St. Matthew Passion (US premiere production
St. Matthew Passion (US premiere production
10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 1 Tuesday and Wednesday Evenings, October 7–8, 2014, at 7:00 St. Matthew Passion (U.S. premiere production) Berliner Philharmoniker Simon Rattle, Conductor Peter Sellars, Director Mark Padmore, Evangelist Christian Gerhaher, Jesus Camilla Tilling, Soprano Magdalena Kožená, Mezzo-soprano Topi Lehtipuu, Tenor Eric Owens, Bass-baritone Rundfunkchor Berlin Simon Halsey, Chorus Master Boy Choristers of St. Thomas Church John Scott, Chorus Master This performance is approximately three hours and 40 minutes long, including intermission. Co-presented by Lincoln Center’s White Light Festival and Park Avenue Armory (Program continued) The White Light Festival is sponsored by Time Warner Inc. These performances are supported by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Additional support provided by The Fan Fox and Leslie R. Samuels Foundation, Inc. and members of the Producers Circle. These performances are made possible in part by the Josie Robertson Fund for Lincoln Center. Wade Thompson Drill Hall, Park Avenue Armory Please make certain all your electronic devices are switched off. 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 2 Endowment support is provided by the American Express Cultural Preservation Fund. MetLife is the National Sponsor of Lincoln Center. Movado is an Official Sponsor of Lincoln Center. United Airlines is the Official Airline of Lincoln Center. WABC-TV is the Official Broadcast Partner of Lincoln Center. William Hill Estate Winery is the Official Wine of Lincoln Center. Artist Catering is provided by Zabar’s and Lincoln Center and Park Avenue Armory would like to thank Carnegie Hall for its collaboration in making possible these Berliner Philharmoniker performances. The Berliner Philharmoniker residency in New York City is made possible by a leadership gift from the Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Foundation, and Marina Kellen French. Deutsche Bank is proud to support the Berliner Philharmoniker. Upcoming White Light Festival Events: Thursday–Saturday Evenings, October 9–11, at 8:00 in Baryshnikov Arts Center, Jerome Robbins Theater Chalk and Soot (New York premiere) Dance Heginbotham Brooklyn Rider Co-presented with Baryshnikov Arts Center Friday Evening, October 10, at 7:30 in the Church of St. Mary the Virgin Vespers Rundfunkchor Berlin Simon Halsey, Conductor RACHMANINOFF: All-Night Vigil Saturday Evening, October 11, at 7:30 in the New York Society for Ethical Culture Ecstatic Journeys Rizwan-Muazzam Qawwali Pre-concert lecture at 6:15 Wednesday–Friday Evenings, October 15–17, at 7:30, and Saturday, October 18, at 2:00 and 7:30 in the Rose Theater The Rite of Spring (New York premiere) Basil Twist, Director and Designer Orchestra of St. Luke’s Jayce Ogren, Conductor ALL-STRAVINSKY PROGRAM Fireworks; Pulcinella Suite; The Rite of Spring Pre-concert discussion with Basil Twist and Jane Moss on Friday, October 17, at 6:15 at the Irene Diamond Education Center For tickets, call (212) 721-6500 or visit Call the Lincoln Center Info Request Line at (212) 875-5766 to learn about program cancellations or to request a White Light Festival brochure. Visit for more information relating to the Festival’s programs. Join the conversation: #LCWhiteLight We would like to remind you that the sound of coughing and rustling paper might distract the performers and your fellow audience members. In consideration of the performing artists and members of the audience, those who must leave before the end of the performance are asked to do so between pieces. The taking of photographs and the use of recording equipment are not allowed in the building. 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 3 BACH St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (1727) First Part Chorus: Kommt, ihr Töchter, helft mir klagen Chorale: O Lamm Gottes unschuldig Recitative: Da Jesus diese Rede vollendet hatte Chorale: Herzliebster Jesu, was hast du verbrochen Recitative: Da versammleten sich die Hohenpriester Chorus: Ja nicht auf das Fest Recitative: Da nun Jesus war zu Bethanien Chorus: Wozu dienet dieser Unrat Recitative: Da das Jesus merkete Recitative: Du lieber Heiland du Aria: Buß und Reu Recitative: Da ging hin der Zwölfen einer Aria: Blute nur, du liebes Herz Recitative: Aber am ersten Tage der süßen Brot Chorus: Wo willst du, daß wir dir bereiten Recitative: Er sprach: Gehet hin in die Stadt Recitative: Und sie wurden sehr betrübt Chorus: Herr, bin ich’s Chorale: Ich bin’s, ich sollte büßen Recitative: Er antwortete und sprach Recitative: Wiewohl mein Herz in Tränen schwimmt Aria: Ich will dir mein Herze schenken Recitative: Und da sie den Lobgesang gesprochen hatten Chorale: Erkenne mich, mein Hüter Recitative: Petrus aber antwortete und sprach zu ihm Chorale: Ich will hier bei dir stehen Recitative: Da kam Jesus mit ihnen zu einem Hofe Recitative: O Schmerz! Hier zittert das gequälte Herz Chorus: Was ist die Ursach’ aller solcher Plagen Aria: Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen Chorus: So schlafen unsre Sünden ein Recitative: Und ging hin ein wenig Recitative: Der Heiland fällt vor seinem Vater nieder Aria: Gerne will ich mich bequemen Recitative: Und er kam zu seinen Jüngern Chorale: Was mein Gott will, das g’scheh’ allzeit Recitative: Und er kam und fand sie aber schlafend Aria: So ist mein Jesus nun gefangen Chorus: Laßt ihn! Haltet! Bindet nicht Chorus: Sind Blitze, sind Donner in Wolken verschwunden Recitative: Und siehe, einer aus denen Chorale: O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß Intermission 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 4 Second Part Aria: Ach! nun ist mein Jesus hin Chorus: Wo ist denn dein Freund hingegangen Recitative: Die aber Jesum gegriffen hatten Chorale: Mir hat die Welt trüglich gericht’ Recitative: Und wiewohl viel falsche Zeugen herzutraten Recitative: Mein Jesus schweigt zu falschen Lügen stille Aria: Geduld, geduld Recitative: Und der Hohepriester antwortete Chorus: Er ist des Todes schuldig Recitative: Da speieten sie aus in sein Angesicht Chorale: Wer hat dich so geschlagen Recitative: Petrus aber saß draußen im Palast Chorus: Wahrlich, du bist auch einer von denen Recitative: Da hub er an, sich zu verfluchen Aria: Erbarme dich Chorale: Bin ich gleich von dir gewichen Recitative: Des Morgens aber hielten alle Hohepriester Chorus: Was gehet uns das an Recitative: Und er warf die Silberlinge in den Tempel Aria: Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder Recitative: Sie hielten aber einen Rat Chorale: Befiehl du deine Wege Recitative: Auf das Fest aber hatte der Landpfleger Gewohnheit Chorus: Laß ihn kreuzigen Chorale: Wie wunderbarlich ist doch diese Strafe Recitative: Der Landpfleger sagte Recitative: Er hat uns allen wohlgetan Aria: Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben Recitative: Sie schrieen aber noch mehr Chorus: Laß ihn kreuzigen Recitative: Da aber Pilatus sahe Chorus: Sein Blut komme über unsre Kinder Recitative: Da gab er ihnen Barrabam los Recitative: Erbarm es Gott Aria: Können Tränen meiner Wangen Recitative: Da nahmen die Kriegsknechte Chorus: Gegrüßet seist du, Jüdenkönig Recitative: Und speieten ihn an Chorale: O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden Recitative: Und da sie ihn verspottet hatten Recitative: Ja freilich will in uns das Fleisch und Blut Aria: Komm, süßes Kreuz, so will ich sagen Recitative: Und da sie an die Stätte kamen Chorus: Der du den Tempel Gottes zerbrichst Recitative: Desgleichen auch die Hohepriester Chorus: Andern hat er geholfen Recitative: Desgleichen schmäheten ihn auch die Mörder Recitative: Ach, Golgatha, unsel’ges Golgatha Aria: Sehet, Jesus hat die Hand Recitative: Und von der sechsten Stunde an Chorus: Der rufet dem Elias Recitative: Und bald lief einer unter ihnen 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 5 Chorus: Halt! laß sehen Recitative: Aber Jesus schriee abermal laut Chorale: Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden Recitative: Und siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel zerriß Chorus: Wahrlich, dieser ist Gottes Sohn gewesen Recitative: Und es waren viel Weiber da Recitative: Am Abend, da es kühle war Aria: Mache dich, mein Herze, rein Recitative: Und Joseph nahm den Leib Chorus: Herr, wir haben gedacht Recitative: Pilatus sprach zu ihnen Recitative: Nun ist der Herr zur Ruh gebracht Chorus: Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder For the St. Matthew Passion libretto, visit 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 6 Note from the Director by Peter Sellars Imagine the first followers, broken and bereft the night after the Crucifixion. After a triumphal entry into Jerusalem, their leader was executed in public following a sham trial by a discredited government. How could everything have gone so wrong? Bach wrote the St. Matthew Passion not as a concert work and not as a work of theater, but as a transformative ritual reaching across time and space, uniting disparate and dispirited communities. His achievement is one of the most powerful acts of remembrance in human history. In the St. Matthew Passion, there are no spectators, only participants. We are all present as witnesses, all called upon to testify. Our own internal conflicts are exposed as the larger contradictions of the world, and our gradually expanding levels of personal and collective recognition lead to an expanded sense of personal and collective responsibility. The sheer scale of the work tests our endurance and becomes an overwhelming exercise in compassion. My ritual “staging” is primarily focused on Bach’s spatial imagination and the moral energies that his dialogues and juxtapositions release. Bach’s musical images are often vividly pictorial, but they also move beyond the visual, passing through the tactile, to find their redemptive and healing power in the act of making music itself, which is its own kind of spiritual path of concentration, shared attention, and transcendent achievement. —Copyright © 2014 by Peter Sellars 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 7 Note on the Production by Tobias Möller We can only speculate on Bach’s reasons for never contemplating writing an opera. Perhaps he had no interest in the medium, but perhaps he simply lacked the opportunity to appear in public with a piece of music theater. After all, writing operas was never one of Bach’s professional duties. But it is clear