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Southeast Michigan (SEMI) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan (TICP) May 2011 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan Signature Page Approved by: _________________________________ Name/Title/Agency __________________ Date _________________________________ Name/Title/Agency __________________ Date _________________________________ Name/Title/Agency __________________ Date _________________________________ Name/Title/Agency __________________ Date Concurrence: _________________________________ Name/Title/Agency __________________ Date _________________________________ Name/Title/Agency __________________ Date _________________________________ Name/Title/Agency __________________ Date _________________________________ Name/Title/Agency __________________ Date _________________________________ Name/Title/Agency __________________ Date May 2011 ii TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Record of Change Change No. 001 Description Change Date Approved By This Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan (TICP) is subject to information and/or equipment updates and changes. The use of this Record of Change helps manage TICP modifications throughout the life of this document. All attempts have been made to ensure the accuracy of the information within this TICP as of the initial distribution date. Any subsequent adjustments should be logged and coordinated with user agencies within this UASI. May 2011 iii TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Preface This document establishes a Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan (TICP) for the Southeast Michigan (SEMI) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), inclusive of State of Michigan Homeland Security Region 2. The TICP is intended to document the interoperable communications resources available within the designated area, who controls each resource, and what rules of use or operational procedures exist for the activation and deactivation of each resource. See Appendix I for a list of resources available to assist in preparing/updating the TICP. May 2011 iv TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Executive Overview This document establishes a TICP for the SEMI UASI, inclusive of State of Michigan Homeland Security Region 2. The TICP is intended to document the interoperable communications resources available within the designated area, who controls each resource, and what rules of use or operational procedures exist for the activation and deactivation of each resource. May 2011 v TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Table of Contents 1 SEMI UASI Information ..................................................................................................1 1.1 Participating Jurisdictions/Agencies/Disciplines ..............................................................1 1.1.1 Non–governmental Agencies Represented in the TICP ......................................38 1.1.2 Other TICPs in the State ......................................................................................38 1.2 TICP Point of Contact ....................................................................................................39 2 Governance...................................................................................................................40 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Overview ........................................................................................................................40 Governing Body .............................................................................................................41 Membership....................................................................................................................43 UASI ICC Responsibilities..............................................................................................43 Meeting Schedule ..........................................................................................................43 TICP Maintenance and Update......................................................................................44 Agency Responsibilities and Rights...............................................................................44 Prioritization and Shared Use of Regional Interoperability Assets ................................44 3 Interoperability Equipment, Policies, and Procedures ............................................46 3.1 Shared Systems.............................................................................................................46 Region–wide Shared System Technology Overview...............................................................49 Region–wide Shared System Policies and Procedures ..........................................................49 Region–wide Shared System Rules of Use ............................................................................49 Region–wide Shared System Problem Identification and Resolution......................................49 3.1.1 Intra–system Shared Interoperability Channel(s) .................................................50 Definition of an Intra–system Shared Channel ........................................................................50 Intra–system Shared Channel Technology Overview .............................................................50 Designated Intra–system Interoperability Channel(s)..............................................................50 SEMI UASI Intra–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures ......................................70 SEMI UASI Intra–system Shared Channel Rules of Use ........................................................70 SEMI UASI Intra–system Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution .................70 MPSCS Intra–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures ...........................................71 3.2 Inter–system Shared Channel(s) Policies and Procedures ...........................................73 Definition of a Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel ....................................................73 Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel Technology Overview........................................73 Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures....................................73 Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel Rules of Use......................................................73 Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution ...............74 Michigan Emergency Public Safety System (MEPSS) Intra–system Shared Channel............74 MEPSS Intra–system Shared Channel Technology Overview ................................................74 MEPSS Designated Inter–system Interoperability Channel(s) ................................................74 MEPSS Inter–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures............................................74 MEPSS Inter–system Shared Channel Rules of Use..............................................................75 MEPSS Inter–system Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution .......................75 Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel ...........75 DNR Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel Technology Overview.................................75 DNR Fire Ground Designated Inter–system Interoperability Channel(s).................................75 May 2011 vi TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region DNR Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures ............................75 DNR Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel Rules of Use ..............................................76 DNR Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution........76 Hospital Emergency Radio Network (HERN) Inter–system Shared Channel ..........................76 HERN Inter–system Shared Channel Technology Overview ..................................................76 HERN Designated Inter–system Interoperability Channel(s) ..................................................77 HERN Inter–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures ..............................................78 HERN Inter–system Shared Channel Rules of Use ................................................................79 HERN Inter–system Shared Channel Problem ID and Resolution ..........................................79 3.2.1 ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel(s) ...........................................................................79 ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel(s) ..............................................................................................79 ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel Technology Overview...............................................................82 ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel Policies and Procedures...........................................................83 ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel Rules of Use.............................................................................84 State of Michigan ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution .........84 MPSCS ICALL/ITAC Procedures ............................................................................................84 3.2.2 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channel .............................................................................87 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channel Technology Overview.............................................................87 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channel(s) ............................................................................................87 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channel Policies and Procedures.........................................................88 3.2.3 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channels ................................................................88 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channel Technology Overview..................................................88 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channel(s)................................................................................88 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channel Policies and Procedures .............................................91 3.3 Gateways .......................................................................................................................91 3.3.1 Region–wide Gateway Policies and Procedures ...............................................100 Region–wide Gateway Rules of Use.....................................................................................100 Region–wide Gateway Communications Request ................................................................100 Region–wide Gateway Deployment Procedures ...................................................................101 Region–wide Gateway Activation Procedures ......................................................................101 Region–wide Gateway Deactivation Procedures ..................................................................102 Region–wide Gateway Problem Identification and Resolution ..............................................102 Region–wide Gateway Limitations ........................................................................................102 Region–wide Gateway Test Procedures ...............................................................................102 3.3.2 CLEMIS Gateway ...............................................................................................103 CLEMIS Fixed Gateway Procedures.....................................................................................103 3.3.3 Monroe County Fixed Gateway..........................................................................105 Monroe County Fixed Gateway Procedures .........................................................................105 3.3.4 FBI ACU–1000 Gateway ....................................................................................105 FBI ACU–1000 Gateway Rules of Use .................................................................................105 FBI ACU–1000 Communications Request ............................................................................105 FBI ACU–1000 Gateway Deployment Procedures................................................................106 FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Activation Procedures........................................................106 FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Deactivation Procedures ...................................................107 FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Problem Identification and Resolution ...............................107 FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Limitations .........................................................................107 FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Test Procedures ................................................................108 May 2011 vii TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 3.4 Cache Radios...............................................................................................................108 3.4.1 Region–wide Cache Radio Policies and Procedures.........................................109 700 MHz Cache Radios ........................................................................................................110 800 MHz Cache Radios ........................................................................................................113 UHF Cache Radios ...............................................................................................................115 VHF Cache Radios ...............................................................................................................117 Region–wide Radio Cache Rules of Use ..............................................................................119 Region–wide Radio Cache Request .....................................................................................119 Region–wide Radio Cache Equipment Activation .................................................................119 Region–wide Radio Cache Equipment Deactivation .............................................................120 Region–wide Radio Cache Problem Identification and Resolution........................................120 3.4.2 [Name] Radio Cache ..........................................................................................121 [Name] Technology Overview ...............................................................................................121 [Name] Radio Cache Rules of Use .......................................................................................121 [Name] Radio Cache Interoperable Communications Request .............................................121 [Name] Radio Cache Equipment Activation Procedures .......................................................121 [Name] Radio Cache Equipment Deactivation Procedures...................................................121 [Name] Radio Cache Equipment Problem ID and Resolution ...............................................121 3.5 Mobile Communications Units......................................................................................121 3.5.1 MCU Policies and Procedures ...........................................................................123 [Unit Name/ID] MCU .............................................................................................................123 MCU Technology Overview ..................................................................................................123 MCU Rules of Use ................................................................................................................123 MCU Interoperable Communication Request........................................................................123 MCU Activation Method ........................................................................................................124 MCU Deactivation Method ....................................................................................................124 MCU Problem ID and Resolution ..........................................................................................124 4 Regional Emergency Resource Staffing..................................................................125 4.1 5 MABAS Division 3201 CST..........................................................................................125 Communications Assets Survey and Mapping (CASM).........................................130 5.1 Overview ......................................................................................................................130 Appendix A Points of Contacts............................................................................................A-1 Appendix B Shared Systems................................................................................................B-1 Appendix C Inter–system Shared Channels.........................................................................67 Appendix D Gateways ...........................................................................................................D-1 Appendix E Radio Caches.................................................................................................... E-1 Appendix F Mobile Communications Units........................................................................ F-1 Appendix G Policy Documents, Governing Documents, MOUs, and Agreements.........G-1 Appendix H Incident Command System Planning .............................................................H-1 Appendix I Reference Materials........................................................................................... I-1 Appendix J Glossary ............................................................................................................ J-1 Appendix K Department of Justice Interoperability Procedures......................................K-1 Appendix L MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team (CST) Services and Equipment ......................................................................................................... L-1 May 2011 viii TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region List of Tables Table 1 – Jurisdictions, Agencies, and Disciplines Represented in the TICP................................. 1 Table 2 – SEMI UASI Shared System(s) ...................................................................................... 46 Table 3 – Intra–system Shared Channel(s)................................................................................... 50 Table 4 – Inter-system Shared Channel(s) ................................................................................... 74 Table 5 – Inter–system Shared Channel(s)................................................................................... 75 Table 6 – Inter–system Shared Channel(s)................................................................................... 77 Table 7 – ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel(s) .................................................................................... 79 Table 8 – ITAC Repeater Locations in the SEMI UASI ................................................................. 86 Table 9 – 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channels .................................................................................... 87 Table 10 – 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channels ....................................................................... 88 Table 11 – SEMI UASI Gateway Systems .................................................................................... 91 Table 12 – SEMI UASI Radio Cache(s) ...................................................................................... 109 Table 13 – Required Channels for SEMI UASI 700 MHz Cache Radio(s).................................. 110 Table 14 – Optional Channels for SEMI UASI 700 MHz Cache Radio(s)................................... 110 Table 15 – Required Channel for SEMI UASI 800 MHz Cache Radio(s) ................................... 113 Table 16 – Optional Channels for SEMI UASI 800 MHz Cache Radio(s)................................... 114 Table 18 – Optional Channels for SEMI UASI UHF Cache Radio(s).......................................... 117 Table 19 – Required Channels for SEMI UASI VHF Cache Radio(s)......................................... 117 Table 20 – VHF Common Mutual Aid Channels ......................................................................... 117 Table 21 – Optional Channels for SEMI UASI VHF Cache Radio(s) .......................................... 118 Table 22 – SEMI UASI MCUs ..................................................................................................... 122 Table 23 – Regional Emergency Resource Personnel ............................................................... 127 Table A–1 – Dispatch Center Points of Contact...........................................................................A-1 Table A–2 – Nongovernmental Agency Contact Information .....................................................A-13 Table A–3 – SEMI UASI ICC Contact Information .....................................................................A-14 Table A–4 – Subcommittee Working Group Member Information .............................................A-14 Table B–1 – SEMI UASI Shared System(s) .................................................................................B-1 Table B–2 – Conference of Eastern Wayne Radio System Shared Talk Group Information.......B-5 Table B–3 – Detroit MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information ......................................................B-9 Table B–4 – Downriver 800 MHz Shared Talk Group Information.............................................B-12 Table B–5 – HEMS UHF MEDCOM Shared Channel Information.............................................B-16 Table B–6 – HEMS VHF MEDCOM Shared Channel Information.............................................B-19 Table B–7 – MABAS Statewide Fire Mutual Aid Shared Channel Information ..........................B-21 Table B–8 – Macomb County – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information .................................B-24 Table B–9 – Monroe County – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information ...................................B-31 Table B–10 – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information..............................................................B-36 Table B–11 – OakWIN Shared Talk Group Information Name ..................................................B-38 Table B–12 – St. Clair County – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information ................................B-45 Table B–13 – University of Michigan 800 MHz Shared Talk Group Information........................B-48 Table B–14 – Warren County 800 MHz Trunked System Shared Talk Group Information .......B-52 May 2011 ix TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Table B–15 – Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup Shared Talk Group Information...............B-54 Table B–16 – Washtenaw County MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information .............................B-57 Table B–17 – Wayne County – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information ..................................B-60 Table B–18 – Wayne County Central Communications VHF Shared Channels........................B-63 Table B–19 – Western Wayne County 800 MHz Radio Consortium Shared Talk Group Information .........................................................................................................................B-65 Table C–1 – SEMI UASI 700 MHz Inter–system Shared Channel(s) ........................................... 67 Table C–2 – SEMI UASI 800 MHz Inter–system Shared Channel(s) ........................................... 71 Table C–3 – SEMI UASI UHF Inter–system Shared Channel(s) .................................................. 75 Table C–4 – SEMI UASI VHF Inter–system Shared Channel(s) .................................................. 75 Table D–1 – SEMI UASI Region Gateway Systems ....................................................................D-1 Table D–2 – Livingston County Console Patch Capabilities ......................................................D-66 Table E–1 – SEMI UASI Region Radio Caches...........................................................................E-1 Table F – 1 SEMI UASI Mobile Communications Unit(s)............................................................ F-1 List of Figures Figure 1 – SEMI UASI Governance Organizational Chart ............................................................ 42 Figure 2 – Region 2 ICALL Repeater Coverage Map ................................................................... 86 Figure F–1 – Huron Valley Ambulance Mobile Command Post................................................. F-13 Figure F–2 – Canton Mobile Command Unit.............................................................................. F-16 Figure F–3 – Michigan State Police Mobile Command Post (MCVII) ........................................ F-20 Figure F–4 – MPSCS Site on Wheels (SOW) ............................................................................ F-23 Figure F–5 – 51st CST Unified Command Suite ......................................................................... F-31 Figure F–6 – 51st CST Advance Echelon Vehicle ...................................................................... F-34 Figure F–7 – Oakland CST Field Communications Unit (FCU) ................................................. F-51 Figure F–8 – Oakland CST Tactical Communications Trailer (TCU) ......................................... F-54 Figure F–9 – Oakland County Incident Support Vehicle ............................................................ F-57 Figure F–10 – Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition Communications Trailer Diagrams .......... F-60 May 2011 x TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 1 SEMI UASI Information 1.1 Participating Jurisdictions/Agencies/Disciplines This Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan (TICP or Plan) has been created for the SEMI UASI. The plan is intended for use by first responders and may be used by governmental or non–governmental organizations and personnel requiring communications or coordination during an incident or planned event. The jurisdictions, agencies, and disciplines represented in the TICP are listed in Table 1. Additional contact information for each agency is listed in Appendix A. Table 1 – Jurisdictions, Agencies, and Disciplines Represented in the TICP Jurisdiction Macomb County May 2011 Agency Discipline Canadian National Railway Other Consumers Power Other DTE Energy 2 Other East Detroit School District – Maintenance & Transportation Center Other Kimball Township Government Macomb Community College Other Macomb County Government Macomb County Department of Public Works Public Works Macomb County Emergency Management Public Safety Communications Macomb County Health Department Public Health Macomb County Intermediate School District Other Macomb County Sheriff Sheriff Macomb County Sheriff's Office Aviation Division Government Medical Control Authority – Macomb County Health Care 1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Armada Armada Twp Bruce Twp May 2011 Agency Discipline Medstar Ambulance EMS Memphis Community Schools Trans System Other Mount Clemens Community School District Other New Haven Schools Other Richmond Lenox EMS Ambulance Authority EMS Richmond School Dist. – Transportation/Maintenance Bldg Other Road Commission of Macomb County, MI Other Romeo School Dist. – Bus Garage Other SEMCO Energy Other Suburban Mobility Authority for Regional Transportation Other Superior Ambulance EMS Universal Macomb Ambulance EMS Utica Community Schools – Auxiliary Services Facility Other Warren Consolidated School District Other Armada Schools Other Village of Armada Police Department Police Village of Armada Water Department Public Works Armada Township Department of Public Works Public Works Armada Township Fire Department Fire Bruce Township Department of Public Works Public Works 2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Center Line Chesterfield Twp Clinton Twp Eastpointe Fraser Harrison Twp May 2011 Agency Discipline Bruce–Romeo Fire Department Fire Center Line Department of Public Works Public Works Center Line Fire Department Fire Center Line Public Safety Public Safety Communications Chesterfield Fire Department Fire Chesterfield Police Department Police Chesterfield Township Department of Public Works Public Works Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base Fire Department Fire Clinton Township Department Of Public Works Public Works Clinton Township Fire Department Fire Clinton Township Police Department Police Henry Ford Hospital – Clinton Township Campus Health Care Henry Ford Hospital – Macomb Health Care Macomb Community College Police Department Police Eastpointe Department of Public Works Public Works Eastpointe Fire Department Fire Eastpointe Police Department Police Fraser Department of Public Works Public Works Fraser Public Safety Public Safety Communications Harrison Township Department of Public Works Public Works Harrison Township Fire Department Fire 3 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline L'Anse Creuse School District – Brender Support Services Center Other St John Hospital and Medical Center – North Shores Campus Health Care Lake Twp Lake Township Department of Public Works Public Works Lenox Twp Lenox Township Department of Public Works Public Works Lenox Township Fire Department Fire Macomb Township Department of Public Works Public Works Macomb Township Fire Department Fire Memphis Department of Public Works Public Works Memphis Fire Department Fire Memphis Police Department Police Mount Clemens Department of Public Works Public Works Mount Clemens Fire Department Fire Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center Health Care New Baltimore Department of Public Works Public Works New Baltimore Fire Department Fire New Baltimore Police Department Police New Haven Department of Public Works Public Works New Haven Fire Department Fire New Haven Police Department Police Ray Township Department of Public Works Public Works Macomb Township Memphis Mount Clemens New Baltimore New Haven Ray Twp May 2011 4 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Ray Township Fire Department EMS City of Richmond / Lennox EMS EMS City of Richmond Fire Department Fire City of Richmond Police Department Police Richmond Department of Public Works Public Works Richmond Twp City of Richmond Department of Public Works Public Works Romeo Romeo Department of Public Works Public Works Romeo Police Department Police City of Roseville Department of Public Works Public Works Roseville Fire Department Fire Roseville Police Department Police Selfridge ANG (SANG) Police Department Police U.S. Border Patrol Selfridge Police U.S. Coast Guard Air Station – Selfridge Air National Guard Government Shelby Township Police Department Police Shelby Township Department of Public Works Public Works Shelby Township Fire Department Fire Shelby Township Parks and Recreation Other St. Clair Shores Department of Public Works Public Works St. Clair Shores Fire Department Fire Richmond Roseville Selfridge ANGB Shelby Twp St. Clair Shores May 2011 5 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Sterling Heights Utica Warren Washington Twp Monroe County May 2011 Agency Discipline St. Clair Shores Police Department Police Henry Ford Hospital – Sterling Heights Health Care Sterling Heights Department of Public Works Public Works Sterling Heights Fire Department Fire Sterling Heights Police Department Police Utica Department of Public Works Public Works Utica Fire Department Fire Utica Police Department Police Henry Ford Hospital – Warren Health Care Henry Ford Hospital – Warren Campus Health Care St John Hospital – Macomb– Oakland Health Care U.S. Army Garrison Police and Fire Department (TACOM FD) Police Warren Department of Public Works Public Works Warren Division of Buildings and Safety Engineering Government Warren Engineering Division Government Warren Fire Department Fire Warren Parks and Recreation Government Warren Police Department Police Washington Township Department of Public Works Public Works Washington Township Fire Department EMS Airport Community Schools Other 6 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction May 2011 Agency Discipline Bedford Public Schools Other Berlin Charter Township Fire Department #1 Fire Berlin Twp Fire Department #2 Fire Dundee Community Schools Other Fenton Area Public Schools – Transportation Other Fermi Power Plant Other Ida Public Schools Other Jefferson Public Schools Other Lake Erie Transportation Other Life Flight EMS Lucas County, Ohio Sheriff's Office Police Mason Consolidated Schools Other Mason Public Schools Other Mercy Memorial Hospital Health Care Michigan State Police – Monroe Post #28 Police Monroe Community Ambulance EMS Monroe County Public Safety Communications Monroe County Animal Control Government Monroe County Central Dispatch Public Safety Communications Monroe County Emergency Management Government Monroe County Health Department Government Monroe County Road Commission Public Works Monroe County Sheriff's Department Corrections Division Sheriff 7 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Monroe County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Monroe County Youth Center Government Monroe Public Schools – Transportation Other South Monroe County Water District Other Summerfield Public Schools Other Summerfield Schools Other Whiteford Agricultural Schools Other Ash Township Government Ash Township Fire Department Fire Bedford Fire Department Fire Bedford Township Government Bedford Township Fire Department Fire Bedford Township Police Police Berlin Township Wastewater Public Works Newport Fire Department Fire Village of Carleton Government Carleton Police Department Police Dundee Police Police Dundee Village Government Dundee Township 1 Government Dundee Township 2 Government Dundee Township Fire Department Fire Erie Morin Point Fire Department Fire Erie Township Erie Township Government Ash Twp Bedford Twp Berlin Twp Carleton Dundee Dundee Twp May 2011 8 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Erie Township Fire Department Fire Erie Township for Morin Point FD Fire Erie Township Police Department Police Village of Estral Beach Government Estral Beach Fire Department Fire Exeter Township Government Exeter Township Fire Department Fire Frenchtown Charter Township 1 Government Frenchtown Township Fire Department Fire Ida Township Government Ida Township Fire Department Fire LaSalle Township Government LaSalle Twp Fire Department Fire City of Luna Pier Government Luna Pier Fire Department Fire Luna Pier Police Department Police Maybee Village of Maybee Government Milan City of Milan Department of Public Works Public Works Monroe Herkimer Radio Service Public Safety Communications LMR (London, Maybee and Raisinville Townships) Fire Department Fire City of Monroe Government Monroe City Department of Public Works Public Works Monroe City Fire Department Fire Estral Beach Exeter Twp Frenchtown Charter Twp Ida Twp LaSalle Twp Luna Pier May 2011 9 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Monroe City Police Department Police Monroe Road Commission Other Frenchtown Charter Township 2 Government Monroe Charter Township Government Monroe Township Fire Department Fire Ottawa Lake Ottawa Lake Fire Department Fire Raisinville Twp Raisinville Township Government South Rockwood South Rockwood Police Department Police Summerfield Twp Summerfield Township Government Summerfield Township Fire Department Fire Whiteford Township Government Whiteford Twp Constables (Police Department) Police Whiteford Twp Fire Department Fire Alliance EMS EMS Beaumont Medical Transport EMS Bingham Farms Government CLEMIS Public Safety Communications Community EMS EMS Crittenton Hospital and Medical Center Health Care Ferndale Public Schools Other Huron Valley–Sinai Hospital Other Huron–Clinton Metroparks Police Department Police Madison District Public Schools Other Monroe Charter Twp Whiteford Twp Oakland County May 2011 10 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction May 2011 Agency Discipline Medical Control Authority – Oakland County Health Care Metroparks Other Michigan Department of Natural Resources – Southfield Government Michigan State Police – Metro North Post #21 Police Novi Community School District Other Oak Park City School District Other Oakland County Airport Operations Government Oakland County Animal Control Government Oakland County Children's Village Government Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness Public Safety Communications Oakland County Health Department Other Oakland County Homeland Security Government Oakland County Prosecutor's Office Government Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff Oakland County – Water Resources Commissioner's Office Other Oakland Mall Other Oakland Regional Hospital Health Care Oxford Community Schools Other City of Pleasant Ridge Department of Public Works Public Works POH – Clarkston Health Care POH Medical Center – Pontiac Health Care 11 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Pontiac School District Other Providence Hospital – Novi Health Care Providence Hospital – Southfield Health Care Region 2 South Other Rochester Community School District Other Royal Oak SD– Special Ed – Operated by Durham Other Somerset Collection Mall Other South Lyon Community Schools Other Southeastern Oakland County Resource Recovery Authority – SOCRRA Other Southern Oakland County Water Authority – SOCWA Other Southfield Public Schools Other St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Health Care Star EMS EMS Troy School District Other Troy SD – Operated by First Student Trans Other Walled Lake Consolidated Schools Other Waterford School District Other West Bloomfield School District Other White Lake Township – Department of Water Public Works Addison Twp Addison Township Fire Department Fire Auburn Hills Auburn Hills Fire Department Fire Auburn Hills Police Department Police May 2011 12 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Avondale School District Other City of Auburn Hills Department of Public Services Public Works Berkley Department of Public Safety Public Safety Communications Berkley School District Other City of Berkley Department of Public Works Public Works Beverly Hills Beverly Hills Department of Public Safety Public Safety Communications Birmingham Birmingham City EMD Government Birmingham City School District Other Birmingham Fire Department Fire Birmingham Police Department Police City of Birmingham Department of Public Services Public Works Bloomfield Hills Department of Public Safety Public Safety Communications Bloomfield Hills Police Department Police Bloomfield Hills School District Other City of Bloomfield Hills Department of Public Works Public Works Township of Bloomfield Department of Public Works Public Works Bloomfield Township Emergency Management Government Bloomfield Township Fire Department Fire Bloomfield Township Police Department Police Brandon School District Other Berkley Bloomfield Hills Bloomfield Twp Brandon Twp May 2011 13 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Brandon Township Fire Department Fire Clarkson Police Department Police Clarkston Community School District Other City of Clawson Department of Public Works Public Works Clawson Fire Department Fire Clawson Police Department Police Clawson Public Schools Other Commerce Twp Commerce Township Fire Department Fire Davisburg Springfield Township Fire Department Fire Farmington City of Farmington Department of Public Services Government Farmington DPS Public Safety Communications Farmington Public School District Other Botsford Hospital Health Care Clarenceville School District Other City of Farmington Hills Department of Public Services Government Farmington Hills Fire EMD Fire Farmington Hills Police Department Police City of Ferndale Department of Public Works Public Works Ferndale Fire Department Fire Ferndale Police Department Police Franklin Police Department Police Clarkston Clawson Farmington Hills Ferndale Franklin May 2011 14 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Franklin–Bingham Fire Department Fire Groveland Twp Groveland Township Fire Department Fire Hazel Park Hazel Park City School District Other Hazel Park Department of Public Works Public Works Hazel Park Fire Department Fire Hazel Park Police Department Police Highland Huron Valley Schools Other Highland Twp Highland Township Fire Department Fire Holly Holly Area School District Other Holly Fire Department Fire Holly Police Department Police Holly Twp North Oakland Fire Department Fire Huntington Woods Huntington Woods Department of Public Safety Public Safety Communications City of Huntington Woods Department of Public Works Other Independence Twp Independence Township Fire Department Fire Keego Harbor Keego Harbor Police Department Police Lake Angelus Lake Angelus Police Department Police Lake Orion Lake Orion Community Schools Other Lake Orion Police Department Police Lathrup Village Lathrup Village Police Department Police Lyon Twp Lyon Township Fire Department Fire Madison Heights City of Madison Heights Government Lamphere Public Schools Other May 2011 15 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline City of Madison Heights Department of Public Works Public Works Madison Heights Fire Department Fire Madison Heights Police Department Police Kensington Metropark Police Department Police Milford Fire Department Fire Milford Police Department Police International Transmission Company Other City of Novi Department of Public Services Public Works Novi Fire Department Fire Novi Police Department Police Novi Regional Public Safety Communications City of Oak Park Department of Public Works Public Works Oak Park Department Public Safety Public Safety Communications Oakland Twp Oakland Township Fire Department Fire Orchard Lake Orchard Lake Police Department Police Orion Twp Orion Township Fire Department Fire Oxford Oxford Fire Department Fire Oxford Police Department Police Oxford Township – Department of Public Works (handled by Oakland County) Public Works City of Pleasant Ridge Government Pleasant Ridge Police Department Police Milford Novi Oak Park Oxford Twp Pleasant Ridge May 2011 16 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Pontiac Agency Discipline Doctors Hospital of Michigan Health Care Pontiac Fire Department Fire Pontiac Police Department Police Oakland University Police Department Police City of Rochester Department of Public Works Public Works Rochester Fire Department Fire Rochester Police Department Police Com Source Inc. Other City of Rochester Hills Department of Public Services Public Works Rochester Hills Communications Public Safety Communications Rochester Hills Fire Department Fire Beaumont Hospital – Royal Oak Health Care City of Royal Oak Department of Public Service Public Works Royal Oak Fire Department Fire Royal Oak Police Department Police City of South Lyon Department of Public Works Public Works South Lyon Fire Department Fire South Lyon Police Department Police City of Southfield Department of Public Works Public Works Southfield Fire Department Fire Southfield Police Department Public Safety Communications Sylvan Lake Sylvan Lake Police Department Police Troy ANR Pipeline Other Rochester Rochester Hills Royal Oak South Lyon Southfield May 2011 17 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Region 2 North Health Care City of Troy Department of Public Works Public Works Troy City Fire Department Fire Troy Police Department Police William Beaumont Hospital – Troy Health Care Walled Lake Fire Department Fire Walled Lake Police Department Police Oakland Community College Police Department Police Waterford Fire Department Fire Waterford Township Police Department Police Waterford Twp Waterford Township Department of Public Works Public Works West Bloomfield Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital Health Care West Bloomfield Fire Department Fire West Bloomfield Police Department Police West Bloomfield Township – Department of Public Works (Handled by Oakland County) Public Works White Lake Fire Department Fire White Lake Township Police Department Police City of Wixom Department of Public Works Public Works Wixom Fire Department Fire Wixom Police Department Police Wolverine Lake Department of Public Works Public Works Walled Lake Waterford West Bloomfield Twp White Lake Wixom Wolverine Lake May 2011 18 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction St. Clair County May 2011 Agency Discipline Wolverine Lake Police Department Police Almont Fire Department Fire East China Water Plant Public Works Marine City Aviation Other Marysville Public Schools Transportation System Other Medical Control Authority – St. Clair County Health Care Michigan State Police – Richmond Post #24 Police Port Huron Area School District Transportation System – Transportation Bus Garage Other Port Huron Hospital Health Care Port Huron Utilities Other Region 2 North Healthcare Coalition Health Care St. Clair County Public Safety Communications St. Clair County Sheriff Sheriff St. Clair Emergency Mgt Government St. John River District Hospital Health Care St. Clair County Community Mental Health Health Care St. Clair County Health Department Public Health St. Clair County Health Department 2 Public Health St. Clair County International Airport Other St. Clair County Regional Educational Service Agency Other 19 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline St. Clair County Regional Educational Service Agency Transportation System Other St. Clair County Regional Response Team Network Government St. Clair County Transportation Government St. Clair Courts Government St. Joseph Mercy – Port Huron Health Care Yale Public Schools Transportation System Other Algonac Community Schools Other Algonac Department of Public Works Public Works Algonac Fire Department Fire Algonac Police Department Police Algonac Water Department Public Works Clay Township Police Department Police Berlin Charter Township Government Berlin Township Fire Department Fire Brockway Twp Brockway Township Fire Department Fire Burtchville Twp Burtchville Fire Department Fire Burtchville Township Government Capac Community Schools Other Capac Community Schools Transportation System Other Capac Police Department Police Clay Twp Clay Township Fire Department Fire Clyde Twp Clyde Township Department Of Public Works Public Works Algonac Berlin Twp Capac May 2011 20 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Clyde Township Fire Department Fire Emmett Twp Emmett Fire Department Fire Fair Haven Ira Township Fire Department Fire Fort Gratiot Twp Fort Gratiot Fire Department Fire Fort Gratiot Township Department of Public Works Public Works Grant Twp Grant Township Fire Department Fire Harsens Island Harsens Island Fire Department Fire Ira Twp Ira Township Department of Public Works Public Works Ira Township EMS EMS Ira Township Water Department Public Works Kenockee Twp Kenockee Township Fire Department Fire Kimball Twp Kimball Township Fire Department Fire Kimball Township Government Lakeport Lakeport State Park (DNR) Government Marine City Marine City Department of Public Works Public Works Marine City Fire Department Fire Marine City Police Department Police Marysville Department of Public Works Public Works Marysville Fire Department Fire Marysville Police Department Police Mussey Twp Mussey Township Fire Department Fire Port Huron Blue Water Area Transportation Commission Other Blue Water Bridge (MDOT) Government Marysville May 2011 21 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Port Huron Twp St. Clair Yale Washtenaw County May 2011 Agency Discipline City of Port Huron Government City of Port Huron Department of Public Works Public Works Port Huron Fire Department Fire Port Huron Police Department Police Tri Hospital Emergency Medical Services EMS Port Huron Township Department of Public Works Public Works Port Huron Township Fire Department Fire St. Clair County Road Commission Public Works St. Clair Fire Department Fire St. Clair Police Department Police St. Clair Department of Public Works Public Works Yale Department of Public Works Public Works Yale Fire Department Fire Yale Police Department Police American Red Cross, Washtenaw County Other Ann Arbor Railroad Other Chelsea Community Hospital Health Care Clinton Community Schools Other Clinton Fire Department Fire Forest Health Medical Center Health Care Huron Valley Ambulance EMS Lincoln Consolidated Schools Other Manchester Community Schools Other 22 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction May 2011 Agency Discipline Michigan State Police – Ypsilanti Post #26 Police Milan Area Schools Other Pittsfield Township Utilities Department Public Works Saline Area Public Schools Other Scio Township Utilities Department Other Select Specialty Hospital–Ann Arbor Health Care St. Joseph Mercy – Saline Hospital Health Care St. Joseph Mercy Hospital 1 Health Care St. Joseph Hospital – Ann Arbor Health Care St. Joseph Mercy Hospital 2 Health Care Superior Township Utility Department Other UMHS – Survival Flight EMS University of Michigan Department of Public Works – Ann Arbor Campus Other University of Michigan Health Systems Health Care University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers Other University of Michigan Housing Other University of Michigan Occupational Safety & Environmental Health Other University of Michigan Utilities & Plant Engineering – Ann Arbor Other Veterans Administration Hospital Other 23 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Ann Arbor May 2011 Agency Discipline Veterans Affairs Medical Center– Ann Arbor Health Care Washtenaw County Department of Public Health Other Washtenaw County Emergency Management Public Safety Communications Washtenaw County HAZMAT Other Washtenaw County Road Commission Other Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Public Safety Communications Washtenaw Intermediate School District Other Whitmore Lake Public Schools Other Willow Run Community Schools Other Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority Other Ann Arbor Airport Other Ann Arbor Department of Public Works Public Works Ann Arbor Fire Department Fire Ann Arbor Office of Emergency Management Government Ann Arbor Police Department Police Ann Arbor Schools Other Ann Arbor Transportation Authority Other Pittsfield Township Police Department Police University of Michigan Police Department Police VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (VAAAHS) Health Care 24 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Washtenaw Intermediate School District Other Ann Arbor Twp Ann Arbor Township Fire Department Fire Augusta Twp Augusta Township Fire Department Fire Augusta Township, Utilities Other Chelsea Fire Department Fire Chelsea Police Department Police Chelsea School District Other City of Chelsea Department of Public Works Public Works Dexter Community Schools Other Dexter Fire Department Fire Hudson Mills Metropark Other Village of Dexter Department of Public Services Public Safety Communications London Twp London Township Government Manchester Village of Manchester Department of Public Works Public Works Manchester Fire Department Fire Milan Fire Department Fire Milan Police Department Police Northfield Township Fire Department Fire Northfield Township Police Department Police Pittsfield Twp Pittsfield Township Fire Department Fire Salem Twp Salem Township Fire Department Fire Chelsea Dexter Milan Northfield Twp May 2011 25 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Saline Agency Discipline City of Saline Department of Public Works Public Works Saline Fire Department Fire Saline Police Department Police Scio Twp Scio Township Fire Department Police Superior Twp Superior Fire Department Fire Ypsilanti Eastern Michigan University Police Department Police Midwest Medflight EMS State of Michigan Forensic Center – Ypsilanti Police City of Ypsilanti Department of Public Works Public Works Ypsilanti Fire Department Fire Ypsilanti Police Department Police Ypsilanti Twp Ypsilanti Township Fire Department Fire Wayne County American Red Cross – Southeast Michigan Other Amtrak, Office of Emergency Preparedness Other Beaumont Hospital Grosse Pointe Health Care Behavioral Centers of America – Stonecrest Center Health Care Children's Hospital of Michigan Health Care Concord EMS EMS Conference of Eastern Wayne Public Safety Communications Conference of Western Wayne Government Crestwood School District Other Dearborn Heights School District No. 7 Other May 2011 26 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction May 2011 Agency Discipline Dearborn Public Schools Other Dearborn Radio Emergency Team Public Safety Communications Detroit City Airport Other Detroit Medical Center (DMC) Health Care Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center Health Care DMCare Express EMS Downriver Arson Task Force Fire Downriver Hazmat Other Garden City Hospital Health Care Gibraltar School District Other Harper–Hutzel University Hospital Health Care Health Link MTS EMS Henry Ford Cottage Hospital Health Care Henry Ford Hospital Health Care Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte Health Care Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane Health Care Henry Ford–Brownstown: Center For Health Services Health Care John D. Dingell Center VA Medical Health Care Karmanos Cancer Center Health Care Lincoln Park Department of Public Services Public Safety Communications Marygrove College Other Medic One Ambulance Service EMS Melvindale – North Allen Park Schools Other 27 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction May 2011 Agency Discipline Michigan State Police – Detroit #29 Police Michigan State Police – Metro South Post #25 Police Michigan–1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team Health Care Northville Public Schools Other Oakwood Annapolis Hospital Health Care Oakwood Healthcare Center Canton Health Care Oakwood Healthcare System Other Oakwood Heritage Hospital Health Care Oakwood Hospital & Medical Center Health Care Oakwood Southshore Medical Center Health Care Plymouth–Canton Community Schools Other Rapid Response EMS EMS Redford Union Schools Other Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan Health Care River Rouge Schools Other Riverview Community School District Other Romulus Community Schools Other Safeway Transportation Other Select Specialty Hospital – Grosse Pointe Health Care Select Specialty Hospital Downriver (formerly Wyandotte) Health Care Select Specialty Hospital NW Detroit Health Care 28 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction May 2011 Agency Discipline Sevestal Fire Department Other Sinai Grace Hospital Health Care South Redford School District Other Southgate Community Schools Other St. John Hospital and Medical Center Health Care St. Mary Mercy Hospital Health Care Taylor School District – Dean Transportation Other Trenton Public Schools Other Triumph Hospital Detroit Health Care University of Detroit Mercy Other University of Michigan Dearborn Campus – Department of Public Works Other University of Michigan Department of Public Safety Public Safety Communications University of Michigan Department of Public Works Public Works University of Michigan Transportation Other University of Michigan Transportation / Business Affairs – Dearborn Other University of Michigan Utilities & Plant Engineering – Dearborn Other Van Buren Public Schools Other Van Buren Township Department of Public Safety Public Safety Communications Veterans Affairs Medical Center – John D. Dingell Health Care 29 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Allen Park Belleville May 2011 Agency Discipline Vibra Hospital of Southeastern Michigan (formerly Kindred Hospital) Health Care Wayne County Airport Authority Government Wayne County Central Communications Public Safety Communications Wayne County Community College District Other Wayne County Department of Health Public Health Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Government Wayne County Department of Public Services Public Works Wayne County Sheriff’s Office Sheriff Wayne–Westland Community Schools Other Westwood Community School District Other Woodhaven–Brownstown School District Other Western Wayne County Fire Department Mutual Aid Association (WWCFDMAA) Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Fire Wyandotte Public Schools Other Allen Park Fire Department Fire Allen Park Police Department Police Allen Park Public Schools Other City of Allen Park Government City of Allen Park Department of Public Service Public Works Belleville Fire Department Fire 30 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Belleville Police Department Police Brownstown Fire Department Fire Brownstown Police Department Police Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services Health Care Canton Canton Department of Public Safety Public Safety Communications Canton Twp Canton Police Department Police Canton Township Emergency Management Public Safety Communications Canton Township Fire Department Fire Township of Canton Municipal Services Department Public Works City of Dearborn Department of Public Works Public Works City of Dearborn Government Dearborn 911 Communications EMS Dearborn City Emergency Services Government Dearborn Department of Public Works Public Works Dearborn Emergency Management Government Dearborn Fire Department Fire Dearborn Police Department Police City of Dearborn Heights Department of Public Works Public Works Dearborn Heights Fire Department Fire Dearborn Heights Emergency Management Public Safety Communications Dearborn Heights Police Department Police Brownstown Twp Dearborn Dearborn Heights May 2011 31 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Detroit May 2011 Agency Discipline Canadian Pacific Railway Police Police City of Detroit Government Detroit Citizens Radio Patrol Other Detroit Department of Public Works Public Works Detroit Department of Transportation – Coolidge Terminal Government Detroit Department of Transportation – Main Office Government Detroit Emergency Management Public Safety Communications Detroit Emergency Telephone District Public Safety Communications Detroit Fire Emergency Management Division Fire Detroit Historical Society Government Detroit Hope Hospital Health Care Detroit Information Technology Services Department Government Detroit Municipal Parking Department Government Detroit People Mover Government Detroit Police Police Detroit Power and Light Other Detroit Public Lighting Other Detroit Public Safety Public Safety Communications Detroit Public Schools, Office of Student Transportation Other Detroit Recreation Department Government Detroit Water and Sewerage Department Public Works 32 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Ecorse Flat Rock Garden City Gibraltar Grosse Ile Twp Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe Farms May 2011 Agency Discipline Detroit Weights & Measures Government DTE Energy Other Dun–Well Security Services, Inc. Other Hart Medical Health Care Metropolitan Airport Police Department Police Wayne State University, Public Safety Police Ecorse Fire Department Fire Ecorse Police Department Police Ecorse Public School District Other Flat Rock Community Schools Other Flat Rock Fire Department Fire Flat Rock Police Department Police Garden City Fire Department Fire Garden City Police Department Police Garden City Public Schools Other Gibraltar Fire Department Fire Gibraltar Police Department Police Grosse Ile Township Police Department Police Grosse Ile Fire Department Fire Grosse Ile Township Schools Other Grosse Pointe City Department of Public Safety Police Grosse Pointe Public School System Other Grosse Point Farms Pier Park Other 33 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Grosse Pointe Park Grosse Pointe Shores Grosse Pointe Woods Hamtramck Harper Woods Highland Park May 2011 Agency Discipline Grosse Pointe Farms Public Safety Communications Grosse Pointe Farms Department of Public Safety Police Grosse Pointe Park Department of Public Safety Police Grosse Pointe Park Department of Public Works Public Works Grosse Pointe Shores Department of Public Works Public Works Grosse Pointe Shores Department of Public Safety Public Safety Communications City of Grosse Pointe Department of Public Works Public Works Grosse Pointe Woods Department of Public Works Public Works Grosse Pointe Woods Department of Public Safety Public Safety Communications Grosse Pointe Woods Parks and Recreation Other Hamtramck Fire Department Fire Hamtramck Police Department Police Hamtramck Public Schools Other Eastland Mall Other Harper Woods Fire Department Fire Harper Woods Police Department Police Harper Woods School District Other City of Harper Woods Department of Public Works Public Works City of Highland Park Department of Public Works Government Highland Park Fire Department Fire Highland Park Police Department Police 34 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Highland Park Public Safety Public Safety Communications Highland Park Public Schools Other Huron Township Police Department Police Huron Township Fire Fire Huron Township Public Safety Communications Inkster Fire Department Fire Inkster Police Department Police Inkster Public School District Other City of Inkster Department of Public Services Public Works Lincoln Park Emergency Management Division Government Lincoln Park Fire Department Fire Lincoln Park Police Department Police Lincoln Park Schools Other CSXT Railroad Police Police Livonia Emergency Management Division Government Livonia Fire Department Fire Livonia Police Department Police Livonia Public Schools Other City of Melvindale Department of Public Works Public Works Melvindale Fire Department Fire Melvindale Police Department Police New Boston Huron School District Other Northville City of Northville Department of Public Works Public Works Huron Twp Inkster Lincoln Park Livonia Melvindale May 2011 35 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Agency Discipline Northville Fire Department Fire Northville Police Department Police Northville Township Fire Department Fire Northville Township Police Department Police City of Plymouth Department of Municipal Services Government Plymouth Community Fire Department Fire Plymouth Police Department Police Plymouth Township Police Department Police Plymouth Twp Plymouth Township Department of Public Works Public Works Redford Twp Redford Fire Department Fire Redford Township Department of Public Services Public Works Redford Township Police Department Police River Rouge Fire Department Fire River Rouge Police Department Police City of Riverview Department of Public Works Public Works Riverview Fire Department Fire Riverview Police Department Police Rockwood Fire Department Fire Rockwood Police Department Police Village of South Rockwood Government Metropolitan Airport Fire Department Fire Northville Twp Plymouth River Rouge Riverview Rockwood Romulus May 2011 36 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Southgate Sumpter Twp Taylor Trenton Van Buren Twp Wayne May 2011 Agency Discipline City of Romulus Department of Public Works Public Works Romulus Emergency Management Government Romulus Fire Department Fire Romulus Police Department Police Downriver Community Conference Other City of Southgate Department of Public Services Public Works Southgate Fire Department Fire Southgate Police Department Police Sumpter Township Fire Department Fire Sumpter Township Police Department Police City of Taylor Department of Public Works Public Works Taylor Fire Department Fire Taylor Police Department Police City of Trenton Department of Public Works Public Works Trenton Emergency Management Public Safety Communications Trenton Fire Department Fire Trenton Police Department Police Van Buren Fire Department Fire Van Buren Police Department Police HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS) Public Safety Communications City of Wayne Department of Public Works Public Works Wayne City EMD Government 37 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Jurisdiction Westland Woodhaven Wyandotte 1.1.1 • Discipline Wayne Emergency Management Public Safety Communications Wayne Fire Department Fire Wayne Police Department Police Westland Fire Department Fire Westland Police Department Police Woodhaven Fire Department Fire Woodhaven Police Department Police City of Wyandotte Department of Public Services Public Works Wyandotte Fire Department Fire Wyandotte Police Department Police Non–governmental Agencies Represented in the TICP Non-governmental agencies have been entered into the DHS Communications Asset Survey and Mapping Tool and are listed in the table above. 