Users Guide - the docSTAR Portal


Users Guide - the docSTAR Portal
User Reference
Version 3.8
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction.................................................................................................... 1-1
Welcome.................................................................................................................................... 1-3
docSTAR Models ...................................................................................................................... 1-4
Basic Products........................................................................................................................ 1-4
Bundled Products ................................................................................................................... 1-4
Legacy Product: docSTAR Essential Edition ........................................................................ 1-5
docSTAR Modules................................................................................................................. 1-5
Network Licenses................................................................................................................... 1-6
What’s New in Version 3.8? .................................................................................................. 1-6
Terms......................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Types of Documents .............................................................................................................. 1-7
The System Administrator ..................................................................................................... 1-8
docSTAR Main Window ........................................................................................................... 1-9
Command Buttons ................................................................................................................. 1-9
Menus................................................................................................................................... 1-10
Chapter 2 Capturing Documents .................................................................................... 2-1
Scanning .................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Overview of Scanning............................................................................................................ 2-3
Options................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Scanning Documents.............................................................................................................. 2-6
Importing ................................................................................................................................... 2-9
From docSTAR...................................................................................................................... 2-9
Drag and Drop...................................................................................................................... 2-12
Microsoft® Office Integration
...................................................................................... 2-12
Auto Import.......................................................................................................................... 2-13
Optional Importing Modules................................................................................................ 2-13
Chapter 3 Filing Documents........................................................................................... 3-1
Filing Concepts.......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Inboxes................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Filing...................................................................................................................................... 3-3
................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Barcode Recognition
....................................................................................................... 3-4
Image Fixing .......................................................................................................................... 3-4
Templates............................................................................................................................... 3-4
Updates .................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Inboxes ...................................................................................................................................... 3-6
Inbox Columns....................................................................................................................... 3-6
Inbox Commands ................................................................................................................... 3-7
Templates .................................................................................................................................. 3-9
Scan Tab .............................................................................................................................. 3-12
ADP Tab .............................................................................................................................. 3-13
Enhance Tab......................................................................................................................... 3-16
Actions Tab .......................................................................................................................... 3-18
Options Tab.......................................................................................................................... 3-32
Manual File.............................................................................................................................. 3-35
Controls................................................................................................................................ 3-35
Toolbars ............................................................................................................................... 3-37
Menus................................................................................................................................... 3-38
Zooming ............................................................................................................................... 3-39
Extracting Native Documents .............................................................................................. 3-39
Page Options ........................................................................................................................ 3-39
Automatic (Auto) Filing .......................................................................................................... 3-41
Rejected Documents............................................................................................................. 3-41
Action Failures ..................................................................................................................... 3-42
Autofiling Exceptions .......................................................................................................... 3-42
Reviewing Documents............................................................................................................. 3-43
A Note About Uncertainties................................................................................................. 3-43
The Review Box................................................................................................................... 3-43
The Review Window............................................................................................................ 3-45
Filing Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 3-48
Defining a Document ........................................................................................................... 3-48
Defining the Template.......................................................................................................... 3-48
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents....................................................................................4-1
Retrieve Tab .............................................................................................................................. 4-3
Narrowing Scope.................................................................................................................... 4-3
Field-Based Retrieval............................................................................................................. 4-4
Text-Based Retrieval.............................................................................................................. 4-5
Results Tab ................................................................................................................................ 4-9
Menus..................................................................................................................................... 4-9
Browse Tab (Using Folders).................................................................................................... 4-11
Folder Basics........................................................................................................................ 4-11
Using Browse....................................................................................................................... 4-12
Chapter 5 Viewing Documents .......................................................................................5-1
View and Manual File ............................................................................................................... 5-2
Unfiling a Document.............................................................................................................. 5-2
Features Unique to Filed Documents......................................................................................... 5-3
Show Text/Show Hits ............................................................................................................ 5-3
Document Info/Audit Trail..................................................................................................... 5-3
AuthentiDate and EPM .......................................................................................................... 5-4
Viewing Folders ..................................................................................................................... 5-5
Chapter 6 Send To ..........................................................................................................6-1
Print ........................................................................................................................................... 6-3
................................................................................................................................... 6-4
Save To File............................................................................................................................... 6-6
...................................................................................................................................... 6-8
Customizing a Cover Page ..................................................................................................... 6-9
TextBridge®............................................................................................................................ 6-10
Selecting What to Send............................................................................................................ 6-11
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics ........................................................................................... 7-1
Using Multiple Windows........................................................................................................... 7-3
Opening MDI Windows......................................................................................................... 7-3
Moving and Sizing ................................................................................................................. 7-3
The Windows Menu............................................................................................................... 7-3
Security Classification............................................................................................................... 7-4
Assigning Security Rights...................................................................................................... 7-4
.......................................................................................................................... 7-7
Annotation Tools ................................................................................................................... 7-7
Annotations on Classified Documents ................................................................................... 7-8
Updates .................................................................................................................................... 7-10
Under the Hood ....................................................................................................................... 7-11
Storage Devices ................................................................................................................... 7-11
The Database........................................................................................................................ 7-12
The Index ............................................................................................................................. 7-12
The docSTAR Client Service
........................................................................................ 7-12
The docSTAR Host.............................................................................................................. 7-13
Client Settings ......................................................................................................................... 7-15
Connection Settings ............................................................................................................. 7-15
Station Settings .................................................................................................................... 7-16
Auto Import.......................................................................................................................... 7-17
Integration Settings .............................................................................................................. 7-20
User Preferences ...................................................................................................................... 7-22
Scan...................................................................................................................................... 7-22
Inbox/Review....................................................................................................................... 7-23
File/View ............................................................................................................................. 7-24
Retrieve ................................................................................................................................ 7-26
Results/Browse .................................................................................................................... 7-27
Send To ................................................................................................................................ 7-28
Event Log ................................................................................................................................ 7-30
Chapter 8 Trouble Shooting ........................................................................................... 8-1
docSTAR Error Messages ......................................................................................................... 8-3
Document Locks .................................................................................................................... 8-3
Untrapped Errors.................................................................................................................... 8-3
Application Errors, et. al. ....................................................................................................... 8-4
Blue Screen Errors ................................................................................................................. 8-4
Licensing Errors..................................................................................................................... 8-4
Secure Clock.............................................................................................................................. 8-6
Exceptions Folders .................................................................................................................... 8-7
Table of Figures
Figure 1-1 docSTAR Main Window ........................................................................................................... 1-9
Figure 2-1 Scan Button............................................................................................................................... 2-3
Figure 2-2 Scan Window ............................................................................................................................ 2-3
Figure 2-3 Scanner Settings Not Found...................................................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-4 Scanner Settings Similar Found ................................................................................................ 2-5
Figure 2-5 Scanner Settings Window ......................................................................................................... 2-5
Figure 2-6 Feeder Empty Message ............................................................................................................. 2-7
Figure 2-7 Preview Scan Window .............................................................................................................. 2-8
Figure 2-8 Import File Menu Item.............................................................................................................. 2-9
Figure 2-9 Select Files to Import Window ............................................................................................... 2-10
Figure 2-10 Import Files Window ............................................................................................................ 2-11
Figure 2-11 Emailing Unsupported Files.................................................................................................. 2-12
Figure 2-12 Office Integration.................................................................................................................. 2-13
Figure 3-1 File Button ................................................................................................................................. 3-6
Figure 3-2 Inbox Window ........................................................................................................................... 3-6
Figure 3-3 The Templates Window ............................................................................................................. 3-9
Figure 3-4 The Template Settings Window............................................................................................... 3-10
Figure 3-5 Template Save As… ................................................................................................................ 3-11
Figure 3-6 The Template Settings Window, Scan tab ............................................................................... 3-12
Figure 3-7 The Template Settings Window, ADP tab ............................................................................... 3-13
Figure 3-8 Create Cover Page.................................................................................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-9 The Template Settings Window, Enhance tab ......................................................................... 3-17
Figure 3-10 The Template Settings Window, Actions tab......................................................................... 3-18
Figure 3-11 Data Source: User Prompt...................................................................................................... 3-19
Figure 3-12 Data Source: Drop Down List................................................................................................ 3-20
Figure 3-13 OCR Engine Settings ............................................................................................................. 3-21
Figure 3-14 Data Source: Indexed Import ................................................................................................. 3-23
Figure 3-15 Data Source: Other Actiion.................................................................................................... 3-24
Figure 3-16 Destination: Custom Field ..................................................................................................... 3-25
Figure 3-17 Destination: Sub-folder .......................................................................................................... 3-26
Figure 3-18 Destination: Security Class .................................................................................................... 3-27
Figure 3-19 Pattern Match Verification..................................................................................................... 3-28
Figure 3-20 Format Transformation .......................................................................................................... 3-29
Figure 3-21 Extract Text Transformation .................................................................................................. 3-30
Figure 3-22 Substring Transformation ...................................................................................................... 3-31
Figure 3-23 The Template Settings Window, Options tab ........................................................................ 3-32
Figure 3-24 The Custom Fields Window .................................................................................................. 3-33
Figure 3-25 Manual File Window ............................................................................................................ 3-35
Figure 3-26 Folders Display ..................................................................................................................... 3-36
Figure 3-27 Scan New Pages Window ..................................................................................................... 3-38
Figure 3-28 Page Options Window .......................................................................................................... 3-40
Figure 3-29 The Automatic File Window ................................................................................................. 3-41
Figure 3-30 Review Button ....................................................................................................................... 3-43
Figure 3-31 Review Box Window............................................................................................................. 3-44
Figure 3-32 Review Window .................................................................................................................... 3-45
Figure 3-33 Review, Add Custom Fields .................................................................................................. 3-47
Figure 3-34 Native/PDF Review ............................................................................................................... 3-47
Figure 4-1 Retrieve Button .......................................................................................................................... 4-2
Figure 4-2 Retrieve tab................................................................................................................................ 4-3
Figure 4-3 Fuzzy Retrieval Options ............................................................................................................ 4-7
Figure 4-4 Results tab................................................................................................................................ 4-10
Figure 4-5 Select Folder ............................................................................................................................ 4-12
Figure 4-6 Browse tab ............................................................................................................................... 4-13
Figure 4-7 Searching for Folders on Browse............................................................................................. 4-14
Figure 4-8 Export Destination Dialog Box................................................................................................ 4-16
Figure 4-9 Export Progress Window ......................................................................................................... 4-17
Figure 4-10 Processing Complete.............................................................................................................. 4-17
Figure 5-1 View Window............................................................................................................................ 5-3
Figure 5-2 Local Verification ...................................................................................................................... 5-4
Figure 5-3 Remote Verification................................................................................................................... 5-5
Figure 6-1 Send To Printer .......................................................................................................................... 6-3
Figure 6-2 Send To Email Recipient ........................................................................................................... 6-4
Figure 6-3 Save To File............................................................................................................................... 6-6
Figure 6-4 Send To Fax............................................................................................................................... 6-8
Figure 7-1 Security Button ......................................................................................................................... 7-4
Figure 7-2 Security Window ...................................................................................................................... 7-5
Figure 7-3 Annotation Toolbox................................................................................................................... 7-7
Figure 7-4 Client Status Button ................................................................................................................. 7-12
Figure 7-5 ADP Queue Button .................................................................................................................. 7-12
Figure 7-6 ADP Queue.............................................................................................................................. 7-13
Figure 7-7 Host Button.............................................................................................................................. 7-13
Figure 7-8 Client Settings Window – Connection Settings ....................................................................... 7-15
Figure 7-9 Client Settings Window – Station Settings .............................................................................. 7-16
Figure 7-10 Auto Import Configuration .................................................................................................... 7-17
Figure 7-11 New Auto Import Path ........................................................................................................... 7-18
Figure 7-12 Client Settings Window – Integration Settings ...................................................................... 7-20
Figure 7-13 User Preferences – Scan Settings........................................................................................... 7-22
Figure 7-14 User Preferences – Inbox/Review Settings ............................................................................ 7-23
Figure 7-15 User Preferences – File/View Settings................................................................................... 7-24
Figure 7-16 User Preferences – Retrieve Settings ..................................................................................... 7-26
Figure 7-17 User Preferences – Results/Browse Settings.......................................................................... 7-27
Figure 7-18 User Preferences – Send To Window .................................................................................... 7-28
Figure 7-19 Event Log Button................................................................................................................... 7-30
Figure 8-1 Typical Error Message Box ....................................................................................................... 8-3
Figure 8-2 Document Lock Error ................................................................................................................ 8-3
Figure 8-3 Licensing Failure - Host............................................................................................................. 8-4
Figure 8-4 Licensing Failure - Remote........................................................................................................ 8-5
Figure 8-5 Time of Day Discrepancy Message ........................................................................................... 8-6
Chapter 1 Introduction
Welcome.................................................................................................................................... 1-3
docSTAR Models ...................................................................................................................... 1-4
Basic Products........................................................................................................................ 1-4
Bundled Products ................................................................................................................... 1-4
Legacy Product: docSTAR Essential Edition ........................................................................ 1-5
docSTAR Modules................................................................................................................. 1-5
Network Licenses................................................................................................................... 1-6
What’s New in Version 3.8? .................................................................................................. 1-6
Terms......................................................................................................................................... 1-7
Types of Documents .............................................................................................................. 1-7
The System Administrator ..................................................................................................... 1-8
docSTAR Main Window ........................................................................................................... 1-9
Command Buttons ................................................................................................................. 1-9
Menus................................................................................................................................... 1-10
docSTAR User’s Reference
Chapter 1 Introduction
Welcome to docSTAR: easy, fast, smart document management. docSTAR stands for “DOCument STorage
And Retrieval”, and that is exactly what it does. More importantly, it does it in a way that minimizes the need
to understand computers, databases, or software.
This User’s Reference is a software reference manual for docSTAR users and system administrators. This
chapter will describe docSTAR’s different models, define basic terms, and introduce the Main Window. The
remaining chapters in this User’s Reference will detail all of the functions within the basic and bundled
docSTAR products, as defined below. Information on system setup and maintenance functions, which are
needed only be the system administrator, has been collected in the Administrators’ Guide.
docSTAR User’s Reference
docSTAR Models
There are several different flavors of docSTAR software, each of which is referred to as a model. All are based
on the same fundamental software, but differ in terms of their capacity and/or capabilities. The model is
specified at the time the software is installed, and a distinct license is required for each. Upgrades are available
from any lesser model to any greater one so that docSTAR can grow as your needs do.
The capabilities of each model may be upgraded over time, but as of now, these definitions apply.
product spec sheets on our website,, for more information.
See the
Basic Products
The following models each include the document scanning and retrieval functions, which we believe to be
essential to all users. Optional capabilities are available through add-ons called modules, as described below.
docSTAR CP is a unique member of the docSTAR line designed specifically for use with Multifunction
Products (MFPs) and digital copiers. It uses the MSDE database and supports up to 10 concurrent users. Many
of the features described in this Reference are available only through an upgrade to docSTAR EP. The
docSTAR CP Owner’s Manual contains information specific to this product.
The EP model uses the MSDE database and supports up to 10 concurrent users. Two tier storage capability is
optional; it allows docSTAR to automatically record documents to two devices—often a RAID subsystem and a
writable optical disk.
docSTAR SP substitutes Microsoft’s SQL Server for MSDE to achieve excellent performance for higher
volumes and more users. However, it is limited to fifteen concurrent users to keep it economical for small to
mid-sized offices.
Support for more than 15 concurrent users requires docSTAR SPX. Like SP, it includes the MS SQL Server
database but with no built-in user limit.
Bundled Products
All of our basic products are available with a set of common modules—described below—as part of a “bundled
Workgroup and Workgroup Pro
These models include a set of modules with the docSTAR EP. Thus, they use the MSDE database and support
up to 10 concurrent users. They differ from each other only in that the Workgroup Pro includes Two Tier
storage. (Two tier storage can be added at a later time to upgrade a Workgroup to a Workgroup Pro.)
The docSTAR SP with the common modules is called the Departmental model. It includes Microsoft’s SQL
Server, but is limited to a maximum of fifteen concurrent users.
Chapter 1 Introduction
docSTAR Enterprise is our premium model incorporating all common modules and MS SQL Server with no
built-in limits.
Legacy Product: docSTAR Essential Edition
The Essential Edition was developed specifically to be affordable to small offices, but it included many
limitations. With version 3.7, docSTAR distributed free upgrades of these models to the more expandable
docSTAR EP. Now, with version 3.8, support for Essential has been removed from many aspects of the
product. If somehow you still have an Essential Edition product and have not yet received your docSTAR EP
upgrade license, contact docSTAR or your reseller.
docSTAR Modules
Needs vary and docSTAR adjusts. Optional software components for docSTAR are called Modules. These
may be added at any time to add functionality to a system.
Many of docSTAR’s most common modules are available as part of bundled systems; these are listed below,
and for the most part are fully documented within this User’s Reference and/or the Administrator’s Guide.
Other modules, not included in bundles, come with their own documentation.
In this User’s Reference, features available only through a module will be indicated with this symbol:
Fax Services Powered by Zetafax®
Fax output options are available under the Send To function with this module. They are described in Chapter 6
and in the Fax Services Guide.
Attaché is a CD (or DVD) publishing module, which lets you distribute documents along with a free viewing
application to others. It is fully described in the Attaché Manual.
Annotations allows you to “mark up” image and PDF documents without altering the original. They are
described in Chapter 7.
Advanced Templates and OCR
Templates and their role in filing document conveniently and consistently are described in Chapter 3. These
capabilities are greatly expanded with this module. This module is also required in order to use the Barcode or
Datalink modules and certain application-specific integration packages.
Access Management (Security)
Setting up user logins and restricting access to classified documents requires the Access Management module.
Security is described in Chapter 7 and in the Administrator’s Guide.
Audit Trail
The Audit Trail maintains a record of every time a document is “touched” and who did it. This module requires
Access Management. It is mentioned briefly in Chapter 5, but complete info is located in the Administrator’s
docSTAR User’s Reference
Native Documents
The ability to store electronic files—such as word processor files, spreadsheets, and emails—in their native
format can be added with this module. Native documents are referenced throughout this User’s Reference.
Network Licenses
Each docSTAR system includes one full (scan, file, and view) license. Additional licenses may be added for
networked users up to the limits listed above. All network licenses operate on a concurrent basis, meaning that
the client software may be installed and used on any number of workstations, but only the licensed number may
use the software at any moment.
The following four different types of licenses are available.
WebUser—can only view documents using a web browser and docSTAR’s “thin client” interface.
This interface is available with either of two modules: WebView or Integration Agent. These modules
are described in their respective documentation.
RetrieveUser—can view documents using the “thin client” or through docSTAR’s full (“thick”) client
software, as described in this Reference. RetrieveUser licenses are not permitted to scan, open an
Inbox, or file documents.
FileUser—may perform filing, as well as viewing of documents.
ScanUser – can scan, file, or view documents.
Note: RetrieveUser, FileUser, and ScanUser licenses were formerly referred to as View-Only,
View/File, and ScanStation licenses, respectively.
What’s New in Version 3.8?
Please refer to the Version 3.8 Addendum for features new to this version.
Chapter 1 Introduction
docSTAR uses many of the same terms that are applied to paper documents. For clarity, each of these terms is
used consistently and with very specific meaning within docSTAR.
A page is a single image obtained from the scan of either the front or back of a piece of paper.
Thus, two sides of one piece of paper are really two pages.
docSTAR supports four types of documents: image documents, non-image PDF Files, native
documents, and COLD documents, all of which are described below. In each case, a document
can be a single page or a tightly bound collection of pages, which are stored and retrieved as a
unit. Think of a document as a stapled group of pages.
In docSTAR, image documents can be split or merged, just as staples can be removed or added,
but this isn’t as convenient as adding to or removing from a folder. Merging new pages to
existing documents is therefore not recommended as a standard practice.
docSTAR folders are like manila folders. Collections of documents can be stored in folders.
Folders can be retrieved as a unit, but documents can be added to or retrieved from folders
individually, too. Use of folders is optional; documents that aren’t in any folders can still be
retrieved. Folders are discussed further in Chapter 3 under Filing Concepts.
File (verb)
The process of assigning a title and other key information to documents and/or placing them into
appropriate folders is referred to as filing within docSTAR. This may also be referred to as
“indexing” documents. To save time and improve consistency, templates are used to control the
filing of each document.
File (noun)
docSTAR generally doesn’t use the word “file” as a noun as in, “Please bring me the Jones file.”
This is to avoid confusion with computer files, such as “C:\WINDOWS\MYFILE.INI”.
Computer files and paths are generally referred to only during setup and configuration
procedures and for special operations like exporting and importing. docSTAR organizes all
document and page information automatically, so you don’t have to specify path or file names
for documents stored in docSTAR.
Each document and folder is given a title (name) by which it can be retrieved. Titles are
assigned automatically to documents when they are scanned or imported, but more meaningful
titles will generally be applied while filing.
Types of Documents
docSTAR stores several different types of documents, each of which behave somewhat differently. Each is
represented by a distinct icon in an Inbox or in other lists in which they appear.
Image Documents
Scanners, digital copiers, digital cameras, and fax devices all produce “image documents”, which consist of one
or more pages, each of which is simply a collection of black and white or colored dots (called pixels). This is
docSTAR’s typical type of document. Everything docSTAR scans and many of the file formats that docSTAR
can import—including TIFF, DCX, and JPEG files—are stored as image documents. Some of docSTAR’s
features, such as merging documents, scan-append, and zonal OCR, are restricted to this type of document.
COLD Documents
COLD documents are generated from the text output of certain management information systems by
docSTAR’s optional COLD module. (COLD stands for Computer Output to Laser Disk, although the acronym
is somewhat obsolete; any storage medium may be substituted for “laser disks”.) COLD documents have their
own properties and limitations, which are described in the COLD Users Guide.
docSTAR User’s Reference
PDF Documents
The Adobe’s PDF file format has become prevalent in web publishing and many other applications. It is also
generated for scanned images by certain digital copiers. docSTAR now supports PDF as a native file format,
meaning that PDF files can be stored in docSTAR as PDFs (without conversion to TIFF or JPEG or any other
format). PDF documents are treated like other documents in many ways. For instance, they can be filed,
retrieved, placed into a folder, secured, and printed.
Furthermore, there are two distinct types of PDFs.
Image PDFs
Most PDF files generated by digital copiers and scanning applications contain only images. When these PDF’s
are imported, they are stored in their “native” PDF format but offer many of the same features as other image
documents. Most notably, the same filing features (e.g. zonal OCR) and thus the same templates are available
to Image PDFs as are available to other image documents.
Non-Image PDFs
PDF files generated by Adobe® Acrobat® and other software applications often contain a combination of text,
formatting, and some graphic (image) data. Special templates, which offer a somewhat more restricted set of
filing options, must be used for non-image PDFs. Both kinds of templates are described in Chapter 3.
Native Documents
Most computer files from popular word processing, spreadsheet, CAD, email, and other application software
can be imported into docSTAR and stored “natively”—without conversion. In many respects, they are like nonimage PDFs. The use the same special templates which don’t allow zone OCR, but they can otherwise be
treated much like any other documents. Note that docSTAR has a built-in viewer for these documents, so that
the user doesn’t even need the native application software installed to see them.
The great advantage of storing documents natively is that they can be removed from docSTAR in their original
format, and then they can be opened and even edited in their native application. Of course, the original native
document remains securely unaltered in docSTAR. The modified version can be added to docSTAR as a new
The System Administrator
A “System Administrator” will be referenced in many places within docSTAR and this manual. This is a
person within your organization who has been granted specific rights and responsibilities for docSTAR. These
include establishing the list of users and their rights, as well as system configuration.
Chapter 1 Introduction
docSTAR Main Window
When you start docSTAR, the Main window will open.
Figure 1-1 docSTAR Main Window
docSTAR uses many different windows, but the Main window is always the first one opened and the last one
closed. It serves as a container for docSTAR’s other windows. Experienced Windows™ users may wish to
resize or minimize the Main window to operate docSTAR in conjunction with other applications. However, by
default it fills the screen, maximizing the area available for docSTAR.
Command Buttons
Along the left side of this window are the following main command buttons.
Opens the Scan window for scanning paper documents, as described in Chapter 2.
Opens the user’s default Inbox, which contains new documents until they are filed. Filing is
described in Chapter 3. The user’s default Inbox is set by the Administrator as described in the
Administrator’s Guide. After opening his/her default Inbox, the user may select another Inbox
with to which he/she as View rights. This button will be disabled if all Inboxes are empty.
Opens the Review Box, which can play a role in the filing process as described in Chapter 3.
This button will be disabled if the Review Box is empty.
