07/12/12 PDF - CentralSpeaks.com


07/12/12 PDF - CentralSpeaks.com
July 12, 2012 • Daily News at CentralSpeaks.com
Assistant School System Superintendent Ronnie Devall - 2010
Candidates for induction in the Central High School Hall of Fame must have “made
a significant impact on Central High School”. Who could this more accurately describe
than Ronnie Devall? Mr. Devall, who has been a CHS student, teacher, coach, parent and
principal, and retired in 2009 as the Assistant Superintendent of the Central Community
School System, will be this year’s sole inductee into the CHS Hall of Fame. This is a
fitting honor for a man who has spent a lifetime making a “significant impact” on this
school, its students, faculty and parents.
The Selection Committee for the CHS Hall of Fame unanimously selected Ronnie
Devall this year and felt it was fitting that he be the sole inductee for 2012. System
Athletic Director and Head Football and Softball Coach Sid Edwards, a member of the
committee, shared that “The reason I came to Central was Ronnie Devall. He is a living
legend. Top of his field as an Administrator, Teacher, Principal and Coach, but most
importantly as a MAN. I would do anything in the world for him. No one deserves
this honor more than Ronnie Devall. I am a better man for being his friend and having
worked for him."
The formal induction ceremony into the Hall of Fame will be held at mid-field
of Wildcat Stadium at halftime of the Central vs Denham Springs Football game on
October 18th. Mr. Devall’s attitude toward Central High School may best be summed
up in his comment in a 2011 interview when he shared, “I was blessed beyond measure
to have a wonderful staff and administration during my years as Principal. This school’s
success, then and now, is a combination of many efforts, starting from the janitor, most
certainly the teachers, coaches, principal, assistant principals, students etc. It is a group
effort and it shows!” Congratulations Mr. Devall on this well-earned recognition.
A Taste of Central
Showcasing Central Area Restaurants
Pages 7-10
Central Cultural Foundation proudly invites you to the...
Thursday, July 12, 2012 at 7 PM
6691 Sullivan Road
Join us for music, art and discussion of Central History.
Local husband and wife artists, David and Karen
McCormick, will display some of their art
while Central musician Josh Romine will provide acoustic
Central Historical information and maps will be on display.
We will also have membership and volunteer forms
We look forward to seeing you there!
Chamber of Commerce Annual Golf Scramble
is being held this Monday, July 16th at 1 PM at
The Bluffs. For more information,
contact Chris Dickerson at 614-0206.
CCSS Schools Welcome
James Henderson as
Music Coordinator
By Lindsey Pyburn
This school year, Central is
welcoming James Henderson as
the new Music Coordinator for
Central Community Schools. Mr.
Henderson was born and raised in
Baton Rouge and graduated from
Belaire High School, where he
studied music under band director
Wayne Frazier who inspired
Mr. Henderson at a young age
to pursue a career in music
education. He graduated with
a BA in Music Education from
LSU in 1998. After graduation,
he taught 5th through 12th grade
music in Loranger, LA and later
moved to Orlando, FL where he
taught at three different schools.
It was during his time in Orlando
that he decided he would like to
further his career and he moved to
Athens, GA where he received his
MA in Instrumental Conducting.
He then worked as Director of
Athletic Bands for Northwestern
State University in Nachitoches,
but found that he missed working
with high school students. After
much deliberation and prayer, he
began searching for a position
at a high school, which is when
the opportunity with Central
Community Schools appeared.
He worked with Superintendent
Faulk to create and define the new
role of Music Coordinator for the
school system.
The new position of Music
Community Schools allows Mr.
Henderson to travel between all
the schools in Central in order to
coordinate the music programs
for kindergarten through 12th
grade. This will enable him to
ensure that the music programs on
every grade level are performing
above and beyond state standards
See Music Coordinator, Page 14
Thursday, July 12, 2012 • CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition
Words of Encouragement from the Central Area Pastors Association
Children Need Spiritual Training
I know a young couple who
finished their education, got
married, and started their careers.
Several years later, they bought
their first house, and started
preparing for their first child. Until
then, they had not given God a
second thought. Success felt good,
finances were solid, and baby was
One night they had a conversation
about spiritual things. They decided
that they did not need God in their
life, but they needed to figure out
what they believed about God,
so they could give some direction
to their children! They knew that
children need spiritual training!
They started visiting churches, not
for them, but for their children. In
the process, they experienced God’s
love and plan for their life. Soon they
were hooked on His Son Jesus, and
the wonderful Holy Spirit! They
became Christians themselves, they
joined a bible believing church,
and they raised their 4 children in
the ways of the Lord, and now their
children are raising their children in
the ways of the Lord!
My wife and I were that young
couple. Here we are 40 years later
in Central. I’m glad we came to that
conclusion – children need spiritual
training! I hope you come to that
conclusion too! Find that good
church! Experience God’s love and
plan for your life! You and your
kids might get hooked too! You’ll
be glad you did!
Dick Metz
Cornerstone Fellowship
Denham Rd Speed Limit Reduced
On Tuesday, July 17, 2012, the speed limit on Denham Rd will be reduced
from 55 mph to 45 mph. This comes after two separate traffic studies conducted
by the city and a review of accident history over the past four years. Many of
the accidents were single-vehicle crashes in which speed was a factor.
Recently, as part of safety improvements through the Local Road Safety
Program, the city of Central had centerline rumble strips installed in several
curves along the roadway, as well as new reflective striping, and new curve
warning signs.
The city is committed to looking at other safety improvements along the
roadway in the areas with high accident rates.
Now Open 24 Hours
central location
Central’s only fitness center
8-7 M-W
8-6 Thursday
7-2 Friday
offering Child Care, Group
Fitness Classes & Personal
tanning beds, spray
tans, & a full line of
11424 Sullivan Road Central, LA 70818 (225) 261-8405
CONTACT Central SpeakS
Email: Info@CentralSpeaks.com
Phone: (225) 262-3730
Fax: (888) 220-8396
Published Weekly 51 weeks a year
Deadline 12 NOON Tuesdays
Article submission is free of charge.
P.O. Box 78137
City of Central, LA 70837
12023 Sullivan Road
City of Central, LA 70818
News & Commentary:
Beth Fussell
Melissa Guilbeau
Dave Freneaux
Beth@CentralSpeaks.com Dave@CentralSpeaks.com Melissa@CentralSpeaks.com
Layout: Michelle Freneaux
Sullivan’s Hardware Holding
Open House in Honor of
Owner’s 20th Year in Business
It is hard to believe it has been 20 years of hardware business
for me. I want to personally thank the entire community of
Central for twenty years of patronage and kindness to me
and my family at Sullivan Hardware. This is a community
that truly cares. I first came to Sullivan Hardware in July
of 1992 because I was out of work with a young family at
home. Employment at Sullivan Hardware was going to be
temporary until I could find a job at a plant. I fell in love
with the hardware business and the people of Central. In
October 2010, I proudly bought Sullivan Hardware knowing
I wanted to invest in a community that I believe in. I am
truly blessed to get up daily and look forward to work. I
give full credit to the Central community, Lynn Hernandez,
and fellow employees for feeling this way.
