connected healthcare - Telekom Healthcare Solutions
connected healthcare - Telekom Healthcare Solutions
BEST PRACTICE. Special e dition Healthcare Special 2013⁄ 2014 CONNECTED HEALTHCARE BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE. connecTeD heAlThcAre PAves The wAy for BeTTer mAnAGemenT of Processes AnD lower cosTs. Dr. Axel Wehmeier has been head of the healthcare business at Deutsche Telekom since 2010. According to health insurer Techniker Krankenkasse, adults in Germany spend an average of seven hours sitting down – every single day. for a third of people in employment, this figure is a high as nine hours. This leaves hardly any room for exercise in our lives. now, the Quantified self movement is encouraging people to get up out of their seats and get fit, helping them compare their performance with friends and keep an eye on their calorie intake. It’s all about fun and motivation. Because even small successes make us feel good, improving quality of life. DISEASE PREVENTION PORTAL Tools that enable people to measure and record their own vital signs not only help to improve personal fitness but are increasingly being embraced by the healthcare industry. As part of disease prevention and treatment programs, patients monitor their own blood pressure, blood sugar and weight and send the readings securely via a smartphone or healthcare portal to their physician. These proven methods offer medical professionals accurate data that, in turn, helps them improve the quality of treatments. for example, Deutsche Telekom’s diabetes prevention portal delivers advice and assistance that can even help a type-2 diabetes sufferer recover completely. At the very least, their quality of life is improved. Telemedicine solutions go one step further. They supplement conventional healthcare services, help bridge gaps in areas and cities with poor infrastructure, improve life for high-risk patients and help doctors respond faster and save lives. research project fontane, backed by Deutsche Telekom, has proven this point. Patients in rural areas record their vital signs every day and send the data quickly, securely and reliably to a physician at the telemedicine control center. This helps doctors identify changes early on and take timely action. connected solutions like this improve treatment and enhance quality of life. Dr. Axel wehmeier, head of the healthcare business Contents 2013/2014 issue — 03 10 hospitals. 3D in the Or. Virtual reality is becoming a key part of operation room processes at a growing number of hospitals. It allows surgeons simulate procedures in real time, helping them minimize risk. bedside Multimedia. Schwarzwald-Baar’s Entertain for Hospitals solution is an example of how new healthcare facilities can meet rising demands for patient comfort and leaner hospital processes. 11 or Management system. Digitizing operating room processes benefits patients and staff by enhancing interdisciplinary communications and supporting effective documentation of surgical procedures. 11 interview. Dr. Herbert Gruber, Head Physician at Krages hospital in the Burgenland region of Austria, on electronic OR management systems that safeguard quality and boost the efficiency of resource deployment. 12 Dynamic Healthcare Center. This modular system has a range of demand-driven uses – from simple applications that improve patient care to the management of entire IT landscapes. Connected solutions improve healthcare, enhance patients’ quality of life and boost the efficiency of medical processes. Healthcare Special 04 connected care. medical aids. German health insurer BARMER GEK leverages a digital platform to provide four million patients each year with medical aids – accelerating the distribution of wheelchairs, crutches and the like, and reducing costs. 06 healthcare at work. Deutsche Telekom and HausMed, an initiative run by the German Association of General Physicians, have created a program to offer employees advice on preventing illness. 06 contract management. Deutsche Telekom and the German Association of General Physicians help doctors invoice their services directly to health insurers. Photos: Deutsche Telekom AG, azgAr Donmaz/Getty Images 07 ER – yes or no? Using a real-time online emergency service, parents can request expert advice from qualified pediatricians on the best action to take if their child is sick or hurt. 07 disease prevention. Markus Homann, Director of Health Management at insurance provider Central, on digital healthcare programs that help prevent complications in diabetes patients. 08 graphic. A look at how hospitals, doctors and other healthcare providers are improving treatment based on the fast, secure, real-time exchange of patient data. 12 Peace of mind. Connected beds feature sensors that deliver data on the patient to relatives and care providers, which is particularly useful when people are cared for in their own homes. 13 Big Data. Long-term archiving solution STARCS is helping a growing number of hospitals and doctors’ offices stem the rising tide of patient data and flexibly store image files. 