magazine - Deutsche Telekom
magazine - Deutsche Telekom
Terminal Mobile World Congress 2015 m a g a z i n e Network of the Future Deutsche Telekom’s technology leadership, which is reflected in its superior production model, enables the company to create the best customer experience. This will be demonstrated at the MWC through a variety of exciting products and services which all reflect the key brand differentiators: best seamless connectivity, personalized & simple and trusted brand. CONNECT. PERSONALIZE. TRUST. PARTNERING. terminals. Mobile world congress b a r c e l o n a | m a r c h Welcome to the Mobile World Congress 2015! At this year’s event, under the slogan “Join the leading network in Europe.” we will demonstrate our technology leadership and how it delivers the best customer experience. This will be shown through a variety of exciting products and services, which all reflect the key brand differentiators of best seamless connectivity, personalized & simple and trusted brand. The brand differentiators are the basis for the product clusters at our booth: Connect, Personalize and Trust. Connect: Deutsche Telekom’s hybrid router combines the high, consistent capacity of a fixed network with the high transmission rate of a cellular network to provide our customers with a superior broadband experience. Personalize: Simple services like the Unified Service App make all services available to the customer in one application, which means that all sales and service actions are just one click away. With the myKIDIO App, we offer families exciting and meaningful entertainment and turn personal devices into perfectly integrated in-car entertainment. 2 0 1 5 Trust: As mobile voice and data security remain some of the most crucial aspects of our business, our new products Mobile Encryption App and Corporate Security Hub will assure our business customers that the integrity and confidentiality of their mobile voice and data is guaranteed. We will also announce new collaborations which will keep both us and our partners at the cutting edge of the industry and strengthen Deutsche Telekom’s position as a leading European telecommunications company. In 2015, we will continue to focus on extending our technology leadership by investing in our new production model and service delivery model (Pannet), as well as next generation accesses. Together with our partners, we are dedicated to delivering the best consumer experience to our global customers by offering products and services that reflect our brand. Best regards, Claudia Nemat Member of the Deutsche Telekom Board of Management, Europe and Technology contents Connect Future Use Cases 5G 6 VoLTE and HD Voice 8 Hybrid Access 10 Personalize Pannet14 Cloud VPN 16 Future TV Experience 18 Unified Service App 20 myKIDIO22 trust Mobile Encryption App Corporate Security Hub 26 28 Partnering Successful Partnerships Strong reach for Partners 32 34 Terminals Wearables40 Smartphones and Tablets 50 COn eCT By offering superior connectivity, we enable customers to seamlessly connect to the Internet at any time and no matter where they are – at high speeds, for all relevant services. futureusecases5g futureusecases5gCOnneCT COnneCT | 9 The nexT STeP in neTwOrk evOluTiOn 5G A new era of communication Services will be available anywhere and anytime – thereby ensuring that the user always receives the best and most consistent experience. 5G will enable the variety and variability of use cases and requirements envisaged for 2020 and beyond, when consumers and vertical markets enter into the next decade of communication. 5G networks will – by design – enable flexibility, functionality, and modulartiy and will scale to the use case specific requirements. A frontrunner in defining the future of 5G Together with the other operators in the Next Generation Mobile Network (NGMN) alliance, we are publishing the 5G whitepaper at the Mobile World Congress. This whitepaper will lay out the requirements for future networks from the business perspective of operators and the expected customer demand. 5G viSiOn – areaS Of imPrOvemenT Of TOday’S TeChnOlOGy To support 5G vision, today’s network architecture needs to develop in mainly three dimensions. uSe CaSeS buSineSS aGiliTy Modularity Open interfaces Time to market value CreaTiOn buSineSS mOdelS effiCienCy & SuSTainabiliTy neTwOrk CaPabiliTieS Cost Flexibility Scalability Deployment speed Robustness Data rate Latency Mobility Area capacity Connection density volteandhdvoice COnneCT | 11 SeamleSS hiGh-qualiTy vOiCe and daTa aCrOSS neTwOrkS vOlTe Deutsche Telekom customers are used to experiencing the best: The best mobile voice quality and high-speed data services. So why not combine both in our future-proof Deutsche Telekom LTE networks? Mobile calls on a new level Deploying Voice over LTE (VoLTE) is the answer for simultaneous voice and data services in LTE. VoLTE will allow mobile calls without falling back to 2G/3G. Therefore whilst calling, Deutsche Telekom customers will be able to continue streaming, surfing, and texting without any interruption or downgrade of bandwidth. And by the way, VoLTE introduces IP-based communication, paving the way for Deutsche Telekom to provide future services like live video calling. HD Voice: Customer experience Brilliant natural voice quality between NGN fixed line and mobile networks – exclusive to Deutsche Telekom in Germany Automatic reduction of background noise – for an optimal speaking and listening experience Reduction of call setup time between mobile and NGN fixed networks HD Voice quality previously available in 3G network now also available in 2G network hd vOiCe Deutsche Telekom customers have long been able to enjoy conversations in HD Voice quality on fixed and mobile networks: The introduction of an IP interconnection now seamlessly enables this customer experience between IP-based Next Generation Networks (NGN) fixed and mobile networks in Germany. It sounds really good With HD Voice you can enjoy calls on your smartphone in very natural sound quality. Whether you are in a crowded café, on the train, or outdoors in the park, you will always enjoy a more relaxed calling experience: HD Voice reliably blends out disturbing background noise so you can hear more of what the caller is saying, and vice versa. Crystal clear sound – in-built innovation. HD Voice quality has been available on 3G and NG fixed networks in many Deutsche Telekom national company markets for many years – but not between these networks due to the different HD Voice codecs that are used. To overcome this, in Germany Deutsche Telekom has introduced an IP interconnection to align HD Voice in both worlds. The transcoding process is automatic and comes with no additional costs for subscribers, if both callers are on the Deutsche Telekom network and use HD Voice-capable phones. Looking to the future, it is also planned to offer a seamless HD Voice call continuity for any mobility scenario where the mobile access technology changes between VoLTE/3G and 2G. 12 | COnneCT hybridaccess The new SPeedPOrT hybrid PuTS yOu in The faST lane Faster Internet at home Speed boost – the best of fixed and mobile The Hybrid idea is easy to explain: The new Speedport Hybrid device offers faster Internet speed by seamlessly combining the strengths of fixed line and mobile network access when needed. The Speedport Hybrid offers a performance of VDSL/ Vectoring via the fixed-line network plus an additional speed boost via the mobile network. Having an IP enabled fixed-line network access is a prerequisite for using the hybrid technology. The individual bandwidth depends on the fixed line and the available mobile network capacity. Customers can enjoy the fastest and most reliable connection, without having to worry about the underlying technology. The customer benefits from faster data up- and download through bundled bandwidth. Long waits for accessing websites or playing videos are a thing of the past. Especially customers in areas with restricted fixed-line Internet speed will enjoy a turbo boost to surf the Internet faster than before. Automated technical process When using Internet at home, the Speedport Hybrid transports the