Here`s - Holy Rosary Academy


Here`s - Holy Rosary Academy
March 2015
192 Graylynn Dr.
Nashville, TN 37214
Nota Bene
Fr. Mark Hunt
Deacon Joe Coen
Deacon Wayne Gregory
Deacon Gil Huhlein
Deacon Mark White
Deacon Mike Wilkins
Mass Schedule
8:30 am & 11 am
We are now in the midst of the Lenten Season and my prayer and hope is that you
and your family are having a blessed and holy one. There are many ways to have a
blessed and holy Lent. We all know of the traditional ways: sacrifices and penances.
But there are other ways as well. Perhaps we could use Lent as an opportunity to
spend a little more time in prayer and contemplation. Maybe spend a little time in
study, like reading the bible or a biography of one of the saints, presently I am reading
a biography of Pope John XXIII by James Tobin. But there are many fine books out
there dealing with spiritual matters. One of my favorite authors is Henri Nouwen, who
was a priest and teacher who lived in a home for mentally challenged individuals
called Larche. His books deal with his experiences living in that home and how it
affected his relationship with God. Another way to experience a sacred Lent is to
attend daily mass. We have daily mass here at Holy Rosary Monday through Thursday
and Saturday at 8:00 AM. There is also a mass at 6 PM Monday and Wednesday.
Finally there is the Sacrament of Reconciliation. If you did not attend our parish
penance service on February 24, we have the sacrament offered every Saturday at
4 PM or you can call the office to set up an appointment with a priest.
1 pm in Spanish
Fr. Mark Hunt
8 am & 6 pm
8 am
Fridays during Lent
8 am & 6 pm
8 am
First Fridays
8 am
8 am & 5 pm
4-4:45 pm Saturdays
5:15 pm in the church
Led by:
March 6 - CCD Confirmation Class
March 13 - Ladies Guild
March 20 - Deacon Mark White
March 27 - John Tietjen RCIA
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Family Rosary
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
March 2015 Schedule
5:00 p.m. Mass
March 7
John & Regina Crouch family
Saturday 5:00 p.m
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
March 14
Mary Burke Kimball
Patty Neal
Kay Baker
Diane Davanport
March 21
Father Mark Hunt
Doris Painter
Lee Baker
Marie Lawrence
Jim Painter
Trey Benson
Eric Link
Bob Schwartz
Jessica Burns
Lisa Link
Nancy Schwartz
Debbie Machala
Jeanne Mullen
Bob Stall
Courtney Wolfe
Peter Weaver
March 28 Richard and Mary Kirk
8:30 a.m. Mass
March 1
Joan and Bill Tompkins
March 8
Roger and Jennifer Stewart
March 15
Bill and Ann Hosey
March 22 Ed and Emily Carr
March 29 Margaret and Alex Aton
11:00 a.m. Mass
March 1
Stephen Watson family
March 8
Mutford/Ducatman families
March 15
Harold and Sandra Miller
Altar Servers
March 2015 Schedule
Saturday 5:00 p.m
Sunday 8:30 a.m.
Sunday 11:00 a.m.
Drew Yanacek
Alison Eastwood
Jacob Ducatman
Claire Ritter
Conor McNamara
Mia Harris
Allison Sullenger
Stephen Smart
Zoe Harris
Riley Ward
McKenzie Sonnier
Elizabeth Pisarcyzk
Calendar of Events
March 22 Jan Stermin
March 4
Mary’s Stations in church 10 am
March 29 Brian Hock family
March 7
Rosary 4:40 pm
March 9
Parish Council meeting 7 pm
March 11
Rosary and Mary’s Stations after 8 am Mass
March 12
Knights of Columbus business meeting 7 pm
March 18
Mary’s Stations in church 10 am
March 19
Evening Angels 6:30 pm
March 25
Ladies Guild Meeting 9:30 am followed by
There will be a blood drive sponsored by the
American Red Cross at Holy Rosary Church on
Sunday, March 8th, from 8 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
in the Dining Hall
Sign-ups will be held in the vestibule after all
Masses on Saturday, February 28th, and
Sunday, March 1st. Walk-ins are always welcome
on the day of the blood drive.
Please consider being a blood donor!
Thank you for your support of the blood drives at
Holy Rosary!
