Annual Report 2012


Annual Report 2012
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
Annual Report
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
Annual Report
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
Management Organization of the Melitta Group
We are a manufacturer of branded products for coffee enjoyment, the storage and preparation of food, and home cleanliness. Our brands stand for quality and added value – in all the
markets we serve. Wherever we operate, we enjoy a leading
position with retailers and consumers, or aim to achieve it.
The same applies to our B2B business.
Corporate Management
Dr. Thomas Bentz
(until December 31, 2012)
Dr. Stephan Bentz
Jero Bentz
(as of January 01, 2013)
Volker Stühmeier
Melitta Europe
Household Products and Coffee
Jan Van Riet / Dr. Frank Strege
Products Europe
Pieter van Halewijn
(as of February 01, 2013)
Wolf PVG
Corporate Division
Bernardo Wolfson
Neu Kaliss
John Paul Fender
Martin Ostermayer
(as of September 01, 2012)
Martin T. Miller
William J. Ivany
Dr. Lutwin Spix
Melitta is a group of companies with a rich tradition and on
course for the future. We continue to develop on a daily basis,
yet never lose grip of our strong roots.
Dieter Kirchner
(until August 31, 2012)
Holger Achelpohl
Helmut Cywinski
Kurt Groh
Legal Affairs & HR
Markus Zeyen
Corporate Development
Jero Bentz
General Partners of the
Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG
Dr. Thomas Bentz
Dr. Stephan Bentz
Jero Bentz
Limited Partners
Jörg Bentz
Claudia Bertelmann-Tauß
Jara Bentz
Thomas Dominik Bentz
Advisory Council
Michael Gallenkamp (until Sept. 07, 2012), Chairman
Claus Holst-Gydesen
Dr. Uwe Tillmann
Jörg Bentz
Dr. Thomas Bentz
Dr. Stephan Bentz
Management Report
Values – family businesses
manage differently
Business Units
Financial Information
50 Locations
As of May 2013
Ladies and gentlemen,
after strengthening our group with various major projects
in 2011, we focused last year on the consolidation of new
structures and processes, as well as on the strategic realignment and ongoing development of our core operating businesses. This has made us well prepared for the future!
Our fiscal year 2012 was influenced by a number of special
items, such as the loss of our coffee trading business in Brazil and falling green bean prices. Adjusted for these factors,
there was an encouraging improvement in our earnings
power – thanks to increased productivity and stable fixed
costs from the implementation of our prior-year projects.
As a consequence, we can be generally satisfied with the
course of business in 2012.
Due to the diversified nature of our group of companies,
there were naturally differences in performance: Melitta Europe – Household Products Division – made very strong
progress with its automatic coffee machines and filter coffeemakers. Our range of automatic coffee machines expanded its market share in almost all markets and is listed among the core products of our key trade customers.
Melitta Europe – Coffee Division – also enjoyed success: its
Melitta® BellaCrema®“whole bean” concept easily exceeded
overall market growth.
Melitta SystemService was generally able to sustain its prioryear level – in our core German market, in the UK and in
exports to the Asia/Pacific region. Business in Japan and
Switzerland fell short of expectations.
Dr. Thomas Bentz, Dr. Stephan Bentz
und Volker Stühmeier
Volker Stühmeier, Dr. Thomas Bentz, Dr. Stephan Bentz (2012)
Geschäftsführende Gesellschafter
der Melitta Unternehmensgruppe
In our US business, we enjoyed particular success in the
single serve category with the launch of new coffee pods
in 2012. There was strong growth in sales revenue and by
year-end we were well ahead of our targets for 2012. Despite
a sluggish economy, business in Canada also made good
progress with healthy sales growth. We bucked the weak
economic trend in Brazil with further strong growth of our
branded coffee blends and filter papers: with Melitta Wake®,
an innovative milk-based instant beverage with added coffee, we were able to launch a highly promising new product.
Progress was more difficult for our subsidiaries Cofresco
(household films and foils) and Wolf PVG (vacuum cleaner
accessories). Sales were hit hard by the strong distribution
enjoyed by the private label brands of major European retailers.
After already recruiting new managers for key positions in
the years 2008 and 2011, we succeeded in attracting further highly experienced staff over the past few months: with
­Steve Penk at Melitta SystemService in England and ­Pieter
van Halewijn at Cofresco, we were able to welcome on
board two further top managers. In line with our corporate
strategy of decentralized management, we intend to exploit
our regional markets more effectively in future with the aid
of experienced and highly committed managers.
One further key change was in the Group’s Chief Corporate
Management. On January 1, 2013, Jero Bentz became the
first representative of the owning family’s fourth generation
to become a General Partner of the Melitta Group and to
join the Chief Corporate Management team. On the same
date, Dr. Thomas Bentz retired from the Group’s day-to-day
management after 39 successful years as a member of Chief
Corporate Management. As a General Partner and member of the Advisory Council, however, he will continue to be
closely involved with the company.
In addition to these management changes, we continued
to work on our organizational structure in 2012: during the
course of the year, we merged the two operating divisions
“Melitta Household Products Europe” and “Melitta Coffee
Europe” into a single company named “Melitta Europe”. By
pooling the core competencies of these two strong units, we
aim to tap possible synergies more effectively in future. The
new unit not only represents the Melitta Group as one of the
leading coffee roasters on the German and European market, but also as a successful manufacturer and innovative
developer of filter papers, filter coffeemakers and automatic
coffee machines. We are very confident that this realignment
of “Melitta Europe” will drive our biggest-selling strategic
business field “Coffee and Tea Enjoyment” to further success on the European market.
In the past year, we also assigned our paper plant in Berlin
to the Neu Kaliss division and greatly expanded its capacity
for producing premium special-grade papers with the aid of
large-scale refurbishments. At the same time, we increased
our technical expertise and production capacity in the field
of packaging films. One particular highlight at our main site
was the opening of a new showroom and training center for
the food service business.
The most important question for any company is: how can
we successfully outperform the competition in future?
We have two answers to this: the first is “innovation”. One
of our key tasks in the coming years will be to constantly
align our products and services with the needs of our customers. At the same time, we must naturally keep a close
eye on our brand essence. After all, our success is based on
this differentiation via strong brands.
We believe that innovation also means being open for new
ways of reaching our customers. The world of enjoyment
and that of care are very tangible. The way to reach customers, however, is becoming more and more virtual. The Internet and digital media as a whole are playing an increasingly important role. We intend to exploit this trend without
neglecting our traditional point-of-sale contact with the
consumer. Successful marketing will continue to be based
on very careful observation of consumer trends in various
markets. Thanks to our international alignment, we can tap
a broad spectrum of market trends. In turn, this enables us
to quickly transfer new knowledge from specific regions and
markets to our other regions.
And the second answer is “people”: the importance of good
employees – at both management and implementation level – will continue to grow in future. We believe that in tight
markets such as ours, one can even say that employees will
become a key competitive factor. Over the past years, we
have therefore undertaken considerable efforts to steadily
enhance the appeal of Melitta as an employer. These efforts
include our definition last year of an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) and the resulting employer brand with the claim
“Melitta – More Opportunities”.
We are cautiously optimistic about the current fiscal year
2013: if the markets in Europe slowly return to stability and
the positive forecasts for the North American are accurate,
we expect to achieve a slight increase in sales. Whether this
revenue growth can be translated into improved earnings
depends in part on the development of commodity prices.
In the case of green beans at least, there may even be a fall
in prices during 2013.
Family businesses take a more long-term approach. Moreover, family businesses work on the basis of a strong core.
For us, this core is “quality”. In the past year, the quality we
regularly deliver was once again confirmed by numerous
awards – for our products, for our brand management and
for our corporate social responsibility. This positive feedback
is motivation for us to make no compromises in this area in
future – for our customers’ sake.
In our operating business, we will continue to focus on
innovations: with the launch of new products – such as a
new generation of automatic coffee machines – we intend
to capture further market shares in often challenging environments. In all our efforts, we will continue to be guided
by consumer demand for quality, convenience and sustainability.
We will drive sales by stepping up our trade activities with
more intensive communication via the classic media. At the
same time, we will increasingly integrate virtual media into
our marketing.
We are also investing heavily in the development of our
current and future managers in house, i.e. those employees who have already chosen to work for Melitta. Under
the heading “Melitta Campus”, we offer talent-oriented and
performance-driven training activities for our management
staff. At the same time, we are carefully identifying highpotential employees within the Group and taking pro-active
steps to help them develop their skills.
Dr. Thomas Bentz
Dr. Stephan Bentz
Volker Stühmeier
Values –
family businesses manage differently
As an owner-managed company with a long tradition, Melitta is one of Germany’s major family businesses.
An interview with Prof. Thomas Zellweger of the University of St. Gallen provides answers to the classic questions associated today with the topic “Family Businesses”.
What makes family businesses different to listed companies?
