Year End 2011 - Texas Freedom Network


Year End 2011 - Texas Freedom Network
Year End 2011
A Mainstream Voice for Religious Freedom, Civil Liberties and Strong Public Schools
Looking Ahead to 2012 2
State Board of Education 3
Year in Review 4 – 5
‘Thank You’ to Supporters 7
An Epic 2011 Is in the Books, A Critical 2012 Looms
Clockwise, starting top left:
TFN Student Leadership Council members visit
the nation’s capital; Epic Evening event co-chair
(from left) Diane Ireson, Gail Sulak, state Rep.
Donna Howard and Cindy Goldrick;
TFN President Kathy Miller (second from
right) with the Neavel family. Nancy Neavel
(right) and her late husband Dick were honored
for their activism; TFN activists lobby for
responsible sex ed at the Capitol.
Photo Credits:
Diane Ireson picture: Seabrook Jones
Neavel family: Chris Caselli
A Note from TFN President Kathy Miller
Board of Directors
Phil Durst, Chair
James Aldrete, Vice Chair
Dan McLendon, Treasurer
Susan Smith, Secretary
Paula Arnold
Rev. Dr. Larry Bethune
Rabbi Neil Blumofe
Stephanie Chiarello
Joni Cohan
Sally Drews
Hon. Sarah Eckhardt
Jessica Epperson
Rhonda Gerson
Diane Ireson
Jesse H. Jones II
Robert E. Jones
Audrey Kaplan
Robert Kendrick
Dale Linebarger
Dr. Lynn Markle
Ann McMullan
Deedee Ostfeld
Ann Parrish
Cecile Richards
Tom Weber
Megan Woodburn
TFN Staff
President: Kathy Miller
Deputy Director: Ryan Valentine
Outreach & Field Director:
Valerie Benavidez
Development Director: Rachel Glast
Communications Director: Dan Quinn
Deputy Communications Director:
José Medina
Office Administrator: Sandra J. Calderon
Annual Fund Officer: Shana Finkelstein
Youth Advocacy Coordinator: Garrett Mize
Outreach Coordinator: Judie Niskala
Interns: Seetha Kulandaisamy,
Mackenzie Massey
Newsletter Design: Claudia Roeschmann
Network News is the official newsletter
of the Texas Freedom Network.
It is not often that
I am able to come to
you at the end of the
year to tell you things
have improved at
the Texas State Board
of Education and
that we are optimistic
at a coming unique
opportunity for Texans
to make things even
But in 2011 the
SBOE was – dare I say it? – the most moderate elected body
in Texas government. OK, so the bar is very low. Still, the
2010 election did see more moderates elected to the state
board. For example, two mainstream Republicans replaced
far-right GOP board members who had worked to undermine
evolution in science classes, politicize social studies curriculum standards and promote religious bigotry.
board approved only materials based on sound science and
not those promoting creationist arguments against evolution.
Board creationists tried to dumb down instruction
on evolution, but nearly every one of their efforts failed.
These were positive developments. Still, I ask that you keep
the following in mind as we look forward to next year’s
elections. In 2012 Texans have a golden opportunity to ensure
that the state board’s far-right bloc’s ability to play politics
with public education once and for all becomes a thing of the
past. That’s because all 15 seats on the board will be up for
grabs, as is always the case the year after the Legislature draws
new district boundaries.
The momentum gained in the 2010 elections means that in
2012 lasting change can come to the board via the ballot box.
The impact of this shift toward the political center on the
state board was immediate.
That is why you can be certain that in the coming year TFN
will continue to be the go-to source for information on the
state board. You will hear from us often via our daily TFN
News Clips, our blog, newsletters and in the news media. And
we will provide opportunities and information on how you
and other like-minded individuals can get involved in supporting our efforts.
The “culture war” battles so common at the board largely
receded in 2011. In fact, when it came time to consider
instructional materials for public school science classes, the
Together we can help make 2012 the year when Texas finally
declares victory in the far right’s culture wars in our children’s
public schools.
A Milestone Year for TFN’s Youth Program
TFN’s youth organizing began back in the fall of 2006 on
the campus of the University of Texas at Austin – TFN’s
first student chapter. A lot has changed. By 2011, TFN had
chartered seven official chapters at universities across Texas.