from his Passions that he was fascinated by the whole idea of dramatic expression. Here Christ’s Passion is not simply retold in the form of a narrative whose events took place in the past but is depicted with a directness that allows us to experience it first hand and to feel for ourselves the extreme emotions triggered by the events that the work describes. It comes as no surprise, therefore, to learn that the St. Matthew Passion in particular has prompted directors and choreographers to stage it in the theater. The semi-staged performances that Peter Sellars mounted in the spring of 2010, both at the Salzburg Easter Festival and in the Berlin Philharmonie with the Berliner Philharmoniker under Simon Rattle, may be seen as an attempt to take these experimental stagings a step further—or not, as the case may be. For although Sellars, together with the vocal soloists and the members of the Rundfunkchor Berlin (Berlin Radio Chorus), presented audiences with a series of unforgettable and powerful images, dramatic effectiveness was by no means central to their concerns. “It’s not theater,” says Sellars about the St. Matthew Passion. “It is a prayer, it is a meditation.” The aim of this performance, therefore, was to allow the audience to experience this aspect for themselves. The project began with Sellars’s first encounter with the Berlin Philharmonie in 2006, when he was so enthusiastic about the whole layout of the auditorium, in which the central podium is surrounded by rows of seats for the audience, that he felt it an ideal space in which to perform the St. Matthew Passion. After all, Bach himself had placed his choirs and instrumentalists on two separate galleries when performing the work in St. Thomas’s Church in Leipzig. This spatialization of the music underscores the work’s numerous dialogues. But the attempt to reconstruct this spatial element in the Philharmonie was not an end in itself, and certainly not an acoustic special effect. By placing the musicians facing each other and inviting them to engage in a dialogue in this way, the director was able to draw the audience into the very heart and center of the action. The boundaries between the podium and the audience were blurred, and a sense of community ensued. For Peter Sellars, this musical dialogue is Bach’s central means of presenting the idea of a metaphysical search, and it is manifest not only in the way the musicians are positioned, facing each other, but also in the inner struggles that beset the principal characters. Above all, the vocal soloists have to complete their arduous journeys through the most varied worlds of emotion. But they are not alone. At their side are instrumentalists—notably the oboe in “Ich will bei meinem Jesu wachen” and the violin in “Gebt mir meinen Jesum wieder.” In this ritualized approach to the score, they are visible companions who suffer along with the singers. Perhaps this is the most immediate and graphic illustration of Sellars’s view of the work. Although the St. Matthew Passion is the “Mount Everest” of music, in the present interpretation this monument is not meant to be “admired from a distance.” Quite the opposite: we are invited “to open it and go inside.” —Translated from the German by Stewart Spencer. Reprinted with permission. 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 8 Note on the Music by Michael Marissen St. Matthew Passion, BWV 244 (1727) JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH Born March 21, 1685, in Eisenach, Germany Died July 28, 1750, in Leipzig Approximate length of First Part: 1 hour, 20 minutes Approximate length of Second Part: 1 hour, 50 minutes Bach’s Passions were expected to be heard but not seen. He wrote them for the liturgy of Leipzig’s Lutheran churches, where his ensembles made music from the raised galleries at the rear, behind or to the side of most listeners, essentially out of view. In the case of the St. Matthew Passion, what one heard was an elaborate threehour meditation on the First Gospel’s story of the death of Jesus. Invisible to the audience, single singers took on multiple roles, but this wasn’t confusing, because the Passion’s language shifted from group to group. The narrative itself was in the somewhat archaic prose of Martin Luther’s wellknown translation of the Gospel. The soloist commentary was in the modern rhymed and accented poetry of Bach’s Leipzig librettist Christian Friedrich Henrici (who went by “Picander”). And the choral commentary was mostly in the slightly antiquated rhymed and accented poetry of well-known Lutheran hymns. Bach’s music complemented these verbal differences. A tenor Evangelist chanted the gospel narrative in simple recitative, a type of solo singing that imitates speech rhythms and inflections, accompanied by intermittent chords from the organ, its bass line doubled by cello. The direct speech of individual biblical characters, though similarly accompanied, prompted vocal lines decidedly more melodic in character. The words of Jesus were the most striking of all, since they were accompanied by long-held chords from the strings. These chords have traditionally been understood as the musical equivalent of the haloes in paintings of Jesus. Soloistic reflection on the story mostly took the form of arias, consisting of virtuoso vocal episodes accompanied by obbligato instruments, and punctuated by instrumental refrains called ritornellos. Other solo commentary found expression as accompanied recitative, marked by more active textures, featuring obbligato instruments like flutes, oboes, or violins. Musically Bach distinguished the choirs’ contributions in a likewise straightforward way. He devised the opening and closing commentary choruses as arias. Turbae (biblical crowds), by contrast, moved along more deliberately, in four or eight voices, without orchestral interludes. Chorales brought the entire ensemble together, delivering animated four-part harmonizations of commentary hymn stanzas, instruments doubling the vocal lines. For all of that, Bach’s Passions technically were not dramatic, representational works. His vocalists, even when portraying direct speech, simply proclaimed biblical verses, before going on to reflect upon them. He and his listeners certainly did not associate individual singers with single characters, as one would in an opera, for example. And so, although Bach did borrow verbal and musical styles from opera (namely, recitative and aria), his St. Matthew Passion was not, at base, theatrical in conception. The stipulated aim of Bach’s cantata and Passion performances, as we know from his Leipzig job contract, was to provide “music [that] should thus be created so 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 9 as not to appear opera-centered, but, much more, to incite the listeners to [Lutheran] devotion.” Of paramount devotional importance was receiving comfort in the face of Original Sin, the teaching (in Lutheran understanding) that through Adam’s Fall human nature is in its essence wholly corrupted. Because of the Fall, humanity incurred an infinitely crushing debt/guilt. (The German word Schuld, employed saliently in Picander’s libretto, carries both meanings.) Only God, then, has the power to reconcile humans to God, and it was for this purpose that Jesus, the Son of God, died sacrificially, on the cross. In the world of Bach’s liturgical music, the personal shortcomings and sinful acts of humans are, emphatically, the mere byproducts of a root problem, sin. In their staging of the Passion, Peter Sellars and Simon Rattle re-divide Bach’s solo vocal material such that 12 discrete biblical soloists, ten of whom also sing in the choirs, are fully separated from four discrete commentary soloists, none of whom sings in the choirs. (Bach, however, had used for the gospel’s 12 characters only seven singers, four of whom also sang in the choirs and performed various solo commentary roles; for his range of commentary solos, Bach drew on three additional singers—that is to say he used, all told, not four but seven commentary soloists.) This recasting of Bach’s work is the most striking in the case of Sellars and Rattle’s alto commentary soloist. Sellars presents her as a Mary Magdalene figure, increasingly plagued by remorse for her sins and increasingly alarmed and disturbed by the Romans’ harsh treatment of Jesus. At cen- ter stage, she clasps and consoles the Evangelist, who, in pained demeanor, appears as an avatar of Jesus, all the while the “real” Jesus, the Incarnation of God, stands exalted, over at the side, to deliver his nimbused discourses. In Bach’s performances, two different male altos would have sung this newfound female figure’s material, and both would, furthermore, have additionally sung in the choirs. Alto 1 performed several numbers in the role of an anonymous commenter and several numbers in a second role, labeled Zion in Picander’s libretto (who is always presented in dialogue with choir 2, the Believers). Alto 2 performed several further numbers in the role of a separate anonymous commenter and yet another number in a fourth role, the gospel’s Testifier 1. For modern audiences desiring greater dramatic realism, Sellars and Rattle’s specific conflation of several of Bach’s differentiated soloistic roles for two unseen male altos into a unified role for a visually arresting female, along with their various other reconfigurations of Bach’s ensemble, will surely help bring a much keener emotional experience of the Passion. Michael Marissen, professor emeritus of music at Swarthmore College, lives in New York City. His books include The Social and Religious Designs of Bach’s Brandenburg Concertos (Princeton, 1995), Lutheranism, anti-Judaism and Bach’s St. John Passion (Oxford, 1998), Bach’s Oratorios (Oxford, 2008), and Tainted Glory in Handel’s Messiah (Yale, 2014). —Copyright © 2014 by Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 10 Illumination For the Anniversary of My Death by W.S. Merwin Every year without knowing it I have passed the day When the last fires will wave to me And the silence will set out Tireless traveler Like the beam of a lightless star Then I will no longer Find myself in life as in a strange garment Surprised at the earth And the love of one woman And the shamelessness of men As today writing after three days of rain Hearing the wren sing and the falling cease And bowing not knowing to what —“For the Anniversary of My Death” by W.S. Merwin. Originally published in The Lice and currently collected in The Second Four Book of Poems. Copyright © 