prospectus - Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association


prospectus - Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association
Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association Annual Convention
October 8-11, 2015
Alliant Energy Center | Madison, Wisconsin
Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association
Formed in 1915 and currently serving over 2,300 members, the Wisconsin
Veterinary Medical Association represents Wisconsin veterinarians and
their needs. The WVMA mission is to advocate and promote veterinary
medicine, while enriching animal and human health.
Benefits & Facts of Exhibiting
1 Annual Convention brings together veterinarians,
veterinary students, veterinary technicians and
veterinary practice managers.
2 Members come from clinics, animal hospitals,
referral centers, regulatory agencies and more.
3 Largest gathering of veterinary professionals in
Wisconsin! This is your best opportunity to network
with potential clients.
4 As an exhibitor, your company will receive a
direct link from the WVMA website.
5 A complimentary listing in the convention
program will include your booth location.
6 Celebrating 100 years as an association.
Date & Location
• October 8-11, 2015
• Alliant Energy Center
1919 Alliant Energy
Center Way,
Madison, WI 53713
• Phone:
(608) 267-3976
• Website:
Exhibit Space
& Rates
• Booth Specs:
10’ x 10’ including pipe and
drape, 8’ table covered and
skirted, two chairs, wastebasket
and Identification sign.
• Rates:
Premium Booth - $1,150
Standard Booth - $975
Additional Standard Booth - $950
• Payment:
Check or credit card (VISA,
Mastercard, Discover). Booth
locations will not be assigned
until full payment is received.
The WVMA will not hold booth
selections. No exceptions.
Premium Booths
• Increased opportunity
to network with
attendees based on
high traffic areas
• Attendees will
be pulled to your
booth several times
throughout convention
• Locations near breaks,
food or entrance make
attendees pass by your
Highlight These Dates
May 1
Early discount deadline. Full
payment and contract needed
to qualify.
All Exhibitors Invited
Join all WVMA members, veterinary
students, practice managers,
veterinary technicians, speakers and
sponsors of the veterinary medical
profession for a 100 year celebration!
June 12
Vets and Vino Gala
July 31
Friday, October 9
Payment and contract due to be
included in promotional materials.
Last day for cancellation refund.
August 28
Last day to submit payment and
contract. Complete list of company
representatives and meal tickets due.
October 8
Exhibitor move-in 7-11 a.m.
Exhibit Hall open 11:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
October 9
Exhibit hall open 9 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
Vets and Vino Gala 6 p.m.
October 10
Exhibit hall open 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Exhibit tear down 1 - 5 p.m.
100 Year Celebration
6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Wine, cheese and hors d’oeuvres
7 p.m. - 8 p.m.
WVMA 100 year dinner
8 p.m.
Casino Night
NOTE: Exhibitors are prohibited from holding hospitality
events (whether on-site or off-site) during official event
hours. Official events include, but are not limited to,
the Thursday Evening Exhibitor Reception and Vets
and Vino Gala.
1 CONTRACT FOR SPACE • The application for space and
the formal notice of assignment constitutes a contract
for the right to use the space allotted. In the event of fire,
strikes, or other uncontrollable circumstances at the exhibit
site, this contract will not be binding.
2 USE OF SPACE • No exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or share
the whole or any part of the space allotted without the
knowledge and consent of the WVMA Executive Director.
Aisles must be kept clear. Exhibitors must comply with
all safety, fire and health requirements during set-up,
operation and tear-down. Alliant Energy Center prohibits
exhibitors from serving any food or beverages that is not
purchased from and prepared by their catering service.
3 EXHIBIT SPACE • Booths are 10’ x 10.’ Each exhibit space
shall have pipe and drape, 8’ skirted satin covered table,
two chairs, one wastebasket and an identification sign. The
exhibitor fee DOES NOT include booth carpet, drayage,
additional display equipment or decorations, labor charges
for vacuuming, trash removal, special lighting, electrical
power, high speed internet, or any other associated
services. An order form for these items will be available
online at
4 ASSIGNMENT OF SPACE • The WVMA reserves the right to
accept exhibitors at its own discretion. Space is assigned
on a first-come-first-served basis. No space is assigned
without signed contract and full payment of the exhibit fee.
The WVMA will not hold booth selections. No exceptions.
