tiki Care-et** Share
tiki Care-et** Share
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PALM COAST ELKS LODGE # 2709 POST OFFICE BOX 352765 PALM COAST, FLORIDA 32135-2765 PAID P PALM COAST, FLJC^ Permit No. 88 Address Service Requested Volume No. 18 Issue No11 December 2003 tiki Care-et** Share Charity Justice Brotherly Love Fidelity |(^ U.S. POSTAGE |Cj £ Exalted Ruler Message BobOsbornehas the Hoop Shoot set upat the Buddy Taylor Middle School on December 7th. He still needs some scorers and sideline helpers. If you have the time thatday, why notenjoythe kids basketball contests while help ing yourcommunityand yourLodge. Fred Mills is a candidate awaiting initiation into ourLodge. As a memberof the Palm Coast Moose Lodge, he iscoordinating a holiday canned food drive. He suggested that our Lodge help out inthis noble effort. He has contacted andisworking with the Family Life Center of Bunnell. Our Lodge can be used as a collection center. We can bring incannedand non-perishable goods from LODGE HOURS OF OPERATION Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday - Noon to 7pm Thursday - Noon to 10pm Friday - Noon to 11pm Saturday - 1pm to 6pm Sunday - 1pm to 6pm •••••••. ••chefs corner •. • C.W.C. Vincent Sapuppo Jr. # ••••••• • • ourclosets and ask our friends and neighborsto donate as well. We will deliver the goods to the Family Life Center and they will distribute them to those in need. Our Lodge is fortunate to have Fred join inthe noble work of our order. Mike Brennock has stepped up to chairthe very important Elks National Fund Committee. This Fund provides scholarships for ourlocal kidsandsome funding for ourlocal charities. Thank you Mike! Iwould like to acknowledge and thank the people at our local Walmart for donating basketballs and otherequipmentto our basketball league. We are also grateful to the CrackerBarrel Restaurant for providing breakfast to our Hoop Shoot contestants on theirway to the competition. Anothergreatjobby Iwould liketo thank the following people for theirhelp inthe kitchen the • past month: Gloria Sapuppo, Irene Attlehaus, Florence DeStefano, • Dianne Bennett, NitaHenkle, Linda Carlson, Pat Leipfert,Val &Cecille J Giguere, Sandy & Herb Williams. Also Brian McNulty & Bernard • Bettinelli for their help on Friday nights. Thanks to your ALL! • LUNCH SERVED DINNER SERVED Phill DePalma and Bob Osborne. Mon. ~ Fri. 11:30 ~ 2:00 Thurs. & Fri. The people who advertise in our Bulletin are a big help to us. Show your support of them by using their services and mention you saw their ad in the Regular Menu & Specials 5:00-8:30 WED. GRAND BUFFET Regular Menu & Specials Fish Fry Thurs. Nite Elks' Bulletin. $5.95 THE KITCHEN WILL BE OPEN FRIDAY DECEMBER 26TH FOR DINNER ONLY. (See menu posted in this issue) That wonderful holiday season is here. Wouldn't it be nice if that spirit AllYou Can Eat Fried Grouper w/ Fries, Slaw & Rolls $6.95 11:30 AM TEL 2:00PM lasted all year! Happy Holiday to alland to all a good night See you at the Lodge 'New Munchees bar menu available during lunch and dinner4 Vinny Gough, ER DAYTIME ADMINISTRATORS DECEMBER 9:00am to 12:00pm DALE BAKER, CHAIRMAN 446-0405 Trustee Corner Trustee Meetings will be held on the Wednesday following the regular meetings ofthe Lodge. Thetimehas been set at2:00pm. These meetings are held twice permonth to be more responsive tothe membership andthe opera tion ofthe Lodge. No organization with the volume of programs and importance of timely decision making can do itwith fewer meetings. ALL membersare invited to these meetings. Your views can be helpful and will assist the Trustees in keeping intouch with the membership. Sickness and Distress Board: At the November 3rd meeting,the member ship approved the purchase of a board to be used to nitify members of Brothers or Sisters who are sick. This board is now up nearthe front door. Ifyou know of a member who is sick, please contactthe Chapain and give him the details. 