The Messenger - First United Methodist Church, Pasadena


The Messenger - First United Methodist Church, Pasadena
First United Methodist Church of Pasadena
The Messenger
Volume 82
Issue 1
January 18, 2012
Mark your Calendars!
First United Methodist Church of Pasadena
Council and Special Church
Conference - Sunday, January 29, 2012
The Messenger
N E W S L EOur
T TDistrict
E R Superintendent, Rev. Adiel DePano, has
authorized FUMC to hold a special Church Conference
meeting which will be convened in conjunction with
the regularly scheduled meeting of the Church Council
on Sunday, January 29, 2012, at 11:30 AM in the
Church Lounge. All members of this congregation are
eligible to vote, but all those interested may attend.
There will be two items on the agenda for the special
Church Conference. One agenda item will be to
vote on the 2012 compensation packages for the
clergy at FUMC, this item having been tabled at the
annual Church Conference meeting in December for
further study and consideration. The second item
will be a recommendation from the Board of Trustees
concerning the proposed lease of the FUMC property
on Colorado Boulevard formerly occupied by the
Cokesbury Bookstore.
On completion of these two items of business, the
Church Conference will be adjourned, and the Church
Council will immediately convene to deal with its
regularly scheduled agenda items.
We are a Christian community seeking intentionally to include ALL persons, regardless of
sexual orientation, gender, race, ethnicity, age, physical or mental capacity,
education, and socioeconomic or marital status.
We practice God’s ministry of reconciliation through worship, devotion, compassion, and
justice for all who have known the pain of exclusion and discrimination.
Our greatest challenge and only hope is to receive and share God’s all-encompassing love.
500 E. Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91101 (626) 796-0157 Fax: (626) 568-1615 |
About The
The Messenger is
a publication of
the First United
Methodist Church
of Pasadena,
Material for The
Messenger should
be submitted
to gstewart@
no less than two
weeks before
Hauoli Makahiki Hou!
Hawaiian translation:
Hauoli - happiness, joy!
Makahiki - New Year; celebration
Hou - new, fresh start
Many of you are more
familiar with the Hawaiian
greeting, “Mele Kalikimaka”
(Hawai’i’s Christmas greeting
made popular by Jim Nabor’s
“Christmas in Hawaii” album
from 1981!). And it was sheer
delight to my ears to have
been greeted with your pronunciations during the
Advent-Christmas season! It was a special blessing
for me and Andy to return to our family in Hawai’i
to celebrate the coming of Christ on Christmas
night after Sunday morning worship! What a gift
to me to have the clergy and staff lead services and
attend to pastoral duties while I spent time with
family and friends and met my new niece for the
first time during those 12 days of Christmas!
Meanwhile, here in Pasadena, things were
still bustling as the church prepared for the 2012
makahiki! Woody Hain, J.P. Harris, and Gerry
Poulin were pulling together crews to prepare and
serve 700 pancake breakfasts (raising over $2000
towards our General Fund). The
Youth were busy too, filling spaces
all night for their New Year’s Parade
Parking Lot fundraiser, raising
funds towards their 2012 Summer
Youth Tour (thank you Dave Lohr
for coordinating). And as the year
started off with miles of roses,
we also celebrated the coming of
the Wise Men on Epiphany and
remembered our own baptisms through the Holy
Spirit. We were reminded that we are each called
by name to follow Jesus Christ.
In this upcoming year, our church ministries are
as exciting and vibrant as ever! Planning for Lent
and Easter has already begun, as has preparations
for our Discipleship studies, programs, missions,
and community events. With the support of our
Staff-Parish Relations Committee; interim pastors,
Bishop Shamana and Rev. McMillan; our District
Superintendent, Rev. Adiel DePano; and Bishop
Mary Ann Swenson and Cabinet, we are also
preparing for our upcoming transition (within
the next 6 months) as we receive a new pastoral
appointment at First United Methodist Church.
As First United Methodist Church, in this new
year, we continue to move forward in creating
solid groundwork to build up and empower our lay
leadership (that’s you) to vision the kind of mission
and ministries that we truly are for the community
and for the transformation of the world. In this
new year, we are given the opportunity to start
anew, yet we construct upon the legacies of our
forebearers and ancestors. And we do not do this
alone. The church is not a single person, it is all of
us—we are the Body of Christ.