One classic strength of the family business is often said to be
What are the strengths which make them so successful?
their special corporate culture …
Prof. Zellweger: First of all, we have to say that family business-
Prof. Zellweger: That’s right. Family businesses often benefit
es are a very heterogeneous group. But if we look at the typical
from their strong and highly robust culture. This is particularly
strengths of large and established companies like Melitta, then I
important when things are not going so well, or when people
would first say: management and ownership are combined. This
have to pull together to sort problems out. At times like these, it
gives companies the ability to make fast decisions. Governance
is important for the company that it can rely on the loyalty and
problems are also smaller. There is no need for additional incen-
cooperation of its staff.
tive or control systems as the owners themselves have a clear
view of the business and are also working within the company.
The fact that “culture” – which naturally permeates throughout
the entire company – is such a strong attribute should come as
A further strength lies in the attention afforded to the topic of
no surprise: family business owners are generally more tangi-
“Identification and Reputation”: family businesses are very keen
ble for employees, enabling them to identify more closely with
to cast a positive light on the market and to be regarded as good
their targets and standards. The owners embody certain values,
and successful companies. The reason is that the owners them-
which in turn provide orientation for company employees. As
selves must ultimately answer for the acts of their companies.
a result, family-run businesses tend to prevail even in adverse
The overlapping identities of owners and companies heightens
circumstances, thanks to their culture of trust and more long-
awareness for how the company is being perceived. This also
term approach.
helps explain, by the way, why family businesses are often excellent at developing brands.
expert LOOK
Values – family businesses manage differently
“Long-term approach” – how does this manifest itself in day-
This long-term approach and perseverance are certainly very
the need for agreements. In the worst-case scenario, everything
The question of succession seems to be a major challenge these
to-day business?
worthy virtues. But in today’s business world, speed and flexibil-
has to go through the owner’s hands – an owner who may be ego-
days …
ity are surely more important. Are family businesses still a viable
centric or with the wrong motives. In such cases, the owner can
model in our modern environment?
soon become an all-pervasive controller, and in the worst cast even
Prof. Zellweger: We recently conducted an international study
an arbitrary blocker.
on the topic. Our findings showed that the proportion of under-
Prof. Zellweger: If we take the situation that a company wants
to establish a new business – as Melitta did with its Industrial and
graduates interested in playing an active role in their parents’ family
Special Papers division for example – then it may take several years
Prof. Zellweger: Yes, absolutely. Take the big banks, for example.
before the business is successfully established. In situations like
Just a few years ago, people regarded them as the main beneficiar-
Another weak point is when the company is led by several branches
business is indeed low. About a quarter in Germany. In addition to
these, family business owners are particularly patient. They check
ies of globalization. And to some extent they are. But many of them
of the family prone to infighting – sometimes for historical rea-
the classic problem of the current owners not wishing to relinquish
their decisions diligently in advance and are more prepared to stick
are also out of control. There are similar examples among the ma-
sons, sometimes as a result of generational change. This can lead
control, there is obviously a second – no less important – problem.
to their course – even in the face of unexpected crises.
jor chemical companies and in other sectors. I think the sense of
to situations in which the owners block each other and bring the
It seems that the next generation is increasingly losing its appetite
responsibility is often less well defined among major corporations,
organization to a virtual standstill.
for leadership. At the same time, however, there are still plenty of
as they are ultimately just a vehicle for anonymous shareholders.
Family businesses in crisis situations: are there any typical be-
This makes it harder to pin responsibility on any one person.
havioral patterns?
In the case of family businesses, there are identifiable people beProf. Zellweger: Family-run companies are governed by two main
hind the company with a vested interest in ensuring things run
motivations: economic considerations with the aim of achieving
well – putting both their money and their personalities on the line.
commercial success, and socio-emotional considerations based
One further strength of family businesses is that they not only seek
on a desire to continue the company history. The weighting of
to benefit themselves but also their environments with the aim of
these twin motivations alters according to the intensity of the cri-
achieving change together. In the long run, I believe family busi-
sis: in difficult financial circumstances, family business owners try
nesses are better equipped to chart a successful course into the
to maintain the status quo as long as possible. Their main focus
future than non-family businesses. What’s more, most family busi-
is on defending the chosen strategy and thus the credibility of the
nesses deal with the aspects of speed and flexibility mentioned in
company and its management.
the question very well.
Thomas Zellweger
This is followed by a second phase in which we see company owners as strong-willed decision-makers. If the danger becomes immi-
That all sounds very positive. Are there any generic weaknesses
nent and the “family silver” is at stake, they are more than prepared
which family businesses suffer from?
to make use of their powerful position – up to and including severe
cuts. These two phases also serve as a good example of how the
Prof. Zellweger: As with many things, key strengths can also con-
factor “influence” is applied in varying ways: in manageable situa-
ceal weaknesses. One such weakness is the dependency on the
tions, they tend not to take drastic measures, although they could.
family. Let’s take the aspect of “culture” discussed earlier. In the
When it becomes necessary, however, they leap into action – with
best-case scenario, there is a culture of trust: people in the com-
all that implies.
pany can rely on each other and there is good cooperation, without
is the co-founder and head of the Center for Family Business at the University of St. Gallen. In his role as faculty
professor, his research focuses mainly on family businesses, finance and entrepreneurship. Thomas Zellweger
was a research fellow at Babson College, Boston/USA, and
visiting professor at the University of British Columbia in
Vancouver. He is the joint publisher of the Journal of Family
Business Strategy.
expert LOOK
Values – family businesses manage differently
other candidates for the succession.
The task is then to weigh up carefully
which solution is best for the company.
Family businesses are very keen to cast a
positive light on the market and to be regarded as good and successful companies.
The reason is that the owners themselves
must ultimately answer for the acts of their
Are there ways to avoid the problem
Prof. Thomas Zellweger
of succession?
hand there is the capital market with
I believe the last aspect is particularly important: managers want
its desire for transparency, modern
to have responsibility and the power to make decisions. If they fail
management instruments, and con-
to receive the necessary cooperation in these points – because ul-
Prof. Zellweger: First and foremost: they should not be more
stant professional monitoring from
timately the family decides – they will turn their backs on the com-
hype than substance. In a family business, there are more impor-
outside. And as a counterweight to
pany sooner or later, stating: “I don’t really belong!” I regard this as
tant things than self-promotion. They should be team players will-
this, the long-term orientation of the
a key task for many family businesses: the modernization of man-
ing to step into the shade if need be, and they must have a fervent
family business owner who is not ob-
agement, and in particular the genuine delegation of responsibility.
desire to do their job well. I see many managers take on such positions without realizing that in family businesses it is not about
sessed with quarterly results, but fo-
furthering your own personal career. They arrive with the mindset
cuses more on the company’s sustainable development. I believe
Prof. Zellweger: One good way is to take a less emotional view of
that the capital market is definitely a viable option for growing and
Family businesses are generally praised for their soft skills, such
the governance structures. Those involved should ask themselves
successful family businesses.
as loyalty and reliability. Are these values still relevant in this noncommittal age?
the following question right from the start: “Who is best suited to
of major corporation managers – and ultimately fail.
Family-led companies will find the best people for management
positions within the company itself. It is mutually beneficial to
carrying out the necessary functions?” These include management
functions, control functions and ownership functions. And all of
On the subject of changing circumstances: how can family
Prof. Zellweger: Yes, I think these values are still well suited to our
know each other well and share the same values. It is therefore well
these skills are needed: it is not always simply a question of filling
businesses maintain their competitive edge in the face of rapid
age. And they are good for family businesses. In complex company
worth identifying potential candidates as soon as possible in order
the CEO’s seat. It is important to take a broad view and approach
structures without personal leadership, employees soon become
to groom them for their future roles.
opportunists. Sooner or later, they begin to focus on the question
the question as objectively as possible: namely, which is the best
constellation for the company and those involved for the future.
Prof. Zellweger: One aspect is globalization. In this case, SMEs
of how they can achieve the maximum reward for their efforts – of-
have long been successfully operating around the world. Another
ten involving a frequent change of positions. This shows that family
is the so-called talent management aspect. Many large family busi-
businesses only attract a certain type of employee. Traders are not
Family businesses and the capital market: how do family-run
nesses, such as Melitta with a turnover of approx. € 1.4 billion, are
generally happy in such environments. For those who know their
companies stand on this topic?
located outside the attractive metropolitan areas. They face the
own abilities and what they want to achieve, family businesses are
question: “How can we attract the best employees who will help
attractive employers.
