Crossville FUMC Newsletter Save-the
Crossville FUMC Newsletter Save-the
Crossville FUMC Newsletter Crossville First United Methodist Church– the church with the window on the heart of our town. Privilege of a Contemporary Sabbath July 25 2016 Need to email a staff member? Drew Shelley: Sommer Worley: Eliud Martinez: Kimberly White: Jill Kemmer: Drew Shelley, Senior Pastor Dear Brothers and Sisters, Shannon and I returned July 21 from our summer time away for rest and renewal. We are grateful for the privilege of this Sabbath time, and we prayed daily for you while we were away. We missed you surely, and now look forward to seeing you on our first Sunday back, July 24. Thanks to the generosity of some friends, we spent our time at their home on Ramrod Key down in the Florida Keys. It was a new experience for us, and one we enjoyed. We spent most of our time in Key West, eating good food and people watching. Believe me, there was a lot to see! We made one 8-hour round trip to Miami just to see the sights. Shannon found the most delicious Cuban restaurant in a ‘sketchy’ part of town, but the food was worth the danger! The highlight of our trip was eating the best Cuban sandwich in the world at a combination sandwich shop-laundromat. Thanks to Sharion Mercer for the tip to this unique place! We were frequent customers. As I say each time I go somewhere, I thank God for the staff of our church. We are so blessed to share ministry with these folks! I returned to my office on Friday July 22 with only a small stack of mail and just 37 emails. Now, on to more pressing matters! August 14th is less than a month away, and we’re making great progress toward our ability to Make Room for the folks God is sending our way. Servant Rosters are being created, folks are being trained, and plans are falling into place as we live into God’s call on our lives. Please continue to join us in our 40 Days of Prayer initiative – daily emails are available for you if we have your email – OR we can send a paper copy to you. Know that I hold each of you in my prayers. Your faithful witness to the love of God is powerful here in Crossville. People see Jesus in you, and their lives are better for it. Carry on! Love , Drew Carol Bond: Rhonda Phillips: Crossville FUMC P.O. Box 752 Crossville, TN 38557 (931)484-3537 Website: Email: Facebook & Twitter: Crossville FUMC Promotion Sunday August 7, 2016 Save-the-Date August 14, 2016 Making Room… 8:30 a.m. Worship Service 9:40 a.m. Sunday School 10:45 a.m. Worship Blessings on our children will rain down as they assemble in the sanctuary at 9:00 a.m. on August 7 with parents, extended family members, and supporters on Promotion Sunday The recognition of children and youth deserves a special hour as the church celebrates their educational and spiritual growths. It is a time for gathering and receiving blessings across the age spans of our off spring and a time for praising their teachers and leaders. Promotion Sunday is an annual event with personal memories for many worshipers. In the spirit of New Generation Ministries, the August 7 celebration denotes one marker for the start of our increased focus on children and youth in the Crossville FUMC congregation. Crossville FUMC FUMCNewsletter Newsletter Crossville Page 22 Page FUMC Next Generation Ministries Want to guarantee that your child grows into a strong, committed Christian? Few guarantees come with raising children, but you can endorse increasing the Open Hearts, chance of having an awesome kid when you have a goal and a Open Minds. plan to raise your child to love and serve the Lord. Open Doors. Certain Old Testament scriptures declare that in only two generations the Israelites forgot what God did for them. Lest we forget, we could be one generation away from godlessness as foretold similarly in Deuteronomy 4:9 and in Judges 2:10: “And in time, death overtook all that generation; and another generation came after them, having no knowledge of the Lord or of the things which he had done for Israel." How do we stop spiritual negligence and denial today? Not wanting that to happen, we offer "Next Generation Ministries”—a re-emerging strategy. Our congregation’s charge is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of city, state, and world, but we must emphasize making such disciples of our children, youth, and young families. Scott Looney and I, co-leaders, knowing that we must have a plan to Mission: get us to the next level of growth, voiced a mission statement. Next Generation "Crossville First Ministries exists to United Methodist partner with families, Church Next Generation Ministries caregivers and church exists to partner members to make with families, caredisciples of the next and givers and church members to make future generations of disciples of the next and future generachildren, ... tions of children, so that they