April 15, 2015 - Wai`alae Elementary Public Charter School


April 15, 2015 - Wai`alae Elementary Public Charter School
Announcements and Reminders From Wai’alae School
April 15, 2015
Challenge has begun. Track your family’s physical activity and Wai`alae School may benefit by
winning cash awards. Please see attached flyer for details.
MAY DAY COSTUMING & LEIS A flyer with information on costuming and lei needs for May Day
has been distributed through the classrooms . Additionally, Kumu Kaleihomai has been informing each
class of their particular grade level’s costuming needs.
THE PARENT PROJECT® SUMMER CLASS The Parent Project® is a nationally-recognized
program designed to help families raise children in these challenging times. This class is appropriate
for families with children in fifth grade through high school and it is being offered by Niu Valley
Middle School this summer. A flyer with details was distributed to all fifth grade students .
LOVING SOLUTIONS SUMMER CLASS Loving Solutions (or The Parent Project® Jr.) is a parenting
training program specifically designed for parents who have challenging children ages 5 through 10.
Loving Solutions uses the same principals as The Parent Project®, but adapted for younger children.
A flyer with details was distributed to all students in kindergarten through grade 4.
ADULT SUPERVISOR POSITION AVAILABLE We are currently seeking to hire an adult supervisor
for dining room assistance and recess monitoring. If you are interested in applying, please contact
Mr. Ian Okamoto, Dean of Students, at 733-4880 or via email: iokamoto@waialae.edu
ON-CALL POSITION AVAILABLE AT WAI`ALAE SCHOOL We are currently seeking to hire an oncall “substitute” classroom cleaner at Wai`alae School. If you are interested in applying, or would like
additional information, please contact Mrs. Melyssa Quezon, Business Manager, at 733 -4880.
TRAFFIC MONITOR The Honolulu Police Department is currently looking to hire a Traffic Monitor
for our school. This paid position requires one hour in the morning before school and one hour in
the afternoon after school on school days. If you are interested in applying, please contact Mr. Ian
Okamoto, Dean of Students, at 733-4880 or via email: iokamoto@waialae.edu
Coming Up
 April 15: May Day Lei Making Session with Kumu Kaleihomai, 3:05pm -5pm, B-12
 April 22: Wai`alae School Board Meeting, 6pm-8pm, C-building Workroom
 April 26: Friends of Wai`alae School Hike, 1pm, Hawaii Nature Center Trail
 May 1: 10th Annual Wai`alae School Lei Day Program, 10:00am
 May 4: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS due to Waiver Day
The Wai`alae Weekly flyers are posted online each week at: www.waialae.edu
Wai’alae School’s Facebook® and Twitter® accounts: www.facebook.com/waialae
Questions? Contact Mrs. Melanie Sumida, School-Parent-Community Networking Center Coordinator:
 808-733-4880, extension 236  msumida@waialae.edu  Room A-3
LOVING SOLUTIONS - A parent training program designed
specifically for parents raising difficult younger children,
ages 5-10 years.
10 Monday Nights: June 29 - August 31, 2015
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.; Aina Haina School AV Room
Workbook fee: $25
Facilitators: Renee Ako, Aina Haina School PCNC &
Joanne Imada, Niu Valley Middle School PCNC
Childcare will be available for ages 4 and older
Limited to 25 adults (10 minimum required)
What should you do when you catch your child doing
something right?
What should you do when your child refuses to do a
requested task?
Learn this in the FIRST class!
Register by May 29th: Renee_Ako@notes.k12.hi.us
A flyer with details was distributed to students in
kindergarten through grade 4.
PL US” (1 1 :30am to 5:30pm) is
n o w o pen to all fami li es, yo u do
n o t hav e to regi ster fo r
Summer Schoo l to regist er for
Summer Plus.
The dea dli n e to regi ster an d
submi t paymen t for Summer
Pl us i s May 1 , 2 01 5.
If yo u hav e an y questio n s,
please co n tac t An thony Tsan g
(Mr. To n y) at
summer@wai ala e.ed u or at 733 4880, ex ten sio n 2 73.
THE PARENT PROJECT® - An award winning,
nationally-recognized parenting training program,
especially helpful for parents of strong-willed preteens and teens.
10 Thursday Nights: June 25 to August 27, 2015
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.; Niu Valley Middle School Library
Workbook fee: $27
Facilitators: Renee Ako, Aina Haina School PCNC
& Joanne Imada, Niu Valley Middle School PCNC
Register by May 29th:
A flyer with details was distributed to students in
grade 5.
