Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments - Emits
Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments - Emits
Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments Final Report 14 July 2005 Compiled by Gerhard Ehret and Christoph Kiemle Institut für Physik der Atmosphäre (IPA), DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen ESA RFQ Reference: IMT-CSO/FF/fe/03.887; RFQ/3-10880/03/NL/FF Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 1 ESA STUDY CONTRACT REPORT ESA CONTRACT No 10880/03/NL/FF SUBJECT: Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments * ESA CR( )No * STAR CODE No of volumes This is Volume No CONTRACTOR: IPA, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt CONTRACTOR'S REFERENCE ABSTRACT: This study reports on the background for the definition of a future space-borne DIAL system. Target species are the greenhouse gases (GHG) CO2, CH4 and N2O, ozone (O3), and the meteorological parameters pressure (p) and temperature (T). Observational requirements were established by analysing the scientific needs and user requirements. Ozone and the GHG were also investigated in the context of political conventions. For the latter information on long-term (5-10 year) emissions are required. For CO2 and CH4 the knowledge on the total surface flux should be better than 20% on a spatial scale of 1000*1000 km2 averaged over 5 years. For N2O the requirement is more relaxed (~ 100%). The scientific needs for the GHG were translated to observational requirements by running tracer experiments and inverse modelling. The performances of current and future passive sensors were evaluated by literature research and compared to the requirements defined in this report. Performance models of different classes of active optical instruments were established. Direct and heterodyne detection principles as well as pulsed and random modulated (RM) cw laser sources have been applied. The error characteristics of the different sensors were investigated by analytical approaches and computer simulations. The best concept was selected. For this, different hardware technologies were traded and design concepts for entering in a future breadboarding phase were proposed. The key results of this study can be summarised as follows: The temperature DIAL applied in the oxygen A-band is not suited for space-borne measurements. Passive sensors meet at least the threshold requirement (e.g. AIRS/ HSB/ IASI) which is 1 K accuracy and 1 km vertical resolution. Surface pressure cannot be measured by passive sensors to sufficient accuracy. Oxygen - DIAL is expected to meet the EUMETSAT requirements for global NWP (1 hPa, 100 km horizontal resolution). The ozone UV-DIAL meets the threshold requirements in the stratosphere. The UTLS can be covered only in parts. Soundings in the troposphere would require a big instrument which is not available from current technology. Passive sensors fail in meeting the stringent vertical resolution threshold/target requirement for O3 which is 2/1 km in the stratosphere and UTLS and 3/1 km in the in the troposphere. The method based on Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) is expected to meet the stringent target requirement for CO2 which is 0.75 ppmv at 1.6 µm and 1.5 ppmv at 2 µm for a 50 km integration length over land and ocean under all climate conditions. The target requirements can also be achieved for an active CH4 IPDA instrument. For N2O only the threshold requirements can be met. Range-resolved atmospheric backscatter DIAL would require a large instrument for both CO2 and CH4. An overall systematic error of 0.32 ppmv for the pulsed and 0.4 ppmv for the random modulated cw instrument was found for CO2. With passive systems the target requirements can only be met for CH4 sounding in the solar backscatter region. Both direct detection at 1.6 µm and random modulated cw IPDA at 2 µm were selected for investigations on instrument level. The instrument demands for a 1.6µm IPDA sensor are expected to be higher than for the other approach. Recommendations on future activities include further studies on the availability of auxiliary data such as surface pressure, line parameters, surface reflectance over sea and the variability over land, and on the suppression of spectral impurity for the direct detection instrument. Furthermore the performance of the random modulated technique for the CW instrument needs to be demonstrated. The observational requirements for soundings over the ocean and for the systematic error need to be consolidated. Names of authors: G. Ehret (DLR), C. Kiemle (DLR) M. Wirth (DLR), A. Fix (DLR), H. Volkert (DLR) S. Houweling (SRON), M. Heimann (MPI Jena), J. Lelieveld (MPI Mainz), V. Wulfmeyer (UHOH), A. Behrendt (UHOH), M. Buchwitz (IUP Bremen), H. Bovensmann (IUP Bremen), U. Kummer (ASG), H.R. Schulte (ASG) NAME OF ESA STUDY MANAGER ESA BUDGET HEADING DIV: DIRECTORATE: Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 2 Final Report Contents REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION FOR FUTURE DIAL INSTRUMENTS ................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................. 5 1 SCIENTIFIC REQUIREMENTS................................................................................................................ 7 1.1 TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE ................................................................................................................ 7 1.1.1 Relevance of Temperature and Pressure for global NWP ............................................................ 7 1.1.2 Deficiencies of Current Observing System ................................................................................... 7 1.1.3 Observational Requirements for Temperature .............................................................................. 9 1.1.4 Observational Requirements for Pressure..................................................................................... 9 1.2 OZONE (O3)........................................................................................................................................... 11 1.2.1 Scientific Relevance ..................................................................................................................... 11 1.2.2 International Agreements ............................................................................................................ 13 1.2.3 Deficiencies of Current and near-term O3 Data Availability ..................................................... 14 1.2.4 Observational Requirements for O3 ............................................................................................ 14 1.3 THE GREENHOUSE GASES CO2, CH4 AND N2O .................................................................................... 16 1.3.1 Scientific Relevance .................................................................................................................... 16 1.3.2 Scientific Requirements and International Agreements ............................................................. 18 1.3.3 Observational Methods................................................................................................................. 19 1.3.4 Observational Requirements for a DIAL Instrument ................................................................. 21 1.3.5 Limitations.................................................................................................................................... 27 1.3.6 Harmonization of DLR and IPSL CO2 requirements ................................................................. 28 2 INSTRUMENT PERFORMANCE ........................................................................................................... 31 2.1 PASSIVE SENSORS .................................................................................................................................. 31 2.1.1 Temperature Profiling.................................................................................................................. 31 2.1.2 Pressure Soundings...................................................................................................................... 32 2.1.3 Ozone Profiling ........................................................................................................................... 33 2.1.4 Greenhouse gases ......................................................................................................................... 35 2.1.5 Summary on Passive Systems ...................................................................................................... 38 2.2 ACTIVE OPTICAL SENSORS ..................................................................................................................... 39 2.2.1 The Physics of Measurement ....................................................................................................... 39 2.2.2 Instrument Performance Analysis ............................................................................................... 43 2.2.3 Overview on Sources of Random and Systematic Errors............................................................ 46 2.2.4 Temperature-DIAL....................................................................................................................... 52 2.2.5 Pressure-DIAL ............................................................................................................................. 54 2.2.6 Ozone-DIAL ................................................................................................................................. 56 2.2.7 Greenhouse Gases ........................................................................................................................ 58 2.2.8 Performance Summary on Active Systems .................................................................................. 63 2.3 PERFORMANCE SUMMARY OF ACTIVE AND PASSIVE SENSORS .............................................................. 68 2.3.1 Temperature ................................................................................................................................. 68 2.3.2 Pressure ........................................................................................................................................ 68 2.3.3 Ozone ............................................................................................................................................ 68 2.3.4 Carbon Dioxide CO2 .................................................................................................................... 68 2.3.5 Methane (CH4)............................................................................................................................. 69 2.3.6 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) .................................................................................................................... 69 2.3.7 Potential Synergy Between Passive and Active Sensors.............................................................. 69 2.4 PARAMETER SELECTION ........................................................................................................................ 71 2.4.1 Selection Criteria.......................................................................................................................... 71 2.4.2 Potential Advantage of an Active Sensor for CO2 ...................................................................... 71 2.4.3 Need for Auxiliary Data ............................................................................................................... 72 Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 3 3 POTENTIAL INSTRUMENT CONCEPTS FOR CO2 .......................................................................... 73 3.1 CW HETERODYNE IPDA WITH RANGING CAPABILITY .......................................................................... 73 3.1.1 Detailed Instrument Requirements .............................................................................................. 74 3.1.2 Critical Instrument Sub-Systems ................................................................................................. 75 3.1.3 Expected Measurement Performance of a Coded CW IPDA ..................................................... 77 3.2 PULSED INCOHERENT IPDA INSTRUMENT............................................................................................ 78 3.2.1 Instrument Requirements............................................................................................................. 78 3.2.2 Critical Instrument Sub-Systems ................................................................................................. 80 3.2.3 Expected Measurement Performance of Pulsed IPDA at 1.6 µm............................................... 82 3.3 PERFORMANCE SYNTHESIS .................................................................................................................... 84 4 TECHNOLOGY STATUS, RISKS AND LIMITATIONS ..................................................................... 84 4.1 TRANSMITTER SUB-SYSTEM .................................................................................................................. 84 4.2 RECEIVER SUB-SYSTEMS ....................................................................................................................... 85 4.2.1 Telescope ...................................................................................................................................... 85 4.2.2 Blocking Filter.............................................................................................................................. 85 5 SUMMARY OF BASELINE RECOMMENDATION ............................................................................ 86 6 STUDY CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................ 87 6.1 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................................................. 87 6.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ON FOLLOW-ON ACTIVITIES ................................................................................. 87 6.2.1 Validation of Statistical Albedo Variations ................................................................................. 87 6.2.2 Error Analysis of Supporting Data............................................................................................. 88 6.2.3 Breadboarding Activities .............................................................................................................. 88 7 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................ 90 7.1 SCIENTIFIC REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 90 7.1.1 Temperature and Pressure........................................................................................................... 90 7.1.2 Ozone ............................................................................................................................................ 90 7.1.3 Greenhouse Gases ........................................................................................................................ 90 7.2 PERFORMANCE OF PASSIVE SYSTEMS .................................................................................................... 92 7.3 PERFORMANCE OF ACTIVE SYSTEMS ..................................................................................................... 96 8 DOCUMENTS AND TECHNICAL NOTES RELATED TO THE STUDY......................................... 98 Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 4 Introduction Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) is regarded as an innovative component of the meteorological and environmental observing system. It bears the potential to directly sample the four-dimensional variability of the atmosphere with unprecedented accuracy and spatial resolution. This measurement technique can establish independent sets of data products of various atmospheric parameters and species that will help to answer scientific questions related to global change analysis of the Earth's climate, atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric dynamics and the hydrological cycle. Today atmospheric parameter are mainly measured by the operational radiosonde network and in-situ sensors mounted on civil and research aircraft, research balloons or by passive remote sensing instruments flown on satellites. All these techniques have their limitations. In-situ sensors do not provide global coverage and passive remote sensing suffers from too coarse vertical resolution as well as from retrieval complexity and associated error structures. Furthermore, both observational methods need enormous calibration efforts to reduce biases in their measurements. Active systems such as Lidars allow the direct measurement of wind speed, humidity, surface pressure and profiles as well as temperature profiles without requiring additional model assumption. Lidar instruments have the potential to measure major greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4, N2O and O3. Common to all Lidar instruments and a driver of feasibility is the availability of the appropriate hardware operating in the spectral region where trace gases possess absorption bands of desired strength. In general, large aperture telescopes and high power laser pulses are needed to achieve the desired measurement sensitivity. The latter has to be generated very efficiently due to the limited resources on a satellite. In the receiver chain very sensitive detectors are also required. For the measurement of atmospheric parameters the Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) technique proved to be well suited. When operating DIAL from a satellite platform, the laser transmitter emits pulsed radiation at, at least, two closely neighboured wavelengths down to the Earth's atmosphere where scattering and absorption processes attenuate the radiation. A small part is scattered back to the receiver telescope on the satellite. The time interval between transmitted pulses and received signals accurately determines the distance between satellite and scattering volume. By using wavelengths lying close to the centre of an absorption line and just outside of the absorption peak the concentration of corresponding species can be calculated directly from comparison of the received intensities. On the other hand, if temperature sensitive absorption lines are selected, the temperature profile can be derived from DIAL measurements. A DIAL measurement performed in the wing of the line, where pressure broadening dominates the absorption feature, enables the measurement of ground pressure and pressure profiles. Profiles can be measured above cloud tops, between scattered clouds and also below clouds when these are optically thin. An extended range can be realised by multi-wavelength systems running on several spectral lines with different absorption cross sections. A high range-resolution is obtained by transmission of short pulses in connection with range-gating of the received signals. DIAL instruments are sophisticated and contain several components with novel and demanding technologies. For operation on ground and airborne platforms, various instruments have been realised. Space-borne lidar systems are beginning to be tested, while they have been the subject of extensive investigations in Europe since the mid 1970ies. As mission and instrument concepts we mention ATLID, an atmospheric backscatter lidar payload of the EARTHCARE mission, ALADIN, a Doppler wind lidar and WALES, a water vapour DIAL. ALADIN has been recommended by the European Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 5 Earth Observation community for implementation in the frame of the Earth Explorer Atmospheric Dynamics Mission. WALES has been studied at the level of a phase A study. The objective of this study is to provide the background for the definition of a future space-borne lidar system capable to monitor greenhouse gases, ozone (O3) and also pressure (p) and temperature (T). Target species are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) which have been recognized as the most important of the Earth’s greenhouse gases, the concentration of which is being modified directly by human activities. Ozone protects life on Earth by absorbing ultraviolet radiation at stratospheric levels. Near the surface it is a pollutant responsible for photochemical smog and a greenhouse gas which contributes to climate change. According to the Statement of Work (SOW) this study comprises three topics. First adequate observational requirements for the particular parameter and a hypothetical mission in the timeframe > 2012 are analysed and defined. The greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O are investigated also in the context of the Kyoto protocol. Second the performance of passive sensors is evaluated in a literature survey and compared to the expected performance of active sensors. For the latter detailed computer simulations are performed and the best concepts are selected. In the third part of this study different hardware technologies are investigated and design concepts for entering in a future breadboarding phase are proposed. This task also includes a preliminary instrument conceptual design study for the major sub-systems, the identification of critical areas, and a preliminary risk analysis. Finally recommendations on future activities are given. The results of this study are documented in a bundle of Technical Notes where the findings are detailed. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 6 1 Scientific Requirements 1.1 Temperature and Pressure 1.1.1 Relevance of Temperature and Pressure for global NWP Global numerical weather prediction (NWP) is in daily operational use and has reached a remarkable quality level for 5 to 7 days ahead. The behaviour of the atmosphere is governed by a set of physical laws, as the conservation of mass, momentum, angular momentum and energy, which can be expressed as prognostic equations. The basic variables, which determine the large scale motions of the atmosphere, are the three-dimensional fields of pressure, temperature, horizontal wind and direction and humidity. A solution of the prognostic equations provides a description of the future state of the atmosphere – a forecast – derived from a current state (initial values), which then can be interpreted in terms of "weather", i.e. sunshine, cloudiness, rain and wind. Today, numerical weather prediction models are very effective in the description of the state of the atmosphere on a global basis. In the future, enhanced computer resources and advanced assimilation schemes will be available and enable to resolve smaller scale meteorological processes even on a global basis. This raises the need for improved observations of both temperature and pressure particularly in terms of spatial resolution, accuracy and timeliness. For pressure the determination of reliable surface values appears to be of highest importance to improve the semi-empirical data of the southern oceans, while sufficiently accurate measurements of the high stratospheric values below 10 hPa are not considered as feasible. Global numerical weather prediction is seen as the central focus for daily applications. Implicitly this also includes the larger scale application of climatological monitoring and smaller scale regional NWP demands for the following reasons: i) climatological analyses using basic meteorological variables like temperature and pressure necessitate consistent time series exceeding a decade; these are currently established at large weather centres (e.g. ECMWF or NCEP) by re-analyzing 15, 40 or even 50 year long spans of raw data, including satellite observations as far as they are available; this means that even in the future long-term data sets for climate analysis will be determined from global weather data, the observational requirements of which are steered by NWP applications; ii) regional NWP uses high resolution limited area models (current horizontal grid mesh below 10 km); they are nested in global NWP models, which provide the initial data and the forecast boundary values for the entire forecast period; the impact of space borne sensors to regional NWP will also in the future follow the link via global NWP, while future mesoscale data assimilation will focus on surface based remote sensing (e.g. by precipitation radar networks; furthermore, regional NWP mainly concerns well instrumented areas over land). 1.1.2 Deficiencies of Current Observing System Radiosonde network The traditional pressure and temperature measurements are made in-situ, at surface stations on land (13504), ships (1607) and ocean buoys (2941), with radio-sondes ascending on meteorological balloons (590; with 100 to 200 data points each) or with help of commercial airliners (40598). The numbers in brackets indicate the amount of relevant observations entering the operational data assimilation scheme of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) on 7 Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 7 Nov. 2003, 00 UTC; they are used to give some idea about the size of the datasets, although differents weights are assigned to the different types of observations. Though low in number the radio-sondes ascents are still the backbone of free atmosphere in-situ measurements, as a single one delivers a complete vertical profile with instruments calibrated by a meteorological service. A serious deficiency is the uneven geographical coverage with large data-void regions, especially at higher latitudes in the southern hemisphere. Satellite Remote Sensing A variety of instruments on geostationary and polar orbiting satellites provide passive remote sensing data, i.e. radiances in certain spectral bands. These are increasingly fed into operational data assimilation schemes, either as indirect model variables, but directly observed radiances, or as direct variables (e.g. temperature) after some retrieval process. The highest similarity to radio-sonde temperature observations have the ATOVS sounding points (300596 altogether), which are sampled by the NOAA polar orbiting satellites; different wavelengths allow to infer the temperature in different height layers, but the vertical resolution is far lower than for radio-sonde observations. One of the major accomplishments in satellite remote sensing foreseen for the upcoming decade is the exploitation of the entire infrared spectrum at unprecedented spectral resolution using spectrometers or interferometer. AIRS (Atmospheric Infrared Radiance Sounder) on AQUA is the first in a series of spectrometers, which has already been lauched. IASI (Improved Atmospheric Sounding in the Infrared) is another candidate scheduled for launch in 2005 on the METOP platform. It remains to be evaluated to what extent these multi-channel instruments will impact operational NWP once their data are regularly fed into the assimilation schemes. Surface pressure can so far not be remotely sensed from space; a detailed feasibility study was provided by O’Brien (2002). Such observations would be valulable, especially on the southern hemisphere (Eyre et al., 2002) as is strongly suggested by the beneficial impact of PAOBs prepared by the BMRC of Australia. These artificial surface pressure observations are manually constructed from conventional surface pressure analyses combined with satellite images. In general, space borne measurements are still lacking the required vertical resolution, which is likely to improve considerably when active sensors (e.g. lidars) become operationally available. Requirements for data assimilation Nowadays advanced assimilation schemes are of similar complexity as the NWP model itself, i.e. the algorithm which carries the starting values to the desired forecast result (Kalnay, 2002). All assimilations start from a model generated first guess, typically a short range forecast from the last analysis time. All available measurements are then used to transform the first guess to the initial data for a particular NWP run by either optimum interpolation (OI), three-dimensional variation (3D-Var) or four-dimensional variation (4D-Var) methods (Bouttier and Courtier, 1999). OI and 3D-Var assume synchronized or synoptic observations while 4D-Var can handle asynoptic measurements taken during a time window of 6 to 12 hours by applying the iterative application of the adjoint of the NWP model, however at a significant increase of computational expense. The large European weather centres (DWD, ECMWF, Météo-France, UK Met.Office) apply different versions of the indicated assimilation schemes for their daily global modelling efforts. Therefore a proper judgement of the impact of future satellite sensors has to take into account this variety today and as envisaged for the coming decades. Furthermore, a clear distinction has to be made between the requirements of global medium-term (10 to 14 d; Eyre et al, 2002) and regional short-term forecasting (up to 3 d; Gustafsson et al., 2001). Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 8 To meet future NWP objectives following key observational requirements have been derived from literature survey. 