Bolivar City Fire Department
Bolivar City Fire Department
CITY OF BOLIVAR REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING PROPOSED AGENDA Bolivar City Hall April 9th, 2013 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PRAYER – T B D PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE – Alderman Julie Bond MOTION TO ADOPT AGENDA 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – March 7th Special Council Meeting and April 4th Regular Election Meeting. ELECTION BUSINESS Election Certificate Oath of Office- Elected Officials Appointment and Oath of Office- Appointed Officials: City Attorney Assistant City Attorneys City Treasurer Police Chief Municipal Judge Election of President of the Board of Aldermen Election of Alderman Member to Planning and Zoning Commission 2. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT a. City Clerk Report b. Director of Public Works Report c. Fire Reports d. Police Reports CITIZENS REQUESTS 3. Special Event Permit – Esquire 15th Anniversary Block Party 4. Special Event Permit – Reckless Sports ‘Hall Softball Practice 5. Special Event Permit – SBU PT Softball Tournament Page 1 of 2 6. Special Event Permit – Leadership Bolivar Bike Ride NEW BUSINESS 7. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Contract – Lift Station Generators and Installation 8. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Contract – Well Pump Repair and Lowering 9. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Burn Ordinance Revisions o Current Ordinance o Mutual Aid Map 10. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Mutual Aid Agreement – Central Polk Co Fire & Rescue 11. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Mutual Aid Agreement – Dunnegan Rural Fire Dept 12. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Mutual Aid Agreement – Fair Play Fire Dept 13. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Mutual Aid Agreement – Halfway Fire & Rescue 14. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Mutual Aid Agreement – Humansville Fire & Rescue 15. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Mutual Aid Agreement – Morrisville Fire & Rescue 16. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Mutual Aid Agreement – Pleasant Hope Fire Protection District 17. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Mutual Aid Agreement – Polk Rural Fire Dept 18. BILL NO. __________ ORDINANCE NO. __________ Mutual Aid Agreement – Prairie Grove Fire Dept 19. Calendar of Events Next Regular Session Council Meeting is scheduled for May 14th, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURN If you have a need for special accommodations, please contact the City Clerk’s Office 24 hours prior to this meeting Posted: 04/08/13 4:00 pm Page 2 of 2 CITY OF BOLIVAR SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING DRAFT MINUTES March 7th, 2013 Present: Mayor John Best, Aldermen Vicky Routh, Terry Cornell, John Credille, Steve Skopec, Chris Warwick, and Darren Crowder; City Administrator Darin Chappell, City Clerk Kimberly Strader, Deputy Clerk Sarah Honey, EM Director Brent Watkins, Assistant City Attorney Justin Stanek, and Matt Barba. Absent: Alderman Arleen Ferguson Call to Order: Mayor Best called the meeting to order at 12:01 p.m. Lease Option Review/Approval: Alderman Credille made a motion to table this item until the March 12th meeting; Alderman Crowder seconded the motion, which carried with all ayes. Windstream Internet Upgrads: Alderman Crowder made a motion to table this item until the March 12th meeting; Alderman Warwick seconded the motion, which carried with seven ayes. Executive Session: Alderman Credille made a motion to adjourn to Executive Session pursuant to RSMo. 610.021(1) Legal Actions, causes of action or litigation; RSMo 610.021(3) Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees; and RSMo 610.021(13) Individually identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees or applicants for employment. Alderman Warwick seconded the motion and the Clerk called the Roll: Ayes: Aldermen Bond, Routh, Crowder, Credille, Warwick, Cornell and Skopec Nays: None Absent: Alderman Ferguson The Special Council Meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 12:55 p.m. The Executive Session adjourned back to the Special Council Meeting at 1:35 p.m. with the following action reported: Alderman Credille made a motion to have the letters drafted for former employees Dusty Ross and Jamie Sharp available for execution a the March 12th, 2013 Regular Council Meeting with certified mailing through the USPS. Alderman Cornell seconded the motion. The Clerk called the Roll: Ayes: Alderman Credille, Crowder, Cornell, Warwick and Routh Nays: Alderman Bond and Skopec Absent: Alderman Ferguson Special Council Meeting, March 7, 2013 – Pg. 1 Adjournment: Alderman Cornell made a motion to adjourn. Alderman Crowder seconded the motion, which carried with seven ayes. The meeting adjourned at 1:12 p.m. ________________________________ John F. Best, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Kimberly Strader, City Clerk Special Council Meeting, March 7, 2013 – Pg. 2 CITY OF BOLIVAR REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING DRAFT MINUTES April 4th, 2013 Present: Mayor John Best, Aldermen Terry Cornell, Steve Skopec, John Credille, Arleen Ferguson, Darren Crowder, Chris Warwick, and Vicky Routh; City Administrator Darin Chappell, City Clerk Kimberly Strader, and City Attorney Donald Brown; Tracy Slagle, Seth Crites, Jerry Hamby, James Bradshaw, James Ludden, Larry Ferguson, John George, Charles Mashburn, Ethel Mae Tennis, Gretchen Combs, and Matt Barba. Absent: Alderman Julie Bond Call to Order: Mayor Best called the Regular Council Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Prayer: Rick Lewis Pledge of Allegiance: Alderman Credille Adopt the Agenda: Alderman Crowder made a motion to adopt the agenda with the amendment to remove the item Election Business. Alderman Warwick seconded the motion, which carried with seven ayes. Approval of the Minutes: Alderman Credille made a motion to approve March 7th Executive Session; and March 12th Work Session, Regular Council Meeting & Executive Session; Alderman Skopec seconded the motion, which carried with seven ayes. Bills for Payment: Alderman Skopec made a motion to approve the bills for payment. Alderman Warwick seconded the motion, which carried with seven ayes. Financial Reports: Alderman Credille made a motion to approve the financial reports. Alderman Cornell seconded the motion, which carried with seven ayes. Adjournment: Alderman Credille made a motion to adjourn to April 9th, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. Alderman Warwick seconded the motion, which carried with seven ayes. There will not be a Work Session on April 9th, 2013. Meeting adjourned at 7:09 p.m. _________________________________ John F. Best, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________________ Kimberly Strader, City Clerk Regular Council Meeting, April 4, 2013- Pg. 1 City Administrator’s Report – 4-9-2013 City Staff has been exceptionally busy with multifaceted responsibilities, including the following: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT Appendix: 1. Fuel Sales 2. Hangar Status 3. YMCA Statistics (Not available at this time) Street Department Installed Lilly Pad at Bolivar Aquatics Center Concrete was poured to repair areas dug up for water/sewer repairs Pot holes were patched in various areas Reset numerous road signs due to wind damage Base rock and road rock was hauled for future jobs during the year Sewer Department Continued jetting and cleaning sewer mains around town Repairs were made to video cameras for sewer line jetting Two (2) manhole were repaired Assisted the street crew with snow removal Planned for future sewer jetting of sewer lines in various areas Water Department Replaced a water main on Morrisville Rd Installation of a few water meters was done Various water hydrants were flushed Parks & Cemetery Department Prepared for spring with additional routine maintenance on the mowers Soccer fields were mowed Spraying for weeds was performed at the parks, ball fields, and cemetery Maintenance on graves due to rain fall and removal of debris was completed Assisted in relocation of offices from City Hall Assisted street crew with preparation of snow removal WWTP The UV project progressed as hoped. The wet weather conditions have made it difficult to proceed, but not impossible. Airport Operations: Concerning the day-to-day activities S.O.A.R. logged 37.75 hours (projected) for the month of March. A detailed timesheet has been turned in to the City Clerk. Airfield Inspections: S.O.A.R. has conducted routine airfield inspections on a daily basis and has not discovered any major problems. “Notices to Airmen” (NOTAMS) were filed in the month of March for the snowfall and ice received that impacted field conditions. Hangars: No major issue with the hangars during the month of March. One new hangar was rented during March and one was vacated at the end of the month. Fuel System: Still have a minor open ticket with Fuel Master to determine if there is something proactive we can be doing to prevent hiccups with the Fuel Master system. We have had a few follow-up calls with Fuel Master concerning the Fuel Shut-Off Switch. No customer issues were reported during March. Fuel Sales: S.O.A.R. generated March fuel invoice statements from the Fuel Master software and submitted to City Hall to send out fuel customer invoices. On March 27th the 100 LL Pump price was raised from $5.37 to $5.75 to cover the rising fuel costs. Fuel sales are up for 100 LL and down for Jet A (most likely because of the weather). Summary fuel sales information for March (through March 26th) is included in Appendix 1. Wildlife: Continued sightings of deer and turkey continue. To our knowledge, no arrangements have been made for hunting on the airport property. Discussions have started as to whether more aggressive means of control are necessary to insure safety of aircraft. Airport Projects: No current projects are scheduled. Discussions have started regarding money available through MoDOT for 2013. City Engineer The following is a review of the work performed by Olsson Associates during the past month (March 1, 2013 to March 28, 2013) on projects for the City of Bolivar. Descriptions are arranged by project title and/or task. PUBLIC WORKS (100) Task 105 services. Miscellaneous Engineering Services – Developed summary of engineering WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT DISINFECTION Task 400101 Construction Administration Phase – Reviewed shop drawings, met with Sieu Dang (MDNR) during construction observation visit, discussions with Tim Hancock, coordination of shop drawings, project progress review, performed construction observation, coordination with Contractor and DNR, reviewed and approved pump resubmittal, discussion with Tim Hancock on end of week progress, developed email to Darin Chappell on project progress, discussion with Robert Brundage, emails to Robert Brundage, forwarded copy of payment request to Kimberly Strader, attended progress meeting, performed construction observation visit, discussions with Robert Brundage and Sieu Dang (MDNR) on permit modification application, filled out permit application and forwarded permit to Darin Chappell for City execution, delivered Contractor Payment Request 3 to Kimberly Strader, performed construction observation visit for verification of placement of UV structure in-service, discussion with Jerry Hamby on permit modification application and delivered executed application (with fee) to Sieu Dang, MDNR. SIDEWALK PHASE 3 – DESIGN & BIDDING Task 200104 Bidding and Construction –Discussions with Jerry Hamby concerning railing and punch list items, coordination of final punch list items and coordination of final project steps. FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT Events: 1. The Bolivar Public Schools SPED (Special Education Department) students visited Station 1 for a public education event and had nearly 20 students and staff in attendance. This was a fire safety education & station tour specifically tailored to reinforcing and teaching students with special needs and was a great success. 