Prof. Zellweger: There is still a great deal of caution among family
us manage the company professionally? And how do we keep our
businesses toward private equity, but not toward the capital mar-
best people on board?” Recruiting and retaining management ex-
One aspect becoming increasingly important for employees is the
ket in general. Maybe because the capital market gives owners the
pertise has long become a decisive factor.
degree of “purpose” on offer. Especially the more talented junior
managers are not only interested in their personal success, but
chance to retain control over the company to a certain extent. This
is illustrated by examples such as Henkel, Haniel and BMW. Struc-
In order to be successful, today’s family businesses must highlight
also in the company’s mission, or what the organization stands
tures can be created in such a way that the family keeps its hand on
their strengths. These include corporate culture, but should also
for – whether it’s ecological responsibility or improving the quality
the tiller even though the company is listed.
comprise attractive talent programs and a professional work envi-
of life. This growing need for “purpose” can also be observed in our
ronment. This applies in particular to managers: they expect good
university environment: demand for lectures on “Social Entrepre-
There are actually some very successful family businesses on the
management tools, information access and transparency in order
neurship” is growing from year to year. If a company – like Melitta
stock exchange, as it brings together two positive forces which both
to make the right decisions.
– can succeed in taking its staff on a “purposeful” journey, then it
complement each other and keep each other in check: on the one
What characteristics do managers of family businesses need?
is well placed for the future.
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
in the operating divisions
Melitta Europe
Cofresco Freshkeeping Products Europe
Melitta SystemService
Melitta Brasil
Melitta USA
Melitta Canada
Wolf PVG
Neu Kaliss Spezialpapier
Melitta Europe
Brand business with coffee and household products under one roof
In 2012, the two operating divisions “Melitta Household Products Europe” and “Melitta Coffee Europe” formerly managed in two separate companies were brought together under the new name
“Melitta Europe”. The core competencies of the two units have thus been pooled under a single roof.
On the one hand, Melitta is one of the leading coffee roasters on the German market, and on the other
hand a successful manufacturer and innovative developer of filter papers, filter coffeemakers and fully
automatic coffee machines. In this new constellation, Melitta aims to drive forward its strongest selling business field “Coffee and Tea Enjoyment” on the European market.
Positive development of “Coffee and Tea
Enjoyment” business field
The business field “Coffee and Tea Enjoyment” achieved year-onyear revenue growth of seven percent in the past year. The contribution of the various product groups to this success differed
greatly, however.
The Melitta® CAFFEO® range of fully automatic coffee machines
Melitta Europe
– Household Products Division
drug store chain further hampered sales. All in all, however, the
performed particularly well with sales growth well into double fig-
division made encouraging progress in 2012.
ures. We succeeded in expanding our market share in almost all
markets and were listed among the core products of our most
Important progress in consistently challenging environment
The change in Melitta’s sales activities for sister company
important retail customers. Our entry-level SOLO® and top-of-
­Cofresco to a new sales agent agreement means that Cofresco
the-range CI® models successfully established themselves on the
now invoices its customers directly. We will therefore review the
year’s performance on a comparable basis here: taking account
The “Household Products Division” can look back on a very
of the new structure, the division – and in particular its core busi-
In our international business, we succeeded in expanding our
eventful fiscal year 2012. The economic crisis in some European
ness field “Coffee and Tea Enjoyment” – achieved growth in sales
coffee machine business with new partners in Australia, Taiwan,
countries created a more challenging backdrop for the develop-
revenues over the past year.
Thailand and Ukraine. In almost all countries, we were able to
ment of our business. In Germany, the insolvency of the S
­ chlecker
convince further trade customers to list our existing product
ranges. As a complementary product for our fully automatic coffee machines, the Cremio® milk frother enjoyed a very successful
international launch.
in € ’000
There was mixed success for our Melitta® filter coffeemakers and
filter papers. We achieved growth in sales of filter coffeemakers
in € ’000
– helped mainly by increased volumes in Germany, Switzerland,
Sweden, Denmark and Russia. Sales were boosted above all by
new products, such as the stainless steel variants of our successful Look®range and our ENJOY® filter coffeemaker, which came
top in a taste comparison of German consumer organization
“Stiftung Warentest” in the lower price category.
Household Products Division
Filter papers, products and equipment for coffee preparation,
dust filter bags and accessories, products for garbage disposal,
cleanliness in pet households, cleaning cloths, descalers, tea filters
Minden (Germany), Chézy (France),
Tourcoing (France), Shenzhen (China)
Sales Companies
France, Austria, Switzerland,
Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark,
Russia, Czech Republic
Coffee Division
Roasted coffee (ground, whole bean), Instant-Cappuccino, Pods
Jan Van Riet CEO Household Products Division
Dr. Frank Strege CEO Coffee Division
* Shift due to change of sales system in 2011 and 2012.
2011 ·
In Principio
creavit Deus caelum et terram
As expected, the negative market trend for filter papers continued
in the past year. In order to rejuvenate this market for us and
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
Continued success in
international environment
Melitta EuropE
– Coffee Division
differentiate our brand more clearly from its private label comIn our foreign markets, we once again successfully utilized
petitors, we significantly improved our ORIGINAL filter paper
and GOURMET Premium filter paper ranges. In Germany, we
German coffee market stable
the opportunities to develop the Melitta® brand. Thanks to
systematic market cultivation, we achieved strong growth in
were able to gain important new customers for our private label
filter paper business with the addition of two major retail trade
Total demand on the German coffee market was slightly up on the
neighboring regions, as well as in Eastern Europe and the
partners. As a result, we have greatly increased the production
previous year in 2012. The prevailing trends in the development
Middle East. The export business once again proved to be a
volume of filter papers and raised the productivity of our conver-
of the market structure continued unchanged: strong growth in
valuable pillar of our operations.
sion plant. Both these factors also made a valuable contribution
whole beans for automatic coffee machines and in coffee cap-
toward our Minden facility.
sules offset a further decline in ground filter coffee. At the same
time, there was slower growth for coffee pods.
Mixed performance in
“Convenient Cleaning” business field
Once again, these developments occurred against a backdrop of
Outlook 2013:
further profitable growth
with our brands
highly volatile prices for green beans.
In the “Household Products Division”, we anticipate a further
Business for the Swirl dust filter bag and vacuum cleaner ac®
cessory range proved difficult in 2012. Sales in Germany were
hit by the insolvency of the Schlecker drug store chain, where
Melitta among top 3
in all relevant coffee segments
improvement in growth during 2013. This trend is likely to be
driven by the product categories Fully Automatic Coffee Machines, Filter Coffeemakers, Private Label Filter Papers and
we enjoyed a very strong position. Competition with private
label brands and accessories of other original manufacturers
2012 was a successful year for our “Coffee Division”. We defend-
Garbage Bags. In the dust filter bag segment, we will focus
continued to intensify.
ed our strong positions in all roast coffee segments and achieved
above all on successfully defending our position against pri-
strong market share gains in certain areas of our whole bean and
vate label brands. In general, we expect conditions to remain
The very encouraging development of business in Sweden was
coffee pod categories. All in all, we achieved the second-highest
difficult in our markets with an ongoing negative impact on
unable to compensate fully for this challenging situation in
sales volume in the company’s history. This success owes much
consumer spending. Difficult markets call for increased ac-
Germany. As a result, Swirl failed to reach its revenue targets
to the communication support for the Melitta brand throughout
tivities. We aim to grow market share with new products and
in the vacuum cleaning category. In order to strengthen the
the year.
focused point-of-sale activities – accompanied by media sup-
position of Swirl dust filter bags, we completely overhauled the
port for the Fully Automatic Coffee Machine, Filter Paper and
entire range and made them more attractive for our customers
In our filter coffee business, we successfully defended our sec-
by enhancing their filtration performance with the MicroPor
ond position among suppliers of branded coffee. Sales of whole
Plus® System.
bean blends for fully automatic coffee machines outperformed
In the “Coffee Division”, we expect consumer demand to
Dust Filter Bag categories.
the overall market and achieved a double-digit market share. This
remain stable in the filter coffee segment in 2013. Growth in
Swirl® garbage bags developed in line with expectations, due to
trend was helped by the new, heavily advertised concept of the
sales of coffee for automatic coffee machines and single serve
further well-received line extensions particularly in Belgium and
Melitta BellaCrema “Selection of the Year”, which was well re-
machines will continue – albeit at a slightly reduced pace. With
ceived by consumers.
the aid of measures designed to enhance the Melitta® brand
and the addition of further attractive offers to the product portWe also gained market share in the coffee pod segment and re-
folio, we aim to grow sales of coffee and coffee products while
inforced our position as the third largest brand-name supplier.
expanding our market position. Investments in our roasting
Due to the overall market development, growth in this product
plant will once again enable us to enhance the quality of our
category was a little slower. In the market for instant specialties
– in terms of volume, similar to the pod market – we just about
succeeded in holding our prior-year market share.
Cofresco Freshkeeping Products Europe
Leading supplier of branded household films and foils
Cofresco is Europe’s leading supplier of food wrappings and garbage bags. The company offers innovative product solutions for the optimum storage and preparation of food, as well as for garbage
disposal. With our Toppits®, Albal®, Glad®, handy bag® and PrimaPack® brands, we are represented
in over 70 million households in 25 countries every year.
