L ve Wednesday - Calvary United Methodist


L ve Wednesday - Calvary United Methodist
August 2014
All are invited for a Church Wide Camping Trip
August 22nd – August 24th with the annual Church Picnic
on Aug 23rd at 2:00 PM at Lake Robertson located at 106
Lake Robertson Drive in Lexington, VA. (540-463-4164).
Campers will be responsible for making their own reservations
– $30.00 per night for campers / $26.00 per night for tents /
Golden Age Card per night is $22.00. (1 camper and 1 tent is
allowed on 1 site, but not more than 6 people per site.) Each
camp site has a picnic table, fire ring, water and electric. There
is a bath house with showers, dressing room and laundry.
(check out the brochure on the bulletin board outside Pastor
Doug’s office).
Church Picnic: the picnic will start at 2:00 pm on Saturday. We will provide the Hot Dogs.
Please bring a side dish or dessert to share. Even if you are not camping, you are invited to join us for
fun and fellowship! We will be using the van to take those who just want to come for the day.
We will worship on Sunday morning and invite all the other campers to join us as we spread the
Love of God to others. The Shelter at Lake Robertson has been reserved for the whole day on Saturday,
August 23rd. Please come early and enjoy the Swimming Pool – (Children $2.50 / Adult $3.50),
Playground, Softball field, Tennis courts, Volley Ball Pit, Hiking Trails (10 miles), Fishing (26 acre lake
– must have fishing license and no gasoline motors allowed), boat rentals available , or
you can bring your own boat or kayak. Please contact Lisa Tyree – mltyree@verizon.net
Lve Wednesday
Our August Love Wednesday activity will be
to invite other campers from Lake Robertson
campgrounds to come and worship with us at 10
am on Sunday morning, August 24th.
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Calvary Courier
Dear Friends,
Our bishop, Young Jin Cho, has made a huge impact on the life of the
Virginia Annual Conference, encouraging us all, clergy and laity alike to be
more deliberate about our personal spiritual disciplines. Bishop Cho’s
faithfulness and encouragement has made a big difference for me. As the saying
goes, “I have upped my game!”
Here are some of my learnings through this process. After about a month,
when you have established a new habit of deliberate prayer and devotion, when you miss it, you really miss
it, at that point. One of my newer habits is to pray early in the morning as I go to the Y for my workout.
As a result of a busted finger, I skipped the Y yesterday and I found myself really missing the prayerful
communion with God in a way that I never had before.
Another thing that I have noticed is that as I pray, so often my prayer becomes more of a to-do-list,
seeking wisdom, insight and strength for those things on “my” list. One of the ways that I have begun to
counter that is to pray as I have heard others pray: “Lord, make me useful for you today” or to call to mind
“Wesley’s Covenant Prayer” that those who have taken Disciple will especially remember.
Along with that, I have noticed that for me so much of my prayer is focused on church life...more than
on my relationship with God. Thus, I make sure that I use hymns such as “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” as
part of my prayer for the day, giving praise and thanks to God. Or I, as the old song says to do, count my
blessings, count them one by one...and I reflect on how God has blessed me specifically in these ways.
There is more that I have learned through this process that I will share as time goes by, but that’s all for
now, except to say that I am so grateful for Bishop Cho’s leadership in this manner...and for the loving,
good folks of Calvary who have such a passion to care and to serve.
Believe it or not, it is time for us to think
about preparing for 2015, while at the same
time continuing our work together for 2014.
The Church Council did not meet in July and
will meet next on Thursday, September 11 at 7 pm.
At that time, we will spend time thinking, praying,
and visioning for the coming year and beyond. In
order to do that effectively, between now and that
date, all ministry committees will need to meet
and prepare preliminary plans and goals and
budgets for the coming year.
Make sure as you plan that you keep in mind our vision statement:
“Praising, Preparing, Providing,” as well as the Strategic Plan.
Bring those with you to the September 11 meeting to prime the pump for us to sense
God's vision for Calvary into the coming year. Once the Church Council meets, you may
need to adjust your primary goals and budgets.
All 2015 budgetary requests will need to be submitted to the Finance Committee by their
next meeting on Tuesday, September 24. Therefore, other administrative committees (StaffParish Relations Committee, Trustees, etc.) will need to meet by that date in preparation for
2015. This is the same process we followed last year, so that it should be familiar to you at
this point.
