Roques anglès - Turisme Andorra la Vella
Roques anglès - Turisme Andorra la Vella
ANDORRA LA VELLA ROCKS IN THE STREET OPEN GEOLOGY MUSEUM ROCK GARDEN GEOLOGICAL ITINERARY GRANITE ARCHITECTURE ITINERARY We don’t realise, but in our urban surroundings there are hidden riches which can help us to know more about the natural environment. We are inevitably bound up with nature; she offers us all the resources we need to carry out our daily life. Without having to go to far places in the earth, we can find in our urban surroundings that are an accessible area, many varieties of sedimentary, magmatic and metamorphic rocks and we can even find fossils of great quality. Another factor is that some of the constructions are evidence of the use that we have historically made of the materials offered us by nature, although this usually goes unnoticed. The purpose of the Open Geology Museum “Rocks in the Street” is to bring out the values of world geodiversity and the geological heritage of Andorra through the observation and study of elements belonging to our daily life; they have always been there and we have seen them, but now we can learn to see them in a different way. We invite you to take a stroll through the streets of Andorra la Vella, finding the panels with their explanations, designed to introduce you into the always interesting world of geology. ROCK GARDEN Located in the Parc Central, in this “Garden” you can find examples of the rocks which are found in Andorra. The Rock Garden is accompanied by a series of panels which tell us about rocks in general, rocks in Andorra and their uses. C/ B. Riberaygua Avin gu da M Galeries Plaza eritx ell STA Av. Consell d’Europa g d'Ur eta . Rib C/ B ere C/ P Rock Garden Esta c ió d 'aut Parc Central e Tar rago na Andorra la Vella P da d Aving u P Plaça del Poble GEOLOGICAL ITINERARY You start in Plaça Príncep Benlloch and continue through various streets of the parish. The itinerary has several stopping places, always in front of a building. At each stop a panel asks you to observe a detail of the rock used in the building and gives explanations related with geology. obu sos Creu e la rat d Carr er P Prat esportiu P P Casa de la Vall Plaça Guillemó C/ Doctor Nequi Av. Príncep Benlloch C/ de l'Al ret zina C/ D octo r Vila nova Plaça P. Benlloch Comú C/ Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer Av. Meritxel l Beginning of the itineraries P C/ B. Sard allau ana e la C/ d C/ C go l eray gua Maragall C/ Joan n me Ar Geological itinerary Pça. de la Rotonda Pont de París Av. Mitjavila Granite architecture itinerary The museum that is in Andorra la Vella is divided into three parts: GRANITE ARCHITECTURE ITINERARY You start near the Plaça Príncep Benlloch and again continue through various streets in the capital. This itinerary also has various stops where you are shown buildings which belong to “granite architecture”. At these stops, you will see typical features of this architectural current and its importance in the Andorran context. The granite architecture itinerary has been organised with the collaboration of the Inventory and Conservation Area of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Culture and Cooperation. THE ROCKS ROCKS IN ANDORRA Rocks are natural materials constituted of one or more types of minerals. In nature we find three types of rock: igneous or magmatic rock, sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock. THE SITUATION Andorra is located in the geological nucleus of the Pyrenees, in the socalled Pyrenean axial zone, where the rocks are the oldest. IGNEOUS OR MAGMATIC ROCKS There are by the cooling of molten magma existing in the interior of the Earth. If the magma cools slowly, without coming out through the surface, it becomes rock with well formed crystals, called plutonic rock, which is the case of the granodiorites of Andorra. If the cooling is quick, because the magma emerges on the surface, volcanic rock such as basalt is the result. SEDIMENTARY ROCKS These originate on the earth’s surface or at the bottom of seas or lakes, from deposited material produced by the erosion of other rocks; in this case they form detritic rock, such as sandstones, clays and conglomerates. They may be also produced by the chemical precipitation of substances dissolved in water, or the accumulation of organic remains; in this case they form calcareous rocks such as limestones (pumice, for example) or gypsum. METAMORPHIC ROCKS These are formed by subjecting any kind of rock to high pressures and/or temperatures but without actually melting them. This changes the initial mineralogy and