Genie Manual - Genie Solutions
Genie Manual - Genie Solutions
February 2013 Copyright 2005 - 2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Part I Introduction 1 Keyboard ................................................................................................................................... Shortcuts 2 8 Part II Backups 1 Automated ................................................................................................................................... Backup 11 2 Restoring................................................................................................................................... A Backup 15 18 Part III Overview 1 The File Menu ................................................................................................................................... 18 2 The Open................................................................................................................................... Menu 20 3 The Records ................................................................................................................................... Menu 27 4 The Billing ................................................................................................................................... Menu 29 5 The Patients ................................................................................................................................... Menu 32 6 The Appts ................................................................................................................................... Menu 38 7 The Special ................................................................................................................................... Menu 45 Part IV Setting Up Genie 50 1 Practice Preferences ................................................................................................................................... 50 The Practice......................................................................................................................................................... Details Tab 50 The Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................................................... Tab 52 The Practice......................................................................................................................................................... Letterhead Tab 55 The Images ......................................................................................................................................................... and Attachments Tab 57 The Clinical ......................................................................................................................................................... Tab 58 Carrier Identifiers ......................................................................................................................................................... 58 2 User Preferences ................................................................................................................................... 59 The Details Tab ......................................................................................................................................................... 59 The General......................................................................................................................................................... Tab 60 The Clinical ......................................................................................................................................................... Tab 63 The Miscellaneous ......................................................................................................................................................... Tab 65 The Practice......................................................................................................................................................... Sites Tab 66 The Letterhead ......................................................................................................................................................... Tab 67 The Security......................................................................................................................................................... Tab 68 3 Printing Preferences ................................................................................................................................... 69 Printer Preferences ......................................................................................................................................................... 70 Deleting Printing ......................................................................................................................................................... Preferences Record 73 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................................... 74 4 Security ................................................................................................................................... 75 Add/Delete Users ......................................................................................................................................................... 75 User Levels/Access ......................................................................................................................................................... 76 Passwords ......................................................................................................................................................... 77 Part V The Reception Module 80 1 Appointments ................................................................................................................................... 80 Appointment......................................................................................................................................................... Preferences 80 Using The Appointments ......................................................................................................................................................... Book 85 Adding An Appointment .................................................................................................................................................. 87 Edit Patient .................................................................................................................................................. 89 Moving/Copying .................................................................................................................................................. Appointments 92 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd I Genie Manual Table of Contents Deleting/Undeleting .................................................................................................................................................. Appointments 93 Finding an Appointment .................................................................................................................................................. 95 Double booking .................................................................................................................................................. an Appointment time 97 Appointment.................................................................................................................................................. Views 97 Appointment .................................................................................................................................................. Status 100 Appointment .................................................................................................................................................. Types 101 Repeating .................................................................................................................................................. Appointments 105 Printing Appointment .................................................................................................................................................. Page 106 Linking a Procedure .................................................................................................................................................. to an Appointment 108 Cancellation .................................................................................................................................................. List 111 Appointment .................................................................................................................................................. Reminders 112 2 Theatre................................................................................................................................... Lists 116 Set Up ......................................................................................................................................................... 117 Printing a Theatre ......................................................................................................................................................... List 118 Preop Notifications ......................................................................................................................................................... Check 119 3 Labels ................................................................................................................................... 120 Built in Labels ......................................................................................................................................................... 120 4 Invoicing ................................................................................................................................... 121 Account Holders ......................................................................................................................................................... 121 Account Holders ......................................................................................................................................................... for Organisations 122 Medicare and ......................................................................................................................................................... DVA Account Holder Records 123 Setting/Increasing ......................................................................................................................................................... Private Fees 124 Updating Medicare/DVA ......................................................................................................................................................... Fees 125 Creating an......................................................................................................................................................... Invoice 126 Invoicing an ......................................................................................................................................................... Organisation 127 Invoicing Workcover ......................................................................................................................................................... 128 Adding Items ......................................................................................................................................................... to an Invoice 132 Other Item ......................................................................................................................................................... Information 135 HIC Online......................................................................................................................................................... Options 136 Searching the ......................................................................................................................................................... Fee Schedule 136 Selecting the ......................................................................................................................................................... Practice 137 Selecting the ......................................................................................................................................................... Site of Service 137 Multiple Procedure ......................................................................................................................................................... & Diagnostic Rules 137 Known Gap......................................................................................................................................................... Amounts 139 Assistant's......................................................................................................................................................... Fees 140 Invoice Memos ......................................................................................................................................................... 142 Checking Appointments ......................................................................................................................................................... Have Been Billed 143 Invoicing from ......................................................................................................................................................... the Patient List 143 Deferring Invoices ......................................................................................................................................................... 144 5 Receipting ................................................................................................................................... 144 Receipting......................................................................................................................................................... Directly from an Invoice 144 Receipting......................................................................................................................................................... an Existing Invoice for a Patient 146 Paying the ......................................................................................................................................................... Gap 148 Receipting......................................................................................................................................................... an Existing Invoice for an Organisation 148 6 Discounts ................................................................................................................................... 149 Applying when ......................................................................................................................................................... Invoicing 150 Applying when ......................................................................................................................................................... Receipting 153 Reversing a ......................................................................................................................................................... Discount 154 Modifying a......................................................................................................................................................... Discount 156 7 Deposits ................................................................................................................................... 156 Accepting A ......................................................................................................................................................... Deposit 157 Deleting A ......................................................................................................................................................... Deposit 158 Using A Deposit ......................................................................................................................................................... 158 8 Quotes ................................................................................................................................... 159 Preparing Quotes ......................................................................................................................................................... 160 Invoicing Directly ......................................................................................................................................................... From A Quote 164 9 Account................................................................................................................................... History 164 II © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Table of Contents Viewing a Patient's ......................................................................................................................................................... Account History 164 Reprinting ......................................................................................................................................................... an Invoice or Receipt 166 Printing a Statement ......................................................................................................................................................... 167 Print Report ......................................................................................................................................................... 167 Finding A Batch ......................................................................................................................................................... 167 Itemized Receipt ......................................................................................................................................................... 167 Modifying an ......................................................................................................................................................... Invoice 168 Modifying an ......................................................................................................................................................... Item 168 Changing the ......................................................................................................................................................... Account Holder or Patient 169 Deleting an......................................................................................................................................................... Invoice 169 Applying a ......................................................................................................................................................... Credit to an Invoice 170 Editing A Receipt ......................................................................................................................................................... 171 Deleting a Payment ......................................................................................................................................................... 171 Using a Dummy ......................................................................................................................................................... Bank Account (Refunding a Payment) 172 10 Banking................................................................................................................................... 172 Setting up ......................................................................................................................................................... Bank Accounts 172 The Banking ......................................................................................................................................................... Report 173 11 Manual ................................................................................................................................... Batching 174 Creating a ......................................................................................................................................................... New Batch 176 Receipting......................................................................................................................................................... a Batch 177 12 Overseas ................................................................................................................................... Students (Worldcare) 180 Invoicing ......................................................................................................................................................... 181 Batching Worldcare ......................................................................................................................................................... Invoices 181 13 Private Health ................................................................................................................................... Fund Fees 182 Updating via ......................................................................................................................................................... the Web 183 Importing Fund ......................................................................................................................................................... Schedules 185 14 HIC Online ................................................................................................................................... Installation 187 Requirements ......................................................................................................................................................... 187 Installation......................................................................................................................................................... 187 Install/Upgrade .................................................................................................................................................. Genie 188 Install HIC.................................................................................................................................................. Online - Windows 188 Install HIC.................................................................................................................................................. Online - Macintosh 189 Install iKey.................................................................................................................................................. Drivers 191 Configure Genie .................................................................................................................................................. 193 Create the.................................................................................................................................................. PSI Store 194 Set Up for .................................................................................................................................................. a Proxy Server 195 15 Using HIC ................................................................................................................................... Online 197 Bulk Bill and ......................................................................................................................................................... DVA Claims 197 Invoicing .................................................................................................................................................. 198 Creating a.................................................................................................................................................. New Transmission 199 Retrieving .................................................................................................................................................. Reports for the Claim 200 Reviewing.................................................................................................................................................. Exceptions for a claim 201 Receipting.................................................................................................................................................. Claim Payments 203 Patient Claims ......................................................................................................................................................... 203 Invoicing .................................................................................................................................................. 204 No Payment/Gap .................................................................................................................................................. Paid By Patient 205 Patient Paid .................................................................................................................................................. Full Amount 206 Transmitting .................................................................................................................................................. Store-And-Forward Claims 207 "Post-Invoice" .................................................................................................................................................. Claiming and Deleting 209 Online Patient ......................................................................................................................................................... Verification 209 Using Online .................................................................................................................................................. Verification 210 Updating Certificates ......................................................................................................................................................... 212 16 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................................................... HIC Online 214 Error Messages ......................................................................................................................................................... 217 The PSI Store, ......................................................................................................................................................... Certificates & Passwords 218 17 Referral/Reply ................................................................................................................................... Letters (Patient Correspondence) 219 Setting up ......................................................................................................................................................... the Default Template 223 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd III Genie Manual Table of Contents Setting up ......................................................................................................................................................... the 4D Write Area 223 Fields & Expressions ......................................................................................................................................................... Tabs 224 Adding New ......................................................................................................................................................... Templates 227 Editing Templates ......................................................................................................................................................... 227 Reviewing ......................................................................................................................................................... Correspondence 227 Importing Remotely ......................................................................................................................................................... Typed Letters 229 Transcription ......................................................................................................................................................... Export 231 Exporting Demographics .................................................................................................................................................. 231 Importing Returned .................................................................................................................................................. Letters 232 18 Electronic ................................................................................................................................... Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) 232 Configuring ......................................................................................................................................................... Healthlink 234 Writing the......................................................................................................................................................... Letter 235 Checking Imported ......................................................................................................................................................... Letters 235 3rd Party Providers ......................................................................................................................................................... 237 19 Merged ................................................................................................................................... Letter Templates 238 Setting up ......................................................................................................................................................... the 4D Write Area 239 Creating the ......................................................................................................................................................... Letter 240 Saving/Deleting ......................................................................................................................................................... the Template 242 Printing Merged ......................................................................................................................................................... Letters 243 Creating Quote ......................................................................................................................................................... Templates 243 20 Recalls ................................................................................................................................... 245 Creating a ......................................................................................................................................................... Generic Recall Template 245 Printing Recalls ......................................................................................................................................................... 246 Flagging of......................................................................................................................................................... Patient Record 248 Printing the......................................................................................................................................................... Recall List 249 Pathology/Radiology ......................................................................................................................................................... Recalls (Investigation Action List) 249 21 Scanning ................................................................................................................................... 252 Attachments ......................................................................................................................................................... 252 Scanning .................................................................................................................................................. 253 The Attachments .................................................................................................................................................. Window 253 Searching .................................................................................................................................................. for Attachment 257 Image Pro Setup ......................................................................................................................................................... 259 FTP Server.................................................................................................................................................. Installation 259 Registration .................................................................................................................................................. and Configuration 265 Using Image ......................................................................................................................................................... Pro 268 Scanning from .................................................................................................................................................. Within Genie 268 Batch Processing .................................................................................................................................................. 269 Image Pro Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................................... 271 Scanner Issues .................................................................................................................................................. 271 Unable to make .................................................................................................................................................. FTP Connection 272 Permission.................................................................................................................................................. Errors (Mac Only) 273 FTP Errors.................................................................................................................................................. 274 22 Tasks ................................................................................................................................... 275 278 Part VI Clinical 1 The Main ................................................................................................................................... Page 279 Using the Display ......................................................................................................................................................... Area 281 Using the Contact ......................................................................................................................................................... List 282 2 The Other ................................................................................................................................... Page 284 3 Consultation ................................................................................................................................... Notes 286 4 The Tools ................................................................................................................................... Menu 293 5 Specifying ................................................................................................................................... a Fee to Charge 298 6 Prescribing ................................................................................................................................... 299 Prescription ......................................................................................................................................................... Display 299 Button Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 301 Adding a New ......................................................................................................................................................... Prescription 303 IV © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Table of Contents Searching Prescriptions ......................................................................................................................................................... 308 Printing a Prescription ......................................................................................................................................................... to Multiple Patients 310 7 Recalls ................................................................................................................................... 311 8 Disease................................................................................................................................... Register 313 9 Diabetes ................................................................................................................................... Care Status (EPC Summary) 317 10 Checklists ................................................................................................................................... 318 Creating a ......................................................................................................................................................... Checklist 318 Linking a Checklist ......................................................................................................................................................... to a Procedure 321 Using Checklists ......................................................................................................................................................... within a Consultation 321 11 Pathology ................................................................................................................................... and Radiology 322 Ordering Pathology ......................................................................................................................................................... 322 Ordering Radiology ......................................................................................................................................................... 325 Selecting the ......................................................................................................................................................... Results Format 327 Importing Downloaded ......................................................................................................................................................... Results 328 The Downloaded ......................................................................................................................................................... Results List 329 Matching and ......................................................................................................................................................... Linking Results to Patients 330 Other Buttons ......................................................................................................................................................... 333 12 Reviewing ................................................................................................................................... Correspondence 334 13 Procedures ................................................................................................................................... 335 Adding a Procedure ......................................................................................................................................................... 335 Pending Procedures ......................................................................................................................................................... 337 The Procedure ......................................................................................................................................................... Window 338 Procedure ......................................................................................................................................................... Templates 342 Printing an......................................................................................................................................................... Audit Report 343 Conversion......................................................................................................................................................... Ratios 344 14 Images ................................................................................................................................... 346 Attaching Images ......................................................................................................................................................... 346 Viewing Images ......................................................................................................................................................... 348 15 Offsite Logging ................................................................................................................................... 352 Copying the ......................................................................................................................................................... Data File from the Server 353 Running an......................................................................................................................................................... Offsite Log 354 Importing Logs ......................................................................................................................................................... 356 Limitations......................................................................................................................................................... 356 16 Synchronising ................................................................................................................................... With iCal/Outlook 359 Part VII Practice Management 362 1 Maintenance ................................................................................................................................... and Reports 362 The General ......................................................................................................................................................... Page 362 The Daily Page ......................................................................................................................................................... 364 The Monthly ......................................................................................................................................................... Page 366 The Practice ......................................................................................................................................................... Analysis Page 369 The Administrator ......................................................................................................................................................... Page 374 Other Reports ......................................................................................................................................................... Page 376 The Disease ......................................................................................................................................................... Coding & Data Conversion Pages 378 2 Archiving ................................................................................................................................... 378 3 Queries................................................................................................................................... & Searches 380 The Query ......................................................................................................................................................... Editor 380 Simple Queries ......................................................................................................................................................... 381 Wild Card Searches ......................................................................................................................................................... 383 Searching Across ......................................................................................................................................................... Related Tables 383 Saving a Query ......................................................................................................................................................... for Reuse 384 ICPC and ICD10 ......................................................................................................................................................... Searches 385 Searching Attachments/Images ......................................................................................................................................................... 387 4 Quick Reports ................................................................................................................................... 388 Report Builder ......................................................................................................................................................... 388 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd V Genie Manual Table of Contents Saving/Loading ......................................................................................................................................................... Reports 395 Quick Report ......................................................................................................................................................... Editor (Expert Mode) 395 5 Email ................................................................................................................................... 395 Setup ......................................................................................................................................................... 396 Encryption......................................................................................................................................................... and Keys 399 Windows Setup .................................................................................................................................................. 400 Macintosh .................................................................................................................................................. Setup 401 Creating/Acquiring .................................................................................................................................................. Keys 401 Encrypting/Decrypting .................................................................................................................................................. Emails 403 6 Updates................................................................................................................................... 404 Automated......................................................................................................................................................... "Special Menu" Update 404 Manual "Special ......................................................................................................................................................... Menu" Update 405 Web Update ......................................................................................................................................................... 406 Part VIII Technical Reference 410 1 Connections ................................................................................................................................... 410 2 4D Tools ................................................................................................................................... 410 Recover By......................................................................................................................................................... Tags 411 Macintosh .................................................................................................................................................. 411 Windows .................................................................................................................................................. 414 3 Network................................................................................................................................... Troubleshooting 416 Error -10002 ......................................................................................................................................................... 416 Error - 10030/10001 ......................................................................................................................................................... 420 Macintosh ......................................................................................................................................................... 421 Windows ......................................................................................................................................................... 426 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................................... Check List 430 4 Error 9913 ................................................................................................................................... SOAP Server not Reachable 431 5 Optimising ................................................................................................................................... Genie Server 431 Assigning CPU ......................................................................................................................................................... Priorities 432 Adjusting The ......................................................................................................................................................... Memory Cache 433 6 Advanced ................................................................................................................................... Configuration 434 Running 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... Instances of Genie Server (Mac) 434 Running 2 ......................................................................................................................................................... Instances of Genie Server (Windows) 436 441 Index VI © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Part I Introduction Genie Manual 1 Introduction: Introduction This manual is intended for use with Genie Version 7 and above. We are regularly adding new features to the program. New features added after the date your hard copy of the manual was issued are made available on our web site, and as a pdf. The manual covers both the Windows and Macintosh versions of Genie, since the two versions work in almost exactly the same way. Keyboard Shortcuts Where keyboard shortcuts have been documented, we have used the Windows terminology. Macintosh users will need to translate the documented key to the Macintosh equivalent, as described below: Windows Macintosh Alt Option Ctrl Command (The Apple Key) Conventions We have used a number of font conventions to distinguish various things to make it easier to determine whether we are talking about a button, a menu item, a field etc.These are: Menu Items look like this Open > Appointments File paths look like this /Applications/Genie/ Buttons look like this Create Default Fields look like this Patients Surname Notes look like this This is important. Please read! Dates and Times When used on a network, Genie uses the Date and Time set on the server computer. If you find that the date and time showing in the Appointments window is incorrect, then the only possible cause is that the Date and Time is set incorrectly on the server. Make sure that you have set the AM and PM time correctly when setting the time on the server. 1.1 Keyboard Shortcuts Date Fields The following keyboard shortcuts can be used for quickly jumping between dates when presented with a date field 2 Change date to beginning of week W Change date to end of week K Change date to beginning of month M Change date to end of month H Change date to start of year Y Change date to end of year R Display a calendar C © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Introduction: Keyboard Shortcuts Appointments Open Appointments Ctrl + J Find Appointment Ctrl + F Find Appointments for Patient Ctrl + G New Patient Ctrl + N Go To Today Ctrl + T Open Demographic Window Ctrl + E Open Clinical Window Ctrl + K Delete Appointments Ctrl + D Toggle View Ctrl + Y Print Ctrl + P Put in Waiting Room Ctrl + M Invoice Ctrl + I Receipt Ctrl + R View Account History Ctrl + H Print Blank DB4 Ctrl + L Select a Letter Template Ctrl + Shift + T Move to Different Dr's View Alt + Right Arrow/Left Arrow Open a Doctor's Preferences Alt - Click on Name Tab Move an Appointment Alt - Click and Drag Patient List Open Patient List Ctrl + O Find Patient Ctrl + F New Patient Ctrl + N Show All Patients Ctrl + G Open Demographic Window Ctrl + E Delete Record Ctrl + D Print Patient List Ctrl + P Sort a Column Click on Header Select All Ctrl + A Select Multiple Contiguous Records Shift - Click Select Multiple Non-Contiguous Records Ctrl - Click Invoice Ctrl + I Receipt Ctrl + R Account History Ctrl + H Search with Query Editor Ctrl + S Select a Letter Template Ctrl + Shift + T © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 3 Genie Manual Introduction: Keyboard Shortcuts Clinical Window - General Open Demographic Window Ctrl + E Pathology Request Ctrl + L Radiology Request Ctrl + U Create a Letter Ctrl + R Select a Letter Template Ctrl + Shift + T Open Images Window Ctrl + I Move to next/previous page Alt + R Arrow/L Arrow Create a New Task Ctrl + T Clinical Window - Summary Page Add a Prescription Ctrl + M Print Selected Prescriptions Ctrl + P Delete Selected Prescription/s Ctrl + D Add Medication without doses Alt - Click on Add button Select/deselect all prescriptions Alt - Click on Print button Back-date a prescription Alt+Ctrl - Click Print button Clinical Window - Notes Page Delete Selected Item Ctrl + D Toggle between windows Ctrl + Z Pathology & Radiology Matc h Ctrl + M Link Ctrl +L Unlink Ctrl +U Print Ctrl +P Edit Patient Ctrl +E Invoice Window 4 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Introduction: Keyboard Shortcuts Add New Item Ctrl + N Self Ctrl + 1 Bulk Bill Ctrl + 2 DVA Ctrl + 3 Workcover Ctrl + 4 Other Ctrl + 5 Health Fund Ctrl + 6 Select Provider in New Item Window Up/Down Arrow Keys Use Health Fund Schedule Ctrl + P General OK or Save Button Enter or Return Cancel Button Escape Removing an Item from a Drop-down Menu Alt - select Wildcard Character for searches (to represent one of @ many characters) Select/deselect a checkbox Spacebar Quit the Program Ctrl + Q © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 5 Part II Backups Genie Manual 2 Backups: Backups What is a Backup? A backup is a copy of your important information which is: 1. Geographically remote from the original 2. Able to be re-installed onto another computer In Genie’s case the important data is all held in the Genie data file. If you are scanning letters or storing photos, then these files are held in the Images folder. Ideally, you should have serial backups. That is, you should have backups for each day for the previous week, and then one permanently stored backup for each week. This is because it may take some time before you realise that a record is missing or that the data file is corrupted. You need to be able to look at the state of your data file at various times in the past. If you overwrite each day’s backup then you lose this ability. What to Backup? On Single User or Server machine: Genie data files Images folder Handouts folder (If you have handouts in Open > Patient Handouts) Where and What are the Genie data files? The Genie data files are installed in the Genie folder. If you are running Genie over a network then this is the Genie folder on the server computer. The data files consist of two or more files: Genie.4DR which is a small resource file Genie.4DD which is the first segment of the main data file If you have more than 2GB of data, you may also have additional data file segments:- one for each additional 2GB of data. These files are named: Genie.4DS Genie2.4DS Genie3.4DS etc As listed above, you should backup all of these files, i.e. anything ending in .4DD, .4DR, or .4DS. On Windows they should be found at: C:\Genie\, assuming that Genie is installed in the default location. It may be installed on a different drive on your computer. On Macintosh they should be found at: /Applications/Genie/ Note: Genie Solutions will not implement automated backup procedures on your computer network. This is because we can’t physically check that these procedures continue to work correctly. If you want to automate backups you must learn how to do it yourself so that you can recognise and fix it when it breaks. Let ’s be Brutally Frank... It has been said that there are two kinds of people in the world. Those who have lost data and those who are about to. It is possible for the Genie data file to become irreparably damaged. It is possible that the entire data file can be lost e.g. a hard drive failure. You are responsible for the safe-keeping of your data file. You are responsible for ensuring that backups are taking place and that they are completing successfully. You should treat the data file like your first-born son. Gaze lovingly on it at the beginning and end of each day. Know where it is at all times. 8 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Backups: Genie does not move the data file. Ever. If the data file cannot be found in the Genie folder, then Genie didn’t move it. A human did it. In fact, Genie expects the data file to be in the same folder as the application. If it isn’t you will get a dialog box when you open Genie, asking you to identify the location of the data file. Do not move the Genie folder from it’s default install location i.e.the Applications folder on Macintosh, or the root of a selected drive on Windows. If you can’t find your data file, then we don’t know where it is. We only know where it should be, not where you or a member of your staff have moved it. Backups are not difficult to perform. All you are required to do is copy a file from one place to another, or burn a CD. If you don’t know how to burn a CD, you should consult the instructions that came with your CD burning software e.g. Nero or Toast. If you don’t understand these instructions, then it is unlikely that we will be able to explain it to you any better over the phone, and therefore backups are likely to fail. If there is no-one in the practice able and willing to perform and monitor backup procedures, then you should arrange a support contract with a local organisation to do this for you. If you are using Genie for patient billing then your data file is probably worth tens of thousands of dollars. If you are using Genie to store your consultation notes, the value is infinitely more. If you are sued without any consultation notes, then the case will be over before it begins. Reality Check Consider for a moment that your data file has gone. Damaged, lost, or deleted. You check your backup and find that it either hasn’t been occurring, or the wrong file has been getting backed up for the past two years. You didn’t realise that because you never checked before. Your guts are starting to churn a bit at this stage,and then you realise that you have $100,000 in outstanding debts and no idea who owes it. After you’ve choked that down, you also realise that anyone you’ve seen in the past two years can now sue you with a guarantee of success. So you ring Genie Solutions to demand what the hell we’re going to do about it! The answer is that, unfortunately there’s nothing we can do about it. You can try various data recovery utilities like Norton Utilities. There are also some companies which specialise in recovering files from damaged hard drives. They usually charge a minimum of $2,000 with no guarantee of recovering anything. The bottom line is that it’s your data and your responsibility. At about this time you should be asking yourself: "Why on earth did I delegate the most important task in the practice to someone who wasn’t capable and confident of performing it?" It never ceases to amaze us how many practices have a technophobe performing the daily backups. It is a recipe for disaster. All we can do is reiterate that your data file is far more valuable than you probably realise. If you give responsibility for it to someone who is out of their depth, then that is your choice and your responsibility. Priorities As in medical practice, disasters are usually the result of a string of minor, unrecognised mistakes. Don’t be blasé. When it comes to backups, paranoia is the correct state of mind. Learn how to burn a CD. The person in charge of backups must have a basic understanding of computer use. Backups need to be geographically remote from the original to be effective. If at any stage you can’t find your data file, tell someone! Read what the computer is telling you. THERE IS NO REASON TO EVER CREATE A NEW DATA FILE. When asked if you want to overwrite an existing file be very, very sure of what you are doing. Always backup before an update. We can make mistakes too! Make sure you are backing up the data file rather than the Genie application. There’s no point in backing up the application because it can be re-installed from the Genie Install CD at any time. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 9 Genie Manual Backups: Know where your data file is at all times! Backup Media There are several media you can backup to. Which one you decide on will depend on your own circumstances. CD/DVD This is probably the commonest solution in use. Writeable CD’s are now very cheap, about 50 cents each if you buy in bulk. They are also reliable and you can “see” that the backup has been performed. If you are using Genie to store your clinical notes then a CD backup is a must at least once a fortnight, even if your daily backup is to some other media. This is because the medico-legal experts tell us that the only thing that will replace written notes in court is a dated,signed and witnessed CD backup. Although this has not yet been tested in court, anything else will not suffice. You have to be able to show that your computerised records have not been modified since their creation. Tape Drives These are a matter of personal preference. They are great for quickly backing up entire drives. The problem is that you can ’t check that the backup has occurred successfully without restoring the tape to the drive. We don’t like them ourselves but we don’t recommend against them. Be guided by your hardware supplier. Another Computer on the Network This is not usually an ideal solution unless the computer holding the backup is a laptop which is taken offsite at the end of the day. Otherwise, if the surgery burns down during the night you’ll lose both the data file and the backup. External Hard Drives These are cheap, easy and fast and are especially good once your data file and images folder has outgrown a DVD’s capacity of 4.4GB. Archiving As well as performing backups for emergencies, you should also be creating regular archives of your data and application files. This is essential if you are keeping computerised consultation notes, but also still a very good idea even if you are not. The archive must contain everything needed to open the data file in the same version of Genie. For example, if you need to open a data file archived 2 years ago, then you really need to open it in the version of Genie you were using at the time. On Macintosh, you need to archive: Genie - the single user application (lamp) Genie.4DD, Genie.4DR, and any Genie<N>.4DS files - the data files On Windows, you need to archive: The Solo Application folder from within the Genie folder. Genie.4DD, Genie.4DR, and any Genie<N>.4DS files Burning these files to a CD, and dating, signing and witnessing it will make it as medicolegally valid as possible, and will allow you to see the state of your data file at the time the CD was created. Do not write on CDs with an ordinary oil pen. It can soak through and destroy the CD. There are special pens for writing on CDs. Do not write directly on the CD with a biro. This can also scratch the reflective surface and render it unreadable. 10 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 2.1 Backups: Automated Backup Automated Backup This process configures the automated backup features built in to Genie Server. Once configured, your Genie data files (i.e. Genie.4DD, Genie.4DR, and any Genie<N>.4DS files) will be saved as a one or more backup files: If you have less than 2GB of data, the backup file will be called Genie[XXXX].4BK. If you have more than 2GB of data, there will be two or more backup files (each file holds up to 2GB of data). These files are named Genie[XXXX-0001].4BK, Genie[XXXX-0002].4BK, etc. The "XXXX" above represents the backup run number (a sequential number that increments with each backup run), i.e. 0001, 0002, etc. Note: This procedure does NOT backup your Images folder. You must back up your Images folder separately. The images folder can be found in the following locations: On Windows the images folder should be found at: C:\Genie\Images on the SERVER, assuming that Genie is installed in the default location. It may be installed on a different drive on your computer. On Macintosh the images folder should be found at: /Applications/Genie/Images on the SERVER, assuming that Genie is installed in the default location. It may be installed on a different drive on your computer. Important: Due to the nature of this procedure, the most computer literate person in your practice should follow these instructions. While simple to follow, the implications of getting this wrong can be devastating. On your Genie Server: 1. From the File menu select "Backup" i.e. File > Backup. The following window should open: 2. Click the Preferences button. The following window should appear: © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 11 Genie Manual Backups: Automated Backup 3. Set up as above and then select the folder which will store your back up data file by clicking on the button with three dots in the Backup File Destination Folder section. A browse window will appear, as shown below, from which you can navigate to and choose a folder in which to save the backup files. 4. Access the scheduler options by clicking the Scheduler menu item on the left under configuration. In the window displayed below, enter appropriate settings for your practice. 5. Access the back up preferences by selecting the Backup menu item on the left. The settings shown below are suitable for most practices. 12 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Backups: Automated Backup 6. Access the Restore settings by clicking the menu item on the left. Ensure the three tick boxes are unchecked. 7. Click the OK button to save these settings. 8. Click the Backup button to start the initial backup. A progress window will appear. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 13 Genie Manual Backups: Automated Backup 9. Once this process has completed you will be returned to the main Genie Server window. The next scheduled backup time should be displayed in this window. 14 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 2.2 Backups: Restoring A Backup Restoring A Backup This process takes a 4D Backup file and restores it into a folder containing the Genie data files i.e. Genie.4DD, Genie.4DR, and any Genie<N>.4DS files. It assumes that you have been using the built in automation procedures as outlined in the previous section, and you are set as the administrator of Genie. 1. Ask your clients to log off, then Quit Genie Server. 2. On your server, open Genie single user: a) On a Mac it is situated: /Applications/Genie/Genie b) On a PC it is situated: C:\Genie\Solo Application\Genie.exe 3. From the File Menu, select Maintenance & Reports i.e. File > Maintenance & Reports 4. Select the Administrator tab at the top of the screen. 5. Click the Restore a Backup button. 6. You will be prompted to select a 4D backup file. If your backups are less than 2GB in size, it will be in the format Genie[XXXX].4BK, otherwise it will be in the format Genie[XXXX-0001].4BK. The backups will be located in the backup folder you have specified as outlined in the Automated Backup section 7. A folder will be created in the same folder as the Genie[XXXX{-0001}].4BK file called Genie[XXXX{0001}].4BK-Restore. This contains your restored Genie data files i.e. Genie.4DD, Genie.4DR and any Genie<N>.4DS files. 8. Close the Maintenance & Reports window and Quit Genie. 9. Move the restored Genie data files i.e. Genie.4DD, Genie.4DR, and any Genie<N>.4DS files to your Genie folder, replacing any files with the same name (i.e. the corrupted data files that you no longer want) 10.Start Genie single user and ensure the restored database opens and contains the expected information. 11.Quit Genie single user. 12.Restart Genie Server, selecting Genie.4DD if prompted for a data file. Your Genie data files should now be successfully restored. Note: If your data file is missing or too corrupted to open the single user version of Genie to perform the restore operation, you can download a simple 4D restore utility for your required platform (Mac or Windows) from here: 4DRestore for Mac 4D Restore for Windows © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 15 Part III Overview Genie Manual 3 Overview: Overview The following section outlines the function of each of the main menus within Genie. 3.1 The File Menu MIMS Information Displays the version of MIMS that is currently loaded into Genie and its Disclaimer. Contact Genie Support Selecting this option opens a window to allow you to contact Genie Support by Email, through Genie directly. You also have options to Save to Disk to attach to an email or to Print and fax this information. You can use this Contact method to submit Feature Requests/General Queries or if you tick I am experiencing a problem with Genie then you will be presented with more options in regards to Bugs/Errors. This is the preferred option for contacting Genie Support as it provides us with information about your practice like your GEN number, the version of Genie you are currently using and the platform it is being used on. 18 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The File Menu User Preferences Opens the Preferences record for the user currently logged in. See User Preferences for more information. All User Preferences Opens a window listing the Preferences records for all users, allowing you to double-click to open and edit a particular user’s Preferences. It also allows you to specify which days a user works and so which days to display them in the appointment book for. This option is only available to users with the ability to Modify Other Users' Preferences set in the Security tab of their own User Preferences. See Security for more information. Printing Preferences Opens the Printing Preferences for the current computer. See Printing Preferences for more information. Practice Preferences Opens a list of Practice Preferences allowing you to double-click on a record to edit the Practice Preferences. See Practice Preferences for more information. Maintenance & Reports Opens the Maintenance window. See Maintenance & Reports for more information. Set Administrator Allows the current Administrator to assign the job to someone else. See Security for more information. Add or Change User Opens the Login window allowing you to log back in as a different user, change passwords, or add or delete users from the database. See Security for more information. Change Practice This item will be enabled if you have more than one Practice Preferences record. It allows you to change to another practice’s settings, in particular a different letterhead if you need to create some invoices under a different practice name. Changing to a different practice only has an effect on the current computer. Other users on the network are unaffected. Quick Reports See Quick Reports for more information. Import and Export Contact Genie support for more information. Connections Allows the setup of automatic exchange of new and modified demographic data with other applications. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 19 Genie Manual Overview: The File Menu Execute Command This item opens a window which allows you to enter lines of code to manipulate data in your database. This should only be used under instructions from the Genie Support line. Start Offsite Logging Can be used to start offsite logging if it has either ceased for any reason or if you don't have your User Preferences set up to automatically start logging when you launch Genie. See Offsite Logging for more information. Import Offsite Log Used to manually import Offsite Logs, if needed. See Offsite Logging for more information. Register Allows you to register Genie and allow access to all functions by entering an unlock code. Set Practice Type This allows you to specify the type of practice. Genie then automatically displays different information and switches on some features and functions required by that type of practice. Quit (Windows) Quits Genie. This is the preferred method for exiting Genie on Windows computer. Clicking on the cross (or x) in the top right of the screen is not advised as it doesn't allow the database exit routines to run. This can cause unnecessary bloating of the database over time. Note: This option will not appear on a Macintosh. To quit Genie on a Mac: Select Quit from the Genie Client menu i.e. Genie Client > Quit Select Quit from the Genie menu i.e. Genie > Quit 3.2 20 The Open Menu © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Open Menu Patients Opens the Patient's List. Inactive patients will display in grey. Flagged patients will display in red. Right clicking on a Patient's name in this window will display a drop down menu allowing you to quickly perform common tasks (e.g. open the patients demographic window, invoice or receipt a patient, SMS the patient, or open their clinical record). To print a list of patients, see the Report Builder section. Appointments Opens the Appointment book. For more information on using the Appointment book, please refer to the Appointments section. Address Book Holds all your addresses for Specialist and GP's. The Merge button allows you to merge two address book records. Highlight the two records whilst holding the Ctrl key. The Download Genie Users button allows you download the addresses of other Genie users in your state who have registered on our Web Service. Once you have downloaded this list, clicking on the Display Genie Users button will display just this list. The Web Upload button allows you to upload your address book to the Genie Solutions Web Server so that other Genie users can download a doctor database into their address book. The Web Download button allows you to download specific doctors or doctors from a specific postcode etc into your own address book from the doctor database that is populated by other Genie users on the Genie Web Server. They will then be marked as Web Import in their address book entry. The Text Search button allows you to perform a free text search for any word or phrase contained anywhere in address book records. New records can be added via the Blue Plus sign. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 21 Genie Manual Overview: The Open Menu Enter in the Doctor's details and assign their appropriate Category and/or Specialty. This is particularly relevant for your Anaesthetists if you wish to reference them in your Procedure records. Assistants need to have the Assists at Operations checkbox ticked at top right of the window so they can be referenced in Procedures and Billing. It is also important to mark your doctor's as either The symbol allows you to locate the address on Google Maps. The Correspondence tab allows you to enter the Doctor's preferred method of communication details if they use a Third Party Carrier to send and receive correspondence. Additionally, you can enter in the Doctor's Carrier Identifiers in this window. Outgoing Letters Accesses the Review Correspondence window so you can review your outgoing letters before they are sent to the recipient. See Reviewing Correspondence in the Clinical Section Incoming Letters Accesses your letters that have come in from other providers via 3rd party carriers such as Healthlink etc. so you can check and link them. See Checking Imported Letters in the Electronic Correspondence section. Correspondence Log 22 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Open Menu Keeps track of all incoming and outgoing letters sent electronically via a third party. See Electronic Correspondence. Importing Transcribed Letters Opens the Import Letters window which allows you to import remotely typed letters. See Importing Remotely Typed Letters in the Patient Correspondence section. Tasks Tasks allow you to communicate internally with other users. For more information see Tasks in the Reception Module. Email Opens the Email module within Genie. For more information on using Email within Genie, please refer to the Email section. Procedures Displays a list of patients who have Procedure created for them. For more information on Procedures, please refer to the Procedures chapter. Employers Displays a list of all Employers. These records are typically created via Workcover claims. For more information on Workcover claims, please refer to Invoicing Workcover. Account Holders Opens up the Account Holders window. This displays a list of all patients and organisations who have had an Account created for them. Before a Health Fund or Organisation can be billed, they must have an Account Holder record. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 23 Genie Manual Overview: The Open Menu To create a new Account Holder you need to click on the Blue Plus sign which opens the window below. The Update Balance button can be used in situations in which a patient's account displays an outstanding balance, yet you know that this is not true. Clicking on the Update Balance button refreshes the account balance for that account holder. You can specify which fee schedule an organisation uses when billing by selecting it from one of the two drop down menus at the bottom right of the window. You can Blacklist a patient, which prevents an appointment being made for them, by double clicking on their name in the Account Holders window and ticking the Blacklist checkbox. Bank Accounts Provides a list of all Bank Accounts entered into Genie. This window allows you to edit the details of pre-existing Bank Accounts, as well as Add Bank Accounts. 24 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd or Delete Genie Manual Overview: The Open Menu Account Messages Allows you to set the Account Messages which will be displayed on overdue invoices. Billing Items Opens the Billing Items window. To see how to print a list of Private fees, see the Report Builder section. For information on how to set or increase fees, see Increasing Fees. For importing Health Fund Fees, see Private Health Fund Fees. Pathology & Radiology For more information, please refer to Pathology and Radiology Results. Investigations Action List Allows you to deal with Patients' pathology results. For more information, please refer to Pathology Recalls. Investigations Audit All Pathology and Radiology requests which are printed from Genie are recorded in this window. On a regular basis you should check that your requested tests have been performed by clicking on the Audit button. Genie will then check each request for a matching result. For requests which don't have a matching result, it should be assumed that the patient hasn't had the requested test performed, and should be followed up as appropriate. Note: This audit only checks Pathology requests, NOT Radiology requests. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 25 Genie Manual Overview: The Open Menu Additionally, you can re-print any tests which have been ordered (e.g. the patient loses the request form), by double clicking on the patients name and clicking on the Reprint button. Patient Handouts Allows you to store patient handouts (e.g patient information sheets) which have been created in another program (e.g. Microsoft Word), on either the Client machine or on the Server. Storing the handout on the Server will allow all users to have access to the handout, while storing the handout on the Client only allows access from that machine. Documents need to be saved in the Handouts folder within the Genie folder on either machine. Genie Message Board Opens a window displaying all messages posted in the last 24 hours. To subscribe to the Genie Message Board, go to Double clicking on a message will take you directly to that post in the Forum. If you have not recently logged onto the Forum, you will be required to do so. Right clicking on the message will allow you to either view the full message in a separate window, or to open the message board log in window. 26 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Open Menu MIMS Abbreviated Provided you have a current subscription with MIMS, this opens the MIMS Quarterly allowing you to search for specific drug information, without having to access a clinical file. MIMS Annual Provided you have a current subscription with MIMS, this opens the MIMS Annual providing more detailed drug information. NPS RADAR Documents Provides evidence-based information on new drugs, research and PBS listings and is published by the National Prescribing Service (NPS), for health professionals. IVF Treatment Cycles Becomes active when your Practice Type is set to Obs/Gynae/IVF Specialist. Day Surgery Admissions Becomes active when your Practice Type is set to Day Surgery. 3.3 The Records Menu The items in this menu allow you to manipulate the records of the table currently on display. Note: This menu is not available from the Appointments screen. Find, New and Delete Self-explanatory. Use Selected Use Selected reduces the records on display to just those which are highlighted. You would typically use this when sending a merged letter to a group of patients. Suppose you want to send a letter to everyone of a particular age. You would do a Search using Records > Search to find the relevant patient records. There may be 500 records found but you want to send them out in batches. Initially you may only want to send it to those patients whose surname begins with “A ”. In this case, you would highlight that subsection of patients by shift-clicking,and then choose Records > Use Selected so that now only that subsection of patients is on display, and then select and print the letter. Alternatively, you may want to print a label for John Smith. So you would do a find for “Smith J” and be presented with perhaps 20 records. If you do a label while all 20 records are on display you will get a label for each of these records. In this case, you would highlight the one record you want, select Records > Use Selected, and then print the label. View All Records This will display all the records for the current table on display. Alternatively, you can use the View All Records button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 27 Genie Manual Overview: The Records Menu Replace Replace allows you to replace the contents or part of the contents of any field in all of the records currently on display. This can be a very useful, but dangerous feature and should be used with care. Only the Administrator has access to this feature. Example 1: Merging Practices Two doctors amalgamate their practices, but want to “own” their own patients whose records are going to be imported from another software program. They decide to use the "Custom" field in Genie to specify which patients belong to each doctor by putting their own initials into this field. This would be very time-consuming to do it one by one into each record. A better way would be: 1. Import the first doctor’s records 2. Open the Patients list i.e. Open > Patients 3. Click OK to dismiss the search box 4. Click on the View All button to display all the patient records. 5. Select Records > Replace to open the Replace window. 6. The All Contents radio button is selected by default. 7. Click on the Field popup menu and select the Custom field. 8. Enter the initials of the first doctor in the Value area. 9. Click the Replace button. 10.You will be asked to confirm that you have the right field and value selected. If you are sure you’ve got it right, click on the Replace button to go ahead with the replacement. 11.Import the second doctor ’s patient records. 12.Select Records > Search and search for records where the field Custom is not equal to “JS”. This will display all the second doctor’s patients. 13.Use the Replace function again to add his initials to the Custom field of all the displayed records. Example 2: Rename a Street The local council, in its wisdom, decides to change the name of Bourbong Street back to its original, but nonpolitically correct ,“Bourbon Street”. 1. Open the Patients list i.e. Open > Patients 2. Click OK to dismiss the search box 3. Click on the View All button to display all the patient records Note: You could do a Search at this stage to find all patients where the Address Line 1 field contains “Bourbong” but it’s not really necessary. 4. Select Records > Replace to open the Replace window. 5. Click on the Text string radio button, and enter “Bourbong” into the top value area. 28 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Records Menu 6. Select Address Line 1 from the Field popup menu. 7. Enter “Bourbon” into the lower value area, then click the Replace button. Sort Sort allows you to perform multiple sorts on the records displayed. To perform a simple sort Date of Birth, click on the DOB header in the Patients list. Find Duplicates This allows you to find duplicate patient or address book records. You might use this after converting data from another program where duplicate records may have been created. Example: Find duplicate patient records To ensure we don't assume that each patient has a unique full name, we will search on the Surname, First Name and DOB fields. 1. Click the View All button to display all the records in the database. Note: If you have very large patient database you may want to do this in sections. You could first find all those patients whose surname begins with “A” for example. 2. Select Records > Find Duplicates to open the window shown here. 3. Select Surname from the popup menu, then click the Search button. This will display all records where more than one patient has the same surname. If you started with 10,000 records you’ll probably still have about 8,000 records on display. 4. Repeat the above steps using the First Name and DOB fields to progressively narrow the search. When finished, if there are any duplicate records in the database they will be displayed on screen. 5. Highlight the offending records and merge them using the Patients > Merge Patients menu item. See the chapter on The Patients Menu for more information for more information on merging.. 3.4 The Billing Menu Invoice, Receipt and Account History See the relevant chapters for more information. Receipt by Invoice Number This allows you to receipt by searching on the Invoice number rather than first finding the correct patient or Account Holder. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 29 Genie Manual Overview: The Billing Menu Quick History This will display a list of all items billed to the highlighted patient during the past 12 months, including the number of times it has been billed and the date it was last billed. This is useful for those Medicare item numbers which are only permitted to be billed a certain number of times in any 12 month period. Accept Deposit and List Deposits See the chapter on Deposits for more information. Print Blank DB4 This will print a blank DB4 form for the highlighted patient. This is useful for those bulk-billing practices where the patient takes the DB4 into the doctor’s room, where the doctor will subsequently fill in the item number to charge and the patient can sign the form. This does not create any billing records in Genie. The actual invoice to Medicare would subsequently still need to be added to Genie at a later date. Since you already have a signed DB4, you would deselect the Medicare DB4 checkbox in Printing Preferences (File > Printing Preferences) to avoid printing out an unnecessary extra DB4 form. 30 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Billing Menu Print Blank DB4 with Invoice This does the same thing as the item above except that it also creates the invoice, provided the doctor selects to Fill the Blank DB4 in the window that comes up when the doctor saves out of the clinical window. For more information on how this works see Specifying a Fee to Charge in the Clinical section. If the doctor does not use this feature then you would select Billing > Fill Blank DB4 Forms to enter the item number to be charged, as per whatever the doctor has written on the blank DB4. Fill Blank DB4 Forms Used in conjunction with 'Print Blank DB4 with Invoice', as described above. Selecting this option will open a list of Sale Items awaiting entry of an item number. Double-click on each item to open and enter the item number. Print Pathology DB4 This prints a pathology DB4 form to be sent to the pathology lab. For example, a specimen request, that the lab has a signed DB4 form for the patient. Edit Account Type Names Allows you to edit the Account Type which can be assigned to Patient Accounts. For setting the fee schedule for account types (other than for Medicare and DVA), see Increasing Fees. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 31 Genie Manual 3.5 Overview: The Patients Menu The Patients Menu The Patients menu is only available when the Patients List is open. Find Family This allows you to highlight one patient record and find other family members. The other family members must have the same Account ID as the original patient. That is, they all have the same Account Holder. Holding down the ALT key whilst selecting this menu item will display patients with the same Chart Number. Holding down the Ctrl key whilst selecting this menu item will display patients with the same Medicare Number. Find Birthdays Displays patients whose birthdays fall within a specified date range. Find Marked, Unmark All Mark Selection & Unmarked Selection There is a field named Marked in each Patient record. It is a simple tick box which can be used for any purpose you like. These three commands can be useful during searches where you need to perform multiple searches on the patient database. After you have found a particular group of patients you may want to mark them using Patients > Mark Selection. This will give the Marked field a value of TRUE for all the displayed records. This allows you to come back at a later time and find them again quickly using Patients > Find Marked. Or you may want to perform a search where: Field X is equal to “Y” (e.g. Sex is equal to Male) Marked is equal to True. Note: Before using the Marked field as a Search parameter, you should first select Unmark All in case there are records already marked from a previous search. 32 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Patients Menu Todays Appointments Displays a list of patients who have an appointment on a date specified by you. This list can be used to aid in typing reply letters. Todays Consultations This will display a list of patients who have consultation records on a date specified by you. The next window displays a list of patients with the date of the last letter back to their referring doctor if applicable. The Letter Dictated box will be ticked if the doctor ticked this in the consult window (see Adding Consultation Notes). It will also display whether the letter has been Reviewed/Printed (see Reviewing Correspondence) and whether it has been sent successfully via a third party, if applicable. Clicking on the Patients List button will display these records in the Patient List, allowing you to examine each one if desired. Letters Dictated Today Displays a list of patients who have had a consultation and a letter dictated (as governed by the Letter Dictated box being ticked in the consultation note) on the date specified. This aids in management of typing dictated reply letters. Letters for Displayed Patients © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 33 Genie Manual Overview: The Patients Menu Cull Records This will find all patient records who have not been seen within a certain time period. You will be prompted for this time period. This search is made using the Last Opened field. This field is given the value of the current date whenever the Clinical window is opened and saved, or the patient is invoiced. If any patient records are found, Genie will offer to mark them as Inactive, by giving the Inactive field a value of TRUE. You can subsequently search on this field again to find all your inactive patients and perhaps delete them. Note: Genie will NEVER delete the records automatically. In addition it is not possible to delete patient records with attached consultation notes or any billing. Therefore, once you have a list of all the inactive patients displayed, you can highlight them all by selecting Edit > Select All, and then clicking on the Delete button. Genie will only delete those patient records which have no billing or notes attached. Email Patient Record Note: The Email Module must be setup in Genie in order for you to be able to Email Patient Records. This item allows you to email the entire clinical record of the highlighted patient, to another Genie user. It will create an email in Genie’s email module’s Out Box. The Subject is “Genie Transfer*-Record of X”. When the intended recipient downloads the email into Genie, the attachments are automatically moved into a folder called “Export” within the Genie folder. If you are the recipient of an email with a subject, such as the above,you can import the patient record by opening the Patients list, selecting File > Import, and clicking on the Genie Format button. If you have downloaded the email into another email program, then you can still import it by creating a folder called “Export” in the Genie folder, and then saving the attachments into this folder. This method could be used as part of a referral to a specialist, or to transfer a patient record from one data file to a remote data file used by someone in the same practice. Limitations: The transfer can only be made between two Genie data files. It doesn’t work with other software programs. The procedure doesn’t check for a pre-existing record when importing the email attachments, so you could end up with duplicated patient records. Flagged Patients 34 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Patients Menu Displays all patients who have been flagged, whether or not they are currently over-due for their flagged visit. You can right click on a patient to unflag them or to access their clinical file Add a Recall and Recalls Due See the chapter on Recalls for information. Review Correspondence See the chapter on Review Correspondence for information. Print Batch See the chapter on Prescribing for information. Print Prescriptions This allows you to print certain prescriptions for a group of people eg. antibiotics for post surgery. Find the people you want to print the scripts for, so that only those patients are on display. Once you select this item it will ask which scripts you would like to print for the selected patients. The list you are presented with is the list of scripts you have in your QuickScript menu. Update Ages Updates the patient Age field for each of the displayed patient records. The Age field is automatically calculated from the Date of Birth when a patient record is created and is updated whenever the Demographic or Clinical windows is opened. Note: If a patient hasn’t been seen for some time, their recorded age will be incorrect. If you perform a search based on ages then the results of your search will be inaccurate unless you perform this function first. Merge Patients If you find you have inadvertently created two records for the one patient, highlight the two duplicate records and then select Merge Patients. The information from the two records will be merged into one record. This procedure will also combine all images and scanned documents for the two patients. Note: To highlight two records, click on the first record and then either Shift-Click or Command-Click on the second, so that both records remain highlighted. Disease Register Opens the Disease Register Module. See Disease Register in the Clinical module for more information. Diabetes Care Status See Diabetes Care Status in the Clinical module for more information © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 35 Genie Manual Overview: The Patients Menu Item Register Opens the Item Register Module for the patients on display in the Patients List. The Item Register allows for the easy monitoring and tracking of how many times a patient has been billed a tracked item number. It is particularly handy for items such as GP Management Plan items that can only be billed once a year. If searching for certain patients only eg. >75years old then you would need to do the search in Open > Patients, Records > Search first, before going to Patients > Item Register. The Create a Recall button allows you to create a recall record for the highlighted patient. The Show in Patients List button displays the highlighted patients records in the Patients window. The Add Task button allows you to add a new task for the selected patient. The Add Item to Track button allows you to add item numbers to the Register in order for them to be tracked. Alternatively, you can right click in the column of an item number and add or delete items. The date provided for each tracked item number refers to the last time this item number was billed to that patient. The Item Register is particularly useful for allowing you to quickly see when a particular patient was last billed that item number. Overdue INR's Displays a list of patients that are overdue for their INR. This is determined by the date that is entered in the Next Test date field in the INR Control window in the clinical window (Tools > INR Control) Pending Births Displays all pending deliveries, based on records in the Pregnancies table. the pregnancies are displayed by month (clicking on the month will display a drop down list allowing you to switch to a different month) and can be viewed for one or all doctors in a practice. You can access a patients Pregnancy record by double clicking on the patients name. 36 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Patients Menu Clicking the 20 wks Due or 30 wks Due button will open a window displaying all patients who are either 18-22 or 28-32 weeks pregnant respectively, allowing you to send out the relevant invoice. In order to generate an automated 20 or 30 week invoice, a fee needs to be entered into the Pregnancy record in the 'Out of Pocket Expense' field in the 'Current Pregnancy' tab. The calculation of the 20 and 30 week invoices are based on the Agreed EDD field. If no fees are entered into the 20 and 30 week fee fields, then Genie will automatically calculate them at two-thirds and one-third respectively. Alternatively, you can enter the fees you wish to charge into these fields. You can create your 20/30 week item numbers in Open>Billing Items by clicking on the blue plus to add a new item. Only an item number (eg. 20W & 30W) and description are required if you are splitting the fee 1/3, 2/3 otherwise enter the specified fee in private fee field. Alternatively, you can use the Medicare item eg. 15999. You can allocate these item numbers through the Invoices Due window by clicking in the Item Number column and typing the relevant items for 20 and 30 week fees beside the appropriate invoice. This only needs to be done once. Note: Unless the patient is between 18 and 22 weeks pregnant or 28 and 32 weeks pregnant, the invoices will not appear when the 20 wks Due or 30 wks Due buttons are clicked on. Overdue Smears Displays all females aged between 20 and 70 (exclusive), who have not been marked as Inactive, and who have not been marked as Don't Recall for smears in the Clinical window, and who have not had a recorded pap smear in the past 2 years. For Pap Smears that need to be recalled more frequently than every two years, use the Recall system. Note: You need to be either downloading pap smear results electronically, or be manually entering the dates of pap smears in the clinical record. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 37 Genie Manual Overview: The Patients Menu Immunisation Module This opens the Immunisation window allowing you to track your immunisation rate and produce an ACIR report. 3.6 The Appts Menu Appointment Preferences Allows you to set your preferences for your Appointment Book. See Appointment Preferences. Sync with Outlook and iCal Genie's Appointment Book, Tasks and Address Book can be synchronised with Apple's iCal and Address Book applications, or with Outlook on Windows computer.Since these applications can be either published to the web, or subsequently synced to a PDA, this means that it is possible for you to access your appointments and to do lists from anywhere. Synchronisation occurs in both directions. That is, an appointment created or modified in iCal or Outlook is subsequently created or modified in Genie. For more information on the setup and limitations of synchronising please refer to the Synchronising with iCal/ 38 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Appts Menu Outlook section in the Clinical module. Transcription Export and BDT Export Opens the window which allows you to export documents to be typed by either Ozescribe, Syberscribe or BDT. For more information on these services, please refer to Ozescribe, Syberscribe & BDT. MedSpeech Opens the window which contains the settings for MedSpeech. Find Appointment Allows you to search for a specific patient, and locates all of their past and future appointments. This is a useful feature if you need to find out if a particular patient has an upcoming appointment to see a Doctor, as well as allowing you to see when they last had an appointment. If the patient is a new patient that has yet to be entered into the database ie. has a non-patient appointment in brown text then you can still search this by entering the name in the Notes field of the search box. Find Appointment for Patient Locates all appointments for the selected patient. New Patient Opens a New Patient Window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 39 Genie Manual Overview: The Appts Menu Copy Patient Copies the Surname, address and account holder details of the highlighted patient into a New Patient window. This is useful if you need to create new records for multiple members of the same family as it saves you from having to re-enter in all of their demographic information (providing that they all share the same address, etc). Change Date Allows you to change the date of the highlighted patient's appointment. For more information, please refer to Moving/Copying Appointments. Deleted Appointments Allows you to Undelete any patient appointments which have been deleted in the past 7 days. For more information, please refer to Deleting/Undeleting Appointments. Appts Type Report Produces a printed report by Appointment Type for any given day or period of time. The report produces a numerical count of each appointment type where the appointment cell contains either a patient or non patient appointment. This can also be accessed through File > Maintenance & Reports: Appointments Report by Alt-clicking. Fill Down Allows you to select and fill multiple cells, either with a patient's appointment, or with a Type. Insert either a Patient appointment, or a type and highlight the number of cells you wish to fill. Select Appts > Fill Down and the patients name or the Type will be filled into the selected cells, as well as grouped. Check Forward Referrals This allows you to check that future appointments in a specified time frame have valid referrals. Check Missing Invoices This will check that all appointments for the day have had an invoice processed for them. Check Missing Consults 40 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Appts Menu This will check that all appointments for the day have a consultation record with notes entered into the History field. Genie Two Way SMS Allows you to send an SMS reminder to patients regarding their appointment times. The SMS reminder includes information such as provider's name, appointment time and appointment date. Additionally, you can enter a short message that will be included in the SMS reminder. Please refer to Appointment Reminders for the setup and use of this function. Get SMS Replies Prompts Genie to search for any replies to previously sent SMS reminders. Any replies will then appear in the 'Confirmed' column of the doctor's individual tab in Appointment Book. Toggle SMS Replies Can be used in the All view of the Appointment Book to toggle between the patient's name and their SMS reply. Email Reminders Allows you to send an email reminder to patients regarding their appointment times. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 41 Genie Manual Overview: The Appts Menu The email reminder includes information such as provider's name, appointment time and appointment date. You also have the ability to add an additional message to the end of the email reminder. Please refer to Appointment Reminders for the setup and use of this function. Pending Procedures Displays a list of all patients with Procedures which have not yet been linked to an appointment time. From this window you can open the original procedure and make any necessary changes. For more information, please refer to the Procedure chapter. 42 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Appts Menu Pre-op Notifications Check Displays a list of patients who have upcoming procedures scheduled and provides a summary of items that need to be checked for each procedure. For more information, please refer to the Procedure chapter. Print Theatre List Prints a list of patients booked in for a specific hospital and provider. For more information please refer to Printing Theatre Lists. Waiting for Cancellation Displays a list of patients marked as "Waiting for Cancellation". For more information, please refer to Cancellation List. Add a Recall Allows you to add a recall for the patient selected. For more information, refer to the Recalls chapter. Recalls Due Provides a list of patients with recalls overdue or due within 30 days. For more information, refer to the Recalls chapter. Review Correspondence Opens up the Patient Correspondence window. This can also be accessed via the appointments page, using the Patient Correspondence icon. For more information on 'Review Correspondence' please refer to Reviewing Correspondence. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 43 Genie Manual Overview: The Appts Menu Pending Births (if set as GP or Obstetric practice) Displays all pending deliveries, based on records in the Pregnancies table. The pregnancies are displayed by month and can be viewed for one or all doctors in a practice. You can access a patient's Pregnancy record by double-clicking on the patient's name. Clicking the 20 wks Due or 30 wks Due button will open a window displaying all patients who are either 18-22 or 28-32 weeks pregnant respectively, allowing you to send out the relevant invoice. In order to generate an automated 20 or 30 week invoice, a fee needs to be entered into the Pregnancy record in the 'Out of Pocket Expense' field in the 'Current Pregnancy' tab. The calculation of the 20 and 30 week invoices are based on the Agreed EDD field. If no fees are entered into the 20 and 30 week fee fields, then Genie will automatically calculate them at two-thirds and one-third respectively. Alternatively, you can enter the fees you wish to charge into these fields. You can create your 20/30 week item numbers in Open>Billing Items by clicking on the blue plus to add a new item. Only an item number (eg. 20W & 30W) and description are required if you are splitting the fee 1/3, 2/3 otherwise enter the specified fee in private fee field. Alternatively, you can use the Medicare item eg. 15999. You can allocate these item numbers through the Invoices Due window by clicking in the Item Number column and typing the relevant items for 20 and 30 week fees beside the appropriate invoice. This only needs to be done once. Note: Unless the patient is between 18 and 22 weeks pregnant or 28 and 32 weeks pregnant, the invoices will not appear when the 20 wks Due or 30 wks Due buttons are clicked on. 44 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 3.7 Overview: The Special Menu The Special Menu ImagePro Control Opens the ImagePro Control window. For more information on using ImagePro Control, please refer to the ImagePro chapter. Software Updates Connects you to the Genie Web Server to check what updates are available relevant to your state, platform and Genie version. If an update that you require isn't listed, it means it is not yet available for your state, platform or Genie version. Ticking the Check for Updates tickbox will give you the option to have automated checks of software updates either daily, weekly or monthly. This check occurs when the Administrator logs on. The above window will © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 45 Genie Manual Overview: The Special Menu appear if there are new updates available. The Check Now button checks for updates immediately. Tick which updates you wish to install using the tickboxes at left then click the Install x Items button. If you already have an update or don't require it you can tick the Done tickbox at right which will move it to the bottom of the list until it is next uploaded. Whenever an update is Installed, there is an option to Store and Activate the update at a later date. These stored updates can be accessed through File > Maintenance & Reports > Monthly tab. Below is a description of each of the updates available: Genie Updater Allows you perform incremental web updates of the Genie Software, in between receiving update CD's from Genie Solutions. Medicare Schedule Downloads the Medicare Schedule. DVA Specialist Schedule Downloads the Specialist DVA Schedule. MIMS Prescribing Data Downloads the Full MIMS Data. You need to be registered with MIMS in order to use this data. Please contact MIMS on (02) 9902 7700 in order to obtain registration. MIMS will be able to provide you with the password you need to download the Data. MIMS Data - Incremental Downloads any incremental updates which may have occurred in between major updates. ICPC2 Plus Codes Downloads the ICPC2 Plus Codes. You need to be subscribed to this service in order to access this coding system. Please use the subscription form located in the Subscriptions folder, in the Genie folder. ICD10 Codes Downloads the ICD10 codes. This is included in the Genie SP package. Health Funds There are a variety of Health Funds that make their schedule available to us for download, they will be listed by name in the software update window. Workcover Schedules Downloads the Workcover schedule. NPS RADAR Files 46 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Overview: The Special Menu Downloads the latest NPS Radar Documents. NPS Radar provides evidence-based information on new drugs, research and PBS listings and is published by the National Prescribing Service (NPS), for health professionals. Genie Web Site Takes you directly to the Genie Web Site. Online Manual Opens the online version of the Genie Manual. Get Checklists Opens a window which displays a list of checklists available for download. Double-click on the Checklist folder, and select the Checklist you wish to download. This then makes the Checklist available for use in a patient's clinical file. For more information, please refer to the Checklists section. Update Genie Registration Allows for online registration of the Genie Software. When your registration is due, select this option and you will be presented with a Registration window. Click the Register button and your registration will be renewed (this is provided that your registration fees have been paid). © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 47 Part IV Setting Up Genie Genie Manual 4 Setting Up Genie: Setting Up Genie The following sections outline the steps required to set up Genie. 4.1 Practice Preferences The Practice Preferences record stores details about the practice and allows you to set a variety of options which will affect all users on the network. You can have more than one Practice Preference record. If so, you will be asked to select a practice when you log into Genie. You would do this when you have a separate business that operates under a separate ABN eg. if you sell cosmetic products under a different business name to your practice and require a different letterhead and ABN to printed on invoices. Note: In a multi-doctor practice where each doctor wants their own letterhead, there is no need to create a different practice for each doctor. In this case, use a different letterhead in each doctor's User Preferences, and select the Use Individual Doctor's Letterheads checkbox, later in this section. To open Practice Preferences select File > Practice Preferences This will open a listing of Practice Preferences records. In most cases there will only be one record. Double click on the record to open the the Practice Preferences window. 4.1.1 The Practice Details Tab In this section you can enter your practice details such as Address, Phone and Fax numbers and ABN. Clinic Name This is where you enter in the Name of your Clinic. VSP Number 50 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Practice Preferences Vaccination Service Provider number. ACN Number If you are a registered Company then enter your ACN here. ABN Number If you practice as a solo practitioner or a partnership, you should select the Practice ABN radio button. If your practice is an associateship, you should select the Doctor's ABN radio button. Genie will then use the ABN number in each doctor's User Preferences on invoices. NATA & IVF ID Used in IVF clinics. Practice Type set to Obs/Gynae/IVF. SCP ID Required for practices who perform pathology services for which there is an associated MBS item number. Leave this blank if not relevant. Medicare Acct ID Displays the account ID for Medicare. DVA Acct ID Displays the account ID for DVA. Set Printing by User Name If your computer name could be different each time you log in then tick this so that your printing preferences will be associated with your user name rather than with your computer name by default. Use Full Screen Width for Appointments This tells Genie whether or not to leave a 50-pixel width margin on the right-hand side of the screen. On Macintosh, it's a good idea to select this, and then display the Dock on the right of the screen in this free space, rather than at the bottom of the screen. This can be setup from: Apple menu > Dock > Dock Preferences. On Windows this feature is not relevant. My server is hosted in a time zone x hrs ahead This is used if your server is hosted in a different time zone. It will adjust the appointment book and service times appropriately. No Default Site of Service on Invoices Makes the users select a site of service when invoicing to avoid billing to the wrong provider number for a provider that has multiple sites of service. Allow Invoices To Be Deleted Only the Administrator can tick this option. If not ticked the Delete button in Account History will be greyed out. Print Medicare Claim Forms If you select this option Genie will ask if you want to print a claim form for the patient whenever you invoice a patient privately. These are the claim forms that the patient would usually fill in at their local Medicare office, NOT DB4 claim forms for bulk-billed patients. You will need to get a supply of these forms (A4/landscape) from your Medicare office. You would normally select the Only for Unpaid Accounts radio button. If the patient has fully paid the account they don't need a claim form. Please ensure that you are using the current version of Medicare Claim Form. The version on the bottom right © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 51 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Practice Preferences hand side of the form is shown as: PC-1 (697.12.01.06). Print Overseas Student Claim Forms This option is for University Medical Centres. It prints the appropriate claim form for an invoice for overseas students. GST Rate Enter the GST rate to apply to items selected as GST applicable. Financial Year Starting All financial reports created on a 'This financial year' or 'Last financial year' basis will be calculated using the timeframe entered here. Purged from This date shows the date that invoices were culled previous to. Last Purged This date shows when the last Cull Invoices was done through File > Maintenance & Reports, Monthly tab. 4.1.2 52 The Miscellaneous Tab © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Practice Preferences Coding System Genie can incorporate both the ICPC 2 plus and ICD10 AM disease and procedure coding systems. Or you can choose not to use either. This is where you specify which coding system you are using. Auto-Generate Chart Numbers for New Patients Selecting this option instructs Genie to automatically generate a chart number for new patients. The numbers generated tick over by one for each new patient, starting at the last entered number. Warning: If a chart number is changed manually with this option ticked, Genie will auto generate from the number manually entered, potentially doubling up your chart numbers. Make the Chart Number the Same as the Patient ID This will make the chart number the same as the Patient ID automatically generated in Genie to make some searches in Genie easier. Auto-create Folders for New Patients Used if you do not want to use the attachment/imaging function in Genie and would prefer to put images directly into the patients' images folder. Make Surnames Upper Case Tick this if you wish to automatically capatilise the surnames of patients in the demographics window. HIC Location ID Your HICOnline or MedClaims location ID [eg. GEN12345]. It is also your customer reference number that you may be asked to give by Genie Solutions Support. Use Bulk Bill - tick if you want to use online bulk bill claiming. Allow Emailed Claims - only used under instruction by Genie Solutions Support Use Patient Claims - tick if you want to use online patient claiming. Run Real Time By Default - this will create an online session at the time of receipting a patient claim. See Patient Claims. Use DVA - tick if you want to use online DVA claiming. Use Online Verification - tick if you want to verify patients details online with HIC. Auth Proxy User ID & Password - used if you need to login to a proxy server before accessing the internet. For information on how to set up the proxy server for HIC online transmissions, see HIC Online Installation. Default Receipt Type When receipting direct from an invoice this will allocate the payment amount to the type selected eg. if the majority of your payments are made by EFTPOS then you would select this as your default receipt type. Auto-Clean Data when Saving This performs the same function as the Cleanup Database in Maintenance & Reports except that it happens transparently at the moment each record is saved. This should reduce the incidence of index and database corruption, and therefore the need to run 4D Tools. The performance impact should be negligible but it can be turned off just in case it does impact very busy practices. Flush Transactions To Disk Immediately Used under the advice of Genie Solutions Support Import changes to appts modified offsite This allows/disallows the importation of changes made offsite to existing appointments. This is allowed by default. If you don't want appointment modifications made offsite to be changed in the main data file, you should untick this option. Give me a warning if account... In this section you can specify an overdue amount or an overdue number of days, beyond which Genie gives you a warning when an appointment is made. The warning consists of a dollar sign inserted in front of the patient's name in the Appointments Book. This gives you an opportunity to take a look at the patient's Account History while you have them on the phone and chat to them about paying their bills, before they actually get into the surgery. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 53 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Practice Preferences Default Patient Type This is the Account Type that you want automatically applied to new patient records e.g. if you mostly private bill, select private or AMA. If you mostly bulk-bill, select Bulk Bill. You can always change it when completing the new patient's record. Require a Referrer Provider Number on Invoices Ticking this prevents you from creating an invoice where the Referring Doctor has no provider number entered in their address book entry. If ticked, the user will be prompted when invoicing to enter a valid provider number if there isn't one recorded. Note: This check will always be performed for Online Claiming of any sort regardless as it is a mandatory check. Print Remittance Advice With this ticked a remittance advice slip will print on the bottom of invoices with outstanding balances. Accept Credit Cards - tick this if your EFTPOS machine accepts manual credit card payments (check with your bank). Print Invoice Full Descriptions Ticking this will print item descriptions in full on invoices/statements. Having this unticked will only print the first line of the description. Descriptions for items can be edited through Open > Billing Items by double clicking on the item. Print Doctor and Patient DB4 forms on same page Tick this if you wish to have your Medicare DB4 forms for both the doctor and patient print on the same A4 page, rather than two separate A4 pages. Print Total Balance on Invoices Tick this if you wish for the account holders total outstanding amount to print on invoices. Credit Terms If you enter a number in here, Genie will print "Payment due by <date>", at the bottom of unpaid invoices, where <date> is the date of the invoice plus the number of days set here. If you don't want this, leave this field set to 0 (zero). Patient Label This allows you to specify what label you want printed on invoices e.g. allied health professionals may prefer "Client". Invoice Memos Allows you to edit and add Invoice memos without having to print an actual invoice. For more information see Invoice Memos in the Invoicing section of the Reception Module. Give a warning if referral expires within x weeks This option is for IVF, Ophthalmology, Day Surgery & Other Speciality practice preferences only. When invoicing a patient a warning will be generated if the patient's referral expires within the number of weeks specified. A warning is also given if all valid referral start dates are later than the current date. 54 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 4.1.3 Setting Up Genie: Practice Preferences The Practice Letterhead Tab This window allows you to set up a letterhead which will be printed on invoices and added to letter templates when you select 'Your Letterhead' from the Expressions tab. If each doctor in the practice wants to have a different letterhead select the Use Individual Letterheads checkbox, and set up the letterheads in their User Preferences. Genie can fit approximately 8 lines onto an invoice letterhead, depending on font size. If you find your letterhead is being truncated on invoices, you will have to either reduce the font size or cut back on the number of lines. You can click on the Create Default button to create a default template which you can then edit. You can click on the Insert Picture button to insert a picture from your picture library. If you don’t already have a picture in your library, you can import it from an image on your hard drive by clicking the Add button in the window below © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 55 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Practice Preferences and then clicking on the Browse button in the window below, and selecting the picture which you have presumably already created or scanned onto your hard drive. Deleting a Corrupted Letterhead Sometimes the Letterhead can become corrupted. The symptoms of this are that Genie is unable to print invoices and x-ray requests, because these are the main areas the letterhead is used. We rarely encounter this problem and only on Macintosh computers. However, if this does occur, the letterhead can be cleared by holding down the ALT key whilst selecting File > Practice Preferences. You can then open the record and rebuild the letterhead. If you are using individual doctor's letterheads i.e. the Letterhead from each doctor’s User Preferences, then you can clear these letterheads by holding down the ALT key whilst selecting File > User Preferences. 56 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 4.1.4 Setting Up Genie: Practice Preferences The Images and Attachments Tab This window stores the pathway on the server to the Images folder, which by default is stored within the Genie folder. An explanation of this is already on this page, however there are a couple of very important points to note: 1. This is the pathway on the server, not the client machine. 2. Clicking on the Default button will insert the correct pathway if your Images folder is in the default Genie location. 3. The most common mistake here is to leave the directory delimiter off the end of the pathway i.e.“\” for a Windows server, and “:” for a Macintosh server. That is, the specified pathway should end with one of these characters. When Genie starts up, it looks for the folder at the specified pathway. If it doesn’t find it, you will receive a warning. It is expected that you will then fix it, otherwise your linked images may end up in unexpected places, and you will get errors and possibly crashes when adding or modifying patient records. Note: If you have more than one Practice Preferences record, make sure this pathway is correct in ALL of them. You can test whether the pathway is correct or not by simply deleting and re-typing the last character. If it is incorrect, you will get a warning that the pathway is invalid. If it’s correct, nothing will happen. TIFF images with invalid horizontal and vertical resolutions can be repaired by specifying what to do when Genie detects a bad image at the bottom of this window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 57 Genie Manual 4.1.5 Setting Up Genie: Practice Preferences The Clinical Tab Create Pathology Acknowledgments Creates acknowledgements (ACKS) for the pathology labs to import back in to their software to acknowledge that you have received the result files they have sent. These are created in Genie/LabRslts/HL7 ACKS folder on the machine the pathology software is installed. Any labs that use Healthlink as their software then these ACKS are put into Genie/Healthlink/Outgoing instead. Allow Pathology Import on Server Should be ticked if your pathology is set to be downloaded onto the server computer. Import Pathology Automatically on Client This should be ticked if your pathology results are downloaded onto a client machine. 4.1.6 Carrier Identifiers If you are sending and receiving correspondence electronically using either Healthlink, EQuery, or 58 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Practice Preferences DivisionReport, you should enter the Carrier Identifier assigned to you by this provider in the corresponding field on this screen. See Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) for further configuration information. Import RTF letters to 4D write relates to Argus letters that are sent in RTF format rather than PIT or HL7, so need to be attached to the patient chart rather than imported into 4D Write letter writer. Ticking this MAY allow the conversion of the RTF files into 4D Write. They will come in via Open > Incoming Letters, but if they come in as blank letters you will need to untick this again and revert back to them just attaching as an image in the patients chart. 4.2 User Preferences Each User on a network has their own Preferences record, which allows you to specify how you want Genie to work for you. This allows Genie to work in different ways for different doctors in a multi-doctor practice, and also allows receptionists to switch off some of the clinical preferences such as pap smear warnings. It also allows each doctor to have their own letterhead if they wish. To open your own Preferences record, select File > User Preferences. To open another user's preferences, select File > All User Preferences, and double click on their name. 4.2.1 The Details Tab The Details page contains fields for your own personal details such as Name, Qualifications, Provider and Prescriber numbers and Personal ABN number if you are working in an Associateship. Note: If you are a solo practitioner or in a partnership you should use the Practice ABN which is stored in the Practice Preferences record. The Sign Off field allows you to enter your usual way of signing off a letter. These fields can then be referenced in a referral or reply letter, so that no matter which doctor is typing the letter, their own name will appear at the © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 59 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: User Preferences bottom. The Provider Type allows you to specify whether you are a GP, Specialist, Allied health or a Receptionist. If you are a Specialist, you have the option of selecting your specialty, which is used when registering for web services. For more information on registering for web services, see The Special Menu. Note: If your Practice Type is an O&G/IVF clinic, then this menu has Clinician and Scientist instead of GP and Specialist. The Default Bank Account menu allows you to specify which bank account the receipt window should default to when receipting any items billed in your name (to set up bank accounts see Banking). Check Referral Validity in Appointments will check to make sure a patient will have a valid referral whenever you book an appointment and also when you arrive them into the waiting room. Ticking Inactive User will remove this user from the login screen, appointment book and billing menu. It would be used if a user is going to be away for an extended period of time but intend on returning to the practice. To reactivate the user simply untick this box. Show Me In the Appointments Book creates a column for your User Name in the Appointments Book. Deselecting it will remove your column. Ticking the days that you work will display your column in the appointment book for those days and not the days that are not ticked. Appt Interval This option allows you to have a different appointment interval to the default interval set in Appointment Preferences. Note: This only has an effect when you are in your own personal view of the Appointments Book. If everybody has the same interval, you should set this to Use Global. 4.2.2 The General Tab General Use Legacy Interface will change your icons to our the original Genie icons. They will all still perform the same functions and be in the same locations. Having Auto Capitalise ticked, will result in the first letter of words in fields in the patient demographic window being automatically capitalised. Monitor the Genie Message Board will provide you with an alert when a new message is posted on the Forum. 60 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: User Preferences To subscribe to the message board go to Position of Navigation Palette. The Navigation Palette allows you to keep track of what windows you have open in Genie and alert you to any outstanding Tasks, Results, Letters etc. This makes for quick navigation around Genie. Open Patient’s List at Startup. If you are a solo practitioner, or do not use the Appointments Book, then selecting this option will open the Patients List rather than the Appointments Book when Genie is launched. Display Patient Mugshots Allows you to display a picture of the patient when you open either their Demographics window, or their Clinical record. The picture needs to be attached to the patient's file via the Image Browser, assigning it a Type of "Mugshot" (see Viewing Images). Create a separate email account for me Creates an email account for this user as the default when using the Genie Email module (see Email module). Confirm Quit gives an extra confirmation box when quitting out of Genie. Disable Main Window Close Box (Windows only) prevents the user from accidentally quitting out of Genie by clicking the red cross of the main Genie window. Maximise Windows Intelligently will increase the size of the windows within Genie while maintaining the correct placement of the navigation palette. Display Patient Memo for X seconds Allows you to determine how long a patient's memo will remain on display when booking in an appointment. Minimum onscreen time is 1 second. Setting this as 0 will still result in memo being displayed for 1 second Appointments Don't send SMS reminders for my appointments refers to the Genie Two-Way SMS process which allows SMS reminders to be sent to patients automatically at a specified time before their appointment. If you do not want this process to run for your patients then tick this option. I do not bill inpatient services through the appointment book Ticking this box will prevent the display of the dialog box asking whether an invoice is to be Inpatient or Outpatient, when billing from the Appointment book. This would be relevant to a General Practitioner who would not usually be billing for inpatient services or a Specialist who may only bill for inpatient work from the Patient List or directly from the procedure. Play a sound when a patient arrives in the waiting room for this user. Invoicing Show Me In the Billing Menu You must have this selected if you are a provider of services, otherwise your name won’t appear in the menu in the New Item window. Warn me of Future Dated Services Having this ticked means that Genie will alert you when billing if you enter a service date which is in the future.This should be ticked for non clinical staff that do the billing to be sure they do not bill an invoice that is future dated by mistake eg. invoicing from a future appointment instead of today's. Use Type-Ahead When Billing means that Genie will try to predict the complete item number you are entering. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 61 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: User Preferences Correspondence Save Word Letters as Attachments This option should be ticked if the user prefers to type in Word rather than directly in Genie's letter writer. Explanation of using Word through the referral/reply template can be found in the Button Description section of Referral/Reply Letters. Once the letter is reimported into Genie using the red W in the Referral/Reply letter it will actually be saved as an attachment rather than as Correspondence Out. This is to avoid any issues with Word crashing Genie on some occasions. Make Letters Undeletable when Reviewed Having this ticked prevents letters from being deleted after they have been reviewed by the Doctor. Mark Letters 'Ready to Send when Reviewed' indicates that once letters have been ticked as Reviewed, they will be marked as ready to send. This option is best suited to clinicians who review their letters once typed by a secretary or typist. Mark Letters 'Ready to Send Immediately'' indicates that letters will be ready to send once created and saved. This option is best suited to clinicians who create their own letters. Default Zoom in 4D Write Areas When opened, all letters will be automatically be zoomed to this percentage of the actual size of the letter area. This includes the contact display area in the Consults window. 2Hippo Identifier 2Hippo is a third party provider for sending correspondence electronically. This is to enter their individual identifier if you are signed up to use them. Synchronising Synchronise Genie to Outlook/iCal (One way only) This will synchronise Appointments and Tasks to Outlook/ iCal only and not back from Outlook/iCal into Genie. This was due to appointments deleted from Genie being reinstated into Genie upon synchronisation from Outlook/iCal. For more information on synchronising see Synchronising With iCal/Outlook in the Clinical section Synchronise the Address Book Tick this if you wish to Synchronise your Address Book (See Synchronising with iCal/Outloook in the Clinical Module). Tick 'Only synchronise those with an email address' if you wish to only synchronise address book entries which have an email address HIC Online / PKI Tick Use iKeys to Sign Claims, if you use iKeys to sign claims. Tick Check for Expiring PKI Certificates if you want to be notified when your certificates are due to expire. Copy Menus Clicking this button will display a list of all users in Genie. You can copy menus such as Current Problems, Past History, and QuickScript from the user you select to the current user preferences. 62 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 4.2.3 Setting Up Genie: User Preferences The Clinical Tab General Default Item No: This is the item number which will appear as the default to be charged when you close the clinical record from the Appointments Book. You should enter your most commonly used item number. If you do not want the charge box to appear when you close the clinical file then leave this field blank. Use Large Clinical Window If your screen resolution is set to 1280x754 or higher in the display properties of your computer, then you can take advantage of the larger clinical window (See Clinical). Open Clinical window to Notes Page Selecting this option instructs Genie to open to the Notes page of the clinical window rather than the Summary page, if you are not using the Large Clinical Window. Use Small Font For Drop Down Lists This is for those who have extensive drop down menus for Current Problems and Past History, for example, so the whole menu can be seen. Remind Me To Start Offsite Logging Selecting this option will make Genie ask if you want to start offsite logging whenever you open this database with the single-user version of Genie. See the Offsite Logging Chapter for more information. Pathology & Radiology Extract Path Results PIT Format Selecting this checkbox instructs Genie to attempt to extract individual results from PIT-formatted files, and insert them into a Consultation record so that they can be graphed. This only works for some pathology providers, depending on how they present the results. If you are getting nonsensical results in consultation records you should deselect this checkbox. Move to Action List after linking Select this if you want to use the Pathology Action List for dealing with pathology and radiology results. (See Pathology Recalls). Check for Missing Run Numbers If this is selected, Genie will check for missing pathology results whenever the Pathology & Radiology window is opened. If a run is missing Genie will warn you about it for 30 days. It is expected that you would contact the lab and request them to send the missing run again. You can switch off this warning, however this is not recommended. Bulk Bill Pathology Selecting this will instruct Genie to automatically mark the Bulk-Bill option on printed pathology requests. Note:The patient must have a valid Medicare Number for this to work. Copy Results to Interested Parties Having this ticked results in Pathology & Radiology results being copied to © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 63 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: User Preferences the patients interested party when doing a request form. Offer to store INR Results ticking this will provide a prompt to save INR results into the INR Control after they have been imported. INR Control is accessed through the Tools menu in the clinical file of the patient. Offer to store TFT Results ticking this option will prompt you to save imported TFT results into the Thyroid Control. Thyroid Control is accessed through the Tools Menu in the clinical file of the patient. Prescriptions Print Medication List on Scripts Selecting this option sets the checkbox for printing the patient’s medication list whenever a prescription is printed to ON by default. (see the clinical window). Print Certificate on Scripts As for Print Medications above but for a Medical Certificate Use Meal Times for Scripts Selecting this option will change the way you specify dosage and frequency for prescriptions. Existing prescriptions will continue to print with the current dose and frequency, until you fill in the new dosage fields. This is not an option which you should frequently change back and forth, so you should decide on the method you wish to use and then stick with it. Also this option is doctor specific, so if you share patients with other doctors in your practice, you should ALL decide on one method or the other. NPS RADAR Alert If you have the NPS RADAR documents installed, a summary is displayed for the first three times that a new RADAR drug is prescribed. When this checkbox is ticked, the summary information is displayed every time the new drug is prescribed until it is retired from the NPS RADAR documentation. Access MIMS Annual via the internet This will access MIMS Annual documents via our Web Server rather than via the local machine. This will mean that the MIMS Annual will no longer need to be installed or updated on each client machine as it will be updated on our Web Server by us. Interaction Checking If you are using MIMS for prescribing, you can set the level of drug <-> drug interaction checking here. Level 3 is usually the best compromise. If you set it to Level 0, it will warn you of just about everything, and you will become de-sensitised to the warnings. Prompts Do Not Show Prompts Window Having this ticked, will prevent any Prompt windows from being displayed. Pap Smear & Mammogram Alert Selecting this option will give you a warning if a pap smear/mammogram has not been recorded whenever you open the clinical record of a female between 20 and 70 and who has not been marked as having had a hysterectomy in their Past History. Immunisation Alert Warns you if the child has less than the expected number of Immunisations for his/her age. Overdue Recalls Alert Warns you if there are any overdue recalls for the patient. Warn of Recent Pathology Results If you enter a number here, Genie will give you a warning if there are any recent results within that time frame when opening the clinical record. Other Warnings Depending on the age and sex of the patient Genie will warn if you haven’t checked a variety of the parameters stored in the Consults Parameters e.g. BP, Weight,Height, Cholesterol, PSA. 64 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 4.2.4 Setting Up Genie: User Preferences The Miscellaneous Tab Synchronising Synchronise Genie to Outlook/iCal (One way only). This will synchronise Appointments and Tasks to Outlook/ iCal only and not back from Outlook/iCal into Genie. This was due to appointments deleted from Genie being reinstated into Genie upon synchronisation from Outlook/iCal. For more information on synchronising see Synchronising With iCal/Outlook in the Clinical section Synchronise the Address Book. Tick this if you wish to Synchronise your Address Book (See Synchronising with iCal/Outloook in the Clinical Module). Tick 'Only synchronise those with an email address' if you wish to only synchronise address book entries which have an email address HIC Online / PKI Tick Use iKeys to Sign Claims, if you use iKeys to sign claims. Tick Check for Expiring PKI Certificates if you want to be notified when your certificates are due to expire. Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions If you are registered with MediSecure for the Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions, enter in the details, as requested. When creating a prescription, the paper prescription will still print but an electronic copy with be sent to MediSecure for transfer to the pharmacist. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 65 Genie Manual 4.2.5 Setting Up Genie: User Preferences The Practice Sites Tab If you work in multiple sites with different Provider numbers, this is where you can set up your extra sites. To add a new site, click on the blue Add button. This will add a new line to this window with the cursor flashing in it, ready to type the name of the site. Tab to enter the Provider number for this site. LSPN Number This is used by Practitioners who perform imaging services e.g. ultrasound scans at various sites of service. If you don't need this leave it blank. Setting a Default Site If you have more than one Practice Preferences record, you can specify which of these sites is to be the default for each practice. That is, when an invoice is being created, which of these sites will be chosen by default in the Sites popup menu. 66 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: User Preferences Double-click on a site to open the window shown below. If you have more than one Practice Preferences record, select the practice from the lower menu. 4.2.6 The Letterhead Tab If you are in a multi-doctor practice and each doctor wants to have their own letterhead, then this is where you can set up your letterhead. By default, Genie uses the letterhead set up in your Practice Preferences record File > Practice Preferences. However, if you select the 'Use Individual Doctors Letterhead' checkbox in Practice Preferences, then Genie will use the letterhead of whichever doctor is the Provider of a billed service. Note: You can copy the letterhead already set in Practice Preferences. You can also insert pictures or logos in the letterhead (see Practice Preferences) Note: Genie allows approximately eight lines worth of text in the letterhead. If you find that your © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 67 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: User Preferences letterhead is being truncated when printing invoices, then you will have to reduce the size of it here by either reducing the font size or reducing the number of lines. Deleting a Corrupted Letterhead Sometimes the Letterhead can become corrupted. The symptoms of this are that Genie is unable to print invoices and x-ray requests, because these are the main areas the letterhead is used. We rarely encounter this problem and only on Macintosh computers. However, if this does occur, the letterhead can be cleared by holding down the ALT key whilst selecting File > Practice Preferences. You can then open the record and rebuild the letterhead. If you are using individual doctor's letterheads i.e.the Letterhead from each doctor’s User Preferences, then you can clear this letterhead by holding down the ALT key whilst selecting File > User Preferences. 4.2.7 The Security Tab This window allows you to set the security level for each user in Genie. In order to change any of these settings, you need to click on the Padlock icon and enter in the Administrator's password. Export Patient Records If this is ticked, this user has enough privileges to export patient records out of Genie. Delete Patient Records. Having this option ticked allows this user to delete patient records in Genie. Note: Patient records cannot be deleted from Genie if the patient has either clinical or billing information entered in their file. Open the Maintenance Window Allows this User access to the Maintenance & Reports window (File > Maintenance & Reports) View Financial Reports Allows this User access to Financial Reports in the Practice Analysis tab of Maintenance & Reports. Only view their own financial reports Restricts viewing of summarised financial data to this User's data only. They will not be able to view other doctors' reports. Receptionists will not be able to access any of the financial reports if this option is ticked, regardless of whether they have View Financial Reports ticked. Modify Saved Invoices Allows this user to edit invoices in patients' Account Histories 68 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: User Preferences View Clinical Information Allows this user to view the clinical records of all patients Lock Patients' Clinical Records Provides the user with the ability to lock patients' clinical records. See Edit Patient. Modify Other User's Preferences Allows this user to make modifications to other User Preferences records. Cull or Archive Records Allows this user to cull and/or archive records in Genie Use the Execute Command menu item If this option is not ticked, this user is prevented from accessing the Execute command window (File > Execute Command). 4.3 Printing Preferences Each computer on a network has its own set of Printing Preferences, which instruct Genie to use a particular printer and tray for different printing jobs. It follows that each computer on a network must have a different name, otherwise there will be printing confusion unless all computers print to the same printer. Naming a Computer On Macintosh, the name is set in the Sharing Preferences, in System Preferences, as shown below. In this case, the computer name is “Laptop”. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 69 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Printing Preferences On Windows, the name is set in the System Control Panel, accessed from the Start menu > Settings > Control Panels > System Bear in mind that renaming a computer on a network, may upset a host of other settings, such as automatic mounting of other drives, automated batch copying of files, backup systems and Genie’s pathway to the Images folder if you change the name of the server. Note: If you don’t know how to reset these links, then leave renaming of your computers to your network administrator. 4.3.1 Printer Preferences To open Printing Preferences select File > Printing Preferences. If you are on a network the IP address of your computer is displayed in the top left of this window. This is a quick and easy way of finding out your IP address. 70 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Printing Preferences Windows: Macintosh: There are twelve different printing jobs listed on this page i.e. prescriptions, pathology requests, x-ray requests or plain A4 jobs, accounts, labels, private medicare claim forms, overseas students claim forms, and DVA and Medicare DB4 forms. Note: There is a big difference between private Medicare claim forms and Medicare DB4 forms. Don’t get them confused! The Medicare claim form is used by the patient to lodge a claim with Medicare in order to receive their rebate, while the Medicare DB4 form is used when bulk billing a patient. Separate Preferences for each Genie user on this computer: only referrers to people who are using Terminal Services. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 71 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Printing Preferences Medicare DB4, should only be ticked if you are using HIC Online. e.g. You can have the DVA Claims ticked if using either manual batching, or HIC Online. If you use HIC Online, you are able to print out a computer generated voucher, instead of using the manual slips. For each job, you can select the appropriate printer from the black drop-down menu. This menu will display all the printers installed on your computer. If the printer you want isn't shown, then you need to install it. Consult Mac Help, or Microsoft Help for instructions on how to install printers. On Windows, once you have selected a printer, the available trays for that printer are displayed in the Tray menu to the right of the printer. Select the tray that you want each job to go to. On Macs, the button allows you to save the options in the Print dialogue screens. Automatic tray selection works on all the laser printers we have tested. However, if it doesn't work as expected on your printer, you should select the Ask For Print Settings checkbox, so that it can be switched manually in the Print Dialog. For each job you can instruct Genie to display the Print Dialog before printing, by selecting the Ask For Printer Settings checkbox. 72 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Printing Preferences The Print Dialog is the window that usually appears when printing in which you can change printers, set the trays, set the number of copies etc. If you don't select this option, then Genie will just print immediately to the selected printer. Plain A4 and Letters will always print to the default printer. If you are using a single bin printer you can, in fact, select the Bypass Printing Preferences checkbox and have everything print to your default printer. This makes printing a little faster because Genie doesn't have to find out the current printer, nor change to a different printer everytime you print. Keep resource file between logins, if left unticked, will automatically delete the Genie.res file from the 4D preferences folder when quitting the client to ensure that updated resources (e.g. version number and date, etc) are downloaded from the server when the server is updated. If you do not wish for this to occur then tick the option to keep the resource file. Adjusting the Print Area The 4 green and blue arrows at the bottom left of this window are used to adjust the position of printed text on the page. Because each printer has different default margins you may need to adjust the positioning for prescriptions in order for them to print in the correct position on their pre-printed sheets. 4.3.2 Deleting Printing Preferences Record Occasionally the Printing Preferences record may become corrupted and printing may be affected. In this case, the record can be deleted by going to File > Printing Preferences and clicking on the Delete button down the bottom of this window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 73 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Printing Preferences You will be asked to confirm this action. If you click Delete, then Genie will delete your current printer preferences, and you will need to re-select them. 4.3.3 Troubleshooting Printing Problems are probably the most common problem encountered by anybody using a computer. There are literally dozens of things that can go wrong ranging from the simple i.e. the printer isn’t switched on to the complex eg a corrupted printer driver. Before calling the Genie support line you should perform a few simple diagnostic steps to at least exclude some common problems. 74 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Printing Preferences 1. Switch the printer off and on again. If there is a blockage in the queue this may clear it. 2. Check the Printer Queue to see if there is a blockage that has stopped printing. On Macintosh, open the Print Center utility at /Applications/Utilities/Printer Setup Utility/. In fact, it’s a good idea to create a shortcut to the Print Center in your Dock. On Windows, select Start Menu > Printers and Settings and open the relevant Printer. 3. Check the cabling! Unplug and re-insert the cable at either end. 4. Reselect the printer in Genie’s Printer Preferences. 5. Try printing from another application. If you can’t then the problem is with your printer. If you can, then the problem is probably with Genie. 6. Try printing from another computer on the network. If you still haven’t found the cause, call our support line. But performing these few simple steps first, can turn a prolonged consultation with our Help Desk into a short one! 4.4 Security This chapter covers password security, limitation of access to various parts of Genie, and the prevention of fraud by practice staff. 4.4.1 Add/Delete Users Add User To add a new user to the database, click on the Add User button in the Logon Window. The window below will appear asking you to enter the Administrator's password. The Administrator's password is the password which the Administrator uses to log in, so you either need to be the Administrator, or else know his or her password in order to be able to do this. Click OK, and then enter a User Name for the new user. In a large multi-doctor practice it is advisable to keep the User Name as short as possible, as this is the name which will also appear in the Name tabs in the Appointments book. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 75 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Security The user's name will now appear on the Login window. When this user logs in for the first time, they will be prompted to set up their User Preferences. For more information on setting up User Preferences, see User Preferences. Delete User You can also delete a User Name from the Login Window by highlighting the user you want to delete, and then clicking on the Delete User button. Again, you need to know the Administrator's password to delete a user. Note: If the deleted user has any appointments, these will also be deleted! A user can still be deleted if they have billing data in the system, however it is probably better to just make these users inactive by selecting the Inactive checkbox in the user's Preferences record. This prevents their name from appearing in the Login window. 4.4.2 User Levels/Access The Administrator The Administrator has the highest level of security. Only one user can be the Administrator. Typically this would be one of the principals or a trusted practice manager. Only the Administrator can perform the following functions: Assign someone else to be the Administrator. View the Audit Trail of modified invoices and receipts. Password-protect the Maintenance and Reports Window 76 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Security Password-protect changes to invoices and receipts. Add and delete new users. Other User Levels All other Users have their user level set by the Administrator through their own individual User Preferences Security tab. See The Security Window for more information on this. 4.4.3 Passwords It is strongly recommended that every user have their own password, preferably known only to them, and perhaps the Administrator. This is to ensure that in a large practice with several reception staff, nobody else can change invoices and receipts under your name. Note: It is especially important for the Administrator to have a password and change it regularly. The Administrator will presumably be either an owner of the practice or a trusted receptionist or practice manager. When choosing your password make sure it isn’t something obvious like “password”, your name, a family member, or your dog’s name. Ideally it should be a random mixture of letters and numbers, or else an easily remembered word with suitable letters replaced by numbers e.g.“snoopy ” becomes “sn00p1”. However, now that I’ve put this in the manual it would be very foolish to use this particular one! You should also change your password regularly. Passwords can be created or modified in the Login window. You can do this either: At the time of login By selecting File > Add or Change User when in the Appointments view. In the Login window, highlight your name, and then click on the Set Password button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 77 Genie Manual Setting Up Genie: Security The window below will open. If you are creating a password for the first time, leave the first field blank, otherwise enter your current password in the New Password and Re-enter New Password fields. Click OK. Now, whenever you login you must highlight your name and then enter the password in the bottom field of the Login window. Forgotten your Password? The Administrator will need to call the Genie support line for help on 1800 801 228. 78 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Part V The Reception Module Genie Manual 5 The Reception Module: The Reception Module The following chapters relate to procedures most relevant to Receptionists. 5.1 Appointments The Appointments book is the module that ties everything in Genie together. It is possible to use Genie without using the appointments book, but in doing so you will lose out on many of the efficiencies to be gained in fully integrating the receptionists’ and doctors’ desks. Genie has been designed so that both doctors and receptionists work from the same screen so that each can see immediately what is happening within the practice, and so that each can communicate easily and quickly with each other. The keyboard terminology used here is for Windows. On Macintosh the corresponding keys are: Windows Macintosh Alt Option Ctrl Command (Apple Key) Moving Around You can use the Return,Tab or Arrow Keys to move to different appointment times. To add notes to the Notes or Name fields, press the Enter key (on the numeric keypad). This places the cursor within the appointment. 5.1.1 Appointment Preferences To initially set up your Appointment Preferences select Appts > Appt Preferences or click on the Appointment Preferences button. The Appointments Preferences window will open as below: Start Time: Enter here the time of the earliest appointment you would usually make. End Time: Enter here the time of the latest appointment you would usually make. Note: Enter the time in 24 hour time mode i.e. 6PM =1800. 80 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Appointment Interval This is the length of a normal appointment. If your appointment times vary then enter the shortest appointment interval which will be used. For example, if you are a specialist practice and your new patient appointments are 30 minutes, but your followup appointments are 15 minutes, you should enter 15 minutes as the interval. You can later specify new appointments to take 2 appointment slots (See Appointment Types for more information). Hide Calendar Ticking this will change the appointment view between wide and tall format. In wide format, the calendar is not displayed. This can also be changed via clicking once on the date in the calendar on the appointment book. Track Current Appt Row A yellow highlight will appear on the time if selected in the time column. This allows you to easily keep track of the appointment row selected if you have multiple Doctors entered into the appointments page. Delete Patient Appointments After X Days This value specifies how long you want to actually keep a patient appointment record in the Appointments book. Most practices would set this to about 180 days (6 months). You can set it to as long as you want, but be aware that if you retain the records for a very long time then the Appointments Book will run more slowly. Each time you click to display a new day, Genie must search through all the appointment records to find just that day’s appointments. Searching through 10,000 records is obviously going to be faster than searching through 100,000 records. When the last client machine quits out of Genie at the end of the day, Genie will delete all appointments older than the specified number of days. This is one of the reason why client computers should quit out of Genie at the end of the day even if you elect to leave the server running. Note: Naturally, only the actual appointment record is deleted. All billing and clinical records for the day are retained. Delete Non Patient Appointments After X Days This works in the same way as the 'Delete Patient Appointments After X Days' however, is in reference to all records in the Appointment book that are not marked as patient appointments. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 81 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Refresh Screen Every X Seconds If you use Genie as a single user then this setting is irrelevant. On a network it instructs Genie to display changes which may have been made on another computer on the network. The usual setting would be around 60 seconds. The minimum allowed setting is 20 seconds. If a refresh occurs whilst you are typing in an appointment cell then you are “kicked out” of the cell during the refresh. If this occurs often enough to be annoying then you should increase the refresh time. Note: You can force a screen refresh at any time by clicking on the TODAY button. Open to View The Appointments Book has three different views: Providers, Dates and Rooms. As a general rule specialist practices will probably prefer the Dates view, and general practices will probably prefer the Providers view. This setting just tells Genie which view to open as the default when the Appointments book is opened. You can switch between views at any time by clicking on the appropriate View button. Days Shown in Dates View The Dates view displays appointments with a column for each date. You can specify how many columns you want to see when moving to the Dates view. That is, the number of days ahead you would like to see at any one time. The usual setting would be 7 days. The larger you make this value the slower Genie will be in displaying all the appointments. If you do not wish to include weekends in the Dates View, you can choose to hide Saturday and/or Sunday by ticking the appropriate checkboxes against 'Hide Saturday' or 'Hide Sunday'. First Day of Week This is the first day that will display on the calendar on the appointments page, usually either Sunday or Monday depending on your preference. 82 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Inserting Appointment Details Genie allows you to automatically insert a variety of patient details when an appointment is made. These are Date of Birth, Chart Number, Referral Details and Patient Memo. These Notes are only visible when displaying a single provider’s appointments. Check for Double Appointments This alerts you to the fact that another appointment has been booked into that particular time slot already. It then provides you with the ability to decide if you want to double book this appointment, or cancel the creation of this appointment. This is useful in larger practices, where receptionist may be making appointments at the same time. Check for Future Appointments Checks to see if the patient has any appointments booked in the future from either the Current Date, or from the Date which you are making the appointment for. Keep Time Column in View This is useful for practices which have a large number of Doctor's entered on their appointments page as it keeps the time column in view when scrolling across the screen. Check for Cancellations Alerts you to the fact that there are patients waiting for a cancellation. For more information on how to use the feature, see Cancellation List. Require User to login again after X minutes of inactivity on this machine If a time is entered in this field, the user will be presented with the login window after the specified period of inactivity. They will be required to select their user name and enter their password. In order for this feature to work, either the Appointment window or the Patients list must be left open. Don’t Print Empty Appointments Selecting this option instructs Genie to print only those appointments cells which have been filled. That is, if you have 30 appointment slots in a day, but only have five patient appointments, then only the five appointments will be printed. Most people would not select this option so that they can actually see where the empty slots are on the printed day sheet. Modify Columns This allows you to specify which columns are on view in an individual doctor's appointment view and which columns you wish to print when printing a single provider’s appointments (see Printing Appointment Page). Note: You must have opened the Preferences window from a single provider’s page for this button to be enabled. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 83 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Percent Reduction When Printing Printing of the Appointments book is WYSIWYG i.e what you see is what you get, no matter what view you are in. Usually this will mean that the appointments will print out on several A4 pages. You can reduce the printed size here so that it will fit on just one page. Usually somewhere around 70% will do it, although you may have to experiment to get it just right. Appearance Allows you to change the font style, row height and font size of the appointments book. Preferred Patient Phone No. This is the phone number that will display in the providers individual view in the Phone column by default. Calculate Waiting Times From When you register a patient as having arrived in the waiting room by clicking on the Coffee Cup icon, Genie will start calculating the waiting time until their clinical record is opened by the doctor. This waiting time can be calculated in two ways. Either by the time between arrival and being seen, or by the time between their actual appointment time and being seen. If you calculate it on the latter method, then the waiting time for a patient that arrives and is seen before their actual appointment time may be a negative number. You should choose the method most suitable to your practice. That is, if you see patients on a walk-in basis, select the Arrival Time option, otherwise select the Appointment Time option. You can switch options at any time and the waiting times will be recalculated for anyone that hasn’t actually been seen yet for that particular day. Note: If you open the clinical window prior to entering the patient into the waiting room, the waiting time will be calculated from the actual appointment time, even if your preferences indicate it should be calculated from the arrival time. Column Order and Rooms: Column Order allows you to sort the order in which the Providers names will appear on the appointment book. Drag the names in the list to reorder. The top-most name will appear as the left-most column on the appointment screen. 'Rooms' in Genie can relate to either the Hospital or Day Surgery where the surgeon operates so that a theatre list can be produced. Alternatively, the 'Rooms' in Genie can be used as a triage system allowing you to know which room a patients is waiting in to see the Doctor. See Rooms for more information. Rooms The Room button allows you to assign a patient to a specific room. You can assign a patient to a room by selecting their name from the Appointment book and clicking of the Room drop down menu and selecting the appropriate room. 84 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments The Room column in the appointment book allows you to quickly see which room a patient has been assigned to. 5.1.2 Using The Appointments Book Button Description Note: Each of these buttons will be described in more detail in the following sections. The calendar allows you to skip forward and backwards for both the year and the month. If you click on the month name a drop down list of all months will appear allowing you to jump ahead to the required month. The arrows on either side of TODAY allow you to skip forward or backwards by either one day or one week respectively. The grey double headed arrow button in the calendar allows you to skip forward the selected number of weeks from today's date. Holding down the Alt key will allow you to skip forward the required number of weeks from a date other than today's date. The HELP button opens up the Genie manual as a PDF document. Alt clicking on this button will open the Genie web-based manual. Opens up the Appointment preferences window. See Appointment Preferences. Opens up the Referral/Reply letter template. See Referral/Reply Letters. Opens a New Patient window. See Adding An Appointment. Opens the Edit Patient window. See Edit Patient. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 85 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Opens the Merged Letter Template. See Merged Letter Templates. Opens the Label module. See Labels. Allows you to make an appointment for another family member, provided they are on the same account. See Account Holders. Places the patient in the waiting room. Allows you to toggle between different columns on the appointment book. See Appointment Views. Used to create Repeating Appointments. See Repeating Appointments. Opens up a Procedure window. See Procedures. Opens the Patient's clinical record. See Clinical module. The Delete button. Allows you delete patient and non-patient appointments. Creates a 'quick invoice'. Prints an invoice for the item selected from the drop down list. Prints the Appointment page. See Printing Appointment Page. Opens up the Invoice window. See Creating an Invoice. Ungroups appointments. Groups appointments. Opens the Recalls Due window. See Recalls. Opens the Patient Correspondence window. See Reviewing Correspondence. 86 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments A right mouse click on a patient appointment will produce a drop menu (see below) which lists many of the above commonly used functions. Adding An Appointment Move to the cell you want by using the keyboard, or clicking once on the cell. Type the patients Surname or the first few letters of the Surname. If you want to narrow the search to the patient’s First name, you can do so in one of two ways: Enter a space after the surname and then type the first few letters of the patient's First name. Eg.“smi jo ” to search for John Smith. Enter a comma after the surname and then type the first few letters of the patient's First name. Eg. "bloggs,ma" to search for Mary Bloggs. Then press the Tab or Return key. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 87 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments A list of matching patients will be displayed for you to select from. If Genie cannot find a matching patient record, then what you have typed will remain in the cell and become coloured brown signifying a non-patient appointment. If this is meant to be a non-patient appointment such as “Breakfast Meeting” then this is fine. If you are sure that the patient does indeed have a record then you should check what you have typed. Either you have spelt their name incorrectly, or their name has been entered into the database incorrectly in the first place. A common mistake is to have entered the first name into the Surname field and vice versa. If you find that they are not in the database and you wish to create a record for them, then select the cell again and select “New Patient” (or Ctrl + N) from the Appointments menu. A new patient record can also be created by clicking on the Add a new patient record appointments page 88 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd button on the Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments A new patient record will be created with the Surname and First name as entered into the appointment cell. Fill in whatever other details you have and then Save the record and the appointment cell will be updated accordingly. If you don’t want to create a record for them at this stage because they are a new patient and may not actually turn up, then leave the appointment as is. You can use it later to create the patient record if and when they arrive. Edit Patient The Edit Patient window can be accessed from the following places in Genie: • The Appointments Book • The Patient Clinical Window • The Patients List To bring up the Edit Patient window, click once on the desired entry and then click on the small Edit Patient icon © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 89 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments The Edit Patient window allows you to make any required changes and adjustments to the Patient's demographic details. The symbol allows you to locate the address on Google Maps. The Lock this patient's clinical record option allows a record to be locked for use by one provider only. Access to the locked patient's file will require other users to know the password of the user who locked the record initially. A record is locked or unlocked by clicking on the picture of the lock. It is also where you assign the Patient's Account Type, which will govern what fees are charged by default when invoicing. An Account Holder record must be created in order to invoice a patient by clicking either the Self or Other radio button (see Account Holders). This must be an individual, it cannot be an organisation. The account holder can be changed at the time of invoicing to be that of an organisation or DVA etc. Referral details can be added by clicking on the small Blue Plus next to the Referring Dr table which displays a search box for the Address Book. The Referring doctor address details can be edited via the small Doctor icon, and the referring doctor can be deleted via the Garbage Can icon. To edit or change the Referral period, double click on the Referring doctors name in the Referring Dr table. The Memo box can be used to type reminders for the patient that you will be alerted to when you make an appointment for the patient and when you put them in the Waiting Room when they arrive for their appointment. It is often used to remind you to give the patient something such as Xrays. The length of time that this memo is displayed for can be adjusted in your User Preferences in the Clinical tab. The Swipe Card button can be used in conjunction with a card reader. Click the button then swipe the card and it will enter the patients Medicare Number and Expiry Date. It can also be used in the appointment book, click into an appointment cell then swipe the card and this makes the appointment for you. Verify Online will be available if you use HIC Online. It verifies the patient information you have in Genie with that held at Medicare Australia and will let you know if there is any differing information. This helps prevent patient information based rejections in Online Claiming. See Using Online Verification for more information. 