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Calvary Courier
Calvary UMC says "Welcome" like this: W E L C O M E !!! It has been
quite an experience so far coming into the Calvary family and being so warmly and
graciously welcomed. You have shown the love of Christ to me through greeting
cards, personal notes, pantry supplies, meals, grocery store gift cards, restaurant gift
cards, flowers, hugs, handshakes, smiles, meetings, putting me to work, letting me
work alongside you, a beautiful hand-made chalice, and continued courtesies. I
truly feel the love and am appreciative for every kindness shown.
As if the joyous welcome wasn’t enough, you continue to show me that
Calvary Love by the many expressions of sympathy in the death of my brother-inlove, Tony Macias. The family is grateful for the lovely flowers sent to the funeral home and truly
appreciated the gift of presence by Pastor Doug and Ron & Becky Johnson at the funeral. When I saw
them seated in one of the pews, all I could think of was, “They’re crazy, driving to Virginia Beach for
this, but they are here for me.” I felt the support of the entire congregation at that moment!.
Pastors are expected to write profound statements in articles like this, so bear with me while I
attempt to give you some “food for thought.” One word has been with me since I received this
appointment, and that is “potential.” Every beginning reminds me of the possibilities that lie ahead, and
it is easy to be overwhelmed. It has been said that the most difficult thing to possess is "potential." Each
of us has the potential to achieve great things for the kingdom of God. It is our responsibility as Christfollowers to be Christ-imitators, to utilize the gifts and graces given to each of us that are uniquely our
own, to be used for God's glory. It is exciting to anticipate the potential of Calvary UMC as we work
together to achieve ministry goals and grow individually as well as a community of faith.
The Monday morning Fall Reflections
(formerly Monday Morning Bible Study)
Study will kick off on September 8th at
10:00 am with “Getting Your Ducks in a
Row" and keeping them there with
information on wills, personal and medical
information for you and your family. Open
to all and bring a friend. Other topics to
include "In Sickness and Health,”
"Compassion Fatigue," and "PrayerThrough It All". For more information call
Edna Harris at 943-5336 or email ednaharris@ntelos.net .
All are invited to lunch at
the Wood Grill Restaurant in
Harrisonburg on Tuesday, August
26th. We will meet on the
parking lot at 10:30 am. Call
Treva Bradley at 337-3000 or the
church office to save your spot in the van.
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While our mission trips are
still ongoing, we are looking
at fundraising for Missions
2015. Mark your calendar for
dinner and a fun auction on
November 15th. The helping
hands of each member make
this a success. Start looking for new
or gently used items for the Silent
Auction. Do you have iris in your
garden? In the fall dig a bulb, put it
in small brown paper bag, label the
color and bring it for the auction.
There are already some gift
certificates and antiques for the
Auction. Word has it there is a quilt
being donated. While you are
canning, fix some extra jars for the
auction. For more information
contact Lisa Tyree, Scarlett Danraj or
Pastor Nancy.
Kathy Jenkins
Christopher Mahanes
Mike Pearson
Travis Fitzgerald
Richard Handley
JD Whitesell
Marjorie Lambert
Lorene Moss
Kyle Fainter
Cooper Pugh
Robert Bailey
Linda Warren
Coty Allen
Matt Howell
Lauren Campbell
Daniel Claytor
Ricky Lawhorn
Miranda Marks
Charity Preuss
Joseph Howell
Bonnie Baker
Lauren Farris
Judy Landes
Courtney Muncy
Austin Turner
Fred Fitzgerald Jr.
Adam Davis
Kimberly Mohler
Keith Marston
June Cohron
08/11 Robert Miller III
Peggy Batt
08/11 Lucas Herron
Beth Howard
08/12 Andrew Morris
David Campbell Jr 08/12 Sheila Goodberry
Nathaniel Wolters
08/12 Wayne McManama 08/23
Travis Callison
08/13 June Whitesell
Brandi Pulley
08/13 Teresa Lucas
Jason Sorrells
08/13 Emily Bane
Mark Tyree
08/14 John Bendler
Gary Whistleman
08/14 Brenda Downs
Carolyn Coop
08/15 Ann Forbes
Lindsay Davies
08/15 Jolie Thompson
Kristy McClain
08/15 Frank Lambert
Nell Lambert
08/16 Pauline Thomas
Gene Trantham
08/16 Cassie Farrish
Jay Ramsey
08/16 Penny Hartlaub
Jennifer Fitzgerald 08/16 Sydney Shuman
Pam Wilson
08/16 Steve Cash
Ann Beaty
08/18 Kent Burford
Leon Franklin Sr
.08/18 Buck Shirley
John Miller
08/18 Elizabeth Brady
Loren Brown
08/19 Erin Lowry
Debbie Harris
08/19 Janet Weller
Jonathan Saunders 08/19 Chastin Snead
Louise Crummett
08/20 Adara Ellis
Anderson Daniel II 08/20 Jeff Barnett Sr.
