Winter - Harbor Springs Area Historical Society
Winter - Harbor Springs Area Historical Society
e d si a n n u a l r ep o r t in 20 11 History Harbor Springs Season’s Greetings! Harbor Springs Area Historical Society Newsletter Winter 2012-2013 Looking back, looking ahead A snowflake is one of God’s most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together! -Author Unknown Executive Director Mary Cummings Melanie Meengs Tricia Anez Talia Hofacker Development Director Office Manager Archivist Board of Trustees President Jerry Burns Lesley Fischer Dick Crawford Fred Geuder Vice President Secretary Treasurer Trustees Patricia Anton Melanie Fisher Tom Graham Eric Hemenway Jeff James Tim Jardine Lee Kramer Judy Meyer Bruce Riley Karen Searles Lisa Sutter Tim Tippett Nancy Walker OUR MISSION The Harbor Springs Area Historical Society connects learning about the past with appreciating the present by preserving our histories and traditions thereby deepening our shared connection to this special place. H arbor Springs A rea Historical Society A nother year is about to go down in the history books and with so much to celebrate, this is a perfect opportunity for us to look back. Consider this our heartfelt holiday letter to you, our HSAHS family. Just this year, our family has grown to include a few new members. We are pleased to introduce our two new staff members: Talia Hofacker, archivist, and Tricia Anez, office manager. Tricia joined our staff in October 2012 after relocating to our area from the Upper Peninsula. Tricia keeps things running smoothly in the office with her organizational and bookkeeping skills as well as a great sense of humor. Talia joined our staff in late June 2012 as our part-time archivist and handler of all things collections. She recently earned her master’s degree in Library and Information Science from Wayne State University. For the Historical Society, Talia’s work here has translated to nearly 7,000 individual items entered in our archives software as well as 1,000 family names. We are steadily nearing our goal of making our collections available online. This important work is supported by a grant from the Barker Welfare Foundation and support continues in 2013 with our recent grant award from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs. In other family news, we are glad to welcome four new members to the HSAHS board of trustees. Joining the board in October were Tom Graham, Jeff James, Tim Jardine and Lee Kramer—each bringing with them a strong interest in the history of this great community. Welcome! We would also like to thank our outgoing board members who finished terms in 2012: Lois Cassidy, Sarah Cohen, Tanya Graham and Ed Meyer. Collectively, these four have given over FIFTY years of service to the Historical Society, all of them during the founding of the museum. We can’t thank them enough for all they have done for us. While each of their contributions has been incredible, one member of this august group was recognized this October at the Chamber of Commerce’s Harbor Heroes Awards. Much to his surprise, Ed Meyer was the recipient of the Community Service Award and his family was there to celebrate. We celebrate with the Meyer clan and are glad to have this true local historian in our midst. Next time you see Ed Meyer, be sure to congratulate him and then ask him your most pressing Harbor Springs history question! Throughout this year-end newsletter, you will see clearly that our people are what make us great! Included in this newsletter is our 2011 Annual Report with a complete list of 2011 donors as well as a summary financial statement. In addition, we thank our current donors on pages 10 and 11. In a festive season of family celebrations and thanksgiving, we are so thankful for our board, staff, volunteers, members and donors. With thanks, we send our warmest wishes for happy holidays! 