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 Barney Rolsma 446-1049 Al McDougal 445-8447 16 Barney Rolsma Bob Trowbridge 15 446-1049 446-9555 Bill Dralle Art Mikkelsen 446-4012 446-1579 17 Florian Belanich 18 Bud Donaway Ernie Graeper Ray Milograno Al McDougal 446-4419 445-9823 445-8447 Florian Belanich 445-9278 19 22 23 24 Bud Donaway 446-5471 25-31 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Jim Larson 446-3881 Mike Bell BobCopeland Joe Cigas Bob Copeland 445-9278 446-5471 471-8812 517-6841 445-1886 517-6841 LADIES AUXILIARY JudyCroucher 677-1123 Judy Hartfelder 445-7315 PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT Pat Mendel 446.8784 Muriel Fallon 446-5208 Nita Henkle 447-3082 TREASURER RECORDING SECRETARY Kenneth Shaw 1 Thomas Haber 2 Sterling Stanley William Timoney 3 Nicholas Aquilino Lawrence Leary Richard Stucky 4 Wallace Hick Jr Charles Hoffmann Thomas Hoffmann 5 AEIoiseOver Edward Clark 21 Michael Biscardi Jr Valaire Giguere Alfred Wanser 11 12 Joseph Flecha 22 Fred Mazzella James Thomas William Dralle Robert Ahern Winfield Carlson Ed Edwards Felix Kowalski 26 27 13 14 Thomas Callahan William Carpentier Jeffrey Close 15 JohnShambach 16 Don Crawford 17 thanks to the efforts of this committee. A thank you also, to the Bylaws Committee of Ruth Neiderstrasser, Pat Mendel & Pat Sweeney. The ladies did an outstanding job on reviewing and revising our Constitution and Bylaws. The new Bylaws were passed unaminously at our November meeting. We hope to have the new booklets in January. Muriel Fallon and Nita Henkle did a great job on revising our membership booklet. These were given out at our last meeting. If you want tickets for the Fifties Dance or the Bunco Party, both of which will take place in January, you may now purchase them at the Lodge. We will not be selling tickets at our Christmas Dinner. Please remember to bring items for Bunco Party door prizes. Joan Cole is chairing this event. Remem ber, also, to bring in your photos from the fifties. Please put the picture or a copy in a sealed envelope with the date and your name and give to Vivian Smith. We will use these picutres at our fifty's dance. Please note that we have cancelled the line dancing on Wednesday due to many complications. 28 29 Arnold Levine Frank Ruby 30 John Foti Jr Daniel Kearns 31 Fred Cook Thomas Horling Edward Boyhen Stephen Chatelle Wayne Helms Eugene Kauder Peter Sekunda Peter Loprete David Wyckoff At The eiks Friday 6:30pm I this coupon ; Good Through b PEQ. 2003 InVahti Coast Sunday 1:00pm j 1 Free Game with j, | Three $250 Prizes Over $2,400 in Prizes members. Thanks to Trudy Trowbridge and Helen Callahan for the "Basket of Cheer". They did a wonderful job. This will be raffled off at our Fifties Dance. Remem ber, also to get your tickets for the snowman bench. This will be raffled off at our Christmas party. I look forward to seeing you at our Christmas dinner. Remember, dinner is going to be served promptly at 6:00pm. Wrap your "white elephant" for the "Yankee Swap" especially nice. We are giving prizes for prettiest, cutest and most originally wrapped gifts. We will present the exalted ruler with a check at this dinner. In closing, I want to wish all of you a Happy & Healthy Holiday Season H ;! Welcome to our new members Madeline Haslam, Vera P. Skyrum, Erika Amodio, Mary Ann Driber, & Margaret McKay. We now have a total of 211 Gilbert Rolka Vincent Bonini Albert Lettera Dear Ladies, Thanks to Abby Wyckoff, Ann Schmidt and Mary Lou Clark, the card & game party was a huge success. Everyone who attended had a great time, Joseph Stoeber Stephen Hricko Sandy Williams 904-461-7667 Robert Applegate Stuart Boyer Anthony Maltese Anthony Stagliano Lynn Warburton George Walsh Edward Lamontagne Jr CHAPLAIN Walter Haslam Dolores McCarthy 23 Ronald Meyer 24 George Armston William Renner 9 19 Ron Mitchell 6 Raymond Colandrea Kenneth Murray Vincent Sapuppo 7 Charles Haug 8 10 FINANCIAL SECRETARY Wesley Williams Free Coffee & Cookies Yours in friendship, Judy Croucher. JMIS & TO-CATf 6yJackXonracC FROM THE SECRETARY'S CORNER Michael Hannus Secretary's Hours: The Secretarywill be available to conductany and all Lodge business Monday, Tuesday, Thursdayand Friday between the hoursof 8:30am and 12:30 pm at the LodgeOffice. Ifrequired, Iam available by tele phone, at home or at the Lodge,at any time. Dues Delinquencies: Most of our 'Snow Birds' should be back by now and, as of November 15th, we still have 42 members delinquent in their 20032004 