7B November 14, 2014 TIMBERJAY Newspapers TIMBERJAY CLASSIFIEDS Considerations of personal privacy, time and resources prevent the newspaper from investigating ads placed in the classified section. If you respond to an ad, we urge you to use the same care and prudence that you would use when conducting business in any other situation. AUTOMOTIVE FINANCIAL Langevin Auto & Truck Repair Full Service Auto Repair & Garage 24 S. River St. Cook MN 55723 Classifieds run in all 3 editions of the Timberjay. Line classifieds cost 30¢/word, $6.00 minimum. Classified ads can be run a second time at half price (private parties only). We now accept payment by Visa, Mastercard and Discover. Call your ad in to 218-7532950. Display (boxed) classifieds are billed by the “inch”- please call for prices and information on discounts. 218-749-0751 Two locations to serve you locally: NAPA PARTS CENTER, INC. 45 E. Chapman Street ELY 365-3132 TOWER AUTO PARTS 515 Main Street TOWER 753-2724 APPLIANCE REPAIR APPLIANCE PROFESSOR, LLC- We’ll repair your refrigerator, stove, washer, dryer, freezer, microwave or dishwasher. Master Certified Technician. 30 Years Experience. Servicing from Ely to Hibbing, including Lake Vermilion. Peter Stoddard. 218929-3213 tfn CHIMNEY CLEANING TIP TOP CHIMNEY CLEANING & REPAIR- Stainless steel liners and caps. Senior discount. Also doing Cabin Painting and Staining. BIRCH FIREWOOD for sale. 218-2905370 11/14 DUMPSTER RENTAL 20- TO 30-YARD ROLL-OFF boxes for clean-up, demo and garbage. Servicing the Iron Range. 218-787-2377. Udovich Garbage Service. tfn HAIR CARE DREAMWEAVER SALON & DAY SPA- Open MondayFriday 8:30 – 6:30. 218-6665594. tfn LEANN’S BEAUTY SALONOpen M,W,Th,Fr. Closed Tu. 603 Main Street, Tower. 7538933 rd HEALTH MYOFASCIAL RELEASE 218-750-2524. tfn HOSPICE WHEN YOU NEED HOSPICE CARE, please call Essentia Health–St. Mary’s Hospice–East Range Team at 218-749-7975 or 877-8512213. Comprehensive personalized hospice services are available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week. Virgie Hegg Hospice Partners directly supports the hospice care provided by the East Range Team. tfn LICENSE BUREAU COOK AREA LICENSE BUREAU- -221 S. Hwy 53, Ste C. Open-M-F 9-5, FastTrack Title Service-MVR-DNRLimited DL, Dry Cleaning Drop off/Pick up, CDL/Motorcycle/ Drivers Manuals. Now accepting Visa/MC/Discover. Questions call 218-666-6199 tfn BAY VIEW APARTMENTS IN ORR- 2BR and 3BR units available. Garbage, heat, water, and sewer included. Secure building. Coin laundry. No pets. HUD-approved. First month rent plus deposit and security check. Call 218-757-3960 or 218-780-0200. Tfn LAKE VERMILION, TOWER Located two miles southwest of Tower on Hwy. 169 RED ROCK STORAGE- Boats, Cars, Household Items. Ideal Location. Many sizes. Also Mobile Storage Containers delivered to your location. Call 218-753-2375. tfn BUBBA’S MINI STORAGESelf-storage units for rent. Multiple sizes available. 3/4 mile outside Cook on Hwy. 24. Now Offering Camper/Trailer size units. Call 666-5512 tfn HELP WANTED PT PIZZA COOKS NEEDED at Vermilion Club/Poor Gary’s Pizza on Lake Vermilion. Evenings/weekends. Apply in person. 11/14 RURAL MAIL ROUTE- Delivery person needed in Tower. Must use own vehicle. Call Nicole at 218-248-0108 for info. 11/21p FULLAND PART-TIME CHEFS AND LINE COOKS needed at the Crescent in Cook. Apply in person. 218666-0100. 