structure of the rock and produces a new rock. Examples of these rocks are slate, phyllite, schist and gneiss. In general, the rocks in Andorra are mostly metamorphosed. AGE Except for quaternary materials, the rocks in Andorra are very old. - The sedimentary materials (except sediments left by glaciers) are of an age contained probably between 590 million years (Precambrian) and 390-370 million years (middle Devonian). - It is considered that the gneiss could be around 500 million years old. - The granodiorites are calculated to have an age of 305 million years. Can you imagine these figures in comparison with a person’s life today? COMPLEXITY The rocks in Andorra have a complex geological history when we realise especially the fact that they have suffered two orogenesis processes (formation of a relief through the lifting action of the earth’s surface). During the Carboniferous era, 300 million years ago, they experienced the effects of hercynian orogenesis, which culminated in the formation of a folded mountain system, subsequently eroded during the Paleozoic era. During the Tertiary era, the alpine orogenesis took place which formed the Pyrenees as we know them today. This long history means that the rocks in Andorra show important evidence of metamorphism. THE TYPE The rocks in Andorra can be divided generally into rocks of magmatic origin and rocks of sedimentary origin. Most, however, have been subjected to metamorphism. ROCKS ARE ALIVE When we look at a rock, we always have the impression that it has been there “for ever”, that it always has had the appearance that we see and that it will stay the same for “an eternity more”. In fact, this is not true: constantly and slowly, rocks change. Each of the three types of rock can turn into either of the other two, or another rock of its own type. This whole set of transformations is called “the rock cycle”. Rocks of magmatic origin Rocks of sedimentary origin THE USE OF THE ROCKS Quartzite Metamorphic rock of silica composition which comes from sedimentary rocks such as quartzarenite and conglomerates. Phyllite Metamorphic rock, of low metamorphism, derived from clayey sediments. It has a silky appearance and a foliated texture. It is intermediate between slate and schist. ROCKS OF MAGMATIC ORIGIN Granodiorite Plutonic rock rich in silicon composed of quartz, feldspars, and biotite mica. Gneiss Metamorphic rock which has been subjected to strong compression and high temperatures. It can be of sedimentary or igneous origin. It is composed of potassic feldspar (forming large crystals), quartz and biotite. ROCKS OF SEDIMENTARY ORIGIN Conglomerate Large grain detritic sedimentary rock, with more than 50% of the components measuring over 2 mm. In Andorra many conglomerates are found in La Rabassa, formed by pebbles of slate, quartz and quartzite. Limestone Limestone rocks contain more than 50% of calcium carbonate. They are of very different origins, chemical, biochemical and biological. They normally contain many fossils. Slate Rock of sedimentary origin (detritic with very fine grain) which has been through a very low grade metamorphism. It has a matt appearance and a foliated structure. Schist Metamorphic rock of low to medium grade, derived from sedimentary rocks such as lutites and, from time to time, basic igneous rock (poor in silicon). In Andorra, the schists are included in the claypelite series. Clay-pelite series The clay-pelite series, in Andorra, are alternations of different types of rock very widespread throughout the Principality: schists, quartzites, conglomerates, sandstones, limestones, etc. Each rock has its own physical properties and components which characterise it. It is precisely these properties and elements that man has taken advantage of in using the rock. Here we see three examples of use, perhaps the most significant in Andorra. ROMANESQUE ARCHITECTURE Let us look at a Romanesque apse, such as that of the church of Sant Esteve in Andorra la Vella. The roof is tiled in slate (metamorphic rock) or, as they call it in Andorra, of “llosa”. This use takes advantage of the property of this rock of breaking into thin slices, known as foliation. The walls are of granodiorite (plutonic rock), a very hard rock able to withstand great pressure and very resistant to weather conditions. Finally, the window arches have keystones of pumice (sedimentary rock). Pumice is a very soft rock and therefore easy to carve and manipulate. As a result of this property, this stone was much used in the middle ages for sculpture. THE CATALAN FORGE In Andorra 32 mineralization sites have been identified. The