dues. In accordance with Elks statues, if your dues are not paid by December 15th your names will be published in the January Bulletin and, if your dues are not received by the end of January, you will be dropped from the rolls. Remember, our revised By-Laws now require a $50.00 reinstatement fee for those members dropped for non-payment of dues. Please pay up!!! Iffor some reason you require financial assistance at this time, pelase contact the Secretary or the Exalted Ruler. Membership. Spousal and Widows Cards: Membership cards for those who have paid their dues and, Spousal and Widowcards are available for pick up. Ask the Secretary, Daytime Administrator or the Bartender for your card. Indoctrination: Indoctrination for inductees is scheduled for Wednesday, December 10th at 7pm in the Lodge. For all of you Committee chairs who are constantly saying you need help, this will be a good opportunity for you to come down and explain your committee, what you do, when you do it, etc. Contact the Indoctrination chair, Dave Wyckoffto coordinate your presenta tion. Come on down and welcome the new Elks to be!! New Member Proposals John V Plastini Fred Mills Bill Patrick llario Guidi George Druttman Donald G Lemieux Henry CCesly proposed by proposed by proposed by proposed by proposed by proposed by proposed by Florian Belanich Rick Potete Rick Potete Gene Holland Gene Holland Peter McLaughlin Charles Cohen Francis Kitchen Cert, of Release fm Deale, MD Charles M Papson Transfer Dimitfm Camden County, GA Balloting on Membership will be on December 1st. Indoctrination will be on December 10th and initiation will be on December 15th. Initiates will be notified after the December 1st meeting. "WOW! Christmas already." Ithink itwas the second week in Oct. when Isaid that. It wasnt Christmas atall, it was Walmart arranging theirdisplays oftrees, wreaths &lights. Whafsthe rush, Ibought my Christmas gifts on December 23, of lastyear...Here is an old conundrum: Children, grandchildren, and even some friends ask, "What can we give you for Christmas?" We say, "Nothing, thank you." You buy something anyway. So here's alist of what we'd like: believe now what we say. Pjs for alittle child, food for the poor, blankets for ashelter. We ask for little more. Perform good deeds and let usknow orvolunteer yourtimeThese last are worth afortune, and don't costa dime. We have toomuch now, vases, candles, tapesandclocks. We have garments, ties, underwear and socks. Candy isfattening, games, we've more than twenty. We don't need trays orplates orcups. And knickknacks we have plenty. We have books we have not yet read. Sopleasetake what you spend on usand give it tothe poor instead! Just send aChristmas card tousand tell uswhat you've done. We'll open them on Chrismas Eve &read them one byone. It won't cost asmuch for postage. You'll need no wrapping, ribbons, ink orglue. And we'll thank God you listened towhat we had tosay&we'll bethe instruments tohelp someonethis way. Liz agrees 99.9% butsaidshe better notgetonly a cardfrom me... Most Christians decorate their homes with lighted trees, wreaths, mistletoe and holly. We send cards, sing carols, &enjoy church in remembrance of the birth of Jesus...ln the Jewish faith, people celebrate Hanukkah, commemorating theMaccabees victory overthe Greco-Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes. He had tried toeradicate theJewish religion but was defeated in 165BC. Hanukkah begins ona different day in Dec. eachyearand lasts eight days. Each night a candle ontheMenorah, a candelabrum, islit and gifts aregiven tosymbolize a time during thebattle when there wasonly enough oil in thelamp tolast oneevening, but itlasted for eight..The Eastern Orthodox Church (Which includes theGreek andthe Russian.for example) observes Jan.6 as the Feastofthe Epiphany. This is when gifts are given in memory oftheMagi's gifts ofgold, frankincense and myrrh...though people of many different faiths in theUS celebrate in avariety of ways, this iscertainly theseasontobethoughtful, joyful and thankful. With America atwar, weare more apt toappreciate theseasonandpray for peaceonearth andgood will toall... Today's popular Santa Claus comesfrom several sources. There really was aSt.Nicholas; he