God`s Storm Chasers: What if you
God`s Storm Chasers: What if you
! w Ne OUR P 25 $ RICE DVD S E T God’s Storm Chasers: What if you could ask God any question and He would answer? (2 DVDs) In this new DVD series called “God’s Storm Chasers,” Rick Joyner shares of prophetic encounters with the Lord as he recounts a 900-mile motorcycle trip in which he asked the Lord questions and the Lord answered them all. Rick also shares his experience of being in heaven for eight hours and how God used natural things to reveal supernatural understanding. Item #RJ40-000D Retail $30.00 You Save $5.00 Add To Bag ! w e N OUR P 15 $ RICE Speak: By All Of Us • CD Item #DP6-020 Retail $16.95 You Save $1.95 • MP3 Our Price: $9.56 Add To Bag 2 ! w Ne OUR P 15 RICE $ BOOK The Prosperity Matrix: Discover What matters Most, and Set Your Course Book By Dave Yarnes Prosperity—everyone wants to prosper, but what is the secret? Does your life lack productivity, vision, or purpose? Are you unsure of where to even begin to change? In the search for prosperity, too many people give up before they start. The Prosperity Matrix is your guide to building sustained prosperity in every area of your life. Even if you have achieved many of your life’s goals, true prosperity can continue to grow when you discover what matters most, and set your personal course for the future. Item #DY3-001 Retail $16.99 You Save $1.99 Add To Bag Ne ! w OUR P 15 RICE $ BOOK World-Class Intercessors: Dawn of the Dread Champions Book By Judy Sullivan Intercession has more relevance today, and Christian leaders on all the mountains of influence in society are beginning to understand the significance of their role. But even more important is the impact that can be felt when true intercession takes place that can safeguard a city and change the course of history in a nation. This book is simply the story of my journey. – Judy Sullivan • Book Item #JS3-002 Retail $16.00 You Save $1.99 Add To Bag 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 3 The Final Quest special OUR P 45 $ RICE BOOK • • • • SET The The The The Path Final Quest Call Torch and The Sword Item #S01-1050 Retail $62.84 You Save $17.84 Add To Bag The Final Quest is not for the faint of heart. It is a sobering call to those who will take a courageous stand for truth and righteousness, challenging the great darkness of our times and pushing it back. It is a call to those who will never again retreat before the enemies of the cross, but will instead take up their crosses and march forth to tear down the strongholds of the enemy. We have been given divinely powerful weapons for that purpose. The Final Quest is a prophecy of the great army that is now being mobilized to use them! 4 Fall special OUR P 35 $ RICE BOOK S & DV D • The Path • Enoch’s Blessing • Prophetic Perspectives TV Show Interview with Michael Fickess DVD Item #S02-038 Retail $48.89 You Save $13.89 Add To Bag The Path—Rick Joyner Written in the genre of The Final Quest trilogy, this is a prophetic allegory that goes deeper, further, and higher, illuminating some of the most important truths of our time. Enoch’s Blessing—Michael Fickess Rediscover the first prophet’s urgent message for the final generation. Enoch’s writings are filled with important prophetic insights that reflect his profound relationship with God. Those who take the time to fully explore what Enoch wrote for our generation may find this book to be a springboard into deeper relationship with the Lord of Glory. It is designed for the serious Bible scholar, with over 200 helpful notes, Bible crossreferences, and a 12 page topical index. This book is recommended for individual study or home groups, where mature believers may gather together to discuss what each has received from these important writings. 