Opens the Retrieve window, from which documents and folders are viewed, accessed, printed,
etc. Retrieving is described in Chapter 4.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Log On (Log Off)
Allows a user to identify himself/herself to gain access to secure documents or features. Prior to
logging in, a user is identified as “GUEST” and may have limited rights. The System
Administrator logs on using the name, “ADMIN”. See Chapter 7 for more information on
Activates docSTAR’s online help.
Closes the docSTAR program.
Pressing the “Client” button near the bottom, left corner of the Main window, reveals the client command
buttons and the Client Service control button (installed only for the Host and Scan Stations).
Opens the Security window, which allows a user to define security classes as described in
Chapter 7. This button is not available to the user, GUEST.
Allows a user to change his/her password. This button is not available to the user, GUEST.
ADP Queue
Opens the Automated Document Preparation queue window, which allows the user to initiate
scheduled jobs as described in Chapter 7.
Pressing the “Host” button near the bottom, left corner of the Main window, reveals a system command button
and the Host Status box. The Host Status box is described in Chapter 7.
Event Log
For the System Administrator only, displays a log of events that may require attention. See the
Administrators Guide for more information.
Note that the large command buttons along the left edge of the Main window disappear when the
Inbox or the Retrieve window is opened. They are replaced by a toolbar across the top of the
Main window, which contains miniature command buttons. This change keeps the command
buttons available while increasing the screen area available for other windows. The large
command buttons reappear when the other windows are closed.
The Main window has a menu bar that changes when other windows are open. The menus offer the most
complete selection of docSTAR functions. The most commonly used functions on each window are often
duplicated in command buttons or other controls.
When no other window is opened, the following menus are available.
The functions of the main command buttons and system command buttons are duplicated under
the docSTAR menu. The following commands are also located here:
Import Files—described in Chapter 2.
VCS Status—available only with the Integration Agent module.
Run Updates—used to perform mass updates of filing information, as described in
Chapter 7.
Contains commands to alter Client Settings and define User Preferences as described in Chapter
Offers access to the following:
Online help
Run Setup Program
About Box, which displays version and copyright information.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Capturing Documents
Scanning .................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Overview of Scanning............................................................................................................ 2-3
Options................................................................................................................................... 2-3
Template ......................................................................................................................... 2-3
Document Options .......................................................................................................... 2-4
Destination ...................................................................................................................... 2-4
Filing Options ................................................................................................................. 2-4
Scanner Options.............................................................................................................. 2-5
Scanning Documents.............................................................................................................. 2-6
Normal Scanning ............................................................................................................ 2-6
Preview Scanning ........................................................................................................... 2-7
Color and Grayscale Scanning........................................................................................ 2-8
Importing ................................................................................................................................... 2-9
From docSTAR...................................................................................................................... 2-9
Unsupported Files ......................................................................................................... 2-12
Drag and Drop...................................................................................................................... 2-12
Microsoft® Office Integration
...................................................................................... 2-12
Auto Import.......................................................................................................................... 2-13
Optional Importing Modules................................................................................................ 2-13
docSTAR User’s Reference
Chapter 2 Capturing Documents
This section describes operating a scanner directly from docSTAR. Capturing documents by any other means,
including operating a scanner with other software, is covered in the next section, Importing.
Overview of Scanning
A scanner should be installed and configured by a trained and authorized technician. To operate the scanner,
press the Scan command button or choose Scan from the docSTAR menu.
Figure 2-1 Scan Button
This will open the Scan window as shown here.
Figure 2-2 Scan Window
This window allows a number of options to be selected, as described below. After all options are set, and paper
documents have been loaded into the scanner, press the Scan button or Preview Scan button. These buttons are
also described below.
The following options are set prior to scanning.
Click on this button to select a document template. Templates are scanning/filing
instructions that have been created and saved for specific types of documents. They are
discussed fully in Chapter 3.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Document Options
One Document
Select to scan all pages in the feeder as a single document. More pages can be added to a
single document when the feeder is empty.
Single Page Documents
Select for single page documents. Each page is treated as a separate one-page document. (If
Two-Sided is selected with this option, the front and back of each sheet will be treated as a
two page document.)
Use Separator Pages
Select for several multiple page documents.
Blank Page Separators
Scanner Separator Pages
Place a blank sheet of paper between each document. All pages up to the first blank page are
treated as the first document. The blank page image is discarded and the next set of pages is
treated as the second document.
Adjustments to the settings used to detect blank pages are found under the Scanner Option.
Place scanner-specific separator sheet between each document. All pages up to the separator
page are treated as the first document. The separator page image is discarded and the next
set of pages is treated as the second document. Note: Only certain scanners support this
feature. Scanner separator sheets are provided by the scanner manufacturer.
Select to scan both the front and back of the original document.
Simplex scanners: If your scanner does not support duplex scanning, then the documents
will need to be scanned in two passes. First, the fronts are scanned. These become the oddnumbered pages. Then docSTAR asks you to turn the stack over. When you do so, and
press OK, the backs are scanned, beginning with the back of the last page and ending with
the back of the first. These become the even numbered pages.
Duplex scanners: If you are using a duplex scanner, it will automatically scan both sides in
one pass.
Security Classification
The default setting is "Public". Click on the small square button to select a different security
class. Security is described in Chapter 7.
Run ADP Immediately
This checkbox appears only if the selected Template specifies a scheduled ADP step (as
described in Chapter 3). Checking it overrides the schedule and causes the ADP step to run
These settings control where the document will go.
Press the button to choose which Inbox the document(s) will be placed in. Every unfiled document
is placed into one (and only one) Inbox. It is automatically removed from the Inbox it is in upon
Optionally, you may put scanned documents into a folder. Placing documents into a folder while
scanning does not substitute for filing them from an Inbox.
Filing Options
Each of these options refers to concepts that are described in the next chapter.
File Later
Documents will remain in an Inbox until you choose to file them.
File Manually
Opens the Manual File window immediately after scanning.
Note: this option is ignored if scheduled ADP is enabled in the template.
File Automatically
Opens and starts the Automatic File process immediately after scanning.
Note: if scheduled ADP is enabled in the template, the Client Service will launch the Automatic
File process after ADP takes place. Only documents whose templates require NO USER INPUT
will be filed; others will be returned to their Inbox.
Chapter 2 Capturing Documents
Scanner Options
Pushing the Options button brings up a window that lets you view and alter scanner settings. Scanner settings
are loaded from the current template, so the template name is shown in the title bar of this window.
If scanner settings have not been previously saved for the scanning station, the following message should
appear indicating that no saved scanner settings exist and that the default scanning options are being used.
Figure 2-3 Scanner Settings Not Found
If scanner settings have not been previously saved for the scanning station, but similar settings are found for
another scanning station, the following message should appear indicating that no saved scanner settings exist
but similar settings exist and could be used. This is a convenience feature that can be used to set up multiple
similar scanning stations. The scanner option can be set on the first scan station and then imported to each
additional scan station. Once settings are saved, each scan station maintains its own settings individually.
Figure 2-4 Scanner Settings Similar Found
The specific options available vary with each model. The following window and options are typical. Consult
your scanner documentation for details about your model.
Figure 2-5 Scanner Settings Window
docSTAR User’s Reference
Modes may include Color and/or Grayscale in addition to Black and White. See the information
on color and grayscale scanning at the end of this chapter.
This depicts shades of gray through patterns of black and white dots. Leave this option on “None”
unless you are scanning photographs.
Some models support Automatic Separation to recognize photos mixed with text. They dither the
photos but not the text. See the documentation for your model.
Note: Color and Grayscale scanning, as well as dithering, make image fixing and OCR
impossible, and greatly increases image file size. Use these modes only when necessary.
Images consist of a grid of tiny dots called “pixels.” The density of these pixels, usually
expressed as dots per inch, determines the clarity of the image. This is called its resolution. Fine
resolution Faxes with resolutions of up to 200 dots per inch (dpi) are generally readable. 300 dpi
is important for better OCR results. Higher resolutions, available on some models, are used for
fingerprints or other very special, highly detailed applications. Image sizes (and disk capacity)
increase markedly with increases in resolution.
Page Size
Set this to the physical size of the pages you are scanning.
Brightness, Contrast
Each of these settings can be used to optimize image quality on light, dark, or poor originals.
Some trial-and-error under Preview Scan will be necessary for very difficult images. Some
models have automatic brightness and/or contrast modes.
Blank Page Control
Even a clean, new sheet of paper isn’t perfectly white. The threshold setting determines how
much darkness (in percent of page) will be allowed on a page used as a Blank Page Separator (as
described above under Document Options). Increase this value if docSTAR fails to recognize
blank pages. Decrease this value if docSTAR accidentally treats pages in your document as
Some scanners produce dark lines or shadows along the edges of a page. Use the margins setting
to ignore a margin, specified in inches or millimeters, along each edge. With a margin set,
shadows or lines along the edges of a page won’t interfere with proper recognition of the page as
Click to return to the Scan window.
Saves these settings to the currently selected template. (You must select the template on the Scan
Window first to save changes to it here.)
Click to discard changes and return to the Scan window.
Reset Defaults
Restores the default scanner settings.
Some models support scanning a limited area of the page.
For selected models, opens an advanced options dialog with special features. See your scanner
Scanning Documents
Documents may be scanned in either of the following two modes.
Normal Scanning
After you choose all options and press Scan, the scanner will start. The current page number and document will
be displayed across the top of the Scan window, but the pages themselves will not be displayed at this time.
They will be stored in an Inbox, to be filed later or immediately after scanning per the Filing Option you have
A scanner with an automatic document feeder should continue to scan until the document feeder is empty. At
that point, you will see a message box like this.
Chapter 2 Capturing Documents
Figure 2-6 Feeder Empty Message
The exact message will depend upon your Document Option. Press Yes to add more pages. Press No to retain
the pages scanned thus far.
docSTAR supports scanning on a flatbed scanner. In this case, you will see a message box like the one above
after each page.
Preview Scanning
You may choose Preview Scan instead of Scan to see each page immediately after it is scanned. Use this
option when scanning very dark or light originals or any time you may need to make several options
adjustments to get a good scan.
Note: This option is recommended for color and grayscale scanning.
In this mode, each image is displayed and scanning pauses to let you approve the image or alter settings and
rescan it. You can press the left mouse button and drag the mouse over a part of an image in order to zoom in.
This will give you a clearer view of the image, but won’t affect what is saved in docSTAR.
Any page may be discarded and rescanned by putting the page back into the feeder (or leaving it on the flatbed)
and pushing the Rescan button.
Scan options, including brightness and contrast, can be adjusted in the middle of a preview scan. See Scan
Options, above.
If the page is satisfactory, there are two ways to accept and save it. Press OK – Continue with "With Preview"
checked to save this image and preview the next page. Press OK-Continue “Without Preview” checked to save
this image and scan all remaining pages in the feeder without preview.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Figure 2-7 Preview Scan Window
Color and Grayscale Scanning
Color and grayscale scanning modes can be selected from the Mode menu in the scanner options window (for
scanners that support these modes). Some special considerations apply to color and grayscale scans.
Color and grayscale images can be very large. Whereas scanning letter and even double-letter sized pages in
black and white mode at any resolution is reasonable, scanning large pages at more than extremely low
resolutions will produce huge image files that can take a very long time (maybe a minute or more) to save,
view, rotate, etc. This table suggests maximum resolutions to achieve "best" and "reduced" performance levels
for various page sizes. These should be considered guidelines. More powerful processors with generous
memory will, of course, improve performance.
Page Size (inches)
Best Performance
Reduced Performance
Photo (4 x 6)
150 dpi
300 dpi
Letter (8.5 x 11)
75 dpi
150 dpi
Legal (8.5 x 14)
60 dpi
120 dpi
Double Letter (11 x 17)
not applicable
75 dpi
Chapter 2 Capturing Documents
docSTAR allows you to import documents of various types through several different methods. Through
importing, docSTAR lets you capture documents from:
Digital copiers and multifunction devices.
Scanners that are not directly driven by docSTAR software.
Other imaging systems.
Fax servers.
Websites and other sources of PDF files.
Windows® applications.
Report files from management information systems.
Several different ways to import files are described here.
From docSTAR
The Import Files command is available from the docSTAR menu of docSTAR’s main screen. It allows any
docSTAR user to import one or more files on demand. For instance, you may receive a TIFF file or PDF file as
an attachment in an email. You can save it to your desktop and use this method to import it into docSTAR.
Figure 2-8 Import File Menu Item
Choosing it opens this window.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Figure 2-9 Select Files to Import Window
You may select one or more files of almost any type from anywhere on your PC or network. After you’ve
selected files, click Open. If all file types are supported by docSTAR, then the Import Files dialog appears.
(See Unsupported Files, below.)
Chapter 2 Capturing Documents
Figure 2-10 Import Files Window
The names and types of the files you’ve selected appear in a list. Note that docSTAR detects the type of each
file, and “image only” PDF’s are distinguished from “non-image” PDF’s. This is because different templates
are applied to each.
You may select files one at a time, in groups, or all at once. The following options will apply to your selection
when you click Import.
You may set a document’s title if only one document is selected. Otherwise,
each document’s title will be derived from its file name.
Sets keywords for all selected documents.
Security Classification
Sets security class for all selected documents.
Image Template
Selects the template for any image files (including image PDFs) among the
selected files. Has no effect on native documents or other PDFs.
Native Template
Selects the template for any selected non-image PDFs and native file types.
Optionally, places imported documents into the folder you specify.
Selects the Inbox to which documents will be imported. This may be the
default Inbox or a specific Inbox created through the Administrators’ program.
Filing Options
Imported documents always go into the specified Inbox, but selecting “File
Manually” or “File Automatically” launches the respective filing process as
soon as the Import Files dialog closes.
When you’ve imported all of the files, the dialog closes. Until then, it stays open showing any files that remain
to be imported. If you click Close, the remaining files are not imported.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Unsupported Files
There are some file types that docSTAR can not import. Others may be disabled by your system administrator.
Attempting to import any such files will result in a message as shown in Figure 2-11.
Figure 2-11 Emailing Unsupported Files
You have the option of emailing a report of unsupported files to docSTAR, and we may be able to add support
for these files to a future version. File types disabled by your system administrator cannot be reported via
email—you’ll have to take that up with the system administrator yourself.
Note: if files are reported as Unlicensed, it means that your system does not have the Native Files
Drag and Drop
Files can also be imported at any workstation on which docSTAR is installed simply by dropping them on the
docSTAR program icon on the Windows Desktop. This can be done whether or not the docSTAR application is
currently running.
First, open the folder containing the desired file(s). Position the folder on your desktop it so that you can see
the docSTAR icon. Select one or more files and drag them onto the docSTAR icon and release the mouse
button. The Import Files dialog appears, just as though you had gone through the docSTAR->Import Files
menu item and selected them.
Note that drag-and-drop importing is not possible during autofiling, scanning, and other intensive docSTAR
client processes.
Microsoft® Office Integration
Installation of docSTAR 3.5 automatically adds a special toolbar to three popular Microsoft Office applications:
Outlook®, Word, and Excel. It contains a single button, which is used to immediately file the current document
(or message) in docSTAR.
Chapter 2 Capturing Documents
Figure 2-12 Office Integration
If any edits had been made to the document since the last time it was saved, you will be prompted to save them
when you click this button. You must save any changes before importing the document.
Then, if the docSTAR program is running and is idle (at the Main Window) the usual Import Files Window is
displayed. If docSTAR is not running, it is automatically launched and then the Import Files Window is
Note: if docSTAR is running, but is not idle, the Import File Window will not be displayed until all
other docSTAR windows are closed.
You may choose to file the document immediately using Manual or Automatic mode, or you can leave it in an
Inbox to file later.
As with all native files, documents imported from these Office applications are displayed automatically within
docSTAR. However, it may be necessary to open the document in the native Office application for full
functionality. For instance, an Excel worksheet with multiple sheets or an email message with attachments
would need to be opened in Excel or Outlook, respectively, to see the additional sheets or the attachments.
Auto Import
Auto import automatically imports files as they are placed in any one of the designated “import directories” on
your network. This is handy when scanning with a multifunction product (MFP) or digital copier. The device
is configured to save files to one of docSTAR’s import directories. Any documents scanned automatically
appear in a docSTAR Inbox within a couple of minutes.
There are two different auto import mechanisms in docSTAR. The more fully featured one runs within the
docSTAR Client Service, and it is configured through the Client Settings, as described in Chapter 7 of this
Reference. There is also an auto import function within the Host Service, which is configured through the
docSTAR Admin program, and it is described in the docSTAR Administrator’s Guide.
Note: Host-based auto import is a legacy feature from prior versions, which did not provide clientbased auto import.
Optional Importing Modules
Native files may only be imported with the addition of the Native Files module. This module is included in our
bundled systems and in all upgrades to our legacy systems, as described in Chapter 1.
The docSTAR COLD Module is an add-on specifically designed to import print files from accounting programs
and other management information systems found on mainframes, minicomputers, and PCs. See the COLD
Users Guide for details on configuring and using the COLD Module.
docSTAR Import 4.0 is another add-on product. It allows users to capture documents from almost any
Windows® program, such as Microsoft® Word™ by converting them to images. It is a way of handling files
docSTAR User’s Reference
that are not supported natively. Also, it turns PC files into image documents, which can be annotated. See the
Import 4.0 Users Guide for more information.
Chapter 2 Capturing Documents
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Filing Concepts.......................................................................................................................... 3-3
Inboxes................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Filing...................................................................................................................................... 3-3
Folders ............................................................................................................................ 3-3
Fields............................................................................................................................... 3-3
Text ................................................................................................................................. 3-3
................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Barcode Recognition
....................................................................................................... 3-4
Image Fixing .......................................................................................................................... 3-4
Templates............................................................................................................................... 3-4
Updates .................................................................................................................................. 3-4
Inboxes ...................................................................................................................................... 3-6
Inbox Columns....................................................................................................................... 3-6
Inbox Commands ................................................................................................................... 3-7
Templates .................................................................................................................................. 3-9
Scan Tab .............................................................................................................................. 3-12
ADP Tab .............................................................................................................................. 3-13
Scheduled Operation..................................................................................................... 3-13
ADP Functions and Settings ......................................................................................... 3-14
Enhance Tab......................................................................................................................... 3-16
Actions Tab.......................................................................................................................... 3-18
Data Sources ................................................................................................................. 3-19
Data Destinations.......................................................................................................... 3-25
............................................................................................................ 3-27
....................................................................................................... 3-28
Options Tab.......................................................................................................................... 3-32
Custom Fields
......................................................................................................... 3-33
Manual File.............................................................................................................................. 3-35
Controls................................................................................................................................ 3-35
Toolbars ............................................................................................................................... 3-37
Menus................................................................................................................................... 3-38
Scan New Pages............................................................................................................ 3-38
The Item Menu.............................................................................................................. 3-39
The Window Menu ....................................................................................................... 3-39
Zooming............................................................................................................................... 3-39
Extracting Native Documents .............................................................................................. 3-39
Page Options ........................................................................................................................ 3-39
Automatic (Auto) Filing .......................................................................................................... 3-41
docSTAR User’s Reference
Rejected Documents............................................................................................................. 3-41
Action Failures ..................................................................................................................... 3-42
Autofiling Exceptions .......................................................................................................... 3-42
Reviewing Documents............................................................................................................. 3-43
A Note About Uncertainties................................................................................................. 3-43
The Review Box................................................................................................................... 3-43
The Review Window............................................................................................................ 3-45
Reviewing Native Documents and Non-Image PDFs ................................................... 3-47
Filing Strategy ......................................................................................................................... 3-48
Defining a Document ........................................................................................................... 3-48
Defining the Template.......................................................................................................... 3-48
Identify Keys................................................................................................................. 3-48
Apply docSTAR............................................................................................................ 3-48
Remember Simplicity ................................................................................................... 3-49
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Filing Concepts
Filing paper documents properly is necessary to ensure that they can be retrieved. Likewise, filing documents
properly in docSTAR ensures that they can be retrieved easily. Fortunately, docSTAR makes filing documents
accurate and efficient. The following fundamental concepts are important to understanding docSTAR’s filing
system. All are described briefly here, and their use is detailed later in this chapter.
Each Inbox is a temporary repository for documents that have not yet been filed. Documents come to an Inbox
after being scanned or imported. Documents are removed from their Inbox when they are filed, as described
below. Documents can be retrieved when they’re in an Inbox, but they must be filed to take full advantage of
Initially, every system includes only one Inbox, called “(default)”, for all scanned and imported documents.
Additional Inboxes can be created for departments, groups, or individual users through the Admin program.
Additional Inboxes are used to effectively route scanned or imported documents to specific users for filing.
docSTAR’s filing system includes three different elements: folders, text, and fields. Any one of these may be
sufficient to meet the requirements of your application, but they may be combined if desired. Each of these
filing elements is briefly described here. The section on Filing Strategy at the end of this chapter will provide a
better perspective on how and why each of these would be used. Examining the next chapter, Retrieving
Documents, will illustrate the differences between searching for documents based on folders, fields, or text.
Filing documents into folders is like using a paper filing system. A typical application might use a folder
called, “Vendors”, which contains a folder for each vendor. Vendor documents like invoices, quotes, etc. are
filed by placing them in the appropriate vendor folder. You can find any vendor’s folder by opening the
“Vendor” folder and browsing through it.
A folder can be labeled with a title and a nearly limitless number of keywords. Thus, you can also find a folder
by searching for any of the words, phrases, or numbers in its title or keywords.
Placing documents in folders has nothing to do with where they are actually stored. A document may be placed
in many folders, but docSTAR only stores it once.
Use of folders is not required. A document that is not in any folder is still retrievable via text or fields.
Documents are also typically labeled with at least a title and sometimes also with keywords. The title and
keywords are considered “fields”. Fields are a familiar concept to database administrators. They are really just
named containers for holding data. In addition to title and keywords there are several other standard fields:
Custom fields may also be
creation date, modified date, access date, number of pages, security class, et. al.
defined. For our vendor documents example, a field called “vendor name” could be created, and these
documents would be filed by entering the vendor name into this field. Custom fields provide a very structured
way to file documents.
Some imported PDF Files, most native documents, and many documents captured by Import 4.0 contain text
that can readily interpreted by docSTAR. Scanned documents and other “image” files can be processed using
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to recognize (although not perfectly) clean, printed text. In either case,
documents can be found by searching for any of the words, phrases, or numbers found in this text.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Note that titles, keywords, and custom fields are also searchable as text.
docSTAR is generally ignorant of the content of the images it stores and retrieves. It doesn’t know if an image
is an invoice, an architectural drawing, or a manuscript. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is the
technology that recognizes letters amidst the collections of dots. OCR is available within docSTAR. It may
play an important role in filing, depending on the nature of your documents.
Within docSTAR, using OCR is sometimes referred to as “reading” a document. Many images cannot be read.
For example, handwritten copy, photographs, graphic objects, and any color or grayscale images cannot be read.
OCR works best with clear, laser printed copy. However, even with ideal documents, OCR is not perfect.
As mentioned previously, some imported documents (PDF, native, and Import 4.0) contain text that docSTAR
can use without OCR. Recognition of text in these documents is perfect.
Barcode Recognition
Barcode recognition is a technology that recognizes a series of lines and spaces, which have been specially
encoded to contain numbers, and sometimes letters and symbols as well. Barcode recognition is available as an
optional module within docSTAR.
Barcode recognition works best with clear printed copy but it has proven to be quite reliable even with
documents of lesser quality, including dot matrix. The technology has been embraced by the supermarket
industry because it can reliably read numeric codes from items ranging from soup cans to frozen turkeys. Given
its flexibility and reliability, it may play an important role in filing, depending on the nature of your documents.
Image Fixing
Many images produced by scanners are skewed (tilted), contain stray speckles, or are otherwise imperfect.
These imperfections hamper the normal data compression feature within docSTAR and thereby increase the
storage capacity needed for your documents. These imperfections also reduce the accuracy of OCR. docSTAR
offers several features for “fixing” images, and these are recommended for essentially all black and white
applications. (These features don’t operate on color and grayscale images.)
Image Fixing isn’t related to retrieving documents, so perhaps it shouldn’t be considered part of “filing”.
However, the most convenient time to fix images is during the filing process, so it is included here.
There are many choices available for scanning and filing each document. Is it one-sided or double-sided? How
should it be titled? What resolution should be used? What folder, if any, should it be placed in? What, if any,
keywords or custom field data should be added? Should OCR be used, and if so, how?
docSTAR uses a concept called “templates” to save a set of scanning options and filing rules and apply them
consistently and efficiently to large numbers of documents. A template for invoices, for instance, would define
exactly how invoices are to be scanned and filed. A very different template might be used for resumes.
Templates are vital to the effective use of docSTAR.
There are different templates within docSTAR for two distinct types of documents. Some templates are used
for documents that are scanned or imported from scanner-like devices, including digital copiers and faxes.