349 E. Main Street P.O. Box 812 Harbor Springs, MI 49740 On the Cover: (231) 526-9771 email: web: Business Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm Mary Cummings Executive Director Once again pulling from our Bruce G. Gathman Collection, this undated image by photographer Bruce Gathman celebrates the best of the season with the traditional Christmas tree on Main Street in front of the Holy Childhood of Jesus Catholic Church. News and Events Talking History HSAHS dates to save! During 2012, our Harbor History Talk series reached over 500 attendees with topics ranging from the War of 1812 to the State of Michigan’s 175th birthday. We were also honored to host the Harbor Springs premiere of WCMU’s “Into the North,” a 30-minute documentary exploring the early development of Little Traverse Bay as a resort destination. Our thanks to Graham Real Estate for sponsoring the lecture series in 2012 and continuing that support in 2013! A special thank you to our summer and fall presenters: • Sarah Adams and Matt Ozanich, WCMU Public Television • Mike Federspiel, Little Traverse Historical Society • Tom Graham, local historian • Bob Tagatz, Grand Hotel Historian and Concierge • Terry Pepper, Great Lakes Light House Keepers Association • Keith Lamkin, Bill McMaster and Joe Hoffman, Jr. Visitors enjoyed not only the wonderful topics and entertaining speakers but also benefitted from the recent upgrades to our second-floor audio/video equipment. Our thanks to the Ayrshire Foundation and the Renker Family Foundation for the grant support to make these upgrades possible. In January, we will kick off our 2013 Harbor History Talks with speaker Jane Cardinal, Good Hart resident, artist and author. Cardinal will share some of the stories she uncovered in researching her book “Where the Crooked Tree Stood” with co-author Connie Cobb. Their book explores the history of our area with a focus on Good Hart and Middle Village, and Jane’s talk will look at Good Hart’s transition to a resort community. Stay tuned as we assemble a fantastic 2013 line up of topics and speakers for our monthly Harbor History Talks. As speakers are confirmed, information will appear in upcoming newsletters and on our website, HSAHS Events Sat., December 29, 11 am-3 pm Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013, 5:30 pm Making Winter Memories Museum Winter Open House 2013 Harbor History Talks Good Hart: Transition to Resort with speaker Jane Cardinal Memories made here You are invited to join us for our second annual winter open house titled “Making Winter Memories.” The open house will take place Saturday, December 29, 2012 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at the Harbor Springs History Museum. We will feature fun crafts for kids of all ages including projects that will evoke their favorite up north winter memories. In addition Melanie Meengs, HSAHS Development Director, enjoyed last year’s winter open house with her we will have refreshments and kids Conner and Molly. Our 20-man bobsled is on display again this year and makes for great photo a special miniopportunities! exhibit taking a look at winter activities from years past. The open house is free and open to the public with donations appreciated. This event is also a great chance to view our current temporary exhibit. Through vintage maps, photographs, books and postcards (including some from our HSAHS Archives), A Delightful Destination: Little Traverse Bay at the Turn of the Century explores the region’s transportation, cultural, and economic growth during this colorful period between 1890 and 1920. The exhibit was created by the Clarke Historical Library at Central Michigan University and will be on display through February 23, 2013. Bob Tagatz, Grand Hotel concierge and historian, delighted a full house this past August. Date 3 2011 annual report 2011: Lights, camera, history! If the year 2011 at the Harbor Springs Area Historical Society could be summarized in just two words, those words would be Making Connections. Throughout the year, we were able to reach a range of people varying from individual museum visitors to full audiences at our programs, exhibits and special events. Our temporary exhibit Ivan Swift, Artist and Poet drew wonderful crowds to learn about this unsung early 1900s artist who spent much of his career working from his cottage north of Good Hart. Among our visitors were sisters Susan Mitchell and Nancy Ebersbach who made the trip to the museum to learn more about their great uncle Ivan. Through our exhibit of loaned Swift paintings, the sisters rekindled memories of a painting that hung at their grandfather’s home. We connected local school children with this area’s history through our volunteer-led school visits to the museum as well as a special spring tour of the Little Traverse Lighthouse for Harbor Springs fourth graders. Adults had the rare chance to visit the lighthouse in the fall of 2011 through our one-day tour. With special permission from the Harbor Point Association, 320 people