The Messenger - First United Methodist Church, Whitewater


The Messenger - First United Methodist Church, Whitewater
The Messenger
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The Messenger
December 2014
Whitewater Area Regional Ministry - WARM
Volume 9, Issue 12
WARM Christmas Eve Services
Special points of
Christmas Eve
Christmas Musical
Birthdays &
Salvation Army Bell
Youth Group
A very WARM Christmas Eve for Everyone!!
All are invited to each of these services!
First United Methodist Church - 4 pm, a Candlelight Family
Christmas Celebration. The children of our church will share their
gifts. We will hear and sing the songs of the season.
Richmond United Methodist Church - 6 pm, Christmas in the
Country. A candlelight service for all to enjoy.
First United Methodist Church - 7 pm, a Candlelight Traditional
Christmas Service. Come and hear a message of joy and grace as
we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior! The Chancel Choir
will be sharing their musical gifts.
Inside this issue:
Christmas Joy
Children’s Ministry
Prime Time
Children’s Musical
LaGrange United Methodist Church - 8 pm, come and enjoy a
service of Lessons and Carols!
First United Methodist Church - 11 pm, come to a Traditional
Service of Lessons and Carols and enjoy the musical ministry of
the Praise Team. The service will be filled with scripture, carols
and candles as we sing the “Silent Night” when Christ was born.
The Messenger
Page 2
Helping Hands, Giving Hearts
All three churches of the Whitewater
Area Regional Ministry are again
participating in the purchase of gifts for
children of needy area families. Some of
these families are associated with Bethel
House, either current residents or postinhabitants who still could use a little bit of
help during this Holiday season.
Name tags are now available in
Fellowship Hall at First UMC, from Dawn
Mathews at LaGrange UMC, and in
Fellowship Hall at Richmond UMC. Along
with the tags will be a sign-up sheet.
Please sign up next to the number on your
gift tag. This will help us keep track and
make sure the children’s gifts are fairly
Please purchase for the child listed
on the tag. In some cases I’ve passed on
ideas of the child’s particular interests. (I
have found this particularly helpful when
shopping for someone I don’t know.)
Some of the gift tags list specific food
items. It is our intention that each child will
Toys for Kids
submitted by Dawn Mathews
receive a gift of clothing and some type of
toy. Two people may be shopping for the
same child. Also, each family will receive
boxes of “kid-friendly” food items. Gifts
should be wrapped and returned to
LaGrange UMC or the Church Office by
December 14. Please tag the gifts. You
do not need to wrap the food items. The
LaGrange youth will be helping with the
gift deliveries and the assembly of holiday
treat bags for each child.
Monetary gifts
are also welcome
and will be used
toward food
certificates. These
should be turned in
by December 10.
Please call
me at
262.495.2478 with
any questions.
submitted by Duane Dickens
First UMC will participate in the
Whitewater Optimist Club/Food Pantry
Toys for Kids program. Last year the
Optimist Club provided toys for over 300
kids through the Whitewater Food Pantry.
Please take a tag off the board in
Fellowship Hall and purchase an item for
that child. We suggest a maximum of $25
per gift so we can keep all things equal.
We need the family number and the
child’s first name on the tag attached
securely to the gift-wrapped package,
Gifts must be returned to First Church
no later than Sunday, December 14.
They will be distributed to the families
before Christmas by the Whitewater Food
If you have any questions, please
contact Duane Dickens, 262.473.2761.
The Messenger
Christmas Joy
Again the month of
December promises to be
exciting and spirit-filled at
First United Methodist
Church. Please come and
worship on these special
Sunday, December 7:
On this second Sunday of
Advent we will again have
the Advent Ensemble
playing for worship. This is a
group of five instrumentalists
playing violin, flute, guitar,
cello, and hammered
dulcimer. They will play a
variety of Advent/Christmas
songs from different eras
and places. We will also
remember Christ’s birth and
sacrifice as we take
Sunday, December 14:
On this third Sunday of
Advent the Whitewater Area
Regional Ministry Choir and
friends will be presenting the
Christmas Oratorio
(Oratorio de Noël, Opus
12) by Camille Saint-Saëns
at the 10 am worship service
and again at 4 pm.
submitted by Jim Athas
Considered one of the
most beautiful Christmas
works ever written and
premiered on Christmas
1858, Saint-Saëns
composed it in 10 days at
the age of 23! It will fill hearts
with lyrical melodies and
powerful chords. The UWWhitewater Chancellor’s
String Quartet, harpist
Lauren Hayes, and organist
James Athas will accompany
this Romantic style oratorio.
The presentation features
numerous soloists: sopranos
Barb Taylor, Barb Athas and
Jessie Tuinstra; alto Katie
Fortney; tenors Drew
VanNorman and Craig
Engstrom; and baritone
Adam Taylor.
Sunday, December 21:
This last Sunday of
Advent will feature our
Praise Team as well as
some piano duets. Jim Athas
and his brother, David, will
do some Mannheim
Steamroller favorites. Our
Praise Team will be singing
some wonderful Christmas
songs, with accompaniment
Loose coins at FUMC
The Loose Coins of
December will bless many
of the unfortunate in our
community as they replenish
the Benevolence Fund and
make themselves useful,
with the guidance of the
church staff, for the needy
ones who come to our
Page 3
on flute, guitar, and dulcimer.
This will be a joyous service
that will lead us into
Christmas Eve.
Wednesday, December 24:
Our church will have
three services on Christmas
Eve. The 4 pm service is our
family service. We will have
children playing instruments,
with wonderful Christmas
carols. At 7 pm we will
feature a service of lessons
and carols, with music
provided by the Chancel
Choir and Lauren Hayes on
the harp. The 11 pm
Christmas Eve service will
be filled with scripture, carols
and candles, as we sing of
the “Silent Night,” when
Christ was born.
Please come to any or
ALL of these services.
Christmas spirit and songs
will joyfully enrich your
celebration of the season.
submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach
church door. Pray for all
those who need such
assistance as you donate
generously. Remember that
bills for the loose coin
offering need to be put in an
envelope and marked “loose
[Jesus said] “I tell you,
whenever you did this for
one of the least important of
these brothers of mine, you
did it for me!” Matthew 25:40
Your loose
coins will
bless many of
unfortunate in
The Messenger
Community Clothes Closet
“Brethren, do not be weary in welldoing.” 2 Thess 3:13. Paul’s words to the
Thessalonians are meant to encourage
us, too, for there are many ways we can
continue in well-doing this December.