John Smith Sr.
08/21 Briana Wolters
Cole Fainter
08/21 Ella Sandridge
Susan Hicklin
Jimmy & Barbara Allen
Keith & Deb Marston
Bob & Marlene Walker
Michael & Lynn McClain
Gene & Marjorie Lambert
Charles & Phyllis Clark
Doug & Susan Simmers
Paul & Betty Patterson
Wayne & Cindy Tomlin
Larry & Wanda Gordon
Tony & JoAnn Estes
Gene & Susan Kane
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Sam & Celeste Robb
James & Della Taylor
Mike & Joyce Bateman
Dennis & Wanda Stepp
Blaine & Gloria Piper
Todd & Erica Morrison
Michael & Teresa Losh
Daniel & Angela Fernandez
Carey & Robin Swecker
D. W. & Ella Sandridge
David & Sarah Whitley
Calvary Youth and Young Adults — Shining Christ’s Light!
August– Let’s Mix it
Up Some …
August 3
No Youth– End of VBS Week!
August 6 Donuts and Devos in Draft for
Wonderful Wednesday. 9:30 am
August 10 Team Richmond will be
returning from their long weekend away.
No Sr. High Youth that night.
August 13 Surprise Wonderful Wednesday
at 1:00 pm.
Sr. High Young Adult Picnic
Join Ryan and Scarlett at their
house (51 Montgomery Avenue,
Staunton) on August 15th. Let’s
set some time aside to hang out
before the craziness of Fall descends upon us! Ryan will throw
meat on the grill at 6 and we have everything covered! You
don’t have to bring anything. Friends are welcome.
More than anything, we want you to know that we love you
and are blessed by having you all in our life and
as a part of our family.
Wonderful Wednesday–
August 17 School Year Kick Off–
August 6: Donuts and Devos in Draft: Meet at Donuts Delight in
Ridiculous games outside with Jesus time Draft for, well, donuts and devos together at 9:30 am. Bring friends
at the firepit. Come for the Word and a
if you’d like. Let Scarlett know if you need a ride!
wiener. 5-7:30 pm
August 13: Surprise Wonderful Wednesday: Come to church
August 22-24
Church-wide camping
trip! If you would like to go up for the
picnic on Saturday, talk to your families!
We can all meet in the parking lot at
church and carpool together because the
Danraj’s are going! Meet in the lot at 10
am. READ the front page of newsletter for
all details, please!
August 24 Team Atlanta Reunion Lunch
after the 11:00 am Service.
August 24 Regular Youth Night from 5-7.
Bring friends! :)
August 31 No Youth
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around 1 pm for an afternoon for fun...I’m
just not telling you what that fun is yet! :)
Bring $10...and a change of clothes…
Team Atlanta Reunion!
Come on out to the pavilion
after the 11:00 am service
on August 24 for lunch!
Bring pictures that you
would like to share. We are going to talk about the
impact that the trip had in our lives and share what
God is calling us to do with the experiences that he
blessed us with while there. Be ready to share, sing
and pray together as well as eat! Scarlett will provide
meat and drinks - please bring a dish to share with
Please take another look at the Meal Train website as it has been updated with
more dates for the fall. If there is no meal on a specific date, we will eat things from
the freezer until we run out...meals will be patched together as we need to watch
spending into the fall as the year comes to an end! Huge Thank Yous to all who have supported
meals throughout the year of 2014! You bless us - we hope we bless you as well!
Calvary Courier
A HUGE Thank You!
I would like to thank everyone who was involved with our recent Vacation Bible school–
WOW– Workshop of Wonders! Once again, it was a tremendous success. Thank
you to everyone who supported this ministry of Calvary, from your prayers and
snack donations to your time and energy in being here throughout the week!