were able to see this privately owned lighthouse with all proceeds benefitting the Historical Society. We also worked with groups throughout the county to bring history programming to a broader audience. Together with Emmet County, the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Michigan State University Extension and other groups, we presented the first “Essence of Emmet” history series. During 2011 we were fully engaged in displaying and collecting this area’s history and sharing it with folks of all ages. Making this possible were our tremendous members and donors whose names appear in the following pages. Thank you for your part in supporting history’s home in Harbor Springs. 2011 Annual Report 4 Harbor Springs Area Historical Society annual report 2011 Memberships Kirk and Peggy Eichenberger Chip and Gayle Everest John & Elizabeth Fergus-Jean Mary Fischer Andrea Fisher Jim and Mary Frang Richard and Carol Godfrey Tom Graham, Graham Real Estate Walt and Mary Granstra Bill and Nancy Gurney Ruth Halter Murray Hanna Norman and Linda Harris Elise and Rip Hayes Wes and Karen Hovey Mr. & Mrs. James H. Howe, III Pokey and Tony Huffman Richard and June Jackson Ed Jacobi Cheryl and Lambert Johnson, III Cecelia Johnston Mel and Elaine Johnston Joseph and Barbara Jones Jane Kaup Joan Keller Patsy Ketterer Tom and Pam Koch Kelly Kolinski Ron and Anne Koontz Don and Jan Kopka John and Anne Kroha Bill and Joan Laimbeer Kathleen and Thomas Lanctot Bob and Sandy Lauer Bryan and Cathy Brodhead Lauer Robert Luettjohann Jack and Joanne Martin Jamie and Mary Kay Martin Marjorie May Maureen Mayne Ned and Sandy McClurg Jane McDonald Jeff and Genie McEvoy Jim and Johanna McGill Twink Frey and Jim McKay Mary Beth Mellen Mark and Midge Miller We offer our thanks to our new and renewing members. During 2011, our growing membership program comprised nearly one quarter of our annual income. Memberships included in this list were received between January 1 and December 31, 2011. Little Traverse Bay Circle The Offield Family Foundation Linda and Bruce Riley Susanna J. Souder Marty and Lisa Sutter Diane Wilson Lighthouse Circle Patricia and William Anton Tracy and Dick Hirrel Webb and Jan Martin Bill and Sally Soter Herbert & Peggy Stockham Champion Ann R. Baruch Karin Flint Verne and Judy Istock Don and Perry Streett Benefactor Marcia & William Blackburn Susie Carruthers Donald and Sarah Cohen Keith and Carole Deyer Jo Anne Doll Christy and Jim Everest Jim and Betsy Hyslop Gary and Janice Kent The Kent Foundation Alex and Martha Ross Elizabeth M. Ross Bob and Nancy Sellers Patron Frances Newman Alden Dick and Marcia Ames Sally and Ian Bund Howard & Jeannie Canada Pat and Jim Clarke Mary Kay and Jim Farley John and Melanie Fisher Michael and Margie FitzSimons Gloria Frank Fred and Kay Geuder Harriet H. Hull George and Lyda James Elizabeth Larson Al and Betsy McGhee Cameron O’Keefe David and Rae Ann Roche Sarane H. Ross David and Karen Searles Allyn Shepard Lee and Lonnie Wallace Friend Maryalice Abood Bob and Annie Adams Dick and Marcia Ames Terry and Lyndi Balven Henry Barkhausen Larry and Jean Beckon John and Susan Bieber Stuart and Patty Bishop Roger W. Blaser Dean and Hilde Bonesteel Abbie Borck Brad and Peg Breuer Harrison and Sally Bubb Bill and Julia Bugera Alice Burt Bob and Jane Cardinal Mr. & Mrs. Scott Cartwright Tom and Janet Cattel Dick and Kay Claes Charlotte Corbett Sandra Croll J. O. Cunningham, Jr. Jack and Geri Daly Count and Janie Darling Betty Davis John Demmer Lucy Dobson Harbor Springs Area Historical Society 5 2011 Robert and Nancy Milton Dick Moehl Jim and Marianne Moffatt Leslie H. Newman Phillip Newman Patricia Nolan Maxine Noll Tom and Ellen Noneman Joe and Barb O’Neill Kevin and Ruth O’Neill John and Katie Ogden Al and Pat Olofsson Bill and Marge Owen Ann and Peter Pappas Jan and Richard Parker John Roy and Lorraine Chinn Peak, III Marcy Pelton Malea Powell Vicki Powell William and Diana Powers Mark & Patricia Prendeville Helen Robertson Linda and Mike Rosenow Wendy Ross Bob and Carolyn Sandford Mike and Carol Smelt David W. Smith Dick and Carrie Smith Shirley Smith Stafford and Janice Smith Jane Stearns Win Stebbins & Lille Foster Sue Schulze and Bob Stern Bob and Liza Streett Dodie and Stewart Swift David and Elizabeth Taylor Place Tegland Mr. & Mrs. E.R. Thomas, Jr. Sheryl McCleery Tom’s Mom’s Cookies Sheldon and Sally Veil Lois Waller Dick and Millie Wallin Currie and Mary Weed By and Laura West John and Jean Wickett Margery Willey Marjorie Wilner Paul and Marcia Woodruff Louis and Mary Jane Zako Doug and Nancy Zoerhoff CONTINUED on page 6. 