CSSA Conference Agenda, December 9


CSSA Conference Agenda, December 9
 Jennifer Reimer CHAIR June 9‐11, 2006 California State University, Monterey Bay Monterey Bay, California
BOARD OF DIRECTORS CSU BAKERSFIELD CSU CHANNEL ISLANDS CSU CHICO CSU DOMINGUEZ HILLS CSU EAST BAY It is the mission of the California State Student Association (CSSA) to maintain and enhance the accessibility of quality education for the people of California, to the People’s University. The single recognized voice for the over 400,000 students in the California State University System (CSU), the CSSA is the acknowledged statewide student organization designed to represent, serve, and protect the collective interests of students in the CSU system.
*non‐voting PLENARY MEETING AGENDA June 9‐11, 2006 California State University, Monterey Bay Jennifer Reimer, Chair Meeting times shown are approximate. Meetings may begin earlier or later than listed, depending on when preceding meetings adjourn and other contingencies. Conference Overview: Plenary and committee meeting locations will be in the Alumni & Visitor Center; Building 97, Room 100. Friday, June 9, 2006 Location 7:00 pm‐ 8:00 pm Saturday, June 10, 2006 Executive Committee Meeting 8:00 – 9:00 am 9:00 – 12:00 noon Registration & Breakfast Building 97 Board of Directors Building 97 12:00 – 1:00 pm 1:00‐ 2:00 pm Lunch Building 97 Board Development Building 97 2:00‐ 4:00 pm Legislative Affairs Committee Building 97, Room 100 University Affairs Committee Building 97 4:00 – 5:00 pm Multi Cultural Caucus (MCC) Building 97 5:00 ‐ 6:00 pm Internal Affairs Committee (IAC) Building 97, Room 100 7:00 – 9:00 pm Dinner Bubba Gump’s Cannery Row Location Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:00 – 9:00 am 9:00 – 12:00 noon 12:00 – 1:00 pm 1:00 – 2:00 pm
TBA Location Breakfast Building 97 Board of Directors Building 97 Lunch Special Meeting: Executive Officer Elections Building 97 Building 97 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Jennifer Reimer, Chair Friday, June 9, 2006 at 7:00 pm TBA I. II. III. IV V. VI. Call to Order Roll Call ACTION ITEM –APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA ACTION ITEM –APPROVAL OF MAY 2006 MINUTES TAB 1 Public Comment Public Comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the committee on any issues affecting CSSA and/or the California State University. Executive Officer Reports A. Jennifer Reimer, Chair B. Rob Christensen, Vice Chair, Internal Affairs C. Mona Mohammadi, Vice Chair, External Affairs D. Rob Christensen, Legislative Affairs Interim Chair E. LaToya Jarrett, University Affairs Chair D.
Zahra Billoo, Multicultural Caucus Speaker VII. Executive Director’s Report‐Susana Gonzalez TAB 2 VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. INFORMATION ITEM: CSU BUDGET CAMPAIGN The committee will discuss the CSU budget campaign, press events and transition issues for new board. B. INFORMATION ITEM: BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRIORITIES The committee will discuss policy agenda items and discuss accomplishments for the year; such as, Financial Aid, institutionalizing voter registration and textbooks. IX. NEW BUSINESS X. Closing Remarks XI. Adjournment BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Jennifer Reimer, Chair Saturday, June 10, 2006 9:00 am Building 97 I.
Call to Order II.
Roll Call III.
PUBLIC COMMENT: Public Comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Board of Directors on any issues affecting CSSA and/or the California State University. VI.
Special Presentations: A. TIME CERTAIN: 9:15 a.m. Welcome by Interim President, Diane Cordero de Noriega, and Vice President of Student Affairs Susan E. Borrego VII. CSSA Special Officer & Liaison Reports A. Hironao Okahana, Academic Senate Liaison B. Khouloud Elmasri, Alumni Council Liaison C. Tylor Middlestadt, Environmental Officer D. Kenneth Evans Jr., Financial Aid Officer E. Michelle Woo, Lobby Corps Officer F. Michael Karbassi, Technology Officer VIII. Trustee Reports A. Andrew LaFlamme, CSU Stanislaus IX. Organizational Liaison Reports A. Academic Senate Representative B. CSU Alumni Council Liaison X.
Chancellor’s Office Liaison, Ray Murillo, Student Academic Support Services, Academic Affairs XI. Chair’s Report, Jennifer Reimer XII. XIII.
Executive Director’s Report, Susana Gonzalez Systemwide Committee Reports UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. INFORMATION ITEM: CSU BUDGET CAMPAIGN The board of directors will discuss the academic year accomplishments, including unfinished projects. NEW BUSINESS Closing Remarks XVII. Adjournment NOTES TAB 2 LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Rob Christensen, Interim Chair Saturday, June 10, 2006; 2:00 PM Building 97, Room 100 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. ACTION ITEM – APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA IV. V. ACTION ITEM – APRROVAL OF MINUTES FROM THE MAY 2006 MEETINGS TAB 4 Public Comment Public Comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the committee on any issues affecting CSSA and/or the California State University. VI. Special Presention – Legislative Affairs Committee Orientation Rob Christensen, acting chair, will make a presentation on CSSA Lobby Corps, and the purpose, structure, policy agenda of the Legislative Affairs Committee. VII. VIII. IX.
Reports A. Rob Christensen, Interim Chair B. Joe Anolin, Vice Chair C.
Michelle Woo, Lobby Corps Officer D.
Arya Hawkins, Lobby Corps Officer Aide E.
Laura Kerr, Director of Governmental Relations UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. ACTION ITEM ‐ LEGISLATIVE POSITIONS AND PRIORITIES TAB 5 The committee will review and discuss pending legislation, and consider recommending priority levels (one, two, or three) and positions (support, oppose, no position, or support/opposed if amended) on bills that will affect California State University students pending in the California State Legislature. NEW BUSINESS A. INFORMATION ITEM ‐ TRANSITIONAL ISSUES The outgoing committee members will identify committee accomplishments for 2005‐2006 and unfinished issues for the incoming committee members to consider during the 06‐07 academic year. Closing Comments X. XI. TAB 2 Adjournment UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE AGENDA REGULAR MEETING LaToya Jarrett, Chair Saturday, June 10, 2006; 2:00 PM Building 97 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Call to Order Roll Call ACTION ITEM – APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA ACTION ITEM – APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM MAY 2006 TAB 6 Public Comment Public Comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Committee on any issues affecting CSSA and/or the California State University. Special Presentations – University Affairs Orientation Alexandria Cordon, Director of University Affairs will give a presentation on Univeristy Affairs Commitee principals and 2005 –2006 committee accomplishments. Reports/CSU News A. LaToya Jarrett, Chair B. Anthony Conley, Vice Chair C. Alexandria Cordon, Director of University Affairs TAB 2 VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS IX. NEW BUSINESS A. INFORMATION ITEM – 2006‐2007 UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS POLICY AGENDA The committee will discuss priority issues and student action plans for 2006‐2007 policy agenda X. XI.
Closing Remarks Adjournment MULTI CULTURAL CAUCUS AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Zahra Billoo, Speaker Saturday, June 10 2006; 4:00 PM Building 97 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Call to Order Roll Call ACTION ITEM – APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA ACTION ITEM – APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FROM MAY 2006* Public Comment Public Comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the Multicultural Caucus on any issues affecting CSSA and/or the California State University. Special Presentations Reports A. Zahra Billoo, Speaker B. Peter Gallego, Deputy Speaker C. Campus reports on diversity and individual campus concerns VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.
Adjournment * To be distributed at the meeting. INTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Rob Christensen, Chair Saturday, June 10, 2006; 5:00 PM Building 97, Room 100 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III.
Public Comment Public Comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the committee on any issues affecting CSSA and/or the California State University. Reports A. Rob Christensen, Chair B. Marc DeGuzman, Vice Chair C.
Susana Gonzalez, Executive Director TAB 2 UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. ACTION ITEM: CSSA CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES TAB 8 The committee will discuss the proposed changes to the constitution. NEW BUSINESS A.
ACTION ITEM: CSSA AUDIT PROPOSALS To be distributed at the meeting. Closing Comments IX.
TAB 7 Adjournment TAB 9 BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Jennifer Reimer, Chair Sunday, June 11, 2006; 9:00 AM Building 97 I.
Call to Order Roll Call ACTION ITEM ‐ APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Public Comment Public Comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the committee on any issues affecting CSSA and/or the California State University. Special Presentations Committee Reports A.
Rob Christensen, Internal Affairs Report B.
Mona Mohammadi, External Affairs Report C. Rob Christensen, Legislative Affairs Report D. LaToya Jarrett, University Affairs Report E. Zahra Billoo, Multicultural Caucus Report UNFINISHED BUSINESS A.
ACTION ITEM – JUNE 2006 LEGISLATIVE POSITIONS & PRIORITIES TAB 5 The board will consider recommended priority levels on bills affecting CSU students pending in the California State Legislature. B. ACTION ITEM – CSSA CONSTITUTIONAL CHANGES TAB 8 The board of directors will discuss the proposed changes to the constitution. NEW BUSINESS A. INFORMATION ITEM – CSSA CALENDAR OF MEETINGS TAB 10 FOR 2006‐2007 The board will bid on the opportunity to host CSSA 2006‐2007 conferences on their campuses. IX.
Campus Updates Closing Comments Adjournment BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING REGULAR MEETING Jennifer Reimer, Chair Sunday, June 11, 2006; 1:00 PM Building 97 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. ACTION ITEM ‐ APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA IV. Public Comment Public Comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to address the committee on any issues affecting CSSA and/or the California State University. V. INFORMATION ITEM – Election Procedures TAB 11 VI. INFORMATION ITEM – Candidate Statements TAB 12 VII. ACTION ITEM – Executive Officer Elections The board will open nominations for Executive Officer positions following the order described in the CSSA Governing Documents. Order of elections: A) Chair B) Vice Chair of Internal Affairs C) Vice Chair of External Affairs D) Chair of Legislative Affairs E) Chair of University Affairs VIII. INFORMATION ITEM: Election of Special Officers and Liaisons will be held on Sunday, July 16, 2006. A) Academic Senate Liaison B) Alumni Council Liaison C) Environmental Officer D) Financial Aid Officer E) Lobby Corps Officer F) Technology Officer G) Parliamentarian IX. Closing Comments X. Adjournment EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MINUTES I. II. III. REGULAR MEETING Jennifer Reimer, Chair Friday, May12, 2006 at the Hotel Lobby Call to Order: 9:45pm Roll Call: Rob Christensen, Mona Mohammadi, LaToya Jarrett Jennifer Reimer, Susana Gonzalez (ex‐officio) and Guest Kahloud Elmasri ACTION ITEM –APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA. Motion to approve agenda by Christensen, Seconded by Mohammadi. Motion passed. IV ACTION ITEM –APPROVAL OF APRIL MINUTES. Motion to approve minutes by Christensen, Seconded by Mohammadi. Motion passed. Tab 1 approved as submitted. V. Public Comment No Public Comment. Executive Officer Reports A. Jennifer Reimer, Chair. Compared organization. Passed SET report during her report. See tab 2 of agenda, she talked about her calendar of meetings, including May 22= Lobby Day with Chancellor; May Revise. B. Rob Christensen, Vice Chair, Internal Affairs. Christensen needs support; this meeting is heavy on IAC items. He asks that there be no side conversations. Email from Okahana regarding constitutional revisions including differences between dues paying and non‐dues paying campuses; Christensen encourages all executives to be present. IAC meeting with no questions, information only. C. Mona Mohammadi, Vice Chair, External Affairs. Met with Bonnie Rees; Sacramento and Governor Schwarzenegger. Before end of semester, Mohammadi will call the Governor’s office and email Bonnie Rees. D. Mark Weber Legislative Affairs Chair. Not Present. Christensen will chair his committee. E. LaToya Jarrett, University Affairs Chair. Working on letter to Jackie McClain. CSUEU regarding employees or dependents fee waiver. Meeting with Richard West regarding parking bonds. Enrollment management emailed out to board. Three presidents nominated for President of the Year: Welty, Mitchell –Stanislaus announced at May Social. D.
Zahra Billoo, Multicultural Caucus Speaker. Not present VI. VII. Executive Director’s Report‐Susana Gonzalez. Strategic plan. See tab 3 of the agenda.
VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. ACTION ITEM: CSU BUDGET CAMPAIGN The committee discussed the CSU budget campaign, press events and May revise press release. B. ACTION ITEM: BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRIORITIES The committee discussed policy agenda items, including student action for Textbooks and Voter Registration. C. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO EDUCATION CODE §89307(E) REGARDING PERSONNEL The committee discussed the Executive Director’s annual performance evaluation. Motion to move close session by Mohammadi, seconded by Christensen. Committee went to close session at 11:20 am. X. Closing Remarks XI.
Susana Gonzalez Executive Director’s Monthly Report Monterey Bay, June 9‐11, 2006 SUMMARY Since the last CSSA plenary meeting in Fullerton, CSSA staff have been working on a variety of projects ranging from AB 2813 campaign work, fund development, end of the year reports and tasks from Fullerton’s meeting, . Appendix B of this report is three staff reports that summarize completed and work in progress. Also, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that have participated and contributing to the success of AB 2813. This year’s board of directors has definitely left a strong legacy of student advocacy and civic engagement. You have effectively launched letter writing efforts, e‐actions and press coverage, let’s keep up the momentum. At the last meeting, the SWOT analysis provided a process to celebrate the successes of CSSA and identify areas for improvement. Having the participation of both outgoing and incoming members of the board was instrumental. Appendix A of my report is a summary of the areas and pending projects. Following is a progress report of projects: Chancellor’s Office Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) The memorandum of understanding will be signed by Jennifer Reimer, Chair 05‐06. This memorandum of understanding is the subsidy that Chancellor Reed provides to CSSA to assist with specific operating expenses. The memorandum indicates that CSSA will receive $189,255 from Chancellor Reed to cover expenses related to operating expenses in the Long Beach Office including, staff and officer travel. Constitutional Changes CSSA made significant changes to the constitution (CSSA By‐laws) ranging from membership structure to composition of committees and roles and responsibilities of special officers. Those changes have been included in your agenda and were provided to our legal council. CSSA’s legal council is Jaffe Dickerson and Shannon Boyce from Littler Mandelson. There was a conference call and exchange of emails regarding the suggested amendments. There was one recommendation regarding the MCC role in the constitution, which was to include language that stated, “Where the MCC By‐Laws are silent, the CSSA Constitution supersedes.” Elections 2006 Elections documentation was distributed and the deadline for candidacy is Friday, June 2, 2006. Best of luck for those of you running and I am looking forward to working with all of you! The election process will be chaired by the Chair of the board, Jennifer Reimer and the Internal Affairs Committee will serve as the elections committee. For questions regarding policy and process please contact Rob Christensen or me. CSSA Financial Information Audit 05‐06‐ Work is scheduled to commence in August for board presentation as information in September and action in October. Final audit will be provided to the membership in November, December the latest. Budget 06‐07‐ The budget for next year passed, the next steps are to provide the CSSA accountant with the funding levels per line item and the MOU budget accountant with the proposed funding levels. Budget 05‐06‐ Staff is working to compile the end of the year financial report for each of their areas of responsibility. The goal is to identify, if any, carry‐over funding over the budgeted amount in FY 06‐07. A report of the proposed expenditures will be provided to the new IAC when it forms in the fall 2006. SET The partnership with SET has demonstrated its effectiveness and contributions to the campaign successes of AB 2813. During the standing meetings with Abe Scar, we have been able to identify ways to better serve each campus and provide useful tools. Abe has been in touch with Laura Kerr, Director of Government Relations to ensure grass roots organizing at the campus level is coordinated with the political climate of Sacramento. Furthermore, there are two organizers that have joined SET, Jared Anderson in Northern California and Willie Lyles, III in Southern California. Both Jared and Willie have been working to ensure key campuses in certain districts continue to implement campaign strategies for campuses with summer school or campuses ending their quarter for the academic year. Statewide Student Association Staff Training The United States Student Association (USSA), Student Empowerment Training Project and statewide student associations from around the county will be gathering to receive staff training and tools to be more effective when working with statewide student associations. This year, Alexandria Cordon, Director of University Affairs and Laura Kerr, Director of Governmental Relations will be attending the entire week. I will be attending the Executive Director’s session, while Alexandria and Laura will be attending the rest of the summit’s sessions. Dates for the summit are July 19‐22, 2006. This summit is being organized by USSA. Strategic Plan The strategic plan was presented to the Board of Directors in Fullerton on Saturday, May 13, 2006. The purpose of the progress report was to demonstrate the accomplishments of the organization and the important role board members play in the effectiveness of CSSA. For suggested revisions or changes, please email them to me no later than Friday, June 30, 2006. This report will be provided to the CSSA membership, Board of Trustees, Chancellor’s Office executive cabinet and CSSA Alumni. Voter Registration for Fall 2006 Voter registration is an important campaign that CSSA has an obligation to implement each year. Often times, due to competing priorities voter registration tends to fall through, especially during non‐election years. In 2004‐05, CSSA launched a campaign to institutionalize voter registration at the campus level, shifting that responsibility to university administrators and having Associated Students and CSSA focus in “Getting Out the Vote” (GOTV). That year, CSSA registered over 24,000 new student voters, had a press conference with Chair Galinson from the Trustees and University Presidents that endorsed CSSA’s voter registration efforts. This fall, CSSA has opportunity to implement another successful campaign. The value of college students registering to vote and going to the polls is essential to promoting democracy in our community, state and country. Therefore, Ben Unger from PIRG and I met to discuss potential partnerships similar to the coalitions that joined in 04‐05. Upon the election of the new leadership of CSSA, we will be provided with a letter outlining a student driven California voter registration coalition. MEETINGS • Accounting‐ Preparing end of the year summary for the board along with budget preparations for fiscal year 2006‐07. • Audit‐ There is a list of audit firms provided to select the best proposal for the Fiscal year 05‐06 audit. The firm selected will be asked to complete CSSA taxes. • Chancellor’s Office: Bi‐monthly meeting with Chancellor’s Office Executives‐ the CSSA Executive committee discussed end of the year projects, asked questions regarding the Board of Trustees agenda for the month of May and announced their last meeting as officers for CSSA. CSSA hosted the May Social presenting awards to the Trustee of the Year, President of the Year, recognized outgoing Trustee Jackson and Administrator of the Year. • Voter Registration‐ Meeting with Ben Unger from PIRG regarding voter registration efforts for fall 2006. Spring Weekly Standing Meetings: • Chair, Jennifer Reimer: Wednesdays at 10:00 am • Vice Chair of Internal Affairs, Rob Christensen: Tuesdays at 2:00 pm • Director of Governmental Relations: Thursdays at 10:00 am •
Director of Development: Fridays at 9:00 am Staff Development Day shave been scheduled for June 11‐13, 2006 in Monterey Bay Student Assistant: Fridays at 8:00 am Professional Staff Meetings‐ By‐weekly on Wednesdays at 2:00 PM Student Empowerment Training Project: Tuesdays at 3:30 PM If you have any questions, feedback or concerns, please meet with me, call me (562) 951‐4025 and/or email at sgonzalez@calstate.edu
Appendix A Environmental Scan
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats
Strengths (Organizational)
• Strong policies and procedures
• Full funding (90% of the time)
• Staff retention (low-turn over)
• Strong Summit- CHESS increase in participation
• New Development Director
• Statewide Coalitions
• Positive Relationship with Board of Trustees & Chancellor’s Office
• Stronger relationship with Governor’s office
• CSSA is a forum for sharing ideas and strategies
• Strong student leader network
• Strong values and principles to protect higher education
• Maintain a student vision and perspective
Weaknesses (organization’s needs for improvement) • Unstable funding source (dues)
• Regular student turnover/transitional board (i.e. student leader lack of continuity)
• No clear incentives for campuses paying dues vs. non-paying dues.
• CSSA challenge needs to start earlier in the year
• Lack of statewide representation fee
• California state budget problems
• Lack of lobby efforts on all individual campuses. Inequality of campuses
• Lack of follow-through communication
• Lack of full Board feedback mechanism for corrective efforts
• Lack of tangible outcomes & member benefits
• Lack of professionalism in communication & print/outreach
• No Executive Committee evaluation process- accountability
• Intra-board dynamics, i.e.: Board vs. Exec/Staff culture
Opportunities (External)
• More Coalition lobby: strong relations with higher education entities, such as, local
and state
• Develop relationships at local level (district offices) then move up to statewide (i.e.
• Build continuity with other statewide student organizations, i.e. UCSA, CCSA, etc.
• Maintain working relationships with professionals of the state and from the CSU
Alumni relations
Stronger relationship with the Board of Trustees through Student Trustee
Stronger relationships between student leaders and Trustees
Harnessing the collective power of 405,000 students
Building local relationships –School boards & city councils
Improve communication from campus to campus
Improve the link of the CSSA Board to ASI to Campus: (i.e. policy agenda
implementation & lobby corps- student volunteer groups at campus level)
Threats (External) • CSU budgeting process (CA budget cycle & CSU)
• UC+CCC loss of enrollment
• State legislative events (i.e. turnover, elections, hearings.)
• K-12 Æ preparation effects, remediation rates –Prop. 98
• State economy (revenue) affects funding for the CSU
• Federal budgeting –HR609
• CSU budgeting/BOT priorities/allocations- last four years increase in student fees
• Private institutions Æcompete (online degrees)
• Shared governance (lack thereof)- campus level implementation
• Transitions within ASI (external of CSSA)- messy elections have negative affects on
CSSA board
• Book publishers (corporations, etc)- affect textbook prices
• Lack of media coverage- lack of awareness of student issues: fees, financial aid, text
• Voter apathy.
• Misuse of Proposition 209- negative affects in outreach & retention for students of
underserved communities
Action Plan
The board members identified strategies on how students next year can make a difference to address SWOT findings.
