1925-2010 St. Bruno Church
1925-2010 St. Bruno Church
1925-2010 St. Bruno Church Fifth Sunday of Easter May 2, 2010 FIRST COMMUNION - MAY 8TH 12:00 P.M. The 3rd Grade Students from our School and our Religious Education Program will be receiving First Communion next Saturday at 12:00 PM Mass.We are happy to join these families as they celebrate this special moment in their son or daughters lives. As a family of faith, we welcome them as they join us at the Table of the Lord. Please keep these families and their children in your prayers. Mother’s Day Cards to honor our Mother’s living and decesed will be availble in the Church vestibule. The donation envelope can be returned in any collection. We will enroll your Mother, Grandmother Godmother or whomever you chose to honor in our rememberance on Mother’s Day WEEK AT A GLANCE Sunday, May 2 1:30 PM Rosary Sodality Meeting Monday, May 3 4:30 PM Choir 7:00 PM Confirmation - Parent Meeting Tuesday, May 4 6:00 PM Devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe (Spanish) 7:00 PM Boy Scouts Wednesday, May 5 6:00 PM Religious Education 6:30 PM Bible Study (Spanish) 7:00 PM Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Mass (Polish) 8:00 PM Chords for the Lord Thursday, May 6 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Eucharistic Adoration 3:00 PM Senior Citizens 3:00 PM - 4:00PM Confessions 5:00 PM - 6:00PM Confessions 3:00 PM Divine Mercy Devotion (Polish) 4:00 PM Divine Mercy Devotion (English) 5:00 PM Divine Mercy Devotion (Spanish) 5:00 PM Girl Scouts Friday, May 7 8:00 AM School Mass and May Crowning and 8th Grade Ribbon ceremony 6:00 PM Cub Scout 6:00 PM Sacred Heart Watchers and Confessions 6:45 PM Bingo 7:00 PM First Friday Mass( Polish) Saturday, May 8 10:30 AM Brownies 12:00 PM First Holy Communion COMING EVENTS May 8th - First Communion May 9th - Mother’s Day May 22nd - Confirmation May 29th - 8th Grade Dinner Dance May 31st - Memorial Day May 2, 2010 Budgeted Weekly Collection Goal $7,800.00 Sunday Collection 04-25-10 $5,791.85 THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED GENEROSITY. 3rd Publication Luis Martinez, Jr. and Marta Mrowca Please remember all the souls of the faithful departed especially: Joseph Chyba SUPPORT AND PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY MEN AND WOMEN SERVING IN OUR ARMED FORCES. Dear Fr. Antoni & St. Bruno Parish Family, Capt. Eric Henzler, USMC Lance Corp. Keith Emerson, USMC Lance Corp. Fernando Moctezuma, USMC Brian Espino, USMC Alex Chobot, USN E3 Airman Kelly Centrangalo, Air Force Lt. Robert Logisz, Army Sgt. Matt Michalski, USMC. Sgt. Christopher C. Garza, Army Pfc. Tyrus Hawkins, Army Thank you for your overwhelming kind expressions of sympathy to my family on the loss of my father, Joseph. Thank you Fr. Antoni for your words of comfort, as well as Fr. Emil for con-celebrating dad’s funeral mass. Please keep my father and the poor souls of Purgatory in your prayers. Yours in Christ, Deacon Larry Chyba and family FROM THE DESK OF THE PASTOR Jesus says, "I give you a new commandment: Love one another - as I have loved you..." An incident from the life of Blessed Mother Teresa illustrates this new way of love: Once a journalist accompanied her as she made her rounds, caring for the dying. One of the men had a wound that oozed decay and gave off a foul odor. Mother Teresa calmly washed the wound, all the while speaking softly to the man. After Mother Teresa finished and they were walking away, the journalist said, "I wouldn't do that for all the gold in the world."