1.1.3 Observational Requirements for Temperature Special emphasis is put on a well specified height assignment of the envisaged future space instruments. When satellite derived vertical profiles come close to the still unmatched standard of conventional radiosonde profiles concerning a height assignment reliable in the order of 100 to 10 m, a major breakthrough in NWP applications can be expected. Currently a vast number of satellite data enter the NWP data assimilation schemes, but only a small fraction of independent pieces of information are retained, while all quality checked radiosonde profile provide up to 100 independent data points in the vertical although they are typically counted as a single entry in statistics of operational data (e.g. by ECMWF). For this reason, active remote sensing with advanced lidar techniques appears to be promising. The observational requirements for global NWP are given in Table 1.1-1 for four altitude ranges. Table 1.1-1: Observational requirements for global NWP for space borne temperature sensors broken down by the atmospheric layers Lower Trosposphere (LT), Higher Trosposphere (HT), Lower Stratosphere (LS), and Higher Stratosphere (HS); taken from [TN 110] Parameter Temperature Altitude range LT HT LS HS pressure height [hPa] 1000–500 500–100 100–10 10 – 1 approx. height range [km] 0–5 5 – 15 15 – 35 35 – 50 1 1 2 3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.3 200 250 Vertical sampling1 [km] Height assignment [km] Horizontal domain Horizontal sampling Dynamic range global 2 [km] 50 100 [ K] Precision3 (1 standard deviation) [ K] 180 - 300 1 1 2 2 Bias [ K] < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 < 0.5 Observation cycle4 [ h] 12 12 12 12 [ h] 3 3 3 3 Timeliness5 1 vertical sampling requirement for regional NWP = 0.5 km horizontal sampling requirement for regional NWP = 15 km 3 precision requirement for regional NWP = 0.5 °K 4 observation cycle for regional NWP = 1 h 5 timeliness for regional NWP = 1 h 2 1.1.4 Observational Requirements for Pressure Atmospheric pressure at a certain level provides integrated information of the mass distribution above. Surface pressure at a point equals the gravitational force (weight) per unit area of the air column above. For global NWP the pressure and temperature distribution follow to a high degree the Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 9 principles of hydrostatic balance, geostrophic balance and thermal-wind balance. The observational requirements for pressure are divided in three altitude ranges (Table 1.1-2) and the surface (Table 1.13). Table 1.1-2: Observational requirements for global NWP for space borne pressure sensors broken down the atmospheric layers Lower Troposphere (LT), Higher Troposphere (HT), and Lower Stratosphere (LS); taken from [TN 110]. Parameter Pressure Profile Altitude range Surface LT HT LS pressure height [hPa] 1000-500 500-100 100-10 approx. height range [km] 0–5 5 – 15 15 – 35 1 1 2 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 global global global global 50 50 100 200 1050-950 1050-500 500-100 100-10 <1 0.6 0.2 0.1 [ hPa] <0.5 <0.5 <0.2 <0.1 Observation cycle [ h] 12 12 12 12 Timeliness4 [ h] 3 3 3 3 Vertical sampling [km] Height assignment [km] Horizontal domain Horizontal sampling1 Dynamic range [km] [ hPa] 2 Precision (1 standard deviation) [ hPa] Bias 3 1 horizontal sampling requirement for regional NWP = 15 km observation cycle for regional NWP = 1 h 3 timeliness for regional NWP = 1 h 2 A refined set of observational requirements (table 1.1-3) for the surface pressure has been derived from harmonising with the findings of a recent EUMETSAT study, which was provided by ESA. These requirements cover the categories threshold (thresh), target (tar) and breakthrough for the categories now casting, regional, and global NWP independently. We assigned highest relevance to global NWP (see argumentation above) and note that the surface pressure breakthrough requirements for global NWP from EUMETSAT study are close to our findings in this issue as indicated in table 1.1-2 above. The EUMETSAT table 1.1-3 has finally been used to establish the instrument performance with respect to the surface pressure observation. Table 1.1-3: Observation requirements for surface pressure for nowcasting, regional and global NWP according the EUMETSAT; study taken from [TN110] Accuracy Spatial res. Repeat cycle Timeliness Breakthrough Surface (tresh/tar) (tresh/tar) (tresh/tar) (tresh/tar) Pressure Now 2 / 1 hPa 10 / 1 km 30 / 10 min. 30 / 10 min. 2 hPa, 10 km, Casting 30 min. NWP 1 / 0.1 hPa 50 / 3 km 3 / 0.5 h No spec 1 hPa, 30 km, 3 Regional hrs. NWP 3 / 0.5 hPa 250 / 15 km 12 / 1 h 4/1h 1 hPa, 100 km, Global 6h Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 10 1.2 Ozone (O3) 1.2.1 Scientific Relevance Ozone (O3) plays a key role in our atmosphere, as it attenuates radiation from the ultraviolet (UV) to the infrared (IR) part of the spectrum, thus protecting life on Earth and affecting the greenhouse effect and dynamical processes. Furthermore O3 controls oxidation reactions that cleanse the atmosphere from natural and anthropogenic gas emissions, although under some conditions it also acts as a noxious air pollutant. The abundance and distribution of O3 are determined by a large range of processes that can interact non-linearly to source and sink gases. The role and control of O3 in the stratosphere and troposphere are distinctly different as a result of its uneven vertical concentration profile. Stratospheric O3 and UV radiation In the stratosphere between about 10-15 and 50 km altitude, molecular oxygen and ozone completely absorb UV-C radiation (200-280 nm wavelength). Ozone moreover absorbs most UV-B (280-315 nm) so that only a few percent reaches the earth’s surface. UV-B is of particular relevance because it damages biological tissue. UV-A (315-400 nm) is not strongly attenuated by O3, whereas it also influences human health (e.g. sunburn). About 90% of atmospheric O3 is in the stratosphere, hence its depletion by nitrogen oxides and halocarbons has raised serious concern about the trend in surface UV-B irradiance. For each percent decrease in total ozone, erythemally effective UV-B radiation increases by about 1.3% (WMO, 1999). Because of the exceptionally cold conditions in the Antarctic stratosphere, polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) can be formed, on which halogen compounds are activated from inert reservoir species. These halogens, notably chlorine from chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), cause dramatic O3 loss during the Antarctic spring because of the optimum between low temperatures and the availability of sunlight, causing the “ozone hole”). Since the Arctic stratosphere is more dynamic and warmer, springtime O3 loss is less dramatic. The relatively strong dynamics in the northern hemisphere during late winter and early spring, however, can give rise to “mini-holes” that sometimes reach Europe. At present, the total global stratospheric O3 loss amounts to 5-10% with higher values at the poles and lower values in the tropics. Although the long-lived CFCs are phased out under the Montreal Protocol and its amendments, the stratosphere becomes colder, moister and its dynamics may change with increasing CO2 and climate change. The global concentrations of shortlived halocarbons moreover increase strongly, and a fraction may reach the stratosphere. The net effect of these changes is yet unclear. Tropospheric O3 and air pollution Tropospheric ozone plays a key role in oxidation processes and air quality. It is transported downward from the stratosphere, yet the main source in the troposphere is in situ photochemical formation through the oxidation of carbon compounds, being catalyzed and controlled by nitrogen oxides. The sum of these compounds (NOx) is often used because NO and NO2 rapidly equilibrate (NOx ≡ NO+NO2). The main NOx sources are fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning, soil microbial activity and lightning, whereby the global anthropogenic emissions dominate the natural ones by a factor of 3 to 4. The anthropogenic NOx emissions primarily originate from fossil fuel use. If the emissions take place in air that is still relatively pristine, however, the O3 formation per unit NOx added is much more efficient than in NOx-enriched air. Therefore, even though most NOx is emitted in the Northern Hemisphere, O3 increases in the Southern Hemisphere may also be substantial, as indicated by satellite measurements and chemistry-transport model simulations. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 11 Ozone is a main component of photochemical smog. In western Europe about half of the smog precursors is associated with road transport and most of the rest with industry and fossil energy use. The photochemical smog damages human health, agricultural crops and ecosystems. Paradoxically, while stratospheric O3 protects life on Earth from harmful UV radiation, O3 near the surface has adverse effects because of its high reactivity. The European 8-hourly air quality standard for ozone is 53 ppbv. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is also an oxidant that is controlled together with O3 through national and European air pollution directives. Because oxidant build-up is dependent on solar radiation, it is notorious during summertime episodes, typically under anticyclonic (stagnant) cloudfree conditions. Ozone levels in western Europe have increased strongly, in particular in the 1960s and 1970s. Meanwhile some countries report slight reductions, although air quality standards are still violated during the summer episodes. In parts of southern Europe, on the other hand, the EU air quality limit is exceeded throughout summer, with an upward tendency. Trend analyses of ship measurements over the Atlantic Ocean during the period 1977-2002 have shown that O3 increases at northern mid-latitudes have been relatively small (i.e. not statistically significant). However, at subtropical and tropical latitudes as well in southern mid-latitudes, upward O3 trends are substantial (Lelieveld et al., 2004). . Model simulations for present conditions and for the year 2025, applying the IPCC IS92a base scenario for atmospheric chemistry projections, indicate continued increases of troposperic O3 (Lelieveld and Dentener, 2000). In spite of considerable efforts by environmental protection agencies, surface ozone is expected to further increase in many areas In western Europe and the USA some reductions of episodic peak O3 values have recently been attained. In many other countries, however, rapid economic developments are associated with strong pollution increases, particularly in Asia. Since many of these countries are located in subtropical latitudes, the high UV levels in summer can boost photochemical air pollution. Surface ozone in the northern hemisphere may increase substantially in the next decades, in particular at subtropical latitudes; thus the observed O3 trend is predicted to continue. The model simulations furthermore suggest O3 increases in western Europe and the USA, even though O3 precursor emissions in these regions have been assumed to remain nearly constant in the emission scenario. The expected growth of O3-precursor emissions in Asia, however, will likely cause a large-scale O3 increase, enhancing the hemispheric background, so that pollution control efforts in other regions, including the USA and Europe, can be overpowered. Climate effects of O3 Stratospheric ozone depletion in the past 25 years has caused a negative radiative forcing (i.e. cooling effect), which also influences the troposphere. This is mostly caused by O3 loss in the lower stratosphere at mid-latitudes, which decreases the local greenhouse effect (IR radiation absorption), in turn reducing the heating of the troposphere-surface system. Ozone absorption of IR radiation mostly takes place in the 9.6 µm wavelength region. The reduction of solar UV radiation absorption by O3 in the lower stratosphere also plays a role, however, its effect on climate is counteracted by the consequent increased solar radiation penetration into the troposphere. In the troposphere large-scale O3 formation in smog-type chemistry, propelled by strong anthropogenic NOx emissions, enhances the greenhouse effect, which causes a positive radiative forcing of climate, which is comparable with that of methane. The influence of O3 changes on climate is strongest when they take place near the tropopause. This is related to the strong temperature contrast between the lower troposphere (9.6 µm emission) and the relatively cold tropopause (9.6 µm absorption and re-emission to space). This means that the climate sensitivity to O3 changes is greatest Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 12 at the tropopause, i.e. the part of the atmosphere where the O3 concentration gradients are largest and where O3 trends change sign; hence the observational systems needed to detect these changes must provide high vertical resolution and sensitivity. Upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) The location of the tropopause strongly influences the total O3 column, e.g. as observed from space. High column O3 at mid-latitudes is usually associated with cyclones (low altitude tropopause), whereas low column O3 is associated with anticyclones (high tropopause) (Lelieveld and Dentener, 2000). The combination of tropospheric warming by the enhanced greenhouse effect and stratospheric cooling by ozone loss, is likely to affect the location of the tropopause. Indeed, meteorological reanalysis data as well as observations by balloon soundings indicate that the tropopause altitude has increased over the past decades. It has furthermore been suggested that tropopause height changes may be a sensitive indicator of anthropogenic climate effects. Active remote sensing measurements of O3 and temperature profiles will be prerequisite to quantify these changes on a global scale. An additional factor of UTLS coupling is that climate change is accompanied by stratospheric cooling, caused by increasing CO2 and loss of O3. This can be associated with an intensification of the polar vortex in the lower stratosphere, which may enhance O3 destruction, thus counteracting the effect of decreasing chorine loading through the Montreal Protocol. Note that model calculations by several groups assess these effects strongly differently (Steil et al., 2003). This might be particularly relevant for the Northern Hemisphere, where the tropospheric wave activity, driving stratospheric dynamics, is stronger than in the Southern Hemisphere. Although stratospheric ozone destruction is much stronger over Antarctica than over the Arctic, the northern polar stratosphere is close to the threshold of developing an ozone hole. Another interesting aspect is the unexpected Antarctic vortex breakup in September 2002, associated with a major stratospheric warming event triggered by enhanced tropospheric wave activity. It is not known to what extent this phenomenon is associated with climate change. Changes in upward propagating waves from the troposphere clearly affect the stratospheric diabatic circulation, with consequences for stratosphere-troposphere exchange (STE) of ozone. Since STE is an important source of ozone to the troposphere, future changes may add to the expected large-scale increase of pollutant O3 formation. Since the O3 lifetime is relatively long in the upper troposphere, intercontinental O3 transport in this part of the atmosphere has the important potential to contribute to global change. In summary, especially the UTLS is very sensitive with respect to ozone and temperature changes, whereas present measurement systems have great difficulty in providing the required resolution. 1.2.2 International Agreements Ozone and a number of its chemical precursors (or destroyers) are subject to several international agreements. The Montreal Protocol to the 1985 Vienna Convention of the UN for the Protection of the Ozone Layer is a prototype of an international agreement that has had a major impact on pollution emissions and the global environment. It marks the consensus reached between all parties involved, based on emerging scientific understanding. Several amendments (London 1990, Copenhagen 1992, Beijing 1999) have further restricted the production of CFCs, and the full phase-out of emissions has started in 2003. On a European level the UN Convention on Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution (LRTAP), signed in 1979, and its protocols in the 1980s and 90s provide another example of such an agreement. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 13 LRTAP limits the emission of ozone precursor gases such as NOx and NMHCs. Although the Convention does not in itself call for any binding commitments to reduce specific pollutants, the 49 participating countries have committed to "limit and, as far as possible, gradually reduce and prevent air pollution," and, to achieve this, use "the best available technology which is economically feasible". Furthermore, the LRTAP parties have committed to monitor air pollution, including ozone. The IPCC scientific consensus reports have provided the basis for the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), signed during the 1992 Rio Earth Summit. In 1997 the parties met in Kyoto to negotiate the agreement, which has now been ratified by many countries. Although ozone has not been considered in the Kyoto Protocol, its climate impact is increasingly recognized so that it is likely that it will be included in future climate agreements. 1.2.3 Deficiencies of Current and near-term O3 Data Availability As a consequence of the high variability of atmospheric O3, a relatively dense network of measurement stations is required, for which a combination of ground-based, balloon- and space-borne instruments is employed. Direct measurements include chemical and optical techniques that are used in surface networks and balloon sounding systems. Although these measurements are performed in many locations, they are concentrated in populated regions, in particular in the developed world. Part of the “gap” over developing countries and over the oceans is filled by using commercial – i.e. passenger – aircraft. However, only few airliners participate in this endeavour, whereas the flight routes usually involve limited “corridors” in the Northern Hemisphere. Remote sensing measurements include ground-based active and passive systems. The Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC) applies lidars, UV-VIS and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometers to monitor the ozone layer, predominantly at middle and high latitudes. The network contains a dozen lidars that can measure stratospheric ozone. NDSC also contributes to the validation of satellite measurements. In addition, O3 is measured from a variety of current space-borne instruments (GOMOS, MIPAS, SCIAMACHY), using passive remote sensing techniques on polar orbiting satellites. Although several of these instruments can measure O3 profiles according to the specifications, as yet it has not been possible to retrieve more than 1-2 layers in the troposphere. It is particularly difficult to detect O3 gradients near the tropopause, a critical region for atmospheric chemistry and climate. Ozone trend analysis has shown that the presently available measurements from space are not sufficiently sensitive to detect O3 trends in the tropical lower troposphere (Lelieveld et al., 2004). Such analyses will be even more difficult for the extra-tropical troposphere. 1.2.4 Observational Requirements for O3 As analysed in the previous paragraphs ozone (O3) is a key compound in the chemistry and radiation transfer in our atmosphere. It has a pronounced vertical profile, with a maximum at about 20-25 km in the stratosphere, and a steep gradient in the upper troposphere – lower stratosphere (UTLS) region. Important environmental issues can be summarised as follows: • • • • Stratospheric O3 loss and consequent increased ultraviolet radiation near the surface; Climate effects by changing O3 in the troposphere and stratosphere, and feedbacks; with increasing CO2; Regional O3 formation in the troposphere and photochemical air pollution; Hemispheric O3 increases in the troposphere by growing precursor emissions in developing countries, in particular those with emerging economies. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 14 These issues are partly subject of international agreements, e.g. UN Conventions. Table 1.2-1 summarises the threshold and target observational requirements for following applications: 1. Tropospheric O3 and climate research; 2. Air quality (i.e. chemical weather) forecasting; 3. Stratospheric O3 monitoring and research; 4. UV radiation monitoring and forecasting; 5. UTLS chemistry and dynamics (including strat-trop exchange) research; 6. Numerical modelling and weather forecasting; 7. Compliance with international agreements Table 1.2-1: Threshold and target observational requirements for O3 measurements; taken from [TN130]. Target observational requirements are listed in parentheses. Parameter Ozone measurements Altitude range [km] Troposphere UTLS Stratosphere 0-10 8-16 10-50 Applications1 1,2,6,7 1,4,5,6 1,3,4,6,7 Vertical resolution [km] 3(1) 2(1) 2(1) Horizontal domain global Horizontal resolution [km] 20 (10) 50 (10) 100 (10) Dynamic range in mixing ratio [ppbv] 10-100 50-1000 103-104 Precision (1 standard deviation) [%] < 20 (10) < 20 (10) < 20 (10) Accuracy (systematic error) [%] < 10 (5) < 10 (5) < 10 (5) Timeliness [h] 3 6 6 1 The numbers indicate the applications listed above. It should be noted that stratospheric O3 measurements remain to be of key interest, for example to monitor the compliance with the Montreal Protocol and its amendments. The lower stratosphere is of particular relevance because the future development of the ozone layer is linked to climate change through PSC abundance and the stability of the polar vortex. To resolve the vortex edge and the streamers that arise from vortex erosion in late winter and early spring, the measurements should be performed at a minimum of 100 km resolution in the horizontal direction; the vertical resolution should be at least 2 km to improve the performance of planned passive sounders (e.g. GOME-2, HIRDLS, SAGE-III, TES). The UTLS region is of great interest for long-range air pollution transport, the effects of air traffic, stratosphere-troposphere coupling and climate research applications. The horizontal resolution of space-borne lidar measurements should be about 50 km or better and the vertical resolution must be 1-2 km. Some vertically resolved information will be provided by the SAGE follow-up instruments and the SCIAMACY limb sounder, however, the spatiotemporal resolution of these missions within the troposphere is relatively low. The combined O3 column information from planned operational missions (e.g. METOP) and the lidar retrieved profiles can be used to improve assimilation data sets for many applications, including UV radiation monitoring and forecasting. Numerical weather forecasting will profit from stratospheric wind data retrieved from O3 measurements. Furthermore, there is increasing evidence for a dynamical influence from the stratosphere on the troposphere, for example, through the meridional heating gradient, affected by Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 15 chemical O3 destruction and solar variability, which indirectly influence the strength of the jet stream. This application also requires spatially resolved information about the O3 distribution, which will support medium- and extended-range weather forecasting. 1.3 The Greenhouse Gases CO2, CH4 and N2O 1.3.1 Scientific Relevance Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) have been recognized by the Working Group I of the International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) as the most important of the earth’s greenhouse gases, whose concentration has been directly modified by human activities. Measurements on Antarctic ice cores have documented an atmospheric increase of all three gases since the beginning of the industrial revolution: for CO2 from 280 ppmv to about 370 ppmv, for CH4 from 700 ppb to about 1750 ppb and for N2O from 270 ppb to about 315 ppb today. Together, the concentration increases of these three trace gases have induced an additional global annual mean radiative forcing of more than 2 Wm-2 over the time period of 1750 to present. The concentration increase of these greenhouse gases can be clearly related to human activities related to energy production and land use practices. An increasing world population and its needs for energy and food production will foster increased greenhouse gas emissions over the next decades which will lead to a further rise in atmospheric concentration and an associated increased radiative forcing of the climate of the earth. Hence in order to better predict the behaviour of this system, a more accurate knowledge of the sources and sinks of these gases in terms of location, magnitude and underlying processes is essential. In addition to this fundamental scientific question, the establishment of the Kyoto protocol is also challenging the science. The national emission reductions that have been agreed to in the Kyoto protocol and the subsequent Conferences of the Parties (COPs) obviously necessitate the development of methods to quantify and verify in a scientific credible way the committed emission reductions and the impact of declared measures to curb source or enhance sink processes of the different greenhouse gases (e.g. by afforestation). Unfortunately, up to now this is not possible, at least on larger scales than a few hectares of forest. Carbon dioxide (CO2) The major anthropogenic sources of CO2 are the burning of fossil fuels and changes in land use (e.g. deforestation for the establishment of agricultural areas). Precise atmospheric measurements, however, show that only about half of the emitted CO2 remains in the atmosphere, the remainder being taken up both by the oceans and by various processes on land. The exact quantification of the uptake on the surface of the earth, and in particular its spatial and temporal variability, is still very poorly known, despite intensive carbon cycle research over the last few decades (Prentice et al., 2002). The problem of the exact quantification of the surface sinks of anthropogenic CO2 is complicated by the fact that the aforementioned human perturbation is superimposed on the global, natural carbon cycle, consisting of large carbon stores in the atmosphere (primarily CO2, ~750PgC), on land (vegetation, soils, ~3’800PgC) and in the oceans (mostly dissolved inorganic carbon, ~38’000PgC). There exist very large exchange fluxes between these reservoirs globally amounting to about 60 PgCa-1 between the atmosphere and the land (primarily photosynthesis and respiration) and about 80 PgCa-1 between the atmosphere and the oceans (gas exchange driven by the partial pressure Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 16 difference between air and sea). 1 These natural processes vary enormously in space (e.g. induced by the temperature dependent solubility in the ocean) and time (e.g. induced by the annual cycle of photosynthesis in mid- and high latitudes) and generate thus a complicated surface flux pattern of source and sink regions that varies in time. Globally integrated, these natural fluctuations have been relatively modest as witnessed by a rather stable atmospheric concentration level during the Holocene before the anthropogenic perturbation. However, according to first coupled carbon cycle - climate simulations, these natural carbon fluxes might experience significant modifications in the case of a warming world, most likely reflecting a moderate or even strong positive feedback in the earth system (Cox et al., 2000, Friedlingstein et al., 2003). Compared to the natural exchange fluxes the anthropogenic perturbation fluxes are relatively small: the global emissions from fossil fuel burning in the year 2000 are about 6.6 PgCa-1 and the CO2 emissions induced by changes in land use are estimated to lie between 1 and 2 PgCa-1. Globally the anthropogenically induced uptake fluxes by the oceans and by land are even smaller: each estimated at about 2 PgCa-1 during the 1990’s. Considering the large natural background fluxes, the detection of this anthropogenic sink signal is very difficult. On the other hand, already an accurate quantification of the natural spatio-temporal pattern of sources and sinks would be scientifically extremely valuable, as it would allow a much better validation of coupled carbon cycle – climate models than heretofore possible. Methane (CH4) CH4 is a powerful greenhouse gas, which has a Greenhouse Warming Potential (GWP) of 23 relative to CO2 on a time scale of 100 years. The major anthropogenic sources of CH4 are the emissions from energy production, landfills, waste treatment, cattle, rice fields and incomplete biomass burning. In addition, there are significant natural CH4 emissions from wetlands. The global total emissions in 1998 are estimated at about 600 TgCH4 yr-1, of which the anthropogenic emissions comprise about 2030%. A large fraction of the emitted CH4 is destroyed in the atmosphere by the chemical reaction with OH. In recent years the imbalance between the sources and sinks of CH4 has decreased from about 22 TgCH4 yr-1 in the early 1990’s to an insignificant value at present, resulting in approximately constant concentration levels since 1999 (Dlugokencky et al., 2003). Because this transition is not well understood future scenarios have become even more uncertain. The relatively short atmospheric lifetime of CH4 of about 12 years make this greenhouse gas particularly interesting for a short-term reduction of the radiative forcing by the anthropogenic greenhouse gases and its emissions are also covered by the Kyoto protocol. Scientifically, CH4 is also closely coupled to the global climate system. A global warming in particular in Arctic regions might foster the melting of permafrost soils which contain significant amounts carbon in organic form which under anaerobic conditions might be converted to CH4 and partially released to the atmosphere. There exist also very large deposits of CH4 as hydrates on ocean shelves that are vulnerable to ocean warming. Paleo records indicate that both processes have been important feedbacks in the climate system. The development and implementation of a system for the detection of CH4 emissions in these vulnerable areas have a high scientific priority. Nitrous oxide (N2O) Nitrous oxide constitutes a greenhouse gas that may be more relevant in the longer-term future because of its long atmospheric lifetime of 120 years. It has a high GWP of 296 relative to CO2 on a Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 17 time scale of 100 years. The major anthropogenic sources (total ~4 TgN yr-1) are agriculturally used soils (fertilization), cattle and feedlots, biomass burning and several industrial sources. These sources are superimposed on natural sources from the ocean and from soils totalling about 10 TgN yr-1. Overall, the anthropogenic sources comprise about 40% of the total N2O emissions; however the existing literature numbers are very uncertain. N2O is destroyed primarily in the stratosphere by photo dissociation. Many of the different source mechanisms and how they vary as functions of natural and anthropogenic environmental parameters are very poorly known. A regional quantification of N2O emissions by inverse modelling have not yet been possible because the atmospheric observation network is much less developed for N2O concentration measurements as it is for CO2. 