Communication (BOD vs. Exec/Staff) –Transition Action
• Exec. & Board Evaluations
• Board (Internal Affairs Committee?)
• Members-at-large on the Exec. Board
• Exec. Board
• Update Listserve regularly/Contact
• University Affairs Director & Executive
information available for ALL
campuses. (dues or not)
• Committee vice chair serve as the
• Executive Board and Part-time
communication officer for each
Administrative Assistant.
• Monthly conference evaluations.
• Executive Committee & U.A. Staff
Outreach to C.C.C. & UCSA Action
• Liaison Position (reciprocal) from each
segment to CSSA board
• Incentive to Participate (mutually
beneficial relation)
• Students for Higher Education –
Membership Dues
• Pay Dues!!!
Implement a statewide representation
Implement a statewide application fee
as revenue source
Provide clear incentive for membership
Change Board structure
Change to flat fee
Seek alternative revenue source
• Board
• Individual delegates & Campus AS
boards/ councils/ senates (governing
• CSSA & Chancellor with Board of
• CSSA/Chancellor/Board of Trustees
CSSA/Internal Affairs Committee
CSSA/Internal Affairs Committee
CSSA/Internal Affairs Committee
Development Office
Relationships (ASI’s, General Student Population, CSU Trustees, Government & Legislature)
• Campus Visits
• Executive Officers, Staff, & Trustees
• CSSA Training –Lobby Corps
• Staff & Execs
• AS On-line discussion board
• Technology Officer
• Meetings with Governor & Trustees
• Board of Directors (BOD)
• CSSA Challenge
• BOD (ASI’s CSSA Reps.)
Reach general student population
Academic Senate
District Visits and Calls
Statewide/Local Coalitions
• Turning the wheels of community
9 Chamber
9 Board of Education
9 City Council
9 Other:
• Churches
• Board of Trustees
• CC-SA?
• CFA, CSUEU, etc. (Ed Unions)
• Legislative (local + State)
• Media
On-campus student organizations
AS, CSSA Board Rep, Lobby Corp
Officer & on-campus lobby corps
Academic Senators & ASI’s
AS, Legislative Affairs
• Statewide Directors/Vice presidents of
Legislative /Legislative Directors, etc.
• CSSA Board of Directors
• Legislative Chair + Committee
External Affairs Vice Chair + Board of
CSSA representative
Professionalism (Board documents with typos, proof reading –Anything else?)
• Hire Assistant to ED
• Executive Director & IVC (Rob)
• Better editing procedures
• Whoever produces the material
• Producing material in a timely fashion
• Staff
• Utilizing Board of Director members
• Professional Staff & Execs
• Constitution education
• Execs & Board of Directors
• Parliamentary Procedure Training
• Execs/ Board of Directors
• Maintaining professional relationships
• Board of Director/Staff/Execs.
regardless of personal relationships that (Anyone representing CSSA)
may develop
• Logo policy
• Vice Chair of External Affairs
• Staff accountability/ ED
• Executive Director/ Board of Directors
• Implement Code of conduct
• Chair/ Board of Directors
Voter Registration
• Set representative to start drive on each
• Have Secretary of State &/or Registrar
• CSSA representative work with each
campus drive- Campus Lobby Corps
• Lobby Corps officers (CSSA)/each
come to ASI/Lobby Corps
Do mailers to students on Voter
Create/Support institutional voter
registration legislation
Tabling on voter registration
Institutionalize voter registration
through campus efforts –in residence
Advocacy Efforts
• Tabling
Showcase events
Support trainings
Calling upon our elected
representatives –target specific
Legislative Chair follow up to
Hire 2 organizers –Northern &
Coalition building for lobbying
Alumni Relations
• Finish Database of all CSSA Alums
Alumni webpage
Larger role for Alumni officer
Alumni events + Programs
Alumni Mentoring
Alumni, Advising Board/Chapter
Local CSSA Alumni Contacts
CSSA Legislative Affairs Committee
ASI of each campus
AS on each campus
• Campus presidents’ designee
o Student representatives
o Designate a person student
• CSSA professional staff/ ASI student
o Public relations
o Marketing
• SET or equivalent, PIRGS
• ASI presidents, CSSA representatives,
AS Councils
o Resolutions
o Letter writing campaigns
• Legislative Chair & designated
lobbying person –email template
• CSSA Board and Staff
External relations & Legislative Chair,
Campus CSSA Representatives.
• Technical Assistant to Development
• Development Director
• Board of Directors
• Development Director –Alumni Officer
• Development Director –Alumni Officer
• Development Director –Alumni Officer
• ASI Presidents
Extensive Campaign on Affordability & Outreach
• Create Strategic Plan
• CSSA (Board of Directors)
• Educational Component for
• Individual campuses ( BOD is
constituents (difference between
encouraged to implement campaign in
statewide fees and campus fees)
Systemwide level)
o Table effectively
• Student recruitment
o Training for volunteers tabling
• Accountability - check in with
• Campus Board of Directors. (point
campuses campaign implementation
person) UA committee
• Designee from Ad-Hoc committee
• Promotional Materials
• Staff/Public Affairs (point person on
individual campus)
o Class Raps
o Media (press releases)
• Staff (historian)
o Tabling (record keeping)
Appendix B Staff Reports Christy Zamani Director of Development Laura Kerr Director of Governmental Relations Alexandria Cordon Director of University Affairs Staff Monthly Report
By Laura Kerr, Director, Governmental Relations
Goals for May
Student Fees and Budget
Legislative Affairs Committee
Office Operations
Progress in Meeting JuneGoals and Accomplishments
Student Fees and the Budget
a. Update and Next Steps
i. The Budget subcommittees met and cast votes on the governor’s May Revision of
the January budget during mid May. Overall, CSSA’s priority budget items where
maintained, including the fee freeze restoration of funding for Academic
Preparation Programs cut by the governor.
ii. CSSA also requested $20.4 million be allocated to the California Student Aid
Commission to fund AB 2813. The CSSA was successful in getting the Assembly
committee to cast a bipartisan vote to provide $1.6 million to fund the age change
for the Transfer Entitlement. They also voted to include $25 million into an
endowment that has been championed by the Speakers office, but with little details
iii. The UC and CSU administrations where focused on capitol outlay issues, and
negotiating a new marginal cost formula, the formula the Department of Finance
uses to calculate the amount of money public universities receive per FTES. The
formula is outdated, and has not been modified since 1996, and a change would be
significant budget increases this year and in future years.
iv. The CFA’s budget priority was to get an additional 3% base increase for the CSU
budget. The Assembly Committee voted, on the party line, to increase the CSU base
by $76 million. While this would be a significant victory for the CSU, the
augmentation drew backlash from Assembly leadership, and it is unlikely to make it
to the governor.
v. The UC, CSU, and CSAC received augmentations for nursing associated programs,
like nursing master’s degrees, recruitment, and loan assumption. Despite the
executive compensation scandal, the UC also received additional funding for a CCC
transfer initiative and other pet projects.
vi. The budget subcommittees have finished their work. Issues in which the Senate and
Assembly took different action will be forwarded to the bicameral Budget
Conference Committee. This year, the conference committee is made up of two
JuneReport, page 1 of 3
Laura Kerr
Democrats and one Republican from each house. The conferees will beAssembly
will be Assemblymembers Judy Chu, John Laird, and Rick Keene; and Senators
Wes Chesbro, Denise Ducheny, and Dennis Hollingsworth. They will begin initial
conversations during the first week in June, but are unlikely to take real action until
after the June 6 primary election.
b. Legislative Budget Subcommittee Hearings
i. Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Education May 15, 2006 The subcommittee
voted to revert $14 million in projected unused funds from the California Student
Aid Commission (CSAC) budget to the General Fund. Due to enrollment decreases
in the community colleges, few students renewed their Cal Grants in the current
year, freeing up funds for other use.
ii. Senate Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Education May 17, 2006 The subcommittee
votes to restore the governor’s cuts to UC and CSU Academic Preparation
programs, and approves the fee freeze.
iii. Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance May 18, 2006 The
subcommittee votes to restore the governor’s cuts to UC and CSU Academic
Preparation programs, and approves the fee freeze. They take action to add $76
million to the CSU budget, a 3% increases, per the CFA. The committee also
considers the $14 million reversion from the CSAC, and votes to retain $1.6 million
to fund an increase in the age limits for Community College Transfer Entitlement
(CCTE) awards.
iv. Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 2 on Education Finance May 22, 2006 CSSA
submits trailer bill language to make the $1.6 million for the CCTE an ongoing
policy change. The subcommittee also approves $25 million for CSAC to administer
a matching-funds endowment to benefit UC and CSU.
Legislative Affairs Committee
a. Policy Agenda
i. CSSA expected amendments that would amend the bill to (1) make the age change,
(2) provide Cal Grant B fees/tuition coverage for students phased-in over a four year
period; and (3) deleted competitive awards. Amendments also made future year
costs contingent upon budget appropriation. The CSU-CSSA amendments would
have led to a total cost of $20.4 million in 2006/07.
ii. May 22nd was a CSU Lobby Day for the bill. Thank you to those of you who
attended! Jennifer joined the Chancellor to meet with key legislative leaders that
iii. The bill was approved by the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 25th
with amendments that stripped the bill down to only the age change and a total cost
of $1.6 million. The vote was 14 ayes, 4 noes, with Assemblymember Alan
JuneReport, page 2 of 3
Laura Kerr
Nakanishi (R – Lodi) voting for the bill. CSSA issued a press release announcing
successfully moving the bill through the fiscal committee.
iv. The funding for the age change was concurrently approved by the Assembly budget
subcommittee before completing their work. The motion to include funding for the
age change was seconded by Assemblymember Lynn Daucher, (R – Brea). The
Senate took no action thus the item is in conference.
v. The bill moves to the Assembly Floor for approval by a majority vote next week.
CSSA distributed a Floor Alert to all members of the Assembly. From there we
expect it will go to Senate Education Committee by mid-June.
vi. The Legislative Affairs Committee will need to work with the Mr. De La Torre and
the co-sponsor of the bill, the California State University, to determine next steps.
b. Other Legislation: Please see the Bills of Interest under the Legislative Affairs Committee
agenda for a list of other legislation that the Office of Governmental Relations has been
tracking. Letters have been sent to legislators reflecting the board of director’s updated
positions from the May board meeting.
c. Legislative Affairs Committee Transition: Thank you to Rob for chairing the committee
while Mark is out of the country! We are working together on committee policy transition
and orientation. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact either one of us.
Office Operations
a. Internship Program I have scheduled a second round of interviews and hope to have
someone on board by mid-June.
b. S.E.T. has placed a Northern California organizer that will be working out of the CSSA
c. Tiffany took a summer vacation before returning for summer school, May 26-June 5.
d. I am in the process of compiling information for the annual report.
Obstacles in Attaining Goals and Coping Strategies
CSSA Programs Worked On
Legislative Affairs, Student Organizing,
JuneReport, page 3 of 3
Laura Kerr
Monthly Staff Report
By Alexandria Cordon
Director of University Affairs
June 2006
Goals for June
Policy agenda
Cal State Cares
May Social
Communication Plan
CSSA Challenge
2005-2006 Annual report
Progress in Meeting June Goals and Accomplishments
University Affairs -Policy agenda
a. After the meeting in May the University Affairs committee decided that it was important to
review the issues and steps taken this year in the UA policy agenda. The committee
reviewed the policy agenda grid and made suggestion to the grid so that the committee can
decide what actions must be continued to as a transition issue or as policy agenda issue. The
changes requested were made and located in the back of this report.
b. Cal State Cares – the committee decided that due to the timing of the Cal State cares project
the committee should postpone this project and decide in July whether to enter into a
project partnership with Don’t Trash California Campaign. More planning around the
project will be completed between now and July. I have been in touch with the Don’t Trash
California Campaign people to inform them of the committee’s decision at this time.
May Social - the May Social on May 16, 2006 was a big success with many people stating how
much they enjoyed the reception. The award recipient include:
Trustee of the Year – Robert Linscheid, Alumni Trustee
Administrator of the Year – Charles B. Reed, Chancellor of California State
University System
Robert C. Maxson President of the Year Award – Dr. Horace Mitchell,
President of CSU, Bakersfield
I would like to extend a special thank you to Dan Gianoutsos and the public affairs team from
CSU Bakersfield for their help in making the President of the Year award special for Dr.
Mitchell, because of our teamwork and effort the Bakersfield Californian ran a story about Dr.
Mitchell and the award. Dr Reed was also surprised and happy to receive the Administrator of
the Year Award.
III. External Relations
a. CSSA Summer tour- I am beginning to contact campuses to schedule a summer
presentation to new ASI senate members. I will have more information about this item next
b. CSSA Communication Plan –The communications plan is completed and will be sent to
the printers, the plan will be a helpful tool to connect and utilize the media more efficiently
June Report, page 1 of 3
Alexandria Cordon
c. CSSA Challenge – The CSSA challenge will end on May 31, 2006 after this date I plan to
call each campus from the list below to request their tabling tracking forms. I will also
connect with the Web team to collect all challenge contestants in order to begin the
selection process. The campuses that have notified me that they are participating in the
i. Chico
ii. Fullerton
iii. Long Beach
iv. Los angles
v. Northridge
d. 2005-2006 Annual Report- I have been in contact with some campuses that have not
turned in an annual report. I will now begin to follow-up with all other campuses. I have
received reports from the following campuses:
i. San Diego
ii. Channel Islands
iii. Long Beach
iv. Fullerton
v. Fresno
vi. Monterey Bay
Meetings attended
a. Standing meeting with Susana - Tuesday 10 am - 11am
b. Vice Chancellor Richard West about parking – May 17, 2006 2pm- 3pm
c. Annual report meeting- May 9, 2006
May 23, 2006
d. Textbook meeting w/ PIRG- June 7, 2006 10 pm
June Report, page 2 of 3
Alexandria Cordon
University Affairs Policy Agenda Progress and Transition
Policy item
Actions Planned Actions completed
Resolution passed
April 2006
Parking Equity
Parking Equity
Resolution passed
December 2005.
The UA committee
has kept up with the
bargaining calendar
staying abreast of
any bargaining
The committee
found two issues
existed for
academic advising.
They are lack of
staff for students,
and inconsistent
advising message.
Actions have been
identified for ASI’s to build
partnerships with campus
outreach and admissions
offices for each particular
UA chair Met with Richard
West to find out the fiscal
impact on students if faculty
and staff paid the same for
parking as students.
UA Chair sent a memo to
Jackie McClain asking that
she inform the campus
presidents the responsibility
to pay for employee
None decided at this time
Transitional Issues
Cal State Cares – Don’t Trash California campaign
2006-2007 University Affairs issues
June Report, page 3 of 3
Alexandria Cordon
Next steps
Staff Monthly Report By Christy Zamani, Director of Development June 2006 Goals for March Alumni Database GPA Marketing Alumni Programs/Web Page Project James Irvine Foundation Grant Development of a CSSA Alumni Chapter Grant Research Transition Planning 06‐07 Annual Report Progress in Meeting March Goals and Accomplishments I.
Development: a. Alumni Database– Continuing the compiling of Alumni information. 30 alumni contacts were collected during the May meeting in Fullerton. CSSA will make every effort to collect contact information for outgoing member to ensure future relationships with CSSA alums. I am still in the process of learning and developing the Microsoft Access Program to create an effective and efficient Alumni database for our organization as well as looking into other software programs that would support development goals. b. GPA Marketing–Susana and myself met with Alex and Mark from GPA Marketing to explore the potential that entering a partnership with GPA Media would hold for CSSA. The meeting went exceptionally well, and we plan to continue discussions with GPA as well as IVC, Richard West from the Office of the Chancellor to take a closer look at contract specifics and desired outcomes. c. Alumni Programs/Webpage Project‐ Continued researching established Alumni Programs throughout the nation. I have provided Denham Johnson the Development goals desired in creating an Alumni Website. The outline provided to Denham is helping the communication team formulate a cost analysis for this new program. This new addition to our CSSA website will help strengthen our alumni base as well as proactively transition our graduating students to our alumni network. Denham is a new staff member at the Chancellors Office and I will be meeting with him in the next week to go over the vision and intent of the Alumni Page d. James Irvine Foundation Grant‐ CSSA submitted an application for a New Connections Fund Grant from the James Irvine Foundation. The purpose of the grant is to allow CSSA to continue its efforts towards middle‐high school student outreach. We expect correspondence with the James Irvine Foundation in 4 to 6 weeks. e. Development of a CSSA Alumni Chapter‐ Continuing conversations with Karen Zamarripa from the office of Advocacy & Institutional Relations to discuss the potential of creating a CSSA Alumni Chapter. I have been editing and revising the bylaws and outlining a revised organization structure of the Statewide Alumni Council that would include the CSSA. I have been read through their bylaws and am in the process of creating a draft version of bylaws for the CSSA Alumni Chapter. Our next meeting will occur in the first week of June. f. Grant Research‐ Continuing to research grants that CSSA would qualify for. Met with Abe Scarr from the SET program, as well as other systemwide Development counterparts. CSSA is participating in researching and applying for voter registration based grants as a coalition with the Arizona State Student Association, Minnesota State Student Association, Oregon State Student Association, and SET. A follow up meeting will be planned. g. Transition Planning 06‐07‐ In preparing for the upcoming July Transition Conference at the CSU, Office of the Chancellor I am assisting in making arrangements for Saturday nights dinner, and other details in regards to logistics. h. CSSA Annual Report‐ This year CSSA is taking the CSSA Annual Report to a higher level by working as a team the CSSA staff are actively engaging in the process of reviewing the past annual reports and identifying ways to improve it. It was realized that our organization needs to do a better job in “telling our story”, our successes, accomplishments, and our alumni. I will be developing the outline for the new look and feel of the report‐which will be key in applying for future grants for CSSA. We will be working with the CO Communications team to create the new and improved annual report that CSSA is aiming for. Meetings Attended: a. May 3, 2006 Denham Johnson, IT b. May 8, 2006 Abe Scarr& Systemwide Development Coalition. c. May 12, 2006 WRC Foundation Board, CSULB d. May 13, 2006 CSSA Meeting Fullerton d. Standing Meetings with Executive Director, Susana Gonzalez e. May 19, 2006 Alumni Webpage brainstorm and meeting with Denham Johnson, IT. f. May 22, 2006 GPA Media‐Mark and Alex g. May 22, 2006 CSSA Transition Logistics Dave Stanton and Susana Gonzalez h. May 23, 2006 Annual Report Meeting with CSSA Staff i. May 30, 2006 Meeting with Karen Zamarippa to discuss the development of a CSSA Alumni Chapter. j. June 1, 2006 Standing with Executive Director, Susana Gonzalez k. June 8, 2006 Meeting with Richard West and Susana Gonzalez in regards to GPA Media. l. June 11‐13, 2006 Staff Development Monterey Bay, CA. Obstacles in Attaining Goals and Coping Strategies None.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Jennifer Reimer, Chair Saturday, May 13, 2006; 9:00 AM Legislative Chamber 1&2 I.
Call to Order 9:00am Roll Call: Bakersfield, Chico, East Bay, Fresno, Fullerton, Humboldt, Long Beach, Monterey Bay, Northridge, San Diego, San Francisco, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, San Marcos, Sonoma, and Stanislaus. Approval of the Agenda. Motion by Chico to approve agenda, second by Stanislaus. PASSED. Approval of April 26 Minutes. Motion by Long Beach to approve minutes, second by Humboldt. PASSED. Public Comment: None. Special Presentations A. Time Certain 9:30 AM: Welcome by Dr. Robert Palmer, Vice President of Student Affairs. Mr. Palmer stated that students are important at Fullerton; few decisions happen without them. He encouraged students to participate in the policy making process, collaborate, and work statewide. He stated that students have a voice and a responsibility to represent your constituents. True education is broad and comprehensive. Working with CSSA you will learn life skills that lead to success. CSSA Special Officer & Liaison Reports A. Hironao Okahana, Academic Senate Liaison: The ASCSU met last week, last meeting of the year. They supported AB 2813 (Cal Grant Improvements), opposed AB 2168 (Single Core Curriculum); and support AB 2581. He mentioned that while CSSA and ASCSU have opposing positions on AB 2168, the Senate understood and respected the student perspective. B. Khouloud Elmarsi, Alumni Council Liaison: The Council will be meeting June 23, which will be her last meeting of the year. C. Tylor Middlestadt, Environmental Officer: No Report VIII.
D. Kenneth Evans Jr., Financial Aid Officer: Attended a Grant Advisory Committee and continues to work for the passage of CSSA sponsored legislation, AB 2813. E. Michelle Woo, Lobby Corps Officer: Passed out voter registration materials. F. Michael Karbassi, Technology Officer: No Report. Trustee Reports A. Corey Jackson, CSU San Bernardino: Not present. B. Andrew LaFlamme, CSU Stanislaus: Not present. Organizational Liaison Reports A. Academic Senate Representative: Opposition to AB 2168, they are concerned no mandatory for the UC, but their faculty are the greatest barrier to achieving the intent of the bill. They passed a resolution on the cost of text books encouraging professors to submit book orders in a timely fashion. They also passed resolutions on private security personnel notification and providing academic support for lecture revisions. The to action to modify the process for undergrad transfer process aligning the High School pattern for admission into UC and CSU. Finally, the ASCSU held elections, and the new chair is, Marshall Thobabin, from Humboldt State University. B. CSU Alumni Council Liaison: None. Chancellor’s Office Liaison: Ray Murillo, Student Academic Support Services, Academic Affairs: Dr. Blackburn for Mr. Murillo on enrollment management: Student health offices are reconsidering the mumps inoculation (MMR) Doctors rethinking how many shots we need, and that will students living in campus housing that are currently required to be inoculated. They are working on the governor’s partnership about making colleges and Universities veterans friendly. The CSU is waiting for spring enrollment numbers from quarter campuses. It looks like we made enrollment target with .6% to spare—That means no money back to the state. Will grow 2% next year. Finally, in the governor’s May Revision, the CSU didn’t loose money, and K‐12 has gotten more money, which is good for remediation. Chair’s Report, Jennifer Reimer: Please refer to the written report and passed out report on the S.E.T. Project. May 22nd she will be lobbying with Chancellor Reed for AB 2813 during a system wide lobby day. May Revise included funding for the fee freeze, but still in no outreach money. For S.E.T.: That contract has resulted in tangible results for students, including almost 800 to date plus training. Upcoming advocacy important time of year, next Wednesday is the vote. New staff person, Willie, from South Carolina. Q: Can there be a schedule? A: We use this systemwide schedule: send us information to compile. Jennifer also noticed that the public closed session action item on Sunday E.D. meeting. XII.