1.1.2 • • • • • • • • Agency Other TICPs in the State State of Michigan Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan Michigan Emergency Management Division (EMD) Region 1 TICP Michigan EMD Region 3 TICP Michigan EMD Region 5 TICP Michigan EMD Region 6 TICP Michigan EMD Region 7 TICP Michigan EMD Region 8 TICP County of Monroe, MI TICP May 2011 38 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 1.2 TICP Point of Contact Primary and alternate points of contact (POC) for copies of or questions regarding this Plan are: Primary: Agency Name: POC Name: Title: Address: Office Phone: Cell Phone: 24/7 Phone: E–Mail: TBD Alternate: Agency Name: POC Name: Title: Address: Office Phone: Cell Phone: 24/7 Phone: E–Mail: TBD 2nd Alternate: Agency Name: POC Name: Title: Address: Office Phone: Cell Phone: 24/7 Phone: E–Mail: TBD State of Michigan: Agency Name: POC Name: Title: Address: Office Phone: Cell Phone: 24/7 Phone: E–Mail: May 2011 TBD 39 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 2 Governance 2.1 Overview From 2003 to 2005, the SEMI Urban Area was comprised of a core city (Detroit) and a core county (Wayne) by Federal definition. In October 2005, the Michigan State Police (MSP) Emergency Management Division (EMD), the State Administrative Agency (SAA), coordinated with both urban area jurisdictions to expand the State’s definition to include all of the following jurisdictions: • • • • • • • City of Detroit Wayne County Macomb County Monroe County Oakland County St. Clair County Washtenaw County Pursuant to the expanded definition of the urban area, a new governance structure was established in support of the National Priority for Expanded Regional Collaboration. The Southeast Michigan UASI Board (Board) was set up in June 2006 to facilitate regional Homeland Security activities. The mission of the UASI Board is to support and enhance the preparedness of the SEMI UASI Region, the state, and the nation with the implementation of effective Homeland Security programs and strategic initiatives accomplished by providing its emergency responder community, and ultimately its citizens, with the resources and training needed for a safer and more secure community. The UASI Board is committed to providing responsible leadership, planning, and direction in the execution of its grant–supported projects through effective management and astute fiscal responsibility at all levels and at all times. The main activities of the Board center on spending grant money from the UASI grant program in support of regional Homeland Security activities. In order to facilitate regional Homeland Security activities, the Board commissioned five committees, each of which cover one of the areas the Board has been tasked to address. These committees include: • • • • • Critical Infrastructure Interoperable Communications Organizational Structure Regional Training First Responders Each committee is tasked to review projects that arise in their area, and to recommend the projects to the Board that they feel are most beneficial to the region. May 2011 40 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region The SEMI UASI Board chartered the SEMI UASI Interoperable Communications Committee (ICC) to serve as the governing body for interoperable communications in the UASI region. Members of the ICC include representatives from the following public safety and public service disciplines: • Communications • Critical Infrastructure/Utilities • Emergency Management • Emergency Medical Services (EMS) • Fire/Rescue • Information Technology (IT) • Investigations and Intelligence • Law Enforcement • Military • Non–governmental Organizations (NGOs) • Public Health • Public Works • [Add additional organizations] The SEMI UASI TICP addresses interoperable communications equipment and planning for the region. Though each agency, discipline, and jurisdiction participating in this Plan is unique regarding interoperable communication needs and capabilities, proximity to one another, population, and shared incident/event responsibilities allow them to develop a single, consolidated regional TICP rather than several individual, potentially incompatible plans. The TICP, therefore, consolidates information across agencies, disciplines, and jurisdictions by documenting regional communications capabilities in order to provide a usable and accurate regional tactical incident response tool. This TICP was developed under the authority of the Board by the ICC to replace the previous TICP adopted by the SEMI UASI in 2006. 2.2 Governing Body The SEMI UASI Board is a consortium of representatives elected by the Local Planning Team (LPT) from each of the six counties (Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne ) and the city of Detroit located in Regions 2S and 2N (which is analogous to the MSP Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division’s [MSP–EMHS] Second District and the Office of Public Health Preparedness’ [OPHP] bio–defense network’s Region 2S and 2N), and other such entities or individuals as is deemed appropriate by the UASI Board, and certain other representatives as described in the Board’s By–Laws. The SEMI UASI Board chartered the SEMI UASI ICC as the governing body for interoperable communications in the region. The SEMI UASI ICC is comprised of [Voting/Non–Voting] jurisdiction and agency representatives, in addition to the following fixed committee positions: May 2011 41 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • • • • [Title/position] [Title/position] [Title/position] [Title/position] SEMI UASI Board SEMI Board Liaison ________ SEMI UASI Interoperable Communications Committee (ICC) Administrative Support ________ ICC Chair ________ Non-voting Agencies/Advisors _____________ Oakland County 4-members Monroe County 4-members Macomb County 4-members City of Detroit 4-members St. Clair County 4-members Wayne County 4-members Washtenaw County 4-members Figure 1 – SEMI UASI Governance Organizational Chart May 2011 42 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 2.3 Membership Appendix A provides POC information for members of the governing body and its subcommittees. 2.4 UASI ICC Responsibilities The SEMI UASI ICC will: • • • • • • • • • Maintain and update the TICP at regular intervals, or as critical updated information is identified. Maintain and update the SEMI UASI’s radio system and interoperable resource information in the Department of Homeland Security’s Communications Asset Survey and Mapping database. Disseminate updated plans to all participating agencies. Establish training requirements in support of the TICP. Promote interoperable communications capabilities through trained communications personnel. Initiate Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) and Agreements for interoperable communications. Promote regular interoperable equipment/solutions testing, assist agencies with test evaluations, and disseminate the results. Re–evaluate regional requirements as technology evolves and circumstances dictate. Review interoperable communications–related standard operating procedures (SOPs) created by the included agencies, to preclude conflicts or non– compliance with current standards or initiatives. 2.5 Meeting Schedule The SEMI UASI ICC meets bi–monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m., or at the call of the chair. Meetings are scheduled to be held at: Motorola Headquarters 33533 Twelve Mile Road Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Alternative meeting site: Southfield Civic Center Ice Arena Picnic Area 26000 Evergreen Road Southfield, MI 48075. May 2011 43 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 2.6 TICP Maintenance and Update The SEMI UASI ICC has the responsibility to review this document at a meeting called annually by the Chair of the SEMI UASI ICC. Requests for modifications or additions to this document should be submitted to the TICP POC for distribution to the SEMI UASI ICC. Updates to this document can be recommended by any participating agency. Agencies participating in this Plan will be formally notified within 30 days of any approved modifications or additions to this TICP. 2.7 Agency Responsibilities and Rights Agencies will retain the following rights and responsibilities: • • • • Agencies are responsible for considering and, if agreeing to, complying with MOUs and Agreements developed by the SEMI UASI ICC in coordination with their respective jurisdictions. Authorized representatives of agencies participating in this Plan have the authority to request the use of equipment, including systems and mobile assets, in accordance with SOPs. Where applicable, agencies will be responsible for consistently maintaining, testing, and exercising connectivity to interoperable communications. Agencies retain the right to decide when and where to participate in interoperable communications. For example, agencies will retain the right to accept or decline a patch to a gateway system to provide interoperable communications during an incident. 2.8 Prioritization and Shared Use of Regional Interoperability Assets In response to events or incidents that cross–over political jurisdictions, there will potentially be competing demands and priorities for interoperable communications assets. Until such time as a formal Incident Command structure is established, the lead agency designee (i.e., communications supervisor/command personnel), in cooperation with assisting agencies, will have the authority to designate the use of interoperable assets. Once Incident Command has been established, Command Staff or Communication Unit Leaders (COMLs), when designated, direct the further coordination and delegation of the interoperable communications assets assigned to the event or incident in question. Agencies should judiciously activate needed interoperable assets so as to both effectively respond to the event and/or incident and also minimize any negative impact on surrounding agencies or jurisdictions. Specifically, interoperable communications should be attempted with the following order of operations in mind (subject to variability based on the agencies involved and the nature of the event/incident): 1. Leverage face–to–face communications wherever appropriate. For example, the co–location of all Command and General Staff at the Incident Command Post May 2011 44 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region (ICP) provides the best direct communications and reduces the demand on interoperability resources. 2. Employ local communications assets until such time as either those assets become taxed or inadequate based on the nature and/or scope of the incident. 3. If response agencies are users of a shared system, utilize that shared system to establish interoperable communications. 4. If response agencies operate on disparate systems, utilize shared or mutual aid channels to establish interoperable communications. 5. If response agencies do not share systems or channels, utilize a gateway solution to establish interoperable communications. 6. Where interoperable communications cannot otherwise be established between response agencies, utilize swap or cache radios to establish operable communications for responders. 7. If no other method of interoperability can be established, relay communications through staff members. When the same resources are requested for two or more incidents, resource assignments should be based on the priority levels listed below: 1. Disasters, large–scale incidents, or extreme emergencies requiring mutual aid or interagency communications. 2. Incidents where imminent danger exists to life or property. 3. Incidents requiring the response of multiple agencies. 4. Pre–planned events requiring mutual aid or interagency communications. 5. Incidents involving a single agency where supplemental communications are needed for agency use. 6. Drills, tests and exercises. In the event of multiple simultaneous incidents within the same priority level, the resources should be allocated with the following priorities in mind: 1. Incidents with the greatest level of exigency (e.g., greater threat to life or property, more immediate need, etc.) have priority over less exigent incidents. 2. Agencies with single/limited interoperable options have priority use of those options over agencies with multiple interoperable options. 3. When at all possible, agencies already using an interoperable asset during an event should not be redirected to use another resource. Response to an incident that requires mutual aid assistance from another county in the urban area will be coordinated by Emergency Management Coordinators through a formal request executed at the County Executive level. A formal MOU Mutual Aid Agreement has been executed between all six counties and the city of Detroit. By virtue of this MOU Mutual Aid Agreement, jurisdictions will have the capacity to share resources and follow procedures outlined in this TICP. Reference to applicable policy documents, governing documents, MOUs, and sharing agreements can be found in Appendix G. May 2011 45 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 3 Interoperability Equipment, Policies, and Procedures This section describes all interoperable communications equipment in the SEMI UASI and their associated policies and procedures. 3.1 Shared Systems “Shared system” refers to a single radio system used to provide service to several public safety or public service agencies. The table below lists all radio systems shared by more than one public safety or service agency operating in the SEMI UASI. Details on each system are provided in Appendix B. Note: Intra–system “shared channels” refer to common frequencies/talk groups established and programmed into radios to provide interoperable communications among agencies using the same shared radio system. “Channel,” in this context, refers to the name of a common frequency/talk group visually displayed on a user’s radio. Table 2 – SEMI UASI Shared System(s) Radio System Name Make / Model Conference of Eastern Wayne Radio System Motorola / SmartNet Detroit MPSCS (Michigan Public Safety Communication System) Motorola / ASTRO P25 May 2011 Type Analog Digital Frequency Band 800 MHz 800 MHz Owning Agency Service Area Grosse Pointe Farms Grosse Point Farms, Grosse Point Woods, Grosse Point Park, City of Grosse Point, Harper Woods, Grosse Point Shores City of Detroit City of Detroit including cities of Highland Park and Hamtramck 46 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Downriver 800 MHz HEMS UHF MEDCOM HEMS VHF MEDCOM Make / Model Motorola / SmartZone Motorola Motorola Type Analog Analog Analog Frequency Band Owning Agency Service Area 800 MHz Downriver Community Conference Brownstown Township; Grosse Ile Township; cities of Allen Park, Ecorse, Gibraltar, Flatrock, Taylor, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, River Rouge, Riverview, Rockwood, Southgate, Trenton, Woodhaven, and Wyandotte UHF HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS) VHF (HEMS) Wayne County Wayne, Oakland, and Washtenaw Counties Mobile– only System Analog VHF Michigan Association of Fire Chiefs Statewide license; channels can be used for mutual aid response in neighboring states where MABAS channels are authorized Macomb County Public Safety Communications System – MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 Digital 800 MHz Macomb County Macomb County Monroe County MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 Digital 800 MHz Monroe County Monroe County Mutual Aid Box Alarm System (MABAS) Statewide Fire Mutual Aid May 2011 47 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Make / Model Type Frequency Band Owning Agency 800 MHz Michigan Public Safety Communication System State of Michigan Oakland County Service Area MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 OakWIN Harris / Open Sky Digital 800 MHz Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness St. Clair County – MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 Digital 800 MHz St. Clair County; St. Clair County Sheriff St. Clair County Digital Motorola / SmartNet II Analog 800 MHz University of Michigan Police Department University of Michigan campus is primary service area; system serves as a backup to all Washtenaw County – MPSCS users Warren 800 MHz Trunked System Motorola / ASTRO P25 Digital 800 MHz Warren Police Department Cities of Warren and Centerline Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup Motorola / Smartnet Analog 800 MHz Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Washtenaw County Washtenaw County MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 Digital 800 MHz Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Office Washtenaw County Wayne County – MPSCS Motorola Digital 800 MHz Wayne County Central Communications Wayne County Wayne County Central Communications VHF Motorola Analog VHF Wayne County Central Communications Wayne County Westland Police Department Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Inkster, Wayne, and Westland University of Michigan 800 MHz Western Wayne County 800 MHz Radio Consortium May 2011 Motorola Analog / Digital 800 MHz 48 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Region–wide Shared System Technology Overview The SEMI UASI ICC has identified 18 shared communication systems that provide service to the SEMI UASI. General interoperable communications rules of use, policies, and procedures that apply across these systems are detailed below. Region–wide Shared System Policies and Procedures Use the following procedures when requesting, using, or discontinuing the use of shared communication systems: • • • When an individual responder needs to interoperate with other agencies on their same shared system, the responder will notify their dispatch center. The dispatcher can then identify and designate an appropriate channel. In cases where no dispatcher intervention is required, responders still notify dispatch that they are switching to a shared channel to maintain responder safety. Notify dispatch when the interoperability channels/talk groups are no longer required and announce the return to normal operations channels. For extended incidents: o o o The lead agency dispatcher notifies the Communications Coordinator (COMC)/COML/designee that interoperability channels/talk groups are in use. Each agency’s dispatch center tells additional en–route responders what interoperability channels are in use for the incident. The Incident Commander determines when the interoperability channels are no longer required and notifies the appropriate dispatch center. Region–wide Shared System Rules of Use ● National Incident Management System – Use an Incident Command System (ICS) compliant with the National Incident Management System (NIMS) when using any regional interoperability resource. ● Plain Language – All interoperable communications during multi–agency, multi– discipline incidents will be in plain language. Avoid using radio codes, acronyms, and abbreviations as they may cause confusion between agencies. Ensure that all verbal requests for assistance or backup specify the reason for the request. ● Unit Identification – Announce your home agency prior to announcing your unit identifier during interoperable communication situations. (i.e., [Local Example Here]) Region–wide Shared System Problem Identification and Resolution During an incident: • During activation, report shared system problems to the Communications Technician (COMT) or COML/designee assigned to the incident/event, who will follow established agency procedures to resolve the problem. Following an incident, the following general problem identification and resolution processes apply to all shared systems: May 2011 49 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • • Report any problems with the shared system to the appropriate POC for the owning agency listed in Appendix B. The POC will be responsible for ensuring effective resolution to problems that exist with the shared system. Report any unresolved problems with that system directly to the shared system’s POC. The shared system’s POC ensures effective resolution to the reported shared system problems. 3.1.1 Intra–system Shared Interoperability Channel(s) Definition of an Intra–system Shared Channel Intra–system “shared channels” refer to common frequencies/talk groups established and programmed into radios to provide interoperable communications among agencies using the same shared radio system. “Channel,” in this context, refers to the name of a common frequency/talk group visually displayed on a user’s radio. Intra–system Shared Channel Technology Overview The SEMI UASI ICC has identified 18 shared communication systems that provide service to the SEMI UASI. General interoperable communications rules of use, policies, and procedures that apply across these systems are detailed below. Specific shared interoperable communication channels available within the region are listed in the tables below. More detailed information on each channel is documented in Appendix C. Designated Intra–system Interoperability Channel(s) Table 3 – Intra–system Shared Channel(s) System Conference of Eastern Wayne Radio System May 2011 Channel Name DET BUREAU SHARED Primary Use Law Enforcement Frequency Band 800 MHz GROSSE POINT SHORES DET BUREAU Law Enforcement GROSSE POINTE CITY DET BUREAU Law Enforcement 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE CITY SP EVENT Law Enforcement 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE FARMS DET BUREAU Law Enforcement 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE FARMS SP EVENT Law Enforcement 800 MHz EASTLAND 1 Law Enforcement 800 MHz 800 MHz 50 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System May 2011 Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band EASTLAND 2 Law Enforcement 800 MHz GPC LEIN Law Enforcement 800 MHz GPF LEIN Law Enforcement 800 MHz GPP LEIN Law Enforcement 800 MHz GPS LEIN Law Enforcement 800 MHz GPW LEIN Law Enforcement 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE FARMS SP EVENT Law Enforcement 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE PARK DET BUREAU Law Enforcement 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE PARK SP EVENT Law Enforcement 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE SHORES SP EVENT Law Enforcement 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE WOODS DET BUREAU Law Enforcement 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE WOODS SP EVENT Law Enforcement 800 MHz HARPER WOODS DET BUREAU Law Enforcement 800 MHz HARPER WOODS SPECIAL EVENT Law Enforcement 800 MHz HW LEIN Law Enforcement 800 MHz MUT AID Law Enforcement 800 MHz POLICE DISPATCH Law Enforcement 800 MHz POLICE TAC 1 Law Enforcement 800 MHz POLICE TAC 2 Law Enforcement 800 MHz POLICE TAC 3 Law Enforcement 800 MHz SWAT Law Enforcement 800 MHz 51 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band Agencies Supported: Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Harper Woods Police Department Conference of Eastern Wayne Radio System DPW DISPATCH Public Works 800 MHz GROSS POINTE WOODS DPW Public Works 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE SHORES DPW Public Works 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE FARMS PARKS Public Works 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE SHORES PARKS Public Works 800 MHz GROSSE POINTE WOODS PARKS Public Works 800 MHz Agencies Supported: Grosse Point Farms Pier Park; Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPW; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods Parks and Recreation; Harper Woods PD Conference of Eastern Wayne Radio System FIRE & AMBULANCE DISPATCH 800 MHz FIRE TAC 1 800 MHz FIRE TAC 2 800 MHz Agencies Supported: Eastpointe FD; Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Harper Woods FD; Harper Woods PD HEMS UHF MEDCOM MED 1 Medical Coordination UHF MED 2 Medical Coordination UHF MED 3 Medical Coordination UHF MED 4 Medical Coordination UHF MED 5 Medical Coordination UHF MED 6 Medical Coordination UHF MED 7 Medical Coordination UHF MED 8 Medical Coordination UHF May 2011 52 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band MED 9 Medical Coordination UHF MED 10 Medical Coordination UHF Agencies Supported: Botsford Hospital; Dearborn FD; Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center; Garden City Hospital; HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS); Henry Ford Cottage Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Providence Hospital – Novi; Providence Hospital – Southfield; Saint John Hospital and Medical Center; Sinai Grace Hospital; University of Michigan Health Systems; Wayne County DOH HEMS VHF MEDCOM HERN 155.340 Medical Coordination VHF HERN 155.340 Medical Coordination VHF Agencies Supported: Botsford Hospital; Dearborn FD; Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center; Garden City FD; HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS); Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Providence Hospital – Novi; Providence Hospital – Southfield; Sinai Grace Hospital; University of Michigan Health Systems MABAS Statewide Fire Mutual Aid FG–BLACK Fire mutual aid VHF FG–BLUE Fire mutual aid VHF FG-GOLD Fire mutual aid VHF FG–GRAY Fire mutual aid VHF FG–RED Fire mutual aid VHF FG–WHITE Fire mutual aid VHF FG–IFERN Fire mutual aid VHF FG–IFERN2 Fire mutual aid VHF VCALL National mutual aid calling channel VHF VTAC11 National mutual aid tactical channel VHF May 2011 53 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band VTAC12 National mutual aid tactical channel VHF VTAC13 National mutual aid tactical channel VHF VTAC14 National mutual aid tactical channel VHF Agencies Supported: Addison Township FD; Auburn Hills FD; Beverly Hills DPS; Birmingham FD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Township FD; Brandon Township FD; Clawson FD; Commerce Township FD; Farmington DPS; Ferndale FD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park FD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Huntington Woods DPS; Independence Township FD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Michigan Association of Fire Chiefs; Milford FD; Novi FD; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Township FD; Oxford FD; Pontiac FD; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills FD; Royal Oak FD; South Lyon FD; Southfield FD; Springfield Township FD; Troy City FD; Walled Lake FD; Waterford FD; West Bloomfield FD; White Lake FD; Wixom FD Macomb County Public Safety Communications System – MPSCS 50SJMAC ZONE M 800 MHz 50SJMTH ZONE M 800 MHz 63CRITT ZONE M 800 MHz 63OAKH ZONE M 800 MHz 63SJOAK ZONE M 800 MHz 63WBHT ZONE M 800 MHz 82SJHMC ZONE M 800 MHz 50ESTAG ZONE M 800 MHz 50ETRAN ZONE M 800 MHz 50ETRIA ZONE M 800 MHz 50HFMAC ZONE M 800 MHz 50HFWAR ZONE M 800 MHz 50MCRMC ZONE M 800 MHz 50SPEV1 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV10 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV12 ZONE N 800 MHz May 2011 54 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System May 2011 Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band 50SPEV13 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV14 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV15 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV16 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV3 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV4 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV5 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV6 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV7 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV8 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV9 ZONE N 800 MHz 50SPEV2 ZONE N 800 MHz S0SPEV11 ZONE N 800 MHz 50AREA1 ZONE O 800 MHz 50AREA2 ZONE O 800 MHz 50AREA3 ZONE O 800 MHz 50COMMS ZONE O 800 MHz 50EMCOM ZONE O 800 MHz 50FDCOM ZONE O 800 MHz 50MCI ZONE O 800 MHz 50DACOM ZONE O 800 MHz 50HDCOM ZONE O 800 MHz 50HSCOM ZONE O 800 MHz 50PDCOM ZONE O 800 MHz 50PICOM ZONE O 800 MHz 50PWCOM ZONE O 800 MHz 55 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band 50RDCOM ZONE O 800 MHz 74E911 ZONE P 800 MHz 50MCHD ZONE P 800 MHz 50SAEMS ZONE P 800 MHz 50MSEM1 ZONE P 800 MHz 50UAEMS ZONE P 800 MHz AIRLZ1 ZONE P 800 MHz AIRLZ2 ZONE P 800 MHz CHOPHP1 ZONE P 800 MHz CHREG2N ZONE P 800 MHz 50RLEMS ZONE P 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Macomb County Public Safety Communications System – MPSCS 50ARFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50BRFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50CHFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50CTFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50EPFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50FRFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50HWFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50NBFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50HTFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50MTFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50LXFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50MCFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50NHFD ZONE W 800 MHz 50UTFD ZONE X 800 MHz May 2011 56 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System May 2011 Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band 50DAFD ZONE X 800 MHz 50RMFD ZONE X 800 MHz 50FIRE2 ZONE X 800 MHz 50RVFD ZONE X 800 MHz 50SCFD ZONE X 800 MHz 50STFD ZONE X 800 MHz 50RTFD ZONE X 800 MHz 50WTFD ZONE X 800 MHz 50SFFD ZONE X 800 MHz 50BRFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50CHFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50CTFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50FRFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50EPFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50HTFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50HWFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50LXFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50MCFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50MTFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50NBFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50NHFD2 ZONE Y 800 MHz 50DAFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz 50RMFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz 50RTFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz 50RVFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz 50SCFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz 57 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use 50SFFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz 50SHFD ZONE X 800 MHz 50SHFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz 50FIRE1 ZONE Z 800 MHz 50UTFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz 50WTFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz Warren ZONE X 800 MHz 50STFD2 ZONE Z 800 MHz CNTRLN ZONES W & Y 800 MHz 50EMER4 ZONE W, X, Y & Z 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All fire departments on system Macomb County Public Safety Communications System – MPSCS 50COM Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Monroe County MPSCS MPSCS COUNTY COMMON 800 MHz 50SPEV1 Events 800 MHz 50SPEV2 Events 800 MHz 58COMMON 58 Common: Car to Car 800 MHz 58EMER1 Tactical 800 MHz 58EMER2 Tactical 800 MHz 58EMER3 Tactical 800 MHz 58EMER4 Tactical 800 MHz 58EMER5 Tactical 800 MHz Operations 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Monroe County MPSCS 58F911 Agencies Supported: All fire departments on system May 2011 Frequency Band 58 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Patching (Lucas County, OH) Frequency Band 800 MHz Monroe County MPSCS 58INTEROP Agencies Supported: Lucas County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office; Monroe County Central Dispatch; all public safety agencies on system Monroe County MPSCS 58P911 Operations 800 MHz 58JAIL Operations 800 MHz 58LAW1 58 Law 1: Tactical 800 MHz 58LAW2 58 Law 2: Tactical 800 MHz 58LEIN Operations 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All law enforcement agencies on system Monroe County MPSCS 58MCEMD Agencies Supported: Monroe County Emergency Management; Monroe Township FD Monroe County MPSCS 58MMH1 Medical Operations 800 MHz 58MMH2 Medical Operations 800 MHz 58MMH3 Medical Operations 800 MHz 58MMH4 Medical Operations 800 MHz 58MMH5 Medical Operations 800 MHz Tactical 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All fire departments on system Monroe County MPSCS 58P911 Agencies Supported: Bedford Township PD; Dundee PD; Erie Township PD; Luna Pier PD; Monroe City PD; Monroe County Animal Control; Monroe County Road Commission; Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Corrections Division; Monroe County Sheriff’s Office; South Rockwood PD MPSCS Zone E May 2011 Operations 800 MHz STATW1 (Lansing) Hailing; Region 1 800 MHz STATW2 (Detroit) Hailing; Region 2 800 MHz STATW3 (Bridgeport) Hailing; Region 3 800 MHz STATW5 (Paw Paw) Hailing; Region 5 800 MHz 59 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band STATW6 (Rockford) Hailing; Region 6 800 MHz STATW7 (Gaylord) Hailing; Region 7 800 MHz STATW8 (Negaunee) Hailing; Region 8 800 MHz Event Channels 800 MHz Event Channels 800 MHz Law Enforcement Event Channels 800 MHz MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Fire Talk 800 MHz Zone G Event 1–15 Zone H Event 16–30 Zone I Event 31–45 Agencies Supported: All agencies on system OakWIN 63F911 Agencies Supported: All fire departments on system OakWIN 63MPSC1 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop 800 MHz 63MPSC2 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop 800 MHz 63MPSC3 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop 800 MHz 63MPSC4 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop 800 MHz 63MPSC5 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop 800 MHz MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Law Talk 800 MHz NE_OP1 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz NE_OP2 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All agencies on system OakWIN 63P911 May 2011 60 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band NE_OP2 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz NE_OP3 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz NE_OP4 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz NW_OP1 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz NW_OP2 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz NW_OP3 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz NW_OP4 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz SE_OP1 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz SE_OP2 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz SE_OP3 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz SE_OP4 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz SW_OP1 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz SW_OP2 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz SW_OP3 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz SW_OP4 Shared Police Tactical Channel 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All police agencies on system OakWIN CW_EMSC Countywide EMS Calling 800 MHz CW_EMS1 Countywide EMS Interop 800 MHz CW_EMS2 Countywide EMS Interop 800 MHz May 2011 61 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band CW_EMS3 Countywide EMS Interop 800 MHz CW_EMS4 Countywide EMS Interop 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All EMS agencies OakWIN CW_FD1 Countywide Fire Interop 800 MHz CW_FD2 Countywide Fire Interop 800 MHz CW_FD3 Countywide Fire Interop 800 MHz CW_FD4 Countywide Fire Interop 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All fire departments on system OakWIN CW_POL1 Countywide Police Interop 800 MHz CW_POL2 Countywide Police Interop 800 MHz CW_POL3 Countywide Police Interop 800 MHz CW_POL4 Countywide Police Interop 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All police agencies on system OakWIN EV_1 Special events 1 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_10 Special Events 10 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_11 Special Events 11 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_12 Special Events 12 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_13 Special Events 13 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_2 Special Events 2 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_3 Special Events 3 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_4 Special Events 4 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_5 Special Events 5 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz May 2011 62 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band EV_6 Special Events 6 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_7 Special Events 7 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_8 Special Events 8 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz EV_9 Special Events 9 – Multi– TAC 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All agencies on system OakWIN MABAS_D MABAS Dispatch 800 MHz MABAS_1 through MABAS_3 MABAS Auto Aid 800 MHz MABAS4 through MABAS14 MABAS Tactical 800 MHz MABAS24 through MABAS34 MABAS Tactical 800 MHz STAGE_1 MABAS Staging 800 MHz STAGE_2 MABAS Staging 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All OakWIN fire radios and all PSAPs on system St. Clair County – MPSCS 74COM County Common 800 MHz 74E911 EMS Dispatch County Wide 800 MHz 74F911 Fire Dispatch County Wide 800 MHz 74P911 County Dispatch 800 MHz 74SPEV1 Incident Coordination 1 800 MHz 74SPEV2 Incident Coordination 2 800 MHz 74SPEV3 Incident Coordination 3 800 MHz 74SPEV4 74SPEV4 800 MHz Warren Police and TACOM Police 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Warren 800 MHz Trunked System Dispatch May 2011 63 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band Agencies Supported: Center Line Public Safety; Chelsea PD; Chesterfield PD; City of Richmond PD; Clinton Township PD; Eastern Michigan University PD; Eastpointe PD; Fraser Public Safety; Macomb Community College PD; Macomb County Sheriff; Memphis PD; Milan PD; New Baltimore PD; New Haven PD; Northfield Township PD; Pittsfield Township PD; Romeo PD; Roseville PD; Saline PD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) PD; Shelby Township PD; St. Clair Shores PD; Sterling Heights PD; U.S. Army Garrison Police and Fire Department (TACOM FD); Utica PD; Village of Armada PD; Warren PD; Ypsilanti PD Warren 800 MHz Trunked System Fire Agencies Supported: Armada Township FD; Augusta Township FD; Bruce–Romeo FD; Center Line FD; Chesterfield FD; City of Richmond FD; Clinton FD; Clinton Township FD; Dexter FD; Eastpointe FD; Harrison Township FD; Lenox Township FD; Macomb Township FD; Manchester FD; Memphis FD; Milan FD; Mount Clemens FD; New Baltimore FD; New Haven FD; Northfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township FD; Ray Township FD; Roseville FD; Salem Township FD; Saline FD; Scio Township FD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base FD; Shelby Township FD; St. Clair Shores FD; Sterling Heights FD; Superior FD; U.S. Army Garrison PD and FD (TACOM FD); Utica FD; Warren FD; Washington Township FD; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti Township FD Washtenaw County MPSCS 8 1INTEROP 5 Interoperability 800 MHz 81COM County Common 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 1 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 10 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 11 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 12 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 13 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 14 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 15 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 2 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 3 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 4 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 6 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 7 Interoperability 800 MHz May 2011 Warren Fire Dispatch 800 MHz 64 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band 81 INTEROP 8 Interoperability 800 MHz 81 INTEROP 9 Interoperability 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Detroit MPSCS 82COM Interoperability 800 MHz DECOM1 Interoperability 800 MHz DECOM2 Interoperability 800 MHz DECOM3 Interoperability 800 MHz DECOM4 Interoperability 800 MHz 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Detroit MPSCS DEPSC1 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC10 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC11 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC2 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC3 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC4 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC5 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC6 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC7 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC8 Interoperability 800 MHz DEPSC9 Interoperability 800 MHz Agencies Supported: Detroit Emergency Management; Detroit Fire EMD; Detroit PD Downriver 800 MHz APCT1 800 MHz APCT2 800 MHz May 2011 APFD1 Fire Operations 800 MHz APFD2 Fire Operations 800 MHz 65 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name Primary Use APFD3 Fire Operations 800 MHz APPD1 Police Operations 800 MHz APPD2 Police Operations 800 MHz APPD3 Police Operations 800 MHz BRTCT1 800 MHz BRTCT2 800 MHz BRTF1 Fire Operations 800 MHz BRTF2 Fire Operations 800 MHz BRTP1 Police Operations 800 MHz BRTP2 Police Operations 800 MHz BRTP3 Police Operations 800 MHz COURT 800 MHz DMA–1 Mutual Aid 800 MHz DMA–2 Mutual Aid 800 MHz DMA–FD Mutual Aid 800 MHz DMA–PD Mutual Aid 800 MHz DMACT Mutual Aid 800 MHz DREMS1 EMS Operations 800 MHz DREMS2 EMS Operations 800 MHz DREMS3 EMS Operations 800 MHz DREMS4 EMS Operations 800 MHz ECCT1 800 MHz FD–N Fire Operations 800 MHz FD–S Fire Operations 800 MHz GICT2 GIFD1 May 2011 Frequency Band 800 MHz Fire Operations 800 MHz 66 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System May 2011 Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band GIFD2 Fire Operations 800 MHz GIFD3 Fire Operations 800 MHz GIPD1 Police Operations 800 MHz GIPD2 Police Operations 800 MHz GIPD3 Police Operations 800 MHz GITCT1 800 MHz GITCT2 800 MHz GITF1 Fire Operations 800 MHz GITF2 Fire Operations 800 MHz GITF3 Fire Operations 800 MHz GITP1 Police Operations 800 MHz GITP2 Police Operations 800 MHz GITP3 Police Operations 800 MHz LPCT1 800 MHz LPCT2 800 MHz LPFD1 Fire Operations 800 MHz LPFD2 Fire Operations 800 MHz LPFD3 Fire Operations 800 MHz LPPD1 Police Operations 800 MHz LPPD2 Police Operations 800 MHz LPPD3 Police Operations 800 MHz MECT1 800 MHz MECT2 800 MHz PD–N Police Operations 800 MHz PD–S Police Operations 800 MHz TAC–FD Fire Operations 800 MHz 67 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Channel Name TAC–PD Primary Use Frequency Band Police Operations 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Wayne County – MPSCS 82COM County Common 800 MHz 82EMD1 Emergency Management 800 MHz 82EMD2 Emergency Management 800 MHz 82F911 Fire Common 800 MHz 82HD Wayne County Health Department 800 MHz 82MCA1 Mass Casualty 800 MHz 82MCA2 Mass Casualty 800 MHz 82MCA3 Mass Casualty 800 MHz 82MCA4 Mass Casualty 800 MHz 82P911 Police Common 800 MHz 82SPEV1 Events Channel 800 MHz 82SPEV2 Events Channel 800 MHz 82SPEV3 Events Channel 800 MHz 82SPEV4 Events Channel 800 MHz 82SPEV5 Events Channel 800 MHz Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Wayne County – MPSCS 58MCA Monroe County MCA 800 MHz (Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition Channels) 81MCA Washtenaw County MCA 800 MHz 82EMD2 Emergency Management 800 MHz CHOPHP1 MDCH OPHP 1 800 MHz May 2011 68 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System May 2011 Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band CHREG2S Regional communications between hospital facilities and the R2S MCC at HEMS. Monitored 24/7 by the R2S MCC and hospital facilities. Home TG for hospital and full radios. EMMD2 Region 2 EMA State Channel FDEDISP1 Detroit MCA (Detroit EMS Dispatch) 800 MHz 82MCA Wayne County MCA 800 MHz R2SMCC1 Medical Coordinating Center TG1 800 MHz R2SMCC2 Medical Coordinating Center TG1 800 MHz R2SMCC3 Medical Coordinating Center TG1 800 MHz R2SMCC4 Medical Coordinating Center TG1 800 MHz R2STAC1 EMS Tactical Operations 800 MHz R2STAC2 EMS Tactical Operations 800 MHz R2STAC3 EMS Tactical Operations 800 MHz R2STAC4 EMS Tactical Operations 800 MHz R2STAC5 EMS Tactical Operations 800 MHz 800 MHz 800 MHz 69 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region System Agencies Supported: Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band Beaumont Hospital Grosse Pointe; Chelsea Community Hospital; Children's Hospital of Michigan; Detroit Fire EMD; Detroit Hope Hospital; Detroit Medical Center (DMC); Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center; Garden City Hospital; Harper-Hutzel University Hospital; Health Link MTS; HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS); Henry Ford Cottage Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane; Henry Ford– Brownstown Center For Health Services; Huron Valley Ambulance; John D. Dingell Center VA Medical; Karmanos Cancer Center; Mercy Memorial Hospital; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Healthcare Center Canton; Oakwood Healthcare System; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition; Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan; Saint John Hospital and Medical Center; Select Specialty Hospital – Ann Arbor; Select Specialty Hospital – Grosse Pointe; Select Specialty Hospital Downriver (formerly Wyandotte); Select Specialty Hospital NW Detroit; Sinai Grace Hospital; St Joseph Mercy Hospital – Ann Arbor; St. John Hospital and Medical Center; St. Joseph Mercy – Saline Hospital; St. Joseph Mercy Hospital –Ypsilanti; St. Mary Mercy Hospital; Triumph Hospital Detroit; University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers; Veterans Administration Hospital; Veterans Affairs Medical Center – Ann Arbor; Veterans Affairs Medical Center – John D. Dingell; Vibra Hospital of Southeastern Michigan (formerly Kindred Hospital) SEMI UASI Intra–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures The policies and procedures in this section apply to the local, regional, State, and Federal channels shared across multiple systems. SEMI UASI Intra–system Shared Channel Rules of Use Intra–system shared channels are common frequencies/talk groups established and programmed into radios to provide interoperable communications among agencies using the same shared radio system. The following rules of use apply to these channels: • • • National Incident Management System – Use an ICS compliant with NIMS when using any regional interoperability resource. Plain Language – All interoperable communications during multi–agency, multi– discipline incidents will be in plain language. Avoid using radio codes, acronyms, and abbreviations as they may cause confusion between agencies. Ensure that all verbal requests for assistance or backup specify the reason for the request. Unit Identification – Announce your home agency prior to announcing your unit identifier during interoperable communication situations. (i.e., [Local Example Here]) SEMI UASI Intra–system Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution During an incident: May 2011 70 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • During activation, report shared channels problems to the COMT or COML/designee assigned to the incident/event, who will follow established agency procedures to resolve the problem. Following an incident, the following general problem identification and resolution processes apply to all shared channels: • Report any problems with the intra–system shared channel to the appropriate POC for the owning agency listed in Appendix B. The POC will be responsible for ensuring effective resolution to problems that exist with the intra–system shared channel. • Report any unresolved problems with that system directly to the shared radio system POC. The shared radio system POC ensures effective resolution to the reported intra–system shared channel problems. MPSCS Intra–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures The following procedures govern the use of MPSCS Zone E, G, H, and I channels: Zone E – State–Wide Talk Groups (STATW#) Zone E contains seven state–wide talk groups that are valid anywhere in the state. The number corresponds to an MSP regional dispatch center. All MPSCS members have access to all seven state–wide talk groups. These talk groups allow statewide communications for MPSCS members and could be used to maintain communications with their respective agencies or to communicate with any other MPSCS member anywhere in the state. A state–wide talk groups is monitored by a specific MSP Regional Dispatch Center. The regional dispatch centers do not monitor all STATW# talk groups. When calling a Regional Dispatch Center, identify the talk group you are using and speak in plain language. For example – “Station 10 from St. Clair County EMS on State–wide 1.” • STATW1 is monitored by Station 10 in Lansing. • STATW2 is monitored by Station 20 in Detroit. • STATW3 is monitored by Station 30 in Bridgeport. • STATW5 is monitored by Station 50 in Paw Paw. • STATW6 is monitored by Station 60 in Rockford. • STATW7 is monitored by Station 70 in Gaylord. • STATW8 is monitored by Station 80 in Negaunee MPSCS encourages individual departments and dispatch centers to monitor the STATW2 talk group in the SEMI UASI. Zone G – Event Talk Groups (G EVENT 1–15) Zone G contains 15 talk groups – called Special Event talk groups – that are available to all MPSCS members. These are “spare” talk groups programmed into all MPSCS radios and were designed to be used by MPSCS members for “special events” such as disasters, law enforcement operations, training, public events, etc. The G EVENT# talk May 2011 71 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region groups are “turned off” until an MPSCS member requests activation of one or more of these talk groups from the Network Communications Center (NCC), phone 517–333– 5050. If an MPSCS member knows in advance of the need for a Special Event talk group, such as for training or a public event, the member should contact the NCC prior to the event. The staff at the NCC will ask how many talk groups are needed and what geographic area the Special Event is being conducted in so they will know on which towers to activate the Special Event talk group(s). Special Event talk groups can be activated in a very short period of time in cases of emergency. The use of a Special Event talk group allows MPSCS members to maintain normal communications within their respective agencies during instances where additional communications channels are needed. The use of Special Event talk groups also allows “interoperability” among MPSCS members in cases of mutual aid. Zone H – Event Talk Groups (H EVENT 16–30) Zone H contains 15 talk groups – called Special Event talk groups – that are available to all MPSCS members. These are “spare” talk groups programmed into all MPSCS radios and were designed to be used by MPSCS members for “special events” such as disasters, law enforcement operations, training, public events, etc. The H EVENT## talk groups are “turned off” until an MPSCS member requests activation of one or more of these talk groups from the NCC, phone 517–333–5050. If an MPSCS member knows in advance of the need for a Special Event talk group, such as for training or a public event, the member should contact the NCC prior to the event. The staff at the NCC will ask how many talk groups are needed and what geographic area the Special Event is being conducted in so they will know on which towers to activate the Special Event talk group(s). Special Event talk groups can be activated in a very short period of time in cases of emergency. The use of a Special Event talk group allows MPSCS members to maintain normal communications within their respective agencies during instances where additional communications channels are needed. The use of Special Event talk groups also allows “interoperability” among MPSCS members in cases of mutual aid. Zone I – Event Talk Groups – Law Enforcement Only (I EVENT 31–45) Zone I contains 16 talk groups – called Special Event talk groups – that are available only to law enforcement agencies who are MPSCS members. These are “spare” talk groups programmed into all MPSCS law enforcement radios and were designed to be used by law enforcement for “special events” such as disasters, law enforcement operations, training, public events, etc. where a greater degree of security is desired. The I EVENT## talk groups are “turned off” until an MPSCS law enforcement member requests activation of one or more of these talk groups from the NCC, phone 517–333– 5050. If a MPSCS law enforcement member knows in advance of the need for a Special Event talk group, such as for training or a public event, the member should contact the NCC prior to the event. The staff at the NCC will ask how many talk groups are needed and what geographic area the Special Event is being conducted in so they will know on May 2011 72 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region which towers to activate the Special Event talk group(s). Special Event talk groups can be activated in a very short period of time in cases of emergency. The use of a Special Event talk group allows MPSCS law enforcement members to maintain normal communications within their respective agencies during instances where additional communications channels are needed. The use of the I Zone Special Event talk groups also allows “interoperability” among MPSCS law enforcement members in cases of mutual aid. 3.2 Inter–system Shared Channel(s) Policies and Procedures Definition of a Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel Inter–system “shared channels” refer to common frequencies/talk groups established and programmed into radios to provide interoperable communications among agencies using different radio systems. “Channel,” in this context, refers to the name of a common frequency/talk group visually displayed on a user’s radio. Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel Technology Overview Specific inter–system shared interoperable communication channels available within the region are listed in the tables below. More detailed information on each channel is documented in Appendix C. Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures The policies and procedures in this section apply to the local, regional, State, and Federal channels shared across multiple systems. • National Interoperability Channel Naming – Standardized channel naming shall be used by all agencies for national public safety interoperability channels as specified in the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials, Inc. (APCO) document Standard Channel Nomenclature for the Public Safety Interoperability Channels. (Reference: ). • National Interoperability Channel Programming – National mutual aid channels will be programmed in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security’s National Interoperability Field Operations Guide (Reference: Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel Rules of Use Inter–system shared channels are reserved for situations that require interoperable communications to coordinate multiple public safety entities and/or activities across two or more separate radio systems. The following rules of use apply to these channels: • • National Incident Management System – Use an ICS compliant with NIMS when using any regional interoperability resource. Plain Language – All interoperable communications during multi–agency, multi– discipline incidents will be in plain language. Avoid using radio codes, acronyms, May 2011 73 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region and abbreviations as they may cause confusion between agencies. Ensure that all verbal requests for assistance or backup specify the reason for the request. Unit Identification – Announce your home agency prior to announcing your unit identifier during interoperable communication situations. (i.e., [Local Example Here]) • Region–wide Inter–system Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution During an incident: • During activation, report shared channels problems to the COMT or COML/designee assigned to the incident/event, who will follow established agency procedures to resolve the problem. Following an incident, the following general problem identification and resolution processes apply to all shared channels: • Report any problems with the inter–system shared channel to the appropriate POC for the owning agency listed in Appendix C. The POC will be responsible for ensuring effective resolution to problems that exist with the inter–system shared channel. Report any unresolved problems with that system directly to the SEMI UASI TICP POC. The SEMI UASI TICP POC ensures effective resolution to the reported inter–system shared channel problems. • Michigan Emergency Public Safety System (MEPSS) Intra–system Shared Channel MEPSS Intra–system Shared Channel Technology Overview Statewide VHF law enforcement mutual aid channel that uses conventional analog frequency 155.865 MHz MEPSS Designated Inter–system Interoperability Channel(s) Table 4 – Inter-system Shared Channel(s) Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band MEPSS Mutual aid law enforcement channel used statewide in Michigan by VHF users Agencies Supported: Conference of Eastern Wayne; Detroit Police Department, Michigan State Police, Wayne County Central Communications VHF MEPSS Inter–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures The radio frequency of 155.865 MHz will be used as a mobile emergency channel for mutual aid purposes. Base stations are strategically located throughout the state of Michigan for emergency contact for any mobile unit equipped with the MEPSS frequency. Base stations shall be installed and operated only as approved and recommended by the Michigan Public–Safety Frequency Advisory Committee. See for contact information. May 2011 74 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Requirements of Prime Station Locations • 24–hour/7–day–a–week established dispatching service. • Personnel dedicated to radio dispatching on every shift. • Point–to–point communications facilities, either LEIN, radio or both. Technical Requirements • Tone squelch shall not be used in the system. MEPSS Inter–system Shared Channel Rules of Use Channel is to be used for police mutual aid. Rules of use are established by Michigan Public–Safety Frequency Advisory Committee. MEPSS Inter–system Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution Problems will be identified/resolved by the requesting agency. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel DNR Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel Technology Overview Statewide VHF fire ground channel. DNR Fire Ground Designated Inter–system Interoperability Channel(s) Table 5 – Inter–system Shared Channel(s) Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band DNR Fire Ground Mutual aid fire channel used statewide in Michigan by VHF users. Agencies Supported: Garden City Fire Department; Grosse Ile Fire Department VHF DNR Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures In Michigan, radio frequency 154.295 MHz has been designated exclusively as an interagency fire coordinating system known as the State Fire Emergency Radio Frequency. The statewide use of this emergency channel provides the following: • Provides improved command and control communications to supervisory personnel in situations where fire agencies from multiple jurisdictions respond to mutual aid requests or other emergencies. • Permits direct mobile/portable to mobile/portable emergency communications between fire units from different jurisdictions. May 2011 75 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Coordination of Regulatory Affairs As with other fire service communications systems, any fire system operating on 154.295 MHz must be licensed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and operated in accordance with its rules. The entity responsible for day–to–day operation of the network will be responsible for all licensing and regulatory matters. Each application for use of the frequency must first be submitted to the Frequency Advisory Committee for Michigan. Detailed technical and operating plans for the network must also be submitted to the fire frequency coordinator and the fire coordinating communications governing board. If the request conforms to the planned use of the frequency, a recommendation will be made by the frequency coordinator to grant the request. The frequency coordinator’s recommendation must then accompany the application when it is filed with the commission. Applications for the use of the frequency should be submitted to the Frequency Advisory Committee for Michigan. See for contact information. DNR Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel Rules of Use Establishment of Operating Standards The dedicated frequency 154.295 MHz for use in an interagency fire coordination radio network is a valuable communications tool where regular radio services are not available. However, superfluous and uncontrolled traffic on the channel would ultimately defeat its intended purpose. A principal objective of the network operating procedure must be to establish a means of assuring disciplined and professional use of the system. Rigid control of radio traffic and enforcement of the governing board’s policies are necessary to maintain system integrity and to prevent license revocation by the FCC. The fire coordinating radio network is exclusively for portable and mobile service. Mobile installation must be limited to fire vehicles, in accordance with FCC rules and regulations for use of the frequency. Operating procedures on the channel will follow those procedures outlined in the Associated Public–Safety Communication Officials, Inc. (APCO) Manual of system operating procedures. Codes shall not be used in multi– jurisdictional radio transmissions. When many units are involved in multi–jurisdictional mobilizations, individual mobile and portable operators must exercise discretion to avoid overloading the fire coordination channel. Intra–departmental transmissions must be on the department’s regularly assigned frequency. Only those transmissions necessary to coordinate emergency response scene measures with multi–jurisdictional units may be conducted over the 154.295 MHz system. DNR Fire Ground Inter–system Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution Problems will be identified/resolved by requesting agency. Hospital Emergency Radio Network (HERN) Inter–system Shared Channel HERN Inter–system Shared Channel Technology Overview Statewide VHF MEDCOM or emergency medical channels used by ambulance services and hospitals for ambulance–to–hospital coordination and on–scene medical care coordination. May 2011 76 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region HERN Designated Inter–system Interoperability Channel(s) Table 6 – Inter–system Shared Channel(s) Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band HERN 155.340 Reserved for communications between hospitals (and other facilities equipped for receiving emergency patients) and EMS personnel for the purpose of coordination and instruction regarding care and transport of patients in the rendition or delivery of emergency medical services. Dispatch and paging operations are not allowed on this frequency. (Commonly known as the HEAR or HERN channel) VHF HERN 155.400 St. Clair, Macomb, Oakland, Wayne, Monroe, Washtenaw and Livingston; this frequency is reserved for disaster coordination purposes and as a secondary HEAR/HERN channel. VHF Agencies Supported: May 2011 Allen Park FD; Alliance EMS; Beaumont Hospital – Royal Oak; Beaumont Hospital Grosse Pointe; Beaumont Medical Transport; Belleville FD; Botsford Hospital; Brownstown FD; Canton Township FD; Chelsea Community Hospital; Children’s Hospital of Michigan; City of Richmond / Lennox EMS; Community EMS; Concord EMS; Crittenton Hospital and Medical Center; Dearborn FD; Detroit Fire EMD; Detroit Medical Center (DMC); Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center; DMCare Express; Doctors Hospital of Michigan; Ecorse FD; Flat Rock FD; Garden City FD; Garden City Hospital; Gibraltar FD; Grosse Ile FD; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Harper Woods FD; Harper–Hutzel University Hospital; HealthLink MTS; HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS); Henry Ford Hospital – Warren; Henry Ford Cottage Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital – Clinton Township Campus; Henry Ford Hospital – Macomb; Henry Ford Hospital – Sterling Heights; Henry Ford Hospital – Warren Campus; Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane; Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital; Henry Ford– Brownstown: Center For Health Services; Highland Park FD; Huron Township FD; Huron Valley Ambulance; Huron Valley–Sinai Hospital; Inkster FD; Ira Township EMS; Life Flight; Lincoln Park FD; Livonia FD; Medic One Ambulance Service; Medical Control Authority – Oakland County; Medstar Ambulance; Melvindale FD; Mercy Memorial Hospital; Metropolitan Airport FD; Midwest Medflight; Monroe Community Ambulance; Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center; Northville FD; Northville Township FD; Oakland Regional Hospital; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital & Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Plymouth Community FD; POH – Clarkston; POH Medical Center – Pontiac; Port Huron (City of); Port Huron Hospital; Providence Hospital – Novi; Providence Hospital – Southfield; Rapid Response EMS; Redford Fire Department; Region 2 North; River Rouge FD; Riverview FD; Rockwood FD; Romulus FD; Saint John Hospital and Medical Center; Sevestal FD; Sinai Grace Hospital; 77 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band Southgate FD; St John Hospital – Macomb–Oakland; St John Hospital and Medical Center– North Shores Campus; St Joseph Mercy Hospital – Ann Arbor; St. John Hospital and Medical Center; St. Joseph Mercy – Port Huron; St. Joseph Mercy Pontiac; St. Mary Mercy Hospital; Star EMS; Sumpter Township FD; Superior Ambulance; Taylor FD; Trenton FD; Tri Hospital EMS; UMHS – Survival Flight; Universal Macomb Ambulance; University of Michigan Health Systems; Van Buren FD; Wayne County Airport Authority; Wayne FD; Westland FD; William Beaumont Hospital – Troy; Woodhaven FD; Wyandotte FD HERN 155.355 Agencies Supported: Mobile and portable only; on–scene coordination of EMS resources; mutual aid; tactical operations. VHF Allen Park FD; Alliance EMS; Beaumont Medical Transport; Belleville FD; Brownstown FD; Canton Township FD; City of Richmond / Lennox EMS; Community EMS; Concord EMS; Dearborn FD; Detroit Fire EMD; DMCare Express; Ecorse FD; Flat Rock FD; Garden City FD; Gibraltar FD; Grosse Ile FD; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Harper Woods FD; HealthLink MTS; HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS); Highland Park FD; Huron Township FD; Huron Valley Ambulance; Inkster FD; Ira Township EMS; Life Flight; Lincoln Park FD; Livonia FD; Medic One Ambulance Service; Medstar Ambulance; Melvindale FD; Metropolitan Airport FD; Midwest Medflight; Monroe Community Ambulance; Northville FD; Northville Township FD; Plymouth Community FD; Rapid Response EMS; Redford FD; River Rouge FD; Riverview FD; Rockwood FD; Romulus FD; Sevestal FD; Southgate FD; Sumpter Township FD; Superior Ambulance; Taylor FD; Trenton FD; Tri Hospital EMS; UMHS – Survival Flight; Universal Macomb Ambulance; Van Buren FD; Wayne FD; Westland FD; Woodhaven FD; Wyandotte FD HERN Inter–system Shared Channel Policies and Procedures All ambulances in the state of Michigan are required to be equipped with radios to operate on HERN 155.340 MHz for ambulance–to–hospital coordination for communications between hospitals (and other facilities equipped for receiving emergency patients) and EMS personnel for the purpose of coordination and instruction regarding care and transport of patients in the rendering or delivery of emergency medical services. In St. Clair, Macomb, Oakland, Wayne, Monroe, Washtenaw and Livingston, the frequency 155.400 MHz is reserved for disaster coordination purposes and as a secondary HEAR/HERN channel. All ambulances are required to be equipped with radios to operate on 155.355 MHz to be used only in mobiles and portables for on– scene coordination of EMS resources, mutual aid, and tactical operations. Macomb County Central Dispatch, HEMS MCA dispatch, and Huron Valley Ambulance dispatch have console patch capabilities to connect HEAR 155.340 with MPSCS channels. May 2011 78 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region HERN Inter–system Shared Channel Rules of Use Rules governing the use of these channels are established by the Michigan Department of Health and local Medical Control Authorities. HERN Inter–system Shared Channel Problem ID and Resolution Problems will be identified/resolved by requesting agency. 