1967, 1968, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1993 by W.S. Merwin, used by permission of The Wylie Agency LLC. For poetry comments and suggestions, please write to 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 11 Simon Rattle Sir Simon Rattle has been chief conductor of the Berliner Philharmoniker and artistic director of the Berlin Philharmonie since September 2002. His repertoire as a concert and opera conductor ranges from Baroque to contemporary music. He is a principal artist of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and works with leading orchestras in Europe and the U.S. Before becoming chief conductor, Sir Simon had worked regularly with the Berliner Philharmoniker for more than 15 years. He was born in Liverpool, England, in 1955, and studied at the Royal Academy of Music in London. From 1980 to 1998 he worked—first as principal conductor and artistic advisor, then as music director— with the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and led it to the international forefront. Of particular interest is bringing the work of the Berliner Philharmoniker and its music within reach of young people from different social and cultural backgrounds. To this end, Sir Simon created the highly successful education program of the Berliner Philharmoniker, with which the orchestra has broken new ground in the field of music education. For this commitment, as well as for his artistic work, Sir Simon has won many awards, including a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II (1994), the Spanish Premio Don Juan de Borbón de la Música, and the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (2009). In 2010 he was inducted into the Order of Knights of the French Legion of Honor. In 2013 he was awarded the Léonie Sonning Music Prize from the Danish Léonie Sonning Music Foundation in Copenhagen, and later that year appointed Member of the Order of Merit by Queen Elizabeth II. RUTH WALZ MAT HENNEK–WARNER CLASSICS Meet the Artists Peter Sellars Opera, theater, and festival director Peter Sellars is renowned for his innovative and pioneering productions and collaborations with an extraordinary range of artists. Whether staging Bach, Mozart, Handel, or Stravinsky or working with 21st-century composers like John Adams and Kaija Saariaho, Mr. Sellars strikes a universal chord with audiences, engaging and illuminating contemporary social and political issues. Mr. Sellars has staged operas at the Glyndebourne Festival, Lyric Opera of Chicago, Netherlands Opera, Paris National Opera, Salzburg Festival, and the San Francisco and Santa Fe Operas, among others. Projects in recent years have included critically acclaimed concert stagings of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion and St. John Passion with the Berliner Philharmoniker in Berlin, Salzburg, and BadenBaden, and John Adams’s The Gospel According to the Other Mary with the Los Angeles Philharmonic. A production of The Indian Queen, combining Purcell’s music, new text, and dance, had its premiere at the Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre and was presented subsequently by Madrid’s Teatro Real. The latter two will be seen at English National Opera later this fall and in early 2015. Mr. Sellars has led several major arts festivals, including the 1990 and 1993 Los Angeles Festivals, 2002 Adelaide Arts Festival, 2003 Venice Biennale International Festival of Theater, and in 2006 New Crowned Hope, a month-long festival in Vienna for which he invited international 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 12 has repeated them at Theater an der Wien and Paris’s Salle Gaveau with Till Fellner. Composers who have written for Mr. Padmore include Mark-Anthony Turnage, Alec Roth, Sally Beamish, Thomas Larcher, and Huw Watkins. Regular collaborators include Paul Lewis, Till Fellner, Kristian Bezuidenhout, Julius Drake, Roger Vignoles, Simon Lepper, Andrew West, Imogen Cooper, and Steven Isserlis. Mr. Padmore is artistic director of the St. Endellion Summer Music Festival in Cornwall, England. His extensive discography includes a recording of Handel arias, As Steals the Morn, with the English Concert; Schubert’s Winterreise with Paul Lewis; and Britten’s Serenade and Nocturne and Finzi’s Dies Natalis with the Britten Sinfonia. Mark Padmore Mark Padmore (tenor, Evangelist) has established a flourishing career in opera, concert, and recital, with his performances in Bach’s Passions receiving high acclaim. In opera he has worked with directors Peter Brook, Katie Mitchell, Mark Morris, and Deborah Warner. Recent work includes Captain Vere in Britten’s Billy Budd and the Evangelist in a staged St. Matthew Passion for Glyndebourne Festival Opera; Harrison Birtwistle’s The Corridor at the Aldeburgh and Bregenz Festivals and Southbank Centre, London; Tom Rakewell in Stravinsky’s The Rake’s Progress at La Monnaie, Brussels; and Handel’s Jephtha at the Welsh National Opera and English National Opera. Mr. Padmore has also sung Peter Quint in a BBC TV production of Britten’s The Turn of the Screw and recorded the title role in La clemenza di Tito with René Jacobs. Mr. Padmore has performed with the Munich Radio Orchestra; the Berlin, Vienna, and New York philharmonics; London Philharmonic and London Symphony Orchestras; Royal Concertgebouw; and Boston Symphony Orchestra. He makes regular appearances with the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. At London’s Wigmore Hall, he first sang all three Schubert song cycles in May 2008, and he JIM RAKETE FOR SONY CLASSICAL MARCO BORGGREVE artists from diverse cultural backgrounds to create new work. Mr. Sellars is a professor in the department of world arts and cultures at UCLA. He is the recipient of the MacArthur Fellowship, the Erasmus Prize, and the Gish Prize, and is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He has also been honored by the American Academy in Rome, and this year was awarded the prestigious Polar Music Prize. Christian Gerhaher While completing his medical studies, Christian Gerhaher (baritone, Jesus) took private singing lessons with Raimund Grumbach and Paul Kuen, and attended master classes given by Dietrich FischerDieskau and Elisabeth Schwarzkopf. Partnering with piano accompanist Gerold Huber, Mr. Gerhaher performs exemplary lied interpretations to great critical acclaim. In 2006 the Schubert album Abendbilder received the Gramophone Award. In 2009, for the Schumann album Mélancholie, Mr. Gerhaher was awarded an Echo Klassik as Singer of the Year and also received the BBC Music Award. Mr. Gerhaher also performs on the opera stage. His Vienna and Munich performances in the title role of Henze’s Der Prinz von Homburg and as Wolfram in Wagner’s Tannhäuser earned critical praise in 2010, and the following year he received 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 13 und Gretel ), and most recently as Susanna (Le nozze di Figaro). At the Metropolitan Opera she has appeared as both Zerlina (Don Giovanni) and Nannetta (Falstaff ). With the vocal flexibility to embrace a diverse repertoire, Ms. Tilling has also enjoyed success as the Governess (The Turn of the Screw) at the Glyndebourne Festival, as l’Ange (Saint François d’Assise) at the Netherlands Opera, and as Donna Clara (Der Zwerg) at the Bavarian State Opera. MATS WIDÉN the prestigious Laurence Olivier Award. In 2013 he was awarded the famous German theater accolade Der Faust for his powerful performance of Pelléas in Debussy’s Pelléas et Mélisande in Frankfurt. Mr. Gerhaher frequently sings with world-renowned conductors and orchestras, including the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Berliner Philharmoniker. Both orchestras, as well as the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde in Vienna and London’s Wigmore Hall, chose the baritone as their artist-in-residence. Mr. Gerhaher’s CDs are issued by Sony Classical, with whom he has an exclusive partnership. A highly regarded concert performer, Ms. Tilling is a regular guest of the Berliner Philharmoniker, Orchestre de Paris, Bavarian Radio and NDR Symphony Orchestras, and the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Her many recordings include two recital discs dedicated to the songs of Strauss and Schubert, and Mozart’s Great Mass in C minor with Paul McCreesh. The most recent addition, released in July 2014, is Die Schöpfung with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra under Bernard Haitink. Camilla Tilling’s (soprano) mix of beautiful voice, musicality, and winning stage personality has propelled her into the world’s most prominent opera houses and concert halls. In the current season, she appears on stage as Pamina (Die Zauberflöte) with Paris National Opera, makes a house debut at Semperoper Dresden as Mélisande (Pelléas et Mélisande), and sings her first Contessa (Le nozze di Figaro) at Drottningholms Palace Theatre in Stockholm. In concert she performs Handel’s La resurrezione with the Berliner Philharmoniker under Emmanuelle Haïm, Mahler’s Symphony No. 4 with both the Orchestre National de France and the Vienna Philharmonic, and Handel’s Messiah in her debut with the New York Philharmonic. A graduate of the University of Gothenburg and London’s Royal College of Music, Ms. Tilling made an early debut at the Royal Opera House–Covent Garden as Sophie (Der Rosenkavalier). She has returned there as Pamina (Die Zauberflöte), Dorinda (Orlando), Oscar (Un ballo in maschera), Gretel (Hänsel MATHIAS BOTHOR– DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON Camilla Tilling Magdalena Kožená Born in the Czech city of Brno, Magdalena Kožená (mezzo-soprano) received critical plaudits for her profound musicianship at a young age. She signed a recording contract with Deutsche Grammophon in 1999 and has since matured to become one of the foremost singers of her generation. Ms. Kožená studied voice and piano at the Brno Conservatory and later enrolled at Bratislava’s Academy of Performing Arts to study singing with Eva Bláhová. She made her breakthrough as winner of the Sixth International Mozart Competition in Salzburg, joined the Vienna Volksoper ensemble the following year, and launched partnerships with pianist Graham Johnson and conductor Marc Minkowski in 1998. 