Look for gift boards (one sponsored by
WARM and coordinated by Dawn
Mathews, and another sponsored by the
Optimist Club and coordinated by Duane
Dickens), and the mitten “treebox”!
Look for the box with the happy little tree,
and you will have the option of clipping
donations to the branches, as well as
putting them in the box. As donations
come in, they will be distributed to the
Clothes Closet.
Speaking of the Community Clothes
Closet, thank you, thank you for your
many donations. As of this writing, Kay
Robers reports that jackets, boots and
mittens are flowing out the door so fast
that there aren’t any left, so please keep
those donations coming! The Closet is
grateful to the congregation of Richmond
UMC, who donated the clothing and other
useful items they had left from their
rummage sale – there were many very
nice things. Thank you!
“The Nearly Naked 5K run is coming
soon!” Kay says. “The WHAT?”, I say.
She explains: “A clothing drive – or maybe
I should say an unclothing drive. The
runners come with many layers of
clothing, which they shed at donation
stations along the way. At the end, they
get a warm, fuzzy robe, and a medal. We
need lots of participants in the run, as well
Page 4
submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach
as volunteers to help at registration, take
care of donations, and welcome the
runners at the end of the run.” The run
will take place on December 7 at 11 am,
with registration at 10 am, starting and
ending at Randy’s Restaurant & Fun
Hunters Brewery. Let Kay know if you plan
to be a part of this fun event. Runners can
round up donations from friends and
neighbors, and then figure out how to
wear them all (and still plan to be wearing
a little something at the end). You don’t
have to be a runner to donate. Maybe
December 7 will be a warm day? Yeah,
WARM BLANKETS would be very
welcome! We can also warm a few hearts
during this Christmas season with some
gently used toys, dolls and games for our
Christmas shoppers. Do you have extra
Christmas decorations or a tree that you
aren’t using any more? Think Clothes
Closet! Remember that the Closet is open
on the first and third Saturdays from 8:30
to 11:30 am [as well as the preceding
Fridays from 4 to 5:30 pm until further
notice – due to increased donations (Yay!)
and growing needs (sadness)]. The
Community Clothes Closet is on the
second floor of The Congregational
U.C.C. Church.
In case of a clothing emergency, call
Kay Robers (262.379.0187).
Food Pantry
On the first Sunday of each month all
three churches of WARM have Food
Pantry day.
On those days, everyone is invited to
bring food pantry items that will be
donated to the local Whitewater Food
Pantry. The Food Pantry is always in need
of canned goods, fresh produce, baked
goods, dish soap, laundry soap and any
other cleaning products. Thank you for
your generous donations!
The Messenger
Children’s Ministry
Promise Point
A Month With Joseph
In Promise Point we
are learning that the Old
Testament is about God
gathering a people to
Himself. God continues to
teach us how to
enthusiastically love Him
and our neighbors and to
study what is right in God’s
eyes in order to more
faithfully follow Him. This
month we have focused on
the story of Joseph during
our Gathering time, our
game time, and in our
small group time. We
have learned that even in
the bleakest of times,
losing or being rejected by
family, being put in prison,
and being falsely accused,
God is present with us. He
works behind the scenes
to create His big picture
story and works in our
Page 5
submitted by Heidi Cook
hearts through His
message, causing us to
trust Him, to work and be a
leader in all situations, and
to finally celebrate with
Jesus at the end of our
It has been a joy to
see how God is fulfilling
his promise to Abraham
and Sarah to make their
children as numerous as
the stars (the children
often hold up a banner of
stars as they sing). We
have changed the words
of Shout to the North to
reflect on our stories as we
Kids of faith rise up and
Of the great and glorious
He is strong when you are
All His promises He’ll
Shout to the North and the
Sing to the East and the
Jesus is Savior to all.
He is Lord of Heaven and
Children of Abraham
The God of Jacob is with
On His ladder we will climb
Faith in Jesus is our
rhyme. (Chorus)
Joseph’s life was like our
His brothers were jealous
of Him.
God made Him rule and
feed us all.
Let Him reign in our
hearts. (Chorus)
Promise Point Potluck Christmas Party
December 10 will be a
special day of reflecting on the
foretelling of Jesus in Micah as
well as having some fun
Christmas treats and games. It
will be geared to outreach to
friends, so kids are
encouraged to invite their
friends to join in on the fun and
submitted by Heidi Cook
learning! We will also be
having a Potluck dinner, so be
thinking about what dish you
would like to bring and pass! A
“friends’” invitation card will be
coming out for this event.
The Messenger
Prime Time
Page 6
submitted by Lisa Otterbacher
It’s hard to believe, but
Christmas is almost here!
Prime Time (High School
youth) and FLOOD (Middle
School youth) teamed up
with the Building and
Grounds Design Team to
decorate the church for
Christmas. All of the fun
commenced on November
23. Thank you to all of our
youth, the Building and
Grounds Design Team,
congregation members, and
the amazing parents that
helped to create beauty to
praise and celebrate the
birth of our Savior Jesus
Prime Time has been
busy with selling Christmas
wreaths and securing youth
commitments to our 2015
Mission Trip to New Orleans.
If your permission slip isn’t in
yet or if you have any
questions, please contact
a gre y Julie D e.” The
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Ms. Julie and she’ll get you
everything you need. As
always, our congregation
has been very supportive
with wreath sales!
And we are hopeful
they will continue with their
generosity by donating
baking ingredients for our
annual Cookie Walk
fundraiser. You can
purchase and donate that
special ingredient you look
forward to enjoying when the
cookies and chocolate
covered treasures are baked
and ready for sale! Please
mark your calendars for
December 6 and come to the
Cookie Walk. Cookies will
also be available on Sunday,
December 7 between and
after worship at First Church.
On the horizon for
2015 is our annual 30-Hour
Famine Lock-in and the
Student-led worship service
at First Church. Can you
believe 2015 is almost
We remain so thankful
for the support of our united
congregations. We could not
be such an engaged and
successful youth group
without all your support
through faithful prayers and
giving hearts. May God bless
each of you, and may your
love and support of the youth
help them to grow in faith
and develop into young
adults. As faithful mentors
you are preparing our youth
to withstand any challenges
they will face. Through your
witness of faith may they
receive God’s unyielding
strength, courage and love.
God bless!!
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The Messenger
The Gathering
Many thanks to all
who worked at the
Gathering Free
Community Meal this past
year. Thursday, November
20 at Brookdale was our
(FUMC’s) last time to help
submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach
out this year.
