0roduct - Beauty Fashion Sales
0roduct - Beauty Fashion Sales
0RODUCT4RAINING'UIDE 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 REJUVENATING PRIMER 46 RESURFACING PRIMER LINE & DEFINE PENCIL RADIANCE PRIMER 47 48 50 51 52 53 54 27 28 29 MINERAL POWDER FOUNDATION 30 55 56 57 31 59 32 33 34 35 62 MULTI-USE BRUSHES 64 TRAVEL TOTE / BRUSH SET 66 PROFESSIONAL BRUSH SOAP 67 HI-TECH PRECISION TWEEZERS 68 ANTI-BACTERIAL SHARPENERS 69 70 71 5 BRAND PHILOSOPHY BECCA - BRAND PHILOSOPHY "The whole philosophy of BECCA is about creating a natural, flawless look. It's really about skin looking amazing - everything else is secondary." - Rebecca Morrice Williams, Founder. Enabling ALL women, regardless of age or ethnicity, to achieve a natural looking, flawless complexion is the bedrock of the BECCA philosophy. To achieve this, BECCA has developed a 3-Step Skin Perfecting Make-Up System that will correct, perfect and enhance ANY complexion, from the fairest to the darkest skin tones. While most cosmetic companies offer 3 to 7 concealer colours, the BECCA range features no less than 34 concealer colours and 30 foundation colours. Add to this a range of natural toned shades for face, lips, cheeks and eyes, and a collection of the finest brushes, and you have a complete cosmetic system that will enable ALL women to achieve BECCA Beauty. TECHNOLOGY AND PACKAGING BECCA - TECHNOLOGY All BECCA products employ the most advanced pigment and colour technologies available. Central to this expertise is a thorough understanding of the vast spectrum of skin tones and how pigments interact with these variations. The result is a range that works incredibly well for women of ALL skin colours. In addition, BECCA places a firm focus on sun protection in its foundation range, utilising full spectrum UVA and UVB protection (SPF 25-30), as well as skin caring anti-oxidant vitamins. BECCA - PACKAGING Developed in Italy, BECCA packaging combines distinctive velvet-brown soft touch materials with stainless steel, for a contrast in sight and touch. Each product carries the BECCA stainless steel badge, representing passion, style and brand integrity. 7 THE STORY BEHIND THE BRAND BECCA - THE STORY BEHIND THE BRAND "My search for the “perfect foundation” was akin to the search for the Holy Grail! Why was it impossible for women to find products that could conceal, look natural, feel weightless on the skin and last all day?" Rebecca Morrice Williams, Founder The BECCA story is one of passion, determination and courage and began when the Founder, Rebecca Morrice Williams was just a teenager in Perth, Western Australia, flicking through the pages of her favourite fashion magazines. Marvelling at the models' perfect complexions, Rebecca, oblivious to such things as airbrushing, assumed their foundations must hold the answer and so began a search to find this miracle product. But years later, working as a professional make-up artist and model, it became clear that the “perfect foundation” did not exist.......YET. As a make-up artist Rebecca gained exposure to women of all backgrounds, with different needs and different skin types. But one fact was universal - all women wanted perfect skin. Convinced that the secret to this perfect skin lay with foundation, and believing that this seemingly elusive complexion was achievable, Rebecca set out on a journey to create her own product. The spark of BECCA was born.... Unswayed by advice from "industry experts", who warned BECCA against producing so many colour options for such a small market segment, the founders forged ahead determined that BECCA would be relevant to ALL women. Teaming up with Steven Schapera (now CEO) in 1996, the pair set out to search the world for the technical expertise that could bring their dream to life. This combination of talents would prove formidable - fusing Steven's background in engineering, international marketing and winemaking, with Rebecca's creativity, flair and passion. True to Rebecca's perfectionism the brief was complex and uncompromising. But three and a half years, and 1,400 skin trials later, the perfect concealer upon which the complete BECCA range pivots was completed. BECCA had arrived. They found what they were looking for in Germany and lab work began immediately. But, like most success stories the journey would not be without its detractors. Rebecca and Steven were determined that BECCA would be built on a completely different philosophy to that of the established cosmetic companies. While they tended to cater to a predominantly Caucasian market, BECCA would break the mould and cater for ALL skin types whether they be Asian, Hispanic, Caucasian, African or Scandinavian - developing no less than 34 concealer colours and 30 foundation colours. In March 2000, the unlisted public company and owner of the BECCA trademark, Cosmetic Developments Limited, was incorporated in Perth, Western Australia and would drive the brand to commercialisation. Armed with a superior range of foundation-based products, Rebecca and Steven were ready to take their product to the world. In October 2001, BECCA made its international debut at SPACE.NK in London and Bergdorf Goodman in New York in January 2002. But most importantly, BECCA has met the needs of “real” women everywhere and ended a personal search for cosmetic perfection by the creator herself. Beyonce Knowles Ciara Carly Simon Natalie Cole Monica Bellucci Lucy Liu Rachel Bilson Yasmin Le Bon Gail Elliott Frankie Rayder Cathy Freeman Tara Lipinski 9 3+).0%2&%#4).'-!+%503934%- BECCA - SKIN PERFECTING MAKE-UP SYSTEM » %(&&$ EHDXW\EHJLQVZLWKWKH6NLQ3HUIHFWLQJ0DNH8S6\VWHPDVLPSOHWKUHHVWHSSURJUDPPH GHVLJQHGWRFRUUHFWSUHSDUHDQGHQKDQFHDQ\FRPSOH[LRQ $FKLHYLQJDSHUIHFWO\IODZOHVV\HWQDWXUDOORRNLQJFRPSOH[LRQLV%(&&$ VSULPDU\IRFXV)RXQGDWLRQ WKDWORRNVREYLRXVDQGLVWKHZURQJFRORXULVWKHELJJHVWPDNHXS³IDX[SDV´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ollow these three simple steps for ultra-natural, perfect looking skin that lasts all day 1. PREPARE Primer / Luminous Skin Colour SPF 25+ 2. PERFECT Stick Foundation SPF30+ / Compact Concealer 3. SET Fine Loose Finishing Powder 11 SKIN PERFECTING MAKE-UP SYSTEM 1 PREPARE The BECCA philosophy when applying foundation is to start with the sheerest product possible to ensure a natural looking result. Unblemished areas should be kept as natural as possible with a sheer, light coverage. BECCA Luminous Skin Colour acts as the perfect base. It provides a sheer tint of colour to “even” the skin as well as acting as a moisturiser and sunscreen (it contains anti-oxidant vitamins such as A,B,D,E and SPF 25 to 30+). BECCA Primers (Hydrating or Mattifying) can also be used to help smooth the skin's surface, minimizing pores and lines and thereby creating a more refined surface for make-up. 2 PERFECT Having prepared the skin in Step 1, you can now add further coverage to those areas of the face that still require it. Depending on your needs, BECCA Stick Foundation (SPF 30+) can be applied very sheerly to the whole face, or ideally, only to those areas where more coverage is required (ie to cover redness, pigmentation and unevenness). For stubborn blemishes, spots and dark under-eye circles the highly pigmented BECCA Compact Concealer can be applied as a final correction. For instant radiance apply BECCA Creme Blush to the “apples” of the cheeks - it will take years off your face!