March 2016 - Civil Service Sailing Association


March 2016 - Civil Service Sailing Association
March 2016
Civil Service Sailing
Civil Service Sailing Association
New season
ahead: Page 3
On a slow boat
through London:
Pages 8-9
Annual General Meeting .............................................................. 3
Commodore’s Corner .................................................................. 4
CSSA accounts ............................................................................. 5-7
The 2016 season is here and plans are being made to
explore the seas around the UK and further afield, as
well as the inland waterways. After a winter of rain and
floods, it will be fabulous to enjoy the sunshine that we all
thoroughly deserve.
Littleton Sailing Club .............................................................10-11
Magazine contributions, meanwhile, are very welcome, but
do remember to send photos as separate high-resolution
Channel Sailing Division ......................................................12-13
Deborah Ward, Editor
East Coast Yacht Division ........................................................ 8-9
Five Kingdoms Sailing Club .......................................................14
CSSA briefs .......................................................................................16
n Front page shows Rob Picot’s Weston Lady in the Thames - more on
pages 8-9
Civil Service Offshore Racing Club
Come and talk to us at AGM
The Civil Servcie Offshore Racing Club AGM will take place at the
Civil Service Club in London on 25th April at 8pm, immediately
after the CSSA AGM. If you wish to join us, you’ll be very welcome.
We are looking for one or two new Committee members, so if
you would like to help us run the club, please come along and we’ll
tell you what’s involved. If you can’t make it, send an e-mail to the
Crew Bureau on the website.
Our planning for the 2016 season is progressing. We now have a
second boat entered in the Civil Service Inter-Departmental
Offshore Regatta (IDOR) from 12th-17th June. The skippers will be
Nick Bowles and Bill Taylor. We are aiming to enter the St Peter
Port JOG 26th-28th August, skipper Trevor Drew, and the Poole
JOG 10th-11th September, Skipper tbd.
Other races are also being considered – but we need to know
that people are interested, so please get in touch with our Crew
Bureau if you would like to participate. We’re also keen to engage
more skippers, so if you fancy getting some race experience, please
let us know. Looking further ahead, our thoughts are already
turning towards the 2017 Rolex Fastnet Race. As usual, we will be
chartering a 40ft yacht and our campaign will consist of a training
weekend, three qualifying races each 100NM or more over the
first half of 2017, followed by the Fastnet itself in August. All crew
will also qualify for their ISAF/RYA Offshore Safety Certificate,
with a weekend of theory and liferaft practice in a swimming pool.
It all takes a lot of thought and planning, so if you are interested
in next year’s Fastnet please let us know ASAP via the CSORC
Crew Bureau or come and see us at the AGM where our very
own Weathered Fastnet Veterans can tell you a bit more about it.
There’s also an article on the website under “Fastnet”, written by a
member of last year’s crew, describing some practical experiences.
The programme for the 2016 season is now on our website under “programme” and we will be
keeping it under review, so please keep in touch. As well as the
website, we also have a Facebook page at https://www.facebook.
com/groups/CSORCSailing/. We eagerly await your bookings or
expressions of interest for crew places.
We hope to hear from you soon.
CSSA Offshore Secretary role
Do you enjoy offshore sailing? Do you have ideas on how to improve CSSA’s delivery of offshore sailing? If so, why
not serve as Offshore Secretary and manage the business of CSSA’s Offshore Sub Committee? The OSC meets
about twice per year as business demands – usually at Littleton Sailing Club. If you would like to know more about
what is involved, contact our outgoing Offshore Secretary, Ian Mason at The
experience gained is useful for those who may volunteer to serve as Rear Commodore (Offshore).
... diary dates .... diary dates .... diary dates .... diary dates ....
Jumbles Sailing Club Open Day, Saturday16th April
CSSA AGM, Monday 25th April
ECYD Cobweb Rally, Rivers Orwell and Stour, 29th April-2nd May
Littleton Sailing Club Open Day, Saturday 14th May
RYA ‘Push the Boat Out’, 14th-22nd May
Inter-Departmental Offshore Regatta 2016, Isle of Wight, 12th-17th June 2016
All welcome to attend 58th AGM
Members are invited to attend the 58th Annual
General Meeting of the CSSA, to be held on
Monday, 25th April, starting at 18.00, in:
The Civil Service Club
13-15 Great Scotland Yard
After closure of the AGM, members are invited to
raise any matters for discussion. A free buffet will
then be available.