…Mother Teresa replied, "Neither would I." She did it for something - or someone - worth more than all the world's gold. Her strength and love came from the time she spent before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament - an hour or more each day….You and I are not Blessed Mother Teresa - but Jesus may call us to a similar love. Fr. Tony ____________________________________________________________________________ W ostatnich dziesiątkach lat łatwo mówi się o miłości, zbyt łatwo. Deklaracje o wulkanach uczuć przychodzą szybko, zbyt szybko. Decyzje dwojga ludzi, aby miłość stała się ich wspólnym udziałem, są podejmowane z dnia na dzień. Miłość - przedstawiana w plenerze i w zbliżeniach, wyśpiewana i wyczytana, na videoklipach i kolejnych listach przebojów kolorowa, niefrasobliwa, "wieczny" deser. Wiele wypowiedzi o miłości pomija to, co ona oznacza w swej najgłębszej treści oraz traktuje ją bardzo powierzchownie. Prezentowana jest częściej jako ideologia, technika, jeden ze sposobów na życie, niż jako wartość podstawowa. Wielu ludzi uważa, że wystarczy ukończyć kilkanaście lat, a tym samym automatycznie posiada się wszelkie dane na temat kochania. A "miłości trzeba się uczyć i jeszcze raz uczyć powiada amerykańska pisarka Katherine Porter. - Ten proces nie ma końca. Nienawiść nie potrzebuje instrukcji; wystarczy ją tylko sprowokować". Ks. Antoni ____________________________________________________________________________ Hoy Jesus nos da un nuevo mandamiento: que nos amemos como el nos ama. Amor tiene muchas dimensiones. Jamas puedo resumir el significado de amor en una sola homilia o aun en mil homilias. Este domingo quisiera enfocar en un aspecto de amor - no es el cuento total, pero una parte esencial. Amor significa estar en una relacion correcta con la otra persona. Considera la relacion entre padre e hijo. El amor paternal para un hijo implica proteccion y consejos, mientras el amor del hijo para su padre implica honor y obediencia. Asi es en todas nuestra relaciones - puede ser del maestro y alumno, hermana mayor y hermano menor, abuelo y nieto, marido y esposa. Amor incluye el descubrimiento de los elementos de una relacion correcta vivirlas. Padre Antonio FRIDAY, MAY 7 FOLLOWING THE 8:00 AM MASS Our School Children will honor Mary by crowning her and our 8th grade students will receivee their graduation ribbons. SATURDAY MAY 22, 2010 5:00 PM MASS Bishop Guastavo Garcia-Siller will confir the Sacrament of Confirmation on our School and Religious Education Students at the 5:00 PM Mass. All are welcome to attend this Mass. SUNDAY, MAY 9TH CATHOLIC CHARITIES ANNUAL MOTHERS DAY COLLECTION This is the only parish collection during the year for Catholic Charities. Your generosity will be much appreciated. Archdiocesan Golden Wedding Anniverasary Mass will be held on Sunday, September 19th at 3:00PM at St. John Brebeuf,8307 N. Harlem Ave, Niles, Il. Couples married in 1960 who are interested in attending this celebration should contact the parish office to register before June,14th. TRANSFORMATION When we clean, repair, or otherwise restore things in our possession, we often say “good as new” or “just like new.” This, according to the book of Revelation, is what happens to anything that is filled with the glory of Christ. When scripture uses the word “new” it doesn’t merely mean “a different one, a replacement” (as our advertisements do), but it carries the sense of something being transformed so fully and completely that it is now almost unrecognizable. Our world is filled with tears, death, pain, thirst, darkness; but the new world—the new heavens and new earth brought about by Christ’s resurrection—is filled with joy, everlasting life, glory, living water, and light. As Paul noted in his second letter to the church at Corinth, if we are in Christ, then we are a new creation. And disciples who are a new creation, who live in the