data primarily through the stable fixed-line network. In case extra speed is needed during data peaks, the Speedport Hybrid automatically combines the bandwidth of both networks on demand. This happens automatically without any user action. Customers can enjoy a faster connection, even in areas with low bandwidth availability. Part of the Integrated Network Strategy for Europe Hybrid access is a key element of Deutsche Telekom’s Integrated Network Strategy (INS). The INS responds to customers’ bandwidth and speed demands, by providing the right mix of mobile-, fiber- and copper-based technologies from a capacity and economic perspective. As an integrated operator, Deutsche Telekom has the ability to provide a genuine hybrid product. In November 2014, the Speedport Hybrid was regionally launched in the German market. The product’s nationwide launch is scheduled for the Spring, 2015. Further launches on European markets are in preparation. Technical Features ADSL, VDSL, and Vectoring LTE Cat.4 Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports Gigabit WIFI 802.11b/g/n/ ac (data rate up to 1.3 GBit/s) WEP / WPA / WPA2 encryption WPS support USB 2.0 port for external hard drive or printer SMA ports for external LTE antennas Integrated SIM card DECT/CAT-iq base station for up to 5 Speedphones Automatic configuration, update service, and remote support Integrated firewall with preset package filter Support for WLAN TO GO (WiFi HotSpot in cooperation with FON) NAS functionality for synchronization, data exchange, and data backup in the home network ISDN with optionally available Speedport ISDN adapter All of our products and services are easy to use across all screens. We provide a personalized service experience that is individually adapted to suit all customer preferences. PerSOnaliZe Pannet PerSOnaliZe | 17 PanneT: Our Pan-eurOPean TelCO ClOud The goal of Deutsche Telekom is to be the leading European telco provider. In order to achieve this goal, for years now Deutsche Telekom has been addressing one of the biggest opportunities in the telco industry. It has been driving its IP transformation along the “last mile” on a country- by-country basis and connecting these networks into one pan-European core infrastructure. We call this Pannet, and it will transform our way of production away from local silos towards a cross-country integrated production model. At its core, Pannet is a business and technology transformation. On the business side, Deutsche Telekom is aiming to achieve a modularized set of common product building blocks, based on which national companies will be able to build their own local customized product portfolio. On the technology side, it involves the deployment of best-inclass networks and centralized service production across our European national companies in a private cloud environment (Infrastructure Cloud) and utilizes the core technology components of Deutsche Telekom’s target network architecture for the “software defined operator.” These components are Software Defined Networks (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and TeraStream: Deutsche Telekom’s industry-leading all-IP next generation network. These are the principles Deutsche Telekom is leveraging to become a fully integrated pan-European telecommunications provider. Deutsche Telekom has already taken important steps on the journey by deploying a first live pan-European IP network running fully cloudified network functions. Characterized by very high efficiency, this model will enable Deutsche Telekom to leverage synergies for superior service quality and best customer experience. Deutsche Telekom national companies will also benefit from faster time to market for new products and services due to a reduced time for service provisioning on a panEuropean level. Today at the Mobile World Congress 2015, Deutsche Telekom launches a Cloud VPN solution – the first commercial service based on this centralized cloudbased production model. cloudvPnPerSOnaliZe | 19 deliverinG a vPn SOluTiOn frOm The Pan-eurOPean ClOud To enable this level of simplicity, flexibility, and automation for Cloud VPN and other services, we are building a pan-European IP network where network functions are virtualized in data centers to serve customer in different Deutsche Telekom national companies. auTOmaTiC PrOviSiOninG Using this solution, a secure network can be set up automatically with a few clicks. Simply select the required functions online and the Cloud VPN will be provisioned automatically. eaSy-TO-uSe ClOud vPn SOluTiOn Managing secure communication in a distributed enterprise today is still a cumbersome and time-consuming task. Choosing the right solution that delivers the required functionality and end-to-end service has never been easy, especially for SMEs with national and international branches. To address this, Deutsche Telekom has launched a carrier grade Cloud Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution for your enterprise. With this solution, you can easily and securely access all your important data from anywhere – whether in branch offices or at remote locations. Already launched on the Croatian, Hungarian, and Slovakian markets, the solution brings many benefits to ensure that collaboration in your enterprise has never been easier or more secure! SimPliCiTy and Self manaGemenT Users can simply manage all aspects of the network themselves: Add an intrusion protection component once you need it, prioritize traffic between branches, or monitor the usage of your network. Carrier Grade SeCuriTy With this solution, all your branch offices and remote users are protected by the same strong security mechanisms, like firewalls, web security, anti-virus, or intrusion protection. futuretvexPerience PerSOnaliZe | 21 we TOuChed baSe wiTh The fuTure in The fOllOwinG key areaS firST-ClaSS COnTenT reCOmmendaTiOn inSTanT ClOud GaminG wiTh aaa GameS A revolutionary step forward from the customer perspective will be if – instead of drifting around in the content selection – the really relevant items are highlighted and recommended in a customized manner. This requires the introduction of a recommendation engine that connects to the screens offering content; and this will enable relevant and interesting content recommendation for the customers. As gaming grows in popularity, we are working towards integrating cloud gaming into the future entertainment vision as part of an enhanced customer experience. Cornerstones of Deutsche Telekom’s panEuropean TV recommendation solution are: No need to buy expensive consoles or games High-quality recommendations for Video on Demand (VoD) and Live TV content During 2015, Deutsche Telekom national companies will launch cloud gaming. In the scope of the Next TV service, cloud gaming will also be available on STB in the near future. Easy-to-access recommendations through better navigation in the TV UI Targeted and more relevant content recommendation based on user preferences Integrated into the complete TV device eco-system: STB, OTT, Smart TV for VoD and Live TV The recommendation engine will now be launched for TV services in Slovakia, Croatia, and Hungary. The fuTure Of Tv exPerienCe We believe that TV is more than just TV. It is about a personalized entertainment experience. Emerging TV trends have diversified media consumption to a wide variety of screen types, presenting it in a more personalized manner – and pushing the TV experience to the next level. Deutsche Telekom’s state-of-the-art Next TV initiative goes ahead of time and breaks ground for a cuttingedge entertainment experience. Our intention with Next TV goes far beyond offering a simple TV service: set top boxes (STB) will turn into entertainment boxes that provide unified user experience for all customers. leadinG-edGe Tv exPerienCe Our vision is to develop the TV experience of the future into a universal solution. Having an adaptable product relevant to all markets will enable easy sharing of ideas and commercial synergies along with faster deployment of future features. Key features: Easily accessible gaming experience Vast gaming catalog of premium and popular games Playing on more screens from PCs to TVs Cultural and consumer differences across Deutsche Telekom national markets pose the biggest challenge when forming a user experience. As a leading service provider in Europe, we must satisfy the needs of everyone – from the most tech savvy to the more traditional TV viewer. Step by step, our new user experience will be integrated into TV services offered by Deutsche Telekom national companies. 