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 14 Haïm, René Jacobs, Vladimir Jurowski, Riccardo Muti, Christophe Rousset, Simon Rattle, Esa-Pekka Salonen, and JeanChristophe Spinosi. He has also worked with such directors as Christopher Alden, John Cox, Claus Guth, Dominique Hervieu, Nicholas Hytner, Yannis Kokkos, Christof Loy, José Montalvo, Laurent Pelly, and Peter Sellars. Ms. Kožená established her reputation as a world-class opera singer through her debut at the Salzburg Festival in 2002 as Zerlina in Don Giovanni, as well as her performances as Idamante at the Glyndebourne and Salzburg Easter Festivals. She made her Metropolitan Opera debut in 2003 as Cherubino in Mozart’s Le nozze di Figaro, and has been a regular guest at the Met ever since. Her credits also include Angelina in Rossini’s La Cenerentola, Octavian in Strauss’s Der Rosenkavalier, and the title role in Bizet’s Carmen. Topi Lehtipuu Born in Australia to Finnish parents, Topi Lehtipuu (tenor) studied at the Sibelius Academy and made his debuts at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Vantaa Opera, and the Savonlinna Opera Festival before taking residence in Paris. Artistic director of the Turku Music Festival since 2010, he has gained international reputation for his interpretation of contemporary as well as early music, including the major Mozart tenor roles. He often sings under the batons of Ivor Bolton, Emmanuelle PAUL SIROCHMAN PHOTOGRAPHY MONIKA RITTERSHAUS In addition to Prayer, her latest album on Deutsche Grammophon, she has released Songs My Mother Taught Me, an anthology of Czech songs; Mahler’s Des Knaben Wunderhorn with the Cleveland Orchestra and Pierre Boulez; and Love and Longing, a program of orchestral songs with the Berliner Philharmoniker and Simon Rattle. She was named Artist of the Year by Gramophone in 2004 and has won numerous other awards since, including the Echo Award, Record Academy Prize (Tokyo), and Diapason d’or. Ms. Kožená was appointed a Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres by the French government in 2003. Mr. Lehtipuu has appeared in Japan, the U.S., and all over Europe, including Berlin, Brussels, Helsinki, London, Paris, Salzburg, Madrid, and Vienna. Besides several concerts and recordings, projects until 2016 include Don Giovanni at La Monnaie Opera in Brussels, Paisiello’s Il barbiere di Siviglia in Vienna, and Gluck’s Iphigénie en Tauride at the Salzburg Festival. Mr. Lehtipuu’s recordings include The Rake’s Progress (2012 Grammy Award nominee), Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (Glyndebourne Opera), Così fan tutte (Salzburg Festival), Gluck’s Ezio under Alan Curtis (Virgin Classics, 2012 Echo Award), Vivaldi’s Catone in Utica (Naïve), and Arie per Tenore under Diego Fasolis (Naïve), among others. Eric Owens Eric Owens (bass-baritone) has a reputation as an esteemed interpreter of classic works and a champion of new music. Equally at home in orchestral, recital, and opera performances, Mr. Owens began the 2014–15 season by rejoining Simon Rattle and the Berliner Philharmoniker for performances of St. Matthew Passion at the Lucerne Festival and the BBC Proms. He returns to Lyric Opera of Chicago for Gershwin’s Porgy and Bess directed by Francesca Zambello, after which he will debut in Der fliegende Holländer with the Washington National Opera conducted by 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 15 Philippe Auguin. Additional role debuts this season include King Philip II in Verdi’s Don Carlo at Opera Philadelphia, Scarpia in Puccini’s Tosca with Leonard Slatkin and the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, and the title role in Verdi’s Macbeth at the Glimmerglass Festival, where he returns as an artist-in-residence. Mr. Owens’s operatic highlights include his San Francisco Opera debut in Otello; his Royal Opera debut in Norma; Rigoletto, Il trovatore, and La bohème at Los Angeles Opera; Die Zauberflöte for his Paris Opera debut; and Ariodante and L’incoronazione di Poppea at the English National Opera. His honors include the 2003 Marian Anderson Award, a 1999 ARIA Award, second prize in the Plácido Domingo Operalia Competition, and the Luciano Pavarotti International Voice Competition. A native of Philadelphia, Mr. Owens began his musical training as a pianist at age six, followed by formal oboe study at age 11. He studied voice as an undergraduate at Temple University, and then as a graduate student at the Curtis Institute of Music. He currently studies with Armen Boyajian. performing style that made the Philharmoniker famous all over the world. Claudio Abbado, chief conductor from 1989 to 2002, devised a new type of programming, with increased emphasis on contemporary works, expanded chamber recital series, and performances of operas in concert. When Simon Rattle took the orchestra’s helm in 2002, the education program was initiated to ensure that the Berliner Philharmoniker reach a wider and younger audience. In 2007 he and the orchestra were appointed UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors, the first artistic ensemble ever to represent the international children’s organization. The Berliner Philharmoniker Foundation is generously supported by its principal sponsor, Deutsche Bank, a commitment that enabled the orchestra to launch its innovative Digital Concert Hall, which broadcasts the orchestra’s concerts live over the Internet. In May 2014 the Philharmoniker released one of the most important musical projects in recent years on its newly launched label, Berliner Philharmoniker Recordings: the complete symphonies of Schumann, conducted by Sir Simon. Rundfunkchor Berlin Berliner Philharmoniker Founded in 1882 as a self-governing body, the Berliner Philharmoniker has long been esteemed as one of the world’s greatest orchestras. In 2007 the ensemble celebrated the 125th anniversary of its founding, and its 2013–14 season was dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Berlin Philharmonie, designed for the orchestra by the architect Hans Scharoun. Hans von Bülow, Arthur Nikisch, and Wilhelm Furtwängler were the principal conductors who left their distinctive marks in the Berliner Philharmoniker’s early decades. In 1955 Herbert von Karajan became the orchestra’s artistic director and, in the ensuing years, worked with the musicians to develop a unique tonal quality and Winner of Grammy Awards in 2008, 2009, and 2011, Rundfunkchor Berlin is a regular guest at all the major festivals and the chosen partner of international orchestras and conductors such as Simon Rattle, Christian Thielemann, and Daniel Barenboim. It is the permanent partner of the Berliner Philharmoniker, Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin, and Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin. The exceptional breadth of its repertoire, stylistic versatility, absolute precision, delight in experimentation, stunning responsiveness, and warm, richly nuanced sound all contribute to making it one of the world’s outstanding choral ensembles. Rundfunkchor Berlin’s experimental series, Broadening the Scope of Choral Music, has 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 16 attracted worldwide attention. In collaboration with artists from diverse disciplines, the chorus is breaking down the classical concert format and creating new modes of choral music for a new audience. Some prime examples include Rodion Shchedrin’s The Sealed Angel, a work featuring five dancers; an all-night performance of John Tavener’s The Veil of the Temple in Berlin’s museum for contemporary art that was visually enhanced and filmed by Boomtown Media; and an interactive scenic version of Brahms’s Ein deutsches Requiem, staged by Jochen Sandig and Sasha Waltz & Guests. Founded in 1925 and shaped by conductors including Helmut Koch, Dietrich Knothe, and Robin Gritton, Rundfunkchor Berlin has been directed since 2001 by Simon Halsey. The ensemble invites people of all ages and walks of life to become immersed in the world of professional choral music. The choir hosts numerous annual activities for various target groups, including the big Sing-along Concert and the Festival of Cultures in the Berlin Philharmonie, the Berlin LeaderChor for managers, and the Liederbörse (Song Exchange) and education program, SING!, for children and young people. In September 2014, Rundfunkchor Berlin hosted the third Berlin International Masterclass for young professional choral conductors from all over the world. Simon Halsey Simon Halsey (chorus master) has been principal conductor of Rundfunkchor Berlin since 2001. His enthusiasm, wit, and passionate pedagogical dedication have made him one of the most sought-after choral conductors in the world. A London native, Mr. Halsey was appointed director of music at the University of Warwick at age 22. Two years later, Simon Rattle designated him as director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Chorus, a position he still holds. Between 1997 and 2008 he was engaged as guest conductor, and then principal conductor, of the Netherlands Radio Chorus in Hilversum. He also directed the Chorus of Royal Northern Sinfonia at Sage Gateshead. In 2012 Mr. Halsey was appointed artistic director of Vokalhelden, the new youth choral program of the Berliner Philharmoniker, and later that year, he became the director of both the London Symphony Chorus and the BBC Proms Youth Choir. In addition to his work as a conductor and choral trainer, Mr. Halsey is in demand as a pedagogue. He has taken on positions at the University of Birmingham and the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cardiff, as well as guest lectureships at Yale University, among numerous other institutions. With Rundfunkchor Berlin he established the Berlin International Masterclass, which took place for the third time in September. For his outstanding contributions to choral music in Germany, Mr. Halsey was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in 2010. Boy Choristers of St. Thomas Church The Boy Choristers of St. Thomas Church, also called the Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys, is considered by many to be the leading ensemble in the Anglican choral tradition in the U.S. Directed since 2004 by John Scott, former organist and director of music at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, the choir performs regularly with periodinstrument ensembles, Concert Royal, Sinfonia New York, and the Orchestra of St. Luke’s as part of its own concert series. Its primary mission, however, is to provide music for five choral services each week. The Saint Thomas Choir is the only Anglican choral foundation in the world today which broadcasts all of its choral services live on the web. The choir has toured throughout the U.S. and Europe with performances at Westminster 