-- 3 SET This essential final step “locks” the products onto the skin, creating a water-resistant finish that allows make-up to stay on all day. Upon application it provides a very light matt finish that helps to minimise pores, with the added benefit of making the skin feel as if no make-up is being worn. This exceptional powder will never appear cakey or dry, and disappears on the skin within half an hour - still allowing a natural dewy look. HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT COLOUR HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT COLOUR BECCA is the first prestige cosmetics brand committed to providing a Skin Perfecting MakeUp System for ALL women of ALL skin colours. BECCA is able to exactly match any complexion, offering an extraordinary collection of 12 powder colours, 30 foundation colours and 34 concealer colours, ranging from the fairest white (Nougat) to the darkest black (Espresso). Never try to add colour to the face by choosing foundation or powder that is darker than the skin, as the result will look unnatural and dirty. Undertones And How To Choose The Correct Foundation Colour For Darker Complexions Colour should be added with blush and bronzers. The correct loose and pressed powder colour is generally lighter than you may expect. It needs to be light enough so that it does not darken the foundation once applied. In general (with dark skin): COLOURS FOR DARKER SKIN TONES When choosing a colour it is important to consider both the obvious skin tones as well as the distinctive undertones (ie the colour that seems to come from under the skin's surface). Choose a colour that best matches the basic colour of the skin, but also make sure the undertones of the foundation, concealer or powder (yellow, pink, red) match those of the actual skin. Pale skin has both pink and yellow undertones, with a predominance of pink at the fair end and yellow at the mid to tanned end. Dark skin has both yellow and red undertones, with a predominance of yellow at the light end and red at the darker end. Since inception, BECCA has recognised the needs of women with darker complexions and has identified the key factors essential in the development of cosmetics for these complexions. BECCA provides: - colours that will not turn orange, ashy or look muddy on darker skin - colours that specifically blend with the varying yellow and red undertones in dark skin - products that retain the reflective nature of dark skin, allowing a natural looking finish - the lighter the complexion, the more yellow or golden the undertones - the darker the complexion, the warmer or more red the undertones - as the skin tone gets darker and the red undertone increases the complexion will start to appear purple - at the darkest end of the spectrum the undertone will be what is commonly referred to as blue-black If it is difficult to easily identify the skin's undertone, alternate holding a piece of yellow and red fabric under the chin and see which colour is most reflected from the face (or the colour which seems to blend more with the skin). - products that work to conceal and illuminate darkened patches or pigmentation - products that provide high SPF to reduce sun damage and discolouring of dark skin 13 HOW COLOUR BEHAVES ON DARKER COMPLEXIONS How Colour Behaves On Darker Complexions Colours of products such as lipstick/gloss, eyeshadow/cremes, creme blush, shimmer powder etc, will look quite different on dark skin. Be wary of very light colours on dark skin, as they can “sit on top of the skin” and stand out too much. Usually as the skin gets darker more intense colour is required for a natural finish. Uneveness In Darker Complexions Darker skin is prone to unevenness and hyper pigmentation. Highly pigmented concealers and full coverage foundations are often necessary to conceal blemishes and ”'even out” the skin tone. Application of foundation, however, should still be done with varying degrees of thickness, according to where it is needed. Graded application avoids a 'mask-like' effect and helps retain the distinctive reflective nature of darker skin. With darker skin there can also be great colour variation between the face and neck. It is always best to choose a colour that blends with the lighter parts of the skin, ensuring a seamless look between the face and neck. SKIN-TONE CATEGORIES & DESCRIPTIONS UNDERSTANDING BECCA SKIN-TONE CATEGORIES AND COLOUR DESCRIPTIONS Use the following BECCA skin-tone categories and colour descriptions to help determine the best BECCA Foundation, Concealer and Powder colours for your complexion. SHERBET (pink) 'Pink' indicates that the colour has obvious pink-based undertones 'Yellow' indicates that the colour has obvious yellow/golden-based undertones 'Neutral' indicates that neither pink/red nor yellow/golden undertones dominate the colour 'Warm' indicates that orange/red undertones dominate the colour CARAMEL (yellow) HONEYCOMB (neutral) HAZELNUT (warm) 15 SKIN TONE CATEGORIES 1) LIGHT to FAIR Skin Type: Palest skin type characterized by creamy, ivory skin. Does not tan naturally, tending to redden and burn very easily. Undertones: Pink. Examples: Renee Zellweger, Kelly Osbourne, Christina Ricci. 5) LIGHT TAN Skin Type: Olive-toned skin often of Mediterranean, Hispanic, Brazilian or Asian descent. Tans easily. Undertones: Yellow/golden. Examples: Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek, Lucy Liu. 2) FAIR Skin Type: Milky, pale skin. Does not tan well naturally, however very light fake tanning and bronzing products can suit. Undertones: Yellow or pink. Examples: Nicole Kidman, Cate Blanchett, Madonna. 6) TAN Skin Type: Coffee/caramel coloured skin Undertones: Yellow/golden. Examples: Beyonce Knowles, Ashanti, Halle Berry. 3) FAIR to MEDIUM Skin Type: Light, beige-looking skin that naturally appears quite pale. Tans reasonably well. Suits fake tanning and bronzing products. Undertones: Yellow. Examples: Kylie Minogue, Sarah Jessica Parker, Cameron Diaz. 4) MEDIUM Skin Type: Naturally sun-kissed looking skin. Tans well. Undertones: Yellow/golden to warm. Examples: Elle MacPherson, Demi Moore, Giselle Bundchen. 7) DARK TAN Skin Type: Light-brown skin tones that appear slightly richer in colour. Undertones: Warm. Examples: Tyra Banks, Alicia Keys. 8) DARK GOLDEN Skin Type: Brown skin tones. Undertones: Golden to slightly warm. Examples: Naomi Campbell, Whitney Houston, Oprah Winfrey. 9) GOLDEN BROWN Skin Type: Darker-brown complexion. Undertones: Golden and warm. Examples: Angela Bassett, Mary J. Blige, Serena Williams. 10) WARM BROWN Skin Type: Rich brown skin tones that appear warm. Undertones: Red. Examples: Iman, Kelly Rowland, Natalie Cole. 11) DEEP BROWN Skin Type: Deep chocolate-brown skin that appears more neutral. Undertones: Warm. Examples: Angie Stone, India Arie. 12) BRONZE Skin Type: Darkest skin tone. Undertones: Warm to blue-black. Examples: Alec Wek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Continuously improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, applied either on its own or under foundation, it creates a luminous base on the skin that will last all day. PRODUCT BENEFITS: * Gatuline Intense® (a concentrated extract that has an instant effect on wrinkles) and Vitamins E and A to fight the signs of aging * Coconut Oil and Glycerin to provide and maintain hydration * Alcohol-free, Paraben-free, Fragrance free Ingredients (INCI): Aqua (Water), Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glycerin, Cetyl Alcohol, Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Glycerides, Glyceryl Stearate, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Ceteth-20, 1,2-Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol, Xanthan Gum, PEG-75 Stearate, Hydrogenated Palm Glycerides, Polyaminopropyl Biguanide, Spilanthes Acmella Extract, Tropolone. 21 RESURFACING PRIMER BECCA RESURFACING PRIMER Line & Pore Minimizing, Mattifying Formula 40ml Prepare and seal your skin with this invisible Resurfacing Primer which instantly reduces the appearance of dilated pores and smoothes fine lines for a flawless finish. Applied on its own or under foundation, the velvety matte formulation helps to control unwanted shine with its special oil absorbing polymers which act as ‘fillers’ to create a refined base for makeup that will last all day. PRODUCT BENEFITS: * Evermat with Oleanolic Acid to minimize pore size, refine skin texture and reduce surface shine * Glycerin to maintain hydration * Alcohol-free, Paraben-free, Fragrance-free Ingredients (INCI): Aqua (Water), Hydrogenated Didecene, Glycerin, PVP, Ricinus Communis Oil (Ricinus Communis [Castor] Seed Oil), Sorbitan Stearate, Cetyl Alcohol, Simmondsia Chinensis Oil (Simmondsia Chinensis [Jojoba] Seed Oil), Boron Nitride, Phenoxyethanol, Mica, Glyceryl Stearate, Hydroxyethyl Acrylate/Sodium Acryloyldimethyltaurate Copolymer, Propylene Glycol Stearate, Propylene Glycol Isostearate, 1,2-Hexanediol, Squalane, Glyceryl Isostearate, Caprylyl Glycol, Oleth-25, Ceteth-25, Tocopheryl Acetate, Polysorbate 60, Triethanolamine, Tropolone and may contain [+/-]: Titanium Dioxide (CI 77891), Iron Oxide (CI 77491). RADIANCE PRIMER BECCA RADIANCE PRIMER Illuminating & Brightening Formula 40ml Brighten up with this age-defying Radiance Primer, which diminishes dullness with a luminous, dewy finish. The complexion becomes energized and illuminated, replacing the appearance of fatigue with instant vitality. Applied on its own or under foundation, the water-based formulation creates a glowing, radiant base for make-up that will last all day. PRODUCT BENEFITS: * Bioplasma (Plankton Extract) and Vitamins A and E to fight the signs of aging Jojoba Seed Oil to soften and smooth skin * Mica for radiance and vitality * Alcohol-free, Paraben-free, Fragrance-free Ingredients (INCI): Aqua (Water), Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Glycerin, Cetyl Alcohol, Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Glycerides, Glyceryl Stearate, Carbomer, Triethanolamine, Ceteth-20,1,2-Hexanediol, Caprylyl Glycol, Xanthan Gum, PEG-75 Stearate, Hydrogenated Palm Glycerides, Polyaminopropyl Biguanide, Spilanthes Acmella Extract, Tropolone. 