most important are in Silurian slate, in the form of iron minerals such as hematite, goethite and pyrite. The presence of iron in our rocks enabled an important iron industry to flourish between the 17th and 19th centuries: the called Catalan forge. If you would like to know more about this, it is worth visiting the Rossell Forge in La Massana and following the itinerary “The Route of the Iron” in the valley of Ordino. GRANITE ARCHITECTURE The beginning of the 1930s saw the start in Andorra of an architectural current which lasted until the 1960s, characterised by the use of granite ashlars to cover façades. The granite was used in a very formal way and left visible for its lustre on the whole of the façade or for some parts such as the corners or openings. This architecture, which meant a radical break with the forms of construction used in Andorra until then, was influenced by Catalan modernism through the architects who came to work in Andorra, such as Josep Puig i Cadafalch, Celestí Gusi and Adolfo Florensa, and also the Andorran Xavier Pla, who was trained in Catalonia. This architecture was also encouraged by the arrival of Spanish stonemasons, particularly from Galicia and Andalusia, experts in the techniques of cutting granite. The arrival of granite architecture coincided with the beginning of the tourist and hotel activity in Andorra. We find that the first hotel establishments in the Principality are built in this style. The importance of this architecture comes particularly from the fact that it was undisputable evidence of the processes of economic, social and town planning transformation which affected Andorra in the mid20th century. ROCK GARDEN GEOLOGICAL ITINERARY 1 Travertine Travertine is a rock resulting from the precipitation of calcium carbonate, often around stems, branches and leaves, in river areas or lakes, or around waterfalls. Phyllite Phyllite is a metamorphic rock, of low metamorphism, derived from clayey sediments. It has a silky appearance and a foliated texture. It is intermediate between slate and schist. Granodiorite Granodiorite is a plutonic rock rich in silicon, composed of quartz, feldspars, and biotite mica. Quartzite Quartzite can be a metamorphic rock of silica composition which comes from sedimentary rocks such as quartzarenite and conglomerates. Gneiss Gneiss is a metamorphic rock which has been subjected to strong compression and high temperatures. It can be of sedimentary or igneous origin. It is composed of potassic feldspar (forming large crystals), quartz and biotite. Conglomerate Conglomerate is a detritic sedimentary rock, composed by rounded grains measuring over 2 mm. Limestone Limestone rocks contain more than 50% of calcium carbonate. They are of very different origins, chemical, biochemical and biological. They normally contain many fossils. Notice the folds of calcite that there is in one of the blocks. These are a consequence of the different deformations that the rock has suffered. Quartzitic sandstone Limestone Limestone rocks contain more than 50% of calcium carbonate. They are of very different origins, chemical, biochemical and biological. They normally contain many fossils. Notice that this rock is formed of tiny grains so small that you can hardly see them with the naked eye. Some shine (muscovite mica) and others do not (quartz). This rock is a quartzitic sandstone. The formation of sandstones starts from a parent rock which was broken up by the action of external agents (rain, ice, wind...). Water carries off the particles resulting from the disaggregation and deposits them in a certain place forming a sediment. Later the sediment becomes compacted and cemented and turns into this rock. Schist Schist is a metamorphic rock of low to medium grade, derived from sedimentary rocks such as lutites and, from time to time, basic igneous rock (poor in silicon). Volcanic tuff In Andorra there are few volcanic rocks, the best place to observe them is in the Communal Nature Reserve of the Comapedrosa Valleys. There, some rhyolitic tuffs outcrop, composed by immersed phenocrysts of quartz in a matrix of quartz, plagioclase, chlorite and muscovite. Quartzite Quartzite can be a metamorphic rock of silica composition which comes from sedimentary rocks such as quartzarenite and conglomerates. Slate Slates are rocks of sedimentary origin (detritics with very fine grain) which have been through a very low grade metamorphism. They have a foliated structure. In Andorra, the slates of Silurian have been an object of exploitation to obtain iron. Slate Slates are rocks of sedimentary origin (detritics with very fine grain) which have been through a very low grade metamorphism. They have a foliated structure. 