lived in Turkey in theearly 4thcentury. Hebecame bishop ofMyra &wasknow tobegenerous, especially tochildren. One tale hashim dropping gold coins down achimney of the house of a poor man &his three daughters. They needed dowries to marry. Theirstockings had been left out todry, and the coins landed it them tosecure their futures. Today and orange in the toe of a stocking hung by the fireplace symbolizes thegold...St. Nicholas did have a long white beard & wore red &white robes, which explains partoftoday's image ofSanta. Another version ofSanta came from a poem titled. The Night Before Christmas" published in theTroy Sentinel as the answertoayoung girl's question. "Isthere really a Santa Claus?" It was here that we got the idea of the shape and the laugh of Santa Claus &the joy of his Christmas Eve flying reindeer, his landing on people's rooftops coming down chimneys and of course the HO-HO-HO... The four stages of a man's life are: you believe in Santa Claus; you dont believe in Santa; you are Santa; you look like Santa ..Afriend of mine said, "We're sending E-mail greetings instead of Christmas cards this year." Iasked. "What about people who am't on line?" My friend said. "We' II callmyParents!"... ..Wishing you the merriest of holidays/contentment comes not from great welath but from few wants. Bon ypyagell ELK MEMORIAL SERVICE 'The BriCCiance of tfie Seas 11:00 AM December 6, 2003 ADOPT A ROAD Come, join your fellow members as we pay tribute to the memory of our departed members. The Rev. Thomas A. Bingol, Pastor of St. Marks By the Sea Lutheran Church has agreed to participate in the service along with our vocalist Tree Hazard. Bill Timoney, Chairman Bob Holzschuh, PER Chairman Our next road pick-up will be held on Saturday, December 6th, 2003. We will meet at the Lodge at 8:30am. Since this is the day that the Elks Memorial Service will be held, we will especially pick up around the Lodge, so that it will be nice and clean for our guests. You Can't WIN unless You're IN! Support Your 11TH ANNUAL RAFFLE PRIZES WILL BE DRAWN NEW YEAR'S EVE in MEMORIUM The officers and members of Palm Coast ELKS Lodge 2709 express our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of our 1st Prize $1000.00 2nd Prize $500.00 3rd Prize $250.00 brother: JOSEPH SAVETTIERE 12-29-1929 YES. I'LL HELP THE LODGE ENHANCEMENT FUND ENCLOSED IS MY CHECK FOR BRICKS @ $25.00 PER BRICK Please Print Member Name & Member Number 11-08-2003 We shall meet but we shall miss him. There will be the vacant chair, but though we no longer possess him, our hearts his memories bear.... Inthe event of the death of a member, please notifythe secretary, Mike Hannus at 446-2709 or Chaplain, Jack Konrad at 445-7708 as soon as possible. The officers of the Lodge perform a very solemn and moving ritual at the funeral or memorial service for our departed members. The family of the deceased may request it of the Lodge upon the death of a member... FLAGLER COUNTY ELKS BASKETBALL HOOPSHOOT DECEMBER 7, 2003 BUDDY TAYLOR MIDDLE SCHOOL TO VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME CONTACT Bob Osborne @ 437-1440 PER CHARIT? BALL ELKS CAKE ~ ELKS SHAKE January 31st CHRISTMAS PARTY rfusic lr{ The Oceansiders DECEMBER 17, 2003 $15*00 per person COCKTAILS 5:30 PM DINNER 6:30PM CAESAR SALAD GLAZED HAM Cocktails 5:30 Dinner 7:15 Tbssed Salad W/RUM RAISON & PINEAPPLE SAUCE SCALLOPED POTATOES Boneless Uoasted Pork Loin PEAS, CARROT & CORN vJ/applesauce PECAN PIE W/CARAMEL SAUCE Wild Uice Souffle TICKETS $15.00 MUSIC Fordhook Lima Beans PLEASE CALL NOW ! JAN. CLASS IS ALMOST FULL! 55 ALIVE SAFE DRIVING Registration is now open for January 16th &23rd class. This two day, eight our course helps mature drivers update their knowledge and skills to preent traffic crashes and violations and to maintin mobility and indepenedence. The classroom refresher curse covers age related physical changes, declinging perceptual skills, rules of the road, and local driving problems. There will be no test-everyone passes; it's a fun class. You may get a discount on your auto insurance. CONTACT JACK KONRAD @ 445-7708 Dessert Guest Speaker: 1/gnn V?arbtirton, VDVGIiM & Camp Director OflerOiextf of FLorida Elks Votith Camp **Tickets