Trustee Laflamme arrive late, and the chair allowed him to give his report: Visited maritime East Bay and Monterey Bay in the past month. Kumar from East Bay attended the horrors convocation working to ensue that all resources are expanded before fees go up. Discussed proposed fee increase for 07/08 an on going discussion. Executive Director’s Report, Susana Gonzalez: Power point presentation on the strategic plan with a handout. For newly elected members Alexandria will be collecting contact information and proxy. Welcome Christy Zamani, Development Director, keeping in touch with alumni. Christy encouraged students to complete CSSA alumni cards and return before lunch. Audit begins in July; please let us know how your auditor is so we can get someone with experience in ASI. Accomplishments for this year. CSSA met with the governor’s staff on fee freeze with the coalition lobbying with the UC and CSSA. Voter registration training Lobby Corps Clinic. Revised strategic plan. Revised guiding document, aligning staff with strategic plan. CHESS XI, S.E.T., and Make textbooks Affordable. There is a revised website, ADA complain. CSSA challenge with two campuses. Trustees and executive working well. Budget change to program based budget. Revised election packets. D.C. Summit and NWSLC Conference. USSA and environmental issues. Letter sent to legislators. Future plans: organizational assessment, strategic plan update, revise annual report to be outcome‐based. Trustee Jackson (arrived late, and the chair yielded to him): status on GLBT committee will be working with the Golden State Action Pac. XIII.
Systemwide Committee Report: The External Vice Chair reported that a Health Advisory Board report could be found on tab 15. Unfinished Business: Jennifer gave an update on the CSU Budget Campaign: She announced that CSSA had issues a press release on the May Revision, talked about the efforts of the regional working groups, and asked if the Southern California region would be interested in participating in a June press event. The following campuses raised their hands: Maritime, Pomona, Dominguez Hills, Fullerton, Channel Islands, and San Diego. XV.
New Business: None. Closing Remarks: Board development will start early. Since Joe and Mark are not here Rob will be chairing the Legislative Affairs Committee. IAC is taking up the Budget. MCC has resolutions, so be sure to attend. Long Beach not paying dues, what is the incentive? Voter registration is important – make happened!. XVII. Adjournment: Motion by Channel Island to close the meeting, Second by Dominguez Hills. PASSED. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MINUTES I.
VI. REGULAR MEETING Jennifer Reimer, Chair Sunday, May 14, 2006; 9:00 AM Legislative Chamber 1&2 Call to Order: 9:17am Roll Call: Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Chico, Dominguez Hills, East bay, Fresno, Fullerton, Humboldt, Long Beach, Los Angels, Monterey Bay, Northridge, Pomona, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, San Marcos, Sonoma (late), Stanislaus (late). ACTION ITEM ‐ Approval of the Agenda Motion to approve agenda by Humboldt, second By San Francisco. Motion by Humboldt to change new business item B to an information item because to further changes that were made to the constitution in IAC and due to policy these changes must be reviewed 10 days in advance before they are voted on. Motion by Pomona to waive standing rules to add action item G under new business to vote on resolution in support AB2813, second by Sonoma motion passes. Approve agenda as amended motion passes. Public Comment – SLO Commented about the letter that was sent to the BOD earlier in the month. He mentioned their needs to be a focus on tangible outcomes to show our campuses what CSSA does. He encouraged the board to take the time to improve the meeting process and membership by voicing concerns and problems in public meetings. San Francisco also mentioned, it is important that this board join campaigns because that will require action by students and student will join campaigns that they are passionate about. Special Presentations‐ none Committee Reports A.
Rob Christensen, Internal Affairs Report – the new election packet for the 2006 reviewed and voted to approve. The committee reviewed and made further changes to the constitution. The 2006‐
E. F. VII.
2007 budget was passed. Rob thanked the members of IAC for their time and work on the budget this year. Mona Mohammadi, External Affairs Report – Mona reported on her meeting with Bonny Reis in Sacramento. She reported that they discussed AB 2813 and the Governors support of the bill. The Governors office said that if California economy stays in good condition he will continue to support student fee freezes. During the meeting the Bonny asked the student about working with two programs a tolerance campaign to educated individuals about hate crimes and a foster youth program. Mona recommended those schools that are still in school would benefit from the tolerance program the most. Pomona, East Bay and SLO all raised their hands to indicate their interest. Mona updated the board about the trustee finalist. She will be forwarding the trustee finalist names to Bonny in order to speed to appointment process. Mark Weber, Legislative Affairs Report – legislation in Connecticut was passed which requires publishers to list the textbook prices for faculty before they order. AB 2813 will be heard in appropriation the amended cost of the bill is 20.4 million. It is important to email the appropriation committee in order to show a lot of support for the bill when it is heard next week. LaToya Jarrett, University Affairs Report – the committee voted on the president of the Year award. The committee decided to postpone the vote on the CalState cares project until July. The committee finally discussed appropriate transition items and their status and what should be carrying forward to the following year. Zahra Billoo, Multicultural Caucus Report – the committee reviewed the faculty diversity resolution and discussed the Red Cross ban on blood donors. Anneka Busse, CHESS Report – no report Unfinished Business ‐ none NEW BUSINESS A. ACTION ITEM: CSSA BUDGET FY 06‐07 The board of directors reviewed and discussed the budget for fiscal year 06‐07. – Rob introduced the item and he asked the board review the changes to benefits, which is 35% of staff salaries. He also pointed out the committee has budgeted for an assistant, and the fundraising goal for 06‐07 will be 80,000 dollars. San Francisco B. asked about any funds available for contingencies. Susanna reviewed the reserve policy and the ways that funds can be used from the reserves, which includes contingencies or special circumstances. Sonoma asked why the reserve fund takes 5% from the dues budget and not from the overall funding. Susana explained that by taking only from dues the board has more flexibility on reserve allocation. San Francisco suggested that separate types of funds be created in order to use for different types of contingencies. Susana explained that the reserve policy was used the same way for different types of contingencies. Northridge also recommend that IAC take action in the future to regulate the reserve money and create contingency fund. Chair suggested that this is a policy debate that can take place another time and the board should focus on the actual budget. Motion to approve 06‐07 budget by Fullerton, second by Channel Islands. Motion passes 1‐ obstension by East bay INFORMATION ITEM: CSSA Constitutional Changes The board of directors discussed the proposed changes to the constitution. Further changes were voted on by the IAC committee, which will now require that, the board receive ten days notice before the board votes on the following changes. The changes that were made to the constitution are attached. San Francisco pointed out a discrepancy in the constitution regarding the MMC speaker and their proxy status. She suggested that the constitution be changed to reflect the bylaws of the Multicultural Caucus Caucus. Hironao recommend that her suggestions be given in writing to the IVC so the committee can review this change at next months meeting. Northridge agreed with these changes that due to the discrepancy in the bylaws and the constitution the MCC speakers should not have to hold proxy and run for MCC speaker position. The Current MCC speaker did not agree with Northridge suggestion and that the policy should not be changed. Rob‐ internal affairs chair explained the election packet has already been voted on for this years elections and can not be changed at this late notice. Susana further explained that when the board decided the MCC speaker would become an executive it was important that the individuals had the financial commitment from their campus to attend every conference , which is a part of the representative that holds the proxy for their campus. The Bylaws for the MCC were not changed in order to reflect that change in the constitution. San Marcos suggested that if the MCC speaker does not need to hold proxy for their campus they should not be an executive officer. SLO provided feedback about non‐ dues paying campuses holding seat at the table during meetings. He said that this change would discourage non‐dues paying campus to even come to meetings. Rob answered if a campus is not invested financially into the organization then why should they have voice at the table. Long Beach added that it is important the individual students are able to access CSSA, but dues give each campus a voice and a vote. San Diego questioned about a strain on campuses resources during meetings. San Marcos discussed their concerns of being able to truly represent all CSU students if all campuses do not sit at the table. Long Beach concluded the discussion with that the issues that CSSA decide to advocate for student effect all students. Changes to the constitution will be voted on by the full board in June. C. ACTION ITEM: THE ROBERT C. MAXSON, CSU PRESIDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR 2005‐2006. The committee reviewed criteria & discussed the process for selecting the “Robert C. Maxson, CSU President of the Year Award” for 2005‐2006. LaToya introduced the item she announced that the committee voted that CSU, Bakersfield President Horace Mitchell be named president of the year. Channel Islands suggested that the criteria for next year’s award be equal for all campuses so that campuses truly have chance to score on each item. Motion to approve CSU president of the year award recipient Horace Mitchell by Northridge, second by Long Beach. Motion passes unanimous. ACTION ITEM: CSSA Election Documentation The board of directors reviewed the elections documentation and proposed changes. Motion to approve 2006 election packet by Sonoma, second by San Marcos. Motion passes. ACTION ITEM: MOU FUNDING The Board reviewed the Chancellor’s office MOU Motion to approve MOU funding by Humboldt, second by Chico. Motion passes D. D.
F. ACTION ITEM – LEG. POSITIONS & PRIORITIES ’05‐’06 The committee reviewed and discussed pending legislation and considered recommending priority levels (one, two, or three) and positions (support, oppose, no position, or support/opposed if amended) on bills affecting CSU students pending in the California State Legislature. Rob introduced this item he said the committee decided to support AB 751, AB 2581, AB 2597 at level 3. The committee also decided to support the following Senate Bill 1269 at level 2. A watch was placed on AB 2758 and change support on SB1751 to no support.
ACTION ITEM – RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF AB 2813 The committee reviewed the resolution that is in support of assembly bill 2813 which would increase the age limit to receive a Cal Grant entitlement to 27 instead of 24. Motion to approve resolution by Chico, second Fullerton. Motion passes. H.
CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO EDUCATION CODE §89307 (E) REGARDING PERSONNEL The executive committee will provide the board of directors with the timeline and process for the Executive Director’s annual performance evaluation. Motion to go into close session by Channel Islands, second by Bakersfield. Motion passes at 12pm. Board approved to accept the executive directors evaluation. V.
Campus Updates – updates given orally Closing Comments‐ none Adjournment – motion to adjourn by Channel Islands second by Stanislaus. Meeting adjourned at 12:45pm. CALIFORNIA STATE STUDENT ASSOCIATION
We, the student representatives of the California State University (CSU), in order to advance the
quality of education, promote the co-curricular interest and develop the necessary understanding and
cooperation of member universities, and serve as informed and responsible advocates of students’
concerns by creating awareness of student needs in the CSU system among state agencies and public
officials, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the California State Student Association.
Article I.
Name, Purpose, and Fiscal Year
Section A:
The name of this association shall be the California State Student Association,
hereafter referred to as the CSSA.
Section B:
The purpose of the CSSA shall be to foster and coordinate communication
among campus student associations to bring about unity in addressing campus
and statewide issues affecting the individual campuses and campus student
associations as well as the California State University system. This association
shall not carry on activities that would jeopardize its status as an organization
exempt for taxation under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of
Section C:
The CSSA’s fiscal year shall run from July 1 to June 30.
Article II.
Membership and Privileges
Section A:
The membership of the CSSA shall be composed of two types. The first type is
comprised of the students of the CSU system as individuals as a whole. This
membership is automatic and is based upon the provisions of the California
Education and Government Codes. The second consists of Associated Student
governments on each campus. This membership is voluntary and full benefits
are contingent upon dues payment to the Association.
1. The Individual Student
All Students shall be entitled to [in compliance with CSU policies]:
Participate in the activities of CSSA
Seek nomination, through CSSA, to CSSA systemwide committees
Seek nomination, through CSSA, to the position of student trustee
Seek nomination, through CSSA, to the California Student Aid
e. Seek nomination, through CSSA, to the California Postsecondary
Education Commission
f. Seek nomination, through CSSA, as a student collective bargaining
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested changes for
board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006
Page 1 of 15
g. Participate in the educational and service opportunities provided by
h. Address the CSSA and seek action on education issues
i. Access CSSA website
j. Review any and all public information shared at any CSSA conference.
This information will be available at the conference and thereafter
maintained in file folders at the Long Beach Office
2. Associated Students shall be entitled to:
a.l. Participate in the student trustee nominating process
b.a. Participate in the Association’s annual Transition process
c.b. Receive any reports on collective bargaining matters (one per campus)
d.c. Receive one copy of any annual collective bargaining manual
e.m. Receive agendas and minutes for all CSSA Board of Directors
meetings, via email
f.n. Receive, when developed, a copy of the California Student Directory
g.Receive limited email regarding matters listed above
h.o. Receive public contact, email, and systemwide committee contact lists
d.Occupy a seat at the Board of Directors (see Standing Rules of Procedure)
3. Dues-paying Associated Students representatives shall have all rights of
membership as described herein, including, but not limited to:
a. A vote on all matters before the Board of Directors
b. The right to address the Legislature as a recognized participant of the
c. The right to address the CSU Trustees as a recognized participant of
the CSSA
d. The right to guide and influence legislation and system-wide policy
e. A vote on all matters before the standing committees
f. The ability to seek Executive Office
g. Executive Officers shall have access to Chancellor’s Office
h. The ability to seek an officer position, see Article IV. If special
officer positions should go unfilled, it may be opened up to non-dues
paying campusesa student at large.
i. Any monthly written University Affairs reports, free of charge
j. Any monthly written Legislative Affairs reports, free of charge
k. Two copies of any Annual Collective Bargaining manual
l. Two copies of any CSSA annual end-of-year report
m. Reports on CSSA operations, legislation, and systemwide policy
n. Special documents, reports, and legislative analysis on request
o. Updates on CSU matters, legislative, policy, and collective
p. The right to vote for CSSA’s legislator(s) and CSU trustee(s) of the
q. Special assistance, analysis, and support on relevant issues (outside
of the staff’s normal day-to-day activities)
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested changes for
board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006
Page 2 of 15
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
r. All CSSA press releases, news releases, reports to the Board of
Trustees, free of charge
s. Association rates for conferences and special services
t. Copies of the CSSA newsletters at no cost
u. Assistance with voter registration efforts at no cost
v. First-priority access to staff for special needs, information requests,
and research
w. Staff assistance with issues relevant to the campus Associated
Students (such as incorporation assistance)
x. The right to host a monthly meeting of the CSSA (non-dues paying
campuses may host a conference if no dues-paying campus chooses
y. The right to sponsor or introduce legislation to the CSSA Board of
z. The ability to submit a dissenting opinion for CSSA legislation in
accordance with the dissenting opinion policy
4 At the discretion of the Chair, any member may exercise the right to address
the Board of Directors at any monthly meeting of the CSSA.
5. Each student body organization shall be entitled to one vote in the legislative
body. The legislative body shall be known as the Board of Directors.
6. The campus student body association president or the elected CSSA
representative shall be the official voting member.
7. The student association president or CSSA campus elected representative
may appoint a representative, in his or her stead, from his or her campus in
accordance with the CSSA Proxy Policy.
Section B:
Article III.
Honorary membership may be granted by the Board of Directors to any
individual who performs an outstanding service or deed for the benefit of higher
education. Honorary members shall be nonvoting members.
Composition of the CSSA Board of Directors
The powers and responsibilities of the California State Student Association shall be
vested in a board the official name of which is the California State Student Association
Board of Directors, hereinafter “the Board.”
Section A:
The Board shall consist of one representative from each of the member schools,
in accordance with Article II.
Section B:
Ex-Officio non-voting members of the Board shall consist of:
1. Executive Director of CSSA.
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested changes for
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2. The Student Trustees of the CSU Board of Trustees.
3. One representative from the CSU Chancellor’s office appointed annually by
the Chancellor.
4. One representative from the CSU Statewide Academic Senate, appointed
annually by the Statewide Academic Senate chair.
5. One representative from the University of California Student Association
(UCSA), appointed annually by the UCSA President.
6. One representative from the CSU Alumni Council, appointed annually by
the CSU Alumni Council.
Section C:
Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors:
1. Shall be empowered to employ and discharge the CSSA Executive Director
consistent with California State University and CSSA employment policies
and procedures. The Executive Committee shall prepare written evaluations
of the Executive Director in accordance with established policies and
forward final evaluations to the Board for approval.
2. Shall hold powers subject to the limitations imposed by state and federal
laws that govern non-profit 501(c) 3 organization; the business affairs of the
CSSA shall be controlled by the Executive Officers and the Board, and all
powers shall be exercised jointly by them.
3. Shall be empowered to make appropriations from CSSA funds as stipulated
in the CSSA Financial Code and the bylaws subject to provisions of the
California Education Code.
4. Shall be empowered to draft CSSA codes and attach maximum and
minimum penalties for violations thereof.
5. Shall act as the policymaking body of CSSA by creating codes that will
further the Association and, as enunciated in this Constitution, and shall be
just as binding as this Constitution.
6. Shall conduct the affairs and manage the assets of the Association.
7. The Executive Director shall report to the CSSA Board of Directors or
Executive Committee on any or all of the activities of CSSA at the
beginning of the fiscal year and at any other time deemed necessary.
8. Upon the approval of the Board, the Executive Director may be authorized
to contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the
CSSA. Such authority shall be conferred and limited to a specific instance
unless so authorized by the Board. (See CSSA Contracts Policy)
9. Shall approve the annual budget, expenditures of funds, levying of fees for
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special events, and annual audits of CSSA’s accounts.
10. Shall establish all personnel procedures in accordance with state and federal
11. Shall approve standing rules of the Board of Directors.
12. Shall have the power to create or abolish committees, caucuses, or task
forces of the CSSA.
13. Shall take positions on issues of concern to the CSSA and the students it
14. Shall coordinate the advocacy efforts of the CSSA Lobby Corps.
Article IV.
Section A:
The executive officers of the CSSA shall be the:
1. Chair
2. Vice Chair of Internal Affairs
3. Vice Chair of External Affairs
4. Chair, University Affairs Committee
5. Chair, Legislative Affairs Committee
6. Speaker, Multi Cultural Caucus
Section B:
All executive officers of the CSSA must be from a campus that pays
dues- for the fiscal year. Additionally, executive officers and all other officers
who serve on the Executive Committee must be the voting representative for
their campus for the fiscal year. The CSSA fiscal year begins July 1 and ends
June 30. All officers, shall be elected for a one-year term by a majority vote of
the members present at CSSA’s meeting in June. The Speaker of the Multi
Cultural Caucus (MCC) follows the MCC Bylaws.
2. A memorandum of understanding stating that a campus will be paying dues
in the upcoming year must be signed at the time of elections by all campuses
with intention to vote and/or have candidates run for elected office. If the
campus does not pay its dues by September 30 it shall relinquish any executive
office it holds immediately.
Section C:
Duties of the Executive Officers:
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The Chair
Shall be the official spokesperson of the CSSA.
Shall preside at all meetings of the CSSA Board of Directors.
May call special meetings of the CSSA.
Shall have the power to appoint chairs and other members from the
Board of Directors to ad-hoc committees.
Shall be responsible to see that each piece of legislation is numbered and
presented in correct form before it is permitted on the floor for
Shall be responsible for ensuring adequate representation by
spokespeople representing all sides of any issue dealt by the CSSA.
Shall be responsible for carrying out Executive Director’s performance
evaluations with the Executive Committee, in accordance with the
Executive Director’s Performance Evaluation Policy.
Shall sign, date and verify the vote of all successful legislation.
Shall be the liaison to the CSU Board of Trustees and shall be
responsible for all affairs related to the Trustees.
Shall serve, along with the Executive Committee, as primary supervisor
of CSSA Executive Director.
Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of
Shall provide a written report to the board monthly.
The Vice Chair of Internal Affairs
Shall assume the duties assigned by the Chair.
Shall assume all the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s absence.
Shall assume the duties of the Chair in the event of resignation or
removal of the Chair.
Shall serve as coordinator of all standing committees of the CSSA.
Shall be responsible for dissemination of information to member
universities regarding the CSSA’s policies and procedures.
Shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of CSSA
financial policies and procedures.
Shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of all policies
and procedures of the CSSA, including the mission, constitution, and all
policies and procedures.
Shall oversee the collection and disbursement of all CSSA funds under
the direction of the Board of Directors and shall be responsible for the
annual development of the CSSA budget.
Shall review monthly the financial status of the CSSA with Executive
Director and provide quarterly financial reports to the Board of Directors.
Shall ensure compliance with the procedures set up under the Financial
Policies and Procedures.
Shall prepare the agenda for all Board of Directors meetings.
Shall prepare the agenda and minutes of the Executive Committee and
see to the distribution of the same in the manner required of the other
standing committees of CSSA per the open meeting law under the Gloria
Romero Act.
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m. Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of
n. Shall provide a written report to the board monthly.
The Vice Chair of External Affairs
a. Shall assume the duties assigned by the Chair.
b. Shall assume all the duties of the Chair in the absence of both the Chair
and the Vice Chair of Internal Affairs.
c. Shall assume the duties of the Chair in the event of resignation or
removal of both the Chair and Vice Chair of Internal Affairs.
d. Shall serve as the coordinator of the selection, training, and reporting of
all appointed, non-paid representatives of the CSSA.
1. Systemwide Committees
2. Collective Bargaining
3. Statewide Committees
e. Shall nominate students to systemwide committees for Board approval.
f. Shall serve as Chair of the Initial Review Board (IRB) and Chair the
Selection Committee to nominate the CSU Student Trustee to the
g. Shall have oversight of press relations and CSSA external
communication efforts, including, but not limited to the newsletter and
h. Shall coordinate liaison relations with other statewide and national
student organizations.
i. Shall coordinate liaison relations with other higher education interest
j. Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of
k. Shall provide a written report to the board monthly.