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 17 Abbey and St. Paul’s Cathedral in London; King’s College, Cambridge; Windsor, Edinburgh; St. Albans; and the Aldeburgh Festival. In 2004, the choir toured Italy and performed for a Papal Mass at the Vatican. During 2007, the choir performed Bach’s St. Matthew Passion for the opening concert of the Mexico Festival in Mexico City. More recent concerts have included the Bach’s Mass in B minor and St. John Passion, Monteverdi’s Vespers of 1610, a Henry Purcell anniversary concert, Rachmaninoff’s Vespers, the U.S. premiere of John Tavener’s Mass, Richter’s Missa Hyemalis, and the world premiere of Scott Eyerly’s Spires. In 2012 the ensemble traveled to Dresden for the premiere of Lera Auerbach’s Dresden Requiem, and toured in Germany and Denmark. All the boys attend Saint Thomas Choir School. Founded in 1919, it is the only church-related boarding choir school in the U.S., and one of only a few choir schools remaining in the world. The Choir School is committed to training and educating talented musicians without regard to religious, economic, or social background. John Scott John Scott (chorus master) received his earliest musical training as a chorister at England’s Wakefield Cathedral and gained diplomas from the Royal College of Organists while still at school. In 1974 he became the organ scholar of St. John’s College, Cambridge, where he acted as assistant to George Guest. He studied the organ with Jonathan Bielby, Ralph Downes, and Gillian Weir, and was the youngest organist to appear in the Proms when he made his debut playing Reubke’s Sonata on the 94th Psalm in the 1977 Promenade Concerts at the Royal Albert Hall. He served as assistant organist at St. Paul’s and Southwark Cathedrals, and in 1990 became organist and director of music at St. Paul’s Cathedral. In 2004, after a 26-year association with St. Paul’s, Mr. Scott took up the post of organist and director of music at St. Thomas Church in New York, where he directs the renowned Choir of Men and Boys. In recognition of his work at St. Paul’s, he was awarded the Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Recent engagements have included concerts in Symphony Hall, Birmingham, Notre Dame, St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, Cologne Cathedral, Disney Hall, London’s Royal Albert Hall, and King’s College, Cambridge. In March 2014 he took part in the festivities to celebrate the restoration of the organ in London’s Royal Festival Hall, London, playing the first solo recital on the refurbished instrument. In June he gave the premiere of Nico Muhly’s Patterns at the National Convention of the American Guild of Organists in Boston. Park Avenue Armory Part palace, part industrial shed, Park Avenue Armory has transformed itself from the former home of the Seventh Regiment into a groundbreaking cultural institution that fills a critical void in the cultural ecology of New York by enabling artists to create and audiences to experience unconventional work that cannot be mounted in traditional performance halls and museums. Since 2007 the Armory has organized a series of immersive performances and installations that have drawn critical acclaim and popular attention working independently or collaborating with other cultural institutions. In 2010 the Armory instituted its artist-inresidence program that provides artists with dedicated space in the building’s historic period rooms within which they can research, create, and develop new works across an array of disciplines. Park Avenue Armory’s arts education programming engages students and families with the Armory’s artistic programming, as well as the building’s history and architecture. 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 18 Built between 1877 and 1881, Park Avenue Armory has been hailed as containing “the single most important collection of 19th-century interiors to survive intact in one building” by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission. The 55,000square-foot Wade Thompson Drill Hall, with an 80-foot-high barrel vaulted roof, is one of the largest unobstructed spaces in New York City. The Armory’s magnificent reception rooms were designed by leaders of the American Aesthetic Movement, among them Louis Comfort Tiffany, Stanford White, Candace Wheeler, and Herter Brothers. The building is currently undergoing a $200 million renovation designed by Pritzker Prize– winning architects Herzog & de Meuron. White Light Festival I could compare my music to white light, which contains all colors. Only a prism can divide the colors and make them appear; this prism could be the spirit of the listener. —Arvo Pärt. Celebrating its fifth anniversary, the White Light Festival is Lincoln Center’s annual exploration of music and art’s power to reveal the many dimensions of our interior lives. International in scope, the multidisciplinary Festival offers a broad spectrum of the world’s leading instrumentalists, vocalists, ensembles, choreographers, dance companies, and directors complemented by conversations with artists and scholars and post-performance White Light Lounges. Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc. Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts (LCPA) serves three primary roles: presenter of artistic programming, national leader in arts and education and community relations, and manager of the Lincoln Center campus. A presenter of more than 3,000 free and ticketed events, performances, tours, and educational activities annually, LCPA offers 15 programs, series, and festivals, including American Songbook, Great Performers, Lincoln Center Festival, Lincoln Center Out of Doors, Midsummer Night Swing, the Mostly Mozart Festival, and the White Light Festival, as well as the Emmy Award–winning Live From Lincoln Center, which airs nationally on PBS. As manager of the Lincoln Center campus, LCPA provides support and services for the Lincoln Center complex and the 11 resident organizations. In addition, LCPA led a $1.2 billion campus renovation, completed in October 2012. STEPHAN RABOLD 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 19 Berliner Philharmoniker Simon Rattle, Chief Conductor Violin I Noah Bendix-Balgley, First Concertmaster Daishin Kashimoto, First Concertmaster Daniel Stabrawa, First Concertmaster Andreas Buschatz, Concertmaster Zoltán Almási Maja Avramović Simon Bernardini Peter Brem Alessandro Cappone Madeleine Carruzzo Aline Champion Felicitas Clamor-Hofmeister Luiz Felipe Coelho Laurentius Dinca Sebastian Heesch Aleksandar Ivić Rüdiger Liebermann Kotowa Machida Alvaro Parra Krzysztof Polonek Bastian Schäfer Rainer Sonne Dorian Xhoxhi Raimar Orlovsky Simon Roturier Bettina Sartorius Rachel Schmidt Armin Schubert Stephan Schulze Christoph Streuli Eva-Maria Tomasi Romano Tommasini Violin II Christian Stadelmann, First Principal Thomas Timm, First Principal Christophe Horak, Principal Helena Madoka Berg Holm Birkholz Philipp Bohnen Stanley Dodds Cornelia Gartemann Amadeus Heutling Marlene Ito Christoph von der Nahmer Cello Bruno Delepelaire, First Principal Ludwig Quandt, First Principal Martin Löhr, Principal Olaf Maninger, Principal Richard Duven Rachel Helleur Christoph Igelbrink Solène Kermarrec Stephan Koncz Martin Menking David Riniker Nikolaus Römisch Dietmar Schwalke Knut Weber Viola Amihai Grosz, First Principal Máté Szücs, First Principal Naoko Shimizu, Principal Micha Afkham Julia Gartemann Matthew Hunter Ulrich Knörzer Sebastian Krunnies Walter Küssner Ignacy Miecznikowski Martin von der Nahmer Neithard Resa Joaquín Riquelme García Martin Stegner Wolfgang Talirz Bass Matthew McDonald, First Principal Janne Saksala, First Principal Esko Laine, Principal Martin Heinze Michael Karg Stanisław Pajak Peter Riegelbauer Edicson Ruiz Gunars Upatnieks Janusz Widzyk Ulrich Wolff Flute Andreas Blau, Principal Emmanuel Pahud, Principal Prof. Michael Hasel Jelka Weber Egor Egorkin, Piccolo Oboe Jonathan Kelly, Principal Albrecht Mayer, Principal Christoph Hartmann Andreas Wittmann Dominik Wollenweber, English Horn Clarinet Wenzel Fuchs, Principal Andreas Ottensamer, Principal Alexander Bader Walter Seyfarth Manfred Preis, Bass Clarinet Bassoon Daniele Damiano, Principal Stefan Schweigert, Principal Mor Biron Markus Weidmann Sophie Dartigalongue, Contrabassoon Horn Stefan Dohr, Principal Stefan de Leval Jezierski Fergus McWilliam Georg Schreckenberger Klaus Wallendorf Sarah Willis Andrej Žust Trumpet Gábor Tarkövi, Principal Tamás Velenczei, Principal Guillaume Jehl Martin Kretzer Florian Pichler Trombone Prof. Christhard Gössling, Principal Olaf Ott, Principal Thomas Leyendecker Jesper Busk Sørensen Prof. Stefan Schulz, Bass Trombone Tuba Alexander von Puttkamer Timpani Rainer Seegers Wieland Welzel Percussion Raphael Haeger Simon Rössler Franz Schindlbeck Jan Schlichte Harp Marie-Pierre Langlamet (continued) 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 20 Berliner Philharmoniker Basso Continuo Martin Löhr, Cello Lynda Sayce, Lute Raphael Alpermann, Organ Jörg-Andreas Bötticher, Organ Matthew McDonald, Bass Media Chairmen Stanley Dodds Olaf Maninger Orchestra Committee Peter Brem Nikolaus Römisch Stephan Schulze Christian Stadelmann Martin Stegner MATTHIAS HEYDE Soloists Daniel Stabrawa, Violin Daishin Kashimoto, Violin Emmanuel Pahud, Flute Michael Hasel, Flute Albrecht Mayer, Oboe/Oboe d’amore Andreas Wittmann, Oboe d’amore Dominik Wollenweber, Oboe da caccia Christoph Hartmann, Oboe da caccia Stefan Schweigert, Bassoon Markus Weidmann, Bassoon Ulrich Wolff, Viola da gamba Chairmen Ulrich Knörzer Peter Riegelbauer Rundfunkchor Berlin Simon Halsey, Chorus Master Soprano Nora von Billerbeck Christina Bischoff Anne Bretschneider Daniela Drechsler Judith Engel Katrin Fischer Catherine Hense Cosima Henseler Barbara Kind Petra Leipert Gesine Nowakowski Melinda Parsons Heike Peetz Sabine Puhlmann Sylke Schwab Uta Schwarze Anett Taube Beate Thiemann Ricarda Vollprecht Isabelle Vosskühler Gabriele Willert Alto Roksolana Chraniuk Sabine Eyer Katharina Heiligtag Annerose Hummel Zsuzsanna Kausz-Oláh Christine Lichtenberg Ingrid Lizzio Judith Löser Kristiina Mäkimattila Bettina Pieck Judith Simonis Tatjana Sotin Anne-Kristin Zschunke Doris Zucker Tenor Peter Ewald Robert Franke Friedemann Hecht Jens Horenburg Johannes Klügling Thomas Kober Christoph Leonhardt Ulrich Löns Holger Marks Seongju Oh Norbert Sänger Hartmut Schröder Joo-hoon Shin Johannes Spranger George Taube Bass Sören von Billerbeck Wolfgang Dersch Joachim Fiedler Oliver Gawlik Young Wook Kim Ruslan Novik Thomas Pfützner Axel Scheidig