January 5, 2015
January 5, 2015
Agenda Packet NORFOLK CITY COUNCIL MEETING Monday, January 05, 2015 5:30 p.m. Created 12/31/2014 9:43 AM Page 1 of 93 309 N 5th Street Norfolk, NE 68701 P402-844-2012 F402-844-2028 www.ci.norfolk.ne.us right at home. NOTICE OF MEETING CITY OF NORFOLK, NEBRASKA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the City Council of the City of Norfolk, Nebraska, will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Monday, January 05, 2015, in the Council Chambers, 309 N. 5th St., Norfolk, Nebraska, which meeting will be open to the public. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to adjourn into closed session as per Section 84-1410 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes. An agenda for such meeting, kept continually current, is available at the office of the City Clerk, 309 N 5th St, Norfolk Nebraska, during normal business hours. Individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations, who desire to attend or participate, please contact the City Clerk's office at (402) 844-2000 no later than 4:30 p.m. on the Friday preceding the meeting. Elizabeth A. Deck City Clerk Publish (January 02, 2015) 1 P.O.P. Page 2 of 93 AGENDA NORFOLK CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 05, 2015 In accordance with Section 84-1412 sub-section eight (8) of the Reissue Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska 1943, as amended, one copy of all reproducible written material to be discussed is available to the public at this meeting for examination and copying. The Mayor and City Council reserve the right to adjourn into closed session as per Section 84-1410 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes. CALL TO ORDER 1. 5:30 p.m. - call meeting to order 2. Inform the public about the location of the Open Meetings Act posted in the Council Chambers and accessible to members of the public 3. Moment of silence/Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America 4. Roll call RECOMMENDED ACTIONS Motion 5. Approval of consent agenda. All items in the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member or a citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. 6. Approval of full agenda. Motion CONSENT AGENDA 7. Consideration of approval of the minutes of the December 15, 2014, City Council meeting. Motion 8. Consideration of approval of Change Order No. 3 with Berendse & Sons Paint Co., Inc. for the two million gallon steel water storage tank painting project resulting in a decrease of $11,200.00 and a total contract amount of $438,496.25. Motion 9. Consideration of approval to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all contracts, documents, or other memoranda between the City of Norfolk and the Nebraska State Recycling Association to affect acceptance of the grant application for 70% of $2,882.30, to purchase a “Power lift gate”. Motion 10. Consideration of approval to advertise for a replacement ambulance for the Fire Division. Motion 11. Consideration of approval of all bills on file. Motion Page 3 of 93 -2- SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 12. Presentation of the Norfolk Fire Division's 2013/2014 Annual Report by Fire Chief Scott Cordes. 13. Representatives of the Norfolk Airport Authority will make a presentation on the proposed hangar project. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RELATED ACTION 14. Public hearing at the request of JMHS L.L.C. for the final plan of JMHS L.L.C. Planned Development. 15. Consideration of Ordinance No. 5333 approving the final plan of JMHS L.L.C. Planned Development requested by JMHS, L.L.C. and located at 2001 S. 37th Street. Ordinance No. 5333 16. Public hearing to consider a paving waiver at the request of Porter Pit, L.L.C. on property located south of Monroe Avenue on Victory Road. 17. Consideration of Resolution No. 2015-1 approving a ten year paving waiver for Porter Pit, L.L.C. at the concrete crushing operation south of Monroe Avenue on Victory Road. Resolution 2015-1 REGULAR AGENDA 18. Consideration of approval of the Mutual Aid Agreement with Elkhorn Valley Motion Mutual Aid. 19. Consideration of Resolution 2015-2 adopting the Risk Management Policy Statement for the City of Norfolk. Resolution 2015-2 20. Consideration of approval of an updated Event Guide to assist organizers requesting to use City of Norfolk facilities run a safe and successful event. Motion Page 4 of 93 309 N 5th Street Norfolk, NE 68701 P402-844-2012 F402-844-2028 www.ci.norfolk.ne.us right at home. STAFF MEMORANDUM NORFOLK CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 05, 2015 CALL TO ORDER 1. 5:30 p.m. - call meeting to order 2. Inform the public about the location of the Open Meetings Act posted in the Council Chambers and accessible to members of the public 3. Moment of silence/Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America 4. Roll call RECOMMENDED ACTIONS Motion 5. Approval of consent agenda. All items in the consent agenda are considered to be routine by the City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Council member or a citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. Motion 6. Approval of full agenda. CONSENT AGENDA 7. Consideration of approval of the minutes of the December 15, 2014, City Council meeting. Motion See Enclosure 7. 8. Consideration of approval of Change Order No. 3 with Berendse & Sons Paint Co., Inc. for the two million gallon steel water storage tank painting project resulting in a decrease of $11,200.00 and a total contract amount of $438,496.25. Motion On February 4, 2013, the Mayor and City Council awarded a $349,200 contract to Berendse & Sons Paint Co., Inc. for the 2 million gallon steel water storage tank painting project. On September 3, 2013 Change Order No. 1 was approved for temporary structural repairs resulting in a net contract amount of $365,441.09. On December 2, 2013, Change Order No. 2 was approved for permanent structural repairs resulting in a net contract amount of $449,696.25. Page 5 of 93 Staff Memorandum City Council Meeting January 05, 2015 -2- Change Order No. 3 provides for the deletion of the water tank dehumidifying item as dehumidifying was not needed during painting. Staff recommend approval of Change Order No. 3 with Berendse & Sons Paint Co., Inc. resulting in a net decrease of $11,200.00 and a total contract amount of $438,496.25. See Enclosure 8. 9. Consideration of approval to authorize the Mayor to execute any and all contracts, documents, or other memoranda between the City of Norfolk and the Nebraska State Recycling Association to affect acceptance of the grant application for 70% of $2,882.30, to purchase a “Power lift gate”. Motion $1,500.00 has been budgeted for a “Tommy Lift Gate” in the Transfer Station Budget with matching funds budgeted in the Coalition Landfill budget, for a total of $3,000.00. The Power Lift gate bid is $2,882.30, including installation. The lift gate will aid in the recycling of latex paint by allowing one person to safely load, haul, and unload barrels of paint. This service will be part of the no-charge HHW program and will be located in the Household Hazardous Waste facility. Staff recommends approval. See Enclosure 9. 10. Consideration of approval to advertise for a replacement ambulance for the Fire Division. Motion 11. Consideration of approval of all bills on file. Motion SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 12. Presentation of the Norfolk Fire Division's 2013/2014 Annual Report by Fire Chief Scott Cordes. See Enclosure 12. 13. Representatives of the Norfolk Airport Authority will make a presentation on the proposed hangar project. See Enclosure 13. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RELATED ACTION 14. Public hearing at the request of JMHS L.L.C. for the final plan of JMHS L.L.C. Planned Development. See Enclosure 14. Page 6 of 93 Staff Memorandum City Council Meeting January 05, 2015 -3- 15. Consideration of Ordinance No. 5333 approving the final plan of JMHS L.L.C. Planned Development requested by JMHS, L.L.C. and located at 2001 S. 37th Street. Ordinance No. 5333 See Enclosure 15. 16. Public hearing to consider a paving waiver at the request of Porter Pit, L.L.C. on property located south of Monroe Avenue on Victory Road. See Enclosure 16. 17. Consideration of Resolution No. 2015-1 approving a ten year paving waiver for Porter Pit, L.L.C. at the concrete crushing operation south of Monroe Avenue on Victory Road. Resolution 2015-1 The Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit for a concrete crushing operation for Porter Pit, L.L.C. on South Victory Road. They are requesting a ten year paving waiver at this location. The request is to complete the hard surfacing from Victory Road to the crushing operation's scale, incrementally. The waiver provides for the first 100 feet to be paved within the next two years and the balance of the paving to be completed within ten years. See Enclosure 17. REGULAR AGENDA 18. Consideration of approval of the Mutual Aid Agreement with Elkhorn Valley Motion Mutual Aid. The Elkhorn Valley Mutual Aid Agreement is considered and submitted for approval to all twelve communities in the agreement every ten years. The agreement is between communities and rural fire protection districts to provide fire protection and emergency response services or emergency medical services which exceed or threaten to exceed the capacity of the emergency defenses of an individual town or rural fire district. The Elkhorn Valley Mutual Aid now includes Oakdale and they have signed the agreement. See Enclosure 18. 19. Consideration of Resolution 2015-2 adopting the Risk Management Policy Statement for the City of Norfolk. Resolution 2015-2 This resolution rescinds Resolution 2002-2 approved by the City Council on February 4, 2002. Resources of the City of Norfolk are periodically confronted by various exposures to loss. These physical, human, fiscal and environmental Page 7 of 93 Staff Memorandum City Council Meeting January 05, 2015 -4- resources are valuable assets to the City and its taxpayers. Because of the importance of these assets, they deserve reasonable protection consistent with the availability of funds and bargaining position of the City. See Enclosure 19. 20. Consideration of approval of an updated Event Guide to assist organizers requesting to use City of Norfolk facilities run a safe and successful event. Motion The Event Guide was first approved by the City Council on December 16, 2013. The Guide has been updated to better serve citizens' requests. See Enclosure 20. Page 8 of 93 COUNCIL 2014 DEC15.2014 BK NO 56 Page 1 of 5 CITY OF NORFOLK, NEBRASKA The Mayor and City Council of the City of Norfolk, Nebraska met in regular session in the Council Chambers, 309 North 5th Street, Norfolk, Nebraska on the 15th day of December, 2014, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Following a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, Mayor Sue Fuchtman called the meeting to order. Roll call found the following Councilmembers present: Corey Granquist, Jim Lange, Rob Merrill, Shane Clausen, Thad Murren, Josh Moenning, Dave Fauss, and Dick Pfeil. Absent: None. Staff members present were: City Administrator Shane Weidner, Director of Public Works Dennis Smith, City Attorney Clint Schukei, City Clerk Beth Deck, Finance Officer Randy Gates, Police Chief Bill Mizner, Wastewater Plant Superintendent Todd Boling, Park Superintendent Pat Mrsny, Information Systems Manager Jim McKenzie, Administrative Secretary Bethene Hoff, Operations Manager Jim Dooley, and Assistant City Engineer Mark Dolechek. The Mayor presided and the City Clerk recorded the proceedings. The Mayor informed the public about the location of the current copy of the Open Meetings Act posted in the City Council Chambers and accessible to members of the public. Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publication in the Norfolk Daily News, Norfolk, Nebraska, the designated method of giving notice, as shown by affidavit of publication. Notice was given to the Mayor and all members of the Council and a copy of their acknowledgement of receipt of notice and agenda is attached to the minutes. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the advance notice and in the notice to the Mayor and Council of this meeting. All proceedings hereafter shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the public. Agenda Motions Councilmember Merrill moved, seconded by Councilmember Clausen to approve the consent agenda as printed. Roll call: Ayes: Councilmembers Granquist, Lange, Merrill, Clausen, Murren, Moenning, Fauss and Pfeil. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Councilmember Lange moved, seconded by Councilmember Fauss to adopt the full agenda as printed. Roll call: Ayes: Councilmembers Granquist, Lange, Merrill, Clausen, Murren, Moenning, Fauss and Pfeil. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Consent Agenda Items Approved Minutes of the December 1, 2014, City Council meeting Minutes of the December 4, 2014, City Work Session 1/5/2015 Enclosure 7 Page 9 of 93 COUNCIL 2014 DEC15.2014 BK NO 56 Page 2 of 5 Resolution No. 2014-45 placing a left turn warning arrow and 15 mile-per-hour warning sign in the 1700 block of McDonald Road for westbound traffic Maintenance Agreement No. 19 with the Nebraska Department of Roads for calendar year 2015, and authorization for Mayor to execute Certificate of Compliance at the end of 2015 Special Designated Liquor License for Fine Wine, LLC, Jim's Fine Wine & More, 2001 Market Lane, to serve beer, wine and distilled spirits at the Norfolk City Auditorium, 127 North 1st Street, Norfolk, Nebraska, on Wednesday, February 11, 2015, with an alternate date of Thursday, February 12, 2015, from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m., in conjunction with a For The Girls fundraiser Accept the low bid of $115,925.00 from Mid-Iowa Solid Waste Equipment Company for a replacement regenerative air street sweeper for the Street Division Mayor's reappointment to the Railroad Transportation Safety District of Councilman Jim Lange, Councilman Thad Murren, and Councilman Dick Pfeil for one-year terms as required by state statutes. Plans, specifications, and engineer's estimate on file in the City offices for Sanitary Sewer Extension District No. 247 project and authorization for the City Clerk to advertise for bids Subcommittee appointments by Council President Jim Lange, as follows: Public Safety, Councilmen Josh Moenning and Dick Pfeil; Public Works, Councilmen Corey Granquist and Shane Clausen; Planning & Community Development, Councilmen Jim Lange and Rob Merrill; Culture & Recreation, Councilmen Dave Fauss and Thad Murren; Economic Development, Councilmen Shane Clausen, Rob Merrill, Corey Granquist and Josh Moenning Bills in the amount of $2,755,253.59 Public Hearings and Related Items Public Hearing (special assessments) (213 Jefferson Avenue & 414 North 10th Street) A public hearing was held for the City Council to sit as a Board of Equalization to levy a special assessment in the amount of $313.47 against property located at 213 Jefferson Avenue for mowing, weed control, and litter removal, and to levy a special assessment in the amount of $208.18 against property located at 414 N 10th Street for mowing, weed control, litter removal, and property maintenance. Councilmember Lange moved, seconded by Fauss to adjourn as City Council and convene as a Board of Equalization. Roll call: Ayes: Councilmembers Granquist, Lange, Merrill, Clausen, Murren, Moenning, Fauss and Pfeil. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 7 Page 10 of 93 COUNCIL 2014 DEC15.2014 BK NO 56 Page 3 of 5 City Clerk Beth Deck provided information to elected officials. The public hearing is to consider levying a special assessment mowing, weed control, and litter removal in the amount of $313.47 against property on Lot 125, Homestead Addition in the City of Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska (213 Jefferson Avenue) and to consider levying a special assessment for mowing, weed control, litter removal, and property maintenance in the amount of $208.18 against property on Tax Lots NE ¼ SW ¼, 22-24-1, Tax Lots 13 & 14 in the City of Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska (414 North 10th Street). The Health Official notified the property owners by certified mail prior to completion of the work. The property owners did not respond and the work was completed at the owner’s expense. The City billed the property owners and mailed notice by certified mail of the public hearing to levy special assessment. Following adoption of a resolution to levy a special assessment, the City files a lien against the properties and interest accrues in the same manner as a special assessment. This is the usual and customary way the City of Norfolk uses to assure payment and the City followed State Statutes procedures. No one appeared either in favor of or in opposition to levying the special assessments and the Mayor declared the hearing closed. Councilmember Merrill moved, seconded by Councilmember Lange to adjourn as a Board of Equalization and reconvene as City Council. Roll call: Ayes: Councilmembers Granquist, Lange, Merrill, Clausen, Murren, Moenning, Fauss and Pfeil. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Resolution No. 2014-46 (special assessment, 213 Jefferson Avenue) Councilmember Lange moved, seconded by Councilmember Merrill, to adopt Resolution No. 2014-46 levying a special assessment in the amount of $313.47 against property on Lot 125, Homestead Addition in the City of Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska (213 Jefferson Avenue) for mowing, weed control, and litter removal. Roll call: Ayes: Councilmembers Granquist, Lange, Merrill, Clausen, Murren, Moenning, Fauss and Pfeil. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Resolution No. 2014-46 was adopted. Resolution No. 2014-47 (special assessment, 414 North 10th Street) Councilmember Moenning moved, seconded by Councilmember Merrill, to adopt Resolution No. 2014-47 levying a special assessment in the amount of $208.18 against property on Tax Lots NE ¼ SW ¼, 22-24-1, Tax Lots 13 & 14 in the City of Norfolk, Madison County, Nebraska (414 North 10th Street) for mowing, weed control, litter removal, and property maintenance. Roll call: Ayes: Councilmembers Granquist, Lange, Merrill, Clausen, Murren, Moenning, Fauss and Pfeil. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Resolution No. 2014-47 was adopted. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 7 Page 11 of 93 COUNCIL 2014 DEC15.2014 BK NO 56 Page 4 of 5 Public Hearing (Citizen Advisory Review Committee semi-annual report) A public hearing was held to receive a report on findings and suggestions from the economic development Citizen Advisory Review Committee (CARC) as required by State Statutes Section 18-2715. Finance Officer Randy Gates provided information to the Mayor and City Council. State Statutes require a Citizen Advisory Review Committee (CARC). The citizens serving on committee are: Bill Canham, Cindy Morrow, Jim Mangels, Aaron Otten, and Jan Einspahr and the City's Finance Officer serves as an ex officio non-voting member. As required by State Statutes, the CARC met on December 4, 2014 and discussed/reviewed the following: Current Funding of the City’s Economic Development Fund (ED) Update on Petersen Ag project Update on Tejas Tubular project Economic Development update As noted in the report, the CARC found that the City's Economic Development Program (EDP) is operating in compliance with the budget and EDP Guidelines and Procedures. No one appeared either in favor of or in opposition to the CARC findings and suggestions and the Mayor declared the hearing closed. Regular Agenda Items Olsson Associates engineer services contract (Norfolk Avenue Bridge study between 1st Street & Cottonwood Street) Councilmember Fauss moved, seconded by Councilmember Moenning, to approve an engineering services contract with Olsson Associates for a bridge type selection study for the Norfolk Avenue Bridge between 1st Street and Cottonwood Street for an amount not to exceed of $55,200.00. Roll call: Ayes: Councilmembers Granquist, Lange, Merrill, Clausen, Murren, Moenning, Fauss and Pfeil. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Resolution No. 2014-48 (JMHS LLC Planned Development, 2001 South 37th Street) Councilmember Merrill moved, seconded by Councilmember Lange, to adopt Resolution No. 2014-48 approving the preliminary planned development of JMHS L.L.C.'s Planned Development located at 2001 S 37th Street. Lavern Schroeder, engineer for JMHS LLC, stated the applicant, Chris Merkel, has a small business manufacturing mud flaps. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 7 Page 12 of 93 COUNCIL 2014 DEC15.2014 BK NO 56 Page 5 of 5 Roll call: Ayes: Councilmembers Granquist, Lange, Merrill, Clausen, Murren, Moenning, Fauss and Pfeil. Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. Resolution No. 2014-48 was adopted. Public Comment Period Rick Wipperling, 407 S 2nd Street, had concerns with grass clippings on streets. There being no further business, the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 5:51 p.m. _____________________________ Sue Fuchtman Mayor ATTEST: __________________________ Elizabeth A. Deck City Clerk (SEAL) I, the undersigned Clerk, hereby certify that the foregoing is the full, true and correct original document of proceedings of Monday, December 15, 2014, had and done by the Mayor and City Council; that all of the subjects included in the proceedings were contained in the agenda for the meeting, kept continually current and available for public inspection at the office of the Clerk; that such subjects were contained in said agenda for at least twenty-four hours prior to the meeting; that at least one copy of all reproducible material discussed at the meeting was available at the meeting for examination and copying by members of the public; that the said minutes were in written form and available for public inspection within ten working days and prior to the next convened meeting of said body; that all news media requesting notification concerning meetings of said body were provided advance notification of the time and place of said meeting and the subjects to be discussed at said meeting. ____________________________ Elizabeth A. Deck City Clerk (SEAL) 1/5/2015 Enclosure 7 Page 13 of 93 PROJECT: CHANGE ORDER NO.3 DATED: November 3,2014 2 Million Gallon Steel Water Storage Tank Painting OWNER: CITY OF NORFOLK CONTRACTOR: Berendse & Sons Paint Co., Inc. TO: Berendse & Sons Paint Co., Inc. You are directed to make the changes noted below in the subject contract: OWNER: City of Norfolk, Nebraska BY: DATE: NATURE OF THE CHANGE: Delete: 6. Water Tank Dehumidfying 14 Days $800.00 Total of this change order: The changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price: Contract price prior to this change order: Net resulting from this change order: Current contract price including this change order: The above changes are approved: - ($11,200.00) - ($11,200.00) - $449,696.25 ($11,200.00) $438,496.25 Berendse & Sons Paint Co., Inc. BY~~~ DATE: ItJ - 2.3-2N;£ I The above changes are accepted: BY: A_~G~INE~'~ DATE: /~P'l/;r/ I 1/5/2015 ' Enclosure 8 Page 14 of 93 Nebraska State Recycling Association 2014-15 Grant Application for Recycling Equipment funded by the Nebraska Environmental Trust (NET) As the Grant Administrator, the Nebraska State Recycling Association will take your application, review and recommend to NET those projects we believe should receive funding. We seek final approval from NET. You will sign a contract with NET. 1. Business Name: __City of Norfolk, Solid Waste Division____________________________________ Is this a: ___ New Program or _X__Expanded Program 2. Address: _600 E. Monroe Ave.______________________________ City ____Norfolk_________________ County __Madison_________________________ Zip Code _______68701______________________________ 3. Phone: _402-844-2220__________________ Alternate Phone: ___402-844-2223___________________ E-mail: __rmercer@ci.norfolk.ne.us___________ Web Site: __www.ci.norfolk.ne.us/Solidwaste/______ 4. Are you a: Municipality or other government entity: _X__ city/village ___ county ___other government entity (please identify): _____________________________________ ___Non-profit organization For-profit: ___corporation ___partnership ___ sole proprietorship 5. Do you have a grant application pending with any other source? ___Yes _X__ No If yes, explain. 6. Please list (or attach list of) any grants received during last 5 years. Include equipment and grant source. NET, Household Hazardous Waste building. NDEQ, Electronics shredder and paint can crusher 7. Are you in good standing with grant providers (if applicable) above? _X__Yes ___No 8. What is the population of your service area? ____89,000 ________________________________________________ 9. What is your service area? (Towns, Counties, etc.) ___The Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District, Madison, Pierce, Wayne, Stanton Counties and parts of Thurston, Dodge, Colfax, Platte, Knox, Cedar, Dixon, and Burt Counties.___________________________________________________________________________________________ 10-a. Grant amount requested: _________$2,017.61____________________________________________________ 10-b. Total price of the equipment you wish to purchase:________$2,882.30____________________________________ 10-c. Your cash contribution to the total purchase:__$864.69_________________________________________ 10-d. What if any, in-kind contribution of labor, material, or donated labor/material will be offered?__10 hours of time at $52.24 per hour, 4 hours round trip to Lincoln , 6 hour installation time, total of $522.40___________ 11. Equipment requested: ___Power lift gate, mounted on a pick-up truck__________________ 12. From: (Company/Vendor Name) __Stephenson Truck Repair__________________________________ Address: __4201 Industrustrial Ave. Lincoln Ne._________ Phone: ___402-466-8532_____________ 13. Sales Person at chosen vendor above: ___Joel Stephenson__________________ Please attach copy of at least two bids from different vendors/sellers. 14. Have you identified markets for your materials? (Companies or mills that will take your material) __X_Yes 1/5/2015 ___No Enclosure 9 Page 15 of 93 15. List those markets, if they have been identified (where and to whom will you take/ship your recyclables?) Northeast Nebraska Solid Waste Coalition (NNSWC), Clarkson NE. Red Willow County HHW, NE. Retro Fit, Little Canada, MN. Safety-Kleen, Grand Island, NE. 16. THE NARRATIVE: On separate sheet(s) of paper, please TYPE a description of your business and brief-but-thorough history of your business/organization. Also tell how the new equipment will make a positive impact in your business and/or community. This is typically one to four pages. Attached. 17. Years in operation. City of Norfolk was incorporated in 1869, the Transfer Station opened in 1995, and the Household Hazardous Waste facility was opened January 1, 2013 18. Current and/or expected recyclable materials you plan to collect/process by volume and type of materials. Latex paint products, Electronics, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, Oil base paints and solvents, used oil, antifreeze, and fertilizers. 19. List any partnerships/agreements for materials, services, personnel, etc with local or neighboring towns, businesses, organizations or governmental entities. Letters of support are welcome but not required. We accept household materials from all of the Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District, which has a population of 89,000. 20. List existing equipment, primarily recycling equipment (include source & year purchased). Paint can crusher and Hard drive shredder, funded by NDEQ and City of Norfolk, purchased in 2013 Household Hazardous Waste facility, funded by City of Norfolk, NET, and LENRD. Opened January 1, 2013 Yard debris composter funded by NET and City of Norfolk, purchased in 2007. 21. To which landfill does your trash go, and what is the cost per ton (their tip fee) to dispose of trash there? NNSWC, Clarkson, NE. $24 per ton MSW 22. What recycling education is done in your community on a regular or periodic basis, if any? For example, telling citizens what can be recycled there, why people and businesses should recycle, what recycling volumes/tons are accomplished in your community, what products are made from recyclables, financial benefit/savings from recycling, etc. The major, private trash collectors have recycling programs and are offered to their customers. Local recycler (Green Fiber) has bins all throughout northeast Ne., they make blow-in insulation. It is standard protocol at the Norfolk Transfer Station to direct people to recycling items, when answering calls and questions. City web site under Landfill/ Transfer Station has a list of places to recycle. All City offices have recycle bins for employees and patrons. City of Norfolk employs a Communication Director that puts out a newsletter and submits articles to the local paper. Several times a year she does an article on the Solid Waste Division and what can be taken there for recycling or proper disposal. The latest story was posted on November 15, 2014. The Solid Waste Supervisor talks with community groups, several times a year. The latest, at the Senior Citizen Center on November 17, 2014, addressed products that can be recycled and where to take them. 23. Disclose any relationships with equipment vendors/sellers or partners in the project, such as family members, divisions of the applicant’s company, etc. None 24. What We Expect From You: A spirit of cooperation, a commitment that you will continue to use the grant equipment for recycling, and that you will not ever sell, lease, rent or give it to another party without permission. Authorized Signature: ______________________________________________________ _Mayor Sue Fuchtman____________________Mayor______________________________________________ Print name Title or Position Held Date ______________________________________________________ Email and/or phone, if different from above. Mail or E-mail to: Nebraska State Recycling Association 10330 “I” Street, Suite 120 Omaha, NE 68127 402/933-3059 Phone & FAX E-mail: deb@recyclenebraska.org www.recyclenebraska.org 2-25-14 1/5/2015 Enclosure 9 Page 16 of 93 610 E Monroe Avenue Norfolk, NE 68701 right at home. Rob Mercer rmercer@ci.norfolk.ne.us P402-844-2220 F402-844-2221 Solid Waste Supervisor. www.ci.norfolk.ne.us Re: question #16 The City of Norfolk opened a small Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) facility January 1, 2013 with the NET and