Qualification activities in the Green Building
Qualification activities in the Green Building
companies & technology | green building cluster Qualification activities in the Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria Speaker: Alois Geisslhofer | Date: 28 Feb 2013 Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria We are a network gathering abt. 230 partners architects, companies active in the green building and building refurbishment sector research centres, colleges and universities, manufacturers, green building materials suppliers (timber, bricks, insulation material, HVAC…) and green electricians, project promoters and building & timber contractors, carpenter, joiner information and promotion organisations and other networks (wood, natural materials, renewable energy, photovoltaic...) Topics Core topics: refurbishment of old buildings to low energy buildings construction of new, multi-story structures to passive house standards healthy ecological interiors, enhanced living comfort Sustainable energy technologies and energy efficiency in companies 346 cooperation projects since 2001 (with 849 cluster partner companies involved) project costs of 9.2mio. € and public support of 3.4mio. €. since 1.1. 2009, direct value added effect triggered by project activities of the GBC with EUR 14.6mio (study economic research institute ECONOMICA 2012) Cluster-Team: 4 persons specialised in civil engineer, wood-economic, energy expert, construction and interior design, qualification Supporting innovation projects by the GBC cluster management Support : events direct contacts to companies market research GBC helps: Development of proposals for public funding Submission of proposals for public funding Providing project planning tools Project proposal Project idea Identification of project partners Supporting tools: GBC - newsletter GBC - contacts GBC - database Start of project GBC provides: WZN meeting rooms catering, organisation equipment GBC makes: press releases press conferences conferences, seminars website, electronic newsletter printed publications Dissemination of Results Ongoing project GBC helps in writing interim reports writing final reports project management accounting for funding institutions Background for qualification: Lower Austrian energy policy 100% of the final electricity demand until 2015 from renewable energy sources (at the moment 89% including large hydro power, wind power, biomass CHP, biogas, ..) 50% of the total final energy consumption until 2020 from renewable energy 100% of the final heat demand until 2030 from renewable energy sources (biomass, solarthermal, geothermal,…) „nearly zero emission houses“ as standard of new buildings (acc. EU building directive) - 2018 50% share of „klima:aktiv“ passive houses in new buildings until 2018 High quality low energy standard in the existing building stock by increase the refurbishment rate to 3% /y. (at the moment ~ 1,5 %, < 50 kWh/m².y) Sources : NÖ Energiebericht 2010, NÖ Energiefahrplan 2011 (Lower Austria Energy Road Map) Lower Austria´s Energy Road Map until 2050 70.000 250 60.000 200 150 40.000 30.000 100 20.000 50 10.000 - 1990 1995 2000 Verbrauch Gebäude buildings 2005 2010 2015 2020 Verbrauch Verkehr* transport 2025 2030 2035 Verbrauch Produktion production 2040 2045 2050 Erneuerbare renewables Endenergievernrauch in PJ Endenergieverbrauch in GWh Final energy demand in GWh 50.000 Main challenge: Needed increase of energy efficiency target: 50% until 2020 from renewables buildings Results: Energy performance of buildings and flats before and after refurbishment and of new buildings in Lower Austria 2002 -2011 Source: Report on Niederösterreichsche Wohnungsförderung 2011 by Mr. Helmut Frank, Gvt. of Lower Austria Target: < 50 kWh/m².y Effects on GHG emissions in Lower Austria Emissionen pro Hauptwohnsitz in Tonnen CO2equ. 5,00 4,50 3,50 -35% 3,00 2,50 2,00 1,50 1,00 0,50 0,00 19 90 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 to CO2euq. pro Jahr 4,00 Jahr The GHGs of the building sector in Lower Austria decreased by 35 percent compared to 1990 level. Qualification target: forming cooperation projects Example: „All in one“ offer for building rehab – 9 SMEs in „Weinviertler Netzwerk“ Information for professionals, investors and building authorities How works a heat-recovery