90 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments The Update Family button allows you to automatically update the demographic details (i.e. home address and home phone number) of all patients that share the same Account ID number ie. by the parent having Self selected in their account holder box and all others in the family having Other selected with the parent being the account holder. The Notes button allows you to make extended, progressive notes on the patient, if required. These are stored in the patients clinical file as a Document. If a patient has a Primary Note entered, the Notes button will display in red text with an asterisks (Windows) or just *Notes for Macs. The Envelope button next to the patients address and the account holder details allows you to print an envelope displaying the patients or the account holders address respectively. Additionally you can also choose to include a return address on these envelopes. The Email icon allows you to enter the patients email address. This allows you to then email correspondence to this patient. The Memo field allows for brief entries, such as patient reminders like "Collect Xrays". Such reminders will then appear in a red Memo box the next time the patient is booked in for an appointment or gets placed in the waiting room via the Coffee Cup icon. The Employer tab allows you to enter Workcover claim information (for more information on Workcover claims see, Invoicing Workcover). The Partner tab is where you enter partner and next of kin details. The Alias fields are for ECLIPSE health fund claiming when a patients name is registered differently with their private health fund to Medicare. The Misc. tab allows for recording of information such as hospital UR number, student details (used by university medical service sites), as well as the culture and country of birth for the patient. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 91 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments The Conversions tab is activated by having your Practice Type set to 'Plastic Surgery' and allows you to track the number of patients who call to enquire about a procedure, the percentage who progress to a consultation with a provider, and the percentage who subsequently proceed to have the procedure performed. Further information is available in the Procedures section. Moving/Copying Appointments Moving Appointments Appointments can be moved to a different cell on the page by dragging and dropping with the Alt key held down. Only one appointment can be moved at a time, unless the appointments have been grouped. Note: You must first highlight the appointment you want to move, before pressing and holding the Alt key. Otherwise the cell which is selected when you press the Alt key will be the cell that is moved. Appointments can also be moved to a different date by selecting Appts > Change Date, or right clicking on the appointment and selecting Change Date. 92 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments This will open the window below. This window will allow you to move the appointment date of the currently selected appointment. Copying appointments Appointments can be copied and pasted into another cell, either on the same day or on another day. To do this, you can use the keyboard shortcuts for copying and pasting i.e. Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V respectively. Note: Attached procedures will not be copied if you use this method. If the appointment has an attached procedure, then you MUST use the Change Date function described above. Deleting/Undeleting Appointments Deleting Appointments Highlight the appointment or appointments to delete and then either click on the Delete Delete key on your keyboard or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D. button, or hit the If the appointment is linked to a patient, you will be asked to confirm the deletion from the appointment book or mark the appointment as 'Did Not Arrive' or 'Cancelled by Patient'. Ticking either of these options will allow you to create a consultation note in the patients clinical record and/or insert a patient memo for future reference. These Did Not Arrive and Cancelled by Patient options will not delete the patients appointment, so a further deletion using 'Just Delete it' is necessary, if required. If, however, you tick 'Just Delete it' and 'Make a consultation note' this will delete the appointment from the appointment book as well as make a consultation note in the patients clinical file. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 93 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Ticking 'Keep Type' allows you to delete the appointment without deleting the appointment Type. Note: Non-patient appointments are deleted immediately. If a procedure is linked to the appointment, then you will be given a choice of deleting the procedure altogether, or keeping a record of it in the patients clinical file. If you Keep the procedure a further prompt will ask if you would like the procedure to be marked as pending or finalised. If the patient has an appointment with another practitioner/s in the practice it will also prompt as to whether you would like to delete these also. When deleting multiple patients from within the appointment book, it will confirm if you wish to delete the selected appointments and bring up the window asking you what you would like to do with these appointments. Note: On both Macintosh and Windows machines, the Backspace key does not actually delete the appointment. It will delete the contents of the cell, but the appointment will reappear at the next screen refresh. Undeleting Appointments Deleted patient appointments are held in the system for 14 days and can be “undeleted ” by selecting Appts > Deleted Appointments. 94 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments This will open up a window which will display all the appointments which have been deleted in the last fourteen days, as well as displaying not only the name of the User who deleted this appointment, but also the time that the appointment was deleted, and how the appointment was deleted. Select the appointment/s you wish to restore, by ticking the box and then click Restore x selected appointment/s. This will re-insert the appointment/s back into their original time slot. Note: If there is already another appointment in this time slot, the appointments will be double booked. Finding an Appointment Ctrl + F will allow you to search for a specific patient, and locate all of their past and future appointments. This is a useful feature if you need to find out if a particular patient has an upcoming appointment to see a Doctor, as well as allowing you to see when they last had an appointment. If the patient is a new patient that has yet to be entered into the database ie. has a non-patient appointment in brown text then you can still search this by entering the name in the Notes field of the search box. Clicking the Print button will give you the option to print just the future appointments for the patient and/or just a certain Type of appointment. In the below example it would print all future Antenatal appointments for the patient. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 95 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Using the Next button on the Appointments page will allow you to search for the next available appointment for either a specific Doctor, or a specific Type of Appointment. If the first available appointment located is not suitable, use the Find Again button to move to the next available appointment for either that Doctor, or Appointment Type. To find a previous appointment for the selected Appointment Type, Ctrl click on the Find Again button. 96 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Double booking an Appointment time To double book an appointment time, double click or right click on the required appointment time in the time column. This will create another time slot directly below the original time e.g. if you double click on 10.45am then another time slot will appear in green text called 10.45AM. OR Enter in the appointment details as per usual in the newly created appointment cell. Upon refresh the duplicate time will display as red in the time column and will mark the corresponding duplicate time with asterisks in all other providers' columns to avoid double booking them. Note: If nothing is entered into this appointment slot by the next screen re-fresh then this cell will disappear. Appointment Views There are three different ways of viewing the Appointments Book: Providers Dates Rooms Select the View you want by clicking on the appropriate button. In each view, you can also choose to view the appointments for all the providers in a practice, or just the one provider by using the tabs across the top of the Appointments screen. You can switch to different tabs by clicking on the appropriate tab, or using the keyboard shortcut, Alt-Left or Right Arrow key. Appointment Columns When in the Individual Provider view the following columns are available: Notes: Provides a free text area for information about the appointment, e.g. confirmed. Information can be added by default via options in Appointment Preferences Phone: The phone number inserted depends on what phone numbers have been entered in the patient's demographic window. In order of preference, Genie inserts the Work, Home or Mobile number depending on what has been entered. Type: Displays the Appointment Type, e.g. New Patient Account Type: Displays the patient's account type, as selected in the patient's demographic window. Invoice: Displays what item is to be charged, or what fee has been charged. Arr: Timed the patient was put into the waiting room. Wait: Displays how long the patient has been waiting (see Appointment Preferences). Room: Displays which hospital they are booked into for Theatre, or which room they are currently in at the surgery, as specified in Appts > Edit Rooms. Created: Date the appointment was created By: Displays which user originally created the appointment. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 97 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Toggling the View When you are in a view showing just the Appointment Names you can quickly view the Appointment Notes by clicking the Toggle is Ctrl-Y. button. Clicking it again will restore the Appointment Names. The shortcut for this button Appointment Book Icons The Appointment Book Icons allow you to perform a number of functions directly from the Appointment Book. The icons are displayed at the far left hand side of the Genie Window by default. The icons can be moved to the top of the Appointment Book by clicking on today's date. 98 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Adjusting Column Widths The slider at the bottom of the bank of buttons on the left of the screen is used to adjust various column sizes, depending on which view you are in. Providers View - All: Each provider’s column is resized. Dates and Rooms Views: Each date or room column is resized. Providers View - Individual: The slider bar is not present because each column can be adjusted individually by using the Modify Appointment Columns option obtained by right clicking anywhere on the appointment page. You can then type the width you require by slow double clicking in the width cell for that column. The measurement is in pixels so just increase/decrease until you get the width you require on screen. Note: These preferences are unique to each machine on the network. Adjusting Column Order Column order can be changed by selecting Appts > Appt Preferences... and clicking the Column Order & Rooms tab. The Providers names will appear on the appointment book by dragging accordingly. The top person will be first column etc. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 99 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Changing Fonts, Font Sizes and Row Heights If the default font and row heights are too large or small, they can be changed to suit your own machine or eyesight. These can be done through Appts > Appt Preferences... In general, the easiest-to-read onscreen font for Macintosh is “Geneva”, and for Windows “Arial”. Navigation Palette You have the choice of having the navigation palette either at the bottom or right of your screen through your User Preferences , File > User Preferences. This will keep track of all the windows you have open in Genie and alert you to any outstanding Tasks, Results etc. Appointment Status Each appointment has its own status. In waiting room 100 In with Doctor © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Pa tie nt Ap poi nt m en t Genie Manual Ready to Invoice The Reception Module: Appointments Invoiced No npa tie nt Ap poi nt m en t Waiting for Cancellation The Status of an appointment is initially assigned when the appointment is made i.e. it will either be a 'Patient Appointment' or a 'Non-patient Appointment', depending on whether or not a matching patient record has been found and linked to the appointment. The Status of an appointment is reflected in the colour of the text rather than the background colour. For example the default colour for a Patient appointment is Black, a non-patient appointment is Brown. When the patient is added to the Waiting Room by clicking on the Coffee Cup automatically changed to 'In Waiting Room'. icon, the status is The seven status items which are installed with Genie are used by the program for various tasks, and therefore cannot be deleted. You can modify the original seven’s colours, and add or delete any new items you wish by selecting 'Modify' in the Status popup menu. This window behaves in the same way as the Type window (see Appointment Types). Appointment Types The Type of appointment can be used to change the background colour of the appointment to distinguish it at a glance from other appointments. It can also be used to automatically assign multiple slots for a particular type of appointment. Commonly used types might be 'New Patient', 'Follow Up', 'Post Op', 'Theatre', etc. To Set-Up You can add, delete and modify different Types by selecting 'Modify' in the Type popup menu. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 101 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments This will open the window shown here: To set the background colour for a particular Type, select the Type from the list on the left, then click on the coloured bar containing the Type name on the right. Use the Delete and Add Type buttons to delete or add a new Type. Tip: Create a Type called 'Clear' and set the background colour to White. You can then use this type to 'Un-Type' an appointment. You can specify how many slots you want the Type to fill if it is applied to a patient appointment. e.g. New Patients take 30 mins, which is 2 slots (if your appointment intervals are set to 15mins). If you set up a Type called exactly 'No Appointments' then patients cannot be booked over this type. 102 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments If you set a Type called exactly 'Antenatal', and apply it to a patient appointment, the gestation displays in the appointment cell. Using Types Once you have set up your Types there are two ways to use them 1. To organise your patients 2. To organise your diary 1. To Organise your Patients You can organise your Patients using Types so at a glance you can see which Patients are, New, for Follow-up, Theatere, etc., just by the background colour of the cell. Using Types will also block off the specified number of cells (see Appointment Type Set Up) of a Patient appointment. To allocate a Type to a Patient appointment, highlight the required appointment, then select the Type from the Type drop down menu. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 103 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments This will block off the nominated number of cells (provided these cells are available below the appointment), and changes the background colour of the appointment. An Appointment Type report can be generated through Appts > Appts Type Report. This will show how many patients of each Type have been booked in a given time period. It will also report on Non Patient Appointment Types in the Non-Patient Appointments tab. 2. To Organise your Diary Types can also be used to organise times of unavailability or to block off Theatre times for patients to be booked into. For example, let's say the Doctor operates on Mondays from 1pm to 5pm. Highlight the cells from 1pm to 5pm and select the Type you have set up from the Type menu, e.g Mater OT (Figure 1). This will change the colour of these cells and patients can be booked in these time slots with the colour remaining (Figure 2). Figure 1 Figure 2 You can also group and ungroup this time block as desired by using the Grouping 104 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd button. Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments This time block can then be set up to repeat every Monday (see Repeating Appointments). Repeating Appointments Appointments can be made to repeat either individually or as a block by highlighting the appointment/s to repeat, and then clicking on the Repeating Appointment button . This will display the window below: Select the desired repeating interval from the popup menu, and enter the number of times you want the appointment to repeat in the field provided, then click the Save button. Rules: 1). Patient appointments are never overwritten by a repeating non-patient appointment. 2). Non-patient appointments are always overwritten by another repeating non-patient appointment. 3). If two patient appointments are conflicting, you will be asked if you want to: 'Skip', 'Skip All', 'Replace' or 'Replace All'. 'Skip' leaves the existing appointment alone. 'Replace' will replace the existing appointment. 'Skip All' will leave all future patient appointments untouched. 'Replace All' will replace ALL future conflicting patient appointments. Example: You have a breakfast meeting on the first Monday of each month. 1. Create a Type (if not already done) called Breakfast Meeting, and go to the date of the next meeting and highlight the appointments slots required. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 105 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments 2. Go to the Type drop down menu and select 'B'fast Meeting'. This will automatically mark the selected cells as that Type. 3. With the cells still highlighted, click on the repeating button. Select Every 4 Weeks from the popup menu, and enter 12 to make this appointment repeat for the next year. Deleting Repeating Appointments To delete a repeating appointment: 1. Highlight the appointment/s and click on the Repeating Appointment button. 2. Set the Repeat Interval to None, and then click Save. This will delete all future instances of the Repeating appointment. 3. Click on the Delete button to delete the current instance. Printing Appointment Page The Appointment page can be printed in two formats: 1. Printing appointments for all doctors 2. Printing appointments for an individual doctor Printing Appointments for all Doctors 1. Select the day in the appointment book that you wish to print the appointment list for 2. Select the All Tab 106 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments 3. To adjust the size of print out, and whether to print blank appointment cells, go to Appointment > Preferences For more information, see Appointment Preferences 4. Click on the Printer icon from the appointment page Printing Appointments for an Individual Doctor 1. Select the day in the appointment book that you wish to print the appointment list for 2. Select the Individual Doctor Tab 3. Go to Appointment > Preferences and click Modify Columns Tick the columns of the appointment book that you wish to print in the Print column, and click OK. This window also allows you to specify which columns are on view in for that individual doctor's appointment view. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 107 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments 4. Click on the Printer icon from the appointment page Linking a Procedure to an Appointment This can be used for booking Patients into surgery and printing Theatre lists. A procedure can be linked to a patient's appointment in two ways. 1. If the procedure is created via the appointment book 2. If the procedure is created in the patient's clinical record. Appointment book 1. Highlight the patients name on the appointment book, and click on the Procedures icon 108 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments 2. This will open up a Procedures window. 3. Complete all the necessary details and when finished, click OK. 4. This will result in the procedure being linked to the appointment selected. Clinical Record If the Doctor creates a Procedure for a patient via their clinical record, but doesn't know when the patient is available to have the procedure, they should tick the box called 'Needs an Appointment', and the OK button will turn to Appointment Pending. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 109 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments This way the Procedure remains 'Pending' until it is linked to an appointment using the Procedures button on the Appointment page. If the patient has more than one Pending Procedure, you will be able to select the appropriate procedure when linking to an appointment Deleting an Appointment with an Attached Procedure If you delete an appointment that has an attached procedure, Genie will prompt you as to whether you wish to keep this procedure. You will also be prompted as to whether the procedure is completed or if you would like it to go on the list of pending procedures. This would be used for circumstances where people cancel surgery with the intention of rebooking when a more appropriate time is organised. 110 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Cancellation List The cancellation list allows you to place patients on a list who request an appointment with a specific doctor, but are unable to get an appointment straight away. To place patient's on the cancellation list, you need to firstly set this up in your appointment preferences, Appts > Preferences. Make sure that you have Check for Cancellations when Deleting ticked. To Use Waiting for Cancellation 1. When a patient phones for an appointment, and can't get one on the required day, book them in for a future appointment. 2. Make this patient's appointment Status 'waiting for cancellation' 3. The next time you delete a patient appointment you will be provided with the following prompt: 4. Select the patient from the above list that you wish to book into the freed appointment, and click Insert. 5. This will insert the selected patient into the nominated appointment slot. You can keep their future appointment also by ticking Keep This Appointment Also. To view the cancellation list at any time go to Appts > Waiting for Cancellation. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 111 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Appointment Reminders You can send patients an appointment reminder by mail, email or SMS. To send a reminder via mail, you can set up a template reflecting the appointment information (see Merged Letter Templates for information on setting this up). Once you have an appointment reminder letter set up you would need to select each patient individually from the appointment book and click the Merged Letter Template icon. You would then select your appointment reminder letter and print it for each person. This is a little tedious if you are wanting to send bulk reminders, so you may want to opt for SMS or email reminders. If sending an email, the patient needs to have their email address entered into their demographics. Similarly, they will need a mobile number entered if sending them a SMS. Genie Two-Way SMS The major advantage of this method over using another third party carrier, is that your patients’ SMS replies are automatically collected and displayed in your appointments book, without any intervention on your part. This should prove to be a huge time-saver for reception staff, since they will no longer have to make, or answer, any telephone calls regarding appointment reminders. Setup To use Genie’s SMS system, you need to pre-purchase SMS credits. There is a sliding scale of costs depending on volume purchased: Cost Schedule: (Minimum Quantity: 500) 500+ 22 cents per message 1000+ 20 cents per message 2500+ 18 cents per message * Please note that these are interim prices until a final agreement has been reached with our suppliers. These prices may change in the future. You can purchase SMS by the following methods: Select Special > Purchase SMS Credits. This will open up a web browser and allow you to securely purchase your messages online Select Appts > Genie Two-Way SMS and click on Purchase Msgs button. This will open up a web browser and allow you to securely purchase your messages online. If there is a provider in your practice that does not wish for any of their patients to receive SMS reminders then you can mark them as Don't send SMS reminders for my appointments in their User Preferences, General Tab. Before you first start sending, you will need to go to Appts > Genie Two-Way SMS and click the Setup button 112 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments to open the window below: At the top of this window you can create the message you wish to send. Use the Name Format popup to specify how the provider’s name should appear e.g. Dr Izzy Better, Dr Better, Izzy etc. Use the Date Format to specify how the appointment date should appear. As you make these changes, the sample message in blue will be updated below. The number of characters in the sample message is also shown. Note: If your message is greater than 160 characters, it will be truncated, meaning the remainder of the message will not be sent, so it is important to keep the message within the 160 character limit. Remember to take into account the number of characters in the longest provider’s name, if you are in a multi-doctor practice. Next, you can specify whether you want reminders to be sent for just consultations, just procedures, or both. If you tick the checkbox named Check for replies every hour, Genie will automatically check for replies every hour after sending, as long as you do not quit out of Genie on this machine. Finally, you can automate the entire sending and receiving of replies. Only one computer on the network can be designated to perform the sending and retrieving of messages. By default this will be the computer you are currently working on. However, you can change it to another computer on the network if you wish, by selecting it from the popup menu. IMPORTANT NOTE: Although the name of your server machine may appear in this popup, you cannot use the server to send and receive messages. You must select a client machine. When sending SMS messages automatically you can choose to either send a reminder for all appointments for the following day, or you can send reminders in the afternoon for appointments due the following morning, and send reminders in the morning for all appointments due the same afternoon. If you select the latter option, Genie will assign a random time at which they will be sent. You can change this time to something else if you wish, but please avoid sending on the hour or half-hour, otherwise we may end up with hundreds of hits on our server at 5:00PM. This isn’t a major problem, however it may cause delays in sending the messages on. You must also specify the time of your first afternoon appointment, so that Genie knows which messages to send in the morning of the same day, and which to send the afternoon before. Send Monday's Messages on Friday will ensure that messages for Monday are sent on a Friday, avoiding having to leave your computer on to send messages over the weekend. Once you have finished setting up, click the OK button to save your settings. Sending and Receiving Manually © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 113 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments To manually send SMS messages you will need to go to the day of appointments you wish to send messages for and then go to Appts > Genie Two-Way SMS. This window will display all the patients with appointments for the day displayed. If you are in Today’s appointments, then only those patients with an appointment after the current time are displayed. Note that patients can be marked as “No SMS” in their demographic window. In the top right corner of the SMS window, the Show Remaining Msgs button, when clicked, will display in red how many pre-purchased SMS messages you have remaining. Purchase Msgs will allow you to purchase SMS credits online. This function is not yet available so instead downloads the PDF fax form. The Monthly Report and Daily Report buttons will show the date and time at which our server received the messages from you; the date, time and detail of the messages that were sent to the patient’s mobile; and the date, time and detail of the reply received from the patient. Once you have ticked/unticked the people you would like to send a message to click the Send button. In the individual provider’s appointment book display there is a column named Confirmed. You can move this column anywhere you like so that it can be viewed more easily. To do this, open Appts > Appt Preferences and click the Modify Columns button, then drag and drop the Confirmed column to the position you want e.g as shown below: You can adjust the width of the column by changing the number in the Width column. 114 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments After the SMS reminders have been sent, the Confirmed column will display “Awaiting Reply”, as shown below. If you have selected the automatic checking option in Setup, then Genie will check for replies 10 minutes and 1 hour after sending the message. You don’t have to do anything. If the patients have sent replies then they will just automatically appear in the Confirmed column. To manually check for replies, you can go to Appts > Get SMS Replies OR Appts > Genie Two-Way SMS, click the Receive tab and then click the Get Replies button. Note: Our beta-testing suggests that 50% of patients who receive a reminder, will send a reply. Of these, 50% reply within 3.5 minutes, and 95% have replied within one hour. Your practice manager may want to do a manual receive first thing in the morning to catch the remaining 5%. Note: If you send two reminders to the same mobile phone number e.g. for a mother and child who both have an appointment then, depending on the order in which she replies, the two appointments may get the answers swapped around. If the replies for both are the same, there’s no problem, but if she cancels the child’s appointment, but confirms her own, then it may appear around the wrong way, so this should be borne in mind. Sending a Single SMS Message You can also send just a single message to any patient by right-clicking on their appointment and choosing SMS. This will create the standard appointment reminder message, but you can overwrite this with any message you like: If the patient replies to this message, this will also display in the Confirmed column of the appointment book. Toggle SMS Replies If you have the All tab selected in the appointments book, i.e. you are viewing all providers’ appointments, you can select the Appts > Toggle SMS Replies menu item to replace the patients’ names with any replies recorded. Select it again, or click the TODAY button to toggle back. TROUBLE-SHOOTING In order to use Genie’s SMS system, you must be able to send webservices messages to our server. If you can view the Software Updates window in the Special menu then you’re ready to go. If you cannot view the Software Updates window, then the most likely reason is that you are running a proxy server. You should contact your network administrator and ask them to open Port 8080 so that you are able to connect to “”. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 115 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Appointments Email Reminders You will need to set up your Genie Email Module if you want to send email reminders or SMS reminders via a third party carrier. If you wish to send Email Reminders to patients go to Appts > Email Reminders to open the following window: This window will only mark those patients with an email address in their demographics, and who haven’t already received an SMS reminder. The reason for this is that, if you send both an email and SMS reminder, then the patient may choose to reply to the email, and ignore the SMS, in which case you will lose the automated benefit of an SMS Reply. For this reason also, it is important that you send any SMS reminders before sending email reminders, because Genie can tell if an SMS reminder has been sent, but is unable to tell if an email reminder has been sent. Even if you aren’t using SMS Reminders, you can still use the Confirmed column in the appointments book. You can type directly into it, or right-click and select Mark as Confirmed. 5.2 Theatre Lists There are two important factors to consider when printing a Theatre list: 1. You need to have 'Rooms' set up in Genie 2. You need to have entered in a Room (hospital) into the Procedure window. 116 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.2.1 The Reception Module: Theatre Lists Set Up Setting Up Rooms Rooms are essentially all the Hospitals/Day Surgeries that your Doctors may operate at. These can be added via Appts > Appt Preferences > Column Order and Rooms To add a room, click on the Blue Plus button. To delete a room, click on the garbage can. You can drag rooms up and down the list to change the column order of the rooms in the appointment book. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 117 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Theatre Lists Bookings for these hospitals can be viewed on the Appointment book via the Hospital view. Note: The 'Hospital' view just filters out the appointments that don't have a procedure attached, or don't have a room specified, in the procedures window. It is not an independent appointment page. Any appointments booked in this view will also show in the Provider and Dates view. Selecting a Room (Hospital) in the Procedures Window A patient will only appear on the Theatre list if the hospital is specified in the Details tab of the Procedures window, which is then linked to that appointment. 5.2.2 Printing a Theatre List To print a Theatre list, you need to go to the day of the surgery in the Appointments book and select Appts > Print Theatre List. 118 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Theatre Lists You can choose whether you want to print the whole Theatre list, or just a specific time period as highlighted in the appointment book. You can change the Start Time by entering the appropriate start time in this field. Select the Doctor and the Hospital as appropriate. Print Times will print the times of the procedures as specified by the slot they booked into in the appointment book Print Number will print the order number next to the procedure Print Nothing will just print the procedures in order without times or an order number Print Item Numbers will print the item numbers listed in the quote section Referrer's Email will print the patient's referring doctor's email address Referrer's Fax, as above but for Fax number Consent Status will print that Consent has been signed or not as determined by the tick box in the Preop tab of the Procedure window Account Type will print if ticked, as specified in the patient's demographics Fasting Time as specified in the Details tab of the Procedure window Mark as Final will put FINAL on the theatre list, otherwise it will be marked as DRAFT Once you have done this, click the Print button and your Theatre list will be printed. If you would like to Email the Theatre list, you can click the Email button. This will email the list in plain text provided you have the Email module set up in Genie and your hospital listed in Open > Address Book with an email address. If you want to send the email as an attachment you will need to save it as a PDF and attach it to an email. Note: If the printed Theatre list is incorrect, then you have probably failed to select a hospital for the procedure in the Procedure record. Or, you haven't actually linked a procedure to the appointment yet. 5.2.3 Preop Notifications Check You can do a quick check the day before a theatre list to make sure that Hospitals and Assistants have been notified. Select Appointments > Pre-op Notifications Check © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 119 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Theatre Lists The window below will open displaying a quick summary of items to check for each procedure. For more information, please see the Procedures chapter. 5.3 Labels Labels can be printed from many sections within Genie, including the patient list, account holder and address book by clicking on the Label icon. When you have a record highlighted (i.e. patient name or account holder) and click the Label icon, a drop down menu appears with the option of 'Built in Labels' and if there are label templates imported into the Label folder, these will also appear in the drop down menu. You can use Genie's Built-in Labels for Avery 7 x 2 or Dymo Labels. 5.3.1 Built in Labels Select the type of label you want from the drop down list at the top of this window (e.g. Specialist Chart). There are a variety of options, so print each and decide which is best suited. Select whether you are using Avery or Dymo labels. If you are printing Dymo labels, select the Dymo Label Printer for labels in your Printing Preferences (File > Printing Preferences). Select how many labels you would like to print (any number between 1 and 14) and for Avery label's select your starting label from the template shown at the left. For Dymo labels, you will also need to select the correct label size from the Select size... drop down menu. 120 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Labels If you find that your labels are printing outside of the margins use the Edit Template button to adjust them accordingly. If you need to adjust the entire label template you can do this by clicking on the Edit Template button, and expanding the window to full view. Drag the mouse over the whole page, releasing the mouse once you have covered the page. The invisible references will now be visible. You can nudge all fields left, right, up and down by hitting the arrow keys on your keyboard. You can save these changes by clicking the Disk icon and closing out of this Edit Template window. Click the Print button. Display in list will put the selected label in the label pop down menu so that this screen can be bypassed in future. Bear in mind you will not be able to select starting label or number of labels if you print straight from the label icon. Note: The label editor facility available in previous versions of Genie is no longer available, nor is it supported. 5.4 Invoicing Genie allows you to invoice and receipt patients and organisations. Invoices can either be regular invoices or batched invoices. Batched invoices are used for bulk-billed Medicare and DVA claims. You can also batch invoices to other organisations e. g. private health funds. 5.4.1 Account Holders Before a patient or an organisation can be invoiced, they must have a record in the Account Holders table. You assign the Account Holder for a patient from the patient’s Demographic Window/Edit Patient. Clicking on the Self radio button in the middle left of this screen makes the patient their own account holder, and creates a new record in the Account Holders table. Clicking the Other button allows you to make another patient the Account Holder for this patient. This would usually be the parent or guardian of the patient. You must have already created a patient record for the parent or guardian and assigned them to be their own Account Holder. IMPORTANT: THE ACCOUNT HOLDER FOR A PATIENT MUST BE ANOTHER HUMAN BEING. YOU MUST NOT MAKE AN ORGANISATION THE ACCOUNT HOLDER EVEN IF THE PATIENT IS A DVA OR WORKCOVER PATIENT. The majority of specialists would usually have all their patients marked as Self. GPs who are seeing the whole © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 121 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing family would probably use the Other button to assign the head of the family to be the Account Holder. This will allow any changes made to the Head of Family record to be replicated to other family members, using the Update Family Button. For Pediatricians and one-off child visits there is no need to create a patient record for the head of the family. In this case, click on the Self radio button to make the child their own Account Holder. Then click on the Account Holder’s address window. This opens the Account Holders record. In this window you can change the first name of the child to the parent/guardian name. This is the name and address which will print on invoices and statements. So although the child is marked as their own Account Holder, when you print invoices they will be addressed to the head of the family. The Account Holder record contains the name and address of the Account Holder, as well as the Medicare number and account balance. 5.4.2 Account Holders for Organisations Before you can invoice an organisation such as Workcover, an Employer or a Private Health Fund, you must first create an Account Holder record for them. To do this select Open > Account Holders. 122 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing The list of Account Holders opens. Click on the Add button (Blue Plus) to create a new record. If you want to batch the invoices for this organisation, tick the Batch Process Invoices checkbox. Batch processing means that instead of sending an individual invoice for each patient contact, the invoices are stored and printed as a batch perhaps weekly or monthly. The printed batch is a listing of all the invoices stored and can be forwarded with or without the individual invoices attached, depending on the organisations requirements. See the section on Batching later in this Chapter. In summary: Patient Account Holders are assigned from the patient’s Demographic/Edit Patient window. Other organisations are added from the Account Holders table (Open > Account Holders). 5.4.3 Medicare and DVA Account Holder Records The Account Holder records for Medicare and DVA are special cases. They should already be present in the Account Holders table. The naming of these records is important. They must be named exactly 'Medicare' and 'Dept of Veterans Affairs' respectively. Note that there is no point after 'Dept' and no apostrophe in 'Veterans'. When Genie is launched it searches for these 2 records and stores their unique Account ID numbers in Practice Preferences (File > Practice Preferences), as shown below. Note: You must not change the names of these two records, nor create new Account Holder records with the same name. Whenever you send an invoice to either of these records they are automatically batched and a DB4 form is printed instead of an ordinary invoice. This is provided that you have them ticked in Printing Preferences (File > © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 123 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Printing Preferences). If you want to send an ordinary invoice to the Dept of Veterans Affairs, you must create a new Account Holder record and name it anything BUT 'Dept of Veterans Affairs' (e.g. DVA Reports). When you want to invoice to this account, click the Other button in the Invoice window and search for this record (see Invoicing an Organisation for more information). 5.4.4 Setting/Increasing Private Fees To set or increase private fees or any custom fees you may have added through Billing > Edit Account Types, use the Increase Fees button in Open > Billing Items. This will change the specified fee for all items on display. To restrict the list to certain item numbers, highlight the required items and select Records > Use Selected. Increase Fees allows you to increase the fee by a percent or an amount above what it is currently set, OR above the AMA or MBS schedule fee. To set it to a percentage or amount below put a minus sign (-) in front of the figure. You can also set the rounding of the fee in cents. If the OK button is greyed out, it is because you either haven't selected a fee to change from the drop down menu at the top or a radio button to specify how you would like the fee to be changed. Importing the AMA Schedule Note: You must visit the AMA website and download and save the AMA fee schedule (in a .csv file format) before you can import these fees into Genie. Genie is not allowed to distribute the Schedule because the AMA wants to limit access to just AMA members. Once you've saved the AMA fee schedule, you can import it from the Billing Items window (Open > Billing Items). Select Import AMA Schedule from the Import Fee Schedules drop down list. You will be asked to select the text file to import. Click Okay and navigate to the .csv file you previously saved. Once you have selected this, click Open and the AMA Schedule will be imported into Genie. 124 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Adding Non MBS Items If you need to add items that are not part of the Medicare Benefits Schedule that you may charge companies for eg. Medical Reports then this can be done through Open > Billing Items by clicking on the Blue Plus button. Enter in a code, brief description, and any fees. You can specify to apply GST by ticking the GST applies to this item tickbox, this will then produce another tickbox specifying whether the fees entered include GST or not. 5.4.5 Updating Medicare/DVA Fees To update the Medicare and DVA fees on 1 November and 1 May, go to Special > Software Updates on any client machine and click the Check Now button in the window that appears. Click on the Fee Schedules tab. Tick the Medicare Schedule and if you are a specialist practice also tick the DVA Specialist Schedule (the DVA schedule is included in the Medicare Schedule for GPs). Click the Install x Items button and the fees will be updated across the network, ready for use immediately. Note: As stated, the fees will update immediately so only perform the update on the date the fees are effective from. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 125 Genie Manual 5.4.6 The Reception Module: Invoicing Creating an Invoice Invoices can be created from several places: 1. The Appointments Book 2. The Patients List 3. The Account Holders List 4. From within a Procedure record (based on the quote). Creating an Invoice from the Appointments Book Click on the Appointment of the patient to be invoiced. Then either select Billing > Invoice or click on the Invoice appointment and select Invoice from the drop down menu. button (the dollar sign) or right click on the The Invoice window will open as shown below. Across the top right of this screen are 6 buttons which determine who this invoice is to be sent to i. e. which person or organisation is going to be responsible for payment. The Account Type you have set for the patient, in the patient's demographics window, determines which of these is set by default. The keyboard shortcuts for these buttons are Ctrl +1-6. You can however over-ride these as a one-off (e. g. bulk-billing a usually private patient). If the patient has an Account Type of Private, then the Self button will be automatically selected and the Account Holder for the patient will be displayed. If the patient has an Account Type of Bulk Bill then the Bulk Bill button will be selected and Medicare will be designated as the Account Holder responsible for this invoice. If the patient has an Account Type of Veterans Affairs then the DVA button will be selected and the Dept of Veterans Affairs will be designated as the Account Holder responsible for this invoice. If the account is directed to DVA and the the number of kilometres travelled is specified, a further option is available to specify the Treatment Location. There will be a choice of 'Hospital' or 'Home' if there is a value in 'Distance Travelled' and the Account Type is DVA. Note: When Bulk Bill or DVA are selected, Genie uses the Medicare and Dept of Veterans Affairs accounts as described above. Any invoices to either of these accounts is automatically treated as a 'Bulk Bill' contact, meaning that a DB4 form will be printed for DVA, and a Bulk-Bill assignment form for Medicare, assuming you are electronically transmitting. If you are not transmitting electronically then Medicare does not allow you to print a DB4 form. You must use the manual vouchers. The Workcover, Other and Health Fund button will need to be selected manually accordingly. If billing to a Health Fund, there needs to be a corresponding Account Holder. If you attempt to bill a Health Fund without a corresponding Account Holder record, you will be asked if you would like to add one. 126 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Alternatively, an Account Holder record can be created or attached to a Health Fund via Open > Billing Items and clicking on the Health Funds button. Double click on the Health Fund of interest and click on the magnifying glass beside 'Account Holder'. This will then allow you to search for the corresponding Account Holder or create a new one for that Health Fund. 5.4.7 Invoicing an Organisation If you want to send an ordinary invoice to DVA, or another organisation e.g. an Insurance Company, click on the Other Button. You will be asked to search for the Account Holder to whom you want to send this invoice. Enter the first few letters of the Account Holders name and click OK. If you click the Health fund button it skips the above step and makes the account out to the health fund as selected in the patients demographic screen provided there is an account holder record for it. If a matching record is not found for either of the scenarios above, you will be asked if you want to add a new Account Holder record. Once the correct Account Holder is selected, proceed to Adding Items to an Invoice. If you are wanting to invoice an organisation in relation to something that does not involve a particular patient then this can be done through Open > Account Holders. Search for the organisation you wish to bill, highlight the organisation and select Billing > Invoice. You will be presented with a simplistic version of an invoice that you can then add items to. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 127 Genie Manual 5.4.8 The Reception Module: Invoicing Invoicing Workcover There are 2 ways of invoicing Workcover. 1. Using the 'Other' button When you add the item to the invoice you can manually enter the Claim Number into the Notes field. Alternatively, you can create a Current Problem record (by clicking on the Blue Plus) in the patient’s clinical record and enter the claim Number in the Notes field of the Current Problem record, as shown below. 128 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing When you add the item to the invoice, click on the Paperclip icon to the right of the Notes field. This will display a list of all the Current Problems for the patient, from which you can select the relevant problem for this visit. This will automatically insert the problem and the Claim Number in the Notes field of the item. 2. Using the Workcover button Note: An employer MUST be added for this method to work. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 129 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing This is done from within the patient’s Demographic/Edit Patient window. Click on the Blue Plus to search the Employers table. If a matching record for the Employer is not found you will be asked if you want to create a new Employer record. 130 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Click OK and a new Employer record will be created as shown below. Fill in the Employers details. If you plan to invoice the actual Employer at any stage, click on the Add to Account Holders button to automatically create a record in the Account Holders table. If an Account isn't created for the Employer, the Employer's details will still be held in the Employers table (Open > Employers). You then need to assign the Insurer for this employer, if known. Click on the Select Insurer button. This allows you to search the Account Holders table for the organisation providing Workcover insurance to this employer. If no matching record is found you will be asked if you want to create an Account Holder record for the insurer. Once you have assigned the insurer, save the Employers record. The next time you see an employee of this organisation all you will have to do is assign the Employer to the patient. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 131 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Next, you need to create a Workcover claim in the patient’s clinical record. This is done using the Claims button on the Employers tab. Claims can also be added in the clinical file by the Doctor, through the Tools menu. or Click Add and a new claim window will open as shown below. Enter the Date and Time, the Injury and Cause and the Claim Number if known. If an Employer has not already been assigned to the patient, you can do this from this window by clicking on the Select Employer button. Note: You cannot save this record until an Employer has been selected. Once you have assigned an Employer and created a claim, you can click on the Workcover button in the new invoice window. You will be asked to select the injury to which this invoice relates, in case the patient has several claims in process. 5.4.9 Adding Items to an Invoice Once you have determined which patient or organisation is going to be responsible for the invoice, you can add the item/s to it. If the invoice has been created from the Appointments Book, and the doctor has specified the item numbers to charge (see Specifying a Fee to Charge), then there will be item/s and messages listed in the Item/s to Charge box at top right of the invoice screen. 132 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing If any of these items do not need to be added to the invoice, for whatever reason, then they must be removed from this box by double clicking on them before clicking the Add Item to Invoice button. When you click the Add Item to Invoice button you may be prompted regarding Inpatient or Outpatient services, if this is not relevant then it can be turned off in the doctor's User Preferences by ticking the 'I do not bill inpatient services through the appointment book' in the Clinical tab. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 133 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing The fee that is entered is in accordance with the Account Type specified in the patients demographics window. If it needs to be changed for any reason then you can simply click into the fee field and change it. In this example we would change the ECG fee to be the rebate amount as specified in the message in red. If you do not know the fee, then you can double click on the item which will bring up the item window with all the fees listed at right. If you need to add another item other than those specified in the Item/s to Charge box or the doctor has not specified the item/s to charge, then click the Add Item to Invoice button to open a new item window like the above. Enter the item number and press the TAB key. Genie will insert the appropriate fee for the Account Type of the patient, depending on what is specified in the patient's demographics, i.e. Private, AMA, Schedule etc. If this is not the fee you wish to charge this time then simply click on the word of the fee you wish to charge on the right hand side. eg. if you had a Private patient that you wanted to charge rebate fee as a one off, click on the word Rebate on the right and it would put the rebate fee in the Amount field. If any items requires the No. of Patients Seen to be entered, like home/hospital visits, then you can enter this in the field to the right of the item number. Similarly, if the item requires multiple quantities, these can be entered in the Quantity field which prevents you from having to enter the same item number multiple times. Note: when using Quantities, the Amount field will still display the amount per item not the total amount for all quantities. 134 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Once you are done, click the Save button to add this item/s to the invoice. Inserting Private Fees on the Fly When you first start using Genie, the items in the Billing Items table will only have the Medicare Schedule and Rebate fees filled in. You can open the Billing Items table (Open > Billing Items) and insert your own private fees/descriptions at any time, however you can also do this on the fly as you are creating invoices. In the new item window note that the various fees are displayed on the right-hand side of this window. You can click into these fields and enter your usual Private Fees. These will be saved so that the next time you invoice this item the appropriate fee will be automatically inserted. Similarly, you can change the text in the Description field either permanently, by editing as appropriate and saving the invoice or just for this item by ticking the Description for this Invoice item ONLY. Note: If you cancel the invoice, none of the above changes will be saved. 5.4.10 Other Item Information You may sometimes need to modify or include extra information for the item. If the patient has a valid Private Health Fund, the Use Private Fund Schedule tick box will be enabled. Clicking on this tickbox will insert the fund's fee for this particular item. Service Date If you are invoicing for a service which occurred on a different day, you should change the Service Date to the correct date. Service Time The Service Time is automatically taken from the Appointment time. If the Service Time is significantly different and it is important that it be recorded correctly (e.g. for a second visit on the same day), then you may want to change the time of the service. If the service was an inpatient service then the Inpatient Services checkbox should be ticked. This will change the rebate and gap amount to reflect the 75% Schedule Inpatient Rebate. Notes The Notes field prints on invoices and DB4 claim forms, and is transmitted through HIC Online. The most common use for this field is to enter Workcover claim numbers, second visit on same day details, Inpatient details and an operative assistant's name and provider number, as well as noting whether the item is 'not normal aftercare'. Time Spent The Time Spent field does not have to be completed unless you have a specific need to record this. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 135 Genie Manual 5.4.11 The Reception Module: Invoicing HIC Online Options If you are using HIC Online then some or all of the options shown below may also be visible in the new item window. These should all be self-explanatory, however you need to mark them as appropriate otherwise your claims may be rejected (see Using HIC Online chapter for more information). 5.4.12 Searching the Fee Schedule If you are unsure of what item number to charge, you can search the Billing Items table (Open > Billing Items) for an appropriate item number by clicking on the Search Fee Schedule button at the bottom of the new item window. This will open a Search window allowing you to search on either the item number or the description. For example, you want to invoice for a colonoscopy but you can't remember the exact item number but you know that it starts with "3209". You can enter this in the Item field of the Search window and this will find all items beginning with "3209". If you have no idea what the item number is, then you can search for a word that you think will be in the description, in this case,“colonoscopy ”. If you just enter “colonoscopy” into the Description field then Genie will search the Billing Items table for a record whose Description field starts with “colonoscopy”. It is unlikely to find anything. Instead, we could use the wildcard character, "@", before "colonoscopy". During a search the wildcard character can represent one or many characters. By searching for "@colonoscopy" Genie will find any record with "colonoscopy" anywhere in its description. 136 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing In this particular case it finds ten matching records. Select the item you want to invoice and click the OK button. The selected Item Number will be inserted into the Item field of the new item window. 5.4.13 Selecting the Practice Genie allows you to invoice from multiple practices by allowing multiple Practice Preferences each with their own address and letterhead (see Practice Preferences). If you bill from multiple practices then after adding items to an invoice you should select the appropriate practice from the Practice popup menu which appears in the middle of the invoice window. This will insert the appropriate practice letterhead on the invoice. If you only have one Practice Preference record then you can ignore this popup. 5.4.14 Selecting the Site of Service Below the Practice popup menu is the Practice Site menu. This menu is unique to each provider in a practice. It is built from the practice sites specified in each provider's User Preferences (see The Practice Sites Window). It is used where a provider has two or more provider numbers for different practice sites. This menu has no effect on the letterhead printed on the invoice. It does however change the Site of Service and Provider Number printed on invoices and DB4's and on electronically transmitted claims. Normally you would only have multiple sites specified if you have a different Provider Number at each site. However, even if you have the same Provider number at different sites it can still be useful to distinguish between them so that you can see how much is actually earned at each site. It may not be worthwhile travelling to Woop Woop every Wednesday! This breakdown can be viewed in the Billing Vs Income Report in File > Maintenance & Reports > Practice Analysis (see Practice Analysis ). 5.4.15 Multiple Procedure & Diagnostic Rules Multiple Procedure Rules When Multiple Procedure items are added to an invoice, Genie allows you to apply the Multiple Procedure Rule (MPR) to the items. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 137 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Those items which are affected by the MPR should already be marked as such in the Billing Items table (Open > Billing Items), as shown below. The Multiple Procedure Rule Applies to This Item checkbox is automatically ticked when importing the Medicare Schedule. However, if it doesn’t seem to be working properly, then you should open the Item’s record (Open > Billing Items), by double clicking on the item and check that this checkbox is ticked. When invoicing procedures you should enter the full normal fee for each item. When the second procedural item has been added a new button will appear on the invoice screen, as shown below. You should continue adding all the items to the invoice. When you are finished, click on the Calculate Multiple Procedures button. Genie will work from the most expensive item down applying the multiple procedure rule, based on the Medicare Schedule Fee. The rule applies differently to GPs and Specialists, and sometimes Organisations. You can specify what MPR to apply when billing an Organisation, via the Account Holder record (Open > Account Holders). You can specify whether you are a GP or a Specialist in your User Preferences (see User Preferences). If the calculation isn't working correctly, then this is the most likely case. It doesn't matter in what order you enter the items. Genie will still work from the most expensive down. The important thing is that you enter all the items with their full fee to be charged before clicking the Calculate Multiple Procedures button. Note: If you are entering multiple procedural items which took place on different days on the one invoice, then Genie will calculate each day's items separately, so that there is no need to create a separate invoice for each day's items. Note: If there are items on the invoice for which the Multiple Procedure Rule applies, and you forget to press the Calculate Multiple Procedure button before trying to save or print the invoice, you will be presented with a reminder window which will allow you to go back and calculate the multiple procedure rule before saving the invoice. 138 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Diagnostic Rules If either the DIMSR or MVUSSR (diagnostic imaging and vascular ultrasounds) rule applies, a DIMSR or MVUSSR button will appear. Click this and the appropriate rule will be applied to the billing items. 5.4.16 Known Gap Amounts When doing surgery accounts and billing the Private Health Fund direct, you can apply a fixed gap amount by using the Use Known-Gap Schedule button. This will assign a fixed Gap amount across the items on the invoice. Alternatively, you can charge your own private fee and Genie will calculate the Gap for you and display it in the Gap box. The Maximum Known Gap can be entered through Open > Billing Items in the Health Funds button. Double click on the health fund name: © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 139 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Enter the Max Known Gap and click OK. Note: The Max Known Gap will need to be obtained directly from the individual health funds, Genie Solutions does not have access to this information. 5.4.17 Assistant's Fees Include Assistant's Fee Genie allows you to add an assistant's fee to an invoice by clicking on the Include Assistant's Fee button. Provisos: At least one of the items on the invoice must include the text "(Assist)" in the Description field, or have 'Assistant Billable' ticked in the Billing Items record (Open > Billing Items). If you add your own item numbers which you want to attract an assistant's fee then you will need to tick Assistant Billable in the Billing Items record (Open > Billing Items). The assistant must have a record in your Address Book (see the Open Menu Chapter). When you click on the Include Assistant's Fee button you will be asked to find the provider in your Address Book. Enter the first few letters of the assistant's name, then press OK to search the Address Book and select the assistant. 140 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing Once you have selected the assistant, the window below will appear asking what fee you would like to insert for the assistant. The choices are, 1/5th of the surgeon's fee, the permissible Medicare Schedule Fee, or the permissible Private Fund Fee if the patient is privately insured, and you have imported the Fund's Schedule (see Importing Fund Schedules). Select the fee to charge and then click OK. Invoice as Assistant The Invoice as Asst. button allows you to create an invoice for when your doctor was an assistant for a procedure and does their own invoicing for this. Provisos: At least one of the items on the invoice must include the text "(Assist)" in the Description field, or have 'Assistant Billable' ticked in the Billing Items record (Open > Billing Items). If you add your own item numbers which you want to attract an assistant's fee then you will need to tick Assistant Billable in the Billing Items record (Open > Billing Items). The surgeon who performed the procedure must have a record in your Address Book (see the Open Menu Chapter). When you click on the Invoice as Asst. button you will be asked to search for the surgeon who performed the procedure in your Address book. Enter the first few letters of the surgeons name and press OK, to search the Address Book and select the surgeon. Once you have selected the Surgeon, the window below will appear asking what fee you would like to insert for the assistant's fee. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 141 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing The choices are the same as when Including an Assistants Fee (see Including Assistants Fee above). Select the fee to charge and click OK. You will notice that the procedure item number has been replaced in the invoice by either item number 51300 or 51303, depending on the fee of the procedure item number. The surgeons name will be inserted into the Notes field of the invoice, as well as the surgeons provider number (if entered in their Address Book entry) and the item number for the operation. 5.4.18 Invoice Memos Genie provides the ability to insert a memo at the bottom of printed invoices. You can have as many different memos as you like. The memo field is at the bottom left of the invoice window. When the invoice window is opened Genie automatically inserts the default memo. Unless you want a standard memo on every invoice, you should leave the Default Memo blank. 142 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing To add a new memo, go to File > Practice Preferences: Miscellaneous tab, click on the drop down menu at the bottom right of the window and select Add. Give the memo a name and enter the actual text in the Memo field. When you want to add this memo to an invoice, simply select it from the drop down menu at the bottom of the invoice window. To modify the wording of a memo, select it and simply change the wording in the memo field in the invoice window. When you TAB out of this field your change will be saved. Note: Whenever you delete or modify a memo in the invoice window, you must continue on and actually print the invoice, otherwise your changes won't be saved. This is because invoicing works within a transaction, which allows you to cancel the invoice at any time without any changes being saved. For this reason, you can also modify invoice memos from your Practice Preferences record (File > Practice Preferences) in the Miscellaneous tab, as shown below. Note: To delete a memo, hold down ALT key whilst selecting it from the menu. To reset the Default Memo to be blank, delete the memo text and continue on to print the invoice, or delete the text from Practice Preferences. 5.4.19 Checking Appointments Have Been Billed All patients that have been invoiced from the appointment page will change status to Invoiced (Blue) and will show a figure in the Invoiced column of the provider's tab. For a more reliable check, short of going into each patient's account history, go to the day in the appointment book that you would like to check and select Appts > Check Missing Invoices. 5.4.20 Invoicing from the Patient List If the patient to be invoiced doesn’t actually have an appointment, you would invoice them from the Patients list. Find and highlight the patient’s record, then select Billing > Invoice. This opens the usual invoice window. Click the Add Item button to open the new item window. In a multi-doctor practice, Genie won’t know who the Provider is, nor what the item to charge is, so these fields will be left blank. Until you specify the Provider, the Save button is disabled and you are unable to save the record. To select the provider, either click on the black arrow to display a menu of names, or use the Up and Down arrow keys. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 143 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Invoicing The names in this menu are those users who have the Show Me In The Billing Menu checkbox selected in their User Preferences (see User Preferences). Note: When you select a Provider, their default item number (as specified in their User Preferences) is inserted automatically, but can be overwritten if necessary. 5.4.21 Deferring Invoices Instead of immediately printing an invoice, it can be Deferred by clicking on the Defer button in the new invoice window. This will send the invoice to Unpaid Accounts. Unpaid Accounts can be found in File > Maintenance and Reports > Monthly Chores > Unpaid Invoices. Deferred invoices are printed individually only when you choose to print them. For example, imagine that you admit a patient to hospital on the 28th of the month and whom you discharge on the 4th of the following month. You raise an invoice for each daily visit. In this situation you can defer each invoice as its created. Then, when the patient is discharged, go to File > Maintenance & Reports > Monthly Chores and click on the Unpaid Accounts button, and print either a statement for the patient or each individual invoice. Deferred invoices can also be printed individually, using the Printer icon in the Patients Account History (Billing > Account History). 5.5 Receipting The following section describes how to receipt individual invoices for patients and Organisations. For information on receipting manual batches see Manual Batching. For how to receipt HIC Online claims, see Using HIC Online. 5.5.1 Receipting Directly from an Invoice After you have finished adding items to an invoice, you have the choice of printing the invoice, storing, deferring, or receipting it. The Payments field will already be highlighted as shown. If the patient is paying immediately simply start typing in the amount that they are paying in this field. Note: There is no need to click the cursor in this field as it is already highlighted. You also don't need to enter zero cent amounts i.e. if the patient is paying $72, just type "72". You don't need to type "72.00". 144 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Receipting Click the Receipt button. The Receipt window will open as shown. Genie will default to the receipt type based on whatever is selected in the Practice Preferences (File > Practice Preferences > Miscellaneous). The amount which is being paid will already be applied against the invoiced item. If the patient is paying by the default receipt type then you just have to click the Print button again to print the Invoice/Receipt. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 145 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Receipting If the patient is paying by some other means e.g. cheque, then click on the appropriate radio button e.g. a personal chq. The payment has now been moved to the Personal Chq field. Fill in the Cheque details. You don't have to enter the cheque number, however it will appear on your Bank Deposit slip if you do. You can also split the payment e.g. if the patient pays part in cash and part via EFTPOS. In this case just type the relevant amount into each field. Note: In this case you cannot click on the Radio buttons because these move the entire payment amount. Now click the Print button to print the Invoice/Receipt. Note: If you click the Cancel button at this stage, only the Receipt is cancelled. The Invoice has already been saved. Troubleshooting If the Print button is disabled there are two possible causes. The first is that you haven ’t assigned a Bank code to the receipt, in the top left corner of this window. Bank Accounts are created in the Bank Accounts table accessed via the Open>Bank Accounts menu. They can then be assigned as the default account for individual doctors in their User Preferences (see User Preferences). The second is that there is still money to be allocated as indicated in green near the Auto-Fill button. 5.5.2 Receipting an Existing Invoice for a Patient If the original invoice was billed directly to the patient, then you would normally receipt from the Patients list, unless the patient coincidentally had an appointment today as well in which case they can be receipted from the Appointments Book. You can also receipt directly from the Account History window. In either case find and highlight the patient then select Billing > Receipt to open the Receipt window. 146 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Receipting The Receipt window will open as above, listing all outstanding items for the patient. If the patient is paying for all of them at once then you can simply click on the Auto-Fill button to automatically allocate payments against each of the items. Otherwise, you will need to manually allocate each payment against the appropriate item by clicking in the Payment field. If the patient is making a part payment, you will need to slow click in the Payment field in order to enter in the payment amount. If you need to edit the fee amount of an invoice for some reason, you can do this by slow double-clicking in the Fee column. Alternatively you can double click on the invoice and open up the Edit item window. Note: when you receipt directly from an invoice, only the items on the invoice are displayed in the receipt window. If a patient is to be billed for a consultation today, but also wants to pay for a consultation from the previous week, you should either: Invoice and receipt them for today’s consultation and then receipt the previous week’s, or Invoice them for today’s consultation and save the invoice un-receipted, and then receipt today’s and the previous week’s with one receipt. If the account holder has been blacklisted, at the time of receipting a payment you will be given the opportunity to de-blacklist the account holder: © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 147 Genie Manual 5.5.3 The Reception Module: Receipting Paying the Gap If a patient only ever pays the Gap amount you can remind yourself of this by ticking the Pays Gap Only tickbox in the patients demographics, which then will be indicated in the invoice screen. However, Gap payments can still be allocated without this being ticked. Enter the Gap payment amount into the Payment field on the invoice and click the Receipt button. The Gap amount will be assigned for each item in the receipt window. If you need to force in a Gap Payment amount (e.g. receipting an existing invoice with multiple items for a patient) you can do this by holding the ALT/Option key while clicking on the Auto-Fill button. 5.5.4 Receipting an Existing Invoice for an Organisation If the original invoice was billed to an organisation such as a Health Fund and it has not been batched (see Manual Batching), then it must be receipted from the Account Holders list. Select Open > Account Holder 148 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Receipting Search for the Organisation, highlight it and then select Billing > Receipt. Fill in the total payment amount and type in the fields at top left of the Receipt window. Allocate the payment to the patient's specified on the Organisations' statement, by clicking in the Payment field associated with those patients. To help with locating the relevant patient's, columns can be sorted by clicking the column header. 5.6 Discounts Discounts can be applied at the time of invoicing, whilst receipting an invoice, or from the Account Holders screen. Discounts are recorded in the patients Account History, in the payments section. They will also be reflected in the corresponding provider's Billing v Income report (File > Maintenance & Reports > Practice Analysis). The Daily Billing report (File > Maintenance & Reports > Daily Chores) allows you to track discounts on a daily basis. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 149 Genie Manual 5.6.1 The Reception Module: Discounts Applying when Invoicing You can apply a discount whilst invoicing, either at the stage of adding an item or after an item has been added. Discounts can also be applied at the receipting stage but this is discussed in Applying when Receipting. To apply a discount in the Add Item to Invoice screen, select the provider and add an item number as usual. You can then discount the item based on a percentage by clicking on the black drop down arrow or a dollar amount by just typing the amount into the Discount field. If you enter a percentage discount, it is automatically converted to a dollar amount. 150 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Discounts Once you have entered all other necessary item information, click the Save button. In the Discount column you can see the discount given. If you need to change the discount at this stage or indeed need to apply a discount, click in the Discount column which will allow you to choose the percentage you wish to discount. If you prefer to give a dollar discount amount, select 'Other' from this drop down list and type in the discount figure. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 151 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Discounts The 'Total for this Invoice' will display the discounted total. Enter in the Payment amount, if any, and click Receipt. Note: Even if there is no payment you still must click Receipt to process the discount. This will take you through to the usual receipt window. In the receipt window you can enter a reason for the discount by right clicking in the Discount column. An asterisk next to the discount amount denotes no reason has been given. If a reason is not added the discount will display the Reason as 'Unspecified' in the patients Account History. 152 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Discounts Selecting Edit Discount Reason will open a window allowing you to enter a reason for the discount. You can use a pre-entered discount reason by clicking in the reason field and selecting the reason from the drop down list. [ Select the appropriate reason. If you enter a new reason, after clicking OK you will be asked if you wish to permanently add this reason to your list of reasons. 5.6.2 Applying when Receipting You can apply a discount to an unpaid invoice at the time of receipting. In the receipt window, click in the Discount column and select the appropriate discount percentage or dollar amount by selecting 'Other...'. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 153 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Discounts After selecting the amount you will be asked to enter in the reason for applying the discount. You can select a saved reason from the drop down list, or you can type in a new reason. If you enter a new reason, after clicking OK you will be asked if you wish to save this reason to this list permanently. The balance owing will be adjusted to reflect the discount. Receipt the amount as per usual. 5.6.3 Reversing a Discount If a discount was applied incorrectly, or is no longer valid, you can reverse discounts through the patients Account History (Billing > Account History). Highlight the invoice in the left hand column which will display the associated discount in the Payments section. 154 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Discounts Highlight the discount and click Delete. You will be required to enter a reason for deleting the discount which will be tracked in the Sales Audit. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 155 Genie Manual 5.6.4 The Reception Module: Discounts Modifying a Discount Discounts can be increased either through the patients Account History window or when receipting. In the patients Account History window, highlight the relevant invoice in the Invoices column which will display the items at right. Slow double click in the Discount field for the item and enter in dollar amount or the percentage followed by a percent (%) sign. Discounts applied in this manner will be on a cumulative basis, meaning any further discounts will be added to the already existing discount amount. If a discount has been applied incorrectly using the above method, it will need to be deleted from the Payments section of the Account History window. At the time of receipting, the discount amount can be increased by clicking in the discount field and selecting the appropriate discount amount. 5.7 Deposits Genie allows you to accept deposits from patients. You would usually use this feature when you require a deposit or full payment to be paid pre-operatively. 156 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.7.1 The Reception Module: Deposits Accepting A Deposit To accept a deposit, find and highlight the patient’s record in either the Patient List (Open > Patients), or the Appointment page then select Billing > Accept Deposit. This opens the Deposit window as shown below. Fill in the Provider and Payment details then click OK . You will be asked if you want to print a receipt for the patient. Click the Print Receipt button to print out the receipt. The receipt states that this cannot be used for Medicare purposes. The message that displays on the Deposit receipt can be changed by going to Billing > List Deposits and clicking on the Edit Receipt Message button. Entering in a new message and clicking OK will save this as the new message to print on Deposit Receipts. To return to the default message at any time, simply hold down the Alt key while clicking on the Edit Receipt Message button in the List Deposits window. After accepting a deposit, a banking record is also created, and the patient’s account balance credited with the © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 157 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Deposits deposit amount. Note: A deposit should be accepted and applied on SEPARATE banking days ie. banking should be sealed between accepting and applying a deposit. Accepting a deposit and applying the deposit before sealing the banking batch will cause problems when trying to reconcile the banking. It will also produce incorrect data in the Billing vs Income report. You can view all current deposits by selecting Billing > List Deposits at any time. 5.7.2 Deleting A Deposit List current deposits by selecting Billing > List Deposits. This will open the Deposits List. Highlight the deposit to delete, then click the Delete button. You will be required to enter a reason for deleting this deposit. This deletion is then tracked in the Audit report. This will update the patient’s account balance. If the banking has not yet been sealed, then the deposit’s banking record will also be deleted. Deposits can also be deleted from the patient's account history (see Deleting a Payment). 5.7.3 Using A Deposit When you next come to invoice this patient, the Apply Deposit button will be enabled in the Invoice window. After adding the items to the invoice, click on the Apply Deposit button and a list of held deposits will appear. Tick the box to the left of each deposit which you want to use to pay for this invoice. Note: A patient can have multiple deposits and you can select multiple deposits in the window above. 158 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Deposits Click the OK button, and the sum of the deposit(s) selected will be entered into the Payment field for this invoice as shown below: If the deposit is equal to the amount billed, the invoice can be printed at this stage and will be shown as fully paid. If there was an outstanding amount and the patient wanted to pay the remaining amount on the invoice ($500.00 in the above example) you will need to receipt this separately. Genie will distinguish between the deposit and today's payment (eg. $500.00) so that only today's payment will show up on today's banking. Click the Receipt button to open the Receipt window. Today's payment will be allocated to the default payment type (as set up in Practice Preferences), and the deposit will be allocated to the payment type it was originally entered as. If you forget that you have a deposit on hold, Genie will remind you when you click the Receipt button. You can also apply a deposit from the Receipt window using the Apply Deposit button. 