3.2.1 ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel(s) (Note: Although this is titled ICALL/ITAC, use nomenclature specific to the site, i.e. UCALL/UTAC, VCALL/VTAC, etc.) ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel(s) Table 7 – ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel(s) Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band ICALL Calling Channel 800 MHz ICALLTA Calling Channel Direct Mode 800 MHz ITAC1 Tactical Channel All Disciplines 800 MHz ITACTA Tactical Channel All Disciplines Direct Mode 800 MHz ITAC2 Tactical Channel All Disciplines 800 MHz ITAC2TA Tactical Channel All Disciplines Direct Mode 800 MHz ITAC3 Tactical Channel All Disciplines 800 MHz ITAC3TA Tactical Channel All Disciplines Direct Mode 800 MHz ITAC4 Tactical Channel All Disciplines 800 MHz ITAC4TA Tactical Channel All Disciplines Direct Mode 800 MHz Agencies Supported: May 2011 Addison Township FD; Allen Park FD; Allen Park PD; Alliance EMS; Ann Arbor FD; Ann Arbor Office of Emergency Management; Ann Arbor PD; Ann Arbor Township FD; Armada PD; Armada Township FD; Ash Township FD; Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; Augusta Township FD; Beaumont Hospital Grosse Pointe; Bedford FD; 79 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band Bedford Township FD; Bedford Township PD; Berkley DPS; Berlin Charter Township FD #1; Berlin Charter Township FD #2; Beverly Hills DPS; Bingham Farms; Birmingham City Emergency Medical Division; Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; Bloomfield Township PD; Brandon Township FD; Brownstown FD; Brownstown PD; Bruce–Romeo FD; Carleton; Carleton PD; Center Line DPW; Center Line FD; Center Line Public Safety; Chelsea FD; Chelsea PD; Chesterfield FD; Chesterfield PD; Children's Hospital of Michigan; Clarkson PD; Clawson FD; Clawson PD; CLEMIS; Clinton FD; Clinton Township FD; Clinton Township PD; Com Source Inc.; Commerce Township FD; Community EMS; CSXT Railroad Police; Dearborn City Emergency Services; Dearborn Heights Emergency Management; Detroit; Detroit DPW; Detroit DOT – Main Office; Detroit Emergency Management; Detroit Emergency Telephone District; Detroit Fire EMD; Detroit Historical Society; Detroit Hope Hospital; Detroit Information Technology Services Department; Detroit Medical Center (DMC); Detroit Municipal Parking Department; Detroit People Mover; Detroit PD; Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center; Detroit Recreation Department; Detroit Water and Sewerage Department 1; Detroit Weights & Measures; Dexter FD; Downriver Arson Task Force; Downriver Hazmat; DTE Energy; Dun–Well Security Services, Inc.; Dundee PD; Dundee Township FD; Dundee Village; Eastern Michigan University PD; Eastland Mall; Eastpointe FD; Eastpointe PD; Ecorse FD; Ecorse PD; Erie Township FD; Erie Township PD; Estral Beach; Estral Beach FD; Exeter Township; Exeter Township FD; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills Fire EMD; Farmington Hills PD; Fermi Power Plant; Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; Flat Rock FD; Flat Rock PD; Franklin PD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Fraser Public Safety; Frenchtown Township FD; Garden City FD; Garden City Hospital; Garden City PD; Gibraltar FD; Gibraltar PD; Grosse Ile FD; Grosse Ile Township PD; Grosse Point Farms Pier Park; Grosse Pointe City DPS; Grosse Pointe Farms; Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods Parks and Recreation; Groveland Township FD; Hamtramck FD; Hamtramck PD; Harper Woods FD; Harper Woods PD; Harper–Hutzel University Hospital; Harrison Township FD; Hazel Park DPW; Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; Health Link MTS; HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS); Henry Ford Cottage Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital – Macomb; Henry Ford Hospital – Warren; Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane; Henry Ford–Brownstown Center For Health Services; Herkimer Radio Service; Highland Park DPW; Highland Park FD; Highland Park PD; Highland Park Public Safety; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Holly PD; Hudson Mills Metropark; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron Township Fire; Huron Township PD; Huron Valley Ambulance; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Ida Township FD; Independence Township FD; Inkster FD; Inkster PD; International Transmission Company; John D. Dingell Center VA Medical; Karmanos Cancer Center; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington May 2011 80 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Erie Transportation; LaSalle Township; LaSalle Township FD; Lathrup Village PD; Lenox Township FD; Life Flight; Lincoln Park EMD; Lincoln Park FD; Lincoln Park PD; Livonia EMD; Livonia FD; Livonia PD; LMR FD; Lucas County, Ohio Sheriff's Office; Luna Pier; Luna Pier FD; Luna Pier PD; Lyon Township FD; Macomb Community College; Macomb Community College PD; Macomb County; Macomb County Emergency Management; Macomb County Health Department; Macomb County Sheriff; Macomb Township FD; Madison Heights; Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; Manchester FD; Maybee; Medstar Ambulance; Melvindale FD; Melvindale PD; Memphis FD; Memphis PD; Metropolitan Airport FD; Metropolitan Airport PD; MSP – Detroit #29; MSP – Metro North Post #21; MSP – Metro South Post #25; MSP – Richmond Post #24; Midwest Medflight; Milan FD; Milan PD; Milford FD; Milford PD; Monroe; Monroe Charter Township; Monroe City FD; Monroe City PD; Monroe Community Ambulance; Monroe County Animal Control; Monroe County Central Dispatch; Monroe County Emergency Management; Monroe County Health Department; Monroe County Road Commission; Monroe County Sheriff's Office Corrections Division; Monroe County Sheriff's Office; Monroe County Youth Center; Monroe Township FD; Morin Point FD; Morin Pointe FD; Mount Clemens FD; Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center; New Baltimore FD; New Baltimore PD; New Haven FD; New Haven PD; Newport FD; North Oakland FD; Northfield Township FD; Northfield Township PD; Northville FD; Northville PD; Northville Township FD; Northville Township PD; Novi FD; Novi PD; Novi Regional; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Airport Operations; Oakland County Animal Control; Oakland County Children's Village; Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness; Oakland County Homeland Security; Oakland County Prosecutor's Office; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Oakland University PD; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Healthcare Center Canton; Oakwood Healthcare System; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Orchard Lake PD; Ottawa Lake FD; Oxford FD; Oxford PD; Pittsfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Plymouth PD; Plymouth Township PD; Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; Raisinville Township; Ray Township FD; Redford FD; Redford Township PD; Region 2 North; Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition; Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan; Richmond / Lennox EMS; Richmond FD; Richmond PD; River Rouge FD; River Rouge PD; Riverview FD; Riverview PD; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills Communications; Rochester Hills FD; Rochester PD; Rockwood FD; Rockwood PD; Romeo PD; Roseville FD; Roseville PD; Royal Oak FD; Royal Oak PD; Saint John Hospital and Medical Center; Salem Township FD; Saline FD; Saline PD; Scio Township FD; Select Specialty Hospital – Grosse Pointe; Select Specialty Hospital Downriver (formerly Wyandotte); Select Specialty Hospital NW Detroit; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base FD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) PD; Shelby Township FD; Shelby Township PD; Sinai Grace Hospital; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; South Rockwood; South Rockwood PD; Southgate FD; Southgate PD; Springfield Township FD; St. Clair County Regional Response Team Network; St. Clair May 2011 81 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band Shores FD; St. Clair Shores PD; St. John Hospital – Macomb– Oakland; St. John Hospital and Medical Center; St. John Hospital and Medical Center– North Shores Campus; St. Mary Mercy Hospital; Star EMS; State of Michigan Forensic Center – Ypsilanti; Sterling Heights FD; Sterling Heights PD; Summerfield Township; Summerfield Township FD; Superior Ambulance; Superior FD; Sylvan Lake PD; Taylor FD; Taylor PD; Trenton FD; Trenton PD; Triumph Hospital Detroit; Troy City FD; Troy PD; U.S. Army Garrison Police and FD (TACOM FD); U.S. Coast Guard Air Station – Selfridge Air National Guard; UMHS – Survival Flight; Universal Macomb Ambulance; University of Michigan PD; Utica FD; Utica PD; Veterans Affairs Medical Center – John D. Dingell; Vibra Hospital of Southeastern Michigan (formerly Kindred Hospital); Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Warren DPW; Warren Division of Buildings and Safety Engineering; Warren Engineering Division; Warren FD; Warren Parks and Recreation; Warren PD; Washington Township FD; Washtenaw County Emergency Management; Washtenaw County HAZMAT; Washtenaw County Road Commission; Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office; Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; Wayne City Emergency Medical Division; Wayne County Airport Authority; Wayne County Central Communications; Wayne County DOH; Wayne County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management; Wayne County DPS; Wayne County Sheriff’s Office; Wayne Emergency Management; Wayne FD; Wayne PD; Wayne State University Public Safety; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; Westland FD; Westland PD; White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; Whiteford Township; Whiteford Township Constables; Whiteford Township FD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD; Woodhaven FD; Woodhaven PD; WWCFDMAA USAR; Wyandotte FD; Wyandotte PD; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti PD; Ypsilanti Township FD ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel Technology Overview International (I) CALL – ICALL is an 800 MHz conventional analog frequency pair assigned by the FCC and the National Public Safety Planning Advisory Committee (NPSPAC – pronounced “nips pack”) for mutual aid use and is reused across the state as well as the nation. The state of Michigan provides ICALL across the state to all eligible agencies that own and operate 800 MHz radio equipment. ICALL is a hailing channel to the nearest MSP Regional Dispatch Center. It is the same frequency pair no matter where you are. It is used in the SEMI UASI to hail the Michigan State Police 2nd District Regional Dispatch Center. ICALL normally operates strictly in the repeater disabled mode. Although ICALL normally operates in the repeater disabled mode, it can be put into enabled mode for wide–area mobile communications upon request of a field unit. International (I) TAC1, 2, 3 and 4 – ITAC 1, 2, 3, and 4 are 800 MHz conventional analog frequency pairs assigned by the FCC and the NPSPAC for mutual aid use and is reused across the state as well as the nation. They are the same frequency pairs no May 2011 82 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region matter where you are. They are used as tactical or operational channels when adjoining counties/cities need to share communications. Although ITAC1, 2, 3, and 4 normally operate in the repeater disabled mode, they can be put into enabled mode for wide–area mobile communications upon request of a field unit. Channels IDs with a “D” suffix or “TA” suffix are channels programmed for mobile or portable use in the talkaround or direct (non–repeated) mode. They use the repeater transmit frequency for both transmit and receive. They are used for on–scene operations where no repeater is available. Each dispatch center should know where the local Mutual Aid TAC repeaters are within their jurisdictional responsibility and what area(s) they cover. This will become very important if a second mutual aid incident arises. Coordination between dispatchers to select the right ITAC channel is vital to each specific incident. These ITAC channels usually cover smaller areas (i.e., a county/city area in comparison to State mutual aid channels). There are not as many overlapping repeaters on the ITAC channels as on the ICALL channels. Each county/city that implemented ITAC1, 2, 3, and/or 4 has control of them. They are not controlled by the State. Each county/city dispatch center controls the enable and disable function in its console and has the responsibility to enable and disable them at the console level. All repeaters need to be in the disabled mode at all times. Accordingly, any unit transmitting on the mutual aid channels will be heard by the associated dispatch centers. This is due to the console design. It is when two or more field units need to talk to each other on a mutual aid channel that the dispatcher needs to put the repeater in the enabled mode. Otherwise, the units will not hear each other and can only hear the dispatcher. An exception to repeater use will be when two or more field units are in close proximity of each other; this allows mutual aid direct (or talkaround) communications. If a moving incident takes units into an area where coverage poses a threat and an agency helicopter equipped with an 800 MHz public safety radio is assisting in the incident, the ground unit and the helicopter can go onto direct (or talkaround) mode. The agency helicopter can, in turn, relay information between the ground units and the dispatcher on the repeater channel. The direct (or talkaround) mode should only be used on the ITAC channels. ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel Policies and Procedures This section contains the step–by–step process for use of NPSPAC Mutual Aid CALL and Mutual Aid TAC Channels. ICALL Procedures 1. ICALL shall be left in the repeater disabled mode unless enabled upon request of a field unit. 2. Any 800 MHz radio user may hail on ICALL. 3. It will be the responsibility of either the 2nd District Regional Dispatch to respond to the call, depending on where the call originates. 4. ICALL is monitored at all times, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by 2nd District Regional Dispatch Center. May 2011 83 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region ITAC1, 2, 3 and 4 Procedures 1. ITAC1, 2, 3, and 4 should be in the repeater disabled mode unless enabled upon request of a field unit. 2. When a unit hails on ICALL, the dispatcher will advise the units involved to select the appropriate ITAC channel. 3. The field unit notifies 2nd District Regional Dispatch once the assigned ITAC channel is no longer needed. 4. Direct (or talkaround) communications on ITAC1 may be used when two or more units are in close proximity to each other. 5. For an extended incident, the dispatcher is responsible for notifying the MPSCS Network Communications Center that the mutual aid channel is in use. DISPATCHERS – Disable the repeaters when the incident is done. When monitoring mutual aid channels, if units are heard communicating and there is a question of authorization, the dispatcher should request unit identification. If unauthorized communications are taking place, adjoining dispatch centers should be called to identify the users. Officer safety may be compromised if the channel(s) are inadvertently disabled or otherwise altered. If unauthorized traffic is being passed, the primary or backup dispatch center can disable the repeater to halt its use. Follow–up activity by the dispatch center taking action should ensure future unauthorized use is mitigated. ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel Rules of Use ICALL/ITAC mutual aid channels are reserved for situations that require interoperable communications to coordinate multiple public safety entities and/or activities across two or more separate radio systems. The following rules of use apply to these channels: • • • National Incident Management System – Use an ICS compliant with NIMS when using any regional interoperability resource. Plain Language – All interoperable communications during multi–agency, multi– discipline incidents will be in plain language. Avoid using radio codes, acronyms, and abbreviations as they may cause confusion between agencies. Ensure that all verbal requests for assistance or backup specify the reason for the request. Unit Identification – Announce your home agency prior to announcing your unit identifier during interoperable communication situations. (i.e., [Local Example Here]) State of Michigan ICALL/ITAC Shared Channel Problem Identification and Resolution Problems will be identified/resolved by requesting agency. MPSCS ICALL/ITAC Procedures The following procedures are used by MPSCS for use of ICALL/ITAC channels by MPSCS users and the MPSCS ICALL/ITAC repeaters: All mobile and portable radios programmed for the MPSCS contain the ICALL/ITAC conventional radio channels, known as the NPSPAC channels, in Zone F. Unlike the digital talk groups used in the trunked network, they are conventional analog channels. May 2011 84 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region The NPSPAC mutual aid channels are available nationally to all 800 MHz public safety systems. The mutual aid channels located in Zone F are labeled ICALL, ITAC1, ITAC2, ITAC3, and ITAC4. The “I” stands for international. Each of the mutual aid channels including the ICALL and four ITAC channels may be used in direct, radio–to–radio mode. However, only the ICALL channel has repeaters at every MPSCS tower site. The MPSCS has a repeater installed on every tower site dedicated to the “ICALL” mutual aid channel and the SmartZone Controller has been programmed to route any incoming calls on the ICALL channel to the appropriate MSP Regional Dispatch Center. This is an automatic function transparent to users. By default the in–cabinet repeat function of the repeaters at each site has been set to stand–by. This means a unit in the field using the ICALL channel will only be received by the local MSP dispatch center. Other units in the field, even though they have selected the ICALL channel, will not hear the transmission until the in–cabinet repeat function has been enabled at the tower site by the dispatch center. If the repeat function has been enabled at the tower, all units in the field will hear all calls. Field units must request the activation of the in–cabinet repeat through the dispatchers at the MSP Regional Dispatch Centers. Direct Mode or Talkaround Using the “direct” mode while on a mutual aid channel allows the users to talk “radio–to– radio” and not use a tower to repeat the signal. This is also known as “talkaround” – you are talking around the tower or “direct” – to another radio. “Talkaround” or “direct” mode severely limits the range of the radio. “Talkaround” is strongly suggested for use in fire–ground operations. Normally the ICALL channel is used to contact MSP Regional Dispatch Centers in the REPEATER MODE and the ITAC channels are used to communicate with individual radios utilizing the DIRECT MODE. Conventional Operation: During conventional operation, the radio performs like a conventional two–way radio. That is, one must monitor and listen to ensure that standard two–way transmission protocol is observed by not talking over someone who is transmitting. Both mobile and portable radios are capable of conventional and trunked operations. The map in Figure 2 below identifies the locations of the ICALL repeaters and the coverage provided by these repeaters: May 2011 85 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Figure 2 – Region 2 ICALL Repeater Coverage Map ITAC repeaters in the SEMI UASI are installed at the locations identified in the table below: Table 8 – ITAC Repeater Locations in the SEMI UASI ITAC Channel ITAC1 Address 26866 Will Carlton Rd., Flat Rock, MI (Wayne County) 42145 West Seven Mile Rd., Northville, MI (Wayne County) 10100 Hickory Rd., Holly, MI (Oakland County) 1491 Romeo Rd., Romeo, MI (Oakland County) 11073 North Custer Rd., Dundee, MI (Monroe County) 7778 Jackson Rd., Ann Arbor, MI (Washtenaw County) May 2011 86 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 3.2.2 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channel 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channel Technology Overview 8CALL/8TAC Mutual Aid Channels. These are the post–rebanding channel IDs and frequency pairs that correspond to the state of Michigan ICALL/ITAC channels. They are programmed into some radios within Region 2. They are not currently authorized for use by the FCC within Region 2. They may be used by agencies when responding to areas where rebanding has been completed and their use is authorized by the FCC. 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channel(s) Table 9 – 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channels Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band 8CALL90 Hailing Channel 800 MHz 8CALL90D Hailing–Direct Mode 800 MHz 8TACT91 Tactical Channel All Disciplines 800 MHz 8TAC91D Tactical Channel All Disciplines Direct Mode 800 MHz 8TAC92 Tactical Channel All Disciplines 800 MHz 8TAC92D Tactical Channel All Disciplines Direct Mode 800 MHz 8TAC93 Tactical Channel All Disciplines 800 MHz 8TAC93D Tactical Channel All Disciplines Direct Mode 800 MHz 8TAC94 Tactical Channel All Disciplines 800 MHz 8TAC94D Tactical Channel All Disciplines Direct Mode 800 MHz Agencies Supported: May 2011 Addison Township FD; Alliance EMS; Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; Berkley DPS; Beverly Hills DPS; Bingham Farms; Birmingham City EMD; Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; Bloomfield Township PD; Brandon Township FD; City of Madison Heights; Clarkson PD; Clawson FD; Clawson PD; CLEMIS; Com Source Inc.; Commerce Township FD; Community EMS; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills Fire EMD; Farmington Hills PD.; Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; Franklin PD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park DPW; Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; 87 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band Holly PD; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Independence Township FD; International Transmission Company; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Orion PD; Lathrup Village PD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; Milford FD; Milford PD; North Oakland FD; Novi FD; Novi PD; Novi Regional; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Airport Operations; Oakland County Animal Control; Oakland County Children’s Village; Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness; Oakland County Homeland Security; Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Oxford FD; Oxford PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; Region 2 North; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills Communications; Rochester Hills FD; Rochester PD; Royal Oak FD; Royal Oak PD; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; Springfield Township FD; Star EMS; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy City FD; Troy PD; Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD 8CALL/8TAC Shared Channel Policies and Procedures When rebanding is completed within the state of Michigan, the policies and procedures currently applicable to ICALL/ITAC channels will be applicable to the use of 8CALL/8TAC channels. 3.2.3 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channels 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channel Technology Overview 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channels. These channels are currently being used in the SEMI UASI as conventional analog channels in the simplex or direct mode for on scene incident operations. 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channel(s) Table 10 – 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channels Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band 7CALL50 Calling Channel Direct Mode 700 MHz 7CALL50D Calling Channel Direct Mode 700 MHz 7CALL70 Calling Channel 700 MHz May 2011 88 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band 7CALL70D Calling Channel Direct Mode 700 MHz 7FIRE63 Fire 700 MHz 7FIRE63D Fire Direct Mode 700 MHz 7FIRE64D Fire Direct Mode 700 MHz 7FIRE83 Fire 700 MHz 7FIRE83D Fire Direct Mode 700 MHz 7FIRE84D Fire Direct Mode 700 MHz 7FTAC1D Fire Tactical Direct Mode 700 MHz 7FTAC2D Fire Tactical Direct Mode 700 MHz 7FTAC3D Fire Tactical Direct Mode 700 MHz 7GTAC4D General Government Tactical Direct Mode 700 MHz 7GTAC5D General Government Tactical Direct Mode 700 MHz 7LAW61 Law Enforcement 700 MHz 7LAW61D Law Enforcement Direct Mode 700 MHz 7LAW62D Law Enforcement Direct Mode 700 MHz 7LAW81 Law Enforcement 700 MHz 7LAW81D Law Enforcement Direct Mode 700 MHz 7LAW82D Law Enforcement Direct Mode 700 MHz 7LTAC6D Law Enforcement Direct Mode 700 MHz 7LTAC7D Law Enforcement Direct Mode 700 MHz 7LTAC8D Law Enforcement Direct Mode 700 MHz 7MED65 EMS 700 MHz May 2011 89 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band 7MED65D EMS Direct Mode 700 MHz 7MED66D EMS Direct Mode 700 MHz 7MED86 EMS 700 MHz 7MED86D EMS Direct Mode 700 MHz 7MED87D EMS Direct Mode 700 MHz 7MOB59 EMS 700 MHz 7MOB59D EMS Direct Mode 700 MHz 7MOB79 Mobile Repeater 700 MHz 7MOB79D Mobile Repeater 700 MHz 7MTAC9D Medical Tactical Direct Mode 700 MHz 7NTAC10D National Tactical/Itinerant Direct Mode 700 MHz 7NTAC11D National Tactical/Itinerant Direct Mode 700 MHz 7NTAC12D National Tactical/Itinerant Direct Mode 700 MHz 7TAC55 General Public Safety 700 MHz 7TAC55D General Public Safety Direct Mode 700 MHz 7TAC56D General Public Safety Direct Mode 700 MHz 7TAC75 General Public Safety 700 MHz 7TAC75D General Public Safety Direct Mode 700 MHz 7TAC76D General Public Safety Direct Mode 700 MHz Agencies Supported: Addison Township FD; Alliance EMS; Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; Berkley DPS; Beverly Hills DPS; Bingham Farms; Birmingham City EMD; Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; Bloomfield Township PD; Brandon Township FD; City of Madison Heights; Clarkson PD; Clawson FD; Clawson PD; CLEMIS; Com Source Inc.; Commerce Township FD; Community EMS; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills Fire EMD; May 2011 90 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Primary Use Frequency Band Farmington Hills PD.; Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; Franklin PD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park DPW; Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Holly PD; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Independence Township FD; International Transmission Company; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Orion PD; Lathrup Village PD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; Milford FD; Milford PD; North Oakland FD; Novi FD; Novi PD; Novi Regional; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Airport Operations; Oakland County Animal Control; Oakland County Children’s Village; Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness; Oakland County Homeland Security; Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Oxford FD; Oxford PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; Region 2 North; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills Communications; Rochester Hills FD; Rochester PD; Royal Oak FD; Royal Oak PD; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; Springfield Township FD; Star EMS; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy City FD; Troy PD; Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD 700 MHz Mutual Aid Shared Channel Policies and Procedures No policies and procedures specific to these frequencies have been developed for the SEMI UASI. 3.3 Gateways “Gateway” systems interconnect channels of disparate systems (whether on different frequency bands or radio operating modes), allowing first responders using their existing radios and channels to be interconnected with the channels of other users outside of their agency. Gateways are listed in the following table. Detailed information on each gateway is provided in Appendix D. Table 11 – SEMI UASI Gateway Systems Gateway Name Canton Department of Public Safety May 2011 Owning Agency Canton DPS Make / Model Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Use Incident / Event Use Fixed / Mobile Mobile No. of Nets 7 No. of Ports 7 91 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Nets No. of Ports Detroit Emergency Management Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile CLEMIS M/A–COM / NetworkFirst Day–to– day Use Fixed Huron Valley Ambulance Codespear / SmartMSG Radio Interoperability Unit (RIU) Incident / Event Use Mobile MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team #2 Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile 6 10 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team #3 Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile 6 10 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team #1 Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile 6 10 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team Portable ICRI Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Link Communications ICRI Incident / Event Use Mobile 2 5 Monroe County Gateway Monroe County Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Day–to– day Use Fixed Warren Emergency Management Warren Police Department Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile Wayne County DHSEM #1 Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Codespear / SmartMSG Radio Interoperability Unit (RIU) Incident / Event Use Mobile 4 4 City of Detroit CLEMIS Gateway Huron Valley Ambulance May 2011 12 9 92 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Nets No. of Ports State of Michigan Department of Information Technology ACU– 1000 –Fixed MPSCS Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Day–to– day Use Fixed 12 Federal Bureau of Investigations ACU–1000 FBI (Detroit) Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile 12 Canton Department of Public Safety Canton DPS Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile 51st Civil Support Team ACU–T 51st Civil Support Team, Michigan National Guard Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–T Incident/ Event Use Mobile Allen Park Police Department Allen Park PD Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Ann Arbor Police Department Ann Arbor PD Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 15 Auburn Hills PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 32 Berkley Department of Public Safety Berkley DPS Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 Beverly Hills Department of Public Safety Beverly Hills DPS Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 8 Birmingham Police Department Birmingham PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 24 Bloomfield Hills Police Department Bloomfield Hills PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 8 Bloomfield Township PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 32 Brownstown PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Auburn Hills Police Department Bloomfield Township Police Department Brownstown Police Department May 2011 7 7 93 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Nets Canton Department of Public Safety Canton DPS Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Center Line Public Safety Center Line Public Safety Motorola CommandStar Lite Day–to– day Use Console Patch 2 Chelsea Police Department Chelsea PD Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Chesterfield Township Police Department Chesterfield PD Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 9 Clay Township Police Department Clay Township PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 6 Clinton Township Fire Department Clinton Township FD Motorola CENTRACOM II Day–to– day Use Console Patch 6 Dearborn Police Department Dispatch Center Dearborn 911 Communications Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 18 Detroit Communications Center Detroit Police Department Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Downriver Central Dispatch Downriver Community Conference Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Eastern Michigan University Police Department Eastern Michigan University PD Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 6 Ecorse Police Department Ecorse PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Farmington Department of Public Safety Farmington DPS Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 Farmington Hills Police Department Farmington Hills PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 40 Ferndale PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 Ferndale Police Department May 2011 No. of Ports 94 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Nets Flat Rock Police Department Flat Rock PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Fraser Department of Public Safety Fraser Public Safety Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Garden City Police Department Garden City PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Gibraltar Police Department Gibraltar PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Grosse Ile Township Police Department Grosse Ile Township PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Grosse Pointe Department of Public Safety Grosse Pointe City DPS Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Grosse Pointe Farms Department of Public Safety Grosse Pointe Farms DPS Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Grosse Pointe Park Police Department of Public Safety Grosse Pointe Park DPS Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Grosse Pointe Shores Department of Public Safety Grosse Pointe Shores DPS Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Grosse Pointe Woods Department of Public Safety Grosse Pointe Woods DPS Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Hamtramck Police Department Hamtramck PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Harper Woods Police Department Harper Woods PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 6 Hazel Park Police Department Hazel Park PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 May 2011 No. of Ports 95 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Nets HEMS Motorola CENTRACOM Elite Day–to– day Use Console Patch 8 Highland Park Public Safety Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Holly PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 Huron Township PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Huron Valley Ambulance Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 24 Lake Orion Police Department Lake Orion PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 8 Lincoln Park Police Department Lincoln Park PD Motorola CENTRACOM Elite Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Livingston Co. Central Dispatch Central Dispatch/ Emergency Management Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 8 Livonia PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Macomb County Sheriff’s Office Macomb County Sheriff Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 15 Madison Heights Police Department Madison Heights PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 24 Melvindale Police Department Melvindale PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 MSP – 2nd District Regional Dispatch MSP Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 15 Milan PD Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 6 Milford PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 8 HEMS Inc. Highland Park Public Safety Holly Police Department Huron Township Dispatch Huron Valley Ambulance Livonia Police Department Milan Police Department Milford Police Department May 2011 No. of Ports 96 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Nets Monroe County Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 15 Northville Township Department of Public Safety Northville Township PD Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 5 Novi Regional Novi Regional Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 40 Oak Park Department of Public Safety Oak Park DPS Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 104 Oakland University PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 8 Oxford PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 Pittsfield Township Department of Public Safety Pittsfield Township PD Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 6 Plymouth Community Communications Center Plymouth Township PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Pontiac PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 24 Port Huron Police Department Port Huron PD Motorola CENTRACOM Elite Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Redford Police Department Redford Township PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 River Rouge PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Riverview PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Monroe County Central Dispatch Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Oakland University Police Oxford Police Department Pontiac Police Department River Rouge Police Department Riverview Police Department May 2011 No. of Ports 97 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Nets Rochester Police Department Rochester PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 Rockwood Police Department Rockwood PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Romeo PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Romeo Police Department Romulus Police Department Royal Oak Police Department Romulus PD Royal Oak PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 Saline PD Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Shelby Township Police Department Shelby Township PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 6 South East Regional Emergency Services Authority South East Regional Emergency Services Authority Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Southfield Police Department Southfield PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 15 St. Clair County Central Dispatch St. Clair County Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 15 St. Clair Shores Police Department St. Clair Shores PD Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 9 Sterling Heights Police Department Sterling Heights PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 12 Sumpter Township Police Department Sumpter Township PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Taylor PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Saline Police Department Taylor Police Department May 2011 No. of Ports 98 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Trenton Police Department Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Nets Trenton PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Troy PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 40 University of Michigan PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 6 Utica PD Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Van Buren County Central Dispatch Van Buren Co. 911 Center Motorola Centracom Series 2 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Van Buren Township Department of Public Safety Van Buren Township DPS Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 Warren Police Department Warren PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 9 Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 27 Waterford Township PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 32 Wayne County Sheriff Wayne County Sheriff Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Wayne Police Department Wayne PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 West Bloomfield PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 32 Westland PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to– day Use Console Patch 3 Troy Police Department University of Michigan Department Public Safety Utica Police Department Washtenaw Metro Dispatch Waterford Township Police Department West Bloomfield Police Department Westland Police Department May 2011 No. of Ports 99 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name White Lake Township Police Department Woodhaven Police Department 3.3.1 Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Nets White Lake Township PD Positron T5 Day–to– day Use Console Patch 16 Woodhaven PD Motorola Day–to– day Use Console Patch 1 No. of Ports Region–wide Gateway Policies and Procedures Region–wide Gateway Rules of Use The following rules of use shall govern interoperable communications between agencies via gateways: • • • • • • National Incident Management System – Use an ICS compliant with the NIMS when using any regional interoperability resource. Plain Language – All interoperable communications during multi–agency, multi– discipline incidents will be in plain language. Avoid using radio codes, acronyms, and abbreviations as they may cause confusion between agencies. Ensure that all verbal requests for assistance or backup specify the reason for the request. Unit Identification – Announce your home agency prior to announcing your unit identifier during interoperable communication situations. (i.e., [Local Example Here]) Encryption – All encrypted radios users must operate in a “clear” mode when a gateway is used, unless otherwise arranged in advance. Never assume encryption carries across the gateway. Monitoring – The Incident Commander, or their designee, will ensure that each activated interoperability channel is monitored consistently while in use. Incident Area Coverage – If a gateway connects disparate radios systems (e.g., 800 MHz trunked to a UHF or VHF repeated system), the interfaced radios have to be within coverage of their supporting infrastructure in order to work with the gateway. If a gateway is deployed to an incident where radios are outside the coverage of their normal systems, an incident area network can be formed using talk around channels to support interoperable communications. This may also be preferable for radios within coverage of their system as users may want to prevent undue burden on system infrastructure. Region–wide Gateway Communications Request The COML and/or Incident Commander must be aware that activating multiple gateways to support an incident can result in mutual interference. Interference issues are best resolved by the technical support team assigned to the gateways. May 2011 100 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region The agency requesting the use of a fixed or mobile gateway device for incident/event communications support should document and provide the following information to the owning gateway agency POC, on request: • • • • • • • • • Requesting agency On–scene agencies requiring interoperability Incident/event type (e.g., wild land fire, etc.) Equipment required Expected duration of event Location required/access information Incident POC User/requestor and/or servicing dispatch contact phone number Additional support services requested (e.g., gateway operator, generator, etc.) Region–wide Gateway Deployment Procedures Upon receiving a request for the deployment of a mobile gateway, the owning agency dispatcher should follow these deployment procedures: • • • Contact the on–call mobile gateway operator/technician responsible for mobile gateway deployment. Dispatch the mobile gateway operator to the incident scene. Inform the requesting agency that the mobile gateway is en route and provide an estimated time of arrival (ETA), if available. The mobile gateway operator should follow these deployment procedures: • • • • Provide dispatch with an ETA at the incident and method of communications while en route (e.g., designated radio channel, cell number). Retrieve the dedicated unit and mobile gateway from its storage location and deliver it to the incident scene. Report to the Incident Commander or Check–in on arrival. Once on–scene, establish patches via the mobile gateway in accordance with the Gateway Activation Procedures listed below. Region–wide Gateway Activation Procedures Once the owning agency grants authorization to use their fixed gateway, the region– wide procedures for establishing communications connectivity are: • • • • • • • Select a channel or talk group on the home system for use in the gateway patch. Verify the system–wide availability of required resources (coordinate among control point dispatchers). Provide radio call sign/designator information to connected agencies as needed. Assign the requested unit/agency to that channel or talk group. Connect the agency to the appropriate talk group. Announce to users that interoperability is activated. Identify users on the interoperability channel using their agency name and unit identifier through a roll call. May 2011 101 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • Monitor the interoperability channel to address requests. Region–wide Gateway Deactivation Procedures When the gateway connection(s) is (are) no longer required, agencies should follow these deactivation procedures: • • • Contact the monitoring dispatcher (for fixed gateways) or the mobile gateway operator (for mobile gateways) to request patch/gateway deactivation. Announce over all patched channels/talk groups that connections will be deactivated prior to the connection being disabled. Return all personnel to their appropriate home system channel assignments. Region–wide Gateway Problem Identification and Resolution During an incident: • Report gateway problems to the owning agency dispatcher (for fixed gateways) or mobile gateway operator (for mobile gateways), who will follow established agency procedures to resolve the problem. Following an incident, the following general problem identification and resolution processes apply to all regional gateways: • • Report any problems with the gateway to the appropriate POC for that agency listed in Appendix D. The POC will be responsible for ensuring effective resolution to problems that exist with the gateway. Report unresolved gateway problems directly to the SEMI UASI TICP POC. The SEMI UASI TICP POC ensures effective resolution to reported gateway problems. Region–wide Gateway Limitations Interoperability provided through a gateway can connect participating agency responders, but has the following limitations: • • • The number of simultaneous patches that can be supported by the gateway will be limited by switch capacity and the number of lines connecting control centers and consoles. As a result, a limited number of patches involving resources at different control points can be supported simultaneously. Likewise, a limited number of patches involving resources that are accessed through a communications center console may be supported simultaneously. Home system coverage may limit communications. Gateway users must be within the footprint of their coverage area. Agencies not permanently configured on a given gateway will require additional planning to establish interoperable communications through that gateway. Region–wide Gateway Test Procedures To ensure that equipment components of the gateway operate properly, each agency will participate in the following testing procedure: May 2011 102 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • • • Representatives from multiple agencies should meet on a regular basis to test each gateway. Testing should include deployment (mobile only), setup, operation, and deactivation of each gateway. If an issue or problem is identified during the testing procedure, determine who will take corrective action. If the issue or problem cannot be resolved, contact the appropriate technical personnel to address the issue or problem. (Note: Policies and procedures specific to a single gateway are listed subsequent to that specific gateway below.) 3.3.2 CLEMIS Gateway This section provides individualized guidance on how to request, deploy, and use specific SEMI UASI gateways. Further detailed information on all SEMI UASI gateways is listed in Appendix D. CLEMIS Fixed Gateway Procedures The following procedures describe interoperability with Radio Systems via the CLEMIS NetworkFirst gateway. The Oakland County OpenSky digital trunked 800 MHz system is capable of interoperability with radio systems from different radio manufacturers, even if these systems are analog, conventional, or on different frequency bands, utilizing a M/A–COM product known as NetworkFirst. NetworkFirst consists of a series of gateways and digital voice unit cards that take audio from these disparate radio systems, digitize it into Internet Protocol (IP) packets, and send it across the OAKNet fiber network. NetworkFirst does NOT extend the coverage area of any systems that are networked together. The OpenSky system is designed to work within Oakland County and may provide coverage for some distance into adjacent counties and cities. This distance will not increase when using an interoperable talk group that is networked to an adjacent system. Oakland County OpenSky users may utilize specific talk groups for interoperability with three other radio systems: the city of Southfield UHF system, the city of Warren 800 MHz system, and the MPSCS. The MPSCS is the radio system used by the MSP, other State agencies, and either directly or by interface by several adjacent counties (Genesee, Lapeer, Livingston, and Macomb) and the city of Detroit. Oakland County OpenSky users shall NOT utilize interoperability talk groups on the Warren or MPSCS systems for communications that are only among or between other Oakland County OpenSky users. The use of these talkgroups ties up frequencies on both systems and may only be used when one or more radios from the networked system are involved in the conversation or event. Interoperability may be used as set forth below. May 2011 103 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region MPSCS MPSCS has established eight talk groups that provide connection between the OakWIN system and the MPSCS. Three talk groups (63P911–Police, 63F911–Fire, 63OAKH– EMS) are permanently patched between the MPSCS and OakWIN. The remaining five talk paths must be activated as needed by the MSP dispatch in Detroit or an MPSCS PSAP in an adjacent county through a telephone call, LEIN message, or radio call on 63P911 requesting activation. These talk paths will appear in all Oakland County OpenSky PSAPs, but not in individual radios. Once activated, these talk paths may be patched to the appropriate OpenSky talk group by an Oakland County PSAP and to an appropriate MPSCS talk group by the MSP dispatch center. These remaining five talk paths are available to law enforcement, fire, and EMS for interoperability with MPSCS users. City of Southfield The Southfield PSAP will monitor the OakWIN “ALLDISP” and SFLD1 talk groups. The Southfield PSAP may be contacted in the same manner as any other Oakland County PSAPs using this talk group. The Southfield PSAP may patch any Southfield conventional channel to the SFLD1 talk group to provide interoperability. Additionally, the Southfield PSAP has access to the following OpenSky fire talk groups: OKF_OP1, OKF_OP2, OKF_OP3, OKF_OP4, EAF_OP1, EAF_OP2, NWF_OP1, NWF_OP2, CW_FD1, and CW_FD2; and the following OpenSky police talk groups: SE_OP1, SE_OP2, SW_OP1, SW_OP2, CW_POL1 and CW_POL2. These talk groups will not appear in the Southfield user radios; the Southfield PSAP will patch the Southfield units to the appropriate OpenSky talk group for interoperability. City of Warren The OpenSky talk group WARN_1 may be used to contact the Warren PSAP, which monitors this talk group. Oakland County PSAPs immediately adjacent to Warren (i.e., Hazel Park, Madison Heights, and Troy) should also monitor this talk group. This talk group will also appear in all of the Warren police and fire radios for unit–to–unit interoperability without the need for dispatch to initiate a patch (in the Warren radios, this talk group will be called OAK). The OpenSky talk group WARN_2 is a secondary talk group for interoperability with Warren. This talk group will not be monitored by the Warren PSAP and will not appear in the Warren field units. For Warren to activate this talk group, an Oakland County user or PSAP must contact the Warren PSAP; the Warren PSAP will then “patch” this talk group to an appropriate Warren talk group for the event. May 2011 104 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 3.3.3 Monroe County Fixed Gateway Monroe County Fixed Gateway Procedures The Monroe County fixed gateway is installed at the Monroe County 9–1–1 Center and is controlled by dispatch staff. The gateway can interconnect the following radio systems with Monroe County—MPSCS channels: • • • • • Monroe Public Schools Transportation Jefferson Schools Transportation Lenawee County Sheriff’s Office MPSCS – all talk groups US Coast Guard – Uses Marine radio, all marine channels accessible 3.3.4 FBI ACU–1000 Gateway This section provides individualized guidance on how to request, deploy, and use specific FBI ACU–1000 gateways. Further detailed information on all SEMI UASI gateways is listed in Appendix D. This section provides guidance on the use of a mobile TRP–1000 audio switch. It is intended to facilitate development of an SOP with guidelines and protocol(s) for participating agencies to use when operating the audio switch. This section may also be used as an educational resource for teaching personnel the procedures for deploying, operating, and maintaining the switch. FBI ACU–1000 Gateway Rules of Use The following rules of use will guide interoperable communications between agencies— 1. Connectivity between agencies will be requested only for working emergency events. 2. Agencies will identify themselves by agency name and radio call sign/designator. For example, if “505” from the FBI has requested communications with MSP “Bravo 27,” and a patch has been established, then “FBI 505” will call “MSP Bravo 27” on the designated channel/talk group. 3. All radio traffic should be in plain language. The use of ten–codes and specific agency acronyms is discouraged. 4. All radio users are recommended to work in the “clear” mode. 5. Interoperability is encouraged for command level personnel only. FBI ACU–1000 Communications Request When an emergency response requires a deployable audio switch to support interoperable communications, a partnering agency representative shall follow his/her own agency’s procedures and this SOP when requesting equipment. Typically, a user should request the deployable audio switch by contacting his/her own agency’s dispatcher, who will then contact the FBI field office in Detroit to request access to the mobile switch. May 2011 105 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region For emergency response events, a requesting agency should contact the FBI Special Agent in Charge (SAC) for approval to deploy the audio switch. The FBI SAC may be contacted via the FBI’s main number at 313–965–2323. For pre–planned events, a requesting agency should submit a written request to a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA). POCs for this type of request are: Jim Peterka Federal Office Building 26th Floor 477 Michigan Avenue Detroit, MI 48226 313–237–4111 Todd Wagner Federal Office Building 26th Floor 477 Michigan Avenue Detroit, MI 48226 313–967–4181 When requesting interoperable communications, the agency requesting deployment should be prepared to provide the following information, as appropriate: 1. Name of agency requesting deployment 2. Agency POC (authorized person requesting deployment) 3. Reason interoperability is required 4. Description of the incident 5. Estimated time of use, if possible. FBI ACU–1000 Gateway Deployment Procedures If the FBI approves a request for the deployment of the audio switch, the FBI procedures will deploy personnel and resources with the switch. Personnel will use the following deployment procedures: 1. The switch operator will contact the requesting agency to inform him/her of the ETA to the incident scene 2. The switch operator will accompany deployment of the mobile audio switch to the incident scene. 3. The switch operator will report to the Incident Commander upon arrival at the incident scene. FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Activation Procedures The deployable audio switch will be outfitted with radios before the event. The switch operator and participating agencies should ensure additional power supplies (e.g., spare batteries, chargers) are available for the radios because battery life limits usability of the radio. May 2011 106 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region The Incident Commander should follow these procedures: 1. Require participating agencies to check in at the ICP and provide or verify frequency/talk group channels for use during the incident. 2. Instruct the switch operator on where to set up and operate the switch. 3. Inform the switch operator of the participating agencies. 4. Confer with the switch operator regarding command level or other specific talk groups that need to be programmed into the switch and the manner in which the talk groups should be provisioned (e.g., simplex or duplex mode). The switch operator should follow these procedures: 1. Select the channel or talk group assigned by the agency to each of the interconnected radios. 2. Assign the requested unit/agency to a channel or talk group as designated by the Incident Commander and deployment plan. 3. Advise the Incident Commander when the mobile asset is configured and ready to use. FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Deactivation Procedures When interoperable communications are no longer required, the switch operator is Procedures responsible for deactivating the switch. The Incident Commander will follow these deactivation procedures: 1. Make an announcement on the interoperable channel to advise users the switch is being deactivated. 2. Contact the switch operator to deactivate the switch. 3. Notify the MPSCS NCC that talk groups are no longer needed. The switch operator will follow these deactivation procedures: 1. Disable the patch. 2. Take inventory of the equipment and note any repair or replacement needs. 3. Return to pre–response location and make the switch ready for service. FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Problem Identification and Resolution Problems should be referred to the gateway POC for resolution. FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Limitations The interoperability provided through the TRP–1000 mobile audio switch has the ability to link participating agencies, but has the following limitations: • Available connections limit the number of participating agencies. The TRP–1000 unit is configured to hold up to ten radio connections and four telephone connections. The available connections are equal to the number of agencies that can be patched into an audio switch. The ten ports available on the mobile switch configuration will be used to connect to mobile radios being pre– configured with the switches (see Appendix G for radio details). There are eleven May 2011 107 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • • mobile radios to ten available radio connections in the audio switch configuration. The switch operator will employ the radio configuration best suited to the responding agencies on–scene. Portable radios may also be configured to the switch in place of the listed mobile radios. The coverage area is limited by the radios used. The deployable audio switch does not extend radio coverage area. The coverage area of the radios interfaced to the audio switch limit the area for which interoperable communications is provided. The audio switch should be set up and operated from a strategic position to maximize coverage area at the incident scene. Battery life of portable radios limits time of use. Deployable audio switches are designed to enable interoperable communications for short duration events or until a mobile command vehicle arrives. In the event that the audio switches need to be used for an extended period of time, precautions such as additional power supplies, personal radio chargers, or other radio power provisions should be considered. FBI ACU–1000 Mobile Gateway Test Procedures To ensure that equipment components of the mobile audio switch are operating properly, agencies should participate in the following testing procedure: 1. Agency representatives meet at a pre–determined test location to test their ability to communicate with each other by using the switch to interconnect various radios and performing audio checks. 2. While the switch is set up in the test mode, representatives should test the request, activation, and deactivation procedures and abide by operational rules. 3. If a technical or procedural problem is identified during the testing procedure, the FBI switch operator should identify corrective action. 4. If the problem cannot be identified, participating personnel should contact the appropriate technical personnel to address the issue or problem. Participating agencies are also encouraged to integrate the mobile audio switch capabilities into emergency response exercises involving multiple public safety agencies in the Detroit metropolitan area. 3.4 Cache Radios Cache radios, also known as “swapped radios,” refer to maintaining a cache of standby radios that can be deployed to support regional incidents. These radios may be from a regional cache or from a participating agency. These radios allow all responders to use common, compatible equipment during an incident. Specific caches within the SEMI UASI are listed in the following table. Detailed information on cache radios can be found in Appendix E. May 2011 108 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Table 12 – SEMI UASI Radio Cache(s) Radio Cache Name Owning / Managing Agency MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team 700/800 MHz Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team VHF Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Make / Model Frequency Band Quantity Harris / 5250 800 MHz 120 Motorola / MTS 2000 VHF 85 Macomb County Emergency Management Radio Cache Macomb County Emergency Management Motorola / XTS 1500, Motorola / XTS 2500 800 MHz 16, 34 Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Radio Cache Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Motorola / MTS 2000 800 MHz 10 Wayne County DHSEM Cache Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Motorola / XTS 5000 800 MHz 70 MSP MPSCS MSP and MPSCS Various 800 MHz 244 Lucas County, Ohio Radio Cache Lucas County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office XTS5000 800 MHz 75 City of Detroit Network Operations Center Cache Detroit Emergency Management and Homeland Security XTS5000 800 MHz 150 City of Detroit Water and Sewerage Cache City of Detroit Water and Sewerage XTS2500 800 MHz 100 3.4.1 Region–wide Cache Radio Policies and Procedures SEMI UASI radio caches have the following characteristics: • • • Portable radios are fully charged and maintained, ready for immediate deployment. Deployed equipment includes battery chargers to support extended deployments. Personnel are available to transport equipment to the incident scene. May 2011 109 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • Technicians are available for on–scene support during the deployment. 700 MHz Cache Radios All SEMI UASI 700 MHz radio caches are required to have the following channels/talk groups programmed: No required 700 MHz channels/talk groups have been identified by the SEMI UASI. Table 13 – Required Channels for SEMI UASI 700 MHz Cache Radio(s) Channel Name Primary Use If possible, the following channels/talk groups should also be programmed into SEMI UASI 700 MHz cached radios: Table 14 – Optional Channels for SEMI UASI 700 MHz Cache Radio(s) 700 MHz Interoperability Channels (12.5 kHz Channels) Channel Name/ID 7TAC51 7TAC51D Frequency (MHz) (Subscriber Load) Primary Use General Public Safety 7CALL50 Receive Channel Transmit Channel 769.14375 799.14375 “ 769.14375 769.24375 799.24375 “ 769.24375 769.39375 799.39375 “ 769.39375 769.49375 799.49375 “ 769.49375 769.64375 799.64375 “ 769.64375 769.74375 799.74375 “ 769.74375 769.89375 799.89375 $293 Calling Channel 7CALL50D 7MED65 $293 EMS 7MED65D 7MED66 $293 EMS 7MED66D 7TAC52 7TAC52D 7TAC55 7TAC55D 7FIRE63 May 2011 General Public Safety General Public Safety Fire Network Access (Code) $293 $293 $293 $293 110 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 700 MHz Interoperability Channels (12.5 kHz Channels) Channel Name/ID Frequency (MHz) (Subscriber Load) Primary Use 7FIRE63D 7FIRE64 Receive Channel Transmit Channel “ 769.89375 769.99375 799.99375 “ 769.99375 770.14375 800.14375 “ 770.14375 770.24375 800.24375 “ 770.24375 770.39375 800.39375 Fire 7FIRE64D 7TAC53 7TAC53D 7TAC56 7TAC56D 7LAW61 7LAW61D 7LAW62 7LAW62D 7TAC54 7TAC54D General Public Safety General Public Safety Law Enforcement Law Enforcement General Public Safety 7DATA69 $293 $293 $293 $293 “ 770.39375 770.49375 800.49375 “ 770.49375 770.64375 800.64375 “ 770.64375 770.74375 800.74375 “ 770.74375 770.89375 800.89375 $293 $293 Mobile Data 7DATA69D 7MOB59 $293 Mobile Repeater 7MOB59D 7GTAC57 7GTAC57D Other Public Service 7MED86 $293 “ 770.89375 770.99375 800.99375 “ 770.99375 773.00625 803.00625 “ 773.00625 773.10625 803.10625 $293 EMS 7MED86D 7TAC71 May 2011 General Public Network Access (Code) $293 $293 111 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 700 MHz Interoperability Channels (12.5 kHz Channels) Channel Name/ID 7TAC71D Frequency (MHz) (Subscriber Load) Primary Use Safety Receive Channel Transmit Channel “ 773.10625 7CALL70 Calling 773.25625 803.25625 7CALL70D Channel “ 773.25625 773.35625 803.35625 “ 773.35625 773.50625 803.50625 “ 773.50625 773.60625 803.60625 7MED87 $293 EMS 7MED87D 7FIRE83 $293 Fire 7FIRE83D 7TAC72 7TAC72D 7TAC75 7TAC75D General Public Safety General Public Safety 7FIRE84 $293 $293 “ 773.60625 773.75625 803.75625 “ 773.75625 773.85625 803.85625 “ 773.85625 774.00625 804.00625 “ 774.00625 774.10625 804.10625 $293 Fire 7FIRE84D 7LAW81 7LAW81D 7TAC73 7TAC73D 7TAC76 7TAC76D 7LAW82 7LAW82D 7MOB79 May 2011 Law Enforcement General Public Safety General Public Safety Law Enforcement Mobile Repeater Network Access (Code) $293 $293 $293 “ 774.10625 774.25625 804.25625 “ 774.25625 774.35625 804.35625 “ 774.35625 774.50625 804.50625 $293 $293 $293 112 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 700 MHz Interoperability Channels (12.5 kHz Channels) Frequency (MHz) (Subscriber Load) Channel Name/ID Primary Use Receive Channel Transmit Channel “ 774.50625 774.60625 804.60625 “ 774.60625 774.75625 804.75625 “ 774.75625 774.85625 804.85625 “ 774.85625 7MOB79D 7TAC74 7TAC74D General Public Safety 7DATA89 Network Access (Code) $293 Mobile Data $293 7DATA89D 7GTAC77 7GTAC77D Other Public Service $293 $293 is default NAC. Program as 12.5 kHz channels. 