new heaven and earth brought about by Christ, are also daily practitioners of a new commandment: to love one another with that transforming, re-new-ing love that Christ bestowed on us. © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. Church Humor At Sunday School they were learning how God created everything, including human beings. Johnny was especially intent when the teacher told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam's ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and said, "Johnny, what is the matter?" Johnny responded, "I have pain in my side. I think I'm going to have a wife." The parish priest was taking a trip to Rome and asked the ladies of the parish if they would like him to pray for anything in particular for them. Mrs. Green asked if Fr. would pray that she and her husband could conceive a child. Fr. said he would light a candle for them.When Fr. returned two years later he asked Mrs. Green how things were. She said “Oh Father we have a set of twins and a set of triplets.” Father asked Mrs. Green where iher husband was? Mrs. Green answered,” On his way to Rome to blow out the candle.” Reflections from Fr. Emil... WHAT IS THIS SACRAMENT CALLED? The inexhaustible richness of this sacrament is expressed in the different names we give it. Each name evokes certain aspects of it. It is called: Eucharist, because it is an action of thanksgiving to God. Eucharist recall the Jewish blessings that proclaim especially during a meal - God's works; creation, redemption, and sanctification. The Lord's Supper, because of its connection with the supper which the Lord took with his disciples on the eve of his Passion and because it anticipates the wedding feast of the Lamb in the heavenly Jerusalem. The Breaking of Bread, because Jesus used this rite, part of a Jewish meal, when as master of the table he blessed and distributed the bread, above all at the Last Supper. It is by this action that his disciples will recognize him after his Resurrection, and it is this expression that the first Christians will use to designate their Eucharistic assemblies; by doing so they signified that all who eat the one broken bread, Christ, enter into communion with him and form but one body in him. Fr. Emil JAK JEST OKREŚLANA EUCHARYSTIA Wielość nazw, jakimi jest określany ten sakrament, wyraża jego niewyczerpane bogactwo. Każda z nich ukazuje pewien jego aspekt. Nazywa się go; Eucharystią, ponieważ jest dziękczynieniem składanym Bogu. Przypominają żydowskie błogosławieństwa, które szczególnie podczas posiłków wychwalają dzieła Boże; stworzenie, odkupienie i uświęcenie. Wieczerzą Pańską, ponieważ chodzi o Ostatnią Wieczerzę, którą Chrystus, spożył ze swymi uczniami w przeddzień męki i zapowiedż uczty godów Baranka w niebieskim Jeruzalem. Łamanie chleba, ponieważ ten obrzęd, charakterystyczny dla posiłku żydowskiego, został wykorzystany przez Jezusa, gdy błogosławił i dawał uczniom chleb jako gospodarz stołu, zwłaszcza podczas Ostatniej Wieczerzy. Po tym geście rozpoznają uczniowie Jezusa po Zmartwychwstaniu. Pierwsi chrześcijanie będą w ten sposób nazywać swoje zgromadzenie eucharystyczne. Oznacza to, że wszyscy, którzy spożywają jeden łamany Chleb Chrystusa, wchodzą we wspólnotę z Nim i tworzą w Nim jedno ciało. Ks. Emil EL NOMBRE DE ESTE SACRAMENTO La riqueza inagotable de este sacramento se expresa mediante los distinos nombres que se le da. Cada uno de estos nombres evoca alguno de sus aspectos. Se le llama: Eucaristia porque es accion de gracias a Dios. Eucaristia recuerdan las bendiciones judias que proclaman sobre todo durante la comida - las obras de Dios; la creacion, la redencion y la sanctificacion. Banquete del Seńor porque se trata de la Cena que el