1. Presentation of awards and trophies
2. Commodore’s address
3. Minutes of the 57th AGM held on
27th April 2015
4. Adoption of the Annual Report for 2015
5. Treasurer’s Report and Adoption of the
2015 Annual Accounts
6. Election of Officers and Committee
7. Appointment of Auditor
The following nominations for the posts shown have been received:
Graham Dalton (Note 1)
Trevor Drew (Note 2)
Rear-Commodore (D)
Rear-Commodore (O)
General Secretary
Membership Secretary
Safety Officer
Offshore Secretary
Dinghy Secretary
Training Officer
CS-Sailing Editor & PRO
Iain Mackay (Note 3)
Paul Brereton (Note 3)
Brian Grubb
Nikki Brown
Ken Pavitt
Steve Whitting
Vacant (Note 4)
Vacant (Note 4)
Mark Round
Deborah Ward
Members (max of nine)
(for IDOR)
CSSA webmaster
Lindsey Kemp
Nick Rees (Note 5)
Vacant (Note 5)
Divisional representatives
CSSC Chief Executive (Simon Lee)
Trevor Drew
Trevor Drew
Paul Brereton
Trevor Drew
Trevor Drew
Nikki Brown
Nikki Brown
Deborah Ward
Nikki Brown
Nikki Brown
Trevor Drew
Trevor Drew
Nikki Brown
Nikki Brown
Trevor Drew
Trevor Drew
Nikki Brown
Nikki Brown
Representatives for each club and
division are appointed by the club and
Ex-officio appointment
1. The Commodore was elected by the General Committee to serve for three years from the 2015 AGM.
2. The Vice-Commodore was elected at the 2014 AGM to serve for three years.
3. The Rear-Commodore (D) was elected for a period of two years in 2015 and is eligible to be re-elected
once only for a further period of two years. The Rear-Commodore (O) was elected for a period of two years
in 2014 and is eligible to be re-elected once only for a further period of two years.
4. Volunteers are sought for these posts. If suitable candidates are available, they would be co-opted to the
General Committee.
5. Nick Rees will be relinquishing the post of chairman of the IDOR organising committee after IDOR 2016. A
volunteer is sought to take over the post, and may be invited to join the General Committee.
6. A webmaster for is in the process of being identified. The Webmaster may be invited
to join the General Committee.
C ommodore ’ s
C orner
Taster days show
it’s easy to enjoy
yourself on a boat
by Trevor Drew
Vice-Commodore, CSSA
The evenings are now getting lighter and I’m sure I’m not alone in
looking forward to the coming season. I’m sure some of you have
already started! The past year has certainly been a busy one, with
many of our 12 Divisions and affiliated clubs followed a common
theme of bringing new people into the sport.
Our dinghy clubs, in particular, have been very energetic in this
area, with Littleton Sailing Club’s Open Day being particularly
notable, in offering paddle-boarding and windsurfing, as well as
various dinghies, which proved a great success. Jumbles also had a
very successful “Push the Boat Out” Open Day, with family sailing
the theme.
Of course, the IDOR is one of the highlights of the CSSA year and
2015 was no exception. Our stalwart organiser Nick Rees did
a great job once again and even managed to win the chocolates,
carrying home the premier prize – the Eric Seal Trophy - in this, his
final year as Chairman of the Organising Committee. He will be
sorely missed, though I hope we will still see him at future IDORs.
I’m sure I’m not alone in looking
forward to the coming season.
I was honoured with the task of presenting the prizes at the 2015
Dinghy Championships, held at Netley Cliff. which provided an
entertaining afternoon watching the racing and convivial company
at the clubhouse bar afterwards. I thoroughly recommend it – as
a competitor of spectator.