As we said our goodbyes to 2011, may we ring
in our makahiki hou with much
hauoli - joy and happiness - we
look back at the fond memories,
the lessons learned, the challenges,
and the struggles and look forward
to a new time filled with hope,
peace, love, and joy!
Many blessings and aloha,
Rev. Allison Mark
Spring Drama
Laramie Project - Ten Years Later
The Drama Committee will be presenting “The Laramie
Project -Ten Years Later” on March 29th & 30th leading into
Palm Sunday weekend.
Moises Kaufman and crew returned to Laramie a decade after
Matthew Shepard’s trial to see how the city had changed and
this play tells the story of that visit. The play will be performed
readers’ theater style. If you are interested in participating,
contact Rehearsals will likely begin
early February after church on Sundays.
Pancakes, Pancakes, and More Pancakes!
by Woody Hain
Forty enthusiastic souls reported for food service
duty at FUMC in the very early hours of January
2nd to serve pancakes and sausages to more than
700 visitors to the Rose Parade. Most were members
of the congregation or their relatives; four were
members of Boy Scout Troop 27. Preparation for
the event started months ago and became intense in
the week after Christmas.
Ticket income was $4,167. Expenses are still being
calculated but it looks as if we made over $2000.
About two-thirds of the tickets were sold through
Sharp Seating Company that erects the bleachers in
front of the church for the parade. The rest were
sold to walk-ins.
We will need more volunteers next year as the
event is expected to be even bigger. Please contact
the Church Office if you would like to be put on
the contact list.
Pam Allen
Jessica Ardo
Nick Bernal
Ann Burke
Steph Burke
Nathan Carter
Erich Frey
Irmgard Frey
Barbara Gorton
Beth Gerber
Megan Gerber
Sofia Hain
J.P. Harris
Diane Harris
Mary Beth Hayes
Marilynne Kennedy
Pam Marx
Tricia McRae
Meg Middleman
Fred Niemann
Rosalie Niemann
Karl Peron
Gerry Poulin
YoutH MessengeR
Mike Rudchenko
Wanda Gae
Jan Stowell
Tim Sun
Heinz Zaiser
Rosemarie Zaiser
Pat Zeider
Steve Zeider
... from First Church
Aurora Luna
Alexes Luna
Alex Palma
Marco Palma
...from Troop 27
Danny Jamall
Doe Hain Jamall
Fia Jamall
Shaun Jamall
Jose Valenzuela
...who were our visitors
from out of town
If you would like to receive our YOUth eNewsletter or Youth Messenger, please email
Rev. Allison Mark, to sign up!
Looking Forward - Looking Back
by Wanda Gae Stefansson
A New Year. A new beginning. At this time of year we are called again
to become a new creation in Christ. We can and we will, because of
the “saints” at FUMC who have led the way and continue to lead us in
spirit. As we stand at the threshold of a new year, we can remember the
guiding lives of those who passed away recently, or a loved one who is
still with us.
We have a way to honor those members and friends who have inspired
us with their faith and their lives. We can contribute to the Memorial
Fund in their name. Make a notation on your check indicating the
Memorial Fund and the name you wish to honor. The church notifies
the family of the person being honored of your gift in their name. Your
gift benefits the Chapel Fund.
A WIN-WIN Opportunity
by Marilynne Kennedy
Like to eat out, save MONEY,
and help the church?
Our worship hour is a time
to connect with God. Our
coffee hour gives us an
opportunity to share some
post service small talk, but
is that really enough time to
get to know one another?
As we find it harder to
connect and network with
each other, consider making
REAL connections with each
other in a REAL way,
in 8 minutes.
Join us on THURSDAY,
JANUARY 19th &
FEBRUARY 2nd, at 7
PM for an intentional
meet and greet in the
Aldersgate Room.
The name of the program is NOTT/Nite On
The Town and you can purchase books for $25
from the Church Office where you can write a
check out to FUMC. 50% of all purchases made
this way will go directly to the church. You can
also buy them through the website, but be sure to
let Marilynne Kennedy know about your purchase
so we can make sure the church receives its 50% of
the purchase price.
There is an AMAZING amount of great local
restaurants where I can save big bucks when I eat
out...and unlike most discount cards, I can go to
each restaurant 3 times.