23 BECCA MINERA USE BRUSH# 18, 56, 58, 59, 61 25 STICK FOUNDATION SPF30+ BECCA STICK FOUNDATION 8.7g net wt. 0.3oz, SPF 30+, 30 colours The ultimate skin saviour, that creates the illusion of flawless skin by evening out skin tone and lightly concealing blemishes. A unique balance between maximum sun-protection and long lasting wear. PRODUCT BENEFITS * The soft creamy texture allows a totally controllable level of coverage * The non-powdery formulation is suitable for most skin types (including ultra-sensitive) and provides sheer to medium, natural-looking cover * Contains broad spectrum SPF 30+ to protect against over 96% of both UVA and UVB rays * Contains anti-oxidant vitamins A, D and E, which help to increase collagen renewal and the skin’s moisture holding capacity * Doubles as a sheer under-eye concealer MAKE-UP ARTIST TIPS * Can be used all over the face (including the under-eye area) or only where further coverage is required * Use over Luminous Skin Colour or BECCA Primers and set with Fine Loose Finishing Powder for a water-resistant, long-lasting finish * Use Foundation Brush #18 for an ultra-sheer, even and quick application SHERBET (pink) PRALINE (neutral) LATTE (pink) BUTTER- MACADAMIA BRULEE (neutral) (pink/neutral) SCOTCH (warm) CASHEW (yellow) BANANA (neutral) TAHINI (neutral) CARAMEL (yellow) MALLOW HONEYCOMB (neutral) (warm) HONEY (yellow) TOFFEE (warm) COFFEE (neutral) CAPPUCCINO (yellow) MAPLE (warm) PECAN (warm) BRIOCHE (yellow) SYRUP (warm) FUDGE (yellow) TREACLE (warm) TRUFFLE (neutral) HAZELNUT (warm) Dermatologically tested Active Ingredients / Ingrédients Actifs: Benzophenone-3, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane Ingredients (INCI): Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Carnauba (Wax), Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Octlydodecanol, Dimethyl Imidazolidinone (Rice Starch), Benzophenone-3, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Cetyl Palmitate, Synthetic Beeswax, Polyisobutene, Candelilla Cera (Wax), Tribydroxystearin, Polyethylene, Persea Gratissima (Avocado Oil unsaponifiables), Petrolatum, (dl-alpha-) Tocopherol, Tocopheryl Acetate, Bisabolol, Parfum (Fragrance) and may contain [+/- Titanium Dioxide Cl 77891, yellow Cl 19140, Iron Oxides Cl 77491, Cl 77492, Cl 77499, red 36 Cl 12085, Ultramarines Cl 77007, yellow 6 Cl 15985, Chromium Oxide Greens Cl 77288] CHESTNUT ALMOND (warm) (neutral) WALNUT CHOCOLATE MOLASSES ESPRESSO (warm) (warm) (neutral) (neutral) USE BRUSH# 18, 58, 59, 61 #/-0!#4#/.#%!,%2 -%$)5-!.$%842!#/6%26%23)/.3 "%##! #/-0!#4#/.#%!,%2 GNETWTOZ-EDIUMAND%XTRA#OVER6ERSIONSCOLOURS ! TRUEINNOVATIONINCONCEALERTECHNOLOGY4HISINGENIOUSPRODUCTCLEVERLYCOMBINESTWO FORMULATIONSFORDIFFERENTLEVELSOFCOVERINTHEONECOMPACT%XTRA#OVERVERSIONONTHELEFTAND -EDIUM#OVERVERSIONONTHERIGHT4HEWIDESTCOLOURRANGEAVAILABLEENSURESAPERFECTMATCHTO YOURSKIN 02/$5#4"%.%&)43 4HE-EDIUM#OVERVERSIONISSHEERERANDCREAMIERANDISPERFECTFORCOVERINGDARKSHADOWS INTHEUNDEREYEAREA 4HE%XTRA#OVERVERSIONPROVIDESEXCEPTIONALCAMOUFLAGEANDADHERESWELLTOTHESKIN -!+%50 !24)344)03 5SETHE-EDIUM#OVERVERSIONFORBROADCOVERAGEINCLUDINGTHEUNDEREYEAREAAPPLYAS SHEERALAYERASPOSSIBLEHEREASANYMAKEUPUNDERTHEEYESTENDSTOACCENTUATESMILE LINES 5SETHE%XTRA#OVERVERSIONFORSPOTSANDBLEMISHESTHATREQUIREHEAVYDUTYCOVERAGEAS THISFORMULATIONISMOREOPAQUEANDHASAHEAVIERSLIGHTLYDRIERCONSISTENCY 4ARGET#ONCEALERTOTHEREQUIREDAREABYUSINGABRUSHTHENGENTLYPRESSINTOTHESKINUSING THEFINGERTIPINAROLLINGMOTIONUSEASLITTLEASPOSSIBLEANDREAPPLYIFHEAVIERADDITIONAL COVERAGEISREQUIRED !LWAYSSETWITH&INE,OOSE&INISHING0OWDERTOENSURE#ONCEALERLOCKSONTOTHESKIN FORAN ALLDAYFINISH !PPLYWITH#ONCEALER"RUSH3POT#ONCEALER"RUSHOR%YE#ONCEALER"RUSH DEPENDINGONNEED 3$5)$,7 SLQN 6+(5%(7 SLQN /$77( SLQN %$1$1$ QHXWUDO 7$+,1, QHXWUDO %58/(( SLQNQHXWUDO &$5$0(/ \HOORZ 0(5,1*8( \HOORZ &2))(( QHXWUDO $ERMATOLOGICALLYTESTED )NGREDIENTS -EDIUM #OVER).#)0ARAFFINUM,IQUIDUM-INERAL/IL0ARAFFIN(YDROGENATED0OLYISOBUTENE/CTYLDODECANOL0ETROLATUM#ANDELILLA#ERA7AX-AGNESIUM -YRISTATEDLALPHA4OCOPHEROL#ETYL0ALMITATE#ERA!LBA"EESWAX#ARNAUBA7AX/LETH"(4!SCORBYL0ALMITATE#ITRIC!CID'LYCERYL3TEARATE0ROPYLENE'LYCOL 0ARFUM&RAGRANCEANDMAYCONTAIN;4ITANIUM$IOXIDE#)YELLOW#))RON/XIDES#)#)#)#HROMIUM/XIDE'REENS#)RED#) 5LTRAMARINES#)YELLOW#)= )NGREDIENTS %XTRA#OVER ).#)0ARAFFINUM,IQUIDUM-INERAL/IL0ARAFFIN(YDROGENATED0OLYISOBUTENE/CTYLDODECANOL#ANDELILLA#ERA7AX-AGNESIUM-YRISTATEDL ALPHA4OCOPHEROL#ETYL0ALMITATE#ERA!LBA"EESWAX0ETROLATUM#ARNAUBA7AX/LETH"(4!SCORBYL0ALMITATE#ITRIC!CID'LYCERYL3TEARATE0ROPYLENE'LYCOL 0ARFUM&RAGRANCEANDMAYCONTAIN;4ITANIUM$IOXIDE#)YELLOW#))RON/XIDES#)#)#)#HROMIUM/XIDE'REENS#)RED#) 5LTRAMARINES#)YELLOW#)= )8'*( \HOORZ :$/187 ZDUP 725521( QHXWUDO 35$/,1( QHXWUDO %,6&8,7 SLQN &$6+(: %877(56&27&+ 0$&$'$0,$ QHXWUDO ZDUP \HOORZ 0$//2: ZDUP +21(<&20% QHXWUDO +21(< \HOORZ &$338&&,12 \HOORZ 0$3/( ZDUP 3(&$1 ZDUP %5,2&+( \HOORZ 6<583 ZDUP 75($&/( ZDUP 758))/( QHXWUDO +$=(/187 ZDUP &+(67187 ZDUP $/021' QHXWUDO &+2&2/$7( 02/$66(6 1HXWUDO ZDUP 72))(( ZDUP (635(662 QHXWUDO 53%"253(17, 32, 33, 58, 59 27 &).%LOOSE FINISHING0/7$%2 ),**( -05,366:,-050:/05.76>+,9 (]HPSHISLPU15g UL[^[052VaJVSV\YZ ;OLMPULZ[SVVZLWV^KLYPU[OL^VYSK;OPZ\UPX\LMVYT\SH[PVUPZSPNO[S`WPNTLU[LKHUKTPJYVTPSSLK LUZ\YPUNHU\UKL[LJ[HISLHUKMLH[OLY^LPNO[MPUPZOVU[OLZRPU 796+<*;),5,-0;: ;OLNYLH[LZ[ILULMP[VM[OPZWV^KLYPZ[OH[P[ZL[Z[OLTHRL\WHSSV^PUNP[[VZ[H`VU HSSKH`OV\YZ *YLH[LZH[V\JOWYVVMZT\KNLWYVVMZLTP^H[LYYLZPZ[HU[MPUPZOL]LUPU[YVWPJHSO\TPKP[` ,SPTPUH[LZ[OLNYLHZ`[HJR`MLLSPUN[OH[JHUILSLM[VU[OLZRPUI`SPX\PKHUKJYLHT WYVK\J[ZHUKSLH]LZ[OLZRPUMLLSPUNHZPMUVTHRL\WPZILPUN^VYU :TVV[OLZHUKL]LUZ[OLSVVRVM[OLZRPUSLH]PUNHKLTP TH[[HUKWVSPZOLKSVVR >PSSUV[JH\ZL[OLZRPU[VHWWLHYKY`^PSSUV[ZL[[SLPU[VMPULSPULZHUK^PSSUV[SVVR JHRL`VYWH[JO` (SSV^Z[OLZRPUZUH[\YHSVPSZ[VSPNO[S`ZOPUL[OYV\NOYLZ\S[PUNPUUH[\YHSNSV^PUNZRPU <ZLZHK]HUJLKHPYTPJYVUPZH[PVU[LJOUVSVN`[VWYVK\JL[OLMPULZ[ZTHSSLZ[HUKTVZ[ \UPMVYTWPNTLU[WHY[PJSLZLUZ\YPUNH]PY[\HSS`[YHJLSLZZMPUPZO :\WLYPVYYH^PUNYLKPLU[ZHUK[OLTPJYVTPSSPUNWYVJLZZNP]L[OLWV^KLYH]LS]L[` ZTVV[O[L_[\YL[OH[THRLZHWWSPJH[PVUZPTWSL 4(2,<7 (9;0:;;07: <ZL[VZL[3\TPUV\Z:RPU*VSV\Y:[PJR-V\UKH[PVU*VUJLHSLYHUK*YLTL)S\ZO -VYILZ[YLZ\S[Z\ZLHZTHSSHTV\U[HUKHWWS`^P[OH]LSV\YW\MM[HRPUN JHYL[VZL[HSSHYLHZ^OLYLTHRL\WOHZILLUHWWSPLK +HIVU[V[OLZRPUPUHWH[[PUNTV[PVUYH[OLY[OHUH^PWPUNTV[PVUHUKIY\ZOVMMHU`L_JLZZ ^P[OHSHYNLWV^KLYIY\ZO)Y\ZO ;OLPUP[PHSZSPNO[S`TH[[MPUPZO^PSSVUS`SHZ[MVYHIV\[OHSMHUOV\YI`[OLU[OLUH[\YHS VPSZPU[OLZRPUILNPU[VZ\YMHJLHUK[OLWV^KLY^PSSOH]LHWLYMLJ[S`\UKL[LJ[HISL MPUPZO 'HUPDWRORJLFDOO\WHVWHG ,QJUHGLHQWV,1&,7DOF0DJQHVLXP0\ULVWDWH3DUIXP)UDJUDQFHDQGPD\FRQWDLQ>,URQ2[LGHV&,&,\HOORZ&,28OWUDPDULQHV&,@ (**6+(// \HOORZ %,648( SLQN 6(6$0( \HOORZ *,1*(5 SLQN :+($7 \HOORZ 02&+$ QHXWUDO 63,&( ZDUP CARDAMOM (neutral) CLOVE (warm) 1870(* QHXWUDO &$52% ZDUP &2&2$ ZDUP 53%"253(16, 41, 57, 62 &).%PRESSED0/7$%2 ),**( -05,79,::,+76>+,9 NUL[^[VaJVSV\YZ ;OPZL_JLW[PVUHSS`MPULZPSR`WYLZZLKWV^KLYOHZHKLTPTH[[MPUPZOHUKPZWLYMLJ[MVY[V\JO\WZ 7YV]PKLZH]LPSVMJVSV\YMVYHSSKH`MSH^SLZZWLYMLJ[PVUHUKJVTLZ^P[OP[ZV^UWYV[LJ[P]LWV\JO;OL \S[PTH[LPUS\_\Y` 796+<*;),5,-0;: 9LK\JLZZOPULHUKMYLZOLUZTHRL\W[OYV\NOV\[[OLKH`VYUPNO[ *VU[HPUZHZ\WLYPVYTVKPMPLKYPJLZ[HYJO[OH[TLHUZP[^PSSUL]LYSVVRJHRL`VU[OLZRPUHUK JHUILHWWSPLKHZVM[LUHZKLZPYLK *VTLZ^P[OP[ZV^UWYV[LJ[P]LWV\JO 4(2,<7 (9;0:;:;07: (WWS`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ight-fair (neutral) BLOOM Fair-medium (neutral) DESIRE Medium (warm) DREAM Medium (neutral/yellow) RAPTURE Light (tan/neutral) 53%"253(63 53%"253(18, 56, 59, 61 31 Ingredients: Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Octyldodecanol, Cetyl Palmitate, Petrolatum, Carnauba (Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax), Candelilla Cera (Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax), Kaolin, C18-38 Alkyl Hydroxystearoyl Stearate, Tocopherol, Parfum (Fragrance) and may contain: [+/- Titanium Dioxide CI 77891, Iron Oxides CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499, Carmine CI 75470, Red 21 Lake CI 45380, Yellow 5 Lake CI 19140, Red 7 CI 15850, Ultramarines CI 77007, Red 40 CI 16035, Yellow 6 Lake CI 15985, Bismuth Oxychloride CI 77163, Blue 1 Lake CI 42090, Red 36 CI 12085, Ferric Ferrocyanide CI 77510, Mica]. 