22 | PerSOnaliZe unifiedserviceaPP unifiedserviceaPP PerSOnaliZe | 23 when uSer exPerienCe beCOmeS ulTimaTely PerSOnal In a world where your smartphone is your most personal device, self-care applications are taking on a significant role in the user experience – and accordingly in Deutsche Telekom’s customer focus. Shaping the next phase of the innovation curve, we are introducing the first fixed-line and mobile integrated self-service application across Deutsche Telekom’s European footprint. This initiative not only envisages integrated customer experience; the freshly developed Unified Application will also become the primary connection point to the Deutsche Telekom brand. A state-of-the-art user experience is expected to integrate innovation, ease of use, speed, and enhanced security – and all these attributes are prominently represented in the Unified Application. The platform merges complex services and advanced functionalities including: Fixed and mobile plan management in a single application Seamless user authorisation Optimized information architecture and service-related information display Single overview of all Deutsche Telekom bills: customers are able to monitor costs and pay all bills One-click payment as an integral part of the payment process Receiving relevant offers at the right time Advanced fault detection and resolution Besides a strong demonstration of the Deutsche Telekom brand promise, the application also offers several benefits from the service provider perspective: Allows better use of resources by providing self-service solutions based on customer demand Enables cross- and upselling by providing personalized offers Can be easily adapted across various markets The project can be regarded as a best practice for crossnational cooperation: In order to achieve seamless usability, we involved colleagues and customers from 13 countries in the development and extensive testing phase. In terms of the future outlook, a wider roll-out in further European countries is planned after the initial launch in Romania. 24 | PerSOnaliZemykidio innOvaTive in-Car enTerTainmenT by deuTSChe TelekOm and ParTnerS myKIDIO opens the door to a new form of automotive entertainment via mobile broadband. The app is the result of a strong alliance between Deutsche Telekom, BurdaNews, and BMW AG. It offers streaming and downloading of a pre-screened, age-appropriate selection of audio books, radio plays, movies, and TV shows from a number of well-known studios and publishers. This combination of audio and video media offered as part of a single subscription proposition is unique in the German market and opens entirely new prospects for entertainment. Are we there yet? Every parent has heard this question hundreds of times on long drives with their children. The new myKIDIO app makes this a thing of the past. The app was especially designed to provide exciting and meaningful entertainment for children during long car rides and other situations that may require some patience. With myKIDIO, customers can also use content offline: By switching on the myKIDIO channel, new content is downloaded automatically in the background, ensuring entertainment in upcoming offline situations. STrOnG ParTnerS BMW has integrated myKIDIO into its BMW ConnectedDrive system. A new kind of intelligent device-to-device communication enables parents to supervise the media consumption of their children in the backseats via the BMW iDrive Controller and the central information display in the vehicle. On top of this, the app features the “BMW Kids Cockpit,” which displays information about speed and travel time. The feature was developed for BMW vehicles and is similar to the inflight monitors available when travelling in airplanes. BurdaNews with its brand TV Spielfilm, which is the leading digital and mobile TV program guide in Germany, is responsible for publishing and marketing the app and will be the face to the customer. Deutsche Telekom, in an effort combining support from T-Systems and Business Development and Innovation (BDI), developed the app including the in-car integration features. Deutsche Telekom is responsible for the app and its functionality. The app is based on the VideoRise platform from BDI’s partner Saffron Digital. myKIDIO The service will be available in the Apple App Store and Google Play. Deutsche Telekom and BMW presented the concept at IFA 2013 in the field study “Drive and Enjoy.” TruST As a trusted brand, we are fair and transparent. We store and manage data securely, e.g. with Mobile Encryption, protect user identity, and are committed to making a contribution to society as stated in our brand promise ‘Life is for Sharing.’ 28 | TruST mobileencryPtionaPP mobileencryPtionaPP TruST | 29 One aPP fOr SeCure mObile COrPOraTe COmmuniCaTiOn The risk of bugged conversations has never been higher. Modern interception and analysis systems can produce a detailed picture of the target’s business activities by analyzing captured call data. The analysis of call content contributes additional detailed information to data already available. Keep the content of your calls and call data to yourself T-Systems as s Partner for mobile secure cooperate communication At the beginning of every call, a new session key (one-time key) is generated between the two devices used by the call participants. The Mobile Encryption App has no preinstalled keys, since the keys are created on the device in hand. The key is deleted when the call ends. Because the key is deleted immediately, man-in-the-middle attacks by criminals using open keys (pretending to be the other caller) can be prevented. When you’re ready to start using the Mobile Encryption App, you’ll always have access to support. Mobile Encryption App enables an easy and rapid rollout via public App stores and provisioning link. It is scalable for as many devices as you like, for an unlimited number of users, and for a wide range of modern smartphones. Easy-to-use, comprehensive package with 360° service from T-Systems Optional subscription to the mobile device management platform from T-Systems End-to-end solutions for absolute secure mobility Strategic communication monitoring Automatic analysis through intelligence services has long been standard, but has now also been firmly established in the minds of customers. Tactical monitoring Lower costs for interception technology such as IMSI catchers have made eavesdropping more accessible for many criminals. Our benefits Advanced Protection Call content and call data Redundancy Encryption through two parallel algorithms Key Handling No preinstalled keys Reliability 4.8 KBit/s bandwidth ensures reliable operation even in 2G (GPRs and EDGE) Inconspicuous Prevent discovery, analysis, and blocking by unauthorized persons corPoratesecurityhub TruST | 31 keePinG COrPOraTe mObile COmmuniCaTiOnS SeCure The Corporate Security Hub is a security solution that will protect your end-user devices against attacks and harmful code from the Internet. All your data traffic is inspected in real time and all hazards are eliminated. Why mobile security for your IT? Secure traffic at its source Antivirus protection, firewalls, URL, and content-filtering services Available for you without any prior investments or implementation time The solution is operated in a Deutsche Telekom data center, which relieves the gateway connecting your corporate network with the Internet of the data traffic from your mobile end devices The service can be scaled as required and incorporates flexible billing with a pay-per-use option The digital revolution is changing just about everything: up until a few years ago, smartphones and tablets were seen as niche products; experts agreed that they would have no major influence in the world of work. Today they are deemed