2. The fire mutual aid agreements were reviewed and revised for council approval, along with the city burn ordinance policies. 3. For the first time in several years, not only is the roster very high, but ALL BCFD responders are medically trained and certified to least the minimum of level of Medical First Responder. This is the first time in known history that this has ever been accomplished at BCFD. 4. The FD created a new performance evaluation process and had all of career staff had their semi-annual performance evaluations performed. 5. BCFD assisted with the building inspection department in the final fire alarm inspection at Wal-Mart for their remodel. 6. James Ludden, Brent Watkins, & Theron Becker attended the MOSCAP radio grant meeting to begin the grant application process for additional equipment to support our city interoperability with outside emergency agencies. 7. BCFD assisted MDA fundraising efforts in the annual Lock Up event. 8. BCFD worked with several different agencies including Polk County Dispatch & Bolivar Public Schools to repair all of the city storm sirens, which are all operational at this time and can be activated by Polk County Dispatch. 9. BCFD & SBU Collaborate in Training for Campus Fire Safety by attending a two day course "Firewise Campus", fully funded by a FEMA grant, to collaborate and create a campus fire safety program. This class provided a multitude of resources and reviewed the planning processes needed to create a culture of fire safety with university students & staff and continued to build the relationships and cooperation with the Bolivar City Fire Department & Southwest Baptist University! Attendees included Zeke Clawson, Brent Watkins, & James Ludden Station Status: 1. Due to the relocation of city hall employees, BCFD has remodeled the office and training room areas to create more efficient work space and create additional workspace as well. Due to this remodel we have added approximately 3 addition work spaces. 2. There is a significant leak in the roof at Station 1, we have met with the Garland Company to address this issue and create a plan to fix the roof. 3. Continuing to work at Station 2 to secure the premises, the new dead bolt locks have been installed and the security system is still being installed. Training: -This month’s departmental training consisted of Class Room Lecture & practical evolution training for Rapid Intervention Team (RIT). This training is aimed to teach fire fighters techniques to save downed fire fighters and other emergency personnel. The 2nd Thursday training was a class room lecture / roundtable regarding Ethics & Mandated Reporting. The County wide Co-Departmental Training was hosted to be hosted by BCFD but was cancelled due to the snow and road conditions - James Ludden attended Decision Making for the Initial Company Officer, a Missouri University accredited class, held by the Springfield Fire Department. In addition to the actual class he had the opportunity to meet with many of the Springfield Fire Department Officers including Chief Hall to begin building relationships with their department and create more training opportunities for BCFD in the future. Response Synopsys: Calls within the city from 2/20/12 – 1/19/13 were covered with a total of 79 calls. These included Medical Emergencies including Motor Vehicle Accidents (60 Total), Structure, Wild land, Vehicle, HazMat and other fire related calls (14 Total). Apparatus: Much needed repairs to our current apparatus have been performed; these include but are not limited to the following: 1. B-22 is in the process of being repaired and outfitted for a bumper sprayer to assist with brush fires for the coming season. 2. L-13 had an air leak that was repaired by Taylor Trotter, Maintenance Director for the department, that prevented the brakes from functioning. At this time the air leak has been repaired and the brakes are again functional. 3. L-13 was found that the cable loom that runs to the platform that was replaced last year is again being damaged. We are in the process of talking with Johns Fire Apparatus to find the cause of this issue as it was just repaired and while the apparatus is out of service perform the additional budgeted repairs that are needed including the second wire loom replacement and the leaking seals on the piped waterway to the platform. Personnel: BCFD has again had a few applications taken and; these additions are listed below along with promotions and resignations: 1. Brad Conard resigned from volunteer service as he is relocating to Springfield. Brad has been a volunteer with the department for 12 years and it is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye! POLICE REPORT Appendix: 4. Statistical Reports Much of staff time this month has been focused on the upcoming move. Determining what can and can’t be moved and establishing a timeline for the transition is a work in progress. Working with the school system we are establishing a process for identifying the next School Resource Officer. The new SRO will replace Officer Brandon Toler who was promoted to corporal in December 2012. Cpl. Toler will return to patrol operations. The complete review and updating of all department policies continues with the creation, review and discussion of each policy necessary prior to being posted. A new format for capturing patrol activities has been developed. A copy was distributed with the council packets. CITY CLERK’S REPORT Appendix: 5. Sales Tax Report 6. Animal Pound Report 7. Year-to-Date Building Permit Report (Not available at this time) 8. Monthly Building Inspection Report (Not available at this time) 9. Monthly Code Enforcement Report (Not available at this time) The Clerk’s Office has continued working with the State Auditors to get all information requested as well as a wide variety of other organizational tasks in conjunction with relocation of offices. Please feel free to call, stop by or schedule an appointment anytime. Municipal Court Per Case/Summons Court Fee Training Fund - City Training Fund - State Crime Victim - City Crime Victim - State Domestic Violence Inmate Security Total Court Costs $12.00 $2.00 $1.00 $0.37 $7.13 $2.00 $2.00 $26.50 City of Bolivar Revenue TFC City of Bolivar TFS MO Dept of Public Safety Court fines/fees- City of Bolivar MO Dept of Revenue Polk Co House of Hope Polk Co Treasurer Total Collected Other (Board Bills, DWI Recover Fee, Restitution) Parking Ticket Revenue Bond Forfeiture Fines Collected Total Monies Collected Warrants Issued Warrants Executed Prosecuting Attorney Appendix: 10. Monthly/Yearly Court Report ADMINISTRATION Report to be given verbally by City Administrator Darin Chappell. MARCH $980.50 $168.50 $83.50 $30.71 $591.79 $170.00 $170.00 $2,195.00 $800.00 $91.00 $675.00 $9,448.50 $13,209.50 31 43 Bolivar Municipal Airport Bolivar, MO. 65613 FUELMASTER TRANSACTION LISTING TRANSACTIONS LISTED BY SITE ID From Date: 3/1/2013 Time: 12:00:00AM To Date: 3/27/2013 Time: 9:48:59AM Page 1 of 1 Print Date: 3/27/2013 Time: 9:50:09AM Transactions for SITE ID: 0001 Bolivar Municipal Airport Quantity Summary for SITE ID : 0001 Total for 102 transactions 3,513.70 Product Summary for all Transactions Product 1 Product 2 Description AVGAS 100LL Description JetA Total Product Summary: Transactions 69 Transactions Quantity 1,502.15 GL Quantity 33 2,011.55 GL 102 3,513.70 Hangar Tenant Listing New Transfer Final Month Mar-13 Feb-13 Mar-12 Hangar # 1 FRANK TRAINER FRANK TRAINER FRANK TRAINER 2 COLLIN K CAMPBELL COLLIN K CAMPBELL COLLIN K CAMPBELL 3 TODD SHIELDS TODD SHIELDS TODD SHIELDS 4 JIM SHAWLY JIM SHAWLY JIM SHAWLY 5 SALIM RAHMAN SALIM RAHMAN ROB PARSONS 6 JOSEPH HORNER JOSEPH HORNER 11 DENNIS CLEVELAND (Affordable) DENNIS CLEVELAND (Affordable) 12 DENNIS CLEVELAND (Affordable) DENNIS CLEVELAND (Affordable) DENNIS CLEVELAND 13 PHILLIP HARPER PHILLIP HARPER PHILLIP HARPER 14 DENNIS CLEVELAND (Affordable) DENNIS CLEVELAND (Affordable) DARRELL HARRIS 15 JOSEPH BORUP JOSEPH BORUP 16 GENE ENGLEDOW GENE ENGLEDOW 17 ROBERT WHEELER ROBERT WHEELER 20 CHARLES COMBS CHARLES COMBS CHARLES COMBS 21 DAVE STRADER DAVE STRADER DAVE STRADER 22 ED PYATT ED PYATT ED PYATT 23 TERRY JACKSON TERRY JACKSON TERRY JACKSON 7 8 9 10 18 19 Hangar Tenant Listing New Transfer Final Month Mar-13 Feb-13 Mar-12 Hangar # 24 PETER MOSCA PETER MOSCA PETER MOSCA 25 KELVIN VAN OSDOL KELVIN VAN OSDOL KELVIN VAN OSDOL 26 STEVE HOLDEN STEVE HOLDEN STEVE HOLDEN 27 BIPIN PATEL BIPIN PATEL 28 DON CUTLER 29 KEITH SMALL KEITH SMALL 30 ALAN ROBERTS ALAN ROBERTS 31 WILLIAM H CHEEK WILLIAM H CHEEK 32 ANDY SPEAR ANDY SPEAR 33 KELLY GRANT KELLY GRANT 34 WILLIAM COLLINS WILLIAM COLLINS WILLIAM COLLINS 35 BUFFALO FLYING CLUB BUFFALO FLYING CLUB BUFFALO FLYING CLUB 36 DANIEL WEBER DANIEL WEBER DANIEL WEBER 37 BILL GRANT FORD BILL GRANT FORD 38 HARVEY KAUDLE HARVEY KAUDLE HARVEY KAUDLE 39 DARYL CHRISTENSEN DARYL CHRISTENSEN DARYL CHRISTENSEN 40 DARYL CHRISTENSEN DARYL CHRISTENSEN DARYL CHRISTENSEN 41 417 SKY SPORTS 417 SKY SPORTS 42 TERRY WENDT TERRY WENDT 44 45 TERRY WENDT C STEVE PATTON JEFFREY SMALL JEFFREY SMALL 417 SKY SPORTS 417 SKY SPORTS 46 47 WILLIAM H CHEEK MARK MOLDEN Hangar Tenant Listing New Transfer Final Month Mar-13 Feb-13 Mar-12 Hangar # 154 ST JOHN'S HEALTH SYSTEM ST JOHN'S HEALTH SYSTEM ST JOHN'S HEALTH SYSTEM 155 MO STATE HIGHWAY PATROL MO STATE HIGHWAY PATROL 156 S.O.A.R. S.O.A.R. ANDY SPEAR 157 LUCAS OIL LUCAS OIL LUCAS OIL 201 SOME BEECH, LLC SOME BEECH, LLC SOME BEECH, LLC 202 QUARLES SUPPLY CO QUARLES SUPPLY CO QUARLES SUPPLY CO 203 DON BAKER DON BAKER DON BAKER 204 REX WARREN REX WARREN REX WARREN 205 JACK REYNOLDS JACK REYNOLDS BOYER'S TELCOM SERVICE, INC 206 417 SKYDIVE LLC 417 SKYDIVE LLC 417 SKYDIVE LLC 2013 BPD Quarterly Stats Parking Complaints Property Damage Calls Road Hazard Calls Run-away Juvenile Run-away Mentally Challenged