Read Inside - FUMC Waxahachie


Read Inside - FUMC Waxahachie
MAY 2013
Read Inside:
• Pentecost Sunday Special Guests: Spirited
• A Great Day of Joining
• Worship Outside the Walls Stories
• Kids Against Hunger Efforts Feed Over 180,000
• Teen Challenge to Visit FUMC
...and more!
FUMC hosts:
First United Methodist Church
Waxahachie is hosting daily
columnist and humorist
Jonathan Richard Cring and
artist and musician Janet
Clazzy during their 2013
Tour: "Finding a Message in
a World aTwitter," which includes comedic and inspirational essays from Mr. Cring’s national
daily column at and original musical tunes played by Ms. Clazzy on the
oboe and WX-5 Wind Machine. Together, they form the duo, "Spirited".
Spirited will be our special guests on Pentecost Sunday, May 19, 2013
bringing music, humor and a special message in both the early traditional
worship service at 8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary and in the combined 11:00 a.m.
worship service in the Family Life Center. We will celebrate
A Great Day of Joining and our Confirmands in the 11:00 service.
Spirited has just finished a 297-day tour of the country to 30 states with 249 appearances while traveling 25,000 miles, to audiences
who often come out to the event not knowing quite what to expect, but always leaving exhorted. As one lady put it, “feeling lit and fit
and ready to go.” Mr. Cring shares, “The program is a non-stop, inter-generational explosion.”
Great Day of Joining – Pentecost Sunday, May 19th - 11:00 a.m. Family Life Center.
What better day to join the church than on Pentecost!! The Bible says, “So those who received his word were baptized, and there were
added that day about three thousand souls. And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of
bread and the prayers… And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” (NRS Acts 2: 41,42,47b)
Our Confirmation Class will be joining the church and we hope, if you’re not a member yet, you will too. This is your chance to blend
in with others who have decided to join our church but just haven’t taken the step. If you would, just call the church office and let us
know of your intention to join, then come up when the group is called. No muss… no fuss. Just follow the Holy Spirit as it brings you
into a new relationship with Jesus Christ through FUMC. -Rev. Jerry Galloway
Pentecost Sunday at FUMC Celebrates:
• The birthday of First United Methodist Church
• Our confirmation class to join the church
• A Great Day of Joining
Please wear red to celebrate the Day of Pentecost with us!
Traditional Service at 8:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary in the Main Building
Praise Team will host a combined 11:00 a.m. Service in the Family Life Center
Visit for more information
Worship Outside the Walls Sunday on April 14th was dedicated to going outside
our church to serve our community through various service projects and
worshiping with those who are homebound or reside in an assisted living center.
What a wonderful day of worship we had together!
Luke 8:16-17: “No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a
bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed
that will not be known or brought out into the open.” “When I read this verse of
my devotion today. It made me think of how our great day of worship was a light
that we shared with many. I was so very blessed by the time with my church
family and how I saw God in our service to others. Thank you all so much for
help in planning and sharing this day." -Beverly Robinson
When the light of the truth about Jesus illuminates us, it is our duty to shine
that light to help others. Our witness for Christ should be public, not hidden. We
should not keep the benefits for ourselves alone but pass them on to others. In
order to be helpful, we need to be well placed. Seek opportunities.
“One of our 1st graders summed up the whole meaning of WOW for me in Disciple Children's Choir rehearsal on our
WOW Sunday afternoon. As we ended our choir time lifting up our joys and concerns, Sarah Barker simply said, "Can we
pray for all the people we helped this morning at WOW?" And of course we did. We all discussed how we served. We
helped in serving communion and worship. Some of us worked at Hope clinic, a few of us painted and made bottles at
the Women's Resource Center and made cards for Neighbor Helping Neighbor. We all discovered that we were even able
to help many people that we might not ever meet. What is so special is that God knows them and now we are connected
through our service. Sarah was able to put the whole meaning of WOW into that one question. When we serve in the
name of Christ our hearts and minds are transformed. We become the hands and feet of Christ even for those we will never
know and yet now we are forever connected through Jesus. Now that is a WOW moment! -Val Stewart
“I went to the Loveless' and the Caldwells and was touched that some of the family of the couple we are visiting had come
to join the worship. All were kind and gracious and seemed to truly be thankful we were there. The group from the church
of course, were the ones who were blessed.” –Beth Whittington
"Sunday was a huge success from the breakfast to the worship team experiences. It was real special for me because my
grandson, Patrick, helped Susan Howard and myself serve communion. What a blessing that was!!" -Jackie Wray
The Trustees report that a generous matching gift of
$2000. has been offered for the installation of three
T.V. monitors (and necessary equipment) to be
placed in strategic places in the main building to
provide internet access and video advertising. This
amount will also cover the installation of, not only
these monitors but a new and more advance telephone system for the staff offices.
