Only for employees of the Melitta Group


Only for employees of the Melitta Group
Special edition
Only for employees of the Melitta Group
w w w. r u n d u m - o n l i n e . i n fo
Special edition
Introduction by the Corporate Management
Ladies and gentlemen,
in the last special edition of
“rundum”, we presented to you the
Melitta 2020 Strategy. We developed and agreed this strategy in
order to leverage growth potential
and to improve the earnings situation for Melitta Group, in addition
to positioning the company for successful business looking forward.
The Melitta 2020 Strategy envisions
three main areas of action: we want
to optimise our portfolio, we want to
increase efficiency and we want to
tap growth markets. Implementation
of this strategic programme was
initiated in May of this year and is
to be completed by the year 2020.
In June, we reached our first
milestone as part of this strategic
programme when we brought phase
one of the FOCUS sub-project to a
successful close. This special edition
will be presenting what exactly the
FOCUS project is all about, which decisions were taken and what the way
forward will be. It is important to us
that you are always well informed
about progress made with regard to
Melitta 2020.
Volker Stühmeier, Jero Bentz, Dr. Stephan Bentz (v.l.n.r.)
Warmest regards,
Dr. Stephan Bentz
Jero Bentz
Volker Stühmeier
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Additional substeps
What is FOCUS?
Based on these determinations,
management has made the following key decisions regarding the new
organisational structure:
OCUS is a sub-project under the
umbrella of the Melitta 2020
Strategy. It was launched in May
2015 and will be completed by
September 2015. The aim of FOCUS
is to shape the organisational
structure of Melitta Group to make
it more powerful and more efficient
so that it can serve as a basis for
all other strategic decisions going
The new organisational structure is
also intended to bring improvements
to Melitta Group's cost structures.
Our calculations show that achieving cost savings of 16 million euro
is realistically attainable. Which
concrete measures will specifically
be employed to reach this target will
be determined in phase two.
The new organisational structure is
geared toward boosting our authority on the market and streamlining
our internal processes. The first
phase of FOCUS has laid the foundations by analysing the current
organisational structure and having
management stipulate clear requirements for the development of the
new structure. Using this information as a starting point, key fundamental decisions regarding the new
organisational structure were made.
Phase one was concluded at the end
of June.
In the second phase of FOCUS,
which will run from July to end of
September 2015, the business units
will address the new organisational
structure at a more detailed level.
This includes re-designing the overall
structure as well as detailed planning
of the individual departments. This
phase will conclude with planning of
implementation to show how exactly
the new organisational structure will
be realised in all the business units.
What were the results
of FOCUS phase one?
After completing an analysis of
the current organisational structure,
management determined which
fundamental principles will form
the backbone of the new structure.
These include, in particular, market
proximity, focus, decentralised profit
responsibility, targeted internationalisation and high risk awareness.
As the new organisational structure
is implemented, current and future
opportunities and risks are also to
be taken into account, pragmatic
solutions developed and existing
legal structures utilised.
• Organisational implementation
of the future strategic focus on
coffee, coffee preparation and
household products.
• In future, three independent
divisions will operate under the
umbrella of Melitta Europe: Coffee, Coffee Capsules and Coffee
• MPCS will continue to comprise
the planning unit Professional
Coffee Machines. It will also
comprise the new planning unit
of HORECA Coffee, which covers
the marketing of coffee for commercial customers.
• Cofresco comprises the two
planning units Freshness and
Flavour and Waste Disposal.
• Wolf PVG will in future have
full responsibility for the unit
Vacuum Cleaner Bags, Vacuum
Accessories and Indoor Air
• In order to systematically
tap the Asian market, a new
business will be created –
Melitta Asia.
• T he business units Melitta North
America, Melitta Brazil, NKS and
ACW-Film will all remain unchanged in their organisational
A European sales unit will be
established in order to consolidate
non-food marketing in Europe and
food marketing outside of Germany.
Marketing of coffee in Germany will
remain with the Melitta Europa Coffee division and B2B marketing will
remain with MPCS.
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Additional substeps
What's next?
In addition, a European service
unit will be established to provide
administrative assistance for the
business units. The idea of a service
unit for administrative support was
already developed for some business
units in 2013/2014, but was unable
to be put into action at that time
due to technical insufficiencies. This
topic is being reopened. The unit is
to provide administrative services
and avoid functional redundancies.
How exactly the Service Unit Europe
will be structured will be worked out
by a project team over the coming
Now that management has made
the key decisions regarding the
fundamental nature of the new
organisational structure, the business units will now be actively
involved in detailed planning and
realisation. Those responsible will
be announced in the near future.
Through the end of September
2015, they will be tasked with drawing up detailed planning for how
the new organisational structure
can be realised in the individual
business units in concrete terms.
Actual implementation will then
begin from October 2015.
Should you have questions,
we are always available.
In conjunction with implementation of
Melitta 2020 Strategy, we have established
a Transformation Office, which you can
contact with questions via the email address:
Your contact partners in the Transformation Office
Dr. Stefan Scholle
Managing Director Corporate Company Development
Phone: +49 571 4046 241
Katharina Roehrig
Director Corporate Staff Public RelaPons Phone: +49 571 4046 270
Dirk Marek
Director Corporate Human Resources
Phone: +49 571 4046 420
Katja Möller (TransformaEon Office)
Director Corporate Company Development
Phone: +49 571 4046 244
Dr. Alexander Wesemann (Project FOCUS)
Head of Corporate Company Development
Phone: +49 571 4046 245
Please get and stay in touch with us:
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