Jörg Schneider Rainer Schnös Martin Schubach David Stingl Wolfram Tessmer Michael Timm René Vosskühler Georg Witt Soloists Jörg Schneider, Judas Sören von Billerbeck, Petrus Axel Scheidig, Pilatus Christine Lichtenberg, Testis I Holger Marks, Testis II David Stingl, Pontifex I Thomas Pfützner, Pontifex II Isabelle Vosskühler, Ancilla I Christina Bischoff, Ancilla II Barbara Kind, Uxor Pilati 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 21 Boy Choristers of St. Thomas Church John Scott, Chorus Master Luca Nicholas Cantone Adrian Alexander Castellanos Darin Seung Joo Choi Dylan Roy Cranston Carl Francis Erikson Soren Marcus Francey Conor Henry Frost Samuel Hamin Jin Sehjin Jo Kidron James Kollin John Dominick Mignardi Ian Robert Osborne Jeystan Ovando Nathan Minhyuk Park Leif Christian Pedersen Anders Gyldenvalde Pedersen Nicholas Paul Rhodes Robert Joseph Rubin Elyot Segger Augustine Manalili Segger Lincoln Center Programming Department Jane Moss, Ehrenkranz Artistic Director Hanako Yamaguchi, Director, Music Programming Jon Nakagawa, Director, Contemporary Programming Jill Sternheimer, Acting Director, Public Programming Lisa Takemoto, Production Manager Charles Cermele, Producer, Contemporary Programming Kate Monaghan, Associate Director, Programming Mauricio Lomelin, Associate Producer, Contemporary Programming Julia Lin, Associate Producer Nicole Cotton, Production Coordinator Regina Grande, Assistant to the Artistic Director Luna Shyr, Programming Publications Editor Nasrene Haj, House Seat Coordinator Utsuki Otsuka, Production Assistant Reshena Liao, House Program Intern For the St. Matthew Passion Global Scenic Services, Staging Mitchell Kurtz, Installation Designer Seth Reiser, Lighting Designer Mark Grey, Sound Designer Randall Etheredge, Production Manager Robert Mahon, Associate Production Manager Sarah Thiboutot, Production Electrician Hans-Georg Lenhart, Assistant to Peter Sellars Betsy Ayer, Stage Manager Pam Sallings, Assistant Stage Manager Celeste Montemarano, Surtitles Lisa Jablow, Surtitles Filip Vasylevich Sentypal Issac Shin Daniel Sung-min William Suter Noah Alan Yow John Robert Zahorsky Raymond Louis Zelada 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 22 Lincoln Center gratefully acknowledges the support of the members of the Producers Circle that made possible the White Light Festival presentation of Bach’s St. Matthew Passion. Producers Circle M. Beverly and Robert G. Bartner Dinny & Aashish Devitre Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz William E. Ford Bart Friedman and Wendy A. Stein Efraim & Ellen Grinberg The Lucy Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William R. Miller Sarah W. Buxton-Smith & Stephen J.S. Smith Joe and Clara Tsai Anonymous (2) Supporters Circle Page Ashley Renée E. and Robert A. Belfer Janet and John Canning Ivan Carbajal Douglas S. Cramer and Hubert Bush Chris and Bruce Crawford Alberto Cribiore Michael David and Lauren Mitchell Krystyna Doerfler Jean-Marie and Elizabeth Eveillard Ms. Judith M. Hoffman Robert E. Howard Jill & Ken Iscol Alan Jones and Ashley Garrett Florence and Robert Kaufman Hanni and Peter Kaufmann Edward N. Krapels The Honorable and Mrs. Earle I. Mack Richard J. Massey Foundation for Arts and Sciences Marie & Joe Melone Peter & Mary K. Muncie David and Melanie Niemiec John Pirovano Anna and Martin Rabinowitz Jonathan A. Schaffzin and Melissa E. Benzuly David Schlapbach Gerhard Schulmeyer Mr. and Mrs. David Sgorbati Leroy Sharer and Michael Merenda John Silberman and Elliot Carlen Eileen Silvers and Richard Bronstein Dr. Eugene and Mrs. Jean Stark Catharine R. Stimpson and Elizabeth Wood Mau Hoi Tung Gayle Welling Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Hewitt Wiener Anonymous (3) 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 23 Park Avenue Armory Board of Directors Elihu Rose, PhD., Co-Chairman Adam R. Flatto, Co-Chairman Rebecca Robertson, President and Executive Producer Marina Abramović Harrison M. Bains Kent L. Barwick Wendy Belzberg Emma Bloomberg Carolyn Brody Cora Cahan Peter Clive Charrington Hélène Comfort Sanford B. Ehrenkranz Michael Field David Fox Marjorie L. Hart Karl Katz Edward G. Klein Ken Kuchin Pablo Legorreta Ralph Lemon Burt Manning Heidi McWilliams David S. Moross Gwendolyn Adams Norton Joel I. Picket Joel Press Genie H. Rice Janet C. Ross Jeffrey Silverman Emanuel Stern Angela E. Thompson Deborah C. van Eck Founding Chairman, 2000–2009 Wade F.B. Thompson Park Avenue Armory Staff Rebecca Robertson, President and Executive Producer Alex Poots, Artistic Director Elizabeth Bennett, Manager of Institutional Giving Katrina Berselius, Executive Assistant to the President Liz Bickley, Director of Special Events David Burnhauser, Collection Manager David Crouse, Associate Technical Director Olga Cruz, Porter Leandro Dasso, Porter Khemraj Dat, Accountant Mayra DeLeon, Porter Jay T. Dority, Director of Facilities Lissa Frenkel, Managing Director Peter Gee, Chief Financial and Administrative Officer Hugh Giron, Porter Mary Greene, Development Events Coordinator Reginald Hunter, Building Mechanic Antonella Inserra, Office Manager Cassidy Jones, Education Director Benjamin Kimitch, Production Coordinator Allison Kline, Project Coordinator Jill Turner Lloyd, Major Gifts Officer Michael Lonergan, Producing Director Wayne Lowery, Security Director Heather Lubov, Chief Development Officer and Vice President of Planning Jason Lujan, Operations Manager Abel Martinez, Porter Ryan Hugh McWilliams, Digital Marketing Manager Rebecca Mosena, Development Assistant Maxine Petry, Development Coordinator Charmaine Portis, Executive Assistant to the Chief Development Officer Christian Ramirez, Porter Kirsten Reoch, Director of Design and Construction Candice Rushin, Porter Matthew Rymkiewicz, Tessitura Database Manager Antonio Sanders, Porter William Say, Superintendent Jennifer Smith, Manager of Corporate Relations Heather Thompson, Director of Membership and Events Tom Trayer, Director of Marketing Ted Vasquez, Finance Director Libby Vieira da Cunha, Youth Corps Coordinator Monica Weigel, Education Manager For the St. Matthew Passion Jeremy Lydic, Technical Associate Courtney F. Caldwell, House Manager Rachel Cappy, Assistant House Manager 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 24 PARK AVENUE ARMORY SPONSORS Citi and Bloomberg Philanthropies are the Armory’s 2014 season sponsors. SUPPORTERS Park Avenue Armory expresses its deep appreciation to the individuals and organizations listed here for their generous support for its annual and capital campaigns. $1,000,000 + Charina Endowment Fund, Inc. Empire State Local Development Corporation New York City Council and Council Member Daniel R. Garodnick New York City Department of Cultural Affairs The Pershing Square Foundation Susan and Elihu Rose The Arthur Ross Foundation and J & AR Foundation Joan and Joel Smilow The Thompson Family Foundation Wade F.B. Thompson* The Zelnick/Belzberg Charitable Trust Anonymous $500,000 to $999,999 Citi Lisa and Sandy Ehrenkranz Almudena and Pablo Legorreta The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Adam R. Rose and Peter R. McQuillan Donna and Marvin Schwartz Liz and Emanuel Stern $250,000 to $499,999 Michael Field and Jeff Arnstein Olivia and Adam Flatto Ken Kuchin and Tyler Morgan New York State Council on the Arts The Rockefeller Foundation Marshall Rose Family Foundation $100,000 to $249,999 The Achelis and Bodman Foundations Linda and Earle S. Altman American Express Historic Preservation Fund Bloomberg Philanthropies Booth Ferris Foundation Marjorie and Gurnee Hart Mr. and Mrs. Peter L. Malkin and The Malkin Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McWilliams Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Morse, Jr. National Endowment for the Arts New York State Assembly Gwen and Peter Norton Daniel and Joanna S. Rose Stavros Niarchos Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William C. Tomson $25,000 to $99,999 The Avenue Association Harrison and Leslie Bains Emily and Len Blavatnik Emma Bloomberg and Chris Frissora Carolyn S. Brody Burberry Paul Chan and Don Toumey Chanel, Inc. C-III Capital Partners LLC Hélène and Stuyvesant Comfort The Cowles Charitable Trust Crum & Forster Emme and Jonathan Deland Sandi and Andrew Farkas / Island Capital Group Florence Fearrington Ella M. Foshay and Michael B. Rothfeld Elizabeth Morse Genius Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gundlach Roger and Susan Hertog Josefin and Paul Hilal Anna Maria & Stephen Kellen Foundation, Inc. and Marina Kellen French Kirkland & Ellis LLP Christina and Alan MacDonald Lynne and Burt Manning Cindy and David Moross Lizabeth and Frank Newman Joan and Joel I. Picket The Pinkerton Foundation Slobodan Randjelovic and Jon Stryker The Reed Foundation Rhodebeck Charitable Trust Genie and Donald Rice Rebecca Robertson and Byron Knief Janet C. Ross Fiona and Eric Rudin The Fan Fox & Leslie R. Samuels Foundation Caryn Schacht and David Fox Stacy Schiff and Marc de la Bruyere The Shubert Foundation Amy and Jeffrey Silverman Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP Mr. and Ms. Thomas Smith Sarah Billinghurst Solomon and Howard Solomon Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust Nanna and Daniel Stern Deborah Van Eck Anonymous (3) $10,000 to $24,999 Lindsey Adelman Tishman Construction, an AECOM Company Adrienne Arsht Lily Auchincloss Foundation, Inc. Abigail Baratta Kelly Behun and Jay Sugarman Catherine and Robert Brawer Nicholas Brawer British Council Brown Harris Stevens Eileen Campbell and Struan Robertson Pamela and J. Michael Cline Mrs. Daniel Cowin Mary, Paul and Caroline Cronson William F. Draper Peggy and Millard Drexler Andra and John Ehrenkranz EverGreene The Felicia Fund Joseph Frank Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fuld Lorraine Gallard and Richard H. Levy Barbara and Peter Georgescu John and Kiendl Gordon Susan and Peter Gottsegen Agnes Gund Ida And William Rosenthal Foundation Brenda King Suzie and Bruce Kovner Mary Kush The Lauder Foundation / Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Fund Thomas H. Lee and Ann Tenenbaum Gail and Alan Levenstein Leon Levy Foundation Kamie and Richard Lightburn Lili Lynton and Michael Ryan Marc Haas Foundation Nancy A. Marks Larry and Mary McCaffrey Sandy and Ed Meyer Cynthia Woods Mitchell Fund of the National Trust for Historic Preservation Northern Bay Contractors, Inc. GDO Contracting Corp & Phoenix Contracting Susan Patterson and Leigh Seippel Betsy and Rob Pitts Platt Byard Dovell