Outlook 2013:
turnaround and return to former
Our aim for the current year is to achieve further improvements
in sales volumes. With the aid of an accelerated sales promotion
Positive market environment in Europe
Sales in 2012 behind expectations
campaign, we are targeting growth on the French market. In the
Netherlands, we hope to build on our current success by expand-
Despite the financial and economic crisis and the uncertainty
The changes in Europe’s trade landscape represented a serious
it spread, the European markets for household films and foils
challenge for our business in the past year. The distribution-based
made good progress in the past year. This applies above all to
concepts of the private label brands had a noticeable adverse im-
In 2013, our main objective is to return to our former strength.
the plastic, aluminum and paper categories, as well as to those
pact on our sales volumes. Further sales losses resulted from
We have therefore placed a variety of measures on the agenda for
garbage bag markets of relevance to Cofresco. However, it was
changes in our marketing activities. After a demanding start in
the current year. One particular area of focus is packaging: in this
the private label brands – and especially the premium varieties
2012 we did succeed in stemming this trend in the third quarter
field, we aim to improve our shelf presence and thus enhance the
– which benefited most from this positive development. This
and generally improved our market position in the final quarter.
in-store presentation of our goods.
emphasis on private label brands had an overall dampening ef-
There were successes in our B2B business: the current growth
At the same time, we will increase our efforts with regard to
fect on branded product sales and resulted in a decline in both
trend continued as this segment develops more and more into
new innovations. We aim to improve the customer benefit of
volume and revenue.
an innovation motor for our operating division.
our products. These new ideas will be integrated into both our
ing our distribution network.
was most clearly illustrated in Sweden. The retail trade’s strategic
domestic and international operations. We shall also take the
specific conditions of individual distribution channels even more
into account.
in € ’000
Aluminum foils, baking paper, freshkeeping films,
in € ’000
freshkeeping bags, freezer bags,
roasting bags, garbage bags
Minden (Germany),
Brodnica (Poland)
Sales Companies
Madrid (Spain),
Brodnica (Poland),
St. Petersburg (Russia)
Volker Stühmeier CEO (as of Feb. 14, 2012)
* Shift due to change of sales system in 2011 and 2012.
Melitta SystemService
Global partner for professional coffee preparation
resentative exhibition and training complex, which will serve in
future as a meeting point for our international partners and major
Melitta SystemService specializes in supplying equipment for professional hot beverage preparation
in the hotel and catering sector. Its core activities include the manufacturing and global marketing of
filter coffee machines and fully automatic coffee specialty machines. The division also sells coffee, tea
and accessories and has its own international after-sales service team.
Paving the way for further growth
In contrast to this, our subsidiary in Japan failed to match the
clients. We also worked on standardizing our IT systems and processes; this will help enhance cooperation between our international customer service organizations, the national subsidiaries
and our partners.
Outlook 2013:
growth with new products
success of 2011. In particular, our business with household apThe prevailing uncertainty of the global economy over the past
pliances was unable to meet expectations. Our Swiss subsidiary,
In 2013, we will unveil a number of enhanced and newly devel-
year affected capital spending to varying degrees in those mar-
Cafina AG, also suffered losses as the local food service and tour-
oped coffee machines at various trade shows around the world.
kets of relevance for Melitta SystemService. There were therefore
ism sector faced a second year of weak sales.
These will include our proven fully automatic coffee machine, the
Melitta® bar-cube, with a new touchscreen panel, and the first
also noticeable differences in the performance of our national
subsidiaries. All in all, total sales revenues were slightly down on
Our most successful product in 2012 was the Melitta bar-cube.
model of a new automatic coffee machine generation. In addition
the previous year, but still at a high level. Business in our core
With its intuitive operation and high-class technology, it has al-
to numerous customer-specific product developments success-
market of Germany was pleasingly stable. Direct exports to the
ready established itself in the food service sector as a professional
fully launched in various markets over the past few years, this
Asia/Pacific region were once again a major pillar of our interna-
entry-level coffee machine.
new automatic coffee machine generation will complement our
standard range. It will mainly target mid-size customers in the
tional activities. As expected, our UK subsidiary also made very
strong progress.
In order to drive our continued growth, we made further invest-
non-system catering segment, who attach particular importance
ments in 2012: at our Minden-Dützen site, we built a new rep-
to coffee quality, handling and design. The new fully automatic
coffee specialty machine will set new standards in the mid-range
price segment with its new features and innovative design.
We are currently also observing a global trend toward higher coffee quality in the cup. This provides fertile ground for our own
in € ’000
133,728 136,428
quality focus. We are convinced that we can use this trend for
in € ’000
Coffee machines, fully automatic coffee machines,
long-term and sustainable customer acquisition around the
filter papers, roasted coffee,
world. We are already active in our strategic markets in Central
accessories, tea
and South America, as well as Asia, and have established struc-
tures via partnerships and networks which will enable us to quick-
Minden (Germany),
ly enter selected markets.
Hunzenschwil (Schweiz)
Sales Companies
Harald Johanning-Meiners CEO
With our revised infrastructure, dedicated employees and innova-
Hunzenschwil (Switzerland), Salzburg (Austria),
tive products, we feel generally well placed to reach further suc-
Saint Tibault des Vignes (France),
cess in 2013.
Buckinghamshire (Great Britain),
Hardinxveld (Netherlands), Elgin (USA), Tokyo (Japan)
Melitta Brasil
Successful products for coffee preparation
In the world’s largest coffee-producing nation, Melitta has been offering a complete range of products
for coffee preparation since 1968. This range includes various coffee blends produced at the company’s own roasting plants, as well as filter papers produced at its own paper plant. Melitta Brasil’s
brands include Melitta®, Jovita®, Bom Jesus®, Brigitta® and Melitta Wake® – a milk-based instant
beverage with added coffee launched in 2012.
In contrast to the prevailing market trend, sales of filter papers also
made good progress. Although the total filter paper market fell by
volume due to the unfavorable economic climate, sales volumes of
Melitta filter papers remained steady at the prior-year level. There
was even growth in sales revenues. The company’s share of the
branded filter paper segment rose to over 40 percent in 2012. Our
second brands also made ground on rival private label products
the tenth successive year of strong
growth in brand sales
a whole, as well as on sales volumes of Melitta Brasil. The market
with double-digit revenue growth. With our branded filter papers
decline was most noticeable in those regions where Melitta Bra-
and second brands, we achieved a total share of the filter paper
sil is strongly represented. Against this backdrop, Melitta Brasil’s
market of over 60 percent in 2012.
Despite sluggish economic growth and falling consumer spend-
sales volumes of the Melitta and Bom Jesus brands fell, brought
ing, Melitta Brasil once again achieved strong growth in its sales of
about by a shrinking coffee market and the aggressive pricing of
Our innovation Melitta Wake® got off to a promising start in 2012.
branded goods. In local currency, sales revenues grew year on year.
major competitors. Due to rising prices, however, revenues showed
Melitta Wake® can be stored without refrigeration, is ready to drink,
This growth was driven above all by the company’s coffee business,
a double-digit growth. After initial market share losses early in the
and makes an ideal everyday companion for consumers. The prod-
filter paper business and its new product Melitta Wake . Due to a
year, Melitta was able to make up lost ground and ended the year
uct already exceeded expectations in its first year.
change in legislation, the additional and time-limited business of
with the same market shares as in the previous year.
exporting green beans was discontinued as expected.
Despite the adverse environment, our coffee brand Bom Jesus
For the second year in a row, end consumer prices rose sharply on
even succeeded in raising both volume and revenue over the previ-
the Brazilian coffee market in 2012. Prices showed a double-digit
ous year.
Outlook 2013:
further growth in awareness targeted
We expect the Brazilian economy to recover slightly in the second
half of 2013. This is likely to be accompanied by increased capital
increase. This had a strong negative impact on the coffee market as
spending in the industrial sector and growing consumer interest
in durables. The coffee and filter paper markets are not expected
to benefit. Melitta Brasil will therefore strengthen its sales activi-
in € ’000
ties and continue to expand distribution. In terms of market comCAPITAL
in € ’000
Milk-based instant beverage,
ers. Targeted media and consumer activities will focus on raising
instant cappuccino, filter papers,
brand awareness.
industrial papers
to use our extensive range of coffee enjoyment products – both
Bernardo Wolfson CEO
São Paulo (Brazil)
at home and on the go. We plan to build on the already high ac-
Production Locations
ceptance level of Melitta Wake among young adult consumers.
Avaré, Guaíba, Bom Jesus (Brazil)
Roasted coffee (ground, whole bean),
munication, we aim to enhance the brand loyalty of our custom-
In general, our aim is to convince as many new users as possible
Melitta USA
Leading in premium coffee and filter papers
Melitta has been represented in the USA since the 1960s. The division markets filter papers produced
at its own facility in Clearwater and coffee from its own roasting plant near Philadelphia. Its coffee
blends are positioned in the premium segment of the US market. Melitta® filter papers also enjoy a
leading market position in the USA.