Available December 15th Meeting** Bunco Party December 26, 2003 January 15th SPECIAL DINNER MENU California Chicken ^ $8,00 Door Prizes! Serving 5:00pm to 8:30pm U-W *choice of* Game Prizes! Doors Open 11:30 Soup De Jour, Onion Soup Lunch Served 12:00 OR Tossed Salad Elks Ladies Auxiliary FUND RAISER CRUISE Royal Caribbean's SOVEREIGN OF THE SEAS February 27 ~ March 1,2004 Friday ~ Monday ENTREES Broiled Salmon w/herbs, chives, breadcrumbs 3 Night Bahamas Cruisefrom Port Canaveral Visiting the Ports ofCocoCay, Bahamas & Nassau-Paradise Island Rates Include port charge and Government Tax A deposit of $100.00 p.p. is due at time ofbooking The Full Fare is Due bv Dec. 19th <Friday) Ocean ViewStateroomfrom $342.75 p.p, dbl occupancy 9.95 Baked Flounder w/ baby shrimp scampi 9.95 Sauteed Chicken Breast w/ham & provalone topped with marsala sauce 8.95 Inside Stateroomfrom $322.75 p.p. dbl occupancy Grilled Stripsteak JUDY HARTFELDER445-7315/JUDY CROUCHER 677-1123 w/onions & Mushrooms 10.95 / DAGMAR & JUNE 446-4150 **OFFER IS BASED ON AVAILABILITY** PALM COAST PAINT & SUPPLY £& Benjamin MooreJ 4984 PalmCoast Pkwy. NW #9 386-445-5253 Fax 386-445-5713 Paints & Sliced Boneless Porkloin w/ pinneaple mango chutney 8.95 Fried Grouper & Clams Platter 9.95 Ray Milograno Reverse Mortgage Advisor (386) 793-0803 Cell AMERICAN RBIRSE MORTGAGE Assorted Desserts Available www.AmericanReveise.com (352) 867-1111 Toll Free (888) 370-6620 605 SW First Avenue ~ Ocala, Florida 34474-4282 NATIONAL REVERSE MORTGAGE LENDERS ASSOCIATION NO REGULAR MENU WILL BE AVAILABLE ^ is. , 50's Dance J y\ January 10th /N Cocktails 5:30 with Vic Paci Dinner 6:30 Tickets $65.00 p.p Limited to on (1) table per paying Elk Member Tossed Salad 24 Tables Available Cocktails & Open Chicken Cordon Bttie Hors D'Oevres 7-8PM Kentucky Wild Hice Vegetable Blend Bar Conch Fritters Dessert Spinach Salad m. w/mushrooms & onions served w/ ham bacon dressing \ Grilled Sirloin filet / w/ fried leeks on r e d wine demiglaze c r a b s t u f f e d shrimp t u r n e d new p o t a t o e s % $15.00 p.p. grean bean medley double chocolate layer cake w/ whipped cream Tftisic lrj Nostalgia Pack Rat B§§tNetU"SA It Pays To Belong UnlimitedHighQualityAccess Onlys19.95/monthly Serving All Your Document Preparation Needs: Wills-Living Wills-Incorporation-Bankruptcy *• BEST Website Design BEST CustomerSupport BEST Choice for Internet (386) 445-8400 Serving: Duval,Flagler, Orange, St. Johns and Volusia Counties 4982 Palm Coast Pkwy Palm Coast, FL 32137 Comstar Group, Inc. d.b.a. ED SMITH Divorce-Power of Attorney-Name Change BUNNELL AUTO SUPPLY CO. INC. Shipping via: 119 N. Bay Street UPS •FedEx* US MAIL P.O. Box 955 2 Office Park Drive, Suite A PO Box 352537 Professional packing & shipping services Rental mailboxes with forwarding (24hr) Binding, Laminating, Collating, Folding Palm Coast. FL 32135-2537 Phone:(386)446-1525 Fax:(386)446-1789 Bunnell, FLA 32110 (386) 437-3516 TOM GIBBS CHEVROLET Full Service Printing & Design BEST Value NAPA AUTO PARTS7 ALAN J. BERMAN Ship, Copy & Printing Center State Road 100- P.O. Box 354429 EYE CENTER Full Serve B&W and color copiers Palm Coast, FL 32135 OF ST. AUGUSTINE 8 PALM COAST Fax send and receive service Natural pet food Paul W. hund.III. M.D.' N. Patrick Hale. M.D. FPL & Actel Paystation Elizabeth K.McLeod. M.D. • Todd P. Thompson, M.D St. Augustine,FL32084 14 Office Park Dr., Ste. 4 Palm Coast, FL 32137 Phone:(386)829-2286 Phone:(386)445-1279 1400 U.S. Highway 1 South (386) 4(16-9944 4845 Belle Terre Pkwy #C ss: Sales/Leasing Airport Auto/Sales Airport Upholstery ComstarGroup, Inc. d.b.a. Bus: (386) 437-3314 Daytona: (386) 258-3314 Fax: (386) 437-1433 E-Mail: tomgibs@pcfl.net BOB BLACK E-MAIL: info@eyecenterstaug.com WEBSITE: www.eyecenterstaug.com Palm Coast, FL 32164 CHEVROLET ^J^yC*4- MICHELLE PUCKETT CCOfiST Branch Supervisor CREDIT UNION Palm Coast Branch srro . com Satellite & Sound Technology The Cable Killer! Patsy Devito 2 Midway Drive, SR 100 (386)437-2403 Bunnell, Florida 32110 Fax(386)437-0828 Palm Harbor Shopping Village 258 Palm Coast Pkwy, NE - Palm Coast, FL 32137 (800) 447-7228 Ext. 9605 - FAX:(386) 446-9473 Compare Dish Network & DirecTV Satellite TV to Cable TV and find out ID) why "the switch