13 IT interpreter. Interface Manager for Healthcare (IM4HC) helps hospitals reduce the administrative overhead associated with their IT systems. What’s more, it enables them to add new interfaces for sub-systems at any time. 14 AAL. the digital Butler. A smart ambient assisted living (AAL) project is being put through its paces in Lower Saxony, Germany. Supported by Deutsche Telekom, the initiative helps elderly patients stay in their own home for longer, by connecting them to a dedicated service center via a tablet PC. Navigating through life. The Tagesnavi app allows seniors to stay in touch with relatives using video telephony on a tablet computer. In addition, it helps them plan their day-to-day activities and coordinate care providers and other healthcare services. about this publication Published by: Thomas Spreitzer (responsible for content), T-Systems International GmbH Publisher: HOFFMANN UND CAMPE VERLAG, a GANSKE VERLAGSGRUPPE company Layout: HOFFMANN UND CAMPE VERLAG GmbH Copy: PR-Partner Köln GmbH Printing: NEEF + STUMME premium printing GmbH & Co. KG, Wittingen Barmer GEK provides services to the tune of 850 million euros each year for its health insurance customers, processing Fotos: Aritescient aut inveratur sapelibus eiunt invene es aut dolo dolore et, odipien around four million cases. Healthcare — 05 Connected care Barmer GEK Managing medical aids online: Patient satisfaction climbs as costs fall. Photos: GettyImages, Natalie Bothur <Copy> Thomas van Zütphen Health insurers in Germany spend billions each year on both standard medical aids such as bandages, wheelchairs, breathing equipment, and custom-made products such as orthotics. Experts estimate that over 20 percent of the total cost could be saved through greater competition in the country’s highly regulated health insurance market, but also by better organizing the collection and reallocation of reusable items such as hospital beds and walkers. The failure to recover and reassign medical aids continues to be an unresolved logistical challenge for suppliers, pharmacies, manufacturers and, ultimately, the patients. As Dr. Doris Pfeiffer, chair of the board of the German Association of Statutory Health Insurance Providers, explains: “We suffer from a Bermuda triangle effect, with products getting lost somewhere between collection, returning them to storage, and supplying them for reuse. The associated costs run into the millions.” And insurance providers, and their customers, pick up the tab. Barmer GEK, Germany’s largest provider of statutory health insurance, decided to tackle this issue early in 2013. Four million aids are supplied to its customers each year, adding up to 850 million euros. However, 20 percent of these cases account for 80 percent of the costs. Jürgen Rothmaier, the member of the Barmer GEK management board responsible for IT, HR, sales and marketing, recognized the need for a central system for managing medical aids. Rothmaier says: “This system helps us meet our patient needs, enhance process transparency, and cut costs.” The result is ZHP.X3, an e-platform implemented by T-Systems and HMM – a company based in Moers, north-west Germany, and specializing in the digitization of healthcare processes. The new solution, hosted by T-Systems, provides end-to-end support for all aspects of the use and reuse of medical aids. This includes approval and monitoring processes, cost accounting and contract management. It models the entire logistics chain, from initial supply, to collection, to storage and reassignment to a new customer. Rothmaier’s strategy is designed to fulfill a number of goals: “We want to accelerate our previously paper-based processes in order to provide better customer service. But we are also looking to save money and time through greater efficiency and synergy.” Above all, automation has significantly reduced time-to-delivery for patients. The entire procedure entails 50 individual steps, from the submission of an application, to gaining a cost quote, to granting approval, to arranging delivery. In the past, this could take several days to complete. Now, it can be performed by ZHP.X3 in a matter of hours. Digitization has greatly accelerated Barmer GEK’s internal workflows. But equally important has been integration of the platform with external systems operated by medical aid suppliers (with around 10,000 outlets throughout Germany), makers of orthopedic shoes, pharmacists and other stakeholders. German medical aid retailers alone use 12 different standard solutions. All these diverse software products had to be connected to ensure seamless data exchange. As Udo Lingen, the Barmer GEK Account Executive at T-Systems, explains: “Now, insurance providers and their partners gain visibility into the current location of reusable products. This enables thousands of hospital beds, wheelchairs and walkers to be reallocated more quickly.” The platform provides detailed information on medical aids held in central storage and on those already at customers’ homes. What’s more, Barmer GEK benefits from lower process costs and reduced administrative overhead compared with paper-based systems. Standardized data exchange with suppliers streamlines a variety of tasks, including approvals and audits. As Jürgen Rothmaier explains, “This is an outstanding example of how greater digitization of the healthcare value chain can deliver better service to patients and save millions of euros.” <Contact> <Links> “Greater digitization of the healthcare value chain can deliver better service to patients and save millions of euros.” Jürgen Rothmaier, CIO of Barmer GEK Neuepartnership New Partnerschaft between mit derDeutsche Hausärztlichen TelekomVertragsgemeinschaft and HÄVG Weniger Verwaltungsaufwand. Reduced administrative effort. Deutsche Die Telekom Telekom verstärkt is ihr stepping Engagement up its activities im Gesundheitswesen: in healthcare: Gemeinsam in collaboration mit der withHÄVG HÄVG, Hausärztlichen a subsidiary Vertragsgemeinschaft of the German Association AG, einem of General Tochterunternehmen Physicians (Deutscher des Deutschen Hausärtzeverband), Hausärzteverbandes it has launched e. V., baut a joint die Telekom HÄVG venture: ein Gemeinschaftsunternehmen Rechenzentrum. The telcoauf holds undaerwirbt 25 percent dazu stake 25 Prozent in