Lower Elkhorn Natural Resource District (LENRD) assisting with the funding. Our facility accepts materials from all households within the LENRD district, which has a population of 89,000. We have been collecting latex paint during this period and have developed a use for the used paint. The latex paint is mixed with water and paper mulch and used as an Alternate Daily Cover (ADC) at the Northeast Nebraska Solid Waste Coalition landfill (NNSWC). The NNSWC is one of only 23 landfills in the state of Nebraska and serves a large portion of Northeast Nebraska. The landfill operators are required to cover the waste at the end of every day, to prevent blowing trash and discourage animals from scavenging in the waste. Using an ADC saves on the amount of soil that would be needed to cover the trash and in turn saving air space which extends the life of the landfill. Using latex paint in the mixture reduces the amount of product needed to completely cover all of the trash. A lot of experimentation has been conducted, to adjust the mixture to be the most economical and efficient. By adding the latex products to the ADC it allows the product to adhere to the plastics and when it dries the product becomes hard shell that resists light rainfall, wind, and deters animals much better than the ADC without latex added. Loading, hauling, and unloading the barrels that contain the latex paint has been troublesome in the past. At this time a barrel clamp and pay loader are used to load the transport vehicle bond for the landfill. Several barrels have fallen from this clamp while loading, endangering the personnel on the ground. A lift gate mounted on the transport vehicle would allow one person to safely load and unload the barrels. The lift gate would also aid in the loading of other products collected at the Household Hazardous Waste facility. The barrel clamp is also being used at this time to assist with the loading of Oil base paints and household chemicals that are being shipped to recycling facilities. With grant funds from the NSRA and funds from the City of Norfolk, a lift gate could be purchased. This purchase would greatly reduce the chances of an accident and improve the efficiency of loading and unloading of the barrels. All wastes from households that are collected at the City’s HHW facility has been at no charge to the customer, including latex paint. The lift gate from Stephenson Truck Repair, in Lincoln NE., was the least expensive of the three written quotes received. All of the quotes received were acceptable lift gates. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 9 Page 17 of 93 City of Norfolk, NE Norfolk Fire Division Annual Report 2013/2014* *The Norfolk Fire Division’s Annual Report now is a fiscal year report, rather than calendar year. The data reported is from October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014. NORFOLK FIRE DIVISION Is dedicated to a lasting partnership with the community, to support a higher quality of life through public education, loss prevention and service response. INSIDE: Overview 1 Photos 2 Year in Review 3 Planning Co/ Emergency Mgmt 4 HazMat Team 5 Inspections & Prevention 6 Prevention Bureau 7-8 Fire Rescue Graph 9 Reserves 10 Numbers 11-12 Photos 1/5/2015 13 Enclosure 12 Page 18 of 93 NORFOLK FIRE DIVISION FISCAL YEAR 2013/2014 The Fire Division concluded another year of service to the citizens of Norfolk and the rural fire protection district with no serious injury or death. Many accomplishments were achieved and the following is a list of the most notable. 1. In October, 2014 the fire division anticipates delivery of a new hazardous materials trailer to serve the Regional Hazardous Materials Team. The trailer will contain all the specialized equipment used by fire division staff when responding to calls throughout Northeast Nebraska. The trailer was paid for by grant monies made available from the Department of Homeland Security. The trailer is expected to be placed into service and be fully operational by December of 2014. 2. In June 2013, rural Stanton County and the Village of Pilger experienced significant damage as a result of destructive tornadoes. Twenty eight members of the fire division responded to and provided assistance to the Stanton and Pilger fire departments. The Regional Hazardous Materials team was also deployed to deal with potential health and environmental concerns as a result of the massive damage. 3. Plans and specifications for the construction and purchase of a new ambulance were begun by the seven member committee. This new ambulance, which will replace a 25 year old unit, is scheduled to go out for bids and a contract awarded sometime in the spring of 2015. Estimated time for completion and delivery of this unit is approximately 300 days once awarded. 4. October 2, 2014 marked the final day of a 35 year fire service career for long-time fire division employee Jim Dooley. Jim started as a firefighter in 1979 and was promoted to Rescue Supervisor in 1983 and to Assistant Chief of Operations in 1991. Jim will be long remembered for his humble nature, integrity and strong work ethic. 5. A contract was awarded to Smeal Fire Apparatus of Snyder, NE for the construction of a new city custom pumper. This pumper will replace a 25 year old unit that was traded in as part of the contract. The pumper is scheduled to arrive in Norfolk around December 1, 2014 and placed into service shortly thereafter. The Division looks forward to another successful year of service to the citizens of Norfolk and rural fire district in the months to come. A special thanks to both the Norfolk City Council and Norfolk Rural Fire Board for their support in allowing us to carry out the goals and objectives of the division. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 12 Page 19 of 93 1/5/2015 Enclosure 12 Page 20 of 93 2013-2014 Year in Review In June of 2014, a powerful storm system struck Northeast Nebraska. Several EF 4 tornadoes touched down around Stanton and proceeded east into Pilger causing severe damage to the community and surrounding area. Most of the Village of Pilger sustained severe damage. The region answered the call with overwhelming support. Norfolk Fire responded with fire engines, rescue rigs, ambulances and staffing to assist with search and rescue and trapped victims. October 2014 wasn't just the beginning of the fiscal year; it marked the end of an era. October 2nd was the last day of Jim Dooley as the Assistant Fire Chief. Jim was hired in 1979. He was promoted to Rescue Supervisor in 1983 and was one of the first paramedics of the division. He served in that position until 1991 when he was promoted to the Assistant Fire Chief. He worked in that position for the remainder of his career before leaving in October at age 63. Although Jim left the division, he has not left the city. Instead, he has taken the position of Operations Director overseeing the Street Division, Maintenance Division and Parks Division. Several rooms in Fire Station #1 were updated in 2014. The carpeting in the conference room and fire chief’s office was replaced. During the summer, the uniform lockers in the bunk room were removed and replaced with taller, wider, wood lockers, each having a storage drawer underneath. Steve Nordhues, Building Official, built the lockers and the operations staff stained, sealed, applied polyurethane, mounted and installed the 27 new lockers. To complete the project, new carpet was laid throughout the bunkroom. By Lyle Lutt 1/5/2015 Enclosure 12 Page 21 of 93 Planning Commission The Norfolk Planning Commission approved ten and denied two zone changes to properties in the city and Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. The largest zone change request was from Nucor Steel for the Tejas facility northeast of Norfolk. There were four approved amendments to the city’s comprehensive plan and two denials. There were no preliminary plats presented to the commission but four final plats were approved. Three of the plats were on resi- Emergency Management Region 11 Emergency Management continued coordinating programs and grants during 2013/2014. The agency assisted with efforts after the Pilger tornado by supplying equipment and manpower. The Northeast Nebraska Planning Exercise Team (PET) supported the Norfolk Fire Division’s haz-mat team by granting funds toward the purchase of a new hazardous materials response trailer. The total cost of the trailer was $48,740, of which $43,093 was supported by Homeland Security Grant dollars. dential properties and one was on a commercial lot. Conditional permits were popular with the commission this fiscal year. Six permits were approved permitting a mining operation, caretaker to a kennel and renewal of camping and leisure ATV riding. Six amendments to the city code were approved and the commission approved one sidewalk and one hard surfacing waiver for properties in the two mile jurisdiction. J.J. Snodgrass remains the chairperson and Brian Lundy serves as co-chair. Faythe Petersen is the commission’s secretary. The remaining members are Suzanne Davis, Barb Marsh, Sue Beckman, Maynard Ohl, Martin Griffith, Merlin Milander and Bill Fisher. 1/5/2015 Several small disaster exercises were held. The local Rural Medical Response unit conducted tabletop exercises at the Norfolk and Plainview Hospitals and a functional exercise with all Northeast Nebraska hospitals in August. The Northeast Nebraska PET has funding for a full scale exercise in 2015, one of which will be held in Neligh and another in Norfolk with the Civil Support Team. Enclosure 12 Page 22 of 93 NORFOLK REGIONAL HAZ-MAT TEAM 2014 was a busy year for the Norfolk Fire Division's Regional Response Team. The team responded following Nebraska Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) guidelines to four major regional incidents and numerous minor local incidents. On October 4th, 2013 the hazardous materials team was dispatched and responded to Wayne, Nebraska to handle leaks at an agricultural chemical distribution warehouse. There was extensive structural damage caused by the tornado that devastated the east side of Wayne. Our team conducted a reconnaissance of the building to determine if any products were leaking and while using a remote camera, was able to have a specialist determine if any water reactive chemicals were involved. The team remained on scene for several hours to assist with any hazardous material needs. On May 30th 2014, our regional team responded to Michael's Foods near Bloomfield for an ammonia leak. The egg production facility experienced an ammonia leak which prompted the Bloomfield Fire Department to contact us for a haz-mat response. Our team utilized protective clothing and monitors to ensure a safe atmosphere for a contracted specialist to go in and work on the affected valves. On June 16th 2014, Norfolk Fire and many other departments responded to Pilger, Nebraska to assist after an F-4 tornado ravaged the town. The regional hazardous material team with the Nebraska Hazardous Incident Team (NHIT) set up a unified command and divided up tasks . The team managed leaking propane tanks and carried out a site survey to ensure chemical hazards were mitigated. By Steve Bettendorf 1/5/2015 Enclosure 12 Page 23 of 93 FIRE INSPECTIONS AND PREVENTION During Fiscal Year 2013-2014, fire inspections of businesses were conducted by the fire fighter inspectors and the fire marshal. There were a total of 480 inspections conducted on customer owned premises with a wide variety of violations found and corrected. The division responded to 321 fire calls with 27 being actual fires at the time of the fire divisions arrival during the past year. Of those calls the fire was contained to the room of origin 22 times and to the structure of origin 26 times. The total amount of loss to the structures was $746,360. The total loss of contents was $559,770. The total amount of property and contents that were saved in these 27 structures was $21,065,000. We continue to work towards preventing as many fires as possible. Efforts continue to get the fire prevention word out to the general public via school visits, station tours, press releases and training classes for the general public and the workplaces of Norfolk. One thousand eight hundred fifty six people visited our fire stations and were given fire prevention material during these visits. We offer an open house of the fire division annually the first Sunday of Fire Prevention Week. We invite and encourage all citizens to visit either of our stations at that time. There were multiple training classes conducted and we hosted booths at the Norfolk Area Home Builders Home and Garden Show, the P.A.T.C.H Health Fair and the Annual Night Out at Central Park during August. This brought us in contact with the public for a total 220 man-hours and interacting with 6350 citizens. Fire prevention remains our main goal for all the citizens of Norfolk and our activities have been geared towards this goal. The fire division continues to install or replace smoke alarms in homes where detectors were inoperable until the property owners are able to replace the existing detectors. The fire division wants to remind the citizens that smoke alarms have a life span of 10 years and need to be replaced when they have been in service that amount of time. The alarms should have a date on the back or inside of the alarm showing the date of manufacture. If you have any questions about this or any other fire issues feel free to call. By Terry Zwiebel 1/5/2015 Enclosure 12 Page 24 of 93 PREVENTION BUREAU The City of Norfolk Prevention Bureau issued a total of 374 building permits for Fiscal Year 2013/2014; this compares with 388 for Fiscal Year 2012/2013. Permits for alterations and additions to one and two family dwellings continue to be a strong area. Fiscal Year 2013/2014 recorded 119 permits for alterations/additions to one and two family dwellings. The number of single family dwelling permits remained the same with 45 issued in both fiscal years. There was one multi-family permit issued (tri-plex) in Fiscal Year 2013-2014, and no multi-family permits for 2012/2013. The following reflects permits issued by type of structure for the two fiscal years (not including permits for alterations and additions). NATURE OF BUILDING PERMITS 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 SFD Duplex Commercial Industrial Garages Move/Demo 2012/2013 SFDA Sign Other 2013/2014 The valuation of building permits issued for FY 2013/2014 was $34,616,035 compared to FY 2012/2013 with $34,738,632. The Ten Year Permit Valuation graph shows FY 2007/2008 with the record high valuation of $101,914,212 reflecting major projects by Faith Regional Health Services, Northeast College and Missionary Benedictine Sisters. Projects for FY 2013-2014 include Farm Credit Services addition and remodel, Community Health Care Clinic building remodel, and Northeast Community College Physical Plant and Applied Technology buildings. 