February 2016 - Highwood Bocce Courts


February 2016 - Highwood Bocce Courts
February 2016
Dear Highwood Bocce Friends,
First, I would like to thank each of you for giving me the privilege to serve as
your elected president for 2016/2017. It is my great honor to be part of the
Highwood Bocce Club and our community. I care deeply about our club and
would like to make it even more enjoyable as we work together to continue a
great camaraderie. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the
previous administration and the amazing volunteers for their wonderful
As we look into 2016, we see 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days, 8,760 hours,
525,600 minutes, 31,536 seconds…all of it is a gift from God. Time is one of the
most precious possessions. We need your precious time to help do all of the
great things that are accomplished by the Bocce club each year. We can use
all of your talents. With our current 477 members, we know you are our biggest
advocates. Our goal is to perpetuate the heritage of all Italian Americans,
heighten the awareness of the Italian culture and participate in social activities.
Events are planned to enrich the lives of our members and your continued
support and attendance to functions allows us to be part of an on-going
growing organization for our children, their children and so on.
The Highwood Bocce Club is actively building its’ membership. For us to be
successful, it is important that our members support the club as well as attend
the social events. Therefore, our goal is for each member to bring a guest who
would possibly be interested to be a part of the Club.
(continued on next page)
Contact Us
440 Bank Lane, Highwood IL 60040
(847) 926-8118
February 2016
The Highwood Bocce Club welcomes members of all ages, nationalities and
backgrounds. All that is required is a desire to socialize with folks who have an
interest in things “Italian” and persons who want to share a diverse collection of
Italian American experiences. Young families, neighbors, co-workers, friends,
and friends of friends are welcome and appreciated.
At this time, I invite you to fill out the survey enclosed and appreciate your
insight. I am looking forward to incorporating some of your suggestions and
value each of your opinions. It is our responsibility as a board to listen to what
members want. After all, that’s why we have a club. Through the survey and
meetings, I want to give members a chance to express their ideas too. Please
help us with honest, sincere answers. We are looking to improve our club, not
criticize it. Therefore, all of your input is very important.
This is a good start so we can put our goals into place and create a wonderful,
fun atmosphere where friendships are continued and new ones are made
along the way. The survey is due back no later than February 28th. The survey
can be done anonymously, just drop it in the mail. You can also either return by
email or mail it with a stamp just as well to my attention.
In closing, I feel the Highwood Bocce Club is truly a very special place, where
old and new friends meet and gather, a place where special memories are
made. May we continue a new vision for the future and be proud of our
humble beginnings that have molded our club into what it is today. On behalf
of the executive board and myself, we wish all of you and your family a very
happy, healthy upcoming new year! As always, I say get involved “it’s your
club”...together, we can make a difference!
Thanking you once again, your President,
Peter Pieracci
February 2016
Highwood Bocce Club – Membership Survey
We value your opinion! Please help us with honest, sincere answers. We are looking to
improve our club (not criticize it). Your response is greatly appreciated! You may include
your name below or submit anonymously - it’s up to you. Please return to the Club (in
person, US mail, or email) by Feb. 28th. See Club contact information on page 1.
1. How long have you been a member of the Highwood Bocce Club?
2. Why did you originally join the club?
3. Do you consider yourself an active member or inactive member?
4. What would make you become more involved in the club?
5. What is the most important function you attend?
6. What types of things would you do to improve the club?
7. What types of events would you like to see at the club?
8. What things do you still enjoy about the club?
9. Would you encourage a friend or neighbor or co-worker to join the Club?
10. What changes would you like to see for the future of the Club?
11. Would you be interested to volunteer at any event? Which one?
12. Please share any suggestions you may have as a member of the Club.
Name: ___________________________________
email address: ___________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________
birthdate (mm/dd/yy): ___________________________
February 2016
If you have not already renewed your membership,
would like to join as a new member, please complete the
below form and return to the Club.