thean company. der HÄVG Headquartered Rechenzentrum in GmbH. Das Cologne, HÄVG Unternehmen Rechenzentrum mit Sitz will in Köln be ist a leading Abrechnungsspezialist provider of payment für Selektivverträge services, including im Gesundheits invoicing, wesen. Damit settlement and wird clearing, das Gemeinschaftsrechenzentrum for players in the country’s healthcare Marktführermarket. in diesem Segment. Seit In 2009, 2009the haben German die Krankenkassen government introduced die Pflicht, legislation ihren Versicherten mandatingmit theder primary hausarztzentrierten care provider (usually Versor gung the family Selektivverträge doctor) to coordinate anzubieten, all healthcare die für Innovationsfähigkeit services for patients. und Wettbewerbsbereitschaft To ensure innovative, competitive mit dem and Ziel von Versorgungsverbesserungen high-quality care, health insurers now stehen. conclude Den Vertragspartnern agreements with individual bleibt dabei groups die Ausgestaltung of medical profession der Ver gütung als – rather ohnethan Beteiligung collectiveder contracts Kassenärztlichen with all healthcare Vereinigungen providers überlassen. via a single Selektivvertragsleistungen association. The new system rech nen diethem allows Ärztetomit invoice den Kassen these services separat directly. ab. Hierbei Andunterstützt that is where die HÄVG HÄVG Rechenzentrum Rechenzentrum comes GmbH in als–Abrech deliver nungsdienstleister. ing invoicing and associated payment services for these individual agreements. Healthcare management in the workplace Betriebliches Prevention Gesundheitsmanagement through Prophylaxe online online. resources. Ob Großkonzern, oder kleine und As a 2013 reportBehörde from health insurance mittlere Unternehmen allein in Deutsch provider AOK reveals, –employees in Ger land lassen sichwork mehrforalsmore 2,4 Millionen many were off than 2.4 Fehltagedays von due Mitarbeitern aufofdieaddictive Einnah million to the use me von Suchtmitteln zurückführen. substances. This impacts internationalDas en geht aus government dem „Fehlzeiten-Report terprises, agencies and2013“ SMEs der AOK hervor. zur betrieb alike. Since 2003,AlstheAngebot consumption of al lichen and Gesundheitsförderung cohol tobacco products inentwickelte particular HausMed, einestaff Initiative des Deutschen has increased absence by around Hausärzteverbandes, gemeinsam 17 percent. In response, HausMed,mit ander ini Telekom tiative run eine by theOnline-Gesundheitsplatt German Association of form, diePhysicians Mitarbeitern Serviceleistungen General (Deutscher Hausärtze mit Betreuungsangeboten, Coacheshave so verband), and Deutsche Telekom wie Informationen alltagstaugliche teamed up to createund an online healthcare Hilfsmittel–zuroffering Verfügung stellt. Mitarbeiter program anonymous advice absolvieren zunächst eine evidenzbasier aimed at prevention. Identity protection te Gesundheitsanalyse undoferhalten indi increases the likelihood employees viduelle up, Empfehlungen, sie suffering in nach signing particularly die when haltige Gesundheitsprogramme und from mental illnesses such as depression Schulungen and burn-out. führen. Die Gesundheits programme sind anonym, sodass die zur Teilnahme besonders <Contact> dann, psychische Erkrankungen wie <Link> Depressionen und Burn-out vorliegen, sehr hoch ist. Das Onlineangebot bietet außerdem eine Vielzahl weiterer Kurse wie „Stressmanagement“, „Gesunder Rücken“, „Leichter leben“, „Rauchentwöh nung“, „Diabetes“ und „Bluthochdruck“. <Kontakt> <Link> Ausbau von Selektivverträgen „Gemeinsames healthcare Supporting Ziel der Partnerschaft processes mit der Telekom ist es, die Entwicklung einer flächendeckenden Ver sorgung IT-Lösungen sagt Eberhard Mehl,Eber Vor “The goalmit of Selektivverträgen the partnership ismit to intelligenten ensure robust IT support zu forunterstützen“, healthcare processes,” explains standsvorsitzender derofHÄVG. Durch die Beteiligung der Telekom an der HÄVG Rechenzentrum GmbH sei hard Mehl, Chairman the Management Borad at HÄVG. He continues: “In Deutsche Telekom, we ha einfounded innovativer und leistungsstarker Aufgaben gewonnen worden, so Mehl. ve a strong and innovativePartner partnerfürfordiese HÄVG Rechenzentrum.” Rund 16 000 Hausärzte und etwa 3,2 Versicherte nehmen bisherinan der hausarztzentrierten Around16,000 general physicians andMillionen approximately 3.2 million patients Germany have embraced Versorgung teil. Die Tendenz istmodel steigend, insgesamt bestehen aktuell 545time. Verträge zur hausarztzentrierten the new primary care provider – and this figure is growing all the Around 545 individual con Versorgung mit Krankenkassen mehreren Bundesländern. So wurden JanuarofAbschlüsse mit den tracts have been concluded withinhealth insurance providers, including in seit the states Hesse, RhinelandAllgemeinen Ortskrankenkassen in Hessen und23Rheinland-Pfalz dennegotiated. Ersatzkassen Palatinate, Bremen, Berlin and Saxony. A further agreements areerreicht, currentlymit being As awurden result, Verträge in Bremen, Berlin und Sachsen Weitere 23 Verträge mitisKrankenkassen the total annual volume of payments to beabgeschlossen. processed by HÄVG Rechenzentrum expected to risewerden to four momentan Mittelfristig dasservice, von derincluding HÄVG Rechenzentrum abgerechnete billion euros.verhandelt. The company deliverssoll an dadurch end-to-end invoicing, in lineGmbH with the relevant da Honorarvolumen zu vier Euro steigen. ta protection lawsauf andbis based onMilliarden secure IT systems. Die HÄVGTelekom Rechenzentrum GmbHnew betreibt ihre Kunden kompletten Geschäftsprozess Ver Deutsche is not entirely to thefür market: last fall,den the telco launched a separate joint der venture