ventilation system ? the main important technical requirements 16 criteria for procurement 2nd Edition, > 31,000 printed brochures Free-of-charge download (only in German language) at http://www.ecoplus.at/de/ecoplus/clusterniederoesterreich/bau-energieumwelt/news/broschuere-komfortlueftungen%E2%80%93-gesund-komf Strawbale Building Competence network (2 years) Strawbale building is the use of straw bales to construct anything from a basic shed to a family home. This qualification network includes partner from universities, companies and other experts. Contents of the trainings are: Selection criteria for raw materials and processing Building physics in strawbale Testing and monitoring Ecological effects Best Practice-examples see f.e. at http://www.baubiologie.at/ Project partners: Universität Innsbruck TU Wien Energieinstitut Vorarlberg Waldland Naturstoffe GmbH Kreativer Holzbau GmbH Ing. Jürgen Höller GmbH u.v.m. Qualification of Lower Austrian companies together MS1 with the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT) Certified Solar Heating Installer and Planner Solar Heating Practitioner Certified Photovoltaic Installer and Planner Certified Heat Pump Installer Certified Comfort Ventilation Engineer Target groups: Plumbers and fitters, Planning engineers Roofers, Architects Engineering firms,HVAC companies Retailers Folie 12 MS1 Der Weiterbildungskurs behandelt sowohl technische als auch wirtschaftliche Grundlagen dieser Zukunftstechnologie und sichert den TeilnehmerInnen damit einen Wettbewerbsvorteil am dynamisch wachsenden Photovoltaikmarkt. Neben 6 Tagen Theorie wird das vermittelte Wissen an einem Praxistag „am Objekt“ umgesetzt und veranschaulicht. Mit positiv absolvierter Prüfung haben die TeilnehmerInnen die Möglichkeit nach Erfüllung vorgegebener Kriterien eine Personenzertifi zierung mit dem Titel „Zertifi zierter Photovoltaiktechniker bzw. -planer“ zu erlangen. Weitere Informationen fi nden Sie unter www.ait.ac.at/weiterbildung. Der Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich lädt Sie gemeinsam mit dem Austrian Institute of Technology, der Landesinnung der Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Lüftungstechniker Niederösterreich und der Landesinnung der Elektro-, Gebäude-, Alarm- und Kommunikationstechnik Niederösterreich zu dieser Spezialisierung ein. Listung der zert. Techniker beim AIT (siehe www.ait.ac.at/weiterbildung ) Michaela Smertnig; 03.10.2012 Training courses passive MS3 house at Sonnenplatz Großschönau Training for certified passive house-planner or passive house-consultant (9 days) The certificate which the participants are gaining after the training shows to the building's owner that his project-partner has the knowledge and experience for the planning and construction of passive houses. Target Audience: planners, architects, engineers, building contractors, builders, energy consultants, etc. Details at http://www.probewohnen.at/lang_en/page.asp/2822.htm Passive house-craftsman The first time in Austria a training course for "passive house-craftsmen“ is related to practice and facilities theoretical and practical knowledge on the passive house technology to all craftsmen who are involved in building a passive house. Details at http://www.probewohnen.at/lang_en/page.asp/3548.htm Folie 13 MS3 auf k:a-Webseite gelistet; berechtigt k:a-Logo zu führen 3-tägigen gewerkeübergreifenden Grundqualifi zierung am 31.1., 1.2. und 14.2.2013 (jeweils ganztägig) Modulkurse: • Bautechnik: 6.2.2013 • Haustechnik: 20.2.2013 • Elektrische Energieeffi zienz: 21.2.2013 • Neue Techniken für alte Fenster: 12.2.2013 • Kooperation und Kommunikation: 4.3. und 5.3.2013 (eineinhalbtägig) Ort: BauAkademie Lehrbauhof Schloß Haindorf weiters: PHPP-Kurs Mitveranstaltung mit Zukunftsakademie Mostviertel und IBO auf der BAuakademie am 29./30.11.2012 Michaela Smertnig; 03.10.2012 Qualification for klima:active competence partner for building refurbishment > 3,000 „climate:active“ professionals – GBC: ~ 400 in Lower Austria Contact Alois Geisslhofer Clustermanager ecoplus. The Business Agency of Lower Austria Green Building Cluster of Lower Austria In German: Bau.Energie.Umwelt Cluster Niederösterreich Niederösterreichring 2, Haus A A-3100 St.Pölten, Austria Phone: +43 2742 9000 19650 Email: bauenergieumwelt@ecoplus.at www.bauenergieumwelt.at