Shoplifting Shot-Heard Calls Slide-offs Stolen Property Stolen Vehicles Suicidal Subjects Suspicious Activities Suspicious Odors Suspicious Persons Suspicious Vehicles Thefts Threats Trespassing Vandalism Warrants Well-being Checks Hang-up Calls 96-hr. Holds Abandoned Vehicles Accidents Alarms Assaults Assist Other Agencies Burglaries Careless & Imprudent Child Custodies Child Endangerments Controlled Substance Death Calls Disturbance Domestic Drive-offs Exparte Violation Extraditions Fight Calls Jan. Feb. March 5 6 9 2 1 6 2 1 2 4 3 12 4 18 8 1 1 5 13 6 31 6 2 3 28 25 4 9 13 14 1 2 2 2 31 4 6 1 4 4 4 2 10 2 1 6 2 4 1 0 0 2 0 17 6 3 3 5 5 4 15 2 0 3 21 22 1 3 7 11 0 2 3 0 34 6 3 0 1 1 6 2 0 4 1 6 3 2 0 0 0 9 2 13 12 2 2 3 5 7 14 5 0 1 19 23 1 7 5 8 1 0 1 0 18 7 3 0 2 3 Totals 15 10 19 8 3 18 7 7 3 4 3 23 6 48 26 6 6 13 23 17 60 13 2 7 68 70 6 19 25 33 2 4 6 2 83 17 12 1 7 8 Jan. Feb. Mar. Totals Found Property Fraud Calls Harassment Calls Information Calls Intoxicated Drivers Juveniel Complaints Lost Property Medical Calls Missing Juveniles Motorist Assist 10 3 1 30 1 6 1 15 1 11 5 0 2 35 2 6 2 17 0 12 2 4 2 34 3 11 1 0 0 0 17 7 5 99 6 23 4 32 1 23 Totals 380 293 254 927 CITY OF BOLIVAR SALES TAX GENERAL TAX (200) 2008 Totals Jan Feb Mar 458,191.78 Apr May Jun 431,364.17 Jul Aug Sep 454,427.24 Oct Nov Dec 395,445.20 1,739,428.39 2012 144,487.96 124,837.78 159,000.87 158,028.86 94,311.11 177,130.41 147,891.99 110,210.32 173,628.14 141,688.71 98,502.37 166,462.04 1,696,180.56 Qtr Totals FIRE TAX (222) 2008 Totals Jan Feb Mar 106,550.01 Apr May Jun 100,406.85 Jul Aug Sep 109,515.39 Oct Nov Dec 93,813.03 410,285.28 2012 34,335.33 30,629.73 34,736.31 36,015.35 25,286.71 41,520.84 35,703.33 27,258.01 40,689.77 33,329.55 24,495.03 39,697.05 403,697.01 Qtr Totals CAP IMP TAX (204) 2008 Totals Jan Feb Mar 228,965.19 Apr May Jun 215,458.72 Jul Aug Sep 227,213.25 Oct Nov Dec 197,722.93 869,360.09 2012 72,236.04 62,410.77 79,492.34 79,006.48 47,146.83 88,557.41 73,938.28 55,097.09 86,806.39 70,836.55 49,243.25 83,223.23 847,994.66 Qtr Totals 428,326.61 429,470.38 431,730.45 406,653.12 99,701.37 102,822.90 103,651.11 97,521.63 214,139.15 214,710.72 215,841.76 203,303.03 % Inc -5.19 -0.73 25.39 0.02 -20.67 3.06 -3.86 6.49 -2.27 -0.42 -9.94 0.09 % Inc -6.63 3.21 21.11 6.72 -11.58 4.73 -3.94 7.97 -1.96 -0.56 -9.15 3.93 % Inc -5.20 -0.74 25.38 0.02 -20.68 3.06 -3.86 6.50 -2.27 -0.42 -9.94 0.09 5.77 2013 139,587.40 134,702.78 147,407.54 Qtr Totals 421,697.72 -4.30 0.00 -0.75 0.00 0.00 -0.62 421,697.72 4.80 2013 32,362.53 33,263.72 34,645.19 Qtr Totals 100,271.44 0.82 0.00 -0.25 0.00 0.00 1.00 100,271.44 5.76 2013 69,785.59 67,330.41 73,637.36 Qtr Totals 210,753.36 -4.30 0.00 -0.75 0.00 0.00 -0.62 210,753.36 % Inc -3.39 7.90 -7.29 -1.55 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -75.14 % Inc -5.75 8.60 -0.26 0.57 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -75.16 % Inc -3.39 7.88 -7.37 -1.58 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -75.15 CITY OF BOLIVAR SALES TAX TRANSP TAX (202) 2008 Totals Jan Feb Mar 213,151.27 Apr May Jun 201,195.22 Jul Aug Sep 219,195.73 Oct Nov Dec 187,611.47 821,153.69 2012 68,678.63 61,269.77 69,498.44 72,038.33 45,734.11 83,050.52 71,414.86 54,523.93 81,387.98 66,667.31 48,998.36 79,410.89 802,673.13 Qtr Totals 2012 34,299.47 30,591.56 34,723.69 35,974.58 25,237.15 41,470.18 35,640.64 27,235.50 40,678.44 33,312.04 25,981.93 39,649.36 404,794.54 Qtr Totals 199,446.84 200,822.96 207,326.77 195,076.56 % Inc -6.63 3.22 21.11 6.71 -20.06 4.73 -3.94 7.76 -1.96 -0.56 -9.15 3.94 4.81 2013 64,733.15 66,548.60 69,302.77 Qtr Totals 200,584.52 -1.57 0.00 -0.31 0.00 0.00 0.38 200,584.52 5.59 2013 32,377.07 33,263.30 34,645.14 % Inc -5.74 8.62 -0.28 0.57 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -75.01 PARK TAX (246) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0.00 99,614.72 102,681.91 103,554.58 98,943.33 % Inc -5.26 3.30 21.71 7.20 -11.40 4.72 -4.00 8.20 -1.91 -0.48 -3.35 3.92 Qtr Totals 100,285.51 1.02 0.00 -0.21 0.00 0.00 1.64 100,285.51 % Inc -5.60 8.73 -0.23 0.67 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -75.23 CITY OF BOLIVAR VEHICLE TAX REVENUE FUEL TAX 2008 Totals Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL 65,493.64 2012 21,609.20 22,319.05 20,503.50 19,949.34 22,062.51 21,657.56 23,124.05 22,670.07 22,275.88 22,952.82 20,835.02 22,929.66 259,122.41 262,888.66 63,948.91 63,209.62 66,470.24 Qtr Totals 64,431.75 63,669.41 68,070.00 66,717.50 % Inc 2.23 2.97 3.78 11.99 3.16 4.41 6.22 2.99 2.60 4.15 0.45 8.41 2.98 2013 21,480.47 21,351.02 20,704.13 Qtr Totals 63,535.62 6.22 0.00 3.93 0.00 4.36 0.00 % Inc -0.60 -4.34 0.98 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -1.39 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 63,535.62 VEHICLE FEE INC 2008 Totals Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL 9,409.25 2012 2,962.07 3,298.71 3,455.15 4,344.55 4,235.23 4,250.56 3,694.70 3,212.48 3,653.74 3,658.85 3,608.54 2,957.16 39,976.01 43,331.74 9,460.07 11,309.49 9,797.20 Qtr Totals 9,715.93 12,830.34 10,560.92 10,224.55 % Inc -1.35 4.29 32.82 0.99 6.62 16.78 17.16 14.16 -10.20 22.50 28.81 -17.01 10.83 2013 4,218.63 2,738.77 2,495.07 Qtr Totals 9,452.47 7.69 0.00 5.23 0.00 9.33 0.00 % Inc 42.42 -16.97 -27.79 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -2.71 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 9,452.47 VEHICLE SALES TAX 2008 Totals Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec TOTAL 12,701.73 2012 4,595.52 4,413.09 4,811.27 6,470.01 4,916.93 5,432.33 5,475.21 6,112.21 5,599.96 5,629.82 5,608.54 4,785.24 54,006.34 63,850.13 11,936.83 14,165.40 15,202.38 Qtr Totals 13,819.88 16,819.27 17,187.38 16,023.60 % Inc 18.44 12.05 49.91 9.17 -1.18 31.81 6.95 39.48 -11.32 25.40 40.03 15.15 25.32 2013 5,063.08 4,441.03 4,512.43 Qtr Totals 14,016.54 11.95 0.00 8.67 0.00 26.66 0.00 14,016.54 % Inc 10.17 0.63 -6.21 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 1.42 -100.00 -100.00 -100.00 ANIMAL POUND 2002 E Division St Bolivar, MO 65613 417-326-2489, ext. 299 March Totals at the Animal Pound: Intake: 26 Dogs: 18 Cats: 8 Adopted: 12 Dogs: 6 Cats: 6 Return to Owner: 7 Dogs: 7 Cats: 0 Rescued: 13 Dogs: 12 6- Tazewell Animal Protective Society (IL) 1- Missouri German Shepherd Rescue (MO) 1- Because of Mandy Dog Rescue (MI) 2- Mile High Lab Rescue (CO) 1- Great Plains SPCA (KS) 1- Town of Rangly Animal Shelter (CO) Cats: 1 1- Polk County Humane Society Euthanized: 5 Dogs: 1 Dog was sick. Cats: 4 3 feral cats and 1 sick cat. Bolivar City Prosecutor Report for March 2013 Cases Filed per Offense Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, Justin Stanek Bolivar City Prosecutor 3/28/13 10:20 AM BOLIVAR MUNICIPAL COURT OFFPSTAT Page: 1 Age: All March Statistical Report of Violations for 2013 - and 1 prior year(s) by Filed Date -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2013 2012 Total -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VOID VOIDED TICKET 10 100 % 0 10 WARN WARNING TICKET--NO CHARGES FILED 4 0 % 4 8 1-5OP 1-5 OVERTIME PARKING TICKETS 112 29-% 157 269 215011 FAILURE TO REGISTER ANIMAL WITH CITY 0 100-% 3 3 215030 RESTRAINT OF ANIMALS 2 100 % 1 3 215043 ANIMAL ABUSE 0 100-% 1 1 225030 ASSAULT 1 0 % 1 2 225040 DOMESTIC ASSAULT 1 89-% 9 10 225080 ENDANGERING WELFARE OF A CHILD 0 100-% 2 2 225090 VIOLATION OF PROTECTIVE ORDER/EX PARTE 1 50-% 2 3 225130 FALSE REPORT 0 100-% 1 1 225135 INTERFERENCE WITH OFFICER 0 100-% 1 1 225140 RESISTING ARREST 0 100-% 1 1 225240 PEACE DISTURBANCE 1 0 % 1 2 225330 STEALING 2 85-% 13 15 225360 PROPERTY DAMAGE 0 100-% 1 1 225370 TRESPASSING 2 0 % 2 4 225490 DRINKING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES IN PULIC 1 100 % 0 1 225495 POSSESSION OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE 1 86-% 7 8 225500 POSSESSION OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA 0 100-% 9 9 225505 POSSESSION OF CONTOLLED SUBSTANCE IMITAT 0 100-% 3 3 225560 MINOR PURCHASE/POSSESSION OF TABACCO 0 100-% 1 1 235010 FAILURE TO ABATE A NUISANCE 5 71-% 17 22 325010 IMROPER LANE USAGE/DRIVING IN CENTER LAN 1 100 % 0 1 330030 STOP/YIELD SIGNS 29 625 % 4 33 330040 FAIL TO STOP/ INTERSECTION 3 100 % 0 3 335090 OBSTRUCTION TO OPERATORS VIEW 1 100 % 0 1 335180 FAILURE TO USE TURN SIGNAL 2 100 % 0 2 335220 C&I DRIVING 2 33-% 3 5 335230 UNNECESSARY MORTOR ACCELERATION 1 100 % 0 1 335240 FAIL TO DRIVE ON RIGHT HALF OF ROADWAY 0 100-% 3 3 340010 SPEEDING INSIDE CBD 3 0 % 3 6 340020 SPEEDING OUTSIDE CBD 12 40-% 20 32 340040 SPEEDING SCHOOL ZONE 0 100-% 2 2 341010 FAILURE TO STOP FOR SCHOOL BUS 1 100 % 0 1 343020 DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED 2 75-% 8 10 345020 PARKED ON WRONG SIDE OF STREET, FACING O 3 200 % 1 4 345175 PARKING IN HANDICAP ZONE 1 100 % 0 1 370030 NO PARKING ZONE/PARKING WHERE PROHIBITED 0 100-% 1 1 375040 FAILURE TO DIM LIGHTS ON APPROACH 1 100 % 0 1 375140 EQUIPMENT (GENERAL) 1 100 % 0 1 375160 SEAT BELT REQUIRED 36 20 % 30 66 375170 CHILD RESTRAINT REQUIRED 0 100-% 1 1 375180 EXCESSIVE WINDOW TINTING 0 100-% 2 2 380010 DRIVING WHILE REVOKED/SUSPENDED 4 50-% 8 12 380020 NO VALID OPERATOR LICENSE 5 38-% 8 13 380050 FAILURE TO REGISTER MOTOR VEHICLE 15 7 % 14 29 380110 DISPLAYING PLATES OF ANOTHER 1 100 % 0 1 380140 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIRED 83 15 % 72 155 380145 FAILURE TO EXHIBIT INSURANCE 0 100-% 2 2 6-10OP 6-10 OVERTIME PARKING TICKETS 3 81-% 16 19 600145 MIP-BEER/ LIQUOR/VISIBLY INTOXICATED 0 100-% 10 10 60014B SUPPLY INTOXICANTS TO PERSONS UNDER 21 0 100-% 4 4 REFUSE PROSECUTOR REFUSED TICKET 12 500 % 2 14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** Report Total: ** 365 19-% 451 816 BURN ORDINANCE REVISIONS SECTION 225.238: OPEN BURNING RESTRICTIONS Per the Missouri State Department of Natural Resources, any waste generated by a business, trade, industry, salvage or demolition operation cannot be burned without a permit issued by the Department of Natural Resources or its delegated local agency. Permits will only be considered for untreated wood wastes. Wastes that may not be burned include but are not limited to tires, rubber products, hazardous materials, styrofoam, plastics, petroleum based products, demolition waste, treated wood and any asbestos containing material. All burning within the city limits of Bolivar Missouri must be compliant with the following ordinance and the Department of Natural Resources regulations 10 CSR 10-6.045and this ordinance. A. Burning of Household Refuse No person may conduct, cause, permit or allow open burning of refuse or household items within the City of Bolivar, Missouri, subject to the exceptions set forth in the following provisions of this Section. B. Building Material Restrictions No person may conduct, cause, permit or allow open burning of building materials in Bolivar, Missouri. This open burning restriction includes, but is not limited to, tires, rubber products, asbestos containing materials, hazardous material, styrofoam, plastics, petroleum based products, treated wood and other refuse classified as construction waste by Missouri