Section D: Duties of Committee Chairs and Caucus Speakers
Chair of University Affairs Committee
a. There shall be a Chair of University Affairs.
b. The University Affairs Chair shall preside over all regular and special
meetings of the University Affairs Committee.
c. Shall be responsible for the process of establishing the University Affairs
policy agenda by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the year.
d. Shall be responsible for the implementation of the University Affairs
policy agenda.
e. Shall be vested with the authority to appoint sub-committees to carry out
the University Affairs policy agenda, as needed.
f. Shall be responsible for the creation of the monthly agenda of the
University Affairs Committee.
g. Shall hold weekly standing meetings with the University Affairs
h. Shall be vested with the authority to make decisions on behalf of the
University Affairs Committee, when not in session.
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i. Shall be responsible for updates and recommendations to the Committee
on all university developments.
j. Shall from time to time deliver an update to the CSSA Board of Directors
on university developments.
k. Shall provide in January a mid-year update and recommendations to the
Board on the state of the University Affairs policy agenda.
l. Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of
m. Shall be expected to attend appropriate university meetings and or
hearings, as needed.
n. Shall provide a written report to the board monthly.
Chair of Legislative Affairs Committee
a. There shall be a Chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee.
b. The Legislative Affairs Chair shall preside over all regular and special
meetings of the Legislative Affairs Committee.
c. Shall be responsible for the process of establishing the legislative policy
agenda by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the year.
d. Shall be responsible for the implementation of the legislative policy
e. Shall be vested with the authority to appoint sub-committees to carry out
the legislative agenda, as needed.
f. Shall be responsible for the creation of the monthly agenda of the
Legislative Affairs Committee.
g. Shall hold regular meetings with the Director of Governmental Relations.
h. Shall be vested with the authority to make decisions on behalf of the
Legislative Affairs Committee, when not in session.
i. Shall be responsible for updates and recommendations to the Committee
on all legislative developments.
j. Shall from time to time deliver an update to the CSSA Board of Directors
on legislative developments.
k. Shall provide in January an update and recommendations on the state of
the legislative policy agenda.
l. Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of
m. Shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of a Lobby
Corps Clinic annually.
n. Shall be expected to attend appropriate legislative meetings and or
hearings pertaining to the CSSA legislative agenda.
o. Shall assist the Lobby Corps Officer in coordinating the efforts of the
statewide lobby corps.
p. Shall provide a written report to the board monthly.
3. Speaker of Multi Cultural Caucus
a. There shall be a Speaker of the Multi Cultural Caucus, who shall be
subject to the by-laws of the Caucus.
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b. The Speaker of the Multi Cultural Caucus shall attend all regularly
scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of Trustees.
Section E:
Officers and Liaisons of the Board
Academic Senate Liaison
a. Shall be responsible for attending the bi-monthly meeting of the
Systemwide Academic Senate
b. Shall report to the CSSA Board of Directors on matters of
c. Shall advocate CSSA’s position on matters taken up by the senate.
d. Shall build a collaborative relationship between the senate and the
e. Shall bring back to CSSA any positions that will be affect agenda
items of the CSSA monthly meeting’s before the Board of Trustee’s
f. Shall attend CSSA monthly meeting.
g. Shall provide a written report to the CSSA board monthly.
Alumni Council Liaison
a. Shall be responsible for attending the quarterly meeting of the
Statewide Alumni Council and report back on matters of importance.
b. Shall be the Liaison advocating CSSA’s position on matters taken up
by the council.
c. Shall build a collaborative relationship between CSSA and the
Statewide Alumni Association.
d. Shall bring back to CSSA any positions that will be affect agenda
items of the CSSA monthly meeting’s before the Board of Trustee’s
e. Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
f. Shall provide a written report to the CSSA board monthly.
Environmental Affairs Officer
a. Shall track all matters relating to the sustainable operations of the
California State University.
b. Shall be responsible for serving on and attending CSU Sustainability
systemwide committee meetings including, special task forces related
to environmental issues.
c. Shall be the liaison advocating CSSA’s position on matters taken up
by the systemwide committee.
d. Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
e. Shall provide a monthly written report monthly to the Board.
Financial Aid Officer
a. Shall track all matters relating to Financial Aid at the state and
national levels.
b. Shall serve on the Financial Aid Advisory Committee for the CSU.
c. Shall track the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC),
California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC), actions in
Sacramento and Washington, including student loan debt.
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d. Shall be responsible for attending meetings of the Financial Aid
Advisory Committee and report back any matters of importance.
e. Shall be responsible for attending meetings of the California Student
Aid Commission (CSAC), including, but not limited committee
meetings and report back any matters of importance.
f. Shall be the Liaison advocating CSSA’s position on matters taken up
by the commission.
1. Shall communicate regularly with students appointed to the CSAC
committees: The Loan Study Council and Grant Advisory
Committee; as well as, the CSAC and the CPEC student
g. Shall build a collaborative relationship between CSSA and the CSU
systemwide committee and statewide commissions.
h. Shall bring back to CSSA any positions that will be affect agenda
items of the CSSA monthly meeting’s before the Board of Trustee’s
i. Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
j. Shall provide a written report to the CSSA board monthly.
Lobby Corps Officer
a. Shall coordinate the formation of Lobby Corp units on each of the 23
b. Shall advocate CSSA’s legislative and systemwide positions.
c. Shall coordinate the efforts of the statewide Lobby Corps (LC) for
maximum efficiency and effectiveness presenting efforts before the
state Legislature and the Board of Trustees from the student
d. Shall be the contact person for anyone who needs information
regarding the Lobby Corps.
e. Shall build a strong student presence at the state Capitol by
coordinating monthly visits to the Capitol bringing a different
campus of the CSU each time.
f. Shall appoint an aid to assist with the LC efforts from a Northern or
Southern Campus opposite from where the coordinator is stationed.
g. Shall supply necessary materials or information concerning LC
efforts in response to CSU campus requests.
h. Shall bring back to CSSA any positions that will be affecting CSSA.
i. Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
j. Shall provide a written report to the CSSA board monthly.
Parliamentarian (no description available)
Technology Officer
a. Shall track matters relating to technology that may affect students.
b. Shall track issues related to technology affecting the system, such as,
the Common Management System (CMS).
c. Shall serve as the student representative on the Academic
Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) formally known as the
Commission on Learning Resources and Instructional Technology.
d. Shall be responsible for attending the quarterly meeting of the
Statewide Alumni Council and report back on matters of importance.
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e. Shall advocate CSSA’s position on matters taken up by the
f. Shall build a collaborative relationship between CSSA and the
g. Shall bring back to CSSA any positions that will be affect agenda
items of the CSSA monthly meeting’s before the Board of Trustee’s
h. Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
i. Shall provide a written report to the CSSA board monthly.
Article V.
Recall of Elected or Appointed Officials
Section A:
Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of
Section B:
Each campus representative must receive written notice of a recall election at
least ten (10) working days before the meeting at which the recall election will
take place.
Article VI.
Standing Committees
Section A:
Standing Committees named within this Constitution shall operate in accordance
with the direction approved by the Board of Directors. Members of the
individual committees shall be appointed by the Chair with majority approval of
the Board of Directors unless otherwise specified below.
The Executive Committee:
a. The Chair of the Board of Directors shall preside over the Executive
b. Shall assume the powers of the CSSA Board of Directors if the Board so
delegates by a majority vote of the members present.
c. Shall be responsible to the Board of Directors.
d. Shall be responsible for personnel matters as outlined in the CSSA and CSU
Personnel Policies and Procedures.
e. Shall be to review, research and make recommendations on, but not limited
to, the CSSA budget, CSSA policies and procedures, CSSA personnel, the
CSSA Constitution, CSSA policies and procedures, and CSSA standing rules
of operations.
f. The voting membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of the
following members:
(1) Chair
(2) Vice Chair of Internal Affairs
(3) Vice Chair of External Affairs
(4) Chair, University Affairs Committee
(5) Chair, Legislative Affairs Committee
(6) Speaker, Multi Cultural Caucus
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g. The non-voting membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of the
Executive Director.
Legislative Affairs Committee
a. The CSSA Chair of Legislative Affairs shall preside over the Legislative
Affairs Committee.
b. Shall be the duty of the Legislative Affairs Committee to review,
research and make recommendations on legislation emanating from the
California State Legislature and United States Congress.
c. Shall elect a Vice Chair no later than September of each year. The Vice
Chair may be responsible for taking minutes and shall assume all duties
assigned by the Chair or Committee. The Vice Chair shall assume the
Chair position in the absence, resignation or removal of the Chair.
d. Shall appoint a Recording Secretary.
e. Shall direct the Chair of Legislative Affairs.
f. Shall take action on all legislation deemed appropriate or otherwise act
on recommendations by the Chair.
g. Shall, by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the year, create a list of
legislative priorities and recommend this policy agenda to the Board of
h. Shall create a plan to deal with the legislative agenda and any other
issues deemed appropriate by the Legislative Affairs Chair or CSSA
Board of Directors.
i. Shall aid in statewide Lobby Corps efforts.
j. Shall put on a Lobby Corps Clinic annually.
University Affairs Committee
a. The CSSA Chair of the University Affairs Committee shall preside over
the University Affairs Committee.
b. Shall be the duty of the University Affairs Committee to review, research
and make recommendations on all university-related items originating
from the Committee and/or referred to it from the CSU Board of
c. Shall elect a Vice Chair at the first meeting of the CSSA Board of
Directors in July of each year. The Vice Chair may be responsible for
taking minutes and shall assume all duties assigned by the Chair or
Committee. The Vice Chair shall assume the Chair position in the
absence, resignation or removal of the Chair.
d. Shall appoint a Recording Secretary.
e. Shall direct the Chair of University Affairs..
f. Shall take action on all university-related items deemed appropriate or
otherwise act on recommendations by the Chair.
g. Shall, by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the year, create a list of
university-related priorities and recommend this policy agenda to the
Board of Directors.
h. Shall create a plan to deal with the university affairs policy agenda and
any other issues deemed appropriate by the University Affairs Chair or
CSSA Board of Directors
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Internal Affairs Committee
The Vice Chair of Internal Affairs shall preside over the Internal Affairs
Shall uphold and protect the internal affairs of CSSA.
c. Shall ensure CSSA’s internal processes are effective, fair and comply with
sound business practices.
d. Shall, at all times, insure that members of the California State Student
Association (hereafter noted as CSSA.) derive the maximum benefit from
CSSA by ensuring that the board stays focus on student issues.
e. Shall consist of six voting members and two non-voting members, the
Executive Director of CSSA and the Chancellor’s Office Liaison.
i. Shall elect , at the first meeting of the fiscal year, a Vice Chair.
f. The Vice-Chair shall act as chair in the absence of the Chair. In the event
that both the Chair and the Vice Chair of the committee are absent, the Chair
of the CSSA Board of Directors will serve as chair of the committee.
i. The Vice-Chair shall provide support for the Chair by providing research and
development of documents as needed and/or assigned.
g. Shall enforce an attendance policy:
1. Any appointed member of the committee who misses two of any
ten consecutive meetings without being excused shall be dismissed
from the committee.
2. Any appointed member of the committee who is late five minutes
or more after the meeting has been called to order will be
considered tardy. Two tardies constitute an unexcused absence.
Absences and tardies may be excused by the committee’s
Chairperson or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote approval of the
h. Shall have meetings that do not conflict with other CSSA standing
committee (Article VI, section A of the CSSA Constitution) meetings.
i. Shall have a quorum of 50% plus one of the voting seats of the members
present at the conference.
j. Shall have agenda items forwarded to the chair of the committee for
k. The chair of the committee shall approve agenda items prior to posting.
1. Shall have the jurisdiction and authority to
1. Review, develop, recommend, and revise the Constitution, policies
and procedures, budget, financial documents and any other internal
documents fiscally related.
2. Audit financial revenue, and expenditures of the association, as
directed by the board of directors.
3. Be the advisory body to the CSSA Board of Directors and shall bring
any action items for approval to the full board, unless the board
provides the committee with written decision-making authority over a
specific project(s) and/or issue(s).
4. Present financial statements for the prior fiscal year at the first IAC
Report changes revenues and/or expenditures in the budget
previously approved by the CSSA Board of Directors that may
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require reallocation of funds. Reallocations will be conducted by
the IAC.
Ensure general accounting principals (GAAP), sound business
practices, financial policies and procedures are followed.
Amendments and Revisions: The Internal Affairs Committee
prior to consideration by the CSSA Board of Directors shall review
amendments and/or revisions.
Article VII.
Caucuses of the Board
A caucus is a group of people, often within a larger group who unite to promote a
particular policy or particular interests.
Section A:
Multi Cultural Caucus (see MCC Bylaws)
Article VIII. Strategic Planning and Policy Agenda
Section A:
There shall be a Policy Agenda
There shall be a strategic plan report presented to the membership in
May. t
The strategic plan shall be reviewed and revised every five years.
During the year when the policy agenda is scheduled for review, the
Executive Director shall guide the Board through the process of
reviewing the strategic plan.
Section B:
There shall be a Policy Agenda of current priority issues
CSSA shall maintain a policy agenda to ensure continued advocacy on a
range of higher education issues.
The policy agenda must be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the Board of
The Board of Directors will continually review the policy agenda to
ensure priorities reflect the existing issues of the student population.
Section C:
Action Items
Section D:
The policy agenda will be presented at the annual transition conference
of CSSA in June. The incoming Board of Directors will use the policy
agenda to develop a policy agenda for the upcoming academic year. The
policy agenda and action plan shall be approved by a majority vote of the
Board of Directors by the September meeting of the Board of Directors.
The Policy Agenda shall be reviewed by the Board at the December
meeting to assess the Board’s progress and action plan for the Spring.
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Article IX:
Article X:
The policy agenda may be amended at any time upon the vote of twothirds of the Board of Directors.
Written notice of any changes to the policy agenda must be distributed at
least ten working days before the meeting where the amendment is
The action items may be amended at any time upon a majority vote of
the Board of Directors.
Section A:
There shall be a regularly scheduled meeting of the CSSA Board of Directors
held once a month. Such meeting shall be called the Plenary Meeting of the
Section B:
There shall be a meeting at least two days prior to each regularly scheduled
meeting of the CSU Board of Trustees, except if those days that fall on a holiday
or a conflict is determined by the board in July of every year.
Section C:
Special meetings may be called by the Chair, or must be called by the Chair at
the request of a quorum of the voting members of the CSSA Board of Directors.
Section D:
In the absence of any specific rule, regulation, policy or procedure, Robert’s
Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the CSSA Board
of Directors.
Section A:
Dues shall be determined according to the provisions of the CSSA Dues Policy.
Section B:
Dues shall be used to pay operating expenses, which include employees, travel,
and administrative costs of the CSSA under the contractual agreement made by
Section C:
Upon the Chancellor’s Office completion of the campus enrollment data report,
each campus shall be notified by the Vice Chair of Internal Affairs on the
amount of dues owed in the next fiscal year. A good faith effort will be made to
notify each campus prior to the campus budget hearings/process.
Section D:
Individual campuses must release their scheduled budgeting times and policies
for the payment of CSSA dues for the coming year prior to May 30.
Section E:
Dues shall be paid in accordance with the CSSA Dues Policy.
Section F:
A campus that fails to make current its financial obligation, or fails to follow any
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other requirements imposed upon it by this Constitution shall lose its voting
privilege and therefore any officer position held, though not its membership in
the CSSA, until such time that the balance is paid in full and its obligations are
made current.
Section G:
Section H:
A campus without voting privileges shall be required to pay for the direct costs
of any and all materials and/or services rendered by the CSSA for said campus,
excluding the mailing of CSSA agendas or other goods/services in accordance
with the Article II, Section A, number 3 and all other applicable CSSA policies
and procedures.
The Board of Directors shall reserve the right to waive this policy with a twothirds vote, given extenuating circumstances and following a successful appeal
(as stated in Section G 1,2, and 3).
Appeals must be received in writing by the Chair and Vice Chair of
Internal Affairs at least 30 days prior to the specified obligations due
Upon receipt of said appeal, the Vice Chair of Internal Affairs shall
schedule the appeal for hearing by the Executive Committee at the next
regularly scheduled CSSA meeting.
At the time of the hearing, the Executive Committee shall determine the
merits of the appeal, assemble all pertinent information surrounding the
appeal, establish a new payment schedule, and present the appeal to the
full Board of Directors for approval.
Article XI.
Section A:
Section B:
Article XII:
All section codes created by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the CSSA Board of
Directors shall be supplementary working documents of the Constitution.
Amendments to the Codes shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of
Employees of the CSSA shall be governed by the CSSA Personnel Policy.
Section A:
Amendments to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
CSSA Board of Directors.
Section B:
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed through the Internal Affairs
Committee twice yearly, prior to the April and October meetings of the Board of
Directors. The Board of Directors shall adopt changes by a vote of two-thirds.
Written notice of the constitutional change must be provided at least ten (10)
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working days before the meeting where the amendment(s) is/are to be proposed.
Article XIII.
Section A:
This constitution must be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of
Directors before it is implemented.
Section B:
The constitution must be reviewed by the Administrative Affairs Committee for
recommendation and ratified by the Board of Directors a minimum of every
three years.
Article XIV.
Non-profit Status
The CSSA is not organized for, nor shall it be operated for, pecuniary gain or profit, and
it does not contemplate the distribution of gains, profits or dividends to its members or to
any private individual. The property, assets, profits and net income of the CSSA are
irrevocably dedicated to charitable and educational purposes.
Article XV.
Upon dissolution of the CSSA, net assets other than trust funds shall be distributed to
one or more nonprofit organizations, such organizations to be selected by the Board of
Directors. Such nonprofit organizations must be qualified for federal tax exemption
under Section 501 (a) and 501 (c) (3) of the United States Revenue Code of 1954 and be
organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.
Revised 4/23/03
Revised 4/13/03
Revised 5/10/02
Revised 11/01
Revised 10/98 and 5/99
Revised 5198
Revised 6/97
Revised 11/97
Revised 4/96
Revised 8/95
Revised 7/94
Revised 6/94
Revised 8/91
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LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MINUTES I. II. III. IV. V. VI. REGULAR MEETING Mark Weber, Chair Saturday, May 13, 2006; 2:00 PM Gabrillino Call to Order 2:23 p.m. Roll Call Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Chico, Dominguez Hills, East Bay, Fullerton, Humboldt, Long Beach, Monterey Bay, Northridge, Pomona, San Diego, San Francisco, SLO, San Marcos, Sonoma, Stanislaus. Approval of the Agenda – Motion by San Diego to approve the agenda, seconded by Stanislaus. PASSED. Approval of the Minutes – Motion by East Bay to approve the minutes, seconded by Chico. PASSED. Public Comment – none. Reports A. Mark Weber, Chair – Mark was graduated on that day, so the meeting was chaired by Rob Christianson. B. Joe Anolin , Vice Chair – No present C.
Michelle Woo, Lobby Corps Officer – Michelle reported that she would email out the voter registration information that she had provided at the board meeting that morning. D. Arya Hawkins, Lobby Corps Officer Aide – No report. E. Laura Kerr, Director of Governmental Relations – Referred to her written report, and added that the statewide student coalition around budget issues had met to debrief this year’s joint budget advocacy efforts. They coalition agreed that it would be better to meet earlier, and to involve more members of each organization, instead of just the leadership. The May Revision was out, and Laura pointed out that the Student Aid Commission budget had been reduced because Cal Grant renewals where lower since community college enrollment had dropped– looks like a cut. Budget committee would be meetings this week – CSSA intends to ask for funding for AB 2813. CSSA met with Governor, who expressed concerns about 3 things: 1) foster youth – can our ASIs do programming modeled after best buddies program – foster youth paired up with college students 2) celebrity anti‐hate speech press conference 3) Prop 42 will be triggered – after school programs – looking for people who have a passion for certain things on the CSU campuses to help with after school programming staff
The Assembly Higher Education Committee has taken an interest in campus‐based fees. They are concerned about autonomy and respecting student referendums. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Policy Agenda Update – This year the committee had three priorites: 1. Textbook Campaign Coalition moving over to UA side of things. Law passed in CT – emphasis on disclosure and fair business practices. This could be a model for legislation next year. CSSA also joined the Make Text Books Affordable Campaign. 2. Voter Registration – June 6th primary coming up! May 22nd is the deadline for voter registration. Let’s emphasize voter education – flyers and reprints of the easy voter guide in campus newspapers. Remember that we held to regional voter registration trainings early in the year, in coalition with the Secretary of State, LA County Clerk Recorder, and USSA. The Secretary of State also coordinated with CSSA to visit several campuses to promote voter registration and information month in April. 3> Financial Aid – CSSA’s sponsored legislation is clipping along. SET has set up an e‐action spot for AB 2813, which up for important vote on May 24th. Basic email to be sent out directing them to CSSA website and then SET website, where there is a template for a prewritten email to be sent to Nunez. Mr. DeLaTorre is working on getting caucus chair support, conversing with the Speaker, staff‐to‐staff meetings. The Chancellor’s Office is hosting a lobby day on May 22nd, CSU Presidents! Stanislaus – list of members on Approp. Committee – what schools/districts should be targeting. ‐Laura – Speaker focus is the actual need right now. Sonoma – Competing bill from Speaker? Laura – This is still all rumors, and no bill language is available, but what we hear is that the CAL Chancellor – proposal for matching funds financial aid for CAL only. Not supported by UC President, so initially assumed not a threat. All of a sudden though the proposal has made it through and now its been expanded to include all UC’s. It would cost $25 million in matching funds. B. ACTION ITEM ‐ LEGISLATIVE POSITIONS AND PRIORITIES The committee discussed the two bills related to student housing finance extensively. Based on the Committee Chairs recommendations in the legislative. Motion to approve the specified positions and priorities for the following bills by Chico, Second by Long Beach. Bill Position Priority SB 1264 (Alquist) Support AB 2597 (Pavely) Support 3 AB 2581 (Yee) Support 3 AB 751 (Chu) Support 3 Motion to amend the existing position on SB 1751 from ‘support’ to ‘no‐
position’, by Humboldt, seconded by Stanislaus. Amendment Approved Unanimously. Motion to add AB 2748 to ‘support’ and a priority (3) by Northridge, seconded by San Francisco. Debate included ‘creating a new credit card/bank for the CSU’, ‘CSU is saying they do not need a new credit card’, ‘Does not guarantee new housing’, ‘Brings attention to housing issues campuses are facing’. Friendly amendment to the amendment – move to a ‘watch’ from a ‘no position’. Accepted by Northridge. Back to the main motion. Bill Position Priority SB 1264 (Alquist) Support SB 1751 (Speier) No Position AB 2748 (Jones) Watch n/a AB 2597 (Pavely) Support 3 AB 2581 (Yee) Support 3 AB 751 (Chu) Support 3 Motion PASSED 13 ayes, 0 noes, 1 abstention. C. ACTION ITEM: Resolution Assembly Bill 2813 (AB2813) Motion to approve the resolution by San Diego, Second by Humboldt.Bill being amended to provide funding for the current year dependant on budget availability. Grammatical changes: page 2, lines 18 remove “show their”, line 22 “show his”, line 25 “show his” PASSED. VIII.
