡on. Us¿ ol this EquipírÉnl rn âr agrbult!¡rl øp¿city ¡s Lons¡lcrd fo be pÉfl ol lnÉ Pojeí Two fuèl ta¡ks (ôile dresél ¿nd onc Fjolitr, åÊ cnÈllè ro'rot suppot Lhe ágncunurel equ¡pnÈnl, æ wêll es lñs Ûrëwooo opåruþns Pcrìodic¿lly agricuÌural èqurpmÈnt (e g â l@qo¡J ¡s nâuÞd ofis(e to oe ßed eßcwhere Vrolåiio¡ 1. Non-pèmrted firewoôd opeñlb¡ Volâloo 2 Non-F firned opcrålion of Én ågricuIur¿l øûù¿clors sepcc ard sr[¿0e yard !rolalon !. lnsralbtbn or r non-permnd rmbrþ homù. county of vèntua, Pl¿nn¡ng oavrs¡on Pènd¡ng PÞj.* 5 Page ¿5 081031201 Pcmlt Numbtr Parc.l ¡¡umber AddÉt Pml Typc Strlus Pcmh Décrlptlon CuPl.ffi cuurng/spl[hg ol hc wood ¡nto fìGÍooo,9toß0è a¡d óôlvEry scMæ ano stofaqè yåd opÊfauons induding lhc scMce å^d slotagê equjpmènl, and lwo aþove ground tu.l tanks (on¿ dresêl ¡nd one g¿sot ne) (605) 6s+2498 Agfrl¡cmt 2977 SExton Canyon Road CA e3003 Ve¡¡J€, 8054445å51 Th.proÞct:neislo€løneårS¿forCanyunRoåd nodhotÍìèC¡ryolV¿n(!rajnV¡ntur¿ Coi¡iy, Calìlornr¿- The Proled indudcs 1wo (2) Xr¿wooo lot aressr onê on Ston c¿nyon Roed (UFper Woodlot) ¿nd onè oñ L¡ke C:nyon RÉd ([åke c¿ñyo0 \^bodlo0 and û¿ ãgncutuEl conuadors slorâgc yard edjaønl to lh¿ ¿åsL sidÈ or thÉ upFr wbodlot lìÉ Pfoleds ftewood opcråtrons coßst ol the 9rc6si¡g ônd stor¿gc of fiñ:wood for evenUal !âle Thê3¿adrvf¡¿s¡ncludêlh¿rryodDfhgsandlãrgêbr¡ncheçlhaLa¡eùfprúduc60ttrcê li¡r¡üE and/rr ßnìov¿l lhc curungy'splhhg of sud woad nlú irewo6, lorage ot cú tr*od !^l¡¡ il b dry (5ëasonúE), ¡nd cxpon of frÉwood ¡s ( b so5, Thê ñ¡Jority ot Nod rmpd to l¡e FacilÍy æmês [om lha V.nruB ar¿¡, wfh sruller¿mounß æm¡ng lrom lhe (¡xnard aú Câmertro ¿r¿¿s Srf,ril¿rly, Ftrawood dcfvêtu5 are prronly lo lle VentuË aEs wÍh ¿ stn¡þf poñbn lo Ohad or Côronlo L¿rger prscs ol wooõ âc cuL down to lrcwood sE6 lsrm chsìnsw3 snd splfièE Th¿ proæssing ol treêlrmmrng by+rDducls ¡nlo saþablÊ irewood dtveß such bþruss Ùom convÊntional ul¡ltrcd ¿s pat ol r¿sl¿ slr¿ðûs Equrpúcnl such liil ¿s þrush ch¡ppsß or rub grindeß årÊ not op¿ral¡on ûc Proleci's âglolturål seRE end gtorage y3d opêr¡tþDs inc¡udethê s€Nice end slorage ol ractors ånd olher ¡g¡c!llural eq!rpmenl TnE cqorprunt was åcqutrad to lacildal€ wg€talton mânãgêmênt around rnlEsEuctufð ¿ssocìabd wÌh Lbyd3 o I ìeld operatþs ano þ suppon hÈ ranchrng odrvùes thal occur on lhê propèrty. Ranchng ad¡vnres rndude canl¿ grÉ¿ng lor Þeel produdron 3s well as ayo@do proóuclþn U* ol lhts qutÞmenl in an aencu UrÊl æpåcily 6 not consd¿rodrobcpådoflhìsPÞl¿d- Twofue¡l6nß(onediesêlâúoûcgssoljnÈ)aEoos¡lelô suppod lhc !gnartural ¿qurpmËnl, ¡s wøll ¡s thc frewod opcratþn! Pcrds¡y egrcultoÈl eqoipr¡ent ic g å lr¿clor) s haulcd olbne b Þ us¿d .lscwhee, 1 Non-permi[€d ftreMod oÞerålþn Violdún 2. Nôn-perfr¡fred oper¡lion 01 ¿n sga¡cu[ursl ønlrådo6's.Niæ Vþl¿¡ûn a lnsrålhl€n ot a oon-permñod moòúe homeViol¿(o0 end 3loß{é yãd County ofVentùt., Pl¡nñ¡ng O¡viçion Fending ProÞú 06/03/201 g 26 Pcmil Numbcr P¡ræl Numbs Pem¡t fype Address MOORPARK, * 93021 stat6 PÐit Descr¡ption oùldoorevenls suo as wedorngs b¡(hdey and ennNetsa¡y ceþbr¿tions, g¡tden tours ãnd 9årdênng c¡¿s\¿s ad dasæs, ñon-proft â¡ó charily aveñls, aM s¡milar Þhpo ¿ry ac¡ir'ities Th¿ elenß wolld occJr wlnio a designaled 4.16-ecte areå on tnè suòlèd propÊny, Atendanæ Êl È!enßwflbëlmhedtcåmåximumof300ques6(lvlondsythrougnSundây) fuñcil^ywould op¿rãtÈ ¿ mvrmtm ol 60 days p¿r ælèndÉ¡ yEâr. OpeEl¡onal dèt¿tls 01 lhe pÌoposcd låolìly a¡¿ C¡s Pl¿nffi Applic¡nt (805) 6542492 5777 Balcom Canyon Rd SomE, CA93(A;2131 805-52S4108 -fhe Eveñt Aroar r.mporary spèc¡ôl ÈvênB wùl Þ¿ ønduêr.d wihtn rhe approx¡stely 4 1€-¡qe ârcå dÈlncål¿d on rhe prorcd sne plÉ¡ fhc srnoleisDfy resdence loøled Wiltrn thÈ ¿r¿e E r.r¿ñêd tor thè p¿Éon¿l use by lñê låndown¿r ånd shåll nol be leased or used õ pan 01 ûe lcmpor¿ry clent låcjlhy ThÊ event a¡êa ri aøesrcd !€ B(ênnàÍì Rôåd e pnñrè ro&, which is åccessed Íom lì¿r¿ Rejada Roãd, r public oad und¿r lhc jurisdrchoo of thc C ty cl MoorpàrtT¡e ðpplcå¡l wrll ro¡ûlain Brennan Ro¿d rn e cleaô øndtlon, by swaepng ¡ño/or wataring ¿s nùæssary lo énsure lhar d¡n ¡fno( Lrðcked Dnl6 Tt€na ReFd¿ Roa¿ AnÊnóanc: Anendãnæ al eve¡ts wrll Þe ¡mled ro a maximum ot 300 guasE (ilondåy thro!gñ HouEolOþcrâlþnrThého!6ofop.rålonlorlempor¿ryootdoorêvensw¡¡/æÍrom8:00¡m10 ¿:00am loråm¿imumor60dayswlhnlhÈæbndaryaet al E:00am lo ict up. Áil cv¿rt aclvii* would Èno no ¡ater ycndoß wæl¡ñg lhe gropedy by 2:00 am VcildoÉwoubbêpëtmi[Édtoârnvê lÞn t 00 ¿m will ¿ll guests ad Food ServDe All l!od ¿nd bevcregÈs w ll bc prDvrd¿d by å self:s{iic'eilt l¡censed câlèril 0 seNræ Drsnes lleLwareadghssswúlþprovoedbtlheætererorådelNey¡ênLalcompany CãÎerôdloodw¡ltòepreperôdolsÍeendkànspodedtoliEsl¿lolÊâchav¿ñl Foõdsôñitê opcraloG musl havc a pcml lo oæraG frôm lie Venlur¿ County EnMronmenUil Hèollh Orviston F¿ftÌìg Guesl påftrn9 wrÍ b¿ bcâtd in â pâftjng årcà wÌlhrn lhe pôrccl ås detct¿./ on th. proleÊl silc plåil- Ihis ar€â É locared rusl so!ür ol llrE evEôl afea (¡orll\ ol Breûnân Ro.d) and J)slud¿s suflcÉnr sFce lo provde 168 p¡rkilrg spores Parkì¡e ¡lÈnd¡nts wll oc pGsenl duflng lemporarye!ènlsroproqdelEñccontrolåndv¡lelp¿rKnqwhenlñerotsowfl00guéts No p¡rkrng àssoc,rted wilh the cvcnt faciily s proposed or auliorEed wthrn !he n€hloFway of nerå R¿jad¿ Road Re5tro0¡rÞArôOeqoalequaolityolponaÞLlorleßrorrèmpor¿ryevcnEwXÞrp¡ovdedand mô¡nf¿ned rn complrânce v/ûh Enúronmental Hcallì Orv6¡on ægulations The rrsrÞoN loÈaled elong Þoth rnc nodheåsl ¿dgè and 1n lhc mrftb of the ere¿ .n6mpas6rd Þy lk wrtr be CUP Munoary fn€oalnroom55eNr0gtnefr6rnresdences¡all¡otbeusÉdlorlemfrcroryewnts E{eriorLiqi!¡g Nop¿manenlli€htingwil¡b¿rnstall¿dforth¿purposeoflamporaryspccì¿l ThB M¡nor ModfEation reqæsì ìs 10 I E{end the eolÍllerent Þerìod lor ¿ 20 y¡,âr pemd; 2 RèQlccl¡åcUPbolndãrytofr540acros1o416ocrei 3 E¡pãnothroventllou6tolr00€ñ horn11:009m 4.ErpândsllewnlhouElovåcåletleprêmrsøslo200Émlronlzìmåm:5 Redù:ê perKing spaces fioñ 210 spåæs b l6E spåcrs tñ ord¿r lo Þê ôulsidc ol thê nôodÞlåin sourhofBrcnnåñRoÈd; ¿nd6 Toôddtheuseofsncx¡sl¡ng 2,000sq t,ævårdpElioloüe evéilt årP¡ and sdd lic !sâ ol d ¡ê0¡sl.réd rÈcrealronal vlnicl¿ lor å br3è chaôll¡ng roorr Coonty ol Veñtura, Planníng O¡v¡5ion Pe¡ding Proieæ æ/o3,/2D15 Pàge 27 Permll Numòêr Pârc6l ñumber Addres Pemil Type VENTUR CA 9SOOI Sl¡¡tus Pemit Dûscript¡on R¿submillðl Dêv¿lopmnt Pemi( No.61 whtch was subsequently øñvëned Ce Pl¡nær Appalc¡nl JÐn to 108 Orchard Dr Venlura. CA 93001-1 LU0+0132whenàpepnêlor'idweltngwasáddcdroth¿prop¿tyh2004 feletoqæntpemil Nó, 61 was orb¡naly in 1 967 and Inc hcrlity ¡ås bèen ¡n ønt¡n!Ns opêrâtbr sûæ "ppróved i¡sêÈlor thÉ nsècl¿rJ grows bÈnelcøl ùe 3gícùltur¿l indùstry for iúcgr¿tcd pest rnanagemenl Th¿ proJecr sÈ E þ€tø er 106 Crchâ(d Dnve oI ol Verluñ AvenuÈ dthin ihè enerål lndustrtst 115 80t804-3818 Zo0€Distdd(M3)andthelndustdslNodhAveeuèAre¿Planl¿o(usedesErâionfhepem[ Adlulm¿nt w¡s €lH oút ¿s De apprcpnstê pcmil modú€ùon proæss lor a ûmc e{ensEñ tn I¡e øndûþns ol eFprovå¡ of LU0+0132 [ønd(ro¡ 2(á)l Th. applGlon jncudês shñ¡ng or sloragè requ¿sùngLtuåb¡li¡jtoaddehrpanelsrcallofthebuildingsonth,rpropcty(inihe tururc ¿nd ás r,eÈdêd) adóing a n¿w ¿lêc! ic¿l ¡rËtc¡ 1o opdaÈ thc elcctriøl serücc oñ thÉ p,opcny, åÍrd âddrìg en clcdr¡Ê ør drsrg ¡g ltatior- No chângEs ¿re propo:rÈd ro thÊ ¿!sung butldiñgs end no oew uses ere æ¡¡g eddedto 6¿ pþject ste \ äer S Fov¡dêd bycesles ''M!nE¡p3l Wstbr Distr¡d and wót€ wat6r dúc^erge G hândþó by PLt€l93 060003004û I0151 OCFÂN VIEW RO Condllbn¿l Urè Pumf fôr ¿n r¡istins 60 Ì Lell wrclÉss Domrun cction Ècilty locâteO oo Rrnøn Pc¡k lhat houles ll åo1enr¡s;6 pånêl ¿nd 5 dr5h atìlcnms Th! laciliiy weî origrnally epFrovsd vi¿ Condilional Us¿ Pemr (CUP) 4ð49 on Måy 26 lg9{- CUP4849 expiet in Mey 2014 condil¡oral Use PEmit VENTURACOUIfIY UNINCORP Jây Dobrcwalski (805) 6542498 Cathy 8eâgle 15505 Sand Canyon Avênoe lN ne, C49261 I 562€33-9903 PL14{l9c cUP 3É3 nergeÍ 2160040535 Ebo^y McGBe (805) 654-5037 Peak OpeÊtor Llc 300 E EôÞlensde Dr- Suite 18'10 Oxnard CA93036 661€23-9434 PL11.0197 u330ù20385 ]1570 N VENTURAAV Ð3021 Cond¡ioml usê Perúr oJÀt c coñsú!ctro¡ ot a ñew 60' MonÈEu€lyplss ånl!n¡¿ súppod strucrur¿ åncrl¡ry gro!nd mountôd aqùipñônl âd gancßtor, Tha ¡nl6nnå stuctùrô wìll 3uppoÍl ûr€È secloF ol CL¡P for lhe DocP(¿p fDùri4)ôpanela0leûoås(1or¿loEloll2).loùrr¿holcíôdiohèadsprrs.clor(lol¡112).¡d2 Haj Nguyên: (805) 654-5 1 93 .Jerry Ambrose 3905 Srdro Sr , Sre /-1 88 S¿nte Berbera, CA 93105 e05_637 7407 sur!è supp¡¿ssór uÍ¡ús fhe grúund cq!rpmÈnl afid 0cnér¡1or vLll bc cnúEed within oÕ sppfoxm¿Þ 1 Zx13' l.a* spae wilhrn a lafg€r cxt5lrno arcs gt a h¡y cofitp¡¡y lùo commun¡qÙaÉ ¡8crhy wúl be unm¡nn€d, and opeBte 24 houß å dåy s¿81 d¡y5 a week lhc fÉcil¡iy wrll requr€ ¡o glumbing or wsslc r€mov€|. Betlery elecÍob/te con¡ents Mll tolsl lg.ô8 g¿lbns dresêlfuel lorlhegcneftbrwÍ¡toþI55g¿llons Ac.êsslorhësrlcrsprcvilÊdwÊ prv¡te drv¿way oll ol Vêrlur¿ Av.nué Zoninglorl¡eprcperLyisCPÞ Geôer¿lPbn6¿stgn¿lionLsEx3t¡ngCommurity Th6sileÉ€lso ¿oned c(hmercial pcrlhe OjaiArc¿ Þlley Phn vèrtron Wrêlcss b Lunå Srê 11570 N VÈnlùre Ávè ojal PLr 5-00û1 0:50140035 Mlnor ModillÉÍo¡ Complelcncss R?v ln Progress Minor Modific¡lion lo Condfronel Usc Pemn 42Þâ to slfow the continued proluct¡oo, reworklrg ¿nd ma¡nten¡ncè ol six orl and ges wells loøled n thÈ Rsmona Of Fleld al l¡e eâs1ern edqe ot t¡¿CounllofV¿rúur¿adjscc0llúihêblAngcl€rCouû(ylinëfúrsnadd¡[oral30ysårlem 10. ¡c 2o^e Distnd a¡d l¡ê ôrqnally apprcved rn 1985 ând ls lo@led ln the OS-160 min Open Sp¡ce Gcnersl Plan lanó use úes¡Onålion ln âdditon to mod¡lyng rhc tsrm olthe èntllemeo(,CondilonNo 2,thEappltÉn¡hasremoledtheb¡klamth¡lwrsor¡gmallyapprcvèd al hc produclþn silc ¡nd 6 now lÞnspolrnC lh. od lrom tha wèlls tn an ÁÞore ground Mornd p¡pe, rslùd lor 5,00Û 1b5., to s 1s¡k bellery he mnkols on o¡ adjsænl lèase rr LosAngêlcs Coun¡y- No addil¡onBl grådng or drilÍrg b¿yond for rurôrÈnanæ purposês is propus¿ü No aodilrorìàl 9r¡u¡d d slúûatrce ¡s proposÊd as rhe l¿cdlty ¡r a¡Èedy dcÉlopÉ0 h ecø¡teræ ú1h rnÈ lerms ollhe oíqtnr¡ @ndiioo¡l !se pErml No hydEúltc lrãct!nng wil b,: utilizd ¡n tòe rotntcnance or proé!cton el lh6 lac¡l[y, rôcúily wås Jay Dobrowalski (8rJ5) 6542498 lâtwyn Thompson E99 Mission Rock Road Sanla Clara, CA93060 EO5-52+7379 County ofVentuñ, Pl¡nn¡ng O¡virion Pend¡ng Pro¡.ct! 06/03/2015 P¡Ð! 2t Penl Numbcr PLl5{003 P¡ac.l ñsmb!r 0600f40tÊ5 Ad.ùE Pcm¡t Type 9aùJa Pm¡t D6cript¡on CsPlmGr AÞÞlicrm 1]28 SOLIMAR BEACH DR. VENTUM, CA€3001 Pl¡¡ned oÊv¿bpm!n Coætål Comnì Th! apfildlt rcquèsrs K¡stúeaoerc; (805) 65+267 Jamê6 SandêÊr thår å Coastùl Philrcd Dewlopm.nt Pennl bc Aøt.d 1r ôdthorìæ the õerulitiùn of aû esLirìg ¿pFrimdely t,õm sq!.re roor ¡¡nglc hmit risfd.nd ¡ú th¿ construcbn ot ¡ new 5,5ô0 square loo¡ s¡ngle fâmrt rcsdene Two atlåd!d lsoqr grraees. tolåûnq 1,176 square bet ¡n eæ. are ¿lso tncludèd Wiln ûe conStuclion ot hr ncw rcsdetrcs. ventw, cA 93003 80t207-4894 Îl¡c proÞd åbo inclu*s lhe rÞtllljon ol ¿ sen6 otg¡rdcn wálls a¡ìd otñ¿. ouEoor aftnhres, sud es ¿ bô¿quê Stñ ån ooldoor ber¿rcå. Aswimm¡ng pool ånd a oew 18-¡n';h hjgh concruLe masonry wåll sfe slso propGecl at lhe faar of th. proF(y ¡nd woub Þ loc¡red ÞMon ñÉ Aclust¿rotrÉlsluc¡¿dpher¿esàrcþëlÊdalonoùepropenytronbgc Th¡!êotlh€ctrêls will b¿ têñovd ¡¡ lhe æñt¿r ofllìe pmpêrty lo 6@ommodalè ihe new constuôtilñ fh€ reside^ce w¡llæ eesåd by ¡ priEte a@$ driEway th¡r co¡n.qs b Sdm¿rB6a.h O¡ive Mter forhe new resiten4 {ill bå provi¡r€ó by Câsl¿s Mùnic¡pâl\tñcr )Ètid Wôstcwdcrdisposal sêM€s w¡ll be proviied by lhe count' olVenluó Cohmunity SèrycÈ 0rslrd 29, F11t0004 o3001ù0135 Prep for hü¿mg r2395 SISAR RO, OJAI, cA 93oz3 Coúitional UEê ãd Våúnce F6rmÍ sloraoe exæêdrng the SLser Rd- OFi- for a ostacied res¡denltåi aæssgry strud/r€ lor Þook stru¿1uÍê ¿nó uùm a rcqlred sÉlÞck 12!95 [êohl tmÉ oflhe mn Malñew Saùler: lEDs) 6s+2492 Bowlt-m¡slsÍ Trust 520 Calilom¡a Ave #3 Sanle Monr€, CA90403 310.45t-9095 fhü sbudue b ån rwregp heghl ol32 leel ¿rd a selb¿ck frcm the side propely lirå 3 n. Gênêr¿l Phn dês¡gtralron for thc subied sûe Ë tulng Comtrìunaly, Zonrng b RE-2ac, and ¡t is :tsD zoned UR1-2 a! p¡d ol Lhe Olår valleyAree Pl¡n. SuÍrouúng !56 ¿re all resdent¡l fh€re 6 P1154005 PL1 5{00b 7000070r75 000000c000 ParÉlM¿p PlBnûed Development environmônlål Ooc Prcp sùÞmtlâl Progress ln dwcllbg on the sre wilh ¿ septc taDL lhrouqh a pnvålc dr¡ww€y vü Sisar Rd, ol h€hw8y 15J. 8n exßhng s¡ngle fåmly ¿æss lo lh¿ prop€ly ¡s The ¿ppliønl roque$ ¡pp.ovrl ol a Cordilonal CeÉ¡fiøÞ ol Compli¿ñcè- P¡r4l M¿p (No, 5949) ând s Co¡rlrl Pl¡nned D.Elopmênt fPD) Prm¡t (Cå3ê No. PLl5-0005) ¡r ordê¡lo bnog ar eijsling 1 9,16 ãcrè lúl iñ¡o ær'pliane wilh th. SuMivi5pn Mâp Acl, the Ventur¡ Counly suxryFion odinancâ, and liâ Vcntuh Counly coåstal Zonng O|dhâne, l¡ 1080 the suDjeq bt was cfealed by @nveya0c! ola granì deêd þ the propôny ownatr bul no tõnlÈtG orp¡rel m¡p w$ ever åpprov€d by ¡n åõv-6ory agêæy ordecs¡on @kng âulhorily. No pñt!iøl ó.wlopmênt (€rdh tuveh¿nl, b¡d clasrio9. or @nsrud¡oñ) or ¡îproÞmêñls er€ iñdudêd hilh th. sppl¡ønl's curênl r¿qu¿at fhe silê ß noslly nålural undislurbÉd, !nd @nhl¡s no hehitrDl! rfudurès, No weÉr rclb or walcrscNi@, ¿ñ no srptic orsewêr seiliæ arê proü#d lo the ¡¡ubjed paopedy fho propady hâs a coasl¡l opan Spôca 10 ecrc ñhiruñ peræl sr¿o Zon¡rg desEn¡ilon and on opln Spâ6 CoæþlAr.. Plan bnd use d6ùJßâùoñ, Follow ùp 10 ¿ñeeancy pêñl lor PCH rùd closure ad SycâmoE Ceck + r'k @ns!ruqion Chuck Anlhonyi (8OS) 65+3683 Lynn Hea@¡ 209 AYenrdâ San Pablo San Cl€mente, CA 92672 71{.7ffi525 -fe6s H¿ris: (E05) 654245s Oavid Lewls 'lC{) Soulh Ma¡n Slræt LosAngèlê6, CA90û12 818€80{364 County of \êntura, Pl¡m¡ng D¡v¡s¡on Pend¡îg ProÞct5 o8/txy2ol 5 Prge æ Pmil Parcel Numbor Numbea slff4 Pèmít Ìypc Ad.lGgs Pemil O€cfiption CePl¡ær App¡qrú (805) 654-2498 3905 Stale 7-148 mosi RO VENTIMCOUNry MolfrcatonLU09-0113- CUP5113wâsaÞprovedasa64100lmnopjnewfh6sntÈônrs¡nl sèclors Aæs lo thÊ sie ìs rhrouqh Den¡yso¡ P¿rt on åñ asphst rcad io thc perkiDg bi ¡nd onto e drl màinlen¿nce roao ¿pprcxim.