ovation - The Florida Theatre
ovation - The Florida Theatre
OVATION 128 EAST FORSYTH STREET, STE. 300, JACKSONVILLE, FL 32202 FLORIDATHEATRE.COM | BOX OFFICE 904.355.2787 Another Day in Paradise! Brandon Place at Moosehaven 1701 Park Avenue Orange Park, FL 32073 (904) 278-1281 www.brandonplace.org Brandon Place at Moosehaven, a Continuing Care Retirement Community, offers a variety of beautifully appointed homes, scheduled activities, beautiful amenities and top-rated healthcare on a secure campus. Residents enjoy an independent, active lifestyle. Make plans to visit Brandon Place at Moosehaven to tour our beautiful campus and see why every day is “Another Day in Paradise.” Call today for a personal tour or to request information, (904) 278-1281. WELCOME LETTER T HE P R E SIDE N T If you are a returning customer, it is our pleasure to see you again. If you are here for the first time, we hope you’ll come back again. The Florida Theatre has been in business since 1927, and has been operating as a nonprofit performing arts center since 1983. In the last 12 months alone, over 170,000 people have walked through our front doors. About 52% of these people are residents of Duval County, and although the majority of the other 48% are from the Northeast Florida region, in the last year we have hosted customers from 48 of the 50 United States, as well as from Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, Europe, South America, the Caribbean, Australia and Asia. Whether you’ve come from across town, across “the ditch” or across the ocean, our goal when you walk through the front doors is the same: to enhance your quality of life by providing a memorable arts and entertainment experience. Technically, we’re not the ones really providing you with a memorable experience. That’s provided by the performers on the stage, but we’re pleased to be the organization that preserves and programs this beautiful historic theatre so that these performers have a place to perform in Jacksonville. Not only do we provide the place, but as an arts and cultural organization, we actively invest in performances. Great performers do not wind up in Jacksonville accidentally. Well, sometimes they do, but mostly, we go out and make an active effort to bring them here. If that’s something you value in Jacksonville, then please consider making a tax deductible contribution and becoming a Friend of the Theatre. Also, you can let your elected representatives know in a phone call, letter or email that you support the arts, and so should they. Lastly, the most important thing you can do to support the theatre and the arts is this: keep buying tickets! As long as you keep buying tickets, we’ll keep putting great shows on the stage. Sincerely, Numa C. Saisselin President Swamp Radio cover art photographed by Wayne Wood. Jacksonville Dance Theatre cover art photographed by Trib La Prade. 4 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 NOT SO BOARD MEETING. BLACKSHEEP5POINTS.COM *Business lunch delivery is available. 1534 OAK STREET JACKSONVILLE FL 32204 | 904.380.3091 ALL-DAY COCKTAIL HOUR SATURDAYS 11AM - 7PM FRENCH CUISINE RAW BAR CHARCUTERIE CRAFT COCKTAILS AWARD WINNING WINE LIST 3630 PARK STREET | HISTORIC AVONDALE | RESTAURANTORSAY.COM | 904.381.0909 | OPEN AT 4P DAILY / 11AM ON SUNDAY HISTORY OF T HE F L OR IDA T HE AT R E When the Florida Theatre originally opened to the public on April 8, 1927, it was downtown Jacksonville’s fifteenth, and largest, theatre. Today, it is the last remaining historic theatre on the north bank of downtown, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, and the city’s last remaining example of 1920s fantasy architecture. The elaborate interior was designed by R.E. Hall of New York and Jacksonville architect Roy Benjamin. Their design displays many characteristics of the Mediterranean Revival, one of the most prominent architectural styles associated with Florida’s building boom of the 1920s. The architects envisioned a Moorish courtyard at night, resplendent with glittering stars, grand balconies, and fountains. The ornate proscenium arch that frames the stage reaches nearly six stories high, dominating the auditorium and contributing to the venue’s excellent acoustics. An open-air roof garden in the 1920s provided a venue for dancing under the stars, and a nursery was available for patrons’ young children. The building’s then-modern features included central heating, central air-conditioning and a central vacuuming system. Like many theatres of its day, the Florida Theatre was designed for both stage shows and motion pictures and a typical program included six elements: a news reel, a comedy short, a cartoon or travelogue, an overture by the band on a moveable orchestra pit (still in use today), a live stage presentation, and the feature film. Creative marketing through the decades included “Screeno,” a bingo game played on the movie screen; “Bank Night,” which gave ticket buyers a chance to win cash prizes; and, in the late 1960s, rocking chairs. Live performances have always been a hallmark of the Theatre’s schedule, and one of the most memorable occurred in 1956, when Elvis Presley came to the Florida Theatre. Presley, the City of Jacksonville, and the Florida Theatre found themselves subjects of a LIFE magazine feature when Juvenile Court Judge Marion Gooding sat through the performance to ensure that Presley’s body movements would not become too suggestive. By the late 1970s, however, the Theatre was only marginally profitable. By May 8, 1980, when the building closed, martial arts movies were the bulk of the schedule. In 1981, with financial support from the State of Florida, the City of Jacksonville, and the private sector, the Arts Assembly of Jacksonville (now the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville) acquired the Theatre to preserve it for cultural uses. A $4.1 million capital campaign resulted in the building’s restoration and renovation. The 1,900-seat Theatre reopened on October 1, 1983, with a Gala Variety Show featuring Some Like It Cole, a Cole Porter review; the Symphony String Quartet; and Grammy Award winning fiddle player Vassar Clements, who closed the evening with “Orange Blossom Special.” On October 1, 1987, the City of Jacksonville acquired the building. The Florida Theatre Performing Arts Center, Inc. was founded as a nonprofit corporation to manage, program, and preserve the building. Thousands of performances and millions of audience members later, the Florida Theatre is still, “One of the unique assets that makes Jacksonville, Jacksonville.” 6 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 PARTIES • FIELD TRIPS • CLASSES Sweetest Destination on Earth 400 N. Hogan in Jacksonville, FL • 904.376.7161 • SweetPetesCandy.com styles Impeccable & savings up to 60 % OFF Department Store Prices, Every Day! Roosevelt | Mandarin | Lakewood Beaches | Baymeadows | Harbour Village 1-888-Stein Mart | www.steinmart.com EVENT CALENDAR T I C K E T S + IN F O R M AT I O N : 9 0 4 . 