I also had the pleasure of being on board for two of the Taster
Days with CSSC staff crews, on the East coast with Freyja and
with Channel Sailing Division on their new Jeaneau 409, Sea Essay.
Everyone had a great time, which does underline how easy it is to
enjoy yourself on a boat.
n Vice-Commodore Trevor Drew: an ardent racer
As an ardent racer, one of my abiding sailing memories of 2015
will be the Rolex Fastnet Race, where for once, as a competitor,
rather than crew or skipper, I was able to watch progress of the
CSSA/CSORC entry, ably led by skipper Simon Zavad, through the
qualifiers and the race itself.
Freyja also re-visited her now-familiar Baltic cruising ground, visiting
various ports in Denmark and Sweden, while the new Sea Essay
was introduced to southern Brittany for the summer, as well as
running a number of Taster Days themselves.
It is an iconic race, both in the UK calendar but also within CSSA,
giving relative (sometimes complete!) novices the opportunity to
immerse themselves into the sport big time – certainly not for
the faint-hearted, but eminently do-able, with some courage and
a good leader. They finished 163 out of 310 in the race itself and
141st in IRC over the season – an excellent result.
Both these cruises are now well established, proving very
popular with members and providing them with a great sense of
adventure and longer passages for those wishing to develop their
Treasurer’s Report and abridged CSSA financial statement for 2015
2015 Results
1. The Association’s surplus for the year was £7,283 compared
with £4,931 for 2014. Membership grant from CSSC - CSSA’s
main income - increased by nearly £2,000 thanks to CSSA’s
increased membership. The main expenditure, as last year, was a
per-capita grant distribution to all CSSA’s member clubs – this year
totalling £10,000. The distribution was possible because £10,000
originally budgeted to meet professional fees in connection with
new leasing arrangements for two of the Association clubs’ sites
was not, in the event, required.
2015 Financial position and highlights
2. The Association’s financial position remains strong. Taking one
year with another, the aim is to increase reserves broadly in line
with inflation. This is so that clubs’ requirements for interest-free
loan capital to improve and renew their assets - inevitably affected
by inflation - can continue to be met. Two new interest-free loans
were made during the year - £90,000 to Channel Sailing Division
(CSD) and £50,000 to Five Kingdoms Sailing Club (5KSC). Both
loans were towards replacing the yachts these clubs operate. The
former is repayable over seven years and the latter over ten.
Repayments on all existing loans continue to be received on or
ahead of schedule.
The Future
3. The loans made to CSD and 5KSC have significantly reduced
the Association’s cash reserves. Nonetheless there remains more
than sufficient working capital and also - coupled with future
receipts from annual loan repayments – sufficient to satisfy potential loan requirements for other clubs that are on the horizon.
4. The change in 2012 to a capitation basis for CSSA’s membership grant from CSSC continues to benefit the Association because
it has been able to further increase its membership, thereby
qualifying for a larger grant. The increase to more than 2,400
Association members at September 2014 resulted in a membership grant for 2015 of £30,919, and a further increase to nearly
2,600 at September 2015 will qualify for a grant of £32,933 for
2016. However, this rate of membership increase will probably tail
off over time and the ‘capitation rate’ for the grant will of course
depend on CSSC’s own finances which, like most parts of the
economy, remain under pressure. Likewise there is pressure on
the Sports and Recreational Bodies events grant that CSSC also
provides to the Association, but it is pleasing to report that a grant
budget of £8,000 has been approved for 2016 – a further slight
increase on 2015 and all that was sought.
5. As the surplus for 2015 shows, CSSA continues to have sufficient head room as well as reserves to provide a buffer against any
potential levelling-off of grant support. But for 2016 it will again be
necessary to set up budgetary provision of £10,000 to meet legal
and other fees related to the introduction of leasing arrangements
for the sites occupied by Netley Cliff SC and Littleton SC. This
process is taking far longer than anticipated but it now seems
virtually certain that such costs will arise in 2016. So the scope for
CSSA’s grant distribution to clubs in 2016 may be very limited.
and CSSA and the individual club - as is planned - then CSSA
will acquire actual rather than contingent rent obligations and be
more vulnerable in the event that clubs themselves are unable to
meet their commitments. Once all site agreements are in place the
annual obligations - actual and contingent – are likely to approach
£140,000. As the I&E account shows, this figure is already some
£127,000. This is another reason why the Association needs to
maintain substantial reserves which, fortunately, it appears able to
do in the foreseeable future.
