Rick Joyner - MorningStar TV
Rick Joyner - MorningStar TV
201 5 R E S O U R C E S Fo rTh eMe s s e ng e r so fPo we r MORNI NGSTARMI NI STRI ES. ORG • 1 8005291 1 1 7 NEW PRODUCTS Our P rice $79 Apostolic Teams Present Training and Equipping Series: • Supernatural Ministry: Walking in Supernatural Ministry • Prayer and Intercession: A Supercharged Prayer Life • The Prophetic Life: How Life Looks in the Supernatural Realm • Igniting Your Heart For The Nations Training 101 • Prophetic Art: How Art & The Prophetic Go Hand in Hand DVD Set , Item #TTD150-200 Retail $195 Our Price $79 Spend $50 Rick's Favor ite or more and receive When God Walked the Earth NEW PRODUCTS Enoch’s Blessing Michael Fickess Rediscover the first prophet’s urgent message for the final generation. Enoch’s writings are filled with important prophetic insights that reflect his profound relationship with God. Those who take the time to fully explore what Enoch wrote for our generation may find this book to be a springboard into deeper relationship with the Lord of Glory. It is designed for the serious Bible scholar, with over 200 helpful notes, Bible cross-references, and a 12 page topical index. This book is recommended for individual study or home groups, where mature believers may gather together to discuss what each has received from these important writings. Trade Size, Item #MF4-001 Our Price $15.95 Ebook , Item #MF4-001 Our Price $7.99 The Path: Fire On The Mountain Rick Joyner Written in the genre of The Final Quest trilogy, this is a prophetic allegory that goes deeper, further, and higher, illuminating some of the most important truths of our time. "The greatest courage comes from loving God, but if we love Him, we will also love His people." Trade Size, Item #RJ1-079 Retail $17.99 Our 3 Price $15 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE NEW PRODUCTS Wild Love: Live From Charlotte By David Vallier, Molly Williams, Don Potter, Jenny-Rebecca Embry, Andrew Williams, Shelly Tackett CD , Item #ES6-067 Retail $17.95 Our Price $15 Living Dangerously: A Behind the Scenes Look at The Climate Change Debate Rick Joyner Many of the ultimate issues that mankind is now facing are being drawn to the same crossroads around the issue of climate change. The trend is for it to take an increasing amount of control. Whether it deserves this control over us or not is a crucial issue that will affect us all. Living Dangerously is about my journey to understand climate change. My goal was to determine if it was real. If it was real, then I wanted to understand the consequences. If it wasn't real, I wanted to understand the agenda of those who were propagating it. I learned far more than I expected. The implications of this are more far reaching than I even imagined. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-084 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15.95 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 4 NEW PRODUCTS EB OO K True Theology: Encountering The Knowledge of God Justin Perry Few disciplines have taken the most interesting subject there will ever be—God—and reduced it to something as boring and lifeless as theology has done. This is why it is so amazing when a thinker like Justin Perry comes along. He thinks with theological discipline, while imparting life, vision, and adventure into theology in a way that compels you to want to study. Justin’s theology takes you beyond just knowing principles and methods. He compels you to know God and to walk with Him in the greatest of all adventures—true Christianity. – Rick Joyner, Founder and President of MorningStar Ministries Ebook , Item #RJ1-016 Our Price $4.99 EB OO K Back to The Future: Rebuilding America’s Stability Karla Perry Like a surgical strike, Back to the Future targets faulty thinking that has enfeebled America, and teaches us how to think and act in ways that promote a healthy and prosperous future. It is about rediscovering what made America great so that we can return to these principles, and therefore, to the once solid foundation she was built upon. Engaging philosophy, education, history, science, journalism, family, and the church, we will travel back in time to see where we deviated from our nation’s foundation. Ebook , Item #RJ1-016 Our Price $7.99 Kingdom Education: The Comenius School for Creative Leadership Approach By Rick Joyner, Sandy Woods, Clint Rogers, Linda Wentz, Bobby Hussey, Sheila N. Lester, Sarah Godwin, Michael Fickess Kingdom Education creates a culture that unlocks unique potential in each child and produces extraordinary students. The key is not in the curriculum that is used, but how we teach the children to connect with the Lord and give expression to the Holy Spirit. True freedom of expression unlocks creativity within each child that, in turn, causes the child to excel and sets them on the course to discover their destiny. TradeSize, Item #CS4-001 Our Price $14.99 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 5 PROPHETIC MESSAGES For Our Time The greatest adventure and the most noble cause. INTE RNAT IONA L BEST SEL LER The Final Quest by Rick Joyner This international bestseller has been called “a message for our time” and may be one of the most read books of our time. It is a calling to “the greatest adventure” one can experience in this life, following the glory of God and walking in the majesty of our calling. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-046 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-016 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 The Call The Torch and The Sword by Rick Joyner by Rick Joyner Sequel to The Final Quest, the journey goes deeper, higher, broader, becoming the favorite book in the series to many. This third book in the series includes extraordinary revelations from the heavenly realm and is a spiritual strategy for the great battle between light and darkness that is now unfolding. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-047 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-032 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Compact Size, Item #RJ1-048 Retail $14.99 Our Trade Size, Item #RJ1-043 Retail $17.99 6 Price $12 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE Our Price $15 Final Quest Bundle When God Walked the Earth by Rick Joyner A prophetic perspective on how the angels saw the unfolding of “the greatest story ever told.” This is Rick’s personal favorite. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-058 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 You will always know your purpose in a situation by seeing with the eyes of your heart. What you see from your innermost being will always reveal your purpose. — Rick Joyner The Final Quest, The Call, The Torch and The Sword, and The Path Compact Size, Item #SO1-005 Retail $62.96 You Save $27.96 Our Price 35 $ OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 7 PROPHETIC PERSPECTIVES For insight into the most critical issues of our time. The Harvest 25th Anniversary Edition by Rick Joyner A summary of this vision became one of the most widely circulated prophecies in recent times. This is the complete vision that went to the top of bestseller lists in many nations. It is a panorama of coming events, many of which have now been fulfilled. Visions of the Harvest 25th Anniversary Edition by Rick Joyner A compilation of prophetic visions and messages crucial for these times. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-072 Retail $14.99 Our Compact Size, Item #RJ1-073 Retail $14.99 Our 8 Price $12 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE Price $12 Taking the Land by Rick Joyner The illumination of the New Covenant benefits, with the result of Christians starting to live in them, will no doubt be one of the highest impact events of all time. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-061 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Epic Battles of the Last Days by Rick Joyner This is a revelation of the most deadly evil strongholds we must confront in these times, and how they will not prevail against the church. Compact Size, Item # RJ1-054 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Hardcover, Item # RJ1-024 Retail $23.95 Our Price $17.50 The Coming Shift by Larry Randolph “The Coming Shift expresses the hope and vision of the church’s glorious maturity in our time. It will encourage those who are called to help bring this hope of the ages to a victorious conclusion.” ~Rick Joyner Compact Size, Item #LR1-003 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 The OnShift Fire TheWorld Coming by by Rick LarryJoyner Randolph This book is about the Welsh Revival, the greatest vision ofarguably the church’s glorious maturity in revival ever. What happened in Wales so captivated the world that the front pages of virtually every major newspaper carried the story. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-075 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 9 PROPHETIC HISTORY Lessons For Our Times A Prophetic History, Part 1 Church History: The First Century by Rick Joyner by Rick Joyner The true accounts of some of the most remarkable prophetic events in recent times that have been told around the world. A unique perspective on the seeds that will soon sprout into the greatest move of God of all time— the last century church. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-065 Compact Size, Item #RJ1-064 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Prophetic Special Our Price 35 $ Includes: Prophetic Ministry, Prophetic History , and Basic Prophetic Training CD Set Item# S01-263 Retail $53.98 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 A 20th Century Apostle : The Life of Alfred Garr by Steve Thompson This is the compelling story of one of the greatest spiritual pioneers of modern times and contains the essence of what it really means to be apostolic. Trade Size, Item #ST1-002 Retail $17.99 The Power To Change The World by Rick Joyner The Power to Change the World is the remarkable story of the Welsh and Azusa Street Revivals, the two greatest revivals of the church age until this time, how they were linked to each other, and how they are linked to what is yet to come. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-052 Retail $14.99 Our 10 Price $12 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE Our Price $15 The Vision That Changed a Nation by John Hansen This book is the story of how even the smallest seed can grow up to bear unimaginable fruit when coupled with courage and endurance. Compact Size, Item #JH5-001 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 PROPHETIC HISTORY Lessons For Our Times HALL OF FAITH SERIES by Rick Joyner The Three Witnesses Rick Joyner covers the inspiring lives of John Hus, Jon Amos Comenius, and Count Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf. Booklet, Item #RJ1-018 Retail $7.00 Our Price $5 The Fire That Could Not Die This is the story of the revival that changed Christianity. The lessons in this story are crucial for anyone involved in renewal or revival. Booklet, Item #RJ1-027 Retail $7.00 Our Price $5 Courage That Changed the World 25th Anniversary Edition Since biblical times, there may not be a more courageous and inspiring story than that of the The Knights of Malta. Our P Hall of Faith Book Set Item #S01-105 Retail $21 rice 12 $ Booklet, Item #RJ1-074 Retail $7.00 Our Price $5 Our Price 50 $ Prophetic History Bundle All 9 Books, Item #SO1-091 Retail $113.94 You Save $63.94 Supe r Spec ial! OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 11 THE GREAT SOCIETY New Covenant Church Life A Message to the Glorious Church Vol. I by Rick Joyner A Verse by Verse Study of Ephesians Chapters 1-4. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-040 Retail $17.99 Our The Prophetic Ministry by Rick Joyner An important sign of the last days is that the Holy Spirit will be poured out, resulting in dreams, visions, and prophecy. These books are essential reading for all who are devoted to seeing the church become the pure, spotless, and powerful bride of Christ that she is called to be. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-051 Retail $14.99 Our A Verse by Verse Study of Ephesians Chapters 5-6. Our Price $15 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-042 Compact Size and Study Guide Item #S01-232 Retail $32.98 A Message to the Glorious Church Vol. II by Rick Joyner Price $12 Study Guide, Item #KW3-004 Retail $17.99 Price $15 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Our Price $19.95 A People Prepared by Terry Virgo This is an important wake-up call to restore New Testament church life in the twenty-first century by one of the most respected leaders in the church today. Trade Size, Item #TV1-001 Retail $17.99 The Apostolic Ministry His Rule in His Church by Rick Joyner This book is essential reading for those who are devoted to seeing the church become all that she is called to be. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-055 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-044 Retail $17.99 12 Our Price $15 Our Price $15 by Carlton Kenney Find fresh insights on church authority, apostles, prophets, and how all the ministries and gifts are designed to work together in New Testament church life. Compact Size, Item #CK1-001 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE THE SUPERNATURAL CHRISTIAN LIFE The Surpassing Greatness of His Power by Rick Joyner We cannot be witnesses of the Almighty without power. When I wrote this book, I felt that it was one of the most important I had written, but now it seems even more relevant to the times than I ever expected. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-062 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-015 Retail $17.99 Our The Normal Supernatural Christian Life Christ’s Healing Touch by Aliss Cresswell Understanding how to take God’s healing power to the world. You, like Jesus, can heal all who are “oppressed by the devil” (see Acts 10:38) and, with God’s power, “destroy the works of the enemy” (see I John.3:8). This book has been written for every person who wants to see God’s power demonstrated in everyday life. With a heart surrendered to Jesus and a passion for the Holy Spirit, Aliss has learned how to take an average day and make it explode with the heavenly. Retail $17.99 by Aliss Cresswell Already considered a classic by many who have read it, Spirit Talk is a valuable guide into the realm of spiritual communication and the lost art of hearing from heaven. Aliss Cresswell’s first book is an exciting and fresh read, a must for every believer who is longing for the kingdom to be established and for signs and wonders to testify the goodness of Jesus. Compact Size, Item #LR1-002 Trade Size, Item #AC2-001 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Our Price $15 A Diary of Miracles Part 1 by Larry Randolph Trade Size, Item #TB1-004 Trade Size, Item #AC2-002 Price $15 Spirit Talk by Todd Bentley Retail $17.99 Engaging the Revelatory Realm of Heaven by Paul Keith Davis Engaging the Revelatory Realm of Heaven opens parameters of understanding beyond your most exciting imagination. Trade Size, Item #PKD1-005 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Our Price $15 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 13 THE VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIFE There Were Two Trees in the Garden by Rick Joyner Rick’s first book remains one of our bestsellers, and has been called by many the most important book he has written. It reveals the roots of both good and evil, and their ultimate clash that is now unfolding. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-049 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Hardcover, Item #RJ1-019 Retail $23.50 Our Price $17.95 Study Guide, Item #KW3-001 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 The Journey Begins by Rick Joyner This builds on the message of Two Trees to reveal the biblical map between the place where we are called by God and walking in our full inheiritance. This is a must read for true sojourners. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-050 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 The Overcoming Life by Rick Joyner The Overcoming Life is about the ultimate quest of the true Christian life—becoming like the Lord by beholding His glory. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-053 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Hardcover, Item #RJ1-023 Retail $23.50 Our Price $17.95 Overcoming Life Study Guide Item# KW3-002 Study Guide, Item #KW3-003 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Confidence: A Key to Victorious Living by Ken Sumrall This is an encouraging study of a subject that is rarely addressed but is crucial for a victorious Christian life. Compact Size, Item #KS1-001 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Retail $17.99 Reality the Hope of Glory By Arthur Katz The four messages in this book lift the Spirit-led life out of the confines of every artificial, religious environment and set it in reality where it is tested and proven. This book points toward end-times when a life lived wholly by God’s Spirit will be the minimal condition for being able to stand. Compact Size, Item #AK1-001 Retail $14.99 14 Our Price $15 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE Our Price $12 THE VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIFE Satan’s number one strategy against the church is to bring division. The fruit of God’s Spirit is love and faith, which brings unity. – Rick Joyner The Triumph of Justice The Power of the Spoken Word by an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi by Bonnie Jones “The Triumph of Justice is an important work that will open the eyes of many Christians, giving fresh and powerful insights to some of Paul’s teachings that could greatly strengthen modern Christianity.” ~ Rick Joyner This book encourages believers to focus on bringing their thoughts into captivity. Bonnie exhorts people to be positive in their conversation and to make no way for curses to come on their lives. Explore the power of the spoken word and learn how to bless not only your life but the lives around you as well. Compact Size, Item #TJ2-002 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Trade Size, Item # BC8-001 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Life in the Light God Meant It for Good by Rick Reddick by R.T. Kendall Walking transparently before God and men releases great freedom. Rick Reddick shares practical steps based on personal experience, compelling readers to receive life-changing truth found in the Light of Jesus’ presence. Never have we heard a book described by so many as the best book they have ever read! This book was a classic the day it rolled off the press. Compact Size, Item #RR2-001 Retail $14.99 Our Compact Size, Item # RK1-015 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 Price $12 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 15 TEARING DOWN STRONGHOLDS & SPIRITUAL WARFARE Breaking the Power of Evil Delivered From Evil Revised by Rick Joyner by Rick Joyner Now is the time to break free of all the things, concepts, traditions, ideologies, people, and routines that are holding you back from living the blessed life that God destined for you. This book is an in-depth study on spiritual warfare and some of the most powerful, evil strongholds that were briefly addressed in the Strongholds Series. The final book in this prophetic trilogy on spiritual warfare, Delivered from Evil dismantles the strongholds of fear, confusion, and human idealism with the power of that secret key. In the end, Joyner demonstrates how our fight is not for our existence, but for the victory of the King and His kingdom. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-045 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-060 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 A Warrior’s Guide Overcoming Evil in the Last Days by James Durham Expanded by Rick Joyner Rick’s companion book to Breaking the Power of Evil expands his teachings on the evil stongholds of racism, witchcraft, and the religious spirit, shining light into the darkness. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-063 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 I am convinced that spiritual warfare is being waged on a much grander scale than we have previously imagined. Our ancient enemy, the devil, has declared war and is attacking relentlessly. In order to battle effectively, we must learn to judge the spirits and always love the people. Trade Size, VOL. 1 Item # JD8-001 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Trade Size, VOL. 2 Item # JD8-002 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 16 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE TEARING DOWN STRONGHOLDS & SPIRITUAL WARFARE OVERCOMING BOOKLETS by Rick Joyner Overcoming the Spirit of Poverty Item #RJ1-017 Retail $7.00 Overcoming Fear Item #RJ1-037 Retail $7.00 Our Price: $5.00 Item #RJ1-041 Retail $7.00 Our Price: $5.00 Overcoming Racism Item #RJ1-012 Retail $7.00 Overcoming the Religious Spirit Item #RJ1-013 Retail $7.00 Our Price: $5.00 Overcoming Confusion Overcoming the Accuser Item #RJ1-011 Retail $7.00 Our Price Our Price 35 29 Our Price: $5.00 Overcoming Witchcraft Item #RJ1-014 Retail $7.00 $$ Our Price: $5.00 Our Price: $5.00 Our Price: $5.00 Overcoming Booklet Series Includes All 7 Books, Item #SO1-053 Retail $49 You Save $20 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 17 DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR OVERCOMERS Wisdom From Rick Joyner 50 Days for an Enduring Vision by Rick Joyner by Rick Joyner Wisdom gives you much to think about and there is a page for your own personal ideas, thoughts, and prayers about becoming more Christlike— the clear heartbeat of this devotional. Sink your roots deeper into an unshakable faith in the purposes of God and your place in them by reading this devotional. Hardcover, Item #RJ1-069 Retail $21.99 Our Price $17 High Calling by Rick Joyner This daily devotional will help you understand and begin to see into the spiritual realm, the true home of the new creation man. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-068 Retail $17.99 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-038 Retail $15.95 Our Price $12 50 Days for a Firm Foundation by Rick Joyner This is a study of the plan of God revealed in the Scriptures. It is also a search for the heart of God so that we can draw closer to the One Who is the true desire of every human heart. Our Price $15 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-031 Retail $15.95 Our Price $12 An Enduring Vision by Rick Joyner Sink your roots deeper into an unshakable faith in the purposes of God and your place in them by reading this devotional. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-067 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 50 Days for a Soaring Vision by Rick Joyner This daily devotional will help you understand and begin to see into the spiritual realm, the true home of the new creation man. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-035 Retail $15.95 Unshakable Faith by Rick Joyner l. Some of the most important and foundational truths required to build a solid foundation for a powerful spiritual life are addressed in this devotional Trade Size, Item #RJ1-066 Retail $17.99 18 Our Price $15 Our Price $12 DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR OVERCOMERS MORNINGSTAR VISION BIBLE The Epistles of Hebrews & James Hebrews Of all the Epistles in the New Testament, Hebrews is unique and is considered the deepest theologically. It is addressed to the Jewish people about their greatest hope, the Messiah, engaging in an in-depth overview of how the Old Covenant law prophesied Christ and was fulfilled in Him. with Commentary By Rick Joyner The Gospel of Mark The Gospel of Mark is one of the most studied of the New Testament books because it is considered to be a direct transcript of Peter's account a given to Mark. It is remarkable in its very downto-earth, common man's style. This Gospel is an important contribution to our understanding of the ministry of Jesus when He walked the earth. James The style of James is pastoral. It addresses practical aspects of basic Christian living such as dealing with temptation, faith and works, and discerning the wisdom from above from that which comes from below. Paul’s Letters to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, & Colossians Taken together, these four Epistles lay a foundational understanding of law vs. grace, works of the flesh vs. works of the Spirit, the purpose of the church and how it will advance and mature into that purpose, the high calling of God in Christ which is the greatest quest, as well as the glorious place of the Son of God as Creator and Lord of all. ~ Rick Joyner Trade Size, Item#RJ1-083 Retail $17.99 Trade Size, Item#RJ1-082 Retail $17.99 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-081 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Our Price $15 Our Price $15 19 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE MORNINGSTAR VISION BIBLE with Commentary By Rick Joyner The most basic purpose of The MorningStar Vision Bible is accuracy and faithfulness to the intended meaning of the Author, the Holy Spirit. His written Word reveals the path to life, salvation, transformation, deliverance, and healing for every soul who would seek to know God. The Gospel of Matthew The Book of Acts Matthew relates how Jesus fulfills the Messianic prophecies, establishing with overwhelming scriptural proof that He is indeed the promised Messiah. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-076 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Our Price 65 $ The wonders and miracles performed by the Holy Spirit kept the believers in a continual state of awe and wonder at the things the Lord was doing. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-077 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Paul’s Letter to the Romans Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians No conqueror in history had the impact on the course of civilization than this one letter did. No other writings ever penned have changed more hearts than the letters of the Apostle Paul. These two letters to the Corinthians stand as the most powerful of all. Trade Size, Item #RJ1-088 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Trade Size, Item #RJ1-080 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 MorningStar Vision Bible Supe r Spec ial! Includes All 7 Books, Item #SO1-029 Retail $126.00 You Save $61.00 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 20 I ncl udesAl l30CompactBooks TheFi nalQues t ,TheCal l ,TheTor chandt heSwor d, TwoTr eesi nt heGar den,Pr ophet i cMi ni s t r y,ThePowert oChanget heWor l d,Over comi ngLi f e,Epi cBat t l esoft heLas t Days ,TheApos t ol i cMi ni s t r y,Leader s hi pPowerofaCr eat i veLi f e,TheHar ves t-25t hAnni ver s ar yEdi t i on,Vi s i onsoft he Har ves t-25t hAnni ver s ar yEdi t i on,I s l am,I s r ael ,andt heChur ch,GodMeanti tForGood,Taki ngt heLand,The Sur pas s i ngGr eat nes sofHi sPower ,Chur chHi s t or y,Pr ophet i cHi s t or y,Li f ei nt heLi ght ,TheExt r aor di nar yJour ney, Cor r ectNotPol i t i cal l yCor r ect ,Cour aget hatChangedt heWor l d-Updat edandExpanded,TheThr eeWi t nes s es ,ISee aNew Amer i ca,Tr i umphofJus t i ce,Over comi ngt heSpi r i tofPover t y,Over comi ngt heSpi r i tofRaci s m,Over comi ngt he t heRel i gi ousSpi r i t ,Over comi ngt heSpi r i tofFear ,Over comi ngt heSpi r i tofConf us i on,Over comi ngt heSpi r i toft he Accus er ,Over comi ngt heSpi r i tofWi t chcr af t I t em #SO1217 Ret ai l$342. 75 YouSave$163. 75 THE GREAT ADVENTURE The True Christian Life The Chosen Path Mystic MooseTales by Deborah Joyner by Robin McMillan This allegorical novel was written to impart courage and resolve to those who are faithfully committed to the highest of callings. True Christianity is reemerging and passionate souls are finding it. They are the ones who feed on writings like The Chosen Path. Mystic MooseTales is a supernatural allegory that imparts love and hunger for the supernatural God of The Bible. Trade Size, Item #RMM1-001 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Trade Size, Item #DJ2-001 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Danger Close by William G. Boykin The true Christian life is the greatest adventure any human being could ever live. — Rick Joyner Barely into his twenties and already a highly decorated military hero, Army Special Forces veteran Blake Kershaw makes the journey into a shadow world that leaves friends, family and, seemingly, even God far behind. But when things go terribly wrong, and his country looks set to destroy him, it is God and God’s people who intervene. Hardcover, Item # WB2-002 Retail Price $25 Kiloton Threat The Extraordinary Journey by Matt Peterson “Embark on a new adventure. Bathe in God’s love. Discover new hope. Live daring faith. Dance wildly. Experience the supernatural. Love the lost.” ~ Matt Peterson Compact Size, Item #MP5-001 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 by William G. Boykin and Tom Morrisey Taken from what could be tomorrow’s headlines, Kiloton Threat is a novel that explores the frightening potential of nuclear weapons in the Middle East today. Out of the house churches of rural Iran, a Christian masquerading as a Muslim gains the confidence of a high-ranking leader in the Iranian nuclear program and opens his eyes to Christianity. Trade Size, WB2-004 Retail $17.99 22 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE Our Price $15 KINGDOM STEWARDSHIP You will always know your purpose in a situation by seeing with the eyes of your heart. What you see from your innermost being will always reveal your purpose. — Rick Joyner Leadership: The Power of a Creative Life by Rick Joyner Leadership and creativity are two of the most powerful forces on earth. Together they have dictated the course of history. Compact Size, Item # RJ1-056 Retail $14.99 Our Price $12 I See a New America by Rick Joyner America is too young to die. This book addresses the most dangerous crises of our times and gives practical answers for turning them into opportunities for our brightest future yet. Compact Size, Item #RJ1-070 Retail $14.99 Our Trade Size, Item #RJ1-071 Retail $17.99 Our Money Matters In My Kingdom by Pastor Martin Powell This book is not a get-rich-quick book. Rather, it aims to set out the principles through which God prospers His people. Item #MP7-001 Retail $19.99 Our Price $17.50 Price $12 Price $15 50+ The Emerging Joshua and Caleb Generation by John Boneck You’re 50 or more. You were ignited by God years ago, and you’re not about to give up. You are like Joshua and Caleb who declared that with God’s help they could conquer God’s enemies and enter the Promised Land, even when others didn’t. Trade Size, Item #JB3-003 Retail $15.95 Our Price $12 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 23 The Inside Scoop! An Interview with Rick Joyner 1. You received one of the most important revelations you’ve ever been given, and it started with a clear word from the Lord to ride your motorcycle when your car broke down. How far was this journey? What were some of your concerns about riding that distance on your bike? I realized that I had related to the Lord as if my whole value to Him was what I could do for Him. I had preached against this and taught it many times, but I was not living my own teaching and did not realize it until this ride. The total distance was about 900 miles. I did about 250 the first day, and almost 650 the next, doubling my own record for miles in a day on a motorcycle. I tell people motorcycle miles are to car miles like dog years are to human years. Many of my friends are stretched just to do a hundred miles in a day. Because my knees were in such bad shape, I thought it could take a week for me to cover this distance, and it would have, if not for the miracles I experienced. I think we all have a unique relationship to the Lord, so what may apply to me does not necessarily apply to others. I realized while on this ride and in the extended conversation with the Lord like I never had before that I had only related to Him as Master. Whenever I came before the Lord, it was to get orders or instructions for what I was to do. Though I was trying to be obedient in all things and do the best job I could, which I think we should all do, I had never had the kind of relationship with Him that friends have, or sons. When He said that I was no longer a slave but a friend, I have to admit to feeling as awkward as I have ever felt. I did not know how to relate to Him like this. That is why I started talking about what I was going to do for Him, and He let me know that “labor is cheap.” He could more easily get others to do those things, but He said that He did not have many true friends. This was very disconcerting. 