2 3 Nummulitic limestone Gneiss Notice that you cannot see very much in this rock. Now, if you wet it with a moist paper handkerchief (there’s a fountain near), the rock darkens and tiny circular white forms appear. These are fossils called nummulites. Nummulites were single-celled organisms which could be over 10 cm in diameter, with a calcareous shell. They lived in the sea during the Eocene era, around 40 million years ago. Notice the façade of the house Casa Ferré street down (C/ de la Vall nº 3). You will see large elongated white crystals (feldspars) surrounded by smaller crystals, in bands. This arrangement of minerals is called gneissic texture. Gneiss is metamorphic rock derived from granite or sedimentary rocks of the same composition which have been very compressed at high temperatures. During this process the minerals of the parent rock re-crystallise in a direction generally perpendicular to the compression applied, forming bands. 4 5 8 9 Schist Fossiliferous limestone Slate Granodiorite Notice the parts of this rock which shine like silver. This is a mineral called muscovite mica. The schist that decorates this façade is a metamorphic rock derived from sedimentary rocks or occasionally from basic magmatic rocks, that is, poor in silicon. Schist is formed inside the earth’s crust by metamorphic processes during which the minerals of the parent rock, particularly micas, are rearranged in planes. These have a tendency to come apart in parallel slices, more or less thick. This property of the rock is called schistosity. Notice this fine-grained limestone. It has a high content of fossils called brachiopods, embedded in a matrix of calcite. These are fossils of marine bentonic invertebrates (that is, living on the sea floor), their soft parts being enclosed inside a shell formed of two valves. More than 30,000 species of brachiopods have been described, of which now only 300 survive. The age in which they were most abundant was during the Mesozoic, from 245 to 65 million years ago. Notice that this rock is stratified, that it can manage to split in slices. This property of slate of breaking into slices is called foliation. Slates come from fine-grain sedimentary rocks (such as clay) which have been subjected to moderate pressures and temperatures. This process makes the minerals take up stratified forms arranged in parallel. This orientation of the minerals gives place to foliation. Notice the grains of this rock. We can see basically that there are three types: some black, some opaque white and others translucent white. All of them are very abundant. There are others of a different appearance, but not so abundant. In a rock we speak of essential minerals when referring to the most abundant, the presence of which is used as a method of classification. Accessory minerals are those present in the rock in a smaller proportion, less than 5%. Accidental minerals are those which are found only in certain rock formations. 6 7 10 11 Folds Brick Granodiorite Glass Notice the numerous folds in this granite rock. You get the feeling that the minerals have been fluid. Although the rocks are hard, if we subject it to high temperatures and pressure they become ductile, but without actually melting; it folds without fracturing, as though it were plasticine. Many rocks on the Earth are distorted into folds. The simplest are the synclines and anticlines. There are also other more complex forms, such as the inclined folds and turned folds. Notice this brick wall. A brick is a piece of clay shaped into a rectangular prism, dried and baked, used a great deal in the construction of walls, pillars, ovens, chimneys, etc., due to its qualities of rigidity, resistance and endurance. It is made by extracting clay, grinding, preparation and kneading, moulding, drying and baking. The clay is principally composed of aluminium silicates mixed with iron oxide, calcium carbonate and magnesium. Notice how the blocks of granodiorite used for this façade are joined together by another substance. Generally, the blocks used for façades are joined together with mortar, but throughout the history of building this has not always been so. Machu-Picchu, the lost city of the Incas built in the Peruvian Andes, is one of the finest examples of Inca architecture. What is most impressive is the high degree of perfection of the buildings, especially the religious ones, and above all the engineering expertise applied, as many of the rock walls have a slight inward inclination to protect them from