Mary’s Stations in church office
April 1
Mary’s Stations in church 10 am
Every Tuesday
Legion of Mary 7 pm
Every Wednesday Choir Practice 6:45 pm
Every Wednesday & Friday AA meeting 8 pm
Special Collection:
March 15th : Catholic Relief Services
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By Chrissa Walsh
The Cherub, Joy and Youth Choirs have made quite an impact on the parishioners of Holy Rosary. I have had many
people ask when they were going to sing again! Here’s how we roll….the Cherub and Joy Choirs learn a new song, always
appropriate to the liturgical season, and rotate around the 3 Masses singing the Prelude. Once they finish their rotation,
they learn another song and the cycle repeats! Three out of 4 weeks of the month (barring crazy weather!) you will hear
one of the children’s choirs before 2 of the 3 weekend Masses. The Youth Choir sings every 3 rd Sunday at the 11:00
Mass and are the choir for that Mass. On occasion, they will sing for the 5:00 Mass.
The Youth Choir plays a special role. They are incorporating their talents into the liturgy and I am trying to develop
cantors from this group. It is very nerve-wracking for them, so please support them for having the courage to try and
share in the liturgy. The more they participate the more comfortable they will become. It is my goal to have more active
participation in these Masses. For those who do not want to sing in the choir or cantor, perhaps they would consider
lectoring, greeting the people, serving as ushers, etc. It is a work in progress and if there is interest, please contact me,
Chrissa Walsh, at 615-268-3959.
And finally, invite your friends to Mass, especially during Holy Week. Whether a fallen away Catholic, or someone without
a parish or church, the tradition of Holy Week, the beautiful Masses, the walk through Jesus’ last days, and his
triumphant resurrection, is a great time to renew faith and enjoy the hope of eternal life.
Blessings to you on your Lenten Journey.
Rebecca Sullivant, Holy Rosary Academy alumna, was recently selected for the prestigious
National Honors Choir! This choir only accepts 300 students and more than 10,000 students
auditioned! Rebecca will sing with the choir in a 4 day choral festival in Salt Lake City, Utah. She
has also been selected to participate in the All-State Choir since her sophomore year in high
school. She is currently a Senior at Hume-Fogg High School.
Rebecca's parents, Patti and Gary Sullivant, certainly must be proud of Rebecca and seem to
have fine-tuned parenting skills! Not only is Rebecca talented musically, she is a wonderful example of Catholic leadership
and service. Rebecca is immersed in her faith in a variety of ways. She has been a Holy Rosary Assistant CCD teacher for 3
years. She sings with the adult choirs at Holy Rosary Church and is also a wonderful cantor. Not only that, but she was a CYO
Charter Member, Catholic Youth Leadership Participant and part of the SEARCH Service Crew. In fact, Bill Staley from the
Catholic Youth Service office said Rebecca is the most articulate high school student he has ever met after reading a
reflection she wrote for a recent SEARCH weekend.
Rebecca has been described by many as a “singing angel” when they hear her cantor with the passion of God’s love. She is
always prompt, prepared, and ready to serve with grace and humility. Holy Rosary Church is grateful for your gifts and wishes
you continued success as you branch out into the world.
Ladies Guild
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by Diana Ryan
Keeping Up With Lent
The Ladies Guild keeps busy during Lent with the parish activities like Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 5:15 PM followed
by Mass, Fish Fry and Bingo at the KC. But they also pray "Stations of the Cross with Mary, The Mother of Jesus" during
Lent. Join us on these Wednesdays:
March 4th at 10:00 am Mary's Stations in the church
March 11th at the 8:00 am Mass, Rosary and then Mary's Stations
March 18th at 10:00 am Mary's Stations in the church
March 25th at 9:30 am for a meeting followed by Mary's Stations in the Church Office
April 1 at 10:00 am Mary's Stations in the church
The Ladies Guild will also lead the Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 13th at 5:15 pm.
On Wednesday, March 25th after the Ladies Guild Meeting and Mary's Stations, the Ladies Guild will prepare the palms for
Palm Sunday. All supplies will be provided, just come and strip palms and organize them for the liturgy on Palm Sunday.
Thank you.