NEW BUSINESS – NONE. IX. Closing Comments
Michelle Woo’s last conference Peter – thank you for support on housing issue.
X. Adjournment Motion to ajourn by Chico, Seconded by Fullerton. Ajourmed at 4:08 p.m. ASSEMBLY BILL 2813 (DE LA TORRE)
Assembly Bill 2813 (De La Torre) is jointly sponsored by the CSU and the California
State Students Association (CSSA) to increase Cal Grant financial aid dollars for students
whether they attend community colleges, private colleges and universities, CSU,
University of California.
As introduced the bill provided (1) double the number of competitive grant awards; (2)
provided fees/tuition in first year for Cal Grant B recipients, and (3) increased from 24 to
27 the age for Community College Transfer Entitlement awards.
This version of the bill was approved unanimously by the Assembly Higher Education
Committee on April 18. Both Assemblymember Tim Leslie (R – Tahoe City) and
Assemblymember Shirley Horton (R – Chula Vista) voted for the bill in that committee.
CSSA expected amendments that would amend the bill to (1) make the age change, (2)
provide Cal Grant B fees/tuition coverage for students phased-in over a four year period;
and (3) deleted competitive awards. Amendments also made future year costs contingent
upon budget appropriation. The CSU-CSSA amendments would have led to a total cost
of $20.4 million in 2006/07.
The bill was approved by the Assembly Appropriations Committee on May 25th with
amendments that stripped the bill down to only the age change and a total cost of $1.6
million. The vote was 14 ayes, 4 noes, with Assemblymember Alan Nakanishi (R –
Lodi) voting for the bill.
The funding for the age change was concurrently approved by the Assembly budget
subcommittee before completing their work. The motion to include funding for the age
change was seconded by Assemblymember Lynn Daucher, (R – Brea). The Senate took
no action thus the item is in conference.
The bill moves to the Assembly Floor for approval by a majority vote next week. From
there we expect it will go to Senate Education Committee by mid-June.
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Laura Kerr, Director
Governmental Relations
(916) 441-4514
Mark Weber, Chair
Legislative Affairs Committee
For more information visit www.leginfo.ca.gov
AB 751 (Chu)
Student financial aid: Department of A-04/17/2006
Consumer Affairs: regulation of
purveyors of private college
financial aid services.
05/10/2006-In committee: Set, second hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
04/17/2006-S ED.
Summary: Existing law establishes the Department of Consumer Affairs within the State and Consumer
Services Agency for the purpose of serving and protecting consumers while ensuring a fair and competitive
marketplace. This bill would authorize the department to regulate all matters and functions related to the
California operations of purveyors of private college financial aid services, as defined, for the purposes of
preventing financial aid and scholarship fraud, as defined. The bill would require a purveyor of private
college financial aid services to register with the department and pay a registration fee of up to $100. The
bill would authorize the department to levy fines of between $2,000 and $10,000 on purveyors of private
college financial aid services that fail to register or that violate any other provision of the bill. This bill
contains other related provisions.
Public postsecondary education:
student fee policy.
04/06/2006-From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to
committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on ED.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
05/24/2006-S ED.
Summary: Existing law, known as the Donahoe Higher Education Act, provides for a public postsecondary
education system in this state. This system consists of the University of California, the California State
University, and the California Community Colleges. Existing law authorizes these institutions to require that
mandatory systemwide fees, among other fees, be paid by students at these institutions. The provisions of
the act apply to the University of California only to the extent that the Regents of the University of California
act by resolution to make them applicable. This bill would add provisions to the act to express legislative
findings and intent with respect to the process of setting student fee levels. This bill contains other related
Cal Grant B awards: access costs. A-03/14/2006
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03/14/2006-From committee chair, with author's amendments: Amend, and re-refer to
committee. Read second time, amended, and re-referred to Com. on ED.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
03/14/2006-S ED.
Summary: Existing law, known as the Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasconcellos Cal Grant Program,
establishes the Cal Grant B entitlement awards under the administration of the Student Aid Commission,
and establishes eligibility requirements for awards under these programs for participating students attending
qualifying institutions. The act authorizes these awards to be used for, among other purposes, the payment
of certain access costs. The act prohibits the annual amount of an award for access costs from exceeding
$1,551, as adjusted in the annual Budget Act. This bill would require the maximum award for access costs,
for the 2006-07 award year, to be in an annual amount that equals at least $1,551. Commencing with the
2007-08 award year, the bill would require the maximum award for access costs to be increased by not less
than 5% and not more than 10% per year until that amount equals at least 20% of the access costs for the
budget category of a student living off-campus, as determined by the triennial Student Expense and
Resource Survey, as adjusted for cost-of-living changes in a specified manner.
Public postsecondary education:
admissions policies.
06/15/2005-Referred to Coms. on ED. and JUD.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
06/15/2005-S ED.
Summary: Existing law, known as the Donahoe Higher Education Act, sets forth, among other things, the
missions and functions of California's public and independent segments of higher education, and their
respective institutions of higher education. Existing law establishes the University of California, under the
administration of the Regents of the University of California, and the California State University, under the
administration of the Trustees of the California State University, as 2 of the public segments of
postsecondary education. Provisions of the Donahoe Higher Education Act apply to the University of
California only to the extent that the regents act, by resolution, to make these provisions applicable. A
provision of the act expresses legislative intent with respect to the determination of standards and criteria
for admission to the University of California and the California State University. This bill would add to the act
a provision authorizing the University of California and the California State University, until January 1, 2015,
to consider race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, geographic origin, and household income, along with
other relevant factors, in undergraduate and graduate admissions, so long as no preference is given, if and
when the university, campus, college, school, or program is attempting to obtain educational benefit through
the recruitment of a multifactored, diverse student body. The bill would express legislative intent that the
authority granted by the bill be implemented to the extent permitted by relevant case law and in conformity
with a relevant provision of the California Constitution. This bill contains other related provisions.
Public postsecondary education:
common set of area requirements
for general education.
05/26/2006-From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended. (Ayes 13. Noes 0.)
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(May 25). Read second time and amended. Ordered returned to second reading.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
Summary: Existing law establishes the 3 segments of public postsecondary education in this state. These
segments include the California State University, the campuses of which are administered by the Trustees
of the California State University, the University of California, which is administered by the Regents of the
University of California, and the California Community Colleges, which is administered by the Board of
Governors of the California Community Colleges. Existing law establishes community college districts,
which operate campuses that provide instruction to students throughout the state. This bill would express
findings and declarations of the Legislature with respect to the necessity for a single common set of area
requirements for general education between the University of California and the California State University.
The bill would express the intent of the Legislature that an integrated single common set of area
requirements for general education be developed and maintained by the 3 public postsecondary segments
in a manner that protects and perpetuates faculty responsibility in determining the contents of that
curriculum. This bill contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
Postsecondary education: student A-03/27/2006
05/25/2006-Referred to Coms. on ED. and JUD.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
05/25/2006-S ED.
Summary: Existing law prohibits the Regents of the University of California, upon adopting a specified
resolution, and the Trustees of the California State University and the governing board of a community
college district, from making or enforcing any rule subjecting a student to disciplinary sanction solely on the
basis of conduct that is speech or other communication that, when engaged in outside a campus is
protected from governmental restriction by specified provisions of the California Constitution or the United
States Constitution. Existing law provides that nothing in this provision shall be construed to authorize any
prior restraint of student speech. This bill would additionally prohibit any administrator of any campus of
those institutions from making or enforcing any rule subjecting a student to disciplinary sanction solely on
the basis of conduct that is speech or other communication that, when engaged in outside a campus, is
protected from governmental restriction by specified provisions of the California Constitution or the United
States Constitution. The bill would also prohibit its provisions from being construed to authorize any prior
restraint of the student press.
California State University: State
University Revenue Bond Act of
05/26/2006-From committee: Do pass. (Ayes 18. Noes 0.) (May 25). Read second time.
To third reading.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
05/26/2006-A THIRD READING
Summary: Existing law establishes the California State University and its various campuses under the
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administration of the Trustees of the California State University. The existing State University Revenue
Bond Act of 1947 authorizes the trustees, among other things, to utilize the proceeds of various fees, rents,
or other charges, including fees relating to the construction of student body centers, parking and other
transportation facilities, and student health facilities, and fees charged for extension programs and other
self-supporting instructional programs, as a revenue source to repay bonds issued by the trustees to fund
the construction of these facilities. The proceeds of these fees, rents, and other charges are continuously
appropriated to the trustees for their respective purposes. This bill would amend the definitions of "bonds"
and "revenue bonds" under the act to include commercial paper notes issued by the trustees. This bill
contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
Public postsecondary education:
California Educational Facilities
Authority: student housing.
05/25/2006-In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
05/25/2006-S RLS.
Summary: Existing law establishes the California State University, under the administration of the Trustees
of the California State University, and the University of California, under the administration of the Regents of
the University of California, as 2 of the segments of public postsecondary education in the state. This bill
would express the intent of the Legislature that the bill should authorize the California Educational Facilities
Authority to construct student housing on or near campuses of the California State University and the
University of California; that the bill authorize the California State University and the University of California
to sell, lease, or otherwise transfer real property to the authority so that student housing could be
constructed on that property; a nd that the bill structure the debt issued by the authority under the bill so that
the debt would not be counted against the university systems by the bond market . This bill contains other
related provisions and other existing laws.
(De La Torre)
Student financial aid: OrtizA-05/26/2006
Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasc oncellos
Cal Grant Act.
05/26/2006-From committee: Amend, and do pass as amended. (Ayes 14. Noes 4.)
(May 25). Read second time and amended. Ordered returned to second reading.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
Summary: Existing law, the Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasconcellos Cal Grant Act, establishes the Cal
Grant A and B entitlement awards, the California Community College Transfer Cal Grant Entitlement
awards, the Competitive Cal Grant A and B awards, the Cal Grant C awards, and the Cal Grant T awards
under the administration of the Student Aid Commission, and establishes eligibility requirements for awards
under these programs for participating students attending qualifying institutions. This bill would eliminate
that requirement and those exceptions, and, instead, would include in the eligibility criteria an age limit of 27
years old . This bill contains other existing laws.
Fin Aid
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Public higher education: student
05/26/2006-From committee: Be adopted. To third reading. (Ayes 14. Noes 4.) (May
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
05/26/2006-A THIRD READING
Summary: This measure would declare that it is time for a compact with the students enrolled in
California's public colleges and universities. The measure would express legislative recommendations with
respect to this student compact, including recommendations relating to California higher education student
fee and financial aid policies and funding for institutions to ensure students' access to and success in
courses needed to complete their academic or vocational programs, limitation of the student loan debt, and
the diversity of the student bodies and graduating classes at public colleges and universities.
HR 27 (Horton, Jerome) Relative to youth civic participation. I-01/24/2006
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
01/24/2006-A PRINT
Summary: Relative to youth civic participation.
SB 160 (Cedillo)
Student financial aid: eligibility:
California Dream Act.
03/09/2006-From committee with author's amendments. Read second time. Amended.
Re-referred to committee.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
02/16/2006-A HIGHER ED.
Summary: Existing law requires that a person, other than a nonimmigrant alien , as defined, who has
attended high school in California for 3 or more years, who has graduated from a California high school or
attained the equivalent thereof, who has registered at or attends an accredited institution of higher
education in California not earlier than the fall semester or quarter of the 2001-02 academic year, and who,
if he or she is an alien without lawful immigration status, has filed a prescribed affidavit, is exempted from
paying nonresident tuition at the California Community Colleges and the California State University. This bill
would enact the California Dream Act, which would require the Trustees of the California State University
and the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, and would request the Regents of the
University of California, to establish procedures and forms that enable persons who are exempt from paying
nonresident tuition under the provision described above, or who meet equivalent requirements adopted by
the regents, to apply for, and participate in, all student aid programs administered by these segments to the
full extent permitted by federal law. This provision would apply to the University of California only if the
regents, by appropriate resolution, act to make it applicable. This bill contains other related provisions and
other existing laws.
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SB 191 (Cedillo)
Voter registration: public
institutions of higher education.
08/25/2005-Set, second hearing. Held in committee and under submission.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
Summary: Existing law requires the Secretary of State to annually provide secondary education and
specified postsecondary education campuses with a number of voter registration forms consistent with the
number of students enrolled at each school. The Secretary of State is required to provide written notice with
each form instructing students regarding voter eligibility and where to file the completed forms. This bill
would strongly urge the Regents of the University of California, and would require the Trustees of the
California State University and the governing board of each community college district, to make the voter
registration process available through an automated program, operated in coordination with the Secretary of
State, that permits students, during their class registration process, to elect to receive a preprinted voter
registration form, or distribute voter registration forms to students , as prescribed. This bill contains other
related provisions and other existing laws.
Student financial aid: OrtizA-05/03/2006
Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasc oncellos
Cal Grant Program.
05/26/2006-Read second time. To third reading.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
05/26/2006-S THIRD READING
Summary: Existing law, the Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasconcellos Cal Grant Act, establishes the
Competitive Cal Grant A and B awards under the administration of the Student Aid Commission, and
establishes eligibility requirements for awards under this program for participating students attending
qualifying institutions. Existing law authorizes the commission to grant an annual cumulative total of 22,500
Competitive Cal Grant A and B awards. This bill would authorize the commission to instead grant an annual
cumulative total of 23,000 Competitive Cal Grant A and B awards. The bill would delete obsolete provisions.
Public postsecondary education:
Student Bill of Rights.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
04/19/2006-Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
03/02/2006-S ED.
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Summary: Existing law establishes the various segments of the public higher education system in the
state. These segments include the University of California, which is administered by the Regents of the
University of California, the California State University, which is administered by the Trustees of the
California State University, and the California Community Colleges, which is administered by the Board of
Governors of the California Community Colleges. This bill would request the Regents of the University of
California, and direct the Trustees of the California State University and the Board of Governors of the
California Community Colleges, to develop guidelines and implement specified principles, relating to
academic freedom, of a Student Bill of Rights.
Crimes: hazing.
05/26/2006-Read second time. Amended. To third reading.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
05/26/2006-S THIRD READING
Summary: Existing law codifies within the Education Code the definition of hazing and imposes criminal
penalties on persons who haze. This bill would repeal the Education Code hazing provisions and instead
codify within the Penal Code a new definition of hazing and prescribe misdemeanor and felony penalties, as
specified. This bill would also allow a person to bring a civil action for injury or damages against individuals
who participate in, or organizations who authorize, the hazing. This bill contains other related provisions and
other existing laws.
Student financial aid: OrtizI-02/24/2006
Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasc oncellos
Cal Grant Program.
04/27/2006-Set, first hearing. Held in committee without recommendation.
Is Fiscal:
Is Urgency:
04/19/2006-S ED.
Summary: Existing law, the Ortiz-Pacheco-Poochigian-Vasconcellos Cal Grant Act, establishes the Cal
Grant A and B entitlement awards, the California Community College Transfer Cal Grant Entitlement
awards, the Competitive Cal Grant A and B awards, the Cal Grant C awards, and the Cal Grant T awards
under the administration of the Student Aid Commission, and establishes eligibility requirements for awards
under these programs for participating students attending qualifying institutions. This bill would instead set
forth the maximum household income and asset levels for participants in the various grant programs under
the act as these maximum levels were adopted by the commission for the 2006-07 academic year. This bill
contains other related provisions and other existing laws.
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UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MINUTES I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. REGULAR MEETING LaToya Jarrett, Chair Saturday, May 13, 2006; 2:00 PM Conference Room Call to Order: 2:25pm Roll Call: Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Dominguez Hills, East bay, Fresno, Fullerton, Long Beach, Monterey bay, Northridge, Pomoina, San Diego, San Fracsio, SLO, Stanilaus. ACTION ITEM – APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Motion to approve agenda by Fresno, second by Chico. Motion passes. ACTION ITEM – APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM APRIL 2006 motion to apporve minutes by Long Beach, second by Chico. Motion passes Public Comment Public Comment is intended as a time for any member of the public to
address the Committee on any issues affecting CSSA and/or the
California State University. San Francisco told the committee about a
special IRS filing that would allow more money to go toward lobby
efforts. Chico made the committee aware that the Sonoma bookstore
became lease bookstore and that this is the second bookstore this year that
has changed to lease. This has a potential to become an issue because of
the prices that will be placed on books and other items. Bookstores that
operate as a lease is independent from the campus and the benefits are
take away from students. This could be an issue the committee should
evaluate and take action on.
Special Presentations ‐ none Reports/CSU News A. LaToya Jarrett, Chair B. Anthony Conley, Vice Chair C. Alexandria Cordon, Director of University Affairs referred to Tab 3 VIII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. INFORMATION ITEM – 2005‐2006 UNIVERSITY AFFAIRS POLICY AGENDA The committee will discussed the priority issues and student action plans for Academic Advising, Parking, Enrollment Management, and Collective Bargaining. The committee reviewed the policy agenda chart. They discussed that because many of the issue actions have not been completed. The committee decided that they would look at each item as either transitional or decided what should be carried forward to next year’s board. IX. X. NEW BUSINESS A. ACTION ITEM: THE ROBERT C. MAXSON, CSU PRESIDENT OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR 2005‐2006. The committee reviewed criteria & discussed the process for selecting the “Robert C. Maxson, CSU President of the Year Award” for 2005‐2006. Motion to move into voting for the president of the year award by Chico, second by Long Beach. Motion passes. Latoya announced the top three finalists for the award were Dr. Welty, Dr. Mitchell, and Dr. Shirvani. The presidents or representative from each campus talked about their campus president ad why they deserved the award. Dr. Horace Mitchell CSU Bakersfield was voted as president of the year 7‐3‐2. B. ACTION ITEM‐ CAL STATE CARES The committee will discuss Cal State Cares projects: Approved international project is Tsunami Relief and proposed domestic project “Don’t Trash California Campaign. http://www.donttrashcalifornia.info/index.htm
The committee felt the timing of this project was too late in the semester. More time and planning would be best for the cal state cares project. Motion to postpone vote until July during transition by Chico, second by Channel Islands. Motion passes. Closing Remarks – the committee agreed that it ispimpoartnt focus on outcomes and action when implmenting policy agenda for the following year and wouldliek to be able to take the time to create apolicy agenda with that in mind. XI. Adjournment: motion to adjourn by Dominguez Hills, second by Channel Islands. Meeting adjourned at 4:45pm. INTERNAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MINUTES I. REGULAR MEETING Rob Christensen, Chair Saturday, April 22, 2006 at Conference Room Call to Order: 5:19pm II. Roll Call; Hironao Okahana, Nadir Vissanjy, Mariela Gonzalez, Rob Christensen and Susana Gonzalez (ex‐officio). Member of the public includes: Alexandria Cordon, Christy Zamani, Jill Hanna, Heather Williams, Khouloud Elmasri, Peter Gallego, Paul Rumberger, Jennifer Reimer and Abe Scarr. III.
ACTION ITEM – APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA. Motion to approve agenda by Vissanjy, Seconded by Okahana. Motion passed. IV.
V. VI. VII. ACTION ITEM‐ APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 2006 MINUTES. Motion to approve minutes by Okahana, Seconded by M. Gonzalez. Motion passed. (Found on Tab 11 of Agenda). Public Comment Gallego: Important budget meetings and how fees are being spent. Elmasri: Incentives paying and non‐paying dues. Reports A. Rob Christensen, Chair. New item submitted by Okahana for requirement for a 10‐day notice to change constitution. Christensen thanked Visdsanjy and Okahana for participating on budget conference call. B. Marc DeGuzman, Vice Chair. Not present. C.
Susana Gonzalez, Executive Director. Development Strategic Plan and form a foundation. Key members of the foundationwill be included as well as guidelines to fundraising and alumni relations. See Tab 3 for full report. She focused on informing the committee on 1. Leadership transition, in which Alexandria Cordon will be in touch collecting contact information, 2. Christy Zamani in Alumni Relations and 3. Audit letters sent out. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. ACTION ITEM: CSSA Election Documentation. Motion to approve election documentation as submitted in Tab 12 by Okahana, Seconded by M. Gonzalez. Motion passes unanimously. The committee reviewed the elections documentation and take action on recommendations for board approval, including the standing rules of procedure. Hiro called for questions. No discussion. VIII.
