Unaudited bussines report of the TSG and TS for the 1 H 2015
Unaudited bussines report of the TSG and TS for the 1 H 2015
Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period January to June 2015 Ljubljana, 26 August 2015 Contents 1. 1.1. Introductory note ..................................................................................................................................1 Statement of responsibility of the Management Board ..........................................................................1 2. 2.1. 2.3. Vision, mission, values and strategic policies of the Telekom Slovenije Group ..........................2 Vision, mission and values .....................................................................................................................2 Key strategic policies ..............................................................................................................................3 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. Telekom Slovenije Group ....................................................................................................................4 Markets and companies of the Telekom Slovenije Group .....................................................................4 Operating highlights ...............................................................................................................................5 Key financial indicators for the Telekom Slovenije Group......................................................................5 Overview by company and key market ..................................................................................................6 Ownership structure and share trading ..................................................................................................9 Market and market shares in key service segments ........................................................................... 12 Risk management ............................................................................................................................... 13 4. Corporate governance ...................................................................................................................... 15 5. Significant events in the period January to June 2015 ................................................................. 17 6. Significant events after the balance-sheet date ............................................................................. 21 7. Condensed interim accounting report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period January to June 2015 ....................................................................................... 23 Introductory notes ................................................................................................................................ 23 Condensed interim accounting report of the Telekom Slovenije Group ............................................. 25 Condensed interim financial statements of the Telekom Slovenije Group ......................................... 25 Condensed interim accounting report of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. ..................................................... 36 Condensed interim financial statements of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. ................................................. 36 7.1. 7.2. 7.2.1. 7.3. 7.3.1. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 1. Introductory note Pursuant to the law and the Rules of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Telekom Slovenije, d. d. (hereinafter: Telekom Slovenije), with its registered office at Cigaletova 15, Ljubljana, hereby publishes the Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije for the period January to June 2015. The condensed interim financial statements for the period ending 30 June 2015 were prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, and must be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements compiled for the financial year ending 31 December 2014. The financial statements for the period January to June 2015 have not been audited. Telekom Slovenije’s Supervisory Board discussed the Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije for the aforementioned period at its session on 26 August 2015. Any significant changes to the data contained in the prospectus for listing on the stock exchange are regularly published by the Company on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange's SEOnet website and on the Company's website at www.telekom.si. The Unaudited Business Report for the period January to June 2015 is also available on the Company's website at www.telekom.si. 1.1. Statement of responsibility of the Management Board The members of the Management Board of Telekom Slovenije responsible for compiling the report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije for the period January to June 2015, hereby confirm that to the best of our knowledge: • • the condensed financial statements have been compiled in accordance with international accounting standards on interim financial reporting, and give a true and fair picture of the assets, liabilities, financial position and operating results of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, and the interim Business Report presents a fair picture of information regarding major transactions with related parties, in accordance with regulations. Management Board of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Rudolf Skobe, MSc, President of the Management Board Tomaž Seljak, MSc, Vice-President of the Management Board Mateja Božič, MSc Member of the Management Board Zoran Janko, Member of the Management Board Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Vesna Lednik, Member of the Management Board and Workers Director 1 2. Vision, mission, values and strategic policies of the Telekom Slovenije Group 2.1. Vision, mission and values Vision The Telekom Slovenije Group is a trustworthy partner to its users, with whom it creates a society of opportunities. Mission The Telekom Slovenije Group inspires its users with innovative technologies. We open up new professional and personal avenues for them, and together cultivate an environment for the development of a community of opportunities. With open, flexible, and scalable products and services, and attractive content, we continuously provide our users with effective, useful, reliable, entertaining and constantly evolving tools for business and leisure. Values We live with the user. Our guiding principle is a satisfied customer. We understand and respect their wishes and needs, and provide services that are simple, useful and tailored to those needs. Whenever they need information, advice or assistance, we are there to provide it. We are reliable and innovative. Through quality, reliability, innovation and flexibility, we offer our users the freedom to combine and intertwine our services, packages, content and products. We act responsibly. Our actions are ethical, heartfelt, responsible and sustainable with respect to the society and environment in which we operate. We encourage the development of knowledge, the exchange of experiences, the creation of innovative solutions, and operations that are people and environmentally friendly. We create connections. Telekom Slovenije Group employees work in a creative environment. We achieve excellent results because we are connected to one another, proactive, experienced and value an entrepreneurial mindset. We respect our agreements and keep our promises. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 2 2.3. Key strategic policies Consolidation on individual markets The Telekom Slovenije Group’s strategy is to be the leader in Slovenia and a profitable alternative operator in terms of market share on markets outside of Slovenia. Maintaining the number of users in Slovenia Like the majority of incumbent operators in Europe, Telekom Slovenije is faced with a declining number of users as the result of stiffer competition and regulation. We will maintain the number of users while maintaining the highest possible level of profitability: through cross-sales of services, the development of new services and new subscriber models, through differentiation and a range of exclusive content, by improving the user experience, by providing standardised cloud computing services. We will also offer business users a comprehensive range of ICT services that will focus on individual vertical markets. New revenue sources at Telekom Slovenije The Group will search for opportunities for growth in revenues in the following areas: mobility (e-call service in the event of a traffic accident and vehicle telematics), connected home services (safe and secure home), security (security ecosystems), financial services, energy and healthcare. Growth in number of users and EBITDA in South-Eastern Europe All subsidiaries in South-Eastern Europe will continue to optimise costs, which will have a positive impact on EBITDA. Future growth in the latter will derive primarily from growth in the scope of operations. In Kosovo, Ipko will increase the number of mobile users and market share by exploiting the opportunities presented by the 3G network, through the expansion of geographical coverage and by offering services that will continue to be the best on the market. Financial stability The Telekom Slovenije Group will achieve financial stability by ensuring a long-term sustainable structure of financing, by fulfilling financial commitments in loan agreements, through the effective management of working capital, by investing cash in line with risk criteria for investments, and by maintaining an appropriate level of liquidity reserves. Restructuring of personnel The Group will ensure the optimal number of employees, taking into account the needs of the work process at individual companies, and will optimise labour costs. Quality Quality is the primary advantage of the services provided to users by Telekom Slovenije Group companies. We will continue to ensure continued development and provide a range of the most stateof-the-art services and solutions. Social responsibility The Telekom Slovenije Group actively identifies opportunities where it can contribute to the development of the social and economic environment through its knowledge and financial and other sources. The principles of sustainable development will continue to be built into our operations, products, services and content, while we will responsibly manage the economic, social and environmental impacts of our operations. Key business expectations of the Telekom Slovenije Group for 2015 • • • Investments: up to EUR 107 million. EBITDA: up to EUR 198 million. Net operating profit: EUR 66 million Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 3 3. Telekom Slovenije Group 3.1. Markets and companies of the Telekom Slovenije Group The Telekom Slovenije Group comprises the parent company Telekom Slovenije, d. d. (hereinafter: Telekom Slovenije) and the subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures shown in the figure below with corresponding participating interests. Situation as at 30 June 2015 GVO, d.o.o. 100% GVO Telekommunikation GmbH 100% AVTENTA, d.o.o. 100% TSmedia, d.o.o. 100% Antenna TV SL 49% Germany SOLINE, d.o.o. 100% M-Pay, d.o.o. 50% SETCCE d.o.o. 36 36% Slovenia Slovenija SIOL d.o.o. 100% Croatia Hrvaška Croatia BLICNET d.o.o. Banja Luka 100% Bosnia and Herzegovina SIOL d.o.o. Beograd 100% Serbia SIOL d.o.o. Sarajevo 100% IPKO Telecommunications LLC 93.11% SIOL d.o.o. Podgorica 100% Kosovo Montenegro SIOL DOOEL Skopje 100% ONE DOOEL Skopje 100% DIGI PLUS MULTIMEDIA DOOEL Skopje 100% Macedonia Makedonija Makedonija Macedonia Albanija Subsidiary Company, owned by subsidiary Associated company Joint venture Fixed and mobile service provider International point of presence Network construction and maintenance Changes in the composition of the Group: • • • In Macedonia, Telekom Slovenije established SIOL DOOEL Skopje, and became the latter’s 100% owner. In June Telekom Slovenije increased the capital of the aforementioned company via a new cash contribution, and thus secured a new participating interest in the amount of EUR 1,000,000. Telekom Slovenije transferred its 100% participating interest in the subsidiary DIGI PLUS MULTIMEDIA DOOEL Skopje to the subsidiary ONE DOOEL Skopje. In Serbia, Telekom Slovenije established SIOL DOO Beograd, and became the latter’s 100% owner. In April Telekom Slovenije increased the capital of the aforementioned company via a new cash contribution, and thus secured a new participating interest in the amount of EUR 100,000. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 4 3.2. Operating highlights The Telekom Slovenije Group achieved the following in the period January to June 2015: • • • • The Telekom Slovenije Group generated EBITDA of EUR 104.4 million over the first six months of this year, which is 7% more than planned. Excluding the effects of Gibtelecom and One on the Telekom Slovenije Group’s operations, EBITDA in the second quarter of this year was at the same level achieved during the same period last year. Net sales revenues were down 4% or EUR 17.0 million on the same period in 2014, to stand at EUR 364.6 million, primarily due to lower revenues from fixed and mobile services on the end-user market and the effect of lower call termination prices on the wholesale market. The reasons for declining revenues lie in declining revenues from traditional voice telephony in line with the declining number of traditional connections and their replacement by IP and mobile telephony. Driving down revenues in the mobile segment are lower revenues from services outside subscriber packages with included quantities, while the declining prices of call termination in network interconnection are driving down revenues on the wholesale market. Operating profit amounted to EUR 25.9 million, down EUR 8.3 million or 24% on the same period in 2014 (share in Gibtelecom 2.4 million EUR for I-VI 2014). The Telekom Slovenije Group's net profit amounted to EUR 20.6 million, down EUR 10.5 million on the net profit achieved in the same period in 2014. 3.3. Key financial indicators for the Telekom Slovenije Group EUR thousand / % Revenue I - VI 2015 / 30.6.2015 I - VI 2014 / 31.12.2014 Index 15/14 364,604 381,571 96 3,033 3,300 92 Operating revenues 367,637 384,871 96 EBITDA 104,372 113,374 92 EBITDA margin 28.6% 29.7% 96 EBIT 25,935 34,263 76 7.1% 9.0% 79 20,554 31,014 66 Assets 1,306,106 1,343,421 97 Equity 649,779 693,901 94 49.7% 51.7% 96 407,671 344,057 118 Other operating income Return on sales ( ROS) Net profit Equity ratio Net financial debt Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 5 3.4. Overview by company and key market Operating revenues EUR thousand Telekom Slovenije I - VI 2015 Index 15/14 I - VI 2014 313,922 328,985 95 Other companies in Slovenia 21,103 24,952 85 Ipko - Kosovo- 33,122 32,130 103 One and Digi Plus Multimedia 38,671 36,848 105 Other companies abroad 10,224 12,115 84 Total - unconsolidated 417,042 435,030 96 Eliminations and adjustments -49,405 -50,159 - Telekom Slovenije Group 367,637 384,871 96 EBITDA – earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation EUR thousand Telekom Slovenije I - VI 2015 Index 15/14 I - VI 2014 86,793 95,169 91 788 489 161 11,037 12,152 91 One and Digi Plus Multimedia 4,726 4,437 106 Other companies abroad 2,333 1,384 169 0 2,386 0 105,677 116,017 91 -1,305 -2,643 - 104,372 113,374 92 Other companies in Slovenia Ipko - Kosovo Share in Gibtelecom Total - unconsolidated Eliminations and adjustments Telekom Slovenije Group EBIT – earnings before interest and taxes EUR thousand Telekom Slovenije Other companies in Slovenia Ipko - Kosovo One and Digi Plus Multimedia Other companies abroad Share in Gibtelecom Total - unconsolidated Eliminations and adjustments Telekom Slovenije Group I - VI 2015 Index 15/14 I - VI 2014 26,333 32,634 81 -780 -805 - 1,544 2,723 57 -2,071 -1,627 - 791 117 676 0 2,386 0 25,817 35,428 73 118 -1,165 - 25,935 34,263 76 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 6 Net profit or loss EUR thousand Telekom Slovenije I - VI 2015 Index 15/14 I - VI 2014 29,457 40,942 72 -868 -940 - Other companies in Slovenia Ipko - Kosovo -1,665 -736 - One and Digi Plus Multimedia -3,661 -4,374 - 521 -109 - 0 2,386 0 23,784 37,169 64 Other companies abroad Share in Gibtelecom Total - unconsolidated Eliminations and adjustments -3,230 -6,155 - Telekom Slovenije Group 20,554 31,014 66 TELEKOM SLOVENIJE GROUP CONNECTIONS AND SERVICES BY TYPE AND MARKET Broadband connections Number of retail connections as at 30.6.2015 Index 15/14 31.12.2014 Slovenia 198,193 199,542 99 SE Europe 154,758 153,445 101 Macedonia 38,030 38,552 99 Kosovo 91,952 90,219 102 Bosnia and Herzegovina 24,776 24,674 100 Telekom Slovenije Group 352,951 352,987 100 Fixed and mobile telephony connections Number of retail connections as at Slovenia, mobile telephony 30.6.2015 Index 15/14 31.12.2014 1,106,568 1,125,365 98 390,276 401,599 97 1,140,105 1,186,660 96 Macedonia 545,454 558,090 98 Kosovo 592,570 626,817 95 2,081 1,753 119 36,152 41,068 88 2,673,101 2,754,692 97 165,164 162,042 102 38,655 36,576 106 203,819 198,618 103 Slovenia, fixed voice telephony SE Europe, mobile telephony: Bosnia and Herzegovina SE Europe, fixed voice telephony Telekom Slovenije Group VoIP services Slovenia SE Europe Telekom Slovenije Group Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 7 Number of mobile and fixed telephony connections / services Number of retail connections as at Total mobile telephony Total fixed voice telephony services* Telekom Slovenije Group 30.6.2015 Index 15/14 31.12.2014 2,246,673 2,312,025 97 630,247 641,285 98 2,876,920 2,953,310 97 * Sum of fixed voice telephony connections and VoIP services. Capex EUR thousand Telekom Slovenije I - VI 2015 Index 15/14 I - VI 2014 31,121 101,111 31 858 584 147 Ipko - Kosovo 3,671 5,211 70 One and Digi Plus Multimedia 2,389 3,480 69 Other companies abroad 3,080 1,478 208 Eliminations and adjustments -1,151 -2,475 - Telekom Slovenije Group 39,968 109,390 37 Other companies in Slovenia Employees number of employees at Telekom Slovenije 30.6.2015 Index 15/14 31.12.2014 2,771 2,749 101 Other companies in Slovenia 593 617 96 Ipko - Kosovo 524 524 100 One and Digi Plus Multimedia 411 420 98 Other companies abroad 117 121 97 4,416 4,431 100 Telekom Slovenije Group Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 8 3.5. Ownership structure and share trading General information regarding Telekom Slovenije shares as at 30 June 2015 General information regarding shares Ticker symbol Listing TLSG Ljubljana Stock Exchange, prime market Share capital (EUR) 272,720,664.33 Number of ordinary registered no-par value shares 6,535,478 Number of treasury shares 30,000 Number of shareholders as at 30 June 2015 11,170 Ownership structure and largest shareholders As at 30 June 2015 there were 11,170 shareholders entered in Telekom Slovenije’s register of shareholders, a decrease of 328 on the end of 2014. The most significant decline (of 322) was recorded by the category of individual shareholders. The ownership structure was unchanged during the first half of 2015, as there was no change exceeding 0.30 percentage points in any category. Domestic corporates decreased their stake slightly, by 0.28 percentage points, while individual shareholders decreased their stake by 0.03 percentage points. Foreign corporates and mutual funds increased their respective stakes by 0.30 percentage points and 0.01 percentage points. Other categories were unchanged. The Company’s largest shareholder remains the Slovenian government, together with Kapitalska družba, Slovenski državni holding and Modra zavarovalnica. Collectively, 73.82% of the Company’s shares were directly or indirectly held by the government. Situation as at 30 June 2015 Republic of Slovenia 62,54% Slovenian Sovereign Holding , d.d. 4,25% Individual shareholders 11,63% Domestic corporations 8,12% Kapitalska družba d.d. (pension fund manager; KAD) 5,59% Institutional investors 2,97% Foreign corporations 4,34% Brokerage houses 0,10% Treasury shares 0,46% Ten largest shareholders As at 30 June 2015 the ten largest shareholders held 77.84% of the Company’s share capital, up 0.01 percentage points on the end of 2014. Deželna banka Slovenije became one of the ten largest shareholders during the first half of 2015. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 9 Shareholder as at 30. 6. 2015 1 Republika Slovenija % Shareholder as at 31 Dec. 2014 % 62.54 Republic of Slovenia 62.54 2 Kapitalska družba, d. d. 5.59 Kapitalska družba, d. d. 5.59 3 Slovenski državni holding, d. d. 4.25 Slovenski državni holding, d. d. 4.25 4 Perspektiva FT, d. o. o. 1.51 Perspektiva FT, d. o. o. 1.51 5 Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. - PPS 1.44 Modra zavarovalnica, d. d. (PPS) 1.44 6 NLB, d. d. 0.55 NLB, d. d. 0.55 7 Triglav vzajemni skladi - delniški Triglav 0.51 Triglav vzajemni skladi – delniški Triglav steber 0.51 8 DBS d.d. 9 KD Galileo, fleksibilna struktura naložb 0.51 KD Galileo, fleksibilna struktura naložb 0.51 10 The Bank of New York Mellon - fiduciarni 0.47 The Bank of New York Mellon – fiduciary 0.47 0.47 Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 0.46 77.84 Total Skupaj 77.83 Shares held by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of Telekom Slovenije Members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board held 1,549 TLSG shares as at 30 June 2015 (see table below). Other members of the aforementioned bodies did not hold the Company’s shares. Name Management Board Rudolf Skobe, MSc Zoran Janko Tomaž Seljak, MSc Supervisory Board Adolf Zupan, MSc Matej Golob Matzele Samo Podgornik Primož Per Dean Žigon Total Office No of shares President of the Management Board Member of the Management Board Vice-President of the Management Board Vice-President of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board Member of the Supervisory Board % of equity 300 31 4 0.00459 0.00047 0.00006 1,094 22 92 5 1 1,549 0.01674 0.00034 0.00141 0.00008 0.00001 0.02370 Share trading and key share-related financial data Movement in the TLSG share price The share price closed at EUR 90.00 on the last trading day of June 2015. The share price fell by 37.9% during the first half of 2015. The SBI TOP index, which represents the largest and most liquid shares on the regulated market of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, declined by 5.4% over the same period. Market capitalisation stood at EUR 588.2 million as at 30 June 2015, ranking TLSG shares second on the market in this regard. Trading statistics for TLSG shares on the Ljubljana Stock Exchange Standard price in EUR Highest daily price Lowest daily price Average daily price Volume in EUR thousand Total volume for the year Highest daily volume Lowest daily volume Average daily volume I - VI 2015 150.00 87.10 127.40 I - VI 2015 17,273.87 46,494.00 1.154.94 0.29 140.44 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. I - VI 2014 152.45 77.50 124.40 I - VI 2014 23,618.05 1,047.26 0.91 193.59 10 Movement in the TLSG share price compared to the SBI TOP index and volume of trading in TLSG shares EUR Index 160 900 150 850 140 SBITOP 800 130 120 750 110 TLSG 700 100 650 90 80 600 TLSG in EUR 1,200,000 SBITOP EUR 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Volume in EUR Source: Ljubljana Stock Exchange, archive of share prices Key financial data relating to shares 30. 6. 2015 / I - VI 2015 90.00 30. 6. 2014 / I - VI 2014 149.00 106.89 112.36* Earnings per share (EPS)2 in EUR 4.53 6.29 P/BV 0.84 1.33* Standard price (P) of one share on the last trading day of the period in EUR Book value (BV)1 of one share in EUR Capital return per share during the year3 -37.93 % 19.77 % Notes: * The comparable data for 2014 derives from the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2014. 1 The book value of one share is calculated as the ratio of the book value of Telekom Slovenije's equity on the last day of the period to the weighted average number of ordinary shares during the accounting period excluding treasury shares. 2 Earnings per share is calculated as the ratio of Telekom Slovenije's net operating profit for the accounting period to the weighted average number of ordinary shares during the accounting period excluding treasury shares. 3 The capital return per share is calculated as the ratio of the share price on the final trading day of the period minus the share price on the first trading day of the period to the share price on the first trading day of the period. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 11 3.6. Market and market shares in key service segments Number of connections in Slovenia 2.500.000 2,060,825 2,101,661 2,129,837 2,165,636 831,906 819,622 790,151 480,640 503,441 2,302,574 2,326,258 767,983 743,201 726,229 517,979 543,286 558,347 2,240,938 2.000.000 1.500.000 1.000.000 843,900 500.000 422,836 454,755 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 2009 2010 2011 mobile telephony 2012 2013 fix telephony 2014 2015 BB connections Source: Report for the first quarter of 2015, SORS. Telekom Slovenije Group market shares at the end of 2014 in key segments other operators Telekom Slovenije IP TV fixed broadband access 52.1 % 34.5% market share Annual change: - 1.4 perc.points 52.1 % market share Annual change: - 1.9 perc.points 34.5 % 65.5 % 198,248 connections Annual change: - 1.4 % 137,242 connections Annual change: + 4.1 % 47.9 % 64.7 % 35.3 % market share Annual change: - 0.8 perc.points 162,990 connections Annual change: + 4.1 % 52.2 % 47.8 % 1,112,064 connections Annual change: -1.6% 35.3 % VoIP 47.8 % market share Annual change: - 1.3 perc.points mobile telephony Sources: Report on the development of the electronic communications market for the first quarter of 2015, AKOS, Junij 2015; internal data Telekom Slovenije. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 12 3.7. Risk management Key risks are presented below by individual company and market. Key risks for Telekom Slovenije • • • • • • • • • • • Regulatory risks continue to be assessed as high. The proposed Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down measures concerning the European single market for electronic communications and to achieve a Connected Continent, which was drafted by the European Commission, must be officially ratified by the European Parliament and EU Member States. If the regulation is adopted, legislative changes will be introduced significantly faster compared with directives that must be transposed to national legislation. Among the market risks and risks linked to the competition, the risk of business and residential users migrating to competitor networks remains elevated. Competition and market risks are managed by adapting the range of products and services, and by carrying out activities to promote sales and maintain existing subscribers. A great deal of attention is given to improving user support processes. Activities aimed at managing market shares also increase the risk of diminishing profitability for subscribers. Measures to manage these risks include optimising the range of products and services in terms of content and price, and clear rules regarding the allocation of benefits and discounts to subscribers. The risk that the optimisation of human resources and labour costs will not be carried out by the planned deadline and to the planned extent is diminishing. An agreement on the arrangement of mutual relations was reached with employee representatives in July. Despite implemented measures (consistent adherence with internal rules regarding legal reviews and the formalisation of cooperation in the preparation of defence strategies in open proceedings, and the appropriate setting of priorities), legal risks linked to lawsuits and legislation and risks associated with procedures before the regulatory body remain. Revenue-loss risk from centralised data capture to the “switch to bill” calculation is managed using an established system to prevent the outflow of revenues. Special attention is given to managing operational risks associated with ICT networks, services and devices. Key measures for managing risks related to the functioning and security of ICT include the implementation of preventive measures to identify potential problems and critical points, and the testing and training of personnel for appropriate action. We are implementing an information security management system (ISMS) for the regular functioning and upgrading of business continuity management (BCM) and procedures for implementing measures if extraordinary events occur. We are planning updates and an increase in capacities through redundancy in those network segments where we have identified increased functional and security-related risks. Risks associated with the outsourcing of services were successfully mitigated through the following measures: the definition of processes to manage IT needs, the definition of procedures for managing partners in the development of solutions, the standardisation of requirements and the drafting of a strategy to optimise the ratio of insourcing to outsourcing. We will further mitigate risks through the establishment of internal competences to manage content and systems, and by managing outsourcing. The risks associated with the malfunctioning of connections and services provided by other entities are managed by introducing processes to monitor and report on SLA indicators on leased networks, and by standardising requirements demanded from network providers for newly leased networks. Continuous notification regarding planned works on the networks of operators has been established. Exposure to financial risks is monitored regularly. The most significant source of credit risk (the risk of failure by subscribers and operators to fulfil obligations) is default by subscribers (retail segment) and operators (wholesale segment). The credit risk associated with subscribers is assessed as high. Measures to manage the aforementioned risk include the regular collection of debt and ultimately the exclusion of those in default, taking into account a subscriber's credit rating in sales and the monitoring of shifts in a subscriber's traffic relative to average use, and the resulting measures. The credit risk associated with operators is assessed as moderate, while the introduction of a credit risk management system has contributed to appropriate risk management. Telekom Slovenije is also exposed to certain credit risk from loans approved to its subsidiaries and issued guarantees or sureties, in particular for the liabilities of subsidiaries. Telekom Slovenije mitigates the risk of default via collateral in loan and guarantee agreements, the amount of which must at least be equal to the loan amount. There was a slight decrease in exposure to financial risks. Liquidity risk is still assessed as moderate, while interest-rate risk and currency risk are deemed low. To manage risks associated with short-term solvency, Telekom Slovenije has established an effective system for managing and planning cash flows that facilitates the timely identification of potential shortfalls in liquid funds and decisions Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 13 regarding measures. Unused short-term and long-term revolving loans and credit lines at domestic banks also provide a high level of financial flexibility to balance liquidity. Key risks in the development of digital content and media (TSmedia) • • The risk of a decline in leased advertising space is managed by investing in the technical and creative development of products. The risk associated with the stability and continued development of the Najdi.si web product will be mitigated by strengthening administrator and development teams, and through the development of a new generation product on a new platform. Key risks for Avtenta • Revenue risks associated with public administration projects are managed by strengthening efforts to secure new projects on the external market. Key risks for Soline • • • The risk associated with a drop in salt production and thus the loss of revenue due to unfavourable weather conditions has declined significantly. We expect actually quantities of salt produced to be in line with forecasts. The risk associated with the concession agreement on the management of the Sečovlje Saltpans Regional Park (SSRP) and the draining of the natural assets of the Sečovlje saltpans to the detriment of the concession holder is assessed as medium. Negotiations on potential changes to the agreement are expected to continue. The risk of the potential repayment of funds from the European Commission should the project not be completed has decreased. The aforementioned funds were earmarked for the project to protect endangered species and habitats in the SSRP. The project is in the completion phase. Key risks in Macedonia • • • The risk associated with unfavourable legislative changes in the area of electronic communications derives primarily from the introduction of additional obligations regarding minimum standards of the quality of services. We have identified operational risks associated with the effectiveness of processes due to consolidation on the Macedonian market. The risk of obsolescence is present in individual segments of the network. We are therefore taking steps to gradually upgrade the network. Key risks for Kosovo • The risk associated with additional frequency capacities in the 1800 MHz band is very high. The local regulator envisages the direct allocation of frequencies at an extremely high price, with additional obligations regarding coverage and achieving transfer speeds. Several coordinated activities are being carried out simultaneously with the aim of improving the bases for the adoption of the regulator’s decision. A comprehensive analysis is being carried out of the regulator’s bases, while scenarios are being drawn up. • The law governing copyrights sets out the obligation to pay a copyright fee for the transfer of programmes via a cable-based platform. Risk derives from a difference in understanding of the amount of the fee, which will be resolved in negotiations with the VAPIC, the collective organisation for copyrights. Key risks in Bosnia and Herzegovina • • • Liquidity risk is managed by planning and managing cash flows, and through short-term and long-term financing within the Group. Legal risks are assessed as high. There is a risk that the broadcasting of certain channels will be terminated due to the disorganised legal environment in the area of programme rights. Competitive pressure, both in terms of price and the range of services, remains a significant risk factor. The company regularly monitors the operations of the competition and regularly updates its own range of services. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 14 4. Corporate governance Management Board Telekom Slovenije is managed by a five-member Management Board, comprising the following members as at 30 June 2015: - Rudolf Skobe, MSc, President Tomaž Seljak, MSc, Vice-President Mateja Božič, MSc, member Zoran Janko, member Vesna Lednik, member and Workers Director Members of the Management Board are appointed for a term of office of four years, which begins on the day of appointment. Supervisory Board The Supervisory Board has nine members, six of whom are shareholder representatives and three of whom are employee representatives. The members of the Supervisory Board submitted a statement of compliance with the criteria of independence in accordance with the Corporate Governance Code. Telekom Slovenije’s Supervisory Board comprised the following members as at 30 June 2015: Shareholder representatives, whose four-year term of office began on 27 April 2013 due to the expiry of the term of office of previous members of the Supervisory Board: - Borut Jamnik, President - Adolf Zupan, MSc, Vice-President - Tomaž Berločnik, MSc, member - Bernarda Babič, MSc, member Shareholder representatives, elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders on 1 July 2013, with a term of office that began on the day they were elected by the General Meeting of Shareholders and that runs until the term of office of the current Supervisory Board expires: - Dr Marko Hočevar, member - Matej Golob Matzele, member Employee representatives: - Dean Žigon, Vice-President - Primož Per, member - Samo Podgornik, member The term of office of employee representatives ends on 14 November 2017. Composition of management and supervisory bodies at subsidiaries of the Telekom Slovenije Group as at 30 June 2015 Slovenia GVO, d. o. o. Managing Director: Borut Radi Avtenta, d. o. o. Managing Director: Miha Praunseis Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 15 TSmedia, d. o. o. Managing Director: Tomaž Pernovšek, MSc Soline, d. o. o. Managing Director: Klavdij Godnič M-Pay, d. o. o. Managing Director: Janez Stajnik SETCCE, d. o. o. Managing Director: Aleksej Jerman Blažič Other countries IPKO Telecommunications LLC, Kosovo Board of Directors: Rudolf Skobe, MSc (President), Bujar Musa (Vice-President), Artan Lahaj, Dr Ciril Kafol and Robert Erzin, MSc CEO: Robert Erzin, MSc ONE DOOEL Skopje, Macedonia Managing Director: Dr Ciril Kafol DIGI PLUS MULTIMEDIA DOOEL Skopje, Macedonia Managing Director: Metodija Mirčev Blicnet d. o. o. Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina Managing Director: Igor Bohorč, MSc GVO Telekommunikation GmbH, Germany Managing Directors: Roman Mazi, Borut Radi and Darko Gradišnik SIOL d. o. o., Zagreb, Croatia Managing Director: Igor Rojs, MSc The company's Managing Director was Janez Marovt until 31 January 2015. SIOL, d. o. o., Podgorica, Montenegro Managing Director: Igor Rojs, MSc The company's Managing Director was Igor Bohorč, MSc until 31 January 2015. SIOL, d. o. o., Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Managing Director: Igor Rojs, MSc The company's Managing Director was Igor Bohorč, MSc until 31 January 2015. SIOL DOOEL Skopje, Macedonia Managing Director: Igor Rojs, MSc The company was entered in the companies register on 14 January 2015. SIOL DOO BEOGRAD-PALILULA, Serbia Managing Director: Igor Rojs, MSc The company was entered in the companies register on 13 February 2015. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 16 5. Significant events in the period January to June 2015 First quarter January • As the defendant in the commercial dispute involving the plaintiff Akton, Telekom Slovenije (previously Mobitel, d. d.) receives a decision from the Ljubljana District Court deriving from an amended claim for the payment of EUR 2,604,506.36 with appertaining amounts. The district court rejects the plaintiff’s claim in full. Akton files an appeal against the aforementioned decision, to which Telekom Slovenije submits its response in a timely manner. • As the defendant in the commercial dispute involving the plaintiff T2, Telekom Slovenije receives a motion for retrial with respect to a previous final ruling from the Ljubljana District Court in which the court rejects the plaintiff’s claim for the payment of damages of EUR 129,556,756.00 with appertaining amounts. Telekom Slovenije responds to the motion by the legally prescribed deadline and will prove in the course of proceedings that the plaintiff’s lawsuit is completely baseless. • Telekom Slovenije receives a ruling from the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia in the administrative matter involving Telekom Slovenije as plaintiff and the CPA as defendant with respect to the reversal of the CPA’s decision of 25 October 2013, under which it found Telekom Slovenije to have abused its dominant position from 1 December 2002 to 5 September 2005 on the inter-operator broadband access market with bit-streaming via the copper-based network in the Republic of Slovenia, and the halting of proceedings before the CPA. The Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia rejects the plaintiff’s request to reverse the decision of the CPA and halt proceedings before the aforementioned body. Telekom Slovenije files a request for a review of proceedings before the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia. • TSmedia redesigns bizi.si, which includes key business, financial and contact data for more than 180,000 legal entities in Slovenia. In addition to an improved user experience, a responsive design and fresh look, the newly designed bizi.si business directory also offers information regarding business events, hearings and insolvency proceedings, job vacancies posted on company profiles, and even more business news and advanced search options. • Telekom Slovenije receives a ruling and decision from the Higher Court in Ljubljana in the commercial dispute between Sky Net, d. o. o. as the plaintiff and Telekom Slovenije (previously Mobitel) as the defendant with respect to the payment of EUR 25,959,896.34 with appertaining amounts under an amended claim. In its ruling, the aforementioned court rejects the primary claim of Sky Net (payment of damages) in full (the conclusion of the claim is final in this part), and upholds the decision of the court of the first instance, which rejected Sky Net’s claim following the issue of a temporary order. The court of the first instance will rule, in a retrial, on the subordinated claim relating to the fulfilment of an agreement on the mediation of an order for the construction of 414 base stations and the drafting of documentation for 434 base stations. Sky Net files a request for a review of the ruling and decision of the Higher Court, to which Telekom Slovenije responds in a timely manner. As a result, the court of the first instance halts proceedings on 9 April 2015 for the foreseeable future. • As part of the consolidation of the Telekom Slovenije Group on the Macedonian market, which includes the transfer of the regional fibre optic network from the subsidiary ONE DOOEL Skopje, Telekom Slovenije establishes SIOL DOOEL Skopje, as 100% owner, and transfers its 100% participating interest in the subsidiary DIGI PLUS MULTIMEDIA DOOEL Skopje to the subsidiary ONE DOOEL Skopje. • Telekom Slovenije receives a ruling from the Ljubljana District Court in the commercial dispute lodged by the plaintiff Simobil, d. d. against the defendant Telekom Slovenije for the payment of EUR 286,392,223.00 with appertaining amounts. Simobil withdraws its claim, prompting the Ljubljana District Court to issue a decision to halt proceedings. February • Telekom Slovenije receives a ruling and decision from the CPA regarding the determination of abuse of its dominant position on the inter-operator broadband access market with bit-streaming via the copper-based network in the Republic of Slovenia and the inter-operator market for access to the fixed network infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia The CPA finds that Telekom Slovenije abused its dominant position on the inter-operator broadband access market with bitstreaming via the copper-based network and on the inter-operator market for access to the fixed Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 17 • • network infrastructure in the Republic of Slovenia in the period from 1 January 2005 to 14 March 2014 through the use of a uniformly complex business practice. Telekom Slovenije files suit with the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia for the reversal of the CPA’s decision. For the purpose of managing the regional fibre optic network, Telekom Slovenije establishes SIOL DOO BEOGRAD, as the latter’s 100% owner. Telekom Slovenije signs an agreement on the purchase of a 100% participating interest in Debitel telekomunikacije, d. d. The entire transaction will be completed when consent is received from the competent competition protection authorities. Telekom Slovenije will not reveal the details of the transaction, including the amount of consideration, until the transaction is completed. March • Telekom Slovenije connects a new LTE/4G base station in Dravsko polje, making Starše the 200th Slovenian town where the most advanced LTE/4G mobile technology and high-speed mobile internet is available to the Company’s users. Through its LTE/4G mobile network, to which more than 400 LTE base stations have already been connected, Telekom Slovenije currently covers more than 80% of the population with an LTE/4G signal, with plans to raise that figure to 92% by the end of 2015. • Telekom Slovenije becomes the first Slovenian operator to offer users an unlimited mobile package (Neomejeni D – Unlimited D) for unlimited communication that facilitates the use of up to five mobile numbers with a single monthly subscription. All mobile numbers included in the aforementioned package have at their disposal unlimited calling in all Slovenian networks, unlimited SMS and MMS, and unlimited data transfer in Slovenia. • Telekom Slovenije offers private and business users looking for completely worry-free communication the Brezskrbni (Worry-Free) mobile package, which includes unlimited minutes in all Slovenian networks, an unlimited number of messages, as well as the worry-free use of the mobile internet in accordance with the user’s needs. Use of the mobile internet is charged according to the user’s actual usage, where a subscriber to the aforementioned package will never pay more than EUR 5 a month for data transfer. • In cooperation with the company Datalab, Telekom Slovenije offers the Mobilna blagajna (Mobile Petty Cash) package, which provides SMEs simpler and more transparent petty cash operations, while taking into account changes to legislation that envisage the introduction of fiscal cash registers. Telekom Slovenije’s Mobilna blagajna provides a comprehensive service for the simple management of petty cash operations on Android mobile devices, thus ensuring that all invoices issued and printed as such are in accordance with the law. • Telekom Slovenije offers its users the first commercial LTE roaming in the network of the operator Hrvatski Telekom. The users of Telekom Slovenije’s mobile services can take advantage of all the benefits of the LTE network while roaming in the network of the Croatian operator Hrvatski Telekom (networks bearing the names HR-CRONET, T-Mobile HR or HT HR). This represents Telekom Slovenije’s first unilateral international LTE roaming deal. The Company will offer the same type of service to its users in other countries in the future. • Telekom Slovenije receives several awards at the Slovenian Advertising Festival for the campaign Pogasi sovražnost, govori ljubezen. (Put an End to Hate. Speak the Language of Love.) under the Itak brand. The Itak brand receives more awards than any other brand, including recognition as Brand of the Year. • Telekom Slovenije becomes a member of an international consortium that secures the first European project to develop next generation 5G telecommunication networks, as part of the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme. The consortium of ten partners from six countries will research the impact of the architecture of the cloud radio access network (C-RAN) on the capacities of the 5G mobile network, such as communication between devices (D2D) and the introduction of virtual mobile cloud services. In the scope of the aforementioned project, Telekom Slovenije is heading the pilot testing of development project solutions and the analysis of new business models. Second quarter April • The Supervisory Board of Telekom Slovenije approves the annual report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije for 2014. • Telekom Slovenije becomes one of the first in Europe and the very first in Slovenia to provide the Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider. Telekom Slovenije now offers both small and large business Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 18 • • customers a comprehensive range of Office 365 and Windows Intune services, and the direct set-up and management thereof, including sales support and maintenance services. Telekom Slovenije opens a new Telekom centre at the Maximus shopping mall in Murska Sobota, and closes the old Telekom centre located at Cvetkova ulica 2. A renovated Telekom centre is also opened at the Europark shopping mall in Maribor. TSmedia launches a mobile 1188 application that makes it even easier and faster for users to search for contact data for legal entities and natural persons. May • On 5 May 2015 Telekom Slovenije receives a decision from the Ljubljana District Court issued on 13 February 2015 in the commercial dispute between the plaintiff Tušmobil, d. o. o. and the defendant Telekom Slovenije for the payment of EUR 28,176,227.00 with appertaining costs. In its decision, the Ljubljana District Court rules that Telekom Slovenije is obliged to pay Tušmobil, d. o. o. EUR 1,709,000.00 plus legally prescribed default interest from 11 September 2007 until payment, with the amount to be paid within 15 days. The court rejects the exceeding part of the claim in the amount of EUR 26,467,227.00 plus default interest from 11 September 2007 until payment. The court rules on the payment of the costs of proceedings in a subsequent supplementary decision issued on 19 May 2015. Telekom Slovenije files an appeal against the original decision and the supplementary decision. • At Telekom Slovenije’s 26th General Meeting of Shareholders of 15 May 2015, shareholders support the proposal of the Management Board and Supervisory Board regarding the use of distributable profit for 2014. Shareholders support the proposal that the entire distributable profit totalling EUR 65,054,780.00 be earmarked for the payment of gross dividends in the amount of EUR 10 per share. Dividends are to be paid to those shareholders who were entered in the register of shareholders with the right to dividends two working days following the adoption of the associated resolution at the Company's General Meeting of Shareholders, and within 90 days following the adoption of that resolution. Shareholders are briefed on the Supervisory Board's written report on the approval of the 2014 annual report, and conferred official approval on the Management Board and Supervisory Board for the 2014 financial year. Shareholders are also briefed on the rules governing the other rights of members of the Management Board. The General Meeting of Shareholders appoints the audit firm KPMG Slovenija, d. o. o. to audit the financial statements of Telekom Slovenije for the 2015 financial year. • Telekom Slovenije opens a new Telekom centre in Koper, where all Telekom Slovenije services are available to users in larger renovated premises, with all of the requisite professional support and advice. • Piran salt is one of five items representing Slovenia at Expo Milano 2015. In the first part of the Slovenian pavilion, visitors to the global exposition are greeted by an interesting presentation on the production of Piran salt, which is collected daily between the ancient embankments of salt fields in the middle of the protected area of the Sečovlje Saltpans Regional Park. The aforementioned salt fields, where salt is processed manually according to tradition and processes from the 14t century, are rare in the world today. • In May the companies Avtenta and Intenzz organise an exclusive round table discussion on the topic of SAP HANA, where specific cases of Slovenian and European companies that are already benefiting from SAP HANA technology are presented. SAP HANA brings advantages and cost effectiveness for both companies that use SAP solutions and for companies that do not use SAP solutions. June • The spring 2015 edition of the Slovenian telephone directory is released on CD with more than 860,000 telephone numbers and other contact data for legal entities and natural persons. The search for data using an upgraded algorithm is easier, faster and more precise. New features of the spring 2015 electronic telephone directory include an upgraded tool for the simple processing of travel orders and an upgraded data processing program, an upgraded display of companies on a map and the monthly updating of the database. • At the annual DIGGIT digital communications conference, a jury of experts chooses from among 50 registered works and awards the projects that stood out most in the area of digital communication in the last year. The Moč besed (Power of Words) initiative for the Itak brand is among the projects receiving awards. Telekom Slovenije receives the grand prize for the Moč besed campaign in the social media category, and a gold medal for the Moč besed online plugin in the IT and telecommunications category. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 19 • • • • • • • • • Telekom Slovenije offers users the new SiOL TopTrio Brezžični (wireless) subscriber package, which includes internet, fixed telephony and TV via the LTE/4G network. This advanced solution, which includes unlimited data transfer n Telekom Slovenije’s mobile network, is intended for users in areas where setting up a fixed connection is not possible but the LTE/4G mobile signal is available. Telekom Slovenije experts have developed a technological solution that is largely the result of internal development and places the Company among the first on the global market to offer such a solution. The Sečovlje Saltpans Regional Park receives a certificate of excellence from Trip Advisor for 2015. The Sečovlje Saltpans Regional Park receives four out of possible five stars, while visitors ranked the park first among attractions on the Slovenian coast. In the scope of activities to modernise its mobile network, Telekom Slovenije exceeds concession requirements set out in the auction of frequencies for the provision of public mobile communication services organised by the AKOS in which the Company obtained the following frequencies last April: 2 x 10 MHz in the 800 MHz band, 2 x 15 MHz in the 900 MHz band, 2 x 25 MHz in the 1800 MHz band, 2 x 35 MHz in the 2600 MHz band and 1 x 25 MHz in the 2600 MHz TDD band. Telekom Slovenije has already established a functioning mobile signal based on LTE/4G technology on the aforementioned frequencies. In addition to the free use of the Deezer service, unlimited calls and messages and 5 GB of data transfer in Slovenia, the new Džabest Ruzak subscriber package also facilitates the use of 1,000 units of mobile services while roaming in EU countries. The units of mobile services included in the aforementioned package may be used in EU countries in the networks of all operators with whom Telekom Slovenije has concluded a roaming agreement. Users in Kosovo select Ipko as the best provider of mobile telephony, mobile internet, digital TV and broadband internet services. The aforementioned company thus receives the Best Buy award for the best quality-to-price ratio in all four categories for the period 2015 and 2016. Telekom Slovenije offers users the new Modri subscriber package, which combines in one monthly subscription fee four services that cover all of the communication needs of users: mobile services, fixed broadband access, TV and fixed telephony. The monthly subscription fee of EUR 59.95 includes fibre optic access to the internet at a speed of up to 100/20, unlimited calls in the mobile and fixed network, 3 GB of data transfer in Telekom Slovenije’s network, and the Mega HD programme scheme and unlimited calls via fixed telephony to EU countries as promotional elements. Telekom Slovenije will give a five-euro discount to all new fixed service subscribers who enter into a subscription agreement by 31 August. Avtenta renews its international ISO 9001: 2008 certificate, which defines the requirements for the quality management system, management responsibility, resource management, the implementation of the core activity and control (measurement, analysis and improvement). The aforementioned standard focuses primarily on the effectiveness of the quality management system and the fulfilment of user requirements. Recommendations received as part of the external assessment performed by the Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology (SIQ) will lead to improvements in specific processes and procedures, the management and improvement of operations and increased satisfaction. At business breakfasts with key business users, Telekom Slovenije and Avtenta present the transformation of ICT, trends in the ICT sector, the latest developments in the sale of merchandise, licences and services, and advanced but simple payments via mobile devices using Moneta. With help of an SAP solution and the establishment of paperless operations, Avtenta is improving the competitiveness and quality of the operations of Slovenian companies, becoming the first provider for the management and introduction of SAP solutions and paperless operations on the Slovenian market. Telekom Slovenije successfully passes recertification under the ISO 27001 standard and transitions to the new version of the international standard, ISO 27001:2013. The ISO 27001 certificate represents the standard for a high-quality and secure information security management system which, in addition to information technology and the security of electronic information, also focuses on the security information in other forms and on other media, and precisely defines an organisation’s information security management system. The international standard is received by organisations that meet the highest information security requirements, which are increasingly important in the context ever increasing dependence on information technologies and the growing importance of information in contemporary operations. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 20 6. Significant events after the balance-sheet date Third quarter July • Telekom Slovenije receives consent from the Macedonian competition protection commission for the merger of the operators ONE DOOEL Skopje, a part of the Telekom Slovenije Group, and VIP OPERATOR DOOEL Skopje, a part of the Telekom Austria Group, on the Macedonian market. The Supervisory Board of Telekom Slovenije discusses and approves documents that represent an integral part of the merger agreement. • Telekom Slovenije opens a renovated centre in Velenje at Kidričeva ulica 2a. • On 29 July GVO takes all necessary steps to include the ten thousandth user in the networks it manages. It thus achieves a significant milestone in the management and maintenance of open broadband networks that were built under the public-private partnership principle. GVO has managed and maintained open broadband networks in the Mislinja and Drava Valleys, and in the municipalities of Ormož, Sveti Tomaž and Središce ob Dravi since 2011. It has also managed and maintained open broadband networks in the Dolenjska region and the municipalities of Sevnica and Slovenske Konjice since 2014. • Telekom Slovenije signs an agreement with social partners on the arrangement of mutual relations with the aim of implementing its human resource restructuring strategy and optimising the number of employees and labour costs. Avgust • • • Slovenski državni holding (SDH) receives notification from Cinven, the only bidder for the purchase of a 72.75% participating interest in Telekom Slovenije, that it no longer wishes to continue negotiations to complete the sales process. SDH will study possibilities in the coming period regarding further steps for managing the aforementioned investment in Telekom Slovenije in accordance with the capital investment management strategy adopted by the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia. Telekom Slovenije has technically supported the sale of the government’s participating interest throughout the process, emphasising that it is important for the Company’s operations that the process does not take too long. Telekom Slovenije has a clearly outlined development strategy and vision, which it is committed to following in the future. The Company will continue to provide its users the most state-of-the-art and comprehensive telecommunication services in superior networks, and make efforts to strengthen the Group’s market position in all segments of operations. As part of the modernisation of the network, Telekom Slovenije is working intensively to update the base station system and is upgrading the mobile network with the LTE/4G technology. In parallel, it is also making optical upgrades to the cable network, and updating and strengthening the backbone aggregate and core IP network. By comprehensively renovating the fixed and mobile networks, Telekom Slovenije will ensure even greater capacities and the gradual migration to a single “all-IP” network. This will facilitate the continuing integration of the network and various technologies into a single infrastructure with hybrid coverage that will ensure access to services using any technology. In this way, Telekom Slovenije will make it possible for users to use the most state-of-the-art comprehensive communication services in a superior network in the future, too. Telekom Slovenije received a decision from the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia under ref. no. Ips 58/2015-2 issued on 14 July 2014, in which the Supreme Court approves the request for review filed by Telekom Slovenije against the decision of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia I U 1871/2013-30 from 9 December 2014. The decision of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia rejected the claim of the plaintiff Telekom Slovenije against the defendant Slovenian Competition Protection Agency (SCPA) for the annulment of the SCPA’s decision from 25 October 2013 under the ref. no. 3072-2/2004/132, in which the SCPA establishes that in the period from 1 December 2002 to 5 September 2005 Telekom Slovenije abused its dominant position on the bit stream broadband access interconnection market through copper network in the Republic of Slovenia (ADSL connection with prior purchase of ISDN ) and for termination of the proceeding at SCPA. In the abovementioned decision the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia ruled in favour of the request for review filed by Telekom Slovenije against the decision of the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia ref. no. I U 1871/2013- Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 21 • 30 from 9 December 2014 due to misapplication of substantive law and that the matter is to be returned to the Administrative Court of the Republic of Slovenia for a retrial. Telekom Slovenije’s Management Board adopts a change to the Company’s accounting policy governing the valuation of land and buildings, resulting in a switch from a revaluation model to the historical cost model. The change to the aforementioned accounting policy will apply for the 2015 financial year. The financial statements will therefore be recalculated for previous periods from 1 January 2007 on. Net profit for the period January to June 2015 would have been EUR 37 thousand lower due to the amended accounting policy. The value of equity and reserves would have been EUR 1,018 thousand higher as at 30 June 2015, while deferred tax liabilities would have been EUR 1,448 thousand lower. Total assets were down by EUR 430 thousand as at 30 June 2015. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 22 7. Condensed interim accounting report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period January to June 2015 7.1. Introductory notes The consolidated financial statements of the Telekom Slovenije Group and the financial statements of the parent company Telekom Slovenije for the reported period and the comparable period last year were compiled in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), and interpretations of the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC). The condensed interim financial statements for the period ending 30 June 2015 were prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting, and must be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements compiled for the financial year ending 31 December 2014. The financial statements for the period January to June 2015 and for the comparable period January to June 2014 have not been audited, while the financial statements for the comparative period ending 31 December 2014 have been audited. The accounting policies used in the compilation of the interim condensed financial statements are the same as those applied in the compilation of the financial statements for the financial year ending 31 December 2014. The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for available-for-sale financial assets, which are disclosed at fair value, and land and buildings for which the Group uses the fair value model. The compilation of the financial statements requires of management certain estimates, assessments and assumptions that affect the carrying amount of the assets and liabilities of Group companies, the disclosure of contingent liabilities as at the balance-sheet date and the amount of revenues and expenses of companies in the period ending on the balance-sheet date. Management's estimates did not change during the accounting period and include the following assumptions: • the depreciation/amortisation period and residual value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, • adjustments to the value of doubtful receivables, • deferred taxes, • international links, and • provisions and contingent liabilities. There was no authorised capital or conditional share capital increase during the reporting period. The operations of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije are not seasonal. All items in the financial statements of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije are disclosed in euros, rounded to thousand euro units. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 23 Telekom Slovenije Group The Telekom Slovenije Group comprises the parent company Telekom Slovenije and the following subsidiaries: Company Country 30. 6. 2015 GVO, d.o.o. Slovenia 100 % TSmedia, d.o.o. Slovenia 100 % AVTENTA, d.o.o. Slovenia 100 % SOLINE, d.o.o. Slovenia IPKO Telecommunications LLC Kosovo 100 % Blicnet d.o.o. Banja Luka Bosnia and Herzegovina 100 % SIOL d.o.o. Croatia 100 % ONE DOOEL Skopje Macedonia 100 % SIOL d.o.o. Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina 100 % SIOL d.o.o. Podgorica Montenegro 100 % DIGI PLUS DOOEL MULTIMEDIA Skopje Macedonia 100 % GVO Telekommunikation GmbH Germany 100 % SIOL DOOEL Skopje Macedonia 100 % SIOL d.o.o. Beograd Serbia 100 % 93.11 % Telekom Slovenije transferred its 100% participating interest in DIGI PLUS MULTIMEDIA to the subsidiary ONE. The sales agreement and transfer were concluded on 9 January 2015, while the transfer was entered in the companies register on 21 January 2015. In Macedonia, Telekom Slovenije established SIOL DOOEL Skopje, and became the latter’s 100% owner. The company was entered in the companies register on 14 January 2015. In Serbia, Telekom Slovenije established SIOL DOO Beograd, and became the latter’s 100% owner. The company was entered in the companies register in Belgrade on 13 February 2015. Telekom Slovenije holds a 100% economic ownership in Ipko arising from the agreement on the purchase of the remaining participating interest signed with minority owners. The Group maintains economic control over Ipko. Thus liabilities to minority owners are not disclosed in the consolidated financial statements. GVO holds a 100% participating interest in the German company GVO Telekommunikation GmbH. Telekom Slovenije holds a 50% participating interest in M-Pay as a joint venture and a 36% participating interest in the associate SETCCE. Both companies are included in the consolidated financial statements according to the equity method. TSmedia holds a 49% participating interest in the associated company Antenna TV SL. The latter is included in the Telekom Slovenije Group according to the equity method. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 24 7.2. Condensed interim accounting report of the Telekom Slovenije Group 7.2.1. Condensed interim financial statements of the Telekom Slovenije Group Consolidated income statement as at 30 June 2015 EUR thousand Revenue Other operating income Share of profit or loss in joint ventures Cost of goods and materials sold Cost of materials and energy I - VI 2015 I - VI 2014 adjusted Ind 15/14 364,604 381,571 96 3,033 3,300 92 0 2,386 - -29,720 -34,769 85 -8,304 -8,154 102 -159,648 -159,706 100 Employee benefits expense -59,668 -67,175 89 Amortisation and depreciation expense -78,437 -79,111 99 Cost of services Other operating expenses -5,924 -4,079 145 -341,702 -352,994 97 25,935 34,263 76 6,222 13,047 48 Finance costs -8,759 -12,481 70 Share of profit of loss of associates and jointly controlled entities -3,042 -2,314 131 Profit or loss before tax 20,356 32,515 63 Income tax expense -88 -46 191 Deferred tax 286 -1,455 - 20,554 31,014 66 3.16 4.77 66 Total operating expenses Profit or loss from operations Finance income Net profit or loss for the period Basic and diluted earnings per share (in EUR) Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 25 Consolidated statement of other comprehensive income as at 30 June 2015 I - VI 2015 I - VI 2014 adjusted Ind 15/14 20,554 31,014 66 341 556 61 Change in revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets 44 298 15 Deferred tax -7 -50 14 Change in revaluation surplus of available-for-sale financial assets (net) 37 248 15 378 804 47 20,932 31,818 66 EUR thousand Net profit or loss for the period Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Translation reserves Other comprehensive income for the period after tax Total comprehensive income for the period Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 26 Consolidated statement of financial position as at 30 June 2015 EUR thousand ASSETS Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Investments in joint ventures Other investments Other non-current assets Investment property Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets Assets held for sale Inventories Trade and other receivables Deferred expenses and accrued revenues Income tax credits Current financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Called-up capital Capital surplus Revenue reserves Legal reserves Reserves for own shares and interests Own shares and interests Statutory reserves Other revenue reserves Retained earnings Retain earnings from previous periods Profit or loss for the period Revaluation surplus for property, plant and equipment Revaluation surplus for financial instruments Revaluation surplus on actuarial deficits and surpluses Translation reserve Total capital and reserves Long-term deffered income Provisions Non-current operating liabilities Interest bearing borrowings Other non-current financial liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities Assets and liabilities held for sale Trade and other payables Income tax payable Interest-bearing borrowings Other current financial liabilities Short-term deffered income Accrued costs and expenses Total current liabilities Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities 30. 6. 2015 31. 12. 2014 178,073 725,183 108 20,504 25,720 4,055 25,479 979,122 89,515 25,521 141,054 45,177 453 3,508 21,756 326,984 1,306,106 187,537 751,307 127 13,440 28,027 4,076 25,232 1,009,746 95,338 29,837 150,888 32,321 69 1,320 23,902 333,675 1,343,421 95 97 85 153 92 99 101 97 94 86 93 140 657 266 91 98 97 272,721 169,459 218,492 51,561 3,671 -3,671 54,854 112,077 -16,917 -37,471 20,554 7,072 991 -1,152 -887 649,779 10,539 58,202 7,474 23,977 309,839 1,652 411,683 18,946 82,952 70 23,729 75,390 8,960 34,597 244,644 656,327 1,306,106 272,721 169,459 218,492 51,561 3,671 -3,671 54,854 112,077 27,391 25,797 1,594 7,264 954 -1,152 -1,228 693,901 11,545 78,299 7,663 35,827 309,589 1,683 444,606 22,592 120,229 161 23,765 98 10,878 27,191 204,914 649,520 1,343,421 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 104 100 72 94 91 74 98 67 100 98 93 84 69 43 100 82 127 119 101 97 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Ind 15/14 27 Consolidated statement of changes in equity as at 30 June 2015 Revenue reserves EUR thousand Calledup capital Capital surplus Balance at 1 Jan 2015 272,721 169,459 Legal reserves 51,561 Retained Treasury Other earnings Treasury Statutory share revenue shares reserves reserve reserves 3,671 -3,671 54,854 112,077 Net profit or loss for the period Other comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income for the period Dividends paid Transactions with owners Transfer to retained earnings and reserves 27,391 7,264 Revaluation for available-forsale financial assets (net) 954 Revaluation surplus for actuarial deficits and surpluses Translation reserve -1,152 -1,228 20,554 Total 693,901 20,554 37 341 378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,554 0 37 0 341 20,932 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -65,055 -65,055 0 0 0 0 -65,055 -65,055 192 -192 Other Balance at 30 June 2015 Revaluation reserves for property, plant and equipment 0 1 272,721 169,459 51,561 3,671 -3,671 54,854 112,077 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 1 -16,917 7,072 28 991 -1,152 -887 649,779 Consolidated statement of changes in equity as at 30 June 2014 Revenue reserves EUR thousand Calledup capital Capital surplus Balance at 1 Jan 2014 272,721 169,459 Legal reserves 51,630 Treasury Other Treasury Statutory share revenue shares reserves reserve reserves 3,671 -3,671 54,854 158,726 Net profit or loss for the period Retained earnings Revaluation reserves for property, plant and equipment 43,126 7,722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,128 -1,498 Other -69 31,014 804 31,818 248 0 556 -65,055 0 0 0 0 183 -183 272,721 169,459 51,561 3,671 -3,671 54,854 3 158,644 9,271 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 758,582 556 0 -82 Total 31,014 -65,055 Transfer to retained earnings and reserves Balance at 30 June 2014 adjusted Translation reserve 248 Dividends paid Transactions with owners 714 Revaluation surplus for actuarial deficits and surpluses 31,014 Other comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income for the period Revaluation for available-forsale financial assets (net) -65,055 -65,055 0 -148 7,539 29 962 1,128 -942 725,197 Consolidated statement of cash flows as at 30 June 2015 EUR thousand Cash flows from operating activities Profit before tax Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortization Impairment and write-offs of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment Gain or loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment Finance income Finance costs Change in assets held for sale Change in trade and other receivables Change in deferred costs and accrued income Change in other non-current assets Change in inventories Change in provisions Change in long-term and short-term deferred income Change in accrued costs and expenses Change in trade and other payables Income tax paid Net cash from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Receipts from investing activities Sale of property, plant and equipment Dividends received Interest received Disposal of non-current investments Disposal of current investments Disbursements from investing activities Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of intangible assets Acquisition of investments Investments in subsidiaries and associates Interest-bearing loans Net cash from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Receipts from financing activities Non-current borrowings Current borrowings Issue of short-term commercial papers Disbursements from financing activities Maturity of short-term commercial paper Repayment of current borrowings Repayment of non-current borrowings Interest paid Dividends paid Net cash from financing activities Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents Closing balance of cash Opening balance of cash Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. I - VI 2015 I -VI 2014 – adjusted 20,356 32,515 78,437 1 -32 -6,222 11,801 1,449 9,834 -12,856 2,307 4,316 -20,097 -2,924 7,406 -37,386 -288 56,102 79,111 321 115 -13,047 14,795 266 -7,073 -6,389 -925 -8,713 -3,657 -640 4,014 -9,848 -416 80,429 2,398 1,101 0 394 304 599 -47,944 -31,605 -8,363 -2 -3,200 -4,774 -45,546 10,765 321 1,320 214 463 8,447 -112,469 -27,051 -82,374 -53 -1,226 -1,765 -101,704 70,500 0 70,500 0 -83,202 -44 -70,500 -11,880 -766 -12 -12,702 -2,146 21,756 23,902 58,979 79 10,000 48,900 -30,176 0 -10,000 -17,614 -2,527 -35 28,803 7,528 66,762 59,234 30 Segment reporting The Group has two operating segments. Segment reporting is based on the internal reporting system used by management in the decision-making process. Geographical regions are defined as operating segments, namely Slovenia and other countries. The criterion for segment reporting is the registered office where an activity is performed. Segment reporting is based on the basic financial statements of the Telekom Slovenije Group. Sales transactions between segments are effected at market values. Intra-group transactions are eliminated in the consolidation process, and included among eliminations and adjustments. The Group does not disclose finance income and costs by segment, as the Group’s financing is centralised and conducted at the level of the parent company. Operating segments I - VI 2015 Slovenia Other countries Eliminations and adjustments Consolidated 304,879 59,725 0 364,604 27,393 21,122 -48,515 0 332,272 80,847 -48,515 364,604 2,753 1,170 -890 3,033 -309,472 -81,753 49,523 -341,702 Operating profit per segment 25,553 264 118 25,935 Share of profit or loss in associates and jointly controlled entities -3,042 EUR thousand External sales Intersegment sales Total segment revenue Other revenue Total operating expenses -3,042 Finance income 6,222 Finance costs -8,759 Profit before tax 20,356 Income tax expense -88 Deferred tax 286 Profit for the period 20,554 Other segment information at 30. 6. 2015 Segment assets Segment liabilities 1,372,685 262,055 -328,634 1,306,106 653,089 216,846 -213,608 656,327 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 31 Operating segments I - VI 2014 – adjusted Slovenia Other countries Eliminations and adjustments Consolidated 321,512 60,059 0 381,571 29,052 20,813 -49,865 49,865 350,564 80,872 -49,865 381,571 3,373 221 -294 3,300 0 2,386 0 2,386 -322,108 -79,880 48,994 -352,994 Operating profit per segment 31,829 3,599 -1,165 34,263 Share of profit or loss in associates and jointly controlled entities -2,314 EUR thousand External sales Intersegment sales Total segment revenue Other revenue Share in profit or loss of joint ventures Total operating expenses -2,314 Finance income 13,047 Finance costs -12,481 Profit before tax 32,515 Income tax expense -46 Deferred tax -1,455 Profit for the period 31,014 Other segment information at 31. 12. 