¡ely 121ær wrde rod LL¡09{113 c¡tendd rid pÉ'mk lor ¡n addú¡on¿l 20 years Îiè lower was dèsigneo to åømmôd¿t¿ côUoat¡oíì and dæl nd ¡ced E E r.Dl¡¡d n o@ ú .4lffi m! d4ÞoC¡rllEá, UNINCORF Je.ry Ambro* Slræ1S!ile SanE BarbaÉ, CA 931Os E0 5-637-740 7 pèÍnir dJùslhcnr would allow thc ølloceùon ot ih¡s hcìtrty wdn åî ¿dl ônat c€rroas Veâzon Wre¡ess, antennrs and ¿qutgmenl. l-MoÞúc's pânel ¿ntènnÁ åre rounted wilh úe to9 oflheåntennasat6l,Slect.onthetower VÈnzonsproposøcolbcålonindr¡destweve€toot panêl åntcnnas mounred wilh the tp ol ¿ntennås al 51 on thÉ towèr Fú!r pårrÊl aûlennas wûub bÊ rrounl¿d lhrê¿ ¡íråys Thê prcj¿cr r¡clud¿s 12 rerìoiÉ rådro !¡it5 (ampùÍcr) eDd 2 ¡ycaÞ (s!rge gol¿dors) trìounled bêhtnd lhe antennas Assocjated teÞaommu¡r¿rEô cqu¡pmcnl would belocaredw¡ùre9ñÞy14lo¡cedleõe¿fe3ìn2câbtnêßerthèb¿sêofth.lower, Adtcsel bJckup geneÊbr wdh a 55 gallon rank E ¿tso proposào wilhn tne leåse are¿ Th s FL15-0012 00801 701 55 80S PUEST DEL SOL Përnú Adluslmenl for ån a(É.ooversron lo livìng spåæ tûr a Þ.âohfmilt srrÐ!,lanfy dp¿Jtinu oryinãllyapprov¿dvLaPhn¡cdOevêbpm.nlPömitLo 173õin2OO2¡ndrevßedìn404øa VENfURA COUNÌ ÙNINCORP PcmilAólu6lmcnlno-LU04-00ô0p¡orto@nsÍlclon Mor€ßc€¡ùyftehollsswsÊmodeled wnhoulâdding[frrùrsquåreloolagÈvtåP.rmnAd]ushe¡lNo L!11-0T13, Theerut¡ghomê nas3131sqlareÈ€iolhaDd¡biespaæonthef6llborâ1051squåreloot3-ørCsGoe1{5 quarele¿1olævercdpolo 6ndó2,151!nmprovcOâñÉslD6g€spåceonlhcsecondfoor The c!Íenl proposål would 4ved lhe sÊønd lioor ål[ spåcô lo òåbitåolc spscê No È¡etLû¡ In)píôvemenß ar¿ pioposèd cs ihè aonlers¡on wtll ocuur wthi¡ tltë ¿¡sling sl¿ll of lh¿ sLnglê Knslina Boero:1805) 65¿-2467 Chris eyæ 11 87 Coast Vtl¡ag€ Road Monteqto CAs3106 80s895-4743 isrnily õw€llnq- PLJ5-0011 :11 5-001 PL15-00r ¡ ¿ Zon,nq O|drnancè 00ú000ú000 ¡ I b3001 0 /95 ò30ù10?95 3100 soMls RD CÅMARtLLO. CÁ 9!012 l10t soMls Ro cAMARtL!O, General Plsn Amendmcnt submil¡l li Prep þr Heânnq Àjonc¡no Râdilrs Arc^dNñl GeneÉl PlEnAmendflenl lo change the bno usc dei{€ùor olail âppronmrlely tl scre seclon o, APN1 E3 0 01 0 79S r3t00 SomE Road) from AgncuÌ!rsl 10 lndusflal snd a Zone Change toh Agr¡culursl E¡dusìvc (AE) to Limled Indusrml (M2) eocrel Zonc Changc CA 93012 ?L15-00iõ 01Ð01 01 025 i000¿10É5 ]:1C S RICÊ RD ÔJAì cA 93023 Condúkloâi u5e P6rnìl Complcle¡css Submñ¡l Progress l¡ Rosemery Rowân: (E0s) 6s4-2461 JennitBr Eutler 800S VrcroóåAve Ventura, CA 93009 8056542495 Ralph Hagle P O Box 120 Somrs. CA 93066-0120 (805) 987-3687 Pl¿n Amcndmerìr lo clråreë 1[e lånd !-5. dcsÉnå!on ol an appro¡iDn¡cly 1 I lcre sedioÍ¡ u¡ÀPñ163G01D-7S5 (:100 Súrnß Roeo foilAgilcult!ral to tnóu9!iat and a Zon¿ Chaoge tom Adusrw (AÐ to LhilS lndustrÉl(M2) Rosemary Ro€n (80s) 6s+2461 A fequesl loa¿ condíron¿l usè P¿rnrl (cuP) lor a Frváre, Èx¡s[ng outdoof s¡stebsrd f8c{ty exeedrrg 400 squarc feet €@ssoryto an exisling dv/ebr€ FuÉ!¿nt lo Sêclìon 8107-23 (No¡motor¿¿dwhcÈledoonveyðne)otlhcV.nru¡åCounlyNon-CoãsrålZonqOdrnåræ The ircüily ,rcluóes cor¿relc nÐt surfåæs, áírd "s,t¡kc¡ b0d as w¿ll ¿swu!óen r¿nrps No âltè¡¡þns will ùc mæe lo thõ cxrsri¡g 'sr¡p dwðllrE The sublecl propeíy D ¿pgo( 0-95 acres lhe r!Íoundng neEhErhood rs ruGl t¿sid€nrlal Tnr CUP i9 ¡¿qrest€d in oder ¡o ebåG Ç6unty ot VúntuE - Reso!Ee Manågème¡l AgenDy Code Complbñcê Drv6ion vrclaliol casê nq. CV14-0502, hcalse podroñs ol tha skalcÞoad lðcrlly de.u derclopeo w thon ærm¡6. ChuckAnthony, (805) 654-3683 Filmr¡g ac-livilÈs tor e snll phologasphy shool rilled Jay Oobrowalsk, [805) 654-2498 Agdculruràl FLl5 001: Jennler Cho¡, (805) 65+2495 Ralph Hâgle P.O,8ox'120 Som¡E C49306t0120 (805) 987-3887 Oylan Chappell 550 Magle Sreel Carprnrêrie C493013 80t205-4760 Amy Ablakat 36 Technology Drive Su le *210 lNne. CA9261E 949,930.7455 County ol Ventur., Pl.nn¡og Divk¡on PGnd¡ng Prcþft 08,/03/201 5 P.gG 30 Parcd Numbcr Perm¡t Numbr Prl S-cor ! PLr )-0021 Adalaass Pemit Typc 5ESû207535 ú4300404rú 1d /2 GRAND,\V FILLMORE CA 93015 CÐndl¡onãl U5è Permrl St¡tus Pem¡t tÞscription CGe Pl.nær Appl¡c.nt Mnùr Modrleloô 10 Condilonal Use Pcrmf N! 5065 ro repl¿c. a 48 7' slim lns p€le v/ith 2 pancl anlenn€s s t!ål¿d ãdlâLenr ro d friur lo 5¿n[åfon Drst4ct wåtêr 1¡¡k loetcd ¡n 1 ìê Oak Påú ârÊa at 4997 Kìlbum Coul The ¿:islìnq faciliry hes one edoitDnâl ãrlên¡â rnoùr¡lèd or thÈ aOiâc¿nt w¿'er låñk 14 pân¿l anlcnras wcrc or€il ¿lly ¿pp¡o!èd) lh€ proæral r¡dudes removrng rbê sLnr polc rnd replåc¡ng f wilh 3 51'5' sl¡ì trne pole wfl 4 flush mounr€d pânet antenië and two femors radio ieads al th3 lop o1 th. Fle ând lwo Édro r€mote neads rlo!nld rl the b¿se oilhe polc lhe r4ùeer rnclrrdes rne€llnq 4 p¿nÈl anrenoãs llush maunred onb thc ildFccnt ta¡k i¡ ke.rpflq wilh lhc oqnal apprcvål Coñdîon Use Pcf,ut 5065 was spproúed wrih ân clpr¿r o¡ úale olApûl T 2019 The c!Íje¡l reqilesr rndudes an adóilional lcn ycår trnìÉ e:densron NÐ âdd(¡oral bal(¿rËs ã.o bcrng ¿fded ra lbe sdc arú no b¿ck up gEner¿t! supporls thÈ l¿cil¡ty. Krstina 8o¿ro (805t 65+2467 Areej Rajput 2749 Sâtu.n Slreel Breã CA 92621 7 1 4-7 29-ò404 T¡c ¿pplÉírl rcquesls lhala Cond(io¡al Use Pèfm[ bc granl¿d to ¿Llhorre VÈÍ2o[ Wæl¿ss to ¿ôloøle on in ¿xishng 1 25-rooi So!tìern CatloínÉ Edrscn (SCE) tovrcr loütc,l àr 1672 Gr!nd Àv¿ rr tlr? Fillnorc area. fhe proposed p'ojrc1 v¿oùld rnclude the rnslålletion ¿ñd operâtion oftne lollÐwrng equipmenl wilirn lhe 40E squârÉ fool le¿sc ârea K¡stinå Eoero (805) õ5+2467 Mafllyn WaÍen 't 745 Orange Ave 1103 Orânge C492868 949 877 6639 . núr¿snlennasandsxRRUsðtlle4liootlÉvelottheetshgSCEtower-Specfically three 6 Þ¿^el¿nlennåsâñdlwaRR!swoubbcþcaGdå1(3)lhreesecloß0ôthecijslrOSCEIÉy/¿r . Lwa 11 sqlafc loot ¿quipmenl s¡elefs - or¿, 55 qâiloÍ aûd onÉ 15ÁW OC GÈ,úr¿ror- ' Lhrce Hyþrd lDcr u30lès wlh Rayc¿p surgc prclector$, powcr åod lclco ÉÞlÉs ó-rnchlãllCMUwellwiôå4{ooL rón 9¿l€ TneþâsÉã¡e¿worbbesuftcurdedoyål7JooLby24loot wrde wrougnl ftê unmanncd facùly do¿s not rcqùúe walet lo operålè ¿nd tll nol g¿nèr¡tè wl5lê Thc sic rs ¡ored AÊ{0 ¡c ¿nd Å0flc!i!r¿l under he General Plân des0n¿tpn. Â6css to lhc srle r! úÍ ú[ GránoAvc lhÈste'sprescnllydevêlopëdwrl[âoexslrngsrçlcfåtrnlyrÈsüence¿ndoreoge grovcs A htstoric s(è of merú exE6 on th€ sile P!:5,0021 ó1 50 1 50295 L ol Linc Adtuslm¿nl Lul LrrÈ Adju$l¡D,rl bèlwÊÉn 3 lÈSâl ioß ow¡ed bt frste Mðnegemenl of C^, l,{C T¡èlparcels nvolvedåreParccltsorLu.04cBl9022E€2ô,Pa¡cclBorLu0¡0ô1r{2¿1263, Elras Valencrai (805) 65+3635 Lis Woodburn 1671 Doôloñ S!Ventura, CA 93003 80s 633.2251 cuÍè¡lly consrsls ofÀPN's 615-0¡50-24,25 29 3D 33 6 172644282937,38f947 Parcel2cuícililyconsisrsotÂPNs815-0-150-0r,È15-0160-03 cure¡tly ùonsrsrs otÁPN's 61 5-0-r 60-35 36 Parcel 1 PârcÈl 3 Parceß are zond os-ló0 åñ cily ol Srmr V¿lley P¿rcel 2 will gù rfoD 1 527 01 ac le 985 93 ¿c Pdr!¿l 3 will qo horì ? 0¿ ¿0, ro 79 37 ac I ¡c IntÉû1 of rhrs LA ß t0 hâv¿ P¿rcel I CUP ¿nd to hlv¿ ål PL1 5-0021 uô40r 80Ù20 condlroôå¡ ùse Ê-omil thÉ No non-eillorìiln! lols NO LO¡d!E ¿ncofrp¿sÉ Ù¡e enÛr€ Mlndary rcf rhe Êx6!¡9 lanolill corrprny s lônd ov/ned withn l¡€ Cily ol Srrr Vôlcy s llaun&rt wirhtñ wju bc crèu tÈd ¿s p¿d ol fÌs l-ú ¡0 ¡rÉhd CúrìdtuoùalUsÉPcflnitf(rlheongornqopÈrålionotancrsl¡nql23h lallVúr¿lèss Cornmuri(äriDoF¿cil{yanh¿whipanl€nrathâtenendsrol3Enlá[ Tñerowrr6corr.ol¡edÞy lower anó rs locôled rn t¡e Los PådrEs N¡!onal r-orcsl at lhe top ol Ê6Àar Mountarn ^nErcan lhe lower ¡âs ¡umeroui p¿[€l !nlerìnas. mE¡lw¡ve d¡s¡es eno v/hF ¿nLe^¡â1, paovilrng coverage lor US Foae5r Setut: Câlrlornra Hçhwoy Pafo¡, Southern Ca lornÊ Fdßon Ver¿on NBc ¿nd l-Mob¡le fhe essocralcd rqurpmcrf É wilhin a. base årer lnal rncluúès àr I 864 Édrc dofnmunrcånúils É.turpñenl burlding ðnd ån +ftìèrgcnq bad up gen¿r¿lor wrh rhfce (3) 500 Eecky Lrnde. (805) 65+2469 Ar€e, Ralput 2749 S¿ru.n Street Br€a, CA 92821 7 1+3334441 Ualho¡ prop¿nc lan$ Acæss lo thc unmailned feôilily Ë povdEó by ¿ ForÉsl Serv¡cÊ roæ coflrnonlt known ¿s Fraiêr Mounlarn Rosd ¡s illGlrãlêd and descnb¿d on lh¿ ¡ssocÉtcd st€ pøn- No wster 5 îe¿ess¿ry la operare l¡e f¿clly ato no ûalvc vBgelaton wrl lE rêmoved rs lre ol.a¡ng ¡å5 Þccn onqoing, County of \,tntur¡, Pl.on¡ng D¡visioh Pcnd¡ng Prcjeû oE 03/20 t P!9.31 5 Pêmit Paacel Numbcr Number PLri-ù02i ÂddrÉs ô5800401ð5 Permt lype Sttus Pêmit IÞ3cripl¡on Cr$ Pl.næl Appllcù¡t ÇonóilEoalcedìl6le of Complelè0cs5 Rev In Progress Co¡dûbûal Ce^incat€ ot Cûmp¡iånce for Æsessor Parcel Nunùer 55d-0-ø0 1 65, ¡ 2.5 ¿cre paÈl loÉled on La C¿m Road oé¿r Newbury P¡ft, Silê ¿onrng des€naion 6 Rural Excbs[e I aq. []in frum lol s¡æ in hê Setß Resource Proteclion ow¡i¿y zone Iess Hatr6; (8ú5) a5L2153 Gsæí P¡¿p lor Heaón9 App¿alro Vel.ncia, (805) 5543635 Jefery Rowland compliaôce PLr 5{025 06006 r 0Eú 6977 VISTA DEL RINCON OH VÉNTURA CA93OO1 ADl€053 6l// V6þ PLl 5{031 PLr 5-0034 20€014 /250 EI SAN TA MONICAAV OXNARD CAO]035 Planned Oèvelopô¿nt r85 283ð FRIEDR]CH RO, VEÑTURA COUNTY I]NINCORP conln¡o6al Cclif@le ot Compl6næ 1 490041 El¡46 ReEonabþ Aæommodâton lor5 emotbnålsuppún p4s Awa ri¡g ResubmrLrl Garey H Tr 11581 Sumac ût CEm¡¡rllo, CA 930124859 (805) 40ts5s6 6977 Vista Del Rrn@n Ventlre C493001 Dôl Rrñcon 805.448.5600 Fla¡treó Dev¿lopmenÌ Permt 10 enclose ¿n e{erEr lerilây rnto ã sL¿¡Rell cn z Þtop€O wlth a Resde¡l¡al 8e3d-Håôor Zonõ dss¡gn¡rbñ âddréssd s6 81 SsnE Monts i I tlle Srlvecfå¡d 8Êadr area- l¡ addilon lo 1Àe st¿iM¿y €nc¡osurÈ (he prôiÉd rndldes ¿ major remodêl wilh ¡ naw roohop dÈck, eÉenortåçdß rcplåcomenl änd rnL¿¡or rúprovcmênE Manhew SauteI (805) 6542492 Anrhony Bennstt 960 Soulh West¡eke Blvd Suite t201 Wesllãke CA 93161 805-233-1502 te Su6an Culisì M¡ke 6arber 720 Norlh Ventura Road f 3 Pon Hueneme. CA93041 propos6d prolesl consEls ol ¿ rèquesl Íor ¿ Conddbnâl Usè Pcmú to ¡llow rhe conlnued ûse olaneÍs¡ngwal€r3upply sloragc,ândd6LnÞulonsyslÈmfor40ycârs. Exstngdevslopmenton 4f,N1494-041-20 nuluóôsawalerwell 1000U0g¿knslorag¿raÁk 1000(lgallonpressuÉ ÉnK pumping stalon olliæ/slor€ge bu ldillq dnvcway lerccs/ws[s l¿dsÉ9in9 and s¡gnêqe E*i¡ng d!@lôpr¡ênt on-sltè was ongin¿lly p€rminÉd b, th¿ @¿ns ôf conditonal Us¿ Perm¡l No 4741 which c4Ùâd on July 10, 2ú02 N0 nrw consludlon 0Éding, v¿gelaliûn r.movå|, or charEc iù ùsÊ on APN 4So-U 1-20 rs proposcd. Thê propo*d projed ¡[dú,1ès c¡pansion o¡ APNl4s-0-041-1ð0otrhew¿ierfâciliry loiocluoeùeønsrtudþnol¿100,ü009âUond.èlwzl€r tank,g6vsla@ssdrivelronbgelôncrruand9ãlô Mdilio¡sl6socr8lèdrrhåsloclurerncluóes ån ¿fìeßeocy rnlcfønnêcloo w[¡ Ny¿bnd Aøêr Muluôl wâ]er company (o repbæ thê e¡istno Th.proiedålsoindud¿soòbnng conn¿áon).â1Íonl¿p.-locåledfrehydr¿nlandswêlermeler a go¡drional Cellficato ofComplianæ for ð Fnro¡ ol lhe she iAPN 149-G041-18) ao54a5-7233 1 PL1æ03-1 ì¡900¿1 l€5 Tha proposd pqcct con66ts ot a ruquo6l þr e Coodironal Usc P!rmil to ¿llow Lnô @nt nued usc or ån exrrlhg waler s!pply sloråge, aôd disúòulon systañ lDra0 yeaÉ Êxsù¡a devclorenl on APN149-0-041-20rncludcsðra¡erwe¡l 100,0009aÙûnslorågelênk 10,00fr9âlloñpress!rc renr pLtrrprng 5lal oñ. omæ/slorå!É tuúding driveMy len6/walls, lañ snd s¡g¡¿ge. &ß!oU developr,ent o¡,-s[e was orig¡nál¡y p€rnilÈd by lh¿ nÊ8irs ol Condilo^ål Us¿ Pðmi Nú 2838 FRIÊDRICH RD VfNfURA COUNTY UNINCORP Susan Cunis. ll¡ike Barbcr 720 North Venlú¡" Road È 3 PonHueneme C493041 aa54E5-7233 474l,whichexpi¡edonJtly10,2lD2 Norcwconslrudror,gBdrng,vegetel¡o0rcnor¡l or unãng: rn lse un APN 149-0-041-20 ¡s proposed Tìe proposd proÞcl incluþs erpans¡on on APNl4S{-041-1ô0otlhswalêrladly lo nclud€lheconstruchonolal0Û,!OCgallonslê€lwelêr tenk.¡Élelåæessdr¡w lronlag€lcncmgùdgåle fudtonålÊssodBlõdrhôslrudùreodudes ån emergency inë@nnedon wilh Nyehnd Acr¿s Mulu6l walel Comp¡ny (to rÉplåe the Exéling ¿ùnnEction), e frootäq¿iocatêd frê hydEnl ¡nd å wåler mclèr Thü proj¿cl e6o inêlud¿s obbning ¡ Coildnoilel Cefll¡ø1Ê ol Compl¡ånc¿ lora pdiôn otlhË sù¿ (APN 14S041{E) PLl 5¡03È 6730æ037C Lot Linc Adjlsfnênl Pr.p fo! Heâr¡g Lol LLne AdJusherl bo(weÈn 2 €rÉ1ing l€gÂl paræls sdn s€me owner Rolh par€ls sr¿ zoned RA-1 ¿c, anõ witnin thÊ TholsaM Oaks Árcâ Plân, Eoth p¿r@6 are veånt P¿rccl A6730G0380,115 ac lo 115 ac Parcel B 6730060370 .092 ac ro 103 ac El¡¿s Val6ncja (805) 65+3635 AJi Fassìh 4735 GloriaAve #7 Enc¡no, C491436 BrE.B57 7576 County ol Ventur., Pl.nn¡ng DjviEron Pèndin9 Projectg 0a/03201s 32 Pèrõa! Numbê. P¿.cd Number AddÉ Prm¡t Typê stu Pmit DËsúipt¡on Both arc 4nad RA-1ec wÍhin rhe Tho6¡¡d O¡ß Are. Phn- CæPl.nF Apptc¡nû 65+3635 4735 Gloria Avê. 17 Enc¡rc, CA 91,t¡¡6 a1a a57 ?576 El¡as Val€ncia, (805) 65,13635 Ai El¡as V¡lencrã; (605) 654-3635 S¡m Câ56idy Pårc.lA: g/10060675 Ol acto 21 ac P.rcel È €730050470 -34 sc to 21 ac PL1+O040 Lol Une Adtustme¡t 8730060160 PEp{or Hsnog Lol lne dJustrcil belrccn 4 axrling lôgalvaÈnt lots undersâ@ ownershlp All ol lhê inwlwd p.ræts áre zond RA-låc ãñd wlli¡n h¿ TìousÊnd Oåb Àre. Pbn P¿rcelA 230 ac-,ll5 ec P¿r*lEì 1266ê- 241 åc ParcelC:.230ac- 115ac lE8åc--3ßâc PsrcelO: PL15-0ø2 673m90570 11å] N MC KNIGHTRD, PARK CA Lot Uo? Adjurhcnt Prâp torHôaM9 il€ffiURY kl LìnË AdjlshÊn1bôlwæñ N6 (2) þ€.1érulinç ùwncNhip Bolh p8fets år€ zoÈd Ra-1a. no'Ðtrbmng pa@ls und(rsp¿ade 91320 of rhe The otherlot ¡nvolÉd s Parela 92ôcto,6aæ ô73m9057r P6rel 8 -0m ¿c b 28 ac Neúury tsLttoø3 69401 ¡0240 IO5O POIRERO RO Coñdtron¿l Bê Pêûìl WESTTAKE VILLAGE, CA complêtêness R¿v ln Progres 91$r PL1 9-0û50 FL]5{05 / 0s0060220 5150240195 M¡nor Modlf@!ion I14IO HIGHRIDGE CT, CAMRILLO, CA9JOT2 !1400 HIGHRIOGE Cf, CAMARILLO, CA93OI2 Lot Un¿Adiusl'ænt Compl¿lÈnês6 Rev ln Ploqrôss Prcp lor Hearing RO Prt CofldjlþÉlUsê PermtlorTêûpoÞry øúor EE(É lo@ted dl1050 Potreþ ftoad (APN 694{Èl7G2,l) in lhe Lake SheRmd/Hdên Vo¡¡ey Arê6, lhe sobjed pþpeny is 38 32 acrcs ¡ñd E bøted in thr AE-tlo eczooe Dbrld end lh. Op.n Spee bia ShôMad/Htden \âlþy Arca tu¡ l€nd Rd 8905-498 8042 våÉñl 67æ090r¡: I]8'1 N MC KNIGHI '1179 Mcknight ¡¡.v,bury P¡rt, CÁ 91320 þE 6 d.wlopod wilh a sÙleþ lsnlly dwclling w¡lh en abdGd o¡f¡!,à tt 6 conñ6ded lo sêw¿¡ srry@s I hãfa 6 ¡bo ¡ &lachcd gar¡ge and $he shêos on ho propcly on¿ Fass¡h 4735 Glonå Aw. #7 Erciæ, CA S1436 805.857 7s76 6e Tess Harnsi (605) 654-2453 des¡)ñet¡on ElE€4G26'2S Prop6d proi€cllo ¡mend condihn No.2 -Oper¿ún9 HouE- âÉ Condirlon ôj 'U3. ¡neugurål¡on rmo Lrnlg' ¡n pôm[ m. LU11@7. Thô gropo*d naw ñouE lof !