5.8 Quotes Quotes can be created for either Procedures that are booked, or Procedures which are yet to be booked (i.e. Pending Procedures). Procedures which have been booked can be accessed through the patients clinical file, or from the appointment book. If a quote is required prior to booking in the Procedure, the Procedure can be added and marked as 'Pending' via the Tools menu (Tools > Add Procedure). For more information see Adding a Procedure. Either way, Quotes are then prepared through the Quotes Tab of the Procedure window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 159 Genie Manual 5.8.1 The Reception Module: Quotes Preparing Quotes 1. Add all your items through the Blue Plus button if they have not been inserted already by loading a template (see Procedure Templates) 2. Select the Procedure Type 3. Select the patients Private Fund, if not already selected 4. Choose your options according to the type of quote you are generating as specified below: Private fees quote: a. Select the Fee Schedule b. Click Use Selected Schedule (above) c. Tick to apply DIMSR if appropriate d. Choose rule and tick to apply Multiple Procedure Rule if appropriate e. Tick Include Assistants Fee, if appropriate. You will be prompted for the assistants name which draws from any address book entry marked as Assists at Operation. You will then need to choose what you will be charging for the assist fee ie. 1/5 surgeons etc. f. Finally, click CALCULATE FEES to get the total on your quote. No Gap quote: a. Click Use No Gap b. Tick to apply DIMSR if appropriate c. Choose rule and tick to apply Multiple Procedure Rule if appropriate d. Tick Include Assistants Fee, if appropriate. You will be prompted for the assistants name which draws from any address book entry marked as Assists at Operation. You will then need to choose what you will be charging for the assist fee which in this case will be Health fund Fee e. Finally, click CALCULATE FEES to get the total on your quote. Known Gap quote – adding a total known gap to the quote: a. Click Use Known Gap b. You will be prompted to enter the gap amount you would like to add to the total of the quote The Maximum Known Gap can be entered into Open > Billing Items, Health Fund button by double clicking on the fund name and entering the gap amount into the Max Gap Amount field. c. Tick to apply DIMSR if appropriate d. Choose rule and tick to apply Multiple Procedure Rule if appropriate e. Tick Include assistants Fee, if appropriate. You will be prompted for the assistants name which draws from 160 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Quotes any address book entry marked as Assists at Operation. You will then need to choose what you will be charging for the assist fee which in this case will be Health fund Fee f. Finally, click CALCULATE FEES to get the total on your quote. Known Gap quote – using your own fees to determine the known gap: a. Select the Fee Schedule b. Click Use Selected Schedule (above) c. Tick to apply DIMSR if appropriate d. Choose rule and tick to apply Multiple Procedure Rule if appropriate e. Tick Include assistants Fee, if appropriate. You will be prompted for the assistants name which draws from any address book entry marked as Assists at Operation. You will then need to choose what you will be charging for the assist fee ie. 1/5 surgeons etc............. f. Click CALCULATE FEES to get a preliminary private fee total on your quote. g. Click Use No Gap and tick Don’t overwrite my fee h. Finally, Click CALCULATE FEES again in order to fill in the health fund rebate amounts without overwriting your private fees. For information on importing Health Fund fees in general, see Importing Fund Schedules. Note: The AMA Fee Schedule can be imported from the Billing Items window. You must ring the AMA and ask them to send you the schedule. Genie is not allowed to distribute it because the AMA wants to limit access to it to just AMA members. NB: When there are multiple operation items in the list, the Multiple Procedure Rule will be applied automatically according to what is selected in the drop down list. You can edit the fees which are automatically inserted by placing the cursor in the Fee field and changing the fee. To change the fee permanently, highlight the item and then click the Edit button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 161 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Quotes This will open the Billing Items record for that item, allowing you to edit the fee amount. The Rebate amount calculated in the Quote depends on whether or not the patient is privately insured, and whether you have specified the procedure as an inpatient or outpatient procedure (see table below). Insured? Inpatient or Outpatient? Rebate Calculated No Outpatient 85% Medicare Rebated No Inpatient 75% Medicare IP Rebate Yes Either 100% Schedule Yes (No-Gap or Known Gap) Either Health Fund Rebate Assist Fees An assistant's fee can be included by clicking on the Include Assistant's Fee button. This will only work if the text "(Assist.)" is present in the Description field of the item, or it the 'Assistant Billable' box is ticked. This text will be present for all items for which Medicare allows an assistant fee to be charged, unless you have deleted it yourself. If you have created new items yourself, for which you want to bill an assistant fee, then you must enter "(Assist.)" in the Description of the item, or alternatively, tick the 'Assistant Billable' box. 162 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Quotes When you click on the Include Assistants Fee button, the window shown below will appear. This window allows you to specific whether the fee should be one-fifth of your own fee, the Medicare fee, the fee allowed by the patient's private fund, or your own private fee. Note: Any claims including an assistant's fee that will be bulk billed will need to be submitted as a manual batch. Please see Manual Batching for more information. If the option for the Private Fund is $0.00, this means that you either don't have a record for item 51303 in the Billing Items table haven't imported the fund's schedule of fees, or don't have the percentage factor that the fund allows for this item. To check, click on the item and then click the Edit button to open up the 51303 record. The Fee percentage should be imported for most of the funds automatically, however you may need to manually add the percentage in some cases. However, you will need to contact the fund directly to find out what these are because we don't have that information. Printing a Quote To print a Quote, select the Quote template using the drop down menu at the bottom left of the Quote window. The item information and fees will be transcribed to the Quote template, and can then be printed using the Printer icon at top right of this window. For information on setting up Quote templates, see Creating Quote Templates. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 163 Genie Manual 5.8.2 The Reception Module: Quotes Invoicing Directly From A Quote This would really only be used if there were no complications in surgery and the invoice will be exactly as quoted. Click on the Invoice button and an invoice will be created with all items and fees as in the quote. You could then assign the Account Holder (e.g. Health Fund) and Apply Deposits as per usual. If billing to a Health Fund, there needs to be a corresponding Account Holder. If you attempt to bill a Health Fund without a corresponding Account Holder record, you will be asked if you would like to add one. Alternatively, an Account Holder record can be created or attached to a Health Fund via Open > Billing Items and clicking on the Health Funds button. Double click on the Health Fund of interest and click on the magnifying glass beside 'Account Holder'. This will then allow you to search for the corresponding Account Holder or create a new one for that Health Fund. If the Quote is vastly different to what needs to be invoiced just invoice through the Billing menu (Billing > Invoice) 5.9 Account History A patient’s or an organisation’s billing history can be viewed by selecting Billing>Account History from either the Patients list, the Appointments Book or the Account Holders list. 5.9.1 Viewing a Patient's Account History Highlight the patient in either the Patients list or the Appointments Book, then select Billing > Account History. This will display all the items billed to or for that patient. It will not display items billed to other members of their family. To view all items billed to any member of a family, search for the Account Holder’s record in the Open > Account Holders window and then select Billing > Account History. 164 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Account History The Account History window will open as shown below. This window lists all invoices on the left with the account holder name in bold. If the patient has any deposits, these will be displayed in the Payments area, down the bottom of the Account History window. Click once to select an invoice and the items invoiced will be displayed in the top right hand side of the screen, with any associated payments, credits, deposits or discounts being displayed in the lower half of this screen. Clicking on the individual items of the selected invoice will highlight the associated payment for that item in the payments area. SHIFT + Click will allow you to select a list of invoices and their associated details, while CTRL + Click allows you to select multiple specific invoices. CTRL + A will highlight all invoices. The Item, Fee, Discount and Credit columns can be modified by slow double-clicking to adjust the entered amounts. Note: The Discount and Credit columns work on a cumulative basis, i.e the amount entered will be added to the existing amount. Unpaid invoices only can be viewed by clicking the Show Outstanding button. In this window, you can: © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 165 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Account History Reprint invoices Print a statement Open and modify an existing invoice Receipt an existing invoice Change the account holder and/or the patient if an invoice has been billed to the wrong person or organisation Modify invoiced items Delete invoices, payments and deposits Apply a credit to invoiced items if they have been overcharged, or to write them off as a bad debt 5.9.2 Reprinting an Invoice or Receipt Reprinting an Invoice Select the required invoice(s) from the left hand column of the Account History window and click on the Printer icon Note: Medicare and DVA items won't print unless you have selected the Medicare DB4 and DVA Claims checkboxes respectively in Printing Preferences. Reprinting a Receipt Select the invoice from the left hand column of the Account History window and then select the associated receipt from the Receipt window. Click on the Printer button. 166 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.9.3 The Reception Module: Account History Printing a Statement Highlight the relevant invoices on the left hand side of the Account History, and then highlight the items at right which you wish to include in the statement. Click the Statement button. (This button will not be available until you highlight the relevant items in the top right hand side of the Account History screen). You can highlight contiguous (adjacent) items by SHIFT-Clicking, or non-contiguous items by CTRL-Clicking on each item. 5.9.4 Print Report The Print Report button prints out a report of all transactions. Follow the same steps as in Printing a Statement. 5.9.5 Finding A Batch The Find Batch button can be used to display all the items in a particular Medicare, DVA or other organisation's batch, assuming you have got to the Account History window from the Account Holders list for either Medicare, DVA or the organisation. 5.9.6 Itemized Receipt You can print an itemized receipt by highlighting the required invoice in the Invoice column and clicking the Itemized Receipt button. This will print a receipt detailing the method/s of payment for that particular invoice. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 167 Genie Manual 5.9.7 The Reception Module: Account History Modifying an Invoice To modify an invoice, double click on the invoice in the left hand column. This will display a form similar to the original invoice. From here you can Add and Delete items from the invoice, select the referring Doctor, change the Site of Service or Practice as well as adding an Invoice Memo. 5.9.8 Modifying an Item To change an actual item's details, either slow double click in the item fee field or double-click on the item at the top right of the Account History and the Edit Sale window will open. In this window, you must first click the Edit button before you can change anything. This is to prevent you accidentally overwriting an entry. You can: Change the Provider of the service in case you have accidentally billed it to the wrong provider 168 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Account History Change the fee, as long as the invoice has not already been paid or the fee is greater than the amount paid. Change the item number if the wrong item number has been billed Note: Changing the item number does not automatically change the fee as well. You need to manually adjust the fee. Change the number of patients seen if this was for a hospital or nursing home visit Change the Service Date and Time, and whether or not the service was an inpatient service or not In the bottom left of this screen is the Batch number. If this item has been batched to Medicare, DVA or another organisation, then the Batch number will be inserted here. Deleting the Batch number automatically removes this item from the Batch. You can also enter a note into the Notes field e.g "second visit", if you are manually batching. If you are using HIC Online a number of other options also appear in this window relating to inpatient services, same day services etc. Once you have made the necessary changes click the Save button to close this window. Note: Changes made in this way create an audit record which can be traced back to the date and time of the change and the log-in name of the person making the changes (File > Maintenance & Reports: Administrator). Note: You can password-protect the ability to change invoices in this way by ticking the Password Protect Billing Changes button in the Practice Preferences record. Assuming the practice Administrator has assigned him/herself a password, then only those people knowing this password will be able to make changes. It would be prudent to change this password on a regular basis. 5.9.9 Changing the Account Holder or Patient If an item has been billed to the wrong patient or account holder, highlight the invoice in the left hand column and click on the Change button. This allows you to change either or both of these. The changes are automatically made to any associated payments. Note: Changing the patient does not automatically change the account holder, so change the account holder to the patient's name before changing the Current Patient. 5.9.10 Deleting an Invoice It is possible to delete an invoice if the Allow Invoices to be Deleted checkbox is selected in Practice Preferences (File > Practice Preferences: Practice Details). This checkbox can only be selected by someone who knows the Administrator's password. Having this checked does increase the risk of fraud, however it can be very useful in those situations where a transaction has been processed by mistake. Highlight the invoice on the left to be deleted. Click on the Delete button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 169 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Account History You will then be asked to enter in a reason for deleting the invoice. This reason will then be recorded in the Audit trail. 5.9.11 Applying a Credit to an Invoice Credits should really only be applied to write off a bad debt, as user error can generally be handled by editing the invoice directly (see Modifying an Invoice and Modifying an Item). NOTE: DO NOT USE THIS TO RECEIPT INVOICES! To apply a credit, slow double click in the credit column of the item and enter the credit amount. You will be asked for a reason (default being Bad Debt) and your initials. If there is an existing credit against the item the credit will change to zero when you enter the column but the new credit will be added to it. Once you click the OK button, a credit record will be created and displayed in the Payments area 170 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.9.12 The Reception Module: Account History Editing A Receipt You can also edit some components of a receipt by double-clicking on the payment in the bottom right of the Account History list. 5.9.13 Deleting a Payment Highlight the payment/deposit/credit you wish to delete. Click the Delete button to the left of the payments area. You will be asked for a reason which will be recorded in the Audit trail (File > Maintenance & Reports: Administrator). If you plan to re-receipt this item, then you should change the date in the receipt window to the date the money was actually received. The reason for this is that where a practice pays it's employee doctors on the basis of money received, then they may have already been paid for this receipt. If you now receipt it again on a different date, then the doctor may get paid twice, once for the original receipt, and again for the new receipt. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 171 Genie Manual 5.9.14 The Reception Module: Account History Using a Dummy Bank Account (Refunding a Payment) Sometimes you may need to reverse a payment that has already been banked, and then re-receipt the patient. Your daily banking will therefore be incorrect because you haven't actually received the payment on that day. In this case, you could use a dummy bank account to store the payment. Create a new bank account called Dummy Account with a code of "Z" for example (see Banking section for more details on creating bank accounts). Assign the receipt to the Dummy Account by entering the code (Z) into the top left of the receipt screen. When you print the daily banking sheet, the Dummy Account will print out on a separate page that you can throw away or keep for your records of billing changes. Your real banking sheet will be correct. 5.10 Banking Genie can handle multiple bank accounts for multiple doctors. 5.10.1 Setting up Bank Accounts Before you can receipt, you must have at least one bank account record. You can add, modify and delete Bank Account records by selecting Open > Bank Accounts. Each Bank Account must have a unique Bank Code, which can be up to 3 characters in length. The Bank Code can be anything you want. Most people use the initial of the actual bank e.g.“N” for the National Bank. In a multi-doctor practice, where each doctor has their own account, you could make each Bank Code the initials of the relevant doctor. In each provider’s User Preferences (File > All User Preferences), you must assign a default bank account, as shown below. When you create a receipt, Genie will use the default bank account of the first provider in the list of outstanding items. 172 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.10.2 The Reception Module: Banking The Banking Report To create a Banking Report select File > Maintenance and Reports to open the Maintenance window, then go to the Daily Chores page. Click on the Daily Banking Report button to view the current batch. If You Bank Every Day If you bank every day, then you just need to click on the Print button at the very top left to print out the report. You will be asked how many deposit slips you would like printed. Usually, you would select 2 - one for the bank and one for your own records. You will also be given the option to print EFTPOS and direct deposits (ie. banking that isn't taken to the bank) on a separate page. A separate report is generated for each bank account. With the report in hand you should now reconcile it against what you have in the till. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 173 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Banking Note: If a receipt has been recorded as the wrong type e.g. a cheque instead of cash, you can doubleclick on the relevant bank record and correct this. Once you have reconciled, simply click on the Seal This Batch button. This seals off the current batch so that any further receipts will go into the next batch. If You Don’t Bank Every Day If you don’t bank every day but still want to reconcile the till, follow the procedure detailed below. On Day 1: Print the report and reconcile it with the till. Then click the Reconcile button to mark the displayed records as having been reconciled. Bundle the monies with the bank deposit slip On Day 2: Click on the Show Unreconciled radio button to display everything that has been receipted since you reconciled on Day 1. Print the report and again reconcile with the till. Click the Reconcile button again to mark Day 2 ’s records as having been reconciled. Bundle the monies with the bank deposit slip Day 3 (Banking Day): Click on the Show Unreconciled radio button to display everything that has been receipted since you reconciled on Day 2. Print the report and again reconcile with the till. Click the Show Entire Batch radio button to display all receipts for Day 1, 2 and 3. Click the Seal This Batch button. Take your 3 bundles of deposits to the bank. If You Forget To Seal Click Show Until Date, enter the date the banking was meant to be sealed, then click Seal This Batch. If you then close out of the banking report and go back in, only today's banking will be listed. Show Totals: Gives the total of each payment type without detail. Print Payment & GST Report: If you bill GST, this shows the breakdown of GST in the batch. This is only used if you bank GST separately. Note: This is NOT the GST report used for taxation purposes, that is located in File > Maintenance & Reports: Practice Analysis. 5.11 Manual Batching Manual batching of invoices is used for Medicare and DVA bulk-billing where HIC Online is not being used, or for Private Health Funds and hospitals who may prefer to receive a weekly or monthly batch of invoices for services performed. Select File > Maintenance and Reports to open the Maintenance window. 174 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Manual Batching Click on the Daily Chores tab. Click on the Manual Batching button to open the Manual Batches window. This window displays on the left, a list of previous batches which are awaiting payment and receipting. Clicking on the Show Finalised radio button will display batches which have been receipted already. Clicking on a Batch on the left will display the items in that batch in the list on the right. You can delete a batch by highlighting it and then clicking on the Clear Batch button. This doesn’t delete any of the items. It simply removes them all from the batch so that they will appear in the next batch created. A batch can be reprinted at any time by clicking on the Reprint button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 175 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Manual Batching If a batch has been fully receipted but for some reason isn't showing as finalised, clicking Finalise will do so. 5.11.1 Creating a New Batch To create a new batch, click on the New Batch button to open the New Batch window. Select the type of batch from the radio buttons at the top of the screen i.e. Medicare, DVA or Other. Note: Clicking on the Other radio button will display a list of Account Holders which have the Batch Process Invoices checkbox ticked in their Account Holder record in Open > Account Holders. eg. Health Funds/Overseas Students batches. In this example, we will click the Medicare button. This makes visible a menu from which we can choose the Provider. Once a Provider is selected, another menu appears from which we can select the Site of Service, in case there are multiple sites with different provider numbers. Note: If you are creating a batch for Other, then this menu does not appear, as it isn’t necessary to split the batch into different sites. Once a site is selected, a field for the Batch Number becomes visible. For Medicare and DVA it is a good idea to use the batch numbers on the DB1 manual batch headers sent to you by HIC, or you can make up your own batch numbers. It is a good idea to make the batch number consist of 2 letters followed by 4 numbers, the first letter being the type of batch it is e.g. for a Medicare Batch use something like "MA0001". Make the next batch "MA0002" and so on. This will avoid any conflicting batch numbers if and when you move to HIC Online, where the batch numbers are automatically generated in the format of a single letter followed by 4 numbers. 176 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Manual Batching Once you have entered a batch number, press the TAB key and you will notice that this batch number is applied to all the items in this list. If you are batching to Medibank Private and you also do batches for Overseas Students you will get an extra prompt: The Batch No. field in each item record is in fact all that ties an item to a particular batch. Removing the batch number from the Batch Number field removes that item from the batch. It will then be included in the next batch that you create. You can do this manually through the patients Account History (see Modifying an Item), or you can simply click on the item/s to highlight and then use the Remove Highlighted or Keep Highlighted buttons as appropriate. Any removed items will appear in the next batch created. For Medicare and DVA batches it is a good idea to Print List before saving and mark off what is in your batch with your manual vouchers, as it is the manual vouchers that you need to send to HIC. The final step is to click the Save button. This will print a Summary Sheet of all the items in the batch, and for DVA, a DB1 form for the Provider to sign before the paperwork is mailed to the Health Insurance Commission. The New Batch window will automatically close and the new batch will appear in the list of batches on the left. 5.11.2 Receipting a Batch When you receive payment for a manual batch from Medicare, DVA or another organisation, you must receipt it through the Manual Batches window also. To do this, highlight the batch to be receipted in the list of batches on the left of the Manual Batches window, and then click the Receipt button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 177 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Manual Batching The usual Receipt window will open as shown below. Enter the cheque amount in Cheque 1 for Medicare and DVA, or Cheque 3 for a Private Fund or other organisation. If the cheque amount exactly equals the amount you have claimed (an unusual occurrence!), then all you have to do is click the Auto-Fill button and then click the Store button to save the Receipt. (There’s no need to print a receipt for Medicare or DVA). Dealing With Exceptions Quite often Medicare or DVA will either not have paid for a particular item at all, or will have paid a different fee to that claimed. In this case, we need to either fix the problem with the item that is preventing them from paying, and then remove that item from the batch and resend it with the next batch. Or, we need to adjust the fee charged to match what they have agreed to pay. If, for example, we have forgotten to enter in the Item Notes field that this was a second visit on the same day, then Medicare will usually refuse to pay.In this case, we first need to fix the problem. You do this by double-clicking on the item in the Receipt window. This will open the Edit Sale window. 178 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Manual Batching Before you can make any changes in this window,you must first click on the Edit button. Then enter “2nd visit etc.” in the Notes field. Click the Save button to close this window. Then click the Remove checkbox to remove the item from this batch, so that it will be resent with the next batch. If Medicare/DVA is paying the item but at a different amount, double-click on the item to open the Edit Sale window above. Click on the Edit button, and change the fee to whatever they are paying. This will then leave a record in the Audit Trail. Click the Save button to close the record, but DO NOT remove it from the batch. Work through each problem item in this way until you have dealt with them all. At this stage your claimed amount should equal what is being paid and you can then click on the Autofill button to automatically allocate the correct payments against each item. Finally, click the Store button to save the receipt. This batch will now be listed in the Show Finalised column of the Manual Batches window. Note: If Medicare, DVA or an organisation pay for multiple batches on the one cheque then receipt each © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 179 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Manual Batching batch separately using the batch total, not the cheque total, and use the same cheque number which will then total correctly on the banking report. 5.12 Overseas Students (Worldcare) Genie has the ability to invoice directly to Worldcare Assist (OSHC Worldcare)or Medibank Private for overseas students. In the case of Worldcare Assist, batched invoices can be emailed directly from within Genie for simpler processing. SETUP: In Practice Preferences: (File > Practice Preferences) Tick the 'Print Overseas Claim Forms' checkbox. A new field will be made available in which to enter the code to denote overseas students e.g.“OS ”. If you have an agreement with Worldcare Assist, enter the Provider Code which they have assigned to you. In Account Holders: (Open > Account Holders) Create a new Account Holder named 'OSHC Worldcare'. Note that the name must be exactly: OSHC Worldcare. Tick the Batch Process Invoices checkbox. If you don’t already have one, create a new Account Holder named 'Medibank Private'. Note that the name must be just: Medibank Private. Tick the Batch Process Invoices checkbox, if you want these invoices to be batched. In the Patient Record (Demographic) Create a new Private fund named 'OSHC Worldcare' by clicking Add Fund... from the Private Fund drop-down menu. Again, it must be just: OSHC Worldcare. When you assign this fund to a patient, their Fee Type will automatically be marked as 'OS', or the code which you specified in Practice Preferences. If their overseas fund is Medibank Private, you must manually enter 'OS' into their fee type. 180 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.12.1 The Reception Module: Overseas Students (Worldcare) Invoicing OSHC Worldcare When you create an invoice for a patient who has a Fee Type of 'OS' and who has a private fund of 'OSHC Worldcare' the invoice will automatically be assigned to OSHC Worldcare. Add items as usual and Print the invoice, which will print an OSHC claim form for the patient to sign. OSHC Worldcare invoices are then emailed to Worldcare (See Batching Worldcare Invoices). Medibank Private When you create an invoice for a patient who has the Fee Type 'OS' and who has a private fund of 'Medibank Private' you must select Other and search for Medibank Private as the account holder. Add items as usual and Print the invoice. You will be prompted to either Store or Print and Store - YOU MUST CHOOSE PRINT AND STORE so the patient can sign the Medibank Private claim form that prints out. You can then send these claim forms to Medibank Private individually or as a batch (See Manual Batching). 5.12.2 Batching Worldcare Invoices NOTE: TO BATCH TO WORLDCARE YOU MUST HAVE THE EMAIL MODULE SET UP IN GENIE (See Email) Open the Maintenance window (File > Maintenance and Reports) and go to Daily Chores. Click the Manual Batching button. Click the New Batch button. Click the Other radio button and select “OSHC Worldcare” from the displayed list. Select the provider. Enter a Batch number. This should be something like WA1001, then WA1002, WA1003 etc. for subsequent claims. Press the Tab key to assign the Batch number to the displayed items. Once you have done this, a button called Email to Worldcare will appear. Click on this button. The first time you do this you will be asked to create an email address record for Worldcare. Subsequently, you will simply be asked to confirm that this is still the correct email address. Genie will then create an email to Worldcare with a file attached containing the claim data. The actual file is created in a folder named 'Worldcare Batches' inside the Genie folder. The file name is your Provider code, followed by an underscore, followed by the Batch UMHS_WA1001.csv. You don’t have to do anything with this file. Genie just stores it here in case you need to check the contents if there is a problem. You can delete these files regularly if you wish. However, don’t delete it until you have sent the actual email to Worldcare, otherwise it will arrive without its attachment! © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 181 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Overseas Students (Worldcare) To view, encrypt and send the actual email, select Open > Email. The email module will open displaying your Inbox. Select the Outbox and you should see the email sitting there. The email is not actually encrypted or sent until you manually do so by clicking Encrypt and then Send Now. If you have set up email to check for new mail at regular intervals the email will not be encrypted. (For more information on encryption see Encryption and Keys) IMPORTANT NOTE: This email must be created on the same computer that will be used to send it. That is, you cannot create this email on one computer and then send the email from another computer, because the second computer cannot access the attachment stored on the first computer. To batch Medibank Private OS accounts see Manual Batching 5.13 Private Health Fund Fees Genie incorporates all the major Private Health Fund Schedules including AHSA, AXA, HCF, MBF, Medibank Private, Mutual Community and NIB. These schedules are available from the quarterly Genie update CD, and also from our FTP site. To set up Health Funds in order to import their Fee Schedule, go to Open > Billing Items and click the Health Funds button. This displays a list of all the Health Funds recorded in your data file. The checkboxes on the right indicate that a particular fund belongs to the AHSA and uses their common schedule of fees. You should scroll through these to ensure each fund is marked correctly. To add a fund, click on the Add button. And subsequently to delete a fund you will not use, or to delete multiple enteries of a fund, click the Delete button. To edit a fund, double click on the fund name in the list and then Save. The Create Schedule button allows you to add a fund for which the schedule has not been supplied to Genie Solutions, but you are aware of the percentage of the fee in relation to the Medicare Schedule. 182 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Private Health Fund Fees Close this window when finished. Assistant Fee Percentages If you invoice an Assistant’s fee for a procedure, you also need to specify the percentage of the schedule for each private fund. You only need to do this for item number 51303. To do this, go to Open > Billing Items and find the record for item 51303 and open it. In the lower half of the record you will find the list of private fund fees. The Fee percentage should be imported for most of the funds automatically, however you may need to manually add the percentage in some cases. However, you will need to contact the fund directly to find out what these are because we don’t have that information. 5.13.1 Updating via the Web If you have an internet connection, updating the fund schedules is even easier. Select Special > Software Updates © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 183 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Private Health Fund Fees This will connect you to the Web Server running in our Brisbane office, click the Check Now button. This will check for updates that are available for your platform, state and Genie version. Click the Fees Schedules tab. Tick the health funds you wish to import fees for and click the Install x items button. You will be prompted as to whether you would like to apply the update now or store for later activation. If you choose Apply Now the fees will be updated across the network, ready for use immediately. If you Store and Activate Later you will be prompted for an activation date. The fees will download and import into the relevant funds provided the name is spelt exactly as displayed above. 184 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Private Health Fund Fees If not, you will be asked which fund in Genie you wish to download the fees into. If you have a slow (i.e. Dial Up) or no internet connection, contact Genie Solutions for a Fee Schedule CD. 5.13.2 Importing Fund Schedules To import the fund schedules after an update has been performed using the Genie Update CD, select Open > Billing Items. Click on the Import Fee Schedules popup and select Import AHSA Schedule to import the AHSA fees or select Import Other Schedules (i.e non-AHSA funds). The window below will open asking you to identify the schedule you want to import. This list is made up of all the non-AHSA funds in your data file. If you have entered multiple different names for AXA or any of these other funds then you will need to either clean up your list of funds first (see Private Health Fund Fees), or perform this import for each different name you have used for a particular fund. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 185 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Private Health Fund Fees In this case we are going to import the AXA schedule. Click Open and you will be instructed to open the AXA text file in the Health Funds folder. Navigate to the AXA folder within the Health Funds folder, within the Genie folder and open the file inside to commence the import. Note: Some funds such as AHSA and MBF have a different schedule for each state, so you will need to also select the correct file for your state. 186 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.14 The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation HIC Online Installation Note: Since October 2005, the HIC has operated under the name "Medicare Australia". We have retained references to "HIC" to maintain consistency with the program and familiarity with our users. HIC Online is a facility which enables claims to be made directly to the HIC using secure transmissions over an Internet connection. HIC Online provides the following functionality: • Bulk Bill • DVA • Patient Claims (both real-time and store-and-forward) • ACIR (not yet supported in Genie but planned for a future release) • Online Patient Medicare Verification • Online Patient Health Fund Transmissions i.e. Eclipse HIC Online relies on PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) technology to ensure all communications with the HIC are conducted securely and confidentially.The use of PKI guarantees that messages are sent from a known and trusted source, they can’t be read by anyone but their intended recipients, their contents haven’t been tampered with in transit, and that the sender cannot dispute that they created and sent the message. PLEASE NOTE: HIC ONLINE VERSION 6.10.28 OR LATER IS REQUIRED IF JAVA VERSION 1.6 IS INSTALLED 5.14.1 Requirements In order to start using HIC Online you must: 1. 2. 3. Get a HIC location (minor) ID from Genie Solutions. If you are a registered Genie user you automatically have one allocated. It is made up of the letters “GEN” followed by a five digit number. Check in your Practice Preferences (File > Practice Preferences, under the Miscellaneous Tab) if you are unsure. Register for Online Claiming with Medicare Australia and apply to for a Healthcare Location Certificate for your practice. You may also apply for a Healthcare Individual Certificate for each provider although this is not required to use HIC Online. If you do wish to use them, Individual certificates should be requested on iKeys rather than SmartCards. You can obtain the necessary application forms at http://www. or by calling 1800 700 199. If you are unsure about this process it would pay to ring Medicare Australia to have it clarified. The Location Certificate is provided on a CD. The Individual Certificates are provided on iKeys -small tokens - which plug into a USB port on your computer, so you must have a spare USB port available. Have your Genie software updated to allow use of HIC Online. 5.14.2 Installation There are five steps to follow to ensure a successful installation. The steps should be performed in the following order: 1. Install/Upgrade Genie 2. Install the HIC Online components from a recent Genie CD or through the Software Updates in the Special menu in Genie. 3. Install the iKey Drivers (only if you are using individual certificates). 4. Configure Genie for HIC Online use. 5. Create the PSI Store in Genie. Important: You must be logged in as both the administrator for the local machine, and as the Genie administrator. Note: If you are using an iKey do not connect it to your computer yet. This will be done at a later stage in the process. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 187 Genie Manual The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation Install/Upgrade Genie Before attempting to install the HIC Online components, it is recommended that you update to the latest version of Genie. More information on this procedure can be found in the Updates section of the manual. Install HIC Online - Windows Important: Before commencing the HIC Online installation, the computer must be logged in as the 'Administrator' or a user with administrative rights. This ensures that all installed files and folders have their permissions set correctly. 1. Insert the Genie CD into the machine(s) from which you wish to perform HIC Online transmissions. This will either be the standalone machine for a Genie Single User or a client machine for a Genie network. If the Genie Setup program starts, press the Cancel button to exit it. 2. You must have previously opened and logged into Genie at least once on this machine before performing this installation. 3. Quit Genie or Genie Client if they are running. 4. Using Windows Explorer, view the contents of the Genie CD. 5. Double-click on the HIC Online folder to open it. 6. Double-click on the HIC_Online_Installer.exe program to commence the installation. 7. You are presented with the Welcome screen. Click the Next button to continue. 8. You are presented with the Select Destination screen. 9. Choose the Genie folder in which to install HIC Online. This will normally be C:\Genie, unless you previously installed Genie into a different folder. 10.Click Install. 188 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation A window will display the progress of the installation. The installer may automatically install the appropriate Java Runtime Environment. If so, be patient and do not Cancel the Java installation or configuration progress windows. When the HIC Online installation is complete, the following window is displayed. Note: HIC Online may not work correctly until the computer is restarted. Open the Regional Options in Control Panel (Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional Options) and ensure that region is set to English (Australia). Also ensure that the date separator is set to a forward slash, i.e. "/". Install HIC Online - Macintosh Important: Before commencing the HIC Online installation, the computer must be logged in as the 'Administrator' or a user with administrative rights. This ensures that all installed files and folders have their permissions set correctly. 1. Insert the Genie CD into the machine(s) from which you wish to perform HIC Online transmissions. This will either be the standalone machine for a Genie Single User or a client machine for a Genie network. 2. You must have previously opened and logged into Genie at least once on this machine before performing this installation. 3. Quit Genie or Genie Client if they are running. 4. Using Finder, view the contents of the Genie CD. 5. Double-click on the HIC_Online_Installer.mpkg program to commence the installation. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 189 Genie Manual The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation 6. You are presented with the Welcome screen. Click the Continue button. 7. You are presented with the Installation Type screen. 8. Click the Install button. 9. You will be prompted to enter the user name and password of an Administrator user on your computer. This is a Mac OSX Administrator user and is not the same thing as the Genie user chosen to be the Administrator in Genie. 10.Enter the name and password of an Administrator and click the OK button. The HIC Online installation then completes. 190 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation Open the International Control Panel in System Preferences, click the Formats tab and ensure that region is set to Australia. Also ensure that the date separator is set to a forward slash, i.e. "/". Install iKey Drivers Overview This step is only required if you will be using iKeys to sign claims. Signing claims with iKeys is no longer mandatory within HIC Online. Each provider must elect whether or not they will be signing claims when they register for HIC Online with the HIC. If none of the providers in your practice will be using an iKey, proceed to Step 4. In order to be able to read the Healthcare Individual Certificate information from your iKeys, special software must be installed. Uninstall Old Drivers If you have previously installed any iKey drivers on your computer you first need to ascertain whether these are up-to-date. If they are not, they must be completely removed from your system. 1. Click on the Start menu and go to Settings->Control Panel 2. Open the Add/Remove Programs Control Panel 3. Scroll through the list of installed programs,looking for the Rainbow iKey drivers 4. There are two programs whose latest versions are: -Rainbow iKey 2000 Series AS v4.7.0 -Rainbow iKey Driver v3.4.4.103 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 191 Genie Manual The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation 5. If you do not have these drivers, you must uninstall the old drivers from your system. If you cannot find a corresponding program for the Rainbow iKey 2000 Series AS v4.7.0, it was previously called iKey2000 Authentication Solution so it may be listed under that. Click on each driver to select it and then click the Change/Remove button. Click Yes when asked if you are sure you want to remove the selected program. You may be prompted to remove a shared file: If this prompt appears click the Yes To All Button and accept the subsequent warning. The remove Programs process will continue and should end with a message to say that the uninstall was successfully completed. 6. Once both old drivers have been uninstalled, you must reboot the computer before proceeding. Install New Drivers If you have a new iKey, or received your iKey after August 2003, install the software from the CD which came with your Individual Certificate, following the instructions provided on the CD. If you received your iKey prior to August 2003, or if you have lost the CD which came with your iKey, use the installer in the iKey3.4.4 folder in the HICOnline folder on the Genie CD as follows: 1. Double-click on the setup.exe file in the iKey3.4.4 folder in the HICOnline folder on the Genie CD. 2. Agree to the License conditions by clicking the Yes button. 3. The installation will proceed with a window displaying the progress. 192 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation 4. When finished, you will be prompted to restart your computer. You must restart your computer before proceeding. Configure Genie Now that all of the required software has been installed,the next step is to configure Genie to use HIC Online rather than MedClaims or DiskClaims. Start up Genie. If any of the providers will be using an iKey to sign their claims, choose All User Preferences from the File menu. For each provider who will be using an iKey, double-click on their name in the list, and select the General tab. Tick the Use iKey to Sign Claims checkbox and Save the User Preferences. If you wish to receive a warning when your PKI certificates are approaching their expiry date, you can tick the Check for Expiring PKI Certificates checkbox. If this is ticked, when you login you will be alerted of any certificates which will expire within the next 30 days. Choose Practice Preferences from the File menu and double-click on your clinic name from the provided list. Select the Miscellaneous tab. If you are a registered Genie user, your HIC Location ID should already be entered. This should be of the form GENnnnnn, where nnnnn is a five-digit number. Contact Genie Solutions if you are unsure of your HIC Location ID. Click the checkboxes to select the HIC Online functions which you wish to use. If you will be doing Real-Time Patient Claims and wish to use this as the default (as opposed to Store-And-Forward Patient Claims), tick the Run Real Time by Default checkbox. Ensure the Allow Emailed Claims checkbox is unticked. This option should only be used under the direction of Genie support staff. If you access the Internet through a proxy server to which you need to be authenticated, you can enter here the User ID and Password with which you authenticate. Otherwise leave these fields blank. Save the Practice Preferences. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 193 Genie Manual The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation Note: If you have more than one location certificate, it will be necessary to create a Practice Preferences record with a new HIC Location ID for each additional location certificate. Create the PSI Store The final step is to import your Location and, if you are using iKeys your Individual certificates, to a central repository. This repository, hereafter referred to as the PSI Store consists of a single file normally named as your HIC Location ID followed by .psi (e.g.GEN00001.psi). The PSI Store can be created anywhere on your hard drive, but for simplicity we recommend it be located in the HICOnline folder in your Genie folder. Note that previous versions of HIC Online (versions 2.6 and below) held the certificate repository in a different format. This old format consisted of a folder called cryptostore and two files: and cryptostore. properties. These folders and files were normally located in the PKI folder within your Genie folder. Login to Genie. Choose Maintenance & Reports from the File menu and go to the Administrator tab. Click the HIC Online PSI Store button. There are two ways to create a PSI store: 1. Creating a New PSI Store from Scratch. Use this option if you have never used HIC Online before and you have the CD from Medicare Australia and any iKeys you wish to use. 2. Importing an Existing PSI Store Use this option if you have already created a PSI store and you wish to use it from HIC Online within Genie. 1.Creating a New PSI Store from Scratch Insert the CD containing your location certificate. Click the Blue Plus button to create a new PSI Store. The Create PSI Store window will open. If you are using more than one location certificate, you must select the HIC Location ID for which this PSI store will be used from the drop-down list at the top. Default names and locations for the certificate files will automatically be filled in. These should normally be correct but may be changed here if necessary. Follow the red prompts at the bottom of the window to complete the fields on the form. Remember that 194 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation passwords are case-sensitive. Location passphrase is also known as the PIC code. Once all of the fields have been successfully filled in, the OK button will be enabled. If it is not enabled, rectify the problem identified by the red prompt at the bottom of the window. Click the OK button to create the new PSI store. If you are not using iKeys, you can close the PSI Store list window as you are now ready to use HIC Online. Otherwise, you now need to register the iKeys in the PSI store. Double-click the newly created PSI store in the list window. Using each of your iKeys in turn, ensure that the iKey is plugged in to your computer and click the Register Token button. You will be prompted for your Individual Certificate passphrase which was supplied with each iKey by the Health eSignature Authority. Enter the passphrase and click the OK button. Remember that the password is case-sensitive. You may change the passphrase after the configuration steps are complete to something more easy to remember by using the PassPhrase Utility (Start > Programs > Rainbow Technologies > iKey 2000 Series Software). Once all iKeys have been registered, click the Save button, then close the PSI Store list screen. 2. Importing an Existing PSI Store Click the PSI Store Import button. The Import PSI Store window will open. Follow the red prompts at the bottom of the screen to complete the form. Once all of the fields have been filled in correctly the OK button will be enabled. Click the OK button to complete the import process. Set Up for a Proxy Server Note: This should only be performed by the IT support contact who set up your Proxy Server. These steps MUST NOT be performed if you DO NOT use a Proxy Server. This must be performed on each client machine that will be used for HIC online transmissions: 1. Right click My Computer and select Properties. 2. Click the Advanced tab 3. Click the Environment Variables button 4. In System Variables, click New. 5. Variable Name is: easy_parm1 Variable Value is: -Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxyip> (where <proxyip> is the IP address of the Proxy Server) © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 195 Genie Manual The Reception Module: HIC Online Installation 6. Click OK 7. Click New Variable Name is: easy_parm2 Variable Value is: -Dhttp.proxyPort=<port> (where <port> is the port number of the Proxy Server) 8. Click OK 9. Click OK to close out of the Environment Variable window and again to close My Computer. 196 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.15 The Reception Module: Using HIC Online Using HIC Online The following sections describe how to use HIC Online for: 1. Bulk Bill and DVA claims 2. Patient Claims 3. Online Patient Verification PLEASE NOTE: HIC ONLINE VERSION 6.10.28 OR LATER IS REQUIRED IF JAVA VERSION 1.6 IS INSTALLED 5.15.1 Bulk Bill and DVA Claims Select File > Maintenance and Reports. Go to the Daily Chores tab and click on the Bulk Bill/DVA Transmission button. This will open the Medicare Claims Control window: The Claims Control Window allows you to perform all functions related to electronic claiming of Medicare and DVA payments, including: Creating a new transmission Retrieving Payment and Exception reports for a claim Dealing with any exceptions Receipting claim payments Printing claims Viewing the status of each claim A claim can be in one of four states: 1. Awaiting Reports - the claim has been submitted to the HIC however the payment and exception reports have not yet been received. 2. Exceptions to Review - one or more exceptions have been identified by the HIC. These must be dealt with before further processing of the claim is allowed. 3. Ready to Receipt - the payment report has been received and there are no outstanding exceptions for the claim. The payment can now be receipted and the claim finalised. 4. Finalised - the claim has been fully paid and receipted. Claims at each state can be displayed by selecting the desired state from the Show drop-down list. This makes it simple to retrieve reports for those claims awaiting them, deal with claims which have outstanding exceptions, and receipt those claims which have no exceptions and where payment has been received. If you have more than one location certificate, a drop-down menu will be visible at the top of the window, from © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 197 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online which you can select the HIC Location ID with which you wish to work. To enable a smooth transition from MedClaims to HIC Online, the Claims Control Window will operate on claims created with both MedClaims and HIC Online. Printing Claims Details of the services contained within a claim can be printed from the Medicare Claims Controls screen by selecting the claim and clicking the Print button. Invoicing The invoicing process for Bulk Bill and DVA patients when using HIC online is much the same as when not using HIC Online. The only difference is the availability of several extra checkboxes and radio buttons on the Add Item to Invoice window. The checkboxes allow standard over-ride flags to be sent as part of the claim. Only the checkboxes applicable to the current billing scenario will be visible, e.g.if the item number used is for a diagnostic imaging service, the Self Deemed checkbox will be visible, otherwise it will not. If the provider is marked as a specialist in their User Preferences and the patient does not have a valid referral, extra radio buttons will be displayed. These radio buttons are used to provide a reason for treating the patient without a valid referral. Should you need to add any additional information in order to get the claim successfully processed, any text entered in the Notes field will automatically be sent through with the claim to the HIC. Note that if there is any text sent through, the claim will not be automatically processed. It will be referred to an operator for manual intervention. After the invoice has been created, the settings made to these over-ride flags can be altered in the Edit Sale window. This window is accessible by double-clicking in a Sale (service) in most places they are displayed, e.g. Account History, Receipt window, Claim contents, etc. 198 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online Creating a New Transmission To create a new HIC Online transmission, click the New Transmission button at the top left-hand corner of the Claims Control Window. If the Use Bulk Bill or Use DVA checkboxes have been ticked on the Practice Preferences screen, the New HIC Online Transmission window will open, otherwise the New MedClaims Transmission window will open. Tip: To force the New Medclaims Transmission window to open, hold down the ALT key while clicking the New Transmission button. Separate claims must be created for each provider. The Provider is chosen using the Provider drop down list at the top of the window. Note: If the chosen Provider uses an iKey to sign claims, the correct iKey must be used. If the wrong iKey is used, the transmission creation will fail. If a provider has more than one provider number, a separate claim must be created for each different provider number. The Provider number is chosen using the Provider No drop down list at the top of the window. Provider numbers are listed only for the items available to be transmitted for the selected provider, i.e.if there are no items to be transmitted for a particular provider number, that number will not be displayed in the list. If only one provider number is available, the drop down list will be greyed out and unable to be changed. The Sites of Service corresponding to the selected provider number will be listed in blue text under the Provider No drop down list. Medicare or DVA services are specified using the Medicare/DVA radio buttons. Claims are also required to be separated by Inpatient and Outpatient services and Pathology or Other Services. Services for Inpatients or Outpatients are specified using the Outpatients/Inpatients radio buttons and Pathology items are specified using the Pathology radio button. Note: Any claims that include an assistant's fee will need to be submitted as a manual batch. Please see Manual Batching for more information. To remove a sale/s from the displayed list, highlight and click either the Remove Highlighted or Keep Highlighted button as appropriate. The sale/s removed will then be included in the next new claim. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 199 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online When satisfied with the list of sales to be included in the claim, click the Create Transmission button. The first time you use HIC Online, you will be prompted for your Healthcare Certificate Location passphrase. After a successful transmission it will be recorded in the database and you will not be prompted for it again. Enter your location passphrase and click OK or press Enter to continue. If the chosen provider uses an iKey to sign their claims, the first time in the session, or if the iKey has been swapped, you will be prompted for the Healthcare Individual passphrase associated with the iKey currently inserted in the computer: After a short delay (approx. 5 -10 seconds) you will be returned to the New HIC Online Transmission window and the message to be transmitted will be displayed in the Message window. If an iKey was used to sign the claim, the message will appear encrypted. The Transmit button is now enabled at the bottom of the window. Clicking this button will send this message to the HIC for processing and return you to the Claims Control window. Retrieving Reports for the Claim Two reports are produced for each claim: 1. A Payment report 2. An Exception report. The payment report provides such information as the Date Paid, the Run Number and the Amount Paid. 200 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online The exception report provides details about any exceptions found in the claim. Examples of exceptions might be the patient’s Medicare card issue number is out of date the amount claimed for the service is incorrect an additional service on the same day was not marked as a non-duplicate service, etc. All exceptions for a claim should be dealt with (as described in the next section Reviewing Exceptions for a Claim) before attempting to receipt the claim. Select Awaiting Reports from the Show drop-down list on the Claims Control window to list all claims for which payment and/or exception reports have not yet been received. Select the claim(s) for which to retrieve payment and/or exception reports by highlighting them in the list (additional claims can be selected by shift-clicking or control-clicking on them). Click on the Retrieve Reports button. If this button is greyed out, it means that either the claim was created using MedClaims, and therefore the reports must be downloaded using your Mednetwork or Optus Messenger software, or that the reports have already been retrieved. Once the reports have been retrieved, the claim will be moved to either the Exceptions to Review list or, if the claim did not have any exceptions, the Ready to Receipt list. The Payment Report will fill in the Date Paid, Run No, and Paid columns on the Medicare Claims Control Window. The Exception Report will fill in the Exceptions column on the Medicare Claims Control window, i.e. change it from 'N/A' to a number. Note: When retrieving reports, it is common for several claims to be paid with the one Payment Report. This means that claims which you have not selected may have their Payment Reports returned when retrieving reports for a different claim. The same is not true for Exception Reports, i.e. only the Exception reports for those claims you have selected when you click the Retrieve Reports button will be returned. The result of this phenomenon is that you will likely end up with claims which have Payment Reports but do not have Exception Reports. These claims will remain in the Awaiting Reports list until their Exception Reports are retrieved. When the Retrieve Reports button is clicked for these claims, the following window will appear. At this point you should click the No button as there is no need to re-retrieve the Payment Report. If, for some reason HIC had to pay you for the batch or part thereof manually, ie. sent you a paper statement of payment rather than an online report, then these can still be receipted simply by clicking the Receipt button. You will get an alert to the effect that there has not yet been a payment report received or that the claimed does not match paid, you may have outstanding exceptions. Are you sure you want to receipt? to which you select OK and proceed to the receipt window where you can receipt the claim as appropriate. Reviewing Exceptions for a claim If a claim contains any exceptions, they must be dealt with before the claim is receipted. Exceptions for a claim are identified in the Exception report which is retrieved from the HIC as described in the previous section 'Retrieving Reports for the Claim'. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 201 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online The number of exceptions for a claim is listed in the Exceptions column of the Medicare Claims Control window. If the number is 0, the claim has no exceptions. If the number is N/A, either the Exception Report has not yet been retrieved from the HIC, or it has been deleted for some reason. In either case, the exception report should be retrieved from the HIC before proceeding. Select Exceptions to Review from the Show drop-down list on the Claim Control window to list all claims for which exceptions have been identified. Select the claim for which to review exceptions by clicking once on it in the list. Note that exceptions must be dealt with one claim at a time. Click on the Review Exceptions button. If this button is greyed out, it means that either the claim did not have any exceptions (the Exceptions column will contain 0), the exception report has been deleted (the Exceptions column will contain N/A), or that the Exception Report has not yet been retrieved (the Exceptions column will contain N/A). The Claim Exception window lists all exceptions associated with the claim. Each exception must be dealt with before the claim payment can be receipted. Clicking once on each exception will display more detail about that exception, such as if the Medicare number is incorrect, or the amount claimed is incorrect. It will also display the Medicare or DVA card number currently held by the HIC for the selected patient. To assist in dealing with the exceptions, a report of all exceptions in the claim can be produced by clicking the Print button. The first step in determining what to do is to determine whether or not the claim has been paid. This is shown in the Paid column in the picture above. If the claim has been paid: The exception is usually something simple such as an incorrect claim amount, or an incorrect Medicare number. However, you need to fix the problem before receipting otherwise the next time you claim for this patient, the claim may be rejected. If there is a problem with the item, click on the Edit Item button to open the original item, and change whatever is wrong, e.g. incorrect fee. If there is a problem with the patient’s details, click on the Edit Patient button and fix whatever is wrong, e.g. incorrect Medicare number or Individual Reference number. Once you have fixed the problem, click on the Delete Exception button. If the claim has not been paid: The reason is usually more serious e.g. it has already been paid, or it is a duplicate item on the same day which has not been specified as such. 202 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online Whatever the reason, you need to determine whether or not you plan to resubmit the item. If you plan to resubmit the item: You must first fix the problem by clicking on either the Edit Patient or Edit Item buttons, and changing whatever is wrong. Then click on the Remove Item From Batch button. This removes the item from the current batch so that it will be automatically included in the next transmitted batch. Click on the Delete Exception button. If you do not plan to resubmit the item: For example, you realise that you have accidentally billed the patient twice. In this case, there’s no point in editing anything. You would simply click on the Remove Item From Batch button. Click on the Delete Exception button. You would then need to open the patient’s Account History and Delete the relevant item’s invoice, so that it is not included in the next transmitted batch. In all cases, once you have taken the appropriate action, you should click the Delete Exception button at the bottom of the window to indicate that the exception has been dealt with. You should not use the Delete Statement button except in extreme circumstances, as this deletes all the displayed exceptions and so would require the exception report to be retrieved again from the HIC. The statement is deleted automatically once the last exception has been deleted. Once you have dealt with all the exceptions and the list is empty, click the Close button at the bottom of the window to return to the Medicare Claims Control window. Receipting Claim Payments Once payment and exception reports have been received for a claim and all exceptions have been dealt with, the payment for the claim is ready to be receipted and the claim will move to the Ready to Receipt list. Select Ready to Receipt from the Show drop-down list on the Claim Control window to list all claims for which payment reports have been received and which have no outstanding exceptions. Select the claim for which to receipt payment by clicking once on it in the list. Note that payments must be receipted one claim at a time. Click on the Receipt button. If this button is greyed out, it means that the claim has outstanding exceptions (check the Exceptions column in the list to make sure it is 0). This will bring up the Genie receipting window from the which the receipt can be created as per normal. Make sure that the amount you are receipting matches the amount that was actually paid by Medicare. Once a claim has been fully receipted it is automatically finalised. Finalised claims can be viewed by selecting Finalised from the Show drop-down list. If, for some reason HIC has part-paid or completely paid you for a batch manually, ie. sent you a paper statement of payment rather than an online report, these can still be receipted by clicking the Receipt button. You will get an alert to the effect that there has not yet been a payment report received or that the claimed amount does not match the paid amount as there may still be outstanding exceptions. Select OK when asked if you still wish to receipt and proceed to the receipt window where you can receipt the claim as appropriate. 5.15.2 Patient Claims The Patient Claims function submits the patient’s claim directly to Medicare on behalf of the patient. It operates in two modes: 1. Store and Forward 2. Real-Time © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 203 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online In Store and Forward mode, the claims are “batched” up and transmitted to the HIC at a later time when convenient. This is similar to the way in which Bulk Bill and DVA claiming works. At the time the invoice or receipt is generated, the patient claim content is created and stored in the Genie database. At some later time, e.g.the end of the day, all of the claims which have been created are batched up and transmitted to the HIC. In this mode, the Internet connection only needs to be available when the claims are transmitted. In Real-Time mode, the patient claim is created and transmitted to the HIC at the time the invoice or receipt is generated. In this mode, the Internet connection must be available when the invoice or receipt is created. This removes the need for batching up claims at the end of the day, however it will slow down the invoicing and receipting process while the transmissions are performed. For this reason, a broadband Internet connection is strongly recommended for sites wishing to do Real-Time Patient Claims. Enabling Patient Claims Before you can use Patient claims you must enable it in your Practice Preferences. Choose Practice Preferences from the File menu and double-click your practice name in the list to open it. Go to the Miscellaneous tab and ensure that Use Patient Claims is ticked in the HIC Online area. If you will normally be performing Real-Time Patient Claims, tick the Run Real-Time by Default checkbox. Invoicing When Patient Claiming is enabled and the invoice is being created for the Patient’s Account Holder (Self), a Patient Claims area is displayed on the invoice screen. The Use Patient Claims checkbox indicates whether a Patient Claim should be created for the current invoice. The drop down list allows default values to be set for the current Account Holder: Ask Me - the Use Patient Claims checkbox is available but defaults to being unticked. Always - the Use Patient Claims checkbox is available and defaults to being ticked. Never - the Use Patient Claims checkbox is unticked and unable to be ticked. The same over-ride flags as used with Bulk Bill and DVA invoicing are also available when adding an item to an invoice using Patient Claims. 204 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online No Payment/Gap Paid By Patient If no payment amount is entered for the invoice, when the Print button is clicked, the Create Patient Claim window is displayed. This window provides the following options: Transmit this Claim: to choose whether the claim is to be sent in Real-Time mode or Store-And-Forward mode. If the Use Real-Time by default checkbox is ticked in Practice Preferences, the Now radio button will be selected, otherwise the Later radio button will be selected. If you have more than one PSI store, and therefore more than one HIC Location ID, you can choose the HIC Location ID you wish to use from the drop down list. The default value will be the one for the Practice Preferences you are currently logged in under. Send Payment To: to choose whether the cheque will be sent to the Patient’s address held by Medicare, or to another specified address. Note: The address cannot be a Post Office box. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 205 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online Patient Paid Full Amount If a payment amount is entered for the invoice, when the Receipt button is clicked the Receipt window is brought up as usual, however the Patient Claims area is displayed with the same values as entered on the invoice. These can be changed here if required. When the Print button is clicked, the Create Patient Claim window is displayed. In addition to the options provided by the unpaid Patient Claim window, this window provides the following options: Payment Method: to indicate whether the Patient’s benefit should be paid by Cheque or EFT. This value is saved in the Account Holder’s record, so the default value for the current Account Holder will automatically be selected. Never Store Bank Details: if the benefit is to be paid by EFT, this checkbox indicates that the Account Holder’s bank account details should never be stored in the Genie database. If they are stored, they will automatically be filled in for each Patient Claim for this Account Holder. If this checkbox is ticked, the user is never prompted to save the bank account details when they have been entered. Bank Account Details: if the benefit is to be paid by EFT, the Account Holder’s bank account details must be supplied. If the details have previously been saved with the Account Holder, they will automatically be filled in. Clicking the OK button results in a Patient Claim being created. The following message is displayed while this occurs: For Store-And-Forward claims, a Lodgement Advice will be printed and the invoice/receipting process is now completed. Refer to Transmitting Store-And-Forward Claims for information on how to batch and submit these claims to the HIC for processing. For Real-Time claims, once the claim has been created, it is automatically submitted to the HIC. While this process is occurring the following message is displayed: If the claim is successful, either a Statement of Claim and Benefit Payment or a Lodgement Advice is printed out, depending on whether or not the invoice has been paid. 206 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online If the claim is unsuccessful, the Patient Claim Errors window will be displayed. This window lists all of the services which have generated errors. Clicking on a service will display the corresponding error message in red. In the example displayed, the service has failed because the servicing provider has not been registered for HIC Online. Depending on the nature of the error, it may be appropriate to edit the Item, Patient, Claimant, or Provider details. Buttons are provided on this window to take you directly to the entity in question. If it is simply a matter of the patient or claimant’s Medicare Number or Individual Reference Number being incorrect, these can be easily updated to the values held by the HIC by clicking on the Update Patient and Update Claimant buttons. Some errors may not be serious enough to cause the claim to be rejected. These errors have a Y in the Acceptable column. If all of the errors are Acceptable, the Accept button will be enabled. Clicking the Accept button will send the claim to the HIC for manual processing. If all of the errors which have an N in the Acceptable column have been dealt with by editing the Item, Patient, Claimant or Provider details, the entire claim can be resubmitted by clicking the Resubmit button. Clicking the Cancel button will return you to the Create Patient Claim window. If the problems cannot be rectified from here, click the Cancel button to skip the Patient Claims process and print out a normal invoice or receipt. Transmitting Store-And-Forward Claims Patient Claims created using the Store-And-Forward method must be batched and transmitted to the HIC. This functionality is accessed with the Patient Claims Transmission button on the Daily Chores tab under Maintenance & Reports. Clicking this button takes you to the Patient Claims Control window. Again, if you have more than one HIC Location ID, you can choose which one you wish to use from the dropdown menu at the top of the window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 207 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online To create a new transmission, click the New Transmission button. This will open the New Patient Claim Transmission window. This window lists all store-and-forward Patient Claims which have not yet been batched and submitted to the HIC. If necessary, you can remove claims from the current transmission by clicking the Hold checkbox beside the claim. When you are happy with the claims to be transmitted, click the Create Transmission button. This will batch up to 30 of the displayed claims into a single transmission. When the transmission has been created, the Transmit button will be enabled at the bottom of the screen and the message “Transmission created successfully” will appear above it in blue. Clicking the Transmit button will send the claim to the HIC for processing and will return you to the Patient Claims Control window. If for any reason you need to delete a Store-And-forward transmission, select the transmission from the list on the left, and click the Delete Transmission button. This will remove both the transmission and the claims within the transmission. 208 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online "Post-Invoice" Claiming and Deleting From time to time it may be required to create a Patient Claim after a normal invoice or receipt has already been generated. This is achieved from the Account History window. There are two buttons on this window: Create Patient Claim and Delete Patient Claim. To create a new patient claim, select the services which you wish to include in the claim and click the Create Patient Claim button. This will open the Create Patient Claim window from which you proceed as if you were creating the claim during the invoice or receipting process. Same Day Deleting Should you wish to retract a Real-Time Patient Claim after it has been submitted to the HIC, this is possible using the Same Day Delete function. As it’s name implies, this function can only be used on claims on the same day on which they were created. Same Day Delete is performed from the Account History window using the Delete Patient Claim button. To delete a claim, select one of the services in the claim and click the Delete Patient Claim button. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion of the claim (or claims if more than one is encompassed by the selected services). If the delete request is confirmed a reason for performing the deletion must be selected from the supplied list. The claim will then be deleted or an error indicating why the claim could not be deleted will be returned. 5.15.3 Online Patient Verification Online Patient Verification provides the facility to verify, prior to claim submission, the patient’s eligibility for claiming Medicare benefits, and verify that the patient is known to the Health Fund and holds a “hospital” level of cover. There are three types of Online Patient Verification available: 1. A Medicare check 2. A Health Fund Check 3. Both a Medicare and Health Fund check If the patient’s identity is able to be established from the details transmitted, any discrepancies in the patient’s first name, card number, or Individual Reference number are highlighted, with the ability to update the details in Genie if necessary. Enabling Before you can use Online Patient Verification you must enable it in your Practice Preferences. Choose File > Practice Preferences and double-click on your Practice name in the list to open it. Go to the Miscellaneous tab © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 209 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online and ensure that Use Online Verification is ticked in the HIC Online area. An Internet connection must be established in order to perform Online Patient Verification. Using Online Verification To check a patient’s eligibility for Medicare open the patient’s demographic window (Pencil button) and click the Verify Online button at the bottom of the window. The following window will appearing, prompting you to choose the details to be checked. The following window will be displayed while the request is processed by the HIC: Medicare Verification The request will return with one of the following responses: 1. The patient is eligible for Medicare. 210 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online 2. A message indicating that one or more of the patient’s Medicare number, Individual Reference number, or First Name do not match the values held by Medicare. In this case the value(s) held by Medicare are displayed in the message. After clicking OK, you will be prompted to update the values held by Genie with those returned from Medicare. If the patient’s first name is being updated, a prompt as to whether the value currently held in the First Name field in Genie should be moved to the Known As name in Genie. 3. A message indicating that the patient could not be identified on the Medicare system from the details provided in Genie. 4. Some other error message. In this case the action taken will depend on the error message returned. Health Fund Verification Where you have requested both a Medicare and Health Fund check, the Medicare check must be successful in order to progress to the Health Fund check. If you do not have the patient's Medicare details, you can still perform a Health Fund verification on its own by deselecting the Medicare option. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 211 Genie Manual 5.15.4 The Reception Module: Using HIC Online Updating Certificates Location Certificates Location Certificates expire every two years and require a CD from Medicare Australia to update. The following procedure only needs to be performed on one transmitting client machine. The other transmitting clients on your network will update the next time they log in. To perform a Location Certificate update: 1. Insert the CD into any HIC enabled client computer. 2. Select File > Maintenance & Reports 3. Under the Administrator tab, click the HIC Online PSI Store button. 4. Double click on your PSI store entry as shown below: 5. Click the Update Location Certificates button. The following dialog should appear: 6. The Signing File and Encryption File fields should automatically be populated with the correct values. If not, click the Browse button to the right of the Signing File field. In the dialog box that opens, navigate to and select the fac_sign.p12 file on your CD or floppy disk. Click Open. The location of the Encryption File file should automatically be entered after successfully selecting the Signing File file. If this is not the case, you will need to navigate to and select this file using the Browse button to the right of the Encyption File field. 7. Enter the New Location Passphrase (PIC code) as provided by Medicare Australia. 8. Click OK HIC Certificates HIC Certificates supplied by Medicare also expire every five years. Genie will warn you about one month prior, that your certificates are about to expire. To update your certificates you will need to download and install new certificates as described in the following procedure. Note: For the following procedure to work, an active Internet connection is required. 1. Log out of Genie (this is important) 2. Log in to Genie 3. If you get a step about expiring certificates ignore this 4. Go to File > Maintenance & Reports 5. Click on the Administrator tab 212 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Using HIC Online 6. Click the HIC Online PSI Store button 7. Double-click the name of your PSI store in the list 8. Click the Update HIC Certs button If you are running a network, you only need to perform this on one of the client computers. The server and all the other clients will automatically get the updated PSI store next time they use HIC Online. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 213 Genie Manual 5.16 The Reception Module: Troubleshooting HIC Online Troubleshooting HIC Online Diagnostic Self-Test If you are experiencing problems trying to use HIC Online, the first thing to do is run the Diagnostic Self-test by clicking the Check HIC Online Installation button under the Administrator tab of Maintenance & Reports. This will produce a text file which will identify any problems with your HIC Online installation and the suggested course of action to remedy any such problems. HIC Online Plug-in An integral component of the HIC Online installation is a plug-in for 4th Dimension, the database on which Genie runs. The plugin is called HICOnline.bundle. It is located in different places depending on whether you are using Macintosh or Windows, and whether you are running a Single User or Server. On Macintosh It is located in the Plugins folders of the Genie and Genie Server packages Single User: /Applications/Genie/ Server: /Applications/Genie/Genie On Windows It is located in the Plugins folder of the Solo Applications and Server folders. Single User: \Genie\Solo Application\Plugins\HICOnline.bundle 214 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Troubleshooting HIC Online Server: \Genie\Server\Plugins\HICOnline.bundle You should be using at least version of this plug-in. To see which version you are using on Macintosh, click on the HICOnline.bundle file and choose Get Info from the File menu. On Windows, drill down within the plugin through the Contents folder into the Windows folder (HICOnline.bundle\Contents\Windows), right-click on the HICOnline.4DX file and select Properties from the drop-down list. Click on the Version tab. The File version is displayed at the top. If you are using a version less than, you should update your Genie software (from the Special menu in Genie or from the download on the Genie website). Java Files (Windows Only) The HICOnline installation process creates a number of Java-related files on your PC. These are located in two places as follows: Genie\HICOnline\Lib Note: If you are using Java Runtime Environment version 1.3.1, the following files must also be located in the Genie\HICOnline\Lib folder: © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 215 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Troubleshooting HIC Online Genie\HICOnline\LogicPack If any of these files are missing, you should re-run the HIC_Online_Installer.exe program for the type appropriate to your installation, i.e. Single User or Transmitting Client. HICOL_LIB_PATH (Windows Only) The HICOL_LIB_PATH environment variable tells HIC Online where to find the jar files above. This variable is set automatically by Genie, however it can be overridden if necessary. If it has not been correctly set, you will get the following error: To set the HICOL_LIB_PATH manually follow these steps: 1. Right-click on your My Computer icon and select Properties from the drop-down list 2. Go to the Advanced tab 3. Click on the Environment Variables button 4. Look for the HICOL_LIB_PATH variable in the System Variables pane at the lower half of the window 5. If the HICOL_LIB_PATH variable exists highlight it and click the Edit button, otherwise click the New button and enter HICOL_LIB_PATH in the Variable Name field 6. Enter the location of the HICOnline Lib folder into the Variable Value field, e.g. C: \MySpecialLocation\HICOnline\Lib\ 7. Click the OK button (a total of three times) to close each of the windows 216 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Troubleshooting HIC Online DLL Files (Windows Only) The HIC Online installation process creates four DLL files, EasyClaimC.dll, pthreadVC.dll, PsiCore.dll and PsiJNI.dll. All of these files are placed in the Genie\HICOnline\Bin folder. If any of these files are missing, you should rerun the HIC_Online_Installer.exe program for the type appropriate to your installation, i.e. Single User or Transmitting Client. Frameworks (Macintosh Only) The HIC Online installation process creates two framework folders: EasyclaimC.framework PsiCore.framework These folders contain a number of files and folders required for correct operation of HIC Online. Both of these folders are created in the Frameworks folder in the Library folder at the root of the hard drive. If either of these framework folders is missing, you should rerun the HIC_Online_Installer program. 5.16.1 Error Messages Any time an error is encountered during HIC Online processing, the HIC Online Error window will be displayed. This window displays four important pieces of information: 1. The error code is displayed in the title bar.In the example, the error code is 9202. 2. The category of error is displayed at the top of the window. This describes the area in which the error occurred. In the example, the category is “Data Validation Error ”. 3. The error reason. This will normally tell you why the problem occurred. In the example, the reason indicates that we are trying to set the value of something to a value which is not permitted. 4. The step at which the error was encountered is displayed in bold. This will tell you what you were trying to do when the error occurred. In the example, we are told that we are trying to set the Payee Provider Number to 2127441G. This is not a valid provider number (the correct number is 2127441H). For data validation errors which seem to be caused by incorrect service or patient information, the error window also allows you to edit the service or patient to which the error most likely applies (unless the error occurred during the Transmit phase at which point there is no way for Genie to know to which patient or service the error applies). In any case, the function that was being performed when the error occurred is abandoned so that the error can be attended to before retrying the function. Log Files Several log files record the underlying processing that occurs as part of using HIC Online. In the event that you are having a problem that is difficult to diagnose, Medicare or Genie Solutions may request you to either view these log files or send them via email for further analysis. 