Summer - New Hampshire Scottish Rite
Summer - New Hampshire Scottish Rite
Summer, 2011 Volume 1, Issue 4 Valley of Nashua Scottish Rite News NH Consistory Confers 32° Upon 54 Scottish Rite Masons at Spring Reunion Fifty-four Scottish Rite Masons became Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret at the 147th Spring Reunion of New Hampshire Consistory held on April 30, 2011 at Nashua High School South. The Reunion started with a flag ceremony given by New Hampshire Rainbow, followed by Commander-in-Chief Robert G. Bianchi, 33° giving a brief presentation about the structure of Scottish Rite to members and their guests. Then, Tommy Vee, a stage Comedian/Hypnotist, brought members of the audience on stage, and after putting them under hypnosis, took them through a series of light-hearted scenarios. All were entertained as several of our Brothers, and some spouses, rode on a bus, put on a concert, flew in a plane, and even followed a “hypnotizing boomerang”. The ladies then departed for an afternoon of pampering while the candidates and members saw the 22°, Prince of Libanus, a singing degree commonly called the “Woodchopper‟s Degree”, a memorable performance directed by Ill Roger M. Clark, 33°. After the reception of the Deputy, Ill Richard W. Elliot, 33°, candidates and members saw an inspiring 31° and 32° presented in a combined format, with the 31°, Knight Aspirant, directed by Ill Roger J. Pellerin, 33°, M.S.A. and Ill Thomas S. Lowe, 33° performed in the middle of the 32°, Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret , directed by Ill George D. Van Dyke, 33°, M.S.A. and Ill William E. Bryant, 33°, M.S.A. Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Nashua Special points of interest: NSA Awarded—p 2 Benefits to Scottish Rite Members —p 3 7th Annual Golf Tournament—p 6 Valley Officers Elected—p 8 The Bodies of the Scottish Rite, sitting in the Valley of Nashua, State of New Hampshire, acknowledge and yield allegiance to the Supreme Council, 33°, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America whose Grand East is in Lexington, MA, and whose Officers are: Ill John William McNaughton, 33°, Sovereign Grand Commander, Ill Richard W. Elliot, 33°, Deputy for New Hampshire, and whose other Active Members for the State of New Hampshire are: Ill Mark C. Roth, 33°, and Ill Philip L. Hall, 33°, Emeritus, and Ill Robert E. Hansen, 33°, Emeritus Scottish Rite News, Vol. 1, Issue 4, is published quarterly by NH Consistory, 196 Main St., Nashua, NH 03060, Telephone: 603-882-4931 Editor—Robert M. Porter Inside this issue: The Hospitaler Fund 2 Signs in Masonry 3 Calendar 4 Fisher Cats Baseball 5 On behalf of the Commander-in-Chief and other Officers of New Hampshire Consistory, we welcome these Brothers to the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. In Memorium 6 Please take time to congratulate these newest members when you see them, and help them get the most out of Scottish Rite in their Masonic journey, by getting involved in our activities, events, degrees, and charities. Joint Fall Reunion 7 At their conclusion, the Commander-in-Chief invited the ladies to return to the auditorium as the candidates and their ladies were brought on stage to receive their 32° jewel and lapel pin. Ill Brother Bianchi then called up Brother Randolph Hilman, 32° and presented him with a 32° jewel, explaining that Bro. Hilman was the person who had suggested that after 60-years since stopping the tradition, that jewels be once again presented to new candidates. Following the presentation, a buffet banquet was served in the cafeteria. ►Continued on Page 2 SC Annual in Chicago 8 Valley of Nashua—Scottish Rite News Page 2 NH Consistory Confers 32° Upon 54 Scottish Rite Masons Co n t i n u e d f r o m P a g e 1 Receiving the 32° were: Valley of Keene: Michael A Bamforth Johnnie W Britton Robert K Fox Lyle A Handy Gregg R Noble Clifford E Oster D Scott Record John T Solomonides Joseph F Westclark Robert W Wilson Cass N Wright Valley of Lancaster/Littleton: Valley of Nashua: Gregory R Bean Fernando A Campos Pascal H Corbinand Gregory A Hackney Robert A Hardman William S Horn Kevin M Janvrin Richard W Lowrance Michael J McCann Joseph R Olefirowicz Jon A Rhan James S Richardson Edward M Waible Valley of Concord: Carl M Caporale Jake R Clarke Edward M Donnelly Marc R Gelinas Steve Hankard Michael J Hayes Sr. Robert A James Peter