can make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of Crossville and the World." Our promise is to work in partnership with you, Doug Hensley members of our congregation. children. Our mission and We will walk with you and vision statements address the help you in this journey. We first questions that many peowill teach you, pray for you, ple ask. In explaining our and explain in detail what we dedication to children and parare trying to do. We feel that ents, they will want to come. the more you understand what Walt Disney once our plans are, the easier you defined teamwork as, “You can tell others about Next Gen- can design and create, and eration Ministries at Crossville build the most wonderful First United Methodist Church. place in the world. But it takes Collectively, you and people to make the dream a we are a team. When a proreality." posed work is difficult, compliOur church is ready to cated, and important--such as move to that level of reality building a bridge, flying a where many people want to spacecraft to the moon, or come to a wonderful place. building next generation minis- We are ready to get off the tries--people turn to a team. bench and get into the game. When a group becomes a true Every Sunday we can feel the team, it transforms into a complex, adaptive, dynamic, Vision: task-performing system. Teams are groups, but not all groups are teams. Therefore, connect children Scott and I stated a vision for to Christ and to grow this team. "Our vision for the them spiritually … We Next Generation Ministries desire to combine the at Crossville First United Methodist Church is to con- influence of both the nect children to Christ and church and the home to grow them spiritually. We to incite wonder, believe that parents and caregivers are the greatest provoke discovery, and influence in a child's life, ignite passion in the but we also know that they are not the only influence. hearts of children as We desire to combine the influence of both the church we teach them to and the home to incite won- follow Jesus." der, provoke discovery, and ignite passion in the hearts of children as we teach them pull of the spirit and see God to follow Jesus." We want to connect working in our church. We children and others to Christ. can feel that God is ready to We want to collaborate with pour ever more of his blessings you, our church parents, to be a on each one of us. positive influence in your chilOur church’s goal of dren's lives. Within our vision, celebrating two worship serwe look to teach scripture, rea- vices provides space and opson, and tradition, and to genportunity to realize our vision erate spiritual experiences for of adding 200 new people or children and young families. more. This move on August These goals will take time. 14 is our chance to be on the Scott and I want to ground level of a new and exmake sure that the congregaciting time. tion understands what we are The legacies we leave doing and is able to tell persons reflect the simple things we do, in the community what we Continued page 3 Next Gen offer to young families and Continued: Next Gen such as helping, teaching, being present with encouragement, or being a mentor. We may never know the impacts we leave in this world, but one day we will hear Jesus say, "Well done my child." We need everyone’s help in praying about abilities and talents to share with the Next Generation Ministries. Together we can build something transformative, creating beacons of light for this community. When you are ready to help, please contact through the church office or the email: A challenging quote, modified by one word, is from John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address. "Ask not what your church can do for you, but ask what YOU can do for your church." Crossville FUMC Newsletter Page 3 NEXT GENERATION MINISTRIES Crossville FUMC Newsletter Page 4 Include Church in Your Vacation Whether your plans for summer vacation include a brief hide-away, get-away, or travel with days-away at a bucket-list location, you want to include the church in your pre-planned package. Pastor Drew Shelly informed us by letter July 8, 2016 that FUMC is within its budget, but we are not meeting our budget. Estimated income for funding budgetary demands is falling short about $50,000. The factors cited include expenditures for several long deferred maintenance items and engaging higher numbers of people in tangible ministries. The stretch of days in summer, when many members take time away, affects the level of stewardship through the weekly/monthly gifts and tithes. Dips in the church’s budget occur during the summer months when congregants are absent from worship services. The Finance Committee and Church Treasurer, Cathy Camera, exercise very close over sight to managing expenses, cash reserves, and designated funds. They