Deb and Dave
Gamble worked and Joan
Stone and Jean Leedham
donated desserts.
This was our last
opportunity to participate -
Scrip - a No-Cost Fundraiser!!
Looking for a gift for
your child’s teacher? That
hard to shop for teenager?
A stocking stuffer? Scrip is
the perfect solution.
Currently scrip is offering
several small
denomination gift cards
just in time for the
holidays. These cards will
only be available while
supplies last, so don’t wait
to place your order. The
following small
denomination cards are
 Gift Cards
 AMC Theatres $10
 Applebee’s $10
 Barnes & Noble $5
 CVS Pharmacy $10
 Groupon $10
 IHOP $10
as of this writing, the
Gathering meals will not
continue next year.
submitted by Gina McManaway
 Outback $10
 Panera Bread $5
 Pizza Hut $5
 Regal Entertainment
Group $10
 Target $10
 Starbucks $5
 Walmart $10
Each scrip/gift card
you purchase gives the
church a percentage of
your purchase, yet you still
get to spend the entire
amount of the purchase
price. For example, if you
purchase a Woodman’s
card for $50, you go to
Woodman’s and spend the
$50! If you don’t spend the
entire $50 the remaining
amount remains on the
card for you to spend the
next time you go to
Woodman’s. You don’t
lose that balance. This is
true for any “Scrip” card
you purchase!
As always, there is a
long list of retailers who
participate in this program.
Pick up a current list at the
Scrip table at either First
UMC or Richmond UMC.
This truly is a way to give
to your church without it
costing you a dime. If you
have any questions about
this fundraiser, call Gina at
Happy shopping, and
thank you for supporting
our ministries!
Could you
do a lot of
gift card
with the
December 15
Page 8
The Messenger
Great Job
submitted by Heidi Cook
On our Singing
Sermon Sunday,
November 16, the Team
Jesus Drummers, led by
Christine Hayes, played a
wonderful arrangement of
I’m Diggin’ the Lord during
worship. The Drummers
Advent Meditation
Everyone of WARM
is invited to join Pastor
Kim Brumm at Richmond
UMC for Advent
Meditation on Thursdays,
also accompanied the
Tenors/Basses in
Harambee. They did an
excellent job and really
added to the beautiful,
worshipful Sunday.
Our Children’s Choir,
directed by Jen Soehner,
led the congregation in
singing Rich Mullin’s
Awesome God. We were
honored to hear the voices
of the children and to sing
a contemporary worship
tune with them!!
submitted by Pastor Kim Brumm
December 4, 11, and 18
from 6:30-7:30 pm
This is a time to come
and sit in sacred space,
listening to instrumental
music as you pray,
meditate and reflect on the
season of Advent.
I LOVE it!!
WARM Worship Schedules
First UMC
8 am - Chapel Service
10 am - Sanctuary
10:20 am - Sunday
LaGrange UMC
9 am - Worship
9 am - Sunday School
Richmond UMC
9 am - Worship
Sunday School
following worship
All three WARM churches
have Food Pantry
collections on the first
Sunday of each month.
Please continue to give
generously to our local
Food Pantry.
First UMC
December 7
2nd Sunday of Advent
Communion: In the pews
“HOPE” (Miracle on
34th Street)
Mark 1:1-8
December 14
3rd Sunday of Advent
8 am
“BELIEF” (Elf)
Isaiah 61:1-3, 8-11
John 1:6-8, 19-28
10 am
WARM Choir Cantata
December 21
4th Sunday of Advent
“FAITH” (A Charlie
Brown Christmas)
Luke 1:26-38
December 28
1st Sunday of Christmas
Hymn Sing
December 4
Advent Meditation
6:30-7:30 pm
December 7
2nd Sunday of Advent
December 11
Advent Meditation
6:30-7:30 pm
December 14
3rd Sunday of Advent
10 am & 4 pm, WARM
Choir Cantata @ FUMC
December 18
Advent Meditation
6:30-7:30 pm
December 21
4th Sunday in Advent
WARM Youth Pageant
@ FUMC, 4:30 pm
December 28
1st Sunday of Christmas
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The Messenger
A Stewardship Message
Our initial pledge
giving results at First
Church are reason to
celebrate. The 2015
pledges received on
Consecration Sunday are
more than a 17% increase
over the same pledges
given in 2014! As I think
about this increase the
more thankful I feel as
today’s economy is still
uncertain for many, and
the multitude of appeals for
other benevolent giving is
plentiful. These giving
increases show the priority
and importance we have
for supporting FUMC/
WARM ministries and new
I have also noticed
the magnitude of volunteer
giving in a variety of
ministries and missions,
which is also a reason to
celebrate. Certainly Christ
is at work within the lives
of our congregation as the
joy of giving and service is
evident everywhere.
With the holiday
season approaching, we
can use the message of
Enough to help guide us in
our Christmas giving to
look for ways where we
can give back or give
forward. My kids and
grandkids frequently ask to
play favorite board games
or cards over the holidays.
Christmas Musical 2014
Save the Date!!
December 21 Christmas Musical
God With Us
by Laura & Robert Keeley
Join us as we focus
on the theme of Exile and
Restoration. Adam and
Eve are exiled from the
Garden: Israel is exiled to
Babylon. God’s message
was still held in esteem by
a remnant. Israel returns
to build a temple, thanks
to the leadership of Ezra
and Nehemiah who
believed God’s Word. It’s
submitted by Dave Gamble
It always seems to me that
this family time far exceeds
the value of the latest toys
or gadgets. I plan to apply
the Enough principles of
simplicity to my holiday
spending this year.
Thanks again to all
who have made gifts or are
in the process of making
your gift. If you have not
yet submitted your
estimate of giving card,
you may place it in the
Sunday offering or drop it
off or mail it to the church
office in care of Jayne
Haskey. Your gifts and
service are making a
difference for God’s
submitted by Heidi Cook
the temple that our Lord
and Savior would set His
feet upon, as the Living
Temple, for all who would
believe! Travel with us
from the Garden of Eden
to the Birth of our Savior,
the end of our exile from
our Heavenly Father Spiritual Restoration!
We have some
traditional hymns and
tunes and some
contemporary songs from
Chris Tomlin and Aaron
Shust, who used the
words of Martin Luther for
inspiration for their
Christmas song!