2. You said it was like the Lord was right there, riding on the back of your bike with you. His conversation with you was clearer than ever. As you rode, what did He say? When I passed the limit of what I thought I could ride in a day, I heard the Lord say, “Keep going.” I was determined to obey, but I didn’t think I could go much further without my knees being healed. When I asked Him to heal them, He just said, “Keep going.” Within a short distance I could tell that they were better. When I had to stop for fuel after about another hour, I expected to feel the typical sharp pain when I put my feet down, but my knees felt great. I walked around and did not feel any pain. I was ecstatic. Still, I had gone about 300 miles that day and through two storms. I thought that was enough and was about to get a hotel room when I heard Him say again, “Keep going.” So I did. As I rode, I began to feel stronger rather than more tired. Then I felt as if the Lord Himself was riding on the back of my bike. He began to speak to me as loud and clear as I have ever heard Him, but differently than I have ever heard Him. He wasn’t giving me strategies 3. Although you taught on friendship with God for many years, you realize now you weren’t really experiencing true friendship. Many of us may be in the same situation. How do we know? What is the evidence that we are, in fact, in a true friendship with the Lord? He also said that even though I would have to be delivered from my slave mentality, I could not have gotten to the place of friendship without it. I knew that I was just beginning on a whole new relationship journey with the Lord. I knew I would have a lot of maturing to do in it, but there is another level yet—being a son. This was a step toward the high calling of God that Paul wrote about in Philippians Three, but for me there is yet a long way to go. Right now I just want to learn to be the best friend I can be. I also knew that this friendship was something that could not just be claimed, but that promotion comes from the Lord. He has to give the invitation. Continued on page 36 KINGDOM BUSINESS THE 7 MOUNTAIN MANDATE by Lance Wallnau Prepare to be challenged, equipped, and inspired by this revolutionary teaching series that will impart vision and supernatural strategies for engaging the darkness covering the earth with the light of the kingdom of heaven. VOLUME 1 2 DVDs Item #LW10-000D Retail $30 Our Price $19 5 CDs Item #LW10-000C Retail $40 Our Price $25 VOLUME 2 2 DVDs Item #LW11-000D Retail $30 Our Price $19 2 CDs Item #LW11-000C Retail $40 Our Price $25 VOLUME 3 2 DVDs Item #LW12-000D Retail $30 Our Price $19 2 CDs Item #LW12-000C Retail $40 7 Mountain Mandate 35 59 $Our Price $ ALL 3 CD Sets Item# S01-263 Retail $112 ALL 3 DVD Sets Item# S01-264 Retail $90 25 Supe r Spec ial! 35 45 $Our Price $ Our Price $25 Kingdom Stewardship This series is packed with experiences in kingdom stewardship and financial insight. Walk in the strategies that will change the way you think, empowering you to combat the spirit of poverty through practical, daily faithfulness. 5 DVDs Item #VS18-000D Retail $75 Our Price $49 9 CDs Item #VS18-000C Retail $72 Our Price $45 CLICK ITEM TO ORDER OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG • 1-800-529-1117 Lead and Prevail—It’s Your Inheritance by Dave Yarnes Four messages titled: Creating a Financial Crisis Free Zone, Activating Your Believer’s Authority, Leadership Maturity, Obstacles, and Strategies for Success, The Warring Church and How to Prevail Against your Rivals. 2 DVDs Item #DY01-000D Retail $30 Our Price $19 4 CDs Item #DY01-000C Retail $32 Our Price $19 “Right now, our most strategic, frontline Christians are being released through the training and equipping of marketplace materials provided by the KBA.” ~Dave Yarnes, Founder KBA Lead and Prevail 2—It’s Your Inheritance by Dave Yarnes Three messages titled: 5 Disciplines of Kingdom Transformation, Positioning for Breakthrough, and Taking Hold of Your Calling: Advancing in these Amazing Times. 2 DVDs Item DY01-001D Retail $45.00 Our Price $29 Kingdom Business Association 2013 Harnessing the Supernatural Business Advantage 6 DVDs Item #CD132-100 Retail $90 9 CDs Item #CC132-100 Retail $51 Our Price $59 Our Price $29 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 26 TEACHING SETS The Great Commission by Rev. 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Messages include: MFM Retreat Kick-Off, A Fresh Anointing, and Hope is Coming. 2 DVDs Item #IS01-000D Retail $30 Our Price $19 4 CDs Item #IS01-000C Retail $32 Our DVD Item #BC11-000D Retail $30 Our Price $19 CD Item #BC11-000C Retail $24 Our Price $15 Price $19 Healing, Power, and Authority He is Awesome by Bill Johnson Messages include: Revival Rumblings, Redeeming the Song, and He is Awesome. 2 DVDs Item #BJ07-000D by Ray Hughes From the 2012 Healing Conference Retail $30 Our Price $19 2 DVDs Item #RH10-000D Retail $30 Our Price $19 3 CDs Item #RH10-000C Retail $24 Our Price $15 27 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE 4 CDs Item #BJ07-000C Retail $32 Our Price $19 TEACHING SETS Strategic Prophecy The Process of Change America Under Attack by Cindy Jacobs by Chuck Pierce Messages include: Demonstrating the Kingdom, Word of The Lord for 2012, and Strategic Prophecy. Messages include: The Process of Change and See the House. by Kevin Freeman and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. (Jerry) Boykin 1 DVD Item #CP02-000D 1 DVD Item #VS37-000D 2 DVDs Item #CJ01-000D Retail $15 Our Retail $15 Retail $30 Our Price $19 3 CDs Item #CJ01-000C Retail $24 Our Price $15 45 % OFF Retail Price $10 Our Price $10 2 CDs Item #VS37-000C 2 CDs Item #CP02-000C Retail $16 Our Messages include: Secret Weapon and Marxism in America. Retail $16 Our Price $10 ALL 9 MorningStar Teaching Sets Price $10 Supe r Spec ial! DVD Sets (16 DVDs) DVD Item #S01-1020 Retail $240 Our Price $128.00 CD Sets (27 CDs) CD Item #S01-1021 Retail $216 Our Price $108.00 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 28 TEACHING SETS Hosting The Presence A Call to Action Overcoming the Religious Spirit by Bill Johnson by LT. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin by Rick Joyner In this five-part series, Bill Johnson expounds on the joy and strength of a life yielded to the presence of God. In this powerful series, LT. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Boykin brings to light the sobering truth of how Christianity in America is under attack and what we need to do to thwart this assault.” In this four-part series, Rick exposes the religious spirit and includes a practical test to help us see the degree of influence the religious spirit has in our lives. 4 DVDs Item #WB10-000D 2 DVDs with booklet, Item #SO1-1017D Retail $60 Our Price $39 Retail $37 4 DVDs Item #BJ42-000D Retail $60 Our Price $39 5 CDs Item #BJ42-000C Retail $40 Our Price $19.50 7 CDs Item #WB10-000C Retail $56 Our Price $35 Our Price $19.95 4 CDs with booklet, Item #SO1-1017C Retail $39 Our Price $19.95 The Coming Transition I Will Never Leave Thee Supernatural Evangelism by Larry Randolph by Jim Bakker by Justin Perry This is the first message that Jim Bakker preached after being released from prison. Rick Joyner has said that this is one of his top five favorite messages of all time. Justin Perry explains that NOW is the time for the great harvest. God is drawing the world to Himself through the demonstration of spiritual gifts. Larry Randolph shares his perspective on the current season of the church. He discusses where the church has been, where we are now, and what we can do to prepare for the changes that are coming. 2 CDs Item #JB01-000C Retail $16 Our Price $10 4 CDs Item #JP01-000C Retail $32 Our Price $19.50 2 DVDs Item #LR02-000D Retail $30 Our Price $19 4 CDs Item #LR02-000C Retail $40 29 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE Our Price $19 More than bearing fruit, your call must be to know the Lord—if you seek Him, you will always find Him. He is always near to those who draw near. — Rick Joyner OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 30 MORNINGSTAR CONFERENCES 2014 Presence 2014 Shine 2014 MP3 Teaching Set Item #CC148-1001000 DVD Teaching Set Item #CD151-100 Our Price $21 Retail $90 Our Price $60 CD Teaching Set Item #CC148-100 CD Teaching Set Item #CC151-100 Retail $56 Our Price $35 Retail $72 Advanced Prophetic 2014 DVD Teaching Set Item #CD149-100 Retail $120 Our Price $80 CD Teaching Set Item #CC149-100 Retail $64 Our Price $40 Harvest Summit 2014 DVD Teaching Set Item #CD154-100 Our Price $60 CD Teaching Set Item #CC154-100 Our Price $30 Our Price $48 KBA 2014 DVD Teaching Set Item #CD1410-100 Our Price $60 CD Teaching Set Item #CC1410-100 Our Price $30 50+ Joshua and Caleb Generation Gathering: Our Purpose DVD Teaching Set Item #CD150-100 Retail $120 Our Price $80 CD Teaching Set Item #CC150-100 Harvest Impact Volume 1 Teaching Set Item #VS40-000D Retail $150 31 Our Price $59 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE Retail $64 Our Price $40 MORNINGSTAR MUSIC The Heart of David I & II Vision Fly Me Like the Wind by Don Potter by the MorningStar Worship Team Includes: “Lift Your Vision Higher,” “I Have Overcome,” and more. Includes: “Fly Me Like the Wind,” “Kings’s Kids,” and more. Item #ES6-008 Retail $17.99 Item #ES6-016 Our Price $15 Retail $17.99 Warfare Generations by Don Potter by the MorningStar Worship Team Includes: “I Have Decided,” “Our God Is Holy,” and more. Includes: “Kyr-i-e,” “Holy as I Am,” and more. Item #ES6-006 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Worship Featuring: Leonard Jones and Matthew Donovan Includes: “Oh Jah,” “Mighty God,” and more. Item #ES6-004 Retail $17.99 Featuring: Leonard Jones, Kevin Prosch, and Suzy Wills Yaraei Item #ES6-010 35 39 $Our Price $ 2 CDs Item #ES6-018 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 35.95 $Our Price 35 $ Heart of David II Special (4 CDs) Fly Me Like the Wind, Generations, Prepare the Way, and In the Spirit Item S06-226 Retail $71.96 Our Price $15 Glory Re-Release Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Our Price $15 Prepare the Way by Don Potter Includes: “Prepare the Way,” “Show Me Your Face,” and more. Item #ES6-012 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 In the Spirit Heart of David I Special (4 CDs) Glory, Vision, Warfare and Worship Item #S06-110 Retail $71.96 by the MorningStar Worship Team Includes: “Everything That Has Breath,” “In the Spirit,” and more. Item #ES6-014 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 32 MORNINGSTAR MUSIC Spontaneous Combustion leonard jones Leonard Jones, Luke Skaggs, and Stephen Roach Artifacts “Spontaneous Combustion is like a flamethrower — put it on and you will be ignited.” ~Leonard Jones by Kevin Prosch and Leonard Jones “I am humbled and proud to have produced such a work with my very good friend, Kevin Prosch.” ~Leonard Jones Item #ES6-056 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Item #ES6-064 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Sounds in the River Worship & Warfare III by Leonard Jones and Bruce Dailey by the MorningStar Worship Team “Music without the page, time signature, or key is never easy, but this music breathes with the life of God.” ~Leonard Jones This CD is packed with ten anointed songs by Amber Brooks, David Olinger, Josh Baldwin, Suzy Yaraei, and Leonard Jones. Item #ES6-050 Item #ES6-054 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Draw Me Up by the MorningStar Worship Team High Places by Leonard Jones and Fergus Marsh Includes: “Yahweh,” “The Lord is Our Defense,” “Draw Me Up,” and more. “This CD is full of surprises and perfect for intercession.” ~Leonard Jones Item #ES6-020 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Item #ES6-052 Retail $17.99 Battleground Our Price $15 by Leonard Jones “This CD is pin your ears back, pedal to the metal!” ~Rick Joyner Wild Love By David Vallier, Molly Williams, Don Potter, JennyRebecca Embry, Andrew Williams, Shelly Tackett Item #ES6-067 Retail $17.95 