1.3.2 Scientific Requirements and International Agreements The main political issues and scientific questions regarding the evolution of long-lived greenhouse gases in the atmosphere call for the quantification of long-term (5-10 year) emissions (i.e. mean flux and trend) and their spatial distribution. In addition, to improve the scientific understanding of the underlying processes, the monitoring of shorter-term variability is also important, such as seasonal cycles and in particular inter-annual variability, which documents the climate impact on the sources and sinks of the greenhouse gases. In order to define target and threshold accuracy levels of the greenhouse gas surface fluxes, a distinction must be made between (1) the scientific objective of an adequate quantification for the understanding of the relevant processes controlling sources and sinks of the greenhouse gases, and (2) a “Kyoto objective” for the independent verification of national emission inventories determined by bottom-up methods. Both objectives are different for the different greenhouse gases because of a different mix of source and sink processes. In case of CO2 the dominant anthropogenic source is the combustion of fossil fuels, which can be determined rather accurately from energy production statistics. The accuracy of these estimates is considered to be better than 5% globally, and, in developed countries, better than a few percent on a national level. Since the present commitments under the Kyoto protocol are on the order of an 8% reduction with respect to the emissions in the base year of 1990, a very high accuracy is needed for a credible verification. Matching this accuracy with a top-down method clearly is unrealistic with the present technology. The Kyoto protocol also permits to account certain terrestrial sinks to the national CO2 emission inventory, such as e.g. afforestation measures. In most places of the world, on a 5 year time scale, the fluxes regulated by the Kyoto protocol are significantly smaller than 20% of the natural terrestrial fluxes. Since the Kyoto regulated terrestrial fluxes cover only certain sectors, a top-down verification method that “sees” only the total flux will not be able to detect these without additional information. However, if in a future stage the Kyoto protocol were revised to include all terrestrial fluxes in the national budgets (“full carbon accounting”), then addressing the second objective as listed above by means of a top-down method would become feasible by subtracting estimates of the fossil emissions from the total flux. Nevertheless, the required accuracy level is very high. For CO2 the current uncertainty with which regional scale (106 km2, 5 year average) terrestrial fluxes can be estimated is about 30 – 100 gCm-2a-1 (Rödenbeck et al., 2003). This is in the same order of magnitude as the typical total terrestrial flux in many parts of the world. Even if integrated over entire continents the present accuracy is not better than about 50% (Gurney et al., 2002, Rödenbeck et al., 2003). On the other hand, achieving the main objectives requires an accuracy of better than 20% of the total flux, on a Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 18 spatial scale of 106km2, averaged over 5 years. At least such an accuracy is indispensable in order to meet the more demanding, Kyoto relevant second main objective (Cihlar and Denning, 2002, Cihlar et al., 2003). For CH4 the situation is somewhat different, in that the anthropogenic emissions associated with fossil fuels (gas leaks, incomplete combustion) are much less certain as compared to the case of CO2, and other anthropogenic emissions from agricultural practices (rice cultivation and cattle grazing) are of similar magnitude. The natural background fluxes from wetlands are relatively minor (globally only about 30% of the total fluxes), but this fraction varies substantially in different parts of the globe. A contribution to the Kyoto objective necessitates at least an accuracy of better than 20% of the total flux. For N2O the relatively poor understanding of the sources makes bottom-up estimates highly uncertain, which, in return, would make already low accuracy top-down source estimates valuable, at least for the scientific objective (1) above. Based on the required accuracy needed for bottom-up accounting provided by the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) of the IPCC (SBSTA, van Amstel, 2004, preprint) already an accuracy of 100% of the 5 year average net continental N2O flux would provide useful information. In summary, based on the considerations outlined above, we thus specify a target requirement accuracy of the continental flux estimates as 20% of the total averaged flux for CO2, and CH4 and as 100% of the total averaged flux for N2O, on a spatial scale of 106 km2, averaged over 5 years. This target requirement reflects a typical, global average continental situation on the 106 km2 spatial scale. A more specific target accuracy requirement for different parts of the world, also taking regionally different existing source-sink knowledge into account could be specified, but was not deemed appropriate at this time for this study. 1.3.3 Observational Methods There exist essentially two approaches for the regional quantification of greenhouse gas sources and sinks. In the “bottom-up” approach one may extrapolate point measurements or statistical information using GIS information and/or remotely sensed properties of the surface (e.g. vegetation index). This up-scaling inevitably necessitates a more or less complex model of the surface processes controlling the surface exchange fluxes and emissions. This is the approach that currently is used to quantify national greenhouse gas budgets that have to be reported for the assessment of the Kyoto commitments. However, with the current state-of-the-art it is practically impossible to verify these national budgets by an independent method. Conversely, the “top-down” approach uses the relatively fast atmospheric mixing as a natural integrator: the complex surface source-sink flux patterns are mirrored in atmospheric concentration variations of CO2, CH4 and N2O, which are rapidly smoothed when moving away from local features and thus in general reflect only the larger scale source-sink distribution. Hence atmospheric greenhouse gas concentration measurements may be used to infer the surface sources and sinks, thereby using an “inverted” model of atmospheric transport and mixing. This approach has been successfully applied to infer continental and ocean basin scale CO2 sources and sinks from atmospheric in situ concentration measurements at a global network of atmospheric background stations (e.g. Gurney et al., 2002, Rödenbeck et al., 2003), and it has been used to constrain the emission patterns of CH4 (Hein et al., 1997, Houweling et al. 1999). The N2O source distribution has not yet been addressed with this method, primarily because the network of N2O observations is sparser than for the other gases and the measurements themselves are of lesser quality. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 19 At present the top-down approach in general is severely limited by the small number of observing stations. The present network of measurement sites encompasses about 100 sites, most of which are located at the surface on remote mountains, remote coasts and islands. At most sites, atmospheric mixing ratio measurements are performed with a frequency of weekly to monthly. In addition, there exist about 10 sites where regular vertical atmospheric flask sampling for the greenhouse gases is performed by means of aircraft. Current efforts focus on the establishment of continuous measuring systems, mostly on tall towers (200-400m) in Europe and North America. However, many interior regions of the continents, particularly in the Tropics, are not sampled at all. It is for this reason, that a space borne sensing technique, if accurate enough, would tremendously improve the top-down estimates. Forward model simulations The atmospheric transport model TM3 (Heimann and Körner, 2003) has been used to calculate the temporal and spatial variability of CO2, CH4 and N2O in the atmosphere based on realistic scenarios of surface sources and sinks. Model simulations were performed on a 2x2 degree horizontal resolution and 28 vertical layers from the surface to the top of the atmosphere. Meteorological fields were derived from The National Centre of Environmental Research (NCEP) reanalysis (Kalnay, 1996). 3D concentration fields were stored in 2 hour intervals for Jan.-Dec. 2003. This archive of model output allowed to simulate the signal that would be observed by any prototype satellite instrument taking into accounts its orbit, viewing mode, spatial and temporal coverage, precision, etc. In this study, measurement precisions have been quantified that are needed to observe characteristic features of the archived concentrations. Following procedure have been applied: 1) Total columns are derived using the instrument specific weighting function (see Figure 1.3-1). 2) The columns are averaged to the requirement-specified temporal and spatial scale. 3) Increasing levels of random noise are added until predefined features of interest disappear in the noise (see Figure 1.3-3). Inverse calculations Atmospheric inverse modelling has been used to calculate the anticipated reduction in surface flux uncertainty resulting from the use of DIAL measurements. The satellite is assumed to fly in a polar orbit, similar to that of the upcoming OCO mission. Two different DIAL viewing modes are distinguished: 1) hard target return 2) atmospheric backscattering. A globally uniform vertical weighting function has been applied that (mode 1) peaks at the surface and gradually decreases with altitude or (mode 2) peaks at 500m altitude, and has a triangular shape with a 1 km FWHM (see Figure 1.3-1). The weighting function for hard target DIAL has been derived from the on-line DIAL retrieval of CO2 at 2.051 micron. This wavelength has been carefully selected to optimize the weighting of the planetary boundary. It has been assumed that a similar surface sensitivity can be achieved for CH4 and N2O. The general set-up and boundary conditions used for the DIAL-based inversions of sources and sinks was equivalent to the OCO inversion reported by Houweling et al. (2004), except for the applied weighting function. In summary, prior source strengths of CO2, CH4 and N2O are prescribed, in line with currently accepted estimates. Monthly flux regions are specified at 8x10 degree horizontal resolution (~106 km2). Measurements at the resolution of the required spatial and temporal scale are aggregated to weekly ensembles at 8x10 degree. To determine the relation between inversion performance and precision, a series of inversions have been carried out, spanning a range of measurement precisions. The inversion performance (Pinv) is defined as the average reduction in flux uncertainty over the continents calculated as Pinv = σ apost,8x10,year abs( f apri,8x10,year ) , Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 20 with σapost,8x10,year the uncertainty of ƒapri,8x10,year, the annual prior flux at 8x10 degree. A spline fit through the inverse modelling results is used to interpolate between the selected precisions (see Figure 1.3-1). To extrapolate the inversion performance from 1 year to the time scale of the flux requirement the inversion performance is assumed to improve with the square root of the number of years. To account for loss of information by aggregating the measurements to the 8x10 degree resolution of the inversion, forward model calculations have been carried out at different resolutions. The decrease in variability going from the required resolution to 8x10 degree has been used as a measure of information loss. The inverse modelling derived precision requirements have been relaxed by this factor, which turned out to be as large as ~2. Figure 1.3-1: Vertical weighting functions as used in the inverse calculations. Dark blue, green and light blue; Hard Target DIAL at respectively 1579 nm, 1572 nm and 2051 nm; Red, atmospheric backscattering DIAL. For reference a typical weighting function of passive TIR is given in black (Hard Target weighting functions generally resemble those of passive NIR). 1.3.4 Observational Requirements for a DIAL Instrument Random error Tables 1.3-1 and 1.3-2 list the calculated observational requirements for hard target and atmospheric backscatter DIAL. The requirements specify the instrument performance that is needed to fulfil the target requirement on the accuracy of the fluxes. Figure 1.3-2 presents an example of how the target requirements were derived. The technical threshold requirements represent a lower bound to instrument performance beyond which no significant scientific insights are expected be gained anymore. To assess this threshold, the random error that is added to forward model generated concentration fields has been increased to a level at which the detection of continental scale concentration gradients remains just feasible. Note that, at this noise level, global scale features, like the north to south gradients and seasonal cycles, might still be readily detectable (see Figure 1.3-3). Those, however, are not expected to lead to any new insights as they are already monitored at high accuracy by the existing in situ surface measurement networks. It has been verified that the threshold Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 21 precisions, as derived from the procedure outlined above, correspond to the point where the standard deviation of measurement noise equals that of the concentration variability over the continents. Table 1.3-1: Observational requirements for the random error for column content measurements; taken from [TN 120] CO2 (ppmv)# Target Threshold 1 3.5 week month Precision Temporal res. Horizon. 200km res. Vertical column res. #: dry air mixing ratio Target 10 week CH4 (ppb) Threshold 35 month Target 0.1 week N2O (ppb) Threshold 0.5 month 500km 200km 500km 200km 500km column column column column column Table 1.3-2: Observational requirements the random error for range-resolved DIAL measurements taken from [TN 120] CO2 (ppmv)# Target Threshold 5 10 week month Precision Temporal res. Horizon. 200km res. Vertical bnd.layer res. #: dry air mixing ratio CH4 (ppb) Target Threshold 100 100 week month N2O (ppb) Target Threshold 0.5 1.0 week month 500km 200km 500km 200km 500km bnd.layer bnd.layer bnd.layer bnd.layer bnd.layer The required time and space scales are selected with the intention to resolve synoptic scale variability. Synoptic scale variability is considered an important mode of atmospheric variability that, in our view, should be resolved. Smaller scale variability, for example the diurnal cycle, may also be important but this is beyond the scope of the coarse scale inverse analysis performed here. Generally, one should realize that different combinations of measurement precision and scale might allow fulfilling the flux requirements (as part of a trade off). The results of our inversions indicate that the target flux requirements can be fulfilled without resolving the diurnal cycle. The target spatial resolution of 2x2 degree was mainly guided by constraints on the coverage of a polar orbiting satellite. Again, the results indicate that flux requirements can be fulfilled under this condition and therefore they do not dismiss a polar orbit. The threshold scales do not address the synoptic variability, but will be needed to resolve seasonal changes. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 22 Figure 1.3-2: Target requirements for CO2; taken from [TN 120] Figure 1.3-3: Model simulated column averaged CO2 as would be observed by hard target DIAL for July, without noise (left panel) and with threshold level noise right panel);taken from [TN 120] A sensitivity study has been carried out to investigate the benefit of measuring in the wing of the absorption line instead of the centre. Theoretically, measurements in the wing are more sensitive to pressure broadening of absorption lines and will therefore improve the sensitivity to the planetary boundary layer. Figure 1.3-4 shows the increase in instrument performance that is gained by measuring in the line wing instead of the line centre. These results show that pressure broadening, which a DIAL system could take advantage of relax the required target precision by about a factor 2 (see Table 1.3-3). Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 23 Figure 1.3-4: Sensitivity of the instrument performance to the exploitation pressure broadening: taken from [TN 120] Table 1.3-3: Column measurements with hard target DIAL of CO2 at different wavelengths; taken from [TN 120] Precision Temporal res. Horizon. res. Vertical res. #: dry air mixing ratio HT at 1.6 μm (ppmv)# Target Threshold 0.5 2.5 week month 200km 500km bnd.layer bnd.layer HT at 2.1 μm (ppmv) Target Threshold 1 3.5 week month 200km 500km bnd.layer bnd.layer Another sensitivity study has been carried out to quantify the importance of accurate measurements over the oceans for estimating continental fluxes. Figure 1.3-5 shows the effect of ten-fold less precise measurements over the oceans. It indicates that at continental measurement precisions near the target precision the instrument performance is only slightly affected by a change in precision over the oceans. At threshold precision, however, accurate ocean measurements become more important. Note that the factor 10 may be a too pessimistic assumption for the DIAL performance over sea. It does not take into account a possible contribution of specular reflection to the measured signal, for lack of any experimental data. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 24 Figure 1.3-5: Instrument performances with and without a ten-fold relaxation of the precision over the oceans (for Hard Target DIAL at 2051 nm); taken from [TN 120] Systematic errors The great advantage of satellite instruments over surface measurements is evidently the large the number samples that could compensate for a loss of accuracy. This will only be true, however, provided that the level of systematic error remains sufficiently low. The impact of systematic errors on the estimated fluxes is largely determined by its characteristic pattern in space and time. This is explained by the fact that the information on sources and sinks is not contained in the absolute level of the concentrations, but rather in spatial and temporal gradients. For example, a constant systematic offset will not alter the inverse calculated fluxes, while a bias that increases with time will. One could think of several sources of systematic error acting simultaneously, each with its own characteristic error pattern. If these errors become significant, the measurements might become very difficult to interpret. To quantify the potential effect of systematic errors, we have focused on – what are expected to be the dominant modes of systematic error. These modes are listed in Table 1.3-4. The second column of this table shows the level of systematic error that will contribute the same amount of uncertainty to the estimated fluxes as the random component of the error at target precision, calculated as follows Pinv = Δf apost,8x10,year abs( f apri,8x10,year ), with Δfapost,8x10,year the difference in the calculated a posteriori flux with and without adjustments of the measurements to account for systematic errors. As can be seen in the table the tolerable level of systematic error varies substantially among the different modes. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 25 Table 1.3-4: Summary of systematic error requirements; taken from [TN 120] CO2 (ppmv)# Aerosols 0.2 (per unit AOT) Linear trend 0.6 (per year) Seasonal cycle 0.1 (seasonal amplitude) Orbital cycle 0.7 (North-South difference) Quasi random 1 #: dry air mixing ratio Systematic errors by aerosols arise from a perturbation of the optical path after reflection on aerosol particles. As a first and very rough attempt to quantify the potential impact of this error, all measurements that enter the inversion have been perturbed by the local Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT). For this purpose, a model simulated seasonally varying climatological aerosol field has been used that includes dust, soot, sulfate and sea salt (F.-M. Breon, personal communication). It has been assumed that aerosol induced errors scale linearly with AOT. Afterwards the difference between inversion-derived posterior fluxes with and without aerosol error is quantified. Theoretical considerations point at an expected retrieval error of about 0.1 ppmv per Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) of 0.1 (F.-M. Breon, personal communication), which exceeds our requirement (see Table 1.34). Moreover a recent analysis of Sciamachy observed CO2 indicates that aerosol induced errors may be substantially larger (Houweling et al, 2005). It means that satellite systems that measure CO2 in the NIR will not comply with our target flux requirement, unless the errors related to aerosols can be corrected. Figure 1.3-6: Model estimated influence of aerosols on inversion calculated CO2 fluxes (left panel). Assumed annual mean aerosol optical thickness (right panel), the difference between the calculated annual CO2 fluxes with and without aerosols; taken from [TN 120]. As can be seen in Table 1.3-4, errors that vary coherently over larger scales (linear trend, orbital cycle) tend to have less stringent error requirements than those varying systematically on smaller scales (e.g. aerosols). Generally the results of the first class show less ‘dipoles’ as the left panel of Figure 1.3-6, and the ‘burden’ of the error is be shared coherently by many 8x10 degree flux elements. Integrated over larger regions, however, these errors grow in importance, while aerosol-like errors tend to cancel out partly. The discussion is complicated by potential methods that might be used to correct for systematic error. The residual systematic error that is left after correction has a rather unpredictable pattern. These errors would to some extent resemble random errors (‘quasi random’ error). Therefore, it is assumed that these errors, like real random errors, should not exceed the target precision. Similarly, it should be possible to correct DIAL measurements for aerosols by selecting the ground return only. Therefore, Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 26 instead of a problem, the influence of aerosols may be considered a potential advantage of the DIAL method over passive NIR methods. Finally, it was attempted to estimate systematic errors arising from the use of ECMWF surface pressure to quantify the air mass factor. In a recent analysis using an ensemble of model simulations which was performed at ECMWF the 1σ variation in the surface pressure accounts to ~0.7 hPa or an equivalent error of 0.25 ppmv CO2 ,globally. (Anderson, private communication, ECMWF). Although this provides some indication of accuracy it is not a measure of systematic error. Further, it is not guaranteed that the global pattern of uncertainty reflects that of systematic error. Therefore, at this stage we weren’t able to make a proper assessment of the potential impact of systematic errors in surface pressure on CO2 flux estimates. If the accuracy of ECMWF surface pressure is not dominated by systematic errors (which one might expect), then the impact may remain limited. However, this should be confirmed by further investigations, which we considered to be outside the scope of this study. 1.3.5 Limitations The inversion computations suffer from some known limitations. For example, a globally uniform measurement uncertainty has been assumed, while, for example, for atmospheric backscattering DIAL this will depend on the amount of backscattering material in the form of aerosols, which may vary substantially. Secondly, the limited resolution of the inverse calculations, even though much better than many other algorithms that are currently in use, introduces some amount of uncertainty. We have tried to account for this limitation using the results of forward simulations at a higher resolution, but acknowledge that this correction is rather uncertain. It should be emphasized that the presented model analysis implicitly assumes that transport model errors remain at insignificant levels. For the current generation of atmospheric transport models, however, this is certainly not guaranteed. In addition, the influence of model errors on the estimated fluxes will vary with the selected satellite measurement technique. More research will be needed in this field, but it is known that the parameterization of vertical mixing is associated with relatively large uncertainties. Therefore, transport models errors might become significant for measurements that rely on an accurate simulation of the exchange between the boundary layer and the free troposphere and the time scale of vertical mixing in the stratosphere. For this reason, night time measurements that are sensitive to the planetary boundary layer will be more difficult to interpret than daytime measurements. For the dusk-dawn orbit that was proposed for active instrumentation it means that the dusk measurements will be easier than dawn measurements. It is not obvious, however, that another choice of 12 hour separated measurements should clearly be favourable over dusk-dawn. Finally, it is acknowledged that the present analysis of systematic errors is a first attempt in this direction and admittedly rather crude. Clearly more research is needed in this field. An obvious shortcoming is the statistical treatment of the measurement error, which has not been adjusted to the actual biases that are introduced to the measurements. This may partly explain the oscillating behaviour of the flux estimates (the ‘dipoles’) that are shown in Figure 1.3-6. A more coherent adjustment of the fluxes to the perturbed measurements would likely relax the systematic requirements. Besides these technical aspects there remains the limitation that the systematic errors that may result from the use of ECMWF surface pressures have yet been addressed adequately. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 27 1.3.6 Harmonization of DLR and IPSL CO2 requirements The observational requirements for CO2 derived in this study have been compared to a parallel study on a space-borne CO2 Lidar performed by IPSL. From detailed analysis of the different sets of requirements it was found that they agree fairly well with respect to the random error and the sampling characteristics when the same definitions are used for observations over land. However, major differences have been found for the needs over the ocean. In our study it could be demonstrated by simulations that the required measurement precision can be significantly relaxed over the ocean by about a factor of 10 if the target species would be sources and sinks over land. In contrast, the IPSL study claims that a similar precision over the ocean would be required as demanded for measurements over land. This issue needs further analysis. There are also some differences found for the approach each team has been used to derive the requirements for the systematic error. While both teams agreed on a target requirement of 0.1 ppmv the definition of the threshold requirement is still TBD. As a result from harmonising both teams agreed to the need on two separate sets of observational requirements which address CO2 measurements in the 1.6 and 2.05 µm spectral region. The weighting function at 2.05 µm is more favourable for measurements in the low troposphere where the sources and sinks reside. This yields to a significant relaxation of the required measurement precision at this wavelength compared to measurements at 1.6 µm. It turns out that the difference is about a factor of 3 for the IPSL-study and a factor of 2 in case of the DLR-study which both would have a strong impact on the size of the instrument. To limit the representation errors and to reduce biases a 50 km along track resolution was found to be more appropriate for the problem than the 200 km integration length as suggested earlier by the DLR study. In summary, the following tables 1.3-5 and 1.3-6 list the observational requirements for an active optical instrument operating at either 1.6 or 2.05 µm as agreed by both study teams. Note that these tables assume a 50% reduced coverage due to the occurrence of clouds. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 28 Table 1.3-5: Summary of observational requirements for a hard target Lidar at 2 µm; taken from [TN 120] CO2 Target Threshold Needed atmospheric variable Dry air mixing ratio Dry air mixing ratio Accuracy, random comp. 1.5 ppmv 5 ppmv Accuracy, systematic comp. ~0.1 ppmv (*1) *1 Sampling 50 km along track 50 km along track Spatial resolution <1 km for individual shots <1 km for individual shots Local time No strong scientific requirement No strong scientific requirement Satellite orbit Polar – geosynchronous Polar – geosynchronous Geophysical data product Column averaged mixing ratio Column averaged mixing ratio Lidar pointing Nadir Nadir Measurement sensitive to Total column CO2 content [] Total col. CO2 content [] Additional geophysical data product needed (*2) Surface pressure accuracy < 1 hPa < 1 hPa Water vapour accuracy < 1 g/cm-2 < 1 g/cm-2 *1 preliminary result, needs further analysis *2 These geophysical data products are not necessary per-se, but appear most useful to convert the CO2 column (in number of molecules per cm2), to a column concentration (in g/g or mol/mol). Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 29 Table 1.3-6: Summary of observational requirements for a hard target Lidar at 1.6 µm; taken from [TN120] CO2 Target Threshold Needed atmospheric variable Dry air mixing ratio Dry air mixing ratio Accuracy, random comp. 0.75 ppmv 2.5 ppmv Accuracy, systematic comp. ~0.1 ppmv (*1) *1 Sampling 50 km along track 50 km along track Spatial resolution <1 km for individual shots <1 km for individual shots Local time No strong scientific requirement No strong scientific requirement Satellite orbit Polar – geosynchronous Polar – geosynchronous Geophysical data product Column averaged mixing ratio Column averaged mixing ratio Lidar pointing Nadir Nadir Measurement sensitive to Total column CO2 content [] Total col. CO2 content [] Additional geophysical data product needed (*2) Surface pressure accuracy < 1 hPa < 1 hPa Water vapour accuracy < 1 g/cm-2 < 1 g/cm-2 *1 preliminary result, needs further analysis *2 these geophysical data products are not necessary per-se, but appear most useful to convert the CO2 column (in number of molecules per cm2), to a column concentration (in g/g or mol/mol). Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 30 2 Instrument Performance Space-borne remote sensing has a relative long history. Particular passive instruments have been extensively used to explore the state of state of the Earth atmosphere on a global basis. They are preferable operated in limb or nadir viewing mode from LEO satellites or at reduced performance also from geostationary platforms. Scanning capabilities can easily be implemented which helps to increase global coverage. A further advantage is related to the ability of measuring multiple species simultaneously. An intrinsic disadvantage associated to most of the passive sounding systems is related to their strong dependency on complex radiative transfer models. To obtain range-resolved information first guess (model) profiles are required. Moreover the difficult error structure of passive instruments does not allow to separate the random error from systematic error sources. In contrast, active sensors comprise a direct measurement method which offers the possibility to obtain range-resolved information without need for any radiometric calibration. By selection of appropriate wavelengths low sensitivity to other parameters ( e.g. surface emissivity, temperature profiles, concentration of other gases, aerosols ) can be easily achieved. Active sensors can be operated above clouds and in broken cloud fields by keeping only the data from clear spots. The simple retrieval technique allows for discrimination between random and systematic errors. The main disadvantage of active sensors are associated to the technical realisation of an cost-effective instrument for space-borne applications. This includes also the life time of a mission typically limited by the life time of the radiation source. Because of the 1/r2 dependency of the backscattered signal only LEO satellite platforms are of practical interest. In addition a dawn/dusk orbit could help to avoid interference from solar background radiation. The latter can have a strong impact on the measurement performance. Other limitations are related to the eye safety requirement which need particular attention for wavelengths in the visible spectral range. 