3 5 5 . A R T S F L O R ID AT H E AT R E . C O M JAN UARY 1/1SOJA 1/6 Artwalk (Theatre open for tours) 1/18 Peppa Pig Live! 1/20 Paul Taylor 2 1/21 The Temptations and The Four Tops 1/26 1/28 Theatreworks presents “Seussical” (for schools) Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes 1/30 Pink Floyd Laser Spectacular 1/31 Johnny Mathis – The 60th Anniversary Concert Tour F EBRUARY 2/22Cellos 2/15 Wild Kratts Live! (2 shows) 2/3 Artwalk (Theatre open for tours) 2/17 Don Williams 2/4 Southern Soul Assembly: JJ Grey, Anders Osbourne, Marc Broussard, and Luther Dickenson 2/18 Theatreworks presents “I Have a Dream” (for schools) 2/20 Michael Feldman’s Whad’Ya Know Live 2/5 Who’s Bad: The Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute 2/20 Foreigner 2/10 Alan Parsons Live Project with the Jacksonville Rock Symphony 2/21 Adam Trent – The Futurist from Broadway’s Smash Hit The Illusionist 2/12 Blackberry Smoke with the Curt 2/23 YBASH – Florida’s First Coast YMCA Towne Band 2/13 Together on Stage: Patty Griffin with Sara Watkins and Anais Mitchell 2/14 Survivorman Les Stroud 2/24O.A.R. 2/25 Vince Gill and Lyle Lovett 2/26 Experience Hendrix 2/28 The Australian Bee Gees M A RC H 3/2 Artwalk (Theatre open for tours) 3/12 Jeanne Robertson 3/3 Il Volo 3/13 Chris Botti 3/4 Herb Alpert and Lani Hall 3/16 Gordon Lightfoot 3/5 The Great Guitar Gathering 3/17 Get the Led Out 3/9 Frank Sinatra Jr. - Sinatra Sings Sinatra 3/18 The Peking Acrobats 3/11 Merle Haggard 3/19 Joe Satriani See floridatheatre.com for even more! 8 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 A PRIL 4/1 Ray Stevens 4/17 Barage 8 4/2 Love and Betrayal 4/6 Celtic Nights 4/18 Theatreworks presents “Henry and Mudge” (for schools) 4/9 Paula Poundstone 4/21 A Night with Janis Joplin 4/10 Let It Be: A Musical Tribute to the Beatles 4/22 Ben Folds with Dotan 4/14 Kathy Griffin 4/15 ABBA: The Concert 4/23 4/30 Rock the Decade Gala (Theatre fundraiser) Anjelah Johnson presents Bon Qui Qui 4/16 Bronx Wanderers M AY 5/3 Theatreworks presents “Junie B. Jones” 5/22 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood (2 shows) (for schools) Here Come the Mummies (at the Ponte Vedra Concert Hall) 5/26 5/4 Artwalk (Theatre open for tours) 5/20 Swamp Radio Join our E-CLUB Text the word “SHOWS” to 228-28 or floridatheatre.com INSIDE THE OPERATIONS OF T HE F L OR IDA T HE AT R E The Florida Theatre Performing Arts Center, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and founded in 1987 for the express purpose of managing, programming, and preserving the historic Florida Theatre on behalf of the City of Jacksonville, which owns the building. The 501(c)(3) tax designation indicates that the corporation’s purpose is to provide a community service. It can accept tax deductible contributions. All funds generated by the corporation must remain within the corporation to pay regular operating costs or be reinvested in new programming or capital improvements. Any surplus funds cannot be retained by an individual or other entity. The organization holds its assets in trust for the community. There are no owners or shareholders. The organization is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors comprised of civic and community leaders who receive no compensation of their efforts. Operations are conducted by a paid professional staff according to the policies and direction established by the Board in the Bylaws and Mission Statement of the corporation. The results of the corporation’s operations are a matter of public record. Copies of its annual filings with the state and federal government are available on request from the Florida Theatre itself, from the appropriate government agency, or from numerous web-based watchdog organizations. The mission of the Florida Theatre Performing Arts Center, Inc., as a nonprofit organization, is to enhance the North Florida community's quality of life by providing diverse and memorable arts and entertainment experiences, and by preserving a unique historic Jacksonville landmark. Each year the Theatre hosts between 100 and 200 public events, attended by between 100,000 and 200,000 people a year. Some of these events are presented by the Theatre, either by itself, or in cooperation with another organization. Other events are presented or produced by outside organizations renting the Theatre. In the case of a rental production, the Theatre is simply a venue for hire, earning a rental fee and being reimbursed for its other costs. In the case of a performance presented by the Florida Theatre, the Theatre has determined that presenting a particular program or artist is consistent with its mission. The Theatre takes the financial risk by guaranteeing the performer their fee and agreeing to cover all other costs of marketing and staging a show. If there is a financial surplus after costs have been covered, the Theatre retains those funds. If there is a loss, the Theatre must cover it from other sources. On an annual basis, about 55% of the Theatre’s income is derived from ticket sales, 25% from other business operations, and 20% from fundraising. The Florida Theatre receives support from the City of Jacksonville’s Cultural Service Grant Program, a competitive annual grant program administered by the Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville. This support is less than 7% of the theatre’s annual budget. Additional support from our individual and corporate Friends of the Florida Theatre is critical to the organization’s success each year. 10 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 The perfect encore starts here. Present this ad to your server and enjoy: ONE FREE CRAFT COCKTAIL Buy one cocktail & get a second one of equal or lesser value. OR ONE FREE DESSERT Buy one dessert & get a second one of equal or lesser value. SAN MARCO SQ. 904.398.3005 WWW.TAVERNA.RESTAURANT Live Music in an Intimate Setting ARTIST PERSPECTIVES RECITAL WITH THE RITZ CHAMBER PLAYERS DG Dos Gatos Handcrafted Cocktails Friday, January 8 RITZ CHAMBER COFFEE CONCERT Wednesday, January 27 SUNDAY CLASSICAL CONCERT Sunday, February 7 RITZ CHAMBER COFFEE CONCERT Wednesday, February 24 More information at cummermuseum.org/events/type/concerts For reservations please call 904.899.6038 or visit cummermuseum.org Concert Series sponsored by Abbot Downing Before the show. After the show. Anytime. 