ñB sþle 9ât wll lÉ hoo dâwn unùlEprn. ât 7:451o shul olt lhe lights, wbtú arc @nphXêly tumed oÍ â! ^lime.@reson Epm. The lþhl! rre o¡ ¡ photoæll so lhêy w(l nol øñ¿ on !ñl¡l dsrlr Dúíng th! slmmer moñths, lhÈ lohrng ãl nþht wrll bé min¡ro| Durhg thc wintcr monlß, th¿ ligh¡ng will li¡iy @mc oI lor 2-3 houß io ihe ¿v¿nin9, s¡únim of bMÈn 7i45 - apm Lrc&j6lm.l ¡nvofuing 2 lcAalt cxilirg ¡r¡d ønforming ¡ots undcr sôFrå1â rynoÉh¡p. Boh paræls a.e d¿sbÉl.d Exbl¡[g Comm!nüy und.r lh. GeÈßl pbn ed ¿]ncd RE-1 aê I I ùc in s¡ze. Thc lor üne Pârcrl I : 5l&ù24ùlg5 4?,045 sq Paræ|2: 516.G24ù205 47,045 q, 11410 HIGHRI0GE dju9m.nt wil r¡Éler an eqqrl anþùm of ecre¡gè Iese HarE; (6051 65+2453 VentuE County Trans Cam 950 Cúnty Squãre Dr #207 VentuÉ, cA930o3 805454-3968 El¡s Velenc¡a, (605) Lol Both poÉch rre 1 è¡ch p¡rcel Shê¡la Msyñêld 1050 Pqûero Road Thous€nd Oaks, CA 91361 6543635 Rog€r Knippêl P.O. Box 7163 Omard, CA93O31 10 805988 1 001 ñ to 46,422 sq, lt n lo46,g93sq n Cr C¿mrXlo County ollê¡tun, Plam¡ne Dlvi¡ioo Pènd¡ng PþÞctc @¡03/2015 P.gÞ 33 Pormit Numbcr Pàrcrl Number Pemlt fype AddE s Lol Slat!s Pod¡t Ocsc.ipt¡on LE adiffird C.sPllmr Appl¡c.rn 65,13535 57EWÊtsrO¡kLn Unitte hêù tu ¡alu@n one þt s 4ntotrring, ¡nd rhe other i5 nan-6nlornng lo r¡i¡im!m s¡¿a fhê *châñ9¿ ÈNe¿t thê 2 P¿rGb w¡ll resull ln no nê1 g¡tn or dasêBse n ¡Têå Oak Parl, CA 91377 805 626.0022 PårcêlA 6950140320, l0 543 ro 10,543 P¿rcel PL15-0043 663001 0555 t04s cAMtNo oos Blos VENTURA CdNR UNINCORP Planned Oevehpmcnl Prcp 10r Hcanng I 6€50140620, .16 4S to 46,465 Pbnned Oev.¡opmcñl Perhil lor 6n æün9 Res¿arch énd Scronlitìc Lsbrarory wlh scæ5s0ry Eo!r'ðdunnq of scEnlìfic deuces fúra [ecffly comronly kno{n a9 Teþdynt' *i€ntifc Compåny lhê laòoralory l¿ùilhy ¡s loøl¿d on ¿ 77 âsè slc whrch 6 locãl¿d n thè M1 Zo¡e DÉlncl and tnê Frãne Rosengren (E05) 654-204s whbn s¿drcssal as lO49 CBnìr¡o dèveloped wi¡h two office/res¿¡rch aod oi 165,000 sq i wilh B!ildrog No. 100 (¿s h ånd Buü No 101 b,rng built ì¡ 1984 ot 35,000 sq tr l-hero aÍè also 10!adêtêd€õ suppol bu¡ld¡ngs 459 p¿rkr^g 9¡a@s wùh a shrpprno sÀd rec€Mng sreå and the sssocÞted s[a tmproveænts w¡rch inc¡ude tsndscåp¡ôg Thc åpdsnt rs ¿skrng rhe d{èclor lo ádjlsl lh¿ rq!ìr8d pâfunq spaE downw. d pußue¡( b S¿c[on 8108{-6 MlÊr to thè sle É prúvrdd by CalÍorn¡a Âm¿rc¿n rcEr Compary and scwcr servk* rE provd¿d by llrè c¡ly ol Tlou!¡nd o¿kr No nÊw dcelopmc0r, rrI¡cryrols âfcds. of gradrng rs paoposed fhe prcJeq wa5 or¡grnôly approvèd bt Developmenr P¡n No 26 ånd suþ$q!€nLly modifñ, mosl ¡¿@nily, þy mnor modjñ€lDn LU04{t3ö epproved rn 2005 The 200s petmil mod¡lcålton oodd ¿n exg¡Élon dàle whtch ha6 SuEequonlly paJed lrüusÍÊlThousa¡d Oùs Rros (APN o¿k$Arèa Plan låod use des¡gñålon 663-0{10.555) Ttìc Fojccl sÍc rs Lisa Poner 1049 Camno Oos Rtos lhoFnd Oaks CA 91360 805-373-4215 develoFænl buúdrñg wirh ¿ cúobrñ€d square roolage nolcd on the plans) being burt rn 1963 at 130,000 sq PLl5-0CSr 0410300200 31ilWTEIEGMPHRO, Compleleness VENIUR COUNTY UNINCORP PLl t0057 0-r700601 75 r2626 0JÅt-sANl^ PAUú RO OJAI CA 91023 Modrf€lion r¿quesi 10 @nlnue Condìlonel Usc Pêm[ (CUP) LU06-û t1 5 tor an ¿ddrlonal 10yÉarp¿nod CIJPLUoú-(Jll5wasoíghallyapproveclnSeplemDerof20l0toålowlsmporãry Mrnor Susan Cunisì Vena Mummañenr 2106 Glen Éag,¡ès Cl Oxnard. aA 93036 805 377-3355 Mathew Saulerì (805) 65+2492 Cnristiansên Per Ginga 3140 greaker Dr Venlura, CA'93003 BO5 652 0300 Ouldoor Evcnls for a maxrmum 60 day5 ¿ yéer ål ¿ ¡oÉlon ãøÉsgeo ås 3117 ftst lelegr¿Þh Roâd ,n lhc F llrnore Âreá an propedy wih 6n AE Zonc desqn¿lion ônd án Al¡icull!¡sl Generel Plsn hnd usc desrgnå!on Thè s!biecl propedy b approximslet 34,43 ôcrcs, T¡e ¡gpltcanl is r¿quesùng lo ci¿ngc lñc n¿xrmurr onsd¿ g!csl @!nl iom 200 lo 261 rncr!¿se lh. onsrlê partng ror¡ 100 \pace\ ro 129 psft'ng spacÈs, usÈ oi a 4,739 squårè lool r ![F U posê afeã trú may DE !!cd lor outdoor Éveñts or p¿,(n! ürcreese lhË CUP 6rÈa foril 1 37 -acrê to 2.79 ãcres, ãnd to ¿llow avenl lù cccur on Fndays end Hol¡days rn ¿ddnÌon Lo the ¡feady ¿pprôled Pbnned Dèvclopmènl PlãnnÈdDewloptrìcrlPerDtlorlhc@nwrsronoleprcviouslyepproveó90)0sq lt Þrlvale schocl nlo 3 lco Þcdroorr resuence with dclached r€5iden!31 ¡cces5ory s[! cturo¡ exe¿d¡n€ mrnislêral allowances 12626 oJåi s6nta Paulå Ro E Ota¡ The projecl ,s loc¿led on E 2,65 scrå p¡rel locaied a1 126æ OlatsS80lB Peul¡ Roåd (Slale Bl0hw3) 150) fhe sfe wÊs or¡e¡n3lly ¿Þprov€d ós â 9000 sq c^lrci a¡d 3500 sq tl, dêlrch€d stomoe Þurldn0 I Amrnarmodrñøùonpemitedìheconstruclio¡ofå3è6nddelåched4950st fl sloregebuildng ård à dÉlåchêd gã2èboA sÉønó nìodrfcå¡ún chaogËd lhÈ usú ftoôr church lo privatð srhool and c¡)isd on M¡rch 28, 2006 âno c¿lls ou( rh¿ mam blrldr¡g as 920! sq n â 3.420 w¿rèhoos¿, ? I 500 3q n ¿nnc¡ bùdd¡ng, 3¡d !n exElng commercìal kúhe¡ thal wer not to Dè us8d lor meå prepat¡ton The sppl¡c¡nl seeis lo abåþ CVl4-0497 Þy co¡vèdi¡rg lhê man Þurlding ollîe grivat¿ sclìool i¡to d ¡esñ¿¡æ. d¿molshing thc cornmercrål k¡EleÍr, rrakirH ¿ny nec¿$åry ìntenor iñproçmËnß to mÈ¿l tb8 cuf¿nt Build¡ng & sel¿ty cd¿ a¿q!trÉñ¿nls åd keåptìg lò¿ deLe:i¿d åcæ$ofy Þu¡Hbgs ¿s ronlì€Þibblè ¿esery rc5denl¡al slruclur(s wdl be oo inseasÐ ln eny ol tha squara footages ødúran¿l struclsres bêrne propo*d Tlsre Tì€ silê ß s.ñrc.d Þy ofûe ãÉling sl ucluras, nor ere thcrc any Câsnas Murßrple Wål¿r D¡slíct and 6 on seplic Cosnty of VentuÉ, P¡aoôang D¡vision Pend¡ng Projecls Gt0J20t5 P¿ge U Pe.ilit P.E.{ Numbca Numbcr Prl ÍosE r550240055 Addë 723 ALOSÍA DR, Pmf Tygc Sìtdus Psm¡r D6c¡lption C¡s PltnM Appl¡crú Lot Lin. AdjúhÊnr Prep for Heaíng Lot Lìn! Adiuún?nl balwrcn 3 hg¡l non'@nlomino lols under2sep¡rele owneEh¡ps, The þts ar. ãtr wilàrn Lña RE-låc æning dosqndion¡ ano Exrsling communty UÈan R6eNê Eliæ ValencÈ, (E05) 65+3635 Ton luurphy 400 Roæmod Ave Suite CAMARILLO CA9301O QncrolPlâo de50nâlþn. 201 Cserilo. Dr. 723 nê ftråe CA 930'lo 4o5j45.4444 ^losa Gmedlo loE ¡ovolvâd 3ro ¿s follow: ParcelA 1550240055 M APN conlålos cêpar¿tè lroâl lor5: br 22 ol 1a MF 57 anó Lot C of 1 ô MR 3:,Tlrê Lol involÉd tíúm this aPt{ 6 Lol22 of 1OR57 Pâtel 8r 15502600å ThSAPN æ¡srsls ofseveÉl legdl bts. Tù€ lol nwlved lrom tl6APN is Polion of Lol 1 5 and Lo¡ 0 conveyrd 9¡16 oR 247 Pårcel C 15502606 lh¡g APN i9 compßed of2 lsg¡¡ ¡ots: Remauder Lol 15 34ô oR 247 and Lot O 1 õMR33 The þr nwtved ¡¡ t¡6 LLAÉ Rcmâde¡ Lot 15 %6 oR 247. tot¡l non-@^fôm¡ng år¡e amo¡gsl ¡ll ¡nvoiwo ps@ls wfl nd cñånoè, añ ¡o parcêlsN¡¡lbc made @nlomng ss pål ol thÉ LU. ^onqnlom¡ng ThÈ Lo¡ Lln€Æ&'henl is beirE requesled lo s¿lstreibæk drsøñce rôquhDrnþ Thd PL15{059 2ß02¿1154 1545 0CAN OXMRD CA Coasbl comñ DR Pem¡lAd¡usheol lo PD 1623 930]5 Th.adjEhcnlì5forafrstlloorrelÞóelolenexilhg3,5E5sq.fLærienæ f¡leappl¡eilh prcposrng lo cf¿alê eñ tdltlonål b€droom by rnslall¡ng a pånilon wa0 o¡ fhe âddilion¡l squarc lootage bèing Þroto3ed æ Þån o¡hb proJeq. il6 Matthry Saûer: 6542492 (E05) 144 ObardAve O[arú, CA 93035 805.E44-6755 lloor, Theß E no Thè lolal bcdrcom úounl will be (¡l) bu( as å resun oflhb píojed, ãnd lheÉ is ân È!61in9 €6 sq.lL 2-6r garage ro reel lhc park0g derond Ph¡llip Campbell ¡úchêd 3545 ocean Or Omad PL1å{060 M¡nor 040û0rù22-r Mod¡følioD fuvironm€nral Ooc Prcp fh€ aeqùeded mlno¡ mdfÈal¡on ot coßhional u6Ê Pemil Lul1fi41 mu¡d ¿uüori2¿ ùls r€-ecliválþñ of 4 @rreñlly dlÑ of mll and Mo ds¡ú¡g tenb ¡n ôudaoe wdñ SBd¡Dn E1O5{ ol lhe Venlur¡ Counly NoFCoNtål Zon¡ng Oronânæ A! other ¡ctiüliès oloú¿( !ncler LUll-0041 rêmå¡n uodånged exæÞl lorlhc 6c of Koen¡ngslctr Rosd for rnl!nån@ ånd sh¡ppino wih c maxirum of lwo PL15¡0Êl 0&0400f65 3852 W PACIFIC COAST HY VENTURÀ, CA93OO1 3å52 PAC|FIC COAST HW, VENTURA COUNTY UNINCORP PêrmiAdjushênl Prep for He3ilng rùcb Kdslina Bqerc: (605) 65+2467 ¡ñ êlèvalor ¡¡ sn !x6iin0 s¡sfL Susan curt¡s, Turcr Bên P Orþoal d€sclplion lDr LUl2{q9 b¡oßi Tho proposed proFcl consisE ofa requEtfor s PO Þamjl (LUf2-0018) to conatrlq en approxrrulet 1.241 sq. n, seoñd-!þry ¡ddÁiofi to sn êþt¡ng onÈslory s¡¡e¡e-f¡n¡t owl¡ing c493060 80t933-1901 par dây- Pèrml Âdjust@¡l lo LUl200ag lo( thê iÉt.ll¿non of Scott Priæ S@tt Pfiæ sanra PÊula, O Box 3'14 oÞi, cAs3D24 (805) 4214174 ¡ndâtlacÀd9ÁÊ9ê Tñ¿p¡o9os€dpolódnclld.sralißtfloor@vÊrclpolio(¡ppóf,151 rq ll ), sê6nd lloor covared porch (apÞror, 84 sq. f,.), ând hþh¿l r¿model ol êxisftg fiÉl lþor úd g€a¡ge, lìc ócmlilion/Émovål ol ¡ l¡rêplacè sm¡ll liv¡no 5p¡ø, ånó woo.l.n ånd dsoîry lànds in lh. sctbôck.r€as: ånd thÉ¡6ilent of lhc êlstin€ roof rnd årchllÉdurùl r{¿sign of êxterior mlb. C¡s¡l¡s Munlclp¿lVr/.ier Dl¡lnct (CMI¡JD) wlll w¡lerand lha Wnl!ß coun¡y sôprø D6ùict 29 úll pßvidè sdaCr disposalsrws þr prcFdy Thr proposcó doas nol involv, ê¡y gEdinq êclivliñ or thê raróvsl ol nsha vÊgdaÍon, County of \,/bnlùe, Pl¡nni¡! Dlvis¡on Pond¡og Pmþct¡ oaß31201s P¡ge 3€ Pormit Púcd ilumbrr filumbd PL15-0G3 1 2Etr30175 AddE¡! Pmia lYpe r516 LtRtO. CA Pl¡nned DewlopmÉ01 St¡bs Resuùmùl¿l Pdnlt De¡criptlon Plånnd DGv¿lopmêol Pamil for a Coñrådor SeME lnd StDrsg¿ Yâd orig¡nãlly aÈred ú¡ Plannd Dewloptr,enr Ferm¡l 19å3 which w¡s bter mod¡fed by mjnor modinG@n LU0H070¡n ¡o€t.d i0 lhe M! Zon€ Oitrict ¡É th€ lndudEl Sd@7Are¡ pl¡n l¿nd úós desþnât¡on wllch 6w6 a 18,800 sq. t polior ol ô LEêr lot ùd i! addðsd ¡! l6tG Lúo Awn!.. ln acldlþn lo tm ongong usÈ ol tM shê ð å øDfador ssNiø snó storag¿ yard, lrìe âppliønl b rcquesl lo ønst¡ld ¿ 648 sq. ll egu¡CGnl shâd¿ strudurG. No oth.r opcDtion¡l or physic.l changE arc propú¿d lùd difür lh.n w6s apprcvÊd vis PO I SALUÍN{û79 No ¿dd[¡onsl impeMoü3 ¡ce ¡s dd lo lhe s¡tê. llúter ànd sêrcr sêNiôe ¡re proudad by thê City fhe sub¡rct prcject PL190m4 12AOO22015 11032 NARDO Sf VF-NTURA ù930& M,nor i/bd¡l'€ùon Aw.iling R.r!bmùlal Pl¡nñd &wlopment Pamil lor a ConÍådú SeMe and Sloðgc Yåd orþhatly åptrocd vià Plannd Dêvêlopment Parhn 1984 wh¡cl1wås l¡t¿r møifad bt minor nodf@l¡on LU0fuO40_ pro,æ1 rs localêd in tñê M3 Zorc Oistrht and úå lndGtrial Saù@y AÉâ Phn led use dlsgnålion whrch coveN á 3 47 ecrc podion of e hqsr hl ¡nd ß ldress€d €s 1t032 Na(to Sræt No opèEtionel or phys¡cal ch¿ngsi ac proposd tñ¡t di[.r üãn wås ¡pprowd vl¡ PO 19E4trU05-0040. N0 ¿ddllioñ¿l inp.ruious atæ ts ddåd to lnÊ s¡ta WÁ.r ¡nd $rer sêryræ arê Þrcudod by lho Cìly ol VenluÉ- The cureil Èqu6l b tô f¿mve the oxplEtion oal. trofr Þ Plånnecl Developmntwl¡cn wE €dded vio LU0l00¡10 as øûdition nurù€r.- fhc subFct PL1s465 090014r115 I11 75 NARæ SI. v€x I URA couNTY UNINCORP Mircr MoóiÞlion Enúronûanþl Ooc Prep Milor Moditullôn to Condition.¡ Us Pem[ (LU11{00Ð for ¿ rêu* s¡Vage fac¡l¡ry wnh ¡ndoor ðnd oúdoor storagê. Thr ørttrt Équêsl E lo rumo6 øndlioß 22 ånd 23 il odet âlow ouldoof ôloråge h ¿ d.sbnalad EtorsgÉ y¿rd and to opand liê CUP bolnd¡ry 10 âl¡ow an addi¡onal 8900 !q. tu ol ouldoo¡stor¡gé ådj.cêf,Ì ånd noll ol lhe buildiñg w¡lh¡n å VCTC rûhl ol way åd b alow a pÈmillim. úènsún to 2025. C¡Þ Pltmr Apdlcrú Kis¡na Bo€roi (605) Don V\lelkor 65+2467 VcnùJra, CA 93004 805€47-1316 Hai Nguyen (EO5) 654-51 83 Don Vldk€r 152 Slao¡sla6Avânue V6nù8, CA 93004 EOg2-1316 Becky Linder; (8,05) 6542¿69 'f€d Teetsel '11175 Nado Sùæt V€nUJÉ , CA 93004 805€71-S394 Dc oFr.tng busha$ ß lnoún as llbjorappll¡né Racydlng seMce (MARS) MARS p@poses ¿ tåcìlfy e¡d y3d tiôtlcdpls ad 3ôlwgôs tor re@, ¡ ú. vadaly ol s.Þ¡ot.d, non-i¿aÉoB d6ørõs, nc¡udiôg bu¡ldlñg m8lsd¡ls, housêholó lüuÞ5, applian4s and þmiture. lh. prwogel ocludes minor repars snd rcøndlionbg Oudoor sloqe b pDpoæd h an estìng loårling ald sþra9e yard. The grevious @ ol lhe gubjÊd FoFny w.9 ¡ lcmn p.cihg l..jlily wfil an ôøssory ofr6 lrl¡llcr¡nd 3cmr ¡E p¡oudrd bylhr C¡ty olV.nluó M n4wdèFlopmnl or impaNioG surtaøs ¡rô prÞposd. County of ìôntùB, Þl.nning D¡vÈ¡on P.nding PrcÞc{s 0r¡/o3¿2015 P.q. 35 Pqmit P.rcGl Numòor N!hbêr Pmil AddÉs MOUNÍAIN RD, SOMIS Typ. St¡tus Progrers P6mit O"¡d¡Þtion Cs 17û82 Soùlh (s05) 65+2498 Stryl¡r P¿¡nlbell cA 9!06ê ¿ Airsof Ih¿ rcqû.Er is lo..ñ êtpenstoo ol lhe lhe hoûE ol opêøþn, o*[n9 CUP Þou¡dory, sddillonol plrking. rnd ¡ chrnó. Pl¡nær Appl¡qnt 337 Corine H¡ü Ct Thousand Oaks, CA 91320 80t29G3517 in llc crpsnson rre3 lill be 10 (he all¿ænl parcelAPN 107+14-3€5 ånd indude ¡ll of thc pa.æl 8ræpton ol ll! tingh lamlly ówêI¡ng oñ the br, The edudø arÈ¿ b dûln¿d by ¡n -lh€ axs(rng l6næ somund¡ng lhÉ home êxpansion area 6 under l¡e @ntÞl ot lnê ãpplt€nt u¡o¿r tta sâG lGasê agcêmnl rhôl æveEAPN 1 07-0-140-405 wih rh¿ Â#itionalP¡rkng € Frktç spæs! årÈ bëmg proposd_ ¡l() parkng slals ¿e Þiog pro|r*d ¡rth. I n¿wsÉlt.tlhe c¿nr€ror the propely_ CurenÍy A5 €rs ¡É pomhêó to lhe desrOnaed Fdrno are¿s. No owmohl pântng ot ncrcæe n æÎomêr Ðunt E þêng proposed-Ao rmgalon sy$em Ml bc hsraled abng lhe uopoved dnveway to p¡)v¡t¿ ddlion¿l ¿dd¡riotral nonh¿6r¿rn com.r FÁ n Houß of OpcEÙoil cùrènl lôù6 âæ s¿L & sun 9afD5pD end on¿ w¿.kd¡y 2pÞ1opm Theeppl¡ÉntwoublketoaddtheabiitytoopeEteon22weelendnlghßnomJsmlolopm lo úìusl w¿êbat ños6 b e¿Gl0pn Thc houE ofo!