everyday tools at companies, and the boundaries between personal and business usage are disappearing. At the same time, new devices are being developed that further support mobile work. The number of applications and cloud services used will increase as rapidly as the degree of networking. Current studies indicate that, by 2020, employees will be using up to six devices. To put it briefly: They will simply be online from anywhere and at any time. Your smartphones and tablets are just as susceptible as laptops and PCs when it comes to Internet threats from harmful software, phishing attacks, and data loss. Here, too, cyber criminals have developed ways to successfully circumvent security barriers installed by manufacturers. Companies are therefore on the cusp of a profound paradigm shift, which involves nothing less than the mobilization of desktops, processes, and data. The way you use IT will no doubt have to become more dynamic, open, and flexible in order to accommodate this. The issue here is how you can use the potential of new technologies to their full advantage whilst perfectly protecting your company’s assets. On the one hand, whole new weak points will emerge for cyber criminals, and on the other previous paradigms, such as dedicated hardware, centrally managed software licences, and restrictive rights for employees, will no longer be applicable. Corporate security hub – how does it work? New, innovative security concepts are being called for now to protect the future viability of your company. Or, to put it simply: Secure solutions for a mobile IT. Why cloud-based Security? Mobile technologies offer your company new opportunities, but at the same time present major challenges for your IT department. Both company and personal data need to be protected when your staff is working outside of the company network. The multiplicity of platforms also means there are always new areas for them to attack. This has caused the complexity and work required for the provision, operation, and maintenance of security software to soar, which is where cloud-based security solutions can help you out. They are platform-independent and offer a cost-efficient way to use a security service. Provision of the cloud-based solution is quick and simple. Antivirus protection, firewalls, URL and content filtering services will be made available for you without any prior investments or implementation time. This will let you do away with extensive license management and updating endpoint security software for all of your operating systems. The solution is operated in a Deutsche Telekom data center, which relieves the gateway connecting your corporate network with the Internet of the data traffic from your mobile end devices. All software updates and imports of security patches on the central platform are handled by Deutsche Telekom. At the same time, you retain complete control over your users, end devices and security settings, managing and approving these centrally via the Web portal. The service can be scaled as required and incorporates flexible billing with a pay-per-use option, meaning you only pay for what you really use. For more information, please visit ParTnerinG Together with our partners, we offer our customers the latest developments and services. Our ultimate objective is to offer a wider range of products and services together with major, global corporations as well as small startups so that customers can choose from the best offerings. successful partnerships Partnering | 35 successful partnerships “Win with Partners” is one of the four strategic pillars of Deutsche Telekom. In order to pave the way for future success, Deutsche Telekom is open to third-party innovations. The company will continue to develop its own ideas, of course, but is also open to working closely together with a number of business partners and is therefore increasing its emphasis on collaboration. In this setting, global enterprises as well as small startups can become a partner on equal terms. Examples for such partnerships in the consumer segment include Magisto and Lookout. The approach applies equally to the business customer segment. Here, for example, in the area of IT security and cybersecurity Deutsche Telekom experts work closely together with FireEye. Deutsche Telekom scouts the innovation hotspots of the world, e.g., Silicon Valley and Israel, identifies innovation leaders, and develops adequate partnering models for joint market success. That way customers can be provided with the latest developments and services. And, of course, customers benefit because they can choose from the best offerings. Partners benefit from many new potential users, which the Deutsche Telekom customer base contributes. They can offer their services in the best Telekom network and benefit from the company’s distribution power across Europe. Some partners that will help Deutsche Telekom to better position partnering companies are Flash, Digital Turbine, and Celltick. Other partners such as G-cluster for Cloud Gaming will be integrated to leverege Deutsche Telekom’s PanIP network and to drive the portfolio transformation towards FMC propositions. strongreachforPartners ParTnerinG | 37 STrOnG reaCh fOr ParTnerS Through the partnership with Deutsche Telekom, Magisto was able to launch rapidly across the entire group, with a single provisioning interface and coordinated marketing efforts. Magisto is now a recognized leader in the photo and video category in many European countries. Users love Magisto for its simplicity, magic touch, and professional results. It embodies the statement ‘Life is For Sharing’ in an app which shines in Deutsche Telekom’s 4G Network, and supports many campaigns with a personal touch. Celltick is a proven leader in building innovative, unique, and patented technologies that engage with users on the first screen of their mobile device. Celltick’s Start provides users with a next generation intelligent lockscreen that provides users with what they want most when they wake up their phone. With Start, Deutsche Telekom users have rapid access to news, social media feeds, applications, infotainment services, and fun personalization elements such as themes, stickers, and lockgames. Start has been downloaded and launched by millions of users across the globe. Flash Networks’ content injection solution helps mobile operators communicate with their subscribers as they browse the web, and enables them to offer their subscribers services that generate new downstream revenues from over-the-top (OTT) affiliations. This monetization solution creates a massive amount of new advertising inventory that the operator controls and monetizes to generate revenues from the very first day. Providing an entire ecosystem for mobile content, the content injection solution enables operators to become super publishers with an opportunity to promote higher targeted consumer products and services to their subscribers, hand-in-hand with OTT players. Digital Turbine Ignite is a revolutionary new technology designed to closely emulate the factory preload process for mobile devices while at the same time reducing lead times and improving customer experience. Applications are delivered to mobile devices from the cloud and could be easily uninstalled by the user. This enables Deutsche Telekom to deliver timely and targeted applications versus the traditional preload process of selecting and certifying applications. Digital Turbine Ignite has successfully integrated with Google’s Android™ OS and leading smartphone manufacturers. Ignite is used by the world’s largest cellular operators. Deutsche Telekom is working with partnering companies to enrich its digital touch points portfolio. By introducing the enablers “Layer 8,” “Start,” and “Ignite,” Deutsche Telekom will be able to offer partner products and services much faster, more broadly, and more successfully. The synchronized campaigning capability across all Deutsche Telekom digital touch points increases the attractiveness of Deutsche Telekom among partners. strongreachforPartners ParTnerinG | 39 SeCuriTy COnneCTed Car fireeye Deutsche Telekom continues to expand its network with top companies in the security sector. Recent developments include the partnership with FireEye. The new partnership will specialize in defending against complex cyber attacks that are not Target applications BYOD Deployments – offer proactive protection for unsecured BYOD deployments Mobile Forensics – provide thorough inspection capabilities for mobile threat and vulnerability management App Development – enables security auditing for off-shored app development Enterprise App Stores identify secure apps for employees’ use China mObile jOinT venTure discovered quickly enough by traditional detection systems and is a further step in Telekom CEO Timotheus Höttges’ innovation strategy. FireEye Mobile Security solution detects and prevents mobile threats and provides visibility into mobile device security trends across the enterprise. FireEye Mobile Threat Prevention also integrates with industry-leading mobile device management (MDM) providers and thus complements Deutsche Telekom’s enterprise products and services portfolio. 96 % 5 billiOn 60 % of mobile malware is on Android™ of downloaded Android™ apps may be vulnerable to remote attacks of popular Google Play apps may have crypto weakness Based on FireEye end-user data. Cyan Deutsche Telekom has been successfully partnering with CYAN since 2013. CYAN perfectly contributes to Deutsche Telekom’s objective of providing its customers with the best protected network. In particular, Deutsche Telekom’s “Child protection” product enables children to safely use the Internet. Customers of T-Mobile Austria are already able to purchase and use the following CYAN products: “Child Protection,” “Internet Protection,” and “Business Protection.” CYAN Mobile Security offers the first network-integrated child protection system worldwide that supports parents in ensuring that their children have age-specific and controlled access to the Internet. The Internet Protection product, which is based on the same principle, is a security solution for consumers and corporate customers. Combined expertise for automotive market China Mobile to contribute the broadest coverage of high-speed mobile networks (LTE), various channel resources, and strong integration capabilities of industry value chain Deutsche Telekom will provide telematics expertise, the Connected Car platform technology, and customer insights beST inTeGraTiOn inTO fmC G-CluSTer idOmOO did not need a long time to understand and adopt the new approach to eye-level communication with the customer. “It’s a time of change for Telecom companies. Recognizing the importance of customer experience and its crucial role in customer retention and ARPU optimization is key. Deutsche Telekom is proving its leadership in this space – ensuring smooth onboarding and bill clarity to its customer via its innovative personalized video campaigns,” says Yaron Kalish, CEO and co-founder of Idomoo – the Personalized Video company. These days, smartphones and tablets need protection similar to the protection provided for your computer and credit card. By using Lookout, Deutsche Telekom customers can safeguard phones against malicious websites and malware, protect privacy, and know which apps access private information and which apps can locate lost or stolen phones. Lookout successfully located mobile devices more than 10.7 million times in 2014. The region that had the third most locates globally? Well that was Germany, of course. Lookout safeguards 60 million devices across the globe and Deutsche Telekom users make up a significant portion of these protected devices. lOOkOuT In order to stay a step ahead of threats and ensure protection, Deutsche Telekom tapped Lookout, a world-class mobile security leader and innovator. Through the partnership, Lookout is preinstalled on all Deutsche Telekom Android™ devices. With Lookout, Deutsche Telekom is providing customers with peace of mind and prioritizing consumer security. Based on Deutsche Telekom’s mature Connected Car platform technology and China Mobile’s high-quality network resources as well as the local business development and operation experiences, the joint venture company will conduct localized development, provide hardware, Connected Car cloud platform, system integration and operation, as well as content service to the vehicle line-fit and retro-fit markets. The joint venture’s objective is to provide 4G-based vehicle information services and comfortable, convenient, and safe driving experience to drivers in the Chinese Connected Car market, thus becoming a leading telematics service provider. The joint venture company will start operating at the beginning of 2015. Key facts beST CuSTOmer benefiT Deutsche Telekom took Idomoo to the heart of its e-Transformation strategy – adding a personal touch to the ongoing communication with the customers, while increasing satisfaction and reducing uncertainty. As a leader in the adoption of digital channels, Deutsche Telekom China Mobile and Deutsche Telekom signed an agreement to establish a joint venture in the field of Connected Cars. Deutsche Telekom’s Connected Car platform and operation experience as well as European branded vendors’ operation practice can further extend the capacity for providing Connected Car and telematics services to the market and create a new development opportunity. Founded in 2000, G-cluster is the first and largest cloud gaming platform. G-cluster provides a fully featured whitelabel service that offers casual and AAA games to be playable over broadband networks, regardless of the device used to access the service. G-cluster has content partnerships with leading game studios such as Disney, Ubisoft, Konami, Warner Bros, Electronic Arts, and Gameloft. In 2015, Deutsche Telekom national companies will launch cloud gaming. In the scope of the Next TV service, the cloud gaming will also be available also on STB in the near future. With this cloud gaming deployment, Deutsche Telekom is leveraging its PanIP network and driving the portfolio transformation towards FMC propositions. For G-cluster it’s the first multi-operator (multi-NatCo) deployment. TerminalS We offer connected devices for a connected world. A connected device can be any device that is connected to the Internet: smartphones and tablets, smart watches, clothing, or even cars and washing machines will create new ways for users to experience, manage, and live their lives. WearAbles Terminals | 43 Wearables At Deutsche Telekom, we are always interested in promoting new and promising technologies – and the opportunities they offer. Smart accessories are not only replacing single-purpose products like heart-rate monitors for runners. We are also witnessing their integration with other elements of the Internet of Things, which is helping us to analyze, control, and thus improve more and more aspects of our lives to suit our personal preferences. Deutsche Telekom has always been the one to bring together devices, connectivity, and services, creating compelling offerings for our customers. Now, we are extending this proposition to wearables. Our aim is to offer customers in our European countries the best wearable device portfolio, consisting of the most appealing products from established companies as well as the latest gadgets from smaller niche market players. Wearables are smart companions that are carried along throughout the day making your life easier and more efficient. Usually, they are connected to your smartphone or tablet collecting and analyzing data to help enrich your life. There are specific devices for dedicated use cases and there are all-rounders that cover many different functionalities. The following pages give a preview of selected innovative product examples in the categories of fitness, sports and wellness, multifunctional, consumer health, and connected car. Wearables TerminalS | 45 fiTneSS, SPOrTS, and wellneSS In this category, we define wearable devices used for the purpose of monitoring and measuring sports and fitness activities, such as wristbands and watches, which can either work independently or in conjunction with an external platform or online service. These devices can be used as fitness and activity trackers or even sleep