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 5 educator’s special Super S pecial 39 $ • Kingdom Education •E ducator’s Symposium (4) DVD Set 2012 • CSCL Arts Explosion DVD Item #S02-039 Retail $104.95 You Save $65.95 Add To Bag Release Holy Spirit Creativity in Your School! Educators: Gain innovative ideas, prophetic inspiration, and time-tested methods and techniques of Comenius Comenius School for Creative Leadership seeks to raise up the next generation of leaders with the cooperative effort of each family, the church at large, and the staff at school. We provide an atmosphere that encourages worship of the Creator, a love for learning, a desire for excellence, and the development of each student’s gifts, talents, and leadership skills. 6 Supernatural ministry OUR P RICE 125 $ Apostolic Training Sessions DVD Set • Prophetic Art (3 DVDs): How Art and The Prophetic Go Hand In Hand • Supernatural Ministry (3 DVDs): Walking in Supernatural Ministry • Prayer and Intercession (3 DVDs): A Supercharged Prayer Life Item #TTD150-200 Retail $195.00 You Save $70.00 Add To Bag • Igniting Your Heart for the Nations (3 DVDs): The greatest adventure awaits you as you experience God moving in a foreign culture. • The Prophetic Life (3 DVDs): How Life Looks In The Supernatural Realm 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 7 Writer’s special Super S pecial 69 $ • Write To Ignite • Pathway To Purpose • Writer’s, Media, and Creative Arts (8) DVD Set Item #S01-1069 Retail $134.98 You Save $65.98 Add To Bag This resource set is for the writer in you. Whether you are brand new to writing or a seasoned writer, you will benefit from listening and reading. Deborah Joyner Johnson regularly trains people in the skill of writing. You can receive a wealth of information from these two books: Write to Ignite and Pathway to Purpose. The DVD set is from a full conference. You will hear from leaders in the field who taught at the 2006 MorningStar Writer’s Conference. This may be the resource that helps you take the next step in writing! 8 7 mountain special OUR P 49 RICE $ DVD S E T DVD Set • Volume 1 (2 DVDs) • Volume 2 (2 DVDs) • Volume 3 (2 DVDs) Item #S01-264 Retail $90.00 You Save $41.00 Add To Bag CD Set OUR P 49 RICE $ CD SE T • Volume 1 (3 CDs) • Volume 2 (4 CDs) • Volume 3 (5 DVDs) Item #S01-264 Retail $112.00 You Save $63.00 Add To Bag The 7 Mountain Mandate—Lance Wallnau Prepare to be challenged, equipped, and inspired by this revolutionary teaching series that will impart vision and supernatural strategies for engaging the darkness covering the earth with the light of the kingdom of heaven. With humor, powerful prophetic insight, and unique visual illustrations, Lance Wallnau delivers this groundbreaking revelation to a new generation of marketplace Christians who are preparing themselves for maximum impact in their specific sphere of influence. 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 9 10 destiny special OUR P 47 RICE $ DVD S E T DVD Set • Releasing Your Destiny (2 DVDs) • Releasing The Kingdom Now (2 DVDs) • A Life Less Ordinary (2 DVDs) Item #S02-033 Retail $96.00 You Save $49.00 CD Set • Releasing Your Destiny (3 CDs) • Releasing The Kingdom Now (4 CDs) • A Life Less Ordinary (5 CDs) OUR P 47 RICE $ CD SE T Item #S02-034 Retail $92.00 You Save $43.00 Add To Bag A Life Less Ordinary—Graham Cooke This series opens the doors to purpose, deals with the limitations holding us back, and then shares the hallmark processes of the Lord we encounter as we step forward toward destiny. Releasing The Kingdom Now—Bill Johnson Radical lovers of God hunger to experience the fullness of who He is. If you long to see His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, Bill’s teaching will be a powerful guide. Releasing Your Destiny—Dr. John Chacha Most people, including many Christians, live their lives far below their true potential and never experience the fullness of what God has for them. In these messages, Dr. John Chacha shares practical, scriptural keys to living a truly successful and victorious life. 