on Christ Church, Colliers Wood and St John the Divine, Mert


on Christ Church, Colliers Wood and St John the Divine, Mert
Christ Church, Colliers Wood
and St John the Divine, Merton
12 October 2014
Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
9.30am Parish Eucharist at St John‘s
11.15am Parish Eucharist at Christ Church
Revd Kate Tuckett will preside and preach at both services
3.45pm Confirmation First Communion Prep at St John’s
7pm Evening Service at Holy Trinity (see notice below)
The week ahead:
Monday 13 October (There will be no Morning or Evening Prayer this
Finding Sanctuary at St John’s
Morden Park CS
Tuesday 14 October
Fusion Youth Group at St John’s Hall
Wednesday 15 October
Eucharist at St John’s
10.30am Coffee Morning at St John’s
Prayer Group at Christ Church
House Group at Holy Trinity
Thursday 16 October
12.15pm Eucharist at Holy Trinity, followed by lunch at the YMCA
House Group at Holy Trinity
Friday 17 October
Friday Group at Holy Trinity
10.00am Colliwobbles at Christ Church
Saturday 18 October
Eucharist at Christ Church
19 October – Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
Parish Eucharist at St John’s
Parish Eucharist at Christ Church
Revd Tracy Dowling’s last service for the parish at Holy
Trinity. This is a team service followed by refreshments.
Wimbledon Food Bank needs all items. Please take items to Elim
Church, High Path. On Mon: 12.00 to 2.00 pm Tue: 12.00 to 2.00 pm
Thu: 12.00 to 2.00 pm
Help for 1st November. This day is one of the most important days in
the life, history and future of our church. We need lots of help before
the day, and on the day itself. There is a list of tasks we need help with
at the back of church. Please put your name against a task you can help
with. Thank you. We will serve free food and drink to all of the guests . If
you are able to make a donation towards the cost of this please speak
to Joan B, or Ann.N . Many thanks .
St John’s Church and Garden Clean: ready for the Centenary
Celebrations on Saturday 25th October 10am onwards. Please sign up on
the list at the back of church
Tonight at 7pm our speaker at Holy Trinity will be Heather Deaville,
from Joshua Orphan and Community Care. This charity, a recipient of a
grant from the Marian Esling Legacy fund, supports vulnerable children
in Malawi, with health services, care, water, education, and incomegenerating projects. Do come along to join in reflective worship and
hear about their inspiring work
Parish Panto Young Cast Auditions Treasure Island is the 2015 Panto
that will be performed on the 29/30 Jan & 1 Feb 2015. Plenty of
opportunities for young performers to join the cast. Rehearsals will be
mainly on weekends. Auditions/registration on Sunday 2 Nov at Christ
Church 2-3.30. Any questions please e-mail
Bell ringing at St John’s. If you would like to try bell ringing Contact
Chris Stanley for more details on Batty.cmjs@gmail.com or 07770
Mission Action Planning. Mission Action Planning. As we start
phase 3 of this process, turning priorities into plans, please see website
and notices, detailing the priorities we have identified. (updated
information can be found on Holy Trinity’s website: www.holytrinitysouthwimbledon.org.uk
Are you aware of older people who have dropped out of church or
who might value a visit? Let one of the clergy know. We’d be delighted
to visit.
Gas & Electricity Advice Day Sat 18 Oct 10am-4pm at the Tooting &
Mitcham FC Stadium, Bishopsford Road, Morden SM4 6BF. Find out
more about how to cut your bills. See notice at back of church.
Revd Tracy Dowling will be leaving our parish on 19 Oct. Her farewell
service will be 6pm that day at Holy Trinity – big celebration for all,
followed by refreshments. Tracy’s licensing at Dundee Cathedral will be
on Sun 23 Nov, 11am. Are you thinking of going? It would be good to
liaise with others, and let Tracy know in advance. Please let the Holy
Trinity office know.
Macmillan Coffee Morning (at Holy Trinity) Thank you to everyone
who gave their support. Money will go towards their work at St.
George’s Hospital & surrounding area. We raised a fantastic total of
£804 inc. Gift Aid!