These are “image templates”. Different templates are used specifically for native documents and PDF files that
are not simply images. They are called “native templates”.
Documents can be re-filed, either by simply altering their title, fields, or keywords or by returning them to an
Inbox and running another template.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Large groups of documents can be re-filed automatically using the Update Utility, described in Chapter 7 and
the Administrator’s Guide. For instance, if a vendor named “Jones Plumbing” becomes “Jones and Son”, you
can replace this name in all documents in a single operation.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Clicking on the File button on the main docSTAR window opens the current user’s default Inbox. If no one is
logged in, then the general “(default)” Inbox is opened.
If there are no documents in any Inbox, the File button is disabled (dimmed).
Figure 3-1 File Button
NOTE: Some workstations may not be allowed to file documents because the Administrator has
chosen to install them as “View Only” workstations. In this case, the File button will be disabled
even if there are documents in an Inbox.
Each Inbox shows unfiled documents. It may show all of them, but a setting (see User Preferences, Chapter 7)
may limit the number displayed. This includes scanned, faxed, and imported documents. If the user does not
have access rights to a document, it will be listed as "Access Denied" or hidden, depending upon another one of
those User Preferences.
Note: Optionally, the system administrator may set docSTAR so that documents for which the
user does not have access rights are not listed at all.
Figure 3-2 Inbox Window
Different icons are used to indicate the type of each document. The standard page icon identifies that the first
document is an image document. The icon on the forth document in the figure above identifies it as an imageis used for a “non-image” PDF. Microsoft® Word, Outlook, and other
only PDF. The Adobe® icon:
native documents are each represented by their application’s icon.
Note: By default, new items won’t appear in the Inbox while it is open. The Inbox window must be
closed and reopened (or the current Inbox reselected) to “refresh” the contents. However, there
is an option, described in Chapter 7, to automatically refresh the contents of the Inbox.
Inbox Columns
The following columns are displayed for each Inbox item.
A default title is applied to each document when it is scanned or imported. The title will
normally be reset during filing.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
The number of pages in an image document. The number of pages is not shown for native
The classification or “security class” determines who can view, file, print, or delete a document.
See Chapter 7. With appropriate security rights, the Classification can be changed in an Inbox.
The set of filing instructions to be applied to the document. This is normally chosen prior to
scanning, but can be reset in an Inbox.
Process By
Optionally, shows a date by which the document should be processed. A document will turn
blue or red when its “Process By” date has arrived or passed, respectively. If no date is set, then
there is no deadline for processing the document, which is the default. A process by interval (in
days) may be set automatically through a template.
To help organize documents, which may accumulate in an Inbox from time to time, a priority of
“low”, “medium”, or “high” may be set for each. A downward-pointing arrow indicates low
priority documents, and an exclamation point indicates high priority documents. Medium
priority documents show neither symbol.
Click on any column heading to reorder the documents by the information in that column; click again to reverse
the order. The default order can be defined through the User Preferences window as described in Chapter 7.
Inbox Commands
To select a single document from an Inbox, click once on the title. To select more than one document, click and
drag the mouse through the white space just to the right of their titles. You can also hold the Shift key or Ctrl
key and click to select multiple titles.
The Edit menu contains Select All and Select First commands to aid in selection of documents.
The following commands are available through the menus at the top of the screen, the buttons along the bottom
of the screen, and/or via a “context menu” which opens when you right-click on your selection.
Manual File, Auto File
Opens the Manual File or Automatic File window, respectively. Either window can be used to
file the selected documents, as described later in this chapter.
Send To
Opens the Send To window, from which the selected documents can be printed, faxed, emailed,
or otherwise output from docSTAR. This is described in Chapter 6.
Add to Folder
Allows you to add the selected documents into a new or existing folder. Note that this
command will not remove the documents from the Inbox they’re in; they still must be filed.
Sets the security class of the selected documents. Note that it is possible to set the security class
to one that you do not have rights to, thereby preventing you from setting it back. Security is
explained more thoroughly in Chapter 7.
Allows you to specify a template for the selected documents, overriding any which had
previously been specified. Also allows you to create or modify a template, as described below.
You may not use this command if your selection includes a mix of image documents and nonimage PDF or native documents.
Merges the selected image documents into a single document. The documents are combined in
the order they are displayed in the Inbox, with the lower documents added to the end of the
higher ones. (The pages can be rearranged using the Page Options feature within Manual file, as
described later in this chapter.) The title, keywords, etc. of the first document remain the title,
etc. of the resulting document. The titles, keywords, etc. of the other documents are lost.
Only standard image documents may be merged. No native or PDF documents can be merged at
all using docSTAR.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Deletes the selected documents.
Note: Deleted documents can be undeleted by the System Administrator.
See the Administrator’s Guide.
Process By
Sets or changes the Process By date for the select document(s). This date can be used to order
documents and help ensure that documents are processed (filed) before their deadline. Note that
once set, the Process By date cannot be cleared.
Sets the priority of the selected document(s).
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
As defined at the beginning of this chapter, templates are scanning and filing options defined for particular
types of documents. Templates should be defined by a person who is very familiar with both docSTAR and
your organization’s document retrieval requirements. Proper template definition will allow operators, who may
have little experience or training, to file documents efficiently and consistently.
Sample templates, which may be installed by the system administrator, are provided with each system.
Templates may also be available via docSTAR’s website forum, partner’s websites, user groups, or other
sources. See the Administrator’s Guide for information on saving and loading templates.
To create, edit, or view the definition of a template, start by selecting a sample document in the Inbox. The
document selected should be representative of the type of document for which this template will be applied.
The Template button in the Inbox will display this window:
Figure 3-3 The Templates Window
Templates are divided among two tabs: one lists “image templates” that apply to scanned documents, including
image PDFs; the other lists “native templates” that are specifically for “non-image PDF” and native documents.
Although both tabs are always visible, only a template of the proper type can be selected or edited for any
document. Accordingly, the “OK”, “New”, and “Edit” buttons are grayed out when the tab you are on doesn’t
match the type of document(s) you’ve selected.
Note that there are two default templates. The template called simply “(default)” applies to image documents
only. The “(Native Default)” template applies to native and non-image PDF documents only. Each default
template can be edited and new templates of each variety can be created, as described below.
Opens the Template Settings window to define a new template, as described below.
Opens the Template Settings window to edit the selected template. This command is also useful for
creating a new template based on the selected one. Just remember to choose Save As rather than Save so
that the original template is preserved.
Deletes the selected template. Note that there may be documents in the Inbox or already filed that are
associated with this template. Therefore, whenever a template is deleted, you must also pick a template
to replace it for all referencing documents.
Closes this window, associating the selected template with the selected documents in the Inbox.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Closes this window, but doesn’t change the template associated with any of the documents in the Inbox.
Note that changes made within the Template Settings window are not canceled.
Figure 3-4 The Template Settings Window
The name of the template and its security class is shown near the top of this window. The name of the template
may be edited, just like any of the other information. The security class of the template determines which users
may modify or delete it. Press the square button (labeled “…”) to change the security class of the template.
Note: The template has its own security class, set here, which determines who may see, modify,
or delete it. The template is also able to set the security class of documents it processes, as
described later in this section. The security class of the template is distinct from the security
class it assigns to documents.
The selected document is displayed in the right half of this window. You may step through the pages of this
document with the page navigation buttons. (Native documents behave somewhat differently, as described in
Chapter 5.)
The Save command saves changes to the current template.
The Save As… command lets you choose a new name and save the template settings with that name, leaving
the original template unchanged. This is very handy for creating a new template that is based on or similar to an
existing one. It can also be used to create an Image template from a Native template and vice versa.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Figure 3-5 Template Save As…
When saving an image template as native, you will be warned that unsupported features will be removed. If
you continue, any specified regions are lost and any barcode actions are removed. This may result in an invalid
template, which would have to be fixed.
Note: It is recommended that you create and test native templates first, and then save these as
image templates. This will avoid the conversion warning.
The remaining template settings are divided among the following five tabs—only two of which are available for
native templates.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Scan Tab
Figure 3-6 The Template Settings Window, Scan tab
This tab contains settings that apply when scanning documents. The options available are described in Chapter
2, Scanning Documents. By setting the document and filing options on the template, they will be automatically
selected when this template is selected as defaults on the Scan window. However, they may be overridden
This tab is not available at all for native templates, because documents using these templates are always
imported—not scanned.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Figure 3-7 The Template Settings Window, ADP tab
Automated Document Preparation is part of the Advanced Templates and OCR Module. It may be used to
remove selected pages from documents. It can also split documents using barcodes, if the Barcode Module is
Note: This tab is not available for native templates because ADP functions are only available to
scanned documents.
Scheduled Operation
ADP functions may run immediately after scanning or they may be run on a schedule. “Run On Schedule” may
be selected if a scheduled time has been defined through the Client Settings window, described in Chapter 7.
Running on schedule is valuable for large batches, which take a significant amount of time to process. It allows
the batches to be processed at a time when the system is otherwise not busy.
Furthermore, if File Automatically is selected on the Scan window, and if the template contains no user input,
the document is automatically filed at the scheduled time. Users can “scan and forget” and find their documents
had been filed fully automatically. (Exceptions are sent to the Review box.) However, if there are any user
prompts, drop-downs, or other user input Actions in the template, then automatic filing cannot run on schedule.
Instead, the document will go to the Inbox after ADP functions are run.
docSTAR User’s Reference
One more reason for scheduling ADP is for delaying upload from a network station to the server. This avoids
taxing network bandwidth during peak times. This can be particularly important when performing remote
scanning across the Internet or a Wide Area Network (WAN). Scanned documents remain local to the scanning
station until the scheduled time, and are then uploaded, processed using ADP, and autofiled (if appropriate.)
Note that scheduled upload and automatic filing may be desired even if document splitting and page removal
are not needed. Accordingly, you may turn on “ADP” with “Run On Schedule” selected even if Remove Pages
and Document Splitting are disabled. Documents will be held at the scan station and uploaded on schedule.
See Chapter 7 for information on monitoring the ADP Queue.
ADP Functions and Settings
Whether ADP is scheduled or runs immediately, the following functions are available.
Removing Pages
ADP can automatically detect and remove blank (or nearly blank) pages. To have it do so, check the “Remove
Pages” box and Remove Blank Pages or Remove Pages. A blank page threshold and margins are set to
determine exactly how “blank” a page must be to be removed. Both the threshold and margin settings are
described in Chapter 2, “Scanning”.
Note: Many scanners offer a remove blanks feature, which is implemented in hardware. This
may operate more efficiently than software-based removal. If this feature is enabled in the
scanner, there is no need to enable it in docSTAR.
ADP can also be used to remove specific pages. For instance, you may be scanning a multipage form that has
been filed in by a client. Only pages 1, 3, 5, and 6 contain the client’s information and signature. Pages 2 and 4
contain standard language, which is always the same, so you don’t want to save them. Turn on Remove Pages
enter the pages to be removed either as a list of page numbers separated by commas or a range of pages
indicated by a dash. For example: “2,4” would remove pages 2 and 4, while “2-4” would remove pages 2
through 4.
Document Splitting
In Chapter 2, options were described for automatically detecting new documents using blank pages or special
separator pages provided with a scanner. Another way to detect new documents is through a barcoded cover
page. (Requires Barcode module installed on filing station.)
In order to use barcodes to split documents, you need barcodes. There are several ways these may be generated.
The documents you’re scanning may already contain barcodes on their first page.
You may establish a system, possibly using docSTAR’s Integration Agent module, for creating
document-specific barcoded cover pages from another application.
• You can generate barcoded separator pages from this window. This is further described below.
However, the barcodes are generated, the following options are available for detecting them.
Split On Any Barcode – Documents will be split anytime a barcode of the specified type is found in the
specified region. This is the most common setting, because it will allow a single barcode to split the document
and choose a template or Inbox.
Split On This Barcode – Use this setting to avoid accidentally splitting a document at a barcode that it happens
to contain. Make sure that the barcodes you create for splitting documents contains a unique word that is not
going to be found in a barcode within any document, such as “SPLITZ”. Specify this word, and only a barcode
containing this word will split documents. Note that if you also wish to choose templates or Inboxes via
barcode, a second barcode will be needed on each cover page.
Discard Cover Page – Check this box to remove the cover page containing the barcode after detecting it and
splitting the document. If left unchecked, the cover page will remain the first page of the document. If there are
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
other barcodes containing indexing data that will be read during filing, you cannot discard the cover page here.
However, there is another option for hiding the cover sheet described below under the Options Tab.
Barcode Settings and Barcode Region – Each of these buttons control where and how ADP will look for
barcodes. Setting them correctly is important so that the right barcodes are properly recognized and that other
barcodes that may be found within documents are not falsely detected. See the “Actions Tab” for more
Creating Cover Pages
As mentioned, suitable barcodes may already be found on your documents, or you may be creating them
through a third party application with or without docSTAR’s Integration Agent. However, if you need to create
separator pages with barcode, you may do so here.
Figure 3-8 Create Cover Page
The first choice is whether to create a full page with a barcode on it, or only generate an image of the barcode.
Choose “Full Page Image” if you will be printing and using these cover pages directly. Choose “Image Only”
to create a barcode image file that will be added to a document or form. For instance, if you’re scanning proof
of delivery forms, you can add the separating barcode to the form electronically before they’re printed and
avoiding adding a separate cover page to each document prior to scanning.
Choose the text to appear in the barcode. This may be a specific word used just for splitting documents, like
“SPLITZ” in the example above, or it may be the name of an Inbox or Template that will be selected by the
cover page. (See Assigning Templates and Assigning Inboxes, below.)
Several different barcode types may be used. Code 39 is easy to read and recommended if the text contains no
punctuation characters other than these: - . $ % + /. Code 128 supports all punctuation characters. In either
case, make sure that the Barcode Settings used to detect the barcode are correct. In particular, make sure error
checking is enabled for Code 128 and not for Code 39.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Click Edit Region and use the right mouse button to define where the barcode will appear on the page and its
size. (This is not applicable if creating an Image Only.) Click Generate Barcode to create the barcode of the
specified text in the specified region. Note that required start, stop, and checksum characters are automatically
The Load Image button is used to merge the barcode you’ve generated with a pre-existing page. For instance, if
you’ve scanned a familiar form, you can use this button to load it, merge a barcode onto it, and then print it out.
Save Image As… is used to save an image file rather than printing the barcode. Use this to save an Image Only
barcode so that it can be pasted into an existing form or document.
After verifying that the barcode you’ve generated reads successfully, print several copies. Avoid making copies
of copies of barcode cover pages, because the quality will degrade and affect readability.
Assign To Template or Inbox
In addition to splitting documents, barcodes may be used to assign different templates to documents or move
documents to specific Inboxes. Each template may use only one of these two functions.
Assigning Templates
A stack of dissimilar documents, separated by cover pages, can be scanned together if a barcoded cover page
identifies which template should be used to file each document. Select “By Barcode Text” to use this feature.
Thus, if ADP finds a barcode that reads “INVOICE”, the document will be split and assigned the template
called “INVOICE”. If a barcode is found that doesn’t match the name of any template, the document retains its
original template and is left in the Inbox; it will not be filed, even if File Automatically had been selected.
Note: You may create cover pages for each template using the mechanism described above, or
these may be generated through a third party application as part of an integrated process.
Selecting “Current Template” retains the current template assignment; the cover page will simply act as a
Alternately, you may choose “Other” and assign a specific template (selected from the list) to every document
split out through this process.
Assigning Inboxes
Each document may be moved to a specific Inbox using barcode separator pages. To begin, generate barcodes for each
Inbox. (You can use the Create Cover Page mechanism described above or perhaps these can be generated through third
party integration.) Select “By Barcode Text” to assign each document to an Inbox based on the barcode. If the barcode
doesn’t match any Inbox, the document will remain in its current one.
The “Current Users Inbox” option will move each document to the current user’s default Inbox (set in the Admin program),
and the “Other Option” moves documents to a specified Inbox when ADP is run.
Enhance Tab
Click on the Enhance tab to display the Enhancement Options, which may be applied consistently throughout a
document or individually to each page of a document.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Figure 3-9 The Template Settings Window, Enhance tab
These image fixes are available.
Removes random dots or speckles, which are often introduced while scanning. This fix is generally
recommended, unless your this function is performed by your scanner.
Straightens an image if it was scanned in slightly crooked. This fix is generally recommended unless
this function is performed by our scanner.
Crop White Space
Trims white space from the top, left, right, and bottom edges of the image. This fix is not generally
Crop Black
Trims black space from each edge of the image. This fix is very useful for scanners that use a “black
reference”, which leaves a black border around the image.
Invert Black
Checks the image to determine the % blackness, and inverts the image (black vs. white) if this number
is greater than the number you specify. For instance, if you set the number to 50 (using the little arrow
buttons), any image which is more than 50% black will be inverted. This can be handy for correcting
negative images captured from microfilm or microfiche.
Rotates the specified page(s) clockwise by 90, 180, or 270 degrees.
Generally, image fixes will be enabled and applied uniformly to all pages. This is done by choosing page 1 of
the sample document, clicking the “Fix” check box, and choosing “All Following Pages”. For each page that
shouldn’t be fixed, or requires special options, move to that page and adjust the options accordingly.
This tab is not available for native templates, because these enhancements are designed specifically for images.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Actions Tab
Figure 3-10 The Template Settings Window, Actions tab
Actions can collect data by which to file each document. They can also be used to confirm the quality or
content of documents during filing.
Note that throughout the description of actions, the administrator who creates a template will be referred to
explicitly or implicitly as "you". The person who runs the templates to file documents will be referred to as the
Each action has a name and a “data source”. Many actions may be associated with a specific region or zone on
a page.
For most actions, you can define a region by pressing Edit Region and then dragging the mouse
across the image with the right mouse button held.
Most actions also have a “data destination”. Generally, an action gets a datum from the source and places it in
the destination.
The order in which actions are listed is the order in which they are run. This is significant to titles
or keywords that are built up by multiple actions using the Add to Title or Add to Keywords
destinations described below. Therefore, actions can be reordered using the up and down
arrows labeled "Order" next to the actions list.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Data Sources
An action’s function varies greatly depending on its data source, as follows. Note that all Data Sources other
than fixed text and user prompt require the Advanced Templates and OCR Module.
Fixed Text
Fixed text is defined within the template and (generally) does not vary from one document to another. It may
be useful to create a consistent prefix for titles (to which additional data may be added through additional
actions), or to set an initial value for a custom field that could be modified in the future. No region on a page is
defined for fixed text action. Only the text string itself and its destination are specified for a fixed text action.
There is no interaction with the user for a fixed text action.
There are several special codes that may be used in a “fixed text” action to add special data to a title, keywords,
custom field, or to place a document into a specific folder. Type them just as shown, with the angled brackets
and with no spaces.
This produces the login name of the user. The docSTAR User transform, described below, may
be used to turn this into the Full User Name or another value if certain integrations are in place.
This will be equal to “GUEST” when no one is logged in.
This feature may be generally useful for recording who actually filed each document.
These produce the date and time, respectively, that the template is run, which may not be the
same as the Scanned date, of course. This may be formatted using the Format transform.
This is the name (station name) of the workstation on which filing took place. It may be useful
to identify what physical workstation was used to file a document.
This is the login name of the current user on the local area network. It may be useful for
identifying the current user in situations where docSTAR security/logins are not used. When
docSTAR login is integrated with network login, this should be the same as <UserName>.
User Prompt
Prompting (asking) the user to enter data during filing is the most common way to file documents. Specify the
prompt text, which tells the user what data to enter, such as “invoice number” or “vendor name”. Specify the
data length and data type to limit what the user can enter. If you define a region on the page, docSTAR will
zoom in on it to help the user find the requested information.
Figure 3-11 Data Source: User Prompt
During Automatic Filing, the "Default to Previous Entry" can save redundant typing when multiple consecutive
documents tend to require the same data for a user prompt. For instance, say the user is being prompted for a
case number and several documents pertaining to the same case are being filed at once. This option causes the
value entered by the user for the previous document to be offered as a default when prompting for the next
docSTAR User’s Reference
document. The user can accept the default from the previous document or type a new value. Note that this
option has no effect during Manual Filing.
Drop Down
A "Drop Down" is like a User Prompt, except that the user will be asked to select an item from a drop down list
during the filing process. You can predefine the list of items here and/or users may be allowed to add items to
the list each time the template is used. A region can be specified which will cause docSTAR to zoom in to the
region during filing.
Figure 3-12 Data Source: Drop Down List
To predefine the list, type the possible values one per line with no quotes or commas or other delimiters.
Alternately, you may copy values from another Windows application and paste them into the list using the
standard keyboard short-cut, Ctrl+V. Note that only unformatted text may be pasted in.
If one item in the list is preceded by an asterisk (*), it will be the default item. It will automatically be selected
when the template is run; the user may just hit enter to accept this choice. The asterisk will not be displayed or
stored when the template is run.
The following additional options are available:
Allow Users
Add to List
Check to display the list sorted alphabetically; leave unchecked to display the list
in the order in which it is defined.
If checked, a user may add a new value to the list after confirming that they wish
to do so. If unchecked, new values will not be accepted.
Default to Previous
Suggests the value entered for the previous document, as described for a User
Prompt action.
A quality control (QC) action doesn’t produce any data, making “data source” a misnomer. docSTAR will
zoom in on the defined region and prompt the user with text you specify. However, rather than entering data,
the user chooses among the following options:
Accepts the QC action, allowing filing of the document to continue.
Rejects the document, sending it to the Review Box, as described below.
Cancel Document
Cancels filing of this document, returning it to the Inbox. Autofiling continues with the next
document, if any.
Cancel Batch
Cancels automatic filing, returning all documents to the Inbox.
QC actions can be used to verify that the quality of a scan. They can also play a role within the process flow of
your business by verifying that a signature, PO number, or other important mark is present on a document
before it is filed.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
OCR Engine
For image documents, OCR can be used to collect data from especially clean type. You can use OCR on a
defined region, a whole page, or many pages (even the whole document).
Pressing OCR Settings displays the following window.
Figure 3-13 OCR Engine Settings
Recognition Mode
Each of these settings is intended to optimize the text recognized for various types of documents.
Automatically interprets the original document and applies Dot matrix, Fax, or Newspaper modes as
Dot Matrix
Output from dot matrix printers is very difficult to OCR accurately. This setting attempts to
improve performance on this type of document.
Fax documents are difficult to read due to lower resolution. Also, most fax machines add a line
identifying the sender, date, and time at the top of each page. This mode optimizes recognition of
faxes and eliminates this line.
Newspapers and some other documents are laid out in columns. This mode recognizes columns and
produces text that correctly follows the columnar layout.
The OCR Engine generates a numeric “confidence score” for each word or letter it recognizes. Any
word or letter that scores below the “confidence threshold” specified here is considered an
uncertainty. Increase the threshold (above the default value of 300) for critical actions, so that
minor lapses in confidence will be flagged as “uncertain” and thereby called to your attention.
Decrease this threshold for less critical actions, where “pretty good” is good enough, and you only
want the “wild guesses” marked as uncertainties. Uncertainties are described more fully under
Reviewing Documents, below.
Select OCR Text
The following settings allow selection of text within the OCR results.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Returns all text generated by the OCR engine.
Largest Type
Returns only text with the largest type (font size) within the OCR results. This is useful to capture
the title from a page for example.
Line Number
Returns only text found at the specified line number. This is useful if reading a cover page and you
are only interested in the third line of text for example.
Another way to select text within OCR results in the Extract Text Transformation, described below.
Maximum Allowable Uncertainties
The following settings allow action handling to be controlled by the confidence level of the OCR text.
Not Limited
Action is processed regardless of the number of uncertainties generated by the OCR engine.
Processing will continue only if the number of uncertainties is equal or less than the number
specified. If the number of uncertainties found by the OCR engine is exceeded, the action will be
treated as an action failure. See Action Failures under Automatic Filing, below.
Image Pre-Processing
The following options adjust the image prior to optical character recognition to improve accuracy. Note that
these adjustments are performed temporarily for the OCR Engine only. Permanent image fixes can be
performed through the feature described above under Enhance tab.
Straightens a crooked image. This function may be redundant if the “Deskew” image fix is on.
Trims white space off the image of an image, potentially eliminating undesirable spaces around
recognized text.
Removes stray spots. This may be redundant if the corresponding image fix is on.
Remove Lines
Removes horizontal or vertical lines, like on a form, which can avoid misinterpreting text that
appears in forms.
Remove Shading
Removes shading, as is sometimes found on forms, making it possible to recognize text printed on
shaded areas.
Enhance Image
Performs digital algorithms to improve the quality of lower resolution or poor quality images.
Generally, apply this only if you have poor results without it.
Auto Orient Page
Attempts to automatically determine if a page is rotated or inverted and thus corrects it.