Each of our student chapters is led by a member of our
Student Leadership Council (SLC), a group of students
TFN trains specifically to be leaders on campus and
in their communities. TFN’s SLC members are leading
student chapters at UT-Austin, Texas State University,
UT-San Antonio, UT-Brownsville, University of Houston,
UT-El Paso and Southern Methodist University.
Though most chapters are relatively new, their accomplishments are already numerous, including collecting hundreds
of additional Education Works petition signatures in
support of comprehensive sex ed. As we head into 2012,
our student leaders will be an integral part of TFN’s
efforts in support of evidence-based sex education when
the State Board of Education reviews health standards.
The work of our youth leaders is being noticed across the
state, as evidenced by the invitation extended to UT-Austin
chapter President Mackenzie Massey to speak at the
Texas Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy 2nd Annual
Conference, where she was the only youth presenter.
There is little doubt that TFN’s work with young people
today will help to create Texas’ leaders of tomorrow.
A Mainstream Voice for Religious Freedom, Civil Liberties and Strong Public Schools
State Board of Education: 2012 Elections
The Texas Freedom Network is focusing on critical
elections for the State Board of Education (SBOE) in
2012. All 15 seats will be up for election, and the future
of public education in Texas is on the line. (See Kathy’s
thoughts about the SBOE elections on page 2.)
Because of redistricting this year, some board incumbents now represent districts that are very different from
two years ago. That means they face new voters who
might not know them, perhaps making their districts
more competitive. Moreover, several incumbent board
members have announced they will not seek re-election,
including Bob Craig, Mary Helen Berlanga and
Marsha Farney.
The Republican primary elections in March will
likely be major battlegrounds between far-right and
mainstream candidates. Six GOP incumbents make
up the board’s far-right faction. The board’s five
other Republicans are more mainstream conservatives
who have resisted far-right efforts to politicize classrooms. But two of those five, Bob Craig, R-Lubbock,
and Marsha Farney, R-Georgetown, have already announced that they are not running for re-election.
That means the contest for those two seats could be
particularly important in 2012.
Incumbent Mary Helen Berlanga, D-Corpus Christi,
has also announced that she will not seek re-election
to her seat. That District 2 race and the contest
in El Paso-based District 1 will be among the most
important general election battles in November.
Republican incumbent Charlie Garza, a member
of the board’s far-right faction, won in the heavily
Democratic District 1 in 2010.
We will keep you informed about SBOE candidates
and election news at and on our blog.
State Board of Education
SBOE Incumbents (* = far-right members)
District 1: *Charlie Garza, R-El Paso
District 2: Mary Helen Berlanga, D-Corpus Christi, secretary
District 3: Michael Soto, D-San Antonio
District 4: Lawrence Allen, D-Fresno
District 5: *Ken Mercer, R-San Antonio
District 6: *Terri Leo, R-Spring
District 7: *David Bradley, R-Buna
District 8: *Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands, chair
District 9: Thomas Ratliff, R-Mt. Pleasant
District 10: Marsha Farney, R-Georgetown
District 11: Pat Hardy, R-Ft. Worth
District 12: George Clayton, R-Richardson
District 13: Mavis Knight, D-Dallas
District 14: *Gail Lowe, R-Lampasas
District 15: Bob Craig, R-Lubbock, vice chair
For candidate information,
district profiles and
the latest SBOE election news,
please visit
Key Dates
February 6: Voter registration deadline for March primaries
March 6: Party primary elections
September 2012: TFN releases Voter Guide
October 9: Registration deadline for general election
November 6: General election
Donate today at
the years to come.
doms and values in
most precious free-
voice to defend our
reinforces TFN’s
Your contribution
makes a difference.
and every dollar
of the far right,
powerful influence
TFN fights the
Considering Gov. Perry’s and other lawmakers insistence on adhering to a failed abstinence-only sex ed policy, this new trend is an
encouraging indication that Texas may one day leave its spot as one
of the states with the worst teen pregnancy rates.
An updated report issued in 2011 by TFNEF shows a marked
increase in the percentage of districts that have moved away from
abstinence-only and are now including basic information about
contraception in their sex ed curricula.
There are encouraging signs that change is on its way.
The state has a longstanding policy that school districts that teach
sex ed are required to emphasize abstinence. As a result, fully 94
percent of the state’s school districts taught abstinence-only,
according to a groundbreaking 2009 report by the Texas Freedom
Network Education Fund.
Texas has a woeful record on sex education that has kept the state’s
teen pregnancy rate alarmingly high.
