November 25, 2007 - St. Bartholomew Parish


November 25, 2007 - St. Bartholomew Parish
St. Bartholomew
Roman Catholic Church
St. Bartholomew Parish Office
1306 27th Street
Columbus, IN 47201
Office Hours:
Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM until 5:00 PM
Friday – 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM
Established in 1841
April 10, 2011
Fifth Sunday of Lent
LENT 2011
Fifth Week of Lent: Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. Come out of the darkness.
All that is needed for salvation appears in today’s Gospel. Jesus calls Lazarus to come out of the tomb. That’s grace.
Lazarus responds. That’s will. Jesus then asks the community to unbind Lazarus and let him go free. Let’s make
preparations to be with our community next week – Holy Week – so that we can find the courage to respond to
God’s call and leave the darkness behind.
Mass Schedule
Parish Contacts
All Masses at St. Bartholomew unless noted otherwise
All extensions dial through the church office: 812-379-9353
Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 & 10:45 AM
Sunday: Misa en Espanol: 1:00 PM
Monday & Thursday: Prayer & Communion
Service 7:00 AM
Tuesday: 5:30 PM
Wednesday & Friday: Noon
Thursday during School Year: 8:30 AM
Spiritual Leaders:
Pastor: Fr. Clement T. Davis
Deacon: Bill Jones
Education and Formation:
Principal: Kathy Schubel
Pastoral Assoc. & Adult Faith
Formation: Kathy Davis-Shanks
Church Office:
Youth Ministry Coordinator:
Ext 0
Chris Schwartz
Business Manager: Mike Shelton
Ext 233
Children’s Religious Ed: Pam Kramer
Bulletin submissions:
Hispanic Ministry: Maria Nieto
Prayer Chain Submissions: Director of Music: Bogdan Minut
Liturgy Coordinator: Millie Harmon
News and information concerning worship, ministries,
and activities may be found by visiting our website:
St. Anne, Limonade, Haiti
Ext 0
Ext 223
Ext 240
Mass Schedule
All Masses at St. Bartholomew Church unless noted.
MONDAY, April 11
7:00 a.m. – Prayer and Communion Service
7:00 p.m. –Confirmation
Intention: Fr. Richard Zore
TUESDAY, April 12
7:00 a.m. – Prayer and Communion Service
5:00 p.m. – Evening Prayer
5:30 p.m. –Intention: William & Patricia Bickers
7:00 a.m. – Prayer and Communion Service
Noon – Intention: Margaret Walke
THURSDAY, April 14
7:00 a.m. – Prayer and Communion Service
8:30 a.m.-All School
–Intention: Fr. Thomas Patrick Carey
1:30 p.m.-Four Seasons Retirement Center
–Intention: Mary Carolyn Alderson
FRIDAY, April 15
7:00 a.m. – Prayer and Communion Service
Noon –Intention: Earl & Greta Davis
6:00 p.m. – Stations of the Cross
SATURDAY, April 16
5:00 p.m. –Intention: Members of
St. Bartholomew Parish
SUNDAY, April 17
8:00 a.m.- Intention: John T. Carroll II
10:45 a.m. –Intention: Msgr. Joseph Brokhage
1:00 p.m. Hispanic - Intention:
Calendar of Events–April 10-16
CLOW-SBPH during 8 & 10:45 a.m. Mass
ERE-SBCS 9:15 a.m.
Coffee & Donuts-SBPH following 8 a.m. Mass
RCIA-SBC Mtg Rm #1 10:30 a.m.
Hispanic Council-SBC Mtg Rm#2 2 p.m.
Confirmation Practice-SBC 4:30 p.m.
Soup Kitchen-SBCS Cafeteria 5 p.m. serving
Young Adults Meeting-SBC Mtg Rm #2 5 p.m.
Deadline for the Bulletin – by 5 p.m.
New Parishioner Welcoming-SBC Mtg Rm #2 4:30 p.m.
Boy Scout Leader Council-SBCS Kitchen 5:30 p.m.
Boy Scout Den 5-SBCS 7A 6:30 p.m.
Boy Scouts-SBCS Cafeteria 7 p.m.
Children’s Ministry Committee-Teachers Lounge 7 p.m.
Confirmation Reception-SBPH following Confirmation
Healing Ministry-SBC Mtg Rm #1 7 p.m.
La Leche-SBC Mtg Rm #2 7 p.m.
Deadline for Pulpit Announcements – by 5 p.m.
St. Bartholomew Band-SBC Music Rm 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
APARE-SBC Mtg Rm #1 9 a.m.
Music Practice-SBC 3:30 p.m.