SCP Eucharist (with incense) and Chapter meeting – Society of Catholic
Priests 23 Oct 6.30pm at St John’s. The society of Catholic Priests (SCP)
is a worldwide society of priest. It main aim is to promote the Gospel. It
also affirms and upholds the belief that all three ministries of the church
(deacon, priest and bishop) are available to men and women. SCP also
promotes inclusivity. Chris, Paul and Tracy are all members of the
society. Do join us for the Eucharist if you are able. More information
about SCP can be found at: http://www.scp.org.uk/
Fathomless Riches at St. Paul’s Cathedral on Tues 11 Nov at 6.30pm.
Revd Richard Coles reflects on the generosity, love & sheer surprise of
faith. Entry is free, register at www.stpauls.co.uk/forum
Morden Park Choral Society Have you ever considered joining us?
www.choralsocietymerton.org.uk, or contact our secretary,
Simon Bruton 020 8542 1060
Morden Park Choral Society Concert 25 October 7.30pm at St John’s
we have a themed concert (this year’s theme is Love and Romance).
Tickets at the door Adults £10 Concessions £6 (includes a glass of wine
or soft drink) Future Dates for your diary:
9 November Remembrance Sunday. 9.30am Parish Eucharist with act
of remembrance at St John’s.
11.15am Parish Eucharist with act of remembrance at Christ Church.
There will be a short act of remembrance, followed by a silence in both
churches at 10.55am.
Team Eucharist for Christ the King with First Communions
10.30am 23 November at Christ Church (no morning services in the other
2 churches on 23 November)
Confirmation Service 6.30pm 23 November at St John the Baptist,
Spencer Hill
Centenary Events at St John’s
1 November 12 noon Festal Eucharist, with Bishop Christopher,
followed by buffet lunch- all welcome. We would welcome cash
donations towards the cost of the buffet. Most of all please come
along and bring your friends, neighbours and family.
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to
everyone. The Lord is near. Philippians 4. 4-5
Prayers and thoughts.
For those preparing for confirmation and first communion
For our local emergency services and hospitals
For those living and held hostage in ISIS controlled areas of Iraq and
Morning Prayer is usually said 10am Monday and Thursday and 8.30am Tuesday
and Wednesday at St John’s and 9am Saturday at Christ Church and 7am TuesdayFriday at Holy Trinity Evening Prayer is said Monday-Friday at 5:30pm at St John’s.
All Welcome
(There will be no Morning or Evening Prayer this week)
Merton Priory Team Ministry
Christ Church Colliers Wood, Holy Trinity South Wimbledon,
and St John the Divine Merton
Team Vicar: Revd Paul Hambling (usual day off Friday)
t: 020 8542 7969 or 07896 051412 e: vicarpaul@yahoo.co.uk
Parish Office: 020 8544 0018 sjccparishoffice@yahoo.co.uk
Team Rector: Revd Chris Palmer (usual day off Monday)
t: 020 8542 2313 or 07906 249132 e: chris.j.i.palmer@gmail.com
Honorary Curate: Revd Tracy Dowling t: 07788239798
e:tadowling@virginmedia.com (available Wednesdays and Sundays)
Curate: Revd. Kate Tuckett t: 07410 978921
e: kate.a.tuckett@gmail.com
Hall Enquiries 07807 488594 (Christ Church) 07748355781(St John’s)
Church Wardens: Marion Ross and Bruce Warman at Christ Church
Jean Bailey and Alan Carter at St John’s
Southwark Pastoral Auxiliary Joy Lyons (Christ Church)
The Gift Aid scheme allows the church to reclaim the UK Income Tax
that has been paid by donors on the money they give. This increases the
value of donations at no extra cost to the donors. If you wish to give in
this way please see the envelope on the back of the pew. If you would
like more information please speak to the Vicar or the church wardens.
Pew Sheet Items for the pew sheet should be sent by 10am on
Thursday preferably by email to sjccparishoffice@yahoo.co.uk and
marked: pew sheet. www.christchurchsw19.org.uk
Christ Church, Colliers Wood, St John the Divine, Merton
We are friendly churches that care for others, young and old. We believe
that men and women, young people and children are equal and that
people of all races and sexual orientation should be treated equally