Seńor celebro con sus discipulos la vispera de su pasion y de la anticipacion del banquete de bodas del Cordero en la Jesuralen celestial. Fraccion del pan porque este rito, propio del banquete judio, fue utilizado por Jesus cuando bendecia y distribuia el pan como cabeza de familia, sobre todo en la ultima Cena. En este gesto los discipulos lo reconoseran despues de su resureccion, y con esta expresion los primeros cristianos designaron sus asambleas eucaristicas. Con el se quiere significar que todos los que comen de este unico pan, partido, que es Cristo, entran en comunion con el y forman un solo cuerpo en el. Padre Emilio SUNDAY, MAY 2 FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTE 7:30 AM + Helen Sadowski - Jessie i Marion Radgowski z Rodzina + Dominika Klecyngier(Gregorianka) + Zygmunt i Helena Stelmach - Corki i Wnuka 9:00 AM + Norbert Bochenek - Lois Defelice 10:30 AM + Janina Lis - Ed and Maryann Czuma + Sophie Romniak - Ed and Maryann Czuma + Stanislawa Staszel (1 rocz. smierci) 12:15 PM + Robert Ratkowski (38 annv.) -Mother and Family 2:30 PM + Romualdo Reyes (el aniversario de la muerte) - Enriqueta Reyes + Ramon Sanchez - la Familia Salud y Bendiciones Jesus Frausto - la Familia WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 AM + Purgartorial Society 8:00 AM St. Bruno Parishioners 7:00 PM THURSDAY, MAY 6 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 AM 8:00 AM + Sophie Romniak - Rita Harazin + Barbara Gray -- John and Lorraine Dryja FRIDAY, MAY 7 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 AM 8:00 AM Maria and Arcadia (For Conversion) Rosario 7:00 PM + Cecylia i Wojciech Karbarz - Dzieci MONDAY, MAY 3 ST. PHILIP AND ST. JAMES, APOSTLES 7:00 AM + Dominika Klecyngier (Gregorianka) 8:00 AM + Joseph Zaja - John Zubik SATURDAY, MAY 8 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 AM + Stella Kaleta - Rodzina 8:00 AM Health, Peace and Blessings for Helen R. and Cefe M. Santana - Roxanna 5:00 PM + John and Katherine Podlasek– Norb and Lill Wayer + Mildred Waner - Charlotte Olszewski TUESDAY, MAY 4 EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 AM + Dominika Klecyngier (Gregorianka) 8:00AM + Dorothy Lech (2nd anniversary) - Husband Health and Blessingd for Jesus Frausto Family 7:00 PM SUNDAY, MAY 9 SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 AM ALL 9:00 AM MOTHERS 10:30 AM LIVING 12:15 PM AND 2:30 PM DECEASED Ministers for Next Week’s Liturgies DATE/TIME LECTOR BREAD SERVERS 5:00 PM 5/8 S. Baron E. Sajdak E. Sajdak, L. Sajdak S. Koziel, N. Kubik S. & I. Rodriguez 7:30 AM 5/9 H. Szyszlak M. Borzecka J. Nowobilski, M. Venegas S. Mroczkowski K. Kukowski M. Ziarno 9:00 AM 5/9 R. Ordzowialy D. Kowalczyk D. Kowalczyk D. Logisz, B. Cascone P. Navarro A. & S. McCloud 10:30 AM 5/9 E. Ptasik B. Ptasik J. Antolak. H. Kowalczyk J. Krawczyk R. & M. Koziel K. Fudala 12:15PM 5/9 M. Olenderek M. Rabadan M. Olenderek, M. Rabadan M. Sanchez M. & M. Enriquez A. Santiago 2:30 PM 5/9 T. Macareno S. Flores C. Islas J. Gonzalez A. Y. & Y. Flores PARISH STAFF Rev. Antoni Bury, Pastor Rev. Emil Cudak, Associate Pastor Mr. Sal Villa, Deacon Mr. Daniel Fleming, Principal Ms. Cynthia Duque and Mr. Jorge Gonzalez Coordinators of Religious Education Mrs. Pat Podlasek, Business Manager Ms. Janice Nowakowski, Secretary Rectory: 4751 S. Harding Ave. 60632-3628 Phone: (773) 523-3467 Fax: (773) 523-4253 Website: www.stbrunochicago.org E-mail: stbruno@comcast.net Office Hours: Monday thru Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Saturday and Sunday Closed School: 4839 S. Harding Ave. 60632-3628 School Office:(773) 847-0697 School Fax: (773) 847-1620 Sunday Masses Saturday evening: 5:00 PM (English) Sunday: 7:30 AM (Polish), 9:00 