Text Extract Engine
For native templates, the Text Extract Engine data source yields all text that is truly stored as text in a native or
PDF document. OCR is not used, because the text is truly text; the extracted text is therefore 100% accurate,
but without formatting. The engine extracts all available text from the document; it is not possible to define a
region or a page or otherwise choose what text is used, except through the use of Transformations, described
Note: Prior versions of docSTAR also performed OCR on any image elements embedded in the
native document. OCR of image elements slowed filing significantly and generated extraneous
text, so it has been eliminated.
Barcode Engine
Barcode recognition is an optional module, which can be used to collect data from image documents containing
barcodes. You can use the Barcode Engine on a defined region, a whole page, or many pages (even the whole
document), depending on the nature of the document and your retrieval requirements.
See the Barcode Reference Guide for more details.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Indexed Import
The Indexed Import data source is used with the Indexed Import option with client Auto Import, as described in
Chapter 7. It is designed to extract indexing info (metadata) from an XML file, which accompanies an imported
document. It also works with InfoPath files, which are stored as XML; in this case, no other accompanying file
is needed.
Figure 3-14 Data Source: Indexed Import
To define a template using Indexed Import, start by generating a document with an XML file using your MFP
or other document source. Open the XML file in Windows—Windows will usually open XML in Internet
Explorer, which is fine. You’ll need to see this later when you’re defining the template; either keep the file
open on your screen or print it.
Then configure auto import as described in Chapter 7 to import the document and XML file. Open the
document in your Inbox. Now you’re ready to define the template.
An XPath query is used to define which datum or data are extracted from the XML file. If the XML file
contains one or more namespace specifications, the namespaces can be defined as well. The syntax is fairly
If you’re not already well versed in writing XPaths, try using the XPath examples in Appendix A of this Guide.
You can and should test your XPath by hitting the Test button. docSTAR will display the element of the
imported XML file specified. If you see the datum you expect, your XPath is correct. If you see incorrect data
or no data, recheck the syntax of your XPath.
Note: XPath is a standard of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), so additional resources
can be found on their website at
Note: By default, only a single node is returned. It is possible, however, to extract multiple values
with a single Indexed Import action. This is explained in Appendix A.
If the document you’re working with wasn’t imported with an XML file—or if it has previously been unfiled or
undeleted (see below)—then this message will be displayed:
docSTAR User’s Reference
In this case you should import a new document with XML using Indexed Import.
Special Note on Undeleting and Unfiling Documents
When a document is filed permanently or deleted, the XML data which had been imported with it are deleted,
too. If the document is subsequently unfiled or undeleted, respectively, the XML data are still gone. Therefore,
the document cannot be filed (or refilled) using Indexed Import. An alternate template must be used.
Other Action
Using this action type, data can be retrieved from one or more prior actions and reused. For example, one
action may prompt for a customer code and place it in the title. A second action can place the same data into a
custom field.
"Other Action" data sources are particularly valuable when used with "transformations", which are described
below. For instance, used with a DataLink (an optional feature), it could allow the original datum (maybe a
"client code") to be stored in one destination while the transformed datum (such as the client's name) to be
stored in another.
Figure 3-15 Data Source: Other Actiion
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Most commonly, an “Other Action” data source references a single other action. You can type in the exact
name of the action in angle brackets in the “Source Text” area, but you would probably prefer to choose the
action in the drop down list and click “Add Action”.
Multi-Level Folders
A more complicated “Other Action” data source can be created that combines other text with the value from a
prior Action or that combines two or more prior Actions. This is particularly useful when combined with the
“Place into Sub-Folder” destination.
Take a look at the figure, above. The Source Text for the Other Action shows two other actions plus a
backslash. Let’s assume that the ClientName action yields, “Doe, John” and let’s further assume that the Initial
action yields “D”, using the Substring Transformation (described below). The Folder action results in the text
“D\Doe, John”.
The Place into Sub-Folder destination interprets the backslash as a subfolder (just like Windows), so it will
place the document into a subfolder called “Doe, John” within a folder named “D”. Use of the initial to split
customers into subfolders “A” through “Z” keeps the number of customers within any single folder manageable.
See “Place into Sub-Folder”, below.
Data Destinations
All actions except QC actions produce data. The Data Destination setting determines where the datum for each
goes as follows.
The datum is ignored. This is often used in conjunction with the "verification" feature, as described below. It is
also often used in conjunction with the “Other Action” data source.
Replace Title
The datum becomes the document title, replacing the default title or that generated by any prior actions.
0 Warning: It is highly recommended that the Verification, Required Entry—as described below—be
set on any Replace Title action to ensure that no document with a blank title is produced.
Add to Title
The datum is appended to the document title. A space is appended too so that values added to the title won't run
into each other.
Add to Keywords
The datum (with a space) is appended to the document’s keywords.
Place in Custom Field
The datum is placed in a custom field. Select a field from the list. If the data type of the field doesn't match the
datum, this is considered an action failure, as described below.
Figure 3-16 Destination: Custom Field
To create a new custom field, press the New button. You can edit or remove custom fields from the Options
docSTAR User’s Reference
Place into Sub-Folder
Use this action to place a document into a folder identified by the datum. First, click on the folder icon to select
or create a "parent folder", which contains (or will contain) all of the sub-folders into which documents may be
Figure 3-17 Destination: Sub-folder
For instance, let's say you wish to file medical documents into patient folders. Create a folder called "Patients"
and select it as the "parent". Each patient's individual folder will be created within the "Patients" folder and will
be considered a subfolder of it. Each document filed with this template will be placed into one of those
subfolders of Patients based on the datum. If the datum (from whatever type of data source: User Prompt, OCR,
etc.) is "Smith, John", the document will be placed in the "Smith, John" folder within "Patients".
If the Folder Must Exist box is checked, a new folder cannot be created automatically through this action. This
may be important if OCR is the data source, so that new folders are not created erroneously. If this box is
unchecked, new folders are created “on-the-fly”.
This destination works a little differently for User Prompt actions. When a user is prompted for a subfolder, he
or she may type a folder name or select one from a Select Folder dialog.
Multi-Level Folders
If the Place into Sub-Folder action generates text with one or more backslashes (\), then these are interpreted as
nested folders, like paths within Windows. Thus, documents may be placed into a multi-level folder hierarchy
with this action. In fact, a multi-level folder hierarchy can be created automatically (if “Folder Must Exist” is
Filing documents into multi-level folders generally involves use of the Other Action data source with this data
destination. See the example under “Other Action”, above.
Security Class
An action can set the security class of the document based on user input or any other data source. In the
example below, a drop-down list allows the user to specify the security class of a document during filing.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Figure 3-18 Destination: Security Class
If more than one Action sets the Security Class, the last setting will prevail. Note that, if the security class is set
on the Options tab of the template (described below), this will override any setting made through an Action.
Place in Document Text
Choosing this data destination includes the datum in the “document text”, which is searchable from the Retrieve
window (Chapter 4) and viewable when a document is viewed by clicking the Show Text button (Chapter 5).
Note that the title, keywords, and (optionally) custom field actions data are searchable, too.
This destination is particularly suitable when doing OCR on large regions, whole pages, or on the whole
document. Although large volumes of text can be directed to the keywords field, this can look cluttered when
viewed. Document text has the advantage of being out-of-the-way unless you really want to see it.
Perhaps the biggest advantage of using document text is a destination for OCR is the "hit locations" feature. As
described in Chapter 5, you can use this feature to locate information on a specific page of a large document if
OCR results are directed to the document text destination.
Clicking on the Verification tab on the Actions tab allows you to choose a rule for verifying or validating the
datum collected. Verification is only available when the Advanced Templates and OCR Module is present.
No verification is performed. Anything is accepted. If a user prompt action, the user can choose to skip the
action or leave it blank.
Required Entry
If a user prompt action, the user is required to enter something—the action may not be left blank or skipped. If
an OCR or Barcode action, failure to get any data is considered an Action Failure and may cause the document
to go to the Review Box. See Action Failures under Automatic Filing, below.
Note: Verification applies to all data destinations, including “Place in Folder”. Make sure you
specify Required Entry if you want to make sure that the user doesn’t fail to pick a folder.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Pattern Match
If a user prompt action, the user is required to enter data that match a specified pattern.
Figure 3-19 Pattern Match Verification
The pattern specification can consist of the following characters.
Matches any numeric digit (0 to 9)
Matches any letter or digit (0 to 9, a to z, or A to Z)
Matches any character (letter, digit, or punctuation mark)
Any other characters in the pattern must match exactly.
To help define the pattern, there is a test area. Type sample text in the “Test String to Match” field, and
docSTAR will immediately report if it matches the pattern you’ve specified.
As shown in the figure, a pattern of “###-##-###” will only match a nine digits separated by dashed (a social
security number). Note that the dashes are an example of “other” characters, which must be present to match.
For an OCR or Barcode action, failure to get a datum that matches this format is considered an Action Failure
and may cause the document to go to the Review Box. See Action Failures under Automatic Filing, below
In order to use a DataLink, it must first be defined by the Administrator. (See the DataLink User’s Guide for
more information.)
Clicking on the Transformation tab on the Actions tab allows you to select a rule for changing the datum
collected. The “transformed” datum will be placed in the Data Destination (title, custom field, etc.) instead of
the original datum from the action. Transformations are only available if the Advanced Templates module is
No transformation is performed. Data remain unchanged.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
The following cleanup operations are performed:
Remove duplicate spaces
Remove spaces at the beginning of a line
Remove new line characters (CRLF) at the beginning of the text
Remove new line characters (CRLF) at the end of the text
Remove spaces at the beginning of the text
Remove tilde (~) characters, which are generated by the OCR engine to indicate unreadable characters.
Format Text
This transform is most often used to format numbers or dates into a consistent, aesthetically pleasing format.
Figure 3-20 Format Transformation
The table below shows most of the formatting options.
Sample Data
Short Date
Medium Date
Long Date
Tuesday, January 01, 2002
General Number
Leading Zeros
A complete definition of all possible patterns would be too lengthy to include in this manual. The format text
transformation is based on Microsoft’s “Format” function as found in VBA and other languages. Additional
information can be found by searching for “format function” at
Note: *Short Date, Medium Date, and Long Date formats can be adjusted according to the
Regional and Language settings found in Windows Control Panel, which can vary from
workstation to workstation.
docSTAR User’s Reference
An area is provided to test the pattern entered with sample data to ensure that the resulting format is correct.
The figure shows how a date entered in a somewhat unconventional format, using dashes, is converted to a
consistent “long date” format.
Multi-Level Folders
One use of a format transformation could be to create folder groupings by year, month, or day. Consider, for
example, invoices being filed into folders by vendor name. The number of invoices in a particular vendor’s
folder may grow very large over a period of time. You could use the “yyyy” format on the invoice date to
produce a subfolder for each year under each vendor. For a finer grouping, use “yyyy/mm” format, which will
create folders for each month; note that the year is presented first, so that the folders will be in proper
chronological order when sorted by name.
Extract Text
This transformation is typically used with OCR when you need only a small portion of a block of text. It
extracts a number of characters following a key word.
Figure 3-21 Extract Text Transformation
For instance, the settings above will extract the 6 characters that follow “Invoice:”. Text preceding and
following the 6 characters specified will be discarded.
With “Multiple Lines” unchecked, the extracted text must appear on the same line as the Search Text. If you
check “Multiple Lines”, the number of characters specified as the Length will be extracted even if they extend
through multiple lines.
The Default Output Text, “Invoice Not Found” in this example, will be generated if the Search Text is not found.
The substring transformation picks the first n or last n characters from the data source.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Figure 3-22 Substring Transformation
One use of this transform is to truncate data from OCR or another data source to ensure that it doesn’t take up
too much space in, for instance, a title.
Multi-Level Folders
However, the Substring transformation works particularly well when combined with other actions and the Place
into Sub-Folder destination. It helps organize folders into groups by prefix or suffix.
For example, if documents are to be filed into folders from each customer’s name, and the number of customers
is large (e.g. 20,000), scrolling through the list of customer folders can be unwieldy. However, grouping the
customer folders into subfolders “A” through “Z” by their initial splits the customers into manageable numbers.
(The first two letters of each name can be used if a finer grouping is needed.)
Another example would be documents filed into folders by case number, where the number of cases may
become very large. Consider grouping the case folders into subfolders by the last two digits of the case number,
using this transformation. This will produce 100 case number groups from “00” to “99”, with the individual
case folders within those.
See the Other Action dataSource, above, for a more complete example.
docSTAR User
The transformation is intended for use with the special code <UserName> in a Fixed Text action. (See Fixed
Text data source, above.) It allows you to transform the user’s login name to their full name as entered through
the Admin program. Select “Full Name” from the dropdown list and click “Add Field” to add it to the
transformation. The “Default Output Text” setting specifies the result of the transformation if, somehow, the
data source doesn’t match any docSTAR login name.
Note: Additional docSTAR User transformation field are available in certain application-specific
integration products. See the documentation for your integration for more info.
(Optional Feature)
In order to use a DataLink, it must first be defined by the Administrator. (See the DataLink User’s Guide for
more information.)
docSTAR User’s Reference
Options Tab
Figure 3-23 The Template Settings Window, Options tab
This tab contains settings that apply to the whole document.
Set Security
Use this option to assign a specific security class to each document as it is filed.
Do not use this option if the security class is being set by an Action with a Security Class destination, as
described above. Any setting here will override the Class set by any Action.
If no security class is set here or through any Action, the security class will remain unchanged during
Add Process
By Date to
As described at the beginning of this Chapter, a “Process By” date may be assigned to each document in
any Inbox. Doing so helps sort and identify documents (via color coding) by when they are due to be
By default, no Process By date is assigned. Turning on this option sets the Process By date of a
document when it is scanned or imported to the specified number of days in the future. Note that
changing this setting within a template will not affect documents that have already been imported or
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Set View/Send
To Starting
Cover pages are often used to help file documents, but users often don’t care to see the cover page when
opening or printing a document. Setting the “Starting Page” of the document to “2” causes the document
to automatically open to page 2 whenever it is viewed. It also automatically selects pages 2 through the
end when printing, emailing, or otherwise “sending” the document. Starting pages higher than 2 can be
used to effectively hide additional pages at the beginning of each document.
To view any page(s) before the starting page, simply click on the previous page control. Likewise, adjust
the page range in the “Send To” window, described in Chapter 6, to print, email, etc. these pages.
Send to Review
Affects whether documents filed with this template will go to the Review Box, which is described later in
this chapter. You may choose among the following:
Never – No documents will go to the Review Box. This option is not recommended.
On Action Failure –Documents, which have one or more actions that fail to produce appropriate data, or
which receive a negative QC action response, will go to the Review Box. See Actions tab, above, and
Automatic Filing, below, for details.
Always – All documents will go to the Review Box.
Include Custom
Fields in Text
When checked (default), all data in custom fields is indexed along with the title, keywords, and document
text so that it is searchable via docSTAR text search engine. See Chapter 4. Generally, leave this
Custom Fields
The remainder of this tab is devoted to custom fields. As previously described, filing documents with data in
custom fields provides another way to retrieve them.
To associate custom fields with a template, click the Add button.
Figure 3-24 The Custom Fields Window
The list shows the pool of all custom fields that has previously been defined. The following functions are
Opens a window to define a new custom field. You will be asked for a name, data type (text, number, or
date) and field size. Custom fields you create can be shared among several templates.
Opens a window to modify the properties of the selected custom field. These properties include these
you specified when you created the field, plus one: Active. Making a custom field inactive hides it from
use in any templates, but retains any data that have previously been stored in it for any documents.
Deletes the selected custom field. You may not delete a custom field if it has been already been used to
store data. (Consider making it inactive, as just described under “Edit.)
docSTAR User’s Reference
Closes this window, associating the selected custom field with the template.
Closes this window, but doesn’t associate the selected custom field with the template. Note that any
fields created or modified are not undone.
Custom fields will usually be filled with data during filing as specified by the Actions tab of the Template
Settings window, described above.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Manual File
This window displays a document from the Inbox and allows you to title it, add keywords, place it in a folder,
and permanently file it. However, these functions are usually much more conveniently performed, especially
for groups of documents, using Automatic File (described below). Therefore, Manual filing is most useful
when filing single, exceptional documents for which special template has been prepared. It is also frequently
used for looking at incoming faxes.
Manual file also offers several special functions not available through Automatic File: rescanning pages,
rearranging page order, or splitting some pages out of a document.
Manual file operates on one document at a time. If multiple documents are selected from the Inbox, they are
displayed and processed one at a time. A mixture of image, native, and PDF documents may be processed in
the same batch.
To open Manual File from the Inbox, select your document(s), and press the Manual File button.
Figure 3-25 Manual File Window
These controls appear on the Manual File window. Note that the ability to edit data requires appropriate
security rights.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Image documents are viewed one page at a time. The page navigator lets you move to the next
or previous page, or to the last or first page of a document. Enter a page number in the white box
to jump to that page. You can also use the Page Down and Page Up keys on the keyboard to
scroll from page to page.
The page control does not appear for native documents. Instead, simply use the scrollbar to
scroll down through the document.
If you have selected more than one document from the Inbox, you may step through them using
the document navigator, similar to the page navigator. Moving to a new document after you’ve
made any edits will save those edits.
The document title may be viewed or edited in this text control.
The document keywords may be viewed or edited in this text control.
Process By
Shows the date by which the document should be processed. This may have been set
automatically when the document was scanned (based on the selected template) or manually, in
the Inbox. The date can be adjusted here..
This setting helps users recognize due and overdue items in their Inbox. It is erased when the
document is filed.
The priority of the document may be adjusted here to help organize documents in the Inbox.
This setting, like Process By, is erased when the document is filed.
Custom Fields
Custom fields are added to a document by running a template that specifies them. If any are
present, they are displayed and may be edited.
Displays the template currently associated with the document. Clicking on the small button
allows you, choose another template, modify a template, or create a new one.
Security Class
Displays the current security class and allows you to choose another for the document.
Displays a list of all folders that contain the current document. Also allows adding the
document to folders as well as removing it from folders. Folders are described more fully in
Chapter 4.
Figure 3-26 Folders Display
Send To
Lets you print, fax, email, or otherwise output the document. See Chapter 6.
Scan Options
This button allows you to use choose from the same scan options that are available from the
Scan window, in preparation for rescanning. (Not available for native or PDF documents.)
Rescan Page
Activates the scanner to rescan (replace) the current page. (Not available for native or PDF
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Page Options
Opens the Page Options window, described below.
(Not available for native or PDF
Run Template
Performs the filing operations defined within the document’s template. This may include fixing
images, OCR, prompting the user for info, etc. It is recommended that an appropriate template
be run for all documents that are filed, so that image fixes take place and a consistent filing
scheme is followed.
Opens the Review window on the current document, allowing the results of OCR (if any) to be
The Divider Bar
This special control isn’t a button or a text box, and it is not labeled. It is a vertical bar running
nearly the full height of the window, just to the right of the image display and to the left of all
other controls. The mouse cursor changes when it is over this bar to indicate that the bar can be
dragged to the left or right. Doing so changes the relative size of the image and data portions of
the window. The View Modes buttons in the toolbar (and the corresponding menu items)
conveniently move the Divider Bar to its leftmost, center, and rightmost positions.
These additional controls close the current document.
File Permanently
Closes the document and completes the filing process: removing the document from the Inbox
and adding it to docSTAR’s searchable index and archive device. See Advanced Topics,
Background Functions, Chapter 7. Note: The term “permanently” isn’t exactly accurate,
because documents can be unfiled or deleted (see View, Chapter 5). However, documents are
generally only filed once.
A warning is displayed if a template has not been run since the document was opened. If you
have previously run the template, or you really want to file the document without running it,
click Yes.
Return to Inbox
Closes the document without completing the filing process, but saves any edits made. The
document will remain in the Inbox.
Cancel Changes
Closes the document, discarding any edits made. The document will remain in the Inbox
awaiting filing.
Each of the three options above will close the current document and advance to the next (if additional documents had been
selected). Closing the last selected document closes Manual File and returns to the Inbox.
Close Window
Cancels changes on the current document and closes the Manual File window, returning this and
any remaining documents to the Inbox.
Two toolbars are visible when Manual File opens. The top toolbar belongs to the Main window, and contains
miniature versions of its command buttons as described in Chapter 1. The lower toolbar belongs to the Manual
File window and contains the following buttons:
Records any edits made. Pressing Cancel Changes subsequent to Save will not undo any changes
made prior to pressing the Save button.
Deletes the document. Manual File will continue with the next selected document, or will close
if there are no additional documents selected.
Delete Page
Rotate Right
Rotate Left
Deletes the current page (image documents only).
Rotates the current page 90 degrees to the right (image documents only).
Rotates the current page 90 degrees to the left (image documents only).
docSTAR User’s Reference
Show Annotation
Opens the Annotation Toolbox (or closes it if it was already open). The Annotation Toolbox is
described in Chapter 7. This is available with the Annotation Module for image and PDF
Chooses whether annotations are shown or hidden. When depressed, the button indicates that
annotations are currently being shown.
Clicking the pin puts docSTAR into “on top” mode. The docSTAR window automatically
adjusts to half screen size and remains visible even when another application is active. This is
useful for entering data from the document into another software application, like an accounting
system. Clicking the pin again returns docSTAR to its normal mode.
On Top
Send To
These three buttons choose among three view modes: Full Screen, Split Screen, and Data
Screen. Split Screen (shown selected) is the default mode, showing the document on the left and
info/controls (title, keywords, etc.) on the right. The leftmost of these buttons devotes almost
the whole window to the document. The rightmost of these buttons doesn’t show the document,
showing instead additional document information.
Opens the Send To window.
Activates the online help.
Availability of annotation and deletion functions is subject to the security classification of the current document.
Most of the menu commands available from Manual File duplicate functions available through the controls and
toolbar just described. However, the following menus and menu operations should be noted.
Scan New Pages
This command lets you scan one or more pages, adding them to the beginning, middle, or end of an image
Figure 3-27 Scan New Pages Window
Scan Options (brightness, contrast, etc.) may be selected, as well as choices of single or multiple page scanning,
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
The Item Menu
The Item Menu simply contains the document stepping functions (first, previous, next, last) available in the
document navigator. Only the name is worth noting. The menu is named “Item” rather than “Document” for
consistency with the View window. It is called “Item” because the View window can step through either
documents or folders.
The Window Menu
The Window menu can be used to go back to the Inbox or another open window while Manual File remains
open, taking advantage of docSTAR multi-document interface (MDI) ability. This can be very useful for
advanced users, but may be confusing to users not accustomed to operating in this manner. See Chapter 7 for
notes on Using Multiple Windows.
The On Top menu item toggles “On Top” mode, just like pressing the pin on the toolbar.
For image documents and PDFs, Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Fit to Window commands are available in the View
menu, but the most convenient way to zoom is to use the mouse. Using the left mouse button, click and drag
across an image to zoom in on a specific section. Right-click on the image for a pop-up menu of zoom options.
When you are zoomed in to an image, vertical and/or horizontal scrollbars appear for panning. You may also
click, with the left or right button, on the little magnifying glass at the point where the scrollbars meet; this
zooms in or out, respectively.
Zooming is available for most native documents, too. Right-click anywhere on the native document to display a
pop-up menu. The menu will offer zooming and other view options, which will vary based on the document
type. For instance, spreadsheets offer a choice of showing or hiding gridlines.
Extracting Native Documents
One of the great advantageous of storing documents natively is that they can be extracted natively and opened
in their native application.
Click on the Open Document button. You will be prompted to save a copy of the document to any location:
your desktop, a local hard disk, or somewhere on your network. Thus, the document stored in docSTAR
remains unalterable while you are free to do anything you wish with the copy you extract.
If you wish to save changes you’ve made back into docSTAR, re-import the document using any of the methods
described in Chapter 2. The original and modified documents will each be stored and retrievable, and each will
be protected by docSTAR’s AuthentiDate and EPM mechanism.
Note: Some complex native documents cannot be rendered perfectly by docSTAR. Use the
Open Document button for such documents to view them and print them exactly as they should
Page Options
Only available for image documents, the Page Options window allows you to move and remove pages. You
can also take some of the pages out of a document and put them into a new document.
Page Options is only available from Manual File. When you click on the Page Options button, up to 5 pages of
your document will appear on the Page Options window, as shown in Figure 3-28. If there are more than five
pages in your document, a scroll bar will appear.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Figure 3-28 Page Options Window
To move pages to a new document:
1. Select the page(s) that you wish to move within the document. To select multiple pages, click on the first
selection then hold down the Shift or Ctrl key and click on additional pages. A border around each page
will indicate that it is selected.