There are two things we need:
Improvement Project
1) Raise the remaining $2000. for the project. The
benefactor has asked that the funds come from the
members and not out of the budget.
2) We need cabinets built around the Flat Screen
T.Vs that can provide security for the other equipment that is needed. If you, or someone you know
has the skills and equipment for building these
cabinets please contact Linda or Cathy in the
church office. The project has been approved and
hopefully you will be seeing the results soon.
Please pray about giving your gifts.
Last month, the Administrative Board, at the
recommendation of the Finance Committee, voted
to rename the Scholarship fund at FUMCWAX after
our recently deceased and dearly loved Lorine
Kirkpatrick. It was her dedication to education that
inspired the recommendation. We miss her
greatly, but her memory will live on by our witness
in funding the education of our children and young
people. Please pray about giving a lasting gift in
her name.
HVAC Project
Goal: 400,000
Please visit:
for more information to give to this project
The Family Life Center at FUMC was converted into a manufacturing facility on Saturday, April 27th
as approximately 300 volunteers gathered to package meals for the Kids Against Hunger Project.
Thank you to all in our church and community who came out and gave to make the Kids Against
Hunger Project a big success. Together, we helped prevent starvation
in our community and around the world.
The Mission Committe of FUMC has two
open opportunities for any church member
who feels called and able to serve our
1). Lead an Adult Mission Trip - We are looking for
someone who can take the lead and plan an adult
mission trip for the adults of First United Methodist
Church of Waxahachie. This mission trip would be
open and available to all. Do you have connections? Feel called? Have Ideas? The ability to lead a
2) Lead and Plan a Mission Garage Sale - Every
year the mission committee holds a large garage
sale in the Family Life Center. Donations are asked
from everyone and all. The funds raised go to our
mission fund at FUMC to help fund missions.
Nancy Fenton has done a wonderful job in the past
taking leadership of this event and ministry. She is
unable to do it this year and the mission committee
has opened up this opportunity of leadership to
anyone who feels able and willing to take on this
If you are interested in any of these two opportunities, please contact David Linguist at or call Cathy To at the
church office. Thank you!
waxahachie care
Macaroni and cheese and small jars of jelly are the
items we are collecting for our local food pantry,
Waxahachie Care this month. You may place your
items by the Fidelis Hall in the designated box.
Thank you Church Family for supporting this ministry.
box tops
Please continue to bring Box Tops for Education
and Campbell Soup Labels to the Church. You may
place them in the brown envelope on the Mission
Board. Thank you for supporting this mission!
A Note from Reverend Allen Grant:
(FUMC – Red Oak)
Through all of my years of ministry I have heard
many lay people ask for specific courses on leadership development. In any job or industry, continuing education is required and yet in the church we
often assume the position that once a person demonstrates leadership then they don’t need anything
else at all. We give them a job and that becomes
their on-the-job training. Yet most have told me
that is not enough.
The United Methodist Church has developed a
new system of training leaders. It is the successor to
the Lay Speaker program and is designed for all lay
persons who are leaders in the church. It is called
Lay Servant Ministry. There are several courses
already developed and more on the way.
The courses all begin with the Basic Course for
Lay Servant Ministry. After that there are 5 core
courses and additional courses that will be available. You now have an opportunity each year to
dedicate 10 hours of your time to learning more
about how to be a leader in the church.
First United Methodist of Red Oak will offer
Basic Lay Servant Ministry training on May 11 and
18 (six hours on May 11 and 4 hours on May 18).
The cost is $15 per course for the materials. We
will also offer the advanced course on prayer,
“Leading in Prayer.”
Note: The Certified Lay Speaker ministry does
not exist any longer and none of those original
courses will qualify for Lay Servant Ministry. Each
previous Local Church Lay Speaker or Certified Lay
Speaker must take these new courses to be
Please send your registration to Sherry Doty at P.O.
Box 25 Red Oak, Texas or email to Please make your check out to
FUMC Red Oak for $15.00.
You may find registration forms online at
Teen Challenge to visit FUMC Sunday, June 9th
“Helping people become mentally-sound, emotionally-balanced,
socially-adjusted, physically-well, and spiritually-alive.”
FUMC is excited to announce that a group of ladies from Teen Challege Texas will be our special
guests in worship services on Sunday, June 9th. They will be here to share their testimonies and the
mission of Teen Challenge. Special fundraising items will be available for purchase to support Teen
Teen Challenge USA is a nationwide ministry serving adults and teens whose lives have been affected by drugs
and alcohol. Their 237 Christ-centered programs offer help to over five thousand individuals every month.