2014 Segment assets Segment liabilities 1,398,721 267,177 -322,477 1,343,421 642,696 218,610 -211,786 649,520 Revenue I - VI 2015 I - VI 2014 Ind 15/14 Mobile services in end-customer market 149,208 156,203 96 Fixed-line telephone services on end-customer market 119,008 121,584 98 88,057 92,512 95 8,331 11,273 74 364,604 381,571 96 EUR thousand Wholesale market Other revenues and other merchandise Total revenue Net sales revenue was down 4% or EUR 16,967 thousand during the first half of 2015 relative to the same period in 2014, to stand at EUR 364,604 thousand. Revenues were down in all service segments: by EUR 6,995 thousand or 4% in the mobile segment of the end-user market, and by EUR 2,576 thousand or 2% in the fixed segment. Other revenues and revenues from other merchandise were down by EUR 2,942 thousand or 26%, while revenues on the wholesale market were down by 5% or EUR 4,455 thousand. Other revenues and revenues from other merchandise include revenue from construction works, maintenance and the clearance of faults, sales of other merchandise, etc. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 32 Cost of services I - VI 2015 I - VI 2014 adjusted Ind 15/14 63,549 64,728 98 4,691 5,249 89 Multimedia services costs 14,282 13,330 107 Sale incentives 13,217 12,916 102 5,463 4,694 116 14,905 13,931 107 Lease of property, plant and equipment 8,383 8,959 94 Costs of trade fairs, marketing, sponsorships and entertainment 8,067 9,645 84 Professional and personal services 5,112 5,858 87 489 626 78 Insurance premiums 2,158 2,057 105 Cost of postal services and transportation 1,483 1,892 78 924 898 103 16,925 14,923 113 159,648 159,706 100 EUR thousand Telecommunications services Cost of leased lines Sale commissions Maintenance of property, plant and equipment Refund of work-related costs Banking services Other services Total cost of services During the reporting period, costs of services were down EUR 58 thousand on the same period last year. The costs of the following items were up: sales commissions, other services, maintenance of property, plant and equipment, multimedia content, insurance premiums, banking services and sales incentives. The costs of the following items were down: post and transportation services, refunds of work-related costs, trade fairs, advertising, sponsorship and representation, intellectual and personal services, leased lines, leasing of property, plant and equipment, and telecommunication services. Operating profit and net profit Operating profit (EBIT) was down EUR 8,328 thousand or 24% on the same period in 2014, to stand at EUR 25,935 thousand. A net profit of EUR 20,554 thousand was achieved for the accounting period (a decrease of 34% on the same period in 2014), in the context of a net financial loss of EUR 2,537 thousand. Intangible assets Intangible assets were down by the total amount of EUR 9,464 thousand, primarily as the result of amortisation charged during the accounting period. Commitments for intangible assets totalled EUR 5,164 thousand as at 30 June 2015. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment totalled EUR 725,183 thousand as at 30 June 2015, accounting for 56% of total assets, and were down EUR 26,124 thousand, primarily as a result of depreciation charged during the period. Commitments for property, plant and equipment totalled EUR 9,980 thousand as at 30 June 2015. Trade and other receivables Trade and other receivables amounted to EUR 141,054 thousand as at 30 June 2015, a decrease of EUR 9,834 thousand or 7% compared with the balance at the end of 2014. Financial instruments Current financial assets Current financial assets were up EUR 2,188 thousand on the balance as at 31 December 2014 to stand at EUR 3,508 thousand, primarily as the result of an increase in other short-term loans. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 33 Non-current financial assets primarily comprise investments in shares and participating interests in companies and banks that are classified as available-for-sale financial assets. Financial assets listed on the stock exchange are recognised at fair value, while other financial assets are recognised at historical cost. Financial liabilities Financial liabilities totalled EUR 432,935 thousand as at 30 June 2015, representing an increase of EUR 63,656 thousand on the end of the 2014, broken down as follows: • borrowings received in the amount of EUR 47,706 thousand were down EUR 11,886 thousand; • liabilities for bonds issued in the amount of EUR 306,878 thousand were up EUR 7,538 thousand on the balance at the end of the year on account of the associated interest accrued in the period January to June 2015; and • other financial liabilities totalled EUR 78,351 thousand, representing an increase of EUR 68,004 thousand on the end of 2014 primarily due to liabilities for the payment of dividends. Fair value hierarchy The following hierarchy was used in recognising and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments using a valuation technique: 1. Level 1: fair value is determined by directly quoting an officially published price on an active market; 2. Level 2: other techniques for determining fair value based on assumptions with a significant impact on fair value that are in line with current observable market transactions with the same instruments, either directly or indirectly; and 3. Level 3: other techniques for determining fair value based on assumptions with a significant impact on fair value that are not in line with current observable market transactions with the same instruments and investments. The fair value of financial instruments is compared with their book value in the table below. Carrying amount and fair value of financial instruments as at 30 June 2015 EUR thousand Carrying amount Fair value Level 1 3,266 3,266 1,511 Loans given 17,236 17,236 Trade receivables Other non-current financial assets 25,720 25,720 2 2 3,248 3,248 2 2 258 258 22,209 22,209 141,054 141,054 299,757 313,080 Interest-bearing borrowings 23,977 23,977 Other trade payables 10,082 10,082 -572 -572 Level 2 Level 3 Non-current financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets 17,236 Current financial assets Loans given Other current financial assets Bank deposits Cash, cash equivalents and income tax receivables Trade receivables 3,248 Non-current financial liabilities Bonds 313,080 23,977 Current financial liabilities Bonds 7,693 7,693 Interest-bearing borrowings 23,729 23,729 Other financial liabilities 68,269 68,269 Trade payables 82,952 82,952 Interest on bonds Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 23,729 34 Contingent liabilities from legal actions No new lawsuits were filed against the Group in the period from 1 January 2015 until the day this report was compiled that could have a significant impact on the financial statements for the first six months of 2015. Contingent liabilities from guarantees issued The Group provided the following guarantees as at 30 June 2015: • performance guarantees and warranty bonds in the amount of EUR 4,146 thousand, and • other guarantees in the amount of EUR 1,271 thousand. None of the above stated liabilities meet the conditions for recognition in the statement of financial position, and the Group does not expect any material consequences as the result thereof. Related-party transactions Related parties of the Group companies include the Republic of Slovenia as the majority shareholder of Telekom Slovenije, other shareholders, members of the Management Board, members of the Supervisory Board and their family members. Transactions with natural persons Natural persons (the President, the Vice-President and members of the Management Board, and the VicePresident and members of the Supervisory Board) held 1,549 shares in Telekom Slovenije as at 30 June 2015, representing a holding of 0.0237%. Events after the reporting date These events are disclosed in section 6. Significant events after the balance-sheet date can be found on pages 21 and 22. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 35 7.3. Condensed interim accounting report of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 7.3.1. Condensed interim financial statements of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. Income statement of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period ending 30 June 2015 EUR thousand Revenue Other operating income Cost of goods and materials sold I - VI 2014 adjusted I - VI 2015 Ind 15/14 312,497 326,433 96 1,425 2,552 56 -31,002 -33,614 92 -5,327 -5,166 103 -138,834 -140,474 99 Employee benefits expense -47,837 -52,496 91 Amortisation and depreciation expense -60,460 -62,534 97 -4,129 -2,066 200 -287,589 -296,350 97 Profit or loss from operations 26,333 32,635 81 Finance income 11,252 19,064 59 Finance costs -8,394 -9,327 90 Profit or loss before tax 29,191 42,372 69 0 0 - 266 -1,429 - 29,457 40,943 72 Cost of material and energy Cost of services Other operating expenses Total operating expenses Income tax expense Deferred tax Net profit or loss for the period Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 36 Statement of other comprehensive income of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period ending 30 June 2015 29,457 I - VI 2014 adjusted 40,943 Ind 15/14 72 Change in revaluation of available-for-sale financial assets 44 298 15 Deferred tax -7 -50 14 Change in revaluation surplus of available-for-sale financial assets (net) 37 248 15 Other comprehensive income for the period 37 248 15 Total comprehensive income for the period 29,494 41,191 72 EUR thousand Net profit or loss for the period I - VI 2015 Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent periods: Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 37 Statement of financial position of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. as at 30 June 2015 EUR thousand ASSETS Intangible assets Property, plant and equipment Investments in joint ventures Other investments Other non-current assets Investment property Deferred tax assets Total non-current assets Assets held for sale Inventories Trade and other receivables Deferred expenses and accrued revenues Income tax credits Current financial assets Cash and cash equivalents Total current assets Total assets EQUITY AND LIABILITIES Called-up capital Capital surplus Revenue reserves Legal reserves Reserves for own shares and interests Own shares and interests Statutory reserves Other revenue reserves Retained earnings Retain earnings from previous periods Profit or loss for the period Revaluation reserves for property, plant and equuipment Revaluation reserves for financial instruments Revaluation surplus on actuarial deficits and surplus Total capital and reserves Long-term deferred income Provisions Non-current operating liabilities Interest bearing borrowings Other non-current financial liabilities Deferred tax liabilities Total non-current liabilities Trade and other payables Interest bearing borrowings Other current financial liabilities Short-term deferred income Accrued costs and expenses Total current liabilities Total liabilities Total equity and liabilities 30.6.2015 31.12.2014 Ind 15/14 125,791 621,002 46,951 146,190 30,026 4,055 23,886 997,901 80,521 21,217 136,131 44,164 295 12,884 17,601 312,813 1,310,714 132,276 644,920 45,846 138,048 32,549 4,076 23,659 1,021,374 80,788 25,549 148,172 31,411 22 8,504 19,032 313,478 1,334,852 95 96 102 106 92 99 101 98 100 83 92 141 152 92 100 98 272,721 168,927 217,042 50,434 3,671 -3,671 54,544 112,064 29,649 192 29,457 7,072 991 -1,019 695,383 9,559 54,652 7,474 23,698 299,757 1,652 396,792 79,585 24,614 75,373 5,749 33,218 218,539 615,331 1,310,714 272,721 168,927 217,042 50,434 3,671 -3,671 54,544 112,064 65,055 47,129 17,926 7,264 954 -1,019 730,944 10,572 74,740 7,663 35,547 302,530 1,683 432,735 115,337 23,703 64 7,279 24,790 171,173 603,908 1,334,852 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 46 164 97 104 100 95 90 73 98 67 99 98 92 69 104 79 134 128 102 98 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 38 Statement of changes in equity of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period ending 30 June 2015 Revenue reserves EUR thousand Balance at 1 Jan 2015 Called-up capital 272,721 Capital surplus Legal reserves 168,927 50,434 Treasury Treasury share shares reserves 3,671 Statutory reserves -3,671 Other revenue reserves Retained earnings 54,544 112,064 65,055 Net profit or loss for the period Revaluation surplus for property, plant and equipment 7,264 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29,457 -1,019 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 272,721 168,927 50,434 3,671 -3,671 0 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 0 192 -192 29,649 7,072 39 730,944 37 37 0 29,494 -65,055 -65,055 54,544 112,064 Total 29,457 -65,055 Transfer to retained earnings Balance at 30 June 2015 954 37 Dividends paid Transactions with owners Revaluation surplus on actuarial deficits and surpluses 29,457 Other comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income for the period Revaluation surplus for available-forsale financial assets (net) 0 0 -65,055 0 991 -1,019 695,383 Statement of changes in equity of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period ending 