No Love, No Eucharist - OLGC Parish Plymouth
No Love, No Eucharist - OLGC Parish Plymouth
NO LOVE,NO EUCHARIST Weekof the Year,Monday(B) Twenty-fourth . 1 Corinthians 11:17-26,33 . L u k e7 : 1 - 1 0 Sometimeago I reada rivetingreportfroma priestin Calcutta.He had beeninvitedto at theirHouseof the Dying.Whenthe offerMassfor MotherTeresaand hercommunity time came for Holy Communion,he felt deeply how honoredhe was to be giving to this small,intensewomanclothedin sari and sandals.Suddenlyhe Communion it when he saw the way she lookedat the abandonedthat line of thinking-abandoned was then he realizedthatthe genuinewonderof the momentwas consecrated to a livingsaint,but that he was holdingin his not that he was givingHolyCommunion handthe bodyof Christ. But thatwas onlypartof the story.The priestwent on to tell of MotherTeresa's powerfulfaith.MotherTeresa,he said,believesin two kindsof "realpresence." Withthe of breadand wine;and eyesof faithshe seesthe livingChristunderthe appearances withthe eyesof faithshe alsoseesthe samelivingChristin the peopleshe servesso tenderly,so lovingly."MotherTeresa,"he wrote,"is a believer.Christis alwaystherefor peopleshe ministers to. She reverences them her in eachof the brokenand miserable Eucharist." as she doesthe consecrated In that contextlet me beginwith St. Paul and his CorinthianChristians,move brisklyto MotherTeresaand herbrokenpeople,andendwithyou andme.' I First,Paul. Paul is angry.When the Christiansof Corinthcornetogetherin a privatehometo celebratethe Eucharist, to his way of thinkingthere is no Eucharist. Eventhoughthe ritualwordsare uttered,thereis no Eucharist. Why?Becausethereis no love.Thereis only division.The wealthiercomeearly,eat theirown supper,leave nothingfor the poor who have beenworkingall day. "One goes hungryand another becomesdrunk"(1 Cor 11:21).Becausethe Eucharistic foodis the Lord,you violateits sacred character,you violate the Lord's presence,by selfish individualism,by disregarding the poor.No Eucharist becauseno communityl Canonlawyersmay shout"But it's valid,"theologians mightecho their protest. in our preciousvalidity;he is concerned But Paulis not interested for a Eucharist that is fruitful,a Eucharistthat is a sharingin God'sgrace.But...nolove,no grace.No grace, no Eucharist. tl Second,MotherTeresa.Nota theologian, but a womanwithincredible insight, unbelievable abilityto breakthroughthe tortuousstammerings of us theologians and livethe wondrousrealitieswe struggleto express.To her,onesentencesaidit all:"This is my bodythat is [broken]for you"(v. 24).Teresahad grasped,had beengraspedby, the Eucharisticrealitythat makessenseof her life. The body of Christthat is the Eucharistis not a privateparty,a me-and-Jesus two-step.The bodyof Christthat is the Eucharistmakesthe Bodyof Christthatis the is brokennotto satisfyisolated individuals butto buildcommunity. lt is brokenparticularly for thosewho arethemselves 3 broken,who sharemoreof Jesus'crucifixion thanof his resurrection. uncommonly That it. bodyis brokenand givenevenfor thosewho havenotthejoy of receiving Teresa graspedand lived the two facets of Eucharisticbelief that Catholic stressestoday,has actuallyalwaysstressed.(1) Christis reallypresentin spirituality what lookslike bread,feelslikebread,tasteslike breadbut is not bread,is simplyand trulyChristJesusour Lord.(2) The sameChristis reallypresentin everyman,woman, and childno matterhow inhuman;for eachhas beenshapedin the imageof Christ,a likenessto Christthat evensin cannotutterlydestroy.The 50,000bodiesTeresaand her sistersbroughtintotheirhometo die withdignity-eachwas carriedin becausehe or shewas Christ,a Christcrucified. Itl Third,what of you and me? Eachdaywe are privileged to transmutewheatand for ourselves; notevensimplyfor wineintothe risenChrist.Notsimplyor evenprimarily ThisBread,Jesussaid,is given"forthe lifeof the world"(Jn 6:33,51). our parishioners. Each Eucharisticrecessionalis not an end but a is a movementfrom churchto world,fromaltarto people,fromChristcrucifiedon Calvaryto Christcrucified on the highwaysand bywaysof ourworld. For us andfor our people,for thosewhostrugglefor biblicaljustice,who agonize for brokenbrothersand wastedsisters,the Eucharistshouldbe overour responsibility The peril is But our Eucharistis a perilousexperience. the heart of our spirituality. twofold,comes from two quarters.On the one hand, the Eucharistis the prime sacramentof unity,and yet it dividesus. Not preciselythe way it dividedthe early fromthe Corinthiancommunity.Butjust as effectively: from the musicto the ministers, 4 exchangeof peaceto Communionin the hand,from the agendaand the baggagewe bringwith us. On the otherhand,the Eucharistshouldpropelour peopleto the poorof who shareourfaith;all thosewho are in everydimension.Notonlythe suffering shouldopenour eyesas it doesthe eyesof Teresa:to see in everyhumanthe imageof Christ,the Christof Calvarythereal presenceof Christin thosewho laborand are But does it? Howcan it whenonly 30 percentof AmericanCatholics heavy-burdened. are nourishedby Christ'swordandfleshat leasttwicea month?Howcan it whenuntold thousandswho are so nourishedclosetheirearswhen"thepoor"are preached,when money? the veryword"justice"conjuresup lazywelfarefolklivingoff our hard-earned This is not a jeremiadagainstour people.The longerI live,the moreconvincedI am that"thebuckstops. . . here."AfterGod,the initiativerestswithus. Paulwas clear, unambiguous: "[God]has given us the ministryof reconciliation, entrustingihe for Christ,sinceGod is making to us. So we are ambassadors ministryof reconciliation summons all Notindeedexclusively; baptism Hisappealthroughus.. ." (2 Cor5:18-20). For way throughour ordination. Still,in a sharp,singular to be reconcilers. Christians gracesus powerfully to movethe mindsandheartsof menand to be leaders, ordination women,to organizethe charismsof our peopleso that each parishis a force for God,withoneanother,withthe earth. reconciliation-with The Wordof Godandthe fleshof Christ. throughthe Eucharist. How?Especially ls there any power on earth more dynamicthan these?Weak we may be, fearful, than Paul.But,like but no weaker,no morefearful,no morediscouraged discouraged; me"(Phil4:13).I caneven Paul,"l cando allthingsthrough[theLord]whostrengthens preachwithfire in my belly! Yes,but onlyif I applyPaulto my ownministry:no love,no Eucharist.