Light + Life PubLishing


Light + Life PubLishing
Light + Life Publishing
w o r l d ’ s l a r g e s t o r t h o d o x s u ppl i e r
C ata lo g
A d v e n t , C h r i s t m a s, L e n t e n & Pa sc h a G i f t Id e a s!
To Our Customers,
Scripture tells us often of the changelessness of God
(Hebrews 13:8: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and
forever) – a truth which is a strong anchor to the faithful who live in
a world that changes far more than many of us would choose. Light
and Life Publishing has experienced many changes lately, but our
mission remains:
To increase the personal knowledge of Jesus Christ and His Church
through the written word, to serve our customers efficiently, and to
bring ultimate glory to the life-giving Trinity: Father, Son and Holy
Light and Life has reduced its inventory significantly, keeping only
the top 400 best selling items. We remain the largest Orthodox
supplier and are committed to presenting you with items that will
strengthen our Orthodox Churches as well as the personal lives of the
Please visit our website’s homepage at to see
some of the exciting new offerings we have added. We now offer
retreats, lectures or seminars focusing on one of our publications.
Tools for Theosis ~ Becoming God-like in Christ, by Anthony M.
Coniaris, is the first topic in our series. A new topic will be created
each year. Light and Life provides the presenter who will travel to
your location to deliver the message and preside as your retreat
master. Please contact us if your church is interested in a Light and
Life retreat, Sunday School training, or other educational
May our changeless and faithful Lord fill your hearts with His
presence, truth and love as we embark on a new year of servanthood
to Him.
Light & Life Publishing Co.
6135 Kellogg Ave. S., Suite 221
Edina, Minnesota 55424
Patty Christopulos
Manager of Operations
Light and Life Publishing
The entrance of the Monastery of Panayia
Pantanassa at the historical site of Mystras,
a Byzantine castle in Greece.
Anthony M. Coniaris
Patty Christopulos
manager of operations
Roxanne Muchulas
sales/web admin
Jodie Meyer
Susan O’Reilly
with special thanks to:
Dan Christopulos
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something you
see in this
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to Hear
from You!
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feedback! For
questions &
please email us at
Table of Contents
Our Current Favorite Picks. . . . . 4
Book Review: Tools for
Theosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Staff Picks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Bible. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Christian Living & Spirituality. . 6
Biographies & Autobiographies. . . 6
Death, Divorce, Suffering & Loss. . . 7
Devotionals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Environment & Geology . . . . . . . . 11
Journeys to Orthodoxy & New
to the Faith. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Morals and Ethics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Prayer & Prayer Books
Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Physical Wellness & Spirituality. . . 14
Church Year & Its Season . . . . 22
Advent & Christmas. . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Lent & Pascha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Preaching Aids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Divine liturgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Experiencing the Liturgy. . . . . . . . 22
History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Liturgy Books for Pews. . . . . . . . . . . 2
Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Devotional & Prayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Parenting Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Marriage Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
The Orthodox church and
Its teachings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Angels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Architecture, Icons, Symbols
and Vestments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Catechism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Church Fathers & Patristics. . . . . . 26
Church History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Culture & Customs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Doctrine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Role of Women. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Tradition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Orthodoxy & Other Faiths. . . 29
Catholic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Ecumenical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Islam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Protestant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Sacraments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Baptism. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Confession . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Holy Communion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Marriage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Saints & Theotokos. . . . . . . . . . .31
Saints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Theotokos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
eBooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Youth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Pre-School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
School Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Teen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Pamphlets / Brochures . . . . . . 36
CookBooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Icons of Christ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Icons of Theotokos . . . . . . . . . . 39
More Icons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Gifts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Nativity Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Occasional Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Icon Cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Icon Prayer Cards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Bookmarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Icon Magnets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Decal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Pendants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Pins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Night Lights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Car Visor Clips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Dashboard or Desk Cross . . . . . . . 45
License Plate Holder. . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Calendars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Worship Items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Preparing Prosfora for Liturgy. . . 45
Incense & Charcoal . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Shipping & Handling Info. . . . 46
Retreats &
Seminars . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover
† Light & Life Publications
v Non-discounted Items
Our Current
Favorite Books
✝ Tools for Theosis
Becoming God-like in Christ
by Anthony M. Coniaris
reviewed by Dan Christopulos
After 48 years of published works Fr. Anthony Coniaris’
greatest gift remains his ability to take seemingly difficult Orthodox Christian topics and make them understandable for the average lay person while not insulting
the intelligence of the learned theologian. In his last
book, The Uniqueness of Eastern Christianity... Father
Coniaris descended deeper into what distinguishes
Orthodoxy from other Christian faith communions.
Similarly, in this present offering, he doesn’t just define
Item # TOOL125
the important Orthodox concept of Theosis, but he
delves into the daily practices which assist us on our
journey toward becoming God-like—joining with God, not in His essence, but in His
Typical of a Coniaris offering, the book is filled with Biblical quotes, contemplations
from the Holy Fathers, as well as modern Orthodox theologians, and the existential
experiences of living our Orthodox Christian faith. As he correctly presents, Theosis is
the potential to which all human beings are called. In the words he quotes from JeanClaude Larget: “Man was created to be united with God. The faculty of desire was
placed in his nature so that he could desire God, yearn for Him and be raised and united to Him.” St. Basil the Great adds: “Man is a creature who has received the command
to become god.” And, the notion is succinctly captured in Peter’s epistle where he
writes, “…become partakers of divine nature.” (2 Peter 4:1)
But even more important than helping us understand Theosis, are the instructions on
how to use the great treasure-chest of tools that our Lord has given us to help us on our
journey. Fr. Anthony takes us step by step, reminiscent of St. John of the Ladder, on
how the Sacraments, Holy Writings, Prayer, Repentance, Liturgy and Liturgical
Practices, Icons, Spiritual ascesis (exercise), and the Resurrection can help us move
from the image of God to the likeness of God.
He reminds us that Theosis is both a grace and a task. The potential is given to us by
God’s grace and we have to freely choose to respond in a synergistic manner with God.
It is not a 50/50 synergy, but without our response to God’s grace, our potential of
God-likeness remains unrealized.
As Fr. Coniaris nears the end of his eighth decade in the Church militant he willingly
shares the tools that he has employed to draw nearer to God and the realization of his
own potential in becoming God-like. The book is a must read for any serious
Orthodox Christian in the daily struggle of moving from image to likeness.
Call us at (952) 925-3888, or place your Item online at
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
& Why We Love Them
We asked our staff to pick their favorite books
from our Light & Life collection and tell us what makes them so special.
Here’s what they said...
We Cook, We Pray, We
Learn is a wonderful book in many ways,
but especially because it draws us back to the kitchen, the
heart of the home with its warmth, aromatic smells and the coming
together with loved ones. These kitchen activities are linked to the rhythm
and life of the church, and to our spiritual family. In our frantically busy lives this
small colorful booklet offers recipes family’s can make all together such as, Prosforo
Bread, which can then be brought to church to be used in the Divine Liturgy. It
also discusses the Slavic Easter Basket custom and describes the family activities involving their baskets and the celebration of the Feast of the
Resurrection. It is a heartwarming book that you will devour
and want to share!
~ Patty C.
This book is filled with beautiful vignettes for those
who have lost loved ones. In his book, Christ’s Comfort for
Those Who Sorrow, Anthony M. Coniaris shares messages of hope,
reminding us that we do not merely vanish from this life but rather are
journeying to a new destination. Words of tenderness are sprinkled throughout short stories of people experiencing painful emotions such as sadness, anger
and despair as in the chapters, “Life Is a Round Trip Ticket”, “I’m Only Passing
Through,” and “When Our Favorite Flowers are Plucked.” Keep this book
handy as it can be returned to daily to deal with one of life’s most difficult challenges.
~ Roxanne M.
✝ We Cook, We Pray,
We Learn
by Marusia Melackrinos &
Christina Kyriacou
Spiral Bound
5 1/2” x 7 1/2”.
24 pages.
Item # WECO100
✝ Christ's Comfort for
Those Who Sorrow
Anthony M. Coniaris
Soft Bound
5 1/2” x 8 1/4”.
174 pages.
Item # CHRI200
In God’s Path to Sanity, each chapter
explores a different area of personal struggle such as
vanity or impatience, that can prevent us from living a fuller
life. I especially enjoyed the chapter on patience, and how practicing
patience leads to personal integrity. The author asks, “To what degree do
you think you have integrity, the ability to remain true to the person God has
enabled you to become?” Probing questions like this provide us with an
opportunity to step back and examine our behavior and upon reflection,
realize the spiritual truth that communion with God can improve
our life in the most important and eternal ways.
~ Jodie M.
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We Cook... (WECO100)
Christ's Comfort... (CHRI200)
God's Path... (GODS107)
✝ God's Path to Sanity
Anthony M. Coniaris
Soft Bound
5 1/2” x 8 1/2”.
80 pages.
Item # GODS107
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Offer good through December 31, 2014
† Light & Life Titles
How to Read
Your Bible
Orthodox Study
Bible: Old &
New Testament
It is a 2000 page
Septuagint Old
Testament and
New Testament
Bible with Study
Notes from an
Perspective. A product of ten
years work. Includes commentary
by early Church Fathers and
noted Orthodox theologians,
Morning and Evening Prayers,
Glossary, Icons, How to Read the
Bible, etc. 6 1/2” x 9 1/2”. 2,000
Item # OZST160
Quantity discounts available
by Bishop
Kallistos Ware
Intensely practical and warmly
written, this
booklet sets
forth the basics
of personal Bible
study from a truly Orthodox perspective. 4 1/2” x 6 1/2”.
Item # HOWT240
was it a product of the Holy
Spirit working through the
Church? Who compiled the list
of New Testament books now
accepted by all Christians the
world over? This booklet
answers these and other
questions, dispelling many
modern myths.
Item#: WHIC100
by Fr. A. James
Did the New
produce the
Church, or
Hard Bound
Soft Bound
† Orthodox
Which Came
First: The
Church or
the New
the subject and tone of the
questions, the answers try to deal
with them honestly, sincerely, and
with respect. Index included. 6" x
9". 328 pages.
Item # OZCH202
by Stanley
Samuel Harakas
In this first
volume of
Christian Beliefs,
Fr. Harakas answers 75 questions
submitted by real people, about
the doctrines and beliefs of the
Orthodox Christian Church.
The questions and answers were
written over a period of years
from 1984 - 2000. Regardless of
See Youth
Section for
Bibles for
† The Holy
Doctors Church
by Georgia Hronas
Translated from the
Greek Orthodox
The stories of
twenty special physician saints
who belong to a group called the
Unmercenaries because they
accepted no payment for their
services. Eighteen of these were
professional missionary physicians
and two were priests. In Greece,
chapels are built in every hospital
to the Holy Unmercenaries, the
protectors of doctors, nurses and
patients. 5½" x 8¼". 107 pages.
Item # HOLY330
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
The Gurus,
the Young
Man and
Elder Paisios
by Dionysios
This true and
compelling story
chronicles a
young man’s spiritual journey from
the ashrams of India to the
monasteries of Mt. Athos.
5 1/2” x 8”. 312 pages.
Item # GURU700
Soft Bound
Inner River: A
Pilgrimage to
the Heart of
by Kyriacos C.
In Markides'
latest work,
Eastern Orthodox mysticism
once again meets Western
Christianity as the
internationally renowned
author takes readers on a mindexpanding, soul deepening
❖ Non-Discounted Item
journey to the very roots of an
authentic spirituality.
5 1/4” x 8”. 320 pages.
Item # INNE500
Soft Bound
The Mountain
of Silence: A
Search for
by Kyriacos C.
An expert in
mysticism travels to a monastery
high in the Trodos Mountains of
Cyprus and offers a fascinating look
at the Greek Orthodox approach to
spirituality. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 256
Item # MOUN570
Soft Bound
The Forgotten
Desert Mothers
by Laura Swan
Guided by her
own inner
journey, the
author explores
the meaning and
context of the
desert before introducing us the
abundant wisdom of the Desert
Mothers. Detailing their lives and
their voices, she invites us to
partake of their enlightenment. A
taste from Amma Synceltica, "We
must direct our souls with
discernment." Other Desert
Mothers include: Anastasia the
Patrician; Macrina the Younger;
and Paula the Elder. Includes a
timeline, appendix and glossary.
Item#: FORG115
Soft Bound
An Englishman
in the Court of
the Tsar: The
Spiritual Journey
of Charles
Sydney Gibbes
by Christine
Demoralized by
the liberalism of
the Anglican Church, Englishman
Charles Sydney Gibbes travels
abroad in a crisis of faith. 5 1/2" x
8 1/2". 304 pages.
Item#: ENGL300
Soft Bound
Grand Duchess
Elizabeth of
Russia: New
Martyr of the
by Lubov Millar
This spiritual
portrait of St.
Elizabeth is a fascinating story of
how this woman of noble birth
chose Orthodoxy. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2".
388 pages.
Item#: GRAN100
by Anthony M.
“...we entrust
the souls of
our dear loved
ones who have passed on into
the Presence of One who is
Love.” Page 31. In His love are
our loved ones welcomed and in
His love are we comforted.
Through the voices of our
Savior, our Fathers, and those
who have faced such loss, Fr.
Anthony shares beautiful
vignettes to enlighten our
understanding and bring peace
to our hearts. Passages are brief
yet potent, carrying with them
messages to console those who
grieve. 5 1/2” x 8”. 47 pages.
Item # CHRI200
Soft Bound
Akathist to Jesus
Christ For A
Loved One Who
Has Fallen
This beautiful
Akathist is
designed to pray
by name for a loved one who has
died. 4 3/4" x 6 1/2”. 32 pages
Item#: AKAT153
Soft Bound
Akathist to the
Mother of God,
Healer of Cancer
A beautiful
Akathist, written to
the Mother of God,
Pantanassa or
Queen of All, a
17th-century miraculous icon
treasured in the Athonite
Monastery of Vatopedi.
4 3/4” x 6 1/2”. 32 pages.
Item # AKAT146
4th Printing
A Christian
Ending: A
Handbook of
Burial in the
Soft Bound
by J. Mark and
Elizabeth J. Barna
This book offers the Orthodox
Christian reader a solid
foundation in both the theology
and the psychology of death. 6”
x 9.” 169 pages.
Item#: CHRI286
† Finding God
in Time of
Sorrow and
by Anthony M.
Struggles with
depression, grief
and despair are part of this
earthly life. Our recognition and
acceptance are essential if we
are to grow and heal from these
experiences. Divided into 171
brief segments, this easy-to-read
volume is filled with crisp, clear
messages that allow God to
dispel the darkness with the
light of His comfort, love, hope
and strength. 6” x 9”. 234 pages.
Item # FIND012
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
† For Those
Who Hurt: An
Perspective on
† Christ’s
Comfort for
Those Who
❖ Non-Discounted Item
by Fr. Michael
Keiser of the
Archdiocese, foreword by Peter
Deals with the vital question of
how an Orthodox Christian can
make sense out of suffering.
5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 90 pages.
Item # FORT150
Soft Bound
† Life’s Fiery
by Anthony M.
Much has been
written about
human suffering.
Recently a
popular book had wide
circulation even among Christians.
Written by a non-Christian, it
was entitled, “When Bad Things
Happen to Good People.” The
answer it gives is that God
cannot do anything about
suffering. This is definitely not
the answer God in Christ has
given to this all-important
question. This is the main
purpose of this book: How does
Christ look upon those who
suffer? Is He compassionate? Is He
able to help? How? Chapters
include: Living Above the
Circumstances of Life; What to
do With Our Weaknesses; When
Life Collapses; An Inhabited
Darkness; etc. 6” x 9”. 88 pages.
Item # LIFE600
Soft Bound
v † No Matter
How Deep the
Darkness He
Deeper Still:
The Descent of
Jesus into
by Anthony M. Coniaris
One of the marvelous results of
the death and resurrection of
Jesus is expressed in the glorious
and triumphant Descent of Jesus
into Hades. This saving truth is
mentioned more than 200 times
in the joyous hymns of the
Pentecostarion and more than
150 times in the troparia sung
on Sundays and other feast days
of the year. It is a glorious truth
that is emphasized in Scripture,
the Church Fathers, hymnology,
in the processions of Holy
Saturday, and, most graphically of
all, in the magnificent icon of the
Descent of Jesus into Hades. This
book shows how Jesus continues
to descend into our personal hells
today to extricate us, reconcile
with God, fill us with the Holy
Spirit and unite us with God.
5” x 7 1/4”. 112 pages.
Item # NOMA110
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
† Surviving the
Loss of a Loved
by Anthony M.
An excellent
companion for
those who are
passing through the valley of the
shadow of death due to the death
of a loved one. Combines superb
insights on coping with grief along
with the healing that comes from
the spiritual resources of our
Orthodox Christian faith down
through the ages. Two-page chapters
on facing pages are designed for
daily reading and meditation. A
most helpful gift for the bereaved.
5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 151 pages.
Item # SURV100
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
And, once again, please tell
Fr. Anthony how much his
books mean to me! I read
and re-read them. They are
always a source of comfort
and encouragement. I was
raised in an environment
that portrayed Christ as
impersonal and judgmental.
Christ's love and compassion
were never part of my
religious education. Now I
am Antochian Orthodox and
I am learning so much about
Christ's love for us and,
again, I thank Fr. Anthony
for opening my
understanding to this. I also
know that Fr. Anthony lost
his wife many years ago. I
am a widow and I especially
listen to Fr. Anthony because
I know he "knows" my, and
other's, pain from personal
experience! I hope someday I
can meet Fr. Anthony and
tell him this, and more, in
Love in Christ
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
also, to become a real authentic
human being. 6” x 9”. 235
Item # BECO550
† Achieving Your
Potential in Christ:
by Anthony M.
“The character and
aim of Eastern
spirituality is summed up in the
patristic formula: ‘God became
human (without ceasing to be
God) that humanity might
become God (without ceasing to
be human).’” Fr. Paul Wesche This
small gem discusses in plain talk
one of the major doctrines of the
Orthodox Church. Examples
abound from Holy Scriptures, the
Church Fathers as well as from
contemporary Orthodox thinkers.
5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 160 pages.
Item # ACHI100
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
† The Adam
Complex: The
Passions of Adam
and Eve
by Dee Margaret
From 20 centuries
of saintly counselors
this book offers amazing analyses
of, and remedies for, emotional
problems erupting out of the
passions inherited from Adam
and Eve. Filled with powerful
patristic insights for the healing of
the genetically inherited passions
of Adam and Eve. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”.
96 pages.
Item # ADAM750
Soft Bound
v † Becoming
Uncreated: The
Journey to
by the Rev. Dr.
Daniel M. Rogich
By exploring the
close relationship between
christology and spirituality in the
thought of St. Gregory Palamas,
Fr. Rogich proposes that the
Orthodox experiential
understanding of deification can
satisfy the modern thirst for
finding authentic human life.
Jesus Christ is the true Image of
what it means not only to become
uncreated, or to be a saint, but
† Light & Life Titles
Soft Bound - Formerly $16.95
† A Beginner’s
Introduction to
the Philokalia
by Anthony M.
This beginner’s
guide to the great
classic of Eastern Orthodox
spirituality studies the many
concepts addressed in the
Philokalia. Each chapter
focuses on a single spiritual
concept explaining it as simply
as possible. Chapters include:
Watchfulness (Nepsis),
Logismoi (Thoughts), Ascesis,
Theosis, The Passion, Stillness
(Hesychia), the Jesus Prayer,
etc. A superb introduction to
the Philokalia. Easy to read.
5” x 7 1/4”. 160 pages.
Item # BEGI087
Soft Bound
Bringing Jesus
to the Desert
by Bradley Nassif
Bringing Jesus to
the Desert
examines the lives
and teachings of
the Desert Fathers
and Mothers
which are
applicable to Christians today.
These illustrations of faith in
the lands once inhabited by
Bible characters still shadow
Christianity in the Middle East,
and are a forgotten but needed
revelation in the West. 5 1/4" x
9 1/4". 133 pages.
Item#: BRIN125
Soft Bound
† Can a Loving
God Be
by Anthony M
Exploring this
theme through
the consideration
of the early Church, the father
of the prodigal son, the sacrifice
of Jesus and more, Fr. Anthony
guides us to a fuller
understanding of God’s
Makrothymia - His long
suffering love. Recognizing that
our sin is what separates us
from God, we are called to
❖ Non-Discounted Item
accept our responsibility in
creating this distance. In this
context we come to appreciate
God’s great mercy, for we as
sinners are, “in the hands of a
God Who, with open arms, pines
as he longs for their return.” Page
94. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 112 pages.
Item # CANA100
Soft Bound
† Confronting
and Controlling
According to
the Fathers of
the Philokalia
by Anthony M.