Local Gains on Sex Ed
Gov. Perry’s event went forward as planned on Aug. 6, and the following week he announced he would run for president, casting doubt
on the claim that the event was non-political and not meant to rally
evangelicals to the polls.
TFN responded with a petition-signing drive asking Gov. Perry to open
his event to all people, not just Christians. More than 10,000 people
signed the petition.
The divisive nature of the event and the hateful rhetoric of the sponsoring group – the American Family Association – raised concerns among
people of varying faith traditions, and among people of no faith tradition, that the event was less an expression of faith and more of a political
rally that used religion for political gain.
In early summer as rumors of a potential presidential bid began to swirl,
Gov. Rick Perry announced that he would team with a hate group
to host a Christians-only prayer event at Houston’s Reliant Stadium.
Rick Perry’s ‘The Response’
Additionally, the state Senate rejected playing politics with the
education of our children when it refused to confirm then-SBOE
chair Gail Lowe for another term at the board’s helm. Lowe, a
member of the board’s far-right faction, allowed the culture wars to
continue at the SBOE during her tenure as chair.
Yet not all was bleak at the Legislature. We happily report that we
were once again able to beat back school voucher schemes that harm
our public schools. Bills to protect Texans from the mythical threat
of Sharia law and that would have legitimized creationist propaganda as real science at public universities were also defeated.
The 2010 elections ushered in a wave of lawmakers who were
elected by far-right groups. Those lawmakers immediately got to
work on their extremist agenda, meaning Texans who adhere
to mainstream values and the groups whose job is to defend those
values – like TFN – found themselves largely on the defensive.
Going into 2011, we knew that we would face some difficult challenges at the Texas Legislature when it convened for its 82nd session.
Tough Days at the Lege
The result of the science adoption shows that the far-right bloc
of culture warriors that has put politics ahead of education no
longer has a stranglehold on the board, and that is a good thing
for education in Texas.
In a unanimous vote the board approved instructional materials
for public school biology classes. A review by our friends at the
National Center for Science Education found the materials to be
in line with established, fact-based science and free of creationist
attacks on evolution.
In late July TFN and a coalition of scientists prepared for yet
another attack on evolutionary science at the State Board of
Education. To the surprise of most, however, the result was a
re-affirmation of mainstream science by an elected body that has
historically been hostile toward science.
Science Finally Wins at SBOE
A Texas Freedom Network Education Fund report on sex ed in Texas
schools showed promising results: a marked increase in the percentage of
school districts teaching more than just abstinence and including basic
information on contraception.
TFN honored SBOE member Michael Soto for his defense of public
schools and his support of mainstream science in instructional materials
approved by the board. (Photo credit: John Franklin)
Texas Gov. Rick Perry hosted a controversial Christians-only prayer
event at Houston’s Reliant Stadium on Aug. 6, a week before he announced his presidential run.
Pulitzer Prize-wining columnist Leonard Pitts drew a standing-room
only crowd in Austin during TFN LobbyDay 2011.
2011: The Good, the Bad
and the Encouraging
The Texas Freedom Network’s donors and volunteers provide the resources and commitment that are critical to
fighting the religious right. We couldn’t accomplish our mission without their support.
It Was Epic!
More than 700 TFN supporters filled the Bob Bullock
Texas State History Museum in late October for an evening
that was truly epic.
TFN President Kathy Miller presented the 2011 Samantha
Smoot Activist Award to Nancy and the late Dick Neavel
for their years of selfless volunteerism and support of TFN’s
work. State Sen. Kirk Watson received TFN’s 2011 Legislative Hero award for his leadership at the Texas Capitol.
TFN supporters Becky Beaver
and John Duncan
(Photo credit: Seabrook Jones)
We extend a special thanks
to our epic event planning committee:
State Sen. Kirk Watson
accepts TFN’s 2011
Legislative Hero Award
during TFN’s Epic Evening
in October.
(Photo credit: Chris Caselli)
Co-Chairs: Elma Cantú Aldrete & Diane Ireson
Committee: Suzee Brooks, Marili Cantú Burbes, Sally Drews,
Phil Durst, Jodie Eldridge, Karen Gross, Stacy Kaplowitz, Jared
Lindauer, Judy MacKenzie, Mackenzie Massey, Richard Merren,
Randy Newth, Yael Ouzillou, Jeanette Rodriguez, Steven Smith,
David C. Smith, Felice Trirogoff, Alan Washington and
Megan Woodburn
Thanks again to our generous event sponsors, silent auction donors
and event volunteers. Your support enables us to continue the critical
work of defending mainstream values.