Keefe Thomas E Pryor George A Robertson David B Young Travis S Zanes Trent C Zanes Darrel R Dietlein Michael E Stevens Valley of Portsmouth/Dover: John Bartoszak Robert Louis Carrier Sr. Dan Dore Dave Dore Fred W Elliott Pat Gaudette Jeff Grant John L Howlett Joseph A Kilbane Kenneth Nielsen James E Phelps Jason L Richards Michael E Robinson Mark Thorne Peter C Zavas Rizzo Receives Notable Service Award Thomas C. Rizzo received the Notable Service Award at the Stated Rendezvous of New Hampshire Consistory held Tuesday, May 31, 2011. Ill Robert G. Bianchi, 33°, Commander-in-Chief, made the presentation. The Notable Service Award (N.S.A.) is presented by the Commander-in-Chief to a Scottish Rite Mason for his exemplary and distinguished service to New Hampshire Consistory. Brother Rizzo has taken an active part in Valley degrees since joining Consistory in the Spring of 2007; most notably as Constans in the 31°, and this Spring taking the same role in the 32°. He also serves on the Board of Governors of the Children‟s Dyslexia Center in Nashua. Brother Rizzo joins twenty-nine other living recipients in being recognized for his dedication with the N.S.A. The Hospitaler Fund Relief for a Brother In these recent hard economic times, the need for fraternal assistance has grown. For Scottish Rite Masons, that aid comes from the Hospitaler Fund. A Brother-in-need, after going to his Blue Lodge for relief, can get assistance from his Scottish Rite Valley. Requests are made privately to the presiding officer of any of the four Scottish Rite Bodies. The request is then reviewed and acted upon. In the Valley of Nashua, the Hospitaler of the four Scottish Rite Bodies is G. Rayond Palmer. His duty is to maintain the Hospitaler Fund and report on moneys collected and amounts given out for relief. If you know of a Brother needing assistance, contact one of the presiding officers. And when you see Brother Palmer at a Reunion or meeting with a basket collecting donations, please give generously to the Hospitaler Fund. Your contribution will help a distressed, worthy Brother. Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 4 More Benefits as a Scottish Rite Mason Our last issue highlighted some additional benefits offered to Scottish Rite Masons. Here are two more: Scottish Rite Credit Card Scottish Rite has arranged with US Bank to offer the Scottish Rite Credit Card. With a choice of four Visa Cards, members can choose a card that best fits their use. A percentage of every purchase you make on your Visa Card will benefit the Scottish Rite Charities at no extra cost to you. Just by using your card, you will be helping to fund several collegiate scholarships, helping brethren in need through the Supreme Council Almoners fund, helping kids to learn to read at 32nd Degree Masonic Learning Centers for Children, and helping to preserve our national heritage through the programs and conservation efforts of the National Heritage Museum. Scottish Rite Wireless Center Offering free and discount prices on cell phones, as well as individual and family plans for cell phone service through providers such as Verizon, Sprint, and T-Mobile, the Scottish Rite Wireless Center could help you save on your monthly bill with exclusive member discounts. Find out more about all offers at in the Member‟s Center. Signs in Masonry—The Double-Headed Eagle Where did it originate? From the Appendix to the Constitutions of the Supreme Council, is this historical statement by William John Chetwode Crawley, distinguished Irish scholar, historian, and Freemason (1844-1915), from the 1911 Transactions of the Quatuor Coronati Lodge No. 2076 of London (Vol. 24, pp. 21-24) - “The Double-Headed Eagle of Lagash is the oldest Royal Crest in the world...No heraldic bearing, no emblematic device of today can boast such antiquity. It was in use a thousand years before the Exodus from Egypt and more than 2,000 years before the building of King Solomon's Temple.” "As time rolled on, it passed from the Sumerians to the men of Akkad, from the men of Akkad to the Hittites, from the denizens of Asia Minor to the Seljukian Sultans from whom it was brought by the Crusaders to the Emperors of the East and West, whose successors were the Hapsburgs and the Romanoffs." "In 102 B.C. the Roman Consul Marius decreed that the Eagle be displayed as a symbol of Imperial Rome. Later, as a world power, Rome used the