Orthodox spirituality places
great emphasis on thoughts
(logismoi) since everything we
do begins in the mind. The
Fathers of the Philokalia have
much to teach about
confronting and controlling
thoughts. Since the average
person experiences 4000
thoughts each day, the
experiences of these Fathers
over a period of over 1000 years
can help us resist the evil
thoughts that seek to pollute
“the springs of life,” i.e. our
minds and hearts. 5 1/2” x 8
1/4”. 112 pages.
Item # CONF250
Soft Bound
† Daily Vitamins...
by Anthony M. Coniaris
A one-page meditation for each
day of the year. Includes the
saints commemorated and the
Scripture readings
for each day. A
brief biography of
the saint(s) is
included, followed
by an inspiring
and challenging
message. In
Volume 1 each
day concludes
with the troparion
and/or kontakion
or Synaxarion of
the saint(s)
Volume 4 offers a
brief meditation for each day of
the year to help bring God’s
comfort, peace, and strength to
those who are hurting from
sorrow, suffering, grief,
loneliness and despair. “A man
of sorrows and acquainted with
grief,” Jesus understands the
hurting heart as no one else can
and offers redemptive meaning in
Volume 2
Item # DAIL225
Soft Bound Volume 3
Item # DAIL235
Soft Bound $23.95
2nd Printing
2nd Printing
† Discovering
God Through the
Daily Practice of
His Presence
by Anthony M.
spirituality for
everyday living. The many
practical methods of practicing
God’s presence described in this
book are drawn from the lives of
countless saints in the rich
experience of the Church through
the centuries. Designed to help
you enrich your spiritual life. 5
1/2” x 8 1/4”. 82 pages.
Item # DISC120
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
† Do Something
Beautiful for God
by Anthony M.
What is true
beauty? What kind
of beauty pleases
God most? Is there
a beauty that can “save the world”
(Dostoevsky)? Is holiness beauty?
Captivated by the beauty of the
transfigured Savior, the Church
seeks to express God’s beauty
through liturgy, icons, vestments
etc., as it calls on us also to
respond by doing something
beautiful for God. In the words of
one theologian, “Where there is
beauty apparent, let us enjoy it.
Where there is beauty hidden, let
us unveil it. Where there is beauty
defaced, let us restore it. Where
there is no beauty at all, let us
create it.” 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 184
Item # DOSO100
Soft Bound
† God and You:
Person to Person:
Developing a
Daily Personal
with Jesus
† Eastern
Orthodoxy: A Way
of Life
by Anthony M.
Hailed by Patriarch
Athenagoras I as a
spiritual milestone!
Acclaimed by Dr. Nicholas Zernov,
Archbishop Iakovos and numerous
other Orthodox clergy and lay
people. Here is a book that makes
the teachings of the Orthodox
Church personal and practical. 5
1/2” x 8”. 175 pages.
Item # EAST290
Soft Bound
7th Printing
† The Eye Cannot
Say to the Hand,
“I Have No Need
of You” (1 Cor.
by Anthony M.
Based on 1
Corinthians 12:4-30 where St. Paul
compares church members to the
various members of the human
body, showing how each organ
and limb is so totally
indispensable to the body that “the
eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do
not need you.’” Demonstrates how
Christ has endowed and blessed
each member of the Body (the
Church) to continue His ministry
of love in the world. Hailed by Fr.
Thomas Hopko as a “must-read.”
5” x 7 1/4”. 144 pages.
Item # EYEC100
Soft Bound
v † For They Shall
See God
by David Beck
foreword by Bishop
Nathaniel of the
Romanian Orthodox
A popularly written
book on a truly
profound subject, i.e., Blessed are
the pure in heart, for they shall see
God. Calls on us to take out the
Christian tools of fasting, prayer,
and almsgiving that lie neglected
in our spiritual tool box, to
sharpen them and use them to
gain a clearer vision of God. 5 1/2”
x 8 1/4”. 131 pages.
Item # FORT145
Soft Bound - Formerly $12.95
by Anthony M.
Our relationship with God is
personal as well as communal.
Jesus is personal as well as
cosmic. God is immanent as
well as transcendent. He is the
God of persons: The God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Much has been written about
the communal, liturgical aspect
of Orthodoxy. Drawing upon
the rich resources of Sacred
Tradition this book shows how
faith is also personal; prayer is
personal; the sacraments are
personal; the creed is personal;
Sacred Tradition is personal;
spirituality is personal; the
Trinity is personal, etc. In fact,
if faith is not personal it is not
real. The ultimate purpose of
this book is to help every
Christian establish a daily
personal relationship with Jesus.
Revised and expanded. 6” x 9”.
160 pages.
Item # GODA555
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
† God’s Fullness
for Our
by Anthony M.
This book
addresses the
great vacuum that
exists in our lives and society
today, i.e., the value vacuum, the
moral vacuum, the spiritual
vacuum, etc. Such a vacuum is
dangerous because it leads
people to fill up with countless
forms of escapism. Yet emptiness
is also a prelude to God. The
author concentrates on how God
can fill this emptiness to
overflowing through faith,
prayer, the sacraments, God’s
word, the Holy Spirit, etc. 5 1/2”
x 8 1/4”. 108 pages.
Item # GODS500
Soft Bound
† The Greatest
of All Sciences:
To Know One’s
by Anthony M.
There is a prayer
that says, “Grant
us, O Lord, the knowledge of
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
ourselves without which we can
neither rightly repent nor seek
to amend our lives.” The
purpose of this book is to help
us find our authentic self in the
Trinity through relationships
(to God and man), selfexamination, inner stillness,
humility, repentance, and the
renunciation of the passions,
especially vainglory. The most
painful part of being human is
that we are strangers to
ourselves. Man can know his
true self but only with God and
in God, in Whom we discover
our truest and best self. 5 1/2” x
8 1/4”. 136 pages.
Item # GREA800
Soft Bound
v† The
Glorious Liberty
of the Children
of God
by Anthony M.
“The glorious
liberty of the
children of God” (Rom. 8:21).
Presents us with the great
challenge of free will: “For
freedom Christ has set us free,
stand fast therefore and do not
submit to the yoke of slavery”
(Gal. 5:1). God gave us free will
to help us make the supreme
choice in life, the choice above
every other choice, the choice
on which depends salvation and
eternity for each one of us. The
author presents the Church’s
case for free will in nontheological language spiced
with illustrations to help the
average lay person understand
how this great gift holds the
key to abundant living. 5½" x
8¼". 152 pages.
Item # GLOR075
Soft Bound - Formerly $16.95
† God Speaks
From The Cross
by Anthony
M. Coniaris
Meditations for
Lent and Easter
based on the last
seven words
Jesus spoke from the Cross. The
cross was also a pulpit from
which the Lord Jesus spoke to
us words of undying love. 5½" x
8½". 80 pages.
Item # GODS100
Soft Bound † God's Path to
Sanity: Lessons
from Ancient
Holy Counselors
on How to Have
a Sound Mind
by Dee Pennock
This book brings
the reader
together with holy physicians of
the soul in ancient Christian
Traditions, offering superbly clear
examples of the patristic method
of diagnosing and healing many
disorders of the soul that are now
being widely treated with braincrippling drugs. The resounding
lesson here, from physicians of the
soul through the ages, is that we
cannot cure afflictions of the
immortal soul by drugging the
short-lived mortal brain. Drugs
can soothe, as anesthetics can
temporarily block pain, notes the
author. But the saintly witness
presented here is that only God
can heal the afflictions of the soul
that are causing such widespread
psychological distress throughout
the world today. The author, a
Stanford graduate and a veteran
editor and author, worked at
Harvard with Fr. Georges
Florovsky. Early reviewers have
dubbed this book a "must read"
for spiritual health and sanity.
Discussion questions have been
added at the end of each chapter.
6" x 9". 239 pages.
Item # GODS107
Soft Bound 3rd Printing
† Holy Joy:
The Heartbeat
of Faith
by Anthony M.
This is a book about
a basic Christian
virtue: Joy! St.
Seraphim said, “The Holy Spirit
fills everything He touches with
joy.” “Without Joy,” said Fr.
Schmemann, “Christianity is
incomprehensible.” Discover what
Christian joy is, where it is to be
found and how it thrives even in
the midst of suffering. “Through
the cross joy has come to the
world,” says one Orthodox prayer.
Discover how the sound of joy
permeates the New Testament and
the lives of the Saints. 6" x 9". 130
Item # HOLY167
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
† Let Us Commit
Ourselves and
One Another
and Our Whole
Life to Christ
Our God
† How to Actualize
the Image of
God in You
by Anthony
M. Coniaris
This book shows
how we can become
by God’s grace,
iconographers of our lives as we
progress from the image of God
to the likeness of God
in our journey toward theosis
(union with God). Chapters
include: Transfigured with
Him; Man: the Living Symbol
of God; The Image of God is
Love; Iconoclasm Today; In the
End: Theosis; etc. 5½" x 8½".
75 pages.
Item # HOWT150
Soft Bound
The Illumined
Heart: Capture
the Vibrant Faith
of Ancient
by Frederica
examines the faith of the early
church-illuminating topics such as
sin, repentance, transformation,
prayer, and forgiveness with the
wisdom of the desert fathers and
Item#: ILLU125
Sof Bound
† Knowing God:
Life’s Highest
Purpose and Joy
(From an Orthodox
Anthony M
Orthodox Christianity has a
distinctly mystical approach to
knowing God. This book focuses
on 1. How is God knowable? 2.
Climbing the rungs of the ladder
that leads to God. 3. The price of
ignorance versus the benefits of
knowing God. "The most precious
thing in the world is to know
God, even if only dimly" (St.
Silouan). 6" x 9". 296 pages.
eBook Available!
Item # KNOW110
Soft Bound
by Anthony M.
The title of the book is a part of
a petition directed to our
prayerful attention several times
during the liturgy. Why is it
repeated so often? Why are we
called upon repeatedly to
commit ourselves, our loved
ones, and our whole life to
Christ our God? Could it be
that the word commit expresses
a vital aspect of our Orthodox
Christian faith and life? 5 1/2” x
8 1/4”. 76 pages.
Item # LETU250
Soft Bound
† Living a
Balanced Life in
an Unbalanced
by Anthony M.
Can the virtue of
temperance lead
to sane and healthy living? By
exposing the sources of
disruption in contemporary life,
this guidebook points out the
need and the means for
restoring our equilibrium.
Powerful word pictures
illustrate the author’s wisdom
and reinforce the keys to
balancing prayer, love, work
and play. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 112
Item # LIVI050
Soft Bound
v † Living Waters
for a Parched
Land: Refreshing
Reflections on the
Psalms for
by Colette Jonopulos
Lively and contemporary
reflections on each of the Psalms,
showing how these divinely
inspired gems can enrich our lives
today. Superbly written, the
author, an Orthodox Christian,
discovers in each Psalm life-giving
insights that serve to nourish our
souls in the promises of God.
Excellent for use as a daily
devotional. 187 pages.
Item # LIVI162
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
2nd Printing
v † Life’s
by Anthony M.
“It seems to me
that to discover
what to put first...
is the whole problem of life,”
said Turgenev. With more time
than ever, people today feel
“pressed for time,” for failing to
prioritize. Jesus commands us
to prioritize, “Seek first the
kingdom of God and His
righteousness and all these
things shall be added to you”
(Matt. 6:33). This exciting book
shows how we can give meaning
and joy to our lives by
prioritizing God in our
everyday activities. When we
seek first the things that belong
to God, said St. Chrysostom,
the things that belong to men
will follow soon enough. 5 1/2”
x 8 1/4”. 120 pages.
Item # LIFE770
† Living
Responsibly in
an Age of
by Anthony M.
Happened to Moral
Responsibility, this volume is a
clarion call to assuming
responsibility for our actions.
This is always the first step to
repentance and newness of life.
Based on David’s confession in
Psalm 51, “For I know my
transgressions and my sin is
ever before me,” the author
debunks the myriads of excuses
used to evade responsibility and
that stand in the way of true
repentance. Revised and
expanded. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 79
Item # LIVI125
Soft Bound
† Odes to the
Name of Jesus
Anthony M.
Fr. Stanley Harakas
states in the book’s
Foreword that
Americans have
come up with “an American Jesus”
who looks likes us, is like us, and
conforms to our desires and
values. This amounts to a
complete distortion of the real
Jesus, who does not bow down
before us, but we before Him. He
is not to be a mirror of us; we are
to be mirrors (icons) of Him. The
purpose of this book is to exalt
the uniqueness of Jesus. Each
chapter concludes with an ode to
the name of Jesus from the
Akathist Hymn to His Name. 6” x
9”. 160 pages.
Item # ODES105
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
New Offer for our Retail Customers*
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● Orders up to $50.00 will receive a 10% discount.
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† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
† The One Thing
Meditations for
the Busy
by Colette D.
Written to bring encouragement
and support to Orthodox women
with their myriad responsibilities
and busy schedules. Each
meditation is a brief writing of
instruction and encouragement
based on the Bible, the liturgical
year, or the saints of the Church.
6” x 9”. 168 pages.
Item # ONET050
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
v† Paradise on
Your Doorstep
by Anthony M.
When St. John
Chrysostom read
Rev. 3:20, Behold, I
stand at the door
and knock... he wrote, Find Jesus
at the door of your heart and you
will discover Paradise. This
inspiring book is a commentary
on this single verse (Rev 3:20). It
examines the many-splendored
words of Rev. 3:20 from every
possible aspect to drive home to
the reader the relentless, ever
seeking love of God whose great
desire is for us to open the door
and let Him establish paradise in
our hearts. 6” x 9”. 136 pages.
Item # PARA160
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
v † Perspectives
on Living the
Orthodox Faith
by Anthony M.
Meditations on
living the Orthodox
faith in today’s
world. Includes topics such as
Luck or Christ?; Does It Pay to Be
Good?; How God Tries to Get
Our Attention; The Peril of the
Familiar; His Fullness - Our
Emptiness, etc. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 132
Item # PERS110
Soft Bound - Formerly $19.95
† Those Whom
God Calls
Blessed: The
Beatitudes for
Everyday Living
v † The
Reference Guide
compiled by
Basileios S.
The Master Indexes of Persons
and Sources as well as the
Master Index of Subjects are an
especially powerful tool for the
researchers as well as any seeker
of the ageless spiritual wisdom
of the Philokalia. Selecting a
subject with the ability to cross
reference from one author to
another makes the treasures of
the Philokalia easily available to
all. Covers the first four
volumes. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 160
Item # PHIL160
Soft Bound - Formerly $16.95
† The Philokalia:
The Bible of
by Fr. Anthony M.
Coniaris, preface
by Stanley S.
Brings the Orthodox spirituality
of the Philokalia out of the
monastery into everyday living.
Addresses the relevance today
of the subjects covered by the
Fathers of the Philokalia, i.e.
Vigilance (nepsis), Ascesis,
Overcoming the Passions, etc. It
is not a book for theologians
but for the average Orthodox
lay person. Fr. Harakas writes,
"Those who read this book will
come to a deepening of their
spiritual life. Their heart will be
touched, moved, and warmed."
6" x 9". 300 pages.
eBook Available!
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
Spiritual Life and
How to be
Attuned to It
by Theophan the
A famed classic of
Russian spirituality. A
study in the science of the soul.
5 1/4” x 8 1/4”. 305 pages.
Item # SPIR165 $17.00
Soft Bound
by Anthony M.
Through the
Beatitudes Jesus paints an icon
describing the life of the new
person, the “new creation” that
the Triune God produces for
the Kingdom of God. Jesus
came not just to reveal God’s
truth but to save us and
conform us to the beautiful icon
he paints of us in the
Beatitudes. Through the use of
the Church Fathers and the
lives of the saints as well as
countless contemporary stories,
anecdotes and illustrations, this
book makes the Beatitudes
come alive and relevant for the
twenty-first century. 6” x 9”. 206
Item # THOS500
Soft Bound
† Through the
Year With the
Church Fathers
by Emily Harakas
A meditation for
each day of the
year consisting of
an excerpt from
one of the Church Fathers
together with Scripture reading
and a prayer. Excellent for daily
devotions. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 292
Item # THRO120
Soft Bound
4th Printing
† The Tools of
by Joy Corey,
Introduction by
Fr. Thomas Hopko
Fr. Hopko’s
describes Joy’s book as a
powerfully dynamic description
of how we can participate in
Christ’s victory over the devil,
darkness, disease and death. She
describes in detail the many
tools (eleven in number) that
Christ provides for us to be not
victims but “overcomers,”
describing in detail what St.
Paul calls, “the whole armor of
God.” 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 216 pages.
Item # TOOL100
v † Who Am I?
Secular Identities
Contrasted With
Our Identity in
by Anthony M.
The answer to the
question Who Am I? is so pivotal
that it supplies the answers to
other ultimate questions, i.e.,
Where am I going? Where did I
come from? What is the purpose
of my life? Is there any meaning to
my life? The author leads us
through the secular world’s
incomplete answers to this
question. Describes the richness
of identity offered in the Tradition
of Orthodox Christianity. 5 1/2” x
8 1/4”. 90 pages.
Item # WHOA105
Soft Bound - Formerly $14.95
v † Beyond the
Shattered Image:
Insights Into an
Worldview (2nd
Edition, Revised)
by John Chryssavgis
Presents the full ecological
significance of the Orthodox
Christian worldview. It explores
the deepest sense and experience
of the world as a sacrament.
Evokes some of the most beautiful
and powerful theological thinking,
with imagery that suggests a
richness beyond expression. 5 1/4”
x 8 1/4”. 200 pages.
Item # BEYO555
Soft Bound - Formerly $19.95 2nd Printing
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
Orthodoxy & NEW
Orthodox: A
Journey to the
Ancient Christian
by Peter Gillquist
This is the story of
a group of
Christians who engaged in the
search for the Church of the New
Testament and found it in the
Eastern Orthodox Tradition. Its
impact beautifully touches those
of us born and raised in the
Orthodox faith. Revised edition. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 183 pages.
Item#: BECO100
O’Callaghan, Fr. John W.
Morris, Maria King, Victoria
Smith, Fr. Gregory
Wingenbach, Susan McShane,
the Rt. Rev. Gordon Walker, Fr.
Thomas Avramis and David
Giffey. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 165
Item # JOUR160
Soft Bound - Formerly $14.95
Our Faith: A
of Orthodox
by Fr. John
A clearly
written, lavishly illustrated, concise
introductory exposition of the
Orthodox Christian Faith.
8 1/2” x 11”.
Item # OURF110
Soft Bound
Our Path
v † Discovering
the Rich Heritage
of Orthodoxy
by Charles Bell,
Having come to
Orthodoxy from the
Evangelical and
Charismatic traditions, the author
discovers that the rich heritage of
the early, apostolic Church exists
today in its original, pristine form
in the Orthodox Church. He
writes about the journey that
brought him to Orthodoxy. His
chapters on the true Church,
Worship, Mary, the Saints,
Spirituality, the Eucharist,
Scripture and Tradition, etc.,
capture insights that provide a
powerful response to Evangelical
claims. 6” x 9”. 85 pages.
Item # DISC560
Soft Bound - Formerly $14.95 4th Printing
v † Journeys to
Orthodoxy - A
Collection of
Essays by
Converts to
A superb
outreach item
for use in
inquirers learn
more about the
path to
salvation and theosis offered
through the Orthodox Church.
8 1/2" x 11".
Item#: OURP150
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
a collection of
essays edited by Thomas Doulis
Nine people of varied
backgrounds tell how they
slowly matured into the values,
customs, dogmas, and
traditions of the Orthodox
Church in a society that looks
upon religious faith with
feelings that range from mild
contempt to benign amusement.
The contributors come from
many traditions including
Jewish, Reformed and
Evangelical Christianity,
Episcopalianism, Roman
Catholicism etc. These are not
dry testimonies. They will
provide excitement as they
describe the mysterious and
manifold ways in which the
Holy Spirit - the Hound of
Heaven - operates in the lives of
people. Contributors include:
Bishop Kallistos Ware, among
others. 6” x 9”. 173 pages.
Item # TOWA105
Soft Bound - Formerly $16.95
The Orthodox
by Kallistos Ware
This work is a
classic account of
the belief, worship
and life of the
Orthodox Church.
It raises the basic
issues of theology;
God as hidden yet revealed; the
problem of evil; the nature of
salvation; the meaning of faith;
prayer; death; and what lies beyond.
Written clearly and simply with
reference to both Eastern and
Western Christian sources.
5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 164 pages.
Item # OZWA100
Soft Bound
edited with
introduction by Thomas Doulis
Converts to the Orthodox Church
tell the fascinating stories of the
pilgrimage that led them to
Orthodoxy. They include Fr.
Anthony Scott, Fr. Paul
Soft Bound
v † Toward the
Discuss Their
❖ Non-Discounted Item
† Contemporary
Moral Issues
Facing the
by Stanley S.