Our Price $15 Item #ES6-048 Retail $17.99 35.95 $ $Our Price 35 Our Price $15 Leonard Jones Special (4 CDs) Artifacts, Battleground, Worship & Warfare III, and Draw Me Up Item S06-228 Retail $71.96 33 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE MORNINGSTAR MUSIC Suzy Wills Yaraei by Various Artists Simple by Suzy Wills Yaraei This is Suzy’s first solo CD which includes some of everyone’s favorite songs. Item #ES6-028 Retail $17.99 Inside of Us Our Price $15 MorningStar favorites have come together for this incredible compilation album, featuring Molly Williams, Suzy Yaraei, David Vallier, Jenny-Rebecca Embry, and Andrew Williams. Item #ES6-066 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Shining by Suzy Wills Yaraei This is Suzy’s best yet, including the hit song, “Dance.” Item #ES6-042 Retail $17.99 Our 35.95 $ $Our Price 25 Price $15 SUZY WILLS YARAEI SPECIAL (2 CDs) Simple and Shining Sovereign by David Vallier and Amber Brooks Recorded live at MorningStar Fellowship Church in Fort Mill, S.C., this album captures the building desire of the church to have encounters with Jesus. Item #ES6-065 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Item S06-229 Retail $35.98 Still I Rise Christmas Memories by Amber Brooks by Julie Joyner Amber Brooks, MorningStar University graduate, brings a new direction and flavor to worship in her debut album Still I Rise. Produced by Don Potter. Julie brings her unique style and freshness to Christmas favorites in this recording. Item #ES6-046 Retail $17.99 Item #ES6-058 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Our Price $15 Emmanuel Jesus “Broken” Music by the MorningStar Worship Team A rich compilation of old and new Christmas songs that are sure to become a holiday tradition. Featuring former MorningStar University students Brandon Willett, Joel Khouri, Molly Williams, Kelanie Gloeckler, Brian Whalen, Josh Baldwin, and others. Item #ES6-040 Item #ES6-036 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 OR GO TO MORNINGSTARMINISTRIES.ORG or call 1-800-529-1117 34 MORNINGSTAR MUSIC Braveheart Live in Edinburgh, Scotland Includes: “Come Let’s Go Up to the Mountain,” ”Yahweh,” and more. Item #ES6-026 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Best of WW I Includes: “Oh Jah,” “Our God Is Holy,” and more. Item #ES6-022 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 “These young musicians have produced a treasure of worship in these songs.” ~ Leonard Jones Item #ES6-062 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Crash this Place Crash This Place is the first installment of MorningStar/NU artists. Item #ES6-060 Retail $8 Our Price $5 Awake: Harvest Worship Series Freedom Featuring Leonard Jones, Suzy Wills Yaraei, Paulette Wooten, Kelanie Gloeckler, John Mark McMillan and Mark Mathis. by Bobby Hussey Item #ES6-032 Item #ES6-030 Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Includes additions by Leonard Jones and Leonard Jones. Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 Coming Out of Egypt Children of the Light by Leonard Jones Item #LJ6-008 Includes: “Coming Out Of Egypt,” “Inner Court,” and more. Item #ES6-024 Retail $17.99 35 Peace Bringer Our Price $15 TO ORDER, CLICK AN ITEM ABOVE Retail $17.99 Our Price $15 The Inside Scoop Continued from page 24 4POTBOEEBVHIUFSTBEPQUJPO JTUIFOFYUTUFQBGUFS GSJFOETIJQ)PXEPXFFOUFSJO *TJUCZSFWFMBUJPOPSCZ CFMJFWJOH(PET8PSEBCPVUPVSQPTJUJPOJO$ISJTU 4JODF*BNOPUUIFSFZFU*XPVMEOPUQSFTVNFUPCFBCMFUP BOTXFSUIJTRVFTUJPOGPSFWFSZPOF)PXFWFS*EPOUUIJOLJU DPNFTCZSFWFMBUJPOPSCZGBJUI3FWFMBUJPOTIPXTVTUIFEPPS BOECZGBJUIXFTUBSUUPHPUISPVHIJUCVUUIFTFPOMZMFBEZPVUP UIFFYQFSJFODFUIBUJTSFRVJSFE *TUJMMEPOUUIJOL*XBTUIFCFTUTFSWBOU*DPVMEIBWFCFFOBOE* TUJMMXBOUUPLFFQHSPXJOHJOPCFEJFODFUPP&WFOTPUIF GSJFOETIJQXJUI)JNIBTCFFOMJLFCFJOHCPSOBHBJOBHBJO*UJT NPSFXPOEFSGVMUIBO*FWFSESFBNFE/PX*EPXBOUUPCFUIF CFTUGSJFOEPG(PEUIBU*DBOQPTTJCMZCF&WFOTP*GFFMUIBU*BN TPBXLXBSEBOEJNNBUVSFJOUIJTLJOEPGSFMBUJPOTIJQXJUI)JN UIBU*NKVTULJOEPGTUVNCMJOHUISPVHIJUOPX#VUJUJTUIFUPQ QSJPSJUZPGNZMJGF 8IZEPZPVUIJOL(PEDIPTFUPHJWFZPVUIJTSFWFMBUJPO XIJMFZPVXFSFSJEJOHZPVSNPUPSDZDMF )PXEJEUIFBDUVBM SJEFQMBZBQBSUJOXIBUXBTCFJOHSFWFBMFEUPZPV *DBOPOMZTQFDVMBUFBCPVUUIFJNQPSUBODFPGUIJTIBQQFOJOHPOB NPUPSDZDMFCVUGPSUIFMBTUUXFOUZZFBST*IBWFCFFOBCMFUPQSBZ XJUINPSFGPDVTXIFO*NSJEJOHUIBOJOBOZPUIFSQMBDF*KPLF UIBUNBZCFJUTCFDBVTFZPVSFTPDMPTFUPEFBUIPOBNPUPSDZDMF* SFBMMZEPOPUVOEFSTUBOEJUCVU*EPFOKPZJU 8IBULJOETPGRVFTUJPOTIBWFZPVCFFOBTLJOHUIF-PSE 8IJDIBOTXFSTIBWFTVSQSJTFEZPV *WFTUBSUFEBTLJOH)JNFWFSZUIJOH*DBOUIJOLPG*BTLFE)JN BCPVUNZGBNJMZ"NFSJDBUIFOPUIFSOBUJPOT*BTLFE)JNBCPVU TQPSUTJG)FMJLFEUIFNPSDBSFEBCPVUXIPXPO*BTLFE)JN BCPVUQFPQMFCPUIDPOUFNQPSBSJFTBOETPNFJOIJTUPSZ*WF BTLFE)JNBCPVUDFSUBJONPWFNFOUTXJUIJOUIFCPEZPG$ISJTU *WFBTLFE)JNBCPVUUIJOHTMJLFDMJNBUFDIBOHF 4PNFPG)JTBOTXFSTIBWFCFFOTVSQSJTJOHCVUNPTUIBWFCFFO XIBU*WFFYQFDUFE*UIJOLJUXBTNPSFJNQPSUBOUUIBO*SFBMJ[FE UIBU*IFBSE)JTBOTXFST*ONPTUPGXIBU*WFBTLFE)JN)F XPVMEHJWFNFBOBOTXFSSJHIUBXBZ#VUBUUJNFT)FXPVMEMFU NFLOPXUIJTXBTOPUBDPNQMFUFBOTXFSCFDBVTF)FXPVMEIBWF UPQSFQBSFNFCFGPSF*DPVMEVOEFSTUBOENPSF 7. How is this motorcycle experience about friendship a message from the Lord to the church in this season? *USZOPUUPQSFTVNFUIBUUIJOHTUIBUBSFQFSTPOBMUPNFBSFGPS BOZPOFFMTF#VUXIFO*GJSTUTIBSFEBCPVUUIJTBOESFBMMZEJEOPU LOPXJGJUXPVMEFWFONBLFTFOTFUPPUIFSTJUTFFNFEUPIBWF TUSVDLBDIPSEXJUIGBSNPSFQFPQMFUIBO*FWFSFYQFDUFE *UTTUJMMTPOFXUPNFUIBU*EPOUGFFM*DBOBEFRVBUFMZBSUJDVMBUF UIJTCVUFWFSZPOFIBTUPIBWFUIFJSPXOFYQFSJFODF*EPOUFYQFDU BOZPOFFMTFTUPCFKVTUMJLFNJOF*OFWFSXBOUUPKVTUCFDPNF GBNJMJBSXJUI)JNPSMPTFUIFSFTQFDUUIBU)FEFTFSWFTBT"MNJHIUZ (PE#VUUIJTGFMMPXTIJQXJUI)JNSFBMMZJTUIFNBJOSFBTPOXF XFSFDSFBUFEBOEJOJUXFXJMMGJOEPVSIJHIFTUMFWFMPGFYJTUFODF promotion comes from the Lord. He has to give the invitation. Interview by Kay Vinci, Director of MorningStar Publications Our P PC STUDY BIBLE rice 3 795 $ Our P rice STANDARD EDITION Item #MSPC-001 Retail $99.00 You save $20 Includes: • Multiple Bible Translations • Complete Bible Commentary • Bible History Collection • Maps, Photos, and Much More • PLUS: Nine of MorningStar’s Books • View demo online today! Our P 99 $ rice PREMIUM EDITION Item #MSPC-002 Retail $199.00 You save $100 Includes All of the Books in the Standard Edition PLUS: • Several Additional Bible Translations and Commentaries • Over 50 books from Church History • Also includes: The Final Quest Trilogy, The Overcoming Series, and more! • View demo online today!
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