10 Year History Total Building Permits 600 500 400 300 549 451 200 413 392 382 386 375 356 388 374 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 100 0 2005 1/5/2015 2006 Enclosure 12 Page 25 of 93 The Prevention Bureau delivers a wide range of services including plan review, permit issuance, construction inspections (building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, water heater, well & septic approvals, fire sprinkler, suppression and alarm), and storm water and property maintenance inspections. Storm water management is an area of concern throughout the State; many questions are handled by the Prevention Bureau. Mosquito control, property maintenance concerns, and various health related issues are addressed by the Health Official. Training is on-going in all facets of the Prevention Bureau to obtain and maintain certifications in the various inspection fields. This details the type of inspections conducted by the bureau. 450 TYPE OF PERMIT ISSUED 400 350 300 250 200 FY2012 150 FY2013 100 50 0 The Prevention Bureau has expanded services in recent years to perform plan review and building inspections via Interlocal Agreements with various cities and villages in the Norfolk area. These services help upgrade construction practices in the surrounding area, and provide property maintenance and evaluation inspection services to these communities. Participating communities include, Madison, Stanton, Wayne, Meadow Grove, Winside, Tilden, Battle Creek, Hadar and Pierce. Lindsay recently joined this list of communities. Prevention Bureau services were requested after the Pilger tornado in June. Inspection staff members aid various departments in the city as requested. The electrical inspector has been called to various fire scenes recently to aid the operations side of the Fire Division. By B. Vonderohe 1/5/2015 Enclosure 12 Page 26 of 93 5 YEAR BREAKDOWN OF FIRE AND RESCUE CALLS FIRE CALLS 2009/2010-2013/2014 360 355 350 340 339 333 330 323 321 320 310 300 2009/2010 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 RESCUE CALLS 2009/2010-2013/2014 2000 1941 1950 1912 1887 1900 1861 1850 1800 1750 1700 1678 1650 1600 1550 1500 2009/2010 1/5/2015 2010/2011 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014 Enclosure 12 Page 27 of 93 NORFOLK FIRE RESERVES The Norfolk Fire Division is comprised of 31 career and 29 reserve fire fighters. The reserve force is structured to provide a high degree of additional service and safety to the public when local call volume or larger incidents exceed our current staffing levels. The reserves train and work side by side with career staff to deliver a safe response to working structure fires, multiple calls, and mutual aid calls to adjoining towns. Nine new members were recently added to compliment the current work force of our reserve firefighters. The reserve fire fighters are required to meet the same standard of firefighting training as the career staff. A great deal of time, commitment, and energy is required to meet the training standards to ensure the safety of the firefighters and ultimately to serve the public needs. Along with fire fighting skills many of the reserves are cross trained in Emergency Medical Service (EMS) delivery along with hazardous materials mitigation. The reserve force is comprised of individuals who give up time away from home, family, and their job to serve the public. Individuals currently serving as reserves are employed in our community and work in engineering, health inspection, industry, mechanics, sales, construction, as a student, and paramedic. Our reserve firefighters are alerted to working structure fires or other manpower needs by a pager or cell phone text message. These calls are dispatched via our 911 system and the reserves respond directly to the scene or the fire station if additional equipment or staffing needs are required. All fire equipment, such as fire helmet, coat, pants, gloves, Nomex 1/5/2015 hood and boots are provided by the division. Cost of outfitting one Reserve is approximately $1,500. Training for reserves is conducted on the first and third Tuesday of the month with a morning and evening session to accommodate work schedules. An intense training curriculum is adhered to. The new group is eager to learn the ins and outs of what the job demands and currently are exposed to a multitude of information from the senior reserves and career staff. The training is intense and requires both physical and mental demands with an emphasis on team safety. Along with local training a number of reserves have attended the annual State Fire School held in Grand Island in May. They attended classes on fire fighter safety, interior fire attack, wild land fire fighting, and emergency vehicle operations. Norfolk Fire Reserves responded to a multitude of incidents this past year; several city and rural house fires, grass fires, mutual aid calls for EMS, and hazardous materials incidents. One of the most challenging responses this past year was providing mutual aid to the residents of Pilger and Stanton area during the tornado . Our current Norfolk Fire Reserve force is dedicated to fulfill the ever growing needs of our city, rural, and mutual aid district during the publics' fire, EMS, or hazardous materials incidents. By John H. Reding Enclosure 12 Page 28 of 93 2013-2014 Actual 2014-2015 Estimated 2015-2016 Estimated 24,210 24,210 24,220 4,312 4,950 4,950 111 11 111 11 111 11 100 100 100 1,345 1,345 1,345 2,280 2,280 1,960 1,960 300 2,200 370 2,200 370 321 340 340 27 35 35 81% 60% 60% 97% 6 100% 100% 12 20 20 38 35 35 44 65 65 1,856 1,000 1,000 6,350 6,700 6,700 $34,616,035 $35,000,000 $35,000,000 388 400 400 Demand: City Population Rural District Population Total Geographical Area Served City Area Rural Area Mutual Aid Area Workload: Total # of Responses 2,233 Emergency Medical Calls # of Patients Encountered # of Trauma Patients Fire Calls Structure Fires % Contained to Room of Origin % Contained to Structure of Origin Wild land Fires Hazardous Material Calls # of Level 1 Call Backs 1,912 2,135 # of Level 2 Call Backs # of Citizens Who Toured the Fire Station or attended classes Public Contacted Valuation of Building Permits Issued Building Permits Issued 1/5/2015 Enclosure 12 Page 29 of 93 # of Building Inspections # of Burning Permits Issued Productivity: Total Training Hours Average Training Hours per Fire Fighter Feet of Hose Maintained # of Pumps Tested & Maintained # of Warning Sirens Tested & Maintained # of Preemption Devices Maintained # of SCBA Tested and Maintained # of Emergency Vehicles Maintained # of Defibrillators Maintained Average cost per single family dwelling Effectiveness: % of Established Patient IV’s % of Established Endotracheal Tubes Average Response Time per Call # of Incidents with 1st Arriving Units within 5 minutes (in city) % of Total Valuation of Structures involved in Fire Structural Dollar Amount Loss Due to Fire Average Years of Service of Employees 1/5/2015 2013-2014 Actual 2014-2015 Estimated 2015-2016 Estimated 5213 5800 5800 232 250 300 6445.61 6000 6000 238.72 21,100 220 25250 220 25250 6 tested 12 maintained 6 6 10 10 10 80 80 80 64 55 55 21 22 22 7 8 8 $212,000 $180,000 $180,000 82.3 90 85 76.3 85 85 4:00 4:30 4:30 1,643 82.15% 1820 80% 1824 80% $21,065,000 $10,000,000 $15,000,000 $746,360 $500,000 $550,000 20 14 14 Enclosure 12 Page 30 of 93 1/5/2015 Enclosure 12 Page 31 of 93 NORFOLK AIRPORT AUTHORITY Proposed 8-Place T Hangar Project The Norfolk Airport Authority (NAA) is proposing to build an 8- Place T Hanger to serve aircraft needs at the Norfolk Regional Airport. The NAA would like to invest current hangar rental income toward the construction of the new hangars. With the constructing of the new hangars the hangar rental income will not be available to pay general fund expenses. This investment will result in a tax increase. The Norfolk Airport Authority is requesting a City Council commitment, 1/5/2015 Enclosure 13 Page 32 of 93 TABLE OF CONTENTS Hangar History Page 3 Hangar Occupants Page 4 Hangar Inquiries Page 5 Hangar Rent Income Page 6 Hangar Rent Comparison Page 7 Hangar Product Cost Page 8 Hangar Cash Flow Page 9 Hangar Time Line Requirements Page 10 Hangar Required Commitment Page 11 Hangar Proposed Bui lding Plan Page 12 Page 2 1/5/2015 Enclosure 13 Page 33 of 93 HANGAR HISTORY The name "Norfolk Reg ional Airport" speaks for itself as it covers the city of orfolk and surrounding areas. Our tenants are not all city of Norfolk residents. However, same as many Norfolk business, we are attracting people from around th e area to shop, dine out, recreate, attend OUT schools, churches and participate in seasonal sports. Northeast Co mmunity College, Norfolk Pub lic Lib rary, YMCA, City Parks, proposed Ri ver Walk, bike trails and the Water Park al so attract many from surrounding areas. Hangar History: "E" Row constructed in 1968 with addition in 1978 " D" Rows constructed in 1965 "C", " L" Rows constructed in 1974 with addition in 2010 (2 new corporate hangars) There is no debt on these hangars and they currently generate revenue. Within the last couple of years there has been no growth at the airport due to the fact that we have no room to house anymore aircraft. Aviation is growing and has become a common way of travel for bu siness commuters as well as individuals and families. We need to be able to accommodate that growth. Page 3 1/5/2015 Enclosure 13 Page 34 of 93 HANGAR OCCUPANTS There are 46 hangars at the Norfo lk Airport. All hangars are occupied with aircraft. 56% of these are related to businesses. The business' we are aware of are as follows: Elkhorn Aviation ! Pat Kearney, Charles Schlomer, Richard Kester Meyer Farms ! Bill Meyer Linn Chiropractic! Dr. Nicho las Linn Gary Bruns Dr. Robert Adams, Neuro logist Barth Farms ! Tim Barth & Sons Mark Throener BJ Aviation ! Brian and Jay Dunlap KB Investmentsl Brestel Investments EBM Construction Discovering Possibilities Beckenhauer Construction Co nnecting Point ! Dan Spray Funk Farms Sunderman Feed Lots Dr. Mark Davis Dr. David Schroeder Great Plains Hybrids! Dan Broz Calm Water Financial ! Dave Amick, Chuck Olsen (CODA Aviation) 340 Aviation ! Premier Marketing, Mike Wingate Norfolk Iron & Metal Dlnklage Feed Lots Wizco ! Don Wisnieski First Winds, LLC ! Tyler Wingate Dale's Flying Service ! Aerial Applicator Ameriflight contracts with UPS and has approximatel y 1,040 operations an nuall y Faith Regional Health Services brings a Dr. to Norfo lk for a couple weeks at a time that houses his aircraft on the field. NPPD hires aerial power line patrol that are sometimes hangared at Norfolk 2 weeks at a time. 1/5/2015 Page 4 Enclosure 13 Page 35 of 93 HANGAR INQUIRIES A few of the requests over the last 12 months that were denied hangars. Clifford Strahm, Fremont Matt Gollobit, Norfolk Leroy Stebbing, Norfolk Eric Schidler - moving from Nevada to Wayne An interested party in moving a pet food plant into the empty packing plant on Whitney inquired about hangaring a plane here for his commute between Colorado and Norfolk. 1. Eric Busskohl 402-750-0372. Aircraft owner. Base in Norfolk to October 2014 engage in business commutes between Atkinson and Omaha. 2. First Winds, LLC / Tyler Wingate, Norfolk ,NE 402-379-0777 Aircraft owner. Currently in multiple hangar G3 . 3. Mike Nahrstedt, Madison, NE 402-649-0026. Mike and his son ( ?) are aircraft owners and wish to house their aircraft in Norfolk November 2014 4. Lowell Beckenhauer, Norfolk, NE 402-371-5363 . Aircraft owner and another aircraft purchase in process 5. Mathis Inspection Services, Cornwall, Vermont, Aaron Mathis. Aircraft owner and family moving from Vermont to Norfolk in January 2015 6. Jay Dunlap, Meadow Grove, NE 402-360-1303 house an aircraft on the field and would like to bring a Sikorsky CH34C helicopter here. December 2014 7. Nebraska/Colorado Life Magazine, current address Estes Park, CO 402841-4619 aircraft owner interested in hangar lease for his commutes between Norfolk and Estes Park Page 5 1/5/2015 Enclosure 13 Page 36 of 93 HANGAR RENT INCOME Norfol k Airport Authority Fiscal year 08/ 01/ 13 to 07/31/14 General Aviation Hangar Rents $ 10,650.00 Leased Tenant Hangar Rents $ 68.220.23 Total Ha ngar Rent Income $ 78,870.23 Receipts forecasts for fiscal years: (Projected 8 place t hangar unit not included) Genera l Aviat ion Lease Rents TOTAL 2014/2015 $ 10,650 $ 75,042 $ 85,692 2015/2016 $ 10,863 $ 76,540 $ 87,403 2016/2017 $ 11,080 $ 78,070 $ 89,150 2017/2018 $ 11,302 $ 79,630 $ 90,932 2018/2019 $ 11,530 $ 81,220 $ 92,750 2019/2020 $11,760 $ 82,884 $ 94,644 Page 6 1/5/2015 Enclosure 13 Page 37 of 93 January 2015 2015 HANGAR RENT COMPARISON (per square foot) Sq. Ft. 973 1000 1160 1211 1240 N/S 1320 N/S 1335 1480 1510 Norfolk Columbus Blair Beatrice Fremont Kearney Grand Island .120 Wayne .110 .110 .062/.071 .067/.075 .070 .077 .067 .054 slider .095 .081 .098 .065 .110" .097 .110 .057 .066 .093 1520 1710 1750 1800 1872 1968 2017 2100 2200 2580 N / S 2704 3300 3360 3900 S 4033 Multiples 2750 4900 5960 6600 7378 Scottsbl uff .096 .063 .086 .096 .114 .058 USAF .019 slider .112 .050 .068/ .075 .124 .063 Box .077 Box .113 .058 USAF .104 .077,.112 .110' .122' .087* .158' ,.141' .141' .100 .110 .067 .122 ' ' Plumblng/Water, Insulated, office space (Heat provided by tenant) Multiples: More than 1 aircraft in hangar Slider: Old sliding doors USAF: United States Air Force " Add $25/mo. for insulation / Add $50/mo . for insulatio n and heat 1/5/2015 Page 7 Enclosure 13 Page 38 of 93 07 2014 11: 15AM Nor fol k Airport Aut hori t~ 14023712715 Cost Estimate Project Description: B-Place Nested T-hangar Norfolk Regional AirpoCVKarl Stefan Memonal Field Norfolk, Nebraska DBle: May 2014 Hangar Loan (7 0%) $491 ,966 .30 Federal (90%) Loca l· $267,471 _90 $210,842.70 $29,719_10 'Total Local Share: $240,561.80 Page 8 1/5/2015 Enclosure 13 Page 39 of 93 Hangar Cash Flow On Projected Hangars At full occupancy $ per month S9·Ft. Est. Rate 4 Standard T Hangars 1,361 $.113 $ 620 2 Over sized T Hangars 1,564 $.113 $ 420 2 Over sized T Hangars 1,845 $.113 $ 480 Total per month $ 1,520 Annual projection $18,240 Page 9 1/5/2015 Enclosure 13 Page 40 of 93 HANGAR TIME LINE REQUIREMENTS ON FUNDING ELIGIBILITY State funds that are approved for allocation in August 2014 are ready for sponsor to prepare bids and proceed with construction. Allocated funds can be withdrawn without prejudice, if the sponsor has not signed a construction contract within eleven months of the Commission' s approval or of notification of funds available . This means Norfolk must have accepted and bid and have a signed contract in place by July 1, 2015. Grant requests for federal funding has a May 1 deadline to submit grant requests based on bid. This means bids have to be in and opened before May 1, 2015. So, for federal requirements, we must have our bids in and opened by May 1, 2015 . That leaves 2 months (till July 1) to complete the revolving hangar loan requirement of a signed contract. Page 10 1/5/2015 Enclosure 13 Page 41 of 93 AMY L . SISSON , CPA JEROME C . BAHM CAROL A . UHING , CPA SOUTH HI G H WAY 8 I P.O . BOX 486 NORFOLK, NEBRASKA 68702-0486 TE L EPH ON E (4 02) 37 1-85 9 8 FAX ( 402 ) 371 - 863 9 August 12 , 2014 Randy Gates Fi nance Offi ce r City of Norfol k 309 North 5~ Street Norfolk, NE 68701 Dear Mr . Gates : 1. Enclosed Engineer's Cost Estimate (copy attached) 2. Airport Authority Local Share (2.9% - Semi Annual Payment) 240 , 562 13 , 890 3. Interes t Free State of Nebraska Hangar Loan (Monthly Payment - $ 4,099 . 72) (Annua l Amount - $49,196.64) 491 , 966 4. Assumed Property Tax Valuati o n ( 3 . 5% over 2013 Amount) 5. Estimated Annual Hangar Revenue 18 , 2.40.00 6. Total Annual Payments 76 , 977 . 00 7. Estimated Subsidy 58 , 737.00 8. Use 60 , 000.00 $ 1, 000 , 000 (page 8) 1 , 245 , 230,708 Estimated Levy Increase Each Year for 10 Years . 