Double-Headed Eagle, one head facing the East the other facing the West, symbolizing the universality and unity of the Empire. The Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire continued its use and the symbol was adopted later in Germany during the halcyon days of conquest and imperial power". “So far as is known, the double-headed eagle was first used in Freemasonry in 1758 by a Masonic body in Paris--The Emperors of the East and West. During a brief period the Masonic Emperors of the East and West controlled the advanced degrees then in use and became a precursor of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite.” What does it mean? Excerpts from the April 1923 issue of The Builder— “M. Heuzey...says: 'It may, I think, be presumed that the double-headed a beneficent emblem representing a protecting power. We...are justified in believing that it symbolizes a duality of power, a blending of two names, two functions and two dominions in one body.” “ stood for a union of solar and celestial forces; as a royal crest it has stood for power and dominion, and as a religious seal it stands for truth and justice. “As a Masonic symbol this device is time honoured and appropriate. It ...suggests an equal contemplation of both sides of a question-and thus, judicial balance. And, as in ancient Mesopotamia, the double eagle is here associated with the sun symbol ... meaning: „The light toward which my eyes are turned.‟ “Thus does the double-headed eagle stand today for that which it stood in ancient days, its two heads, facing the Ultimate Sun, reminding men and Masons that there is yet even "more light" for the pilgrim who travels East, and in whose heart is the motto, „SPES MEA IN DEO EST.‟ ” Valley of Nashua—Scottish Rite News Page 4 Calendar Abbreviations: SC—Supreme Council C—Consistory VC—Valley of Concord VN—Valley of Nashua VPD—Valley of Portsmouth/Dover COD—Council of Deliberation VK—Valley of Keene LC—Children’s Dyslexia Centers VLL—Valley of Lancaster/Littleton July 2011 Schedule of Events 7/7 LC—Board of Governors; Nashua Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 7/9 VPD—Masonic Family Day; Strawbery Banke 26 27 28 29 VLL—4° Reunion, Lancaster 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LC—Board of 8 Governors, Nashua 9 VPD— Masonic Family Day; Portsmouth 10 11 LC—7th Annual Golf Tournament, Greenland 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 LC—Board of Governors, Rochester 20 21 LC—Fisher Cats Baseball, Manchester 22 23 24/31 25 26 27 28 29 30 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 28 SC—Annual 29 SC—Annual 30 SC—Annual 31 Meeting. Meeting, Meeting, Chicago Chicago Chicago 1 LC—Board of Governors, Nashua 2 3 4 5 Labor Day 7 8 VN—Exec. Committee, Nashua 9 VN—Kick-off Dinner, Nashua 10 11 12 VC— 13 Membership Com, Concord 14 15 16 17 18 20 VN—Annual 21 VC— 22 19 VN—4° & Facebook 11° Rehearsals Conclaves & Rendezvous, Class, Concord Nashua Nashua 23 SC— Membership Conference, Lexington, MA 24 SC— Membership Conference, Lexington, MA 25 26 30 1 VC—Scottish Rite Information Breakfast, Boscawen 7/11 LC—7th Annual Golf Tournament; Breakfast Hill Golf Club; Greenland 7/19 LC—Board of Governors; Rochester 7/21 LC—Children’s Dyslexia Centers Night at Fisher Cats Baseball; Manchester 8/4 LC—Board of Governors; Nashua 8/5 VPD—Exec. Committee; Portsmouth 8/8 COD—Deputy Reps’ Mtg; Concord 8/9 VC—Finance and Exec. Committee Mtgs; Concord 8/16 LC—Board of Governors; Rochester 8/28-30 SC—Annual Meeting; Chicago 9/1 LC—Board of Governors; Nashua 9/8 VN—Exec. Committee; Nashua September 2011 Sun Mon 6 9/12 VC—Membership Committee; Concord 9/19 VN—4° & 11° Rehearsals; Nashua 9/20 VN—Annual Conclaves & Rendezvous; Nashua 9/21 VC—Facebook Class; Concord 9/23-24 SC—Membership Conference; Lexington, MA 27 28 29 CHILDREN’S DYSLEXIA CENTERS NIGHT! Fisher Cats vs. Portland Sea Dogs Thursday, July, 21, 2011 7:05 pm $4.00 from every $12.00 ticket sold goes to support your New Hampshire Children’s Dyslexia Centers! GET YOUR TICKETS NOW! Atlas Fireworks Show! Online at or use the form at the bottom of the page! Stay after the game for the spectacular show! Order your tickets online at or at, choose “Group Outings”, select “SPECIAL OFFER CODE TICKETS!”