Chapter topics
include Astrology, the Occult,
Women in Church,
Pornography, Abortion,
Homosexuality, Divorce,
Human Rights, Racism, Capital
Punishment, Ecology,
Euthanasia, the donation of
Organs after Death, and many
more. Best-Seller! 5 1/2” x 8
1/2”. 185 pages.
Item # CONT150
Soft Bound
9th Printing
Temporarily out of print until
late Spring 2015.
Divine Eros: A
Perspective on
by Joy E. Corey
Divine Eros…draws
on the latest
scientific evidence,
including genetics, endocrinology,
and psychology, to debunk many
key myths about homosexuality
and offers alternatives for healing.
What is fresh about this
perspective is its fidelity to the
unchanging wisdom of the
Church in a time of radical
cultural and religious iconoclasm.
Yet anyone who has knelt in the
trenches like Joy has with persons
suffering from same-sex erotic
attraction knows that the
compassion of the Lord and His
saving energies reach into the
depths of these very trenches in
order to fill them with His lifegiving waters.
Item # DIVI132
Soft Bound
9th Printing
v † Orthodox
View of Abortion
by Fr. John
Kowalcyzk, foreword
by Anthony M.
An excellent
examination of the
subject of abortion from an
Orthodox point of view based on
Scripture and the teachings of the
Church Fathers. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 48
Item # OZVI100
Soft Bound - Formerly $4.95
v † Toward
Transfigured Life
by Stanley S.
The first full
treatment of the
foundations of
Eastern Orthodox
Christian Ethics in English. A
valuable resource revealing an
ethical tradition which is
scriptural and patristic, and which
is eminently capable of
contemporary application. 6” x 9”.
285 pages.
Item # TOWA110
Soft Bound - Formerly $24.95
† Jesus Prayer in
Prayer Books
Beginning to
by Archbishop
Anthony Bloom
This book has
established itself as
a modern spiritual
classic for
Orthodox as well
as other
Christians. It is written by an
Orthodox Archbishop for people
who have never prayed before and
has been read and loved by
persons at all levels of spiritual
5 1/2" x 8". 114 pages.
Item # BEGI100
Soft Bound
Building a Habit
of Prayer
by Marc Dunaway
More than just a
prayer book, this
booklet contains
guidelines for the
layperson on how
to develop a
workable Orthodox Rule of Prayer.
Learn how to build the habit of
prayer into your life.
4” x 6 1/2”. 19 pages.
Item # BUIL120
by Gabriele
Subtitled The
Jesus Prayer as a
Spiritual Path in
Greek and Russian
Monasticism, this is one of the
most insightful treatments of
the Jesus Prayer ever written.
Draws deeply from Scripture
and the Church Fathers. A real
inspirational gem. 5 1/2” x 8
1/2”. 28 pages.
Item # JESU220
Soft Bound
compiled and
edited by
Anthony M.
Here are pages of
classic Orthodox prayers for
every occasion and need.
Through the centuries the Holy
Spirit has inspired countless
Church Fathers and saints to
compose magnificent prayers
that are now readily available
for personal or family use in
this handy pocket-size volume.
5" x 7" 208 pages.
eBook Available!
Item # MYDA500
The Jesus
Prayer: A Gift
From the
by David Hester
"O Lord Jesus
Christ, Son of God,
have mercy on me."
This prayer has been
on the lips of
Christians since the time of the Desert
Fathers. What is its history? How do
we make it our own? 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 32
Item # JESU205
3rd Printing
v My
Prayer Book
A pocket-size
book designed to
help Orthodox
Christians in
private and family
devotions. 4” x 5
by Theodora
How to make
prayer a vital part, and the
powerhouse of daily living.
Written especially for the
Orthodox Christian. The
liturgical petition: In peace let us
pray to the Lord is an invitation
to private as well as corporate
prayer. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 48 pages.
Item # PRAC120
Soft Bound
† My Daily
Prayer Book
Soft Bound
† Practicing
Daily Prayer in
the Orthodox
Christian Life
1/2”. 128 pages.
Item # MYOR100
v † Prayer
Attitude in the
Eastern Church
by Gabriele
A most moving
and inspiring
definition of
prayer according to the
principles taught by the Church
Fathers in the Philokalia. 5 1/2”
x 8 1/2”. 24 pages.
Item # PRAY170
Soft Bound - formerly $5.95
Prayer Book
compiled by
Bishop Maxim
illustrated by Fr.
S. Skliris
Contains prayers
commonly used
by Orthodox
Christians, lists
of scriptural Commandments,
brief articles on the precepts of
faith, and the meaning and
practices of prayer. 3 3/4” x 5
1/2”. 36 pages.
Item # PRAY200
Soft Bound
The Prayer
Soft Bound
v A Pocket
Prayer Book for
This contains daily
and occasional
prayers together
with the Liturgy of
St. John Chrysostom. 3 1/2” x 5”. 126
Item # POCK100
A superbly
written and
booklet on the
meaning of the prayer rope,
how to use it, the fruits of the
Jesus Prayer, etc. 4 1/2” x 6”. 26
Item # PRAY260 $5.99
† Renewed Day by
Day: An Orthodox
Prayer Workbook
by Alexander
The main body of
this workbook is
composed of a
series of spiritual exercises
designed to introduce facets of the
Orthodox prayer tradition in a
concise and digestible format.
Though primarily geared toward
individual use, it can also be a
valuable resource in a parish
setting for use in an instructional
class on how to develop a daily
rule of prayer. Journal writing
section included after each
exercise. 6” x 9”. 118 pages.
Item # RENE050
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
Bless, O Lord!
by Fr. Artemy
Gentle instruction
in prayer from a
popular Moscow
priest who has a
particular gift for
communicating with young
children. Includes prayers for
mealtimes, bedtime, the Jesus
Prayer, etc. Fully illustrated. 8 1/2"
x 11" 44 pages.
Item # BLES050
Soft Bound
Orthodox Prayer
Selected prayers
from the
Jordanville Prayer
Book (et al) for
children. Profusely
illustrated with icons and
drawings by Olga Yeremenko.
Includes teaching children how to
submit prayers for the deceased to
the priest for the proskomidi, etc.
5" x 7". 80 pages.
Item # CHIL210
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
❖ Guardian
Angel Children’s
Prayer Book
by Fr. T. Lozynsky
This extremely
attractive fullcolor book
children to the Divine Liturgy, the
feasts and prayers. Include folk
motifs as well as Byzantine icons.
Sturdy leatherette cover. 4 1/2" x 5
1/2". 153 pages.
Item # GUAR100
Soft Bound
Hear Me
compiled & edited by
Annalisa Boyd
A topical section
offers encouragement as teens face
daily challenges. The
Q & A section
answers practical questions the
youth themselves may find
challenging. Offers teens direction in using the tools Christ
has given us-Holy Scripture as the
map, the Church and Her
Traditions the compass, helping
our youth find their own path
toward theosis. 5" x 8". 98 pages.
Order # HEAR020
Soft Bound
Special Agents
of Christ A Prayerbook for
Orthodox Saints
by Annalisa Boyd
This book serves
as a “training
manual” to prepare children for
serving Christ in the real world,
with sections for daily prayers,
prayers for life’s challenges,
preparation for confession, and
much more. The saints of old special agents from the past encourage these contemporary
saints to serve God here and now.
5” x 8”. 96 pages.
Item # SPEC095
† The Adam
Complex: The
Passions of
Adam and Eve
by Dee Margaret
From 20 centuries
of saintly
counselors this book offers
amazing analyses of, and
remedies for, emotional
problems erupting out of the
passions inherited from Adam
and Eve. Filled with powerful
patristic insights for the healing
of the genetically inherited
passions of Adam and Eve. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 96 pages.
Item # ADAM750
Soft Bound
† God's Path to
Sanity: Lessons
from Ancient
Counselors on
How to Have a
Sound Mind
by Dee Pennock
This book brings
the reader together with holy
physicians of the soul in ancient
Christian Traditions, offering
superbly clear examples of the
patristic method of diagnosing
and healing many disorders of
the soul that are now being
widely treated with braincrippling drugs. The resounding
lesson here, from physicians of
the soul through the ages, is
that we cannot cure afflictions
of the immortal soul by
drugging the short-lived mortal
brain. Drugs can soothe, as
anesthetics can temporarily
Soft Bound
block pain, notes the author.
But the saintly witness
presented here is that only God
can heal the afflictions of the
soul that are causing such
widespread psychological
distress throughout the world
today. The author, a Stanford
graduate and a veteran editor
and author, worked at Harvard
with Fr. Georges Florovsky.
Early reviewers have dubbed
this book a "must read" for
spiritual health and sanity.
Discussion questions have been
added at the end of each
chapter. 6" x 9". 239 pages.
Item # GODS107
Soft Boud 3rd Printing
† Health and
Medicine in the
Tradition: Faith,
Liturgy, and
by Stanley Samuel Harakas
This is the first comprehensive
work on Eastern Orthodoxy in
the context of health and
modern medicine. The book is
written to help Orthodox
people understand more fully
the relation of their faith
tradition to the issues of health
and medicine, as well as for
those with a general interest in
this formative tradition. Shows
how Orthodox Christianity
attends to the concrete and
interrelated reality of human
illness in its spiritual,
psychological, and physical
dimensions. 6” x 9”. 190 pages.
Item # HEAL210
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
† The Holy
Doctors: The
Physicians and
Healers of the
by Georgia Hronas
Translated from the Greek
Orthodox Synaxaristes. The stories
of twenty special physician saints
who belong to a group called the
Unmercenaries because they
accepted no payment for their
services. Eighteen of these were
professional missionary physicians
and two were priests. In Greece,
chapels are built in every hospital
to the Holy Unmercenaries, the
protectors of doctors, nurses and
patients. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 107 pages.
Item # HOLY330
Soft Bound
❖ Therapy of
Illnesses: An
Introduction to
the Ascetic
Tradition of the
Church (3 VOL
by Dr JeanClaude Larchet, translated by
Kilian Sprecher
The notion of human health held
by Orthodox anthropology is
inseparable from that of the ideal
human nature possessed by the
original Adam.
Item#: THER125
Soft Bound
• transformed by the renewing
of your mind.
~Romans 12:2
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
❖ † Adventures
of Spero, the
Mouse! The
Nativity of Our
† Daily Lenten
Meditations for
the Orthodox
by Presbytera Emily
For each day of Lent
this inspiring book
has a hymn from the Triodion, a
quotation from the Fathers, a
prayer, Bible readings and a
meditation. A beautiful way to
keep Lent by meditating on the
spiritual truths offered from the
wealth of our tradition. An
excellent tool for spiritual growth.
6" x 9". 75 pages.
Item # DAIL110
Soft Bound
4th Printing
by Jane Sarlas-Fontana
Follow Spero, a curious, young
church mouse, in his quest to
see the children of St. Nicholas
perform “the Triptych,” the
three act play of the Birth of
Christ. This delightful story
includes activity pages and is
ideal for children ages 4 to 7. 8
1/2” x 11”. 20 pages.
Item # ADVE120
Soft Bound - Formerly $10.95
Meditations for
Preparing for
Christ's Birth
by Father Vassillios
The author takes
the reader through
the hymnography,
scripture readings, and
iconography covering the forty
days leading up to the Nativity of
Christ. 4 1/2" x 7". 136 pages.
Item#: MEDI580 $12.95
Soft Bound
Vasilopita Coin
† An Icon for
Sophia’s Gift.
An Icon
Story to Color
by Theofania
Gonis. Illustrated
by Margo Desharnais
With a heart that is ‘pure and
full of love,’ young Sophia
celebrates the beauty of the
Nativity. With the help of the
nuns of the monastery, a simple
discovery becomes a cherished
icon and a gift shared not once,
but twice, in the true spirit of
Christmas. Designed with
beautiful illustrations, ready to
color, this is a touching story to
be enjoyed by children ages 4 to
9. 7” x 10”. 22 pages.
Item # ANIC100
Soft Bound
A beautiful gold electroplate
Vasilopita coin minted with the
image of St. Basil the Great. Each
coin is embedded in an attractive
presentation card within a clear
snap case. This thoughtful gift is
complete with the Story of St.
Basil and the Vasilopita Tradition
and includes a favorite Vasilopita
Item # VASI100
Born on
Brings the
Christmas story
to life for
16 pages of full-color
illustrations and rhyming
Christmas story. Ages 5-9.
6¼" x 8". 16 pages.
Order # BORN105
Soft Bound
Follow the
A Christmas
Open this starshaped box to
discover five
Christmas story ornaments!
Follow the star! It will lead you
to a box of five diamond-shaped
board books (10 pages each)
that tell the Christmas story.
Each book tells part of the
nativity story through the eyes
of a children’s class practicing a
Christmas play. Young readers
will learn about Mary and
Joseph, the innkeeper, the
shepherds, the Wise Men and
the donkey that carries Mary.
Children will enjoy the colorful
language and illustrations that
lead them to follow the star to
Jesus. These books can also be
used as charming tree
ornaments. A nativity scene is
revealed when all the books are
removed from the box. Ages
2-5. 8" x 8".
Item # FOLL550
Nativity Sticker
Activity Book
by M. Noble
Figures from a
traditional nativity
scene are waiting to
fill a simple
wooden stable,
shown on the inside covers to this
little activity book. You can help
celebrate the Christmas holiday by
simply placing in the indicated
places, 25 colorful, numbered
sticker images of wise men bearing
gifts; camels; shepherds; cattle; an
angel; figures of Mary, Joseph, and
the Christ child; and more. And
because the stickers are reusable,
you’ll be able to reenact this
special event not only at
Christmas but throughout the
year. 25 color-full stickers on 4
plates. Full-color scene on inside
covers. 4 1/16" x 5¾".
Order # NATI560
Soft Bound
Life of St. Nicholas
the Wonderworker
A new children’s
picture book. Full
color iconographic
illustrations. Text
in rhyming verse.
Sturdy coated pages
and cover. Words and music to a
simple children’s song about St.
Nicholas. 6" x 9". 24 pages.
Item # LIFE337
Soft Bound
Hard Bound
Quantity Limited
Gift Item
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
† The Great I
Came’s of Jesus
Lent & Pascha
† The Adam
Complex: The
Passions of Adam
and Eve
by Dee Margaret
From 20 centuries of
saintly counselors
this book offers amazing analyses
of, and remedies for, emotional
problems erupting out of the
passions inherited from Adam and
Eve. Filled with powerful patristic
insights for the healing of the
genetically inherited passions of
Adam and Eve. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 96
Item # ADAM750
Soft Bound
† Daily Lenten
Meditations for the
Orthodox Christian
by Presbytera Emily
For each day of Lent
this inspiring book
has a hymn from the
Triodion, a quotation from the
Fathers, a prayer, Bible readings
and a meditation. A beautiful way
to keep Lent by meditating on the
spiritual truths offered from the
wealth of our tradition. An
excellent tool for spiritual growth.
6” x 9”. 75 pages.
Item # DAIL110
Soft Bound
4th Printing
by Anthony M.
meditations on
the great I came...
statements by
Jesus wherein He explains the
reasons for His coming into the
world. I came not to call the
righteous but sinners..., I did
not come to judge the world but
to save the world, etc. 5 1/4” x
8”. 196 pages.
Item # GREA190
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
by Fr. Alexander
This notable
Orthodox theologian and teacher
expounds all the
richness and
depth of the liturgical experience
of Great Lent in the Church.
Every Orthodox lay person
should read this book for Lent.
5 1/2" x 8 1/2". 140 pages.
Item # GREA220
Soft Bound
❖ Holy Week
and Easter
Services in the
Orthodox Church
compiled by Fr.
George Papadeas
New printing with
contemporary English
translation, includes a marker
ribbon. All services from Palm
Sunday through Pascha in both
English and Greek. A treasure
trove of inspiration. Handy size.
Item#: HOLY340
Hard Cover
A Hunger for
God: The
Discipline of
Fasting in the
by Fr. Peter A
A comprehensive study of
fasting in the Orthodox Church.
Part one deals with the historical
and theological traditions of
fasting. Part two covers the
subject of the Orthodox
Tradition of fasting in theory and
practice. Most inspiring and
helpful. 5 1/2" x 8 1/4". 199 pages.
Item#: HUNG210
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
by Fr. Aristotle
This small gem
contains a series of daily Epistle
and Gospel readings, as well as
meditations for the Eastern
Orthodox faithful that keep the
spiritual momentum achieved at
Easter through the celebration
of Pentecost. 6” x 9”. 100 pages.
tem # KEEP105
Great Lent
Forgiveness and
by Hieromonk Jonah
What does it mean to
forgive? Why is it so
hard to forgive those
nearest you? How do
you seek forgiveness
and reconciliation when you have
sinned against someone? 4” x 6½".
19 pages.
Item # FORG110
2nd Printing
Keeping the
Light Burning:
from Pascha to
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Ladder of
Divine Ascent
by St. John
One of the great
classics of Orthodox
spirituality. 6" x 9".
301 pages.
Item # LADD100
† The Mystery of
the Paschal
by Anthony
Coniaris & Mary
Efrosini Gregory
Every Pascha a
miracle occurs at
the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
in Jerusalem, the site of Christ’s
burial place. It is the mystery of
the Paschal flame. A flame bursts
forth, without human
intervention, from the sacred
tomb of Christ and lights the
candle of the Greek Orthodox
Patriarch of Jerusalem, who then
passes it on to those present. This
booklet offers eyewitness
accounts of the miracle as well as
meditations on its meaning. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 32 pages.
Item # MYST166
Soft Bound
† No Man Ever
Spoke as This
Man: The Great I
Am’s of Jesus
Soft Bound
The Lenten
by Fr. Thomas
Forty inspiring
meditations on
Great Lent based
on scriptural and
liturgical passages from the
Lenten services as well as the
spiritual wisdom of the ancient
and modern saints. 5 1/2" x 8
1/2". 162 pages.
Item # LENT130
Soft Bound
Lenten Triodion
by Kallistos Ware
and Mother Mary
Includes Lenten
services of the
Triodion with
Holy Week. 5 1/2"
x 9 3/4". 699 pages.
Order # LENT135
Hard Bound
Meditations for
Great Lent:
Reflections on
the Triodion
by Vassilios
These profoundly
moving meditations, based on
the Triodion (the Orthodox
book of Lent) were written by
an Archimandrite who lives in
Great Britain. 4 1/2" x 7". 89 pages.
Item#: MEDI132
by Anthony M.
Fourteen inspiring
and thought
provoking lessons on the Great I
Am’s of Jesus which constitute the
foundation of our Christian faith.
Archbishop Iakovos writes in the
introduction, “We are impressed
by the strong devotional flavor of
this book. ...All the things that
our Lord is by Biblical evidence
are not left up in an atmosphere
of metaphysical contemplation
but are closely related to
situations of everyday living. We
are pleased to commend this
book.” 5” x 8”. 130 pages.
Item # NOMA100
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
Repentance and
St Nektarios
Practiced counsels
on repentance and
confession by one
of the great
saints of the Church in Greece.
This is the first of his works to be
translated into English. 5 1/2" x 8
1/2". 62 pages.
Item # REPE105
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
† The Tools of
Spiritual Warfare
by Joy Corey,
Introduction by Fr.
Thomas Hopko
Fr. Hopko’s
describes Joy’s book
as a powerfully dynamic
description of how we can
participate in Christ’s victory over
the devil, darkness, disease and
death. She describes in detail the
many tools (eleven in number)
that Christ provides for us to be
not victims but “overcomers,”
describing in detail what St. Paul
calls, “the whole armor of God.” 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 216 pages.
Item # TOOL100
Soft Bound
If We Confess
Our Sins
by Fr. Thomas
Preparation for
the Sacrament of
Penance, written
for adults and
older teens. Includes prayers of
preparation, guides for
examination of conscience and
prayers before and after
Communion. 4 1/2" x 6". 78
Item # IFWE100 $6.00
Soft Bound
Way of a Pilgrim
and the Pilgrim
Continues on His
translated by H.
This is a great
classic of Orthodox
spirituality, specifically on the
origin and practice of the Jesus
Prayer. This book will help
transform your life as it establishes
you on the path of unceasing
prayer. 5 1/2" x 8". 192 pages.
Item # WAYO100
Soft Bound
Icon Coloring
Book: Journey
to Pascha
by Fr. Joseph
illustrated by
Erin Kimmett
Prodigal Son,
Resurrection, Crucifixion, St.
Mary of Egypt, Myrrh Bearing
Women, Gethsemane, St.
Thomas, Palm Sunday,
Washing of Feet, The
Item # IZCO304
Soft Bound
When You Fast
by Bishop Kallistos
One of the premier
theologians of our
times considers the
true nature of
fasting. What is the
proper balance
between the outward aspects of
fasting and the inward and unseen
purpose? What is the relationship
between prayer, fasting and
almsgiving? Discover five truths:
1) Fasting is not just intended for
monks and nuns; 2) Fasting is not
a matter of working our way to
heaven; 3) Fasting should not be
self-willed, but be obedient; 4)
Fasting is not a matter of gloom
but of joyfulness; and 5) Fasting is
not a rejection of God’s creation.