30 June 2014 Revenue reserves EUR thousand Balance at 1 Jan 2014 Called-up capital 272,721 Capital surplus Legal reserves 168,927 50,434 Treasury Treasury share shares reserves 3,671 Statutory reserves -3,671 Other revenue reserves Retained earnings 54,544 158,631 65,160 Net profit or loss for the period Revaluation surplus for property, plant and equipment 7,721 714 1,112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,943 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 248 0 272,721 168,927 50,434 3,671 -3,671 0 182 -182 41,230 7,539 Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 54,544 158,631 40 41,191 -65,055 -65,055 Transfer to retained earnings and reserves 779,964 248 -65,055 Transactions with owners Total 40,943 248 Dividends paid Balance at 30 June 2014 adjusted Revaluation surplus of actuary deficits and surpluses 40,943 Other comprehensive income for the period Total comprehensive income for the period Revaluation surplus for available-forsale financial assets (net) 0 0 -65,055 0 962 1,112 756,100 Statement of cash flows of Telekom Slovenije, d. d. for the period ending 30 June 2015 EUR thousand Cash flows from operating activities Profit before tax Adjustments for: Depreciation and amortisation Impairment and write-offs of property, plant and equipment Gain or loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment Finance income Finance costs Change in assets held for sale Change in trade and other receivables Change in deferred costs and accrued income Change in other non-current assets Change in inventories Change in provisions Change in long-term and short-term deferred income Change in accrued costs and expenses Change in trade and other payables Net cash from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Receipts from investing activities Sale of property, plant and equipment Dividends received Interest received Disposal of non-current investments Dsiposal of current investments Disbursements from investing activities Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Acquisition of intangible assets Acquisition of investments Investments in subsidiaries and associates Interest-bearing loans Net cash from investing activities Cash flows from financing activities Receipts from financing activities Current borrowings Issue of short-term commercial papers Disbursements from financing activities Maturity of short-term commercial paper Repayment of current borrowings Repayment of non-current borrowings Interest paid Dividends paid Net cash from financing activities Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents Closing balance of cash Opening balance of cash Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. I - VI 2015 I - VI 2014 adjusted 29,191 42,370 60,460 0 -20 -11,252 8,394 267 12,041 -12,753 2,544 4,332 -20,088 -2,542 8,428 -34,441 62,535 241 -20 -19,065 9,327 266 -3,093 -5,331 -1,114 -7,853 -2,572 85 2,536 -6,903 44,561 71,409 8,491 14,279 711 0 4,855 2,764 161 -42,800 -23,830 -7,290 0 -1,105 -10,575 -34,309 0 1,320 3,113 1,779 8,067 -106,923 -19,669 -81,443 -53 0 -5,758 -92,644 71,416 71,416 0 -83,099 -44 -70,500 -11,849 -694 -12 -11,683 -1,431 17,601 19,032 58,900 10,000 48,900 -28,774 0 -10,000 -17,540 -1,199 -35 30,126 8,891 61,785 52,894 41 Revenue EUR thousand I - VI 2015 I - VI 2014 Ind 15/14 118,675 126,852 94 Fixed-line telephone services on end-customer market 98,460 101,514 97 Wholesale market 89,275 91,709 97 6,087 6,358 96 312,497 326,433 96 Mobile services on end-customer market Other revenue and other merchandise Total revenue Net sales revenue was down EUR 13,936 thousand or 4% during the period January to June 2015 relative to the same period last year. The reasons for the aforementioned decline lie in lower revenue generated from mobile subscribers and prepaid users, sales of merchandise in the mobile segment, broadband services, traditional voice telephony, the business telephony segment, and convergent services and sales of merchandise in the fixed segment. New laws regulating the call termination market in the mobile network and the call termination market in the fixed network were adopted on 1 September 2014 and 1 November 2014 respectively. All comparisons up to the month of September 2014 will therefore show lower revenues on the wholesale market. Cost of services I - VI 2015 I - VI 2014 adjusted Ind 15/14 66,097 67,597 98 Cost of leased lines 5,806 5,956 97 Multimedia services costs 8,765 8,981 98 Sale incentives 8,708 9,498 92 Sale commissions 3,609 2,955 122 15,406 17,780 87 Lease of property, plant and equipment 5,404 6,024 90 Costs of trade fairs, marketing, sponsorship and entertainment 5,658 7,045 80 Professional and personal services 3,442 4,060 85 234 276 85 Insurance premiums 1,754 1,661 106 Cost of postal services and transportation 1,787 1,830 98 574 639 90 11,590 6,172 188 138,834 140,474 99 EUR thousand Telecommunications services Maintenance of property, plant and equipment Refond of work-related costs Banking services Other services Total cost of services The costs of services were down 1% on the same period last year primarily due to lower costs of the following items: trade fairs, advertising, sponsorship and representation, intellectual and personal services, refunds of work-related costs, the maintenance and leasing of property, plant and equipment, banking services, sale incentives, leased lines, telecommunication services, multimedia content, and post and transportation services. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 42 Operating profit Operating profit (EBIT) was down 19% or EUR 6,302 thousand on the same period last year to stand at EUR 26,333 thousand. Finance income Finance income was down 41% on the same period in 2014, primarily owing to a decline in other finance income and due to lower dividend income. Finance costs Finance costs were down 10% on the same period in 2014, primarily as the result of costs associated with commercial paper issued in March 2014 with a maturity of December 2014, and owing to lower interest expenses. Net profit Net profit in the amount of EUR 29,457 thousand was down 28% or EUR 11,486 thousand on the first half of 2014. Intangible assets Intangible assets primarily comprise concessions, licences and computer programmes. Intangible assets were down by the total amount of EUR 6,485 thousand, primarily as the result of amortisation charged during the accounting period. Commitments for intangible assets totalled EUR 5,583 thousand as at 30 June 2015. Property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment accounted for 47% of the Company’s total assets. The decrease in property, plant and equipment in the amount of EUR 23,918 thousand was primarily the result of depreciation charged during the accounting period in the amount of EUR 46,396 thousand, while new acquisitions totalled EUR 23,930 thousand. Commitments for property, plant and equipment totalled EUR 12,374 thousand as at 30 June 2015. Investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures Telekom Slovenije increased its investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures during the reporting period, primarily on account of the establishment and increase in the capital of the new company SIOL DOOEL Skopje in the amount of EUR 1,005 thousand, and the establishment and increase in the capital of the new company SIOL DOO Beograd in the amount of EUR 100 thousand. Other financial assets Other financial assets were up EUR 8,142 thousand, primarily owing to an increase in loans to subsidiaries. Other non-current assets Other non-current assets were down primarily owing to a decrease in other non-current operating receivables (instalment sales of merchandise). Trade and other receivables Trade and other receivables amounted to EUR 136,131 thousand as at 30 June 2015, a decrease of EUR 12,041 thousand compared with the balance at the end of 2014. Financial instruments Current financial assets Current financial assets were up EUR 4,380 thousand, primarily owing to an increase in other short-term loans. Non-current financial assets primarily comprise investments in shares and participating interests in companies and banks that are classified as available-for-sale financial assets. Financial assets listed on the stock exchange are recognised at fair value, while other financial assets are recognised at historical cost. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 43 Financial liabilities Financial liabilities totalled EUR 423,442 thousand as at 30 June 2015, an increase of EUR 61,598 thousand on the end of 2014, broken down as follows: • borrowings received in the amount of EUR 48,312 thousand were down EUR 10,938 thousand; • liabilities for bonds issued in the amount of EUR 306,878 thousand were up EUR 7,538 thousand primarily on account of interest accrued in the period January to June 2015; and • other liabilities in the amount of EUR 68,252 thousand were up EUR 64,998 thousand, primarily owing to liabilities for the payment of dividends. Fair value hierarchy The following hierarchy was used in recognising and disclosing the fair value of financial instruments using a valuation technique: 1. Level 1: fair value is determined by directly quoting an officially published price on an active market; 2. Level 2: other techniques for determining fair value based on assumptions with a significant impact on fair value that are in line with current observable market transactions with the same instruments, either directly or indirectly; and 3. Level 3: other techniques for determining fair value based on assumptions with a significant impact on fair value that are not in line with current observable market transactions with the same instruments. The fair value of financial instruments is compared with their book value in the table below. Carrying amount and fair value of financial instruments as at 30 June 2015 EUR thousand Carrying amount Fair value Level 1 3,266 3,266 1,511 142,924 142,924 30,026 30,026 12,626 12,626 258 258 Level 2 Level 2 Non-current financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets Loans given Trade receivables 142,924 Current financial assets Loans given Bank deposits Cash, cash equivalents and income tax receivables 17,601 17,601 136,131 136,131 299,757 313,080 23,698 23,698 -572 -572 7,693 7,693 Interest-bearing borrowings 24,614 24,614 Other financial liabilities 68,252 68,252 Trade payables 79,585 79,585 Trade receivables 12,626 Non-current financial liabilities Bonds Interest-bearing borrowings 313,080 23,698 Current financial liabilities Bonds Interest on bonds 24,614 Contingent liabilities from legal actions No new lawsuits were filed against the Company in the period from 1 January 2015 until the day this report was compiled that could have a significant impact on the financial statements for the first six months of 2015. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 44 Contingent liabilities from guarantees issued The Company provided the following guarantees as at 30 June 2015: • performance guarantees and warranty bonds in the amount of EUR 3,140 thousand, • guarantees as security for contractual obligations in the amount of EUR 2,997 thousand, and • other guarantees in the amount of EUR 65 thousand. None of the above stated liabilities meet the conditions for recognition in the statement of financial position, and the Company does not expect any material consequences as the result thereof. Related-party transactions Related parties of the Company include the Republic of Slovenia as the majority shareholder of Telekom Slovenije, other shareholders, members of the Management Board, members of the Supervisory Board and their family members. Related-party transactions EUR thousand Receivables due from Group companies Subsidiaries Jointly controlled entities Associates Liabilities to Group companies Subsidiaries Jointly controlled entities Associates EUR thousand Revenue Subsidiaries Jointly controlled entities Associates Purchase of material and services from Group companies Subsidiaries Jointly controlled entities Associates 30. 6. 2015 161,978 161,485 0 493 13,257 12,727 2 528 31. 12. 2014 154,422 154,036 18 368 18,666 16,734 2 1,930 I - VI 2015 14,027 13,169 0 858 27,151 26,312 4 835 I - VI 2014 12,204 11,401 25 778 31,230 30,556 2 672 Transactions with natural persons Natural persons (the President, the Vice-President and members of the Management Board, and the VicePresident and members of the Supervisory Board) held 1,549 shares in Telekom Slovenije as at 30 June 2015, representing a holding of 0.0237%. Transactions with the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, and entities and institutions under its control The Company provides telecommunication services to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and to various bodies, agencies and companies in which the Slovenian state is either the majority or minority shareholder. Events after the reporting date These events are disclosed in section 6. Significant events after the balance-sheet date can be found on pages 21 and 22. Unaudited Business Report of the Telekom Slovenije Group and Telekom Slovenije, d. d. 45
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