April, May, June 2015


April, May, June 2015
2 Bank Street
Batavia, N.Y. 14020
Phone: 585- 343-1611
Email: ofa@co.genesee.ny.us
April/May/June 2015
My first newsletter article as Director; a spot now retired Pam Whitmore held for over 20 years. I’ll miss Pam at
the helm a great deal and am ever thankful for the legacy she has left our community and her staff. Thank you,
Pam, for putting us in great shape! We have amazing, bright, compassionate, caring staff here to work with you.
I’m honored to hold this position and vow to do my very best for Genesee County citizens and employees.
For those who aren’t totally familiar with me, I’ve worked in Genesee County for over 25 years, starting at the
American Red Cross, then on to the American Cancer Society, and, from 1994 to the present, have been with
Genesee County Office for the Aging (except for 2004-2006 as Supervisor of the Adult Home, referred to by
many in the “old days” as “The Dom.”). I’m married to a great guy, Ed, from Leroy and together we have four
grown children who are up and out of the house. I’m a farm girl who’s come from a loving family with a strong
history of involving our older family members, friends, and neighbors in our lives. As a little girl, I spent many a
night at my grandma & grandpa’s and, as I got older, went there on weekends to help with cleaning and grocery
shopping. I loved every minute of it and am thrilled to have found employment all these years where I can make
a difference for older people (of which I’m fast becoming one!), younger disabled persons, and their caregivers.
When I interviewed for this position, I was asked what we can do to prepare for the growing population of older
adults in Genesee County (in other words, we Baby Boomers who are projected to increase by 53% between
2010 and 2030 in Genesee County). My answer was, essentially, that we need to do just that-prepare. For some
reason, the average American has an aversion to aging, as though it’s not supposed to happen to them, as
though it’s a bad thing. So, we deny it. We try to avoid it. Some think that older people don’t know what they’re
doing. But, guess what? That mindset fails miserably and our health, our families, and our society suffer as a
Article Continued on Page #3
Or Current Resident
Batavia - Genesee Senior Center
2 Bank St.
Batavia, New York 14020
Batavia, N.Y. 14020
This Newsletter is funded through grants from the New York State Office for the Aging, the Older American’s Act, and the generous
support of the Genesee County Legislature. SUGGESTED CONTRIBUTION - $5.00
By: Barbara A. Matarazzo, Clerk/Typist
(Meet at the Senior Center)
Office for the Aging
Wednesday, 4/1/15, 5/6/15, 6/3/15.................. 1:00 p.m.
Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.
Thursday, 4/9/15 & 6/11/15 ............................. 2:00 p.m.
No Meeting in May, 2015
RSVP Advisory
Monday, 4/5/15, 5/4/15, & 6/8/15 ..................12:30 p.m.
Arthritis Exercise Class ($1.50) ....................... 9:30 a.m.
Bridge ............................................................12:30 p.m.
Cribbage .......................................................... 1:00 p.m.
Quilters ............................................................ 9:00 a.m.
Euchre ............................................................. 1:00 p.m.
Tai Chi for Balance .......................................... 9:30 a.m.
Gentle Fitness................................................10:30 a.m.
Bridge .............................................................. 1:00 p.m.
Cribbage .......................................................... 1:00 p.m.
Keyboard Music Lessons ............................... 2:15 p.m.
Line Dancing ..................................................10:00 a.m.
Art Class ........................................................10:00 a.m.
Euchre ...........................................................12:30 p.m.
2nd Tuesdays
Adult Diabetes Support Group
VA Medical Center - Ambulatory Care Area - 222
Richmond Avenue. For information call Michele Gaylord,
CDE at 297-1000, ext. 72555. This is Open to the
Public ............................................................... 7:00 p.m.
3rd Tuesdays
Caregivers Support Group
Sponsored by LeRoy Christian Community Project
For information call 768-7540
Scooters Restaurant, 3711 West Main Street,
LeRoy ............................................................12:30 p.m.