tragsabrechnung. Dazu gehört die Rechnungsstellung with HÄVG: Medizinisches Rechenzentrum (Med-RZ). gegenüber den Kostenträgern auf Basis der daten schutzrechtlich gesicherten Verarbeitung der Daten. Die Telekom war im vergangenen Herbst in den Abrechnungsmarkt für die hausarztzentrierte Versorgung eingestiegen und hat zusammen mit der HÄVG bereits Gemeinschaftsunternehmen Med-RZ Medizinisches Rechenzentrum GmbH gegründet. <Contact> <Links> <Kontakt> <Links> Healthcare Vernetzungcare Connected — 07 Online-Sprechstunde Online advice for parents für Eltern and children und Kinder Erste First aid Hilfe via the web. aus dem Netz. Photos: Fotostudio Pfluegel, GettyImages/LWA Dan Tardif, plainpicture, PR It’s a nightmare scenario for any mom or dad: it’s the middle of the night, and their young child is screaming for no apparent reason.kleine the worst, often race their child straight to the Fearing Wenn Kinder ohne parents ersichtlichen Grund schreien, sind Eltern nearest ER. However, studies have justsie tenSorge, percentRatlosig of such naturgemäß sofort alarmiert. Nichtshown seltenthat führen cases actual medical emergencies. With this Da in mind, T-Systems keit undare Stress sofort zur nächsten Notaufnahme. sich Studien zu has liaised with pediatricians insuranceNotfälle providers to Fällemedical folge aber nur zehn Prozent derand als tatsächliche erwei develop onlinemit consultation service. unique triage sen, planta Tnew ‑Systems Kinderärzten und This Krankenkassen dieservice syste will allow Einrichtung doctors to choose the best course of action for their young matische von „Online-Kindersprechstunden“ als Triagepatients,Bei based uponService answers to a structured of questions. Out Service. diesem entscheiden Ärzteseries aufgrund strukturierter Abfragen diehours, weitere Vorgehensweise. Außerhalb Sprechzeiten side surgery parents will then be able to dial a der number, describe können die Eltern eine Nummer wählen,pediatrician. ihr Problem the problem and kleiner be put Patienten straight through to a qualified schildern und dann an mite-health einem Kinderarzt werden. Der Vor Dr. Yossi Bahagon, specialistverbunden who has helped to develop teil: Service und eine sichere Videoverbindung der and„Durch run thisden service for clients such as Clalit Health Servicesnimmt – Israel’s Arzt dashealthcare Kind direkt in Augenschein und trifft Entschei largest organization – highlights one eine of theerste benefits: “The dung“, Dr.a Yossi der als Arzt und E-Health-Experte serviceerklärt features secureBahagon, video connection, meaning that the doctor unter anderemthefürchild die größte Israels, The die can examine closelyGesundheitsorganisation and make an initial diagnosis.” Clalit Health Services, diesenacross DienstIsrael aufgebaut und verantwortet hat. company runs 14 hospitals and can already draw upon Als Versorgungsdienstleister für landesweit five medizinischer years’ experience of running online consultation services.14 As Kran Yossi kenhäuser sammelte die Klinikgruppe mit Onlinesprechstunden be Bahagon explains, “we’ve saved thousands of parents from making reits vor fünf Jahren erste Erfahrungen. „Seither“, so Yossi Bahagon, an unnecessary late-night dash to the hospital.” „haben wir sicherlich Zigtausenden Eltern einen unnötigen oder vor eiligen nächtlichen Weg zum Krankenhaus abnehmen können.“ <Contact> <Links> <Kontakt> <Links> Interview Interview Fotos: Fotostudio Pfluegel, GettyImages/LWA Dan Tardif, plainpicture, PR “There should always be a fun factor in „Gesundheitsprogramme müssen SpaSS machen.“ healthcare programs.” Markus Homann, Leiter Gesundheitsmanagement der Central Krankenversicherung AG Markus Homann, Director of Health Management at health insurance provider Central Die Central hat seit Frühjahr ein digitales Präventi- digitale Schrittzähler von Fitbit die Aktivitäten der Versicherten. onsprogramm für Menschen mit neu diagnostiziertem Diese Daten werden auf einem interaktiven Onlineportal zusamdasprovides wir gemeinsam der Deutschen Typ-2-Diabetes. Was verspricht davon? In the spring, Central introducedsieansich online healthcare mengeführt, Medisana app instantmit feedback on the Telekom results. Die Teilnehmer lernen, dass ihre diagnosed Erkrankungwith kein Type Schickentaddition, wickelt haben. program for patients recently 2 In the Fitbit digital step counter measures physal ist, sondern Verlauf zu einem großen Teil sical exercise. This data is then entered and stored on an diabetes. Whatdass are sie youderen hoping to achieve? selbst in der Hand Betroffene ihren LebensParticipants learnhaben. how toÄndern manage their condition, enab- interactive developed in collaboration Werden Sieonline auch portal, in Zukunft bei der Entwicklung with von stil, können Erblinling them to die takeRisiken controlfür of Folgeerkrankungen their own destiny towie a great ex- Deutsche Telekom. Gesundheitsprogrammen neue Medien einbinden? dung, Amputationen odertoHerzinfarkt reduziert tent. By making changes their lifestyle, they canwerden. reduce Mit Sicherheit. Neue Medien, insbesondere Smartphones, Unser hat zweisuch Ziele: soll den amputations Versicherten In the riskProgramm of complications as Es blindness, bieten dafür vielfältige gehörtand die the future, will you beMöglichkeiten. incorporatingDazu new media helfen, ihren Krankheitsverlauf zuobjectives: beeinflussen und technologies and heart attacks. Our programpositiv has two it aims Zusammenführung undhealthcare schnelle Auswertung into your programs?der Daten, durch bessere Versorgung der Betroffenen die Behandto helpdie users to positively influence the progression of their Most aber definitely. auch, dassSmartphones, sich Betroffene vernetzen können. Das for