NEW BUSINESS A. ACTION ITEM: CSSA BUDGET FY 06‐07. Motion to approve by Okahana, Seconded by M. Gonzalez. Motion passed. The committee reviewed and discussed the budget for fiscal year 06‐07. See Budget Proposal Appendix (distributed at the meeting). B. ACTION ITEM: CSSA Constitutional Changes. Motion to move by Vissanjy, Seconded by M. Gonzalez. See Tab 13 of the agenda. Discussion: Okahana proposed item not to be forwarded to the Board as action item. Okahana has proposed changes and there needs to be a 10‐day notice, per the constitution. Okahana moves to amend article II, section A, #2. Seconded by Vissanjy. Amendment is: 1. Remove b to d. 2. Move “e” to article II, Section A #1 and make it “k” add “per request”. 3. Remove “g” of Section A, #2 4. “f” move to Article II, Section A #1 and make it “l” 5. “h” move to Article II, Section A, #1, becomes “m” 6. Delete “i” Motion passed. Rationale; All CSU regardless of membership continue to receive service. Creates a free ride membership and can be abused. If a campus board is not endorsing CSSA, what kind of commitment will they have to CSSA? Not to alienate, but to encourage stable funding and establish legitimate representation. Billoo: Inclusive environment; campuses need to make commitments. Elmasri: Risk of losing more campuses if drastic changes need to happen. Article II, Section A #3 “h”. Motion to remove second sentence and add motion to include students at large by Vissanjy, Seconded by M. Gonzalez. Motion Passed. Recommendation for parliamentary issue to be shared with the new IAC. Motion to move to vote on constitutional amendments. Motion to approve constitution as amended and forward to board as information item by Okahana, seconded by M. Gonzalez. Motion passed. Motion to remove “a” by Okahana, seconded by Vissangy. Motion failed. Closing Comments X.
We, the student representatives of the California State University (CSU), in order to advance the
quality of education, promote the co-curricular interest and develop the necessary understanding
and cooperation of member universities, and serve as informed and responsible advocates of
students’ concerns by creating awareness of student needs in the CSU system among state
agencies and public officials, do hereby ordain and establish this constitution for the California
State Student Association.
Article I.
Name, Purpose, and Fiscal Year
Section A:
The name of this association shall be the California State Student
Association, hereafter referred to as the CSSA.
Section B:
The purpose of the CSSA shall be to foster and coordinate communication
among campus student associations to bring about unity in addressing
campus and statewide issues affecting the individual campuses and
campus student associations as well as the California State University
system. This association shall not carry activities that would jeopardize its
status as an organization exempt for taxation under Section 501 (c) (3) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
Section C:
The CSSA’s fiscal year shall run from July 1 to June 30.
Article II.
Membership and Privileges
Section A:
The membership of the CSSA shall be composed of two types. The first
type is comprised of the students of the CSU system as individuals as a
whole. This membership is automatic and is based upon the provisions of
the California Education and Government Codes. The second consists of
Associated Student governments on each campus. This membership is
voluntary and full benefits are contingent upon dues payment to the
1. The Individual Student
All Students shall be entitled to [in compliance with CSU policies]:
Participate in the activities of CSSA
Seek nomination, through CSSA, to CSSA systemwide committees
Seek nomination, through CSSA, to the position of student trustee
Seek nomination, through CSSA, to the California Student Aid
e. Seek nomination, through CSSA, to the California Postsecondary
Education Commission
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
Page 1 of 18
f. Seek nomination, through CSSA, as a student collective bargaining
g. Participate in the educational and service opportunities provided by
h. Address the CSSA and seek action on education issues
i. Access CSSA website
j. Review any and all public information shared at any CSSA
conference. This information will be available at the conference
and thereafter maintained in file folders at the Long Beach Office
k. Receive agendas and minutes for all CSSA Board of Directors
meetings, via email, per request
l. Receive, when developed, a copy of the California Student
m. Receive public contact, email, and systemwide committee contact
2. Associated Students shall be entitled to:
a. Participate in the student trustee nominating process
3. Dues-paying Associated Students representatives shall have all rights
of membership as described herein, including, but not limited to:
a. A vote on all matters before the Board of Directors
b. The right to address the Legislature as a recognized participant
of the CSSA
c. The right to address the CSU Trustees as a recognized
participant of the CSSA
d. The right to guide and influence legislation and system-wide
e. A vote on all matters before the standing committees
f. The ability to seek Executive Office
g. Executive Officers shall have access to Chancellor’s Office
h. The ability to seek an officer position, See article IV If Special
Officer Position should go unfilled, it may be opened up to
students –at-large.
i. Any monthly written University Affairs reports, free of charge
j. Any monthly written Legislative Affairs reports, free of charge
k. Two copies of any Annual Collective Bargaining manual
l. Two copies of any CSSA annual end-of-year report
m. Reports on CSSA operations, legislation, and systemwide
n. Special documents, reports, and legislative analysis on request
o. Updates on CSU matters, legislative, policy, and collective
p. The right to vote for CSSA’s legislator(s) and CSU trustee(s)
of the year
q. Special assistance, analysis, and support on relevant issues
(outside of the staff’s normal day-to-day activities)
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
126 px + Tab after: 144 px + Indent
at: 144 px
r. All CSSA press releases, news releases, reports to the Board of
s. Association rates for conferences and special services
t. Copies of the CSSA newsletters at no cost
u. Assistance with voter registration efforts at no cost
v. First-priority access to staff for special needs, information
requests, and research
w. Staff assistance with issues relevant to the campus Associated
Students (such as incorporation assistance)
x. The right to host a monthly meeting of the CSSA (non-dues
paying campuses may host a conference if no dues-paying
campus chooses to)
y. The right to sponsor or introduce legislation to the CSSA
Board of Directors
z. The ability to submit a dissenting opinion for CSSA legislation
in accordance with the dissenting opinion policy
4 At the discretion of the Chair, any member may exercise the right to
address the Board of Directors at any monthly meeting of the CSSA.
5. Each student body organization shall be entitled to one vote in the
legislative body. The legislative body shall be known as the Board of
6. The campus student body association president or the elected CSSA
representative shall be the official voting member.
7. The student association president may appoint a representative, in his
or her stead, from his or her campus in accordance with CSSA Proxy
Section B:
Article III.
Honorary membership may be granted by the Board of Directors to any
individual who performs an outstanding service or deed for the benefit of
higher education. Honorary members shall be nonvoting members.
Composition of the CSSA Board of Directors
The powers and responsibilities of the California State Student Association shall
be vested in a board the official name of which is the California State Student
Association Board of Directors, hereinafter “the Board.”
Section A:
The Board shall consist of one representative from each of the member
schools, in accordance with Article II.
Section B:
Ex-Officio non-voting members of the Board shall consist of:
1. Executive Director of CSSA.
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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2. The Student Trustees of the CSU Board of Trustees;
3. One representative from the CSU Chancellor’s office appointed
annually by the Chancellor.
4. One representative from the CSU Statewide Academic Senate,
appointed annually by the Statewide Academic Senate chair.
5. One representative from the University of California Student
Association (UCSA), appointed annually by the UCSA President.
6. One representative from the CSU Alumni Council, appointed
annually by the CSU Alumni Council.
7. Parliamentarian.
Section C:
Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors:
1. The Board shall be empowered to employ and discharge the CSSA
Executive Director consistent with California State University and
CSSA employment policies and procedures. The Executive
Committee shall prepare written evaluations of the Executive Director
in accordance with established policies and forward final evaluations
to the Board for approval.
2. The Board shall hold powers subject to the limitations imposed by
state and federal laws that govern non-profit 501(c) 3 organization; the
business affairs of the CSSA shall be controlled by the Executive
Officers and the Board, and all powers shall be exercised jointly by
3. The Board shall be empowered to make appropriations from CSSA
funds as stipulated in the CSSA Financial Code and the bylaws
subject to provisions of the California Education Code.
4. Shall be empowered to draft CSSA codes and attach maximum and
minimum penalties for violations thereof.
5. The Board shall act as the policymaking body of CSSA by creating
codes that will further the Association and, as enunciated in this
Constitution, and shall be just as binding as this Constitution.
6. The Board shall conduct the affairs and manage the assets of the
7. The Executive Director shall report to the CSSA Board of Directors or
Executive Committee on any or all of the activities of CSSA at the
beginning of the fiscal year and at any other time deemed necessary.
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
Page 4 of 18
8. Upon the approval of the Board, the Executive Director maybe
authorized to contract or execute any instrument in the name of and on
behalf of the CSSA. Such authority shall be conferred and limited to a
specific instance unless so authorized by the Board. (See CSSA
contracts policy)
9. The Board shall approve the annual budget, expenditures of funds,
levying of fees for special events, and the annual audit of CSSA’s
10. The Board shall establish all personnel procedures, in conjunction
with State and Federal requirements.
11. The Board shall approve standing rules of the Board of Directors.
12. The Board shall have the power to create or abolish committees,
caucuses, or task forces of the CSSA.
13. The Board shall take positions on issues of concern to the CSSA and
the students it represents.
14. The Board shall coordinate the advocacy efforts of the CSSA Lobby
Article IV.
Section A:
The executive officers of the CSSA shall be the:
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
2.3.Vice Chair of Internal Affairs
3.4.Vice Chair of External Affairs
4 Chair, University Affairs Committee
5 Chair, Legislative Affairs Committee
6. Speaker, Multi Cultural Caucus
Section B:
1. All executive officers of the CSSA must be from a campus that is a
dues- paying campus. Additionally, executive officers and all other
officers who serve on the Executive Committee must be the voting
representative for their campus. All officers shall be elected for a one-year
term by a majority vote of the members present at CSSA’s transition
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
Page 5 of 18
meeting, which shall be held in June. The Speaker of the Multicultural
Caucus follows the MCC By-laws.
2. A memorandum of understanding stating that a campus will be paying
dues in the upcoming year must be signed at the time of elections by all
campuses with intention to vote and/or have candidates run for elected
office. If the campus does not pay its dues by September 30 it shall
relinquish any executive office it holds immediately.
Section C:
Duties of the Executive Officers:
The Chair
a. Shall be the official spokesperson of the CSSA.
Shall preside at all meetings of the CSSA Board of
May call special meetings of the CSSA.
Shall have the power to appoint chairs and other members
from the Board of Directors to ad-hoc committees.
Shall be responsible to see that each piece of legislation is
numbered and presented in correct form before it is permitted on
the floor for discussion.
Shall be responsible for ensuring adequate representation
by spokespeople representing all sides of any issue dealt by the
Shall be responsible for carrying out the Executive
Director’s performance evaluations with the Executive Committee,
in accordance with the Executive Director’s Performance
Evaluation Policy.
Shall sign, date and verify the vote of all successful
Shall be the liaison to the CSU Board of Trustees and shall
be responsible for all affairs related to the Trustees.
Shall serve, along with the Executive Committee, as
primary supervisor of CSSA Executive Director.
Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU
Board of Trustees.
Shall provide a written report to the board monthly.
The Vice Chair of Internal Affairs
a. Shall assume the duties assigned by the Chair.
b. Shall assume all the duties of the Chair in the Chair’s
c. Shall assume the duties of the Chair in the event of
resignation or removal of the Chair.
d.a. Shall serve as coordinator of all standing committees
of the CSSA.
e.b. Shall chair the Internal Affairs Committee.
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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195 px + Tab after: 213 px + Indent
at: 213 px, Tabs: Not at 213 pt
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
f. Shall be responsible for dissemination of information to member
universities regarding the CSSA’s policies and procedures.
g Shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of
CSSA financial policies and procedures.
h. Shall be responsible for the establishment and maintenance of all
policies and procedures of the CSSA, including the mission,
constitution, and all policies and procedures.
i. Shall oversee the collection and disbursement of all CSSA funds
under the direction of the Board of Directors and shall be
responsible for the annual development of the CSSA budget.
j. Shall review monthly the financial status of the CSSA with
Executive Director and provide quarterly financial reports to the
Board of Directors.
k. Shall ensure compliance with the procedures set up under the
Financial Policies and Procedures.
l. Shall prepare the agenda for all Board of Directors meetings.
m. Shall prepare the agenda and minutes of the Executive Committee
and see to the distribution of the same in the manner required of
the other standing committees of CSSA per the open meeting law
under the Gloria Romero Act.
o. Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of
p. Shall provide a written report to the board monthly.
The Vice Chair of External Affairs
1. . Shall assume the duties assigned by the Chair.
1. . Shall assume all the duties of the Chair in the absence of both the
Chair and the Vice Chair of Internal Affairs.
c. Shall assume the duties of the Chair in the event of resignation or
removal of both the Chair and Vice Chair of Internal Affairs.
d. Shall serve as the coordinator of the selection, training, and
reporting of all appointed, non-paid representatives of the CSSA.
1. Systemwide Committees
2. Collective Bargaining
3. Statewide Committees
e.a. Shall nominate students to Systemwide committees for Board
f.b. Shall serve as chair the Initial Review Board (IRB) and selection
of the selection committee to nominate the CSU Student Trustee to
the Governor.
g.c. Shall have oversight of press relations and CSSA external
communications efforts, including, but not limited to newsletters
and website.
h.d.Shall coordinate liaison relations with other statewide and national
student organizations.
i.e. Shall coordinate liaison relations with other higher education
interest groups.
j.f. Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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+ Tab after: 3 px + Indent at: 3 px
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
k.g.Shall provide a monthly written report to the board.
Section D:
Duties of Committee Chairs and Caucus Speakers
Chair of University Affairs Committee
. There shall be a Chair of University Affairs.
. The University Affairs Chair shall preside over all regular and
special meetings of the University Affairs Committee.
. Shall be responsible for the process of establishing the University
Affairs policy agenda by the third regularly scheduled meeting of
the year.
. Shall be responsible for the implementation of the University
Affairs policy agenda.
. Shall be vested with the authority to appoint sub-committees to
carry out the University Affairs policy agenda, as needed.
. Shall be responsible for the creation of the monthly agenda of the
University Affairs Committee.
. Shall hold weekly standing meetings with the University Affairs
. Shall be vested with the authority to make decisions on behalf of
the University Affairs Committee, when not in session.
. Shall be responsible for updates and recommendations to the
Committee on all university developments.
. Shall from time to time deliver an update to the CSSA Board of
Directors on university developments.
. Shall provide in January a mid-year update and recommendations
to the board on the state of the University Affairs policy agenda.
. Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of
. Shall be expected to attend appropriate university meetings and or
hearings, as needed.
. Shall provide a written report to the board monthly.
Chair of Legislative Affairs Committee
. There shall be a Chair of the Legislative Affairs Committee.
. The Legislative Affairs Chair shall preside over all regular and
special meetings of the Legislative Affairs Committee.
. Shall be responsible for the process of establishing the legislative
policy agenda by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the year.
. Shall be responsible for the implementation of the legislative
policy agenda.
. Shall be vested with the authority to appoint sub-committees to
carry out the legislative agenda, as needed.
. Shall be responsible for the creation of the monthly agenda of the
Legislative Affairs Committee.
. Shall hold regular weekly meetings with the Director of
Governmental Relations.
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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Hanging: 36 pt, Numbered + Level:
1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … +
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Aligned at: 72 px + Tab after: 90 px
+ Indent at: 90 px, Tabs: Not at 90
. Shall be vested with the authority to make decisions on behalf of
the Legislative Affairs Committee, when not in session.
. Shall be responsible for updates and recommendations to the
Committee on all legislative developments.
. Shall from time to time deliver an update to the CSSA Board of
Directors on legislative developments monthly.
. Shall provide a mid-year update in January an update and
recommendations on the state of the legislative policy agenda to
the Board.
. Shall attend all regularly scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of
. Shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of a
Lobby Corps Clinic annually.
. Shall be expected to attend appropriate legislative meetings and or
hearings pertaining to the CSSA legislative agenda.
. Shall assist the Lobby Corps Officer in coordinating the efforts of
the statewide lobby corps.
. Shall provide a monthly written report to the board.
Section E:
Speaker of Multi Cultural Caucus
. There shall be a Speaker of the Multi Cultural Caucus who shall be
subject to the by-laws of the caucus.
. The Speaker of the Multi Cultural Caucus shall attend all regularly
scheduled meetings of the CSU Board of Trustees.
Officers and Liaisons of the Board
Academic Senate Liaison
a. . Shall be responsible for attending the bi-monthly meeting of
the Systemwide Academic Senate.
b. . Shall report to the CSSA Board of Directors on matters of
c. . Shall advocate CSSA’s position on matters taken up by the
d. . Shall build a collaborative relationship between the senate and
the CSSA.
e. . Shall bring back to CSSA any positions that will affect the
agenda items of the CSSA monthly meetings before the Board
of Trustee’s meeting.
f. . Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
g. . Shall provide a monthly written report to the CSSA board.
Alumni Council Liaison
a. . Shall be responsible for attending the quarterly meeting of the
Statewide Alumni Council and report back on matters of
b. . Shall be the liaison advocating the CSSA’s position on matters
taken up by the council.
c. . Shall build a collaborative relationship between CSSA and the
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start
at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
72 px + Tab after: 90 px + Indent
at: 90 px, Tabs: Not at 90 pt
Formatted: Indent: Left: 126 px,
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Formatted: Indent: Left: 108 px,
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px + Indent at: 126 px, Tabs: Not at
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Aligned at: 108 px + Tab after: 126
px + Indent at: 126 px, Tabs: Not at
126 pt
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Statewide Alumni Association.
d. . Shall bring back to the CSSA any positions that will affect the
agenda items of the CSSA’s monthly meetings before the
Board of Trustees’ meetings.
e. . Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
f. . Shall provide a monthly written report to the CSSA board.
Environmental Affairs Officer
a. . Shall track all matters relating to the sustainable operations of
the California State University.
b. . Shall be responsible for serving on and attending CSU
Sustainability Systemwide committee meetings including,
special task forces related to environmental issues.
c. . Shall be the liaison advocating the CSSA’s position on matters
taken up by the Systemwide committee.
d. . Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings
e. . Shall provide a monthly written report to the CSSA board.
Financial Aid Officer
a. . Shall track all matters relating to Financial Aid at the state and
national levels.
b. . Shall serve on the Financial Aid Advisory Committee for the
c. . Shall track the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC),
California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC),
actions in Sacramento and Washington, including student loan
d. . Shall be responsible for attending meetings of the Financial
Aid Advisory Committee and report back any matters of
e. . Shall be responsible for attending meetings of the California
Student Aid Commission (CSAC), including but not limited
committee meetings, and report back any matters of
f. . Shall be the liaison advocating CSSA’s position on matters
taken up by the commission.
g. . Shall communicate regularly with students appointed to the
CSAC committees: The Loan Study Council and Grant
Advisory Committee; as well as, the CSAC and the CPEC
student commissioners.
h. . Shall build a collaborative relationship between the CSSA and
the CSU Systemwide committee and statewide committee.
i. . Shall bring back to CSSA any positions that will affect agenda
items of the CSSA monthly meetings before the Board of
Trustees meeting.
j. . Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
k. . Shall provide a monthly written report to the CSSA board.
Lobby Corps Officer
a. . Shall coordinate the formation of Lobby Corps units on each of
Formatted: Indent: Left: 108 px,
Hanging: 36 pt, Numbered + Level:
1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 108 px + Tab after: 126
px + Indent at: 126 px, Tabs: Not at
126 pt
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Formatted: Indent: Left: 108 px,
Hanging: 36 pt, Numbered + Level:
1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … +
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Aligned at: 108 px + Tab after: 126
px + Indent at: 126 px, Tabs: Not at
126 pt
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Hanging: 36 pt, Numbered + Level:
1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left +
Aligned at: 108 px + Tab after: 126
px + Indent at: 126 px, Tabs: Not at
126 pt
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CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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the 23 campuses.
b. . Shall advocate CSSA’s legislative and Systemwide positions.
c. . Shall coordinate the efforts of the statewide Lobby Corps (LC)
for the maximum of efficiency and effectiveness presenting
efforts before the State Legislature and the Board of Trustees
from the student perspective.
d. . Shall be the contact person for anyone who needs information
regarding the Lobby Corps.
e. . Shall build a strong student presence at the State Capitol by
coordinating monthly visits to the Capitol bringing a different
campus of the CSU each time.
f. . Shall appoint an aid to assist with the LC efforts from a
Northern or Southern campus opposite from where the
coordinator is stationed.
g. . Shall supply necessary materials or information concerning LC
efforts in response to CSU campus requests.
h. . Shall bring back to CSSA any positions that will be affecting
i. . Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
j. . Shall provide a monthly written report to the CSSA board.
Article V.
Technology Officer
a. . Shall track matters relating to technology that may affect
b. . Shall track issues related to technology affecting the system,
such as, the Common Management System (CMS).
c. . Shall serve as the student representative for the Academic
Technology Advisory Committee (ATAC) formally known as
the Commission on Learning Resources and Instructional
d. . Shall be responsible for attending the quarterly meeting of the
Statewide Alumni Council and report back on matters of
e. . Shall advocate CSSA’s position on matters taken up by the
f. . Shall build a collaborative relationship between CSSA and the
g. . Shall bring back to CSSA any positions that will affect the
agenda items of the CSSA monthly meetings before the Board
of Trustees meeting.
h. . Shall attend CSSA monthly meetings.
i. . Shall provide a monthly written report to the CSSA board.
Recall of Elected or Appointed Officials
Section A:
Any officer may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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Aligned at: 108 px + Tab after: 126
px + Indent at: 126 px, Tabs: Not at
126 pt
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Section B:
Article VI.
Each campus representative must receive written notice of a recall
election at least ten (10) working days before the meeting at which the
recall election will take place.
Standing Committees
Section A:
Standing Committees named within this Constitution shall operate in
accordance with the direction approved by the Board of Directors.
Members of the individual committees shall be appointed by the Chair
with majority approval of the Board of Directors unless otherwise
specified below.
The Executive Committee:
a. The Chair of the Board of Directors shall preside over the
Executive Committee.
b. Shall assume the powers of the CSSA Board of Directors if the
Board so delegates by a majority vote of the members present.
Shall be responsible to the Board of Directors.
d. Shall be responsible for personnel matters as outlined in the
CSU & CSSA Personnel Policies and Procedures.
Shall be to review, research and make recommendations on, but
not limited to the CSSA budget, CSSA policies and procedures,
and CSSA standing rules of operations.