Cub Scouts #2-SBCS 6A/B 6 p.m.
Leadership Meeting-SBCS Café/Jr High 6 p.m.
St. Vincent de Paul Society-SBPH 7 p.m.
Stained Glass-Music Room 7 p.m.
Healing Ministry-SBC Mtg Rm #1 7 p.m.
Stewardship Committee-SBC Mtg Rm #2 7 p.m.
Pastoral Council-SBCS Cafeteria 8:05 p.m.
St. Bartholomew Band-SBC Music Rm 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
RCIA Day Group-SBC Mtg Rm #2 10:30 a.m.
Senior Lunch-SBPH following Noon Mass
Bienvenido-SBC Mtg Rm #2 1:30 p.m.
Brass Choir-SBC 6 p.m.
The Face of a Broken System-SBCS Cafeteria 7 p.m.
LRSS-SBPH 7 p.m.
Choir Practice-SBC 7 p.m.
Young Adults Meeting-SBC Mtg Rm #1 7 p.m.
Blessing of the Easter Basket
A popular European tradition is to bless Easter
baskets that contain foods and treats for family
Easter Sunday dinners. This year we will host a
Blessing of the Baskets on Holy Saturday, April 23,
at 10:30 am, in the church. If you have crafted a
basket that you would like blessed, please join us!
All are welcome. Come see these wonderful works
of art.
Chrism Mass
A group will be traveling to SS. Peter and Paul
Cathedral for the annual Chrism Mass on Tuesday,
April 19. We will leave the St. Bartholomew
Church parking lot at 4:45 p.m. Seating is limited
in the cathedral. We will also stop for dinner
following Mass. For more information to sign up
for car pooling, contact the Adult Faith Formation
Office at 379-9353, ext. 240.
APARE-SBC Mtg Rm #1 9 a.m.
Children’s Choir-SBC Music Rm 3 p.m.
Nueva Vida-SBC Music Room 6 p.m.
Cub Scout Pack Committee-SBCS 6A 7 p.m.
RCIC-Teachers Lounge 7 p.m.
Bible Study-SBC 7 p.m.
Men’s Ministry Choir-SBC Music Room 7 p.m.
RCIA-SBPH/SBC Mtg Rm #2 7 p.m.
RCIT-SBCS 8B 7 p.m.
Pro-Life Committee-SBC Mtg Rm #1 7 p.m.
St. Bartholomew Band-SBC Music Rm 7:30 a.m. – Noon
Rosary-SBPH 5 p.m.
Fish Fry-SBCS Cafeteria 5-7:30 p.m.
Stations of the Cross-SBC 6 p.m.
Hispanic Youth Group-YMO 6 p.m.
Young Adults Meeting-SBC Mtg Rm #1 7 p.m.
Adoration-SBC 7:30 p.m.
Hispanic Choir-SBC Music Room 7 p.m.
Men’s Ministry Fellowship-SBC Mtg Rm #2 8 a.m.
Lector Practice-SBC 9 a.m.
Easter Egg Hunt-SBCS 10 am. - Noon
Reconciliation-Reconciliation Room 4:15 p.m.
Financial Update / April 3, 2011
Fiscal YTD Pledge
Fiscal YTD Actual Given
Registered Households
Total gifts received
Building Fund
Catholic Relief
Thank you for your support of the parish. Please remember that
ACH (Automatic Debiting) is available to parishioners as a
convenience. To enroll in ACH, please contact the Business
Office at 812-379-9353 on ext 232.
Readings for April 17, 2011
First Reading: Isaiah 50:4-7
Second Reading: Philippians 2:6-11
Gospel: Matthew 26:14 – 27:66
(May 21/22-August 27/28) are due by Friday, April
15. Email or call 3799353 ext. 236 or email or call
Virginia Hammond at 379-9369.
Adult Open Gym
All adults are invited to Sunday evening
through the end of May for open gym from 6–9
p.m. Half court basketball and volleyball are
played. Cost is $2 per person, per evening.
Easter Vigil Reception Helpers Needed
Helpers are need to assist with this year’s Easter
Vigil reception on Saturday, April 23. Volunteers
are needed at 10:00 am to help prep food or that
evening during Mass or during the party. Contact
the Adult Faith Formation Office if you are
available 379-9353, ext. 240 or
Roadies Needed for Easter Vigil
Volunteers are needed to assist with the
baptismal portion of the Easter Vigil. Duties
include mopping, towel collection, and assisting
those newly baptized. Workers are needed about
9:00 p.m. To volunteer, contact the Adult Faith
Formation Office at 379-9353, ext. 240.