â.Elbn ådllslmênl does notgnnl En A bfléldescnplon of the orìgmel cnlitþment (PLl2-0 17) snö lD¡¡o6: Co¡dúþaål Use Påmú for a ¡ew oúdoor pantha!€rñoft sports park on a 1627 sçre propeny wú¡n 1fc Opên Spaæ €0-âqê M¡nmum Pa@l Sizc ¿on? ând Opcn SFc. genèÉl pþn bnd dcsgnÊlio bÉH at 17081 9úh MounÞh Rd ln lh€ Såols Psuls erca (APN107{-IaG4O5) Curaüy lhe proæly È operdÊd ås ¡ t hoþ prr3 9þl cdÉ coñhont lnown 6s lhe Ozzie Gbûm Pår3 Gof Cours. úbÀ was ¿pprov¿d uñâ¡ corÈition€lUs¿ ño.4767 on ße . Februåry 1ð.19€3 'fhe ørênr proposôlwould olilæ lhe orsr0g eollø!Ee tacdi(y br a oollm@l peintbâl âd â¡rsoi playñeld Thê ployliald þub opeolê on reatends á¡d ila we¿kd¡y Fr w¿ck. Thê ,crtdayur¿wouldÞioraltarschoolyoulhgrouppÞgraro ftôkandopêraionswouhò@r homgemtoSpolorâlolålofl04deys lor. Th!ws¿ldayopêrâtioNwoul¿occurfon2pmblopm total of52 d¿y3 ruÍrum of T60 ponäpanÉ åú 5i0 Êrwloyccs Ítll bê oñ Ine sde erch Du6r06s day. 85 úlìng sÞs4 srê p¡opced !s illulßtèd on th¿ subninêd 3ile plån Allgams woùld bê by e Ìra¡n¿d r.1sEè lo GnsuÉ thÊ slêly of dl p¡nic¡t¡ols snd lo ensúc ompli¿næ wilh CUP €rúhion\ P8lkip¡nts a¡d ênFþy.ês wub b r.qutrêd 10 w.¡r sEfoly gql€s ¡nd lræ m¿sls whiþ on lhe feld of pl¡y- Pidlcþan6 musl ¡tþnd ¡ safely m!¡lngs anüor vicw ¡ Á slpañ@d s6Ely video Þnor lo play- All€xi5únC strucluGs will rcD4à in dacê wilh no n¿w pcrmnonl sl¡udurês or i¡ìEryios årê! fh¿ usê of APN 107-0.14M5 doêr not lncludê lhe !rc¡s dcslen¡|./ ø lh. sle pla¡ in lh¿ southwest comcr, The crúded ¡rcas ¡re separcted by fêncrg and refrâiD unoÍ lhc @núol alld responsiòilily ol lhc propÊny own!r, Mêlvin Osbom Têûpor¡ry/MuÞr sttudlr¿$ would bé plac.d in lhé dêshnar¡d playlìald aca ¡ú consisl ol: atr tlllæ, hsy b¡$, wdon w¡lb. dÉ¡n¿ge pipe, m6h søeon fencing ¿nd Þuildlng fâcâd€s Two sèá @rgo ønÞ¡nÈE ñuld b¿ pbced on4[c lo slor¿ sûpplrês oúsäê of lhÉ lbodplårn eßù Trc p6d¿ble bilels @úld bc plaød on-säc lo supplemcnl úìâ lrc oosilê empbyêê rdrcoß in lhc exiling cùlhhousê. PLlS{06/ ô95ffiz160 1ù1 UKE SHERWOOD OR,I/ì/ESTLÂKE VILL}GE ü 91361 Awa¡üng Resubrndâl ApplGôlon lor3le^l¡|re Paa4lMap lo EUMMd!ßÊssor Parøls 695{-062-160 (13.250,æ sq fJ ánd 695fl62-r70 (11,755.51 sq.È) irlo t@ lâ981 þtr of14,500.15 ênd 10,515 sq-tr The* No loE wcre @mb¡nd throuoh MeEcr 04302 Unú B SilÊ 13loold ål 181 l¡ke ShcNod or¡w Parcèl conleins ¿xÉling S0 sq.f. dwdlrno ånd 305 sq.ll dalåùñèd g¡¡ag6, Matlhil S6uErì (605) 65¡L24s2 BEdþy Scñaub 316 Twìlight Couft Camarilb, CA 930'12 (8051 4459509 Counay of Vèntur¡, Plrnhing D¡vis¡on Pêñding PÞjects 06/03201 5 37 Pefr¡t Pæ¿¡ NuDbêr Numls PL 15-06e 04r ù0403ò5 Addcs 3365 GOODENO!tr FtLIMORÊ. RD, Pemn Typo Sl¡16 Pem¡t Descr¡pt¡on C.æ Pl.næ. Lol Line Ad¡uslmènl Prep DecÌs¡on Lol ¡inr ediùslnÈñl b¿lwaèn lwo (2) dslilg ¡orrunfom¡ng lots und.r¡d¿ ow¡eßh¡p both p:Mß âÞ i^ úe oS-160 acrå zonrro dergnãlbn Aiesvalêocia (805) 6543635 CA 9301 5 Stere Pelmân 7611 Mãnn l,¡ Vonür€, CA 93004 3365 and 3395 Goodenough Rd E05 551 0050 I APN M1-G05L010, P¿rcel 1 ønsrsls af Appl¡cant lt wiü sÞn ¿s 26.2T ¿qcs and êÉ õ 29./3 âcrcr PÉcÈ|2æ¡srslsol3ÂPN'sOtl-0{40-365 041-0-04È175 andgl-o-04H15 ltwillela(¿s 1{ 28 åDrÉ3 ¿nd ¿nd * 10-?6 äcr¿s- Percel 1 ß curGnuy dåvlbpEd, PL1 5-0oè! 0350040255 Enúronñ¿nlel 1043E O]AI SANTA PAULÅ RD OJAI, CA 93023 Oac Prèp Pe¡el 2 is vscanl Minor Modóel¡on lo Condilional Us¿ PamiÌ 4802-2 lo ¿now a tcn ycarrmÊ eronsion br a horse cu[tng operâlon t[âl ú e¡[lc¡ lo h¡ve tÀe lollowrng disser¡on8¡y iteN 1 lwo (2) enimel csralaier unils l[at do nol oÉet thr mßbßdãl s1âa0¡d5; 2. åæesþry bulbjngs tt.t.xc.!d 5 0o0 ¡q- l- ! Morê ¡nrm¡ls lha^ wouts be ¿llowed pursü¿^t lo Al¡cb 7 (Non-Nlsb8ndry An¡mal Kêêprnq 4 More hor6cs lhan wouþ Þ èl¡owed guGuont roAlEla 7 aod 5 Ag.icuturel ofie thet d¿.3 nol m€êt tnê nrnislcriol rtô^dåñs pudusnl ìo Adicl€ ? Thê subled púpert s I 99 âcrcs s lootcd ¡ô the RA-l0 ¿qc zoñ¿ d¡slnal añ lh¿ Rua¡l Residêõti¡l S10 lcro O¡ei Vâ[êy Acå Plan låndùs.dési0nåûo¡,ånd¡5ådrêssede5t0438rndlt4{OÞLSanþPãul¡Ro.d. lhc crlllefrÉnl ¿rc rcqúesìed {nd lhb enlillÈrDcnl É ior e (¡me e4e¡sD¡ ù¡ly Tess Harrs, (805) 65+2453 Barþara K€nnedy Oo 8ox 133/ Oak View, CA 93022 805-649-1635 Nodang¿s 10 PLli-0070 suÒmñôt ln tt55023ffiè Mhor Mø¡fMtiôn fo. ¡ l¡m. elenshn lo cUP 1€a+2 Th¿cUPasdlroÉrpk ônDâc¿mÒÊr1Elh 2olS.TherpplicåntbrÉquda¡nglúránddtionsl30 Eþfng oil ând gs operùons w¡ll r€m¡l¡ unc¡¡n0ed No Bddlllon¡l w6lh or chãngos r¡ Þoundâûos aro beirìg proposad 3s P¿n ol lhs gamil PLl5{0r-r 0950290095 Minor M0d¡fstoa Submtbi ln Mù'or Modilr6rbn lor a rm€ erensbn lo cUP rg9+2. The CUP 6 set ro exptre on oeæmoer 1 0û 2015 lhe J¡y DobÞw¿lskr; (E05) 65+2{SE Harry Bam!m 21 S Calitomle StreêÌ Suite 305 Vènrur¿, Ca 93001 605,652_7040 Jay DobrNalsk; (E05) 65+249E Ha¡ry BEmum 21 S Califom¡a Stre€t, Surte !úudure¡, or opplønl S requeslryJ lor en ddllon€| 30 30s EEtÍrq uf ând 9s ope¡alions will ftrmin unularìgEo. No addiroilal w¿lb orslrùclorðs. cneogês an bo!rú¿Í¡es atc btrng pfoposcd as pal of lhÉ pelmt 4142 E G!¡bccon or Ve¡tura Ca 93001 805.652 7040 Rd coqnty of\hnter¡, Pl¡hning D¡vi3ion PÊnding P.oþcl¡ 0a,03,12015 PrgÊ 3t Pem¡r Numbêr PârcêI Numbet Ad.lÉ Pemi¡ Typc St¡lu. Pm¡t Vr',ìr¡!r F.s!bmi[.1 cA 93066 Ce Drsor¡pt¡on to !!¿ rLquesÌ¿ J CorEIr0rrtl lJre d.selinlþn fscildy Déal ffil¿r Co pl¡6 lo deElop ân 8_5 m¡ttDn gallon pc¡ day (ryd) (appm¡matêly I 000 3ùe{eel annuålly) Þr¡*ish grdndwaler d¿s¿ner Rcgionel D.saler) groundwel¿r Appl¡ut Pl¡nær Åntñoñ, 654.3683 DEve P O Eox 6045 Onerd C49303'1 805 4794305 Des¡hed, hilh quãlity gruunówåler wi! be d.liverud 10 munþtEl ¡nd dislr¡ct w ter ågonciss ad regrcn¿l egriôulluEl users B¡ne will be dis6hargcd tnto the Câüeguâs Mùnictsf Wåler DEtnct (CMm) Sìn(y Mânagem.nt Prpelinè (SMP) ñrRE¡on8lOeshèrsludyåcârslocarednolhotH¡qhwey101.ÆslofHigtìwayg androdh 01 lhe City ol Câmerjllo fhe sludy afèa ncludës the.follow¡nq lhrêe poLenlbl si:es under consrd.ralion lor the ænslrudon ofthe Regionel Desaüer -Al¡ematÛeSiLelAPN15601E02E5(40.2¡seÆsèsor'speræ0,âpprox214acrcsofår.a afe proPosed to gr#ed .AÏernålive Site 2 APN 1560180175 (35 11 ácrc Asscssor s pÐ@l), ¿pprcx I 75 acres ofsaø arÊ groposed lo graded .Aüemâtu¿ Snê 3 APñ 15601 åre pmposed lo gfaded EOI 85 (51 ?1 Ácre Assesor\ paræl), approx 2 23 ecres of srea The Proledwill include lhe lo¡owrûg elêhoots -Rè!ionålDesaller Aproposd regionalg.oundw¡terdes¿l¡n¿lion faciljty lo treí ônd prodùcè groundwetcrlorpolâbl¿ånoirrig¡lionwareruse Groundwårerw¡llber.dêdtiroughåchemial proæss ùee@d wâlcr wl æ stomd ¿rd blended w[h other wst€ral the Oessher pbnl lhen conveydlhroú9hth€proposêdpip€úna5tolhéCWMDwâl6rlEnsh¡EsiDnFplhesystem An dæess roaõ will be developed @nneding the Dês[er to SomE Road .Còem¡Él SloÉ9e Ateå A chemr€l stotågc b!tHing (op¿n on bur sides to elk,w aocess chemicalsåndpumprngequipnent)willbêænstrudedåtìheProjcctst¿ ¡n lhc cheñrèl storegc arca will hold approximårely 20,000 0 he StoBeet¡nkshous¿d ro 26,000 gsllons of chem¡Ét6 .Peme¡te Slor¿0e Tenk: A 470,000 gClon b!ried @nqcle pemarê slor¡ge r:*Mirwill bÊ Donsrrucl€d undÉhêâlñ the Regbn¡l DêsSller lh€ pêmr8le will bs dor€d ìn the âpproxin¡lety 4 624 sqúãre feel, oelow{råde Ês¿ruo¡r pr/orto blenõin€ dh olhërsalcr willbe plec6d Þlow g€dê ProÞcÊd prpehnes lo lhe propos?d Rcaionål Oesßltêr frè¿tad walêr from lhe Þêså lêr will æ ùånsm¡ltèd rhrcu0h proposed pip¿linèsth¡l will cDnn€d to àn ¿xic¡nq CMm wel¿r tr¿ilsdssrûn p¡peliñe (loøt¿d ålong Sômb Ro¡d) Tìc ÈxÈt¡ng C MWD dt6tribltion pFÈl¡nc system w¡ll fansmit kerled w¡ter 10 Lhe Cüy ofThousand Oats, the C|y of S¡m¡ Valby, ånd ¡D the Camrcsa Wãlar Oist¡q Tre¡l.d v/dor w¡ll ¡bo Þ conv.yåd to ¡g r¡cultuEl ùsers lþm CMWD or lhrouqh sepâÉtô dßtribuùon p¡p6¡¡nes Bnn¿ lron the DÉålt.r ûd b: dEch6rged lhrouoh prcpñecl prpè¡nês lhsi w¡l¡ conned lo CMV\¡D SMP wh ch w¡l æ coñilêhd in 2016 (loøt¿d âlon9 Somb Ro.d) The bdnê muld lllirtêly bê dschårgèd to thê ot;èån v¡¿ ån erÈting .TGnchi¡9 añd eMøl¡oñ Df sod m¡têricbt Soil mated¡b trm kênOrng ånd exc¡vStion wlh rêg¿rd 10 the @ndrucl¡on 01 onsn€ pip.lincs and the b€low{¡åde p¿rmeale strtragê ÉsêrvoÌ wrll bs remÞorôñly stôdpilú onsite Stækpúed msla¡lls wiil be moist¿nèd or @wr¿d br dlsl conlrol Apprcxrrulely 700 @brc y€rds olsoil mâteri¡l will be expodèd (truck lôrds will be øvêrêd to coñfolduslolþm lhe Proþd sûe to ¡ pcmiled fåc¡lity e¡qh lil:k lûE pêr dsy åpprolma¡ely 10 days will be requied lf needêó ¡ddiliûnal üe¡ìch bå*fill rolrlal will be foa €rolndw¿rcr welBì Two proposed rcls ¿nd ¡n ex¡sring wel¡ *[ be úsed lo r¡tdd appror¡fielely 9,000 ðc¡e{eet pcr ye( (AFY) ofbr¿*ish groundderfor subsequent traåtmÉnt at lhe Règronâl Oesaltet MORE PROJECT INFO IS PROVIDED IN THE CUP FILE RECORD PL15{074 6Æ02000s 5245 SnVAN OR, VÊNTURA COUNTY UNINCORP Minor Moiifi€lion Suòmimlln Modifi$lþn for 3 l0 ye¡r lime etrensio¡ lo CUP-5334 Conditior 10 expiæ on NoÉmEr 10,2015 There ¿rc ¡o oth¿r changês beiq æqucsted És å pad of Lnis æm¡l Minor p CUF-539 É set Eecky Linder (805) Rick Fish 65+24€9 6'185 SylEn D( SrmrVa[ey C,{93063 605 306 0042 62tS Sylvan Dr SimiValley PL15-0076 0000000000 Condlon¿l use P¿rm[ ComplêlÈne$ Rev ln Prugre$ Condilioñ¿l Use Permil for å crude o:l pipêl¡rê locórad in the publ¡c rÈhLof-w¡y of Hâóôr Blvo , beMe¿n Spio¡aker Drue in the Cí1! olVenluae ed Un¡on Oìl Company\ DehylElim FEcjlity in lheMandâl¿yBåyArezotO¡ned Thef¿cilityv/6orìgi¡aUypeminêdu¡derCondùion¡lU3e Permil €41 which hes subsequedly èxpireõ This cond¡tional use p€rmrl w¡U r.plãæ the CUP 46¡11 No ch8ñges lo the p¡pelhe are prcposed Ebony Mccee 65+5037 (8051 April Harvey 3780 Kiloy Airpod Vlrãy Long Beacl, CA 90E06 5A2-2A54141 County of Ve¡tun, Plann¡n9 Divisior Pcnd¡ng Projêcts ¡¡8/031201 5 Pâge 39 Permit P!rc.l Nuobrr Nümber PL r5-0017 7ùOD27DO1S Addæs Pemit Typc Sl¡t6 Pcmh Drsc¡iption 42505PACIFICCO Sf HIGH\MY, MALIBU, CÁ PemilAdi6lmnt Enùmnmeniål Doc Frep Aø¡ng Sohr Pa^eb ro PlaDned OeveloÞmenr Pêrñi No 745 resl¡uranl lo€lêd ar 42505 P¿cfE Coel Hqhwoy ¡n lretibu. Paep Decis¡oñ LoI et the eisfog NèpruDêS Nal Cúe Pl¡nE Appllc¡nl Becky Ljnder (805) Micùele Lee 3835 Marks Rd AgouË H¡lls, CA91301 (816) 3214310 65+2ß9 s2ô5 42505 PACIFIC COASI HWY, VEÑTUM CAUNTY UNINCORP PL1 S-0078 õ7301S0J00 Lor UnêAdi6rb¿n¡ Lener LineAdj6hent bstwêen 2 sxsìng kgrl nen-conto¡hto9 loE Both lob ¡r€ wilhrû thc UR 2{ desEnaLbn ol the Thousand Oaks Area Plân ànd zon¿d R 1ádSRP. Both lors ¿re vsønl. ParcÊlA @nsisls of ÀPN's €21G150.300 a¡d Parcel I ønsisis !IAPN 67lGl5GAO0 Elrs Vã¡enc¡E; (805) 65ê3635 ArlekAgmalian 5225 We¡ler Dr Woodl.nd Hills CA 91367 81E.370.ðl¿t5 673-È15M{ The .ñd rê5![ wÙ bc ã P¿r€l À ol 7,301 sq. n, a¡d a Pâr@t B ol 16,027 sq f No p¿rælwillbc mao! nokonÞming, norwill eny toÈ@nlorn¡ng ps@ls bc m€de @nbrming Pt l5-00 /9 1 55ùt60025 Lo( Lot I rnè Adjush.rl belw.en 2 ¿Él¡ñg lcg¡l ãnd 6nftrdrì€ loB ænêd RE-lec Borl lob øß6r of 1 APñ 155+16m2 lle lolålaggreCale area betwæÍ bolh psræß wllEmsin unch.ry¿d and f,o conbrm¡ng lob F mde non<onlormbg due lo ùls lot lhe adjustmenl LrnéAdluslrunl P¡acglAwi Ès!¡l P{@18 wll Eliâs V¿lenc¡e (805i David 6543535 2043 Cdavæs Or Camar¡llo, CA 93010 805.391 6905 MãÎthêw Seulel (60s) 65+2492 FÉd How*r 63æ ì êsl CoaEt H¡ghway wtll Awrcy rn 1.65 åcro6 r@! {ì ¿æ .q!9 1C4l MÉsion D. c¡m3dlo PL1 ç00d3 7000010425 Mðjo¡ Modlh¿ton Résubmitul Minor Modfrcslirn lo Plannod D6wlopmênl Pemd LUoT-01 23 whK¡ otEtn¡lly gpgroved I 3,375 lhree sto¡y 9togle låmrly ówèlllng wit¡ I 560 sq. 11 lwo €r grrEg¿ locald on å 10 scr! propêny in th¿ Co¿slal Ops gpåæ ãnc Dìs[id ånd lhc Op¿n Spâe Coel¿l Pbn lånd usè úcsgn¿too Thc pþposed perml mdi6c¿tûr w¡ll 6dd del¿rls lo th¿ g¡adinu end 16laDùrg *all sÞrem lhel 15 neæs¡ry to øorlruq lhe home A prevlous snê PlsnAd.)u6lñent (PLl+Û06¡ w¿s åppiowal rn ofder to move úe Þurldrng fo!rp0nl appro¡¡ñately 20 i 5ollhwåfd incrèålc the square loobge ol the d@ll¡ilg lo 3 lE7 wlò ¿n âiachod 441 5q n l@ Érg¿É{e (whrcò repcscnled a 7 45% rnc¡êrse n gross tloor ¡rea 3d å 5 31% ¡nsÉse of ¡ br/rbtng co@Þge toa liê êñlire dwellno), A ncw swinmrìg pool, spa, ånd grôuod lovêl dÈèk ârcùnd ih! pool ¡3 proposed r¡mcdidely ¡djacc¡l lo åú soulhwes! ol lhc dwellinO. Mlêr 10 tbÉ prû is provi{ted by an crsting o^llle wel¡ anú a new seÞlc sysLùr wil¡ þë uLilLëd lo¡ wasÈ wslcr dísposil. Aæass Þ tn¿ sfle rs proposcd lo proudad ¡y ån cisting driv€ v¡ OeerCreek Roåd. { n Newport Beach, CA 92663 94S566-9155 X 11 Thô currenr gropos¿l det¡ib rhê axãd looþdnl ot Dolh tìe scceñ drvewey ¿M butld ng./developæ¡l enwlop ln€ developêr s propos¡n910 sla) wilhin å reøEôd r€sk¡qtiË øycn¿ol lrcå lhè hous€ is now proposd Lo bë 4,120 qúårè feet with an dtachèd Mo ø OÐÞÍe o1445 square l¿e1- The proþcl w¡l réquire 375 cubic ysrds of ul ånd 375 cubic yårß ol lill lo improc th. 5ilc lor lhê propDs¿d deellúg, As discu$¿d àbo!ü ûc bu¡¡dhg envêlop wiI rsqú¡re tM 6¡s1ruclion ot ¡ r.l8ining w¡llsyslem to l¡c¡¡l¡lêtlìe p8d. a@s dnEway, ðnd llre depâdmnt Um arcund, l bl.r lorlhå projedwill bè prov¡.d by ¿ pdv¡lè wsl6r wcll ¡ñd wes(e waler wrll b lrôf,eú wilh ¿n oÈs¡lc ndivh!ål ¡dvânø [èalment un¡l ¡nd dispo*d h s pils vs- ¿ 3¡nd filtêr tè¡thant sy3lêm whid w¿a prcviously proposêd. Aørd¡n¡ lo p.ojccl toils cnginerr lhe su nd fill¿r syslêm ws d.lêmrod lo bc rmpr¡Èibb for th¿ sl6 duè (o the bdþck ånd phys¡Él @ilslrEiors prèsènt f or thô hr¡sðÉ d¿vålùpmsnt. Tm ¡ppE!tr¡¡lcly 5.000 wåtor ls0l5 will n6cesåry lordoßl¡c ¡nd l¡G plotèclbn slor¡€6 ¡nd ¡ae Þßpolod to b6lo€lêd ¡t lhÉ nolhrcl corner ol lhe s!blect propedy adlaenl to th. propos.d prv¿la dnúaw¿y 8nd wlhú lhô êrslnq ârcå ânÙcipðtod to bc dNoloFd by 1ñe reslfE¡ve covcnanl County oflêntua, Pl.nning Diy¡sion P€nd¡ng ProFñ 08r0sÐ15 P¡ge ¡lo Pml P¡æl NUD¡q Numbq PLr5{æ5 FñilÌYF. Aû¡t s 500Blos5 Prnn¡ Adiilmqt üE Pmia Oecqiption Prèp lor Hë¡rhg PmilAdjuslmeil to ænt¡noe the @ ol ûìe 6!drn9 l¡rid æ02r r5301 U205 41 wrh ALOSTA DR, us not¿d bclow fÞr an ¡õitionel ot â 5 0O0 sqEre bot largê ¡gd¡uü!Rl saþs facjliry d¡splsy ¡Ég Ag¡icultoEl promtional eEtE end è¡t l¡inm¿¡t Edivliès (¡ a w¿rldi¡gs.l th9 $Èlnd Gove s¡le, gruup ¿E¡ls, brthdåy pdies, schooltriF, etc ). ìncluding d!