If space preferences selected on the contract have been
previously reserved, the WVMA will contact the exhibitor to
determine an alternate choice. Exhibitors will be notified
via email of booth assignments prior to the meeting. There
will be an attempt to honor requests for placement away
from or near other exhibitors, but this is not guaranteed. All
dimensions and locations of the booths on the floor plan
are believed, but not guaranteed to be accurate. The
WVMA reserves the right to make modifications to the floor
plan as deemed appropriate.
5 SET UP • Exhibit setup hours are 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.,
Thursday, October 8. Representatives will not have access
prior to setup hours. All unloading occurs at the docks
located in the back of the Alliant Energy Center Exhibition
Hall. Equipment and exhibit materials brought in through
the front of the building will not be permitted. All exhibitors
setting up are required to check in at the WVMA check-in
station located inside the loading dock doors at the back
of the trade show hall.
6 HOURS OF EXHIBIT • Move-in may begin at 7 a.m. on
Thursday, October 8, and must be completed by 11 a.m.
Exhibit hours are Thursday: 11:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.;
Friday: 9 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.; and Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
7 DISMANTLING • Tear-down must be completed before
5 p.m. on Saturday, October 10. Exhibitors expressly agree
not to tear-down the exhibit or do any packing before 1
p.m. on Saturday, October 10. Premature dismantling is
prohibited and may result in the inability to exhibit at the
2016 WVMA Annual Convention and a $100 fine. Leaving
early reflects poorly on your company and shows a lack
of respect for the veterinary medical profession.
Exhibitors must provide a list of all their representatives
and order meal tickets by August 28. On-site meal tickets
will NOT be available. Meal tickets are non-refundable.
Concessions and restaurants are not available on-site.
Badges will be required for admittance into the exhibit hall
for all convention attendees and exhibitors. Exhibitors may
only have direct employees of their company in the exhibit
booth. Manufacturer’s representative exhibit hall one-day
passes are available for $200.
9 LIABILITY • The WVMA, any officers or staff members
of the same, will not be responsible for the safety or the
property of the exhibitors, their agents or employees, from
theft, damage of fire, accident or other cause, but will use
reasonable care to protect the exhibitor from such loss.
Exhibitors wishing to insure their goods must do so at their
own expense.
10 CARE OF BUILDING/EQUIPMENT • Exhibitors, or their
agents, shall not injure or deface the walls or floors of the
building or the booths. No signs or any other articles shall
be posted, nailed, or otherwise attached to floors, walls,
furniture, or fixtures. Exhibitors are liable for any damages
to the Alliant Energy Center facilities and property incurred
during set up, operation and tear down. No animals are
allowed in the exhibit hall without prior approval of the
WVMA and the Alliant Energy Center.
11 FUNDRAISING RULES • Raffles, auctions, donations or
other means of funds collecting on behalf of charities or
other special causes is prohibited.
cancellations must be submitted in writing to the
WVMA office. Full refunds will be made to cancelled
booths on or before July 31, 2015 No refunds will be made
after that date. Meal tickets are non-refundable.
13 EXHIBIT FEE • Each standard 10’ x 10’ booth rents for
$975. Exhibitors with more than one standard booth pay a
reduced rate of $950 for each additional standard booth.
Premium booths rent for $1,150 each. $25 discount will be
applied to your first booth if postmarked by May 1, 2015.
Payment is required upon receipt of the contact form.
Companies with more than one division, requesting more
than one booth, must submit a single contract. Divisions
that submit separate contracts and separate payments
will be treated as separate companies. The contracts and
payments are due no later than June 12, 2015 to be listed
in all promotional materials.
14 HOSPITALITY EVENTS • Exhibitors are prohibited from
holding hospitality events (whether on-site or off-site) during
official Event hours or events. Official events include, but
are not limited to, the Thursday Evening Exhibitor Reception
and Vets and Vino Gala.
15 PARKING • Exhibitors are responsible for their own
parking fees. Parking is $7.00. Cash and check only.
1. Company information (please print clearly)
Company name
(as it will appear in convention materials and signage)
Company contact person
) Fax (
E-mail (required) Company address City State Zip Office use only
Contract rec. _______________
Account Number ____________
Booth Number ______________
Payment Amt. ______________
Ck No. ___________________
CC Confirm _______________
Info Updated _______________
Confirm Sent _______________
Website Listed ______________
Company website Exhibit contact person (Person in charge on-site, if different from above)
Phone (
) Fax (
Email (required) Address City State Zip Please check the category/categories that best describe your business.