earthquakes. Notice this glass façade. Glass can be formed naturally, by such rapid cooling of magma that the minerals cannot crystallise, or it can be synthetic, as we see here. We say that glass is an amorphous material because its atoms are not arranged in a regular pattern. In contrast, we say that minerals (such as quartz or diamond) have a crystalline structure because their atoms are arranged in an ordered way. This internal arrangement can be translated into a geometric external form. 13 12 16 17 Larvikite Slate Migmatite with garnets Granite Notice the iridescent brilliance of the essential mineral (potassium feldspar) which forms the rock. Iridescence is an optic phenomenon which forms a play of colours. It happens when light enters into a medium in which multiples reflections are produced by the presence of many semitransparent surfaces. Iridescence is very frequent in nature. Many minerals show it, but also some butterflies, some shells, and it can even be observed in clouds. Notice how inside this almost black slate there are tiny golden points. If you look at them closely you see that they are little cubes with a metallic look. These are a mineral called pyrite, which crystallises in the cubic system. Pyrite is an iron sulphide which is used to obtain sulphuric acid and iron. Notice this green migmatite, it can come from the partial fusion of a metamorphic rock. You can see some red grains in it, these are a mineral called garnet. This name was given to the mineral in ancient times because it is the same colour as pomegranate seeds. Minerals have many applications in our daily life. One of the best known is jewellery, which takes advantage of different properties such as hardness, transparency and the colours which are attractive to our eyes. Garnet is an example. There are six varieties, called in gemmology pyrope (red), almandine (red), spessartine (yellow), grossular garnet (yelloworange), andradite (yellow-green) and uvarovite (dark green). Notice the granite of this façade. For the great civilisations of antiquity, in Egypt and Mesopotamia, rocks such as granite, dolerite and diorite were materials much appreciated in construction. In ancient Egypt, granite was quarried in the quarries close to Aswan (in the south of Egypt) and was easily transported down the Nile. Taking advantage of the seasons of flood, boats could carry huge blocks to the places where they were to be used, so that they only had to be taken overland for relatively short distances. These expeditions could cover nearly a thousand kilometres and took one or two weeks. 15 14 18 19 Granite Quartzite Veined limestone Travertine Notice the grains in this rock, some are larger than others. This granite has a porphyritic texture. We speak of the texture of a rock when we refer to the relative sizes of the crystals forming it. For example, in magmatic rocks we speak of a granular texture when the grains are more or less all the same size and of porphyritic texture when some grains are larger than others. Notice the cylinders of an exceptional blue colour inside the shop. They seem stained, but in fact it is nature that gives them this colour. This is a quartzite (metamorphic rock formed essentially of quartz grains cemented together by silica) which owes its blue colour to the mineral dumortierite. Commercially the rock is called Blue Macaubas and is quarried in Brazil. At present Blue Macaubas is one of the most prized ornamental rocks. Notice this rock. For its use in cladding the façade, the initial rock has been cut into fine slices. Ornamental rocks are quarried first in the form of large blocks and are then cut into finer pieces to obtain slabs. The first great quarry in history was opened in 2,600 BC, when the Egyptian King Djoser wanted to establish his eternal residence in Sakkara. The opening of this quarry involved one of the first geological expeditions to search for all kinds of rocks popular at that time (highly coloured and with quite veins, like the stone we see on this façade). Notice the cavities formed in this rock. Inside them you can see elongated tubes and little holes. They are moulds of the branches of plants. Travertine is a rock resulting from the precipitation of calcium carbonate, often around stems, branches and leaves, in river areas or lakes, or around waterfalls. In Andorra, this rock is called “tosca” (and the quarry is a “tosquer”) and historically it was used a great deal in construction. It can be seen in the keystones of Romanesque windows. 