instance, offer us a wealth lungskosten senken. condition, and seeks to reduce treatment costs by improv- of Smartphone ist including immer schnell zur Hand, gute Apps possibilities, the ability to enter, store sind and ing the quality of patient care. benutzerfreundlich und bieten häufig die Möglichkeit zum quickly analyze data. This technology allows par-ticipants Wie ist die Resonanz der Teilnehmer? Dialog. Außerdem setzen darauf,commu-nities. dass innovative Meto interact with each otherwir in online SmartViele sagen: ‚Toll,response dass ich dabei werde, mich gesün- phones dien Betroffene auch aktivwith zu werden. Denn What has the beenunterstützt like? are always at motivieren, your fingertips, a wide range der zu ernähren und have abzunehmen – alleine ich das bisher dieuser-friendly Teilnahme anapps Gesundheitsprogrammen auch Spaß Many participants struggled to eat habe healthily and lose of available that promotesoll dialogue. We nicht geschafft.‘ Andere berichten, dassgrateful der persönmachen. weight in the past, andTeilnehmer are therefore extremely for believe that innovative solutions can really inspire people to Coach, der ihnenhave zu Seite steht, einethe große Hilfe im Alltag liche our support. Others highlighted day-to-day bene- lead a more active lifestyle. After all, there should always be ist, sie loben die Einbindung mobilen Zusatzgeräte, fits oder of having a personal coach toder advise them. The use of <Kontakt> a fun when taking part in healthcare programs. über diedevices sie mit ihrem zumhas Beispiel jederzeit ihren <Links> mobile withinSmartphone the program also been praised; Blutzucker können. gibt die Medisana-App ihnen it enables messen participants toDann measure their blood glucose le- <Contact> sofortige Rückmeldung zu den Werten. Außerdem misst The der <Link> vels at any time via their smartphones, for example. Markus Homann, Leiter GesundheitsMarkus Homann, management der Director of Health Central KrankenverManagement sicherung AG. at health insurance provider Central. BETTER HEALTH THROUGH BETTER TECHNOLOGY. STEMO transmits data to the hospital ICT ALREADY PLAYS A PIVOTAL ROLE IN HEALTHCARE. It supports the rapid and secure exchange of data between physicians, the transmission of x-rays and other images, and remote monitoring of vital signs. The digital capture of heart rate, weight, blood pressure and sleeping phases is not only beneficial for people suffering from ill health. It can also aid individuals seeking to improve fitness levels: using smartphones and tablets, they can share key metrics with friends and family, with physicians and coaches. Advanced technology can also help doctors streamline communications and improve the quality and efficiency of their work. They can exchange patient data, view vital signs and remotely monitor their patients. It can also benefit seniors wishing to live independent lives. Sensors, for example, can automatically detect a fall and issue an alert to support services. E PRO VI HOS DOC STEMO STEMO is a mobile emergency response unit equipped for stroke victims. A CT scan can be performed in-vehicle, and data transmitted to the hospital, enabling preparations for the patient’s arrival. Home emergency call system Sensors in the home automatically detect a fall and place a call to support services. P I TA L STARCS Tumor conference Long-term archiving solution STARCS enables doctors to store images and share them with colleagues. For example, this means patients do not need to undergo a second scan as the data is already saved. This approach cuts costs and is less stressful for patients. TO R S Doctors use web conferencing to decide on a course of treatment. DOC Via tumor conference, physicians of diverse disciplines can jointly decide on the best treatment for cancer sufferers. TO R S LT H INSUR E Health insurers exchange data with suppliers of medical aids via a dedicated platform. Digital healthcare card In the future, Germany’s smart card for healthcare provision will be used to store information for use in an emergency. This will help doctors and paramedics at the scene to take appropriate action. DOC EA H Doctors will be able to access patient data via a smart card. <Link> P I TA L RS L CAR DE RS HEA TH Sensors raise the alarm in an emergency HOS TO R S DOC TO R S Process automation The seamless exchange of data between health insurance providers and suppliers of medical aids via a dedicated online portal guarantees the rapid and reliable delivery of crutches, grab rails and more. HEALTHCARE Connected care Graphic Users share data online with friends and family. Runtastic, Jawbone Up und Fitbit FA With the Runtastic app and strap, runners can measure heart rate, distance and calorie consumption – and share data online. The Fitbit tracker records sleep phases and physical exercise around the clock, and the Jawbone Up armband monitors eating behavior. M I LY DS AND FRIE N Mobile healthcare Patients can use a smartphone app to measure and monitor their blood pressure, body temperature and weight – with the help of special devices: CardioDock, ThermoDock and TargetScale. DOC Health management in the workplace TO R S Users can share information online with doctors, health coaches, friends and family. Online courses provide employees with guidance on a variety of health issues, such as burn-out, high blood pressure and back pain. Users can share information online with company doctors and health coaches. C OAC H FA M I LY DS AND FRIE N C OAC H Diabetes portal People suffering from type 2 diabetes can enter their vital signs into an online portal to monitor disease development. Using special devices GlucoDock and FitBit, they measure their blood sugar and capture