King Edward Centre
King Edward Centre
FOR LEASE FOR LEASE 15 KING EDWARD STREET COQUITLAM,BC 28,000 SF ANCHOR OPPORTUNITY U p to 28 ,0 00 SF Av a ila bl e KING EDWARD CENTRE, COQUITLAM,BC Ki ng Brunette Avenue Ed w ar d CAC TUS CLU B CAFE Sch oolh St re et ous e St reet ed H e Lough SUBJECT SITE y hwa a Hig ad s Can Tran vard oule ed B Unit y ighwa FRASER MILLS APPROX. 3,700 UNITS UPON COMPLETION DERICK FLUKER* 604 638 2125 FORM RETAIL ADVISORS *Personal Real Estate Corporation JACK ALLPRESS* 604 638 1975 FOR LEASE 15 KING EDWARD STREET COQUITLAM,BC King Edward Street THE OPPORTUNITY The Subject Site is located on a prominent corner bordered by the Trans Canada Highway, King Edward Street, and United Boulevard, and has exposure to a combined 162,000 vehicles per day. The site is well positioned to service the entire Metro Vancouver market in an area that is anchored by several big box retailers including Ikea, Real Canadian Superstore, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Home Outfitters. Over 590,000 people reside within a 15 minute drive and the site’s proximity to significant residential development (including The Village at Fraser Mills) will boost the residential and commercial activity in the immediate vicinity. CAC TUS CLU B CAFE Loug h eed High way LOCATION Conveniently located in South Coquitlam in the heart of the Lougheed Hwy/ United Blvd. commercial corridor and centrally located to service all of Metro Vancouver. vard RAPIDLY EVOLVING COMMUNITY Recent changes to the City of Coquitlam OCP will lead to significant population growth in the immediate area. The property is well positioned to service the expanding market of Coquitlam with population growth of 10.9% from 20082013 within a 5 km radius and further projected growth of 12.3% by 2018. IMPROVED TRANSPORTATION NETWORK Significant improvements to the area’s transportation network, most notably the new King Edward overpass and Port Mann bridge, greatly enhance the site’s accessibility and trade area. CIVIC ADDRESS 15 King Edward Street, Coquitlam, BC TRAFFIC COUNTS Trans Canada Highway: 130,756 VPD King Edward Street: 21,101 VPD United Boulevard: 10,826 VPD FORM RETAIL ADVISORS United Boule SUBJECT SITE ACCESS All directional via United Boulevard LOADING 1 dock level loading bay PARKING Approx. 350 surface stalls PROPERTY TAXES (2016 ESTIMATE) $3.43 PSF COMMON AREA & MAINTENANCE (2016 ESTIMATE) Retail: $3.56 PSF Office: $7.11 PSF ASKING RATES Please contact listing agent. FOR LEASE 15 KING EDWARD STREET COQUITLAM,BC SITE PLAN Trans C an ada Hig hway UNIT SIZE (SF) STATUS A Retail: 27,939 SF Mezzanine: 1,500 SF* April 1st, 2016 101 1,812 SF Immediately 15 KING EDWARD STR EE T * Potential to expand mezzanine space to 50% of the floor area Unit 101 1,812 SF West Coast Furniture Liquidators 3,600 SF 1,812 SF A VAILABL E 3,571 SF Trans Cana da Highway 9,603 SF 18,586 SF UNIT 101 15 KING EDWARD STR Unit A Unit B Unit C * Unit D Total 27,939 SF 11,475 SF A VAILABL E 4,443 SF A VAILABL E UNIT A 19,204 SF 63,061 SF West Coast Furniture Liquidators SITE SIZE 6.545 Acres CENTRE SIZE 81,647 SF FORM RETAIL ADVISORS EE T King Edward Street Unit A 27,929 SF Unit 100 Unit 101 Unit 102 Unit 200 Total United Boulevard LEASE FORFOR LEASE 15 KING EDWARD STREET COQUITLAM,BC 15 KING EDWARD STREET Location Summary Report COQUITLAM, BC Study Area Coquitlam (CY), BC N ove m be r 10, 2015 Household Income 15 Minute Drive Primary Trade Area Study Area $94,206 $74,828 Average HH Income Median HH Income Province Households by Income > $250K $ 200/250K $ 175-200K $ 150-175K $ 125-150K $ 100-125K $ 90-100K Population & Household Summary Age Cohorts Total Population Population Growth 2010-2015 Population Growth 2015-2020 138,305 8.3% 8.7% Population Projections 2010 Population 2015 Population 2020 Population 2025 Population 127,739 138,305 150,307 162,307 30,397 89,401 18,507 40.2 22.0% 64.6% 13.4% Age Distribution 85+ 80-84 Total Households Household Growth 2010-2015 Household Growth 2015-2020 % of Households with Children % of Households - Married w/ Kids % of Households - Single Parent 50,187 9.3% 12.2% 46.8% 36.5% 10.3% 75-79 Total Number of Children at Home 42,361 50-54 $ 80-90K $ 70-80K Population: 19 yrs and under Population: 20-64 yrs Population: Over 65 yrs Median Age 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 45-49 Marital Status - Population 15 Years+ Single (never married) 33,966 Married/Common-Law 68,435 Widowed 5,216 Divorced 6,326 Separated (legally married) 2,832 $ 60-70K $ 50-60K $ 40-50K $ 30-40K 29.1% 58.6% 4.5% 5.4% 2.4% $ 20-30K 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 < $20K 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 10-14 5-9 0-4 0 Workplace 2015 Transportation to Work Car as driver Car as passenger Public transit Walked Bicycle Other Method 2015 ESTIMATES Primary Trade Area Population Average Household Income 89,997 $85,620 FORM RETAIL ADVISORS INC. 1280-333 SEYMOUR STREET VANCOUVER, BC V6B 5A6 T 604 638 2121 F 604 638 2122 FORMRETAIL.CA The information contained herein was obtained from sources which we deem reliable and while thought to be correct, are not guaranteed by Form Retail Advisors inc. FORM RETAIL ADVISORS 15 Min Drive 597,815 $84,629 Coquitlam 138,305 $94,204 Visible Minorities 46,916 3,244 11,055 2,263 305 849 40.7% 2.8% 9.6% 2.0% 0.3% 0.7% Daytime Population Total Daytime Population 113,727 Daytime Pop. at Work 45,331 Daytime Pop. at Home 68,396 39.9% 60.1% Occupations All occupations 74,449 Management 7,127 Business, Finance & Admin 14,394 Sciences 6,728 Health occupations 4,714 Education, Gov't and Religion 8,161 Art, Culture & Sport 2,592 Sales And Service 17,717 Trades 9,966 Primary Industry 572 Manufacturing 2,478 98.1% 9.4% 19.0% 8.9% 6.2% 10.8% 3.4% 23.3% 13.1% 0.8% 3.3% Education No certificate or diploma High school or equiv Apprenticeship or trade cert. College, CEGEP or other University below bachelor University degree 11.7% 26.1% 8.6% 16.5% 6.9% 30.1% Powered by Sitewise Pro 5,000 Population by Visible Minority Chinese S. Asian (Inc. East Indian) Black Filipino Latin American Southeast Asian Arab West Asian Korean Japanese Visible minority, n.i.e. Multiple vis. minorities 0.0% Chinese Black Filipino 21,385 4,959 1,215 4,240 1,724 1,570 820 6,150 7,683 1,347 204 1,582 16.9% 3.9% 1.0% 3.4% 1.4% 1.2% 0.6% 4.9% 6.1% 1.1% 0.2% 1.3% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 2015 Private Dwellings by Tenure Owned Rented 54.6% 44.8% 13.1% 0.6% 10,817 14,796 9,528 12,943 2,103 21.6% 29.5% 19.0% 25.8% 4.2% 35% 30% 20% 15% Korean 10% Japanese 5% Multiple vis. minorities 74.3% 25.7% 2015 Households by Size of Households 25% Visible minority, n.i.e. 27,378 22,493 6,562 292 1 2 3 4-5 6+ Southeast Asian West Asian 37,271 12,916 2015 Private Dwellings by Structure Houses Apartments Detached duplex Movable dwelling Latin American Arab 13,544 30,160 9,943 19,077 7,959 34,664 5.0% 15,000 Home Ownership Visible Minorities by Percentage S. Asian (Inc. East Indian) 10,000 0% 1 2 3 4-5 6+ Data Source: 2015 Environics Analytics
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