33 PRESSED BRONZING POWDER BECCA PRESSED BRONZING POWDER 10g net wt 0.34oz Warms the skin with a subtle bronzing and light shimmer effect and adds depth and contour. Highlight and define cheekbones for a radiant and magical glow, or apply all over for beautifully burnished skin. Flamenco Lambada Salsa Calypso Light golden bronze Medium golden bronze Medium warm bronze Dark bronze PRODUCT BENEFITS * The neutral (non-orange) tones provide a natural look and suit all complexions * Ultra-fine micronised powder ensures a sheer and even finish to the skin * Can be used to "even" pale skin on the neck, under the chin and any other areas of the body that require bronzing MAKE-UP ARTIST TIPS * Using Powder/Bronzer Brush #16, apply to areas of the face that would be naturally highlighted (ie. by the sun) - the sides of the forehead, temples, brow bones and centre of the nose * To create contoured cheekbones and slim the face, apply using Soft Contour Brush #42 directly below the cheekbones * Alternatively use Double Cheek Contour Brush #45 to ensure colour is simultaneously applied to both the cheeks and the hollows of the cheeks * Always apply over skin that has been set with Fine Loose Finishing Powder, so that the colour does not “grab” Dermatologically tested Ingredients (INCI): Talc, Dimethyl Imidazolidinone (Rice Starch), Mica, Silica, Aqua (Water), Propylene Glycol, Octyldodecanol, Magnesium Myristate, Isopropyl Myristate, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-150, Quaternium-26, Ricinus Communis (Castor Oil), Glyceryl Ricinoleate, Carnauba (Wax), Candelilla Cera (Wax), Cera Microcristallina (Microcrystalline Wax), Cetyl Alcohol, Cera Alba (Beeswax), Paraffinum Liquidum (Mineral Oil), Cetearyl Alcohol, Sodium Cetearyl Sulfate, Stearic Acid, Tetrahydroxypropyl Ethylenediamine, Methylparaben, Methyldibromo Glutaronitrile, Phenoxyethanol, Parfum (Fragrance) and may contain: [+/- Titanium Dioxide CI 77891, Iron Oxides CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499, Carmine CI 75470] FLAMENCO LAMBADA SALSA USE BRUSH#16, 39, 42, 45, 57, 62 CALYPSO 53%"253(16, 39, 42, 45, 57, 62 35 02%33%$3()--%20/7$%2 ),**( 79,::,+:/044,976>+,9 NUL[^[Va ( KLSPJH[LS`MPULZOPTTLYWV^KLY[OH[SPNO[Z\W[OLJVTWSL_PVUPSS\TPUH[PUNKHYRLULKHYLHZ HUKSHJR S\Z[YL ZRPUHUKJYLH[PUNHTHNPJHSNSV^[OH[ZLLTZ[VLTHUH[LMYVT^P[OPU (]HPSHISLPU[OLMVSSV^PUNZOHKLZ! 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"2/70/7$%2 GNETWTOZ ! SOFTVELVETYPOWDERTHATCREATESBEAUTIFULLYCONTOUREDBROWSBYSUBTLYDEFININGTHESHAPE &AIRn,IGHTBEIGE ,IGHTn-EDIUMBEIGE -EDIUMn,IGHTGREYISHBROWN !UBURNn!UBURNBROWN !SHn$ARKASHGREY 02/$5#4"%.%&)43 #REATESTHEBROWSHAPECOLOURANDDENSITYTHATYOUDESIRE #ANBEUSEDWETANDORDRYFORGREATERDEFINITION -!+%50 !24)344)03 5SETOLINEANDDEFINETHEEYES 'ROOMBROWSWITH,ASH"ROW#OMBTHENAPPLYPOWDERWITH!NGLED"ROW"RUSHFOR SOFTERTHICKERSTROKESOR"ROW"RUSHFORFINERSHARPERSTROKES )$,5 /,*+7 0(',80 'HUPDWRORJLFDOO\WHVWHG ,QJUHGLHQWV,1&,.DROLQ7DOF2FW\OGRGHF\O6WHDUR\O6WHDUDWH=LQF6WHDUDWH3DUIXP)UDJUDQFHDQGPD\FRQWDLQ>7LWDQLXP'LR[LGH&/,URQ2[LGHV&/ &/8OWUDPDULQHV&/@ 53%"253(9, 43, 60 $8%851 $6+ CREATING PERFECT EYEBROWS CREATING PERFECT EYEBROWS Well groomed brows will make the world of difference to your appearance if they are shaped to compliment your eyes and face. You will notice a dramatic transformation when unruly brows are correctly shaped and coloured. The perfect brow is softly angled with the hairs of the eyebrow starting directly over the inner most corner of the eye. 1. Hold a pencil in a straight line along the side of the nose to see exactly where the first hairs should begin. The highest point of the brow arch should be roughly in line with the outer edge of the iris. The brow should then taper off, fading off somewhere beyond the outside corner of the eye. (See picture opposite) 2. The next step is to ensure the colour of your brows suits your hair and skin colour. Ideally brows should match your hair colour or be slightly lighter (this will ensure a fresh look that lights up the face). Brows can be dyed in a salon (at the same time as hair is being done) or lightened with a facial hair bleach. Care will need to be taken if pursuing this option to ensure the colour change is monitored and does not turn orange or too blonde. 3. Once brows are shaped and softly coloured, Brow Powder can be used to further accentuate the colour and shape of the brows. It can be used to darken, lighten and create the illusion of more hair where brow hair is sparse or non--existent. It will also define the brows to perfectly frame the eyes. Using Angled Brush #9 or #47 to apply Brow Powder enables an even and accurate application. Use small light strokes of powder, following the brow hairs and the newly defined contours of the brow. 4. Finish by brushing brows into required shape with Brow/Lash Comb Brush #43 and set with clear Brow Shaping Gel. 41 %9%#/,/52$%-)-!44 BECCA EYE COLOUR (DEMI-MATT) JR] $ UDQJHRIGHPLPDWWH\HVKDGRZVLQFODVVLFSDVWHODQGQHXWUDOWRQHVVXLWDEOHIRUDOOVNLQWRQHV 7KLVYHOYHW\VPRRWKDQGKLJKO\SLJPHQWHGSRZGHUJOLGHVRQHIIRUWOHVVO\DQGFRQWDLQVVXSHUILQH VKLPPHUIRUWKHVXEWOHVWVKHHQ7KHDOPRVWFUHDP\IRUPXODWLRQVXLWVDOOVNLQW\SHVDQGLVVXLWDEOH IRUDOODJHV 'RHVNLQOX[HIDZQSLQN /LQHQVRIWGUHDP\SHDFK &KDQWLOO\ODYHQGHULQIXVHGFUHDP &KLIIRQSDOHVLOYHU\PLQW &KLQFKLOODOLODFWLQJHGJUH\ 6DEOHOLJKWJROGHQEURZQ 6XHGHULFKFKRFRODWHEURZQ %RXFOp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q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e &+,))21 7:((' &+,1&+,//$ 9(/285 53%"253(10, 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 48, 55 43 BECCA Damask Gold shimmer * The range of neutral shades flatter every skin tone from fresh snowy white to sexy, smoky black Q 53%"253(10, 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 48, 55 DAMASK Baroque - rich, fleshy beige Gilt - golden bronze Vicuna - opal Paracus - antique gold brown Lapis - soft lilac Pewter - rich gray black Lapis Pewter 31, 55, 59 45 Belize - smokey mauve grey illuminating end with sooty black/violet liner Ibiza Mustique Capri Madagascar Fiji Belize LINE & DEFINE PENCIL LINE & DEFINE PENCIL 3.9g/ 0.14 oz pencil A combination liner and brightener in one, this convenient dual-ended pencil has a soft, smooth texture that glides on easily to line, define and brighten the eyes, while blending easily. The dark side of BECCA’s Line & Define Pencil lavishly lines while the light side helps brighten and awaken tired eyes for a vibrant and youthful effect. PRODUCT BENEFITS: * * * * * * * * Richly pigmented to give maximum shape and definition to the eyes Smudge-resistant formula Long-wearing Glides on easily without tugging or dragging on the delicate eye area Great for travel Suitable for sensitive eyes Dermatologist and ophthalmologist tested Fragrance Free MAKE-UP ARTIST TIP: * Line the inner rims of the eyes or the inner corners of the eyes with the flesh toned side of the pencil to make eyes “pop” * Highlight the brow bone by smudging the lighter shade beneath the brows, then blending, or apply to your upper lid to intensify eye shadow color * Define the lash line and outer corners of the eyes with the darker side of the pencil * Enhance eye color by blending the two shades together midway along the lash line * Apply the light side of the pencil above your lip line to plump the appearance of lips Ingredients (INCI): LINE (Navy): Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Glycerides, Iron Oxides CI 77499, Hydrogented Coconut Oil, Titanium Dioxide CI 77891, Mica, Microcrystalline Wax / Cera Microcristallina, Hydrogentaed Palm Glycerides, Myristyl Myristate, Rhus Succedanea Fruit Wax, Behenyl Aocohol, Hydrogenetaed Coco Glycerides, Cetyl Palmitate, Copernicia Cerifera Carnauba) Wax / Copernicia, Cerifera Cera, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Sorbitan Palmitate, Stearalkonium Hectorite, Ferric Ferrocyanide CI 77510, Propylene Carbonate, Tin Oxide, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-DI-t-Butyl, Hydroxyhydrocinnamate DEFINE (Buff): Titanium Dioxide CI 77891, Hydrogenated Palm Kernel Glycerides, Hydrogenate Coconut Oil, Microcrystalline Wax / Cera Microcristallina, Hydrogenated Palm Glycerides, Myristyl Myristate, Rhus Succedanea Fruit Wax, Behenyl Alcohol, Hydrogenated Coco-Glycerides, Cetyl Palmitate, Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax / Copernicia, Cerifera Cera, Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Mica, Sorbitan Palmiate, Iron Oxides CI 77492, Stearalkonium Hectorite, Propylene Carbonate, Iron Oxides CI 77491, CI 77499, Pentaerythrityl Tetra-DI-tButyl, Hydroxyhydrocinnamate, Tin Oxide SANTORINI 47 JEWEL DUST BECCA JEWEL DUST 1.3g/ 0.04.oz A range of exquisite embellishing powders that add playful colour to the eyes and create rich and exotic tones when layered over neutral eye shadows. Available in a range of enchanting