3rd Wednesdays
Alzheimer's/Dementia Related Information & Discussion
Group, Richmond Memorial Library, Gallery Room
19 Ross Street, Batavia
For information call the Alzheimers Association of WNY
at 1-800-272-3900 ........................ 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Insurance Counseling
Insurance counseling offered on an appointment basis
ONLY .................................................... . Call 343-1611
For a complete list of Support Groups available, go to
Disabled American Veterans - Chapter 15
Tuesday, 4/7/15, 5/5/15, & 6/2/15 ................. 11:30 a.m.
VAMC - Building #2, Room 102
Monday, 4/13/15 & 5/11/15 ........................... 12:00 p.m.
To Be Announced
No Meeting in June, 2015
Graham Retirees
Wednesday, 4/8/15, 5/13/15, & 6/10/15 ........ 12:00 p.m.
To Be Announced
N.A.R.F.E. Meeting
Tuesday, 4/28; 5/26; 6/30 ................ 12:00 p.m. (Lunch)
T.F. Brown’s, Batavia ...................... 1:00 p.m. (Meeting)
For more information, call 591-1878 or 591-1044
By: Kim Wurthman, Recreation Program Assistant
Bethany - East Bethany Church
Wednesday, 4/1/15, 5/6/15, & 6/3/15 .. …………………..
11:15 a.m. - 12:00 p.m
hank you to all who have so kindly sent
cards, notes, newspaper clippings and/or
have expressed their good wishes on my
retirement. I appreciate all of your kind
remarks and congratulations as I have transitioned
into retirement. I have enjoyed getting to know so
many of you and it truly has been a privilege and a
pleasure to lead the Office for the Aging for so many
Pam Whitmore
Cribbage Results
January, 2015
1st Place - Mary Innes
2nd Place - Joe Guppenberger
3rd Place - Brenda Park
4th Place - Joyce Marshek
This Newsletter is funded through grants from the New York State Office for the Aging, the Older American’s Act,
and the generous support of the Genesee County Legislature. SUGGESTED CONTRIBUTION - $5.00
in Genesee County
NY Connects Genesee Care Options is here to help you.
Whether you are a senior, disabled person, or caregiver,
we have a fair and easy way for you to get connected to
the long term care help you need. We make the hard
choices simpler for you.
Information is available in printed form or you can call us at
Reach us on the web:
From the main menu select:
NY Connects Genesee Care Options
The work of the NY Connects Genesee Care Options is
funded through grants from the New York State Office for
the Aging, the Older Americans Act, New York State
Department of Health and the generous support of the
Genesee County Legislature.
From the Desk of Ruth Spink Article Continued from Cover Page
So, here’s what I hope to do over the course of the next
several years as Director. I hope to turn the tide of that
mindset in our county. I hope to get people thinking, to
get them to enjoy each moment, to get them to prepare
for what nature has in store for us all, to recognize the
intellectual and, for some, the financial wealth of our
older adults. We can’t control everything that occurs in
our lives, but we CAN control how we react to it. One
way to do that is to learn more about how to prepare.
One simple way we can help with that is to offer more
education on what we can do to make the best of our
health, our homes, our finances, our legal affairs and to
have fun! So, here’s my mantra and I hope you’ll begin
thinking of it for yourself, as well as for your loved ones:
Aging: Don’t “face it”, EMBRACE it! Don’t fear it.
Let’s do it together, because that’s what we’re here for
at the Office for the Aging and that’s what we’re here
for on this earth.
By: Ruth Spink, Director
ur suggested annual contribution for the
“Gene-Senior” newsletter is $5.00. It is costly to
mail the newsletter and your contribution will help
to ensure we can continue to provide the
information included in a timely and cost effective manner.
This is only a suggested contribution amount. We
appreciate any donation you can make.
Please return the form provided below with your
contribution to: Office for the Aging, 2 Bank Street, Batavia,
New York 14020.