123 East Forsyth St. Downtown Jacksonville www.DGLounge.com BECOME A CONTRIBUTING MEMBER UP G R A D E Y O UR E X P E R IE N C E . B E C O ME A F R IE ND . Friends of the Florida Theatre is a critical source of support for our nonprofit. Ticket sales and other earned revenue account for 85% of our operating budget; the remainder is raised through generous contributions from people like you. If you love downtown, the arts, cultural entertainment, historic preservation, or the Florida Theatre, consider purchasing a membership. Help us maintain the same high standards of excellence you’ve come to appreciate from the Florida Theatre, downtown Jacksonville’s cultural icon since 1927, and your community’s nonprofit since 1987. Opening Act ($25 to $149) Members get advanced show notifications, the ability to purchase tickets one day before the public, and their names mentioned in Ovation. Ensemble ($150 to $499) and Cameo Role ($500 to $999) Members also receive preferred seating, the ability to purchase tickets four days before the public, and access to the private Donor Lounge.Cameos additionally receive two free beverage coupons with all ticket orders and two season passes to the Theatre’s Regions Bank Summer Movie Classics series. THE MARQUEE SOCIETY This elite group generously contributes $1,000 a year or more. These funds enable us to maintain the highest quality programming, to preserve the theatre for future generations, and to enrich the cultural life of our community. All are entitled to the aforementioned Friends of the Florida Theatre benefits and are invited to an annual Marquee Society donor recognition event. Featured Roles ($1,000 to $4,999) receive priority seating for six seats in the first 15 rows for Florida Theatre-presented events, four free beverage coupons with all ticket orders, and private backstage tours by appointment. Additionally, Starring Roles ($5,000 to $9,999) can place a message on our theatre marquee for a day, receive six free beverage coupons with all ticket orders, and guaranteed premium seating for up to eight seats within the first 10 rows. Director’s Circle Members ($10,000 or more) receive all this and more: guaranteed premium seats for 10 within the first five rows and use of the historic Florida Theatre for a day for an exclusive party or special event (subject to availability; labor charges may apply). Sign up now! Help us maintain the same high standards you’ve come to appreciate from the Florida Theatre. Call Lorin at 904-562-5995 or sign up online at floridatheatre.com. 12 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 Rejuvenated. Reinvented. Crowne Plaza Jacksonville Riverfront is now DoubleTree by Hilton. Fresh from a $15 million renovation, our new look is inspired by the bridges and waterways of Northeast Florida. Experience the DoubleTree difference during your next overnight stay or event. DoubleTree Jacksonville Riverfront 1201 Riverplace Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida 32207 904.398.8800 | DoubleTreeJax.com CORPORATE PA R T NE R S HIP S Corporate partnerships are integral to the operations of the Florida Theatre. We use these funds to: 1. Maintain our Theatre, which opened in 1927 and re-opened in 1983, 2. Support administrative costs and our programming, and 3. Market to bring a diverse audience to downtown Jacksonville to eat, drink, and enjoy live music and other cultural programming. Opportunities include: • Receiving advance email notice of concerts and events • Ensuring premium reserved seats • Receiving complimentary beverages • Displaying a table in the Theatre lobby to market corporate initiatives and enroll audiences in special programs • Distributing corporate marketing materials in Ovation • Using a company name and logo to brand our members-only Friends Bar • Co-branding Florida Theatre print collateral mailed to more than 61,000 households in Northeast Florida on a quarterly basis, • Promoting a company logo on our website, floridatheatre.com, and on all marketing materials emailed twice-weekly to nearly 40,000 email addresses. SPECIAL EVENTS SPONSORSHIPS The Florida Theatre produces four fundraising events each year, including Blues, Brews & BBQ in the fall and a gala in the spring. To learn more about sponsorships and charitable giving, please contact: Lorin Thies, Membership Manager: lorin@floridatheatre.com and 904-562-5995. 14 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 ISJ-1512-03 Florida Theatre_Ovation Mag.pdf 1 11/20/15 2:09 PM GENERAL INFORMATION F OR T HE F L OR IDA T HE AT R E FIRE NOTICE: The exit indicated by a red light and sign nearest to the seat you occupy is the shortest route to the street. In the event of a fire or other emergency please do not run, WALK TO THAT EXIT. Please follow the directions of the House Staff. If you become aware of a medical or other emergency, please inform the House Staff immediately. SMOKING: There is no smoking anywhere in this historic building. This includes electronic or “e-cigarettes.” FOOD AND BEVERAGE: Food and beverage are permitted inside the Theatre at many events, but help maintain this historic building by disposing of your own trash in the lobby receptacles. PHOTOGRAPHY AND RECORDING: The use of personal photographic and recording devices is permitted at most performances discreetly from your seat. The use of professional gear, (typically, equipment requiring lenses, stands and tripods) is by advance permission only. The Theatre reserves the right to change this policy on a show-by-show and/or case-bycase basis with or without notice. CELL PHONES AND PAGERS: Please turn your electronic communication devices to SILENT during the performance. If you need to use your device during the performance, please go to the lobby. RESTROOMS: On the ground floor, the Men’s and Women’s rooms are located to the left of the entry lobby stairs as you enter the building. On the second level, the Men’s and Women’s rooms are located at opposite ends of the Mezzanine Lobby. There is a wheelchair accessible bathroom located to the right of the Entry Lobby Bar as you face the bar, to the left of the statue La Vergognosa. PUBLIC TELEPHONES: This Theatre does not have a public telephone. If you need to make an emergency call, please ask an usher for assistance. LOST AND FOUND: Ask for the House Manager during a performance, or call the administrative office the next business day at 904-355-5661, ext. 233. 