We will have an Open House/20 Year Anniversary Sale
on July 21, 2012 to celebrate my twenty years of working at
Sullivan Hardware. We will have door prizes, food, drinks,
and displays from different vendors. Register now, as we
will have a drawing for FREE gifts!
We want everyone to know the services we provide such
as making screens/re-screens, glass cutting, pipe threading,
key cutting, UPS shipping, paint mixing, fax/copy machine,
making hydraulic hoses, selling live bait, and much more.
We are new to Facebook, so don't forget to "Like" us for
monthly specials.
Most importantly, "If we ain't got it, you don't need it!"
Thanks for everything!
Lance Butler
("Your helpful hardware man")
CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition • Thursday, July 12, 2012
Building Permits Steady in June
From the City of Central
Building permits remained on pace in the month of June 2012 in the
city of Central with a total of 12 new residential permits being issued.
The total valuation of these permits was $2,542,930.
Within these permits, two were issued in Village Lakes with an
average valuation of $233,023; one in Burlington Lakes valued at
$158,840; three in Woodstock valued at an average of $219,105; two
in Wisteria Lakes with an average valuation of $209,802; two in the
Gates at Burlington with an average valuation of $152,216; and two on
private parcels of land valued at an average of $268,346. A total of 83
new residential home permits have been issued so far this year. As a
comparison, at this period last year, a total of 72 residential permits had
been issued.
Building valuation is the price based upon the square footage of
the home used for permitting purposes. The actual selling price of the
home is usually higher than the valuation and depends upon amenities
installed by the builder.
Mosquito-Borne Disease Alert
From EBRP Mosquito Abatement
West Nile Virus (WNV)
infection rates in Southern House
Mosquitoes increased dramatically
in East Baton Rouge Parish last
week, and there have been several
Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE)
cases in horses in other parishes in
southern Louisiana recently. Both
these diseases cycle between wild
birds and mosquitoes and can be
transmitted to people by the bite
of an infected mosquito. Because
of the increase in WNV and
EEE activity, mosquito control
personnel are urging people to
protect themselves from biting
mosquitoes and empty water
filled containers around the home
to reduce potential mosquito
breeding sites. Horse owners
should also work with their
veterinarian to have their horses
vaccinated for both WNV and
East Baton Rouge Parish
Rodent Control workers advise
that the parish wide West Nile
Virus infection rate among
Southern House Mosquitoes
recently jumped to 11.1 infected
mosquitoes per 1000 mosquitoes
tested. An infection rate of 6 or
more positive mosquitoes per
1000 mosquitoes during July has
historically preceded human cases
of West Nile Virus in EBR Parish.
Thirty one (31) mosquito samples
collected recently from twenty
(20) separate locations around
the parish tested positive for West
Nile Virus. The director, Matthew
Yates, is advising citizens to take
measures to protect themselves
from mosquito bites and mosquito
borne disease.
Mosquitoes become infected
with WNV, EEE, Saint Louis
Encephalitis (SLE) or other
mosquito borne viruses when they
bite wild birds which are infected
with the disease. If a mosquito
bites an infected bird and later
bites a person it can transmit the
disease to the person. People do
not get WNV, EEE or SLE from
contact with wild birds or horses.
Wild birds, which may be
infected with WNV, EEE or SLE
frequently visit bird feeders and
often seek water in bird baths
and other items around homes.
Cardinals (Red Birds) and House
Sparrows are frequently infected
with WNV in the Baton Rouge
area. The immature stages of
mosquitoes, especially Southern
House Mosquitoes and Asian
Tiger Mosquitoes which can
transmit West Nile Virus, develop
in water filled containers around
homes and businesses. Recent rain
events have provided numerous
breeding sites around homes and
businesses. Matt Yates says that
emptying water filled containers
will greatly reduce the risk of West
Nile Virus and other mosquito
borne diseases by eliminating
Mosquito control personnel are
urging citizens to check around
their home and locate and empty
water filled containers every week
when they take the trash can to the
curb for garbage pickup.
Other precautions include:
* Avoiding activity around dusk
and dawn whenever possible, this
is when many mosquito species
are most active;
* Wearing long sleeve shirts and
long pants when outdoors during
peak mosquito activity periods
whenever possible;
* Wearing repellents with DEET
or other approved ingredients
when outdoors during times
when mosquitoes are active (See
the CDC Web Site for More
Information; and,
* Keeping mosquitoes out of the
home by repairing torn window
screens and eliminating cracks
around doors and windows.
Thursday, July 12, 2012 • CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition
folks, we all know who I’m talking don’t forget to check out their dessert
about!) to create their omelets and menu, featuring rotating favorites
breakfast specialty items. Melissa like Lemon Ice Box Pie, Mississippi
and Casey arrive at 4:30 every Mud Pie, and Banana Pudding –
morning to whip up their light as air ALL homemade! First time diner
home made biscuits. “My mother, Karen Barrow affirmed, “The food
Rose Hudson, taught me how to is good, the service is excellent and
cook,” Melissa explained. French very friendly, it’s a great Christian
toast and pancakes round off the list. atmosphere and I’ll definitely be
Most popular breakfast items include back!”
Tommy’s favorite, Papa T’s Southern
Melissa and Tommy want their
Scrambler Biscuit Platter – an open Community to know that they are
faced biscuit topped with 2 sausage here for the long term. Tommy, a
patties furnished by our boudin shop, Central resident for 45 years, and
scrambled eggs, home fries, gravy, Melissa, whose mother and her 7
and cheese, served with grits. Better brothers and sisters graduated from
come hungry!
Central High School, are dedicated
Daily Specials change each to offering Central the best old
day, with Tuesday offering Steak fashioned cooking served in the most
and Gravy or Fried Pork Chops, welcoming atmosphere. “We want
Wednesday Chicken Fried Steak our customers to come and make
(Melissa’s personal favorite) or themselves at home. Wear your
Hamburger Steak and gravy or Liver comfortable attire, bring the kids, and
and Onions, Thursday Spaghetti and enjoy yourself!”
Meatballs or Chicken and Dumplings,
Me’Pa’s Diner, 6642 Sullivan
and Friday Baked Chicken or Fried Road in LaCentrale Plaza. Monday –
Fish (items subject to change). All Friday 5:30-2:00 (breakfast served til
named after grandchildren!
Co-owner Tommy Dykes, Melissa’s specials come with 2 sides and bread 10:30), Saturday 7:00-3:00, Sunday
very supportive husband, did all and (like every item on the menu) Brunch 8:00-3:00. Takeout available
the remodeling himself, creating a are VERY reasonably priced. And Monday-Friday. 202-2183.
warm, welcoming atmosphere with
cosy red walls and wood flooring.