1. easyclaim.log - this records processing performed by Java 2. easydll.log - this records processing performed by the EasyclaimC.dll 3. ecplugin.log - this records processing performed by the Genie HICOnline plug-in 4. echelper.log - only used on Macintosh, this records external processing performed by the Genie HICOnline plug-in By default, all of the log files are located in a folder unique to the current combination of application name (i.e. Genie), application type (Solo, Server, or Client), computer name (if running under Terminal Services, this will be the name of the local computer, not the name of the Terminal Server machine), and full path to the Genie application. Although you should not normally need to change the log file locations, even in a Terminal Services © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 217 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Troubleshooting HIC Online environment, they may be over-ridden as follows if desired: The default location for all of the HICOnline local user data, i.e. the PSI store file and the log files can be overridden by setting the ho_userdata_path environment variable. The location of individual log files can be changed as follows: 1. easyclaim.log - the location of this file is determined by the file. On Windows this is located in the Genie\HICOnline\Lib folder. On Mac it is located in the /Library/Frameworks/EasyclaimC.framework/ Versions/A/Java/jars folder. This file contains the line: log4j.appender.A2.file=${ho_log_path}/easyclaim.log The location of the log file can be altered by changing the location indicated by this line to the required value. 2. easydll.log - the location of this file is determined by the easy_api_log environment variable. 3. ecplugin.log - the location of this file may be determined by the ho_plugin_log environment variable. If this environment variable is present, the log file will be created in the location specified by this environment variable. In order to allow different users on the same system to have different values for this environment variable, it should be created as a user-level environment variable. 4. echelper.log (Macintosh only) - the location of this file may be determined by the ho_helper_log environment variable. If this environment variable is present, the log file will be created in the location specified by this environment variable. In order to allow different users on the same system to have different values for this environment variable, it should be created as a user-level environment variable. To manually set or change an environment variable on Windows, follow these steps: 1. Right-click on your My Computer icon and select Properties from the drop-down list. 2. Go to the Advanced tab 3. Click on the Environment Variables button 4. Look for the variable in the User or System Variables panes 5. If the variable exists highlight it and click the Edit button,otherwise click the New button and enter the required variable name (e.g.ho_plugin_log) in the Variable Name field. 6. Enter the required variable value (e.g.C:\Documents and Settings\Mary\HICOnline\Log\ecplugin.log) into the Variable Value field 7. Click the OK button (a total of three times) to close each of the windows. 5.16.2 The PSI Store, Certificates & Passwords The PSI Store is the place where details of your encryption and digital signing certificates are held. The PSI store is a file which by default is located in a folder unique to the current combination of application name (i.e. Genie), application type (Solo, Server, or Client), computer name (if running under Terminal Services, this will be the name of the local computer, not the name of the Terminal Server machine), and full path to the Genie application. The unique folder is named as follows: <app_name>/<app_type>_<uniqueid>/HICOnline where: <app_name> is the name of the application, i.e. Genie <app_type> is the type of application, i.e. Solo, Client or Server; and <uniqueid> is a number calculated from a combination of the full path to the application and the current machine name The location of this folder structure is dependent on the operating system in use: Windows 2000, XP and 2003 Server: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\ Windows Vista: C:\Users\<username>AppData\Local\ Macintosh: /Users/<username>/Library/Applications Support/ 218 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Troubleshooting HIC Online The PSI store is created and maintained using the HIC Online PSI Store function located in File > Maintenance & Reports: Administrator. Any changes to the PSI store (including it’s creation) need only be done from one client machine. Any other clients will pick up the changes the next time they use any HIC Online functions. Passwords Passwords are issued with both the Healthcare Location Certificates and the Healthcare Individual Certificates when they are obtained from Medicare Australia. HIC Online cannot be installed or run without these passwords so it is vitally important they be kept in a safe place when they are received. The Location Certificate passphrase used for the PSI store is changed by the user and remembered by Genie when the PSI store is created. If, however, the PSI store needs to be recreated for some reason, the initial password supplied by Medicare Australia will be required. If you are using iKeys, the Individual Certificate passphrase associated with each iKey is required each time a claim is made. If you forget or lose this password the key is useless and must be returned to Medicare Australia to be reset. Additionally the keys are configured such that 10 consecutive incorrect password attempts will lock the key and again it must be returned to Medicare Australia to be reset. 5.17 Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) This chapter deals with letters written regarding a particular patient to somebody in the Address Book, typically a referral to a specialist or a letter back to a referring doctor. For the purposes of this chapter we will refer to them as referral letters. Referral letters can be created by clicking on the button with a Quill window, the Appointments Book or the Patient's List. icon from either the patient’s clinical Alternatively you can use a couple of different options in the Patients menu, which takes advantage of the Letters Dictated tickbox in the New Consult window. See the Patients Menu. Clicking on this button brings up the Search window to allow you to search the Address Book. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 219 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) Enter the first few letters of whichever field is appropriate, then click OK. You do not have to fill out every field, remember this is just a search... If you require a blank letter just click OK without entering any search criteria. Note: If you have already assigned a referring doctor to the patient, in the patient's demographics (see Edit Patient) then this window does not appear, and the letter is automatically addressed to the referring doctor. If a matching record is found in the Address Book then a new letter will open using the Default Template. Place your cursor in the body of the template and type your letter. Print or Save the letter as appropriate. Button Description The Default Letter drop down menu displays a list of different types of letter templates available, and allows you to add new templates. For example, GP's may want to have a standard referral template for a 5 yearly check colonoscopy. Once you have created the template you can select it from this list and just hit the Print button without having to do any typing at all. Or you may have three specialists, each of which has their preferred formatting of Referral/Reply letters, so in this instance you could select the Doctor's template from this popup menu. For more on adding new templates, please see, Adding New Templates. The From popup menu allows you to choose the doctor from whom the letter is being written. The names in the menu are those users who have the Show me in the Billing Menu checkbox in User Preferences ticked. If your name is already in this list then you will be selected automatically when the letter is opened. If a receptionist is typing the letter, then s/he needs to select the doctor before the letter can be saved. The To field will be the heading of the letter, naturally it defaults to who the letter is addressed to but can be changed if required, without affecting the letter itself. Please note that this will not readdress the letter, you need to do this using the readdress icon (see below) Prefers can be set in the addressee's Address Book entry. This is how the receiving doctor prefers to receive their letters. The Send Via 3rd Party checkbox allows you to send the letter via Argus or Healthlink. For more information on this please see Electronic Correspondence. The Reviewed checkbox would normally only be used by specialists where someone else is usually typing the letter. The doctor would tick this box after reviewing the letter to let the receptionist know that it was ready to send. The Printed checkbox is automatically checked when the letter is either printed, faxed or emailed. The Flagged for Followup checkbox is used for important referrals where you need to ensure that the patient actually attends the specialist. When a reply letter is received, you would then check the Reply Received Checkbox. To see how these checkboxes are used in practice, see Reviewing Correspondence. Can't Delete will not allow the letter to be deleted at all from the database once saved. The Spellchecking checkbox provides an integrated spell checking facility into letter writer. To check spelling at the end of your document, select Tools > Spelling. Learned words are stored in a dictionary file names Perso69632.dic located within your Genie folder. This is 220 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) updated each time you Quit out of Genie. If you wish to edit the dictionary you need to go to: Windows Genie Solo: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\4D Windows Genie Client: C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows Log in Name>\Application Data\4D Macintosh: Library/Application Support/4D In here will be a file named perso69632.dic or similar. Open this with Notepad or Textedit or similar. Make the required changes and save. The Edit Template button will open the underlying template for this letter to allow you to make permanent changes to the letter, affecting all future letters, not just the one in view. Convert to Text allows you to edit/format an inserted reference eg. an address without it highlighting and deleting the whole reference. The Email button creates an email in Genie’s built-in email client, and places it in the Outbox. If you have entered an email address in the addressee’s record (in Open > Address Book), then the email will be sent the next time you send or receive email. When a letter is emailed, any images which have been inserted are automatically sent as attachments to the email. For more detail on using Email in Genie, see Email. Note: If you want your letters to keep their formatting when encrypted then select 'Send as RTF attachment' when prompted. This is provided the receiver can actually receive in RTF though. The Labels buttons allow you to print sticky envelope labels for either the patient or the addressee. Genie’s built-in labels currently handle only A4 with 14 labels per sheet, or the Dymo Labelwriter series, or otherwise custom labels can be setup. For more information please see the Labels chapter. The Envelope button allows you to print an envelope for the Addressee and/or the CC's. When printing an envelope you have the option to print the following: return address details, the patient's name and addressee's (or CC's) phone number, down the left hand side of the envelope. Additionally you can choose the envelope size, on Window machines. On Macintosh machines this option does not appear as you can set your envelope size in the Printing Preferences (File > Printing Preferences) Page Setup button. The Print button will print the letter, defaulting to the printer which you have selected in the 'Letters' option of File > Printing Preferences. The Full Page button makes the 4D Write word processor open to full page to type if you wish. This also allows you to fax the letter using whatever fax software you have installed on your computer. The Word button will open the letter in Microsoft Word. You must, of course, have Word already installed on your computer. This feature is for those people who prefer to use Word’s Autotype and AutoCorrect functions. Once you have finished writing the letter in Word, Save and Close the Word document and return to Genie. Note: If would like to use this function it is recommended that you turn on the option to save letters reimported from Word as attachments in the General tab of your User Preferences (File > User Preferences). You will notice that the Word button is now coloured red. Clicking again on this button will import the Word document back into 4D Write with all formatting retained. If the import is successful, the Word document is then automatically deleted from your hard disk. It is temporarily stored in a folder called “Letters” within the Genie folder. Note: You must remember to close the Word document before attempting to import it back into Genie, otherwise it won’t work! The Edit Doctor button opens the addressee’s record in the Address Book, allowing you to add or modify © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 221 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) any of their details. e.g. Email Address. The Re-Address button allows you to select a different addressee for the letter. This would most commonly be used where the letter has defaulted to the referring doctor, but you wish to send a letter to someone else about the patient. Note: This button will only work when you initially open the letter. Once the letter has been saved, the references are “frozen”. In this case you would need to copy the contents of your letter, recreate a new letter, change the doctor and paste in the copied contents. The CC button places a CC with address information at the bottom of the letter. You can CC anyone in the Address Book, and can have as many CC’s as you like. Holding down the Ctrl key will put the CC address in a window envelope format. Once a person has been a CC on a letter you have the option of marking them as an 'interested party'. Interested parties can be accessed through the CC button or the Interested Parties button in the patient's clinical or demographic window. You can edit the list of Interested Parties through this icon or by selecting 'Edit Interested Parties' from the CC button. The CC section appears once you add a CC and allows you to send your CC letters to their recipient via a third party if necessary. If you right click on the CC, you can edit their details or print envelopes/labels for them. The Save button saves what you have already written without closing the window. This can be useful when writing a long letter in case you have a sudden crash. Macros Macros assist in your typing by expanding typed shortcuts to bigger blocks of text as programmed by you, a la Spellcatcher and As-U-Type. The Macros are triggered by typing your shortcut followed by a Space or Carriage Return or by selecting the shortcut from the Macros menu. This is also where they can be disabled if necessary and where new Macros can be added through Edit Macros... Or by highlighting what has been typed already and pressing Ctrl M. If you currently use Spellcatcher 222 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) or As-U-Type you can import your existing macros, by selecting Edit Macros and clicking on the Import button. This will give you instructions on how to first export your existing macros from Spellcatcher and As-U-Type. You can then import this file. 5.17.1 Setting up the Default Template Whenever you create a new letter by clicking on the Quill icon, Genie uses the template called 'Default Template'. Therefore, your default template should be for the type of letter you most commonly write. As a general rule, for GP’s it would be a referral letter and for specialists, a letter back to the referring doctor. To edit this template, click on the Edit Template button. This will open a window like this: Note: You cannot change the name from 'Default Letter'. You can however delete this template, in which case Genie will immediately recreate a fresh template called 'Default Letter'. This can be useful if the template ever becomes corrupted. In the middle of the screen is a Default button. Clicking this will wipe the current template and enter a default template containing all the usual information you might need. The DMMR button creates a Domiciliary Medication Management Referral template. 5.17.2 Setting up the 4D Write Area Before filling in the body of the letter it is a good idea to perform a few basic setup tasks. First, select File > Page Setup and make sure that this is set to A4 and that the correct printer has been selected. Determine whether or not you want to have headers and/or footers, via the View menu, within the 4D Write area. Headers are a separate area at the top of a word processing document which will print on every page of a multipage document. They are usually used for page numbering. Footers are a separate area at the bottom of the page which also print on every page of a multi-page document. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 223 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) The majority of people choose not to have headers and footers. Whether or not you have headers and footers is unimportant. What is important is that you are consistent. If you do have headers and footers in this type of letter, you should also have them in all your letter templates. Otherwise, when an ordinary letter template is copied into patient correspondence you may end up with a duplicated letterhead. To select or deselect Headers and Footers, use the View menu within the 4D Write area. Selecting the Header or Footer option will either tick or untick this option. Finally, you should set the printable margins. The numbered scales along each side of the letter are called Rulers. If you place the cursor over the current margin setting, it will become a double-ended arrow as in the picture below. You can now click and drag the margin left or right to suit. This has the effect of moving the width of the body of the letter. You can do the same for the other three sides of the template to adjust the left, right and bottom margins. If you are using a header, then clicking within the header area allows you to do the same to adjust the size of the header. 5.17.3 Fields & Expressions Tabs Fields Tab The Fields tab lists the tables in Genie that can be referenced in a letter. To view the individual fields within the tables click on the plus (+) sign (or the arrow left of the table), then insert the field by double clicking or dragging and dropping into the template. For example, if you wanted to insert a patient's DOB, expand the Patient's table by clicking the plus (+) (or 224 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) arrow left of [Patients]), then either drag and drop DOB into the template, or place the cursor where you want the field to be inserted in the template and double click on DOB. If you want to change the format of a date, for example, double click on it in the template and an insert 4D Expression box will come up with Formats on the right hand side. Note: If you are referencing fields from the Procedures/Consults/Checklists etc tables you can load a specific Procedure/Consult/Checklist etc from the Expressions tab otherwise Genie will load the most recent of these by default. Expressions Tab The Expressions Tab lists common references and clinical fields that can be inserted into the template by dragging and dropping, or by double clicking the expression you require. If there is information you need to insert that isn't in the Expression tab, then you can reference individual fields through the Fields Tab. Allergies: Lists the patients allergies as well as associated reaction as entered in the Allergies box of that patients clinical record Anaesthetist's Phone: Displays for quote templates only and will pull in the phone number for the anaesthetist listed in the procedure record for the selected patient Current Medications: Lists the patients current prescriptions from the script area of the clinical file, excluding those marked as category H (Hidden) or S (Single Course) Current Problems & Current Inserts Current Problems from clinical file in point form or with included notes Problems + Notes: respectively. You will be prompted how you would like this formatted once in the template ie. bullets, indents etc.# Employer Insurance Details Inserts the patient's Employer's insurance details Immunisations: Lists all the immunisations that the patient has had. Includes the date of immunisation Life Events Displays any events entered in the Life Events window of the patients clinical file © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 225 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) Obstetrics History: Inserts overview of the patient's obstetric history. Past Hx & Past Hx + Notes: Inserts Past History from clinical file in point form or with included notes respectively. You will be prompted how you would like this formatted once in the template ie. bullets, indents etc.# Patient's Address: Inserts the patients full name and address. Patient Preferred Name: Inserts the patients Preferred Name, as entered in their demographic window, in the Known As field Picture from Library: Allows you to insert a picture from your Picture Library Prescription History: Inserts all medications listed in the Patients Script Archive. Scripts are entered in the Script Archive once they have been printed Procedure Complications: Loads the Audit Summary from the Post-Op tab of the Procedure window. The procedure can be selected by using the 'Load Procedure' expressions Procedure Items: Inserts the item numbers associated with the loaded procedure as entered in the Quotes tab of the procedure Procedure Side: Enters the side of the procedure as specified by the tick boxes in the procedure window Recalls: Inserts all recalls this patient has listed in their file. Includes the Recall due date and Recall Reason Recall Date & Recall Inserts the appropriate date and recall reason if used from the Recall Due window Reason: Serial Measurements: This will insert the serial measurements for the selected patient of the reading selected from the window that appears eg. height, weight, BP etc. It is best formatted in Courier or Monaco font. Sex Expression: Converts the patients Sex to an expression eg. him/her or man/woman etc Sign Off: Inserts the sign off as specified in user preferences so that the sign off will reflect the person who is logged in when typing the letter, good in a multi doctor practice where all doctors write referral letters. Smoking Info: Notes whether the patient is a non-smoker or smoker. If marked as a Smoker (ticked) any extra information entered in the Smoker field will also be inserted Today's Date: Brings up a window with options for the format of the date. Be sure to tick Automatic update or else the date will always reflect that of the date the template was created. Your Letterhead: Copies and pastes the letterhead from Practice Preferences or User preferences depending on how your practice is set up. Due to the letterhead just being pasted, any changes to the letterhead in preferences will not be reflected in templates, they will need to be edited separately or reinserted into the template. # Note: Current Problems and Past History items marked as 'confidential' (indicated by a tick against the item) will not be inserted into the letter. Expressions relevant to the patient that can be added when typing the letter: Last Height, Weight & BP: Pathology Results: Insert Consult Notes: Insert Checklist: Attachments: 226 Inserts the patients last recorded height, weight, and BP Allows you to insert selected Pathology results into the body of the letter Allows you to insert selected Consultation notes into the body of the letter Allows you to insert checklists which have been added to the patients clinical file Allows you to insert the selected attachment © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.17.4 The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) Adding New Templates To add another letter template, select 'New Template' from the Default Letter drop down menu. This copies the Default Template into a new window. This is why it's important to get the page setup and margins correct in the Default Template before adding new templates. Make any changes you want in the content of the letter. Give the template a new name, in the box at the very top left of this window and then click the Save button. 5.17.5 Editing Templates If you want to make a permanent change to your letters, for example, changing the font of your letterhead, you must make the change in the actual template. If you change it in the letter itself, it will only be changed for that one letter. To edit a template, select the letter from the Default Letter drop down menu, then click the Edit Template button. Make any changes that you want, then click the Save button. You will be asked if you want to update the current letter. If you click the Update Now button, the current letter will be overwritten with the new template and anything you have already started typing will be lost. Therefore, if you have already started writing a letter, click the Update Later button. This will leave your current letter intact, and the next letter you create will have the changes you made to the template. 5.17.6 Reviewing Correspondence This is designed to allow doctors to review letters that have been typed, which can then printed by the receptionist. To access Review Correspondence either go to Open > Patients, Patients > Review Correspondence. or click the Review Correspondence icon from the appointment book. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 227 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) This opens a window in which the correspondence can be displayed according to different criteria. It will open to 'To be Reviewed' by default. This will display all letters which have not been reviewed by the doctor, and which have not yet been printed. To print reviewed letters select Reviewed but Unprinted, from the To Be Reviewed drop down menu. The Method drop down on this page displays the preferred method of communication for the addressee of the letter. You can display just those letters marked for a particular method by selecting it from the drop down menu, e.g. selecting "Mail" will display those letters to be printed and mailed. Highlight all these letters by choosing Select All from the Edit menu. Click the Print button to print all the highlighted letters in one go. Letters to be faxed or emailed must be opened and sent individually. Note: Eventually, all letters in Review Correspondence should end up in the 'Printed' section. Do not delete letters from within Review Correspondence as this will delete the original letter from the patients clinical file. The letters displayed in Review Correspondence are not another copy of the letter from the patients clinical record, it is the same letter, just being viewed from a different location. Trying to delete letters from with Review Correspondence will result in the following warning: Reviewing Letters Offsite Letters can be reviewed offsite in two ways. First, you can use Offsite Logging. Alternatively, clicking on the Word button will export any highlighted letters as Word documents. They are placed in a folder called "Letters Folder" inside the Genie folder, on the local machine. If the Letters folder doesn't exist, Genie will automatically create it. This folder can then be taken home on a laptop, floppy disk, external drive etc. The following day, replace the Letters folder in the Genie folder, on the local machine that will import the letters, open the Correspondence window and click on the Import button. This will import the Word documents with any changes, and replace the original 4D write documents. You will be asked if you want the imported letters to be marked as having been reviewed. Click Yes. Once the import has finished, you will be asked if you want to delete the Word documents in the Letters folder. You should agree to this, otherwise they will still be there the next time you do this procedure unless you delete them manually in the meantime. 228 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.17.7 The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) Importing Remotely Typed Letters If your letters are typed by a remote typist i.e. someone not using Genie, then Genie has the ability to import these letters and link them to the correct patient. The requirements for this are: the letters must be typed in Word. each letter must be in it's own document i.e. you can't have 10 different letters in the one Word document. the document must be saved with a specific name i.e. the name of the document must be the patient's surname, followed by first name, followed by Date of Birth as an 8 character string, with semi-colons between each piece of information. For example, a letter about John Smith, born on 4 July 1956 would be named: Smith;John;04071956. Optionally, you can add the date of the letter to the end of this name, e.g. Smith;John;04071956;22092005. If the optional date is not used, Genie will mark the date of import the date of the letter. To import the letters, click on the Import Letters Open > Import Transcribed Letters. button in Review Correspondence or go to The first time you do this, you will be asked to identify the folder in which you have stored the letters. Note: You need to highlight the actual folder, not the letters contained within the folder. Click the Choose or OK button, and the Link window shown below will open. The document names are listed in the left-hand column. The patient to whom the corresponding documents should be linked are displayed in the right-hand column. Genie initially tries to match the correct patient using the above-mentioned naming conventions i.e. either the PatientID number or a "Surname;FirstName;DOB" naming convention. If Genie cannot find a suitable match, "???" will be placed in the second column. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 229 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) In this case double-clicking in the Patient's Name field displays a search window, allowing you to manually find the correct patient. To add the addressee (which will be displayed as the title of the letter in the Correspondence list in the patients clinical file), click once to view the letter to see who it was to. Double click to bring up the address book search window and find the correct Doctor which will then be inserted into the addressee column. Letters can also be sorted as to whether they are incoming i.e. from a Specialist (through Argus or similar), or outgoing i.e. to a Specialist. Incoming letters will go into Correspondence In into Correspondence Out , and outgoing letters will go . Once you have correctly linked all the documents, click the Import Letters button and Genie will import the letters, attaching them to the designated patient. The letters which have successfully been imported will be automatically moved to a "Processed" folder within the designated Letters folder. Periodically you should then manually delete these "processed" letters. Importing Letterheads Genie can't import logos or letterheads created in Word documents. Additionally it can't import anything in a Word header. Therefore if you are going to be using services such as Ozescribe or Syberscribe, the following steps will allow you to still attach you logo or header to the imported document. 1. Open a Referral/Reply letter via the Quill icon. 2. Click on the popup menu which is currently saying Default Letter and select New Template. 3. Put your usual logos/letterhead in the body of the template ie. not the header, and name the template exactly: LetterheadLink 4. You can create additional letterhead templates, naming them LetterheadLink1, LetterheadLink2. This would be useful in practices where each doctor has his or her own letterhead. Note: The logos you insert must already reside in your Picture Library i.e. insert them into the template using the Picture from Library expression in the Expressions Tab on the left hand side of this window. 230 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) 4. When importing a letter through the Import Letters button in the Review Correspondence window, Genie will slot the information in your LetterheadLink template above the text that is imported from the Word document. 5.17.8 Transcription Export Genie integrates with transcription services such as OzeScribe, Syberscribe, NTS and BDT. They will type your letters and return them to you in Microsoft Word format. The letters can then be imported into Genie and automatically linked to the correct patient record. We have developed an import and export routine to make this process as simple as possible. Exporting Demographics So that you don’t have to dictate the patient’s and referring doctor’s demographic information for each letter, Genie can export this information from the Appointment Book window for all appointments within a selected period. To do this, select Appointments > Transcription Export The window below will be displayed. You will need to select which Transcription service you use from the drop down menu. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 231 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) If you choose NTS Transcription you will get a further option to Automate the process, this is only applicable to NTS. The default date range is for the previous fortnight, however this can be changed if you prefer. In a multi-doctor practice, you can also select just a particular doctor. Two files are exported, named 'Patients.txt' and 'Associates.txt'. They will be placed inside a folder named 'OzescribeOut', 'SyberscribeOut' or 'NTS_Out' which will be automatically created inside your Genie folder. If a file named 'Patients.txt' already exists in this folder, you will be asked if you want to overwrite it. If you are sure the existing file has already been uploaded, then you should click the Proceed button to overwrite the existing file. The 'Patients.txt' file and the 'Associates.txt' file are not automatically deleted once they have been uploaded to Ozescribe, Syberscribe or NTS. Note: The same process applies for BDT Export but you will need to highlight the patients required for the export on a daily basis. Importing Returned Letters The letters created by Ozescribe will be named with either the patient's ID number, or be in the format of "Surname;FirstName;DOB". Note: The patient's ID number is the internally generated Patient ID field, displayed in the top left corner of the Patient Demographic window. It is not the file or chart number which either you or Genie may have entered in the Chart field. To import returned letters from either Ozescribe, Syberscribe, NTS or BDT, follow the steps outlined in Importing Remotely Typed Letters. Reasons for Failure This window will only import files which have an extension of .doc or .txt. 5.18 Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) Correspondence such as referral/reply letters can be sent to and received from other doctors electronically via a third party into Genie. This third party could be an organisation such as Healthlink or direct through the Genie Solutions Web Server. The following sections will explain both methods. Healthlink is a company which acts as a “middle man” for the secure storage and forwarding of encrypted letters between doctors, and for pathology and X-ray results for some providers. To send letters via Healthlink, both doctors must have the Healthlink client application installed on a computer on their network, and both must have a Healthlink EDI. The EDI is usually an 8 character identifier, which is basically the name of your mailbox on the Healthlink server. The Healthlink Client application is cross-platform, so this can be used on either Windows or Macintosh computers. In a nutshell, Doctor A writes a letter to Doctor B. The letter is exported from Genie in HL7 format, and includes 232 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) Doctor B’s EDI. The Healthlink Client application picks up the letter, encrypts it, and sends it to Doctor B’s mailbox on the Healthlink server. Doctor B uses the Healthlink Client application to retrieve any letters in his mailbox. These are then imported into his practice management program, which should also produce an acknowledgement (ACK) that the letter has been received. This ACK is uploaded to Doctor A’s mailbox, and is downloaded the next time Doctor A launches the Healthlink Client application. Genie imports the ACK, and marks the original letter as having been received. This can all be set up to happen seamlessly so that there is virtually no interaction required by the end users. Setup Note: Genie also supports the following 3rd Party Providers: Argus DivisionReport ePIT AllTalk (eQuery) Health Network Healthlink 2 Hippo MedEmail Medical Objects Promedicus To configure one of these above programs to work with Genie, substitute 'Healthlink' with the name of the program as listed above. If your provider is Healthlink, EQuery or DivisionReport, enter the Carrier Identifier assigned to you by this provider in your Practice Preferences record in Genie. See Carrier Identifiers for more details. On the computer on which the Healthlink Client application is installed, create a folder inside the Genie folder and name it “Healthlink”. Inside this folder, create another two folders named “Incoming” and “Outgoing”. Limitations: 1) 2) 3) Only one instance of Healthlink can be running on the network The "Incoming" and "Outgoing" folders must not exist on the server There must not be more than one "Incoming" and "Outgoing" folder on the network If Healthlink is running on the server, you will need to consider moving it to a client machine, where you would create the appropriate "Incoming" and "Outgoing" folders. Configure the Healthlink program to use these two folders for it's correspondence. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 233 Genie Manual 5.18.1 The Reception Module: Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) Configuring Healthlink Note: For the configuration of any of the other carriers' software, you will need to speak to them direct. Please consult the list of 3rd Party Providers at the end of this section. Open HMS Advanced Options. There should be a shortcut on your desktop. Select Configuration/User Settings. Click on the Message Types tab, then scroll down and highlight “RSDAU”. Click on the Directories tab, then click the Edit/More button. Set the Outgoing and Incoming Message Directories to the Outgoing and Incoming folders created earlier. Click the Close button, select Save in the File menu, then Exit in the File menu. 234 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.18.2 The Reception Module: Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) Writing the Letter After writing the letter, click on the 'Send via 3rd Party' checkbox, select Healthlink from the popup menu which appears. If you haven’t already entered the Addressee’s/CC's Healthlink EDI, you will be reminded to enter it, and the Address Book record will open. If you select Healthlink as the Preferred Method of Communication in the Address Book record then you will not need to select this each time you create a letter for this doctor. Click the Save button to save and close the letter. Genie will export the letter in HL7 format, into the “Outgoing” folder that was set up previously. If the letter needs to be reviewed first then do not tick the Send via 3rd Party until it is reviewed. Note: You can actually create the letter on any computer in the network, but it is only exported on the computer with the Healthlink Outgoing folder. Genie checks for any letters to be exported every 5 minutes, or by Ctrl clicking on the Quill icon. Note: The Delivery Acknowledged button is deliberately disabled. This is only ticked when Genie receives an ACK back from the addressee. CC letters can be sent electronically also, their Preferred Method of Communication just needs to be entered in their Address Book entry. This can be done by right clicking on the CC and selecting Edit. Provided the Send checkbox is ticked, the letter will also be sent to the CC via the corresponding 3rd Party once it is saved. You can still send CC letters via a 3rd party even if the primary recipient does not have a 3rd party carrier. Tick the Send for the CC but leave the Send via 3rd Party unticked as this refers to the primary recipient only. 5.18.3 Checking Imported Letters Genie also checks the Incoming folder for letters and ACKS every 5 minutes. If it finds a new letter it will be imported into Genie automatically and a Task will be sent to the Addressee of the letter. If Genie cannot determine who the Addressee is then the Task will be sent to the Administrator of Genie. To review any incoming letters, go to Open > Incoming Letters © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 235 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) You can select letters to a certain doctor by selecting the name from the Doctor drop down list. Double-click the first letter to begin reviewing. Reviewing letters is very similar to checking your pathology and radiology results (see Matching & Linking Results). Genie will try to Match the letter as best it can to someone in the database otherwise you can create a New patient based on the information given in the letter. Once the letter is matched you can Link it to the patients clinical file and it will move to the next letter for linking. If the incoming letter is received in RTF format then the linking process is slightly different depending on whether you have the Import RTF Letters to 4D Write ticked in your Practice Preferences under the Carrier Identifiers tab. Ticking this MAY allow the conversion of the RTF files into 4D Write in which case they will go into Open > Incoming Letters and the above linking process will apply. If they come in as blank or scrambled letters then you will need to untick this and Genie will automatically attach them to the patients chart as an image. In order to do this, Genie searches for the correct patient, by matching surname, first name and DOB with the information held within the incoming letter. If it doesn’t find a matching patient, it will create a new patient record using the information within the incoming letter. Correspondence Log Genie also keeps a log of all outgoing and incoming letters, so that you can see exactly when and on which computer any letter was imported or exported, and also whether it has been read yet or not. This is also how you can find out which 3rd party carriers this machine exports/imports for, if any. The Correspondence Log can be accessed via Open > Correspondence Log OR through the Review Correspondence window by clicking the Correspondence Log button OR through File > Maintenance & Reports: Administrator tab To view more detail of an entry, simply double click it. 236 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.18.4 The Reception Module: Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) 3rd Party Providers Company ArgusConnect Address Phone Suite 4 (03) 5335 Greenhill Enterprise 2220 Centre University Drive Mt Helen Victoria 3350 DivisionReport Level 36 (02) 9290 60 Margaret Street 9890 Sydney NSW 2000 eClinic 657 Nicholson Street (03) 9381 Carlton North VIC 3054 4567 eQuery 2 Hunter Street (03) 5995 Cranbourne VIC 3977 7880 2Hippo 1300 789 828 Healthlink Geoff Sayer 1800 125 PO Box 566 036 Caringbah NSW 2229 Medemail 1800 006 818 Medical Objects P O Box 5048 (07) 5456 Maroochydore BC QLD 6000 4558 Email support@argusconnect. info@medicalobjects. au ProMedicus support@promedicus. 450 Swan Street Richmond VIC 3121 (03) 9429 8800 Website au equery.htm Geoff.Sayer@healthlink. net © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 237 Genie Manual 5.19 The Reception Module: Merged Letter Templates Merged Letter Templates Merged Letter Templates are letter templates which can be set up once, and then used to create letters to one or many patients or addressees. They are very similar to referral-type letter templates (see Patient Correspondence), except that they don’t link a patient with a record in the Address Book, and should not need to be edited for each patient. The templates can be accessed from many different windows including: • The Appointments Book • The Patient Demographics Window • The Patient Clinical Window • The Patients List * • The Address Book List * • The Account Holders List * *Letters printed from the Patients, Address Book or Account Holders List will print to everybody displayed in the list, not just those highlighted in the list. Letters printed from the Appointments Book, the Demographics Window or the Clinical Window will print only for the selected patient. In all the above cases, templates can be created or opened by clicking on the Templates button. This will display a menu of your available templates in a Letter Templates window. In this window you can Print the letter without opening it or Open and print from within the template window. To create a new template, select Add Template. This will open a new word-processing document. The following chapters will explain how to set up the new template. You can categorise your existing templates using the Add Category button and then drag and drop the letter template(s) onto the category created. Templates can also be moved between categories by dragging and dropping from one category to the other. Delete Item allows you to delete templates or delete categories. Any templates from a deleted category will just be moved out on their own and can then be dragged into another category if needs be. Expand All allows you to expand all categories to see all templates. To expand one category click the plus icon next to the category or double click the category. Collapse All collapses all categories. 238 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.19.1 The Reception Module: Merged Letter Templates Setting up the 4D Write Area Before filling the body of the letter it is a good idea to perform a few basic setup tasks. First, select File > Page Setup and make sure that this is set to A4 and that the correct printer has been selected. Determine whether or not you want to have headers and/or footers. Headers are a separate area at the top of a word-processing document which will print on every page of a multi-page document. They are usually used for page numbering. Footers are a separate area at the bottom of the page which also print on every page of a multi-page document. The majority of people choose not to have headers and footers. Whether or not you have headers and footers is unimportant. What is important is that you are consistent. If you do have headers and footers in this type of letter, you should also have them in all your letter templates. Otherwise,when an ordinary letter template is copied into patient correspondence you may end up with a duplicated letterhead. To select or deselect Headers and Footers, use the View menu. Selecting the Header or Footer option will either tick or untick this option. Finally, you should set the printable margins. The numbered scales along each side of the letter are called Rulers. If you place the cursor over the current margin setting, it will become a double-ended arrow as shown in the picture below. You can now click and drag the margin up or down to suit. This has the effect of moving the body of the letter either closer or further away from the top edge of the paper. You can do the same for the other three sides of the template to adjust the left, right and bottom margins. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 239 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Merged Letter Templates If you are using a header, then clicking within the header area allows you to do the same to adjust the size of the header. 5.19.2 Creating the Letter The actual letter can be created quite quickly using the Expressions Tab. This will insert various pieces of data at the point where the cursor is flashing, by either double-clicking or dragging and dropping the required Expression. For more information on what each expression will insert, refer to Referral/Reply Letters. E.g. First, select Your Letterhead from the Expressions Tab and either double-click or drag and drop this expression onto your letter. This inserts the Letterhead you have set up in either Practice Preferences or your individual User Preferences (File > Practice Preferences or File > User Preferences). Press the Return key to move down a line, then select Today's Date from the Expressions Tab. The following window will appear, asking how you would like the date to be formatted. Select your preferred format from the list on the left. Select <No Time> from the list on the right, unless you want the time to be displayed on the letter. Remember to also select the Automatic Update checkbox, otherwise whenever you use this template the date displayed will always be the date on which you created the template! Note: You can change the Date Format at any time by double-clicking on the Date on the page. Move the cursor down another couple of lines, and select Patient's Address from the Expressions Tab. Move the cursor down another couple of lines, then begin the actual letter. Type "Dear ". We now want to reference the patient’s title and Surname, so that no matter what patient we send the letter to, it will have their correct title and name e.g. “Dear Mr Smith” or “Dear Mrs Jones”. To do this we will need to use the Fields Tab, to reference the Title field. 240 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Merged Letter Templates This displays a list of tables in the database available for referencing within letters. Click on the plus (+) sign or the arrow to the left of the Patients table, and all the fields in the Patients table will appear in a list. Select the Title field as shown below, and either double-click or drag and drop this field onto the template. Repeat these steps to insert the Surname field. You can then proceed to write the desired letter. e.g. A recall letter using Recall Date and Recall Reason in the Expressions Tab, or an Appointment Reminder, or Medical Certificate letter using the [Appointments] start date from the Fields Tab. You can see what references you have inserted by clicking the View > References which will display the references in grey. Alternatively, use can use the View References button in order to display the references. Note: Be sure to turn this view off before saving the template. Otherwise, your templates will print out with the references instead of the patients details! © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 241 Genie Manual 5.19.3 The Reception Module: Merged Letter Templates Saving/Deleting the Template Any changes you make to the template are not actually saved until you click the Save button. You will then be provided with the following warning: If you close the template via either the Close button, or the Close Box (red cross), then none of the changes you have made to the template will be saved. This is to allow you to open the template, add a personal note for a particular patient, and then close the window without having the personal note automatically saved in the template, which someone else may subsequently use for a mass mail out to 500 patients. You can name the template in the Title box and categorise it using the Category drop down menu. Categories are added through the Letter Template window, see the beginning of this chapter. Saving A Copy In Patient Notes If you want to save a copy of the letter in the relevant patient’s clinical record, select the checkbox named Save a Copy in Clinical Record. You would usually do this if the letter had any medico-legal value, so that in a year’s time you would still have exactly what was mailed to the patient, because the actual template may well have been modified or deleted in the meantime. The copy of the letter is created when the letter is actually printed, or emailed. If you were not actually printing the letter but still wanted to create a copy in the patient’s record, you can click on the Copy button to the right of the Print button. Creating a Consultation Note Alternatively, you can choose to have a consultation record created with a note like “<Template Name> sent 25/9/03” automatically inserted. To do this, select the Create a Consult after Printing checkbox. You would usually only choose one or the other of these two options. Selecting both is probably overkill. 242 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Merged Letter Templates Use for Quotes Selecting the Use For Quotes checkbox will make this template available from within a Procedure record. However, you would normally create a quote template from within the procedure. See Creating Quote Templates for more details. Deleting Templates Templates can be deleted from your list of Templates by clicking the Delete Item button in the Letter Templates window. See the beginning of this chapter. 5.19.4 Printing Merged Letters Click on the large Print button in the top right of this window. If you are printing from a list i.e. printing to one or more patients, account holders, or address book entries, you will be asked to confirm that you wish to print a letter for all of the displayed results. If you would only like to print to a selection of records in the list, then you will need to highlight the records required and then go to Records > Use Selected, otherwise Genie will print for everyone on display by default. Once the template has been printed, the type of letter (i.e. Recall Letter) is recorded in the patients clinical record, in the 'Correspondence Out' tab on the Notes page. Note: If any of the displayed patients have been marked as inactive or deceased, a letter will not be printed for them. For more detailed information on using 4D Write, please refer to the 4D Write Reference.pdf situated in your Genie folder. 5.19.5 Creating Quote Templates To create or edit a Quote template select the template from the menu in the lower left corner of the Quote tab in the Procedures window. If you don't already have a quote template, select 'Add Template' and you will be asked to enter a name for the template. After doing this, a new template will automatically open. Note: You can have as many different types of Quote templates as you like. You could also create a template here to act as an Operation report. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 243 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Merged Letter Templates When a new Quote template is created, it includes the basic information about the Procedure. This information is "referenced" from the fields in the underlying Procedure record. You can see the references by clicking on the View References button This will display the template as shown below: You can reference other fields in the Procedure record, or the Patient's record. For information on how to do this, please refer to the Fields & Expressions Tabs. You will probably want to add your own patient information to this template. For example, disclaimers about Anaesthetist and hospital fees, etc. Once you have typed this information into the template, you need to save it by clicking on the Save icon. Before you do this though, you need to let Genie know where to insert the actual quote information when you next open this template. To do this, highlight all the text from "Item No" down to the "Out of Pocket Cost", as shown below: 244 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Merged Letter Templates Then replace this section of the quote template with "XXX", so that it now looks like this: Click the Save button. Note: Don't save the template with references showing otherwise it will print like this. At the top of this screen there are four checkboxes The Use for Quotes checkbox should already be ticked. This tells Genie to display this template in the popup menu in the Procedures record. You will probably want to also check the Save a Copy in Patient Correspondence checkbox. This will make a copy of this Quote and save it in the patient's record so that you have a record of what was actually quoted. This occurs when you print the record. If you aren't printing the record you can still save a copy by clicking the Copy to Patient 5.20 button. Recalls Recalls are setup either in the Clinical window, through Patients > Add a Recall, or through Appts > Add a Recall For more information on adding Recalls, see Recalls in the Clinical Module. 5.20.1 Creating a Generic Recall Template In order to print out the recalls when they fall due, you first need to create a Merged Letter Template. You can have as many different types of letters as you like. For example, you may have a specific letter template for Pap Smear recalls, and a different template for Fluvax recalls. You can also create a generic recall letter which simply states the reason for the recall and the due date. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 245 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Recalls To do this, create a new letter template. For instructions on how to do this, please refer to the Merged Letter Templates chapter. Use the Expressions Tab to reference the Recall Reason and Recall Date fields, so that the text of your letter might read something like this: "Our records indicate that you are due for «[Recalls]Reason» on «[Recalls]Due Date»". Note: When you are entering the reason it's a good idea to make it so that it will appear natural in this sentence. 5.20.2 Printing Recalls On a weekly or monthly basis, open the Patients List, via Open > Patients and select Patients > Recalls Due, or select the Recall icon from the Appointments page. This will display all recalls which are either overdue or are due within the next 30 days. Overdue recalls display in red, while recalls due in the next 30 days display in green. The list of recalls can be sorted by clicking on any of the column headers. 246 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Recalls Right-clicking on a particular entry will allow you to SMS a patient directly from this window. To print a recall letter, highlight the required patients, and click on the Merged Letter Template select the template you wish to use from the Templates window. button to This will open the selected template. Use the Printer icon at the top right of the window to print a letter for all the patients who were previously selected. Once printing has been completed, you will be asked if you want to re-assign the recalls to their next due date. If you click OK, then the non-recurring recalls will be marked as Completed. They are not actually deleted. Recurring recalls will be set to the next due date. You can view all Completed recalls i.e. printed, non-recurring recalls, at any time by selecting Completed Recalls from the popup menu as shown. Completed recalls display in blue. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 247 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Recalls The Last and Action Details fields will be marked with today's date and the name of the letter template used. Note: The Recalls Due section in Genie is used to print reminder letters to the patient only. It does check if the patient has presented for an appointment. A recall is considered to be completed in Genie when a Recall Letter is printed, NOT when the patient comes in for their appointment. This is monitored through Flagging. See Flagging of Patient Record for more information. If you don't automatically update the printed records when asked, you can do this by clicking on the Reassign Selected 5.20.3 button. Flagging of Patient Record When recalls are printed, the patient record can get flagged if you accept the prompt to do so. If the recall is currently overdue, then the Flagged Date is set to one week ahead. Otherwise, the Flagged Date is set to one week after the recall is actually due. When a user enters this file, they will be notified that it is flagged and for what reason. After the Flagged date has passed, the user who assigned the recall will be notified that the recall is overdue when logging into Genie. When the nominated Administrator (signified with a red tick beside their username on the login screen) logs into Genie, they will see a list of all flagged patients for all providers, regardless of whether it was a flag generated by printing a recall or for some other reason. 248 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Recalls A list of Flagged patients can be viewed at anytime through Open > Patients and then Patients > Flagged Patients. 5.20.4 Printing the Recall List To print the Recalls Due list, click on the Printer icon. If you wish to only print a selection of records on display in your Recalls Due window, highlight the required records, and go to Records > Use Selected from the menus above the Recalls window. This will remove from display any non highlighted records, allowing you to just print the selection. Clicking the Printer icon will open a pre-existing Quick Report template allowing you to print all the details contained in the Recalls Due window (i.e. Due Date, Patient, Pt Phone, Reason, etc). 5.20.5 Pathology/Radiology Recalls (Investigation Action List) The Investigation Action List allows the receptionist or practice nurse to deal with each result as requested by the reviewing Doctor. This would normally be done once or twice per day. As each result is dealt with it is removed from the list. As new results are reviewed by the doctor, they are added to the list, so this list is constantly "rolling over" each day. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 249 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Recalls To open the Investigation Action List select Open > Investigations Action List. The Action List will open as shown below. The Action to be taken is noted in the Action column. If the action to be taken is marked as "Recall", then it will be marked in red. All other actions are marked in green, or in black if "No Action" is required. In the above example, the patient is to be recalled. The home phone number is listed, so you would normally call the patient and make an appointment for them. You can open the patients demographics using the icon if you need any other information/phone numbers. Genie can check to see if the patient already has an appointment booked, by clicking on the Check Appts button. If no appointments are found you can click the Appointment Book button to open the Appointment book. Once you have made the appointment, click on the Remove From List button, to open the window below. Before you can click OK you must have entered at least your initials. The information entered into this window is saved with the result, so that you can look back at a later date and see who spoke with the patient and what was done. Select the Patient has been notified of result checkbox if you have actually spoken with the patient. Because this is a recall, you will probably want to select the Flag Patient's Record checkbox if the reviewing doctor has not already done so. Enter the date after which you want Genie to warn you if the patient's record remains flagged. 250 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Recalls In the Message Given or Action Taken field enter what you have either done or told the patient. Click OK to remove this result from the list. Note: You can select multiple results at once by highlighting them with SHIFT-click, or simply selecting all results. You can then move through the above window quickly without having to click on the 'Remove From List button', or enter your initials for each result. Instead of, or as well as, phoning the patient, you can also use the Merged Letter Template send one or many of the patients in the list a letter or email. button to You can view the actual result by double-clicking on it in the list, assuming you have clinical privileges in your User Preferences Security tab. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 251 Genie Manual 5.21 The Reception Module: Scanning Scanning Genie can handle scanning in two ways: 1. Scan externally to Genie, and attach images to individual patient files (see Attachments). This is designed for practices that do minimal scanning. 2. Integrated imaging system in Genie (ImagePro) which handles bulk scanning either direct to a patients file or to multiple patient files via the use of a Process (holding) folder (see ImagePro). The Folder Hierarchy Because Genie doesn’t store file attachments in the data file, it is necessary to build a folder hierarchy, that is, folders within folders, in which Genie will automatically place attached files, and keep a reference to them, so that they can be opened and viewed at any time. Genie builds this folder hierarchy automatically, with new folders being created when needed. The location of the “root” storage folder is specified in the Images & Attachments tab of your Practice Preferences (File > Practice Preferences). By default, this is a folder named 'Images' in the Genie folder on the server computer. If you are using Genie on a single computer, Genie treats this computer as the “server”, and creates the storage folders in the same way as if you were on a network. If you subsequently upgraded to a network, you would just have to copy this folder into the Genie folder on the server, and change the pathway stored in your Practice Preferences. Inside this folder, another 26 folders named “A” to “Z” are also created. In each of these folders, each patient with attached files, will have their own folder, the name of which will be their Surname followed by their initial followed by their unique Patient ID number. The Patient ID number is automatically generated whenever a new patient record is created. It can be viewed in the top left corner of the Patient Demographics window. For example, John Smith’s folder may be named “SmithJ1234”, and it could be found at the following pathway on the server: /Applications/Genie/Images/S/SmithJ1234/ or C:\Genie\Images\S\SmithJ1234\ Any files that are placed in this folder will be able to opened from John Smith’s patient record, on any of the client machines. New files which are added to a patient record from the client machine are automatically copied to the patient’s folder. That is, there are 2 ways of linking a file to a patient record. First, they can simply be placed in the patient’s folder, if it exists. Secondly, they can be linked to the patient record on the client machine. In this case, Genie will automatically copy the file to the patient’s folder, creating a new folder if it doesn’t already exist. If a folder for the patient doesn’t already exist, you can create it manually, naming it according to the format described above i.e. Surname+Initial+Patient ID. 5.21.1 Attachments Genie allows you to link files stored on your computer’s hard drive, to a patient record. These files can be of any type including scanned images, digital photographs, movies, text documents, etc. The attached files remain on the computer’s hard drive. They are not imported into or stored within Genie’s data file, as this could quickly bloat the data file to a huge size. Instead, Genie simply stores the pathway to the file, so that it can find it again. If you are running Genie on a network, then Genie will actually copy the file to a folder on the server, thereby making it available to everyone on the network. Important Points 1. On Windows, there cannot be any spaces in the pathway to the TempImages folder created in the Genie 252 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning folder on the client machine. This means that the Genie folder should be situated at the root of your hard drive. If it is in the Program Files folder you will not be able to open any stored files. On Windows clients: C:\Genie\TempImages\ 2. When you attach a file to a patient, a copy is made on the server. Genie does NOT delete the original file. If you are using Genie on a single machine you will now have 2 copies of the file on the one machine. If hard disk space is a concern, you should delete the originals manually. 3. If you have a mixed network of Macintosh and Windows machines, any file created on a Macintosh must be assigned a 4 character suffix consisting of a point plus 3 letters, such as “.jpg”,“.pdf”,“.gif”,“.bmp”,".doc”. If you don’t do this, then these files will not be able to be opened on a Windows client. 4. When you delete a file from the list, Genie deletes both the reference to that file AND the actual file on the server. 5. When a document is opened on a client machine, remember that this is actually a copy of the original on the server, and any changes you make to it are not automatically saved in the original. For example, if you open a digital photo in Photoshop, make changes to the picture, and then save the changes, those changes have only been made to the file which was copied to the TempImages folder on the client. To save the changes to the original, click on the Save Back to Server button to add the copy in the TempImages folder, overwriting the original on the server. (ImagePro will allow you to make changes to the Original document. (See ImagePro for more details)). 6. Error 43 -File not found. If you get this message when attempting to open an attachment, it means that the server has been unable to find the file at the expected pathway. There could be 2 reasons for this: a. The file has actually been deleted from the patient’s folder on the server, or b. The pathway stored in your Practice Preferences is incorrect. 7. Attachments are not handled by Offsite Logging. Scanning Genie does have the ability to scan directly in to a patient’s record, using ImagePro. For more information on Using ImagePro, please refer to the ImagePro section. If you intend to scan images or referral letters, the scanner should ideally be attached to one of the client machines. Some scanning software can be unstable, so it’s usually not a good idea to have it attached to the server, because if the server computer crashes, your whole network goes down. Most scanning software will allow you to designate a default folder for scanned images. You can create this anywhere on your hard disk. Alternatively, you could scan directly into a patient's storage folder on the server, if it already exists. You can create a patient folder manually if you wish. However, you will need to know their Patient ID number (in the Demographics window), and you will need to ensure that their name is entered correctly in Genie. The Attachments Window Open the patient's clinical record. Click on the Attachments button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 253 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning If ImagePro is NOT registered, the Attachments window displayed below will open. Adding an Attachment Click on the Add Attachment button. Select the file you wish to add in the Open window. Genie will then copy the selected file to the patient's storage folder on the server machine. This may take a few seconds to complete. 254 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning If Genie is unable to copy the file for any reason, you will receive an alert message warning you that the file was unable to be copied. Likely reasons for this are a lack of hard disk space, or a lack of memory. In general, Genie can copy files up to approximately 600Kb in size. When an attached file is highlighted the Attachments window should look something like this. The pathway to the storage folder for the selected attachment is displayed in red at the bottom of the screen. The suffix eg “jpg”,“bmp”,“pdf” etc. is displayed as the Windows type. On Macintosh computers, the Macintosh Type and Creator are also shown. Opening an Attachment You can use the Up and Down Arrow keys on the keyboard to highlight the attachment you want to open. It can then be opened by either double-clicking on it, pressing the Return or Enter keys, or by clicking the Open File button. What Actually Happens When the Open File button is clicked, Genie sends a request to the server, which returns a copy of the file stored on the server. This copy is then placed in a folder named TempImages which is created automatically inside the Genie folder on the client machine. It is actually this copy which is then opened by Genie. When the Attachments window is closed, any files in the TempImages folder are deleted. What This Means There are several advantages to this method of handling attached files: 1. All attached images are stored on the server in a single folder for easy backup. 2. Several doctors/receptionists can review the same file at the same time because each is actually using a copy of the original. 3. On Macintosh, because Genie is internally copying the files to and from the server, you don't need to have File Sharing turned on in order to access a file on another machine. 4. On Windows, for the same reason as above, there is no reason to Share the Images folder. 5. This method still works in a mixed-platform environment. Even if the server is a Macintosh, Windows clients can still open a Macintosh file on the server, because when it is copied to the Windows client, it is recreated locally as a Windows file. The reverse is also the case if you have a Windows server and a Macintosh client. This assumes that the original file has a cross-platform parent application such as Photoshop, Word, Excel. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 255 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning Deleting an Attachment To delete an attachment, highlight the file you want to delete, then click the Delete File button. Genie sends a message to the server requesting that the stored file be deleted. If for any reason the file is unable to be deleted you will receive a warning. The most likely reasons for this are that the file is locked, or is in use by another application. Saving Changes to an Image The Save Back to Server button will become activated after an image has been opened. It will save any changes made locally to a document back to the server's Images folder. Updating the List The Update List button searches the patient's storage folder on the server, looking for any files situated in this folder which haven't yet been linked to the patient record. If it finds any, these files will be automatically linked to the patient. You would use this button if you had 256 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning manually placed any files into the patient's folder on the server. If you do this regularly, for example if you are scanning correspondence directly into the patient's folder on the server, then you should check the 'Update Folder Contents Automatically' checkbox. The Update procedure will then run whenever the Attachments window is opened. Adding Information You can record a variety of information about each attachment, including its type, who it is from, and a number of keywords to allow searching the database for all attachments of a particular type or description. Highlight the Attachment to edit, then click the Information button to open the window shown below. You can change the name of the attachment here also. Genie will automatically change the name of the file on the server. Note: You cannot have 2 files with the same name in this list because the operating system will not allow you to have 2 files of the same name in the same folder. Searching for Attachment You can subsequently search the patient database for patients with a particular type of attachment by clicking on the Images button in the Patient list (Open > Patients). This opens the following Search window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 257 Genie Manual 258 The Reception Module: Scanning © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.21.2 The Reception Module: Scanning Image Pro Setup Image Pro is an optional module for professional image-handling within Genie. It allows scans, photographs and videos to be directly acquired and linked to the selected patient. It also allows subsequent manipulation of acquired images. Requirements 1. QuickTime v5. 0 or higher must be installed on your computer. You can get the latest version from http:// 2. FTP server software must be running on your Genie Server computer if you are using Genie on a network. 3. An Image Pro registration number from Genie Solutions. FTP Server Installation Genie uses FTP commands to transfer files to and from the server computer. If you only use the single-user version of Genie, then you don't need an FTP server and can ignore the rest of this section. The following sections deal with the installation of FTP software on your Genie Server. Only 1 section will apply to your practice. We recommend the use of a freeware program called TYPSoft FTP Server, for Windows machines. Macintosh machines have a built in FTP Server. There are 2 basic versions of MacOS X available, each with their own installation instructions: MacOS X (most common) MacOS X Server To find out which version your server is running, select the Apple in the top left hand corner of your screen and go to 'About This Mac', i. e. Apple > About This Mac Windows Server There are many FTP server applications available as freeware on the Internet. We have included one of these, called TYPSoft FTP Server, on the Genie Installer CD. You will find it in the Shareware folder. The installer is called "ftpserv.exe". 1. Double-click on the installer named "ftpserv. exe" in the Shareware folder on the Genie CD. 2. Follow the onscreen prompts. You can install it anywhere although it's probably best to install to the Program Files directory. A new directory named TYPSoft FTP Server will be created by the installer. 3. Launch the TYPSoft executable (Start > (All) Programs > TYPSoft FTP Server > TYPSoft FTP Server). The window shown below will open. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 259 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning 4. Select Setup > Users to open the Users window shown below. 5. Click on the New User button and enter a user name. This can be anything you like (keep it obvious, as it has no bearing on any security issues on the actual machine). 6. Enter a password in the Password field (again, keep it obvious). This can be changed at any time, even if the word <<Encrypt>> is written in this field, simply by highlighting and typing in this field. Click on the Browse (...) button to select the root directory i.e. the Images folder inside your Genie folder, normally C: \Genie\Images\. 260 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning 7. Navigate to, and click on the Images folder as shown below: 8. Tick the Virtual Directory Showing checkbox, and enter the maximum number of users allowed to login under this user name. This would be the number of workstations in your network. Note: Everyone on the network can use the same login name and password as long as you allow more than one user for the account. 9. Leave the Time-Out field as zero. 10. Click on the pathway in the Directory Access area in the top right of the screen above. In this case, the pathway is C:\Genie\Images\. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 261 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning 11.Select the Files and Directory options as shown in the window below, then click the Save and Close buttons to close this window. 12.Select Setup > FTP to open the window shown below: 13. Set the 'Max. of User' to '0'. 14. Select the 'Launch FTP Server on Windows Startup' checkbox, and then click the Save and Close buttons. MacOS X Enabling the FTP Server on Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard) 1. Open the System Preferences (Apple > System Preferences) 262 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning 2. Click the Sharing Control Panel 3. Click the File Sharing service and then click the Options... button at the bottom right of the window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 263 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning 4. Tick the 'Share files and folders using FTP' option, then click Done 5. Close out of the System Preferences Enabling the FTP Server on Mac OSX 10.4 (Tiger) and below 264 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning 1. Open the System Preferences (Apple > System Preferences) 2. Click the Sharing Control Panel 3. Tick the 'FTP Access' box as shown below: 4. Close the System Preferences window. Setting Administrative Privileges on Macintosh When using FTP with a Macintosh Genie server, you need to use the user name and password of a user with administrative privileges. 1. Open the System Preferences (Apple > System Preferences). 2. Click the Accounts Panel 3. Check that the 'Allow user to administer this computer' checkbox is ticked, as shown below: 4. Close the System Preferences window. MacOS X Server If your server is running the Mac OSX Server operating system, the FTP component of the server is not configured to run by default and needs to be configured by your System Administrator. Genie Solutions is unable to provide assistance with configuration of hardware, networks or third party software. Registration and Configuration Before you can use Image Pro you need to purchase a registration code from Genie Solutions. Once you have this code: 1. Open Genie and select File > Register. 2. Enter the Licensed To and Registration Key exactly as provided. 3. If you have entered it correctly, the Register button should become enabled. ImagePro Preferences Note: If you use the single-user version of Genie, then you don't need to fill in any preferences, since you won't be using FTP. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 265 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning Select Special > ImagePro Control and click on the Network Setup button to open the window shown below: Server IP Address This is the IP Address of the server computer. You can get this address automatically by clicking the Query Server button. FTP Root Directory This is the pathway to the Images folder, unless it has already been specified when setting up the FTP server on the server computer. On Windows or MacOS X Server operating systems, then you should have already specified the Images folder. In this case, you just need to enter a single forward slash in this field i.e. "/". On Mac OS X (non Server) operating system then you need to specify the full pathway, which would usually be /Applications/Genie/Images/. Note: The name of the hard drive is not included. This pathway must begin and end with a forward slash. Test Settings Once you have entered the details here, click on the Test Settings button. If you have entered the correct details, and the FTP server is running on your server computer, then a dialogue similar to the one shown below will appear: If you get an error message, read the instructions in the Image Pro Troubleshooting section. Setting Preferences Open the ImagePro window (Special > ImagePro Control). The bottom part of this window contains your Preference settings. These settings are unique to each machine on a network. 266 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning Preferences are not automatically saved permanently unless you click the Save Preferences button after changing something. Before you start scanning or acquiring digital photographs via ImagePro, you must specify the image format and quality you want. Generally JPEG is the best format for colour scans and photos. To set the quality, click on the Options button. The easiest way to set the quality is to specify the maximum file size in the Target Size field as shown below. Note: This size is in bytes, so if you want to limit the file size to 200 Kilobytes, you need to enter 200,000 here. The only problem with larger, high quality images, as far as Genie is concerned, is that they will be slower to copy back and forth over a network. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 267 Genie Manual 5.21.3 The Reception Module: Scanning Using Image Pro The ImagePro Control window can be accessed by selecting Special > ImagePro Control in either the Appointments Book or the Patient’s list. Scanning from Within Genie This is the easiest method if you just have a single document, such as a referral letter from a newly arrived patient. In this case you would click on their name in the Appointments Book, open the ImagePro Control window (Special > ImagePro Control) and click on the Scanner icon. Or you can right click on the patients name and select Scan. This will scan straight to the patient's file without bringing up the ImagePro Control window. If you open the ImagePro Control window, you can choose to scan the document as a PDF (either single or multi page) by ticking the 'Save scans as PDF', otherwise choose the file type from the Save scans and photos as: drop down menu. Note: In order to view PDF documents on Windows, you will need to download and install Ghostscript. Please see Installing Ghostscript for further details. You also have the options to: Acquire Multiple Images, Hide device GUI, which will prevent the scanner software window from coming up, Enable Automatic Document Feeder, Enable Duplex Scanning if your scanner can scan double sided documents in one scan And, Less Capability Negotiation which may help in some circumstances where the direct communication between the scanner and Genie does not work. 268 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning The scanner’s own window will launch. Most scanners have a button or a menu command to return the scanned image to a requesting application. Once scanning has started you should see the following window. Once scanning has completed, you will be asked to name the file. You don’t have to enter the file type extension when naming the scan. Genie will do this for you automatically, based on the file type you have selected in the Preferences. Genie initially places the scan into a folder named 'TempImages' inside the Genie folder. It then converts the scan to the image format and size which you have specified in Preferences. It then copies the resultant file to the patient’s image folder on the server. Batch Processing If you have multiple documents for multiple patients to scan, the procedure outlined below is highly recommended and will yield considerable time savings. Note: While this section has been written with scanning in mind, the procedure applies for other types of documents such as digital photographs etc. Configuration Note: Each client machine that will be scanning or processing (uploading) documents needs to complete these configuration steps: 1. Create a "Holding Folder" called something like "Scanning" on a client machine. This can be anywhere on your hard drive, the Desktop is usually convenient. 2. Set up your Scanner's Software to scan to this Holding Folder. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 269 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning 3. In Genie, open Image Pro Control i.e. Special > ImagePro Control. 4. Click on the small folder icon in the top part of the ImagePro Control window and select your Holding Folder, so that Genie knows where to look for newly scanned documents. You can then scan your documents into the Holding Folder using your scanners software independent of Genie. As Genie has no impact on how the scanned document is captured, you need to set the desired image format and quality from within the scanner’s own software i.e. the options set in Genie for Ad Hoc scanning will have no effect. JPEG or black and white TIFF, with a resolution of about 150 dpi are usually best at keeping your image size below 100KB. Importing Scans Once a bundle of documents have been scanned to the holding folder, the next step is to import them into Genie so they can be accessed from the clinical record. To import the scans into Genie: 1. Click on the Process Folder button in the ImagePro Control window. This displays the contents of the holding folder, as shown below. Preview Images needs to be ticked if you want to be able to preview the images in the preview pane on the right. Open Info Window When Processing will open the below info window for all images so further detail about the image can be added when processing. Use Patients Subfolders allows you to select which of the patients subfolders you want an image to go into when processing the images. eg. Op Photos, Referrals etc. These are added through the patients Image Browser window. For more information on adding subfolders refer to Viewing Images in the Clinical Module. 270 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning To view an image, click once on the name of the scan. You can zoom in on a scan simply by clicking on the displayed image, and zoom out by Shift-clicking. If for some reason the image will not display in the display area simply double click on the Description of the image and it will open the image in a separate window. 