As in years past, the Ladies Guild bought special gift bibles for the Confirmation Class. A burgundy Bible will go to each
Confirmand and, hopefully, be a lifelong companion. Confirmation is on Tuesday, April 24th at St. Stephen's at 7:00 PM.
All are encouraged to pray for these young people as they receive this important sacrament.
Nashville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Announces:
April 10-11, 2015 Nashville DCCW Convention Clarksville TN
DAUGHTERS OF GOD *** FULL OF GRACE for Registration Form and Information
Speakers: *Sister Mary Diana Dreger, MD "Faithful Women, Healthy Women"
*Cindy Hinton Church, Humorist "True Adventures of a Roman Catholic Living in the
Buckle of the Bible Belt"
Workshop: "Indentifying Your Story to Inspire, Motivate and Evangelize"
* Sheri Wohlfert, National Motivational Humorist "Living as a Daughter of God"
For more information, contact Diana Miller at or 615-260-7364.
Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, March 25th at 9:30 AM in the Church Office will be our monthly meeting. For more Ladies Guild information,
contact President, Ann Orscheln at 615-871-4015 or
Evening Angels
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by Judy Hollister
February, as it happens nearly every year, ends up with terrible weather and cancels our meeting. This February was no
exception. Sr. Ellen from Mercy Convent was to be our motivational speaker to start us out for Lent but the ice storm won.
Now we will have to reschedule Sr. Ellen for another time. Stay tuned.
The Evening Angels meet on the third Thursday of the month. Our next meeting is Thursday, March 19th at 6:30 PM in the
Church Office. If you are on your way home from work, bring a sack dinner and we will have a short "dinner time and
conversation" followed by a special program. Watch the Sunday Bulletin for details or call the Church Office at 615-889-4065
or email for more information.
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2015 Lenten Mass & Fish Fry Schedule
Mass 6:00 PM at K of C Clubhouse – 2300 Knights of Columbus Boulevard
Mass Celebrants:
March 6: Rev. Patrick Kibby – St. Stephen
March 13: Rev. Gervan Menezes – Father Ryan
March 20: Most Rev. David Choby
March 27: Rev. Michael Baltrus – St. Patrick (McEwen)
Dinner 7:00 PM
Fried Catfish Dinner ……………………………$8.50
All Dinners Include your choice of:
Fried Shrimp Dinner ……………………………$8.50
Cole Slaw, French Fries, White Beans,
Baked Red Snapper (with Wild Rice) **$9.25
and Hushpuppies
Child’s Fried Catfish Dinner ……………… $6.00
Child’s Fried Shrimp Dinner ……………… $6.00
Cheese Pizza (2 Slices) ………………………$5.00
Coffee, Tea, Lemonade
** - Please call ahead at 883-4972 to reserve
Bingo following Dinner
Food for Families:
Please consider assisting Council 4972 with a donation of a non-perishable food item when you attend our
celebrations. The donations will stay in our community to help those who most need our support. Our goal
this Lenten season is 1,000 pounds of food. Please be generous!
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Are you a Catholic man who would like to find a way to support and feel more connected to your Parish and Community?
Would you like the opportunity to connect with other men whom share your faith and values? Are you interested in
learning more about joining the Knights of Columbus but have concerns about money or time commitments? Are you a
former Brother Knight unsure about the best way to become active again?
On Tuesday, March 5th, the Knights of Columbus Council 4972 will be hosting an Information Night from 6:30 PM until
8 PM at the Council Hall (2300 Knights of Columbus Blvd, Nashville, TN). Membership in the Knights of Columbus is
open to all Catholic men age 18 and older. To learn more about what it is to be a member of this group of men called
"The Knights of Columbus", we invite you and your spouse to stop by, visit with us, and enjoy some free food. Current
Knights will be available to answer your questions and share their experiences.
We would love to have you as a Brother and hope to see you on March 5th.
House Votes on Fetal Pain Abortion Ban
by Peter Jesserer Smith, Washington Correspondent
National Catholic Register, January 25, 2015
On the day of the annual March for Life, hundreds of thousands descended on the nation's capitol to protest legal abortion. At
the same time the House of Representatives planned to vote on a bill that would ban abortion past 20 weeks based on fetal
pain. The legislation, co-sponsored by U.S. Rep Marsha Blackburn, would prohibit abortion based on scientific evidence
showing unborn babies are capable of feeling pain approximately 20 weeks post-fertilization, but with exceptions in cases of
rape, incest or physical life of the mother. The United States is one of the few remaining countries in the world that allows
abortion after 20 weeks.