The Breakfast Counter, which seats
8, was created from a repurposed
Blackwater United Methodist Church is receiving resumes for the full time position of
sneeze guard from an old buffet
Church Secretary. Interested persons should send their resume to Blackwater UMC,
warming table! This sort of ingenuity,
combined with a “can-do” attitude, 10000 Blackwater Rd., Baker, LA 70714 Attn. Marie or email to marie@blackwaterumc.
has gotten Melissa and Tommy off org. Resumes will be received through July 25th. Persons applying should have a warm
and friendly personality, neat appearance, good communication skills, computer and
to a great start in their third week of
office machine skills and a strong desire to work at a church.
The kitchen is in the capable hands
For Sale: 3BR/2BA home CENTRAL
For Rent: 3BR Vacation Cabin in
of experienced cook Casey Springer.
SCHOOLS, $124,000, new roof, large
Gatlinburg, TN, $550 per week.
“She’s VERY good!” Melissa stated
fenced yard, MOVE IN READY!
Some restrictions apply.
emphatically. Casey oversees the 10323 Ardoon Dr. Call 278 8551 for info
Call 261-9192 or 936-6519
preparation of family recipes like
Garage Sale Sat 7/14 7AM-3PM.
Free Female Gray and White kitten to
made from scratch fried green
9622 Lansdowne in Tanglewood
a good home. She is approximately 8
tomatoes, onion rings, and daily Subd. Wide selection incl. kid's items.
weeks old. 288-7119
specials. The specials, Monte Cristo
General Office Help Wanted
sandwich, and fresh fried chicken
Nautilus full body workout machine
A/P, A/R, Collections & Payroll
NS 300 great condition $500 262-7579
fingers are the most popular.
Call 774-4229
In addition, Casey handles the
Beautiful armoire with 32" tv $200
For Sale - 2010 Dell Computer
breakfast menu, using fresh eggs
or without tv $100 262-7579
$220. 261-2483
and boudin and sausage made by a
local business located on Greenwell House Cleaning References Available
Twin Hello Kitty comforter set less
Springs Road (licensing laws won’t
Prefer Central homes. 603-3383
than a year old $30 262-7579
let us print the name, but come on
For Sale - Blue Ox Tow bar. Like
To place ads, e-mail Classifieds@
new. $300. 261-2483
Me’Pa’s Diner Serves Up
Southern Favorites
By Mia Freneaux
If you’re looking for the melt-inyour mouth Southern cooking your
grandmother put in front of you for
Sunday dinners, head to Me’Pa’s
Diner. Combining recipes passed
down to her by her grandmother and
mother, Central resident Melissa
Dykes serves her delicious dishes
with the same warm family feeling
you’ll recall from Grandma’s house.
“We want people to feel welcomed,
like they’ve become part of our
extended family,” Melissa shared
with her warm smile.
The family emphasis goes beyond
the recipes.
Daughter Meggan
Hoover is the manager, and daughter
Jayme Torres and son Christopher
Dykes (both Central High grads with
food service experience) have made
huge contributions. Daughter GG has
been a big support. Melissa herself
worked in the restaurant food supply
business for years. Her mother in law,
Lorraine Dykes, “The Cake Lady”,
made wedding cakes here in Central
for years. The menu depicts offerings
named after mothers, grandmothers,
aunts, children, and the kids menu is
CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition • Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Council on Aging is forming a Bridge Club.
This will be open to anyone, singles, or couples,
age 60 or older who would like to play. Anyone
who would like to participate should email the
Council on Aging at annieann@cox.net.
The C4 Report
From the City of Central Chamber of Commerce
The City of Central Chamber of Commerce mission is to guide, inspire,
and promote the business and professional interests of its members and
to enhance the economic, cultural, and recreational opportunities for the
citizens of Central. Thanks to our members, who are the Central Chamber,
we continue to provide benefits that help to fulfill this mission. One of
the benefits that many of our members utilize is our monthly membership
luncheon. Our luncheons are held the second Wednesday of each month at
Kristenwood Reception Center located at 14025 Greenwell Springs Road
here in Central. For a cost of only $12, the luncheon provides an opportunity
for members to eat lunch, network, promote their business, listen to a variety
of guest speakers, and to top it off, possibly win a door prize!
As the Central Chamber, we have had the opportunity to bring some
tremendous speakers and organizations to our community this year. These
speakers include: Gordy Rush from Guaranty Broadcasting, Buddy Ragland
of Coleman Partners Architects, Tasha Clark-Amar from the East Baton
Rouge Council on Aging, Daniel Vlosky from the LSU Small Business
Center, Stephen Moret, Louisiana Secretary of Economic Development,
and this month our speaker was Jim Patterson, Louisiana Association of
Business and Industry’s Vice President of Legislative affairs. In the coming
months we are scheduled to hear from United States Congressman Dr. Bill
Cassidy and John Kennedy, Louisiana Secretary Treasurer.
We continue to strive to bring beneficial and encouraging information
to our members. We are excited to have had the opportunity to bring these
speakers into our community. Not only does it allow our members to hear
from them but it also exposes these speakers to our Chamber, its members,
and to our great community! We look forward to continuing these efforts
and encourage everyone to come on out and be a part of these great meetings!
For more information contact the Central Chamber office at 261-5818.
Abington Accident Will Go to Trial
The September 9, 2011 traffic accident that claimed the life of 16 year old Phillip
Abington of Central serves as a poignant example of how many lives can be forever
changed in a moment. A group of almost fifty Central friends and family of Phillip
were in attendance at the hearing of James Watts III of Denham Springs, the driver
whose 2005 Chevrolet pickup struck Abington's 2001 Honda Civic on Greenwell
Springs Road here in Central. At the hearing the judge sent the case to trial. Watts
was found to have a blood alcohol concentration over the legal limit at the time of
the crash and was estimated to have been travelling almost twice the 45 mile per
hour speed limit. Watts was initially arrested and charged with Reckless Operation.
Many of those who came out to support the Abington family were young Central
community members and that is sobering evidence of the far reaching impact of
poor driving decisions not only on the victim, but on family, friends, and an entire
community. Driving the speed limit and never driving under the influence are the
starting points for respecting the lives of others that share the roads.
Rheumatology Physician
Opens Office in Zachary
Dr. Joseph P. Nesheiwat, Rheumatologist,
has opened Zachary Rheumatology located at
6110 Main Street. He is board certified in both
Rheumatology and Internal Medicine, and treats
all rheumatic diseases including rheumatoid
arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout. He also has
a special interest in severe osteoporosis and
psoriasis related arthritis.
Dr. Nesheiwat graduated Magna Cum Laude
from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton,
FL, and received his medical education from
Saint George’s University School of Medicine
in Grenada, West Indies. He completed both his
Internal Medicine residency and his Rheumatology
fellowship training at the University of Tennessee
Health Science Center in Memphis, TN.