The voting membership of the Executive Committee shall consist
of the following members:
(1) Chair
(2) Vice Chair of Internal Affairs
(3) Vice Chair of External Affairs
(4) Chair, University Affairs Committee
l.(5) Chair, Legislative Affairs Committee
m.(6) Speaker, Multi Cultural Caucus
The non-voting membership of the Executive Committee shall
consist of the Executive Director.
Legislative Affairs Committee
a. The CSSA Chair of Legislative Affairs shall preside over the
Legislative Affairs Committee.
b.a. Shall be the duty of the Legislative Affairs Committee to review,
research and make recommendations on legislation emanating
from the California State Legislature and United States Congress.
c.b. Shall elect a Vice Chair not later than September of each year. The
Vice Chair may be responsible for taking minutes and shall assume
all duties assigned by the Chair or Committee. The Vice Chair
shall assume the Chair position in the absence, resignation or
removal of the Chair.
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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Aligned at: 181 px + Tab after: 217
px + Indent at: 217 px, Tabs: Not at
216.85 pt
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
d.c. Shall appoint a Recording Secretary.
e.d. Shall direct the Chair of Legislative Affairs.
f.e. Shall take action on all legislation deemed appropriate or otherwise
act on recommendations by the Chair.
g.f. Shall, by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the year, create a
list of legislative priorities and recommend this policy agenda to
the Board of Directors.
h.g.Shall create a plan to deal with the legislative agenda and any other
issues deemed appropriate by the Legislative Affairs Chair or
CSSA Board of Directors.
i.h. Shall aid in statewide Lobby Corps efforts.
j.i. Shall put on a Lobby Corps Clinic annually.
University Affairs Committee
a. The CSSA Chair of the University Affairs Committee shall preside
over the University Affairs Committee.
b. Shall be the duty of the University Affairs Committee to review,
research and make recommendations on all university-related
items originating from the Committee and/or referred to it from the
CSU Board of Directors.
c. Shall elect a Vice Chair at the first meeting of the CSSA Board of
Directors in July of each year. The Vice Chair may be responsible
for taking minutes and shall assume all duties assigned by the
Chair or Committee. The Vice Chair shall assume the Chair
position in the absence, resignation or removal of the Chair.
d. Shall appoint a Recording Secretary.
e. Shall direct the Chair of University Affairs.
f. Shall take action on all university-related items deemed
appropriate or otherwise act on recommendations by the Chair.
g. Shall, by the third regularly scheduled meeting of the year, create a
list of university-related priorities and recommend this policy
agenda to the Board of Directors.
h. Shall create a plan to deal with the university affairs policy agenda
and any other issues deemed appropriate by the University Affairs
Chair or CSSA Board of Directors
4. Internal Affairs Committee
a. . The Vice Chair of Internal Affairs shall preside over the Internal
Affairs Committee.
b. . Shall uphold and protect the internal affairs of CSSA.
c. . Shall ensure CSSA’s internal processes are effective, fair and comply
with sound business practices.
d. . Shall, at all times, insure that members of the California State Student
Association (hereafter noted as CSSA) derive the maximum benefit
from CSSA by ensuring that the board stays focus on student issues.
e. . Shall consist of six voting members and two non-voting members,
the Executive Director of CSSA and the Chancellor’s Office
f. . Shall elect, at the first meeting of the fiscal year, a Vice Chair
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
Page 13 of 18
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g. . The Vice Chair shall act as chair in the absence of the Chair. In the
event that both the Chair and the Vice Chair of the committee are
absent, the Chair of the CSSA Board of Directors will serve as chair of
the committee.
h. . The Vice Chair shall provide support for the Chair by providing
research and development of documents as needed and/or assigned.
i. . Shall enforce an attendance policy:
1.0.Any appointed member of the committee who misses two of
any ten consecutive meetings without being excused shall be
dismissed from the committee.
2.0.Any appointed member of the committee who is late five
minutes or more after the meeting has been called to order
will be considered tardy. Two tardies constitute an unexcused
absence. Absences and tardies may be excused by the
committee’s chairperson or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote
approval of the committee.
j. . Shall have meetings that do not conflict with other CSSA standing
committee (Article VI, Section A of the CSSA Constitution) meetings.
k. . Shall have a quorum of 50% plus one of the voting seats of the
members present at the conference.
l. . Shall have agenda items forwarded to the chair of the committee for
m. .
The chair of the committee shall approve agenda items prior to
n. . Shall have the jurisdiction and authority to
1.0.Review, develop, recommend, and revise the Constitution,
policies and procedures, budget, financial documents and any
other internal documents fiscally related.
2.0.Audit financial revenue, and expenditures of the association,
as directed by the board of directors.
3.0.Be the advisory body to the CSSA Board of Directors and
shall bring any action items for approval to the full board,
unless the board provides the committee with written
decision-making authority over a specific project(s) and/or
4.0.Present financial statement for the prior fiscal year at the first
IAC meeting.
5.0.Report changes revenues and/or expenditures in the budget
previously approved by CSSA Board of Directors that may
require reallocation of funds. Reallocations will be conducted
by the IAC.
6.0.Ensure general accounting principles (GAAP), sound
business practices, financial policies and procedures are
7.0.Amendments and Revisions: The Internal Affairs Committee
prior to consideration by the CSSA Board of Directors shall
review amendments and/or revisions.
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
Page 14 of 18
i. .
Article VII.
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Caucuses of the Board
A caucus is a group of people, often within a larger group who unite to promote a
particular policy or particular interests.
Section A:
Multi Cultural Caucus (see MCC Bylaws) where the MCC bylaw is silent,
the Constitution supercedes.
Article VIII. Strategic Planning and Policy Agenda
Section A:
There shall be a Policy Agenda
There shall be a strategic plan report presented to the membership
in May.
The strategic plan shall be reviewed and revised every five years.
During the year when the policy agenda is scheduled for review,
the Executive Director shall guide the Board through the process of
reviewing the strategic plan.
Section B:
There shall be a Policy Agenda of current priority issues
Section C:
Section D:
CSSA shall maintain a policy agenda to ensure continued
advocacy on a range of higher education issues.
The policy agenda must be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the
Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors will continually review the policy agenda
to ensure priorities reflect the existing issues of the student
Action Items
The policy agenda will be presented at the annual transition
conference of CSSA in June. The incoming Board of Directors will
use the policy agenda to develop a policy agenda for the upcoming
academic year. The policy agenda and action plan shall be
approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors by the
September meeting of the Board of Directors.
The Policy Agenda shall be reviewed by the Board at the
December Retreat to assess the Board’s progress and action plan
for Spring.
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
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126 pt
Article IX:
Article X:
The policy agenda may be amended at any time upon the vote of
two-thirds of the Board of Directors.
Written notice of any changes to the policy agenda must be
distributed at least ten working days before the meeting where the
amendment is proposed.
The action items may be amended at any time upon a majority
vote of the Board of Directors.
Section A:
There shall be a regularly scheduled meeting of the CSSA Board of
Directors held once a month. Such meeting shall be called the Plenary
Meeting of the CSSA.
Section B:
There shall be a meeting at least two days prior to each regularly
scheduled meeting of the CSU Board of Trustees, except if those days fall
on a holiday or some other conflict to be determined by the board in July
of every year.
Section C:
Special meetings may be called by the Chair, or must be called by the
Chair at the request of a quorum of the members of the CSSA Board of
Section D:
In the absence of any specific rule, regulation, policy or procedure,
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of
the CSSA Board of Directors.
Section A:
Dues shall be determined according to the provisions of the CSSA Dues
Section B:
Dues shall be used to pay operating expenses, which include employees,
travel, and administrative costs of the CSSA under the contractual
agreement made by CSSA.
Section C:
Upon the Chancellor’s Office completion of the campus enrollment data
report, each campus shall be notified by the Vice Chair of Internal Affairs
on the amount of dues owed in the next fiscal year. A good faith effort
will be made to notify each campus prior to the campus budget
Section D:
Individual campuses must release their scheduled budgeting times and
policies for the payment of CSSA dues for the coming year prior to May
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
Page 16 of 18
Section E:
Section F:
Section G:
Section H:
Article XI.
Dues shall be paid in accordance with the CSSA Dues Policy.
A campus that fails to make current its financial obligation, or fails to
follow any other requirements imposed upon it by this Constitution shall
lose its voting privilege and therefore any officer position held, though not
its membership in the CSSA, until such time that the balance is paid in full
and its obligations are made current.
A campus without voting privileges shall be required to pay for the direct
costs of any and all materials and/or services rendered by the CSSA for
said campus, excluding the mailing of CSSA agendas or other
goods/services in accordance with the Article II, Section A, number 3 and
all other applicable CSSA policies and procedures.
The Board of Directors shall reserve the right to waive this policy with a
two-thirds vote, given extenuating circumstances and following a
successful appeal (as stated in Section G 1,2, and 3).
Appeals must be received in writing by the Chair and Vice Chair
of Internal Affairs at least 30 days prior to the specified obligations
due date.
Upon receipt of said appeal, the Vice Chair of Internal Affairs shall
schedule the appeal for hearing by the Executive Committee at the
next regularly scheduled CSSA meeting.
At the time of the hearing, the Executive Committee shall
determine the merits of the appeal, assemble all pertinent
information surrounding the appeal, establish a new payment
schedule, and present the appeal to the full Board of Directors.
Section A:
All section codes created by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the CSSA Board of
Directors shall be supplementary working documents of the Constitution.
Amendments to the Codes shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
Board of Directors.
Section B:
Employees of the CSSA shall be governed by the CSSA Personnel Policy.
Article XII:
Section A:
Amendments to the Constitution shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of
the CSSA Board of Directors.
Section B:
Amendments to the Constitution may be proposed through the
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
Page 17 of 18
Administrative Affairs Committee twice yearly, prior to the April and
October meetings of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall
adopt changes by a vote of two-thirds. Written notice of the constitutional
change must be provided at least ten (10) working days before the
meeting where the amendment(s) is/are to be proposed.
Article XIII.
Section A:
This constitution must be ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board
of Directors before it is implemented.
Section B:
The constitution must be reviewed by the Administrative Affairs
Committee for recommendation and ratified by the Board of Directors a
minimum of every three years.
Article XIV.
Non-profit Status
The CSSA is not organized for, nor shall it be operated for, pecuniary gain or
profit, and it does not contemplate the distribution of gains, profits or dividends to
its members or to any private individual. The property, assets, profits and net
income of the CSSA are irrevocably dedicated to charitable and educational
Article XV.
Upon dissolution of the CSSA, net assets other than trust funds shall be
distributed to one or more nonprofit organizations, such organizations to be
selected by the Board of Directors. Such nonprofit organizations must be qualified
for federal tax exemption under Section 501 (a) and 501 (c) (3) of the United
States Revenue Code of 1954 and be organized and operated exclusively for
charitable and educational purposes.
Revised 4/13/03
Revised 5/10/02
Revised 11/01
Revised 10/98 and 5/99
Revised 5198
Revised 6/97
Revised 11/97
Revised 4/96
Revised 8/95
Revised 7/94
Revised 6/94
Revised 8/91
CSSA Constitution reflecting changes approved at April 13, 2003 Board of Directors meeting & suggested
meeting changes for board approval on Sunday, May 14, 2006.
Page 18 of 18
Article II. Membership and Privileges
Section A:
The membership of the CSSA shall be composed of two three types. The
first type is comprised of the students of the CSU system as individuals as
a whole. This membership is automatic and is based upon the provisions
of the California Education and Government Codes. The second consists
of Associated Student governments on each campus. This membership is
voluntary and full benefits are contingent upon dues payment to the
Association. And finally, the third type of membership is a honorary
1. The Individual Student
All Students shall be entitled to [in compliance with CSU policies]:
a. Participate in the activities of CSSA
b. Seek nomination, through CSSA from CSSA, to be CSSA systemwide
committeesTrustees of the California State University, California Student
Aid Commission, California Student Aid Commission, and other CSU
systemwide and/or statewide positions calling for student representation.
c.Seek nomination, through CSSA, to the position of student trustee
d.Seek nomination, through CSSA, to the California Student Aid Commission
e.Seek nomination, through CSSA, to the California Postsecondary Education
f. Seek nomination, through CSSA, as a student collective bargaining
g.c. Participate in the educational and service opportunities provided by CSSA
h.d.Address the CSSA Board of Directors and seek action on education issues
i.Access CSSA website
j.e. Review Upon request, receive any and all public information, including
but not limited to agenda and minutes of all CSSA Board of Directors
meetings, financial statements, rules and policies of CSSA. shared at any
CSSA conference. This information will be available at the conference
and thereafter maintained in file folders at the Long Beach Office
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2. Associated Students, upon dues payment shall be entitled to:
a.Participate in the student trustee nominating process
b.Participate in the Association’s annual Transition process
c.Receive any reports on collective bargaining matters (one per campus)
d.Receive one copy of any annual collective bargaining manual
e.Receive agendas and minutes for all CSSA Board of Directors meetings, via
f.Receive, when developed, a copy of the California Student Directory
g.Receive limited email regarding matters listed above
h.Receive public contact, email, and systemwide committee contact lists
i.Occupy a seat at the Board of Directors (see Standing Rules of Procedure)
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3.Dues-paying Associated Students representatives shall have all rights of
membership as described herein, including, but not limited to:
a. Occupy a seat at the Board of Directors and entitle for one (1) vote on all
maters before the Board.
a.A vote on all matters before the Board of Directors
b. The right to address the California Legislature and the Trustees of the
California State University as a recognized participant of the CSSA
b.The right to address the CSU Trustees as a recognized participant of the
d.c. The right to guide and influence legislation and system-wide policy
e.d. A vote on all matters before the standing committees
e.The ability to seek Executive Office
f.Executive Officers shall have access to Chancellor’s Office Executives
g.The ability to seek an officer position, for example, Technology Officer,
Affirmative Action Officer, Financial Aid Officer (should such a position
go unfilled, it may be opened up to non-dues paying campuses)
e. Access to staff for special needs, information requests, research, campus
base supports, and any other needs may arise in consistence with the
mission of CSSA.
i.f. Upon request, receive Any monthly writtenreports on University Affairs
reports, free of charge, Legislative Affairs, CSSA operations, legislative
analysis, systemwide policy, systemwide collective bargaining and any
other relevant issues
i.Any monthly written Legislative Affairs reports, free of charge
k.g.Two copies of any Annual Collective Bargaining manual
l.h. Two copies of any CSSA annual end-of-year report
l.Reports on CSSA operations, legislation, and systemwide policy
m.Special documents, reports, and legislative analysis on request
n.Updates on CSU matters, legislative, policy, and collective bargaining
o.The right to vote for CSSA’s legislator(s) and CSU trustee(s) of the year
p.Special assistance, analysis, and support on relevant issues (outside of the
staff’s normal day-to-day activities)
q.All CSSA press releases, news releases, reports to the Board of Trustees,
free of charge
r.Association rates for conferences and special services
s.Copies of the CSSA newsletters at no cost
t. Assistance with voter registration efforts at no cost
u.First-priority access to staff for special needs, information requests, research
v.Staff assistance with issues relevant to the campus Associated Students
(such as incorporation assistance)
x.i. The right to host a monthly meeting of the CSSA (non-dues paying
campuses may host a conference if no dues-paying campus chooses to)
y.j. The right to sponsor or introduce legislation to the CSSA Board of
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Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
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z.k. The ability to submit a dissenting opinion for CSSA legislation in
accordance with the dissenting opinion policy
4.At the discretion of the Chair, any member may exercise the right to address the
Board of Directors at any monthly meeting of the CSSA.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
5.Each student body organization shall be entitled to one vote in the legislative body.
The legislative body shall be known as the Board of Directors.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
6.The campus student body association president or the elected CSSA representative
shall be the official voting member.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
7.The student association president may appoint a representative, in his or her stead,
from his or her campus.
a.The student association president shall present a properly completed proxy
form to the Chair before his or her representative will be permitted to vote
b.Only the student association president or the elected CSSA representative
may revoke or reassign a proxy. Once a CSSA meeting has begun, a proxy
cannot be revoked or reassigned without the written approval of the CSSA
Executive Committee. An Executive Committee member’s proxy must be
for the full academic year and may not be revoked or reassigned without a
majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Section B:
3. Honorary Membership
Honorary membership may be granted by the Board of Directors to any individual
who performs an outstanding service or deed for the benefit of higher
education. Honorary members shall be nonvoting members.
Article III. Composition of the CSSA Board of Directors
The powers and responsibilities of the California State Student Association shall be
vested in a board the official name of which is the California State Student Association
Board of Directors, hereinafter “the Board.”
Section A: The Board shall consist of one representative from each of the member
schools, in accordance with Article IIcampus Associated Students,
which has fulfilled the requirement to be Associated Students member
of CSSA.
1. Each campus shall appoints, in accordance of their respective
Constitution, Bylaws or any other governing documents, a
representative to the CSSA Board of Directors, who is entitled to a
proxy of his/her respective campus and take a seat on the Board of
Directors in his/her campus Associated Students’ deed.
2. In absence of such provision in their respective governing documents,
duly elected President of campus Associated Students shall be entitled
to a proxy of his/her respective campus.
Section B: Ex-Officio non-voting members of the Board shall consist ofThe
Board shall also invite following individuals to the Board as non-voting members:
Alternate representatives to the Board of Directors from campus
Associated Students, who are designated to assume their respective
campus proxy in absence of first representatives.
Executive Director of CSSA.
The Student Trustees of the CSU Board of Trustees.
One representative from the CSU Chancellor’s office appointed
annually by the ChancellorThe CSU Chancellor or his/her
designated representative.
One representative from the CSU Statewide Academic Senate,
appointed annually by the Statewide Academic Senate chairOne
(1) Faculty Representative elected by the Academic Senate CSU.
One (1) representative from the University of California Student
Association (UCSA), appointed annually by the UCSA President
each of other public higher education segments in the State of
California elected by their respective governing body.
One (1) Alumni representative Representative from the CSU
Alumni Council, appointed annuallyelected by the CSU Alumni
Parliamentarian of the Board of Directors, who shall be elected
annually by the Board.
Honorary Members of CSSA
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Section C: Auxiliary Body of the Board
1. Council of Presidents to Select Nominees for Student Trustees
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
In accordance with the laws of the State of California, the Council of
Presidents shall be convened to nominate individuals to the Governor
of California to be Student Trustees of the California State University.
a. Vice Chair for External Affairs of the Board of Directors shall
convene and serve as the presiding officer of the Council.
b. Campus student association presidents from each of all main
campuses of the California State University system shall be
summoned to the Council.
c. Shall a student association president be excused from the
Council, he or she may designate a representative for his or her
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Article IV
Section E: Officers and Liaisons of the Board
Officers and Liaisons of the Board shall be from a campus which pays dues for the fiscal
year. In case there is no individual from a dues-paying campus expressed the intent of
seeking any of officers or liaisons positions by the deadline set by the Board of Directors,
candidacy shall be opened for all students who are eligible to hold systemwide offices.
All officers and liaisons shall be elected by the last day of July of each fiscal year and
serves duration of that fiscal year.
Article VI. Standing Committees of the Board of Directors
Section A: Standing Committees named within this Constitution shall operate in
accordance with the direction approved by the Board of Directors. Members of
the individual committees shall be appointed by the Chair with majority approval
of the Board of Directors unless otherwise specified below.
*** Further insert following line under subsection 2 University Affairs
Membership of the Committee shall consist of each campus Associated
Students seated in the Board of Directors.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
*** Further insert following line under subsection 3 Legislative Affairs
Membership of the Committee shall consist of each campus Associated
Students seated in the Board of Directors, and additionally, President or
his/her designated representative from non-dues paying campus shall be
invited to the Committee.
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Appendix B
Hi Student Leaders,
The following are the proposed constitutional amendments that were
submitted since the Fullerton Plenary. These changes are in addition
to the ones made by Long Beach that are included in your agenda.
These proposed amendments will be heard by the IAC on June 10th and
the full board on June 11th.
(Proposed Change in Parentheses)
Article IV
Section C:
All executive officers of the CSSA must be from a campus that is a duespaying campus. Additionally, executive officers and all other officers who
serve on the Executive Committee must be the voting representative for
their campus (Except for the Speaker of the Multicultural Caucus who shall
be elected according to the MCC Bylaws). All officers, except the Speaker
of the Multi Cultural Caucus, shall be elected for a one-year term by a
majority vote of the members present at CSSA’s transition meeting, which
shall be held in June.
(Proposed Change in Brackets)
Section A:
1. The Executive Committee shall be chaired by the CSSA Chair. Shall
assume the powers of the CSSA Board of Directors if the Board so delegates
by a majority vote of the members present.
a. The CSSA Executive Committee shall be responsible to the Board of
b. The CSSA Executive Committee shall be responsible for personnel
matters as outlined in the CSSA Personnel Policy Manual.
c. The duty of CSSA Executive Committee shall be to review, research
and make recommendations on, but not limited to, the CSSA budget, CSSA
policies and procedures, CSSA personnel, the CSSA Constitution, CSSA
policies and procedures, and CSSA standing rules of operations.
e. The voting membership of the Executive Committee shall consist of
the following members:
(1) Chair
(2) Vice Chair of Internal Affairs
(3) Vice Chair of External Affairs
(4) Chair, University Affairs Committee
(5) Chair, Legislative Affairs Committee
(6) Speaker, Multi Cultural Caucus
[(7) Two at-large members elected by the board of directors]
f. The non-voting membership of the Executive Committee shall consist
of the Executive Director.
Please Contact me if you have any questions.