This last year I bought two cards so I could
go to The [Italian] Kitchen in Old Town Pasadena
and The Dish in La Canada more than 3 times.
Even if I went no place else, just going to The Dish
2 or 3 times pays for the $25 book.
Restaurants are always being added, but here
is the current list: (The booklet contains specifics
about what each restaurant provides because you
are a member.)
If interested, please contact
coordinators, David Beach
via email at davidbeach@, Jennifer
Alatorre at jen4re@gmail.
com, or Rev. Allison Mark at
Participating restaurants include:
Avanti, Beckham Grill, Bella Italia, Central Park,
Cha Da Thai, El Portal, Go China, The Hamlet,
The Kitchen, La Fiesta Grande, Lanna Thai,
Margarita Jones, Mezbaan, Nikki C’s, Oba Sushi
Izakaya, Robin’s Woodfire BBQ, Roxolana, Stoney
South Pasadena:
Firefly Bistro, La Fiesta Grande, Radhika
East San Gabriel Valley/Arcadia:
The Derby, Matt Denny’s, Orleans Corner
Azusa /Monrovia/Sierra Madre:
Tulipano, Villa Italia, Bella Sera, Café Mundial,
Chang Thai Bistro, Los Gueros Cantina, Sierra
La Canada:
The Dish
West Covina:
Dockside Grill
Treat yourself....while you help a good cause.
You can talk to Marilynne Kennedy during
the fellowship hour, or purchase them in the
Church Office during the week. For questions,
call Marilynne at (626) 278-3314 or email at
For more on the Nite On The Town Card,
you can visit their website at: http://www.
htm. Remember to notify the church, or
Marilynne, if you buy one, so that 50% can go
to FUMC.
Adopt a Child Abuse Caseworker Program
by Pam Burns
Christmas Blessings!
Each year I try to come up with a new or clever way to thank
you for helping to brighten the Christmas season for children in
the Adopt a Child Abuse Caseworker (ACAC) program. After
eight Christmas seasons, I have come to the realization that using
the simple words, “thank you,” is okay. So, THANK YOU to each
of you who bought dream gifts or stuffed Christmas stockings
with surprise goodies for the child you selected. Thank you
also to the Lamplighters and other “unknown” individuals who
provided stocking stuffers and gifts for children whose names
were not selected. This year thirty children who are clients of our
Department of Children and Family Services caseworker, Lisa,
were remembered by your kindness. There were also additional
gifts for children in foster care who are not part of the ACAC
Thank you once again to the Underwood family for “adopting”
a family of three young children and their mother who are being
reunited. This is the third year that Phyllis, Howard, their
children and grandchildren have included an “adopted” family as
part of their Christmas giving. The gifts, food, and many special
extras have blessed their “adopted” families through the years.
Thank you for your continuing support of the ACAC program.
Your caring has touched the lives of children in a positive way.
Remembering Advent
by Leslie Carpenter and Anne Johnston
Dear Friends and Supporters of FUMC Advent Workshop: Thank you for your gifts of time, creativity,
patience, talent, and good cheer all of which made this year’s Workshop a big success!
Seeing everyone enjoying great fellowship while making music, projects, and even new friends was just
so perfectly in keeping with the spirit of Advent that we couldn’t be happier!
Hope that you had a warm and meaningful Christmas and that 2012 brings you back to build on this
year’s event! And don’t forget to save Sunday afternoon on December 2, 2012, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM for
our next Workshop!
Youth Winter Retreat 2012
President’s Day Weekend, Saturday, Feb. 18-Monday, Feb. 20, 2012
YOU Have Been Chosen - “For you have not chosen ME, but I have chosen you, and ordained
you, that you should go and bring forth fruit…” - John 15:16-19
As we continue to explore our 2011-2012 theme of Acceptance, we will search deeper into
our own acceptance by God...just as the Little Green Men in Toy Story discovered that they
were chosen too!
We will do some Bible study, play games that connect to our theme, and enjoy our time
CHARACTER and CHOOSE a small & meaningful gift that you are willing to share with
someone else.
Fun times! And of course, games, hikes, and playtime will commence as always! It might
snow, so don’t forget your warm clothes and winter gear!