21 20 24 25 Limestone Rock? Calcarenite White marble Notice the little fractures filled in with crystallised minerals showing in this limestone. From the moment of its formation, rock suffers a whole series of movements and transformations. No rock has remained undisturbed throughout its life. The fractures that you see in this rock were not always there, they came after its formation. First the fracture happened and then it was filled in by the mineral which essentially forms the rock, that is, calcite. Generally, fractured ornamental rocks are more fragile that the solid types. The fact that the spaces left by the fractures are filled in can reduce this fragility. Notice this material composed of grains more or less of the same size. Some even resemble mirrors. In fact, it is not rock at all. This is an artificial material marketed since 1990. It is a mixture of natural stone (94% of quartz) and ceramics. New technology in the manufacture of synthetic materials has enabled us to reproduce the appearance, touch and weight of natural stone, and a similar quality. The most normal applications are for kitchens and bathrooms, but it is also used for floors, walls, shop counters and bars, etc. Today we can create materials with such perfection that even the geologists find them difficult to detect ! Notice, on the one hand, how this rock is composed of small white grains: these are fragments of the shells of living beings. Notice, on the other hand, the red lines; geologists call this cross lamination. Cross lamination is formed when sediments are deposited in water with weak currents. In this case the shape of these laminations tells us of the presence of oscillating currents, that is to say, waves. The presence of cross lamination and the fact that the grains composing the rock are fragments of shells, tells us that this rock was formed in a slightly deep marine environment, such as a beach. Notice this white marble. This metamorphic rock comes from a limestone. If the parent limestone is very pure, it re-crystallises as white marble, with a texture similar to that of the sugar. The calcite grains have no orientation and do not leave any spaces, that is, the rock is not porous, a property much appreciated by sculptors. Marble from Carrara (a town in Italy), for example, has a very low porosity of between 0.01 and 0.22%. This marble has been known since ancient times and has been quarried since that era. The greatest sculptors of ancient Greece used it to make such famous works as the Venus de Milo, by an unknown artist, and Michelangelo used it in 1501 for his David, a piece measuring over 4 metres high. 23 22 26 27 Granite Rapakivi granite Granite Pegmatite Notice this rock, quite normally found on façades, in kitchens and on shop counters. Except their geological names, the rocks used in the world of decoration also have commercial names. In this case, geologically we speak of pink biotite granite, and commercially of Pink Porriño. This is a granite quarried in the municipal district of Porriño-Mas in the Spanish province of Pontevedra. In fact, the Iberian Peninsula is a large producer of ornamental rock, with a great variety and quality of material. Notice how the texture of this granite is totally different from the other granites that you have seen during this itinerary. Rapakivi granite has an ovoid texture composed of rounded formations. The centre of these formations, of pink colour, is formed of alkaline feldspar surrounded by a paler line of plagioclase. Many of these granites come from Finland. Notice the grains of this rock, all more or less of the same size. This granite has a granular texture. We speak of the texture of a rock when we refer to the relative sizes of the crystals forming it. For example, in magmatic rocks we speak of a granular texture when the grains are more or less all the same size and of porphyritic texture when some grains are larger than others. Notice this blue magmatic rock. Commercially it is called Blue Aran and it is quarried in the Vall d’Aran (Spain). It is a pegmatite, a rock defined as a graphic granite, that is to say, with an interpenetration of the minerals (especially the quartz and feldspar) giving, in section, polygonal shapes recalling cuneiform inscriptions. The minerals composing the pegmatite (quartz, feldspar, muscovite mica and other accessory minerals such as albite, apatite, beryl, emerald, topaz, tourmaline and zircon) are of large dimensions because the rock, when it was formed, cooled slowly and the minerals had time to grow. 28 29 32 33 Gabbro Ornamental rocks Pink marble Faults Notice this black magmatic rock. This is a gabbro, a plutonic rock without any quartz, composed essentially of