2. Click on the To New Document button. You will be asked to confirm the move operation.
3. Enter the title of the new document (maximum 40 characters). The selected pages will be removed from
the current document and placed in a new document. The new document will be placed in the docSTAR
Inbox for filing.
To move pages within the document:
1. Select the page(s) that you want to move to a new document.
2. Click on Within Document button. You will be prompted: "Please enter page number after which selected
pages will be inserted." Enter the page number and then push OK.
NOTE: You can also click on and drag selected page(s). Drag them to their destination within
the document, or to the To New Document or Delete Selection button.
To delete pages:
1. Select the page(s) that you want to delete.
2. Click on the Delete Selection button. You will see the following message: “Are you sure you want to
delete selected page(s)”.
3. Make sure the selection is correct; there is no "undo" or cancel option.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Automatic (Auto) Filing
Automatic filing is a fast and efficient way to file batches of documents. The Automatic File window is opened
from the Inbox by selecting documents and choosing the Auto File button. A mixed batch of image documents,
PDFs, and native documents may be auto filed together.
Figure 3-29 The Automatic File Window
Only two command buttons are available on this window: Start and Close. Press close if you change your
mind and do not wish to run Auto File at this time. Press Start to begin filing the selected documents.
Auto File processes each document according to the template selected for it. Any User Prompt or QC actions
will be displayed, requiring the user to input data, choose a folder, or confirm the document as specified in the
template. (See Templates, above.)
For efficiency, documents are processed in two phases. All user input for each documents is handled in the first
phase. During this phase, a user may cancel one document, which sends it back to the Inbox, or cancel the
entire batch, sending them all back to the Inbox. Image fixing and OCR are performed according to each
document’s template in the second phase. This allows the user to leave docSTAR unattended during the second
phase, which may be left to run overnight. (Batches of thousands of documents may take several hours.)
Rejected Documents
Certain errors (disk, database, network, etc.) may prevent a document from being accessed or processed during
automatic filing. These errors will generally not display a message, because this would interrupt processing of
the batch. Instead, individual documents, which can’t be processed due to some error, are returned to the Inbox.
docSTAR modifies their titles by adding “@ERR:” in front to indicate that they failed to file.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Documents may also be rejected and returned to the Inbox due to excessive OCR uncertainties. (Uncertainties
are described under Reviewing Documents, below.) Any document that is read with more uncertainties (per
1,000 characters) than the Maximum Uncertainty Rate set on the File tab of User Preferences (Chapter 7) is
returned to the Inbox with “@” added in front of its title. This avoids filing documents with very poor OCR
results, which could inhibit their retrieval.
Action Failures
The Document tab of the template determines when a document is sent to the Review Box after automatic
filing. This is commonly set to “On Action Failure”, meaning that only those documents that suffer an action
failure will go to the Review Box. But what is an Action Failure? Any of the following:
Any action other* than User Prompt or a drop-down list fails to conform to the Verification specified
in the template.
Any action other* than User Prompt or a drop-down list generated data of a type not compatible with
the data type of a custom field. For instance, “Fred” was generated and is destined for a numeric field
or date field.
Any action other* than User Prompt or a drop-down list generated data that failed to match an existing
folder name for a “Place In Sub-Folder” field and the Folder Must Exist option was selected.
• A user responds negatively (presses “Reject”) on a QC action.
*User Prompt and drop-down list actions are excluded from this list because docSTAR won’t accept invalid
data from a user for these types of actions; the user is required to correct it immediately. Thus, it does not result
in an Action Failure.
Autofiling Exceptions
When an OCR or fixed text action fails to place a document in a valid folder, it is placed in a folder called
“!Autofiling Exceptions”. This folder will be located within the parent folder defined within the template. If
you use this type of action, you should periodically use the Browse tab of the Retrieve window to check for this
folder. Move documents that land in it to a suitable folder.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Reviewing Documents
Reviewing documents is an optional step to confirm that documents have been filed properly. The Document
tab of the Template determines whether or not a document is sent to the Review Box after filing as described
above. Documents may be reviewed from the Review Box or from the Manual File window.
The Review Box and the Review Window have several featured geared towards checking OCR results. These
features depend upon the concept of “uncertainties”.
A Note About Uncertainties
The OCR engine uses a built-in dictionary and other tools to judge its own results, and it marks words or letters
that it is uncertain about. Accordingly, these marked words and letters are called “uncertainties”.
Like OCR itself, the detection of uncertainties isn’t perfect. Often text is accurate but still considered an
uncertainty. Conversely, the OCR engine sometimes makes a mistake but is quite certain of itself; this behavior
can be found in people, too. Nevertheless, uncertainties are still very useful.
The total number of uncertainties within a document is displayed in the Review Box as shown below. The
uncertainty rate per 1,000 characters is also displayed. Expressing the number of uncertainties as factor of the
total number of characters read often provides a better picture of OCR accuracy than the absolute number of
uncertainties. For instance, even a single uncertainty may be intolerable if the only text read was a single
invoice number. On the other hand, a couple of hundred uncertainties spread across a thirty-page report, which
has been fully OCRed, probably represent excellent results.
The Review Box
Documents may be found in the Review Box after they have been automatically filed, depending on the Review
Mode setting in the template (described under Document tab, above). Access to the Review box is gained by
clicking on the Review button from the Main window
Figure 3-30 Review Button
docSTAR User’s Reference
Figure 3-31 Review Box Window
The Review Box displays each document with the following information:
A green or red light is displayed to indicate if the document is in the review box because of a filing
action failure or if the template is set to always place the document into the review box.
Document Title
This is the title of each document produced during Automatic Filing. It may be the product of
keyboard input, OCR, or other types of Actions.
This is the total number of characters in each document flagged as uncertain during OCR. This
number will be zero when no OCR has been performed.
Rate per 1,000 (K)
This is the ratio of uncertainties per 1,000 characters read.
This is name of the document template.
This is a description of why the document is in the review box. If the document is present because
of a filing failure, it will list the specific action which failed and the reason for failure.
One or more documents can be selected in the Review Box as they can be in the Inbox and in other lists. (Drag
the mouse or hold Shift or Ctrl while clicking the mouse to select multiple documents.) Each of the Review
Box commands can operate on multiple documents.
The purpose of the Review is to confirm that documents have been properly filed. You can look through the
Review box for incorrect titles or for unusually high uncertainty rates. Rates over 50 uncertainties per 1,000
may be cause for concern when doing full-text retrieval. If you are reading a very small region of a document,
which contains a critical datum like an invoice number, then any uncertainty may warrant a Review.
Reviewing documents is described below.
Documents are removed from the Review Box by pressing the Complete button. Completing the filing of
document in the Review Box updates the searchable index and allows the document to move to docSTAR’s
archive device. This is an important step that should be done regularly. Failure to do so will leave these
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
documents on the Inbox device, eventually filling it.
understanding of these concepts.)
(See Chapter 7, Advanced Topics, for a better
Other buttons available in the Review Box are:
Edit Title
This is a convenient way to correct document titles. If multiple documents are selected, you can
edit the title of each in turn.
Opens the Review window, which is used to correct text generated by OCR. Multiple selected
documents will appear in the Review window one at a time. (See below.)
Add to Folder
Note that adding one or more documents to a folder from the Review Box doesn't remove them
from the Review Box; they still need to be completed.
Deletes one or more documents. This may be necessary if you find, through Review or the
Review Box, that a document was scanned so poorly that it needs to be rescanned.
Closes the Review Box.
The Review Window
For image documents, and image PDFs, the top half of the Review window displays the document’s title,
keywords, custom fields, and the image. The lower half displays the text that was read from it (via OCR).
Figure 3-32 Review Window
This configuration is designed to allow you to conveniently compare OCR text to the image it was extracted
from. Reviewing text is a matter of stepping through a document's uncertainties, similar to the way a word
processor program will step you through misspellings. Each uncertainty is highlighted in the text box and in the
image display. You may use the Next Uncertainty button to automatically step through each uncertainty in
docSTAR User’s Reference
turn. You can also scroll freely through the text and edit any part of it using the scroll bar, arrow keys, and Page
Up and Page Down keys on your keyboard.
Note: It is generally tedious and unnecessary to completely correct every word in a document.
Remember that these words are used only for retrieving the image. You may just skip over or
delete words or whole sections that are not necessary to retrieval of your document.
You may zoom in on part of the image by dragging the mouse. Right click on the image for other zoom/display
The following controls appear across the bottom of the window:
Previous and Next
Move the text cursor (a blinking vertical bar) to the previous or next uncertainty in the document.
The image portion of the window automatically displays the corresponding region of the
document image. Next (or previous) will cross pages when you move past the last (or first)
uncertainty on the current page.
Previous and Next
Moves the text cursor (and image window) to the first uncertainty on the previous or next page. If
there is no uncertainty on that page, the text cursor moves to the top of the page, as does the
image window.
Removes the highlighted word from the uncertainty list and advances to the next uncertainty. It
generally isn't necessary to use this command; normally you can just skip over uncertainties that
you don't need to correct. When the document is completed, the whole uncertainty list is
discarded anyway.
Saves edits to the current document and moves to the next, or returns to the Review Box if there
are no more documents selected.
Discards all edits to the current document and moves on to the next.
Exit Batch
Discards edits to the current document and closes the Review Window.
Between the Previous and Next Uncertainty buttons is displayed the total number of uncertainties remaining in
the document and on the current page. Making any edit within an uncertainty removes the uncertainty from this
number; it is presumed that if you edit a word, then any error has been corrected.
Text editing is inherently keyboard-intensive and it is often inconvenient to switch from the mouse to the
keyboard. Therefore, using the following keyboard shortcuts rather than the mouse will speed the review
There is an underlined character in the name on each button. Pressing Alt + the underlined letter
activates that button: Alt+P = Previous Uncertainty, Alt+N = Next, etc.
Page Up and Page Down scroll through large portions of text on a page. The four arrow keys move
the cursor by one character or one line.
Home and End move to the beginning or end of the current line.
Holding a shift key and typing any of the cursor-movement keys highlights a portion of text;
highlighted text is replaced by any new text that is typed.
It is worth mentioning one more time that the purpose of docSTAR is to store document images and retrieve
them, and that the purpose of reading text using OCR is solely to provide a means for retrieving documents.
Text should not be reviewed any more than is necessary to meet your retrieval requirements.
Any custom fields associated with this document are displayed at the top of the Review window. It is also
possible to add a custom field on the fly by clicking the Add button, which appears below any custom fields.
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Figure 3-33 Review, Add Custom Fields
Reviewing Native Documents and Non-Image PDFs
The OCR-oriented configuration of the Review window is not really applicable for native documents and nonimage PDFs. Therefore, the Review window switches to this layout for these documents.
Figure 3-34 Native/PDF Review
The document and extracted text, if any, are displayed side by side and the text can be edited. However, there
are no “uncertainties”. For PDFs, there is a single page navigation control, which operates on the document and
text in unison. No page navigation control is present for native documents; just scroll downward through the
document or text.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Filing Strategy
Implementing an electronic filing system for your office requires some pre-planning and development of a
filing strategy for each type of document you are filing. A filing strategy consists of a determination as to what
constitutes a document and how each document should be filed (defined as a template).
Defining a Document
docSTAR has the ability, as explained within this chapter, to merge documents, split documents, scan additional
pages into a document, and rearrange the order of pages. However, using these features for hundreds or
thousands of documents per day would be very inconvenient. Therefore, it is best to define a document as a
group of one or more pages that are scanned together and filed together and will be retrieved together. One
invoice, with its supporting purchase order, requisition, shipping records, etc. might be considered a single
document if you can scan and file them together. They would thereby always be retrieved together. On the
other hand, if these elements are unlikely to be scanned together, then consider each invoice and each purchase
order (etc.) a separate document. They can be placed in a common folder or be given a common keyword or
custom field value so that they can still be retrieved together.
Likewise, all of the things that make up a typical file folder—like a patient folder—generally should not be
considered a single document, because they are probably generated at very different times. Instead, consider
each lab result, office visit report, etc. within the patient’s file a document. Like the invoice/purchasing
example above, these documents can be placed into a common patient folder, or you can use the patient’s ID in
the title, keywords, or a field to retrieve them.
Scanning and filing a large "package" of pages as many smaller documents rather than one large document may
be more work, but may make it easier to find specific information. On the other hand, the effective use of OCR
and Hit Locations (Chapter 5) may make single large documents more manageable.
Defining the Template
Elsewhere, this chapter has explained what all of the functions of a template are and how to set any of them.
The remainder of this chapter is devoted to why and when particular functions should be used.
Identify Keys
The filing scheme defined within a template for a document must meet the requirements of users who will later
retrieve that document.
Start by looking at your current filing system to determine the “key” or index item by which you retrieve
documents now. If the document is a purchase order, perhaps its key is the customer name. Often copies of
documents are filed in a second cabinet by another key. This might be PO Number, for example. Identify all
keys under which documents are currently filed.
docSTAR often is employed to do more than the current filing system. Are there tasks that currently require
tedious manual searches through many documents or folders? For instance, do you sometimes need to find a
PO for a particular item, but you don’t know the PO number or from whom it came. The line items on a PO, or
the entire content of the PO, might be considered another key.
Apply docSTAR
One of docSTAR’s filing elements: a folder, field, or text, should be applied to each key you’ve identified.
Folders are readily familiar to every office worker, and people are often most comfortable with the concept of
filing something into a folder. Folders are practical when many documents will share a key, such as a
“customer name”; you wouldn’t use folders when every document will have a unique key, like an invoice
Chapter 3 Filing Documents
Folders can be created on the fly during filing by leaving off the “Folder Must Exist” option. However, do so
carefully to avoid creating erroneous folders due to typos or OCR errors. Use of Datalink verification can be
very valuable to assure that only valid folders are created.
If the number of folders to be created is more than a few hundred, dividing them into subfolders will improve
performance and usability. Consider opening a “Customers” folder and finding ten thousand folders within it
from “Abbot, Adam” to “Zwiechek, William”—this would perform very poorly. Instead, create subfolders “A”
through “Z” under “Customers” and segregate the individual customer folders by their initial. This will help
assure that no one folder has more than a few hundred customers within it. (See Multi-Level Filing remarks
under Template creation for assistance doing this.)
Another feature of folders is the ability to add keywords to a folder itself. For instance, additional customer
data could be added to the keywords of each customer’s folder, allowing customers documents to be retrieved
by any of these data without adding these data to each document individually. Keywords are added to a folder
by opening the folder in the View window.
Another way to implement a key is a field: title, keywords, or a custom field. Unlike folders, fields are just as
practical to use when every single document has a different value, as they are when all documents will have one
of a relatively small number of values.
The title field has special significance in that it is typically the field used to identify individual documents
within a folder or a search result. Thus, the title field should generally be given a unique value, or at least one
that is going to be unique within a folder or a typical search. PO Number could be implemented by placing it in
the title field of each document.
Custom fields are advantageous for storing dates, because if a field is defined as a "date" data type, it
understands that "April 18, 2003" and "4/18/03" and various other variations all mean the same thing.
docSTAR’s text search ability is particularly valuable when performing a significant amount of OCR. In this
case, the document’s content is the “key”.
The text search system also operates on the title, keywords, and custom fields so that anything filed by “field” is
really filed by “text”, too; it just depends on how each user chooses to retrieve the document (this is made
clearer in Chapter 4).
Remember Simplicity
When creating a filing scheme, remember that it should be kept as simple as possible. Include any keys that are
really useful, but don’t “go crazy”. You don’t want to waste time or clutter the database with extraneous data.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents
Retrieve Tab .............................................................................................................................. 4-3
Narrowing Scope ................................................................................................................... 4-3
Documents, Folders, or Both .......................................................................................... 4-3
Look in Folder ................................................................................................................ 4-3
Narrow to Template ........................................................................................................ 4-4
Field-Based Retrieval............................................................................................................. 4-4
Field ................................................................................................................................ 4-4
Comparison Operators .................................................................................................... 4-4
Value............................................................................................................................... 4-4
Text-Based Retrieval.............................................................................................................. 4-5
Text vs. Fields................................................................................................................. 4-5
Searching for Phrases...................................................................................................... 4-5
Searching for Numbers ................................................................................................... 4-5
Advanced Text Search .................................................................................................... 4-5
Results Tab ................................................................................................................................ 4-9
Menus..................................................................................................................................... 4-9
Browse Tab (Using Folders).................................................................................................... 4-11
Folder Basics........................................................................................................................ 4-11
The Root Folder ............................................................................................................ 4-11
When and Why to Use Folders ..................................................................................... 4-11
Adding to a Folder ........................................................................................................ 4-11
Using Browse....................................................................................................................... 4-12
Searching for Folders in Browse................................................................................... 4-14
Dragging and Dropping in Browse ............................................................................... 4-14
Removing vs. Deleting Folders..................................................................................... 4-15
Exporting a Folder
.................................................................................................. 4-15
Exceptions Folders........................................................................................................ 4-17
docSTAR User’s Reference
Storing documents in docSTAR wouldn’t be very useful without the ability to retrieve them. Fortunately,
docSTAR’s Retrieve window lets you do just that. Open it by pressing the Retrieve button on the docSTAR
main window.
Figure 4-1 Retrieve Button
The Retrieve window contains three tabs, each of which is described below.
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents
Retrieve Tab
Figure 4-2 Retrieve tab
The Retrieve tab allows you to specify what documents you want to retrieve. It contains three sections for
specifying what is to be retrieved, each of which is described below.
Narrowing Scope
It is possible to look through all documents and folders at once, and it is possible to narrow a search.
Narrow Retrieval section of this tab is where the scope of the search is defined.
Documents, Folders, or Both
These option buttons let you choose to retrieve only documents, folders, or both. Choose Folders Only when
you’ve used the folder-based filing method and you are looking specifically for a folder by its title or keywords.
Choose Documents Only to retrieve documents filed by fields and/or text. Or, choose Both when you aren’t
sure what you are looking for or how it might have been filed.
Look in Folder
If you know the document(s) or folder(s) you want to retrieve are in a specific folder, you may specify it here;
click on the little folder icon to select the folder. The search will be confined to documents and folders
contained in the folder you specify or in its subfolders, etc. If you do not specify a folder here, you can retrieve
documents and/or folders regardless if what folder, if any, they are contained in.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Narrow to Template
To narrow a search to only documents that were filed using a specific template, specify that template here.
(Folders are not filed with a template, so no folders can be retrieved if a template is specified.) If <All> is
selected, any folders or documents can be retrieved without regard to template.
Field-Based Retrieval
Documents or folders can be retrieved by specifying data contained in their title, keywords, or other fields in the
Fields Retrieval section of the Retrieve tab.
Five rows of search criteria can be entered. Only documents and/or folders meeting the criterion in every row
will be retrieved. The following is specified for each row.
A custom field or standard field can be specified in each row. The meaning of any custom field is entirely
defined by your filing scheme. Here is a description of each standard field.
Contains forty characters, set automatically during scanning, but typically reset during filing.
The number of pages in an image, COLD, or PDF document. docSTAR is not able to retrieve
any native documents based on number of pages.
The date a document was scanned in or imported, or the date a folder was created.
The last date any changes were made to a document or folder, including a change to title,
keywords, text, annotation, custom fields, or page rotation. Of course, docSTAR disallows any
changes to the document content itself.
The last date a document or folder was viewed, printed, or opened.
The security classification of a document or folder.
Use this field to search for documents imported from a specific docSTAR System (or limit search
to documents originating on this system). Systems are identified by their database device volume
label. Documents that have not been imported have an Origin of "<native>". Documents from
prior versions of docSTAR have an Origin of "<unknown>". See Document Exchange in the
Administrators Guide for more information.
On Two-Tier
Select On Two-Tier and specify a volume to look only at documents stored on a RAID device
and on the specified volume, as described under Two-Tier Storage in Chapter 7.
Specify a volume to look only for documents stored on a specific archive volume.
For the System Administrator, there is an option under the View menu to Show Hidden Fields. Hidden fields
should generally only be used on the advice of a service technician.
Comparison Operators
A comparison operator must be specified in each row for which a field has been specified. The choices of
comparison operator vary depending on the field type; there are specific operators for dates, numbers, and text.
Most of the operators require that a value be specified. For instance, if you choose the field, TITLE, and the
operator, CONTAINS, you need to specify the text that the title should contain. The value must be the correct
data type for the field you’ve selected. Some operators (like TODAY) do not require or allow a value to be
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents
Text-Based Retrieval
The last section of the Retrieve tab is for text-based retrieval. As explained in the previous chapter, all fields
and all other document text (typically generated using OCR) are searchable in this way. Text-based searching
provides a fast and simple way to retrieve documents or folders just by typing a word or phrase without regard
to what field it has been placed in. Thus, just type a PO number, customer name, or item number that may have
appeared on a purchase order to find that purchase order.
Note: The search text is not case-sensitive; typing “Cathy” or “cathy” returns the same
Text vs. Fields
Either text or field retrieval can be used to find a document based on data in its title, keywords, or other fields.
So, which should you use? Field searches are best when the word, phrase, or number you are looking for is
fairly common and you only want documents for which it appears within a specific field. For instance, if you
want a document filed with a custom field called purchase order equal to 117, then use a field search: “purchase
order = 117”. A text search for “117” would produce any documents in which “117” appears in the title,
keywords, document text, or any other field.
Searching for Phrases
A phrase is a collection of words appearing together such as "Abraham Lincoln" or "Invoice 452". A phrase
will "match" the same collection of words appearing consecutively in a document as long as the words are
separated only by white space (any number of spaces, line breaks, or page breaks). So "Invoice 452" would
but not:
because the date "9/30/2000" appears between "Invoice" and "452".
Searching for Numbers
Numbers are also treated as “words” and can be searched using formats like 45.0 or -19 or $7,995 or $7,995.00.
Common characters that accompany numbers such as dollar signs and commas are ignored, so searching for
7995 will find $7,995 or $7,995.00. Decimal points are treated as a word separator, but can be included in a
search phrase. For example searching for 7995.00 will find 7995.00 as well as 7995 00.
Also, when searching for a number, a range comparison can be performed with the following:
This will match any number between and including 1,900 and 2,000.
Advanced Text Search
Don’t get scared. Typical docSTAR users never use most of these capabilities. However they are here for
applications (e.g. litigation support) where docSTAR can be used to sift through great volumes of text to locate
specific documents.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Connecting Words/Phrases
Up to four rows of text (each containing a word, number, or phrase) can be used in a text search. Each row is
joined by a “Connector” located on the left side of the Text Retrieval section of the Retrieve tab. The following
connectors are available:
Only documents that contain both words/phrases will be retrieved. The words may appear anywhere in the
document text, keywords, title, or fields. Using AND will narrow your results.
Use "OR" to retrieve documents that contain either or both words/phrases anywhere within the document text,
keywords, etc.. Using OR will broaden your results.
"Within" searches for two words that appear within a specified proximity to each other. It is similar to the AND
option, but it further narrows the search in that the document must contain both words within a specified
number of words. Enter the number in the small box that follows the word WITHIN.
This isn’t actually a “connector”. Instead, the word "NOT" can be typed in front of a word or phrase. For
example, "NOT used" will match any documents that do not contain the word "used". NOT will generally be
combined with AND to narrow a search as in:
Cars AND NOT used
This will find any documents that contain the word "cars" but not the word "used".
Order of Precedence
A really intricate search using three or more phrases will have two or more operators. Multiple operators are
evaluated in this order: NOT, OR, AND, WITHIN.
By placing parenthesis around the phrases, the usual order of precedence can be changed. Parenthesis must be
matched. For each open there must be a close. For example:
(Cars AND sales) OR dealership
This example will match every document containing “dealership.” It will also match documents that contain
both “cars” and “sales.”
Wild Card Search
Wild card characters will search for documents only containing a portion of the word or phrase. It is useful in
broadening a search to accommodate variations in spelling. The two special characters that may be used in wild
card searching are the question mark (?) and asterisk (*). Wild card characters may be used at the beginning,
middle, or end of a word.
Use the question mark to match any one character to broaden a search. This is used primarily when there are
variations in the spelling of a keyword. For example:
Br?an would search for Brian and Bryan
The question mark is inserted in the place the unsure character.
Use the asterisk to match zero or more characters to broaden a search. This is used primarily when the variation
in spelling may be more than one character. For example:
Mi* would search for all words beginning with the letters "Mi" and may be used to find keywords
like Mike or Michael
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents
The asterisk is inserted in the place where the variation may begin.
Special Characters
Use of the wild card characters * and ? have already been discussed. Because of their special meaning, you
cannot search for these characters within a document. Other characters are not searchable and are treated as
word separation characters. This is the complete list of special or reserved characters:
NOTE: Excessive use of wild cards can greatly slow a search, especially if they appear at the
beginning of words. To avoid a very long search time and/or the possibility of running out of
memory, a limit of 1,000 words has been set in any one wild card search.
