A Perfect Spark


A Perfect Spark
What’s new?
Fall 2014
A Perfect
Creating a Custom Outdoor Space with a Fire Pit
More and more people are staying at home and
entertaining than heading out for a night on the
town. The trend of staying at home has sparked
many homeowners to invest in their
backyards with outdoor kitchens
and patios. But, with the crisp
fall air, homeowners have to
look at how to extend the
use of these areas beyond
the summer months.
The solution is simple
- a fire pit.
Adding a fire pit is an ideal
way to extend the season.
The warm glow of the fire
helps take the chill off the cool
night air and creates an inviting
atmosphere for guests to gather
and stay.
Knowing what type of fire pit you want and
what you are willing to spend on it helps in the
design process! The design and creativity for a
fire pit has no limits. Typically fire pits are
circular, but they can be any shape or size you
wish. With gas-supplied fire pits, you can add
decorative glass rocks, custom fire rings, and
much more. You can even add grates for cooking
or spits for roasting – the options for your new fire
pit are truly limitless.
Our staff at Designer Landscapes has
been installing custom fire pits for
many years. We’ve installed
simple, yet functional and easy
fire pit kits to more custominstalled natural stone pits as
well. No matter what look
you want, our designers
and installers can create a
true focal point for your
And, when you consider
having a fire pit installed, think
about the area around the fire pit.
Just this past year, we have
installed brick paver and natural
flagstone patios around firepits. In addition, we’ve
added sitting walls, columns, and
natural ladscaping to help create a more secluded
area perfect for roasting a marshmallow or two!
With your imagination and our skilled team of
installers, it is possible to create the perfect oasis
in your backyard. So, start planning now to warm
up those fall nights with your own fire pit.
Design and Installation
Removal and Renovation
Retaining Walls
Patios and Walkways
Water Features
Seeding and Sodding
Decorative Concrete Edging
Spring and Fall Cleanup
Landscape Lighting
Monday - Saturday 9 am - 4 pm
Nursery hours
Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm
Office hours
4110 Morrisonville Ave.
Farmersville, IL 62533
Designer Landscapes
Request a quote today by calling us at 217-227-3256.
Fall is also the perfect time to get a jump start on seeding for
the Spring.
Fall lawn care service provided by us is the best way to
ensure your lawn and landscaping are healthy and in tip-top
shape going into winter AND look great the following spring and
summer. You can always ensure thorough, timely and
professional service and staff from Designer Landscapes.
While fall lawn maintenance is never fun, if you value a healthy,
attractive lawn, doing the proper maintenance is necessary.
You’ll be glad you did when spring comes around.
“Leave” the Work to Us!
Fall-tastic Time to Plant
While most people think of spring
as the best time for planting, avid
gardeners know fall can actually
be the best.
First of all, it helps to know the
difference between an annual
and a perennial. Annuals
typically only last one season,
while perennials come back year
after year. Since they last more
than one season, perennials are
attractive to many gardeners
because they don’t have to be
replanted, which saves time and
Fall is good for planting
perennials because the cooler
temperatures and increased
rainfall help the plant’s roots
become well-established.
The soil is still warm in the
fall and allows roots to grow
until the ground freezes. (With
mild weather, roots may even
continue to grow throughout
the winter.) If the same plant is
put in the ground in the spring,
it gets a slower start because
soils are cooler. For the same
reasons, turf grasses and
trees are often planted in the
fall to allow for the root
systems to gain better ground.
So, don’t hesitate - call us
today to schedule a free
design consultation. Our
designers will help create a
custom landscape plan fitting
for your home.
Take the short trip to our
nursery and check out
the tree-mendous deals
we have on select
fruit, shade and
ornamental trees.
From peach to maple,
we have the perfect tree
for your home.
Our nursery is open
Monday thru Saturday
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
*sale trees are sold with no guarantee
Blossom’s Scoop
Humm-less called the other day
wanting to know why her
neighbor has hummingbirds, but
she rarely does. They both have
the same feeder, but she
admitted that her neighbor’s new
landscaping by Designer’s really
puts her yard to shame with all
the colorful blooming flowers.
An email came in recently from
Douglas Fir asking why he has
seen so many trees dying or dead
this year. Is it a fungus among
Blossom says not to fret! Many of
the trees have been hit twice by
Mother Nature. A few years ago, we
had the terrible drought
conditions which put a lot of stress
Blossom thinks Humm-less
on the trees. Then, before they
should take a cue from her
could even begin to recover, Old
neighbor. The new landscaping Man Winter hit them again with last
with the lovely blooming plants is year’s harsh winter, putting even
the answer! The plants provide more stress on the trees.
a great environment for the birds
to live and eat. The little winged So, the tree problem is not because
creatures just LOVE to eat from of a fungus, just Mother Nature at
those bright, delectable flowers! work.
As we start to wrap up another year don’t worry, there’s still time
to get your fall landscaping done we thought we would share a few pictures
from our various jobs this year.
We thank you for continuing to entrust us
with your home and yard.
We look forward to serving you next year!