Teen Challenge’s residential centers focus on bringing people out of addiction through a year-long program
that emphasizes discipleship and freedom through Jesus Christ. In addition, Teen Challenge provides a variety
of evangelistic outreaches; in 2012 alone, these resulted in over 1.8 million connections in communities across
the country. Since beginning in 1958, the ministry of Teen Challenge has now expanded around the world to
include 1,180 ministry points in ninety-three countries. With nearly 22 million Americans suffering from
addiction, Teen Challenge offers hope and healing to those in need.
New Sunday School Class
STER (Scripture, Tradition, Experience and Reason – John Wesley’s Quadrilateral)
Open to adults of all ages. Currently meeting in the Parlor (watch for new location soon). This class is taught by Charlie
Smith and coordinated by Betsy Engelbrechtsen. All are invited!! Come join us this Sunday!
FUMC Thanks
Dear FUMC Friends, Thank you so much for your WOW service last Sunday at First Look. You accomplished the tasks so
well. It’s always a big help to have baby bottles prepared for Change for Life. The donation and store windows look great.
And it’s always a joy to have the children help. That’s an extra special blessing! God Bless you, Donna Young
Dear Rev. Galloway and First United Methodist Members, Thank you so much for your contribution toward Healing
Hearts Center’s Gala & Aucation Dinner. Our event was a success because of you. May God richly bless you for your
generosity! With Gratitude, Healing Hearts Center Board
To my Church Familiy: Thank you for the prayers, cards and calls I have receieved after the loss of my daughter, Joeann
Smith -Ruth Adair
New Prayer Requests this Month:
Jackie Byrne Family, Jan Baldwin
Family, Melvin Loveless Family, Heidi
Stoeffer Family, D.D. Hobbs, Tudy
Trugillo, Tom Brayden, Iris Johnson,
Jeff Donguard and Jane McLure
(friends of Linda Cole), Phil Caldwell,
Elanor Raze (Ed Gibson’s Godmother,
Johnney Brothers (Joy Denny’s
brother), Lois Berggren (Priscilla
Parker’s mother), George Weatherly,
Fred Harrington, Patsy Patton, Charles
Johnston, Zach Baugh
Please continue to pray for our
homebound/shut-in friends and family
If you have additional prayer requests
or concerns, please don’t hesitate to
let FUMC as a church family know in
order that may pray for you. A new list
is composed each month. Send your
requests to
Cathy To:
Military: Lt. Sean Ellis (Army Signal
Corps, Fort Drum, NY), Capt. James
Robinson Helicopter Pilot (US Army,
Afghanistan), Spec. Darrell Fisher (US
Army, Africa), Lt. Quinn Baskin (U.S.
Navy), 1st Lt. Rush Baskin (USMC),
SSgt. Matthew Dickson (U.S. Army,
Fort Sill, OK), Carson Bell, Lee Bell,
Spec. Justin Bullock, (US Army in
Iraq), Aaron Howard (U.S. Navy), Col.
Von Pigg, and Hunter Bevill (Iraq),
Rachel & Robbie Neal (Ft. Bliss)
APRIL Birthdays
05/01: Andrew Smith, Chelsea Reid,
05/02: Stephen Smith, Jordan Garrett, Jordan
Fay, Landon Nicholson
05/03: Scott Six, Patrick Davidson
05/04: Dennis Hall, Ron Siebert, Lisa Brown,
Christopher Blum, Katie Ward
05/05: Margie Wright, Taylor Hinds
05/06: Bettie Johnston, Kaily Yates, Austin Reed
05/07: Drew Fehler, Sam Linguist,
Hannah Loveless, Cheri Strouse, Fred
Harrington, Judy Williams, Nella Wicker
05/09: Shirley Martin, Charles Harris
05/10: Christine Bentley, Carolynn Van
05/11: Michelle Drumm, Ingrid Cooper,
Janet Thornhill,
05/12: Connor Linguist, Tiffani Siebert,
Bill Walker, Jimmy Spitzer
05/13: Morgan Reed, Brian Simmons, Jan
05/14: Coyt Pennock, Callie Vineyard,
Kevin Kosoris, Andy Berning
05/15: Tracy Stevenson, Wanda Barron
05/16: Richard Braucher, Robert Roye,
Kayla Hester, Emily Young, Brad Harlin
05/17: John Clifton
05/18: Ken Payne, LaVerne Lewis, Sara
Williams, Junior Bryant
05/19: Monica Moren, Hannah Hayes
05/20: Kasey Kahler, Aiden Reed
05/21: Loretta Harper, Michael Williams
05/22: Susan Hastings, Amy Wayt
05/23: Ronald Garrett, Jackie Wray, Carey
05/24: Jackie Kahler, Louis Brown, Jeff
Reed, Caroline Montgomery, Campbell