16 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 ACCESSIBILITY: Please inform the ticket office of any special arrangements you may require when purchasing tickets. An assistive listening system for the hearing impaired is available from the House Manager. Large print programs are available on request. The wheelchair accessible bathroom is located to the right of the Entry Lobby Bar as you face the bar, to the left of the statue La Vergognosa. The Theatre does not have its own parking lot. Disabled permit parking is available on the street. TICKET OFFICE: The ticket office is located on Forsyth Street to the right of the lobby entrance as you face the building. It is open Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and until intermission or one-half hour after the show starts at most performances. Cash, check, and most credit and debit cards are accepted. All sales are final. No refunds or exchanges. Additional service charges apply. Purchase tickets by phone at 904-355-ARTS (2787) or online from floridatheatre.com. PARKING: The Florida Theatre does not have its own parking lot. Please observe all public and private parking regulations and signage. THEATRE RENTAL: This historic Theatre is available for rent for performances, fundraisers, corporate events and special occasions. A wide variety of support services are also offered. Visit floridatheatre.com or call the administrative office at 904-355-5661, ext. 233. WEBSITE: Visit our website at floridatheatre.com for coming attractions information, online ticket sales, and to support the Theatre by becoming a Friend of the Florida Theatre. MAILING LIST & PRIVACY POLICY: Add your name to the Florida Theatre’s email and mailing lists at the Ticket Office, by calling 904-355-5661 or at floridatheatre.com. Name, address, phone and email is required of all ticket purchasers in case of a problem with your order, or in case a show is cancelled or postponed. Ticket buyers are automatically entered on the Theatre’s mail and email lists, and will receive information about upcoming performances. An opt-out option is offered, but all information is confidential. The Florida Theatre does not sell, rent, trade or otherwise allow other entities access to its mailing lists. RESERVE YOUR Premium Advertisement space in Florida Theatre’s quarterly magazine, Ovation! The Florida Theatre has served as Jacksonville’s premier entertainment center since 1927. It is recognized as one of the finest concert venues in the Southeast, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. By advertising in Ovation, you promote your business and you deliver your message to our loyal, affluent patrons who spend quality time with our playbill during each performance—a solid marketing opportunity that also demonstrates your support of the performing arts - a real win-win! To advertise, simply supply your camera-ready art work. We provide: • A high quality, professional format to display your ad in Full Color. • Visually pleasing page layouts, easier to enjoy, use, and retain as a souvenir of the show. • Advertisement on a quarterly, multi-quarterly, or annual basis, with the opportunity to change your ad every three months. • Circulation per quarter of 35,000 copies with 5,000 overprints to hotels and places where Florida Theatre’s patrons visit to purchase services and products. • Repetitive exposure to our many Patrons and Members. • A statement of your business's commitment to the arts to those prospective customers who share the same commitment. • An online version which will be displayed on our website. • Advertisement that appears 52 weeks out of the year at every performance. • Join Ovation for our upcoming season and as Ovation readers get on their feet at the end of a Florida Theatre presentation, they will be placed in motion and seek the advertisers that brought them Ovation magazine. To learn more about advertising in the Florida Theatre's Ovation, please contact: April Major | Ovation Account Manager 904.330.4901 | april@floridatheatre.com THANK YOU DONOR S A ND S UP P OR T E R S The Florida Theatre Performing Arts Center, Inc.–the nonprofit corporation that manages and programs the historic Florida Theatre in a public/private partnership with the City of Jacksonville, which owns the building –thanks the following donors and supporters for their support of the Theatre’s Friends program and fundraisers like our Spring Gala. The following donors generously gave between October 1, 2014 to December 14, 2015. Director's Circle $10,000 and above Bank of America Florida Division of Cultural Affairs Elaine and Bob Perrett Cultural Council of Greater Jacksonville Helen and Dave Haskell Kellie and Drew Prusiecki Florida Blue Regions Bank Irene and Gasper Lazzara Starring Role $5,000 - $9,999 Alan Fickling Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Karl Frisch Leslie and Patrick Gordon Elizabeth and Wesley Jennison Mark Knaier Lauren and Michael Mesch Omni Hotel & Resorts Patricia and Fitz Powell Publix Super Markets Charities, Inc. Susan and John Ryzewic Roberta and Bobby Welton Marlene and Ed White Arizona Chemical Eisman & Russo, Inc. On Ideas Times-Union Media Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. David McGuffin Featured Role $1,000 - $4,999 ALG Law Group Michael Ables Heidi and Tom Anderson The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Architectural Sales & Illumination, Inc. Donna and Jim Bailey Martha and Tom Baker Cynthia Baldwin David Banks Lisa and Bill Bauer BBVA Compass Brian Bechtel Jamie and James Berger Janet and Steven Betz Crystal Bottoms and Gerald Koss Bold City Brewery Jack Boyle Leah Burnette and Rick Maloney Ann and John Carey Judi and Brian Carney Marge and Danny Cash Lenka Champion Nancy and Gary Chartrand Gayle and Charles Chupp Jill and William Clark John Collins April Collum and Charlie Sweat Diane and Christopher Conover Beth and Edward Cottrell Leslie and Dale Crisp Steve Crosby Jake Danner William D'Antignac Heidi Dent Destination Planning Corporation Kelly and Mike Diaz Sandi and Tony Dobbs Ron Elinoff Karen and Matt Fairbairn Keith Faver Renee Finley Fletcher Management Co, LLC Meredith and Mark Frisch Marcia and Henry Gerkens Keith Gibbs Michele and Randall Gillis Debbie and Bill Giudice Jennifer and Drew Glassman 18 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 Lisa and Tom Goodrich Chris and Gary Granfield Dianne and Chris Gray Mitchell Greenburg Jo-Ann Gurley Francisco Gutierrez Hope and Richard Hana Mac Haskell Jill and Mike Hayford Patte and Dave Henry Karen and Adam Herbert Jacksonville Bank Julie Johnson Darlene and Barnet Joseph KBJ Architects, Inc. Brian Kelly Tracey and Michael Kenney Carolyn Klucha Becky and Richard Kocerha Marty Lanahan Helen Lane Pam and Murray Langfitt Paula and Jim Liang Lila and Todd Lynch Featured Role Continued... Main Street America Group David Matthews Lisa and Jeff McCall Susan and Vince McCormack Jeff McCutcheon Michael Meyers and Chad Labenz Ron Natherson Tillie and Larry Newkirk Christine and Romaine Nichols Cindy and Eric Norman Nancy and Daffin Oakley Sandra and Mike Oster Bill Parker Jim Pettus Michelle and Dave Phillips Brenda and Earle Pickens Tony Potochick Teresa and John Pramuka Rayonier Advanced Materials Foundation Regency Realty Group Richard Reichard Linda and Bruce Reid Lesley Roberts John and James Robison Lisi and Armando Roces Lorraine Rodriguez and Kyle Etzkorn Annette and Paul Ross Lyndsay Rossman Barbie and John Sabo Kim Sadler, JD Andy Sanfilippo Sawcross, Inc. Carol and Thomas Schacht Ryan Schwartz The Schultz Foundation, Inc. Karen and Jerry Shackelford Meg and David Sheffield Lin and David Sheppard Michael Shorstein Carl Spadaro Deanie and Jay Stein Kim and Bart Straughn Elizabeth and Daniel Tate Team JAS Brenda and Donald Thompson Vicki and Steve Tunstill Anne and Steve Urban Matt Vannostran The Vestcor Companies, Inc. Ty Votaw Art Waczkowski Julie Walker Pat Walsh Jill and Jon Wannemacher Laura and Carli Watts Girls Wells Fargo Foundation Heidi and James White Gary Williams Melissa Woods Amy and Jack Young Debbie Buckland Hancock Bank Stonecore CK Direct Inc. Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Republic Services Auld & White Constructors, LLC The River Club Suntrust Bank Emily Dawkins Sawgrass Asset Management, LLC Perdue Office Interiors Hyatt Regency Jacksonville Brown & Brown Insurance Gregory Smith Cameo Role $500 - $999 Scott Alexander Kristin Alberts and Jacob Brown Joan and Tim Alters Valerie Atkinson Thomas Aton David Bagby Kevin Bankston Mindy Barker Joe Begley Deborah Berry Sara and Andrew Boggs Janne and Jody Brandenburg Stan Brandies Matthew Brown Bruce Brownell Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Bruce Bill Buckingham Michele Burdette and Jasper Dennison John Bush Tama and Karl Caldabaugh Louis Caldropoli Ronald Cianciaruso Ron Clark and Karrie Haesele Robin and Brad Cooper William Cox Kim and Marc Crutchfield Linda Cunningham Bonnie and Brian Currie Jeff Curry CSX Foundation, Inc. Timothy Dame William David Daune and Jim Davis Richard Delacruz Denise Demico Mike Devereaux Michele and Erik Diaz Dennis Dickson Jean and Tom Dodson Gloria Dongara DuBow Family Foundation Dinny and Ken Duncan Fred Edwards Julie Fallon Karen and Victor Fandrich Debbie Fleming Kelly and Michael Fletchall John Fraker Kenneth Futch GE Foundation Jeanne and Jimmy Gilbert Jim Gilbert Anthony Godboldt Donna and Tom Goelz Kelley Green Rich Habres Mary Halle Judy and Peter Hargitai Peggy Harlen Ann Hartley and Phil Gurley Donna and Geoff Haynes Sally and Chris Hazelip Walter Hetz Joyce and Craig Hoffman Michael Hume Marilyn and Robert Hyde Mary Isele Brenda and Steve Jones Jim Kagiliery Patricia Kananen Cynthia and Robert Kastner Chandra and Steve Kendall Leslie Kincart Aline and Tom King John Kitchens George Klein Melissa and Greg Kusterman Paula and Bronson Lamb, III BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | 19 Cameo Role Continued.. Lazzara Orthodontics Ann and Doug Leinenwever Gayle and Horace Leprell Missy and Todd Lineberry Steve Malick Chris Margolin Mark One Industries C.C. and Donald Marsee Karen and Michael Mayes Frank McDonald Patrick McGrogan John McIntyre Dean McQuiddy Jessica and Pete Mills Sadie Milliner and Steven Smith Lawrence Najem Rand Napoli Johnny Nettles Debora and Russ Neudeck Kim and Jeff Nickerson Sherry and Bob Nicols Danette and John O'Neal Sue Parman Paul Phillips Nikki and Ivan Porter Michael Quintero Myrna Ralph Bob Reed Tim Reep Maria and Rudy Rivera Juan Rosario Renee Runde Thomas Schmick Scott Schultz Denda Shields Rebecca Shore Kem Siddons Brian Smith Ashley and Alex Smith-Juarez Thomas Steele Rachel and Tony Stewart Karen and Hal Still Scott Strong Julia Suddath Wayne Tanner Allison and Ryan Taylor C. Herman Terry Alison and Brent Trager JoAnn Tredennick and Jack Meeks Andrea Tully Bernier Ulrich Vicki and Jim Van Horn Sam Veal David Wainscott Bruce Wester Leslie Wheeler Kathy and Richard White Lara Yehl Kathleen Yohe Dan Griffin Krieg Developments LLC PGA Tour Shaira Bailey Linda and Bill Bainbridge Kelly Baione Cara and Scott Baity John Baker Mary and Aubrey Baker Susan and Andy Baker James Baldwin Nancy and Michael Ballinger Diana Bankhead Brenda Barday Judy and Richard Barlow Amber Barnes Marieanne Barnes Mark Barnett Barbara and Richard Barrick Mark Barringer Sid Baskin Amy Baskin Robert Bastin Patricia and Ray Baumgardner Montye Beamer and Kenneth Hooper Emmett Bearden Brandi and Bradley Becher Anita and Greg Bedenis Cary and Doug Benefield Gregory Bennett Melissa Bernhardt Michael Berry Edie Best Martha and Bill Bibby Lynne and Charles Blackwell Victor Blackwell Liz and Stuart Blackwell Diane Blakeslee Sheri Blanc Mark Blanchard Sharon and Darrell Blanton Nancy Blanton Chris Bleau Lynn and Lee Bledsoe Perry Blevins Ron Boardman Jeryl Bodack Jenny Bodendorf Maureen and Tom Bolling Kathy Boone Winston Borkowski William Bosco Dana and Todd Bosco Harlan Bost Zim Boulos Raymond Boushie Jannett Bradford Lori Brandel Mary and Barry Brannen Randall Brantley Larry Branz Karen Brashear Sheryl Braxton Beth Brenner Janice and Richard Brock Kelly Brooks Sheri Broom Ensemble $150 - $499 Sheryl and Alfred Abel Wendy and Thomas Ackerman David Adel Barbara Agnelneri Nikki Alford Bill Alfrey Diana Allen Susan and Dan Allen Kristen Allen and Richard Dunham John Alonso Sandra Amason Bill Amos Mardy Amundsen Ann and Norm Anderson Linda Anderson Rebecca and Allan Andrew Janna Andrews Jeff Angevine Pat Antoniello Stuart Appelbaum Dennis Armareld Margaret and Bill Armstrong Michelle Ash Hana Ashchi Sonya and Chris Ashton Dany Atkinson Martin Atkinson Nadine Atkinson Karen and Harold Austin Gary Avery John Azar Meredith Babb 20 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 Ensemble Continued... Alison Brown Sylvia and Oliver Brown Terri Brown Lee Brown Lynn Brown Jeff Brown Don Brussell Steve Bruyntjens Mary Bryant Rich Burge Jennifer Burnett Ron Burnette Sandra and Mike Burr Sheila Burton Marcia Bush Scyles and Paul Bush Roger Butler Bill Buttrill Nancy Cable Rebecca Caldow Kristin and Jason Caldow Daniel Callahan Amy and Tedd Callihan Deb and Jeffrey Caltrider Denise Cambs Donald Cameron Alicia and Scott Campbell Robin Campen Stacey Capps Grace Carter Damon Carter Alan Carter Debbie and Richard Cassidy Tonya and Matt Caufield Missy and Kurt Caywood Cindee Chambers Lana and Richard Champion Jill and Paul Chappano Fred Cheek Elizabeth Chester Pat Chiarelli Kandi Christiansen Carol Chubin Stephen Chupp Elizabeth Clarisse Gary Clark Molly Clark James Clark Dana Clarke Lolita Clements Clorox Company Foundation Kathy and Jim Clower Bruce Coggins Chuck Colcord Cathy Coleman Sean Collins Lee Collins Joanne and Galen Connell Harold Emory Conrad and Austin Browning Brenda and Gary Cook Maxine Cooper Michael and Christie Cooper Russell Cordes Brian Corrigan Tim Corrigan Brant Cotterman Kathie and Ken Couch Gayle Couture Regina and Steve Crandall Richard Craven David Csikai Gregory Cuje James Cummings Sally and Bob Cunningham Ronald Currey Kevin Dailey Mike Dais Dorothy and Dave Dallas David Damiani Charles Daniell Barbara and John Darby John Darin Valeria Davis Cal Davis Leanne Davis Lori Day and David Vaughn Lelanda and Wayne Deadwyler Dianne DeButy Kimberly Decker Michelle and Jeffrey Deen In Memory of Bill DeFeo Sara and Gerardo Del Valle Chip Dempsey Beverly and Mitch Denning Frank Denton Walter DeReu Jean-Ellen and Richard DeSpain Deutsche Bank Joyce DeVane John DeVault Tracey and Jay Devine Laura and Brian Devine LuAnn DeWaart Mark Dickens Patrice Dickman Lara Diettrich and Brian Teeple Steven Dimmitt Dirty