Fuzzy Retrieval
Another retrieval option that allows for misspelling of keywords or errors in OCR is known as a fuzzy retrieval.
For example, you are searching for a document with the keyword "McDonald", but the search results show no
such document. A fuzzy retrieval can be done to locate the document with possible variations in the spelling of
the keyword. Perhaps it was spelled "MacDonald" on the actual document. The fuzzy retrieval would retrieve
the document even with the different spelling.
To select this option, click in the small check box within the Fuzzy Retrieval button. The "x" indicates the
option is turned on. To turn off the option, click in the small box to remove the "x".
The amount of "fuzziness" is adjustable by clicking on the Fuzzy Retrieval button anywhere except in the
checkbox. Words that differ by only one or two characters near the end of the word will match at a low
fuzziness level. Words that differ by many characters or whose first couple of characters differs will only
match at a higher fuzziness level.
Figure 4-3 Fuzzy Retrieval Options
NOTE: Increasing the values in a fuzzy search will result in a slower search but will increase the
number of documents found.
Vocabulary List
docSTAR maintains an alphabetical list of all the words that have been indexed. This vocabulary list can be
displayed, if desired, by checking the Vocabulary checkbox.
The vocabulary list can be used in a couple of ways:
A shortcut for entering a word into the search textbox. If you see the word that you want to search on
in the vocabulary list, you can click on it once to place the word in the textbox. For example, you wish
to search for "American". If you type "Ame" and see "American" in the vocabulary list, click once on
"American" to place it in the textbox. If you double click on "American", it will execute the search for
View variations of a word. For example, you might type “Ols” and see "Olsen” and “Olson” appear in
the vocabulary. This would indicate that both variations of this word have been indexed, and that you
might want to search for both.
docSTAR User’s Reference
If the word you type is not listed in the vocabulary list, it isn’t in the index. This means that it does not appear
in any filed document.
NOTE: If the keyword you entered appears in the vocabulary list but the search results do not
locate the document, it could be that the document was recently deleted. The vocabulary list is
purged of deleted words during the nightly database backup.
Noise Words
docSTAR maintains a list of common words, which are considered “noise words” and are ignored and not
added to the index. Noise words may appear in the vocabulary list but will not return any documents if used in a
search phrase. This is the default list of noise words excluded from the index:
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents
Results Tab
After you have entered your criteria, click on the large Retrieve button. The Results tab, shown below, will
automatically move to the front to show your results.
Documents and/or folders that matched your criteria are listed in the Results tab. The type of each document
(standard image, image-only PDF, non-image PDF, native, or COLD) is indicated by a small icon. You can
click on any of the column headings to reorder the list. Documents may be selected using the Shift or Ctrl key
with the mouse or by dragging the mouse through the white space just to the right of the document/folder titles.
Right-clicking on a selection produces a context-specific menu with the commands described below. Aside
from the possible presence of folders, the Results list is similar to the Inbox as described in Chapter 3.
The one column heading you may not recognize is “Hits”. This is the number of times words in your text-based
search criteria appear in each document or folder. Hits aren’t counted for field-based searches; only the textbased portion of your criteria will count hits.
Select one or more documents and/or folders and press View to open the View window, as described in the next
chapter. You may also Print, Fax, or email your selected results without viewing them first by pressing Send
To. Finally, you may add the selected results to a folder by clicking Add to Folder.
If the results list is empty, or if it doesn’t contain the document or folder you are looking for, go back to the
Retrieve tab and try again with a less restrictive criterion. Likewise, if the results list has far more documents
and folders than you want to sift through, you can go back to the Retrieve tab add parameters to your criteria.
The following menu items apply to the Results tab:
File Menu
Add To Folder
Opens the Select Folder window to add all selected results to a folder.
Send To
Opens the Send To window to print, fax, or email a document as described in Chapter 6.
Opens the View window to view the selected items, as described in Chapter 5.
View In Browse
Switches to the Browse window and shows where the selected item is found within the folder
system. If a document that isn’t contained in any folder is selected, this is reported. If a
document that is contained in multiple folders is selected, one of its folders is arbitrarily chosen
and displayed.
Allows you to choose a new security class of the selected items.
Unfiles selected documents, returning them to the Inbox. The Unfile command is described in
Chapter 5 (View).
Closes the window.
Edit Menu
Renames each of the selected items, stepping through them one at a time.
Deletes the selected items. Note that deleting a folder deletes every document it contains. (See
discussion of Remove vs. Delete later in this chapter.)
Select All
Selects all of the items in the list.
View Menu
Show Keywords in
When selected, includes a keywords column in the results list.
documents that have the same or similar titles.
Most Recent on
Reorders the results list based on the creation date of documents.
Show Results Limits
Retrievals are normally limited to 1,000 documents; a list of more documents is considered
impractical. This menu command shows this number and allows you to adjust it.
docSTAR User’s Reference
This can help distinguish
Figure 4-4 Results tab
The command buttons on this tab duplicate functions available through the menus, described above. Many
commands are also available from a context menu, opened by right clicking on a search result item.
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents
Browse Tab (Using Folders)
You may click on the Browse tab of the Retrieve window at any time—it is not dependent on having specified
any search criteria or having generated any results.
Folder Basics
It has already been mentioned (in Chapter 3) that folders don't really "hold documents"; they hold references or
"pointers" to documents. Therefore, one document may be placed in many folders, and this doesn't really create
multiple copies of it. All documents can be located via field or text retrieval whether or not they are located in
any folders.
The Root Folder
Every docSTAR has a ROOT folder. The root folder is permanent and cannot be renamed, removed, deleted, or
closed. You can place documents directly in the root folder, or you can create additional folders in the ROOT
folder. Other folder can then be created in these folders, and so on. All folders can be traced back to the
ROOT. It is called ROOT because it is like the root of a tree; all other folders branch off from it.
When and Why to Use Folders
Here are some suggestions for ways in which folders can be useful.
Folder-Based Filing
Folder-based filing is very much like paper-based filing systems and therefore is intuitive to most users.
Documents may be filed into folders as their primary means of retrieval. See Filing Strategy in Chapter 3 for a
discussion of how this is done and when it is most effective.
Grouping Documents
You may need to print, fax, email, or delete documents from various sources. It may be much more convenient
to collect the documents you need into a folder just for this purpose, rather than performing the operation on
each document one at a time.
Folders can be used to organize workflow. If, for example, you have credit applications that are pending
approval you can create a Credit Pending folder. Your account supervisor would view credit applications from
that folder to review them. Once approved, you might move the document to an Approved folder to alert the
order-processing department.
This use of folders would be separate from whatever primary filing scheme is applied to these documents.
Therefore, when a document has completed its workflow, it can simply be removed from your workflow
folders. It can still be retrieved by text-based or field-based searches or from another folder in which it has been
Adding to a Folder
Documents may be added to folders in many places throughout docSTAR, including Automatic File as defined
within a Template (see Chapter 3). A similar window is used to select (or create) folders in all of these places.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Figure 4-5 Select Folder
When you click on a folder, it becomes selected and opens showing any folders within it. Press OK when the
desired folder is selected. To create a new folder, first click on the folder it will belong to and then click on the
New button.
Using Browse
The left side of the Browse tab displays docSTAR’s “folder tree”. Initially, it shows the ROOT and all folders
contained (directly) within it. Clicking on a folder selects it and opens it, showing the folders contained in it.
Click on the little minus sign next to a folder in the folder tree display to close that folder.
The right side of the Browse tab displays the contents of the selected folder, showing documents and
(optionally) folders. They can be sorted by clicking on any column heading.
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents
Figure 4-6 Browse tab
Note: Folders may be included in or excluded from the contents view on the right side of the
Browse tab. This is set through a User Preference.
These command buttons are available on the Browse tab:
When a document is selected, adds it to a folder. For a folder, copies it and its entire contents. Note
that documents are not truly "copied"–only the references to them are duplicated. In any case, the
Select Folder window–shown above–will pop up for you to choose the destination folder.
Moves a document or folder to another folder. The Select Folder window is used to choose the
Views the selected documents or folders. See View, Chapter 5.
New Folder
Creates a new folder. First select the folder that will contain your new folder, and then press the New
Folder button. Type the name of the new folder. A security class can be selected at this time as well.
To set keywords for this folder, press View to display the folder information.
Removing a document from a folder does not delete it. It remains accessible through field or textbased search or through any other folders it may be in.
0 However, if folder-based filing is your only filing method, removing a document
from its primary folder is tantamount to losing it!
Likewise, removing a folder from a system only deletes the folder; any documents it contains remain
accessible through other folders or via text or field search.
Send To
Opens the Send To window to print, fax, or email a document, as described in Chapter 7. You can
docSTAR User’s Reference
send a single document or a collection of documents and folders.
Closes the Retrieve window. (Any retrieval criteria and results on the other two tabs of this window
are lost.)
Many of the menu commands listed under the Retrieve tab are also applicable to the Browse tab. These
additional menu commands are available from the File menu when browsing.
Exports a folder. See Exporting a Folder, below.
Show Info
Displays information about the selected document or folder without viewing it. The system
administrator has additional options when showing folder info for special folders, as described in the
Administrator’s Guide.
Activates the Attaché module, if present, to publish the selected folder to a removable medium. See
the Attaché Users Guide for more information.
Deletes the selected document or folder. Deleting a folder deletes ALL of its contents. See the
following section.
Searching for Folders in Browse
A text box and search button are found along the top of the Browse tab. These are used to locate a folder by
any text in its title.
Figure 4-7 Searching for Folders on Browse
Enter all or part of the folder you’re seeking in the text box and click the binoculars button. A folder containing
that text (even in the middle of a word) will be located and selected in the folder tree, and its contents will be
displayed to the right. This is true even if it is within a closed folder and not visible in the window.
The two additional buttons look for the “next” or “previous” occurrence of the text in a folder.
Note: The first folder located won’t necessarily be closest to the top of the window and the next
one won’t necessarily be the one just below it. The search is actually being performed “behind
the scenes” on the Retrieve tab and the results are actually being populated on the Results tab.
Therefore, the order in which match folders are displayed is determined by the default sort order
on the Results tab, set through User Preferences. The order may seem unusual, but be assured
that the “next” button will step through all results in sequence, and the “previous” button will step
through them in the opposite sequence.
The search function on Browse is very valuable for quickly getting to one folder among many. Consider how
much easier it is to search for “Smith, John” than to scroll through a list of 100’s or 1,000’s of folders, among
which there may be dozens of Smiths. However, users may still experience poor responsiveness when a single
folder contains thousands of items. For better performance, file documents into a multi-level folder structure, as
described in Chapter 3. The search function can find and display the “Smith, John” folder more quickly if it is
contained in a subfolder with a more manageable number of siblings.
Dragging and Dropping in Browse
The right mouse button may be used to move or copy items (documents and/or folders) into another folder on
the Browse tab. Select one or more items on the right (contents) side of the window. Then press and hold the
right mouse button and drag them to any destination folder on the left (folder tree) side of the window. When
you release the right mouse button, a menu will appear to determine if you wish to Move or Copy these items
(or cancel).
As stated above, copying a document creates a new pointer to it, but there is only one true copy of the
document. Copying a folder creates a true duplicate of it.
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents
Removing vs. Deleting Folders
This point is potentially confusing, so it is reiterated here: removing documents from a folder does not mean
they are removed from docSTAR. Even if a whole folder is removed, none of the documents contained within
it are removed from docSTAR. They may still be in other folders, and can still be retrieved by text or fields.
Deleting a document, however, truly deletes it from docSTAR. Deleting a folder truly deletes every single
document within it, even though those documents may exist in other folders.
0 Warning: Do not delete a folder unless you really want to delete every document within it.
Exporting a Folder
docSTAR includes a feature called Document Exchange. This allows collections of documents (or even entire
volumes) to be exported on a networked or removable medium, and then imported into another docSTAR
Note: Document Exchange is a legacy feature, maintained for compatibility with very old versions
of docSTAR. It includes many limitations: no COLD, PDF, or native documents can be exported
and no custom fields are included in the information exported. The preferred mechanism today is
Attaché, which allows you to publish documents onto a CD or DVD with a free, built-in retrieval
program (see the Attaché Users Guide). Output from Attaché, including COLD, native, and PDF
documents—and custom fields—can be imported into another docSTAR system, too.
Note: The Send To command, described in Chapter 6, is another way of exporting documents of
all types, but does not include filing information.
Imports and exports can be performed through the docSTAR Administrators’ program. Folders can also be
exported from the Browse tab. You may select only one folder to export, but it can contain any number of
documents and sub-folders, and its entire contents will be exported.
From Browse, select the folder that you want to export and choose Export from the File menu.
docSTAR User’s Reference
The following window will be displayed:
Figure 4-8 Export Destination Dialog Box
Click on the down arrow of the drop-down menu labeled Drive. Click on the appropriate drive letter from
the list.
The Volume label of the disk currently inserted in the specified drive will automatically be displayed.
The destination Path specified must be empty and writable to receive exported documents. Select a path
by clicking in the directory tree window or by typing it in. You may create a new directory by selecting the
path where you wish it to be created and then clicking the New button. Export is the default directory
name, but you may enter any name. Click OK when you are ready to create the directory.
Note: If <not ready> is displayed, then the drive is either empty or it needs a few seconds to
become ready. Wait a few seconds and then repeat from step 1.
Note: Windows 95 and later uses the term "folders" to describe the subdivisions of a logical
disk drive. The older term, "directories", is used herein to distinguish them from docSTAR's
You will be prompted to choose a password in order to prevent unauthorized import of the documents
being exported. There is a 12-letter limit for the password. Type the password again to confirm it, then
press OK. You may leave the password blank to allow unrestricted import.
A special file called an Export Validation File (EVF) is created in the export destination you specified. The
image, text, and annotation files for all documents in the selected folder are copied into subdirectories of
the export destination.
This may take some time. As this happens, the Export Progress window is
Chapter 4 Retrieving Documents
Figure 4-9 Export Progress Window
If the Stop on Error is checked, then the folder export will stop on each error. A message box will display
a message with options to continue or abort the process. If the Stop on Error is unchecked, then any
“problem” documents will automatically be placed into an Exceptions Folder and the process will
continue. This allows you to leave the system unattended during the export process and know that it won't
stop working until it has completed as much as it can complete. The Export Exceptions folder can then be
checked to determine which documents couldn't be exported and why.
If you want to cancel the export operation at any time, push the Cancel button on the Export Progress
On successful completion, the following message will be displayed:
Figure 4-10 Processing Complete
Moving Export Files
The complete collection of subdirectories and files in the export destination, including the EVF file, may be
copied to any other medium as long as no files are added or removed and the organization of files within
subdirectories is maintained. A compression program can be used to "zip up" the entire directory tree to
facilitate its transmission by email or Internet FTP (file transfer protocol). You must then uncompress the file
recreating all subdirectories in order for it to be imported.
NOTE: If you wish to export to a CD-ROM, it is recommended that you export to a temporary hard
disk directory first, and then transfer data to the CD-ROM using appropriate CD-recording
Exceptions Folders
Special folders, created by the system, are used to group documents that have failed to be exported, imported, or
otherwise processed in some way. All of these folders, called "Exceptions Folders", have names that begin with
an exclamation point (!).
Exceptions Folders can be viewed and manipulated much like other folders, but they should be treated with
special care. Complete information on Exceptions Folders is reserved for the Administrator's Guide.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Chapter 5 Viewing Documents
View and Manual File ............................................................................................................... 5-2
Unfiling a Document.............................................................................................................. 5-2
Features Unique to Filed Documents......................................................................................... 5-3
Show Text/Show Hits ............................................................................................................ 5-3
Document Info/Audit Trail .................................................................................................... 5-3
AuthentiDate and EPM .......................................................................................................... 5-4
Verification ..................................................................................................................... 5-4
Viewing Folders..................................................................................................................... 5-5
docSTAR User’s Reference
View and Manual File
The View Window is actually the same window as Manual File (Chapter 3). The window automatically adjusts
itself between “View” and “Manual File” modes for filed and unfiled documents, respectively.
You may step through selected documents or pages within a document just as you would in Manual File.
Likewise, zooming, annotations, and most other controls and menu commands are the same. This chapter,
therefore, will focus on the differences.
Unfiling a Document
View window doesn’t contain the commands for running a template, reviewing, or filing a document; a
document shown in View is already filed. Second, View doesn’t allow you to delete, rescan, add, or rearrange
pages in a filed document. This helps protect the integrity of the original. In order to perform any of these
functions, the document must be unfiled first.
The Unfile command is in the File menu. Unfiling a document returns it to the Inbox, and removes its entries
from the text index. When you Unfile a document, the View window becomes a Manual File window. Now
you can perform any of the actions that were disallowed when the document was filed and refile the document.
Note: COLD documents may not be unfiled. COLD is an optional module and is described in the
COLD User’s Guide.
View does allow you (with appropriate rights) to modify a document’s title, keywords, page rotation(s),
annotations, or security class. Making any changes to a document will make Save Changes and Cancel
Changes buttons appear. Stepping to another document automatically saves changes.
Chapter 5 Viewing Documents
Features Unique to Filed Documents
Figure 5-1 View Window
Show Text/Show Hits
After a text-based search, the Show Hits button appears. Pressing it automatically takes you to the first word in
the document text that satisfied the search. Navigation arrows are provided to take you to the next or prior hit
within the document. If you click the "next hit" button after reaching the last hit within the document's text, hits
within the title or keywords are identified.
When opening a filed document through browse or after a field-based search, the same button appears but is
labeled Show Text. It still can be used to show the document text, if any, but no navigation to “hits” is
In either case, the button will change to Show Document after it has been activated. Click on the button again
to go back to the document viewing mode rather than text viewing mode.
Document Info/Audit Trail
Document Information, including the created, modified, and last accessed date/time for a document is displayed
in the View window. The modified date/time is set whenever any aspect of the document—title, keywords,
etc—is changed. The other two dates are self-explanatory.
Clicking on the button next to each date/time shows some the history of creation, modification, or access of
this document, respectively. This history comes from docSTAR’s Audit Trail, which is more fully described in
the Administrator’s Guide.
docSTAR User’s Reference
AuthentiDate and EPM
AuthentiDate image marking is a unique docSTAR feature. “Tags” are added to each page of an image
document (and are stored in a companion file for other types) when the document is archived. These indicate
the date and time that the document was filed. They also contain a special code used to detect if the image is
altered in the slightest way. The presence of valid tags guarantees that the image has not been modified since
the date and time indicated. Note that this date comes from a secure clock provided with docSTAR, and not
from the PC’s clock, which might be set incorrectly.
Typically, a document is archived as a unit and all pages bear the same date and time, but it is possible, through
the Unfile or Scan Append commands described above, that some pages of an image will have a different date.
All AuthentiDate tags generated each day are collectively “stamped” with an Electronic Postmark (EPM) from
the United States Postal Service. The EPM will detect any corruption or tampering with the AuthentiDate
Note: This service requires that the docSTAR server has an Internet connection and that it is
licensed to use the EPM service (see the Administrator’s Guide).
Short documents are verified automatically using the locally stored AuthentiDate codes and EPM receipt.
Successful verification is shown in blue in the document information area. Longer documents are not initially
verified because this may take several seconds. (The definition of exactly how long is “long” is set by in the
Administrator’s program.) Click on the Verify AuthentiDate button to verify a long document or to display
more details on any document.
Figure 5-2 Local Verification
Any missing tags are reported. Missing tags will be common for documents from older versions of docSTAR
or which are still in the Review Box. See the Administrator's Guide for instructions on Adding Tags to
documents from prior versions.
Any date variation among the pages of a multipage image is reported; this isn’t necessarily a problem—it is just
the result of scanning and appending pages to a document that has already been filed. The AuthentiDate info
for individual pages can be seen by choosing Data Screen view mode as described in Chapter 3.
Note: Any alteration (or corruption) of the document or its AuthentiDate or EPM information is
reported in red!
Additional assurance of document authenticity is available by pressing the Verify Remote EPM button. This
will check the EPM receipt stored locally with the USPS server.
Chapter 5 Viewing Documents
Figure 5-3 Remote Verification
Viewing Folders
Folders may be viewed from the Results or Browse tabs of the Retrieve window. When a folder is viewed, the
docSTAR folder/flat panel display logo is shown in the image area. Most controls, including the title,
keywords, security class, and information areas work just as they do viewing a document.
If the folder was one of several items selected, you may step to the next item (a document or a folder) with the
“navigator” tool or the Item menu. You can step smoothly from document to folder or folder to document.
The Send To command is available when viewing a folder. With it, you can print, fax, email, or export as
electronic files the folders contents. See Chapter 6 for details.
Click Look In to see the contents of a folder. This will launch a new View window. You may step through the
contents of the original folder in the new window doing anything you could normally do with the View
window. You can even Look In to another folder, opening another View window. When you close one View
window, the prior one will still be there, still on the folder you had previously “looked into”. When you close
the original view window, you will return to the Retrieve window.
Working with multiple View windows can be powerful, but it is potentially confusing. It is discussed further in
Chapter 7.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Chapter 6 Send To
Print ........................................................................................................................................... 6-3
................................................................................................................................... 6-4
Save To File............................................................................................................................... 6-6
...................................................................................................................................... 6-8
Customizing a Cover Page ..................................................................................................... 6-9
TextBridge®............................................................................................................................ 6-10
Selecting What to Send............................................................................................................ 6-11
docSTAR User’s Reference
The Send To window is the portal for sending documents to a printer, fax machine, email recipient or other
destination. It can be opened from the Inbox, Manual File, View or Retrieve windows by clicking on the Send
To button or menu command. From the Inbox, one or more documents can be selected. From the Retrieve
window (Results or Browse tab), one or more documents or folders may be selected. The current document (or
selected pages there of) can be sent from Manual File or View.
Click on one of the tabs across the top of the window to indicate where you wish to send your document(s):
printer, email, etc. Some of the choices available depend on installation of optional software; some or all of
these may be available:
Any printer available through Windows. This may also be used to send a fax or perform other
operations through third party applications that install a printer driver.
Your MAPI-compatible or other email client. Availability is dependent on the Email/FAX/Attaché
Save to File
Image, PDF, or native documents can be saved to a hard disk or other medium. Many format
choices exist, as described below.
docSTAR’s special integration with the Symantec WinFax program, which is dependent on the
Email/FAX/Attaché module. Note that other FAX systems may be available through the Print tab.
Optional OCR software, which converts imaged document(s) to the format of any one of many
popular word processor, spreadsheet, or other application programs.
The following specific options apply to each destination.
Chapter 6 Send To
docSTAR can print to any device for which a Windows printer driver has been installed. This may actually be a
printer, which can be attached directly or through a network. Other devices or software, like fax servers and
Adobe’s Acrobat®, install printer drivers, and thus would be treated as a “Printer” by docSTAR.
Figure 6-1 Send To Printer
You can choose any installed printer and adjust printer settings, which are dependent upon your selected printer.
When printing a folder or range of documents from Results or the Inbox, all selected documents will be printed.
When printing a single document, you may choose to print the whole document or only selected pages.
Annotations, if any, may be included or omitted from the print out depending upon your security rights. When
annotations are included, a legend will be added to indicate that the documents are printed with annotations.
Note: docSTAR’s rendering of native documents may not be 100% accurate for complex
documents, such as word processing files with embedded pictures and tables. Use the Open
Document button to launch the native application for the most accurate printing.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Documents may be emailed directly from docSTAR, if the necessary module is installed. An email client
program is also required. (This is further defined in the Administrator’s Guide.)
Figure 6-2 Send To Email Recipient
The following settings determine how the email is sent and whom it is sent to.
Contact Address List
You may create a Contact Address List in docSTAR containing names, email addresses, and fax
numbers. (This list is shared with the Fax destination, described below.) Click New to create an
entry, Edit to modify one, and Delete to remove one. When you choose a contact from the list,
his/her email address is automatically placed in the “To Address” described below.
Note that it is not necessary to use the Contact Address List in order to
send an email. See “Use Preview” below.
Chapter 6 Send To
Documents Per File
When sending multiple documents, you have a choice of attaching each one as a separate file or
combining them all into a single file. The file formats available (below) are dependent on this
Send Document(s) As
This selection determines file format(s) of the attached file(s). The specific settings are described
below. As a general guideline, PDF is a good format for widespread readability without the
ability to easily edit. TIF is also not easily editable and can be read by many users. Native
documents should be distributed when you know the recipient has the native application and may
wish to use it to open and perhaps modify the document(s).
This setting will email each native document in its respective native format. This choice is only
available when sending each document in its own file and when there is at least one native
document present.
If any image documents are present, a secondary selection allows you to choose whether they are
sent as PDF or TIF.
This will convert each document into a PDF or combine all documents into a single PDF,
depending on the “Documents Per File” selection.