Musical dates for
your calendar are:
Wednesday, December
17 - 3:15-5:15 pm,
Musical practice
Saturday, December 20
- 10 am-noon, Dress
Sunday, December 21 4:30 pm, Performance/
Dessert reception
(Kids, please show up at
4 pm to be ready for the
performance time.)
All of WARM is
invited along will family
and friends to this
the Joy
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The Messenger
Confirmation 2014-15
submitted by Rev. Susan Bresser
Confirmation Introductions
Ben Stoll & Caroline Wieman
Maci Parrish & Julie DuVal
Calvin Otterbacher, Jr. Mentor
Introducing Confirmation Student,
Benjamin Stoll
Nickname: Ben
Born: Fort Atkinson, WI
Family: 1 brother
Hobbies: Football, basketball, running,
reading (all types of literature)
Gifts & Strengths: Sports, academics
What I like best about church: Learning
new things
God: The Creator
Travel Plans: Brazil
Biggest Challenge for Teens:
Communicating in person because we are
all so focused on technology
Introducing Confirmation Mentor,
Caroline Wieman
Born: Waukesha, WI
Family: 2 daughters, 2 grandchildren
Who I was as an 8th grader: Good
student, talkative, sassy with my mother,
independent thinker
Employed: Retired, but taught high
school for 30 years
Gifts & Strengths: Hard worker, good
Best thing ever: Getting married and
having children
God: All-knowing, all-powerful, always
present, forgiving, creating
Why I’m involved in the life of the
church: The church has many flaws, but it
is the best organization in the world and it
helps people
Joy in the church: Worship, seeing the
children learning, singing, making
Faith tradition growing up: Evangelical
United Brethren
Introducing Confirmation Student,
Maci Parrish
Born: Tomah, WI
Family: 1 brother, 1 dog, 1 cat
Hobbies: Dance, volleyball, cheer,
shopping, friends
Gifts & Strengths: Dance, sports, sense
of humor, trustworthy
What I like best about church: God
accepts me for who I am; I can be myself
God: Miracle worker, father/mother,
creator, all-knowing
Travel Plans: Amsterdam and Paris
Biggest Challenge for Teens: Pressure
to do well in school, attitudes of other kids
Introducing Confirmation Mentor,
Julie DuVal
Born: Sheboygan, WI
Family: Husband, Tom, three children:
Emma, Tommy & Jimmy
Who I was as an 8th grader: Loud,
played volleyball, active, friends were my
Employed: Delavan-Darien School
District, reading specialist
Gifts & Strengths: Teaching, leading,
Best thing ever: Family, friends and faith
God: Strength, Friend, Creator, Love,
Why I’m involved in the life of the
church: Because I find love and
happiness in my faith, and because my
family and friends are here
Joy in the church: Youth and the great
things they accomplish
Faith tradition growing up: Dutch
Introducing Junior Mentor,
Calvin Otterbacher
Grade: 12th Grade (Senior), Whitewater
High School
Born: Wisconsin
Who I was as an 8th grader: Rebel,
Employed: Construction and Duck Inn
Favorite Subject in School: Auto shop
Future Plans: U.S. Army
Gifts & Strengths: Responsible, reliable
What I like about church: Learning more
about the unknown
God: Leader/Teacher
Best thing ever: Finding God
Biggest Challenge for Teens: Peer
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The Messenger
Produce Table
Winter is coming,
and the produce table is
looking pretty empty.
Thank you for all your
donations of produce
and cash; together we
raised $385.82 to send to
Paul Webster’s project in
Mujila Falls. There is
information about Paul’s
project on the mission
bulletin board in the
hallway by the kitchen.
Following are some
excerpts from Paul’s
November 2014 e-mail
“How many loaves
do you have?” Jesus
asked. “Seven,” they
replied. Mark 8:5
We are
looking for
two dedicated
Dear Friends and
Supporting Churches:
“I am back in our
site at Mujila Falls as of
yesterday. It has been a
long three weeks doing
repairs on our truck and
buying supplies for the
project and my house.
Unfortunately, I had a
double bout of malaria
during the hottest days of
the dry season. It was
very difficult. While we
are getting thunder and
sprinkles, we have not
seen our first heavy rain
here at Mujila Falls,
though we know it is fast
coming. We will be
struggling this year to get
caught up on our work
and trying to make
adjustments for the loss
of my colleague, Tshala
I have seen that
Hamilton and my workers
have done a superb job
submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach
of keeping the project
together during my six
months state-side. I want
to openly thank them for
their honest and hard
work at keeping our trees
from burning during the
dry season, harvesting
our crops, and keeping
our animals safe and fed
during the six-month-long
dry season that can often
destroy whole herds of
animals due to starvation.
The above
scripture was the
theme for our
itineration. God is
always ready to do the
multiplication. It is up
to us to provide the
catalyst. Let us imitate
Christ in his
compassion for the
people. He understood
the pain of hunger and
insisted that the people
be fed. At Mujila Falls
we remain dedicated to
that task.
It has been hard
coming back to Mujila
Falls Agriculture Centre
knowing that I will be
alone as the only
missionary on site unless
we can find two
dedicated Missionary
Couples to commit to
coming and sharing the
work of this ministry. I
have requested from
Global Ministries that first
and foremost we need an
American couple with
experience in farm
finance and
management. We are
now a mature agriculture
station with all of the
needs of any farm in the
Midwest. We have
moved toward more
technology and higher
capital investment. We
have about 70 head of
cattle and around 130
goats and sheep. We
have 2000 chickens and
are cultivating around
100 acres of land. We
have tens of thousands
of pine trees in our
sustainable forest and
continue to teach
gardening and fruit
culture. We still have our
day care center and
continue to do outreach
with local churches,
community groups,
women, and formal
trainings with Peace
Corps, and Universities
and High Schools.
We are also looking
for a second couple,
preferably with university
training here in Africa in
Tropical Agriculture.
We ask that if you
are interested, you may
contact me at my e-mail
address so that we can
discuss how your Godgiven talents can be
matched with the many
needs we are trying to
answer here in NorthWestern Zambia.
I am sure that God
is already appealing to
you to make a
commitment today.”
Donations can
come through our
Advance Special
Number, 15016A.