Help Wanted
Wai’alae School Adult Supervisor Needed
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays 10:45am to 1:00pm
Wednesdays 10:45am to 12:30pm
If interested, please contact Mr. Ian Okamoto, Dean of
Students, between 7:30am and 4:00pm on school days, phone
number: 733-4880.
Dear Parents/Families—please take note:
Dismissal is at 11:30am.
NO lunch service. (There will be breakfast service.)
NO W+, NO childcare
Parents needing a student release at the end of the school year (because their
child is not returning to Wai’alae School next school year) must make their
request in writing. “Request for Student’s Permanent Release” forms are
available in the Wai’alae School Office or online at www.waialae.edu (click on
All fifth graders need to submit this form (to the Wai`alae School Office)
EXCEPT for those who live in Kaimuki Middle School’s district and who
WILL be attending Kaimuki Middle School for sixth grade.
Please note that it takes 3 to 5 school days to complete this process. Releases will
be ready for pick up (at the Office) on the last day of school (6/4/15), after
11:30am, if submitted by 5/27/15.
Families Requesting Meal Tracker Refund:
Students/families who are not returning to Wai’alae in the 2015-16 school year may
request a refund of the remaining funds in their student’s Meal Tracker Account. To
request a refund (or to request that the funds be transferred to another student),
obtain a form from the Wai’alae School Office during office hours. Completed forms
will be accepted (at the Office) until the last day of school (6/4/15).
Please attach a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the request form as refund
checks will be mailed.
Wai`alae School Childcare and Summer Program
Dates to Remember:
 Monday, April 27, 2015 – Childcare Registration due for Waiver
Day, May 4, 2015.
 Friday, May 1, 2015 - W+ Registration due for current or returning
students in the W+ program. New applicants may apply at any time
before next school year. Space is limited and will be on a first
come, first served basis.
 Friday, May 1, 2015 – Full Payment for Summer School and
Summer Plus due. Last day to register for Summer Plus (only).
 Monday, May 4, 2015 – Waiver Day. All-day childcare available.
 Friday, May 15, 2015 – Class confirmation for Summer School to be
sent out to parents and posted on Bulletin Board.
 Monday, May 25, 2015 – Memorial Day. No child care.
If you have any questions about childcare for Waiver Days, W+,
Summer School, or Summer Plus, please contact Mr. Anthony (Tony)
Tsang at 735-6248 or via email: atsang@waialae.edu
(A core program of the Safe Routes to School National Partnership.)
Challenge Period: April 13 to May 15, 2015
To Get Started:
1. Parents – go to h t t p : / /h i . fi re up y o u rfe e t. o r g
2. Click on “REGISTER” if this is the first time you are regis tering, click
on “LOGIN” if you have registered in a previous challenge period .
(You may need to change your password as the website has been
updated.) If you are registering for the first time, don ’t forget to
select our school.
Activity Tracking:
1. Parents – once you have registered, you should be able to begin
entering your family’s physical activity during this challenge period .
“Physical activity” could include walking (including walking to and from
school), running, bicycling, swimming , sports (e.g. soccer practice,
basketball game, etc.), dancing, and more.
2. Participating schools are eligible for various awards during the
challenge period (April 13 to May 15), so please continue to log in
your family’s activity until May 15. Since this program began in Spring
2013, Wai`alae has received over $1,200 in cash awards !!
If you have difficulty registering on the Fire Up Your Feet website, please contact
If you have any questions about our school’s participation in this Fire Up Your Feet
program, please contact Melanie Sumida , SPCNC Coordinator, at 733 -4880, ext 236
or via email: msumida@waialae.edu
Wai’alae Elementary Public Charter School
1045 19th Ave.
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
March 2015
Dear Parent or Guardian,
We are in the process of planning for the 2015-2016 school year. To adequately plan for staffing
and other considerations, it is important to have a tentative count of students who plan to return
to Wai`alae School next school year.
Please complete the section below to indicate your intentions. Return this survey to the Wai`alae
School Office IMMEDIATELY.
For families who currently have students in Grade 5, and for all other families who are not
returning to Wai`alae School for the 2015-2016 school year, please complete and submit a
"Request for Student's Permanent Release" form. The form can be obtained from the Wai`alae
School Office and should be submitted no later than May 21, 2015. Please see page 31 of the
Student and Family Handbook for further details.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Laura Okamoto, Registrar, at 7334880 or via email: lokamoto@waialae.edu.