øtionel.nd êntêr(a¡nmhl sdivl¡s) wdts @d¡n!r to o@r onsitc No nd d.Éhp@nt is pDposcd 1o-yãr p.nod: openùo¡ and RO, MOORPARK. CA PLlSü6 C!æP¡rI] Lol Line Ad.¡uùenl Soh¡bl ln Prcgr6s oAMARTLLO.C C|0t0 {0 squáro lDot mi¡lamne agridltuElolle and Lol Lanê Adjuslmènt bêlwn lrc crElin¡ þgsl lols u¡dc. sme ow¡.ßh¡Þ in thê RÊ20,000 ¿one, rnd Exiling Communilt Gên?rl Phn d¿signrîôn ADp¡cìt Klistina Boerc; (EOs) Êlias Vdm¡.; (805) 6t-3635 Cam¡rlþ It ¡5 I ß dre¡{y dåslopGd üd €nfomiog lo the mhinun 26 ?40 sq n .nd will b.øm 23,000 sq fr..iêr thê LLA Lt¡ No confom¡ng parcêJ w¡ll br m¡dê nor@nlom¡ng, and no non.@nlomiÍg ÞsrÉb wll bc contom¡ng ¡s of lhis L¡l Lina Adjustmrìt Th.r¿ w¡¡ bê 0o lñønb.fring $¡ qc¡tad .s a p.rl of thb LLA pf 2060325245 2300 ROOSET/ELT Bt_ VENTURA COUNIY UNINCORP Adþslmant Enviþmnlål DocPrp mdê ThaAppl¡cr¡tebm¡E¡SiþPl¡nAdjudn.nttoCUPùsì,lo Lu11{i43¡hoidlrlocxtcndlhÈ ömEquiÌrdbrobl.iningth.UsclúugurdbnZoningCþ.ùæ(UIZC) thùAppl¡c¡ntr.q!ê.ls ¡r¡dd¡l¡on¡lonrya¡rbobúlnthaU|ZC CUPC¡saNo Lul'l-o1¡l!w¡iãpproEdfôr¡òad¡nO ChuckAnûþny; (805) 654358:r wilhh ¡n ard¡tl¡g thræ-¡bry bulbhg Wltar añd 3aw.r 6tryie tor tha bùlld¡ng is provild ðnd wll @nlinu. þ b. provbad by lh! Ch¡nnll l6l¡nds B.6ch Comn¡nity Sa¡ibtÞn DÉlril The CUF æpL6 e¡pirad CUP40I5 rnd B 3ubmitted lo aàatê violslÌon qsc nos þaa¡kl¡¡l Rar6 BodeE 812 Rsilrcâd A@ Santã Pale, CA 93160 805 525 6400 !rê¡ siz¿ Eu¡râm.¡ts Parcel2 È vacanl ånd notu@nbm¡ng lo aL¡ ri¿a HulÊnenb It ¡i curenlly 5,546 sq it ¡ró wlll b¿em t0,t4¡ tq ñ ¡i.¡th. FLt5.0067 Länd Lp Smis, CA 93066 529*3434 441 Alosl¡ Dr P¡ræl Lrndemd Po gox 607 65+2167 ¡nn Lo¡tuttsr Robrrl D O Box 1301 Port H@neme. CA 93044 P 8054415192 ZV02-0009 ånd V0+0O0659 PL1fiOg0 Aaljutrcnt 610024095 ENTIJU PDp br llêrri¡g COUNTY UNINCORP Pfr¡lAdiugmênt l0 PD€36 (and Þ¡¡t.d pem¡t.djuslrh.nt Lulmtto) betÈd ú ÀPN Nos æl{{2+æ úd 061{{24{5 to.dd diçpby.@s tor Þdêtriú v¡Ning gursu.nt to Seton 6110-6 4 of Ihê No¡-Co¡shl Zoni¡g Old¡nârcè TlÉ disphy 6Er Ê to 6low l¡G@d ånd bc@gc dbpl¡y in lroni oa tb ges shlbn ñin¡<ür*êt h ådd¡t¡on {o lñ¿ p€detttrirn pmduct dbpl¡y, th epp[ønt wil be ¡dd¡ng r @ meêhna b lhe lÞnt of the All sdjusûnêß ere id.nlihd on S.ê16Æ 1 (E ñiffi r) üat amnd pÉvioE ¡pprcwd Elte pleE. Thùe w¡¡ ha no ¿hrngå in lhc ußt¡ng eruicest¡t¡odreteil ùsê Kristjna Boero; (609) 654.2Æ7 to Plânú Dêvelopmlnt Pemit No- 1410 al 4145 Ocèan ^djßme¡t Br¿ch PþÈá b for coÉrud¡on of ¡ se@nd lbordæk in lhE reâryâd Jes¡€ l¡[agem. O¡kVEw. C493022 EO5€49-226E loe PL1S092 mo272150 4145 OCEAN DR. oxNARO, Pemil Adþsftnt CA 9i1035 Sub6ibl /n PmgHs Slle Pþn )ri€ in Holywæd Al BuekDwski (E05) 65+2457 Rosy Hemandez 418 W Th¡ld St Omard, C493030 (EOs) 407{/.73 PLr5{095 m00m000 -!na.d Plûn AGnóm¡nl Submitrl ln Sel¡ Ros¿ Vå¡ley Trail Pbn &nêrålPÞn Am.ndment Chrb SÞphens; Chñs StephÐs EOO South V¡Cþfìa VentuE CÁ93009 805€5+2661 CoÐty of Vcnturì P¡¡nning D¡vi¡ion Pendin¡ Pþþcb (E,/03r20t5 ?.tE 4'l P!rmil PrEd Numbê. Nuñber Aú¡lss PmltTyF SfÍlr Pmia DèscrlÞtþn CsPhnÈ Appl¡qñ 65+519q 355 So¡¡h A Steet Omaftf, CA s3o3o GoU Doc Preg a!thoflzê ihé @nt nuld olhê 93' lå(¡æ lowcr anl¿nna. 100 bf,Ê. low.r repbæ rhem with ooc 120'l¿frtæ tower sûr¿nn¿ ed mw the WCF óquipm¿nt thaÌ F @ßn[y in Üle m€l¡lequipreñ¡ shBllcr 10 ¡n ertEting 15 x 1.4' lìrenry shGiãr tor ¡ pêrid ol10 yr¿rs. Thê crisring lowlrr end WCF opêrdions ¡rc pê¡ñlld under CUP4529.Thê Appl¡€nt ls prcpos¡ng to €rp¿nó lha pêmil bouúåry arcå fom2,800 squ¡fê leer lo {usre teot (or C.14 6cros) ro ållowlorthc foqndetor ol th€ rcp¡aæmnt towêr(FÞ!s€ see tñc aEchñ !ita pla¡ lor dab¡tsj Tò¿ Applient 0æÉ16 KMU 1ß 7 Lå 'M' r¡dio d¡t¡o^ on ù¿ arbt¡no totrr. KMLA ß Ìh. pnm¿ry d.sil¡ír¡lrd SpãnisEpr¿llng ¿mèE.rcy ¡bd syl.N ßdio lrlþn ,orVêntura Cou¡ly, ThÈ Appl¡cânt É proposing þ r¿nstur èriln€ equipment tron lhe exlstino 100'b@ E0t3655ô56 towåT ùe feplaercnl 120'laÍ¡cc rorar antÊnna.lòiApplicånls rrEf¡g quçrent will be used þ 9þv¡de r3de sepæs lo Venlùrâ Cou^ly r.slr¿nts. Th¿ Appltcent b propos¡no lo continuÁ lo l*sê spaæ oi lìc 120 r¿glaaenent tow!rlo lxist¡ng t¿nents thd provide wialass @mruniBl¡on and wißlèis rnr¿.nët seryiE 10 Vrnlur¿ Coo¡ty aÉ¡dcnE, A llst of ¿¡isl¡g eqù¡prunt lor üe 1A'ßpþôeftnt lower¡5 ¡ndu&d w¡h th¿ slruduB¡¿ng¡nécrng råpod prouÈd Þy T¡shj¡e¡ Toweß (.lt¿ched) delriled l¡st ot c¡isllng ôqujFm.nt hclodiæ a0lanna lo Ént¡ñüe lo Id M Erb¡Éúþû ð ¡lF.tM¡r ^ rltsüa. fhe mF will @nlin!è lo be unßnnèó aod ope6t 24 houÉ å d¿y for 365 dåyr per yeår. oñe oñploy.o willco¡linu¿ ¡o visl lh. lrcF on@ F.mDnth o. Ë nedeó lo i¡ápæt lhe lower, pêdom må¡ñrcnanæ. FCC PL1 S{087 69s0060145 22 HACENDA RD, VI/EST HILLS. CA S1307 Minor Modiftr[on Pep for H.ari¡g ãr¡ lo ¿nsure thðt lhe tæùly ¡s opêråtrng iñ compliånø wfh Coùnty and rcg!hlbns, Mrnor ModrlS@¡on tor . 10 ye.r liæ ele¡son 1o CUP-53t6. SPRINI VRSaXC+71 Å VR54XC472 Bocing 1tz APNì 665{S0-145 Near 22 N, Hacièndâ Rd. BE¡ Cånyon He¡ Nguyeni (805) 654-5193 Rrchard Tang 1019 Oâk€s Blvd- S¿nLeand.o C494577 510.632 2606 Ths ôppliænr propôÉs lo m¡¡nE¡r en unm€nnâd, Wr.hs6 Comuniøtlons Fåcjlly (WCF) on lwo æùng 25' lall woodÞn uÛl¡y poles locåÞd on propely zonad OSt50 åq fha rrcling rcF @ns¡sE ol Lwo ut¡fly pol¿s wlh one (1) 4' p¡nêlant¿nDs lilh â æûtåd¡nrof19:7'onh¿polès,ùl rsontillêdlohaveugbZpônclsnrenn¿smoùûlrdone¿ch pob lof Tàeß ¿ lù(¿l of4 år€ 4 RRH'5 munld or th€ lowsr secrions otlhs uûliry polêô. Eqorpñênl 6 loelêd on a 4'¡ 04' ønqetÊ Fd ånd ¡dþænt H-FßDe u¡( tn a b6l ol5 ebin6fs I Tclø Cðbinâl, I porcr ptol¿clbn cåbnêt, 1 fb¡ øàìnú, 1 juncl¡on bo¡, 1 b¡[èry bôclup ebinù|, ånd onÈ gg28 BfS Ébin.l, M¡x El.*olyle 6nlentlrom b¡låriå¡ Orgm¡!y 66r lo wlll nolexed 43.4 C¡llons. .xptr6 Otubèr 3.2015, Couily otVentù¿, Pl¡nniñg D¡v¡s¡on Pending Projcsù o0/0312015 42 PemÌl Pared l¡¡tråer Nmber AddËs FGdril Typc SEn! FmtDõqHbn CsPþç App&rt yê¡8. Progñ FILLUORE, CA 93015 '113 Forlh Shêct F¡ünoß, CA93015 E ÎcbgÉph Roåd 1762 F¡¡de €n5 524.¡1616 lory l¡E¿Ag.i@lrC Sábs Fm¡lly otãpomrjtutdt2.(80 Th. þðl.clw¡ æN¡61ol¡ sirigb 5Sr¿Þ tel.. .nd 12 h.l ¡o h.þht Th. CUP ¡E¡ wi¡ A nDw ltnd¡c of b. æ,632 ¡q .ppÞímlêly I 1/t4o Êq tt- will b. .dd!d .nC bc¡tcd .dj.øl rq lt lrclty üd h¡w ¡n opêo llooa wlh ræsory @wEd òcezMy PryEd aEr upon ¡h¡ch thc ¡cì¡ll5 wl bG ønfrd.d i. rppÞr 32,9m s, t lm (4 n.w 3,000 g¡lm MLr bnls w¡ll rÈo b. . F[n olthls Ploþcl b næt Dqúi[n.nb Th.t wI b. loc¡têd b.h,ld lha pþpo8d w stddw, ]h. sib ¡s dmilly p¿nrùld hr¡ Sml Aerlolû¡l S!þ! F.d¡fy of ¡100 th. ùbtlng 400 frD suppF!¡¡on sq n. ln viol¡don (cvEHlttt) b. Cl vþ¡¡tioß ¡rld bring op.dldo ¡ 4,0æ sq n tM lbc¡ly lnlo ørl¡IlnE r,lh lhr VCIICZO mw ADA r¡lroom ¡nd spllc ¡tEl.n uli b. h6Lll.d ¡0 tr. .)ddlng ¡100 sq t íEtú ¡rop¿tl h Th¿ lltr prqc.d A dnnly lo Aæ CUP ül ¡ù.L lo thc s¡6 is hoh Hþh[y 128 (f.LgËph Road) .fim rnd 2{ P.d Tim 6mdoyr.s wil b. optÉl¡ng ! lÀc L¡r!. saLs F.cjlly. wilh th. lEþ durfu rò¿ smmr nolÍñs llooE of op.Gùon rillbê fEn 9ÍG7:Ír0 durùE lhe ElmhBr mnihs and g:00{X}O d!.irE lhe wùbr monìÀs, 7 d¡t! ¡ [dL Fu[ potrritìâl lbr ¡ddldoml pmlitd hl¡Er is ffilt lrtu1@ 11l¡lmø 649 RIreECREST sdls,cAre 6/at2 N LN. RbG€cRESl æfúls,qgffi Lot LjæÂdjffiêd PÉÞ lor HÐri09 tli, via å pèmüd d, rd %S È hrôd¿d by an oBite scptb L¡l Line Aq6tunt btu.n 2 cËling ånd onbmhg lègd lots þl l¡n. ¿d.jusùnÈnt b bc¡ng Équcst?d h onlcr lo !@mod.ta g¡r¡gÞ ttÉt wil b øNrtd ¡nb ¡ sêærÉ ûwrlhg ünit û. *lb¡ols for ú syleñ. existing Ê[æ V8brc¡ai (805) 65¡L3d¡5 John Nlsbet 6482 Ridg€qest Læ Smis, CA93l)66 6æ.818. t660 P¡@l I (1100280@) is deFbpod dnC ¿01 n.t ¡oE .nd wû b@re 2.0 nd scË ås a Ésull oÍlbe.djElmenl P.rol 2 (1100æ014) is uid.wlop.d ¡nd 4 43 ncl ¡G lnd wl beømr,l 44 ñûr âøÉ.lls lhê d¡lst F¡t 982 N Somis PL1 5-01 03 85000r1075 ì'71STIÐGæWRD, IEST H|LLS, CA St 307 Ld L¡æ À4þSæft Frep br Hqdng Lol Rldg.cÉ l¡ú n 2 leg¡l .ùdlhg rnd ønbmllc bE lotl^djGmnl ¡E orêndyuqnl ¡nd ¡ß locded h llE RE-1 .c zoning g¡s Liú B01h d6þ¡.00n \rbþnE¡å; (E05) 5543635 168 Bet P.@11 (C5000110t) wil so fom 1.5S !!Gto 1.68 ¡G Pâ@|2 (¡50001107) wil0o ¡rDm 3 0l ræ! to 2 0¡l ¡G 1G7 ¡nd 171 NæryOmü-ËridaTr Csyon Rd BEllCanym. C491307 310.428.3090 S¡rtdlrbow Dr Bèl c¡nyon C{úy of Vcnhn, Pluning DivÈlon Padlno PÞþrcE t¡6ro3,20l5 P.Se ,l¡t Pcrm¡t P!rctl Numbr Numbcr AddE g Pcm¡t lyF. VENTUM COUNTY Situ. C¡sPluû P.m¡t O6oriptlon P rogress UNINCORP Fôqlit ro 6 Rêcycbs Colaclion ånd Proøssing Facjlltcs ¿t ã 1-4 acE pmærty bøGd i¡ rhe lndusri8lSaliæyAre€ Pl€n Lnd u¡¿ déignalon ¡n¿ in lh! M2 2rñ¿ O¡rl¡id ¿ddÉêd ¿s tga ¿ndf497LosAn9ål6Avenúe ThegroFctincludêsúÊmolishrnqenÈ¡bling5,¡lding Lrno AÊnùe VênluE, CA 93004 (Aô5) 643€66S outdool slôfaqc ¡n kacFing wth h! 9ûøyArm Plen ¿nd ñoÉoætâl Zoilng Orúinene Stad.rós. Mrêr to thc sle s provid¿d by Vbntur¿ W¡Er. Ihr sl¡e wù only he lsd for rccychblc materuli storâgs ProcÊ$log ol lle m¡t.r¡¿l will occur sl SÞ¡&rd Indlsloês hql¡y ¿t 1 90S Lirio Avanua No cmployeos wt¡l Þe DÉsenr at tñe Cotþdon stor€g¿ yâd- lh6 ¿pp[è¡l's desøltidn Þ rnclud¿d balow ¿nd eoì/edDo lhe enl¡ro 3¡lê AFpl¡crú 1o Tùe AÞpl¡c¿nt rc rcquaslino lo alcnd th¿ llc of LU0E{095 torån ddhlô¡al twènty (2O) ysåß, ûp¿ratÈ ¡ rêcydablÊs Êollecûon feciÍy in suppol 01 Slåndsrd lndßtr¡ês mårñ recycr¡¡g l¡cìt¡tt (lo6ledall905LirioAvÈnue) ånddemol¡shthÈãisting5.3925q-t-stùd0rè-TìeAppl¡enlis nol pmPosr¡9 Pfoessiôg opcrelbns el lhs rift. The applløn( É pfoposhg lú rc6re såparård. nonhærdoG, nonputresc¡ble, rectclablÊ or @osåblc m¡Þrieh, or qsepãraÞd båds lo¡ lñe ol preprraùon forsnþdents to and trcmüð 516ndard t¡d61ries mEil recyd¡¡g t€elityOpêÞlons wìll ãlso h.¡ud¿ lruck pôrki¡g eqqDrent slo€g¿ 6nd rutêri.lsbragê (roll-of hhs, clc ) Employecs ot St¿ndaad lndustræ will s@ss lfÉ pftþcl 6¡lÉ approxmât¿ly lSl¡tlE pEr d¿y pufsês or¡sneedèd Oemol¡shiñgi¡êêrstinoaùucturÈwdållowtheAppl¡Érltoullltrean¡ajortyolihe prolecl sfrè for opeo :lorsge íì accordeDæ w¡(ì Sclion 3r 093.3 3 of th¿ Nor-Co¡sbl Zon¡ng Ordinânæ. Opeßt¡oÉ lor th¿ prcc¿sring ol ccychblr m¡rer âb 6 Áübjed 1o tnè Appl¡ent providing ¿ûilion¿l projecl óelc¡b for LU0C{095 (Lr upd¡ted sG glsn} and ohlâtninû êny noessâfy suÞsoqueot Pafñl núifraÙons lo prcess mlerlâlåt lñ31[G. tne 9ro]åd 5t¿ w¡¡ nol bê opan lo lhê pub¡c Acesg lo liÉ sie ß pþviócd by an êxGl¡E privâÎ.25 foor wdÊ drew¡y olúl NsÉo strêel ånd s@ndåry i9 p.ov¡dåd by dn ¿lisling 30 loolwi¡te golèd ¿illr¿ocè from SUIè RourÈ 118Àos PL1t0r05 PLl5{1 0b 5000150255 09900ó01ó5 9035 ROAEüNOAV, MMRPÀRK CA 93021 PefrilAdjoctftnl sr5 M6std ßocx RD, sANIA PAUü. CA 9360 M¡norModfÞl¡on Submi¡lållo PêmlAdiúlmñl Progrêss th. CEMEX Mina bøtd 65+5037 Mhor Modifælion to cond¡tiongl u5ô P.Fil s0 wi¡ch wE3 Dost ¡eently mdrfÉd by LU06{D1t bsurd to S¿nlâ Clåre WÉtr Vl¡btra br ¿ Bste wdtcr laealmnl fdc¡lily Thé êrti¡t rcqlasl l¡ lo clårrt lhe lollowng j 1, The wlslê sl.êm å@91ðd by the f¡diù ¡nd lh¿i tr f nènt mêthods, 2 lh. lbl ol l¿cil¡ly ¿quptunl; 3, Fkililt ope16lrrt hou6i¡1, lrud kallic l¡mits, Ànd 5. EmploycË FrsnÞ R6engEn B¡ll (Eosl 65¡l-2045 2775 Norlh Ventura Road Om¡rd, CA 93036 Suhihl ln PrcgÉss lo Condilonal Llse Pemh 4ô:13 lo reloøtè a Aggcgst¿ rn lhe Moorpårk erea Proeslng Pbnlwithh Ebeny Mccee (go5) 5{1 0; 16 t01 02100 3355 SOMTS RD SOM|S, *93066 Pem¡tAdj!stmeñl submltðl ProgrÉs ln PsmitÂdjusfæ0| No addìtiotral Thcre will bð for tñ. anclosur. of2 op€n. @!êred psrkl¡g spåcrs into 2 6ncbsåd p¡rkng sq!¡r. foobgs wrll b! ¡dú ¿s s pål ol lìis permit flo Fluftn! lúur.s lß¡cla lhê ôncbsÉ parling sp¡cs. 3365 Somb Rd- Str.6t MiÞrl E05-52tE315 fimilç PL1 Chrisìin€ JoÀês 3990 Éast Cm@uñ Orìtano, CA 91764 90$335-2730 X 201 lr EirasValencra (805) Rie Jam.sA{aryl 65+3635 3302 E Thous¡ñd Oaks Blvd Wesl6ke VilþOe, CA 91352-3407 805 3Eô,8000 (trmert CentålÂve-) $mè The slê @nsisb olan èxbl¡¡g 3000 sq- [ @ño¿rcEl otfe buÉ¡ng ånd È provìitìn€ 1l Þarl¡ng Th¿ pâüiq speæ! rrÈ cúrently 6 cowred añd 6 uoøvs¡cd. anèrftô pcrßl ¿dlustnenlparktng will øN6r of 2 ênclosed, 4 6vtrêd ånd 5 un@vércd. 1 sp¡6 E baiñg raó!Èd in ord¿r ro comply úth AOA psrting røqo¡remeoE, lhc curent Fftr¡g demñd rs 10 sÍÉcôs ¿i¿r ùE pemd ådiusmoi lhe sie w¡llst/l póvite 11 5ÞÉe5. Undêrlyi4 PD is LUgoEA CoØty ol lêntur¡' Pl¡nn¡ng O¡viiion PGñditrg Project5 08,031201 5 4 Pml P.@l Numbt Numb.r AddË¡ OXNARD. CA Pcm¡t Ttfc $¡tE Fmit ffi Rlv ¡n PrDgÉs 3170 S¡nið Cl¡E AEñua loeld wilhiì ìhê dislrid ånd lhè Cottm(i¡l El Rio/Dll Node Cmm.rciâl PianÉd DrElopænt (CPD) zon. AE¡ Pl¡[ ¡.rd ce dsþnllio¡ ßPN t49-0.100485) Th. po,F.t ènt¡ih rGto¡ôish ¡n .xisüñg 2,4!0 sq i 4mæþl bulldhg to aømnúla a nw gaoc[l Ëüil rgde slo¡ê wlib 6òhg llro ùiqhg pükìfiq hl to p¡ov¡de frc Equirld 1a p¡ili¡g fo.lh! p.oþot Th. ¡pplic¡nt pfEþGæ lo inttl 5,200 sq. lt of H l.rdqino or 1 0a¡ of lic FEpcfty b meêt ihê minimum hndsøpê slr'5 6490101050 21 I fftottPsoil p@p¡nt sq, Acé PLtS{lt2 CæPbm. Oerqlpt¡on bl L¡È adjÉftd LN, PÉp D.cisbn hüü cl.rATsvücRTH câ c131r Lot Mutu¡lW¡lar Comp¡ny ¡nd Lh!ÀdÞsfrrntbðtf,r*n l.¡dñ The ! ¡rê lols \bntur Co[tySan¡atoô SwiæAac¡ 3 Þgal 30 p{o$des ADtlc¡ú MonE Hooc 2gl1 E Vsnù¡E Rd OÆrd, CAS036 805-79ruS{€ sore¡ noÉonbrmh! p¡¡eb lnderthasw otætrhip, ¡o on tha pmpady El¡ru \Èlsnc¡a: (805) Veldìtirc JrmÊs C 6543ô35 2t9 Thompson Av Ch¡be¡orth, CA €6 zonld OS-10 ¡c 9131'1 -7062 818 7fI3.0801 0l I 70 is d.