The rapid growth of single serve systems has had a noticeable impact on our filter coffee business and the use of traditional filter
papers. As a result, our filter coffee sales fell slightly in line with the
market trend. In our north-eastern markets, however, the development is more encouraging. In New York and Philadelphia, our Café
de Europa® is the top-selling premium coffee. In order to drive its
foundation laid for sustainable growth
In late 2012, we also very successfully launched a new filter system
cone filter sales, Melitta USA signed a cooperation agreement with
specially for single serve machines. The Melitta Java Jig® is a reus-
a further coffeemaker manufacturer in the past year. We expect to
The single serve coffee category continued its rapid development
able filter for capsule systems. It contains a paper filter insert and
realize the first benefits of this agreement in early 2014.
in the USA during 2012. Over 10 million single serve coffeemakers
is filled individually with coffee. The principle: after brewing in the
were sold in the US over the year, representing year-on-year growth
single serve machine, the compostable filter can be ecologically
of 50 percent. This coffee preparation system has now reached an
disposed of together with the coffee; the filter cup is then ready to
estimated household penetration of 12 percent in the USA.
use again. In the current fiscal year, we are jointly developing an-
With a new type of coffee pod, Melitta USA was able to benefit from
Outlook 2013:
building on our new foundation
other product with a cooperation partner. We believe this product
Melitta USA is very optimistic about the current fiscal year. We aim to
promises similar success.
strengthen our US business with further extensive measures. In order to build on the success of our Java Jig® filter system, we will focus
this general trend in 2012 and raise coffee sales double-digit year
on year. As a result, we have rejuvenated our coffee business and
As there is also a clear trend toward traditional pour over coffee
on raising repeat sales of this new product. We will also introduce an-
reached sales figures well beyond expectations. The range is being
preparation, we launched further products for this segment in the
other single-serve system and develop our position in this category.
distributed via a major regional retail partner, in addition to the
past year.
We will also be placing a new range of single serve pre-filled coffee
grocery channel in the north-east market.
capsules in the premium and super premium segment. This new
range is expected to provide significant long-term growth for our
branded coffee business. We also aim to grow our filter coffee and
coffee pod business in 2013.
in € ’000
Roasted coffee (ground, whole bean), pods,
in € ’000
We are focusing in particular on our core market in the north-east of
filter papers,
the country. We also intend to strengthen our position here in 2013.
coffee preparation products
Clearwater, Florida,
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
Martin T. Miller CEO
Melitta Canada
Premium supplier of coffee and filter papers
Melitta Canada was founded in Toronto in 1960. The company markets premium filter papers and
premium c­ offee via the grocery trade.
Stronger presence in social networks
As of last year, Melitta Canada is now more active in social networks. These platforms for fast communication of breaking de-
adverse market environment, strong
trend toward single serve systems
The single serve segment already accounts for 35 percent of all
velopments are also ideally suited for the company’s promotional
coffee sales in Canada and is still growing fast. In order to dif-
activities. After all, Melitta Canada enjoys a strong presence in
ferentiate ourselves from the competition, we developed an eco-
retail stores, offers tastings at its own mobile coffee units, and
Depressed consumer confidence and the rising cost of living
friendly variant of the coffee capsules for single serve devices
employs sales displays for its coffee blends and filters.
exerted downward pressure on the Canadian economy in 2012.
– with much less packaging for a superior aroma. Two product
Against this backdrop, Melitta suffered a slight fall in sales rev-
lines are currently being marketed: Melitta® Single Serve Premi-
enue in local currency. Both coffee and filter paper sales failed to
um and Melitta Single Serve Super Premium (Fair Trade). Both
reach the volumes achieved in the previous year. Our traditional
have been very well received by the trade.
Outlook 2013:
growth with new products
In the current fiscal year, we are targeting double-digit percentage
market for filter coffee and coffee beans was dominated by aggressively priced competitors – to the detriment of premium cof-
As a consequence of the leaps in growth achieved by the single
revenue and volume growth in our coffee segment – mainly by
fee blends. There was also strong growth in single serve systems
serve segment, the filter paper market continues to decline. Total
expanding sales of Melitta® Single Serve Coffee Cups. We plan
– sales volumes grew by over 100 percent in the past year.
filter sales fell by around 9 percent year on year. Melitta Cana-
to step up our advertising in this segment and strengthen our
da performed slightly better than the market: although sales of
market presence with TV campaigns, online activities, trade pro-
We are targeting future growth in our coffee business with the
branded Melitta filter papers fell in total, Melitta Canada achieved
motions and samplings.
product innovation Melitta® Single Serve Coffee Cups – with
growth in sales of its standard-size bamboo filter papers.
which we entered the fast-growing single serve segment in 2012.
We are also planning changes in the manual coffee preparation segment. With new packaging and new products we aim to
strengthen this business field.
The trend in our filter paper segment is somewhat different. In
in € ’000
a shrinking market, we expect sales to remain around the 2012
in € ’000
level. However, we plan to capture further market share in this
Roasted coffee (ground, whole beans), pods,
filter papers
fiercely competitive market with a variety of marketing measures.
Vaughan (Canada)
William J. Ivany CEO
Wolf PVG
Quality vacuum cleaner accessories and filter systems
Wolf PVG has been a highly specialized systems supplier for vacuum cleaning and industrial filter
technology for more than 40 years. The company develops and produces vacuum cleaner accessories,
such as nozzles, dust filter bags, and filters for small appliances, and markets them to vacuum cleaner
manufacturers (OEMs). Wolf PVG is also an important supplier of vacuum cleaner accessories for
Melitta Europe.
Outlook 2013:
quality and know-how to drive growth
with industrial clients
Our two sales channels are likely to differ greatly in their performance during the current fiscal year: we expect increased revenues from our supplies to vacuum cleaner manufacturers, while
Reduced consumer spending and
increased price sensitivity burden sales
In terms of products, we were able to make further improvements
sales volumes to the trade will remain unchanged. We believe
in quality over the past year. Our new non-woven line enables us
that the pressure from private label brands is likely to increase
to produce vacuum cleaner bags with greatly improved filtration
in future.
Vacuum cleaner manufacturers recorded falling sales for prod-
performance – with positive benefits for hygiene and energy ef-
ucts with vacuum cleaner bags in favour of bagless appliances in
In addition, we want to utilize our expertise in filter media by also
the past year. There was therefore a corresponding fall in our own
entering new business fields.
revenues in this field. In our second major business, sales to the
In 2012, we recorded our first success with manufacturers pro-
trade, there was strong growth in sales of private label brands –
ducing vacuum cleaners for commercial usage. With our top-
with a resulting fall in sales of branded products. Sales through
class products, we have an excellent opportunity to successfully
this channel were therefore also down year on year. As a result,
expand this segment.
Wolf PVG recorded an overall decline in sales revenue in its fiscal
year 2012.
in € ’000
Vacuum cleaner bags, holders for vacuum cleaner bags,
in € ’000
vacuum cleaner nozzles,
particle and odor filters
Vlotho-Exter (Germany),
Spenge (Germany)
Dr. Lutwin Spix CEO
Neu Kaliss / Neukölln Spezialpapier
Specialists for paper manufacturing and paper conversion
Neu Kaliss Spezialpapier GmbH and its sister company Neukölln Spezialpapier GmbH manufacture
specialist papers and nonwoven materials for industrial use. The companies are also active in the
conversion and marketing of paper products for various niche markets.
Outlook 2013:
further success with new products
and processes
We expect a further positive development for our business in
Increased capacities for future growth
Planned reconstruction measures at our Berlin/Neukölln plant in
2013. In the current year, we plan to launch a new product cur-
2012 were completed on schedule. We launched production on
rently being developed: new wallpaper base papers with different
2012 was both an eventful and successful year for us. Firstly, we
the new paper machine in mid 2012 and successfully produced
surface weights. The three basic qualities of these base papers
managed to raise sales in all areas of our wallpaper business.
the first batches. The machine will be used for high-quality wall-
were already provided to a wide circle of clients for test purposes.
Only business in China failed to reach the prior-year level, due to
paper base papers and we have already achieved excellent results
This enables us to make any necessary improvements prior to
economic developments in the country. There was a particularly
for conversion properties.
market launch. The feedback for the new product has so far been
strong increase in sales volumes of our non-woven wallpaper lin-
very positive and we plan to launch it during the current year.
ers. Due to the sharp rise in sales, we will even need to expand
We were particularly pleased that our expanded technologies and
capacities in order to meet demand.
processes helped us to quickly achieve good results during the
product development stage.
The product category “Printed Drip Catchers” also made good
progress. In 2012, we improved our economic efficiency. The
price adjustment was necessitated by the development of raw
In addition to new products, we shall also focus on further improvements to our existing processes in 2013. For example, we
plan to introduce an energy management system according to
DIN 50001 and thus further reduce our energy consumption.