Department of Natural Resources. C. Salvage Operations By Open Burning. No person shall conduct or cause or permit the conduct of a salvage operation by open burning within the City of Bolivar, Missouri, unless such activity has been specifically authorized by the Chief of the Fire Department pursuant to Section 410.230(C)(23)(a)(4) of this Code. D. Yard waste "Yard waste” shall be defined as leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden vegetation. The term does not include stumps, roots, or shrubs with intact root balls. The open burning of leaves and yard waste shall be allowed from sunrise until sunset, unless otherwise authorized by the Bolivar City Fire Department. A yard waste brush / burn pile shall be no larger than ten (10) feet in length by ten (10) feet in width by five (5) feet height. Burning these materials is also permissible in short rows or in ditches in front of residences, burning in rows or ditches requires that piles be limited to 2’ tall. In addition these fires shall not be in contact with city sidewalks or streets or cause a distraction to passing traffic. The following rules shall be applicable to all open burns under this Subsection: a. There shall be no burning under power, telephone, television, or other utility cables. BURN ORDINANCE REVISIONS b. All fires shall be attended at all times until extinguished by at least one (1) person of the age of eighteen (18) years or older. c. There shall be a rake and a water hose near all fires and easily accessible where the open burning is conducted on any property with access to city or well water. d. Notwithstanding the above listed provisions of this Section the Bolivar City Fire Department may give written permit upon inspection, but is not required to, permit the open burning of stumps, roots, or shrubs with intact root ball, or fires larger than the above listed sizes in this section. E. Recreational Purposes: Campfires, bonfires, and other recreational fires used solely for ceremonial occasions, or for outdoor noncommercial preparation of food are allowed in Bolivar, Missouri. Fires shall include only vegetative / woody materials or untreated wood products. These fires need to be reported to Polk County Dispatch Center prior to burning in order to log their locations and contact information if needed. These fires shall be limited to 12’ wide by 12’ long by 10’ tall. The following rules shall be applicable to all open burns under this Subsection: a. There shall be no burning under power, telephone, television, or other utility cables. b. There shall be no burning within fifty (50) feet of any structure, with the exception of small/commercially made burn pits. c. Permit is required for any recreational fire larger than the sizes listed in this subsection. d. All fires shall be attended at all times until extinguished by at least one (1) person of the age of eighteen (18) years or older. e. There shall be a rake and a water hose near all fires and easily accessible where the open burning is conducted on any property with access to City or well water. f. Notwithstanding the above listed provisions of this Section, the Bolivar City Fire Department may give written permit upon inspection, but is not required to, for fires larger than the sizes listed in this subsection. g. Small residential fire pits, for recreational use, do not require the need for inspection or notification for use within the city limits. F. Authorized fire training. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section, the Bolivar Fire Department may conduct open burning of any materials for training and for other necessary purposes as authorized in Section 105.111 or any other Section of this Code so long as such burning is BURN ORDINANCE REVISIONS otherwise lawful under State, Federal and local laws and regulations, and so long as such burning is done with the knowledge, approval, and supervision of the Bolivar City's Fire Department’s Chief or a training officer designated by the Fire Chief.) G. Open Burning in Land Clearing Operations Burning associated with Land Clearing operations are not subject to the restrictions of the above listed yard waste burning in subsection D of this code. All land clearing operational burns must comply with the state regulation 10 CSR 10-6 section 4. H. Burning In Public Prohibited. No open burning of any kind shall be allowed in the paved portion of any public street, sidewalk or parking lot. I. Designation of "No Burn" Days. The Fire Chief of the Bolivar City Fire Department or his designee is hereby authorized to designate individual days as "no burn" days for all open burning within the city limits. On days designated as "no burn" days, all open burning is prohibited, unless specifically permitted by the Fire Chief or his designee. On all other days, open burning shall be allowed, subject to any applicable restrictions contained within this section of the city code. The designation of "no burn" days shall be based upon one (1) or more of the following criteria: 1. Atmospheric conditions that prevent smoke from rising freely 2. When excessively dry conditions exist 3. Sustained winds greater than fifteen (10) miles per hour 4. Frequent wind gusts greater than the above mentioned ten (10) miles per hour will be based upon the discretion of the Fire Chief or his designee.) J. Permits: As is mentioned in subsections C, D, & E of this section 225.238 permits are required for certain burn conditions. All other open burn allowances as described in this section do not require a permit from the fire department. The City of Bolivar reserves the right to burn in situations that do not require permit from the fire department, but follow all state and national regulations. Any violations of any part of this section of the city code will be subject to subsection I as listed below. K. Penalties for Violation. BURN ORDINANCE REVISIONS The violation of any provision of this Section will be punishable as an "ordinance violation" pursuant to Section 100.220 of this Code. (Ord. No. 2993 §I, 7-14-2011)Also all burning that is considered a nuisance or is complained about shall be extinguished as per City Code 235.010.27. Current Ordinance SECTION 225.238: OPEN BURNING RESTRICTIONS A. Refuse Burning Restrictions. No person may conduct, cause, permit or allow open burning of refuse or household items within the City of Bolivar, Missouri, subject to the exceptions set forth in the following provisions of this Section. B. Building Material Restrictions. No person may conduct, cause, permit or allow open burning of building materials within the City of Bolivar, Missouri. This open burning restriction includes, but is not limited to, tires, rubber products, asbestos containing materials, hazardous material, styrofoam, plastics, petroleum based products, treated wood and other refuse classified as construction waste by Missouri Department of Natural Resources. C. Prohibition Of Salvage Operations By Open Burning. No person shall conduct or cause or permit the conduct of a salvage operation by open burning within the City of Bolivar, Missouri, unless such activity has been specifically authorized by the Chief of the Fire Department pursuant to Section 410.230(C)(23)(a)(4) of this Code. D. Limited Exceptions To Open Burning Restrictions. 1. Yard waste. "Yard waste", for the purpose of this exception, shall be defined as leaves, grass clippings, yard and garden vegetation. The term does not include stumps, roots, or shrubs with intact root balls. The open burning of leaves and yard waste shall be allowed, but only between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M., unless otherwise authorized or prohibited by the Fire Chief or his designee. A brush/burn pile shall be no larger than ten (10) feet in length by ten (10) feet in width by five (5) feet height. The following rules shall be applicable to all open burns under this Subsection: a. There shall be no burning under power, telephone, television, or other utility cables. b. All fires shall be attended at all times until extinguished by at least one (1) person of the age of eighteen (18) years or older. c. There shall be a rake and a water hose near all fires and easily accessible where the open burning is conducted on any property with access to City or well water. d. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section, the Fire Chief or his designee may, but is not required to, permit the open burning of stumps, roots, or shrubs with intact root balls so long as the Fire Chief authorizes such open burning in writing prior to the activity; and subject to any additional conditions and restrictions as the Fire Chief may prescribe in writing on a case-by-case basis as the circumstances require in the sole discretion of the Fire Chief or his designee. Current Ordinance 2. Recreational purposes. Camp fires and other fires used solely for recreational purposes, ceremonial occasions, or outdoor non-commercial preparation of food shall be allowed. A bonfire/ceremonial fire shall be no larger than five (5) feet in length by five (5) feet in width by five (5) feet height and not burn longer than three (3) hours. The following rules shall be applicable to all open burns under this Subsection: a. There shall be no burning under power, telephone, television, or other utility cables. b. There shall be no burning within fifty (50) feet of any structure. c. All fires shall be attended at all times until extinguished by at least one (1) person of the age of eighteen (18) years or older. d. There shall be a rake and a water hose near all fires and easily accessible where the open burning is conducted on any property with access to City or well water. 3. Authorized fire training. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Section, the Bolivar Fire Department may conduct open burning of any materials for training and for other necessary purposes as authorized in Section 105.111 or any other Section of this Code so long as such burning is otherwise lawful under State, Federal and local laws and regulations, and so long as such burning is done with the knowledge, approval, and supervision of the City's Fire Chief or a training officer designated by the Fire Chief. E. Burning In Public Prohibited. No open burning of any kind shall be allowed in the paved portion of any public street, sidewalk or parking lot. F. Designation Of "No Burn" Days. The Fire Chief or his designee is hereby authorized to designate individual days as "no burn" days for all open burning within the City. On days designated as "no burn" days, all open burning is prohibited, except cooking fires and any fires specifically permitted by the Fire Chief or his designee. On all other days, open burning shall be allowed, subject to any applicable restrictions contained in the City Code. The designation of "no burn" days shall be subject to the discretion of the Fire Chief or his designee, but shall be based upon one (1) or more of the following criteria: 1. Atmospheric conditions that prevent smoke from rising freely; 2. When excessively dry conditions exist; 3. Sustained winds greater than fifteen (15) miles per hour; or 4. Frequent wind gusts greater than twenty-five (25) miles per hour. G. Penalties For Violation. The violation of any provision of this Section will be punishable as an "ordinance violation" pursuant to Section 100.220 of this Code. (Ord. No. 2993 §I, 714-2011) Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___day of ______________ 2013 between the City of Bolivar, Missouri Bolivar City Fire Department (“BCFD”) and Central Polk County Fire and Rescue (“CPCFR”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Bolivar is a municipality, and as a part of its services to its residents, provides fire protection services through a combination volunteer/paid fire department under the direction of a full time Chief, and WHEREAS, CPCFR is a non-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri that provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the central part of Polk County, Missouri, and WHEREAS, on occasions, both agencies have the need for assistance from the surrounding fire departments to assist in fighting major fires, protecting nearby exposures, assisting with traffic control, Hazardous Material incidents, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. CPCFR agrees to provide automatic mutual aid within the City of Bolivar for toned structure fires, toned Hazmat emergencies, and for toned aircraft emergencies. CPCFR also agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of BCFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. CPCFR reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within CPCFR’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property. CPCFR shall maintain a trained and insured staff of volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 2. BCFD agrees to provide automatic aid for a distance of approximately five (5) miles from the city limits of Bolivar, Missouri for toned structure fires, toned Hazmat Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us emergencies, and for toned aircraft emergencies. BCFD also agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of CPCFR’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, or the President of the CPCFR Board of Directors for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. BCFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within BCFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property, or requested the personnel are not available for response. BCFD also reserves the right to exceed the approximate 5 mile radius outside the city limits of Bolivar for requested mutual aid on a case by case basis with consent from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator. BCFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of career and volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall commence upon the date of which it is signed by both agencies and will continue thereafter for the duration of one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated if either agency shall default in the performance of the provision hereof without lawful cause or excuse. It may also be terminated if either agency becomes legally mandated or unable in fact to perform its duties hereunder. Termination for default, or by reason of a legal or factual inability to perform, shall be in writing and given to the corresponding agency. Neither party shall be liable for damages in a breach of this agreement to the corresponding agency. This agreement is solely for the convenience and benefit of the contracting agencies and is not, nor shall be construed to be, a contract for the benefit of any third party. 4. Both represented agencies hereby agree to provide the services herein described without compensation of any type and each shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred for fuel, expended supplies, equipment repair and / or medical help for any of their respective personnel. If responding to a hazmat emergency in which the spiller compensates for the reasonable costs of supplying service to remediate the spill, the party in whose service area the spill occurred shall bill the spiller for costs for both parties, and remit the assisting party’s costs upon receipt of reimbursement. Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us 5. Each agency shall operate under their own liability insurance during each mutual aid response as is outlined above. Each responding agency shall operate under the standard operating guidelines of the jurisdictional agencies in which the mutual aid response is occurring, unless said guidelines are in direct conflict with the responding agencies guidelines or present an unsafe environment as to be determined by the responding agencies company officer. Each responding agency shall operate under the medical protocols under the authority of each agencies own medical director and supervision staff. 6. Each agency warrants that the persons executing this agreement have been duly authorized to do so by their respective governing Board of Directors and / or City Council. In Witness Whereof, this agreement has been signed on the dates noted below the signature of each signer Bolivar City Fire Department Central Polk County Fire & Rescue ________________________ _____________________________ Print Name & Title Print Name & Title ________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature Date:______________, 2013 Date:______________,2013 Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___day of ______________ 2013 between the City of Bolivar, Missouri Bolivar City Fire Department (“BCFD”) and Dunnegan Rural Fire Department (“DRFD”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Bolivar is a municipality, and as a part of its services to its residents, provides fire protection services through a combination volunteer/paid fire department under the direction of a full time Chief, and WHEREAS, DRFD is a non-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri that provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the central part of Polk County, Missouri, and WHEREAS, on occasions, both agencies have the need for assistance from the surrounding fire departments to assist in fighting major fires, protecting nearby exposures, assisting with traffic control, Hazardous Material incidents, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. DRFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of BCFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. DRFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within DRFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property. DRFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 2. BCFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of DRFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, or the President of the DRFD Board of Directors for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us the incident commander. BCFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within BCFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property, or requested the personnel are not available for response. Because DRFD jurisdiction lies outside of the normal approximate 5 mile response radius of BCFD from the Bolivar city limits; BCFD reserves the right to exceed this radius for requested mutual aid on a case by case basis with consent from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator. BCFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of career and volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall commence upon the date of which it is signed by both agencies and will continue thereafter for the duration of one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated if either agency shall default in the performance of the provision hereof without lawful cause or excuse. It may also be terminated if either agency becomes legally mandated or unable in fact to perform its duties hereunder. Termination for default, or by reason of a legal or factual inability to perform, shall be in writing and given to the corresponding agency. Neither party shall be liable for damages in a breach of this agreement to the corresponding agency. This agreement is solely for the convenience and benefit of the contracting agencies and is not, nor shall be construed to be, a contract for the benefit of any third party. 4. Both represented agencies hereby agree to provide the services herein described without compensation of any type and each shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred for fuel, expended supplies, equipment repair and / or medical help for any of their respective personnel. If responding to a hazmat emergency in which the spiller compensates for the reasonable costs of supplying service to remediate the spill, the party in whose service area the spill occurred shall bill the spiller for costs for both parties, and remit the assisting party’s costs upon receipt of reimbursement. 5. Each agency shall operate under their own liability insurance during each mutual aid response as is outlined above. Each responding agency shall operate under the standard operating guidelines of the jurisdictional agencies in which the mutual aid response is occurring, unless said guidelines are in direct conflict with the responding Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us agencies guidelines or present an unsafe environment as to be determined by the responding agencies company officer. Each responding agency shall operate under the medical protocols under the authority of each agencies own medical director and supervision staff. 