26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Mary Star of the Sea 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time September 25th, 2011 Mission Statement 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time —September 25, 2011 Celebrate God’s presence in our midst by Mass, Sacraments, and Prayer; Live Christ’s love by serving others, especially the poor, neglected, and suffering; Grow in the truths and values of our Catholic tradition, teach them to our children, and proclaim them to those who do not know them. Celebrar la presencia de Dios entre nosotros a través de la Misa, los Sacramentos y la Oración; Vivir el amor de Cristo sirviendo a otros, especialmente a los pobres, los abandonados y los que están sufriendo. Crecer en las verdades y en los valores de nuestra tradición Católica, enseñarlos a nuestros hijos y proclamarlos a los que no los conocen. St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church 1335 Blaine Street. Port Townsend, WA 98368 Pastor: Father John Topel, S.J. jtopel@qwestoffice.net Deacon: Bill Swanson dcnswanson@qwestoffice.net Phone: (360) 385-3700 Fax: (360) 379-1989 Email: stmaryss@qwestoffice.net Website: www.stmaryss.com Office Hours / Horario: Monday – Friday / lunes a viernes 9:00am to 4:00pm Closed between 1-2pm Pastoral Asst. for Faith Formation/ Asistente Pastoral para la Formación de la Fe: Deacon Bill Swanson (360) 385-1662 dcnswanson@qwestoffice.net Pastoral Asst. for Administration/ Asistente Pastoral para Administración: Kathleen Wadkins kwadkins@qwestoffice.net Receptionist / Recepcionista: Alisa Meany stmaryss@qwestoffice.net Bookkeeper / Contadora: Mary Shaffer stmaryssbookkeep@qwestoffice.net Hispanic Ministry / Ministerio Hispano: Karen Burge (360) 385-3700 karenlburge@hotmail.com Director of Music Ministry/ Director del Ministerio de la Música: Chris Hawley (360) 385-0149 chris@olympus.net Maintenance / Mantenimiento: Roger Cesmat Custodian / Limpieza: Sergio López Returning Catholics / Católicos Regresen: John & Cindy Hollister (360) 765-3135 St. Vincent de Paul /San Vicente de Pablo: Saint Matthew September 21st Contact Tel: (360) 379-1325 Mass Schedule Parish Stewardship Horario de Misa Corresponsabilidad Parroquial Sábado Misa en español 9:00am Saturday Vigil 5:30pm Sunday 8:15am & 11:00am Monday 12:05pm Wednesday 6:30pm Thursday 12:05pm Friday (Life Care-First Friday) 10:00am Friday 12:05pm Week of 9/18/2011 Week #12 *** Communion Service *** Tuesday 12:05pm Week / Semana Actual / Colecta Real Budgetd / Presupuesto $5,189.38 $7,307.69 <$2,118.31> Year to Date / Año Corrido Actual / Colecta Real Budgeted / Presupuesto $86,470.99 $87,692.28 <$1,221.29> Sacraments & Prayers / Sacramentos y Oraciones Sacrament of Reconciliation/Sacramento de Reconciliación: Half hour before every Mass. Private confession by appointment only. Media hora antes de cada Misa. Apartar citas para confesarse en privado con el Padre John. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Exposición del Sagrario: Friday after Mass to 6:00pm Benediction. 20-Hour Eucharistic Adoration on the first Friday of each month. Viernes después de la Misa. La Benedicción-6pm. Eucharist to Shut-Ins & the Ill/Eucaristía para Descapacitados: Call 385-3700 to have Communion brought to you on Fridays. Llamar al teléfono 385-3700 para recibir la comunión los viernes. Prayer Chain/Cadena de Oraciones: Pat White 385-3063 and Karen Sharnbroich 385-1698 Rosary/Rosario: Sunday from 6:30-7PM. Also 25 minutes prior to Mass. Sábado de 6:30 a 7 PM y media hora antes de Misa. Sacrament of Baptism/Sacramento del Bautismo: Required Preparation Classes 385-1662. Clases de preparación—Karen al 385-3700. Funeral/Christian Burial/Funeral/ Entierro: Contact pastor before setting date. Contactar al sacerdote antes de apartar la fecha. Sacrament of Marriage/Sacramento del Matrimonio: Six month notice and preparation classes required, contact Deacon Swanson at 385-1662. Clases de preparación requeridas 6 meses antes—Karen Burge al 385-3700. ~ From the Desk of Father John ~ Dear friends in the Lord: At their funeral Mass, the family of Noel Peart chose as the first reading Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians: “Although our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.” That is the way of all matter: it gradually deteriorates. It is God’s plan that while