2.1 Passive Sensors In this study current and planned passive instruments have been exhaustively analysed by literature search over a broad frequency range spanning the ultraviolet up to the microwave spectral region. There performance has been critical assessed in the light of the observational requirements introduced in the previous paragraph. 2.1.1 Temperature Profiling The sensors that measure temperature profiles in the troposphere and stratosphere are nadir sounders operating in the microwave and thermal infrared spectral region. Temperature sounding from space has a relatively long history for NWP and other applications (e.g., the microwave instrument series MSU/AMSU on NOAA satellites and SSM/T / SSMIS series on DMSP satellites). SSM/T has a precision of 0.3 K, an accuracy of 2-3 K, a vertical resolution of 8-10 km, and a horizontal resolution of 175 km at direct nadir (~260 km at extreme swath) [Grody, 1993; Goodrum, 2000; Redmann, 1992; Deblonde and English, 2002]. AMSU-A/NOAA has a better performance, namely a precision better than 0.27 K, an accuracy of 1.5 K, a vertical resolution of 3 km in the height range 0-48 km and a horizontal resolution of 50 km at direct nadir (85x172 km2 at extreme swath) [Grody, 1993; Diak et al., 1992; Kidder et al., 2000; Goodrum, 2000; Goldberg, 2002; Goldberg, 2002b; Goldberg, 1999; Deblonde and English, 2002]. An advantage of the microwave sounders is that they are quite insensitive to clouds and measure during day and night. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 31 The new generation of high resolution thermal infrared (TIR) nadir sounders such as AIRS/AQUA and IASI/METOP have a vertical resolution of 1 km and a (required) precision of 1 K, and a ground pixel size of 14 x 14 km2 (AIRS) or 12 x 12 km2 (IASI) [Aumann et al., 2003; Susskind et al., 2003; Fetzer et al., 2003; Aires et al., 2002]. The TIR measurements are also performed during day and night but are affected by clouds which reduces the number of useful measurements. 1 km / 1 K is also the performance of the sensor combination AIRS/AMSU-A onboard AQUA [Grody, 1993; Diak et al., 1992; Kidder et al., 2000; Goodrum, 2000; Goldberg, 2002; Goldberg, 2002b; Goldberg, 1999; Deblonde and English, 2002]. The predicted performance of the nadir/limb sounder TES/AURA is 1-2 K with a vertical resolution of 2-6 km in the height range 0-34 km (horizontal resolution 5 x 8 km2, no scan) [TES web page]. Main conclusion: There are several satellite sensors with global coverage with a performance or predicted performance close to or better than the required performance (e.g., AIRS/AMSU-A/HSB on AQUA and IASI on METOP both with 1 K accuracy, 1 km vertical resolution, < 50 km horizontal resolution). The target performance of 0.5 K accuracy and precision, 0.5 km vertical resolution, and 15 km horizontal resolution as indicated in Table 1.1-1 is, however, not achieved. 2.1.2 Pressure Soundings Surface pressure: In principle, the (dry air) surface pressure can be determined by measuring the total column of a well mixed gas, for example O2 or CO2, from which the (dry) air column can be computed and hence surface pressure. O’Brian, 2002, has reviewed recent and past attempts to measure surface pressure (or, basically equivalent, the geopotential height of pressure levels in the troposphere, e.g., the 500 hPa level) from space. He summarizes his findings as follows: “While satellites now provide routine measurements of many important meteorological and geophysical parameters, measurements of surface pressure have remained elusive, despite its importance for … NWP. The difficulty is principally one of accuracy …”. The review of O’Brian, 2002, covers various techniques, including microwave, thermal infrared, and visible/near-infrared passive sensors as well as active sensors (GPS occultations, DIAL, millimetre radar). The main part of his study is devoted to surface pressure retrieval using oxygen A band measurements from a geostationary orbit. As discussed in, e.g., O’Brian, 2002, the O2 column can be determined, for example, from nadir radiance measurements in spectral regions corresponding to its visible/near infrared absorption bands. The band that has been investigated in most studies is the O2 A band located at 760 nm. The problem in retrieving the O2 column is not a principal one but one of accuracy due to the demanding accuracy requirements for NWP applications. A 1 hPa surface pressure change corresponds to a 0.1% air column change which corresponds to a 0.1% O2 column change. This means that the O2 column (or the column of any other well mixed gas) needs to be determined with an accuracy of better than 0.1%. This is (at least) one order of magnitude better than what has been achieved for other gases which have been extensively studied over many years (e.g., ozone). The main problem in accurately determining the O2 column using, for example, the O2 A band, are uncertainties resulting from highly variable atmospheric scatterers (aerosols and clouds) which influence the path length of solar photons in the atmosphere. In addition, there are many other radiative transfer effects that affect accuracy such as the dependence of the retrieved column on surface reflectivity. There are also demanding requirements on the instrument: high stability, high signal to noise ratio, high spectral resolution, high spatial resolution, to mention the most important ones. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 32 3-D pressure field: There are a number of limb viewing instruments that measure or aim at measuring pressure as a function of altitude in the stratosphere and above. For all these systems the horizontal resolution (in the line-of-sight direction) is ~200-250 km basically for geometrical reasons. SAGE III, for example, aims at measuring pressure with a precision and accuracy of 2% (vertical resolution ~1 km). MIPAS/ENVISAT determines pressure levels from its CO2 measurements with a precision of ~2% (vertical resolution ~3 km). Pressure as a function of altitude is a planned operational data product from SCIAMACHY (vertical resolution ~3 km). The operational algorithm is, however, currently only in its initial stage. In addition, the (platform) pointing knowledge uncertainties are quite large (currently < 3 km, to be improved to ~1 km) which affects both MIPAS and SCIAMACHY. EOS-MLS has a Level 3 data product “Daily map of geopotential height”. The expected precision (for 3 km vertical resolution) is < 30 m in the height range 5-30 km (~ 500-10 hPa) [EOS MLS Science Objectives]. The EOS-MLS geopotential height retrieval is based on the assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium (i.e., pressure and temperature are not retrieved independently). For a standard profile a 100 m increase in altitude corresponds to a 1.2% pressure decrease, i.e., 30 m correspond to a 0.36% pressure change. This means that the expected EOS-MLS retrieval precision is 1.8 hPa at 500 hPa (required 0.2 hPa), 0.36 hPa at 100 hPa hPa (required 0.1/0.2 hPa), and 0.036 hPa at 10 hPa hPa (required 0.1 hPa). If EOSMLS reaches its expected performance it might be able to provide data in the middle stratosphere (30 km, 10 hPa) close to the required values. Main conclusion: In summary, no passive satellite systems exist for which it has been demonstrated that the target or threshold requirements given in Table 1.1-2 can be met. Furthermore, we are not aware of any such systems planned for the future (see also Eyre et al., 2002, and O’Brian, 2002). 2.1.3 Ozone Profiling Ozone vertical profiles are retrieved from nadir looking instruments measuring in the UV/visible such as SBUV/2 and GOME. The vertical resolution is about 6 km in the middle stratosphere (20-25 km) and worse (about 10-12 km resolution) above and below. The precision and accuracy of the stratospheric profiles is in the range 5-15%. Tropospheric information from SBUV and GOME is, however, limited. According to Bhartia et al., 1996, SBUV profiles are strongly influenced by a-priori assumptions outside the range 1-20 hPa (~26-50 km). For the GOME instrument more information is available as (continuous) spectra are recorded [Munro et al., 1998; Hoogen et al., 1999]. Nevertheless, the errors on the retrieved tropospheric ozone columns are quite large. According to Siddans et al., 1997, agreement with ozone sonde measurements is within 30-40%. Similar results can be expected from their successor instruments SCIAMACHY (nadir mode), OMI/AURA and GOME-2/METOP but with faster global coverage (one day for OMI and GOME-2) and smaller ground pixel size (e.g., 13 x 24 km2 for OMI). Maps of tropospheric ozone have also been generated from IMD/ADEOS measurements [Clerbaux et al., 2003]. These data have been compared with ozone sondes and model results. A high correlation has been found but also biases (mean bias: ~15 DU) which might result from the decreasing sensitivity of IMG in the boundary layer. Tropospheric ozone has also been determined using a combination of sensors (e.g., TOMS / SAGE or TOMS / SBUV). Fishman et al., 2003, used a method, which essentially subtracts the stratospheric Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 33 column measured by SBUV from the total column as measured by TOMS. Fishman et al., 2003, report on agreement with ozone sonde measurements within 13-20%. De Laat and Aben, 2003, however, point out that the method used by Fishman et al., 2003, is not unproblematic. De Laat and Aben, 2003, report that they can produce similar maps of tropospheric ozone using (mainly) tropopause height information. Tropospheric information can also be derived from SCIAMACHY due its quasi simultaneous limb and nadir observation of the same air mass. The theoretical retrieval precision has been estimated to ~10% [Bovensmann et al., 1999]. At present, however, no detailed information based on comprehensive theoretical analyisis or validation of real data is available. In summary, retrieval of tropospheric ozone information from space is still in its initial stages and uncertainties are large. The best that has been obtained so far is one piece of information for the troposphere (i.e.,no vertical resolution within the troposphere). Many limb viewing instruments exist that measure vertical profiles of ozone in the stratosphere and mesosphere by solar, lunar or stellar occultation (e.g., SAGE, POAM, SCIAMACHY and GOMOS), measurements of scattered limb radiance (e.g., SCIAMACHY) or limb thermal emission (e.g., the TIR measurements of MIPAS/ENVISAT or the microwave measurements of MLS/UARS). Solar occultation measurements may have high precision and vertical resolution (SAGE III: ~6% precision, ~1 km vertical resolution) but cannot provide global coverage. Stellar occultation: GOMOS/ENVISAT has a field of view of ~1.7 km in the vertical direction but the resolution of the operational products has a resolution of ~3 km due to regularization. Preliminary validation of selected GOMOS ozone profiles showed agreement with independent data within 5-15% in the altitude range ~18-50 km [ACVE-2/GOMOS, 2004]. Limb microwave emission sounding: MLS/UARS ozone profiles cover the pressure range from 100 hPa to 0.22 hPa with a resolution of 4-6 km. Precision is best in the range 2-20 hPa (~4%; accuracy ~6%). At 100 hPa the accuracy is ~15% and the precision > 50% [Livesey et al., 2003]. Limb TIR emission sounding: MIPAS/ENVISAT has a vertical resolution of ~3 km. Preliminary validation of the MIPAS ozone operational data product indicates that there are no obvious biases and that the precision is ~10-15% in the altitude region ~20-55 km [ACVE-2/MIPAS, 2004]. Using SCIAMACHY limb observations of scattered light stratospheric (and mesospheric) ozone profiles have been retrieved with a vertical resolution of 3 km and an accuracy of ~10% [von Savigny et al., 2004]. The lowest altitude that can be observed is determined by clouds. TES/AURA (launch mid 2004): TES will operate in nadir and limb mode. For the nadir measurements Clough et al., 1995, estimate the ozone profile retrieval precision to approximately 5% (1 sigma) for a vertical resolution of 5 km in the middle and upper troposphere (corresponding to 2-3 independent pieces of information, see also Luo et al., 2002). Whether boundary layer ozone can be retrieved depends on the (thermal) contrast between the boundary layer and the surface. The vertical resolution in limb mode is about 2-6 km. OMI/AURA (launch mid 2004) and GOME-2/METOP (launch 2005): see GOME/ERS-2 discussion given above. MLS/AURA (launch mid 2004): Similar as MLS/UARS (see above). Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 34 IASI/METOP (launch 2005): The required ozone total column precision is 5-10% and for ozone in the troposphere 10-20% [Clerbaux et al., 1998; Hadji-Lazaro et al., 2003]. Main conclusion: No passive satellite systems have been identified for which it has been demonstrated that the target requirements given in Table 1.2-1 can be met (especially 1 km vertical resolution with global coverage and a horizontal resolution of 10 km). No passive satellite systems have been identified for which it has been demonstrated that the threshold requirements given in Table 1.2-1 can be met (troposphere: especially 3 km vertical resolution with global coverage and a horizontal resolution of 20 km, UTLS: especially 2 km vertical resolution with global coverage and a horizontal resolution of 50 km, stratosphere: especially 2 km vertical resolution with global coverage and a horizontal resolution of 100 km). 2.1.4 Greenhouse gases Carbon dioxide (CO2) Chedin et al., 2003a, analysed TOVS/NOAA-10 data to retrieve atmospheric CO2 concentrations. They report that they have achieved (“rough estimate”) a precision of 3.6 ppmv (~1%) for midtropospheric CO2 concentrations in the tropics. It is, however, unclear whether the method used by Chedin et al., 2003a, can be extended to extra tropical regions as the method requires low variability of atmospheric temperature (the measurements are very sensitive to temperature and significantly less sensitive to CO2 concentration changes). Simulations performed by Chedin et al., 2003a, indicate that ~2 ppmv (~0.5%) may be achievable with the new generation of high resolution thermal infrared (TIR) nadir sounders such as AIRS/AQUA. This is similar to what has been found in other studies for AIRS and IASI/METOP, e.g., 1-2 ppmv reported by Engelen and Stephens, 2004. These TIR nadir measurements have their maximum sensitivity in the middle troposphere. They are insensitive to the lower troposphere and contain only little information about the stratosphere (see, e.g., Chedin et al., 2003b; Engelen et al., 2001). CO2 total columns from AIRS are not an operational Level 2 core product of AIRS but a scientific data product under development by members of the AIRS science team (we are not aware of any published results using real AIRS data). The near-infrared (NIR) nadir measurements of SCIAMACHY are sensitive to CO2 concentration changes at all altitudes including the boundary layer [Buchwitz and Burrows, 2004; Buchwitz et al., 2004c]. So far only column measurements have been investigated. Preliminary analysis of SCIAMACHY data indicates that the precision of the column measurements is in the range 1-4% for single cloud free measurements over land [Buchwitz et al., 2004c; Buchwitz et al., 2004d]. Assuming that the precision improves with the square root of the number of measurements added the following precisions can be achieved (over land): 0.2-0.7 % to be compared with the target requirement of 0.2 % (threshold requirement of 1%). More analysis is needed to confirm these estimates. In addition, biases need to be considered. TES/AURA (launch: mid 2004): CO2 is not a standard operational TES data product. We are not aware of any publications where (scientific) CO2 retrieval from TES has been investigated and accuracy/precision values are given. Future systems: IASI/METOP (launch 2005): The performance of the high resolution thermal infrared nadir sounder IASI is expected to be similar as the estimated performance of AIRS/AQUA (see above), i.e., ~1-2 ppmv [Engelen and Stephens, 2004]. Chedin et al., 2003b, also have conducted a Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 35 study dedicated to IASI concluding that changes at the level of 1% or less for 500 x 500 km2 and 2 weeks averages are expected to be possible for the total column carbon dioxide amount. CO2 is not a standard operational IASI data product. NASA/JPLs Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) satellite missions [Crisp et al., 2004] due for launch in 2007 aims at achieving a precision of 1 ppmv (0.3%) in 16 day intervals with a spatial resolution corresponding to regional scales (4° x 5°). This is similar as the values given above for AIRS and IASI but OCO’s near infrared nadir measurements are sensitive also to the boundary layer where the signal variation due to CO2 sources and sinks is largest. The Japanese space agency also plans to build a satellite for CO2 measurements accurate enough for source/sink quantification, namely GOSAT which is due for launch in 2007 [Ogawa et al., 2004; Shimoda, 2003]. GOSAT shall make high spectral resolution Fourier transform nadir measurements in the NIR and TIR spectral regions. These measurements shall allow discrimination between boundary layer and free tropospheric CO2 concentrations. Main conclusion: Currently no passive satellite systems exist for which it has been demonstrated that the requirements given in Tables 1.3-1 and 1.3-2 can be met. There are, however, satellite systems which have the potential to meet at least the threshold requirement for the column measurements in the near future (e.g., SCIAMACHY over land (requires more studies), the TIR nadir instruments AIRS, TES, and IASI, and the NIR nadir instrument OCO (launch in 2008)). Methane (CH4) Methane total columns can also be retrieved from AIRS/AQUA. CH4 total columns from AIRS are not an operational Level 2 core product of AIRS but a scientific data product under development by members of the AIRS science team (we are not aware of any published results based on real AIRS data). The TIR nadir measurements (IMG, AIRS, IASI, etc.) have their maximum sensitivity in the middle troposphere and are insensitive to the lower troposphere. Currently, there are two instruments in space which measure reflected sun light in spectral regions which correspond to the near-infrared (NIR) absorption bands of CH4, namely MOPITT onboard EOS-Terra and SCIAMACHY on ENVISAT. These NIR nadir measurements are sensitive to CH4 concentration changes at all altitude levels, including the boundary layer (see, e.g., Buchwitz and Burrows, 2004). Both instruments have a theoretical single pixel CH4 column retrieval precision of ~1% [Deeter et al., SPIE; Buchwitz et al., 2000a]. Due to problems with the near-infrared retrievals MOPITT has not delivered any CH4 column data products. Preliminary analysis of SCIAMACHY data [Buchwitz and Burrows, 2004; Buchwitz et al., 2004c; Buchwitz et al., 2004d] indicates that a precision of 1-6% has been achieved for single cloud free measurements over land using the WFMDOAS Version 0.4 retrieval algorithm. Assuming that the precision improves with the square root of the number of measurements added the following precisions can be achieved (over land): 0.25-1.5% to be compared with the target requirement of 0.6%, 0.25-1.5% to be compared with the threshold requirement of 2%. More analysis is needed to confirm these estimates. In addition, biases need to be better quantified. TES/AURA (launch mid 2004): Methane total columns are a standard operational data product from TES. The predicted precision for methane total columns and vertical profiles (vertical resolution: 2-6 km) to be retrieved from TES is ~3% for (quasi) single measurements (5.3 x 8.5 km2 ground pixel [TES web page]. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 36 Future systems: IASI/METOP (launch 2005): Methane total columns are a standard operational data product from IASI. The required precision for methane total columns to be retrieved from IASI is < 510% for single measurements (12 km pixel size at direct nadir) [Diebel et al., 1996; Clerbaux et al., 1998; Hadji-Lazaro et al., 2003]. If this will be confirmed using real flight data and assuming that the precision improves with the square root of the number of measurements averaged only a small number of measurements have to be added to get a precision better than the required threshold precision of 2%. Main conclusion: Currently, no passive satellite systems exist for which it has been demonstrated that the requirements given in Table 1.3-1 and 1.3-2 can be met. There are, however, satellite systems which have the potential to meet at least the threshold requirement for the column measurements in the near future (e.g., SCIAMACHY over land (requires more studies); AIRS, TES, and IASI (launch 2005)). Nitrous oxide (N2O) Until now only a limited amount of IMG/ADEOS data have been processed to retrieve N2O columns [Lubrano et al., 2003]. Based on simulated IMG retrievals Lubrano et al., 2003, conclude that a measurement precision of 1-3% should be possible (single 10 measurements, 8 x 8 km2). The sensitivity maximum is between 300 – 700 hPa with no information from the boundary layer. Lubrano et al., 2003, estimate that the single pixel retrieval precision for AIRS/AQUA and IASI/METOP is similar as for IMG but with more data points available for averaging. Chedin et al., 2002, present first results concerning the retrieval of N2O atmospheric mixing ratios from space. Their method relies on the analysis of the difference between NOAA/TOVS observations (radiances) and simulations using collocated radiosondes data. The collocated radiosondes were necessary as not all the necessary informations can be derived from TOVS. No precision/accuracy values are given in Chedin et al., 2002. The near-infrared (NIR) nadir measurements of SCIAMACHY are sensitive to N2O concentration changes at all altitude levels, including the boundary layer. Preliminary analysis of SCIAMACHY data [Buchwitz et al., 2000; Buchwitz and Burrows, 2004; Warneke et al., 2004; Buchwitz et al., 2004d] indicates that a precision of 10-20% can be achieved for single cloud free measurements over land. Assuming that the precision improves with the square root of the number of measurements added the following precisions can be achieved (over land): 2.5-5% to be compared with the target requirement of 0.03%; 2.5-5% to be compared with the threshold requirement of 0.3%. More analysis is needed to confirm these estimates. In addition, biases need to be better quantified. TES/AURA: N2O is not a standard operational TES data product. We are not aware of any publications where (scientific) N2O retrieval from TES has been investigated and accuracy/precision values are given. Future systems: IASI/METOP (launch 2005): N2O is not a standard operational IASI data product. For scientific retrievals see statement given above from Lubrano et al., 2003. Main conclusion: Currently, no passive satellite systems exist for which it has been demonstrated that the requirements given in Tables 1.3-1 and 1.3-2 can be met. For existing systems it is unclear whether the threshold requirement can be met. Concerning future systems such as IASI more studies are needed to reliably assess if the requirements can be met. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 37 2.1.5 Summary on Passive Systems The following Table 2.1-1 summarises the findings of this literature research. The indication “no” in this table indicates that no system has been identified which meets the requirements; the requirement that is not met is given in brackets (prec. = precision; vert. = vertical; horiz. = horizotal; res. = resolution): Table 2.1-1: Summary of performance assessment of passive sensors taken from [TN 210] Parameter CO2 column Threshold requirement met? Target req. met? SCIAMACHY, AIRS, TES?, IASI, no (prec.) OCO CO2 range resolved no (vert.res.) no (vert.res.) GOSAT? SCIAMACHY, AIRS?, TES, IASI SCIAMACHY, AIRS?, TES, IASI CH4 column CH4 range resolved no (vert.res.) no (vert.res.) N2O column no (prec.) no (prec.) N2O range resolved no (vert.res.) no (vert.res.) O3 troposphere no (vert.res.) no (vert.res.) O3 UTLS no (vert.+horiz.res.) no (vert.res.) O3 stratosphere no (vert.+horiz.res.) no (vert.res.) Pressure @ surface no (prec.) no (prec.) Pressure LT no (prec.) no (prec.) Pressure UT no (prec.) no (prec.) Pressure LS no (prec.) no (prec.) Temperature LT AIRS/AMSU/HSB, IASI no (prec.) Temperature UT AIRS/AMSU/HSB, IASI no (prec.) Temperature LS AIRS/AMSU/HSB, IASI no (prec.) Temperature US AIRS/AMSU/HSB, IASI no (prec.) GREEN: Requirement met (demonstrated by comprehensive analysis of real data) BLUE: Potential exists that requirement can be met (verified at least partially by simulation) BLACK: Potential exists but detailed analysis not available Note on p and T: Threshold req. is global NWP req.; Target req. is regional NWP req. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 38 2.2 Active optical sensors In contrast to passive sensors which are routinely operated from space over more than three decades, deployment of an active optical sensor in space is still an extreme rare event. At present no active optical instrument exists or is planned for the measurement of the target species CO2, CH4, N2O, O3, pressure and temperature. Only few attempts have been made for ozone (ORACLE) and CO2 (CARBOSAT, CELSIUS, SPARCLE) but none of these proposals have reached Phase A level yet. Furthermore, from extended literature study we can conclude that there is still enormous lack of knowledge on what can be expected from a space-borne active instrument in terms of measurement precision, accuracy, coverage and spatial resolution. To close this gap detailed performance analyses have been carried out in this study which includes computer simulations of different active optical sensors for the various target species. 2.2.1 The Physics of Measurement Similar to passive systems which operate in the solar backscatter region the concentration of atmospheric trace gases as well as atmospheric temperature and pressure can in principle be derived from differential absorption of electromagnetic radiation at specific wavelengths. However, in contrast to passive instruments where the sun is the primary radiation source active optical instruments carry their own radiation source. This instruments use powerful laser systems which emit their total radiation energy in a small atmospheric volume, only. As a result the light path of active optical instruments is well known thus no complex radiative transfer formalism is required to retrieve the trace gas concentration from absorption measurements. In addition, laser sources can be operated single-frequency which helps to discriminate against other trace gases, particular in spectral regions where the absorption features at coarse resolution strongly overlap. The optical depth at specific wavelength is proportional to the path integrated product of the trace gas concentration and the absorption cross section along the measurement path. Knowing the absorption cross section this allows deriving the column number density of the trace gas (Hinkley 1976, Measures 1984). If vice versa the concentration is known, like for example for O2, it is possible to calculate the absorption cross section. For specific absorption lines the temperature and pressure dependence of the cross section can be inverted which enable the retrieval of T and p. A suitable approach to infer information on the optical depth is differential absorption Lidar where the Lidar signals originate from scattering or reflection of the laser radiation in the atmosphere or on cloud and ground surfaces. At least two wavelengths one with high and the other with low absorption are required. Some information about the vertical distribution of the trace gas can be obtained from pressure broadening effect of the absorption cross section. Lidar measurements in the centre of line are more sensitive in the upper troposphere, whereas wavelengths tuned slightly off line-centre would weight low altitudes. For profile information the return signals from the atmosphere at each height level are required. In this case, the trace gas profile can be calculated from applying the simple differential-absorption lidar (DIAL) equation (1976, Measures 1984). The potential of depth-resolved concentration measurements using DIAL is most appealing; however, this approach would require a comparatively large instrument carrying a large telescope and powerful laser system to obtain a low error in the measurement. Following advantages are associated to active remote sensing: Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 39 • • measurements can be performed at day and night time, tailor the wavelength spectrum of the light source to the absorption features of the investigated trace gas, • greatly reduce measurement biases by the well-known light path as opposed to passive techniques where the light path is only tentative known (air mass factor), • • range-resolved measurements are possible by applying pulsed or modulated light source, simple radiative transfer equation allows direct measurement of the trace gas concentration without model assumption. Pulsed Lidar The optical analogue of short-pulse radio frequency radar is called LIDAR, from the acronym Light Detection and Ranging. Compared to radio-waves, optical wavelengths are several orders of magnitude shorter and interact also with scatterers as small as air molecules. Such an instrument in its simplest form consists of a pulsed laser transmitter, a receiving telescope and a detector. Typically, a Q-switched laser is used which produces light pulses in nano-second regime which enables a high range resolution in the measurement. CW Lidar If the laser power is constant over time no range information can be extracted from return signals. Even if only lidar returns from clouds or ground would dominate the signal it is not possible to derive the exact length of the measured column without auxiliary data. CW-systems require heterodyne detection principles. This allows for small systems due to the fact that the effective receiver bandwidth is very low and the mixing with the local oscillator results in an effective amplification of the incoming radiation above the dark noise level of the detector. The major performance limiting factor of a heterodyne system is the speckle effect which limits the SNR of a single measurement to about one. This means that about 106 statistically independent measurements are necessary to achieve a radiometric resolution of 0.1% as required for high precision measurements. Random-Modulated (RM) CW Lidar Range information like for pulsed systems can also be achieved for the CW system by modulating the output power of the laser source with a special time sequence. In general the received signal is generated by a convolution of the atmospheric profile with the time signal of the laser power. For special quasi-random time sequences it can be shown that they are approximately self-inverse with respect to the convolution. If one thus modulates the output power of a cw-laser with such a sequence and afterwards applies a numerical convolution with the same sequence to the measured backscatter signal, it is possible to extract the atmospheric profile. A significant disadvantage of a direct detection RM CW Lidar system comes from the fact that the receiver bandwidth has to be equal to a pulsed system of the same vertical resolution. But the peak signal levels are orders of magnitude lower and thus the radiometric resolution will not be limited by the quantum statistics of the backscatter light but by the dark noise of the receiver and the solar background radiation. This leads to a linear scaling of the statistical error with laser power instead of the usual square root law. The lower peak power of the RM-CW-laser hence will not be compensated by the longer (i.e. continuous) measurement interval as compared to a short pulse system of the same mean power. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 40 In contrast in a heterodyne detection RM CW Lidar system the background noise is mainly LO noise and hence for this type of receivers there is no principle difference between pulsed, CW and RM-CW systems as long as the radiometric resolution at equal power-aperture product is concerned. Based on this obvious advantage of the latter technique we focused on the analysis of a heterodyne detection RM CW Lidar in this study. Simple two-wavelength DIAL Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) uses atmospheric backscatter from short laser pulses at two wavelengths called on- and offline to detect trace gases with range resolution. In this approach, the online wavelength is set to an absorption feature of the trace gas under study whereas the offline wavelength is close but off any absorption line. As the online return is more attenuated than the offline, the number density of the trace gas molecule can be measured along the laser beam direction. This method is free from calibration needs and requires only knowledge about the molecular absorption cross section with appropriate accuracy. DIAL instruments deliver the range-resolved trace gas molecule number density profile ngas [m-3]. Integrated Path Differential Absorption IPDA Integrated Path Differential Absorption IPDA uses backscatter signals from target reflections, only. The hard target can be a cloud surface or the ground. Similar to the conventional DIAL, the online target return is more attenuated than the offline, so that the trace gas molecule column content can be measured as integral value along the laser beam. This method is not calibration-free. It requires the knowledge on the relative on- and offline laser pulse energies as well as the relative receiver transmission at both wavelengths. In addition the molecular absorption cross section has to be to be known with appropriate accuracy. It also requires that the distance to the target be measured with sufficient accuracy. In addition, care must be taken that target albedo differences between the on- and offline pulses keep below an appropriate value. IPDA delivers the trace gas molecule column content Ngas [m-2] between the lidar and the target. Classes of Active Optical Instruments With respect to the notation above the measurement performance of three classes of active optical instruments have been analysed in this study. The first class utilises conventional atmospheric backscatter DIAL with the following characteristics: • Determines altitude-resolved number density measurements by differential-absorption Lidar. • Number density achieved by the return signal at two adjacent wavelengths without the need for any radiometric calibration. • Height resolution achieved by use of pulsed light source. • Requires reception of many photons scattered back by aerosols or molecules in clear air for a high SNR. • A relative high power aperture product required. • Basically immune against accurate knowledge of the state of the probed atmosphere (e.g. temperature profile, pressure, aerosol loading, etc). Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 41 The second class denoted as pulsed IPDA is based on Integrated Path Differential Absorption measurements using pulsed radiation sources. These sensors can be characterised as follows: • Determines total column gas concentration by differential absorption measurement of laser light backscattered from a surface (ground or dense cloud) or the atmosphere at two adjacent wavelengths. • Allows direct measurement of distance to the reflecting surface (ground/cloud). • Clear sky conditions provide no height information. Height information can only be achieved from reflection at two adjacent cloud layers. • Weighting functions are very well defined by selection of the on/off-line wavelength. No model assumption for trace gas retrieval required. • Strong echo signal leads to moderate power aperture product. • Measurement method independent of sun illumination, no additional error contributions, global coverage capability. • Allows direct suppression of error contributions resulting from scatterers along the propagation path, e.g. cirrus clouds. The third class denoted as RM-CW-IPDA uses random modulated continuous wave (CW) lasers and heterodyne detection. These instruments can be characterised as follows: • Determines column gas concentration by differential measurement of laser light backscattered from a surface (ground or dense cloud) at two wavelengths. • Height information obtainable from decoding of random modulated CW transmitter signal • Strong echo signal, continuous operation and very low bandwidth result in low power aperture product. • IR wavelengths preferred for heterodyne measurement method. • Achievable measurement accuracy limited by speckle constraints and number of independent looks. • Measurement method independent of sun illumination, global coverage capability. All above instruments can further be distinguished by their mode of detection which uses direct or heterodyne detection principles. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 42 2.2.2 Instrument Performance Analysis For the investigation of the measurement performance appropriate performance models for the classes of instruments under consideration have been established and implemented as software modules at the computer for parametric studies. The performance models established in this study describe both random and systematic error components for the individual parameter. In general, all these errors strongly depend on the technical specification of the individual sensor, the selected orbit geometry, the assumed state of the sounding atmosphere, and the surface reflectivity in case of the IPDA sensor. Detailed analyses can be found in the Technical Notes TN 220-240. The simulation tool In recent years DLR has developed several performance analysis modules for space-borne and airborne DIAL systems. Its core component is a simulation tool which can be used for parametric analyses on the base of technical instrument specifications, standardised or real atmospheres and user requirements. The code originally only included error propagation equations for atmospheric backscatter differential absorption lidar (DIAL). It has been extensively used and refined in the frame of the ESA space borne water vapour DIAL study and all subsequent activities dealing with performance analysis with respect to the WALES mission (ESA ITT AO/1-3654/00/NL/DC, WALES PHASE A Study). It is currently used for the assessment of airborne water vapour, ozone and carbon dioxide DIAL performance, as support for campaign preparation and design of new systems in the DLR lidar group. The performance model has been implemented in the high-level, graphics-oriented programming language IDL (Interactive Data Language, Version 5.4, Research Systems, Inc., 2001). A typical parametric analysis run will first invoke an initialisation routine to set up the default parameter configuration. After modification of a certain parameter subset, the trace gas number densities and atmospheric situations are selected, and the lidar and DIAL or IPDA error propagation equations are invoked to compute the statistical error as a function of altitude. With the various plot routines, specific intermediate results like the atmospheric extinction coefficients, the power on the detector or the signal-to-noise ratio can be displayed. As result, vertical profiles of the trace gas measurement statistical error are generated as function of the varied parameters. This process is rerun for each parameter to be varied. For the present study the performance model has been enlarged with the following main features: 1. Implementation of error propagation terms for the assessment of different lidar techniques such as IPDA and heterodyne detection, 2. Implementation of error propagation terms for the assessment of atmospheric pressure and temperature measurements using the p and T sensitivity of oxygen lines, 3. Assessment of cross-sensitivities between the different trace gas absorption lines that may induce systematic errors. The performance model flow chart for DIAL simulation illustrates this process and gives an overview of the program sequence. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 43 Figure 2.2-1: Schematic view of DLR-performance model for parametric studies of Lidar Instruments; taken from [TN 240] Instrument Model: Orbit altitude, pulse energy, repetition rate, telescope size, optical efficiency, filter and detector parameters. Atmospheric trace gas profiles from climatological data or real measurements; absorption cross sections from HITRAN database or lab measurements; pressure and temperature. Atmospheric Model: aerosol, cloud and molecular backscatter and extinction profiles; surface albedo, background radiation. Retrieval Model: detector bandwidth, range resolution, hor./vert. resolution, differentiation method Lidar equation DIAL error propagation equation Trace gas statistical (RMS) error profiles Orbit selection For all approaches a realistic scenario was assumed where the instrument is embarked in nadir sounding mode on a LEO satellite at orbit height of 450 km. Since no strong requirements exist for the orbit geometry or equator crossing time, a polar orbit at dawn/dusk equator crossing time has been selected. Such an orbit is considered the best compromise with respect to a low level of background radiation and sufficient solar radiation emerging the solar panels to run both instrument and satellite without further restrictions. Atmospheric model The Reference Model of the Atmosphere (RMA) provided by ESA was used (Appendix A to the study’s statement of work EOPP-FP/2003-09-828) for modelling the lidar signals which are influenced by the atmosphere. It comprises the following parts: • • • US standard atmosphere for pressure and temperature profiles. The US standard atmosphere concentration profiles for the four trace gases under investigation: CO2, O3, CH4, and N2O. The median aerosol model. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 44 • • Background radiation from the sun and the earth. Cloud optical thickness and albedo. Background radiation The impact of background radiation on the performance of lidar systems is an important issue in the wavelength range 300 – 1000 nm, because solar emission is high in this range, and the solar radiation is an additional source of noise for daylight or dawn/dusk measurements. To avoid serious performance degradation in the visible und near infrared spectral region narrow-band filters and a small field-of-view of the receiving telescopes are mandatory requests for the instrument. Above 1 µm however, solar irradiance decreases rapidly, and at approximately 2.5 µm equals the terrestrial thermal emission which from then on dominates. In the infrared spectral region background radiation suppression is of less concern. The libRadtran package was used for all background radiation calculations. LibRadtran has been developed by Arve Kylling and Bernhard Mayer over the last 12 years ( Recently, the software package was extended to do line-by-line calculations in the infrared spectral range. To be most flexible in line selection, a fast “pseudo-spectral” method has been applied, based on a parameterisation of low-resolution band models developed for the LOWTRAN 7 atmospheric transmission code. These models include the effects of all radiatively active molecular species found in the Earth's atmosphere. The models are derived from detailed line-by-line calculations that are degraded to 20 cm-1 resolution for use in LOWTRAN. This translates to a spectral resolution of about 5 nm in the visible and about 200 nm in the thermal infrared (B. Mayer, personal communication). A Sun zenith angle of 75 degrees is assumed, corresponding to the “worst case” on a typical dawn/dusk LEO orbit. Surface Reflectance In case of the IPDA sensor the reflectivity at the surface largely determines the signal-to-noise ratio of the backscattered signal and hence size and cost of the instrument. The amount of backscattered radiation is determined by the bi-directional reflectance factor (BDRF) which spans about two orders of magnitude over ocean and land surfaces. In addition this value shows a strong wavelength dependency. In the visible spectral region the values have been taken from the ESA-RMA. For the near infrared at 1.6 and 2 µm MODIS data have been used for land surfaces (~ 0.2) and Polder data for the ocean (0.08) (source: E. Dufour, Thesis 2003). It should be noted that water is highly absorbing at those wavelengths and the solar light returned by the sea is only caused by specular reflection on the small portion of capillary waves whose slope is oriented in the appropriate direction. The BDRF is strongly dependent on the wave slope distribution function, itself dependent on the surface wind speed. The variability of the BDRF can be represented by its lower decile (0.025), lower quartile (0.05) higher quartile (0.14) and higher decile (0.25) values (source: E. Dufour, Thesis 2003). The lidar reflectivity can be considered constant over approximately 5 degrees around nadir. Besides, the range extent of the sea return depends on the wave amplitude. We can consider that, in averaged oceanic conditions this amplitude is δRS ≈ 10 m. In conclusion we have to note that the surface reflectance is of primordial importance to IPDA system performance. On the other hand we found no literature dealing with specular reflection at strict nadir viewing geometry for lidar application. Hence there is serious demand for both experimental and model confirmation of the above albedo values, especially over sea. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 45 2.2.3 Overview on Sources of Random and Systematic Errors Random error The random error has been evaluated analytically by error propagation means using the DIAL and/or hard target Lidar equation. This error is generally driven by the low number of photons backscattered from far distant target, the speckle noise and noise from solar background radiation. Further noise sources which can have a significant influence on the performance of the random error arise from specific detection technique used in the measurement approach. Direct detection principles are generally plagued by noise of the dark current from photo detector which converts the collected photons into a photo current and noise from the subsequent current amplification. Vice versa coherent detection principles are limited by speckle noise because of the diffraction limited observation geometry and noise induced by the local oscillator. Generally, the random error can be minimised by using a large area telescope for collecting more photons and a powerful laser source for emitting more photons, which is true for all measurement approaches. On the other hand, the power area aperture product in the following denoted by PA mostly influence cost and size of an instrument. The following relationships (see Table 2.2-1) derived analytically from the basic equations and verified by parametric analyses characterise the instrument’s performance in terms of the required PA. Table 2.2-1: Simplified scaling laws of the random error for pulsed IPDA and DIAL instruments; taken from [TN 240] Pulsed System IPDA DIAL ⎛ δN ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ≈ ⎝ N ⎠ gas col Direct detection, low background noise, eye safety limited FOV. 1 P ⋅ A ⋅ nshots Direct detection, high background noise. 1 ⎛ δN ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ≈ ⎝ N ⎠ gas P ⋅ A ⋅ nshots Heterodyne detection. ⎛ δN ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ≈ ⎝ N ⎠ gas col col 1+ BIPDA η⋅P⋅ A nshots δn gas n gas δngas ngas δn gas n gas Valid for ≈ ≈ 1 P ⋅ A ⋅ n shots 1 N2O P ⋅ A ⋅ nshots 1+ ≈ p, T, CO2, CH4, O3 B η⋅E⋅A CO2, CH4, N2O B ⋅ ΔR 3 ⋅ n shots ⎛ δN ⎞ is the random error of the total column number density for IPDA ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ N ⎠ gas col δngas ngas is the random error of the number density for DIAL PA is the power aperture area product, n is the number of shot-pairs on- and off-line, η is the overall optical efficiency, E is the pulse energy, ΔR is the range-resolution, and B is the electrical bandwidth in case of heterodyne detection Note that these relationships between the random error in the measurement and the most important instrument parameters are simplified derivations of the basic equations. The high/low background Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 46 noise limited relationships for direct detection represent extreme cases; the performance of real systems scales in between. Sources of systematic errors The following list addresses the most important sources of possible systematic errors connected to the classes of optical instruments which have been identified in the previous paragraph. 1. Uncertainties in the trace gas absorption coefficient due to errors in line parameter data or model. 2. Uncertainties in the pressure and temperature field used to calculate the absorption cross sections. 3. Interference with other trace gases having absorption lines in the same wavelength region, especially the highly variable H2O. 4. Uncertainties in the trace gas absorption coefficient due to errors in the wavelength and bandwidth determination of the laser source. 5. Unknown spectral impurity of the laser source (only critical for direct detection instruments) 6. Wavelength shift due to non nadir pointing (Doppler shift). 7. Unknown aerosol scattering in the case of a large on/off-wavelength separation. 8. Non precise alignment of the overlap between laser beam and the telescope field of view. 9. Statistical biasing by application of the non-linear DIAL equation to noisy input data. 10. Quantisation error and detector/analogue chain non-linearities. 11. Pickup of temporary correlated electromagnetic noise by the analogue chain. Absorption cross section: Since in the DIAL equation the number concentration is inversely proportional to the absorption cross section it is clear that a relative error in the knowledge of the cross section translates to the same amount of error in number concentration. In this study absorption cross section have been calculated by adopting line parameters from the HITRAN 2002 data base ( The line shape was modelled by the Voigt profile approximation which takes into account both effects Doppler broadening (caused by thermal motion of the air molecules) and pressure broadening (caused by collisions with air molecules; Ehret et al., 1993). It should be noted that an error introduced by uncertainties in the line strength is just a scaling factor and not subject to any long term drift. This error may be corrected by re-processing of the final data-products. However, it should be noted that uncertainties associated with the line shift and line broadening parameters as well as the model used for the cross section calculation can cause a measurement bias particular in case of greenhouse gas observations where biasing is extremely demanding. Pressure and temperature variability: Since the absorption cross section generally depends on temperature and pressure a certain a priory knowledge of these atmospheric parameters is required. Former sensitivity studies [e.g. Cahen et al., 1982; Wilkerson et al., 1979] showed that errors due to temperature uncertainty can be minimised by selection of absorption lines with proper ground state energy levels E”. Interference with other trace gases: The DIAL method requires the selection of wavelengths where the differential optical depth is dominated by the probed species. Especially the highly variable H2O may cause problems for finding appropriate absorption lines for the trace gases under study. An extensive search for interference free spectral regions for all parameters was subject to this study. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 47 Laser line width: The absorption cross section calculated by the Voigt profile model is only valid for a monochromatic laser line width. If the width of the laser spectral profile is of the same size as the molecular line width this can introduce large measurement errors if not taken into account in the data reduction. (Megie et al., 1982). Cross section correction by the finite laser line width can only be done in an iterative manner which is time consuming and erroneous if the laser line shape is not well known. This source of error can largely be avoided if a frequency stabilised single mode laser source is used with a the laser band width which is significantly smaller than the spectral width of the molecular line. In case of pulsed laser sources operation close the Fourier limit is recommended. Frequency stability: It is also clear from the discussion above that a frequency jitter can pose significant measurement errors particularly when the laser wavelength is locked to the edge of an absorption line. For soundings in the line centre this source of error is more relaxed. Laser spectral purity: In general the spectral shape of the emitted laser pulse has an unwanted broad band component or additional side modes if not running exactly single frequency. This unwanted radiation is not substantially absorbed by the probed trace gas and gives rise to a modification of the effective absorption cross section seen by the laser source. The magnitude of this part often depends strongly on the internal laser adjustment and cannot be easily obtained from simple in orbit monitoring devices. To avoid errors by insufficient spectral purity, either spectral filtering of the outgoing pulses or the incoming radiation are required. We note that heterodyne detection principles are not affected by the spectral impurity of the laser line width which is a big advantage of the coherent detection principle over the direct detection one. Doppler Effect and Viewing Geometry: The rapidly moving space craft (v ~ 7000 m/s leads to a Doppler shift of the laser centre frequency if the line of sight is not orthogonal to the platform velocity. If the pointing is known the induced frequency shift may be corrected within the retrieval procedure. Also the movement of the atmosphere (up to v ~100 m/s) leads to a range dependent Doppler shift of the laser centre frequency if the line of sight is not orthogonal to the wind velocity. However the pointing requirements along cross-track are considerably relaxed compared to those along track. This allows for a constant offset along cross rack direction by a few degrees to avoid large signal fluctuations due to specular reflection from cirrus cloud particles or the sea surface if the target is the atmosphere. In contrast to the Doppler shift caused by the moving platform a proper correction within the retrieval algorithm needs knowledge about intrinsic system parameters like pointing and platform velocity and the atmospheric wind field. Overlap of Receiver and Transmitter: If the overlap function for the on-line signal deviates from the off-line one, then an additional term occurs in the DIAL equation. This accounts for an additional pseudo optical thickness which gives rise to a measurement error. For a laser beam divergence which is much smaller than the field of view of the receiving telescope, this sensitivity can be made very small. On the other hand if a high background light rejection is required it is necessary to chose the field of view as narrow as possible. Hence a careful is required for trading the different error sources. Statistical biasing: The non-linear character of the logarithm in the DIAL equation may lead to a bias in the retrieved trace gas concentration if the input signals are very noisy. We recommend summing raw data profiles until it is possible to calculate trace gas profiles with a statistical error of better than 20%. The statistical variation of the input signal can be used to correct the effect of statistical biasing. In this case care has to be taken that the raw signal variations can be determined precisely. Quantisation error: The quantisation error of an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) in standard configuration is > ±0.5 LSB even for a ideal device. A relative measurement accuracy of 10−3 is needed for a low bias trace gas retrieval it is immediate that this would require an input signal of Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 48 several thousand (LSBs). Since the total signal dynamics including thin cirrus clouds is about three orders of magnitude we would need at least a 20-bit ADC. But such a high resolution is not available at the high data rates (> 3 MHz) needed. An alternative approach is to cascade several digitisers of lower resolution, but this may require some additional calibration procedures for a proper treatment of signals in the overlap region of the individual devices within the cascade. Analog Non-Linearity: As long as there are no saturation effects the linearity of most high bandwidth operational amplifiers is good enough to ensure a relative error below 10−3. The total harmonic distortion is the typical measure of the non-linearity and approx. equal to the integral nonlinearity. There is a relatively broad number of devices with distortions below 0.01% (80 dB), so it should not be a specific problem to find adequate parts for the analog chain. A further critical parameter is the long term settling after large, (maybe even saturated pulses). If shortly after a thin cirrus with a backscatter ratio of 100 the signal has to be determined to a accuracy of 10−3 we need a fast settling of the amplifier as well as the ADC to a level of 10−5 of the pulse maximum. Based on our experience with our ground based and airborne systems we know that this criterion drastically limits the number of useful devices. If the settling characteristics are reproducible it may be possible to use a deconvolution scheme to reduce this error to the required level. Of course the non-linearity of the detector (APD or ACCD) also has to be checked to confirm with the 10−3 bound. Noise pickup: Pickup of noise that is correlated with the laser pulse has to be kept below 10−6 of full scale to guarantee a relative signal error of 10−3 over a signal dynamic range of 103. By a careful design of the analog chain this is possible, but has to be verified for the complete system assembly. Sources of systematic errors specific to atmospheric backscatter DIAL Systematic errors which are common to the atmospheric backscatter DIAL are: 1. Rayleigh-Doppler error caused by broadening of the emitted laser radiation on the way back due to molecular scattering. 2. Too low vertical raw data resolution. 3. Multiple scattering by optically thick clouds. 4. Horizontal averaging of the raw signals over inhomogeneous regions Rayleigh Doppler error: There are mechanisms that can alter the spectral profile of the laser beam as it penetrates the atmosphere. Doppler broadening caused by backscattering from randomly moving molecules in the atmosphere influences the effective absorption cross section on the way-back from the scattering volume to the receiving telescope. In combination with large gradients from aerosol or clouds systematic errors up to 20% have to be accounted for [Ansmann and Bösenberg, 1987]. This effect is particular important for DIAL measurements in the upper troposphere where molecular scattering dominates and the molecular absorption line width is comparable to the spectral width of the laser radiation on the way-back from the scattering particles and molecules. This effect in principle may be corrected if the exact splitting of the return signal into parts coming form aerosol particle scattering from molecules can be performed. But given our present experience with the H2O retrieval it is questionable if a residual error below 1% can be reached. Another broadening mechanism is rotational Raman scattering of the air molecules (i.e. N2 and O2). These contributions are relatively easy to suppress by a narrow band interference filter. A filter FWHM of less than 0.5 nm is typically sufficient. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 49 Raw data resolution: For an exact cancellation of the atmospheric on- and off-line backscatter properties in the DIAL retrieval it is necessary to sample the gradients of aerosol layers with a resolution that is much higher than the desired resolution of the trace gas retrieval. Multiple scattering: At larger optical thickness (> 0.9) multiple scattering has to be taken into account in the single scattering Lidar approximation [Ruppersberg 1997]. Fortunately, the effect of enhancement of the backscatter coefficient by multiple scattering exactly cancels in the DIAL equation. Furthermore, the second order scattering effect which elongates the path length by a nonstraight light path can be neglected for the very narrow field of view expected for a space-borne DIAL systems (< 100 µrad). Horizontal averaging: To avoid numerical problems it is necessary to reduce the statistical noise by summation over several lidar returns. A temporal and/or spatial miss-alignment of the volume probed by on-/off-line pairs in the order of 10% will result in tolerable errors (below 1%) for normal free atmospheric conditions. But highly non-uniform backscattering regions (boundary layer/cirrus clouds) may lead to a considerable error. The possibility for miss-alignment can be reduced by using a common FOV defining aperture for all receiver channels (and a relative divergent laser beam). A further effect of horizontal inhomogeneity is that pulse energy fluctuations between corresponding on-/off-line pairs lead to a different weighting of the backscatter coefficients. This gives rise to a coupling of laser output energy fluctuations with horizontal atmospheric inhomogeneities. This error scales linearly with the energy fluctuations. A worst case estimation leads to huge errors, but for normal clear air conditions (only smoothly ascending/descending of growing aerosol layers) the effect can be tolerated if the laser energy fluctuations are in the range of 3%. This effect may be reduced by energy corrected summing of the backscatter signals. Sources of systematic error specific to IPDA systems Systematic errors which are specific to IPDA systems are: 1. Difference in the surface reflectance between on- and off-line. 2. Errors in the power measurement which is used as the upper backscatter signal point. 