Kapono Ciotti, CEO/Head of School
Return this form to the Wai`alae School Office IMMEDIATELY
Name of Parent:_________________________________________________________
Child’s Full Name
Grade in
(circle one)
Returning to Wai’alae?
If not returning,
where attending?
Friends of Waialae
School Hike
Sunday - April 26, 2015
1:00PM sharp (rain or shine)
Hawaii Nature Center Trail in Makiki
Directions: It’s very to easy to find. From Wilder Ave. or Nehoa St. take Makiki St.
north and then bear left (NW) on Makiki Heights Drive, which winds up the hill
and the Hawaii Nature Center will be on the right side. Parking is very tight so
take the first spot you find…try to carpool. The trailhead is ¼ mile walk past the
parking gate and is clearly marked.
Details: The trail is approximately 2 miles long. Children need to be supervised.
Proper shoes and dress are required…no sandals allowed. There is no water
along the trail so you should bring all water (and snacks) that you require. It won’t
be very hot because most of the trail is covered by trees but at least 1 liter of
water per hiker is recommended. A little bug spray is advised. It is also
recommended to bring some tissues and a small trash bag or ziploc in case you
need to use nature’s restroom.
We will meet at the trail head starting at 12:30PM and depart for the hike
promptly at 1:00PM. We should be finished by 3:30PM at the latest.
Along the way we will teach the children about proper hiking techniques, learn
about park stewardship, and discuss nature that we see around us.
Hope to see you at the Spring 2015 FWS Hike!
Contact: Rob Haak (Florance, Bobby, and Beatrice’s dad)
Mobile: 808 931 0488 Email: r@haak.me
April 13th, 2015
Child Care Reminder:
Waiver Day May 4th, 2015
Child care will be provided on May 4th (Waiver Day). Cost is $30.00
per day, per student.
The hours of operation will be from 6:30am to 5:30pm. Please
provide lunch and a snack(s) for your child. Pick-up & Drop-off will
be in the Dining Hall. Registration forms are located in the Wai`alae
School office between 7:30am and 4:00pm or online at
If you have questions, please call Mr. Tony at #735-6248 or email at
atsang@waialae.edu You may refer to the Wai`alae PCS school
calendar to check for upcoming childcare dates which include
conferences, teacher work day, waiver days, and intersessions.
Applications due by Monday, April 27th 2015.
turned in with application.
Payments must be
Late applications will be not be
All payments are final. No refunds will be given.
10th Annual Lei Day Celebration
Friday, May 1, 2015
Holo Wa‘apa
This year we will be celebrating the wa‘a through song and dance. I ka wa kahiko… in the ancient
days, there were a variety of wa‘a kaukahi (single-hull canoe) and wa‘a kaulua (double-hull
canoe) that were used for various things such as fishing, war, inter-island travel, long-distance
voyaging, and now more modernly, surfing and racing. The Hawaiian wa‘a is a symbol of our
culture and truly represents ‘ike (knowledge) and laulima (cooperation). There are many
elements that go into building a canoe and successfully traveling in a canoe. Some of these
elements include the sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, and ocean. Wai‘alae will be celebrating the wa‘a
and the beautiful contributions to a successful “Holo Wa ‘apa….” Or canoe ride.