00481 The Airport Authority needs assurance the Council will approve an increase beginning with the 2015-16 fiscal year. Jerome C. Bahm Certified Public Accoun t ant JCB/j k Enclosure : Engineer's Cost Estimate 1/5/2015 Pag e 11 Enclosure 13 Page 42 of 93 Page 12 to be provided at meeting 1/5/2015 Enclosure 13 Page 43 of 93 ZONING CHANGE APPLICA TION 1. Appl icon t's Name ... _,LtyLl:!S~ LU~'_ O~U, plonr.ed FORM A _____________________________ _ 3. Phane Numbers: Business __________ _ Home 4. Loco t ion 0 f Propert y ~..LJ~.MJ::I~,_h:h:f:':'~'?!!'Q...diY.i.Si9.£1L.l!I.9.~§.~_f"-'!DlY.L..lI.5'Qr..<:'ska 5. Present Zoning ~~ri~..':!t.<!!:9~ _______ Requested Zoning !,~ann.:.'!.....9.:.~.!:'£::".:.nt 6. Legal de scrip tion ~C:!_~_~..!:I~,-'!::!::S:'::~...?..':!£'<!.i.':!.~<:':'~..?~~Lc:... 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Is the proposed property in the Flood Plan Hazard area as delineated under the Federal Flood Insurance program? .2:''_s______________________ _ 4. What is the reason for the zone change request? !.~_~"!..n~r:...!'~~~_~ ___ _ manufacture auto accessories -------------------------------------------------- 5. How would this zoning district conform with adjacent properties' zoning? __ !.~_~"!..n~r:..i"--.I5.~2i!'.9.~.b."_~.9.r:i..~~~.2'_~~i.nJUI:'.2LiLi.§._~!7!.'.l!...~~cl...J?L ____ _ 6. What is the general character of the area? .I!2."-~~.!:.~.0."!i~'li~~J2.~~c!...!.'?: ~~~.':'..I!.~'!!_~~_~£~~l!9.!:'_'!._<o!i::i!i.""_!.'.~_~u.!:~_~~.'!.~..!.~ _____________ _ 7. Is adequate sewer and water available? ~~i~~~~~~~J~~2~2~~~ ~y...':~':..t::_"::'~_~~_~.!:~:....:~s~~~~~~ _________________________________ 8. Does the change affect any proposed public projects? !:I~'- ___________ _ Return Completed forms to: Norfolk Planning Commission; 701 Koenigstein: Norfolk, NE 68701 Page 2 of 2 1/5/2015 12/2/2014 Rev: 02-2004 Enclosure 14 Enclosure 7 Page 45 of 93 Paae 13 of 17 300' BOUNDARY 1/5/2015 Enclosure 14 Page 46 of 93 '_nro_,.,_"...._ 1&' -y..... >lW\I. t'l,A1 ..... ~MHlI L..L.. ... :. I't,NINtU UUUU"""tHt of Lot Two 01 JIoIHS L.L.C.'S SubdMa;on. king a R,pIat of Lot " River Bend Additkln. " ..... County. Hebruoka and a part 01 -~ :~1{2w~ ~y~-~. _ ....... -1(1'( u:, ~ .. ,.~: ~;;:. ~;~j:, 24 u.. North. _--- .._..... \ \ \ \ \ \ _ _ o I u . . " " __ . _ _pIonolool6 irl\tIO su...,..... __ _ tofloO_. _ -~ ~1ho~ _ _ .10" _ _ " tt._ port 01 Ibovo I _ 1/201 \tIO WI _ P.&I.. 01 .... ~ 1/4 0 I _ : n . T~ 14 ~A._",,_ \ \ oI..u<s,I.I.C..o_ --~ 1\ 1\ i\ "\ \\.\ "'----- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -- _e-.ty._ nlW.P\,A.TOf".ut$u...C.'s PlNHD~oI T.....0I.ut$ 8oirI9. RIopIaI 01 UIII, _ .....UII- .L..LC.'s CowrIJ._. __ • \ -,,,,,=_..-- \ \ \ \ \ \ -- - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ - ,,-;;"'- - - \ \ \ \ \ ....... - ~ ~ f.~, ~ 1.JIndSUrw7<>r irllho stat. "' _ _ . . - . _ 0 1 fJ<W,PLoITOf".ut$I.L..C.'5 PL-..m tltYEI.OPII()IT"'UIIT... oI.ut$I.I.C.'s-.'*'toRotplot"'UIII. _ _ _ _ _ _ ...... porlollt!e _1/2'''tho_1/401_:n.T~2 1bth,~ '_oItho WI 11oonIo, _ _ I _ _ _ _ ... 4_UMII""''''_.20U. 1/5/2015 ~. P.&I.. IoIadioanCaourily. _ _ _ Enclosure 14 Page 47 of 93 UIIIo...oI_LL e.'. __ ! i ..J ~ , ! ,.-~ . n.. _· __....... ... _ _ Of ..... ""...... _ Z__ ala "·_01,' . ,00', , ] I 5' 1/5/2015 Enclosure 14 Page 48 of 93 - Resolut ion 20[4-48, 4 of 4 The intended u;c of tll< land would include installation of one building ~1at witi be used to manufactur\: auto acc<;sories . Parkin3 will be iomlled for up to 4 employee> and will b" expanded if additional employees ale added. Traffic will be low and will include employees and ddiver; [nIcks. There wilt not be accessories ofrered for 5.11e at the site. Upon appro',,1 of the plan construction would start as soon as possible. Chris Merkel 12/2/2014 1/5/2015 Enclosure 7 Enclosure 14 Pace 16 of 17 Page 49 of 93 Cityo! NorfOlk planning. right at home. 701 Koenigstein Avenue Norfolk, NE 68701 (402) 844-2050 (402) 644-8748 (fax) www.ci.norfolk.ne.us December 16, 2014 Council Agenda: January 5, 2015 Honorable Mayor and City Council Dear Mayor and Council: The Norfolk Planning Commission held a public hearing on the request by JMHS L.L.C. for the final plan of JMHS L.L.C. Planned Development at 2001 S. 37 th Street. JMHS , L.L.C. wants to relocate their mud flap production to a building at 2001 S. 37th. The current operation is in the owner's garage and the business is growing. This area was recently platted into 3 lots and the Planned Development is requested on Lot 2. Additional parking has been added to the Planned Development for potential growth and wellhead protection measures will be observed. The planning commission recommends approval of the final planned development on an 8-0 vote. Sincerely, 4 . 4 .~4p J. J. Snodgrass, Chair Norfolk Planning Commission 1/5/2015 Enclosure 14 Page 50 of 93 ORDINANCE NO. _ __ 5333 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF NORFOLK, MADISON COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY OF NORFOLK, NEBRASKA, AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THIS ORDINANCE IN PAMPHLET FORM. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NORFOLK, NEBRASKA: Section I. That the A (Agricultural District) zoning on the following described real estate, to wit: Lot 2 of JMHS L.L.C.'s Subdivision, being a Replat of Lot One, River Bend Addition, Madison County, Nebraska, and a part of the West Y, of the Southwest Y. of Section 32, Township 24 North, Range I West of the 6'h P.M., Madison County, Nebraska is hereby overlaid with JMHS L.L.C. PD (Planned Development) as indicated on the plan previously approved by the Planning Commission, concerning such described real estate. Said overlay does not change the underlying A zoning on the land, but shall allow the owner or owners thereof to develop said land as authorized in the PD plan. The development plan as sublnitted by the owner or owners is hereby approved and shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk. Section 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form according to law. PASSED AND APPROVED this_ _ _ _ _ day of_ _ _ __ _ , 20 Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) Approved as to form: _ _--=:_-:-_ _ _ _ __ City Attorney 1/5/2015 Enclosure 15 Page 51 of 93 __ ........... __.fi(f r_ . _v. . · -., ~. ..,- .nu. _ ~'jz,-~ 24 N,_ Rgo. 1 W 1Il.00'_101/2'_,,,,_ ... 2"'0II'_10 1/2" __ .. ~_ J/I:JU _10 1/2' __ .. __ """'l. >'11" ~ HI" • 111'_' ,)4Uf'1 '-"'" ~~~~~ -c:-~---- VI" ~ "IQ l-l-I,;..,. >'\.N'IN~U ",",V~L"""'~' 01 Lot Two 01 J ... HS L..L..C.'S Subcfrvlaion. 8.1"9 a R.p1er1 of 1..01 1. R'...,,, Bend AddItion. ·- -""n Co.onty. "'-bro*'<l ond a port of 1M West 1/2 of 1M S( ~ 1/4 of Section J2. Townthip 24 Narth. Ranve 1 West of ttl ~ ........ Wadloon Cgu"l\y. N.broel<o _ _ .,' 1 J: 1 1 1 1 100' 100' I, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 --- ~A._on_ 1 "'_ II !I II "I ti.1 L.. L..~ .• o _ _ ~------ I I I -- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -- - ,,,,,",,-,,,-- I I I I - 1 1 1 1 • .~-I" .24'II -,;;;';- - - ~="" 1 1 1 1 1 IT ~ © Lsi U\~/ LS I ~ 1 1 1 1/5/2015 DEC 1 7 2014 lUJ Enclosure 15 Page 52 of 93 -- -- -- ~I'-'- --I I I I I I :1 I I I I ,I I 'I I I a I j ,i } J Ii - I H I I I I I ,I ' - 'I I I I I I ,I 'I I I I I I :1 I I I I I I --liii0 ..... _. _ 1" . SO'. " ' ' ' - ...... 1:I0I0 ..... 1_ •• -"" ". '00'. I •• __ .. _ ' I I I I I: I I I I I I, I' , I :1 II, I' 1 I I I I ,~ I I: 1 1 1 I 1/5/2015 I I _ 1 I, I' I Enclosure 15 Page 53 of 93 - Res o l uti on 20 [4- 48, 4 of 4 The intended Ui e ofd," land would inc lude installation of ooe building that wiil be used to manufJctun: auto acce;sorics. Pa;kin;; will be instalkd for up to 4 emplo~·ee$ and wil l tx: expanded ifaddirional employees a:e added. Traffic will be low and will include employees and deliver/ trucks. There will nor be accessories ofrcred for sale ar rhe site. Upon approva l of the plan con5trucrion would start as soon as possible . ..... Chris MerkeI 121212014 1/5/2015 ~©~V ~ ~r~1 Im '--0 CCi 2 C 20:4 Wi Enclosure 7 15 Enclosure Pace 16 oi 17 Page 54 of 93 Public Hearing Notice The Mayor and City Council of the City of Norfolk, Nebraska will hold a public hearing on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 309 North 5th Street, Norfolk, Nebraska at the request of Porter Pit, L.L.C. to consider a paving waiver on property located south of Monroe Avenue on Victory Road. Elizabeth A Deck City Clerk Publish (December 26, 2014) 1 P.O.P. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 16 Page 55 of 93 APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION OF HARD-SURFACING REQUIREMENT Name of applicant ...:P...:o=.rt:..:..::.e=-r=-P=-it2,..:L::L:.:C=---_ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ ___ Phone 371-2900 1806 Square Turn Blvd. Mailin ocr Address _ ~ Authot·ized Acrent Richard C. Johnson o Ma iling Address 701 Michigan Avenue Phone 371-1255 Legal Description or Address of Property N1/2 SE 114 SE 1/4 Sec. 35, Twp 24 N, R 1 Wofthe 6th P .M., Years requested ..:1..:0_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ New parking lot D Existing parking lot 0 Year BUilt?_1.:..;9:...:8:...:0_ __ Present surfacing of parking lot? Parking Lot: Entrance: Gravel D Gravel D Concrete 0 Concr ete D Dirt D Dirt 0 Asphalt D Asphalt D OtherD Other 0 Type oJ business or use served by your parking lot Concrete Crushing operation and material stockpiling Does your business involve customer parking needs? No Does the modification arise from conditions which are unique to the property and are not ordinarily found the same zoning district? ..:Y...::e:.:s'--_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ Approximately size of parking lot .=2:.:4_':.:x..:6:.;5:...·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Lot is occupied by: AutosO Trucks~ How man y vehicles can the lot hold ? 0- to 0 41 -500 VansD 11 -200 51 -1000 21-300 31-400 over LOO 0 How many employees in your establishment .;::3_-4.:-_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ Type of use served by your parking lot ~E~m~p~lo~y~e~e~p~a~rk~i~n~g!.._._ ___l;:::;;::;;;;;;:;;;:;:;;;;;_;:;_;;__;;_;:;;;_;::::::-, your lot is currently used for other than parking, i.e. storage, worksh-"-'.I H use? NIA [f D%7~ 2014 1/5/2015 12/16/2014 n U Return Completed forms to: Norfolk Planning Commission; 701 Koenig steibnlT1llltl'."f<!t!~ffl't------1 Page I of 2 Rev: 02·2004 I Enclosure 9 17 t:nc Pageosure 56 of 93 Paoe 14 of 18 APPLICATION FOR MODIFICATION OF HARD-SURFACING REQUIREMENT [f you arc unable to park all of your vehicles in the assigned lot, where else do you park? N/A When was the main structure built? -!1::!9::!8::!O_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Year of any additions built to the main structure ~N~/!.!A~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Size .!.;N"'/A'-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Any other building on the lot? No Square footage--'Nc:.:.:c/A-'-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ What is the square footage/acres of the parcel--'2=-O=--=-A.:..:co.:.r.:::e.:::s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Zone district 1-1, Light Industrial Any specific or unusual parking problems with your operation? No Will this waiver cause drainage problems, traffic hazards or other detrimental problems in the area? ~~----------------------No Any long or short term projections for further development on this parcel No Please provide a time-line with phases for hard-surfacing the parcel. Attach a site plan with phases shown. Signature Appl ican t 1/5/2015 12/16/2014 Return Completed lorms to: Norfolk Planning Commission ; 701 Koenigstein ; Norfolk, NE 68701 Rev : 02-2004 Page 2 of 2 Enclosure 17 Enclosure 9 Page 57 of 93 Paae 15 of 18 PORTER PIT L.L.C. HARDSURFACING WAIVER REQUEST This request is for a hard surfaci ng waiver between the west edge of the pavement of Victory Road and the scale proposed by the applicants to be placed on the N Y:z of the SE Y. of the SE Y. of Section 35, Township 24 North, Range 1 West of the 6th P.M., Madison County, Nebraska. The waiver request is for a period of 10 years to coincide with the length of a Conditional Use Permit being requested concurrently with the waiver. The waiver request is for a hard surfaced driveway between the pavement on Victory Road and a proposed scale. As shown on the accompanying site plan, the Developers propose to pave from the west edge of pavement on Victory Road west for a distance of 100 feet within two years. This is to coincide with the completion of the contemplated re-construction of Victory Road by Madison County. The remainder of the paving to the scale will be completed within ten years which coincides with the term of the Conditional Use Permit. 1/5/2015 12/16/2014 Enclosure 17 Enclosure 9 Page 58 of 93 Paae 16 of 18 Cityo! NorfOlk planning. right at home. 701 Koenigstein Avenue Norfolk, NE 68701 (402) 844-2050 (402) 644-8748 (fax) www.ci.norfolk.ne.us December 16, 2014 Council Agenda: January 5,2015 Honorable Mayor and City Council Dear Mayor and Council: The Norfolk Planning Commission reviewed the request for a ten year paving waiver for Porter Pit, L.L.C. on Victory Road south of Monroe Avenue. The Plalming Commission approved a Conditional Use Permit for a concrete crushing operation for Porter Pit, L.L.C. on South Victory Road. They are requesting a ten year paving waiver at this location. The request is to complete the hard surfacing from Victory Road to the crushing operation's scale, incrementally. The waiver provides for the first 100 feet to be paved within the next two years and the balance of the paving to be complete within ten years. The planning commission recommends approval of the final planned development on an 8-0 vote. Sincerely, .4.4.