3. Uncertainties in the relative sensitivity of the receiver. 4. Uncertainties in determination of the distance to the ground. 5. Horizontal averaging over structured terrain. Difference in surface reflectance: For column measurements any difference in the apparent ground reflectance must be kept to a minimum. In the extreme case of a large reflectance step this means that the illuminated ground spots for on- and off-line pulses have to be equal within this accuracy. This translates into a relative on- to off-line pulse pointing accuracy of 0.2% of the full divergence angle. For a system with 100 µrad divergence this means a pointing stability of 0.2 µrad. This extreme case of a surface reflectance step from a value near zero (say water) to a value near one (say sand) is of cause extremely rare, but may give rise to out-layers in the column retrieval. Also for regular overpasses of the satellite over a stationary albedo feature (e.g. coast line) this may show up in the climatological average. For a proper numerical estimate of this effect one needs to know the horizontal autocovariance function of the earths surface-reflectance on the length-scale of the laser footprint, i.e. in the range of 1-3m for heterodyne detection systems and in the range from 50-200m for direct detection IPDA. To our knowledge there is no data available which can be used to estimate the auto-covariance function at Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 50 the desired level of resolution. If the earth surface would be a random pattern this error source could be subsumed under the statistical error. In order not to significantly raise the single shot statistical error which is in the order of 1% for a direct detection LPDA the relative on/off-line alignment should be better than a few % of the laser beam divergence assuming an average albedo variation of about 10% on the length-scale of the ground-spot. For heterodyne detection systems the speckle noise limits the single shot SNR to about 1, so the alignment requirements are also relaxed considerably, as long as only the effect on the statistical error is considered. Pulse energy measurement and relative receiver sensitivity: Total column measurements require additional information about the relative pulse energy of the laser pulses which are transmitted on- and off-line in the atmosphere. If the power measurement for on- and off-line pulses is not exactly known this leads to an error in the retrieved optical thickness which is equal to the deviation of these relative calibration. Furthermore, the relative sensitivity of the receiver channels do not cancel. Even if only one detector is used the transmissions of the optical filter system may differ. In summary there is one calibration constant left which is the ratio of the relative sensitivities of the backscatter-signal receiver and the pulse energy monitors. One method for partially determination of the calibration may be the use the receiver channel to monitor the laser pulse energy. But this requires a very thorough optical layout for the alignment of the outgoing laser beam relative to the receiver. Especially the spatial beam characteristics of the light received from the earth and form the transmitter have to be the same to guaranty the same transmission though the optical filter. A better approach for an in flight calibration procedure may be to use cases with broken cloud fields. This would allow for applying the full DIAL method which in the other hand helps for determining the calibration constant (which may not be constant but drift slowly during the mission duration) for the column measurements. Path length determination: Proper interpretation of integrated path measurements requires knowledge of the exact path length. Otherwise measurements of homogeneously mixed gases like CO2 will mainly map the orography. For a trace gas with an exponential decreasing number density as it is approximately the case for the greenhouse gases CO2, CH2, and N2O it is easy to show that the relative column error for an error in the path length measurement is just the inverse of the atmospheric scale height of ~ 7 km. Hence a 10 m error in path length determination results in a trace gas column error of about 0.14%. Horizontal averaging over structured terrain: For IPDA sensors which use atmospheric backscatter it may be necessary to sum a certain number of returned signals to avoid numerical problems when applying the DIAL equation. This is especially true for heterodyne detection systems where a single return signal measurement has a relative error of 100% due to speckle noise. In case this averaging is done over inhomogeneous terrain, this results in the summation of signals which belong to different air columns. Due to the non-linearity of the transmission this may result in a possible bias as compared to the mean trace gas column. From analysis found in this study this error is in the order of 0,083% for an altitude variation of 1 km. Hence we conclude that this effect may be neglected, or can easily be compensated for, if the altitude variations are tracked at high enough rate to calculate the variances and possible higher order moments of the ground height variability. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 51 2.2.4 Temperature-DIAL Temperature profiles can be measured by differential-absorption Lidar (DIAL) applied in the oxygen A-band around 0.76 µm (see Figure 2.2-2). As already showed by others (Korb et al, 1995) the idea here is to select temperature sensitive oxygen absorption lines with ground state energies E’’ > 1000 cm-1. The feasibility of this technique has already been demonstrated by airborne measurements (Korb et al., 1995). In this study we investigated the performance of a nadir viewing oxygen DIAL instrument which is assumed to fly on a low-orbit satellite of 450 km orbit height. The simulation indicate that the observational requirements can only be met on the expense of a big instrument with a large power*aperture product of ~ 400 Wm2. In particular, the solar background radiation in combination with eye safety are the basic limitations of a temperature DIAL at 0.76 nm. Another difficulty arises from the fact that the derived temperature profile will only partly be compliant with the observational requirements and gaps will exist particularly in the tropopause strong online weak online offline offline Figure 2.2-2: Suitable oxygen line troughs at 760 nm for temperature measurements with the DIAL technique; taken from [240] region. Nevertheless, the simulations reveal that temperature soundings from ground up to 20 km are possible. Figure 2.2-3 illustrates these findings, displaying the relative statistical (RMS) temperature measurement error in percent as a function of altitude. The most important temperature DIAL baseline system parameters are listed below the plot. Like for pressure, a PMT detector with 24% quantum efficiency and negligible dark current noise density was assumed. The vertical dashed line in the plot indicates the minimum precision required for global NWP, from Table 1.1-1. There is a jump at 15 km due to the jump in required precision from 1 K to 2 K. As a result of the varying horizontal and vertical sampling requirements, the error profiles for both oxygen absorption lines exhibit jumps at 5 at 15 km. Their shape is also influenced by different optical depths and the impact of the ESA RMA median aerosol profile. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 52 Figure 2.2-3: Results of temperature DIAL simulation from Space for global NWP requirements. Concerning the systematic error, the required spectral purity of 99.99% will be the limiting factor on the instrument side. Furthermore a laser band width of 120 MHz and a frequency stability of 8 MHz would be needed to satisfy the observational requirements for the bias which is < 0.5 °K. Although, not evaluated in detail in this study, other critical error sources such as Rayleigh-Doppler broadening need particular attention in order to avoid systematic errors. A possible solution of above drawbacks could be the use of a high-spectral resolution filter in the receiver channel as already foreseen in the AEOLUS and ATLID instrument concepts. Both, solar background radiation and the error caused by spectral impurity could then be reduced to acceptable values. However, such a modification could also have a significant impact on the overall efficiency of the system which would probably lead to a further increase of the required power aperture product. Main conclusion: DIAL temperature measurements from space would require an unrealistic large instrument incorporating a power aperture area product of about 400 Wm2 in order to meet the observational requirements for global NWP. The solar background radiation in connection with the eye-safety requirement have been identified as the most significant performance limiting factors for the random noise of a space-borne oxygen-DIAL instrument. To fulfil the systematic error requirement would require a narrow-band filter in the receiver channel to avoid errors caused by unsufficient spectral purity of the outgoing laser radiation Rayleigh Doppler broadening of the received radiation. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 53 2.2.5 Pressure-DIAL The DIAL technique applied in the oxygen A-band at 0.76 nm can also be used for the measurement of the atmospheric pressure profile (Korb et al., 1995). A good performance can be achieved when the measurements are conducted in the trough region which is formed by two adjacent strong oxygen absorption lines (see Figure 2.2-4). Here the measurement precision scales to the square of the pressure variable. By selection of temperature insensitive lines (e.g. trough regions) the temperature error in the pressure retrieval caused by the unknown temperature profile can be minimised. on 1 offline for on 1, 3 on 3 on 2 offline for on 2 Figure 2.2-4: Suitable oxygen line troughs at 760 nm for pressure measurements; taken from [TN 240] The feasibility of this technique for the pressure profile in the troposphere has already been demonstrated by airborne measurements (Korb et al., 1995). Here we investigated the measurement performance of such an instrument which is assumed to fly on a low-orbit satellite of 450 km orbit height. The simulations reveal that lidar signals arising from atmospheric backscatter are too weak for precise measurements of pressure profiles from space unless a large instrument is assumed. Therefore we concentrated our investigation on the analysis of the measurement performance of an IPDA sensor which uses much stronger lidar echoes from hard target reflection of the Earth surface and clouds. This technique enables the measurement of the total oxygen column above the target. In particular, the surface pressure can be derived from target reflection on ground. Lidar signals from cloud reflection could provide useful information on the pressure profile. Regarding IPDA the following performance was found from parametric analyses: To satisfy the breakthrough observational requirements for global NWP according to the EUMETSAT study from Table 1.1-3 (1 hPa pressure accuracy and 100 km horizontal resolution) over land (sea) surfaces would require a power aperture area product of 5 (10) Wm2. However, to fulfil the stringent target requirements (0.5 hPa pressure accuracy and 15 km horizontal resolution) would require an IPDA instrument offering a power aperture area product as large as 100 (240) Wm2 over land (sea). Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 54 These findings are illustrated in the following plot which displays the relative statistical or RMS instrumental noise error of pressure DIAL using the previously defined baseline parameters (Fig. 2.25). The error is given as a function of altitude, whereby the surface is located at an arbitrary altitude of 500 m. Above 500 m, atmospheric backscatter DIAL performance is displayed, using the ESA median aerosol profile and a height independent pressure sensitivity factor of 2.0. The horizontal (vertical) resolution of the measurements is 100 (1) km below 5 km altitude and 200 (2) km above, as specified in the EUMETSAT target requirements. Below 500 m, surface pressure IPDA performance is plotted for measurements over land using an albedo of 0.2 specified by ESA, and 15 km horizontal resolution as specified in the EUMETSAT target requirements. The EUMETSAT surface pressure target precision (or RMS error) requirement from TN 110 (0.5 hPa) is the vertical dashed line in the plot, in order to have a quick overview of whether and where the requirements are fulfilled. The log/log scale enables a better general performance overview and puts emphasis into the most important low altitude and low error range. Figure 2.2-5: Results of pressure DIAL simulation from Space for global NWP target requirements. The overall systematic error for the surface pressure measurements has been estimated to 0.45 hPa. The most significant driver of the systematic error is the path length uncertainty: 2 m path uncertainty Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 55 translates to 0.25 hPa surface pressure uncertainty. Second importance have temperature and water vapour biases: the temperature (water vapour mixing ratio) profile needs to be known with an accuracy of 1 K (0.12 g/kg) on a global basis with a spatial resolution which fits the horizontal sampling length of the IPDA sensor. Fortunately, if pressure IPDA were used to support CO2 IPDA measurements, the water vapour concentration is irrelevant, because CO2 IPDA has the same humidity sensitivity. In this case the dry air CO2 mixing ratio would be provided. Regarding other systematic errors, the requirements on the laser spectral performance (laser line width, frequency stability, and spectral purity) and of a space-borne IPDA sensor for surface pressure are moderate and quite similar to the WALES laser instrument definition. This is a direct consequence of sounding in the trough region where the absorption signature is rather smooth. In reference to the required large power aperture area product for the direct detection instrument we expect that a modulated cw heterodyne instrument could lead to some relaxation on this issue, but probably with the expense of a less accurate path length resolution. Nevertheless trades for this option should be further investigated. Main conclusion: IPDA sensors using hard target returns are suited for surface pressure measurements from space-borne platforms. An instrument with an power aperture area product of 5/10 Wm2 would fulfil the EUMETSAT breakthrough observational requirements for the random error for global NWP over land/sea. In order to meet the target requirements for regional NWP, however, would require an unrealistic large instrument. The overall systematic error for surface pressure measurements by IPDA is estimated to be about 0.45 hPa. 2.2.6 Ozone-DIAL The performance of space-borne ozone DIAL operating in the ultraviolet spectral region around 308 nm has been investigated in detail in this study. In contrast to active remote sensing of pressure and temperature with the DIAL technique, where only a few applications are reported, UV-DIAL for ozone is a well established technique and routinely used from ground and airborne platforms. Despite this strong heritage it was found that the measurement of the ozone profile in the troposphere from space-borne platform is challenging and requires a big instrument. This is based on the fact that the stratospheric ozone layer which contains about 90% of the total ozone column has to be penetrated twice. The simulations reveal that the threshold requirements for the random error in the troposphere and UTLS can only be met by a large size instrument offering with a PA of ~125 Wm2. In contrast to the troposphere the situation of a space-borne ozone DIAL for stratospheric research is more favourable. Here a relatively small instrument (PA ~ 7.2 Wm2) could satisfy the threshold requirements. An interesting alternative for stratospheric ozone measurements would be to use three online wavelengths instead of one, even needing less average power (PA ~ 5 Wm²) in total for this four wavelength system. It would fulfil the threshold requirements between 16 – 45 km, using appropriate online wavelengths at 270, 290 and 306 nm. See Fig. 2.2-6 which illustrates these findings. It was found that the solar background radiation for the offline wavelength is the dominant noise source for measurements in the stratosphere. To meet the target observational requirements in the stratosphere would need a comparably large instrument as it would be required for measurements in the troposphere and UTLS. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 56 Due to the relatively large wavelength separation which is required for achieving sufficient sensitivity, systematic errors may be introduced from unknown scattering by atmospheric aerosols. Systematic errors introduced by aged background aerosol in the stratosphere are only ~1% and can be negligible. Strong aerosol layers originating from fresh volcanic eruption, however, can cause significant errors up to 100% particularly in the vicinity of aerosol gradients. In case of ozone profiling in the troposphere the errors caused by the aerosol is 10% for the US standard atmosphere profile and the ESA median aerosol. Here corrections for the extinction and backscatter terms in the DIAL equation are mandatory. For the calculation of the ozone dry air mixing ratio the required temperature and pressure profiles can be adopted from operational weather services. As a consequence of the continuous ozone absorption band shape in the UV no strong requirements exist for the spectral performance and frequency stability of the laser source which is a big advantage of an UV-DIAL over the near IR ones. In the absence of strong aerosol gradients from fresh volcanic eruptions, the overall systematic error of a space-borne ozone DIAL in the stratosphere is estimated to be < 2% dependent on the accuracy of the ozone absorption cross section and the temperature and pressure profiles obtained from NWP centres. Figure 2.2-6: Relative statistical ozone number density (RMS) error in percent as a function of altitude. The threshold precision (or RMS error) requirement from Table 1.2-1 is the vertical dashed line and gives a quick overview of whether and where the requirements are fulfilled. The most important system parameters are listed below the plot. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 57 Main conclusion: DIAL performed in the UV can be regarded as a potential candidate instrument for the measurement of stratospheric ozone from space-borne platform. An instrument of moderate size (5 Wm²) would fulfil the threshold observational requirements over a height range from 16 km up to 45 km using a four wavelength instrument. Measurements in the UTLS and troposphere in all climates, however, would require a relative large instrument which is not available from current technology. A big system is also required for fulfilling the target requirements in the stratosphere. In the absence of strong aerosol gradients the overall systematic error is < 2% for measurements in the stratosphere. For Lidar measurements in the troposphere aerosol correction need particular attention. 2.2.7 Greenhouse Gases Line selection criteria Active remote sensing in the near infrared is potentially suited for the measurement of the greenhouse gases CO2, CH4, and N2O. In this study promising candidate lines have been identified around the wavelengths 1.6 µm and 2.0 µm for CO2, 1.65 and 2.3 µm for CH4 and 3.9 and 4.5 µm for N2O (for details see Figures 2.2-7 – 2.2-10. For theses lines errors caused by the unknown temperature profile or interference from water vapour and other trace gases can be minimised. Another selection criterion is related to the optical thickness, which should be close to unity across the total atmosphere for a nadir viewing sensor. In case of IPDA measurements soundings in the line wing have been preferable selected in order to make use of the more favourable weighting function which peaks near ground where the sources and sinks reside. It was found that the heritage of greenhouse gas monitoring with active sensors is sparse. Only a few measurements of CO2 at 2 µm, CH4 at 1.65 µm and 3.3 µm, and N2O at 3.9 µm have been reported in the literature. The systematic error due to different on-/offline wavelengths in combination with the aerosol extinction dependency on wavelength is negligible for IPDA using the ESA median aerosol profile due to the very low on-/offline separation. The wavelengths selected in this study are mainly a compromise between temperature and water vapour dependency and total optical thickness on one hand and the proper weighting function on the other hand. Note that initial simulations for IPDA in line wing positions have shown that the optimum one-way online optical thickness is about 1.2 (including the ESA median aerosol) but that there is no significant performance loss for values between 0.8 and 1.6. This is because a higher optical thickness towards line centre positions is counterbalanced by a worse weighting function. The following plots give an overview as well as specific details on the absorption lines selected. The trace gas optical depth of the total atmospheric column up to 65 km altitude is displayed for the different trace gases as function of wavelength and wave number. The total optical depth (sum of all trace gases) is the black line. The plots give a quick overview of the strength of the absorption lines and possible interference by other gases. The computations were performed using a high spectral resolution radiation transfer program under US standard atmosphere conditions. Atmospheric absorption was computed with Voigt line profile assumption using line parameters from the HITRAN’96 (HITRAN 2001 for H2O) database as input parameters. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 58 online online CH4 CO2 CO2 H2O H2O offline offline Figure 2.2-7: CO2 at 1610 nm. Figure 2.2-8: CH4 at 1650 nm online CO2 online N2O H2O offline offline Figure 2.2-9: CO2 at 2050 nm. CH4 H2O Figure 2.2-10: N2O at 3880 nm. Specific to Carbon Dioxide As a major result of this study it was found that active remote sensing is regarded an appropriate means for CO2 monitoring from space-borne platform. Favourable candidate instruments are based on IPDA incorporating coded cw lasers or IPDA sensors which use pulsed laser sources. Both sensors are expected to meet the stringent target observational requirements for the random error even over the ocean where a ground albedo of 0.08 has been assumed. The target requirements for CO2 can also be fulfilled by a worst case scenario of an albedo of 0.02 over the ocean. Moreover the instrument is expected to be of moderate size. As an example, the required power aperture area product for a pulsed, direct detection IPDA system operating at 1. 6 µm is expected to be in the order of 7 Wm2 for measurements over the ocean at 0.08 ground albedo. For the coded cw system the requirements on the size of the instrument are significant less. Here an instrument of the 1 Wm2 class would satisfy the target observational requirements. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 59 Some information on the CO2 profile can be obtained from hard target reflection on cloud surfaces at different height levels. Range-resolved measurements using the DIAL are only possible in the boundary layer, but at the expense of a significantly bigger instrument (PA > 50 Wm² for pulsed, direct detection DIAL). Moreover, DIAL would only satisfy the threshold observational requirements. It is important to note that several constraints are associated to the measurement of the dry air CO2 column by the above reported IPDA lidar approaches. Most important, the path length of the total column has to be adequately known (< 10 m) and scattering from aerosols and clouds which can alter the effective path lengths have to be discriminated by the measurement process. Both issues can easily be accomplished for pulsed laser transmitters providing pulses in the order of several ns. In case of a cw system the transmitted signal must be modulated for achieving the required rangeresolution and suppression of scattering from aerosols and optically thin clouds. Both types of sensors, the pulsed and the cw modulated one, require auxiliary data about surface pressure (< 1 hPa) and the temperature profile ( ~1 °K) to meet the stringent bias criteria for greenhouse gas observations as shown in Table 1.3-4. Strong requirements exist for the spectral characteristics of the radiation source. It was found that the measurement accuracy critically depends on frequency stability and spectral impurity. The latter is only a constraint for pulsed lasers if the direct detection principle is applied. A heterodyne instrument does not suffer from spectral impurity of the radiation source. The recommended spectral characteristics for pulsed laser sources are 60 MHz (FWHM) for the laser bandwidth, 6 MHz for the laser bandwidth variability, < 1 MHz for the frequency control. In case of direct detection a spectral purity value of > 99.97% is needed in order to meet the observation requirements. Other requirements exist for pointing to compensate for the Doppler shifts (< 0.070 mrad along track and < 10 mrad cross track) and the determination of the relative pulse energy of the transmitted beams (~0.1%). The timing between on- and off-line pulses needs also attention. This issue encounters twofold if pulsed laser are used. To avoid ambiguity in the lidar returns from ground and clouds at 18 km height in the tropics, the time duration between on- and off-pulses should be > 120 µs. On the other hand to avoid errors encountered from albedo change at the moving platform the time separation between the two subsequent pulses should be as small as possible. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 60 Figure 2.2-11: Relative statistical CO2 column number density (RMS) error in percent as a function of target altitude. The threshold precision (or RMS error) requirement from table 1.3-6 is the vertical dashed line and gives a quick overview of where the requirements are fulfilled. The most important system parameters are listed below the plot. In a first approach, the overall systematic error for the CO2 column content measurements has been estimated to be ~ 0.3 ppmv for the direct detection IPDA instrument and is slightly degraded to 0.45 ppmv for the coded cw IPDA system. Main conclusion: Active remote sensing is regarded an appropriate means for CO2 monitoring from space-borne platforms. Favourable candidate instruments are based on IPDA incorporating coded cw lasers or IPDA sensors which use pulsed laser sources. Both sensors are expected to meet the stringent target observational requirements for the random error even over the ocean. In addition the systematic errors can be kept well below 1 ppmv for both sensors using realistic system parameters. Specific to Methane Compared to CO2 and N2O, the scientific requirements for CH4 measurements are more relaxed: Compared to CO2 the precision requirements are a factor 2 less demanding, which in turn decreases the required power aperture product by a factor of 4 for IPDA and by a factor of 2 for atmospheric backscatter DIAL measurements. At 1650 nm the target requirements would be reached over land with a power aperture product of 0.2 Wm², over ocean with a power aperture product ten times higher. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 61 Due to worse detector performance at 2.3 and 3.4 µm, these wavelength ranges are less suitable for direct detection, despite somewhat better weighting functions. The direct detection system is detector noise limited. Heterodyne detection would lead to a smaller system here. A high repetition rate would ensure that speckle noise can be kept under control. It is the performance determining factor for heterodyne detection IPDA. However, the reprate is limited by the fact that if the individual field of views overlap too much, there is ambiguity in the lowest 20 km of the atmosphere. Therefore, a maximum of 7.5 kHz is the limit. The heterodyne performance is listed in the subsequent summary section. Figure 2.2-12: Relative statistical CH4 column number density (RMS) error in percent over land (albedo 0.2) for direct detection as a function of target altitude. The threshold precision (or RMS error) requirement from TN 120 is the vertical dashed line and gives a quick overview of where the requirements are fulfilled. The most important system parameters are listed below the plot. Main conclusion: Due to similar absorption line features, basically the same rules apply to CH4 as to CO2. However the precision requirements are a factor 2 less demanding than for CO2, which in turn decreases the required power aperture product by a factor of 4 for IPDA and by a factor of 2 for atmospheric backscatter DIAL measurements. At 1650 nm the target requirements would be reached over land (albedo 0.2) with a power aperture product of 0.2 Wm², over ocean with a power aperture product ten times higher. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 62 Specific to Nitrous Oxide Due to both the strong scientific requirements and the decreasing atmospheric backscatter at longer wavelengths around 4 µm DIAL profiling measurements are out of reach. Only hard target IPDA can be considered as a realistic technique. At 4 µm the surface albedo is about 0,02 and rather independently of ocean or land. Background radiation at 4 µm is dominated by the Earth’s thermal emission. It plays a minor role in the overall performance analysi thus the filter is not a critical element. The most important performance determining factor which limits the measurement accuracy of a direct detection IPDA system at 4 µm is the noise arising from dark current of the detector. For heterodyne detection a high PRF ensures that speckle noise can be kept under control. Nevertheless, this is the performance determining factor of such type of sensor. To avoid signal ambiguity from ground return and top of the troposphere in the tropics the maximum PRF is limited to 7.5 kHz in case of a pulsed heterodyne instrument. While for the RM CW system the maximum PRF is 15 kHz. Main conclusion: For monitoring of the greenhouse gas N2O the situation is worse compared to CO2 and CH4 as here only the threshold observational requirements can be fulfilled from space-borne instrument. In addition a bigger system (PA ~10 Wm² for pulsed, direct detection IPDA) would be required. 