it deteriorates, our spirit grows stronger. Good news for us who are retirees! What is true of our bodies is also true of our buildings. They are at an age where the deterioration needs to be repaired. You have seen gradual improvements of our sanctuary, our social hall, our classrooms, and our rectory. Usually I have told you what was happening and why it was happening. Here is a report of the last ten months’ activities: We remodeled the kitchen ($40,000), installed energy efficient doors in the RE wing ($13,600), tuck pointed the leaking bricks and mortar in all three buildings ($40,000), replaced the 35 year old carpet in the rectory ($10,000), and the Rose window detail of leaking sylight in the rectory($800). In the next year we the Blessed Virgin... must replace the cracked pipe in our sewer line from the RE wing lavatories ($17,000) and calk the repaired safety glass over our rose window and the one in the choir loft ($3,000). If you are adding, that comes to $124,000. Where did we get this money? From you! A small part of the kitchen remodel came from the Ladies Guild, who will be contributing more to that in the future. Most of it comes from savings and bequests received over the past twenty years, including the last six years of my time here. Like any prudent householder, we have to plan for this deterioration as part of our annual budgeting, which you meet through stewardship. And so I thank you. But all of us must be grateful to God, who has made it all possible. Think about that, and praise and thank Him! In Christ, Fr. John Our beautiful parish, St. Mary Star of the Sea.... Activities of the Week /Actividades Semanales Saturday, September 24 9:00 am: Spanish Mass 10:00 am-Noon: Spanish Lunch—in Hall. 5:30 pm: Mass Sunday, September 25 ** Servite Secular Order, Fr. Vidal Martinez, speaking after all masses ** 8:15 am: Mass 9:30-10:30 am: Servite Order Informational Mtg.— meet in Classroom #3. 9:30-10:45 am: Religious Education 9:30-10:45 am: PAX Christi Mtg.—Rectory. 9:30-10:30 am: 150th Jubilee Committee— in Hall. 11:00 am: Mass 12:30-2:30 pm: Theology Kettle—in Hall. 6:00-9:00 pm: Community Chorus—in Hall. 6:30 pm: Rosary Monday, September 26 9:30 am: Legion of Mary 12:05 pm: Mass 1:00 pm: Rosary Makers 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet 5:30-9:30 pm: Rainshadow—Hall. Tuesday, September 27 12:05 pm: Communion Service 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet Wednesday, September 28 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:30 pm: Mass Thursday, September 29 12:05 pm: Mass 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet 6:00-7:30 pm: RCIA—in Hall. Mass Intentions / Plegarias Saturday, September 24, 9:00 AM (Hispanic): For the special intentions of the parishioners of St. Mary Star of the Sea. Saturday, September 24, 5:30 PM: For the repose of the soul of Jean Libby, as requested by Gary and Mary Lou Jondle. Sunday, September 25, 8:15 AM: For the special intentions of Gordon Ortelli, as requested by Victor and Jacqueline Petricka. Sunday, September 25, 11:00 AM: For the repose of the soul of Pat McLaughlin, as requested by Christina Peterson. Monday, September 26, 12:05 PM: For the repose of the souls of Judy Rowlett, James Debeuneure, Rodney Dickens, Hilda Taylor, and Bernard Brown (victims of 9/11), as requested by Christina Peterson. Wednesday, September 28, 6:30 PM: For the repose of the souls of Sarah Clark, Asia Cotton, Joe Ferguson, and Ann Judge (victims of 9/11), as requested by Christina Peterson. Thursday, September 29, 12:05 PM: For Jesuit intentions, as requested by Father John Topel, S.J. Friday, September 30, 12:05 PM: For the special intentions of Jeannie McMillen. Friday, September 30 12:05 pm: Mass 1:00-6:00 pm: Eucharistic Adoration 3:00 pm: Divine Mercy Chaplet Saturday, October 1 9:00 am: Spanish Mass 10:00 am-Noon: Spanish Lunch—in Hall. 5:30 pm: Mass *** Feligreses Hispanos: Favor de recoger el Boletín en español en el vestíbulo de la iglesia. *** ~ Today’s Mass Information / La Misa de Hoy ~ ST. MARY’S HYMNS JOURNEYSONG m 5a 8:1 Ent: Off : Com: Rec: Readings # 1023 All Are Welcome (insert) # 832 Here I Am, Lord # 697 As the Deer Longs # 651 Rain Down Ent: Off : Com: Rec: All Are Welcome # 755 What Wondrous Love... # 806 Let Us Break Bread... # 636 Now Thank We All... Ent: Off : Com: Rec: All Are Welcome # 