~ J. J. Snodgrass, Chair Norfolk Plmming Commission 1/5/2015 Enclosure 17 Page 59 of 93 City of Norfolk, 309 N. 5th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 RESOLUTION NO. 2015- 1 WHEREAS, Porter Pit, L.L.c., 1806 Square Tum Boulevard, Norfolk, NE has applied for a modification of the hard-surfacing requirements outlined by the Norfo lk City Code 27-351; and WHEREAS, the Norfolk Planning Commission has discussed the application thereon on December 16, 2014 and made a recommendation thereon to the Mayor and City Council; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council on the 5th of January, 2015 held a public hearing on the applicant's request to receive public input thereon; WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council in consideration of the above recitals and in further consideration of the recommendations and evidence adduced at said hearings adopts the following Resolution; BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Norfolk, Nebraska, that Porter Pit, L.L.C., 1806 Square Tum Boulevard, Norfolk, NE, is hereby granted a modification from the hard-surfacing requirements of the Norfolk City Code on the following described real estate to wit: The N Y2 of the SE 1. of the SE 1. of Section 35, Township 24 North, Range I West of the 6 th P.M., Madison County, Nebraska BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council that the following conditions are hereby attached to said waiver as follows: 1. That said hard surfacing modification of the lot shall follow the attached phased diagram; 2. That said hard surfacing modification shall be for a period often (10) years, expiring January 5, 2025; 1/5/2015 Enclosure 17 Page 60 of 93 3, The access road shall be paved 100' off of Victory Road within two (2) years of this date; PASSED AND APPROVED this, _ _ _ _ _ day of_ _ _ _ __ , 20_ _ Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk (SEAL) Approved as to form: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City Attorney The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 20 by _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ Notary Public 1/5/2015 Enclosure 17 Page 61 of 93 _C:<ltt . j-'U t<Tt<;t< j-' IT, LLC HARD SURFACING WAIVER REQUEST I I Le.n'o I ApprOQch Rn~p Seo.le- "'I mg 1 1 "'I 1 1 "'Ill l---'I ",I 1 Crusher Area / I 6 f o Cho.ln U k fence-....,. Screenings Stockpile 20 Ft. Lo.nclsco. ng 1/5/2015 12/16/2014 -_+1 .. I Enclosure 17 Enclosure 9 Page 62 of 93 Paoe 17 of 18 ELKHORN VALLEY MUTUAL AID Association Mutual Aid Agreement THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 15th day of December, 2014, by and between the communities and rural fire protection districts of: BAITLE CREEK, CARROLL, HADAR, HOSKINS, MADISON, MEADOW GROVE, NORFOLK, OAKDALE, PIERCE, STANTON, WAYNE, and WINSIDE. WHEREAS; for the purpose of better insuring the safety of the lives and property of our citizens from fire loss, medical emergencies and natural disasters, we pledge our mutual cooperation in providing fire protection and emergency response services or emergency medical services which exceed or threaten to exceed the capacity of the emergency defenses of an individual town or rural fire district, or of any Mutual Aid Association from which a request has been made; to this purpose we pledge our assistance to each other to provide fire/EMS services in the area served by the Mutual Aid Association pursuant to the terms of this agreement; and WHEREAS; the parties to this agreement are desirous of entering into an agreement pursuant to the Nebraska Interlocal Cooperation Act (Nebr. Rev. Stat. §§ 13-801 through 13827) as the same may from time to time be amended, for the purposes of describing the terms and conditions under which the parties will cooperate to provide fire protection and emergency response services and emergency medical services. WITNESSETH FIRST, the term ofthis Agreement shall commence on the date ofthis agreement and shall terminate ten (10) years thereafter and the relationship described herein shall be referred to as the Elkhorn Valley Mutual Aid Association. SECON D, the governing body of each party of this agreement shall take the necessary action to permit the movement of its emergency fire and rescue equipment and personnel, or such equipment and personnel as defined in the state, city, village, county, or interjurisdictional emergency operations plans outside the limits of each local government in order to render aid in the event of disaster or emergency. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 63 of 93 TH IRD, it shall be understood that each member emergency department shall retain control of its ow n personnel and equipment at th e scene of an emergen cy t o which it ha s been summoned and that the fire chief, or hi s/her designated representative, of the local emergency department reque sting mutual aid shall be the Incident Commander in over-all charge of all fire and emergency medical service evolution s for the duration of the emergency requiring the use of mutual aid . · ' " FOURTH, it shall also be understood that at no time shall a member department of the association be expected to provide Fire/ EMS equipment or personnel which would place in jeopardy the city or rural protection capabilities remaining in their community . FI FTH, it is mutually understood and agreed that this agreement does not relieve any party from the necess ity and obligation of providing adequate fire/ EMS protection within its own jurisdiction. SIXTH, no party to this agreement shall be required to pay any compensation to any other party to this agreement for mutual aid rendered hereunder; the mutual advantages and protection afforded by this agreement being considered adequate compensation to all parties; provided, however, that expenses incurred by any participating party for contract equipment or any extraordinary or special supplies resulting from action on joint emergencies shall be subject to negotiation by and between concerned parties. SEVENTH, the extent of aid to be furnished under this agreement shall be determined solely by the party furnishing such aid , and it is understood that the aid so furnished may be recalled at the sole discretion of the furni shing agency. EIGHTH, thi s agreement shall not be construed as or deemed to be an agreement forthe benefit of any third party or parties, and no third party or parties shall have the right of action hereunder for any cause whatsoever. Any services performed or expenditures made in connection with furnishing mutual aid under this agreement by any party hereto shall be deemed conclusively to be for the direct protection and benefit of the inhabitants and property of each party. NINTH, each party shall self-insure or contract for insurance against any liability for personal injuries or property damage that may be incurred by it or by its personnel as the result of any mutual aid action. Each party shall provide, as it sole expen se, the Worker' s Compensation Insurance coverage necessary for its own employees. It is recognized that at certain times as one party provides aid to the other pursuant to the terms of this agreement, their employees will provide services; and should this result in any Worker's Compensation 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 64 of 93 claims being asserted it is hereby agreed that each such claim shall be the responsibility of the employer to process, defend and pay, if nece ssary; and each party agrees to assume such respon sibility as to its own employees. TENTH, the parties agree to hold each other mutually harmless from all loss, liability or claims because of or arising out of the acts or omissions of each party's performance of this . agreement; withdrawal from this agreement by one party shall not terminate this agreement ' ~ . among the remaining parties. ELEVENTH, each party shall have the right to terminate this agreement at any t ime by giving at lea st 30 days written notice to the other parties and specifying the effective date of termination . TWELFTH, there is no joint board created as a result of this agreement. Each party to this agreement shall serve as administrator responsible for their own undertakings pursuant to this agreement. There will be no real or personal property co-owned as a result ofthis agreement. In the event any party withdraws from this agreement, the withdrawing party shall retain all real and personal property they own which is used pursuant to this agreement. THIRTEENTH, no separate legal or administrative entity is created by this agreement. FOURTEENTH, each party to this agreement is responsible for financing the cooperative undertaking and its own participation in this agreement. There is no agency budget or separate taxing authority that results from this agreement. FIFTEENTH, each party to this agreement shall execute multiple copies of the agreement and one executed copy of the agreement shall be retained by each party. The parties agree that the separately executed copies of this agreement which shall constitute the Mutual Aid Agreement shall be given full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be signed and executed on the date first hereinabove written. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 65 of 93 CITY OF BATTLE CREEK, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation, ATTEST : Ap proved as to form ' - -f--'J,.l<\:--'>."i, - - - - - - - - - Cit BATTLE CREEK RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivi sion of th e State of Nebra ska Board President Printed Name: . I J/. nEt Vl/V M tIj(tj)Ei ATTEST: Titl e: _-'-"''''---'-'-~'''''~~!:",=I-o-_ _ 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 66 of 93 , , , " , ' 'j' . . . - ". .. l: . . - J: .- VILLAGE OF CARROLL, NEBRASKA, A Muni cipa l Corp oration, By_L--==-'=_-="'>!-"_ _ _ _ _ __ Chairperson, Village B ard/ Print ed Name: ./1qr ~ I), 0erc ArrEST; Village ~ > Pri nted Na me; --=0= ()..:.."'-'..., " ,,,·'"'--'-.J-I<~""""_ Approved as to form; _.£::::~"1-~~£Z===:-:-- .r;.ff i~ Village CARROLL RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska Bv L UJ Board President (? / ( Pri nted Name: -'.J_. .e-'...(\L-_J.::...,:: <cd1 ~fV',-,--,{,,---,C~ STATE OF NEBRASKA COUNT):' OF WAYNE ) ) ) ss The foregoing was acknowle dged before me this ~d ay of D~ ,2014, by ~el1j IlaElsea, Pr esiden t of Carroll Rur al Fire Pro te ct i on Distric t. t............ ~u..'I"lA.\c... J; 1/5/2015 net' l Nota!y , State of Nebraska FAYTHE N, PETERSEN My Comm. Exp. Sept 17,2015 Enclosure 18 Page 67 of 93 VILLAGE OF HADAR, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation , Chairperson, Village Board Printed Name: , (:pie f Po Z" J.Ki, r''''''' ATTEST: Village Clerk Printed Name: IS Approved as to form: . Ke/!. -~;;;;~~?L:ztt~===---Village Atto Printed N m dOu HADAR RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska Jol+_W ' (,BY C;v~~ Board President Printed Name: /fobe v[ ATTEST: 5ec:.qc;),/trTI-f • ..... " 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 68 of 93 VILLAGE OF HOSKINS, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation, By c~n~;llIaie1o:: Printed Name: a' r .:.-.... d- ~ '/r-:;e- ATTEST: Printed Name: J:~~f:f::LJc~Qf; Approvedastoform: ____~~~~~~~~------------ Village AM'oirH'v P HOSKIN S RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DI STR ICT, A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebra ska ATTEST: Title: ______--::=-__,..,----,_________ Printed Name: 1/5/2015 ~t\') 'Lc..y-,3 e GEHEHAL NOTARY - Stale 01 Nebraska BECKY LANGE My Convn. &p. March 30, 2017 Enclosure 18 Page 69 of 93 CITY OF MADISON, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation, By I?~ 7)~ Mayor Printed NameRobe.r t- rj}1:...;l:h'l" ATTEST: Approved as to form: ---I'--"----l--=-- + - - - - - City A MADISON RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivision ofthe State of Nebraska ATTEST: Tit Ie: - ---'>..<"""::',L...-i'""-':n=h:-'-"'-'-l;r'-;---'--'=---, Printed Na 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 70 of 93 VILLAGE OF MEADOW GROVE, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation, ATIEST: Approved as to for Vi ey mted Name: J)enn i '" C CI I i () S MEADOW GROVE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska By d~R IN, (j~ Board President Printed Name: Lawell II. Bay(7~ ATIEST: Title : . e OlerK Printe~ Ma,,) Maurer: 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 71 of 93 CITY OF NORFOLK, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation By___________________________ Sue Fuchtman, Mayor ATIEST: Elizabeth A. Deck, City Clerk Approved as to Form: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Clint Schukei, City Attorney NORFOLK RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska By ,~L:J) Board President 'E"",-,._--'--(-'--'---Jw=--;'-'Vl'-'-"'d"-'---_ Pri n ted N ame: ___ ATIEST: Title: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Printed Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 72 of 93 VILLAGE OF OAKDALE, NEBRASKA, A Muni cipal Corporation , Chair erson , Vilf'Ul e Board Pri nte dNa me: ~~ <:...!=, elc ,-,C¥v!:J { n,-,e,'---~}. ,--",:"-6=::.~ =,,,c,;-2"!..-_ - ATIEST: C k ame : V;Q.K~ - 7 c.C\..r ~ ~~'I.'!:, Approved as to form: ---------I-~"=_!!:!::.~.:::..-__,-- I.r( Village Attorney " f .! 9 Printed Name: _~ /7t= <P-~ 'l!Jt~[p~I'--=I{..L11 _ OAKDALE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska By xk JrYU4J Board President Printed Name: 13 ;,It--{Jt (<-v ATIEST: Title : j> Printed Name: 1/5/2015 'YO Y!1,,~ C F2'" -£=, ,~:~-h- d ,-=S c yt Enclosure 18 Page 73 of 93 CITY OF PIERCE, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation, ATIEST: Approved as to form : _CL~&.:~<:2:¥~~""":'~~~ _ _ City Attorne Pri nt ed N ame: _ -Il---'"-''-'--''1--'''-----'=L=-= ...... =<..'-''''-b ~ PIERCE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska BY E=J?L;r~ Board Presidellt 5~/e..+4.r.." Printed Name: 5-/<u<- CI-, ,"ltJo-"=> ATIEST: 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 74 of 93 CITY OF STANTON, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation , By !lttud? /r#de-~ Mayor Printed Name: /J C#e'tUI 11 tz5.de/l ATTEST: i0~ c; Oefk 0xI~c!JIe fIdl Printed Name: N<lVl€J A . morik.ld STANTON RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska BY L7/~ Board President . Printed Name: ,(CQ), / / Ii 4s n.,a >111 ATTEST : 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 75 of 93 CITY OF WAYNE, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation , Mayor Printed Name: Ken Chamberlain ATTEST: ) ) ~ O 'hifiwA, Ap prove d as to form: -,a,-",-l11u.4~M6'F-1--+-,,,,+jl.Ll.I.!Jj{~4I,jl.L.£ ).;L; >L. >."--_ _ City Atto P Pri n t ed N a me: ---,-A.llm -L..L>~t-<'"lL~,'-'M. . . .i'l-l\.u.e....y'---- WAYNE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Political Subdivision of the State of Nebraska ~, ~~~ Board pre~, ~ t\. \ (J \ "'\::..I: Pri nted N a m ~ \-,,-(_)J_ _ _ _ _,-,"J__L.._' --,---\ "- ATTEST: 0" 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 76 of 93 VILLAGE OF WINSIDE, NEBRASKA, A Municipal Corporation , Chairperson, Vi ll age Board Printed Name: er<"slJ.... -r I " I LI VVtl1""-r ers ATIEST: Village Clerk Printed Name : Ca. f " r Appro ve da s toform: ____~~~~~---------------- Villa W INSIDE RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, A Po litical Subdivision of the State of Nebraska By E"6' ~ B rd Pr "dent rinted Name: c:;L... ~/C.Kc y 72J.PP ATIEST: 1/5/2015 Enclosure 18 Page 77 of 93 RESOLUTION NO. __________ 2015-2 WHEREAS, during the normal course of conducting the business of the City of Norfolk, the physical, human, fiscal and/or environmental resources of the City are routinely exposed to various risks that can result in losses to the City; and WHEREAS, these physical, human, fiscal and environmental resources are valuable assets to the City and its taxpayers; and because of the value of these assets, they deserve responsible protection consistent with the level of risk exposure, and unless measures are taken to preserve and protect these resources, losses may occur; and WHEREAS, it is desirable that similar risks be treated in a consistent manner; and WHEREAS, the City of Norfolk passed Resolution No. 2002-2 at its February 4, 2002 Council Meeting which Resolution adopted the Risk Management Policy Statement for the City of Norfolk; and WHEREAS, in order to ensure that similar risks are treated in similar fashion, it is desirable that the Mayor and City Council review its Risk Management Policy Statement setting forth a comprehensive risk management plan, and WHEREAS, the attached, updated Risk Management Policy Statement has been presented to and reviewed by the Mayor and City Council; and WHEREAS, it would be desirable to rescind Resolution No. 2002-2 and to adopt the attached document as the Risk Management Policy Statement for the City. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, the Mayor and City Council of the City of Norfolk, Nebraska, hereby adopt the following Resolution: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Norfolk, Nebraska, that Resolution No. 2002-2 be and hereby is rescinded. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Norfolk, Nebraska, that the attached Risk Management Policy Statement be and is hereby adopted as the Risk Management Policy Statement for the City of Norfolk. PASSED AND APPROVED this _____ day of ___________, 20____. ATTEST: _______________________________ Elizabeth A. Deck, City Clerk _________________________________ Sue Fuchtman, Mayor Approved as to form: _______________________________ Clint Schukei, City Attorney 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 78 of 93 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENT CITY OF NORFOLK, NEBRASKA January 5, 2015 Resources of the City of Norfolk, Nebraska (City) are periodically confronted by various exposures to loss. These physical, human, fiscal and environmental resources are valuable assets to the City and its taxpayers. Because of the importance of these assets, they deserve reasonable protection consistent with the availability of funds and bargaining position of the City. In carrying out the City’s business, the major ongoing goals of the Risk Manager are to minimize damage to the physical, human, fiscal and environmental resources of the City, and to minimize the total risk to the City and taxpayers, the Risk Manager shall: a. routinely identify all significant known perils and risks to which the City may be exposed; b. avoid unnecessary or unreasonable exposures to the extent practicable; c. take all reasonable and practical steps to prevent harmful events and losses; d. initiate reasonable and appropriate loss control techniques to control the frequency and severity of those losses; and e. transfer risks that are caused by other parties contracting with the City of Norfolk to use City facilities. Once the risk and loss potentials have been identified and analyzed, an appropriate method(s) must be chosen for eliminating or controlling the negative impact that the loss would have on the City of Norfolk. On work conducted for the City, activities conducted under the auspices of the City, or utilizing City facilities, associated risks shall be transferred to those conducting this work or these activities. This will be attained through a combination of hold harmless and indemnification provisions, and additional insured status for the City, its employees, public officials, with proof of insurance at prescribed limits. This will be implemented by the City as it enters into contractual relationships with those conducting this work or these activities. The insurance requirements set forth in this Risk Management Policy Statement shall be deemed the standard insurance requirements necessary for conducting business with the City of Norfolk. Contracts and/or activities which potentially include special or unusual hazards to the City of Norfolk may have limits higher than those stated here. 1 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 79 of 93 A-1. CITY NON-CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT INSURANCE INSURANCE, INDEMNIFICATION, AND HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSES TO BE USED FOR CITY NON-CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS Contracting party, which could include service providers and/or consultants, shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Norfolk, Nebraska from and against all losses, claims, damages, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the contract that results in bodily injury, sickness, disease, death, or damage to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting in whole or in part by the contracting party, by any subcontracting party or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. Contracting party shall not commence activities under this contract until all insurance required under this Policy has been provided to City and such insurance that has been approved by the City of Norfolk Risk Manager. A. Workers’ Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance The contracting party shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract the applicable statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance with an insurance company authorized to write such insurance in Nebraska covering all the contracting party's employees, and in the case of any work sublet, the contracting party shall require a subcontracting party similarly to provide statutory Workers’ Compensation Insurance for the latter’s employees. The contracting party shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract, Employer's Liability Insurance with a limit of $100,000 per employee for each accident or disease with an insurance company authorized to write such insurance in all states where the contracting party will have employees located in the performance of this contract, and the contracting party shall require each subcontracting party similarly to maintain common law liability insurance on employees. B. General Liability Insurance The contracting party shall maintain during the life of this contract, General Liability Insurance, naming and protecting the City of Norfolk, its officials, employees and volunteers as additional insured against claims for damages resulting from (a) bodily injury, including wrongful death, (b) personal injury liability, and (c) property damage which may arise from operations under this contract whether such operations be by the contracting party, by any subcontracting party or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. The coverage required shall be provided under a Commercial General Liability policy or equivalent form. Depending on the type and scope of service, the policy may require specific endorsements. The minimum acceptable limits of liability insurance, unless otherwise provided for, shall be as follows: 2 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 80 of 93 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CATEGORY "A" Minimum $1,000,000 - to include $5,000 Medical Expense City of Norfolk named as Additional Insured General Aggregate a. Bodily Injury/Property Damage b. Personal Injury Damage c. Contractual Liability d. Products Liability & Completed Operations e. Fire Damage f. Medical Expense $1,000,000 $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $ 100,000 each occurrence $ 5,000 any one person Examples: Closed Trail Runs, Concerts, Indoor Events (non-sport), Parades, Sporting Events (non-contact) GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CATEGORY "B" Minimum $2,000,000 - to include $5,000 Medical Expense City of Norfolk named as Additional Insured General Aggregate a. Bodily Injury/Property Damage b. Personal Injury Damage c. Contractual Liability d. Products Liability & Completed Operations e. Fire Damage f. Medical Expense $2,000,000 $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $ 100,000 each occurrence $ 5,000 any one person Examples: Baseball, Basketball, Festivals, Fireworks (may include additional insurance requirements - 1.4 g consumer fireworks), Roller Derby, Sporting Event (limited contact), Soccer, Softball, Swimming GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CATEGORY "C" Minimum $5,000,000 - to include $5,000 Medical Expense City of Norfolk named as Additional Insured General Aggregate a. Bodily Injury/Property Damage b. Personal Injury Damage c. Contractual Liability d. Products Liability & Completed Operations e. Fire Damage f. Medical Expense $5,000,000 $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $ 100,000 each occurrence $ 5,000 any one person Examples: Fireworks (may include additional insurance requirements - 1.3 g display fireworks), Football, Open Road/Street Activities, Special/Unusual Hazards, Sporting Events (full contact) 3 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 81 of 93 C. Special/Unusual Hazards For events which may include special or unusual hazards to the public or the assets of the public, the general liability will be $5,000,000 per occurrence. All other limits remain the same. Potential hazards which would elevate the amount of coverage required include but are not limited to: fireworks and/or pyrotechnics displays; open fires; smoke machines; exotic or wild animals; use of primitive or modern weaponry; unusual sporting events or attractions; crowds of unusual size; poor claims experience and/or unsettled claims against the applicant; etc. Separate limits, errors and omissions or an endorsement to a general liability coverage may be required for service providers and or various types of consultants involved in events which may include special or unusual hazards to the public or the assets of the public as deemed necessary by the City of Norfolk. D. Automobile Liability Insurance The contracting party shall take out and maintain during the life of the contract such Automobile Liability Insurance as shall protect the contracting party against claims for damages resulting from bodily injury, including wrongful death, and property damage which may arise from the operations of any owned, hired, or non-owned automobiles used by or for the contracting party or in any capacity in connection with the carrying out of this contract. The minimum acceptable limits of liability to be provided by such Automobile Liability Insurance shall be as follows: Bodily Injury and Property Damage $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit E. Claims Trigger All liability insurance policies shall be written on an “occurrence” basis, unless otherwise specified by the City. All insurance coverage is to be placed with insurers authorized to do business in the State of Nebraska. F. Certificate of Insurance All certificates of insurance shall be filed with the City of Norfolk on the standard ACORD CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE form or a substantially equivalent form showing the specific limits of insurance coverage required by the preceding paragraphs and naming the City of Norfolk as an additional insured. G. Releases or Waivers Any releases or waivers used by contracting party shall include a provision releasing City from liability on all releases or waivers obtained for participation in contracting party’s event while utilizing City’s facilities under the terms of this contract. 4 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 82 of 93 A-2. CITY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT INSURANCE INSURANCE, INDEMNIFICATION, AND HOLD HARMLESS CLAUSES TO BE USED FOR CITY CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS A. Contractor’s Insurance Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work on the specific project covered by these specifications hereunder by the Contractor, the Contractor’s agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The cost of such insurance shall be included in Contractor’s bid. B. Minimum Scope of Insurance Coverage shall be substantially equivalent to: C. 1. Insurance Services Office form number GL 0002 covering Comprehensive General Liability; and Insurance Services Office form number GL 0404 covering Broad Form Comprehensive General Liability; or Insurance Services Office form number CG 0001 covering Commercial General Liability; and 2. Insurance Services Office Business Auto form number CA 0001 covering Automobile Liability, Code 1 “any auto”; and 3. Workers’ Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance as required by the Labor Code of the State of Nebraska. Minimum Limits of Insurance - Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: 1. Commercial General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. 2. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limits and property damage. 3. Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability; Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of Nebraska. D. Use of Bond Requirements Depending upon the project size and project type, the City may require one or more of the following bonds: Bid bond Performance bond Labor and materials bond Maintenance bond Dishonesty bond 5 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 83 of 93 E. Excess Umbrella Liability Insurance The Contractor shall procure and shall maintain, during the life of this contract, an Excess Umbrella Liability policy of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence in excess of the basic policies required in A-2.C.1, A-2.C.2, and A-2.C.3. Such coverage shall be at least as broad as the primary coverage required in A-2.C.1, A-2.C.2, and A-2.C.3. F. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. If any deductibles exceed $5,000, or any self-insured retentions exceed $10,000, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the City, its officials and employees; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigation, claim administration and defense expenses. G. Other Insurance Provisions The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. General Liability and Automobile Liability: a. The City, its officials, and employees are to be covered as additional insureds as respects to: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, leased or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired, or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officials, or employees. b. The Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officials and employees. Any coverage program, insurance or selfinsurance, maintained by the City, its officials or employees shall be excess of Contractor’s insurance and shall not contribute with it. c. Any failure to comply with any reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officials or employees. d. Coverage shall state that Contractor’s insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer’s liability. e. If insurance provided is written under the Insurance Services Office form number CG 0001 the coverage shall be endorsed to provide for separate limits for the specific project covered by these specifications. 2. Insurer Termination Provisions: For each insurance policy required by this contract, the contractor and/or its agent shall arrange for the following provisions pertaining to insurer termination of the policy: 6 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 84 of 93 a. Mid-term cancellation by the insurer for reasons other than non-payment - not less than 30 days’ notice to the City; b. Mid-term cancellation by the insurer for non-payment - not less than 15 days notice to the City; c. Mid-term reduction of coverage to the extent that it no longer is in conformity with contract requirement not less than 30 days notice to the City; d. Non-renewal by the insurer - not less than 30 days notice to the City. Evidence of these provisions shall be provided by the contractor, preferably through an endorsement stating that the City shall be notified of insurance policy termination by the insurer in conformity with the timeframes outlined above. In the event of the unavailability of an endorsement containing the aforementioned provisions, the City will accept certificate(s) of insurance stating that termination provisions of each policy shall be in conformity with the timeframes above. Endorsement and/or certificates shall stipulate that notices shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. In the event that neither an endorsement or insurance certificate contain the aforementioned provisions, the City will consider notification of termination by the contractor within two business days after it receives notification from the insurance company of actual or proposed termination of an insurance policy required by the contract. However, the contractor must: 1. notify the City prior to the beginning of the contract period of the unwillingness of the insurer to provide an endorsement or certificate with notification provisions to the City as outlined above; and 2. secure authorization from the City to use this approach. In the event the contractor elects to terminate coverage mid-term, it shall be the contractor’s responsibility to notify the City of the cancellation at least 30 days before the cancellation goes into effect. Confirmation of any mailed notices of termination by the insurer and/or by the Contractor shall be evidenced by return receipts of registered or certified mail. On all renewal or replacement policies it shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to provide evidence of these policies at least 15 days prior to the inception date of these policies. H. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a Best’s rating of no less than A- :VIII authorized to do business in the State of Nebraska. I. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance. The certificates for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage 7 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 85 of 93 on its behalf. The certificates are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. The certificates of insurance to be supplied are the most current standard ACORD form, or a substantially equivalent form, and the supplemental endorsement form supplied by the City of Norfolk. J. Work Stopped Due to Lack of Insurance All work covered by these specifications shall cease immediately when the insurance required of the Contractor is no longer in force. K. Indemnification and Hold Harmless The Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City of Norfolk, Nebraska from and against all losses, claims, damages, and expenses, including attorney’s fees, arising out of or resulting from the performance of the contract that results in bodily injury, sickness, disease, death, or injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting and is caused in whole or in part by the Contractor; any subcontractor; or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either; or anyone for whose acts they may be liable. L. Defense The Contractor shall defend any suit that may be brought against the Contractor or Subcontractor, or their employees, agents, or vendors, or the Owner on account of damage inflicted by the Contractor’s or Subcontractor’s operations, and the Contractor’s or Subcontractor’s employees, agents, or vendors actions, and shall pay any judgments, interest, and expenses associated with such damage. M. Assumption of Risk All responsibility for maintenance of property insurance on the work (including but not limited to Builders Risk, Installation Floater, and Building Ordinance Coverage) remains solely with the Contractor. Such responsibility shall remain with the Contractor until such time as the work is complete and accepted in writing by the Owner. It is a condition of the Contract that the Owner and Engineer and all Contractors, Subcontractors and Subsubcontractors waive all rights of recovery against each other for damages caused by fire or other perils to the extent covered by any valid and collectible insurance, and further, that any policy not including the standard waiver of subrogation clause be so endorsed as to comply with this paragraph. In the event of Owner’s occupancy of any of the project as permitted under Article titled “Right of Occupancy” or other provisions of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall have the Builders Risk policy on the project endorsed permitting such occupancy and such endorsement shall not be unreasonably withheld. 8 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 86 of 93 A-3. CONTRACTOR’S REGISTRATION INSURANCE As a part of a contractor’s registration to operate and to do business in the City of Norfolk, three categories a) General Contractors, b) Electrical and Fire Alarm, and (c) All Other Contractors, will be covered by the following section with the minimum requirements of insurance listed below: General Liability Products/Completed Operations Personal and Advertising Injury Fire Damage Medical Expense $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $100,000 any one fire $5,000 any one person The contractor shall maintain, during the life of the registration, the general liability insurance naming the City of Norfolk as a certificate holder. The limits specified here are strictly minimums only. 9 1/5/2015 Enclosure 19 Page 87 of 93 Event Guide The City of Norfolk recognizes the tremendous benefits that events bring to a community and thank you for choosing Norfolk as the site for your event. In order to help organizers requesting to use City of Norfolk facilities run a safe and successful event, the following information and application is provided. Section A: Steps to Get Approval for Event Section B: Application for Event Section C: Insurance Requirements 1/5/2015City of Norfolk Nebraska Event Guide Enclosure 20 Last Updated 12-30-2014 Page 88 of 93 Section A: Steps to Get Approval for Event Below is a checklist that will help organizers hold a safe and successful event in the City of Norfolk, Nebraska. Step 1 - Complete Section B: Application and submit to the Norfolk City Clerk at 309 North 5th Street, Norfolk, Nebraska at least 60 days before the scheduled event. A $75 fee will be assessed to the applicant for requests not received at least 60 days before the scheduled event. Step 2 - Review Section C: Insurance Requirements. No event will be approved without complying with liability insurance limits as required by the City of Norfolk. Step 3 - Make adjustments to the planned event according to recommendations from City of Norfolk staff pertaining to safety, needed permits or other issues. Resubmit application if necessary. Step 4 - Submit certificate of liability insurance naming the City of Norfolk as additional insured to the Norfolk City Clerk at 309 North 5th Street, Norfolk, Nebraska at least 10 days before the scheduled event. A $75 fee will be assessed to the applicant for insurance certificates not received at least 10 days before the scheduled event. Step 5 - Receive and sign the agreement which may be required to be placed on a Norfolk City Council meeting agenda for consideration. Step 6 - If the Norfolk City Council approval is required and elected officials approve the event, hold the event under the guidelines previously agreed upon. Step 7 – At the conclusion of the event, make certain that City of Norfolk facilities are free of trash, signs and other event paraphernalia. Fees will be assessed to the organization/contact person if City of Norfolk staff is needed to clean up after the event. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 20 Page 89 of 93 Section B: Application for Event This application must be filed with the Norfolk City Clerk at 309 N. 5th Street, Norfolk, NE at least 60 days prior to the date of the event. Fees may be applicable. (Will accept scanned form emailed to bdeck@ci.norfolk.ne.us) Date of Event:________________Event Name:_____________________________________________ Contact Person:______________________________________Phone:___________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ Email:______________________________________Daytime Phone:____________________________ Name of Organization Hosting Event:________________________________________________ Type of Organization (Please select from the following): ____ Corporation ___ LLC ____ Individual ___ Individual representing informal organization ____ Other ________________________________________ Organization Address:__________________________________________________________________ Organization Email:______________________Organization Phone:_____________________ Type of Event: ___________________________________________________________________________ Example: Football, Gun Show, Running, Biking, Parade, Music in the Park Please describe activities included in this event: _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Event Location: _________________________________________________________________________ Before an event is scheduled on City owned property, it must receive prior City approval. The event should not be held on a public street or roadway. Consider use of off-street trails such as the Levee Trail, the Cowboy Trail, or the Skyview Lake Trail for a running or biking event. Please attach map of route of any such event. Start Time of Event:___________________End Time of Event:__________________________ 1/5/2015 Enclosure 20 Page 90 of 93 Start Time Needed to Set up and Access Facility:__________________________________ Ending Time Needed to Clean up and Access Facility:____________________________ In respect for residents in the neighborhood of the event, note the following time schedules: Sunday-Thursday events end at 10:00 pm ---- Friday and Saturday events end at 12:00 am. Estimated number of participants or teams:___________ Is there an entry fee for participants? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) NA Entry fee amount: ___________ Is there a gate fee for attendees? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) NA Gate fee amount: __________ Is this a fundraiser? ( ) Yes ( ) No How will parking be handled?________________________________________________________ Will alcoholic beverages be present as part of event? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, please contact the Norfolk City Clerk at 402-844-2000 for more information. Will there be guns at the event (Example: a gun show)? ( ) Yes ( ) No Will gambling/raffles be part of the event? ( ) Yes ( ) No Will food vendors or other vendors be at the event? If food vendors… Do they have City vendor permits? Do they have City occupation tax permits? Do they have State sales tax permits? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) Yes ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) No ( ) No Please describe any other type of vendors: ____________________________________________ Do they have City vendor permits? ( ) Yes ( ) No Do they have State sales tax permits? ( ) Yes ( ) No Please see insurance requirements in Section C pertaining to required insurance coverage for vendors. Will there be portable toilets on the premises? ( ) Yes ( ) No If adequate permanent toilets are not available, you will be required to provide portable toilets for groups over 200. Please attach diagram as to where portable toilets will be placed. Will there be a fireworks display at the event? If yes, has City of Norfolk Fire Division issued a permit? ( ) Yes ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) No Will a portable stage be used? ( ) Yes ( ) No Will tents be placed on the premises? ( ) Yes ( ) No If so, how many? ______ 1/5/2015 Enclosure 20 Page 91 of 93 Will an electrical connection be required? (Fees may be applicable) ( ) Yes ( ) No Are amplifiers or loudspeakers to be used at the event? ( ) Yes ( ) No Please list any other special provisions requested: ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you require exclusive use of the facility for your event? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, explain:____________________________________________________________________________ Are you planning any activities that represent a special/usual hazard? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, describe:_______________________________________________________ Are participants required to sign a release or waiver? ( ) Yes ( ) No If so, please attach a copy of the release or waiver. Any releases or waivers used by contracting party shall include a provision releasing City from liability on all releases or waivers obtained for participation in contracting party’s event while utilizing City’s facilities. Are you planning any activities for which your insurance excludes coverage? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, describe: ___________________________________________________________________________ Name of Insurance Provider:__________________________________________________________ Name of Insurance Agent:_____________________________________________________________ Agent Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Agent Email:______________________________Agent Phone:_______________________________ Please check if you have read and understand the above information including the insurance requirements in Section C. Printed Name of Applicant ____________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant_______________________________________Date:____________________ There may be fees for use of City of Norfolk facilities or services. For more information about the Event Guide and Application contact the Norfolk City Clerk at 402-844-2000. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 20 Page 92 of 93 Section C: Insurance Requirements MISCELLANEOUS INSURANCE CATEGORIES (Contact the City of Norfolk at 402-844-2000 for specific information) GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CATEGORY "A" Minimum $1,000,000 - to include $5,000 Medical Expense City of Norfolk named as Additional Insured a. b. c. d. e. f. General Aggregate $1,000,000 Bodily Injury/Property Damage Personal Injury Damage Contractual Liability Products Liability & Completed Operations Fire Damage Medical Expense $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $ 100,000 each occurrence $ 5,000 any one person Examples: Closed Trail Runs, Concerts, Indoor Events (non-sport), Parades, Sporting Events (non-contact) GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CATEGORY "B" Minimum $2,000,000 - to include $5,000 Medical Expense City of Norfolk named as Additional Insured a. b. c. d. e. f. General Aggregate $2,000,000 Bodily Injury/Property Damage Personal Injury Damage Contractual Liability Products Liability & Completed Operations Fire Damage Medical Expense $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $ 100,000 each occurrence $ 5,000 any one person Examples: Baseball, Basketball, Festivals, Fireworks (may include additional insurance requirements - 1.4 g consumer fireworks), Roller Derby, Sporting Event (limited contact), Soccer, Softball, Swimming GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE CATEGORY "C" Minimum $5,000,000 - to include $5,000 Medical Expense City of Norfolk named as Additional Insured a. b. c. d. e. f. General Aggregate $5,000,000 Bodily Injury/Property Damage Personal Injury Damage Contractual Liability Products Liability & Completed Operations Fire Damage Medical Expense $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence $ 100,000 each occurrence $ 5,000 any one person Examples: Fireworks (may include additional insurance requirements - 1.3 g display fireworks), Football, Open Road/Street Activities, Special/Unusual Hazards, Sporting Events (full contact) The City of Norfolk Risk Manager will identify appropriate category for any event not listed above. In no instances will the required insurance be less than $1,000,000 with $5,000 Medical Expense. 1/5/2015 Enclosure 20 Page 93 of 93