Èlop.d wiúì å sinCþ hñ[y dìrdl¡no p¡@lwi¡ go lM4jl175sq. fi gÉ þ 52755sq ù gEs 6,1001 ThÈ 8itÊ010f070 b d.cþpêd frìh I b¿m Thh p¡@l w¡l go fron 38250 sq. tl gGs lo 5490101050 b uÉevcbp¿d Thb p8rcelwill go lrom 9000 sq l.9N 1261¡0 lo 25050 sq ft gN gþ$ *lê This þt l¡ne js behe øndudcd lû otÈr to CV11{471 æC¡rú¡ro s¡ ¡@ory shqluc on APN 6/t9+101-070 tnh no primlry u$ The Lol fne .djuslrenl wiu ¡dJ6l the bound¡rÈs so thrt bsm bcøms Þsl ofAPN ô4$O-101.'170.nd rllovêng. ¡nd *lh¡c¡ lh srcory willld Eqdcments 'NDu'Lol 24 ot Block N ¡s nd. p¡l olNoM iloÆ Un¡ F PLI 5-O't13 '1520041G5 155 LA MIERA DR, cAxÀRlLLO, CA Ld LiÉ AdjusùErn 0æ10 159 UPAIEM DR, VENTURA COUNTY, 999Ê9 A PrGpfor H€amg Lot Lnê Ad¡shêm bÊtGn 2 bgal, ønlomiry bts wtraEhþ P-414, PæÊlB 152004107 wi¡ go hoh 1.31 1520O4f 06 w¡ll90 r.s lo M ¡n the RE-l ocG lÞm I 21.æ! lo 1.1ú aG æde'¡gn.Íon under Eli¡E V¡þncia: (805) 65+3635 Kp Eldmdo Llc 4566 Del MonleAv Sân Di6go, CA s2107 854 352 8254 County olìrer*!8, Pþanlng D¡vlslon PêrÉ¡ng Prc¡ects (1810312015 hS! ,05 Pcrmt Paacel Number Number Address Pêrmrt Typê Sblus Permil Oèsca¡ptron Ctse Pl¡nnea Appl¡ 654-2¿69 P-O- Box 973 Walsoovrl/e. CA 95077 331-763-30E0 sûÊPl€nAdJ!.lmenrLocuP4/Tforrn5Lallrtronotfencngaro!nddfillprd3314 6ttaltchrnktk Jay Dobrowelskr, (805) 65+24S8 Bruce Cêder 270 Quail cr, slê 20'ì Santa Paula CA 93060 805525E00A SuùÍ,Í(¿l [, Frogtcs! S[EPlårAdJuslrenLloCUPl2lo¡tencrn0¿lohgacæssroadway Jay DoÞrowalskt (805) ô54-249e Bruæ Carler 270 Oueil Cr Sle 20'1 Sanl¿ Pâuiå cA 9306c 8055258008 EnYironmùnìcl l¡¡ge bl subdrv'5ror 4 - 40 plo5 ¿cre pår@15 bo dc¿d rcslridr!n lrcm CDC02tl-PU53ig ¿pplies Klsûna Boero, {805) 65+2467 CCC-PM 5787 10 lÊgrl ze û¡e 3€ ¿crÈ ilcn-conl!rñtrq lol ÂE 40 3crc zoninu 38 rc¡¿ protrcl sile E locål¿d io lrìc soulh ùr h¡0hway 126 ¿¡ú folå^d Roâd rr Fillfie'¿ ù' r¡¿ Jnrnrorporâled årcd ol Vellura CD!nty Hþhway 126 and Telegråph Roåd pr!vrd¿ local ¿nd Tess l¡. cxNARD CÁ 9ru3l P¡€lrrñinary ProducÈ Packrng rcl!(êd to WcllPtct ¿nd ¿nacaoa Foods loÈted oî a 211 acrc propcñy n lhr Agnellurêl Éxclusrve { Acre Mrñrmum Zooe C6rricr âñd ÀÈ¿c!Íural GenÈr¿l Ftan -å o Usc dcsrgnatror âddrcs$co as 4300 E[n9 Bo¿d (ÂPN 21 E-]07G?90 ¿nd 21S-Þ070-260) ThÊ prolect was or¡grìally ¿pprovêd o I 394 ! a Condilro¡?l Use FÈrmÍ 5059 ¡nrch has sLbscquÈntl, ¿rp!¿d ¿rrd lnÈ Èrsrírg f¿rilrly rcludùs thè follow¡¡q 34 g0 stt. ñ b¿¡ry pþ*ssrn0 Þ! ldnrg ! 25 000 sq, n- cr¿lc ¿nd bor shcJ 4ð 940 so- i_ boldúrq cùoler whtlì hås å 5 600 r;enapy strachrng lhe holohg cùoler o!iEinq to rhs bo¡sned arù ân 1,950 sq I aúm¡nisrarNc !ícc Þúrb ng TlÈ silc rlso hcludcs r 58 740 5q, ( sroróge ysrd ta the r€s ot l¡e F,acKing plônt ¿drEn ¡old5 r 3 /50 sq- [ srorãge þuild¡ng ¡¡d mEc- Efuctures- ihe cuíent protec¡ ¡ th! rarnov6l ùl ¿ ñ[roqen bå5ed ]reezrng 1u¡nèt taãtcd rn tho tnler Lúr of bcay pro:e5srnq !urlding úhrch would bu rrplac¿d [lh ¿ mod l]calon lo lhe exlsling ámmo¡ra basÈd t:èztng lúrLnêt lltc upgrâdr: ¿nrârls rhr refþv¿l o¡ å lúfuq€ I rccTÈr rn ÙÈ b0 ldtrìg. ÌìÈ fcnúr¿l rt twD 3Ë n- ¡åli 12 00ú gållo.r ril.ogur l¿nks, llre rn5tållalun ol c qu¡ck lrcc¿ng uûú wn¿rc Ln! ntro€er tee¿cr ûas fèmovÈd ãnd a 2 500 sq. ll eddrtofi th¿r wdl house he new mofßd rf¿:¿i¡g cqurpment. fr1erro thÉ projéct 6 orovioed Þy c pnvåtc wâer wcll and procusscd msle \?alerórschôrget f0rr lhr p¡chn9 !l¿nl !¿01 to ao cxtstrng pEm(ed proæssed wåLer trealmetn !ysr(ù and used tû rfgâre ròê adtscenl ctop låilo o¡r Lhe 5¿mc lot oom¿s¡¡c dÞch¿rgc rs hðodl€l by añ ons(e septrc syslem. Apprlximãrely 3 500 sq- fr ot oew rmpcruþÉ area ß Þerng ådded ro lnc sle lo ¿llDw lôr d rÈvr5eo Érre Depanmènl ¡ccess úÍtvêwey wth FìdSt ùf llìe surlãLÈ w¡tct r|r,oñ Þetnq c¿pturÉd rn aI 4treling detÈilrion b¿sìs ¿1 rhc sourhûÈst rornÉr ol l[È pâcKúg pl¿ni lâcrhl, A 330,0!o 9¿lh¡ì wåLcr LaDk rr on!¡Lc ro provioc br lre fghlôg porposës ¿ ?20,000 gôlbn w¿!.r lånt s ons¡te Ior oomèslc waler slor¿ge, a¡d rñree 475 000 g¡llùñ wåtÉt t2nFs are Þal of tl¡e proccss walct gcycl(9 syÉlâñì fh( grocdssÈd wåsru w¡1c¡ rc€yctrírq 6ysrem 15 pérm¡ñed ty tñÈ Regþ¡al Wå1el frãlryConrrolBoaú(fP!rn{Numbcr0105ôC1E3ó6)- Ih¿6ddfrDnotthcuggr6dedqurck rreczrng syslcm ¡vill ñ¿l ¡n¿rease lhe amounr ol pfod!ce processçd âl the ptaril, T¡c oblcdtve lo¡ (hc upgr¿dc 15 ¡o¡ clic¡cnoy å5 wcll ai ¿lbwrng lor ¿ new ÍÍorèn prodùc( cap¿cily. PLl 5-01 1 5 1 b3001 0625 ÊL1 5-01 1 d r l¿É08c075 SùÞftilht 2O5 Ñ HÂRBCR BL vÉN SO0ô-C041 i000393 r ò5 ruRA : 93¡01 212; OLSEN RD !'ENfIIPÁ COUNñ L¿rgc Lol S0bdrvisrof, n 6ñlallcñaiillin:lencelopp€d ilrilNccRP r712 S/CA|¡ORE ROÁD 3D0È002¡ C0rdi¡úr\el CùdifìL¿rÉ ¿r l[È i¡ILMORE ÉÀ Haírs (805J 65+2453 rlsrúrelâcçcssto[ìÉsilcThrlolisuomposedotTsxÁsgesscr5ParcèlsÙ4Û-0-142-065Jnd !(5 0 141 115 The sle É bûdered 10 lhe nonh by Hrghw¡) 126 ¿nd ¡he Ltlla Red Sciootiìousc rn E¿¡iü P¡ulâ rnd É slrrounded lo lhe eåsl w!51, and south by ¿gficulluÈlly zoncd lånd lì¿t rs .ur!¡lly ilr ådN¿ dgrcultur¿l production (orchàrd [ë¿sj. So!lne.n Pêc fic R¿]ko¿C Lr¿veßès thé ôo nLrÈrn pôrion al lhe prutecl silc, just soulh 0l üre sc¡oùlhouie 9D0B{i02! 01 r 02301,Jc ! 1JYCIMORE ROAO ÂND TTII STREEI :IL I MORF CA Larqe Lot sùÞor!rsron Thc requ¿sl É for ã PMVÉ arge lot sobONEtoñ ro legalR¿ a lot approlmelely 47.7 scrcs ¡n s¿c lnc loL,s curcnlly cDmposed olla:Â$ùssor 5 PðrEels 041-J-230{30 0411F210400 ¿nd 041-0-230-160 fnÊ prclèùl sile rs lo.ãled ål Syc¿morE SÍeel ¿nd Scvcrlì Sùuct, r Fillmôrc trL lic unrrcorporatÈ0 erèå of Vcnlu¡3 Couflty higlrråy 12É and Telegr¿ph Ro¡ú ptovd¿ ioæl ånt rÈgrorå¡ ¡ocÉss lô l[E srle Thc pro]ecl stê co¡lans a rìoglc lernily dwclli¡g ¡fu 6vocado orcn¡r6- The s[e ß ÞoderÉd ro lhe nonh by Sycamore Rod lo l¡e south h) Hqñway 126 and Lú th€ east ot Asscsjors Parcel Nunbcru 041-0-230-150 ¿nd 041-0-230-ì20 (whtc¡ rr ak! uplhe projecl sile fo. SO0B-0027) 5o!thern P3cLfic Ra iroad lrav¿rses th€ soLln¿ã5iÈrf; pêtiúo cl ilìÈ Tess HâftF, (805) 55{^2453 SreeÉmaKN-rJfru 5e21 LaramG Av Woodlend HrllE, CA 913ôl 805-797.674{ Sreerema K N-.1 5621 Lârâfrte Av Woodland Hills, CA 913Þ7 805-797€785 County of Vêntur., Pl¡nn¡ng D¡vision Pend¡ng Prcjècfj 08r03/2015 P¡9.45 Pèmit Nutr¡bs SDOMO2T P€rEd Nwbs 041 0230120 Pmir Addcs r90 sYalrcRE Ro. Ltl!. Typc Lot Sùbdivision SlûÉ P.rrnit l¡Gc¡ipt¡on crÐPlffi Appldn cooplal66s lha r¿qùâslùs hrâ PMWIåEê lol sudiÈion to lêFlÞe ¡ lot, apprctjmslely 4€ rt åcrE iû siz! The lol b curcnlly @mposed ol lex Ass6sor! Psræb 0¡11{.2Í-1 20 ¡nd 041{.2tG150. Tess Hãñs; (E05) Srcênm¡ K N-Íl 65+2453 5821 Låråmic Av Woodhnd H¡üs. CA 91367 Rev ln Progress VEN-TURA COUNTY UNINCORP The projecl rìlÊ ir loølod !t Syc¡mra Slroat .nd Srwñh Slrocr, ¡n F¡UmoE, in lhB un¡nmrpoÉled treå ol VsrtlE Coo¡ly Hþhw¡y 126 and Têle!6Þh Ro¿d ÞÉvito lor¡l ând Egbn¡l ¡æ lo lhe shê. fh¿ site is ùord¿rcd lo ittè mdà by SyÉfroú Ro.d. ro h¿ south by Highw.y 126 and lo thè wd hy À$.ssor's P¡ul Numb¿É 041+23G100 ånd úl-G230-130 (ìdi:h are pal of S0G0026) Soúhem P¿ciÍc Rs¡load bhads thê somem porl¡$ ol the so5-7974764 projedste sooS{026 krg€ Lôl suMÈion 0410241E0 Comp¡€tenK Rêv ln FrqrÉs ne raqueJ is for e PMW{¡rg€ lol suM¡vliloñ to leqðlÞe Th¿ proposd lot is curÉnrly æmposed olTåxAsessor! I lot, ¿ppo&malcly 59. f ams ¡n siñ- Par€l 041{.2¡lÈ180 H¡ris; (805) 6*2¡153 Tess The 59.4 3æ poj.dsite h loded ¿t SyomE Slreêt ånd Sêvenl¡ Sùcll tn F¡lmc, to lhe un¡¡corpoEled æ¿ of Ve¡t!É Counly HiChray 126 Þrcv¡d6 loÉl ¡¡ú rêg¡oñ¡l åGs lo thc slê. The sle E bodÊEd lo tÞ nodh by SyÉmore Rod, to lh¿ soulh by So!úÊ n P¡cjto R¿ikod, b the ¿¡sl byAsesso/s Påræl Number 041+2¡l{L71{ (not e psd of ¡ny ol lhcs. prcÞcls). ¡nd to thê wesr by ßessor's P¡ræl Nuo&r 041+24O-1S (nol ¡ p¡r ol any of theæ SreeEm K N-rJ lru 5821 LãEh¡ê Av Uroodland H¡lls. CA 91367 8Or797678,4. prcþ*) sD08-0029 ø10300240 2793 OLD TELEGRAPH RO, VENTURACOUilTY L¡r!e Lol suMtubbn Awritng R6{bmll¡l PMW{LS TO LEGALIZE A42.ACRE PARCEL COMPÀNION TO LCA CONTM(:TSUBMIIT€D JUNE 3,2006. M¡chelle D'Annai (805) ô5+26E5 ApproEl of å mÌn¡sår¡lLo1 L¡n€ AdjBtunl No. SD10{ßl lo tEÞhr 07 ¡æs from a 2.0€ ¿de ps@l (APN 060-0-270-220) zoned Rqßl Excl6rve 2 ase mì¡imum lo å .æ aæ parel (APN 06ÈS220i 95) ¿o¡Êd Ruñl Exc¡us¡v. 1 .q6 ñinimum Approwl of lhe p6rm¡t will .s¡sl åbâting VbLìion No! ZV09-0175 and VM-347 ændÍenl prcessrng of SDl0-0035 PMW MergeÍ ß equíædlo qq¡lify fortre LLA Elia6 Valenqa: (805) 65.{-3635 WINCORP sD1 D{034 600270195 I87O ARMZ RD. Lot L¡¡e AdjusDenl VENIURA COUNTY Affirüng ResuDóüAI UNINCORP sotM035 0600210195 ARMZ RD. VENruR¡ COUNTY 7E7O MEEer Aw¡iling R.submll¡l IJNINCORP so10'0038 2160040535 ,1120 E VENTURA BL, VENTUM COUNTY UNINCORP in McúÉni prc6sin9 of SOlù0035 PMW Merger ß eq(¡Ed lo qølify lor PaÉnt Douglassn Mane 255 Fosier Parf Vent¡/É, CA 93001 (EOs) 646-31 59 W Eli¡s VãlercË; (805) 654-3635 Approv¡l ol tha minist.ri¡l Lol Liõ. AdjElm.nt No- SDl mog b [¡ÃBl€r 07 ecnls from . 2 06 .de p¡@l IAPN 050{-27G220) zoDed Rur.l ¿xc,lEiv¿ 2 ecc minlmum lo å .66 ræ p.ÍEl (APN 060+220-195) zoncd RunlÊrclusive 1 ¡æ min¡m0m Approwl of lh¿ wi¡¡.$isl in ¡Þrt¡n! Vþ|.[on Nob .zV0S.0175 .nd V4g7 L¡rge Lot Subdßis¡on Êôvironnênbl Doc Prèp lhè subd¡vision of å137 4 ¡cru på@l with .xislin! ærÈultunl 6.s. into 3 p6røl;. På@l l40 04 !q¿s, PàEl2-,15 g¿l â@s a¡d Ps@l 3- 51 46 âG A bu¡habÈ slÊ aßl occass has ho€n idenlÍñed fôr¡¡ 3 p!@b fhê proposed wltêr souræ is r prìvrte w¡lcrrel lnd lh¿ peræh úl h¡ve erer seMce from Cam¡rilo srnh.ry DslrH Th. Bntire 13? acrls b undrr culliv¡tion br rcw qops À pral¡m¡n¡ry dE¡n¡g. sludy, gaol¡chnbô¡ Eport and å w¡lra quå¡ I rapoft hs _6 beon prepaaâd The pþJedsitelþnbVantuñ Roâdsoúh ollha 101 FrarMy.nd bêtueên Canvr¡46 6nd EllaElsLy l/ì/$h ¡ncl lh!D âF Mo R.d¡na str.ôru adi¡crot b lìe pâæl Thc slr is w¡lhin lhê Arêâ of lntrilt lot bolh thr City ofcâm¡dllo .nd Otn¡rd Chqck Anthony; (805) 654-3663 County of\ê¡tuÉ, Planning Diù¡s¡ú Pend¡ng Pojects o8l0rræ15 Pãge 47 Pmit Pàrcd Numbêr Numbs A(Ité Pem¡t Typc VENTUM COUNTY Stris P!.mlt Dcscrlpllon ReV In Progress The ptopoted suMivßD¡ ola 135-3 asè parcalvll êÍst¡og ¿gncutuBl us6! trto 3 paGls: Pãræ|1- a5.33 acrls Paræ|2- 45-01 edes ¡¡d Parøl145 a6res. A buib¡b& sitê ¡nd åEss bâvc bêen ìdcnlìfÉd lor rll 3 p.oæsd p6røls- The pmp6êd subd¡esion wr[ likèly Gsutt ill tuturè devrlopm.nt Df dwe&ñg u¡ils ønpalibþ witñ Agrjoluràl Efciusiw zonnO on eåch ol the 3 lat5. Th¿loGl m¿imum lulurÈ ¡mpërvnus dcv¿loprncnl åree nay b¿ ¡1.99 acrs-fìc proÞèd wat¿r 50!rcc r: an e¡slng prilål! w¿tcr ߀ll and sêwersetoEe lrM C.mrllo Saniþry OilricL i9 pfoposêd sewer seryiæ 6 @nrl¡gent on ¿nnastlon inrc tnc c¡ûdllo séffir s€Ni+ disd, MÉ¡ of lhÊ erßrnq 135 (¿ppro¡l acrs6 6 u¡der cunivallor lor row croF, A prctrhhãry dr¿tnåg€ sludy çooLednHl repôd ¿rÍ â wã1er qua[! repôí h¿w bêco prêÞãrd fhc pm/êct sitc trooE Venlurâ Rod south ot thê 101 FFcwåy ånd ß betwÊGn CentålÂq ånd B¿¡rdslèy Wbsh ¿nd l¡erè åG Mo R¿dloê stre¿tr ðdj¡æni þ th¿ paræL Tt¿sú¿ E wjth n th. Aroe oflntêrèS ol thc crly ùl cem¿¡illo Prep lor Hea(ng A5ubdivsioñ (TÊM)to æsre ¡l pår@b. TPM S8?8, 2 ir lhe UNINCORP sDi 2{002 D320201185 955 BURNHAM RO. VÊNTUÑA COUNTY UNINCORP Påræl M¿p Og0 end 2 in rhc Rt-20,000t Ðninb dË5i9ntt¡on A CCC paÞl mp wes p.oHsed and rêørd.d q lña* Iots, CCC0208 for upn 0320-0-20r-155 and CCC02O7 AN 032+20r{ 05 ¿nd a M l¡prrd Ncg!ùw Deder¿Uon wâi prcp¿rod tor ù. OS 9¡rcel, nilþatþo and rcsvrdio¡5 ar. @runtly rn phe for bblogic¡l ¡nd ¡rch¡eolggic¡l Tnêrê ¡å ¿ lâmwortd DU on th. htEa O8 påræl atd aEs¡no Tìê sh¡lþr Rl lot is vaønl howevrrlhsra ar. oåk tråcs GIS so#10 5500030020 Trad Map Resùbmrhal CE Pl.nÉr Appllqnt 554-3683 Dêniel Klenann, (805) 65+35E8 åO b9¡n9 Ánd accessory irudlfcs, in[D Indrc¡tsd sùwer snd wårer f h€ proposd pro,ed ¿onsEts al 3 rqùúl for approwl ot¿ lenl4v¿ fr& Máp afT) ¡o suEiv¡dè SlolsniolSlobnthccommûnhyofS¡nt¡RoseValÞy,lotslìng4979Bc¡es,lorfuluraGsËcnt¡¡l ønstucÛo¡ The proposed lols will rångê in 3* lmrn 1.9õ ac to 635 e Da¡iel Klemånn; (605) 65+35EE fhe propûs¿d prorêd s(È rs bcãisd oorih of Sånk Rosa Rûad Acæss wi¡ Þ provdd frcm prvetÊ ro3ós, ¡ndudioo Blancnãd Roãd, A SrcêÌ. hlGirE Wby ånd Ylcq Drive Volt¡ie ]/\hy ttô s!lE{on, 'mFC! lherê aÊ curendy no e¡Eù¡g srrudurÊs oa !5es on hê 5tE- Comrosa Wler D¡slnct w¡l prcvidc tåletSeMæ and rMNilú91 seplÉ systeß will s¿ry¡é esd bt lor wãstewafcr drsps¡L Tìe proposed proj€dwill rnclude lhe ddrø¡on ol e35eDent3 toracc€ss mads and driEw¡ys ad w¡hrlinÈ ms¡nlènlnc¿ linduding el¡ Sm dßinswh¡ch wrll h pr¡€t¿ly fråiñlåhdbyañomrowæ66sieüo¡), ln¿dilon,proposðdLotl3willcont¿tnsnceæs1rìå¡ dr6¡nðge basiß, aåsemen! A Frre Otpalfncol luma¡Èuñd will bc @nstùdêd at lhè ¿nd ofihe prÙelê rc3d th¡l iñe6ecß propos6d Lol 1 The groposeó proÞq nd!úes ¿ppfoxh¿t€ly 235,000 abiÊ yedÉ of gradrng (cul 8nd l¡¡, lo bo balå¡cd oDsÍÐ). zN09-0005 0000000000 Zon¡r9 Ordìn€næ Srbmilulln Progress RÈvbrons rû the Núo-côasr¡l Zoñing Odinåne lo en¿d ùc W!¡lìfe Migrdion Pretrcton Ovsúy Zoqe (WP)- Thesa €mendme¡G include bquågÈ to prol€cl ¡M fesNE h¡bitt connectivly, Wldlle mþration orcrecl¡on ¿ddresser the ¿bdity ol ¿niñá16 and plenß to m¡¡rårc saÈly among he Coùntr's incro¿siûgt m9m¿nled aEas ot râtùrál op.n spôæ Maft Ogono$ir; Th. AnrcLs to Þ. åmêndcd lrej Ad¡cl¿ 2 - Ocfnitbß; 3 - Est¿blishoênl ofZonre, ^nrè 5 - Uses 6nd St/uctur¿s by Zooêt Bodndrrcs ¡nd M¿psi Arfcl! 4 - Purposg of ZoÉs: AttlcÞ Aóde6-LûlArcaándCoverege.$tb¡cks H¿¡gàiardRcbtédPrcv¡sþNi¡d¡c|.7-Slsndåds for Spedfê t s!s, atrd Allclê 9 - Slad¡É for StEdllcZoner.nd Zoñe fypes. Re*roß lo lhe Subdwbn Od¡na¡ce lo proy¡de for the prold¡on ol wiidlle mþolon duriE tÀa p¡rúlmâpwåiÉr,p¿r6lh.p,rndk.ctmapDrocérês- ThiAl¡ol€tóbc!rundôd¡cAliclcl - G.n¿rålProvòroÉ ¡nd O.lln¡tbn6iÀiid¿ 2 -M¡p R¿quEmntsi Mìclê and Ad¡4 4 - De¡þn Ræ!¡rcmenlt 3- Submirsþ¡ ot lenlat¡vc Måps; zños-000ô 000û000000 änc chångê SuÞmilel Progr€ss tn of'HCP'd.s€nsrion þ ¿on¡ng ol pþpênBilthin the proposêd H¡btt Gonncdivily &êrlãy Zona, T.¡t 3múrrcnls lo lhê Zo¡ú0 Orcfnancô ¡nd SulÉ¡vßún Ord¡rúE ¡[ asscc¡¿t¡o¡ wilh lhß 2onng dês¡gnation ¿rù dèscriBd ¡0 p.rmittZNo9{005. The addition Mârk Ogonowski, Couoty ot \êntura, Pl¡nning D¡vÈion Pendino ProþcL oa/03,,20t 5 Ptg. ,l¡ PcmI ilüñbù P¡rEaa ilmb.r AddË. 2N11flo1 Pã¡tfYÞ. $ú! ÈmltDËslÉhn Zorirtrtuiu@ slbmll¡l ln 20ll G.