White Architects LLP Andrea Markezin Press and Joel Press Diana and Charles Revson Mary Jane Robertson and James A. Clark Jonathan F.P. and Diana Rose 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 25 Charles and Deborah Royce Lady Susie Sainsbury William H. and Patricia Sandholm Carl Saphier Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Sculco Sydney and Stanley S. Shuman Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation Jill Bokor and Sanford Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Soros Mr. and Mrs. A. Taubman Tishman Speyer Properties, LP William Morris Endeavor Entertainment Foundation World of Deco Mr. and Mrs. William Zeckendorf Anonymous (2) $5,000 to $9,999 Akustiks, LLC Melissa Arana Jody and John Arnhold Martin Atkin and Reid Balthaser Milton and Sally Avery Arts Foundation Hilary Ballon Diana Barrett and Robert Vila Sara and David Berman Allison M. Blinken Noreen and Kenneth Buckfire Janna Bullock Lyor Cohen Elizabeth Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collins Paula Cooper Marina Couloucoundis Carlos Couturier Mr. and Mrs. Oscar de la Renta Kathy Deane Decorating with Fabric, Inc. Antoinette Delruelle and Joshua L. Steiner Luis y Cora Delgado Jennie L. and Richard K. DeScherer Jacqueline Marie Didier Mary Ellen Dundon David and Frances Eberhart Foundation Cheryl Cohen Effron and Blair W. Effron Alice and David Elgart Inger McCabe Elliott Anna May Feige Edmée and Nicholas Firth Caitlin Fisher Mindy Papp Bart Friedman and Wendy A. Stein Samantha and John Gellert Mr. and Mrs. George J. Gillespie, III Andrea Gluck Gail Golden and Carl Icahn Valerie Gordon Johnson Marjorie and Ellery Gordon John Gore Sarah Gould and David Steinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Guenther Greiner Allen and Deborah Grubman Jessica Stedman Guff Molly Butler Hart and Michael D. Griffin Liliane and Christian Haub Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Heimbinder Elizabeth and Dale Hemmerdinger Sarah Humphreys and Ronald Collins Mike and Rachel Jacobellis Beth Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jarecki Nadine Johnson Nancy Josephson Nina and Bill Judson Jennie Kassanoff and Dan Schulman Florence and Robert Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Dan Keegan Christian K. Keesee Lola Kirke Justin Kush Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Lamesch Stephen S. and Wendy Lehman Lash The Ronald and Jo Carole Lauder Foundation Levien & Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Liddell Aaron Lieber / Bruce Horten Ambassador and Mrs. John L. Loeb Jr. Margaret and Daniel S. Loeb / Third Point Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Magowan Shelly and Tony Malkin Diane and Adam E. Max Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Mayberry, Jr. Rebekah McCabe Thomas McGrath Ms. and Mr. Anne McInerney Deborah Miller Zabel and William D. Zabel Antonia and Spiro Milonas Achim and Colette Moeller Whitney and Andrew Mogavero Sue and Alan Morris The Donald R. Mullen Family Foundation, Inc. National Philanthropic Trust Patty Newburger and Bradley Wechsler Georgiana and Eric Noll Mary Ellen and Richard Oldenburg David Orentreich, MD / Orentreich Family Foundation Beverly and Peter Orthwein Katharina Otto-Bernstein and Nathan Bernstein Oxley Gin Cynthia Hazen Polsky and Leon B. Polsky Anne and Skip Pratt Preserve New York, a grant program of Preservation League of New York Eileen and Tom Pulling David J. Remnick and Esther B. Fein David C Rich Richenthal Foundation Ellen Robinson and Reuben Gutoff Isabel Rose and Jeffrey Fagen Liz Rosen Merle Rubine and Elliot M. Glass Kathe A. Sackler Edmond Safra Nicholas and Shelley Schorsch Sara Lee and Axel Schupf Stephanie and Fred Shuman JLH Simonds David S Smith Margaret Smith Ted Snowdon Jay T. Snyder Sotheby’s Patricia Brown Specter Gayfryd Steinberg Joan and Michael Steinberg Diane and Sam Stewart Elizabeth F. Stribling and Guy Robinson Michael and Veronica Stubbs Laurie M. Tisch Merryl H. and James S. Tisch Universal Builders Supply, Inc. (UBS) / Kevin O’Callaghan President Universal Services Group, Ltd. Ambassador and Mrs. William J. vanden Heuvel Amanda and John Waldron Susan and Kevin Walsh Isak and Rose Weinman Foundation, Inc. Patricia Wexler Marcia Whitaker Beth Windsor Valda Witt and Jay Hatfield Zubatkin Owner Representation, LLC Anonymous $2,500 to $4,999 ABSOLUT R. Mark Adams, William Ritt, Joan Sussman Affinia Gardens & The Surrey Ghiora Aharoni and Christopher Noey Olga Aidinian Helen and Robert Appel Ark Restaurants Corp. Frances Beatty Ginette and Joshua A. Becker Judy and Howard Berkowitz Stephanie Bernheim Debra and Leon Black Torrence Boone and Ted Chapin Cynthia Brill Melva Bucksbaum and Raymond Learsy Sandra Buergi and Carol Flaton Veronica Bulgari and Stephan Haimo Marian and Russell Burke Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burnett Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cabot Ellen Sue Cantrowitz Carroll M. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cohn Bonnie Comley and Stewart Lane Margaret Crotty and Rory Riggs Bernadette Cruz Karon and Rick Meyer Ellie and Edgar Cullman Lewis B. Cullman and Louise Kerz Hirschfeld 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 26 Joshua Dachs / Fisher Dachs Associates Theatre Planning and Design Barbara and Ray Dalio Joan K. Davidson (The J.M. Kaplan Fund) Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Davis Gina and James de Givenchy Richard and Barbara Debs Jane and Michael DeFlorio Beth Rudin DeWoody Hester Diamond Dior The East Pole Anne and Joel Ehrenkranz Leland and Jane Englebardt Dr. Nancy Eppler-Wolff and Mr. John Wolff Mr. & Mrs. Robin S. Esterson Susan Ferris Michael Finkelstein Fisher Marantz Stone Foreground Conservation and Decorative Arts Amandine and Stephen Freidheim Ashley Garrett and Alan K. Jones Sallie Giordano Mr. and Mrs. Peter Goettler Mindy and Jon Gray Great Performances Jeff and Kim Greenberg Jeff Greene Paula S. Greenman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gregory The William and Mary Greve Foundation Robert S. Grimes Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Guest Sarah and Geoffrey Gund Amy Guttman Mike & Janet Halvorson Jane Hartley and Ralph Schlosstein Nancy Hutson and Ian Williams Frederick Iseman Carola Jain Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jeffe Barbara and Donald Jonas Carol-Jeanette Jorgensen Jerri Kallam Floy and Amos Kaminski Meredith J. Kane Hon. Bruce M. Kaplan and Janet Yaseen Kaplan Karl and Elizabeth Katz Wendy Keys and Donald Pels Mr. and Mrs. William Kistler Phyllis L. Kossoff Rok Kvaternik Nina Lesevoy The Liman Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Lindenbaum John Lippert and Dawn D’Aluisio Heather Lubov The Ludwig Family Foundation / The Honorable Eugene A. Ludwig and Dr. Carol Ludwig Gina Giumarra MacArthur Benjamin and Hillary Macklowe Pat and Michael Magdol Melissa Meeschaert Joyce F. Menschel Alexandra and Les Meyers Malu and Sergio Millerman Abby and Howard Milstein Adriana and Robert Mnuchin Nina and Frank Moore Lauren and Don Morel Barbara and Howard Morse Sara Muqaddam Mary Kathryn Navab Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha Nancy Newcomb and John Hargraves Mr. and Mrs. Michael Newhouse Anne and Chuck Niemeth Peter and Susan Nitze Marie Nugent-Head and James C. Marlas Francesca and Dick Nye Nancy and Morris W. Offit Kathleen O’Grady Susan Ollila Rebecca Pietri Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruzan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quinlan Mr. and Mrs. William P. Rayner Carolyn Risoli and Joseph Silvestri Hal and Linda Ritch Mrs. Frederick P. Rose Stacy and Chuck Rosenzweig Susan and Jon Rotenstreich Ms. and Mr. Carmina Roth Terez Rowley Bonnie J. Sacerdote Nathan E. Saint-Amand MD Roberta Schneiderman Mr. Barry Schwartz / M&F Worldwide Corp. Lise Scott and D. Ronald Daniel Alan and Sandy Siegel Mr. and Mrs. David Simon Barbara Slifka Nanette Sloan Carolyn Megan Sofka Stephanie and Dick Solar Sonnier & Castle Food Melissa Schiff Soros and Robert Soros Daisy Soros Stanley Stairs Kathryn Steinberg Angeline Straka Leila Straus Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tanico Sharzad and Michael Targoff Mr. and Mrs. William Taubman Barbara and Donald Tober Tony’s DiNapoli Michael Tuch Foundation R.T. Vanderbilt Trust / Mr. and Mrs. Hugh B. Vanderbilt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Von Mueffling Anastasia Vournas and J. William Uhrig David Wassong Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wheeler Kate R. Whitney and Franklin A. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm H. Wiener Shannon Wu Amy Yenkin and Robert Usdan Judy Francis Zankel Richard and Franny Heller Zorn $1,000 to $2,499 Carrie and Leigh Abramson Eleanor M. Alger Amsterdam Hospitality Apothic Wines Aurora Lampworks, Inc. Inma Barrero June and Kent Barwick Peace Hill Press & Susan Wise Bauer Candace and Rick Beinecke Norton Belknap Mr. and Mrs. Joel Benenson Jayne Bentzen and Benedict Silverman Deborah Berke and Peter McCann Robert D. Bielecki Friederieke and Jeremy Biggs Jill Baker and Jeffrey Bishop Jody Black Bluestem Prairie Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Boardman Boehm Family Foundation Marianne Boesky Gallery Paige Boller Malik Oskar and Adrienne Brecher Tom and Meredith Brokaw Dr. and Mrs. Stafford Broumand Cary Brown and Steven Epstein George and Jane Bunn Amanda M. Burden Butterfield Market The Carlyle, A Rosewood Hotel Carmona Design + Events LLC Beth Carney and Josh Struzziery Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Chelberg Alexandre and Lori Chemla Jim Chervenak Sheri P. Chromow Joan Hardy Clark CleanTech Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cochran Mr. and Mrs. Yoron Cohen Ranika Cohen Emy Cohenca Melanie Cook and Woody Woods / Ziffren Brittenham LLP Douglas S. Cramer and Hugh Bush Abby and Andrew Crisses George Cumbler Boykin Curry and Celerie Kemble Myrna and John Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Munir Dauhajre Christina R. Davis Suzanne Dawson Elisabeth de Kergorlay Scott M. Delman Francesca and Michael Donner Frederick Eberstadt Loren Eng and Dinakar Singh 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 27 Katherine Ernest The Lehoczky Escobar Family Robert Fakeley Michael Fazio Femenella & Associates, Inc. Victoria Ferenbach Fig & Olive Uptown Lori B. Finkel and Andrew B. Cogan Molly O’Neil Frank Teri Friedman and Babak Yaghmaie Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Jay