forecast increased giving when summer changes to fall and when members return with renewed focus and regularity to their pledged gifts. As your vacation plans are budgeted, the regular contribution to your home church is important to maintain. While the church building and the rest of the congregation await your return, what they keep in place is part of your practicing stewardship and connection through an even level of giving. An additional suggestion for your vacation plan is visiting a local church along the way or at your destination and worshipping with that congregation. Thus, you will twice include church in your vacation. FUMC Annual 127 Yard Sale August 3-6 John C. Brown The FUMC Annual 127 Yard Sale, organized by the Methodist Men and Associates, will be in the church Annex August 3 through 6. The dates and hours of operation for the yard sale will be August 3 through 5 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and on August 6 from 8:00 am to 12 noon. Anyone who wishes to donate items, such as furniture, toys, sheets, towels, tools and appliances, should do so by Wednesday July 27. We accept your items, except for clothing and electronics, which can be dropped off at the annex between 8:00 am and 12-noon on any Wednesday through July 27. Afterwards, we need the remaining few days to set up operations and arrange the goods for sale during the popular 127 Yard Sale event that annually attracts value seekers among many vendors along US Hwy 127. We hope to increase the amount of sales raised in 2015. The receipts from the Methodist Men’s yard sale support scholarships for selected students who need assistance to attend colleges and universities. If you have serviceable items or appliances in working order and no longer need them, please bring them to the FUMC annex on Wednesdays before noon through July 27. If you have items that need picking up and delivery to the annex, please call John Bockhorn (931-788-6346) or Scott Davis (931-3359936) for accommodations before the due Ranching at C & T Ranch Wannabe farmers and ranchers, city folks and fun-seekers, persons of all ages and abilities appeared as happy picnickers at the C & T Ranch on Taylors Chapel Road Saturday, July 9. Hosts Cathy Robertello and Tim Vandagriff invited members of the church to their extensive grounds for a feast and a day of play from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm. The main course was Tim’s specialty— Chicken Cacciatore with pasta catching the defining sauce. A sturdy table groaned with side dishes and hors d’oeuvres added by guests who brought food to make a potluck menu. When the dinner bell rang, folks gathered in a circle to hold hands, and paused for a blessing lifted by Horace Burgess. Under a tent for shade and sitting along tables set for the crowd, members took leisure time to enjoy food and togetherness. Cathy and Tim prepared for their visitors by arranging yard spaces with fittings and equipment date. We can furnish tax receipts that allow you to list your donated items. We thank you for the items already donated and for other suitable ones donated by July 27. Your Yard Sale Team sincerely thanks you! for numerous games and creative activities. The warm weather enticed bathers and boaters to enjoy the cool pond with its varying depths for swimming and kayaking. Horseshoe pits begged for old-fashioned tournaments of clanging metal, shoes hitting and ringing the spikes. A farm tractor enticed people to pose as drivers after they donned pioneer style garments for their fashionable looks. The possibilities for various outdoor games meant that revelers had to make time for shade tree resting and gossiping. Cathy and Tim’s ranch is picturesque with spa-like amenities that define rural comforts on the Cumberland Plateau. Their invitation was generous and their location was inspiring. Accolades fall short, but appreciations grow with reflections on the fellowship. Recent legislation has changed the date of Tennessee’s annual sales tax holiday. Tennessee’s sales tax holiday will now be one weekend earlier than it has been in the past. Starting in 2016, and continuing annually, the sales tax holiday will be held during the last Friday in July through the following Sunday. The dates for this year’s sales tax holiday are July 29 through July 31, 2016. The new law did not change any other aspects of the sales tax holiday. As in prior years, consumers will not pay state or local sales tax on clothing, school and art supplies that cost $100 or less per item and computers that cost $1,500 or less. Tennessee had its first sales tax holiday in 2007. For more information about the sales tax holiday, please visit You may also search for answers to questions or submit inquiries to the Department through the Revenue Help application at https://
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