During his Fellowship training, Dr. Nesheiwat
was published in major peer reviewed journals
on topics including osteoporosis and rheumatoid lung disease. He was recognized at
the National Young Rheumatology Investigators Forum for best presentation. He is a
member of the American College of Rheumatology.
Dr. Nesheiwat and his wife, Carli Comish Nesheiwat, currently reside in Denham
Springs, Louisiana. They have two children, Adam and Claire.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Joseph Nesheiwat at Zachary Rheumatology,
please call 225-636-5836.
6 CentralSpeaks.com
Print Edition • Thursday, March 8, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012 • CentralSpeaks.com
Print Edition 11
The Choctaw Tribe Was First to Settle in Greenwell Springs
By Mia Freneaux
Did you know?
Many children this summer
are availing themselves of the
fun to be had at Camp Istrouma
Summer Camp. Owned by the
United Methodist Church, Camp
Istrouma was also a Boy Scout
Camp, but long before that, many
people called it home.
Camp Istrouma is named after
the Native American word for
“Red Stick” (“Baton Rouge”
in French). An Indian mound
which still exists on Greenwell
Springs Road gave its name to
the community of European
settlers who came here in the
early 1800’s. But long before
the Europeans came, the Amite
and Choctaw tribes lived here.
Dr. Jesse Fairchild, life long
Greenwell Springs resident,
found many relics of this
civilization. Farmers along the
Amite River regularly plowed up
artifacts as they prepared their
fields. It would be wonderful to
recover some of these artifacts
for a museum in Central.
From the Choctaw Nation
website, one learns “The Choctaw
are native to the Southeastern
United States and members of
the Muskogean linguistic family,
which traces its roots to a moundbuilding, maize-based society
that flourished in the Mississippi
River Valley for more than a
thousand years before European
contact. Although their first
ended in a bloody battle with
Hernando de Soto’s fortunehunting expedition in 1540,
the Choctaw would come to
embrace European traders who
arrived in their homeland nearly
two centuries later. By the time
President George Washington
initiated a program to integrate
European American culture
following the Revolutionary
War, many Choctaw had
already intermarried, converted
to Christianity and adopted
other white customs. The
Choctaw became known as one
of America’s Five Civilized
Tribes, which also included the
Chickasaw, Cherokee, Creek and
Seminole.” Sadly, despite signing
9 peace treaties with the United
States Government, the Choctaw
were the first tribe to be forced to
relocate from their ancestral land
along what is called today “The
Trail of Tears”. 2,500 members
of the tribe perished along the
way. Despite this, the Choctaw
are the third largest tribe in the
nation today, having overcome
much adversity, and even served
in World War I as the famous
“Code Talkers” who used their
native tongue to help defeat the
Germans in France.
Mound building, maize based
were settled communities that
flourished in the Midwestern,
United States from about 800
B.C. to 1500 A.D. They shared
several cultural traits, including
construction of platform mounds
that had houses, temples, or
burial buildings built on top of
them. This is why disturbing an
Indian Mound can be a serious
offence to Native Americans.
These communities were based
on maize agriculture, which
allowed them to settle in one
place and develop trade routes
(in some cases as far as the
Rocky Mountains) and art forms
such as shell tempered pottery.
They were typically ruled by
a chief.
They followed the
traditions of the Southeastern
Ceremonial Complex (SECC)
which included a fairly uniform
use of ritual items, weaponry,
and artwork. This culture had
no system of writing, no stone
architecture, did no smelting,
but worked naturally occurring
copper to create many beautiful
artifacts. They were known
for using a striped pole (Baton
Rouge!), bi-lobed arrows, maces,
copper masks, and pottery. Like
the SEC, the SECC was often
connected to ritual game playing,
specifically a game called
“chunkey”, played by rolling
stone discs across a huge arena
that housed large audiences, then
throwing spears to see who could
come closest to the stopped stone.
To lose the game generally meant
to lose your life. Gives a whole
new meaning to the term “Death
Valley,” doesn’t it! Unlike the
SEC, gambling was encouraged!
Print Edition • Thursday, July 12, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012 • CentralSpeaks.com
Edition 7
A Taste of Central
Showcasing Central Area Restaurants
14455 Wax Rd. Suite F 262-2681
14350 Wax Rd. Suite 101 262-5555
10432 Sullivan Rd. 262-7665
9952 Sullivan Rd. 262-4063
11545 Sullivan Rd. 261-6717
6642 Sullivan Rd. 202-2183
6691 Sullivan Rd. 262-4100
9718 Shady Bluff Rd. 663-2042
10218 Sullivan Rd. Suite D 262-2268
17661 Greenwell Springs Rd. 261-3201
12021 Hooper Rd. 262-7004
14112 Greenwell Springs Rd. 246-8781
12021 Hooper Rd. 262-7004
6823 Airline Hwy. 357-0601
14348 Frenchtown Rd. 262-2280
14455 Wax Rd. Suite T 261-9449
14395 Greenwell Spgs Rd. Ste 6 261-9691
13921 Joor Rd. 261-0080
9150 Joor Rd. 262-1837
12197 Greenwell Springs Rd. 275-7799
19100 Greenwell Springs Rd. 261-0027
14280 Greenwell Springs Rd. 262-2520
6657 Sullivan Rd. 261-8821
18564 Mag. Bridge Rd. Ste 109 663-6649
14447 Denham Rd. 261-6053
14350 Wax Rd. Suite 112 261-9872
14025 Denham Rd. 261-4866
18564 Mag. Bridge Rd. Ste 107 261-3036
14455 Wax Rd. Suite Y 262-8688
16935 Liberty Rd. 261-9328
11989 Hooper Rd. 261-9776
10200 Sullivan Rd. 262-7433
14350 Wax Rd. 261-6440
14455 Wax Rd. Suite A 227-2575
9783 Hooper Rd. 261-9154
14455 Wax Rd. Suite R 262-7272
14409 Wax Rd. Suite G 261-8600
14575 Wax Rd. 302-7313
10500 Sullivan Rd. 261-6446
14800 Wax Rd. 262-6455
14455 Wax Rd. Suite AA 262-4422
12121 Hooper Rd. 262-1115
13511 Hooper Rd. 261-0162
14455 Wax Rd. Suite H 261-8858
A Taste of Central
Who would have thought our little community would be
blessed with such an amazing array of choices in dining out?
From the steak and seafood tradition of Our Place, serving
Central now for literally generations, to the sparkling newly
opened Me’Pa’s Diner, Central residents can choose from just
about any cuisine in just about any atmosphere.
Caliente Mexican Craving offers authentic Mexican
dishes in a fun, trendy atmosphere. Their Chicken Rolls are
this writer’s favorite – chicken breast rolled around tender
vegetables, served with a fabulous red pepper sauce and the best
caramelized onions I’ve ever put in my mouth.