Covert each document into a PDF or combine all documents into a single PDF, as above.
To Address
This is the destination email address. It will be filled in automatically if you choose an entry from
the Contact Address List. Otherwise, you may type a valid email address here. Or, you may use
the Preview option, below, to select the destination address(es).
Use Preview
When this option is selected, your email program’s “new message” window will appear to
preview the email message containing your attached document(s). This allows you to add text to
the email message, modify its subject, specify additional recipient addressees, or otherwise use
any other features and options (including the address book) built into your email program. In
fact, you don’t have to specify a “To Address” at all if you Use Preview—just choose one from
the new message window.
If this is not selected, the attachments will be sent to the “To Address” specified without invoking
the email program’s user interface.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Save To File
The Save To File tab lets you export documents to a local or network hard drive or other medium.
Figure 6-3 Save To File
The choice of multiple files or a single file and the choice of file format(s) are nearly identical to those offered
for emailing documents. The only difference is that, if “Image File” is chosen, you have a choice of different
image file formats for compatibility with different types of applications. For instance, you may have a fax
system that requires DCX files.
Here is a brief description of some of the available file formats.
Uncompressed TIFF allows a multipage color or black and white document to be stored in a single file,
but each file will be very, very, large.
Mod. G3)
Each of these compressed TIFFs allow a multipage black and white (bitonal) document to be stored in
a single file of manageable size.
This is a single-page-per-file compressed color format familiar to Windows Paintbrush.
A single-page-per-file uncompressed color format also used by Windows Paintbrush.
Chapter 6 Send To
A highly compressed, single-page-per-file format for full color images. Some quality is lost through
A multipage black and white format used by some fax software.
The portable document format requires a special reader, but it is free and ubiquitous. PDFs can store
multiple pages, color or black and white, and with good compression for all.
The portable network graphic is a good quality, compressed, color format recognized by Microsoft
Note that several support only one page per file; each page of a document will be saved in its own file for these
formats. Also, color documents will be forced to bitonal black and white if saved to a black and white format—
this is generally an ugly process, which should be avoided.
Whenever multiple files are created, you choose only the folder destination—not the file names. The filenames
are determined from the document names.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Figure 6-4 Send To Fax
Sending a Fax requires specifying a fax number. The fax number may just be entered in the Contact Fax
Numbers field, or they can be stored in docSTAR’s Contact List. Press Add to enter a fax number and name
into the Contact List. You may enter an email address, too; this same list is available for sending emails, as
described above. Type part of a name; use the arrow keys, or the down arrow to select a contact from the list.
You may also click Edit or Delete to change or remove a contact.
Faxes sent with Fine Resolution or approximately 200 dots per inch in both directions. Otherwise, faxes are
only 100 dots per inch vertically and 200 dots per inch horizontally.
To send a fax with a cover page, check on Use Cover Page. The cover page will include the Fax Cover Info
(From, To, and Memo) you specify. It will also include the date and time and the fax number you are sending
to. (The Number field displays the number, but it is not editable here. Enter the number in the Contact Fax
Numbers field.)
Refer to the Fax Services Guide for information on setting up the Symantec WinFax program and tracking faxes
through the WinFax Manager.
Chapter 6 Send To
Customizing a Cover Page
You can create a Fax Cover Page with your own company letterhead or logo. Click on the Define Cover
button. (Use Cover Page must be selected.)
If you have a TIFF, DCX, or other suitable image file that you would like to use as your cover page, click on
Select File and choose the file.
Otherwise, you may scan a cover page. Place a blank sheet of your letterhead in or on your scanner. Click on
the Scan Cover button. The page will be scanned and you will be able to view the image on the screen. (You
may use the Scan Options button to optimize the scan. Scan the page again if necessary.)
Header information (Date, From, To, Pages, Memo) will be superimposed on whatever cover page you have
selected or scanned. This header can be positioned on the page by clicking on the words and dragging them to
another location.
Click Save to retain any adjustments you have made to the cover page. If you have scanned a new cover page,
you must specify a file name.
A different fax cover page can be defined for each station on a network.
docSTAR User’s Reference
TextBridge OCR software can convert scanned documents into text in any one of several popular PC formats.
Although it is similar to the OCR function built in to docSTAR for filing, it recognizes and maintains most
types of formatting such that the resulting PC document very nearly matches the original image.
docSTAR has a Send To mechanism to conveniently covert documents using TextBridge. At the time of
writing, this feature is compatible with TextBridge Pro 11 and TextBridge Pro Millennium. It is our intent to
keep this compatible with future versions.
The TextBridge tab appears only if docSTAR detects that TextBridge is installed. There are no options to set
on this tab. Simply press OK. An image file is generated and passed to TextBridge, which then takes over.
Please refer to the TextBridge documentation for more information.
Chapter 6 Send To
Selecting What to Send
The common portion of the Print, Email, Send To File, and FAX windows is the What to Send area. Some
subset of the following options is available depending on whether a single document or a group of documents
are selected.
What to Send
Whole Document
Sends all pages of the current document.
Current Page
Sends only the current page of the current document.
Sends a specified range of pages of a multi-page document. Enter page number separated by
commas or a dash. For example: 2,4,6 would remove pages 2, 4 and 6. 2-6 would remove pages 2
through 6.
Note that, if a “starting page” has been set for a document when it was filed, the
default “What to Send” selection will begin with the starting page. See Chapter 3, Templates,
Options tab for more info.
Sends all selected documents. Note that if any of the selected documents had a “starting page”
defined when they were filed, pages prior to the starting page will be excluded for those
documents. For documents without a “starting page”, all pages will be included.
Prints a list of titles for the selected documents.
When this box is checked, any annotations or redaction marks appearing on the image will be
printed. All documents printed with Annotations will bear a legend stating that they’ve been
This button is reserved for the System Administrator. Through this command, the legend that
identifies annotated documents may be adjusted.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Using Multiple Windows........................................................................................................... 7-3
Opening MDI Windows......................................................................................................... 7-3
Moving and Sizing ................................................................................................................. 7-3
The Windows Menu............................................................................................................... 7-3
Security Classification............................................................................................................... 7-4
Assigning Security Rights...................................................................................................... 7-4
.......................................................................................................................... 7-7
Annotation Tools ................................................................................................................... 7-7
.................................................................................................................. 7-7
Filled and Unfilled Shapes
............................................................................................................... 7-7
Straight Line
............................................................. 7-7
.......................................................................................................... 7-8
.......................................................................................................................... 7-8
Sticky Note
............................................................................................................ 7-8
Text Stamp
............................................................................................................ 7-8
Freehand Drawing
.................................................................................................... 7-8
....................................................................................................................... 7-8
.................................................................................................................... 7-8
................................................................................................................... 7-8
............................................................................................................... 7-8
Annotations on Classified Documents ................................................................................... 7-8
Updates .................................................................................................................................... 7-10
Under the Hood ....................................................................................................................... 7-11
Storage Devices ................................................................................................................... 7-11
The Inbox Path.............................................................................................................. 7-11
The Archive Path .......................................................................................................... 7-11
Two-Tier™ Storage ...................................................................................................... 7-11
The Database........................................................................................................................ 7-12
The Index ............................................................................................................................. 7-12
The docSTAR Client Service
........................................................................................ 7-12
Automated Document Preparation Queue .................................................................... 7-12
The docSTAR Host.............................................................................................................. 7-13
Host Status .................................................................................................................... 7-13
Host Processing............................................................................................................. 7-14
Incoming Faxes............................................................................................................. 7-14
Client Settings ......................................................................................................................... 7-15
docSTAR User’s Reference
Connection Settings ............................................................................................................. 7-15
Station Settings .................................................................................................................... 7-16
Auto Import.......................................................................................................................... 7-17
ADP .............................................................................................................................. 7-19
Integration Settings .............................................................................................................. 7-20
User Preferences ...................................................................................................................... 7-22
Scan...................................................................................................................................... 7-22
Inbox/Review ....................................................................................................................... 7-23
File/View.............................................................................................................................. 7-24
Retrieve ................................................................................................................................ 7-26
Results/Browse..................................................................................................................... 7-27
Send To ................................................................................................................................ 7-28
Closing User Preferences .............................................................................................. 7-28
Event Log ................................................................................................................................ 7-30
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Using Multiple Windows
Comparing two documents side by side and looking at different pages within the same document at once are
examples of activities, which require working with multiple windows. docSTAR uses Windows® multidocument interface (MDI) features to allow you to do this.
The Inbox, Retrieve, Manual File, and View windows are each MDI-compatible windows. You may have all of
these open at once—even multiple Manual File and/or View windows—and switch freely between them. The
docSTAR Main window is their container; all MDI windows must remain within the docSTAR Main window.
Opening MDI Windows
There are several ways to open additional MDI windows. Most typically, you will be viewing one document (in
View or Manual File) and want to access another. You can use the Windows menu to go back to the Retrieve
window or the Inbox. From there, you can open another View or Manual File window. Now, both will be
open, and you can switch between them using the Windows menu. (You can also use the keyboard shortcut for
switching between MDI windows: Ctrl+F6.)
You can also use the main toolbar to open or switch to the Inbox or the Retrieve window from any MDI
Also, using the Look In button while viewing a folder (as described in Chapter 5), opens an additional View
Moving and Sizing
By default, each of these windows opens in a “maximized” state, meaning that they fill the available area within
the docSTAR Main window. In fact, they appear to be merged with the Main window. Their title bar is
absorbed into the Main window’s title, and their control buttons (
bar, just below the Main window’s control buttons.
) appear on right edge of the menu
You can restore (“unmaximize”) an MDI window by clicking the middle control button. This will separate it
from the Main window, and it will have its own title bar with control buttons on it. Now it can be resized and
moved around within the Main window. It can also be minimized (by clicking on the left-most control button),
which reduces it to an abbreviated title bar along the bottom of the Main window. From there, it may be
restored when needed.
The Windows Menu
The Windows Menu is handy for switching to any one of them. The Cascade sets each MDI window to a
predetermined size and arranges them all, one overlapping the other, in a “cascade” down from the top, left
corner of the window. (The best way to understand it is to try it.) The Tile commands resize and arrange all
MDI windows so that they equally divide the available area within the Main window.
Cascading, tiling, and moving windows all around can be confusing. Use the list of active windows in the
Windows Menu to find and switch to the window you want. If you get completely lost, press Escape to close
each window in turn until you get back to the Main Window.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Security Classification
Some documents in your office may be considered confidential and should not accessible to all employees.
docSTAR recognizes your need to restrict access to confidential documents and gives you the option to classify
docSTAR comes with one pre-defined document classification, which is called PUBLIC. This setting (by
default) allows all users full access. Other document classifications can be created based on the needs of your
Who can create document classifications? The System Administrator and any users the Administrator
designates may create classifications. There are no restrictions for classification names. You may decide to use
general names such as "Confidential" or "Top Secret", or specific names such as "Human Resource Dept." or
"John's Personal Docs". The person who creates the classification is considered the owner of it.
How do you classify a document? You may select a classification when you scan a document. Documents may
also be classified or reclassified while filing (using a template) or from various places throughout docSTAR.
NOTE: Systems without the Access Management module recognize only the PUBLIC security
class; no others may be defined. Furthermore, they recognize only two users, GUEST and
ADMIN. ADMIN automatically has full access to all documents. GUEST’s access rights to
documents may be set by the administrator. This typically would be done to limit filing or deletion
of all documents to all but the administrator.
Assigning Security Rights
Once you have logged in, push the Security button on the Client tab of the Main docSTAR window. (This
button will only be enabled it the Administrator has allowed you to create security classes.)
Figure 7-1 Security Button
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
This will open the following window:
Figure 7-2 Security Window
Select a security class and select the user to whom you want to assign or remove rights. Then click on any or all
of the five checkboxes to allow or prevent the user from performing these functions.
You may select multiple classes or multiple users at once. A gray-shaded checkbox indicates that, among the
user(s) and class(es) selected, some have and others lack that right.
Briefly, this is what the various rights mean:
View Original
View a document without annotations.
View Annotated
View a document with annotations. Granting this right without View Original allows you to redact a
document and prevent others from viewing portions of the original document. See Annotation, below.
Send To
Print (or send via fax, email, etc.) or otherwise output a document. The respective View right is also
needed to output an original or annotated document.
Modify Properties
Modify title, keywords, fields, etc. or file a document.
Delete a document, or modify its security class.
Note: You must have Modify, View Original, and View Annotated rights to create or edit
docSTAR User’s Reference
Additional information regarding user designation and security classification may be found in the
Administrators’ Guide.
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Notes, highlights, and other marks may be placed onto a COLD, image, or PDF document. Native documents
may not be annotated.
Generally, documents may be viewed, printed, faxed, etc. with or without annotations.
NOTE: The integrity of the original imaged document is maintained even though annotations may
be used. Annotations never alter the original image.
Annotations (including redaction) may be created from the Manual File or View windows. Click
on the Annotation Toolbox button in the toolbar or select it from the View menu.
The Annotation Toolbox may be moved by clicking on the colored area at its top and dragging it.
Click to select an annotation tool, each of which is described below.
When you wish to close the annotation toolbox, click the toolbar item again, or the menu item, or
the little “x” in its top right corner.
Figure 7-3 Annotation Toolbox
Annotation Tools
Note: When the annotation toolbox is active, the behavior of the mouse changes. The left mouse
button no longer zooms, but instead is used to draw or select annotations as described below.
The right mouse arrow no longer produces the pop-up zoom menu; it is reserved for editing the
properties of annotations. Normal mouse behavior is restored when the annotation toolbox is
Also Note: Annotations are not available on native documents.
The Arrow doesn't create any annotations; it does allow you to modify or delete annotation objects. Click on an
annotation to select it, or drag the mouse to delineate a rectangle around one or more annotations to select them
Right click on a selected annotation to adjust its properties, such as color, font, and size. To delete a selected
annotation object, simply select it and press Delete on the keyboard.
Filled and Unfilled Shapes
These four tools draw filled and unfilled ellipses (or circles) and rectangles. In each case, drag the mouse to
define the shape. Right click on the shape while it is selected to adjust its properties. You can alter the color
and line thickness of unfilled shapes, and the color of filled shapes. You can also select the “highlight” property
of filled shapes to make them semi-transparent.
Select the Highlight tool and drag the mouse to define a rectangular highlight. Highlights may be any one of
several colors.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Straight Line
Drag the mouse to define a straight line. You can adjust its color and thickness.
The Text tool is used to add text to the document image. Drag the mouse to define the rectangular region that
will contain the text. Then type. The text annotation may be multiple lines—press Enter to create a new line.
Click on the Selector or another annotation tool to complete the text annotation. You may alter the font, size or
color of text annotations.
Sticky Note
The “sticky note” is really just a text annotation on an opaque colored background. Create it just as you would
a text annotation. You may alter the background color in addition to any of the properties it shares with text
Text Stamp
This variation of the text annotation is used to reproduce a commonly-used text annotation. Its text is defined
under User Preferences. Color, font, and text may be altered. See User Preferences for more info.
Freehand Drawing
When this tool is selected, dragging the mouse works like drawing with a pen. You may alter the line width,
color, and “highlight” (transparency) property.
Drag the mouse to create an arrow. A variety of properties are available.
Click on each point at which you want to create a corner—don’t drag the mouse. Double-click to complete the
polygon. You may adjust line width, color, and highlight. (While drawing the polygon, you may right-click to
The polyline tool is used like the polygon tool to create an open set of line segments.
The Redaction tool is similar to the Highlight tool, except that it draws an opaque rectangle rather than a
transparent one. This is used to "block out" confidential or sensitive data from selected users. In order to use
redaction effectively, you should deny “View Original” rights to unauthorized users, thereby restricting them to
viewing the document as redacted. (See Security, within this Chapter or in the Administrators’ Guide.)
Annotations on Classified Documents
In order to view a classified, annotated document, you must have the specific right to View Annotations set for
you by the security class owner or the Administrator. If you don't have the right to View Original, you are
restricted to viewing the document with annotations (including redactions). With both of these rights, you may
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
switch between showing and hiding annotations using the menu item or toolbar control—see Manual File in
Chapter 3.
You must have Modify, View Annotations, and View Original rights to open the Annotation Toolbox. Thus,
all three of these rights are needed to add, delete, or modify annotations.
In order to send a document (to a printer, etc.—see Chapter 6) with its annotations, you must have Send To and
View Annotations rights. In order to send an annotated document without its annotations, you must have View
Original and Send To rights.
All rights are assigned by the security class owner or the System Administrator. See Security in this chapter
and the Administrator's Guide for more information.
docSTAR User’s Reference
docSTAR’s Update system is used to change the title, keywords, or custom fields of many documents all at
once. For instance, if a client of yours—a company—were to change its name as the result of a merger, then
you would make the corresponding change in your accounting system or CRM software or other applications
you use. However, the old name may be found in the keywords of hundreds of documents, which would
otherwise have to be updated one-by-one. An update can be run, which would change all occurrences of the old
name to the new name in one step.
Updates are prepared by your system administrator, or may be installed as part of a customization project or
application-specific integration. There may be many different updates which can be run in your system: one for
client name changes, one for employee name changes, and one for an employee change of status—full time to
part time or vice versa.
Updates are run from the Updates command in the File menu of the docSTAR main window. When running an
update, you are prompted to enter one or more parameters, which vary for each update. There is then a
confirmation step, in which docSTAR tells you how many records are about to change. The changes are only
made permanent if you confirm them.
0 Warning: Updates are very powerful, and can easily do irreparable harm to your database.
may be forced to restore data from a backup, losing most of a day of work—or more, if your
backup is not up to date.
Due to their powerful and dangerous nature, updates may be restricted to the system administrator. They are
fully described in the Administrator’s Guide. Site specific documentation should be provided to you by your
administrator if there are any updates, which you are allowed to and expected to run.
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Under the Hood
It is generally not necessary to understand the working of an automobile engine in order to drive, and it is
similarly not generally necessary to know any of the following information in order to operate docSTAR.
However, there are some ways in which the “internal workings” of each affect day-to-day operation. Reading
this section may answer questions you have and increase your ability to use the system most effectively.
Storage Devices
Throughout docSTAR, pages are stored, retrieved, and manipulated without the need to refer to drive letters,
paths, and filenames. Each page is, however, stored on a computer disk with a drive letter, path, and filename.
This section explains where they are stored.
NOTE: For image documents, black and white pages are stored as TIFF (tagged image file
format) files. Color and grayscale pages are stored as JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
files. Text and annotations associated with each page are stored in additional files.
The Inbox Path
Files for newly-scanned and newly-imported documents are stored on the “Inbox Path”. This is subdirectory on
the device to which the docSTAR program was installed. It should be on a magnetic hard disk for fast access,
and is often on the main “C:” drive of the docSTAR host or server. It is presumed to be a temporary location
for these files.
The Inbox vs. the Inbox Path
Documents in docSTAR’s Inbox, as described in Chapter 3 and throughout this Reference, are stored on the
Inbox Path. However, some filed documents will also be on the Inbox Path. These include:
Documents in the Review Box.
Documents that have very recently been filed or completed and are awaiting processing (see deferred
processing, below).
Documents that have suffered some type of error or exception during processing (see the Administrators’
Therefore, note that the Inbox and the Inbox Path are not quite the same.
The Archive Path
The “Archive Path” is defined in the Administrators’ program. Documents are archived (moved from the Inbox
Path to the Archive Path) after they have been filed, unless they have gone to the Review Box, in which case
they are archived when they are completed from the Review Box. (See Chapter 3.) docSTAR supports the use
of removable, optical media for long-lasting, off-site storage. Accordingly, it stores the volume label for each
document, and can prompt a user to insert a specific offline volume if necessary.
Two-Tier™ Storage
RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) storage is popular for its great capacity and high speed, but does
not have the off-site archival ability of removable optical disks. The benefits of both types of media can be
combined with a premium docSTAR feature called Two-Tier Storage.
Two-Tier Storage is configured in the Administrators’ program. A Two-Tier path (usually a RAID device) is
specified, and all documents are archived to this path as well as to the Archive Path. The RAID device is
considered the 1st tier and the archive device is considered the 2nd tier. Most retrieval takes place from the first
tier device, allowing the 2nd tier media to be moved offsite.
docSTAR User’s Reference
The Database
docSTAR relies on a database to store titles, keywords, paths, filenames, and lots of other information about
your documents, even though the pages themselves are not stored within the database. A backup mechanism to
protect this database is built into the Administrators’ program.
The Index
The database is supplemented by a special text index, which is very efficient for storing large amounts of text
and then determining where any word, phrase, or number has appeared. Titles, keywords, document text, and
(optionally) custom field data are all added to the text index after documents are filed to facilitate rapid retrieval
using any of this information.
The docSTAR Client Service
The program you see is docSTAR’s client program. Scan stations and the docSTAR Host have another
program installed called the docSTAR Client Service. This program is generally unseen and runs in the
background to perform certain functions such as scheduled Automated Document Preparation.
The Client Service requires Windows 2000 or later to run as a true service, and docSTAR only supports it on
these platforms. It should be started automatically upon boot-up.
The status of the Client Service can be seen on the Client Button from the Main Window. A red status light
indicates that the service is not running. A green light indicates that it is running.
Figure 7-4 Client Status Button
Examining the Client Service program should generally be left to your system Administrator or an authorized
service technician.
Automated Document Preparation Queue
The ADP Queue is available under the client menu by pressing the Client button from the main window.
Figure 7-5 ADP Queue Button
This will open the following window:
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Figure 7-6 ADP Queue
This window shows the scanned jobs waiting to be processed according to the schedule set under Client
Settings (below). Optionally, it shows completed jobs, too.
Show This Station
If checked, only jobs created by this station will be shown. If unchecked, all jobs for all stations
will be shown.
Include Completed
If checked, the list will show all jobs including completed jobs. This may be useful for an
administrator to determine how long processing took for certain jobs. If unchecked, only pending
jobs will be shown.
Process Now
Processes the currently selected job immediately.
Deletes the currently selected job. Only jobs on this station may be deleted.
Only jobs on this station may be processed.
The docSTAR Host
The docSTAR Host program is another program, which is generally unseen and doesn’t perform any functions
directly for you. It runs at a single station, the docSTAR Host (or docSTAR Server) and performs “behind the
scenes” support to all docSTAR clients that are running on the network.
The docSTAR Host is only supported on Windows 2000 and XP, on which it can run as a true service. For
Windows 98, there is a version of the docSTAR Host program, which appears as a yellow star icon in your
computer’s system tray (usually in the bottom right corner). In either case, it should be started automatically
upon boot-up.
Host Status
Figure 7-7 Host Button
docSTAR User’s Reference
The status of the host can be seen on the Host Button on the Main Window. (The Host Status display may be
hidden on client stations via Client Settings, as described below.) If the status light is gray, it means that the
host is offline; it may have stopped running, or it may have failed to start.
A red status light indicates that the host is online, but needs attention—for instance, there may be a new item in
the Event Log. (Events are described at the end of this chapter.) A yellow light indicates that there has been no
host status update in over 30 minutes—the host may be busy or may have terminated abruptly, not allowing a
status update. A green light indicates that the host is running and ready. Your System Administrator should be
notified of any status other than green.
Host Processing
Updating the docSTAR text index and archiving documents doesn’t actually occur immediately. When these
operations are needed due to actions performed in docSTAR (e.g. filing documents), a request is made to the
docSTAR Host, and the host waits until several minutes have passed. Why wait? It is more efficient for the
host to wait for several documents to be indexed and archived at once, rather than doing them one at a time.
Click on the Host button on the Main Window to reveal the Host Status display. The numbers of documents
waiting to be indexed and archived, respectively, are shown, as are the number of documents in the Inbox and
the Review Box. Click on Start Host Processing to tell the host to stop waiting and index and archive any
pending documents immediately.
Incoming Faxes
Chapter 6 (Send To…) mentions the docSTAR integration with the Symantec WinFax program. This program
can be used to receive faxes, too.
The docSTAR Host program plays a critical role in receiving faxes. It picks up received faxes that have been
queued by WinFax and brings them into the Inbox. From there, they can be viewed, filed, deleted, etc. just like
scanned documents.
See the Fax Services Guide for more information.
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Client Settings
Client Settings are accessed from the Options menu on docSTAR’s main window, as mentioned in Chapter 1.
Connection Settings
Figure 7-8 Client Settings Window – Connection Settings
The Connection Settings tab determines how the docSTAR Client program will connect to and find the
docSTAR Host. The Active Connection Type will typically be LAN. For a LAN (local area network)
connection, the only setting necessary is the Host Name, which is the computer name that identifies the
docSTAR Host on the network. Internet connection requires the NetConnect module. See the NetConnect
Installation Guide for more information.