12/5 FOR SALE 2002 FORD SPORT UTILITY TRUCK- $1,000. Call 218-7504810 11/21 WANTED WANTED TO BUY: Will pay cash for junk cars and pickups. Will pick up. Also, we collect used oil. Call 218-757-3255 or 218-780-2579. tfn SELIGA CANOES WANTED: We’ll buy old Seligas in Good Shape. Turn your classic canoe into cash. Call Steve at 365-6745. tfn SUPPORT GROUPS AL-ANON FAMILY GROUPAre you troubled by someone’s drinking? Al-Anon Family Group is a community-based mutual support program for the friends and families of alcoholics. It is confidential and open to anyone affected by someone else’s drinking. Hope Lutheran Church in Embarrass hosts an Al-Anon group on Monday evenings at 6 p.m. 218-984-2037 AA OPEN MEETINGThursdays at 7 p.m. at Woodland Presbyterian Church, Acacia Blvd. and Central Drive in Babbitt. BABBITT AL-ANON- meets Thursdays at 7 p.m. at the Babbitt Assembly of God Church. MS SUPPORT GROUP- meets the second Friday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Babbitt Municipal Building, senior room. Open to all. For information contact Mary at 218-8278327 tfn/nc SNOWPLOWING ORR AA and AL-ANON meet Tuesdays, AA at 8 p.m. and AlANON at 7 p.m. Holy Cross Catholic Church, Orr. GW’S SNOWPLOWING- No job to big or small. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. Serving Tower, Soudan, Lake Vermilion, and Virginia areas. 218-7803942. 12/5p AL-ANON & ALATEEN 12-step study group. Tuesday noon at the Ely Presbyterian Church basement meeting room. More info, call Becky at 365-3175. tfn/nc Embarrass Al-Anon Family Group, at Hope Lutheran Church, 5088 Hwy 21, Embarrass. 6 p.m. on Monday nights. ! #"! !! "! 218-744-1788 8825 Hwy 101, Iron, MN 55751 218-741-4618 Commerical, Residential & Industrial Larry Hinsa, President Fall Hrs: M-Sat 8:30-5:30 Sundays 9-4 Storage • Complete Service • Sales Sell It Frank’s Marine Centrally Located On Sales & Service, Orr, Mn 55771 Mercury Outboards, MerCruiser, Crestliner, Lund, Spartan Trailers, Ercoa Pontoons. 4551 Bradley Road, Tower • 753-5457 Sell It Here 753-2950 365-3114 666-2342 Here Ely, Minnesota MN Lic. #20239100 E-mail: Call 218-757-3150 Lake Vermilion Covered Wet & Dry Boat Storage Lease or Purchase Options Marina • Mechanic on Duty Convenience Store 24-Hour Fuel • Live Bait Code Plus Construction builds quality custom homes, lake cabins, additions, garages, decks, remodeling and fine woodworking in our cabinet shop. We also offer quality ceramic tiling services. Dave Vesel (218) 365-2500 P R O V E N STORAGE K & L SELF STORAGE-Selfstorage units sizes 10x24 and 10x33 for rent starting at $50/ month. 3/4 mile north of Cook on E. Olson Rd just past the Crescent Bar and Grill. 218430-6011. tfn Superior Quality • Plank Paneling • Trim • One-Of-A-Kind Moldings • Industrial Lumber 1116 8th St. S. Virginia, MN 55792 HOUSE FOR RENT IN TOWER- 2 BR, pet-friendly, 3season porch. $575/month. Call 218-753-2081 or stop by Rick’s Relics. 11/14 COOK MUNICIPAL AIRPORT APARTMENT FOR RENTSpacious two bedroom, one bath, upper level apartment available for $600 per month, includes water, sewer and heat. Contact Cindy at the City of Cook for more details 218-6662200. tfn “Put A Piece Of Northern Minnesota In Your Home” n& Tow try Coun ric, Elect Inc. MARINE • SPORTING GOODS FOR RENT Hours: 8 AM-5 PM M-F 2 Miles South of Tower EAST DHU RIVER SAWMILL INC Call Today – 218-753-2950 or 218-365-3114 218-666-5940 BUILDING SERVICES REAL ESTATE SERVICES Subscribe to the TIMBERJAY! Call 218-753-2950 Subscribe Today (218) 753-2950 • (218) 365-3114 • (218) 666-2342 Subscribe online Save over 50% off newsstand rates '&%$##&"! !&' ' && &" &" ! # ###"! " WANTED GARAGE SPACE NEEDED – ELY AREA For the winter months to store the Vermilion Country School’s small bus. The bus is used to transport students to and from the Vermilion Country School in Tower. Would be parked overnights and weekends. Does not need to be heated. Call Sarah Mattifield or Kevin Fitton (218) 753-1246 ext. 2 Get full access to the e-edition
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Tuesdays, AA at 8 p.m. and AlANON at 7 p.m. Holy Cross
Catholic Church, Orr.
7 p.m. at Woodland Presbyterian
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Drive in Babbitt.
second Friday of the month at 1
p.m. at the Babbitt Municipal
Building, senior room. O...