De’Angelo’s Casual Italian Dining offers upscale
Tuscan décor with a relaxed feel. Their excellent wait staff
makes you feel like the Queen of Sheba. The Chicken Parmesan,
our Publisher’s favorite, would satisfy the pickiest eater, tender
chicken topping perfectly cooked pasta with their secret recipe
marinara sauce flowing like a blessing all over. And don’t forget
their 15 minute Lunch Specials!
Me’Pa’s Diner, our newest restaurant, is reviewed in
a separate article in this issue. The Mississippi Mud Pie is a
chocoholic’s dream come true. Come on out and let Melissa and
Tommy make you feel right at home!
Pit Crew Barbecue is Central’s latest passion – savory
smoked barbecue, chicken, ribs and pork are all cheerfully served
in a dining area filled with race car memorabilia. The Rib Eye
Burger is made from just that! Tender and moist. The pecan
smoked Filet Mignon melts in your mouth with an incredible,
sweet/smokey flavor that can’t be beat.
Sweet Impressions Bakery and Café is known for their
amazing cakes, but come in for the dining experience. Restful
surroundings with an elegant menu offer the perfect place for a
business lunch or ladies’ brunch. Try the crab cakes!
Zoe’s Pizza Buffet is great family dining in a fun
setting. The all you can eat buffet features original recipes, an
Thursday, July 12, 2012 • CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition
CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition • Thursday, July 12, 2012
Central Restaurants Offer Wide Variety
extensive salad bar, and a dessert bar. The S’ mores Dessert
Pizza is incredible- melty chocolate topped with crisp toasted
marshmallows took me straight back to campfire days.
Don’s Seafood and Steakhouse has been around so long
that it should be declared a local landmark. Everyone is familiar
with their incredible array of seafood choices, served with some
of the best hushpuppies, says I. Sunday brunch at Don’s is a
The Jambalaya Shoppe is known for its terrific
jambalaya, but try the awesome Gumbo – huge portions of tender
chicken and sausage float in a soup that is savory and filling. All
the sides are great – the crawfish pies being a perennial favorite.
Romero’s Food Mart has 2 locations in Central offering
sandwiches, entrees, and breakfast items all freshly prepared in
house. Try the amazing fried chicken- crunchy on the outside,
moist and delicious on the inside!
Side of the Road Seafood not only offers fresh seafood
for the discerning chef and many Louisiana traditional food
items, but also an extensive menu of tasty treats. Their seasonal
boiled crawfish is perfectly seasoned and accompanied by tender
potatoes and corn. Try their poboys and fresh made hamburgers!
Our Place is such a part of Central’s scenery that one
can’t imagine Central without it. Everyone is familiar with their
menu specials, but the Black and Gold Special is a real standout
– blackened steak and golden fried shrimp. The Saints aren’t the
only ones who can serve up miracles.
Nagoya is one of our most recent additions. Elegant
furnishings, quiet music, and an attentive wait staff make for
an oriental sense of calmness as you choose from their extensive
sushi menu. Try their Bento Lunch Boxes – Teriyaki Salmon
and Tempura are two delicious options. And the green tea is
David’s Tiger Express offers down home cooked in house
dishes that are so generous you can eat several meals off of them.
The bread pudding is fantastic, and the rotating selection of main
dishes are all melt in your mouth and served with your choice of
two sides. And don’t forget their Friday Ribeye Special- hot off
the grill with all the trimmings.
Café Delphi is a great choice if you are looking for
something delicious yet health conscious– Mediterranean recipes
have been hailed for their healthful ingredients. The Chicken
Shwarma Plate is heaped with perfectly seasoned rotisserie
chicken breast, tzatziki sauce, tender onions, and served with
delicious salad and hummus prepared fresh daily. If you can’t
move to Greece, it’s the next best thing!
Extra Innings Sports Bar and Grill has a huge menu
selection, with rotating favorites. Their standby burgers are
some of the best ever made, and their french fries know no equal.
Soups, salads, sandwiches, you can get it all surrounded by
unique, faux painted walls with a New Orleans vibe.
Central Perk is a Central cornerstone, where you can
find all sorts of flavorful coffees and teas attended by delicious
soups and sandwiches. Homemade sweet treats tempt the palate
as well. Try the tomato basil soup accompanied by one of their
half sandwiches – it will leave your tummy well content!
Fox’s Pizza Den is a great hangout, serving hand tossed
pizza, calzones, and pasta bowls. Choose from a myriad of toppings
and watch your pizza come out of the oven, hot and bubbling!
Delicious appetizers like cheesy bread are also available.
DeRab’s Grocery and Market has a large selection of
specialty items, most notably some of the best cuts of meat you
will find anywhere, hands down. All trimmed in house. Each
Friday is their Ribeye Steak Special, served with salad and
stuffed potato. Take out or eat in, it’s fantastic!
Sammy’s of Central is a perennial favorite. Offering a
huge menu covering steak, salads, sandwiches, soups, and seafood,
if you can’t find something you want to eat, you didn’t really want
it. The Grilled Tiger Salad offers a huge portion of tender greens
and fresh veggies, topped with grilled shrimp and crawfish with
your choice of dressing. Our editor’s personal favorite.
Thursday, July 12, 2012 • CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition
Great Food Just Around the Corner
Cactus Café offers Tex-Mex cooking served in a fun
Southwestern atmosphere. Serving your traditional Tex-Mex
favorites – everything from huge burritos to crispy tacos to
specialty items, it’s a great place to take the family. The Sizzling
Apple Pie will leave any sweet tooth COMPLETELY satisfied!
Central Buffet has many, many buffet selections to
choose from daily, all served in a beautifully decorated Chinese
environment. Whatever Chinese dish you may favor, you will find
it here, freshly prepared and abundant. A sushi bar is also offered.
Family Food Store features great daily specials like their
tasty barbecue chicken, along with everyday staples like burgers,
poboys, sandwiches, and side items.
Edna’s Market & Deli offers daily plate lunches, fried
chicken, burgers, poboys, and breakfast food. They also feature
a meat market on location. When you are in the mood for a good
steak, check out their Friday night steak special!
Indian Mound Grocery makes hot plate lunches every
weekday from 10-1. You can also try their poboys, burgers, chicken,
and fried seafood. It’s a great place to pick up a hot meal on the go!