Newsletter Contribution
Name ______________________________________
Address ____________________________________
Telephone # _________________________________
Amount of Contribution $ _______________________
Thank You For Your Support!!
“Gene-Senior” Newsletter is collated by
RSVP Volunteers. Thank you for your service!!
Website Address for the Genesee County
Office for the Aging
Submitted by: Karen Spiotta, Specialist, Aging Services
xercise and regular physical activity are
important aspects of helping to maintain or
improve your health, staying strong, and
enabling you to continue doing the things you
like to do. They can also be a factor in helping you
maintain a greater degree of independence as you age.
The Office for the Aging understands the importance of
exercise and regular physical activity to the overall wellbeing of the older adults we serve. In support of these
endeavors, there are a variety of classes available at the
Senior Center. These classes include:
Arthritis Exercise
Mondays 9:30- 10:30 AM
Tai Chi- Moving For Better Balance
Tuesdays 9:30-10:15 AM
Gentle Fitness
Tuesdays 10:30-11:30 AM
Line Dancing
Fridays 10:00-11:00
These classes are available to anyone age 60 or older,
and suit a variety of fitness levels and interests. Of
course, you are encouraged to discuss plans to
participate in any exercise or physical activity program
with your health care professional before starting. Feel
free to come to any class and observe to determine if
you feel it is right for you. These classes have open
enrollment, so you can join at any time. Some classes
have a suggested contribution (as low as $1.50) per
class, but no one is denied participation. So, pull those
sneakers out of the back of your closet and give one of
these classes a try. You’ll meet new people, have fun
and get the health benefits of exercise and activity.
If you have questions or would like additional
information, please call the Office for the Aging at
343-1611 during regular business hours.
ecause needs are always greater than the funds
available to meet them, the Genesee County
Office for the Aging encourages monetary
donations to our not-for-profit foundation called
the Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.
(May we publish your name? qYes qNo)
All donations are greatly appreciated.
All contributions are tax deductible to the extent of the law
I designate my contribution of $_______to be used where
most needed or specifically for this program:
Funds received will be used to support Office for the Aging
Programs such as: Recreation, Transportation, Home
Delivered Meals, Caregiver Support, In-Home Care, Health
Insurance Counseling, & other services as needed.
Please make checks payable and send to:
Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.
2 Bank Street, Batavia, NY 14020
rograms and services in the following areas
are provided at no cost or low cost for
Genesee County residents who are 60 years
of age and older.
Several of the programs rely on volunteers to deliver
the services to our older adults. For information about
the programs or volunteering, contact the Genesee
County Office for the Aging at 585-343-1611.
These programs and services are made possible by
Rochester Area Community Foundation’s Muriel H.
Marshall Fund for the Aging in Genesee County.
Are You at Risk of Falling?
Submitted by: Kristine Voos, CHES
ccording to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, one-third of Americans ages 65 and
older fall each year, with studies estimating that
every 15 seconds an older adult is treated in
the emergency room for a fall.
It is not wise to think, “That won’t happen to me.” How
do you know that for sure? The Step Up to Stop Falls in
Genesee County encourages you to take the time and
assess your level of risk.
How easily can you step up onto and over a
street curb?
Would not attempt by myself
RSVP of Genesee County
Placing Volunteers Since 1985
Submitted by: Dorian Ely, Services Administrator
SVP works with many organizations
throughout Genesee County identifying
needs that can only be met with the help of
volunteers. Currently, we are recruiting for
the following:
Substitutes to deliver meals to the homebound
Friendly visitors
Medical Transportation Drivers
Financial Managers (budget, bill pay, balance
Blood drive workers for west side of county
Would need help to step UP and DOWN (device or
Could step UP but would need help to step DOWN
Could step UP and DOWN but CAUTIOUSLY
Could step UP and DOWN CONFIDENTLY without
If you are 55 years of age or older, interested in one of
the above, or wish to explore other volunteer
opportunities, please contact RSVP at 585-343-1611.
