August 10, 2014 - Christ the King Catholic Church


August 10, 2014 - Christ the King Catholic Church
AUGUST 10, 2014
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ
I have a little story to share today. One day in the middle of the second week of July, I stopped by the sanctuary to talk to
the Lord before heading back to the rectory after the long day. After a while, I realized that the sanctuary was so cold
(later on I found 68°F to be the exact temperature) as to distract me from my conversation with the Lord, and I was alone
in the whole church. So, I tried to raise the temperature at least for the afternoon during the week, and I found that our
A/C control computer was “literally” dead. I could not even turn on the computer. The entire A/C units around the
church and RE rooms were controlled by this “one” computer. This was an old, old computer (for those geeks, the computer was run by Pentium 4 processor with Windows XP. Parallel and serial ports are essential
to connect a computer to A/C control unit). “Where can I find a similar computer like this? This
is an old computer!” I thought. Well, Carrier suggested that we upgrade the A/C control system,
but it appeared to be quite an expensive project. Once we opened this Pandora’s box then I
knew that we might not be able to close it so easily. So, time passed by without any good solution.
On the following week, when I happened to clean up the entire closets in the rectory, I found an
old, yet very new looking computer under the hidden shelf and voila! It ran Windows XP with a
Pentium 4 processor. When I tested this computer, I couldn’t believe that it was Fr. Dick’s computer! So I gave it a try to migrate the hard disk from the old computer to Fr. Dick’s. While I was
doing it, I told Fr. Dick, “Well, you used to be pastor here, so Fr. Dick, you had better pray for
me to fix this A/C-- The parish can get many benefits out of this!” I turned on the new computer
with the old computer’s HDD, then wow! The computer accepted the HDD as if it were its own.
I can say that this computer will secure our A/C control system for at least five more years. I
went through and set each place of the church with a reasonable temperature. This will help us
to save a great financial amount! I am sure that God listened and has heard Fr. Dick’s and my prayer.
I have been talking about experiencing the kingdom of God in our daily life for the last two weeks, and I believe that this
was a little blessing from God with the help of Fr. Dick.
Life is full of surprises and every moment is indeed grace from God. All we have to do is ask God to open our eyes, ears,
heart and mind so that we may see His presence in our life.
God is truly amazing, and God loves each one of you very much!
In Christ,
Weekly Mass Intentions
9th 5PM †James Tyrrell
10th 8AM Pro Populo
10:30AM †Jerrie Schneider
5PM †Luz Flores Morales &
The Bragg Family
11th 8AM Sonya Barrera & Family
& Henry Guinan
12th 6:30PM Charlie & Mildred Vasquez
13th 8AM †Fr. Robert Schwane
14th 6:30PM †Sam Hawkins
15th 8AM †Grace F. Callahan
6:30PM Pro Populo
Altar Flowers
This weekend
are donated
To the Glory of God and
In Thanksgiving
for the wedding of
Maeli Anderson
Payden Schutte
The Parish Office will be
Friday, August 15
In Observance of
The Solemnity of the
Assumption of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
The Assumption
of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Day of Obligation
Friday, August 15th
AUGUST 10, 2014
Stewardship Report
August 3
$ 16,325.00
$ 14,000.00
$ 2,325.00
Loan Balance $482,180
Additional debt reduction for July $7500
In every way we must keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus
who himself said, “It is more blessed to give than it is to receive.” Acts of the Apostles 20:35
Mass Schedule
Thursday, August 14th 6:30PM
Friday, August 15th 8AM, 6:30PM
Mary Queen of the Rosary
Mary Queen of the Rosary will be leading a sung rosary
in honor of the
Assumption of Mary.
Please come join your voices and hearts with ours to
show our love to our heavenly Mother.
This rosary will be dedicated for the world to stop
offending her precious son, Jesus.
Friday, August 15, 2014, 5:55PM
(before the Assumption of Mary Mass)
Grief Group
If your are grieving the loss of a loved one,
please join us
at 7pm each 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th Wednesday night.
We meet at 7pm in the Gift Shop.
