5 Newsletter Christmas 2015


5 Newsletter Christmas 2015
What an amazing year!
Cross cultural relationships have grown deeper.
The two-­‐way global 9low of God’s blessing has been abundantly evident.
Existing partnerships remain at pace, and some have grown dramatically.
Exciting new things have emerged in the last two months that represent new possibilities on the horizon.
A September visit by Peter and Tsitsi Kanetsa to Covenant Church in Doylestown, PA celebrated the Runyararo Childrens’ Home and Domboshava Community Project partnerships presently underway.
When Rob Chifokoyo prayed a prayer of dedication
(in August 2013) for the visiting Covenant Church team at The Base church in Zimbabwe, he was unaware of two things God already had under control; that in a matter of months, he would be facing life threatening kidney failure, and that the •
man on whose shoulder he placed his hand as he prayed would be led of the Lord to donate one of his kidneys in a successful transplant procedure in Doyelstown, Pennsylvania one year later.
Qualty time spent with Rob and Lisa Chifokoyo culminated in the profound privilege Bud had of dedicating their little girl, Hope, to the Lord. We launched our web site! www.kwayedza.org
Blessings looking back:
• The generosity of a dear friend who made a vehicle available for us to cover many miles along the eastern seaboard of the United States.
• Longtime friends who welcomed us to consider their homes our home base in South Carolina.
• The generous gift of the use of a lovely stone artist’s cottage that became our home away from home during the 9ive weeks we spent in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Blessings looking forward:
• Opportunity to present Kwayedza in eight conferences, a women’s retreat, and numerous church meetings and presentation venues in nine States.
• Re-­‐connecting with existing members of our partner base, and the addition of new ministry partners.
• The gift of accommodation in a small cottage on a friend’s property in Harare in the coming year.
• The anticipation of reunion with our Zimbabwean network partners. • Assessing and strengthening existing partnership projects.
• Expanding the reach of the Zimbabwean network with the addition of AWANA and Reach4Life components.
• Implementing a strategy for housing older orphaned children (15 yrs and up).
• Addressing the challenge of skills training for older youth.
Careful thought, much prayer and planning are going into formalizing existing partnerships and creating a safe and effective template for new ones.
We’re looking for more churches in North America to send vision teams to Zimbabwe to see what God is doing there.
We’re trusting God for more strategic partnerships to grow out of the cross-­‐
cultural relationships that can result from these visits.
We have an urgent need for additional ministry partners to stand with us. We’re requesting prayer for our dear sister (more like a daughter actually) and
ministry partner, Nyasha Mpunga. She has recently faced a medical crisis that
resulted in multiple surgical procedures. She is a courageous ambassador of the
King, and God still has much for her to do.
Please see more about Bridging The Gap at: www.bridgingthegap.org.zw/
In the local Shona language of Zimbabwe, Kwayedza
means “the dawning of a new day.” But Kwayedza is
more than a nice phrase or a hopeful idea. It is a proven
model for meaningful, sustainable, Gospel-driven
ministry that is fulfilling the great commission by
following the example of Jesus.
The Kwayedza approach to joint participation in
Kingdom work is unique. It’s strongly indigenous. It’s
really making a difference. It’s empowering. It’s moving
towards the right kind of sustainability for greater good.
Providing mentorship, encouragement and direct
training to enthusiastic Zimbabwean leaders and
connecting people with people globally ... around the
common cause of the Gospel gives us great joy.
This is how it works:
• We introduce people to people, then serve as crosscultural intermediary in the communication that
• We stand back and observe the relational dynamic
that emerges and step in to protect, nurture and guide
the strategic response that results.
• Measurable results in Zimbabwe become apparent.
• Real organic growth and spiritual fruit is generated in
supporting, participating North American
congregations as well.
We need more partners who can:
Pray for us
Inject ideas and strategic suggestions into the mix
Communicate with, encourage and counsel us
Invest by way of one time gifts or regular monthly
Contributing from the United States:
Send monthly checks, made out to Southern Methodist
Foreign Missions, and designated for “Bud and Mandy
Jackson” to the following address:
Southern Methodist Foreign Missions
541 Broughton Street
Orangeburg, South Carolina 21995
Arrange for your bank to send a monthly electronic
check, designated for “Bud and Mandy Jackson” to the
same address.
An immediate amount of $2,000 per month in ministry
support is urgently needed, hopefully by our departure
date of January 14. Would you participate in ministry
with us by joining our team of ministry partners? No
monthly amount is too insignificant to make a difference.
For example, the $2,000 needed would be surpassed if
our team were to grow by just:
• 5 new members @ $200 per month
• 5 new members @ $100 per month
• 5 new members @ 50 per month
• 5 new members @ $25 per month
• 5 new members @ $20 per month
• 5 new members @ $15 per month
Can you make a difference? Please let us know (See our
contact information below).
To our present team of ministry partners, your genuine
heart investment and faithfulness in standing with us
means so much to us.
We’re on our way, trusting The One who goes before us
to lead us and provide for us; grateful for each one of our
ministry partners who sustain us through their prayer
and support. We’re a team!
budjackson49@gmail.com or mandaliz9@gmail.com.
Canada: (306) 303 9378 Zimbabwe (0777) 740 741.
39-31517 Spur Avenue
Abbotsford, BC Canada V2T6V7
31 Greengrove Drive,
Athlone, Greendale, Harare
Contributing from Canada:
Send monthly checks, made out to EFCCM,
and designated for Acc #2-2253 Zim to the following
Box 850, Langley Stn LCD1
Langley, BC V3A 8S6 Canada
To donate by direct deposit or, for re-occurring monthly
gifts, phone: 1-877-305-3322 or e-mail
Spending of funds is confined to organization approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated
towards an organization approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that, when the
need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the organization,
the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.