Our community is blessed by such a lavish outpouring of LOVE.
Opportunities such as these help the children of God both young and old,
members of Calvary and folks who live around us in Stuarts Draft and
surrounding communities to experience the love of Christ. I ask that you
continue to pray for those who came to our spectacular
VBS. Please be in prayer over the relationships that were formed and the
outreach that will continue as a result. We were greatly blessed by meeting
many new neighbors and by continuing to love year after year sweet children
who come into our doors for just this one precious week each year!
Love Always!
Scarlett Danraj
Director of Ministries with Young People
Opportunities to Serve Christ through Children’s Ministry at Calvary UMC
We just celebrated over 100 kids in our midst for VBS week here at Calvary! It was a fabulous
week with children from throughout our community as well as children of Calvary. Mark 10:13-16
tells us of the children coming to Jesus so that he would place his hands on them and bless them.
Jesus tells us in this passage that we are all to welcome God’s kingdom like little children. Together
then, let’s welcome the Kingdom of God in Stuarts Draft like little children with joy and excitement
and energy. Let’s continue to love the children who God called to Calvary’s VBS through loving
them and out of our love of Christ. Here are ways that I would ask you to pray over serving Christ
through Calvary’s Children’s Ministry Program (CMP):
1. PRAY: Please pray for the children and their families, for the volunteers and the staff that
spend time preparing for and working with the children who come. Pray for God’s word to be made known, His love
to be expressed, and grace to be freely expressed.
2. Try out a First Serve Opportunity: We would ask that if you were blessed by your work with children through VBS
(because there were over 90 volunteers once again this year), to please consider a “First Serve Opportunity” through
Calvary’s CMP– Come once and experience Children’s Sunday School or other related Children’s Outreach with no
strings attached and see how it fits into serving Christ in your life. Talk with someone who is currently a volunteer in the
program and find out why they love serving Christ in this way. Talk to me about ways that this could become a part of
your life and relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. Get to know some of the children: I love getting mail in my mailbox. So do my children. So do all children. Get to
know one or two of the children at Calvary, or a child that you were touched by through VBS and made a connection
with. Get their address and send them a love note. Find out what their loves are– do they play in a summer baseball
league? Go to a game. Do they love to read? Talk about some of their favorite books. Spend time loving these children
because it is our responsibility in relationship with Christ that together as the body of Christ we work united to raise
them in God’s kingdom.
I feel truly blessed to be a part of a church that serves Christ through tremendous love poured out onto
God’s children of all ages through many different walks of life. I am excited to raise my own children in
this community of faith. Let’s continue to share Christ through loving the littlest of these!
Blessings ~ Scarlett Danraj
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Director of Ministries with Young People
Ushers (11:00)
August 3rd: Ernest & Jenny Riley
August 10th: Maxine McKinney, Faye Ambler
August 17th: Jason Sorrells, Dylon Sorrells
August 24th: Faye Ambler, Debbie Dameron
August 31st: Gene Weller, Charles Warner
Communion Servers (August 3rd )
Lay Readers
August 10th: Charles Warner (8:30)
Laura Doty (11:00)
August 24th: Bill Betlej (8:30)
Maxine McKinny(11:00)
8:30: Karen Clark & Jarod Sankar
11:00: Dennis & Wanda Stepp
Maxine McKinney, Amelia Fauber
Anna Betlej, Jaylen Simmons
Note: Please trade with
someone, and, then let the
office know if you are unable
to serve on your scheduled
date. Thanks!