Solutions Pressure Washing, LLC Sam Disch Millie Dix Robert Dobbins Lester Dominick Ronda and Dan Dowling Deborah and Marshall Drake Gene Drake Cathy and Kevin Driscoll Carl Duhnoski Byron Dunn Frank Dvoravic Ivy Dwyer-Frazee and Cecil Frazee Denise and Darryl Dyal James Dyal Kelly Dyess Laura Eastman Renee Eddy Carol Edell Amy Elias Judy Ellis and Jeffrey Combs Stanley Entsminger Anne and Bruce Enyeart Cristina Epperson Walter Ericks Jessica and Mark Fallon Betty Fenelon Lee Ferguson Valerie and Ian Fergusson Frank Ferris Rita Filowitz and Christian Schneider Ruth Ann Fitzgerald Stan Fitzgerald Joseph Fitzpatrick Greg Flanagan Michael Flath Jane and Terry Flesher Dorothy and Hardy Fletcher Michelle and Jerry Floyd Joni Flynn Glenn Forhan Jesse Forshey and Scott Friedman Larry Fortune Pamela Foster Felicia and Michael Fox Liann Francisco Stacey and Richard Funderburg Marie Galke Rodger Gardner Linda and Gary Garland Michael Garland Dave Garner Lauretta and Clark Gaylord Kristine and Gerald Geddings Betty and Pat Geer Rich Gelok Debi Gerbert Barbara Giarretta BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | 21 Ensemble Continued... Lisa Gibbs Lori and Cameron Gibbs Susan and Michael Gibson John Giffin Charles Gifford Vicki and Todd Gilliom Abby Gillis Lisa Glisson and Hinton Nobles Deborah and Kenneth Glover Donna Goddard Laura Goldey Susan Goldring and Horton Hickerson Leslie Goller Susan and David Gonino Mike Good Connie and Mark Goode Jane Goodson and Benjy Bluestein Barbara Goodson Matthew Gordon Dana and Jake Gordon Angela and Timothy Gorelick Rodd Gould Tony Grado Paul Grainger Gray Robinson Attorneys at Law Melanie and John Green James Green Shirley and Chris Greene Payton Griffin Pat and Jim Griffiths Mary and Edgar Grimm Victoria Grimm Beth and Bruce Grove Bob Grubba Guitar Center Jacksonville Gary Guzik Laurie and Roger Haenszel Donna and Jonathan Hafner Rob Hagen Lauren Hagins Mattox Hair Mark Hall Claire Hall Kevin Hamill Holly and Simon Hammond-Cooper Peter Hanneforth Sandra and Mike Harbison David Hare Robert Harmon Noni and Eddy Harris Ruth Hart Dewayne Harvey Brett Haskell Kim and Timothy Hastings Allison and Herb Hatch Michael Hayden Gerald Heimpel Kristine Henderson Walter Hendricks Judy Henry and John Nelson Jane and James Henry Stephanie Hezel and Darrell Prather Mildred and Cy Highleyman Mary Hill Tracy and Gregory Hilton Vivian and Clancy Hitchcock Jason Ho Bonnie Hobbs Sonya and James Hoener Roderick Hofer Marianne and Andy Hofheimer Brenda and Steve Holland Charles Hollis Carol Holmes Susan and Allen Honey Brian Horton Kristi Houlberg Butch Howard Laura and Joseph Howe Gregory Howson Joyce Hubb Jillian and Jeff Hubbard Stanton Hudmon Robert Hudson Suzanne Hudson-Smith and Faith M. Hall Sandy Hunter Dawn and Mike Huskey Rick Hutcherson Whit Hyde Cathy and Kurt Hyder Elizabeth and Joseph Hyman William Inman Denise Jackson Jacksonville Center for Reproductive Medicine Mary Lynn Jamison Christopher Janson Cynthia and Michael Janssen Jamie Jaxon Marc Jenkins Joseph Johns Johnson & Johnson Julia Johnson Irina and Paul Johnson Jennifer Johnson Roseland and Trent Johnson Diana Johnson Janice and Charley Johnson William Joiner James Jones Karen and Steven Jones 22 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 John Jones Carey Jones Ray Jones Sandi and Scott Joy Mark Kaffee Nancy Kaminsky Randy Kammer and Jeff Wollitz Bill Kappa Emery Kapples Nancy and Larry Kates Donna and Mark Kaufman Sheila and Paul Kelley Melissa Kelly Brian Key Donna Kibler William Kilpatrick Jan and Chris Kirby Tina and Bill Kirby Margaret R. Kirkland and John E. Baker Diane and Lew Klechak Kevin Krause Jennifer and Patrick Krechowski John Kuhn Robert Kunkel Judy and Leonard Kurtz Laura Lake Marcia Lancaster Kenneth Landers Tonisha Landry Blair and James Landry Mona and Jackson Lanehart Terri and Jon Langford Erik Larsen Thomas Larson Mark Laudenschlager Jeff Leach Carolyn and Matt Leen Bob LeFavi Ken LeGette Susan Leisher Annette Leisure Lindsey and Fontaine LeMaistre, IV Joseph Lemieux Anita and Franz Lerch Family Aaron Lesher Kenny Levine Lynda Lewis James Leynes Karen Liese and William Bolger Angie and Wade Lindsay Jeff Longo II Terry and Craig Lorince Tammy and Todd Lota Michael Lowery Karin and Brett Lucas Ensemble Continued... Celeste and Roger Luce Vanessa and John Lukas Frank Lullo Lisa and Chris Lynch Cheryl Madozia and Jerry Boland Judith Maguire Pessaud Phillip Mak Betsy Maness David Marble Bonnie Mariea Earl Marks Kenneth Marsh Bill Marshall Faith Martin Billy Martin Bobby Martin Raymond Mason Susan Masucci Jill Matejcek Kim Matthews Stuart Mattocks Ivone Mazurek Thomas McCallister Dennis McCarthy Carmela and Khris McCloskey Judy and James McClure Jason McCombs Mary Ann and Mark McCourt Melanie and Jim McDonald Susan and Jennifer McEnnis Tifini and Sean McGill Kevin McGuire Gerald McInarnay Carla McIntosh and Ronald Austin Kevin McLain Gayle McLaughlin Patricia McMahon and Francis Costanzo Amy McSwain Bruce Meger Jim Mendoza Kathleen and Timothy Meredith Patricia Mergo Rebecca Mesic Paul Mettler Sandra Mielnikowski Laura Miller and Regina Pannell Donna Miller Kitty and Richard Miller Sharon and Jeffrey Miller Joel Mills Robert Mirelson Kristin and Roger Mitchell Brenda Mitchell Linda Pickett Dahl Moffit Becky Moncur Dennis Mooneyham Paul Moore Lyle Moore Gavin Moore Ken Morrison Heather and James Moseley John Moss Melinda Moyer Kris and William Murphy Jana and John Murphy Jennifer Murray Donna and Wayne Myers John Naugle Necole and Hamilton Neal Mary Neff Margaret Nelson Carrie Newell Melissa and Larry Newkirk Jessica Newman Cheryl Nicoletti Sherry and Mark Nusbaum Sue and Michael Nussbaum Christopher O'Bannon Robert O'Brien Norine O'Brien John O'Connor Ailish O'Connor Rebecca and Rob O'Leary-Faunce David Onkst Lynne and Tom O'Reilly Lisa and Mark O'Steen Stefan O'Steen III David Page Rick Painter Kambiz Pakzad Doug Palmer Kay Paluszynski Maria and Dan Parrott Robin and Les Passa Debra and John Pataky Debra Patterson Celia and Ken Paulk Ann Peckham Tina Peeples Linda and James Pellot Jane and John Pendergast Alina and Anthony Penoso Daniel Perez Gail and Charles Perniciaro Cynthia Persico Roberta and Michael Peterson Mark Phillips Kitty and Phil Phillips Angela and John Phillips Joe Pickens Alexander Piquer Lucy and Lamar Pitts Pamela Poggi Tony Pohlgeers Susan Ponder-Stansel Michael Porten Dan Portnoy Erica and Michael Posluszny Roger Postlethwaite James Posze Barbara and John Potter Cindy Powell Sue and Ned Price Kathryn and Gregory Pritchard Lizz Proctor Jennifer Pryor Barbara and Eric Puestow Michael Pulley Lisa Puttick Louis Quatro Nancy and Gregg Quick James Quiett Mary and Bob Quinn Martin Ramsay Patricia and Eugene Rankin Anthony Raso Steve Rathel Debbie and Kelly Raven Jan Redden Shannon Redding Norm Reed Austin Reed Wayne Reed Regina and Bill Regan Dee Reiter Joseph Reyes Jamie