2.2.8 Performance Summary on Active Systems The performance overview Table 2.2-2 summarises the results of the simulations for all classes of active optical instruments investigated in this study. It focuses one of the most critical system parameters, the power aperture area product (PA), which is required to meet the observational requirements for the relative random error. This PA factor largely determines size and cost of the instrument. This table enables a direct inter-comparison between the different atmospheric species under investigation, and between different system solutions designed such as to fulfil the respective user requirements. Note that the surface albedo values (blue means over sea) are different for CO2. This is due to an adjustment after the MTR. Also the presence of clouds was taken into account only for CO2 in the form of stronger target/threshold requirements. The power aperture product is the product of the average transmitter power including the offline signal power, and the receiver (telescope) aperture area. Green colours indicate feasible instruments with low or moderate size, yellow feasible with big size and red not feasible for Space application. The WALES ESA study H2O DIAL value is included for comparison. So is ADM-AEOLUS, assuming a 150mJ/100Hz transmitter in bursts of 10s (including warm-up time) with 28s repeat period, with a 1.5m diameter telescope. Tables 2.2-3 – 2.2-5 give an overview on the instrument requirements with respect to pointing and laser performance as well as the required auxiliary data. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 63 Table 2.2-2: Required PA for the different classes of active optical instruments investigated in this Study; taken from [TN 240] DIAL IPDA Power * Ap. RequireWavePower * Aperture Product (Wm2) 2 Product (Wm ) ment Species length (µm) Heterodyne Type Direct Hetero- Surface Direct Detection Detect. dyne albedo CW Pulsed CW Pulsed CO2 1.6 Target Threshold CO2 2.1 Target CH4 1.6 too large 235 too large 20 Target 120 90 2.3 Threshold 3.9 Target 16-30 km Strat. 16-45 O3 km 13-33 km Trop. + Strat. O3 too large 36 Target N2O too large Threshold Threshold CH4 270 too large too large too large too large 0.7 0.31 0.08 0.31 7.0 1.6 speckle limited 0.08 4.4 0.16 0.13 0.08 0.09 0.02 0.02 0.2 14 12 0.2 2 0.2 0.95 0.85 0.04 0.29 0.03 1.8 1.7 0.07 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.03 0.05 14 1.4 0.26 0.02 0.6 0.06 10 0.08 0.6 23 0.02 100 0.02 0.2 too large 0.02 too large 0.02 0.02 2.4 Threshold 5 0.3 7.2 Threshold inadequ . for UV 0.5 too large too large 0.35 speckle speckle limited limited integr. ozone inadequ inadequ . for . for profiles UV UV not useful 125 0.76 Breakthrough global NWP n.a. n.a. Temperature 0-6 km 0.77 Target 400 n.a. H2O WALES 0.94 Thresh. for oper. NWP 17 AEOLUS 0.355 Surface Pressure 0.08 impractical because of background light / receiver noise Threshold 0.03 24 0.3 2.4 n.a. n.a. integrated temperature profiles not useful 5.5 Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 64 Table 2.2.3: Instrument pointing requirements; taken form TN 220 Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 65 Table 2.2-4: Required auxiliary data; taken from [TN 220] Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 66 Table 2.2-5: Required laser parameter; taken from [TN 220] Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 67 2.3 Performance Summary of Active and Passive Sensors 2.3.1 Temperature Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) applied in the oxygen A-band around 0.760 nm is not suited for temperature profiling form space-borne platform. Despite the low orbit considered in the analysis, the required measurement precision can only be fulfilled with an unrealistic large instrument. In contrast there are several new passive sensor combinations or even single sensors (AIRS/AMSU/HSB, IASI) are planned which are expected to satisfy the requirements for global NWP. 2.3.2 Pressure For the pressure variable the situation is more favourable than for temperature measurements. Pulsed direct detection IPDA performed in the oxygen A-band is expected to satisfy the threshold observational requirements for global NWP (1 hPa, 100 km integration length) with an instrument of moderate size. To fulfil the target requirements (0.5 hPa, 15 km) would require a significant bigger instrument. Passive sensors cannot measure surface pressure precisely enough to meet the needs of future NWP. 2.3.3 Ozone DIAL performed in the UV can be regarded as a potential candidate instrument for the measurement of stratospheric ozone from space-borne platform. An instrument of moderate size (5 Wm²) would fulfil the threshold observational requirements over a height range from 16 km up to 45 km with a four wavelength instrument. Measurements in the UTLS and troposphere in all climates, however, would require a relative large instrument which is not available from current technology. A big system is also required for fulfilling the target requirements in the stratosphere. Passive sensors do not meet the stringent requirements posed in this study because of their lack of vertical resolution. 2.3.4 Carbon Dioxide CO2 Active remote sensing at 1.6 µm or 2.05 µm is regarded an appropriate means for CO2 monitoring from space-borne platform. Favourable candidate instruments are based on IPDA approaches incorporating pulsed or coded cw lasers. Both sensor types are expected to meet the stringent target observational requirements even over the ocean at low target reflectivity. The analysis of the different sources of systematic errors indicates that an overall accuracy of ~ 0.3 ppmv could be attainable which would mark a major breakthrough in space-borne remote sensing of CO2. However, this accuracy can only be achieved if the target altitude can be determined with an accuracy of about ± 3 m and if scattering from aerosol and clouds can be sufficiently suppressed. Furthermore, both sensor types require ancillary information on the surface pressure (±0.5 hPa) and the temperature profile (1 °K). Conventional DIAL in the boundary layer is still possible but would require a significantly bigger Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 68 system. Range-resolved DIAL would require heterodyne detection. But with this instrument only the threshold observational requirements can be fulfilled. Currently no passive satellite systems exist for which it has been demonstrated that the observational requirements drawn in this study can be met. There are, however, satellite systems which are expected to meet at least the threshold requirement for column measurements in the near future (e.g., SCIAMACHY over land (requires more studies), the TIR nadir instruments AIRS, TES, and IASI, and the NIR nadir instrument OCO (launch in 2007)). For the latter theoretical studies indicate that an accuracy in the order of 1 ppmv is attainable with the three band concept. 2.3.5 Methane (CH4) Similar to CO2, active remote sensing is regarded an appropriate means for CH4 monitoring from space-borne platform. Favourable candidate instruments are IPDA with cw lasers and IPDA with pulsed lasers. Both sensors operating at 1.6 µm are expected to meet the target observational requirements. For the CW sensor auxiliary measurements of the target altitude (±10 m) would be mandatory. Both sensors require additional information on the surface pressure (±1 hPa) and the temperature profile (±1 °K). Conventional DIAL in the boundary layer is still possible with a significantly bigger system. Range-resolved DIAL would require heterodyne detection. But with this instrument only the threshold observational requirements could be fulfilled. For CH4 currently no passive satellite system exists for which it has been demonstrated that the requirements can be met. There are, however, satellite systems which have the potential to meet even the target requirement for the column measurements in the near future (e.g., SCIAMACHY over land (requires more studies), AIRS, TES, and IASI (launch 2005)). 2.3.6 Nitrous Oxide (N2O) Active remote sensing of N2O from space can be performed with cw or pulsed IPDA instruments, but the (technological) risk level increases for longer wavelengths in the IR. Both sensors are expected to meet the threshold observational requirements. The target requirements, however, cannot be met with a realistic system. For the cw sensor auxiliary measurements of the target altitude (± 10 m) would be mandatory. Both sensors require additional information on the surface pressure (±1 hPa) and the temperature profile (±1 °K). Conventional DIAL for boundary layer measurements would require an unrealistic big DIAL instrument. No passive satellite systems exist for which it has been demonstrated that the requirements for N2O can be met. Concerning future systems such as IASI more studies are needed to reliably assess if the requirements can be met. 2.3.7 Potential Synergy Between Passive and Active Sensors Instruments for temperature soundings Temperature DIAL operating in the oxygen A-Band cannot be regarded a potential candidate instrument for space applications. We are not aware whether any other active sensor could provide a better performance than the passive ones above. Synergistic aspects are not of practical relevance. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 69 Instruments for pressure soundings The temperature profile received from advanced passive sensors above would help to improve the accuracy of surface pressure soundings with an active instrument. On the other hand, an active optical sensor which uses ns pulses would provide additional information on aerosols and clouds also needed to improve TIR retrievals of passive sensors. Particular benefits for NWP would be expected from colocated measurements using a high spectral resolution TIR sensor such as AIRS or IASI for the temperature profile and an active sensor for the surface pressure. Instruments for ozone soundings Passive instruments cannot provide the spatial resolution demanded by the observational requirements even in the stratosphere. Here a small size UV-DIAL could complement limb and nadir sounding passive instruments in sensitive regions were strong ozone gradients occur by providing ozone data with better accuracy and spatial resolution. In particular the simulation show that the critical area where the chemically induced ozone depletion in the polar stratosphere occurs could be very well captured by an ozone DIAL that performs best in the height range 13 km - 33 km. The third harmonics of the Nd:YAG laser can serve as off-line for ozone DIAL in the stratosphere. This would allow to strongly benefit from Aeolus and EarthCARE instrument development for a future ozone mission. The off-line channel can be used to measure polar stratospheric clouds as well as aerosols similar to EarthCARE, hence there is a strong link to former lidar missions. With the UV-Lidar additional trace gases such as NO2 and SO2 could be measured. With the UV-Lidar additional trace gases such as NO2 and SO2 could be measured. Instruments for greenhouse gas soundings An active IPDA instrument operating at 2.05 µm in the far wing of an absorption line would be sensitive to sources and sinks in the low troposphere. Such a sensor could complement thermal infrared sensors which have their maximum sensitivity in the upper troposphere in order to obtain profile information on CO2. On the other hand IPDA would benefit from water vapour and temperature information provided by passive TIR sensors such as AIRS and IASI. As the viewing geometry of scanning IR sensors (45° cross track) and the footprint (25 x 25 km for IASI) would significantly differ to nadir viewing Lidar sensors, the aerosol and cloud information obtained from the latter instruments are expected to be not really relevant for IR sensors. In the solar backscatter region synergisms between passive and active sensors are also not so obvious. Both sensors would apply differential absorption methods at 1.6 µm and 2,05 µm. Even the sampling characteristics are quite similar. OCO could benefit from complementary IPDA measurements at night time and at high latitudes or at mid-latitudes in winter time where OCO cannot measure. This would certainly help to constrain CO2 transport on a global basis. As the light path of the OCO mission is significant different to an active system, the oxygen channel of the OCO mission cannot be used to derive surface pressure information for improvement of IPDA lidar measurements. Despite some better cross track coverage offered by the OCO sensor which samples over a strip of about 10 km length the benefit of OCO for an active sensor is only marginal. IPDA instruments for greenhouse gas observations could also complement activies sensors in the optical and microwave spectral region for the measurement canopy heights. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 70 2.4 Parameter Selection 2.4.1 Selection Criteria In view of the selection of one or two parameter for further activities the performance of the active instruments have been analysed in detail and compared to the performance of passive instruments. In total, seven evaluation criteria have been identified worthwhile for the selection process. The first criterion deals with the expected measurement performance of the active instruments for each parameter as emerging from simulations. The second criterion highlights the relevance of such a sensor for advanced sciences studies, examination of international conventions, advanced NWP as well as the degree of innovation and contribution to the advancement of European Earth Observation capabilities. The third selection criterion deals with synergistic aspects. Here common observation scenarios are assessed where passive and active sensors are regarded to complement each other. The fourth evaluation criterion focuses on programmatic aspects. Here heritage, risk areas, feasibility and level of maturity have been assessed. 2.4.2 Potential Advantage of an Active Sensor for CO2 As a result of the assessment in this study it appears that CO2 is regarded the most promising parameter for an active optical instrument worthwhile to be studied in more detail. Monitoring of CO2 is of high scientific relevance because it is the most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas also banned by international conventions. Active remote sensing performed at 1.6 µm or 2.05µm using Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) Lidar is expected to meet the stringent target observational requirements over land and the ocean in all climates. Following potential advantages are associated to a space-borne IPDA lidar for CO2: • IPDA lidar measurements do not suffer from spectral variability of aerosol scattering and surface reflectance. For soundings in the 1.6 µm and 2.0 µm spectral regions, the spectral separation between the transmitted on- and off-line wavelengths in the vicinity of a CO2 absorption line can be minimised such that the residual error caused by aerosol scattering can be neglected. A typical wavelength separation between on- and off-line is only 0.0005 µm. Opposed to this OCO uses a three channel approach at 1.6 µm, 2.05µm and 0.76 µm with a wavelength separation of up to 1.3 µm, and hence suffers strongly from spectral variability of aerosol scattering. • Both the light path and the length of the total column are precisely determined by using laser pulses with a pulse width of a few ns. This allows the determination of the path length with an accuracy of a few meters even under cloudy conditions. In case of a cw laser sophisticated random modulation approaches have to be applied for range-resolved measurements. It is expected that the accuracy of the path length determination will only slightly degrade compared to a pulsed instrument. For the cw laser the spot size is about 1 m only. The small spot size on ground will enable to collect useful data even in broken cloud fields. The cloud fields and aerosol layers can easily be discriminated by active instruments with ranging capability. As for aerosols, passive sensors such as OCO on the other hand are hindered by cirrus scenes because scattering from clouds alters the effective path length and hence the total column amount if not precisely corrected for. This correction procedure is primarily based on accurate knowledge on the scattering function for cirrus clouds which is always not complete and therefore erroneous. Errors in the correction of the CO2 column due to thin cirrus clouds Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 71 and aerosols can introduce an unacceptably large bias in the measurement because cloud and aerosol occurrence may be seasonally and regionally dependent. • For a nadir pointing lidar mission the sampling characteristics is similar to the OCO mission. Lidar, however, is not limited by the sun angle; hence the effective sampling of the atmosphere is expected to be significantly larger than for the OCO mission. Moreover a significant improvement over OCO can be expected for monitoring of surface fluxes at high latitudes or mid latitudes during winter time. Also a lidar can sample during day and night. • OCO will frequently change its observation geometry between nadir, glint and calibration mode. The different observation modes are latitude dependent such that a bias may be introduced, which is not the case for the Lidar instrument that always sounds in nadir direction. • As optically thin clouds can partly be penetrated by the lidar signals this would enable to extract profile information on the CO2 columns measured above, in between and below cloud layers. Moreover, the unique DIAL technique can be applied to the IPDA lidar measurements which do not need any sensor calibration and thus would be a major improvement to passive sensors. Under clear sky conditions profile information can be obtained by sounding at different wavelengths within the line profile of a CO2 absorption line. Measurements in the far wing of a line would weight the boundary layer in the low troposphere where the sources and sinks of CO2 reside. Measurements near the line centre would weight the middle troposphere whereas soundings in the line centre put the weight on the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. • IPDA instrument offering a small footprint of 50-200 m are advantageous over OCO measurement, particularly in the convective boundary layer or under partly cloudy conditions. Here an upper bound for the footprint is set by the size of the clear air spots. In the convective boundary layer the diameter of the cloud holes is expected to be smaller than the boundary layer height which is typically 1-2 km. This means that the footprint of OCO is just on the edge to fulfil this requirement. • IPDA lidar measurements use narrow-band tuneable radiation sources. This allows for selection of suitable wavelengths which can be optimised with respect to maximum measurement sensitivity for the individual height range according to the vertical weighting function, negligible water vapour and other trace gas interference, and low temperature dependency. 2.4.3 Need for Auxiliary Data Extraction of the CO2 dry air mixing ratio column from IPDA lidar measurements in the 1.6 µm and 2.05 µm spectral ranges requires additional information on meteorological parameters such as the surface pressure as well as the water vapour and temperature profiles of the sounding atmosphere. The requirement on the temperature profile is not critical. This data can be adopted from operational NWP centres. An assumed bias of 1 °K on a climatologic basis which is a rather large value would cause a systematic CO2 error of only 0.05 ppmv. Stronger requirements exist for the water vapour profile particular in the boundary layer in the tropics where most of atmospheric water vapour resides. Here a humidity bias of 5% would cause a 0.08 Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 72 ppmv systematic error in the CO2 measurement. This data is also expected to be provided by the operational NWP network. Accurate knowledge of the surface pressure is a prerequisite for extracting the CO2 mixing ratio from differential absorption measurements. The required level of accuracy for the surface pressure is of comparable size as the needs for CO2 soundings. A 0.5 hPa surface pressure uncertainty results in a measurement bias of 0.2 ppmv in the CO2 mixing ratio column. ECMWF will provide surface pressure data in the near future with an accuracy of 0.7 hPa on a global base, which is close to the required one [TN 110]. Over land, however, some gaps may remain, particularly in date sparse regions and at locations where the elevation strongly changes. The latter is due to the strong link of surface pressure to terrain height. A pressure variability of 0.7 hPa requires knowledge on the elevation of about 6 meters. Further requirements exist for the knowledge of the line parameters of the selected CO2-line. If soundings are performed in the wing of corresponding lines, where the cross talk from bias in the temperature profiles on the absorption cross section calculation is small this would not induce a significant regional bias even when the line parameter are known at an accuracy level of only 1-2%. Although a 1% deviation of the line strength parameter, for example, would give rise to an error of 3.8 ppmv this is regarded a constant bias which does not account for flux budget estimation. 3 Potential Instrument Concepts for CO2 Two instrument lines are found potentially suited for CO2 measurements form space-borne platform using active instruments. Both sensor approaches are based on IPDA lidar measurements using hard target reflection. The first candidate will incorporate modulated CW laser sources and makes use of heterodyne detection. This sensor is preferable operated at 2.05µm where the weighting function is more favourable for the measurement of sources and sinks of CO2 in the low troposphere. The second candidate uses the principle of direct detection and nanosecond pulses to achieve the required measurements performance. This sensor is preferably operated at 1.6 µm as detector degradation limits its performance at longer wavelengths. For both sensors it is assumed that the auxiliary data on surface pressure, water vapour and temperature are obtained from NWP centres with sufficient accuracy. Furthermore it is assumed that the sensors will fly on a sun-synchronous polar orbiting satellite. An orbit altitude of about 400 - 450 km has found to be adequate. 3.1 CW Heterodyne IPDA with Ranging Capability The first alternative employs the heterodyne detection principle, where the interference signal of the received echo with a local oscillator is detected. The down-converted RF frequency signal represents the optical signal in amplitude and phase, and hence the information on the gas column density. Sunsynchronous as well as non sun-synchronous orbits can be selected. The latter require a somewhat increased effort and reduce slightly the measurement performance. The demands on the satellite bus are moderate except for the altitude control system. As current baseline a 430 km sun-synchronous orbit is assumed. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 73 3.1.1 Detailed Instrument Requirements Apart from the issue of instrument size required to achieve the desired measurement accuracy the following issues need to be considered for a heterodyne CW IPDA lidar: 1. Pointing stability 2. Diffraction limited beam 3. Multiplexing of on-line and off-line signals 4. Narrow band laser stabilised on an absolute frequency 5. High commonality of on-line and off-line receive chains 6. Compensation of motion Doppler 7. Determination of target altitude and suppression of atmospheric echos Pointing stability The heterodyne detection principle requires coherent imaging. With 0.8 m aperture and 430 km altitude the laser footprint is about 2.1 m diameter (1/e2). This small spot size requires a consideration of satellite rotation around orbit. During the round trip time of about 2.89 ms the footprint is shifted by about 1.9 m. This effect has to be considered in the instrument optics by a slight pointing angle between transmit and receive beams. In addition the small footprint requires a pointing stability to a fraction of the footprint (<10%) during the round trip time. The resulting stability requirement on pointing is 0.052°/s in pitch and roll. Diffraction limited beam The diffraction limited imaging on transmit and receive paths as needed to achieve an acceptably high heterodyne efficiency implies an identical aperture size for transmitter and receiver and a monostatic telescope design. Multiplexing of on-line / off-line signals The monostatic telescope design requires a beam separation between receive and transmit for the online and off-line channels. It is proposed to apply polarization beam splitting for separation of transmit and receive beams and in-field separation for separation of on-line and the off-line channels. As a consequence of the heterodyne reception principle even a perfect overlay of on-line and off-line footprint would only in a statistical sense yield the same reflection properties because the two wavelengths are sufficiently different to yield a different speckle pattern. Narrow band laser stabilised on an absolute frequency For a heteorodyne measurement principle the satellite velocity and the aperture size determine the maximum detection bandwidth. For the proposed system this is in the order of 19.1 kHz. A higher processing bandwidth increases the noise but does not provide additional information about the radiated atmospheric volume. As a consequence the frequency stability of the transmitter within the ground return time needs to be better than a fraction of the 19.1 kHz/3ms. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 74 As the measurements are directly linked to a dedicated spectral line the transmit frequency has to be absolutely stabilised over lifetime. This can be achieved by locking the transmit frequencies to the spectrum of a gas absorption cell. High commonality of on-line and off-line receive chains The stability requirements for a diffraction limited system and constraints resulting form in-field separation require a high commonality of the on-line and off-line receive chains. It should be aimed to use a common detector chip for both channels. If this is feasible depends on the techniques for beam splitting and the superposition of the local oscillator signal. Compensation of motion Doppler Doppler shifts resulting from pointing variations of the reflecting surface or vertical motion need to be compensated. Pointing variations are sufficiently controlled by the attitude and orbit control system of the satellite (see above). Vertical target motions are expected only over ocean and will be controlled by a dedicated tracking loop. Determination of target altitude and suppression of atmospheric echoes A principle deficiency of cw IPDA systems is that there is no direct determination of the altitude respectively the target range possible. While for ground reflection this information could be obtained from a digital terrain model (DTM) reflections from cloud tops can not be evaluated. In principle the missing data can be generated either by an additional laser altimeter or by applying modulation techniques for ranging measurements. A simple laser altimeter however will provide a much wider beam width than the IPDA lidar. This will cause uncertainties concerning atmospheric water vapor impact and target stability. For a heterodyne system therefore a modulation technique is favorably. While background light is of little concern to heterodyne measurements owing to its narrow bandwidth, echo signals from altitudes above the target interfere with the measurement objective, because they are subjected to attenuation by a different column height. A basic cw-IPDA does not provide any suppression of echoes from altitudes above the target. A modulated system however can provide suppression according to its pulse response function. The motivation for applying ranging techniques based on modulation schemes results from the capability for using the measurement beam itself and for suppressing the impact of atmospheric reflections. 3.1.2 Critical Instrument Sub-Systems Wavelength control For wavelength control it is assumed that an absolute frequency reference will be generated by locking the cw laser source to the edge of the selected CO2 absorption line in a gas cell aboard the satellite. The on- and off-line wavelengths to be transmitted into the atmosphere are directly produced via EOM which shifts the frequency to the desired wavelength position. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 75 Signal Modulation A Bi-phase modulation technique was found appropriate for determination of the target altitude and suppression of echo signals from the atmosphere above the hard target. This can be accomplished by phase modulating the transmitted cw signal via EOM with a pseudo random sequence of sufficient length to avoid ambiguities in the atmosphere. In principle this setup can be compared with the transmission of the useful signal (the echo signal characterised by the speckle bandwidth) through a spread spectrum (transmitted signal characterized by the inverse chip rate). The code locking loop provides the altitude information (with a resolution determined by the chip rate) while the ratio of the echo signal bandwidth to the spread bandwidth determines the attenuation of the unwanted atmospheric echoes. Since the transmitter nevertheless operates in continuous mode (or quasi continuous mode if also pulse widths in the ms range are considered) the suppression capability depends on the autocorrelation function of the (in tendency infinitely long) modulation signal (or more generally the ambiguity function if range and Doppler ambiguity have to be considered simultaneously). A quasi continuous operation e.g. very long (up to echo roundtrip time in the order of 2.6ms) pulses with pauses (50% duty cycle) or truly continuous operation with a periodic modulation and simultaneous transmit and receive operation can be considered. In principle linear frequency modulation (LFM) or phase modulation can be considered alternatively. However, using LFM would cause range-Doppler coupling which is a driver for pointing errors even at moderate range-resolution. Potential Laser Source CW lasers which are based on Tm,Ho:YLF or Ho:YLF materials are promising candidate instruments for a cw heterodyne IPDA sensor operating at 2.05 µm. The advantage of using a laser over an OPO is the better control of the beam quality in the laser resonator. Furthermore, compact, reliable and efficient cw pump sources are available without the need to develop an additional single-frequency cw Nd:YAG pump laser. As an example a unidirectional Tm,Ho:YLF or Ho:YLF ring laser, which is resonantly pumped with Tm-doped silica fibre lasers can be used. High-power fiber lasers are already commercially available in Europe and similar fibre lasers have been space qualified. An overall wallplug efficiency of the cw IPDA transmitter of > 25% is expected by such a design [TN320]. Telescope The telescope (with its primary) is certainly one of the most critical single components in the receiver chain of a space-based cw- IPDA. The difficulty is to manufacture a telescope mirror in the 1-m class providing diffraction limited performance which required an rms wavefront error of < 150 nm. At the same time this mirror should have a low areal density to reduce costs. However, the technical bases are already available. Astronomical telescopes such as the SIRTF/Spitzer (0.85m, 67nm rms) have already been launched. Even larger space telescopes are planned in the near to mid-term future so that there is no concern that an adequate telescope will not be available in due time. Detector Extended wavelength InGaAs PIN diodes are fully sufficient as detectors for a space-based cw- IPDA. These detectors that are widely used in optical telecommunication are commercially available. They Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 76 have also successfully shown their capabilities in state-of-the-art coherent lidar systems at 2µm wavelength. 