Screen Operator - 11:00
03– Brian McGill
10– Jason Sorrells
17– Sarah Hutchinson
24– Karl Hutchinson
31- Jaylen Simmons
9:45 am Sunday School
02- “The Connection-Big Event”
05- CWS Board Meeting - 7 pm
07-10 Middle School Mission
to Richmond
12- Finance Committee - 7 pm
14- Life Line Screening - 9 am
14- Staff Parish - 7 pm
15- Senior High/Young Adult Picnic
17- Adult Mission Team Informational
meeting - 5 pm
18- Augusta County Schools Start
21- UM Men’s Supper/Meeting -7 pm
21- Women’s Book Club - 6:30 pm
22-24- Church Camping Trip and Picnic
24- Team Atlanta Reunion Lunch - Noon
24- New Member Exploration - 5 pm
23- Church Picnic - 2 pm
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26- Lunch Bunch to Wood Grill
03– Jean Crummett
10– Jean Crummett
17– still needed
24– still needed
31- still needed
8:30 am Worship
03– still needed
10– Heather Eavers
17– Heather Eavers
24– Anescia Simpson
31- Anescia Simpson
Infant Nursery
Birth -2 yrs. Upstairs
Toddler Nursery
2 - 4 yrs. Downstairs
11:00 am Worship
03– Mindy Reid
10– still needed
17– Lauren Sandercock
24– still needed
31- Chuck Hutchinson
03– Elizabeth Henkel & BJ Reid
13– Elizabeth Henkel & Laura Doty
17– Elizabeth Henkel & Dan Powers
24– Elizabeth Henkel & Karen Winkler
31- still needed
Women's’ Ministries will continue our Book
Study with reading Mary Called Magdalene by
Margaret George. This book is a vivid re-creation of
Mary Magdalene’s life story as she moves from
girlhood to womanhood. We will meet at Delphia
Neil’s House on Thursday, August 21st at 6:30 for
light refreshments, fellowship and discussion. Books
will be available on Sundays for $12. If you have
any questions please talk to Gail Paysour.
The Society of St. Andrew
is a ministry dedicated to
hunger relief through
practical actions. They
sponsor many gleaning
projects in which food that
would be thrown away for
cosmetic reasons is gathered
and given to hunger
On Saturday, October 4th,
Calvary will host a Potato
Drop!! We, through the
Society of St. Andrew
(SOSA), will be receiving
around 45,000 pounds of
potatoes that will be sorted,
bagged and redistributed, as
part of SOSA’s gleaning
project. Calvary will be able
to keep as many potatoes for
our Food Pantry as we can
give out. The rest will go to
other local agencies that
distribute food. We will need
many hands to go through the
potatoes and take out the bad
ones and re-bag for use. Watch
for more details to come as the
date draws near.
This will be our Mission of
the Month for August with a
goal of raising $2,500 to
support the cost of SOSA in
providing food to our area.
Talk to Lisa Tyree or Pastor
Nancy for more information.
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Join us for a new Beth Moore Bible
Study beginning Monday, September
8th, at 6 pm in the Resource Room.
"David, Seeking a Heart Like His" is
a twelve week study. We will explore
how David's life proves the promise
that God will never give up on you. If
you've ever experienced doubts,
temptations, losses, family problems, or
personal inconsistencies, this study is for you! Please
contact Amelia Fauber at 337-1646 for more information.
Plans are in the works for a fall mission trip to
Crisfield, Maryland October 15-19. We will meet
to talk about all the arrangements at 5:00 pm on
Sunday, August 17th. Pray hard about whether God
is calling you to serve in this capacity! For more info please
talk to the Team Leader Jeff Kiser!
Calvary Weekday School students and
staff, will start their new school year on
Wednesday, September 3rd. There are still
spaces available in the three and four year
olds class. For more information talk to
Celeste Robb at 540-294-0057 or send an
email to; cwsstuartsdraft@gmail.com
Join family and friends at Calvary on
Saturday, September 6th from 3 - 7:30 pm
when we will celebrate our thirteenth
annual Lawn Party (rain or shine). Come
for an afternoon of fellowship, fun
(including yard games), good food, and
great music by Steve Losh, Blue
Mountain Sunrise, South Bound Trio
and Faithful Men. It takes lots of help to
get ready! We need people willing to come
in the morning and help set up the tents,
tables and chairs, to make homemade ice cream, serve food,
and more. Youth are needed for face painting and selling
drinks. Adults are needed to monitor the playground moon
bounce. So, bring your blankets and lawn chairs, and plan to
spend the afternoon here at Calvary, eating, listening to
great music, and catching up with family and friends.
Watch for more information coming soon!
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Join us at 8:30 & 11:00 am
worship on August 10th for a
special musical service. Brent
Pirkey is a very popular southern
gospel singer and pianist from
Waynesboro. He will make our
piano rock! This will be an AllMusic Sunday. A great
opportunity to invite a friend.
Come and be Blessed!
Make a joyful noise to the
Lord, all the earth; break forth
into joyous song and sing praises!
Psalm 98:1