Come ready to share what’s on your mind...and learn ways that we can live out our call as the Chosen Ones.
Please get your registration form to the Church Office by January 22,
2012, at the latest along with your camp fee in the amount of $75.
We launch at noon on Saturday, February 18.
Get ready for a great afternoon of JAZZ…
and an opportunity to make a difference
by Marilynne Kennedy
Save the date! Sunday, January 29th, at
3:30PM in the Sanctuary for a special jazz
concert featuring Concertmaster Rob Hayes as he
plays musical host in coordinating this afternoon
of entertainment in honor of our very own
Hajime Miyasaka.
Most of you know Hajime who is a member of our church
youth group and has been part of the youth choir. Hajime
was diagnosed in November 2010 with Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.
Hajime just celebrated his 19th birthday on January 8th.
Hajime is an inspiration to all of us; despite the constant
challenges which he faces, he doesn’t give up. For example,
the first thing he did the morning after his
birthday was to type a note using his foot
to thank his parents for the wonderful and
“best birthday.”
At the concert, a free will offering will
be taken to support ALS Guardian Angels
organization. Founded in
2007 in San Juan Capistrano,
provided incredible support
in many different ways for
almost one thousand ALS
patients and their families
throughout the world. Hajime and his family have benefited
numerous times from the generosity of the ALSGA Foundation.
Gifts to the Foundation will benefit Hajime and those like him
who are dealing with the challenges of ALS.
If you are unable to attend, but wish to make a difference,
checks to ALSGA/ALS Guardian Angels Foundation can
be sent to the church or to ALS Guardian Angels at 33761
Limerick Lane, San Juan Capistrano, CA
Come out and enjoy a great
concert for an even greater cause.
Warmest Thanks from the Social Services Ministry!
by Sharon Stacey
Social Services Coordinator
The Entheos Group at FUMC remembered Social Services in a
big way this holiday season! Their annual Christmas Party, held at
the lovely home of Steve & Melanie Summers, brought in generous
donations of peanut butter, tuna and deodorant - all badly needed
items for the food pantry. We thank you sincerely for choosing to
support the work of this ministry with your generous gifts!
United Methodist Women of FUMC chose once again to bless
the Social Services Ministry with a substantial end-of-the-year
monetary gift, and blessed we are indeed! Because of their generosity,
the food pantry volunteers had the joy of handing out $5.00 Target
Gift Cards to those they serve! We have many regular clients, often
struggling with a serious health issue, who were among those on the
receiving end of this kindness. For some, this was the only gift they
received, and the appreciation was deep and heartfelt.
There are others among us who regularly pass along gently-worn
items of clothing like sweaters and jackets this time of year, because
they know the need is there. They are neither asked nor reminded
- they simply have awareness of the season and open, loving hearts
that guide them. Thank you for recent donations, dear friends!
So, THANK YOU, one and all, for your kind and caring
responses to those in need in our community. May God richly
bless you each one!
New Member Inquirer’s Class
...for those considering membership or wish more information about the United Methodist Church
on Sunday, February 12th, following worship. Lunch will be served. This session will offer the
opportunity to connect with the pastors, explore United Methodist beliefs and organization, and the
meaning of membership. All are invited. Child care available as needed. Sign up in the Fellowship Hall
following worship and through the Church Office. For more information, contact Rev. Debbie Gara at
Remembering your Baptism
Last Sunday, light came streaming through
our stained glass windows onto the altar
bearing a giant shell, a glass pitcher of
water and glass bowls twinkling an aqua
Bishop Shamana led us through the baptism
of Jesus by John the Baptist in the River
Jordan. (George and I were bombarded by
little ‘Peter’ fish as we swam in that same
river. We always brought home a bottle of
From the
that water to use in baptism for the next
Catacombs forty years.)
by Pat Mann
We were asked to remember our baptism.
I wish that we could have seen each memory
there, because it would have taken us all over
the world.
I recalled hearing my mother tell of my infant
christening in 1932 at Wilshire Methodist
Church. Dr. Willsie Martin sprinkled my
downy head and I gave him a big kiss. I was
pleased to know that they introduced me to the
church from my beginning. I did not know
that I had been baptized. I was baptized again
as a teenager.