Your Brother in Christ,
Paul Webster
Page 12
The Messenger
Mitten Box
submitted by Mary Anne Gerlach
Look for a Mitten Box,
coming soon to Fellowship
Hall at FUMC. Again this
year we will gather
mittens, hats, and scarves
and distribute them as
they come in, continuing
through December (when
They have
committed to
church and
Congratulations to
Jennifer Crone (FUMC)
and Mindy Wade
(Richmond UMC) for
fulfilling all requirements
needed to complete their
Lay Servant Ministries
Jen and Mindy have
received training to use
their witness, leadership
and service to inspire
others to a deeper
commitment to faith and
more effective
Cookie Plates
Again this year
United Methodist Women
will be assembling
“Cookie Plates” for people
from our congregations
who need a little cheer at
Christmas time!
They will assemble
the plates on Saturday,
December 13 starting at
9 am at First Church.
They are asking anyone
the box will morph into a
mitten “treebox”). Snow
boots and warm socks are
also welcome.
submitted by Pastor Kim and Pastor Susan
discipleship. They have
received education
opportunities to grow in
their knowledge of the
Scripture and the
doctrine, heritage,
organization and life of
the United Methodist
Church. They have
committed to witnessing
through church and
community leadership,
care-giving ministries and
spoken communication.
They are trained to
support and minister to
the local church and will
continue to look for
leadership opportunities
in the local church.
Thank you, Jen and
Mindy, for your
commitment to the local
congregations of FUMC
and Richmond UMC, and
thank you for your
continued support and
commitment to WARM
submitted by Jen Soehner
wishing to donate cookies
to have them at First
Church by that time. You
are welcome to drop them
off earlier in the week as
well; just make sure they
are labeled.
They are expecting
to assemble about 50
plates and will deliver
them that same day.
Those of you who would
like one of your cookies
on each plate should plan
The Messenger
United Methodist Women
What do you want to
know about? UMW will be
holding their yearly program
planning meeting on
Thursday, January 8 at
6 pm in the Library at First
Church. We have programs
Page 13
submitted by Jen Soehner
on spiritual growth and
social action, along with
We will be discussing
program ideas for 2015. If
you would like to be a part
of the planning or have
Clown Ministry Workshops
Here are the clowns visiting the
folks at Hearthstone on Sunday,
November 16. They visited two
different units of 12 people each.
They introduced themselves with a
personal written card to each
resident. They gave them a goody
bag that they opened and put the
colorful beads on the people. Also,
they took some of the goodies out of
the bag to make sure the receiver
knew what all was in the bags. After
some programming ideas,
please come and join us or
email/call Jen Soehner,
submitted by Elaine Frietsch
the personal visits, the clowns sang
“You Are My Sunshine” and “Jesus
Loves Me” with all the residents
joining in on the singing. These
songs are so special to all these
people. They then closed with the
clown prayer and shook hands and
hugged everyone as they left to go
to the next unit.
These rookie clowns and
helpers did such a wonderful job of
not only entertaining, but of personal
interaction with all the residents and
even the workers. And since the
average age is 11, we can hardly
believe what a spectacular
presentation they all provided for the
24 residents and workers. May God
bless them and this ministry for a job
well done and led by children.
Praise the Lord!!
Rooted in Community
Rooted in Faith
Branching out into the Future!
The Messenger
Page 14
Kid’s Mission Hut Vision
The hut
will reflect
call to
world. Our hope is to
begin our outreach by
partnering with the local
Bethel House ministry. We
hope that the kids will be
touched by the stories
they hear and will feel
compassion on those less
fortunate, as Jesus has
taught us to do. Please
contact Heidi if you are
willing to help fund this
project, decorate, or even
A future vision for the
Children’s Ministry is to
turn the computer lab into
a Mission Hut. Décor will
reflect that of possibly a
thatched hut, and signs
will reflect messages of
committing our lives to the
Lord and following where
He leads. We hope that
the hut will reflect the
Christians’ call to mission
both here and around the
Kid’s Corner
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministry in Action
“Before I retired from
coaching, my team was
in the Super Bowl six
times. I thought nothing
would ever match that.
But being a Stephen
Minister has also been
one of the greatest
experiences in my life.”
says Bill Arnsparger, who
coached for 23 seasons
in the NFL. His last stop
was as defensive
coordinator for the San
Diego Chargers. After he
be a mission liaison
bringing Bethel House
and/or various other
ministries to the kids!
Let’s make good use
of our computer lab!!
submitted by Elaine Frietsch
Calling all kids! On
Sunday, December 21
after the 10 am worship
service at FUMC we will all
gather in the Kid’s Corner
in Fellowship Hall. Our
project will be to make
Candy Cane Candlesticks
and Jesus’ Birthday
Banners. This event will be
Stephen Ministry
Matches Super Bowl
Experience. Taken from
submitted by Heidi Cook
for children of all
ages and
adults. Call
Elaine Frietsch
for more
information or to
volunteer to
submitted by Rev. Kim Brumm
retired from coaching in
1997, he trained to
become a Stephen
Minister in Torrey Pines
Christian Church in La
Jolla, CA.
During his coaching
career, Arnsparger heard
about Stephen Ministry
several times. “I knew it
was important, so I
waited until the right time
in my life to get involved,”
Arnsparger says. “The
hours I’ve invested in
Stephen Ministry have
brought me closer to the
Lord and to others in my
I find serving as a
Stephen Minister very
rewarding. It’s an
opportunity to work with
people and really help
them. Each care receiver
inspires me to build my
faith. I always benefit
from our time together.
I’ve learned that I
can’t always predict and
plan what each visit will
be like. I work to be open
to new developments,
and I hang in there
See Stephen Ministry on
page 19
Page 15
The Messenger
The Big Wrap Up
and having a
Here we are
wrapping and wrapping
and having a wonderful
time laughing and
laughing and eating pizza
and pumpkin pie.
A big thank you to
the special friends and
family members that gave
up their Sunday afternoon
to join us. (We did watch
the Packer game while
we were working!)
submitted by Elaine Frietsch
These 90 gift
packages will be
distributed to the needy
children and adults at the
Food Pantry, Bethel
Houses, Salvation Army,
Agape House, PADA
affected victims and many
more locations.
Again, thank you so
very much to Clara, Jane,
Jan, Kris, Mindy, Molly,
Emma, Nancy, Clarissa,
Community Outreach
There will be a
Community Outreach
Training on Saturday,
December 6 from 10 am3 pm at Asbury UMC
Emily, Vivian, Sharon,
Laura, and especially
Arlene from Chicago (who
brought the pizzas!).
And a big thank you
to all the friends,
neighbors, family
members and
organizations that have
donated items or money
to support this wonderful
ministry for over 20 years.