plagioclase with a proportion of anorthite (mineral in the feldspar group, in the plagioclase series) of over half, associated with pyroxenes and iron oxides. According to the most characteristic mineral, there are several forms of gabbro: olivine, hornblende, orthopyroxene, etc. Gabbros are, in fact, the intrusive equivalent of basalt (volcanic rock). Notice the distribution of shapes and colours in the rocks you can se in this passage. Many times we pass by these rocks without noticing them. In fact, rocks are natural elements of great beauty, especially if properly treated (cut, polished...). And the great variety of rocks existing on the Earth (speaking of geodiversity) enables us to make ornamental combinations of great aesthetic value. Notice this pink marble. Marble is a metamorphic rock derived from limestone by a re-crystallisation process. The impurities present in the limestone during its re-crystallisation affect the mineral composition of the resulting marble. The minerals resulting from these impurities produce a broad variety of coloured marbles. The purest marble is white, marble containing hematite is reddish, marble with limonite is yellow, and when it contains serpentine it is green. These colours can be seen as a uniform tint or can be in veins. Notice the small discontinuities of this rock. In this case, we speak of micro-fractures. On a larger scale, these discontinuities are called faults. Faults form when the rock, under pressure from movements of the Earth, is not deformed but breaks into two sections. Depending on the movements of these two blocks of rock and their geometry, there are vertical, normal, reverse and transform faults. 30 31 34 35 Limestone with stylolites Granite Granite Concrete Notice the fine wavy lines and the darker ones crossing this limestone rock. These are stylolites. Stylolites are structures in the form of little columns (1 mm to 30 cm long) which interpenetrate alternately in opposite directions, mostly in limestone rock. They were formed when the rock was subjected to strong pressure (of sedimentary or tectonic origin) which meant that dissolution took place in the weakest parts of the rock. Stylolites can be blackish or brown, according to whether the residues of dissolution are carbonbased or clay-based. Notice the number of shops in Meritxell Avenue which use ornamental rocks in their decoration. However, this use is not new. Natural stone has been important throughout the history of humanity, in building and in art. Rocks have also been used as magic and religious symbols since the earliest times in our history. Notice how some of the plates of granite rock used to decorate this façade are polished and others have a rough surface. The most frequent finish for ornamental rock is polished, but there are others, such as flame finished or bush hammered. The operation of polishing gives a smooth and shining surface, using various abrasive sanders of progressively find grain. Flame finished is done by applying temperature of 2,800 ºC to the surface of the rock, which gives it a rough and glassy look. For the oldest finish, bush hammered, the rock surface is struck with a special hammer with pyramidal points to give the surface a fine, medium or large rough texture. Notice these columns; they are not stone, but a very common artificial material, concrete. Concrete is a construction material which is the result of a mixture of gravel, sand, cement and water, which is then moulded and finally hardens. Cement is a fine powder principally made from clay, sand and limestone. The clay and the sand supply silicon (Si), aluminium (Al) and iron (Fe), while the limestone contributes calcium (Ca). The Romans already used a mixture called Opus caementitium, composed of limestone clay with aggregates of puzzolan (volcanic rock) or laterite flour (sedimentary rock rich in aluminium and iron), the precursor of our concrete and the origin of the term cement. GRANITE ARCHITECTURE ITINERARY 1. Edifici Xavier Maestre 4. Casa Isern 5. Xalet Arajol Granite architecture is an architectural current which began in the 1930s and lasted until the 1960s. This current brought a change in building techniques. Styles moved from houses built of stone and subsequently stuccoed, to houses in which the stone (granite) took on a leading role: it was left visible and became a decorative element. Granite architecture in Andorra was influenced by Catalan new century styles, a current which succeeded modernism in Catalonia. In this itinerary we are using the term “granite architecture”, which is how the architectural current was described. It should