data on physical exercise. Specially trained coaches provide useful advice on staying healthy. Physicians and coaches can access the data remotely. The patient can also share information with selected friends and family. DOC TO R S Steps C OAC H Telemedicine Patients can monitor their vital signs in the comfort of their own homes, and transmit data to their physicians. This means fewer trips to the doctor’s office and less time in the hospital. Patients transmit vital signs to remote physicians DOC TO R S Illustration: Silke Weissbach — 09 Virtual reality in medicine 3D technology in the OR. Hospitals are increasingly making use of virtual reality (VR) in their operating rooms. They are taking advantage of simulation software and 3D models to improve efficiency and minimize risk. Surgeons, for example, can simulate operations in real time. TSystems Iberia already delivers CPU power, methods and algorithms to a variety of Catalonian university hospitals for their VR solutions. Imaging systems can, for example, pinpoint the edges of tumors. This enables hospitals to precisely target radiotherapy to avoid damaging healthy tissue and nerve cells. Spanish medical professionals are already using this solution for successful fetal surgery. <Contact> <Link> clinical-services-health Germany’s high-tech hospital Multimedia at the bedside. In July 2013, the Schwarzwald-Baar hospital in Villingen-Schwenningen in Germany’s Black Forest relocated from two former sites to a single, brand-new facility, completed after four years of construction work. For the center’s directors, meeting patients’ growing demands for comfort and convenience was a priority. The new building features a host of innovative solutions, making it one of the most technologically advanced hospitals in the country. The facility is used as a teaching hospital for medical students from the University of Freiburg. It boasts 27 departments, and is among the ten largest, non-university-affiliated hospitals in the state of Baden-Württemberg. It has 750 beds – including 72 in intensive care for adults and children – plus 15 operating rooms. Providing better service to patients was a primary objective from the get-go, and fulfilling this goal called for state-of-the-art technology. The results are impressive: “The Entertain for Hospitals solution, delivered by Deutsche Telekom, enables patients to listen to the radio, surf the net, and watch television, using time shift functionality to stop and start their favorite shows via touchscreen monitors and headphones,” explains hospital director Rolf Schmid. In some rooms,patientscanevenplaycomputergames,controltheirreadinglampandthewindowblinds using the same user interface. Some services are subject to a fee which is deducted from a pre-paid card using a dedicated reader. In the future, the solution will support routine hospital tasks, for example by allowing people to select their meals via touchscreen, simplifying order processes. Deutsche Telekom is behind the high-tech system. The telco has also installed bedside telephones, the network infrastructure and a server farm at the healthcare center. Now, the 46,000 patients that stay there each year, “benefit from secure, reliable data communications,” says Schmid. <Contact> <Links> (only available in German) factsheet/clinical-services-health HEALTHCARE Hospitals — 11 OR management system gReaTeR TRanSPaRenCy FoR PaTIenTS anD STaFF. Interview <Copy> FrankGriesel Photos: gettyImages/oliver Burston, PR, andreas Thomasberger, gettyImages/Troels graugaard Krages (operator of four hospitals in the Burgenland region of austria) has fully digitized its operation room (oR) processes. This includes the scheduling of operations, preoperative evaluations, oR documentation and automated generation of the codes required by insurance providers. The result is greater efficiency and improved patient care. Krages based the oR management system on their existing hospital information system, i.s.h. The oR solution was recently implemented at Krages’ hospital in oberwart, where it has improved communication between patients and staff at all stages of treatment. It also ensures precise, automatic documentation of all procedures performed and treatment provided. Patients can log themselves into the system and enter their data from the comfort of their own homes. They arrange the operation and agree a date with the hospital online – no waiting, no time-consuming telephone calls. a traffic light system enables doctors to see immediately whether a patient is ready and has been declared fit for an operation, or whether further examinations or test results are needed. In the operating room itself, checklists provide guidance on procedures for surgeons and nurses. Documentation is also largely predefined, reducing the workload on staff – they only have to enter specific quantities and detail any nonstandard action taken. after the procedure, the surgeon uses the system to compile relevant data by selecting elements from a catalog. He can also include recommendations for post-operative care. He then enters a password as confirmation. Using this input, the system generates an oR report, which the surgeon must check and sign off. The oR management system enables authorized users to view progress and current status of operations in real time. For example, hospital staff know exactly when a patient will be leaving the oR, and when the next operation is scheduled to begin. all information is displayed on-screen. Head physician Dr. Herbert gruber explains: “Because this new system is tailored to our oR processes here in oberwart, it gives us gives a tool for long- and short-term oR planning. It streamlines communication