. Use Promo Code: “NHREADING” and select Sections 107-111. For tickets and information, contact Roger Pellerin by phone at (603) 883-7141, or email at Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ City: ____________________ State: ______ Zip: __________ Phone: (_________)___________________________ E-mail: _____________________________________________ Number of Tickets ______ X $12.00= $__________ Payment: Check (Make Payable to: Children’s Learning Centers) Visa M/C Amex C/C No. ________________________________________ Exp. Date: ______/______________ Security Code _______________ Send to: Office of the Secretary, 196 Main St, Ste 16, Nashua, NH 03060-2914 Home of the 2011 Northeast Delta Dental Eastern League All-Star Game & HR Total Concepts Total Access All-Star Block Party (603)641-2005 Children’s Dyslexia Centers of New Hampshire 7th Annual Golf Tournament and Auction Monday, June 11, 2011; 11:30 am Registration; 1:00 pm Shotgun Start Breakfast Hill Golf Club 339 Breakfast Hill Rd Greenland, NH Player Fee Payment Information $110.00 per player; $400.00 per foursome Registration includes: 18 holes of Scramble-format golf, driving range and balls, cart, dinner, ticket to Fisher Cats baseball game against the Portland Sea Dogs, and awards. No, I won’t be playing, but enclosed is my donation of $_____________ Registration Information Contact name: ___________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _____________ Daytime Phone: _________________ Evening Phone: ___________________ Email: ___________________________________________________________ Players Names 1. _______________________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________________ Do all golfers want to play on the same team? _____ Yes _____ No LADIES WELCOME AND APPRECIATED Notice of Valley Annual Meetings A joint meeting for the purpose of holding the Annual Convocations of Aaron P. Hughes Lodge of Perfection, 14°; Oriental Council, Princes of Jerusalem, 16°; and St. George Chapter of Rose Croix, 18°, A A S R will be held in conjunction with the Annual Rendezvous of New Hampshire Consistory, S P R S , 32° at the Masonic Temple, at 200A Main St, Nashua, NH on Tuesday, September 20, 2011, at 7:30 pm. Business will include voting on the Finance Committee‟s recommendation to increase the annual dues in each of the four bodies by $1.00, the reading of annual reports of the Secretary, Treasurer, Finance Committee, Hospitaler, and of the Trustee of the Masonic Apartments, elections to the Board of Trustees and Finance Committee of New Hampshire Consistory, and any other business that may properly come before the bodies. A dinner will be held at 6:30 pm, prior to the start of the meeting. Make reservations with the Secretary. Joseph J. H. Beaumont, Thrice Potent Master Robert M. Porter, Sovereign Prince Brian J. Smith, Most Wise Master C. Wayne Libby, Jr., Commander-in-Chief Individual: ________ players X $110.00 = $ ________ Team: _________ foursomes X $400.00 = $ ________ Children’s Dyslexia Centers Donation of:$ _________ Total Enclosed: $ _________ Make checks out to: Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Inc. Please mail form and payment to: Paul S. Cuetara 58 Winnicut Rd North Hampton, NH 03862-2014 Prizes Nearest Center of the Fairway Putting Contest Longest Drive—Men’s and Ladies’ 50/50 Closest to the Pin Mulligans (limit 4/team) - $5 each Sponsorships and Donations For more info, contact Paul at (603) 964-8343 or by email at Called from Labor In Memorium Fernando Luis Campos David R Chevalier David Harry Coronis William O Cutler Robert V Davis Donald D Drouin Sr. Charles Everett Ethridge Jr. Edward S Fuller Carl W Greeley Edward B Hebden William B Holmberg, MSA Dean Emmons Howard Ellis W Howard, 33° William C Ingham Llewellyn W Jacobs Walter E Johnson DDS Robert M Lee Robert E Lodge William David Lyon Robert A Meserve James G Methven William B Mitchell Edward W Moulton Bernard Nelson Raymond Wayne Norris Howard G Parker Sr. Clement H Record Sr. George Edward Reese John H Rice Jr. Charles A Roberts James Servetas Erville H Smith Robert M Swasey Robert Lee Towle Page 7 Volume 1, Issue 4 New 32° Jewel Available The new 32° jewel is now available for you to buy. The jewel may be worn from the breast pocket of your jacket to Scottish Rite meetings and events. The jewel has a gold colored double-headed eagle set in front of a red Teutonic cross. In the blue border is written New Hampshire Consistory. The jewel hangs by two gold-tone chains from the pin-back, which has Valley of Nashua printed