6. Each agency warrants that the persons executing this agreement have been duly authorized to do so by their respective governing Board of Directors and / or City Council. In Witness Whereof, this agreement has been signed on the dates noted below the signature of each signer Bolivar City Fire Department Dunnegan Rural Fire Department ________________________ _____________________________ Print Name & Title Print Name & Title ________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature Date:______________, 2013 Date:______________,2013 Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___day of ______________ 2013 between the City of Bolivar, Missouri Bolivar City Fire Department (“BCFD”) and Fair Play Fire Department (“FPFD”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Bolivar is a municipality, and as a part of its services to its residents, provides fire protection services through a combination volunteer/paid fire department under the direction of a full time Chief, and WHEREAS, FPFD is a non-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri that provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the central part of Polk County, Missouri, and WHEREAS, on occasions, both agencies have the need for assistance from the surrounding fire departments to assist in fighting major fires, protecting nearby exposures, assisting with traffic control, Hazardous Material incidents, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. FPFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of BCFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. FPFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within FPFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property. FPFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 2. BCFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of FPFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, or the President of the FPFD Board of Directors for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us the incident commander. BCFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within BCFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property, or requested the personnel are not available for response. Because FPFD jurisdiction lies outside of the normal approximate 5 mile response radius of BCFD from the Bolivar city limits; BCFD reserves the right to exceed this radius for requested mutual aid on a case by case basis with consent from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator. BCFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of career and volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall commence upon the date of which it is signed by both agencies and will continue thereafter for the duration of one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated if either agency shall default in the performance of the provision hereof without lawful cause or excuse. It may also be terminated if either agency becomes legally mandated or unable in fact to perform its duties hereunder. Termination for default, or by reason of a legal or factual inability to perform, shall be in writing and given to the corresponding agency. Neither party shall be liable for damages in a breach of this agreement to the corresponding agency. This agreement is solely for the convenience and benefit of the contracting agencies and is not, nor shall be construed to be, a contract for the benefit of any third party. 4. Both represented agencies hereby agree to provide the services herein described without compensation of any type and each shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred for fuel, expended supplies, equipment repair and / or medical help for any of their respective personnel. If responding to a hazmat emergency in which the spiller compensates for the reasonable costs of supplying service to remediate the spill, the party in whose service area the spill occurred shall bill the spiller for costs for both parties, and remit the assisting party’s costs upon receipt of reimbursement. 5. Each agency shall operate under their own liability insurance during each mutual aid response as is outlined above. Each responding agency shall operate under the standard operating guidelines of the jurisdictional agencies in which the mutual aid response is occurring, unless said guidelines are in direct conflict with the responding Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us agencies guidelines or present an unsafe environment as to be determined by the responding agencies company officer. Each responding agency shall operate under the medical protocols under the authority of each agencies own medical director and supervision staff. 6. Each agency warrants that the persons executing this agreement have been duly authorized to do so by their respective governing Board of Directors and / or City Council. In Witness Whereof, this agreement has been signed on the dates noted below the signature of each signer Bolivar City Fire Department Fair Play Fire Department ________________________ _____________________________ Print Name & Title Print Name & Title ________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature Date:______________, 2013 Date:______________,2013 Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___day of ______________ 2013 between the City of Bolivar, Missouri Bolivar City Fire Department (“BCFD”) and Halfway Fire & Rescue (“HWFR”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Bolivar is a municipality, and as a part of its services to its residents, provides fire protection services through a combination volunteer/paid fire department under the direction of a full time Chief, and WHEREAS, HWFR is a non-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri that provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the central part of Polk County, Missouri, and WHEREAS, on occasions, both agencies have the need for assistance from the surrounding fire departments to assist in fighting major fires, protecting nearby exposures, assisting with traffic control, Hazardous Material incidents, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. HWFR agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of BCFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. HWFR reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within HWFR’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property. HWFR shall maintain a trained and insured staff of volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 2. BCFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of HWFR’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, or the President of the HWFR Board of Directors for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us the incident commander. BCFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within BCFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property, or requested the personnel are not available for response. Because HWFR jurisdiction lies outside of the normal approximate 5 mile response radius of BCFD from the Bolivar city limits; BCFD reserves the right to exceed this radius for requested mutual aid on a case by case basis with consent from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator. BCFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of career and volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall commence upon the date of which it is signed by both agencies and will continue thereafter for the duration of one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated if either agency shall default in the performance of the provision hereof without lawful cause or excuse. It may also be terminated if either agency becomes legally mandated or unable in fact to perform its duties hereunder. Termination for default, or by reason of a legal or factual inability to perform, shall be in writing and given to the corresponding agency. Neither party shall be liable for damages in a breach of this agreement to the corresponding agency. This agreement is solely for the convenience and benefit of the contracting agencies and is not, nor shall be construed to be, a contract for the benefit of any third party. 4. Both represented agencies hereby agree to provide the services herein described without compensation of any type and each shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred for fuel, expended supplies, equipment repair and / or medical help for any of their respective personnel. If responding to a hazmat emergency in which the spiller compensates for the reasonable costs of supplying service to remediate the spill, the party in whose service area the spill occurred shall bill the spiller for costs for both parties, and remit the assisting party’s costs upon receipt of reimbursement. 5. Each agency shall operate under their own liability insurance during each mutual aid response as is outlined above. Each responding agency shall operate under the standard operating guidelines of the jurisdictional agencies in which the mutual aid response is occurring, unless said guidelines are in direct conflict with the responding Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us agencies guidelines or present an unsafe environment as to be determined by the responding agencies company officer. Each responding agency shall operate under the medical protocols under the authority of each agencies own medical director and supervision staff. 6. Each agency warrants that the persons executing this agreement have been duly authorized to do so by their respective governing Board of Directors and / or City Council. In Witness Whereof, this agreement has been signed on the dates noted below the signature of each signer Bolivar City Fire Department Halfway Fire & Rescue ________________________ _____________________________ Print Name & Title Print Name & Title ________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature Date:______________, 2013 Date:______________,2013 Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___day of ______________ 2013 between the City of Bolivar, Missouri Bolivar City Fire Department (“BCFD”) and Humansville Fire & Rescue (“HFR”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Bolivar is a municipality, and as a part of its services to its residents, provides fire protection services through a combination volunteer/paid fire department under the direction of a full time Chief, and WHEREAS, HFR is a non-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri that provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the central part of Polk County, Missouri, and WHEREAS, on occasions, both agencies have the need for assistance from the surrounding fire departments to assist in fighting major fires, protecting nearby exposures, assisting with traffic control, Hazardous Material incidents, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. HFR agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of BCFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. HFR reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within HFR’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property. HFR shall maintain a trained and insured staff of volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 2. BCFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of HFR’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, or the President of the HFR Board of Directors for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us the incident commander. BCFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within BCFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property, or requested the personnel are not available for response. Because HFR jurisdiction lies outside of the normal approximate 5 mile response radius of BCFD from the Bolivar city limits; BCFD reserves the right to exceed this radius for requested mutual aid on a case by case basis with consent from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator. BCFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of career and volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall commence upon the date of which it is signed by both agencies and will continue thereafter for the duration of one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated if either agency shall default in the performance of the provision hereof without lawful cause or excuse. It may also be terminated if either agency becomes legally mandated or unable in fact to perform its duties hereunder. Termination for default, or by reason of a legal or factual inability to perform, shall be in writing and given to the corresponding agency. Neither party shall be liable for damages in a breach of this agreement to the corresponding agency. This agreement is solely for the convenience and benefit of the contracting agencies and is not, nor shall be construed to be, a contract for the benefit of any third party. 