Quick Falls Risk Self-Check
If you scored a 3 or less, you are at risk for a fall. The
lower your score the higher your risk of falling is. Act
now to reduce your risk by exercising regularly,
reviewing the medications you take with your doctor,
having your vision checked, and making your home
For a more detailed assessment, contact the Falls
Prevention Program in Genesee County at (585) 344 –
1611 for a FREE Step Up to Stop Falls SelfManagement Brochure and/or a FREE in-home safety
AARP Smart Driver Safety Class
Submitted by Dorian Ely, Services Administrator
lasses are now being offered at the Senior
Center, 2 Bank Street, Batavia. All ages
are eligible for participation. You must
attend both sessions to receive credit and
subsequent reduction of points on your license and/or
adjustments to your auto insurance rates. You do not
have to be a member of AARP to participate.
Upcoming Dates:
Legal Program – Long Term
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Genesee County Office for the
Aging/NY Connects
Call Office for the Aging at
343-1611 for more information.
Friday, April 24, 1-4 pm &
Monday, April 27, 9 am-noon
Friday, May 22, 1-4 pm &
Tuesday, May 26, 9 am-noon
Friday, June 26, 1-4 pm &
Monday, June 29, 9 am-noon
Friday, July 17, 1-4 pm &
Monday, July 20, 9 am-noon
Friday, August 28, 1-4 pm &
Monday, August 31, 9 am-noon
Friday, September 25, 1-4 pm &
Monday, September 28, 9 am-noon
‘wouldn’t expire. But after United
Submitted by: Jill Yasses, Specialist, Aging Services Airlines merged with Continental a
few years ago, the new airline
t any age, there are lifestyle habits we can
changed the rules of its loyalty
adopt to help maintain or even potentially
program without telling her, she
improve our health. These habits may also help says. One day, when she logged on
to keep our brains healthy as we age and
to United.com, she discovered her 178,058 miles had
possibly delay the onset of cognitive decline.
vanished. The reason? She had stopped flying, and
To help people age well, the Alzheimer’s Association® - after 18 months of inactivity on her account, her miles
WNY chapter is offering the Healthy Habits for a
expired. “I had been banking my miles to use for
Healthier You program. This workshop covers four
something special,” she says “What a horrible way to
areas of lifestyle habits that are associated with heathy
treat people they want as customers.”
Another class of disingenuous deal is the postcard that
· Cognitive activity
says you’ve won a “free cruise or vacation”. Check
· Physical health and exercise
your mail, there’s probably one there now. “The catch
· Diet and nutrition
is that you have to stay at a time-share facility and
· Social engagement.
agree to be barraged daily with too-good-to-be-true
In each area, we will discuss what we know, drawing on offers to buy into the development,” says Harlan Platt, a
current research, as well as what we can do — steps to professor of finance at Northeastern University.
Whether you’re collecting worthless airline miles or
take now to improve or maintain overall health in each
attending a captive time-share presentation, experts
like Platt say travelers should be on their guards for
Healthy Habits for a Healthier You is designed for
more of these fake offers.
individuals of any age who are looking for information on
Carefully read the fine print. It is sometimes enough to
ways to age as well as possible.
determine whether an offer is on the up-and-up, but not
When: Tuesday, June 9, 2015 – 12pm-1pm
always. The half-heartedness of a deal might not
Where: Genesee County Office for the Aging/NY
become apparent until you check in or until you try to
redeem the benefit. But travelers aren’t powerless to
stop these little scams.
For more information, contact the Alzheimer’s Association at
Healthy Habits for a Healthier You
info@alz.org or 800.272.3900.
This is a free program but registration is necessary. Please call
ð Travel with a straight shooter. Many travel
343-1611 to register.
companies, from the Ritz-Carlton to airlines such as
This program is funded through grants from the NY State
Southwest have well deserved reputations as
Office for the Aging, NY Connects Genesee Care Options, the
companies that don’t engage in word games.
Older Americans Act, and the generous support of
the Genesee County Legislature. A special thanks goes to
ð Make a polite appeal. Asking a company to
the Alzheimer’s Association – WNY Chapter.
interpret its program rules or offers in a way that’s
more advantageous to you may be as easy as
For individuals with disabilities or language interpretation
needs, requests for reasonable accommodations should
asking. Ticket agents often have that power.
be made with at least five days’ notice.
ð Reach out to regulators. If you are the unlucky
recipient of an insincere offer, you have options.
Submitted by Karen Hall, Coordinator of
Lifespan’s Financial Management Assistance Program
Contact the Transportation Department or Federal
Trade Commission to voice your concern. The
“deal” may violate laws forbidding an unfair or
deceptive practice.’
“Dubious deals leave travelers fuming”
Article obtained from the Democrat & Chronicle
Be sure to read the fine print for ‘free’ trips or family
packages, says Christopher Elliott in a Special for USA
TODAY. Before Brenda Galindo retired to Winterville,
N.C., Continental Airlines made her a promise: The
frequent-flier miles she’d earned from her business travel
Luncheon activities take place at our 2 Bank Street
location. Please call us at 343-1611 to RSVP for lunch
2 days prior. To secure a seat on one of our trips, you
will need to prepay for the desired trip in person.
April 2015
Monday, April 13th - Lucky Day - Gift Card Give-A-Way
This could be your “Lucky Day!” with a Gift Card
Give-A-Way as part of our noontime luncheon. Join us
for an afternoon of conversation and fun.
Wednesday, April 15th - BINGO
Following our noontime luncheon, you will have the
opportunity play a game or two or three and win a prize
with one simple word, “BINGO”. Join us!
Friday, April 24th - April Birthdays
Singing “Happy Birthday” is great when you sing for your
friends born in the month of April. Join us for lunch
followed by our April Birthday Celebration.
May 2015
Wednesday, May 6th - Mother’s Day Celebration
Dave Conlon will be performing on piano and organ as
we celebrate “Mother’s Day” at our noontime luncheon.
Friday, May 15th - BINGO
“BINGO” is a magical word. The word announces that
you are a winner and can pick out a prize. Join us for
our noontime luncheon followed by Bingo.
Wednesday, May 27th - May Birthdays
As part of our noontime luncheon, we will be singing
“Happy Birthday” to our friends born in the month of May.
Join us and be part of the celebration.
Friday, May 29th - Spring Party
A Spring Party is being planned and Poppa & Mamma
Root are scheduled to entertain as we celebrate spring
as part of our noontime luncheon.
June 2015
Monday, June 8th - BINGO
One more number, that is all I need. Don’t you want to
be able to say that when you’re playing BINGO here
following our noontime luncheon?
Friday, June 19th - Father’s Day Celebration
As part of our Father’s Day Celebration, Jeff Clough has
been scheduled to entertain on his keyboard. Join us for
our noontime luncheon and celebration.
Wednesday, June 24th - Celebrate Summer
There is no better way to celebrate summer, than with
ice cream sundaes! Join us for our noontime luncheon
followed by “Making your Own Ice Cream Sundae”.
Monday, June 29th - June Birthdays
As part of our noontime luncheon, we will be celebrating
the birthdays of our friends born in the month of June.
Please join in on singing “Happy Birthday!”.
Nutrition Notes
Have You Eaten Flowers?
Submitted by: Ellen Foster, Registered Dietitian
id you know that some flowers are edible? Of
course we’ve seen pictures of pansies
decorating the top of a springtime salad, or
brightly colored nasturtium blossoms as a
garnish on the dinner plate at a fancy restaurant or
wedding reception, but perhaps that is not your idea (or
mine!) for something to eat.
In addition to the odd or fancy way to use flowers, there
are some flower blossoms we eat routinely and think
nothing of it. For example –
Broccoli – Those tightly curled little balls at the top of
the broccoli stem are what we call “florets” and for good
reason. They are actually the blossom or flower (floret)
of the broccoli plant. Not only do we cook them as a
vegetable for our dinner, but we really like to dip them
in bleu cheese or ranch dip at parties! The name
“broccoli” is the plural of the Italian word “broccolo”
meaning “the flowering top of a cabbage”. This is
appropriate, as it evolved
from a wild cabbage more
than 2,000 years ago in
Cauliflower – Does this
surprise you given that
‘flower’ is part of its name?
That was combined with the Latin caulis meaning
cabbage. Flower was added to caulis to note how
unusual to have a flowering member of the cabbage
family. And yes, cauliflower and broccoli are related!
The white part of the cauliflower, the part we eat, is
known as the curd. It is not really a flower but performs
some of the same functions for the plant as the
blossoms do for broccoli.
Chamomile – Who hasn’t had a cup of chamomile tea
at some time? It helps put children to sleep, aids in
indigestion and some say helps cure diarrhea. The
chamomile flower is dried and often sold as a powder,
so it is not always recognizable as a flower, but we do
consume it and it tastes very good! The name derives
from a Greek word meaning “earth apple” so named
because it has an apple-like scent but grows near the
ground, not on trees.
Article Continues on Page #9
When: Tuesday April 7, 2015 from 1pm-2pm
Where: 2 Bank Street Batavia
RSVP: call PathStone at (585) 442-2030 ext. 213
New Medicare Screening Added!
Submitted by: Kimberly Perl, Specialist, Aging Services
oday the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) issued a final national
coverage determination that provides for
Medicare coverage of Screening for Lung
Cancer with Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT).
The coverage is effective immediately.
Learn about programs available to lower your energy
bills, including having a free or reduced cost energy
audit. Programs are available to homeowners and
landlords. Up to $5,000 in grants, as well as low interest
“This is the first time that Medicare has covered lung
loans, available to eligible households.
cancer screening. This is an important new Medicare
PathStone is a local nonpreventive benefit since lung cancer is the third most
profit working with NYS to
common cancer and the leading cause of cancer
promote the Home
deaths in the United States,” said Dr. Patrick Conway,
Performance with ENERGY
chief medical officer and deputy administrator for
STAR Program in our area.
innovation and quality for CMS.
Are you Good with Money?
Because elders like Francine need your help with
bill paying tasks.
“My volunteer, Mr. Davis,
stopped by the other day to
help me balance my
checkbook. Thank you.
I regard your organization as
my life saviors!”
Francine, a Lifespan
Financial Management client.
Balancing checking accounts, bill
paying and day-to-day financial
matters can become difficult and impact an older
person’s ability to live independently.
Lifespan trains volunteers to provide in-home financial
management assistance. It’s a volunteer role with
much flexibility -- you set your own hours!
As little as two hours a month can help!
Join a team of more than 60 volunteer financial
managers at Lifespan. Gain knowledge through
in-services, meet new people and remember,
when you do good, you feel good!
Call Karen Hall at 585-259-2781 for more information about
becoming a volunteer financial manager with Lifespan.
Medicare will now cover lung cancer screening with
LDCT once per year for Medicare beneficiaries who
meet all of the following criteria:
they are age 55-77, and are either current smokers
or have quit smoking within the last 15 years;
they have a tobacco smoking history of at least 30
“pack years” (an average of one pack a day for 30
years); and
they receive a written order from a physician or
qualified non-physician practitioner that meets
certain requirements.
Medicare coverage includes a visit for counseling and
shared decision-making on the benefits and risks of
lung cancer screening. The NCD also includes required
data collection and specific coverage eligibility criteria
for radiologists and radiology imaging centers,
consistent with the National Lung Screening Trial
protocol, U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
recommendation and multi-society multi-disciplinary
stakeholder evidence-based guidelines.
“We believe this final decision strikes an appropriate
balance between providing access to this important
preventive service and ensuring, to the best extent
possible, that Medicare beneficiaries receive maximum
benefit from a lung cancer screening program” Conway
*Note – if you feel you are eligible, take this article
to your physician and ask*
*Taken from a February 5th announcement from CMS*
Pets Brighten Lives and Pet Planning is
Submitted by: Kimberly Perl, HIICAP Coordinator
Submitted by: Ann Marie Brade, Dog Control Officer,
Genesee County Sheriff’s Department
o you gross less than $1,345 if single/
widowed or less than $1,813 if married?
These are the figures released for 2015
Medicare Savings Program (MSP). If eligible,
you will get the Part B amount of $104.90 placed back
into your Social Security check, your medication cost
will go down and the “donut hole” (or coverage gap) will
go away! If you are slightly over, we may be able to
deduct the amount you pay for your health insurance.
Resources are NOT looked at! This program can save
you up to $5,200 a year!
If you are over the above amounts, you may be eligible
for the Extra Help Program, which helps reduce the
cost of your medications, but resources ARE looked at
with this program. Gross 2015 levels are: $1,471 or
less single/widowed or $1,991 a couple. A single
person cannot have resources of more than $17,655
and married couples cannot have more than $23,895.
This program will help bring the cost of medications
down, as well as keep the “donut hole” away. This
program can help save you up to $4,000 a year!
If you feel you are eligible for either of these programs,
please call our office so we may be certain you are
eligible and then let you know what items you will need
to bring before your appointment. (585) 343-1611 ext.
5915 – the Health Insurance line.
eed a cat or dog to keep you company? The
Genesee County Animal Shelter has animals
for adoption that meet the needs of seniors.
We have many adult cats that are looking for
their “furever” home; some cats are even declawed. All
have rabies vaccinations, distemper shots, de-worming,
flea treatment and are spayed or neutered. All this for
$40 is quite a bargain and kitty purrs and doggy kisses
are priceless! Pets have been proven to enrich the
lives of their families and make a loving addition to any
home. To see the animals that are available, you can
come in during our adoption hours or see them on the
Volunteers for Animals website at
While we all enjoy our pets, we need to be prepared in
case of an emergency. Many people ask us about how
to plan their pets care if something should happen to
them. It is a difficult topic to think about or consider.
We see so many animals brought in due to the loss of
their owner. It is important to talk about your concerns
with family and friends and to start planning for the
sake of your pets.
There is an organization called 2nd Chance 4 Pets that
has a comprehensive website to help you plan
accordingly. 2nd Chance for Pets is a non-profit 501©3
organization staffed by volunteers located throughout
the United States and beyond. As an advocacy group,
they provide education and resources to pet owners,
veterinarians and animal care organizations in an effort
to reduce the number of companion animals
euthanized due to the death or disability of the humans
who care for them. Their website is
Nutrition Notes Article Continued from Page #7
Squash blossoms – You may have seen these, tied
with twine, if you have visited a farm market or an
Oriental grocery store. Rick Bayless, who you may see
on television food channels, makes a squash blossom
soup from chicken stock and a touch of cream, blended
with sautéed squash blossoms, a little garlic and onion.
In Italy, squash blossoms are usually stuffed with a mild
cheese such as fresh mozzarella or ricotta, dipped in
batter and deep-fried. Prepared in this manner, they
make a delicious appetizer or accompaniment to a
warm, spring day meal of poultry or salad.
And there you have some flowers for your garden and
your table!
t times, the Genesee County Office for the
Aging uses the internet to obtain information
for newsletter articles. We use various
sources to share information we feel is
educational and of value to our readers. We use
good judgment, but do not investigate our internet
resources. The internet’s resources are used as a
public service, to provide us with an additional means
of sharing information with our readers. The Office for
the Aging does not endorse any companies or
sources cited.
We recommend discussing topics contained in this
newsletter with trusted family, friends and
professionals before applying it to your life.
Lifelong Learning Corner
Submitted by: Betsy Dexheimer, Livable Communities
Vision Team Member
A series of articles about exciting learning opportunities
hree years ago, being newly retired, I began
writing this column. At the time I set out to
discover interesting learning activities available
for seniors in our county. Along the way, I’ve
met a great variety of wonderful people who are doing
interesting things in our community in their retirement.
Now, I shall be focusing on these amazing individuals.
Paul Judkins comes from Alexander. He graduated from
high school in 1955 and immediately
enlisted in the Marines, where he
remained for 33 years as an aviator.
He served 2 tours in Viet Nam. After
his retirement, he went on to teach
high school students in Kentucky and
Pennsylvania in the Marine Corp
Junior ROTC for twelve years. Finally,
he returned home to Alexander.
In 2003, Paul began to volunteer at The Batavia
Veteran’s Hospital. His assignment was to provide
transportation services for veterans, who cannot provide
their own, going to and from scheduled VA medical
appointments. The appointments involve travel to
Buffalo, Rochester, Canandaigua, Syracuse, and
Batavia. When Paul arrived for his volunteer assignment,
there were only 4 used vans from Buffalo VA available
on loan. Paul began seeking sources of monetary
donations to upgrade the van fleet. Assemblyman Dan
Burling initiated the first grant to purchase 2 used vans.
As the contributions began to come in, Paul was
eventually able to purchase a total of 6 new vans (one of
which can carry a wheel chair). The vans are now
maintained and supported by Veterans Administration.
Presently, 14-15 excellent volunteer drivers have been
trained. With their backgrounds checked, they are in
excellent health and are on the roster to drive the vans.
Their normal volunteer day usually runs 4 to 6 hours.
Paul has developed a detailed computer program for
setting up schedules which includes destination, time,
mileage, van routes, drivers, Vets’ names, etc.
The community has contributed significantly to increase
and improve the volunteer medical transportation
services for Genesee and Wyoming veterans. Paul
cannot say enough good things about the splendid
services provided for our vets by the Vets’ hospitals and
their medical teams. You can contact Paul at 297-1170
if you want to learn more or to contribute or volunteer.
And what does Paul do for fun? You can often find him
acting or assisting backstage in Batavia Players
productions at 56 Harvester Ave.
Paul has come to believe, “The more one gives, the
more one receives and if you keep serving others, the
rewards never cease.”
*Semper fidelis is a greeting among marines which
translates, “Always faithful”.
For more information about these learning
opportunities, go to Office for the Aging website at
www.co.genesee.ny.us and look for the “Document
Library” link and click on the “Lifelong Learning
Resource Directory” under the “Livable Communities”
section or stop by the Office for the Aging and ask for a
Social Transportation Program
Submitted by: Dorian Ely, Services Administrator
his program is made possible by a grant with
funds from the Rochester Area Community
Foundation’s Muriel H. Marshall Fund for the
Aging in Genesee County.
Groups in size from 4 to 40 people can receive free
transportation by school bus to concerts, museums,
plays, restaurants, gardens, etc. within a 120 mile
distance, one way. Trips can be up to 10 hours in
duration. The group leader is responsible for any
tickets, reservations, etc. that may be required. Groups
choosing to contract with a motor coach can receive a
pro-rated amount towards their transportation cost.
Reservations for a bus need to be made at least three
weeks in advance.
This is a wonderful way to enjoy a day out, without
worrying about parking, tolls, or even driving; just sit
back and enjoy the view!
Shuttle service is also available for groups of seniors to
attend congregate meal sites and/or senior group
meetings. This service will be allowed two (2) times per
grant year for seniors from senior housing complexes,
adult care facilities, and from homes for seniors who
can no longer drive to the mealsite/group meetings.
There must be at least 4 or more seniors using the
service in order for the trip to be authorized. Office for
the Aging/Genesee Senior Foundation does not
assume any coordination of the trip, except for
arranging transportation.
For more information, please call 343-1611.
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©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0475
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©2015 Liturgical Publications Inc 14-0475

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