Central is also fortunate to be home to several restaurants
that offer freshly prepared food in a quicker setting. Subway
has 2 locations here, both dedicated to serving only the freshest
ingredients by their Sandwich Artists, who will prepare any type
of sandwich you’re hankering for to your specifications. Hot Wok
offers a daily Chinese buffet, in addition you can order off their
menu and have it freshly prepared for you. Take out is available
of course. Blimpie’s Subs and Salads is located inside the
Cracker Barrel and serves freshly made sub sandwiches and
salads. China Wok will prepare your selection of Chinese
cuisine before your eyes. You can then eat in or take it home to
the family. Papa Murphy’s makes it easy to create your own
pizza at home with a big selection of topping choices. Just pick it
up and pop it in your own oven whenever you’d like. Domino’s
Pizza and Papa John’s Pizza both offer delivery service, so you
never have to miss kickoff! For a local breakfast option, check out
Central Donut. Their freshly made menu also features pastries
like wonderful apple fritters. A popular dessert destination is
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt, a self-serve frozen yogurt shop that
offers delicious varieties like the much-loved Cake Batter flavor
that goes with nearly everything.
When you’re on the run, you still have options, as Central
has a nice selection of fast food to choose from. McDonald’s needs
no introduction. Since the 1950’s they’ve offered their signature
sandwiches, going from “Thousands served” to “Billions and Billions
Served” in the ensuing decades. Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers
serves only fresh, not frozen chicken, a tradition that has brought this
Louisiana chain national recognition. Burger King’s burgers are
still Flame Broiled, and their Whopper has been the choice for hearty
appetites for decades. Popeye’s Chicken and Biscuits offers
chicken with a Louisiana twist – it’s a party for your mouth! They also
offer healthy, grilled alternatives. Sonic Drive-in recaptures the fun
of the 50’s diner, and their tater tots are just plain good eating. You
can, of course, opt just for one of their delicious desserts – go ahead,
you’re a grown up now! Jack In the Box has a little bit of everything
to tempt any palate, their potato wedges with cheese are just plain
sinful. For a healthy option, try one of Smoothie King’s delicious
smoothies that can serve as quick snacks or as meals, depending on
your selection. One of our favorite healthy snacks is the Caribbean
Way. When you are on the hunt for a quick meal or a great dessert,
try Dairy Queen. Their famous Blizzards- ice cream mixed with
your choice of candies, cookies, or fruit- are a fantastic summer treat.
It’s getting harder and harder to decide to just stay home
with so many wonderful opportunities out there. Folks, just about
every one of these restaurants are owned by your neighbors, or
employ your neighbors. When you support these good people,
you are helping your community as well as your appetite. Aren’t
we blessed that we can so deliciously combine two great ideas?
Bon Appetit!
CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition • Thursday, July 12, 2012
Central Speaks hits the streets and mailboxes
CPS Tennis Camp, 9AM - Noon
Toys & Games from the Past, 10AM, Central Library
Dream Big...Read! with the Book Doctor, 10AM, GS Library
Central Senior Citizens Council on Aging Grand Opening 12:00
17070 Greenwell Springs Rd. at Morgan Road. Future Hope
Ministries. Everyone invited - aged and young.
Sid Edwards Show, 5:30-6:30 PM
Broadcast from Zoe’s Pizza & on 1550 AM or on Central Now App
Vacation Bible School, Indian Mound Baptist Church, 6:00-8:30PM
CCF Coffee Hour, 7 PM at Central Perk
FRIDAY 7/13:
Paint-In, 9:30 AM at Magnolia Methodist
Witness Fitness at Berean Ministries, 9AM - 10:30AM
Kandiland with Kandi Jones, 5:30-6:30PM
Broadcast from Romero’s @ Joor & Lovett & on 1550 AM or Central Now App
Vacation Bible School, Indian Mound Baptist Church, 6:00-8:30PM
Magnolia United Methodist Church Community Market
Central Private School Used Uniform Sale
Magnolia Square Farmer’s Market, 8AM - Noon
Board Games, 11AM, Central Library
Women Veterans of LA Meeting, 11:30AM-12:30PM
Located at the Great Wall Chinese Restaurant on College Dr.
See you at church!
Combined Storytime, 10AM, GS Library
Brown Bear What Do You See? Story & Craft, 10:30AM, Central Library
Ask the Doctor Lunch, Ringing in Your Ears? 12PM-1PM, Lane RMC
Reservation required. Call 243-6129 or 877-358-6130
Highland Rd. Observatory Presentation, 2:30 PM, GS Library
Jump Start Your Heart Screenings for CHS Student Athletes, 4PM-8PM
CHS Band Camp 6:00-8:00PM
The Central Chamber C-4 Power Hour with Ron Erickson/Matt Price, 5:30-6:30p
Broadcast from Cafe Delphi & on 1550 AM or on Central Now App
Central Basketball Elite Camp, 9:30-Noon, Limited Registration
Witness Fitness at Berean Ministries, 9AM - 10:30AM
Toddler Time Story Time, 10AM, Central Library
Preschool Story Time, 10:30AM, Central Library
Republican Women of Central meeting 11:45 at Kristenwood.
Lunch $15.00. This will be a virtual baby shower for North
Baton Rouge Health Center. Please bring gently used or new
baby things.
Plastic Water Bottle Flower, 2PM, GS Library
Tri-Parish Ballet Presents Sleeping Beauty, 2:30PM, Central Library
The Central Speaks Radio Hour with Dave Freneaux, 5:30-6:30PM
Broadcast from Menchie’s & on 1550 AM or on Central Now App
Central Speaks hits the streets and mailboxes
Tri-Parish Ballet Presents Sleeping Beauty, 10AM, GS Library
Tae Kwon Do Demonstration for kids, 10AM, Central Library
Central Basketball Elite Camp, 9:30-Noon, Limited Registration
SUNDAY 7/15:
Children’s Summer Reading Book Club, 2:30PM, GS Library
Tight Knit Group, 4PM-6PM, Central Library
Jump Start Your Heart Screenings for CHS Student Athletes, 4PM-8PM
Pajama Storytime, 7PM, GS Library
MONDAY 7/16:
Central Basketball Elite Camp, 9:30-Noon, Limited Registration Sid Edwards Show, 5:30-6:30 PM
Witness Fitness at Berean Ministries, 9AM - 10:30AM
Broadcast from Zoe’s Pizza & on 1550 AM or on Central Now App
Chamber of Commerce Golf Scramble, 1PM, The Bluffs
Register at www.CityOfCentralChamber.com or call 614-0206
FRIDAY 7/20:
As for Me and My House with Steve Johnson, 5:30-6:30PM
Paint-In, 9:30 AM at Magnolia Methodist
Broadcast from Jambalaya House & on 1550 AM or on Central Now App Witness Fitness at Berean Ministries, 9AM - 10:30AM
Kandiland with Kandi Jones, 5:30-6:30PM
Broadcast from Romero’s @ Joor & Lovett & on 1550 AM or Central Now App
Central Basketball Elite Camp, 9:30-Noon, Limited Registration
Grand Opening!
Mattress SuperStore
In Store
10218 Sullivan Road
(formerly Blockbuster video)
Prices Start At Just
Drawing Sat. July 21!
Restonic Ferguson
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Destiny Optimum
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The same
brands, low
prices and
no interest
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our Airline
store now in
a convenient
new location
in Central!