4. Both represented agencies hereby agree to provide the services herein described without compensation of any type and each shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred for fuel, expended supplies, equipment repair and / or medical help for any of their respective personnel. If responding to a hazmat emergency in which the spiller compensates for the reasonable costs of supplying service to remediate the spill, the party in whose service area the spill occurred shall bill the spiller for costs for both parties, and remit the assisting party’s costs upon receipt of reimbursement. 5. Each agency shall operate under their own liability insurance during each mutual aid response as is outlined above. Each responding agency shall operate under the standard operating guidelines of the jurisdictional agencies in which the mutual aid response is occurring, unless said guidelines are in direct conflict with the responding Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us agencies guidelines or present an unsafe environment as to be determined by the responding agencies company officer. Each responding agency shall operate under the medical protocols under the authority of each agencies own medical director and supervision staff. 6. Each agency warrants that the persons executing this agreement have been duly authorized to do so by their respective governing Board of Directors and / or City Council. In Witness Whereof, this agreement has been signed on the dates noted below the signature of each signer Bolivar City Fire Department Humansville Fire & Rescue ________________________ _____________________________ Print Name & Title Print Name & Title ________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature Date:______________, 2013 Date:______________,2013 Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___day of ______________ 2013 between the City of Bolivar, Missouri Bolivar City Fire Department (“BCFD”) and Morrisville Fire & Rescue (“MFR”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Bolivar is a municipality, and as a part of its services to its residents, provides fire protection services through a combination volunteer/paid fire department under the direction of a full time Chief, and WHEREAS, MFR is a non-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri that provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the central part of Polk County, Missouri, and WHEREAS, on occasions, both agencies have the need for assistance from the surrounding fire departments to assist in fighting major fires, protecting nearby exposures, assisting with traffic control, Hazardous Material incidents, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. MFR agrees to provide automatic mutual aid within the City of Bolivar for toned structure fires, toned Hazmat emergencies, and for toned aircraft emergencies. MFR also agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of BCFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. MFR reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within MFR’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property. MFR shall maintain a trained and insured staff of volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 2. BCFD agrees to provide automatic aid for a distance of approximately five (5) miles from the city limits of Bolivar, Missouri for toned structure fires, toned Hazmat Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us emergencies, and for toned aircraft emergencies. BCFD also agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of MFR’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, or the President of the MFR Board of Directors for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. BCFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within BCFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property, or requested the personnel are not available for response. BCFD also reserves the right to exceed the approximate 5 mile radius outside the city limits of Bolivar for requested mutual aid on a case by case basis with consent from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator. BCFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of career and volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall commence upon the date of which it is signed by both agencies and will continue thereafter for the duration of one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated if either agency shall default in the performance of the provision hereof without lawful cause or excuse. It may also be terminated if either agency becomes legally mandated or unable in fact to perform its duties hereunder. Termination for default, or by reason of a legal or factual inability to perform, shall be in writing and given to the corresponding agency. Neither party shall be liable for damages in a breach of this agreement to the corresponding agency. This agreement is solely for the convenience and benefit of the contracting agencies and is not, nor shall be construed to be, a contract for the benefit of any third party. 4. Both represented agencies hereby agree to provide the services herein described without compensation of any type and each shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred for fuel, expended supplies, equipment repair and / or medical help for any of their respective personnel. If responding to a hazmat emergency in which the spiller compensates for the reasonable costs of supplying service to remediate the spill, the party in whose service area the spill occurred shall bill the spiller for costs for both parties, and remit the assisting party’s costs upon receipt of reimbursement. Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us 5. Each agency shall operate under their own liability insurance during each mutual aid response as is outlined above. Each responding agency shall operate under the standard operating guidelines of the jurisdictional agencies in which the mutual aid response is occurring, unless said guidelines are in direct conflict with the responding agencies guidelines or present an unsafe environment as to be determined by the responding agencies company officer. Each responding agency shall operate under the medical protocols under the authority of each agencies own medical director and supervision staff. 6. Each agency warrants that the persons executing this agreement have been duly authorized to do so by their respective governing Board of Directors and / or City Council. In Witness Whereof, this agreement has been signed on the dates noted below the signature of each signer Bolivar City Fire Department Morrisville Fire & Rescue ________________________ _____________________________ Print Name & Title Print Name & Title ________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature Date:______________, 2013 Date:______________,2013 Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___day of ______________ 2013 between the City of Bolivar, Missouri Bolivar City Fire Department (“BCFD”) and Pleasant Hope Fire Protection District (“PHFPD”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Bolivar is a municipality, and as a part of its services to its residents, provides fire protection services through a combination volunteer/paid fire department under the direction of a full time Chief, and WHEREAS, PHFPD is a non-for-profit fire protection district organized under the laws of the State of Missouri that provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the central part of Polk County, Missouri, and WHEREAS, on occasions, both agencies have the need for assistance from the surrounding fire departments to assist in fighting major fires, protecting nearby exposures, assisting with traffic control, Hazardous Material incidents, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. PHFPD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of BCFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. PHFPD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within PHFPD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property. PHFPD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 2. BCFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of PHFPD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, or the President of the PHFPD Board of Directors for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us the incident commander. BCFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within BCFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property, or requested the personnel are not available for response. Because PHFPD jurisdiction lies outside of the normal approximate 5 mile response radius of BCFD from the Bolivar city limits; BCFD reserves the right to exceed this radius for requested mutual aid on a case by case basis with consent from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator. BCFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of career and volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall commence upon the date of which it is signed by both agencies and will continue thereafter for the duration of one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated if either agency shall default in the performance of the provision hereof without lawful cause or excuse. It may also be terminated if either agency becomes legally mandated or unable in fact to perform its duties hereunder. Termination for default, or by reason of a legal or factual inability to perform, shall be in writing and given to the corresponding agency. Neither party shall be liable for damages in a breach of this agreement to the corresponding agency. This agreement is solely for the convenience and benefit of the contracting agencies and is not, nor shall be construed to be, a contract for the benefit of any third party. 4. Both represented agencies hereby agree to provide the services herein described without compensation of any type and each shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred for fuel, expended supplies, equipment repair and / or medical help for any of their respective personnel. If responding to a hazmat emergency in which the spiller compensates for the reasonable costs of supplying service to remediate the spill, the party in whose service area the spill occurred shall bill the spiller for costs for both parties, and remit the assisting party’s costs upon receipt of reimbursement. 