is on." Quality & Service = Value "Ask about our Are you tired of cheaply built and poorly supported computers from the box pushers. current promotions" It is timeyou came to us! New & UsedComputers \ ^ J r\'*^^ dfffl DIRECTV, and music for less $$ (386) 445-1875 On-site Training 4845 Belle Terre Pkwy Ste. C Palm Coast, FL 32164 4982 Palm CoastPkwy Palm Coast,FL32137 ftoeEJCaa • British• German • Italian and Volusia Counties Welcome At All Locations. GMC PONVAC TRUCK The Wilson Family of Dealerships Japanese Car Specialist STATE OF THE ART COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIC Satellite TV gives you lots more locals, movies, sports, cooking Serving: Flagler, St. Johns (386)446-5522 AGUA ft"* NETWORK (we take trade-ins) Repairs & Upgrades Flagler's Best Computer-Store! rfotit/iern 'tfccrm "'llc/or Yfor, Cj/ic. j22^mJ37 TOM FALLON Sales Consultant £2JEZ7 3706 By 100 • Palm CoasC - BmnnH, FL 32110 0 Bus: (904) 797-4577 Ask for Phcne:(386) 437-3366 f^S **«: (386) 437-6777 Orlando HE Toll Free 1-888-568-0347 Owner JACK WILSON PONTIAC-BUICK-GMC 2250U.S.1South St.Augustine, FL 32086 1-800-777-5349 pax:(904)797-3705 E-Mail:jwilson@aug.com PINCH A PENNY POOL-PATIO SPA The Perfect People For a Perfect Pool. ROSEMARIE LA BUE 7 Old Kings Rd. North Suite #34 Palm Coast, FL 32137 Old Kings Common TEL: (386) 446-1003 FAX: (386) 445-0298 JOSEPH STASHENKO Handyman Cell: 569-1160 Home: 445-7108 Judy Baker Owner-Manager 7<w» /<w One Sfeei&U Cumz "A World ofParty Thingsto Rent" Palm Coast, FL 32137-3619 curvesforwomen@bestnetusa.com Palm Coast -$3 (386)437-3191 - (386) 437-3998 lax 204 ST JOE PLAZA - PALM COAST PARKWAY PALM COAST. FLORIDA 32137 386-445-1001 "877-433-5135»*Fax: 386-445-8917 ACE (386)4454304-(386) 445-2525(ax Hartware@pcfl.n»t J. Robert Banks, President Donna M. Banks. Event Coordinator FLAGLER ACE HARDWARE Flagler Eye Center, PA HAflX 1001 Justice Lane • Bunnell, FL 32110 Tel: 386-437-4116 Fax: 437-5397 E-mail: manfrej@flcjn.net Barbara Weatherforci, Realtor® Multi-Million Dollar FlaglerPalmsMemorial Gardens Beach Realty Producer Mark Kennedy, MD Bunnell 445-3039 James L. Manfre OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK BUNNELL. FLORIDA 32110 Bunnell, FL 32110-1638 jM« ROG (386) 931-5129 cell 117 FLAGLER REGIONAL PLAZA (SR100) PALM COAST, FLORIDA 32137 600 NORTH STATE STREET 7 Enterprise Drive Tel: 386-447-9112 Fax: 386-447-9112 GENERAL MANAGER (386)517-6880- (380)517-6880(ax Post Office Box 1638 4996 Palm Coast Pkwy N.W., Ste. 6 FlaglerCountySheriff's Office PETER f. breckwoldt RENTALAND 437-3039 IVe Tow 'Em All • Big or Small Anytime - Anything - Anyplace (800)645-3039 Board Certified (386) 246-5115 Office Ophthalmologist (386)793-3231 Cell (386) 446-4332 Fax 61 Memorial Medical Pkwy., Suite 3B05 [Inside Florida Hospllal-Flagler) 800-908 South U.S. 1 P.O. Box 1094 Bunnell, Florida Palm Coast. FL 32164 (II Nl II Realtorl barb@aol.com nr IB- www.daglereyecenler.com Each otfico Is Tel: 386/586-3711 Independently JJ.Hrtl.HMW'iHiMW) Allen-D. Whetsell owned and operated. . MAN.U.l K 386.439.5400 386.439.5415 Fax "When Only 2 Jungle Hut Road Palm Coast, FL 32137 The Best www.mbanalysis.convbw Will Do" 511 Old Kings Road S., Flagler Beach, FL 32136 Board Certified Opticians Jade (Henderson) Jackson fit** Scolt Henderson Paul Klinkenberg LAMIROULT Tel: 386-445-7936 BACK in Rschcllc ,W 1-800-445-7936 Fax:445-0491 TION Norman R. Mugford EYE-STYLE OPTICAL Quality Eyewear And Service Since 1977 7 Old Kings Road North Chiropractic of Florida 99 OldKingsRd, S, Unit 2 Inside RC Plaza, I'alm Coast Scotty's Plaza Palm Coast. Florida 32137 Tel: 386-446-4210 Fax: 386-445-7309 439-9099 Free Estimates 'WALLPAPER PAINTIN< President Dependable Residential & Commercial Since 1981 Eliminate bock pain Soothe tired,achingjoints ALARM PRO INC. Reduce tension headaches The Alarm Professionals Improve yourgolf swing Increase mobility andagility NO.EF00C1097 Licensed & Insured 227 St. Joe Plaza Drive RAY LAMIROULT. JR 386-447-9923 Palm Coast, Florida 32164 Sally Applegate Licensed and Insured mPalm Coasts* Florida Licensed Real Estate Salesperson JRC V-+teatlng &Air Conditioning -^p£ One Old Kings Road South SALES - SERVICE - REPAIRS Palm Coast, FL 32137 SERVING ALL OF FLAGLER COUNTY 386-445-0700 800-441-3044 Fax 386-445-0773 P.O. BOX 35111 - PALM COAST, FL 32135 Douglas A. Jahn Home 386-446-9874 E-Mail sallyapplc4(&jcs.com 0wner Sprinkler and Lawn Service bbb Tel: 446-5123 Lic.