colours from ethereal pastels to dazzling metallics. PRODUCT BENEFIT * Created from pure pigments that provide the highest lustre and intensity. * Unlike other shimmer powders, the exclusive formulation does not contain talc, fillers or inferior silver pearl pigments. * Micro fine shimmer pigments adds illuminating colour to the eyes. * Can be worn alone or layered over crème and powder eye colours to create unique tones and a range of effects. * Fragrance free, preservative free and suitable for the sensitive eye area. * Takes the wearer from ‘daytime demure’ to ‘party perfect’. MAKE-UP ARTIST’S TIPS * Apply with a brush onto bare eyelids for a sheer sparkling wash of translucent colour. * Dab on with a sp onge tip applicator (i.e. BECCA Eye Powder control #48) or a flat brush (i.e.BECCA eye colour #10) for more concentrated colour. * Apply over BECCA Matt or Hydrating Primer to lock the colour onto the eyelids and for a more intense effect. * Layer over matt eye colours to create interesting metallic and glittering shades. * Apply over crème colours to set the cremes and to create intense, opaque colour with a jewel–like finish. * Layer BECCA Bird Of Paradise Gloss over a sheer wash of Jewel Dust for sexy shiny colour. * Apply a fine line of shimmer to the lower or top lash line to create a flash of colour and sparkling eyes. * Apply a small amount of the lighter shades to the inner corners of the eyes for a fresh, bright-eyed look. * Dab a small amount of BECCA Primer over Jewel Dust to reduce the metallic effect and create a creamy wash of colour. * Apply with a damp brush for a more vibrant, intense and opaque finish. * Suitable colours : peach, pink , silver and gold tones can be added to lip gloss or to cheek. USE BRUSH# 48, 30, 6, 10, 35, 36 ;0;(50( .SP[[LY`ZPS]LYTHYJHZP[L-HPY`X\LLU 3<,33( .SPTTLYPUNZOV[[\YX\VPZL-HTV\ZLSM 5@? 6W\SLU[IYVUa`WS\T.VKKLZZVMUPNO[HUKKH` -,,6905 =PU[HNLLTLYHSKNYLLU.YLLUJVH[LKMHPY`SV]LZKHUJPUNHUKT\ZPJ 50::( :OPTTLYPUNY\I`NHYUL[)YV^UPLLSM 4(A02,,59PJOYV`HSW\YWSL1L^PZOMHPY`VMTHNPJHUKLUJOHU[TLU[ (:;9( 0JLKKPHTVUKWLHYSZPS]LY`^OP[L:[HYNVKKLZZ 50 :,)033, 0SS\TPUH[PUN^OP[LNVSK-HPY` 5,90+( :\TTLY`ZR`IS\L:LHU`TWO (:7(9( :VM[WLHYSPZLKWLHJO-HPYPLZ[OH[ISLZZO\THUZH[PTWVY[HU[Z[HNLZVM[OLPYSP]LZ ?(5;/6 )\YUPZOLKIYVUaLNVSK.VSKLUOHPYLKZLHU`TWO 3(03( :PS]LY`PJLKTPU[(UNLS[OH[N\HYKZV]LYZWPYP[ZH[IPY[O ,9305( +LSPJH[LTPU[NYLLU;OLLSMPU (:9(0 6WHSLZJLU[TH\]LWPUR+LSPJH[LMLTHSLMHPYPLZ^OVTLS[H^H`PU[VHWVVSVM^H[LY^OLU JHW[\YLKVYL_WVZLK[VZ\USPNO[ 50?0, -YLZOHX\HTHYPULNVSK:WYP[LS`^H[LYMHPY` ,9A<30, :WHYRSPUNSPNO[]PVSL[=VVKVVNVKKLZZVMSV]LHUKILH\[`W\YP[`YVTHUJLMSV^LYZ QL^LSSLY`HUKWYL[[`JSV[OLZ 0UNYLKPLU[Z! *VSV\YZ!;P[HUPH(ZYHP5`_-LLVYPU3\LSSH5P_PL4HaPRLLU,Ya\SPL(ZWHYH 0UNYLKPLU[Z!4PJH*HSJP\T(S\TPU\T)VYVZPSPJH[L:PSPJHHUKTH`JVU[HPU!B;P[HUP\T+PV_PKL*0 0YVU6_PKLZ*0 *0 *0 -LYYPJ-LYYVJ`HUPKL*0 *OYVTP\T6_PKL.YLLUZ*0*HYTPUL*0D *VSV\YZ!(Z[YH,YSPUH5LYPKH:LIPSSL5PZZH?HU[OV3HPSH 0UNYLKPLU[Z!4PJHHUKTH`JVU[HPU!B;P[HUP\T+PV_PKL*0 0YVU6_PKLZ*0 *0 -LYYPJ-LYYVJ`HUPKL*0)S\L3HRL*0 *OYVTP\T6_PKL .YLLUZ*0D 49 8ml / 0.2oz, available in black and bronze EYE LINER COMPACT AND WATER PROOF SEALER BECCA COMPACT EYELINER AND WATER PROOF SEALER 1g net wt. 0.03oz Amazingly versatile eyeliner that can be applied wet or dry to create a choice of looks, from elegantly defined to intensely smouldering. Packaged with a liquid sealer to maximise the formulation's long-lasting, smudge-proof and water-resistant benefits. PRODUCT BENEFITS * Perfect for creating a sharp sexy line along the top or bottom lashes * Can be used dry for soft, smoky definition or wet for a stronger line * Waterproof Sealer makes the line smudge-proof, budge-proof and water-proof MAKEUP ARTIST TIPS * Keep eyes open and apply a flick of eye liner to the outer corners (to ensure the line flicks up with the shape of the eye rather than tilting downwards) * Draw a line as close to the lashes as possible, starting thin and increasing as desired * Use Fine Eyeliner Brush #6 for a fine precise line or Eye Definer Brush #30 for a soft, smudgey effect * Do not wet entire cake - allocate one half for wet use only, leaving the other half for dry use only Dermatologically tested Eye Liner Compact Ingredients (INCI): Talc, Kaolin, PVP, Aqua (Water), Propylene Glycol, Octyldodecanol, Hydrogenated Polyisobutene, Laneth-40, Glyceryl Stearate, Ricinus Communis (Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed Oil), Cetearyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Ricinoleate, Carnauba (Copernicia Cerifera (Carnauba) Wax), Candelilla Cera (Euphorbia Cerifera (Candelilla) Wax), Sodium Cetearyl Sulfate, Phenoxyethanol, Microcristallina Cera (Microcrystalline Wax), Cetyl Alcohol, Cera Alba (Beeswax), Paraffinum Liquidum (Mineral Oil), Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben and may contain: [+/- Titanium Dioxide CI 77891, Iron Oxides CI 77491, CI 77492, CI 77499, Ultramarines CI 77007, Ferric Ferrocyanide CI 77510]. Water Proof Sealer Ingredients (INCI): Aqua (Water), Acrylates/ Octylacrylamide Copolymer, Propylene Glycol, Diglycol/ CHDM/ Isophthalates/ SIP Copolymer, Triethanolamine, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben BAMBI BARBARELLA USE BRUSH# 6, 30 51 Olesya - (deep nude) OLESYA 53 PRODUCT BENEFITS * Creates the appearance of fuller looking lips * Prevents lip colour products from bleeding into fine lines around mouth * Creates natural looking lip definition * Helps lip colour stay on longer when used as a base underneath other lip colour products such as lipsticks, crèmes and tints * Long-lasting formula 56 BRUSHES - GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION To use a BECCA Professional Brush is to use the finest and most luxurious brush in the world. Each brush is individually handcrafted by a BECCA Tufter (the craftsperson who secures the hair in the ferrule), who must train for five years before gaining Grade A certification and the right to craft a BECCA brush. Only the finest natural and synthetic hairs are used in the process and none of the brush hairs are trimmed, ensuring only the soft, tapered ends are retained in the brush. Likewise, BECCA brush handles are all finished, painted, printed and fitted by hand and without compromise. BECCA uses wooden handles (not plastic) to ensure the optimal weight for each brush, and the shape of the handle, is specially designed to match its application and ensure it "falls" into the hand. The ferrule (the metal part that secures the hair to the brush) is progressively drawn from annealed brass and then nickel plated to a satin finish. The end result is extremely strong and rigid, unlike the cheaper aluminium alternatives in general use. BECCA brush makers employ a zero-defect quality control system, with 100% inspection of every brush at every stage of construction. The end product is the finest brush available. All BECCA brushes are comprised of one of the following natural or synthetic hairs: SYNTHETIC Toray: The best quality hair in synthetic fibre that is perfectly consistent in its diameter and flexibility, giving total control. Imported from Japan. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTS BECCA use only renewable-resource plantation grown wood for its brush handles. No animals are harmed in the making of BECCA Brushes. 3-tone Taklon: A special synthetic fibre that permits a seamless flow of cosmetic. Retains its shape after wash, is easy to use and incredibly durable. BRUSH CARE If you use your brushes (for personal use only) daily, it is suggested you wash them every two weeks. Wet the bristles well, then dab a small amount of a gentle moisturising shampoo (or soap) onto the bristles and work it into the hairs. NATURAL Sable: Procured from the tail of a Sable (a small animal found in Siberia and Japan). Holds powder colour well and possesses both softness and excellent flexibility, to enable a perfect application. Be gentle but thorough, adding more water if necessary. Finally, rinse the brush under lukewarm running water, very gently squeeze out the excess water, reshape the hairs to their normal pattern and lay the brush flat on a towel to dry. Racoon: One of the finest large-brush hairs in the world. The softest hairs are found on the bushy tail, and whilst luxuriously soft, they have just the right flexibility to leave the perfect amount of powder on the skin after a light brushing. Avoid immersing the entire brush (ferrule and handle) in water as this can weaken both the inner bindings of the brush as well as cause the handle to peel and split. Japanese Pony: Greyish-brown tail hair from North America. One of the softest high-grade hairs available, providing excellent flexibility and spring. Never dry in any other position and keep away from direct heat. To retain the original shape of the brush head do not “fluff” up to speed up the drying process. The brush hairs may swell up during the washing process but will revert to their original shape when fully dry. European Blue Dressed Squirrel: An ultra soft and luxurious hair. Perfect for a very sheer application of powder. 