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 11 Politics special OUR P 79 $ RICE •M oment of Truth (Hardcover) • I See A New America • The 2015 Oak Initiative Summit (7) DVD Set Item #S02-035 Retail $141.98 You Save $62.98 Add To Bag I See A New America—Rick Joyner America is too young to die or to have the kind of economic and social heart attacks we have suffered in recent years. If we do not change our direction, we will end up where we are headed. This book addresses the most dangerous crises of our times and gives practical answers for turning them into opportunities for our brightest future yet. The Oak Initiative Summit 2015 2015 is poised to be one of the most pivotal years in America’s history. Presidential candidates are declaring intentions to run, power is shifting on every political level, and the church is waking up to her mandate on the mountain of government. This year’s Summit was one of casting vision and reestablishing the basic truths of the Founding Fathers. Moment of Truth—Marc Nuttle With the Christian vote more widely polarized than ever, Marc Nuttle offers a must-read book for conservative America. In Moment of Truth, Nuttle exposes the escalating trends in our government toward regulation and overspending while taking a critical look at the increasing power of Trade Unions and the corroding effects of the United Nations. He speaks especially to the 28 million small business owners in the country—80% of whom are Republican and 65% of whom are evangelical— arguing that these policies will be devastating to them while putting America’s economic future in jeopardy. Ultimately, Nuttle demonstrates the conclusive dangers of big government when controlled by those who would lead this nation toward an irretrievable tipping point. 12 seychelle special OUR P 25 $ RICE OUR P OUR P 85 $ RICE 15 $ RICE Seychelle 28oz Advanced Filter Bottle Seychelle 28oz Advanced Filter Bottle + 4 filters Item #SEY-001 Retail $31.99 Item #SEY-003 Retail $115.75 Item #SEY-002 Retail $20.95 You Save $6.99 You Save $30.75 You Save $5.95 Add To Bag Add To Bag Seychelle Filters Add To Bag The Seychelle 28oz Advanced Water Filtration Flip-Top Bottle is the perfect solution for those traveling to places where drinking water quality is unknown, unsafe, or only available at a premium. Equipped with the Seychelle Advanced Filter, this is a portable water purification plant in a bottle! For up to 100 gallons of purified water, free from up to 99.99% of chlorine, chemicals, and heavy metals. Plus up to 99.9999% of bacteria and virus, and up to 99.9% removal of Cysts. Making it ideal for travel, camping, and emergency preparedness! 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 13 God Chaser special OUR P 29 $ RICE •G od’s Storm Chaser’s: What if you could ask God any question and He would answer? (2 DVDs) • When God Walked The Earth Item #S02-036 Retail $44.99 You Save $15.99 Add To Bag God’s Storm Chasers—Rick Joyner In this new DVD series called “God’s Storm Chasers,” Rick Joyner shares of prophetic encounters with the Lord as he recounts a 900-mile motorcycle trip in which he asked the Lord questions and the Lord answered them all. Rick also shares his experience of being in heaven for eight hours and how God used natural things to reveal supernatural understanding. When God Walked The Earth—Rick Joyner After creation itself, the greatest miracle was when God Himself became a Man and walked upon the earth. He did this to show man how to become “a new creation,” ascending into the heavenly realm with a spiritual nature. This book is about that most remarkable time from the perspective of both men and angels. 