Mattress Superstore
10218 Sullivan
9536 Airline Hwy.
200 Westmark Blvd.
(337) 981-7800
Reminder: The
intersection of Sullivan
and Gurney is scheduled
to be closed through
August 12.
Thursday, July 12, 2012 • CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition
CHS Band Camp SCHedule
See the CCSS Music Coordinator article for more Band Camp details.
July 17
July 23
July 24
July 25
July 26
August 3
full band
auxiliary & drumline
auxiliary & drumline
full band
full band meeting,
with parents
auxiliary & drumline
full band
full band
end-of-camp potluck
premier show community invited
CHS Girl’s Soccer Team
Returns from Camp
Submitted by Thomas Eskola
On June 30th, ten players on
Central High Girl's Soccer team
returned from the Paul Harbin
Team Soccer Camp, held this
summer at Millsap's College
in Jackson, Mississippi.
camp proved to be an excellent
opportunity for players to learn
new soccer skills and drills as well
as to improve upon established
skills. Central was one of eight
teams that participated in the 4 day
3 night residential camp. Central's
camp coach, Josue Sabillion,
who was born in Honduras, is the
head women's soccer coach at
Belhaven College in Jackson, MS.
His assistant for this camp was
Julia Osmond, a Southhampton,
England native who currently plays
college soccer at the University
of North Alabama. Both coaches
were extremely knowledgeable
and did a fantastic job passing
that knowledge on to our players.
There were numerous additional
quality coaches at the camp, for
example "Sugar" and "Chubs",
who also shared their expertise
with our girls. Central's players
also participated in scrimmages
against the other camp teams and
they were able to attend a mens
semi-professional soccer match
played on campus. In addition, the
team cleaned the camp cafeteria out
of Tony Dashere's and fruit loops,
drank more water than a herd of
thirsty camels, greatly increased
the market share for Coppertone,
kept the medical trainers busy
and protected a nesting bird. The
shared experiences and sacrifices
of "Snooks", "Bootsie", "Territorial
Barbie", "Ginger" and the rest of
the team will be remembered by our
girls for the rest of their lives and
will hopefully lay the foundation
for a successful 2012-2013 season.
Girl's soccer is currently
participating in the 7v7 summer
soccer league through the BR
Soccer Association. This summer
Central had enough girls interested
in playing that we were able to field
a lower and upper division team.
The girls play their matches at the
Burbank Soccer Complex and will
conclude their summer season with
a tournament on July 28 and 29th.
This is a reminder to all returning
players and those interested in
playing to pick up a physical
packet from the front office at
the high school and have your
doctor complete the forms before
school starts on August 13th. Only
players with current physicals on
file at the school will be allowed to
participate in soccer conditioning,
practices and matches. If you
haven't already started running,
you need to begin conditioning/
running on your own as soon as
you are medically cleared to do so.
CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition • Thursday, July 12, 2012
Monsters Finish First in League Central Bulldogs Win
The CAYL Monsters placed first in the league and won first place in
CAYL Tournament
the post season tournament. The team would like to thank all parents and
friends for their support.
Submitted by Clint Artieta
The Central Bulldogs amassed a record of 19-1 by winning the CAYL
pre-season tournament, CAYL Select tee ball league and the end of
the year CAYL tee ball tournament. A big thanks goes to our sponsor,
Signature Cabinets and all parents and coaches that helped out.
Bottom Row: Blake Robinson, Chandler Maggio, Christian Amedee,
Caleb Hubbard, C.S. (Chandler) Powell.
Middle Row: Bryce Kean, Hunter Norwood, Devin Jeansonne, Cohen
Payne, Steven McDaniel, Gage Kerr, Skyler McManus, Ethan Heroman.
Coaches: Shaun Kean, Brandon Powell, Jason Dreher, Matt Haroman.
Louisiana Patriots girls 10u fastpitch
softball tournament team tryouts August
4th and 5th at 1:00 p.m. for fall 2012
and spring/summer 2013. 6500 Joor Rd
Baton Rouge, LA. Call or text Brian at
(225) 788-8311 for more information.
Bulldog Team Bottom Row: Cole Guidroz, Dawson Glover, Brayden
Brown, Jackson Firmin, Jackson Holley, and Garrett Rabalais —
Middle Row: Brody Artieta, Andrew Richard, Trip Dobson, Ty
Shaffer, Alex Giles, Kade Furr, and Jacob Leblanc Top Row: Clint
Artieta, Brian Richard, Eric Rabalais, Joey Giles and Nick Guidroz
Lane Regional Medical Center welcomes
Dr. Joseph Nesheiwat, Rheumatologist.
“Your PassPort to
citY-brooks communitY Park”
July 28 • 5–8 p.m.
City-Brooks Community Park
1515 Dalrymple Dr.
For more inFormation,
call 225-272-9200 or visit brec.org.
He is board certified in both Rheumatology
and Internal Medicine, and treats all rheumatic
diseases including rheumatoid arthritis,
osteoarthritis, and gout. He also has a special
interest in severe osteoporosis and psoriasis
related arthritis.
Joseph Nesheiwat, MD
Zachary Rheumatology
6110 Main Street, Suite C
Zachary, LA 70791
6300 Main Street | Zachary, LA 70791
225-658-4000 | LaneRMC.org
Thursday, July 12, 2012 • CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition
Healthy Recipe: All the Fixins
By Rachel Firmin
Music Coordinator
Continued from Page 1
and to provide continuity between
schools. This position is the first
of its kind in our area and because
Central is often on the forefront of
new ideas, he believes neighboring
school districts may soon begin a
similar process.
Mr. Henderson would like to
implement a five year plan for
Central High’s marching band.
During the first three years of this
plan, the focus will be on gaining
members and taking small steps
toward the five year goal of
national recognition at such events
as the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day
Parade or the Rose Bowl. Until
then, the band will work toward
local and regional recognition
by participating in local and
regional events like the Louisiana
Showcase of Marching Bands in
Lafayette. Mr. Henderson says
that doubling the number of band
members and being chosen to
participate in national shows will
not happen overnight, but that
with the support of the community,
“the sky’s the limit.”
This year the marching band
will be performing a show
entitled Lux, which is designed to
embody light and energy. It is an
uplifting, mesmerizing show with
lots of percussion and stunning
visuals. Mr. Henderson says he is
“very excited about this show.” It
is not too late to sign up to join
the band for the upcoming school
year. Anyone who has at least one
year of experience is welcome to
attend band camp, which begins
on July 17th at 6:00 p.m. The
band will be rehearsing on this
date, so bring your instrument or
mouthpiece if you will be using
one of the school’s instruments.
Hope to see you there!