5. Each agency shall operate under their own liability insurance during each mutual aid response as is outlined above. Each responding agency shall operate under the standard operating guidelines of the jurisdictional agencies in which the mutual aid response is occurring, unless said guidelines are in direct conflict with the responding Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us agencies guidelines or present an unsafe environment as to be determined by the responding agencies company officer. Each responding agency shall operate under the medical protocols under the authority of each agencies own medical director and supervision staff. 6. Each agency warrants that the persons executing this agreement have been duly authorized to do so by their respective governing Board of Directors and / or City Council. In Witness Whereof, this agreement has been signed on the dates noted below the signature of each signer Bolivar City Fire Department Pleasant Hope Fire Protection District ________________________ _____________________________ Print Name & Title Print Name & Title ________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature Date:______________, 2013 Date:______________,2013 Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___day of ______________ 2013 between the City of Bolivar, Missouri Bolivar City Fire Department (“BCFD”) and Polk Rural Fire Department (“PRFD”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Bolivar is a municipality, and as a part of its services to its residents, provides fire protection services through a combination volunteer/paid fire department under the direction of a full time Chief, and WHEREAS, PRFD is a non-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri that provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the central part of Polk County, Missouri, and WHEREAS, on occasions, both agencies have the need for assistance from the surrounding fire departments to assist in fighting major fires, protecting nearby exposures, assisting with traffic control, Hazardous Material incidents, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. PRFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of BCFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. PRFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within PRFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property. PRFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 2. BCFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of PRFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, or the President of the PRFD Board of Directors for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us the incident commander. BCFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within BCFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property, or requested the personnel are not available for response. Because PRFD jurisdiction lies outside of the normal approximate 5 mile response radius of BCFD from the Bolivar city limits; BCFD reserves the right to exceed this radius for requested mutual aid on a case by case basis with consent from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator. BCFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of career and volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall commence upon the date of which it is signed by both agencies and will continue thereafter for the duration of one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated if either agency shall default in the performance of the provision hereof without lawful cause or excuse. It may also be terminated if either agency becomes legally mandated or unable in fact to perform its duties hereunder. Termination for default, or by reason of a legal or factual inability to perform, shall be in writing and given to the corresponding agency. Neither party shall be liable for damages in a breach of this agreement to the corresponding agency. This agreement is solely for the convenience and benefit of the contracting agencies and is not, nor shall be construed to be, a contract for the benefit of any third party. 4. Both represented agencies hereby agree to provide the services herein described without compensation of any type and each shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred for fuel, expended supplies, equipment repair and / or medical help for any of their respective personnel. If responding to a hazmat emergency in which the spiller compensates for the reasonable costs of supplying service to remediate the spill, the party in whose service area the spill occurred shall bill the spiller for costs for both parties, and remit the assisting party’s costs upon receipt of reimbursement. 5. Each agency shall operate under their own liability insurance during each mutual aid response as is outlined above. Each responding agency shall operate under the standard operating guidelines of the jurisdictional agencies in which the mutual aid response is occurring, unless said guidelines are in direct conflict with the responding Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us agencies guidelines or present an unsafe environment as to be determined by the responding agencies company officer. Each responding agency shall operate under the medical protocols under the authority of each agencies own medical director and supervision staff. 6. Each agency warrants that the persons executing this agreement have been duly authorized to do so by their respective governing Board of Directors and / or City Council. In Witness Whereof, this agreement has been signed on the dates noted below the signature of each signer Bolivar City Fire Department Polk Rural Fire Department ________________________ _____________________________ Print Name & Title Print Name & Title ________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature Date:______________, 2013 Date:______________,2013 Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT This MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT is made and entered into this ___day of ______________ 2013 between the City of Bolivar, Missouri Bolivar City Fire Department (“BCFD”) and Prairie Grove Fire Department (“PGFD”), WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City of Bolivar is a municipality, and as a part of its services to its residents, provides fire protection services through a combination volunteer/paid fire department under the direction of a full time Chief, and WHEREAS, PGFD is a non-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Missouri that provides volunteer fire and rescue services to the central part of Polk County, Missouri, and WHEREAS, on occasions, both agencies have the need for assistance from the surrounding fire departments to assist in fighting major fires, protecting nearby exposures, assisting with traffic control, Hazardous Material incidents, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. NOW, THEREFORE, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. PGFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of BCFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by the incident commander. PGFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within PGFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property. PGFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 2. BCFD agrees to provide mutual aid upon the request of PGFD’s Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Incident Commander, or the President of the PGFD Board of Directors for firefighting & rescue assistance, crowd and / or traffic control assistance, hazardous material incident assistance, and / or any other assistance as needed or requested by Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us the incident commander. BCFD reserves the right to decline such aid if providing it would subject the residents within BCFD’s jurisdiction to a significant risk of life endangerment or loss of property, or requested the personnel are not available for response. Because PGFD jurisdiction lies outside of the normal approximate 5 mile response radius of BCFD from the Bolivar city limits; BCFD reserves the right to exceed this radius for requested mutual aid on a case by case basis with consent from the Fire Chief, Deputy Chief, Mayor, Mayor Pro Tem, or City Administrator. BCFD shall maintain a trained and insured staff of career and volunteer firefighters / rescue personnel and the equipment needed for the above mentioned services throughout the term of this agreement. 3. This agreement shall commence upon the date of which it is signed by both agencies and will continue thereafter for the duration of one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated if either agency shall default in the performance of the provision hereof without lawful cause or excuse. It may also be terminated if either agency becomes legally mandated or unable in fact to perform its duties hereunder. Termination for default, or by reason of a legal or factual inability to perform, shall be in writing and given to the corresponding agency. Neither party shall be liable for damages in a breach of this agreement to the corresponding agency. This agreement is solely for the convenience and benefit of the contracting agencies and is not, nor shall be construed to be, a contract for the benefit of any third party. 4. Both represented agencies hereby agree to provide the services herein described without compensation of any type and each shall be solely responsible for all costs incurred for fuel, expended supplies, equipment repair and / or medical help for any of their respective personnel. If responding to a hazmat emergency in which the spiller compensates for the reasonable costs of supplying service to remediate the spill, the party in whose service area the spill occurred shall bill the spiller for costs for both parties, and remit the assisting party’s costs upon receipt of reimbursement. 5. Each agency shall operate under their own liability insurance during each mutual aid response as is outlined above. Each responding agency shall operate under the standard operating guidelines of the jurisdictional agencies in which the mutual aid response is occurring, unless said guidelines are in direct conflict with the responding Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education Bolivar City Fire Department 312 S. Springfield ~ P.O. Box 9 ~ Bolivar, MO 65613 Phone 417-326-2489 ~ Fax 417-777-3513 James Ludden FireChief@Bolivar.Mo.Us agencies guidelines or present an unsafe environment as to be determined by the responding agencies company officer. Each responding agency shall operate under the medical protocols under the authority of each agencies own medical director and supervision staff. 6. Each agency warrants that the persons executing this agreement have been duly authorized to do so by their respective governing Board of Directors and / or City Council. In Witness Whereof, this agreement has been signed on the dates noted below the signature of each signer Bolivar City Fire Department Prairie Grove Fire Department ________________________ _____________________________ Print Name & Title Print Name & Title ________________________ _____________________________ Signature Signature Date:______________, 2013 Date:______________,2013 Ensuring Life Safety, Protecting Property, and Public Education