2. To change the date of the image, (e.g. to the date of the referral letter) slow double click in the Date column. You can right click to change the date to today's date for one image or all images in the list. 3. To rename the image, slow double click in the Description column. The name of an image is for display purposes only in Genie, it does not change the original name of the file on the Server. For this reason, images can be named using any type or amount of characters, and the same image name can be used for more than one patient. 4. To attach a single image to a patient, double click in the Patient column next to the image name. If you have multiple images that you need attach to the same patient, you can highlight the images using Ctrl-click or Shift-click, then click the Link to Patient button. 5. You will be presented with a Search window to allow you to specify the patient to whom this image/s belongs. If you link an image to the wrong patient you can unlink this image by double clicking on linked images name and choosing 'unlink' when prompted. This will allow you to then link this image to the correct patient. If you right click on the patient's name you can open their clinical file for reference. 6. Once you have finished assigning the scanned documents to the relevant patients, click on the Process Images button. Genie will process each image, copying each one to the appropriate patient folder on the server. As the scanned documents are processed, Genie moves the original file into a folder called “Processed” which is automatically created within the Holding Folder. These can subsequently be deleted manually if you wish. The buttons at the top of this window allow you to apply filters, show more information, rename, draw and annotate on images, delete, and open the Image Browser window for the highlighted patient. 5.21.4 Image Pro Troubleshooting The following section outlines some of the common problems and error which may be encountered when using ImagePro. Scanner Issues The most common scanner problem is encountered when scanning directly to a patient file. If your scanner is: 1. Installed correctly on your computer, 2. Connected to your computer and 3. Turned on then it may be a compatibility issue. When starting an acquisition session with TWAIN, Genie and the driver must first go through a negotiation © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 271 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning phase. During negotiation, Genie examines the capabilities of the driver and establishes the settings, based on which the image will be transferred. This procedure is clearly defined in the TWAIN specification, and a properly written TWAIN driver should support capability negotiation. Unfortunately, there exist device drivers that do not comply with the specification, and such drivers might cause problems during capability negotiation, or may not work at all. To date, we have tested Genie with Canon, HP and Epson scanners. The majority of HP and Epson scanners appear to be fine, but Canon in general do not. As we do not recommend specific hardware, the best idea would be to check the returns policy with your supplier. If your scanner doesn’t work with Genie, try selecting the 'Less Capability Negotiation' checkbox in ImagePro Control Preferences. If it still doesn’t work, or causes Genie to crash, then we're afraid there’s nothing we can do about it, unless and until the manufacturer releases a driver update which more closely conforms to the expected TWAIN specification. In this case, you can still easily and effectively attach scanned documents to the correct patients by scanning from outside Genie into a holding folder (see Batch Processing chapter for more information) Unable to make FTP Connection This message means that Genie is unable to make an FTP Connection with the server. Click the Check Details button and then the Test Settings button which will give you more detail as to what the cause is. The possible causes are: 1. Problem: There is no FTP Server running on the server. Solution: On MacOSX, open the Sharing Control Panel and make sure that the FTP Access checkbox is ticked. On Windows, make sure that the FTP Server program is running (Start > Programs > TYPSoft FTP Server > TYPSoft FTP Server). There should be a small blue icon with an “F” in the task bar or System Tray at bottom right of screen, near the time. 2. Problem: The IP Address of the server has been changed. Solution: Open Special > ImagePro Control and click Network Setup button, delete the IP Address, and then click the Query Server button. After a second or two, the IP Address of the server will appear in the IP Address field. 3. Problem: The FTP Root Directory in the Network Setup is incorrect. Solution: On MacOSX, as long as your Genie folder on the server is still inside the Applications folder, then this should be /Applications/Genie/Images/ On Windows, the FTP Root Directory should be just a forward slash (/) 4. Problem: The login name and/or password is incorrect. Solution: On MacOSX, the Login Name is the “shortname” of the actual login account of the server computer. This name can be seen by opening the Accounts Control Panel in the System Preferences. It is not your Genie user name and password. On Windows, the Login Name and Password is the name and password which you set up in the TypSoft FTP program. It is not your Genie user name, nor is it the login name of the actual computer. 5. Problem (Windows Only): The TYPSoft FTP Settings are incorrect. Solution: Be sure the options in Setup > Users in the TYPSoft FTP Server program on the server are as specified in FTP Server Installation. 272 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning If you still can’t make a connection to the Server check the following: 1. Check the front window of the TYPSoft FTP server to see if there are any error messages. Perhaps another application or process is already using Port 21. 2. Have you recently installed or switched on a firewall? If so, you may need to make an exception for Port 21. 3. Delete and recreate the User in the TypSoft FTP server. Note: Everyone on the network can use the same login name and password as long as you allow more than one user for the account, in the setup. There are no other causes for a failed connection, so if you are still getting this error message, go back to the beginning and double-check your settings again. Permission Errors (Mac Only) Permissions errors are prevalent on Macintosh computers. The single best way to avoid them is to only have one account set up on each computer i.e. the administrator. Problems arise with multiple accounts because if a folder is created by one account, and then someone logs in under another account, then that folder is “offlimits”. The second account cannot add, delete or modify anything in the folder. This usually results in a -5000 error. Sometimes the Permissions for different folders just become incorrect. In this case you need to reset them by clicking on the folder to highlight it, and then select “Get Info ” from the File menu. Make sure that the Permissions are set to Read & Write, and click the Apply to Enclosed Items button. You can also Repair Permissions using the Disk Utility, found at /Applications/Utilities/Disk Utility/. Alternatively, use a Shareware program like Cocktail to schedule a Repair Permissions on a regular basis. Other errors on Macintosh: -43 File not found. This means that the file Genie is looking for at a particular location, isn’t actually there, or has been renamed, or has a name longer than 32 characters and you are using a Macintosh. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 273 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Scanning FTP Errors 10047 FTP 421 -Service not available,closing control connection. 10048 FTP 425 -Can ’t open data connection. 10049 FTP 426 -Connection closed;transfer aborted. 10050 FTP 450 -Requested file action not taken.File unavailable (e.g. file busy). 10051 FTP 451 -Requested action aborted:local error in processing. 10052 FTP 452 -Requested action not taken.Insufficient storage space in system. 10053 FTP 500 -Syntax error,command unrecognized. 10054 FTP 501 -Syntax error in parameters or arguments 10055 FTP 502 -Command not implemented. 10056 FTP 503 -Bad sequence of commands. 10057 FTP 504 -Command not implemented for that parameter. 10058 FTP 530 -Not logged in. 10059 FTP 532 -Need account for storing files. 10060 FTP 550 -Requested action not taken.File unavailable (e.g. file not found, no access). 10061 FTP 551 -Requested action aborted:page type unknown. 10062 FTP 552 -Requested file action aborted.Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or dataset). 10063 FTP 553 -Requested action not taken.File name not allowed. 10064 No response has been received within the given timeout period (See Unable to make FTP Connection). 10065 Not an FTP file. 10066 Error in processing Base64. 10067 Error in processing AppleSingle. 10068 Error in processing Quoted-Printable. 10069 FTP session was closed by the server. 10070 Not an FTP directory. 10071 TCP session was closed by the server 10072 Invalid encode kind 10073 Invalid decode kind 10074 An asynchronous DNR call did not complete 10075 An asynchronous OpenTransport call did not complete 10076 OpenTransport bind failed.248 Genie Manual ImagePro 10077 OpenTransport connect failed 10078 Maximum MacTCP streams reached 10079 Error in processing uuencode 10080 Cannot load ICMP library 10081 Error in processing MacBinary 10082 MacBinary checksum error 10083 Could not open a file 10084 No FTP information received 10085 Unknown FTP information received 10086 Proxy connection failed 10087 Standard file I/O error 10088 FTP reentrant error 10089 SLI.DLL is not loaded 274 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 5.22 The Reception Module: Tasks Tasks Tasks are a way of communicating internally either as a way of recording phone messages or as a reminder for yourself or other users. Tasks are accessed through the Open menu (Open > Tasks). The tasks listed are the tasks that are yet to be completed. The User or type of Tasks displayed can be changed using the drop down menus at top right. Tasks highlighted in red are tasks that have been marked as urgent. Double click on a Task to view its details. This will automatically mark the Task as 'Read'. If the Task is linked to a patient, the patients clinical file can be opened by clicking on the Stethoscope icon. If the Task is linked to an Address Book entry the Address Book details can be viewed by clicking on the Doctor icon. To reply to the Task click the Reply button, which will open up another Task window with the body of the original Task copied into it. If the Task is complete, tick the Completed box and save using the OK button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 275 Genie Manual The Reception Module: Tasks To send a task, click the Blue Plus button and type a subject in the subject line and the detail of the message in the large blank text area. Ticking the Urgent box will mark the task as urgent, and the task will be displayed in red. Enter the date that you or the recipient want to be notified. Mark who you want the message to go to by ticking the box next to their name in the 'Send Message To' column on the right, or you could select your own name so the task acts as a reminder. You can also link the task to a patient by either creating the task while in their clinical record though Tools > Add Task, or clicking on the Link to Patient button. This will keep a record of the task in the Tasks section of the 'Other' tab. Similarly, the Task can be linked to a person in the Address Book using the Link to Address Book button. You will receive your tasks in the navigation palette as either green for non-urgent tasks or red for urgent. You can view your Tasks by clicking on Tasks in the navigation palette. This box will stay in the navigation palette until you have read all your tasks and when you receive a new Task. Tasks can be viewed and marked as completed at any time through Open > Tasks. 276 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Part VI Clinical Genie Manual 6 Clinical: Clinical The Clinical window can be opened from either the Appointments Book or the Patient ’s list. To open from the Appointments Book, click once on the appointment to highlight it, and then click on the Stethoscope button.(Shortcut Ctrl-K). To open from the Patient’s list, double-click on the record or press the Enter key, once the desired record is highlighted. The Clinical window has up to five different pages, depending on your practice type and screen resolution. There are two layouts for the clinical record. If your computer and monitor support a screen resolution of 1280x754 or higher, then you can tick the Use Large Clinical Window in File > User Preferences. This is a much more useful window, because all the major information is displayed on the one page. So, if possible, it is highly recommended that you increase your screen resolution to take advantage of this feature. Additionally, on large screens/high resolutions, the Clinical window will open to the full window width, and includes a vertical splitter which allows the sizes of the display area and prescription area to be modified. Button Description The Edit Patient button opens the patient's Demographic details. The Pathology Request button opens the Pathology request window. See Ordering Pathology. The Radiology Request (Ribcage) button opens the Radiology request window. See Ordering Radiology. 278 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: The Referral/Reply button opens a Referral/Reply letter. See Referral/Reply Letters. The Recall button opens the Recall window. See Recalls. This icon allows you to open another patient's clinical record (This should only be used in situations where you need to quickly refer to another patient's file whilst in consultation i.e. interrupted with a phone call regarding another patient). Option/Alt clicking on this icon will display a list of patients with the same Medicare number. The Merge Letter Template button displays a drop down list of available templates. This can be used for things such as Medical Certificates, or Immunisation History. For set up of these templates see Merged Letter Templates. The Image Browser button opens up either the Attachments or the Image Browser window, depending on whether ImagePro is registered. See Attachments, or Images. The Add/Edit Consult button opens a new consult window or edits your current consultation. See Consultation Notes. 6.1 The Main Page The Main (or Summary plus Notes) page displays the patient’s Current Problems, Past History, Current Medication List, Allergies, Smoking and Alcohol history, Pap smear details and flag information. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 279 Genie Manual Clinical: The Main Page If the patient has unlinked results (i.e. in Open > Pathology & Radiology) a flashing red arrow in the top right corner of the window will alert you to this fact. You can then view and link these results via the Unlinked Result/s button. The Next Appt button will show all future appointments for the patient. Alt clicking on this button will show all appointments, past and future, for the patient. Pap Smears The Last Pap field will be filled in automatically if you download electronic results. Alternatively it can be filled in manually to stop warnings for overdue smears appearing and to mark correctly the patient on the Overdue Smears list in the Patients Menu. If the patient is not a regular of the practice or no longer is required to be recalled for smears eg. hysterectomy, you can tick the Don't Recall for smears tickbox which will prevent them from appearing on the Overdue Smears recall list. Flagging Ticking the Flagged tickbox will prompt you for a reason and the number of days the patient needs to be seen by. When a User enters a flagged patient's file they will be notified that it is flagged and provided with the flag reason. After the flagged date has passed, the user to which the flag is assigned will be notified when logging into Genie. Flagged patients can be viewed at any time through Patients > Flagged Patients in the Patient List. In the right upper corner of the Main (or Notes) page is a list of "Contacts" for this patient. This Contacts list contains previous consultation records, Attachments, Correspondence out and in, Procedures, Pathology & Radiology, Documents, Workcover, Health Assessments, Care Plans, Antenatal Visits. Above this Contacts List, the icons are: Show Last 10 Consults tickbox will display the last 10 consultations in the display area. Interested Parties, populated by CCing a letter to someone in the Addressbook. The Garbage Can deletes the highlighted entry in the All Contacts List. The graph icons graph results in PIT and HL7 format respectively. In order to graph PIT results, you must have 'Extract Path Results PIT Format' ticked in User Preferences. To graph HL7 results, see Track Individual Pathology Results, in Maintenance & Reports. 280 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: The Main Page Below the contact list is a display area. Clicking on any records in the Contact List will display that record's contents in the display area. Although you can cut and paste, and even type in the display area, nothing you do here is saved in the actual record. Between the contact list and the display area and above prescriptions is a splitter Dragging the splitter up or down will adjust the relative sizes of the contact list, display or prescription area. When using the smaller clinical window (i.e. screen width <1280) the splitter in the Notes page remembers its position. Adding Current Problems/Past History A Current Problem or Past History item can be added by clicking on the respective menu and selecting either: a). 'Add to Menu' which will be used for common problems that are likely to be used for other patients, or b). 'New' which adds the problem only to that patient. The small Blue Plus next to Current Problems also allows you to add a New problem to the current patient. To delete Current Problems/Past History items from the patients record, double click on the problem and use the Delete button. To delete problems from the list of Current Problems/Past History, select the relevant drop-down menu, hold down the ALT key and highlight the item to delete. Let go of your mouse, let go of the ALT key. 6.1.1 Using the Display Area Clicking on the Current Problem or Past History item displays the Notes field of the record, as well as all consultation notes in which that problem has been set as one of the Presenting Problems. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 281 Genie Manual Clinical: The Main Page Clicking on an allergy will display the reaction. Right clicking on the Presenting Problem, Current Problem, Past History or Allergies entries will display a shortcut popup window Clicking on a prescription will display the MIMS Quarterly Information. Drag and Drop Features The Current Problem and Past History list can be: 1. Sorted by simply dragging and dropping each record into the position in which you want it to permanently appear. 2. Dragged and dropped between each other, to convert a Current Problem into a Past History for example. 3. Dragged onto a prescription to set the reason for that medication. 4. Dragged onto a consultation record to set the Primary Presenting Problem. If there is already a primary presenting problem, this becomes a secondary presenting problem. 6.1.2 Using the Contact List Individual records can be displayed by clicking on the record in the Contact List. The up and down arrow keys can be used to navigate from record to record. The contact list can be sorted by Date, Title and Provider by clicking the appropriate header. 282 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: The Main Page The contact list can also be sorted by Type by clicking the appropriate tab, i.e. Consults, Images, Correspondence in, Correspondence Out, Procedures, Pathology, Documents, Workcover claims, Health Assessments, Careplans, Antenatal and Tasks. The tabs displayed will depend on what Practice Type you have set in File > Set Practice Type. Double clicking on an item in the Contacts list will allow you to edit the entry by opening the appropriate window. Right clicking on an entry will allow you to open and edit the contact, edit the name or delete. You also get the options to attach a file from either the process folder or from your computer. If you right click on an image you will also get the option to Compare it with another image from this patients list of images. See Viewing Images in the Images section. If you hold Alt/Option whilst selecting Open it will open the image in the default image viewing application outside of Genie, otherwise it will open in the Image Browser window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 283 Genie Manual 6.2 Clinical: The Other Page The Other Page The Other page (or Checklists/Script Archive and Social pages) contains records of previous scripts printed for the patient, previously performed checklists, tasks relating to the patient and any vaccinations/immunisations the patient has had. Checklists will display all checklists performed on the patient, which saves you from having to scroll through consultation notes to find them. You can delete a checklist from the Clinical window by right clicking on the required checklist, and selecting Delete Item from the drop down menu. See the Checklists chapter for more information. The Script Archive logs all previously printed scripts. The Info button will display all changes made to a selected medication. See Prescribing for more information. Life Events is an area where sensitive information about the patient can be added without typically being on display while the patient is in consultation. Vaccinations Vaccinations will list all vaccinations given to the patient. More detailed information about the vaccine eg. batch number etc, can be viewed by double clicking on the vaccination. 284 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: The Other Page To delete a vaccination from the patients clinical record, right click on the required vaccination and select Delete Item. In order to add a vaccine to a patient, you must first populate a list of common vaccines using the Add to Menu... option in the drop down list. If the vaccine is one that you would not regularly give, then select New... which will only add it to that patient. The Add to Consult Notes button makes an entry in the consultation record that the vaccination was given. Setting Childhood Schedule To set up the childhood schedule you must first have all childhood immunisations added to the vaccinations menu, using the Add to menu.. option in the drop down list. Click the Set Childhood Schedule button. To add an immunisation to an age schedule drag and drop the required immunisation from the column on the © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 285 Genie Manual Clinical: The Other Page right over the top of the age on the left. To delete an immunisation added by mistake, double click on it on the left. When an age schedule is selected from the Vaccination drop down list, it will firstly prompt you to add a recall for the next immunisastion due and will then place all immunisations set for that age group into the Vaccination area. These can then be edited appropriately with a double click. 6.3 Consultation Notes To open a new consultation note, you can either type Command or Ctrl N OR Tools > New Consultation OR click the Add Consult (or Consults) button at the top of the clinical window. Presenting Problems Presenting Problems aid in searching and reporting consults, as well as providing you with headings for your consults in the Contact List. To enter the Presenting Problem/s, you can select the problem from the menu at the top left of the Consult window. Presenting Problems Menu 286 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Consultation Notes This menu can contain up to five sections: 1. Add to Menu New Problem 2. Current Problems 3. Past History 4. Previously used consultation reasons for any patient 5. Previously used consultation reasons for this patient (if it is not already listed at 1, 2, 3, or 4 above) User added items can be deleted by holding down the ALT key, selecting the Presenting Problem drop-down list and highlighting the problem to delete. Let go of your mouse, let go of the ALT key. You can add multiple problems for each consultation. If the problem you want is not in this menu, select Add to menu... and enter in the name of the problem. If the problem is a rare or one-off problem select 'New Problem' which will add it only to that patient. Enter the problem and click OK. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 287 Genie Manual Clinical: Consultation Notes If you are using ICPC or ICD10 coding, a separate coding window will appear. Select the appropriate item from the list, or just click OK to use what you have typed. The Presenting Problems can be added to the Diagnosis field by double clicking on them. The Presenting Problem can be deleted or added to the Current Problem list by right clicking on the problem. A Presenting Problem can also be deleted using the small Garbage Can icon. Adding Consultation Notes To add consultation notes simply start typing in the History, Examination, Treatment/Plan and Diagnosis areas. The consult is saved when the clinical record is saved, or when OK is clicked in the new consult window. Checklists can aid in note taking, particularly for standard examinations and pre op checks. See the section on Checklist. Macros can also be used to aid in faster note taking i.e. text expansion from a typed shortcut, a la Spellcatcher and As-U-Type. The macro feature is available in Letters, Consults, and certain fields in Pregnancies, IVF, Checklists, Tasks, Email, and Procedures. Macros are triggered by typing your shortcut followed by a Space or Carriage Return. Or by using the small drop down arrows next to History, Examination, Treatment/Plan and Diagnosis to select the Macro you would like inserted. The Macros button is where you can set up your Macros. If you currently use Spellcatcher or As-U-Type you can import your existing macros, by selecting Edit Macros and clicking on the Import button. This will give you instructions on how to first export your existing macros from Spellcatcher and As-U-Type. You can then import this file. The Drawing Template button opens the Drawing Template Module. You can edit the templates using the icons on the Tool bar down the left hand side of the template window. 288 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Consultation Notes If you wish to add your own images/templates, then you will need to copy these into C:\Genie\Drawing Templates\ (PC's), or Applications:Genie:Drawing Templates: (Mac's). You can access a previously saved drawing by opening the relevant consultation record, and clicking on the Drawing Template button. Select 'open and edit a drawing attached to this consultation' and highlight the required drawing from the presented list. Additionally, you can add a new or delete an attached drawing for this consultation. The Letter Dictated tickbox aids your typist and you in keeping track of dictated letters (See Today's Consultations in The Patients Menu) © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 289 Genie Manual Clinical: Consultation Notes Consult notes can be edited directly within 24 hours or appended thereafter by double-clicking on the consult in the All Contacts List of the general clinical window. Measurements BP/Weight radio button displays all previously recorded measurements. The Pathology radio button will display previous pathology results that are imported into Genie in PIT format (provided the Extract Path Results PIT Format is ticked in File > User Preferences) or HL7 format (provided Track Individual Pathology Results is set up in Maintenance and Reports) or those manually entered into the Measurements window. The following measurements will be auto populated if tracking is selected for those tests in Maintenance and Reports: BSL Creatinine Cholesterol Trigs HDL LDL HbA1C PSA Potassium ACR Microalbuminuria Note: Pathology result measurements other than those listed above will not populate into other measurement fields in the clinical record eg. Obstetric History or Current Pregnancy. VAs displays previous visual acuity records To add a new Measurement record from within a consultation, you can either use the shortcut Ctrl N or click on 290 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Consultation Notes the Blue Plus sign. A new Measurement record window will open, which has the field that you are clicking in already highlighted, see below. The Measurement will appear in the display area when the corresponding consultation record is displayed. To delete a measurement record, highlight it and click the Garbage Can icon. Some of these measurements can be graphed by clicking the Graph button. Note: For patients over 20 years of age, their previous height is entered automatically the next time a new measurement record is opened. Keeping Separate Consultations To add another consult when one has already been created for that day, simply open up another new consult window (Tools > New Consult or Ctrl N). If you don't wish to create a separate consultation for the same day, then just use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl Z or Tools > Modify Today's Consultation, or the Edit Consult button, as this will open up the existing consultation window. It will create a new consultation if one doesn't already exist. Viewing Consultation Notes Consultation notes can be viewed singly in the display area by clicking on the record, or several at a time by Shift or Control clicking on the required consults. They can also be viewed according to their ICPC code. If you are using ICPC coding a pop-up menu will appear above the All Contact list. This codes display presenting problems by Chapter, allowing you to view all Neurological type consultations for example. Printing Consults © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 291 Genie Manual Clinical: Consultation Notes Once you have your required Consults or Pathology results highlighted and on display in the display area (by Ctrl or Shift clicking the required consults), you can then print the display area by selecting File > Print or clicking the small Printer icon. Deleting a Consult To delete a consult from the All Contacts List, highlight the required consult and then click on the Garbage Can icon. Or you can right click and select Delete. Note: Within 24 hours this will delete the consult altogether. After 24 hours the consult isn't deleted per se, it is just hidden from the Contacts List. Alt clicking on the Garbage Can icon will display the deleted consults in the Contacts List. Alternatively, you can print a Consultation Summary, Tools > Consultation Summary, which gives you the option to Include Deleted Consultations. Checking Consults Have Been Created You can check that you have made consultation notes for all appointments of a particular day by going to that day in the appointment and selecting Appts > Check Missing Consults. This will check for a consultation record for the date selected and for notes typed into the History field. You will need to have typed notes into the History field for this feature to work. 292 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 6.4 Clinical: The Tools Menu The Tools Menu The options that are displayed in the Tools menu will depend on which Practice Type is set in File > Set Practice Type. Below are the options for General Practice which covers most options in the various Practice Types. Interested Parties Opens the list of all Interested Parties associated with this patient eg. referring doctor etc. This list can also be accessed wherever you find this icon. New Consultation Opens a New Consultation window © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 293 Genie Manual Clinical: The Tools Menu Modify Today's Consultation Allows you to edit the existing consultation for the current day. If there is no consultation for the day it will create a new one. Consultation Summary Allows you to print out a summary of the patient's consultations. Print Complete Record Prints out the Patient's complete clinical record. You will first be prompted as to what components of the clinical record you would like to print. Quick History Displays a list of all the item numbers which have been charged for this patient in the last 12 months. Open Current Pregnancy Will open or start a new pregnancy for this patient. Only available if patient is marked as female in their demographics. 294 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: The Tools Menu Add Task Allows you to assign a task as a reminder to yourself or to another user about the current patient. This will be listed in the Other or Checklists/Script Archive tab of the clinical record. You can print out Tasks by selecting the Print button. (For more information on Tasks see the Reception Module). Add Procedure Opens up a Procedure window. For more information see the Procedures chapter. Add Pathology Result Creates a Pathology Result. Add Document Opens up a document window which allows you to enter free text. This document can then be accessed via the Documents Tab in the 'All Contacts List'. Add Workcover Claim Creates a Workcover Claim. Workcover certificates can be generated from within this window by clicking on the Blue Plus sign. Alt-clicking on the Blue Plus will allow you to use a certificate from a different state, for those practicing in border regions. Previously created Workcover Certificates will be stored in this window, and are accessible by double clicking on the certificate details. For more information on creating and invoicing Workcover claims, see Invoicing Workcover. Lesions Opens the Lesions module which allows for easier tracking of excisions of lesions and ordering/tracking of © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 295 Genie Manual Clinical: The Tools Menu histopathology. GP Managment Plans Opens up a GP Management Plan History where you can view past plans as well as create new ones. To add a new Plan click the New button. This opens up a GPMP Template window. Select your template using the Template drop down menu, many of which can be downloaded from the Genie Solutions FTP site. Alternatively, you can create your own using the New Template option. The set up of these templates work in the same way as Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence). Add Care Plan - old method Creates old style Care Plans which are then accessed via the Care Plans Tab in the All Contacts List. These have now been replaced by GP Management Plans. Add Health Assessment Allows you to create Health Assessments, covering areas such as Allied Health, Nutrition and Mental functioning. Health assessments can be saved and then accessed via the Health Assessments Tab in the All Contacts List. Add Centrelink Certificate Allows you to add a Centrelink Certificate. Estimate PEFR Provides an estimate of the Peak Flow Rate based on height. 296 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: The Tools Menu INR Control Allows you to keep track and control patient's INR doses. Thyroid Control Allows you to keep track and control patients with thyroid conditions. Percentile Charts Displays Paediatric Percentile Charts. Alcohol Audit Opens an Alcohol Disorders Identification Test. The results of the test are placed in the Treatment/Plan section of the consult window. This occurs even if you have not yet created a new consultation record. This also applies for the Mini Mental State Examination and the Aged Depression Scale Mini Mental State Opens a Mini Mental State Examination. The outcome of this examination will be placed in the Treatment/Plan section of the consultation record. Aged Depression Opens a Geriatric Depression Scale questionnaire. PASI Scores Opens Face, Hand & Foot/Whole Body PASI Scoring system for psoriasis. DAS Scores Opens DAS Scoring system for rheumatology. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 297 Genie Manual 6.5 Clinical: Specifying a Fee to Charge Specifying a Fee to Charge When saving out of the clinical file, you will be prompted to enter in an item to charge. Note: You will only be prompted for Items to Charge if you enter the clinical file via the Appointments Page and the patient has not yet been invoiced for that day (indicated by no dollar value in the Invoice column of the Appointments screen). You must also have a Default Item entered into your User Preferences. Items displayed in the list are those that have been specified as 'Display in List of Commonly Used Items' via Open > Billing Items. If you wish to add more items to this list, click on the Add Items to List button. The items must be a valid MBS items or be added to Open > Billing Items before they can be added to this list. To remove items from this list, click the Remove Item button. The item number entered in your User Preferences as your Default item will be the one that will be ticked by default. If you do not wish to charge this item, simply untick it and tick another. If you wish to charge multiples of the same item then click into the number box to the right of the item. To remove multiples right-click or Alt-click in the number box. If bulk billing a pensioner or child under 16, the incentive item (ie.10990/10991) will be ticked automatically, provided you fulfill all the criteria listed: 1. It is in the list of items 2. Your Practice Type is General Practice 3. Your default item number in your User Preferences is either 3, 23, 36, or 44. 4. The patient's Account Type in their demographics is 'Bulk Bill' 5. The patient is either under 16 or has a HCC or Pension number entered into their demographics. If you wish to relay a message to reception, use the Message to Reception area. Any text entered in this area will appear beside the patient's name in the appointment book, bound by [square] brackets. If you wish to type or continue typing your clinical notes after the patient has left the consult, you can still specify the item to charge by saving out of the file, and enter straight back in (e.g. using Ctrl K) to type your notes. 298 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 6.6 Clinical: Prescribing Prescribing MIMS Subscription Genie uses prescribing data supplied by MIMS Australia. This is supplied on the quarterly update CD to those users with a current MIMS subscription for electronic prescribing data. To subscribe to MIMS: Visit their website at, or Phone MIMS on 1800 800 629, or Print, complete and send the subscription form supplied with Genie. This is in the Subscriptions folder, inside the Genie folder on your hard drive. MIMS Prescribing Data The MIMS Prescribing data is the equivalent of the MIMS quarterly book and is supplied as raw data which is imported into your Genie database at each official Genie update. It is initially installed within a folder called “MIMS Data” within your Genie folder. When Genie is launched it searches for this folder. If it finds it, Genie offers to import the new information. Once it has been imported, Genie deletes the contents of the MIMS Data folder, so that you aren’t asked to update at each startup. If your MIMS subscription is more than 4 months out of date you will be presented with the following window. If you click the Delete MIMS button the MIMS database will be deleted, resulting in you no longer having access to this information. Clicking once on a prescription in the Prescription list will display the MIMS Quarterly in the display area (only if your screen supports the large clinical window). MIMS Annual The MIMS Annual is the equivalent of the large “Blue Book”. This is also supplied on each quarterly update CD. The MIMS Annual can be accessed directly from within Genie. It is generated from XML files held in the MIMS Annual folder in the Genie folder. Double clicking on a prescription in the Prescription List will open the MIMS Annual in a web browser. 6.6.1 Prescription Display The column order in the prescription list can be changed by clicking on the title of the column and dragging to required position. Column width can be adjusted by positioning the cursor on the divider between column titles until a double arrow appears then clicking and dragging the column to the desired width. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 299 Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing A single click on a drug will display the MIMS Quarterly information in the display area, provided you have the large patient window (see Clinical). A double click on a drug will open the MIMS annual entry in a web browser window which includes drug images. To delete a prescription, click on it to highlight it, and then click on the Delete button (Garbage Can icon). You can delete multiple prescriptions at once by shift-clicking or Command-clicking and highlighting the required prescriptions. When deleting a medication, you are asked for a reason but only if the medication is not "once-only" (i.e. assigned a category of 'S'), and it has previously been printed, otherwise it will be deleted immediately. You can also choose to create a class allergy to this medication when deleting the prescription. This reason can be accessed through the Info icon and the MIMS Quarterly display. If you re-prescribe a previously deleted medication, the old prescribing history, as well as the reason for stopping the medication will be displayed again. To modify the reason, dose, frequency, instructions or repeats slow double-click in the area you want to modify. These changes are shown in the display area along with the MIMS Quarterly when a medication is clicked as well as in the Info icon, which can also be found in the Script Archive in the Other tab. However, these changes 300 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing are not retrospective. Changes are only tracked for drugs linked to MIMS, and which are not marked as "onceonly" (i.e. category S). Prescribing changes can be modified by clicking on the Info button, or right clicking on the medication Right clicking on the Category, Medication and Reason columns will display contextual popups depending on which column you right-click. 6.6.2 Button Description The QuickScript button allows you to quickly prescribe a medication for a patient. To add to this list see Adding to QuickScript in Adding a New Prescription. The Add button is used to add new prescriptions to the patient’s current medication list. ALT-clicking on this button allows you to quickly add the actual drugs the patient is taking without having to specify strengths and dosages. This is useful for specialists who simply want to record the patient’s medications without intending to actually print a prescription for them. The Information button, tracks any changes made to the prescription dose, reason etc. It shows the Type of Change, Dose and Reason. You can insert a reason by right clicking in the reason column for a list of common reasons or slow double clicking to add your own. Alt clicking on the Information button displays the Progressive Medication History information. The Print button will print the selected medications i.e. the medications which have a tick in the first column. ALT-clicking on this button will select or deselect all the prescriptions. CTRL-ALT clicking allows you to backdate a prescription. The Batch button batches the selected prescriptions for later printing. GPs might use this when printing nursing home prescriptions. You would batch each patient’s prescription rather than printing them immediately. Subsequently, select Print Batch from the Patients menu and all the prescriptions will be printed at once (Open > Patients, Patients > Print Batch). Note: Authority prescriptions cannot be batched. The Medication Review allows you to perform a review of all the patient’s current medications, which can subsequently be printed or saved as a consultation record. The CMI button will display Consumer Medicine Information for the selected medication, if it is available. CMI information is supplied by MIMS and is not currently available for all medications. On a network, this information is stored on the server in a folder called CMI in the Genie folder. The files are stored as Acrobat pdf’s. When you select a particular item, the pdf is automatically copied from the CMI folder on the server to a CMI folder on the client machine so that the next time you view that particular CMI it is opened directly from the client machine. Note: On Windows, you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your machine to open, view or print these files. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 301 Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing The Medication Sheet button allows you to print a six week nursing home sheet, a 2 week medication sheet for hospitals both with or without dates entered. Additionally you can print prescription labels for the Compact Business System. Provided you have NPS RADAR Alert ticked in your User Preferences, this button will become active when an NPS RADAR review is available for the drug you have selected, as well as a RADAR summary popping up the first three times you prescribe a medication with a current NPS RADAR review. The NPS RADAR is updated either through the Special menu or through the Genie CD updates. The Delete button will delete the selected medications. If only one medication is selected there is no warning. If more than one medication is selected you will be asked to confirm the delete command. The Reset button can be used to restore the default prescription display. Ticking the Reg 24 checkbox will print the Regulation 24 request on prescriptions i.e.“Regulation 24. Please dispense all repeats.” The TPG button will display a list of generic equivalents for the selected medication, allowing you to change the current medication to the equivalent without having to delete and re-prescribe it. The Strength button allows you to change the strength of the selected prescription without having to delete and re-prescribe it. Checking the Certificate checkbox will print a sick certificate in the lower right area of the prescription. Checking the Drug List checkbox prints the list of current medications in the lower left area of the prescription. Note: If you want to print a certificate without actually printing a prescription, you can create a new drug called “Certificate” and enter it in your QuickScript menu. Then when you need a certificate “Prescribe” the drug called certificate and print! Alternatively, create your own sick certificate using a merged letter template. 302 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 6.6.3 Clinical: Prescribing Adding a New Prescription Click on the Add button (Blue Plus icon) to open the new prescription window. Prescriptions can also be added from within the Consult Window using the Add Script button. Genie begins searching the MIMS database once the third letter has been typed. You can narrow the selection by continuing to type more of the drug name. To prescribe one of the displayed drugs, use the Up and Down arrow keys to highlight the desired drug and then press the ENTER key, click the Select button or double-click on the desired drug. Dose, Frequency, Instructions Once the medication has been accepted you can specify the dose in the dose combo box, by either: 1. clicking the drop down arrow and selecting the appropriate dose from the list 2. by typing the first few letters/numbers of the dose and Genie will type ahead any matching doses in the list 3. by typing a dose not in the list in full and Genie will give you the option to save this dose to your list Press the TAB key to move to the Frequency field. The cursor will move to the Frequency combo box. This works in exactly the same way as the Dose window. For many medications the Instructions field may be filled automatically by the MIMS Quarterly. To enter your own instructions, press TAB to move to the Instructions combo box which works the same way as the dose and frequency combo boxes. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 303 Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing Once you have been through these steps the prescription window should look like this: The Repeats filed automatically defaults to the maximum number permissible. To change this to Nil repeats enter "0" or "n" in this field. The 'Category' box allows you to assign a category to the prescription. Prescriptions marked as Single Use (S) are automatically deleted from the patient's record once they are more than 30 days old. Deletion occurs during the Cleanup process when the last client machine quits Genie. Additionally, prescriptions marked as Single Use (S) and Hide (H) will not be referenced using 'Current Medications' for Referral/Reply Letters. If you wish to have such medications referenced, then you will need to change this reference field to 'Prescription History' (see Referral/Reply Letters (Patient Correspondence) for more information). Antibiotics, vaccinations, and cough mixture, etc are automatically marked as a Category S medication. At this stage you can click the Save button, or press ENTER to save the prescription to the patient's record. However there are several other actions you may also take using the buttons in this screen. The Memorise Dose checkbox will "remember" the dose, frequency and instructions for the selected medication, so that the next time you prescribe it in this window, the does, frequency and instructions fields will be filled automatically. The MIMS 1/4 button will display the MIMS Quarterly information for the selected medications. The MIMS Annual button will open the MIMS Annual application. Genie expects to find the MIMS Annual within the Genie folder on the client machine. Add to QuickScript The QuickScript menu is a place to store your most commonly prescribed medications, allowing you to quickly prescribe any item in the menu for any patient. If you want to add the selected medication, as well as the associated dose, frequency, and instructions, information to your QuickScript menu, click on the Add to QuickScript button. 304 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing When a QuickScript is added, information regarding the category and reason for the medication is saved. Although Genie places no limitations on the number of items you can have in this menu, some versions of Windows will not display the menu if you have more than 32 or 64, depending on your screen resolution. If you exceed the number of items capable of being displayed, then nothing happens when you click on the menu. To get around this problem, there is actually an invisible button between the Quickscript menu and the Add button. If you hold down the ALT key whilst clicking in this area, the last item in the QuickScript menu will be deleted, allowing you to once again view and edit the menu. In order to add any further items to the QuickScript menu, you would either have to delete some of the existing items, or increase the screen resolution in your Display Control Panel. Drug Interactions Once a drug is selected to be prescribed, Genie performs an allergy interaction and pregnancy check. If an interaction with another drug in the patient's current medication list is found, the following window will be displayed. This window contains an explanation of the interaction and indicates the severity. You can still prescribe the medication by clicking the Prescribe button. The Interaction Level can be set in your User Preferences. It ranges from 0 to 5, where 0 has all possible and potential interactions and 5 has no interaction checking at all. A level of 3 is usually the best in practice. This covers Low, Moderate and High degrees of interaction, but does not include Unestablished interactions or those of No Clinical Significance. You can change the level of interaction checking by clicking the Modify button at the top right of the new prescription window. This will open your User Preferences (see User Preferences for more information). Click on the Clinical tab and set the level in here. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 305 Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing If the patient has been marked as allergic to the selected drug, or it's class, an allergy warning will be displayed. As with interaction warnings, you still have the ability to over-ride the warning by clicking on the Prescribe button. For drugs dangerous to pregnant women the following warning will appear Add New Drug The Add New Drug button allows you to add new drugs to the Drug Index. These can either be for increase quantities of an existing drug, or a totally new entry For example, if the patient is currently on Accupril20mg daily but needs to increase to 20mgbd, then you will probably want to add an entry for a quantity of 60 with 5 repeats to be prescribed as an Authority item. To do this, find and highlight the current entry for Accupril20mg. Click on the Add New Drug button. The following window will appear: Click on the Copy button. Enter the quantity required 306 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing Enter the number of repeats required. Click on the Authority button. The new drug entry will appear in the prescriptions window, allowing you to select it for prescribing. To add a totally new drug entry, click on the Add New Drug button. When asked if you want to create a New Drug or Copy an existing one, click the New button. The following window will appear: Enter the details of the drug and click the Save button. You will then be able to search on this information in the new prescriptions window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 307 Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing User Added Drugs The User Added Drugs button will display a list of drug entries added by users i.e. not supplied by MIMS 6.6.4 Searching Prescriptions Genie allows you to quickly search the database for: All patients taking a particular drug. All patients on two or more particular drugs. All patients on more than any particular number of drugs i.e. Polypharmacy. For example, to search for all patients taking an ACE-Inhibitor: Open the Patients list by selecting Open > Patients. Click on the Rx button to open the following window This window allows you to search by Brand Name, Generic Name or Class. To search for ACE-Inhibitors, click on the Class radio button and the following window will appear 308 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing Enter the Brand Name of any ACE-Inhibitor and click OK. A window will appear asking you to select the specific class that you wish to search on This will enter the Class to search for in the previous window as shown below: Click OK, and all patients on an ACE-Inhibitor will be displayed. Note: To display all patients NOT on an ACE-Inhibitor, tick the Find Exceptions checkbox. You may then want to find all patients who are on the ACE-Inhibitor and Warfarin. To do this, click on the Rx button again. This time, click on the Generic radio button and enter Warfarin in the search field. Tick the Search Current Selection Only checkbox. This tells Genie to only search amongst the list of patients already displayed. You can use this function in combination with other searches. For example you may want to find all diabetics who are NOT taking an ACE-Inhibitor. To do this you would first search for diabetics to display them in the patient list. Then do the ACE-Inhibitor search, ticking both the Search Current Selection Only and Find Exceptions checkbox. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 309 Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing You can also limit the search only to those prescriptions which have been printed on or after a particular date. Polypharmacy In this same window you can search for patients taking more than x number of prescriptions. To do this, click on the Polypharmacy tab and enter the number of prescriptions in the search field. Note: You can also limit this search to just the current selection patients. 6.6.5 Printing a Prescription to Multiple Patients Print One Presciption is commonly used to print the same prescription to multiple patients. For example, if you want to send a prescription for Fluvax to all your over-65 patients, open the Patient list (Open > Patients) then search on the patient's Age field to display them in the list (for more information on Searches, see Queries & Searches). Note: The prescription you are planning to print must be in your QuickScript menu. If it isn't already, you should do that now (See Add to QuickScript in Adding a New Prescription). Then select Patients > Print One Prescription 310 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Prescribing A window will appear asking you to confirm if you wish to create a prescription of the selected patients. Click OK. Your QuickScript list will be displayed. Select the prescription you want and click OK. The prescriptions will be created. Before they print, you will be asked to confirm once more. Make sure you have enough prescription paper loaded in your printer before clicking Print. Note: You may want to also send a covering letter to these patients along with the prescription. In this case you can create a merged letter template for the currently displayed list of patients. See the Merged Letter Templates chapter for more information. 6.7 Recalls Recalls can be added from: the Clinical window by clicking on the Recalls icon © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 311 Genie Manual Clinical: Recalls the Patients list by selecting Patients > Add a Recall. the Appointment book by selecting Appts > Add a Recall. the Pathology Action List window when linking pathology results When adding a recall from the Pathology & Radiology list or from within the Clinical window, a list of recalls already in existence for that patient will be displayed. 312 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Recalls Click on the Add button as shown above to create the new recall record which will open the window below. In this window you can enter the reason for the recall by either typing it into the Reason field, or by selecting it from the popup menu to the left of this field. Enter the Due Date by specifying the number of months ahead, or by entering the actual date. If this is going to be a recurring recall, select the Make This a Recurring Recall checkbox, and enter the frequency in months. This will reassign the recall to its next due date after it is printed, so you do not have to keep adding the patient to the recall list. Click the Save button to save the record. Flagging of Patient Record When recalls are printed (see Printing Recalls in Reception Module), the patient record is automatically flagged. If the recall is currently overdue, then the Flagged Date is set to one week ahead. Otherwise, the Flagged Date is set to one week after the recall is actually due. When a User enters a flagged patient file they will be notified that it is flagged and be provided with the flag reason. After the flagged date has passed, the user that the recall is assigned to will be notified when logging into Genie. Flagged patients can be viewed at anytime through Patients > Flagged Patients in the Patients List (Open > Patients). 6.8 Disease Register The Disease Register can display those active patients who have been marked as having diabetes, or who have CHD. To display CHD patients automatically, the relevant Current Problems and Past History must have been coded with ICPC2 Plus. You can also display the disease register for any patient records displayed in the Patients List. So even if you aren’t using ICPC, you can still do a text search to find those patients with “angina” for example. Patients can be individually marked as diabetic by clicking the Diabetic checkbox in either the Demographic window, or the clinical window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 313 Genie Manual Clinical: Disease Register Patients are automatically marked as diabetic when a new Current Problem is added from the Current Problems menu, which meets the criteria below: 1. Where the problem contains the text “diabetes” or “insulin” 2. Where the problem starts with “Type 1” or “Type 2” 3. Where the problem is equal to “NIDDM”, “N.I.D.D.M.”, “IDDM”, and “I.D.D.M. 4. Where the ICPC Code equals “T89” or “T90” 5. Where the ICD10 Code begins with “E10” or “E11” Note: The patient is NOT automatically marked when you right-click on a Presenting Problem and choose Add to Current Problems. Also note that if you subsequently delete the Current Problem, the patient is not automatically “unmarked”. This needs to be done manually. It is possible that non-diabetic patients might be marked e.g. If they have a Current Problem of “Gestational diabetes”, or even “No history of diabetes”. It is therefore the practice’s responsibility to ensure that all diabetic patients have been marked correctly. When updating to Genie v7.2.8, Genie will have tried to automatically mark your diabetic patients by searching for Current Problems matching the criteria above. This is a rather limited search, particularly if you are not using ICPC or ICD10 codes. Therefore, there is no guarantee that all your diabetic patients will have been correctly identified during the update. Disclaimer: Genie Solutions will accept no responsibility for any loss of income, or any law suits, actions, proceedings, liabilities, claims, damages and the like arising directly or indirectly from this attempt to automatically identify your diabetic patients. Opening the Register The Register is opened by selecting Patients > Disease Register in the Patients List. The window below will appear: Option 1: Diabetes Genie will display all patients who have been marked as Diabetic, but who have not been marked as Inactive. There is no time limit on when they were last seen. Therefore the number of patients found may be higher than those found in the NPCC Report. Option 2: CHD If you are not using ICPC coding, the CHD option will be disabled. Otherwise, Genie searches the Past History 314 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Disease Register and Current Problem tables for relevant ICPC codes. These are the same codes as used in the NPCC Report, but again there is no time limit on when they were last seen. Therefore the number of patients found may be higher than those found in the NPCC Report. Option 3: Use Current Selection This option will display a register for all patients currently on display in the Patients List, whether they are Inactive or not. If there are no patients currently on display, this option will be disabled. Check Hypoglycaemics: If this checkbox is ticked, Genie will check each patient to see if they are taking insulin, a sulfonylurea, metformin and a Thiazolidinedione. This is ticked by default when Option 1 is selected. Unticking it for Option 2 and 3 may allow the register to gather information faster. Using the Register As the register window opens, Genie searches for other information about each patient as detailed below: Last Visit: This is the last invoice date, and therefore not necessarily the last consultation note. Next Appointment: Displays the date of the next appointment after the current date. Last 7 2 1 / 7 2 3 / 7 2 5 / 7 2 7 : Displays the date that these items were last billed. For tracking any other items please refer to the Item Register Provider: If the Usual Provider field in the Demographics window has an entry, then Genie will insert this. Otherwise it displays the last provider who billed the patient with an asterisk in front of their name eg *Dr Joe Smith. Right clicking on this allows you to set or modify the Usual Provider field (see below). SIP Trigger: Displays the last date a SIP item was billed. The items searched for are 2517, 2518, 2521, 2522, 2525, 2526, 2620, 2622, 2624, 2631, 2633 and 2635. Eye Exam: This searches consultation records where at least one of the Presenting Problems starts with “Referral to Op”, or contains “eye exam”. This is to cover the terms “Referral to Ophthalmologist” (This is ICPC code F67) and “Referral to Optometrist". It is suggested that you add one or all of these terms to the Presenting Problems drop down menu to avoid having to get the spelling right each time. Foot Exam: This searches consultation records where at least one of the Presenting Problems begins with “Referral to Podiatrist”, if you are using ICPC, the full term is actually “Referral to Podiatrist/Chiropodist", or contains the text “foot exam” or “feet exam”. Again, it is suggested that you add one or all of these terms to the Presenting Problems drop down menu. Statin: Displays “Yes” if the patient has a statin in their current medication list. The date it was last printed is irrelevant i.e. even if it hasn’t been printed in the past 12 months, Genie will still report a “Yes”, because the patient may have got the script elsewhere. ACE-I: Displays “Yes” if the patient has an ACE_Inhibitor in their current medication list. Again, the print date is irrelevant. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 315 Genie Manual Clinical: Disease Register Insulin/Sulfonyl/ Metform/Thiaz Displays "Yes" if the patient has one of these drugs or classes in their current medication list. These columns are only displayed if the Check hypoglycaemics checkbox was ticked in the initial choice window. Last BP: Displays the patient’s last recorded blood pressure from the Measurements table in the Consult window. BP Date: The date of the last recorded BP reading. BMI: Last recorded BMI in the Measurements table in the Consult window. Date: Date of the last recorded BMI. W-Hip%: Last recorded waist-hip ratio in the Measurements table in the Consult window. HbA1C: Last recorded HbA1C as recorded in the Measurements table. If this is not being automatically extracted from downloaded pathology results, and you are not entering it manually, then this may be incorrect. Date: Date of last record HbA1C. Creat: Last recorded Creatinine result. GFR: The GFR recorded on the same date as the latest Creatinine. If the patient’s height has not been entered, then the GFR will not have been calculated. Date: Date of last recorded Creatinine. Microalb: Last recorded microalbuminuria. Date: Date of last recorded microalbuminuria. This is not automatically extracted from downloaded results, so you would have to be entering this manually. Chol/Trigs/LDL/ HDL: Last recorded lipid measurements. If these are not being automatically extracted from downloaded pathology results, and you are not entering them manually, then these may be incorrect. Date: Date of last lipids. Double-clicking on a line will open that patient’s clinical record. Right-clicking on the Provider’s name allows you to set or modify the Usual Provider field. Right-clicking on a measurement allows you to graph or edit the measurement record. 316 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Disease Register The display can be sorted by clicking on any of the headers. In a multi-doctor practice, if you only want to view your own patients, click on the Provider header to sort by Provider. You may then highlight your patients by clicking on the first of your patients and Shift-clicking on the last. Click on the Use Selected button to remove all the non-highlighted patients. To display all patients again, click on the Show All button. To create a Task e.g. to recall the patient, click on the patient and then click the Create a Task button. To create an actual recall, click the Recall button. To mark a patient as Inactive so that they stop showing up on the register, click the Make Inactive button. To remove a patient from the diabetic register, click the Remove from Diabetic Register button. This unticks the Diabetic checkbox in the patients demographics and clinical window. Note: It is not possible to print the register directly. However, the data can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet and printed from there. 6.9 Diabetes Care Status (EPC Summary) The Diabetes Care Status is designed to make handling and keeping up with a cycle of care for diabetics easier, so that the relevant SIP item number can be charged. It is accessed through Open > Patients, Patients > Diabetes Care Status. This will display all your diabetic patients (marked as such through their demographics or clinical window) with age, sex, last SIP trigger, next appt, last visit etc. Initially the Status column will read "No Cycle Recorded". Clicking on the Update All button, will loop through each patient looking for the relevant activities. To update just one patient, click their name and click the EPC Summary button. The EPC Summary can also be accessed through the EPC Summary button in a patients clinical record or right clicking on their name in the Appointments Book and selecting EPC Summary. If there has been a previous SIP item number charged, then Genie will set the Cycle Start date to one day after that date. Otherwise the Cycle Start will be 1 year prior to the current date. To change the Cycle Start Date, you need to open the EPC Summary window, and change the date at the bottom of the screen. Note: When you click the EPC Summary button in the clinical window, the information is displayed in the usual display area, not in a separate window, so you can't change the start date here. You would have to do it through the Appointments book (R-click) or through the actual Diabetes Care Status list EPC Summary button. Depending on the Cycle Start Date, Genie will assign a Status of: Bad Cycle: where a 6 monthly check hasn't been done within 6 months of the start date. In this case you probably need to enter a different start date, or complete your records as below. On Track: if the 6 monthly activities were completed, but there are still activities to complete before the 12 months is up. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 317 Genie Manual Clinical: Diabetes Care Status (EPC Summary) On Track- LESS THAN A MONTH LEFT TO COMPLETE: as above, but time is running out. On Track- OVERDUE: if you ignored the previous warning Activities Complete: if everything has been done but it's not yet 12 months since the last SIP was billed. Ready to Invoice: if all activities are complete and it's been at least 12 months since the last cycle. How the EPC Summary works: The EPC Summary will display the dates of any Health Assessments, GP Management Plans and/or Mental Health Reviews based on when the relevant items were last invoiced. Eye Examinations: need to be recorded as a Presenting Problem in a consultation record. Genie looks for either "Referral to op@", or "@eye exam@" Foot Examinations: again recorded as a Presenting Problem, with either "Referral to podiatrist@", "@foot exam@", or "@feet exam@". (where @ is a wild card character/s) The Measurements i.e. BP, BMI, Chol, Trigs, HDL, Microalbuminuria are pulled from the Measurements table in the consult window. 6.10 Checklists Checklists within Genie are a method for creating your own unique forms for data collection. They can be used to quickly and easily collect consultation notes, physical exams, pre-operative checks, and operation reports. They can be created from 3 different places: 1. The Other or Checklists/Script Archive tab in the clinical record. 2. The New Consult window in the clinical record. 3. From within a Procedure record. 6.10.1 Creating a Checklist To create a checklist: 1. In the Other or Checklists/Script Archive tab in the clinical record, click on the Blue Plus icon. 318 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Checklists This displays a list of available checklist templates: 2. Click on the Add button to create a new checklist template. Enter a name for the checklist, then click OK. Note: The name of the checklist cannot contain unusual characters, i.e. ?,/,\, <,>.) 3. The new template will be added to the list and should be automatically selected. 4. Click the Select button to open the new, blank checklist. 5. The left-hand bank of buttons allow you to select the type of field you want to add to the checklist. In order © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 319 Genie Manual Clinical: Checklists from the left they are: a) Text (up to 80 characters) - 20 fields available per checklist b) Number - 20 fields available per checklist c) Checkbox -10 available per checklist d) Radio Buttons -10 available per checklist e) Date - 3 available per checklist f) Picture - 2 available per checklist g) Large Text (32000 characters) - 2 available per checklist h) Break Headers - 4 available. These allow entry of any text. They are usually used for headings such as “Findings”, “Technique”, “Postop Orders” etc. Note: Text fields cannot contain unusual characters, i.e. ? / \ < > , . @ ( ) To add a field, click on the field required, then click the Blue Plus sign. e.g. To add a text field, click on the Text button, then click the Add button (blue plus sign). You will see that a text field is added to the form. On the right of this field is a popup menu which allows you to add any number of items for faster data entry into the field. Click on the Field label Text Field 1, and enter the label you would like displayed. For example if you are creating a template for taking a headache history, the first label might be “Frequency”. The popup menu would contain daily, weekly, monthly, all the time, etc. Radio buttons can also be formatted. The default is “Yes” and “No”, but this can be changed by clicking on the Format button. Locking a Checklist To the right of the Print button is a button which signifies if the checklist is locked or not. You would normally only lock a checklist if you wanted it to become a medico-legally valid record operation report. Once a checklist has been locked it can no longer be edited, although it can still be deleted. Note: The original template can be changed. It is only the checklist for their particular patient that is locked. Uploading a Checklist Template Once you have created a template you can upload it to the Genie Solutions FTP site so that other Genie users may download and use your template themselves. You can upload a Checklist template by clicking on the Upload Template button. Conversely, you can download templates created by other Genie users. You can do this by selecting Get Checklists from the Special menu i.e. Special > Get Checklists. This will take you the the FTP site where checklists are grouped under Specialties. Just double-click on the one you want and it will be downloaded directly into your data file for immediate use. Note: You shouldn’t have a checklist open when you do this. 320 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 6.10.2 Clinical: Checklists Linking a Checklist to a Procedure The Link to Procedure button allows you to link the checklist to a specific Procedure from this patient's clinical record. Once a checklist has been linked to a Procedure it can be accessed from the Pre-Op tab of that Procedure record. It also prints as an Operation Report. It can be unlinked by holding down the Alt key whilst clicking the Link button. If the checklist is created from within the procedure record, then it is automatically linked. When viewing the Operation Report from the contact list in the clinical window, the contents of the checklist will be displayed by default. To display the information stored in the Op Notes area of the procedure, CMD/ CTRL+click on the procedure icon in the contact list. 6.10.3 Using Checklists within a Consultation If you add a checklist from the Consultation page (i.e. Ctrl N or Tools > New Consultation) some extra buttons are displayed. On the left there is a radio button which allows you to specify where you would like the notes collected in the checklist to be deposited .i.e. in the History, Examination or Treatment notes sections. Note: Clicking on the 'Save Only to Consultation Notes' button will transfer the notes in the checklist to the appropriate section of your consultation notes, but the actual checklist itself is not saved. This is to avoid unnecessary duplication of data. If you do want to keep the checklist as well as the consultation notes, then you should click the 'Save' button instead. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 321 Genie Manual 6.11 Clinical: Pathology and Radiology Pathology and Radiology Set Up You will need to contact your Pathology and Radiology providers to setup their company specific software and to supply you with their computerised request forms. The download software should ideally be installed on a client machine. However if this is not feasible, it can be installed on the server. The directory into which downloaded results should be deposited is the "LabRslts" folder within the Genie folder. On Windows the pathway will usually be: C:\Genie\LabRslts\ On Macintosh the pathway will usually be:/Applications/Genie/LabRslts/ 6.11.1 Ordering Pathology To order pathology click the Pathology icon in the patient's clinical file. The following window will open: Select the Pathology laboratory you wish to send the patient to using the Laboratory drop down list at the top of the window. Pathology laboratories can be added by selecting New Provider... from this list. You can set the default provider i.e. the company you refer to most by selecting Set Default... and double clicking the laboratory you require. Doctor Code: is set by the laboratory and only needs to be entered once and Genie will remember it for that company. Note: Once you have added the Pathology company, you cannot change the details associated with it, ie. laboratory, address and telephone. If these details change, delete the provider from the list (ALT + Click on the entry to be deleted) and then re-add the Pathology Company with the new details. To order a test from the list of tests at left either scroll through and find the test you need or type the test into the blank box at the top of the list to find it. Double click the required test or use the green arrow or drag and drop the test into the request box under the Sets drop down list. If the test is not in the list at left you can add it with the Blue Plus button. Tests that you may never use can be deleted altogether by highlighting the test and clicking the Garbage Can button at the top of the list. 322 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology If you have added a test to the list of requested tests by mistake, highlight the test and click the Garbage Can button next to the Sets drop down list. A reason for the test can be added via the Reason drop down menu. Alternatively, you can use the Procedure Info button to automatically insert the name and date of the patient's last Procedure into the Reason field. Copies will automatically be sent to the referring doctor if Copy Results to Referrer is ticked in your User Preferences (File > User Preferences). Otherwise, copies can be sent to any doctor/s in your Address Book by clicking the Copies to... button. If your pathology stationary has labels on it, tick the Print Labels tickbox which will format the request to print the patient information on these labels. Reprinting Request Forms Request forms can be reprinted through Open > Investigations Audit. Find the request that needs to be reprinted, double click to open the request window and click the Reprint button at the bottom of this window. Creating Pathology Sets For commonly ordered sets of tests you can create a Pathology Set so you will only need to select the Set from the Sets drop down list and it will slot in the appropriate tests you have set up. There are quite a few default Sets already set up in the drop down list which can be deleted or modified as appropriate. To create a set, drag all required tests for the set into the request box. Select Save Set... from the Sets drop down list and give the Set a name as prompted. Pathology Templates If a pathology template needs to be moved in any direction as a whole, use the green/blue arrows at top right. To adjust individual field in a pathology template click the Edit Templates drop down menu and select the template to edit (usually Standard Preprinted). © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 323 Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology Fields can be moved by clicking and dragging them to the desired position and resized by dragging the blue dots accordingly. To remove a field from a template, click and drag it off the printable area. To edit the Text Properties in a field, double click and a Properties list will appear with options to adjust the Style and Size etc. of the text. Be sure to Save the Template before closing using the Save 324 button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 6.11.2 Clinical: Pathology and Radiology Ordering Radiology To order radiology, click the Radiology below: button in the patient's clinical file. This will open the window Select the Radiology company you wish to send the patient to using the drop down list under Requested By: at the top of the window. Radiology companies can be added by selecting New Provider... from this list. You can set the default provider i.e. the company you refer to most by selecting Set Default... and double clicking the laboratory you require. Note: Once you have added the Radiology company, you cannot change the details associated with it, ie. Company name, address and Radiologist. If these details change, delete the provider from the list (ALT + Click on the entry to be deleted) and then re-add the Radiology company with the new details. To order a test from the list of tests at left either scroll through and find the test you need or type the test into the blank box at the top of the list to find it. You can double click the required test which will move it into the request box in the middle of the window or you can drag and drop the test into the request box. Double click (or drag and drop) the region required from the list at right, as above, which will place it in the request box after the test ordered. You can also type additional information into the request box eg. left or right, by simply clicking into the box and typing what is required. If the test or region is not in the list you can add it with the Blue Plus button. Tests or regions that you may never use can be deleted altogether by highlighting the test or region and clicking the Garbage Can button at the top of the list. If you have added a test/region to the request box by mistake, simply highlight and press the delete key on your keyboard. The Procedure Info and Workcover Info buttons allow you to add information from either or both of these records into the Reason box. Copies will automatically be sent to the referring doctor if Copy Results to Referrer is ticked in your User Preferences (File > User Preferences). Otherwise, copies can be sent to any doctor/s in your Address Book by clicking the Copies to... button. Reprinting Request Forms Request forms can be reprinted through Open > Investigations Audit. Find the request that needs to be reprinted, double click to open the request window and click the Reprint button at the bottom of this window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 325 Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology Radiology Templates Unfortunately, Radiology companies, unlike Pathology companies, do not have a standard pre-printed form (except in VIC and SA) so the template needs to be set up for your common providers. This can be done using the Custom 1, 2 & 3 templates in the Edit Templates drop down list. This process will be on a 'trial and error' basis, whereby you print and adjust accordingly until all fields line up on the Radiology stationary. Fields can be moved by clicking and dragging them to the desired position and resized by dragging the blue dots accordingly. To remove a field from a template, click and drag it off the printable area. 326 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology To edit the Text Properties in a field, double click and a Properties list will appear with options to adjust the Style and Size etc. of the text. Be sure to Save the Template before closing using the Save 6.11.3 button. Selecting the Results Format Most Laboratories can now send results in either PIT (Pathology Internet Protocol) format, or HL7 (Health Level 7) format. The difference between the two formats is simply how the text is formatted in the downloaded file. In the beginning PIT was the only format. In the past few years there has been a move to HL7. Genie can handle either format transparently. That is, there are no settings you need to make in Genie to receive in either format. During the import, Genie can tell the difference between a PIT file and an HL7, and imports them in different ways. You can receive PIT files from one lab and HL7 files from another. HL7 has an advantage over PIT files in that they are more "atomic". That is, in a PIT file, an MBA result is one block of text. In an HL7 file, each result is presented separately allowing Genie to extract just the Creatinine result for example. Note: Genie makes an attempt to extract a handful of separate results from a PIT file simply by seaching the block of text when the result is linked to a patient. It then creates a consultation record and inserts the result into the consultation record. However this only works for some labs depending on how the text is presented. If this isn't working, this option can be switched off in your User Preferences (File > User Preferences > Clinical tab) by deselecting the Extract Pathology Results PIT Format checkbox. If you receive results in HL7 format you have a great deal more flexibility in what results you want to extract and subsequently graph. For more information on how to track and graph HL7 results select File > Maintenance & Reports: General Tab and click on the Track Pathology Results button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 327 Genie Manual 6.11.4 Clinical: Pathology and Radiology Importing Downloaded Results This section refers to results that have been downloaded into the "LabRslts" folder as described previously (see Pathology and Radiology Results). Once the result files have been downloaded into the LabRslts folder, select Open > Pathology and Radiology. Whenever this menu item is selected Genie looks in the local LabRslts folder to see if there are any new files. If there are you will be asked if you want to import them now. If you click Open, the Import window will open as shown below. All results will be ticked by default, if you wish to import only a few of the results listed you can click the Deselect All button and tick just the required result. Click the Import button and Genie will import the downloaded files into the database. Once the import is finished these results can be accessed by anybody on the network. If the laboratory's downloading application has been installed on the server, then Genie can import the results automatically by ticking 'Allow Pathology Import On Server' in Practice Preferences (File > Practice Preferences > Miscellaneous tab). 328 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology Otherwise you will need to import them manually to the local machine. In this case, the Import window can be opened from the Downloaded Results list by clicking the Import button and then the results can be retrieved from the server by clicking the Retrieve From Server button. This will copy any results in the LabRslts folder on the server to the local LabRslts folder. If the retrieval is successful, the copied results are also placed into a folder called "ArchivedResults" inside the Genie folder on the server, in case you need to try importing them again. During the import procedure, if Genie finds any problems with the downloaded file you will receive a message saying that the file is not a valid results file. Usually this is because it has not been decrypted, or it is not actually a results file at all, or there is a problem with the PIT or HL7 formatting from the laboratory. Although HL7 is a "standard", it is a very loosely defined and interpreted standard and some laboratories may format results in ways that Genie does not expect. Any invalid results will go into the folder named "Invalid Results" in the LabRslts folder. You can choose to send Acknowledgements back to the lab to let them know you have successfully imported the results by ticking the 'Create Pathology Acknowledgements' box in Practice Preferences as shown in the above screenshot. However it is up to the lab to set up their software to retrieve those acknowledgements out of the HL7 ACKS folder in the LabRslts folder. 