Specialist papers
in € ’000
in € ’000
Neu Kaliß (Germany),
Berlin (Germany)
Martin Ostermayer CEO
as of Sept. 01, 2012
John Paul Fender CEO
Top quality packaging films for the consumer goods industry
ACW-Film develops and produces packaging films for the consumer goods industry and markets them
to its industrial clients. The rolls of film, paper and composites the company supplies are printed or
given functional coatings. Its customers are mainly in the food industry in the field of sweets and fresh
meat, as well as washing and cleaning products.
Outlook 2013:
growth through expanded production
and new products
The newly created machine infrastructure lays the foundation
for further successful growth. We will therefore be utilizing this
Success with new and proven products
In order to enhance our products and thus access new product
added capacity in 2013. The new gravure printing press will be in-
fields, we continued to widen our technological base in the past
stalled and put into operation during the year in order to produce
With its acquisition of ACW-Film in 2010, the Melitta Group
year. The new laminating line installed in 2011 was integrated into
top quality packaging with gravure printing.
added a further B2B operation to its industrial business. From its
the normal production process, enabling us to now combine vari-
base in Rhede/Ems, Germany, ACW-Film supplies only domestic
ous materials into a single composite film.
In addition to this expansion of production technology, our agen-
da for 2013 also includes the launch of several new products. In
We also completed work on a new production hall which provides
the course of the current year, we will be launching a new type of
All in all, ACW-Film enjoyed a successful fiscal year 2012. In the
desperately needed space for the expansion of the print shop. As
sachet packaging for liquid detergents which will replace the cur-
packaging market for washing and cleaning products, there was
a consequence, we were able to commence the scheduled con-
rently used PVC packaging, as well as moisture-resistant packag-
an increase in private label products at the expense of branded
struction of our gravure printing press in 2012. It will enable us to
ing variants for sweets.
goods in the past year. This also impacted our business, but was
serve new product fields and produce additional products which
offset in part by further growth in fresh meat packaging – albeit at
we used to buy from external suppliers.
a slower rate than in the previous year. Against this backdrop, we
were able to close fiscal year 2012 at the prior-year level.
in € ’000
Flexible packaging,
in € ’000
rolls of film, paper and various composites
Holger Achelpohl CEO
Helmut Cywinski CEO
Rhede/Ems (Germany)
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
Financial Information
Financial figures at a glance
Group management report
Consolidated balance sheet
Explanatory notes
Financial figures at a glance
Financial figures at a glance
Melitta Group 2012
Key Figures 2012
Sales by Product Groups 2012
in percent
in € ’000
in € ’000
(Household Products Division, Coffee Division)
Cofresco Freshkeeping Products Europe
Melitta SystemService
Melitta Brasil
Melitta Europe
of sales
Coffee Enjoyment “Coffee”
Freshness and Flavour
Melitta USA
Melitta Canada
Wolf PVG
Neu Kaliss / Neukölln Spezialpapier
Convenient Cleaning
Melitta Group total
Coffee Enjoyment “Filter paper”
Coffee Enjoyment “Coffeemakers”
Industrial Paper
Regional Development 2012
Sales by Region in € ’000
Employees by Region
(excl. Germany)
South America
North America
Group management report
Group management report
Group management report
of Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG
for the fiscal year 2012
coffeemakers and fully automatic coffee machines for private
and commercial use.
changed – with the exception of Cofresco – its companies in
The internationally operating Melitta Group is one of Germany’s
Business environment
North America achieved encouraging growth of 10 percent in
best-known family companies. Our branded goods boast lead-
With brands such as Swirl , our product categories in the field
ing positions on major international markets – often in attrac-
of dust filter bags and accessories, as well as garbage disposal,
Our expectations regarding Europe’s economic recovery were
tive niche segments. This applies in particular to the Melitta®
enjoy leading positions – especially in Germany and other West
not met to the extent anticipated at the beginning of 2012. All in
Our business in Brazil also made good progress with further
brand, both for the consumer and food service sectors. Our oth-
European countries.
all, however, we are satisfied with the course of business. High
strong sales growth (in local currency). The discontinuation
unemployment in southern Europe and the modest progress
of green bean exports due to new legislation led to a shortfall,
er brands are either market leaders in Europe and the Americas
or vying for market leadership. We have also expanded our B2B
The Toppits , Albal and Handy Bag brands are allocated to
of the Brazilian economy did not have a significant impact on
which could not be offset by volume growth and price hikes
business, as planned, which mainly consists of special-grade
product categories concerned with the storing and fresh-keep-
our business.
nor the successful launch of the new “WAKE” product group.
papers and packaging films.
ing of food and the disposal of household waste.
In local currency, sales revenue fell by 8 percent. Due to the deIn the Group’s most important markets of Germany and Bra-
valuation of the Brazilian currency (yearly average) by as much
Our Group is organized decentrally. This enables us to closely
The remaining product categories are marketed to industrial
zil, coffee sales made varying progress. In Germany, sales of
7 percent, there was an additional effect on consolidated sales
align operations with the needs of respective markets via our
clients (B2B). They include specialist papers for the wallpaper
roasted coffee reached the prior-year volume of around 330,000
resulting in an overall decline of € 21 million.
operating divisions and national subsidiaries. With the aid
industry and industrial films for food packaging.
tons – thanks in part to strong sales in December.
steers the Group according to a common vision and on the
Our research and development activities are geared to detect-
In the filter coffee segment, however, we suffered a 3 percent de-
couraging growth of 2 percent for roasted coffee, filter papers
basis of fundamental corporate principles.
ing or shaping new consumer trends in order to turn them into
cline in sales volume compared to 2011. There were also market
and fully automatic coffee machines – i.e. most of our coffee
innovative products which will secure the company’s sustain-
declines in filter papers and dust filter bags.
business. Once again, sales of fully automatic coffee machines
of central corporate divisions, Chief Corporate Management
In the various product categories, there was particularly en-
The Group has organized its activities into defined product
able development. This also applies to our food service and B2B
categories whose operations are managed by separate decen-
made excellent progress. New machines – and especially the
In the relevant regions of Brazil, there was a significant decrease
high-end CI® machine – played a major role in this success.
tralized operating divisions. In their respective markets, these
in coffee sales of 4.3 percent and in filter papers of 2.3 percent –
Filter papers enjoyed a slight increase in sales revenue of 1 per-
product categories are mostly marketed under international
following several years of growth. In the coffee market, this trend
brand names, such as Melitta , Swirl , Toppits and other re-
was due to Brazil’s slower economic growth in 2012 as well as
gional brands. In our B2B business, certain product categories
higher green bean prices passed on in part to consumers.
– such as wallpaper base nonwovens – are already marketed
internationally, while others are currently being established.
In the field of coffee machines for the hotel and systems catering sector, however, expectations regarding new orders were not
In 2012, the Melitta Group posted sales of € 1,347 million – cor-
met – mainly because of reduced capital spending in this seg-
responding to a year-on-year decline of 4 percent (prior year:
ment. Due to the discontinuation of project business in France,
With their clear focus on coffee enjoyment, the product catego-
€ 1,408 million). This was mainly due to the discontinuation of
lower standard business in Switzerland and project orders not
ries marketed under the Melitta® brand account for the largest
green bean trading in Brazil and currency effects in this country.
yet completed in the UK and USA, this product category failed
share of Group turnover. They include filter papers, coffee, filter
Whereas the Group’s European sales remained largely un-
to reach the prior-year sales level.
Group management report
There was also a decline in sales of dust filter bags and vacuum
Group management report
cleaner accessories. Garbage bags, however, once again made
cent. In calculating the equity ratio, liquid funds and marketable
securities of € 17 million were deducted from the consolidated
encouraging progress with sales growth of 4 percent. In the
Total assets remained virtually unchanged compared to the pre-
balance sheet total. The net increase in equity resulted from for-
The number of employees rose by 41 to 3,672, while the number
dust filter bag segment, the retail trade’s strategy of establishing
vious year. They amounted to € 640 million as of December 31,
eign currency changes without effect on income, withdrawals of
of apprentices in Germany increased to 84 (prior year: 76).
its own brands for certain categories began to be felt last year.
the owners and the result of the reporting period.
The commitment of our employees is one of the most impor-
As a result, the consistent growth in sales of this product group
Non-current assets fell slightly by € 3 million, from € 235 million
Accruals for pensions and entitlements increased by € 3 million,
tant prerequisites for the company’s success. A survey con-
to € 232 million. Capital expenditures amounted to € 29 million,
from € 136 million to € 139 million. This increase was mainly
ducted in the reporting period demonstrated the above-average
There was a sharp fall in sales of 18 percent in the field of alu-
after accounting for the disposal of assets. Following comple-
due to a further fall in the interest rate for discounting future
loyalty of staff (response rate: 76 percent), while at the same
minum and plastic food wraps, as well as other product catego-
tion of the investment project in Berlin, a total of € 20 million
benefit obligations. There was only a minor year-on-year change
time highlighting areas which still need improving.
ries for the domestic fresh-keeping and storage of food. The re-
was invested in renewing and expanding production facilities
in other accruals (including tax accruals) to a total € 98 million
launch of product packs first introduced in 2011 and persistent
at this site. Depreciation and amortization totaled € 25 million.