February 2016
2016 Calendar of Events
General Membership Meeting –
(Transition to New Administration)
14th Annual Players Invitational
Valentine’s Day Members Dinner
Easter Coccetto
4 Person Bocce Tournament
General Membership Meeting
Member Dinner Dance
Elvis Night
US Bocce National Championship
Tournament @ Livermore, CA
General Membership Meeting
Feste di Amici (Festival of Friends)
Members Dinner Dance
4 or 5 Annual Membership Picnic
50s/60s Night
General Membership Meeting
Halloween Party
Members Dinner Dance
Children’s Christmas Party w/ Modenese
Member’s Annual New Year’s Eve Party
All events will be posted at the Club and can always be
found at our website.
(runs through July 2)
HBC Hours and Club/Court Rules
Club Hours
Opening Times:
12 noon
Monday - Saturday 6:30 PM
Club/Court Rules
• For liability reasons, alcohol cannot
be brought in from outside the Club
The Club is not open on Mondays between
and including Memorial Day and Labor Day.
• To protect our world-class courts,
members or guests MUST wear a
different pair of shoes then what
they walked in with and they must
be flat-soled shoes. No Exceptions.
The Club may be closed for large private
parties on Saturdays that use the courts, bar,
and banquet room areas.
• Non-member guests should be
accompanied by a guest when
visiting the Club
Courts Only Opening Times:
Daily at 1:30 PM
February 2016
HBC Announcements
On January 10th the new Board was
inducted for 2016-2017.
President: Peter Pieracci
Vice President: Luigi Lunardi
Treasurer: Dave Massello
Secretary: Tom Holleman (interim)
Trustees: Luciano Brogi, Paolo
Giannetti, Tom Holleman, Maurizio
Perrelli, Vic Picchietti, Henry
Pieracci, Peter Serafini
Thanks to the previous Board for a
wonderful two years!
President: Lenny Innocenzi
Vice President: Jack Grandi
Treasurer: Sil Maiorano
Secretary: Tom Holleman
Trustees: Judy Amidei, Susan
Hauer, Vic Picchietti, Alex Serafini,
Emilio Santi
Bocce Tournament Champions!!!
Our own HBC team of
Paolo Giannette, Tony
Biondi, Mario Galletti,
and George Minorini
(top picture) were
Champions of the 7th
Annual Roma House
Winter Bocce
Tournament in Racine.
The team of Lio
Giannotti, George
Minorini, Pietro
Giannotti, Tom
Pignatari (bottom
picture) took home first
place at our own 14th
Annual Players
Invitational Tournament.
Welcome to our 35 new members (so far) in 2016…
Blake Anicchini
Massimo Barigazzi
Linda Biondi
Richard Biondi
Craig Boroughf
Ted Breiter
Marcy Calaway
Ronald Caras
Mike Chamberlin
Dean DeBiase
Linda DeBiase
Andy Di Vecchio
Raoul (Rocky) Elli
Cesare Fontanini
Al Kruse
Jonathan Laurens
Frank Mugnaini
Kent Novit
Steve Olincy
Tricia Ori
Walter Parenti
Frank E. Pasquesi
Joe Pasquesi
Mark A. Pasquesi
Romana Picchietti
Janet Pieracci
John Pieracci
Lilia Pieracci
Rose Puccio
Andy Rauch
Sara Rauch
Giovanni Rinaldi
Steve Serck
Angela Vanoni
Angelo Vanoni
Rent our Courts and/or Host a Party at the Highwood Bocce Club!
The Highwood Bocce Club offers a clean, festive atmosphere combined with a world-class
bocce facility, fully-staffed banquet rooms and bar. Our extremely reasonable rates make it
the perfect venue for family gatherings, professional parties and celebrations of any kind!
Bocce courts rent for $50 per court (up to 4 total) and menus can be prepared for $20-50 per
person depending on your budget, tastes, and event.
If you are interested in holding an event at the club, please contact us.
Donna Pieracci: (847) 748-8807
Peter Pieracci: (847) 337-1883 or peter.pieracci@yahoo.com