14 VISION BIBLE SPECIAL OUR P 79 $ The MorningStar Vision Bibles-Rick Joyner The most basic purpose of The MorningStar Vision Bible is accuracy and faithfulness to the intended meaning of the Author, the Holy Spirit. His written Word reveals the path to life, salvation, transformation, deliverance, and healing for every soul who would seek to know God. 1.800.529.1117 RICE Vision Bible Special Item #S02-VISION Retail $147.00 You Save $67.00 Add To Bag MorningStarMinistries.org 15 16 World Events special OUR P 20 $ RICE • Living Dangerously Book • 5 Prophetic Perspectives TV Shows on Climate Change DVD Item #RS02-037 Retail $32.99 You Save $12.99 Add To Bag Many of the ultimate issues that mankind is now facing are being drawn to the same crossroads around the issue of climate change. The trend is for it to take an increasing amount of control. Whether it deserves this control over us or not is a crucial issue that will affect us all. Living Dangerously is about my journey to understand climate change. My goal was to determine if it was real. If it was real, then I wanted to understand the consequences. If it wasn’t real, I wanted to understand the agenda of those who were propagating it. I learned far more than I expected. The implications of this are more far reaching than I ever imagined. ~ Rick Joyner 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 17 worship special OUR P 19 $ RICE • Wild Love • Speak Item #S02-021 Retail $33.98 You Save $14.98 Add To Bag Wild Love—Live From Charlotte By David Vallier, Molly Williams, Don Potter, Jenny-Rebecca Embry, Andrew Williams, and Shelly Tackett Speak—All Of Us Generations, backgrounds, lives, blood, breath, and creativity all coming together to form one. So different, but so perfectly portraying each individual while capturing the entirety of the group. This has become the place where we have found more of what we need—we have even found ourselves. Maybe we were never lost, but always here to begin with. It looks impossible and weighs on the side of unnatural, but it’s working. Maybe God is using us to do something unheard of. Each melody may have the potential to let the earth hear a side of the sons and daughters of God that it has never heard before. 18 Library Builder special BUNDLE AND SAVE TODAY! OUR P 179 $ RICE • Includes All 32 Compact Books Item #SO1-217 Retail $342.75 You Save $163.75 Add To Bag The Final Quest; The Call; The Torch and the Sword; Two Trees in the Garden; The Prophetic Ministry; The Power to Change the World; The Overcoming Life; Epic Battles of the Last Days; The Apostolic Ministry; Leadership: the Power of a Creative Life; The Harvest—25th Anniversary Edition; Visions of the Harvest —25th Anniversary Edition; Islam; Israel; and the Church; God Meant it For Good; Taking the Land; The Surpassing Greatness of His Power; Church History; Prophetic History; Life in the Light; The Extraordinary Journey; Correct Not Politically Correct; Courage that Changed the World—Updated and Expanded; The Three Witnesses; I See a New America; Triumph of Justice; Overcoming the Spirit of Poverty; Overcoming Racism; Overcoming the Religious Spirit; Overcoming Fear; Overcoming Confusion; Overcoming the Accuser; Overcoming Witchcraft 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 19 BOOKS BY RICK JOYNER TITLE PRODUCT CODE RETAIL OUR PRICE PROPHETIC MESSAGES The Final Quest Series (Compact Size) The Final Quest The Call: Book II The Torch and the Sword: Book III RJ1-046 RJ1-047 RJ1-048 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 When God Walked the Earth (Compact) The Path: Book I (Trade Size) RJ1-058 RJ1-079 $14.99 $17.99 $12.00 $15.00 RJ1-073 RJ1-072 RJ1-061 RJ1-054 RJ1-075 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $14.99 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 A Prophetic History Part 1 Church History: The First Century RJ1-065 RJ1-064 $14.99 $14.99 $12.00 $12.00 Hall of Faith Series Three Witnesses The Fire That Could Not Die Courage That Changed the World Hall of Faith Book Set RJ1-018 RJ1-027 RJ1-074 SO1-105 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $21.