Appointment of auditor
7. A motion to appoint Wilkins Kennedy LLP as auditor for 2016
will be proposed at the Annual General Meeting.
8. Abridged financial statements comprising the Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet for the year ended
31 December 2015 are attached. They are drawn directly from the
audited financial statements. Copies of the full (12 page) financial
statements - including the Audit Report (which contains a ‘clear’
audit opinion), Cash Flow Statement and Notes - will be available
at the forthcoming AGM.
The full financial statements are also available on the CSSA website
( along with clubs’ reports.
Brian Grubb
Honorary Treasurer
4 March 2016
6. The wider introduction of site rents for the land-based clubs
will also have a continuing financial impact inasmuch as the CSSC
looks to the Association not only to collect such rental and associated payments but also to guarantee them. Indeed, if the arrangements result in ‘back to back’ leases between CSSC and CSSA,
Income and expenditure account
for the year ended 31 December 2015
CSSC membership grant
CSSC events grant
Interest on bank deposits
Other Income
General expenditure
Committee costs
Other administrative costs
Loan default provision
Trophies and citations
Grants funded by CSSA
Training expenditure
Advertising and publicity
RYA subscription
Events expenditure
Offshore racing
Dinghy championships
Victory Trophy
Interdepartmental offshore races
Gross Surplus
Loan interest, rents and charges
HSBC loan interest and charges
Less: amounts recharged to divisions
CSSC rents and charges
Less: amounts recharged to divisions
Net Surplus to General Fund
Balance sheet at 31 December 2015
Loans to division due after one year
CSSA-financed interest-free loans
HSBC-financed interest-bearing loans
Current assets
Loans to Divisions - due within one year:
CSSA-financed interest-free loans
Chandlery stock
Sundry debtors
Bank current and deposit accounts
HSBC-financed interest-bearing loans
Current liabilities
Loans from HSBC - due within one year
Sundry creditors
Corporation tax
Current assets less current liabilities
Total assets less current liabilities
Long-term liabilities
Loans from HSBC - due after one year
Total assets less total liablitities
General Fund
Balance brought forward
Surplus for year
Brian Grubb, Honorary Treasurer, 4 March 2016
A full version of the accounts, and the club reports, can be found at the
CSSA website:
Cruising instructor swaps his sails
for the narrow approach
I cast off from Aylesbury’s new Circus Fields Marina in June on my
narrow Boat ‘Weston Lady’. It’s been a very different experience
from the sails, tides and keels extending almost 2m under the water
at varying angles which I’m more accustomed to.
My 55ft, 6ft 6ins wide steel home,weighing 25 tons, has since been
scraping her flat, 18ins-draft bottom along the murky waters of a
200-year old network of canals and rivers, passing through some
wonderful towns, villages and countryside at not much more than
walking pace. With 500-plus miles covered and 478 locks negotiated,
it’s been a wonderful experience so far. There are still another 2,000
miles of interconnected navigable waterways to explore.
Coming up the tidal Thames from Lime House to Teddington lock
on a narrow boat, under London Bridge, past Westminster and
some of the city’s iconic landmarks and tourist attractions was a
novel experience. On the way up, I even managed to salvage an
almost new lifebuoy that had fallen from some unlucky vessel.
The experience of East
Coast Yacht Division
members is wide and
varied. Rob Picot, our
Cruising Instructor, takes to
the inland waters for
another way of life on
board, with different
slearning curves. And with
2,000 more miles to
explore, we look forward
to further stories from
Rob and Weston Lady
The Bristol Channel is certainly a challenge at the best of times and
not for the faint-hearted in a narrow boat. They’re not designed
for open tidal waters, especially in anything much more than F2
and at that depending on wind direction. Even on the calm day we
made the passage, the confused sea state did some strange things
Although there is a wide expanse of water, there is also the second
highest tidal range in the world at over 10 metres. The very narrow,
winding navigable channel is not buoyed, since at low water the
cans and cones could well be lying on the mud some considerable
distance off track. The channel is therefore negotiated by following
a series of well defined transit marks.