800 MHz Cache Radios All SEMI UASI 800 MHz radio caches are required to have the following channels/talk groups programmed: Table 15 – Required Channel for SEMI UASI 800 MHz Cache Radio(s) National 800 MHz National Mutual Aid Channels Before Rebanding Mobile RX (MHz) Channel Name/ID ICALL ICALLD ITAC1 ITAC1D May 2011 Mobile TX (MHz) CTCSS Tone* 866.0125 CSQ – See note below 821.0125 156.7 866.0125 CSQ – See note below 866.0125 156.7 866.5125 CSQ – See note below 821.5125 156.7 866.5125 CSQ – See note below 866.5125 156.7 Primary Use Calling–Repeater Calling–Direct Tactical–Repeater Tactical–Direct 113 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region National 800 MHz National Mutual Aid Channels Before Rebanding Mobile RX (MHz) Channel Name/ID ITAC2 Mobile TX (MHz) CTCSS Tone* 867.0125 CSQ – See note below 822.0125 156.7 867.0125 CSQ – See note below 867.0125 156.7 867.5125 CSQ – See note below 822.5125 156.7 867.5125 CSQ – See note below 867.5125 156.7 868.0125 CSQ – See note below 823.0125 156.7 868.0125 CSQ – See note below 868.0125 156.7 Primary Use Tactical–Repeater ITAC2D Tactical–Direct ITAC3 Tactical–Repeater ITAC3D Tactical–Direct ITAC4 Tactical–Repeater ITAC4D Tactical–Direct *Default operation should be CSQ receive, CTCSS 156.7 Hz (5A) transmit. If the user can enable/disable CTCSS without reprogramming the radio, the indicated CTCSS tone should also be programmed for receive and the user instructed how and when to enable/disable. If possible, the following channels/talk groups should also be programmed into SEMI UASI 800 MHz cached radios: Table 16 – Optional Channels for SEMI UASI 800 MHz Cache Radio(s) National 800 MHz National Mutual Aid Channels After Rebanding Mobile RX (MHz) Channel Name/ID Primary Use CTCSS Tone* Mobile TX (MHz) 8CALL90 8CALL90D May 2011 851.0125 CSQ – See note below 806.0125 156.7 851.0125 CSQ – See note below Calling–Repeater Calling–Direct 114 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region National 800 MHz National Mutual Aid Channels After Rebanding Mobile RX (MHz) Channel Name/ID Primary Use CTCSS Tone* Mobile TX (MHz) 8TAC91 8TAC91D 8TAC92 8TAC92D 8TAC93 8TAC93D 8TAC94 8TAC94D 851.0125 156.7 851.5125 CSQ – See note below 806.5125 156.7 851.5125 CSQ – See note below 851.5125 156.7 852.0125 CSQ – See note below 807.0125 156.7 852.0125 CSQ – See note below 852.0125 156.7 852.5125 CSQ – See note below 807.5125 156.7 852.5125 CSQ – See note below 852.5125 156.7 853.0125 CSQ – See note below 808.0125 156.7 853.0125 CSQ – See note below 853.0125 156.7 Tactical–Repeater Tactical–Direct Tactical–Repeater Tactical–Direct Tactical–Repeater Tactical–Direct Tactical–Repeater Tactical–Direct NOTE: Prior to rebanding, 8CALL and 8TAC were named ICALL and ITAC channels. *Default operation should be CSQ receive, CTCSS 156.7 Hz (5A) transmit. If the user can enable/disable CTCSS without reprogramming the radio, the indicated CTCSS tone should also be programmed for receive and the user instructed how and when to enable/disable. These are the post–rebanding ICALL/ITAC channels and may be used by agencies responding to areas where rebanding has been completed. UHF Cache Radios All SEMI UASI UHF radio caches are required to have the following channels programmed: May 2011 115 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Table 17 – Required Channels for SEMI UASI UHF Cache Radio(s) National UHF Interoperability Channels Channel Name/ID Primary Use UCALL40 Calling–Repeater UCALL40D UTAC41 UTAC41D UTAC42 UTAC42D UTAC43 UTAC43D Mobile RX (MHz) Mobile TX (MHz) CTCSS Tone* 453.2125 CSQ – See note below 458.2125 156.7 453.2125 CSQ – See note below 453.2125 156.7 453.4625 CSQ – See note below 458.4625 156.7 453.4625 CSQ – See note below 453.4625 156.7 453.7125 CSQ – See note below 458.7125 156.7 453.7125 CSQ – See note below 453.7125 156.7 453.8625 CSQ – See note below 458.8625 156.7 453.8625 CSQ – See note below 453.8625 156.7 Calling–Direct Tactical–Repeater Tactical–Direct Tactical–Repeater Tactical–Direct Tactical–Repeater Tactical–Direct *Default operation should be CSQ receive, CTCSS 156.7 Hz (5A) transmit. If the user can enable/disable CTCSS without reprogramming the radio, the indicated CTCSS tone should also be programmed for receive and the user instructed how and when to enable/disable. If possible, the following channels should also be programmed into SEMI UASI UHF cached radios: No optional UHF channels/talk groups have been identified by the SEMI UASI. May 2011 116 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Table 18 – Optional Channels for SEMI UASI UHF Cache Radio(s) Channel Name Primary Use VHF Cache Radios All SEMI UASI VHF radio caches are required to have the following channels programmed: Table 19 – Required Channels for SEMI UASI VHF Cache Radio(s) National VHF National Mutual Aid Channels Mobile RX (MHz) CTCSS Channel Name/ID Primary Use Mobile Tone* TX (MHz) VCALL10 Calling 155.7525 CSQ /156.7 VTAC11 Tactical 151.1375 CSQ /156.7 VTAC12 Tactical 154.4525 CSQ /156.7 VTAC13 Tactical 158.7375 CSQ /156.7 VTAC14 Tactical 159.4725 CSQ /156.7 *Default operation should be CSQ receive, CTCSS 156.7 Hz (5A) transmit. If the user can enable/disable CTCSS without reprogramming the radio, the indicated CTCSS tone should also be programmed for receive and the user instructed how and when to enable/disable. Table 20 – VHF Common Mutual Aid Channels Channel Name/ID Michigan Public Safety Emergency System (MEPSS) MEDCOM340 MEDCOM400 VMEDTAC MEDCOM385 Michigan VHF Common Mutual Aid Channels Mobile RX (MHz) Primary Use Mobile TX (MHz) Statewide Police Mutual Aid Statewide Ambulance–to–Hospital Coordination Disaster coordination purposes and as a secondary HEAR/HERN channel in UASI and Livingston County Mobile and portable only; On–Scene Coordination of EMS resources; mutual aid; tactical operations Primary use: Rotary Wing Ambulance Dispatch CTCSS Tone* 155.865 CSQ 155.340 CSQ 155.400 CSQ 155.355 210.7 Hz 155.385 CSQ Secondary use: regional coordination between hospitals, health departments, and Emergency Operating Centers during times of disaster and large multi–casualty May 2011 117 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Michigan VHF Common Mutual Aid Channels Mobile RX (MHz) Primary Use Mobile TX (MHz) incidents Channel Name/ID CTCSS Tone* SWFIRE Statewide Fire Mutual Aid Channel 154.295 CSQ DNRTAC1 Statewide Fire Tactical 151.325 CSQ DNRTAC2 Statewide Fire Tactical 159.270 CSQ If possible, the following channels should also be programmed into SEMI UASI VHF cached radios: Table 21 – Optional Channels for SEMI UASI VHF Cache Radio(s) National VHF Public Safety and Mutual Aid Common Channels Channel (MHz) Primary Use Wideband ID Narrowband ID Note 155.1600 Search and Rescue Common SAR WFM SAR NFM Not designated by FCC; availability varies. 154.2650 mobile Fire Mutual Aid VFIRE22W VFIRE22 154.2725 Fire Mutual Aid 154.2800 base/mobile Fire Mutual Aid VFIRE24 VFIRE21W 154.2875 154.2950 mobile VFIRE21 VFIRE25 Fire Mutual Aid VFIRE23W VFIRE23 154.3025 VFIRE26 155.3475 VMED29 155.4750 base/mobile Law Mutual Aid 155.4825 Law Mutual Aid VLAW31W May be designated for EMS Mutual Aid. VLAW31 VLAW32 Rules for use of these channels are contained in 47 CFR 90.20 and NTIA Manual Section 4.3.11 & 7.3.4. May 2011 118 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Region–wide Radio Cache Rules of Use The following are general rules of use and apply to all SEMI UASI radio caches: • • ● • National Incident Management System – Use an ICS compliant with NIMS when using any regional interoperability resource. Plain Language – All interoperable communications during multi–agency, multi– discipline incidents will be in plain language. Avoid using radio codes, acronyms, and abbreviations as they may cause confusion between agencies. Ensure that all verbal requests for assistance or backup specify the reason for the request. Unit Identification – Announce your home agency prior to announcing your unit identifier during interoperable communication situations. (i.e., [Local Example Here]) Equipment Return – The requesting agency is responsible for the return of any cache radios/equipment in the condition that they were received OR responsibilities for lost or damaged equipment lie with the appropriate agency as dictated by existing Memoranda of Agreement (MOA). Region–wide Radio Cache Request The Incident Commander, or their designee, determines when a situation exists that requires the use of a regional radio cache and notifies the appropriate dispatch center. The dispatch center will follow internal agency procedures to contact the COML or Radio Cache Agency POC and relay pertinent information regarding the event. If the requesting agency is requesting to use the State of Michigan cache, the agency should call 517-241-8000, which is the Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) or 517-333-5050, which is the MPSCS Network Communications Center (NCC). The requesting agency documents and provides the following information to the Radio Cache Agency POC, on request: • • • • • • • • • Requesting agency On–scene agencies requiring interoperability Incident/event type of event (e.g., wild land fire, etc.) Equipment requirements Expected duration of event Location required/access information Incident POC User/requestor and/or servicing dispatch contact phone number Additional support services requested (e.g., technician, chargers, etc.) The Radio Cache Agency determines what radio caches are available for use, identifies a specific cache, activates that cache, and coordinates the cache deployment with the requesting agency Incident Commander or their designee. Region–wide Radio Cache Equipment Activation Upon receiving a request for the deployment of a radio cache, the owning agency dispatcher should follow these deployment procedures: • Contact the on–call technician responsible for radio cache deployment. May 2011 119 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • • Dispatch the radio cache technician (or an approved designee) to the incident scene. Inform the requesting agency that the radio cache is en route and provide an ETA, if available. The radio cache technician (or designee) should follow these deployment procedures: • • • • Provide dispatch with an ETA to the incident. Retrieve the radio cache from its storage location and deliver it to the incident scene. Report to the Incident Commander or Check–in on arrival. Once on–scene, sign the cache over to the requesting agency for incident use or, if assigned to remain on scene, coordinate radio cache deployment procedures with the Communications Unit. o Each radio in the radio cache will have a unique identification number for inventory tracking. Ask the receiving agency to sign a property transfer form if they take responsibility for managing the radio cache on scene. o The requesting Incident Commander, or their designee, will be responsible for: Supporting radio deployments on–scene Maintaining a record of each user and agency to whom a radio and associated accessories have been distributed Documenting the identification number of each radio deployed Documenting the channel(s) in use Each user and/or agency that receives a radio from the radio cache will be responsible for returning that radio and all associated accessories to the cache at the end of the incident. • Region–wide Radio Cache Equipment Deactivation When the radio cache is no longer required, agencies should follow these deactivation procedures: • • • Coordinate the return of all cache radios to the Communications Unit through the Incident Commander or their designee. The Communications Unit will be responsible for inventorying all radios and accessories returned to the cache. Before leaving the incident scene, the Communications Unit will determine if any radios have not been returned to the radio cache and note the user and agency to which the radio was distributed. Provide this information to the Incident Commander or their designee. If the missing radios cannot be recovered at the incident scene, the Communications Unit will provide this information to the Radio Cache Agency POC for resolution. Region–wide Radio Cache Problem Identification and Resolution During an incident: • Report radio cache problems to the radio cache technician or their designee, who will follow established agency procedures to resolve the problem. May 2011 120 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Following an incident, the following general problem identification and resolution processes apply to all regional radio caches: • • Report any problems with the radio cache to the appropriate POC for the owning agency listed in Appendix E. The POC will be responsible for ensuring effective resolution to problems that exist with the radio cache. Report unresolved radio cache problems directly to the SEMI UASI TICP POC. The SEMI UASI TICP POC ensures effective resolution to reported radio cache problems. (Note: Policies and procedures specific to a single radio cache are listed subsequent to that specific cache below.) 3.4.2 [Name] Radio Cache [Name] Technology Overview [Add text] [Name] Radio Cache Rules of Use [Add text] [Name] Radio Cache Interoperable Communications Request [Add text] [Name] Radio Cache Equipment Activation Procedures [Add text] [Name] Radio Cache Equipment Deactivation Procedures [Add text] [Name] Radio Cache Equipment Problem ID and Resolution [Add text] 3.5 Mobile Communications Units A mobile communications unit (MCU) (also known as a mobile communications center [MCC] or Mobile Emergency Operations Center [EOC]) refers to any vehicular asset that can be deployed to provide or supplement communications capabilities in an incident area. Examples of the types of communications devices an MCU can house are: subscriber and base station radios of various frequency bands, gateway devices, satellite phones, wireless computer networks, video broadcasting/receiving equipment, etc. Typically these communications devices are permanently located or stored in the MCUs when not used. The MCU should also be able to temporarily provide the electrical power required to operate the communications devices. More detailed information on each MCU is provided in Appendix F. May 2011 121 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Table 22 – SEMI UASI MCUs Unit ID / Designator FEMA Type Emergency Management Command Vehicle Macomb County Sheriff’s Command Vehicle Warren Command Post Converted RV Owning Agency Macomb County Emergency Management Macomb County Sheriff’s Office City of Warren Emergency Management Huron Valley Ambulance Huron Valley Ambulance Charlie One Deployment Area Region 2 Region 2 Region 2 Region 2 and Huron Valley Ambulance Service Area Western Wayne County Canton Mobile Command Unit Type IV Canton Township DPS MSP MCV II Mobile Command Post MSP Statewide MPSCS SOW Towed / Trunked MPSCS Site on Wheels MPSCS Statewide MPSCS COW Towed Communications System on Wheels with Portable Repeaters MPSCS Statewide BSSAB Trailer Lucas County (OH) Sheriff’s Office Ohio and Southern Michigan 51St. Civil Support Team (CST) Michigan National Guard Unified Command Suite Truck 51st CST Michigan National Guard Statewide 51st CST Michigan National Guard Advance Echelon Vehicle Suburban 51st CST Michigan National Guard Statewide Motor Home Type Vehicle Detroit Homeland Security and Emergency Management City of Detroit Sterling Heights Command Post City of Sterling Heights City of Sterling Heights Southfield Police Command Vehicle Southfield Police Department City of Southfield Oakland County Mobile Command Center Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Oakland County City of Detroit Mobile EOC May 2011 122 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Unit ID / Designator FEMA Type Wayne County Command Post FBI Communications Vehicle Owning Agency Deployment Area Wayne County Homeland Security and Emergency Management Wayne County FBI Detroit Statewide Detroit Water and Sewerage Radio Van Van Detroit Water and Sewerage City of Detroit MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team Field Communications Unit (FCU) Van Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Region 2 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team Tactical Communications Trailer (TCU) Trailer Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Region 2 Oakland County Incident Support Vehicle Truck-28’ Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Region 2 Region 2 South Communications Trailer Trailer Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition Region 2 3.5.1 MCU Policies and Procedures [Unit Name/ID] MCU MCU Technology Overview [Add text] MCU Rules of Use [Add text] MCU Interoperable Communication Request [Add text] The Incident Commander, or their designee, determines when a situation exists that requires the use of an MCU and notifies the appropriate dispatch center. The dispatch center will follow internal agency procedures to contact the COML or MCU POC and May 2011 123 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region relay pertinent information regarding the event. The requesting agency documents and provides the following information to the MCU POC, on request: • • • • • • • • Requesting agency Agencies requiring interoperability Incident/event type (e.g., wild land fire, etc.) Expected duration of event Location required/access information Incident POC User/requestor and/or servicing dispatch contact phone number Additional support services requested The MCU agency determines if the MCU is available for use and coordinates the deployment with the requesting agency Incident Commander or their designee. MCU Activation Method [Add text] MCU Deactivation Method [Add text] MCU Problem ID and Resolution [Add text] May 2011 124 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 4 Regional Emergency Resource Staffing 4.1 MABAS Division 3201 CST The MABAS CST is a group of public safety and related technical personnel trained and equipped to provide specialized communications support services at public safety incidents to police and fire incident commanders and the Oakland County and SEMI UASI Incident Management Teams. The CST operates several specialized apparatus including a self–contained Field Communications Unit (FCU) and a Tactical Communications Trailer (TCT). Four team members are trained COMLs. A complete description of the services and inventory of communications equipment maintained by the CST are included in 5.1Appendix L MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team (CST) Services and Equipment. Oakland County fire services participating in the county’s MABAS have included CST responses in their mutual aid response plans. Fire services in the SEMI UASI are encouraged to enter into agreements with the CST for a CST response as part of their local MABAS responses. All other public safety services in the SEMI UASI are encouraged to enter into agreements with the CST for incident response as part of any formal incident management plan. The CST is available to incident commanders upon request through Oakland County dispatch. Contact Information: Oakland County Dispatch 248–858–4911 Emergency Resource Directory The Emergency Resource Directory establishes a list of personnel who will respond to fill the Communications Unit positions. Identified personnel must train and exercise to a regional response level. Contact information: Center Name – Number Center Name – Number Center Name – Number Job descriptions and qualified personnel for each Communications Unit position are detailed below. Dispatch Center Communications Coordinator (COMC) – The COML will work with the COMC to coordinate communications with other dispatch centers and the incident communications plan. Locally, the jurisdictional dispatch center supervisor or dispatcher will act as the COMC. Coordinators may also be located at the region/county, State, and Federal level. May 2011 125 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region At an Incident/Event Communications Unit Leader (COML) – Manages the technical and operational aspects of the communications function during an incident or event. Develops NIMS/ICS Form 205 Incident Radio Communications Plan and supervises the communications unit. Technical Specialist (THSP) – Allows for the incorporation of personnel who may not be formally certified in any specific NIMS/ICS position. THSPs may include Local Agency Radio Technicians (as opposed to the COMT), Telephone Specialists, Gateway Specialists, Data/IT Specialists, and or Cache Radio Specialists. Incident Communications Technician (COMT) – Deploys advanced equipment and keeps it operational throughout the incident/event. Incident Communications Center Manager (INCM) – Supervises the operational aspects of the Incident Communications Center (ICC) (mobile unit and/or fixed facility). During an incident, the ICC is designed to absorb incident traffic in order to separate that traffic from the day–to–day activities of the dispatch center. The ICC is typically located at the ICP in a fixed site, tent, trailer, or MCU. Radio Operator (RADO) – Staffs a radio at the ICC and is responsible for documenting incoming radio and telephone messages. Incident dispatchers or tactical dispatchers are used as RADOs. The following table provides contact information for the Regional Emergency Resource Personnel for each Communications Unit position. May 2011 126 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Table 23 – Regional Emergency Resource Personnel Name Agency Address Phone Email COMC COML May 2011 William Nelson Troy FD Alan Tillman Detroit FD. Ryan Wolf Troy PD John Unrue Lavonia FD Keith Bradshaw Macomb County Technical Services Jeremy Jennings Monroe County 9–1–1 500 West Big Beaver, Troy, MI 13333 Lyndon Street Detroit, MI 48227–3669 500 West Big Beaver Troy, MI 48084 14910 Farmington Road Livonia, MI 48154 21930 Dunham Mount Clemens, MI 48043 987 S. Raisinville Rd Monroe, MI 48162 238–524–3419 313–596–1623 248–524–3477 734 466–2444 586–469–5370 734–243–7070 127 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name Agency Jerry Hardesty Canton PD Steve Miller Canton PD Michael Kimball 51st CST, Michigan National Guard Brad Bunch 51st CST, Michigan National Guard Address 1150 S. Canton Center Rd., Canton, MI 1150 S. Canton Center Rd. , Canton, MI 2750 27th St., Augusta, MI 49012 2750 27th St., Augusta, MI 49012 Phone Email 734–394–5400 jhardesty@canton– 734–394–5400 smiller@canton– 269–420–3859 269–420–3859 INCM RADO Cache THSP Gateway THSP May 2011 128 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name Agency Address Phone Email Other THSP May 2011 129 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 5 Communications Assets Survey and Mapping (CASM) 5.1 Overview The CASM tool provides the ability for representatives of public safety agencies within an urban area or state to collect, store, and visualize data about agencies, communication assets, and how agencies use those assets. The purpose of CASM is to: • • • Provide a single repository for information about land mobile radio systems, other interoperability methods, and how they are used by public safety agencies within a state or urban area. Provide a method to display the data. Provide tools to analyze the data and visualize interoperability gaps in accordance with the Interoperability Continuum framework. The CASM tool is composed of two components: the Communication Assets Survey (CAS) and the Communication Assets Mapping (CAM) tool. The CAS component provides a means to enter, edit, and delete information about agencies, communication assets (such as radio systems, dispatch centers, mutual aid channels/systems, gateways and radio caches), and agency usage of those assets. The CAM component provides a means to display this information in a map–based interface and provides analysis tools for displaying agency–to–agency interoperability, including interoperability gaps, in various ways. The CASM tool is Web–based and requires the user to have an active Internet connection in order to access both the CAS and CAM components. CAS is a Website that may be accessed via any Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, or Mozilla Firefox. CAM is a client application that must be downloaded, installed, and executed on the user’s computer. A user must have Internet access in order to operate CAM. Authorization to view data for a particular urban area or state is controlled by the SEMI UASI Administrative Manager (AM); each user must have a user name and password in order to login. The CASM AM POC is listed in the following table: Table 24 – CASM AM POC Information Name Phone Email Sgt Mike Garland 517-366-6359 May 2011 Area of Responsibility State of Michigan 130 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix A A.1 Points of Contacts Dispatch Centers Table A–1 – Dispatch Center Points of Contact Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Allen Park Police Department Dobson, Kenneth (Chief) , Tamsen, Dean (313–386–7800) Allen Park FD Allen Park PD Ann Arbor Police Department Tremaine, Spring (Lt.) (734–794–6900) Ann Arbor PD Auburn Hills Police Department Griffin, Mary, Ms Auburn Hills FD Auburn Hills PD Belleville/Sumpter Township PDs Plachetzki, Kathy, Ms Berkley Department of Public Safety Smith, James, Mr Berkley DPS Huntington Woods DPS Pleasant Ridge PD Beverly Hills Department of Public Safety Burgess, Betty, Ms Beverly Hills DPS Birmingham Police Department Kiernan, Terry (248–530–1865), Millgard, Carrol (248–530–1865), Schettenhelm, Steven, Mr Birmingham FD Birmingham PD Bloomfield Hills Police Department Piche, Dave (Chief) , Wilson, Scott (248–644–4200) Bloomfield Hills DPS Bloomfield Township Police Department Phillips, Jeff (Lt.) Bloomfield Township Emergency Management, May 2011 A-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Bloomfield Township FD Bielecki, Craig (734–675–1300) Brownstown FD Brownstown PD Canton Department of Public Safety Mutchler, Todd (734–394–5404), Rorabacher, Mike (Chief) Canton DPS Canton PD Canton Township Emergency Management Canton Township FD Center Line Public Safety Churilla, Gerry (Lt.) Center Line FD Center Line Public Safety Chelsea Police Department Toth, Edward (Chief) (734–475–9122) Chelsea FD Chelsea PD Chesterfield Township Police Department Bowerson, Clint (Sgt.) (586–949–4140), Irby, Donna, Ms Chesterfield FD Chesterfield PD New Baltimore FD New Baltimore PD City of Richmond Police Department Baranowski, Earl (586–727–7545), Privett, Dennis (Chief) City of Richmond FD City of Richmond PD Clay Township Police Department Drake, Don (Chief) (810–794–9381), Eader, Thomas (Chief) Clay Township FD Clay Township PD Brownstown Police Department Clinton Township Fire Department Dearborn Heights Police Department May 2011 Clinton Township FD Gust, Michael (Chief) , Wells, Bert (313–277–7409) Dearborn Heights FD A-2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name Dearborn Police Department Dispatch Center 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Klink, Paul, Mr Dearborn PD Downriver Central Dispatch May, Brad (Commander) Southgate FD Southgate PD Wyandotte FD Wyandotte PD Downriver Mutual Aid Schindler, Scott (Lieutenant) (734–374–4015) Brownstown FD Brownstown PD Eastern Michigan University DPS Nesmith, Jeff (Lt.) (734–487–0892) Eastern Michigan University PD Eastpointe Police Department Gibson, Jason (586–445–8959), Lauretti, Michael, A. (Chief) Eastpointe FD Eastpointe PD Ecorse Police Department Anthony, George (Chief) , Champagne, Jerry (313–381–0900) Ecorse FD Ecorse PD Farmington Department of Public Safety Brazzil, Corinne, Ms (248–474–4700) Farmington DPS Farmington Hills Police Department DeGrande, Brian (Sgt.) , Skankin, Ronald (248–871–2600) Farmington Hills Fire EMD Farmington Hills PD Ferndale Police Department Collins, Tim (248–546–2388) Ferndale FD Ferndale PD Flat Rock Police Department Rossow, Neal (734–782–2496) Flat Rock FD Flat Rock PD Fraser Department of Public Safety Blickensdorf, Robert (Director) , Peeples, Laura (586–307–9356) Fraser Public Safety May 2011 A-3 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Gibraltar Police Department Canterbury, Raymond (734–676–5229), Lehr, Paul (Chief) Gibraltar FD Gibraltar PD Grosse Ile Township PD Grosse Ile FD Harper Woods Police Department Eschendal, Tamera (313–343–2530) Harper Woods FD Harper Woods PD Hazel Park Police Department Cobb, Sean (Lt.) , Weimer, Jason (248–546–0602) Hazel Park FD Hazel Park PD Miljan, Robert, E. (734–727–7280) Allen Park FD Belleville FD Brownstown FD Canton Township FD Concord EMS Dearborn Heights FD Dearborn FD Ecorse FD Flat Rock FD Garden City FD Gibraltar FD Grosse Ile FD HEMS HealthLink MTS Huron Twp FD Huron Valley Ambulance Inkster FD Lincoln Park FD Livonia FD Medic One Melvindale FD Metropolitan Airport FD Midwest Medflight Northville FD Northville Township FD HEMS Radio Operations May 2011 A-4 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Plymouth Community FD Rapid Response EMS Redford FD River Rouge FD Riverview FD Rockwood FD Romulus FD Southgate FD Sumpter Township FD Superior Ambulance Survival Flight Taylor FD Trenton FD Van Buren FD Wayne FD Westland FD Woodhaven FD Wyandotte FD Holly Police Department Gackstetter, Rollie (248–634–8221), Hansmeier, Greg (Chief) Groveland Township FD Holly FD Holly PD Huron Township Dispatch Lindenmuth, Terry, Ms Huron Township PD Huron Twp FD Giffin, Jane, A. (Communications Manager) (734– 477–6298) Alliance EMS Ann Arbor FD Ann Arbor Township FD Augusta Township FD Dexter FD Huron Valley Ambulance Manchester FD Northfield Township FD Pittsfield Township FD Salem Township FD Huron Valley Ambulance May 2011 A-5 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Scio Township FD Washtenaw County HAZMAT Ypsilanti FD Ypsilanti Township F Lake Orion Police Department Narsh, Jerry (248–693–8321) Lake Orion PD Orion Township FD Lincoln Park Police Department Snethkamp, Colleen, Ms Lincoln Park FD Lincoln Park PD Livingston Co. Central Dispatch Arbic, Donald, T. (Director) (517–540–7682), Grange, Tammy (Supervisor) (571–540–7684) Kensington Metropark PD Macomb County Sheriff’s Office Peeples, Laura (586–307–9356) Armada Township FD Bruce–Romeo FD City of Richmond / Lennox EMS Harrison Township FD Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD Lenox Township FD Macomb County Sheriff Macomb Township FD Mount Clemens FD New Haven FD New Haven PD Ray Township FD Village of Armada PD Washington Township FD Madison Heights Police Department Weidle, Karl, Mr Madison Heights FD Madison Heights PD Melvindale Police Department Difatta, John (Chief) Melvindale FD Melvindale PD May 2011 A-6 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served MSP – 2nd District Regional Dispatch Morenko, Michael (313–237–7488) MSP – Detroit #29 MSP – Metro North Post #21 MSP – Metro South Post #25 MSP – Monroe Post #28 MSP – Richmond Post #24 MSP – Ypsilanti Post #26 Milan Police Department Lewis, Jeffrey (Chief of Police) (734–439–1551) Milan FD Milan PD Milford Police Department Walli, Wayne (Chief) , Wiltse, Robyn (248–684–1815) Milford FD Milford PD Monroe County Central Dispatch May 2011 Jennings, Jeremy (Assistant Director) (734–457–6703) Ash Township FD Bedford FD Berlin Charter Township FD #1 Berlin Twp FD #2 Carleton PD Dundee PD Dundee Township FD Erie Township FD Erie Township PD Estral Beach FD Exeter Township FD Frenchtown Township FD Ida Township FD LaSalle Twp FD Life Flight, LMR FD Luna Pier FD Luna Pier PD MSP – Monroe Post #28 Monroe City DPW Monroe City FD Monroe City PD Monroe County Emergency A-7 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Management Monroe County Sheriff's Office Monroe Township FD Morin Point FD Newport FD Ottawa Lake FD South Rockwood PD Summerfield Township FD Whiteford Twp Constables (PD) Whiteford Twp FD Northville Township Department of Public Safety Pigeon, Kelly (248–449–5197) Northville FD Northville PD Northville Township FD Northville Township PD Novi Regional Burchett, Joseph, Mr , Geary, Tracey (248–347–0564), Mitchell, Richard (248–347–0564) Novi FD Novi PD South Lyon FD South Lyon PD Oak Park Department of Public Safety Barnard, Mike (Sgt.) , Kozowski, Ted (248–691–7527) Oak Park DPS Russell, Christina, Ms Addison Township FD Brandon Township FD Clarkson PD Commerce Township FD Franklin–Bingham FD Groveland Township FD Highland Township FD Independence Township FD Lake Angelus PD North Oakland FD Oakland Community College PD Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Oakland County Sheriff’s Office May 2011 A-8 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Oakland Township FD Rochester Hills FD Royal Oak FD Springfield Township FD Walled Lake FD Walled Lake PD Wixom FD Wixom PD Wolverine Lake PD Oakland University Police Oakland University PD Oxford Police Department VanHouten, Tony, Mr (248–628–2581) Oxford FD Oxford PD Pittsfield Township Department of Public Safety Swenson, Craig (734–944–4911 x125) Pittsfield Township FD Pittsfield Township PD Plymouth Community Communications Center Lauria, Cal, A. (734–354–3273) Plymouth Community FD Plymouth PD Pontiac Police Department Ford, Robert (248–758–3310), Gallipo, Janice, Ms Pontiac FD Pontiac PD River Rouge Police Department Girrbach, John (Chief) River Rouge FD River Rouge PD Riverview Police Department Workman, Dean, Mr Riverview FD Riverview PD Rochester Police Department Wenzel, David (248–651–9621) Rochester FD Rochester PD Rockwood Police Department VanWassehnova, Russ (Chief) Rockwood FD May 2011 A-9 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Rockwood PD Romeo Police Department Paduch, Greg (586–752–3587) Romeo PD Roseville Police Department Pachla, Michael (586–775–2100) Roseville FD Roseville PD Royal Oak Police Department Benthall, John (Chief) (810–742–2542) Royal Oak FD Royal Oak PD Saline Police Department Ceo, Jack (Deputy Chief) (734–429–7911) Saline PD Shelby Township Police Department DeMeester, Joseph (Capt.) Leman, Robert (586–731–2121) Shelby Township FD Shelby Township PD South East Regional Emergency Services Authority Bartram, Cherie (586–777–6700) Eastpointe PD Roseville PD St. Clair Shores PD Southfield Police Department Meredith, Morgan (248–796–5750) Lathrup Village PD Southfield FD Albrecht, Gary, Mr Conger, Tim (Communications Supervisor) (810– 966–1691) Algonac FD Algonac PD Almont FD Armada Township FD Berlin Twp FD Brockway Township FD Burtchville FD Canadian Pacific Railway Police Capac PD Clyde Township FD Emmett FD Fort Gratiot FD St. Clair County Central Dispatch May 2011 A-10 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Ira Township EMS Ira Township FD Kenockee Township FD Kimball Township FD Marine City FD Marine City PD Marysville FD Marysville PD Medstar Ambulance Memphis FD Memphis PD MSP – Richmond Post #24 Mussey Township FD New Baltimore FD Port Huron FD Port Huron PD Port Huron Township FD St. Clair County Sheriff St. Clair FD St. Clair PD Tri Hospital EMS Yale FD Yale PD St. Clair Shores Police Department Keelan, Tim (Lt.) (586–445–5320) St. Clair Shores FD St. Clair Shores PD Sterling Heights Police Department Fawaz, Jimmy (Sgt.) (586–446–2800) Sterling Heights FD Sterling Heights PD Sumpter Township Police Department Baker, Melissa (734–461–6936) Sumpter Township FD Sumpter Township PD Taylor Police Department May, Brad (Commander) Taylor FD Taylor PD May 2011 A-11 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Newsome, Rick (Chief) Trenton FD Trenton PD Troy Police Department Brandimore, Cathy, Ms (248–524–3477) Clawson FD Clawson PD Troy City FD Troy PD University of Michigan Department Public Safety James, Crystal (Lt.) (734–763–1131) University of Michigan PD Utica Police Department Reaves, Michael (Chief) (586–731–2345) Utica FD Utica PD Van Buren County Central Dispatch Gribler, Dale (Sheriff) (269–657–2006), Tapper, Jeri (Director) (269–657–3101) Van Buren Township DPS Warren Police Department Wouters, Ken (Lt.) (586–574–4786) Warren FD Warren PD Trenton Police Department Washtenaw Metro Dispatch Breckenridge, Marc (734-973-4900) Halteman, David, R. (734–973–4548) MSP – Ypsilanti Post #26, Northfield Township PD State of Michigan Forensic Center – Ypsilanti Washtenaw County Emergency Management Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Ypsilanti PD Waterford Township Police Department McCaw, Dan (Deputy Chief) , Mostek, Frank (248–628–7517) Waterford FD Waterford Township PD West Bloomfield Police Department Barch, Paul (248–975–8983), Keego Harbor PD Orchard Lake PD May 2011 A-12 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Name 24/7 Contact Organizations / Agencies Served Matthews, Luther (Sgt) Sylvan Lake PD West Bloomfield FD West Bloomfield PD Westland Police Department Collier, Robin (734–467–3543), O'Connell, Dan (734–722–9600) Inkster FD Inkster PD Westland FD Westland PD White Lake Township Police Dept. Kline, Adam (248–698–4400), Mitchell, Richard (Lt.) White Lake FD White Lake Township PD Woodhaven Police Department Andrews, Sandy (Deputy Chief) Woodhaven FD Woodhaven PD A.2 Non–governmental Agency Contact Information Table A–2 – Nongovernmental Agency Contact Information Agency May 2011 Name Position Phone Email A-13 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region A.3 SEMI UASI ICC Member Information Table A–3 – SEMI UASI ICC Contact Information Agency A.4 Name Position Phone Email Governing Body(s) Subcommittee Working Group Member Information Table A–4 – Subcommittee Working Group Member Information Agency May 2011 Name Position Phone Email Subcommittee(s) A-14 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix B Shared Systems Detailed information on shared systems available for use within the region is listed in subsequent pages of Appendix B. The table below lists the shared system(s). Table B–1 – SEMI UASI Shared System(s) Radio System Name Type Conference of Eastern Wayne Radio System Motorola / SmartNet Detroit MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 Type Analog Digital Frequency Owning Agency Band 800 MHz 800 MHz Grosse Pointe Farms Service Area Grosse Point Farms, Grosse Point Woods, Grosse Point Park, City of Grosse Point, Harper Woods, Grosse Point Shores Detroit City of Detroit including cities of Highland Park and Hamtramck Brownstown Township; Grosse Ile Township; cities of Allen Park, Ecorse, Gibraltar, Flatrock, Taylor, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, River Rouge, Riverview, Rockwood, Southgate, Trenton, Woodhaven, and Wyandotte Motorola / SmartZone Analog 800 MHz Downriver Community Conference HEMS UHF MEDCOM Motorola Analog UHF HEMS Wayne County HEMS VHF MEDCOM Motorola Analog VHF HEMS Wayne, Oakland, Washtenaw Counties Analog VHF Michigan Association of Statewide license; channels can be used for mutual Downriver 800 MHz MABAS Statewide Mobile–only Fire Mutual Aid System May 2011 B-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Type Type Frequency Owning Agency Band Fire Chiefs Service Area aid response in neighboring states where MABAS channels are authorized Macomb County Public Safety Communications System – MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 Digital 800 MHz Macomb County Macomb County Monroe County MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 Digital 800 MHz Monroe County MPSCS Motorola Digital 800 MHz MPSCS OakWIN M/A–COM / Open Sky Digital 800 MHz Oakland County Emergency Oakland County Response and Preparedness St. Clair County – MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 Digital 800 MHz St. Clair County; St. Clair County St. Clair County Sheriff Monroe County State of Michigan University of Michigan campus is primary services area; system serves as a backup to all Washtenaw County – MPSCS users University of Michigan 800 MHz Motorola / SmartNet II Analog 800 MHz University of Michigan PD Warren 800 MHz Trunked System Motorola / ASTRO P25 Analog / Digital 800 MHz Warren PD Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup Motorola / SmartNet Analog 800 MHz Washtenaw Washtenaw County Sheriff’s County Office Washtenaw County MPSCS Motorola / ASTRO P25 Digital 800 MHz Washtenaw Washtenaw County Sheriff’s County Office Wayne County – MPSCS Motorola Digital 800 MHz Wayne County Central May 2011 Cities of Warren and Centerline Wayne County B-2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Type Type Frequency Owning Agency Band Service Area Communications Wayne County Central Communications VHF Western Wayne County 800 MHz Radio Consortium May 2011 Motorola Analog Motorola Analog / Digital VHF 800 MHz Wayne County Central Wayne County Communications Westland PD Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Inkster, Wayne, and Westland B-3 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Conference of Eastern Wayne Radio System B.1 Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Grosse Pointe Farms Name: Monarch, Paul, D. Title: Communications Director Phone: 313–885–2110 x1219 24/7 Phone: 313–885–0698 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 176 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 247 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Trunked Radio System Model: SmartNet Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 6 Encryption Protocol: None Year Installed: 2001 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Analog Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband May 2011 B-4 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Voted: No Simulcast: No Service Area Grosse Point Farms, Grosse Point Woods, Grosse Point Park, city of Grosse Point, Harper Woods, Grosse Point Shores Participating Agencies Beaumont Hospital Grosse Pointe; Eastland Mall; Eastpointe FD; Grosse Point Farms Pier Park; Grosse Pointe Farms; Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPW; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods Parks and Recreation; Harper Woods FD; Harper Woods PD; Midwest Medflight; Roseville FD; St John Hospital – Macomb Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on Conference of Eastern Wayne Radio System. Shared Talk Groups Table B–2 – Conference of Eastern Wayne Radio System Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID DET BUREAU SHARED DB GROSSE POINT SHORES DET BUREAU GPS DB GROSSE POINTE CITY DET BUREAU GPC DB GROSSE POINTE CITY SP EVENT GPC SPEV GROSSE POINTE FARMS DET BUREAU GPF DB Primary Use GROSSE POINTE FARMS SP GPF SPEV EVENT EASTLAND 2 EASTLND 2 GPC LEIN GPC LEIN May 2011 B-5 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID GPF LEIN GPF LEIN GPP LEIN GPP LEIN GPS LEIN GPS LEIN GPW LEIN GPW LEIN Primary Use GROSSE POINTE FARMS SP GPF SPEV EVENT GROSSE POINTE PARK DET BUREAU GPP DB GROSSE POINTE PARK SP EVENT GPP SPEV GROSSE POINTE SHORES SP EVENT GPS SPEV GROSSE POINTE WOODS DET BUREAU GPW DB GROSSE POINTE WOODS SP GPW SPEV EVENT HARPER WOODS DET BUREAU HW DB HARPER WOODS SPECIAL EVENT HW SPEV HW LEIN HW LEIN MUT AID MUT AID POLICE DISPATCH POL DISP POLICE TAC 1 TAC 1 POLICE TAC 2 TAC 2 POLICE TAC 3 TAC 3 SWAT SWAT May 2011 B-6 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use Agencies Supported: Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Harper Woods PD FIRE & AMBULANCE DISPATCH FIRE FIRE TAC 1 FIRE TAC 1 FIRE TAC 2 FIRE TAC 2 Agencies Supported: Eastpointe FD; Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Harper Woods FD; Harper Woods PD GROSSE POINTE WOODS DPW GPW DPW GROSSE POINTE SHORES DPW GPS DPW GROSSE POINTE FARMS PARKS GPF PARKS GROSSE POINTE SHORES PARKS GPS PARKS GROSSE POINTE WOODS PARKS GPW PARKS Agencies Supported: Grosse Point Farms Pier Park; Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPW; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods Parks and Recreation; Harper Woods PD Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-7 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.2 Detroit MPSCS Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: City of Detroit Name: Calhoun, Geraldine, L. (Network Manager) Title: Network Manager Phone: 313–596–1827 24/7 Phone: Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 3,500 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 6,501 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Trunked Radio System Model: ASTRO P25 Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: P25 P1 Number of Channels: 30 Encryption Protocol: Year Installed: Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Digital May 2011 B-8 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Wideband Voted: Yes Simulcast: Yes Service Area City of Detroit including, cities of Highland Park and Hamtramck Participating Agencies Detroit; Detroit Citizens Radio Patrol; Detroit City Airport; Detroit DPW; Detroit DOT – Coolidge Terminal; Detroit DOT – Main Office; Detroit Emergency Management; Detroit Fire EMD; Detroit Historical Society; Detroit Hope Hospital; Detroit Information Technology Services Department; Detroit Medical Center (DMC); Detroit Municipal Parking Department; Detroit People Mover; Detroit PD; Detroit Power and Light; Detroit Public Lighting 1; Detroit Public Lighting 2; Detroit Public Safety; Detroit Public Schools, Office of Student Transportation; Detroit Recreation Department; Detroit Water and Sewage Department 1; Detroit Water and Sewerage Department 2; Detroit Weights & Measures; Hamtramck FD; Hamtramck PD; Highland Park FD; Highland Park PD; Karmanos Cancer Center; Wayne County DOH; Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management; Wayne County Sheriff’s Office Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on Detroit––MPSCS. Shared Talk Groups Table B–3 – Detroit MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID 82COM 82COM DECOM1 DECOM1 DECOM2 DECOM2 DECOM3 DECOM3 DECOM4 DECOM4 Agencies Supported: All agencies on system DEPSC1 DEPSC1 May 2011 Primary Use B-9 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use DEPSC10 DEPSC10 DEPSC11 DEPSC11 DEPSC2 DEPSC2 DEPSC3 DEPSC3 DEPSC4 DEPSC4 DEPSC5 DEPSC5 DEPSC6 DEPSC6 DEPSC7 DEPSC7 DEPSC8 DEPSC8 DEPSC9 DEPSC9 Agencies Supported: Detroit Emergency Management; Detroit Fire EMD; Detroit PD Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-10 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.3 Downriver 800 MHz Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: City of Detroit Name: Schindler, Scott (Lieutenant) Title: 911 Coordinator Phone: 734–374–4015 24/7 Phone: Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 460 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 1,023 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Both Radio System Model: SmartNet Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 16 Encryption Protocol: Year Installed: 2001 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Both May 2011 B-11 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Wideband Voted: Yes Simulcast: Yes Service Area Brownstown Township; Grosse Ile Township; cities of Allen Park, Ecorse, Gibraltar, Flatrock, Taylor, Lincoln Park, Melvindale, River Rouge, Riverview, Rockwood, Southgate, Trenton, Woodhaven, and Wyandotte Participating Agencies Allen Park FD; Brownstown FD; Brownstown PD; Downriver Community Conference; Ecorse FD; Ecorse PD; Flat Rock FD; Flat Rock PD; Gibraltar FD; Gibraltar PD; Grosse Ile Township PD; Grosse Ile FD; Lincoln Park FD; Lincoln Park PD; Melvindale FD; Melvindale PD; River Rouge FD; River Rouge PD; Riverview FD; Riverview PD; Rockwood FD; Rockwood PD; Romulus FD; Romulus PD; Southgate FD; Southgate PD; Taylor FD; Taylor PD; Trenton FD; Trenton PD; Woodhaven FD; Woodhaven PD; Wyandotte FD; Wyandotte PD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on Detroit––MPSCS. Shared Talk Groups Table B–4 – Downriver 800 MHz Shared Talk Group Information Talkgroup Name Talkgroup ID Primary Use COURT COURT Agencies Supported: Brownstown PD; Downriver Community Conference; Ecorse PD; Flat Rock PD; Gibraltar PD; Grosse Ile Township PD; Lincoln Park PD; Melvindale PD; River Rouge PD; Riverview PD; Rockwood PD; Romulus PD; Southgate PD; Taylor PD; Trenton PD; Woodhaven PD; Wyandotte PD ECCT1 ECCT1 Agencies Supported: Ecorse FD; Ecorse PD MECT1 MECT1 Agencies Supported: Melvindale FD; Melvindale PD May 2011 B-12 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talkgroup Name Talkgroup ID Primary Use MECT2 MECT2 Agencies Supported: Melvindale FD; Melvindale PD TAC–FD TAC–FD Agencies Supported: Allen Park FD; Brownstown FD; Ecorse FD; Flat Rock FD; Gibraltar FD; Grosse Ile FD; Lincoln Park FD; Melvindale FD; River Rouge FD; Riverview FD; Rockwood FD; Romulus FD; Southgate FD; Taylor FD; Trenton FD; Woodhaven FD; Wyandotte FD TAC–PD TAC–PD Agencies Supported: Brownstown PD; Ecorse PD; Flat Rock PD; Gibraltar PD; Grosse Ile Township PD; Lincoln Park PD; Melvindale PD; River Rouge PD; Riverview PD; Rockwood PD; Romulus PD; Southgate PD; Taylor PD; Trenton PD; Woodhaven PD; Wyandotte PD XXFD2 XXFD2 Agencies Supported: Allen Park FD; Brownstown FD; Ecorse FD; Flat Rock FD; Gibraltar FD; Grosse Ile FD; Lincoln Park FD; Melvindale FD; River Rouge FD; Riverview FD; Rockwood FD; Romulus FD; Southgate FD; Taylor FD; Trenton FD; Woodhaven FD; Wyandotte FD XXFD3 XXFD3 Agencies Supported: Allen Park FD; Brownstown FD; Ecorse FD; Flat Rock FD; Gibraltar FD; Grosse Ile FD; Lincoln Park FD; Melvindale FD; River Rouge FD; Riverview FD; Rockwood FD; Romulus FD; Southgate FD; Taylor FD; Trenton FD; Woodhaven FD; Wyandotte FD XXPD1 XXPD1 Agencies Supported: Brownstown PD; Ecorse PD; Flat Rock PD; Gibraltar PD; Grosse Ile Township PD; Lincoln Park PD; Melvindale PD; River Rouge PD; Riverview PD; Rockwood PD; Romulus PD; Southgate PD; Taylor PD; Trenton PD; Woodhaven PD; Wyandotte PD XXPD2 XXPD2 Agencies Supported: Brownstown PD; Ecorse PD; Flat Rock PD; Gibraltar PD; Grosse Ile Township PD; Lincoln Park PD; Melvindale PD; River May 2011 B-13 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talkgroup Name Talkgroup ID Primary Use Rouge PD; Riverview PD; Rockwood PD; Romulus PD; Southgate PD; Taylor PD; Trenton PD; Woodhaven PD; Wyandotte PD Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-14 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.4 HEMS UHF MEDCOM Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS) Name: Miljan, Robert, E. Title: Executive Director Phone: 734–727–7280 24/7 Phone: 734–732–2611 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 80 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 250 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Conventional Radio System Model: Radio System Frequency Band: UHF (450–512 MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 6 Encryption Protocol: None Year Installed: 1980 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated May 2011 B-15 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Analog / Digital / Both: Analog Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Wideband Voted: No Simulcast: No Service Area Wayne County Participating Agencies Botsford Hospital; Dearborn FD; Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center; Garden City Hospital; HEMS; Henry Ford Cottage Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital & Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Providence Hospital – Novi; Providence Hospital – Southfield; Saint John Hospital and Medical Center; Sinai Grace Hospital; University of Michigan Health Systems; Wayne County DOH Shared Channels Table B–5 – HEMS UHF MEDCOM Shared Channel Information Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use MED 3 Analog 463.0500 468.0500 Medical Coordination MED 1 Analog 463.0000 468.0000 Medical Coordination MED 4 Analog 463.0750 468.0750 Medical Coordination MED 5 Analog 463.1000 631 / 606 468.1000 631 / 606 Medical Coordination MED 8 Analog 463.1750 315 / 423 468.1750 315 / 423 Medical Coordination MED 9 Analog 462.9500 Agencies May 2011 467.9500 Medical Coordination Botsford Hospital; Dearborn FD; Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health B-16 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Supported: Center; Garden City Hospital; HEMS; Henry Ford Cottage Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital & Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Providence Hospital – Novi; Providence Hospital – Southfield; Saint John Hospital and Medical Center; Sinai Grace Hospital; University of Michigan Health Systems; Wayne County DOH Shared Talk Groups There are no shared talk groups for the selected agencies on HEMS VHF MEDCOM. Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-17 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.5 HEMS VHF MEDCOM Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS) Name: Miljan, Robert, E. Title: Executive Director Phone: 734–727–7280 24/7 Phone: 734–732–2611 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 230 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 400 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Conventional Radio System Model: Radio System Frequency Band: VHF High–Band (150–174MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 2 Encryption Protocol: None Year Installed: 1980 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Simplex May 2011 B-18 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Analog / Digital / Both: Analog Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Wideband Voted: No Simulcast: No Service Area Wayne County Participating Agencies Botsford Hospital; Dearborn FD; Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center; Garden City FD; HEMS; Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital & Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Providence Hospital – Novi; Providence Hospital – Southfield; Sinai Grace Hospital; University of Michigan Health Systems; Wayne County DOH Shared Channels Table B–6 – HEMS VHF MEDCOM Shared Channel Information Channel Name Analog / Wide / Digital Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use HERN1 Analog 155.3400 151.4 / 5Z 155.3400 CSQ / None Medical Coordination HERN2 Analog 155.4000 97.4 / ZB 155.4000 CSQ / None Medical Coordination Agencies Botsford Hospital; Dearborn FD; Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Supported: Center; Garden City Hospital; HEMS; Henry Ford Cottage Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital – Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital – Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center – Fairlane; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Providence Hospital – Novi; Providence Hospital – Southfield; Saint John Hospital and Medical Center; Sinai Grace Hospital; University of Michigan Health Systems; Wayne County DOH Shared Talk Groups There are no shared Talk Groups for the selected agencies on HEMS VHF MEDCOM. Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: May 2011 B-19 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.6 MABAS Statewide Fire Mutual Aid Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Michigan Association of Fire Chiefs Name: Nelson, William (Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 248–524–3419 24/7 Phone: Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: No. of Portable Radios on this System: System Type Radio System Make: Trunked / Conventional / Both: Conventional Radio System Model: Radio System Frequency Band: VHF High–Band (150–174MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 13 Encryption Protocol: None Year Installed: 2010 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Simplex Analog / Digital / Both: Analog May 2011 B-20 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Both Voted: No Simulcast: No Service Area Statewide license; channels can be used for mutual aid response in neighboring states where MABAS channels are authorized Agencies Sharing System Addison Township FD; Auburn Hills FD; Beverly Hills DPS; Birmingham FD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Township FD; Brandon Township FD; Clawson FD; Commerce Township FD; Farmington DPS; Ferndale FD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park FD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Huntington Woods DPS; Independence Township FD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Michigan Association of Fire Chiefs; Milford FD; Novi FD; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Township FD; Oxford FD; Pontiac FD; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills FD; Royal Oak FD; South Lyon FD; Southfield FD; Springfield Township FD; Troy City FD; Walled Lake FD; Waterford FD; West Bloomfield FD; White Lake FD; Wixom FD Shared Channels Table B–7 – MABAS Statewide Fire Mutual Aid Shared Channel Information Channel Name Analog Wide / / Digital Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use FG–BLACK Analog NB 154.2725 94.8 / ZA 154.2725 94.8 / ZA Fire ground mutual aid FG–BLUE Analog WB 154.2950 85.4 / YA 154.2950 CSQ Fire ground mutual aid FG-GOLD Analog NB 153.8375 91.5 / ZZ 153.8375 91.5 / ZZ Fire ground mutual aid FG–GRAY Analog NB 154.2875 136.5 / 4Z 154.2875 Fire 136.5 / 4Z ground mutual aid FG–RED Analog WB 153.8300 156.7 / 5A 153.8300 May 2011 CSQ Fire ground mutual aid B-21 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Analog Wide / / Digital Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use FG–WHITE Analog WB 154.2800 74.4 / WA 154.2800 CSQ Fire ground mutual aid FG–IFERN Analog WB 154.2650 210.7 / M2 154.2650 CSQ Fire ground mutual aid FG–IFERN2 Analog NB 154.3025 67.0 / XZ 154.3025 67.0 / XZ Fire ground mutual aid 155.7525 National mutual aid 156.7 / 5A calling channel 151.1375 National mutual aid 156.7 / 5A tactical channel 154.4525 National mutual aid 156.7 / 5A tactical channel 158.7375 National mutual 156.7 / 5A tactical channel 159.4725 National mutual aid 156.7 / 5A tactical channel VCALL VTAC11 VTAC12 VTAC13 VTAC14 Agencies Supported: May 2011 Analog Analog Analog Analog Analog NB NB NB NB NB 155.7525 151.1375 154.4525 158.7375 159.4725 156.7 / 5A 156.7 / 5A 156.7 / 5A 156.7 / 5A 156.7 / 5A Addison Township FD; Auburn Hills FD; Beverly Hills DPS; Birmingham FD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Township FD; Brandon Township FD; Clawson FD; Commerce Township FD; Farmington DPS; Ferndale FD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park FD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Huntington Woods DPS; Independence Township FD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Michigan Association of Fire Chiefs; Milford FD; Novi FD; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Township FD; Oxford FD; Pontiac FD; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills FD; Royal Oak FD; South Lyon FD; Southfield FD; Springfield Township FD; Troy City FD; Walled Lake FD; Waterford FD; West Bloomfield FD; White Lake FD; Wixom FD B-22 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.7 Macomb County Public Safety Communications System – MPSCS Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Macomb County Emergency Management Name: Bradshaw, Keith, M. Title: Technical Services Manager Phone: 586–469–6433 24/7 Phone: 810–464–4964 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 840 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 2,045 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Both Radio System Model: ASTRO P25 Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: P25 P1 Number of Channels: 18 Encryption Protocol: DES–OFB Year Installed: 2006 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Digital Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband May 2011 B-23 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Voted: Yes Simulcast: Yes Service Area Macomb County Participating Agencies Armada Township DPW; Armada Township FD; Bruce Township DPW; Bruce–Romeo FD; Chesterfield FD; Chesterfield PD; Chesterfield Township DPW; City of Richmond / Lennox EMS; Richmond FD; Richmond PD; City of Richmond DPW; Clinton Township DPW; Clinton Township FD; Clinton Township PD; Eastpointe DPW; Eastpointe FD; Fraser DPW; Fraser Public Safety; Harrison Township FD; Harrison Township Water Department; Lake Township DPW; Lenox Township DPW; Lenox Township FD; Macomb Community College; Macomb Community College PD; Macomb County; Macomb County Emergency Management; Macomb County Health Department; Macomb County Sheriff; Macomb Township DPW; Macomb Township FD; Medstar Ambulance; Memphis DPW; Memphis FD; Memphis PD; Mount Clemens DPW; Mount Clemens FD; New Baltimore DPW; New Baltimore FD; New Baltimore PD; New Haven DPW; New Haven FD; New Haven PD; Ray Township FD; Romeo DPW; Romeo PD; Roseville DPW; Roseville FD; Roseville PD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base FD; SANG PD; Shelby Township DPW; Shelby Township FD; Shelby Township PD; St. Clair Shores DPW; St. Clair Shores FD; St. Clair Shores PD; Sterling Heights DPW; Sterling Heights FD; Sterling Heights PD; Superior Ambulance; U.S. Army Garrison Police and FD (TACOM FD); U.S. Border Patrol Selfridge; Universal Ambulance; Utica DPW; Utica FD; Utica PD; Village of Armada PD; Washington Township DPW; Washington Township FD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on Detroit––MPSCS. Shared Talk Groups Table B–8 – Macomb County – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 50COM 8CE MPSCS COUNTY COMMON 50ESTAG 50ESTAG ZONE M 50ETRAN 50ETRAN ZONE M 50ETRIA 50ETRIA ZONE M May 2011 B-24 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 50HFMAC 50HFMAC ZONE M 50HFWAR 50HFWAR ZONE M 50MCRMC 50MCRMC ZONE M 50SJNS 50SJNS ZONE M 63CRITT 63CRITT ZONE M 63OAKH 63OAKH ZONE M 63SJOAK 63SJOAK ZONE M 63WBHT 63WBHT ZONE M 82SJHMC 82SJHMC ZONE M 50SPEV1 50SPEV1 ZONE N 50SPEV10 50SPEV10 ZONE N 50SPEV12 50SPEV12 ZONE N 50SPEV13 50SPEV13 ZONE N 50SPEV14 50SPEV14 ZONE N 50SPEV15 50SPEV15 ZONE N 50SPEV16 50SPEV16 ZONE N 50SPEV2 50SPEV2 ZONE N 50SPEV3 50SPEV3 ZONE N 50SPEV4 50SPEV4 ZONE N 50SPEV5 50SPEV5 ZONE N 50SPEV6 50SPEV6 ZONE N 50SPEV7 50SPEV7 ZONE N May 2011 B-25 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 50SPEV8 50SPEV8 ZONE N 50SPEV9 50SPEV9 ZONE N S0SPEV11 S0SPEV11 ZONE N 50AREA1 50AREA1 ZONE O 50AREA2 50AREA2 ZONE O 50AREA3 50AREA3 ZONE O 50COMMS 50COMMS ZONE O 50DACOM 50DACOM ZONE O 50EMCOM 50EMCOM ZONE O 50FDCOM 50FDCOM ZONE O 50HDCOM 50HDCOM ZONE O 50HSCOM 50HSCOM ZONE O 50MCI 50MCI ZONE O 50PDCOM 50PDCOM ZONE O 50PICOM 50PICOM ZONE O 50PWCOM 50PWCOM ZONE O 50RDCOM 50RDCOM ZONE O 50AC1 50AC1 ZONE P 50AC2 50AC2 ZONE P 50MCHD 50MCHD ZONE P 50MSEM1 50MSEM1 ZONE P 50RLEMS 50RLEMS ZONE P May 2011 B-26 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 50SAEMS 50SAEMS ZONE P 50UAEMS 50UAEMS ZONE P 74E911 74E911 ZONE P AIRLZ1 AIRLZ1 ZONE P AIRLZ2 AIRLZ2 ZONE P CHOPHP1 CHOPHP1 ZONE P CHREG2N CHREG2N ZONE P Agencies Supported: Armada Township DPW; Armada Township FD; Bruce Township DPW; Bruce–Romeo FD; Chesterfield FD; Chesterfield PD; Chesterfield Township DPW; City of Richmond / Lennox EMS; Richmond FD; PD; City of Richmond DPW; Clinton Township DPW; Clinton Township FD; Clinton Township PD; Eastpointe DPW; Eastpointe FD; Fraser DPW; Fraser Public Safety; Harrison Township FD; Lake Township DPW; Lenox Township DPW; Lenox Township FD; Macomb Community College; Macomb Community College PD; Macomb County; Macomb County Emergency Management; Macomb County Health Department; Macomb County Sheriff; Macomb Township DPW; Macomb Township FD; Medstar Ambulance; Memphis DPW; Memphis FD; Memphis PD; Mount Clemens DPW; Mount Clemens FD; New Baltimore DPW; New Baltimore FD; New Baltimore PD; New Haven DPW; New Haven FD; New Haven PD; Ray Township FD; Romeo DPW; Romeo PD; Roseville DPW; Roseville FD; Roseville PD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base FD; SANG PD; Shelby Township DPW; Shelby Township FD; Shelby Township PD; St. Clair Shores DPW; St. Clair Shores FD; St. Clair Shores PD; Sterling Heights DPW; Sterling Heights FD; Sterling Heights PD; Superior Ambulance; U.S. Army Garrison Police and FD (TACOM FD); Universal Ambulance; Utica DPW; Utica FD; Utica PD; Village of Armada PD; Washington Township DPW; Washington Township FD 50ARFD 50ARFD ZONE W 50CHFD 50CHFD ZONE W 50CTFD 50CTFD ZONE W 50EPFD 50EPFD ZONE W 50FRFD 50FRFD ZONE W May 2011 B-27 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 50HTFD 50HTFD ZONE W 50HWFD 50HWFD ZONE W 50MCFD 50MCFD ZONE W 50MTFD 50MTFD ZONE W 50NBFD 50NBFD ZONE W 50NHFD 50NHFD ZONE W 50EMER4 50EMER4 ZONE W, X, Y & Z 50DAFD 50DAFD ZONE X 50FIRE2 50FIRE2 ZONE X 50RMFD 50RMFD ZONE X 50RTFD 50RTFD ZONE X 50RVFD 50RVFD ZONE X 50SCFD 50SCFD ZONE X 50SFFD 50SFFD ZONE X 50SHFD 50SHFD ZONE X 50STFD 50STFD ZONE X 50UTFD 50UTFD ZONE X 50WTFD 50WTFD ZONE X Warren Warren ZONE X 50ARFD2 50ARFD2 ZONE Y 50BRFD2 50BRFD2 ZONE Y 50CHFD2 50CHFD2 ZONE Y May 2011 B-28 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 50CTFD2 50CTFD2 ZONE Y 50EPFD2 50EPFD2 ZONE Y 50FRFD2 50FRFD2 ZONE Y 50HTFD2 50HTFD2 ZONE Y 50LXFD2 50LXFD2 ZONE Y 50MCFD2 50MCFD2 ZONE Y 50MTFD2 50MTFD2 ZONE Y 50NHFD2 50NHFD2 ZONE Y 50DAFD2 50DAFD2 ZONE Z 50FIRE1 50FIRE1 ZONE Z 50RMFD2 50RMFD2 ZONE Z 50RTFD2 50RTFD2 ZONE Z 50RVFD2 50RVFD2 ZONE Z 50STFD2 50STFD2 ZONE Z 50UTFD2 50UTFD2 ZONE Z 50WTFD2 50WTFD2 ZONE Z CNTRLN CNTRLN ZONES W & Y Agencies Supported: Armada Township FD; Bruce–Romeo FD; Chesterfield FD; Richmond FD; Clinton Township FD; Eastpointe FD; Harrison Township FD; Lenox Township FD; Macomb Township FD; Memphis FD; Mount Clemens FD; New Baltimore FD; New Haven FD; Ray Township FD; Roseville FD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base FD; Shelby Township FD; St. Clair Shores FD; Sterling Heights FD; U.S. Army Garrison Police and FD (TACOM FD); Utica FD; Washington Township FD Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-29 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Monroe County MPSCS B.8 Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Monroe County Name: Jennings, Jeremy (Assistant Director) Title: Assistant Director Phone: 734–457–6703 24/7 Phone: 834–777–4708 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 1,228 total mobiles and portables No. of Portable Radios on this System: System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Trunked Radio System Model: ASTRO P25 Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: P25 P1 Number of Channels: 10 Encryption Protocol: Year Installed: Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Digital Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband May 2011 B-30 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Voted: Yes Simulcast: Yes Service Area Monroe County Agencies Sharing System Ash Township FD; Bedford FD; Bedford Township FD; Bedford Township PD; Berlin Charter Township FD #1; Berlin Charter Township FD #2; Carleton PD; Dundee PD; Dundee Township FD; Dundee Village; Erie Township; Erie Township FD; Erie Township PD; Estral Beach FD; Exeter Township FD; Frenchtown Township FD; Ida Township FD; LaSalle Township FD; Life Flight; LMR FD; Lucas County, Ohio Sheriff's Office; Luna Pier FD; Luna Pier PD; Mercy Memorial Hospital; MSP – Monroe Post #28; Monroe Charter Township; Monroe City DPW; Monroe City FD; Monroe City PD; Monroe Community Ambulance; Monroe County; Monroe County Animal Control; Monroe County Central Dispatch; Monroe County Emergency Management; Monroe County Health Department; Monroe County Road Commission; Monroe County Sheriff's Office Corrections Division; Monroe County Sheriff's Office; Monroe County Youth Center; Monroe Road Commission; Monroe Township FD; Morin Point FD; Newport FD; Ottawa Lake FD; South Monroe County Water District; South Rockwood PD; Summerfield Township FD; Whiteford Township Constables; Whiteford Township FD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on Monroe County – MPSCS. Shared Talk Groups Table B–9 – Monroe County – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information Talkgroup Name Talkgroup ID Primary Use 53MMH3 53MMH3 Ambulance to hospital coordination 53MMH4 53MMH4 Ambulance to hospital coordination Agencies Supported: Mercy Memorial Hospital; Monroe Community Ambulance 58COMMON 58COM 58 Common: Car to Car 58EMER1 58EMER1 Tactical 58EMER2 58EMER2 Tactical 58EMER3 58EMER3 Tactical May 2011 B-31 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talkgroup Name Talkgroup ID Primary Use 50SPEV1 50SPEV1 Events 50SPEV2 50SPEV2 Events Agencies Supported: All agencies on system 58EMER4 58EMER4 Agencies Supported: All agencies on system 58EMER5 58EMER5 Agencies Supported: All agencies on system 58F911 58F911 Agencies Supported: Ash Township FD; Bedford FD; Bedford Township FD; Berlin Charter Township FD #1; Berlin Charter Township FD #2; Dundee Township FD; Erie Township FD; Estral Beach FD; Exeter Township FD; Frenchtown Township FD; Ida Township FD; LaSalle Township FD; LMR FD; Luna Pier FD; Luna Pier PD; Monroe Community Ambulance; Monroe Township FD; Morin Point FD; Newport FD; Ottawa Lake FD; Summerfield Township FD; Whiteford Township FD 58INTEROP 58INTEROP Agencies Supported: Lucas County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office, Monroe Central Dispatch and all public safety agencies on system 58JAIL 58JAIL Police Operations 58LAW1 58LAW1 Police Operations 58LAW2 58LAW2 Police Operations 58LEIN 58LEIN Police Operations 58MO911 58MO911 Police Operations 58P911 58P911 Police Operations Agencies Supported: Bedford Township PD; Erie Township PD; Luna Pier PD; Monroe City PD; Monroe County Sheriff's Office Corrections Division; Monroe County Sheriff's Office; South Rockwood PD May 2011 Tactical Tactical Operations Patching (Lucas County, OH) B-32 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talkgroup Name Talkgroup ID Primary Use 58MCEMD 58MCEMD Agencies Supported: Monroe County Emergency Management; Monroe Township FD 58MMH1 58MMH1 Medical Operations 58MMH2 58MMH2 Medical Operations 58MMH3 58MMH3 Medical Operations 58MMH4 58MMH4 Medical Operations 58MMH5 58MMH5 Medical Operations Agencies Supported: Ash Township FD; Bedford FD; Bedford Township FD; Berlin Charter Township FD #1; Berlin Charter Township FD #2; Dundee Township FD; Erie Township FD; Estral Beach FD; Exeter Township FD; Frenchtown Township FD; Ida Township FD; LaSalle Township FD; Life Flight; LMR FD; Luna Pier FD; Mercy Memorial Hospital; Monroe City FD; Monroe County Emergency Management; Monroe Township FD; Morin Point FD; Newport FD; Ottawa Lake FD; Summerfield Township FD; Whiteford Township FD STATW2 STATW2 Agencies Supported: All agencies on system May 2011 Tactical Hailing; Region 2 B-33 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.9 MPSCS Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Michigan Public Safety Communication System Name: Hayhurst, David, O. (NCC–Manager) Title: NCC Manager Phone: 517–333–5002 24/7 Phone: 517–490–3941 Email: Name: Network Communications Center, NCC Title: System Administration Phone: 517–333–5050 24/7 Phone: 517–333–5050 Email: MPSCS– May 2011 B-34 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: No. of Portable Radios on this System: System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Both Radio System Model: ASTRO P25 Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: P25 P1 Number of Channels: Encryption Protocol: DES–OFB Year Installed: 1996 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Both Analog / Digital / Both: Both Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband Voted: No Simulcast: Yes Service Area State of Michigan Participating Agencies Huron Township PD, Huron Township FD, Redford Police, Redford FD, Plymouth Township Police, Northville PD, Northville FD, Northville Township PD, Northville Township FD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on MPSCS. See ICALL/ITAC Inter–system Channels. May 2011 B-35 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Shared Talk Groups Table B–10 – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use Agencies Supported Zone E STATW1 STATW2 STATW3 STATW5 STATW6 STATW7 STATW8 Statewide Hailing All MPSCS Users Zone G Event 1–15 Statewide Interoperability All MPSCS Users Zone H Event 16–30 Statewide Interoperability All MPSCS Users Zone I Event 31–46 Statewide Law Enforcement Interoperability All MPSCS Users B.10 OakWIN Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness Name: Murphy, Stephen Title: Radio Communications / CLEMIS Sr. Technician Phone: 248–858–1100 24/7 Phone: 248–343–2294 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 1,720 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 3,694 System Type Radio System Make: May 2011 M/A–COM B-36 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Trunked / Conventional / Both: Trunked Radio System Model: Open Sky Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 51 Encryption Protocol: None Year Installed: 2010 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Digital Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband Voted: No Simulcast: No Service Area Oakland County Participating Agencies Addison Township FD; Alliance EMS; Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; Berkley DPS; Beverly Hills DPS; Bingham Farms; Birmingham City EMD; Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; Bloomfield Township PD; Brandon Township FD; Clarkson PD; Clawson FD; Clawson PD; CLEMIS; Commerce Township FD; Community EMS; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills Fire EMD; Farmington Hills PD; Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; Franklin PD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park DPW; Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Holly PD; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Independence Township FD; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Orion PD; Lathrup Village PD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; Milford FD; Milford PD; North Oakland FD; Novi FD; Novi PD; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Airport Operations; Oakland County Animal Control; Oakland County Children's Village; Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness; Oakland County Homeland Security; Oakland County Prosecutor's Office; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Oxford FD; Oxford PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills FD; Rochester PD; Royal Oak FD; Royal May 2011 B-37 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Oak PD; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; Springfield Township FD; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy City FD; Troy PD; Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on OakWIN. Shared Talk Groups Table B–11 – OakWIN Shared Talk Group Information Name Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Fire Talk 63F911 63F911 Agencies Supported: Addison Township FD; Auburn Hills FD; Birmingham FD; Bloomfield Township FD; Brandon Township FD; Clawson FD; Commerce Township FD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park FD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Independence Township FD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Milford FD; North Oakland FD; Oxford FD; Pontiac FD; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills FD; Royal Oak FD; South Lyon FD; Springfield Township FD; Troy City FD; Walled Lake FD; Waterford FD; West Bloomfield FD; White Lake FD; Wixom FD 63MPSC1 63MPSC1 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop 63MPSC2 63MPSC2 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop 63MPSC3 63MPSC3 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop 63MPSC4 63MPSC4 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop 63MPSC5 63MPSC5 MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Interop Agencies Supported: Addison Township FD; Alliance EMS; Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; Berkley DPS; Beverly Hills DPS; Bingham Farms; Birmingham City EMD; Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; Bloomfield Township PD; Brandon Township FD; Clarkson PD; Clawson FD; Clawson PD; CLEMIS; Commerce Township FD; May 2011 B-38 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use Community EMS; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills Fire EMD; Farmington Hills PD; Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; Franklin PD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park DPW; Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Holly PD; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Independence Township FD; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Orion PD; Lathrup Village PD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; Milford FD; Milford PD; North Oakland FD; Novi FD; Novi PD; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Airport Operations; Oakland County Animal Control; Oakland County Children's Village; Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness; Oakland County Homeland Security; Oakland County Prosecutor's Office; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Oxford FD; Oxford PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills FD; Rochester PD; Royal Oak FD; Royal Oak PD; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; Springfield Township FD; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy City FD; Troy PD; Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD MPSCS Simulcast Link to Statewide TRS – Law Talk 63P911 63P911 NE_OP1 NE_OP1 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel NE_OP2 NE_OP2 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel NE_OP3 NE_OP3 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel NE_OP4 NE_OP4 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel NW_OP1 NW_OP1 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel NW_OP2 NW_OP2 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel NW_OP3 NW_OP3 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel NW_OP4 NW_OP4 Countywide Shared Police Tactical May 2011 B-39 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use Channel SE_OP1 SE_OP1 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel SE_OP2 SE_OP2 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel SE_OP3 SE_OP3 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel SE_OP4 SE_OP4 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel SW_OP1 SW_OP1 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel SW_OP2 SW_OP2 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel SW_OP3 SW_OP3 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel SW_OP4 SW_OP4 Countywide Shared Police Tactical Channel Agencies Supported: Auburn Hills PD; Berkley DPS; Beverly Hills DPS; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township PD; Clarkson PD; Clawson PD; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills PD; Ferndale PD; Franklin PD; Hazel Park PD; Holly PD; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Keego Harbor PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Orion PD; Lathrup Village PD; Madison Heights PD; Milford PD; Novi PD; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Prosecutor's Office; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Oxford PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Pontiac PD; Rochester PD; Royal Oak PD; South Lyon PD; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy PD; Walled Lake PD; Waterford Township PD; West Bloomfield PD; White Lake Township PD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD CW_EMSC CW_EMS2 Countywide EMS Calling Channel CW_EMS1 CW_EMS1 Countywide EMS Interop CW_EMS2 CW_EMS2 Countywide EMS Interop CW_EMS3 CW_EMS2 Countywide EMS Interop May 2011 B-40 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use CW_EMS4 CW_EMS4 Agencies Supported: All County EMS ALL_HOSP ALL_HOSP Agencies Supported: All hospitals and EMS on system CW_FD1 CW_FD1 Countywide Fire Interop CW_FD2 CW_FD2 Countywide Fire Interop CW_FD3 CW_FD3 Countywide Fire Interop CW_FD4 CW_FD4 Countywide Fire Interop Agencies Supported: Addison Township FD; Auburn Hills FD; Birmingham FD; Bloomfield Township FD; Brandon Township FD; Clawson FD; Commerce Township FD; Ferndale FD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park FD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Independence Township FD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Milford FD; North Oakland FD; Novi FD; Oakland Township FD; Oxford FD; Pontiac FD; Rochester FD; Royal Oak FD; South Lyon FD; Springfield Township FD; Troy City FD; Walled Lake FD; Waterford FD; West Bloomfield FD; White Lake FD; Wixom FD CW_POL1 CW_POL1 Countywide Police Interop CW_POL2 CW_POL2 Countywide Police Interop CW_POL3 CW_POL3 Countywide Police Interop CW_POL4 CW_POL4 Countywide Police Interop Agencies Supported: Auburn Hills PD; Berkley DPS; Beverly Hills DPS; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township PD; Clarkson PD; Clawson PD; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills PD; Ferndale PD; Franklin PD; Hazel Park PD; Holly PD; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Orion PD; Lathrup Village PD; Madison Heights PD; Milford PD; Novi PD; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Oxford PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Pontiac PD; Rochester PD; Royal Oak PD; South Lyon PD; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy PD; Walled Lake PD; Waterford Township PD; West Bloomfield PD; White Lake Township PD; May 2011 Countywide EMS Interop Countywide Hospital Interop B-41 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD EV_1 EV_1 Special events 1 – Multi–TAC EV_10 EV_10 Special Events 10 – Multi–TAC EV_11 EV_11 Special Events 11 – Multi–TAC EV_12 EV_12 Special Events 12 – Multi–TAC EV_13 EV_13 Special Events 13 – Multi–TAC EV_2 EV_2 Special Events 2 – Multi–TAC EV_3 EV_3 Special Events 3 – Multi–TAC EV_4 EV_4 Special Events 4 – Multi–TAC EV_5 EV_5 Special Events 5 – Multi–TAC EV_6 EV_6 Special Events 6 – Multi–TAC EV_7 EV_7 Special Events 7 – Multi–TAC EV_8 EV_8 Special Events 8 – Multi–TAC EV_9 EV_9 Special Events 9 – Multi–TAC Agencies Supported: Addison Township FD; Alliance EMS; Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; Berkley DPS; Beverly Hills DPS; Bingham Farms; Birmingham City EMD; Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; Bloomfield Township PD; Brandon Township FD; Clarkson PD; Clawson FD; Clawson PD; CLEMIS; Commerce Township FD; Community EMS; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills Fire EMD; Farmington Hills PD; Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; Franklin PD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park DPW; Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Holly PD; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Independence Township FD; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Orion PD; Lathrup Village PD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; Milford FD; Milford PD; North Oakland FD; Novi FD; Novi PD; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Airport Operations; Oakland County Animal Control; Oakland County Children's Village; Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness; Oakland May 2011 B-42 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use County Homeland Security; Oakland County Prosecutor's Office; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Oxford FD; Oxford PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills FD; Rochester PD; Royal Oak FD; Royal Oak PD; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; Springfield Township FD; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy City FD; Troy PD; Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD Southfield Gateway—Patched by Southfield Dispatch SFLD1 SFLD1 Agencies Supported: All agencies on system WARN1 WARN1 Warren Gateway—Hailing Channel WARN2 WARN2 Warren Gateway—Patched by Warren Dispatch Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-43 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.11 St. Clair County – MPSCS Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: St. Clair County, St. Clair County Sheriff Name: Conger, Tim Title: Communications Supervisor Phone: 810–966–1691 24/7 Phone: 810–650–0677 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 344 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 990 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Both Radio System Model: ASTRO P25 Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: P25 P1 Number of Channels: 9 Encryption Protocol: Year Installed: 2010 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Digital May 2011 B-44 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband Voted: Yes Simulcast: Yes Service Area St. Clair County Participating Agencies Algonac FD; Algonac PD; Almont FD; Armada Township FD; Berlin Charter Township; Berlin Twp FD; Blue Water Bridge (MDOT); Brockway Township FD; Burtchville FD; Canadian Pacific Railway Police; Capac Community Schools; Capac PD; Clay Township FD; Clay Township PD; Clyde Township FD; Emmett FD; Fort Gratiot FD; Grant Township FD; Ira Township FD; Kenockee Township FD; Kimball Township FD; Lakeport State Park (DNR); Marine City FD; Marine City PD; Marysville FD; Marysville PD; Medstar Ambulance; Memphis FD; Memphis PD; MI DNR – Southfield; MSP – Richmond Post #24; Mussey Township FD; New Baltimore FD; Port Huron; Port Huron FD; Port Huron PD; Port Huron Township FD; REGION 2 North Healthcare Coalition; St. Clair County; St. Clair County Sheriff; St. Clair Emergency Mgt; St. Clair FD; St. Clair PD; St. Clair Road Commission; St. Clair County Health Department; St. Clair County Regional Educational Service Agency; St. Clair County Transportation; St. Clair Courts; Tri Hospital EMS; U.S. Border Patrol Selfridge; Yale FD; Yale PD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on St. Clair—MPSCS. Shared Talk Groups Table B–12 – St. Clair County – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 74COM 74COM County Common 74E911 74E911 EMS Dispatch County Wide 74F911 74F911 Fire Dispatch County Wide 74P911 74P911 County Dispatch 74SPEV1 74SPEV1 Incident Coordination 1 74SPEV2 74SPEV2 Incident Coordination 2 May 2011 B-45 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 74SPEV3 74SPEV3 Incident Coordination 3 74SPEV4 74SPEV4 74SPEV4 Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-46 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.12 University of Michigan 800 MHz Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: University of Michigan PD Name: James, Crystal (Lt.) Title: Communications Supervisor Phone: 734–763–1131 24/7 Phone: Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 6 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 43 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Trunked Radio System Model: SmartNet II Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 11 Encryption Protocol: Year Installed: 1995 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Analog May 2011 B-47 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband Voted: No Simulcast: No Service Area University of Michigan campus is primary service area; system serves as a backup to all Washtenaw County – MPSCS users Participating Agencies Ann Arbor FD; Ann Arbor Office of Emergency Management; Ann Arbor PD; Ann Arbor Township FD; Augusta Township FD; Chelsea FD; Chelsea PD; Clinton FD; Dexter FD; Eastern Michigan University PD; Hudson Mills Metropark; Huron Valley Ambulance; Manchester FD; Milan FD; Milan PD; Northfield Township FD; Northfield Township PD; Pittsfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township PD; Salem Township FD; Saline FD; Saline PD; Scio Township FD; State of Michigan Forensic Center – Ypsilanti; Superior FD; University of Michigan Occupational Safety & Environmental Health; University of Michigan PD; Washtenaw County Emergency Management; Washtenaw County HAZMAT; Washtenaw County Road Commission; Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti PD; Ypsilanti Township FD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on University of Michigan 800 MHz system. Shared Talk Groups Table B–13 – University of Michigan 800 MHz Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use BK–1 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; public safety calling channel BK–11 BK–11 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used by Ypsilanti City, Eastern Michigan University and Washtenaw Community College BK–12 BK–12 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used by Pittsfield Township Public Safety BK–13 BK–13 Backup to Washtenaw County – BK–1 May 2011 B-48 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use MPSCS; used by Ann Arbor PD BK–2 BK–2 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used by Ann Arbor FD BK–3 BK–3 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used by Central Dispatch and Washtenaw County Sheriff BK–4 BK–4 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used by Cities of Milan and Saline BK–5 BK–5 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used by Forensic Center BK–6 BK–6 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used by City of Ann Arbor and Washtenaw County Governments BK–7 BK–7 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used by Emergency Management and County Parks BK–8 BK–8 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used for County Fire Dispatch BK–9 BK–9 Backup to Washtenaw County – MPSCS; used by Washtenaw County Road Commission Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-49 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.13 Warren 800 MHz Trunked System Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Warren PD Name: Ahrens, Robert (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 586–574–4831 24/7 Phone: 586–524–2546 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 40 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 86 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Both Radio System Model: ASTRO P25 Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 7 Encryption Protocol: DVP Year Installed: 2005 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Both May 2011 B-50 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband Voted: No Simulcast: No Service Area Cities of Warren and Centerline Participating Agencies Armada Township DPW; Armada Township FD; Augusta Township FD; Bruce Township DPW; Bruce–Romeo FD; Center Line DPW; Center Line FD; Center Line Public Safety; Chelsea Community Hospital; Chelsea FD; Chelsea PD; Chesterfield FD; Chesterfield PD; Chesterfield Township DPW; City of Richmond / Lennox EMS; Richmond FD; Richmond PD; City of Richmond DPW; Clinton FD; Clinton Township DPW; Clinton Township FD; Clinton Township PD; Dexter FD; Eastern Michigan University PD; Eastpointe DPW; Eastpointe FD; Eastpointe PD; Fraser DPW; Fraser Public Safety; Harrison Township FD; Harrison Township Water Department; Hudson Mills Metropark; Huron Valley Ambulance; Lake Township DPW; Lenox Township DPW; Lenox Township FD; London Township; Macomb Community College PD; Macomb County DPW; Macomb County Emergency Management; Macomb County Sheriff; Macomb Township DPW; Macomb Township FD; Manchester FD; Medstar Ambulance; Memphis DPW; Memphis FD; Memphis PD; Midwest Medflight; Milan FD; Milan PD; Mount Clemens DPW; Mount Clemens FD; Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center; New Baltimore DPW; New Baltimore FD; New Baltimore PD; New Haven DPW; New Haven FD; New Haven PD; Northfield Township FD; Northfield Township PD; Pittsfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township PD; Ray Township FD; Romeo DPW; Romeo PD; Roseville DPW; Roseville FD; Roseville PD; Salem Township FD; Saline FD; Saline PD; Scio Township FD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base FD; SANG PD; Shelby Township DPW; Shelby Township FD; Shelby Township PD; St. Clair Shores DPW; St. Clair Shores FD; St. Clair Shores PD; Sterling Heights DPW; Sterling Heights FD; Sterling Heights PD; Superior Ambulance; Superior FD; Survival Flight; U.S. Army Garrison Police and FD (TACOM FD); Universal Ambulance; Utica DPW; Utica FD; Utica PD; Village of Armada PD; Warren DPW; Warren Division of Buildings and Safety Engineering; Warren Engineering Division; Warren FD; Warren Parks and Recreation; Warren PD; Washington Township DPW; Washington Township FD; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti PD; Ypsilanti Township FD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on St. Clair—MPSCS. May 2011 B-51 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Shared Talk Groups Table B–14 – Warren County 800 MHz Trunked System Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use Dispatch Dispatch Warren Police and TACOM Police Agencies Supported: Center Line Public Safety; Chelsea PD; Chesterfield PD; Richmond PD; Clinton Township PD; Eastern Michigan University PD; Eastpointe PD; Fraser Public Safety; Macomb Community College PD; Macomb County Sheriff; Memphis PD; Milan PD; New Baltimore PD; New Haven PD; Northfield Township PD; Pittsfield Township PD; Romeo PD; Roseville PD; Saline PD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) PD; Shelby Township PD; St. Clair Shores PD; Sterling Heights PD; U.S. Army Garrison Police and FD (TACOM FD); Utica PD; Village of Armada PD; Warren PD; Ypsilanti PD Fire Fire Agencies Supported: Armada Township FD; Augusta Township FD; Bruce–Romeo FD; Center Line FD; Chesterfield FD; FD; Clinton FD; Clinton Township FD; Dexter FD; Eastpointe FD; Harrison Township FD; Lenox Township FD; Macomb Township FD; Manchester FD; Memphis FD; Milan FD; Mount Clemens FD; New Baltimore FD; New Haven FD; Northfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township FD; Ray Township FD; Roseville FD; Salem Township FD; Saline FD; Scio Township FD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base FD; Shelby Township FD; St. Clair Shores FD; Sterling Heights FD; Superior FD; U.S. Army Garrison Police and FD (TACOM FD); Utica FD; Warren FD; Washington Township FD; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti Township FD Warren Warren Agencies Supported: All agencies on system All fire radios in Macomb County and Warren Fire All radios in Macomb County Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-52 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.14 Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Name: Halteman, David, R. Title: Assistant Director and Enhanced 9–1–1 Coordinator Phone: 734–973–4548 24/7 Phone: 734–320–0515 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 152 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 30 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Trunked Radio System Model: SmartNet Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: Encryption Protocol: None Year Installed: Repeated / Simplex / Both: May 2011 Repeated B-53 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Analog / Digital / Both: Analog Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Wideband Voted: Yes Simulcast: No Service Area Washtenaw County Participating Agencies Ann Arbor DPW; Ann Arbor FD; Ann Arbor Office of Emergency Management; Ann Arbor PD; Ann Arbor Schools; Ann Arbor Township FD; Augusta Township FD; Chelsea FD; Chelsea PD; Clinton FD; Dexter FD; Eastern Michigan University PD; Hudson Mills Metro Park; Huron Valley Ambulance; Manchester FD; MSP – Ypsilanti Post #26; Midwest Medflight; Milan FD; Milan PD; Northfield Township FD; Northfield Township PD; Pittsfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township PD; Salem Township FD; Saline DPW; Saline FD; Saline PD; Scio Township FD; State of Michigan Forensic Center – Ypsilanti; Superior FD; Survival Flight; University of Michigan PD; VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (VAAAHS); Washtenaw County Emergency Management; Washtenaw County HAZMAT; Washtenaw County Road Commission; Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office; Washtenaw Intermediate School District; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti PD; Ypsilanti Township FD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on the Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog backup system. Shared Talk Groups Table B–15 – Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use TAC1 TAC1 Interoperability TAC2 TAC2 Interoperability TAC3 TAC3 Interoperability TAC4 TAC4 Interoperability TAC6 TAC6 Interoperability May 2011 B-54 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region TAC7 TAC7 Interoperability TAC8 TAC8 Interoperability TAC9 TAC9 Interoperability Agencies Supported: Ann Arbor FD; Ann Arbor Office of Emergency Management; Ann Arbor PD; Ann Arbor Township FD; Augusta Township FD; Chelsea FD; Chelsea PD; Clinton FD; Dexter FD; Eastern Michigan University PD; Hudson Mills Metropark; Huron Valley Ambulance; Manchester FD; MSP – Ypsilanti Post #26; Midwest Medflight; Milan FD; Milan PD; Northfield Township FD; Northfield Township PD; Pittsfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township PD; Salem Township FD; Saline FD; Saline PD; Scio Township FD; State of Michigan Forensic Center – Ypsilanti; Superior FD; Survival Flight; University of Michigan PD; VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (VAAAHS); Washtenaw County Emergency Management; Washtenaw County HAZMAT; Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti PD; Ypsilanti Township FD Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-55 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Washtenaw County MPSCS B.15 Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Name: Halteman, David, R. Title: Assistant Director and Enhanced 9–1–1 Coordinator Phone: 734–973–4548 24/7 Phone: 734–320–0515 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 452 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 1,115 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Both Radio System Model: ASTRO P25 Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: P25 P1 Number of Channels: 12 Encryption Protocol: DES–OFB Year Installed: 2010 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Digital May 2011 B-56 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband Voted: Yes Simulcast: Yes Service Area Washtenaw County Participating Agencies Ann Arbor FD; Ann Arbor Office of Emergency Management; Ann Arbor Township FD; Augusta Township FD; Chelsea FD; Chelsea PD; Clinton FD; Dexter FD; Eastern Michigan University PD; Hudson Mills Metropark; Huron Valley Ambulance; London Township; Manchester FD; MSP – Ypsilanti Post #26; Midwest Medflight; Milan FD; Milan PD; Northfield Township FD; Northfield Township PD; Pittsfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township PD; Salem Township FD; Saline FD; Saline PD; Scio Township FD; St Joseph Mercy Hospital; State of Michigan Forensic Center – Ypsilanti; Superior FD; Survival Flight; VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (VAAAHS); Washtenaw County Emergency Management; Washtenaw County HAZMAT; Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti PD; Ypsilanti Township FD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on Washtenaw County— MPSCS. Shared Talk Groups Table B–16 – Washtenaw County MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 81COM 81COM County Common 81 INTEROP 1 81 INTEROP 1 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 2 81 INTEROP 2 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 3 81 INTEROP 3 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 4 81 INTEROP 4 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 5 81 INTEROP 5 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 6 81 INTEROP 6 Interoperability May 2011 B-57 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 81 INTEROP 7 81 INTEROP 7 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 8 81 INTEROP 8 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 9 81 INTEROP 9 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 10 81 INTEROP 10 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 11 81 INTEROP 11 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 12 81 INTEROP 12 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 13 81 INTEROP 13 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 14 81 INTEROP 14 Interoperability 81 INTEROP 15 81 INTEROP 15 Interoperability Agencies Supported: All agencies on system Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-58 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wayne County – MPSCS B.16 Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Wayne County Central Communications Name: Hammond, Mark Title: Deputy Director, Emergency Management Phone: 734–942–5289 24/7 Phone: Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: Approximately 700 public service and EMA total radios No. of Portable Radios on this System: System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Trunked Radio System Model: ASTRO P25 Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 19 Encryption Protocol: Year Installed: 2010 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Digital May 2011 B-59 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Narrowband Voted: Yes Simulcast: Yes Service Area Wayne County Participating Agencies HealthLink MTS; Huron Township PD; Huron Twp Fire; Livonia EMD; Livonia FD; Livonia PD; Metropolitan Airport PD; Northville FD; Northville PD; Northville Township FD; Northville Township PD; Plymouth Community FD; Plymouth PD; Redford Township PD; Sumpter Township FD; Van Buren FD; Wayne County Central Communications; Wayne County DOH; Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management; Wayne County Department of Public Services; Wayne County Sheriff; Wayne Emergency Management Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on Wayne County—MPSCS. Shared Talk Groups Table B–17 – Wayne County – MPSCS Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use 82COM 82COM County Common 82EMD1 82EMD1 Emergency Management 82EMD2 82EMD2 Emergency Management 82F911 82F911 Fire Common 82HD 82HD Wayne County Health Department 82MCA1 82MCA1 Mass Casualty 82MCA2 82MCA2 Mass Casualty 82MCA3 82MCA3 Mass Casualty 82MCA4 82MCA4 Mass Casualty May 2011 B-60 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 82P911 82P911 Police Common 82SPEV1 82SPEV1 Events Channel 82SPEV2 82SPEV2 Events Channel 82SPEV3 82SPEV3 Events Channel 82SPEV4 82SPEV4 Events Channel 82SPEV5 82SPEV5 Events Channel Agencies Supported: Wayne County Central Communications; Wayne County DOH; Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management; Wayne County Department of Public Services; Wayne County Sheriff Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-61 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.17 Wayne County Central Communications VHF Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Wayne County Central Communications Name: Hammond, Mark Title: Deputy Director, Emergency Management Phone: 734–942–5289 24/7 Phone: Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: No. of Portable Radios on this System: System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Conventional Radio System Model: Radio System Frequency Band: VHF High–Band (150–174MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: Encryption Protocol: Year Installed: Repeated / Simplex / Both: Simplex Analog / Digital / Both: Analog May 2011 B-62 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Wideband Voted: Yes Simulcast: Yes Service Area Wayne County Participating Agencies Allen Park PD; Belleville PD; Dearborn 911 Communications; Dearborn Heights PD; Dearborn PD; Detroit Police; Ecorse PD; Garden City PD; Gibraltar PD; Grosse Pointe City DPS; Grosse Pointe Farms; Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Harper Woods PD; Huron Township PD; Livonia PD; Melvindale PD; Northville PD; Northville Township PD; Plymouth Township PD; Redford Township PD; River Rouge PD; Rockwood PD; Romulus PD; Southgate PD; Sumpter Township PD; Taylor PD; Wayne County Central Communications; Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management; Wayne County Sheriff; Wayne Emergency Management Shared Channels Table B–18 – Wayne County Central Communications VHF Shared Channels Channel Name Analog / Digital Point–to– Point Wide / Narrow Tx Freq 155.3700 Tx Tone Rx Freq 155.3700 Rx Tone Primary Use Dispatch–to– dispatch Allen Park PD; Belleville PD; Dearborn 911 Communications; Dearborn Heights PD; Agencies Supported: Dearborn PD; Detroit Police; Ecorse PD; Garden City PD; Gibraltar PD; Grosse Pointe City DPS; Grosse Pointe Farms; Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Harper Woods PD; Huron Township PD; Livonia PD; Melvindale PD; Northville PD; Northville Township PD; Plymouth Township PD; Redford Township PD; River Rouge PD; Rockwood PD; Romulus PD; Southgate PD; Sumpter Township PD; Taylor PD; Wayne County Central Communications; Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management; Wayne County Sheriff; Wayne Emergency Management Shared Talk Groups There are no shared Talk Groups for the selected agencies on Wayne County Central Communications VHF. Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-63 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region B.18 Western Wayne County 800 MHz Radio Consortium Responsible Agency This radio system is owned or managed by: Westland PD Name: Fetner, Scott (Lt.) Title: Support Services Phone: 734–467–3543 24/7 Phone: 734–748–7672 Email: Number of Radios No. of Mobile Radios on this System: 536 No. of Portable Radios on this System: 686 System Type Radio System Make: Motorola Trunked / Conventional / Both: Trunked Radio System Model: SmartNet Radio System Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) P25 Compliancy: None Number of Channels: 11 Encryption Protocol: Year Installed: 1999 Repeated / Simplex / Both: Repeated Analog / Digital / Both: Analog May 2011 B-64 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Wideband / Narrowband / Both: Wideband Voted: No Simulcast: No Service Area Dearborn Heights, Garden City, Inkster, Wayne, and Westland Participating Agencies Canton DPS; Dearborn Heights FD; Dearborn Heights PD; Garden City FD; Garden City PD; Inkster FD; Inkster Police Dept.; Wayne FD; Wayne PD; Westland FD; Westland PD Shared Channels There are no shared channels for the selected agencies on Western Wayne County 800 MHz Radio Consortium. Shared Talk Groups Table B–19 – Western Wayne County 800 MHz Radio Consortium Shared Talk Group Information Talk group Name Talk group ID Primary Use WW CAR WW CAR Police Car–to–Car WW DET1 WW DET1 Police Operations WW DET2 WW DET2 Police Operations WW DET3 WW DET3 Police Operations WW DET4 WW DET4 Police Operations WW DET5 WW DET5 Police Operations WW LEIN WW LEIN Police Operations WW PD1 WW PD1 Police Operations WW PD2 WW PD2 Police Operations WW PD3 WW PD3 Police Operations May 2011 B-65 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region WW PD4 WW PD4 Police Operations Agencies Supported: Canton DPS; Dearborn Heights PD; Garden City PD; Inkster Police Dept.; Wayne PD; Westland PD WW MA1 WW MA1 Mutual Aid WW MA2 WW MA2 Mutual Aid WW MA3 WW MA3 Mutual Aid WW MA4 WW MA4 Mutual Aid WW MA5 WW MA5 Mutual Aid Agencies Supported: All agencies on system WW800 WW800 Agencies Supported: Canton DPS; Dearborn Heights PD; Garden City PD; Inkster Police Dept.; Wayne PD; Westland PD Base to Base Other Shared Channel/Talk group Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 B-66 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix C Inter–system Shared Channels Detailed information on shared channels available for use within the region is listed in the following table to include shared channel name(s) and frequency/talk group details for each shared channel. Table C–1 – SEMI UASI 700 MHz Inter–system Shared Channel(s) Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use 7CALL50 Analog 769.24375 156.7 / 5A 769.24375 156.7 / 5A Calling Channel Direct Mode 7CALL50D Analog 769.24375 156.7 / 5A 769.24375 156.7 / 5A Calling Channel Direct Mode 7CALL70 Analog 803.25625 156.7 / 5A 773.25625 156.7 / 5A Calling Channel 7CALL70D Analog 773.25625 156.7 / 5A 773.25625 156.7 / 5A Calling Channel Direct Mode 7FIRE63 Analog 799.89375 156.7 / 5A 769.89375 156.7 / 5A Fire 7FIRE63D Analog 769.89375 156.7 / 5A 769.89375 156.7 / 5A Fire Direct Mode 7FIRE64D Analog 769.99375 156.7 / 5A 769.99375 156.7 / 5A Fire Direct Mode 7FIRE83 Analog 803.50625 156.7 / 5A 773.50625 156.7 / 5A Fire 7FIRE83D Analog 773.50625 156.7 / 5A 773.50625 156.7 / 5A Fire Direct Mode 7FIRE84D Analog 773.85625 156.7 / 5A 773.85625 156.7 / 5A Fire Direct Mode 7FTAC1D Analog 769.00625 156.7 / 5A 769.00625 156.7 / 5A Fire Tactical Direct Mode May 2011 C-67 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use 7FTAC2D Analog 774.93125 156.7 / 5A 774.93125 156.7 / 5A Fire Tactical Direct Mode 7FTAC3D Analog 769.04375 156.7 / 5A 769.04375 156.7 / 5A Fire Tactical Direct Mode 7GTAC4D Analog 769.03125 156.7 / 5A 769.03125 156.7 / 5A General Government Tactical Direct Mode 7GTAC5D Analog 774.95625 156.7 / 5A 774.95625 156.7 / 5A General Government Tactical Direct Mode 7LAW61 Analog 800.39375 156.7 / 5A 770.39375 156.7 / 5A Law Enforcement 7LAW61D Analog 770.39375 156.7 / 5A 770.39375 156.7 / 5A Law Enforcement Direct Mode 7LAW62D Analog 770.49375 156.7 / 5A 770.49375 156.7 / 5A Law Enforcement Direct Mode 7LAW81 Analog 804.00625 156.7 / 5A 774.00625 156.7 / 5A Law Enforcement 7LAW81D Analog 774.00625 156.7 / 5A 774.00625 156.7 / 5A Law Enforcement Direct Mode 7LAW82D Analog 774.35625 156.7 / 5A 774.35625 156.7 / 5A Law Enforcement Direct Mode 7LTAC6D Analog 769.01875 156.7 / 5A 769.01875 156.7 / 5A Law Enforcement Direct Mode 7LTAC7D Analog 774.94375 156.7 / 5A 774.94375 156.7 / 5A Law Enforcement Direct Mode 7LTAC8D Analog 774.98125 156.7 / 5A 774.98125 156.7 / 5A Law Enforcement Direct Mode 7MED65 Analog 799.39375 156.7 / 5A 769.39375 156.7 / 5A EMS May 2011 C-68 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use 7MED65D Analog 769.39375 156.7 / 5A 769.39375 156.7 / 5A EMS Direct Mode 7MED66D Analog 769.49375 156.7 / 5A 769.49375 156.7 / 5A EMS Direct Mode 7MED86 Analog 803.00625 156.7 / 5A 773.00625 156.7 / 5A EMS 7MED86D Analog 773.00625 156.7 / 5A 773.00625 156.7 / 5A EMS Direct Mode 7MED87D Analog 773.35625 156.7 / 5A 773.35625 156.7 / 5A EMS Direct Mode 7MOB59 Analog 800.89375 156.7 / 5A 770.89375 156.7 / 5A EMS 7MOB59D Analog 770.89375 156.7 / 5A 770.89375 156.7 / 5A EMS Direct Mode 7MOB79 Analog 804.50625 156.7 / 5A 774.50625 156.7 / 5A Mobile Repeater 7MOB79D Analog 774.50625 156.7 / 5A 774.50625 156.7 / 5A Mobile Repeater 7MTAC9D Analog 774.96875 156.7 / 5A 774.96875 156.7 / 5A Medical Tactical Direct Mode 7NTAC10D Analog 769.05625 156.7 / 5A 769.05625 156.7 / 5A National Tactical/Itinerant Direct Mode 7NTAC11D Analog 769.06875 156.7 / 5A 769.06875 156.7 / 5A National Tactical/Itinerant Direct Mode 7NTAC12D Analog 774.99375 156.7 / 5A 774.99375 156.7 / 5A National Tactical/Itinerant Direct Mode 7TAC55 Analog 799.74375 156.7 / 5A 769.74375 156.7 / 5A General Public Safety May 2011 C-69 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use 7TAC55D Analog 769.74375 156.7 / 5A 769.74375 156.7 / 5A General Public Safety Direct Mode 7TAC56D Analog 770.24375 156.7 / 5A 770.24375 156.7 / 5A General Public Safety Direct Mode 7TAC75 Analog 803.75625 156.7 / 5A 773.75625 156.7 / 5A General Public Safety 7TAC75D Analog 773.75625 156.7 / 5A 773.75625 156.7 / 5A General Public Safety Direct Mode 7TAC76D Analog 774.25625 156.7 / 5A 774.25625 156.7 / 5A General Public Safety Direct Mode Agencies Supported: Addison Township FD; Alliance EMS; Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; Berkley DPS; Beverly Hills DPS; Birmingham City EMD; Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; Bloomfield Township PD; Brandon Township FD; Clarkson PD; Clawson FD; Clawson PD; Community EMS; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills Fire EMD; Farmington Hills PD; Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park DPW; Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Holly PD; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Independence Township FD; International Transmission Company; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lathrup Village PD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; Milford FD; Milford PD; North Oakland FD; Novi FD; Novi PD; Novi Regional; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Oxford FD; Oxford PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; Region 2 North; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills Communications; Rochester Hills FD; Rochester PD; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; Star EMS; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy City FD; Troy PD; Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD May 2011 C-70 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Table C–2 – SEMI UASI 800 MHz Inter–system Shared Channel(s) Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use 8CALL90 Analog 851.0125 156.7 / 5A 806.0125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines 8CALL90D Analog 851.0125 156.7 / 5A 851.0125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines 8TAC91 Analog 851.5125 156.7 / 5A 806.5125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines 8TAC91D Analog 851.5125 156.7 / 5A 851.5125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines 8TAC92 Analog 852.0125 156.7 / 5A 807.0125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines 8TAC92D Analog 852.0125 156.7 / 5A 852.0125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines 8TAC93 Analog 853.0125 156.7 / 5A 808.0125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines 8TAC93D Analog 853.0125 156.7 / 5A 853.0125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines 8TAC94 Analog 853.5125 156.7 / 5A 808.5125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines 8TAC94D Analog 853.5125 156.7 / 5A 853.5125 156.7 / 5A Mutual Aid; All disciplines Agencies Supported: Addison Township FD; Alliance EMS; Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; Berkley DPS; Beverly Hills DPS; Bingham Farms; Birmingham City EMD; Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; Bloomfield Township PD; Brandon Township FD; Madison Heights; Clarkson PD; Clawson FD; Clawson PD; CLEMIS; Com Source Inc.; Commerce Township FD; Community EMS; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills Fire EMD; Farmington Hills PD; Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; Franklin PD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Hazel Park DPW; Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Holly PD; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Independence Township FD; International Transmission Company; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Orion PD; Lathrup Village PD; Lyon Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; Milford FD; Milford PD; North Oakland FD; Novi FD; Novi PD; Novi Regional; Oak Park DPS; Oakland May 2011 C-71 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use Community College PD; Oakland County Airport Operations; Oakland County Animal Control; Oakland County Children's Village; Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness; Oakland County Homeland Security; Oakland County Prosecutor's Office; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Oxford FD; Oxford PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; Region 2 North; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills Communications; Rochester Hills FD; Rochester PD; Royal Oak FD; Royal Oak PD; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; Springfield Township FD; Star EMS; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy City FD; Troy PD; Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD ICALL ICALLTA ITAC1 Analog Analog Analog 821.0125 866.0125 821.5125 156.7 / 5A 156.7 / 5A 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 866.0125 866.5125 156.7 / 5A Federal Interoperability Channels. MSP Regional Dispatch Centers monitor ICALL only, not the ITAC channels. 156.7 / 5A Federal Interoperability Channels. MSP Regional Dispatch Centers monitor ICALL only, not the ITAC channels. 156.7 / 5A Federal Interoperability Channels. MSP Regional Dispatch Centers monitor ICALL only, not the ITAC channels. ITAC2 Analog 822.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A Federal Interoperability Channels. MSP Regional Dispatch Centers monitor ICALL only, not the ITAC channels. ITAC2TA Analog 867.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A Federal Interoperability Channels. MSP Regional May 2011 C-72 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use Dispatch Centers monitor ICALL only, not the ITAC channels. ITAC3 ITAC3TA ITAC4 ITAC4TA Analog Analog Analog Analog 822.5125 867.5125 823.0125 868.0125 156.7 / 5A 156.7 / 5A 156.7 / 5A 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 867.5125 868.0125 868.0125 156.7 / 5A Federal Interoperability Channels. MSP Regional Dispatch Centers monitor ICALL only, not the ITAC channels. 156.7 / 5A Federal Interoperability Channels. MSP Regional Dispatch Centers monitor ICALL only, not the ITAC channels. 156.7 / 5A Federal Interoperability Channels. MSP Regional Dispatch Centers monitor ICALL only, not the ITAC channels. 156.7 / 5A Federal Interoperability Channels. MSP Regional Dispatch Centers monitor ICALL only, not the ITAC channels. Agencies Supported: Addison Township FD; Alliance EMS; Ann Arbor FD; Ann Arbor Office of Emergency Management; Ann Arbor PD; Ann Arbor Township FD; Armada Township FD; Ash Township FD; Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; Augusta Township FD; Bedford FD; Bedford Township FD; Bedford Township Police; Berkley DPS; Berlin Charter Township FD #1; Berlin Twp FD #2; Beverly Hills DPS; Bingham Farms; Birmingham City EMD; Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; Bloomfield Hills DPS; Bloomfield Hills PD; Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; Bloomfield Township PD; Brandon Township FD; Bruce–Romeo FD; Carleton PD; Center Line DPW; Center Line FD; Center Line Public Safety; Chelsea FD; Chelsea PD; Chesterfield FD; Chesterfield PD; City of Madison May 2011 C-73 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use Heights; City of Richmond / Lennox EMS; Richmond FD; Richmond PD; Clarkson PD; Clawson FD; Clawson PD; CLEMIS; Clinton FD; Clinton Township FD; Clinton Township PD; Com Source Inc.; Commerce Township FD; Community EMS; Detroit; Detroit DPW; Detroit DOT; Detroit Emergency Management; Detroit Emergency Telephone District; Detroit Fire EMD; Detroit Historical Society; Detroit Information Technology Services Department; Detroit Municipal Parking Department; Detroit People Mover; Detroit PD; Detroit Recreation Department; Detroit Water and Sewage Department; Detroit Weights & Measures; Dexter FD; Downriver Arson Task Force; Downriver Hazmat; Dundee PD; Dundee Township FD; Eastern Michigan University PD; Eastland Mall; Eastpointe FD; Eastpointe PD; Erie Township FD; Erie Township for Morin Point FD; Erie Township PD; Estral Beach FD; Exeter Township FD; Farmington DPS; Farmington Hills Fire EMD; Farmington Hills PD; Fermi Power Plant; Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; Franklin PD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Fraser Public Safety; Frenchtown Township FD; Grosse Point Farms Pier Park; Grosse Pointe City DPS; Grosse Pointe Farms; Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Grosse Pointe Park DPS; Grosse Pointe Shores DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods DPW; Grosse Pointe Woods DPS; Grosse Pointe Woods Parks and Recreation; Groveland Township FD; Hamtramck FD; Hamtramck PD; Harper Woods FD; Harper Woods PD; Harrison Township FD; Hazel Park DPW; Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; Henry Ford Hospital – Warren; Henry Ford Hospital – Macomb; Highland Township FD; Holly FD; Holly PD; Hudson Mills Metro Park; Huntington Woods DPS; Huron Valley Ambulance; Huron–Clinton Metroparks PD; Ida Township FD; Independence Township FD; International Transmission Company; Keego Harbor PD; Kensington Metropark PD; Lake Angelus PD; Lake Erie Transportation; LaSalle Twp FD; Lathrup Village PD; Lenox Township FD; Life Flight; LMR FD; Lucas County, Ohio Sheriff's Office; Luna Pier FD; Luna Pier PD; Lyon Township FD; Macomb Community College; Macomb Community College PD; Macomb County; Macomb County Emergency Management; Macomb County Health Department; Macomb County Sheriff; Macomb Township FD; Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; Manchester FD; Medstar Ambulance; Memphis FD; Memphis PD; Metropolitan Airport FD; Metropolitan Airport PD; MSP – Metro North Post #21; Midwest Medflight; Milan FD; Milan PD; Milford FD; Milford PD; Monroe City FD; Monroe City PD; Monroe Community Ambulance; Monroe County Animal Control; Monroe County Central Dispatch; Monroe County Emergency Management; Monroe County Sheriff's Office Corrections Division; Monroe County Sheriff's Office; Monroe Township FD; Morin Point FD; Mount Clemens FD; Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center; New Baltimore FD; New Baltimore PD; New Haven FD; New Haven PD; Newport FD; North Oakland FD; Northfield Township FD; Northfield Township PD; Novi FD; Novi PD; Novi Regional; Oak Park DPS; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Airport Operations; Oakland County Animal Control; Oakland County Children's Village; Oakland County Emergency Response and Preparedness; Oakland County Homeland Security; Oakland County Prosecutor's Office; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Oakland University PD; Orchard Lake PD; Ottawa Lake FD; Oxford FD; Oxford PD; Pittsfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township PD; Pleasant Ridge PD; Plymouth PD; Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; Ray Township FD; Redford FD; Redford Township PD; Region 2 North; River Rouge FD; River Rouge PD; Rochester FD; Rochester Hills Communications; Rochester Hills FD; Rochester PD; Romeo PD; Roseville FD; Roseville PD; Royal Oak FD; Royal Oak PD; Salem Township FD; Saline FD; Saline PD; Scio Township FD; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base FD; SANG PD; Shelby Township FD; Shelby May 2011 C-74 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Rx Tone Primary Use Township PD; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; South Rockwood PD; Springfield Township FD; St John Hospital – Macomb; St John Hospital – North Shore; St. Clair Shores FD; St. Clair Shores PD; Star EMS; State of Michigan Forensic Center – Ypsilanti; Sterling Heights FD; Sterling Heights PD; Summerfield Township FD; Superior Ambulance; Superior FD; Survival Flight; Sylvan Lake PD; Troy City FD; Troy PD; U.S. Army Garrison Police and FD (TACOM FD); Universal Ambulance; University of Michigan PD; Utica FD; Utica PD; Village of Armada PD; Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Warren DPW; Warren Division of Buildings and Safety Engineering; Warren Engineering Division; Warren FD; Warren Parks and Recreation; Warren PD; Washington Township FD; Washtenaw County Emergency Management; Washtenaw County HAZMAT; Washtenaw County Road Commission; Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department; Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; Wayne County Central Communications; Wayne County Department of Health; Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management; Wayne County Dept. of Public Services; Wayne County Sheriff; Wayne Emergency Management; Wayne State University, Public Safety; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; Westland FD; Westland PD; White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; Whiteford Twp Constables (PD); Whiteford Twp FD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD; Wyandotte FD; Wyandotte PD; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti PD; Ypsilanti Township FD Table C–3 – SEMI UASI UHF Inter–system Shared Channel(s) Channel Name Analog / Digital Wide / Narrow Tx and Tone Rx and Tone Talk group ID Primary Use Table C–4 – SEMI UASI VHF Inter–system Shared Channel(s) Channel Name DNR Fire Ground May 2011 Analog / Wide / Tx Freq Digital Narrow Tx Rx Rx Freq Tone Tone Analog CSQ / CSQ / Common fire ground channel for any fire agency that wants to have 154.2950 None None this frequency in their radio for ground coordination. 154.2950 Primary Use C-75 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Agencies Supported: Garden City Fire Department; Grosse Ile Fire Department Analog MEDCOM system is used for communications between hospitals (and other facilities equipped for receiving emergency patients) and EMS personnel, for the purpose of coordination and instruction CSQ / CSQ / 155.3400 155.3400 regarding care and transport of patients in the rendition or delivery None None of emergency medical services. Dispatch and paging operations are not allowed on these channels. (Commonly known as the HEAR or HERN channels) HERN 155.400 Analog MEDCOM system is used for communications between hospitals (and other facilities equipped for receiving emergency patients) and EMS personnel, for the purpose of coordination and instruction 97.4 / 97.4 / 155.4000 155.4000 regarding care and transport of patients in the rendition or delivery ZB ZB of emergency medical services. Dispatch and paging operations are not allowed on these channels. (Commonly known as the HEAR or HERN channels) Agencies Supported: Allen Park Fire Department; Alliance Emergency Medical Services; Ann Arbor Fire Department; Ann Arbor Township Fire Department; Armada Township Fire Department; Beaumont Hospital - Royal Oak; Beaumont Hospital - Troy; Beaumont Hospital Grosse Pointe; Beaumont Medical Transport; Belleville Fire Department; Botsford Hospital; Brownstown Fire Department; Bruce-Romeo Fire Department; Canton Township Fire Department; Chelsea Community Hospital; Chelsea Fire Department; Chesterfield Fire Department; Children's Hospital of Michigan; Clinton Township Fire Department; Community Emergency Medical Services; Concord Emergency Medical Services; Crittenton Hospital and Medical Center; Dearborn Fire Department; Detroit Fire Emergency Management Division; Detroit Medical Center (DMC); Detroit Receiving Hospital and University Health Center; Dexter Fire Department; DMCare Express; Doctors Hospital of Michigan; Eastpointe Fire Department; Ecorse Fire Department; Flat Rock Fire Department; Forest Health Medical Center; Fraser Public Safety; Garden City Fire Department; Garden City Hospital; Genesys Regional Medical Center; Gibraltar Fire Department; Grosse Ile Fire Department; Grosse Pointe Park Department of Public Safety; Grosse Pointe Shores Department of Public Safety; Grosse Pointe Woods Department of Public Safety; Harper Woods Fire Department; Harpter Hutzel University Hospital; Harrison Township Fire Department; Hart Medical; Health Link MTS; HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS); Henry Ford Cottage Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital; Henry Ford Hospital - Brownstown Center for Health Services; Henry Ford Hospital - Clinton Township Campus; Henry Ford Hospital - Macomb; Henry Ford Hospital - Sterling Heights; Henry Ford Hospital - Warren Campus; Henry Ford Hospital - Wyandotte; Henry Ford Medical Center - Fairlane; Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital; Henry Ford-Brownstown Center For Health Services; Highland Park Fire Department; Huron Township Fire; Huron Valley Ambulance; Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital; Inkster Fire Department; Ira Township Emergency Medical Services; Lenox Township Fire Department; Life Flight; Lincoln Park Fire Department; Livonia Fire Department; Macomb HERN 155.340 May 2011 C-76 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Township Fire Department; Manchester Fire Department; Medic One Ambulance Service; Medical Control Authority Oakland County; Medstar Ambulance; Melvindale Fire Department; Memphis Fire Department; Mercy Memorial Hospital; Metropolitan Airport Fire Department; Michigan-1 Disaster Medical Assistance Team; Midwest Medflight; Monroe Community Ambulance; Mount Clemens Fire Department; Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center; New Baltimore Fire Department; New Haven Fire Department; North Oakland Medical Center; Northfield Township Fire Department; Northville Fire Department; Northville Township Fire Department; Oakland County Health Department; Oakland Regional Hospital; Oakwood Annapolis Hospital; Oakwood Healthcare Center Canton; Oakwood Healthcare System; Oakwood Heritage Hospital; Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center; Oakwood Southshore Medical Center; Plymouth Community Fire Department; POH Medical Center - Clarkston; POH Medical Center - Pontiac; Port Huron (City of); Port Huron Hospital; Providence Hospital - Novi; Providence Hospital - Southfield; Rapid Response EMS; Ray Township Fire Department; Redford Fire Department; Region 2 North; Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan; Richmond / Lennox Emergency Medical Services; River Rouge Fire Department; Riverview Fire Department; Rockwood Fire Department; Romulus Fire Department; Roseville Fire Department; Saint John Hospital and Medical Center; Select Specialty Hospital - Ann Arbor; Select Specialty Hospital - Grosse Pointe; Select Specialty Hospital Downriver (formerly Wyandotte); Select Specialty Hospital NW Detroit; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base Fire Department; Sevestal Fire Department; Shelby Township Fire Department; Sinai Grace Hospital; Southgate Fire Department; St Joseph Mercy Hospital -Ann Arbor; St. Clair County Community Mental Health; St. Clair Shores Fire Department; St. John Hospital - Macomb-Oakland; St. John Hospital and Medical Center; St. John Hospital and Medical Center- North Shores Campus; St. John River District Hospital; St. Joseph Mercy - Livingston; St. Joseph Mercy - Port Huron; St. Joseph Mercy - Saline Hospital; St. Joseph Mercy - Woodland Health Center; St. Joseph Mercy Hospital -Ypsilanti; St. Joseph Mercy Pontiac; St. Mary Mercy Hospital; Star Emergency Medical Services; Sterling Heights Fire Department; Sumpter Township Fire Department; Superior Ambulance; Taylor Fire Department; Trenton Fire Department; Tri Hospital Emergency Medical Services; Triumph Hospital Detroit; U.S. Army Garrison Police and Fire Department (TACOM FD); UMHS - Survival Flight; Universal Macomb Ambulance; University of Michigan Health Systems; University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers; Utica Fire Department; VA Ann Arbor Healthcare System (VAAAHS); Van Buren Fire Department; Warren Fire Department; Washington Township Fire Department; Wayne County Airport Authority; Wayne Fire Department; Westland Fire Department; Woodhaven Fire Department; Wyandotte Fire Department; Ypsilanti Fire Department MEDCOM system is used for communications between hospitals (and other facilities equipped for receiving emergency patients) and EMS personnel, for the purpose of coordination and instruction 210.7 210.7 155.3550 155.3550 regarding care and transport of patients in the rendition or delivery / M2 / M2 of emergency medical services. Dispatch and paging operations are not allowed on these channels. (Commonly known as the HEAR or HERN channels) HERN 155.355 Analog Agencies Supported: Allen Park Fire Department; Alliance Emergency Medical Services; Ann Arbor Fire Department; Ann Arbor Township Fire Department; Armada Township Fire Department; Beaumont Medical Transport; Belleville Fire Department; Brownstown Fire Department; Bruce-Romeo Fire Department; Canton Township Fire Department; Chelsea Fire Department; Chesterfield Fire May 2011 C-77 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Department; Clinton Township Fire Department; Community Emergency Medical Services; Concord Emergency Medical Services; Dearborn Fire Department; Detroit Fire Emergency Management Division; Dexter Fire Department; DMCare Express; Eastpointe Fire Department; Ecorse Fire Department; Flat Rock Fire Department; Fraser Public Safety; Garden City Fire Department; Gibraltar Fire Department; Grosse Ile Fire Department; Grosse Pointe Park Department of Public Safety; Grosse Pointe Shores Department of Public Safety; Grosse Pointe Woods Department of Public Safety; Harper Woods Fire Department; Harrison Township Fire Department; Health Link MTS; HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS); Highland Park Fire Department; Huron Township Fire; Huron Valley Ambulance; Inkster Fire Department; Ira Township Emergency Medical Services; Lenox Township Fire Department; Life Flight; Lincoln Park Fire Department; Livonia Fire Department; Macomb Township Fire Department; Manchester Fire Department; Medic One Ambulance Service; Medstar Ambulance; Melvindale Fire Department; Memphis Fire Department; Metropolitan Airport Fire Department; Midwest Medflight; Monroe Community Ambulance; Mount Clemens Fire Department; New Baltimore Fire Department; New Haven Fire Department; Northfield Township Fire Department; Northville Fire Department; Northville Township Fire Department; Plymouth Community Fire Department; Rapid Response EMS; Ray Township Fire Department; Redford Fire Department; Richmond / Lennox Emergency Medical Services; River Rouge Fire Department; Riverview Fire Department; Rockwood Fire Department; Romulus Fire Department; Roseville Fire Department; Selfridge ANG (SANG) Base Fire Department; Sevestal Fire Department; Shelby Township Fire Department; Southgate Fire Department; St. Clair Shores Fire Department; Sterling Heights Fire Department; Sumpter Township Fire Department; Superior Ambulance; Taylor Fire Department; Trenton Fire Department; Tri Hospital Emergency Medical Services; U.S. Army Garrison Police and Fire Department (TACOM FD); UMHS - Survival Flight; Universal Macomb Ambulance; Utica Fire Department; Van Buren Fire Department; Warren Fire Department; Washington Township Fire Department; Wayne Fire Department; Westland Fire Department; Woodhaven Fire Department; Wyandotte Fire Department; Ypsilanti Fire Department May 2011 C-78 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix D Gateways Detailed information on gateways available for use within the region is listed in subsequent pages of Appendix D. The table below lists the owning or managing agency, gateway name(s), make/model and whether the device is fixed or mobile. Table D–1 – SEMI UASI Region Gateway Systems Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Canton Department Canton DPS of Public Safety Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile 7 City of Detroit Detroit Emergency Management Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile CLEMIS Gateway CLEMIS M/A–COM / NetworkFirst Day–to–day Use Fixed Codespear / SmartMSG Radio Interoperability Unit (RIU) Incident / Event Use Mobile Gateway Name Owning Agency Nets No. of Ports 7 12 Huron Valley Ambulance Huron Valley Ambulance MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team #2 Oakland Raytheon JPS Communications Communications Support Team / ACU–1000 (CST) Incident / Event Use Mobile 6 10 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team #3 Oakland Raytheon JPS Communications Communications Support