Japan Relief Fund
We will be taking up a second collection next
weekend, April 16/17 for Japan Relief Fund. Thank
you in advance for your generosity.
The “Called” Corner
Catholic Social Teaching and Capital Punishment
Catholic Community Club Winner
The winner of the March drawings for the
Catholic Community Club was Mrs. Margaret
Hageman, who won $450. Don’t forget to play the
new $5 a month drawing for four chances to win.
Those Milk Cartons!
Next Sunday, Palm Sunday, parishioners will be
returning Haiti milk cartons with Lenten offerings
for the nutrition centers in Limonade and Jede.
This is an act of gratitude for the regular meals
that our children and grandchildren enjoy. It is an
act of hope for the well-being of all children.
Above all, it is an act of love . . . the message of
the cross.
Next Senior Luncheon
Our next senior luncheon will be held
Wednesday, April 13, following the noon Mass. All
seniors and guests are welcome.
The first principle of Catholic Social Teaching is the
belief that human life is sacred and that the dignity
of the human person is the foundation of a moral
vision for society. This belief intersects with a
variety of issues ranging from abortion to
While most Catholics support the Church’s stance
on abortion, many, perhaps a sizable majority,
favor capital punishment – the death penalty.
Why? This Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the
school cafeteria, Randy Steidl, who spent 12 years
on death row in Illinois before being exonerated,
will talk about his experience and explain why the
death penalty should be abolished.
This is a controversial subject, but one we need to
look at more closely. Come and gain a deeper
understanding of crime, punishment, revenge, and
justice, and how these ideas play out in our
criminal justice system.
Youth Ministry News
Quick Glance at Upcoming Calendar:
April 16: 10 to noon Easter Egg Hunt
April 20: We begin serving Lunch on the Yard, all
you can eat for $4.00!
May 14: The SUN RUN 8am 5K Competitive Walk
also 8am 5K Fitness Walk. Call us for more info.
Outdoor Adventure Retreat
June 8-12 Flyers are in the kiosk to register!
Summer Daze
All upcoming 7th and 8th graders are welcome to
sign up for Summer Daze beginning in June.
Contact us at Youth Ministry for details on the
Summer Daze events
NCYC is coming Nov. 16-19.
Look for insert in next weekend’s bulletin.
EXTRA DRESS Lying Around?
We are collecting prom dresses…bring your unused
bridesmaid dresses or any extra beautiful dresses
to the Youth Ministry office.
How To Help?
There are many ways to be part of the Youth
Ministry Haiti Mission. Look for our upcoming
fund-raiser opportunities, such as: The Sun Run,
Who Has More Cents, Lunch after Mass, and our
Car Wash this summer. You also may simply send
in a donation written to Youth Ministry Haiti
Mission. Soon we will place a special insert in the
bulletin with specific details on which youth were
chosen to attend and what items we may need
Chris Schwartz:
Cathy Lampton:
379-9353 exts.238 or 239
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
Summaries of March PC
and Commission Meetings
The parish leadership commissions and Pastoral
Council met on the evening of March 22, in the
parish hall. A one-page summary of the
commission and PC meetings may be found on the
bulletin board in the narthex and also on the
parish website, To
access the summary, on the home page, click on
Invitation To Leadership and then on Summaries
of Monthly Leadership Evenings.
The next Leadership Night will be on Tuesday,
April 12, at 6:15 p.m. in the school cafeteria. All
parishioners are welcome to attend.
Invitation To Leadership Status Report
Thanks to all parishioners who participated or
otherwise showed interest in the Invitation To
Leadership process for our parish. Whether you
suggested fellow parishioners to be considered for
membership on commissions, talked with current
commission members about leadership, or
attended the ITL Evening information event last
month, we appreciate your interest in the
oversight of our parish.
Over 100 names were submitted, and attempts
were made to contact each person. A total of
twenty-two parishioners attended the ITL Evening
event. Others unable to attend also expressed
their desire to become members.
At the March 22 Leadership Night meeting, each
commission cast lots to determine the parishioners
who will take the places of those members whose
terms are ending. Commission co-chairmen are
presently contacting the new members, inviting
them to the April Leadership Night on Tuesday,
April 12.
Welcome New Parishioners
Welcome to the following families who have
registered as members of St. Bartholomew Parish
in March: David and Megan Eaton and daughters
Ellie and Abigail; Paul and Susan Hart and teens
Jordan and Nicole; Allen and Ginger Lyons and
children Tyler, Madelyn, Kristen, and Sydney;
David and Crystal Breeden; and Mike and Rachel
Kaczmarek and son Jack.
Welcome to each of you. We look forward to
getting to know you as fellow members of the
body of Christ.