Making nearly 11 knots over the ground from Portishead to Sharpness
certainly focuses the mind. Especially when your laptop chart plotter
decides to lose its GPS and you realise that the magnetic deviation of
25 tons of steel renders a hand-held compass pretty useless! Thank
heavens for paper charts, pilot books, a sound passage plan and the
compass on a mobile phone! Oh, and the fact that I had chosen the
passage to coincide with a neap tide and a near still day.
n Rob, top, has been enjoying challenges of a different kind on the
inland waterways of the UK
n Navigating theThames in a narrowboat was a novel experience
Return to Brittany
This year Freyja (right) is returning to Brittany for the ‘long trip’. Early season taster
and training days will take place at the beginning of the season. There are still
some berths available and further details are shown in the table below. The
information on available berths was correct at the time of writing this article.
ECYD Programme 2016
Date from
18.00 Friday 29th April
18.00 Monday 2nd May
18.00 Friday 6th May
18.00 Sunday 8th May
Date to
18.00 Monday 2nd May
18.00 Friday 6th May
18.00 Sunday 8th May
18.00 Friday 13th May
18.00 Friday 13th May
18.00 Saturday 14th May
18.00 Sunday 15th May
18.00 Tuesday 17th May
18.00 Friday 29th May
18.00 Sunday 22nd May
18.00 Saturday 14th May
18.00 Sunday 15th May
18.00 Tuesday 17th May
18.00 Thursday 19th May
18.00 Sunday22nd May
18.00 Friday 27th May
Type of trip
18.00 Thursday 2nd June
12.00 Wednesday 12 June 12.00 Saturday 25th June
RYA Start Yachting
RYA Competent Crew/
Day Skipper
Introductory/Taster Sail
Introductory/Taster Sail
Practice boat handling
Practice boat handing
RYA Start Yachting
RYA Competent Crew/
Day Skipper
Private Charter
Skippered cruise
25th June
Long trip charters
18.00 Friday 27th May
12.00 Sunday
18th September
12.00 Sunday
18th September
12.00 Wednesday
28th September
Start & finish point
Shotley Marina
Shotley Marina
Shotley Marina
Shotley Marina
** Yes
* Available
** Yes
** Yes
Shotley Marina
Shotley Marina
Shotley Marina
Shotley Marina
Shotley Marina
Shotley Marina
** Yes
** Yes
** Yes
** Yes
** Yes
Shotley Marina
Start Cherbourg, finish
Brest Brittany Le Havre
* Available
** Yes
Skippered cruise/***RYA Start Le Havre, finish
** ?
** Yes
* To charter Freyja contact the Yacht Secretary David Bedborough
** ? For all crew berths, including long trip vacancies, contact Crew Secretary
*** RYA courses possible on this leg Start Yachting, Competent Crew and Day Skipper.
Crewing opportunities
along Brittany coast
n Get in touch with
John Figgures for
to sail Freyja
along the
Brittany coast
If you have enjoyed Taster sails on CSSA yachts or have qualified as
Competent Crew or Day Skipper, or just want to try some offshore
cruising, then check the CSSA website ( Notice Board
Sailing Opportunities. I am looking for crew from 15th-25th June to
take Freyja from Cherbourg to Brest along the Brittany coast.
Contact for more details.
John Figgures
New travel policy
introduced for 2016
CSSC have introduced a new National Travel Policy, details of which
can be found at
aspx. For CSSA this means that, subject to a cap of £45.60,
participants in the Inter-Departmental Offshore Regatta and the
Dinghy Championships will be able to claim half their travel costs.
These events fall within the ‘Category 2 – Open Championships’
element of CSSC’s scheme, as set out in the NTP Guidance Notes.