Rich Anne Richardson George Riley Leslie Rios Constance and Ken Riva Patricia and Ervin Rivers Cathryn Robbins Madonna and Vern Roberts Mary Roberts Thomas Robertson Margaret and Jeffrey Robinson Mark Rodin Terry Rohrer and Peter Mackey Fidelia Roster Christine and Ron Rothberg Helen Rowan and Paul Halloran Maggie and Doug Rowe Victor Rubio Ricky Rudd BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | 23 Ensemble Continued... Adeline Ruggles JoAnn Rumelhart Oliver Runte Casey Russell Robb Sallee Vicki and David Salter Brenda Samara Doreen and Patrick Sams Andy Sandall Wanda Sander Richard Sanzenbacher Susan and Gary Sass Saunders & Company Inc. Michael Saunders Rachel and Rick Savidge Martha and Thomas Sawyer Jessica Schacht Rick Schlosser Cindy and Edward Schmitzer Susan Schondelmaier Mary Lou and Buddy Schulz Bob Schvey Schwab Charitable Fund Paul Schwend Kim Scott Robin and Greg Scott Robert Scroggs Margie Seaman Jerry Seebol Howard Serkin Ralph Sevelius Susan Shad Neenad Shah Deborah and Steven Shapiro Jennifer and Todd Shaver Susan and Dan Shaw Larry Shealy Tina and Howard Sheffield Benjamin Sheldon Francine and Brian Shell Lisa Shepherd Sarah and Eric Shirley Mike Shreve Richard Shuman Lara and Derek Siewert Kimberly and Raymond Silbar Judith Silver Raquel Silverberg Joyce and Bert Simon Charlotte and Dan Skaggs Carol and Larry Skipper John Slough Jonathan Smith Lynn and David Smith Sarah Smith Denise and Bryan Smith William Smith Carol and Lewis Smith Jeff Smowton Dawn Smyser Janet Sohacki Kathy and Victor Soler-Sala Per Sorenson Bill Spann Gary and Michael Spencer Jaime Spicer Dan Spiess Jim Squires Eve and David StAmant Rachel Starford Richard Starkey Eileen St-Aubin Jerry Steckloff David Steele Vikki and Robert Stenborg Kathy Stephens Tammy and William Stephenson Lisa and Grady Stewart Jennifer Stokes Carolyn and Jeffrey Stone Sharon Storey and James Church Jamie Storey Michael Story Judith Stoudemire Harriet Stranahan and Loren Lucas Carol and George Swift Karen Swindell Dennis Syrmis Ashley Szczukowski Robin Tail Darlene Tan Marcia Tanner Tina Tanner Robert Tatum Paul Taylor Madeline and Howard Taylor LuAnn and Jim Terrell Terry and Thomas Terry William Tetsworth Michael Thalgott Lorin Thies David Thies Kristen Thomas Beverly Thomas Robert Thomas Judith Thomas Troy Thompson Jim Thorne Danielle Thuston Jim Tisony 24 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 Holly and Robert Todd Mindy and Tom Tolle Mary and Joel Toomey Marsha and John Toth Patricia Trautwein Karin Tucker Kim Tuell William Tutwiler Christopher Twiggs Judy and Tom Tygart Linda Uible Rohit Vaid Andrea and Michael Valdovinos Jake Varn Janet Vaughn Debbie and Steve Verges Landoll Michael Vernere Deborah and Patrick Villa James Vinci James Vivenzio Ray Vogel James Voss Paul Vranesh Jeanne Vura Philip Walker Temple and Mark Walling Marsha and David Walsh Jepp Walter David Watts Lisa Weatherby Sharon Webb Mark Weber Sandy Weber Jackie Weder Rhonda and Gilbert Weise Michelle Welch Jennifer and John Werba Tim Werner Cynthia and Jay Westbrook Dennis Westbrook Valerie and Michael Whelan Robert White Lynn and Allen Whitley Teresa and Chris Wiles Hugh Williams David Williams Betty and Gregg Williams Karen Williams Candice Williams Amanda Williams Ziggy Williamson Wanda Willis Debra Wilson Rocky Wilson Terrie and Ed Wimberly Ensemble Continued... Amy and Michael Winter Clair and Irwin Witt Jennifer and Tyler Wolford Lynda L. Wood and Stephen P. Brakke Amanda Woods Rachel Woodward and Brian Reynolds Michael Woodward Sharon Wunder Elaine and Steve Wyman Amy and Joey Yacobacci Mark Young Sally and Stuart Young Dale and David Young Elli Zimmerman Denise Reagan Scott Hawkins Paige Ludecke Nance Spiak Chad Stewart Laura and Christopher Fox Charlton Houston Deb Jansen Eric Mann John McLaughlin Joan Venable Dan Hooks Guitar Center Jacksonville Susannah and Craig Albright Sandy and Wayne King Diana Cordero Kelly Corredor June Cowart and Trevor Howe Rosemarie Coyle Patricia and Peter Craig Aaron Curtis Darren Daily Susan Daley Sara Davis Erin DeGidio Gregory DeLong Ron Dill Judith Dioquino Kimberly Diorio Bob Eberle Catherine Edwards Dwight Elliott Sharon Endres Kaye Fearneyhough Roberto Fernandez Howard Fetner Tom Fillmer First Coast Christian School Joseph Fisher Peter Forster Tim Frost Billie-Jean and Carl Fryer Madeliene Gainers Guy Germano Lisa Gibbons Leslie Graves David Green Bruce Grimes Amy Haines Lara Hall Karen Hamilton Gary Hampton Paul Hauser Brenda A. Hearn and Angela Strickland Kelly Heatwole Nancy Herman Joyce Hernandez Maureen Hersey Geoffrey Hewitt Nancy Hickman Deana Hobbs Steven Holmes Jane and Butch Howard Mike Howe Margaret Ann Huffty Lewis Hunt Alan Hurst Broadie Jones Donald Keen Carolyn Knapp Scott Kravitz Patra Laboy Leslie Laird Beverly Landingham Ross LaToya G Childress Lee Sharon Leuzinger John Livingston Duane Lupinski Nancy Lynch Jila Mahajan David Maloney Jackie Manning Franklin Martyn Donna Masse Maryellen McCaffrey Rick Mecklenburg Lisa Miller Elisa Miller Rick Mobley Dainon Moody Kenneth Moon Jerry Mooney Kimberly Moreland Todd Murphy Melissa Nelson Raymond Nething Jacob Nickless Melanie Noir-Jones Kevin O'Grady Opening Act $25 - $149 ADonald Abel Ann Abercrombie William Ackland Cheryl Alancourt April Alzamora Kevin Anderson Paul Andrews Jerry Anthony Joseph Arcovito Justin Ashourian Mercedes and Otis Austin Charles Babb Eric Barker Christina Behnam John Besselman Calista Bestor Terry Bork Luc Bourguignon KayLynn Boyer Jill Bradberry Mary Cay and Gary Brock Amy Brooks Sandra Brosius Dawn Broun Jabuce Brown Chandler Brownlee Robin Burchfield Scott Burgess Gretchen Cafiero Brian Callahan Larry Callahan Margaret Carner Pamela Carr R. Scott Carter Michael Carter Ronnie Carter Mary Cauley Cynthia and Steven Chambers Kim Christou Larry Clark Teri Cleeland Sonya and David Cohen Chris Condon BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | 25 Opening Act Continued... James Old Patrick Olds Ken Osborne Rebecca Pantelis David Papaj Dino Paspalakis Theresa Patch Cora Peacock Rebecca Peters Laura Phillips-Edgecombe James Poindexter Sandy Powell Gail and Peter Pylipow Wanda and Curtis Quinn Byron Quirk Lois Ragsdale Charu Raheja Virgilio Ramirez Eileen Reeve Philip Reichert Toni and Craig Resh Angela Reynolds Michael Reynolds Dora Rhodes Letitia Ricker Nancy Rimondi Erick Rivera Timothy Robinson Luyan and William Roelke Jewel Rowles Kristine Rynn Joe Sanderson Paul Sandiford Timothy Sawyer Steven Scanlan Authree Schiattarella Stephen Schindler Monika Sheffield Sue Smith Gloria and Eric Smith Todd Smith Scott Smith Andrea Smith Kathy Soares Amy Stage Len Stepp Nan Sutton Cammie and Bob Thomas Margaret Tuten Glenn Vann Tri Vo Debra and Clayton Walters Howard Weinstein Leesa White Karen White Robert Wilcox Amy Williams and Edward Tennant LaTochia Williams James Willis Pamela and James Woodworth Robert