(prior year: € 96 million).
There were additions to financial assets due to the deconsolida-
Trade payables fell by € 11 million, from € 71 million to € 60
of an Employer Value Proposition (EVP) and the resulting em-
tion and disposal of securities via the sale and reclassification
ployer brand with the claim: “Melitta – More Opportunities”.
Cash flow from operating activities increased year on year, while
We are stepping up our internal talent-oriented and perfor-
over the past years was ended in the reporting period.
tive employer. A key element in these efforts was the definition
pressure from private label offerings were the main reasons for
this development.
In spite of growing competitive pressure, the “wallpaper base
Once again, Melitta strengthened its positioning as an attrac-
of the remaining securities as current assets.
nonwovens” category succeeded in defending its prior-year
sales level. This was partly due to a shift in production and
There were only minor changes to current assets. Inventories
cash flow from investing activities was down on the compara-
mance-driven training activities under the heading “Melitta
sales toward more premium nonwoven papers and increased
fell by € 3 million due to a decline in commodity prices. Trade
tive period. The latter was mainly influenced by payments for
Campus”. One area of focus was the topic “Leadership at
receivables rose slightly by € 4 million, from € 206 million to
capital expenditures, as well as proceeds from the sale of se-
­Melitta”, with intensive training of management staff in accord-
€ 210 million.
ance with our corporate guidelines.
Other assets were down from € 25 million to € 21 million. Liquid
Cash flow from financing activities comprises withdrawals of
A further element of our HR strategy is the professional and
funds and marketable securities rose from € 12 million to € 17
the owners and a decrease in bank liabilities. Net bank liabilities
standardized recruitment of managers. Standard procedures
fell from € 46 million to € 24 million. As of the balance sheet
across the group ensure the high quality of candidates.
date, the Melitta Group had sufficient credit lines and unused
Prepaid expenses amounted to € 2 million (prior year: € 3 mil-
medium-term credit commitments to finance its current opera-
lion). After netting with deferred tax liabilities, deferred tax as-
sets increased from € 11 million to € 16 million.
There were no significant events after the end of the fiscal year.
Equity increased by € 18 million, from € 220 million to € 238
million. As a result, the equity ratio rose by 3 percent to 38 per-
Group management report
Group management report
Melitta generally seeks to utilize additional market opportu-
modity prices will remain virtually unchanged from last year; in
the case of green beans, however, we expect average purchase
nities while taking account of the risks involved. These result
The Melitta Group uses a differentiated risk management sys-
from fully automatic coffee machines and rising demand in the
The economic climate and competitive situation in our markets
tem aimed at the structured identification and assessment of
“whole bean” roasted coffee segment. Cofresco expects grow-
will present a particular challenge once again for the successful
opportunities and risks. Risk management is regarded as all or-
ing consumer acceptance of its new packaging concept. In Bra-
management of our business in 2013. In Europe, there are still
Capital expenditures of around € 30 million have been planned
ganizational regulations and measures for the early recognition,
zil, there is market potential for the new milk beverage product
no signs of a sustainable improvement in consumer spending.
for 2013.
evaluation and analysis of corporate risks.
group “WAKE”.
The economic development and propensity to consume in Bra-
prices in Europe to continue falling in 2013.
zil will also fail to match former high growth rates in 2013. Due
According to our planning, net bank liabilities are expected to
Melitta pursues a business strategy which can be classified as
The Group is also exposed to financial risks, and especially risks
in particular to strong growth in the single serve coffee category
be reduced further by year-end 2013. There are sufficient credit
risk-averse. In the course of auditing the annual financial state-
from currency and raw material fluctuations. Melitta counters
throughout the USA and Canada, we see good potential for our
lines based on bilateral agreements to finance current opera-
ments 2012, we opted for a voluntary audit of our early recog-
raw material price risks by concluding long-term procurement
business in these markets.
nition system according to Sec. 91 (2) of the German Stock
contracts and using derivative financial instruments.
We are therefore confident that we can achieve further sales
We expect the balance sheet at year-end 2013 to be largely un-
growth of 2 – 3 percent in 2013. According to our planning, com-
changed with a consistently high equity ratio.
Corporation Act (AktG). It was confirmed that the risk early recognition system was suitable and basically complied with statu-
The monitoring and controlling of financial risks is entrusted
tory requirements.
to the Group’s treasury division. Foreign exchange and interest hedging instruments (options, swaps, futures and interest
The risk management system comprises suitable risk reporting
derivatives) are used where necessary to hedge against specific
procedures. These ensure that the managers responsible are
risks from existing or foreseeable underlying transactions. Li-
constantly and quickly informed about potential risks and op-
quidity risks and risks from cash flow fluctuations are countered
portunities. This enables both the Group and individual compa-
constantly by local and group-wide liquidity planning.
nies to take fast and effective corrective measures.
Minden, March 2013
General partners of
Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG
Based on an analysis of the current risk situation, it can be statThe main risks of the Melitta Group result from general eco-
ed that there are no risks which might jeopardize the Group’s
nomic developments, sector developments, and risks from gen-
continued existence. There are also no currently recognizable
eral operating activities.
risks which might jeopardize the Group’s continued existence
in future.
However, these general risks are also countered by opportunities. For the Melitta Group, these arise in particular from an
upturn in the economy and the resulting impetus to consumer
spending and rising propensity to purchase commercial coffee
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG
Explanatory notes
on the consolidated balance sheet
as at 12-31-2012 (abridged version) in € ’000
Intangible assets
Tangible assets
Financial assets
Shares in affiliated companies
Participation interests
Other financial assets
Fixed assets
Receivables and other current assets
Trade receivables
Other receivables and current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
Current assets
Other assets
Assets total
exerted on their business and financial policy. This is the case with
Certain items of the consolidated financial statements, drawn
The following changes to the consolidated group occurred in 2012:
up in accordance with Sec. 13 German Company Disclosure Law
MSS UK Ltd., Maidenhead, UK, was acquired and consolidated
(PublG) in conjunction with Sec. 294–314 German Commercial
for the first time as of December 31, 2012. Melitta Kaffee GmbH,
Code (HGB), have been combined for the publication of this an-
Bremen, Germany, was merged with Melitta Haushaltsprodukte
nual report for fiscal 2012. The Melitta Group makes use of the
GmbH & Co. KG, Minden, Germany, and Melitta Emballages
exemption pursuant to Sec. 13 (3) Sentence 2 PublG regarding
Ménagers Distribution S.A.S., Paris, France, merged with Melitta
the publishing of income statements. The consolidated financial
France S.A.S., Paris, France. Airflo Holding B.V., Amsterdam, the
statements and Group management report, which were awarded
Netherlands, Airflo Finance B.V., Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
an unqualified audit opinion by the independent auditors, and the
and Airflo Europe N.V., Overpelt, Belgium, were deconsolidated.
two companies (prior year: two).
disclosures pursuant to Sec. 5 (5) Sentence 3 PublG are published
in the Federal Gazette.
The companies included in the consolidation have exercised their
legal option to be exempted from an audit of their annual financial
statements. The auditor of the consolidated financial statements
examined the summarized annual financial statements included
The consolidated financial statements include all domestic
in the consolidated financial statements and satisfied himself that
and foreign companies under the common control of Melitta
these annual financial statements complied with the accounting
­Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG.
and measurement regulations of the German Commercial Code
and generally accepted accounting principles.
The consolidated group comprises 55 (prior year: 59) companies,
Equity and Liabilities
Pension accruals
Due to their minor importance for the assets, liabilities, financial
The consolidated financial statements were prepared as at Decem-
position and earnings of the Group, nine companies (prior year:
ber 31, 2012. This is the balance sheet date for all companies in-
seven) were not included in the consolidated financial statements.
cluded in the consolidated accounts.
Trade payables
Other liabilities
In accordance with Secs. 311, 312 HGB, major participations are to
far as these cannot be directly attributed to, and depreciated with,
be valued using the equity method if a significant influence can be
individual asset items – and amortized in the following years with
Other accruals
Prepaid expenses
Equity and Liabilities total
of which 26 are based in Germany and 29 abroad.
Despite a shareholding of over 20 percent, four other companies
(prior year: three) were not included as associated companies
In the capital consolidation process, the acquisition cost or balance
since Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG exerts no significant
sheet valuation of the shareholding is offset against the propor-
influence on their business and financial policy.
tional share of shareholders’ equity on the date of the initial consolidation. Goodwill is formed for any resulting differences – inso-
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Balance Sheet
a useful life of 5 – 15 years with an effect on income. This consolida-
costs are lowered accordingly, should this be necessary to avoid
Other accruals cover all recognizable risks and uncertain commit-
arising from currency transactions expected with a high degree of
tion method is also used for investments in associated companies.
valuation losses. Suitable allowances are made to cover the risk
ments in the amount of the respective settlement amount. Accru-
probability in 2013. Responsibilities, controls and the scope of ac-
The assessment of the amortization period is based on the future
from holding inventories.
als with maturities of over one year were measured in accordance
tion with regard to the conclusion and processing of such financial
with Sec. 253 (2) HGB. Pursuant to Sec. 246 (2) HGB, assets (plan
instruments are defined in binding internal guidelines.
use of the goodwill.