Team / ACU–1000 (CST) Incident / Event Use Mobile 6 10 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team #1 Oakland Raytheon JPS Communications Communications Support Team / ACU–1000 (CST) Incident / Event Use Mobile 6 10 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team Portable ICRI Oakland Link Communications Support Team Communications ICRI (CST) Incident / Event Use Mobile 2 5 May 2011 9 D-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Monroe County Gateway Owning Agency Monroe County Warren Emergency Warren PD Management Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Day–to– day Use Fixed Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile Codespear / SmartMSG Radio Interoperability Unit (RIU) Incident / Event Use Mobile No. of Nets No. of Ports Wayne County DHSEM #1 Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management State of Michigan Department of Information Technology ACU– 1000 –Fixed MPSCS Raytheon JPS Day–to–day Communications Use / ACU–1000 Fixed 12 Federal Bureau of Investigations ACU–1000 MPSCS Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Mobile 12 51st CST, Michigan National Guard Raytheon JPS Incident/Eve Communications nt Use / ACU–T Mobile Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Raytheon JPS Communications / ACU–1000 Incident / Event Use Mobile Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 15 Auburn Hills Police Auburn Hills PD Department Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 32 Berkley Department Berkley DPS of Public Safety Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 Beverly Hills Department of Positron T5 Day–to–day Console 8 51st CST ACU–T Oakland County Sheriff’s Office ACU-100 - Mobile Allen Park Police Department Allen Park PD Ann Arbor Police Department Ann Arbor PD May 2011 Beverly Hills Incident / Event Use 4 4 10 D-2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Public Safety Owning Agency Make / Model DPS Use Fixed / Mobile Use Patch No. of Nets Birmingham Police Birmingham PD Department Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 24 Bloomfield Hills Police Department Bloomfield Hills PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 8 Bloomfield Township Police Department Bloomfield Township PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 32 Brownstown Police Brownstown PD Department Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Canton Department Canton DPS of Public Safety Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Center Line Public Safety Center Line Public Safety Motorola CommandStar Lite Day–to–day Use Console Patch 2 Chelsea Police Department Chelsea PD Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Chesterfield Township Police Department Chesterfield PD Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 9 Clay Township Police Department Clay Township PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 6 Clinton Township Fire Department Clinton Township FD Motorola Day–to–day CENTRACOM II Use Console Patch 6 Dearborn Police Department Dispatch Center Dearborn 911 Communications Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 18 Detroit Communications Center Detroit Police Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 May 2011 No. of Ports D-3 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 6 Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Nets Downriver Central Dispatch Downriver Community Conference Eastern Michigan University Police Department Eastern Michigan University PD Ecorse Police Department Ecorse PD Farmington Department of Public Safety Farmington DPS Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 Farmington Hills Police Department Farmington Hills PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 40 Ferndale Police Department Ferndale PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 Flat Rock Police Department Flat Rock PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Garden City Police Garden City PD Department Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Gibraltar Police Department Gibraltar PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Grosse Ile Township Police Department Grosse Ile Township PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Grosse Pointe Department of Public Safety Grosse Pointe City DPS Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe Farms Department Farms DPS of Public Safety Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Fraser Department Fraser Public of Public Safety Safety May 2011 No. of Ports D-4 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Grosse Pointe Park Grosse Pointe Police Department Park DPS of Public Safety Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe Shores Department Shores DPS of Public Safety Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe Woods Department Woods DPS of Public Safety Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Gateway Name Owning Agency Nets Hamtramck Police Department Hamtramck PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Harper Woods Police Department Harper Woods PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 6 Hazel Park Police Department Hazel Park PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 HEMS Inc. HEMS Motorola CENTRACOM Elite Day–to–day Use Console Patch 8 Highland Park Public Safety Highland Park Public Safety Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Holly Police Department Holly PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 Huron Township Dispatch Huron Township PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Huron Valley Ambulance Huron Valley Ambulance Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 24 Lake Orion Police Department Lake Orion PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 8 Motorola CENTRACOM Elite Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Motorola CENTRACOM Day–to–day Console 8 Lincoln Park Police Lincoln Park PD Department Livingston County May 2011 Central Dispatch/ No. of Ports D-5 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Central Dispatch Owning Agency Emergency Management Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile Gold Series Use Patch Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 No. of Nets Livonia Police Department Livonia PD Macomb County Sheriff’s Office Macomb County Sheriff Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 15 Madison Heights Police Department Madison Heights PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 24 Melvindale Police Department Melvindale PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 MSP – 2nd District Regional Dispatch MSP Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 15 Milan Police Department Milan PD Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 6 Milford Police Department Milford PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 8 Monroe County Central Dispatch Monroe County Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 15 Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 5 Northville Township Northville Department of Township PD Public Safety Novi Regional Novi Regional Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 40 Oak Park Department of Public Safety Oak Park DPS Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 Oakland County Sheriff Office Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 104 Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 8 Oakland University Oakland Police University PD May 2011 No. of Ports D-6 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Oxford Police Department Owning Agency Oxford PD Pittsfield Township Pittsfield Department of Township PD Public Safety Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 6 Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 24 Nets Plymouth Community Communications Center Plymouth Township PD Pontiac Police Department Pontiac PD Port Huron Police Department Port Huron PD Motorola CENTRACOM Elite Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Redford Police Department Redford Township PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 River Rouge Police River Rouge PD Department Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Riverview Police Department Riverview PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Rochester Police Department Rochester PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 Rockwood Police Department Rockwood PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Romeo Police Department Romeo PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Romulus Police Department Romulus PD Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Royal Oak Police Department Royal Oak PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 Saline Police Department Saline PD Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 May 2011 No. of Ports D-7 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile No. of Shelby Township Police Department Shelby Township PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 6 South East Regional Emergency Services Authority South East Regional Emergency Services Authority Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Southfield Police Department Southfield PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 15 St. Clair County Central Dispatch St. Clair County Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 15 St. Clair Shores Police Department St. Clair Shores PD Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 9 Sterling Heights Police Department Sterling Heights PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 12 Sumpter Township Sumpter Police Department Township PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Taylor Police Department Taylor PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Trenton Police Department Trenton PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Troy Police Department Troy PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 40 University of Michigan Department Public Safety University of Michigan PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 6 Utica Police Department Utica PD Motorola MCC 5500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Van Buren County Van Buren Co. Motorola Day–to–day Console 1 May 2011 Nets No. of Ports D-8 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Gateway Name Owning Agency Make / Model Use Fixed / Mobile Centracom Series 2 Use Patch Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 No. of Nets Central Dispatch 911 Center Van Buren Township Department of Public Safety Van Buren Township DPS Warren Police Department Warren PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 9 Washtenaw Metro Dispatch Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Motorola MCC 7500 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 27 Waterford Township Police Department Waterford Township PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 32 Wayne County Sheriff Wayne County Sheriff Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 Wayne Police Department Wayne PD Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 West Bloomfield Police Department West Bloomfield PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 32 Westland Police Department Westland PD Motorola CENTRACOM Gold Series Day–to–day Use Console Patch 3 White Lake Township Police Department White Lake Township PD Positron T5 Day–to–day Use Console Patch 16 Motorola Day–to–day Use Console Patch 1 Woodhaven Police Woodhaven PD Department May 2011 No. of Ports D-9 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.1 Canton Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is in a mobile command post stored at 1150 S Canton Center Rd Canton, MI 48188. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Canton DPS Name: Mutchler, Todd Title: Lieutenant Phone: 734–394–5404 24/7 Phone: Email: tmutchler@canton– Service Area Canton and bordering Western Wayne Consortium communities (Northville Twp, Plymouth Twp, Van Buren Twp, Wayne, Livonia) Participating Agencies Western Wayne Mutual Aid System agencies, Livonia, and MPSCS agencies Other Gateway Notes: Gateway is connected to two 800 MHz radios – one on Wayne County's 800 MHz trunked radio system and one on MPSCS – one UHF, two VHF, and two 800 MHz radios on Western Wayne's radio system. May 2011 D-10 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.2 City of Detroit Equipment Location One at Penobscot Building Detroit, MI and one in Mobile Command stored at 13331 Lyndon, Detroit, MI. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Detroit Emergency Management Name: Barnes, Bradford Title: Assistant Director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Phone: 313–596–5559 24/7 Phone: 313–477–1878 Email: Service Area UASI State of Michigan Homeland Security Region 2 Participating Agencies Multiple agencies use the MPSCS system in the UASI. May 2011 D-11 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.3 CLEMIS Gateway Equipment Location This gateway is physically installed at three OakWIN locations – Northfield, Troy and Southfield. This gateway is managed at 1200 N Telegraph Rd Pontiac, MI 48341. Responsible Agency It is owned or managed by: CLEMIS Name: Murphy, Stephen Title: Radio Communications / CLEMIS Sr. Technician Phone: 248–858–1100 24/7 Phone: 248–343–2294 Email: Service Area Oakland County Participating Agencies Multiple agencies use the OakWIN and MPSCS systems in the UASI. May 2011 D-12 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.4 Huron Valley Ambulance Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1200 State Circle Ann Arbor, MI 48108. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Huron Valley Ambulance Name: Giffin, Jane, A. (Communications Manager) Title: Communications Manager Phone: 734–477–6298 24/7 Phone: 734–368–1562 Email: Service Area Huron Valley Ambulance Service Areas—Monroe, Oakland, Washtenaw, Wayne and Livingston Counties Participating Agencies Six MPSCS 800 MHz radios, two VHF radios and one UHF radio are used. HERN and UHF Med channels programmed. May 2011 D-13 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.5 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team #2 Equipment Location This gateway is stored at West Bloomfield, MI. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Oakland Communications Support Team (CST). Name: Nelson, William (Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 248–524–3419 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area SEMI UASI Region 2 Participating Agencies Multiple systems supported including MPSCS, OakWIN, MABAS VHF and VHF mutual aid, and UHF mutual aid channels. May 2011 D-14 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.6 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team #3 Equipment Location This gateway is stored in the Oakland County Incident Support Vehicle at the Oakland International Airport. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Oakland Communications Support Team (CST). Name: Nelson, William (Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 248–524–3419 24/7 Phone: 248-858-4911 Email: Service Area SEMI UASI Region 2 Participating Agencies Multiple systems supported including MPSCS, OakWIN, MABAS VHF and VHF mutual aid, and UHF mutual aid channels. This is a portable unit. May 2011 D-15 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.7 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team #1 Equipment Location This gateway is stored in the Field Communications Unit (FCU) van, at 4850 John R Rd., Troy, MI 48084. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Oakland Communications Support Team (CST). Name: Nelson, William (Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 248–524–3419 24/7 Phone: 248-858-4911 Email: Service Area SEMI UASI Region 2 Participating Agencies Multiple systems supported including MPSCS, OakWIN, MABAS VHF and VHF mutual aid, and UHF mutual aid channels. Other Gateway Notes: Sprinter Van May 2011 D-16 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.8 State of Michigan Department of Information Technology ACU–1000 –Mobile Equipment Location This gateway is a fixed gateway located at 42145 W. Seven Mile, Northville, MI. Responsible Agency It is owned or managed by: MPSCS Name: MSP District 2 Dispatch Title: Phone: 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Northville (MSP 2nd District) Participating Agencies 12 available ports, 3 active radios – MPSCS, UHF, VHF Consolettes May 2011 D-17 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.9 State of Michigan Department of Information Technology ACU–1000 –Fixed Equipment Location This gateway is on a Communication on Wheels stored at the District 1 Lansing Radio Shop. Responsible Agency It is owned or managed by: MPSCS Name: Network Communications Center, NCC Title: System Administration Phone: 517–333–5050 24/7 Phone: 517–333–5050 Email: MPSCS– Service Area State of Michigan Participating Agencies 12 available ports, 3 active radios – MPSCS, UHF, VHF Consolettes May 2011 D-18 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.10 FBI ACU–1000 Equipment Location Federal Bureau of Investigations, Federal Office Building, 26th Floor 477 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48226 For emergency response events, a requesting agency should contact the FBI SAC for approval to deploy the audio switch. The FBI’s main number is 313–965–2323. For pre–planned events, a requesting agency should submit a written request to SSA – Randy Zuehlke at 313–237–4111 (cell phone 202-615-1618) or Todd Wagner at 313–967–4181 (cell phone 313-460-2075). Responsible Agency It is owned or managed by: FBI, Detroit Name: Timothy J. Molenkamp at (313) 967–4182. Title: Phone: 313-657-4182 (cell phone 248-760-0360) 24/7 Phone: 313-965-2323 Email: Service Area State of Michigan Participating Agencies 12 Port, Mobile, 10 DSPs, 2 PSTNs, available ports. FBI and MPSCS. May 2011 D-19 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 51st CST ACU–T D.11 Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 2750 27th Street, Augusta, MI 49012. Responsible Agency It is owned or managed by: 51st CST, Michigan National Guard Name: Bunch, Brad Title: Communications Chief – SFC Phone: 269–420–3859 24/7 Phone: 586–612–6268 Email: Service Area State of Michigan Participating Agencies Multiple systems supported including MPSCS, VHF mutual aid, and UHF mutual aid channels. May 2011 D-20 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.12 Oakland County Sheriff’s Office ACU-1000 - Mobile Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1201 N. Telegraph Rd., Pontiac, MI 48341–1044. Responsible Agency It is owned or managed by: Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Name: Lambourn, Joseph Title: Sergeant Phone: 248-858-4911 24/7 Phone: 248-858-4911 Email: Service Area State of Michigan Participating Agencies Multiple systems supported including one OpenSky radios, one MPSCS radio, two VHF radios, and two UHF radios with mutual aid channels. May 2011 D-21 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.13 Allen Park Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 16850 Southfield Rd. Allen Park, MI 48101. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Allen Park PD Name: Tamsen, Dean (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 313–386–7800 24/7 Phone: 313–386–7800 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Allen Park FD; Allen Park PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 386–1790 24/7 # (313) 386–7800 Fax: (313) 928–1673 May 2011 D-22 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.14 Ann Arbor Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 100 N. Fifth Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48107. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Ann Arbor PD Name: Tremaine, Spring (Lieutenant) Title: Communications Supervisor Phone: 734–794–6900 24/7 Phone: 734–997–2911 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Ann Arbor PD Other Gateway Notes: 5 dispatch devices Admin # (734) 997–1477 24/7 # (734) 997–2911 Fax: (734) 994–4635 May 2011 D-23 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.15 Auburn Hills Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1899 N. Squirrel Auburn Hills, MI 48326. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Auburn Hills PD Name: Miarka, Casmir (LT) Title: Director Phone: 248–364–6859 24/7 Phone: 248–370–9444 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Auburn Hills FD; Auburn Hills PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 364–6859 24/7 # (248) 370–9444 Fax: (248) 370–9365 May 2011 D-24 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.16 Berkley Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 2395 Twelve Mile Rd. Berkley, MI 48072. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Berkley DPS Name: Eshman, Richard Title: Phone: 248–541–9000 24/7 Phone: 248–541–9000 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Berkley DPS; Huntington Woods DPS; Pleasant Ridge PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 541–9000 Fax: (248) 546–2418 May 2011 D-25 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.17 Beverly Hills Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 18600 W. Thirteen Mile Rd. Beverly Hills, MI 48025. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Beverly Hills DPS Name: Milliron, John (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 248–540–3405 24/7 Phone: 248–540–3400 Email: Name: Woodward, Karl Title: Chief Phone: 248–540–3405 24/7 Phone: 248–540–3400 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Beverly Hills DPS; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248)540–3411 24/7 # (248) 540–3400 Fax: (248) 540–3437 May 2011 D-26 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.18 Birmingham Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 151 Martin St. Birmingham, MI 48012. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Birmingham PD Name: Kiernan, Terry (Commander) Title: Commander Phone: 248–530–1865 24/7 Phone: 248–530–1870 Email: Name: Millgard, Carrol Title: Sergeant Phone: 248–530–1865 24/7 Phone: 248–530–1870 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Birmingham FD; Birmingham PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 644–1800 ext. 220 24/7 # (248) 644–3405 Fax: (248) 644–2567 May 2011 D-27 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.19 Bloomfield Hills Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 45 E. Long Lake Rd. Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Bloomfield Hills PD Name: Matott, Rick Title: Chief Phone: 248–644–4200 24/7 Phone: Email: Name: Wilson, Scott (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 248–644–4200 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Bloomfield Hills DPS; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 644–4200 Fax: (248) 644–0972 May 2011 D-28 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.20 Bloomfield Township Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 4200 S. Telegraph Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Bloomfield Township PD Name: Barnes, Mary Kay (Ms.) Title: Phone: 248–642–7659 24/7 Phone: 248–433–7705 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Bloomfield Township Emergency Management; Bloomfield Township FD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 433–7781 24/7 # (248) 433–7705 Fax: (248)433–7784 May 2011 D-29 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.21 Brownstown Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 23125 King Rd. Brownstown, MI 48183. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Brownstown PD Name: Bielecki, Craig (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 734–675–1300 24/7 Phone: 734–675–1300 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Brownstown FD; Brownstown PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7# (734) 675–1300 Fax: (734) 362–0705 May 2011 D-30 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.22 Canton Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1150 S. Canton Center Canton, MI 48188. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Canton DPS Name: Mutchler, Todd Title: Lieutenant Phone: 734–394–5404 24/7 Phone: Email: tmutchler@canton– Name: Rorabacher, Mike (Fire Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 734–394–5457 24/7 Phone: 734–394–5439 Email: mike.rorabacher@canton– Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Canton DPS; Canton PD; Canton Township Emergency Management; Canton Township FD Other Gateway Notes: 4 dispatch devices Admin # (734) 394–5454 24/7 # (734) 394–3350 Fax: (734) 394–5405 May 2011 D-31 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.23 Center Line Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 7070 E. Ten Mile Rd. Center Line, MI 48015. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Center Line Public Safety Name: Costello, Tom (Lieutenant) Title: Communications Supervisor Phone: 586–757–2203 24/7 Phone: 734–757–2200 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Center Line FD; Center Line Public Safety Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (586) 757–2203 24/7 # (586) 757–2200 Fax: (586) 756–3944 May 2011 D-32 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.24 Chelsea Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 104 E. Middle St. Chelsea, MI 48118. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Chelsea PD Name: Toth, Edward (Chief) Title: Chief of Police Phone: 734–475–9122 24/7 Phone: 734–495–9111 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Chelsea FD; Chelsea PD Other Gateway Notes: One console and three Motorola consolette control stations Admin/24/7 # (734) 475–9122 Fax: (734) 475–1996 May 2011 D-33 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.25 Chesterfield Township Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 46525 Continental Dr. Chesterfield, MI 48047–5207. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Chesterfield PD Name: Bowerson, Clint (Sgt.) Title: Sgt. Phone: 586–949–4140 24/7 Phone: 586–949–4140 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Chesterfield FD; Chesterfield PD; New Baltimore FD; New Baltimore PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (586) 949–2112 24/7 # (586) 949–2322 Fax: (586) 949 4316 May 2011 D-34 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.26 Clay Township Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 4710 Pointe Tremble Rd Algonac, MI 48001. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Clay Township PD Name: Drake, Don (Chief) Title: Chief of Police Phone: 810–794–9381 24/7 Phone: 810–794–9381 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Clay Township FD; Clay Township PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (810) 794–9381 Fax: (810) 794–3978 May 2011 D-35 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.27 Clinton Township Fire Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 42601 Romeo Plank Rd Clinton Township, MI 48038–1789. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Clinton Township FD Name: Title: Phone: 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Clinton Township FD Other Gateway Notes: May 2011 D-36 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.28 Dearborn Police Department Dispatch Center Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 16099 Michigan Avenue Dearborn, MI 48126. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Dearborn 911 Communications Name: Kanitra, John Title: Phone: 313–943–2249 24/7 Phone: 313–943–2201 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Dearborn FD; Dearborn PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 943–2281 24/7 # (313) 943–2201 Fax: (313) 943–3055 May 2011 D-37 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.29 Detroit Communications Center Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 13331 Lyndon Street Detroit, MI 48227. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Detroit Police Name: Rahimzadeh, Tom Title: Deputy Chief Phone: 313–215–0573 24/7 Phone: 313– 596–1610 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Detroit Other Gateway Notes: 1340 Third Ave – 4 Ops Positions 6425 Huber – 3 Ops Positions 9600 West Jefferson – 2 Ops Positions 735 Randolph – 2 Ops Positions Wayne State University – 2 Ops Positions May 2011 D-38 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.30 Downriver Central Dispatch Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 15100 Northline Road Southgate, MI 48195. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Downriver Community Conference Name: Mackey, Ken (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 734–324–4424 24/7 Phone: 734–324–4405 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Brownstown FD; Brownstown PD; Southgate FD; Southgate PD; Wyandotte FD; Wyandotte PD Other Gateway Notes: Southgate and Wyandotte Admin # (734) 374–1403 Fax: (734) 374–1340 May 2011 D-39 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.31 Eastern Michigan University Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 123 Structure Drive Ypsilanti, MI 48197. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Eastern Michigan University PD Name: Nesmith, Jeff (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 734–487–0892 24/7 Phone: 734–487–0892 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Eastern Michigan University PD Other Gateway Notes: 2 dispatch devices Admin # (734) 487–0892 24/7 # (734) 487–1222 Fax: (734) 480–4847 May 2011 D-40 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.32 Ecorse Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 3869 W Jefferson Ecorse, MI 48229. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Ecorse PD Name: Champagne, Jerry (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 313–381–0900 24/7 Phone: 313–381–0900 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Ecorse FD; Ecorse PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 294–3720 24/7 # (313) 381–0900 Fax: (313) 381–9078 May 2011 D-41 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.33 Farmington Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 23600 Liberty St. Farmington, MI 48335. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Farmington DPS Name: Brazzil, Corinne, Ms (Director) Title: Director Phone: 248–474–4700 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Farmington DPS; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 473–7262 24/7 # (248) 474–9700 Fax: (248) 473–7261 May 2011 D-42 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.34 Farmington Hills Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 31655 W. 11 Mile Rd. Farmington Hills, MI 48336. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Farmington Hills PD Name: Skankin, Ronald Title: Sergeant Phone: 248–871–2600 24/7 Phone: 248–477–0911 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Farmington Hills Fire Emergency Medical Division; Farmington Hills PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 871–2600 24/7 # (248) 477–0911 Fax: (248) 871–2601 May 2011 D-43 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.35 Ferndale Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 310 E. Nine Mile Rd. Ferndale, MI 48220. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Ferndale PD Name: Collins, Tim Title: Chief Phone: 248–546–2388 24/7 Phone: 248–541–3650 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Ferndale FD; Ferndale PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 546–2388 24/7 # (248) 541–3650 Fax: (248) 541–2836 May 2011 D-44 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.36 Flat Rock Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 25500 Gibraltar Rd. Flat Rock, MI 48134. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Flat Rock PD Name: Rossow, Neal (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 734–782–2496 24/7 Phone: 734–782–2496 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Flat Rock FD; Flat Rock PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 782–0636 24/7 # (734) 782–2496 Fax: (734) 782–0303 May 2011 D-45 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.37 Fraser Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 33000 Garfield Fraser, MI 48026. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Fraser Public Safety Name: Newton, Jeff (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 586–293–5703 24/7 Phone: 586–293–5703 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Fraser DPW; Fraser Public Safety Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (586) 294–8900 24/7 # (586) 293–1425 Fax: (586) 296–8480 May 2011 D-46 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.38 Garden City Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 6000 Middlebelt Garden City, MI 48135. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Garden City PD Name: Tackett, Mike (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 734–525–1732 24/7 Phone: 734–525–1732 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Garden City FD; Garden City PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (734) 525–8088 Fax: (734) 513–3895 May 2011 D-47 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.39 Gibraltar Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 29450 Munro Gibraltar, MI 48173. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Gibraltar PD Name: Canterbury, Raymond (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 734–676–5229 24/7 Phone: 734–676–1022 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Gibraltar FD; Gibraltar PD; Grosse Ile FD; Grosse Ile Township PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 676–5229 24/7 # (734) 676–1022 Fax: (734) 676–5124 May 2011 D-48 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.40 Grosse Ile Township Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 24525 Mendan Road Grosse Ile, MI 48138. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Grosse Ile Township PD Name: Porcarelli, Joseph (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 734–676–7100 24/7 Phone: 734–676–7100 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Grosse Ile FD; Grosse Ile Township PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (734) 676–7100 Fax: (734) 676–5903 May 2011 D-49 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.41 Grosse Pointe Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 17145 Maumee Grosse Pointe, MI 48230. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Grosse Pointe City DPS Name: Fincham, Alfred (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 313–343–2419 24/7 Phone: 313–342–2400 Email: Name: Tujaka, Ed (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 313–886–3200 24/7 Phone: 313–886–3200 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Grosse Pointe City DPS Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (313) 886–3200 Fax: (313) 417–3584 May 2011 D-50 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.42 Grosse Pointe Farms Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 90 Kerby Road Grosse Pointe. Farms, MI 48236. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Grosse Pointe Farms DPS Name: Bilinski, Brian (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 313–885–2100 24/7 Phone: 313–885–2100 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Grosse Pointe Farms DPS; Medstar Ambulance Other Gateway Notes: Admin 24/7 # (313) 885–2100 Fax: (313) 885–0698 May 2011 D-51 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.43 Grosse Pointe Park Police Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 15115 E. Jefferson Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Grosse Pointe Park DPS Name: Powell, Chris (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 313–822–4408 24/7 Phone: 313–822–7400 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Grosse Pointe Park DPS Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 822–4416 24/7 # (313) 822–7400 Fax: (313) 822–4543 May 2011 D-52 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.44 Grosse Pointe Shores Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 795 Lake Shore Rd. Grosse Pointe Shores, MI 48236. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Grosse Pointe Shores DPS Name: Poloni, Steve (Director) Title: Director Phone: 313–881–5500 24/7 Phone: 313–881–5500 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Grosse Pointe Shores DPS Other Gateway Notes: Admin/2417 # (313) 881–5500 Fax: (313) 640–1661 May 2011 D-53 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.45 Grosse Pointe Woods Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 20025 Mack Plaza Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Grosse Pointe Woods DPS Name: Fincham, Alfred (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 313–343–2419 24/7 Phone: 313–342–2400 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Grosse Pointe Woods DPS Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 343–2419 24/7# (313) 343–2400 Fax: (313) 343–9941 May 2011 D-54 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.46 Hamtramck Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 3401 Evaline Hamtramck, MI 48212. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Hamtramck PD Name: Kalinowski, Marek Title: Chief of Police Phone: 313–876–7803 24/7 Phone: 313–876–7803 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Hamtramck FD; Hamtramck PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 876–7800 24/7 # (313) 876–7803 Fax: (313) 876–7829 May 2011 D-55 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.47 Harper Woods Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 19617 Harper Harper Woods, MI 48225. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Harper Woods PD Name: Eschendal, Tamera (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 313–343–2511 24/7 Phone: 313–343–2530 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Eastland Mall; Harper Woods FD; Harper Woods PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 343–2511 24/7 # (313) 343–2530 Fax: (313) 343–2514 May 2011 D-56 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.48 Hazel Park Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 111 E. Nine Mile Rd. Hazel Park, MI 48030. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Hazel Park PD Name: Weimer, Jason Title: Phone: 248–546–0602 24/7 Phone: 248–542–6161 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Hazel Park FD; Hazel Park PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 546–0602 24/7 # (248) 542–6161 ext. 303 Fax: (248) 546–4084 May 2011 D-57 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.49 HEMS Inc. Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 33030 Van Born Road Wayne, MI 48148. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS) Name: Miljan, Robert, E. Title: Executive Director Phone: 734–727–7280 24/7 Phone: 734–732–2611 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Allen Park FD; Belleville FD; Brownstown FD; Canton Township FD; Concord Emergency Medical Services; Dearborn Heights FD; Dearborn FD; Ecorse FD; Flat Rock FD; Garden City FD; Gibraltar FD; Grosse Ile FD; Health Link MTS; HEMS; Huron Township Fire; Huron Valley Ambulance; Inkster FD; Lincoln Park FD; Livonia FD; Medic One Ambulance Service; Melvindale FD; Metropolitan Airport FD; Midwest Medflight; Northville FD; Northville Township FD; Plymouth Community FD; Rapid Response EMS; Redford FD; River Rouge FD; Riverview FD; Rockwood FD; Romulus FD; Southgate FD; Sumpter Township FD; Superior Ambulance; Taylor FD; Trenton FD; UMHS – Survival Flight; Van Buren FD; Wayne FD; Westland FD; Woodhaven FD; Wyandotte FD Other Gateway Notes: May 2011 D-58 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.50 Highland Park Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 12050 Woodward Ave Highland Park, MI 48203. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Highland Park Public Safety Name: Lorenzo Veal II Title: Chief Phone: 313–852–7338 24/7 Phone: 313–852–7338 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Highland Park FD; Highland Park PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (313) 252–5000 Fax: (313) 852–7258 May 2011 D-59 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.51 Holly Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 315 S. Broad St. Holly, MI 48442. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Holly PD Name: Hoffman, Christine (Communications Supervisor) Title: Communications Supervisor Phone: 248–634–8221 24/7 Phone: 238–634–8221 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Groveland Township FD; Holly FD; Holly PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7# (248) 634–8221 Fax: (248) 634–2864 May 2011 D-60 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.52 Huron Township Dispatch Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 36500 S. Huron Rd New Boston, MI 48164. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Huron Township PD Name: Lindenmuth, Terry, Ms (Director) Title: Head Dispatcher Phone: 734–753–4000 24/7 Phone: 734–466–2470 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Belleville FD; Belleville PD; Huron Township Fire; Huron Township PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 753–4400 24/7 # (734) 753–4411 Fax: (734) 753–2219 May 2011 D-61 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.53 Huron Valley Ambulance Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1200 State Circle Ann Arbor MI 48108. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Huron Valley Ambulance Name: Giffin, Jane, A. (Communications Manager) Title: Communications Manager Phone: 734–477–6298 24/7 Phone: 734–368–1562 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Alliance Emergency Medical Services; Ann Arbor FD; Ann Arbor Township FD; Augusta Township FD; Dexter FD; Huron Valley Ambulance; Manchester FD; Northfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township FD; Salem Township FD; Scio Township FD; Washtenaw County HAZMAT; Ypsilanti FD; Ypsilanti Township FD Other Gateway Notes: 2 dispatch devices – MCC7500 6 dispatch devices – MCC5500 May 2011 D-62 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.54 Lake Orion Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 37 E. Flint St. Lake Orion, MI 48362. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Lake Orion PD Name: Narsh, Jerry (Chief of Police) Title: Chief of Police Phone: 248–693–8321 24/7 Phone: 248–693–8321 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Lake Orion PD; Orion Township FD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC15; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7# (248) 693–8321 Fax: (248) 693–8941 May 2011 D-63 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.55 Lincoln Park Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1427 Cleophus Lincoln Park, MI 48146. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Lincoln Park PD Name: Snethkamp, Colleen, Ms (Director) Title: Director Phone: 313–381–1833 24/7 Phone: 313–381–1800 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Lincoln Park FD; Lincoln Park PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 381–1833 24/7# (313) 381–1800 ext 0 Fax: (313) 381–8835 May 2011 D-64 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.56 Livingston County Central Dispatch Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 300 S. Highlander Way Howell, MI 48843. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Livingston County Central Dispatch/Emergency Management Name: Arbic, Donald, T. (Director) Title: Director Phone: 517–540–7682 24/7 Phone: Email: Name: Grange, Tammy (Supervisor) Title: Supervisor Phone: 571–540–7684 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch The Livingston County Central Dispatch provides console patch capability between OakWIN MPSCS1–5 channels and the following MPSCS talk groups: May 2011 D-65 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Table D–2 – Livingston County Console Patch Capabilities Genesee County Fenton City Macomb County Washtenaw County 25 EMS 393COM 50 CIVIL DEFEN 81COM 25COM 393F911 50 COUNTY FIRE 81INOP1 25EMER1 393P911 50 WASH TWP FD 81INOP2 25EMER2 50COM B/U 81INOP3 25F911 50E911 B/U 81INOP4 25FG2 50F911 B/U 81INOP5 25FG3 50 MAC TWP FD 81INOP6 25FG4 50 MAC ROAD 81INOP7 25FG5 50P911 B/U 81INOP8 25FG6 50 RCHMND/LENOX 81INOP9 25FG7 50 SIREN 81INOP10 25FG8 81INOP11 25FG9 81INOP12 25FG10 81INOP13 25P911N 81INOP14 25P911S 81INOP15 25SPEV1 81PD1 25SPEV2 81PD2 25SPEV3 81PD3 81PD4 81 WCSD PATCH Other Gateway Notes: Admin/2417 # (517) 546–4620 Fax: (517) 546–5008 May 2011 D-66 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.57 Livonia Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 15050 Farmington Road Livonia, MI 48154. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Livonia PD Name: Dibenedetto, Paul (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 734–466–2391 24/7 Phone: 734–466–2470 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Livonia FD; Livonia PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 466–2388 24/7 # (734) 466–2470 Fax: (734) 466–2169 May 2011 D-67 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.58 Macomb County Sheriff’s Office Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 43565 Elizabeth Rd. Mount Clemens, MI 48043. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Macomb County Sheriff Name: Peeples, Laura (Dispatch Supervisor) Title: Dispatch Supervisor Phone: 586–307–9356 24/7 Phone: 586–469–5151 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Armada PD; Armada Township FD; Bruce–Romeo FD; Harrison Township FD; Huron– Clinton Metroparks PD; Lenox Township FD; Macomb County Sheriff; Macomb Township FD; Mount Clemens FD; New Haven FD; New Haven PD; Ray Township FD; Richmond / Lennox EMS; Washington Township FD Other Gateway Notes: 24 simultaneous patches; 8 dispatch devices Maximum patches supported by any one dispatch center for CASM purposes is 15 Admin/24/7 # (586) 469–5151 Fax: (586) 307–9621 May 2011 D-68 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.59 Madison Heights Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 280 W. Thirteen Mile Rd. Madison Heights, MI 48071. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Madison Heights PD Name: Weidle, Karl (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 248–837–2730 24/7 Phone: 248–585–2100 Email: kalrweidle@madison– Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Madison Heights FD; Madison Heights PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 837–2729 24/7 # (248) 585–2100 Fax: (248) 585–9049 May 2011 D-69 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.60 Melvindale Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 3100 Oakwood Blvd. Melvindale, MI 48122. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Melvindale PD Name: Cadex, Rick (Chief) Title: Chief of Police Phone: 313–429–1070 24/7 Phone: 313–429–1070 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Melvindale FD; Melvindale PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 389–2890 24/7 # (313) 381–8747 Fax: (313) 382–6038 May 2011 D-70 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region MSP – 2nd District Regional Dispatch D.61 Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1050 Sixth St. Detroit, MI 48226. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Michigan State Police Name: Morenko, Michael Title: Director Phone: 313–237–7488 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch MSP – Detroit #29; Michigan State Police – Metro North Post #21; MSP – Metro South Post #25; MSP – Monroe Post #28; MSP – Richmond Post #24; MSP – Ypsilanti Post #26 Other Gateway Notes: Admin / 24x7 # (313) 237–2450 Supervisors Office # (313) 237–7486 Fax: (313) 237– 2440 May 2011 D-71 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.62 Milan Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 35 Neckel Ct. Milan, MI 48160. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Milan PD Name: Lewis, Jeffrey (Chief of Police) Title: Chief of Police Phone: 734–439–1551 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Milan FD; Milan PD Other Gateway Notes: Two consoles; two Motorola consolettes Admin/24/7 # (734) 439–1551 Fax: (734) 439–1565 May 2011 D-72 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.63 Milford Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1100 Atlantic Milford, MI 48381. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Milford PD Name: Wiltse, Robyn (Communications Supervisor) Title: Communications Supervisor Phone: 248–684–1815 24/7 Phone: 248–684–1815 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Milford FD; Milford PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 684–1815 Fax: (248) 685–0543 May 2011 D-73 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.64 Monroe County Central Dispatch Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 987 S. Raisinville Rd Monroe, MI 48161. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Monroe County Name: Jennings, Jeremy (Assistant Director) Title: Assistant Director Phone: 734–457–6703 24/7 Phone: 834–777–4708 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Ash Township FD; Bedford FD; Berlin Charter Township FD #1; Berlin Charter Township FD #2; Carleton PD; Dundee Police; Dundee Township FD; Erie Township FD; Erie Township PD; Estral Beach FD; Exeter Township FD; Frenchtown Township FD; Ida Township FD; LaSalle Township FD; Life Flight; LMR FD; Luna Pier FD; Luna Pier PD; MSP – Monroe Post #28; Monroe City DPW; Monroe City FD; Monroe City PD; Monroe County Emergency Management; Monroe County Sheriff's Office; Monroe Township FD; Morin Point FD; Newport FD; Ottawa Lake FD; South Rockwood PD; Summerfield Township FD; Whiteford Township Constables; Whiteford Township FD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 240–7427 24/7 # (734) 241–2727 Fax: (734) 241–5820 Monroe County Sheriff's Office: 100 E. Second St. Monroe, MI 48161 May 2011 D-74 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.65 Northville Township Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 41600 W. Six Mile Rd. Northville, MI 48167. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Northville Township PD Name: Pigeon, Kelly (Dispatch Supervisor) Title: Dispatch Supervisor Phone: 248–449–5197 24/7 Phone: 248–719–2002 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Northville FD; Northville PD; Northville Township FD; Northville Township PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 349–1234 24/7 # (248) 349–9400 Fax: (248) 348–5813 May 2011 D-75 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.66 Novi Regional Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 45125W Ten Mile Rd. Novi, MI 48375. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Novi Regional Name: Geary, Tracey Title: Phone: 248–347–0564 24/7 Phone: 248–348–7100 Email: Name: Mitchell, Richard Title: Director Phone: 248–347–0564 24/7 Phone: 248–348–7100 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Novi FD; Novi PD; South Lyon FD; South Lyon PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 347–0564 24/7# (248) 348–7100 Fax: (248) 347–0526 May 2011 D-76 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.67 Oak Park Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 13600 Oak Park Blvd. Oak Park, MI 48237. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Oak Park DPS Name: Kozowski, Ted (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 248–691–7527 24/7 Phone: 248–691–7447 Email: tkozlowski@ci.oak– Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Oak Park Department Public Safety; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC15; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 691–7500 24/7 # (248) 691–7447 Fax: (248) 691–7431 May 2011 D-77 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.68 Oakland County Sheriff Office Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1201 N. Telegraph Rd. Pontiac, MI 48341–1044. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Name: Maier, Melvin (Communications Supervisor) Title: Communication Supervisor Phone: 248–858–1645 24/7 Phone: 248–858–4911 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Addison Township FD; Brandon Township FD; Clarkson PD; Commerce Township FD; Franklin–Bingham FD; Groveland Township FD; Highland Township FD; Independence Township FD; Lake Angelus PD; North Oakland FD; Oakland Community College PD; Oakland County Sheriff’s Office; Oakland Township FD; Rochester Hills FD; Royal Oak FD; Springfield Township FD; Walled Lake FD; Walled Lake PD; Wixom FD; Wixom PD; Wolverine Lake PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (248) 858–1645 24/7 # (248) 858–4911 Fax: (248) 452–2102 May 2011 D-78 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.69 Oakland University Police Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 2200 North Squirrel Rd., Rochester, MI 48309. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Oakland University PD Name: Gordon, Mark (Captain) Title: Captain Phone: 248–370–2721 24/7 Phone: 248–370–3331 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Oakland University PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: May 2011 D-79 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.70 Oxford Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 22 W. Burdick Oxford, MI 48371. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Oxford PD Name: VanHouten, Tony, Mr (Director) Title: Director Phone: 248–628–2581 24/7 Phone: 248–628–2581 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Oxford FD; Oxford PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 628–2581 Fax: (248) 628–7030 May 2011 D-80 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.71 Pittsfield Township Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 6227 MI Ave Ann Arbor MI 48108. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Pittsfield Township PD Name: Swenson, Craig (Support Services Supervisor) Title: Support Services Supervisor Phone: 734–944–4911 x125 24/7 Phone: 734–944–4911 Email: cswenson@pittsfield– Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Pittsfield Township FD; Pittsfield Township PD Other Gateway Notes: 2 dispatch devices Admin/24/7 # (734) 944–4911 Fax: (734) 944–8190 May 2011 D-81 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.72 Plymouth Community Communications Center Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 9955 N Haggerty Rd Plymouth, MI 48170. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Plymouth Township PD Name: Lauria, Cal, A. (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 734–354–3273 24/7 Phone: 248–808–5844 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Plymouth Community FD; Plymouth PD; Plymouth Township PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7# (734) 354–3250 Fax: (734) 453–4107 May 2011 D-82 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.73 Pontiac Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 110 E. Pike Pontiac, MI 48342. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Pontiac PD Name: Ford, Robert (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 248–758–3310 24/7 Phone: 248–758–3341 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Pontiac FD; Pontiac PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 758–3340 Fax: (248) 758–3464 May 2011 D-83 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.74 Port Huron Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 100 McMorran Blvd. Port Huron, MI 48060. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Port Huron PD Name: Strang, Melinda, Ms Title: Phone: 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Port Huron PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (810) 984–9710 24/7 # (810) 984–8415 Fax: (810) 987–9860 May 2011 D-84 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.75 Redford Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 25833 Elsinore Redford, MI 48239. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Redford Township PD Name: Pascoe, Brian Title: Phone: 313–387–2590 24/7 Phone: 313–387–2553 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Redford FD; Redford Township PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 387–2590 24/7 # (313) 387–2553 Fax: (313) 387–2666 May 2011 D-85 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.76 River Rouge Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 10600 W. Jefferson River Rouge, MI 48218. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: River Rouge PD Name: Alderman, Robert (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 313–842–0069 24/7 Phone: 313–842–8700 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch River Rouge FD; River Rouge PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (313) 842–0069 24/7 # (313) 842–8700 Fax: (313) 842–1050 May 2011 D-86 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.77 Riverview Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 14100 Civic Park Drive Riverview, MI 48192. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Riverview PD Name: Ginestet, Don (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 734–281–4210 24/7 Phone: 734–281–4222 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Riverview FD; Riverview PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 281–4210 24/7 # (734) 281–4222 Fax: (734) 285–1167 May 2011 D-87 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.78 Rochester Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 400 Sixth St. Rochester, MI 48037. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Rochester PD Name: Wenzel, David (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 248–651–9621 24/7 Phone: 248–651–9621 Email: dwenzel@ci.rochester.mi.ius Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Rochester FD; Rochester PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 651–9621 Fax: (248) 651–3607 May 2011 D-88 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.79 Rockwood Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 32409 Fort St. Rockwood, MI 48173. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Rockwood PD Name: Rowe, Stephen (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 734–379–5323 24/7 Phone: 734–379–5332 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Rockwood FD; Rockwood PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (734) 379–5323 Fax: (734) 379–5758 May 2011 D-89 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.80 Romeo Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 121 W. St. Clair Romeo, MI 48065. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Romeo PD Name: Paduch, Greg Title: Chief of Police Phone: 586–752–3587 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Romeo PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (586) 752–3587 Fax: (586) 752–7622 May 2011 D-90 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.81 Romulus Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 11165 Olive St. Romulus, MI 48174. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Romulus PD Name: Leonard, Kim, Ms Title: Phone: 734–942–6865 24/7 Phone: 734–942–6865 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Romulus FD; Romulus PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (734)941–8400 Fax: (734) 941–3251 May 2011 D-91 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.82 Royal Oak Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 221 E. Third St Royal Oak, MI 48067. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Royal Oak PD Name: Annetta, Chris (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 248–246–3500 24/7 Phone: 248–246–3500 Email: chrisa@ci.royal– Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Royal Oak FD; Royal Oak PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 246–3500 Fax: (248) 246–3403 May 2011 D-92 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.83 Saline Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 100 N. Harris St., Saline MI 48176. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Saline PD Name: Ceo, Jack (Deputy Chief) Title: Deputy Chief Phone: 734–429–7911 24/7 Phone: 734–429–7911 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Saline DPW; Saline PD Other Gateway Notes: One console position and a Motorola consolette Admin/24/7 # (734) 429–7911 Fax: (734) 429–8267 May 2011 D-93 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.84 Shelby Township Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 52700 Van Dyke Shelby, MI 48316. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Shelby Township PD Name: Leman, Robert (Chief of Police) Title: Chief of Police Phone: 586–731–2121 24/7 Phone: 586–731–2121 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Shelby Township FD; Shelby Township PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (586) 731–2121 Fax: (586) 726–7218 May 2011 D-94 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.85 South East Regional Emergency Services Authority Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 18961 Common Road, Roseville, MI 48066 Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: South East Regional Emergency Services Authority Name: Bartram, Cherie Title: Phone: 586–777–6700 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Eastpointe PD; Roseville PD; St. Clair Shores PD Other Gateway Notes: May 2011 D-95 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.86 Southfield Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 26000 Evergreen Southfield, MI 48076. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Southfield PD Name: Meredith, Morgan (Ms.) Title: Phone: 248–796–5750 24/7 Phone: 248–796–5500 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Lathrup Village PD; Southfield FD Other Gateway Notes: May 2011 D-96 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.87 St. Clair County Central Dispatch Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1170 Michigan Rd Port Huron, MI 48060. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: St. Clair County Name: Conger, Tim (Communications Supervisor) Title: Communications Supervisor Phone: 810–966–1691 24/7 Phone: 810–650–0677 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Algonac FD; Algonac PD; Almont FD; Armada Township FD; Berlin Twp FD; Brockway Township FD; Burtchville FD; Canadian Pacific Railway Police; Capac Community Schools; Capac PD; Clyde Township FD; East China Water Plant; Emmett FD; Fort Gratiot FD; Ira Township EMS; Ira Township FD; Kenockee Township FD; Kimball Township FD; Marine City FD; Marine City PD; Marysville FD; Marysville PD; Medstar Ambulance; Memphis FD; Memphis PD; MSP – Richmond Post #24; Mussey Township FD; New Baltimore FD; Port Huron FD; Port Huron PD; Port Huron Radio Shop; Port Huron Township FD; St. Clair County Sheriff; St. Clair FD; St. Clair PD; Tri Hospital EMS; Yale FD; Yale PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (800) 462–7111 Fax: (810) 985–5102 Address originally entered as: 204 Bard St. Port Huron, MI 48060 (Updated to reflect info collected on spreadsheet, which was verified with a Web address search) May 2011 D-97 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.88 Sterling Heights Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 40333 Dodge Park Rd. Sterling Heights, MI 48313. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Sterling Heights PD Name: Fawaz, Jimmy (Sgt.) Title: Sgt. Phone: 586–446–2800 24/7 Phone: Email: jfawaz@sterling– Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Sterling Heights FD; Sterling Heights PD Other Gateway Notes: 4 dispatch devices Admin/24/7 # (586) 446–2800 Fax: (586) 276–4076 May 2011 D-98 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.89 Sumpter Township Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 23501 Sumpter Road Bellville, MI 48111. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Sumpter Township PD Name: Baker, Melissa Title: Phone: 734–461–6936 24/7 Phone: 734–461–6898 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Sumpter Township FD; Sumpter Township PD Other Gateway Notes: May 2011 D-99 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.90 Taylor Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 23515 Goddard Rd. Taylor, MI 48180. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Taylor PD Name: Schindler, Scott (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 734–374–4016 24/7 Phone: 734–374– 4016 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Taylor FD; Taylor PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (734) 287–6611 Fax: (734) 374–1340 May 2011 D-100 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.91 Trenton Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 2872 W. Jefferson Trenton, MI 48183. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Trenton PD Name: Lilienthal, William (Chief) Title: Chief Phone: 734–676–7095 24/7 Phone: 734–676–3737 Email: lilienthal@trenton– Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Trenton FD; Trenton PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 676–7095 24/7 # (734) 676–3737 Fax: (734) 676–4239 May 2011 D-101 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.92 Troy Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 500 W. Big Beaver Troy, MI 48084. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Troy PD Name: Brandimore, Cathy, Ms (Director) Title: Director Phone: 248–524–3477 24/7 Phone: 248–524–3477 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Clawson FD; Clawson PD; Troy City FD; Troy PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Troy PD also has three MPSCS control stations connected to the console to permit console patches with MPSCS agencies. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 524–3477 Fax: (248) 528–1238 May 2011 D-102 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.93 University of Michigan Department Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 1239 Kipke Drive Ann Arbor, MI 48109–2036. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: University of Michigan PD Name: James, Crystal (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 734–763–1131 24/7 Phone: 734–763–1131 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch University of Michigan Occupational Safety and Environmental Health; University of Michigan PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (734) 763–1131 Fax: (734) 936–2400 May 2011 D-103 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.94 Utica Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 7550 Auburn Rd. Utica, MI 48317. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Utica PD Name: Reaves, Michael (Chief) Title: Chief of Police Phone: 586–731–2345 24/7 Phone: 586–731–2345 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Utica FD; Utica PD Other Gateway Notes: 1 dispatch device Admin/24/7 # (586) 731–2345 Fax: (586) 657–5161 May 2011 D-104 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.95 Van Buren Township Department of Public Safety Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 46425 Tyler Belleville, MI 48111. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Van Buren Township Department Public Safety Name: Floro, Kenneth (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 734–699–8914 24/7 Phone: 734–699–8930 Email: kfloro@vanburen– Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Van Buren FD; Van Buren PD; Van Buren Township DPS Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 699–8930 24/7 # (734) 699–6061 Fax: (734) 699–6028 May 2011 D-105 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.96 Warren Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 29900 Civic Center Drive Warren, MI 48093. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Warren PD Name: Ahrens, Robert (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 586–574–4831 24/7 Phone: 586–524–2546 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Warren FD; Warren PD Other Gateway Notes: 3 dispatch devices Admin # (586) 574–4832 24/7 # (586) 574–9111 Fax: (586) 574–4862 May 2011 D-106 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.97 Washtenaw Metro Dispatch Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 2201 Hogback Road Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Name: Breckenridge, Marc C. (Director of Emergency Management) Title: Director of Emergency Management Phone: 734-973-4900 24/7 Phone: 734-973-4900 Email: Name: Halteman, David, R. (Assistant Director and Enhanced 9–1–1 Coordinator) Title: Assistant Director and Enhanced 9–1–1 Coordinator Phone: 734–973–4548 24/7 Phone: 734–320–0515 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch MSP – Ypsilanti Post #26; Northfield Township PD; State of Michigan Forensic Center – Ypsilanti; Washtenaw County Emergency Management; Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office; Ypsilanti PD Other Gateway Notes: 9 dispatch devices Admin # (734) 973–4926 24/7 # (734) 973–4911 Fax: (734) 973–4345 May 2011 D-107 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.98 Waterford Township Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 5150 Civic Center Dr. Waterford, MI 48329. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Waterford Township PD Name: Corbett, Tony Title: Supervisor Phone: 248–524–3477 24/7 Phone: Email: Name: Mostek, Frank (Supervisor) Title: Supervisor Phone: 248–628–7517 24/7 Phone: 248–674–0351 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Waterford FD; Waterford Township PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 618–7525 Fax: (248) 674–0754 May 2011 D-108 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.99 Wayne County Sheriff Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 10250 Middle Belt Romulus, MI 48174. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Wayne County Sheriff Name: Osborn, Jim, Mr Title: Phone: 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Wayne County Sheriff Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (734) 942–3600 Fax: (734) 942–5311 May 2011 D-109 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.100 Wayne Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 33701 Michigan Ave Wayne, MI 48184. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Wayne PD Name: Wolfgram, Bruce (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 734–721–1414 24/7 Phone: 734–721–1414 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Wayne FD; Wayne PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 721–1421 24/7 # (734) 721–1414 Fax: (734) 729–9948 May 2011 D-110 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.101 West Bloomfield Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 4530 Walnut Lake Rd. West Bloomfield, MI 48325. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: West Bloomfield PD Name: Barch, Paul (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 248–975–8983 24/7 Phone: 248–975–8983 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Keego Harbor PD; Orchard Lake PD; Sylvan Lake PD; West Bloomfield FD; West Bloomfield PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (248) 682–9200 Fax: (248) 682–1811 May 2011 D-111 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.102 Westland Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 36701 Ford Rd. Westland, MI 48185. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Westland PD Name: Collier, Robin Title: Lieutenant Phone: 734–467–3543 24/7 Phone: 734–497–9499 Email: Name: O'Connell, Dan (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 734–722–9600 24/7 Phone: 734–722–9600 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Inkster FD; Inkster PD; Westland FD; Westland PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7 # (734) 722–9600 Fax: (734) 728–8224 May 2011 D-112 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.103 White Lake Township Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 7525 Highland Rd. White Lake, MI 48383. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: White Lake Township PD Name: Kline, Adam (Lieutenant) Title: Lieutenant Phone: 248–698–4400 24/7 Phone: 248–698–4400 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch White Lake FD; White Lake Township PD; MPSCS agencies patched to talkgroups 63MPSC1-5; all Oakland County dispatch center consoles can also patch to any OakWIN talkgroup. Other Gateway Notes: Admin/24/7# (248) 698–4400 Fax: (248) 698–3351 May 2011 D-113 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region D.104 Woodhaven Police Department Equipment Location This gateway is stored at 21869 West Rd. Woodhaven, MI 48183. Responsible Agency This gateway is owned or managed by: Woodhaven PD Name: Chretien, Gordon (Chief of Police) Title: Chief of Police Phone: 734–675–4905 24/7 Phone: 734–676–7337 Email: Service Area Agencies Interoperable Through Dispatch Console Patch Woodhaven FD; Woodhaven PD Other Gateway Notes: Admin # (734) 675–4905 24/7 # (734) 676–7337 Fax: (734) 675–4901 May 2011 D-114 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix E Radio Caches Information on radio caches available for use within the region is listed in subsequent pages of Appendix E. The table below lists the owning or managing agency, cache, frequency band and quantity of radios in each cache. Table E–1 – SEMI UASI Region Radio Caches Radio Cache Name Owning Agency Make / Model Frequency Quantity Band MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team 700/800 MHz Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Harris / 5250 800 MHz 120 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team VHF Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Motorola / MTS 2000 VHF 85 Macomb County Emergency Management Radio Cache Macomb County Emergency Management Motorola / XTS 1500, Motorola / XTS 2500 800 MHz 16, 34 Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Radio Cache Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Motorola / MTS 2000 800 MHz 10 Motorola / XTS 5000 800 MHz 70 Various 800 MHz 244 Wayne County Department Wayne County DHSEM Cache of Homeland Security & Emergency Management State of Michigan Radio Cache MSP and MPSCS Lucas County, Ohio Radio Cache Lucas County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office XTS5000 800 MHz 75 City of Detroit Network Operations Center Cache Detroit Emergency Management and Homeland Security XTS5000 800 MHz 150 City of Detroit Water and Sewage Cache City of Detroit Water and Sewage XTS2500 800 MHz 100 May 2011 E-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region E.1 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team 700/800 MHz Equipment Location This radio cache is stored at 4850 John R, Troy, Michigan. Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Name: Nelson, William (Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 248–524–3419 24/7 Phone: 248-858-4911 Email: Service Area SEMI UASI Michigan Homeland Security Region 2 Cache Description Make / Model: Harris / 5250 Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 120 No. of Available Channels: 512 No. of Spare Batteries: 360 Channels Programmed on Cache Radio System Name 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) May 2011 Channel Name 7CALL50 Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone 769.24375 156.7 / 5A 769.24375 156.7 / 5A E-2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7CALL50D 769.24375 156.7 / 5A 769.24375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7CALL70 803.25625 156.7 / 5A 773.25625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7CALL70D 773.25625 156.7 / 5A 773.25625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7FIRE63 799.89375 156.7 / 5A 769.89375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7FIRE63D 769.89375 156.7 / 5A 769.89375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7FIRE64D 769.99375 156.7 / 5A 769.99375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7FIRE83 803.50625 156.7 / 5A 773.50625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7FIRE83D 773.50625 156.7 / 5A 773.50625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7FIRE84D 773.85625 156.7 / 5A 773.85625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7FTAC1D 769.00625 156.7 / 5A 769.00625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7FTAC2D 774.93125 156.7 / 5A 774.93125 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7FTAC3D 769.04375 156.7 / 5A 769.04375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7GTAC4D 769.03125 156.7 / 5A 769.03125 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7GTAC5D 774.95625 156.7 / 5A 774.95625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7LAW61 800.39375 156.7 / 5A 770.39375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7LAW61D 770.39375 156.7 / 5A 770.39375 156.7 / 5A May 2011 E-3 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7LAW62D 770.49375 156.7 / 5A 770.49375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7LAW81 804.00625 156.7 / 5A 774.00625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7LAW81D 774.00625 156.7 / 5A 774.00625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7LAW82D 774.35625 156.7 / 5A 774.35625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7LTAC6D 769.01875 156.7 / 5A 769.01875 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7LTAC7D 774.94375 156.7 / 5A 774.94375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7LTAC8D 774.98125 156.7 / 5A 774.98125 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MED65 799.39375 156.7 / 5A 769.39375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MED65D 769.39375 156.7 / 5A 769.39375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MED66D 769.49375 156.7 / 5A 769.49375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MED86 803.00625 156.7 / 5A 773.00625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MED86D 773.00625 156.7 / 5A 773.00625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MED87D 773.35625 156.7 / 5A 773.35625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MOB59 800.89375 156.7 / 5A 770.89375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MOB59D 770.89375 156.7 / 5A 770.89375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MOB79 804.50625 156.7 / 5A 774.50625 156.7 / 5A May 2011 E-4 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MOB79D 774.50625 156.7 / 5A 774.50625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7MTAC9D 774.96875 156.7 / 5A 774.96875 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7NTAC10D 769.05625 156.7 / 5A 769.05625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7NTAC11D 769.06875 156.7 / 5A 769.06875 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7NTAC12D 774.99375 156.7 / 5A 774.99375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7TAC55 799.74375 156.7 / 5A 769.74375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7TAC55D 769.74375 156.7 / 5A 769.74375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7TAC56D 770.24375 156.7 / 5A 770.24375 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7TAC75 803.75625 156.7 / 5A 773.75625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7TAC75D 773.75625 156.7 / 5A 773.75625 156.7 / 5A 700 MHz Mutual Aid (Analog) 7TAC76D 774.25625 156.7 / 5A 774.25625 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ICALL 821.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ICALLTA 866.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC1 821.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2 822.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2TA 867.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3 822.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3TA 867.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A May 2011 E-5 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ITAC4 823.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4TA 868.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A Talk Groups Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zone I EVENT31 EVENT31 MPSCS Zone I EVENT32 EVENT32 MPSCS Zone I EVENT33 EVENT33 MPSCS Zone I EVENT34 EVENT34 MPSCS Zone I EVENT35 EVENT35 MPSCS Zone I EVENT36 EVENT36 MPSCS Zone I EVENT37 EVENT37 MPSCS Zone I EVENT38 EVENT38 MPSCS Zone I EVENT39 EVENT39 MPSCS Zone I EVENT40 EVENT40 MPSCS Zone I EVENT41 EVENT41 MPSCS Zone I EVENT42 EVENT42 MPSCS Zone I EVENT43 EVENT43 MPSCS Zone I EVENT44 EVENT44 MPSCS Zone I EVENT45 EVENT45 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT01 EVENT01 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT02 EVENT02 May 2011 E-6 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT03 EVENT03 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT04 EVENT04 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT05 EVENT05 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT06 EVENT06 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT07 EVENT07 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT08 EVENT08 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT09 EVENT09 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT10 EVENT10 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT11 EVENT11 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT12 EVENT12 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT13 EVENT13 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT14 EVENT14 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT15 EVENT15 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT16 EVENT16 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT17 EVENT17 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT18 EVENT18 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT19 EVENT19 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT20 EVENT20 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT21 EVENT21 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT22 EVENT22 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT23 EVENT23 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT24 EVENT24 May 2011 E-7 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT25 EVENT25 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT26 EVENT26 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT27 EVENT27 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT28 EVENT28 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT29 EVENT29 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT30 EVENT30 OakWIN ALLDISP ALLDISP OakWIN 63F911 63F911 OakWIN 63MPSC1 63MPSC1 OakWIN 63MPSC2 63MPSC2 OakWIN 63MPSC3 63MPSC3 OakWIN 63MPSC4 63MPSC4 OakWIN 63MPSC5 63MPSC5 OakWIN 63P911 63P911 OakWIN CW_EMSC CW_EMSC OakWIN CW_EMS1 CW_EMS1 OakWIN CW_EMS2 CW_EMS2 OakWIN CW_EMS3 CW_EMS3 OakWIN CW_EMS4 CW_EMS4 OakWIN CW_EMS4 CW_EMS4 OakWIN CW_FD1 CW_FD1 OakWIN CW_FD2 CW_FD2 May 2011 E-8 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name OakWIN CW_FD3 CW_FD3 OakWIN CW_FD4 CW_FD4 OakWIN CW_POL1 CW_POL1 OakWIN CW_POL2 CW_POL2 OakWIN CW_POL3 CW_POL3 OakWIN CW_POL4 CW_POL4 OakWIN EV_1 EV_1 OakWIN EV_10 EV_10 OakWIN EV_11 EV_11 OakWIN EV_12 EV_12 OakWIN EV_13 EV_13 OakWIN EV_2 EV_2 OakWIN EV_3 EV_3 OakWIN EV_4 EV_4 OakWIN EV_5 EV_5 OakWIN EV_6 EV_6 OakWIN EV_7 EV_7 OakWIN EV_8 EV_8 OakWIN EV_9 EV_9 OakWIN NE_OP1 NE_OP1 OakWIN NE_OP2 NE_OP2 OakWIN NE_OP2 NE_OP2 May 2011 E-9 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name OakWIN NE_OP3 NE_OP3 OakWIN NE_OP4 NE_OP4 OakWIN NW_OP1 NW_OP1 OakWIN NW_OP2 NW_OP2 OakWIN NW_OP3 NW_OP3 OakWIN NW_OP4 NW_OP4 OakWIN SE_OP1 SE_OP1 OakWIN SE_OP2 SE_OP2 OakWIN SE_OP3 SE_OP3 OakWIN SE_OP4 SE_OP4 OakWIN SW_OP1 SW_OP1 OakWIN SW_OP2 SW_OP2 OakWIN SW_OP3 SW_OP3 OakWIN SW_OP4 SW_OP4 Other Cache Notes: May 2011 E-10 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region E.2 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team VHF Equipment Location This radio cache is stored at 4850 John R, Troy, Michigan. Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Name: Nelson, William (Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 248–524–3419 24/7 Phone: 248-858-4911 Email: Service Area MABAS Multi–state Mutual Aid Deployment and SEMI UASI Michigan Homeland Security Region 2 Cache Description Make / Model: Motorola / MTS 2000 Frequency Band: VHF High–Band (150–174MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 85 No. of Available Channels: 48 No. of Spare Batteries: 255 Channels Programmed on Cache Radio System Name MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net May 2011 Channel Name FG–BLACK Tx Freq Tx Tone 154.2725 94.8 / ZA Rx Freq Tx Tone 154.2725 94.8 / ZA E-11 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net FG–BLUE 154.2950 85.4 / YA 154.2950 85.4 / YA MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net FG–GOLD 153.8375 91.5 / ZZ 153.8375 91.5 / ZZ MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net FG–GRAY 154.2875 136.5 / 4Z 154.2875 136.5 / 4Z MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net FG–RED 153.8300 69.3 / WZ 153.8300 69.3 / WZ MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net FG–WHITE 154.2800 74.4 / WA 154.2800 74.4 / WA MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net IFERN 154.2650 210.7 / M2 154.2650 210.7 / M2 MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net IFERN 2 154.3025 67.0 / XZ 154.3025 67.0 / XZ MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VCALL10 155.7525 156.7 / 5A 155.7525 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VFIRE21 154.2800 156.7 / 5A 154.2800 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VFIRE22 154.2650 156.7 / 5A 154.2650 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VFIRE23 154.2950 156.7 / 5A 154.2950 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VFIRE24 154.2725 156.7 / 5A 154.2725 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VFIRE25 154.2875 156.7 / 5A 154.2875 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VFIRE26 154.3025 156.7 / 5A 154.3025 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VTAC10 151.1375 156.7 / 5A 151.1375 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VTAC12 154.4525 156.7 / 5A 154.4525 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VTAC13 158.7375 156.7 / 5A 158.7375 156.7 / 5A MABAS Fire Mutual Aid Net VTAC14 159.4725 156.7 / 5A 159.4725 156.7 / 5A Talk Groups Programmed on Cache There are no talk groups programmed on MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team VHF. Other Cache Notes: 35 of the 85 radios are narrowband capable and have the national mutual aid channels programmed; 50 are not narrowband capable and do not have these channels. May 2011 E-12 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Batteries per radio: 1 Limited Use, 2 Lithium ION (rechargeable), 1 Clamshell (uses AA batteries) E.3 Macomb County Emergency Management Radio Cache Equipment Location This radio cache is stored at 21930 Dunham Road Mount Clemens, MI 48043. Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: Macomb County Emergency Management Name: Wolber, Vicki Title: Emergency Management Coordinator Phone: 586–469–5270 24/7 Phone: 586–291–9484 Email: Service Area SEMI UASI Michigan Homeland Security Region 2 Cache Description Make / Model: Motorola / XTS 2500 Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 34 No. of Available Channels: 512 No. of Spare Batteries: Channels Programmed on Cache TBD Talk Groups Programmed on Cache TBD May 2011 E-13 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region E.4 Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office Radio Cache Equipment Location This radio cache is stored at 2201 Hogback Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48105. Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department Name: Halteman, David, R. Title: Assistant Director and Enhanced 9–1–1 Coordinator Phone: 734–973–4548 24/7 Phone: 734–320–0515 Email: Service Area SEMI UASI Michigan Homeland Security Region 2 Cache Description Make / Model: Motorola / XTS 2500 Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 34 No. of Available Channels: 512 No. of Spare Batteries: Channels Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ICALL 821.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ICALLTA 866.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A May 2011 E-14 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ITAC1 821.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC1TA 866.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2 822.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2TA 867.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3 822.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3TA 867.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4 823.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4TA 868.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A Talk Groups Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–1 BK–1 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–11 BK–11 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–12 BK–12 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–13 BK–13 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–2 BK–2 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–3 BK–3 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–4 BK–4 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–5 BK–5 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–6 BK–6 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–7 BK–7 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–8 BK–8 University of Michigan 800 MHz BK–9 BK–9 May 2011 E-15 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup TAC1 TAC1 Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup TAC2 TAC2 Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup TAC3 TAC3 Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup TAC4 TAC4 Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup TAC5 TAC5 Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup TAC6 TAC6 Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup TAC7 TAC7 Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup TAC8 TAC8 Washtenaw 800 MHz Analog Backup TAC9 TAC9 Washtenaw County MPSCS 8 1INTEROP 5 8 1INTEROP 5 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 1 81 INTEROP 1 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 10 81 INTEROP 10 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 11 81 INTEROP 11 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 12 81 INTEROP 12 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 13 81 INTEROP 13 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 14 81 INTEROP 14 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 15 81 INTEROP 15 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 2 81 INTEROP 2 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 3 81 INTEROP 3 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 4 81 INTEROP 4 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 6 81 INTEROP 6 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 7 81 INTEROP 7 May 2011 E-16 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 8 81 INTEROP 8 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81 INTEROP 9 81 INTEROP 9 Washtenaw County MPSCS 81COM 81COM May 2011 E-17 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region E.5 Wayne Co. DHSEM Cache Equipment Location This radio cache is stored at 10250 Middlebelt Road, Romulus, MI 48174. Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: Wayne County Department of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Name: Hammond, Mark (Deputy Director) Title: Deputy Director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Phone: 734–942–5289 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area SEMI UASI Michigan Homeland Security Region 2 Cache Description Make / Model: Motorola / XTS 5000 Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 70 No. of Available Channels: 512 No. of Spare Batteries: 40 Channels Programmed on Cache Radio System Name ICALL/ITAC May 2011 Channel Name ICALL Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone 821.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A E-18 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ICALLTA 866.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC1 821.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC1TA 866.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2 822.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2TA 867.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3 822.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3TA 867.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4 823.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4TA 868.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A Talk Groups Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zone I EVENT31 EVENT31 MPSCS Zone I EVENT32 EVENT32 MPSCS Zone I EVENT33 EVENT33 MPSCS Zone I EVENT34 EVENT34 MPSCS Zone I EVENT35 EVENT35 MPSCS Zone I EVENT36 EVENT36 MPSCS Zone I EVENT37 EVENT37 MPSCS Zone I EVENT38 EVENT38 MPSCS Zone I EVENT39 EVENT39 MPSCS Zone I EVENT40 EVENT40 MPSCS Zone I EVENT41 EVENT41 May 2011 E-19 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zone I EVENT42 EVENT42 MPSCS Zone I EVENT43 EVENT43 MPSCS Zone I EVENT44 EVENT44 MPSCS Zone I EVENT45 EVENT45 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT01 EVENT01 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT02 EVENT02 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT03 EVENT03 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT04 EVENT04 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT05 EVENT05 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT06 EVENT06 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT07 EVENT07 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT08 EVENT08 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT09 EVENT09 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT10 EVENT10 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT11 EVENT11 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT12 EVENT12 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT13 EVENT13 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT14 EVENT14 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT15 EVENT15 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT16 EVENT16 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT17 EVENT17 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT18 EVENT18 May 2011 E-20 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT19 EVENT19 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT20 EVENT20 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT21 EVENT21 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT22 EVENT22 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT23 EVENT23 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT24 EVENT24 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT25 EVENT25 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT26 EVENT26 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT27 EVENT27 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT28 EVENT28 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT29 EVENT29 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT30 EVENT30 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW1 State Wide Area 1 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW2 State Wide Area 2 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW3 State Wide Area 3 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW5 State Wide Area 5 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW6 State Wide Area 6 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW7 State Wide Area 7 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW8 State Wide Area 8 Wayne County – MPSCS 82COM 82COM Wayne County – MPSCS 82EMD1 82EMD1 Wayne County – MPSCS 82EMD2 82EMD2 May 2011 E-21 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name Wayne County – MPSCS 82F911 82F911 Wayne County – MPSCS 82HD 82HD Wayne County – MPSCS 82MCA1 82MCA1 Wayne County – MPSCS 82MCA2 82MCA2 Wayne County – MPSCS 82MCA3 82MCA3 Wayne County – MPSCS 82MCA4 82MCA4 Wayne County – MPSCS 82P911 82P911 Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV1 82SPEV1 Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV2 82SPEV2 Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV3 82SPEV3 Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV4 82SPEV4 Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV5 82SPEV5 May 2011 E-22 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region E.6 State of Michigan Radio Cache Equipment Location 100 Portable Radios are stored in the Annex Building, 4000 Collins Road, Lansing, MI 48909 (Emergency Radio Pool). 65 Portable Radios are stored at the Gaylord Radio Shop, 562 S. Otsego, Gaylord, MI 49735 (Emergency Radio Pool). 10 Portable Radios are located at the Gwinn Radio Shop, 306 Avenue A, Gwinn, MI 49841 (Emergency Radio Pool). 244 Portable Radios are located at 714 South Harrison Road, Lansing, MI 48823. (The 244 radios include 51 Control Stations (Desktop Radios) Spectra, 17 Saber Portable Radios, 106 XTS 3000 Portable Radios, 60 XTS 5000 Portable Radios, 10 and XTS 2500 Portable Radios.) Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: MSP and MPSCS Name: Heindels, Shelley Title: Lieutenant, Communications Section Phone: 517–333–5018 24/7 Phone: 517-241-8000 -- Michigan Intelligence Operations Center (MIOC) or 517-333-5050 -- MPSCS Network Communications Center (NCC) Email: Service Area State of Michigan Cache Description Make / Model: The 244 radios include 51 Control Stations (Desktop Radios) Spectra, 17 Saber Portable Radios, 106 XTS 3000 Portable Radios, 60 XTS 5000 Portable Radios, 10 and XTS 2500 Portable Radios. Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 244 May 2011 E-23 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Varies by radio model No. of Available Channels: No. of Spare Batteries: Channels Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ICALL 821.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ICALLTA 866.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC1 821.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC1TA 866.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2 822.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2TA 867.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3 822.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3TA 867.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4 823.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4TA 868.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A Talk Groups Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zone I EVENT31 EVENT31 MPSCS Zone I EVENT32 EVENT32 MPSCS Zone I EVENT33 EVENT33 MPSCS Zone I EVENT34 EVENT34 MPSCS Zone I EVENT35 EVENT35 MPSCS Zone I EVENT36 EVENT36 MPSCS Zone I EVENT37 EVENT37 May 2011 E-24 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zone I EVENT38 EVENT38 MPSCS Zone I EVENT39 EVENT39 MPSCS Zone I EVENT40 EVENT40 MPSCS Zone I EVENT41 EVENT41 MPSCS Zone I EVENT42 EVENT42 MPSCS Zone I EVENT43 EVENT43 MPSCS Zone I EVENT44 EVENT44 MPSCS Zone I EVENT45 EVENT45 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT01 EVENT01 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT02 EVENT02 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT03 EVENT03 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT04 EVENT04 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT05 EVENT05 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT06 EVENT06 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT07 EVENT07 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT08 EVENT08 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT09 EVENT09 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT10 EVENT10 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT11 EVENT11 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT12 EVENT12 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT13 EVENT13 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT14 EVENT14 May 2011 E-25 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT15 EVENT15 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT16 EVENT16 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT17 EVENT17 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT18 EVENT18 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT19 EVENT19 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT20 EVENT20 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT21 EVENT21 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT22 EVENT22 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT23 EVENT23 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT24 EVENT24 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT25 EVENT25 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT26 EVENT26 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT27 EVENT27 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT28 EVENT28 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT29 EVENT29 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT30 EVENT30 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW1 State Wide Area 1 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW2 State Wide Area 2 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW3 State Wide Area 3 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW5 State Wide Area 5 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW6 State Wide Area 6 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW7 State Wide Area 7 May 2011 E-26 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H E.7 STATW8 Talk Group Name State Wide Area 8 Lucas County, Ohio Radio Cache Equipment Location This radio cache is stored in the Emergency Services Building at 2144 Monroe Street, Toledo, OH 43624. Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: Lucas County (OH) Sheriff’s Office Name: Koontz, Mike Title: Director Phone: 419–213–6560 24/7 Phone: Email: Service Area Monroe County, MI, and Lucas County, OH Cache Description Make / Model: XTS5000 Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 75 No. of Available Channels: 8CALL/8TAC No. of Spare Batteries: 150 Channels Programmed on Cache Radio System Name May 2011 Channel Name E-27 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name 8CALL/8TAC 8CALL90 8CALL/8TAC 8TAC91 8CALL/8TAC 8TAC92 8CALL/8TAC 8TAC93 8CALL/8TAC 8TAC94 Talk Groups Programmed on Cache Lucas County interoperable channels and Ohio MARCS interoperable channels Other Cache Notes: The Lucas County, OH, and Ohio MARCS interoperable channels may only operate in the southern part of Monroe County. May 2011 E-28 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region E.8 City of Detroit Network Operations Center Cache Equipment Location This radio cache is stored at 13331 Lyndon St., Detroit, MI. Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: City of Detroit Network Operations Center Name: Barnes, Bradford Title: Assistant Director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Phone: 313–596–5559 24/7 Phone: 313–477–1878 Email: Service Area City of Detroit/ MPSCS Zone 7 and Region 2 Cache Description Make / Model: XTS5000 Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 150 No. of Available Channels: No. of Spare Batteries: Channels Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ICALL 821.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ICALLTA 866.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A May 2011 E-29 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ITAC1 821.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC1TA 866.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2 822.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2TA 867.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3 822.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3TA 867.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4 823.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4TA 868.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A Talk Groups Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zone I EVENT31 EVENT31 MPSCS Zone I EVENT32 EVENT32 MPSCS Zone I EVENT33 EVENT33 MPSCS Zone I EVENT34 EVENT34 MPSCS Zone I EVENT35 EVENT35 MPSCS Zone I EVENT36 EVENT36 MPSCS Zone I EVENT37 EVENT37 MPSCS Zone I EVENT38 EVENT38 MPSCS Zone I EVENT39 EVENT39 MPSCS Zone I EVENT40 EVENT40 MPSCS Zone I EVENT41 EVENT41 MPSCS Zone I EVENT42 EVENT42 May 2011 E-30 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zone I EVENT43 EVENT43 MPSCS Zone I EVENT44 EVENT44 MPSCS Zone I EVENT45 EVENT45 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT01 EVENT01 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT02 EVENT02 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT03 EVENT03 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT04 EVENT04 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT05 EVENT05 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT06 EVENT06 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT07 EVENT07 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT08 EVENT08 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT09 EVENT09 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT10 EVENT10 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT11 EVENT11 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT12 EVENT12 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT13 EVENT13 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT14 EVENT14 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT15 EVENT15 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT16 EVENT16 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT17 EVENT17 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT18 EVENT18 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT19 EVENT19 May 2011 E-31 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT20 EVENT20 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT21 EVENT21 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT22 EVENT22 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT23 EVENT23 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT24 EVENT24 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT25 EVENT25 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT26 EVENT26 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT27 EVENT27 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT28 EVENT28 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT29 EVENT29 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT30 EVENT30 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW1 State Wide Area 1 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW2 State Wide Area 2 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW3 State Wide Area 3 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW5 State Wide Area 5 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW6 State Wide Area 6 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW7 State Wide Area 7 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW8 State Wide Area 8 May 2011 E-32 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region E.9 City of Detroit Water and Sewerage Cache Equipment Location This radio cache is stored at 6425 Hubert Ave, Detroit, MI 48211. Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: City of Detroit Water and Sewerage IS Division Name: Sood, Chandan Title: Network Manager Phone: 313–999-4492 24/7 Phone: 313–999-4111 Email: Service Area City of Detroit/ MPSCS Zone 7 and Region 2 Cache Description Make / Model: XTS2500 Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 10 No. of Available Channels: 512 No. of Spare Batteries: Channels Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ICALL 821.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ICALLTA 866.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A May 2011 E-33 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ITAC1 821.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC1TA 866.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2 822.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2TA 867.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3 822.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3TA 867.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4 823.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4TA 868.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A Talk Groups Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zone I EVENT31 EVENT31 MPSCS Zone I EVENT32 EVENT32 MPSCS Zone I EVENT33 EVENT33 MPSCS Zone I EVENT34 EVENT34 MPSCS Zone I EVENT35 EVENT35 MPSCS Zone I EVENT36 EVENT36 MPSCS Zone I EVENT37 EVENT37 MPSCS Zone I EVENT38 EVENT38 MPSCS Zone I EVENT39 EVENT39 MPSCS Zone I EVENT40 EVENT40 MPSCS Zone I EVENT41 EVENT41 MPSCS Zone I EVENT42 EVENT42 May 2011 E-34 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zone I EVENT43 EVENT43 MPSCS Zone I EVENT44 EVENT44 MPSCS Zone I EVENT45 EVENT45 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT01 EVENT01 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT02 EVENT02 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT03 EVENT03 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT04 EVENT04 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT05 EVENT05 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT06 EVENT06 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT07 EVENT07 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT08 EVENT08 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT09 EVENT09 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT10 EVENT10 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT11 EVENT11 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT12 EVENT12 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT13 EVENT13 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT14 EVENT14 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT15 EVENT15 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT16 EVENT16 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT17 EVENT17 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT18 EVENT18 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT19 EVENT19 May 2011 E-35 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT20 EVENT20 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT21 EVENT21 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT22 EVENT22 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT23 EVENT23 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT24 EVENT24 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT25 EVENT25 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT26 EVENT26 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT27 EVENT27 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT28 EVENT28 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT29 EVENT29 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT30 EVENT30 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW1 State Wide Area 1 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW2 State Wide Area 2 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW3 State Wide Area 3 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW5 State Wide Area 5 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW6 State Wide Area 6 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW7 State Wide Area 7 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW8 State Wide Area 8 May 2011 E-36 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region E.10 Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition Cache Equipment Location This radio cache is stored at Wayne County Downriver Annex 15800 Northline Rd., Southgate, MI 48195. Responsible Agency This radio cache is owned or managed by: HealthLink Emergency Medical Services, Inc. (HEMS) Name: Sparks, Mark, R. (Planning and Logistics Officer) Title: Planning and Logistics Officer Phone: 734–728–7664 24/7 Phone: 734–776–8407 Email: Service Area Region 2S Cache Description Make / Model: Motorola / XTS2500 Frequency Band: 800 (806/851 – 824/869 MHz) No. of Radios in Cache: 50 No. of Available Channels: 512 Channels Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ICALL 821.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ICALLTA 866.0125 156.7 / 5A 866.0125 156.7 / 5A May 2011 E-37 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Channel Name Tx Freq Tx Tone Rx Freq Tx Tone ICALL/ITAC ITAC1 821.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC1TA 866.5125 156.7 / 5A 866.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2 822.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC2TA 867.0125 156.7 / 5A 867.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3 822.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC3TA 867.5125 156.7 / 5A 867.5125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4 823.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A ICALL/ITAC ITAC4TA 868.0125 156.7 / 5A 868.0125 156.7 / 5A Talk Groups Programmed on Cache Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H AIRLZ1 Air Landing Zone1 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H AIRLZ2 Air Landing Zone2 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT01 EVENT01 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT02 EVENT02 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT03 EVENT03 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT04 EVENT04 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT05 EVENT05 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT06 EVENT06 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT07 EVENT07 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT08 EVENT08 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT09 EVENT09 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT10 EVENT10 May 2011 E-38 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT11 EVENT11 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT12 EVENT12 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT13 EVENT13 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT14 EVENT14 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT15 EVENT15 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT16 EVENT16 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT17 EVENT17 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT18 EVENT18 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT19 EVENT19 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT20 EVENT20 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT21 EVENT21 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT22 EVENT22 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT23 EVENT23 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT24 EVENT24 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT25 EVENT25 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT26 EVENT26 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT27 EVENT27 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT28 EVENT28 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT29 EVENT29 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H EVENT30 EVENT30 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW1 State Wide Area 1 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW2 State Wide Area 2 May 2011 E-39 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW3 State Wide Area 3 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW5 State Wide Area 5 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW6 State Wide Area 6 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW7 State Wide Area 7 MPSCS Zones E, F, G and H STATW8 State Wide Area 8 Wayne County – MPSCS 58MCA 58MCA Wayne County – MPSCS 81MCA 81MCA Wayne County – MPSCS 82EMD2 82EMD2 Wayne County – MPSCS 82MCA 82MCA Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV1 82SPEV1 Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV2 82SPEV2 Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV3 82SPEV3 Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV4 82SPEV4 Wayne County – MPSCS 82SPEV5 82SPEV5 Wayne County – MPSCS CHOPHP1 CHOPHP1 Wayne County – MPSCS CHREG1 CHREG1 Wayne County – MPSCS CHREG2N CHREG2N Wayne County – MPSCS CHREG2S CHREG2S Wayne County – MPSCS CHREG3 CHREG3 Wayne County – MPSCS CHREG5 CHREG5 Wayne County – MPSCS CHREG6 CHREG6 Wayne County – MPSCS CHREG7 CHREG7 May 2011 E-40 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio System Name Talk Group ID Talk Group Name Wayne County – MPSCS CHREG8 CHREG8 Wayne County – MPSCS EMMD2 EMMD2 Wayne County – MPSCS FDEDISP1 FDEDISP1 Wayne County – MPSCS HEMS1 HEMS1 Wayne County – MPSCS HEMS2 HEMS2 Wayne County – MPSCS HEMS3 HEMS3 Wayne County – MPSCS HEMS4 HEMS4 Wayne County – MPSCS R2SEMS R2SEMS Wayne County – MPSCS R2SMCC1 R2SMCC1 Wayne County – MPSCS R2SMCC2 R2SMCC2 Wayne County – MPSCS R2SMCC3 R2SMCC3 Wayne County – MPSCS R2SMCC4 R2SMCC4 Wayne County – MPSCS R2STAC1 R2STAC1 Wayne County – MPSCS R2STAC2 R2STAC2 Wayne County – MPSCS R2STAC5 R2STAC5 May 2011 E-41 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix F Mobile Communications Units Detailed information on MCUs, also known as MCCs or Mobile EOCs, available within the region is listed in subsequent pages of Appendix F. Table F – 1 SEMI UASI Mobile Communications Unit(s) Unit ID / Designator Macomb County Emergency Management Command Vehicle Macomb County Sheriff’s Command Vehicle FEMA Type or General Description Owning Agency Deployment Area Chassis Mount Mobile Command Post Macomb County Emergency Management Region 2 Chassis Mount Mobile Command Post Macomb County Sheriff’s Department Region 2 City of Warren Command Post Converted RV City of Warren Emergency Management Region 2 Huron Valley Ambulance Charlie One Chassis Mount Mobile Command Post Huron Valley Ambulance Region 2 and Huron Valley Ambulance Service Area Canton Mobile Command Unit FEMA Type IV Canton Township DPS Western Wayne County Michigan State Police Statewide MPSCS Statewide MPSCS Statewide Trailer Lucas County, Ohio Sheriff’s Office Ohio and Southern Michigan Truck 51st CST Michigan National Guard Statewide Suburban 51st CST Michigan National Guard Statewide Motor Home Type Vehicle Detroit Homeland Security and Emergency Management City of Detroit Sterling Heights Command Post City of Sterling Heights City of Sterling Heights Southfield Police Southfield PD City of Southfield MCVII MPSCS SOW MPSCS COW BSSAB 51st CST Michigan National Guard Unified Command Suite 51st CST Michigan National Guard Advance Echelon Vehicle City of Detroit Mobile EOC May 2011 Chassis Mount Mobile Command Post Towed Trunked MPSCS Site on Wheels Towed Communications System on Wheels with Portable Repeaters F-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Unit ID / Designator FEMA Type or General Description Owning Agency Deployment Area Command Vehicle Oakland County MCC Chassis Mount Mobile Command Post Wayne County Command Post FBI Communications Vehicle Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Oakland County Wayne County Homeland Security and Emergency Management Wayne County FBI Detroit Statewide Detroit Water and Sewerage Radio Van Van Detroit Water and Sewerage Department City of Detroit MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team Field Communications Unit (FCU) Van Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Region 2 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team Tactical Communications Trailer (TCU) Trailer Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Region 2 Oakland County Incident Support Vehicle Truck-28’; Chassis Mount Mobile Command Post Oakland Communications Support Team (CST) Region 2 Region 2 South Communications Trailer Trailer Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition Region 2 May 2011 F-2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.1 Macomb County Emergency Management Command Vehicle Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at Macomb Central Receiving, M59 and Vic Wertz Dr., Clinton Twp., MI 48043. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Macomb County Emergency Management: Name: Wolber, Vicki Title: Emergency Management Coordinator Phone: 586–469–5270 24/7 Phone: 586–291–9484 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Region 2. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: Emergency Management Command Owning Agency Macomb County Office of Emergency Management Type/Make/Model: Farber Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Vehicle Chassis Mount Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address Above Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated 2007 FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] May 2011 F-3 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Activation Method Contact EMA General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup 15 minutes Chassis Size 24’ Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System No Dispatch Capability Yes Number of Dispatch Consoles None SATCOM Capability Yes SATCOM Type Unknown Number of Phone/Data Lines ~8 Microwave Connectivity Capability No PBX Capability Yes] Cellular PBX Yes Capability FAX Capability Yes Computer Server Capability No LAN Capability No Number of Workstations 2 Conference Yes Internet Access Yes Network Access Speed in KBPS Aircard speed Video Teleconference Capability No On Scene Video Monitoring Capability Yes Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) Yes TV Reception Capability Yes Expandable Mast Yes May 2011 F-4 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-5 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.2 Macomb County Sheriff’s Command Vehicle Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 43565 Elizabeth Road, Mt. Clemens, MI 48043. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Macomb County Sheriff’s Department: Name: Oermann, Mark Title: Lieutenant Phone: 586–469–5151 24/7 Phone: 586–469-5151 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Region 2. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: Mobile Command Unit Owning Agency Macomb County Sheriff’s Department Type/Make/Model: Farber Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Vehicle Chassis Mount Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address 43565 Elizabeth Road, Mt. Clemens, MI 48043 Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] May 2011 F-6 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] May 2011 F-7 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] Please provide any policies and procedures that have been established for the MCU relating to Rules of Use, Requesting Use of the MCU, Activation, Deactivation, and Problem ID and Resolution. May 2011 F-8 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.3 City of Warren Command Post Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 29900 Civic Center Drive, Warren, MI 48093. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Warren Police Department: Name: Ahrens, Robert (Sergeant) Title: Sergeant Phone: 586–574–4831 24/7 Phone: 586–524–2546 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Macomb County. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] May 2011 F-9 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] Please provide any policies and procedures that have been established for the MCU relating to Rules of Use, Requesting Use of the MCU, Activation, Deactivation, and Problem ID and Resolution. May 2011 F-10 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.4 Huron Valley Ambulance Mobile Command (HVA Charlie-1) Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 1200 State Circle Ann Arbor, MI 48108. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Huron Valley Ambulance Name: Simpson, Roger Title: VP of Central Operations Phone: 734-477-6363 24/7 Phone: 800-872-1111 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout South Eastern Michigan, Including Washtenaw, Wayne, Monroe, Lenawee, Jackson, Calhoun, Livingston and Oakland Counties. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: HVA Charlie-1 Owning Agency Huron Valley Ambulance Type/Make/Model: Blue Bird Bus Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Vehicle Chassis Bus Deployment Method Driven, Contact Communications at 1-800-872-1111 MCU Storage Address 1200 State Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Latitude 42.235815 Longitude -83.747474 Year Activated 2007 FEMA Type Type 3 May 2011 F-11 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Activation Method Contact Communications at 1-800-872-1111 General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup 10-20 Minutes Depending on the need Chassis Size 40 Feet Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System Yes Dispatch Capability Yes Number of Dispatch Consoles 2 SATCOM Capability No SATCOM Type N/A Number of Phone/Data Lines 2 Microwave Connectivity Capability No PBX Capability Yes Cellular PBX Yes Capability FAX Capability Yes Computer Server Capability Yes LAN Capability Yes Number of Workstations 3 Conference Yes Internet Access Yes Network Access Speed in KBPS 600 – 1400 kbps Average Video Teleconference Capability No On Scene Video Monitoring Capability No Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) 18000 Watts TV Reception Capability Yes -Direct TV Expandable Mast No May 2011 F-12 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: The vehicle is 40' in length and contains a communications room, a conference room with tables and whiteboards capable of holding 12 participants. The vehicle also has a lavatory and a small all-purpose area that can be used for a variety of functions, including shelter, rest, and preparing refreshments or food. The right side of the vehicle has a large retractable awning. The vehicle carries a water supply, coffee and other refreshments, as well as a small amount of first aid equipment and supplies (Note: First aid and disaster supplies in large quantities are available from HVA in other response vehicles and trailers). Figure F–1 – Huron Valley Ambulance Mobile Command Post May 2011 F-13 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.5 Canton Mobile Command Unit Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 1150 S. Canton Center Road, Canton, Michigan 48188-1699. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Canton Township Emergency Management: Name: Rich, Kathleen Title: Emergency Management Planner Phone: 734–394-5357 24/7 Phone: 734-216-0517 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Wayne County. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: Canton Public Safety Mobile Operations Unit Owning Agency CANTON TOWNSHIP DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Type/Make/Model: LDV MCL 28000 Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Vehicle Chassis Mount Deployment Method Call Canton Public Safety Dispatch 734-394-5400 MCU Storage Address 1150 S. Canton Center Rd, Canton, MI 48188 Latitude Longitude Year Activated 2004 FEMA Type Type 1 May 2011 F-14 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Activation Method Phone or Page via Canton Dispatch Center General Comments Time to Setup 15 Minutes Chassis Size 35 Feet Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System Yes Dispatch Capability Yes Number of Dispatch Consoles 2 SATCOM Capability Yes SATCOM Type MotoStat Number of Phone/Data Lines 5 Microwave Connectivity Capability No PBX Capability Yes Cellular PBX Yes Capability FAX Capability Yes Computer Server Capability Yes LAN Capability Yes Number of Workstations 6 Conference Yes Internet Access Yes Network Access Speed in KBPS Unknown Video Teleconference Capability Yes On Scene Video Monitoring Capability Yes Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) 8500K TV Reception Capability Yes Expandable Mast Yes May 2011 F-15 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: Figure F–2 – Canton Mobile Command Unit Policies and Procedures I. PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the operation and use of the Mobile Command Vehicle and the equipment contained therein. II. POLICY: The Mobile Command Vehicle (MCV) shall be used by the Public Safety Department when responding to major incidents of a law enforcement nature or other public safety incident requiring an ‘in field” central command post or, other event or incident as deemed appropriate by the Director of Public Safety. III. PROCEDURES: A. Instructions, conditions and limitations of use of the Mobile Command Vehicle. 1. Upon initial scene set up, drivers will use the drivers check list to ensure safe and proper set is completed. 2. Personnel in the MCV will be limited to those who have a “need” to be inside. 3. At initial set-up, dispatchers will use the critical incident packet, and hand the profile section to the OIC or other attending command. 4. The assistant emergency management coordinator will be notified by dispatch whenever it appears the MCV may be deployed. B. The Mobile Command Vehicle is authorized for use in the following situations: May 2011 F-16 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 1. Serious or fatal accident investigations 2. Homicide or other investigations requiring large numbers of coordinated personnel. 3. Large fire scenes or arson investigation when deemed necessary. 4. SOT activations in Canton or upon requested from member departments. 5. Mutual aid request when authorized by the Director of Public Safety or designee 6. Back up to EOC operations. 7. Operator or dispatch training 8. Public events or incidents when authorized by police or fire command C. Qualifications and Training for vehicle operation includes; 1. The emergency management coordinator shall be responsible for the training of drivers for vehicle operation and set up. 2. The assistant emergency management coordinator will be responsible for training dispatchers. 3. Only trained/qualified personnel may operate the MCV. D. The designated Emergency Management Coordinator shall be responsible for the condition and maintenance of the vehicle. E. A vehicle equipment inventory/inspection shall be conducted monthly with an inspection form completed reflecting the operational readiness of the equipment. Necessary repairs/corrections to the equipment or vehicle shall be conducted immediately. Each PSSO who has been trained in the Command Post operations, shall conduct a radio test (using the interoperability equipment) each month. PSSO’s shall record the radio test in the Command Post Log Book. F. Only authorized fire department personnel, or persons designated by the Emergency Management Coordinator shall operate the Mobile Command Vehicle. Dispatch personnel and other various unit personnel may operate the equipment contained within the vehicle to the extent that they are trained to do so. Authorized drivers include the current command post driver cadre. Review date: February 2011 May 2011 F-17 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.6 Michigan State Police Mobile Command Post Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 4000 Collins Road, Lansing, MI 48909. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Michigan State Police Name: Heindels, Shelley Title: Lieutenant, Communications Section Phone: 517–333–5018 24/7 Phone: 517-241-8000 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout the state of Michigan. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: MCVII Owning Agency Michigan State Police Type/Make/Model: LDV Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method Drive MCU Storage Address 4000 Collins Rd., Lansing, MI. 48910. Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated 2005 FEMA Type Type 2 Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] May 2011 F-18 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Time to Setup 45 minutes Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System No Dispatch Capability Yes, limited Number of Dispatch Consoles 2 SATCOM Capability Yes SATCOM Type Globalstar Number of Phone/Data Lines 3 Microwave Connectivity Capability No PBX Capability Yes Cellular PBX Yes Capability FAX Capability Yes Computer Server Capability Yes LAN Capability Yes Number of Workstations 4-5 Conference Yes Internet Access Yes on LAN only. Not a wireless hotspot Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability No On Scene Video Monitoring Capability Yes Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) 10,000 watt diesel generator TV Reception Capability Yes Expandable Mast Yes Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: May 2011 F-19 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Figure F–3 – Michigan State Police Mobile Command Post (MCVII) May 2011 F-20 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.7 MPSCS Site on Wheels (SOW) Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 4000 Collins Road, Lansing, MI 48909. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Michigan Public Safety Communications System. Name: Patrick Kenealy--Network Communications Center, NCC Title: System Administration Phone: 517–333–5050 24/7 Phone: 517–333–5050 Email: MPSCS– Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout the state of Michigan. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: MPSCS Site on Wheels Owning Agency MPSCS—State of Michigan Type/Make/Model: PEPRO Trailer Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Trailer Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address 4000 Collins Road, Lansing, MI 48909 Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated 2011 FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] May 2011 F-21 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Chassis Size 21’ Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System Yes Dispatch Capability Yes Number of Dispatch Consoles 1 SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability Yes PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) 20 kw TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast Yes—60’ Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-22 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Figure F–4 – MPSCS Site on Wheels (SOW) May 2011 F-23 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.8 MPSCS Communications System on Wheels (COW) Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored 4000 Collins Road, Lansing, MI 48909. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Michigan Public Safety Communications System. Name: Patrick Kenealy--Network Communications Center, NCC Title: System Administration Phone: 517–333–5050 24/7 Phone: 517–333–5050 Email: MPSCS– Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout [Describe jurisdiction or area where this unit can be used (for example, City of [Name], County, or all counties in the [State/Region/Urban Area]) System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] May 2011 F-24 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-25 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.9 Lucas County (OH) Sheriff’s Mobile Command Post Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored in Lucas County, Ohio. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: [Agency/Jurisdiction] Name: Koontz, Mike Title: Director Phone: 419-213-6550 24/7 Phone: 419-213-6560 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout the state of Ohio and the Michigan counties boarding on Ohio, including Monroe County, Michigan. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) Trailer Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] May 2011 F-26 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-27 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.10 51st CST Michigan National Guard Unified Command Suite Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 2750 27th Street, Augusta, MI 49012. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: 51st CST, Michigan National Guard Name: Bunch, Brad Title: Communications Chief – SFC Phone: 269–420–3859 24/7 Phone: 586–612–6268 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout the state of Michigan. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: Unified Command Suite (UCS) Owning Agency 51st Civil Support Team (WMD), MIARNG Type/Make/Model: Type III/Chevrolet/C6500 Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Vehicle Chassis Mount Deployment Method N/A MCU Storage Address 2750 27th Street, Augusta, MI 49012 Latitude N 42.33328 Longitude W 085.30347 Year Activated 2002 May 2011 F-28 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region FEMA Type Type III Activation Method Contact the 51st Civil Support Team at (269) 4203859 or submit a request through the State Emergency Operations Center. General Comments This is a Type III Chassis capable of providing the technology services of Types I and II. Time to Setup 15 minutes Chassis Size 24 feet Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System Yes Dispatch Capability No Number of Dispatch Consoles N/A SATCOM Capability Yes SATCOM Type INMARSAT, Iridium, DoD SATCOM Number of Phone/Data Lines 8/8 Microwave Connectivity Capability Yes PBX Capability Yes Cellular PBX No Capability FAX Capability Yes Computer Server Capability Yes LAN Capability Yes Number of Workstations 2-10 Conference Yes Internet Access Yes Network Access Speed in KBPS 1.544 MBPS Video Teleconference Capability Yes On Scene Video Monitoring Capability Yes Self-contained Power Supply Capacity 15 kW May 2011 F-29 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region (Watts) TV Reception Capability No Expandable Mast Yes Other Unified Command Suite Notes: The UCS is a self-contained, stand-alone C-130 air-mobile, fielded communications system employed in training and tactical environments. The UCS is equipped with the following systems: • A self-contained power generation and distribution system. • A radio frequency (RF) communications subsystem, including VHF. • A LOS voice net with a base stations, radio repeater systems, and handheld radios that are compatible with the base station and UHF LOS voice net with three base stations. • A telephone subsystem and an international maritime satellite (INMARSAT) terminal that provides wide-area telephone connectivity and secure phone, secure telephone equipment, and desktop terminals to support tactical planning and reporting. • An automatic data processing (ADP) subsystem, including LAN/wireless area network (WAN) connectivity to military and commercial systems that provide secure and non-secure operations that are all fully interoperable with standard DOD and federal architectures and protocols. • Communications ports for direct cable link to other systems. • Video teleconferencing and on-site video. • A location-reporting subsystem, including an automated force-tracking tool capable of reporting latitude, longitude, and altitude. • Rechargeable batteries dedicated to C2 information systems. • An air conditioning/heating system. • A storage area. The UCS is equipped with state-of-the-art radio, satellite, and telephone communications subsystems that provide dedicated line of sight (LOS) and non-LOS and secure and non-secure voice and data reachback. The UCS has voice, data, and video reachback capabilities with the WMD-CST operations center; incident command post; various military forces; federal, state, and local law enforcement; and emergency services units that are supporting the incident response. These communications subsystems are operated in handheld, base station, and vehicle configurations capable of interoperating with military and commercial radio communications systems in various terrain and urban environments. May 2011 F-30 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Figure F–5 – 51st CST Unified Command Suite May 2011 F-31 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.11 51st CST Michigan National Guard Advance Echelon Vehicle Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 2750 27th Street, Augusta, MI 49012. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: 51st CST, Michigan National Guard Name: Bunch, Brad Title: Communications Chief – SFC Phone: 269–420–3859 24/7 Phone: 586–612–6268 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout the state of Michigan. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: Advance Echelon (ADVON) Vehicle Owning Agency 51st Civil Support Team (WMD), MIARNG Type/Make/Model: 2007 Chevrolet Suburban Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Vehicle Chassis Mount Deployment Method N/A MCU Storage Address 2750 27th Street, Augusta, MI 49012 Latitude N 42.33328 Longitude W 085.30347 Year Activated 2007 May 2011 F-32 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region FEMA Type Type 4 Activation Method Contact the 51st Civil Support Team at (269) 4203859 or submit a request through the State Emergency Operations Center. General Comments This is a mobile command Suburban, utilized to provide initial communications until greater capabilities arrive. Time to Setup 10 minutes Chassis Size Large SUV Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System No Dispatch Capability No Number of Dispatch Consoles N/A SATCOM Capability Yes SATCOM Type INMARSAT Number of Phone/Data Lines 1 Microwave Connectivity Capability No PBX Capability No Cellular PBX No Capability FAX Capability Yes Computer Server Capability No LAN Capability No Number of Workstations 2 Conference No Internet Access Yes Network Access Speed in KBPS 756 KBPS Video Teleconference Capability No On Scene Video Monitoring Capability No May 2011 F-33 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) Yes TV Reception Capability No Expandable Mast No Other Advanced Echelon (ADVON) Vehicle Equipment Notes: The ADVON vehicle is a suburban sport-utility vehicle with capabilities similar to the UCS. It is a rapidly deployable, ground, mobile communications system with an integrated communications suite that is interoperable with the UCS and first responder agencies. The ADVON vehicle provides WMD-CSTs with the primary means of voice, data, and video communications support until the UCS arrives and is fully established. On-scene ADVON capabilities provide commanders with a rapidly deployable, highspeed data communications system that operates within a wireless network and provides an RF cross-band repeater for merging disparate radio systems. The vehiclebased power system provides alternating-current (AC) and direct-current (DC) power to communications equipment components and ancillary equipment using a communications equipment suite battery that is isolated from the vehicle battery. The power system allows connection to a shore-based AC power source during extended fixed-site operations. Figure F–6 – 51st CST Advance Echelon Vehicle May 2011 F-34 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.12 City of Detroit Mobile EOC Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 13331 Lyndon Street, Detroit, MI. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Detroit Emergency Management: Name: Barnes, Bradford Title: Assistant Director of Emergency Management and Homeland Security Phone: 313–596–5559 24/7 Phone: 313–477–1878 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Region 2. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] May 2011 F-35 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-36 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.13 Sterling Heights Command Post Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 40333 Dodge Park Rd. Sterling Heights, MI 48313. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Sterling Heights PD Name: Fawaz, Jimmy (Sgt.) Title: Sergeant Phone: 586–446–2800 24/7 Phone: Email: jfawaz@sterling– Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout [Describe jurisdiction or area where this unit can be used (for example, City of [Name], County, or all counties in the [State/Region/Urban Area]) System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] May 2011 F-37 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-38 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.14 Southfield Police Command Vehicle Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 26000 Evergreen Southfield, MI 48076. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Southfield Police Department: Name: Farquhar, Ann Title: Director of Communications Phone: 248-796-5500 24/7 Phone: 248-796-5500 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Oakland County. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] May 2011 F-39 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-40 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.15 Oakland County MCC Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 1200 North Telegraph Road, Building 38 East, Pontiac, Michigan, USA, 48341-1044. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Oakland County Sheriff’s Department: Name: Lambourn, Joseph Title: Sergeant Phone: 248-858-4911 24/7 Phone: 248-858-4911 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Oakland County. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] May 2011 F-41 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-42 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.16 Wayne County Command Post Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 10250 Middlebelt Road, Romulus, MI 48174. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Wayne County Emergency Management: Name: Hammond, Mark Title: Deputy Director, Emergency Management Phone: 734–942–5289 24/7 Phone: Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Region 2. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] May 2011 F-43 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-44 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.17 FBI Communications Vehicle Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Federal Office Building, 26th Floor 477 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48226. For emergency response events, a requesting agency should contact the FBI SAC for approval to deploy the audio switch. The FBI’s main number is 313–965–2323. For pre–planned events, a requesting agency should submit a written request to SSA – Randy Zuehlke at 313–237–4111 (cell phone 202-615-1618) or Todd Wagner at 313–967–4181 (cell phone 313-460-2075). Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: FBI, Detroit Name: Timothy J. Molenkamp at (313) 967–4182. Title: Phone: 313-657-4182 (cell phone 248-760-0360) 24/7 Phone: 313-965-2323 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout the state of Michigan. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] May 2011 F-45 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-46 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.18 Detroit Water and Sewerage Radio Van Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored 6425 Hubert Ave, Detroit, MI 48211. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Detroit Water and Sewer: Name: Sood, Chandan Title: Network Manager Phone: 313–999-4492 24/7 Phone: 313–999-4111 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Wayne County. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] May 2011 F-47 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-48 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.19 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team Field Communications Unit (FCU) Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 4850 John R Rd., Troy, MI 48084. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team Name: Nelson, William (Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 248-524-3419 24/7 Phone: 248-858-4911 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Region 2. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: Comm. Support Team Field Commm Unit Owning Agency City of Troy Type/Make/Model: 2007 Freightliner Sprinter Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Vehicle Deployment Method N/A MCU Storage Address 4850 John R. Road, Troy, MI 48083 Latitude 42.59068 Longitude -83.10868 Year Activated 2007 May 2011 F-49 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region FEMA Type Mobile Communications Unit (Police-Fire) Type I Activation Method Comm. Support Team thru Oakland Co. Dispatch General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup 20 Chassis Size 22 feet Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System No Dispatch Capability No Number of Dispatch Consoles 0 SATCOM Capability Yes SATCOM Type IDirect Ku Band Number of Phone/Data Lines 4 Microwave Connectivity Capability No PBX Capability No Cellular PBX No Capability FAX Capability No Computer Server Capability Yes LAN Capability Yes Number of Workstations 12 Conference No Internet Access Yes Network Access Speed in KBPS 512 KBS (Immediately upgradeable to 1 MBS Video Teleconference Capability No On Scene Video Monitoring Capability Yes Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) 8000 TV Reception Capability Yes Expandable Mast Yes; 42 Feet May 2011 F-50 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: The FCU is equipped with an ACU-1000 (12 ports) with two Opensky (OakWIN) mobiles; two MPSCS mobiles; two VHF (conv. analog/P-25) mobiles; two UHF (conv. analog/P25) mobiles; and assorted portable radio interface cables. The FCU is equipped with four portable and one fixed wireless IP video cameras capable of field deployment with central viewing and recording capabilities. Figure F–7 – Oakland CST Field Communications Unit (FCU) May 2011 F-51 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.20 MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team Tactical Communications Trailer (TCU) Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at 4850 John R, Troy, MI 48084. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team. Name: Nelson, William (Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 248–524–3419 24/7 Phone: 248-858-4911 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Region 2. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: Tactical Communications Trailer Owning Agency Oakland County Type/Make/Model: 2008 Homesteader Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Towed Trailer Deployment Method N/A MCU Storage Address 4850 John R Rd. Troy, MI 48083 Latitude 42.59068 Longitude -83.10868 Year Activated 2008 FEMA Type Mobile Communications Unit (Police-Fire) Type I May 2011 F-52 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Activation Method Comm. Support Team thru Oakland Co. Dispatch General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup 20 Chassis Size 14 feet Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System Yes Dispatch Capability Yes Number of Dispatch Consoles 3 SATCOM Capability Yes SATCOM Type INMARSAT Number of Phone/Data Lines 2 Microwave Connectivity Capability No PBX Capability No Cellular PBX No Capability FAX Capability Yes Computer Server Capability No LAN Capability Yes Number of Workstations 3 Conference No Internet Access Yes Network Access Speed in KBPS 256 KBS Video Teleconference Capability Yes On Scene Video Monitoring Capability Yes Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) 7000 Watts TV Reception Capability No Expandable Mast Yes; 52 Feet May 2011 F-53 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: This unit responds with and supports the Field Communications Unit and Incident Support Vehicle. This unit is equipped with four 700/800 MHz multichannel repeaters; four UHF multichannel repeaters; four VHF multichannel base stations; MPSCS control station, and OakWIN control station. These base/control stations are controlled by a constellation console system with three laptop workstations capable of patching any base/control station to any other base/control station. Figure F–8 – Oakland CST Tactical Communications Trailer (TCU) May 2011 F-54 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.21 Oakland County Incident Support Vehicle Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at the Oakland County Airport. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Michigan USAR Task Force One. Name: Ronk, Steve (Chief) Title: Fire Chief Phone: 248–625-1924 24/7 Phone: 248-858-4911 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Region 2. System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: Incident Support Vehicle Owning Agency Oakland County Type/Make/Model: 2009 Freightliner Gerling Command Center Quantity: 1 Primary Deployment Method (Other) Vehicle Chassis Mount Deployment Method N/A MCU Storage Address 6226 N Srv Rd. Waterford, MI 48327 (Oakland Intl Airport) Latitude 42°40'10.46" Longitude -83°24'40.21" Year Activated 2008 FEMA Type Undetermined May 2011 F-55 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Activation Method Through Oakland County Dispatch General Comments Time to Setup 20 Chassis Size 38 feet Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System No Dispatch Capability No Number of Dispatch Consoles 0 SATCOM Capability Yes SATCOM Type BGAN Number of Phone/Data Lines 6 x 16 Microwave Connectivity Capability No PBX Capability Yes 6 incoming/outgoing lines x 16 extensions Cellular PBX No Capability FAX Capability Yes Computer Server Capability Yes LAN Capability Yes Number of Workstations Configurable 2-16 Conference Yes Internet Access Yes Network Access Speed in KBPS 300 KBS Video Teleconference Capability No On Scene Video Monitoring Capability Yes Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) 20,000 watts TV Reception Capability Yes Expandable Mast Yes; 38 Feet May 2011 F-56 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: This unit is equipped with a portable ACU-1000 equipped with 12 ports: one Opensky (OakWIN) mobile; one MPSCS mobile; two UHF conventional analog/P-25 mobiles; two VHF conventional analog/P-25 mobiles; and various portable radio interface cables. This unit is equipped with a GIS workstation and 48: plotter and HF radio. This unit is optimized by connection to the Communications Support Team FCU and TCU vehicles. Figure F–9 – Oakland County Incident Support Vehicle May 2011 F-57 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region F.22 Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition Communications Trailer Equipment Location This Mobile Communications Unit equipment is stored at Wayne County Downriver Annex 15800 Northline Rd., Southgate, MI 48195. Responsible Agency This Mobile Communications Unit is owned or managed by: Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition: Name: Sparks, Mark, R. (Planning and Logistics Officer) Title: Planning and Logistics Officer Phone: 734–728–7664 24/7 Phone: 734–776–8407 Email: Deployment Area This Mobile Communications Unit is available for deployment throughout Region 2 System Type and Capacity Unit ID / Designator: [Unique Name] Owning Agency [Owner of the MCU] Type/Make/Model: [Enter Information] Quantity: [#] Primary Deployment Method (Other) [Vehicle Chassis Mount, Trailer, Airlift Container, Other] Deployment Method [Describe Method if Above is Other] MCU Storage Address [Add Address] Latitude [Optional/Add Lat where MCU is stored] Longitude [Optional/Add Long where MCU is stored] Year Activated [Year] FEMA Type [Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 4, Other] Activation Method [Describe] General Comments [Comments] Time to Setup [# of Minutes Expected to setup the Unit] May 2011 F-58 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Chassis Size [Chassis Size in Feet] Capability to Extend a Regional LMR System [Yes/No] Dispatch Capability [Yes/No] Number of Dispatch Consoles [#] SATCOM Capability [Yes/No] SATCOM Type [INMARSAT, AMSC, etc.] Number of Phone/Data Lines [#] Microwave Connectivity Capability [Yes/No] PBX Capability [Yes/No] Cellular PBX [Yes/No] Capability FAX Capability [Yes/No] Computer Server Capability [Yes/No] LAN Capability [Yes/No] Number of Workstations [#] Conference [Yes/No] Internet Access [Yes/No] Network Access Speed in KBPS [#] Video Teleconference Capability [Yes/No] On Scene Video Monitoring Capability [Yes/No] Self-contained Power Supply Capacity (Watts) [#] TV Reception Capability [Yes/No] Expandable Mast [Yes/No] Other Mobile Communications Unit Equipment Notes: [Add notes] May 2011 F-59 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Figure F–10 – Region 2 South Healthcare Coalition Communications Trailer Diagrams May 2011 F-60 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix G Policy Documents, Governing Documents, MOUs, and Agreements Note: Reference any policy document(s), governing document(s), MOU(s) and agreement(s) by a link to a Website if available. G.1 [Name of Policy, Governing, MOU, and/or Agreement] [Add a reference and/or link to the above named document] G.2 [Name of Policy, Governing, MOU, and/or Agreement] [Add a reference and/or link to the above named document] G.3 [Name of Policy, Governing, MOU, and/or Agreement] [Add a reference and/or link to the above named document] G.4 [Name of Policy, Governing, MOU, and/or Agreement] [Add a reference and/or link to the above named document] May 2011 G-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix H Incident Command System Planning This appendix contains forms for ICS planning. ICS Forms can also be found at the following website: Note: A copy of completed ICS Forms should also be distributed to the COML. May 2011 H-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region H.1 ICS 201 INCIDENT BRIEFING 4. MAP SKETCH (NTS) Frequency or Talk Function group Name Command 1. INCIDENT NAME Assignment 2. DATE Function 3. TIME PREPARED Frequency or Talk group Name Assignment Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Tactical Staging S Staging Area Name Number (H-1, etc.) and Name H B C Camp Name Hazard (Identify type, e.g. power lines) 5. PREPARED BY (NAME AND POSITION) 201 ICS (7/2006) May 2011 PAGE 1 of 4 NFES 1325 H-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 6. SUMMARY OF CURRENT ACTIONS Time Summary of Action Continue on NIMS/ICS Form 214 Unit Log 201 ICS (7/2006) May 2011 PAGE 2 of 4 NFES 1325 H-2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 7. CURRENT ORGANIZATION – Place name and contact information (talk group/channel name, numbers, etc.) below the dividing line. 201 ICS (7/2006) May 2011 PAGE 3 of 4 NFES 1325 H-3 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 8. RESOURCES SUMMARY RESOURCES ORDERED 201 ICS (7/2006) May 2011 RESOURCES IDENTIFICATION ETA ON SCENE 9 LOCATION/ASSIGNMENT PAGE 4 of 4 NFES 1325 H-4 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Instructions for Completing the Incident Briefing (ICS 201 Form) ITEM NUMBER ITEM TITLE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Incident Name Print the name assigned to the incident. 2. Date Prepared Enter date prepared (month, day, year). 3. Time Prepared Enter time prepared (24–hour clock). 4. Map Sketch Show perimeter and control lines, resources assignments, incident facilities, and other special; information on a sketch map or attached to the topographic or orthophoto map. 5. Resources Summary Enter the following information about the resources allocated to the incident. Enter the number and type of resource ordered. Resources Ordered Enter the number and type of resource ordered. Resource Identification Enter the agency three letter designator, S/T, Kind/Type and resource designator. ETA/On Scene Enter the estimated arrival time and place the arrival time or a checkmark in the “on scene” column upon arrival. Location/Assignment Enter the assigned location of the resource and/or the actual assignment. 6. Current Organization Enter on the organization chart the names of the individuals assigned to each position. Modify the chart as necessary. 7. Summary of Current Actions Enter the name and position of the person completing the form. 8. Prepared By Enter Name and position of the person completing the form. *Note Additional pages maybe to ICS Form 201 if needed. Purpose: The incident Briefing form provides the Incident Commander (and the Command and General Staffs assuming command of the incident) with basic information regarding the incident situation and the resources allocated to the incident. It also serves as a permanent record of the initial response to the incident. Preparation: The briefing form is prepared by the Incident Commander for presentation to the incoming Incident Commander along with a more detailed oral briefing. Proper symbology should be used when preparing a map of the incident. Distribution: After the initial briefing of the Incident Commander and General Staff members, the Incident Briefing is duplicated and distributed to the Command Staff, Section Chiefs, Branch Directors, Division/Group Supervisors, and appropriate Planning and Logistic Section Unit Leaders. The sketch map and summary of current action Resources Summary portion are given to the Resources Unit. May 2011 H-5 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region H.2 ICS 205 (New) INCIDENT RADIO COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Ch # Function Channel Name/Trunked Radio System Talk group Incident Name Assignment Date/Time Prepared RX Freq N or W RX Tone/NAC TX Freq N or W Date/Time Prepared Tx Tone/NAC Mode Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 5. Prepared by (Communications Unit) Incident Location Lat/Long County/State The convention calls for frequency lists to show four digits after the decimal place, followed by either an “N” or a “W”, depending on whether the frequency is narrow or wide band. Mode refers to either “A” or “D” indicating analog or digital (Project 25) May 2011 H-6 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region H.3 ICS 205 Current Version 1. Incident Name 2. Date/Time Prepared 3. Operational Period Date/Time INCIDENT RADIO COMMUNICATIONS PLAN 4. Basic Radio Channel Utilization Radio Type/Cache Channel Function Frequency/Tone Assignment Remarks 5. Prepared by (Communications Unit) May 2011 H-7 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Instructions for Completing the Incident Radio Communications Plan (ICS 205 Form) ITEM NUMBER ITEM TITLE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Incident Name Print the name assigned to the incident. 2. Date/Time Prepared Enter date (month, day, year) and time prepared (24–hour clock). 3. Operational Period Date/Time Enter the date and time. Interval for which the Radio Communications Plan applies. Record the start time and end time and include date(s). 4. Basic Radio Channel Utilization System/Cache Enter the radio cache system(s) assigned and used on the incident (e.g., Boise Cache, FIREARMS, Region 5 Emergency Cache, etc). Channel Number Enter the radio channel numbers assigned. Function Enter the function each channel number is assigned (i.e., command, support, division tactical, and ground–to–air). Frequency Enter the radio frequency tone number assigned to each specified function (e.g., 153.400). Assignment Enter the ICS organization assigned to each of the designated frequencies (e.g., Branch I, Division A). Remarks This section should include narrative information regarding special situations Prepared By Enter the name of the Communications Unit Leader preparing the form. 5. Purpose: The Incident Radio Communications Plan provides in one location information on all radio frequencies assignments for each operational period. The plan is a summary of information obtained from the Radio Requirement Worksheet (ICS Form 216) and the Radio Frequency Assignment Worksheet (ICS Form 217). Information from the Radio Communications Plan on frequency assignment is normally placed on the appropriate Assignment List (ICS Form 204). Preparation: The Incident Radio Communications Plan is prepared by the Communications Unit Leader and given to the Planning Section Chief. Distribution: The Incident Radio Communications Plan is duplicated and given to all recipients of the Incident Objectives form including the Incident Communications Center. Information from the plan is placed on Assignment List. May 2011 H-8 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region H.4 ICS Form 210 (Status Change Card) DESIGNATOR NAME / ID.NO._____________________________________ _________________________________________________ STATUS ASSIGNED AVAILABLE O/S REST O/S MECHANICAL O/S MANNING ____________ETR (O/S=Out of Service) FROM LOCATION TO DIVISION / GROUP STAGING AREA BASE / ICP CAMP ENROUTE ETA HOME AGENCY MESSAGES RESTAT TIME___________ PROCESS STATUS CHANGE CARD ICS FORM 210 May 2011 6/83 NFES 1334 H-9 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Instructions for Completing the Status Change Card (ICS Form 210) ITEM NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS Designator Name/ID No. Enter the appropriate designator for the kind of resource. The resource type code are in ICS 020–1, Resource Listings Status Determine the current status of the resource. If out–of–service status is checked, enter the time when the resource will return to service. From/Location/To Place ad checkmark in the FORM column indicating the current location of the resource (where it came from). Also place a check in the TO column indicating the assigned location of the resource. When more than one Division, Staging Area, or Camp is used, identify the specific location (e.g., Division A, Redfern, Staging Area, Camp Hood). Message Enter any special information provided by the resource or dispatch center such as individual designator of strike teams and task forces. Time Enter the time of the status change (24–hour clock). Resources Process This box is checked by Resources Unit personnel after the Unit has transferred the information to a Resource Status Card (ICS Form 219). Purpose: The Status Change form is used by the Incident Communications Center Message to record status change information received on resources assigned to the incident. Preparation: The form is completed by radio/telephone operators who receive status change information from individual resources, Task Forces, Strike Teams, and Division/Group Supervisors. Status information could also be reported by Staging Area and Helibase Managers or fixed–wing facilities. Distribution: The Status Change Card is a two–part form. The original is given to the Resources Unit, and the Communications Unit retains a second (pink) copy. May 2011 H-10 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region H.5 ICS 213 GENERAL MESSAGE TO: POSITION: FROM: POSITION: SUBJECT: DATE: TIME: MESSAGE: SIGNATURE: POSITION: REPLY: DATE: May 2011 TIME: SIGNATURE/POSITION: H-11 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Instructions for Completing the General Message (ICS 213 Form) ITEM NUMBER INSTRUCTIONS To Indicate Unit/Person the General Message is intended for. Be specific. Office Indicate the location where the Unit/Person is located, e.g., Ground Support Unit Leader, Simpson Camp, Communications, etc. From Indicate appropriate designation and location sender. Subject Fill in if applicable. Date List the date and time. Message Briefly complete. Think through the message before writing it down. Try to be concise as possible. Reply This section is intended to be used by the Unit/Person who receives the message to reply to your message. Date Record the date and time of reply. Signature Record signature and title of person who initiates the message. White Copy/Pink Copy Both copies are sent by person who initiates the message. Yellow Copy Retained by the person who initiates the message. Pink Copy May be returned to the person who initiates the message. The General Message form in use within the ICS is a three–part form. Purpose: The General Message form is used by: 1. Incident dispatchers to records incoming messages which cannot be orally transmitted to the intended recipients. 2. Command Post and other incident personnel to transit messages to the Incident Communications Center for transmission via radio or telephone to the addressee. 3. Incident personnel to send any message or notification to incident personnel which required a hard–copy delivery. Initiation of the Form: The General Message form may be initiated by incident dispatchers and any other personnel on an incident. Distribution: upon completion, the General Message may be: 1. Hand carried to the addressee. 2. Hand carried to the incident Communications Center for transmission. May 2011 H-12 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region H.6 ICS 214 UNIT LOG 4. Unit Name/Designators 7. 8. 1. Incident Name 2. Date Prepared 5. Unit Leader (Name and Position) Personnel Roster Assigned Name ICS Position 3. Time Prepared 6. Operational Period Home Base Activity Log Time Major Events 9. Prepared by (Name and Position) Time May 2011 Major Events H-13 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 214 ICS 5–80 May 2011 9. Prepared by (Name and Position) H-14 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Instructions for Completing the Unit Log (ICS 214 Form) ITEM NUMBER ITEM TITLE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Incident Name Print the name assigned to the incident. 2. Date Prepared Enter date prepared (month, day, year). 3. Time Prepared Enter time prepared (24–hour clock). 4. Unit Name Enter the title of the organizational unit resource designator (e.g., Facilities Unit, Safety Officer, and Strike Team). 5. Unit Leader Enter the name of the individual in charge of the unit. 6. Operational Period Enter the time span covered by the log (e.g., 1800 Oct.12 to 0600 Oct.13). 7. Personnel Roster List the name, position, and home based of each member assigned to the unit during the operational period. 8. Activity Log Enter the time and briefly describe each significant occurrence or event (e.g., task assignments, task completions, injuries, difficulties encountered, etc.) 9. Prepared By Enter Name and title of the person approving the log. Provide log to immediate supervisor at the end of each operational period. Purpose: The Unit Log is used to record details of unit activity strike team activity. The file of these logs provides a basic reference which to extract information for inclusion in any after–action report. Preparation: A Unit Log is initiated and maintained by Command Staff members, Division/Group Supervisors, Air Operations Group/Strike Team/Task Force Leaders, and Unit Leaders. Completed logs are forwarded to supervisors who provide to the Documentation Unit. Distribution: The Documentation Unit maintains a file of all Unit Logs. It is necessary that one copy of each log be submitted to the Documentation Unit. May 2011 H-15 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region H.7 ICS Form 216 1. Incident Name RADIO REQUIREMENTS WORKSHEET 2. Date 4. Branch 5. Agency 8. Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Division/Group Agency Agency Agency Agency 9. Agency ID No. Radio Reqmnts Agency 6. Operational Period 3. Time ID No. Radio Reqmnts Agency ID No. 7. Tactical Frequency Radio Reqmnts Agency ID No. Radio Reqmnts 10. Prepared by (Name and Position) May 2011 H-16 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Instructions for Completing the Radio Requirements Worksheet (ICS 216 Form) ITEM NUMBER ITEM TITLE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Incident Name Print the name assigned to the incident. 2. Date Prepared Enter date (month, day, year) prepared. 3. Time Prepared Enter time prepared (24–hour clock). 4. Branch Enter Branch number (I, II, etc.) for which radio requirements are being prepared. 5. Agency Enter the three–letter designator of the agency staffing the Branch Director position (e.g., VNC, CDF, ANF, LFD, etc.). 6. Operational Period Enter the time interval for which the assignment applies. Record the start date/time and end date/time. 7. Tactical Frequency Enter the radio frequency to be used by the Branch Director to communicate with each Division/Group Supervisor in the Branch. 8. Division/Group Enter for each Division/Group in the Branch the Division/Group identifier (A, B, etc.) and the agency assigned (e.g., LAC, VNC, etc.). 9. Agency/ID No./Radio Requirements List all units assigned to each Division/Group. Record the agency designator, unit or resource identification, and total number of radios needed for each unit resource. 10. Prepared By Enter the name and position of the person completing the worksheet. Purpose: The Radio Requirements Worksheet is used to develop the total number of personnel portable radios required for each Division/Group and Branch. It provides a listing of all units assigned to each Division, and thus depicts the total incident radio needs. Preparation: The worksheet is prepared by the Communications’ Unit for each operational period and can only be completed after specific resource assignments are made and designated on Assignment Lists. This worksheet need not be used if the Communications Unit Leader can easily obtain the information directly from Assignment Lists. Distribution: The worksheet is for internal use by the Communications Unit and therefore there is no distribution of the form. May 2011 H-17 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region H.8 ICS Form 217 1. INCIDNET NAME 2. DATE 3. OPERATIONAL PERIOD (DATE/TIME) From: RADIO FREQUENCY ASSIGNMENT WORKSHEET SOURCE FUNCTION CH# FREQUENC Y CH# FREQUENC Y 6. ID COMM CENTER BASE UNIT GROUND SUPPORT PLANNING SECTION AIR TACTICAL SUPERVISO AIR OPERATION OPERATION SECTION SAFETY OFFICER INCIDENT COMMANDER DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION BRANCH DIVISION DIVISION DIVISION BRANCH DIVISION DIVISION 5. RADIO DATA DIVISION BRANCH 4. INCIDENT ORGANIZATION TOTAL BY REQ. A G EN CY 7. TOTAL RADIOS REQUIRED 8. PREPARED BY (NAME/POSITION) 217 ICS May 2011 H-18 TICP – [State/Region Name] H.9 ICS Form 217A Frequency Band COMMUNICATIONS RESOURCE AVAILABILITY WORKSHEET Description ICS 217A Channel Configuration Channel Name/Trunked Radio System Talk group Eligible Users/Assignments RX Freq N or W RX Tone/NAC TX Freq N or W Tx Tone/NAC Mode A, D. or M Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 The convention calls for frequency lists to show four digits after the decimal place, followed by either an “N” or a “W”, depending on whether the frequency is narrow or wide band. Mode refers to either “A” or “D” indicating analog or digital (e.g. Project 25). All channels are shown as if programmed in a portable or mobile radio. Repeater and base stations must be programmed with the Rx and Tx reversed. May 2011 H-19 TICP – [State/Region Name] H.10 SAMPLE ICS 217A Frequency Band COMMUNICATIONS RESOURCE AVAILABILITY WORKSHEET Description ICS 217A Channel Configuration Channel Name/Trunked Radio System Talk group Eligible Users/Assignments RX Freq W N or RX Tone/NAC TX Freq W N or Tx Tone/NAC Mode A, D. or M Remarks List – Identify Tactical Nets Operations Operations Operations Operations List – Identify Command Nets Command & General Staff Command & General Staff Command & General Staff List – Identify Air–to–Ground Nets Air Ops & Ops List – Identify Dispatch Nets Initial Attack Initial Attack Initial Attack Initial Attack Initial Attack Initial Attack List – Identify Support Nets Logistics The convention calls for frequency lists to show four digits after the decimal place, followed by either an “N” or a “W”, depending on whether the frequency is narrow or wide band. Mode refers to either “A” or “D” indicating analog or digital (e.g. Project 25). All channels are shown as if programmed in a portable or mobile radio. Repeater and base stations must be programmed with the Rx and Tx reversed. May 2011 H-20 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Instructions for Completing the Radio Frequency Assignment Worksheet (ICS 217 Form) ITEM NUMBER ITEM TITLE INSTRUCTIONS 1. Incident Name Print the name assigned to the incident. 2. Date Enter date (month, day, year) prepared. 3. Operational Period Enter the time interval for which the assignment applies. Record the start date/time and end date/time (e.g., 9/17/96–0600 to 9/18/96–0600). 4. Incident Organization List frequencies allocated for each channel for each organizational element activated, record the number of radios required to perform the designated function on the specified frequency. 5. Radio Data For each radio cache and frequency assigned, record the associated function. Functional assignment for: a. Command b. Support c. Division tactical d. Ground–to–air 6. Agency List the frequencies for each major agency assigned to the incident. Also list the function and channel number assigned. 7. Total Radios Required Total each column. This provides the number of radios required by each organizational unit. Also total each row which provides the number of radios using each available frequency. 8. Prepared By Enter the name and position of the person completing the worksheet. Purpose: The Radio Frequency Assignment Worksheet is used by the Communications Unit Leader to assist in determining frequency allocation. Preparation: Cache radio frequencies available to the incident are listed on the form. Major agency frequencies assigned to the incident should be added to the bottom of the worksheet. Distribution: The worksheet, prepared by the Communications Unit, is for internal use. May 2011 H-21 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region H.11 ICS Form 309 COMMUNICATIONS LOG TASK # FOR OPERATIONAL PERIOD# TASK NAME: DATE PREPARED: TIME PREPARED: RADIO OPERATOR NAME (LOGISTICS): STATION I.D. LOG STATION I.D. TIME PAGE__OF__ FROM TO SUBJECT ICS 309 REV 96/02/22 May 2011 H-22 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix I Reference Materials Reference Sources - SAFECOM. The National Emergency Communications Plan (NECP) is a strategic plan that sets goals and identifies key national priorities to enhance governance, planning, technology, training and exercises, and disaster communications capabilities. The NECP provides recommendations, including milestones, to help emergency response providers and relevant government officials make measurable improvements in emergency communications over the next three years. - National Public Safety Telecommunications Council (NPSTC). The National Interoperability Field Operations Guide (NIFOG) is a collection of technical reference material for radio technicians responsible for radios that will be used in disaster response applications. The NIFOG includes information from the National Interoperability Frequency Guide (NIFG), the instructions for use of the NIFG, and other reference material; formatted as a pocket–sized guide for radio technicians to carry with them. - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The Department of Homeland Security Target Capability List (TCL describes the capabilities related to the four Homeland Security mission areas: Prevent, Protect, Respond, and Recover. It defines and provides the basis for assessing preparedness. It also establishes national guidance for preparing the Nation for major all–hazards events, such as those defined by the National Planning Scenarios. - State of Michigan. (include website link, if applicable) The State of Michigan Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP) is a strategic plan designed to provide a framework for the state to identify strategic initiatives intended to enhance emergency communications interoperability throughout the State. State of Michigan has an approved SCIP that addresses designated critical elements for statewide interoperability and a process to frequently update the SCIP as progress is made and new initiatives emerge. May 2011 I-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix J Glossary Item/Acronym Definition ACU–1000 Audio bridge used in fixed and mobile configurations. Requires radio from each connected communications system. Gateway device used to link disparate radio systems. AM Administrative Manager Audio Bridge Connects four–wire audio from disparate radio systems to provide interoperability. CASM Communication Assets Survey and Mapping CAM Communication Assets Mapping CAS Communication Assets Survey CERT Community Emergency Response Team COMC Communications Coordinator COML Communications Unit Leader COMT Incident Communications Technician Console Patching Ability to connect channels via dispatch consoles DPS Department of Public Safety DPW Department of Public Works DHS Department of Homeland Security EMD Emergency Management Division EMS Emergency Medical Services EOC Emergency Operations Center ESF Emergency Support Function FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FCC Federal Communication Commission FD Fire Department IC Incident Command ICC Incident Communications Center ICALL Calling Channel for ITAC ICP Incident Command Post ICS Incident Command System ICTAP Interoperable Communications Technology Assistance Program INCM Incident Communications Center Manager May 2011 J-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Item/Acronym Definition Inter–agency Located or occurring between two or more agencies Interoperable Ability of a system to use the parts or equipment of another system IT Information Technology ITAC Conventional mutual aid channel 800 Mhz JFO Joint Field Office MCC Mobile Communications Center MCU Mobile Communications Unit MHz Abbreviation for megahertz. 5 MHz = 5,000,000 Hz or 5,000 kHz. MOA Memorandum of Agreement MOU Memorandum of Understanding Mutual Aid Personnel, equipment, or services provided to another jurisdiction NIMS National Incident Management System NPSPAC National Public Safety Planning Advisory Committee NSSE National Special Security Event PD Police Department POC Point of Contact RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service RADO Radio Operator RF Radio Frequency SHARES Shared Resources High Frequency Radio Program SOP Standard Operating Procedure Talk group Term ususally used with trunked radio systems. A talk group is a predefined list of radios/users assigned a unique ID which allows them to communicate with each other over the trunked radio system. THSP Technical Specialist TICP Tactical Interoperable Communications Plan UHF Ultra High Frequency – Range of 300 to 3,000 MHz. For public safety LMR, usually refers to two bands. 380 to 460 MHz (low) and 460 to 512 MHz (high). USCG United States Coast Guard VHF Very High Frequency – For public safety LMR, usually refers to VHF High Band with a range of 136 to 164 MHz. VHF Low Band has a frequency range below 100 MHz. May 2011 J-2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix K Department of Justice Interoperability Procedures The Department of Justice (DOJ) fixed interoperability solution leverages the existing trunked MPSCS 800 MHz communications system owned and operated by the state of Michigan, and Zone 7 of the MPSCS, owned and operated by the city of Detroit. Participating local, state, and federal public safety agencies shall access the MPSCS through the use of talk groups designated for particular agencies to communicate during day–to–day and emergency operations. Partner agencies may gain access to the solution using the existing FEDMA talk group or the STATW2 talk group. In addition, agencies outside the Detroit metropolitan area can access the MPSCS via the NPSPAC TAC 2 and TAC 4. See Appendix C for a conceptual depiction of the NPSPAC solution. FEDMA: Federal Mutual Aid Talk Group The FEDMA talk group is a federal agency only user talk group currently designated for interoperability throughout the state. Federal agencies use the FEDMA talk group as a part of day–to–day communications. Many of the following agencies are already equipped with MPSCS 800 MHz radios, and pay a yearly fee per radio to communicate using the MPSCS: • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) • U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) • U.S. Custom and Border Protection (CBP) • U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) • U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) • U.S. Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) • U.S. Secret Service (USSS). • Preparedness Directorate – Office of Grants and Training • U.S. Department of Homeland Security STATW2: Statewide–2 Talk Group (Displayed as E_STATW2) The STATW2 talk group is an existing talk group used by all MPSCS radio users. The following agencies will have access to the STATW2 talk group via DOJ–provided desktop consolettes that allow them to access the MPSCS 800 MHz trunked system: • ATF • CBP • DEA • ICE May 2011 K-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • FBI • Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) • USCG • USMS • USPIS • USSS. These agencies are only authorized to use the network to communicate in response to an emergency event. Since these agencies do not pay the annual subscription fees, they are not permitted to use these resources for day–to–day communications. MPSCS personnel will assign requesting users to the appropriate talk groups to communicate with other authorized agencies during an emergency response. This system is designed to provide interoperable communications to a variety of local, state, and federal agencies during large scale incidents. The system shall be activated when an incident involves multi–jurisdictional communications that are above the normal day–to–day communication activity. During an emergency event, STATW2 should be used as an initial “rallying point” for agencies to coordinate response. Communications should then be moved to SPECIAL EVENT talk groups to use as long–term resources for interagency communications. SPECIAL EVENT Talk Groups In the case of an emergency requiring talk groups to support interagency communications, the MPSCS Network Communications Center (NCC) activates SPECIAL EVENT talk groups to meet on–scene communications requirements. These talk groups are divided into three zones, G, H, and I, encompassing 15–16 talk groups each: • Zone G Talk Groups (1–15) • Zone H Talk Groups (16–30) • Zone I Talk Groups (31–46)* * Zone I talk groups 31–46 will support encrypted communications. Further details will be provided by the MPSCS prior to implementation. FEDMA and STATW2 Talk Groups A radio user requiring access to the FEDMA talk group or the STATW2 talk group should contact their agencies’ dispatch for patching to the channels. Agencies will monitor the FEDMA and STATW2 talk groups as allowed by equipment and dispatch center operational hours. Contact information and monitoring capabilities for area communications centers are listed in Appendix D. When requesting a radio patch, the user should be prepared to provide the following information to their dispatch center, which will in turn provide it to the appropriate command personnel: • User’s name or radio call sign/designator • Person or agency with which the user wishes interoperable communications. • Reason for requesting interoperability. May 2011 K-2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Radio users that have the STATW2 talk group already programmed do not need to request a radio patch, but should notify their agency dispatcher before operating over the STATW2 talk group. However, a radio user may be requested by his/her agency’s dispatcher to switch to the talk group in the case of an emergency incident. A radio user will then follow the activation instructions to switch to the appropriate talk group. SPECIAL EVENT Talk Groups In the case of an emergency requiring talk groups to support interagency communications, the dispatch center from the coordinating agency (e.g., in charge of the incident) will contact the MPSCS NCC to activate the appropriate number of SPECIAL EVENT talk groups to meet the communications requirements of the event. When requesting access to any of the SPECIAL EVENT talk groups, the requesting command personnel should be prepared to provide the following information to their dispatch center monitoring the channel, which will in turn contact and provide it to the MPSCS NCC at 517–333–5050. • Agency’s name • Person(s) or agency(s) with which the user wishes interoperable communications • Reason for requesting interoperability • Estimated time of use, if possible • Location of incident/area of coverage required. The requesting command personnel or their agency dispatch center will notify the participating agencies, as well as any associated dispatch center, as to which talk groups are being activated for the emergency response. The coordinating agency dispatch center will then notify agencies keying up on STATW2 or FEDMA as to which SPECIAL EVENT talk groups are being used and for what purpose. For pre–planned events, agencies should coordinate the use of specific SPECIAL EVENT talk groups with the MPSCS NCC. NPSPAC Channels The NPSPAC TAC 2 and 4 channels are always available for use by agencies. A radio user requiring access to the NPSPAC channels should request access via TAC 2, which is monitored 24 hours a day by the city of Detroit. When requesting a radio patch, the user should be prepared to provide the following information to the city of Detroit dispatch center, which will in turn provide it to the appropriate command personnel: • User’s name or radio call sign/designator • Person or agency with which the user wishes interoperable communications. • Reason for requesting interoperability. • Radio users that have the NPSPAC channels already programmed should notify their agency dispatcher before operating on the NPSPAC channels. Activating Interoperability Once agency command personnel have granted authorization, each agency should follow its internal procedures for activating the interconnectivity. May 2011 K-3 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region The FBI dispatch center is among the agencies monitoring the FEDMA and STATW2 for any emergency communications, and is responsible for providing the initial dispatch control for incidents involving Federal agents. The FBI dispatch shall pass dispatch control to the incident command agency when that agency’s dispatch function is activated or FBI dispatch control is no longer required. Procedures for establishing communications connectivity include: 1. Command personnel should instruct monitoring dispatch centers to verify availability and ensure coverage of activated talk groups to support the incident. Coordination between agency dispatch centers may involve communications over landline, the radio system, a mutual–aid calling channel, or other resources as directed by agency policy. 2. Once an available resource is identified, each monitoring dispatch center should inform agency personnel to select the appropriate talk group as defined by the command staff. 3. The lead dispatch center will identify the agencies that are patched into the appropriate talk group. Deactivating Interoperability When the interoperable communications connection or patch is no longer required, agencies should follow these deactivation procedures: 1. The lead agency/user or incident commander of the emergency response will contact their home system dispatch center and request that the patch between their home system and the MPSCS channel be disabled. 2. The home system dispatch center will make an announcement over the interoperability talk group that the connection will be deactivated and to notify the radio users to return to their appropriate home system channel or talk group assignments. 3. The home system dispatch center will notify the MPSCS to deactivate the patch. 4. All personnel will return to their appropriate home system channel assignments and report any requirements for technical support or maintenance for their equipment to appropriate agency personnel. Rules of Use All participating authorized agency personnel will have access to the talk groups. However, priority shall be given to command and control personnel. Command and control personnel should use their agencies’ home systems to direct tactical, operational, or other personnel from their agencies involved in a response to an emergency event. The following rules of use shall govern interoperable communications between agencies: 1. Connectivity between agencies shall be requested when operationally required. 2. All users should identify themselves by agency name and radio call sign/ designator. For example, if “505” from the FBI has requested communications with the Detroit PD “X–Ray 32,” and a patch has been established, then “FBI 505” will call “DPD X–Ray 32” on the designated channel/talk group. 3. All radio traffic should be in plain language. The use of ten–codes and agency– specific acronyms is discouraged. May 2011 K-4 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region 4. All radio users should be aware that talk groups are operated in the “clear” mode. Once the encrypted SPECIAL EVENT Zone I Talk Groups (31–46) are implemented, procedures will be developed to address their rules of use for encrypted communications. 5. During emergency events with multiple agencies, the designated incident commander may limit the talk group to command level staff. 6. When patching is required, the requesting agency’s dispatch center should advise the monitoring dispatch center(s) of the estimated time that the patch will be in operation. 7. All participating agency personnel should familiarize themselves with NIMS. This coincides with the National Response Plan, also formulated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and that all Federal Government departments and agencies are required to follow. The NIMS procedures are a series of best practices based in part on ICS and are designed “to provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, State, and local governments to work effectively and efficiently together…[t]o provide for interoperability and compatibility.” Key features of the NIMS plan are summarized on the DHS Web site– System Management Requirements Participating agencies should consider necessary equipment upgrades and policy changes to incorporate future encrypted communications on the SPECIAL EVENT Zone I talk groups (31–46). Policies and procedures would need to cover key management and distribution. Agencies would also need to work closely to establish proper protocols for communicating in secure mode. Interoperability Limitations Coverage is limited to the footprint of the MPSCS radio network. Participating agencies planning to use the solution for interoperability during any emergency operations should coordinate with MSP and City of Detroit PD to validate the coverage requirements. The coverage footprint of the solution may be modified to provide talk group usage outside of the coverage area of Zone 7 (see Appendix E for maps of Zone 7 coverage). The lead dispatch center should notify the MPSCS NCC that an incident has occurred at a particular location and that the solution needs to be activated to provide interagency communications for the incident responders. The NCC may be able to modify the MPSCS to allow the talk group usage in the area of the incident. 800 MHz subscriber units are required to gain direct access. The solution is intended to provide direct access to those participating federal agencies with 800 MHz subscriber units. A limited number of portable radios and desktop consolettes are being provided to agencies to access the MPSCS. The radios should be restricted to command and control personnel only. Training All users identified by partner agencies shall receive instruction and practice in accessing the channels frequencies and talk groups designated for their respective agency. Training should be conducted regularly to refresh user familiarity, as well as to May 2011 K-5 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region accommodate new personnel that are assigned to participate in emergency response activities. In addition, job aids should be developed and provided to users so that they may reference it in order to understand all pertinent information necessary to access the talk groups. Testing To ensure that equipment components of the interoperability solution are operating properly, each agency shall participate in monthly testing, as indicated below: STATW2 1. Dispatch centers from participating partner agencies shall participate in radio roll calls on STATW2 on the first Wednesday of every month at 1000 hours. 2. Each agency will enable the connectivity to the selected talk group prior to the 1000 hours roll call. 3. Beginning at 1000 hours, the FBI dispatch center will initiate a roll call by contacting each agency by name. 4. Each agency shall respond when called, stating their agency name and that the transmission was successfully received. 5. The FBI dispatch center shall document and maintain a checklist of agency responses for each roll call. 6. After the roll call list is complete, the FBI dispatch center shall attempt to contact each non–responsive agency one additional time. 7. The FBI dispatch center shall make an official announcement, via radio, that the test is complete. 8. All patches shall be deactivated after roll call is complete. 9. Agencies that do not respond to the roll call shall be contacted by FBI dispatch by telephone to attempt to identify any issues or problems that precluded that agency’s participation in the test. 10. If the issue or problem can be identified, dispatch personnel shall agree on who will take corrective action. If the issue or problem cannot be identified, dispatch personnel shall contact the appropriate technical personnel to address the issue or problem. 11. FBI dispatch personnel will send out a quarterly report to each dispatch center indicating the results of the tests. The report will also contain any corrective actions required and the status of those corrective actions. FEDMA The testing procedure for FEDMA is identical to STATW2 with the FBI initiating the test at 10:30 hrs and reporting the results to other federal dispatchers. The purpose of these tests are to maintain an appropriate level of proficiency among dispatchers and to check the audio quality of console connections, as well as the ability for dispatchers to relay and monitor information on the FEDMA and STATW2 talk groups. May 2011 K-6 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region Appendix L MABAS Division 3201 Communications Support Team (CST) Services and Equipment The CST is a group of public safety and related technical personnel trained and equipped to provide specialized communications support services at public safety incidents to police and fire incident commanders and the Oakland County and Region 2 Incident Management Teams. The CST operates several specialized apparatus including a self–contained FCU and a TCT. Four team members have completed COML training and two team members are COML instructors. The following are services available: • Radio communications interoperability – The team has three ACU–1000s and two ICRIs (Incident Commanders Radio Interface) which provide interoperability between disparate radio systems operating on VHF, UHF, 700/800 MHz, analog, digital, and trunked radio systems. • Incident communications capability – The TCT trailer is equipped with 700/800 MHz repeaters, UHF repeaters, VHF base stations, MPSCS radio, Open Sky radio and Nextel radio. These communications assets are connected to a console system that permits all of the repeaters, base stations and radios to be controlled by up to three wireless laptop computers. These repeaters/base stations are capable of operation on all radios channels assigned for public safety interoperability. These communications assets facilitate the establishment of specific incident specific communications networks for police and fire incidents. • Mobile internet access – The unit is equipped with a satellite data communications system that provides up link and down link data capability and IP telephone capability. A portable telephone system is utilized to share IP and conventional POTS between up to 16 extension telephones which are equipped with voice mail capability. • Mobile computer network capability – The unit is equipped with 802.11g wireless network equipment and Moto mesh networking equipment permitting client laptop computers to communicate with each other, onboard servers, and the internet using the satellite, wired, or other wireless communications equipment. This network also permits printing and plotting of documents, maps, aerial photos, and other files. • Mobile video capability – The unit is equipped with four portable and two mast mounted video cameras, an onboard server and mesh network system which permit the capture of video from an incident scene, recording, and providing access through the internet to any authorized computer with internet access. • Video conference capability – The unit is equipped with a video conference unit capable of interfacing via satellite with any of the video conferencing units currently installed in local public safety facilities and emergency operations centers. May 2011 L-1 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region • Satellite telephone, fax, data capability – The unit has a several portable BGAN Inmarsat satellite communications system capable of voice, fax, and data communications. • Equipment Cache– The team maintains the following equipment cache: o 11 laptop computers capable of being deployed to utilize the on-scene network with internet access and Microsoft Office applications. o 70 VHF portable radios capable of operating on common VHF interoperability channels (wideband and narrowband) and a discreet portable repeater channel. o 1 VHF portable repeater, power supply and antenna capable of rapid deployment in conjunction with the VHF portables listed above. o 50 UHF portable radios capable of operating on common UHF interoperability channels. o 120 M/A–COM P–5250 multi mode (Open Sky/MPSCS–P–25/conventional) 700/800 MHz portable radios, battery chargers and accessories. (On order) o Portable VTAC (Vehicular Tactical Repeater) capable of extending coverage on the OakWIN radio system. Deployments– The team has deployed for a number of incidents and scheduled events. These include: the Dundee tornado (2010), Stanley Cup Finals (Royal Oak, 2009); Pride Fair (Ferndale, 2009); Woodward Dream Cruise (2009–2010); Arts, Beats, and Eats (Royal Oak, 2010); and Troy Daze Fair (Troy, 2007–2009). The unit has also supported numerous police and fire training sessions. TO REQUEST THE CST FOR AN INCIDENT, CONTACT OAKLAND COUNTY DISPATCH AT 248–858–4911 May 2011 L-2 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region May 2011 L-3 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region May 2011 L-4 TICP – Southeast Michigan Urban Area Security Initiative Region May 2011 L-5