55 CONCEALER BRUSHES (17, 32, 33) TRAVEL CONCEALER BRUSH #17 (Toray) SPOT CONCEALER BRUSH #32 (Toray) EYE CONCEALER BRUSH #33 (Toray) Perfectly housed with its own metal lid, this is the perfect brush for concealing imperfections and flaws. Designed for fine detailed concealing, making the smallest blemish or spot disappear. Tapered to fit the area around the eye perfectly and mould well into corners of the eyes. Flat square tip allows application of concealer to larger areas of the face and is perfect for travelling. This indispensable tool has a fine, pointed tip that allows precise conceaing of fine lines and spots. The flexible rounded tip is perfect for concealing under-eye discolouration, and for application to areas such as the inner corners of the eyes and sides of the nose. 58 CREAMS, CAKES, STICKS, LIQUIDS (20, 30, 31, 34, 18) PORTABLE LIP BRUSH #20 (3-Tone Taklon) EYE DEFINER BRUSH #30 (White Taklon) EYE CREME BRUSH #31 (3-Tone Taklon) This is the ideal lip brush for touchups to ensure you have the perfect pout all day long. The perfect tool for quick and easy application of eye liner. A tapered synthetic brush for the flawless and even application of Creme Eye Colour. The synthetic, tapered head is designed for precise, professional application of lipstick and Glossy Lip Tint. The flat tip has the flexibility and softness to blend and smudge pencil, eye shadow and cake eyeliners. Pushes easily into the lash lines for close eye defining. Soft tapered bristles mould to the eyelid allowing concentrated Creme Eye Colour to be applied easily in one sweep of the brush. 57 CREAMS, CAKES, STICKS, LIQUIDS (20, 30, 31, 34, 18) CREME BLUSH / BRONZER BRUSH #34 (3-Tone Taklon) FOUNDATION BRUSH #18 (3-Tone Taklon) Designed to perfectly fit the contours of the face, ensuring an ultra-sheer, natural looking finish. This lightly tapered brush is perfectly designed to ensure a quick and sheer application of liquid, cream, compact or Stick Foundation. The tapered fibres are designed for an optimal product pick-up. 60 EYES / BROWS (43, 48, 44, 6, 9, 37, 38, 10, 35, 36) LASH / BROW COMB #43 An indispensable tool for grooming brows, separating lashes and removing excess mascara. This double purpose tool has a comb to separate and define lashes and a brush to perfectly shape brows. EYE POWDER CONTROL #48 (Foam Tip Applicator) SOFT FOCUS SHADER #44 (Japanese Pony) This brush is excellent for accurate and intense eye colour shading and blending. A soft brush used for the application and blending of eye shadows and powders. Allows soft layering and contouring for a seamless finish to fine areas. Perfect for applying concentrated Eye Powder Colour without it falling onto the face. To blend and soften obvious lines follow with a natural hair BECCA brush. Comes with additional replaceable heads. 59 EYES / BROWS (43, 48, 44, 6, 9, 37, 38, 10, 35, 36) FINE EYELINER BRUSH #6 (Sable) BROW / LINER BRUSH #9 (Sable) EYE SMUDGE BRUSH #37 (Sable) Ultra-fine brush that enables detailed precision work with wet/dry cake eyeliner and paint style products. Eye lining can now be executed with ease, making application almost foolproof. Soft angled brush for the precise and professional application of eye and brow powder. Allows a softly graduated line on the eyes and brows and is perfect for blending and smudging eye and brow pencil. Designed for detailed eye application, this brush is perfect for contouring, blending and shading. The short tapered head concentrates colour to specific areas and easily moulds into the inner or outer corners of the eyes. The fine point allows precision drawing of the thinnest line, while the soft sable hairs provide the flexibility required to create a flawless, tapered point line with just a flick of the wrist. 62 EYES / BROWS (43, 48, 44, 6, 9, 37, 38, 10, 35, 36) EYE CONTOUR BRUSH #38 (Sable) EYE COLOUR BRUSH #10 (Sable) This dome shaped brush is perfect for adding depth to the eyes by allowing targeted colour to the crease area. A ‘must have’ brush for eye shadow. Strongly tapered to allow colour to sweep easily over the eyelid area, perfectly fitting the contours of the eye. EYE COLOUR BLENDER BRUSH #35 (Sable) Slightly tapered, soft hair brush for blending eye shadow and softening harsh lines. EYE COLOUR WASH BRUSH #36 (Sable) Created with a large tapered head for a soft wash of colour to the entire eye area. 61 POWDER BLUSHES / BRONZERS (15, 16, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 62) POWDER / BLUSH BRUSH #15 (Raccoon) Medium fullness brush for perfect application of powder blush to the cheek area. Can also be used for application of loose powder, bronzing powder and shimmer powder. Flexible, but soft hair allows adequate pick up of product and more concentrated application of colour. POWDER / BRONZER BRUSH #16 (Raccoon) BRONZING SHIMMER FAN BRUSH #39 (Raccoon) Large ultra-plush brush for a sheer and even application of bronzers, powders or shimmers to large area of the face. Beautifully shaped for light dusting of shimmers and bronzers on the face and body. Extra-soft hair is thinned into a fan shape for sheer, even and foolproof application. HALF MOON BRUSH #62 (Natural Goat/Synth blend) BECCA’s Half Moon Brush is constructed from the highest grade goat hair and hand layered with super fine white synthetic fibers for super sheer blending, buffing, highlighting and contouring of bronzers, illuminators and mineral powders. With a flat and wide design, the Half Moon Brush is expertly shaped to fit the contours of the face, neck, chest, and shoulders. 63 MULTI-USE (55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61) POLISHING - MEDIUM BRUSH #57 (natural goat hair/synthetic blend) POLISHING - SMALL BRUSH #56 (natural goat hair/synthetic blend) POLISHING - EXTRA SMALL BRUSH #55 (natural goat hair/synthetic blend) Perfect for liquid foundation, powder foundation, loose and pressed powders, bronzers and blushes. Makes applying crème blush to the apples of the cheeks foolproof and allows for ease of applying the crème either under or over powder. Wonderful for eye tints and eye crèmes as well as for buffing and setting powder shadows into crèmes for a beautifully professional finish. MULTI-USE (55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61) FOUNDATION/CONCEALER BRUSH #58 (3-tone Taklon) MULTI-USE CREME BRUSH #59 (3-tone Taklon) DUAL-ENDED BROW BRUSH #60 (natural/synthetic fiber blend) With a pointed tip comprised of tapered 3-tone Taklon (synthetic) fibers, this brush perfectly fits the contours of the face for ease of blending, concealing, contouring, and highlighting. Expertly shaped to suit BECCA Stick Foundation and Compact Concealer allowing the sheerest and most even finish. Designed with tapered fibers to perfectly fit the contours of the eyes and face, ensuring an ultra-sheer, natural looking finish and optimal product pickup. Use with liquid or crème products for an even, flawless application. With an angled brush on each end, this is the essential tool for defining, filling, and blending brow color onto brows. 