Polls show public support for restricting abortion to 20 weeks, which the federal fetal-pain abortion ban would accomplish.
U.S. Rep Dan Lipinski, D-IL and co-chair of the House's bipartisan pro-life caucus, told the Register the bill would definitely
pass in the House.
The Senate is a different challenge where abortion supporting senators may attempt a filibuster. Regardless of what happens,
the fetal-pain abortion ban would draw out where senators stand on the life issues. Majority Leader McConnell states he plans
to run an open Senate where this type of bill will be brought up.
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Religious Education
By Kay Baker
RCIA participants attended the Rite of Election at St. Henry Church on February 22nd. Please continue your prayers for
them as they continue their journey.
CCD students Grades K-6 received "How Does God's Garden Grow" Lenten Calendars to guide them through this special
time of the year with spiritual activities.
Our Confirmation class will lead the Stations of the Cross at 5:15 on March 6th. They will also attend their Confirmation
Retreat along with the Academy students at St. Stephen on March 7th.
If you are interested in teaching CCD or would like to be a substitute for these classes which are held between the two
morning Masses from 9:45 - 10:45, please contact the church office or email
Small Faith Sharing Groups were scheduled to study "At Prayer with Mary"; however, a study guide has become available
for the book Father Mark presented parishioners with at Christmas, "The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic". Since the
book is fresh on our minds, this will be our study beginning the week of March 15th. Sign-ups will be the weekend of
March 1st for newcomers only. "At Prayer with Mary" will be studied at a later date.
Family Rosary sign-ups for the months of April, May and June will be held the weekend of March 21-22 after all Masses. It
is such a blessing and privilege to pray the rosary for our parish. This is a small commitment as it only takes about 20
minutes of your time one day out of the week. Please consider joining other parishioners who are faithful in this mission.
ALTAR SERVERS - We are in need of altar servers for 8:30 am Mass. We have many servers for 11 am Mass. If you would
like for your child to serve more frequently, please consider 8:30 am Mass and contact or call
the church office.
The cleaning and decorating of the Church for Easter will be on
Saturday, April 4th at 9:00 AM. All help is welcome! Lots of flowers to
water and set out, banners to be raised and general cleaning to be done
to prepare for the Easter liturgies. Come make the Church shine!
News From The Academy
Saturday, April 18, 2015 beginning at 6:00 p.m.
at the Knights of Columbus Club
Join us for the Holy Rosary Academy Home and
School Association’s Annual Spring Fundraiser!
Proceeds benefit the HVAC and Windows Project
For tickets visit the Academy website and click on the Denim
and Diamonds Ticket Link
Prayers for Priests and Religious of the Diocese of Nashville
March 2015
Lord Jesus, hear our prayer for the spiritual renewal of priests. We praise you for giving their ministry to the
Church. In these days renew them with the gifts of your Spirit.
You once opened the Scriptures to the disciples on the road to Emmaus. Now renew your ordained
ministers with the truth and power of your Word.
In the Eucharist you gave the Emmaus disciples renewed life and hope. Nourish priests with your own Body
and Blood. Help them to imitate in their lives the death and resurrection they celebrate at your altar.
Give priests enthusiasm for the Gospel, zeal for the salvation of all, courage in leadership, humility in
service, fellowship with one another and with all their brothers and sisters in You. For you love them, Lord Jesus.
And we love and pray for them in Your name.
If you would like a detailed calendar of Ordination anniversaries, birthday celebrations, and prayers for priests and religious, please pick up a
copy of this month’s calendar in the Church vestibule.
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Scouting News
By Michele Vetter
1. The Viking helmets are still available, but less than a dozen remain! Show your Viking spirit by purchasing your Viking
helmet today! All helmets are now only $10 each.
2. A big SCOUT SALUTE to Mr. Walsh, middle school history teacher at Holy Rosary Academy! Mr. Walsh generously took
time from his busy schedule to meet with the Boy Scouts to talk about the Constitution and responsibilities as an
American citizen. This completed a requirement necessary for rank advancement. Thank you, Mr. Walsh!!