monitors. They measure heart rate, distance travelled, cadence and altitude, and count the steps you’ve made throughout the day. Combined with information available on the smartphone, they enable users to draw together a picture of their individual training session and monitor long-term trends. Real-time personalized fitness and performance coaching. adidas miCoach is an interactive training service for anyone who wants to train for their favorite sport, general fitness, or just for fun. Through miCoach adidas brings the knowledge and experience of elite coaches and athletes to the masses. Fitness isn’t just an end game, it’s a journey and it’s not always easy. Some days are tougher than others and motivation can be hard to maintain. But we know you’ll never regret a workout. We know you’ll reach your goal and set a new one. We’ll make sure it happens because we will take this journey with you one step at a time. We will give you the guidance and motivation you need and celebrate your successes with you. The adidas miCoach system includes: Free to access web platform and training community Hundreds of free training plans Free mobile apps on iOS, Android™ and Windows® Phone 8 A comprehensive range of devices for tracking all aspects of performance, both in a game and in training The Dash Advanced audio system with monitoring features. The Dash can play music from an embedded 4 GB/1,000 song music player or through a wireless, dual-mode Bluetooth® 4.0 connection with an iOS, Android™ or Windows® device. The advanced audio system includes balanced armature drivers for sound reproduction and digital microphones to capture ambient sound and speech, delivering as accurate a reproduction of sound as the artist or recording engineer intended. The Dash measures body vitals via two tiny LEDs emitting low intensity red and infrared light into the capillaries in the ear more than 50 times/second. Using the reflection, a precise heart rate, oxygen saturation level, and body temperature is calculated with the data. Dual accelerometers, magnetometers, and gyroscopes work together to perform a staggering number of measurements while you walk, run, bike, and swim. More The Dash benefits: Speed and distance tracking Also works as a Bluetooth® headset Users can choose between noise isolation or ambient sounds Orbit Reliable 24-hour tracking. Runtastic Orbit is the ideal wearable for those looking to lead a conscious, long, and healthy life. With this exciting, new product, users are not limited to tracking their fitness activities, but can also monitor daily habits and become familiar with sleeping behavior. Whether users start by locking down a more consistent sleep schedule or increasing daily activity – like simply identifying moments in the day where they can sneak in a few extra steps – Orbit enables and encourages a fitter, healthier lifestyle. Orbit’s tracking capabilities and data output are made even more meaningful through to the compatible Runtastic Me app. Select Runtastic Orbit benefits 24-hour tracking: Track daily steps, distance, calories burned, sleep duration, and cycles Set and reach goals: Set goals and monitor your progress throughout the day Orbit Connect: View Runtastic app stats – directly on your Orbit – during workouts Versatile usability: Wear on the wrist (in one of eight colors) or with the practical clip Compatible dashboard app: Integrates with Runtastic Me and additional Runtastic apps Waterproof up to depths of 100 meters Motivating people to live a more active and healthy life. We’re all seeking ways to improve employee wellness and inspire those individuals to make healthy habits stick. If you’re in the business of managing or promoting wellness programs, find out how Garmin can deliver more than a “one size fits all” solution. Improving employee wellness and lowering healthcare costs are common goals for employers, but addressing the needs of participants at varying levels of fitness is a challenge. Garmin knows one size doesn’t fit all, so we provide a range of devices to meet the needs of your participants: vivoki vivofit vivosmart These trusted devices can be seamlessly integrated into a corporate wellness program, providing motivation and recognition for the efforts of participants. The brain sensing headband. InteraXon is a Toronto-based innovator in the field of brainsensing technology, with a history of designing memorable products that range from a levitating chair to a brain-powered beer tap. Over 50,000 people have experienced InteraXon’s brain-sensing technology, and this number continues to grow. InteraXon has worked with top-tier goods, transportation and tech companies to create brain-sensing customer programs and promotions. During the 2010 Winter Olympics, InteraXon connected Canadians across the country by enabling visitors to control the lights at Niagara Falls, the CN Tower, and Canada’s Parliament buildings – all with the power of their minds from 2,000 miles away. In 2014, InteraXon launched their first product, Muse: the brain sensing headband. Muse is a brain fitness tool that senses your brain like a heart monitor reads your heart rate. Muse uses short, fun sessions to help you calm your mind, increase focus and composure, and reduce stress. Wearables TerminalS | 47 The new generation of smart watches. COGITO shows you all your notifications at a quick glance, leaving you free to focus on what’s important. The connected watch that shows your most important notifications at a glance – giving you the freedom to focus on living life to the fullest. Designed to be beautifully simple, and can be set up in minutes and, unlike many smart watches, COGITO does not need frequent recharging. COGITO is also water resistant to depths of 100 meters – which helps support your sports and active lifestyle. COGITO shows you all your notifications at a glance, which leaves you free to focus on what’s important. The interface is as simple and uncluttered as possible so that you never miss a thing. The new COGITO: Behind the simple interface are amazing features. Watch Packed with sensors: heart rate sensor, pedometer, accelerometer/gyroscope, e-compass, altimeter sensor Controls your smartphone: music player and camera capture Gets all your notifications: calls, texts, e-mails, SNS (push messaging) Responds to touch ZenWatch mulTifunCTiOn The following innovative computing devices are made for more than just one specific functionality: phone, fitness tracker, GPS navigation, media player, payment, and more. These devices can work as stand-alone devices, e.g. with an embedded SIM card, and in conjunction with a smartphone, tablet, or game console. Multifunction devices such as smart watches, smart glasses, and other smart devices can be used for phone calls, Internet browsing, or augmented reality experience. The perfect smart companion. ZenWatch brings the luxury tradition of fine watchmaking to Android™ Wear, with an elegant, detail-focused design and use of highquality materials. It is designed for supreme comfort, with a soft genuine stitchedleather strap and quick-release clasp. The 2.5D curved glass increases usability with a smooth and responsive touch experience. ZenWatch comes with a selection of instantly-changeable software watch faces, allowing users to customize ZenWatch easily to match their individual style. ZenWatch is much more than a sophisticated timepiece. With a range of practical smart features, including Watch Unlock, Tap Tap, Remote Camera, Cover to Mute, Find My Phone, and Presentation Control, ZenWatch is the perfect smart companion. Its seamless integration with ASUS ZenUI adds even more functionality for owners of ASUS smartphones. Thanks to its integrated 9-axis sensor, ZenWatch is also a fullyfeatured wellness manager. ASUS ZenWatch is the first wearable device from ASUS and serves as a personal wellness manager. Wearables TerminalS | 49 COnSumer healTh Consumer health covers all wearable devices used for the purpose of tracking your health and measuring some vital body functions. Body scales, blood pressure meters, glucose meters, blood oximeters, and baby monitors are just examples of the wide range of devices. They enable consumers to track