Praise the Lord!
submitted by Rev. Kimberly Brumm
located in Madison, WI.
Everyone of WARM is
encouraged to attend this
training. There will be a
car-pool leaving from
FUMC at 8:45 am.
Please contact
Pastor Kim if you are
interested in going.
Page 16
The Messenger
Thank yous
Thank you
to the
clowns for
Pics on
page 13.
Dear Prime Time Youth
Thank you for the
delicious meal delivered to
my house the other day.
Please accept this
donation as a token of my
Audrey Tuinstra
Dear United Methodist
Thank you so much
for your generous
donation to PADA (People
Against Domestic &
Sexual Abuse). We are so
grateful for your support
and dedication to
survivors of domestic
Dear Church Family,
Even though late but
nevertheless with
sincerity, Barb and I want
to thank our FUMC family
for your prayers, and often
much more, offered during
this time of healing.
We are both gaining
strength as we begin to
return to our normal
church activities through
the week. We wonder how
some can choose to go
through life without the
support of a church family.
We would find it
Barbara and
Wendell Swift
Hi Elaine and the Clowns
from FUMC and RUMC,
I would like you to
know how thoughtful it
was for you to come to
Hearthstone last Sunday.
When I saw Shirley
on Sunday I couldn’t even
get her attention to get her
awake, but she reacted to
you folks! She doesn’t
talk, but she did say thank
you. Thanks for the note,
beads, doll and candy.
She will enjoy them. The
patients at Hearthstone
may not seem to be
receptive, but I am sure
they enjoyed having you
there. I know Shirley did!
Thanks again,
Dean Taylor
Liz Hanson &
PADA Staff
Mission Opportunities
Midwest Mission
Distribution Center
May 11-15, 2015
If you are interested
in this trip (there are 16
openings), please read on
and then contact Mary
Anne Gerlach,
262.473.6781 or Pastor
Kim, 608.289.8618.
Midwest Mission
Distribution Center is a
disaster relief facility
located on an eight-acre
campus, four miles south
of Springfield, IL.
Construction began in
October of 1999 and
opened for ministry in the
year 2000. MMDC is a
caring ministry of the
United Methodist Church.
MMDC is also a
submitted by Rev. Kim Brumm
cooperating depot in the
UMCOR (United
Methodist Committee on
Relief) Relief Supply
Network as of January
MMDC’s campus
provides opportunities for
individuals and groups of
all walks of life,
backgrounds, abilities, and
ages to help provide
disaster relief kits and
resources as well as
educational and medical
supplies to those in need
both locally and
internationally. MMDC
provides that “hands on”
mission experience. When
volunteers come, there
are a number of projects
that they may be involved
in. Volunteers pack kits,
sort items, and sew school
bags, hospital gowns, and
quilts. Volunteers box
goods, help with mailings,
build crates and desks,
repair bicycles and sewing
machines, help unload
items, fill shipping
containers, organize
materials, and whatever
the needs are at any given
time. There are
opportunities for those
with special skills, trades,
and those at peak abilities,
as well as opportunities for
individuals who may be
more limited. No matter
what your abilities, there is
an important job that
needs you!
see Mission on pg. 18
The Messenger
First UMC offers electronic
giving, which allows you the
convenience of making donations
on a scheduled, automatic basis. If
you are writing checks and
preparing envelopes every week,
or if you prefer to stop writing
Page 17
checks altogether, you will
especially appreciate electronic
giving. It is convenient for you and
provides a donation consistency
for our church.
We use a company called
Vanco Services through the
Wisconsin Annual Conference. We
have several families participating,
and the process is very simple.
You set the amount and the date
you want to give. The monies are
transferred from your checking/
savings account to the church
To set up an electronic
donation, simply fill out the form
below or ask Jayne for an
authorization form to fill out and
return it to the Business Office.
Donations can be debited
automatically from either a
checking or savings account.
If you are interested, please
contact Jayne Haskey (262.473.
2131) for more details.
Authorization Form
Church name:
Your name:
City, State, Zip:
E-mail address:
I would like to make the following contribution:
General Operating Fund $
per week
per month (circle one)
Checking/Savings Information
Please debit my (check one)
Checking account (attach voided check)
Routing #:
Savings account (attach voided deposit slip)
Account #
Valid routing # must start with 0, 1, 2 or 3
I authorize the above organization and Vanco Services to process debit entries to the above
account. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable
notification to terminate the authorization.
Authorized signature:
Page 18
The Messenger
continued from page 16
MMDC distributes its
kits, resources and
supplies after a request for
items has come in and
has gone through the
appropriate channels for
approval. MMDC makes a
point to connect with local
organizations as well, to
provide aid particularly
with those items that are
taken in that do not quite
meet all of the size
restrictions for the kits.
MMDC, a part of the
UMCOR network, often
gives UMCOR supplies to
respond to disasters both
within the United States
and abroad as they see fit.
The UMCOR Relief
Supply Network consists
of other sites, including
MMDC, that provide aid
through UMCOR.
As of the end of
September 2014, MMDC
has sent out 8,098 Health
Kits, 1,226 Layette Kits,
4,684 Cleaning Kits, 3,541
School Kits, 1,224 Sewing
Kits, 11,613 Student
School Bags, 10,870
Personal Dignity Kits plus
additional Bedding Kits,
Birthing Kits, Teacher
School Bags, and School
MMDC has a dorm
as well as a duplex and
RV sites that can be
reserved for longer stays,
but also welcomes day
groups and individuals
who would like to get
involved in the ministry of
MMDC. There are many
buildings on the campus
including the offices and
warehouses which also
house the woodshop and
four additional workshops.
Within the campus there is
also the Twice Giving Gift
Shop. All of these
buildings and additions
were paid in full through
the help of volunteers and
donors. MMDC has no
Please visit their
website for more
UMCOR Sager Brown
Baldwin, LA
June 20-27, 2015
The UMCOR (United
Methodist Committee on
Relief) Sager Brown
Depot is the headquarters
for UMCOR’s relief-supply
operations. Each year
more than 2,000
volunteers prepare about
$4 million in supplies for
shipment from the Baldwin
campus. Locally, UMCOR
Sager Brown reaches out
to Baldwin neighbors
through food distribution
and housing rehabilitation
projects, engaging
volunteers in these
projects that help families
and the elderly.
We had sixteen
openings; eight are
already taken so there are
eight left. You do not want
to miss out on this great
Great mission work,
great people, great food
and great
Wednesday of that week
we will travel to New
Orleans for a peek into the
For more information,
see Pastor Kim.