3. Merit badge triple play– Troop 84 will be participating in a weekly merit badge program beginning in March that will
allow our Scouts to earn 3 Eagle required merit badges. They are on the way to becoming Holy Rosary’s first new Eagle
Scouts. The trail to Eagle is underway!
4. Troop 84 will be holding their Court of Honor in March. Due to inclement weather in February the Court of Honor had
to be postponed. Date and location to be announced.
5. Troop 84 will be visiting Climb Nashville in March. If you are interested in joining the fun or learning more about
Troop 84, please contact Scoutmaster Tom at 615-429-7652 or email
6. Camp Cards will be here in March and they are better than ever! In addition to saving supporters money all year long,
this year there are four $5.00 off specials. This will not only pay for the card, but save you an extra $15!! Remember
half of the purchase price goes directly to our Troop to help send our Scouts to camp. Please help support our Troop by
purchasing one or more Camp Cards! For information on how you can help support Holy Rosary’s Troop 84 by
purchasing Camp Cards please contact Michele Vetter at 615-400-7659 or email
7. The Catholic Committee on Scouting is looking for people to put our mission and vision to work helping minister to
our youth through Scouting. The committee meets once a month, every third Wednesday, at the Jet Potter Center
located on Hillsboro Road in Green Hills. Please visit our new website at
8. Are you interested in Scouting? Would you like to serve our youth in this all important ministry? We need you to help
our Scouts as they journey down the Scouting Trail. Whether you volunteer an hour each month or an hour a week, you
can help our Scouts and Holy Rosary to have one of the best Scouting programs around. We need you! Interested
individuals may contact either Scoutmaster Tom or Charter Organization Representative Michele Vetter to volunteer or
for further information.
Troop 84 
2014 First Recipient of the Nashville Diocese Quality Unit Award
“We must change boys from a ‘what can I get’ to a ‘what can I give’ attitude.” Lord Baden-Powell
Together Accomplishing Great Things and Moving Eighty-Fourward!!
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Scouting News
By Dan Solarz
Holy Rosary Cubscout Pack 84 held its annual Pinewood Derby on January 25 th, 2015. What a great day of racing it was
with over 50 cars entered, fun was had by all. Here are the winners from each den:
Web I:
Web II:
Best Design
1st Ian Sullivan,
1st Nate Hock
1st Jacob Sullivan
1st Mitchell Bennett
1st Malachi Renfroe
1st Ben Watson
Matthew Solarz
2nd Owen Taylor,
2nd Luke Robinson
2nd Mason Boles
2nd Ian Olascoaga
2nd Job Flores
2nd Sarah Franklin
3rd Nate Watson
3rd Evan Gorsline
3rd Nate Richardson
3rd Luke Wathen
3rd Cinjen Cadena
3rd Audrey Robinson
The following 6 scouts will represent Pack 84 at the Hermitage District Pinewood Derby on May 2 nd:
Jacob Sullivan, Nate Hock, Nate Watson, Luke Robinson, Ian Sullivan, Owen Taylor
CONGRATULATIONS to everyone! All the cars looked awesome!
Pack 84 was also busy during the last month with a couple of service projects to feed the hungry. The pack collected
$242 for Second Harvest Food Drive through the Ms. Cheap Penny Drive. In addition, the pack collected over 75 items
of food at the pinewood derby that was delivered to the Mt. Juliet Help Center for Scouting for Food drive. Great job
PACK 84 – way to help other people!
The Pack will celebrate the birthday of Scouting with a Blue & Gold banquet this month. Then we will begin to hike and
camp as we get into spring. If your son is interested in scouts and would like to check out what we do – please feel free
to contact us. Visit our website at for more information and contacts.
The deadline for the April Epistle is March 18th
To submit articles and/or photographs for inclusion in the Epistle, for questions regarding the content, or other publication
issues, please contact me via email:
Thank You, Erin Watson
190 Graylynn Dr.
Nashville, TN 37214
March 2015
Lenten Regulations For Fast and Abstinence
Fasting: All adults in good health from ages 18 to 60 are obliged to fast by
limiting themselves to one full meal and not more than two lighter meals in the
course of the day on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
Abstinence: All persons of the age of 14 years and older are obliged to abstain
from meat on Ash Wednesday, all Fridays during Lent, and Good Friday.