Sullivan, Natalie Auvenshine
05/25: Zachery Baugh
05/26: Trenton Harlin, Thomas Caton,
Jane Vineyard
05/27: Will Clark
05/28: Stephanie Little, Diane Miller,
Steve Tunnell III, Laurie Todd
05/29: Reese Bartos, Nicolette Burns,
Kristin Herrin, Breanne Garrett, Kristi
Wright, Bettye Sharp
05/30: Cole Jones, Hannah Clifton,
Stephanie Brown, Graham Sparrow,
Debra Nelson
05/31: Bekah Roebuck, Susan Kinney,
Trenton Cooper, Earlane Simpson
Congratulations to Chad and
Mary Atwood on the birth of
their twins: Henry and Hudson
Geneva Clark: Robert
Ballheim, Sue Brown & Pat
Kline, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin
John Bellamy: Ronald &
Judie Boothe
Dorothy Crawford: Ruth &
Joe Almand, Dee Andrews,
Jamie & Judy Borders, Joel &
Sammy Borders, Deana
Wilson Evans, Lou Anne
Carroll, Edwin & Carol
Farrar, William & Daven
Harp, Mr. & Mrs. Melvin
Loveless, Fred & Olivia
Harrington, Tom C. Morris,
Mr. & Mrs. Riley Marchman,
Carole Wilkinson, Lucille
Bellamy, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. C.
Pitts Jr., Robert Ruckman,
T.H.E. Book Club, Dave
Borders, Dan & Mary Jane
Henry, Glinda L. Wade, Tom
& Judith Borders, Mr. & Mrs.
Justin Wakeland, Susan Cutts
Royce Hudgins: Alan &
Sharon Loosier
Assisted living
Keith Murray (313)
Buffalo Creek
Wanda Barron (119)
Pat Bond (140)
Wanda Chiles
Barbara Hays (127)
Ennis Care Center
Betty Cameron (109A)
Laurenwood Nursing Home
Alline Bosh (140)
Park Manor
Angela Hanson (311A)
Pleasant Manor
Joan Hines
Iris Johnson
Harley Clark
Trinity Mission, Italy
Laverne Lewis
Upcoming Dates to Remember
Saturday, May 18: Shred-It Fundraiser | 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (FUMC Parking Lot)
• More information:
Sunday, May 19: PENTECOST SUNDAY| Special Guests: “Spirited”
8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship Service (Sanctuary) and Combined 11:00 a.m. Worship Service
(Family Life Center) • More information at:
Sunday May 19: Great Day of Joining | Celebration of the Confirmands to Join
Combined 11:00 a.m. Worship Service (Family Life Center)
• More information at:
Greeting to all Graduating Seniors and Family!
We are so very proud of you and would like to celebrate you on Graduating Senior Sunday during the
Awakening Contemporary 11 a.m. service in the Family Life Center. At this service there will be a recognition of all First United Methodist Church seniors who will be graduating this year. A breakfast in your
honor will also be provided that morning. For the celebration, we ask that all seniors be at the church by
10 a.m. in the Foundation Room for breakfast. A presentation of the Lorene Kirkpatrick Scholarship to the
recipient for 2013 will also be presented. If you are a graduating senior, we encourage you to apply for
this available scholarship. You may download the scholarship and senior packet at
Contact Shannon Poarch for more information and RSVP.
• More information at
We will be having a time of celebration for the Methodist Children’s Home of Waxahachie. June will be
there last month here at the Waxahachie Methodist Home, as this location will be closing. First United
Methodist Church has been their church family for many years and we want to show them our support by
sending them off as they continue their life journey. We will be having a special lunch for them on June 2,
2013 following the Senior Graduation Sunday service in the FLC at noon. As a church family we desire to
give them one more First United Methodist home cooked meal. We are asking everyone to bring 2 covered dishes. One can be a casserole and the other a side dish or a dessert or meat tray. Please contact
Shannon Poarch ( for any questions and RSVP by May 29.
• More information at
Sunday, June 9: Teen Challenge Visits FUMC (Worship Services TBA)
June 16-22 Youth Mission Trip |
Adult leaders are needed.
June 24-27 Vacation Bible School |
Summer Camp: Glenlake |
First United Methodist Church Waxahachie
505 W. Marvin Ave.
Waxahachie, TX 75165
Non Profit
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