4" x 6 1/2". 19 pages.
Item # WHEN400
❖ Journey
Through Great
Lent: Student
Embark on this
year’s Lenten
journey with
junior high
students as the Church opens
the Triodion. This nine-week
unit spans the Great Fast with
clear, vivid introductions to the
season’s Scriptures, Traditions,
saints, and services. Includes
discussion questions with
interactive activities , journal
assignments and an in depth
lesson on the Sacrament of
Confession. Ages 12 and up.
For classrooms, retreats and
home. 8 1/2” x 11”. 14 pages.
Item # JOUR055
❖ Journey
Holy Week
by Nia Gianulis
This 20 page
booklet for
middle school
and high school
students follows Christ and the
Church through each stage of
Holy Week—from the Saturday
of Lazarus through the Agape
vespers service. Pinpoints the
relevance and meanings of the
services, hymns and Scripture
readings. Special features on
each page illuminate icons,
traditions and history. Suitable
for ages 10 and up—designed
for use during retreats, in
church, at home or in the
classroom. 8 1/2" x 11". 17
Item # JOUR060
C onfe s s i o n
for more
books useful
during Lent
Soft Bound
My Lenten
Journey: An
Poster for Kids
A large fullcolor poster
designed to help
understand how they can
participate in Great Lent. Daily
challenges present the child the
opportunity to do, give, give up,
or think as a way of making his/
her own offering each day
during Lent. Filled with fun and
interesting tasks and projects,
marking the way with 40
colorful stickers. Post-it on the
refrigerator and involve the
whole family in your child’s
Lenten journey. Kindergarten
through grade 5.
Item # MYLE500
St. Helen
Finds the
Cross of
by Michelle
illustrated by Jane Fotopoulos
A delightfully told story of how St.
Helen discovered the cross on
which Jesus was crucified.
Superbly colorful art illustrates the
text on facing pages. Children will
want you to read this story to
them again and again. For ages 4
and older. 11" x 8½". 29 pages.
Item # STHE090
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
† Eastern
Orthodoxy: A Way
of Life
by Anthony M.
Hailed by Patriarch
Athenagoras I as a
spiritual milestone!
Acclaimed by Dr. Nicholas Zernov,
Archbishop Iakovos and numerous
other Orthodox clergy and lay
people. Here is a book that makes
the teachings of the Orthodox
Church personal and practical. 5
1/2” x 8”. 175 pages.
Item # EAST290
Soft Bound
7th Printing
† 80 Talks for
Orthodox Young
by Anthony M.
This book will help
our youngsters learn
scripture, tradition
and liturgical life in a provocative,
stimulating and enjoyable way, as
well as cultivate Orthodox
Christian attitudes in daily living.
These instructional and devotional
talks touch the heart as well as
reach the mind. They are simple
and practical, without sounding
routine and childish. They lead to
one central goal: To make Jesus
Christ the core and essence of our
life and to make Him our Savior. 5
1/4” x 8”. 142 pages.
Item # EIGH100
Soft Bound
8th Printing
† The Eye Cannot
Say to the Hand,
“I Have No Need
of You” (1 Cor.
by Anthony M.
Based on 1
Corinthians 12:4-30 where St. Paul
compares church members to the
various members of the human
body, showing how each organ
and limb is so totally
indispensable to the body that “the
eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do
not need you.’” Demonstrates how
Christ has endowed and blessed
each member of the Body (the
Church) to continue His ministry
of love in the world. Hailed by Fr.
Thomas Hopko as a “must-read.”
5” x 7 1/4”. 144 pages.
Item # EYEC100
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
v † Gems from
the Sunday
Gospels in
the Orthodox
Volume 2, July
by Anthony M. Coniaris
Contains twenty-six excellent
sermons on the Sunday Gospel
lessons of the Orthodox church.
5 1/4" x 8". 157 pages.
Item # GEMS110
Soft Bound - Formerly $19.95
v † The
Glorious Liberty
of the Children
of God: The
Challenge of
Free Will
by Anthony M.
“The glorious liberty of the
children of God” (Rom. 8:21).
Presents us with the great
challenge of free will: “For
freedom Christ has set us free,
stand fast therefore and do not
submit to the yoke of slavery”
(Gal. 5:1). God gave us free will
to help us make the supreme
choice in life, the choice above
every other choice, the choice
on which depends salvation
and eternity for each one of us.
The author presents the
Church’s case for free will in
non-theological language
spiced with illustrations to help
the average lay person
understand how this great gift
holds the key to abundant
living. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 152
Item # GLOR075
Soft Bound - Formerly $16.95
† God’s Fullness
for Our
by Anthony M.
This book
addresses the
great vacuum
that exists in our lives and
society today, i.e., the value
vacuum, the moral vacuum, the
spiritual vacuum, etc. Such a
vacuum is dangerous because it
leads people to fill up with
countless forms of escapism.
Yet emptiness is also a prelude
to God. The author
❖ Non-Discounted Item
concentrates on how God can
fill this emptiness to
overflowing through faith,
prayer, the sacraments, God’s
word, the Holy Spirit, etc. 5 1/2”
x 8 1/4”. 108 pages.
Item # GODS500
Soft Bound
† The Great I
Came’s of Jesus
by Anthony M.
meditations on
the great I came...
statements by
Jesus wherein He explains the
reasons for His coming into the
world. I came not to call the
righteous but sinners..., I did
not come to judge the world but
to save the world, etc. 5 1/4” x
8”. 196 pages.
Item # GREA190
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
† The Greatest
of All Sciences:
To Know One’s
by Anthony M.
There is a prayer
that says, “Grant
us, O Lord, the knowledge of
ourselves without which we can
neither rightly repent nor seek
to amend our lives.” The
purpose of this book is to help
us find our authentic self in the
Trinity through relationships
(to God and man), selfexamination, inner stillness,
humility, repentance, and the
renunciation of the passions,
especially vainglory. The most
painful part of being human is
that we are strangers to
ourselves. Man can know his
true self but only with God and
in God, in Whom we discover
our truest and best self. 5 1/4" x
8". 136 pages.
Item # GREA800
Soft Bound
† Holy Joy:
The Heartbeat
of Faith
by Anthony M.
This is a book
about a basic
Christian virtue:
Joy! St. Seraphim said, “The
Holy Spirit fills everything He
touches with joy.” “Without Joy,”
said Fr. Schmemann, “Christianity
is incomprehensible.” Discover
what Christian joy is, where it is
to be found and how it thrives
even in the midst of suffering.
“Through the cross joy has come
to the world,” says one Orthodox
prayer. Discover how the sound of
joy permeates the New Testament
and the lives of the Saints. 6" x 9".
130 pages.
Item # HOLY167
Soft Bound
v † Homilies From
an Orthodox
by Anthony M.
sermons addressing
subjects such as The
Positive Side of Repentance;
Rejection and Acceptance; From
Dust to Image of God; Are You
Paralyzed by Your Past?; The Sin
of Perfectionism; The Orthodox
Rule of Prayer; Safe Sex - God’s
Way; Broken to be More
Beautiful; Stewards of God’s
Mysteries and many more. 5 1/2”
x 8 1/4”. 147 pages.
Item # HOMI100
Soft Bound - Formerly $19.95
† Icons Speak:
Their Message:
Introducing the
Twelve Great
Feasts of the
Orthodox Church
by Anthony M.
A fascinating study of the Twelve
Great Feast Days of Orthodox
Christianity through the written
and visual Gospels (the Bible and
the Icon), emphasizing their
meaning for us today. This book is
a treasure trove of inspiration that
flows to us from the Twelve Great
Events in the life of our Lord.
Includes 24 icons in full-color. 6"
x 9". 312 pages.
eBook Now Available!
Item # ICON475
Soft Bound
† Introducing the
Orthodox Church:
Its Faith and Life
by Anthony M.
Here is a genuinely
different and
practical book for
the inquirer and potential convert
to Orthodox Christianity. It is
different in a number of ways, all
of which commend this volume to
wide use by pastors whose task it
is to introduce the members of
their inquirers classes to an
Orthodox way of life which will
touch their lives in a full and
complete way (Fr. Stanley
Harakas). Chapters include: What
We Believe About the One
Apostolic Church, the
Nicene Creed, Jesus, the Holy
Trinity, the Divine Liturgy,
Salvation, the Church Fathers, the
Church Year, Symbols, the
Sacraments, the Saints and the
Theotokos, Life After Death, the
Bible, Icons, Prayers for the Dead,
and Prayer. Recently translated in
Korean and Romanian. 6" x 9".
282 pages.
eBook Available!
Item # INTR100
Soft Bound 19th Printing
† Knowing God:
Life’s Highest
Purpose and Joy
(From an Orthodox
by Anthony M
Orthodox Christianity has a
distinctly mystical approach to
knowing God. This book focuses
on 1. How is God knowable? 2.
Climbing the rungs of the ladder
that leads to God. 3. The price of
ignorance versus the benefits of
knowing God. "The most precious
thing in the world is to know God,
even if only dimly" (St. Silouan).
6" x 9". 296 pages.
eBook Available!
Item # KNOW110
Soft Bound
† Let Us Commit
Ourselves and One
Another and Our
Whole Life to
Christ Our God
by Anthony M.
The title of the book
is a part of a petition directed to
our prayerful attention several
times during the liturgy. Why
is it repeated so often? Why
are we called upon repeatedly
to commit ourselves, our
loved ones, and our whole life
to Christ our God? Could it
be that the word commit
expresses a vital aspect of our
Orthodox Christian faith and
life? 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 76 pages.
Item # LETU250
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
v † Life’s
by Anthony M.
“It seems to me
that to discover
what to put the whole problem of
life,” said Turgenev. With
more time than ever, people
today feel “pressed for time,”
for failing to prioritize. Jesus
commands us to prioritize,
“Seek first the kingdom of
God and His righteousness
and all these things shall be
added to you” (Matt. 6:33).
This exciting book shows how
we can give meaning and joy
to our lives by prioritizing
God in our everyday
activities. When we seek first
the things that belong to God,
said St. Chrysostom, the
things that belong to men will
follow soon enough. 5 1/2” x
8 1/4”. 120 pages.
Item # LIFE770
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
† Living a
Balanced Life
in an
by Anthony M.
Can the virtue
of temperance lead to sane
and healthy living? By
exposing the sources of
disruption in contemporary
life, this guidebook points out
the need and the means for
restoring our equilibrium.
Powerful word pictures
illustrate the author’s wisdom
and reinforce the keys to
balancing prayer, love, work
and play. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 112
Item # LIVI050
Soft Bound
† Living
Responsibly in
an Age of
by Anthony M.
Happened to Moral Responsibility,
this volume is a clarion call to
assuming responsibility for our
actions. This is always the first
step to repentance and newness
of life. Based on David’s
confession in Psalm 51, “For I
know my transgressions and my
sin is ever before me,” the author
debunks the myriads of excuses
used to evade responsibility and
that stand in the way of true
repentance. Revised and
expanded. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 79
Item # LIVI125
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
† Making God
Real in the
Christian Home
by Anthony M.
Like the priest,
parents represent
God to their children. They are
religious educators just by being
parents. Here is a book filled
with ideas to help Orthodox
Christian parents become
effective priests and religious
educators in the home. Greatly
revised and expanded. 5 1/4” x
8”. 269 pages.
Item # MAKI120
Soft Bound
12th Printing
v † Meet Jesus in the Sunday
by Anthony M. Coniaris
Exceptionally insightful and
relevant messages on the Sunday
Gospels. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2".
v† Message of the Sunday
Gospel Readings
by Anthony M. Coniaris
Volume 1
homilies on the
words of Jesus as
read in the Sunday
Gospel lessons of
the Orthodox
Church from
through February. 5½" x 8½".
152 pages.
Item # MESS320
Soft Bound - Formerly $20.95
Volume 2
Superbly inspiring
homilies on the
words of Jesus as
read in the
Sunday Gospel
lessons of the
Orthodox Church
from March
through August. 5½" x 8½".
126 pages.
Item # MESS330
Soft Bound - Formerly $20.95
† No Man Ever
Spoke as This
Man: The Great I
Am’s of Jesus
by Anthony M.
Fourteen inspiring
and thought
provoking lessons on the Great I
Am’s of Jesus which constitute the
foundation of our Christian faith.
Archbishop Iakovos writes in the
introduction, “We are impressed
by the strong devotional flavor of
this book. ...All the things that our
Lord is by Biblical evidence are
not left up in an atmosphere of
metaphysical contemplation but
are closely related to situations of
everyday living. We are pleased to
commend this book.” 5” x 8”.
130 pages.
Item # NOMA100
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
Volume 1
180 pages
Item # MEET100
Soft Bound - Formerly $20.95
Volume 2
264 pages
Item # MEET110
Soft Bound - Formerly $20.95
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
v † No Matter
How Deep the
Darkness He
Descends Deeper
Still: The Descent
of Jesus into
by Anthony M.
One of the marvelous results of
the death and resurrection of Jesus
is expressed in the glorious and
triumphant Descent of Jesus into
Hades. This saving truth is
mentioned more than 200 times in
the joyous hymns of the
Pentecostarion and more than 150
times in the troparia sung on
Sundays and other feast days of
the year. It is a glorious truth that
is emphasized in Scripture, the
Church Fathers, hymnology, in the
processions of Holy Saturday, and,
most graphically of all, in the
magnificent icon of the Descent of
Jesus into Hades. This book shows
how Jesus continues to descend
into our personal hells today to
extricate us, reconcile with God,
fill us with the Holy Spirit and
unite us with God. 5" x 7 1/4".
112 pages.
Item # NOMA110
Why Christians
Need It
by Stanley Samuel
Harakas, Archbishop
Iakovos Professor of
Orthodox Theology, Emeritus
Twenty-six reflections on living
the Christian life, based on the
scriptural readings in the
Orthodox Sacrament of Holy
Unction. The book acquaints the
reader with the inherited spiritual
tradition of Orthodox Christianity
in a thoughtful, contemporary,
conversational straightforward
style. Valuable for personal or
group use. Excellent for use in
Bible study groups. 6” x 9”. 140
Item # OFLI500
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
Volume 1
Soft Bound
v Volume 2
† Light & Life Titles
Includes chapters on Incense, Candles,
Flowering of the Cross; Ladder to Heaven;
Hesychasm: The Practice of Silence; Palms;
the Epitaphion and Tomb of Jesus, Theotokos
With Child in the Apse; Christ Pantocrator;
the Divine Liturgy: Reality Not Symbol;
Epiphany and the Blessing of Water. 5½" x
8½". 220 pages.
Item # SACR140
Soft Bound by John
An excellent
booklet on the
history, faith and
practice of the
Orthodox Church, popularly
written by an eminent
Orthodox theologian. 5” x 7”.
24 pages.
Item # OZAA100
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
Includes chapters on Physical Postures as
Symbols of Prayer; Sunday: The Symbol of the
Start of a New Age; Symbols In the Sacrament
of Baptism; The Symbol of the Seal in Holy
Chrismation; The Meaning of Nakedness in
Baptism; The Meaning of Renunciation and
Acceptance in Holy Baptism; Symbols in the
Orthodox Paschal Celebration; Pascha:
Breaking the Doors of Hades - Hinges and All;
Symbols in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony;
The Symbolism of Vestments. 5½" x 8½".
166 pages.
Item # SACR150
† The
Soft Bound - Formerly $18.95
2nd Printing
4th Printing
v Preaching
the Word of
by Anthony M.
This is not only
a book about
preaching: how
to prepare, how
to speak to peoples' needs, how
to communicate well, but
makes a powerful statement
about the place of preaching in
the liturgy of the Orthodox
Church. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2". 137
Item # PREA140
Soft Bound
† Proclaiming
God’s Word
by Stanley
A masterful
study of
preaching today.
Developing Preaching Skills;
Themes for Preaching in
Orthodoxy Today; Needs,
Controversy, Approaches; the
State of Preaching in the Greek
Orthodox Archdiocese, 1988. 5
1/2” x 8 1/4”. 100 pages.
Item # PROC110
Soft Bound
by Anthony M. Coniaris
A study of the symbols used in the Orthodox Church.
by Benjamin D.
Williams and
Michael T.
An explication
of Christian leadership from an
Eastern Orthodox perspective,
using Scripture and the model
of the attributes of relationship
between the Persons of the
Holy Trinity. Approx. 5" x 8".
Item # ORIE550
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
v † Of Life and
Reflections on
Living the
Christian Life
† Sacred Symbols That Speak
❖ Non-Discounted Item
v † Sermons on
the Major Holy
Days of the
by Anthony M.
masterful sermons on the major
holy days of the Orthodox
Church year. 5 1/4” x 8”. 175 pages.
Item # SERM140
Soft Bound - Formerly $19.95
v † 61 Talks for
by Anthony M.
Death makes us
pause to consider
the reason for
existence. Rich in Scripture,
replete with illustrations these
talks bring the balm of God’s
healing to the bereaved,
replacing sorrow with the peace
of God that passes all
understanding. 5 1/4” x 8”.
119 pages.
Item # SIXT120
Soft Bound - Formerly $16.95 3rd Printing
† These Are the
Sacraments: The
Mysteries of the
Orthodox Church
by Anthony M.
Fr. Harakas writes,
an approach to the sacraments
that is alive, vital, dynamic and
inspirational. Every reader of this
book, whether a trained
theologian or a neophyte
Christian, will find much for his
or her benefit. Ideal for use with
membership training classes, adult
study groups or in high school
religious education classes. 5 1/4”
x 8”. 192 pages.
Item # THES110
Soft Bound
4th Printing
v † This is My Beloved Son:
Listen to Him
by Anthony M. Coniaris
Homilies on the Sunday cycle of
Scripture readings in the
Orthodox Church. The words of
Jesus are directed to today’s
broken and confused world in a
relevant and incisive manner.
v † Treasures From Paul’s
by Anthony M. Coniaris
Contemporary homilies on the
epistle lessons read every
Sunday in Eastern Orthodox
Volume 1
Volume 1
Covers the Sunday Scripture
readings from January through
June. 5½" x 8½". 161 pages.
Item # THIS100
Soft Bound - Formerly $20.95
Volume 2
Covers the Sunday Scripture
readings from July through
December. 5½" x 8½". 148 pages.
Item # THIS110
Deals with the lessons from
September through February.
5¼" x 8". 184 pages.
Item # TREA110
Soft Bound- Formerly $20.95
Volume 2
Includes lessons from March
through August. 5¼" x 8". 159
Item # TREA120
Soft Bound- Formerly $20.95
Soft Bound - Formerly $20.95
† Those Whom
God Calls Blessed:
The Beatitudes
for Everyday
by Anthony M.
Through the
Beatitudes Jesus paints an icon
describing the life of the new
person, the “new creation” that
the Triune God produces for the
Kingdom of God. Jesus came not
just to reveal God’s truth but to
save us and conform us to the
beautiful icon he paints of us in
the Beatitudes. Through the use of
the Church Fathers and the lives
of the saints as well as countless
contemporary stories, anecdotes
and illustrations, this book makes
the Beatitudes come alive and
relevant for the twenty-first
century. 6” x 9”. 206 pages.
Item # THOS500
Soft Bound
† Whatever
Happened to
by Anthony M.
stands for truth
in faith.
Objective, absolute truth in
today’s secular society is
nonexistent. Postmodernism
has taught the world that truth
is relative. Once God is
dethroned, the individual
manufactures and propagates
one’s own truth. Examines
objectively the moral relativism
of our age with the multitude of
clashing truths. Then draws
upon countless resources
beginning with the Scriptures,
the Church Fathers and several
intellectuals to show that Truth,
with a capital T, does exist and
is to be found in its fullness in
Him who said, I am the Truth.
6” x 9”. 177 pages.
Item # WHAT535
Soft Bound
v † Where
Moth and Rust
Do Not
Consume: An
Anthology on
Christian Giving
by Anthony M.
A treasury of inspiring thoughts
and ideas designed to
strengthen stewardship in the
local parish. Shows how the
Church Fathers among many
others emphasized the
stewardship of time, talents and
possessions as a living
expression of Christian
discipleship. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 119
Item # WHER140
Soft Bound - Formerly $11.95
v † Who Am I?
Contrasted With
Our Identity in
by Anthony M.