6.11.5 The Downloaded Results List Once the import has completed, the Import window will close and a list of unlinked results will be displayed in the Downloaded Results list (Open > Pathology & Radiology). Note: The title bar will display the number of unlinked results displayed, and the total number of results held in this table. This is not a holding table. This is where all results are stored whether they are linked to a patient or not. DO NOT delete results from here after they have been linked to a patient, or they will be deleted from the patients clinical file also! The Find button allows you to search the entire table by Surname, First name or test name. The Print button allows you to print out the list of displayed results as a QuickReport (For more information see QuickReports). The Info button will display the run numbers received by each laboratory for the last 30 days. Use this button if and when you receive a message that you are missing a run number. Check to see if the run number really is missing. If it is, you should call the lab and ask them to resend it. The Import button will open the Import window and display the contents of the LabRslts folder on this computer. The Delete button will delete the highlighted results. The Doctor menu allows you to select just your own results for linking. This menu is built when the window is first opened. If your name isn't here, then you don't have any results to view. Note: There may be several variations of the one Doctors name in this list. This is due to variations between Laboratories in the way the Doctor's name is recorded. If you want consistency you will need to contact each Laboratory and request the format you wish the name to be in. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 329 Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology The Linked popup menu allows you to quickly shift between displaying Linked, Unlinked or All results. The Result popup menu allows you to quickly shift between displaying Normal, Abnormal or All results. Note: It is the Laboratory that marks a result as Normal or Abnormal. Not all labs do so. If you disagree with the marked normality or otherwise, please don't call us. Take it up with the lab. The Last column in the screenshot above refers to whether or not the result is the last result in a group of ordered results. That is, if you order a FBC and TFT's, the FBC might come back later that day and will be marked and "N", meaning not the last result for the group ordered. When the TFT comes back it will be marked as "Y". Note: Again, if the Last is marked as "Y" but you know it is not, take it up with the lab. The Hide Results on Hold checkbox is used to hide from the display area those results which have been put on hold. This would usually be used by Specialists where they may receive results ordered as a copy from the referring GP. The results may arrive well before the patient does, so the results can be put on hold until the patient turns up. 6.11.6 Matching and Linking Results to Patients Select Open > Pathology & Radiology and select your name from the Doctor drop down menu. Double-click on the first record in the list to open and view the actual result. In the top left of the screen, in blue, is the patient's demographic information as held by the Lab. Just to the right is the information held in the Genie database. As the record opens, Genie attempts to match it to an existing patient record. The initial search is made on Surname and the first 3 letters of the First Name. If one patient record found: If BOTH the Medicare No AND the DOB don’t match, then Genie assumes that this is the wrong patient with the same name, and so then searches just by DOB. 330 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology If more than one patients found: Genie searches the found records for a matching DOB. If it doesn’t find any match, then it reverts to displaying the records found by the original search, and puts them all in the drop down No patients found: Genie does a second search by DOB and the last 3 letters of the surname If at the end of all this, there is more than one matching record, Genie puts them in the dropdown menu and then loops through them until it finds someone with either a matching address, DOB, or Medicare No. If it doesn't find a good match, then no patient information will be displayed. In the above case it has found a matching patient record in the database, however there is a mismatch with the address and Medicare number. This is a fairly frequent occurrence, particularly when Medicare cards are reissued. The last digit of the Medicare number is the issue number. When this happens, you can simply drag the Medicare number from the lab's information onto the Medicare number of the Genie database to automatically update the Genie data. You can do the same with the address and Date of Birth, assuming you are happy that the lab has got it right and that you are wrong! If Genie has not found an automatic match when the result is displayed, you should click on the Match button to search again. If it still doesn't find a match, you can search for the patient in your database by using the Find button . As with all searches, the less you type in, the more likely you are to find the correct record, particularly if there is a spelling mistake in the name. You could also just search on the First name if you suspect the Surname has been spelt incorrectly. If this search finds more than one matching record, you will be warned of the fact. In this case, all the matching names will be held in the Name popup, allowing you to scroll through and hopefully find the correct patient. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 331 Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology If you still cannot find the patient in your database then you can create a new patient record using the New button . Be judicious about creating a new patient record. This is an excellent way of creating duplicate patient records. Frequently either you or the lab have simply spelt the name incorrectly. If you printed the original request then the patient is almost certainly in the database. Once you have a good match, click on the Link button If you get the below message it means that either the Address, DOB, or Medicare Number do not match as indicated by the red sign. You can choose to fix the information or Link anyway. The Action List window will open. This window allows you to select the message for the Receptionist to tell the patient when they call, or the action you want the receptionist to take now. This list is modifiable. You can Add and Delete items from the list using the buttons down the side of the list window. You can also re-sort the list by dragging and dropping items within the list. The Alternative message field allows for free text entries, up to 80 characters in length. You can also change the Normal/Abnormal marking if you disagree with the lab's decision. The Add to Action List checkbox is checked by default if you have selected the Move to Action List after linking checkbox in your User Preferences (File > User Preferences). This means that the result will be moved to the Action List after linking so that the receptionist/practice nurse can go through the Action List taking whatever action necessary for each result (see Pathology Recalls (Investigation Action List) for more information). You can tell if the requested action has been taken when in a patients clinical file by looking to see if the Notification 332 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology column has a [N] in it in the Contacts list. If you don't use the Action List deselect the checkbox in your User Preferences. If the This is a Pap Smear Result checkbox is ticked, an extra drop down menu will appear directly below. This allows for the entry of the smear result. This smear result and the test date is then automatically inserted into the Last Pap field in the patients clinical record.Whenever a result is linked Genie searches the text looking for the words "smear" and "endocervical". If it finds either of these words then this checkbox will be automatically ticked. However, sometimes, it may get it wrong and either misidentify a result as a Pap Smear or else not recognise a result as a Pap Smear result. In this case you can manually select or deselect this checkbox. The Flag Patient's Record checkbox is used when you want to ensure that a recalled patient actually turns up within a certain period of time. When the clinical record is next opened you are given the opportunity to unflag the patient, however if the patient doesn't turn up, then presumably the clinical record won't be opened and unflagged and Genie will start warning you once the due date has passed, whenever the program is launched (see Flagging of Patient Record for more information). The patients next appointment will automatically be displayed in red, noting the doctor they are booked in to see, date and time of this appointment. If the patient does not have a future appointment, then you will be notified of this. The Create Task button allows you to create a task for the patient regarding the pathology result. When the task window opens, the title of the task contains the words 'path result' and the patients name. The body of the task contains the name of the pathology tests and the test date. Additionally, this task is automatically linked to the patients clinical record. The Create Recall button allows you to create a proper Recall record rather than just asking the receptionist to recall now in the Action List. You would usually do this when the recall isn't urgent but you want to repeat the test in 3 months for example. Click the Link button to link this result to the patient. Genie will then display the next result in the list until you reach the last one. Incorrectly Linked Results If you have linked a Pathology/Radiology Result to the wrong patient, you can unlink this result and then link the result to the correct patient by going to Open > Pathology & Radiology and using the 'Linked?' drop down menu, and select 'Linked'. This will display a list of all patients who have Pathology/Radiology results linked to their records. Identify the patient who has the incorrectly linked result, and double click on the result. Click on the Unlink 6.11.7 button, and then link the result as per usual to the correct patient. Other Buttons The Last button can be used when there has been a spelling mistake by the lab in the patient's name, which has forced you to perform a manual search for the patient. If the patient has several results to review, you don't want to have to do a search to match each result. In this case just click on the Last button and Genie will match it to the last patient that was matched to a result. The Unlink button will unlink the result from the patient, in case you have accidentally linked it to the wrong © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 333 Genie Manual Clinical: Pathology and Radiology patient. The Redirect button is used to change the Addressee i.e. the doctor to whom the result is being sent for review. For example, if you see your partner's patient while he is on holiday and order an INR*6, you don't want to keep getting the INR results for the next 6 months. In this case, click on the redirect button and send it back to it's rightful owner! The INR button allows you to keep track of a patients INR control which is accessed through the Tools menu in the clinical window for the patient. The Clin button opens the patient's clinical window. The Edit button opens the patient's demographic window. The Print button prints the result. The Lesions button allows you to link this result to the lesions module which is accessed through Tools > INR Control in the patients clinical window. The Email/SMS button allows you to email or SMS the result to the patient provided the patient has an email address or mobile phone number entered in their demographic window. Note: The shortcuts for these buttons can be found in Keyboard Shortcuts. 6.12 Reviewing Correspondence This option would usually be used by Specialists or GP's who have someone else type their letters. Once the typist has finished the letter, they would Save it without printing. You can then open Review Correspondence from Open > Outgoing Letters or Open > Patients, Patients > Review Correspondence or click the Review Correspondence icon from the appointment book. This opens a window in which the correspondence can be displayed according to different criteria. It will open to 'To be Reviewed' by default. This will display all letters which do not have the Reviewed checkbox ticked, and which have not yet been printed. In a multi-doctor practice, select your own name from the 'From' drop down menu, to display just those letters which have been marked as from you. Double-click on the first letter in the list to open the letter. Once you have reviewed and/or corrected the letter, click the Reviewed checkbox. 334 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Reviewing Correspondence This will then automatically move you to the next letter in the list, or you can move to the next letter by clicking the Next button. Once you have finished reviewing the letters, you can print, fax or email them, or leave this job for your receptionist. Reviewing Letters Offsite Letters can be reviewed offsite in two ways. First, you can use Offsite Logging. Alternatively, clicking on the Word button will export any highlighted letters as Word documents. They are placed in a folder called "Letters Folder" inside the Genie folder, on the local machine. If the Letters folder doesn't exist, Genie will automatically create it. This folder can then be taken home on a laptop, floppy disk, external drive etc. The following day, replace the Letters folder in the Genie folder, on the local machine that will import the letters, open the Correspondence window and click on the Import button. This will import the Word documents with any changes, and replace the original 4D write documents. You will be asked if you want the imported letters to be marked as having been reviewed. Click Yes. Once the import has finished, you will be asked if you want to delete the Word documents in the Letters folder. You should agree to this, otherwise they will still be there the next time you do this procedure unless you delete them manually in the meantime. 6.13 Procedures This chapter deals with the management of Procedure records, including Quotes and Operation reports. 6.13.1 Adding a Procedure Procedures can be added from either the patient’s clinical record or the appointment book. Adding a Procedure from the Clinical Window Procedures can also be added from within the patient’s clinical record, by selecting Add Procedure from the Tools menu. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 335 Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures In this case, the Procedure is NOT linked to an appointment. Note: The current date is entered and the time defaults to 12:00 AM. There are two reasons why a Procedure would be created from the clinical record. 1. You are performing a minor procedure such as an excision on the day, and you just want to record the fact. In this case you would deselect the Needs an Appointment checkbox, at the bottom right hand side of the screen and just save the record by clicking OK. 2. You have seen the patient and decided that they need an operation at some time in the future: a) If you know when you are going to perform the operation, you would enter a date and time, tick the Needs an Appointment checkbox, and then click the Make Appointment button. This will automatically create an appointment for the patient with the procedure already linked, on the stated date and time. b) If you don’t know when the procedure will take place (e.g. the patient has to first arrange time off work), you would leave the time field blank, tick the Needs an Appointment checkbox, and then click the Appointment Pending button. This will mark the Procedure as a Pending Procedure and will place a [P] in front of the procedure name in the Contact List (for more information see Pending Procedures). Adding a Procedure from the Appointment Book To add a procedure record from the Appointments Book (i.e. book a patient into Theatre, highlight the patient’s appointment and click on the Procedure 336 button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures This will create a new Procedure record. If the appointment already has a procedure linked to it, then the existing Procedure record will open. Note: The Date and Time fields have been taken from the appointment date and time. If the appointment is subsequently moved to a different date or time, these fields will be updated automatically. If necessary, you can manually adjust the time of the procedure by simply clicking in this field and entering the appropriate time. This wont move the procedure from the current appointment spot. Note: The Provider has been taken from the column in the appointment book. 6.13.2 Pending Procedures Pending Procedures can be viewed from the appointments book by selecting Appointments > Pending Procedures. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 337 Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures This opens a window listing all current Pending Procedures If you now have a date and time for the procedure, double-click on the Procedure to open it. Enter the date and time. The Save button will change to Make Appointment. Click this button and the appointment will be made automatically. Alternatively, you can make the appointment for the patient as usual. When you click on the Procedure button, Genie will check for any Pending Procedures for this patient and offer to link the Procedure to the appointment. 6.13.3 The Procedure Window The Details Tab 338 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures The Provider's name will be filled when booking a Procedure into the Appointment book, or if the record is created by the Provider themselves. The Hospital drop-down list is determined by what 'Rooms' are entered in Genie. See Theatre Lists for more information on setting up Rooms in Genie. A Hospital must be assigned in order for the Procedure to be included and therefore printed on the Theatre list. Enter the name of the Procedure by simply typing it in, or selecting it from the drop-down menu, if the particular Procedure has previously been added. If you are using ICD10 or ICPC coding, enter a keyword which best describes the Procedure. If this Procedure involves multiple operations, just enter the major one, and type the remaining Procedures in as free text. If you are using ICD10 coding, an Operation record will also be created with the correct Medicare Item Number. The Operation record itself will also receive an ICD10 code. You can build a list of your common Procedures by clicking on the Add To List button. This will add the Procedure name you have entered in the Procedure field to this fields popup menu. You can add this Procedure to the patient's Past History list by clicking on the button with the Blue Plus sign button. Making a selection from the Surgical Performance drop down list will take you to the Surgical Performance website. Surgical Performance allows you to compare your outcomes of surgery with the outcomes from your colleagues. For further information about this facility, please refer to Please note that Genie Solutions has no affiliation with this organisation. The Left or Right radio buttons allow for the specification of which side the procedure applies to. Pre and Post-op diagnoses can also be entered. Clicking on the Blue Plus sign button to the left of Pre or Post-Op Diagnosis will add the diagnosis to the patient's Current Problems list. Clicking on the Workcover Info button allows you to select the relevant Workcover claim and inserts into the Pre-Op Notes field the claim number, injury date, employer and insurer details. Any pre-op notes you make will print on the Theatre list. The Pre-Op Tab © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 339 Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures Category, Magnitude and Infection Risk are optional fields in which you can add your own criteria to the dropdown menus. Procedure Type must be selected if you intend to use the Quotes section. Anaesthetist and Prosthesis information will print on the Theatre list. When you click on the Assistant, Anaesthetist or Paediatrician fields, Genie searches the Address Book for doctors who have been assigned this speciality. If it finds any you will be given a list of matching records from which to select. The various tick boxes in this window can be used for the Pre-op Notification function (see Pre-Op Notifications Check). In the lower part of this screen you can add a Checklist for this procedure. These could be used as a pre operative checklist or as the actual Operation report. For more information, see Checklists. The Quotes Tab 340 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures This window allows you to create a Quote for the patient, based on the item numbers selected for the Procedure. Please refer to Quotes for more information. The Op Notes Tab Findings, Technique and Post-op information can be entered in this window. As these notes are generally the same for the specified procedure, they can be saved along with other relevant information into a template. For more information on creating templates, see the Procedure Templates. The Post-Op Tab © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 341 Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures The Post Op page contains fields for recording audit information about the procedure. There are a range of checkboxes covering a variety of common complications. Some are general such as postop infection. Others are speciality-specific such as "T-zone Breakdown" for Plastic Surgeons and "Bile Leak" for general surgeons. When you tick a checkbox, note that a summary of complications is entered into the Audit Summary field. This is so that this field can be referenced in a post-op letter to a referring GP. e.g. "Operation was performed, complicated by...". As well as the supplied complications you can add any other complications using the Complications menu. 6.13.4 Procedure Templates Generally, procedures will be performed in the same manner, with the same billing outcomes. For this reason many of the entries in the Procedure window can be saved using the Save Template button. The fields that are saved on the template include: Procedure Name Pre-op diagnosis Post-op diagnosis Indications Pre-op notes Checklists Item Numbers Op Notes When linking this procedure to a patient in the future, the template can then be selected via the Load Template 342 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures button. 6.13.5 Printing an Audit Report To print the actual Audit Report, select Open > Procedures. This opens a list of all Procedures performed, sorted by date. Click on the Audit Report button. The window below will open, allowing you to set the parameters of the report. The items to check are on the left. You can deselect those items which are irrelevant. You can choose between different providers across a range of dates. In addition you can do a report for all Procedures performed or just for a specific Operation, as well as either all hospitals or just for a specific hospital, making it possible to compare infection rates for example. As well as reporting on the listed items, the © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 343 Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures audit will also report on any user-added complications. 6.13.6 Conversion Ratios Note: Conversions are currently only available if your Practice Type is set to “Plastic Surgery”. Conversion Ratios measure the number of patients who call to enquire about a procedure, the percentage who progress to a consultation with a provider, and the percentage who subsequently proceed to have the procedure performed. In the Patient Demographic screen, there is a tab labeled Conversions. This is used initially to record when a patient rings to make an appointment about a new procedure, or to enquire about a procedure and its costs. The patient would have to have a patient record in Genie in order to add the new Ratios record. This is done by clicking on the Blue Plus button. This will enter the current date and current user in the Initial Contact fields. If an appointment is made, and the patient turns up and is added to the waiting room, you will be prompted to add this date and provider into the Ratio record. 344 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures Click Save if this is the doctor’s appointment that is related to the initial contact. If a procedure is booked into the Appointments book, you will again receive a prompt to record this as the planned procedure. Note: If you enter the details manually via the demographic window, then it is strongly advisable to use the small paperclip button to select the procedure, rather than just typing in the date and procedure name. Using the paperclip links this record to the actual procedure, so that if the procedure date is subsequently changed, then the Ratios record will also be updated. For the procedure to count as having been completed, the Procedure Performed checkbox must be ticked. This can be done manually through the demographics window or you will be prompted to complete it when you save the procedure record after the Procedure Date has passed. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 345 Genie Manual Clinical: Procedures Viewing Conversion Ratios In order to view the Conversion statistics, go to Appts > Conversion Ratios Select the date range from the Date of Initial Enquiry dropdown menu, or enter the dates manually. This is the date range which will contain the dates of the Initial Contact. Genie will then display the conversion ratios in the right-most column, whether the appointment and procedure falls within this date range or not. You can also filter according to Procedure Name using the Planned Procedures dropdown menu. Double-clicking on any of the lines allows you to burrow down to the original Ratios record if you need to make any changes. 6.14 Images The following sections explain how to attach images such as photos using ImagePro, and how to view and manipulate these images once they are attached. For information on scanning see the Scanning section in the Reception module. 6.14.1 Attaching Images Attaching Images Direct from a Digital Camera Open the Image Browser window from the patients clinical window using the Image Browser Open the ImagePro Control window using the Camera 346 icon. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd button. Genie Manual Clinical: Images Connect your camera to your computer and turn it on. Genie should recognise your camera in the drop down menu as below. If not, you may need to install the camera driver using a CD that would have come with your camera. Click on the Camera icon and Genie will bring up a list of photos on your Memory Stick. Highlight the images you want to attach to this patient. If you want to select multiple images, SHIFT or CTRL click on the images you require. Click OK. Genie will prompt you for a description for the image/s. For multiple images, Genie will name the images: name_1, name_2, name_3 etc. Note: It is best to take photos in VGA or email mode to keep them at a reasonable size. The quality will still be adequate for viewing purposes, it is only if you are going to print the photo bigger than 6x4 that you need higher resolution. VGA/email will be a size setting on your camera itself. Attaching Images from File Images can be attached to a patient's clinical file from a number of places within Genie. Via Image Browser Open the Image Browser window from the patients clinical window using the Image Browser button. Click the Blue Plus at the top left of the Image Browser window This will open a Browse window allowing you to navigate to where the images are stored. Select the image you wish to attach and click OK. Note: Images can only be attached one at a time. These images will need to be named before attaching or renamed using the Rename icon once attached. Via Appointment Book Right-clicking on a patient in the Appointment Book will provide you with the option to perform many common functions in Genie, including Attaching an Image from File or Attaching an Image from the Process Folder. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 347 Genie Manual Clinical: Images Via Patient List Right-clicking on a patient from the Open > Patients list will provide you with a similar list to above, allowing you to Attach an Image from File or Attach an Image from the Process Folder. Via All Contacts List in a Patient's Clinical Record Opening a patient's Clinical Record and right-clicking in the 'All Contacts' list will also allow provide you with the option to Attach an Image from File or Attach an Image from the Process Folder. 6.14.2 Viewing Images The Image Browser window displays the contents of the selected patient's folder on the server. It can be opened where you see this button . Button Description 348 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Images The Blue Plus button allows you to add an image stored on your hard disk to the selected patient's folder. The Filter Image button allows you to apply a variety of changes to an image such as Contrast, Brightness, Hue, Saturation and RGB Balance. The Information button opens a window which stores information about the image, including the size, camera information, type and source of the picture. If you assign the Type as "Mugshot" and have the 'Display Patient Mugshot' option ticked in File > User Preferences, this photo will be displayed when the patient's demographics or clinical window is opened. You can also assign up to three keywords so that you can subsequently find everybody for whom you have a photo of a melanoma for example (see Search for Attachments and Images) The Rename button allows you to rename the image. The Drawing button opens the image in the drawing module, allowing you to draw on and annotate the image. Note: These changes actually become part of the image and therefore are permanent. You cannot subsequently delete your annotations. The Garbage Can button will delete the image permanently from the Server. Note: If the selected item is a document rather than an image, all the above buttons will be disabled except for the Delete and Rename buttons. The Acrobat button will open a selected PDF in Acrobat Reader. PDF's can be viewed without Acrobat on Windows machines with the aid of a freeware program called GPL Ghostscript. This can be downloaded from 1. Click on the most recent link for GPL Ghostscript 2. A new window will open, scroll down to the Microsoft Windows heading and select the .exe file for 32-bit Windows which will be named something like gs864w32.exe. 3. Save this file and then run the executable from the location you saved it to, accepting the default settings. Once you have run the installer, open the ImagePro Control Window and click on the Where is Ghostscript button in Preferences. Navigate to the gsdll32.dll file which will be located at C:\Program Files\gs\gs8. xx\bin\gsdll32 if you accepted the default installation, where 'xx' is the version number of Ghostscript that you downloaded. After you restart Genie you will be able to view PDFs directly in the Image Browser window. The Synchronise button synchronises the records held in Genie with the actual file present in the patient's folder on the server. Synchronising you images can be useful if images have been added or removed from the patient's folder on the server, and this is not reflected in their Genie folder. The Multiple-TIFF button opens a window where you can drag and drop images and then combine them into a single TIFF file. Note: These files can be very large, so it's not a particularly useful feature! Note: You can't drag items from the Album list. To combine album images, you first need to click the © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 349 Genie Manual Clinical: Images Use Album button and then drag the desired files to the Multi-TIFF window. The created TIFF file is automatically placed in the same folder as the original files. The original files are untouched. If you want to delete them you must do so manually. Organising Images: The Image Browser window allows you to organise patient images and attachments into a folder hierarchy. Folders can be added or deleted, and images dragged into them. Doing this actually creates the folders on the server machine and moves the images around on the server. To add or delete folders, click on the Blue Plus icon, or the Garbage Can icon, see below. At the top of the Image Browser window is a button which will display the name of the current patient. Clicking on this button opens a Search window, allowing you to quickly switch to another patient's folder. This could be particularly handy when setting up albums. See Creating Albums below for more information. To view a single image: Click once on the image. This copies it from the server to the TempImages folder on the client. To quickly view the list of images attached to a patient, hold down the Alt key and click on the Image Browser button. This will open an Attachments window. From this window you can select the required image and open it by clicking on the Open File button. To view multiple images on the one page: 350 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Images Click on the folder containing the images you want to view, then click on the View Contents button. In this window you can sort the pictures by dragging and dropping them into the required position, as well as set the number of columns and the number of images per page that you wish to have on display, by using the Columns slider bar and Images per Page slider bar respectively. Using the Forward and Back arrows will allow you to move to the next set of images on display. Additionally you can skip to a specific picture by right clicking on the 'showing 1 to 2 of x images' and selecting the image that you wish to view. Right clicking on the image allows for the rotation of the selected image. Clicking on the Printer icon will allow you to print the images contained in this window. The Patients name, DOB, current date and file descriptions will be included on this print out. If there is an image on display that you don't wish to print, select the image and click the delete button on your keyboard. This will only remove the image from the current display, it DOES NOT delete the image from the patients folder. The Deselect Picture is designed for Window machines as it allows you to deselect pictures which are currently highlighted, and difficult to view due to the inverting of colours. To compare images side by side: Right click on the primary image and select 'Compare'. A split window will appear with a drop down box allowing you to select the 2nd image you wish to use in the 'Comparison'. The images will then display side by side. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 351 Genie Manual Clinical: Images Creating Albums You can also create your own album of favourite photos for use in presentations, or to show the likely results of surgery to a new patient for example. To add an album, firstly click the Display Album button, and then use the Blue Plus button which becomes active. To add an image to your album, simply drag and drop it from the patient's display area into the Albums folder. Note: The Album area is not automatically displayed when the Image Browser window first open. You need to click the Display Albums button to view the contents of the Albums folder. The Albums folder is actually created inside the Images folder on the server. Albums are NOT patient specific. Albums are created for global use for display purposes or for collating images or photos into particular groups. 6.15 Offsite Logging Offsite Logging allows you to use a laptop to edit patient records at a remote site e.g. in theatre, a patient's home or nursing home, and then update the main database with the changes, even though the main database may have been in use while you were away. Setup You must have the single user version of Genie installed on your laptop. It must be in the same Genie folder as the Genie Client application. 352 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Offsite Logging On Macintosh, your Genie folder should contain the 2 applications as shown here. The Offsite Log Folder is automatically created the first time you begin offsite logging. On Windows, your Genie folder should contain the files shown here. The Version Number of Genie on your laptop must be the same as the Version Number of the network version of Genie on the server. When you update Genie on your server, you must also update Genie on your laptop before attempting any offsite logging. This is because a newer version of Genie may have a different structure with new fields in some tables. If you try to import a log created with an older version, you may get unexpected results, if it works at all. Before copying the data file from the server, open your User Preferences, and on the Clinical tab make sure that the Remind me to Start Offsite Logging checkbox is selected. 6.15.1 Copying the Data File from the Server On Macintosh, Genie Server must be quit before you are able to copy the data file to your laptop. This is because the Macintosh Operating System will not allow a file that is in use to be copied. If you attempt to do this, you will usually get an error message saying that you do not have enough privileges to perform the requested action. On the Windows operating system you do not need to close an application to copy a file, however YOU MUST CLOSE GENIE SERVER BEFORE COPYING YOUR DATA FILE to make sure that the data file is not active and to prevent data corruption while it is copying. On Windows and Macintosh, you need to copy Genie.4DD and Genie.4DR and optionally, the Images folder if you wish to view images offsite. Copy the appropriate file/s from the Genie folder on the server into the Genie folder on your laptop. Creating a Data Copy Script Note: In most cases this will work but if it doesn't, you will need to speak to your IT representative (not Genie) about setting up a script manually. Genie Solutions will not set up or support third party file and folder synchronisation programs (eg. RSynch, SilverKeeper etc). The installation and configuration of these programs is solely the responsibility of the practice concerned or their nominated IT representative. In File > Maintenance & Reports, Administrator tab, you will find the icon below. Clicking on this will bring up a window where you will need to navigate to your Genie folder on the server using the Browse button. If you would like to be able to view scanned images while you are offsite then you will need to tick Copy any new images. If you are required to enter a username and password when you connect to your server across the network then you can store it in this window by ticking the Store your username and password tick box. If you do not want to store your username/password you can enter them in each time you run the copy data script. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 353 Genie Manual Clinical: Offsite Logging When you click on Create, an icon will be created on your desktop for you to use each time before you go offsite. Note: The name of the hard disk on the Mac server and the Mac client machines must not be the same. eg. If both hard disks are named 'Macintosh HD' the copy data script will not work. Consider renaming one of the hard disks to 'Macintosh_HD' or something similar. 6.15.2 Running an Offsite Log When offsite, launch the single-user version of Genie. You will be asked if you want to start offsite logging (provided you have Remind me to start Offsite Logging ticked in your User Preferences, File > User Preferences). Click Yes. If logging is successfully started, you will receive a confirmation message and a small window will open in the top right of the screen indicating the size of the log and logging status. 354 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Offsite Logging If Genie is unable to start offsite logging, you will receive an error message that logging has not commenced. The usual reason for failure is that the network and single user versions of Genie have different version numbers, or that you haven't taken a fresh copy of the data file. In either of these cases you will not be able to use offsite logging unless the problems are rectified. When the offsite logging process begins, Genie creates a text file inside the Offsite Log Folder, inside the Genie folder. i.e. C:\Genie\Offsite Log Folder\ or /Applications/Genie/Offsite Log Folder This file is named using the current date and time, in the format of year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds. For example, the log file shown here was created on 26/10/2005 at 11:10:43. This is so that you can easily find a log from a particular day, and secondly, so that when a number of logs are imported back into the main database, they are imported in the correct chronological order. Note: The log file is just a text file. It can be opened and examined with any word processor. You should keep an eye on the logging status window to ensure that logging doesn't stop for any reason. You can re-commence logging if necessary by selecting File > Start Offsite Logging. To stop offsite logging, Quit Genie (File > Quit). © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 355 Genie Manual 6.15.3 Clinical: Offsite Logging Importing Logs When you return to your rooms and connect to your main database by launching the Genie Client application, Genie checks the Offsite Log Folder to see if there are any new logs. If so, you will be asked if you want to import them. Click Yes. Genie will then import the log and make the changes in the main database. You should check that the changes have been made in the correct patient's record. The code dealing with Offsite Logging is extremely complex, and if it is not done correctly it is possible to get unexpected results. Once the log has been imported it is moved into an Archive folder within the Offsite Log Folder, so that it can be opened and viewed if there have been any problems with the import. i.e. C:\Genie\Offsite Log Folder\Archive\ or /Applications/Genie/Offsite Log Folder/Archive If you have created new patient records while offsite, the data file on your laptop is marked as "tainted" once the log is imported. You will not be able to use this copy of the data file for further offsite logging. Before going offsite again you must get a fresh copy of the data file. 6.15.4 Limitations Offsite logging only deals with the patient's clinical record. It does not log any billing entries. This doesn't mean that you can't generate invoices and receipts whilst offsite. You can still do this, however you would need to print out the Daily Billing Report and Daily Banking Report so that your receptionist can re-enter the billing and receipting information in the main database. Not all clinical data can be logged. The table below shows which records can be added, deleted or modified. Table Add Delete Modify Address Book Yes Yes Yes Address Book Letters NO NO NO Admissions NO NO NO Allergies Yes Yes Yes Allergy Choice List NO NO NO Antenatal Visits Yes Yes Yes Appointments Yes NO Yes Checklists Yes Yes Yes Checklist Templates NO NO NO Consultations Yes Yes Yes Correspondence (outgoing) Yes* NO Yes Correspondence (incoming) NO NO Yes Current Problems Yes Yes Yes Documents (not letters) NO NO NO Drawings NO NO NO Email NO NO NO 356 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Clinical: Offsite Logging Email Addresses NO NO NO Employers NO NO NO Eye Examinations NO NO NO Flagging Patients Yes Yes Yes Health Assessments Yes Yes Yes Images & Attachments NO NO NO INR Control NO NO NO Interested Parties Yes Yes Yes IVF NO NO NO Journals NO NO NO Laboratory Doctor Codes NO NO NO Labels NO NO NO Laboratories NO NO NO LASIK Post-op NO NO NO Lesions Yes Yes Yes Letterheads NO NO NO Letter Templates NO NO NO Library Pictures NO NO NO Life Events Yes Yes Yes Lookup Lists, e.g. Dosage NO NO NO Macros NO NO NO Measurements Yes Yes Yes Medication Reviews NO NO NO Obstetric History NO NO NO Orthopaedic Scores Yes Yes Yes Past History Yes Yes Yes Pathology/Radiology Requests NO Yes NO Pathology Results NO NO Yes (ie. Link) Pathology Tests List NO NO NO Yes1 NO NO Postcode Lookups NO NO NO Practice Preferences NO NO NO Pregnancies Yes Yes Yes Prescriptions Yes Yes Yes Printing Preferences NO NO NO Procedures Yes Yes Yes Procedure Complications NO NO NO Procedure Items Yes Yes Yes Procedure Templates NO NO NO QuickReports NO NO NO QuickScript List NO NO NO Radiologists NO NO NO Patient Demographics © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 357 Genie Manual Clinical: Offsite Logging Recalls Yes Yes Yes Referrals Yes Yes Yes Rooms NO NO NO Sites of Service NO NO NO Social & Family History Yes1 NO NO Tasks Yes Yes Yes User Preferences NO NO NO Vaccinations Yes Yes Yes Vaccine List NO NO NO Workcover Claims Yes Yes Yes Workcover Certificates NO NO NO Any Billing or Account Holders NO NO NO *CCs on letters are not logged and will need to be reinserted in the main database. They will be noted at the bottom of the letter but will not be recognised by Genie as a CC until reselected. Notes: 1. New patient records can only be added from Open > Patients. New patients cannot be added from the Appointments Book. Existing demographic information cannot be changed - only new information added to an empty field in the demographic (or Social & Family History) window will be logged. 2. Changes made to appointments will only be logged if 'Import changes to appts modified offsite' is ticked in File > Practice Preferences > Miscellaneous. 3. If Appointment Types are created while Offsite Logging, you will need to re-create the Appointment Type name when back on the network. The previously selected Appointment Type colour will be automatically assigned to this Type when re-created. 4. If you wish to view Images while offsite logging, you will need to take a copy of your images folder from the Server each time that you go offsite. 5. Items added to the Past History and Current Problem menus are not logged. It is only the actual items added to a patient record which are logged. 6. Any Merged Letter Templates or Referral/Reply Letter Templates that are created offsite should be saved to disk using the File > Save As... option in the template area. Then when back on the main database, imported by selecting File > Open in a New Template. 7. Offsite logging between two computers running Genie Single User (Genie Solo) is not recommended and not supported. AS A GENERAL RULE YOU SHOULD NOT BE USING OFFSITE LOGGING TO CREATE ANY SORT OF TEMPLATES, MENUS, CHECKLISTS AS THEY WILL NOT BE LOGGED. OFFSITE LOGGING IS FOR EDITING EXISTING PATIENT INFORMATION, NOT AS A WAY TO SET UP YOUR DATABASE WHILE AT HOME! 358 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 6.16 Clinical: Synchronising With iCal/Outlook Synchronising With iCal/Outlook What gets Synchronised? On Macintosh: Appointments Tasks Address Book iCal Appointments iCal To Dos Appointments Tasks OR Apple's Address Book Address Book iCal Appoinments iCal To Do's iCal Address Book User Preference set to only synchronise one way On Windows: Appointments Tasks Address Book Outlook Calendar Outlook Tasks Outlook Address Book Appointments Tasks OR Address Book Outlook Calendar Outlook Tasks Outlook Address Book User Preference set to only synchronise one way Address Book Open your User Preferences (File > User Preferences), and in the Miscellaneous tab, tick the Synchronise the Address Book checkbox. If you only want Addresses with an email address synchronised then tick Only synchronise those with an email address also. Synchronisation will then occur at the time you save a new address book entry. Note: Address Book synchronising is one-way only i.e. addresses added to Outlook or Apple's Address Book are not copied to Genie. Not every field in the Address Book is synchronised Tasks/Appointments In Outlook on Windows, you must create a Category called GenieSync On Macintosh, Genie will automatically create a calendar in iCal, and a Group in Apple's Address Book named GenieSync. When creating tasks or appointments in either iCal or Outlook, you must classify them as GenieSync so that they will synchronise into Genie. Note: You must not use Return characters in the Notes field of a To Do/Task in iCal/Outlook. This will result in an extra blank Task being created. If you change the name of a To Do in iCal, a new Task is created in Genie because when synchronising back, Genie searches for a task with the same name, date and time. Changing the subject of a task in Genie has no effect on the To Do in iCal. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 359 Genie Manual Clinical: Synchronising With iCal/Outlook In Genie, for Tasks to be synchronised back to iCal/Outlook they must be marked for synchronisation at the time of creation. For appointments to be synchronised they must either be a patient appointment, or a non-patient appointment whose name is not equal to an Appointment Type. Therefore, a group of appointments which you have blocked off using the Appointment Type popup menu will not be synchronised. Note: You need to be logged into Genie as the user who wishes to synchronise their Tasks/ Appointments eg. you must be logged in as Dr J Smith if you want to synchronise Dr J Smith's appointments. To begin the Synchronisation of Tasks and Appointments, go to Appts > Sync with Outlook/iCal. The Synchronise setup window will appear where you can choose which tables you wish to synchronise and enter a date range for your appointments. Click the Synchronise button for process to begin. Limitations: If an appointment is deleted in Genie it will not be deleted from iCal/Outlook and so when another synchronisation is done it will come through into Genie again. If you want to prevent this from happening you must set your User Preference to only synchronise one way. Items deleted from iCal/Outlook will not be deleted from Genie. Items created in iCal/Outlook more than two weeks prior to the current sync will not be created in Genie. Changes to duration of appointments in iCal/Outlook will not be reflected in Genie. 360 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Part VII Practice Management Genie Manual 7 Practice Management: Practice Management The following sections are most relevant to Practice Managers. Maintenance and Reports contains data maintenance routines that maintain and can fix many data issues. It also has multiple Practice Management reports such as doctors' earnings and items billed. Monthly tasks such as overdue accounts are also performed through Maintenance and Reports. Archiving explains how best to maintain your data and keep it at a minimal size. Queries and Searches describes how to perform basic and more complex searches on your data that go beyond those outlined in Maintenance and Reports. Quick Reports takes searches to the next level and produces reports that can pull information from multiple tables in the database. Email explains the setup and use of the basic email program in Genie that can be used to email correspondence and attach incoming emails to patients files. (Note: Genie email is not intended to replace Outlook Express or Apple Mail). 7.1 Maintenance and Reports The Maintenance and Reports window is accessed via File > Maintenance & Reports. 7.1.1 The General Page Postcodes Lists all the postcodes which have been entered into Genie. Import and Export QuickReport Templates This allows you to export and email a QuickReport to another Genie user and vice versa. Clicking Export will export the QuickReport template you select to your Genie folder. It will be exported in two components the QuickReport itself and a resource file ending in 4QR. You must email both of these. Clicking Import will allow you to search for the QuickReport file which should be located alongside the resource file (4QR). Journal Index 362 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports Provides the functionality to allow you to create a searchable index of your Medical Journals. In addition to keywords, the following data can be inserted: Topic Title Publication Month Year Track Individual Pathology Results This allows you to specify which results to individually track if your laboratory is sending results in HL7 format, rather than PIT format. This feature will only work if: 1. Your local laboratory is transmitting results in HL7 format, AND 2. Your local laboratory is using the universal LOINC codes to identify specific tests. Some laboratories do not transmit the universal LOINC code. If this feature is not working for you, then speak with your local laboratory. It is not possible for Genie to include each laboratories codes. If you select any tests in this window, then a separate record will be created at a time of importation. This record will contain the numeric value of the result, which can then be graphed for each patient who has had this test performed. You can select or deselect tests at any time, however, while a test is deselected, any results coming in will not be stored so as to be able to be graphed. If a test is selected, relevant results will only be able to be graphed from the date of selection. In short, this function is NOT retrospective. Space Consideration: Bear in mind that a separate record will be created for every specific result that you select. For example if you select creatinine, glucose, cholestrol & triglycerides to be tracked, then FOUR separate records will be created with every E/LFT you perform, as well as the main result record. Although this is well within Genie's capabilities, backups and data file rebuilds may take longer to perform. Since the only advantage to this feature is the ability to graph specific results you should ONLY TRACK TESTS WHICH WOULD BE MEANINGFUL OR USEFUL AS A GRAPH. Delete 4D Preferences Deletes your 4D Preferences folder and it's contents. This can help solve a number of problems. After you click the button, Genie will automatically quit on your computer, delete the 4D Preferences folder, and then restart Genie. Create All Patient Image Folders Create a folder on the server for each patient in which to store their images and attachments. This is used if you do not use ImagePro or attachments in Genie and prefer to attach files to patients directly into their folder on the server. Audit Patient Images Ensures that references have been correctly created for the actual contents of the patients images. This works in a similar manner to the Synchronise button in a patients Image Browser except that it does this for every patient. IT DOES NOT DELETE IMAGES, it only deletes any invalid references to images that no longer exist on the server or creates references for new images. ImagePro should do this on its own, but in some circumstances it does not. Note: This needs to be run in the Single User mode, on the Server and may take considerable time, depending on the number of patients and images. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 363 Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports Rebuild Indices/Rebuild Data File This will rebuild all indices in the data file and can resolve many data corruption problems. This is quicker and more convenient than rebuilding the database using 4D Tools' Recover By Tags. The Genie Server doesn’t have to be shutdown whilst this is done, however it is advisable to tell others on the network to cease any activity until it is finished. ALT-clicking on the Rebuild Indices button will rebuild the data file by exporting and then importing all records. This is safer than performing a Recover by Tags and will produce a better result. However, you need to shut down Genie Server and be able to log into Genie Solo on your server in order for this to work. Clean Up Data File Examines every field of every record in the database and repairs any invalid values. Both this and a rebuild indices can be done on occasion as maintenance to help prevent data corruption. Extract Embedded Pictures Replaces pictures pasted directly in to letters with a reference to them. This can save significant space in your database. This routine will go through your patient correspondence and extract and store in the Picture Library any pictures which have been pasted into a template. This can be useful if you find that your data file is growing rapidly. The most likely cause of this is a picture which has been pasted into a template, rather than referenced from the Picture Library. For example, if you have a 50Kb picture in a letter template and you create 50 letters a day then your data file will be growing by 2.5MB a day unnecessarily! Reset ID Numbers Clicking on this icon resets the counters used to generate unique IDs in Genie. This can be used if you get a "failure to save non-unique data" error. 7.1.2 The Daily Page Daily Billing Report 364 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports The Daily Billing Report lists all the items invoiced on a particular day. The report can be printed by clicking on the Printer button. In a multi-doctor practice you can view and print one particular doctor’s billing or all the billing for the day. You can include or exclude credits applied to invoices by selecting the Show Reversals checkbox. You can view the billing for previous days by clicking the date arrows. Note: If you view billing from previous days, then the Payment column does not necessarily correspond to what was actually received on the day the invoice was created. The Payment column is showing what has been receipted against the item at any time since it was originally invoiced. Daily Banking Report See The Banking Report for information. Daily Transaction Report The Daily Transaction Report displays all transactions for that day including invoices, receipts, credits and reversals. This report can display all transactions or just transactions involving a particular doctor. Individual provider reports will include any surgical assist fees also. Note: In a multi-doctor practice, a receipt may cover items charged by different doctors. That is, if a patient has been seen by Dr A and Dr B and charged $50.00 each, and comes in with a cheque for $100 which is receipted against both items, then that receipt transaction will involve both doctors. Therefore, if you view Dr A’s daily transactions there will be a receipt for $100. If you view Dr B’s report then the same transaction for $100 will also appear because the transaction involves both doctors. For this reason, if you pay employee doctor’s on their receipts, you should not use this report to determine their receipts. You should always use the Billing vs Income Report which distinguishes between the actual payments for each doctor. Manual Batches Please see the Manual Batching chapter for more information. Bulk Bill/DVA Transmissions Please see Bulk Bill and DVA Claims for more information. Patient Claims Transmission Please see Patient Claims for more information. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 365 Genie Manual 7.1.3 Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports The Monthly Page Unpaid Invoices Unpaid Invoices contains all deferred and overdue invoices. You can choose to display all invoices at once or divide them by account holder type. You can also select whether you wish to display blacklisted accounts, unprinted invoices and batch processed accounts (eg Medicare) by placing a tick in the box beside these options. The accounts displayed will be those with an invoice date that falls in the time period stipulated in the 'Owing for more than' and 'Owing for less than' fields. To print a copy of an invoice Highlight the record and select Print Invoice. To print deferred invoices You will need to put a tick in the Include Unprinted Invoices tickbox. To then print these invoices, you will need to highlight the first invoice and shift-click to highlight the last record, and then click Print Invoices. Selecting this option will re-print each individual invoice. To print a statement for an account holder 366 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports Highlight the first record and shift-click to highlight the last record, then select Print Statement. A statement will print showing all outstanding items. If the original print date of the invoice is greater than 30, 60, 90 or 120 days an account message will appear on the bottom of the statement. Where there are multiple invoices on the one statement, the account message that applies to the oldest invoice will be displayed. To edit these account messages, go to Open > Account Messages. To print a reminder letter Highlight the invoice and select the applicable letter template from the drop down list to the right of the 'Print Invoices' button. Please note: This reminder letter must first have been created as a merged letter template. Where the selected invoices are for more than one practice, a separate statement is printed for each practice so that the correct letterhead is used. This behaviour can be over-ridden by ticking the Use Single Letterhead for Statements checkbox on the Practice Preferences Practice Letterhead tab. In this case, the letterhead for one of the practices is used for all invoices on the statement, regardless of which practice they were billed for. Note: While invoices will be displayed by invoice date, Genie will use the print date to determine how overdue an invoice is. This is because Genie assumes that an invoice cannot be overdue until it has been printed and given to the Account Holder. Both the Account Holder record and the Account History window can be accessed from this screen by highlighting a record and selecting the relevant buttons. You can also remove any discounts which may have been previously applied to an account by selecting the record and then clicking on the Remove Discount button. Transaction Summary Displays all the transactions for the selected month. See the comments regarding The Daily Transaction Report for an explanation of the limitations of this report. Stored Updates This will show a list of all updates that have been stored for later activation eg. fee schedules. The user that performed the download will be alerted on the activation date when they log in as to whether they would like to apply the update, or they can be done at any stage through this button. Check Integrity Note: This should be performed before any Income/Billing reports are printed or analysed, to ensure accurate figures are obtained. Click the Check Data button. Genie will check all the billing records in the data file. If it finds any discrepancies, the problem record will be displayed in one of the four panes at the lower left of this window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 367 Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports You can then double-click on the item to open the record and fix whatever is wrong. You can leave this window running while you open the Patients or Account Holders list to examine their account history. If there is an Account Holder with an incorrect balance, you can double-click on it to open the Account Holder’s record, and then click the Update Balance button to correct this. This process also updates the summary records. A Summary Record is kept for each provider for each calendar month. It keeps a running tally of all invoice and receipt totals. These summaries are used to display the Billing vs. Income report, so it is advisable to run at least the Update Summaries section of the Data Checker before making payments to providers based on their billings or receipts. You can view the Summary Records by clicking on the Summary Records button in the Billing vs. Income Report window. You can print the Summary records using a QuickReport for the [Summary] table (see QuickReports for more information). Archive Patient Correspondence Archives old letters by storing them on the server in RTF format. You will be prompted for the cut off limit once you click the Garbage Can. See the Archiving chapter for more information on this and Archiving Pathology Results. Archive Pathology Results Archives old pathology results by storing them on the server as text files. You will be prompted for the cut off limit once you click the Garbage Can. Cull Script Archive Deletes patients' script archives in the clinical file from the database. You will be prompted for the cut off limit once you click the Garbage Can. The Script Archive is a table containing copies of every prescription printed. It is a legal requirement that a copy of all printed prescriptions be retained for 12 months (24 months in some states). After that you can delete them to free up space in the database. Note that this does not delete any of the prescriptions in the patients' current medication list Cull Old Invoices Deletes old invoices which have been fully paid. Afterwards the database will be compacted to recover empty space. Archive HIC Online Claim Text 368 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports Archives the encrypted claim message of finalised HIC Online transmissions which are more than 3 months old. Archived transmissions are stored in Genie\HICOnline\ArchivedTransmissions. Note: Patient records are Archived through Open > Patients, Patients > Cull Records. See The Patients Menu for more detail. 7.1.4 The Practice Analysis Page Billing vs Income Report This is the main report in Genie and is the one that should be used for determining providers’ pays/dividends. You can specify any date period you like by selecting one of the set date options, or by selecting Custom Date, which allows you to enter any date range you like. You can specify whether the report should be divided by provider or month. For each provider in the practice, this report will detail billing and receipts, including GST totals. Note: The GST amount indicated in the Billing vs Income report may vary when compared to GST amounts in other reports in Genie, over the same period of time (i.e. the GST in banking report). This is due to the fact that if an account which includes GST is deleted,and the Banking batch in which it is contained is sealed, then the Banking report GST amount is not updated to reflect this deletion, whereas the GST reported in the Billing vs Income report is. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 369 Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports Note: It is strongly recommended to perform an Integrity Check before using any figures in the Billing vs Income Report to ensure accuracy of the figures. Billing: This first column shows the gross billing, and includes invoices which have subsequently been credited. It also includes any GST amounts. Credits: This column shows the total amount of credits applied to invoices. Discounts: This column shows the total amount of discounts applied to invoices. Net Billing: Equals gross billing less GST less credits, less discounts, and is therefore the real, actual billing for the practice that this provider has performed. Receipts: This column shows the total amount that has been receipted to this provider for the time period selected, and includes any GST. Contacts: This actually shows the number of invoices billed to this provider, and so is not necessarily the actual number of patient contacts. Highlight the doctor's name for the below buttons to become available: Print Breakdown: This will print a more detailed breakdown of invoices and receipts, including a breakdown between bulk-billed Medicare and DVA, private and other organisation billing and receipting. Print Sales: Prints all the items invoiced during the selected time period. Print Receipts: Prints all the receipts for the selected time period, whether the actual invoice was created during this time period or not. Summary Records: Displays the Summary records for each provider. These are up-dated during a Data Integrity Check (See Check Integrity for more information). They can be printed using a QuickReport (File > QuickReports), and selecting the [Summary] table. To display the billing by Site of Service click the black arrow next to the doctors name. Printing the Billing vs Income Report Use the Printer icon 370 to print and the Graph icon to graph the Billing v Income report. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports Item Report This report displays the number, total value and average fee for either all items, or a selection of item numbers during a specified time period. For example, to find all minor excisions click on the Select button and enter 312, then hit the TAB key. Genie performs a wildcard search and finds all items beginning with “312”. To find which patients have actually had these items, highlight the record/s you want and click the Display Patients button as shown below. The total of fees charged for all item numbers may not necessarily be the same as shown in the Billing vs Income report. This is because, if you create an invoice for an item worth $100, then fully credit it because it was billed to the wrong patient, then that item will not be included in the Item Report and the total will be $100 less than the total in the Billing vs Income report. This is deliberate, because otherwise the number of times that item has been billed would be incorrect, and the average fee would be skewed downwards. Items can also be subtotaled by Category or Time. Time is entered in the Time Spent field at the very bottom of the Add Item to Invoice screen and Category is taken from the Category entered for the item in Open > Billing Items. The report can be exported to Excel using the green X icon at the top of the window. Paid on the Day This report displays the percentage of income which is actually paid on the day. It may be useful if a discount is offered for payment on the day, in which case you can see if it has had the desired effect. Patient Type This displays a breakdown of invoicing by patient type. This is determined by the Account Type selected in the patient's demographics, regardless of how the patient is invoiced (e.g. if the patient is classified as Private, yet you invoice them to Workcover, this will still be calculated under the Patient Type of Private). © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 371 Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports Account Holders Report Displays a breakdown of billing by account holder and organisations such as Workcover, Health Funds, Medicare and Private Accounts. The Account holder is determined by who the invoice is made out to (e.g. if the patient is classified as Private, yet you invoice them to Workcover, this will be calculated against Workcover). Sales by Postcode Displays sales within a specified postcode range. These can be grouped and exported to Excel if need be. Aged Debtors Report This report shows outstanding debts, subdivided by current, 30, 60 day, etc. There are two types of aged debtor reports 1. By service date 2. By invoice date - to run this report "Alt-click" on the print icon Aged debtors by service date The "Cut off" date is used to determine which services are included in the report. Any services after the "Cut off" date are excluded from the report. The "As of" date is used to calculate the age of the debtors listed. For example; if you set the "Cut off" date at 31/12/2005 and set the "As of" date at 31/03/2006, any debts which were current at 31/12/2005 are still outstanding at 31/03/2006 would be shown 90+ column. Any report produced after the "Cut off" date will reflect payments made between the "Cut off" date and the date it is printed. For example assuming: - A "Cut off" date of 31/12/2005 and book debts of $15,000 at this date - Payments of $13,000 received between 31/12/2005 and 31/03/2006 A report printed on 31/03/2006 would have net book debts of $2,000. Aged debtor report by invoice date The "As of" date will produce a report by invoice date as if it were produced on the date selected. All invoice dated up to and including the "As off" date are included in the report. The report ignores payments and credits raised after the "As of" date. For example, assuming: - An "As of" date of 31/12/2005 and book debts of $15,000 at this date - Payments of $13,000 received between 31/12/2005 and 31/03/2006 A report printed on 31/03/2006 would have net book debts of $15,000 - being the debts outstanding at 31/12/2005 Facts about both types of aged debtor reports 1. Neither report restores: - deleted invoices - deleted payments or 372 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports - adjustments to fee amounts where these deletions or adjustments occur: - after the "Cut off" date (in the case of aged debtor reports by service date) or - after the "As of" date (in the case of aged debtor reports by invoice date) For example assuming: - A "Cut off" date of 31/12/2005 and book debts of $15,000 at this date - $500 worth of invoices that were outstanding at 31/12/2005 but subsequently deleted A report run on 31/03/2006 would have net book debts of $14,500, not $15,000. 2. If a provider's name is changed after the "Cut off" date neither report will reinstate the original provider name. Sorting Columns You can click on the column headers in the Aged Debtors report to sort by that column. Alt-click to do a reverse sort. The report can be printed or graphed by selecting Reports > Print Report or Reports > Graph. GST Report The GST Report prints an itemised report of all invoiced items which attracted GST in a particular time period. You can create your own QuickReport template for this. See the QuickReports chapter for instructions on how to create a GST Report. Referrals Report This report will give a breakdown of the number of referrals from each referring doctors in the previous six months. Alt-click on this button to get a Referrals Value Report, detailing the value of referrals from each referring doctor. Shift-click on this button to get a Referral Source Report. This report will show those patients who have a referral source recorded in their demographics window and who have been invoiced in the selected time period. While a patient will only be counted in the 'Patient' column once (even if the patient has had multiple visits in the given timeframe), the total fees will reflect the combined invoice total for that patient for the given period. When restricting these reports by Provider, the servicing provider on the items invoiced is used to gather the data. The report can be exported to Excel using the green X icon at the bottom of the window Banking Summary The Banking Summary records are created when a banking batch is sealed (see The Banking Report for more information). This summary report details the totals for cash, cheques, EFTPOS etc. Assistants Report Allows you to either print or preview a report of Assistants' billing and receipts for each surgeon. Insurance Report Displays all the billing for every patient of a specified fund. This report can be broken down by provider and/or item number. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 373 Genie Manual 7.1.5 Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports The Administrator Page Note: to be able to access this page from Maintenance and Reports, you must be logged on as the Genie Administrator ie. the username indicated with the red tick beside their name. Payments Allows all receipts and credits to be viewed, searched or printed using a QuickReport. For more information on using QuickReports, see the QuickReports chapter. Sales Allows all billed items to be viewed, searched or printed using a QuickReport. For more information on using QuickReports, see the QuickReports chapter. Audit This allows the Administrator to view all billing changes which may have been made. The Suspicious Entries button will display those changes which could be suspicious. For an explanation of what makes an entry suspicious, one of the practice principals should speak to someone at Genie Solutions. Correspondence Log This function allows you to keep track of letters which have been sent and received from third party carriers (e. g. Healthlink & Argus). For more information on using third party carriers, please see Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd party). Create Data Copy Script This copies the data file from the Server to the Client for use with Offsite Logging (see Offsite Logging for more information), or for a take home Back Up (see the BackUps chapter for more information). On a Windows machine, it creates a shortcut on the Desktop to an automatically generated BAT file, which copies the data file. On Macintosh machines, it creates a terminal shell script which automatically mounts the server Hard Drive and copies the data file to the Client. XML Export Exports your entire Genie database in XML format to a XML_Export folder in your Genie folder. HIC Online PSI Store Allows you to create and maintain your HIC online PSI stores. 374 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports To open up the HIC Online PSI Store window, highlight the required PSI Store and double click. This will open the window below. In here you are able to perform several tasks including: 1. Import Certificates 2. Update Location Certs 3. Change Passwords 4. Update HIC Certs Upload HIC Online Log Files Sends your HIC Online log files to Genie Solutions for analysis of a problem. You need to be connected to the Internet for this upload to work, as you will be connecting to Genie's FTP site. If you are unable to upload your logs, it is typically due to either a Firewall blocking this connection, or you are not connected to the Internet. Find HIC Online related files on your computer Produce a list of all HIC Online related files on your computer. Check HIC Online Installation Performs a self-diagnostic check of the HIC Online installation on the current machine. Should be useful in quickly diagnosing any HIC Online Installation problems. Restore a Backup Restores a backup file to data file format. For more information read the chapter on Backups. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 375 Genie Manual 7.1.6 Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports Other Reports Page APCC Report This is for doctors that are part of the Australian Primary Care Collaboratives incentive. It creates the reporting required on patients with IHD, AMI and Diabetes. Appointments Report Displays an analysis of urgent vs non-urgent appointments. Note: Urgent appointments are classified as those that are booked in on the day (i.e. creation date = appointment date). The number of days that a provider works in the specified period, is displayed in brackets beside the relevant day. The Average column displays the average number of appointments on that day, over the specified period. The Urgent column displays how many of those appointments are urgent, and therefore the percentage of urgent vs non-urgent appointments. 376 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports Alt-clicking on the Appointments Report icon will generate a report on patient appointment types. This gives a count of patient appointments that have been classified using the Type menu in the appointments window for a given time period. For more information on Types see Appointment Types in the Appointments section. Note: The garbage can will only be active in the Non Patient Appointments tab. Health Service Utilisation Report Provides a breakdown for Health Services detailing the number of patients seen, consults performed and presenting problems, for the specified time period. This report can be exported to Microsoft Excel if required. Clinical Audit Export Exports SML files for use by PEN Computer Systems' Clinical Audit Tool. QANTAS Workcover Report Print sales with Workcover and Employer Details. Porgera Mine Report This is a general report for Porgera Mine. Receipts by Provider Exports an Excel spreadsheet detailing receipts subdivided by provider. DoHA Report Exports an Excel spreadsheet listing consultations with patient age and sex. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 377 Genie Manual 7.1.7 Practice Management: Maintenance and Reports The Disease Coding & Data Conversion Pages If you wish to use either the ICPC or ICD10 coding systems, this section allows you to import and manage these systems. Data Conversions This is for use by Genie Solutions technical staff only. 7.2 Archiving Over time Genie's data file will grow in size as new records are added. In a busy multi-doctor practice it can grow to significant sizes. After a few years it is not unusual to have a data file 300 to 500MB in size. This is particularly so, if you are downloading pathology results electronically, and/or writing many letters. Unlike scanned images which are stored externally to your data file, pathology and letters are imported into your data file, thus adding to it's size. Is a Large Data File a Problem? Genie will function equally well whether your data file is 50MB or 500MB. The only restriction occurs when the data file reaches 2GB (2,000 MB) since this is the size limit of a single data file. At this stage, the data file can be segmented, so that you now have 2 data files. If the second file hits 2GB, then it can also be segmented to create a third, forth and so on. This means that effectively, there is no limit to the amount of data you can store. However, keeping things simple is always better, and a single data file is easier to look after than multiple data files. Also, routine maintenance and emergency jobs like compacting or recovering a damaged data file will be faster. Before Archiving There are a couple of things to do before performing an archive: 1. Before archiving any results or letters, it is recommended that you perform a backup as outlined in the Backup section. 2. Make sure you have enough room on your hard drive to hold the archived data. As a guide, ensure you have at least the size of your data file available as free space on your hard drive. 378 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Archiving Performing the Archive Routines Genie provides the ability to archive both downloaded pathology results and patient correspondence. These routines are performed in the Maintenance & Reports window (File > Maintenance & Reports). Archiving can be performed on a client machine, or by using the single-user version of Genie on the server. There is no speed difference between the two. Note: If you are archiving many records the process may be quite lengthy. You won’t be able to do anything else on this machine whilst the archiving is in progress, and the rest of the network will run slowly. For this reason, it is recommended that you perform the Archiving process at non-peak times only. To archive old letters, click on the Archive Patient Correspondence button. You will be prompted as to the cutoff limit in months. A search will then be made for old letters and you will be asked to confirm that you want to archive them. Click the Archive button to proceed. To archive pathology results, click the Archive Pathology Results button. You will be prompted as to the cutoff limit in months. A search will then be made for old letters and you will be asked to confirm that you want to archive them. Click the Archive button to proceed. What Actually Happens If performing this on a client machine, the client instructs the server machine to perform the actual archiving. This works in much the same way as images and other attachments are handled. Genie loops through each record to be archived, and creates a folder for each individual patient (if it doesn't already exist), inside the Images folder. Inside the patient folder, another folder called “Archived Results” or “Archived Letters” is created. Inside this folder, a file is created containing the actual archived data. If you are archiving pathology results, a plain text file is created. The name of this file is made up of the unique ID number of the result and the name of the actual test. For example, if you are archiving a FBC result for John Smith, the pathway on the server would look something like this: C:\Genie\Images\S\SmithJ1234\Archived Results\423-FBC.TXT on Windows, or /Applications/Genie/Images/S/ SmithJ1234/Archived Results/423-FBC.TXT on Macintosh. If you are archiving patient correspondence, the file containing the letter is created in Rich Text Format (RTF), so that the formatting of the letter is preserved, and so that it can subsequently be opened by any word processor. The name of this file is made up of the unique ID number of the letter and the Title or Addressee. For example, the pathway would look something like this: C:\Genie\Images\S\SmithJ1234\Archived Letters\789-Dr Peter Jackson.RTF on Windows, or, /Applications/ Genie/Images/S/SmithJ1234/Archived Letters/789-Dr Peter Jackson.RTF on Macintosh. Note: The naming of these files is very important, because this is how Genie finds them again if ever you need to view them. YOU MUST NOT CHANGE THE FILE NAME. Viewing Archived Files Once a file has been archived, it is still quickly and easily accessible from within Genie. The archive process doesn’t delete the original record. It only extracts the data which is taking up the space. In the case of pathology results, this is the actual text of the result itself. The record is still in Genie with all the information about who ordered the result, the date, the test name etc. In the case of letters, it is only the body of the letter which is archived. Dates and Addressees are still present with the original record. If you wish to view a letter which has previously been archived, simply double-click on the letter in the patient’s Clinical window as you normally would. Genie recognises that the letter has been archived and asks the server to retrieve it. The whole process is totally transparent. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 379 Genie Manual Practice Management: Archiving Note: When you open an archived letter, it becomes “de-archived”. That is, the body of the letter will stay within the data file until you next run the archiving procedure. If you wish to view a pathology result which has been archived, just click on the result in the patient’s Clinical window, and Genie will ask the server to return the body of the result, which should then appear in the usual place. Compacting the Data File After archiving results and/or letters, the data file does NOT automatically shrink in size. To reclaim the space you have created, you need to compact the data file using 4D Tools - Recover By Tags. For detailed instructions on this process, see the section on 4D Tools. Backing Up the Archive Now that a great deal of important data is stored in the Images folder on the server, you will, of course, be very keen to backup this data to a safe place! Burning a copy of the Images Folder to a CD and storing it with the CD with the intact data file would be a very good idea. 7.3 Queries & Searches Genie allows you to make very precise and/or complex searches of your data. The following section outlines the use of Queries and Searches in Genie. 7.3.1 The Query Editor The Query Editor is the window to your practice data. Using the Query Editor you can search a single table in the database or build complex searches across multiple tables. The Query Editor is accessed by selecting Open > Patients, Records > Search. The Query Editor lists the fields in the active table in the left-hand list (in this example the [Patients] table), and a selection of comparisons in the right-hand list. The value to search for is at the bottom of the window. The completed Query is displayed at the top of the window. A Field, Comparison and Value must be selected/entered for the search to be valid (i.e. for Query button to become active). Once a query has been built, there are two ways to perform the search: 1. Query 380 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Queries & Searches Clicking "Query" will search through all the records in the table(s) you are querying. 2. Query in Selection Clicking "Query in Selection" will search through the current found set (i.e. the currently displayed selection of records). This is useful if you want to perform multiple queries to refine your search. 7.3.2 Simple Queries The following examples highlight typical searches that are possible within 1 database table e.g. the Patients table. Example 1: Find all patients aged 45. 1. Select Open > Patients. 2. Click OK to get rid of the Search window if it appears. 3. Select Records > Search. 4. Click on the Age field in the field list on the left. 5. Click on "is equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 6. Type "45" in the Value field. The window should now look like this: Note: The upper pane contains the finished query. 7. Click the Query button. (The Query button will remain disabled until you have entered a valid query.) All the patients aged 45 will be displayed. Example 2: Find all male patients aged between 45 and 50. 1. Select Open > Patients. 2. Click OK to get rid of the Search window if it appears. 3. Select Records > Search. 4. Click on the Age field in the field list on the left. 5. Click on "is greater than or equal to" in the comparisons list on the right. 6. Type "45" in the Value field. 7. Click on the Add Line button. 8. Click on the Age field again in the field list on the left. 9. Click on "is less than or equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 10.Type "50" in the Value field. 11.Click on the Add Line button. 12.Click on the Sex field in the field list on the left. 13.Click on "is equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 14.Type "m" in the Value field. 15.Click the Query button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 381 Genie Manual Practice Management: Queries & Searches All males aged between 45 and 50 (inclusive) will be displayed. Example 3: Find all patients aged between 45 and 50 whose first name is either "John" or "Jon". After performing the search in Example 2: 1. Select Records > Search. 