æÞlNCZOAm.ndmrnb PEgl6 C¡aa to Arl¡cLs l lhrcWLh t9, Reviss cb¡r sþhl ùangb, ømbhcs rcsihtbl and 6mmcrci¡U¡rdustd¡l úning målri¡es ltu a shgl. malrir, Adtb ru¡mum bu¡lid¡¡g cowr¡gÉ s¡¡td¡('s (úþm G.naE¡ Ph¡) Gvis6 oggn sþÞ9. ÞqÙErenE Evisès ú ber r.qu¡Þm.ñ. ad¿s stld¡ßl3lor mtorctcl¡ng loa paEo¡d Æ, revis sl¿nd¡rds for bad ånd bÉklei inns ård boardl¡l¡ho@s, revis hlh GæpÍúl sl...rdardg. allo$ mbód ù* dawlopmnb h RPD n6, rc{uiG ercrgy olficlônqy lÊndds ¡n RPD dcwbpmnB, ¡dds ds¡on phn (for CBO Ow¡tr¡y ne), A¡06 PbnntrÐ DiÉdorlo [rn¡ âpp¡ølion if peml b not ¿diEt puRêd for 6 honlhs, or I ¡pdb¡nl f¡Isto pry #ñ chrrgtrs, ¡ßrd6 ¡on@nf¡m¡ng dì¡plerrc pml mhBl¿úl md¡ñdlion Df Fm¡b snd pooùt ¿diffinß ¿nd indudas nutrìæus gnmm¡tiqlsd clsfllFtion ohangæ throughout the NCZO Pbn Am.ndmdt). TtE pFjqfs .lo not ¡ppãr ø llÈ ñæ¡.tÊd APDæE l¡Pêrld¡ng Ppjq:ts mp. Pþ.¡. @nt .l ttE Cæ Phrmr ñor ñm Pl¡fr AfDtcfla Ro$m¡ry Rowni (s05) 65¿2¡161 ¡pæiñs infomrtion, County of rrbntlE, Pl-rúñq D¡v¡s¡on PGnding Proþds ot {¡32t 15 ¡19 &urð: R6qrüy f Rs@ Mù{.ffiÀeoct, þprd PÞJ¡4 D dú¡6d Phñdú Dþ'¡¡ù, Arc.b A!ûomtn ¡pprd¡d wthln tl. t mü¡ dâÈ. PF¡..¡ chom ¡ndrdr Co¡düoÉl l¡. -Pwib, PbilEd D.r.bpruû, !þ¡nE-, Sulürllolå Zon. chl.t* üd G.nqJ Ph¡ Amîdû.d¡ t0 Gounty of Ventura North Half Pending & Recently Approved Projects as ofAugusl 3, 2015 '---l ¡p¡0"- I eo,ro,ng Cß - CoslAte¡ .i.+ AfiBH RINdI AÉI -:' t ÉRidD.lNcrþ^rq I I r.rrogmørrdan\flryaø NilnVd4AFMAÊ qp vUE Aßr !aoaro f t -i-i- orremeu 0 I 2 lrrrlrrrl 4Míþs l- t-5fur orl E'T. D- Î LJ ? Í â I r .- Ji - aúr¡ .1,: . f-u vJd.t a ffi +- Jndðil 0 2-5 10 M¡þs Comm unity Developm ent Department ln-house Work Load Status Report August 4,2015 DISCRETIONARY PROJECTS 0i-r4-rl PC VAR I3-OI & DRP I3-07 HPC Work Permit W l5-02 Variance to wall height on Landmark No.4 & add 2 gates 1000 Foothill Road APN: 020-0-030-070 Zone: R-O- Ramin Shamshiri El 05- I 8- I 5 submitted information to Staff EI 07-09-15 PC & HPC SpecialJoint mtg (PC approved variance and DRP, on oondition ofHPC approval of wall, HPC approved gates, continued wall) | ø 07-24-15 appeal period ended - -15 HPC review to approve work permit ø 0ó-03-15 PC review, continucrl to 8-5- l5 allow applicant to submit a more complete application Et 08-05-15 PC review El 0t-24-11 07-02- r5 (DRP l4-02) & Tree Permit (T l4-0 I ) exterior building modifications in comm. Zone CI.JP I4-03 EXPIRED DRP l4-07 Time Extension t¡r thc construction ola new board & carc faciliry lìrr eìderly 07-01-05 ]-PM ì5-0 r & DRP l5-07 subdivide I parcelto create 3 parcels 06-24-ts 04-17-t5 302 N. Montgomery Street APN: 021-0-082-130 Zone. C-l Mountain Vista Manor 602 E. Oak Street APN: 022-0-090-520 Zone: R-2 712 Drown Avenue APN :022-0-052-030, - I I 0 Zone: R-O rcstoration & DRP 05-0 jÀl)arlsron 0l'7 cxrsl:nË structurus il d*clltng unrrs- ond add 2 ¡¿rv.iwclhng units in a dupiex lbr¡rìrt 0n I ji ¿crc lor 3 l2 W. Aliso Street Cottages Among Fìowers Design Review (DRP l5-04) and 'l'ree Permit (T' l5-21 ) to deconstruct house and pool and rebuild I 105 N. Signal Street I (RV0l ) August 4,2015 APN: 020-0-201-21 Cal Solar Electric Don Campbell Nicki Perez Er0- Stephen Glenn ø 07- l5- l5 incomplete letter mailed ø 07 -3I - I 5 submitted incomplete items ø 08-31-15 pending 30-day review Matilija Bl 07-08- l5 incomplete letter mailed ø 07-31-15 submitted incomplete ¡tems Sl 08-31-15 pending 30-day review lnvestments 0 APN: 021-0-0ll-210 Zone: R-C)-2 Attachment 5 0 Skynest LLC -15 PC Review Time Extension El 05-l 5-l 5 incomplete letter mailed ø 0ó-10-15 submitted Tree Permit applícation Et 0?-01-15 2nd incomplete letter mailed tr Pending resubmittal from applicant Page I of7 0i- ì ¡t- 15 I l0 I'ark Road Minor CUP l5-03 to \¡raive parking & DRP l5-09 to convert APN:022-0- l6l-320 existing Earage to bedroom & add Zone: R- Chris Gardner | parking structure EI V El EI O¡- Ø OO-:q-t¡ Srailcmaildd applicanr informrng nccd to submrr applicariLìn lÌn El El ol-rit -l ¡ lncomplere ernail tt- t s Dirccror's txcrnprion submrn¿d ¡lt'O¿ l5 recervsd email tiQm applicanr Oo-o¡ t5 Srrft-responded to cmaiL r;o- i ¿- l ('t iP : Srall ernarle<i appl¡oanl lntormr n g can proc¿ss rhrough M tnrrr lVlrnor CUP scnr -tl- I : had rntg scheduled bur appìicant L:allÊd and û¿ncËllcd call to reschedule Of Iic wrll E Pending resubmíttal from applicant 04-0 5 Desìgn Revie w (DRP l5-03) New l-story 60 bed replacement skilled nursing facility & related site work 1306 Maricopa Hwy APN: 0l 9-0-ì ì 0-335, 345 Zone: l-R-l Hospital Joey Kragelund. Arch Scott Boydstun Haady l,ashkari ø ø ø ø ø ø -t5 Mallon' MISC l5-13 Landmark 307 &,3074 E. Aliso St Designation APN: 021-0-ll3-ll0 Robert & Tiese Quinn (14-22-15 incomplete letter mailed (16-25-15 received response to comments by' mail (16-29-15 received addirional materials 07-20-15 2nd incomplete letter mailed (17-28-15 meeting with applicants discuss incomplete items 08-03-15 meeting with applicants discuss incomplete items D Pendinq resubmittal from applicant sl 06-17-15 submitted application El 09-10-15 schedule fbr HPC Zone: VMtJ I I l-21- l4 t)RP ì 4-20 Solar photo voltaic parking structure in P-L zone I l-21-15 submiued application 409 For Street OjaiAthletic APN:023-0-190-ll0 Club EI l2-18-14 incomplete letter mailed Chris Frye gl Zone'. l'-L ø Lt4-23-15 Shane Dorryns submined elecrrical Cr5-l 3- I 5 Shane Downs submitted e lectrical corrections 05-18-li submitted conecrions (ró-01-15 incomplete letter mailed 0ó-17- l5 submined the same packet as received on May ø ø ø ø (17-02-15 incomplete letter mailed E Pending resubmittal from applicant August 4. 201 5 Page2 of 1 I8 r0-ró-r3 Emerald lguana (CUP l3-08) modification to CUP 98-04 Emerald lguana Marc Whitman 108 Pauline Street E Ú APN:021-0-031-160 Zone: R-2 Emerald lguana (DRP 13- I 7) I l -15-l 3 incomplete Jelter mailed El ol tf-l+ submiual óf incomplere irems OZ-l¡-l+ mailed 2'd incomplere leller No Public I'Vorks lcview ncctJed(usc onlylremove graveVresrore chip El. 0s-zt-ll pc "onrinuer.l El oe-tt-t+ tl"ighborhood Lighting plan El ø meeting oz-tls-t+ Neighborhood mceting l0l28ll4 City Manager directed CDD to contacr owner to ask if they want to withdraw app. DIRECTOR'S EXEMPTIONS Submittal Date 6-r5-r5 06-22-t5 Address Zonins Desisnation Applicant Status Nick Oatway 06-19-15 to Staff 06-29-15 corrections to Nick 07-15-15 Staff met with Nick 07-29-15 Staff working with Arborist, Mark Crane Pending resubmittal DE l5- l3 dehched & trellis 716F.LPaseo Rd R-O-l DE l5-15 patio covers 574 Los Alamos Dríve Bill Mellett 06-27-15 ro Sraff Steve Foster 07-15-15 Staff met with Bill Mellett 07 -17 -15 Bill submitted corrections Pendins Staff review 07-08-15 to Staff 07-08-15 Staff called Applicant for additional info 07-22-15 Staffmet with Applicant and discussed lot coverage. Applicant 1o do further research. R-O-r 07-07- l 5 & Comments Project garags DE l5- ì 6 replace rotten patro cover Gables R-2 íJ7-29-15 Staffmet with Applicant 07-30-l 5 Applicant submitted additional 07-23-15 DE l5-18 modification to DE l5-09 August4.2015 123 Fairview Road Gidi & Noga Cohen Alex Ugrik scal (owners requested) information 07-29-15 ro Staff Page3 of7 APPROVED DISCRETTONARY PROJECTS (DRP i -j-01 I add :ce t¡nd 70ó Dal¡ Road ,A.PN: 022-0-051-l:10 st()r\ tir :iriglc-tàrtrih Zonc: R-O re:idcnce ll- ó708 1l)Rt) ì r-()5)&(('l.lP I 5-02) 2 ì2 llr,v'ant Strccl APN: 013-0- 160-185 I l: ór l¡) Zcrne: lì-O ( r. tr t+-0t& l)Rlj, l4-0i 82l W Ojai .AvcnLrc lìrr I'hasc I I rrrodifi C'tJ P. A PN: 014-0-020- I 00 ¿rclditit¡n t.o cristing structure Zonc: I l' ('- lìobcrta Corbin g 01-01- l5 PC Planning Colnmission approved 1r)ltp e.sptrL Jtrtt t. )(tir)t E Pending submittal buildirrg pcnnit application and plans .lohnnr'Saulto ø ()l-0\-15 Jtti) [opa N'ltn \\'incrv I +-ù ì & DRP l.l-05 821 W. Ojai Avenue i\ l)N: f)2-1-(,-()20þg-! proce s5ing ()l'grtl)ci indrtor.s Zonc: t'- | - to alltrti lhc tìrr | 't't'pa i\4tn Winely ì (X) r't-'ó688 ID h lì l' I -l- | t) ) r'cnl rldc istolie Brit¡ksl,tre l2l I Ztlne: ('- add it ion ol- rneuLin g r't.rt¡nl & b- Oiai Avcnuc A PN: 02i -0-077-080 . | Oiai Valle¡ lun & rcno\ ati()ns rìn thc lìlallt i.rbtrr . po¡rl x¡ L'il. arld le slaurant har & \\ l'j l-l-0I 905 Cìountry Club I (lf l-ú11()\'al 'l l- r,,, sror', r-'pl,Lc.rìùrìl:l l( Liìrt '\.lr .L-'rtl,rt,, lr\ lrtr lr V\ll, /(ìf. ( []|'] tr f,iì,lnt\t \lud!rj,, 't a.a..:¡L(ll. l(lìlì lìluln rn¡t.,\i ull irrilrr,',,n TF669lt ('t P I+-0ì & I)lì.1) ì-+-07rr()Jìl\ [\isting ('l- l'\,' r,) t-ìll(,\\ tllc ( (ìrlSit ri.IiL)ll 87-07 !ìl irc\\ t¡,),ird.( . r'c;ìrcilitr l0l ;l iL¡r ¿ldrri' ll tlôSl -1. Vrllel, lnn Road I August O.jai 5 l0i Bald Strsct C'hlistoplrel Danch fl Peoding sLrbnittal buildin,r¿ pcnnit application and plan: ø 04- | -5- I -5 I)C Planning Cclmrnissiot-¡ apprtlvedrl-rit t'c.\ptte ()tt lj. )tiljt ø 06-26- l5 ctlrrcctions E Pending resubmittal t.:(ttr) ( ! pt¡o¡tc¡ tp,t tj. )t/t/) ( {}!'e.t¡t,t,s back to applicant M 0ó-0'l-14 PC Pìanning Cornnrission approved ('l)P csptxttiott \ovunhLtr t, )01J) g tiÒ-i0-ll ìsrìLl,d taftlp p0ucr ¡lrlc pL:lnrt M u7-ìlJ- ll r:srLid plrt¡iI ,lcL¡.r ttrnlll Ú rt7-ltì-l-.1 \uhnrndl ù1-l)lìrs\r I brrrldrrrr plarrs g ì 0- | 0- l4 Phasc I tluildin¡; permits issuc¡l - under construct¡on ø 02-04- ì ) I)C' Planning Cotnmission approved tDRp cr¡tuc iLbtt,ur¡ t, )01ó1 ø 05-26- l5 submincd builtjing plans Ø 06-15-ì 5 collections baek to applicant Pending resubrnittal ø l2-ll-14 PC & HPC.loint review IIPC denied r PC approved l,rbby & pool. nor rÊstaurant ø 12-29- l-i C'C apploved re:ìtaurant bar landrnark tr 0_-_rtrail approvat lclter APN: 022-0-090-520 )tt,, 1)t itlrl'.\t PC I'lanning Comnrission approved T'irne l-lxtension t, l"r. , \1 t,t ø 01-01-15 submittal of building plans (prepale deed restricrion) ø 07-30-l-5 appeal period cle adline - BP readl to issue- Zone: VIVILI l\,lount¿in Vista lVlanor 602 E. Oak Street ø l2-0iI4. 07- l5- lj . t,!'\,-),t. it APN:()2 i-0- trt t-180 lonc: f{-l hrtv l5 670r+ I)RP t:t-l] & (.trP l-]-05 PC Planning C'ommìssion approvcdlonpctptit 2l)lrt, ! Spa APN:014-0-0 l0- I I 0 ./-onc: l-R--ì t()ll\ to iandnlark Nrr. 9 .i I n iuc Solcl I ales Bookslorc per¿ula DI{P l-t- ili l.rr the I Ø 05-28- I 5 Is.sued Crading perrnìt Ø 05-llì-15 subrrinetl buikling ¡:larrs | 6ó8s ('l ìP - BUILDING PERMIT STATUS Nieki f'crcz ø tl-19-14 l)C l)lanning Cornmissittn approved,.(¡ t,.\t,,h¡tJ\ t, -¡,,)t)tit,.\1,,¡\),,\ t':t),:t l5 (ìrading & Drairrage submined ø 07-06- l-5 applicd lòr tirne e-xte:ns¡on on thc CUP E Pending submittalbuildirrg pcrmit application and plans EI 04- l3- Page 4 of 7 i DRP l-l-0-l rtcu rt :ton' j htlrnc and -1-car earport ó07 N. Signal Strcct l-l: 6('92 l.lP l-l-0+. DI{P l-l-()l,l ròr Siurl (]l's[ùri]qa il).ìeCrr lrich e reatcs a l-Sk,l-\ t3ucst lr, us¡ i .\ r'c\luc\l \\ (ri\ cl'(,1 aUil\ 810 l-ibbey Avenue A ['ìN: çr 02 I -(.)-0 I t- I Patrl B lackthorne i0 Zone: R-O-I ll-.l6 adcl second story 914 S. Avers CoLrrl ttr sirru lc- l'all ll-670i t)fì.P l-l-l I r-crì()\ eli(lD Irc i lr APN; 0?2-0-08 l-290 Zonc: R-| 401 E. Ojai Avcnue APN: 023-0-I ì 0-440 lcsiilencr' [:.r.tcrior lor Ojai lJurqer Ø trj-ul-tl.l,('l)la0tìtnt(-ornnrrs:rrrnu¡rpruvc,JtLl!2.pu1trruttott0¿¡obtrl)0lj) Ø tO-,lt -i+ l, ar ehccl* ùurrectror) ro r¡rplicrnt ø 12-23- l4 Resubmìttal of plans witlì con-eclions ø 03- l7- l5 resubmirtal of plans with corrections ø 04-0 [-15 corrections back to aoolicant g rìg-r)rì-tl t'( t)JùrìnrnÌ (-(ìrnrììrsroR l lIpiruIiOn Fehruurl 6, 20],51 "p¡t,",."tlCU Ø 'r$-i;7 l-l \ubilluxl .:,1 t)utldtng lltr¡s M Ot-:tl- + trur lJ nl .,(: plürrn rrrr f¡ll[r citccl ù,r¡ r¡ctrvns b.;rch r applrclnt Ø t t-:¡-t¡ subrnrttrd corr(.ttù[\ Ø i: r;:-t+ c,illcd tr¡rplrcant r"'ruurr,l ll cL,¡rcctrons rod¡-\ ((, ptil, trp Ø ll ,ry-t..1 Jf)Þlrùurt l)rclcd ullì rrorLnti ol u()rrcctr()rti E Pending lesLrbtnittal ot'building plans with correcrions g 02-04- I 5 f'C Plannitrs (lonrmíssion approved \Dnp u¡tirt |.tt:r t¡¡¡¡. t, )t)t(,1 S 06-05-15 BLrilding pcrmit issued - under construct¡on l ing I I 669-ì c(ì\ cr'.Li ¡ran DRP Flcd Irishcr ¡\PN:021-0-liì-020 Zon¿: I{-O rl-6707 Zone: (.- l l\linrrl DRI' l-1-II ijernolish 20ó N. Signal Strcet slrr;d llrd rcplacc ir ith largcr APN: 021-0- I li-250 irr lr \ \lt ztinc \o I F Zonc: VN1[J DRt) t+-t-+&Cl l) t.1-07 I 103 N. lVlontgornerv lol a !ucst lrouse ir ith tirll A PN: 022-0-0 I 2-430 lrirthtt,ort lF ó70 Zono: R-O (r'tJP r3-0,i)&(DRP B3 l7 Bryant Strcet ll) lìir an RV l)ark u'ith I ÂPN: 023-0- 150-205 Zone: M-l spaucs ll:6611 Alr ssa DL¡clor, Lr A-iay Sahgal El 04-15-1,5 l)C Planning Commission approvcd tDRt,csptrt ti),i ø rJ5-2'7- l5 Buílding ¡rermit issued - under construction ;) Dick \\'cirick ø 0l-07-15 flC Planning Commission approvedloRt,ttptta luttEl 0i-20- l5 Building pcnnìt issued - under constructìon tt)!J, Paul Blatz ø ll-05-l4l)CPlanningCommissionapproved ttt .¡t,.,tt.,j:i1i:ttit,..,,,o.t : ø 12-l).- l4 Building pernrit issued - under construction i()tó) I I lilgels I Ø Ø El gl El Ø El ll-lx-t.i ¡l-16-ll l)ìJrìrì/r-! (,)lnrntssrrrn ¡pp¡rrvctl PlrnnLnll ( LÌìlnrssron iLpprovL'u !'\ten:ìrLrr (('( !' d l.)i(l' ¿-tutt0tr¡il larc 1 J, l//i rl6-tli-l-.1 sul:nrrred urudrnl plan r)6-ll-l-l rnrcltuv ¡r, Jrscuss [tcLInplùtr t!.ìDs on thù Jrìdrn! plan<-1.¡ \übnLtrtcd olll.n¿ lnFrovcmerLrs lrt-Ov l-l roLrtcJ ro lrrLbl¡r tVorks llaskq & l,lunniilg lo :tl-t+ r!'(crvrd l,ub¡rc Wr¡rks lllrrkscornrnl¡rr M Building pennits fìonr FlCt) Et 06- I 0- I 5 Hilgers submitted letter ø 0't-21- l5 r'eccived [-lCD ftrrms. gave 10 Staf f' t-)l{P I j-09 atltlit¡.