0 Warning: Connection Settings should only be modified by the docSTAR System Administrator or
an authorized technician.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Station Settings
Figure 7-9 Client Settings Window – Station Settings
The Station Settings tab contains two sections with these options:
General Settings
Idle Time Before
Log Off
This is a security-related feature that automatically logs off the current user after the specified period of
inactivity, leaving the docSTAR running under the rights of user, GUEST. Automatic log off only occurs if
docSTAR is at the main screen. Also, it is disabled if integrated Windows login is set through the Admin
Maximum OCR
Uncertainty Rate
This option is the maximum OCR uncertainty rate that will be allowed to accept documents. Documents
which have an uncertainty rate exceeding this setting will be rejected back to the inbox during the automatic
filing process.
Show Host Status
on Host Button
This option is always on when docSTAR runs on the docSTAR Host Machine, but is selectable for all
networked clients. If disabled, the Host Status display (described above) is not available.
Dialog on Long
This option will display a progress bar during certain operations, such as deleting, merging (in the Inbox),
copying (in Browse), a number of documents. The rate at which the progress bar fills indicates
approximately how long the operation will take.
Automated Document Preparation
This option turns on the background processing option for the Automated Documentation Preparation
(ADP) process. Select the time of day to perform background operations on this station by setting the “Run
At” time. See ADP in Chapter 3.
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Client Service
Log On As
ADP runs as a “Windows service”, which means that it logs into the workstation independently of the
current user. The client service must have read/write permission to certain directories on the
docSTAR Host. It also must have access to any directories from which it will be importing
documents, as described below under Auto Import. Your system administrator must choose an
appropriate username and password for the client service. This may be an existing network account
or one created specifically for this purpose.
Auto Import
Figure 7-10 Auto Import Configuration
Auto Import can run on any docSTAR client PC or on the docSTAR Host PC (server). Each is configured
Note: currently the docSTAR Client Service is installed on a client PC only when “Scan Station
Client” is selected during installation. Therefore, select Scan Station Client during installation on
any station where importing will be performed.
This window shows each local or network folder from which documents will be imported. These must be set to
match the destination folders set up via your MFP or other image source.
The Use File System Notifications option allows docSTAR to respond immediately to new documents.
Regardless of this setting, docSTAR also polls the import folders periodically to import files for which
notifications were missed. This can be as rapid as every 5 seconds, but system performance can be adversely
affected by a rapid polling interval on a large number of paths.
To add an import path, click New.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Figure 7-11 New Auto Import Path
Fill in the following information.
This box must be checked for importing to run. Deactivate an auto import path if you wish to
temporarily disable it without deleting it.
Indexing Option
Normal Import is used for importing files, which are not accompanied by XML index files. Indexed
Import should be selected when a digital copier (MFP) or other document source delivers document
files accompanied by a matching XML name. For more information, see Indexed Import, below.
Select the directory from which documents will be imported. Note that local drives or UNC paths
Don’t use mapped network drive letters, because these may not be available to the client service.
Place Into Folder
Optionally, imported documents may be placed into a docSTAR folder.
Place Into Inbox
Select the Inbox to which documents from this path will be imported.
Sets the security class of all documents imported from this path.
Image Template
Select the default template to apply to image documents imported from this path. If ADP settings
are enabled in this template, they will be applied as described below.
Native Template
Select the default template to apply to native documents imported from this path. Auto import is
not typically used to import native files, but it is possible.
Separate Image
Documents on Blank
If this feature is enabled, docSTAR will automatically detect “blank” pages in image documents
while importing and remove any, spitting the pages before and after each blank into separate
documents. (This setting is ignored for native documents.)
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Blank Page
No scans will be perfectly blank. The threshold setting lets you control how much non-blankness is
acceptable on a “blank page”. It can be raised if blank separators are missed, or lowered if
docSTAR erroneously splits a document on a sparsely covered page.
The margin settings allow you to specify margins (in inches) that will be ignored, for the purposes
of blank page detection. This helps account for shadows that may appear around the edges of pages
on some MFPs or network scanners.
Note on duplex (two sided) scanning: blank page detection should not be enabled for duplex
scanning, unless you’re sure that the front and back of every valid page is covered. Otherwise, a
document will be split unexpectedly on a blank back of a page.
Repeat the process for each auto import folder. A maximum of fifty paths may be created per station. More
import paths can be supported simply by configuring the service on additional stations.
Indexed Import
This feature is used expressly to import documents, which are accompanied by indexing information (or
“metadata”) in XML format. Metadata in this format is available from many sources including these:
MFP’s (multifunction products), or digital copiers, which allow users to enter metadata while
scanning. Generally a software accessory from the MFP manufacturer or a third party is needed.
Output management software, which captures and manipulates “print streams” from data processing
systems—particularly legacy systems, which have limited inherent output options.
Forms capture/processing software. These can be electronic forms or scanned paper forms.
With the Indexed Import option selected, auto import looks for a pair of files: a document file and an XML
index file with the same file base name, but with different extensions, such as:
The document file can be any recognized native type or image type. The index file must be .XML. Single files
will be ignored until the pair is present.
The XML file is parsed and stored when the document is imported. The metadata within the XML file are
accessed from templates using the “Indexed Import” data source as described in Chapter 3.
For image documents, the ADP setting within the selected template determines whether the document will go to
an Inbox and wait to be processed, or if it will be processed and filed automatically, as described below.
ADP settings defined in the selected template will be applied to image documents, which are imported.
Furthermore, if a template requires no user input, it will run automatically as soon as a document is imported.
Thus, barcoded documents, documents with XML indexing data, and other documents that require no user input
to file do not have to wait in an Inbox to be filed—they will be filed automatically by the client service just as if
they were scanned. (See ADP in Chapter 3 for more information.)
docSTAR User’s Reference
Integration Settings
Figure 7-12 Client Settings Window – Integration Settings
The Integration Settings tab will only be visible if you have the Integration Agent module.
The following choices are available.
Thin or Thick
The docSTAR thin client (available through the WebView or Integration Agent modules) displays
search results and documents within a web browser. It launches quickly and requires no installation or
maintenance, but has limited functionality (eg. no annotating). The thick client is the standard
“Windows” program described throughout this manual. Integration with each is selectable on a
station-by-station basis, if supported by the integrated application. Each user may choose the
integrated retrieval method he or she prefers.
The following options apply to thick client integration only.
View In Screen
This option determines whether documents retrieved through integration will be displayed in the
Results tab or the Browse tab of the Retrieve window. The Results tab is the default, but the Browse
tab may be preferred when a folder-based filing scheme is employed.
Search For
Chooses whether integrated retrieval will yield documents or folders. Documents are the default, but
the user may choose to retrieve folders.
Search Results
If checked, results will always be displayed in the View window. If not, search results are displayed in
the Results or Browse tab first.
docSTAR Client
If checked, launches the docSTAR client (if necessary) when integrated retrieval occurs. If unchecked,
docSTAR must be launched manually before integrated retrieval will work. Generally, this should be
A valid docSTAR User Name and password may be specified here. If specified, all integrated retrieval
at this station will use this username and password to determine security rights and audit trail entries.
If these are left blank, integrated retrieval will use:
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
the current Windows login, if integrated Windows login is enabled in the Administrator’s
the GUEST account, if integrated Windows login is not enabled.
Generally, leave this blank if integrated Windows login is enabled. Otherwise, set the proper user
name and password for the typical user of this workstation.
docSTAR User’s Reference
User Preferences
User Preferences are accessed from the Options menu on docSTAR’s main window, as mentioned in Chapter 1.
This window allows you to customize the default settings used by many features within docSTAR. Logged on
users can configure their own preferences. The administrator can configure their own preferences as well as the
GUEST user preferences. If a user does not have preferences set for their own account, they will inherit the
preferences set for the GUEST account. Thus, the GUEST preferences are the default preferences for all users.
Figure 7-13 User Preferences – Scan Settings
These selections determine the options that initially come up in the Scan Window and the ADP queue window.
See Chapter 2 for information concerning the scan settings listed here. See Chapter 7 for more information on
the ADP Queue.
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Figure 7-14 User Preferences – Inbox/Review Settings
These selections alter the operation of the Inbox and Review Box as described below. See Chapters 3 for more
Inbox Settings
Most of these settings determine how documents will initially be listed in any Inbox. They can be
resorted by clicking on any column heading. Note: which Inbox is initially displayed for each
user is set by the Administrator under Users and Security.
The Enable Auto Refresh item causes the contents of the Inbox window to be refreshed, to show
new or changed items, at the specified time interval. This causes additional network traffic and
docSTAR Host loading, which may not be desirable, but it does allow uses to keep their Inbox
open and see new items appear.
Review Box Settings
Determines how documents will initially be listed in the Review Box. These too can be resorted
by clicking on any of the column headings.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Figure 7-15 User Preferences – File/View Settings
These selections alter the operation of the File and View windows as described below. See Chapters 3 for more
Default Filing Mode
Determines the default filing mode for the File button on the Inbox.
Default Zoom Mode
Determines how documents will initially be displayed in the View and Manual File windows. The
default is Fit To Width. The Fit To Window option may be used if documents are typically longer
than 8 ½ x 11, such as legal documents.
Default View Mode
Determines how documents will initially be displayed in the View and Manual File windows.
Text Stamp Annotation
Sets the default text to be used for text stamp annotations. See the explanation below.
Rotations In Manual
Template page rotations are applied when the document template is run. With this option
checked, the page rotations are displayed prior to actually running the template. This might be
useful to allow previewing documents with proper page rotation before the filing process is run.
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Display Template not
run warning
If checked, then the following warning is displayed whenever a user clicks File Permanently
without having just run a template.
If your process requires doing this regularly, you may turn off this warning by
unchecking this box.
AuthentiDate Settings
Sets the maximum number of pages of a document that will automatically be verified. Longer
documents will only be verified on command.
The default Annotation Text Stamp can be added to any image, COLD, or PDF document using the Text Stamp
Annotation tool defined earlier in this chapter. The text can include any of the following special symbols.
The current date, as numbers with leading zeros as in “07/04/01”.
The current time, including seconds in 24-hour fashion. e.g. “16:59:04”
Combined date and time.
Julian date—the number of days, including today, elapsed in the current year.
%a, %A
Day of the week, abbreviated as “Sat” or written out as “Saturday”, respectively.
%b, %B
The month, abbreviated as “Jul” or written out as “July”, respectively.
The time zone, as in “Eastern Daylight Time”
%H, %I
The hour of the day, in 24-hour and 12-hour mode, respectively.
%M, %S
The minutes and seconds, respectively.
AM or PM, according to time of day.
%m, %d, %y
The month, day, and year as two digit numbers, respectively.
The year, as four digits.
These symbols can be combined as in “%B %d, %Y %I:%M %p”, which could produce “July 4, 2001 4:59 PM”
docSTAR User’s Reference
Figure 7-16 User Preferences – Retrieve Settings
These selections determine default settings for many of the controls on the Retrieve window. See Chapter 4,
Retrieving Document for detailed information.
Retrieve Item Default
Narrow to Template
Display Vocabulary
These four settings determine the default state of the respective controls on the Retrieve
Navigation Default
If you are most interested in retrieving documents from folders, set this to Browse, and the
Browse tab will be the default tab selected on the Retrieve window. Otherwise, the Retrieve
tab (for text or field-based searches) will be selected by default.
Cursor Location
Set this according to how you most commonly retrieve documents: by field or by text.
Fuzzy Options
Determine default settings for the Fuzzy Retrieval Options window.
Show Keywords
Results List
When selected, the keywords column is included by default in Results. Otherwise, the
keywords column can be added or removed using the View Menu on the Retrieve Window.
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Figure 7-17 User Preferences – Results/Browse Settings
These selections determine default settings for many of the controls on the Results and Browse windows. See
Chapter 4, Retrieving Document for detailed information.
Results List Settings
Determines default sort order and limits on the Results tab. Also, determines if Keywords are
visible, by default in the Results list. Display of keywords can be toggled within that window
through the View menu.
Browse Settings
Determines default sort order for the Browse tab. Determines if subfolders are shown among
the contents of a folder in the right-hand side of the Browse tab. Also, determines if Keywords
are visible, by default in the Browse tab. Display of keywords can be toggled within that
window through the View menu.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Send To
Figure 7-18 User Preferences – Send To Window
These selections determine the default Send To options. See Chapter 6, Send To… for detailed information.
Save/Send To Single…
Save/Send To Multiple…
Include Annotations
These settings determine the defaults for the What to Send portion of the Send To window.
Note that there are separate defaults for single document and multiple document selections.
Further, note that these defaults are overriden when the “Starting Page” for a document is
set to a value greater than 1, such that any pages prior to the starting page are excluded. A
Starting Page may be set during filing as described in Chapter 3.
Save To File
Defines default path and file type for saving documents as image files.
Default Tab
Determines the first tab shown when the Sent To window is opened.
Save / Send Documents As
Determines the preferred format for sending documents via email or saving to a file. When
saving to a file, a selection of “TIF” is overriden by the default file type selected under
“Save To File”.
Closing User Preferences
The following commands apply to all tabs of the User Preferences Window.
Reset Defaults
Returns all User Preferences to the factory default settings.
Saves these User Preferences and returns you to the docSTAR Main Window.
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Cancels all changes made to the User Preferences and returns you to the docSTAR Main
docSTAR User’s Reference
Event Log
Certain errors and exceptions are logged for review by the System Administrator. A selected number of special
events are recorded in a special “Event Log”. Whenever there is a new event in the log, the circle on the
System Status indicator button on the Main Window turns solid red.
After logging in as ADMIN, click on the Event Log button. See the Administrator’s Guide for further
Figure 7-19 Event Log Button
Chapter 7 Advanced Topics
Chapter 8 Trouble Shooting
docSTAR Error Messages ......................................................................................................... 8-3
Document Locks .................................................................................................................... 8-3
Untrapped Errors.................................................................................................................... 8-3
Application Errors, et. al. ....................................................................................................... 8-4
Blue Screen Errors ................................................................................................................. 8-4
Licensing Errors..................................................................................................................... 8-4
Secure Clock.............................................................................................................................. 8-6
Exceptions Folders .................................................................................................................... 8-7
docSTAR User’s Reference
Chapter 8 Trouble Shooting
docSTAR Error Messages
Error messages will occur from time to time. Some of them describe normal, inevitable circumstances like
scanner jams or database locks (see below). Others may be the result of problems with your system hardware,
software, or configuration.
Refer to the Common Error Messages descriptions below for explanations of (and resolutions to) the most
frequent messages. For other errors, it is important to identify the type of an error. Write down the error
message exactly how it appears on your screen. Note the answers to the following questions: Which steps are
necessary to reproduce the problem? How consistently does this problem occur? Then call your docSTAR
Service Technician. When you report an error message, include the following information:
Title - This is located in the title bar across the top of the message box.
Text - This is the detailed message that appears inside the message box.
Options - Different messages offer different combinations of options such as “Abort, Retry, Ignore” or
“Retry, Cancel” or maybe only “Ok”.
Activity - This is the activity that you were performing when the error occurred. Please give specific
details of the activity, such as: "While viewing a document, I clicked on Add to Folder button and then
the error message appeared."
Figure 8-1 Typical Error Message Box
Document Locks
Document Locking is an important mechanism designed to prevent to two users from modifying a document
title, keywords, etc. at the same time. Locks will also occur if someone tries to file a document while another
user views it. These messages prevent you or other users from inadvertently creating inconsistent document
data. Typically, you can retry the operation. It may sometimes be necessary to check on the user whose
network name appears, as with Data Access Locks, above.
Figure 8-2 Document Lock Error
Untrapped Errors
Most errors are called “trapped” errors because docSTAR displays a message box describing the error, offers
choices, and then allows you to continue working. Untrapped errors display a message box with no choice
except OK. Then they cause docSTAR to exit abruptly, leaving you looking at the Windows desktop.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Untrapped errors should always be reported to your docSTAR Service Technician with all of the details
described above.
Application Errors, et. al.
There are many different varieties of low-level system errors that are caused by problems in hardware, software,
or networking. They may contain the words "Application Error", "General Protection Fault", or "Illegal
Operation". Some are gray boxes offering Close and Details.
If the error message gives you a choice between Ignore and Close, always try Ignore. This may allow you to
continue. If Ignore doesn’t work, you will have to click on Close.
Record the information displayed, particularly the task name (such as DOCSTAR) and the module (such as
XOCR32.OCX). Sometimes you will need to press the Details button to get this information. Record the steps
that precipitated the error. Then contact your Service Technician.
Blue Screen Errors
Some disk input or output errors produce a “blue screen” with an error message and options to continue or
cancel. Always retry such operations several times. Always report these problems accurately to your Service
Technician. They may indicate a problem with an optical disk drive or medium.
Licensing Errors
Your docSTAR host must have a hardware key for licensing. The key is either attached to the back of your
CPU or is installed internally. If a key is missing from the host or the key is not working properly, you will
receive a constant flow of error messages on the host computer until the problem is resolved. Remote stations
will be disabled until the problem is corrected.
The following license failure message indicates that your key is either missing or not working properly:
Figure 8-3 Licensing Failure - Host
If you see such a message, make sure that the hardware key (if it is external) is attached firmly. If a printer is
attached to it, make sure the printer is turned on. If the problem persists, try removing the printer connection. If
the key is attached firmly and no printer is attached (or if you have an internal key) call your docSTAR Service
Chapter 8 Trouble Shooting
Licensing errors occur on remote stations if the hardware key in the host has insufficient remote licenses:
Figure 8-4 Licensing Failure - Remote
Click the Licenses in Use button to see a list of network names and licenses in use. If all licenses that you own
are presently being used, you must wait for another user to release a license. If this message seems to be
occurring in error, contact your service provider.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Secure Clock
Each hardware key includes a built-in secure clock. From time to time, your hardware key clock and system
clock will get out of sync. If you see the following message, first make sure that your system clock is set
Figure 8-5 Time of Day Discrepancy Message
To adjust your System Clock:
1. Open the Start Menu
2. Select Control Panel
3. Double click on Date/Time
4. Make sure your correct time zone is set.
5. Make sure daylight savings time is enabled if appropriate.
6. Adjust the date and or time to the correct values. The time does not need to be set down to the precise
second--just within a couple of minutes of the correct time.
7. Restart docSTAR.
If the secure clock is still out of sync with the system clock, and the system clock is correct, contact your
Service Provider.
Chapter 8 Trouble Shooting
Exceptions Folders
Special folders created by the system contain an exclamation point as their initial character, e.g. “!Export
Exceptions”. These folders can be viewed, removed, deleted, or otherwise accessed through the Browse tab.
Inspection of “exceptions folders” should become part of routine docSTAR maintenance.
Autofiling Exceptions are described in Chapter 3. Any documents that appear in an Autofiling Exceptions
folder can just be moved to a proper folder.
Other exceptions folders are created due to “problem” documents that failed some processing of some kind.
The System Administrator or a service technician can use these folders to easily access these documents. This
can help resolve the problem and be a simple way to select those documents that need to be “reprocessed” after
the problem is resolved.
(See the Administrator’s Guide for further information.)
docSTAR User’s Reference
Appendix A: XPath Examples
As described under Templates in Chapter 3, XPath queries are used to extract metadata from XML files with
the Indexed Import data source. A complete definition of XPath syntax requires a thorough understanding of
XML, which is beyond the scope of this Guide.
Fortunately, you don’t need to be an expert; understanding a few simple examples should allow you to
determine an XPath query to meet most common docSTAR Indexed Import needs.
To define your XPath, first examine the XML your document source (copier, MFP, software) is producing.
Find the datum you want, and see how it is encoded. Hopefully it resembles one of these examples.
Note: remember that XPath’s are case sensitive!
Example 1
XML File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<routingParameter xmlns="">
<value id="0">key 1</value>
<value id="1">key 2</value>
<value id="2">key 3</value>
<value id="3">key 4</value>
<value id="4">key 5</value>
In this example, the tag “value” is used with attribute “id” to identify several different index keys. The
following XPath retrieves “key 2”:
The use of a double slash at the beginning of the XPath indicates that the node, “value”, may be located at any
level within the XML. Conversely, an explicit path starting at the root is specified with a single slash as in:
Square brackets [] are used to select a particular “value” node based on the attribute, “id”. The attribute name is
preceded by the @ symbol.
Note that the “xmlns” attribute is used to declare a default namespace for the routingParameter node. Nothing
special is needed to access data within a default namespace.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Appendix A: XPath Examples
Example 2
XML File
<KnowledgeObjects Count="1">
<KnowledgeFields Count="2">
<Field Name="InvNum" Value="123456" />
<Field Name="CustNum" Value="987654" />
In this example, the tag Field is used, and both the key and value are provided as attributes.
To retrieve the CustNum value, 987654, enter:
This example shows how a datum is accessed from an attribute of a node. The /@Value syntax specifies that
the Value attribute of the Field node is sought.
Example 3
XML File
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<O:Batch xmlns:O="mti_ocrff31_schema.XML">
<O:Control O:Name="FormFamily">rem_list</O:Control>
<O:Control O:Name="B_CTRL_NUMBER" O:Type="Control">N/A</O:Control>
<O:Control O:Name="B_DATE" O:Type="Control">09/10/07</O:Control>
This example shows an explicit xml namespace (xmlns) attribute, ‘O=“mti_ocrff31_schema.XML”’. All labels
prefixed with “O:” reference this namespace. To draw data from any node with the name space in its label, the
same namespace must be referenced.
Declare the namespace as follows:
With the namespace defined, the following XPath query may be used to retrieve the date, 9/10/07:
Note that the use of “a” as the prefix is arbitrary. Any unique identifier can be used, as long as the prefix
declared for the namespace is the same as the one used in the XPath query.
Appendix A: XPath Examples
docSTAR User’s Reference
Multi-Values Queries
In most cases, only a single value is desired for each Indexed Import action. It is possible for an XPath to
retrieve multiple values, but by default docSTAR’s Indexed Import actions retrieve only the first value
matching the XPath query.
To maintain backward compatibility, multiple values will only be returned if the client system’s DOCSTAR.INI
configuration file is modified accordingly. This file will be located in the docSTAR install directory—the same
directory that contains DSCLIENT.EXE and other docSTAR programs and files.
In this file, add one line to the section, [FilePreferences]:
This change must be made on each workstation which will run this template. Contact our helpdesk if you are
not familiar with the process of editing INI files.
Once this INI change is made, you can access multiple values with a single action. For instance, consider this
XML file:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Invoice Number="1234">
<Invoice Number="1286">
Both invoice numbers (1234 and 1286) may be accessed with this XPath query:
Multiple values from an Indexed Import query may be stored in keywords, document text, or a custom field.
Values stored in keywords or text will be separated by spaces. If a custom field is used, one instance of the
custom field will be created for each value retrieved by the XPath query. In the example above, the numbers
1234 and 1286 would each be stored in their own copy of the specified custom field.
Other destinations: place in folder, title, etc. will only store the first value.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Appendix A: XPath Examples
Appendix B: InfoPath and XML File Support
InfoPath forms and other XML files can be imported into docSTAR as native documents. InfoPath forms are
valuable for implementing certain types of workflow solutions.
To import XML files, configure a client Auto Import path, but do not turn on the Indexed Import option. XML
files are treated like other native documents, except as follows.
Displaying InfoPath and XML
Rather than display XML documents within the Manual File and View windows, docSTAR asks Windows to
launch the registered application to display them. The application may be InfoPath, Internet Explorer, or some
other program depending on settings in the operating system and information stored in the XML file. An
appropriate viewer application must be installed to view the document.
While the document is open, docSTAR displays this message in the normal document view pane.
If you close InfoPath, Internet Explorer, or other application while viewing a document, you can open it again
by pressing the Open Document button.
docSTAR User’s Reference
Appendix B: InfoPath and XML File Support
Send To
The Send To button is not available for XML documents. Instead, use the registered application to print, email,
or otherwise transmit the document.
Editing InfoPath Forms
Document filing info (title, keywords, or custom fields) may be modified in docSTAR in the usual manner.
However, there may be a need to update information in an InfoPath form. docSTAR does not accept changes to
the original document, so if the form is edited, it must be saved and reimported as a new document to capture
changes. Scripting within the InfoPath form can automated this process.
Indexing InfoPath Forms
Specifically in the case of InfoPath files, data within the XML can be extracted and used to file them, accurately
and conveniently. This is one of the underlying components of our Real Estate Solution. Indexing InfoPath
forms automatically requires:
Capturing the InfoPath form using client Auto Import (without “Indexed Import” selected)
Use Indexed Import data source actions, as described above, in your template which processes the
InfoPath form.
Valuable, customized solutions can be built with InfoPath and docSTAR; our Professional Service team can
help with application analysis and/or implementation.
Appendix B: InfoPath and XML File Support
docSTAR User’s Reference