2011 Annual Report 2011 annual report 2011 Memberships CONTINUED from page 5. Family A-Studio Eliece Aiman Durwood and Leslie Allen Clyde and Shirley Anderson Glenn and Carol Anderson Anonymous Bob and Margi Bake Josh and Molly Baker Ron and Velma Benson Wayne & Cheryl Blomberg Laird Blue Bill and Donna Borglin Dick and Sally Bouton Andy and Mary D. Bowman Paul and Sue Brady Robert and Mary Bruce Mary Tyson and Noel Bufe Jerry and Penny Burns Burke and Nancy Campbell Nona and John Carr Bob and Lois Cassidy Harding and Patricia Christ Steve and Sharon Clark Jim and Carolyn Cloutier Dave and Pam Comer Daniel and Jean Creyts Glen and Pam Cumberland David Lane Cummings Judy Cummings Mary Cummings K.C. and Pat Dobson Anne and Mike Dolecki Jayne Dziak Erik and Robin Eidsmo Michael and Mary Federspiel John Fitzgerald David and Vicki Fuger Martha Lancaster and Doug Fuller Gregg and Debra Garver Donald Haase Jack and Judy Harvey Joe Hickey David and Mary Hinz William & Beverly Hoglund Jerry and Margaret Keeney Dilly and Richard Kirby Jim and Fran Kochensparger Bob and Sherlyn Laakman Keehn and Judy Landis James and Mary Lark Bob and Donna Leland Robert and Caroline Lewis 2011 Annual Report Judy McCaffrey Etc. Kitchens and Baths Stanley and Kelli Flory Martha D. Ford Gretchen Gabler Brion Gopigian Garon Gopigian Madge Heinz David Kaplan Gale Kepford Kraeg Kepford Laurie Seltenright Barbara Lapham Susan Lightfoot Evelyn Lott Nancy MacGlashan Norine McBride Preston L. McGregor John Menzie Georganna Monk Dick Morrill Tom Newberry Hamlet and Dianne Newsom Maureen Nicholson Robert Paterson Fred Renker, Jr. Sue Rentrop Christy Ross Matthew Schuld Gene and Gloria Seeley Cynthia Shafer Annie Carrott Smith Sara E. Smith Elizabeth Terry Helen Tingleff Anne Wallace Elizabeth Walle Ima Williams Joan Liddell John and Peggy Luettjohann Diane MacKenzie Sharon Taylor Lyle and Mary Beth Masimore Elli and Dan McElroy Vaughn and Harriet McGraw Ed and Susan McGreevey Bill and Melanie Meengs Jim and Terrie Meyer Michael and Adrienne Miller Audrey Mooradian Bo and Jan Morley Luanne Murchie Sarah E. Newton Bruce and Patsy Ohmart Jay and Sally Olson Charlie and Nancy Paige Bob and Joann Palmer Lois Park Dave Pott Lizzie and Shawn Racignol John and Felicite Regan George & Catherine Reindel Oliver Richards Jeff and Kim Ridings Ethel Rose Sue and Bob Ross Betsy Saal Thomas & Nancy Sarowski Dick and Gail Selvala Jack and Mary Siebers Fred and Cathy Siebert B.R. and Judy Smith Kenyon and Sally Stebbins Gilbert and Sally Stump Doug and Sharyn Tayler Margee and Bud Tinney George and Carol Tippett Tim and Jessica Tippett Larry and Sue Trevarrow Ellen & Thatcher Waller, Jr. Ward and Mari Margaret Walstrom Cade and Tim Warrener Tom and Sue Watson Dell and Bonnie Weitzel Jill Whelan Bob and Sandi Wolf 2-Member Jeff and Barb Austin Cynthia and Stephen Baron Sandy and Bob Bean Roger and Jean Beckley Thom and Janet Blanck Bernadine Bonkosky Dan and Kathy Bowers Bill and Candy Brennan Bob and Kathy Clark Elaine and Eugene Colussy Dick and Marge Crawford Don and Audrey Criner Carl and Ann Dean Individual Joey Arbaugh C. B. Boyer Bernard A. Clark George Coveyou Eliza Crowder Diane Curtis Jim Delaney Sara Doepke 6 Maurice Dunne Lorrie Edwards James and Marilee Forse Sam and Sara Gibbons Archie and Susan Gopigian Randy and Kathy Hagerman Hord and Ann Hardin Richard and Carlotta Hendrian Brian and Mary Higgins David and Frances Hill Evelyn Holiday John and Mary Johnson Ann and Steve Judd Ray and Judy Juneau Don and Nancy Kaniarz Bill and Norine Kolinski Vern and Laura Kors Donald and Elaine Krencicki Lee and Bette Kreuz Wilbur and Caroline Kurburski Keith and Janet Lamkin Doug and Mary Lou Leslie Dorothy and Bob Litzer Carol Matyniak Tom and Marcia McDonald Doug and Margaret Meeker Ed and Judy Meyer William and Nancy Nicholson Richard and Maggie Onkey Robert and Geraldine Otto Pat Pemberton Pringle and Hank Pfeifer Sandra and RJ Planisek Fred and Linda Rachwitz Curt and Jeanne Regentin Tom and Sally Richards Norm & DiAnne Ruessman Bob and Joan Savage Larry and Irene Schimmel John and Judy Shehigian Robert Shurkey Bernie and Carol Slotnick Leo and Barbara Smith Bill and Mary Beth Soellner Paul and Enola Stanley Gig and Nancy Stewart Terry and Marilyn Stocker Jane Talcott Betty Taylor John and Barb Taylor