AM, (English) 10:30 AM (Polish), 12:15 PM( English) 2:30 PM (Spanish) Holy Day Masses Published prior to the holy day. Weekday Masses 7:00 AM (Polish), 8:00 AM (English) Eucharistic Adoration Every Thursday from 9:00 AM until 6:00 PM in our Church. Parish Registration Please call the rectory for appointment during regular office hours. Bulletin Deadline Any articles for the bulletin should be submitted ten days before publication. The editorial staff reserves the right to make changes to fit our format. Holiday weeks the bulletin deadline is fifteen days before publication. Electronic submissions are accepted at our parish email address. We pray for those who are hospitalized from our parish family… We pray for those who are homebound and for those who have asked for our continued prayers. Each Sunday, all the above are prayed for in our parish intercessions book. SUPPORT ST. BRUNO SCHOOL!!! BINGO FRIDAY’ S DOORS OPEN 4:30 EARLY BIRD GAME 6:45 BAPTISM Please call the rectory to make arrangements. All parents and godparents are required to register for and attend a Baptismal Preparation session. English Baptisms are on the first Sunday after the 9.00AM or 12.15PM Mass. Polish Baptisms are on the second Sunday after the 10.30AM Mass. Spanish Baptisms are on the third Sunday after the 2:30 PM Mass. MARRIAGE Call the rectory to make arrangements at least 8 months in advance. Your date will be confirmed at the first meeting with priest or deacon. Pre-Cana conferences are required. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK AND COMMUNION CALLS Please call the rectory to have a priest come for the sacrament of the sick. If you have been hospitalized or are homebound and wish a Minister of Care to bring you Communion, please call the rectory. CONFESSIONS: Thursday 3:00PM - 4:00PM and 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM, Saturday from 4:00 to 4:45 PM and Weekdays after the 7:00 AM Mass. CHRZEST Prosimy dzwonić na plebanię aby omówić sprawę chrztu św. Rodzice i chrzestni sa proszeni aby się zapisali na lekcję przygotowawczą do chrztu św. Chrzty w języku angielskim udzielane sa w pierwsza niedziele miesiaca w czasie Mszy św. o godzinie 9.00AM lub 12.15PM. Chrzty w jezyku polskim udzielane sa w druga niedziele miesiaca w czasie Mszy św o godz 10.30 AM. Chrzty w jezyku hiszpanskim udzielane sa w trzecia niedziela miesiaca w czasie Mszy św. o godzinie 2:30PM. MALEÑSTWO.Prosimy dzwonic na plebanie conajmniej 8 miesiecy przed planowanym slubem.Data slubu bedzie ustalona podczas pierwszego spotkania z ksiedzem lub diakonem.Wymagana jest precana czyli kurs przedmalzenski.. KOMUNIA SW I SAKRAMENT CHORYCH. Prosimy dzwonie na plebanie aby prosic ksiedza o sakrament chorych .Jesli ktos jest w szpitalu i potrzebuje ministrów eucharysti prosimy równiez dzwonić na plebanie. SPOWIED W kazda sobote o godz 4.00 PM do godz.4.45 PM W ciagu tygodnia po Mszy sw o godz.7.00 AM W kazdy czwartek od godz.3.00 PM do godz. 4.00 PM oraz 5:00 PM do godz 6:00 PM BAUTISMO. Por favor llamar a la rectoria para organizar bautismo. Los Padres y Padrinos necesitan estar registrados para classes bautismales. Bautismo son cada tercer domingo a las 2:30 PM LAS BODAS. Por favor llamar a la rectoria 8 meses antes de la boda. Durante la primera reunion con el Padre o Diacono,sera confirmada la fecha de la boda. Necesitan una precana para poder casarse. SACRAMENTO DE ENFERMOS Y COMUNION. LLamar a la rectoria para desirle al sacerdote que si puede venir. Si usted esta hospilizado o en la casa y necesita que vaya un ministro de comunion,por favor llamar a la rectoria. CONFESIONES. Cada sabado de 4.00 PM a 4.45 PM. Cada dia despues de misa de 7.OO PM. Cada jueves de 3.OO PM a 4.00 PM y 5:00 PM a 6:00 PM.