65 MAKE-UP KITS / BAGS / TOOLS BECCA TRAVEL TOTE / BRUSH SET The BECCA Travel Tote / Brush Set houses six hand-crafted, professional standard brushes in convenient travel sized versions. These multi-purpose brushes ensure the flawless application of eye shadow, brow powder, eye liner, eye creme, concealer, blush, powder and bronzer. The compact tote bag enables easy and safe transportation. Powder / Blush Brush #21 (Racoon) Eye Colour Brush #22 (Sable) Brow / Liner Brush #23 (Sable) Fine Eye Liner Brush #25 (Sable) Eye Colour Blender #28 (Racoon) Eye Creme Brush #29 (3-Tone Taklon) 66 MAKE-UP KITS / BAGS / TOOLS MINI BRUSH SET BECCA’s Mini Brush Set is the ultimate must-have for flawless beauty at home or on the go. With five professional grade synthetic brushes (three double-ended and two single-ended), this portable brown nylon zippered case contains all the tools needed to achieve an expert finish! * Powder/Blush Brush * Brow/Liner Brush Duo * Foundation/Multi-Use Brush * Eye Shadow/Smudge Brush Duo * Lip/Concealer Brush Duo MAKE-UP KITS / BAGS / TOOLS DELUXE TRAVEL TOILETRY BAG Function and high style merge with this Deluxe Travel Toiletry Bag. Featuring chic silver studded handles, conveniently transporting your makeup, skincare, hair and body products has never been easier. With three large zippered compartments, the possibilities are endless. The front side of the bag contains three plastic open-top pockets and two mesh zippered compartments. The middle section of the bag is ideal for storing creams, gels or liquid items as its lining is comprised of water-resistant plastic; three elastic holders are included for securing bottles and other loose items. The backside of the bag reveals a built in makeup brush organizer and elastic holders to secure lip gloss, mascara, and makeup pencils; it also contains one zippered pocket and two snap closure clear PVC pockets. PRODUCT BENEFITS: * Exterior is crafted of an easy-clean brown nylon * Zip closures with leather pullers run around three sides of the bag enabling it to open completely flat * Embossed with a leather BECCA logo nameplate on the side front * Handles are embellished with a leather tassel * Features three zippered compartments * Bag zips flat for storage and transport * Soft-Sided Construction * Wipes clean with a damp cloth * Measures 20" long x 13.75" wide when open, and 9.75" tall x 13.75" wide when zippered shut PROFESSIONAL BRUSH SOAP PROFESSIONAL BRUSH SOAP 40g Designed with your prized makeup brushes in mind, this unique Professional Brush Soap is formulated to clean, condition and sanitize, lengthening the lifespan of your brushes and making them work better for you. In a unique vintage-style shaving tin, this soap is designed for all brush shapes and sizes and works on both natural and synthetic fibers. Unlike shampoo, which is designed for human hair types and can leave brushes limp or brittle, this special soap is universal in its cleansing properties. Its solid formula is made from nourishing plant oils ensuring that it is gentle on brush fibers while tough on product build-up. Unwashed, brushes can be a common breeding ground for bacteria, which can in turn cause skin irritation and blemishes, along with reduced application performance. Dip the brush in lukewarm water, then with a stroking action, move across the soap until it produces a white lather, working well into the bristles. Rinse under the tap until the water runs clear, squeeze out excess water, reshape, then leave to dry on a clean towel. PRODUCT BENEFITS * Effective cleansing ingredients remove all traces of make-up, leaving brushes fresh and looking like new * Unique formula ensures gentle yet thorough cleansing of both natural and synthetic brushes * Plant oils nourish brush hairs for a soft application * Vintage soap-tin packaging to stylishly house soap Ingredients: Sodium Palmate, Sodium Palm Kernelate, Aqua (Water), Sucrose Cocoate, Glycerin, Sodium Chloride, Parfum (Fragrance). 67 HIGH-TECH PRECISION TWEEZERS HIGH-TECH PRECISION TWEEZERS A collaboration in precision; BECCA has joined forces with the Swiss masters of product design - Rubis - to bring you the Rolls Royce of all tweezers. Ergonomically elegant, industrial yet refined, these High-Tech Precision Tweezers have re-thought the wheel in their craftsmanship, and painful plucking is now a thing of the past. Engineered to remove even the shortest hairs without nipping the skin, the durable, matte-finish polymer tips provide the highest stability performance tool on the market. Award-winning workmanship sees each set individually crafted, inspected and tested for a once-in-a-lifetime investment piece. PRODUCT BENEFITS * Offers true precision with perfect alignment, ideal span and ergonomically correct balance. * A matte finish ensures a no-slip grip. * Engineered to remove the finest and shortest hair. * Each set of tweezers is individually crafted, inspected, and tested for optimal performance passing through as many as 45 work stages by hand at the point of manufacture. Created by Rubis for BECCA (Rubis is a Swiss brand synonymous with quality and trendsetting cosmetic implements). These innovative tweezers have been awarded the Materialica Design Award at the “World of Product Engineering” in Hanover, Germany. ‘These new generation tweezers are incredibly precise yet gentle on the skin – absolutely the finest tweezers I have ever used!’ Rebecca Morrice Williams – Founder, BECCA ANTI-BACTERIAL SHARPENERS ANTI-BACTERIAL PENCIL SHARPENER - JUMBO BECCA Anti-Bacterial Pencil Sharpener features a double blade system to professionally sharpen jumbo-sized, dual-ended lip and eye pencils to a rounded or pointed tip. PRODUCT BENEFITS * The metal blade hardware is treated with a special silver and zinc based anti-bacterial additive to sanitize pencils with every twist * Contains two holes for creating rounded or pointed pencil tips * The hinged cover catches pencil shavings for mess-free sharpening * A cleaning wand is included for safe and easy clean-up * Anti-bacterial additive effective for two years after first use * Suitable for 8mm diameter pencils ANTI-BACTERIAL PENCIL SHARPENER - SLIM BECCA Anti-Bacterial Sharpener features a double blade system to professionally sharpen slim, dual-ended lip and eye pencils to a rounded or pointed tip. PRODUCT BENEFITS * The metal blade hardware is treated with a special silver and zinc based anti-bacterial additive to sanitize pencils with every twist * Contains an internal mechanism for creating rounded or pointed pencil tips * The hinged cover catches pencil shavings for mess-free sharpening * A cleaning wand is included for safe and easy clean-up * Anti-bacterial additive effective for two years after first use * Suitable for 4mm diameter pencils 69 STORAGE INFORMATION GENERAL STORAGE INFORMATION Make-up is best stored between 20-25C (68-77F), and in low humidity. To avoid make-up melting or “sweating” it should not be left in places that can get very hot (parked car or near a sunny window). Some creme products (especially Creme Blushes, Creme Eye Colours) are prone to “sweating” in high humidity. This is natural. As the product absorbs moisture from the air, the oil “floats” to the surface. [BECCA does not use chemical binders to stop this]. It does not affect the product, or its usage, and will disappear when the humidity drops. BEST BEFORE DATES For optimal safety/hygiene and product effectiveness, BECCA recommend the following usage under normal conditions: * Eye and lip products: Use within 6 months of opening. * Water-based Foundations, Moisturisers, Primers, Gels: Use within 9 months of opening. * Powders, Blushes, Bronzers, Oil-based Foundations, Concealers: Use within 15-18 months of opening. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS DOES BECCA TEST ON ANIMALS? No. BECCA test its products comprehensively in human clinical trials. All trials are conducted on paid volunteers and neither BECCA nor any company contracted to BECCA conducts tests on animals. DO ANY BECCA PROCUCTS CONTAIN MINERAL OIL? Yes. Certain BECCA products are specially formulated to contain pharmaceutical-grade mineral oil. This ingredient provides excellent coverage, allowing the product to sit “on” the skin rather than being absorbed into it (which frequently leads to irritation and pore-clogging). A lot of inaccurate and incorrect information has been put out by “natural” Cosmetic Companies regarding mineral oil. Mineral oil is as natural as any other naturally derived ingredient and is one of the safest, non-irritating, non-pore clogging and non-allergenic ingredients. Consider why Vaseline, baby oil, and aqueous creams all contain mineral oil and yet are designed for use on a baby’s ultra-sensitive skin. There is clearly no truth in the marketing claims. DO BECCA PRODUCTS CONTAIN IRRITATING PLANT EXTRACTS, ESSENTIAL OILS OR ALCOHOLS? No. BECCA products do not contain any of the irritating oils such as menthol, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon, orange, grapefruit etc. The only plant-derived oils used in formulating BECCA products are castor oil and avocado oil, both of which are beneficial to the skin. BECCA products do not contain any of the problematic alcohols such as SD alcohol, ethyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol or grain alcohol. We are careful to ensure that the only form of alcohol in BECCA products is cetyl or cetearyl alcohol. This is an emollient, fatty alcohol derived naturally or synthetically from coconut and is neither an irritant nor comedogenic (poreclogging). ARE ANY OF THE BECCA PRODUCTS COMEDOGENIC (PORE-CLOGGING)? BECCA products are carefully formulated and then dermatologically and clinically tested to be non-comedogenic. Unfortunately it is not possible