In limited circumstances - likely if at all to apply only to the Dinghy
Championships – some accommodation costs may also be reimbursed. The scheme, which is restricted to CSSC members, is
independent of CSSA. Claims are to be made to the CSSC
Regional Office in whose area the claimant either lives or works.
Claimants can establish their Region by contacting CSSC’s Membership section on 01494 888444. Claim Forms are Regionspecific and include the address to which the claim should be sent.
They are available on each Regional Office website to which there
are links from the main CSSC link above.
The policy will apply for 2016 but is experimental and constrained
by Regional and HQ budgets, so its future shape may change. In
the meantime however, potential participants in either of these
events - and the organisers - will surely want to take note.
Brian Grubb, Hon Treasurer, CSSA, March 2016
RYA Dinghy Training Courses 2016
Join Littleton through the CSSA for £96 (adult membership) and benefit from unbeatable course prices.
RYA Level 1 and 2 (four-day courses) ...... £120
23, 24 April and 7, 8 May
11, 12, 18, 19 June
20, 21, 22, 23 August
1, 2, 8, 9 October
RYA Level 3 (two-day course) .................... £60
9, 10 July
For more information contact:
David Brassington:
or take a look at our website
Sat 14th May
Littleton Sailing Club
Open Day
It’s Spring, so ‘push the boat out’ at our
Open Day, 10.30 am till 4.00 pm.
• Book a dinghy taster sail
• Try stand up paddleboarding
• Dry land windsurfing simulator
• BBQ | Refreshments | Bar
For more information or to book a taster contact:
Vanda Jowett, 01932 571036,
Littleton Sailing Club, Littleton Lane, Shepperton, TW17 0NF
Riddle of the corroding anode
Sea Essay was lifted in December for winter lay-up, and Yacht Husband Jeff Llewellyn was pleased to see that after the first year and
4,600 miles, the below-waterline condition was very good. As well
as obtaining recertification of compliance with the small
commercial vessel code of practice, the boat was inspected by an
RYA surveyor in February and found to be compliant with the RYA
requirements for training vessels, barring five small points which
have since been incorporated. Among the extensive list of lay-up
maintenance tasks was the provision of a Whisker Pole complete
with stowage clamps on the forward port stanchions.
It is arguable whether the Jeanneau’s small foresail and sheet
arrangements suit a pole but it does permit demonstration of
downwind sailing as required by the RYA. It must be emphasised
that the pole is not strong enough for use with a spinnaker or
cruising chute; however, it can replace the occasional use of a crew
member and a broom/boathook to pole out the foresail.
A Technical Conundrum
An observation during the lay-up was the fact that the sacrificial
anode did not need replacing; in the first year of operation of the
Jeanneau SO409 it has exhibited significantly less anode erosion
than occurred on the previous boat (Dufour 405). Throughout
the Dufour’s years with CSD, a lot of time and effort were spent
investigating the mystery of disappearing anodes, which generated
a lot of theories. As a last-ditch effort to solve the problem, a
Galvanic Isolator was fitted to the shore power earth line where
it enters the boat, which improved matters but did not stop the
corrosion completely. Considering all other key factors remain
the same, e.g. the same pontoon in the marina, the same boats in
adjacent berths, the same shore power system and no evidence of
a galvanic isolator on the Jeanneau, the vagaries of sacrificial anode
corrosion remain a mystery. If you have a theory or really would
like to know more, talk to Jeff.
Facebook Page
The CSD Facebook page is now up and running and called ‘CSSA
- Channel Sailing Division’. It is a closed site but we would
encourage you to contact Susie Welch ( for an invite to ‘like it’.
Photo Competition
We are intending to a run a photographic competition this year
with free or discounted sails as prizes for the best photos of your
experiences associated with Sea Essay. Winners will be selected at
the CSD AGM in November.