San Antonio Welcomes TFN
Supporters (from left)
Brenda Blond, Carrie Sinkin and
Linda Lopez at TFN’s 16th annual
San Antonio members’ reception.
(Photo credit: John Franklin)
The Texas Freedom Network hosted its 16th
annual members’ reception in San Antonio, where
longtime members and new supporters showed up
in full force to pay tribute to TFN’s hard work
and dedication.
TFN would like to extend a heartfelt “thank you”
to Carrie and Steven Sinkin for opening
their beautiful home to TFN’s annual event.
A Mainstream Voice for Religious Freedom, Civil Liberties and Strong Public Schools
Freedom Council
We offer heartfelt thanks to the
TFN Freedom Council – donors who contribute an annual
gift of $1,000 or more – for
their generosity in 2011.
Naomi Aberly
Elma & James Aldrete
Joan & Stanford Alexander
Becky Beaver & John Duncan
Rev. Dr. Larry Bethune
Cecilia & Garrett Boone
Mary L. Brandt & Stacey Berg
Debbie & Frank Branson
Jean S. Chittenden
Laura Scanlan Cho & Ken Cho
Judith Coffin & Willy Forbath
Joni & Bob Cohan
Gerry & Charles Cristol
Charlotte & Houston Daniel
Christine & Philip Dial
Dr. Toni Dollinger & Rabbi
Barry Block
Amy & Lee Fikes
Pat & Bob Flynn
Drs. Georgia & Michael Foulard
Rhonda & Dr. Paul Gerson
David Glassco
Renee & Russell Graham
Melanie Gray & Mark Wawro
Dr. Donald Hammill
Janet Hebert
Don & Sharon Henley
Alisa & Eric Hennenhoefer
Darlene & John M. Hicks
Joan & David Hilgers
Patricia Houck & Lyssa Jenkens
Diane Ireson & Rowland Cook
Rusty & John V. Jaggers
Jill Jewett
Marcia & Luckett Johnson
Jesse H. Jones, II
Audrey & Dr. Norman Kaplan
Robert Kendrick
Gail & Jeffrey Kodosky
Cindy & Greg Kozmetsky
Lisa & Peter Kraus
Carole & Ronald Krist
Diane Land & Steve Adler
Sheila & Norman Loewenstern
Joy & Ronald Mankoff
Nancy & Neal Manne
Deborah Martin &
Robert Sullivan
Catherine Mauzy
Janie & Cappy McGarr
Kathy Miller
Ginni & Richard Mithoff
Susan Moffat & Nick Barbaro
Sandy & Art Nicholson
Deedee & David Ostfeld
Ann C. Parrish
John “Randy” Parten
Janis & Joe Pinnelli
Timothy Price
MariBen Ramsey &
Karen Kahan
Cecile Richards & Kirk Adams
Catherine & Will Rose
Betty Sanders
Cynthia Schneidler, MD
Judith Shure &
James R. Mattingly
Lisa & Charles Siegel
Susan & Tommy Smith
Nancy & John Solana
Wendy & Marc Stanley
Naomi & Robert Stearns
Texas AFT
Texas State Teachers Association
Laura & Tomas Torres
Judy Voress
Kristine & Stephen Wallace
Delane & Tom Weber
Ede & Dr. Bruce Weiner
Jamie & Carl Weisbrod
Alexa & Blaine Wesner
Melba & Ted Whatley
Jean Wilson
Peggy & Matt Winkler
Barbara W. Winston
Sarah Woelk & Phil Durst
Linda & William Wofford
Edith & Robert Zinn
As of 11/1/11
TFN Education Fund
Freedom Council
We are grateful to the very generous
supporters of the TFN Education
Fund for supporting groundbreaking research, leadership training
and advocacy efforts.
Naomi Aberly
Advocates For Youth
Paula S. Arnold
Lisa Blue Baron
Ann Daughety
Mandy Dealey
Libby & Hon. Lloyd Doggett
The Embrey Family Foundation
Francie & David Frederick
Picce & Bob Glast
Melanie Gray & Mark Wawro
Martha M. & Stephen Hixon
Jesse H. Jones, II
Libby & Dale Linebarger
Dr. R. Lynn Markle, M.D.