between the various departments and disciplines. In the future, the electronic oR management system will be central to assuring quality.” <Contact> <Links> Dr. Herbert Gruber, HeadPhysicianatKrages,inthe BurgenlandregionofAustria What changes has the new OR management system brought about for Krages doctors? We now have greater transparency whenplanning,performinganddocumenting operations at Oberwart hospital.Notonlydoesthismakelife easierforalldepartments,fromgynecology to trauma surgery, but it also greatly benefits patients. The new system streamlines communications acrossalldisciplines. Can you give us an example? Operatingroomemployeesnowhave fingertip access to all pre-procedure documentation, including consent forms. This simplifies planning for our departments. All hospitals need to ensure maximum effi ciency when deploying the costly resources requiredforsurgery.Runninganoperatingroomisexpensive.Soevenhalf an hour of non-use is a waste. Now, departments can see the operating schedulesforallsurgicalteams.Asa result, we can switch things around at short notice to ensure capacity is utilizedtothefull. So you not only have to plan and consolidate human resources, you also need to make the information transparent and centrally available. How do you do that? Aligning demand with capacity is central.Atourdailyinterdisciplinary briefingsontheproceduresplannedfor thefollowingday,weusethesoftware andaprojectortolookat,discussand agreeonschedules.Inourexperience, having something tangible to look at all together makes communication mucheasier. Connected beds Greater peace of mind. Modular system for improved patient care. Today, IT systems such as servers, imaging systems and hospital information systems are vital to the smooth operation of hospitals. Doctors and other hospital staff require constant, reliable access to information and functions. However, operating systems, software interfaces and hardware evolve rapidly, creating complex environments that generate significant administrative effort and cost. Deutsche Telekom now offers a modular system for hospitals, rehabilitation centers, laboratories and other healthcare organizations – in conjunction with flexible pricing. Customers can choose from a variety of individual solutions, including SAP software and hospital information systems, or can outsource their entire IT landscape to the Dynamic Healthcare Center platform. The offering is charged according to the resources and services actually used. <Contact> <Link> <Contact> <Link> Photos: GettyImages/azgAr Donmaz, T-Systems, GettyImages/gerenme, plainpicture/Laura Doss Dynamic Healthcare Center When people in need of care get out of bed at night, they often fall and seriously injure themselves. In the future, smart, connected hospital beds (the Intelligent Care Solution) will take the pressure off family members, giving them greater peace of mind. Integrated sensors automatically register when the person gets out of bed, and switch the lights on. At the same time, a communication module transfers information to the German Red Cross (DRK) control center in Herten, Germany. Using the same data connection, the healthcare professionals can contact the patient’s family by telephone or text message. And if required, the DRK can send out a care team to check that everything is ok. This is particularly important for dementia sufferers who are being cared for in their own home. Deutsche Telekom and DRK are currently piloting the solution, with 30 different hospital beds installed across Germany and Austria. Partnering them in the project are Burmeier, a company that manufactures hospital beds and provides homecare systems, and Linak, the leading expert in electric linear actuator systems for hospital beds with integrated sensor and information technology. Healthcare Hospitals — 13 Big data Damming the data flood. Bedside service Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, is home to a long-term The healthcare sector is becoming increasingly digitized – and the tide of data is rising all the time. Everything from ultrasound scans to mass screenings during epidemics has become digital. And it’s not only that doctors are performing more examinations – modern devices produce far more image data than they did just a few years ago. A computed tomography can easily generate 500MB of data per patient. But that’s not the only challenge: legal retention periods, for example, for information captured during radiation therapy, are being extended to up to 30 years. Conventional storage systems cannot process these high volumes of data. Study-Based Archiving Service (STARCS) is Deutsche Telekom’s flexible, new archiving solution, which allows hospitals and doctors’ offices to store their data long-term. What’s more, no upfront investment is required: users can simply leverage the service in line with demand – on a pay-per-use basis. Physicians can also use STARCS to share image data with their colleagues in line with IHE (Integrating Healthcare Enterprise) standards. This avoids duplications, and assures fast availability of critical information. archiving system, developed and operated by T-Systems. The solution also supports mobile data access. This means doctors and other healthcare professionals can show patients digital images on a tablet PC at their bedside, helping them explain results in greater detail. <Contact> <Link> Streamlining hospital IT environments Breaking down barriers to data transfer. In hospitals, IT environments are frequently a complex patchwork of diverse technologies, with a hotchpotch of systems from a range of vendors. And each vendor employs their own standards and protocols for data transfer. As a