The answer to the question
Who Am I? is so pivotal that it
supplies the answers to other
ultimate questions, i.e., Where
am I going? Where did I come
from? What is the purpose of
my life? Is there any meaning to
my life? The author leads us
through the secular world’s
incomplete answers to this
question. Describes the richness
of identity offered in the
Tradition of Orthodox
Christianity. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 90
Item # WHOA105
Soft Bound - Formerly $14.95
The more we
love God the
more we love
—St. Augustine
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
† Orthodox
Worship, A
With the
Temple, the
and the Early
Guide to the
Divine Liturgy
by Robert Krantz
This handsome
book offers divine
liturgy in English
and Greek on the
right hand page and
on the opposite page, a concise
explanation on what and why it is
happening. 6" x 9". 168 pages
Item # GUID118
Soft Bound
† Introduction to
the Divine Liturgy
by Mother Maria
A devotional
journey through the
liturgy. Most
inspiring and
informative. 5 1/2”
x 8 1/4”. 52 pages.
Item # INTR160
Soft Bound
❖ † Melody of
Prayer: How to
Experience the
Divine Liturgy
by Stanley S.
Every Orthodox
worshiper deserves to read and
re-read this book. It will enhance
one’s active participation in the
liturgy. Shows clearly how the
liturgy begs for participation. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 38 pages.
Item # MELO100
Soft Bound - Formerly $8.95 5th Printing
by Benjamin D. Williams and
Harold B. Anstall
The two authors have
discovered in the Orthodox
liturgy a living continuity with
the worship of Judaism and the
Early Church. Written in a nontheological manner for the
average lay person, this book
offers inspired insights into the
Orthodox liturgy that will rivet
the attention of the reader. Early
Christians preserved a
continuity of worship from the
Old Covenant to the New,
employing elements from the
Jewish Temple liturgy, the
synagogue liturgy and the
rituals of the Jewish home.
Shows how divinely revealed
Old Testament worship is not
only continued but also fulfilled
in the Orthodox liturgy. A lineby-line explanation of the
liturgy is included. 5 1/2” x 8
1/4”. 221 pages.
Item # OZWO100
Soft Bound
4th Printing
Worship Volume 2
by Fr. Thomas
Introductory texts
on Orthodox faith
and life, presented
in brief chapters.
Excellent for quick reference as
well as teaching material for
teens or adults. 4 1/2" x 9". 199
Item # OZHA130
Soft Bound
❖ Western Rite
Service Book (St
The Orthodox
by Kallistos Ware
This work is a
classic account of
the belief, worship
and life of the
Orthodox Church.
It raises the basic
issues of theology; God as hidden
yet revealed; the problem of evil; the
nature of salvation; the meaning of
faith; prayer; death; and what lies
beyond. Written clearly and simply
with reference to both Eastern and
Western Christian sources.
5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 164 pages.
Item # OZWA100
Soft Bound
† Divine Liturgy
According to St.
with Scripture
references and
commentary by Fr.
Theodore Bobosh
This is not just another book on
the Liturgy. With Scripture
references and commentary on
each page opposite the Liturgy
text, this book is a prayerful
guide to the understanding of
the liturgy as anchored in
Scripture. Along with the
excellent commentary, it is
designed to help the laity
participate in the Liturgy, which
is the work of all God’s people.
Recommended for use in the
pew. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 70 pages.
Item # DZAC110
Soft Bound
Hard Bound 3rd Edition
❖ Service Book of
the Antiochian
Contains the most
frequently used
prayers and
services of the
Orthodox Church.
Includes updated
English text adapted to Byzantine
usage. Newly revised in 2006. 12th
edition. 5 1/2" x 7 1/2". 238 pages.
Item # SERV130
Hard Bound
3rd Printing
Divine Liturgy
Students' edition
of the sacrament
of the Eucharist.
Contains all
public parts of
the service plus
the full
Eucharist Prayer
of the Liturgy of St. John
Chrysostom. OCA standard
translation. 4" x 6". 40 pages.
Item # DZAA100
Soft Bound
The administration
of the Sacraments
and other Rites and
according to the
Western Rite Usage
of the Antiochian Orthodox
Christian Archdiocese of North
America. Includes authorized texts
for: the Divine Liturgy of St.
Tikhon, the Divine Liturgy of St.
Gregory, the Order for Matins and
Vespers, the Psalter, the
Sacraments of Baptism, Penance,
and Matrimony, and other Rites
and Ceremonies of the Western
Rite congregations. 5 3/4 x 8 3/4.
364 pages.
Item # WEST220
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† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
† Growing
Faithful Families
Devotional &
Akathist to the
Mother of God:
Nurturer of
So comforting to
the soul is this
sweet, yet powerful,
akathist for anyone who has a care
for a son, a daughter, a Godchild.
The prayer is an offering to the
Mother of God to raise these
young ones (by name) to be
worthy heirs of Christ's Kingdom.
Included within the pages of this
pocket-size booklet is a beautiful
full-color icon of the Mother of
God, Nurturer of Children. Cover
is extra sturdy, intended for
abundant use, and the inner pages
are colorfully adorned on glossy
paper. 4 3/4" x 6 1/2". 24 pages.
Item # AKAT149
by Rebecca Myerly
A book for all
Orthodox Christian
families who are
seeking to grow in
faith through a
appreciation for and
understanding of Scripture. In
this resource the focus is on the
Scripture passages read during
the Divine Liturgy each Sunday
throughout the Orthodoxy
liturgical year. For each week
the Epistle and Gospel readings
are printed out in full, together
with superb suggestions to help
the family share thoughts and
insights about the Scripture
passages. Written for families
with children ages 4-5 and up, it
can also be used by individuals
and couples without children. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 320 pages.
Item # GROW025
One cannot read
this Akathist
without offering
sincere gratitude for
the tireless efforts of
the one appointed to
watch over each of our souls,
leading us toward the eternal and
heavenly Kingdom. Beautifully
written, this attractive, pocketsized booklet has an extra-sturdy
cover, intended for frequent use,
and the inner pages are colorfully
adorned on glossy paper, with
several full-color icons. 4 3/4" x 6
1/2". 40 pages.
Item # AKAT151
Soft Bound
† My Daily
Prayer Book
compiled and
edited by
Anthony M.
Here are pages of
classic Orthodox prayers for
every occasion and need.
Through the centuries the Holy
Spirit has inspired countless
Church Fathers and saints to
compose magnificent prayers
that are now readily available
for personal or family use in
this handy pocket-size volume.
5" x 7". 208 pages.
eBook Available!
Item # MYDA500
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
† Tell Us a Story,
Grandma: More
of Grandma’s
Spiritual Stories
❖ Blessing of
An attractive
Orthodox booklet
for new mothers.
Contains a
mother's prayer of
thanksgiving, a
prayer for the
child, sacred duties of the mother,
naming the child, the forty-day
blessing, the baptism of the child
and a section on the sponsors. 4
1/4" x 6". 7 pages
Item # BLES130
by Georgia
Grandma tells
some fascinating
stories of the appearances and
miracles of angels from the
Bible as well as from the lives of
the saints. Superbly inspiring for
children of all ages. Illustrated
with line drawings of Byzantine
icons of angels. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”.
96 pages.
Item # TELL300
Soft Bound
Parenting &
Building an
Christian Home
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
Akathist to the
Guardian Angel
† Tell Us About
the Angels,
by Georgia Hronas
A treasure trove of
stories for young
and old from the Great
Synaxaristes of the Orthodox
Church. Includes fascinating
stories of the early saints that
build up anticipation and teach
unforgettable lessons. Excellent
tool for parents and
grandparents! 6” x 9”. 120 pages.
Item # TELL400
by Virginia
Shows how it is
possible to build an
Christian home. Written by a
mother of five. Practical.
Helpful. Full of excellent ideas.
Item # BUIL150
Children in the
Church Today:
An Orthodox
by Sister Magdalen
Clear and
reflections by an Orthodox nun
on Marriage and the Christian
Family, Prayer in the Christian
Home, The Example of
Christian Parents, The Christian
Education of Children,
Liturgical and Spiritual Life,
Leisure Time and Social Life,
and Christian Life in the Teen
Years. 5" x 7 1/4". 103 pages.
Item # CHIL140
Soft Bound
† Making God
Real in the
Christian Home
by Anthony M.
Like the priest,
parents represent
God to their children. They are
religious educators just by being
parents. Here is a book filled with
ideas to help Orthodox Christian
parents become effective priests
and religious educators in the
home. Greatly revised and
expanded. 5 1/4” x 8”. 269 pages.
Item # MAKI120
Soft Bound
12th Printing
† My Forty Day
Blessing Book
by Christina
illustrations by
Bonnie Gillis
Designed to be
presented to parents
at the 40-day blessing of their
infant, this attractive book tells
the story of how Jesus was also
brought to the Temple for blessing
forty days after His birth. The
story is told through 18 colorful
iconographic illustrations by
Bonnie Gillis. Included are a page
listing the names of the parents,
the child, the church, the city, the
date of the blessing; a place for the
signature of the priest; a Memento
Page for a photo of the blessing;
the priest’s prayer; a Parent’s
Prayer, and two brief articles on
the meaning of the blessing. 5.25”
x 8”. 48 pages.
Item # MYFO100
Soft Bound
On Marriage and
Family Life
by St. John
translated by K.
Roth and D.
Homilies on
marriage, family life, sexual
relations between husband and
wife, etc. 5” x 7 1/4”. 114 pages.
Item # ONMA100
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
On the Upbringing
of Children
by Bishop Irenaius of
Ekaterinburg and
Comprises ten
sermons delivered to
parents by Irenaius,
bishop of the Russian city of
Ekaterinburg, in 1901. Addressing
such topics as building the
foundations of godliness in a
child’s soul, identifying and
overcoming the first signs of vices
and encouraging the growth of
virtues, Bishop Irenaius bases his
advice solidly on Christian
spiritual principles and the Gospel
precepts. Includes prayers for
parents and children. Illustrated.
5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 64 pages.
Item # ONTH280
Soft Bound
Raising Them
Right: A Saint’s
Advice on Raising
by St. Theophan the
Wise advice on
raising children
from a newly canonized saint. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 75 pages.
Item # RAIS120
Soft Bound
† We Cook, We
Pray, We Learn
by Marusia
Melackrinos &
Christina Kyriacou
Joy is at the heart
of everything in
the Christian life.
This joy should
permeate our lives especially our
homes and particularly our
kitchens. This book contains
recipes which remind us of the
many reasons we have for
celebrating our Orthodox
Christian faith with joy. Recipes
are provided for the Eucharistic
Bread Offering (Prosfora), the
Blessing of the Loaves (Artoclasia),
Tsoureki (Easter Bread), Koliva
(Boiled Wheat kernels for
Memorial Prayers), Phanouropita
(A Special Sweet Bread honoring
St. Phanourios), Slavic Easter
Baskets (Babka), and Vasilopita
(St. Basil’s Bread). Explanations
included. The iconic images in
this book are from “The Illustrated
Gospel of Saint Matthew” by
Vladislav Andrejev, used by
permission. 5 1/2” x 7 1/2”. 24
Item # WECO100
† Attending to
Your Marriage:
A Resource for
by Charles
Whether you are
a couple preparing to marry, are
newly married, or are past the
newlywed stage, you will find
this resource to be very helpful
in your efforts to reclaim the
love you have lost or to protect
the love you still enjoy. This
book combines down-to-earth
examples, cutting-edge research
and the author’s Orthodox
Christian perspective to assist
you and your partner to attend
to your marriage and its needs.
6” x 9”. 208 pages.
Item # ATTE100
Soft Bound
† Getting Ready
for Marriage in
the Orthodox
by Anthony M.
Designed to be
presented to
couples by their priest as a
guide in planning their
wedding, this attractive booklet
is essential for anyone getting
married in the Orthodox
Church. Guided by an advisory
council of Orthodox priests, the
author provides sections on
preparing for your wedding and
more importantly preparing for
a happy marriage. 5 1/2” x 8
1/2”. 31 pages.
Item # GETT100
Soft Bound
9th Printing
† Guidelines for
Marriage in the
by Stanley
Here finally is a
booklet that
answers some of the questions
most asked by couples about to
be married in the Orthodox
Church. The chapters deal with:
The Meaning of Marriage in
Spiral Bound
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Orthodox Christianity,
Regulations Regarding
Marriage in the Orthodox
Church, and Ecumenical
Implications of Orthodox
Marriage. The information
provided will offer much
needed direction to couples
and contribute to a happy and
memorable wedding ceremony.
5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 17 pages.
Item # GUID130
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
† How Do I
Choose the
Right Partner
for Life?
by Stephen
Father Deacon
Stephen Holley,
a member of the Antiochian
Archdiocesan Committee on
Marriage and the Family, was
asked to write a handbook on
properly selecting a partner for
marriage. The committee as a
whole reviewed his work and
made fine suggestions which
were incorporated in the final
draft. With the divorce rate
climbing as rapidly as it is, the
need for the information in this
book is critical. 5" x 7". 76
Order # HOWD050
"For this reason a
man will leave his
father and
mother and be
joined to his wife,
and the two will
become one flesh."
This is a great
mystery, and I
am applying it to
Christ and the
5: 31-32
Soft Bound
† Marriage,
Sexuality and
Celibacy - A
Greek Orthodox
by Demetrios J.
Chapters include:
The Problem; Theological
Foundations and Purpose of
Marriage; Sex in Marriage;
Historical and Theological
Development of Marriage;
Religious or Civil Rite?; Mixed
Marriages; Divorce, Birth
Control and Abortion;
Marriage and Celibacy of the
Clergy; the Problem of
Celibacy Today. Thoughtprovoking. 5 1/4” x 8”. 93 pages.
Item # MARR150
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
See Marriage
in the
section for more
on this topic
Orthodox Church & Its Teachings
Icons and
Saints of the
† The Holy Angels
by Mother Alexandra
The Angels have a
stupendous reality.
Their activity among
us has come to be a
vital, positive reality.
Studies angels in the
Old and New Testaments, as well
as in the Church Fathers, Theology,
Liturgies, Prayers and Iconography.
6” x 9”. 196 pages.
Item # HOLY100
Soft Bound
5th Printing
Akathist to the
Guardian Angel
One cannot read this
Akathist without
offering sincere
gratitude for the
tireless efforts of the
one appointed to
watch over each of our souls,
leading us toward the eternal and
heavenly Kingdom. Beautifully
written, this attractive, pocketsized booklet has an extra-sturdy
cover, intended for frequent use,
and the inner pages are colorfully
adorned on glossy paper, with
several full-color icons. 4 3/4" x 6
1/2". 40 pages.
Item # AKAT151
Soft Bound
Icons, Symbols &
v † Blessing of
by Mother Thekla
A translation of the
prayers for the
blessing of Ikons.
The prayers put the
veneration of Ikons
firmly within the worship of the
Church to form an integral part
within the whole fabric of
Orthodoxy. 6” x 9”. 11 pages.
Item # BLES120
by Alfred
This exceptional
book catalogues
the vast heritage of icons from
the most ancient at the
Monastery of St. Catherine
(Sinai) to those from Greece,
Constantinople and Russia.
Includes a wealth of icons in
color (400 total) in which
details are called out for
discussion. 5 1/4" x 7 3/4". 384
Item # ICON425
Soft Bound
† Icons Speak:
Their Message:
Introducing the
Twelve Great
Feasts of the
by Anthony M. Coniaris
A fascinating study of the
Twelve Great Feast Days of
Orthodox Christianity through
the written and visual Gospels
(the Bible and the Icon),
emphasizing their meaning for
us today. This book is a treasure
trove of inspiration that flows to
us from the Twelve Great Events
in the life of our Lord. Includes
24 icons in full-color.
eBook Now Available!
Item # ICON475
† Introducing the Orthodox
Church: Its Faith and Life
by Anthony M. Coniaris
Here is a genuinely different
and practical book for the
inquirer and potential convert
to Orthodox Christianity. It is
different in a number of ways,
all of which commend this
volume to wide use by pastors
whose task it is to introduce the
members of their inquirers
classes to an Orthodox way of
life which will touch their lives
in a full and complete way (Fr.
Stanley Harakas). Chapters
include: What We Believe
About the One Apostolic
Church, the
Nicene Creed, Jesus, the Holy
Trinity, the Divine Liturgy,
Salvation, the Church Fathers,
the Church Year, Symbols, the
Sacraments, the Saints and the
Theotokos, Life After Death,
the Bible, Icons, Prayers for the
Dead, and Prayer. Recently
translated in Korean and
Soft Bound
† Making
by R. Golini
Includes topics:
“Choice of
Fabric,” “Materials
Needed,” a section
on each of the pieces which will
together complete the vestment.
A “how-to” book. 5 1/2” x 8”.
Item # MAKI110
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
Soft Bound - Formerly $4.95
eBook Now Available!
Item # INTR100
6" x 9". 282 pages
Soft Bound by Anthony M.
Father John
Meyendorff writes
in the foreword:
Succeeds in making
the Orthodox
message sound as a message for
the young, a message of living
tradition which meets and
assumes everything which is true
and beautiful. A marvelously
inspiring collection of lessons on
the Nicene Creed. 5 1/4” x 8”. 268
Item # OZAC100
Soft Bound
Item # STUD500
5 1/4" x 8 1/4". 146 pages.
by Fr. George Grube
A practical
handbook of the Church for
laypeople and inquirers. Packed
with useful information about the
Church, i.e. what it teaches, how it
worships, its sacraments
(mysteries), feasts, calendar and
prayers. It traces the history and
customs of the Church, theology
of the Faith and how it sees itself
as the authentic Church of Christ.
The various topics in the
Handbook are supported by
hundreds of quotes from the
Church Fathers and Holy
Scripture (a book in itself). At the
end of the Handbook is a 40-page
Glossary containing 500 terms,
definitions and descriptions of
historical figures related to
Orthodoxy. All of this in one 260page volume. 6” x 9”. 260 pages.
Item # OZCH315
Soft Bound
❖ Non-Discounted Item
2nd Printing
Orthodox Handbook:
Spirituality Volume 4
by Fr. Thomas Hopko
Introductory texts on
Orthodox faith and life,
presented in brief
chapters. Excellent for
quick reference as well as teaching
material for teens or adults. 4 1/2"
x 9". 200 pages.
Item # OZHA150
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
5th Printing
† The Orthodox
Church A to Z: A
Handbook For
19th Printing
Study Guide
Soft Bound
† Orthodoxy: A
Creed for Today
2nd Printing
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
† What Every
Orthodox Christian
Should Know
by George Nicozisin
Fr. Nicozisin’s book
meets a great need
in the Orthodox
Church today to
introduce inquirers to the Church
through the medium of a
lightweight book that whets the
appetite of the searcher through its
brevity. In highly condensed form,
it encapsulates all the basics about
the history of the Church from the
Apostles to the present day. 5 1/2”
x 8 1/4”. 36 pages.
Item # WHAT160
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
† The Uniqueness
of Eastern
edited by Anthony
M. Coniaris
Over 30 renowned
Orthodox Christian
thinkers express
what they believe to be some of
the unique features of Eastern
Christianity. This is a highly
specialized anthology
provocatively and passionately
insightful. The areas covered are:
the Orthodox Church, the
Orthodox Faith, Theosis, God’s
Essence and Energies, Synergy,
Atonement, Predestination, the
Bible, Contrasts between East and
West, the Rupture between East
and West, Worship, the Theotokos
and the Saints, Feast Days,
Secularism, Jesus, the Sacraments,
the Laity and Islam. Some of the
noted scholars quoted within this
volume are: N. Berdyaev, D.
Staniloae, O. Clement, N.
Afanasiev, V. Lossky, J. Zizioulas, J.
Romanides, H. Alfeyev, etc. This
book is ideal for a discussion
group and for those interested in
learning more about the Orthodox
understanding on the Christian
faith. 6" x 9". 272 pages.
Item # UNIQ800
Soft Bound
Church Fathers
& Patristics
by Basil E. Eleftheriou, Ph.D.
† The Apostolic
edited by Fr.
Jack N. Sparks
New translations
of these early
Barnabas, I and II Clement,
The Didache, Hermas, Ignatius,
Polycarp. 5½" x 8".
334 pages.
Item # APOS100
Soft Bound 4th Printing
v † Church
Fathers for
Young People
by George Grube
An excellent
introduction to
the Church
Fathers for
children (ages 12+). Includes a
brief biography of 18 famous
saints, with short excerpts from
the writings of each saint.
Includes an iconographic line
image of each saint. 6” x 9”. 48
Item # CHUR200
Soft Bound - Formerly $9.95
† Daily
Readings From
the Writings of
St. John
edited by
Anthony M.
Brilliant gems from the
writings of one of the world’s
greatest preachers. Excellent for
daily devotional reading. 5 1/2”
x 8 1/4”. 134 pages.
Item # DAIL180
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
Volume 1
Includes the lives of 100 major
saints most of whom were
canonized prior to the 10th
century. Includes, additionally,
the lives of 44 early Church
Fathers and philos-ophers and
their theological contributions,
as well as a brief description of
the seven Ecumenical Councils
and their decisions. Researched
exten-sively for accuracy, it is
written in a simple language for
the average layperson. 6" x 9".
111 pages.