Sailing Opportunities
To take those prize-winning photographs or just enjoy a variety of
sailing on a 40ft cruising yacht, please see the list of available berths
in our list of sailing opportunities [below] or contact the
appropriate organiser as listed on the next page;
3rd-6th April
Boat Handling
D Price
11th-14th April
Boat Handling
R Bone
28 May-4 June
Sea Time Summer
Cruise Wk. 1
Cross Channel
Hamble to
M Godwin
9th-16th July
Summer Cruise Wk. 7
La Trinité to
Available for Charter
6th-13th Aug
Summer Cruise Wk. 11
Concarneau to
M Blockley
13th-20th Aug
Summer Cruise Wk. 12
Brest to Roscoff
Available for Charter
20th-27th Aug
Sea Time Summer
Cruise Wk. 13
Cross Channel
Roscoff to Falmouth
A Ramsay
18th-21st Sept
Boat Handling
D Price
D Price
30th Sept-2nd Oct Sea Time weekend
4 Oct-7 Oct
Sail Trim
R Bone
6th-9th and 13th16th Oct
Comp Crew/Day
Skipper (over two
M Blockley
24th-27th Oct
Boat Handling
D Price
28 -30 Oct
Sea Time weekend
A Lumb
20th Oct-6th Nov
Yachtmaster Prep +
11th-13th Nov
Sea Time weekend
A Smith tbc
The full 2016 Programme can be viewed on the website. For the latest CSD news and information follow us on
Twitter @seaessay409.
Your committee are always on the lookout for members to join the Sea Essay management team; if you have ever considered getting involved
in the boat’s operation, please get in touch with the CSD Secretary Colin Smith ( for further information and
Opportunities to
enjoy sailing
on Sea Essay in
and around the
Channel or over
to France
Contact CSD Organisers
Day Sail Organiser
Colin Smith,
Crew Bureau and Sea Time Organiser
Susie Welch,
Charter Organiser
Simon Richardson,
Training Organiser
James Savage,
n Sea Essay out on
the Solent, where
she came across
the Five Kingdoms
new boat Ynot
Ynot warms up for Scottish summer
Ynot’s programme for 2016
Ynot will start the season with passages from the Solent towards
the Scillies, up the east coast of Ireland and on to the west coast of
Scotland. Summer handover ports will include Inverkip for cruising
the Firth of Clyde and Mallaig for ready access to the Hebrides.
Late summer will see arrival in Liverpool. September and October
will provide taster sails on the Mersey and weekends cruising the
Menai Straits from Conwy or Caernarfon. Over the autumn and
into winter, we will be racing around the cans on the Mersey with
Liverpool Yacht Club.
There are a few opportunities in the spring to cruise along the
south coast, in Devon and Cornwall. There are also a few days
available in early summer on the Clyde – including time for Inshore
Skippers (experienced skippers who do not hold a Yachtmaster
Certificate of Competence). The time allocated to the Hebrides
is fully booked but there are one or two crew places remaining
on delivery trips. If you would like to charter Ynot, are interested
in crewing on her or would like a place on a taster day please see or contact David Hedley at the
5KSC crew bureau –
Inshore Skippers
As a 5KSC Inshore Skipper you can charter Ynot for sailing in a
defined area of the Firth of Clyde, in favourable weather (Force 4
or less) and in daylight without full CSSA Skipper Approval. The
limitations keep you within the terms of the codes of practice
appended to MGN280. The area limit gives you a vast range of
opportunity to visit many marinas, anchorages and hotel moorings
in the deep and sheltered waters amongst the beautiful islands and
lochs of the Firth of Clyde. To be a 5KSC Inshore Skipper you must
hold RYA shore-based course certificates for GMDSS radio, First
Aid, and Day Skipper or Yachtmaster theory and hold a Day or a
Coastal skipper RYA practical course completion certificate. You
must be familiar with both Ynot and the Clyde. You will likely gain
the required experience if you complete cruising or training aboard
Ynot on the Clyde. Apply via for
approval to participate in the scheme.
Yacht preparation and skipper familiarisations
Ynot is available for Skipper or Mate yacht familiarisation on
nominated weekends throughout the season. For dates, see
Clyde Muster 2016
Members of 5 Kingdoms Sailing Club and the Scottish Civil Service
Cruising Club will be mustering over the weekend of 2nd and 3rd
July for a cruise in company and a meal at a favourite restaurant. It
would be good to see you join us aboard Ynot, Foxfire, Scorcher V or
other charter yachts. For further details or to enter a yacht, e-mail
RYA First Aid shore-based course
CSSA First Aid offers RYA First Aid training for CSSA members.