We all know Louisiana has the best food in the world: Gumbo,
Jambalaya, Boiled Crawfish! And of course, no one wants to
healthify boiled crawfish (it just wouldn’t taste the same without all
of the delicious salt!) This is one of the reasons that I believe in an
“everything in moderation” view of health. Being healthy does not
mean all or nothing; it means to enjoy occasional sweets, savor full
fat meats & live your life to the
fullest, which cannot be done if
we’re lying on the couch all day or
skipping out on our veggies! For
this reason, I’ve taken a Louisiana
favorite that can be easily modified
and switched it up to fit into a
healthy weeknight meal that the
whole family will love—with all
the fixins included!
•1 head cabbage, sliced thin
•½ cup canola oil
We treat:
•¼ cup Red Wine Vinegar
•1 Tbsp. Soy Sauce
• Allergies
•3 Tbsp. Honey
• Ear or eye infection
•¼ tsp. salt
•1/3 cup sunflower seeds, optional
• Fever
•1/3 cup sliced almonds, optional
• Minor cuts that
In a large mixing bowl, Combine
may need stitches
all ingredients and make sure it is
mixed well. Refrigerate at least 2
• Simple fractures
hours before servings, but it can be
Monday – Friday, 9 am – 9 pm
• Severe sore throat
chilled overnight.
Saturday – Sunday, 9 am – 6 pm
•4 oz. frozen shrimp per person
• Sprains and strains
•1 tsp. Olive Oil
• Vomiting/diarrhea
•2 cloves minced garlic
 Brand new, state of the art facility
Heat oil in skillet over mediumLake After Hours is not intended
high heat. Place shrimp and garlic
for major emergencies.
 Advanced technology
in skillet. Sauté until pink. Drain.
Sprinkle Liberally with hot sauce.
 Affiliated with Our Lady of the Lake and
Place on a sandwich thin with a
Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group
slice of provolone or swiss cheese,
spinach & lots of mustard!
•2 medium sweet potatoes, sliced
•4-5 cloves garlic, minced
•¼ - ½ tsp. black pepper
Preheat oven to 425. Place sliced
sweet potatoes in large bowl and
pour on oil, garlic and pepper. Mix
well. Lay Sweet potato slices on
flat cooking sheet and roast 20-25
minutes, until crispy and lightly
Serve with pickles and enjoy as a
quick, full, Louisiana style family
For a full list of locations, visit
Central’s Urgent Care
for Over 11 Years
We’ve mOved!
8751 Sullivan Rd.
(225) 262-8377
CentralSpeaks.com Print Edition • Thursday, July 12, 2012
Send your news, announcements, and
photos to Beth@CentralSpeaks.com for
publishing free of charge!
Hunt’s Tire & Car Care
Central-Owned by Les & Charlene Hunt
10440 Greenwell Springs Road
Between Monterrey & Sherwood
Hooper Road Notary
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13366 Hooper Road #A1
Bayou Steam
D & R Fence
House Cleaning by Jane
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Locally Owned and Operated
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We Specialize in Job Built Showers
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Bull’s Lawn Care
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Central Lawn Pro, LLC
Adam’s Dirt Work
General Sand & Gravel
Central Hair Saloon
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Popcorn Ceiling Removal
35 Years Experience - Dependable Service
Central City Pest Control
Limestone, Gravel, Mason & Fill
Sand, Riversilt, Crushed Concrete,
Clay, T/S - Tractor Work
Family Hair Care locally owned &
operated by Jessica Cox
13623 Hooper Rd., Ste. C1
Tue-Fri 9-4:30, Sat 9-12, 261-4247
Lawn Maintenance, New installation
or renovation, Landscape, Hardscape
Licensed and Insured
New Construction, Remodels, or Repairs
Call to come by our show room! 262-1234
Chiasson Co., LLC.
Progressive Lawn Maint. LLC
Simple Electric
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Any Size Job - 30 Yrs Experience
Central Owned Business
Remodeling, additions, home repairs,
Outdoor kitchens, window & door install
Free Est. Call Matt 225.806.9127
Owned & Operated by Firemen
All Your Lawn Maintenance Needs
Including Bush Hogging & Tractor Work
Scott: 931-7876
Josh: 485-7078
Audubon Tree Service
Licensed & Insured Arborist
Free Estimates
Print Edition • Thursday, March 8, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012 • CentralSpeaks.com Print
Bryan & Courtney Hutson Leslie Browning and Jonathan
Sicard Wed at St. Alphonsus
Welcome Son Seth Bryan
Bryan and
Courtney Hutson
of Central are
proud to announce
the birth of their
son, Seth Bryan
Hutson. He was
born at 4:27pm on
April 16, 2012 at
Woman’s Hospital.
He weighed 8
pounds, 3.4 ounces
and was 21 ¼
inches long. He was welcomed home by his twin sisters, Hannah and
Ryleigh. Proud grandparents are Daryl and Janet Haynes, Marti Hutson
and the late Carl Hutson all of Central, LA. Great grandparents are
Joseph and Sylvia Samson of Baton Rouge and C.J. and Ray Haynes of
Correction: The correct date
for the Republican Women of
Central’s virtual baby shower is
Wednesday, July 18th. Join the
event for a great cause! Details
online and in last week’s issue.
CHS Class of 2002 Reunion
Coming This August
Submitted by Brittany Smith
Central High's class of 2002 10 year reunion will be held on August
17, 2012 at De La Rhode Hall (320 Third St., Suite 201 Baton Rouge,
LA 70801) at 7:30 p.m. For more information, we have a website:
chsclassof2002.wordpress.com and email: chswildcat2002@yahoo.
com. To get the best prices, please visit the website. Right now the
price is $55 per person. The price will go up after this Friday, July
13th. We take payments through paypal and personal checks. We
hope to see you there!
Leslie Taylor Browning,
of Greenwell Springs, and
Jonathan Paul Sicard, of
Baton Rouge, were married
in a 1 p.m. ceremony
April 14 at St. Alphonsus
Liguori Catholic Church
in Greenwell Springs. The
Rev. Tom Duhe officiated.
The bride is the daughter of
Leslie and James Browning
Jr., of Greenwell Springs.
She is the granddaughter
of Jacqueline McQueen,
of Baton Rouge, and
Sherry Walker, of Denham
The bridegroom is the
son of Anita and Roland
Sicard, of Baton Rouge.
He is the grandson of Jim
Fountain, of Slidell.
The bride was attended
by her matron of honor,
were Christine Sicard
and Danielle Post. Junior
bridesmaid was Allie McNatt.
The bridegroom was attended by his best man, Cody Looney. Groomsmen
were Randy Russell Jr. and Sammie Denicola Jr. Junior groomsman
was Ethan Russell. Ushers were Kevin Browning, Mark Browning, Jim
McQueen, Brent Sicard and Gerald Sicard. Ring bearer was Nickolas Smith.
The liturgical readers were Elizabeth Daigle and Daryl Sicard. Scott
Sicard and Gavin Debetaz were the program attendants.
A reception took place at Oak Lodge Reception Center. Following a
wedding trip to Key West, Fla., the couple will reside in Walker.