on its front against a red background. A photo of the jewel is in the last issue. To order yours, send a check for $30.00 made out to: Valley of Nashua, to the Office of the Secretary. For prompt delivery, have your name, address, and the reason for the check. Valleys Hold Joint Degrees The five Valleys, in working to make Scottish Rite more inspirational, convenient, and more enjoyable, will hold one Joint Fall Reunion on Saturday, November 5, 2011. Details are below. Joint Valley Fall Reunion Saturday, November 5, 2011 Merrimack Valley High School, Penacook, NH Valley of Concord: Alpha Lodge of Perfection Ariel Council, Princes of Jerusalem Acacia Chapter of Rose Croix Valley of Portsmouth/Dover: Ineffable Lodge of Perfection John Christie Council, Princes of Jerusalem New Hampshire Chapter of Rose Croix Valley of Keene: Keene Lodge of Perfection Keene Council, Princes of Jerusalem Valley of Lancaster/Littleton: North Star Lodge of Perfection Washington Council, Princes of Jerusalem Littleton Chapter of Rose Croix Valley of Nashua: Aaron P. Hughes Lodge of Perfection Oriental Council, Princes of Jerusalem St. George Chapter of Rose Croix Saturday Morning, November 5, 2011 8:00 am—Coffee and donuts served 8:45 am—Candidates report to Marshal (with their Valley “Big Brother”) 9:00 am—Open all Lodges of Perfection 9:15 am—4°, Master Traveler (exemplified by Aaron P. Hughes Lodge of Perfection with the assistance of the other 4 Lodges of Perfection) 9:45 am—11°, Sublime Master Elected (exemplified by Aaron P. Hughes Lodge of Perfection) 10:45 am—Break 11:00 am—14°, Grand Elect Mason (exemplified by Keene Lodge of Perfection) 11:59 am—Close all Lodges of Perfection 12:00 pm—Lunch 1:00 pm—Open all Councils of Princes of Jerusalem 1:10 pm—15°, Knight of the East (Ariel Council, Princes of Jerusalem) 2:00 pm—Introductions and remarks of Deputy, Active, and Grand Master 2:09 pm—Close all Councils of Princes of Jerusalem 2:10 pm—Break 2:20 pm—Open all Chapters of Rose Croix 2:30 pm—18°, Knight of the Rose Croix (exemplified by New Hampshire Chapter of Rose Croix) 3:45 pm—Close all Chapters of Rose Croix All times listed are subject to change. Last minute adjustments may occur. Check with your Valley Secretary for updates or changes to programs. Page 8 Valley of Nashua—Scottish Rite News Valley Elects Officers for 2011 -2012 The Valley of Nashua elected its Officers for 2011 at the Annual Meetings held May 31. Congratulations to the following presiding officers and their lines. Aaron P. Hughes Lodge of Perfection, 14° Joseph J. H. Beaumont, Thrice Potent Master John W. Jackson, Deputy Master Richard J. Thompson, Senior Warden Thomas C. Rizzo, Junior Warden David W. Smith, Orator Pascal H. Corbinand, Master of Ceremonies Nicholas A. Donis, Captain of the Guard Oriental Council, Princes of Jerusalem, 16° Robert M. Porter, Sovereign Prince William A. Arvidson, High Priest Dennis Webster, Senior Warden Jerome T. Becker, Junior Warden John S. Geas, Master of Ceremonies George D. Holden, Jr., Master of Entrances St. George Chapter of Rose Croix, 18° Brian J. Smith, Most Wise Master Robert G. Bianchi, Senior Warden Jerome T. Becker, Junior Warden Robert M. Porter, Orator Robert S. Bean, III, Master of Ceremonies New Hampshire Consistory, 32° C. Wayne Libby, Jr., Commander-in-Chief Kenneth A. Clay, Jr., First Lt. Commander Brian J. Smith, Second Lt. Commander William E. Larson, Orator Jeffrey L. Brown, Chancellor Elected to all four bodies wer Davis K. Bryant as Treasurer and Robert M. Porter as Secretary. Appointed as Sentinel for all four bodies was John G. Senter, and as Hospitaler was G. Raymond Palmer. Elected as Trustees to the Masonic Apartments were Richard J. Thompson for the Lodge of Perfection and Council, and George D. Van Dyke for Chapter and Consistory. 