Ann & Jim McMullan
MFI Foundation
Ms. Foundation for Women
Elizabeth & Jerele Neeld
Deedee & David Ostfeld
Alice Kleberg Reynolds
Barbara & J. Victor Samuels
The Simmons Foundation
Spiritual Youth for
Reproductive Freedom
Tracy & Gary Stein
Nancy & Peter Thompson
Peggy & Matt Winkler
Anne Elizabeth Wynn
Edith & Robert Zinn
As of 11/1/11
Thank You to TFN’s
Amazing Volunteers!
Katie Adams
Jon Andropoulos
Andy Baker
Robert Baumgardner
Shanae Becker
Jane Bedford
Sandy Bieri
John Bender
Marti Bier
Helen & Lee Bland
Robert Bohmfalk
Rosalie & Jim Boldin
Pamela Bona
Janice & Don Boyd
Carol Brady
Steve Bratteng
Suzee Brooks
Helen Burnette
Allie Byers
Gabby Byers
Kathy Carvell
Mary Lee Comer
Nossi Creeger
Lynnea Dally
Christopher Daniel
Jim Davis
Tom Davis
Tanis DeLuna
Sam Dodd
Marie Drummond
Kay Duffy
Phil Durst
James Esposito
Laurie Felker Jones
Mike Fisher
Ken Flippin
Martha Frede
Kay Gaul
Al Giles
Deborah Glast
Helen Halldorsson
Austin Haller
Mike Harris
Allison Heinrich
Paul Heller
Janet Herbert
Mark Hester
Darlene & John Hicks
Josiah Ingalls
Katie Jones
Christian Kalthoff
Wendy Kalthoff
Kay Killough
Candace King
Seetha Kulandaisamy
Alexander Labry
Joe Lapp
Nancy Latner
Sue Laurent
Mark Lively
Shannon Lollar
Nancy Lomax
Carisa Lopez
Judy & Bruce MacKenzie
Sandy & David Mann
Mackenzie Massey
Cema & Ricardo Mastroleo
Dennis Mick
Sarah “Moxy” Moczygemba
Blanca Murillo
Robin Orlowski
Amy Parham
Amie Parsons
William Pate
Marilee & Jerry Phillips
Katie Pierce
Vera Preston-Jaeger
Alex Ramirez
Carol & Jim Reed
Jo Reichler
Joanne Richards
Andrew Riggsby
Sue Roberts
Rebecca Robinson
Andrew Rogers
David Rogers
Martha & Wayne Rogers
Mattie Rowden
Leah & Josh Schimberg
Martha Schumacher
Maggie Schweitzer
Priyanka Sen
Marilyn & Gerald Smolinsky
Kay & Del Taebel
Ariel Thomann
Alice Van Zant
Vanessa Vaughter
Jules Munoz Villarreal
Xaq Webb
JH Webber
Sarah Weis
Raul Zighelboim
In Memory of:
Gerald Peter “Pete” Irwin
by Gayle & John Hancock
Esther Quinn
by Diane Ireson &
Rowland Cook
by Richard Hartgrove &
Gary Cooper
Jack Cross
by Diane Ireson &
Rowland Cook
In Honor of:
Jim Davis
by Lynn & Louis Renaud
John Robert Dean, Jr.
by Katherine Bennett
Diane Ireson
by Annette Carlozzi &
Dan Bullock
Jay Jones
by Rebecca White
Ann McMullan
by Elizabeth & Drew Cauthorn
by Barbie Scharf-Zeldes
Kathy Miller
by Mark Finkelstein
Nancy Neavel &
the late Dick Neavel
by Sandra & James Bieri
by Jennifer Binford & Louis Appel
by Jack Rosshirt
Susan Smith
by Elizabeth & Drew Cauthorn
by Barbie Scharf-Zeldes
thank you
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Houston, TX
In an election year when so much is
at stake, why do our politics remain
fixated on the culture wars?
Christian America
January 25, 2012
Gay Right
Christian America
School Prayer
Join us for two exciting events
examining the turbulent intersection
of religion and politics in America.
Christian America
Christian America
Religion in the 2012 Elections
School Prayer
Christian America
An Evening with
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Columnist
Leonard Pitts
Free Adm
James A. Baker III Hall, Rice University
6100 Main Street, Houston
January 25
1 – 4:30 p.m.
Congregation Emanu El
1500 Sunset Boulevard, Houston
January 25
7 p.m.
Tickets $20
Register now at