¡n 'f \ce tlnct \t()r)' F 6ô69 601 Cìrcstvicu Drive A PN:023-0-08 l-400 Zone:R- I DlìP I l-()-l Neu r-iltrr\, 25 SFR tln \¿tcat1l lot A PN:024-0- I Sadclle Lanc l4l-075 [rrnest Roidc Petter & Kinri Romnr ing E Pcnding stafl' responsc ø 09-04- l.i PC Planning Cìommission g 12-19-li tsuilding permits issued - approvcd underconstruction El 07-06- I I Planning Commission approved ø 01-10- l3 lluilding perrnits issued - uîder construct¡on Zone: R-O-4 ALrgust ,1, l(,)I 5 Pagc 5 of 7 -i) (,i:l l)lìP l-0ì- lP\'l I l-01 Li A ì l-01. I l-():,- t l-()l (it,l il-19 (( ll2l.1t'll-l)l I Wcil 'l cnnis Acaderny' LPI t -l'cnnis,'\L:a(lcnl\ (DRl' I i-0¡ RV0l) l(er isiorr ltr l)llasr: I&i APN;02-l-0-l9U-120 Ø t - ¡- t I I'l¡nÌins l-'ùDìrrìrssri)n rucL),rìrì 1(rìdL:d r pprorrl M Ol-tt¡-l: ( il\ ('r)uncll appr(rvcd (l:\.'nrpt lrdrr ø ui-l:' ll ( (' hcanns lone Chirngc (14|¡¡¡¡¡r ^n'l¡i:) El tr8-t,c-ll ¡c ()r-li-ll ì l. rccorded bY Crtv (-'lcrk Zone¡: P-1. El rJì ,f)-l ì Nlark & Janc Weil 421ì [ì11ant Circle ol' \\ cil l-cnnìs ,'\cadcrn¡ l'r' ct- uh¡trtse the fìcld thc roolll Io a colììll-l(lll 'l l-' ór()0 f()01ì1 I t)t(P i l-10. I l-\'l I ¡-()1. I l-j0 -1121\lallor'¡ Way ](J \.:s l<¡. ( ('ì1(i(ì - l.rrlltlì. Tilct APN: 020-0-071-370 l\lap ì : |ì ¿;lc¡ li t).t¡llLr! LLIìrls- I ¡, 1lì ttnìù\!,1 !L r![ìl:¡ec \\ rle!\ I hì h! rclìJl)'d Zcrne: R-2 Matilija lnvsltrnt r)l{P05-rJI& 107-12 312 \\'. Aliso Strcet C'ottagcs,\ntc,trg ù e\lrtrrttrttr rìi I !'\tslln! .rrûúluri\ S J$rlllltl trnrl\ iLlìti JdJ l r.¡' Jl:ilrttt L¡Liils lrl i ¡rll)lc\ loltì'ìt ' ii etrr litt I I olJ' rill F I Plrnnrng ( ¡;rnnussron'¿f)pr.'!rd rcttsitltis Ø tt'"-21 l-ì l)h¡se I t3uiliJrng pcrnrrt rssuci tìrn¡lcrl 0? l8 Il Ø I:-u; ll l)lilnnrn¿ ( orìùnrJ)rof ¡ontLnu¡d rc!r\r0n l0 I'hasc I & ,ì Ø O-¡ t t l j f,( l'lilrlrrrn! ( riLì¡nìrJsrrirr Jpll 1r\ ùJ (.D kl' t \pu ( \'lu¡ tlt l S, ?(t l ót Ø u.l o:, ts \PPla.,tL submrrred El uo :l l5 (,\l'l'l:Al )C("rlhukl l)C dcorsron t¡) approi( ø 06-21- ì5 Cìrading and DrainagÈ submitted b¡, Civil [:ngineer ø 06-2.6-15 subrnittetl buildirrg plans E Pentlins rrlan sheck by Plitnner and 13uilding Official ()r)-16-ll ('it) ('ouncrl ap¡rrlv.'tJ tlc0nJtL rrr¡s ¡c.rpratnn Jtttt :t.. :0| iI lcrrc¡ lnrrlcd Ø ttl-lt)-t2 Cl)l) coÌuctcd lJilan L ùärnül lì'r sl¿LUs updatc Ø t') Irr-t: ^cLr(,n Pending submittal of - Tìnal map & assos¡ated docuutcnts ! 'l t, 6607 t,,.ì1\ìrdll(,ì t 1\lutil ija I nvcstnrents lorr crs Ø tl-Zl E lo li 07('irit,;uncil lpproYeutcnLlli'rulnrp l2rr8(l9Ctt}Councrlapprorrr.Jlìnll l0 rrup hurLJrrrg plans srrburrtted (1,rsL phr\ú) El tlj ¡r+ | I l'( 'r'tS. l)frt¡)\ud c\tcil\L\ìtl E tl-t-tt+-t: t)r dcrgrourrrl[rg pct][tl Li\Jc(. ø t t)D l)rrcttùr rpprovcd tss[¿rìdu ()f l'' housc rvsura!c rl l"' phrsc- Uld-s oltìcr¡l ÞtoecJS pùnr11 Ø rt l-21{- I j & irv Lfi- j I rrr\ conduul(d írn rillpcùlron ùn pcrtn¡t ø u-ì-i,+-l+ D rùú()r prcpdrcd il rrs¡nt,,hur thrs pru¡e;t ls st¡ll activc Ø I t-rì/-l.l subrnrtlcrl ì'' phurcol ¡;htrtnr plun g I l-lt'-l-l (-(,rccrrons brcL ro applrernr El t:-ox ll rn!ctrng \\rth sl0ll- lppltcurtt- rnJ (,\rnùr Ø 06-23- l5 DRP to modifl approved plan subrnitted by Bcn Turncr APN: 020-0-20t-ll0 L fl I)RP 0ô-i+ Il'}N1 0ó-l)l I (lÓ--ll ,i.,1¡ -' \l l( . .ìJl I ,r, 'r¡-u:i ( rlJ,,r !i Lr ' sll .l ¡. I Ì ó]Ó5 ' , t)R.l' 0i-01. I L\1 ()r-01. I I 0 ]-:' I I i,.r: ,:r! iiilLrr .(. i\ úi | !, , r\: JÍ. , .,.,. l l: ó-l j j 1 Ausust -1. l0 l i 201 S. Montgorncry APN:021-0- 100- 100 Scott Snrigel I Zonc: VML.I 408 Bryant Circle .{ PN :014-0- I 20-21ì5- Zonc; N1-l ()jaì l6i Pendinc PC'review Ø ,l;-:ô-ri9 ( Lrr Louu¡:rl Jfjprolrd lentatrvc lvlrp tpor Asscrtbll llrll No I lt., -,spuutnn jùil( Il. )!:i!ó) Ø ,tl¡-ll-t-r)9 rsrucd ílcno pcrrnrt - dcntc, c()]llplslcd M u¡-l:- t: & l)ô- I - -l ('( trpprvred (ìnc \ lar r\11'nsir)n ! Pendins submittal oll'ìnal parcel rnap & associatecl dticttments l2-09-08 C[y L ouncrl appro\cd lcïrn.rtdr+]ËffigH{¡¡+) Ø l:-lo-t¡ ('(' rp¡rr0lcd r\túnsi(rÌ rcxuiration Deccmber 9. 2014¡ fl Pending submìttal of'lìnal map & associaled doculrents \'llltr ilu.irtc¡s Park I Page 6 of 7 DRP lJ- I ll redcsign of DRP 0-5-09 lror:r Lrrrits I E livei rvork to -i lir clwork unils. ntial and 2 co¡nmercial r¿side Tt'ó20r&'rF668l 6l I Pearl Street APN:023-0- l4 l-430 Zone: VMU Raven Ridge Developme nt ø g B ø ø l2-l 3-(,5 Crry C0unciì approvcd 07-0 I -0ll ts uilding pcrmit issuod-urìllries undcr construclton Waiting forPublic An suhnlirtal ,4529.142 & leasc/rental âgreemenr tJ7- I 9- l2 submrttsd ( DL l2-20 ) lor modilicattr>n lo rhaoge one ol' thc cornlrcrc¡al ¡o g 08-.lcl- ll ø 03-12-lJ CC approved l-vr ttmc cxtcnstDl erpuatþil ltlarch 3, 201 g ll)-15-ll. rna) resl l0-2.1-12 submirrcd rcvrscd buildrng plans 12-03- I 4 PC P l lann ing Com m ission approved rev isions u,irr, ¿xt,t ! t)u¿ r n i, ) EI 06-05- I 5 subm itted building plans O Pendine City review August :1. 201 -i dcutial lcd letter exrÈndlng bldg prnnrt to Dec 3, 20 I 2 PageT of7 çl t."09t,-0"1!0 Ndv By00-t t I d lt iir eêrv uorlcr.¡lsau luaudolt^âo l¡ i g luo¡,r-rrlcejlv sJ IJ 'l i! rft è-? .V i{ l,: d '',:11 ff ' Þ ..J -' d -q î'f t vÌt/ Þ.rr *t f t J I t '.L tl I at l t ,l 3 I ¡ïtþI "l I ;J, ''"k 4 ,-t f-{ -Jt* a.' ,ta} ' t , -b -b | + ö ¿. w tr I J s t- tt-t v ú I .i# ,r# 3x äF ,äl E fl I : ,ff; v l I I ì !l ç 4 ¡ a ,t l- -.t 'aa f' ù a I t a ì è i, th 01 7.0.1 60.1 tr ,Çr' rF 2012 lF I Classificati on Grazing: H /., ! t 75 l,l4 ac Local lmportance: 3,43 ac Other Land: 1,74 ac .i¿ Prime:1,11ac Unique; 2.6 ac Other Land I t 1.74 ac .q. xtI ! : ù a me I Ìt , i ? ér ,.J '.b\ t"[ (r !e 3 Venlura Counly Resource l\lanagement Agency lnÍormation Syslems Oepadment Map created on 0B/1 8/201 4 Sourcer Prctometqlt, February 2014 l{ ¡1/l ,i\ ' PL14-0048 2014 l.F.l. Attachment 7 DFclðlmer: thts m¿p w¿ vcntur¿ county Retarcc Min¿qement þ Grs, wlilr i5 rl$qrrÊd dìd oxËted ^qenrr s*ly fur of lhe coLnry ¿nd É ated rbk ¿qencps ftc Ctunry Jæs ilùl wdra 't lhc ¿(cJràq ot hó m¿p ¿nJn1 ùccEbn hvujvrç ¿ ßk ole,cromf, b\sa-pryrr¿l njorv sho!ld bc rnadc iì rc ¡n¡:c theren $ Memorandum County of Venttua . Resource Management Agency'Planning Division 800 S. Victoria Avenue, Ventura, CA 93009-1740'(805) 654-2478';/nna./planning DATE: May 16,2014 TO: Michelle D'Anna, Case Planner FROM: Nicole Doner, Cultural Heritage Board staff SUBJECT: COMMENTS FOR: Zone Change anci Tentaiive Parcei iivîap (Case No. PLi4-0û4ô) 319 S La Luna Avenue, Unincorporated Area of Ojai Assessor Parcel Number (APN): 017-0-160-175 Project Description: The applicant is requesting approval of a Zone Change and Tentative Parcel Map to change the zoning from RA-10 acre minimum lot size to RA-S acre minimum lot size and subdivide the 10.2 acre parcel into two lots of approximately 5 acres each. The project site includes three dwellings. The subdivision would result in Parcel 1 containing two residences (main and second dwelling) and Parcel 2 containing one main residence. Access to the two parcels will be by an existing private driveway off of La Luna Avenue. Historical Background John Meiners of Milwaukee acquired a 1 ,200 acre property in the Ojai Valley in the 1870's, sight unseen, as a result of an unpaid debt. Meiners moved his family to the ranch within a few years and built a large house on a bluff overlooking the ranch, planting fruit trees, wheat and barley, and raising hogs. John Meiners passed away in 1898. His descendants operated the ranch until 1924. An undated map titled "Rancho Ojai Map No. 2" on file at the County Surveyor's office (believed to be from approximately 1915) shows the 1,200 acre property was co-owned at that time by Elise Meiners, Anna Meyer, Helena Winner, lda Krull, Edna Aschermann, Bertha Wilter (or Vilter), John and Gustav Meiners. The property boundaries were Rice Road on the west, Meiners Road on the North, K.P. Grant's property on the east, and to the south was property owned by A.L. Hobson, S.L. Graham and Maude Henderson. The ranch was incorporated by the Ojai Ranch and Development Company, which subdivided 800 acres. By July of 1925, Ojai Ranch and Development Company granted to Hugo C. Boorse, John Meiners' son-in-law, a parcel of land which was described in Attachment I metes and bounds, totaling 58.02 acres and referred to as "El Rancho Viejo." Although the boundaries have not been verified on a large scale map, it is believed that this 58.02 acre property was part of the larger property mentioned above. (The deed described the property as part of an approximately 900 acre parcel of Rancho Ojai "locally known as Meiners Ranch"). According to David Mason of the Ojai Historical Museum, two residences were built in 1931 and 1935 on the El Rancho Viejo site, likely by Hugo Boorse. Mr. Boorse's residence, located at 3'19 S La Luna Avenue, was a California bungalow-tow slung ranch, originally with a shake roof, French doors, and sun room. The adjacent stucco bungalow ranch style house and attached three single-cargarages at317 S La Luna were originally a laundry/storage area with three attached carports. The stucco dwelling at 315 S La Luna was originally a caretaker residence. The subject property remained in the Boorse family for many years. ln the late 1950s, Boorse's daughters (Helene and Gerda) granted the property to Julia Thorne Marks and Joshua Marks. The Marks estate granted the property to their son, Lansing Thorne in '1975. At that time, the property consisted of 48 acres of citrus trees, two single family dwellings and associated outbuildings. ln 1994 and 1995, Mr. Thorne received approval of two Parcel Map Waiver - Lot Line Adjustments (PMW No.724 and PMW No. 788 recorded on 10-12-94 and 1 1-30-95, respectively) that ad.lusted Mr. Thorne's two lots resulting in the creation of the 10.20 acre subject parcel adjoining La Luna Ave between El Roblar Drive and Lomita Avenue. lt is this property that is currently proposed to be subdivided into two lots, one being 5.01 acres and one being 5.19 acres. CEQA Review - 315, 317 and 319 La Luna For the purposes of CEQA, this property does not meet the criteria of either local, state, or national levels for eligibility as a historic resource. Mr, Hugo Boorse, the original owner, does not appear to have contributed to the broad patterns of the County's history. All three residences have been significantly altered and lack integrity. All residences have newer vinyl windows, new French contemporary doors and stucco siding, An addition to the main residence was completed in 2002 and a 2 car garage and cabana built adjacent to the main residence in 2004. Furthermore, the remaining 10.2 acre subject parcel lacks the integrity aspects of setting, feeling, and association to convey the property s historical significance relating to the Meiners Ranch historic context. Initial Study for Zone Change and Tentative Parcel Map No. 5892 Permit No. PLI¿l-0048 Attachment 9 - Works Cited Ahrens, David. August 25,2014. Personal Communication with Tess Harris. April 16, 2014. Fire Prevention Review to Michelle D'Anna. Battleson, Wayne. May 1 4,2014. Surveyor Review to Michelle D'Anna Calfl ora, 20 1 5. Pl ant Characteristi cs, N avarreti a oia i e n sis, http ://www, Q7 42 California Native Plant Sociely,2O11. ''Rare Plant Profiles: Ojai Navarretia," RarePlantProfileNavarretia oiaiensis.htm California, State of. 2014. Guidelines for lmplementation of the California Environmental Quality Act. Available onJine at: City of Ojai website. Accessed August 2014 and August 2015. Community Development Department Workload Status Report. 40E3-83AE-7F FOD E FAgB8C} Council, Barbara. August 25,2014. Personal Communication with ïess Harris. D'Anna, Michelle. April 23, 2O14. Field lnvestigation. Doner, Nicole, May 1 6, 2014 and June 11, 2015. Memorandum regarding Cultural Heritage and Historical Review to Michelle D'Anna and Tess Harris. Emami, Ben. April 4,2014. Memorandum to Michelle D'Anna. Griffin, Jackie. August 21,2014. Library Services Review to Tess Harris. Herbruck, Shari. August 14,2014. Current Projects in the City of Ojai. Personal Communication to Tess Harris. Hollebrands, Mike. Meiners Oaks Water District. May 1 9,2014 and May 28, 2015. W¡ll Serve Letter and Personal Communication with Tess Harris. Krout, Brenda. Ojai Valley Sanitation District. December 10,2013. Sewer Connections. Lamo, Brent. March 16,2015. Personal Communication to Whitney Wilkinson. Leachman, Pandee. April 17,2014. Waste Management Review to Michelle D'Anna. Lubin, Theresa, May 16,2014. Personal Communication to Míchelle D'Anna. Macfarlane, Heather. Macfarlane Archaeological Consultants. July 7,1994. Phase Archaeological Survey. 1 Martel, Rudy. July 17, 2014. Office of Agricultural Commissioner Review to Michelle D'Anna and Tess Harris. Mutkowska, Ewelina. June 25, 2015. Personal Communication to Tess Harris, O'Tousa, Jim. April 14,2014. Geology Review to Michelle D'Anna. O'Tousa, Jim. April 14,2014. Grading Review to Michelle D'Anna. Resource Management Agency, County of Ventura. GIS Viewer. July 17,2015. Talent, Melinda. April 17, 2014. Personal Commuriication to Michelle D'Anna. Trushinski, Brian. August 4,2015, Floodplain Drainage Review and Personal Communication with Tess Harris. United States Fish and Wildlife Critical Habitat Viewer, htto://ecos.fws.oov/crithab/. Accessed July I 4,2014. Vargas, Sergio. September 29,2014. Watershed Protection District Review and Personal Communication with Tess Harris. Ventura County. 2011. Ventura County Non-Coastal Zoning Ordinance. Ventura County, 2O11. Ventura County General Plan. Ventura County. August 2014. Ventura County RMA GIS Viewer. Ventura County. 2011. Ventura County lnitial Study Assessment Guidelines. Ventura County. October 12, 1994. Declaration of Restriction Recorded Document # 94164445. Viergutz, Rick. April 15,2014. Groundwater Review to Michelle D'Anna.