Jo Ann Urbin Nancy and Jerry Walker Ed and Mary Warner Barbara Weber David and Barbara Young John and Jannes Zobus Harbor Springs Area Historical Society annual report 1-Member Kathleen Adelaine Anonymous Leslie Bagwell Don Beattie Anne Ryan and Charlie Bishop Robert and Margaret Burch Ann Joslyn Burrows Nancy Buskirk Constance Cappel Jim Cassidy Dr. Robert F. Cooke Helen Cosens Bill Davis Donna and Gerald Decker Dolly Ethier Lesley Fischer Marcella Fisher Liz Frey Martha Gabe Tanya Graham Richard Hanna Harold R. Heintz Jon and Amy Heitzman Linda Heller Virginia Hume Jean Jardine Eleanor Jardine Joseph and Christine Kuhn Bea and Don MacGregor Joyce MacGregor Gifts In Kind Chesley Consulting Fred Geuder Dick Keller Molly and Steve Kircher Litzenburger Landscape Matthews Nursery 2011 Other Operational Gifts and Support Lois Manville Evelyn McClure Mike and Jan McDonald Connie Mendyk Mike and Colleen Monahan MaryAnn Moore Benita Myles Don and Sandy Para Sharon Peters Ann Phillips Jon Phillips Beth Rahaley Pat Reeves Barbara Rivard Mary Lou Robbins-Cegelis Judith Robinson Lauri Rowe Sandy Ruggles Sandy Schirmer Win and Susan Schrader Suzanne Seacord Drewann Smith Pauline Terpening Sharon Thornton Donald and Susan Urban Hans Wagner Carolyn Whittle Amy Wiethorn Rick Wiles Milly Wilson Abent Pest Control Paula Arnold Baiardi Family Foundation Terry and Lyndi Balven The Barker Welfare Foundation Henry Barkhausen Louis and Sally Cannon Cheboygan Area Arts Council/Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs William and Julia Edwards Foundation First Community Bank Michael and Margie FitzSimons Graham Real Estate John Kohler Vern and Laura Kors Ernie and Judy Mainland Jeff and Genie McEvoy Keith and Sue McGlaughlin Elaine Minkin Charles Steward Mott Foundation Northern Michigan Panhellenic Association The Offield Family Foundation Oleson Foundation Petoskey Area Antiques Club Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation Walter L. Ross III Your name is important to us! We have carefully reviewed the names of donors listed here, however, in lists of this size, errors may occur. If your name has been misspelled, incorrectly listed or omitted, please accept our apologies and bring the error to our attention so we can correct our records. Endowment Larry and Joanne Boerman Larry and Paula Funk Ed Jacobi Dick and Martha Kudner Curt and Jeanne Regentin 2011 Memorials and Honoraria In Memory of Judy Bennett William Coady In Memory of Klara Simons Lille Foster and Win Stebbins In Memory of Norm Burke James and Carolyn Cloutier In Memory of Bob Smith Louise Taylor Sarah and Don Cohen John Demmer Mary Fischer David and Karen Searles Shirley Smith In Memory of Louise Kitchen Bob and Sandy Lauer In Memory of George Menzi James and Carolyn Cloutier Sandra Ruggles Bob and Shirley Smith Harbor Springs Area Historical Society In Honor of Marge May Linda Heller 7 In Honor of Walter L. Ross III and Walter L. Ross IV Birthday Pat and Bill Anton Julia T. Barnes Mary Beth and Charlie Clark Diane Curtis Lesley Fischer Amie and Tony James Joan Keller Katharine B. Piper Annie Carrott Smith Ted and Sissy Thomas 2011 Annual Report 2011 annual report 2011 Annual Giving Eleanor Jardine Mel and Elaine Johnston Jane and Paul Jones Betty Kenan Dilly and Richard Kirby Tom and Pam Koch Ron and Anne Koontz Vern and Laura Kors John and Anne Kroha Keith and Janet Lamkin Barbara Lapham Bryan and Cathy Brodhead Lauer Frank and Eve Lauer Joan Liddell Carmen Ludy Family Foundation Joyce MacGregor Ernie and Judy Mainland Dudley and Darlene Marvin Kathy Mason Carol Matyniak Norine McBride Jinny McCoy Al and Betsy McGhee Twink Frey and Jim McKay Bill and Melanie Meengs Mary Beth Mellen Ed and Judy Meyer Michael and Adrienne Miller Michael and Cathie Mitchell Jim and Marianne Moffatt MaryAnn Moore Roger and Carole Moore Howie Muir Maureen Nicholson Patricia Nolan Cameron O’Keefe Robert and Geraldine Otto Bill and Marge Owen Charlie and Nancy Paige Ann and Peter Pappas Don and Sandy Para Jan and Richard Parker Constance McPhee, PECO Foundation Robert and Kathleen Pennington, III R. Turner Peters Bill and Jane Petzold Ann Phillips Dave Pott Mark and Patricia Prendeville John and Felicite Regan George and Catherine Reindel Fred Renker, Jr. Barbara Rivard David and Rae Ann Roche During 2011, our annual appeal exceeded our goal and provided nearly one third of our operating revenue for the year. Gifts included in this list were received