Then Bishop Shamana informed us that in
February 24-25, 2012
6:30PMAppetizers &
Silent Auction
7:00PMDinner &
Big Thanks
by Ann Zeiss and
Missions, Peace and Justice
Thank you to all who helped and
participated in this year’s Christmas Market.
It seems a good time was had by all while
helping others. Your donations and gift card
shopping raised $2114!
A big thank you to Erich and Irmgard
Frey and their helpers during their two weeks
of marketing that benefited African Team
Ministries, and another big thank you to Sue
Fenwick for running the Third World Hand
Arts Market. These markets are truly a labor
of love that involves much work with a lot of
fun and friendship mixed in.
Thank you to all that made helping others
at this year’s market such a happy time.
the United Methodist Church, we have “infant baptism” because
of God’s prevenient grace that is with us whether we are aware
of it or not. Later, we can choose to be confirmed in the faith
in which we were baptized. Then we experience God’s justifying
The water on the altar was blued. We approached the altar
with open hands as a cross of water was traced on it. Then tiny
pieces of ocean-transformed glass were placed there for us to keep
and remember.
Little Grace Lane held her father’s hand, and with the other,
held it out cupped ready to receive…
A shoreline baptism circa 1920.
An evening of All-American dining and entertainment featuring
the Sounds of the Risen Son and Messiah’s Harmonies performing
music of purely American origin - country and blues!
Tickets $25 at the Church Office, and
at Coffee Hour in February!
First Church 2012 Lenten Study
By Adam Hamilton
8 Wednesday evenings
February 15 to April 4
6:15 PM soup supper
7:00 PM class
February 22 is the Ash Wednesday service- no study that evening.
In his book, “Final Words from the Cross” and the corresponding DVD,
Adam Hamilton examines Christ’s dying hours and his final words as seen
and heard by those who stood near the cross. This study will provide a
discussion format for exploring the book and the DVD.
Book cost- $10; scholarships available
Sign up beginning Sunday, February 5th and through the Church Office.
On the Horizon
January 19th
Adult Study: Living More Simply
8-Minute “Real”ate
January 22nd
Lay Liturgist Training
January 28th-29th
Children’s Winter Camp
January 29th
Church Conference/Church Council
ALS Guardian Angel Jazz Concert
February 10th
Brass Fest
February 12th
New Member Inquirer’s Class
February 15th-April 4th
Lenten Study - “Final Words”
February 18th-20th
Youth Winter Camp
February 19th
Turn the Page Book Club
Weekly Events
9:00 AM Sunday School for
children and youth
9:00 AM SpiritSeekers
Church Lounge
10:00 AM Sunday Worship
11:30 AM Youth Handbell Choir
Bell Room
5:30 PM Youth Choir
Choir Room
6:45 PM UMYF Dinner &
Fellowship Hall
7:00 PM Adult Handbell
Bell Room
10:00 AM Social Services
Great Hall
7:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 27
Scout Room
7:30 PM Adult Choir Rehearsal
Choir Room
FUMC Prayer List
For Healing:
Juliet Borys
Joan Bothast
Lee Bothast
Cody Bowling
Juanita and Virgil
Harvey Crass
Ken DeVault
Curt Elrod
Rodger Fadness
Marlene Farrell
Stephen Gothold
Mark Halverson
June Koese
Marilyn Lemp
Jun Chao Lu
Phil Lussier
Shirley Meech
Ray Mitchell
Hajime Miyasaka
Richard L.
Ramona Moran
Linda Muse
Helen Olivas
Rev. Mardy
David Peterson
Aurora Sanchez
Margaret Sarmast
Norm Schmidt
Janet Staats
Jan Wentz
Elizabeth Wittry
For Comfort:
Gladys Cox
Kate McSherry
Natasha Lane
and family
The family
of Lawrence
Bob Rinker
and family
For Protection:
Eric Danziger
Rick Schlee
First United
Methodist Church
500 East Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena, CA 91101
For the Just
Resolution of
Conflict for the
People of:
Congo, Darfur,
Haiti, Iran, Iraq,
Kenya, Lebanon,
Libya, Myanmar,
North Korea,
Pakistan, Sudan,
Syria, Tibet,
Tunisia, Yemen,
Zimbabwe, and
Israel, Gaza &
Non-Profit Organization
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