2013-11 Willow Point School Newsletter
2013-11 Willow Point School Newsletter
November 2013 École Willow Point Elementary 250 Larwood Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 1S4 Tel: (250) 923-4311 Fax: (250) 923-4157 Dear Parents & Guardians, One of teachers’ most important responsibilities is communicating student progress to the parents. Last year, our school made a shift from Reporting to Communicating student learning. What does it look like? Each teacher will be communicating with you regularly about the big ideas or themes that will be or has been the learning focus for the month. As well they will be communicating with you monthly about your child’s progress in at least one area of learning. They may communicate these things with you in a variety of ways including emails, phone calls, one on one conversations, their website if they have one or through newsletters. In addition they will be sending samples of your child’s work home. Two of our teachers will be piloting student digital portfolios as well. Be sure to spend some time looking at these samples of work with your child along with the descriptive feedback or rubric that accompanies it. Here are some questions that might help guide the conversation with your child: What was the task or assignment? What were you expected to do? What were the criteria for success? What did you do well…which of the criteria for success did you meet? Which criteria was hard for you? What would help you to meet this criteria next time? How can I help you at home? Student-Led Conferences / Parent-Teacher Interviews On Thursday, November 7th, you and your child are invited to take part in student-led conferences or parent / teacher interviews at our school. The goal of those conferences and interviews is to provide you with a deeper understanding of what and how your child is learning. We will be posting schedules for each class in the school entrance starting on Oct. 31 st and we are asking you to book a time for the conference / interview. If you are unable to come to school to book a conference / interview time, you can phone Jeannie Wernig, our Secretary at 250-923-4311 between 8:00 am and 3:00 pm. Please note that November 7th has been set aside for conferences and interviews and school will not be in session that day. It is our hope that through regular communication you will be able to not only develop a clearer picture of your child’s progress but also ways you can help support their learning at home. We are th looking forward to seeing on November 7 ! Louise Guèvremont & Nancy Hwang h École Willow Point Elementary November 2013 PREVENTING COLDS & INFLUENZA (FLU) Cold and influenza season is here. As the weather gets cooler and we move indoors, so do germs. Children need reminders to decrease the risk of colds and flu in your house by: Washing hands often Coughing and sneezing into their elbow Not sharing facecloths or towels Keeping hands away from nose and mouth Not sharing food or drink with others To help limit the spread of germs, please keep your child at home if he or she is feverish, coughing a lot, has a thick yellow or green discharge from the nose, or is obviously unwell. Viruses cause colds and influenza. The most effective treatment for a cold is rest and fluids. The influenza vaccine will protect against specific types of influenza. Antibiotics will not make a cold or other virus go away faster. However, more serious infections can start out as a cold. Call your doctor if your child has earache, fever higher than 39o C (102o F), rash, is very sleepy, very cranky or fussy, has trouble breathing or a cough that will not go away. Handwashing is the most effective way to stop the spread of germs that cause colds, influenza, diarrhea, and other illnesses. To wash hands properly: Wet hands under warm running water Scrub with plain soap for a count of 20, all over hands and between fingers Rinse under running water for a count of 10 Dry hands with a clean paper towel Turn off taps with a paper towel Remember to wash hands: Before and after eating or handling food After using the toilet, handling pets, coughing, sneezing, or wiping noses. How Long is 20 seconds? Slowly singing “Happy Birthday” twice takes about 20 seconds For more information contact: Your local Health Unit HealthLinkBC at 8-1-1(a free call) or www.healthlinkbc.ca . École Willow Point Elementary November 2013 November CPF Corner Information BIRTHDAY WISHES TO: Lexi 5 Cord 13 Sierra 15 Marcus 18 Owen 18 Dane 18 Ethan 20 Aiden 20 Reid 22 Caitlyn 24 Molly 25 Our Membership Drive is just about ready to wrap up. Join now for your chance to win a $25.00 Gift Card. Membership forms are available online, at the school or contact Andrea Dirom at: adirom@telus.net. ***** *************************************** Lost & Found Clothing After only 2 months of school we have A HUGE amount of clothing on the coat rack. Please check to see if any of these items belong to your child. L’atelier du Père Noël (Santa’s Workshop) Another reminder that on Friday, December 6th, Mme Hwang’s class will be hosting an event called Santa’s Workshop. Classes will be given the chance to purchase items for their friends and family. Everything will be sold for $2. In order for this event to be successful, families are asked to put aside their “gently used” items and bring them in between November 20th and December 4th. An example of items they are looking for are: dvd’s, cd’s, toys, items that mom and dad no longer need, books etc. Since Mme Hwang’s class will also be wrapping the purchases, they are also asking families to put aside wrapping paper, ribbon, tape, bows and gift tags to be brought in between November 20th and December 4th. We are looking forward to your participation with this event. Your help and cooperation are greatly appreciated. Campbell River Wrestling Association is excited to offer some fun wrestling opportunities for all Campbell River elementary schools: A fun jamboree will take place at Carihi on November 2 from 9am to 12 noon. If you enjoy the introduction and jamboree and would like to join our elementary program please come to our Elementary Aged Wrestling practices that will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:00 -7:00 pm at Carihi in the Multipurpose room (by the gym) beginning November 5th and running through to February 6th. Practices will be organized in a safe environment and will focus on the fundamentals of wrestling. Throughout the season, there will be an opportunity to participate in a variety of practices, camps and tournaments to complete a full season. Practice attire includes: shorts/sweats, t-shirts and inside sneakers or socks. Try to avoid clothing with zippers, buttons, belts, or any other metal objects (wrestling boots are not required). Register your child and watch them start as an unskilled wrestler and end the season with the skills and knowledge to wrestle an official match. For more information or to register please contact: Soshana Nickerson Email: snickerson@viic.ca Phone: 250-202-8140 Thank you, Jason Kerluck - CRWA President Email: jason.kerluck@sd72.bc.ca CRWA Sign-up fees: $35.00 per wrestler (cheques payable to CRWA) Fee includes the following: - CRWA t-shirt - Insurance École Willow Point Elementary November 2013 Christmas Business Expo Tuesday Dec 3rd. 5:00 –8:00 pm. Looking for Vendors Calling All “Christmas Expo” Vendors! Event Date: Tuesday, December 3rd 5:00pm – 8:00pm Whether you are a local business or a crafter, we would love for you to participate in the Ecole Willow Point Christmas Expo. The Christmas Expo will take place alongside “Photos With Santa” in the school gymnasium. Table cost is $25 and all proceeds go to the Ecole Willow Point PAC. Vendors will be asked to provide one door prize. To book your table, please email Mercedes Hayduk at mercedes_hayduk@yahoo.com Payment will be due by Friday, November 15th. Terry Fox/Tour de Rock 2013 We raised a grand total of A big thank you to Rhonda Bobocel along with all parents and PAC members who made the Halloween Dance a success. We had a great turnout and costumes of kids, parents and teachers were all great. $ 330.08 which will be split between the two charities! Well done École Willow Point! we raised a significant amount of money that will be donated to help cancer research and to help send kids with cancer to Camp Good Times! NOVEMBER 2013 Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6 Thursday 7 Student Led Conferences No School Today Friday Saturday 1Hot Lunch 2 8 Remembrance Day Assembly 11:00 9 Hot Lunch 10 11 Remembrance Day 12 13 14 15 Hot Lunch 17 18 19 20 21 Story Theatre 1:00 PM 22 23 Social Responsibility Assembly PAC Meeting 6:30 16 Hot Lunch 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 December 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Xmas Expo 5-8 8 9 10 Mme Hwangs Santa’s Workshop 11 12 13 14 19 20 21 Christmas Concert 7 PM Last Day of School Before Christmas Break 26 27 Young Entrepreneur Fair 15 16 17 18 Pac Meeting 6:30 22 23 24 25 Merry Christmas To all! 29 30 31 Happy New Year 28 CPF Membership Drive What does that money do for our kids? Over the last few years the Campbell River chapter has assisted with funding and been involved with the following events: Class field trips Will Stroet school performance for EWP and EDM Community Carnival Vazzy en Quebec performance at Community Carnival Concours D’art Oratire French Immersion Graduation Ceremonies Provides annual bursaries to those French students continuing their education Provides the material for the ceintures fleche (red sashes for carnival) for all students Quebec Trip hoodies And much more! Renew your membership! Ask others to join! And do it before October 31st because during our membership drive you can win wonderful prizes! Remember 80% of your membership fee goes right back to your local chapter. Sign up or renew now and be entered in a draw to win a gift card, separate draw for EDM and EWP!