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $13.00 PROPHETIC PERSPECTIVES (Compact Size) The Harvest 25th Anniversary Edition Visions of the Harvest 25th Anniversary Edition Taking the Land Epic Battles Of the Last Days The World on Fire PROPHETIC HISTORY (Compact Size) THE GREAT SOCIETY: NEW COVENANT CHURCH LIFE The Prophetic Ministry (Compact Size) The Prophetic Ministry Study Guide The Prophetic Ministry: Book & Study Guide RJ1-051 $14.99 $12.00 KW3-004$17.99 $15.00 SO1-232 $32.98 $22.98 The Apostolic Ministry (Compact Size) The Apostolic Ministry (Trade Size) RJ1-055 RJ1-044 20 $14.99 $17.99 $12.00 $15.00 BOOKS BY RICK JOYNER TITLE PRODUCT CODE RETAIL OUR PRICE A Message to the Glorious Church: A Verse by Verse Study (Trade Size) Ephesians Chapters 1-4 (Volume 1) RJ1-040 $17.99 $15.00 Ephesians Chapters 5-6 (Volume 2) RJ1-042 $17.99 $15.00 THE SUPERNATURAL CHRISTIAN LIFE (Compact Size) $14.99 $12.00 There Were Two Trees In the Garden (Compact) RJ1-049 There Were Two Trees In the Garden: Study GuideKW3-001 $14.99 $17.99 $12.00 $15.00 The Journey Begins (Compact) The Journey Begins: Study Guide RJ1-050 KW3-003 $14.99 $17.99 $12.00 $15.00 The Overcoming Life (Compact) The Overcoming Life: Study Guide RJ1-053 KW3-002 $14.99 $17.99 $12.00 $15.00 The Surpassing Greatness of His Power RJ1-062 THE VICTORIOUS CHRISTIAN LIFE TEARING DOWN STRONGHOLDS & SPIRITUAL WARFARE Overcoming Evil In The Last Days (Trade Size)RJ1-063 Breaking the Power of Evil (Trade Size) RJ1-060 Delivered From Evil (Trade Size) RJ1-045 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Combating Spiritual Strongholds Series Overcoming the Accuser Overcoming Racism Overcoming The Religious Spirit Overcoming Witchcraft Overcoming the Spirit of Poverty Overcoming Fear Overcoming Confusion Overcoming Book Series RJ1-011 RJ1-012 RJ1-013 RJ1-014 RJ1-017 RJ1-037 RJ1-041 SO1-053 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $7.00 $49.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $29.00 Wisdom (Hardcover) RJ1-069 $21.99 High Calling (Trade Size) RJ1-060 $17.99 $17.00 $15.00 DAILY DEVOTIONS FOR OVERCOMER’S 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 21 BOOKS BY RICK JOYNER TITLE PRODUCT CODE RETAIL OUR PRICE An Enduring Vision (Trade Size) Unshakable Faith (Trade Size) RJ1-067 RJ1-066 $17.99 $17.99 $15.00 $15.00 50 Days Devotionals (Trade Size) 50 Days For A Firm Foundation 50 Days For An Enduring Vision 50 Days for a Soaring Vision RJ1-031 RJ1-038 RJ1-035 $15.95 $15.95 $15.95 $12.00 $12.00 $12.00 RJ1-076 RJ1-082 RJ1-086 RJ1-066 RJ1-088 RJ1-080 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 $21.99 $17.99 $17.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $17.00 $15.00 RJ1-081 RJ1-083 $17.99 $17.99 $15.00 $15.00 RJ1-056 RJ1-070 $14.99 $14.99 $12.00 $12.00 The MorningStar Vision Bible (Trade Size) The Gospel of Matthew The Gospel of Mark The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts The Gospel of John Paul’s Letters to the Romans Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians Paul’s Letters to the Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, & Colossians The Epistles of Hebrews & James KINGDOM STEWARDSHIP Leadership The Power of a Creative Life I See A New America OTHER MORNINGSTAR AUTHORS The Coming Shift- By Larry Randolph RJ1-073 $14.99 $12.00 A 20th Century Apostle: The Life of Alfred Garr ST1-002$17.99$15.00 The Vision That Changed A Nation-John HansenJH5-001 $14.99 $12.00 Write to Ignite-Deborah Joyner (Trade Size)DJ2-0011 $17.99 $15.00 Pathway to Purpose-Deborah Joyner (Trade Size)DJ2-002 $15.99 $10.00 The Chosen Path-Deborah Joyner (Trade Size)DJ2-0011 $17.99 $15.00 Enoch’s