between January 1 and December 31, 2011. If you donated to our annual appeal in 2012, your gift will appear with current year gifts on page 11. Maryalice Abood Bob and Annie Adams Terence E. Adderly Frances Newman Alden Durwood and Leslie Allen Dick and Marcia Ames Clyde and Shirley Anderson Glenn and Carol Anderson The Patricia Miller Anton and William Conrad Anton Foundation Joey Arbaugh Bob and Margi Bake John and Sandy Baker Henry Barkhausen Julia Barnes Roger and Jean Beckley Larry and Jean Beckon Nancy Casto Benson Bob Bokram Abbie Borck Pier and Renee Borra Harry and Kathleen Boyer Bill and Candy Brennan Brad and Peg Breuer Richard and Jane Bruening Larry and Fay Buhl Sally and Ian Bund Michael Cameron Constance Cappel Pat Carruthers Bob and Lois Cassidy CDM Foundation Jim and Carolyn Cloutier Donald and Sarah Cohen Dr. Robert F. Cooke Charlotte Corbett Helen Cosens Dick and Marge Crawford Daniel and Jean Creyts Don and Audrey Criner Eliza Crowder Mary Cummings Mr. and Mrs. J. Oliver Cunningham Lee and Anne Davis 2011 Annual Report Dr. Frederick R. Deane John Demmer Bill and Linda Demmer Yvonne DeWindt Karen and Michael Donnelly Dolly Ethier Randy and Denise Evans James and Evangeline Fabiano Lesley Fischer Mary Fischer Andrea Fisher John and Melanie Fisher David FitzSimons Michael and Margie FitzSimons Will and Lisa FitzSimons Stanley and Kelli Flory Jim and Laurie Ford Frederick Ford, Jr. Liz Frey Gretchen Gabler Gregg and Debra Garver Fred and Kay Geuder Richard and Carol Godfrey Ed and Sue Gorney Tanya Graham Walt and Mary Granstra Em Green Don and Ellie Gschwind Bill and Nancy Gurney Randy and Kathy Hagerman Murray Hanna Norman and Linda Harris Dannie Bea Hightower Dick and Tracy Hirrel Keith and Susan Hoogland Thomas and Virginia Horner Wes and Karen Hovey Pokey and Tony Huffman Mary Ellen Hughes David and Ann Irish J Chattaway, Inc. Richard and June Jackson George and Lyda James Jansing-Cook Foundation 8 Ethel Rose Sarane H. Ross Dan and Kathy Rupp Bob and Joan Savage Peter and Lisa Schiff Larry and Irene Schimmel Sandy Schirmer Sharon and Russ Scott David and Karen Searles Dick and Gail Selvala Reverend Alfred Shands Allyn Shepard Fran and Jeff Shepard Jack and Mary Siebers Bernie and Carol Slotnick Carol Smith Drewann Smith Stafford and Janice Smith Souder Family Foundation Gerry Spears Dixon Spivy Paul and Enola Stanley Win Stebbins and Lille Foster Herbert and Peggy Stockham Family Foundation Martin and Lisa Sutter Stephen and Louise Sweet Dodie and Stewart Swift David and Elizabeth Taylor John and Barb Taylor Louise Taylor Margaretta Taylor Tim and Jessica Tippett Triford Foundation Rick Ford Susan Ford Robert Troth Turkey’s Cafe & Pizzeria Sheldon and Sally Veil Nancy and Jerry Walker Anne Wallace Fred and Marty Walstrom Rick and Marge Ward Ed and Mary Warner By and Laura West Jill Whelan John and Jean Wickett Jim and Ann Wilderom Margery Willey Diane Wilson Louis and Mary Jane Zako Doug and Nancy Zoerhoff Harbor Springs Area Historical Society annual report HARBOR SPRINGS AREA HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. 2011 STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION December 31, 2011 and 2010 (Reviewed) ASSETS Assets: Reviewed Reviewed 2011 2010 Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $185,018 $161,979 5,215 5,379 Fund held at Petoskey-Harbor Springs Area Community Foundation, at market Property, office equipment and furnishings Total assets 1,660,347 1,736,140 $1,850,580 $1,903,498 $5,560 $2,963 1,740,244 1,796,434 99,561 98,722 5,215 5,379 1,845,020 1,900,535 $1,850,580 $1,903,498 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Net Assets: Unrestricted, General Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted, Endowment Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets STATEMENTS OF ACTIVITIES December 31, 2011 Unrestricted General Temporarily Restricted Endowment Total Support and Revenues: Support and contributions $ 139,205 $ 5,000 - $ 144,205 830 - - 830 - - (164) (164) 500 - - 500 14,436 - - 14,436 Interest and dividend income Gain (loss) on beneficial interest in assets held at Foundation Miscellaneous income Special event income, net Merchandise sales 5,705 - - 5,705 Net assets released from restrictions 4,161 (4,161) - - 164,837 839 (164) 165,512 110,673 - - 110,673 80,594 - - 80,594 Fundraising 29,760 - - 29,760 Total expenses 221,027 - - 221,027 (56,190) 839 (164) (55,515) 1,796,434 98,722 5,379 1,900,535 $1,740,244 $ 99,561 $ 5,215 $1,845,020 Total support and revenues Expenses: Program Services Management and General Increase (decrease) in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year A complete copy of our 2011 reviewed financial statements is available for review at our office. Harbor Springs Area Historical Society 9 2011 Annual Report Current Members and Donors 2012 Little Traverse Bay Circle Em Green Bill and Nancy Gurney Pokey and Tony Huffman Ed Jacobi Lambert and Cheryl Johnson, III Cecelia Johnston Joseph and Barbara Jones Jane Kaup Jamie and Mary Kay Martin Maureen Mayne Elli and Dan McElroy Jeff and Genie McEvoy Ed and Susan McGreevey Robert and Nancy Milton Dick Moehl Marcy Pelton Pond Hill Farm John and Felicite Regan Helen Robertson Linda and Mike Rosenow Bob and Liza Streett Elizabeth Terry Robert Troth Nancy and Jerry Walker Lois Waller Margo Winslow Bob and Sandi Wolf Cynthia and Stephen Baron Abbie Borck Peter and Jill Bridges Jerry and Penny Burns Duke and Katherine Byrne Nona and John Carr Bob and Lois Cassidy Harding and Patricia Christ Dick and Marge Crawford David Lane Cummings Bill and Pam Deuel Jayne Dziak Martha Lancaster and Doug Fuller Gregg and Debra Garver Robert and Marilyn Gault Don and Ellie Gschwind Laura Love Rose and Bill Hall David and Mary Hinz Dilly and Richard Kirby Sarah and David Kuckelman Ron Kurtz Bob and Viki LaChapelle Frank and Eve Lauer Robert and Caroline Lewis Will Lindley Vaughn and Harriet McGraw Bill and Melanie Meengs Ed and Judy Meyer Audrey Mooradian Michelle Myers Tom Myers Maureen Nicholson Leroy Patterson Janet Sandor Fred and Cathy Siebert Darryl Snabes and Fran Farley Jim and Sally Stevens Susan and Phillip Storm George and Carol Tippett Tim and Jessica Tippett Jeff Graham, Turkey’s Cafe & Pizzeria Michael and Patricia Turnbull David and Mary Wood Gibson and Charlotte Worsham Family Individual Pat Carruthers The Offield Family Foundation Linda and Bruce Riley Susanna J. Souder Marty and Lisa Sutter Diane Wilson 2012 Lighthouse Circle Patricia M. and William C. Anton Tracy and Dick Hirrel Greg and Stacey Renker Bill and Sally Soter Herbert and Peggy Stockham Current Membership Received between June 16 and November 30, 2012 Benefactor Marcia and William Blackburn Lisa and Jimmy Dobbs The Kent Foundation Elizabeth Larson Sharon and Henry Wehrle Patron Dick and Annette Babcock Bob and Margi Bake Sandra Croll Count and Janie Darling Colin and Mary FitzSimons Fred and Kay Geuder Lukin and Nena Gilliland Cameron O’Keefe Mark and Debbie Pirrung Stephen and Louise Sweet Lee and Lonnie Wallace Michael Youngblood Friend Anonymous Ron and Sandy Baldwin Christy and Robby Berry Dean and Hilde Bonesteel Dan and Kathy Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Scott Cartwright Lee and Anne Davis Maurice Dunne and Loretta Knight Emily Edsell Laurie Angell Anonymous William and Connie Fisher Jerry and Karen Adams Mary Stewart Adams Anonymous Harbor Springs Area Historical Society 10 Garon Gopigian Laurie Seltenright, Susan Lightfoot Mark and Patricia Malcolm Elizabeth Pollie Marjorie Smith 2-Member Durwood and Leslie Allen Anonymous (2) Jeff and Barb Austin Sandy and Bob Bean Thom and Janet Blanck Bill and Candy Brennan Burke and Nancy Campbell Mr. and Mrs. James Churchill Bob and Kathy Clark Donna and Gerald Decker K.C. and Pat Dobson Ann and Steve Judd Ray and Judy Juneau Wilbur and Caroline Kurburski Keith and Janet Lamkin Doug and Mary Lou Leslie Dorothy and Bob Litzer Tom and Marcia McDonald Doug and Margaret Meeker Robert and Geraldine Otto Charlie and Nancy Paige Pringle and Hank Pfeifer Curt and Jeanne Regentin John and Cathy Schwab Gene and Gloria Seeley Paul and Enola Stanley John and Barb Taylor Donald and Susan Urban Hans Wagner David and Barbara Young 1-Member Barb Harbaugh Jim Cassidy James Cole Dr. Robert F. Cooke Lorrie Edwards Lesley Fischer Richard Hanna Kristine Holmes Virginia Hume Jean Jardine Eleanor Jardine Tim Jardine Current Members and Donors Jeff Joneson John and Joan Pennell Gale Kepford Donald Pollie Jill Kimble Pat Reeves Kathleen Lio Milly Wilson Marilyn Mesterharm MaryAnn Moore *Bold names indicate new memberships. Your name is important to us. If your name has been misspelled or omitted, please contact us so we may correct our error. Thank you! 2012 Annual Appeal Received between June 16 and November 30, 2012 Maryalice Abood Bob and Annie Adams Eliece Aiman Anonymous (2) The Patricia Miller Anton and William Conrad