Mary Queen of The Rosary
We would love for you to join us the 3rd Wednesday
of each month at 7pm in the Gift Shop.
Next weekend!
Your Apple
Tree Donations
Are due this weekend
Thank you for your
Our Military
Serving Overseas
Phillip Aiello
Mark Barreras
John Cushing
Ryan Curtis
Maj. David L. Gomez
Maj. Deana S. Gomez, USAF
Matt Jakircevic
Maj. Reggie Jamo
Capt. Jason Piper
Wilbert Witt
Be Strong In The Lord, And In His Mighty Power.
Ephesians 6:10
Please pray for those in our
Parish who are ill.
The list is posted at the
entrance to the Oratory.
Please remember to contact the office with any changes.
Women’s Ministry
All ladies of the parish are
invited to join the
Women’s Ministry for their
first meeting for 2014-2015
August 11
9:15 AM
In the Christus Center
Come join us for an exciting year!
For information, contact Taddy Maddox, President
At 254-939-7873 or by email
AUGUST 10, 2014
Ministerios Hispanos
en Cristo Rey
Video de apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe… Vengan a ver una serie de videos sobre
las apariciones de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Empieza
el video después de la misa de 8 a.m. en el salón
parroquial. Allí los vemos.
Junta de acción diferida para jóvenes...
Habrá una reunión informativa GRATIS con abogados, el 23 de agosto en Our Lady of Guadalupe en Temple
Texas. La reunión comenzará a las 9 am. Este encuentro está
organizado por el Centro de Justicia e Igualdad. Es eligible si
tiene por lo menos 15 años de edad y tenian menos de 31 años
de edad en junio 15, 2012 y entraron al pais antes de los 16
años de edad.
Educacíon religiosa...
Inscripción de catecismo comienza el fin de semana del mes de
agosto 9 y 10 después de cada misa. Cada grado de la clase
tendrá una mesa de registro. Las inscripciones continuarán los
fines de semana del mes de agosto 16-17 y 23-24.
Padres: Si su hijo va a regresar y estaba inscrito el año pasado,
un paquete de registro con su apellido se ha preparado para
llevar. Ellos estarán en las canastas en el nártex después de la
misa este fin de semana. Por favor, tome el suyo.
Religious Education
Students: summer is almost over and school will begin on
August 5. This week’s family project is to make a collage
of photos or drawings and write a thank you letter to God for the
great summer you had.
Catechists returning, and those who are interested: there will be
a mandatory gathering with Father John on Saturday, August 16, 9
-11 in the Christus Center. Please mark your calendars to attend
this very important gathering. Registration begins August 9-10.
Tables will be set up for all grades. Please be present to assist after
all masses. Other registration dates are the next two weekends in
Parents: RE registration begins after all masses this weekend! If
you picked up a packet last weekend, please return it during the
registration weekends.
ATTENTION, ATTENTION, we are in need of 3rd grade & 5th grade
Catechists. If you feel you are being called to share your talents
with children, please stop by my office or email me at I’d love to visit with you!
THANK YOU, Lisa Browning and all VBS volunteers! What a successful VBS! Thanks for making it possible!
RE office Hours August - September 4, Monday-Thursday, 4:306PM
Mon., Aug. 4 - Thurs., Sept. 4
Grupo de Oración Carismática en español. Viernes, 15 de
agosto a las 7PM en el salón parroquial. Para informacíon, llame a Ben 254-624-8206.
Thank you,
Rita Motl, DRE
I Sing For Ice Cream Social!!!
A Huge Thank You
To Lisa Browning
and her team of Volunteers
For a TREMENDOUS Success at
Vacation Bible School last week!
were 110 Kids
Including 44 teens
There were also 25 adults
$131 was collected and donated for
Operation Kid to Kid
Thanks to all who supported VBS!
Come learn about the
Music Ministry at CTK!
Get to know other
singers & musicians!
Sing fun songs!
Eat ice cream!
Bring a friend!
Tuesday, August 19
7-8:15 PM
In the Christus Center!
For more information,
contact Pam Fette at