Advanced payments, accounts receivable, other assets and cash
assets) measured at fair value were netted with accruals for pen-
Investments in associated companies are consolidated using the
and cash equivalents are carried at their nominal values or the
sion obligations. The resulting positive balance from netting is dis-
The following table presents an overview of the nominal values of
book value method. Inter-group trading profits from transactions
lower rate for foreign currencies and the lower fair value in the case
closed in the balance sheet as an asset-side difference from asset
summarized hedges still open as at year-end 2012 with expected
with associated companies were not eliminated.
of recognizable risks. Lump-sum allowances have been made to
underlying transactions pursuant to Sec. 254 HGB:
cover general credit risks.
Debt was consolidated according to Sec. 303 (1) HGB, while in-
Subject to the fulfillment of the corresponding prerequisites, trans-
Underlying transaction
come and expenditure were consolidated pursuant to Sec. 305 (1)
Pursuant to Sec. 306 HGB, deferred tax assets and liabilities are
actions expected with a high level of probability (hedged items)
Interest risk
HGB and unrealized results eliminated in accordance with Sec.
formed for consolidation entries with an effect on income. De-
are placed together with derivative financial instruments in hedg-
304 (1) HGB.
ferred tax assets were formed for tax loss carryforwards for which it
ing relationships in order to balance contrasting value changes or
Cash flows from purchase
and sales transactions
Forward transactions
Option transactions
€ million
of hedge
23 Macro hedge
130 (anticipatory)
can be assumed with adequate probability that they will be used in
cash flows from the acceptance of comparable risks. Such hedging
The market values of the above mentioned financial derivatives
Deferred taxes were formed for temporary differences with an ef-
future, as well as for temporary differences between the commer-
relationships are presented in the financial statements using the
correspond to the price for the dissolution or replacement of the
fect on income from consolidation transactions using individual
cial and tax balance sheet (from non-current assets, current assets,
net hedge presentation method.
transactions and are as follows as at December 31, 2012:
tax rates.
accruals and liabilities), after netting with deferred tax liabilities. For
the measurement of deferred taxes, the individual tax rates of the
Financial instruments are measured using generally accepted valu-
affiliated companies included in consolidation were considered
ation models and mathematical procedures based on current mar-
(14–38 percent).
ket data.
€ million
Foreign exchange futures
Foreign exchange options
Uniform valuation of assets throughout the Group is guaranteed
Hedging instrument
by the application of corporate guidelines, valid for all members of
Accruals for pensions are calculated using the projected unit credit
the Melitta Group – with the exception of those companies con-
method. Pension accruals are measured with an interest rate of
solidated using the equity method. These corporate guidelines cor-
5.04 percent as at December 31, 2012 (prior year: 5.14 percent). In
respond to commercial law regulations.
accordance with the simplifying provision of Sec. 253 (2) Sentence
Liabilities are carried at their respective settlement amounts.
The effectiveness of hedging relationships is examined using
the critical terms match method. This method is used as all key
valuation parameters of the underlying and hedging transactions
match each other.
2 HGB, a standard remaining term of 15 years was assumed for
The annual financial statements of consolidated subsidiaries
Intangible assets are valued at cost, while property, plant and equip-
the obligations. Future pay increases were taken into account at a
prepared in foreign currencies are translated using the modified
ment are valued at acquisition or production cost; they are written
rate of 3.5 percent p.a. and pension increases at a rate of 1.5 per-
closing-date method. This means that balance sheet items in for-
down using the straight-line or diminishing balance method. In
cent. Standard consideration throughout the consolidated German
eign currencies are converted at the closing-date rate and income
addition to direct costs, production costs also include a propor-
companies was also given to the relevant biometric calculation ba-
statement items at average rates of 2012. Shares in affiliated com-
tionate amount of overhead costs and depreciation. Investment
sis (including the RT 2005 G mortality chart) and other calcula-
panies, subscribed capital and reserves are translated at historic
subsidies do not reduce the cost of acquisition or production but
tion principles for the settlement amount to be used. Accruals for
rates and any resulting differences in values are netted in equity.
are recognized as other operating income. Financial assets are val-
pensions of foreign companies were calculated as of December 31,
ued no higher than at acquisition cost, or the lower fair value. In
2012 using the projected unit credit method with an interest rate
Assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are trans-
the case of permanent impairment, fixed assets are subjected to
of 5.04 percent and individual assumptions as to pay and pension
lated at the spot rate as of the balance sheet date, providing there
non-scheduled depreciation.
increases, as well as biometric assumptions; in total, they have only
are no hedging transactions.
minor significance for the consolidated financial statements. As of
Inventories are valued at acquisition or production cost. Raw mate-
December 31, 2012, income and expenditure resulting from year-
rials, supplies and merchandise are valued at the lower of average
on-year interest rate changes in compounding/discounting the
purchase prices and current values. Unfinished and finished goods
obligation were recognized for the first time under “Interest and
are valued at production cost, which also includes a reasonable
other income” or “Interest and other expenses”. So far, this has
The Melitta Group uses derivative financial instruments for hedg-
amount of necessary overhead cost and depreciation. Production
only concerned the interest on obligations for the past fiscal year.
ing purposes. They are mainly used to hedge against the risks
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Consolidated Balance Sheet
2. Fixed assets
4. Trade receivables
Book values as of
in € ’000
Intangible assets
current year
– 226
Tangible assets
Machines and equipment
Other tangible assets
in € ’000
South America
North America
Participation interests
Other financial assets
in € ’000
South America
North America
Financial assets
Shares in affiliated companies
* Differences arising from the currency translation of fixed and other assets at current rate values are
offset against shareholders’ equity or the corresponding liability items without affecting earnings.
There are no liabilities due to banks with terms of over five years.
in € ’000
6. Trade payables
in € ’000
South America
South America
North America
North America
Minden, March 2013
General Partners
of Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
In Principio creavit Deus caelum LOCATIONS
et terram
Great Britain
Melitta België N.V.
Melitta Nordic A/S
Czech Republic
Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG
Melitta Bentz GmbH & Co. KG
Bentz Beteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG
Melitta Zentralgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Melitta Europa GmbH & Co. KG
– Household Products Division –
Cofresco Frischhalteprodukte GmbH & Co. KG
Melitta SystemService GmbH & Co. KG
4brands reply GmbH & Co. KG (shares 49 %)
Melitta Europa GmbH & Co. KG
– Coffee Division –
Neukölln Spezialpapier NK
GmbH & Co. KG
Vlotho / Spenge
Wolf PVG GmbH & Co. KG
Neu Kaliß
Neu Kaliss Spezialpapier GmbH
esw electronic service willms GmbH & Co. KG (shares 30 %)
ACW-Film GmbH & Co. KG
Webo GmbH & Co. KG
Saint Tibault des Vignes
Melitta SystemService France S.A.S.
Cofresco PM S.A.S.
Melitta France S.A.S.
Melitta France S.A.S.
Codiac S.A.S.
Melitta SystemService Benelux B.V.
Melitta Nederland B.V.
Melitta Ges.mbH
Melitta SystemService International GmbH,
Zweigniederlassung Österreich
Melitta Companies
Melitta Companies with facility
St. Petersburg
Melitta Russland AG
Cofresco RussCom OOO
Melitta Nordic AB
Melitta GmbH
Cafina AG
Cuki Cofresco S.p.A. (shares 18 %)
Alcobendas / Madrid
Cofresco Iberica S.A.
Czech Republic
Melitta ČR s.r.o.
Great Britain
MSS (UK) Ltd.
Melitta USA Inc.
Cherry Hill
European Coffee Classics Inc.
Melitta SystemService USA Inc.
Vaughan, Ontario
Melitta Canada Inc.
São Paulo / Avaré / Bom Jesus
Melitta do Brasil Industria e Comércio Ltda.
Celupa – Indústrial Celulose e Papel Guaíba Ltda.
Shenzhen Melitta Household
Products Ltd.
Melitta Japan Ltd.
Cofresco Polska Sp. z o.o
In Principio creavit Deus caelum et terram
Published by Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG
Edited by
Public Relations and Corporate Finance
of the Melitta Group
Marienstraße 88
32425 Minden, Germany
Tel.: +49 571- 40 46 - 0
Fax: +49 571- 40 46 - 499
Ulrich Hartmann, Bielefeld
Herbert Morck, Hamburg
Andreas Duerst, Rostock
Melitta Companies
Berichtsmanufaktur, Hamburg
Text Editing:
Berichtsmanufaktur, Hamburg
Printing and Production:
Zertani GmbH & Co. Die Druckerei KG, Bremen
© 2013 Melitta Unternehmensgruppe Bentz KG
Online version: