March 16, 2016 Wai`alae Weekly Packet
March 16, 2016 Wai`alae Weekly Packet
Announcements and Reminders From Wai’alae School March 16, 2016 FWS FUN FAIR SCRIP PRE-SALE THIS FRIDAY (March 18th) IS THE DEADLINE TO PURCHASE FUN FAIR SCRIP AT A 20% DISCOUNT !!! See bright orange-colored flyer/order form that was distributed through the classrooms and submit your order to the Office by 4pm on Friday. FWS ELECTIONS FOR 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR The Friends of Wai’alae School is currently accepting nominations for FWS Officers for the 2016-2017 school year. If you are interested in being a nominee or would like to nominate someone, nomination forms are due THIS FRIDAY (March 18th.) See attached flyer/form for details. SPRING BREAK & HOLIDAYS Spring Break is next week - March 21st to March 24th. The Good Friday holiday is being observed on Friday March 25th and the Prince Kuhio Day holiday is being observed on Monday March 28th. Students return to school on Tuesday March 29th . PCNC CLOSED ON APRIL 1ST The Parent-Community Networking Center (room A-3) will be closed on Friday April 1st. There will be no complimentary coffee/hot water available on that day. AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION FUNDRAISING We have already raised over $700! Mahalo to all who are working hard to make this a successful Spring Community Service Project! Please submit all donations on or before April 1st. Thank you !! WAI’ALAE SUMMER PROGRAM Registration for our Summer Program and/or Summer Plus continues to April 8th. See attached flyer. MAY DAY PROGRAM Save the date! Friday May 6, 2016 at 10:30am. Kokua is needed. Please see attached flyer. Information about costuming and lei will be shared in the coming months, please watch the Wai’alae Weekly for flyers that will contain the details. Information will also be shared through Learning Hui Coordinators. WAI’ALAE SCHOOL ADULT SUPERVISORS NEEDED Wai`alae School is seeking to fill Adult Supervisor positions. If interested, contact Mr. Ian Okamoto, Dean of Students, at 733 -4880. Quick Reference Calendar Coming Up March 21-24: Spring Break - NO SCHOOL for students March 25: Good Friday Holiday - Wai’alae School is CLOSED March 28: Prince Kuhio Day Holiday - Wai’alae School is CLOSED March 30: Wai’alae School Board Meeting, 6pm-8pm, Maker Space April 1: Parent-Community Networking Center CLOSED, no complimentary coffee April 2: Friends of Wai’alae School Fun Fair, 9am to 3pm The Wai`alae Weekly flyers are posted online each week at: Wai’alae School’s Facebook® and Twitter® accounts: Questions? Contact Mrs. Melanie Sumida, School-Parent-Community Networking Center Coordinator: 808-733-4880, extension 236 Room A-3 Attention Families: Your Feedback is Requested Our Director of Special Programs, Anthony (Mr. Tony) Tsang, is currently reviewing a program called Play-Well and would like families to provide him with feedback on whether or not you/your child/your family would be interested in having this after school program at Wai’alae School. Attached is information regarding Play-Well. Contact Mr. Tony directly at with your interest level/opinions/feedback or if you have any questions. Wai’alae School Admissions: In-district Kindergarten Registration (for the 2016-2017 School Year) Registration of in-district kindergarten students (for the 2016-2017 school year) is now open. To obtain a registration packet, parent must present the following (original) documents to the Wai’alae School Office during office hours: Student’s Original State-Certified Birth Certificate or Valid Passport (to verify date of birth) Two (2) Proofs of Residency; acceptable documents include deed, property tax assessment, rental agreement, current utility bill (water, gas, electricity, landline telephone); document must indicate residence address and not P.O. Box address or other mailing address Parent’s Valid Photo Identification Children with birthdates from August 1, 2010 to July 31, 2011 are eligible St. Patrick School Summer Quest for Kidz June 6 to July 8, 2016 Open to boys and girls ages 4 to 13 Limited quantity of registration brochures and forms are available in the Wai’alae School ParentCommunity Networking Center (room A-3) First Lady Michelle Obama, in partnership with PBS Flagship Station WGBH Boston, the U.S. Department of Education, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is hosting . . . The 5th Annual Healthy Lunchtime Challenge The challenge invites kids ages 8 to 12 to join a parent or guardian in creating an original recipe that is healthy, affordable, and delicious ! Winners will have the opportunity to attend a Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House ! See attached flyer for more info and/or visit: Deadline for submissions is April 4th. STUDENT’S PERMANENT RELEASE Attention Parents/Guardians: IF YOUR CHILD IS NOT RETURNING TO WAI’ALAE SCHOOL FOR THE 2016-2017 SCHOOL YEAR, you will need to request a Student Release. Requests must be made in writing by submitting a “Request for Student’s Permanent Release” form. Please submit form no later than Wednesday 5/18/16. Forms are available in the Wai’alae School Office or online at (click on “Forms”). All families who have a fifth grader need to submit this form (to the Wai`alae School Office) EXCEPT for those who live in Kaimuki Middle School’s district and who WILL be attending Kaimuki Middle School for sixth grade. Releases will be ready for pick up (at the Office) on the last day of school (5/26/16), after 11:30am. Requests for Releases that are made after 5/18/16 may not be ready until after the last day of school. get involved!!! volunteer to serve or nominate others for the Friends of Wai’alae school 2016-2017 Executive Committee The Friends of Wai'alae School Wai`alae School's Parent Teacher Community Organization Our mission is to inspire active parent, family, and community support of and partnership with Wai`alae School to improve students' educational outcomes. Officer positions and general responsibilities: ● President Facilitates meetings, liaison with school, member of standing committees ● Vice President Assists president and assumes role when absent, committee member ● Secretary Records meeting minutes and responsible for FWS communications ● Treasurer Tracks financial transactions and bookkeeping Please contact FWS at for full descriptions of officer responsibilities and details of the election process. Timeline: ● Nominations due by Friday, March 18, 2016 ● Ballots will be distributed Wednesday, March 30, 2016 ● Ballots due Friday, April 15, 2016 ● New officers will be announced at the FWS meeting on Thursday, May 12, 2016 Due Friday, March 18, 2016 FWS Executive Committee Nomination and Volunteer Form Please return to the FWS Mail Box in the school office or by email to Position Nominee Contact Information President Vice President Secretary Treasurer BOOK DRIVE WHEN March 1-31 DROP OFF: 5 grade classrooms th A4, A5, A6, B7 DONATE YOUR GENTLY USED BOOKS TO SUPPORT THE 5TH GRADE “SECRET FIELD TRIP” NEXT… Purchase books at their book sale during the Fun Fair on April 2nd BENEFITING The graduating class of 2016! Celebrating Childhood! Enter your RECIPE & WIN a DINNER at the WHITE HOUSE healthy lunchtime challenge & KIDS’ STATE DINNER First Lady Michelle Obama is teaming up with PBS flagship station WGBH Boston, the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Agriculture to host the fifth annual Healthy Lunchtime Challenge to promote cooking and healthy eating among young people across the nation. The challenge invites kids ages 8-12 to join a parent or guardian in creating an original recipe that is healthy, affordable, and delicious. One winner from each U.S. state, territory and the District of Columbia will be selected and have the opportunity to attend a Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House where a selection of the winning recipes will be served. Learn more submit your recipe by April 4 here: Buy a shaved ice to support Wai’alae’s 5 th grade Secret Field Trip Thursday April 7 2:15 PM KONA ICE OHANA - e-mail: Telephone (808) 679-5820 Aloha Parents/Guardian, Wai’alae Elementary Public Charter School is excited to announce that it will host its annual Summer School Program from June 7, 2016 to July 12, 2016. Classes will be held Monday through Friday from 7:55am to 11:30am. Students will have the opportunity to explore classes such as the Jump Start program, S.T.E.A.M., Kindergarten Kamp, performing arts, and much more. Learning will not only be engaging and hands on; but more importantly, it will be fun! Afterschool childcare services available in the Summer Plus program. REGISTRATION begins on February 24 and ends on April 8. Classes with insufficient enrollment may be subjected to cancellation after the April 8 deadline. To reserve a seat in the program, a non-refundable deposit of 25% must accompany the registration form. The deposit will be applied to your Summer Program tuition. Currently enrolled Wai’alae students in Kindergarten through 4th grade may apply. *Now accepting pre-Kindergarten students registered at Wai’alae PCS for the 2016-2017 school year. Registration packets are available in the School Office or online at Spaces are limited and will be held on first-come, first-served basis. Late registrars will be accepted if space is available. Dates: Registration begins: February 24, 2016 7:30am Deadline: April 8, 2016 4:00pm Full Payment Due: May 9, 2016 4:00pm Summer Program begins: June 7, 2016 No classes/programs: June 10, 2016 and July 4, 2016 Last day of Summer Program – July 12, 2016 Program Summer Program Dates June 7 - July 12 Duration 5 ½ weeks Cost $650 Time 8:00a - 11:30a Summer Plus June 7 - July 12 5 ½ weeks $550 11:30a - 5:30p *Note: Summer Plus program includes a meal and afternoon childcare services. Wai‘alae Public Charter School Presents…. dMay Day 2016 Malama i ke Kai This year we will be honoring the ocean and all it provides through song and dance. Our Hawaiian ocean is home to thousands of sea creatures, and the marine plant life provides 70% of the oxygen that we breathe. In the ancient days, ocean resources were very important to each ahupua‘a, or district. The ocean was also a means of leisure where they enjoyed favorite past times of surfing and canoe surfing. The ocean possesses great mana, or power, and it is the passageway to our ancestors. * Please join us on Friday, May 6, 2016 at 10:00a.m. for our 11th annual Lei Day celebration! * Bleacher seating will be available. Beach mats & small lawn chairs welcomed! * Children’s attire info coming soon! Please support your grade level Learning Hui Coordinators! ****We are in need of your KOKUA!! **** We have been so fortunate the last 10 years to have a wonderful team of parents, teachers, faculty, & friends come together (laulima) & share ideas, time, & talents in order to create a successful May Day program for our Wai‘alae children & community year after year. Mahalo in advance for your continuous support! If you, or someone you know are able to kokua in any way, please fill out and return the bottom portion to my box in the office! Mahalo nui! ‘O au me ka ha‘aha‘a, Kumu Kaleihomai Hawai‘iana Teacher & May Day Director “Ua Mau ke Ea o ka ‘Aina i ka Pono” The Life of the Land is Perpetuated in Righteousness ------------------------------------ Please Detach & Return Bottom Portion ----------------------------------------------- Name ____________________________ Child (ren) ________________ Phone # ______________ Email ______________________________ *Please circle the area(s) in which you are able to kokua. Mahalo! Set-up Decorations Clean-up Costume Prep Sewing Lei Making Classroom Volunteers [3 per classroom for day of kokua] Prop Making Floral Donations (ti leaf, ginger, heleconia, plumeria, palms, bird of paradise, ferns, etc) Photography Videography Other _________________________ Dream it. Build it. Wreck it. Repeat. Kids are already naturally gifted creators. Then they get added inspiration from our specially trained instructors. They dive into our massive collections of LEGO®. And while they built elaborate objects, structures and vehicles, they explore fundamental principles of engineering, architecture, design, art and physics. They also learn to collaborate and create without fear of mistakes. The experience is joyful, the impact long-lasting. This class is not affiliated with the LEGO Group. For more information about our organization, please visit our website at or contact Wrenn Okada at 808.221.4870 or What kind of kids like Play-Well? Pretty much all kids. Even kids who don’t like classes get engaged. Probably because kids have a natural attraction to and talent for building. The problem is getting them to leave at the end of the session. Company Profile Play-Well TEKnologies has been “Teaching Engineering to Kids” since 1997 in the San Francisco Bay Area. Our instructors have varied careers and educational backgrounds (for example: mechanical engineering, architecture, biology, art, design). More importantly, all share a common enthusiasm for kids, engineering, and LEGO. Goals The goals of the class are to: (1) Solve problems. We develop and enhance each student’s problem solving and critical thinking skills. (2) Explore the world. We introduce students to concepts and vocabulary of Engineering, Architecture, and Physics. (3) Express ourselves. LEGO is a medium with tremendous creative potential. Above all else: Have Fun! Teaching Methodology Students work individually, in teams, and as a group throughout the sessions. A short discussion and demonstration of the day’s topic starts each meeting. Children are given a design/ building/programming assignment. Instructors will provide individual assistance and instruction and facilitate challenges, performance testing, competitions, and modifications to projects. Our Instructors Each class will be taught by an experienced instructor. The instructor may not be determined until shortly before the first class meeting. An assistant instructor will be added at our discretion. Kids are natural engineers. We help them realize it. Class Materials We provide all materials for the classes. We bring approximately 20,000 pieces of Lego and it will be removed from the site daily. What exactly do kids build at Play-Well? Depending on the class curriculum, kids build any of more than 1,000 projects, from gear-drive cars to bridges, from catapults to battling jousting monorails. Class Length Class durations will be 90 minutes. Longer and shorter duration classes may be negotiated. Class Fee Base pricing is $17.00 per class meeting per student for a 90-minute class. Total fee depends on the number of class meetings and facility use fees. Class Size Minimum 11 students, maximum 17 students for one instructor, 24 students for an assistant and instructor. Larger classes may be negotiated. How is Play-Well different from other LEGO classes? We’re a magnet for the most inspirational instructors. We have the most and coolest LEGO. We’ve been refining our programs and approach for 19 years. This work is our life’s passion. Play-Well Programs STEM Design using LEGO STEM Design using LEGO Brand-new to the Islands, Play-Well TEKnologies introduces the world of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) through the "STEM Design using LEGO" program. Students will have access to over 20,000 pieces of LEGO as they build engineer-designed projects such as Motorized Gondolas, Gear Cars, Catapults, Walkers, and Skyscrapers. Concepts covered include gear phasing, torque, potential vs. kinetic energy, traction, and prototyping. LEGO with an interdisciplinary approach is both educational AND fun! Pre-STEM Design using LEGO STEM Design using LEGO Advanced STEM Design using LEGO Ages 4-5 / Grades Pre-K Ages 5-7 / Grades K-2 Ages 7-12 / Grades 2-6 Themed Engineering Jedi Engineering The Force is strong with this class. Young Jedi will explore worlds far, far away and engineering principles right in front of them. Defeat the Empire by designing and refining LEGO X-Wings, R2-units, and settlements on far-flung edges of the galaxy. Imagination and engineering combine to create motorized and architectural projects such as energy catapults, shield generators and Jedi Temples. Jedi Engineering with LEGO Ages 5-7/ Grades K-2 Jedi Master Engineering using LEGO Ages 7-12/ Grades 2-6 Mine, Craft, Build using LEGO Bring Minecraft to life using LEGO! Build a motorized walking Creeper, a terrifying Ghast, and a motorized Minecart! This projectbased camp, designed by Play-Well instructors, combines the basic format of our core engineering-themed programs based on the world of Minecraft. Students will explore real-world concepts in physics, engineering, and architecture while building their favorite Minecraft objects. Students will have a blast, even without any prior experience with Minecraft or LEGO. PRE:Engineering: Mine, Craft, Build using LEGO Engineering FUNdamentals: Mine, Craft, Build using LEGO Ages 5-7/ Grades K-2 Ages 7-12/ Grades 2-6 Art and Architecture using LEGO Ages 7-12 / Grades 2-6 Explore great works of art and architecture through LEGO! Collaborate in small groups to build grand structures such as the Parthenon in Greece, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, the tree houses of Papua New Guinea, and New York’s Empire State Building. Follow in the footsteps of master artists with LEGO interpretations of sculptures, mosaics, and stained glass. Teamwork and creativity take “high culture” to the next level! Planet Wai’alae An Outer Space Adventure FWS Fun Fair April 2, 2016 pre-order your discounted scrip now For a limited time, purchase Fun Fair scrip at a 20% discount when you preorder your scrip now! Get $5 worth of scrip (10 scrip) for only $4. Scrip must be purchased in 10scrip increments. This offer ends on Friday, March 18th. To preorder your scrip, please complete the order form below and submit it, along with your payment, to the Wai`alae School Office by Friday, March 18th. FWS Fun Fair Scrip PreSale Order Form Due Friday, March 18th Student’s Name______________________________Grade_________Teacher_____________________ Phone number*__________________ *Information will be used only if there are any questions regarding your order. I would like to purchase ______ (# of 10scrip increments) X $4.00 = _________Total payment enclosed ( Cash ; Check payable to FWS; Credit Card – Please complete section below.) ____Please send my order home via student noted above. ____Please keep my preordered scrip at “will call”. I will pick up my scrip at the Scrip Booth on April 2nd. IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD, PLEASE COMPLETE THIS SECTION: (Please PRINT neatly.) [ ]VISA [ ]MASTERCARD Card Number:________________________________________________ Expiration Date:________________Cardholder’s Name _______________________________________ I authorize Friends of Wai`alae School to process payment with my credit card for the amount noted above and I will honor the charge. I certify that I am the owner of this credit card. Signature: _________________________________________ Planet Waialae Rummage Sale Fun Fair - April 2, 2016 DONATE YOUR GENTLY USED CLOTHING, TOYS, GAMES & ! HOUSEHOLD ITEMS ! ! ! CONTACT JESSICA WELCH (ZOE AND LUCY’S MOM) TO ARRANGE DROP OFF OR PICK UP 808-398-9672 JESSICAOWELCH@GMAIL.COM ! ! SUPPORTING FRIENDS OF ! WAIALAE SCHOOL ! ! ! MAHALO! SILENT AUCTION FUN FAIR – 4/2/2016 Planet wai’alae Last year’s Silent Auction successfully hurled into far, far unknown places! This year, we need your help to launch it even farther! Friends of Wai’alae School is currently seeking donations of items to be sold through our Silent Auction during this year’s Fun Fair on Saturday, April 2nd. If you or someone you know has a business or a special skill, please consider donating an item, service or gift certificate to our event. Do you have some unused or unwanted gift cards, dining certificates or holiday presents laying around? Share them with us! This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase your talent or business while supporting FWS and Wai’alae School. Creativity Encouraged!! Please consider what you can offer. Do you restore furniture? Car Detailing? Are you a fabulous cook who could prepare a dinner for four? Give a piano lesson, voice lesson, tennis lesson? Give decorating tips? Help organize a closet or garage? Other items/services we need: Artwork; Clothing; Jewelry; Spirits; Hotel & Travel Vouchers; Gift Cards/Certificates; Gourmet Treats (non-perishable); Bath & Beauty Products; Toys, Small Appliances/Electronics; Sporting Goods & more! Creativity Welcome! All items should be new or unused. Some “like new” or vintage items may be accepted depending on condition. Items may be grouped or packaged with others based on themes/value. If you have something to donate, please complete a Silent Auction Donation Form (included in this Wai’alae Weekly) and contact me to arrange for a drop off/pick up. Mahalo for your support, and looking forward to skyrocketing to success! Karin Knudsen Kozacik 808-397-7583 1045 19th Avenue, Honolulu Hawaii , 96816 (As you want it published) DONOR NAME: DONOR ADDRESS: CITY: ZIP: PHONE:_________________________________________EMAIL:_____________________________________________ ITEM: RETAIL VALUE: DESCRIPTION OF ITEM: Time Limitations: If donation is a gift certificate: Item to be: 1 year unless otherwise stipulated Please date gift certificate 1 year from issuance (April 2, 2017) ( ) Gift Certificate enclosed ( ) Friends of Wai’alae please prepare certificate ( ) Delivered by donor to Wai’alae Elementary School – 1045 19th Avenue ( ) Picked up by Friends of Wai’alae representative by date:_________________ To be listed in the silent action booklet we must receive confirmation and the item no later than March 28th, 2016. Special Instructions / Restrictions: We reserve the right to package all items and to determine whether the item will be placed on the online auction, unless you specify other wise. For non-perishable items received after the deadline, the committee reserves the right to place the items in next year’s fundraiser. MAHALO NUI LOA! Wai`alae Public Charter School is a 501 (c) (3) organization. All donations to the fundraiser are taxdeductible to the full extent allowed by law. Federal Tax Identification Number 99-0224338. Please return copy of contract / form to: Friends of Wai`alae School 1045 19th Avenue Honolulu Hawaii 96816 Please keep a copy of this form for your records. Any questions, email Karin Knudsen Kozacik OR call 808-397-7583. Planet Waialae Our Mission: To Boldly Go Where no Fun Fair has gone before! $tArdAte: april 2, 2016 9:00aM - 3:00PM At wAiAlAe ElementAry $chool 19th / 20th aves between PAhoA And HArding CoordinAtes: 21.276176, -157.792332 Delicious Food Live Music Performances Alien Costume Contest (new) Grade-level Games Craft Vendors Rummage Sale (new) Silent Auction Wai‘alae Logo Shop 4th Grade Lemonade Stand 5th Grade Used Bookstore Bounce House Photo Booth Glitter Tattoos Face Paint, & Hair Country Store Baked Goods Coffee/Tea Grab Bags Plants Goodies …and much, much more! Please contact Rob Haak with questiOns/comments m 808 931 0488
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