2. Click on the First Name field in the field list on the left. 3. Click on "is equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 4. Type "John" in the Value field. 5. Click on the Add Line button. 6. Click on the Or button in the lower left of the window. 7. Click on the First Name field again in the field list on the left. 8. Click on "is equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 9. Type "Jon" in the Value field. 10.Click the Query in Selection button, which will search only the list of patients aged between 45 and 50 rather than the whole database. Example 4: Find all patients whose first name is "John" who live in "Main" Street. 1. Select Open > Patients. 2. Click OK to get rid of the Search window if it appears. 3. Select Records > Search. 4. Click on the First Name field in the field list on the left. 5. Click on "is equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 6. Type "John" in the Value field. 7. Click on the Add Line button. 8. Click on the Address Line 1 field in the field list on the left. 9. Click on "contains" in the comparisons list on the right 10.Type "Main" in the Value field. 11.Click the Query button. Example 5: Find all patients whose first name is "John" who don't live on Main Street. 1. Select Open > Patients. 2. Click OK to get rid of the Search window if it appears. 3. Select Records > Search. 4. Click on the First Name field in the field list on the left. 5. Click on "is equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 6. Type "John" in the Value field. 7. Click on the Add Line button. 8. Click on the Except button in the lower left of the window, 9. Click on the Address Line 1 field in the field list on the left. 382 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Queries & Searches 10.Click on "contains" in the comparisons list on the right 11.Type "Main" in the Value field. 12.Click the Query button. 7.3.3 Wild Card Searches The wildcard character is used as a substitute for one or multiple other characters. In Genie, the wildcard character is the "@" character. Enter this by typing Shift-2 (just as you would in an email address). To find everyone whose surname contains the letters "smi", you would create a search where the value is "@smi@". Note: The wildcard character can be used instead of the "contains" comparison. Example 1: Find all patients whose surname begins with "Smi" 1. Select Open > Patients. 2. Click OK to get rid of the Search window if it appears. 3. Select Records > Search. 4. Click on the Surname field in the field list on the left. 5. Click on "is equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 6. Type "smi@" in the Value field. 7. Click the Query button. This would find all the Smiths, Smithsons, Smileys etc Example 2: Find all patients whose surname contains "Smi" 1. Select Open > Patients. 2. Click OK to get rid of the Search window if it appears. 3. Select Records > Search. 4. Click on the Surname field in the field list on the left. 5. Click on "is equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 6. Type "@smi@" in the Value field. 7. Click the Query button. This would find all the Smiths, Smithsons, Smileys etc as in the previous example, but would also find the Arrowsmith, Goldsmith and Cosmic families. 7.3.4 Searching Across Related Tables The following examples demonstrate how to create searches within Genie across related tables. Example 1: Find all males who have diabetes. 1. Select Open > Patients. 2. Click OK to get rid of the Search window if it appears. 3. Select Records > Search. 4. Click on the Sex field in the field list on the left. 5. Click on "is equal to" in the comparisons list on the right 6. Type "m" in the Value field. 7. Click on the Add Line button. 8. Select All Tables from the popup menu above the list of Fields. 9. Click on the triangle or plus (+) to the left of the [Current Problems] table to expand it to show the fields in the Current Problems table. 10.Click on the Problem field. 11.Click on "contains" in the comparisons list on the right 12.Type "diabetes" in the Value field. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 383 Genie Manual Practice Management: Queries & Searches 13.Click the Query button. Note: This assumes that you have actually entered the diagnosis using the term "diabetes" in the patients records. You may also wish to search on "IDDM". Using disease coding such as ICPC or ICD10 can get around this problem. For more information, read the chapter on Disease Coding. Other tables related to the patients table are: Admissions Allergies Care Plans Checklists Consultation Problems Current Problems Downloaded Results Health Assessments IVF Treatment Cycles Life Events Obstetric History Past History Patient Correspondence Pregnancies Prescriptions Procedures Recalls Script Archive Vaccinations Workcover Claims 7.3.5 Saving a Query for Reuse If you have built a complex query which you may use again in the future, you can save the query as a template which will save you from having to recreate it the next time you wish to use it. To do this: 1. Build your query as outlined above in the above examples. 384 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Queries & Searches 2. Click the Save button in the Query Editor window 3. Specify a name for the template 4. Save it somewhere you can easily retrieve it again later e.g. you might want to create a folder named "Search Templates" inside the Genie folder and save all your search templates into here. When you want to use the same search again, click the Load button and open your previously saved template and then just click Query. 7.3.6 ICPC and ICD10 Searches If you have ICPC2-Plus or ICD10-AM codes installed, searches are easier, faster and more accurate. Note: While the following instructions have been written with reference to ICPC, the procedure is identical for ICD10 searches. ICPC Search To perform an ICPC search, open the Patients list (Open > Patients) and click on the ICPC Search button. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 385 Genie Manual Practice Management: Queries & Searches This will display the ICPC Search screen, below: Example 1: Patients over the age of 40 with Insulin Dependent Diabetes 1. Select the "Current Problems" table from the Table to Search popup menu in the top left of the screen. 2. In the Keyword Search field, begin to enter "diabetes". You should notice that the field auto-completes. 3. Press the TAB key on your keyboard. This will display all the relevant conditions and terms in a hierarchical list on the right, with major topics and subtopics. 4. In this case we are searching on the major topic of "Diabetes, Insulin Dependent". 5. In the Age Range fields, enter "40" for the bottom end of the range and "120" for the top end. This will ensure everyone over 40 is accounted for. 6. Clicking the Query button will search the entire database of patients. The list of patients over the age of 40 who have insulin dependent diabetes will be displayed in a patient list. Note: Clicking the Query in Selection button will search amongst only those patients who are already displayed in the Patients list. Note: Clicking the Show Exceptions checkbox will find patients over 40 who are not diabetics. Example 2: Find diabetics who are not taking an "HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor. Following on from the last query: button at the top of the Patients list. 1. Click on the Rx Search 2. Click on the Class radio button and enter the brand name of a drug in the particular class eg. Zocor. 3. Click OK and the class will now be entered in the Search for field. 4. Click the three checkboxes named Find all Strengths, Search Current Selection Only, and Find Exceptions. This instructs Genie to search only amongst the patients already displayed, and to search for those patients who are not taking the particular class of drug. Your search window should look like this: 5. Click Ok. 386 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Queries & Searches The list of patients from the last query will be refined to only include those patients not using HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor. Example 3: Find all patients over 65 who haven't had a pneumococcal vaccination in the past 5 years. 1. Setup the ICPC Search window as shown below: 2. Click the Query button to start the search. 7.3.7 Searching Attachments/Images It is possible to search within Genie for all patient images tagged with a particular keyword. This may be useful in a scenario where, for example, you wish to find all patients who have an image tagged with a keyword of 'melanoma', for example. To do this: 1. Go to Open > Patients 2. Click OK to move past the search window if it appears 3. Click on the Search for attachments and Images icon 4. In the 'Attachments' window that appears, type the relevant keyword into the 'keyword' field (for example, 'melanoma') and click on the Query button This will display all patients in the Open Patients window who have an image that has been tagged with that © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 387 Genie Manual Practice Management: Queries & Searches particular keyword. 7.4 Quick Reports Quick Reports allow you to customise the display/printout of your complex searches in a variety of ways. To access the Quick Reports screen, select File > Quick Reports. This will open the Report Builder window. There are 6 tabs in the Report Builder that can be used to customise your report. 1. Tables 2. Columns 3. Groups 4. Formats 5. Styles 6. Layout The Header Text field allows you to specify a title that will appear on the top of the printed report. Along the bottom of the Report Builder are several buttons that are accessible from all tabs. Their functions are outlined below: Load: Allows you to select a saved report from a list. Save: Saves a report for later use. Export: Allows the data to be exported to various file formats. These are: ASCII Text EXCEL Spreadsheet HTML Preview: Allows you to preview the report before printing. Print: Prints the report. It is recommended that you create a PDF first, to ensure the report generated is what you are after. Page Setup: Allows you to set your paper size and orientation. 7.4.1 Report Builder The easiest way to learn how to use the Report Builder is to run through a few examples. Example 1: Print a list of all patients aged 65 and over To do this select Open > Patients and search for all patients aged 65 and over. For information on how to do this please refer to the Queries and Searches Chapter. 388 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Quick Reports Click on the Print button at the top of the Patients List. The Report Builder window will open as shown below: The Tables Window This window displays a list of all Tables in the database. All you need to do is select the table for the report. On the right of this window, you have the option of searching the Patients Table again or of selecting ALL records in the table. The Columns Window This window allows you to select the columns to be included in the report. To add a column, double-click on the field in the list on the left and it will be transferred to the list on the right. Alternatively, you can drag and drop a field from left to right. To remove a field from the Report Columns list, drag and drop it from right to left. To change the order of the columns, drag and drop the fields within the list on the right. Because the Patients Table is related (linked) to the Account Holders Table, we can also include fields from the Account Holders Table. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 389 Genie Manual Practice Management: Quick Reports To do this, click on the triangle or plus (+) sign next to [Patients] to hide the fields from the Patients Table and then click on the triangle/plus next to [Account Holders] to display the fields in the Account Holders Table so that the window now looks like this: Add the Account Holder's balance field to the Report Columns list: The Groups Window Grouping is similar to sorting. To have a report sorted by the values in a column, select the column on the left then tick the Group Column Data checkbox. To sort the records alphabetically by Surname click on the Surname field on the left and then click the Group Column Data checkbox. Note: You can sort in either Ascending order (usual) or Descending order. 390 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Quick Reports The Repeat Value Every Row checkbox ensures that the value for every record is printed. ie. instead of: it will print as: Smith Amy Smith Amy Bill Smith Bill Charles Smith Charles The Show Group Subtotals checkbox would add the number (count) of each particular value to the report. i.e. it would tell you that there were 30 Smith's, 4 Smithey's and 1 Smitherton etc. The Subtotals on Separate Pages creates a new page for each new value in the selected column. The Hide Detail checkbox hides the details of the report. i.e Smith Smithey 4 Smitherton 1 30 The Show Grand Totals checkbox displays the grand total for the selected columns at the bottom of the report. The Formats Window This window allows you to change the title of the column, as well as specifying formats for date and number columns. The Column Title allows you to override the field name in the database to a column title more appropriate. The Column Width allows you to specify the width of the column as it will appear on the report. The measurement is in Points. This varies between platforms and computer Display settings but as a rough guide Macintosh has approximately 30 Points to a centimetre and Windows has approximately 40 points. The Format tab allows you to format date and number fields by selecting the required format from the drop down menu. Subtotals allows you to display numerical columns accordingly (e.g. by sum, average, etc) The Styles Window This window allows you to customise the appearance of the report including font and font size, background colours and banding, and whether or not each particular field will be surrounded by a border (like an Excel spreadsheet). © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 391 Genie Manual Practice Management: Quick Reports The Layout Window In this window you can assign a watermark. You can add your own watermarks by placing a picture file inside the "Report Watermarks" folder in the Genie folder. Example 2: Creating a GST Report The GST Report in Maintenance and Reports also uses a QuickReport. When you click on the GST Report button, the Report Builder will open to the following window, with the GST Records table already selected. 392 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Quick Reports Click the Columns tab and select the fields as shown. Note: You have access to both the [GST Records] and the [Sales] tables. Click on the Groups tab and set it up to look like this. Note: The Provider column is grouped so that the report will split the GST between providers. Selecting the Show Group Subtotals and Show Grand Totals will subtotal each Provider's GST and give a Grand Total at the end of the report. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 393 Genie Manual Practice Management: Quick Reports Click the Formats tab and set up like this Note: If you do not select Sum for GST Billed and GST Received then these subtotals will not show up on the report. Give your report a name and Save it so that when you next go to print a GST Report through Maintenance and Reports all you will need to do is Print it! Example 3: Printing a List of your Private Fees Select Open > Billing Items and search (Records > Search) for all items where Private Fee field is 'not equal to zero'. Click on the Print button to open the Report Builder and create a report like the following. The Columns Window The Groups Window The Formats Window Because the Description field contains a lot of text, we want to limit its width to about 120 points or so. You can now print your private fees! 394 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 7.4.2 Practice Management: Quick Reports Saving/Loading Reports Saving a Template Reports can be saved as a template so you don't have to set up the tabs each time you perform the same search. Click on the Save button. If you haven't already given the report a name, do so when asked. If there is already another report with the same name you will be asked if you want to overwrite that template. If you don't then give this report a different name before saving it. This template is saved within the datafile so that it is available to all other computers on the network. For the example used in the Report Builder section, the next time you click on the Print button in the Patients List this report will automatically open if it is the only template setup for the Patients Table. If you have created more than one template for the Patients Table, you will first be asked which template to use. Select the template and click the Open button. Loading a Template To load a template, click on the Load button in the Report Builder window and select from the list of saved templates. You would then perform your search as usual and then print the report without having to setup each tab. Note: To delete a template, click the Load button and select the report to delete, then click the Delete button. 7.4.3 Quick Report Editor (Expert Mode) Instead of using the Report Builder as detailed above, you can also use the built-in Quick Report Editor. This has many more options and is useful for creating more detailed or complex reports. The resulting report can also be output in a variety of ways including graphs and HTML. For help in using the QuickReport Editor, please refer to the 4D 2003 QuickReport Editor.pdf file. This should be located in the "Documentation" folder inside your Genie folder. There are two ways to access the QuickReport Editor: 1. Hold down the ALT key whilst selecting File > QuickReports, 2. Hold down the ALT key whilst clicking on a Print button which would normally open the Report Builder. Important: Please note that the QuickReport Editor is for expert use only. Everything you need to know about it is contained in the documentation. Our staff do not provide support for the use of the Quick Report Editor. Please refer to the documentation for any questions you may have. 7.5 Email The Genie email module will send and receive mail to perform the following functions: Receive electronic pathology results. Transfer patient files from doctor to doctor. Exchange Genie data with other Genie users eg. patient correspondence. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 395 Genie Manual Practice Management: Email Allow doctors to send email to patients who have a valid email address, keeping a record of the correspondence in the patient’s notes. Send and receive appointment reminders for patients Note: The email module provides basic sending and receiving capabilities and is not intended to be a replacement for all email correspondence, nor does it provide advanced message handling such as IMAP or Microsoft Exchange support. It is suggested that a separate email account is set up with your ISP and maintained exclusively for use with the email module, to avoid bloating the data file with unwanted spam. Genie can also encrypt correspondence using GnuPG, a free open-source program available for both Windows and Macintosh. Email can be accessed by selecting Open > Email. The general use of the Email module should be fairly self explanatory as it is very similar to other email programs. 7.5.1 Setup Email Accounts Decide whether you want just a single account for the practice, or whether you want to have separate accounts for different users. An “account” is essentially just a different email address. By default, Genie creates an account with the name of “Primary Account”, which is then used by all the users on a network. If you want certain users to have their own account, open their User Preferences i.e. File > User Preferences, click on the 'Internet/HIC Online' tab and tick the checkbox Create a separate email account for me. This will create a new account in this user’s login name. Account Details For each email account you wish to use in Genie, you need to enter the appropriate account settings. These details are supplied to you by your Internet Service Provider (ISP) and have nothing to do with Genie. If you are unsure of them, copy them from your regular email program’s Preferences if you are already using email. If not, you will need to call your ISP to find out the details. To configure an email account: 1. Open the Email module i.e. Open > Email. 2. Select the account you wish to setup from the Accounts popup menu which is in the top right hand corner. button. 3. Click on the Preferences 4. The Preferences window will appear. Information about the contents of each page of this window appear below: 396 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Email Account Tab Fill in your account details in the window shown below. Use the example text to the right of the fields as a guide. Note: The Incoming Server commonly takes the form of either “” or “”. The Outgoing Server commonly takes the form of either “” or “”. The "PGP Password" is the password that you will use to control the GnuPG encryption program. You may enter that later, or leave this field blank so that you will be asked to enter it manually whenever you want to decrypt an incoming message. The Use Authentication tickbox should be ticked if you need to authenticate your username and password when sending mail. The "Signature" is a customisable footer that you can choose to attach to all outgoing email from this account. Typically it would hold your name and other contact details, such as phone and fax numbers. Detail Tab © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 397 Genie Manual Practice Management: Email By default, once Genie has downloaded an email from your ISP, it is deleted from the ISP’s server. However, if you tick the Leave messages on server after download checkbox, then Genie will delete them when you next perform a download after the specified number of days. Note: It is recommended to tick this box so you can also download the messages into another email program eg. Outlook Express or Apple Mail, as it is not generally recommended to use the Genie email as your primary email program due to its simplicity. When messages first arrive in the In Box, they are displayed in bold. Once you click on them, they are marked as read after the specified number of seconds, and then display in plain text. If you find that there are messages downloaded into your other email program but are not downloading into Genie email when you click Get Mail, then click the Reset Retrieved Msg IDs. In this window, you can also specify that messages in your 'Sent' and 'Deleted' folders can be automatically deleted after a specified number of days. Deletion of these records occurs when you close the Email window. Only messages in the currently used Account are deleted, so if you have multiple Accounts but never open them, these old messages will never be deleted automatically. Advanced Tab This tab allows you to override the default mail server ports. You shouldn’t have to change the default POP3 and SMTP Port numbers unless your ISP tells you that they use different ports. The "Account Password" field can be used to prevent other users from accessing this window and accidentally changing your details. Entering Email Addresses Before you can send an email to someone else, you need to know their email address. Genie keeps email addresses in a separate table in the database. However, whenever you enter an email address into the ordinary Address Book, or the Patient Demographics window, Genie automatically creates an entry for that person in the Email Address table. If you need to add, modify or delete an email address, click on the Address Book button. You should also add your own name and email address, to allow you to send a test message, as detailed below. Send a Test Message To make sure you have entered your email account details correctly, you should send a test message to 398 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Email yourself. button to create a new email. 1. Click on the New 2. Start typing your First or Surname, and a popup will appear displaying any matching email addresses. Use the mouse or hit the Enter key to select the record you want. If you have performed this correctly, your name should now be displayed in the To: area. Note: The Return key does nothing. Only the Enter key works in place of using the mouse. The cursor should now be in the Subject area. Enter a subject like “Test”, then TAB to the body of the message. Type a few lines in the body, then click the Send Now button. Assuming you are already connected to the Internet, Genie should send the message. If you get an error message, read it carefully. It will frequently tell you what the problem is e.g. an incorrect account password, or account login name. If the message has been sent successfully, wait a few moments and then click on the Get Mail window below will appear: button. The Clicking on the Send and Receive icons will switch these options on and off. Because we don ’t actually have anything to send at the moment, click on the Send icon to switch it off, then click the OK button to retrieve any messages on your ISP’s server. The test message you just sent should now be in your Inbox. 7.5.2 Encryption and Keys Setting up Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG) GnuPG is an encryption program for both Macintosh and Windows. It is free and open-source. If you haven’t already done so, you need to download and install it onto any of the client computers in your network which need to send encrypted mail. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 399 Genie Manual Click on the Keys Practice Management: Email button, to open the window below: Click on the SourceForge Website button. Your browser should open to the SourceForge URL for your particular platform i.e. Windows or Macintosh. Windows Setup The instructions below are very brief and refer to Windows 2000 and XP. If you are using another flavour of Windows, or require more detailed instructions, click on the Instructions for Installing GnuPG on Windows button (This button is only visible on Windows machines). 1. On the SourceForge website, scroll down until you see the binary download file. This will be called something like “GnuPG 1.4.2 compiled for Microsoft Windows”. Note: You must download the binary file, not a Source Package. 2. The downloaded file will probably be named something like “gnupg-w32cli-1.4.2.exe”. Double click on this to launch the installer. Follow the prompts and when prompted for the destination Folder be sure it is at the root of your C drive i.e. C:\gnupg. 3. Edit the PATH environment so that Windows knows where the program is installed. To do this, select Start > Settings > Control Panel > System, click the Advanced Tab then click the Environment Variables button. In the System Variables section is a variable for PATH which can be changed by clicking the Edit button. The values in this variable are separated by semicolons, so add ;c:\gnupg to the end of the variable. For example,if your PATH variable is currently: c:\windows;c:\utils change it to c:\windows;c:\utils;c\gnupg. 400 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Email To test if you have installed it correctly, open the Command Prompt (Start > Run, Type cmd) and enter: gpg --version Hit the Return key and you should see something like the following output: gpg (GnuPG)1.4.2 Copyright (C)2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details. Home: c:/gnupg Supported algorithms: Pubkey: RSA, RSA-E, RSA-S, ELG-E, DSA, ELG Cipher: 3DES, CAST5, BLOWFISH, AES, AES192, AES256, TWOFISH Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160 Compress: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB Macintosh Setup 1. On the SourceForge website, there are 2 files to download. a) GNU Privacy Guard for the appropriate version of MacOSX. b) GPG Keychain Access application. 2. When the download has finished, these 2 files should appear as mounted images. Double-click the installers and follow the prompts to complete the installation. Creating/Acquiring Keys About Key Pairs In order to receive encrypted messages, you must first create a “key pair", consisting of a Public Key and a Secret Key, and then make your public key available to anyone who might want to send you encrypted messages. Other people use your Public Key to encrypt the message. Subsequently, only your Secret Key can decrypt it. In turn, to send encrypted messages to someone else, you must get their Public Key. In addition, their public key must correspond to the email address to which you are sending the message. For example, if Dr Joe Blow has sent you his public key for his email address, then that is the email address to which you must send the message. If he has another email address, then you will not be able to encrypt messages going to that email address with his original public key. (Unless there is a sub-key, but that’s a whole new layer of complications!) Obviously, you should never give your Secret Key away! Creating a Key Pair Click the button. On Macintosh, the Terminal will open. On Windows, the Command Prompt will open. In either case, simply follow the prompts, accepting the default choices in each case. On Macintosh, when you are finished type exit and hit the Return key, and then quit the Terminal. If you don’t want to be asked for your encryption password each time you try to decrypt a message, you should enter it into the PGP Password field in your Email Preferences now. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 401 Genie Manual Practice Management: Email Click the Keyring Tab to display the window below: This window displays any Public or Secret keys installed on this computer. Note: These keys are NOT stored in the Genie data file. They are stored in their own directories on the computer. On Windows, they are stored in the gnupg folder you specified earlier. On Macintosh, they are stored in an invisible folder called “.gnupg” in your home directory. Making Your Public Key Available You can send your public key to other people in several ways: 1. Email it to them by clicking the Email Key button. This creates an email message with your public key in the body of the message. 2. Export it to disk by clicking the Export button. Then email it to them as an attachment. 3. Make it available on a keyserver. A keyserver is a computer on the internet which stores public keys which can then be downloaded by anyone. There are many of these keyservers around the world. Some of the GP Divisions are beginning to host their own keyserver for the doctors in their division. In Genie, there are 2 default keyservers installed. The first is Tony Lembke’s at: The other is: just as an example. To upload your public key to a keyserver, select the keyserver from the popup menu at top right, click on your public key, and then click the Upload button. If your local division already has a keyserver, type in the address, and then select Add to Favourites from the popup menu above. Acquiring Others’ Public Keys There are several options for acquiring other people’s public keys: 1. Using a keyserver 402 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Email If they have placed their key on a keyserver, you can find and retrieve it by clicking on the Keyserver Tab to display the following window: Enter the Keyserver Address and the Search String. The search string can be one item, or a combination of first name, surname or email address. If you enter more than one search string, they should be separated by a comma. A list of matching keys will be displayed if the search is successful. Highlight the one you want, and then click the Download From Keyserver button. You can now send encrypted emails to this person! Via Email If your correspondent has emailed you their key, you can save it into a text file on your hard drive, and then click the Import button in the Keyring Tab. Alternatively, on Macintosh only, you can copy the text of the key, click the Paste Key button in the Keyring Tab (this button is only available on Macintosh machines), and paste the key into the displayed area. Encrypting/Decrypting Emails Encrypting an Email Message Create an email message as usual, and then click on the Encrypt button. Genie will search amongst your public keys for an email address corresponding to the addressee. If it finds one, the message will be encrypted using that key. Genie also encrypts it with your own public key so that you can also decrypt it again in case you need to change something. If it doesn’t find a corresponding public key, Genie will offer to search for it on a key server. If you know where it might be you can proceed with the search. Note: Genie will also encrypt any attachments to the email. Encrypting to Multiple Recipients If you are sending an email to multiple recipients, Genie will encrypt the message using all of their keys so that each recipient is able to decrypt it. However, if you don’t have a public key for each and every recipient, the message will not be encrypted. Decrypting Incoming Mail If you receive an encrypted email message, simply click on the Decrypt button in the main email window. Assuming it was encrypted using your installed public key, then the message will be immediately decrypted. Trouble-shooting GnuPG Encryption © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 403 Genie Manual Practice Management: Email DISCLAIMER: Please note that GnuPG is not a product of Genie Solutions, and therefore is not supported by us. If you are unable to work out how to use it, there is a knowledge database, FAQs and email lists accessible from the SourceForge website ( Keys Are Stored on Individual Machines Because keys are stored on individual computers, you cannot create your own key pair on one computer and then encrypt from another computer. You would first have to copy the keys to the other computer i.e. by exporting to a file, copying the file to the other computer, and then importing it on that computer. By the same token, you cannot import a recipient’s key on one computer and then send encrypted emails from another computer. Again, you need to import the key on any computers from which you want to email. Make a Backup of Your Keys You should make a backup of your public and secret keys in case you lose the originals. You can do this by exporting them and then copying them to a safe place. 7.6 Updates Genie Solutions will send you a CD Update for major Genie releases. Instructions on performing the update will be included with the CD. Genie can be updated at any stage via: 1. Our Web Server which can be accessed through Special > Software Updates. This update can be applied now or can be downloaded and installed at a later time. 2. By downloading the update from 'Downloads' in the Support section of our website http://www.geniesolutions. Medicare, DVA and Private Health Fund Fees etc. can also be updated via the Special menu. 7.6.1 Automated "Special Menu" Update Genie can perform a web update itself by selecting the Apply Update option of Genie Updater in Special > Software Updates. This particular update can be done from any client machine. Note: Before performing an automatic update, you must ensure all other users on your network are logged off, as the Genie Server will automatically quit and restart as part of the update process. 1. Ensure everyone is logged off. 2. On your client machine, go to Special > Software Updates. Tick Genie Updater and click Install 1 Item. Click Apply Update. Genie will AUTOMATICALLY: 404 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Updates 3. Download the update: 4. Send the update to the Server 5. Shutdown Genie Server. 6. Apply the update: 7. And restart Genie Server All you need to do is log your clients back on! Offsite Logging Laptops If any of the doctors use offsite logging then the single user version of Genie on the laptop will also need to be updated in order for offsite logging to function correctly: If the laptop has a different platform to the server ie. Windows vs Mac or vice versa then perform step 2 in the single user version of Genie on the laptop. This will apply the update automatically as described, but to the single user version rather than the network. If the laptop has the same platform as the server ie. both Windows or both Mac then just log the laptop into the network and Genie will detect that the single user is out of sync with the network, prompting you to allow Genie to update the single user version. 7.6.2 Manual "Special Menu" Update If you would prefer to do the update manually on the Server machine itself or download the file from a client and perform the update later on the Server, then select the Just Download It option of Genie Updater from Special > Software Updates. Note: If you are downloading the file on a client machine and performing the update on the Server later then the downloaded file must be saved somewhere where the Server machine can access it across the network. You will then only need to perform steps 8-12 below on the Server. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 405 Genie Manual Practice Management: Updates 1. Ensure everyone is logged off and shut down the Genie Server (therefore typically a good time to do this is at close of business). 2. Log into the Single User version of Genie on the Server (i.e 'Genie Solo' as opposed to 'Genie Server'). 3. Go to Special > Software Updates. Tick Genie Updater and click Install 1 Item 4. Click the Just Download It button. 5. Save the file to your DESKTOP, when prompted. 6. Quit out of Genie Solo. 7. Double click on the 'Genie_Updater' icon on your DESKTOP. 8. Follow the prompts and allow the update to run. 9. Log back into Genie Solo and click Update if prompted, and then quit out again. 10. Start Genie Server. 11. Log on Clients. Offsite Logging Laptops If any of the doctors use offsite logging then the single user version of Genie on the laptop will also need to be updated in order for offsite logging to function correctly: If the laptop has a different platform to the server machine ie. Windows vs Mac or vice versa then perform steps 2-9 in the single user version of Genie on the laptop. If the laptop has the same platform as the server machine ie. both Windows or both Mac then just log the laptop into the network and Genie will detect that the single user is out of sync with the network, prompting you to allow Genie to update the single user version. 7.6.3 Web Update If you prefer not to use the Software Updates feature within Genie, you can download the update directly from our website. Download the Update 1. Browse to our website at 2. Click on the Support link on the left of the page. 3. Click on the Downloads link on the left of the page (under 'Support' heading). 4. Under the Genie Software heading, click on the link (i.e. the file size) under your server platform, either Mac or Windows. 5. The download will commence, saving the updater to your default download location (normally your desktop). If you receive a prompt asking you to select a location to save the updater, select desktop. Note: If you are downloading the file on a client machine and performing the update on the Server later then the downloaded file must be saved somewhere where the Server machine can access it across the network. Run the Update 1. Ensure everyone is logged off and shut down the Genie Server (therefore typically a good time to do this is at close of business). 2. Double click on the 'Genie_Updater' icon on your DESKTOP. 3. Follow the prompts and allow the update to run. 4. Log back into Genie Solo and click Update if prompted. 5. Quit Genie Solo. 6. Start Genie Server. The update is now complete. 7. Log on Clients. 406 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Practice Management: Updates Offsite Logging Laptops If any of the doctors use offsite logging then the single user version of Genie on the laptop will also need to be updated in order for offsite logging to function correctly: If the laptop has a different platform to the server ie. Windows vs Mac or vice versa then download the update as above and perform steps 2-5 of Run the Update in the single user version of Genie on the laptop. If the laptop has the same platform as the server ie. both Windows or both Mac then just log the laptop into the network and Genie will detect that the single user is out of sync with the network, prompting you to allow Genie to update the single user version. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 407 Part VIII Technical Reference Genie Manual 8 Technical Reference: Technical Reference This section covers advanced topics which would be most relevant to IT Professionals or the nominated 'IT Expert' in the medical practice. 8.1 Connections The 'Connections' function in Genie can be accessed via File > Connections and facilitates the automatic exchange of new and modified demographic data with other applications. Using the drop down options provided, you can select the type and format of the data transfer. If the file type of HL7 is selected, Genie will generate an Admission Discharge and Transfer (ADT) message whenever a patient demographic record is added or modified. If using XML or ASCII format, you will need to select the fields to be exported or imported using the Set Export Fields or Set Import Fields buttons. The 'Export Directory' and 'Import Directory' should display the pathway to the desired Export/Import folder. The Browse button will allow you to navigate to this folder. If exporting data, you will need to tick the relevant options (ie. exporting of only New Patient data, Modified Patient data, or any changes made after the Clinical Record opened). If importing data, you will need to tick the 'Enable Import' option. Saving the changes and closing out of this window will activate the selections made. Files will then be created in the folder specified to capture any demographic data changes for later import into another application. Genie will check for, and import, these connection files every 30 seconds. NOTE: Only patient demographic data is exchanged using the 'Connections' facility. No clinical data, letters or other information is exported or imported. 8.2 4D Tools The primary function of 4D Tools is to help you analyze and repair a damaged database. Databases can become damaged when, for instance, there is a power failure while 4D is writing to cache, or when the disk containing the database becomes damaged. You will receive a message the next time you open it saying that “An error occurred while data was being flushed to disk. Use 4D Tools to check and recover your data file.” 410 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: 4D Tools Important: Before using 4D Tools it is important to take a backup of your Genie.4DD and Genie.4DR files. 8.2.1 Recover By Tags Macintosh The following instructions outline the procedure for performing a "Recover By Tags". 1. Quit Genie or Genie Server if they are already running. 2. Open 4D Tools. The application 4D Tools can be found in a folder called “4D Tools” inside your Genie folder. i.e. /Applications/Genie/4D Tools 3. You will be presented with an Open dialog box. Change the "Enable" drop down menu so that "Compiled Database" is shown. 4. Navigate to the folder /Applications/Genie/. Click on the yellow lamp icon named "Genie". The window should now look like this: 5. Click the Open button. 6. You will be presented with another Open dialog box. Select the blue "Genie.4DD" file. 7. Click the Open button 8. If there is corruption in your database, you will be presented with the window displayed below. If you don't get this window, skip straight to Step 10. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 411 Genie Manual Technical Reference: 4D Tools 9. Click the Other... button. 10.Click the Repair tab to bring up the window displayed below: 412 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: 4D Tools 11.Click the Recover button. The following Save dialog will appear: 12.Change the file name to "Genie2.d1". Important: You need to manually navigate back to the Genie folder i.e. /Applications/Genie/ before clicking the Save button. To do this, change the drop down menu beneath the "Save As" field to "Genie". 13. The recovery process may take from 5 to 30 minutes or more depending on the size of the data file and the speed of your computer. When the recovery process has completed a message will appear in the 4D Tools main window saying “The datafile is recovered.” Your recovered data file will now be called Genie2.d1 14. Click OK. 15. Quit 4D Tools. 16. You will now have 2 data files in your Genie folder i.e. /Applications/Genie/ 17. Delete Genie.4DR 18. Rename Genie2.d1 to Genie.4DD. If prompted to confirm the filename change, confirm that you want to "Use .4DD". 19. Rename Genie2.4DR to Genie.4DR. 20. Delete Geni_.4DD (this is your old data file that has been renamed by the repair process). The "Recover By Tags" procedure is complete. Restart Genie Server, if you are running a network, or the Genie application if you are a single user. Common Problems 1. Forgetting to quit 4D Tools. If you don ’t quit 4D Tools, then the new data file is considered to be still in use by 4D Tools.When you open it with Genie, it will only open in “Read Only” mode, because it remains locked while 4D Tools is open. This will generate an error like “Unable to write beyond the end of the file.” 2. Trashing the new file instead of the old one. You would usually only make this mistake once! 3. Creating the new data files in an unknown location. When 4D Tools asks you what to name the new file and where to save it, double-check to make sure that it is going to be saved inside the Genie folder. If, at the end of the data recovery, the new file is not in the Genie folder, please don’t call to ask us where it is, because we won’t know either! © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 413 Genie Manual Technical Reference: 4D Tools Windows The following instructions outline the procedure for performing a "Recover By Tags". 1. Quit Genie or Genie Server if they are already running. 2. Open 4D Tools. The application 4D Tools.exe can be found in a folder called 4D Tools inside your Genie folder. i.e My Computer > C:\Genie\4D Tools\4DTools.exe 3. You will be presented with an Open dialog box. Change the Files of type: drop down menu so that "Compiled Database (*.4dc)" is shown. 4. Navigate to the folder C:\Genie\Solo Application\Database\. Click on the file named "Genie.4DC". The window should now look like this: 5. Click the Open button 6. You may be presented with another Open dialog box. If so, select the blue "Genie.4DD" file in your Genie folder i.e. C:\Genie\ 7. If there is corruption in your database, you will be presented with the window displayed below. If you don't get this window, skip straight to Step 9. 8. Click the Other... button. 9. Click the Repair tab to bring up the window displayed below. 414 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: 4D Tools 10.Click the Recover button. The following Save dialog will appear: 11.Ensure the File name is set to Genie_2.4DD. Important: You need to manually navigate back to the Genie folder i.e. C:\Genie before clicking the Save button. To do this, change the Save in: drop down menu to "Genie". 12.The recovery process may take from 5 to 30 minutes or more depending on the size of the data file and the speed of your computer. When the recovery process has completed, a message will appear in the 4D Tools main window saying “The datafile is recovered.” 13. Click OK. 14. Quit 4D Tools. 15. You will now have 2 data files in your Genie folder i.e. C:\Genie\ 16. Delete the Genie.4DR and Geni_.4DD files (this is your old data file) 17. Rename Genie_2.4DR to Genie.4DR. 18. Rename Genie_2.4DD to Genie.4DD. The "Recover By Tags" procedure is complete. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 415 Genie Manual Technical Reference: 4D Tools Restart Genie Server, if you are running a network, or the Genie application if you are a single user. Common Problems 1. Forgetting to quit 4D Tools. If you don ’t quit 4D Tools, then the new data file is considered to be still in use by 4D Tools.When you open it with Genie, it will only open in “Read Only” mode,because it remains locked while 4D Tools is open. This will generate an error like “Unable to write beyond the end of the file.” 2. Trashing the new file instead of the old one. You would usually only make this mistake once! 3. Creating the new data files in an unknown location. When 4D Tools asks you what to name the new file and where to save it, double-check to make sure that it is going to be saved inside the Genie folder. If, at the end of the data recovery, the new file is not in the Genie folder, please don’t call to ask us where it is, because we won’t know either! 8.3 Network Troubleshooting The following sections explain how to optimise your Genie Server, find out your IP address, which you may be asked to do by Genie Solutions Support, and how to test that your network is functioning properly. These network tests are commonly done after getting an error 10002 to help pinpoint the problem. 8.3.1 Error -10002 This error message means that the Genie Client application cannot see the Genie Server application on the Server computer. Typically you will get this message when trying to log in. 416 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting Click OK and the Connection to 4D Server window will appear as below This window displays recently used databases. Although it shows Genie in this window, this doesn't mean that Genie Client can actually see Genie Server. It simply means that Genie has been accessed previously. That is, this window will always display Genie, regardless of whether the Server is running or not. To determine whether Genie Client can actually see Genie Server, you must click on the TCP/IP tab in this window. If Genie is displayed in this window, it means that the IP address of the Server has changed since last log on. In this case you can log on simply by clicking on Genie, then click OK. If this window does not display Genie, then it means that Genie Client cannot see or connect to Genie Server. The most common causes of this problem are: 1. Genie Server isn't running. 2. Genie Server hasn't fully launched, usually because there is a dialog box asking you to select a data file to open. 3. Genie Server is currently performing a backup. 4. Genie Server has frozen or crashed. 5. The Hub or Switch is "jammed". This can sometimes occur after a power failure. 6. There is a loose Ethernet cable between the Client machine and the Server. 7. The IP address of the Client or Server computers have been changed so that they are no longer in the same subnet or IP range. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 417 Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting 8. You have an active Firewall on one or both of the computers. To determine the cause of the connection failure, you should perform the following diagnostic steps. Please perform these checks prior to calling the Genie support line. Check Your Server Go to the Server computer. Make sure it is running. Make sure Genie Server is running and fully opened. You should be able to see the Genie Server process window as shown below. In this window make sure that you can see that the data file is the correct one i.e. it should just read Genie.4DD Make sure there are no other dialog windows open. For example if your data file had been renamed, Genie Server will be asking you to select a data file to open. 418 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting Check the Backup Scheduler to ensure that a backup isn't currently occurring. "Backup in Progress" would be visible at the bottom of the Genie Server window. Click on the File menu to make sure that it is active and that Genie Server hasn't frozen. If you haven't solved the problem yet, then the problem lies with your network. Either there is a faulty physical connection (cable or hub), or a problem with the computers network settings. QUESTION: Is it only one client computer that is unable to log in? If so, then the problem is probably with the ethernet cable or the network settings of just this computer. If none of the Clients can log in, then the problem is probably with the hub, the ethernet cable attached to the Server, or the network settings on the Server computer. You should physically remove and then reinsert the ethernet cable from the computer and the hub. Make sure that the hub has power i.e. there are flashing green lights visible. Try removing the power from the hub, quit Genie Server and turn all computers off. Wait 30 seconds, then return power to the hub, start the Server and start the other computers on the network. If you still cant log in with Genie Client, then you need to check the IP Addresses and the Subnet mask for the Server and the Clients. IP Addresses To find the IP Address of a computer see Discovering Your IP Address for either Windows or Macintosh. The IP Address should usually be set to something like 192.168.0.x, where x can be any number between 1 and 255. Each computer on the network must all have a unique IP Address, but they must all start with the same three numbers, i.e. 192.168.0. Wireless networks traditionally use an IP Address in the 10.0.0.x range. The Subnet mask is usually The IP Address can either be set manually or be automatically assigned from other computer or router. Pinging Once you are sure that the IP Addresses for the computers are set correctly, you can test the actual network by "pinging" other computers on the network. Pinging sends "packets" of data to the IP Address of another © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 419 Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting machine and then waits for a reply from that machine to tell it that the packet arrived. The ping test should be done on the client which is unable to login. See Ping Testing the Network for either Windows or Macintosh. If you receive a reply then the client computer can see the server. Otherwise, you will get a message saying that the packets were lost. If this is the case, then you need to double check the physical connections i.e. the ethernet cables and hub. Connecting Manually If you can ping the server successfully but still cannot access Genie on the server, you can try to connect manually. To do this, click on the Custom tab of the Connection to 4D Server window. In the Database Name field, enter Genie.4DC. In the Network Address field, enter the IP address of the server computer. To find the IP address of your server perform the Discovering your IP Address instructions on your server machine. If it still cannot connect to Genie Server, then the most likely problem is that a Firewall has recently been installed or activated on one of these computers. Firewalls Norton's Internet Security/Norton Antivirus is a common software package in use on Windows. If you have recently installed this, or have other firewall software installed, you should try disabling it. The Windows XP inbuilt firewall is also known to prevent login. This MUST be disabled or an exception set for Genie Client. To do this go to Start > Control Panel > Security Centre > Windows Firewall. You can either set it to Off or click the Exceptions tab and add Genie Client as an exception using the Add Program... button. Faulty Hardware If you are still unable to log in with Genie Client, then the problem is probably one of the following: 1. A faulty hub. You may need to get a replacement. 2. A faulty cable on the client or server machine. If you can't login from any client, then try replacing the ethernet cable attached to the server with a cable from one of the client computers. If only one client is able to log in, try replacing the cable attached to this computer with a cable from another client. 3. A faulty ethernet card. If none of the clients can login then it is the server's card that needs replacing, otherwise it's the client's computers card. In this case you need to contact your hardware/network administrator to resolve the problem. 8.3.2 Error - 10030/10001 Error 10030 or 10001 usually indicate a timeout between the Genie Client and the Genie Server. You can increase the Client-Server timeout connection on the Genie Server by: 1). Go to Edit > Preferences (Windows Server) or Genie Server > Preferences (Macintosh Server). 2). Select Client-Server from the left hand menu. 420 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting 3). Drag the Client-Server Connections Timeout slider bar to halfway between the 5min and 15min mark. Note: leaving a menu open or holding down the mouse button too long when scrolling can cause timeouts. While these activities are occurring, the Genie Client and Server are unable to communicate with each other. 8.3.3 Macintosh Discover Your IP Address The following procedure will help you discover the IP address of the computer on which you are working. The IP address is a way of addressing a computer on a network. Each computer should have a unique IP address within your network. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 421 Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting 1. Open the System Preferences from the Apple menu which is located at the top left of the desktop screen. 2. Click the Network Icon. 3. The IP address should be listed next to the "Built-in Ethernet" title. Ping Test the Network The following procedure will test at a very basic level whether one computer can connect to another computer on the network. This is best used between a client and a server to determine whether there is a problem with the underlying network. 422 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting 1. Open the finder and navigate to Applications > Utilities > Network Utility 2. Double Click on Network Utility 3. Click on the Ping tab © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 423 Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting 4. Under the title "Please enter the network address to ping" enter the IP address of the computer with which you are testing the connection and click the Ping button. 5. If the connection works it will have lines on the screen saying "64 bytes from <IP address> ... 6. If the ping fails it will display lines saying "Host is down", this means the two computers can not connect to one another or you have entered the wrong IP address. 7. If it displays a combination of the two, with some lines saying "Host is down" and some lines saying "64 bytes from", there is a significant network problem. Check the Server is Available This process checks whether the Server is waiting for connections on the standard port (usually 19813 for Genie). 424 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting 1. Click on Finder and navigate to /Applications/Utilities/Network Utility, as shown: 2. Double click on Network Utility. 3. Click on the Port Scan tab. 4. Enter the IP Address of your Genie Server. If you do not know the IP Address of your Server, refer to Discover Your IP Address. Tick the box Only test ports between and enter 19810 in the first box and 19820 in the second box. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 425 Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting Click on the Scan button. A result similar to the one above indicates that the Genie Server application is running on the Server and is ready to accept incoming connections from Genie clients. If your result returns as below: Por t Scan has st ar t ed . . . Por t Scanni ng host : 192. 168. 0. 13 Por t Scan has compl et ed . . . This indicates that there are no open ports in this specified range. Re-check the following: Server running Firewall on Server, blocking some or all Ports Network problem? Loose cable Reset Network hub 8.3.4 Windows Discover Your IP Address The following procedure will help you discover the IP address of the computer on which you are working. The IP address is a way of addressing a computer on a network. Each computer should have a unique IP address within your network. 1. Open the Windows run dialogue by pressing the 'R' key while the windows key is pressed or selecting "Run" from the Start Menu 426 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting 2. Open the command prompt by typing "cmd" into the run dialogue and pressing enter. 3. Type "ipconfig" at the command prompt and press "Enter". The number in the form of next to the title IP Address will be the local IP address of your computer. Ping Test the Network The following procedure will test at a very basic level whether one computer can connect to another computer on the network. This is best used between a client and a server to determine whether there is a problem with the underlying network. 1. Open the Windows run dialogue by pressing the 'r' key while the windows key is pressed or selecting "run" from the start Menu 2. Open the command prompt by typing "cmd" into the run dialogue and pressing enter. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 427 Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting 3. Type "ping <ip address>" at the command prompt where <ip address> is replaced by the ip address of the comptuer you are trying to connect to and then press the enter key. If the screen contains four lines starting with "Reply" as shown above then the computer you are on can connect to the computer who's IP address you entered. Alternately you might get a screen like this: Which means that the computers can not connect to each other. Check the Server is Available The process checks whether the server is waiting for connections on the standard port. 1. Open the Windows run dialogue by pressing the 'r' key while holding down the Windows key or selecting Run from the Start Menu 2. Open the command prompt by typing "cmd" into the run dialogue and pressing Enter. 428 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting 3. Type "telnet <Server IP Address> 19813" where <Server IP Address> is replaced by the IP address of the server and press enter. You may obtain the server IP address by using the "Discover your IP address" procedure on the server. 4. If the screen flashes and goes away then there is a problem with connecting to the server, if the screen shows some odd dialogue and something similar to "Genie.4DC" then you should be able to connect to the server and you can close the black window. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 429 Genie Manual 8.3.5 430 Technical Reference: Network Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Check List © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 8.4 Technical Reference: Error 9913 SOAP Server not Reachable Error 9913 SOAP Server not Reachable This error can occur if you use Microsoft's ISA Server product to filter internet traffic to and from your clients. Genie uses two ports to perform the software updates: 8080 for HTTP and 21443 for HTTPS (SSL). By default, ISA Server only allows SSL traffic over port 443, so when Genie tries to connect with port 21443, the ISA Server blocks it and the "9913 SOAP Server not Reachable" error message is returned. Important Note: The following workaround applies to ISA Server 2004. It may work with other versions of ISA Server but it has not been tested with them. Regardless of which ISA Server version you use, always backup your ISA configuration before changing it. Use at your own risk. If you are not comfortable with editing the ISA Server configuration, you should get your IT provider to perform the change for you. The Genie Support desk staff have no experience with the ISA Server product and will not be able to talk you through applying the change to it. The easiest way to configure ISA Server to allow SSL requests on port 21443 is to download Steven Soekrasno's ISA Server 2004 Tunnel Port Editor, either from here: or from here: 1. Unzip and install the software on the ISA Server computer. 2. Run the program by double-clicking the ISAtpre shortcut which will have been created on your desktop by the Setup process. 3. When the editor window opens, enter 21443 into the LowPort and HighPort fields, and enter GenieSSL into the TunnelPortName field as shown here: 4. Click Add Tunnel Range and then click Refresh to see the new GenieSSL entry in the list. 5. Click Close to exit the program. Note: You may need to allow a few minutes for the change to be realised in the ISA Server. More information on this process is discussed here: 8.5 Optimising Genie Server Note: The information provided in this chapter is for advanced users only. These steps are optional. There are several "tweaks" you can make to ensure that Genie Server is running at the best possible speed on your system. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 431 Genie Manual 8.5.1 Technical Reference: Optimising Genie Server Assigning CPU Priorities Access the preferences on the Genie Server (Mac: Genie Server > Preferences Win: Edit > Preferences) In the Application theme, click on CPU Priorities as displayed below: The middle slider allows you to specify the percentage of CPU cycles used by 4D Server (Genie Server). The default midline position gives 4D Server 20% of CPU cycles, and leaves 80% for the operating system and other applications. However, if Genie Server is the only application running on your server computer, moving this slide to the right gives Genie Server 80% of cycles, leaving 20% for the operating system. This may result in better performance but it could equally make it worse. If you change this setting, ensure that you monitor the impact on performance and return it to the middle position if it causes the server machine to run more slowly or use too much processor. Note: If you have other applications running on the server, or if you have 2 or more copies of Genie Server running separate databases, then you should leave this slider in the midline. Changes made will not take effect until the server machine is rebooted. 432 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual 8.5.2 Technical Reference: Optimising Genie Server Adjusting The Memory Cache Access the preferences on the Genie Server (Mac: Genie Server > Preferences Win: Edit > Preferences) Click on the Database theme to display the window below: The memory cache is a portion of the installed RAM which Genie uses to hold data. When you perform a search e.g. to find a patient, Genie first looks for the record in memory. If it isn't there, it retrieves the record from the hard disk. However, retrieving a record from the hard disk is many, many times slower than retrieving it from memory. Once records have been searched for and found, they are then stored in the memory cache. Once the memory cache is full, records are progressively cleared from memory. Therefore generally speaking, the larger the cache, the faster Genie will perform searches. Increasing the cache beyond some point however will cause performance to degrade as the operating system and the Genie Server application itself are starved of memory and the amount of data being maintained in the cache by the Genie Server places an unacceptably high burden on the Genie Server application. If the cache is large enough then all the commonly used records can reside in memory, and Genie will be performing at top speed. The Cache Hit Ratio thermometer bar in the Genie Server window gives an indication of the percentage of records being found in the memory cache. The higher this is, the better. If it starts falling below about 85%, you should think about installing more memory in the server, or adjusting the memory cache settings as explained below. Note that this indicator will not give a true reading until the Genie Server program has been running with a number of active users for a reasonable period of time. Calculation of adaptive cache This checkbox should be ticked. In this mode, management of the memory cache is performed dynamically by the operating system, respecting the minimum and maximum limits which you set. The size of the memory cache is calculated dynamically depending on the parameters set here. Physical memory to be reserved This is the amount of memory (RAM), to be reserved for use by the Operating System and all applications which may be running on the server. Percentage of available memory used for cache © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 433 Genie Manual Technical Reference: Optimising Genie Server This is the percentage of the remaining RAM to be allocated to the cache by default. Maximum Size The maximum amount of memory that can be used by the cache. This value cannot be greater than 2000MB (2GB) but in our experience setting it higher than 1000MB will cause even the most memory rich systems to suffer performance degradation. As a general rule it is unadvisable to set the maximum amount higher than one quarter of the physical memory (RAM) in the machine. Minimum Size The minimum amount of memory that must be reserved for the cache. This value cannot be less than 4MB. Genie's default settings are designed to allow Genie to run on a computer with only 256MB of RAM, and which may be running other applications. Therefore, 128MB is reserved to allow the Operating System enough RAM to run. Of the remaining 128MB, Genie will take 50%, and leave the rest for any other applications which may be running (including the Genie Server application itself). The cache in this case would be 64MB of RAM. We have set a minimum of 30MB, so Genie will end up using between 30 and 64MB of RAM. The 1000MB maximum we have set is irrelevant with these settings. However, if you have more installed RAM, and you don't have any other applications running on the server, you can modify these settings to allow a much larger cache, and therefore much faster operations. For example, if you have 1GB of installed RAM, a good setting would be: Physical memory to be reserved: 512MB (gives the Operating System a bit extra - most current operating systems will struggle with anything less than this) Percentage of available memory used for cache: 50% In this case your memory cache would be 256MB, which is typically enough to fit most of the frequently accessed records of a large database in memory. If you have 2 copies of Server running, make the percentage at 35%. If you have 3 copies of Server running, make the percentage 20%. Note: When you install an updated version of Genie, these memory settings are reset to Genie's defaults, so you should remember to reset them after each update. Changes made will not take effect until the server machine is rebooted. 8.6 Advanced Configuration 8.6.1 Running 2 Instances of Genie Server (Mac) In situations where two separate practices wish to run their own Genie database, it is possible to run more than one instance of Genie Server on the same machine. There is no logical limit, but from a maintenance and recovery point of view, more than 2 databases on the one machine is not recommended. Note: An intermediate to advanced level of computer knowledge is assumed. You must be able to confidently navigate to and rename different files and folders on a Macintosh computer. You must also be aware of the risk of loss of data or the possibility that the program may not run if you do not follow these instructions. If any doubt exists about the level of competency of the person undertaking this task, it is suggested that you do not proceed. Instead you should contact your computer administrator or designated IT support person. Server Computer 1. Assuming you have already installed Genie Server on your server machine, duplicate the entire Genie folder by selecting it and pressing CMD+D. 2. This will create the duplicate of the Genie folder as 'Genie copy'. Rename this and the original Genie folder eg. "Genie_1" and "Genie_2". 434 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Advanced Configuration 3. Create aliases to each application on the desktop as follows: i. Navigate to /Applications/Genie_1/Genie ii. Select the Genie and press CMD+L to create an alias iii. Drag the alias onto the desktop and rename it appropriately eg. "Genie Server_1" iv. Navigate to /Applications/Genie_1/ v. Select the and press CMD+L to create an alias vi. Drag the alias onto the desktop and rename it appropriately eg. "Genie Solo_1" vii.Repeat steps i -> vi for the second Genie Database ie. "Genie_2". viii.You should have four (4) aliases similar to those shown below. 3. The 2 copies of Genie Server must publish on separate ports. The default port number is 19813. To specify an alternate port for the second instance of Genie Server, do as follows: i. Quit the 1st instance of Genie Server ii. Start the second instance of Genie Server by double clicking on the shortcut to the executable iii. Click on Genie Server>Preferences>Client-Server>Configuration iv. Change the port number to something other than 19813 eg. 19814 v. Click OK 5. Quit and restart the 2nd instance of Genie Server so the changes can take effect. 6. Configure and schedule the backup of the second instance of Genie Server Client Computer 1. If you want to run two instances of Genie Client on a client computer, duplicate the Genie folder (as was done under the server configuration) renaming it to "Genie_2" (for example). 2. Create a desktop shortcuts to each instance of Genie client i. Navigate to /Applications/Genie_1/Genie © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 435 Genie Manual Technical Reference: Advanced Configuration ii. Select the Genie and press CMD+L to create an alias iii. Drag the alias onto the desktop and rename it appropriately eg. "Genie Client_1" iv. Repeat steps i -> iii for the second Genie Database ie. "Genie_2". If you are running two Genie Clients on the one computer, ensure that the shortcut is renamed so it is readily identifiable as the logon to the second database. 3. Click on the shortcut to the Genie Client logon and the login screen should appear. You can now re-start the 1st instance of Genie Server on the server computer and the remaining clients can log on as usual. 8.6.2 Running 2 Instances of Genie Server (Windows) In situations where two separate practices wish to run their own Genie database, it is possible to run more than one instance of Genie Server on the same machine. There is no logical limit, but from a maintenance and recovery point of view, more than 2 databases on the one machine is not recommended. Note: An intermediate to advanced level of computer knowledge is assumed. You must be able to confidently navigate to and rename different files and folders in Windows. You must also be aware of the risk of loss of data or the possibility that the program may not run if you do not follow these instructions. If any doubt exists about the level of competency of the person undertaking this task, it is suggested that you do not proceed. Instead you should contact your computer administrator or designated IT support person. Server Computer 1. Assuming you have already installed Genie Server on your server machine, quit the Genie Server program and copy the entire Genie folder renaming it to "Genie_2" (for example). Alternatively, you can re-run the Genie installer from the CD (Full Installation), changing the default installation path to "C:\Genie_2". 2. Create desktop shortcuts to the second instance of Genie Server and Genie Solo with the properties as shown: i. "C:\Genie_2\Server\Genie Server.exe" 436 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Advanced Configuration ii. "C:\Genie_2\Solo Application\Genie.exe" 3. Ensure that each shortcut is renamed so that is is readily identifiable. 4. The 2 copies of Genie Server must publish on separate ports. The default port number is 19813. To specify an alternate port for the second instance of Genie Server, do as follows: i. Quit the 1st instance of Genie Server ii. Start the second instance of Genie Server by clicking on the shortcut to the executable iii. Click on Edit>Preferences>Client-Server>Configuration iv. Change the port number to something other than 19813 eg. 19814 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 437 Genie Manual Technical Reference: Advanced Configuration v. Click OK 5. Quit and restart the second instance of Genie Server so the changes can take effect. 6. Configure and schedule the backup of the second instance of Genie Server Client Computer 1. If you want to run two instances of Genie Client on a client computer, copy the entire Genie folder renaming it to "Genie_2" (for example). Alternatively, you can re-run the Genie installer from the CD, changing the default installation path to "C:\Genie_2". If you are only running one instance of Genie Client to connect to the second database, then you need only run the Genie Installer (Client Installation) once without renaming or specifying an alternate installation path. 2. Create a desktop shortcut to the second instance of Genie Client (if not created by the installer): "C:\Genie_2\Client\Genie Client.exe" 438 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd Genie Manual Technical Reference: Advanced Configuration Ensure that the shortcut is renamed so it is readily identifiable as the logon to the second database if you are running two Genie Clients on the one computer. 3. Click on the shortcut to the Genie Client logon and the login screen should appear. You can now re-start the first instance of Genie Server on the server computer and the remaining clients can log on as usual. ImagePro and FTP If you are a registered ImagePro user you will need to create an extra FTP user on the server computer so that the images are linked to the correct patients in each instance of the Genie database. Server Computer 1. Install the TypSoft FTP program from the CD if it is not already installed. 2. Click on the FTP Server icon in the system tray at the bottom right hand side of the screen. 3. In the TypSoft FTP Server dialog box, click on Setup>Users 4. Click on New User 5. Create the new username 6. Highlight the newly created username and nominate a password 7. Nominate the Root Directory for the images folder path for the second instance of the Genie database 8. Tick the remaining options as shown: 9. Click Save and Close 10.Click Setup>FTP and ensure that the screen is the same as shown: Client Computer 1. Log into the second instance of Genie Client on the client computer. 2. Click on File>Practice Preferences. 3. Double-click on the clinic name. 4. Click on the Images and Attachments tab. 5. Set the path to the images folder the same as specified in Step 7 in the section above. 6. Click Save. © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 439 Genie Manual Index Index -33rd Party Providers 237 -44D Tools 410 -AABN 51, 59 Account History 164 Applying Credit 170 Changing Account Holder/Patient Deleting a Payment 171 Deleting Invoice 169 Editing Receipt 171 Editing/Modifyig Invoices 168 Find Batch 167 Itemized Receipt 167 Modifying an Item 168 Print Report 167 Print Statement 167 Refunds 172 Reprinting a Receipt 166 Reprinting an Invoice 166 Viewing 164 Account Holders 23 DVA 123 Medicare 123 Organisations 122 Patient 121 Account Holders Report 372 Account Messages 24 Account Warnings 53 ACIR 37 Add User 75 Adding Non MBS Items 124 Address Book 21 Administrator (Setting) 19, 76 Aged Debtors Report 372 Alcohol Audit 297 AMA Fees (Importing) 124 Applying Credit 170 Appointments 80 Adding/Making 87 Button Description 85 169 Cancellation List 111 Change Date 40, 92 Check Forward Referrals 40 Copying 93 Delete 93 Double Booking 97 Fill Down 40 Finding 39 Interval 80 Linking Procedure 108 Moving 92 Preferences 80 Printing 83, 106 Repeating 105 SMS/Email Reminders 41 Status 100 Today's 32 Types 101 Undelete 94 Views 97 Appts Menu 38 Archiving 378 Cut Off Limits 52 Pathology Results 368 Patient Correspondence 368 Assistant Fee 140, 160 Assistant Fee Percentage 183 Assistants Report 373 Attaching Documents, Scans & Images With ImagePro 268, 346 Without ImagePro 252 Audit - Billing 374 Audit - Patient Images Audit - Surgical 343 346 363 -BBackups 8 Automated Backup Restoring a Backup 11 15, 375 Banking 172 Banking Report 173 Default Bank Account 59 Setting Up Bank Accounts 23, 172 Banking Summary 373 Billing Items 25 Billing Menu 29 Billing V Income Report 369 Blacklisted Accounts 24 Bug Reports 18 Bulk Bill/DVA Transmissions 197, 365 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 441 Genie Manual Index -CCancellation List 111 Care Plans (see GP Management Plans) Centrelink Certificates 296 Change Practice 19 Change User 19 Chart Numbers 53 Check Integrity 367 Checklists 318 Create 318 Download 47 Link to Procedure 321 Locking 320 Uploading 320 Use in Consultation 321 Clean Up Data File 364 Clinic Name 50 Clinical Module 278 Button Description 278 Clinical Window - Overview 278 Consultation Notes 286 Adding 289 Deleting 292 Drawing Module 288 Editing 289 Fee to Charge 298 Keeping Separate Consults 291 Measurements 290 Presenting Problem 286 Printing 291, 294 Viewing 291 Consultation Summary 294 Consumer Medicine Information Conversion Ratios 92, 344 Copy Patient 39 Correspondence Log 374 Create Data Copy Script 374 Credit Terms 54 Cull Invoices 368 Cull Records 34 Culling Limits 52 Daily Billing Report 364 Daily Transaction Report 365 Data Maintenance 364, 367, 410 Day Surgery Admissions 27 DB4's 30 Default Bank Account 59 442 374 Diabetes Care Status 317 Diagrams 288 Dictated Letters 33 Disease Register 313 Opening 314 Using 315 DMMR template 223 Doctors Income 369 Documents - Adding 295 Drawing Module 288 Drug Interactions 305 Duplicate Records 29, 35 DVA Account ID 51 -EEdit Account Types 31 Edit Patient 89 Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) 232 Checking Imported Letters 235 Set Up 233 Using 235 301 -D- 296 Default Patient Type 53 Default Receipt Type 53 Delete 4D Preferences 363 Delete User 75 Deleted Sales/Payments Audit Deposits 156, 158 Accepting 157 Applying 158 Deleting 158 List 30 Email (Setup) 395 Encryption & Keys 403 Letters 221 Patient Records 34 Worldcare Claims 181 Employers 24 EPC Summary 317 Error -10002 416 Error 10030/10001 420 Error 9913 431 Estimate PEFR 296 Export Quickreport Templates 362 Exporting Genie Data 19 Extract Embedded Pictures 364 -FFamilies - Creating Finding 32 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 121 Genie Manual Index Families - Creating 121 Making Appointments 86 ICPC Coding Searches Feature Requests 18 File Menu 18 Flagging Patient Records 34, 248, 280 FTP Server 259 Error numbers 274 Troubleshooting 272 ImagePro 45, 259 FTP Errors 274 FTP Server Installation 259 Preferences 265 Synchronise Images 349 Troubleshooting 271 Using 268, 346 Viewing Images 348 -G- Images Attaching 346 Creating Albums 352 Searching 346, 348, 352 Viewing 348 Genie Online Manual 47 Genie Server - Optomising 431 Geriatric Depression Scale 297 GP Management Plans 296 GST 52, 124 Report 373 Immunisations 284 ACIR Reporting 37 -HHealth Assessments 296 Health Fund Fees 182 Health Services Utilisation Report 377 HealthLink 232 Checking Imported Letters 235 Configuring 234 Using 235 HIC Online 197 Archive HIConline Claim Text 368 Bulk Bill & DVA Claims 197 Creating Transmissions 199 Error Messages 217 Installation 187 Invoicing Bulk Bill & DVA Claims 198 Location ID 53 Online Patient Verification 209 Patient Claims 203, 365 PSI Store 374 Receipting 203 Requirements 187 Retrieving Reports 200 Reviewing Exceptions 201 Troubleshooting 214 Updating Certificates 212 Uploading HIC Logs 375 HL7 Results 327 HL7 Tracking Pathology Results -IICD10 Codes Searches 46, 378 385 46, 378 385 363 Import Offsite Logs 356 Import Quickreport Templates 362 Importing Genie Data 19 Importing Letters 229 Importing Private Fund Schedule 185 Inactive Patients 34 Increasing Private Fees 124 INR Control 296 Integrity Check 367 Investigation Action List 25 Investigation Audit 25 Invoice Memos 54, 142 Invoicing 121 Adding Items 132 Adding Non MBS Items 124 Assistant's Fees 140 Changing Incorrect Account Holder/Patient 169 Creating 126 Deferring 144 Deleting 51, 169 Editing 168 HIC Online Exceptions/Options 136 Item Information 135 Memos 54, 142 Multiple Procedure Rule 137 Notes 135 Organisations 127 Patients without Appts 143 Reprinting 166 Searching Items 136 Selecting Practice 137 Selecting Site 137 Service Date 135 Service Time 135 Storing 144 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 443 Genie Manual Index Invoicing 121 Time Spent 135 Workcover 128 Modify Today's Consultation 294 Multiple Procedure Rule 137 -N- IP Addresses 421, 426 Item Number (Default) 63 Item Report 370 Itemised Receipt 167 IVF Treatment Cycles 27 NATA Number 51 Navigation Palette 100 Network Troubleshooting 416 New Consultation 293 NPCC Report 376 NPS RADAR 27, 302 Nursing Home Sheet 301 -KKeyboard Shortcuts 2 -LLabels 120 Built in Labels -O- Offsite Logging 352 Copying Data File 353 Import Logs 356 Laboratory Demographics 19 Limitations 356 Lesion Module 295 Setup 352 Letter Templates (see also Merged Letter Templates) Starting 20 238 Using 354 Letterhead - Individual 67 120 Letterhead - Practice 55 Letters (see also Referral/Reply Letters) Location ID 53 LSPN 66 -MMacros 222, 288 Maintenance & Reports 362 Manual - Genie 47 Manual Batching 174 Creating a Batch 176 Dealing with Exceptions 178 Receipting 177 Marking Patients 32 Measurements 290 Medicare Account ID 51 Medicare Claim Forms 51 Medicare Schedule Update 46 Merged Letter Templates 238 Creating Letter 240 Printing 243 Quote Templates 243 Saving 242 Setting Up 239 Merging Patients 35 MIMS 26, 299 Disclaimer 362 Updating 46 Mini Mental State Exam 444 297 219 Online Claiming 197 Online Patient Verification 209 Open Menu 20 Overdue Accounts 53, 372 Overdue INR 36 Overdue Smears 37 Overseas Students 180 Print Claim Form 52 Set Up 180 Ozescribe & Syberscribe 231 -PPaid on Day 371 Pap Smears - Adding Overdue 37 280 Passwords 77 Pathology 322 Add 295 Audit 25 Creating Sets 323 Graphing 280 Investigations Action List 249 Ordering 322 Recalls 249 Reprinting Request Forms 323 Request Template 323 Results 328 Tracking 290, 363 Patient Claims © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 203, 365 Genie Manual Index Patient Correspondence (See Referral/Reply Letters) 219 Patient Handouts 26 Patient Type 371 Patients Menu 32 Payment Report 374 Pending Deliveries 36, 43 Percentile Charts 297 Pinging the Network Macintosh 422 Windows 427 PIT Results 280, 290, 327 Practice Details 50 Practice Letterhead 55 Practice Management Module 362 Practice Management Reports 369 Practice Sites 66 Practice Type 20 Pre-Op Notification Check 119 Prescriber Number 59 Prescriptions 299 Adding Drugs 306 Adding Script to Patient 303 Button Description 301 Deleting 300 Display 299 Editing 300 Interactions 305 Polypharmacy 310 Printing 301, 310 QuickScripts 304 Searching 308 User Added Drug 307 182 Procedures 335 Adding 295, 335 Audit 341, 343 Booking 108 Details Tab 338 Op-Notes Tab 341 Pending 42, 337 Post-Op Notes Tab 341 Pre-op Notifications 119, 339 Pre-op Tab 339 Quote Tab 340 Quotes 159 Provider Number 59 Provider Type 59 -QQueries & Searches 380 Query Editor 380 Quick History (Billing) 29, 294 Quick Reports 388, 395 QuickScript 304 Quitting 20 Quotes 159 Invoicing from 164 Preparing 160 Printing 163 Templates 243 -RRadiology 322 Audit 25 Ordering 325 Recalls 249 Reprinting Request Form 325 Request Templates 326 Results 328 Printing Complete Clinical Record 294 Printing Preferences 69 Deleting Printing Preferences 73 Troubleshooting 74 Private Health Funds Fees Importing 185 Updating 183 Templates 342 Theatre Lists 116 Rebuild Indices 364 Recalls - Adding 245, 311 Flagging Patient Record 248 Overdue INR's 36 Overdue Smears 37 Pathology/Radiology 249 Printing 246, 249 Templates 245 Receipting 144 By Invoice Number 29 Default Receipt Type 53 Deleting 171 Existing Invoice for Patient 146 From an Invoice 144 Incorrect Payment Type 174 Organisation 148 Paying the Gap 148 Troubleshooting 146 Reception Module 80 Reconcile Banking 173 Records Menu 27 Recover By Tags - Macintosh 411 Recover By Tags - Windows 414 Referral Report 373 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 445 Genie Manual Index Referral/Reply Letters 219 Button Description 220 Default Template Set Up 223 Editing Templates 227 Electronic Correspondence (Sending via 3rd Party) 232 Importing Letters 229, 232 New Template 227 Reviewing Letters 227, 334 Reviewing Letters - Offsite 228, 335 Registering Genie 20 Remittance Advice 54 Remove an Item from a Drop-down menu Replacing Field Entries 27 Reporting 364, 366, 369 Reset ID Numbers 364 Reviewing Letters 227, 334 Offsite 228, 335 5 SCP ID 51 Screen Display 51 Searches 380 ICPC & ICD10 Searches -UUpdate Ages 35 Updates 404 Fees 46, 182 Genie Software -V252 Vaccinations VSP Number 284 50 -W385 Security 75 Setting/Increasing Private Fees On the Fly 124, 135 Shortcuts 2 Show All Records 27 Sign Off Field 59 SMS/Email Appt Reminders 41 Software Updates 45, 404 Special Menu 45 Specifying Fee to Charge 298 Stored Accounts 366 Syberscribe 231 Synchronise Images 349 Web Update 406 Website 47 Workcover 128 Certificates 295 Worldcare 180 -TTasks 275 Theatre Lists 116 Printing 118 Set Up 117 Thyroid Control 297 Today's Consultation 33 Tools Menu 293 446 404 User Details 59 User Letterhead 67 User Levels 76 Using Highlighted Entries in a List -SSales Report 374 Scanning 252 With ImagePro 268 Without ImagePro (see Attachments) Track Pathology Results - HL7 363 Transaction Report (Daily) 365 Transcription Services 231 Troubleshooting - Network 416 FTP Server 274 HIC Online 214 ImagePro 271 Printing 74 © 2005-2013 Genie Solutions Pty Ltd 27