Item # ENCY555
Soft Bound - Formerly $17.95 2nd Printing
Volume 2
Over twice the size of volume
one, the second volume
contains the lives of 266 saints.
Researched extensively for
accuracy, it is written in simple
language for the average
layperson. 6" x 9". 240 pages.
Item # ENCY560
Soft Bound - Formerly $17.95
Volume 3
Volume Three covers the
Seventy Apostles, Neo-martyrs
and Ethno-martyrs—a total of
nearly 300 saints. The author’s
PhD in history assures accuracy.
Includes the date on which each
saint is honored on the church
calendar. 6" x 9". 200 pages.
Item # ENCY565
Soft Bound - Formerly $17.95
Volume 4
by Dr. Basil Eleftheriou & Basil
Eleftheriou, Jr.
Volume Four covers Children
Martyrs of the Lord, additional
saints, the Apocrypha books,
Angelic Items and Angelic
commanders. 6" x 9". 232 pages.
Item # ENCY570
Soft Bound - Formerly $17.95
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
† Flames of
Wisdom: Patristic
Counsels for
Contemporary Life
v † Encyclopedia of the
Major Saints and Fathers of
the Orthodox Church
by David Beck
Chapters include: St.
Seraphim of Sarov:
On the Acquisition
of the Holy Spirit; St. Silouan: On
Knowing God; St. Theophan the
Recluse: On Communion with
God; St. John of Kronstadt:
Counsels on Prayer; St. Isaac the
Syrian: On Reading Scripture; St.
Dorotheos of Gaza: On Humility;
St. John Climacus: On Controlling
the Tongue; St. Tikhon of
Zadonsk: On Struggling Against
Sin. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 116 pages.
Item # FLAM500
Soft Bound
v † Trivial Tidbits
on the Major
Feasts Days of the
Orthodox Church
by Fr. Deacon Mark
A superbly effective
tool for teaching
facts about the Orthodox faith
found in the Holy Days. Covers
the Twelve major Feast Days
(including Pascha). Comprises 15
“challenge,” multiple choice
questions for each of the 3 grade
levels: grade school, middle school
and high school. Answer key
included at end of book. 5 1/2” x 8
1/2”. 152 pages.
Item # TRIV100
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
† Through the
Year With the
Church Fathers
by Emily Harakas
A meditation for
each day of the year
consisting of an
excerpt from one of
the Church Fathers together with
Scripture reading and a prayer.
Excellent for daily devotions. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 292 pages.
Item # THRO120
Soft Bound
4th Printing
† What the
Church Fathers
Say About...
by George W. Grube
Volumes 1 and 2
now combined into
one. Brief, insightful
sayings from the
Church Fathers on a multitude of
topics. Easy reference. Covers
centuries of wisdom inspired by
the Holy Spirit. Most of the quotes
are brief but powerful one-liners.
6” x 9”. 320 pages.
Item # WHAT450
Soft Bound
an approach that goes beyond
knowledge to silence and love
in the understanding of God.
Archimandrite Vasileios of Mt.
Athos writes in the Foreword,
“The great Fathers are not
intellectual giants of human
theories, but inspirational
mystagogues (inviting) us all
into the kingdom of God.” 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 218 pages.
Item # WAYO125
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
A Timeline of
Church History
A brief overview of
Church history that
doesn't ignore the
heritage of 225
million Orthodox
Christians living
today. Shows the continuity
between Orthodoxy today and
the pre-Schism Church of the
first millennium.
Item # TIME110
Church History
† More—What
the Church
Fathers Say
Vol. 3
by George Grube
This is a sequel to
the best-selling,
“What the Church Fathers Say
About\’85” two volumes in one by
the same author. Brief, insightful
sayings from the Church Fathers
on a multitude of topics. Easy
reference. Covers centuries of
divinely inspired wisdom (mostly
one-liners). 6” x 9”. 216 pages.
Item # MORE100
Soft Bound
v † St. Gregory
Palamas: Treatise
on the Spiritual
introduction and
notes by Daniel M.
This is the first time this text has
been translated into any modern
language. The actual title of the
text, given by St. Nicodemos of the
Holy Mountain, is, On Passions
and Virtues and the Fruits of the
Spiritual Ascent. Sample chapters
include: Spiritual Poverty, Enduring
Afflictions, Blessed Mourning,
Blessed Comfort, Love of Money,
Gluttony, Vainglory, Life and Death
of the Soul, Spiritual Ascent, etc. 6”
x 9”. 105 pages.
Item # STGR200
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
† The Way of the
Fathers: Exploring
the Patristic Mind
by Fr. John
A revised and
expanded edition of
the first printing.
This is an impressive introduction
to the “way of the Fathers,” using
† Light & Life Titles
Culture &
† Orthodox
Church: A WellKept Secret
by George
A historical jet
trip through the
two thousand
year history of the Orthodox
Church. Unveils the essence of
Orthodox Christianity,
outlining basic similarities and
differences between the
Orthodox and other Christian
Churches. Thirty-one fast
moving chapters. 5 1/2” x 8
1/2”. 176 pages.
Item # OZCH310
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
The Orthodox
by Kallistos Ware
Joining the
Orthodox Church
in 1958, Bishop
Kallistos was
ordained a priest
and became a monk in 1966.
From 1966 to 2001 he was the
Spalding Lecturer in Eastern
Orthodox Studies at the
University of Oxford. The
author many titles including
The Orthodox Way and is
regarded as an eminent spiritual
leader and scholar. A
comprehensive introduction to
the Orthodox Church, this clear,
detailed volume is ideal for nonOrthodox seeking to learn more
about the Church and for those
who have grown up within the
Church to better understand
their faith. Part one describes
the history of the Church over
the last 200 years while part two
explains the beliefs and worship
of the Church today. 5" x 8". 359
Item # OZCH390
† The
Traditions and
Customs of the
by Mary
Hallick, Ed. D.
A Fascinating Study of the
Richness of Traditional
Orthodox Religious Customs:
Feast Days, Sacraments, Liturgy,
Architecture, Icons, Vestments,
Name Days, Cultural
Obervances. 6” x 9”. 105 pages.
Item # TREA104
Soft Bound
† How Are
We Saved?
by Bishop
Kallistos Ware
An easy-to-read,
presentation of the
Orthodox Christian
way of salvation based on
Scripture, the early tradition of the
ancient, undivided Church, and
the Church Fathers. In a day when
there are so many concepts of
salvation floating about, it is
refreshing to read a balanced view
of the many-splendored jewel of
salvation as taught by the early
Church. Excellent for personal
reading and study groups. 5½" x
8½". 91 pages.
Item # HOWA750
Soft Bound
Orthodox Handbook:
Doctrine - Volume 1
by Fr. Thomas Hopko
Introductory texts on
Orthodox faith and life,
presented in brief
chapters. Excellent for
quick reference as well
as teaching material for
teens or adults. 4 1/2" x 9". 152
Item # OZHA110
Soft Bound
Guide to Greek
Traditions and
Customs in
by Marilyn
A clear and
guide to the
traditions of Greek Orthodoxy
as practiced in church and at
home. Second Edition adds a
short history of Orthodoxy and
a glimpse of the Greek
Diaspora. 2nd printing. 7 1/4" x
10 1/2". 411 pages.
Item # GUID075
Hard Bound
Soft Bound
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
† Orthodox
Christian Beliefs
v † A Dictionary
of Greek
by Fr. Nicon D.
Light and Life
proudly presents
the fourth printing
of this proven classic. Unique in
the Orthodox Christian world,
this classic book opens the door to
the Orthodox Church through the
profoundly inspiring analysis of
the words that constitute the life,
faith, teachings, worship,
spirituality, and sacraments of
Orthodoxy. An English-Greek
index makes it easy to look up key
words. Over 7" x 10". 400 pages.
Item # DICT100
by Stanley Samuel
In this first
volume of
Orthodox Christian
Beliefs, Fr. Harakas
answers 75 questions submitted
by real people, about the doctrines
and beliefs of the Orthodox
Christian Church. The questions
and answers were written over a
period of years from 1984 - 2000.
Regardless of the subject and tone
of the questions, the answers try
to deal with them honestly,
sincerely, and with respect. Index
included. 6” x 9”. 328 pages.
Item # OZCH202
Soft Bound
by John Meyendorff
An excellent
booklet on the
history, faith and
practice of the
Orthodox Church,
popularly written by an eminent
Orthodox theologian. 5” x 7”. 24
Item # OZAA100
Soft Bound
4th Printing
Soft Bound
by George Nicozisin
Fr. Nicozisin’s
book meets a
great need in the
Orthodox Church today to
introduce inquirers to the
Church through the medium of
a lightweight book that whets
the appetite of the searcher
through its brevity. In highly
condensed form, it encapsulates all
the basics about the history of the
Church from the Apostles to the
present day. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 36 pages.
Item # WHAT160
Soft Bound
Tradition: Practical
Volume 1
Dr. Stamatis has distilled the
Tradition of Orthodoxy faith into
three volumes. For this volume, the
first part addresses the question of
why the choice to be Orthodox. In
the second part he addresses issues
the average person wants to know
about rituals, the sanctuary, the
clergy, vestments, worship practices,
etc. answering 250 specific questions
ranging from Why Orthodoxy? to
How do Orthodox view glosso-lalia?
Dr. Stamatis is the author of “The
Catechetical Handbook.” 6" x 9". 392
Item # TRAD020
Hard Bound
† Light & Life Titles
9th Printing
Role of Women
The Scent of
Holiness: Lessons
from a Woman's
by Constantina Palmer
Every monastery
exudes the scent of
holiness, but
women's moansteries have their
own special flavor. Join
Constantina Palmer as she makes
frequent pilgrimages to a women's
monastery in Greece and absorbs
the nun's particular approach to
their spiritual life. If you're a
woman who's read of Mount
Athos and longed to partake of its
grace-filled atmosphere, this book
is for you. Men who wish to
understand how women's
spirituality differs from their own
will find it a fascinating read as
well. 6" x 9". 288 pages.
Item # SCEN750
Soft Bound
All the women who were gifted artisans
spun yarn with their hands, and brought
what they had spun, of blue, purple, and
scarlet, and fine linen.
—Exodus 35:25
3rd Printing
by Dr. Dean Stamatis
by Stanley S.
A concise and
handbook on the Orthodox
faith fully and thoroughly
indexed for easy reference. In a
matter of seconds you will be
able to find the answers to 455
questions most often asked
about the Orthodox Church, its
faith and life. The author is a
pastor and emeritus professor
who writes in a language all can
understand. Best-Seller! 8th
Printing. 6” x 9”. 400 pages.
Item # OZCH340
† What Every
Christian Should
Soft Bound - Formerly $29.95 5th Printing
† The Orthodox
† Orthodox
Church: 455
Questions and
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Volume 2
Addresses over 200 topics such as:
Whether or not the Orthodox church
is anti-Semitic, the role of women, the
calendar issue, creation versus
evolution, man's fall and his
restoration, suicide and euthanasia,
fasting, freedom and free will,
mnimosina, worldliness, responsibility
of an Orthodox to government rules
and employment, whether or not the
King James Bible is really the
Authorized version of the Orthodox
Church, 31 full color icons. 6" x 9".
656 pages.
Item # TRAD021
Hard Bound
Volume 3
Provides the reader with a realistic
and a hopeful message for the years to
come. The futuristic approach for
success is based on biblical principles,
the Fathers as well as the Tradition of
the Church. Specifically, it addresses
the heavenly perspective, the issue of
leader and leadership, strategic
planning and 21 full color unique
icons from several monasteries.
Includes appendices that identify
the key prophesies of the OT and
their fulfillment in the NT; the
issue of Septuagint based on the
Aristeas letter; an extension of
some key errors of the King James
Bible from volume 2; a lengthy
glossary of 346 pages with 425
specific definitions and
explanations of terms that the
reader will find quite interesting
and contemplative; a very
comprehensive selected
bibliography of all the volumes
and a cumu-lative index of all the
volumes. 6" x 9". 616 pages.
Item # TRAD022
Hard Bound
Orthodoxy & Other FaitHs
The book is a product of three
years extensive research and is
thoroughly documented. There
is no book like it. Revised and
expanded. 6” x 9”. 359 pages.
Item # COMM130
v † Eastern
Soft Bound
by Fr. Constantine
This excellent
introduces the
main teachings of the Orthodox
Church and contrasts them with
the teachings of Roman
Catholicism and the major
Protestant denominations. The
differences covered include
dogma, liturgy, sacraments, death
and the afterlife, the Theotokos,
sacred tradition, memorial
prayers, the Holy Trinity etc.
Includes a timeline of Christian
Church history. Foreword by
Archbishop Demetrios. 5 1/2” x 8
1/4”. 128 pages.
Item # EAST295
Soft Bound - Formerly $16.95
Orthodoxy and
by Fr. Theodore
Examines the
important issues in
a thorough and
style. 5 1/2" x 8 1/2". 24 pages.
Item # OZAN120
Soft Bound
5th Printing
v† Communion
and Intercommunion
by Kallistos Ware
Newly revised
and expanded.
A study of
and intercommunion based
on the theology and practice
of the Eastern Church. 5" x 7".
94 pages.
Item # COMM150
Soft Bound - Formerly $10.95 2nd Printing
v† Encountering
World Religions
by Fr. Alexander
This superbly
excellent study
by the author
who teaches a
college world religions course,
examines the world of religions
from an Orthodox Christian
perspective. Ideal for use as a
parish study guide, it helps to
contrast differences between
Orthodox Christianity and
Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism,
Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism,
Islam and Primal Religions. 5½"
x 8½". 144 pages.
Item # ENCO150
Soft Bound - Formerly $16.95
† Common
Ground: An
Introduction to
Christianity for
the American
by Jordan Bajis
Provides clear, stimulating answers
to the challenging questions that
American Christians typically put
to Orthodox. But the book goes
farther than this. It shows how
Christianity is inherently Eastern,
and from there, gently challenges
the Protestant and Roman
Catholic reader to re-evalute his or
her own views of Christianity
against the Orthodox perspective.
v † Interpreting
Orthodoxy to
Western Church
by Dr. Nikos
A. Nissiotis
An excellent
attempt at
communicating Eastern
Orthodox beliefs to Christians of
Western Church Traditions.
Covers: The Incom-prehensible
and Knowable God; Mystery; The
Trinitarian Appro-ach in
Theology; Theosis and Panaghia;
Church and Creation; Symbolism
in Liturgical Theology; Church
Authority and Bible; Church and
State; Harmony; Church and
Mission; Orthodoxia and Church
Unity. 5¼" x 8½". 48 pages.
Item # INTE150
† Face to Face
by Fr. Ted Pulcini
The author, an
Orthodox priest
and college
professor (Ph.D.),
offers and
invaluable guide
to Orthodox Christians in
their encounter with Muslims.
In seven chapters he examines
what both religions teach on the
Understanding of God,
Revelation, Sin and Salvation,
Religious Community, Presenting Christianity to Muslims,
etc. Clearly and simply written
in non-theological parlance. 5½"
x 8½". 32 pages.
Item # FACE100
Soft Bound
† Islam
by Nahed
published in
Arabic, French, German, Dutch,
and Romanian, this highly
inspiring book is now available
in English. It is the true story of
a well-known Egyptian lady, a
highly intellectual high school
principal. She was a Muslim
with a fanatic opposition to
Christians until she saw the
light of Christ. Baptized by
a Coptic priest, she became
a Christian. As a result she
was wanted and hunted by the
Egyptian police, until she was
able to escape miraculously.
5½" x 8¼". 136 pages.
Item # ISLA250
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
v † An Eastern
Response to
Evangelical Claims
by Fr. Paul
In advancing their
doctrinal claims
many evangelicals betray a
shocking ignorance of those
whom they attack, such as the
Orthodox. Written by an
Orthodox priest, this booklet has
been prepared to help Orthodox
Christians respond to some of the
most common fundamentalist
claims. The method followed is
claim and response. Helps
Orthodox reader gain a better
understanding of his/her own
faith. 5 1/2” x 8 1/2”. 34 pages.
Item # EAST280
Soft Bound - Formerly $5.99 5th Printing
"A true
spirituality is
drawn from
the bottomless
treasure of the
~St. Isaac
Soft Bound - Formerly $10.95 3rd Printing
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
Infant Baptism:
What the
Church Believes
† These Are the
Sacraments: The
Mysteries of the
Orthodox Church
by Anthony M.
Fr. Harakas writes,
An approach to the sacraments
that is alive, vital, dynamic and
inspirational. Every reader of this
book, whether a trained
theologian or a neophyte
Christian, will find much for his
or her benefit. Ideal for use with
membership training classes, adult
study groups or in high school
religious education classes. 5 1/4”
x 8”. 192 pages.
Item # THES110
Soft Bound
4th Printing
by Fr. John
Early Christians
accepted infant
baptism as having
been handed down directly
from the Apostles.
Item # INFA100
† Preparing
to Serve as a
by Fr. William
S. Chiganos
An excellent guide
to prepare each
godparent for the
Sacrament of Baptism. 5½" x
8½". 11 pages.
Item # PREP200
Soft Bound † Baptism
as Thirty
by Fr. Lazarus
An outstanding
Orthodox monk
and Biblical scholar
looks at thirty blessings that come
to us in the celebration of baptism
in the Orthodox Church, i.e., a
Wash, a Drowning, a Liberation,
an Exodus, a Marriage, an
Adoption, a Sealing, a Passover, a
New Covenant, etc. 8½" x 8¼". 35
Item # BAPT140
Soft Bound - Formerly $6.95
For the Life of the
World: Sacraments
and Orthodoxy
by Alexander
A powerful
articulate, inspiring,
moving, classic, and
brilliant interpretation of the
liturgy and sacraments of the
Orthodox Church. 5 1/4" x 8 1/2".
151 pages.
Item # FORT130
Soft Bound
5th Printing
† Your Baby’s
Baptism in
the Orthodox
by Anthony
M. Coniaris,
by Betty Kizilos
This handsomely illustrated
book may be used as a study
text with groups of parents
and Godparents before their
children’s baptism. Includes
step-by-step explanation of the
entire ceremony with photos
and excellent art work. You’ll be
proud to give this lovely book as
a gift. 8½" x 11". 66 pages.
Item # YOUR100
Soft Bound 4th Printing
Confession: The
by Jim Forest
author Jim Forest
takes a fresh,
no-nonsense look
at the subject of sin and
confession. 4" x 6 1/2". 28 pages.
Item # CONF092
The Forgotten
by Archim.
Seraphim Aleksiev
Details the reasons
many have for
not coming to
Confession. For
those who feel awkward
because of not knowing how to
approach Confession, Aleksiev
in depth how to prepare before,
what to do when we are with
the confessor, and what to do
afterwards. He then describes
the wondrous changes in the
lives of those who enter into
the Mystery of Repentance.
Item # FORG120
Soft Bound
† Preparing for
by Fr. L. Joseph
An excellent
explanation of the
sacrament with a
approach to preparing oneself
for meaningful participation. Fr.
Harakas writes, Confession is
an important, yet neglected
sacrament of our Church. This
book provides a practical and
stimulating guide for Christian
growth in our age. 5 1/2” x 8
1/2”. 36 pages.
Item # PREP130
Soft Bound
Holy Communion
† Preparing to
Receive Holy
by Fr. Tom
An excellent
booklet, written
with the approval
of Metropolitan Anthony of San
Francisco, and designed to help
Orthodox Christians prepare
for Holy Communion. Its
chapters include: The Eucharist:
What is it?, Fasting, Confession,
Frequency of Participation,
Prayers Before Receiving,
Prayers After Receiving. Give a
copy to each parishioner. 5½" x
8½". 40 pages.
Item # PREP190
Soft Bound 30
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
2nd Printing
3rd Printing
† Getting Ready
for Marriage in the
Orthodox Church
by Anthony M.
Designed to be
presented to couples
by their priest as a
guide in planning their wedding,
this attractive booklet is essential
for anyone getting married in the
Orthodox Church. Guided by an
advisory council of Orthodox
priests, the author provides
sections on preparing for your
wedding and more importantly
preparing for a happy marriage. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 31 pages.
Item # GETT100
Soft Bound
9th Printing
† Guidelines for
Marriage in the
Orthodox Church
by Stanley Harakas
Here finally is a
booklet that answers
some of the
questions most
asked by couples about to be
married in the Orthodox Church.
The chapters deal with: The
Meaning of Marriage in Orthodox
Christianity, Regulations
Regarding Marriage in the
Orthodox Church, and
Ecumenical Implications of
Orthodox Marriage. The
information provided will offer
much needed direction to couples
and contribute to a happy and
memorable wedding ceremony. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 17 pages.
Item # GUID130
Soft Bound
3rd Printing
v † Honorable
According to
St. Athanasius
by Fr. Matthias
F. Wahba
This book was
written with the
encouragement of Pope Shenouda
III. Chapters include NonChristian Views on Marriage in
Egypt in the First Centuries C.E.;
Christian Attitude to Marriage
Before Athanasius, The Doctrine
of Sanctification in Relation to
Marriage in Athanasius; etc.