to guarantee that every ingredient will be non-pore-clogging for every individual. The way the product sits on the skin, the size of the pores, and skin temperature are all variables determining the comedogenic effect. As a general rule, it is the thickness and heaviness of a creme (rather than if it just ‘feels’ greasy) that make it comedogenic. Plant oils containing fatty (saturated) acids have been known to clog pores. We have formulated BECCA moisturisers and foundations to be light-weight, and we do not use any fatty acid plant oils. BECCA products are multi-purpose and this eliminates the need for additional layers of potentially pore-clogging moisturiser and sunscreen. ARE BECCA PRODUCTS ALL NATURAL? BECCA does not claim to be “all natural” and believes this claim to be a mis-leading marketing ploy. Nor do we believe that natural is necessarily better; for example think how many people are allergic to certain foods, certain plants, pollens, suffer hay-fever etc. Products using plant extracts / plant oils need higher levels of preservatives than mineral oils (imagine what a bowl of salad would look like if it was left in your fridge for three months). Many are known to irritate and cause breakouts and allergic reactions. Further, the methods used to extract some of these oils (solvent extraction using hexane, a known carcinogen) are not at all “natural”. IS THE SUNSCREEN IN BECCA PRODUCTS CHEMICAL OR ORGANIC? IS THE SUNSCREEN EFFECTIVE FOR BOTH UVA AND UVB RAYS? BECCA uses both organic and chemical sunscreens. Organic sunscreen (Titanium Dioxide) provides a physical reflective block. Chemical sunscreens such as Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane (sometimes called Avobenzone), Homosalate and Oxtyl Methoxycinnamate work by absorbing harmful 71 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS rays. These extremely effective ingredients work synergistically to provide broad-spectrum protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Oily skins should first use BECCA Mattifying Primer and set with Fine Loose Finishing Powder for the best result. years have made the pebble smooth, so too does the high-speed air blast, resulting in incredibly smooth particles. Note: Despite the fact that some people may be concerned about chemical sunscreens, we believe that the proven effectiveness of these ingredients in protecting against skin cancer and premature aging, far out weigh any un-proven potential risks. Very oily skins can forego the use of moisturiser and use BECCA Stick Foundation directly onto the skin or over Mattifying Primer. The effect is immediately illustrated when you apply the powder. It is luxuriously smooth and travels beautifully across the skin. Imagine trying to spread a pile of jagged rocks across the ground. Then consider if those rocks were all shaped like marbles. The coverage is perfectly uniform with even the thinnest layer being just one particle thick. It is this ultra-thin and flexible layer of perfect coverage that gives BECCA its weightless feel on the skin. I AM CONCERNED I MAY BE ALLERGIC TO PRODUCTS WITH SUNSCREEN. CAN I USE BECCA? Some people do react to certain sunscreens. In some cases, this is simply because the sunscreen ingredient has actually penetrated the skin and acts as a very small “splinter”, thus causing irritation. BECCA is careful to ensure that the organic sunscreen particles are not milled too small, thus substantially minimising any risk of the particle penetrating the skin. If you have concerns or are prone to allergy, we recommend you trying a sample of the product overnight on your wrist or arm. ARE BECCA FOUNDATIONS WITH SPF GOOD FOR OILY SKINS? BECCA Luminous Skin Colour (Sheer Make-up SPF20+) would be suitable for slightly oily skins but is better suited to normal / dry skins. WHAT IS DIFFERENT ABOUT BECCA PIGMENTS AND POWDERS? There are many reasons why BECCA pigments and powders are different – their pharmaceutical grade, their origin etc, however the major difference is in the way the powders have been milled. Milling is the process whereby the pigment (which is a rock-like powder extracted from the earth) or powder (which is usually derived from small particles of talc or modified rice starch) are crushed or ground into fine particles. Normally this is done by crushing the product between rollers, not unlike using a pestle and mortar. BECCA uses a different process, which we call air-micronisation, or air micro-milling. To our knowledge, BECCA is one of only few companies in the world doing this. In the normal milling process the edges of the particles, when viewed under a microscope, are rough and irregular. BECCA uses a continuous, very high speed blast of air to erode the particles down to size. Instead of the particle looking like a crushed rock it looks like a very smooth, round, river pebble. Just as millions of WHAT ABOUT THE TALC IN BECCA POWDERS? There is no known health risk with talc in makeup. The concern (if any) is only when it is used around the genitals. Even so, generations of children have grown up with Johnson’s Baby Powder, used daily on very sensitive skin. WHAT ABOUT THE FRAGRANCE IN BECCA PRODUCTS? The fragrance is listed as the last ingredient in all BECCA products, it is used in such small amounts that it is unlikely to cause irritation. In such small quantities it is no more likely to cause irritation than having flowers in a room. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS7 BECCA LOOSE POWDER vs PRESSED POWDER - WHICH SHOULD I CHOOSE Use BECCA Fine Loose Finishing Powder as the final step to set make-up. This product should ideally remain in your bathroom. The BECCA Fine Pressed Powder is designed for portable touch-ups to reduce shine in the t-zone. I DON’T LIKE THE UN-NATURAL LOOK OF POWDER, I WOULD RATHER A DEWY LOOK. MUST I USE BECCA POWDER? BECCA stresses the use of Fine Loose Finishing Powder. This powder actually makes your foundation and skin look more natural as well as keeping make-up on all day. A dewy look is absolutely possible, as the powder allows the natural oils of your skin to lightly shine through within half an hour of application. If you want the dewy look immediately, apply a little BECCA Shimmering Skin Perfector over the powder on areas you wish to highlight, or spray the face with a fine water-spray. ISN’T TRANSLUCENT POWDER MORE NATURAL THAN POWDER WITH COLOUR? No. Translucent powder looks pale and chalky, whereas pigmented powders like BECCA Fine Loose Finishing Powder look much more natural on the skin. WHEN SHOULD YOU APPLY BECCA CONCEALER? BEFORE OR AFTER FOUNDATION? Concealer Brush 17, 32, or 33 to any blemishes that are still visible. Finally, set with BECCA Fine Loose Finishing Powder. BECCA Compact Concealer should always be applied after Foundation to those areas of the face that require more coverage. For best results use Concealer Brush 17, 32 or 33 for precise application to the blemish and blend with fingertips. WHEN SHOULD I USE CREAM OR POWDER BLUSH? Applying foundation over Compact Concealer only serves to wipe it off or dilute it. Other companies with limited concealer colours may recommend applying foundation over the top, to help disguise the colour mis-match. Due to the extensive colour range of BECCA Compact Concealer, finding the right match is easy, and thus there is no need to apply foundation over concealer. WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO PROVIDE MAXIMUM COVERAGE BUT STILL APPEAR NATURAL? With BECCA’s extensive colour range and exclusive pigment technology, skin can still look natural, even when maximum-coverage concealer is applied. Most women look better with a little natural colour on the ‘apples’ of the cheeks. Apply Creme Blush after Foundation and Concealer but prior to the application of Fine Loose Finishing Powder. Very oily skins may prefer to use a Powder Blush (or BECCA Pressed Shimmer Powder in Gypsy, Nefertiti, Angel or Princess) instead of a Creme Blush. WHAT INGREDIENT MAKES THE SHIMMERING PRODUCTS SHIMMER? IS IT SOME SORT OF GLASS OR METAL? No, these products use an ingredient called Mica. Mica is a natural and safe plate-shaped reflective crystal extracted from the earth. It is often found in water in mountain streams, giving that “sparkling” effect. Begin by using the sheerest foundation (BECCA Luminous Skin Colour) then build with BECCA Stick Foundation to those areas where more coverage is required. Apply BECCA Compact Concealer (in Medium and Extra-cover) with 73 BECCA is available from the world’s most exclusive retailers Visit beccacosmetics.com for more information Copyright © BECCA.