-Robert Christensen
CSSA Representative
Associated Students
Humboldt State University
1 Harpst Street
Arcata, CA 95501
Cell- (707) 834-7629
Office- (707) 826-5015
Mr. Scott Dionne
Windes & McClaughry
Landmark Square
111 West Ocean Blvd.
Twenty-Second Floor
Long Beach, CA 90802
Vasin, Heyn & Company
5000 N. Parkway Calabasas, Suite 301
Calabasas, CA. 91302
Mr. Rudolph G. Vargas
Vargas & Company
601 North 1st Street
San Jose, CA 95112
Stokman, Fitzgerald and Johnson, LLP
2909 Coffee Rd, Suite 11
Modesto, CA 95355
KPMG Tower
Suite 2000
355 S. Grand Avenue
Los Angeles CA 90071-1568
Tentative Calendar 2006‐07
Location BOT Meeting
18‐,19,20 NORTH
10, 11, 12 SOUTH
18 & 19
14 & 15
23 & 24
13 & 14
13,14,15,16 NORTH
Chancellorʹs Office‐LB
15 & 16
10 & 11
Chancellorʹs Office‐LB
Elections 2006
June 5, 2006
CSSA Board Members
Jennifer Reimer, Chair
Susana Gonzalez, Executive Director
Subject: CSSA Executive Officer Elections
The purpose of this memo is to outline the election process and answer questions for those individuals planning
to run for office.
Candidate eligibility to run and hold a CSSA leadership position
Candidates must be from a “dues paying campus” for the 2006-2007 fiscal year and must meet the CSU student
leader eligibility requirements.
Executive officer candidates MUST have the proxy for their campus (voting rights) for the fiscal year 06-07
(July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007). If at any time the campus removes the proxy from that executive officer,
the elected officer is no longer eligible to hold office.
Travel costs for officers:
The CSSA will cover expenses for CSSA related travel only. This means for travel that is on behalf of the
association and outside the regular monthly CSSA monthly meetings. The AS covers expenses to regular CSSA
Term in Office:
The Associated Students from each campus is making a commitment to support their representative to finish
the term in office by allowing him/her to serve on the board for one fiscal year, July 1 through June 30th. For
executive officer positions, he/she will hold proxy until the term ends.
The installation of elected officers takes place in July. Officers take office on July 1, 2006 and ends June 30,
2006. There will be a one month transition period between elections in June and the July meeting. A
mandatory officer training between June and July will be scheduled.
For your reference, I have included the following information:
Election Information Packet
List of Positions & web link to Position Descriptions
Election process and web link to Standing Rules
Proxy Form
Should you have any questions, please contact Susana Gonzalez, Executive Director for CSSA via email
CSSA 2006 Elections Information
All deadlines must be met to remain eligible
Executive Officer
Special Officer/ Liaison
Election Date
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Election Packet Available
Monday, May 15, 2006
Election Packet Due
Friday June 2, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
Friday, July 7, 2006
Eligibility to hold office varies from campus to campus; for CSSA elections, you are required to meet
the minimum requirements outlined by the CSU systemwide policy:
The candidate must be recognized by the Associated Students at the campus level to serve as CSSA
representative. Furthermore, the Associated Students from each campus commits to support their
campus representative to finish the term in office by allowing the candidate to serve on the CSSA
Executive Committee for one fiscal year, July 1 through June 30th. For executive officer positions,
he/she is required to hold proxy until the term ends.
Late candidacy will be permitted for specific schools that need to comply with their campus elections
calendar and officer transition.
Candidacy forms for special officers and liaison positions will be available on June 19, 2006
All forms, unless otherwise noted, must be turned in to:
California State Student Association
Attention: Susana Gonzalez, Executive Director
401 Golden Shore, Suite 135, Long Beach, CA 90802
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Graduate or Undergraduate:_________________
I confirm that I have been given an Elections Packet for the California State Student Association Election
to be held June 11, 2006 at the plenary meeting at Cal State Monterey Bay. I have carefully examined the
contents of this packet and agree that it contains the following forms and regulations:
Memorandum of Understanding
Schedule of Important Election Dates
Application for Candidacy
Candidate Statement
CSU’s Minimum Eligibility Requirements
CSSA Elections Process
I understand that it is my responsibility to thoroughly read the contents of this packet as it contains rules
and regulations for seeking and holding CSSA Office. I further understand that the current Chair and/or
the Executive Director are available to answer questions concerning the Elections Packet. I understand
that failure to adhere to the CSSA Constitution and CSSA policies and procedures described herein could
result in my disqualification.
My name and address may be released to CSSA for the sole purpose of mailing additional information
regarding the elections.
I intend to run for the following position in accordance with my previously submitted “Application for
Office For Which You Are A Candidate _________________________________________
(e.g., Chair, Vice Chair of Internal Affairs, etc.)
Candidate's Signature
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Office for which you are a candidate:
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words. Electronic
copies only please.
Elections Process
June 11, 2006
Election Process for Officers
Standing Rules Qualifications for Candidacy
y Must meet the CSU minimum requirements, visit the link:
y Candidates must meet minimum eligibility standards of their Associated Students and
respective campus in order to be nominated.
y Nominated candidate must have completed the CSSA election requirements prior to
running for office.
y Candidate must be available to actively participate at the Officer Transition Workshop
y One Candidate is permitted per member campus.
y Candidate must be willing to spend the time and effort to meet the responsibilities of the
position and strengthen student participation.
y Candidate must be from a dues paying campus.
y Candidates’ campus must pay dues for fiscal year 06-07 or sign a Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) agreeing to pay CSSA dues for the fiscal year.
y MOU shall be submitted in to the Executive Director by June 2, 2006 or hand delivered
at the CSSA Transition I Conference before 9:00AM on Sunday, June 11, 2006.
y Campuses that have not filed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) by June 11,
2006 at 9:00 AM promising to pay 100% of the dues with CSSA, shall be disqualified
from holding elected or appointed office. This includes, CSSA Executive, Special
Officer and Liaison positions.
y If a campus does not have one of the above documents submitted to the Executive
Director by the Sunday, June 11, 2006 at 9:00 am, the candidate from that campus will
not be eligible to run for elected and/or be appointed to office. There are no exceptions.
y All candidates for executive officer positions must be the official voting CSSA
representatives for the campus. Officer must either be the proxy-holding member of the
campus, the officially elected CSSA representative and/or the AS President from their
General Officer Elections Process
y Elections will be by roll call vote and no secret ballots will be used, Pursuant to CA
Education Code, §89305.1(e), the Gloria Romero Open Meeting Act of 2000.
y During elections conducted at the annual Transition conference, the outgoing Chair has
oversight of the elections.
y Elections shall occur in the following order:
Vice Chair of Internal Relations
Vice Chair of External Relations
Chair of Legislative Affairs
Chair of University Affairs
Speaker of the Multi-Cultural Caucus (See Multi Cultural Caucus By-Laws)
Description of officer roles and responsibilities are found on the CSSA Constitution,
Article III, Section D,
If a candidate does not receive a majority of votes, a run-off election shall be conducted
to choose from the two candidates receiving the largest number of votes cast. This runoff election shall be conducted immediately after the final count for that one position
has taken place.
Each dues paying campus for FY 2006-2007 present at the annual Transition conference
shall be entitled to one vote. Unless the Chair needs to break a tie.
Each candidate has an opportunity to give a 3-minute presentation followed by a 5minute question and answer period per candidate.
After each candidate process is completed, the Board of Directors will have 5-minutes
per candidate discussion period about the candidates. During board discussion each
candidate has the option to leave the room or stay.
Voting Process
y Membership of the CSSA Board of Directors shall be the student body president,
designee, or a representative holding the campus proxy. For proxy forms and policy visit
our web site:
y Each dues paying student body organization shall be entitled to one vote. (CSSA
Standing Rules, Article II, Section B, ItemC, 1-4) Voting for each position will occur
immediately following the Open Discussion
These procedures are intended to provide appropriate direction to proxy a vote:
1. Accurately complete a “Proxy Form” (see proxy policy)
2. Proxy forms may be obtained via email, by fax, postage mail or at board meetings.
3. The signed Proxy Policy Form must be submitted to the CSSA Chair prior to the beginning of
a Board Meeting.
4. A CSSA Board Member may accept only one proxy for any meeting of the Board of
5. A proxy, once delegated, is not transferable (i.e. the recipient of a proxy vote may not
reassign that right).
Proxy Form
, I give
Name and CSSA Board member), the authority to vote on my behalf for the meeting of
(Please check the appropriate box)
‰ On all matters
‰ Only on those items listed below:
or the fiscal year
Print or Type Name of Board Member Submitting Proxy
Signature of Board Member Submitting Proxy:
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Name: Khouloud Elmasri
Office for which you are a candidate: Chair
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words. Electronic
copies only please.
I am a Political Science and English major and the Vice President of External Affairs at SDSU.
This is my third year in A.S and my second year in CSSA. My responsibilities for the past two years
included educating my student body about legislation, following bills and writing resolutions on their
behalf, conducting voter registration campaigns, maintaining a relationship with local officials, lobbying
our legislators in Sacramento and in district, and addressing free speech and student conduct policies
on campus. I was the Vice Chair or External Affairs, the College of Arts and Letters Representative
on A.S. Council, and a Special Officer at CSSA. As the CSSA Alumni Relations Officer, I
strengthened our communication with the CSU Alumni and succeeded in getting a donation for
CHESS XI. Also, as a member of the CHESS committee, I organized the Alumni Reception, the
Certified Leader Program, the Lobby Day Press Event, and sat on the Fundraising subcommittee.
CSSA is great for providing resources that are necessary to help address student related issues.
However, my goal for next year is to reassess the organization in order to decide what we can do to
meet the needs of the campuses that are paying dues, and what we can do to bring back the campuses
that are not. Our mission statement claims that we serve and protect the collective interest of all CSU
students and in order to stay true to that we need to make sure we are the voice of ALL CSU students.
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Name: Nadir Vissanjy
Office for which you are a candidate: Chair
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words. Electronic copies
only please.
As the current ASI President at Sonoma State, and a Director of the CSSA Board for over a
year, I have developed a strong allegiance to CSSA and its efforts to represent the CSU
Being elected by the students to be at the helm of an organization for a second term, I am
able to continue to supervise staff, conduct the internal workings of a multi-million dollar
corporation, represent the board, manage time effectively and still be a successful student!
CSSA is at a point where we have to define ourselves, regain our composure, ensure active
participation and financial cooperation from all 23 campuses.
As Chair, one of my biggest priorities is to have the issues at our campuses addressed at
CSSA, and not the other way around.
CSSA executives must do year-round outreach and interaction with the 23 ASI’s. We must
be frank and honest with each other in terms of the issues currently facing CSSA, CSU and
CSU students. The issues must be addressed in a proactive manner.
CSSA is only as successful as the campuses who participate in it. We must be successful via
participation and collaboration from all invested entities.
There must be accountability of the chair, executives, staff and the Board.
I would represent the actions of CSSA’s ultimate decision-making body, the Board of
Directors. What the Board decides to do is what I will represent and advocate. I will speak
the Board’s voice.
In regards to external issues, CSSA must continue to increase its advocacy in Sacramento
and at the Chancellor’s Office (i.e. financial aid, student fees, student lobbying, parking, and
enrollment management).
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Name: Andrew Janz
Office for which you are a candidate:
Vice Chair of Internal Affairs
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words. Electronic
copies only please.
As Vice Chair of Internal Affairs, I will be charged with numerous internally related
responsibilities. I am proficient in all aspects of this position including budget development and
oversight, maintenance of governing policies, preparation of agenda and minutes, and coordination
of standing committees. My recent position as Internal Vice President at CSU Stanislaus has given
me the ability to transition into the VCIA position quickly and effectively.
CSSA is currently heading through tumultuous times in regards to retention and funding. As VCIA
my first objective would be to assess the damage done by lack of funding while developing new
techniques to encourage non-dues paying campuses to return as paying members. An initial step
would be to encourage a stricter adherence to current by-laws. Many of issues regarding non-dues
paying campuses can be addressed without major constitutional amendments. CSSA must do what
it can to keep campuses from pulling funding while at the same time promoting inclusively.
My leadership style is transparent, an important characteristic for an executive officer and budget
overseer. Another strong trait that I possess is my ability to carry out the will of the board without
personal bias. Above all, I am an individual with a strong work ethic and I would enjoy the
everyday challenges of being a CSSA executive officer. I have a deep desire to represent the
students of the CSU system in this capacity as CSSA Vice Chair of Internal Affairs.
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Heather Williams
Office for which you are a candidate:
Vice Chair for External Affairs
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words.
Electronic copies only please.
I began attending CSSA meetings this last year to gain a better understanding of the
association. It is apparent to me how vital the association is to the students of the CSU
system. Although the association has been successful in many areas, it is also facing sharp
criticism from many campuses because it is not meeting the needs of all the campuses. CSSA
is at a pivotal point and it is up to this board to appoint executives who can ensure the
survival and success of this association.
The External Vice Chair’s greatest responsibility is to ensure visibility of the association and
the 405,000 students that it represents. I would like to ensure that each campus has a plan in
place to educate and empower all students on CSSA actions.
Our media relations are vital in the success of the program. In addition to establishing
relationships with all the statewide media, I personally will ensure that each campus has
established relationships with their local media, and train campuses on how to best utilize
these resources. Not only is it important to maintain visibility with the media and our
students, but also to increase our visibility to our surrounding communities. I will aid
campuses in creating an action plan on their campus to reach out these groups.
As EVC, I would also like to strengthen the Student Trustee Search process.
Finally, I will work with all invested entities to identify the needs of all the campuses and
provide the campuses with the association that they deserve.
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Peter R. Gallego
Office for which you are a candidate:
Vice Chair, External Affairs
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words.
Electronic copies only please.
Hello Fellow CSSA Board of Directors/Members of the CSU,
I am Peter R. Gallego, 2006-07 CSSA Executive Committee candidate for Vice Chair,
External Affairs.
It is the mission of the California State Student Association (CSSA) to maintain and
enhance accessibility for the people of California, to the People’s University.
As the single recognized voice for over 400,000 students in the California State
University system, CSSA is the acknowledged statewide student organization designed to
represent, serve and protect the collective interests of students in the CSU system.
I have had the opportunity of serving in CSSA for the past two years, and would like to
serve a third year in a capacity that benefit the organization as well as the 409,000
students that represent CSU, the “People’s University”.
Currently, I serve as CSSA Deputy Speaker of the Multicultural Caucus, the right-hand
official to the MCC Speaker. In this position, I am responsible for assisting the speaker
in all MCC activities, caucus meetings, as caucus historian and serve in the event the
Speaker is not able to do so.
At CSSA, I currently serve as a voting member on the Initial Review Board (IRB), a
voting member of the Legislative Affairs Committee, and a Board of Director
Representative for my campus.
My experience in higher education is vast, and I am pursuing a graduate degree in higher
education administration at California State University, Northridge (CSUN).
I have been in my Associated Students for two years also and have served as Education
Senator and Director of Legislative Affairs most recently.
I have been an ongoing student advocate on both my large, urban campus and at the
CSSA level. The issues are all too familiar to me, and I am READY to tackle and
continue representing students that I truly believe in.
If you elect me as your next Vice Chair, External Affairs it will be my ultimate duty and
obligation to continue to advocate for CSU students, my wealth of knowledge in the field
of higher education, the experience I hold with CSSA, and the issues we face each and
every day at hand will be addressed most effectively.
A list of my priorities for the 2006-07 year will be provided at the election meeting
highlighting the issues and concerns I would like to address if elected as your next CSSA
Vice Chair, External Affairs.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me by email at
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Name: Jeremy Mills
Office for which you are a candidate:
Chair of Legislative Affairs
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words.
Electronic copies only please.
I want to become your next Chair of Legislative Affairs. I have participated in CSSA over
the last 2 years by:
• working as Co-regional outreach coordinator for the CSSA Action Plan this last year
• working side by side with the last Legislative Affairs Chair and the executive team
• traveling to the Northwestern Leadership Conference and the D.C. Summit
• participating in CHESS, and
• I received the Legislative Affairs Committee Member of the Month award.
The following experiences have broadened my scope on legislative issues affecting students
on state and federal levels:
• being Vice-Chair and Director of Internal Affairs and Outreach for Lobby Corps at
Cal-State San Marcos
• being instrumental in planning and executing CSUSM’s involvement in the last two
CSSA press conferences, “Get on the Bus” at the capital, and “Reject the 8%” at the
Board of Trustees
• operated two very successful years of voter registration at CSUSM consisting of near
800 registered voters, and
• interning in the State Treasurer’s office.
My experience working with CSSA has given me the ability to continue the
outstanding reputation of last year’s Legislative Affairs Committee. My main goal is to
ensure that every school has a CSSA-supported Lobby Corps whose mission is to educate
the CSU student body about CSSA’s legislative issues. I will continue to push for a remedy
to limitations/age discrimination institutionalized in the Cal-Grant program and to ensure
the implementation of the Master Plan/Donahue Higher Education Act, ensuring
accessibility to higher education for all Californians desiring one.
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Héctor H. Jiménez Cardenas
Office for which you are a candidate:
Chair of Legislative Affairs
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words.
Electronic copies only please.
My Name is Héctor H. Jiménez Cardenas, Vice President of External Affairs for San
Francisco State University’s ASI. Currently as a fourth year student, I have kept track of
political issues concerning the CSU yearly. Attending SFSU since fall 2002, I have been
able to experience changes caused by statewide political decisions first hand, which
Large scale budget cuts made by legislatures in the years of 2004/ 05, which
translates into under-funding of our educational system by a total of $511 million,
reducing student services.
High State University Fee increases after the cuts created by a private “Higher
Education Compact” between Governor Schwarzenegger, CSU Chancellor
Charles B. Reed and UC President Robert C. Dynes, resulting in a 70 percent fee
raise for undergraduates and 80 percent raise for graduate students since spring
2003 without increases in the access to financial aid.
These changes have made obtaining an affordable and quality education more difficult
for California’s students who are promised access to higher education by the “1960’s
California Master Plan for Education.” Having laws in California that favor our
outstanding higher education system, we can:
Leverage with a strong Legislative Affairs Committee to increase advocacy for
the restoration in funding for the CSU and reform in financial aid such as AB No.
2813, increasing access to the CSU.
Create strong educational campaigns about legislation including tangible goals
along with voter registration, to increase statewide student participation in
CSSA’s legislative efforts, such as CHESS, letter writing, press releases and
advocacy actions.
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Name: Kenneth Evans Jr. Office
for which you are a candidate: Chair of Legislative Affairs
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words.
Electronic copies only please.
As the Financial Aid Officer last year, I realize the impact CSSA has on legislation in
California. Of course this impact can only be achieved when the members of CSSA are
united and willing to work to make their voices heard. This is evidenced by the progress
of our own sponsored legislation, AB 2813. Each campus has aggressively lobbied
legislators on behalf of this bill and as a result, the bill passed through the Assembly
almost unanimously. I plan to continue this hard work to ensure the success of AB 2813
and any other bills we support.
I also plan to make sure the members of CSSA are aware of their power with our state
legislature. This year, when CSSA chose to take action on specific bills at level 3, our
highest level of action plans, very few of the campuses actually did their part. I believe
every campus should be encouraged to participate as agreed, making sure the legislators
know CSSA is a forced to be reckoned with.
Beyond legislative issues, I feel there are issues CSSA should address to make it more
appealing to the CSU campuses. Just this pass year, at least 3 campuses have pulled funding
from CSSA, lowering CSSA’s operating budget significantly. It is vital that each campus
realize the necessity of funding CSSA and see some kind of tangible benefit for contributing.
Based on feedback from several board members, I plan to work with the e-board and
address these concerns.
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Name: Nila Hogan
Office for which you are a candidate:
Speaker of Multi-cultural Caucus
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words.
Electronic copies only please.
My goals in becoming the Speaker of Multi-Cultural Caucus this year is to get people
truly involved in the necessity of cultural diversity in their schools. I want to have more
CSSA members attend the meetings and have a unified strategy on promoting diversity in
our schools.
My other goal is to develop further resources on campuses that will furnish to all
diversity groups. The primary function for these resources will be to: ensure that there is
proper aid that will help new students become familiar with their campus, give information
that will help students get involved with their campuses AS programs, and other support
groups that will aid in further retention for all groups with in the CSU system.
I hope to bring all of the CSSA students onto one page in agreement upon what
would be best for all of our schools. I want all of the schools individual needs to be
recognized and all of our ideas put together to form a master plan on creating a truly diverse
CSU system.
Please email statement to sgonzalez@calstate.edu
This statement will be posted on the website and CSSA agenda.
DUE JUNE 2, 2006 BY 5:00 PM
Name: Kintay D. Johnson
Office for which you are a candidate:
Speaker of the Multi-Cultural Caucus
Please provide a statement regarding your goals for the position not to exceed 250 words.
Electronic copies only please.
As Speaker of the Multi-Cultural Caucus I want to continue to advocate the
importance of multiculturalism on campuses and the state level. I would continue this by
promoting multiculturalism through education, communication, and individual action on
campuses and the state level. I want to continue to advocate the need for diverse campuses,
faculty in the CSU system. I want to help improve the voice and image of the MCC and
CSSA like past leaders of our organization’s history. I want to advocate the need for equity
in a learning environments and help continue to develop a system were cultural
contributions are integrated on campuses and the state level.
ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULE 2005‐2006 Date July 15 ‐ 17 Transition II August 26‐28 September 16 ‐ 18 October 14 ‐ 16 November 4 ‐ 6 December 9 ‐ 11 January 27 ‐ 29 February 17 ‐ 19 March 3‐6 April 21‐23 May 12 ‐ 14 June 9 ‐ 11 Transition I July 14 ‐ 16 Transition II Campus Chancellor’s Office Agenda Due Date Wednesday, July 6th
San Luis Obispo Wednesday, August 10 th
Long Beach Humboldt Wednesday, September 7st
Wednesday, October 5th Bakersfield Wednesday, October 26th San Jose Wednesday, November 30th San Diego Wednesday, January 18th San Francisco Wednesday, February 8th Wednesday, Feb 22nd CHESS XI Fresno Fullerton Tuesday, April 11th
Tuesday, May 2rd Monterey Bay Tuesday, May 30th Chancellor’s Office Tuesday, July 2nd