result, exchanging information is no easy task. Hospital applications therefore require point-to-point connections in order to communicate – but these are associated with significant implementation and maintenance effort. Interface Manager for Healthcare (IM4HC) from T-Systems is the perfect solution. This integration server reliably and seamlessly links all hospital sub-systems. It significantly reduces administrative overhead. And thanks to its open, platform-independent enterprise service bus (ESB) architecture, it supports all major formats and protocols, such as HL7. It allows new interface modules to be introduced at any time. And it can be remotely monitored via a smartphone app. <Contact> <Link> Independent living for seniors THE DIGITAL BUTLER. An ambient assisted living project in Sarstedt in Lower Saxony employs smart technology that allows seniors to lead independent lives, within their own four walls. A dedicated online portal, seniornet, provides support in the shape of a variety of services, designed to increase safety, convenience, and quality of life. With a special tablet complete with an intuitive, user-friendly interface, residents at the facility in northwest Germany can control lighting, heating and window blinds with tap-and-swipe simplicity. They can also take advantage of more sophisticated applications developed especially for older members of society. If they enable the “leave home” function, the system switches off all non-essential electrical appliances. “Nightlight” activates motion detectors that automatically switch on dimmed lights if the person needs to get up during the night. And the “service call” button establishes communications with the staff of the ambient assisted living center. The portal also provides access to location-based information, such as upcoming events and weather forecasts, and allows users to subscribe to newspapers. Additional features are under development, such as video telephony and senior-friendly online shopping. Appointements Messages Healtcare Security Programs <Contact> <Link> To enable seniors to live Photos: PR, Pictafolio, GettyImages independently within their own four walls, Johanniter International is testing an intelligent assisted living system with AAL functionality (ambient assisted living) in a housing complex in northwest Germany. NAVIGATING THE PITFALLS OF OLD AGE. A dedicated app for people in the third and fourth ages of their lives helps them structure their day, communicate via video with nursing and support staff and family, and better coordinate the provision of care. Tagesnavi, available from the T-Systems app store, offers assistance geared to the very particular needs of seniors with cognitive and neurodegenerative issues who still wish to live independent lives in a familiar environment. The software is designed to encourage greater interaction with others, and to foster a more active lifestyle – counteracting the loneliness common among the elderly. With the help of a tablet computer, users can organize their daily schedules. The systems reminds them of important dates and events, of recurring tasks and chores – for example, it may prompt them to take medication. Access to key facts and figures, such as the date, the hour of the day, and the weather, helps seniors to gain and retain their bearings. And it helps them plan shopping trips and similar activities. Moreover, support service professionals and family members can get involved, and help coordinate activities, and the delivery of medical and care services. They can also keep an eye on the senior’s general well-being. A top priority for the older generation is regular contact with children and grandchildren. Against this background, the system supports video telephony and messaging. The functionality also extends to entertainment, with made-to-measure games and a photo album. What’s more, if it is deployed in a dedicated district for seniors, it also delivers up-to-date information about local events and activities. <Contact> <Link> Together. Innovative. For the people. Telemedicine – For us, an affair of the heart. More than one third of all Germans suffer from one or more chronic diseases - approximately 27 million people. The number of chronic patients will continue to increase due to demographic and lifestyle changes. Living and coping with chronic conditions is a challenge for patients as well as relatives and friends. Furthermore, the need for lifelong medical care puts specific requirements on the health care system. We, the German Foundation for the Chronically Ill, aim to improve the health care supply for chronic patients. Hence, we actively promote and realize research projects which focus on the optimization of health care structures and processes and include innovative technologies, such as telemedicine. We want that patients with chronic diseases can live as self-determined and independent as possible. Help us to help others – Every donation counts! Account number: 18075911 IBAN: DE52763200720018075911 BIC: HYVEDEMM417 (HypoVereinsbank Erlangen) Intended purpose: Donation Thank you for your support! This advertisement is published free of charge by the Telekom. 210x290_AZ_DScK_DE.indd 2 16.09.13 13:40 some things are less popular with patients. ▲ ▲ others even more. turn comfort into a competitive advantage. with entertain for hospitals from telekom. From Hollywood movies at the press of a button to simple menu composition – the innovative entertainment system has been designed to meet the highest patient requirements. And as the level of comfort rises, so does the appeal of your facility. Find out more now: life is for sharing. 210x290_AZ_Entertain_BP_EN.indd 1 04.09.13 16:01