5½" x 8¼". 400 pages.
Item # HONO500
Soft Bound - Formerly $15.95
The Journey of
Marriage in the
Orthodox Church
by Dr. Philip
Mamalakis and Fr.
Charles Joanides
This book invites
couples to prepare
for their journey together by
introducing God's purpose for
marriage, some of the challenges
they will encounter, and practical
advice. 6" x 9". 185 pages.
Item # JOUR040
Soft Bound
† Marriage,
Sexuality and
Celibacy - A Greek
by Demetrios J.
Chapters include:
The Problem; Theological
Foundations and Purpose of
Marriage; Sex in Marriage;
Historical and Theological
Development of Marriage;
Religious or Civil Rite?; Mixed
Marriages; Divorce, Birth Control
and Abortion; Marriage and
Celibacy of the Clergy; the
Problem of Celibacy Today.
Thought- provoking. 5 1/4” x 8”.
93 pages.
Item # MARR150
Soft Bound
2nd Printing
† Toward a
Eucharistic Vision
of Church, Family,
Marriage and Sex
by Philip LeMasters,
Ph.D. Foreword by
Fr. John Breck
This profoundly
enlightening volume demonstrates
how the Eucharist connects to and
influences every aspect of life in
practical everyday ways since, in
fact, it is the very source of life. Its
seven powerfully written chapters
highlight how the Eucharist
impacts Christians who live the
life of Christ in the world in such
specific areas as marriage, family
and sex. 6" x 9". 176 pages.
Item # TOWA100
Soft Bound
Saints & Theotokos
v † The Book of Saints
by Mary P. Hallick
Here is a veritable treasury on the origins of names, their history, meaning,
variant forms, including a biography of the saint who bore the name as well as
the day of its comm-emoration on the Orthodox Church calendar. Parents,
priests, Godparents, Sunday school teachers and others will find this an
excellent and useful reference book. Names are alphabetically arranged and
easy to find. 5½" x 8½". 164 pages.
Item # BOOK150
Soft Bound (2nd Printing) - Formerly $15.95
Everyday Saints and Other Stories
by Archimandrite Tikhon Shevkunov, translator Julian Henry Lowenfeld
This book has sold over 1.1 million copies in Russia and has been the winner
of several national awards. It has been translated into ten different languages.
These life-changing tales allow one to peer into the Russian soul where
happiness reigns no matter what life may bring. The profits are going back to
the Sretensky Monastery to build a Cathedral honoring those killed for their
religious faith in Soviet times. 5 3/4" x 8 3/4". 564 pages.
Item # EVER225
Soft Bound
† The Life of the Great Martyr St. George
by Georgia Hronas
The life of one of the most popular saints of the Church is told in such a
dramatic way that you will not want to put the book down. The story moves
quickly and is told in a simple manner that will appeal to adults and children
alike. It makes St. George come alive with excite-ment and will provide all,
young and old, with a true hero of the faith. 5½" x 8¼". 50 pages.
Item # LIFE409
Soft Bound (2nd Printing)
† St. Seraphim of Sarov
by Paul Evdokimov
Includes sections on Salvation, Prayer, Orthodox Spirituality, Joyous Death,
Apophasis, Interiorized Monasticism, etc. 5¼" x 8½". 24 pages.
Item # STSE110
Soft Bound
† The Illustrated Life of the Theotokos for Children
by Georgia and Helen Hronas
The authors, two veteran Orthodox religious educators, have told the beautiful
story of the Theotokos in a fascinating way that will attract and hold the
attention of children of all ages. Magnifi-cently illustrated. Excellent for use at
home and school. Based on the Bible, the Synaxarion, and Sacred Tradition.
5½" x 8½". 65 pages.
Item # ILLU130
Soft Bound † Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
4th Printing
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
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eBooks. Read our eBooks on any device! Kindle, mobile
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Item # DAIL225
Item # MYDA500
Item # ICON475
Item # INTR100
Item # PHIL156
Pictured are just some of our eBook titles. To find more eBooks or
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please visit our website at
Item #KNOW110
The ABC’s
of the Ten
for Children
by F. O’Connor,
illustrated by K.
Tailors the Ten
Commandments to the very
special world where each child
lives and grows. Beautifully
illustrated. 5" x 7". 31 pages.
Item # ABCS750
Soft Bound
❖ † Adventures
of Spero, the
Mouse! The
Nativity of Our
by Jane Sarlas-Fontana
Follow Spero, a curious, young
church mouse, in his quest to
see the children of St. Nicholas
perform “the Triptych,” the
three act play of the Birth of
Christ. This delightful story
includes activity pages and is
ideal for children ages 4 to 7. 8
1/2” x 11”. 20 pages.
Item # ADVE120
Soft Bound - Formerly $10.95
The Beginner’s
Bible: Timeless
by K. Henley
illustrated by D.
This is the best-selling Bible
for children ages 2 to 8. Trusted
by parents. Loved by kids.
Captivating Bible stories and
colorful illustrations that
capture the heart of the
Scriptures like no other. Bright,
fun illustrations on each page.
Captivating text appropriate for
both read-to-me preschoolers
and the I can read level of
beginning readers. 5 1/4" x 8".
526 pages.
Item # BEGI050
Hard Bound
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
“Let the children
come to Me, and do
not stop them: for it
is to such as these
that the kingdom of
heaven belongs.”
(Words of Jesus
—Matthew 19:14
School Age
❖ Blessed is the Kingdom: An Interactive Orthodox Catechism
First Holy
A superbly
attractive booklet
written to help
prepare boys and
girls seven years of
age or older for their first Holy
Confession. In brilliant color.
Orthodox tradition. 5½" x 7".
17 pages.
Item # ANDR875
Soft Bound
† An Icon for
Sophia’s Gift. An
Icon Christmas
Story to Color
by Theofania Gonis,
illustrated by Margo
With a heart that is ‘pure and full
of love,’ young Sophia celebrates
the beauty of the Nativity. With the
help of the nuns of the monastery,
a simple discovery becomes a
cherished icon and a gift shared
not once, but twice, in the true
spirit of Christmas. Designed with
beautiful illustrations, ready to
color, this is a touching story to be
enjoyed by children ages 4 to 9. 7”
x 10”. 22 pages.
Item # ANIC100
Soft Bound
Anne Learns
About Holy
A superbly
attractive booklet
written to help
prepare boys and
girls for Holy Communion.
Preschool to grade 3. In brilliant
color. 5½" x 7". 20 pages.
Item # ANNE500
Soft Bound
The Bible for
Young People
by Zoe Kanavas,
illustrated by
Christos Gousides
This beautifully
illustrated volume
contains 162 pages
of stories for young readers from
both the Old and the New
Testaments. The stories,
theologically Orthodox, are
written in a fascinating style that
† Light & Life Titles
by Elizabeth Jacobs
For children six to twelve
years old. This is a uniquely interactive
catechism with craft projects throughout the
book that bring to life what the child learns.
Combines scripture, theology, the wisdom of
the saints, and liturgical verses to create a
personal journey for the child, starting with
Creation and Fall, moving to the Incarnation,
and then focusing on Baptism in the second
half of the book. Includes a complete set of
lesson plans and some teaching tips in the
appendix. Each book has a pouch attached
containing the things needed to make the
twelve craft projects. These include a
guardian angel pin.
will keep the interest of the very
young, to whom they can be
read, or for those up to age 14.
Translated from the Greek by
Fr. Spencer Kezios. 8 1/2" x 11".
162 pages.
Item # BIBL028
Hard Bound
❖ Build Your
Own Church
by J. Boojamra
and J. Matusiak
A paper construction kit to cut
and assemble.
Designed to
illustrate the three major sections
of the Orthodox Church building:
vestibule, nave and sanctuary.
Excellent project to use in study
of liturgy. 8 1/2" x 11". 24 pages.
Item # BUIL100
Soft Bound
❖ Build Your
and Altar
by J. Boojamra
and John
A paper construction kit for
young people and adults with
complete and detailed instructions for completion. An
excellent way to get to know
the structure of the Orthodox
Church and the important
truths it teaches us. 8 1/2" x 11".
24 pages.
Item # BUIL110
Soft Bound
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Teacher’s Guide
Item # BLES108 $12.99
Spiral Bound
Student’s Book
Item # BLES110 $12.99
Spiral Bound
† Brave Like a
by Iakovina
illustrated by
Jeff Rudolph
Here is a book
that will be an
unusual help to
parents who struggle to teach
children to live a holy life in an
unholy world, to teachers in
coping with imparting precious
teachings during a sensitive but
impressionable time of growing
up. This splendidly illustrated
book is aimed at 7-12 year old
reading levels, but is also
designed to be read to younger
children and enjoyed and
discussed by older children.
Illustrated. 6" x 9". 75 pages.
Item # BRAV100
Soft Bound v † Challenge
Questions on
Volume 1
by Gayle E.
Here are 466 multichoice questions
designed as a challenge for teens
aged 12 to 18. Subjects included
are the Old and New Testaments,
Church History, Church Year,
Feasts and Fasts, Church Tradition
and Teachings, Liturgics: Liturgy,
Sacraments, Vestments, Words
and Symbols.
Answers are included in the last
part of the book. Illustrated. 6" x
9". 86 pages.
Item # CHAL560
Soft Bound - Formerly $13.95 3rd Printing
2nd Printing
v † Courage to
Witness: Study
Guide for Brave
Like a Saint
Designed to
Brave Like a
Saint, this
illustrated study guide is a
comprehensive chapter-bychapter study of the scriptural
and traditional basis of Brave
Like a Saint. The author gives
the reader direction and
motivation to witness the faith
to God. Excellent for the 4th
through 8th grade levels. For
individual family studies or
classroom. Illustrated. 7 1/4” x
10 1/2”. 56 pages.
Item # COUR130
Soft Bound - Formerly $8.95
† More Challenge
on Orthodoxy
Volume 2
by Gayle E.
Woloschak &
Tatjana Paunesko
477 choice questions
and answers on subjects that
include the New and Old
Testaments, Church Traditions
and Teachings, Liturgy,
Sacraments, Vestments, Words
and Symbols, Orthodoxy and
Other Religions in America.
Designed to challenge young
people of ages 12 to 18. A fun way
to learn. Stimulates interest and
competition if groups are
separated into teams. 6" x 9".
93 pages.
Item # MORE086
Soft Bound
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
This is the most
Children’s Bible
story book ever
written. Through
over 200 excellent iconographic
illustrations in color, it brings to
life 74 central stories of the Old
Testament and 89 of the New
Testament. Recently translated
from the Greek Bible society’s
acclaimed work, the text is
attractively written and easy to
understand. Archbishop
Demetrios considers it “a very
valuable resource for families,
parents, children and schools.”
Ages 7-11. 6" x 9". 293 pages.
Item # CHIL170
Hard Bound
by Anthony M.
This book will
help our
youngsters learn
scripture, tradition and
liturgical life in a provocative,
stimulating and enjoyable way,
as well as cultivate Orthodox
Christian attitudes in daily
living. These instructional and
devotional talks touch the heart
as well as reach the mind. They
are simple and practical,
without sounding routine and
childish. They lead to one
central goal: To make Jesus
Christ the core and essence of
our life and to make Him our
Savior. 5 1/4” x 8”. 142 pages.
Item # EIGH100
Soft Bound
A Child’s
Paradise of
by Nun Nectaria
McLees, illustrated
by Elena Stefarova
The stories of
fifteen beloved
saints presented in a warm,
informal style, suitable for reading
aloud. Here are stories of the
struggles and triumphs of holy
Fathers and Mothers from
throughout the world. The saints
included are: Constantine and
Helen, Cyprian and Justina,
Demetrius, Guardian Angel,
Herman of Alaska, John the
Russian, Mary Magdalene, Mary
of Egypt, Moses, Nicholas, Nina,
Panteleimon, Philothei, Seraphim,
and Xenia. Fifteen original
watercolors. 8½" x 11". 64 pages.
Item # CHIL074
8th Printing
† Grandmother’s
Spiritual Stories
by Georgia Hronas
Having written
several books on
the saints in the
past, the author
has produced a
rich collection of fascinating
stories for young and old from
the lives of the saints and other
church sources. These are stories
that teach unforgettable lessons
in a manner that keeps one’s
attention focused. Once one
story is finished, one can hardly
wait to read or hear the next
one. Excellent for parents and
grandparents to use with their
children. 6" x 9". 120 pages.
Item # GRAN325
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
by V. Marchenko
A child’s guide
to the Orthodox
temple. An
invaluable aid to
worship. Fully
illustrated. 7" x
10". 32 pages.
Item # HOUS325
Soft Bound
Soft Bound - Formerly $9.95
by Fr. Anthony
M. Coniaris,
illustrated by
Betty Kizilos
Icons, architecture, candles,
incense, votive lights,
chandeliers, vestments-all speak
to us in their own way to tell us
something about our faith. This
book takes a child on a tour
through an Orthodox Church,
clearly and simply explaining in
forty-five brief chapters the
meaning of the many objects
seen in most Orthodox
Churches. Each explanation is
enhanced with an original fourcolor painting. Written
primarily for children in grades
3 through 6. Excellent for use
by parents at home, by Sunday
School teachers, and priests. 8"
x 10". 95 pages.
Item # LETS500
Soft Bound $9.50
❖ Non-Discounted Item
† Nicholas Meets
His Guardian
Created by Eleni
Christos, written
by Helen IakovosDalalakis,
illustrated by
Ioannis Magafas with Evangelia
This is a truly delightful story
about little Nicholas who decided
one Saturday night not to go to
church on Sunday with his parents
and sister. As he slept the Lord Jesus
appeared, walked down the aisle,
and stared sorrowfully at the empty
space where Nicholas should have
been. Nicholas is overwhelmed by
the great love Jesus has for him.
The colorful illustrations are
astonishingly beautiful. The text is
simple but powerful. Ages:
kindergarten through elementary.
8" x 10". 18 pages.
Item # NICH550
Soft Bound
† Nicholas Wins
the Prize
by Mother Andrea
A lovely book of
games and
puzzles for
children. Focuses on Orthodox
life, holy days, religious objects
and symbols, Bible stories and
the various cultures that make
up Orthodoxy. Answer section
contains valuable information
to help adults teach children.
Ages 4-9. 6" x 4¼". 80 pages.
Item # MYLI875
by Helen IakovosDalalakis, created
by Eleni Christos,
illustrated by
Alexandra Gavrili
A wholesome book
which introduces children to the
sacrament of Confession. Because
Nicholas cheated in a school spelling
contest, he went to Confession and
was shown in a loving and healing
way how God forgives. Nicholas
may not have won the contest, but
he finds out how he won much
more. Marvelously illustrated in
color. Ages: kindergarten through
elementary. 8" x 10". 24 pages.
Item # NICH775
Spiral Bound
Soft Bound - Formerly $18.95
† The
Creed for
by Anthony M. Coniaris
The greatest summary of our
Orthodox Christian faith is
made understandable to young
people of the upper elementary
and junior high level. Using
stories, the author simplifies the
truths of the Creed and makes
them relevant to the lives of
young people in today’s world.
Attractively printed in two
colors. A study guide on each
verse of the Creed is included
with questions and discussion
starters. 7" x 10". 112 pages.
Item # NICE100
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
2nd Printing
My Little
Activity Book
House of God
v † The Church
Fathers for Young
by George Grube
An excellent
introduction to the
Church Fathers for
children (ages 12+).
Includes a brief biography of 18
famous saints, with short excerpts
from the writings of each saint.
Includes an iconographic line
image of each saint. 6" x 9". 48
Item # CHUR200
† Let’s Take
a Walk
Through Our
† 80 Talks for
Young People
❖ Children’s
Bible Reader
v † Serafima’s
by Leslie Donovan,
illustrated by Fr.
Jerome Sanderson
Aimed at upper
elementary grades
and even adults,
this is the story of a young girl in
present-day Moscow —Serafima—
who teaches her father, a priest, to
set aside his fear and grief in order
to serve Christ present in the poor.
The central theme is the dignity of
the human person created in the
image of God. Serafima’s icons
were written not in egg tempera,
but in flesh and blood. In the poor
of Moscow, she saw the face of
Christ Himself.” 7" x 10". 24 pages.
Item # SERA100
Soft Bound - Formerly $16.95
† A Special
Gift to God
by Iakovina
illustrated by T.
This is a modern parable. Through
the eyes of Spyro, your children
will experience the ancient beliefs
of Orthodoxy in easy to read
language and beautiful
illustrations. Spyro learns to bake
Prosfora, altar bread, as a prelude
to understanding the mystery of
Holy Communion. With loving
help from his Yiayia, grandmother,
Spyro discovers the power of
prayer, the role of icons, etc. For
children in kindergarten and the
primary grades. 8" x 8". 33 pages.
Item # SPEC100
Spiral Bound 2nd Printing
† Tell Us About
the Angels,
by Georgia Hronas
Grandma tells her
grandchildren some
fascinating stories
of the appearances
and miracles of angels from the
Bible as well as from the lives of
the saints. Superbly inspiring for
children of all ages. Illustrated
with line drawings of Byzantine
icons of angels. 5 1/2” x 8 1/4”. 96
Item # TELL300
Soft Bound
† Tell Us a Story,
Grandma: More of
Orthodox Spiritual
by Georgia Hronas
A treasure trove of
stories for young and old from the
Great Synaxaristes of the
Orthodox Church. Includes
fascinating stories of the early
saints that build up anticipation
and teach unforgettable lessons.
Excellent tool for parents and
grandparents! 6” x 9”. 120 pages.
Item # TELL400
See Prayer
Books and
Lent & Pascha
sections for
more items for
† Introducing the Orthodox
Church: Its Faith and Life
by Anthony M. Coniaris
Here is a genuinely different
and practical book for the
inquirer and potential convert
to Orthodox Christianity. It is
different in a number of ways,
all of which commend this
volume to wide use by pastors
whose task it is to introduce the
members of their inquirers
classes to an Orthodox way of
life which will touch their lives
in a full and complete way (Fr.
Stanley Harakas). Chapters
include: What We Believe
About the One Apostolic
Church, the
Nicene Creed, Jesus, the Holy
Trinity, the Divine Liturgy,
Salvation, the Church Fathers,
the Church Year, Symbols, the
Sacraments, the Saints and the
Theotokos, Life After Death, the
Bible, Icons, Prayers for the
Dead, and Prayer. Recently
translated in Korean and
† The
Creed for
by Anthony M. Coniaris
The greatest summary of our
Orthodox Christian faith is
made understandable to young
people of the upper elementary
and junior high level. Using
stories, the author simplifies the
truths of the Creed and makes
them relevant to the lives of
young people in today’s world.
Attractively printed in two
colors. A study guide on each
verse of the Creed is included
with questions and discussion
starters. 7" x 10". 112 pages.
Item # NICE100
Soft Bound
Who is God?
Who Am I?
Who Are You?
by Dee Pennock,
illustrated by
Sally Pierone
An excellent
book for high
school young people. Written
from an Orthodox point of view
in teenagers’ language it covers
subjects such as: What is
Covering Up the Real You?,
Don’t Buy Any False Guilt, Put
Your Sex in a Savings Account,
The Trouble with Passing the
Buck, You’re More Important
Than You Think, God Will
Never Close the Door on You.
5½" x 8". 160 pages.
Item # WHOI110
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
Newly Reprinted! eBook Available!
Item # INTR100
Soft Bound (19th Printing)
Study Guide
Item # STUD500
Soft Bound
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
Pamphlets / Brochures
† The Body of
Christ: A Place of
Welcome for
People with
given to the parish priest listing
the names of departed loved ones
to be remembered. Only sold in
packages of 100.
Item # MEMO101
by Fr. John
This booklet is an
excellent, clear, and helpful guide
to a difficult topic facing many
people in families and parishes
everywhere. Our ministry to the
disabled is an important statement
of our calling as members of the
Church to care for one another
and offer a critical witness as we
proclaim the kingdom of God in
this world. 5½" x 8½". 15 pages.
Only sold in packages of 5.
Item # BODY501
† A Personal
Welcome to the
Orthodox Church
by Anthony M. Coniaris
An extremely attractive
folder designed to
acquaint visitors—and
even our own people—
with the rich symbolic meanings
that abound in the Orthodox
sanctuary. Only sold in packages
of 100.
Item # PERS101
† The Eastern
Orthodox Church:
Who Are We?
by Anthony M. Coniaris
An extremely attractive
and colorful pamphlet
explaining the history
and emphases of the
Eastern Orthodox Church to
visitors. A must for every church
narthex. Only sold in packages of
Item # EAST231
† Introduction to
the Jesus Prayer
by Princess Ileana
Inspiring booklet on
the Jesus Prayer,
superbly written by a
lay person for lay
people. A spiritual
classic. This pamphlet deserves the
widest possible dissemination among
Orthodox people. Ideal for use with
young people. 3 ¾” x 5 3/4”. 12 pages.