198th Supreme Council Annual Meeting to confer 33° on 5 from New Hampshire The Scottish Rite Supreme Council for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction confers the Thirty-third Degree upon 173 Scottish Rite Masons, including five from New Hampshire, at its annual meeting in Chicago, August 28-30. The Thirty-third Degree is awarded for outstanding achievement within the fraternity or for significant contributions to others, reflecting credit on Freemasonry. Stewart L. Aronson, from the Valley of Portsmouth-Dover; Karl H. Bickford, M.S.A. and Treffley E Sage, M.S.A., both from the Valley of Nashua; and Paul M. Leary and Gary E. Roy, M.S.A., from the Valley of Concord, were among those elected for this high honor at last year's meeting in Philadelphia. The impressive ceremony will take place on Tuesday, Aug. 30. About 1,800 Thirty-third Degree Masons and their ladies from 15 northeastern states are expected to attend. Introductory luncheons honoring the Thirty-third Degree candidates and their ladies are on the schedule for Sunday at noon. The Sheraton Chicago Ballroom will be the scene of the traditional Supreme Council Vesper Service during the afternoon. The Executive Session, attended by the officers of the Supreme Council, will be held on Friday and Saturday, Aug. 26-27. Sovereign Grand Commander John Wm. McNaughton will preside over a General Session of the Supreme Council on Monday, Aug. 29. In the course of this session, prominent leaders from other Masonic organizations in the United States and throughout the world are expected to be in attendance. A number of other events have been scheduled, including a Monday luncheon in the River Exhibition Hall of the Sheraton Hotel for registered attendees. That evening, “The Second City” improvisational troupe will entertain members and their ladies in the ballroom . In addition to the major events sponsored by the Supreme Council, Masonic-related items will be on sale from vendors in a Masonic Marketplace. The 2011 meeting will end with the announcement of the names of those elected to receive the Thirty-third Degree at Cleveland in August 2012. The 200th anniversary meeting is slated for Washington, DC, in 2013. Page 9 Volume 1, Issue 4 Scottish Rite Emblem—the Double-headed Eagle on Left Chest Choice of two shirt weights Optional pocket Choice of four colors Available in Sizes Small to XXX Large, with (One Style Available to XXXX Large) VALLEY OF NASHUA embroidered on left sleeve (or Customize Wording on Sleeve) Weight Fabric Pocket Sizes Shirt Price Qty Size Color (Specify Choice) Total Black, White, Navy, Maroon Summer 50/50 5.6-oz. poly/cotton No S-XL $20.00 Pocket XXL $23.00 XXXL $23.00 XXXXL $23.00 With S-XL $22.00 Pocket XXL $25.00 XXXL $25.00 blend 3-Season 100% No S-XL $22.00 6.3-oz. cotton Pocket XXL $26.00 XXXL $26.00 With S-XL $31.00 Pocket XXL $34.00 XXXL $5.00 from every shirt purchased is donated to the Children’s Learning Centers, one of your Scottish Rite Charities. $36.00 Total No. of Plus $5.00 Shipping: $5.00 Items Ordered: Custom Embroidery Available on Left Sleeve* Total Order Price: Embroidery: *(If none listed, shirt will read VALLEY OF NASHUA) Name __________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ State ________ Zip __________________ Mail order with check made out to: Valley of Nashua to: Office of the Secretary Valley of Nashua 196 Main St, Ste 16 Nashua, NH 03060-2914 Allow 4—6 Weeks for Delivery Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite Valley of Nashua Meritorious Service Award Recipients Named Inspiration Convenience Enjoyment The New Hampshire Council of Deliberation announced the 2011 recipients of the Meritorious Service Award (M.S.A.) at its Annual Meeting held June 4, 2011. The M.S.A. is awarded for meritorious service of a Masonic character, and recipients are selected from nominations by the presiding officers of their Valley. Those selected and their Home Valleys are: Dennis Webster, Valley of Nashua Roger A. Becker, Valley of Concord Verne S. Anderson, Jr., Valley of Portsmouth-Dover The Council of Deliberation is the state-wide organization of Scottish Rite made up of the top officers from every body in each of the five Valleys; all past presiding officers; all M.S.A. recipients; and all 33° Scottish Rite Masons, both Honorary and Active. It is responsible for the governance of Scottish Rite in New Hampshire. A testimonial dinner will be held in November to honor the newly coroneted 33° recipients. The M.S.A. will be presented to these Brothers at that time. Congratulations to all! THE SCOTTISH RITE BODIES 196 Main Street, Suite 16 Nashua, NH 03060-2914 Phone: 603-882-4931 Toll-Free: 800-403-3384 E-mail: THE SCOTTISH RITE BODIES 196 Main Street, Suite 16 Nashua, NH 03060-2914 Jerome J. Weinreib, Valley of Keene
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Scottish Rite News, Vol. 3, Issue 4, is
published quarterly by NH Consistory,
196 Main St., Nashua, NH 03060
Telephone: 603-882-4931