Wooten Edward Wuellner Leon Yergin Donald Zagorski Gary Campbell Lynn Jones Kerry Speckman Patricia Bradshaw and Justin Watkins Stephanie Butler Christine Egitt Kali Freeland Jeff Graves Leo Hughes Michael Llewellyn Kevin Mangold Deborah Masters Sonnie McAllister Tom McConnell Hugh McConnell Melissa Olsen Chevara Orrin Don Pepe Shawn Robinson Monica Savage Richard Wilson Sean Woods Kimberly Reteguiz Traci Akers Andria Barber Earlene Battle Jeff Chandler Steven Doss Beth Durling Abel Harding Robert Hines Carleton Knotts Lance Moore Peter Mullen Julie Palus Martha Petrie Gary Pudimat Heather Stockton Edward Vaughn Katherine Vineyard Lindsay Van-Zant 26 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 Jennifer Tucker Kathryn Wills Michelle Wilson Shirrie Stenklyft Toni Roughton John Rhoads Craig Loubser Carla DeMaria Alan Ibarra Austin Leavitt Nicholas Muldoon Valerie Beaubrun Courtney Abraham Erik Altemose Megan Black Herschel Blackmon Larry Braden Joann Clark Tony Daning Patti Daquino Christine DeFranco Danielle Dionne Krista Erhart Dennis Hammond Debra Heister Steven Jones Kelly Kendall Susan Klarfeld Uwe Klauss Jenny Kobin Lynda and Allen Lee George Mackoul Peter Meiusi Sharon Miller Valerie Norton Lewis Parrish Dwayne Price Bryan Reyes Laurie and Numa Saisselin William Skelley Tony Stewart Philip Thompson Barry Uchic Carl Utter Caryn Vorster Clen Ward Carolyn Warner Carol Watson Adair Owen Tracy Duffy Board and Staff Board of Directors Front of House Chairperson First Vice Chairperson & Chair Elect Vince McCormack Tom Bolling Second Vice Chairperson Secretary Lisa Goodrich Leslie Gordon Treasurer Ryan Taylor Members Peter Hargitai Kay Harper Williams Dave Henry Michael Kenney Tonisha Landry-Gaines Roger Mitchell Hamilton Neal Guy Parola Fitzhugh Powell Kellie Prusiecki Keith Brown Brian Carney Kelly Diaz Ken Duncan Renee Finley Andrew Glassman Jake Gordon Chris Granfield Michael Greene Kellie Hardee Steven Rathel Lesley Roberts Lorraine Rodriguez Lyndsay Rossman Ross Singletary Bart Straughn Anne Urban Ed White Honorary Board Irene Lazzara Bobby Martin Professional Staff Administration President .......................................Numa Saisselin Finance Director.............................Tracy Duffy Marketing Director.........................Kathryn Wills Programming Director................... Kevin Stone Membership Manager.....................Lorin Thies Ovation Account Manager..............April Major Theatre Rental Manager.................Jean-Ellen DeSpain Integrated Marketing Coord...........Melissa Eiserman Accounting Assistant.....................Susan Shaw Administrative Assistant................Rachel Varnadore Administrative Assistant................Cristina Epperson Production Technical Director...........................Saul Lucio Facility Maintenance Manager.......Mark Goode 35mm Film Projectionist............... Chris Williams Stage Crew.....................................Nick Ciccarello, Aimee Pink-Crandall, Jeremy Moore, Ashly Potter-Loper, Mike Maybury, Lonnie Rowell, Merrell Young, Eric Stanfield Ticket Office Ticket Office Manager....................Kathleen Petrillo-Bair Assistant Ticket Office Manager....Terri Williams Representatives.............................Maureen Cockburn, Gail Cole, Saundra Floyd, Joann Grant, Floretta Green, Sandy King, Melissa White House Manager.............................Robert Chambers Assistant Usher Coordinator.........Arthur Resler Head Security................................Danny Farmer Security.........................................Ralph Brown, Bryan Durrence, TJ Eason, Jamie Harper, Chris Hoskins, Marc Nolan, Mike Phelps, Keith Rudnitskie, Gordon Snow, Zac Wallace, Kareem Warthern JSO Supervisor.............................. Barry Stevenson Bar Captians..................................Sonia Cardoos, Daniela Ducret Bartenders.....................................Adam Arendell, Amber Brill, Carrie Crosby, Sarah Doughty, Amy Garrett, Chris Gay, Aaron Gibson-Evans, Chris Hurley, Devon Inman-Roden, Kyler Mazur, Chris Miles, Jon Morgan, Dawn Stubblefield, Emma Walker, Alex Walton, Heather Walton Merchandise..................................Rhonda Graves Housekeeping Supervisor.............Florence Prince Housekeeping...............................Raborn Mitchell, John Gibbs Ushers: The ushers of the Florida Theatre are all volunteers. These ushers have worked six or more events in the last year: Betty Adams, Barbara Agnelneri, Vincent Agnelneri, Pat Antoniello Newton, Barbara Bauer, Gary Bauer, Ross Byers, Lynn Chapman, Fay Clare, Joe Clare, Willie Paul Daniels, Eileen Davis, Josi Devine, Cate Dobbins, Kathy Donato, Mary Dyal, Cindy Falor, Jim Falor, Larry Filkoff, Rita Friedman, Sheldon Friedman, Chris Girard, Dave Glenn, Mondo Godina, Priscilla Hamlin, Ellen Hardwick, Annette Hayes, Clancy Hitchcock, Vivian Hitchcock, Cleo Hoffm an, Mary Hogan, Tony Holmes, Janette Hughes, Helen Humphreys, Rusty Ickes, Greg Johnson, Mary Jones, Linda Kelly, Steve Kelly, Lauren Kraul, Marion Lane, Sandy Mannis, John Martin, Angel Meissner, Peggy Morris, Pamela Peters, Betty Purcell, Steven Rathel, Becky Raymond, Dora Rhodes, Derek Sabbath, Sharon Sabbath, Mildred Sapp, Willie Sapp, Wanda Silva, Margaret Sims, Debbie Smith, Jon Smith, Steven Smith, Fred Van Hees, Sharon Van Hees, Mary Lou Van Teylingen, Tom Washawanny, Charles Webb, Daniel Weinstock, Jamie Woodward, Terri Wood, Rosetta Webster Professional Acknowledgements Insurance...........................................Brown & Brown Accounting........................................Harbeson, Fletcher & Bateh, LLP Transportation...................................East Coast Transportation Catering.............................................Angela Zavakos Network Support...............................Kustura Technologies Networking........................................OrangeFiber Backstage Employees are represented by the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees- IATSE Local 115. Saul Lucio, Business Agent The Florida Theatre is a member of the Association of Performing Arts Presenters, the League of Historic American Theatres, the Consortium of Eastern Regional Theatres, Florida Professional Presenters Consortium, Florida Facility Managers Association, Cultural Fusion, The Combine, International Ticketing Association, Florida Association of Ticketing, the Association of Fundraising Professionals, and the Jax Chamber of Commerce. The Florida Theatre Performing Arts Center, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. BOX OF F ICE: 904.355.2 78 7 | F LORIDAT HE AT RE.COM | 27 Arrive in style. Proud sponsor of the Florida Theatre Serving the Jacksonville community for over 50 years, Brumos is a leader in the automotive industry for highline luxury automobiles, from Mercedes-Benz to Porsche to Lexus, and Sprinter. Find out more about our guaranteed repairs for life on...