Only sold in packages of 5.
Item # INTR171
† Memorial Saturdays
in the Orthodox
by Anthony M. Coniaris
Explains the Memorial
Saturdays on the yearly
calendar cycle of the
Orthodox Church.
Designed to make the reader
participate in the prayers offered on
these Saturdays. Contains a
detachable prayer list to be cut and
† Light & Life Titles
† Preparing the
Bread: Prosfora
for the Liturgy
by Anthony M. Coniaris
A pamphlet to help
the Orthodox faithful
participate more fully
in the liturgy by
preparing the bread for the
Eucharist. Explains the real
meaning behind the bread, the
meaning of the bread seal.
Includes a recipe and a prayer
to be said by the family before
they bring the bread to Church,
etc. Only sold in packages of 5.
Item # PREP181
† The
Service in the
Orthodox Church:
A Guide for the
by Anthony M. Coniaris
A useful pamphlet created to
serve as a companion and guide
for the worshipper at the
greatest of all worship
experiences: the Paschal Liturgy.
It explains the meaning of the
darkened church, the Paschal
candle, and the procession to
mention just a few topics
covered. Approved by the
Council of Presbyters of the
Greek Archdiocese on January
15, 1975. Only sold in packages
of 100.
Item # RESU121
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Thank You For
Attending Our
Designed to be
distributed at churchsponsored ethnic food
or cultural festivals,
this brochure explains
that what ties your church
community together is more
than its cultural heritage-it is
your Orthodox Faith.
Item # THAN550
A Timeline of
Church History
A brief overview of
Church history that
doesn't ignore the
heritage of 225
million Orthodox
Christians living
today. Shows the
continuity between Orthodoxy
today and the pre-Schism
Church of the first millennium.
Item # TIME110
12 Things I Wish I
Had Known Before
My First Visit to the
Orthodox Church
by Frederica
The author shares
twelve brief insights
about the Orthodox church
with a first-time visitor to the
Item # TWEL165
† Wedding Folder
Handsome folder
explains the rich
symbolism of the
Eastern Orthodox
wedding service to
enable those present
to participate
meaning-fully in the sacrament.
Only sold in packages of 25.
Item # WEDD111
Welcome to the
Orthodox Church
A welcome folder
designed to acquaint
first-time visitors with
the Orthodox church
and its worship.
Item # WELC110
† Welcome to the
Orthodox Liturgy
by Anthony
M. Coniaris
An attractive folder
designed for the pew
rack to help visitors, as
well as the Orthodox
faithful, to enter into the deeper
meaning of the liturgy. Only sold
in packages of 100.
Item # WELC121
† What the Orthodox
Church Says About
by Stanley S. Harakas
and Edward Pehanich
Two excellent statements expressing the
pro-life stance of the
Orthodox Church, based on
Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
Only sold in packages of 100.
Item # WHAT491
Which Came First:
The Church or the
New Testament?
by Fr. A. James
Did the New
Testament produce
the Church, or was
it a product of the Holy Spirit
working through the Church?
Who compiled the list of New
Testament books now accepted by
all Christians the world over? This
booklet answers these and other
questions, dispelling many
modern myths.
Item#: WHIC100 $1.25
When You Fast
by Bishop
Kallistos Ware
One of the
theologians of
our times
considers the true
nature of fasting. What is the
proper balance between the
outward aspects of fasting and
the inward and unseen purpose?
What is the relationship between
prayer, fasting and almsgiving?
Discover five truths: 1) Fasting is
not just intended for monks and
nuns; 2) Fasting is not a matter
of working our way to heaven; 3)
Fasting should not be self-willed,
but be obedient; 4) Fasting is not
a matter of gloom but of
joyfulness; and 5) Fasting is not
a rejection of God’s creation.
Item # WHEN400
A Festival of
Greek Flavors: A
by the
Philoptochos of
Assumption Cathedral
The women’s guild created this
exceptional cookbook to celebrate
and promote their Greek
Orthodox faith, Hellenic culture
and Greek cuisine. Proceeds from
the cookbook will provide
financial support for their sacred
mission of philanthropy. This over
200-page book is a work of art
packed with over 175 Greek
recipes and featuring stunning
photography, 30-minute or less
meals, wine pairing suggestions
from a Greek sommelier, historical
information about the recipes and
ingredients. In addition, famed
Colorado Greek restaurants have
contributed secret recipes to this
cookbook. A must have cookbook!
8 1/2” x 9 1/4”. 215 pages.
Item # FEST125
Hard Bound
Around a
Greek Table:
Recipes &
According to
the Liturgical
Seasons of the Eastern Church
by Katerina K. Whitley
Around a Greek Table organizes
100 unique recipes around the
Eastern Orthodox Church’s
yearly seasons. It skillfully
reveals the intriciacies of Greek
cooking and makes those oncemysterious recipes both
understandable and possible.
The book also delves into tales
of Greek life with intimate and
historical essays exploring the
ancient stories that are told
around Greek tables in the
honored tradition of combining
myths with food. 9” x 7 1/4”.
256 pages.
Item # AROU500
v The Lenten
Collection: A
prepared by the
Metropolis of
A rich collection
of over 450 recipes
that include strict-fast recipes as
well as choices for fasting days
which allow fish and dairy
products. Includes appetizers,
beverages, salads, dressings,
breads, pizzas, pitas, seafood
entrees, vegetables and grains,
desserts, culinary info, a table of
fasting days, cooking tips, index
etc. 6” x 9”. 172 pages.
Item # LENT100
Spiral Bound
Cookbook for
There have been
ten printings of
this cookbook
since 1972 and it
is to no surprise that it
continues to be our best selling
cookbook! Not only does it offer
the standard categories of main
dishes, salads, breads, fish,
vegetables, desserts and more, but
it also includes an Orthodox
fasting schedule, the virtue of
fasting according to to the
Orthodox Church, and a synopsis
of the life of St. Euphrosynos the
Cook. It is a book you will
return to over and over again. 5
1/2” x 8 1/2”. 260 pages.
Item # LENT110
Soft Bound
† We Cook, We
Pray, We Learn
by Marusia
Melackrinos &
Christina Kyriacou
Joy is at the heart
of everything in
the Christian life.
This joy should
permeate our lives especially our
homes and particularly our
kitchens. This book contains
recipes which remind us of the many
reasons we have for celebrating our
Orthodox Christian faith with joy.
Recipes are provided for the
Eucharistic Bread Offering
(Prosfora), the Blessing of the Loaves
(Artoclasia), Tsoureki (Easter Bread),
Koliva (Boiled Wheat kernels for
Memorial Prayers), Phanouropita (A
Special Sweet Bread honoring St.
Phanourios), Slavic Easter Baskets
(Babka), and Vasilopita (St. Basil’s
Bread). Explanations included. The
iconic images in this book are from
The Illustrated Gospel of Saint
Matthew by Vladislav Andrejev,
used by permission. 5 1/2” x 7 1/2”.
24 pages.
Item # WECO100
Spiral Bound
When You Fast:
Recipes for
Lenten Seasons
by Catherine
Mandell, illustrated
by Kerry Brooks
A variety of 200
Lenten recipes providing a superb
selection of easy, nourishing and
appealing meals. Sprinkled with
sayings from the Mothers and
Fathers of the early Church on how
the body and soul are affected by
eating habits. Foreword by Fr.
Thomas Hopko. 7 1/4” x 9 1/4”. 256
Item # WHEN450
Soft Bound
Soft Bound
v Greek
by Christina
A colorful book
filled with excellent recipes for
most of those luscious Greek
pastries: melomakarouna,
diples, baklava, loukoumades,
kourambiedes and many more.
Gives step-by-step instructions.
6” x 5”. 41 pages.
Item # GREE270
Spiral Bound
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
Icons of Christ
What is an icon? An icon is a window to heaven—a visual representation of a divine reality.
When we reverence an icon, we are not honoring paint and wood. The Church teaches that the honor given passes over to the
prototype. Thus, when we reverence an icon of Christ, it is Christ whom we honor, not the icon itself.
Christ The Merciful
SI105: (XS)(S)(ML)
Christ Pantocrator
SI002: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)(D)(T)
Christ Blessing
SI005: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)
Corresponds with Theotokos
Icon # SI017
Icon Sizes & Pricing
XS - Extra Small
Christ Good Shepherd (Lamb)
SI110: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)
Lord Jesus Christ
SI007: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)
Corresponds with Theotokos
Icon # SI019
3" x 4"
S - Small
4" x 6"
M - Medium
5" x 7"
ML - Medium Large
6" x 8"
L - Large
8" x 10"
XL - Extra Large
11" x 14"
D - Double
12" x 18"
XD - Extra Double
14" x 20"
T - Triple
16" x 24"
Q- Quad
24" x 36"
~Allow 7-10 days for your icon(s) to arrive.~
Etched in metallic silver and
gold background. Designed
to stand upright or hang on
a wall.
Christ and the Theotokos Diptych
DIPT160 (S) 3½" x 2¼" $11.95
† Light & Life Titles
Approx. Dim.
All icon prints are sealed and laminated with 5 mil non-glare
mylar laminate. Mounted on birch plywood, XS icons come with
adhesive hooks. Sizes are approximate.
Etched Metallic
Silver & Gold icons
Size Code
❖ Non-Discounted Item
We are featuring our best selling icons on these
pages. However, we offer hundreds of icons.
Please visit our website to view a greater
selection. Also contact us to inquire if we can
'special order' a hard-to-find icon for you.
Icons of Theotokos
Sweet Kissing (with Angels)
SI012: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)
Theotokos Great Grace
SI017: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)
Sweet Kissing (Kontoglou)*
SI397: (M)(L)
Most Holy Mother of God
SI019: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)
DIPT510 (ML)
6" x 8" $49.95
DIPT155 (S)
DIPT150 (M)
1½" x 2" $3.75
2" x 3" $5.75
~Allow 7-10 days for your icon(s) to arrive.~
† Light & Life Titles
Theotokos Kazanskaya
SI016: (S)(M)(L)(XL)(XD)
Christ / Theotokos Diptych
DIPT500 (S)
4" x 6" $44.95
Diptych Icons Wood
Diptychs of Christ and
Theotokos are crafted on
fine carved wood.
Designed to close
completely with small
brass hardware. Icons are
on gold background.
Excellent as traveling
bedside icon, hospital
visits, small gift ideas etc.
Measurements when closed.
Sizes are approximate.
Theotokos Tender Mercy
SI018: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Christ Blessing / Theotokos
Great Grace Diptych
DIPT400 (S)
8" x 5¼" $35.95
DIPT410 (ML)
11" x 7½" $47.95
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
More Icons
SI028: (ML)(L)(XL)
Nativity of the Lord
SI032: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)
Resurrection (Russian 16th C)
SI033: (XS)(S)(L)(T)
SI029: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(T)
St John the Baptist
SI070: (XS)(S)(L)(T)
St George (Nea Skiti)
SI067: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)
Icon Sizes & Pricing
St Euphrosynos The Cook
SI065: (XS)(ML)(L)
St Nicholas
SI075: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(D)
† Light & Life Titles
Size Code
Approx. Dim.
XS - Extra Small
3" x 4"
S - Small
4" x 6"
M - Medium
5" x 7"
ML - Medium Large
6" x 8"
L - Large
8" x 10"
XL - Extra Large
11" x 14"
D - Double
12" x 18"
XD - Extra Double
14" x 20"
T - Triple
16" x 24"
Q- Quad
24" x 36"
All icon prints are sealed and laminated with 5 mil non-glare mylar laminate. Mounted on birch
plywood, XS icons come with adhesive hooks. Sizes are approximate.
~Allow 7-10 days for your icon(s) to arrive.~
❖ Non-Discounted Item
More Icons
~Allow 7-10 days for your icon(s) to arrive.~
Sizes are approximate
Mystical Supper
SI030: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)(Q)
The Wedding At Cana
SI053 (M)(L)
Three Holy Youths in the Furnace
SI136: (S)(L)(XL)
St Anna
SI059: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)
Guardian Angel with Girl
CP00203 (M) 5" x 7"
The Wedding At Cana
CP00405 (L) 7¼" X 9" $30.00
Archangel Michael
SI073: (XS)(S)(M)(L)(XL)
Guardian Angel with Boy
CP00103 (M) 5" x 7"
Guardian Angel
SI068: (XS)(S)(ML)(L)(XL)
If you can't find the icon you are searching for, contact us at
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
Exquisite Icon Stands (Padauk)
L xW x H
Icon Size
Item #
1¼" x 1½" x ½"
2" x 2" x ¾"
3" x 3 x 1¾"
S, M
4" x 4" x 1¾"
IZST005* $14.95
5" x 5" x 1¾"
Elegant in its simplicity, the Iconstand reverently displays an icon while
drawing little attention to itself. Perfect for home altars, prayer tables,
bedside or anywhere you’d like a free standing icon. The design is
incredibly stable, using the icon’s own weight to resist tipping. The
Iconstand is not stained. Clear polyurethane highlights
the wood’s natural color and beauty.
Gift Item
Nativity Cards
Occasional cards
Archangel Gabriel Notecards
A byzantine style icon of Archangel Gabriel;
richly colored and beautifully depicted. A
perfect card for any occasion – baptismal,
wedding, names day, Christmas or just for
reaching out to a friend. Blank inside. 5" x 7".
10 cards.
10 envelopes.
Item # CARD006 $9.99
Nativity ~ Name Him
This Nativity and New Year card
contains a stunning mosaic of the
Virgin, cheek-to-cheek with our Savior,
Emmanuel – God with us. The renown
iconographer Tom Clark has captured
the tender love expressed in this gentle
gesture. Destined to become a keepsake
beyond this blessed season, this icon
can be kept at bedside to remind us of
our Father’s great love for us.
5" x 7".
10 cards. 10 envelopes.
Item # CARD295 $17.95
Mosaic Cross Occasional Notecard
This mosaic is from the Basilica di Sant'Apolinare in
Ravena, Italy. With the blank inside it can be used as a
multi-purpose note card. 5" x 7".
10 cards. 10 envelopes.
Item # CARD202 $12.95
Monastery Entrance Occasional Card
This versatile occasional card whose image invokes peace and stillness can be used for a
variety of purposes. A note to a friend for any reason, an enclosure to accompany a gift,
suitable for greetings in the celebration of any sacrament – the uses are endless. It is a card that
the recipient will wish to save to continue to enjoy the beauty of this historic Monastery in
Greece. 5" x 7".
10 cards. 10 envelopes.
Item # CARD300 $17.95
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Icon Prayer cards
ICon Cards
❖ Icon Cards
$1.25 each
Truly beautiful icon cards that will bring
great inspiration to others. 2½" x 3". 1 card.
Cards are laminated with a prayer on the back. 2" x 3½" approximately.
Item # CARD044
Item # CARD039
Christ Pantocrator
Christ with Children
2 1/8” x 3 3/8”
Item # ICON035
2 1/8” x 3 3/8”
Item # ICON020
50¢ each
$2.25 each
Woven Icon Bookmarks
all sized at 1 3/4” x 8 3/4”
Holy Trinity
2” x 3 1/4”
Item #ICON038
St. Nicholas
2 1/8" x 3 3/8"
Item # ICON060
Christ in
Red Robes
Michael the
2 1/8” x 3 3/8”
Item #ICON040
2” x 3 1/4”
Item # ICON041
Theotokos of
2 1/8” x 3 3/8”
Item # ICON070
Theotokos in
Blue Robes
Item #
Theotokos in
Red Robes
Item #
Item #
Item #
Orthodox prayer on back
3 3/8” x 2 1/8”
Item # ICON045
† Light & Life Titles
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Order today! Phone 952.925.3888, Fax 888.925.3918 or Visit
Icon Magnets
Exquisitely beautiful classical Byzantine icon magnets in full color. The icons are
sandwiched between ¼" plexiglass and sheet magnet. They are very magnetic and won’t
slide off the fridge. For auto dashboards, add self-adhesive double-faced tape. Sizes range
from approximately 1¾" to 2¼". Excellent gifts.
Order Individually
$3.75 / eACH
Christ the Teacher
Deisis 16th Century
Item # OZIC518
Archangel Michael
Item # OZIC513
Item # OZIC530
Mother of God
Item # OZIC531
$1.50 / eACH
Icon Magnets
Decal - In Christ, Victory (small)
2⅛" x 3¼". Thin plastic card with magnetic
A. Christ PantocratorItem # ICON600
B. St. George
Item # ICON605
C. St. Nicholas
Item # ICON610
D. Theotokos & Child
Item # ICON615
Early Christian symbol vinyl decal. For your car, laptop, classroom,
windows, etc. Materials weather resistant vinyl with an adhesive
backing. 2 1/2" x 2 1/2".
Item # DECA100 $5.99
These items are ideal to be used as small gifts or rewards for Sunday School students or church volunteers.
With cord.
Polished bronze
cross on brown
cord. A perfect
cross to be
given to youngsters at Sunday
school or church camp.
Dimensions: 1¼" wide by 1½"
high (incl. bail)
Item # CROS050
Cross Pendants
Slavic Cross
1" Item # IZPE600
1" Item # IZPE610
Blue and white
on gold.
1¼" x 1¾".
Item # CROS540
† Light & Life Titles
Cross Pins
Pins are
excellent gift
ideas for
children and
are frequently
worn by
church ushers. All gold and
silver items are plated over
metal material.
Icon Night Lights
Attractive iconographic night
light. Complete with switch and
bulb ready to be plugged into
electrical outlet. 5" x 2¾".
St. Olga Cross Gold
Item # IZPI510 $1.99
Cross Pendant
Byzantine Oval
Assorted colors.
with cord.¾" x 1".
Item # IZPE718
❖ Non-Discounted Item
Guardian Angel Icon
Item # IZNL550 $9.50
Car Visor Clips
Car Visor Clip
Excellent gift idea! 2" x 2½".
Gold Cross
Item # CARV130 $4.75
Silver Cross
Item # CARV140 $4.75
Icon Calendar: Icons
of the Virgin Mary
Daily Lives, Miracles, and
Wisdom of the Saints &
Fasting Calendar (2015)
This 2015 calendar
which uses dates
according to the new
calendar features icons
of the Virgin Mary
from many different
American iconographers. Major saints and feast
days traditionally celebrated in Orthodox
countries around the world are listed. The
4-color calendar measures 11" x 12" and offers
large boxes (1 3/8" x 1 3/4") for each day
allowing the recording of important date
reminders. A wonderful addition to your home
office, kitchen or as a gift to a loved one.
Item # IZCA138 $14.95
This 365-page spiral bound
calendar book follows the
Eastern Orthodox Christian
Church calendar according to
the Revised Julian Calendar.
Each day features the life of a
saint of the day, insightful
wisdom of the saints and
elders, a list of all saints commemorated each day,
Gospel and Epistle readings, fasting guidelines,
and references to feasts throughout the year. Used
by many as a daily devotional. The spiral bound
book is produced with a durable cover so that it
lays flat on your home altar, desk or kitchen table.
8 1/2" x 11". 365 pages.
Item # DAIL052 $16.95
Wall Calendars
Spiral Bound
WorshiP Items
Dashboard or
Desk Cross
Preparing Prosfora for Liturgy
Slavic Crucifix
Silver coated. Comes
with two-way stick-on
tape for attaching to
1½" x 2¼".
Item # CROS702
† Preparing the Bread-Prosfora for
the Liturgy
by Fr. Anthony M. Coniaris
A pamphlet to help the Orthodox
faithful participate more fully in the
liturgy by preparing the bread for the
Eucharist. Only sold in packages of 5.
Item # PREP181
License Plate
Incense & Charcoal
5 1/2” x 5 1/2”
Item # GREE290
5 1/4” Long.
Item # WALL100
Hanging Lamp with Glass Votive
Hanging Lamp -12” Long.
Votive - Approx. 3” Wide.
Item # VIGI107
Raised large letters with brushed
chrome lettering on a black frame.
Fits most standard car license
plates. Be careful that frame does
not block expiration date of plates.
Item # LICE500
5 1/2” x 5 1/2”
Item # GREE295
Greek Style Prosfora
Seal (Plastic)
Wall Hanger for
Vigil Lamp
This incense is composed of fragrant
oils and is rolled by hand, cut into small
pieces and cured for several months.
The scent is best released by placing the
pieces along side a lighted charcoal.
License Plate Holder
Greek Style Prosfora
Seal (Wood)
1/2 Pound
Item # INCE175
v Frankincense
1/2 Pound
Item # INCE165
v Charcoal Pellet for Home
Censer: Quick Start
Roll of 6 charcoal pellets.
Item # CHAR050
v Brass Home Censer with Wooden Handle
4.5” x 7”
Item #BRAS150 $24.95
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