Kindergarten (Mele: Star of Gladness Hokule‘a)
 All Students Attire: yellow shirt and brown/black shorts/skirt OR yellow dress
(families provide)
 All Students Lei: yellow crochet lei (school inventory) or fresh plumeria lei (if
family wants to make or purchase; prefer yellow plumeria, but any color will do) or
artificial plumeria lei (if the family wants to purchase)
 Headbands: headbands with Hokule‘a star and/or voyaging canoe (to be made w/
Mrs. Bauer in art class)
Grade 1 (Mele: Koa Tree)
 All Students Attire: green shirt and brown shorts/skirt OR green dress (families
 All Students Lei: green crochet lei (school inventory)
 Headbands: headbands with Koa Tree (to be made w/ Mrs. Bauer in art class)
Grade 2 (Mele: Na Pe ‘a o Hokule‘a)
 Girls Attire: white tank top (families provide); blue pa‘u skirt (school inventory)
 Boys Attire: blue shirt and brown shorts (families provide); brown/blue sash
(school inventory)
 All Students Lei: blue artificial flower lei (school inventory)
 Girls Hair: ponytail or half-ponytail (if hair is too short); blue flower hairpiece
(school inventory)
10th Annual Lei Day Celebration
Friday, May 1, 2015
Grade 3 (Mele: Holo Wa ‘apa)
 Girls Attire: green tank top (families provide); blue printed pa‘u skirt (school
 Boys Attire: green Aloha shirt or green collared shirt (families provide); black or
dark-colored shorts (families provide)
 All Students Lei: Kukui Nut (school inventory)
 Girls Hair: slicked back into a ponytail w/ 4-5 fresh plumeria flower right
ear (or half ponytail if hair is too short) (families provide plumeria)
Grade 4 (Mele: ‘Aina Kupuna / Po Mahina)
 Girls Attire: coconut top (school inventory) OR black tank top (families provide);
brown pareo (school inventory); hipband (school inventory)
 Boys Attire: brown shorts (families provide), no shirt
 Girls Lei: 2/3 strand long shell lei and/or turtle shell necklace (school inventory)
 Boys Lei: stripped hanging ti leaf around neck; stripped ti leaf tied below each
knee; stripped ti leaf tied on each upper arm (families need to make, will need 6 ti
leaf per boy)**
 Girls Hair: ½ up ponytail; headpiece (school inventory) (braid hair night before for
extra wavy)
**Specific Instructions for Ti Leaf:
1) Debone ti leaves ahead of time; roll leaves and put in refrigerator
2) Remove ti leaves on morning of May Day
3) Tie 2 leaves together to make the neck lei; for each of the remaining 4 leaves, split
the leaf in half; tie leaf sections together around upper arms and below knees.
4) Strip arm and leg leaves, should be able to strip using fingers
Grade 5 (Mele: No ka Mokukiakahi Ke Aloha)
 Girls Attire: pa’u top (school inventory); black printed pa‘u skirt (school inventory)
 Boys Attire: brown shorts (families provide), no shirt
 All Students Lei: ti leaf lei (twisted style), extra long and doubled around neck
(families need to make); artificial lei po‘o (school inventory)
 Girls Hair: girls slicked back into high bun (if hair is too short, try ½ up into high
The Manual
The Hospital
Forgot to
Give You.
Loving Solutions
Loving Solutions is also known as Parent Project® Jr.
Concrete Solutions For Tough Kids
•Learn how to never argue with your child again!
•Improve school performance!
•Stop unwanted behaviors!
To help your child make better choices, join us:
Date: Ten Monday Nights
Class Meets 6/29, 7/06, 7/13, 7/20, 7/27, 8/03, 8/10, 8/17, 8/24, 8/31
Time: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Location: Aina Haina Elementary School
Workbook Fee: $25
Pre-register by May 29th:
Renee_Ako@notes.k12.hi.us or (808) 377-2419
Minimum of 10 adults
Childcare provided by Kaimuki-Waialae YMCA (ages 4 and older)
Facilitators: Renee Ako, Aina Haina Elementary School PCNC
Joanne Imada, Niu Valley Middle School PCNC
Loving Solutions is a parent training program designed specifically for parents raising
difficult younger children, ages 5-10 years. Also known as “Parent Project® Jr.,” this
program utilizes the same principles found successful in Parent Project® Sr., adapted to
the needs of younger children.
Attention Parents!
This nationally recognized program available again at Niu Valley Middle School
The Parent Project® Summer Class
Co-Facilitators: NVMS PCNC Joanne Imada and Aina Haina Elementary PCNC Renee Ako
Are you a frustrated parent trying to get your child to complete their homework and/or chores?
Or, are you a parent who wants to be prepared for the teen years dealing with a technologydriven generation? Address these issues now when things are not as bad as they could be! This
is an award winning, nationally recognized program designed for raising children in these
challenging times. Visit their website at: http://www.parentproject.com
You will learn how to:
• Develop a plan when there is a behavior choice that needs to be changed.
• Prepare your children for a successful school experience in middle or high school
• Create a home discipline structure that works
All parents/guardians welcome! Especially beneficial to parents of strong
willed children! If you are ready to make a commitment, you will see
positive changes in your home. This class will not be offered again until
January 2016.
Ten (10) Thursdays
June 25 – August 27, 2015
6:00pm – 9:00pm, Niu Valley Middle School Library
Only requires purchase of $27 workbook paid at the start of class
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------REGISTER for The Parent Project by Friday, May 29th:
Please Print Clearly:
Parent Name(s): _________________________________
Email Address _________________________ Phone Number _____________
or email Joanne Imada, PCNC at Joanne_Imada@notes.k12.hi.us
Return to NVMS Office, Attention PCNC
Questions? Please email at above email address or call Joanne Imada 377-2440, x227

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