Pro-Life Meeting
St. Bartholomew Pro-Life Committee will meet on
Thursday, April 14, beginning at 7 p.m. in
Conference Room #1. This is a change in date due
to Holy Thursday. Anyone is invited to attend and
participate in this important ministry.
Dear Parish Family,
It is with a grateful heart that we extend many
thanks to all of you for your generous donations to
the Flower Fund at both Easter and Christmas.
Because of you, we are able to have lush displays
of poinsettias and the 'explosion of color' from
spring flowers. Because of you, we can extend this
color throughout the summer months and into the
fall season. Because of you we have the freedom
to purchase new palms and various green plants
each year. Because of you and your generosity to
the Flower Fund, your gift continues to give to us
throughout the liturgical year. Thank you and
God's blessings to you all.
Marilyn Welker and the Art and Environment
Lowell Addition Clean Up
In honor of Earth Day,
First Christian Church is
hosting a Green Up/Clean
Up event on Saturday, April
16, in the Lowell Addition.
There are two work shifts –
8am–noon, and 1–5 p.m.
Wear shoes, long pants
and bring gloves. Bring
rakes, shovels, yard tools,
brooms, etc. For more information contact Dan
Wallace at 679-4491 ext. 239.
Mark Your Calendar
The second Daughters of Mary Generational
Brunch is fast approaching. The date is Saturday,
May 21, at 10:00 a.m., in the parish hall. There is
no charge for the brunch. Registration will be April
30, May 1, May 7 and May 8 after all Masses in the
narthex. This year’s theme is "Wedding Gowns
throughout the Generations." If you have a
wedding gown you would like to model, have
someone else model, or have on display, contact
one of us as soon as possible. Ann Moon, Shireman Brown, Barb Pruitt or Gert McGovern at 3721657.
Remember to invite your mothers, daughters,
granddaughters, sisters, or any lady who has
made a difference in your life.
8 p.m. Vigil (April 23)
6:30 a.m. Sunday
8:30 a. m. (Note time!)
10:45 a.m.
1 p.m. (Spanish)
Children’s Ministry News
CLOW –Still in NEED of volunteers for the
8:00 and 10:45 a.m. Masses. Help children
understand the Gospel by facilitating
“Children’s Liturgy of the Word” during
Vacation Bible School-The Marvelous
Mystery-The Mass Comes Alive! is JUNE 1317! Adult and teen volunteers needed to
make this event a success! Sign your kids
up for this coming VBS...Don’t miss out on
“The Mass Comes Alive!”
 April 10, Last day of Children’s
Faith Formation classes for PRE
 April 17, Palm Sunday, Children’s
Faith Formation will have special
prayer service (Way of Cross) in the
gym beginning at 9:15 a.m. Parents,
siblings, and PRE students are
welcome to join us at 9:15.
 April 26, 1st Communion Class
photo in church @ 6:30 p.m. for 2nd
graders; then MANDATORY practice
in church. 1st Communion children
are to wear their FC outfits for
their CLASS PHOTO! Thank you!
 April 28, 5:30-6:50 p.m. in churchpractice for children/teens receiving
1st Communion at the Spanish Mass
on May 1, at 1 p.m.
Children’s Ministry will begin taking
registrations for the new school year.
Watch the bulletin for details.