Blessing - Michael Fickess MF4-001 $15.95 Life in the Light-Rick Reddick RR2-001 $14.99 $12.00 The Extraordinary Journey-Matt Peterson MP5-001 $14.99 $12.00 22 Teaching Sets TITLE PRODUCT CODE RETAIL OUR PRICE The 7 Mountain Mandate- Lance Wallnau Volume 1 5 CDs 2 DVDs LW10-000C $40.00 LW10-000D $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 Volume 2 4 CDs 2 DVDs LW11-000C LW11-000D $40.00 $30.00 $25.00 $19.00 Volume 3 5 CDs 2 DVDs LW12-00C LW12-00D $40.00 $30.00 $25.00 $19.00 The 7 Mountain Mandate 3 Volume CD Set The 7 Mountain Mandate 3 Volume DVD Set SO1-263 SO1-264 $112.00 $90.00 $59.00 $45.00 VS18-000C VS18-000D $72.00 $75.00 $45.00 $49.00 Lead and Prevail: It’s Your Inheritance-Dave Yarnes 4 CDs DYO1-000C 2 DVDs DYO1-000D $30.00 $32.00 $19.00 $19.00 Lead and Prevail 2: It’s Your Inheritance-Dave Yarnes 2 DVDs DY01-001D $45.00 $29.00 The Great Commission-Rev. Reinhard Bonnke 3 CDs 2 DVDs RB01-000C RB01-000D $24.00 $30.00 $15.00 $19.00 The Power of Worship-Lindell Cooley 3 CDs 2 DVDs LC10-000C LC10-000D $24.00 $30.00 $15.00 $19.00 Awakening-Isaiah Saldivar 4 CDs 2 DVDs IS01-000C IS01-000D $32.00 $30.00 $20.00 $20.00 Kingdom Stewardship 9 CDs 5 DVDs 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 23 Teaching Sets TITLE PRODUCT CODE RETAIL OUR PRICE He is Awesome-Ray Hughes 3 CDs 2 DVDs RH10-000C RH10-000D $24.00 $30.00 $15.00 $19.00 Healing, Power, and Authority-Bill Johnson 4 CDs 2 DVDs BJ07-000C BJ07-000D $32.00 $30.00 $19.00 $19.00 Strategic Prophecy-Cindy Jacobs 4 CDs 2 DVDs CJ01-000C CJ01-000D $32.00 $30.00 $19.00 $19.00 The Process of Change-Chuck Pierce 2 CDs 1 DVDs CP02-000C $16.00 CP02-000D $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 America Under Attack-Kevin Freeman & Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Jerry Boykin $10.00 2 CDs VS37-000C $16.00 1 DVDs VS37-000D $15.00 $10.00 Hosting the Presence-Bill Johnson 5 CDs 4 DVDs $40.00 $60.00 $20.00 $40.00 A Call to Action-Lt. Gen. (Ret.) W.G. Jerry Boykin 7 CDs WB10-000C $56.00 4 DVDs WB10-000D $60.00 $35.00 $39.00 BJ42-000C BJ42-000D Overcoming The Religious Spirit with Booklet-Rick Joyner 4 CDs SO1-1017C 2 DVDs SO1-1017D I Will Never Leave Thee-JIm Bakker 2 CDs JB01-000C Supernatural Evangelism-Justin Perry 4 CDs 24 JPO1-000C $39.00 $37.00 $25.00 $25.00 $16.00 $10.00 $32.00 $19.50 MorningStar Music TITLE PRODUCT CODE RETAIL OUR PRICE Recorded live at the Heart of David Worship and & Warfare Conference ES6-004$17.99$15.00 ES6-006 $17.99 $15.00 ES6-008 $17.99 $15.00 ES6-010$17.99$15.00 Worship Warfare Vision Glory Heart Of David II Fly Me Like The Wind ES6-016 Generations: Songs From The Heart Of David ES6-018 Prepare The Way ES6-012 In the Spirit ES6-014 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 $17.99 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 $15.00 Leonard Jones Artifacts Worship & Warfare III Draw Me Up Battleground ES6-064$17.99$15.00 $15.00 ES6-050 $17.99 ES6-020 $17.99 $15.00 ES6-048$17.99$15.00 Suzy Wills Yaraei Shining ES6-042$17.99$15.00 ES6-028$17.99$15.00 Simple Christmas Christmas Memories Emmanuel $15.00 ES6-046 $17.99 ES6-040$17.99$15.00 Inside of Us Sovereign Still I Rise Jesus “Broken” Braveheart Live in Edinburgh, Scotland ES6-066 $17.99 $15.00 ES6-065$17.99$15.00 ES6-058 $17.99 $15.00 ES6-036 $17.99 $15.00 ES6-026 $17.99 $15.00 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 25 Teaching Sets TITLE Children of the Light Best Of Worship And Warfare I Freedom Awake: Harvest Worship Series Spontaneous Combustion Crash This Place: MorningStar NU Vol. 1 Peace Bringer: MorningStar NU Vol. 2 26 PRODUCT CODE RETAIL OUR PRICE LJ6-008100 $16.95 $15.00 ES6-022 $17.99 $15.00 ES6-030$17.99$15.00 ES6-032 $17.99 $15.00 $15.00 ES6-056 $17.99 ES6-060 $17.99 $15.00 $15.00 ES6-062 $17.99 1.800.529.1117 MorningStarMinistries.org 27
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