#RA0060623 Fax: 446-7971 Dominick Buccola Roy Salthouse •sprinkler repair and inspection* •grass cutting*trimming»planting« •mulching»upgrades«clean-up* Certified Senior Inspector ft A PROFESSIONAL HOME INSPECTION SERVICE FOR BUYERS & SELLERS STERN DRIVE SPECIALIST 386-446-4377 James R. Conklin, Jr. Phone #446-5815 Engine &Dirve SystemOverhauls Bottom Painting • DiveServices Plumbing • Electrical Complete Trailer Repairs 115LehighAve. Flagler Beach.FL32136 386/439-0935 Pager: 386/238-9302 boosters continued Arthur & Kathryn Meenagh James & Sandra Melton John & Donna Melzer Thomas & Patricia Mendel Martin & Valerie Mertz Ronald &CamillaMeyer Arthur & Eleanor Mikkelsen Charles & Janice Miles Robert & Dollie Miller Charles & Ruth Millspaugh Ray &Theodora Milograno Charles & Dolores Polacek Richard & Rosemarie Price Maryann Smith James & Cathy Reardon Sr. Fred & Petrina Squarcino Fred & Agnes St. Cyr Alfred & Ruth St. Onge Joseph & Josephine Stashenko Arno & Irma Reichert Henry & Nan Reid William & Ann Renner John & June Riesz Vernon & Ann Steen Barney & June Rolsma Alice & Raymond Romash Harold & Jacqueline Steindler Perley & Joann Stoutenger Raymond &Alice Romash John & Joan Sullivan Vernile & Lorraine Romero Edmund & Patricia Sweeney Gerard & Lethia Sweeney Raymond &Jane Moretti Peggy & Joseph Rowinski Bertram & Patricia Rutledge Victor & Susan Moser Alexander Saccavino Charles & Rita Modica Norman Smith Raymond & Frances Murphy Roy & Barbara Salthouse Joseph & Marie Tavolacci Raymond & Linda Thomann Eric & Dorothy Thompson 2003-2004 BULLETIN BOOSTERS Peter Affatato Robert & Marsha Ahem Nick & Dorothy Davidowsky Martin Day Garner & Agnes Hardgrove Albert & Laura Amara Richard & Olive Dearborn Edward & Francis Angiuoli Jr George & Judy Hartfelder Ed Delaney Wilfred & Ruth Haupthoff John & Joanne Antonelli Phil & Kathleen DePalma Gary & Frances Heiser Charlie & Suzanne Herring Lloyd & Jean Aumick Benjamin &Ann Babcock George Baird Dale & Joyce Baker Nevin & Judy Baker Kenneth Bates Ronald & Marilyn Beaver Florian & Elvira Belanich Michael & Diane Bell John & Diane Bennett Nick & Susan Bereda Jr John & Florence Destefano Patsy DeVito Jr. Constantino DiCerbo Frank & Maria Digiorgio Peter DiGiorgio Ralph Dodge George &Ada Dominianni Howard & Anna Donaway Andrew & Lillian Jockimo Peter & Dolores Donlan Russ & Patricia Sanders Robert & Louise Thousand Sr. Guy & Sonya Sapp David & Marilyn Berry John & Patty Dorn Paul & Alexandra Nelson Warren & Ann Schmidt Jonathan & Priscilla Netts Richard & Betty Schmied Bill& Helen Timoney Donald & MarcyTomaselli Bob & Trudy Trowbridge Bernard Bettinelli Louis & Janet Bohn John Downs Peter Trubeck William & Sandra Boland William & Alice Dralle Angelo & Josephine Truglia Daniel & Doris Boone James & Alice Drummond Randall & Lee Nuss Arvid & Patricia Olson Robert & Elsie Osborne Douglas & Shirley Owens Ronald &Angela Page John & Evelyn Palmeri Leon & Jean Papazian Dr. Thomas Phillips George & Flo Pines Kenneth & Bonnie Shaw Sylvia & Maurice Waldman Stanley & Jean Walenza Lynn & Ru-Lynn Warburton Bernard & Carol Sheridan Patrick & Victoria Ward Jr. Michael & Adeline Brennock William Erickson Paul & Jenny Sever Bob & Barbara Sgroi R Patrick & Nancy Shannon Robert & Roberta Uhl Jesse & Katherine Shropshire Anthony & Eleanor Sieredzinski Gary Skyta James & Sally Smeaton William & Mikki Weaver Samuel & Pauline West Bruce & Rosemary Kane Joel & Sharon Kaplan Eugene & Elizabeth Kauder J Robertm Keating Joseph & Sharon Kehoe Thomas & Beverly Kelly Timothy Kennelly Jr Harold King Robert & Joan King William & Fran Klinkenberg Jack & Liz Konrad Daniel & Olive Koporec Felix & Anna Kowalski Frank & Barbara Kuhn Gennaro & Jackie Esposito Alfred & Joanne Kuhnle William Estes James & Arlene Larson Robert & Velma Fenton Luther & Juanita Larue Charles & Helen Lemison Stan & Helen Buchholtz Allen & Vivian Smith Robert & Irma Winters James & Cecylia Burda James & Betty Finn Jr. Joseph & Milagros Flecha David Smith David & Abbie Wyckoff Alice Callahan Jerold