Anton Foundation Joey Arbaugh Paul and Michelle Astolfi Mr. and Mrs. Henry Barkhausen Julia Barnes Ted and Rita Barnes Sandy and Bob Bean Larry and Jean Beckon Nancy Casto Benson Ron and Velma Benson Frank Bielman Stuart and Patty Bishop Roger W. Blaser Bob Bokram Boyer Glass Works, Inc. Ann Joslyn Burrows Tom Busch Bill and Torri Calver Katie and Rip Carruthers Pat Carruthers Jim Cassidy J. Chattaway, Inc. Jim and Carolyn Cloutier Bob and Brynne Coletti Helen Cosens Dick and Marge Crawford Jack and Geri Daly Betty Davis Bill and Linda Demmer Andrew and Amy DeWitt Forest Driggs Lesley Fischer Mary Fischer Andrea Fisher John and Melanie Fisher Colin and Mary FitzSimons Joe and Julie Flynn Liz Frey Gretchen Gabler Fred and Kay Geuder Frannie Gluck Tom Graham, Graham Real Estate Walt and Mary Granstra Robert and Cynthia Greene Donald Haase Randy and Kathy Hagerman Dannie Bea Hightower James Hill Dick and Tracy Hirrel Charles and Kathleen Hoogland Keith and Susan Hoogland Wes and Karen Hovey Richard C. and June B. Jackson George and Lyda James Tony and Amie James Eleanor Jardine Elizabeth and Richard Kirby Ron and Anne Koontz Vern and Laura Kors Donald and DeDe Lambert Bryan and Cathy Brodhead Lauer Kathleen Lio Tom and Margaret Mackell Webb and Jan Martin Kathy Mason Norine McBride Sheryl McCleery Jinny McCoy Al and Betsy McGhee Colleen McRoberts 11 David and Karen Searles Laurie Seltenright, L.S. design Joseph and Elaine Shea Robert Shurkey Jerry and Patricia Slebiska Dick and Carrie Smith Drewann Smith Souder Family Foundation Paul and Enola Stanley Sue Schulze and Bob Stern Jim and Sally Stevens Don and Perry Streett Martin and Lisa Sutter Betty Taylor John and Barb Taylor Sharon Taylor Place Tegland Tim and Jessica Tippett Michael and Patricia Turnbull Nancy and Jerry Walker Ed and Mary Warner Barbara Weber John and Susan Webster Sharon and Henry Wehrle Rick Wiles Marjorie Wilner Diane W. Wilson Milly Wilson Louis and Mary Jane Zako Doug and Nancy Zoerhoff Doug and Margaret Meeker Mary Beth Mellen Ed and Judy Meyer Michael and Adrienne Miller Michael and Cathie Mitchell MaryAnn Moore Phillip Newman Patricia Nolan Bruce and Patsy Ohmart Cameron O’Keefe Robert and Geraldine Otto Charlie and Nancy Paige Bob and Joann Palmer Ann and Peter Pappas Jan and Richard Parker Stephen Parker Ann Phillips Mark and Patricia Prendeville Hully and Meredith Quarrier Berry Ratliff Alex and Martha Ross Sarane H. Ross Walter Ross Lauri Rowe Dean Rye Janet Sandor Thomas and Nancy Sarowski Peter and Lisa Schiff Russ and Sharon Scott Peter and Anne Sears Annual Appeal donations received in December 2012 will appear in our next quarterly newsletter. Other Gifts and Operational Support The Baiardi Family Foundation Sandy Baker The Barker Welfare Foundation The Barker Welfare Foundation as designated by Diane Curtis and by Sarane H. Ross Henry Barkhausen Bill and Candy Brennan Between The Covers Steve and Sharon Clark Sarah and Don Cohen Mary Ann Huntington Ann K. Irish Richard and Bonnie Lucas Dick Moehl The Offield Family Foundation Don and Sandy Para Petoskey Area Antiques Club Glenn and Betty Stevens Endowment Fred and Kay Geuder Sarah and Don Cohen Gifts In Kind Fred Geuder Mary Cay Jones Litzenburger Landscape Memorials In Memory of Yeteve Chellis Donald and Dorothy Bargy Henry and Cindy Hansen Ethel Rose Paul and Enola Stanley In Memory of Virginia Ratliff Berry Ratliff Harbor Springs Area Historical Society & Harbor Springs History Museum NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID 349 E. Main Street | P.O. Box 812 Harbor Springs, MI 49740 OUR HOURS Renew your membership online anytime! HARBOR SPRINGS, MI PERMIT NO. 5 Address Service Requested WINTER 2012-13 MUSEUM HOURS Friday Saturday 11 am-3 pm 11 am-3 pm Effective through February 2013 The museum galleries will be open by appointment during March and April 2013. Admission rates for the museum are $5 for adults, $3 for students and seniors. HSAHS members are always free. The Historical Society offices, located on the second floor of the museum building, maintain regular business hours year round. Tuesday - Friday, 9 am - 5 pm Winter Open House - Saturday, Dec. 29 Special Holiday Hours Thursday-Saturday, Dec. 27-29 11 am-3 pm Updated news and events are always available on our website:
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Fall - Harbor Springs Area Historical Society
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
Executive Director