The Messenger
Page 19
Stephen Ministry Update
when new problems
come up. I know I can’t
just write a prescription to
make my care receiver
feel better. My job is to
listen and to care. God
takes care of the rest.
Asked about
similarities between
Stephen Ministry and
football, Coach
Arnsparger says,
“Stephen Ministry builds
confidence, both in the
Stephen Ministers and
the care receivers.
Stephen Ministry takes
teamwork; in supervision
we need to work together
to provide the best care
possible - to our care
receivers and to one
another. Each
opportunity to care is a
new challenge, a new
University Ministry
The local
Whitewater build will
begin in March 2015.
They will be building a
five bedroom house for a
family of eight! I will keep
you posted as to dates
that you will be able to
help on the build. If you
have never experienced
a Habitat build, I strongly
encourage you to
participate for a unique
experience in community
mission. You do NOT
need any building
experience. It is on-thejob training!
continued from page 14
experience, just as each
game is.”
Men sometimes
wonder if Stephen
Ministry is right for them.
Coach Arnsparger shows
that following Jesus in
giving and receiving care
is truly a “sport for real
submitted by Rev. Kim Brumm
The last Free Lunch
of the semester will be
served on December 16.
We will start up second
semester on February 3,
Thank you to all the
volunteers that have
joyfully helped serve this
last semester. We could
not complete our mission
to go into the world
without your help.
I am most excited to
see how our new food
program with Feeding
America will affect our
food budget. Dolores is
the first to tell you how
much she is purchasing
for a fraction of what we
were paying when using
food service products.
The trend for
graduation is that
students must have
designated hours of
volunteer service work in
order to complete their
major. We currently have
two sisters that volunteer
on a regular basis on
Tuesday mornings
preparing trays of
goodies for Free Lunch.
Two more students
are volunteering with Jeff
and Heidi Cook in our
Wednesday Night Youth
Group from 6-8 pm.
I certainly don’t keep
up with all our graduates
of UW-Whitewater and
Free Lunch, but I can let
you know that Rev. Dan
Verdigan is a United
Methodist pastor in Cuba
City, WI
Page 20
The Messenger
WARM Business Meetings for November
December 1
WARM Charge Conference (FUMC),
6 pm supper, 6:30 pm meeting
December 2
WARM Staff Mtg., 9 am (FUMC)
Looking for
See who to
First UMC
Pastor Susan Bresser
262.458.2309 (home)
608.333.4249 (cell)
LaGrange UMC
Pastor Don Norman
262.472.9166 (home)
920.723.3862 (cell)
Children’s Ministry Coordinator
FLOOD (Middle School Youth)
Heidi Cook
262.379.0421 (cell)
December 15
December 16
WARM Staff Mtg., 9 am (FUMC)
December 18
SPRC, 6:30 pm (FUMC)
WARM Contact Information
Richmond UMC
Pastor Kimberly Brumm
262.473.5622 (home)
608.289.8615 (cell)
December 9
Finance, 6:30 pm (FUMC)
Prime Time (High School Youth)
Tom & Julie DuVal
262.949.7309 (cell)
Tim & Lisa Otterbacher
262.409.0300 (cell)
Promise Point
Mike Soehner
608.201.6494 (cell)
Steven Ministry Coordinator
Mindy Wade
920.723.4385 (cell)
The Messenger
Page 21
Adam Aurit
Sally Kate Hixson
Bud Holley
Ginger Katzman
FUMC Birthdays
Lynn Binnie
Ben Crone
Charlie Fortney
Clara Bastian
Dorothy Hughes
John Bresser
Casey Judd
Linda Kimball
Tom McComb
Matt McCrea
Jerry Gorby
Sarah Hoffmann-Hoots
John Tuinstra
Kenneth Heiman
Linda Kachel
David Byrne
Tom DuVal
Barb White
Dave Gamble
Katie Fortney
Meikayla Korf
Tom DuVal
Aaron Katzman
Rhonda Perkins-Aurit
Lauren Hayes
Carole Scharinger
Kathy Bullis
Alex Partoll
Cliff Floerke
Jon Kachel
Bruce Parker
Eva Bresser
Janet Hollingshead
Amy Houwers
Cooper Leason
Cheyenne Minton
Russell Zell
Terry Boydston
Beverly Grosskreutz
Keir Johnson
LUMC Birthdays
Jessica Wilson
Jon Marshall
Trula Smith
Bob Nelson
Penny Fritsch
Payton Taylor
Eric Taylor
John Duerst
Laura Schmekel
Michelle Taylor
Samuel Wilson
FUMC Anniversaries
Lynn & Cheryl Binnie
Tom & Ginger Katzman
Robert & Kay Miles
Kevin & Kathy Bullis
Britt & Michelle Minton
Jake & Mary Anne Gerlach
Hugh & Sue Gnatzig
LUMC Anniversaries
Gordon & Alyce Smith
RUMC Anniversaries
Cliff & Patty Storlie
RUMC Birthdays
Casey Kelleher
Caitlyn Karbash
Gina McManaway
Ron Schoppe
Jack Fearn
Erin McManaway
Steve Wade
Nate Youngbauer
Lorelea Sisley
Salvation Army Bell Ringing @ Sentry
Saturday, December 20, 10 am-5 pm
All members of WARM are invited to sign up to ring the Salvation
Army Bell in front of Sentry! This is a most worthwhile mission. We
work with several other churches in our community to
keep the bells ringing!
There is a sign up sheet at FUMC in Fellowship Hall,
or call the Church Office for anyone interested. There
will be one-hour shifts to choose from.
Page 22
The Messenger
CLR - Cristo La Roca
FUMC - First United Methodist Church
LUMC - LaGrange United Methodist Church
RUMC - Richmond United Methodist Church
December 2014
Church Events
7 Food Pantry
8 am - Chapel
Service (FUMC)
8:15 am - Choir
Practice (LUMC)
9 am - Worship
10 am - Sanctuary
1 pm - CLR
Worship (FUMC)
4-5:30 pm - Clothes
Closet @ Cong.
6 pm - Prayer/
Worship (CLR @
8:30-11 am Clothes Closet @
Cong. Church
10 am-5 pm Salvation Army Bell
Ringing @ Sentry
5:30 pm - The
Gathering @ St.