Fletcher Rudolph & Violet Lenczyk Lewis & Gloria Calobrisi Frank & Theresa Fonte Arnold & Maxine Levine James & Maryann Canfield Joseph & Rita Ford Winfield & Linda Carlson Carl & Deborah Fredrickson Anthony & Lil Catoggio Joseph & Grace Cigas Joseph & Linda Lodato Edward & Joyce Looney Edward & Peggy Fried John & Marie Lukinchook William Fulford Richard & Linda Cohen Numeriano & Soledad Gabriel Nicholas & Janet Lupinacci Arthur & Virginia MacQueen GIGLIO & SAROTE Tax, Accounting & Financial Services KKUJIOK' vonnie32@msn.coni Sandy C. Giglio Paul J. Sarote EnrolledAgent counueu. TaxAccountant •3.. "lis Your Monew. WALTER WILLIAMS REALTY. INC. 39 Old Kings Road North Palm Coast. FL 32137 »\»» injiantmluwijfcbccicc«n 'StopbyTbotary... Sh*p u*»fhytlty Tatighr .WeHelp You Keep II" Tel: (386) 445-4997 31 Old Kings Road - Palm Coast FL. 32137 EMail: psarote@pcfl.net www.itsyourmoney.org FLAGLER FORD of PALM COAST RYANMONTGOMERY * MATTRESS PALACE SERTA'SIMMONS-BEDS-DAYBEDS-FUTONS 1/2 Mile East of US 1 on Palm Coast Pkwy 386-447-5705 George & Dorothy Britton George & Norma Brown Ray & Delores Brunner Donald Duncan Leslie & Jan Hylander Bennett Wightman Gary & Use Wilhelm (386)445-5880; (800)4434737 BUS. BED BW & Edith Downs Joseph & Carole Durney Lawrence & Mabel Eagan William & Joyce Edwards Betty Elman Walter & Doris Twelbeck VONNIE MALEY Each Otfct n maecwWonSy OanedAndOperaUKl. Michael & Antoinette Donohue Eugene & Dolly Bordinger Jerry Bower Edward & Gloria Boyhen Thomas & Mary Brand Tom & Betty Braunschweig Joseph & Carol Sermarini Richard & Mary Homberger Jack & Samantha Howell Joseph & Anne Nardi Andrew Norberg J David & Mary Norris Donald & Nancy Novek Thomas & Helen Hoffmann Gene & Dawn Holland Robert & Joan Holzschuh Leonard Dobis Charles & Elizabeth Nault Lawrence & Ann Nicholson Peter & Sara Sekunda Robert & Ruth Niederstrasser Lawrence Seligman Martin & Aline Hantz P.O. Box 354587 ll 50 Palm Coast Pkwy Palm Coast, Fl. 32135 - 386-447-3380 E-mail: palmcofd@ bellsouth.nel nrww.flagler-ford.eom TOLL FREE: 877-434-FORD FAX: 386-447-1370 Charles Cohen & Nita Henkle William & Joan Cole John & Dorothy Cole Raymond & Rita Collins Jack & Carol Comiskey James & Roseann Conklin Jr. Dennis &Debbie Connelly Jerry & Judith Conner Joeseph & Rita Coppola John & Diane Cospito Robert & Margaret Lawrence Billy Gaumer John & Dagmar George Roger & Cheryl Gereau Valaire & Cecile Giguere Harvey Mais James & Vonnie Maley Donald & Dee Glass William & Grace Martin Raymond & Norma Good Vincent & Jean Gough Ernest & Dee Graeper Michael & Cindy Matuszczak Richard & Carol Mayor John & Barbara Maerz MD Robert & Hap Marloff Charles Grant Emile &Veronique Mazzawi Mickey & Betty McCutchen C & Barbara Grantz John & Patricia Coxon Robert & Judith Croucher Charles & Donna McDonald Robert & Lucille Griffin Joseph & Pauline McHugh Robert & Elizabeth GrundTer- Robert & Mary Curtis John & Gloria Czajkowski F & Jacqueline Guy Roger &Wilma Hall Peter &Carolyn McLaughlin Frank & Diana McNally Charles & Karen Dalton Bert & Carol Danielsen Laura Hamilton Brian & Cornelia McNulty Sal & Carol Mediterraneo Michael & Linda Hannus continued WEDNESDAY BUFFET DINNER SERVED Thurs. & Fri. 5:00-8:30 11:30 AM TIL 2:00PM Fish Fry Thurs. Nite HOURS OF OPERATION LUNCH SERVED Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday - Noon to 7pm Thursday - Noon to 10pm Friday - Noon to 11pm Saturday - 1pm to 6pm Sunday - 1pm to 6pm Mon.~ Fri. 11:30-2:00 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 6 Adopt aRoad PERMtg. 6:30 Lodge Mtg. 7:30pm Trustee Mtg 2:00pm BINGO 6:30PM Memorial Service DINNERS 5 - 8:30 8 BINGO 1:00PM HOOP SHOOT Auxiliary Christmas Party 6:00 pm ***EARLY*** Indoctrination ^BULLETIN* 7:00pm 15 BINGO 1:00PM Lodge Mtg. 7:30pm 13 BINGO 6:30PM Buddy Taylor 14 12 11 10 11 a.m. 17 16 ' A' Tr4fteeMtg DINNERS 5 - 8:30 ^DEADLINE* 20 19 18 BINGO 6:30PM ciiisTisi^s DINNERS 5 - 8:30 21 22 BINGO 1:00PM 23 26 25 24 House Committee Merry 7:00PM Christmas 28 30 29 BINGO 1:00PM Lounge Open Lounge Open Lounge Open Kitchen Closed Kitchen Closed Kitchen Closed ttf NEW YEAR X&\ EVE GALA Lodge Closed Lodge Closed 27 DINNER 5 - 8:30 Lounge Open Lounge Open Kitchen Closed BINGO 6:30PM No Lunch WEC LoungeOpen Kitchen Closed 2003