832 Here I Am, Lord # 697 As the Deer Longs # 651 Rain Down m 0p 5:3 m a 00 11: ~ Upcoming Events / Acontecimientos Próximos ~ Altar Servers / Monaguillos 9:00 am Saturday, September 24, 2011 Angela Carrillo-Burge 5:30 pm Saturday, September 24, 2011 Alexander Overman 8:15 am Sunday, September 25, 2011 Juliet Tuuri 11:00 am Sunday, September 25, 2011 Lue Bland Greeters / Anfitriones 9:00 am Saturday, September 24, 2011 Carmen Boling 5:30 pm Saturday, September 24, 2011 Cliff & Jackie Rick 8:15 am Sunday, September 25, 2011 John & JoAnn Root 11:00 am Sunday, September 25, 2011 Randy & Cindy Duhon ~ Announcements / Anuncios ~ St. Mary’s Youth Group ...welcomes all to attend the St. Francis Mass 2011 Public Square October 5, 2011 @ 5:30 pm Celebrant: Fr. John Topel, S.J. Assisting: Deacon Bill Swanson “Rosary Rally” Saturday Oct. 15, 2011 12:00 @ St. James Cathedral Mass & blessing of animals held at Serendipity Farm in Quilcene , WA (Location to be at the Pastoral Outreach Center at 9th & Columbia) Please bring your favorite dish to share. Assembly time is 11:00 am @ Cathedral Hall. This Public Square Rosary, sponsored by America Needs Fatima, will be one of over 7,000 rallies that will take place across the U.S. on that day. The U.S. is in great need of public prayer, repentance and conversion—we are asking God to save America through the Rosary of His Most Holy Mother. Please join us in praying for our nation... MASS COUNTER VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR OCTOBER ~ We need volunteers to help record parishioner attendance at ALL the weekend masses in October (5:30pm, 8:15 am, 11:00 am) for the Archdiocese of Seattle tally. Volunteers will count attendance from the choir loft— please contact the office if you can help with this important task!! LOST KEY to Religious Ed Wing!! ~ The office is missing the key to the Religious Ed wing— it apparently was removed from the key ring. If anyone finds it, would you please drop it off at the office or put it into the collection basket!! Assistive Listening Devices NOW AVAILABLE for Mass ~ Do you have difficulty hearing? Please ask an usher for an Assistive Listening Device to help you hear during Mass. St. Mary’s Book Club ~ We will be meeting again on October 12th at 7 pm in the Rectory. We are reading the book Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream, by David Platt. The discussion leader will be JoAnne Zeller. THIS Sunday, Sept. 25 @ 9:30 am in the Parish Rectory Come and Join Us!! Will you be able to join us and other Catholics on that very important day? INFO/Contact: Legion of Mary: Bro. John (253) 922-7569 Servite Secular Order Priest to Speak at All Masses THIS Weekend ~ Fr. Vidal Martinez has come from Chicago to speak to us about starting a secular Servite Order at St. Mary’s—there will also be an informational meeting at 9:30 am in Classroom #3 this Sunday (9/25). Please come if you are interested and would like to learn more!! September PAX CHRISTI Meeting If you are a Catholic man 18 years or over, consider joining the Knights of Columbus’… Arthur L. “Sarge” Bryant Council 10532 ** Charity – Unity – Fraternity – Patriotism ** For info, call Grand Knight Al Standish at (360) 437-7789 Knights of Columbus’… Family Booster Membership Drive! The Booster Membership drive has begun for the 2011-2012 year. Membership is $25.00. The first membership drawing of $60.00 will be on October 16, 2011!! Attention! Harrison Hospital will no longer be giving Holy Trinity parish the names of patients that are in the Hospital (due to HIPAA laws). If you know someone who is in the hospital, or if you are going to Harrison yourself, please call the office here at (360) 385-3700 and we will contact Holy Trinity so that your loved one, or yourself, can receive communion and/or have the priest come and visit...
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First - St Mary Star of the Sea
Phone: (360) 385-3700
Fax: (360) 379-1989
Email: stmaryss@qwestoffice.net
Website: www.stmaryss.com
Office Hours / Horario:
Monday – Friday / lunes a viernes
9:00am to 4:00pm
Closed between 1-2pm
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Phone: (360) 385-3700
Fax: (360) 379-1989
Email: stmaryss@qwestoffice.net
Website: www.stmaryss.com
Office Hours / Horario:
Monday – Friday / lunes a viernes
9:00am to 4:00pm
Closed between 1-2pm