their health and measure vital body functions such as blood pressure. The information is then synchronized with a smartphone or cloud service for further processing and analysis. COnneCTed Car Like the mobile handset industry, the automotive industry is a diverse marketplace with hundreds of different vehicles. Most potential car owners expect their vehicles to offer services similar to their smartphones. Car and truck manufacturers are scrambling to integrate Internet connectivity and web-based services into their car entertainment systems. Smart Body Analyzer BMW i3 Easy health monitoring. The Smart Body Analyzer determines high-precision weight and body fat for up to 8 people by using four weight sensors and a body position-detecting system. It automatically recognizes the user. In addition, during weighing the heart rate is determined without additional effort. Every user can set up his own user profile and get access to his own data very comfortably using iOS or Android™. Changing perspectives. Redefining urban mobility means thinking far beyond environmentally conscious and agile driving. The result: With its visionary design, the BMW i3 defines the automobile of tomorrow. Its innovative BMW eDrive power train was designed within the BMW EfficientDynamics technology and is not only locally emission-free, but also offers an incomparable and near-silent driving experience. The intelligent BMW ConnectedDrive Services easily and conveniently bring you to your destination. Besides weight, body fat, and heart rate the Smart Body Analyzer also determines the air quality. For this purpose, the scale checks the indoor air quality through temperature and carbon dioxide measuring, the app builds a CO2-level graph with the important thresholds and lets you know when to replenish the air. The BMW i3 opens a new chapter of a visionary design language for BMW that is tailor-made for electric vehicles. The innovative LifeDrive architecture with a carbon passenger compartment provides an especially roomy feeling in the interior (in part thanks to the absence of a center tunnel) and is characterized by the use of high-quality, sustainable materials. The aerodynamic exterior design with opposing doors, the characteristic black belt, and large wheels create a dynamic impression of the driving agility of the BMW i3 even when it’s standing still. Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor BMW i Remote App Simple and accurate self-monitoring of blood pressure. A healthy blood pressure means a longer life. And with your own measuring device you simply check your blood pressure yourself. The Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor works with all iOS 7.0 or higher devices, and with Android™ 4.0 or higher smartphones and tablets using Bluetooth® connectivity or a smartphone cable. To comfortably track your blood pressure over time, the Health Mate App stores all your blood pressure readings, synchs with the Withings Health Cloud, and creates an easy to understand chart. Check your BMW i3. With the BMW i Remote App for iOS and Android™, you can receive detailed information about the current status of your BMW i3 at any time. This includes, for example, range display, battery condition and charge level, service messages, and the vehicle’s location as well. Prior to your journey, the climate control of the passenger cell and the high-voltage battery can be activated using your smartphone. You can also use your smartwatch, meaning that the BMW i3 is already set to the ideal temperature when you enter the vehicle and the performance of the high-voltage battery is optimized. The BMW i Remote App also supports your route planning. Important goals, such as available charging stations, can easily be sent to the vehicle before starting your journey. Qualcomm Snapdragon is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. © 2014-2015 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Qualcomm and Snapdragon are trademarks of Qualcomm Incorporated, registered in the United States and other countries. At the heart of devices you love is a trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated. All Qualcomm Incorporated trademarks are used with permission. alcatelonetouch TerminalS | 53 alCaTel OneTOuCh idOl 3 (4,7")* alCaTel OneTOuCh Pixi 8 3G Launch: Q2/2015 Launch: Q1/2015 Fantastic screen: 4.7" screen enhanced by Technicolor – super high definition with 1280 × 720 HD display 8.0" display in a slim and premium design with a weight of only 325 grams Superior camera: 13 megapixel rear cam + 8 megapixel front cam with wide-viewing angle (84°) Remotely control your TV directly from your tablet thanks to Infrared Blaster technology Powerful sound: two powerful front speakers designed by JBL Wireless screencast so all of your tablet contents are mirrored on your TV Unique reversible experience: it works upside down – UI always gets in place Suit your own style with a wide selection of color skin and flip cases 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor IR blaster for TV connectivity * Availability to be confirmed 54 | TerminalS alcatelonetouch alCaTel OneTOuCh waTCh Launch: Q2/2015 Packed with sensors: heart rate sensor, pedometer, accelerometer/gyroscope, e-compass, altimeter sensor Controls your smartphone: music player and camera capture Gets all your notifications: calls, texts, e-mails, SNS (push messaging) Responds to touch huaWei TerminalS | 57 huawei aSCend maTe 7 huawei G620S Launch: Q3/2014 Launch: Q3/2014 Large 6" screen with borderless design for exceptional viewing 5" HD LCD display for consistent and accurate color from all viewing angles Sleek 7.9 mm metallic body for sheer handling comfort LTE Cat 4 support for very fast download speeds of up to 150 MBit/s Ultra fast Cat6 4G LTE with seamless global usability Up to 32 GB SD card for extensive storage for all of your photos and videos 8+1 core processor combined with large 4100 mAh battery for high performance and intelligent power usage High-quality photos with a 8.0-megapixel autofocus camera Convenient and personal fingerprint sensor for safe easy access 1.4 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor EMUI 3.0 stylish interface with user-friendly design sPeedPorthybrid TerminalS | 59 SPeedPOrT hybrid Launch: Q4/2014 The Speedport Hybrid combines both, fixed-line and mobile network (LTE) accesses. This ensures a top-speed experience and customers never have to worry about the technology – they always enjoy the most optimal connection. The router is a smart mix of technologies. It automatically bundles, concentrates, and distributes bandwidth according to current needs – the customer doesn’t have to do a thing. Benefits at a glance: The Speedport Hybrid responds to society’s constant demand for bandwidth and continuously faster and better Internet access It bundles fixed-line and mobile networks for more bandwidth at home It provides more speed when surfing at home, especially in rural areas with less bandwidth coverage Currently, it is the most innovative fixed-line access device offered by Deutsche Telekom SPeedPOrT hybrid Deutsche Telekom’s most innovative access device. Powered by Huawei. lg TerminalS | 61 lG G flex 2 lG SPiriT 4G lTe* lG G waTCh r lG kiZOn Launch: Q1/2015 Launch: Q2/2015 Launch: Q1/2015 Launch: Q1/2015 Discover the best of LG technology and design with the LG Flex 2 Enjoy a 4.7" high-definition screen with its wonderful and ergonomic curved design The world’s first Full Circle POLED display offers an authentic wristwatch look while also delivering vivid viewing pleasure Locate your child in real time thanks to A-GPS, WiFi, and Cellular networks Live your life as fast as you want with the 4G experience The chronograph watch face boasts a premium PVD metal finish for increased durability while the interchangeable leather strap allows for a greater variety of style options LG KizOn is designed for Kids - Eco-friendly materials, Allergen-free, rugged design, and water-resistant See the benefits of a curved design for improved ergonomics, enhanced voice quality, and an immersive viewing experience An amazing 5.5" POLED screen enables the best Full HD viewing experience A distinctive