Goldin Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gollust Margery Gottesman RJ and Anne Grissinger Barbara Grodd and The Ostgrodd Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Martin Gruss Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Guffey Harvey and Kathleen Guion Kitty Hawks and Larry Lederman William T. Hillman Carola Hinojosa Susan Hirschhorn and Arthur Klebanoff Barbara Hoffman Susanna Hong Caron and Geoffrey Johnson JoJo Restaurant The Kandell Fund / Donald J. Gordon Jeanne Kanders Daniel and Renee Kaplan Drs. Sylvia and Byram Karasu Kate Karet Gene Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. George Kaufman Margot Kenly and Bill Cumming Younghee Kim-Wait and Jarett Wait Jana and Gerold Klauer Kathleen and Reha Kocatas Mr. and Mrs. David Koch Eileen O’Kane Kornreich Kate Krauss Mary Helen Krueger Michael Krusell Nanette L. Laitman Karen W. Landau and Rodney W. Nichols Loeber and Barbara Landau Andrew Landesman Sahra T. Lese Ken Levien and Levien & Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Lippman Joseph Lomangino Andrew J. Malik Manhattan Parking Group Judith and Michael Margulies Christine L. Mattsson and John F. McHale Polly McCaffrey Stephanie and Carter McClelland Sarah McGee John McGinn Taylor McKenzie-Jackson Shawn McLaughlin Emily McLellan Dede McMahon Constance and H. Roemer McPhee Mr. and Ms. Gregor Medinger Sibel Mesta Julie and Jason Miller Claire Milonas Mr. and Ms. Nicolas Mirzayantz Claudia and Douglas Morse Alexis Moses David P. Nolan Foundation Addison O’Dea Ellen Oelsner Catherine Alison Orentreich Barrie and John Overend Alex Papachristidis and Scott Nelson Mr. and Ms. Michael Patterson Judith Stern Peck Michèle and Steve Pesner Sally Peterson and Michael Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Brian Pfeifler Anthony Podesta Jonelle Procope and Fred Terrell Samuel F. Pryor, IV Elissa Querze Mrs. and Mr. Courtney Quinlan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Quinn Anna Rabinowitz Red Bull North America, Inc. Thomas J.F. Regan III Brad Roaman Fadwa Robb Allison Rockefeller Rodgers & Hammerstein Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David Rogath Jim Rosenfield and Charlotte Rosenblatt Dr. and Mrs. Richard Rubens May and Samuel Rudin Family Foundation, Inc. Nina Runsdorf and Omer Tuncata Katie Ryser Mrs. Arthur M. Sackler Mr. and Mrs. David Saltzman Brenda Sanchez Ann and Mel Schaffer David Schlapbach Sabina and Wilfred Schlumberger Caroline Schmidt-Barnett Libby Schnee Isabel Sen and Emily Sen, Julia Gordon and Bridget Sen Tatiana Serafin Virginia Wattiker Sheerin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shuman Denise Simon and Paulo Vieiradacunha Nancy Sipp Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sloan Dawn and John Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Solow Robert and Yohanna Sowler Squadron A Foundation Jean and Eugene Stark Douglas C. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson Mr. and Mrs. Alan Stillman John Strasswimmer Dorothy Strelsin Foundation / Enid Nemy Kerstin M.M. Strohlein and Francisco Bachiller Mary Delle Stelzer and Karen Capanelli Margot Takian Ira Titunik Mr. and Mrs. Remy Trafelet Helen Tucker, The Gramercy Park Foundation Gil Turchin & Indigo Two E Bar/Lounge at The Pierre, a Taj Hotel, New York Arline Vogel and Harry Precourt Mr. and Mrs. John Vogelstein Mr. and Mrs. Carl von Bernuth Monina von Opel Mr. and Mrs. Alexander von Perfall Christine WachterCampbell and William I. Campbell Kathryn F. Wagner Walter B. Melvin Architects, LLC In Memory of Arthur Warner Paula Weinstein Mr. and Ms. Anthony Weldon Michaela Williams Jody Wolfe Barbara and David Zalaznick Anonymous (3) $500 to $999 Megan F. Abell Noreen and Ahmar Ahmad Matthew Ailey Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Allan Soros Amy Christine Allen Gregory Alsip and Joseph Guevara Eric Altmann Cristi Andrews Cohen Mrs. and Mr. Krista Annenberg Mr. and Mrs. Chris Apgar Natalie N. Appel Lisa Applebaum and George Haddad Louise L. Arias Louis Aronne Allison Aronne Deborah Aruta Page Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Steven Atkins Josephine A Auerback James F. Baer Baked By Melissa Diana Balmori Mitchell Banchik Peter and Tina Barnet Clay H. Barr George Beane and Patricia Begley Erich Bechtel Janet Dewart Bell Molly Bell Lorraine Bell and M. Weisdorf David Benattar Dr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett Veronica Ann and Bruce Campbell Bennett Judy Locker Berger Alison & Barry Berke William A. Bermont Elaine S. Bernstein Isabella Bertoletti and Brett Phares Ana Bilski 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 28 William Biondolino and Patrick Folan Amelia Black Jonathan W Bonesteel Deborah Harper Bono Arabella Bowen and Tyler Cole Mr. and Mrs. Richard Braddock Dr. and Mrs. Richard Brockman Bronx Brewery Celeste Brown Amy Brown Ciara Burnham Dr. Steven Butensky and Di Petroff Butensky Cora Cahan and Bernard Gersten Chris Cahill Cathy Caplan Pilar Castro Kiltz Ronni and Ronald Casty Sommer Chatwin Meryl and Mel Cherney Neil and Kathleen Chrisman Shirin and Kasper Christoffersen Oya Christopher Michaela Clary Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Coles Mrs. George Colettis Jack Cooney Alexander Cooper Amelia & Steven Usdan Danza Did It! L. Jay and Devon Cross Jon and Jenny Crumiller Adam Cunningham Jaime M Cupertino James Danner Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Deane John T. DeBell Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Dellosso Michele Denby and Joseph Nazitto Mr. and Mrs. Roland DeSilva Renee Domingo Robert and Susan Doran Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Downes Mr. and Mrs. John Dunn Christine and Renaud Dutreil Lonti Ebers Lauren Eckhart Smith Michael Ellis Philipp Engelhorn & Cameron Yates Mrs. John W. Espy Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fabricant Claudia Fabrizio Mallory Factor II Patricia & Alexander Farman-Farmaian Antonio Farnos Joan and William Felder Felice Wine Bar and Restaurant Jodie and Andrew Fink Stacey & Eric Flatt Barbara G. Fleischman Martha J. Fleischman Annabelle Fowlkes Susan Freedman and Richard J. Jacobs Mark Galvan Gisela Gamper Shana Gary The Georgetown Company Olga Geroulanos-Votis and George Votis Mrs. and Mr. Sarah Jane Gibbons Nelsa L. Gidney and Jordan Ringel Mr. and Ms. Matthew Giffuni Peter Ginn Lynn Goldberg and J Robert Moskin Rosalie Y Goldberg Jane and Budd Goldman Barbara Goldsmith Mr. and Mr. James Green Gail Gregg Jennifer Griffin and Christophe Demaison Susan Griffith and David Neill Robert H. Haines Mrs. and Mrs. Peter Halstead Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton Donna Harkavy and Jonathan Price Cassandra Harris Sylvia Hassenfeld Marian S. Heiskell Rolf Heitmeyer Darren Henault Anita K. Hersh Stephanie Hessler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ho Augusta Hoffman Lily and Joel Hoffman Pamela Hoiles Jean Huber Mr. and Mrs. James Hunt Severa Hurlock Fern Hurst and Peter Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jacobellis Elise Jaffe + Jeffrey Brown Joseph Johnson and Karen Diaz Hilda Jones Patricia S. Joseph Richard Kidd Hadley C. King Major General Edward G. Klein, NYNG (Ret.) Knickerbocker Greys Beth Kojima Leah Kremer Lagunitas Brewing Co. Mr. and Mrs. Sascha Lainovic Paul C. Lambert Judith Langer and Arthur Applebee Jan Larsen Xia and Richard Leder Hyun-sook Lee H. Kate Lee Phyllis Levin Brenda Levin Lieta and Helene Ken Lindley and Clay Schudel Angelina M-D. Lippert Jane K. Lombard Michael Lonergan and William Beauchamp Donna and Wayne Lowery Joyce Lowinson Joan L. Lynton Nancy Mack and Chad Smith Elizabeth MacNeill Lara Marcon Mr. and Mrs. John Marino Richard J. Massey Match 65 Brasserie Nina Mazar Ph.D Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McBrien Erin Harkness McKinnon Richard Meier Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Menoudakos Mark Menting and Laura Wilson Eugene Mercy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brett Miller Mr. and Mrs. T. Kelley Millet Sally Minard and Norton Garfinkle Chantelle Mowbray Mr. and Mrs. Arsen Mrakovcic Kathryn Murdoch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naporano Mr. and Mrs. William Nareski Nicholson & Galloway, Inc. Catherine and Guy Nordenson Oberdier Ressmeyer LLP John Orberg Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ostroff William Palley Mr. and Mrs. Simon Palley Madison J Papp Katherine Park Anne Pasternak Anthony Piccillo Mr. and Mrs. Lyon Polk Pook Diemont & Ohl, Inc. Kathryn Pruess Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Quinson Daphne Recanati Kaplan and Thomas S. Kaplan Tara K Reddi Mr. and Mrs. Tony Roberts Sheila and Daniel Rosenblum Joel Rosenkranz Marjorie P. Rosenthal Herbert and Ernestine Ruben Valerie Rubsamen and Cedomir Crnkovic Rudin Management Co., Inc. Russian Standard Vodka Deborah Sale and Ted Striggles Manuel de Santaren Claire-Marine Sarner Dr. Ulysses H. Scarpidis Lisa and Gregg Schenker Pat Schoenfeld Zachary Schoenhut, The Schoenhut Family Foundation Barbara A. Schwartz Nancy Schwartz Sternoff Alessandro Servadei Kimia Setoodeh Daniel S. Shapiro Daniel Shuchman and Lori Lesser Lindy Shuttleworth Lisa Simonsen and Ian Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Brett Singer Laura Skoler Suzanne Slesin and Michael Steinberg Salwa Smith Eileen Solomon Martha S. Sproule Christian Steiner and Frank Heller Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Stern Miriam and Howard N. Stern Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sternlicht 10-07 WL St Matthew_GP 9/24/14 12:00 PM Page 29 Stephanie Stokes Allison & Stephen Sullens Cedric Suming and Derek Calibre Summit Security Services, Inc. Aleksandra Szczepanowska and Gordon Shearer Brian Keith Tanz DDS Jennie Tarr Coyne Carolee Thea Rabbi Malcolm Thomson Tracy Thorne John R Torell IV Lee Traub Mr. and Mrs. John Troiano Ms. Patricia L. Truscelli and Mr. E.N. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Turgeon Zachary Kress Turner Alex Vlack and Julia von Eichel Mr. and Mrs. Max von Zuben V. Vorres Fine Art Gallery, LLC Karen Wagner Justine Walsh Ric Wanetik and David Hagans Ryan Wangner Mr. and Mrs. Saul Waring Michael Weil Mr. and Mrs. Yakov Weinstein Lisa and Kayla Weisdorf Vincent and Sally Wilt Gisela Winkelhofer Daniel Clay Houghton Ashley Wotiz Ken Wyse Mr. and Mrs. Michael Young Michael Young and Debra Raskin Yulia Yudelevich Dawn Zappetti and Patrick Sullivan Katharine Zarrella Nina Zolt and Miles Gilburne Anonymous (7) List as of September 16, 2014 * Deceased