E-mail if you would like further details.
n Ahoy there Sea
Essay! Ynot out on
the Solent, where
she came across
the CSD boat
.... news in brief .... news in brief .... news in brief .... news in brief ....
All aboard for the lifeboats!
The CSSA is holding its Interdepartmental Offshore Regatta
(IDOR) in the Solent this year from 12th-17th June. The event is
open to all CSSC members and is aimed at sailors of all levels.
Most crews are a mixture of novices, dinghy sailors, cruisers and
racers of various levels of experience.
Did you know that public servants have their own lifeboat charity?
The Communications and Public Service Lifeboat Fund (The Lifeboat Fund, for short) is proud to be the longest-serving supporter
and one of the biggest single contributors to the RNLI. The Fund
was formed in 1866 by civil servants and is celebrating its 150th
anniversary this year.
The charity is still run from inside the public service, entirely by
volunteers. This is a very special time for the charity and they have
decided to mark the occasion with a special appeal. The goal they
have set themselves is to fundraise £1.1million towards the cost of
a brand new Shannon class all-weather lifeboat.
The Permanent Secretaries of the five largest Civil Service
Departments have all committed to supporting the Anniversary
Appeal as its Founding Partners. The First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir
George Zambellas KCB DSC ADC DL is lending his support as
Vice-Patron of the charity, with specific emphasis on promoting the
Anniversary Appeal.
This year, the CSSA is dedicating its fundraising efforts this year to
supporting this appeal and the Lifeboat Fund is the official charity
of this year’s IDOR.
So please support the crews who may be representing your
department in the IDOR, or make a donation directly to the Fund,
in support the hundreds of volunteers who help to keep our
coasts and rivers safe. And if you’re a budding sailor, why not get a
crew together yourself? If you need a skipper, one can be supplied.
If you’re still keen to contribute to the appeal, perhaps consider
holding other fundraising events for the Lifeboat Fund?
For more information on IDOR and how to enter, see www.idor. and if you would like to read more about the Lifeboat Fund
and its 150th Anniversary Appeal, see
n The Shannon class
all-weather lifeboat
will be stationed
in Norfolk
The boat will be stationed at Wells-next–the-Sea, Norfolk from
2017. Its total cost is £2 million; raising £1.1 million will secure
naming rights of the vessel. The life-savers at Wells are delighted to
be getting the new boat. It will enable Coxswain Allen Frary and
his crew to continue to save lives at sea and return safely for many
years to come.
The lifeboat will be “Civil Service No 53” – the 53rd lifeboat to be
funded by The Lifeboat Fund for the RNLI.
The Lifeboat Fund exists for a single purpose - to help the RNLI
save lives – and not only off our shores - its flood rescue team is
increasing in size and now even has an international division. In this
year’s floods in Wales, volunteers with specialist swift water rescue
training joined colleagues from across the UK, assisting 337 people
and rescuing 74 people in distress. The RNLI saves on average 23
people every day and is staffed by volunteers who risk their lives
to help others - and it is funded solely by voluntary contributions.
All contributions to The Lifeboat Fund go directly, in full, to the
RNLI and since Fund began, the total sum it has donated about
£5 million. The 52 lifeboats it has funded for the RNLI have saved
over 4,700 lives and assisted thousands more people in difficulty.
Rectangular CSSA House Flags
Triangular CSSA burgees
SizesLarge (30cm x 45cm approx)
Small (20cm x 30cm approx)
CSSA ties (polyester)
P&P included. Please send your requests and cheques (payable
to Civil Service Sailing Association) to:
Brian Grubb
64 Cross Road
SO23 9PS
CSSA is affiliated to the
Civil Service Sports Council (CSSC)
and the Royal Yachting Association
Graham Dalton Membership Secretary Ken Pavitt
General Secretary
Nikki Brown
Deborah Ward