6 pm - WARM
Charge Conference
8 am - Chapel
Service (FUMC)
8:15 am - Choir
Practice (LUMC)
9 am - Worship
10 am - Sanctuary
1 pm - CLR
Worship (FUMC)
4 pm - Cantata
1:30 pm - Esther
Circle (FUMC)
9 am - Staff (FUMC)
10 am - Womens’
Group (CLR @
10:45 am - UM Free
Lunch (FUMC)
1:30 pm - Kindred
Caregivers (FUMC)
10 am - Womens’
Group (CLR @
10:45 am - UM Free
Lunch (FUMC)
6:30 pm - Finance
9 am - Staff (FUMC)
10 am - Womens’
Group (CLR @
10:45 am - UM Free
Lunch (FUMC)
9:30 am - Wed.
Morn. Bible Study
7 pm - Chancel
Choir (FUMC)
9:30 am - Wed.
Morn. Bible Study
7 pm - Chancel
Choir (FUMC)
9:30 am - Wed.
Morn. Bible Study
7 pm - Chancel
Choir (FUMC)
8 am - Chapel
Service (FUMC)
8:15 am - Choir
Practice (LUMC)
9 am - Worship
9 am - Kid’s
Christmas (LUMC)
10 am - Sanctuary
1 pm - CLR
Worship (FUMC)
4:30 - WARM
Children’s Pageant
8 am - Chapel
Service (FUMC)
8:15 am - Choir
Practice (LUMC)
9 am - Worship
10 am - Sanctuary
1 pm - CLR
Worship (FUMC)
10 am - Womens’
Group (CLR @
10 am - Womens’
Group (CLR @
Christmas Eve
4 pm - FUMC
6 pm - RUMC
7 pm - FUMC
8 pm - LUMC
11 pm - FUMC
New Year’s Eve!
CLR overnight
9 am - Prayers &
Squares (FUMC)
6:30 pm - Advent
Meditation (RUMC)
4-5:30 pm - Clothes
Closet @ Cong. Ch.
6 pm - Prayer/
Worship (CLR @
9 am - Devotions @ 6 pm - Prayer/
Worship (CLR @
10 am - Devotions
@ Blackhawk
6:30 pm - Advent
Meditation (RUMC)
9 am - Prayers &
Squares (FUMC)
6:30 pm - SPRC
6:30 pm - Advent
Meditation (RUMC)
Merry Christmas
Office Closed
Merry Christmas
Office Closed
6 pm - CLR
Christmas (FUMC)
8:30-11 am Clothes Closet @
Cong. Ch.
10 am-1 pm Cookie Walk
10 am - Community
Outreach @ Asbury
9 am - Cantata
Rehearsal (FUMC)
9 am - UMW
Cookie Plates
Page 23
The Messenger
CLR - Cristo La Roca
FUMC - First United Methodist Church
LUMC - LaGrange United Methodist Church
RUMC - Richmond United Methodist Church
FLOOD - Middle School Youth Group
Prime Time - High School Youth Group
December 2014
Youth Events
7 Food Pantry
6 pm WARM Charge
Conference (FUMC)
9 am - Sunday
School (LUMC)
10 am - Sunday
School (RUMC)
10:20 am - Sunday
School (FUMC)
3 pm - We Care
No Prime Time
9 am - Sunday
School (LUMC)
10 am - Sunday
School (RUMC)
10:20 am Children’s Choir
7 pm - Prime Time
10:45 am - UM Free 6:45 am - Breakfast
Lunch (FUMC)
Club (FUMC)
3:30 pm - Promise
5 pm - Confirmation
Christmas Party
6 pm - Drumming
6:30 pm - FLOOD
All Wednesday
Night WARM
programs held at
10:45 am - UM Free 6:45 am - Breakfast
Lunch (FUMC)
Club (FUMC)
3:30 pm - Promise
Point & Potluck
5 pm - Confirmation
Christmas Party
6 pm - Drumming
6:30 pm - FLOOD
All Wednesday
Night WARM
programs held at
10:45 am - UM Free 6:45 am - Breakfast
Lunch (FUMC)
Club (FUMC)
3:15 pm - WARM
Children’s Pageant
6:30 pm - FLOOD
Christmas Party
All Wednesday
Night WARM
programs held at
9 am - Children’s
Christmas (LUMC)
10 am - Sunday
School (RUMC)
10:20 am - Sunday
School (FUMC)
4:30 pm - WARM
Christmas Pageant
9 am - Sunday
School (LUMC)
10 am - Sunday
School (RUMC)
Christmas Eve
4 pm - FUMC
6 pm - RUMC
7 pm - FUMC
8 pm - LUMC
11 pm - FUMC
New Year’s Eve
6 pm - Angels in
Action (CLR @
No Angels in Action
6 pm - Angels in
Action (CLR @
Merry Christmas
Office Closed
5 pm - Cookie Bake
Merry Christmas
Office Closed
6 pm - CLR
10 am-1 pm Cookie Walk
10 am - Children’s
Pageant Rehearsal
10 am-5 pm Salvation Army Bell
Ringing @ Sentry
WARM: First UMC, LaGrange UMC & Richmond UMC
The Messenger is published by
the Whitewater Area Regional
145 S. Prairie Street
Whitewater, WI 53190
Phone: 262.473.2131
Fax: 262.473.2362
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First UMC
LaGrange UMC
Richmond UMC
Susan Bresser  Lead Pastor, Whitewater Area Regional Ministry (WARM)
Donald Norman  Pastor, LaGrange UMC
Kimberly Brumm  Pastor, Richmond UMC, University Ministry and
WARM Caring Ministries
Norma I. Albino-Noriega  Pastor, Cristo La Roca
Heidi Cook  Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Michael Soehner  Wednesday Youth Director
Tom & Julie DuVal/Tim & Lisa Otterbacher  High School Youth Leaders
Megan & Brooke Linse and Renee Stoll  Nursery Care, FUMC
Dolores Feltych  University Ministry Lunch Coordinator
Jim Athas  Director of Music, FUMC
Christine Hayes  Chancel Choir Director & World Drumming
Instructor, FUMC
Jen Soehner  Youth Choir Director, FUMC
Janet Hardt  Pianist & Choir Director, LUMC
Elizabeth Asher  Pianist, RUMC
Mindy Wade  Stephen Ministry Coordinator
Betty McManaway & Joe Sherman  Custodian & Maintenance, FUMC
Jayne Haskey  Office/Business Manager/Administrative Assistant, WARM
Gina McManaway  Clerical Assistant, WARM