3.1.3 Expected Measurement Performance of a Coded CW IPDA Table 3.1-1 Expected sources of systematic error from CW IPDA; taken from [TN 230] Expected Bias [ppm] Error Source Assumption/Uncertainty Atmosphere Temperature T-dependence of line parameter 0.035 Path length 0.080 0.5 °K 2 % line strength accuracy @0.5K T-bias 1 % pressure shift accuracy@0.5K T-bias 2% pressure broadening accuracy@ 0.5K T-bias 2 % T scaling exponent accuracy @0.5K 3 m (1/3 of raw range resolution) Surface pressure 0.200 0.5 hPa H2O mixing ratio 0.080 5% in the tropics H2O line interference 0.003 20% in the tropics 0.004 ESA RMA 0.002 Suppression factor 29 dB 0.015 Suppression factor of 29 dB 0.100 < 0,3 MHz 0.210 relative accuracy of power monitoring 10-3 TBC 0.210 relative accuracy of heterodyne efficiency calibration 10-3 TBC 0.401 RMS Sum of the above 0.05 T-dependence of line parameter 0.05 T-dependence of line parameter 0.025 T-dependence of line parameter Wavelength dependence scattering echoes from aerosol echoes from cirrus clouds of 0.085 aerosol Transmitter/Receiver Frequency drift Power monitoring error (on-,off-line) Heterodyne efficiency calibration (on-,off-line) Error budget Due to the narrow processing bandwidth (19 kHz) the following error sources are insignificant to bias error in a PNCW IPDA: • • Spectral purity of transmitter Doppler Error (the Doppler-knowledge is necessarily better than the receiver bandwidth) Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 77 It is clearly seen from above error analysis that the driver of the systematic error is the uncertainty in the surface pressure. The second critical parameter is to the frequency stability of the radiation source. Table 3.1-2: Performance summary of coded CW IPDA; taken from [TN230] Parameter Threshold Target Horizontal resolution 50 km 50 km Required precision including 50 % cloud coverage 5 ppmv 1.5 ppmv Required power aperture area product over land to meet the precision level 0.14 Wm2 0.85 Wm2 Required power aperture area product over sea to meet the precision level 0.16 Wm2 0.95 Wm2 1 ppmv 0.1 ppmv Random error Bias Maximum allowed bias Expected bias 3.2 0.4 ppmv Pulsed Incoherent IPDA Instrument As a second alternative we propose a pulsed IPDA instrument. This instrument aboard the satellite transmits two laser pulses at the wavelengths each with the on-line and off-line in nadir direction and measures the intensity of the return signals backscattered by the earth surface and clouds. As in the coherent case it is assumed that the satellite will fly on a polar orbit with an altitude of about 400 - 450 km. Sun-synchronous as well as non sun-synchronous orbits can be selected. The requirements on the attitude control system are less demanding but nevertheless stringent. The instrument employs the direct detection principle where the received optical signal is directly converted to the photon current which results from the illumination of a photo sensitive detector area. The measured number of photoelectrons from target reflection contains all information on the total number of CO2 molecules within the atmospheric column. 3.2.1 Instrument Requirements Random error characteristics Different to the visible and ultraviolet spectral region where solar background radiation is the dominant noise source, noise from detector limits the measurement sensitivity of a direct detection IPDA sensor for wavelengths > 1.5 µm. In this case the random error scales inversely proportional to the power aperture area product which is different to the case of a background noise limited backscatter lidar Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 78 Frequency calibration and band width control To avoid systematic errors an accurate control of the transmitted wavelengths is required. The requirement to sound in the wing of the line rather then in the centre strongly has an impact on the required frequency stability. For a low bias level the transmitted wavelength must be locked to a reference with very high accuracy (< 0.3 MHz). Different to the strong frequency calibration issue the requirement for the laser bandwidth (~ 30 MHz, FWHM) is more relaxed. Spectral purity In contrast to heterodyne detection a direct detection instrument strongly suffers from spectral impurity of the emitted signal energy. If not corrected for which accurate knowledge of the spectral shape of the transmitted signal energy would be required, a spectral purity of as high as 99.98% is a prerequisite for a low bias level. By using a narrowband spectral filter (~ 1 GHz FWHM; resolving power ~ 200.000) in the receiver channel would lead to a relaxation of this value to about 99.9%. Another possibility to get rid of a large amount of spectrally impure radiation relates to filtering of the outgoing radiation by means of dispersive optical elements such as prisms or gratings. This frequency discrimination is similar to a spectrum analyser where the size of the slit in front of the detector is replaced by the size of the footprint on the ground. Pointing Pointing off nadir would need compensation of the Doppler shift if the misalignment exceeds a value of 0.067 mrad along track and 1 mrad across track. Strong requirements have to be considered for the relative pointing between the transmitted on- and off-line pulses, particular in regions where strong albedo jumps occur. It must be ensured that on- and off-line pulses overlap as much as possible on ground. Temporal separation To avoid errors which may arise from different detector sensitivity it is proposed to use the same detector for both on- and off-line measurements. This requires a minimum temporal separation of ~133 µs between on- and off-line pulses in order to avoid signal ambiguity within a 2* 20 km atmosphere. Raw data altitude resolution The requirement for the path length determination which is about 3 meters facilitates the need of a high sampling frequency of the reflected signal. The resulting spatial spread of the ground or cloud echo is a function of the height variability of the distributed targets within the laser ground spot, the laser pulse duration, and the inverse sampling frequency. If ns pulses are incorporated the maximum sampling frequency typically determines the minimum spread of ground echos from flat terrain. However, if buildings, ocean waves, trees or steep slopes in the mountains are hit by the laser pulses on the ground the measured spread of the signal can easily exceed tens of meters. To avoid biasing in the path length determination, particularly in regions with inhomogeneous target reflection, some degree of over sampling is recommended. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 79 Relative calibration of transmitted energy and receiver channel In contrast to DIAL, an IPDA lidar using hard target reflection needs calibration of the relative transmitted pulse energies of on- and off-line and the relative gains behind this measurement within the telescope and the receiver channels. For the required measurement accuracy this task is very demanding. Especially drifts in the telescope area are difficult to be monitored. Potential solutions are a dedicated high resolution pointing monitor directly attached to the telescope or a cross calibration by a cross coupling of the on-line transmitter with the off-line optical path and vice versa. Difficulties result from the high pulse energies and the high accuracy for a stable long life switching device. For a regular monitoring of the signal characteristics at the output of the laser sources it would be very helpful to directly couple a small part of the laser beams into the receive chain and to measure the online and off-line power values with the standard detector. A difficulty of the scheme is the coupling method of the two laser links to a single polarisation of the receive channel. This method detects gain variations and amplitude variations caused by pointing drifts and other effects. Slight spectral drifts of the laser sources caused by temperature variations or by aging can not be detected. An adequate monitoring scheme for spectral purity has not yet been identified. Compared to the heterodyne system the calibration tasks of the direct detection system are more demanding. In the heterodyne system gain variations are directly monitored by the LO signals, frequency variations are directly monitored by the receiver and spectral spectral purity is not critical. 3.2.2 Critical Instrument Sub-Systems Laser Transmitter at 1.6µm for pulsed IPDA For the laser transmitter in the 1.6 µm spectral region three solutions are possible. The first one is a fiber pumped injection-seeded Er:YAG laser. The benefit of this approach is the compactness, the reliability, and the efficiency of the pump laser. However, no high-average power, high-single-shot pulse energy operation has been demonstrated yet by means of pumping with fibre lasers. From fibre pumped injected – seeded Er: YAG laser a wall-plug efficiency of 6% is expected. The second and the third approach needs an additional pulsed Nd:YAG pump laser. The second approach is a gain-switched Cr4+:YSAG laser. The advantage of this system is that low requirements are set to the beam quality and frequency stability of the pump laser. However, operation with high single-shot pulse energy operation of Cr4+:YSAG has still to be demonstrated. From Nd:YAG laser pumped gain-switched Cr4+:YSAG laser a wall-plug efficiency of 2% are expected. The third approach is an efficient singly-resonant OPO (SRO) in a ring cavity. In contrast to the second approach above, this approach requires a single-longitudinal frequency, pulsed Nd:YAG pump laser with high beam quality. Furthermore, efforts are essential for maintaining a high beam quality. All these approaches are in principle master-slave configurations so that an ML or injection-seeder is needed. The availability of this low-power ML is not critical, as, for instance, DFB lasers are commercially available in the wavelength region of interest from telecommunication research. A remaining important issue is the operation of this seeder with high frequency stability as well as frequency control of the SL cavity. From Nd:YAG laser pumped SRO a wall-plug efficiency of 3 % are expected. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 80 Frequency control A gas absorption cell in combination with a frequency locking scheme can be used to stabilize a reference signal on the line centre of the CO2 absorption line. To enable frequency locking of the transmitted on-, and off-line wavelengths, this signals can be monitored by a Fabry-Perot interferometer which measures their relative frequency shift with respect to the reference signal. Stable frequency operation can be achieved by locking on-, and off-line to the difference frequency of the Fabry-Perot interferometer. This design offers highest flexibility of wavelength selection and it allows precise absolute frequency control for each of the selected wavelengths. Different frequency stabilization techniques should be compared with respect to their performance and suitability for space operation. Particularly, the dither lock-in, the side-of-fringe, and the Drever-Hall technique as well as Doppler-free spectroscopy should be investigated. Receiving telescope The requirements on the telescope for a direct detection 1.6 µm IPDA are not too stringent as in contrast to heterodyne detection no diffraction limited performance is required. Adequate telescopes of the 1-m class have already been launched into space. Spectral filter Narrowband filter for suppression of spectrally broad lidar echos are required. Filter technologies based on interference filters, Fabry-Pérot, or birefringent filters show a degree of maturity that suggests their successful application to compensate for detrimental spectral properties of the laser transmitter. Filters combinations of the above mentioned filter concepts have shown to achieve resolving powers of the order of > 100.000 and to simultaneously provide decent acceptance angles. These filters gain their heritage from solar astronomy where similar requirements are demanded. Nevertheless, the prospect to relax the stringent requirements put on the spectral purity of the lidar transmitter depends on both, the passband of the filter(s) and the detailed spectral behaviour of the laser. Therefore, this issue needs further analysis based on appropriate models of the spectral shape of the emitted radiation for the different transmitter concepts. Detector As detecting elements that combine highest maturity and adequate performance avalanche photo diodes (APD) are considered. The devices have widely been used successfully for lidar applications. Using state-of-the-art APDs that are either commercially available or have demonstrated their specifications in prototype devices will allow to reach the target requirements of 1.6µm direct detection IPDA for CO2 column measurements [TN240]. However, on the field of detector technology there still seems to be room left for beneficial developments of near infrared detectors with high responsitivity and low noise. New materials or concepts that particularly lead to a better noise performance of NIR detectors may prove to be very beneficial for lidar applications. For example, the pulse energy requirements for the laser transmitter may be relaxed. In this case, a low-energy (highrepetition rate) laser source would present an alternative that may prove to be superior to the base-line concept in terms of cost, weight, and spectral or spatial properties. While range resolved sensing using the DIAL technique currently suffers from the comparatively poor performance of near-infrared detectors this may become feasible in the future when cutting edge technologies lead to improved NIR detectors. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 81 3.2.3 Expected Measurement Performance of Pulsed IPDA at 1.6 µm Table 3.2-1: Expected systematic errors of a pulsed IPDA at 1.6µm; taken from [TN240] Error source Expected Bias [ppm] Assumption/Uncertainty Atmosphere Temperature T-dependence of line parameter T-dependence of line parameter T-dependence of line parameter T-dependence of line parameter 0.035 0.02 0.04 0.01 0.04 Path length 0.08 Surface pressure 0.2 0.5 K NWP model T-bias 2 % line strength accuracy @0.5K T-bias 1 % pressure shift accuracy@0.5K T-bias 2% pressure broadening accuracy@ 0.5K T-bias 2 % T scaling exponent accuracy @0.5K 2m 0.08 0.003 0.0035 0.5 hPa (NWP model bias TBD, see TN 110) 5 % in the tropics (TBD) 20 % in the tropics ESA RMA 0.008 0.1 0.08 0.09 15 MHz (FWHM) 0,3 MHz at 1.6 µm 99.9% with 1 GHz filter 5x10-4 accuracy (TBD) 0.09 5x10-4 accuracy (TBD) Pointing/Timing Doppler shift along track Doppler shift cross track Relative on-/off-line pointing Temporal inter pulse separation (on/off-line) 0.1 0.01 0.018 0.018 0.067 mrad pointing 1 mrad pointing ln (βon / βoff) < 10-4 ln (βon / βoff) < 10-4 Error budget 0.32 geometically added H2O mixing ratio H2O line interference Aerosol scattering Transmitter/Receiver Bandwidth Frequency drift Spectral purity Rel. pulse energy calibration (on-,off-line) Rel. detection channel calibration (on-,off-line) In case of the direct detection IPDA instrument the total systematic error is estimated to be 0.3 ppmv for CO2 measurements. The driver of the error budget is the uncertainty in the surface pressure. Further critical parameter are connected to the frequency stability and the calibration of the relative pulse energies and detection channels for the on- and off-line measurements. Pointing needs also particular attention. In this error analysis we assumed that the spectral impurity can be sufficiently suppressed by filtering either the outgoing or incoming radiation Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 82 Table 3.2-2: Performance summary of pulsed IPDA at 1.6 µm; taken from [TN340] Parameter Threshold Target Random Error Horizontal resolution Required precision including 50 % cloud coverage Required power aperture area product over land to meet the precision level Required power aperture area product over sea to meet the precision level Bias Maximum allowed bias Expected bias 50 km 3 ppmv 50 km 0.7 ppmv 0.16 Wm2 1.6 Wm2 0.7 Wm2 7 Wm2 < 1 ppmv (tbd) 0.1 ppmv 0.32 ppmv Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 83 3.3 Performance Synthesis Table 3.3.1 gives an overview on the assumed risk level for the two instruments. While both sensors are expected to meet the target observational requirements with a moderate size instrument it is still challenging to fulfil the stringent systematic error budget which should be considerably less than the random error budget. Especially, the stringent requirement for the laser spectral performance of the pulsed direct detection sensor needs particular attention. Tab 3.3.1: Performance synthesis and risk level; taken from [TN240] Parameter analysed Random error Risk level for Pulsed direct detection IPDA Lidar Risk level for PN CW IPDA lidar Comments Low-moderate Low-moderate Risk level for achieving the target requirements Systematic error budget Moderate-high Moderate-high This assumes that the expected error budget of 0.27 or 0.4 ppmv lies in between target and threshold requirements. The error is driven be the ground pressure uncertainty smallb Driven by the target requirement over water Power aperture product area mediuma Laser spectral performance high Moderate Risk level of required bandwidth, frequency stability and spectral purity Path length determination low Moderate Risk level of applied technology for achieving Aerosol/cloud interference low Moderate Pointing requirement Moderate Moderate a medium correspondes to values with 2 < PA < 10 Wm2 b small correspondes to values with pa < 2 Wm2 4 Technology Status, Risks and Limitations 4.1 Transmitter Sub-System Table 4.1-1 summarises potential candidates and their limitations of transmitter sources at 1.6 and 2.05 µm spectral region. In reference to the maturity level for the various radiation sources shown in the Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 84 table below, some preferences are given to the 2.0 µm spectral region where the benefits from past and current instruments are expected to be largest. Tab. 4.1-1 : Risk level of transmitter sources for pulsed and cw IPDA taken from [TN320] 4.2 Receiver Sub-Systems 4.2.1 Telescope The telescope itself presents no challenges: telescope primaries of the same diameter class as needed as well as the optical structure and accommodating the volume and mass of this structure will be done by use of the SiC technology which gives lower mass and higher stiffness than conventional technologies. This technology was already used for existing space telescopes or demonstrators (for example the FIRST demonstrator (φ=1.35m)) for future mission. 4.2.2 Blocking Filter The required filters present no technological risk. The use of optical filters will be restricted to the 1.6 µm direct detection IPDA concept in order to overcome possible detrimental spectral properties of the lidar transmitter. While the filters are anticipated to rely on conventional designs the exact layout must remain open and should undergo further analyses as this strongly depends on the properties of the laser radiation. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 85 5 Summary of Baseline Recommendation Table 5.1 summarises the overall instrument comparison in terms of risk level estimates for the various trade-off criteria. The table indicates that both instruments show comparable risk level estimates. Therefore, we recommend considering both instrument lines pulsed IPDA direct detection at 1.6 µm and CW IPDA at 2 µm for follow-on activities on CO2. But we would like to point out, if better near IR detectors at 2.0 µm become available the direct detection IPDA should also be investigated at 2.0 µm on instrument level. Table 5-1: Summary of baseline recommendations; taken from [TN340] Trade-off Criteria Performance analysis Technical Aspects Transmitter Rx Optics & Detector Wavelength control Opto-mech&thermal Calibration On-board Signal Proc. Resource Demands Risk Level Random modulated IPDA at 2 µm Compliant with target requirements Pulsed direct detection IPDA at 1.6 µm Compliant with target requirements medium-high low medium medium-high medium low-medium medium medium-high high medium low-medium medium-high low high Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 86 6 Study Conclusion and Recommendations 6.1 Summary In this study the background for the definition of a future space-borne lidar system capable to monitor greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O as well as ozone (O3) and also pressure (p) and temperature (T) are investigated in detail. This includes the definition of the observational requirements for the individual parameters, an estimation of the measurement performance of active optical instruments, and a comparison to the performance of existing and planned passive instruments. After trading-off pros against cons, the greenhouse gas CO2 was finally selected as potential candidate worthwhile to be further studied on the instrument and mission levels. The method of Integrated Path Differential Absorption (IPDA) lidar using hard target reflection in the near IR has been found potentially suited for fulfilling the target observational requirements for the random error. The observational requirements for CO2 are harmonised with the results from the parallel IPSL study. Two sets of requirements are established for measurements at 1.6 µm and 2.0µm. The availability of required surface pressure data with an accuracy <1 hPa was confirmed by ECMWF. More realistic geophysical data on surface reflections over land and the ocean were implemented for an improved simulation of the surface pressure induced CO2 measurement errors. Two baseline instrument concepts are proposed in the second part of the study. The first one uses a modulated cw laser as transmitter and a heterodyne detection principle in combination with spread spectrum techniques to achieve the range-information directly from IPDA measurements. The second system uses a pulsed laser source which emits nanosecond pulses into the atmosphere and a direct detection receiver. For each sensor the availability and status of the critical subsystems we reviewed. Finally, the various sources of measurement errors in connection to the specific sensor concept were critically reviewed. A systematic error of 0.3 ppmv for the direct detection and 0.4 ppmv for the RM cw system was found. Although the direct detection instrument is regarded more demanding, both instrument lines are found worthwhile to be further studied. 6.2 Recommendations on Follow-on Activities Despite the achievements obtained in this study several questions remain which first have to be answered prior to an optimisation of single hardware elements. 6.2.1 Validation of Statistical Albedo Variations The low surface reflection over water is the design driver for sizing the instrument. If sources and sinks over land are the main focus of the mission, then the required power aperture product could be relaxed by a factor of ten. However, any further optimisation of a future CO2 mission with respect to maximum scientific merits requires also dedicated observations over the ocean since 2/3 of the Earth’s surface is covered by water. The definition of a CO2 measurement system depends to a large extend on the values of the target albedo and their statistical variations during overflight. The statistics and even the magnitude of the surface reflectivity over land (albedo jumps) and water (specular reflections) are not clear for a nadir Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 87 viewing instrument operating in the 1.6 or 2 µm wavelength. As such data depend on target characteristics as well as on spot size and wavelength it would be very useful to arrange validation measurements by flying an unmodulated laser together with a roughly representative telescope and to monitor the return signal with a heterodyne receiver. A significant error source of IPDA measurements is also associated to difficulties in path length determination (spread of the ground return, etc) over 50 km sampling interval, especially over inhomogeneous terrain. It should be investigated if ranging measurements can be realised with adequate effort together with the albedo measurements. 6.2.2 Error Analysis of Supporting Data A target bias level of 0.1 ppmv is hard to achieve even with an active system. Here a consolidated threshold value for the upper bound of the systematic error is required. A small bias strongly impacts the requirements for the spectral performance and frequency stability of the used laser source, especially for the direct detection system. From differential absorption measurement the column number density of CO2 is obtained. For calculation of the mixing ratio, surface pressure data is required from an external data source. This is an additional source of error and we recommend an analysis of the surface pressure error in ECMWF data in more detail. Moreover, it should be investigated whether the observational requirements for the dry air mixing ratio can be reformulated in the total column of the number density of CO2. In addition the validation scenario using in-situ data and co-located measurements from other mission should be analysed. This would include a requirements definition for the cross validation with other sensors. 6.2.3 Breadboarding Activities For the cw IPDA instrument @2.068 µm the stability of the heterodyne efficiency should be validated. As most error contributions depend on details of the design the performance only can be validated by hardware testing. For this purpose the core elements of the instrument except beam expander should be breadboarded in a space representative manner and should be operated with a reflector plate a few meters apart. The most critical issue of the heterodyne concept is the realisation of the 3-niveau laser with an M2 close to 1 and a sufficiently low spectral short term stability. None of the other available laser sources (e.g. Meteor from CTI, LISA laser, etc.) directly meets the requirements on wavelength, output power, frequency stability, beam quality and space compatibility. Especially the beam superposition and the spectral stability strongly depend on design details. At least the short term stability (Allan variance), the beam jitter and the beam quality parameters should be validated by testing. In addition all major parameters affecting the beam superposition should be varied. Mainly concerned are thermal effects and micro-vibrations. The detailed optimisation of H/W components should be realised after successful realisation of 6.2.1 6.2.3. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 88 Direct Detection System The most critical technical parameter for the direct detection instrument is the spectral purity of the measurement signal. For the radiation source any value > 99.9% at the wavelengths 1572, 1580, and 1610 nm would be highly desirable. We expect that further improvement of the spectral purity by about one order of magnitude might be possible by spectral filtering either the outgoing laser pulses or the received signals. The spectral characteristics of the envisaged radiation source and the transmit chain filter should be estimated by performance simulation. The effects of error contributions on the measurement should be analysed. Different filtering techniques should be investigated and the most promising one should be selected for a breadboard phase. Within this phase the theoretical values should be confirmed by longpass absorption measurements. At the end of the study a spectral purity value of ~ 99,98% should be demonstrated. Nevertheless, the prospect to relax the stringent requirements put on the spectral purity of the lidar transmitter depends on both, the passband of the filter(s) and the detailed spectral behaviour of the laser. Therefore, this issue needs further analysis based on appropriate models of the spectral shape of the emitted radiation for the different transmitter concepts. Heterodyne System Besides the laser source there are a few other elements needing a more detailed investigation: The phase modulator probably will be realised with an EOM and for the system a complete carrier suppression is desired. As the modulation depth depends on an absolute value of high voltage it is doubtful that the modulation depth can be kept stable over lifetime. It is therefore recommended to establish a control loop by measuring the remaining carrier by mixing the signals in front and after the EOM and to control the modulation voltage. For risk reduction this device should be breadboarded. Another topic of the modulator is the switching time for phase modulation. No critical effects are expected but the switching times, i.e. the output spectrum of a fairly representative modulator should be validated. Requirements Definition for Future DIAL Instruments, Final Report 89 7 References 7.1 Scientific Requirements 7.1.1 Temperature and Pressure 1. Bjerknes, V., 1898: Über einen hydrodynamischen Fundamentalsatz und seine Anwendung besonders auf die Mechanik der Atmosphäre und des Weltmeeres. Kongl. Sven.Vetensk. Akad. Handlingar, 31, 1-35. (for a current perspective see Thorpe et al., 2003) 2. Bouttier, F., P. Courtier, 1999: Data assimilation concepts and methods. Meteorological training course lecture notes, ECMWF, Reading, 58 pp. 3. Eyre, J., J.-N. Thépaut, J. Joiner, L.P. Riishojgaard, F. Gérard, 2002: Position paper: Requirements for observations for global NWP. AEG/NWP, EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, 25 pp. 4. Gustafsson, N., M. Capaldo, B. Orfila Estrada, J. 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