Pet Services – (cremation, insurance, ID, fencing)
Book, journals/references
Animal Health
Referral/Emergency Centers
Diagnostic Equipment/Services
Other, please describe:_____________
Business Management/Consulting
Surgical/Veterinary Equipment
2. Booth location
Refer to exhibit hall map in the prospectus or visit for updated exhibitor map and listings. If your choices are not available,
you will be contacted to determine an alternate booth location. We will attempt to honor, but do not guarantee, requests for placement
away from or near competing exhibitors (list here or on separate page).
Booth preference: 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5.__________
Competitors: ________________________________________________________________________
3. Agreement of terms
Submission of this application, with the authorized signature below indicates that you have read, understand, and agree to abide by all rules,
regulations and restrictions outlined in this contract and contained within the exhibitor prospectus. The terms are made part of this application
by reference and are fully incorporated.
Signature ________________________________________
Date ___________________
4. Payment & Certificate of Insurance
Send full amount ($1,150 for each Premium booth, or $975 for first standard booth, $950 for each additional standard booth) - less $25
discount off first booth if postmarked before May 1 and this completed form to: Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 4610 S. Biltmore
Lane, Suite 107, Madison, WI 53718. If paying by credit card, you may fax this form to (608) 257-8989. Call or email Torrie Kennedy with
questions at (608) 257-3665, NOTE: Please Provide a Certificate of Insurance in addition to payment. Please contact the
WVMA with any questions.
Payment method
Name on credit card Amount to charge $ Credit card number Expiration date V-Code
(Required - 3 digit number on back of card)
Billing zip code Signature ____________________________________________________ *There will be a $50 fee on all returned checks.
Exhibit Hall Admittance/Badges
Exhibitors must furnish an advance list of all their representatives that will be in the Exhibit Hall by August 28. Badges are
required to be admitted into the Exhibit Hall. Exhibitors may only have direct employees of their company in their booth.
Manufacturer’s representative exhibit hall one-day passes are available for $200. Call or email the WVMA at (608) 2573665 or for more information.
Pre-Order Lunch Tickets
Lunch will be provided to attendees and exhibitors by advanced purchase of a lunch ticket at $22 per lunch per day*.
Lunch tickets must be ordered by August 28. On-site meal tickets will not be available. Call or email the WVMA at (608)
257-3665 or for more information. Cost reflects the actual cost of lunch plus mandatory service charges;
this lunch option is provided as a service for those who do not wish to leave the grounds for lunch. Concessions and on-site
restaurants are not available. Meal tickets are non-refundable.
1. Company information
Company name ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Company contact person Phone (______)_________________
2. Company representatives (print clearly)
Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail (required) ______________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail (required) ______________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail (required) ______________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail (required) ______________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail (required) ______________________________________
Name: _____________________________________________ E-mail (required) ______________________________________
Attach additional sheet if necessary.
3. Hot Buffet Lunch & Vets and Vino Gala tickets
Thursday, October 8:
# of lunches ____ x $22Total $_______
Special requirements: # of vegetarian _____ # of gluten free _____
Friday, October 9:
# of lunches ____ x $22Total $_______
Special requirements: # of vegetarian _____ # of gluten free _____
Vets and Vino Gala 100 Year Celebration - Friday, October 9:
# of dinners____ x $50Total $_______
Special requirements: # of vegetarian _____ # of gluten free _____
Saturday, October 10:
# of lunches ____ x $22Total $_______
Special requirements: # of vegetarian _____ # of gluten free _____
Meal total $_______
4. Payment
Send full amount and this completed form before August 28 to: Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association, 4610 S. Biltmore Lane, Suite
107, Madison, WI 53718. If paying by credit card, you may fax this form to (608) 257-8989. Call or email Torrie Kennedy with questions at
(608) 257-3665,
Payment method
Name on credit card Amount to charge $ Credit card number Expiration date V-Code
(Required - 3 digit number on back of card)
Billing zip code Signature *There will be a $50 fee on all returned checks.