rear-key design and a premium metallic finish Use your LG G Flex II as much as you want thanks to an advanced “self-healing” technology on the back cover Experience the benefits of the customized LG user interface thanks to useful functionalities such as Smart Notice, Knock Code, or Memo+ 2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon Octa-Core 64 Bit processor You have the choice between 3 different colors: Titan, Gold, or White 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-core processor With its best-in-class, 410 mAh battery capacity and POLED display which requires low power, it can be used all day long Measures, records, and analyzes the user’s fitness state including pace control, pulse, and step counts for a personal fitness trainer you can wear on your wrist Play and control the music at all times on G Watch R even without a smartphone The certified water- and dust-resistant quality liberates the user from any worry 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor * Availability to be confirmed No need to remember a phone number – simply push the call button to speak to your mom or dad A smartphone application enables you to manage the KizOn remotely (Localization/Battery Level/Alarm Event/Calling) microsoft® TerminalS | 63 miCrOSOfT® lumia 535 miCrOSOfT® lumia 435 Launch: Q1/2015 Launch: Q1/2015 Large 5" qHD LCD display is easily readable, even in bright sunlight Always enjoy the latest Windows® Phone experiences, such as Cortana, Office, and OneDrive – built in and free Get more personal than ever with Windows® Phone 8.1. Exclusive to Windows® Phone, Live Tiles keep you udapted on everything important happening in your world All the apps you love on a 4.0" display that gives you plenty of space for watching videos or browsing the web A smartphone built for selfies and Skype: Fit more in your shots than ever before with the wide angle, 5.0-megapixel, front-facing camera. It’s never been easier to capture more of what’s going on behind you – more friends in your group selfies and more family in your free video Skype calls 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor Upgradable to Windows® 10 Choice of four colors: black, white, green, or orange 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon dual-core processor Upgradable to Windows® 10 microsoft® TerminalS | 65 nOkia lumia 635 Launch: Q2/2014 Moves at high speeds with lightning-fast LTE connectivity and a quad-core processor for a superior experience on a beautiful 4.5" screen Showcases all of the latest and best features in Windows® Phone for countless smartphone experiences and real-time syncing, seamlessly across all screens nOkia lumia 930 nOkia lumia 830 Bright, 5" Full HD display, 20MP PureView camera, Surround Sound recording, and built-in wireless charging The latest Windows® Phone experience: Connect and engage with the people and apps that matter most to you, and enjoy a seamless Windows® experience across all your screens Launch: Q2/2014 The latest Windows® Phone experience: Connect and engage with the people and apps that matter most to you, and enjoy one seamless Windows® experience across all your screens Expandable storage of up to 128 GB so there’s plenty of room to store your favorite apps, photos, music, and more 20-megapixel PureView camera and four directional microphones with Surround Sound for high-quality photos and immersive video with sound that’s more true-to-life than ever before Features a bright and glossy replaceable shell so you can easily swap shells and choose from a variety of vibrant colors to suit your mood and style Fits comfortably in your hand and pocket, with colors ranging from stylishly subtle to vibrantly vogue 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor Upgradable to Windows® 10 Launch: Q3/2014 Fits comfortably in your hand and your pocket, and comes in colors ranging from stylishly subtle to vibrantly vogue 10-megapixel PureView camera for high-quality photos and immersive video 2.3 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor Nokia Camera app for full creative control of your photos before unleashing your creations on the world through Nokia Storyteller, Instagram, and your favorite social networks Upgradable to Windows® 10 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor Upgradable to Windows® 10 samsung TerminalS | 67 SamSunG Galaxy a3 SamSunG Galaxy a5 SamSunG Gear S SamSunG Gear fiT The wide 4.5" qHD Super AMOLED screen delivers a stunning viewing experience Watch all your movies and videos come to life with incredible detail and vibrant color on the 5.0" full 1080p Super AMOLED HD display Futuristic and ergonomic curved design The Gear Fit was designed to wear not only while you’re working out, but for whatever situation you’re in, day or night Beautifully built with a high-quality metal uni-body that is designed for a sophisticated and luxurious look and feel LTE CAT4 support with download speeds up to 150 MBit/s 3G calls/messages without a smartphone A powerful, yet easy-to-use 13.0-megapixel camera lets you capture the moment as it’s happening with large-print quality detail Exercise tracking with GPS Launch: Q1/2015 This device features an advanced camera to capture every moment beautifully. There is also an enhanced front camera to make sure you look your best in every selfie 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor Launch: Q1/2015 Connect your phone to the Gear or Gear S and use it as an intelligent companion, putting powerful smartphone features within easy reach, tracking your health and fitness 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor Launch: Q3/2014 Always on watch display, Wearable smart assistant Launch: Q2/2014 Wear it wherever you go. The Gear Fit is dustproof and water-resistant, and weighs only 27 grams Gear Fit isn’t your average fitness band. Now you can view emails, texts and alerts on the 1.84" Super AMOLED display sony TerminalS | 69 SOny xPeria™ Z3 COmPaCT SOny xPeria™ Z3 SOny xPeria™ Z4 TableT* SOny SmarTwaTCh 3 STeel 5.5" Quad HD IPS display to showcase photos and videos, or browse the web Shoot brighter and clearer images in low-light conditions even without a flash – thanks to its high-quality camera Unrivalled exclusive Sony entertainment experiences Tell the SmartWatch 3 what you want and it will do it Fast tablet performance and longest battery autonomy 13.0-megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash gives you images that are delivered with a superior sharpness, clarity, and brightness Waterproof up to a depth of 1.5 meters so you can take pictures in the pool or in the rain without worrying about water damage The portable and durable tablet with a premium design With SmartWatch 3, you’ll never miss a thing. When you receive a text or notification, you feel it Light and curved design for improved grip LTE Cat4 for download speeds up to 150 MBit/s Increased battery life by supporting software to reduce battery consumption Compact form The only smartphone with PS4™ Remote PLAY 2.3 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor 2.3 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor Launch: Q3/2014 Launch: Q3/2014 Launch: Q2/2015 Waterproof with capless USB Unrivalled mobile entertainment with best-in-class technologies and performance Launch: Q1/2015 Android™ Wear is what you need at a glance. What happens on your phone is there on your wrist 1.2 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon quad-core processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 quad-core-processor * Availability to be confirmed Did you enjoy our demonstration of exciting new products and services? Let’s keep in touch – here at the Mobile World Congress or visit us at Publisher: Deutsche Telekom AG, Terminal Marketing, Landgrabenweg 151, D-53227 Bonn, Project Board/Editors: Uwe Jäger, Karin Lautner, Lisa Schäfer, kapacht, Stefanie Borck E-mail contact: Concept/Realization: kapacht bonn gmbh Print: Reinhold Hornung GmbH, Walder Straße 9, D-42781 Haan Copyright: © Deutsche Telekom AG All rights reserved. All contents are subject to change. Deutsche Telekom AG accepts no liability for errors, misprints, or omissions. March 2015