Contact: Pam Kramer 379-9353, x242 or
Ministry Schedule April 16/17
5:00 PM MASS
CM: Carol Konieczny, John Racanelli, Quinike Sukirwan, Joe
Kinderman, Karen Glover, Cathy Moriarty, Gerald Brandau, Becky
Ellerbrook, Larry Fisher, Antonius Nusawardhana, need subs
Greeter: Team #2
Lector: Mike Dorenbusch, Carolyn Butler-Lee, Craig Kessler
MC: Becky Ellerbrook
Server: Emma LaVelle, Craig Athaide, Christine Awad (I)
Music: St. Bartholomew Children’s Choir
8:00 AM MASS
CM: Diane & Stephen Goffinet, Patricia Bridgetts, Bill Manning,
John Konzen, Dave Harpenau, Judy & Chuck Richardson, Carolyn
Behrman, Sue Folkman, Carole Bachmann, Need sub
Greeter: Team #2
Lector: Teresa Wiczynski, Andrea Davis, Theresa Westerfeld
MC: Sandy Neidigh
Server: Lindsay Roese, Isaac Smith, Ben Davis (I)
Music: GFG
10:45 AM MASS
CM: Sandy Oliverio, Chris Emling, Mark Verplank, Sherrie
McDonald, Bobbie Pittman, JoAnn Jones, Lynn Pittman, Dave
Wildemann, Sam Andros, Maria Perez, May Jones, Need sub
Greeter: Team #2
Lector: Steve Heimann, Ella Wildemann, Mike Sullivan
MC: Mark Verplank
Server: Alex Algee, Karen Wildemann, Lindsey Potts (I)
Music: St. Bartholomew Choir
Capt. Christopher Dettle SFC Adam Lynn Tim Fetterer
PFC Malcolm Peters PO 1 Class David Haven
Commander Linda Tosser McClure Sgt. Erik Dietz
Capts. Phil Richards PFC Kevin Engle
Aric Dickson ET3 Jamaal Lewis A1C SSGT Jade T. Jones
Staff Sgt. Jeffrey W. Smith Capt. Craig Kinkade
Lt. Brian Kinkade 1 Lt Michael Duffy
PFC Charlie (Toennisson) Randall USMC
PO 2 Class Luke Ferree Dale Wamsley II
A1C Edward Freeman Capt. Matthew Munger
SSGT David Turner Adam Dickson E5 Cpt. Yvonne Trapp
PFC Christopher Rosario Private Eric Beatty
Lt. John R. Flodder MAJ Michael Underwood
Joshua Ramsey Lance/Cpl Duane E. Champion
1 Class Jeremy Hansen Matthew Ramsey
SSG James Thomas Kade Henderson
Sgt. Paul A. Belding Sgt. Brucious Pigott
LtJG Jennifer Langhenry Jeremy Wasilewski
Brandon Bannister Chad Bannister Lt. Bryan Hladik
Specialist Jason Winters Lt. Col. Edwin Callahan
2LT Patrick Ryan
“Be still and know that I am God....” Are you being
beckoned to answer the call of a parish ministry?
Prayerfully consider these parish volunteer
Youth Ministry has great opportunities for you to
Archbishop Daniel Buechlein Ben Sherman
Jacob Callahan Caleb Brennan Doug Allen
Mike Burns Dr. Linda Guse Scott Huff Ann Wudarsky
Ian Huff Geri Scheitlin Beth Walton Richard Chisholm
Carl Coleman Rob Kent Pat Badgley Lillian Hernendez
Jennifer Wilkes Fr. Mike Hildebrand
Betty McClintock
Tom Dugan Raquel Cavazos Wenning Steve House
Paul Wildemann Marion Vecchiarelli Judy Teague
Terry Wilds Luella Love Esther Hedrick Bryan Weitzel
Elma Wamsley Peg Parke Sarah Nuxoll
Margaret Perk Joan Notestien Mary Lou Ervin
Josh Maschino
 4/20 Lunch on the Yard Begins Every
Wednesday-We could use 3 individuals at
9:30am to 1pm to help with serving our high
school students.
 5/14 SUN RUN- We need about 10 adult
volunteers to help with this important day!
 6/8 Outdoor Adventure - We need two
additional adult chaperones to accompany Chris
to WV! This is an amazing trip; we hike, white
water raft, zipline, rappel, and rock climb! Cost
of total trip is $425; Youth Ministry will pay for
half of the costs for each adult volunteer who
decides to go!
In 1986, Randy Steidl was
arrested, tried, convicted and
sentenced to death in 90 days
for a crime he did not commit.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
7:00 pm
St. Bartholomew Catholic School
1306 27th Street
Columbus, Indiana
Sponsored by the St. Bartholomew Peace and Justice Ministry
North Christian Church
The Witness Committee of First Presbyterian Church
Columbus Peace Fellowship
For more information, contact Pat Conard:, (812) 342-6954
After 17 years in prison and
12 years on death row, he was
exonerated in 2004 and became
a voice against the death penalty.
He has been identified as being
pivotal in the March, 2011 repeal
of the death penalty in Illinois.
His story is powerful as we struggle
with the issues of capital punishment.
The Indiana Information Center
for the Abolition of Capital
Punishment will hold its annual
meeting and pitch-in dinner
at 4:30, prior to the program
at North Christian Church,
850 Tipton Lane
(across from St. Bartholomew).
All are welcome!
St. Bartholomew Youth Ministry
PRESENTS our annual
Saturday, April 16
10:30 a.m. - Noon – Games, Crafts, and Prizes!
Easter Egg Hunt at Noon.
Parents – Drop off your 2-8 year old at
10:30 a.m. or stay and enjoy the fun!
Join us for the Egg Hunt at NOON.
(Pick up no later than 12:30 p.m.)
Parish Youth will be serving as “Buddies.”
Will be there too!
Please email Cathy Lampton with your child’s name to register!