be said, however, that geologically speaking the rock used is granodiorite. Granodiorite is a plutonic magmatic rock composed of quartz (grey grains), alkaline feldspar and plagioclase (white grains) and biotite (black grains). It is thought that the granodiorite found in Andorra was formed around 305 million years ago, at a temperature of around 550 ºC and at a pressure of some 2.5 kb. Granite architecture is characterised by the use of granite ashlars. The granite is not placed uncut as was done before, but is given a specific shape and becomes a decorative element in the whole of the façade or at the corners and openings. Granite ashlars are cut square, as rectangles, rhomboids or honeycomb (the most typical and representative). This last shape can be seen nearby, behind the chalet, up the street, on the building which houses a transformer. 2. Casa Serola 3. Plaça Guillemó 6. Casa Felipó 7. Casa Nyerro The expansion of granite architecture would not have been possible without the many stonemasons of Spanish origin who came to Andorra, mostly from Andalusia and Galicia, to build the FHASA hydroelectric power station (now FEDA). Some stayed in Andorra, and others came later, to share in the large building boom in the country. The Plaça Guillemó, called “de les Arcades”, was conceived by Bartomeu Rebés Duran, owner of the land. A draughtsman by training, he laid out here the first example of good town planning in Andorra la Vella, in the granite architecture style. The perimeter of the building was capped by a 40º cornice, a perimeter porch was set on the ground floor and balconies could be constructed on the façades. In 1961, the architect Jordi Masgrau Boschmonar began to give form to the whole assembly in the construction of the first building with a covered way. The development of granite architecture in Andorra is the result, among other factors, of the availability of this rock. A large part of the Andorran territory is formed of granodiorites (called granites in this itinerary) belonging to the Andorra-Montlluís batholite. This rock was formed during the late Carboniferous epoch, and it is believed to be 305 million years old. Several quarries supplied the stonemasons with granite; the most important was the one in Santa Coloma. Granite architecture expanded on both sides of the Pyrenees: in La Seu d’Urgell, Ax-Les-Thermes, Núria and La Molina. It is in Andorra, however, where it shows to best effect. This type of architecture is a reflection of the changes which took place in the Principality, both socially and economically, starting from the 1930s, in shifting from an essentially rural society to a more urban society. 8. Casa Massip-Dolsa 9. Casa Cassany The social and political situation in Catalonia after the 1930s brought several Catalan architects to work in Andorra, where they left their stamp on the granite architecture. Among these architects were Celestí Gusi, Josep Puig i Cadafalch (Casa Lacruz in Escaldes-Engordany), Adolfo Florensa and Xavier Pla, an Andorran trained in Catalonia. The Massip-Dolsa house was planned by Xavier Pla. In this architectural style, granite is used not only as a simple construction material, but also with a clearly decorative purpose. The granite is used to add decorative forms and elements to the façade to give it personality, always seeking symmetry. This symmetry is well reflected in the building of the Casa Cassany. On the ground floor are four semicircular arches, the centre two are large and are flanked by the two smaller. On the first and second floors, the central openings are in the form of semicircular arches and those at the sides are with plain lintels. On the third floor the pattern is reversed. 10. Hostal Isard The start of the 20th century saw the development of a type of elite tourism, lovers of nature and thermal waters. Around this new tourism the first spas in Andorra were opened and the first luxury hotels designed to please the exquisite tastes of these visitors in the new century. Outstanding among them are the Hotel Valira (Escaldes-Engordany), designed by Celestí Gusi, an associate of Puig i Cadafalch, and the majestic Hotel Rosaleda in Encamp, designed by Adolfo Florensa. Also buildings were erected with other uses, such as the FHASA hydroelectric power station (now FEDA), the Radio Andorra broadcasting station (Encamp) and schools such as the antique Meritxell School. Design: m6 & Jordi Pinós - Photos and texts: CENMA (IEA) - DL: AND.198-2007 For more information: Oficina de Turisme del Comú d‚Andorra la Vella Plaça de la Rotonda, s/n - AD500 Andorra la Vella Tel. (+376) 827.117 -